#that's the fun of fanfiction and alternate interpretations!! you can just Do That
akuma-tenshi · 1 month
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working on a submission for a discord rp and i want you guys to see her i'm so proud of this so far
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sharenalovemail · 2 months
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[A transcription of all the text from the images will be under the cut at the end of this post]
It's been a while, but it's finally here! #SharenaWeek will be real (or i'll die trying)
After some back and forth, we settled on June for this event - giving us nearly two months to work with as of posting this!
If you have any questions about anything in this post feel free to send an ask here or to @sharenaweek ! (For example if you need a prompt explained, or if I missed something)
#SharenaWeek / #SharenaWeek2024 will be held from June 9th 2024 to June 15th of the same year
Make sure to use the #SharenaWeek and/or ⁠⁠#SharenaWeek2024 tags when you post your work.
You can also @ either this blog (@sharenalovemail) or the one made especially for this event (@sharenaweek) or even both if you wish so. Tagged posts will be shared on both blogs, but the one dedicated to the event will work best as an archive!
While the main event will be during the week of June 9th to June 15th 2024, you can take as long as you need and post late if needed. Just make sure to follow the above two rules so we can find them and share them then!
You don't have to post for every day if you can't — remember that this event is first and foremost to have fun.
Anyone can participate! Any and all posts are welcomed: fanfiction, drawing, painting, sprite editing, poetry, headcanon/analysis posts, AMVs — literally anything, as long as you made it (or commissioned it, if that's the case) counts!
Prompts can be interpreted in any way you want.
Have fun, and remember to tag your works accordingly, especially if they feature NSFW content (gore, nudity, etc) or heavy topics (remember to not censor your tags, otherwise people who don't want to see that content won't be able to avoid it!).
(6/09) Day 1: Past and Future
(Childhood memories, time post wars - anything before and after FE:H)
(6/10) Day 2: Resplendent
(Design a new Alt for her - be it an existing banner or a new theme!)
(6/11) Day 3: Celebration
(Outfits, Scenes, Dialogue - anything you love most about her!)
(6/12) Day 4: Forging Bonds
(Relationships - familial, platonic, romantic, any kind!)
(6/13) Day 5: Change of Fate
(AUs, her situation with Peony, crossovers - you name it!)
(6/14) Day 6: Meet The Heroes
(Sharena's goal is to befriend all of the Heroes - help her do it!)
(6/15) Day 7: Free Day
(Anything goes - including repeats of above prompts!)
You can use as many or as little of these as you want, either to replace the main 7 prompts or to add to them!
One Word Prompts:
Outfit Prompts:
Brave Alt
Attuned Alt
Alternate Universes:
Modern Setting
High School/College/University
Character Swap
Book/Realm Swap
Dungeons & Dragons
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 8 months
ok so i was actually kinda surprised to find that looking at the ao3 stats and adjusting for how long ofmd’s existed (a year and a half) vs how long the stucky fandom’s been around (coming up on a decade), not only is gentlebeard on par with stucky but it actually beats stucky for amount of fics written. but i’m making a prediction now just based on how i’ve observed fandoms to work: i do think the gentlebeard popularity will peter out faster than stucky did
i’m not saying bc i think gentlebeard is worse or the ofmd fandom is weak or anything, i’m saying this bc in fandom it seems like the white masc queerbait ships* have like, an absurd amount of longevity that goes way beyond the general fandom surrounding whatever media said white masc queerbait ship hails from. im thinking abt the protagonist/rival ship from the TERF wizard series that nobody decent talks about in public anymore. before we all cut jkr out of our lives, people were still churning out fics abt the main character and that racist blond kid pretty regularly. and another example, we have those scientists from pacific rim that are more popular than any of the main characters from that movie. it’s been years and the newt/hermann fandom is still going strong.
and i say “newt/hermann fandom” intentionally, bc that’s the thing that i think actually gives these ships their longevity: when there are fans who are primarily invested in a piece of media because of a noncanonical masc4masc queerbait ship, they’re not really fans of the media itself. i mean, some of them might be, but if they are then that’s in addition to being fans of this alternate queer interpretation of the media in question. they’re a fan of the fandom mass hallucination that the fans collectively and collaboratively invented of a romantic/sexual/homoerotic relationship between two guys who on-screen might hug like once or twice (or sometimes even never)
and i’m pretty sure the reason this sort of fandom phenomenon tends to have so much longevity is bc the fans have already created this whole extensive romantic storyline using what is often some pretty minimal canonical material to work with. so when the movie franchise or the tv show ends and the shippers no longer have any new canonical material to work with, they can keep going for years because really, they were already making shit up from the start.
so compared to that, gentlebeard is way different bc everything the fans might have invented on our own the show pretty much already did for us, and anything the show didn’t do yet is probably coming for us this season (or in s3, fingers crossed). i’ve mentioned before how a lot of fanfiction seems to fall on a spectrum between “fix” and “expand,” and by the end of ofmd i doubt there’s gonna be a whole lot that gentlebeard fans feel like they need to “fix.” versus stucky, where there’s so much that needs to be fixed that you might as well just throw the whole canon out.
i don't really mean any of this as a criticism or an attack on fans of queerbait ships like this, im just pointing out fandom trends that i've noticed. i myself have been deeply invested in stucky, newmann, and the gay wizard boys at different points in my life. like there is something very fun abt putting on slash goggles and making queer content out of nothing. personally though, now that we're in an age where we're getting canon queer content, im not so engaged in a lot of the ships i used to care so much about, but i don't think it's inherently wrong** for people to still enjoy some classic fandom queerbait ships. it's just a very different thing from enjoying canonical queer ships like gentlebeard
*im using “queerbait ships” loosely to include popular gay ships in media that was never in a million years going to make these characters gay.
**a clarifying point: i don't think it's inherently wrong, however there are a lot of problematic elements to this kind of fandom activity, namely the way a lot of these queerbait ships will dominate a fandom while other characters who are important in canon get completely sidelined (and yes, the sidelined characters are often women/poc). also, less importantly, when people's primary media consumption revolves around strip mining canon for shipping content, this absolutely destroys their media literacy and critical thinking. again, im not saying this to attack ppl who engage in fandom primarily through fic/art of noncanonical gay ships, i myself have done the same thing. but i think ppl who do should also make a conscious effort to also engage with fan content that centers women/poc, or at the very least need to be aware of the issues around this kind of fandom activity.
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sygneth · 1 year
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Echoes of Elysium | Disco Elysium AU ...something?
General warnings for my blog's content applies. Check here.
This AU is (rather) not very alternative. I am just trying to develop further events and some background for the characters, but even though I'm making research and I try to stay canon-compliant, only to fill in the gaps, I cannot guarantee it will never happen. Especially in this fandom, where many interpretations and paths are equally canon, we may not agree on some things, I hope you'll enjoy my point of view nevertheless. Some episodical OCs will appear too.
EOE on ComicFury!
EOE on Tumblr:
Chapter 1: New Beggings -> START
EOE on AO3:
Main plot (uhh still in the process of uploading!)
Ficlet series (additional content)
Precinct 41 plans and explanation
Plot outline
After Martinaise things are slowly getting back to normal, but the general atmosphere in the city gets thickens every day, La Retour is hanging in the air. Despite this, Harry is trying to stay sober and make amends. It's hard to say if Kim's appearance on the 41st is making things easier or harder between Harry and his old friends.
