#that was a quick but important idea heheh
zu-is-here · 19 days
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Family shenanigans (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Happy belated birthday, Anko! <3
[4/8] Anko by @groovygladiatorsheep
Axel by @ari-cuno
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swordcreature · 5 months
HCs for how the tiefling boys ask you to marry them?
anon this may be the first thing i have written this year that wasn't inherently smutty. so thank you for that because my default is horny heheh
but seriously thank you for the request these are so much fun
Dammon, Rolan, & Zevlor - Marriage Proposal
light implications of sexual acts (not sure if it warrants a tag but just to be safe) MDNI/18+
How the tiefling boys ask you to marry them.
First off, Dammon totally makes your rings. He’s not a jeweler, so he doesn’t have the necessary tools to set stones or anything fancy like that. But he does make two beautiful golden bands with an inscription on the inner wall. Something sweet and sentimental written in infernal like “my heart forevermore” or “our love will last until the end of days” 
He isn’t the type to take this step unless he is 100% sure that it’s something you both want. He’ll straight up ask you if it’s something you want at some point, so when he finally does ask, you’re not blindsided. Just surprised because you didn’t know when it would happen. 
You expected it to happen during a date – every time you went on a picnic or had dinner at one of your favorite taverns you giddily waited for him to drop on a knee and ask you. But it kept on not happening. 
In truth, I could see Dammon initially planning something like that. An old-fashioned romantic date where he ends the night with flowers and ring in hand, proposing under the moonlight. 
But, despite himself and his planning, Dammon is just so anxious to ask you; he cannot wait to start the next step of your life together.  
It happens at home, actually.  
You’re both in bed, having just made love, laying on your sides to face each other. His arm is under your head as a pillow and your bodies are curled towards one another. It’s just such a tender moment as you two talk about nothing in particular, making each other laugh, sharing quick kisses.  
It’s both an unimportant moment, and the most important moment ever. Because he’s just so happy and in love with you, he feels completely at peace, so entirely safe and secure in the life you have built together thus far. It takes his breath away how much he wants this, forever. 
So of course he can’t be blamed for scrapping his whole elaborate proposal plan and asking you right then and there.  
He forgets to even pull out the rings. He just asks you, simply, calmly, as though he was asking what you wanted for breakfast. “Marry me.” It’s a statement more than a question.  
When you say yes (because I accept no HCs where you don’t decide to marry these absolutely wonderful men), he kisses you and holds you there until you can’t breath anymore. 
Before he completely forgets he ends up pulling the rings he made from his bedside table, showing you his work and slipping one of your finger. He worries it with his finger, twisting it back and forth against your finger with a satisfied smile on his face. 
He seems completely taken back by the look of his ring on your finger. He’s never looked so utterly content. 
Then he pulls you back to continue kissing every inch of you. Prepare to be thoroughly worshipped over and over again. 
You’re definitely not leaving that bed for the rest of the day as you celebrate your engagement.  
It takes Rolan a long while before he is ready to make the jump to marriage. I think deep down you as his partner fear that maybe it’ll never happen. When you’ve brought it up in the past, it clearly made him apprehensive, so you resigned yourself to the idea that it may never happen. 
And you’re okay with that. You don’t need marriage to know you want to be with him forever.  
One day Rolan invites you out on the town with him, laying out a new set of clothes that he thinks you would look nice in. He asks you to meet him at a nicer tavern, or maybe even someplace in the upper city.  
At first you think he’s just planned a really nice, elegant date night for fun. But he’s acting strange. Nervous. His tail swishes back and forth, low to the ground and his eyes land everywhere but your face.  
It doesn’t let up after dinner either. He takes your hand and takes you for a stroll through Bloomridge Park by moonlight. You walk slowly almost like he doesn’t want to go back to the tower yet.  
If you try to ask him what’s wrong, he gets a little short with you, his nerves getting the better of him. He’ll apologize right away of course but he’s just so caught up in whatever it is that he’s been thinking about that he immediately goes quiet.  
You’re almost back at the park’s entrance when Rolan just stops.  
His back is straight, and he looks like he’s just seen a ghost. Can a tiefling’s face go white with fear? Because his definitely does.  
You try to comfort him, putting a hand on his shoulder or lightly cupping his face. And it’s like all his discomfort melts away in an instant – you ground him so much and that’s why he’s about to do what he’s about to do. 
He pulls you close to him, holding both your hands, earnestly staring at you like you’re about to run from him.  
He has a whole speech planned, and he begins, tripping over words that he clearly tried to rehearse beforehand. 
After a moment he just decides to adlib, ditching whatever script he was fumbling with.  
And he finally asks the question. It’s a hurried jumble of words – “willyoumarryme?” Color you surprised, at the very least. 
He doesn’t even wait for you to answer before he’s rushing over more words about how of course you don’t need to say yes, he would understand if you wanted to keep things how they are, maybe he should have kneeled while asking, would you have preferred being asked in private – but you stop him with a forceful kiss. Just shut that boy up before he flushes even redder.  
When you pull away, you whisper a tiny, confident yes and it’s like Rolan is seeing the sun for the first time ever. He lets out the biggest sigh of relief you’ve ever heard. Then he’s picking you up and swinging you around, kissing your face.  
He sets you back on the ground and tries to steel himself, pretending that his public display of vulnerability didn’t just happen. But you can see his mask slip as he grabs your hand again and drags you back to the tower like an eager teenager.  
He tries not to draw attention to the fact that he totally forgot to bring the ring with him. 
Oh my sweet Zevlor. It takes him a while to get to the point of marriage too, just because he wants to go through the motions of a proper relationship with you. He wants to give you the courtesy of having him in every way partners should before thinking about making their union official.  
So, by the time he’s planning on popping the question, you two are basically living like a married couple already.  
One big plus side to this though is that Zevlor is more confident than ever – about your relationship and himself. Towards the beginning of your relationship, he would have never been able to convince himself that he was worthy enough for something so divine.  
Now, though, he knows this is where you both are headed, where you are meant to be. So his nerves are more from excitement than trepidation.  
He plans a lovely dinner for you at home. Zevlor is an amazing cook and takes careful consideration in choosing a meal for this very special occasion. He’ll buy fresh ingredients from the market to make your favorite dish, and he even gets a somewhat expensive wine to pair with everything.  
When you get home the house is darkened, with only the small dining area filled with the low lights of candles. He lets you settle in, getting changed from your street clothes to something more appropriate for the evening, and is there waiting to pull out your chair when you’re ready. 
The topic of marriage has come up before, so there is a small, sneaking suspicion growing inside you of what this night may have in store.  
You have dinner talking, relaxing, enjoying the calm you feel in each other’s company.  
He would need at least a couple glasses of wine to work through his giddiness, so your food is long gone by the time he walks around the table and drops to his knees before you. He holds your hand against his heart so you can feel it's fast rhythm as he speaks. 
Unlike Rolan, Zevlor’s words aren’t rehearsed. He just speaks from the heart – what comes out is naturally elegant. 
I see him as the kind of guy to wax poetic about your love, making sure you know, without a doubt, that you are his entire world.  
At the end of his speech, he pulls out a small box with a silver ring in it, a red jewel in the center of the band. He wanted something simple and elegant to match how he sees you and your love. 
He’ll ask you formally, puffing out his chest a bit, breaking out your full name to propose. 
When you say yes, he slips the ring on, kissing your knuckles. You share a tender kiss, and you notice he has the beginnings of tears in his eyes.  
He’ll pull you to your feet and most likely spend some time swaying to the tune of music only you two can hear.  
Then he offers dessert. If you agree, he pulls you upstairs to indulge in the only sweet thing he wants in that moment.  
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queen-of-scissors · 1 year
I need more of that content i wonder how will they react with minecraft or fucking roblox because roblox has a LOT of games
AWW yeaaa more ideas timmeee
Also you didnt specify if you want a cult au but i kinda did it like that. Sorry
Roblox is basicly an another excuse to use "the creator of thousand worlds butt
İf you tell them it has alot of other worlds in it, you're gonna be the...
Now for me, i only use roblox for Tycoon or horror games, Tycoon games just fits the Vibe as a creator of tevat
But horror? Oh boy..
Now we know that hu tao is gonna be so impressed by the spooky stuff you show (prolly exept gore but yea) and she is gonna be the one that gives you the title;
GOD OF HYPERDEATH (no wdym its an undertale reffrence?)
İ remember seeing a game in roblox that were about surviving a super caotic natural dissasters. İf you play those types of survival games first of all, your followers gonna cry.
"oh how much pain have one went through!"
Especially archons are gonna be all over you if you play the natural disaster one,
meanwhile you're like: "i didn't survive anything-"
But your acolytes only get sadder because "you were so traumatised that you dont remember???"
Ninguang asks you to give normal people a lesson on how to survive a natural dissaster. Especially to those that dont have a vision.
But??? Acid rains aren't realy possible??
Anyways now you're the:
THE LAST AVATAR (your choice of words)
Oh boy a tricky one
İt all based on how you explain minecraft.
"its a survival game about surviving the wild but there are monsters that come out at night"
Ah yes, another survival game, you seem to like that as a form of sport! Dont be suprised if you see some of your acolytes actually going for extreme survival sport to honour your name (childe, xiao, maybe zhongli, Cyno etc.).
They won't make it a secret oh no no, they want you to be the judge of who can survive the longest (before you pit an end to the competition).
Cyno found your job a perfect name even!
MAAT, GOD OF JUDGMENT (i legit looked through mythology for this lmao)
"its a survival game but everything is a cube"
Hehe venti is gonna call you a "blockhead" but before he can even say it he gets silenced by zhongli.
But you say that for him, loud and proud!
People are too afraid to use that as one of your titles, and if you say its fine, theyre gonna see it as you're testing them. But you and venti found another way to use this funny nickname;
Behold!! The
(hehehe rock)
"its actually a survival game but you can create whatever you want in it, so-"
"wait a minute, did you say... Creation?"
Wrong choice of words got you in this one. Theres no going back.
Now people belive that you use that world so you can do a quick plan of what you are going to do in other worlds. That world must be SUPER important to you, And since Tevat and that world are actually kind of (not) alike, that also means that you also like this world other than the rest!!
Oh if they knew...
İf they knew what you did to all those poor villagers... And even sheeps (i see you and im calling the cops)...
"did you know that in that world, you only need to feed people to get them pregnant?"(not realy but its fun to leave some detailes to imagination :P)
W h a t.
They hope that that world isnt where you are from originally. BECAUSE YOU'D GOT SOME EXPLAİNİN TO DOO- zhongli would be on watchlist istg
Anyways you're the VİLLAGE TAMER now
Hope you like it, i used every bit of my English knowledge and last 2 braincells for this.
But it was fun! İm open to more ideas! (İ can only do the games i know/played so sorry if you do request but couldnt answer 🙏)
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bazthefirstborn · 2 years
yes hello today I am here in accordance to the (respectful) demands of @saelipse to write a sub nanami fic <333333 ty for the ideas sae :)
househusband nanami bc yeah
banner: it's u/cutieheaders :D
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tags: sub nanami, (obviously) dom reader, a lot of plot before the smut (I wanted to make it fluffy too hehehe)
Nanami was tired. Tired of working in a field that he didn't get joy out of, and tired of working overtime time and time again. That's when you came along. Your presence was refreshing. You weren't overly polite because he was in a position of power, but you weren't at all deterred by his work. You supported him through all of his trials and tribulations, and for that, he was immensely thankful.
So, naturally, when he brought up the idea of retiring, you were all for it.
"I'm so happy I get to have a little househusband to come home to." You purred, making Nanami shiver. Even though you both had made jokes about him staying at home, he knew it would be better for both of you.
Fast forward a few months, you and Nanami have settled into a good routine, considering your rather grueling schedule. There was one important thing you had recently had to factor into your home time with Nanami. Overtime. The dreaded "O word" was like a swear in your house.
You had worked overtime every day this week, and it was finally Friday, and you had already taken the next week off to make it up to Nanami. You had a plan to propose to him that weekend, so you were uncharacteristically nervous when you got home. Nanami had been packing your suitcases for the trip, so when you got home, you could leave. You drove the 40-minute commute home, and, the second you got home, you were bombarded by a very affectionate (and beet red in the face) Nanami.
"Well hello to you too, darling." You said, laughing and shaking him off. "What's got you so worked up tonight?"
"Just missed you is all." He grumbled quietly, burying his head in your neck. "You've been working late all week. We've hardly spent any time together."
You kissed his head before replying, "I know love, I'm so sorry. I hate working late just as much as you do." He let go of you, and put his forehead against yours.
"No more work this weekend."
"I promise, my love. Pinky promise."
So, here we are now. A small cabin in Yuzawa, with a little private hot spring for the two of you. It was luxurious, but simple enough for Nanami to feel less guilty about spending your money.
"I could have helped pay for this, you know." He said, clearly grumpy.
"I know, but this is a treat for you too, baby. I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you." You replied, pulling him into a quick hug.
"Yeah, yeah, you love me, yadda yadda yadda, it's fucking cold. Can we go in now?" He snarked, ducking out of your hug.
"Damn. Touchy, touchy. What did I do you, Kento? Did I love on you too hard?" You said lightheartedly, giggling at his face.
