#that smile Force gave on the 5th gif was him not Top
crispywizardtale · 8 months
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shouldershimmycity · 2 years
Helium - Prologue (Hangman x Mitchell-Reader)
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Maverick never thought he would have children. Then he finds out he has a daughter, and he has to decide whether or not he wants to be a part of her life. But first, he has to get her out of enemy territory with the help of the man who will fall for her.
I was writing another WIP when I got this idea so that one will have to wait haha. I'm back at school so I'm a little busy. As always let me know what you think! (Also Ice is still alive in this because I say so oops.)
Maverick’s bike idled through the gate, the guard posted there didn’t need to check his ID to know who he was. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell was probably the most well known man in the Navy, if not one of the top five. Of course, Iceman was up there as well. 
Speaking of the Admiral, Maverick had been visiting his old friend when he had received a call from a Major General in the Air Force, who was stationed in Virginia. Mav had looked at Ice for an explanation, but the man who usually had all the answers had shrugged his shoulders. Then he had checked his work email, and insisted Maverick attend whatever meeting was awaiting him in Oceana. The admiral had turned pale, and he had poorly tried to hide the shock in his expression. He refused to answer Maverick when he inquired what was wrong. If Maverick wasn’t being given orders, his curiosity surely would have won out anyway. Ice had managed to get the load master manning the C-17 to clear a little space for his bike, which Maverick was thankful for. He could tell that he would be here for a while it seemed. Clearly, whatever waited for him must be of the utmost importance; but he couldn’t shake the look on Ice’s face from his mind.
Upon Maverick’s arrival, a Lieutenant saluted him, asking him to ‘follow me, sir.’ He opened the door for the Captain, and began leading him down a hallway, with nothing but government owned stark white walls, and an occasional newsletter taped up in random places. The Lieutenant stopped next to a door, which was opened, and Maverick thanked him, entering the conference room. 
The blinds were closed, but the daylight crept through like sharp fingers, desperate to reach into the privacy of the dark. At the table were three individuals, two men and one woman.
The first of the men was Admiral Alexander “Beegee” Williams. Maverick had served under him briefly when he was sent to Bosnia after pissing off a different Admiral. Beegee had made sure to keep an eye on him for Iceman. He was younger than Mav and Ice, but a wise man all the same.
The latter of the men being Major General Leonard “Scythe” McConner. Maverick had heard of him, and he had clearly heard of Maverick. His face was stern and his hair was practically white, the lines on his face were twisted in a sour expression. Although Mav still had no idea what was going on, it was clearly bigger than he thought if the Air Force was being pulled into it. 
It took him a moment to recognize the woman sitting in front of him, mostly because she wasn’t in uniform and their previous encounter had been a drunken one. She was much older now, as was he, but she was still very pretty. She gave him a weak smile, and he returned it although he was even more confused now. Hopefully he could get an explanation.
“Captain,” Scythe greeted him, and Maverick flashed his teeth in his signature movie star grin, nodding his head in salutation. 
“There is a situation abroad which you have been brought in to evaluate. Two F-22 pilots were shot down in enemy territory by 5th generation fighters. They are asking for a prisoner exchange, but their demands are higher than we’re willing to go. That being said, these pilots have top secret clearance and know information that we cannot allow to be… extracted from them. We need air support for the mission, and you have been requested specifically,” Beegee finished off his speech with the press of a button, which illuminated the screen behind Maverick. 
Three images faced him, one of a young man, he was sturdy looking, built and had a strong face. He reminded Maverick of a pitbull. The picture next to him was of a young woman, she was about Rooster’s age, if not slightly younger. She had a confidence that only came natural to certain people, and he could practically feel charisma oozing from her. But he could tell she wasn’t cocky about it just from looking at her picture. He’d imagine that they might get along if he had the pleasure to meet her. Perhaps he could introduce her to Hangman. 
On the screen below the two ID images was a slightly grainy picture, but it was horrifying all the same. Both of the pilots were held by the back of their shirts, and they were beaten to a pulp. Despite the perceived durability of the young man in the photo above, he looked absolutely terrified in the one below. The young woman seemed to remain strong despite the damage done to her body and her face; in fact, her expression was hard, twisted with the will to endure her circumstances. The photo reminded him of a seller’s listing, for an item. They were not items, these were human beings. It took Maverick a minute to tear his eyes away from the gruesome image.
“Where are they?” he asked, voice quiet from the shock. The images were replaced with a map, highlighting the enemy base involved.
“Boxer and Mayhem are right about here, we believe. The base is heavily monitored by 5th generation fighters. We would like you and the reassembled Dagger Squadron to take on the task of air support, most likely in the form of air to air combat, while a hostage retrieval takes place on the ground,” Scythe cut into the presentation, despite the vibe the old man gave, Maverick could see the worry beneath his face. These were his pilots, then?
“That’s possible, but I… I have to ask,” Maverick hesitated, his mind reeling, “why us? Why me? I’m in the Navy not the Air Force…”
That’s when the woman, who Mav believed was named Emily, burst into tears. When she stood to leave the room, his bewilderment must have shown, because Scythe pursed his lips together; eventually and reluctantly, he spoke.
“You’ve been called in with the expectation that you will complete this mission because you have motivation that no other team leader could have here,” he stated firmly, but Maverick was still so lost.
“Maverick,” Beegee spoke up, his voice was delicate; like if he spoke too harshly the man in front of him would turn to dust, “You’ve been called in because Mayhem is your daughter.”
Maverick blinked, then he blinked again, and once more before opening his mouth to speak. Nothing came out.
I have a daughter? How is that possible? She’s Emily’s daughter? Does she know? How could I have not known? Why wasn’t I told? I’m a father?
“Maverick!” Beegee called him back to reality, worry written all over his face. When the Captain made eye contact with him he continued, “I know this is a shock, and I would like you to be able to work through it, but we simply do not have the time, I’m so sorry. We need you to reassemble the squadron immediately.”
All he could do was nod, and when he was dismissed he stepped out into the hallway. Lifting his eyes, he saw Emily sobbing in the middle of the hall. He pointed a weak, accusatory finger at her. 
“You– she– Why didn’t you tell me?” Despite his shock, his voice was stern. She went to speak, but he held up his hand, “No– no let’s not do this right now… I have to– I have to go assemble the squadron.” He brushed past her, and she only cried harder, and he could hear her mumbling something. He needed some air, and he needed to call someone.
“I have a daughter.”
“WHat?!” Rooster choked on whatever he was drinking, and coughing filled the other end of the phone line. Maverick had no idea what to do, and the only person he could call about this was Bradley. He nodded, despite the Lieutenant not being able to see him through the cell phone. 
“I know,” was all he could squeak out.
“Listen Mav, if you want to be a part of her life you can do that. I’m sure she’d be happy to have you as a dad,” he reassured. Mav took a shaky breath.
“That’s the problem. I have to call the Daggers back together for a mission. She’s a POW in enemy territory right now, and the Navy and the Air Force want air support on this mission,” he explained, and Rooster inhaled sharply, “I feel like the room’s spinning, Bradley.”
“Okay, well sit down, don’t pass out!” he demanded, and Mav did as he was told. “Okay, look, the fact is the mission needs to be completed first. Her safety comes first. You can’t be a part of her life if there’s no life to be a part of,” Maverick grimaced at Bradley’s words, but they were true, “so do what you need to do, and you can worry about it later, Mav.”
“Yeah… Yeah that is true.”
“I’ve got to pack. I’ll see you tomorrow and we can figure it out,” he sighed, and Maverick slumped against the wall, closing his eyes for some semblance of peace.
“Alright, talk to you later, Rooster.”
Maverick looked up and stared into the fluorescent light, he had no idea how someone’s life could change so drastically in a matter of hours. Not only did he have a daughter, but if this mission wasn’t successful, he would never get to meet her. He was not only confused, but he was starting to get angry. Maverick was a flight risk, pun not intended, and he had commitment issues, that was pretty much a fact. But never, ever, would he have neglected a child who needed care and love. Never. Especially if it was his own child. He knew what it was like to grow up without parents, he never wanted that for any other child. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t kick himself for putting Bradley through that. Did she even know who he was? Did her mother spend her entire life telling her he was a deadbeat? Would she even want him in her life? His head hurt. Why couldn’t he have been there?
Rooster was right. He couldn’t figure anything else out unless he could speak to her face to face. He had to focus on the mission first and foremost, then he could worry about it all later. He had a job to do.
He had to get his daughter and her wingman home safely.
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unfinshedsentec · 2 years
Hi there!Can i request an angst on tenjiku,toman,1st black dragon ganeration and brahman on where their trusted member who is reader was forced to betrayed them and when the gangs try to confront them,reader act like she was not forced to betrayed them like she was not getting blackmailed.After finding that she was forced to,they went to the gang that forced her to betray them only to see reader getting killed like how sanzu killed mucho.Like they really trusted reader and some even looked up to her.Angsty:)
hey love! thank you for requesting! <3 Also, I apologize for wait! In any case, I was surprised when you requested this, but I had A LOT of fun writing the angst😂
Also…I didn’t add Kiskai to this cause ewwww
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Tokyo Revengers Gangs with a “traitor” reader…
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characters (gangs): members of Toman, Tenjuku, 1st Gen Black Dragons, and Brahman
There are manga spoilers in this so beware!
tw: cursing, depression, and death
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Everything in Toman was well.
Meetings and fights happened per usual, a lot of people were joking the gang, and slowly but surely, Toman started to take over most other gangs. It, overall, was an amazing time.
But the moment your "betrayal" became  known, the amazing period was quickly replaced with a period of panic and chaos...
It was a normal night for Toman, a meeting had taken place,  all the divisions stood below Mikey,  and the top 2 stood at the top of the higher platform talking about the most recent threat and Toman's soon attack on them.
It was pretty much as normal as normal could get for Toman.
The only thing out of the ordinary was your absence. However, most assumed you were sick and you chose to stay home for that reason.
But, when you appeared in front of the whole gang, and  randomly told them you were a "spy" for the opposing gang and you'd be leaving, everything changed, for the worse.
Toman went into pure chaos from the diesbelife of your sudden betrayal.
No one could simply believe you had just left them. There was no way that all those precious memories they made with you were completely fake.
You didn't save Draken's life just to betray them. And you sure didn't save Baji from Kazutora just to be a random spy. Clearly, you cared for Toman, you were loyal to the gang, and you weren't a traitor. You just couldn't be.
And it was that exact reason that Mikey chose to send the 5th division to chase after you, to which they followed his orders and chased you, as they too, were in denial.
Unfortunately, they could no longer deny your "betrayal" after they came face to face with you.
"What are you doing Y/n? You love Toman, you're not a traitor!" Mucho said, not believing any of your blatant lies.
"Sorry Mucho, but I never loved Toman. My heart is here"
"Quit lying, come home”
"Sure, I'll go home to your precious Mikey...After all, I'd love to kill him”
The malicious smile that forms on your face only showed just how real you were being. After all, it took only one look in your eyes to know you were telling the truth.
You really were a traitor. And, there was no longer any denying that, not anymore.
But, even then, there was one person who refused to believe your betrayal. One person who believe in you. And that person just so happened to be Toman's leader himself, the "Invincible" Mikey.
Mikey was the one who recruited you into Toman in the first place. He was the one who gave you your own division after you proved your loyalty to Toman. He was the one who picked you up when you were at worst.
And he knew damn well that you wouldn't leave him after all that.
So, despite Mucho's warning, Mikey dragged out Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, and Mitsuya to  bring you home, which they were determined to do.
"Y/n!" Mikey yelled, gaining your attention as they approached your still body. 
You sat in the place you always went when you felt stressed or were in a low place, the riverbank where you first met Mikey. And it was that riverbank that Mikey knew you'd be sitting at.
After all, he knew you like the back of his hand, and he knew you'd be here.
"Mikey? Wha-what are ALL of you doing here?!" You yelled; an odd panic coming into your voice.
"We're here to get you, you DUMBASS!!!" Baji yelled, coming out from behind Draken.
"He's right, we gotta bring you home" Chifuyu said following Baji, as usual.
"No, no, no, no, ¡¡no!! You guys can't be here!”
"Ehhh? Why?" Mikey responded. "I mean, you need to come back. Toman's your home."
Suddenly, you sharply stood up, your face changing from shocked, to dead serious, as if there was something you knew that they didn't. You then rushed over to Mikey, grabbed the collar of his white shirt, and you pulled him up/down to your level.
"Mikey listen to me, you need to lea-"
"Well, well, well, look whose here!!" a new voice spoke, a tall, dark-haired male appearing out of nowhere while it did. At that, you let go of Mikey and shrunk in fear. "B-boss, I swear it's not what it looks like!"
"Ha, as if! You're clearly betraying us, even though we made a specific deal”
"I-I didn't mea-"
You were cut off. However, you weren't cut off by someone speaking over you, or from fear...
You were cut off by the knife that was now lodged into your throat.
You froze, as the realization of the current events kicked in. And as they did, a terrible burning sensation filled your body, namely from your lungs.
It was only in that exact moment, when your lungs burned like a fire, that you realized you couldn't breath.
You desperately tried to gasp but nothing worked. And quickly, dark spots filled your vision as the lack of air got to you.
"That's what you get for breaking our deal"
Those were the last words you ever heard as you succumbed to the inclining light was just too enticing.
And when you did, you died, leaving everyone who loved you behind in the process .
Your now cold body collapse on the ground right in front of Mikey's feet. He stared, shock and anger filling him. And, unsurprisingly, darkness began to consume the blonde.
It wasn't that long until Mikey fully snapped, a soulless dark look filling his eyes. The look was so souless, that it was like no one was there.
And that, scared every person there to the point where they shook to their core
"You....killed them..." Mikey said, his cold gaze landing on the man in front of him. "YOU KILLED THEM!!!"
