#that is really all I wanted out of this blog
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Part Three
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Valencia: You ready?
Erik: You wanna come down to my room? I’m almost finished, I just hopped out of the shower.
Valencia stood in front of a mirror propped up against her side of the dorm room. The idea of going to Erik’s room excited her. Biting down on her bottom lip, Valencia quickly typed a reply.
Valencia: Of course ☺️
She checked out her attire one last time. That yellow dress on her body was sure to have Erik’s attention. At least that’s what the blog said.
-Erik loves sundresses or anything showing off legs and hugging curves. Bonus points to bold colors that pop against brown skin ☺️
Valencia grabbed her black crossbody bag from her bed and she left her dorm room. She shut the door softly, waiting until a group of students talking closely together walked by. The RA dorm room was at the very end of the hall near the bathrooms. Valencia walked down the hall, keeping a lookout for anyone who would be spying on her. Not that anyone really gave a fuck. Rochelle was messing around with a few male students regularly.
Her footsteps came to a halt in front of his door. Valencia raised a fist and knocked with uncertainty. Valencia withdrew her hand and fiddled with her bag. She rocked back and forth on her heels, clicked her tongue, looked from one end of the hall to the other. The door opened and Erik peeked his head out, smirking at her. She could tell that he was trying to conceal himself. Was he—
“Come in.”
The door opened enough to let her in. Valencia’s eyes scanned the room first and then they landed on Erik. She had to close her mouth before she drooled down her chin. If there was a word to collectively describe how delicious he looked at the moment, Valencia would say it. His locs were flesh against his forehead. His skin was glistening and moisturized. He was shirtless with a single gold cross chain hanging between his pecs. His jeans hung low on his hips teasing her.
Erik chuckles, “Let me grab a T-shirt and we can head out, okay?”
Erik turned to grab a folded white T-shirt from his bed. He didn’t take his eyes off of Valencia as he pulled the T-shirt over his head. She peeled her eyes away to look around the room. She had to calm herself down because it was getting heated. Her skin was flushed, body temperature increased, breathing rapid. She noticed a pair of gold boots haphazardly placed in a corner near his closet.
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“You ready?”
Valencia’s cafe noir eyes fell on Erik. He was fully dressed now, holding a denim jacket in his hand.
“I figured we could go to this bomb ass diner I found about a week ago. Best milkshakes I ever had.”
“Is it Macky’s Diner?”
“It is,” Erik smirked at her, “Damn…”
“You. That’s what.”
Erik moved closer, literally standing over her to the point where he had to crane his neck. Valencia’s eyelids fluttered and she looked up at Erik through her lashes. She dropped her eyes to his lips, then his neck.
“This color on you…”
Valencia blushed, “You like it?”
“It’s one of my favorites.” Erik gave her a lop-sided grin.
His hand reached down to twirl one of her braids around his finger. Valencia’s sharp intake of breath didn’t go unnoticed to Erik.
“You got some explaining to do, baby girl.” Erik said with a playful glint in his eyes.
“Oh,” Valencia giggles, “The picture…”
Erik tilted his head and looked at her.
“The one with your face down and ass up. Yeah, that picture.”
Valencia was shrinking beneath his gaze. A nervous feeling tickled her belly. She tried to come up with a remark in her head.
“No need to be all coy about it.” Erik laughs.
“I—I thought you might want to have something to look at when…when I’m not around. So you don’t forget about me.”
Her small voice, timid yet sexy eyes, and voluptuous lips had Erik in the strongest chokehold. He had the biggest crush on her in two days time.
“I couldn’t forget you even if I tried.”
Erik’s hand reached past Valencia and turned the doorknob. Her beautiful smile at his words warmed his heart. Valencia turned her back towards Erik and he used his hand to hold the door open so she could walk out. She stood back and watched Erik shut and lock his door before they walked down the hall side by side.
The lounge area was surprisingly empty. They took the elevators down and Erik walked ahead to hold the door for Valencia. He shocked her by gripping her dainty hand in his much larger one. She looked from their hands to his face and nibbled on the corner of her bottom lip to fight the urge to smile hard. Holding his hand made he blush uncontrollably.
They finally made it to Erik’s car. He released Valencia’s hand to open the door for her. She lowered herself into the seat, the smell of mahogany teakwood filling her nose. The leather seats were warm against the back of her legs since his car was within a shaded area. It was clean inside minus a gym bag tossed in the backseat. She secured herself while Erik slipped into the drivers seat. When he turned on his car, the car vibrated from the music Erik was listening to on max. The Scotts by Travis Scott ft. Kid Cudi filled the interior of the all black Hellcat Challenger. Even in low throttle, the supercharge whine was the best automotive sound Valencia ever heard. She felt like she was in a race car.
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Erik turned his music down a little, laughing at the expression on Valencia’s face. One hand whipping, Erik sat his other hand on Valencia’s thigh. Die Young by Roddy Ricch was next on Erik’s playlist. She loved trap music. Her own playlist would probably shock Erik. He started stroking her thigh and Valencia had to distract herself with fixing her hair in the mirror so she wouldn’t shudder.
“We’re five minutes away.” Erik said.
They walked into the diner hand-in-hand. They came in at the best time. The hostess led them to a booth seat right next to the window. Valencia sat across from Erik and two seconds later, their waiter, a stout, curvy black woman with cropped curls came over to their table.
“Hello. What can I get you to drink?”
Erik stroked his soul patch down to his goatee in deep thought.
“I’ll do a cookies and cream milkshake. No Cherry with extra Oreo.”
“Okay. And you?”
“Can I have the same please? And a water.”
“I’ll have a water as well.” Erik added.
“Alright. I’ll be back with your drinks.”
The waiter sauntered away. Valencia scanned the diner, avoiding Erik’s gaze because he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. She placed a hand over her belly to calm the butterflies. She really needed to relax.
“Are you enjoying the date so far?” Erik questioned, breaking the ice.
Valencia finally looked at him. She gave him a warm smile.
“Yes. I’ve never been on a date before so…”
Erik furrowed his brows at her in disbelief.
“My ex before college never asked me. A guy I was talking to during my sophomore year stood me up. And Isaiah—that was a mistake. Pretty much no experience in what it would be like until now.”
Valencia shrank in her seat. She started overthinking again. Her inexperience probably turned him off. Once again, she was proven wrong.
“Here are your drinks…”
The waiter who Valencia recognized to be Pam from her name badge— she didn’t give them her name—sat their drinks down.
“Ready to order?” She clicked her pen.
Erik motioned for Valencia to go first. She was so distracted by Erik she hadn’t even looked the menu over. She opened her menu and skimmed.
“Okay…I’ll do a cheeseburger with french fries. Extra salt and pepper on the fries please.”
The waiter jotted that down and turned her eyes onto Erik.