"Whatever. Can we go inside please? I'm actually freezing out here."
"Of course, love. Let the vacation begin!"
Fast forward to that night, you two were watching a movie on the couch, with Nanami sitting in between your legs. He had been touchy all day, sitting on your lap, kissing you all over, and touching you a lot more than usual. So, when you suggested a movie, he was quick to oblige and sit so he was practically on top of you, with your chin on his shoulder.
About 30 minutes into the movie, he began to shift around in his seat. Since he was in your lap, you noticed pretty much immediately. At first, it was a little twitch, then it became... more. By the time the credits were rolling, he was grinding his ass on your cock.
He gulped, breathing heavily. "Yes Y/N?"
You smirked, before playing dumb, "Are you feeling okay? Do you need something?"
Nanami could practically hear the shit-eating grin in your voice. Fuck. I hoped they wouldn't notice.
"No... I want..."
"What baby? Use your words." You said. turning him to face you. Now that you could see his face, he was flushed and his pupils were dilated. Following his eyes to his crotch, you could see a very evident tent in his pants. You smirked and grabbed his chin to force him to look at you. He whimpered. "You want what, love? You know I only accept verbal answers." You smiled, and cupped his bulge with your hand. He moaned, loud and needy.
"Fuck- I need- Anh! I need you Y/N! Please!"
"You have me. I'm right here." You said, teasing him.
"I nee- shit- I need your cock sir! I need it! Please! I've been so good all week!"
How could you deny him when he asks so nicely?
"Of course, my good boy. This is your reward, after all."
end note: to be continued lolz
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 months
The More You Know
Paranormal Preteens AU: Episode Eighteen
A JSE Fanfic
This is an action-packed chapter, my mans. A lot happens so I'll try to be quick with the summary. Jackie tries to find help. Then, after school the next day, the gang meets up and Chase recognizes someone. But they don't have much time to think on that, as they discover something in the school... and Marvin discovers something about himself. Heheh. :) Enjoy this longer-than average chapter!
More of this AU
Jackie was nervous. He told himself not to be, but he couldn’t help it. Was it weird for a sixteen-year-old to walk into a police station by himself? He couldn’t be sure, but it definitely felt like it. Luckily, this... front area... was empty. What was it called? Could this be considered a reception area? Or a waiting room? He had no idea.
God, focus! Jackie took a deep breath and tried keeping his thoughts in one place. This was important. He was taking all this evidence about the Circle to the police. Including the pictures of those weird “dark doctors” beneath the hospital, as Anti had apparently called them. The kids hadn’t been too happy when he said he was going to do that, but they agreed. He wasn’t sure why. They needed help with this. Why were they so reluctant?
He walked up to the... desk? Reception desk? Again, he wasn’t sure, but there wasn’t really anyone around to ask what he should do besides the man sitting behind the desk. Jackie took another deep breath—his heart was pounding like crazy—and walked up there. “Um... hi.”
The man looked him over. “Yeah, kid? What is it? Do you... have something to report?”
“Uh... yeah.” Jackie was holding a packet of various stuff. The memos that Schneep stole from the Circle’s hospital office, and the pictures Jackie had taken, now printed out. He put it on the desk. “I-I have—I, um—There’s—” Another deep breath. Thoughts in order, Jackie. “I think there’s some big criminal activity happening in town.”
“Hmm.” The man didn’t look convinced. “Really?”
“Yeah. I-I know it sounds crazy, but I have all the stuff here.” He slid the packet closer. “There’s... there’s a group that kidnapped one of my friends. H-he, uh, said that he just ran away, but it’s not what really happened. And I have proof! It’s all in here.”
“Proof, huh?” The man picked up the packet. Jackie tensed a bit as he opened it up and started looking through the stuff. His fingers drummed a nervous rhythm on the wood of the desk as the man flipped through it all. He tried to read his expression. It seemed... indifferent? After a minute, he put all the stuff back into the packet and put it back down on the desk. “Look, I’m sure you put a lot of work into this, but policework is very serious business. We don’t have time to laugh at your joke.”
“It’s not a joke!” Jackie said defensively. “I-it’s all real! Would I make this up? How would I make it up?!”
The man gave him a look, a tired ‘really?’ “This isn’t funny, kid.”
“No, really, I—Okay, maybe you think I typed up the memos myself, b-but what about the pictures?” Jackie challenged. “I can’t have done those myself!”
“It’s very good editing, I’ll say that, but it’s still clearly editing,” the man said. “We’ve been getting stuff like this ever since the library put Photoshop on their computers.” His expression softened slightly. “I don’t think you mean any harm, but you should really take this stuff more seriously. Or if you’ve been put up to it by friends, you should tell them to take it more seriously.”
“I am!” Jackie insisted. “It’s all real! I—My friend’s name is Marvin Jackson, he’s fourteen, y-you guys did an investigation when he disappeared from the hospital. You have to have that on record somewhere. Take this stuff to the detective o-or officers who did that!”
The man gently pushed the packet of evidence back at Jackie. “It’s very creative stuff, I’ll give you that. Put this sort of energy into your art classes at school. I’m sure your professors will appreciate it.”
Jackie slumped. There was nothing he could do, was there? Nothing that he could think of, at least. Silently, he grabbed the packet and turned around, walking back outside.
The moment he was back in his car—technically Dad’s, but who cares?—he took his beanie off his head, pressed it to his face, and screamed. He probably would’ve punched the steering wheel a couple times if he wasn’t afraid of somehow damaging it. Dad would be so upset.
This was so frustrating! He couldn’t even get past the front desk! Well, honestly, what did he expect? If he was a police officer and a teenager came into the station with a bunch of papers and pictures about some sort of conspiracy in the town, he would think it was all made up, too. Apparently his proof wasn’t real enough. But what could possibly be more real? A video? Oh yeah, next time they’re fighting demon dogs he’ll spare a moment to film it and hope that the dog didn’t bite him in two while he was trying to do that.
He could tell Dad about all this. But... would Dad believe him? He wanted to say yes—Dad had always listened to him. But he couldn’t be sure. Maybe Dad would just think it was made up too. Maybe he would think this was some way of coping with stress.
Jackie put the beanie back on his head where it belonged. He stared up at the car ceiling and sighed.
He hated it. He knew they needed help. But until they could get better proof, undeniable proof, they would be on their own.
“Jackie said that the police didn’t even let him in,” Chase said. “But like... duh, you know? Of course they wouldn’t. It all looks crazy.” He closed his locker, tugging on it a couple times to be sure it was shut. Sometimes the lockers in the secondary school didn’t actually lock.
Schneep nodded in agreement. “It is rare that the adults will believe something this, ah, ‘crazy.’ Do you think Aunt Jess would, if we told her?”
“I dunno... she would if we had proof. Like, if we kept some of those weird mushrooms. But without that?” He shrugged. “Hey, you have a class with Stacy, right?”
“Ja, Algebra.”
“Can you tell her we’re going to meet up at lunch to talk about stuff some more? I gotta hurry.” His Home Ec class—ugh, boring—was on the other side of the school from his locker.
“Of course.” Schneep nodded. “I will go too now. Good luck.”
Two class periods later, the whole gang, minus Jackie, were sitting in the cafeteria, at the same table where they’d all met last time. “Have you guys ever actually seen any of the upper years in the cafeteria at the same time as all the rest of us?” Marvin asked, not even saying hi to the others as they sat down. “Do they have a completely different lunch period than the rest of us?”
“How would you even tell if someone was in the upper years?” Stacy asked.
“I dunno. They’d be really tall. Or if they’re a guy they’d have a beard or something. Or if they’re a girl they’d have—ow!” Marvin was interrupted by JJ shoving him. “What? It’s a fact! I don’t care about that anyway.”
Stacy cleared her throat, looking like she regretted asking that question. “Anyway. What do you guys wanna talk about?”
Chase leaned forward a little and lowered his voice. “Are you guys being... bothered by any of the teachers?”
The guidance counselor keeps trying to talk to us, JJ says. Which I guess makes sense, she knows about what happened at the hospital. But... I don’t like how pushy she’s being.
“Sorry, what was that word?” Stacy asked.
“He said the guidance counselor is being pushy,” Chase translated. “I mean, she seems really pushy anyway. What’s she doing, uh, specifically?”
“Oh, she keeps telling us we can visit her office anytime,” Marvin said. “And especially after school, she keeps talking about how she’s always available after school.”
Schneep coughed. “I would not trust that.”
“Oh no, we don’t,” Marvin agreed.
“Personally, I swear I keep seeing Mrs. Karter around,” Chase said. “Which is weird, cause I’m not even in her class! Why would she want to talk to me?”
“My English teacher is being weird, too,” Stacy said. “Her name is Ms. Leigh. She keeps asking to talk to me after class and asking if there’s anything wrong. I’m always like, ‘I’m doing good, right?’ and she’s like ‘yeah but if you need anything.’”
“I would not trust that either,” Schneep muttered. “It is sad, actually. I think teachers should be trusted. They can be... h-helpful. If you talk to them.” There was a strange stammer in his voice that made Chase lean a bit closer to him. “But I think in this case, they may all be a part of that... Circle group. The same is probably true for my History teacher. I do not like how he keeps staring at me. I suppose it could just be because I am the new student from out of country, but I think it is not. It feels... different.”
“Yeah,” Chase agreed. “I think a couple teachers that I don’t know have been looking at me.” He glanced around the cafeteria. “See, look, by the door leading outside.” He pointed as subtly as he could. The others all glanced, with varying degrees of subtleness, in that direction. A tall teacher was turned toward them. Which was strange because that meant he was standing perpendicular to the wall, instead of leaning back against it like most people did. But he looked away quickly. “He was totally staring at us.”
“They’re not gonna do anything, though, right?” Marvin asked. “None of them, I mean. We’re almost always around other kids, they wouldn’t do anything with other kids around. These Circle guys seem like they wanna keep this all secret. So we’re probably safe as long as we’re not alone with any of the teachers who’ve been acting weird.”
Do you think Jackie has noticed any of this? JJ asked.
“We can always ask him,” Stacy said. “Do you guys know what classes he has? Or where they are?”
Silence. Well, not complete silence, because this was a noisy cafeteria, but silence at the table. “I mean... we always just kinda call him or message him if we need to talk,” Chase said.
“Now that we are thinking about it, it seems like a bad idea to have just one way to reach Jackie,” Schneep said. 
We can try to find him after school, JJ suggested. I know that a lot of the higher-year classes are sort of... there. He waved vaguely in a direction. You know, near all the music and theatre rooms, and the auditorium.
“The east end of school,” Stacy said.
“Oh, really? North, south, east, and west are hard for us,” Marvin said, and JJ nodded.
“North, south, east, west.” Stacy pointed in each of the cardinal directions. “Never Eat Soggy Waffles.”
“No, I know about that, but it doesn’t really help when you don’t know which is which.” Marvin laughed. “Y’know, when we were in primary school, some of the guys started joking that the, uh... I don’t remember the word, the uh... acronym for the directions was Never Eat Susie Ward. She was a girl in our class. I think she was okay with it? I’m not sure though. I wouldn’t have been okay with it.”
“Oh, I know Susie,” Stacy said. “Yeah, she’d probably be cool with that. She’s funny.”
“Anyway, do you guys wanna meet up after classes around that part of the school?” Chase asked. “How about at the auditorium entrance? We can see if we can find Jackie on our own.”
Which auditorium entrance? JJ asked.
“There’s more than one?”
Alright, so the general entrance, got it. JJ nodded. Yeah, we can do that, right Marvin?
“Mm-hmm.” Marvin nodded. “Dad had to leave early for work this morning so we biked to school. We can go home anytime we want and just say that the ride was really long. But they still might start calling you, JJ.”
That’s fine.
“I can do that, too,” Stacy said. “I always have to wait a bit after school anyway cause my parents pick up Roxy first.”
“And I’ll just message Mom that we’re hanging out for a bit,” Chase said. “Okay, it’s all settled. We’ll do that.”
And so, after school, the whole group found themselves standing by the entrance to the auditorium. Chase pulled open one of the heavy double doors and looked into the dark, empty room. Rows of seats and a stage. They had assemblies here all the time. And school plays and other performances, but Chase had only been to one of those once, and he’d fallen asleep basically immediately. “There are really other ways in here?”
Of course, how do you think the actors get on stage without anyone noticing? JJ asked.
“I... don’t know. I never really thought about it.” Chase closed the doors. “Well. Where d’you think Jackie would be?”
“Does he have any music or theatre classes?” Stacy asked.
“Maybe music,” Schneep guessed. “He really likes music, he listens to it all the time.”
“He kinda seemed more like an art kid to me,” Marvin said. “Oh, he likes taking pictures with his camera, maybe he has a photography class? Huh. But the art and film and photography classes are all the way over there.” He waved vaguely to the left.
“The north,” Stacy said.
“Yeah, the north part of school. And we’re already down here.”
“We should just check the music rooms really fast, then,” Schneep said. “Perhaps he is down there. And if he is not, we can check the art area of the school. And if we do not find him, we probably missed him, in which case we just have Chase call him on his handy and ask him about his classes.”