And then, Mikey lost it.
He beat the man until he could no longer see. His ears filled with nothing but ringing, and his body was in so much pain that he wished for nothing but death.
He wished to succumb to the darkness that appeared in vision. However, he never got the chance, as something had stopped Mikey's beating
"Mikey!! Cut it out!!" yelled Draken, who had tears building up in his dark eyes. The blonde-haired man had come along to save you and bring you to the place that made you most happy, but instead, he helped kill you.  And the guilt of that would never leave him.
Draken would never forgive himself for not being able to save you
"Let the fuck go of me Ken-chin...or I'll kill you too"
"No Mikey, you gotta stop! Trust me, I wanna kill him too, but if we do, we'll piss Y-y/n off!!" Baji yelled, looking up at Mikey as he cradled you in his arms. Your body was now dead cold, your skin turning an odd tint of blue, yet, he couldn't accept your death.
You, one of the people he cared for the most, couldn't be dead.
Baji couldn't accept you were gone.
"How many times do I have tell you this, FUCK OFF!!" Mikey yelled, his crazy self getting close to harming his own friends.
"Mikey-kun, please!" Chifuyu yelled, holding you along with Baji. The blue-eyed boy could only sob as he looked at the shell of what used to be you. It had only been a few minutes, yet he already desperately missed you.
"Mikey DON'T!! Y/n wouldn't want this!! They wouldn't want you to destroy yourself, or someone else!! They'd want you to be happy, and let them go, not this!!" Mitsuya yelled, shocking Mikey. Mitsuya too was crying, however, he knew you hated to see them sad like this. So, he wouldn't be sad.
He'd be happy, for you.
And while everyone else had some sort of acceptance or realization of your death, Mikey hadn't, or, he wouldn't. He simply couldn't believe you were dead.
It was because of that, that led to Mikwy going to far, much to far. And, as a result, he ended up murdering the dark-haired man.
He, had now killed someone...
From that moment on, Toman was destroyed, again. It became a corrupt criminal organization who committed the of the worst crimes. One so terrifying that everyone in Japan constantly lived in fear of them.
And to think, this all happened because of you, and Mikey's need for you.
And now that you were gone, Mikey would never be the same.
Not without you...
1st gen Black Dragons
The Black Dragons were happy.
They were taking over almost every gang, they had a great, loyal members, and they were loved by many, not to mention their wonderful leader.
Really, they were at their peak.
There was only one problem.
For the past couple of months, there had been an upcoming, sneaky gang on their radar. And recently, that gang attacked some of their members, which sent everyone, expect for Shinichiro, off the deep end.
Therefore, they were planning an attack, one that would be legendary.
However, their attack plans were thrown off by a sentence uttered from your mouth.
"I'm leaving the black dragons for [random gang name]"
"Y/n, what are you talking about? You're becoming a traitor??" Shinichiro mumbled, shocked
"....Sure am"
And then, you left, leaving Shinichiro utterly shocked, confused, and sad.
The other members of the black dragons had the exact same stunned reaction.
After all, you were one of the 5 who created the Black Dragons. You played a huge role as the "mastermind" and always made the gang feel secure with your plans. Not only that, but you were really close and loving with most of the member of the gang, namely Waka, Shinichiro, Akashi, and Benkei. You really loved and cared for all of them.
In fact, you and Waka were dating.
So, your betrayal was really hard for the black dragons. But these people knew you better than anyone else in the world, so they knew something was going on behind the scenes.
They knew that you weren't a traitor.
And it was that exact reason that a group of members chased after you, hoping to bring you back to them.
But, the moment they made contact with you, they became even more shocked, as you had just confirmed your betrayal without even talking to them.
They didn't even have to walk into the area that was known was the enemy gangs hide out before they saw your truth. They needed no more confirmation than the disgusting sight they saw...
As the group of Black Dragon's walked towards [random gang's] hide out, they saw a small space between an open door, and decided to peak in, just so they knew who was in the vicinity.
However, what they saw wasn't what they were expecting.
They saw no gang members, only 2 people being sat the area, alone. And those two people just so happened to be you and the enemy gang's leader.
At first, they thought you were just talking, however, as they got closer, they saw something completely different. Instead, they say you, right in front of their eyes, making out with the opposing gang's leader.
And that was enough confirmation for them.
You were not only a traitor, but you had also betrayed Waka.
You cheated on him.
The whole gang was shocked, however, the accepted the harsh truth and ultimately decided you were an enemy.
They were going to take you down no matter what. For themselves. For Waka.
However, the man who had just been cheated on himself, knew better.
He knew you like the back of his hand, and he was sure there was more going on than eye's sight. There was no way all those sweet memories with you and the gang were all lies.
There had to be something more going on, and he was going to find out what it was.
So, he left to go get you.
Waka left to get the one he loves, all alone.
And while his sudden disappearance caused panic throughout the whole gang, no one could say they were surprised.
After all, Waka really loved you, and he wasn't going to let you go, not like this. So, they all patiently waited for Waka to come back to the, with you at his side.
They waited for Waka to bring you home.
But that didn't get what the expected, not at all. In fact, they got the exact opposite...
The moment the rev of Waka's motorcycle echoed through the quite park, which held the black dragons, every person there stood up, happily waiting for your arrival.
Shinichiro, Benkei, and Akashi waited at the  front area, ready to great their two close friends.
Yup, that's right, two. The three also patiently waited for Waka to bring you back into the gang, once again.
However, as Waka got closer, they realize that he was completely alone.
You were nowhere to be seen. You weren't hiding anywhere or sitting on Waka's motorcycle. You just weren't there. And a pang of disappointment and dread filled everyone's hearts as they saw that.
But soon, that disappointment became pure fear and sadness.
As Waka continued to get closer, Shinichiro started to notice his odd behavior.
Waka's head was down low, his facial expression being full of trauma. His body shook, and his purple eyes being held wide open and were oddly blank. His arms crossed in front of his body as he lunged over. His usual confident behavior was replaced with pure trauma.
Even worse, as they got closer look at him, they noticed odd red stains etched onto his body and skin. In fact, his hands were covered in blood, which smeared all over his black uniform.
"Waka, what's up? Did something happen?" Shinichiro said as Waka approached the main three.
"Waka?" Shinichiro questioned again after he got no answer. "What happened?"
"....I-uh...I don't...I don't wanna say..."
"Waka" Shinichiro started again. "Are you okay?"
"No....no no no!! I'm not!! How am I supposed to be okay WITHOUT THEM?!!"
"What are you spouting ou-"Benkei started, but got interrupted by the light haired male himself.
"Y/n....what am I supposed do now that your gone?"
Silence fell upon the 3 that stood in front of Waka as he muttered those words, the sound of murmming whispers being the only sound that each person could hear. And as they stood there, overcome with shock, all the puzzle pieces fell into place.
The reason that Waka was alone, and so depressed, came to light. The reason why he looked so traumatized finally made sense. And now, it was clear that something bad had happened. Really bad.
"Waka, can you tell us what happened?" Shinichiro probed. "Please"
"...I-I went to go get them. Y'know, to bring them home and sleep next to them again...but when I arrived, I saw the other guy choking them, to the point to where they were blue. I-I went to save them...I really did, but I...I was too late, and their neck was broken. T-they ended up dying in my arms..."
The three who stood in front of him, and heard his quite voice, froze, all three of them standing in disbelief at the sudden knowledge. But as the information processed in their eyes, the disbelief and shock quickly became sadness.
And for Waka, that sadness instantly became deep depression.
Of course, the others were sad. Hell, they were really sad as they all felt empty without you. They were sort of lost.
Benkei was so used to joking around and messing with Waka with you, that now everything felt off. You were like is own sibling, and losing you felt like he lost his own family, and a part of himself.
You were Shinichiro's childhood best friend. You had been there his whole life. You helped him when he got his own little siblings, and when he needed some uplifting, you always seemed to make him smile.
You just knew him inside out, and he knew you like that too.
Hell, you were his first crush. Unfortunately, you rejected him like the other 20 girls.
However, you helped him when you wanted to ask out someone new. You made sure to support him in even the most embarrassing things. And he really appreciated that.
Essentially, Shinichiro missed you, a lot.  And he always would. But he was sure to stay happy, for you.
After all, you'd kick his ass if he stayed depressed for too long.
But, even though the others were lost, Waka was the one who had it the hardest.
He was in love with you and you, him. He was used to cuddling and kissing you every day. He had so much love for you, that he loved you more than himself. You could always make him happy in ways that not a single other person could. He always wanted to be with you because of that
But you were gone now. You were no longer there to love him or make him smile. And to be honest, that truth hurt him more than anything.
When you died, a part of him died with you.
Even when he moved on in life, and started his own gym, you weeds  always stuck on the back of his mind, and he was always so sad because of it.
He could never be happy, not without you.
And it wasn't until he was killed by Terano South, that he was happy again.
He was with you again, and finally, he could be truly happy.
But that happiness was at a cost. And that cost was everyone else's happiness
No one washappy, and they never would be again...
No one in Tenjuku could believe your betrayal.
I mean, sure, they may have forced you into joining, but you still played a huge role in the gang.
You helped them out with a lot of plans, you helped pump the members up before fights, and, most of all, you made sure to always stand by their side.
Really, you were one of the most loyal people in Tenjuku.
So, there was simply no way you were a traitor.
The moment you left Tenjuku's side in the middle of a spontaneous brawl, people flipped out. But they just thought you were going to take out the enemy gang's leader.
However, you instead stood by the leader's side and gave him a hug.
After that you announced you were just finding out Tenjuku's secrets. You claimed you were using them.
However, you were one of the most beloved people in Tenjuku. And it's that exact reason that no one person could accept it. Not one.
Even Izana, who saved you from a random thug, could accept it. You were too loyal to him specially. If you had too, you'd sacrifice your life for him.
It was more likely that you'd see flying pigs than for you to blatantly betray them.
So, Izana sent a team of Tenjuku's strongest to go get you and bring you back home.
But even they, who trusted you more than anyone, saw that you were telling the truth after they came into contact with you.
After all, you killed a member of Tenjuku right in front of them.
"Is this enough proof for you brats?" you said maliciously. The tainted, sadistic look in your eyes and the dark crimson blood on etched your hair and face only made the scene more real...
"T-there's no way...Y/n" Kakucho said staring at you in disbelief.
"What?? Want me to kill you too?"
After that they left. Not a single person could bare to see you like that, let alone fight you. However, they were going to have to fight you very soon.
After all, brawl number 2 was coming soon, and clearly, you were on their side.
You were a traitor. And they could no longer deny that no matter how much they wanted too.
Though, even though he saw you kill one of his men in front of his eyes, Izana couldn't believe you. There was just something too oft about the situation.
He had a bad feeling. A very bad one that gnawed at him from the inside out.
And it was that very reason that led him to take Tenjuku's strongest to spy on you. Yes, spy.
The group watched you constantly. From when you woke up in the morning to the moment you fell asleep.
That's how much he didn't believe your betrayal.
And while it didn't pay off at first, after watching you from a few days, he found the truth out...
The platinum-haired male was keeping his usual watchful eye on you, as usual, the group of Tenjuku's strongest, stood steadily behind him. But right now, the group was even more attentive, as you were currently with the enemy gang and talking to the leader.
The group could see you were conversing, but they couldn't see what you were saying, so, they. But it was what they heard, they barreled them the most......
"Do I have to b-boss?" You questioned, hints of shaky fear etching into your soft voice.
"Yes! We have a deal, remember?"
"But I can't do that!! I CAN'T!!"
"Well then, I'll just have to kill your precious little leader!!"
A quite shock ran through every single person's system. They knew that the man wasn't talking about himself...but he was instead talking bout Izana.
And it was only that that all the puzzle pieces fit together. You weren't a traitor, but instead, you were trying to save Izana.
You were being black mailed into joining that other disgusting gang.
"What should we do boss?" Rindou quietly questioned.
"Wait a bit, then, we'll kill him"
"No!!" you yelled; a panic clearly being etched into your voice.
"Then do what I say!"
"I CAN'T!!!!"
A beat of heavy silence filled the room, tension weighting down on every person in the area. No one dared to move or speak, as the look on the man in front of you's face twisted it an irritated, dark expression.
The look sent shivers through many members bodies. Though, as the man rushed towards you, Izana interrupted the silence, finally giving out his orders.
"Get the fuck out there and protect Y/n"
At that, all the Tenjuku members present rushed outwards you and the man, with the goal of protecting you at all costs.
As the tall blonde approached you, he pulled out a long, sharp, silver blade and continued charging at you. You froze, completely aware of what was going to happen, but you still couldn't move. You were too afraid, too shocked.
And because of that, the man got the chance he wanted. He got the chance to kill you, and he did.
He took the dagger and sliced right through your abdomen. And the moment he did, you died, immediately.
You were gone, dead. And no one could believe it.
They couldn't believe you were no longer there, you were just a shell, a dead body. And to be honest, that though brought tears to many people's eyes.
Other people, stood still, shocked.
But most people, lost it.
They were angry at the man, more that angry. So, they continued charging towards him, with the new intent of killing him.
And the person leading the charge, was Izana himself. And he sure didn't hold back.
His intense brutal ways brought strength to him that he had never felt before. And because of that strength, he was able to kill that man.
That man who killed you, was now dead. And they all prayed he would suffer in hell from his horrible, devastating actions.
Unfortunately, even though the man was dead, immense grief spread throughout the whole of Tenjuku.
They missed you. They wanted you back, more than anything in the world. Namely Izana.
A darkness entered his heart when he lost you, one of the 2 people he had. It was the same darkness that enters his heart when Shinichiro died. And that got to him more than anything else in the world.
He prayed and prayed for you to come back to him. But you didn't come back, you couldn't come back.