“I’ll do the same but make it a double cheeseburger.”
Both of them handed their menus over. Pam walked away to put their orders in.
“…To respond to what you said, they didn’t deserve you. I’m happy to be your first date though.”
Erik smirked at her causing his dimples to pop.
“…And don’t feel ashamed of your inexperience. Ever.”
“Thank you,” Valencia hunched her shoulders and blushed.
“You’re a swimmer? I noticed the bathing suit you had on beneath your shorts today had the school logo on it.”
“I do! I’m on the swim team. Swimming is a real passion of mine. I’m not looking to go pro or anything like that. I’m amongst a few family members of mine who can actually swim.”
Erik nodded his head, “I love to swim myself. Haven’t been in a while. I used to go night swimming in the pool at TSU. I was cool with the coach at the time. Now, since I’m a TA, I can just badge right in.”
“Hm,” Valencia drew in a slow breath, “What else do you like to do?”
Erik looked away and down at his hands on the table he smirked to himself.
“I really enjoy poetry. I used to write my own and recite it at Poetry Live. Most of my work is sexual. Anyone can talk dirty, but there’s an art to painting erotic images in another’s mind…”
Valencia didn’t know if there was even a kink to describe what Erik was explaining to her. If it is, she may have discovered a new kink of hers. She rested her chin into her hand and focused on him.
“…Whether it’s my warm voice whispering into someone’s ear, or amplified. Through words I can arouse a reader. I just think that’s powerful.”
Silence filled the space between them while they enjoyed their shake. Erik licked his lips and then he started talking again.
“Words may be primitive shapes, or puffs of spoken air, but a mind can transform them into a force of thrilling potency. It imbues them with a sexual power. Our mighty mental engines are voracious, they yearn for novelty, new instructions to drive the looms of our imagination to weave stunning new patterns…”
Valencia gawked at Erik. He chuckled.
“I can be very eloquent when I choose to be.”
“I can see that,” Valencia giggles.
The waiter returned with their food. Valencia’s eyes widened at the portions. She wasn’t going to finish all of that. Erik and her reached for the ketchup at the same time. They both laughed and then Erik passed her the ketchup first. Valencia ate her fries while thinking of something risky to do to tease Erik. She was taking advice from the blog earlier after sharing that she would be going on a lunch date.
-You should tease him some more. Maybe eat your food in a sexy way. Slow, make noises.
Valencia grabbed a fry and when Erik glanced over at her she bit down on her fry slowly, drawing it into her mouth with her tongue. Erik rolled his lips, his dimples deep in his cheeks.
“Mm, that is so good,” Valencia closed her eyes, “Mmm…I love French fries.”
“I can tell.” Erik laughs.
Valencia paused, a nervous chuckle escaping her mouth. She sat her fry down and rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment.
Remind me to never do that again, she thought.
“So, how long have you had a thing for me?”
Valencia darted her eyes across the table at Erik like she’d been caught. Erik laughed with all his teeth.
“What makes you think I have a thing for you?” Valencia quipped.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Erik spoke sarcastically, “The constant blushing. The way you can’t even look me in the eye.”
Valencia rolled her eyes. She looked away and back to her food.
“How long?”
She swirled a french fry in ketchup.
“I wish I would have known. I’m glad I do now.”
“Because I’m feeling you too. I’ve seen you around campus. I’ve peeped you out for a while now.”
Valencia gave Erik an incredulous look.
“Yeah. Might as well throw it out there. I didn’t wanna make it obvious because I saw you with Isaiah. I didn’t think you were available. Probably thought I was too old for you or some shit…”
Valencia could not believe it. Erik had been interested in her this entire time?
“Are you being serious?”
Erik chuckled.
“Yeah, I’m serious. Why would you think that I wouldn’t? You’re gorgeous.”
Valencia turned her face away, giggling. She covered her mouth to contain her laughter. They went back to eating their food and the entire time, Erik would look over at her and Valencia would look up at him. Her foot brushed against Erik’s beneath the table and she held her breath when Erik did the same to her but intentionally. Valencia clenched her thighs together to calm the throbbing between her legs.
“I was thinking we could hit up this black-owned library before going back to campus. Is that cool?”
Valencia bobbed her head, “I’m down.”
The bell alerted to their arrival. Valencia loved the smell of a library. It’s a combination of grassy notes with a tang of acids and a hint of vanilla over an underlying mustiness. A customer slipped past them after purchasing a book. The cashier looked up at them and gave them a welcoming smile.
“I’m Simone. Let me know if you need anything.”
Erik and Valencia thanked her. Everything was neatly placed and organized. Hand in Erik’s, he led her to the back of the library, and between two stacks beneath a low ambiance.
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“This is where I find the best poetry.”
Erik released her hand and he walked up to the shelf to his left first. His thick, pointer finger moved from book-to-book. Valencia followed him, her eyes scanning the books. There was one sticking out from its spot so she paused, grabbling it from in between just so she could read the front cover.
“Verbal Stimulation: An Intimate Collection of Poetry. Sounds promising.” Valencia whispered.
Erik turned towards Valencia. He studied the front cover of the book.
“I’ve read this one…actually, I think I may have this…”
Valencia handed him the book. Erik opened it, turning the pages a few times before he found one that he really liked. Valencia leaned her shoulder against the shelf, veering closer to Erik. He cleared his throat and his voice took on a much lower timbre.
“i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite new a thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body. i like what it does,
i like its hows. i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones,and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again…and again…and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you.”
Erik looked down at Valencia and a smile slowly crept up his lips.
“E.E. Cummings. He writes a lot of erotically charged love poetry celebrating self-love and the excitement of a love affair.” Erik informed Valencia.
“I liked that one.” She replied with a hushed tone and tempting eyes.
Erik placed the book back on the shelf and they continued down the aisle. His footsteps paused again when he’d noticed another book.
“This one is Pablo Neruda. One of his books…”
“Can you read to me again?” Valencia pleaded.
Erik gave her a once over with a smirk. He opened the book to the first poem.
“I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair.
Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets.
Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day
I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
I hunger for your sleek laugh,
your hands the color of a savage harvest,
hunger for the pale stones of your fingernails,
I want to eat your skin like a whole almond.”
The more he recited poetry to her, the more her panties grew wet. Erik noticed, and he inched closer to Valencia. She placed her back against the shelf and Erik loomed closer, his chest almost touching hers.
“Isaiah called you poet…”
Erik’s eyes danced over her face. Valencia’s eyelids fluttered.
“We have nicknames. Poet is one of my nicknames. My brothers know that I’m a man of words. They used to crack jokes until they realized that my words had an effect on women. They didn’t have much to say then.”
Valencia tucked her chin and quietly giggled.