JJ suddenly coughed violently. Stacy looked at Schneep in shock. Chase felt his face getting red. Marvin looked at the rest of them, confused. “Uh... you mean my cell phone?” Chase asked.
“Oh. Does that nickname not translate?” Schneep looked at the others. “Why are you all acting like that?”
“That’s, um... not what that means,” Stacy said carefully.
“What does it mean?”
“I-I don’t know, but it’s not—not that,” Chase said, choking back laughter. “L-look, let’s just get started. The longer we wait, the less likely it is that Jackie’s still at school.”
They started walking down the hallway that led around the side of the auditorium. It was a long hallway. Mostly empty. Chase’s eyes drifted along the brick walls. There weren’t a lot of lockers here, or even a lot of doors. It was mostly blank, decorated with plaques of names and pictures of a bunch of students. ‘Awards for Excellence in Music 2004’... ‘Acapella Choir 2005’... ‘Orchestra 2006’... wait a second. He stopped walking. “Oh my god.”
“Hmm? What?” Schneep stopped too, followed shortly by the rest of the group. “What is it?”
“That!” Chase pointed at the picture he noticed on the wall.
The others all clustered around him. “The Band picture from last year?” Stacy said. “What about it?”
“No, it’s not just—look at that guy!” Chase walked up closer, tapping the glass covering the picture. Specifically, tapping one specific person in the photo. “That guy behind the drums! He looks like—i-isn’t that—”
JJ gasped. He grabbed Marvin’s arm and shook it, but Marvin didn’t respond, staring at the person Chase pointed at with mouth open in surprise. It took Stacy and Schneep a few seconds to catch up. Then they both gasped in turn. “That boy... looks like... Anti,” Schneep said haltingly.
“He does, doesn’t he?!” Chase nodded fast. The others gathered around him, all staring at the boy in the picture. The details weren’t exact. Obviously, this guy was a solid person, not some mostly-shadow Anomaly. He didn’t have Anti’s weird green eyes or neck wound, and he looked a lot more... how to explain it? Put-together. His hair was neat and he lacked the slight stubble Anti had. But the face... the face was clearly identical to Anti.
“I don’t understand,” Marvin muttered, brows drawing closer together. “Who is this guy? Why the fuck does he look like Anti?”
Maybe Anti looks like him, JJ suggested.
“What do you mean?”
“Do you mean like... Anti copied his look after this guy?” Stacy guessed. “Can he do that?”
“If he’s a weird shadow guy, I don’t see why he can’t,” Chase said.
“Oh! What are you guys doing down here?” The kids turned in unison and saw Jackie walking down the hall towards them, throwing his backpack over his shoulders. “What’re you guys looking at?”
“We were trying to find you,” Marvin said. “Because we realized that we don’t actually know where you go after school and if there’s ever an emergency where we need to meet up right after we don’t know how to find you if you don’t have your phone.”
“Really? Well, I’m not usually in this part of the building, I’m just here cause Fengge asked for help moving his cello from the orchestra room.” Jackie stopped next to the group and looked at the photo on the wall. “Did you guys... are you interested in joining Band? Is that why you’re staring?”
“Mein Gott, you have not seen Anti!” Schneep gasped.
“Right! He’s never seen him from the front!” Chase nodded quickly in agreement, then turned to Jackie. “Look!” He pointed at the boy behind the drums again. “That guy looks just like Anti.”
“Just without the glowing eyes or bleeding neck or any of the shadowy bits,” Marvin said.
Jackie stared at the photograph. He squinted, then drew back, looking at the others in confusion. “You mean Jack McLoughlin?”
Do you know that guy? JJ asked.
“Kinda. Vaguely. He was in the year ahead of me. When I started, uh... going by Jackie last year, a few people said I wanted to be like him and said it was creepy.” Jackie shook his head. “But I didn’t. Really. I just liked ‘Jackie.’ Um, luckily Jack himself was cool with it, even though I don’t think he really understood... Anyway. Anti looks like Jack?”
“He looks a lot like him,” Stacy confirmed.
“Basically the exact same,” Chase added.
“Can we talk to this Jack?” Schneep asked. “Can you introduce us? O-or at least talk to him by yourself?”
“Uh... no.” Jackie rubbed the back of his neck, thinking. “He... moved away, I think. His family was Irish, so I think... they went back to Ireland? At the beginning of summer? I dunno. We weren’t really that close. I could ask around, I guess. Someone’s gotta know. Do you guys think he’d know something about all this stuff?”
“He has to,” Marvin insisted. “It can’t be a coincidence that he looks like Anti!”
“No, I agree, if you guys say he looks like him, there has to be a reason.” Jackie bit his lip, thinking. There was a moment of silence—and in that silence, they heard footsteps. In unison, everyone looked to the side... and saw Gina, that pushy guidance counselor, walking down the hallway towards them, eyes fixed on a clipboard in her hands as she walked. “Shit,” Jackie said under his breath. “We have to get out of here before she sees us!” His head swiveled around. “There!” He rushed for the nearest door, the kids following him as quickly and quietly as possible. “Locked?!”
“The doors don’t lock after school!” Stacy whisper-shouted.
Gina is getting closer. They were a big group of kids in the middle of an empty hallway, if she looked up, they were done for.
JJ shoved past Jackie. He took something out of his pocket and fiddled with the doorknob. And then he turned it—and it opened. He hurried inside, and the others followed, closing the door behind them.
Nobody said anything. They listened for Gina’s footsteps, hearing them approach. Closer... closer... right outside... and then going past. Only once they faded from sight did Jackie let out a breath of relief. “Sorry, I-I know that was weird,” he mumbled. “It’s just... she’s been... talking to me a lot lately. I don’t like... she feels sketchy.”
“She’s been bothering us, too!” Marvin said. “We think she’s part of this Circle group.”
“Oh good.” Jackie smiled. “I mean, not good, obviously. But I’m glad to know we’re all on the same page. I didn’t make you all hide in a locked room out of nowhere.”
“Where are we, anyway?” Chase looked around. He’d never been in this room in the school before. There wasn’t much in it. Other than some wires and heavy-looking boxes, there was only a spiral staircase leading upwards into the ceiling and downwards into the floor.
This is the access to the sound booth for the auditorium! JJ said.
“Wait, what? How do you know that?”
JJ beamed. I’m on the stage crew! You know, the people who help set up the school plays? They move the sets and do the lights and stuff.
“Oh, really?! Wow.” Stacy grinned. “That’s so cool! Are you gonna be in the plays too?”
JJ’s smile fell, and he shook his head. No. Even though I’m in Theatre, I can’t really... say the lines that actors have to say. But I’m happy to help in any way, so I volunteered for the crew.
“So that’s how you unlocked the door,” Jackie muttered. “You have a key? I thought you picked the lock or something.”
I would have if we had to.
Jackie sighed. “Of course.”
“Uh, JJ, I have a question,” Marvin said. And he pointed at the spiral staircase. “You’ve said that the stairs go up to the sound booth, but... what do they go down to?”
JJ stared at the downward stairs. The others stared, too. The spiral went down into darkness. I don’t know, JJ signed slowly. It... doesn’t usually go down.
“What?” Chase blinked, not sure if he’d interpreted those signs correctly. “What do you mean ‘it doesn’t usually go down?’”
They don’t usually go down! JJ repeated the same thing, looking annoyed. I thought they started on this floor!
Schneep slowly crept closer to the stairs and crouched on the ground. “Oh. Look.” He pointed at a small metal handle on the carpeted floor. Marvin walked over and, after a second, grabbed the handle and pulled. A section of the floor moved, sliding into place, covering the opening where the spiral stairs went below the floor. “Aha! Secret trapdoor. I am betting they keep it covered up most of the time.”
Marvin slid the trapdoor open again, once more revealing the darkness. “Okay yeah, but JJ, nobody told you stage crew guys about this trapdoor, right?” He looked at JJ, who shook his head. “Yeah, I thought so, or you would’ve told me, you told me everything about your stage stuff. So, uh, what’s down there, then?”
“Hmm.” Chase walked over and peered down the stairs. It was really hard to see what was down there. “Do any of you guys have flashlights?”
“Wait, we’re really checking it out?” Stacy asked. “Aren’t you guys afraid that someone will come in and see what we’re doing?”
“I mean, kinda,” Chase said. “But like... we know that some of the teachers and staff in the school are part of this Circle group, right? And so far, the places the Circle’s been have had secret meeting spots. This could lead to another one of those spots. Shouldn’t we check it out?”
“Chase is right,” Schneep agreed, walking over to the stairs as well. “We should check it, at least. It is suspicious that the teacher supervisor for the stage crew did not say anything about the trapdoor. Just to keep the kids from messing with it, at least.”
Jackie glanced back at the closed door. Then slowly nodded. “Alright. We can check it out really quick.”
Stacy relaxed slightly, glad that the closest thing to an adult in here was giving them permission. “Okay. Really quick.” She walked over to the stairs as well, followed by Jackie. “Omg, that’s dark.”
JJ reached into his pocket and took out his phone. It had an attached flashlight, which he turned on and shone into the darkness. It lit up the continuing spiraling steps, but didn’t do much for the rest of the room. He leaned closer and—
The phone slipped from his hands, bouncing off the edge of one of the stairs and sliding down into the darkness. Its flashlight beam shone up from a floor somewhere down below. JJ straightened, signing a word sharply.
“It’s fine, JJ, we’ll just go get it,” Marvin said.
“All of us?” Stacy asked.
“I mean, not if we don’t wanna,” Chase said. “It’ll only take a couple of us to go get the phone and check out what’s down there. Anyone else can go home if they want.”
“No, we are all sticking together,” Schneep insisted.
“Okay, okay.” Stacy nodded slowly. “Wh-who’s going first, then?”
A moment of silence. Then Jackie sighed again. “I got it, guys,” he said, getting onto the staircase. “Anyone who wants to follow me can follow. Okay? I’m going now.” And he started descending. Chase hurried to follow, joined by the twins, then Schneep, then Stacy.
There was a railing around the edge of the stairs. All of them found themselves grabbing it tightly. A safety net in case they missed a step in the darkness. The stairs went down for a while, but not too long. Jackie soon reached a concrete floor and quickly stepped out of the way so the kids could file down. JJ quickly ran for the light given off by his phone flashlight and grabbed it, scooping it up. Schneep looked back up at the half-circle of light that was the trapdoor they’d come down. “I think that is... three meters above? Very standard for ceiling height.”
“JJ, can you shine that light around?” Stacy asked.
JJ nodded and did just that, slowly moving it around them. The walls are lined with pipes and vent ducts. Behind the group is a wall. In front of them extends a short hallway that ends in a four-way intersection. He handed the phone to Marvin and signed, I was wondering if this could be another way to get to the auditorium’s orchestra pit, but it doesn’t look like it.
“The auditorium’s what?” Stacy asked.
“Orchestra pit,” Jackie translated. “You know, that hole in front of the stage where all the musicians sit. They cover it up when it’s not being used. Anyway, I agree. This looks too... industrial.”
“Maybe it is for maintenance?” Schneep suggested. “Schools need maintenance like all other buildings. Perhaps this is where the heating is.” He pointed up at the vents.
“Didn’t know the school has heating,” Chase muttered. “Doesn’t feel like it.”
“I know, it gets so fucking cold in the winter,” Marvin agreed. “Wish they let us wear our coats over our uniforms. But this is fine, heheh.” He pulled his cape around himself like some sort of vampire. “So IIIII have an edge.”
“Should we go down the hallway?” Stacy asked.
Jackie hesitated. “Carefully,” he said. “We’re gonna run at the first sign of trouble, okay?” The others all nodded. “Great.” He did an awkward over-the-shoulder reach to take his phone from his backpack side pocket. Then he turned on the flashlight. Always good to have an additional light source. “Let’s go.”
The group clustered together as they walked down the hallway. When they reached the intersection, the front and right branches both eventually ended, one in a doorway and one in a ladder. The left branch kept going until it reached a T-intersection. Without even saying anything, they took the left hall. They were quiet, but the hallway wasn’t. There were low rumbling sounds, joined by the occasional rattle. It was clearly from the pipes and the vents. But despite the sounds, they didn’t move at all. The sounds unnerved the whole group at first. But as they walked down the hallway, they slowly got used to it. This was just the normal noise of an industrial place like this.
But there was something that wasn’t normal, too.
“Do you guys hear... rustling?” Marvin asked, breaking the silence as the group reached another  four-way intersection.
“Rustling?” Chase asked.
“Yeah. Like leaves.”
The group paused, all listening. “I do not hear anything,” Schneep said.
“Me neither,” Stacy added.
“Well... maybe?” Jackie frowned. “Where’s it coming from, Marvin?”
“Uhhh...” Marvin paused. “Well, it sounded like it was around here. But it’s gone now. Maybe it went... that way?” He pointed down the right branch of the intersection. That hallway continued as normal until it turned a left corner at the end. Meanwhile, the left and forward halls ended in ladders. “Should we follow it?”
“I-I mean... we’re looking for weird stuff, right?” Stacy said. “That’s... what we do.”
“If you wanna go back upstairs you can,” Chase said.
“I’m not scared!”
“I didn’t say you were.”
“You were implying it.”