And he fell into darkness from it, one that weighed down on him so much that he even he, who was already dark, completely lost it.
He was never the same, and he never would be.
After all, he couldn't live without you.
Some years ago, you suggested the idea of creating a gang to Senju. She wanted to beat Mikey so badly, so why not make create a gang to so do? And so, Brahman was created and now it was one of the top 3 gang in Japan.
Ever since it's creation, you had been one of the top members of Brahman. You were strong and loyal.
You were always sure to show a lot of love and care to Brahman, and always did what was best for them. Almost all the members really looked up to you.
So, your sudden "betrayal" was really hard for Brahman.
However, the moment you randomly got up in the ring and announced your leave for Rokuhara Tendai, almost every single person there knew there was something very wrong.
You had hated Rokuhara Tendai, South specifically.
You always bugged Senju to go to war with them, purely because you hated them and there presence so much.
So, why the hell would you leave Brahman for the gang you hated the most?
It was just too crystal clear that something was going on. 
So, the 1st Gen Black Dragons and a team of Brahman members went after you, with full intentions of bringing you home.
However, instead of reassurance that there was something wrong, the Brahman members were shown that you weren't lying.
You really had left them for South. And they could no longer refuse such a truth.
"Y/n, you don' have to do this! Just come home!!" Akashi yelled, tears building up in his from seeing his friends so comfy with an opposing gang.
"Your dear Y/n isn't going back with you. After all, she loves me... Isn't that right Y/N?" South said, a cocky, amused grin stretching out on his from the desperate look on the Brahman members faces.
"I'm all yours South"
The way leaned into his larger body and snuggled up to him was more than enough of an indication of your truth. And while no one there wanted to believe it, they knew it was true.
You were a traitor. And now, they were going to have to take down that traitor.
However, Senju wouldn't accept it.
Senju had known you for many years, as she was your childhood best friend. The white-haired girl knew you like the back of your hand, and she was well aware that your recent behavior was more than out of the ordinary for you.
You were just too erratic compared to what she had known for the past 10 years.
And she was hell-bent that you weren't a traitor. You absolutely couldn't be.
Of course, no one believed her words, and thought she was just being ridiculous. However, she knew that something was wrong. And she was going to get to the bottom of it.
So, she left, in search of you.
And while her sudden disappeared caused chaos, it was no surprise.
Afterall, you were one of the most precious people to her, and she was determined to bring you back.
So, they waited. Every single member patiently waited for her and her return with you.
However, the exact opposite happened..
After being gone all day, Senju came back to Brahman's hide out. However, she was completely along with a complexly distraught, confused expression on her face.  Little tears streamed down her face as she muttered your name repeatedly.
The Brahman members were shocked by this. After all, there leader was clearly traumatized, but by what?
Just what the hell happened?
But fear surged through all their systems as they got an even closer look at her. And the moment they did, the immediately noticed the odd red stains that were etched onto her jacket.
Ones that looked an awful lot like blood...
"Senju, what happened? Are you okay??" Akashi said, worry building up from his little sisters' appearance and behavior.
"Takeomi...their gone..."
"What? What are you talking about?"
"THEIR GONE TAKEOMI!! Y/N'S GONE!!" As said those words, Senju fell in her knees, sobbing. "I couldn't save them Takeomi....I was too w-weak"
The whole arena fell silent at Senju's break down. She mumbled about you being gone, and her not being able to save you. Did  this mean you were gone gone? Just what the hell happened?
"....what happened Senju?" Akashi quietly questioned.
"I-I, I went to go get Y/n, and find out what was happening, but when I did the...the other guy came in, saw them with me, and got angry...really angry. A-and then, then, the other guy shot them....in the head....and they.... died"
"Died.... Y/n's dead?"
"...their dead"
The moment those words echoed throughout arena, murmmers from Brahman started, and rumors quickly came along with that.
Most people couldn't accept your sudden death. You were fine before, so why wouldn't you be fine now? They were ready to fight you, so you couldn't be dead. This had to be some sick joke that Senju was pulling on them.
Others did accept it, as their leaders cries made it clear that she wasn't lying, however, they didn't accept it well.
They loved you. They looked up to you. They wanted to be able to fight next to you again. They wanted to laugh with you again. They wanted you back. And they cried from it. All these people wanted was to make more amazing memories with you. All they wanted was you back.
But you would never come back. You were dead, and now they were left without you.
Knowing that, all they could do was cry.
Others accepted it well. They knew you were dead, and they knew Senju was being real. But they were also aware that you would never wasn't any of the members to cry for you, or loose themselves for you. You'd want them to live for you and be happy.
So, they would be. And they would be sure to carry on your legacy.
They'd keep your memory alive.
Every person's reaction varied, but in the end, they all missed you. They missed your presence, smile, and encouragement. Every single person did.
But no one missed you more than Brahman's top 4.
Waka and Benkei had bonded with you quite a lot. They saw you as their own little sibling, and they always took care of you and helped you when you needed it. And you, did the same for them. You could always put a smile on their face. And now that you were gone, there was no one to make them smile.
They had lost their family, and that would forever change them.
There would always be an empty part in their hearts, where you used to live.
Akashi also saw you as a little sibling, but he also looked up to you.
You had always been close to Senju and you were always there for her. He admired you for always knowing what she was thinking, and always sticking by her. And he really apricated you for doing that. Not only that, but you also did the same for him.
You unintentionally made him happier. You played a role in bringing him out of him darkness and he couldn't apricate you more.
But now you weren't there, so, that darkness came back. He was falling again.
And of course, there was Senju, who took your death the hardest. She was there when you died, she held you in your final moments. She was the one who felt your body turn cold as you gave her one last smile. And she, was the one who loved you the most.
She couldn't remember a time when you weren't there by her side. Whether you were annoying her, or cheering her up, you were always there. You always seemed to be able to read her in ways that even Akashi couldn't, and you always supported her dreams.
You helped her create Brahman. You helped her become someone. You brought her happiness. And now, her happiness was dead.
And she was empty. Her heart was empty.
Because of that, she lost herself. She became more brutal, and cold. She even killed people.
Though, as this behavior continued, Brahman became more and more corrupt.
Eventually, it became a criminal organization who were full of people who committed the worst of the worst crimes. Yet, Senju never felt bad or guilt about it.
She felt nothing.
And because you were gone, she would always feel nothing.
After all, her happiness was dead. And now, she was left with nothing.
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sugar-lemons-yellow · 3 years
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“Pretty Flower”~ Choi Jongho x fem!reader smut/fluff
Warnings~~ virginity taking, Jongho being hella sweet and soft, oral(f&m receiving), unprotected sex, dom!Jongho, shy!reader, I think that’s it. Let me know if I missed any!
“Flower.” You heard a familiar voice call out to you from your apartment door followed by a gentle knock
You grinned instantly knowing who it was. You ran to the door with an extra pep in your step only caused by need to be in his warm,strong embrace. You bit your lip in anticipation as you quickly opened the door fumbling on the locks from time to time. Once you finally get the locks to budge and unlock you’re greeted with the most lovely sight. Him. Jongho.
“Hi!” You say in a low but excited tone
“You don’t have to be so shy, flower.” He chuckled as he pulled you in for a hug and a long awaited kiss
You two pulled away only to stare and blush at each other.
You didn’t quite understand why you were so shy around him. You were comfortable with him of course you just couldn’t shake those butterflies you had when you two first met.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sweet sound of his voice.
“What are you cooking over here?” He led himself to the kitchen allowing you to instinctively follow
“I’m only boiling the water right now. I wasn’t expecting you to be here this early I’m not even really dressed.” You tugged at the bottom of your hoodie
“I like what you have on.” His hands slid up your arm to the neck line of the hoodie
“You know I need this back right?” He asked lifting your chin to look up at him
“Stop looking down, flower. I won’t be able see your pretty eyes.” You looked up at him closing your eyes
“Now you can’t see them.” You giggled
“But I want to see them.”
“But you can’t.”
“You’re being unfair.” You could hear the pout in his voice causing you to laugh and smile
“Just ask,stem.”
“Stem?” He laughed at my new nickname
“You always call me flower,so I’ll call you stem.” You two sat in a brief moment of silence before busting into a fit of laughter
“Can you open your eyes flower?” He managed to get out through his laughter
You opened them grinning. “Yes.”
“I still wonder how i was able to get this lucky.”
“Well maybe you should call me clover instead of flower,stem.” You grin at your own joke which you thought was funny
“Two things. You’ll always be my flower and don’t call me stem. It’s a little weird.”
“Why I think it’s really cute.”
You can’t help but laugh at his expression of seriousness.
Jongie, you can’t have a flower without a stem!” You push out along with your laughter causing him to become more annoyed
“I’m going to give you a two second head start.” He said in the plain expression ever
You only smiled at him. You couldn’t help but smile at him. He was your little stem and there was nothing he could do about it.
“You aren’t going to take your head start?”
You shook your head no still giving him the most innocent smile.
He shrugged his shoulders and unexpectedly picked you up making your shriek and laugh.
“Stop calling me stem!” He said back taking you to the couch
“STEM I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU-“ that’s all you managed to get out before being gently slammed on the couch
You hit the couch back first,with your legs slightly spread. You didn’t notice but Jongho sure did.
His pants started to feel tight and he turned to the side. He couldn’t help feeling that way. It was just the way your legs spread invitingly and the way you looked so innocent and shocked did it for him completely and it didn’t help the line of wetness he saw leaking to the outside of your panties.
“F-flower close your legs.” He said with a tone from him that you never heard before
That tone turned you on even more. That tone did something to you and you wanted to make him talk to you like that again.
“No I’m comfortable. Maybe you should sit next to me.” You spread further, biting your lip as your hands go down to play with the hem of your panties
Jongho’s head turned slowly towards you. He was extremely turned on at this point. He wanted to leave your apartment and take care of himself elsewhere but you voice was like honey and he was the bee.
He walked over to you slowly, not sure what was about to happen.
“Y/n, close them.” His voice was much lower now and you were mindlessly moaning for him to say your name again
“But I really want you jongie.” You whimpered and sat up, facing him
He looked in extreme distress. His head was in his hands and his cheeks were red. He wanted you too but it was only your 5th month dating and he knew that you were a virgin.
“Are you sure about that?” He turned his head towards you awaiting your decision
You looked down and all of a sudden your shyness came back. You still wanted him you were just scared.
“You won’t hurt me on purpose right?” You reached over and rubbed his thigh earning a low grown from him
Upon hearing those words you laid back and spread your legs as wide as they could go.
“I’m ready.”
He instantly climbed on top of you kissing you positioning himself between your legs. The make out session got hot pretty fast but you were craving more and so was he. You bucked your hips up against his throbbing bulge growing increasingly. The action caused you both to move and for him to get the green light to go further.
His hands slid down to the bottom of his hoodie only to lift it up and slide his hand up and down your bare sides. Continuously grinding down on you made you wetter and wetter to the point there was a small wet stain on his pants and you were about to cum.
Jongho noticed this and pulled away at the last minute making you whine at the loss of friction. He pulled his hand out of his hoodie at stared at you. Your hooded eyes; red,swollen lips; and the blush running all through your face was was like magic to him.
His dominant aura was too much for you to handle but you wanted more. You were putty in his hands, falling apart but trying to stay together. You needed him to ruin you.
“That needs to come off.” His tone snapped you out of your thoughts and you quickly came out of the hoodie revealing your bare breast
He smirked and was happy at your eagerness to comply. He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He slid them down taking his underwear with them allowing his length to be free and spring up to hit his stomach.
You stared at it wide eyed shocked at how big it was. You licked your lips as you took it into your hands. You didn’t know how to do what you knew he wanted you to do but you were going to blow him away.
You let it go, crawling towards him slowly.
“Your going to tease me now?”
You hummed in response.
“The couch isn’t that big.”
“I know Jongie.”
You finally reached him after what felt like forever. He looked down at you, sucking his bottom lip in, thinking about how your lips would feel around and he needed to feel it.
“Flower you’re wasting time.”
You felt a huge pit in your stomach. You were honestly lost. You seen this a lot in the porn you saw on the internet. You didn’t know what to do at all and it was scaring you. You sucked in a huge breath and let it out as you took his cock into your hands.
You gave it a small squeeze gaining a hiss of pleasure from him. You smiled up at him innocently before sliding you one hand up and down along his length. You had started slow and you were moving incredibly slow and and was killing him.
“F-flower ahhh move faster.” He managed to moan out
His encouragement was all you needed and the praise washed over you immensely causing you to want to do more.
You continued with your hands as you swirled your tongue around his painfully red tip.
“Mmmm flower please do it again.”
So you did but this time you put your mouth on it. He shuddered slightly,smiling at you letting you know you’re doing great.
Still working your hands you began to move your head up and down as your tongue swirled his head repeatedly. You’re mouth was watering at this point causing some of your saliva to slide down his cock and he loved it.
Jongho was lost in ecstasy at that point and he could no longer contain himself. His hand went to grip your hair as his hips began to thrust into your mouth.
You gagged slightly making him stop.
“I’m sorry are you okay?”
“Yes it’s just a reflex. I actually liked it.” You grinned at him
You opened your mouth again as he slid his cock in. He started fucking your mouth again, Moaning and groaning loudly.
“Ahhh my pretty flower.” He pushed out
His moans and praise made impossible for you to contain yourself as well. You took your free hand and slid it into your panties. You hand explored your incredibly wet pussy. You were surprised yourself at how much was there. You began to rub your swollen, hard clit. You moaned at the amazing feeling.
Jongho on the other hand was close. Dangerously close. He somehow bought himself to a stop and pulled his cock out of your mouth. You gasped for air as you continued to rub your pussy.
Your actions we’re not ignored as you were given your next order.
“Take those panties off and lay back.” You obeyed instantly spreading your legs for him
He eyed you pussy hungrily as he pressed his thumb to your clit. You shook and closed your legs not before he forced them back open.