“Well, I like the nickname,” Valencia looked up at Erik shyly, “Can I call you Poet?”
“If you want,” Erik licked his lips, “You can call me anything you want…”
Erik’s face drew closer to Valencia’s. She released a shaky breath. A tickle crept over her skin when he pressed his lips against her ear.
“I have another one I think you’ll like. It’s one of my favorites…”
“O—Okay,” Valencia shivered.
“Like one slutty little horny slave
listening to her master.. she behaves
he mind keeping hidden what she craves
one hard black dick her pussy loving raves…”
Valencia closed her eyes. Her hands came up to rest on Erik’s chest. She could feel his hands on her waist now. He drew circles with his fingertips, eliciting a whimper.
“I want to unleash on to you
Not out of love but because you know how to receive
Teeth digging into your fair fragile skin, rupturing
I feel hunger ever more
Your little wet mouth lingering in obedience yet I strike with punishment
Feeling your breath withdraw under the pressure of my hand wrapped around your throat…”
His hands leisurely smoothed up her waist until his hands were flush against her back. Valencia slowly opened her eyes and Erik was staring down at her through his gold-rimmed glasses. Her glossy, full lips parted slightly and her eyes focused on his mouth as he recited erotic poetry to her.
“The sight of her makes my mouth drool
So tempting, so irresistible
I take her in my arms
I lick my lips in anticipation
Pulling back the cover
I gaze at her pretty pussy
I can’t wait to taste her pretty pussy
The flavor of her arousal so deeply embedded on my appendage.”
Valencia’s chest heaved up and down, her breasts pushing against Erik’s chest. Now, they were playing into her size kink. The way he crowded her space with his much bigger and stronger body made her phat pussy quiver. Erik used one hand to stroke her chin with his thumb while the other now took its place on her ass.
“Did you like that?” He whispered.
Erik dropped his onyx eyes down to her lips. His top lip twitched slightly with anticipation to taste her juicy mouth.
“You have the most beautiful lips…”
“So do you.”
Erik smirked at her and then he inched closer. Valencia titled her chin up and closed her eyes. The moment his plump lips graced her full lips, a spark ignited within her. Her arms came up to wrap around his shoulders. She stood on her tip toes in her sandals. Erik wrapped a single arm around her waist. Their heads tilted to the left, both of their plump bottom lips sinking into each other like wet cushions. Erik sucked her lower lip into his mouth and dragged his teeth over it before using his tongue to trace the inside of her lip.
Valencia moaned softly into his mouth. Her dress hiked up beneath her ass, almost exposing her black thong. Their lips made moist, smacking noises. Both tongues hot and wet. Erik’s other hand squeezed Valencia’s buns, so much that her pussy opened up. The cool air of the library against her heated pussy caused her to moan.
It was a mixture of a whimper and a moan. The sexiest fucking sound Erik had ever heard. He broke their kiss and his eyes scanned her body.
“That pussy wet?” He asked with a husky voice.
She nodded her head with a pout of her lip.
“Tell me that pussy wet…”
He dragged his tongue over her tongue.
“Tell daddy that pussy wet, baby…”
“…Daddy…my pussy is so wet…”
Valencia’s face was hot. She’d never been talked to like that. Ever. She couldn’t even believe she said it. Erik’s hand sat beneath the under cuff of her left cheek and he made it jiggle. She pressed her face against his chest, her shyness something she was unable to control.
“Can I touch that wet pussy?” He whispered.
Valencia nodded her head again, unable to meet his gaze. Erik didn’t force her to say it this time, only because he was so anxious to see and feel that wet puss for himself. He hadn’t been this excited and aroused in a long time. Valencia turned her back towards Erik and poked her butt out against his crotch.
Erik looked both ways to make sure there wasn’t anyone lurking. He could hear voices so he needed to make this quick. Erik brought a hand around and between her legs. The temperature there made him groan against her hair. Valencia braced herself on the shelf in front of her. Erik started off by stroking her pussy lips up and down through her panties. There was a heated damp spot right in between as if her panties were sitting right in the middle of her phat lips.
Using his middle finger, eyes still looking around, Erik stroked from the top of her pussy, all the way to the back. He did it a few more times before he pinched her pussy lips between his fingers. Valencia’s forehead fell forward and she quietly moaned. Erik did it again. His dick was twitching. He flicked her pussy lips with his fingers and in his mind he couldn’t believe how phat her pussy was.
“Damn, Valencia…”
Erik carefully slipped the crotch of her thong to the side. Valencia inhaled. They sat perfectly to the side and Erik didn’t waste time touching her. When the flesh of his fingers graced the flesh of her bald pussy, Erik exhaled a longing breath. He took his time stroking her outer lips. She had inner folds that poked out between her outer lips. Like a pretty flower. He was shocked when he’d noticed that she had a clit piercing.
“You got your clit pierced?” Erik whispered, his tone laced with shock and arousal.
Valencia chewed on her bottom lip.
“That’s not what I expected at all,” Erik chuckles.
“It’s a VCH. I got it a year ago—”
Erik used his fingers to spread her pussy open wide. He fingered her clit and Valencia almost shouted. He flicked her clit non-stop, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. She had to bite down hard on her lip to control herself. He then used his middle and ring finger to circle her clit.
Valencia almost pulled books from the shelves. Her inner thighs quaked. She could feel her nipples harden.
“You’re right baby girl…this pussy is wet…”
Erik massaged her clit over and over and since it was so quiet in the library, Erik could hear her pussy making creamy noises.
“That pussy talking now…fuck…”
“It feels so good…” Valencia spoke with a hushed tone.
The smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body against her back had her dripping.
“I wanna feel it deeper, baby…”
She knew what he meant. She was a little nervous because all the times she’d been fingered by her ex, she never enjoyed it and always avoided it. Valencia relaxed her body, but her heart was racing. Two of Erik’s fingers sat at her entrance. She stilled her body with anticipation, gaining the courage to look back at Erik. The second her cafe noir eyes met his, those thick fingers were pushing up inside of her.
“Oh my gosh…”
He sank his fingers deep. He started stroking her spot.
Erik placed a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. Her ass pressed into his crotch and she writhed against him. The sound of her pussy was so loud and obnoxious.
“You’re making too much noise…I know it feels good, baby, but you gotta stay quiet…”
The way he fingered her made her fall in love. He knew where to touch and stroke. She was clenching around his fingers. Uncontrollably. She could feel herself dripping down her inner thighs. His hand must be soaked. It had to be with the way he easily went in and out. His wrist didn’t get tired. His fingers didn’t cramp up. She mumbled something against his hand but her words were lost on him.
“This pussy is deep and fuckin’ wet…you lovin’ this shit…my mouth is drooling…”
Erik had to bite down on his lower lip. She gripped his fingers again and he could see her eyes crossing.