The Return happens. In the after-revolutionary mess, everybody tries to move on, but things are changing in almost every aspect of life. And on top of this, a particularly hard case drops and somebody has to take care of it.
The start of the project is directly after Martinaise, so forgive me this vague description, but I would hate to spoil the plot haha.
Okay, from now on additional info, still important but not crushial.
I want to focus on the relationship between the people of Precinct 41 and their internal experiences. Impactful events and thicker action will happen too, but mostly in the later chapters of this.
There are also some important premises of this AU I would like to highlight:
Kim was raised in an orphanage, presumably held by some Dolorian organisation (order?). Some of his old-fashioned manners and vocabulary are remainings after growing up in a religious environment (even if he's not very religious himself).
Eyes died around 9 months before the events from the game. Since then, Kim has been willingly working alone. His superiors were not very fond of that but somehow he managed not to get partnered with anyone.
Harry has no known family members left. At least as far as he and his friends know.
Jean and Harry's partnership started four, maybe five years ago. According to the game, it was "two years minimum" but personally I think those losers were stuck with each other for much longer.
Jean's years-long, unexplained depression has roots in some sort of personality disorder. Also, he is codependent on Harry, probably co-addicted too. He had problem with speed himself, however it's not nearly as serious as Harry's. I see him as more of a weekend/party drug user, as for now.
I assume that since the communist revolution gay relationships were technically legal in Revachol. Technically, because there are still no rights for same-sex couples and the social recognition is poor and rather negative (I got inspired by my own country in that matter)
That's all I can think of now. I will probably just add new information in the description of he pages.
Okay, cool, one last thing. What do you mean by "...something?"? Is this a comic? A fanfiction series? What am I looking at?
The answer is: I don't yet know. I am planning this to be mostly a comic, but I cannot say there won't be some written as fanfics parts or some kind of in-between media. I don't really want to limit myself to one medium only, but at this point, I have no idea what this will evolve into. I honestly just want to have fun lol
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oc-challenges · 8 months
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Calling all the monsters, it's time for the OC 2023 Halloween Challenge! This challenge has been hauntin' you for five years, and we're wantin' you to participate!
If you're new here, here's what you need to know: This is an event that takes place over the 31 days of October and presents oc creators with Halloween-themed challenges to get the creative juices dancing. It is open to creations for both fanfiction and original ocs, and if you want to participate you don't have to every one or even in order. It is brought to you by @purpleyearning / @aliverse, @elmunson, and includes suggestions by members of our discord! (special thanks to @endless-hoppington for helping with some descs)
DO NOT copy others edits.
If you are doing crossovers, PLEASE make sure that the creator of the other oc is okay with crossovers.
If you want your post to be reblogged onto this blog, it must contain the hashtag ohc2023.
Feel free to ask questions, I promise I’m more treat than trick.
Everything is up to the creators interpretation, although I have tried to include some examples for help!
Have fun!
RANDOM/THEMELESS (1st–5th) Some of the challenges that don't coincide with each other.
Day One: Life In Plastic
It's fantastic! Is your OC more of a Barbie or a Bratz? Maybe they go to Monster High, or they're an American Girl Doll with an inspiring story? Perhaps you want to make a Funko version of your OC? To put it simply, this day is about dolls as an ode to the best movie of 2023; Barbie.
Day Two: Lights, Camera, Action!
For day two, we're combining oc as canon, oc as celebrity, and oc's social media into one day where you get to choose which of those challenges you would like to do... maybe even all of them!
Day Three: Born In The Wrong Century
Movies depend on a lot of things, but time and place helps create the ominous feel for it. Like Crimson Peak that belongs to the revival gothic period of 1880s or Jason Voorhees waking up on a spaceship in the year of 2455, give your character(s) a new decade to explore and even monsters to face.
Day Four: Twisted
From reality episodes where two people experience switching roles with one another to an alternative reality where their roles are different from their home's universe, make your character experience life through a whole new perspective by making your hero the villain or your villain the hero.
Day Five: Vampires, Werewolves, and Witches... Oh My!
From Godzilla to Dracula to The Mummy, the monster-verse is rich with lore. Today we focus on those monsters that never go out of style, after all they’re called classics for a reason. Is your oc Frankenstein or his monster?
OH, YOU WANNA PLAY PSYCHO KILLER? CAN I BE THE HELPLESS VICTIM? (6th–12th) Due to its popularity last year, we're bringing back the horror character tropes week.
Day Six: The Harmless Antagonist
Ah, a classic in more than just horror; the mean gorgeous holier-than-thou character; more specifics of this are often The Jock, The Cheerleader, The “Slut”, The Bitch, The Rich Kid, etc. While they may annoy the main character or make their everyday life difficult with academic rivalry or teasing, they’re really nothing compared to the new enemy; the thing or person killing everyone. Which one of your ocs is getting brutally knocked down a peg… or the stairs?
Day Seven: The Comedic Relief
Honestly, they make even the scariest movies bearable. They're almost never the main character but almost always the most liked. They say laughter is medicine for the soul, so which of your ocs soothes the characters and the situation with a joke made at the worst of times?
Day Eight: The Denier/Non-Believer/Skeptic
It doesn’t matter the subgenre, there’s always one. They don’t believe a killers out to get them or their friends despite the fast growing pile of bodies, they claim there’s a natural explanation for the supernatural event terrorizing everyone, they just refuse to get with the program. This often combines with the cop or older-than-everyone-else character. Which one of your ocs will get killed by their stubborness before their loyalty?
Day Nine: The Harbinger
We hear about omens of death in every kind of mythology. Irish folklore warns you of hearing the wailing woman and German myth tells you to never find your doppelganger. Even Western Society in America will drift from their path if they see a black cat on the way. So which of your ocs stands outside of the haunted house and tells the redheaded twins “you’re going to die in there”?
Day Ten: The Accomplice
You never saw it coming, but you should’ve. There’s not just one killer you have to worry about, there’s two. This is the person whose been helping the killer since the very beginning, pretending to be your friend the entire time until the plot reached its rising action. You’re heart broken and the very ground shakes under your feet, the good person you once thought you knew is gone… or worse, had never truly existed. Which of your ocs is not only willing to help a friend hide the body, but kill it too?
Day Eleven: The Killer
They’re haunted and bloodthirsty, compelling in a dangerous way. Everyone has a monster within but due to some tragic backstory of abuse, hate, or ridicule, these people – or things– let the monster win. Whether they done a mask or turn your dreams into sentient nightmares, they’re the main reason why anybody shows up to movie night. Which one of your ocs looks into the reflection of the knife in their hand, and pictures themselves chopping up human bodies instead of vegetables?
Day Twelve: The Final Girl
It’s all come down to this, the last stand. There’s two people left, or at least two important people left; the killer and the final girl. She’s fought tooth and nail, and grief has made way for rage. At first she was just another potential victim, now she’s in the killers way and she won’t go down easy. In the beginning she just wanted to survive, but like Laurie Strode now she wants revenge. Which oc becomes the monsters monster?
WRONG PLACE, WRONG TIME We're exploring classic horror locations. Throw your ocs into a horror story that take place in these locations, or make up your own story.
Day Thirteen: Have Killer Fun At Summer Camp! (Location: Summer Camp)
It's Friday The Thirteenth... literally. For today, the location is a summer camp like the one Jason Voorhees terrorizes. Counselor, killer, or camper? Whatever role your oc plays, they certainly didn't read this in the brochure.