“Don’t close unless I say.”
Your head nodded quickly. He smiled at what he accomplished. He looked up at you biting his lip.
“Tell me flower, what do you want me to do?” He asked
“Can you do what I did to you?” You whispered
He simply nodded and kissed your inner thighs teasing. He got to your pussy after littering your thighs with kisses. He drug his finger from your hole to your clit, rubbing softly when the got to the hard nub.
“Jongie....” you let out a weakened moan
“Do you want more flower?” He whispered as he rubbed your thighs calming you down
You answered yes. He leaned his face down and licked a long stripe up your slit. You gasped at the new feeling, it was honestly wonderful.
You were so sensitive and Jongho knew that and he loved it. He licked another stripe before solely focusing on your clit. His tongue flicked all over the nub at a fast pace and you didn’t want him stopping. Your legs threatened to close but Jongho held them open.
“Please don’t stop!”
He only went faster at your request. Your moans were so loud at this point and he didn’t want to stop but he couldn’t let you cum just yet do like before he pulled away.
You whined and pouted, angry because he stop just when your high was soon to be reached.
“Jongiiieee!” Your inner brat was coming out
“Don’t be bratty flower.” He answered back opening your legs or at least trying to
“Open flower.” He smiled
“Y/n.” That stern tone was back and it made your knees go weak
He noticed this and it turned him on so much. You were so submissive and he dominated you completely. He pried your legs open to see some of your wetness spread.
He bit his lip and looked down.
“Flower I don’t have any condoms.”
You had to think of something quick. You both needed and wanted this.
“Just cum on my stomach it’s okay.” You answered putting you leg up on the back of the couch
“Before I go in are you completely sure? We can stop right here if not.” You looked deep into his eyes
“Yes Jongie completely sure.” He smiled at your answer as he began to line himself at your entrance
You bit your lip in slight fear but also in anticipation. He rubbed his tip against your soaked slit opening your lips.
“You ready? It’s going to hurt.” He asked one more time
You let out a deep breath and nodded yes. He held your hands and pushed into you slowly. You bit your lip at the pain and tears started to form in your eyes.
“You’re so tight and wet.” He groaned
He fully pushed in and he sat there letting you get use to him.
“You okay? I didn’t hurt you too bad did i?”
“I’m okay!” You smiled and wiped your tears once he let your hands go
“Can I move?”
He started to move in and out of you slowly, picking up the pace as he goes along. Moans started to fall from both of you as the pain turned into complete pleasure.
“Can you move faster please?” You asked
His only response was lifting your leg on to his shoulder allowing him to go as deep as possible. His pace picked up soon after. He was pounding into gently and it felt so good.
You were soon starting to feel an unfamiliar knot in your stomach. He was starting to twitch inside of you and you could feel it. The knot in your stomach started to grow and it felt like it was going to burst. Little did you know that knot was your building orgasm and you needed it.
“I think I’m about to come!” You moaned out loudly
He could only groan in response. Your knot got as big as it could get and it suddenly bursted making you scream in pleasure.
Jongho followed soon after. His strokes were getting sloppy and he stay in any longer. He got as close as he could then he pulled out and came on your stomach. He slid it back in helping you ride out your high.
He pulled out completely smiling down at your shocked state. His eyes followed down your body to the pool of cum sitting on your stomach.
“Let me clean this up.” He grinned at you getting up heading to the kitchen for a paper towel
You sat up on your elbows taking in what just happened. You looked around the room seeing that it returned to normal after seeing stars a few minutes ago. Jongho returned with the paper towels. He began wiping your stomach.
Your eyes met with his enjoying this sweet moment of silence. You two could only stare and blush at each other like before.
“You okay flower?” He asked throwing out the paper towel in nearest garbage can
“I’m fine just a little sore.” Your smile turned into a wince as you swung your legs off the couch
“Be careful I don’t want you being in pain.” He held your hand starting to guide you
“No no I’m okay really.” You reassured him
You started to slightly limp to the bathroom. Jongho followed behind making sure you were okay. You giggled feeling his presence behind you.
“Just to let you know the pot is burnt so we might have to order food.” You both started to laugh
“Are you still staying the night?” You asked remembering why he came to your apartment in the first place
“Yeah. Do you want me to leave flower?” You just grinned knowing how upset he was going to be at what you said next
“Of course not, stem.” He glared at you and of course you just laughed
“Let’s just shower and forget that stupid nickname.” He answer so plainly
“Fix your face stem or else you’ll be showering alone.”
He put on a fake smile eliciting a light chuckle from you. The rest of that night included movies, food, and well of course, Flower and Stem.
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lunnybunny12 · 3 years
Young Snape x Ravenclaw reader
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All characters are in their 5th year at Hogwarts. Reader is a ravenclaw (A/N I am a Ravenclaw so...YES!)
"Y/N!" Lily said shaling you violently. "Y/N wake up!"
With a groan, you opened your eyes to see the redhead hovering over you with a mischievous smile on her face. "Come on, were going to Hogsmeade today."
"Who let you past the Ravenclaw knocker, Evans?" you giggled, rubbing the sleep out of your eye and yawning. The Ravenclaw house was infamously known for letting Ravenclaws and ONLEY Ravenclaws into the common room and since Lily was a Gryffindor, she definitely didn't get in on her own.
She faked shock as she dramatically placed her hand on her chest, with a gasp.
"(Y/N), I'm shocked that you assumed I had help."
You looked at her with tired eyes, you knew her too well.
"It was Xenophilius Lovegood"
"Now that makes sense" you replied to her in a groggy tone. Standing up from your bed, you grabbed whatever clothes you wanted to wear that day. "But I can't go, you know my "guardians" didn't sign the slip."
Lily's smile grew even wider as she handed you a piece of paper. You took a glance at the paper and quickly put two and two together.
"Oh my god, you didn't" you said snatching the sheet out of her fingers and opened it.
"No, I didn't. Sirius did."
On a once blank line at the bottom of the permission slip was now filled in with your guardians signature.
"H-how did?.."
"Don't ask me how but... he did. Now hurry and get dressed the boys will be halfway through breakfast buy now"
Time skip (your in your regular clothes and just entered the great hall)
The smell of toast and pumpkin juice hit the pair of you right in the face. It was breakfast time and buy the looks of it most people were still asleep, leaving all of the good stuff for the taking.
As you and Lily walked to the 4 marauders, you felt a pair of familiar eyes watching you. When you saw it was Severus Snape you smiled and gavehim a small wave in wich he shyly gave you one back.
Even as children, you and Lily had always been together. You found out you were witches together and you met Severus together. And despite his home life he was the kindest person you had ever met. When you found out you were going to the same magical school as him you were over the moon and so was he. When you actualy got to Hogwarts the 3 of you became as thick as theaves but when you met the marauders he slowly became distant with you ... it broke your heart.
"Ah here are the lovely ladies now," James said with a gleeful smile.
"What took you so long?" Sirius said, standing from his seat to allow room for Lily and you.
Lily gave them an apologetic smile and sat nest to James who took the opportunity to wrap his arm around her.
"Sirius, I owe you a favour" you said showing him the permission slip with a smile.
He gave you a cheeky smile and said with outstretched arms " How about a hug and we call it even?"
"Sounds like a deal,"you smiled as he pulled you into a hug. It lasted for about a minute until you felt eyes on you again. When you pulled away, you saw that Sirius was looking behind you with a smug grin on his lips. You followed his gaze to see Snape with a broken look in his eyes.
With a hint of anger on your face, you turned back to the curly-haired wizard. " You know, Sirius. Being an arrogant git doesn't suit you one bit" you hissed, tapped Lily on the shoulder, told her you'd see her in Hogsmeade and made your way out of the hall.
After giving your slip to Mcgonagall, you began your walk to Hogsmeade before everyone else. You knew the way since you had been before. The walk was quiet and it was a welcomed breath of fresh air. It was pleasantly quiet and calming, the sun was shining and the wind was whistling through the trees.  
Halfway through your walk you heard some movement behind you, you turned around you saw the familiar black-haired boy you had known for years. He looked somewhat shocked to see you and you too were surprised at first. He never seemed like the type of person to go to Hogsmead, but it was good to see him out of the castle.
"Oh hello Severus, I thought I was here by myself."
His shock was slowly disappearing and he took a few steps to walk around you. "I apologise...ill... get out of your way"
"What? no."  You questioned, taking a few steps to stand beside him.
"Join me. Other than Lily you're the only person I can stand talking to."
When you said this he looked at you in a way you had never seen before. Admittedly, you understood his reaction to some extent. someone you hadn't spoken to in ages suddenly asks you to join them on a walk? very strange.
"I mean if you want to join me.. Id understand if you don't."
"N-no id like that" he quickly interjected. "I would like that."
The two of you started walking, side by side and for the first time in ages you talked. And it felt like nothing had changed between you.
"So... how has school been treating you?"
"Its been the same as every other year, I'm afraid. Very... unfulfilling. What about you?"
You sighed and fiddled with your shirt. "It's been stressful, to say the least, Severus. I'm majorly failing potions and my... friends are jerks."
"But you're friends with Lily and shes good at potions, why don't you ask her to help?"
"Are you kidding me? She's too busy hanging out with James." you chuffed. "And besides I've already asked her."
Another look crossed his face. This time you could practically see the cogs turning in his head before he spoke up again.
"Well... I can tutor you... if you wish."
Of all of the things you expected him to say you never expected that. He wanted to help you?  "Really Severus? Id hate to impose."
"I wouldn't have offered if you were imposing."
A small smile crept onto your face. "Thank you Severus, but are you sure you want to be stuck with me for an hour?"
He gave an amused chuff and answered " I'm sure I will survive."
"Alright well I'm free all day on Sundays so.... does 1 pm work for you?"
"It does indeed, in the library and bring a notebook"
Before you could answer your name rang through the air. It was Lily, James, Peter, Sirius and Remus making their way down the hill.
Almost eminently you saw Severus demeanour change. He became fidgety and his head slowly curled itself to look at the mud path below his feet.
"Listen, Severus, I um... I have to walk with them now so I'll see you tomorrow yea?" you said nudging him and trying yo look him in the eye. when his gaze met yours you offered the tallboy a smile.
"Yes. tomorrow" he said before quickly scampering off down the road.
The group eventually caught up with you and Sirius threw his arm around your shoulders. " Hey, what you talking to Snivellus Snape for?"
Your eyebrows knotted in confusion as you pushed his arm off of you and looked at him. "What did you just say?" You genuinely didn't hear what he said but given his response, it clearly wasn't something good.
The smile on his face then morphed onto fear at the realisation of what he has just said. His eyes scanned his friends faces and they were just as scared for him.
"Severus, Severus Snape. that's what I said" he chuckled. The rest of your friends chuckled with him. You weren't convinced that's what he said but you went along with it since you were in an awkward situation.
"RIGHT LADS, WHO WANTS SOME BUTTERBEER!" shouted Remus pointing his wand towards the Hogsmead.
Everyone cheered and continued walking down the dirt path while you lagged behind, pulling Lily to walk with you.
Time skip to a few months later
As agreed, you and Severus would meet up in the library every Sunday for tutoring and during that time you learnt so much. Not just about potions but about Severus too. This clearly was something he enjoyed doing and he was eager to do.  You also learnt a lot about yourself during this time.
Turns out you had quite a knack for potions when you had the right teacher and your grades slowly got better too.
Unfortunately that wasn't the only thing you learnt during this time. You found out that Sirius had a crush on you. He of course had yet to tell you this news himself. Peter let it slip in one of your charms class and you were shocked.
Then, on top of that, unbeknownst to you, Lily had told the boys what you were doing on Sunday afternoons and Sirius was pissed, to say the least.
This particular Sunday, Severus had asked you to meet him next to the tree across the Black Lake.  He heard it was going to be nice out and since it was just going to be a reading session you thought why not.
On your journey there, you heard yelling and cheering near your destination. As you got closer you began to recognise some voices and when you heard Severus yelling you sprinted towards the tree.
When you exited the shrubbery you saw Sirius and the boys laughing at something above them. It was Severus. Sirius had cast a spell that pulled Severus feet first into the air. Hanging him upside-down.
You felt your blood boil in your veins. You didn't know this was going on or for how long but it stopped right then and there. Within seconds you grabbed your wand and shouted at the top of your lungs "EXPELLIARMUS!".
The amount of fear that glazed everyone's eyes in that seconds, was nothing more than horrifying. None of them expected you to be there (over an hour early) and they definitely didn't expect you to have this much anger pumping through you as you did in that moment.
The spell practically forced Siriuses wand out of his hand making Severus slowly land on the ground.  
You walked right up to Sirius, who was quivering in his boots, and pointed your wand right at his face.
" YOU! You slimy, egotistical, peace of shit!"
"N-Now (Y/N)" He stuttered, holding his hands up in surrender.
"SHUT UP! now you will answer my questions with 100% honesty or I will destroy that pretty face of yours. Understand?"
He nodded his head vigorously.
You didn't need to worry about the others shooting you with their wands because they were just as scared as their precious "Pad Foot".
"Why are you doing this Sirius and for how long?" you seethed.
" B-because I'm in love with you..." He said looking at you with hopeful eyes " and so is Severus. I did it because I was Jesus."
You pushed your wand under his chin " I know the first bit but how long, Pad Foot?"
He went silent and lowered his gaze. "Since our first year"
You sighed and looked at the rest of the group. Your anger was slowly going away.
" You knew about this?" You asked. However, when you didn't get a response your anger quickly returned.
Simultaneously they all nodded their heads. Your friends.. they were your friends and they purposefully hurt someone so that you would go out with one of them. It made you sick!
You raised your wand and pointed at all of them.