I think we should follow the sound, JJ interrupted. Stacy’s right. It’s strange, and we’re looking for strange things.
“Yeah!” Chase nodded.
Jackie nodded back. “Alright. Let’s go. And remember, we’re being careful and running if there’s anything dangerous.”
“We remember, you said that five fucking minutes ago.” Marvin started walking down the right hallway, and Jackie hurried to get in front of him as the rest of the group followed. “Oh, uh, don’t mean that to be mean. Sorry, Beanie Boy.”
“No, it’s fine, don’t worry,” Jackie said, giving a little laugh.
This was a longer hallway than the others. The corner approached slowly. And, as they got closer, they all heard it. ‘Rustling’ was a pretty good way to describe it, but it wasn’t like how leaves rustle in the wind. It was... more solid than that. And there were other sounds, too. Like... crinkling?
Slowly, they turned the corner. Jackie first, who then stopped after a few steps. Eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. Pure shock and confusion. The kids followed, and saw what caused that.
One of the vents on the ceiling had a cover that was hanging from a hinge. And trailing from it was... a... creature of some kind. Its shape reminded Chase of a caterpillar, with its lumpy segments and little legs. But it wasn’t made out of... whatever insects were made out of. It was made of paper. Not giant pieces of folded paper, like one big origami thing. But a bunch of crumpled and torn regular-sized pieces of paper. Mostly white, though there was also some color in there, paler shades of blue, green, pink, yellow, purple. And all of it had writing on it, printed or in pencil. The crumpled paper was packed together, loose enough to cause that rustling sound when the caterpillar moved but tight enough that it was a solid mass without cracks to see through. The creature was currently turned away, its ‘head’ area pressed to the ground like it was sniffing around.
“Holy shit,” Marvin whispered.
Instantly, the caterpillar raised its head. With a loud crumpling, rustling sound, it twisted around to look at the group—and “look at” really was the best way to describe it. In the middle of the head were two folded—what were they called? Chase had heard them called “cootie catchers” back in America, but he’d mostly heard them called fortune tellers here. Those things that girls folded up and held in both hands, the four-sectioned paper things that could open in two directions. There were two of those on the caterpillar face, clear “eyes.”
The group froze. “What... is it?” Stacy whispered.
“Monster,” Chase said.
“Or, as those memos called them, an Anomaly,” Schneep muttered.
“Okay, what do we do?” Stacy hissed.
The fortune-teller-eyes opened up, the vertical line splitting as they stretched sideways. Inside each was a glowing green orb. The caterpillar bunched up, and—
“Run!” Jackie shouted, turning and shoving the others behind him. They all broke into a dead sprint.
The caterpillar pounced, sections spreading out wider, barely missing Jackie. The rustling grew louder, almost sounding like a hiss, as it hurried after the group. It was big, three feet tall with all legs on the ground and two feet taller when it raised its head like a snake. Those crumpled-paper legs churned against the floor, more like wheels than actual legs. It was gaining on them.
“Which way did we come from?!” Marvin gasped.
“This way!” Stacy shouted, turning left.
With no time to doubt her, the guys followed. The caterpillar was gaining on them, but turning the corner made it skid on the floor, scrambling to make the tight turn that they could. Only seconds later, though, it was gaining on them again. The group sped up, Chase grabbing Schneep by the hand when he started to lag behind, Jackie keeping up the rear.
They reached a T-intersection, and Stacy took the right branch instead of the forward one. Once again, they all followed, and once again, the caterpillar had to course-correct. They were coming up on another four-way, and Stacy turned right again— “There!” Chase shouted, pointing. The spiral staircase!
“Keep going!” Jackie shouted, glancing over his shoulder. The caterpillar was skidding on the turn again. It hit a corner of the walls and the paper of its body spread out, splashing against the impact. But it quickly recovered and kept running. It was even faster than before! It was closing the ground behind them!
“W-we cannot... go up the stairs!” Schneep gasped. “It will... take too long, a-and it will...” He stopped, breathing hard.
He was right. The stairs were their only way out by not, with the caterpillar right behind them blocking the rest of the hallway, but it would take so long to climb them. The monster would surely catch up!
“Just keep going!” Jackie yelled. “Go! Go!”
The group sped up, pushing themselves to run down the hallway. The stairs were forty feet away—thirty—twenty—
Jackie yelled. The kids stopped and looked back to see the caterpillar had caught up to him, knocking him down. Its crumpled paper body was on top of him, the pieces of paper slowly wrapping around his legs as he tried to get to his feet again—
“Fuck off!” Marvin shouted, running forward and reaching out—
A dull BOOM! echoed through the enclosed space. A wave of green light shot out, away from Marvin, and hit the caterpillar, pushing it a few feet down the hall. Jackie scrambled to his feet. Some torn pieces of paper clung to his jeans. 
“What the heck?!” Stacy gasped.
Marvin?! JJ signed, stunned.
“Did you do that?” Schneep asked.
Marvin blinked. He looked down at his hands. The pale white scars on his palms and fingers were now faintly glowing, pale green in color.
“Guys, keep going!” Jackie shouted. He grabbed Marvin by the arm and pulled him down the hall, catching up with the rest of the group. Behind him, the caterpillar was recovering.
“Hang on!” Marvin shouted, pulling his arm free. “I-I think I can—” He held up his hands. A translucent green wall appeared in the middle of the hallway, like a pane of stained glass. The caterpillar lunged forward but smushed against the new wall. It was completely cut off from the others. “Ha!” Marvin grinned.
Cool! JJ said excitedly.
“Very cool, can we get out now?!” Chase yelled.
“Right.” Jackie nodded. “Go! Up the stairs!”
The kids ran for the spiral staircase, Stacy in the lead, then JJ, Chase and Schneep, and Jackie, once again pulling Marvin after him. They reached it quickly and stormed up the steps, going in circles towards the faint light.
They burst out into the sound booth access room, quickly filling the small space. Jackie spun around and slid the trapdoor back into place, blocking off the downstairs. “Out!” he hissed. JJ opened the door and everyone ran forward.
The group spilled into the hallway, Jackie slamming the door closed behind them. They stopped. All breathing heavily in various degrees of exhaustion. Every single one of them was listening for the rustling and crumpling of a paper-made creature. But there was nothing.
“That was... insane,” Chase said. He laughed. He couldn’t help it. “That was insane! What was that?”
“A... paper worm?” Jackie said.
“Looked more like a caterpillar to me,” Stacy said.
“A paper caterpillar, then.”
“Paperpillar,” Marvin said. Then he grinned. “Paperpillar, paperpillar, paperpillar.” He giggled. “Okay, but, guys, did you see? Did you see that?! What I did back there?!” He waved his arms, causing his cape to flap. “I did—I did magic!”
“How did you do that?” Schneep asked, stunned.
“I don’t know! JJ, did you see?!”
I saw! JJ was grinning back, bouncing on his feet. Did you think about it and it happened?
“Yeah! Yeah, that’s exactly what happened! Ooo, I wonder if I can—oh!” Marvin held one hand out. A ball made of green light formed in his hand, a fist-sized globe. It looked more solid than pure light, but not quite as solid as an actual item. “I just think about it, and it fucking happens! That’s so cool!”
“Whoa,” Chase gasped, in awe. “That’s weird.”
Marvin’s smile slowly faded. “Y-yeah. It’s weird.” The globe abruptly disappeared. “But, um, i-it’s cool! I can—I can do anything now!”
“You cannot do anything,” Schneep said. “You can... make things. Out of light. Green light.” He gasped. “Oh! Greenlight! Is this its power?”
“I... it... has to be,” Jackie said slowly. “But, uh... you can’t have always been able to do this. Why can you do it now?”
“Maybe... I mean, I don’t wanna bring up something if it’s bad, but... maybe something happened at the hospital?” Stacy suggested.
Marvin thought about it. “I mean... they didn’t really... do anything to me. I-I was... asleep... or kinda half-asleep... for a long time. And then you guys showed up before they could feed my blood to the Fissure. So... nothing really happened.”
That’s not true, JJ said. Marvin, you almost fell in that hole, didn’t you? And your hands got all scraped up? Maybe something happened then?
“Maybe. But what?”
“Oh!” Schneep’s eyes lit up. “I bet that when you scratched all your blood up, you got some of those weird crystals in the cuts. That happens all the time, things get in cuts when they happen, it is why people always say to clean them before putting on bandages. But we did not do that. I think there are tiny crystal bits, tiny tiny, too tiny to see, that got in your hands.”
“And we know that the crystals can channel the greenlight,” Jackie said, slowly nodding his head. “And blood makes it more powerful. So... combining those two things gave you... some control over greenlight?”
“Whoa.” Marvin looked down at his hands. “I have crystals in my scars?”
“No, they are like... crystal particles,” Schneep said. “You would need a microscope to see them.”
JJ, smiling, grabbed Marvin by the arm and shook him gently. This is great! he said. You have magic now! Or superpowers! That’s amazing! That’s so cool!
“Hah... yeah, it is cool.” Marvin smiled at him. Then he glanced back at the others. “Even if it is a little... weird.”
Chase shifted on his feet. He felt... bad. Did he do something? He glanced around at the others, but no one was looking at him. “W-well, uh... what do we do about the paperpillar, then?” he asked. “Do you think it’ll come up into the school?”
“I dunno, I haven’t heard about anything weird happening,” Stacy said slowly. “It’s pretty big. If it was gonna do something, it probably would’ve by now.”
“We should finish the school week,” Schneep said. “That way we can pay attention to the school, see if there is anything strange happening. And we can meet up to talk about what we noticed on Friday.”
“That sounds like a plan,” Jackie said. “I know it sounds weird, but I don’t think the paperpillar is... bad? Not the way, like, the water monster was. It was kinda chilling down there until it saw us. As long as nobody finds it, I think it’ll be fine. And I don’t think people go down into that... school basement area... a lot.”
“Well, maybe the Circle guys do, but fuck them.” Marvin shrugged. “If they get eaten by a paperpillar, it’s their fault.”
“I don’t think it wants to eat people,” Jackie said.
“What was it doing to you, then?” Chase asked.
“I dunno, just... wrapping around me? It didn’t hurt.” Jackie shook his head. “Whatever. I’m sure you guys need to get home soon. We shouldn’t have taken so long after school. My dad’s gonna need the car when I get home, I’d hate to make him wait.”
They all agreed that yes, going home was probably the best thing to do. As he and Schneep started walking back down the hallway, Chase glanced once more at the Band photo on the wall.
He hadn’t forgotten about that. They needed to figure out what that was all about. But the monster under the school probably needed more immediate attention. So, another time. Another time.
A shadow lingered on the wall long after everyone had disappeared. It moved a bit, passing over the Band photo, pausing as it did. Like it was looking at the picture, too. And then it slipped down the wall and through the door that led to the spiral staircase.
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silent-raven13 · 4 months
A Spider-woman name Billie 6
(Part 5)
"Papá!" Mariana 2020 launch her tiny body to her dad's arms which caught Hobie 138b by surprised. The little girl was quick enough to response without anyone to noticed. "Haha!"
Hobie 2020 caught his pup, "Careful, darling. What if you fell like Humpty Dumpty and crack your little skull, hmm?" He cooed a bit being a bit morbid with his questions.
Miles 2020 shook his head, "Aye, don't say that." He lightly slap his husband's arm, "It's bad enough I worry about them crawling on the walls!"
"I thought you want me to teach them how to safe?" Hobie 2020 gave a low chuckle still showing off his canines, they were more sharper yet smaller than Alpha's.
Alpha 2010 crossed his arms, "Pfft, pathetic Alpha."
Petie giggles, "Well, he always have a dark humor to his teachings..."
"Why is he so fucking fine?" Mimi 1015 whispers at Miles 1610 and Miles 43, "Like he's so damn- hmmm!"
"What are you saying, luv?" Hobie 138d overhears his girlfriend, "Hmm? Hmm?" He got all up in her face being a bit jealous. "Careful, darling. I will put a baby in you."
"Huh?" Mimi 1015 pucker her lips with her eyes wide.
Miles 42 rolled his eyes, "You do realize she's trans!"
"Biology ain't real. That's capitalism and with the right science..." Hobie 138d grins widely, "Like genetically modified my Sunflower's sex then I can put a baby in her."
"No. No! You will not go there!" Miles 1019 scowls with anger, "I will fuck you up!"
"FUCK YOU UP!" Mariana 2020 shouted.
"Mari no! That's a bad word!" Miles 2020 gasps.
Hobie 2020 laughs in amusement, "You can easily ask Miguel 2299, he's an Alpha and knows how to make regular blokes into Omegas."
"Be quiet! They don't need to know!" Miguel 928 growls at the Alpha.
"They wouldn't do it. They would have to ask a Miguel for help." Mariana added seeing all the Hobies scowling at the idea. "Hehehe."
Mimi 1015 holds her boyfriend's face, "I don't want to have a baby, bae. I am a happy trans woman."
"Okay, luv." Hobie 138d heart melts at his boo's cute peck on the lips.
Hobie 2020 smirks at Alpha, "Oi, how was the fight? Had to escape with some old relics."
"It was terrible. We needed you and you left! Leaving me with that nitwit!" Alpha scowls.