Day Fourteen: Vacation Nightmares (Location: Hotel/Island/AirBnB, etc.)
An island that magically speeds up your aging, a hotel with corridors that lead to nowhere, a psychotic airbnb host; Today is about horror in locations that are supposed to be a break from the horror of everyday life, but instead introduces you to whole new horrors.
Day Fifteen: Home Is Where The Haunt Is (Location: House or Apartment)
A home can be a place to make memories and some memories leave a scar. Focus on your characters when a place they call home is threatened.
Day Sixteen: She Doesn't Like It In The Barn (Location: Farm/Ranch)
Samara Morgan was forced to stay in the barn's hayloft to keep her burning images out of her adoptive parents minds. Framer Graham Hess had to defend his home and family from aliens that threatened to kill his son. Pearl craved to be a movie star and experienced a psychotic break where she killed those who denied her her dream. What deadly passages does the farm bestow to your characters?
Day Seventeen: Death is a Mystery and Burial is a Secret (Location: Cemetery or Tomb)
Cemeteries and tombs are the places we put our loved ones to rest, but in horror movies we find that final resting places are not so restful after all. Whether it’s ghosts, zombies, psychotic gravekeepers, or grave robbers ensuring no witnesses; how do your ocs go from mourning to trying to survive until morning?
Day Eighteen: What's The Opposite Of Miracles? (Location: Places of Worship)
Places of worship are supposed to be places of good, where people go for guidance and safety, places full of good beings and devoid of sin. But what if the bad beings sneak in or the sinless place is just a hiding place for those full of sin?
Day Nineteen: This Won't Hurt A Bit (Location: Hospital and/or Asylum)
In season two of American Horror Story, we were welcomed to Briarcliff, an asylum that became ‘home’ to the misunderstood and the criminally insane. Much like other hospitals of the past, many attempts of healing were there to disguise the evil hiding in plain sight. How does your character deal when the place that was supposed to heal them becomes the place that harms them?
Day Twenty: The Trees Have Eyes (Location: The Woods/Forest)
Shadows of the trees cast illusions, the cracking of sticks cause hairs on the back of your neck stand. The wind howls which sounds of a voice, and the birds no longer sing. The woods are creepy, desolate, and you find yourself lost in the sea of their trunks. What happens when your ocs are stuck in the woods?
Day Twenty-One: I Want To Play A Game
Some of the most recent hits in horror history have been not movies, books, or shows, but video games. From Dead By Daylight to Until Dawn, horror fans have been able to experience immersion at a whole new level by trying to make all the right choices as a character. Now, it's time to put your oc into a horror game AU. Will they live, or will they die? Only their stats and choices will tell.
STRANGER THINGS HAVE HAPPENED (22nd–27th) Character tropes are fun and all, but for the next six days we're focusing on genre tropes.
Day Twenty-Two: Solitude Causes More Wounds Than It Was Meant To Heal (Trope: Isolation)
Fear is increased when one is alone by themselves, or cut off from civilization like an reclusive island. Focus on your characters in the horror of isolation; are they forced to recognize who they truly are on the inside? Do they practice the law of nature or nurture? Do they keep their morals or own laws?
Day Twenty-Three: The Apocalypse Is The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me (Trope: Apocalyptic)
Just as everything must begin, it also must end. This, unfortunately, includes humanity. What will happen when the world as your oc knows it ends, when that world goes from millions of people to tens or perhaps even one? Will they be forced to adapt, doomed to die, or perhaps even thrive?
Day Twenty-Four: You've Killed Me Before (Trope: Time Loop)
The best thing about the sun setting is that it will come up again in the morning, and a new day will begin. But what if the sun comes up and an old day begins? Whether your oc must solve their own murder, solve somebody else’s murder, or face difficult truths about those around them, it’s time to put them into a time loop.
Day Twenty-Five: Better You Die Than I (Trope: Doppleganger)
In real life, seeing your “doppleganger” is said to be an omen of misfortune or good luck. In horror movies, dopplegangers usually take a more direct approach in ruining the lives of their lookalike. Whether they’re an omen of bad things to come or trying to steal ones life, give your oc a doppleganger and explore the horrors of a stranger that shares your face.
Day Twenty-Six: No Wonder Everyone Keeps Invading You (Trope: Extraterrestrial)
Whether your oc was a believer before or not, life from another planet has arrived to Earth on this day. These so-called aliens come in all shapes, sizes, and colors; They can even come in a human disguise, as a deadly plant, as a machine, or even as little green men. No matter where they came from or what they look like, humanity is not ready for them. Whether we try to hurt them or they try to hurt us, how does your oc deal with extraterrestrial life on Earth and the problems this arrival presents?
Day Twenty-Seven: All Politics Is A Personality Cult Now (Trope: Cult)
What simply starts as a simple dinner meal, a visit to a secluded area where people celebrate, or deciding to reunite with the estranged side of your family, can easily be your steps toward a cult. Have your characters fight to stay alive against those who have welcomed them with sinister intent.
Day Twenty-Eight: Let's Be Weird Together
We all know of an iconic squad that so many people are just dying to be a part of. Well, it’s your ocs and their friends chance! Day 28 is group costumes!
Day Twenty-Nine: That Could Be Us
Love isn’t in the air but maybe it’s in the fabric of costumes! It’s time for couples costumes!
Day Thirty: I Can Be Anybody I Wanna Be
If your oc could be anybody, who would they wanna be? Well, for one night only, they can be! It's time for your oc to dress up!
Day Thirty-One: I'm Just Here For The Boos
Halloween is a time for tricks and treats, for ghost to walk among the living and us to disguise ourselves. But it can be killer, and the transference of evil can be achieved. Give your shape to another, gift them and you shall receive in turn. Ocpotluck awaits.
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fluffuly2023 · 1 year
Fluffuly 2023
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^^^ (click for better quality)
It’s that time of the year again; the time I give all of you wonderful writers a month-long rundown of fluffy prompts! They range from regular and dialogue so there’s something for everyone. If none of the daily prompts on the lists manage to grab your imagination, there’s a list of alternate prompts which are free to use for any day and are there for your interpretation.
The event will start on July 1st and finish on July 31st. But of course, if you can’t complete it in that time, there isn’t a hardcore limit. Create when you can. No rush!
This is a mixed media event so you can do anything that works with the prompt: fanfiction, art, gifs, etc. You can mix prompts too! If you have any concerns or questions, just ask!
Please remember to tag this blog (@fluffuly2023) and tag each post with #fluffuly and #fluffuly2023 Have fun and let’s have an amazing month! :D
Text version of the prompts are below:
Day 1: Sunshine
Day 2: Daylight
Day 3: Golden hour
Day 4: "[name of character], what is happiness?"
Day 5: Waterpark
Day 6: Lakes
Day 7: Ice cream
Day 8: Swimming
Day 9: "But I hate summer!"
Day 10: "Can I please stay at home?"
Day 11: Heatwave
Day 12: Books
Day 13: Beach
Day 14: Road trip
Day 15: Music
Day 16: "Well, this is/was certainly unplanned"
Day 17: "Have you got the [name of item]?"
Day 18: Flannel
Day 19: Pebbles
Day 20: Bubbles
Day 21: Relaxing
Day 22: Pool party
Day 23: "Where is the suncream?"