She hung her head and pressed her face into her arm. Erik’s fingers sloshed in and out of that wet fucking pussy and when she climaxed it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. She fell back against him, reaching behind her to grip his arms. Her knees almost buckled and a thin layer of sweat made her mocha skin glisten. Erik’s fingers carefully withdrew from her pussy. Even though her panties were pushed to the side, the amount of creamy goodness that came from her stained them.
Erik looked down at his hand and his fingers were dripping wet and creamy. He could smell her pheromones, the scent of her pussy wafting his nose. She smelled amazing. Erik loved the smell of freshly fucked, horny, wet pussy. Bonus points if it’s clean, well taken care of pussy. Valencia turned and braced herself against the shelf. She stared up at Erik through her lashes with low, wanton eyes.
“You made a big ass mess…”
Valencia watched Erik suck on his fingers. He cleaned them off like it was a sweet treat. Her mouth dropped open in shock. He licked between his fingers, the palm of his hand, and sucked on his own lips to get any remnants of her onto his tongue. All while looking at her intently.
“Mm,” Erik licked his lips again, “You taste amazing.”
“T—Thank you.”
Come here so you can taste it…”
He curled his finger for her to come to him. She tilted her chin up.
“Stick your tongue out…”
Valencia did as she was told. Erik touched tongues with her and then they french kissed. Valencia whimpered into his mouth. She’d never tasted herself before. This was the nastiest thing and she loved it. Erik drew back to stare her in the eyes. He was so horny. His dick was fat and long between his legs.
“Take your panties off.” Erik commanded.
He wasn’t asking, he was telling.
“Right here?”
Erik chuckled, “You let me play in your pussy right here, didn’t you?”
Valencia giggled. He had a point.
She slipped her hands beneath her dress. Valencia pulled her thong down and stepped out of it. She held her panties out in her palm for Erik. He snatched them and balled them up before placing it inside of his pocket.
What was he going to do with fhem? Valencia felt a little self conscious. Used panties? Erik could sense her nervousness.
“Thank you for letting me touch you like that.”
Erik kissed her cheek softly. She smiled up at him and swayed from side to side.
“Thank you for making me fall in love with fingering. I’ve avoided it for so long because I didn’t like it when my ex would do it…he made it hurt.”
“It’s never supposed to hurt, ma. That nigga didn’t know what he was doing.”
Erik stroked her cheek with the side of his finger. She was so precious. It made him feel good that he was her first date and first great finger-fucking partner.
“I’ll show you what it’s like anytime you want. Whatever you want, I’ll show you. You have my number…”
Valencia swooned at his words. Erik couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her one last time before they left with one of his favorite poetry books for her to read. When the both of them appeared at the front of the store again, Valencia expected the cashier to mention how they’ve been gone for so long, but surprisingly enough, she simply smiled knowingly at them.
“Find everything okay?”
“Yes,” Erik replied.
She rung them up and they left hand-in-hand back to the dorms.
Back at the dorms, Erik and Valencia stopped in front of her dorm room. She hesitated to enter, and Erik was reluctant to leave. The car ride over, Valencia would catch glimpses of Erik smelling his fingers. The reason for that is because his fingers found their way between her legs again. He’d only done it so he could smell and taste her. It was the most primal thing she’d ever seen. The recollection of her thong in his pocket turned her on and she pictured him smelling her panties. He even questioned if her STD panel was up to date and how often she got tested. Very mature and necessary considering the amount of unsafe sexual activity going on. They exchange info and that was the final green light to go further. And boy was Valencia thrilled about that.
“I’m not gonna lie…I wanna eat your pussy.”
His boldness was too much. She hid her face behind her hands, only for Erik to move her hands away.
“Your dorm or mines?”
Erik quirked a brow at her. He was dead serious.
“Uhm…we should go to yours. Only because I don’t know if Brielle is in there or not…”
“Smart.” Erik said.
He grabbed Valencia by the hand and led her down the hall. They made it to his room and he unlocked the door. They slipped inside quickly and Valencia sat down on his bed while Erik shut the door. He told her to get comfortable so she removed her sandals. She couldn’t believe this was about to happen. If Valencia had ever created a list of things she’d never done or things she’d had bad experiences with, pussy eating would be one of them. Her ex had little to no experience with it and Valencia didn’t care much for it. Isaiah was flat out terrible at it. So far, Erik had proven to her that he could easily change her mind so she wasn’t worried about his pussy eating skills. With a mouth like that, he better be a pussy monster.
The walls in the dorms are thin. Erik decided to put on a playlist of his from the TV in the dorm. He opened Apple Music and found a random rap song for background noise. One she hadn’t heard of but the beat was good. It was definitely something she would shake her ass to. Erik sat his jacket down and kicked off his shoes. Valencia watched him pull his shirt over his head and his abs flexed. One thing for sure, Isaiah has a nice body, but he wasn’t touching Erik.
He walked over to Valencia and climbed onto the bed. She backed up towards his pillow and giggled when he pounced her. They started off with a make out session again. Valencia opened her legs and rubbed her inner thighs along Erik’s waist. His kisses trailed down her neck while his hands pushed her knees back. He sat up on his knees and then his eyes dropped down to admire her pussy. It was smooth, wet, and phat. Pretty chocolate with a pink center. The VCH piercing popped against her flesh.
“The prettiest pussy.” Erik praised.
“Thank you,” Valencia looked away.
“Aight, rule number one, don’t look away while I eat it…”
“Yes sir,” She replied.
“Rule number two, don’t push my head away. I hate that shit. You want it, you take it.”
That scared her. Valencia didn’t know what she was in for.
“Lay back…”
Valencia relaxed against his pillow. She looked down at him, watching him lay flat against his abs. He kept her thighs pushed back and then without further ado, his tongue licked a long trail up her pussy. Valencia’s mouth opened. She locked eyes with Erik and he spread her lips before doing the same thing with his tongue to her inner folds. She curled her toes and fought to shut her eyes.
“Fuck,” She whispered.
This was a real challenge. Keeping eye contact while his tongue flicked, twirled, and glided all over her clit. He knew how to work that tongue on areas she didn’t know could feel so good. He made sure each spot got equal attention.
“Fuck, you taste so damn good…”
“Mhm,” Valencia nibbled on her bottom lip.
Erik planted kisses on her clit before those same lips started softly sucking. Valencia took in a sharp breath. Erik flicked his eyes up at her and then they rolled shut. Valencia threw her head back. Her legs were shaking like she had Parkinson’s. When he released her clit, they both stared at how stiff and swollen it was. This is the moment when Valencia knew she was in trouble. The VCH piercing made her clit extra sensitive. That’s why every time she used her vibrator, she could never last. Two minutes into masturbating and she was cumming.