"He told us countless of times he was gonna blow up the place, and I saved important art." The older punker Prowler shrugs, his claw gently hover over his daughter, who's trying to touch it. "Easy, darling."
"I wanna touch it, papá!" Mariana 2020 whines.
"Tu papi is wearing some dangerous weapons, mi vida. It's better if you don't touch." Miles 2020 hums, and saw his son, Karl reaching out for him. "Awe, miss me?"
Karl nodded, "Yeah! Yeah! Daddy!" One of the Hobies handed him back to his daddy, the older Spider-man happily holds his pup. The small boy giggles with delight, "Hehehe, daddy!"
"Yes, mi amor. I'm here." The Omega kisses his son's round cheeks having his scent blooming with sweet protective pheromones for his children.
"Ah-hahahaha." Karl snuggles against his daddy, his chubby hand tugging on the Spider-man suit. "Daddy, hungry?"
"We'll be there soon." Miles 2020 smiles warmly at his pup.
The Hobies watched with awe at how cute the Omega looks. The Miles being bashful by the Alpha. "Come on, guys. Chop-chop! We're starving!" Gwen said at them.
"Yeah, I'm hungry!" Mayday stomp her foot hating to wait any longer.
The group were entering the cafeteria finally making it, then they were bombarded with a Spider-man that had white and red with black accents to it. They were surprised to find Lupe without her mask looking pissed off with her own silver Spider suit, "And how many times I told you do not talk to me like that!"
"Ohhh, finally some good action." Hobie 2020 chuckles darkly with his confused variants looking at him. "Just enjoy and watch this beautiful drama." Mariana 2020's big eyes watches Lupe and the male Spider-man arguing with their Spider sense off the roof.
Petie 2010 saw Alpha smirking widely, "Heh, looks like Miguel 660 is starting trouble with Lupe, again."
"DAD?" Gabriel 660 called out being in shock. Wow how embarrassing for his dad to argue with another Spider-hero.
The Spider-man held his hand up with one finger for his son to wait a moment being busy with arguing with Lupe. "Mira me, I didn't talk to you like that. All I said it doesn't take a pendeja to figure out the implication of artificial manipulation!"
"Oh wow, did he had to call her a pendeja?" Billie winced at the arguments.
The young Spider-heroes never saw this Miguel O'Hara before, in fact he was shorter than Miguel 928 and a bit leaner. When Miguel 660's molecule suit removed his masks to reveal a redhead, pale chisel middle age white man, the whole Spider Band gang eyes widen.
"Ain't no way! That's a Miguel?" Gwen asked out loud.
Pavtri took a quick picture for his blog, "So he does exist! I heard he was one of the main Spider-men doing all the multi-verse stuff."
"Why is he too...." Miles 42 trails off being hella confused.
Miles 43 pitched in, "That's not a Miguel O'Hara," he put on a white voice accent, "That's a Michael O'Hara. Looks like his Irish genetics won."
"Pfft!" Hobies 138b choked up laughing out loud. "Hahaha."
Miles 1610 said, "Come on, guys. It's bound to happen..." His eyes landed on Miguel 928 to Miguel 660 seeing the massive difference.
"So he's a redhead here... makes sense since his boy is freakin' white, too." Miles 1019 added being disappointed at how the man looks.
Mariana 1022 whisper to punk Miles, "I get what you mean. Brown Miguel is much finer." They both nodded in agreement. Punk Miguel overheard feeling pleased with this.
Gabriella 1042 gasps with joy, "OH is he my papá, too!" She looks disappointed at the redhead being confused, "Why he looks... hmmm? Like an old man?" She looks at her dad.
Jess laughs out loud, "Oh honey, it's part of the multi-verse. You'll find a light skinned Jess here, too."
"Oh..." Gabriella being a bit sad, "I want another papá like papá!" She open her arms wide explaining, "Tall, big and have brown hair!"
"Mmhhmm, me too." Mimi 1015 hums to herself.
Miguel 928 said to his gem, "Mija, the multi-verses have so many wonders. You might see more of me or him..." He looks over at Miguel 660 being unpleased with the outcome.
"Come on, guys. Let's go find a table to eat. Knowing Lupe... this is gonna be a long argument." Jess said to her friends.
Alpha said, "She always know how to twist your words..."
"Can you blame her when you have to deal with him and his egoistical smartass?" Hobie 2020 asked with a bit a smirk on his handsome face.
"Yeah, not gonna lie he's a big jerk!" Peter 616 said.
"Oh, Billie! That's Lupe! We can ask her to be your mentor!" Marian 1022 happily said to the teenage Spider-woman.
"Oh, that'll be great. Let's go!" Billie smiles, "Gabe, come on. Let's say hi to your dad!"
"Wait, we need to get seats for the kids! I totally wanna see this Michael O'Hara!" Miles 43 said out loud, "Miles 1610, can you watch over the kids, please!"
"YEAH!" Mimi 1015 and Mariana 1022 nodded.
"Huh, why me?" Miles 1610 shouted.
"Oh look, Pav! Spider Band is here!" Gwen shouted pointed at Peni, Noir, Spider-Ham, and their other friends eating at a big table.
"Oh, hey! Petie, long time no see gorgeous!" Deadpool spotted the Omega while having lunch with his Peter 616b and the Spider-band!
Petie 2010 panics, "EEEP!" Being picked up by Deadpool like a bride. "Put me down, Deadpool! Peter 616b!"
"Ugh, Wade..." Peter 616b sounded tired.
"Hey guys! Have you met the Hobies and Miles!" Gwen went to introduce the Spider Band with the many variants.
"Oh yeah!" Peni said.
Margo chuckles, "Have you met Grayson 2100?" She had the male version of Gwen by her, who was chewing his food.
"Hey!" He waves at her.
"Pavtri had you met Pavtri 50134? He's from this really cool Space world!" Spider-Ham pointed up.
"What's up!" Pavtri 50134 had a much deeper voice and a robotic arm.
"Whaaaa! That's so cool! You gotta tell me everything!" Pavtri got super excited!
Miles 2020 went with Miles 1610 to find spots for the kids and the other adults, "Thanks, Miles 2020 or is there a nickname..." Miles 1610 slowly asked. Hobie 138b carried Gonzalo 1022 and Aaron on the other arm.
"Hmm, you can call me, Millie." Miles 2020 winks at him. "It does get annoying with all the numbers, huh?"
"Oh gawd, yes! Finally someone said it. I can never remember all of it at times." Miles 1610 finally said while he put Gonzalo 1015 in a high chair. "And it's always hard with nicknames too. Because I get it if your name is Mimi and my nickname is Mimi, but we gotta be different."
"Hahaha, it is hard, but will get use to it." Millie giggles as he put his son in a high chair. "Right, honey." He kisses his son's forehead.
"Yeah, daddy. We lea-wn!" Karl nodded.
"Awe, such cuties!" Kitty appeared with her own gang from a mission, Meows Morales on her shoulder.
"Oh wow, you're here too!" Miles 1610's eyes widen seeing most of his friends here in the cafeteria. Sometimes they would find them at different times or they eat after a mission.
"Yeah, what are the odds! Kaine must be freaking out to find his teammates fighting again. I always did say Lupe and Miguel 660 should never be in the same team. They are always fighting."
"Oh hi, Meows!" Billie 1610 gasps at the cartoon cat.
Meow Morales quickly jump from one shoulder to Miles 1610's should to the table to look at Billie 1610, "HI! Are you Billie? I have a sister, too. Her name is Bitty Morales, because she's so tiny and cute! A very tiny kitten!"
"Ohh, kitty me?" Billie 1610 became so excited.
Hobie 138b smiles with amusement, "Well I'll be chuffed! Sunflower, your variant got a lil sprog too!"
"Huh uh!" Miles 1610's eyes gleamed with joy, then had his head turn to Meows, "Awe, when will I see her, Meows!"
"She is a cute little darling." Hobie 138e appeared with May 2010 in his arms, "Isn't that right, Kitty?" He look at the Spider-woman with a grin.
Kitty giggles, "Yup, I saw her once. She's so small even a Small doesn't fit her."
"Aweee, we wanna meet her!" Miles 1610 said as Billie 1610 agreed too.
Meows stood, "Later, because she likes her naps and bottle of warm milk that mamá makes!" Then he went to Miles 2020 for a hug, "Miles!"
"Oh, hello Meows. Surprised to see you here? Where's your Hobie?" Miles 2020 hugs the cartoon cat.
"I dunno!" Meows nuzzling against the omega, smelling his sweet pheromones. For him, it's like cat nip in a way. So addicting and calming. Making a small purring sound.
"Awe, so cute!" Kitty awed.
"Who call my name? I'm comin'!" Hobie Pine appears spotting his Sunflower, with a simple quick run and hop. He took his bae into his arms, "Mine!"
Hobie 138b chuckles, "Nice, lad. A true Hobie knows how to get their Sunflowers."
Hobie Pine stood with a slow nod, while snuggling against his Meows. "Wait, I wanna snuggle with Millie!" Meows whines, being out of his sweet trance.
"Nope! Only me!"
"Hahaha, Meows is so funny." Mayday giggles as she pulled a seat with Gabriella and Gerald.
Miles 1610 said, "Wait, Hobie Pine... where did you come from?" He looks over finding all the Spider-animals appearing to eat lunch.
"We finished a mission and wanted to eat lunch! Meows, why did you leave me, darling!" Hobie Pine pouts.
"I didn't leave you! I went on a mission with Kitty, Ben Riley and Petra!"
"Oh wow, I would think Ben would be with Lupe seeing how he's good friends with Kaine." Miles 2020 said.
"Hahaha, they had different schedules. Kaine ended up with Lupe, Charlotte, Slick."
"Slick joined too? Blimey, what an interesting day." Hobie 138b said as he put Gonzalo 1022 in a high chair and Aaron in another. "We might even find Hobie 138..."
"Hey, Mig! Where have you been, mate?" Hobie 138 appeared having to fist bump punk Miguel.
"Spoke too soon, bae?" Miles 1610 giggles.
"I did." Hobie 138b agreed.
"I hope daddy gets me a burger! I'm so hungry!" Mayday said.
"I want some chicken nuggets." Gerald said.
Gabriella saw her dad getting in the middle with Lupe and Miguel 660, "I hope papá is okay."
"Don't worry, Gabby. He's fine. Besides, this is his job." Miles 1610 comforts the little girl.
"What did you say?" Lupe scowls at Miguel 660.
Miguel 928 had his hands held up, "Okay, Lupe. He didn't mean it like that he onl-" Lupe held her hand up to him to stay quiet.
Miguel 660 sighs, "I said working with you is like pulling teeth! It's exhausting! Te gusta chingar mi vida, Guadalupe! It's frustrating!"
"Oh me? Let's not forget you, Miguel O'Hara got no business to dumbing down basic shit! And how dare you? You act all high and mighty, but when something bites us in the us- It's never Miguel O'Hara 660!" She claps back at him.
Kaine appeared hiding behind Miguel with a soft whisper, "You see how me and Sun Spider gotta deal with."
"Lyla only put you four together because you two always worked well at the end of the day." Miguel 928 tries to calm the two down. "You all did finish the mission."
"Yeah." Lupe sounding displeased.
Miguel 660 sighs, "Barely..." He look at Lupe, "She's the one that didn't follow my plan."
"Oh no way you're gonna throw me under the bus! Ugh, you such an ass!" Lupe said, "Alright, whose fault was it, when somebody decided to break the control panel, hmmm?" She got into Miguel 660's face.
"I only did that because Sun Spider couldn't hack it! Well, who's fault was it, when we need the chip and you threw it into the water!"
The two were yelling at each other like little kids. Miguel 928 sighs, "enough you two. Just apologize and get on with your day."
"No." Miguel 660 huffed with his arms crossed.
"Pfft, like an apology would come out of his big mouth with that big head!" Lupe huffed.
"At least, I don't flaunt mi tetas at the enemy." Miguel 660 bitterly commented.
"What was that?" Lupe asked, hearing his words.
She got right into his face with a dark scowl, "That's right, you better stay quiet." She turns back to her spot, "And that haircut is so ugly. Everyone knows you got a big ass forehead. Hairline receding grandpa! Gonna end up looking like your daddy!"
Miguel 660 gasps in shock then shouted, "AM NOT!"
AM TOO!" The two were shouting in each other faces.
Gabriel 660 shook his head while Billie looked terrified, "Wow, I never knew they can be so scary."
"Lupe is old school and Miguel 660 is always rude." Mariana pointed out.
Punk Miguel looks at Miguel 928, "Are you gonna fix this?"
"At this point," Miguel 928 broke the two apart, "Enough! Los Dos son pedejos!-" receiving a deadly glare from Lupe, "Well, mostly Miguel 660..."
"Dad, come on! Just apologize to Lupe. This is embarrassing! My friend is here." Gabe 660 went up to his dad to say.
"What?" Miguel 660 looks at Billie, "Your friend? I thought she was your girlfriend."
"WHAT! NO WAY!" Gabriel shouted being shy about it.
Lupe noticed the young girl, "Ohh, who is this adorable Spider-woman?" Then looks at Gabriel, "It's fine, Gabe. I know how to tussle with your dumb daddy. Anyway, is she your girlfriend!"