Day 24: Family photo
Day 25: Scrapbook
Day 26: Sunset
Day 27: Warm evening
Day 28: "You're so sunburned"
Day 29: Midnight swim
Day 30: Juice
Day 31: Fruit
Text version of alternate prompts:
Favourite ride
Quality time
Out of reach
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dracfieldweek · 11 months
The Themes Were Announced... Now What?
Now we plan for that fateful October week!
"I can't draw or write, I don't think I can participate..."
Nonsense! There are so many ways to interact with fandom, even if a lot of the focus has gone towards illustrated fanart and works of fanfiction! If you can't draw or write and want to participate you could: Make a playlist, Do a cosplay, Make an Aesthetic/Moodboard, Create something with fiber craft, Photo-manipulation/photo-editng, Make a video edit, Write a poem, Make a GIFset, etc! Anything you feel empowered to create that's inspired by the theme, GO FOR IT! ♥
"I'm not sure what to do for a specific theme/don't know how to interpret it!"
You don't have to do something EVERY day for EVERY theme, but if you do, we will be putting out individual posts about each theme to give some ideas if you're just not sure where to go with it. The ideas are just suggestions; if you think of something beyond that, GO FOR IT, its all about individual interpretation! That's part of the fun!
Also feel free to combine themes if you want!
"How do I make sure you guys see and share what I create?"
Make sure to tag your work with #DracfieldWeek! Mod Miles and I will check it to reblog work. Alternatively, just tag the blog so we see it! If you post it offsite (Twtter, DeviantArt, Ao3, etc) drop us a link if you can so we can still have everything here.
If we miss your submission by the end of the week, just give us a nudge and we'll be sure to give it a share!
We will also create a Collection on ArchiveOfOurOwn for Fanfiction submissions!
"Can what I make be NSFW?"
PLEASE AND THANK YOU! This is an 18+ event so feel free to get as down and dirty as you want BUT Just keep in mind since we're hosting this on Tumblr that sexual art/visual media will need to be cropped or censored and linked offsite. Suggestive content can still be posted with the proper community labels.
The Mods are also pro-fiction and anti-censorship, so be as depraved or as reserved as you want. It is Dracfield, after all.
"Wait, who even are these moderators?"
Mod Willow and Mod Miles are just a pair of Dracfield addicts who wanted to do something fun for the fandom since no one else had mentioned the possibility of a Dracfield Ship Week! You can find Mod Willow at @coiled-dragon and Mod Miles at @captainx-camino
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What do you think of the whole "brain bug" idea, where Oogie supposedly has a single bug controlling all of the others? I've never seen an official source for this information before, and I'm curious where it came from. lol
I wonder if it's a popular fan theory grabbed from the scene where Oogie's last bug is heard screaming "my bugs, my bugs!", which could be the "brain bug" that the theory refers to..? Then again, it's entirely possible all of his bugs are sentient + have control, and that was just the last one.
There's also the Alternative Jack VS Oogie Boogie workprint, where he sends off a swarm of his bugs and verbally controls them from afar. But we don't know if it's just one bug remaining under Oogie's head that's controlling them..? Either way, the Workprint shows that he can control a mass of his bugs. I think the "brain bug" theory is just a neat interpretation of this idea that isn't a collective hive mind.
Personally, I don't think I've used the "brain bug" idea in any of my fanfictions/portrayals, but I always thought it was neat. The TNBC fandom has a lot of fun fanon to play around with..!
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edjectedly · 2 years
Fanon vs Canon
Alright y’all buckle in cause this is gonna be a long one. Here lately I have seen a lot of discourse over fanon and canon and frankly I am growing tired of it. I by no means think that this post will be the end all be all of this discourse, but I am hoping to at least shed some light on the importance of fanon and its impact on content, especially in regards to comics and accessibility.
TL;DR: Everything boils down to if you don’t like something there is absolutely no need to comment on it or interact with it :) Comics are hard to get access to and canon can be hard to experience. Fanon is a crucial part of fan culture. 
Recently, I have started devoting a lot of my time towards the Batman fandom, as superheroes have been something I’ve loved for a while and something just clicked when I first found Young Justice back when it was still on Netflix. I watched all the episodes and then realized afterwards I wasn’t content with the amount of content I got regarding my boy Dick Grayson, so I switched over to AO3 to find anything more. There I was introduced to the extended BatFam and that led me to reading exclusively Batman fanfiction so I could see more of these four brothers. A few years passed, my hyperfixation changed to Sanders Sides, and now I’m back neck deep in Batman. I don’t know what triggered it this time but I’m super happy to be here. Let me get to the point; I got into the Batman fandom through Young Justice fanfiction.
So why does that matter? Well, I tried to find a way to read all the comics so I’d have an understanding of canon so I could make my own content because I had just gotten out of a fandom where I was creating content regularly and I wanted to continue. I couldn’t find a way to read them, so I stuck to just reading fanfiction and finding stuff on Tumblr and slowly I stopped wanting to create things. I was too nervous that I wouldn’t abide enough by canon that I’d get roasted for what I created. The second thing I posted I even clarified that I hadn’t read the comics and that my knowledge came from fanfiction and so this was based on my canon and I still had people in my inbox and on the post telling me that I wasn’t being canon compliant. Which I wasn’t trying to be. This put the brakes on me creating again for a bit, but this time I got angry and started thinking of new ways to make things.
Still, I was seeing things about canon vs. fanon and how fanon was bad for changing characters. I decided not to care and now we have the Alternative Introduction AU I so love creating for. I thought about Sanders Sides and how that had been a big issue in the fandom, people characterizing characters differently from canon. I contributed this largely to a lack of content, the issue with Batman is that there is so much content.
Comics are weird. There are many timelines, versions, writers, etc. Canon changes writer to writer, and frankly I think that allows for a lot of different interpretations. Others, however, try to pick a set way characters should be. One of the biggest, or at least most memorable to me, was Tim Drake and his coffee addiction. Fans latched onto it, whether they saw it as funny or relatable or whatever, it became very popular. It made sense and people enjoyed it. This is great! People are engaging with the media, making it enjoyable for them, and expanding on characters in a fun way while forming connections with other members of the fandom. Then, I started to see people angry about this little thing people saw Tim Drake doing. This anger only grew when it happened to make its way into a comic. I think it was like one panel? No matter, it wasn’t big but I know people who got mad. They got mad that fanon became canon cause they didn’t agree with it.
Here’s the thing we have to think about; media convergence. Henry Jenkins researches Fan Studies and Culture and has an entire book about it. I am not gonna cite directly because that is a lot of work and honestly I am tired. But, the big idea is that fandom is ever evolving and changing across multiple platforms. No one can actually have all the knowledge in a fandom, it’s impossible. This idea of media convergence shows a shift in how we view culture in general. Media has become more participatory than in the past where most interaction came from spectation. People are seeking to make connections across different forms of media which leads to the adoption of fanon.
Where am I going with this? I have laid out a lot of pieces but some have lacked connection, so here we go. Comics can largely be inaccessible, leading to people seeking out the information in other ways as Henry Jenkins discusses, this leads to an adoption of different headcanons creating fanon. Now, how does this tie into my personal experience in creating content? I am not alone in the fear of retribution for not following the strict guides of canon. I was able to move on from it, mainly because I am full of spite and anger and ready to fight at the drop of a hat, but not everyone is comfortable doing that. How many people are we keeping from fandoms in general because of adherence to canon? I am wary of using the word gatekeeping because there is a trend of people moving towards dismissal of anything using the word, but this is what it is.