Erik flicked her clit just a little and Valencia’s body jerked like she was doused with cold water.
“It’s too sensitive—”
Erik wasn’t trying to hear that. He started sucking again. His sucking this time was more like french kisses. Slurping sounds filled the room. He forced her thighs back harder now. He gave her another break, her clit popping out of his mouth.
“You gotta take it. Don’t keep this pussy away from me.”
His voice was huskier and it had Valencia in a trance.
“Okay, daddy.” She replied with a small voice.
He went back to munching. Valencia moaned loudly. The sweetest moans. She fought to close her thighs despite Erik’s words. Her body seizes and she clawed at the sheets. Her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head.
“Unh! Uhhhnnnn!”
She climaxed. Valencia couldn’t believe how hard she’d cum. He finally came up for air. His beard was soaked. Pupils dilated, he looked like a pussy eating savage. Valencia sat up and stared between her legs. She’d never known that her pussy could tremble but she watched it in real time. One look at Erik and she knew he wasn’t finished.
“Mm,” Valencia whimpered.
“Turn over and put that ass in the air.”
She moved towards the center of the bed and arched her back deep like she did in that photo. Erik stood behind her, shaking his head at how fucking beautiful her wide open pussy and ass looked from the back. Valencia peeked back at him. They locked eyes and then Erik whacked her ass with both hands. She flinched and moaned. He jiggled her cheeks while spreading them at the same time.
“This my pussy to play wit’ now. I better not find out you giving this up, hear me?”
“Yes, daddy.” Valencia replied.
“I’m not joking, girl…”
She knew he wasn’t. His tone alone told her that. And why would she? He’s the best she ever had.
Erik got down behind her and started slurping her from behind. The position and the way he did it felt more intense for Valencia. She curled her lower legs up and went flat against the bed, reaching behind to hold her ankles. Erik slapped her cheeks before continuing his feast. She moaned into the bed.
“Yes, daddy,” Valencia cried.
She started moving her hips with the motion of his eating. She felt her body shake out of control and she couldn’t hold her ankles any longer. Valencia moaned on a loop, falling onto her side on the bed. Erik tilted his head and ate that pussy from the side. She held her thigh back and pressed her face into her knee. She was shaking out of control.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t,” Valencia begged.
“Mm-mm,” Erik hummed into her pussy.
She felt herself squirt a little and Erik licked that up. His tongue would push inside of her, his lips would suck whatever he could, his saliva mixed with her juices added a sensation mixed with heat. It was amazing.
“So good…I…so good…I’m cummin’…I’m cummin…”
She almost closed Erik’s head between her thighs. He finally stopped and the visual with his messy locs and wet face was beyond sexy. Valencia rolled over onto her back and covered her face with her arm. Erik stood up and his jeans were hanging low on his hips. Valencia moved her arm away from her eyes and she stared openly at his print. What was he holding back in those jeans? A python? He was big. She sat up on her knees and reached out a hand to stroke him. Valencia gripped him and squeezed. That elicited a grunt from Erik.
“I can return the favor.” Valencia said.
“As much as I would love you to, I have to get ready for tonight…”
Time was lost on her. She hadn’t realized how late it was. Valencia tried to hide her disappointment but Erik caught her face in his grip and forced her to look up at him.
“I promise. Daddy will give you this dick tonight, baby. After the party, okay? I promise.”
Erik kissed her lips and Valencia stood up to fix herself. She still had to figure out what she was going to wear tonight and it always took her forever to do her makeup. She also needed another shower. Erik helped her with her shoes and then he walked her to the door. He grabbed her by the hand one last time, pulling her into another kiss. Valencia smiled against his mouth.
“I’ll see you later, aight?” Erik said.
She waved goodbye and left his dorm room. Walking down the hall, Valencia squealed. This was probably the best day of her life so far. At her dorm, she opened the door and found Brielle sitting on her bed on her lap top.
“Where have you been all day?” Brielle pestered.
“Went for lunch, got some fresh air, that’s all…”
Valencia was happy that whatever had Brielle’s attention stopped her from noticing the big, goofy grin on her face.
“This blog is hilarious! Listen to this…I’m fucking my professor for an A in his class. He got me pregnant. I don’t want an abortion, but he has a wife and kids. The sad truth is, I know he wouldn’t leave his wife for me even though he complains about her having wack pussy. I don’t know what to do.”
“That’s wild! What school?”
“Morgan State.” Brielle replied.
A Delta is, whatta AKI ain't. What a Zeta wanna be and whatta Sigma can't. What a Alpha likes, whatta Kappa loves. and whatta a Que Psi Phi can't get enough of. THAT IS A DELTA!!!!
Delta Sigma Theta kicked it off with their stroll through fhe party. Andrea lead the way proudly. Knuck if You Buck filled the party and everyone had their phones out recording the ladies. Body rolling and hands forming a pyramid. Their competitive chant had the other sororities, like AKA, dismissing them and rolling their eyes. The Kappas wolf-whistled, The Alphas watched with proud stances, and the Omegas shouted.
“Get it Get it.”
“That’s right!”
The room was packed from wall to wall. It smelled like weed and sweat. Valencia took her place as a wall flower, dressed in a sparkly bandu with black high waisted jeans. She accessorized with large silver hoops and a layered chain necklace. Her braids were down her back and her face was beat to the gods. She added body glitter as a final touch to draw the look together. Brielle and Skai were on the dance floor, grinding all over each other. Cindy was there with her boyfriend who is a Kappa, chatting with him closely with drinks in their hands.
Dior was standing with the AKA’s she’s an AKA just like her sister Jeanette. It was too crowded to try and watch them do their entrance so Valencia stood back and waited for Erik to do his thing. The crowd erupted when AKA took over.
Valencia could see them a little from where she stood.
Whooo those AKA's
An Ahhka is what a Delta ain't
What a Zeta couldn't
What a SGRho can't
What the Kappas like
What the Ques love
What APhiA can't get enough of us!!!!”
“Valencia, you okay?”
Cindy tapped her shoulder, startling Valencia. It was so loud she could hardly hear Cindy.
“I’m okay! You know how I get with crowds!”
“You wanna grab a drink?!”
That sounded good to Valencia. She nodded her head and grabbed Cindy’s hand. She led the way over to the open bar stock piled with alcohol. Valencia asked for a mixed drink with tequila. The bartender whipped something up for her and she sampled it to see if she liked it. It was strong but very good. Now that they were standing by the bar, Valencia could watch. The Zeta’s were doing their thing now.
“The men, the men, of Black and Gold
1-9-0-6 too cold, too cold
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll never be as COLD as a Z Phi B.’
The men, the men, of KAPsi
Phi Nu Pi ’til the day that they die
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll never be as PRETTY as a Z Phi B
The men, the men, of Q Psi Phi
Down dirty dogs ’til the day that they die
They came to a Zeta and they said to me
They said, ‘I’ll stop being NASTY for a Z Phi B!!!”