" Don't ever talk to me again or else the next time I see your names on the murders map will be in the dark forest. 6 FEET UNDER THE WHOMPING WILLOW! UNDERSTAND?" you yelled, tears at the corner of your eyes.
Sirius was upset, he took a few steps closer to you. " (Y/N), please"
"WHAT did I just... say?"
As he took another step towards you, you shot a bolt of electricity at his feet. "get out of my sight, all of you."
Within seconds they ran away with their tails between their legs.
Throughout this exchange, Severus was stood right next to the tree. He heard every word that left your lips and felt the emotion on every letter but at the same time, he felt fear. He felt the fear that was radiating off of the murders and he felt a fear he thought he would have gotten used to buy now. The fear of being rejected by the one person he loved more than anyone else. After Sirius had exposed his feelings to you.. that fear almost consumed him. When he saw you fall to your knees and drop your wand on the grass, However, he put the fear aside and went to comfort you.
Your face was already stained with tears. The pain you felt was excruciating and your hands were shaking from the amount of adrenalin. But... despite all of that when you saw Severus face come into view you smiled at him.
" You" you said breathlessly in a calm voice.
He knelt down to your level, with a clenched jaw, worry written all over his face.
With the smile still on your face you looked at him and said "You, Severus Snape are lucky that I love you too"
 Please feel free to drop your ideas in the comments or private messing me. Love ya!!
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dracoxgeorge · 3 years
Romeo & Juliet | Draco Malfoy
A/n: Hii, thank you guys for 56 followers!! Love you guys, I hope you enjoy this!!
Warnings: Angst? fluff, swearing, and crying. Please let me know if i missed anything <3
Summary: You get really insecure about Draco and Pansy’s play. 
Draco x fem!reader
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You and Draco had been dating since the beginning of 5th year, it's now the middle of 6th. 
Professor McGonagal and Professor Flitwick decided that they wanted to do a school play inspired by the muggle book ‘Romeo and Juliet’ by Shakespear. 
You had caught Draco reading the book once in the library, and you had thought he should audition when it was announced during dinner. 
He has many of Romeo’s qualities, he's extremely handsome, clever, very loyal and though he doesn’t believe you, he can be very immature at times. 
You did manage to persuade him to audition and he not so surprisingly got the lead role as Romeo. He beat not only Cormac Mclaggen but also Fred Weasley. 
Draco desperately wanted for you to audition for Juliet, but you turned him down. You are pretty shy, only around people you don’t know though, you are very open with your friends. 
There was a lineup of girls auditioning for Juliet which did manage to upset you knowing your boyfriend would have to kiss another woman while you watched.
Flitwick and McGonagal narrowed it down to 4 girls, Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown, Padma Patil and finally, your best friend, Pansy Parkinson. This surprised you because Astoria Greengrass auditioned as well but Pansy had much better acting skills. 
You were happy for Pansy and Draco, you helped them both practice their lines together. Thats what led to now, you had finally made it to the kiss part without them making any mistakes at all. 
“We should leave this for the show, right Yn?” Draco asked, silently asking for you to say yes. You knew that Draco more than anything felt guilty at even the thought of putting his lip on someone else's. 
That too made you queasy. Day and night your mind would wonder, what if he catches feelings for her after the kiss and falls out of love with you. Or what if Pansy falls in love with him?
Maybe for them it would be more than just a kiss and they keep doing it behind your back. You have no clue what's going to happen but can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
By preparing for the worst you just tried to spend more time with your boyfriend as if it could end, but you kept your head held high. 
You and Draco were cuddling in his prefect dorm, you had been on your side while you had your leg draped over his middle. 
Dracon was reading a novel, you tucked your head into the crook of his neck while your mind continued to wonder once again. I tear slipped down your cheek, as a small quiet sob escaped your lips.
Draco put his book down, looking down at you. 
“What's wrong, love?” He asked, you turned up to look at him, quickly wiping the tear away. 
Your eyes met, you watched him examine your features. Another tear slipping past your eye. His hand moved to your face, caressing it with his thumb while wiping the tear away. 
“It's nothing, get back to your book.”  You suggested, your hand began playing with the hem of his loose black t-shirt. 
You took a deep breath, inhaling his scent as if it were the last time you would do so. 
“Is it about the play? If it is, I hope you know Pansy is nothing more than a friend to me.” He whispered softly, kissing the top of your head.
“No, no, I want you guys to do good, I’m excited. I mean Saturday is only two days away.” You replied, cherishing the feeling of his warmth. 
“That doesn't tell me why you're crying,”
“I’m not, just tired is all.”  You answered, hoping he would buy it, which he did. 
Draco knew something was off, but he didn’t want to push you nor make you feel forced to tell him. 
Draco is very clever when it comes to you and how you feel. He can somehow always sense when or if there's something wrong. But he never wants for you to feel like you need to do something for him or to please him. 
You are a people pleaser to say the least. 
“Okay, did you want me to move over or are you comfortable?” 
“I’m fine, goodnight, my love.” 
“Goodnigt,” He whispered back. 
It was Saturday afternoon, the play was to begin after dinner. You wanted to be excited yet the thought had your stomach turning.
You heard rumors flying around you left and right, “did you hear, malfoys breaking up with yn”, “Draco cheated on her”, and “Pansys gonna take him”. You would be lying if you said it wasn’t getting to you.
“Hey, Draco, how are you feeling?” You asked, Draco was reading over his lines, pacing back and forth. 
“I-i’m fine, you're not supposed to be here, please, leave. Me and Pansy need to practice.”
Considering you had just seen Mrs. Parkinson, and Astoria you knew he just wanted you gone. Were the people right? Maybe he was just a little too stressed.
You did just as he asked, and without a word walked out. Unfortunately you walked right into Mrs.Malfoy.  
“Oh Yn, how are you? Have you seen Draco?” 
“Oh, yeah I just saw him, but apparently we’re not allowed to go in there. He just asked me to leave. So how have you been, where is Mr.Malfoy if you don’t mind?” You asked, with a light smile.
“Unfortunately he couldn’t make it. But we’re doing okay. Has Draco asked you about Christmas break? We wanted you to come see us.” 
You gave her a confused smile, why wouldn't he ask you?
“Oh, uhm yeah, but I’m not sure if I’m able to go just yet, I would love to see you though.”  You answered. 
“That’s okay, well I’ll see you in there.” You gave her a nod and left to see your friend Amara.
“He told you to leave?” She asked, you nodded eagerly. 
“Yeah, and he didn't tell me about Christmas, what if what everyones saying is true? What if he actually leaves me?” You asked, your words full of hurt and discomfort. 
“Yn, he’s not going to leave you over a stupid kiss, espeacially with someone he knows your insecure about. And Christmas is probably just a coincidence.” 
Amira stated, trying to relieve you, but it only slightly helped. 
But who could blame you? Everyone around you is talking about what they think is going to be happening. You were allowed to have your doubts. 
It was time for the play. 
You braced yourself for what is to come, wearing one of Draco’s black hoodies, making sure it was a long sleeve. 
You made your way to the great hall, finding a seat next to Luna and Neville. 
“What's wrong, Yn?” Luna asked, once you took your seat. You shook your head, putting a gentle smile on your face. 
“Just a little nervous is all.” You answered, adjusting yourself, scanning the room for a blonde. 
Your eyes landed on his, you watched as he hugged his mother, Pansy standing nearby. 
“I can see that you're sad, has Draco done something?” She asked again, very innocent and softly.
“Not yet, but that's okay. I guess I just have to play the waiting game for now.” You murmured. Neville scrunched his nose in confusion, but he decided not to question you. 
“Okay, well I wish the best for you and whatever it may be going on.” Luna continued. 
You envied Luna. She is an amazing person, she has a golden heart. There is not one bad or even half bad quality that you’ve noticed came along with her. People find her to be weird and tend to stay their distance, but she is so lovely. She sees things differently for sure, yet she always manages to stay so positive. You adored everything about her.
“Thank you everyone for coming. Please enjoy Hogwarts' first play and our interpretation of the muggle play ‘Romeo and Juliet.’” Professor McGonogal stated, stepping off the stage and beginning the play.
You watched the play go on, you were not only impressed but also extremely proud of your boyfriend. However the not couldn’t be said for Pansy. You hated seeing her as the enemy and attempted to shake out that part of you. 
You watched intently in awe as Draco and Pansy portrayed the characters very well. 
You watched the way he held her and looked at her, just like he looked like you. He’s acting, that's all it is, you thought.
Pansys long brunette hair swayed on top of her shoulders, you could never deny that she was beautiful. She had many boys wrapped around her finger, she could pull anyone she wanted with barely any effort.
This is it, you thought. You could only watch. You studied Draco’s expressions. You could see through most of his emotions, and watched his face contort between passion and an awfully awkward look. 
You watched him put his acting to work, instinctively discarding the face of awkwardness and replacing it with passion and intimacy. 
He leaned in, as did she, and closed the space between them. 
A tear fell from your eye, you felt as though your relationship had just come to an end. You had been practicing plea’s for Draco to stay since you found out about the kiss, which now you had worked out by figuring out which one exactly to use.
Although you had been contemplating what could or could not happen in your eyes. Thats when it hit you. 
He could actually leave. 
Draco was your oxygen, he was the light of your life and though you had only been dating for just over a year, he made you significantly happier than you were able to make yourself. That man has made you feel things you were never able to feel with anyone else, mentally and yes also physically. 
You felt over the moon whenever you were around him, you were ecstatic just getting a look at him, and oh how he could get you flustered. You couldn’t believe your ears when Draco asked you for Hogsmeade. You couldn't imagine a world without him, you went as far as to imagine a future with a man you’ve watched from afar for years. You loved him dearly and to think that he even considered leaving you at one point or another made you want to throw up. 
Tear after tear streamed down your cheeks, you couldn't watch any longer so you decided to make a trip to the bathroom. 
Once you got to the prefect bathroom, you slid down the wall and cupped your face in your hands and sobbed as if it were the last thing you’d ever do.
“Hey, knock knock, anyone there?” You heard a voice come from the other side of the door.
“Yeah, I’m done, sorry.” You answered, wiping your face with Draco’s hoodie, inhaling his scent as you did so. You stood up, opening the door to a very tall ginger who you knew as either Fred or George Weasley. 
“Shouldn’t you be at the show?” He asked. 
“Uhm yeah, which one are you?” You asked, looking him head to toe.
“George, and you are Yn,” You nodded at his gentle words. 
You scooted behind him, and murmured “I should be getting back now, see you around.” Before making your way back. 
Unfortunately yet somewhat fortunately, when you got back you saw that the show had ended and everyone was on the stage, bowing and saying ‘thank you’s’. 
You saw Draco, up on stage holding Pansy’s waist. You caught his eye and watched his smile drop, making your stomach- in turn- drop. 
He looked at your semi wet face and droopy mascara, flipping over what was supposed to be his happy night. 
You watched everyone begin watching off stage, Draco walking straight to his mother, and Pansy to you. 
“Hey, you did great.” You smiled full of sorrow. You watched her smile grow, making your heart throb. 
“Thank you! Where were you, you left in the middle of the show, what happened?” She asked, a flood of guilt washed over you. 
“Oh, I needed to use the bathroom. Sorry about that. But you guys did amazing!” You exclaimed. A deep blush flooded Pansy’s cheeks. 
“Well I’m going to go see my mom, talk to you later.” She said, walking away leaving you stranded, students absolutely everywhere. 
Suddenly, you felt a very familiar hand wrap itself around your wrist. It held three silver rings, which burned into your skin. 
He pulled you away, to the back of the room, he moved left and right dragging you along with him. Finally he found his mother, bringing his arm around your waist to greet her. 
“Draco, darling, you did phenomenal!” She said, leaving her son with a faint blush and beautiful smile plastered on his face. You were stuck admiring his features. 
“Thank you mother.” He responded, you looked up at him, smiling. Looking back over at his mum. 
“Well, I should be on my way, my dear, talk to you soon, love you.” 
Draco nodded, whispering an I love you too.
She gave him a hug before making her way to the entrance of the school and apparating home. 
Draco dropped the happy smile on his face, dragging you to his prefect dorm. 
He gently pushed you into his room, shutting the door behind him. “Why’d you leave?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed beside you. 
“First, you did absolutely incredible and secondly, I needed to use the washroom.” You answered, watching him sigh. 
“You know I don’t like it when you lie to me.” He stated, in a very stern voice. You hated lying to Draco, but you couldn’t bring yourself to be honest. 
“I’m not lying, why would you say that?” You asked, scrunching your face in fake confusion. 
“Oh really? Is that the story you're sticking to?” You nodded confidently in response. 
“Well Weaselbee told me otherwise.” You felt your heart drop, a frustrated sigh left your throat, you threw your head back trying to blink the new forming tears away. 
“How much did he tell you?” You exhaled, why did George have to say anything? 
“Why were you crying?” He asked, using his index finger and thumb to make you look at him.
“It’s nothing. No need to worry, Blaise told me they are throwing a party for you in the common room, you should go. You're the man of the hour of course.” You stammered, hoping the newly formed tears threatening to spill would just disappear.
“No, not until I get an answer.”  
“Fine, look I’m sorry, just seeing you kiss her and look at her. Have you heard what everyone’s been saying? And your mother told me about Christmas, I just, I don't know. Maybe you’d be better off with Pansy, it seems to me that you two really are Romeo and Juliet.” You answered, letting out a choked sob and not even trying to stop the tears anymore.
“Yn, don't you get it. I don’t like Pansy like that, as a matter-of-fact I resent her. I absolutely hated having to work with her. She’s annoying and petty. I would’ve much rather had you to work with. You are the most amazing girl I have ever and will ever know, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” He started,
“And as for Christmas, It’s the beginning of November, darling, I wanted it to be a surprise. I need you to understand that I would never in eternity try to hurt you, I have only ever wanted to see you happy. I fucking love you and nothing will ever change that. It's you and me, we are Romeo and Juliet.” 