Gatekeeping is occurring in a different way than normal. In this instance the strict adherence to canon is pushing out those who cannot find a way to get ahold of comics or don’t have the time to parse through everything. I was one of those people, hell I still have issues getting a hold of comics and even though I know how to pirate them now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that I have the time to go back and read everything. In addition to having multiple iterations of one character, comics also present the unique challenge of having multiple writers per character per timeline. I know in one of the only comics I’ve read that was released recently, Dick is twelve when Bruce gets him and that his parents are shot instead of falling. Batman kidnaps him and purposefully antagonizes the Justice League, which he isn’t a part of. From fanfiction, I know that Dick was eight in a lot of iterations, that his parents fell because the lines to their trapeze had acid on them, that Batman is a founding member of the Justice League and among other differences.
What does this mean? Canon isn’t clear cut and can be confusing. Strict adherence to this idea of what is right and wrong leads to the lack of participation in fandom spaces, and can even oust people who would otherwise enjoy this space. Fanon is fun, hurts no one, and provides spaces for creative liberty. If you don’t like how people are characterizing your favorite character, simply don’t read it. (This is different from people attacking characters, which if anyone wants that essay I’ll write it but that isn’t what I’m here for today.) Why are you so annoyed at people enjoying headcanons? If it has become fanon, that means it is widely liked, why do you feel like you have the authority to dictate how characters are? Besides, this is fandom/fanfiction/fan interactions, they aren’t canon. This is fans having fun and should be regarded that way. Shitting on other people's interpretations can and has stopped people from contributing their own fan content and limits the amount of growth a fandom can experience. Basically, it boils down to if you don’t like something there is absolutely no need to comment on it or interact with it :)
I could go on with the idea of fan service, but once again I am tired. If anyone wants that essay let me know lmao and I’ll work on it.
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 2 months
[Random William Afton/Dave Miller headcanons for my Five Nights At Freddy's Alternate Universe Fanmade-WebComic Series/Fanfiction Story because my brain cannot stop malfunctioning and making me paranoid and unironically afraid of the dark at night lol(Please note that the ver. of the purple peepaw man himself is based off of the ones from the games and/or books/graphic novels so please keep that in mind- thank you). Also please don't hate me if any of the headcanons I interpret for my comfort au seem to be out of character or something, I understand it can be annoying but if it bothers you just please be gentle about it since I can be somewhat fragile<//3. Oki doki, here I go I guess]:
I sometimes like to imagine that while Henry was more on the imaginative side of things when it came to the animatronics such as the character design and how they would act towards the kids in a party setting to give everyone the best of fun, since William would be more on the technical side of stuff involving blueprints on the construction of the animatronics, I feel like Will' was atleast once a decent artist. What I mean is that William could probably sketch up still-life related drawings in a cool fashion that maybe could of had a noticable signature style to it too even if that said style was more subtle since he would mostly focus on copying the stuff around him and how it looked...I can imagine that he could be very impressive in his talents when it came to sketching objects and animals, maybe even people but I feel like his favourite type of things to draw were probably scenery and nature type settings :3. His more cartoony or unrealistic art-style type doodles would be when he was distracted or bored and needed something to do atleast so he would doodle simple sketches on his paperwork and blueprints without realizing x3.
He prefers everything to be nice and clean, organized and neat but that preference and need for perfection wouldn't stop him from getting super lost in his work and ending up with huge messes of paperwork and other needed supplies that he'd use towards his projects all around his work space. Ofcourse this uncleanliness and unorganized mess would bother him, but it's not like it would matter. The stress would probably be more of a distraction anyway with such lingering Doom always clouding over him<3. He's probably a massive caffeine addict to the point where it's hyoerbolically debilitating, mostly in the form of coffee :P.
I feel like despite his calm and often scary, intimidating demeanor towards others when he needs control and some sort of power over others atleast, he can still be very envious/jealous of others esp his coworker Henry which said state drives him insane in the membrane. He knows his brain shouldn't malfunction in such a way, he knows he needs to stay calm and collected in order to get what he wants, so that all can go according to plan but at the same time...at the same time it's all so crushingly painful that he can't help but be of the verge, the edge of completly snapping into further madness just to destroy everything that gets into his path, to shatter every obstacle out of his way in order to finally get his revenge...revenge in what??I don't know yet, I might have forgotten in my brain's messy blurry loss of memory due to my own stress but just...revenge towards something that would be his own fault atleast. It doesn't make sense though to anyone that is not him. An unfathomable, burning, undying rage and hatred to life and yet he still canonically is scared of death in all it's uncertainty(Huh wait am I projecting again??Goddammit).
(Warning!!>:(:This one goes into the space that is my personal comfort alternate universe fan-story so please don't hate me if it doesn't make sense to you, I am probably gonna explain it more in better detail later QwQ): He has memory issues due to both stress and old age, but he still has enough storage in his brain's memory space to know that he was born somewhere around February though Rose(my self-insert for this cringeworthy tale of OCxCanon fanfiction plot atleast)always bugs him to celebrate it on Valentines Day since she likes the idea of him being born on that day and gifting him the anime drawings she attempts to make in her spare time.
By the way, that reminds me, in my Fnaf alternate universe comfort story, William, Henry and Rose are roommates in a vintage-inspired older built house that's not in Utah(Don't ask why yet, I'm still planning stuff out!!>:]). They mostly were able to get the house through the nightguards(again, they're apart of the story too but I'm gonna explain it later when I get a better chance to in the future), who live near the town they're apart of. Something something about wanting a brand new start and thinking that maybe going somewhere away from all the disasterousnes would be better for all of them, something it was mostly Henry and Rose's idea...yes.
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yellowloid · 2 years
hello dear! i just read your songs analysis and i think they’re really insightful and clever! i would be so happy to read other song analysis from you (both from tlsp and am)! also i love that you wrote the analysis from a personal view but not under the milex lens (although i would love to read your take on that version)!
hi anon, and thanks!! i'm happy to hear you appreciated my analysis, i love overanalysing lyrics so i'd be 100% down to make more. just drop the am/tlsp/mk songs you want me to analyse in my inbox (and whether you want the analysis to be strictly personal or you want me to go Full Milex Demon TM), and you can bet i'll end up writing a long-ass analysis post. i have so many theories (sometimes even different ones for the same song lmao like in this case) and they're just waiting to be put on paper.
now, since we're on the topic...
✨️mr. schwartz and body paint milex analysis✨️, by yours truly
(once again, this is just fan analysis. it's just as valid as any milex fanfiction i've ever written - meaning that it's completely fictional and i'm not in any way shape or form implying anything about them as real people. just having fun with lyrics and possible interpretations!)