Billie 1613 giggles, "No, I'm Billie Mariana Morales from Earth 1613! I'm a Spider-woman!"
"Lupe, I was wondering if you can teach her the ropes. She needs an instructor... a mentor!" Mariana 1022 said happily.
"Ohh, so this is the famous Billie! Alright, I'm happy to be your mentor, but you might need to know I'm a bit harsh and fair."
"Not to mention una maldita bruja, pinche vieja." Miguel 660 scoffs, then Miguel 928 and Gabriel 660 cover the Spider-man's mouth with panic.
Lupe glares over at them, "What was that?"
"NOTHING!" Gabriel 660 and Miguel 928 shouted together. While Miguel 660 muffling through their hands trying to breathe.
Kaine stood with his hands together, "Oh wow, so fast!"
"Huh uh," Lupe pucker her lip having to eye the Spider-men then look back at the two Spider-woman, "Anyway, can you handle that?"
"Yeah, I'll do whatever it takes!" Billie 1613 smiles happily.
Deadpool holds Petie like he was a trophy wife, "Come on, wifey! Let's eat chimichangas together!"
"Wahhh, someone help me!" Petie cries out loud.
"Wade, seriously? Let go of Petie!" Peter 616b shouted.
Miles 1610 sat in the middle between Hobie 138b and Billie 1610. Lunch was on Miguel 928 seeing how everyone he mostly talk to, and common acquaintances.
Gabriella sat next to her dad as she happily talk to Lupe, "Wow, your web glows like mi papá?"
"Yeah, mi niña." Lupe happily smiles, "Mines glows a bit lime green."
"Oh cool!" Gabriella happily said, then turns to Billie 1613, "Can your web glow?"
"No, actually I make my own web shooters... but I can do this." She can make her fingers have electricity similar to Miles' venom strike. "I'm a bit rusty."
Miguel 660 chews his lunch, "More useful than a glowing organic webbing..."
Lupe elbow hard into his stomach with her snapping, "Shut up, you jerk!"
"You two never learn." Jess sighs.
Gerald chews his chicken nugget while he gawks at Mayday, "Wow, you got two burgers?"
"Huh uh! I'm starving." Mayday happily bites into her burger.
Peter 616 said to Sun Spider, Kaine and Kitty, "Look I get it, we need some sort of upgrade for the app, but me and Margo are swapped!"
"Lyla can do so much too." Sun Spider pointed out.
A bit downward Hobie 2020 casually talks to the Hobies, "Rule one, if your darling Sunflower gives you the silence treatment, always do as he says. But you have to be mad to get there." He handed his daughter a french fry on her high chair.
"Tank coo, papá!" Mariana grab her french fry taking a bite. "Mmm."
"No problem, my little anarchist." Hobie 2020 gently rub his daughter's cheek then went back to the Hobies, "Also, always give him a little shoulder massage. That always work for me. Why you think I've been so happily married?"
"Because we were in love!" Miles 2020 sat next to him as he feed Aaron.
"Were? Darling, are you trying to tell me something? Not tired of me?" His mate leans over being clingy. "Who is he?"
"Oh please, bae! I'm just saying we been happily married because we are in love. I wouldn't marry you and given you three pups if I wasn't." Miles 2020 snorted with amusement.
"Mmm, that's good to hear, my mate." Alpha Hobie rest his chin on his Omega's shoulder smelling his scent.
Miles 2020 said to Hobie 138b and Miles 1610, "This what will happen when you marry an Alpha Hobie."
"Wow, having an Alpha must be fun, huh?" Mariana 1022 asked as she feeds her brother.
Mimi 1015 nodded, "Right, all those heated nights."
Miles 42 scoffs, "Gross."
"Hahaha, I mean, I grew up to this life so I do enjoy being with my Alpha." Miles 2020 smiles brightly, "And my pups are mi vida."
"Daddy, more fw-ies, please!" Karl munch on his french fries only having one.
"Here you go, mi bebé." Miles 2020 smiles at his sons.
Hobie 138b look at Miles 1610 for the moment he wished he could give his boyfriend a child. Just seeing the Omega being so protective of his variant's kin, it got him having massive baby fever.
Miles 1610 didn't seem to pay attention to his partner. "Well, you guys really got some cute kids. I didn't think I would find an Omega of me... I honestly thought I would be an Alpha."
"Well, there is an Alpha variant of you, but it's so rare. I think he stays out of the rest of Alphas since he's very to himself." Miles 2020 giggles, "There's more Omegas of us than Alphas."
"Says a lot about your personality, lad." Hobie 2022 commented, "There's a lot of Alpha Hobies and Alpha Helens."
"Marianas are also Omegas and Betas. I haven't met an Alpha of her yet." His mate added.
Hobie 138b and the other Hobies turn their heads, "Helen?" He asked, speaking for his variants.
"Ohh, Helen. I wonder if we'll see her! She's so fun!" Mariana 1022 said.
Hobie 2020's smirk showing off his perfect sharp canines, "Helens are our female variants, per se. Though, I don't believe in such labels, but she is here."
"Oh wow. I need to see her, too." Miles 1610 gasps, "A girl Hobie!" He tries to imagine his partner with breasts, but it was so hard.
"Sunflower, what are you looking at?"
"Come on, darling. You just imagine me as a woman!"
Hobie 2020 saw his son Aaron yawning, "Darling, did Berserk have his nap?"
"No, they couldn't. Probably after this." His mate answered him.
"Wait, Berserk? I thought his name was Aaron?" Miles 1610 asked.
"Funny story... while I was giving birth to three pups and being so exhausted I let my husband name out pups." Miles 2020 explains, "I let him pick their first names and..."
Hobie 2020 chuckles with his dark eyes on his variants being interested, "Brat, Berserk, and Brute."
"Brat Mariana, Berserk Aaron, and Brute Karl..." Miles 2020 added, "I had to give them a middle name since..."
"Because your kids are named after Powerpuff girls?" Mimi 1015 asked.
"What? No, it was an act of rebellion. When they grow up to be mischievous to society!" Hobie 2020 pouts, "What's a Powerpuff Girl?"
This made some Miles snicker to themselves while the Hobies look lost. "I think those are great names." Hobie 138b pouted at his giggling boyfriend.
"Oh they are, but it's just that..." He kept giggling.
From another table, Gwen and Pavtri talking to the gang. "No way. So that's what happen."
"Yup, it sucked. But we did complete the mission." Peni said.
"Yeah, we kicked butt and all." Noir hums.
Meows being snuggled by Hobie Pine, "Hobie!"
"I like this." His boyfriend snuggles against him.
Then a tall woman with thick braided wicks went over to the tables. She spotted Mariana 1022 first, "Hello, darling!" Slouching over her with one arm wrapping around her friend's neck.
"Oh! Helen, you're here!" Mariana gasp.
"Yeah, I thought I needed to make an appearance. Sometimes this place gives me the creeps- all corporate and mundane. Eck!" The female punk stood with a disgust look on her face.
All the gang from the table gawks. That's Helen Brown, a tall female Spider-Punk, she had similar features of Hobie. The only thing is more piercings and more accessories onto her punk outfit.
"Wow, she's so cool." Miles 1610 gasps.
"And cute." Mimi 1015 hums.
Miles 43 said, "Yup!"
Helen sat next to Mariana having to push punk Miguel, "Anyway lass, what's all this? A party."
"No, everyone happened to have lunch." Marian saw Punk Miguel scowling at Helen's rude gesture, then said, "I can introduce you to everyone!"
"Alright." She shrugs.
Miles 1610 watches all the gang enjoying their lunch. Hobie 138b saw his boyfriend happily eating, "Sunflower, you good?"
"I'm just happy. I got to meet new Spider-heroes and be with my friends." He snuggles against his boyfriend. "Everything feels perfect."
"It does, doesn't it?" Hobie 138b smiles at him.
Miles 42 sat next to Billie 1613, "I'm always here for you, okay?"
"Okay! I'm glad." Billie 1613 hugs Miles 42, "We will be the best siblings ever!"
Miles 1019 said, "Don't leave us out!"
"Yeah, we're a team! We work together!" Miles 43 said.
Billie 1610 nodded, "Yeah! Right, Miles."
"Right." Miles nodded, "We're a family."
Billie 1613 smiles widen, "I'm glad I got the courage to come here and meet all you amazing heroes. I can't wait to be apart of this." Everyone went to enjoy their lunch having their own conversations and laughing at their jokes. Billie 1613 became part of the Spider Band without any doubt.
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Hello there, does the Almighty Mouse have any romantic headcanons for Zayne, Victor and Jadu? With a Farmer that is generally a quiet, really sweet, "walk the walk" kind of person, but is planning how to expose the Mayor and his Solid Gold Lewis Statue >:3
Oh, pfffff! Phah, almighty 😅
Yeah, I have some short headcanons :D thanks for the ask ❤️
Victor didn't expect his favorite partner to be a walking phrase "still waters run deep". For what he didn't expect was that the quiet and kind Farmer kept a whole board with pinned sheets of paper that said "finding the golden statue". Oh, they want to find some hidden treasure in their adventures? Oh, that's interesting, Victor can help- Uhh, what? What Lewis statue? Maybe this isn't such a good idea... But the fire in Farmer's eyes suggests that they are willing to pursue the search for the truth to the end. *Sigh*
Poor Jadu is just trying to get used to the new place and its inhabitants, and he has already been plunged headfirst into "the most important mystery of the entire Pelican Town". What is the strangest thing - the initiator of all this is his beautiful and precious partner, who by their nature is quite calm and kind person. Who's Lewis? The golden statue? Jadu is so confused. In a way, young mage sees this whole "truth-seeking" thing as just another weird hobby of Farmer.
"My love, maybe we shouldn't meddle in people's private life?" Yoba witness, Zayne harbors the fondest and warmest feelings for his beautiful Farmer, yet he does not agree to participate in their mission to "expose Mr. Purple pants." At the very least, it's rather rude. If they're wondering about this "mystical golden statue" (which young Amethyne doubts exists), it's best to ask his sister, Lenny, about it. Although, Zayne realized that now instead of a quick resolution to this story, poor Lewis now has as many as two people breathing down his neck: the chaotic Farmer, and his older sister with her teasing.
Some mumbling under the cut:
PS: I would like to add that I personally do not subscribe to the theory that Lewis is corrupt and he made the statue with money collected from residents as a tax. My personal theory is the recent gift from the Governor to Lewis for his 30 years being mayor and for making Pelican Town an important plase because of the lifted economy. Lewis knows full well that it is mostly Farmer's merit, but he was afraid to cross the Governor's authority and just... accepted this statue and put in his house. A strange, awkward and slightly tasteless gift that he doesn't want to show anyone (golden statue of himself, really?). While he was thinking about whether to melt it down into gold bars and use the money from the gold sales for the next festival, Farmer found the statue and put it in the main square because lol, hehehe, golden Lewis.
Is that a more plausible theory? Hell knows, but I like it better, that's what the headcanon is for. And yes, SVE at Grandpa's Farm has their own theory and even an event on this statue, but I'll stick with my version.
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himemiya-kun · 8 months
Blue Sea*The Shining, Truthful Atlantis (Chapter 4)
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Chapter 4: Under the Surface
• Wataru Hibiki
• Tori Himemiya
• Yuzuru Fushimi
<A few hours later. A newly opened Okinawan restaurant in the neighbourhood of ES>
Wataru: I see! You were talking about that while I was away!
That's good! It's a story that doesn’t interest me!
I'm lonely when I'm left behind on the topic of my friends, but if it's a story I'm not interested in, it's not so frustrating even if I’m left out!
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Tori: No, let's be interested, it’s an important story.
Wataru: I don't care what happens to ES, or more specifically, what happens to the idol industry!
What's important is that the stories told by people are interesting enough to interest me. That's the only thing I'm interested in.
Eichi tends to get involved in a lot of talk about that, so I have enough knowledge of politics and economics to understand the context.
Tori: The argument of people who are shown sports that they are not very interested in.
Wataru: It's an appropriate expression! Amazing☆
Ah, I'll have something like this somen.
Well, today's performance was extremely tough, so I'm exhausted, and my stomach can only accept food that seems easy to digest.
Tori: Every day, Hibiki-senpai is saying something unusual for a human being.
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Yuzuru: Fufu. It's rare for us to have a meal like this, Hibiki-sama.
Wataru: Hehehe. Just in case, I would like to ask you about some things so that this topic doesn’t get left out.
Isn't it a good idea to have a meal together once in a while with people from the same unit to deepen friendships?
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Tori: Eichi-sama ended up going anyway since he had some work to do at his parents' house.
Yuzuru: It seems that Eichi-sama had missed the hint. I guess he needed to hurry and find a replacement for Young Master.
Tori: Ugh... Isn't that quick? I haven't replied properly yet?
Wataru: What do you mean?
Tori: Actually. It seems that Eichi-sama wanted to leave one of the branches related to Project-ATLANTIS to me.
Eichi-sama wanted to appoint someone who he could trust and had the level of ability as the boss of some branch office.