It was true, never once had he told you a lie, and never has since. You guys really were Romeo and Juliet. 
A/n: Sorry if this is absolute shit, but i hope you enjoyed it, thank you guys for 56 followers again! Requests are open!! 
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rileysramblings · 3 years
Dilemma 5/5
Hvitserk x Unnamed Female Character
Summary: It is finally time to go home and face reality.
Warnings: mention of car accident and injuries.
Side Note: Here it is. The end of Dilemma. Thank you all again for the lovely feedbacks. I hope the last chapter of this serie won’t disappoint. Please feel free to share your thoughts, I would love to hear what you are thinking about it all!
// Masterlist //
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Chapter 5: Home.
Today was the day. She was finally leaving. After a few days in the hospital, her doctor had finally authorized her to go home. As she made her way to the exit she smiled at the nurse that had taken care of her, silently thanking him for his attention, and she hopped in a taxi. 
She didn’t remember the actual accident, everything about that night was a blur. She remembered her phone screen lighting up with the name of her boss and she could see her fingers accepting the call but couldn’t recollect anything about the phone call in itself. 
She remembered leaving her apartment and running. She remembered but, for some reason, it felt different. She could tell she had been out of breath but while running, she couldn’t feel the weight of her coat on her shoulder or the awkwardness of running without sneakers on her feet. 
If she closed her eyes and concentrated, she could remember the light of the emergency cars. The ambulance. The police. The red. The blue. If she focused even more, she would hear the sirens, at first in the back, as if far away but as the seconds passed, the noise would grow to become almost violent and that would be the moment she started to panic and open her eyes again. 
“I need you to stay awake!” 
The taxi stopped in front of her building and she exited the vehicle, slightly surprised by the quick ride. She stayed where she stood on the pavement, looking at her building for a while. She was glad to be out of the hospital, she had been looking forward to this moment: finally going home. But now that she was facing it and she couldn’t move. 
It felt different. It looked different. She even lowered her gaze to verifiy the building’s number. Yes. That was it. That was home. She took a big inhale and ignored the sting in her chest. 
The flat looked exactly as she left it, as if nothing had happened. Books on shelves, various cables and almost finished candles on the side table, dry food on the counter and the remote control of the tv on the armchair. And, obviously, no one in sight.
She sighed. Her flatmate was probably sound asleep. She spent a few minutes trying to convince herself to eat something to pass the time, until the flatmate she had only talked to a handful of times would come out of hiding, but resolved herself to check her room. 
Not so long ago she would have spent all her time in there, awaiting for the flat to be empty so she could roam free. Now, it was a reminder. Not of the accident, she could go past that and she eventually would. 
The fondness for the room that only gave her comfort in the past transformed into anger and sadness. Ever since she had woken up in the hospital, dazed and disoriented, she would awake sad. 
She was hoping that feeling would disappear now that she was out of the hospital but something inside herself was telling her it would not be the case. Her big sad empty bed was staring at her making her feel uneasy, like something was missing, something important. 
She heard the door slam shut and she almost ran to the living room area hoping to find someone there. But the door that had slammed was the front door and the flat was empty once more. 
She sighed. 
She didn’t use to feel like that. She used to relish being on her own. She would always have work to get done or a hobby to turn to. But as she looked around in the flat, she didn’t feel like anything. 
She sat down on the couch and sighed once more, her gaze falling on her hands. She needed to get over whatever feeling that was and do something, anything. She was alive. She could have died and she didn’t. She was alive. She wasn’t allowed to feel sorry for herself. She was lucky. 
Wasn’t she?
She closed her eyes as a groan escaped her lips, her head falling on a cushion. Maybe she needed to have an uninterrupted full 8 hours of sleep and then she’ll feel like her old self again. 
Her head snapped back up, her eyes wide open, she stretched out her arms as much as possible, as if to fight the sleepiness that wasn’t quite there yet. Her gaze went directly to her phone and she selected one of her favorite songs. When the first notes started to echo in the living room, her leg started to move getting into the rhythm.  
Act like you want to feel.
She forced a smile on her face and even started singing along, swaying her head from side to side, her hands joining the movement, the smile on her face still present. 
Fool your body into thinking you’re happy. 
She was still suffering from the injuries of the accident but her mobility was quite not as weak as she thought it would be, she was healing fast. It allowed her to leave the hospital faster than anticipated and to only be slightly limited in her movements after those days spent cared for 24/7.
A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts and excitement finally appeared on her face. She stood up and made her way to the door as fast as she possibly could. When she opened, a young man smiled at her, surprise gracing his features for a second. His gaze left hers to check the number on the door, then came back to her. 
“I’m sorry, I thought- Does Margrethe still live here?” he asked, obviously taken aback. 
“Yeah, I think she left for work though,” she replied with a genuine smile. 
“Right. Yes, of course.” He looked around and sighed. “I live in 410 and I locked myself out. I’ve met Margrethe before and I thought we could hang out until my brother comes with his set of keys.” 
“How did you get into the building without keys?” she asked with a frown, the fact she was desperately needing to have some company didn’t mean she wanted a possible strange psychopath in her flat… a cute one but still. 
“Amma was coming out when I was coming in.” he explained but she only raised an eyebrow. “519?”
She facked recognition as her gaze fell to the floor. This Amma information would have been useful if she actually knew her neighbors. Any of them. She had no clue who he was talking about. Was she the tall bad ass blonde who, she thought, lived on the 5th floor?  Or was she the tiny long haired brunette she’d crossed paths a couple of times? 
No idea. 
In any other scenarios, she would have excused herself  and locked the door. Yet, for unclear reasons, she looked into his eyes and felt safe. That was a new feeling. She never felt safe or remotly comfortable with people she didn’t know. Instead of thinking about the reasons behind all of it for too long, which she usually would have done, she accepted it and she smiled. 
“Well, you can wait here if you want!” she offered and a genuine smile appeared on her cute neighbor’s face. “I was about to attempt baking,” she lied, not wanting to divulge her state of mind to a stranger. He entered the flat but before she couldn’t see his face anymore she definitely saw a twinkle in his eyes and her smile grew. “Cookies?”
“I can help!” he exclaimed enthusiastically and she chuckled. 
She made her way slowly to the kitchen area hoping she had everything to bake not noticing he was looking at her. 
“Are you ok?” he asked and she directed her interrogative gaze towards him. “Margrethe said something about her flatmate having an accident or something, she didn’t go into details.”
She chuckled. “Oh right, I just- I had a little- hum- yes, a little accident.” She turned her gaze away from him to the wall cabinet. He didn’t ask anymore questions but she could feel his gaze on her and she closed her eyes for a second. “Car accident. It’s actually my first day back from the hospital. I’m fine though, so it’s- fine!” she blurted out and his eyes grew wider. 
“Let me,” he simply said when she tried to take the flour from one of the top shelves and she did. As a matter of fact, before she even tried to grab a bowl, a whisk or any ingredients, he was already reaching for it or asked her where it was before she made one move. 
“By the way, I don’t know your name!” she said after they had discussed what they did for a living, what kind of music they liked, what kind of book they read and what was their favorite movie. 
He chuckled and smirked, his gaze then on the oven where the cookies were baking now on her, his green eyes looking deep into hers. “I’m Hvitserk.”
 @solinarimoon​, @ecarroll1978​
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augiewrites · 4 years
“family dinner” - robin x harrington!reader
part 2 to “could’ve been worse” (kinda? yeah?)
summary: Y/N Harrington and her gf have dinner with Steve
pairing: robin x harrington!reader
word count: 1000+
warnings: swearing, harrington dumbassery
hope you enjoy. xoxo. 
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Steve had been leaning on Y/N’s door frame for five minutes, just staring at his younger sister, who was staring right back at him.
“Do you need something?” Y/N finally questioned.
Steve replied with a question of his own, “You busy later?”
“No, not really, I’m--”
“Cool, cool, cool, you wanna grab dinner tonight?”
Y/N started again, “Yeah sure I--”
“Great! I’m inviting Robin too, it’ll be like one of those family dinners I hear people have.”
“Steve, I--”
“Alright, we’ll come get you after work, see you later,” Steve moved away, stopping with his hand on the door knob, “you want this open?”
“No,” Y/N replied, turning her attention back to her homework laying in front of her.
“Okay, cool. See ya.”
When Y/N looked back up, her bedroom door was still hanging wide open.
Y/N knew that she shouldn’t have been worried about dinner with Steve and Robin, but the way her brother was acting made her feel like something was up. So, about thirty minutes before she knew the two’s shift was ending, she started reluctantly getting ready and waited on the couch when she was done.
About five minutes after she threw herself down, Steve and Robin came through the front door, laughing about something. “Hey,” Y/N said, pulling herself into an upright position.
“Hey, sis,” Steve shouted, running up the stairs.
Robin sat next to Y/N and gave her a brief kiss as a hello, “Is he acting weird with you too?”
“Like an absolute freak,” Y/N replied, nestling her face in the crook of Robin’s neck, “if he keeps it up I’m taking him to the doctor to get his head checked.”
Robin laughed and started to respond, but was immediately cut off by Steve, who was coming down the stairs so fast he almost crashed on the landing, “You guys hungry? I was thinking the diner on 5th street? That good?”
Robin murmured a “yeah” as she stood and pulled a reluctant Y/N from the couch. Once the two were situated, they realized that Steve had already walked out the door and to the car. Y/N met Robin’s eyes and sighed, “I have a feeling this is going to be a weird dinner.”
“Yeah,” Robin giggled, grabbing Y/N’s hand, “let’s just hope he gets it out of his system.”
Once outside, Y/N crawled into the backseat of the BMW, letting Robin take the front seat next to Steve. He smiled at Robin, then at Y/N, “Are you guys excited? I’m excited.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed, “Dude, the three of us have had dinner together, like, a million times.”
Ignoring Y/N, Steve tapped his hands on the steering wheel and looked at Robin, “I’m excited.”
“Yeah, me too Steve,” she replied, grinning at him.
it was a quick drive to the diner, and once inside, the trio made their way to their usual booth. Steve slid into his seat as Robin paused to let Y/N sit next to the window before sitting next to her, squeezing her hand under the table. Y/N used her free hand to absentmindedly play with the salt shaker, looked between Steve and Robin, and asked, “Sooo...how was work?”
“Oh my god,” Steve started, ��Keith has me organizing the back. I never thought I was gonna see daylight again.”
“At least you don’t have to deal with Mr. Man hitting on you every day,” Robin smirked, rolling her eyes.
Y/N’s head snapped over to Robin, “Man? Wha-- Who? I’ll kick his ass.”
Robin just grinned back at her, “He’s like forty years old and married. Also he’s a dude, so you don’t have much to worry about.”
“Well...I’ll still kick his ass.”
Steve just sat across from them, smiling at the scene before him: Y/N staring intently at her salt shaker and Robin smiling at her like she was the only other person on the planet. “You two are cute.”
Y/N and Robin’s gaze immediately snapped over to him, remembering that he was there.
“Wha-- huh?”
“Shut up, Steve.”
The waitress conveniently appeared to take their orders, and soon left the three in a semi-uncomfortable silence. 
“Well,” Robin looked between the siblings staring each other down across the table, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”
Once she was a safe distance away, Y/N leaned on the table, looking at Steve accusingly, “Okay. What is your glitch today dude?”
Steve sputtered gibberish for a few seconds before making a coherent response, “Wha-- I’m being completely normal.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows, staring at her brother.
“Fine. I don’t know how to act around you two anymore,” Steve glanced at the table, looking sad.
“Steve,” Y/N firmly said his name, but he didn’t look up, “Steve. Look at me. Right now.”
He jerked his gaze around the room before finally looking at his sister.
Y/N extended her hand across the table, “take my hand, dumbass.”
Steve slowly put his hand in hers.
“Okay,” Y/N started after a second, “it doesn’t matter that Robin and I are dating. Oka--well, it does matter, but we’re still us. Y/N and Robin. Your sister, who you love, and your best friend, who you also love. Yeah, your sister and your best friend make out every once in a while, but we’re still us. Just act normal. And not weird, forced normal. I love you, but you need to get your shit together.”
Steve paused, taking in what Y/N said.
“I’m sorry,” he put his free hand on top of their intertwined ones, “I know that it’s just you. I’m just afraid that I’ll do or say the wrong thing and you’re gonna think I disapprove, ya know? Because I don’t. I love you guys, and I’m glad that you’re happy together.”
“Steve, we know that. You just need to get out of your head.”
“I know,” Steve sent her a small smile, “we cool?”
“Yeah, Steve,” Y/N laughed, “we cool.”
Robin apparated out of nowhere, sitting down next to Y/N and glancing between the Harrington siblings yet again, “Everything okay here?”
Y/N and Steve smiled at each other, then at Robin, “Yeah, we cool.”
“Okay, you guys know that I hate when you talk at the same time. its weird.”
The two just grinned at Robin and said, “Yeah, we know.”
thanks for reading <3
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leejeongz · 6 years
Fall/Autumn with Stray Kids
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🍂aww this is such a cute request, thank you Hun I hope you like it! I tried to post this before Halloween but that didn’t seem to work lol🍂
🕸this is very British I’m sorry if you don’t understand everything I wrote here such as the bonfire night thing, just ask and I’ll explain🕸
Bang Chan:
All you wanted to do this cold autumn evening was cuddle with your boyfriend Chris, so that’s what you did. In the background Halloweentown was playing quietly, one of yours and his favourite films. It made cuddle time that little bit more sentimental. You weren’t exactly watching it this time but that was okay since you’d seen it about 50 times before. Instead this time you were watching Chan’s chest rise and fall slowly as he gently drifted to sleep. His arms were wrapped around you, his fingers tapping your back, sending you into a sleepy trance too. Every so often you’d hear a snore shortly followed by a laugh trying to play off him falling asleep. But nothing got passed you.