They performed a choppa style stroll that went so hard Valencia had to cheer them on. Her mother begged her to be a Zeta but she wasn’t interested in pledging.
The Que Dogs stepped up. They all wore skull masks in their colors to conceal their faces so Valencia didn’t know which one Erik was.
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“FUCK IT UP!!!!”
Down in the valley, woh ohh ohh ohh!
There is a place that I long to go!
The name of this place rings in my ear!
Omega, Omega, Omega, Omegaaaaaaa!
Land of the Purple and the Gooooold ohhh!
Land of the Purple and the Gold!
They marched up with heavy stomps and enter-linked arms. The room was filled with flashlights from cellphones.
I kNEW THIS GIRL! (bruhs say Yeah)
Valencia clapped and cheered with a big smile on her face. She recognized that voice. It had to be Erik leading that chant.
They circled each other, barking and howling. It was a turn on for sure. They finally removed their masks and tossed them to the side. Seeing Erik perform had Valencia feeling extra giddy.
The charismatic dance that included jumping, splits, torquing bodies in the air — it’s called “hopping” — is a very athletic show that requires extensive practice to get the mostly synchronized routines down. Those are the videos that pop up on social media, the group breaking out in a routine in the middle of a crowd. The bent just-so elbows and hands pointed at a specific angle — the pose to signify an Omega — that’s what overwhelmed the crowd. The tongue featured in nearly all of those photos — sticking out at odd angles, hanging down — that’s because people in the fraternity consider themselves “dogs.” Atomic Dogs.
The way Erik led the stroll had Valencia stunned. She wasn’t the only woman that felt that way. When they finished, the applause surrounding them was deafening. Erik dabbed up his brothers excitedly and even when they finished, they continued to bark and stick their tongues out savagely. That same tongue that was licking her pussy earlier. Erik scanned the crowd and he spotted Valencia. He made his way over towards her, Cindy watching with nosy eyes.
“Did you like our stroll?!”
“YEAH!” Valencia shouted.
“You look amazing,” Erik pulled her in, “You gon’ have all my attention now…”
Cindy gave her friend a look before slipping away to watch her man do his thing. Andrea cheered and jumped up and down when James stepped up to perform with his Kappa brothers. Erik stood behind Valencia with his arms wrapped around her waist while they watched. Valencia sipped from her solo cup, the tequila already making her tipsy. She scanned the room and noticed Dior and her older sister, Jeanette, watching her with hard eyes. Valencia gave them a strange look before Erik distracted her with his lips on her neck.
What is a nupe? Is it a name understood by few, used by many,and respected by all? Is a NUPE a man of Kappa third, a "son" Diggs second and a child of God first? Is a NUPE a Greek Step Shower, a Lady Mind Blower, and a Pretty Ass Bow Thrower? it is also ever man dreams to become one and every woman desire to have one beside her! It's what a Alpha wanna be and a Que Dawg aint. It's what a Sigma try to be and what an Iota aint.!! YO YO!
Erik threw up a fist to cheer his friend on. Others joined in as well. They finished and the Alphas did their thing. Valencia downed the rest of her drink and asked for a refill while Erik was on his second drink of the evening. He was drinking on Hennessy mixed with Hypnotic. A drink he said was nicknamed ‘Incredible Hulk’. When they finished their strolls, the party commenced.
The tequila gave Valencia some courage. She was bent over with her cup in her hand, shaking her ass on Erik’s crotch. He had his cup in one hand and his other hand on her spine, guiding her. He would roll his hips so she could feel his bulge. They weren’t the only ones getting down. D9 parties are known to be wild. Sex-filled and rowdy.
“Let me get you another drink…”
Valencia didn’t need another one but she agreed. Two drinks in and she was feeling loose. Erik disappeared with her cup and Valencia waited. Someone bumped her shoulder hard and she stumbled in her heels. A random girl with a big natural fro helped her and they both looked towards the direction of who did it. Valencia noticed Jeanette giving her a dirty look.
“BITCH!” Valencia yelled.
“What the fuck is her problem?” The girl questioned angrily.
“I don’t even know that bitch!”
One thing about Valencia, she can throw hands. Don’t let her shyness fool you. Erik returned with her drink and noticed the rage on her face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Some stupid bitch bumped me on purpose. I don’t even know this chick…”
Erik searched the room. Valencia took her drink and Erik leaned down to kiss her lips.
“I’ll be fine.” Valencia said.
“Come dance with me…”
They went to the dance floor again and her ass was on him again. Erik held her hand up while she expertly whined her hips. They locked eyes and Erik bit his lip at her. She loved seeing him in his glasses, but when he didn’t wear them she could really get a good look at his eyes. Dark and sexy. Erik pulled her up and he started touching all over her openly.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in here…so damn fine.”
Valencia blushes.
“Thank you, My Poet.”
“Ahhh shit,” Erik noticed his line brothers approaching him, “Here y’all niggas go!”
Valencia stepped to the side, laughing at Erik trying to fight off his friends playfully.
The crowd parted like the Red Sea and the woman that bumped Valencia started to perform for Erik. Erik looked her up and down with amusement. Valencia looked between them both, her smile replaced with a look of annoyance. The chick got up in Erik’s face and hopped up, wrapping her legs around him. The room got loud and wild. Valencia was almost knocked down. Granted, Erik wasn’t her man officially, but who the fuck did she think she was? Erik laughed and the sight of him laughing pissed Valencia off. He put her down and the bitch kissed him. Valencia turned to walk back to the bar. She was livid.
Valencia sat her cup down and shook her head. She tried to calm down. Maybe she was over exaggerating. She walked away so fast, she probably missed Erik telling the chick off. But still, it hurt a little. Valencia knew all too well about being cheated on and played with. It happened to her twice. If she was going to give Erik a chance, he needed to be honest and not lead her on.
She turned and came face to face with Dior.
“What is your girls problem?!” Valencia argued.
Dior snorted a laughter.
“That’s my sister Jeanette. I heard from Skai that you had a crush on him…too bad he’s not available, sis.”
“Let me guess, he’s dating your sister?”
“Yeah, pretty fucking much. That’s his ex. They broke up because he was going to the military. Now that he’s back, they’re tryna connect again.”
Valencia glared at Dior. She didn’t believe any of it.
“Don’t believe me? Go ask him then.”
Valencia looked towards the crowd She hesitated before turning her eyes back towards Dior.
“Why the fuck are you even telling me this? Because if it’s to piss me off it’s definitely working.” Valencia quipped.
“I just thought you should know. Better sooner than later, right? How would you feel if you found out about it later?”
“Girl, please. I can see right through you. I don’t want Isaiah, so why are you so mad? Give it up.”