Wataru: Is that so? By having the people who serve as his hands and feet to manage the branch office, Eichi will be able to spread his intentions to every corner of the country—
Yuzuru: Fufu. It seems that Eichi-sama nominated Young Master for such a purpose.
Wataru: Are you the boss of the ES branch? Isn't it a great choice considering his age?
Why did you refuse, Himegimi?
Tori: I-I didn't refuse! But I looked pathetic due to lack of sleep, and I was told that I was busy with the student council elections—
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Tori: I think that's why Eichi-sama decided that it was impossible for me to do it... He doesn’t want to give me any more burden.
I'm fine though. If Eichi-sama had trusted and entrusted me, I would have worked hard to live up to his expectations.
Wataru: Perhaps he was worried that Himegimi would try too hard like that. You collapsed during the SS, so he thought it would be dangerous for you this time.
Tori: Ah, that was a lifelong nightmare for me as well.
Because of that, because I collapsed, I lost Eichi-sama's trust...?
Wataru: No, no. Perhaps we should say that Eichi repented after that. Himegimi was given a responsibility that was too much for him to bear.
Tori: In other words, the bottom line is that you can't entrust me with the job because I'm not good enough!?
Yuzuru: Bocchama. You're in public, so please keep your voice down.
Tori: I understand. …Ah, excuse me, server, please give me this sata andagi.
Wataru: If you eat too much sweet food, you’ll gain weight. Well, you’re more chubby and adorable when you’re fat.
Eichi and the others are starting to wear down, probably due to the hard work they've been doing lately, and I can't help but worry when I look at them.
Yuzuru: Even if I'm fat, I'm more worried about adult diseases.
Tori: Hmm. I'm so stressed out, I can only relieve it by eating something sweet.
Yuzuru: Fufu. If it's a problem that can be forgotten just by eating sweets, it's better than anything. My eyes are going to spill on that unbalanced diet today.
Tori: It’s hard for me to forget it, or rather, it seems like it will drag on for a while... I ended up not getting accepted, but I listened to the whole story.
If I had more leeway, if I had grown stronger and better, I wonder if I would have been able to get involved in a big project like this.
For a while, well, I think I'll regret it forever.
Wataru: Isn't it too early to give up?
Tori: What do you mean?
Wataru: That's why. If you have such a longing for it, Himegimi, or if you are interested in the project, you can ask Eichi to let you get involved.
Himegimi seems to believe that Eichi's decision is final. I don't think that's true at all.
If Himegimi asks from the bottom of his heart, Eichi probably won't be able to refuse.
Moreover, Eichi also views Himegimi as a significant presence. That's why he must have tried to involve him in some kind of plan in this case.
Yuzuru: He said he wanted to leave it to someone he could trust. In Eichi-sama's case, there are probably fewer candidates than you might think.
Wataru: If you live a life that offends others, you will be in trouble at such times. Himegimi, if possible, try not to emulate that part of Eichi.
Tori: Yeah… Looking at the progress of the student council elections, I feel like I'm already following Eichi-sama's lead in that regard.
I was surprised that I got so much backlash from everyone—
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watanabebad · 10 months
introducing the prologue for,
𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑷𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒔 | 𝐉.𝐉𝐇 𝐊.𝐌𝐆 ʟ.ᴅʜ
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w! ; not much of a warning for the prologue, but i do want to advise all of my readers that the lowercase is intentional, and that later on in some chapters there will be some 'suggestive' lines, but that's it! more so sensual use of words if you will 😊.
i usually have a hard time starting series, and i tend to get into super deep details at the ‘not so important’ parts. Sooo with that being said i’m gonna go on ahead and give a teaser/background for my mini story “Nine Peonies”. (which is probably gonna be super strung out and long as well….🥲)
it’s been y/n and haechan since high school, when he moved abroad to her city to follow his mothers wishes of something new, they ended up doing their sophomore and Junior year together. haechan wasn’t closed off from his new classmates, but it just seemed so easy to talk to y/n as she was eccentric and seemed to get along with everyone. they became inseparable to the point of having their own superlative in the yearbook as “best dynamic duo” yea, they were those friends. The two always intrigued the class as they were so different yet got along so well.
y/n finished her last year of highschool while still being with haechan everyday despite him now being graduated. it wasn’t until the summer of her senior year that haechan slipped in the idea of him thinking of moving back to his hometown.
y/n didn’t have to know anything more than what day she had to be done packing.
about two months later, the two were moved into the bustling city of Seoul.
Haechan was quick to find a part time job while still taking classes for his major, while it was harder for y/n to find a place of work as she didn’t have all of the typical “qualifying features” as employers worded it. For a few years she worked across various coffee and floral shops, those beings the only places offering her a place to work. the people were beyond kind in those smaller environments, but she knew it wasn’t what she wanted to do forever.
after she got her bachelors, she decided it was finally time to really try and search, and she wasn’t searching for long when she found her opening into the real professional world,
Jeon Jungkook
Oh, but that isn’t who this story is really about…..
is it?
hehehe i hope you enjoyed the little background! this is just to give you all a little preview of the story so i don't completely bore you guys to death in the first part. butttt, the first official partt of the story will be up shortly after this! and i can't wait for you all too see all of the special guest appearances i have in store for this series~ <3
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borathae · 6 months
So im in a conundrum rn. I found out im a femdom, but I wont really have any experience whatsoever. I heard that all great doms were once bottoms, so does that mean that I should bottom in order to learn how to be a good dom? I dont want to ever hurt anyone or go beyond any boundaries, but im nervous that i could mess up and hurt someone. I dunno, I just like making ppl feel good. So what do I do author?
I wouldn't say that being a bottom makes you automatically a better Dom. Especially if you know that being a sub isn't your cup of tea at all, don't try to force it. I would say what people mean with that advice is that you are better Dom if you know the sensations you will give your subs.
Example given: impact play. A Dom that knows how a certain impact toy feels on the skin on impact will have a better control over how they will hit their sub with it than someone who has no idea how the toy feels.
Another example: A Dom that knows how hot wax feels on the skin and how different distances or places on the body can impact the intensity, has better control over the candles during play than someone who has no idea about the sensations.
My tip for you if you don't want to bottom "just to be a better Dom" is to test out the things you will use in play before the play starts. So for the two examples given it would be to hit yourself with the impact toys so you know how it feels on the skin, test out the temperature of the wax on your own skin. Just make sure to get a feel of the play, so you know how to give it to your subs as best and safely as possible.
Obviously don't test out things you know are your hard limits. You don't have to trigger yourself just to gain experience. In that case communicate with a trusted partner about it. Let's take the wax play for example again. Tell them "hey so you said that you want to try wax play. I don't have lots of experience with it so I'll keep checking on you, yeah?" You can also learn with a partner that is willing to teach you by communicating during the play.
Of course, it can happen that you accidentally do something which hurts your partner, but the important thing is to communicate when it does. Your sub will most likely tell you that "hey hurts" and you can change the play in order to make it nice again. It is also totally okay for you the check up on them if you're scared that you're hurting them. A quick question of "hurts?" or "is that okay?" won't kill the mood and will reassure you on top of that.
So yes, the biggest factor in all of this is to communicate with your partner. Tell them that you don't have a lot of experience yet and that it would help you if they communicated how the play feels to them. Agree on safeword & safety gestures, discuss each other's limits and during play check up on them throughout the session. If you do something new which you haven't done before, it is totally acceptable to ask them "do you like how I'm doing this?" or "does this hurt?" and then depending on their answer, either keep going or change the play according to their wishes. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Before, during and after the play and you shouldn't have any problems.
I'm wishing you safe and fulfilling sex, my dear heheh 💜
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lokiforever · 10 months
❤️Always there for you ❤️
Loki x reader
The reader is Loki’s wife.
You were laying in your and Loki’s bed in fever. Yes, you were sick. It was after Loki went for the mission last evening. He had to return today, by night.
It was already 5 in the evening and you were feeling way too weak to even stand up properly.
You sat up and after a lot of will you finally stood up and went down stairs in the living room. You picked up a chocolate and sat on the couch in front of the tv. You turned it on but closed it after a few minutes as it was making you feel even more tired.
You nibbled on the chocolate and laid on the couch. Soon after, you fell asleep. You woke up to the sound of the main door opening, as soon as it opened you saw Loki.
Loki : Darling, I'm home!
His eyes fell on you, laying on the couch. Nose pink, matching the color of your pink, red cheeks with heavy eyes. You stood up you felt the word darken in front of your eyes before it was normal again.
Y/N : Hey, Loki! Welcome home.
You smiled at him. His face was full of concern. He immediately came to you and helped you sit back down.
Loki : You need to rest, dear.
He kissed your forehead feeling your burning hot skin on his cold lips.
Loki : Oh Norns! You're burning, darling!
He said almost in a panicked way.
Y/N : Hey, hey...relax, love. It's just a common flu.
Loki : Ok...
He said, still not fully convinced.
Loki : Did you visit the doctor?
Y/N : Uhh.......
Loki : I know that look! You didn't, did you?
You shook your head.
Y/N : I was feeling way too exhausted to drive to the clinic yet alone go to the car.
Loki : Why didn't you call me??!!
Y/N : You were on the mission with the other avengers, remember?
Loki : It's not more important than you!
Y/N : Awwww....you're soooo sweet, Lokes!
Loki : hehehe. Come on let's go to the doctor.
Y/N : It's okay Loki. I'd be fine.
Loki : I know, but you have to visit the doctor.
Y/N : Ok, ok! First you go, freshen up. You just got back. Speaking of which, how was your mission?
Loki : It went on fluently.
Y/N : That's awesome to hear. You didn't get hurt, did you?
Loki : Oh, I'm fine. Anyways, those mortals were way too weak to even stand against me.
He says proudly.
Y/N : *chuckles* Amazing!............... Shit!!!
Loki : What's wrong?
Y/N : I have to go on a mission four days from now.
Loki : What?!!! Let me call Stark. I'll ask him to assign it to someone else.
Y/N : Calm down, mister ! I'll be fine till then..................hopefully!
Loki : But-
Y/N : It's fine, Loki, really! Go and freshen up.
Loki : Fine.....
He takes a quick shower and comes back to you.
Loki : Darling?
Y/N : Hmmm....
Loki : Would you like some tea before we go to the doctor?
Y/N : I'm fine,love. Thanks. I don't feel like having anything.
Loki : It'll help in curing sore throat. Just a little?
Y/N : I really don't want to drink or eat anything....
Loki : Fine! *sighs* what if I get you chocolates if you drink it? As many as you want?!!
Y/N : Really?! As many as I want? Some crisps too? *puppy eyes *
Loki : *chuckles*You naughty little minx! Fine!
Y/N : Okay! I'll have that tea!
He chuckles. His idea worked.
After a few minutes he came towards the couch with two mugs in his hands.
He placed them on the table and helped you sit up, the blanket still draped on your shoulders and head only opening your face and just enough of your hands to hold the cup.
Loki adored you, his sweet baby girl.
You carefully sipped your tea.
Y/N : It is great, Lokes! And soooo soothing!!
Loki : See! I told you it'd help.
Both of you chuckle.
Loki : Now, honestly tell me how you're feeling. Each and every thing.
Y/N : Umm......congested nose. Head and full body ache. Heavy eyes and fever.... only. Oh, and dizzy feeling sometimes. Nothing too serious.
Loki *with wide eyes and an arched brow* : 'Only'? Let's go, immediately.
Y/N : Ok...just let me change.
Loki : Umm......
He waved his hand and with a green shimmer your clothes were changed.
Y/N : You're truly amazing! *chuckles*
Loki *smiles*: Thanks, darling!
He takes you to the car and helps you sit down. He then rushes to his side and sits down.
He drives you both to the clinic.
At the clinic the doctor told you that it's a normal flu just like you said earlier and Loki let out a sigh of relief "Thank the Norns!" You guys got the medicines and drove back. After taking the promised chocolates. Of course.
When you two got home Loki set a warm bath for you.
*After the bath*
You were sitting on your bed with Loki when he stood up.
Y/N : Don't leave!!!!
You give him your best puppy eyes.
Loki: I'm not leaving, darling. Just going to get something for you to eat.
Y/N : I don't want to eat anything.
Loki: A little,please?
Y/N : Noooo Loki
Loki: You need to eat.
Y/N : I really don't want to...
Loki : Is that so?
Y/N : Mmhmm!
Loki : Ok, then
Y/N : Yayy
Loki : Just the fact that, I'll be taking your chocolates
You pout
Y/N : Noooooo
Loki : You'll have to eat dinner if you want them.
Y/N : What??!!!! But-
Loki: No but's
Y/N : Fine
Loki : That's my sweet darling!.
He turns and starts to go out.
Y/N : Loki?
He pauses in his place and turns around.
Loki: Yes, my love
Y/N : I love you
Loki : I love you too, sweetheart
He smiles and you mirror the action.
After 45 minutes or so he returns with a bowl of mac&cheese placed decently on a tray with a napkin, a fork, a spoon, and a cheesecake which he ordered online for you. You were simply lying in your bed, scrolling through your phone when you heard his voice and looked up while smiling like a child who met her favorite person after a long time .
Loki : Darling, Dinners ready. Mac&cheese on the menu.
Y/N : Really? I'd like to change my mind about not wanting to eat 'anything'.