“Nooo I wasn’t sleeping no no no that doesn’t sound like me baby”
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This year was your first autumn with Woojin and you were super excited to introduce him to one of your favourite family traditions, a pumpkin carving competition. The idea was each member of your family carved a pumpkin and then on October 31st everyone voted for their favourite that wasn’t their own of course. Woojin showed up at your house with two huge pumpkins and some carving equipment. He was so ready to get involved, especially since it was something so important to you. While you carved your pumpkins Woojin would ask a lot of questions about the voting process like it was super important and like he’d get killed or something if he didn’t win this year. He also explained one of his autumn family traditions which you also gladly took part in.
“What if your family don’t like me because I’m not good at carving? I’m sorry I’m not trained at carving y/n ahh I’m stressed”
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Lee Know:
A lazy day with Minho was exactly what you needed after a long few weeks at school/work. You went over to the dorms in your favourite snuggly hoodie and some leggings, not caring that it was pouring down and getting you completely soaked. When you reached the dorms Minho took one look at you and pulled him into his shared room. He threw a pile of his clothes at you and sent you to their bathroom to get changed. When you returned, without thinking he placed your wet clothes onto the radiator and turned back to grab your hand to lead you into his little den when he caught a glimpse of you. Wearing his clothes made you look 10x cuter. Minho wasn’t that much bigger than you but the fact that they were his clothes was what made him the softest.
“And to think I was gonna roast you for your messy hair. How can I do that when you look like a sack of cutiepie potatoes?”
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Your younger cousin had joined you this Halloween meaning you could go trick or treating with her so of course you invited Changbin along too. Changbin showed up in a werewolf costume and a black thick coat since it was especially cold tonight. He greeted you with a hug, looking around for your younger cousin as he did so. When he saw her he immediately went over and introduced himself. You’d only gotten to the top of your street when your cousin complained that she was cold so changbin gave her his coat. After that at of kindness, your cousin clung to him, holding his hand while trick or treating. It was pathetic to say you were jealous of her yet the truth was that you were but all that envy went away when it struck you what a great father Changbin would be.
“”Beware of dog”, awe don’t worry my darlings I’ll protect you both”
(Ignore Jisung or at least try to I know it’s hard)
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His favourite thing to do in the autumn would be to walk his dog and now he has an s/o, that walk became more special to him. He’d ask you to accompany him on his walk with Kkami (I literally spell his dog’s name differently every time I write it I’m sorry) to which you gladly accepted. It was cold enough for gloves to be accepted by the public so you slipped on yours and forced Hyunjin to wear his. He put a little dog coat onto Kkami and attached the lead to his collar. You stepped onto the street, leaves crunching beneath your feet as you did so. Hyunjin’s hand was immediately in yours and his head turned to look at you. The smile on your face was huge and so was his. This was about to be the best walk of his life.
“I have plenty of poop bags we could stay out here for hours”
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Halloween was just around the corner and you were both SUPER excited. You weren’t doing anything special, just the same as usual, decorating the house so the trick or treaters know they can knock on your door for sweets. You started up the Halloween playlist Jisung had made for you and Jisung walked into the living room in orange fluffy socks carry a box of scary decorations. There was no plan, just grab and throw was your motto. The house ended up looking a mess, but it was acceptable, it looked like a Halloween themed crime scene and both of your were evidently proud of it. There was just one thing left to do, open the sweets and tip them into the jar. Jisung jumped at the idea so you let him do it which was a mistake since there was barely any Haribos left for the kids.
“Let’s stick this tape here and oh the candy wait the skeletons Y/N THE SKELETONS”
(This is the cutest gif to ever exist thank you to the creator ahshsh)
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Felix still wasn’t used to fall being cold and rainy so when he stepped outside in just a tshirt on the first day of October he got a very big shock. You told him it was gonna be cold but no, Aussie boy Felix knew better. Nevertheless he struggled on throughout the day, exclaiming every time you asked or offered your coat that he wasn’t cold at all. The next day poor Felix fell sick, just like you told him he would. He made you stay with him all day, wrapped up in the covers. He made sure that he wouldn’t make you sick too and would try his hardest to get better, trying whatever remedies google told him. Although you had NO sympathy for the stupid boy, you couldn’t help but feel sad when you left him that night to go back home, hoping he’d be feeling better by the morning.
“Y/n I promise you I’ll be fine! Now go home and text me when you get there so I know you’re safe”
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Hahaha haunted house time... your favourite, not. Seungmin saw it from across the carnival and dragged you over to it while you protested. He held your hand as your went through the entrance, creepy nursery rhymes playing as you did so. As much as you said you wanted to leave Seungmin took you further and further in, laughing at your reactions and calling you cute every time you screamed. Not once did he let go of your hand though. You could soon see the exit and this time it was your turn to drag him but that didn’t go to plan: seungmin had stopped dead in his tracks. You turned around and walked towards him, afraid you upset him since it was something he really wanted to do. To your surprise he kissed you there on the spot. When the kiss ended he let go of your hand and quickly walked down the dark corridor and it of the house. Your first kiss was definitely one to remember.
“Because it was dark and you couldn’t see my blush okay and neither could anyone for that matter”
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One of your favourite nights of the year was bonfire night, all the pretty fireworks, the warm bonfires, the smell of smoke filling the air. It was truly the best night of the year in your opinion. This year you decided to take Jeongin to your local bonfire which he gladly agreed to for two reasons. One out of pure curiosity and two because it was with you so of course he was going to go. You both stood around the fire surrounded by lots of other couples who were all close to each other. Jeongin looked around and saw a figure being carried towards the fire and shook you so hard until you listened to his genuine concern. It was so cute that he was so concerned for a stuffed pillow but nevertheless you explained the whole 5th of November story to him. He didn’t really understand but pretended to just for you.
“He tried to do what? So why do you celebrate it then?”
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Gifs aren’t mine
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A perfect fit (part 3)
Summary : James Buchanan Barnes stumbles upon you, a lady that got him wrapped around her finger.
Warning/s: smut. If you’re under 18 please don’t read this.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader; Steve Rogers x reader (platonic)
Words: 2,836
Tags : @rodkrake @kaffekanden @namiiswan @destielinamoose @slender--spirit
A/N : English is not my native language … yeah coz writing smut in french sucks sometimes so excuse my rough english.
In the idea that Bucky and Steve came back to Brooklyn after the war and never went near a freaking train. It’s a pretty long one so I’ll do parts.
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Oliver forced you to take the day off. You went home with Bucky, for your last night together, he worshiped you even more than usual, it was all you. He ran a bath for you two to enjoy, between his kisses on your shoulder bones you told him.
”I hate that you’re leaving.” he stopped, his embrace tightened.  
“Then I'm going to do something you will adore..” he whispered.
”Stay?” You said sheepishly, you knew he won’t, but you had to try. He softly chuckled against your neck before gliding his fingers between your breasts, your chest rising under his touch.   
His strong arms draping over your shoulders, hands grazing your tummy to your pubic bone, his left hand found your nipples brushing against each of them, wet with water and bubbles, he admired your breasts glistening. Your hands reached his hair, your head turning to him you captured his lips in a sweet kiss, hand curling around his neck.
His hands skimmed down your wet body, parting your legs, caressing each of your thighs down your core, his fingers sliding swiftly from your entrance to your clit. Your mouth hung open when he pushed two finger deep within you, gently curling them, going back and forth at an unbearable slow rhythm, increasing your pleasure until his thumb lightly touched your bundle of nerves, you jolted splashing water outside the bathtub. He muffled a chuckle in your neck, your low tummy tightening at his deep voice resonated.
“You feel amazing Y/N!” a moaned escaped your mouth, your core clenching around his fingers, then he bit on your lobe and that was it, your trigger, your orgasm washed over you, your body shaking in spasms of utter pleasure. Shutting your eyes closed you leant back into his warmth, his hands roaming your body, he hugged you close.
You made love all night, you just couldn’t stop enjoying each other’s body, scent, touch, the fear of losing one another had you both stay awake until dawn, you had talked, sobbed and drowsed for about an hour.
The morning came, you woke up before him and watched him sleep, your heart sinking even more at the idea of letting him go. His eyes fluttered open, he smiled feeling your hand caressed every featured of his face, your thumb grazing his lips, he caught it between his teeth, you smiled then his arms snaked around your waist he pulled you to his warm chest where you snuggled.
Feeling his lips on your neck, you sighed at the sensation, he nibbled on your ear lobe, you squirmed under him. He hovered over you while his left hand brushed your folds arching your back at his delicate touch.
“Bucky!” you whimpered. He caught your lips in a passionate kiss, biting and sucking at its lower part. 
You wanted to feel him deep inside you once again. You reached for his cock, he was already so hard, his forehead on yours he watched as you pulled long, slow strokes. His eyes fluttering close, growling. He closed his fist around yours, squeezing a bit tighter then you both guide his throbbing cock to your wet folds, clutching his balls as he buried himself deep inside. He released a moaned as you do, his large cock stretching you for the 5th times since last night. Hands scratching his back, his head resting into your neck, his groans reaching deep inside you. You suddenly flipped him over, he tried to seat up but you pushed him a cocky smile on your face, he surrendered.
Trailing hot kisses along his hot body, from his sharp jaw line by his collarbones to his nipples, to his tones abs. Your breasts framing his twitching cock, you pressed your bosoms together while kissing his abs, moving up and down slowly. Bucky grabbed the sheets, the sensation of his hard member between your breasts and the look on his face were fascinating. You pecked the head of his cock, he moaned swearing under his breath at the thrill it gave him. 
“Y/N!” he whined, you licked a long stride from the base before wrapping your mouth around the tip and sucking him gently, your tongue swirling around his thick cock. You relaxed your throat as much as you could, and took him all the way in, you endured the burning sensation as you saw Bucky’s shocked but mesmerized intense gaze on your action. You released his shaft with a little pop, suddenly he caught the back of your neck with his right hand before you could take him in again, crashing his lips on yours, tongues fighting. 
“Doll, you’re stunning!” he breathed against your sore lips. 
“I’m not done with you Sergeant!” he growled at the nickname, you straddled him, your back was facing him, he immediately grabbed your rear as you slipped on his cock with a slam, wailing at the process. You moved your hips in circle, bouncing on his shaft you felt his large hand spanked your ass hard, the slap made the muscles at your centre tightened resulting in you moaning aloud. 
“Would you do that again!” you asked him breathlessly, he complied, your head leaned backward as he did so, he took the opportunity to bring your body to his and pounded into you, while his hands roamed your body, fondling your boobs and biting your neck. 
“Bucky, I..” you cried out, feeling the tremendous bliss enveloped you  “Come with me!” he grunted. You both came undone in a messy cry out.
He put the cover on your bare bodies, he went on top of you leaning on his elbows, you looked deeply into his bright blue eyes, feeling is sincerity, love, sadness, lust and dedication. You wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him like your life depended on it, the weight of his body on yours was nothing as you wanted him as close as possible.
Watching him dressing up from your bed, laid on your stomach, swinging your bare legs, outrageously naked, Bucky had trouble not looking at you. When he put his tie around his neck, he glanced at you. Chuckling you rolled on the edge of the bed and stood up totally naked and tiptoed to him.
“Get over here, Sarge” you ordered, he hesitantly took a long stride forward.
He inhaled loudly, seeing your bare bosoms pressing against his uniform, the cold buttons making them perky. You tie the necktie just like the first time you've flirted with him, making sure to take your time. Finally he took his cap, putting it on, you tilt your head looking at him then grabbed the cap, wearing it askew you then pulled on his tie, locking your lips with his. 
He couldn't resist anymore and grabbed your bare butt, squeezing it. 
“Gosh doll! You're amazing! he sighed between two sloppy kiss, I’m gonna miss you Y/N” You jumped wrapping your legs around his waist.
“You better come back Bucky Barnes!” He hugged you close, caressing one last time your soft body, his fingers grazing the small of your back, making you shivered.
“Promise.” He answered. You swept a tear before he could see it. With a final passionate kiss, holding you until he was on the doorway, and he was gone.
You plopped down on your bed, covering yourself with the sheet, the tears flowed from your eyes inevitably unable to control your feelings anymore, you cowered on yourself for a few hours, falling asleep in the fetal position.
You woke up at Oliver voice at your door. He let himself in, “Oh Y/N, he said softly, seeing the state you were in, you have to get up Boss.” 
He had seen Bucky leave when he arrived at the store, he had found it judicious to leave you alone a little before coming in.
Reluctantly you left your bed heading to the shower where you cried again. Oliver had made the breakfast, you entered the kitchen wearing your bathrobe, he caught you by the shoulders leading you to the chair, you were easy to manipulate for once, the face down but still adorning an after-sex glow that your skin couldn’t deny. 
”Here, have some!” putting a mug of coffee in front of you. You stayed both silents a few minutes, facing each other at the kitchen table. 
“Aaah I wish this war won’t take long, so I can find myself a young man and that yours come back!” Oliver dreamed out loud sighing, you inevitably smile as he recount one of his many adventure with young lads.   
The days went on, his absence was still unbearable even though he wrote you as much as he could. In your letters you would detailed what you wanted to do to him, and what you wanted him to do to you, some kinky stuff you’d never thought you would like to try before. You did not care a tad that someone could read the letters before him. 
He would answer that he was desperate to touch your soft skin, to lost himself into you while your fingers would be through his hair on his scalp and then run them all the way down his neck. To have his face deep between your legs while his hands would fondle your perfect breasts. Even by only reading his letters you could get off!  