(+ as i said in the other post, i'm analysing them together because there are so many interesting analogies between them and i think they might be connected. brace yourselves because this is gonna be long)
so in the other post i talked about anyways (and the ultracheese, but we could also add star treatment to the mix) as an introduction to the new album, how from what we've seen so far of the car it seems to be a very self-reflective album.
the vibes are quite similar, but if the tbhc self-reflection was done on purpose, almost calculated, the one that seems to characterize the car appears to be almost... annoyed. there's this subtone to it, a faint hue that gives it a sense of reluctant introspection. he's not doing it willingly - he's almost forced to do it, incapable of bottling his thoughts up any longer. like he finally understood he can't run forever (could be the effect of the pandemic, who knows). Also, the tbhc lyrics were absolutely cryptic, and even though the car ones are just as cryptic in some instances, we also find very straightforward, concrete lines ("come here and kiss me before it gets too cute / [...] and if we guess who i'm pretending to be / do we get a prize?" from Mr.S. as well as "watching your every move i feel the tears are coming on [...] and i'm keeping on my costume [...] and if you're thinking of me, i'm probably thinking of you" from BP). if tbhc had ten layers of mysterious metaphors covering it, the car has like... eight, i'd say. still very cryptic, but with a tiny bit more clarity to it. there’s still a lot of smoke covering it, but we can make out shapes a bit more clearly than we did in tbhc.
speaking of anyways specifically, i'd like to focus on that for a moment. everyone knows how it's a very, very personal song - but i don't see enough people talking about the evident parallels with see ya when i see ya:
"what a place for both the opposite sides of my double life to finally collide"
"you're feeling alive, a jekyll and hyde / [...] leading that double life"
like. do i even need to say anything. see ya when i see ya as a whole just screams of alex, but those lines? that's just miles telling everyone "yeah, this is about my absolutely platonic no homo bro", except it’s full homo and he knows he couldn’t make it any clearer even if he tried
also special mention:
"spilled the unspillable beans" (from the bourne identity)
"i put myself on mute before i spill the beans / oh, not again" (from SYWISY)
like. are you getting the vibe? because i sure as hell am
now, taking into consideration the whole discourse about double lives, masks and façades, let's get to Mr.S. and BP. as i said in the other post, in both songs it feels like he's talking to two different 'you's: himself (alternating it with 'i') and a mysterious interlocutor who appears to be someone he has history with. you and i both know who i’m thinking about lmao
body paint comes before mr. schwartz in the tracklist. he starts off strong, straight to the point:
"for a master of deception and subterfuge / you made yourself quite the bed to lie in"
these first two lines seem to refer to him not being able (or not being allowed) to be his true self; this is also confirmed by the 3rd and 4th lines, which are all about the need/urge to keep up (false) appearances and the misery that comes from it: "do your time traveling through the tanning booth / so you don't let the sun catch you crying". the sun could be spotlight, the media and the world's eyes on him, watching his every move. this whole “façade” aspect could easily be interpreted as him hiding his sexual orientation from the world for fear of being judged.
in the second stanza, this awareness also translates into self-deprecation (possibly internalized homophobia):
"my teeth are beating and my knees are weak / it's as if there's something up with the wiring / you can poke your head behind the mountain peak / you don't have to leak that you've gone into hiding"
he blames himself for this situation, for "having gone into hiding": the guilt takes up the form of physical symptoms and he asks himself whether there's something wrong with him ("something up with the wiring"), but at the same time he won't "leak" it, he refuses to admit it.
then there's a turn and he seems to be talking to the other person: "i know what you're thinking", which has Big Milex Telepathy energy, because who else could he share that kind of connection with?
now let's consider these lines from mr. schwartz:
"might be half a love song in it all for you / timing wise it's probably for the best / come here and kiss me now before it gets too cute"
at first he seems to be considering the possibility of giving himself and the other person a chance - the timing is right, they should just live in the moment without dwelling too much on anything else ("kiss me now before it gets too cute"). but then, after the chorus, this happens:
"gradually it's coming into view / [...] as fine a time as any to deduce / the fact that neither you or I has ever had a clue"
it's a bittersweet realisation slowly hitting him: right after he's almost been able to say fuck it and just live in the moment, he realises that neither he or the other person really knows what they're doing - what they've been doing all this time, maybe in terms of how deep they were really in, or how getting that deep would only inevitably end up hurting them both. he’s justifying them and at the same time almost criticising them, because they didn’t know what they were getting into and they really had no idea what they were doing (although, may i add, the other person might disagree on that. they certainly did know and he's just looking for excuses).
and then we have these lines from body paint, which seem to continue on that same route:
"watching your every move i feel the tears are coming on / it won't be long / it won’t be long"
he can't stop lingering on everything the other person does, almost obsessing over them - and at the same time this makes him even more miserable, because of two possible options:
a) he considers giving their relationship a chance, but fears it won't last
b) he feels like he's running out of time, and he needs to make a decision because the other person is still moving around, they won’t wait for him forever, and he feels "it won't be long" until they'll eventually move on. (may i add 2.0, if he thinks miles could ever move on and forget about him then he's even dumber than expected. oblivious king 😔)
however, stubborn as he is, he's choosing to keep up the façade despite his pain ("mr. schwartz is staying strong for the crew"; "and i'm keeping on my costume" in BP), keeping up his appearance ("wardrobe's lint-rolling your velveteen suit"), because he knows that's just how the industry works ("mr. schwartz is having tea with the grips / asking after all the wives and the kids / it's at the heart of what the business is"); he can’t live freely – he’s committed to the role he plays in the industry and he’s convinced breaking character and living his truth is simply not an option. neither he or the other person can change that, it’s just how things work ("there's not one god damn thing that you can do about this"; this also reminds me of these lines from star treatment: “i found out the hard way that / here ain't no place for dolls like you and me”).
but deep down he knows that, no matter how hard he tries to ignore his and the other person's feelings - it doesn't change the fact that those feelings are there, they exist and they can’t just pretend they don’t ("and if you're thinking of me, i'm probably thinking of you"). because that's what they've been doing for years – thinking of and obsessing over each other.
i also find this very interesting:
"and if we guess who i'm pretending to be / do we win a prize?"
it feels like he's responding to miles' attempts at deciphering him, of reading through his behaviour over the years after 2016 (through the entirety of coup de grace + some change the show songs). all these years, miles has been telling him through the veil of song to drop the façade and just be who he is, to stop being afraid and give them a chance, because no matter what he'll always be next to him. this is alex's reply: cynical, because the rose-tinted glasses (the same "rose tint" he mentions in mirrorball, perhaps) are gone, he can't see things the same way he did in 2016 because he forced himself to wake up from that dream. because he's convinced it was just that, a dream - one that could never come true.
but he knows the facts are there, he hasn't forgotten about the past and he knows miles hasn't either. and they can pretend everything is absolutely platonic on the outside, for the sake of their public image, but they both know what used to happen behind closed doors: "straight from the cover shoot / there's still a trace of body paint / on your legs and on your arms and on your face"; photoshoots representing their public side, and the two of them being the only ones who are able to see through each other's public façade. they marked each other in some way, and that mark is very much still there - but it's only completely visible to them, because they're the only ones who really know what happened. it's between them, a secret hidden in plain sight.