Valencia walked away. She had to before she did something reckless. Plus, it wasn’t worth it. Erik wasn’t her man and she wasn’t going to fight over him. She’ll simply walk away, no big deal. One thing for certain, Valencia can move on and never look back.
She left that party as fast as she could.
Fresh face and in pajamas, Valencia sat at the desk in her dorm, the only light coming from her laptop. The tequila had given her a headache. She massaged her temples while ignoring her phone. Erik had called and texted her, wondering where she was. She was in her feelings honestly and wanted nothing to do with him and that party. Maybe she needed to sleep it off. It hurt so bad because she really liked him. He didn’t have to play along. If that’s your ex, why even entertain that mess? These are the games she’s not willing to play.
-How’s everything going with your crush? 😌
Valencia typed a reply.
-Not so good. He isn’t my crush anymore 😪 he just played in my face. Men ain’t shit.
She shut her laptop and climbed into bed to try and get some sleep. Dreams of Erik took over her mind in slumber.
You see that q-dog over there? Play with em’ if you want to and he’ll break your heart…
@goddessofthundathighs @theegoldenchild @hearteyes-for-killmonger @imagining-greatness @chaneajoyyy @uzumaki-rebellion @theeblackmedusa @lisayourworries @ratedbadgal @bombshellbre95 @cecereads209 @cancerianprincess @dameshaemonique @6lack-1otus @thickemadame @thickeeparker @stinkalinkkkk @ehniki @electrixit @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @bakarisprxncess @melodicheauxxlovesfood @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @bxolux @sweet2krazee @bluesole16 @ispywithmylileye @geemamii @unbotheredblackchild @nubianbabee @adoreesun @blackpinup22 @nayaxwrites @dersha89 @honeytoffee @thickianaaaa @modelmemoirs @why-wait-4-eventually @queenfaithmarie @angelicniah @soulfulbeauty19 @aijha @novaniskye @princessxotwod @callmemckenzieee @blowmymbackout @lahuttor @momobaby227 @blackerthings @kenbieee
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engstlersslut · 20 hours
Take It Out On Me│ E. Engstler
pairing: emily engstler x reader genre: fluff, smut warnings: 18+ material word count: 1.8k summary: with the stress of the season weighing on her, emily has been in a mood and you let her take her frustration out on you
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With back-to-back losses for the Mystics and the lack of playing time, to say Emily had been frustrated would be an understatement. She'd come home from practice every day, exhausted and even more moody than the day before. Slamming cabinets and doors, sluggishly moving through her evening routines, being short during conversations, setting things down with more force than necessary. It was evident in her actions and every breath she took. Nothing you said or could say seemed to improve her mood. At a loss, you tried to just give her some space, but when that didn't seem to help either, you decided to try and talk to her about it again.
"Em?" You spoke softly from where you were cuddled into her side on the couch. "Are you okay?"
She had been quiet since she returned home from another long day of practice. Dinner was eaten in a tense silence and after that, you both settled in the living room to watch TV before bed, still not speaking much.
"I'm fine, babe." She responded, trying to hold back a heavy sigh and failing.
"Are you sure?" You pried gently, attempting to coax her into letting you in on her feelings.
"Yes. Now could you stop asking and just watch the show?" She snapped at you, causing you to release a sigh of your own.
"I'm sorry." She apologized, shaking her head and adjusting her position to lean forward, elbows resting on her knees. "I didn't mean to snap at you like that."
"It's fine."
"It's not fine." She argued. "You didn't deserve that."
"You're frustrated. I get it." You empathized, running a gentle hand down her back. "I just want you to talk to me."
"I'm just frustrated as hell." She huffed. "We've lost every game so far and I'm busting my ass every day at practice only to be a benchwarmer. I'm trying to be a supportive teammate, and I really am proud of the hard work everyone is putting in despite all of the setbacks, but it sucks."
"I know." You nodded.
"I'm trying my best to stay level-headed, but I just have so much pent-up stress and I need to blow off some steam. I just don't know how."
"Take it out on me, then."
"What?" She turned her head to look back at you where you rested against the couch.
"Take it out on me. Use me to let out some of that stress and frustration." You shrugged as if it was no big deal, which to you it wasn't.
"How do you think?" You gave your best seductive smirk as you stood from the couch and stripped off your shirt. Tossing it at your dumbfounded girlfriend, you began to slowly step backwards towards the direction of your shared bedroom. "Only if you're up for it."
"Don't start something you can't handle." She spoke, the look in her eyes darkening as she, too, stood from where she sat.
"Who says I can't?" You cocked your head in challenge, a teasing glint in your eyes as she stepped closer.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked as you now stood chest-to-chest. One of her tattooed hands trailed up to wrap around your neck, applying light pressure. "Because I can't promise I'll be gentle."
"Do your worst."
Those three words were all she needed to hear before her lips crashed down on yours eliciting a breathy moan from you. Her tongue immediately found its way into your mouth at the given opportunity, initiating a battle for dominance, which she easily won. After a few moments of roughly, yet passionately, making out, she pulled away.
"Go to the bedroom and strip." She whispered, lips brushing yours as she spoke. "I want you on the bed and naked when I get in there." Nodding, you pulled out of her embrace and turned to make your way to the room.
You weren't sure how long you waited in anticipation, but it felt like ages before she finally appeared, a cup of water in hand. Her eyes held a predatory gaze as she made her way around to her side of the bed, keeping her eyes on you as she placed the cup on the nightstand. Without a word, she turned around, finally breaking the intense eye contact, and disappeared again. She quickly emerged from your walk-in closet holding a black box. Setting it to the side, she grabbed your ankles and pulled you to the end of the bed.
"Fuck," She let out breathlessly as she dropped to her knees at the foot of the bed, examining the wetness between your thighs. "The things you do to me."
You let out a quiet gasp as she ran her thumb along your slit gently, collecting some of your arousal before putting her thumb in her mouth and releasing moan at the taste.
"Look at how wet you are, baby." She said as she swiped her index finger through your folds and raised it to show you.
Grabbing her hand, you brought it to your mouth to taste yourself. You held her gaze as you sucked on her finger, moaning as you did so. With a low groan rising from her throat, she yanked her hand away and moved to throw your legs over her shoulders. With a death grip on your thighs, she dove in, devouring you.
Her pace was fast and sloppy but so, so good. Her tongue teased your entrance while her nose nudged your clit. She had you seeing stars in no time. She'd barely started yet you were already teetering on the edge of your first orgasm of the night. Moving her mouth back up to suck on your swollen clit, she lifted her hand and sunk two of her long fingers in without any warning. The loud moan you let out had her smirking against you.
"That's it, baby." She cooed up at you. "Be loud for me. Let everyone know how good I make you feel." Her words encouraged another loud moan from you. "Good girl."