It was really enjoyable and reassuring until the letters stopped, you became so worried that you focused on work to not mope around. Oliver became worried when instead of eating you would take appointments over appointments, he’d forced you upstairs to eat or he would bring the dinner down the fitting room. And he’d argued with you. You were a pain in the arse! 
“Boss! Y/N!, he snatched the pen from your hand, you have to eat! First because I need you to be healthy and second do you think James would be happy to come back to a woman in poor health!”  
You looked up at him, he wasn’t wrong but since Bucky’s letters had stop, well you stopped hoping he’d come back to you.
Oliver continued “Girl when he’ll get here you’ll have to be healthy as hell ‘coz he won’t let you sleep for a while!”
You couldn’t help but laugh, a few tears escaping your eyes. After all Oliver was a contagious optimist. You ate this day and all the others, you had to take care of yourself anyway. 
One day you were at the front desk and someone that you were not expecting pushed the door ringing the bell. 
“Hey stranger!” You scolded the oh so famous Peggy Carter as she entered your shop.
“Hi Y/N, forgive me I've been MIA, busy days in the army, you know.” she nonchalantly salute you.
“Actually I don't. You know what I think about guns.” you stayed both silent for a few seconds before smiling and hugging your best friend.
“At least write me once a month, so I know you're alive!” you said, scoffing.
Then you look behind her, your arms falling to your sides, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“Oh yes, He is why I am here, his name is..” Peggy started gesturing at the strong guy trying to hide behind her.
“Steve?” you asked the tall blond man in front of you.
“Uhm Hi Y/N..” he scratched the back of his neck not looking at you in the eyes.
You approached him, studying his new aspect. Then suddenly “What have you done!” you hit him in the chest, hurting yourself more than him. No wonder you haven’t seen him this past few days!
“Y/N I'll explain, promise, raising his hands in defense, you know I have to help.” 
You look at his new features, still feeling like you were talking to a total stranger. But the look in his eyes was still the same you saw in this dark alley about a year ago, full of determination and kindness.
“You won't need me to kick butts for you anymore.” You crossed your arms and he chuckled.
You explained how you knew each other and Peggy explained what was the plan for Steve, you frowned at the idea, but Steve told you it was a way to get closer to the front lines, you knew that whatever you’d said he was going anyway, so you’d helped. You were measuring him, because of obviously the man needed clothes that fitted, when Steve looked at you, you had your mind elsewhere.
“What's wrong Y/N?” he grabbed your forearm.
“Steve, I .. I haven't heard about Bucky since a while now, his letters have stop..” you inhaled loudly, holding back tears.
“Y/N, I'll bring him back, I promise you.” he hugged you, you felt so tiny in his arms, it used to be the other way around, yet it was comforting because you trusted this guy as much as you trusted Bucky.
“You better Rogers, or I'll go there and kick both of your ass!” you threatened, slapping his arm with the tape. He smiled holding his biceps like he had felt the slap.
“We're done Peggy” you called out. Oliver came out the stocks supply at the same time and gasped loudly seeing Steve's tight t-shirt hugging his perfect chest. Peggy eyed Oliver, unblinking, almost like a predator protecting his prey, Steve being the prey. 
“No cat fight in my shop folks!” you mentioned as you went to the main desk behind the curtains.
“Hey, Peggy approached you, Steve told me about your man, James is it?” you nodded a sad smile appearing. 
“You know, she nudged your arm, if their relationship is like ours he would find him no matter what and bring him back. If you were god knows where in trouble it’s what I’d do! And you would scold me for putting myself in danger for you obviously!” she said rolling her eyes, and you both laughed. 
A few weeks after Peggy and Steve had visited your store, the phone rang Oliver answered then you heard him stammered.
“Y/N! BOSS!” he shouted.
You almost ran to the main desk worried, Oliver never shout like that, he held the phone to you with an unreadable look on his face. You became anxious until you heard Peggy’s voice.
“Gosh Peg it’s you! Is everything okay?” you inquired, hitting Oliver’s shoulder with a swatch book. He frowned with an indignant air and mouthed “What was that for!?!” 
“Yes everything’s fine, said Peggy over the phone, just wanted to let you know I’m coming back tonight, Steve too and ... Y/N...he found him.”
You stopped breathing, thinking the worse had happened. 
“He is fine Y/N! you felt that she was smiling on the over end of the phone, and you dropped on your knees, relieved, you laughed nervously letting all the anxiety flow out your mind and body. “Thank you, thank you Peggy! Call me as soon as your in town! Love you” you ordered.
“Yes m’am! you were pretty sure she had salute, love you too sweety, see you in a couple of hours!” 
Oliver knelt down beside you, tears of joy now running down your cheeks, he sobbed with you, you apologized to him because these past few months had been hard for the both of you, mainly because of your annoying behavior, he just hugged you tight.
“Thank god, no more sloppy boss! he said aloud, swiping his tears
You laughed out loud, you didn’t even hear a customer coming in until he scraped his throat. You looked up and he stared at you two, cocking an eyebrow. Oliver stood up, helping you up your feet.
“I’ll take care of it, go make yourself decent!” he pushed you to the stairs. 
You entered the bar, trying hard to stay calm, your fingers twisting your purse’s trap. You saw the Howling Commandos, you remembered them from the newspapers, when you couldn’t see Buck with them, your heart started to fail you, was he really here!
"Y/N!!" He stood up from his bar tool, your felt so relieved as you saw him. Bucky lifted you, and peppered your face with kisses, your arms wrapping around his neck. You breathed in delight his intoxicating scent, one his hand on your neck while his other arm had you pinned against him by the waist, your feet not even touching the ground. Bucky’s eyes were closed, enjoying to have you in his arms at last. None of you wouldn’t let go. 
"I'm sorry I should have come to you sooner but ... I didn't want you to see me like that" he leant back looking at you apologetically. 
He was tired, you could see he had loose weight, he wasn’t wearing is all Sergeant’s uniform, his hair falling down on his forehead. You brushed his hair back with your fingertips, he closed his eyes feeling your touch, he kissed your hand keeping it on his cheek, he just wanted to feel your skin against his after all this time. 
“Can we go home, doll?” he asked you under his breath, almost pleading with his eyes, you smiled softly at the sweet name, so glad to hear it again. 
He was in need of a safe place where he could unwind, and you were willing to give him.
Part 4 
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divadrabbles-blog · 5 years
Revenge 3
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I do not own this GIF!!!
Warnings: MxM smut
Words: 1791 words (My longest one so far!)
A/N: this was the first time I had written MxM smut. It was a new experience and hopefully I can get into the mood to write some more of it!
“This guy has no idea what the fuck he’s doing,” Yoongi snarled at Namjoon for the 5th time that afternoon. “There’s no fucking way he could be in this group! He just doesn’t have what it takes!” It had been like this for the past 6 months. No matter how hard you trained, how fast you rapped, or how good you sang, Yoongi would just not accept that you were going to be the newest member of BTS now that Jin had joined the army for the next 2 years. He could not understand why it was so important for you to join. And most of all, he was pissed that you were brought in to “replace” his hyung.
They were a family. You knew this when you signed up for it. But while all the other members had accepted you, Yoongi continuously spewed harsh criticism and nasty words at you for the littlest things. Nobody could figure out why he was so mean. Everybody knew that it took him a while to warm up to new people but even after this amount of time he would warm up to most.
The other members told you to just give him time and he would come around. But it was starting to feel like a lost cause. Min Yoongi, the man you respected and lusted after the most, hated your fucking guts.
As you let out a small sniffle, Namjoon and Yoongi turn around to see you standing there. They could tell the words hurt you deeply but even then the smaller man just could not care. Namjoon came to you and gave you a hug. “Don’t let his salty ass get to you. You are an amazing singer and rapper. He is just upset about Jin Hyung.”
“You know I can hear you and I’m still your hyung,” he snapped back at Namjoon, pissed that the younger man called him out. “You may be older but I’m still the leader. Don’t forget that,” he yelled back, disgusted with how Yoongi was treating you. It didn’t matter how much he missed Jin, Yoongi’s treatment of you was uncalled for and was bringing morale down for the rest of the team.
“Don’t argue because of me,” you said to the duo. “I know I’m not Jin hyung. I never will be, but I want to try to continue his work while he is gone. At least until he is discharged and is able to come back.” Hearing your words, Yoongi smirked at you and turned to walk away, completely done with the whole conversation. “You are right about one thing, you aren’t Jin hyung and you never will be!”
Later that day, Jimin decided that to help you feel better he was going to take you out to eat at his favorite restaurant not far from the dorm. You needed to let loose and relax is what he told you. Couldn’t really argue with that. A stiff drink and some delicious food is exactly what you needed at that particular moment. Just something to ease your mind off of the Suga Situation.
You walked into the restaurant, ready for a good time with your new friends. All the guys were going to be there. Or so you were told. As you stepped into the private dining area the hostess took you to, you noticed that the only one that was there was Yoongi and a note.
“What’s going on?” You asked him, puzzled as to where the other members could be. He sneered at you, “they decided that we needed some alone time apparently.” You took the note and read it to yourself.
Y/N, Yoongi,
Sorry to do this to you, but you have got to get your shit together and start getting along for the best of the group. Do not come back to the dorm until you have figured this shit out!
Pissed off boys
PS: drinks and dinner on us!
“Those little shits!” you yell out. “I’m going to kick their asses!” “Yeah well, get in line because I’m going to get to their asses first,” replied the older male. The two of you just sat there staring at each other. You admired Yoongi’s beauty. He has always been a handsome man, even though he never fully believed that. From his gummy smile to his cat like eyes, he was gorgeous. It was a pity he was straight. You would love to be on him, pounding into that sweet ass was a frequent dream of yours. Not that you would admit that to him of course.
“So let’s get this shit over with so I can go home and get some sleep,” you hear him growl at you. “How the fuck are we going to convince them I like you so I can get into my bed?” You thought for a few minutes but honestly couldn’t come up with anything. His hatred of you seemed to be too strong.
“I don’t know. Stop being a dick to me?” The words left your mouth before you could stop them. As you slapped your hand over your mouth in horror of what you just said, you hear Yoongi starting to laugh. “Ya know,” he says through the laughing tears in his eyes, “it’s never been about you. Me not wanting you the group I mean.”
“Then what is it? I have done everything I could think of to get you to at least accept me as a member of this group! Hell I even washed your clothes for a month,” You ranted back. His eyes widened listening to you. “I’m sorry. You aren’t a bad person. Your singing and dancing are amazing. You even make Jungkook and Hobi jealous at some of the moves you make. But to be honest, I just can’t accept that Jin hyung was replaced so easily. “he replied back. “Hyung is special to me.”
“I’m not trying to replace him in the group!” you tell him, “I just want to sing with you guys.” Out of frustration you poured yourself a glass of beer and chug it. You are so tired of being compared to a person that you had never even met yet.
“No,” Yoongi said to you, “Jin hyung was special to me. He was my lover for the past 2 years.” Your jaw dropped as you realized what he was telling you. Jin and Yoongi were fucking! “Does anybody else know? And what do you mean was?” You asked back.
He shifted in his seat for a bit before answering, “yes the other members know because some of them are fucking too. Ever wondered why Taehyung and Jungkook are so close?” He grinned as your jaw fell even further. You were an idiot for not realizing before now. Might have to go get your gaydar checked out. “And as for the was,” Yoongi continued, “Jin hyung and I split up right before he left. He didn’t want me to wait for him to get out of service.”
Your mind was officially blown. Not only was Yoongi dating Jin but YOONGI WAS GAY! It was like you had won the lottery and didn’t even know you had bought the ticket!
As the night went on, and the more drinks were poured, the two of you start to stumble back towards the dorm, singing and laughing at the top of your lungs. It was at that moment you made a rash, and possibly stupid, decision to pull Yoongi into a side alley not far away from home.
He looks up at you curiously as you step closer and closer to him. You realize that even though Yoongi was handsome from afar, he was simply amazing up close. You couldn’t help but lean in to taste his lips with your own.
Yoongi jerked back in surprise, looking up at you in awe. He reaches up to the back of your neck to pull you back in for another kiss. Only this time it was hungrier, like the two of you have had been starving for each other for years. You pull back enough to unbuckle his pants in order to reach in and grab his length. Yoongi moaned into your mouth as you slid your hand up and down his cock.
He turned the two of you around and backed you against the wall. He gently forced you to your knees. “Suck it,” he demanded, looking down at you with total lust in his eyes. You grinned up at him as you opened enough to slip his dick into your mouth. You couldn’t believe how good he tasted on your tongue. You started off slowly to savor the taste until you felt a slight slap on your cheek. “Stop playing and fuck me with your mouth,” Yoongi said to you as he grabbed the back of your head to shove himself all the way into your mouth. You hollowed out your cheeks as you felt his cock hitting the back of your throat. You couldn’t help but gag a little but held it in when you heard him moaning again. The pace he set was faster than you were used to but to be honest, you were loving it. He continued to move in and out of your mouth until finally you heard him come, his semen trickling down your throat.
You get up off of your knees as soon as he pulls out and shove the smaller man against the wall. “It’s my turn now, Suga Daddy,” you whisper in his ear. You spin him around until his face is pressed against the wall. As you pull out your dick, Yoongi slowly pulls his pants down. You spit on your hand to live yourself up a bit. You line yourself up and push yourself into his tight ass. You start off slowly pulling in and out of him, reveling in how tight he feels around your cock. “Is that all you are going to do or are you going to actually fuck me?” he says to you, lips lifting in a small smirk.
You smile back and start slamming into him. You pulled on his hair to jerk his head back as you leaned down to kiss him again, your pace never slowing down. The two of you continue to fuck against the wall, panting and moaning the closer the two of you get to your climaxes. You both come at the same time, loudly groaning together. Yoongi grunts as you pull out and tuck yourself back into your pants. “Do you think they will believe that we are getting along now?” he asked, winking at you as he started back to the dorm.
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