(+ these lines sound 100% fully sexual, i'm sorry it's the truth. we all thought about it and i won’t hear anything else about it) (also shout out to @haonsworld for speaking the truth about this part. you're braver than the us marines)
and yeah, alex may be skeptical about the possibility of them ever being something again ("having attempted twice, both incorrectly"), at the same time he can't let go of a tiny spark of hope, asking both himself and miles: "do we get a third try?"
this could also be interpreted as the other anon was saying - that is, them discussing the possibility of tlsp3, and how to make it happen.
either way, although a bit scared of failing, he's asking for a chance. he's hoping for it, despite maybe not knowing exactly how to handle it. but miles has been waiting for him all these years, hasn’t he? and he's ready to stand next to him in that journey.
after all, miles says it himself in caroline: "let me save you from yourself because / caroline, you're living on the edge this time / [...] take my hand / and go and lead the life that you've planned / 'cause you're gonna be just fine / my caroline" ❤️
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theotherdeerinhell · 1 month
Not liking genderqueer headcanons is not transphobic
I recently saw a post that had a footnote saying "if you think that Alastor being a transgender man makes no sense, you're transphobic."
The rest of the post was just a collection of cute headcanons regarding an AFAB Alastor and doe antlers, and there is nothing wrong with headcanoning Alastor as an AFAB man. But what takes it a step too far is calling people who don't like that headcanon or find it nonsensical transphobic taking it too far. People disliking it for transphobic reasons may exist, I'm not denying that, but there are many more reasons.
An argument I have against it is that there is no in-show or meta evidence of him being transgender. Apparently doe antlers (which are possible in many species) are tiny like Alastor's, but we do have to keep in mind that he is a demon, and his antlers can get huge if he wills them to be. He could be keeping them small in his default form for weight and/or practicality reasons. (Even half size could lead to problems with normal things such as going though doorways, especially since Alastor's antlers grow horizontal) Deer biology is not going to completely apply to Alastor due to him being a magical being, just like how spider biology wouldn't completely apply to Angel Dust due to the same reason.
But even though I'm not a believer myself, I do adore it as a transmasc, and as someone who made a transmasc OC who is meant to be his adopted son. I think it would make the dynamic between them cuter if Alastor's been through the same type of shit Rabo goes through. Plus, even if Vivziepop's intention is that Alastor is a cis male, that doesn't invalidate alternative interpretations people have. If they are not hurting anybody, having fun, and it's affirming to them? Then I wouldn't yell at them for being "technically incorrect."
I shall say that Alastor is cis in Rabo's main fanfiction. It's always been the intention in the timeline where Rabo as a character exists, though it would be fun to write a short story taking place in a timeline where Alastor is a transgender man. There is a lot of great potential, and it would be a waste if it isn't explored.
And also, if you're someone who doesn't like the interpretation and you're harassing people for it, kindly move on to a space you'd enjoy being in, and block people who have this interpretation along with its associated tags. (This goes both ways: don't be an asshole)
Click read more for Rabo's comment on it. Because why not?
"The idea of my father being transgender would make me so happy if it's true. Unfortunately in my timeline, it isn't. But I welcome most Alastors as my father, and those who are trans are included. My love for my dad is unconditional, and he is perfect no matter what genitalia he had when he was born. <3"
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muttakutagawa · 5 months
i believe we don't have to have the exact same interpretations, headcanons, or ships to get along; as long as we remain respectful.
i tend to mix the light novels, manga, and anime into one timeline smoothing over the inconsistencies of adaptation. however, i view the stage plays as their own continuity separated by timeline, like BEAST. with this in mind do note my work tends to be somewhat canon divergent as i just find it more personally interesting.
as of now i am not entirely caught up with canon so forgive any lapses in knowledge as i work my way forward.
i tend to write differing possibilities for character dynamics depending on what I think is interesting so characterization and interaction may vary
i headcanon canon as being set ~2008-2012
you can find me on ao3 under cosmiccambion and its associated pseuds
General Tags
analysis and etcetera (exactly what it says on the tin, used for character or theme analysis, or similar discussion posts)
literary bindings (used to reference quotes or work excerpts from irl counterparts, both for canon characters and fancharacters)
portrait of a gallery (used for tagging my art or writing)
prologue epilogue dialogue (general talking tag)
typewriter barking (discussion regarding my fanfiction)
reference section (used for canon references such as birthdays, ages, timeline, etc)
collection of miscellaneous (as it says, posts that couldnt be tagged otherwise)
marble game ricochet (mayoi app posts)
characters are tagged with their names, though japanese names may vary slightly in spelling or order due to translation
fancharacters, chimeras, and shipkids are tagged as "oc:" followed by their name
ships are also tagged with their name (eg. chuuaku, fyovan, suegiku)
Creative Tags
tags used for aus or other timelines
chess au (a roleswap au in which pm <--> ada, guild <-->rhd/doa, and so on)
shock collar au (originally just a whatif about akutagawa being a member of the hunting dogs that spiraled out of control into its entire swap au)
russian black tea au (in which akutagawa is given to fyodor by dazai and takes it somehow both very well and very bad)
metanoia au (first roleswap, born of impulse currently consisting of- guild dazai, fyodor, and ivan; rhd akutagawa; doa chuuya; and port mafia nikolai)
leader swap (swap au in which only the leaders of groups have changed. in which mori leads the ada with kunikida, fukuzawa leads the port mafia with chuuya, and so on)
ergodic au (an angel-devil au because my obsession with the heirarchy of angels and the rings of hell knows no bounds)
chiasmus au (a just for fun au in which dynamics of canon are inverted; featuring user!elise & ability!mori, mentor/executive!akutagawa & subordinate!dazai, and master!ivan & servant!fyodor)
stray cats verse (nextgen/shipkid verse approximately following canon, albeit with some Everybody Lives/Not Everyone Dies divergences)
slaughterhouse two (a shared alternative nextgen/shipkid verse with @bungoustraypups-verse / @bungoustraypups )
wild things/beastlings verse (nextgen/shipkid verse following the BEAST timeline)
chimeraverse (its a long story... ill make its own post to explain it.)
last edited: 0147, March 5th 2024
Enjoy your stay
Tamam Shud
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chaotic-guinea-pig · 6 months
The way you write style is so ❤ do you have tips for characterizing them?
SHIT I forgot this ask was in my drafts!! I'm so sorry about the super late reply, anon! 😭
AHHH thank you! <3 I'm glad to hear you enjoy my Stan and Kyle characterisations despite the fic taking place in a fantasy AU!!
I could talk about my specific interpretations and headcanons for Stan and Kyle, but I'd hate to impose it as the One True Way That Everyone Must Comply With Or Else... because it's really not; it's just my subjective opinions based on my understanding of their characters in canon. Instead, I'll tell you my general process in figuring out characterisations so you can find one that works best for your fic.
First, it's a good idea to start with rewatching the source material (the episodes, game playthroughs of TSOT/TFBW etc) so you can get a feel for their voices and mannerisms. If your fic has a specific premise, try to watch an episode that's related to that to get initial ideas for characterisation. For example, if you're writing an argument between Stan and Kyle, watch an episode where they're at odds with each other (Black Friday trilogy, Guitar Queero, YGO/Assburgers... so many...), to see how they behave. Do try to watch a variety of episodes though so you can a get well-rounded view on them, though!
Now, it's important to remember that South Park canon is... pretty messy, and that's no surprise for such a long running satirical cartoon like South Park. Don't stress yourself on trying to retain every single detail from canon, it's simply not feasible. Things like Kyle's diabetes, the fact that Kyle had a pet elephant, Stan's asthma, them playing football and baseball for school... all of those things were only mentioned once. My advice instead is to just focus on getting a feel for their voices (enough that you can write their dialogue), understand the core parts of their personalities, and sprinkle in the details you want for your story.