He chuckled. And brought the tray towards you and placed it on the side table to help you sit up.
He took a spoonful and fed you after making sure that it wasn't burning hot.
Y/N : Mmmmmmm it's soooooooo delicious, Lokes!!!!!
Loki : Thanks, darling
After feeding you the dinner followed by the dessert, he gave you the medicines.
He then, helped you change into your night dress.
Y/N : Thank you so much, babe
He came out after changing into his night trousers and t-shirt when you thanked.
Loki : You're always welcome, darling....but what are you thanking me for?
Y/N : For everything! Yet alone existing. I can never imagine my life without you.
He smiled and kissed you but you pulled away.
Y/N : I can pass you the germs...
Loki: You can't pass me anything, sweetheart. I'm a God. These midgardian germs can't affect me.
He said before kissing you again.
He read to you while caressing your scalp gently as you laid on the bed head on his chest and arms wrapped around him. You loved him. More than anything. He was always there for you and always will be.❤️
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vex-bittys · 2 years
Could I get a matchup for a bitty (platonic)?
I tend to work in bursts of energy and listen to indie music, read fantasy, and watch the same TV shows. I am an ambivert looking for a bitty who can motivate me to get myself out there, but also one that can appreciate a chill day every now and then. I’m constantly putting on a persona in hopes of making people like me more. As such, I'm also looking for a bitty who won't judge me and will accept me for who I truly am.
. . . An anxious, depressed, exhausted student struggling with college.
Here's a few things about me. Most people think I'm overly eager or not trying hard enough when they first meet me. Consequently, I make more enemies than friends. It is not unusual for me to make jokes by teasing, however, those who don't know me well may perceive it as bullying. Psychology is one of my favorite topics, and I aspire to be someone who jokes about fucked up things that leaves people wondering whether what I said was actually a joke or not (hehehe).
Because I glare whenever I'm thinking, I may be seen as grumpy to some, but in reality, I'm just daydreaming. The truth is, I'm a people pleaser at heart. Because I’m used to having to prove myself to others and care about what others think of me, I’m easily embarrassed and quick to become defensive. I find it difficult to accept genuine compliments since I often assume they’re just being polite, but I will compliment others like it's going out of style (though it sometimes backfires and leads them to assume I’m flirting.) Although I'm not super awkward, I definitely lack social skills, so others make the assumption that I don't enjoy conversing. However, this is not the case, I just have difficulty holding conversations (or ending them, for that matter).
If someone took the time to get to know me, they’d find out that I secretly love polka dot patterns. I enjoy the occasional pun. Despite being constantly told to speak up, I tend to be uncontrollably loud when I am having fun. As soon as the time is synchronized with three repeating numbers, I make a wish. I collect keys and unlit candles. Due to my spacy nature (once again, an avid daydreamer), I have trouble paying attention to what is going on around me. I’m horrible at managing time and organizing myself, and I have no idea how to relax. I can be impatient and short-tempered, but it's only because I am strict with myself and want to do things correctly the first go around. In addition to being overzealous, I tend to overcomplicate things and take on more than I can handle. Most importantly, I will put so much effort into procrastinating.
Tldr; I’m an absolute mess and I’m looking for a bitty who will put up with my shit lmao
*I always read the whole thing so I can give the best matchup, and I think there are several bitties who would work out for you.
My recommendations for you are:
Honey Bo (US!Papyrus): The first and most important thing for you about a Honey Bo is that he is very perceptive and unlikely to jump to an assumption or form a misconception about you. It takes some work to earn a Honey Bo’s trust and friendship, but it’s worth because he’s a great listener and doesn’t mind some unconventional humor.
King (UF!Papyrus): While a King might sigh at some of the unsavory jokes or puns, he’s not going to judge or dislike you for them. He’ll be quite charmed by frequent compliments, assuming that you recognize his greatness rather than that you’re flirting. A King will try to help you stay grounded when you need it, and he can handle some responsibilities if you feel overwhelmed by them.
Chain (SF!Papyrus): If you form a SOULbond with a Chain it is because he sees who you are in your SOUL and is drawn by that. You don’t have to do anything to impress him or be anyone but yourself. Weird humor? Cool. Collecting unusual items? He’ll bring you some whenever he finds them. Wishing on the clock when it has repeating numbers? Sounds great!
*Let me know if you’d like an adoption scenario!
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lovetals · 2 years
so, like, idk jack about the lore to kingdom hearts, but the idea of an mc who’s from the game tingles my brain a lot so i gotta dump this out
i’m gonna keep this vague enough so that ppl can interpret the mc however they please (whether we be besties with the beach trio or some other group)
but this idea would fit perfectly since the two are a collab of sorts with disney, only difference is how they use it. kingdom hearts is about traveling to other worlds, which are the disney movies. with twisted wonderland, everything takes place in one world
so imagine a keyblade wielder mc that somehow winds up in twisted wonderland while going from world to world. something happens and they aren’t able to go back, maybe they lost a bit of their powers or the gummi ship they were on is somewhere between the worlds. whatever the case, they’re stuck and now have to reside in the nrc because it’s just their luck that they land there
idk how much they can reveal because of that whole world order thing and they probs don’t trust anyone with outside information cause it’s a school of villains lmao
they keep their mouth shut, tho, cause maybe it’s different for them. also, they do not want to be chased out for talking shit on them 🧍‍♀️
mc would feel so conflicted about the world and everyone there tho cause, like stated earlier, they got to witness the great seven’s actions in other worlds and with how the dorm leaders are inspired by said seven they’re just so cautious. but after riddle’s overblot they realize “oh shit they have actual issues” and everyone is actually kinda cool with enough time
the mc in this can still use their keyblade and some magic (if we’re going with the power loss route then i’m afraid your firagra has been reduced to just fire TwT) so they can chip in with the battles and show off how cool they are hehehe
mc getting thunder before azul fight: i’m going to shock the heart!
jade: ????
ooh it’d be so cool if every time the mc defeats an overblot they receive a new keyblade based on the dorm, just like how when we beat a world in kh we get a new keyblade based on it
oh god there’s gonna be so many questions from their peers when they see the keyblade. ace is gonna mock the shit out of you for it cause it’s just an oversized key (he shuts up real quick when you bonk him with it tho). it’s just such a unique weapon and the fact that you can summon it from nowhere?? slay
kalim would want to hold the weapon so badly and gets sad when it instantly materializes back into your hand lmao
idk much about lilia, but i think he’d know something about the keyblade and your origins when he sees it. he’s old, he probably knows something. might have had tea with young xehanort before he got old
vil asks to see your whole collection so he can rank them from most to least beautiful
ya know those wayfinders that aqua/kairi made for her friends as a way to show how even if they’re apart they’ll never lose each other or whatever? it’d be so cute if the mc did something like that for their friends :> (currently sobbing at the idea of drawing their faces on it like kairi did for sora 😭)
oh, poor mc would get bullied by ace for saying the corniest shit (“my friends are my power! 😜🤪”) but over time he grows to love these words so much, starts to tear up frfr
your constant reminders of the importance of friendships and how the bonds you all formed are unbreakable really does start to grow on everyone. (cater stan here: he also starts believing in this too cuz i said so <3) (CATER USES THE WAYFINDER YOU MADE AS A PJONE CHARM DUDE)
man looks so much like riku, there just has to be some interaction with him and the mc about it
mc, seeing a sleeping silver: god fucking damn it not again. plz don’t have yellow eyes, plz don’t have yellow eyes—
aaaaaaaa ok it’s past 12 a.m for me, my brain is a mess and my eyes want to get some shut eye so i’m gonna end this here. also, can’t think of more stuff to add :((
if anyone has more things they’d like to chip in, PLEASE do! i want more hcs and shit to add onto this idea of mine
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taking-your-hand · 1 year
I really wanna start streaming on twitch and making Minecraft roleplays on YouTube (my main inspirations are Nihachu and Aphmau) but I’m really scared of people seeing that I’m a comshipper and trying to cancel me for it. I know how bad it can get, I’ve seen people leak faceless’ streamers address’ over petty drama and I’ve seen others snooping through youtuber’s Facebook just because they like them, I can’t imagine how much worse it would be if they disliked the person. I’m super scared of that happening to me because I’m openly comship. Not to mention the amount of people who’ll go around and call me horrible names, I once saw a Vtuber refer to Venti as a shota and they were called the dirtiest most gut-wrenching names. I’m already really sensitive so I don’t think I’d be able to handle it :(
Oh goodness, I have very similar fears myself. >< I am working on some projects that I intend to publish as original works that I do hope people will enjoy and be inspired by, but I'm always fearful of the people who will try to drag my name through the mud because I'm very openly defensive of The Bad Kinks™ and much more aggressively on my main than on here too, heheh!
I've seen... horrible things happen to artists, especially when they already have little power in society and the people with more power find it much easier to just kick them instead of standing up for them.
It's bizarre to me that I have yet to be so viciously targeted, and I really wonder if it comes down to popularity. Anti-kink people don't particularly care about me because I'm just a small Tumblr user, but on the other hand, god help me if I explode in a fandom one day or make a beloved game/show/etc. THEN, I'll face their wrath for daring to seek out success and happiness for myself, because I'm "tricking" or "manipulating" fans who don't realize how "problematic" I am. -_-
And certainly, some of it comes down to luck as well, because lots of small artists also get targeted. 😔
I don't think I have THE answers, but... I can tell you what I try so hard to internalize myself.
First of all, you have every right to the space you occupy as everyone else, regardless of your kinks or views on such. Contrary to what some people will claim, you are not intruding and you are not falsely advertising yourself. It's important to always keep that in mind. The idea that comshippers hurt people by being in their spaces is like saying they hurt people by standing in the same line at McDonald's pff. It's unrelated and ridiculous.
Secondly, as sad and perhaps pessimistic as this is, there will NEVER be a person or property that these extreme, one-note, closed-minded bullies won't target. No matter how much care you put into a story or presentation, there will be someone ready to twist it into something negative, or try to gatekeep your own fans if they do think you're on "their side" and "would never support these bad ships", etc. And here is the silver lining to that: Because this attitude is inevitable, you need not try to sand down your work to please such people. Anyone who would put so much energy into hating and tearing down someone for their art: their opinion of you is absolutely worthless. It's best to skip the needless pain and doubt they'll cause, and worry about the opinions of people with something of merit to say. People who criticize you in good faith, not the brainless screechers who just can't stand their own existences.
I feel like there is certainly more, and perhaps even better, advice out there for you, but I hope this was at least a start. As I said, I struggle with this fear too, and I think I have yet to fully embrace my own solution, especially since I haven't yet put out my projects heheh.
But either way, hope it helps. <3
And of course, I welcome any further advice from others on this! Lord knows I need it too haha.
Real quick, note that my rather vitriolic language is directed specifically at harassers and abusers, not at all self-identified antis.
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*aggressively breakdancing in your inbox*
Give us a DITD fact! (if you wanna)
QUICK (if you wanna)
So Reddo has NO idea what kitchen utensils are. He thinks of them as weapons, shield and armour. So one time, when preparing for an important battle, Reddo puts a bunch of pans on his body, like his feet and head. Fawful laughs, and tells Reddo what they're actually for. Reddo grew curious about what cooking is.
He tried to cook something up, but ended up burning down the kitchen. Please never let him cook.
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snobgoblin · 1 year
What do the next gen’s bedrooms look like?
I imagine Tucker has like an hot wheels track going around his entire room y’know and Flower’s walls are covered in 60s-70s fashion magazines y’know
YEAHHHHH absolutely all of that kinda stuff and like I imagine Flower's got a beaded doorway, blankets everywhere, lots of earth tones. lots of potted plants, crystals, stuff like that. lots of 60s/70s inspired stuff but a lot of homemade stuff too. candles, a very busy room in a way that's pretty homey
Y2K keeps all their most valuable possessions in their van, they do have a bit of trauma surrounding getting kicked out so they figure if they ever need to make a quick getaway, their most important things won't need to be packed. a lot of anime figurines, specifically miku. lots of g4 mlps. trash absolutely everywhere, looks like those awful 4ch*n rooms but when you can see the furniture you'll find it's usually pink and heart shaped and almost always very 2000s
Tuckers room has a lot of gadgets built for him by Y2K, lots of little trucks n stuff, and some arcade cabinets. definitely a racecar bed and I love the idea you said of a hot wheels track that goes like all over the room. he's got lots of sensory toys and stuff in his room and he's very particular about how things are put away, so it's always very very neat
Noodle? we know what Noodle's likes to decorate just watch DARE hehehe OH but also probably a cat tree for Katsu now
Barb's. ok so you know Mr Krab's house that'd kinda what her room looks like. cross that with Howl's room but way less cluttered and you've got a pretty good idea of what it looks like. I guess for a lack of a better word very piratey. she loves records and bottle ships and lots of seasick sally merch from Back In The Day. some weapons hidden away for good measure, probably a lot of weird little things that move by themselves. u know the ones. mostly wooden furniture, dark with some of the white paint chipping off
ALSO sidenote on @a-pinch-of-flower (Flower's tumblr) and @caught-in-2k (Y2K's tumblr) there are [#interiors] tags where I keep track of some of their room inspirations
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