BTW, a fun way to narrow down their core personalities is to imagine their characters in an AU (TSOT, TFBW, AU where they didn't grow up together etc). What parts of them would stay the same? What would change, and why? Alternatively, you can look at metas and character analyses (of course, you don't need to agree with every take - the point is to just get yourself thinking)
And finally, if your goal is to write the most engaging, the most in-depth characterisation (like say, a character-driven longfic), then: make them well-rounded characters!! I think when starting out, it's easy to fall back on tropes: Stan is the sensitive one, Kyle the morallly righteous, outspoken one, Stan the depressed, Kyle the angry one... and that's not inherently a bad thing, of course; they're fine if well, your fic is literally a oneshot about Stan being depressed! But you can fall into the trap of leaning into these tropes heavily which can lead to flanderisation, and that's something to watch out for if your goal is to create in-depth characterisations.
So my advice here: whatever box you decide to apply to Stan and Kyle - whether that's Jock!Stan, Nerd!Kyle, Depressed!Stan, Angry!Kyle, Elf!Kyle, Knight!Stan, etc etc - remember they are still Stan and Kyle. Be creative! Break out of these boxes! Include their flaws and mix it up!! You'll get some interesting results if you adventure out of the boxes. :)
And finally, finally: HAVE FUN. At the end of the day, fanfiction is our fun sandbox to play in. This is really your fic - just have fun and explore what YOU find interesting about Stan and Kyle!! They are great characters in their own right. :)
TLDR: use canon as your starting point to get a feel for their voices, mannerisms and core personalities and sprinkle in fun details. make them 3D characters if you're shooting for in-depth, realistic characterisations. Have fun. :)
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watermelonsloth · 9 months
Fanfiction Pet Peeves in No Particular Order
(I primarily read Naruto fanfiction so all my examples are related to Naruto.)
(I'm also gonna say that none of this matters if fanfiction and similar fanworks are being made for fun. These are just personal pet peeves.)
No paragraph spacing or punctuation. I don't see it often, but it can make fics unreadable when it happens.
Character bashing, especially if that character is also out of character. It's just annoying and more often than not it interrupts the story. Most of the time it feels like the author is trying to meet a hating-this-character quota for the day.
Overuse of purple pros and complicated words. These things are not only usually used incorrectly or are inconsistent, but it makes it feel like the author is trying too hard to sound smart. Also, if your story needs a dictionary on standby to read, you need to edit it.
Author's notes in the middle of the story. It ruins the pacing of the story and throws off audience investment. Also, no one wants to read something with the author breathing down their neck. If something needs to be clarified, clarify it in the story. If you want to offer your thoughts, wait til the end.
Incorrect/inconsistent use of Japanese words, grammar, and honorifics. There's nothing wrong with writing fanfiction in English as an English speaker. Adding words and whatnot that you don't understand is noticeable and unnecessary.
First person perspective.
Making a character too out of character. In fanfiction there's some leeway to account for character interpretation and how the alternate universe could've affected them, but after a certain point the character changes just don't make sense. This is especially annoying in shipping fanfiction. If you don't like the dynamic between the characters, why are you writing about them to begin with?
Treating characters as defenseless kicked puppies. I find this particularly annoying in Naruto fanfiction because the Naruto series doesn't treat anyone as kicked puppies. Characters like Itachi, Nagato, Sasuke, and Naruto are treated as sympathetic, yes, but the narrative doesn't excuse their actions because of that. Itachi is treated as making the wrong decision, Nagato is treated as hypocritical, Sasuke is treated as in the wrong, and Naruto is treated as rude and acting out(until he goes through his character arc). Even Hinata, the easiest character to make into a kicked puppy, is treated with more agency in the original narrative than characters like Sasuke are treated in fanworks.
Angst for the sake of it. The way I see it, if angst isn't being used for character development, plot progression, or to make some sort of commentary(on the original work, the real world, etc.), then it's just unnecessary knife twisting. This problem becomes worse exponentially with every time it's used.
Poorly handled slowburns. If the characters kiss within the first 1000 words, the fic isn't slowburn. If there's no progression of the characters liking each other before they're suddenly together at the end, the fic isn't slowburn.
Difficult to follow plots and characters. Fanfiction plots don't have to be perfect, but the audience should at least understand why characters are doing what they're doing. I've come across too many "And then the characters went over there!" plots in fanfiction.
Fanworks without plots or conflicts. If a story is a series of one shots, is just a one shot, or is tagged as not having a plot(like PWP), this isn't a problem for me. But the second a story has a linear plot, I expect an actual plot. It gets really boring when stories refuse to introduce conflict.
Unbalanced writing/obvious author preferences. Obviously background characters will get less screentime, complexity, and development, but if a fanfiction has multiple main characters, I expect them all to be given the time and attention of a main character.
Not properly tagging the fanfiction. I don't care if it's because you wanted a plot twist, tag the fic properly. Character death, character reveals, scenes that feature specific things(a general rule is that if it can be considered a trigger or fetish, you need to tag it), and other similar things(I'd even consider things like infidelity to fall under this) need to be tagged regardless of what effect you want the scene to have on your audience.
These are all of the things that I can think of off the top of my head, but there would probably be more if I really tried to make a list of everything(I might just be picky). Feel free to share any fanfiction pet peeves you have.
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majorbaby · 1 year
A, B, C, G, N, P, and X for the fandom ask game please! ^_^
thank you :)
cut for length and degeneracy
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
not a big otp guy but hawkeye/trapper is as close as i get.
OT3s are another story... the hawkeye/trapper/oliver thing was the most fun i've ever had writing something and i have plans for building up a little world for them.
hawkeye/trapper/margie - two straws, one girl!
trapper/dish/margie - two girls, one straw! (this is my free-use sub top trapper set-up. alternative OTX version: the one where trapper is had by the entire nursing staff and hawkeye is head of marketing and PR for the event) hawkeye/trapper/margaret were so good together on the show, alcoholics unanimous and iron guts kelly set it up all too well...
hawkeye/trapper/BJ if i'm feeling something a little more fucked up.
yeah... hawkeye/trapper/character-of-choice
would love to deal BJ some psychological damage via cucking fantasy - BJ/Peg/Carl.
BJ/Peg/Trapper lol even I'm too cowardly to write that. but... could you imagine.
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
i don't hate it, but i'm not particularly interested in radar/any one from the main cast.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
i discovered fanfiction through x-men so it must've been rogue/gambit, which i still have a soft spot for.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
ok im not inventing it on the spot but i'm taking this opportunity to tell you about "hawkeye's moving castle" the sparkly AU of "howl's moving castle" that is bouncing around my brain. who's sophie you ask? kellye. it HAS to be kellye. not for shipping reasons, but because she is sophie (dedicated, kind, talented but overlooked wallflower) as much as hawkeye is howl (also very kind but pathetic and a lil vain AND let's not forget howl is an anti-war draft dodger...). i'm just. so into it. it won't leave my mind. hawkeye's moving castle!!
bear in mind that by 'defending them' i don't mean always mean defending them from hate. sometimes i'm defending them from what i perceive to be misplaced affection. also disclaimer, this is just for fun, you can think whatever you want about these fake people from the tv, but i'm prepared to defend my interpretations of the following, in order of how firm i am in my position wrt them: 1. hawkeye
2. BJ
3. klinger
4. henry
5. trapper
ask game
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