"I-I'm close, Em." You panted through your moans, back arching off the bed. "Please don't stop."
She didn't say anything in response but she didn't need to. Her actions said it all when she fastened her pace, bending and twisting her fingers, effortlessly finding that soft, spongy spot inside of you that sent you over the edge. Hand flying down to hold her head in place as she sucked your clit back into her mouth, you let out a sound that bordered on a scream as the bubble that had formed in you finally burst. She slowed her pace to help you ride out your high before finally coming to a stop and pulling away.
You felt your body melt into the mattress as you came down, chest heaving with every deep breath you took. Your eyes drifted to Emily as you lay there, body already spent, watching as she finally stripped down out of her own clothes.
"Like what you see, ma?" She smirked at you with a wink, grabbing the black box she had set aside.
"Always." You smiled back at her flirty remark, watching her movements intently as she pulled out her strap and vibrator.
"What's your color?" She asked as inserted her vibrator and put on the strap.
"Green." You replied.
Climbing onto the bed and settling between your thighs, she leaned forward to connect her lips with yours. Distracting you with a fierce and passionate kiss, she turned on the vibrator and slowly sank into you. As the last inch pushed in, you broke the kiss and threw your head back against the pillows. With the combination of the vibrations and the fullness that you felt, you were already reeling from the pleasure.
You moaned in unison as she began to thrust into you, pace quickly turning brutal. Leaning down until her chest met yours, she attached her lips to yours again before making her way down. She stopped once her lips met your neck, biting, kissing, and sucking, surely leaving marks.
"Baby," You moaned, hand tangling in her hair that was falling out of her ponytail. "I-I think I'm gonna come."
"Hold it." She ordered.
"I c-can't." You whimpered, unshed tears blurring your vision.
"Yes, you can." She grunted, hips slamming into yours harder. "Be a good girl and hold it for me. I'm almost there."
Your body writhed beneath her as you both panted and moaned at the intense feelings. Your hands scraped down her back, legs locking around her waist.
"Em, please." You begged, after a few more harsh thrusts. "I can't hold it anymore."
"Okay." She panted. "Come for me." That was all she needed to say as you arched up into her, hands gripping her biceps. Loud moans filled the room as you both let go.
Emily pulled out soft and slow as your body fell limp against the bed. She soon joined you after removing her strap and vibrator. Your chests rose and fell in unison as you both tried to catch your breath. The room was comfortably quiet as you lay there, hands finding each other before intertwining.
After a few minutes of basking in the aftermath of the events that had taken place, Emily got up and walked into the bathroom that was connected to your bedroom. You could hear her moving around and then the sound of water running. After about ten minutes, she returned and scooped you up into her arms.
"What are you doing?" You asked head resting on her shoulder.
"I drew us a bath."
She set you down in the warm water before climbing in behind you and pulling your back to rest against her chest. Her hands ran through your hair gently and as she relaxed with you in her arms.
"Was I too rough?" She asked, a content sigh leaving her lips and the remaining tenseness in her muscles melted away.
"No," You replied. "You were perfect." She hummed in response.
"Thank you." She spoke softly, eyes shut and head leaned back to rest of the edge of the bathtub.
"For what?"
"For supporting me. For always finding ways to make me feel better. For loving me."
"You don't have to thank me for any of those things, babe." You shook your head as best as you could with her hands still tangled in your hair. "That's what I'm here for. I would do absolutely anything for you, whether you asked me to or not."
"I know, but I feel like I don't express my gratitude enough. You put up with a lot from me and I am beyond grateful for you." She leaned down, peppering kisses along your neck and shoulders. "I really got lucky with you."
"I think I'm the lucky one here." You smiled at her loving words and gestures. "You are an amazing human being and an even more amazing girlfriend. I love you so much it hurts."
"Well, I love you more." She nipped at your ear playfully.
"Doubtful." You replied.
"Is that a challenge?" She chuckled as she flicked water at the side of your face. "If so, I'm prepared to win."
"I wouldn't expect any less." You giggled at her antics.
"Good." She smiled before crashing her lips onto yours.
a/n: this is my longest fic yet. also, it's my first time writing smut EVER (or at least attempting to), so bear with me.
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I recently started writing for a new fandom, it's big, the,source material is still ongoing, my previous one was a small fandom. My problem is, people a lot more rude and demanding in this fandom. I got comments like, o h i dont wanna be mean but...(points out all the mistakes and grammar and typos in my fic) and its been only a week since óhe last update, but i get comments whether its abandoned and comments that simply read i want more, or update soon. I kind of losing my mmotivation for this current WIP of my because of the feedback i received. When I look at BNFs fics, they only have positive comments. I turned off guest comment andturned on comments moderation but i still get comments like this. It's overwhelming. I share fics to share the story and my ideas and excitement with others, but it feels like posting it doesn't worth it. Any idea what i could do in this situation?
*hugs* I'm so, so sorry that you're dealing with this anon 💗 That doesn't sound very welcoming of your new fandom.
I'm glad that you've already turned off guest comments and turned on moderation. Both of those things are what I usually advise as a first step. Apparently with this fandom, you'll need to go further.
When you get a comment from someone you consider rude, look at the bottom of the comment. You'll see a group of buttons there. Tap on the Block button. Doing that will open up a new page where you learn that Blocking a user means they can no longer kudos or comment your works or reply to your comments elsewhere on the site.
You can unblock people at any time by visiting your Preferences page, but in the meantime it will stop those people from leaving comments on your works at all.
Another option you have is to use your Author's Note to tell people that you don't want comments giving you corrections. Alternatively, you can leave a note telling people what kind of comments you do want. @longlivefeedback has a Comment Project that can help you out with that.
When it comes to "update soon" and "I want more" comments, it might also help to look at them a different way. When you read them as people making demands on you, they are very upsetting. If you change the meaning to "I'm on the edge of my seat and I'm going crazy waiting to read the next chapter! I want to know what you're going to do next!" then maybe it feels better?
You also always have the option of leaving the fandom, but if you want to stick with it then I hope this helps.
I'll open it up to the blog and see if anyone else has more ideas of what you can do in this situation. I really am sorry this is happening, anon.
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laokim · 2 days
the void obsession is anti-neville, anti-law, anti-mental health, anti-well being, anti-manifesting, anti-everything. i hate it. it's all coming from the lack of understanding of the very fundamental foundation of the law. creation is finished. nothing and no one to change but SELF.
but, do you really understand that creation is finished? because if people did, i highly doubt they'd try to get into the void. creation is finished means you don't "create" anything. everything you can ever conceptualize is already created. if creation is finished, that means there is nothing to achieve, nothing to change, nothing to try, and nothing to fix. all you need to do is align yourself with that reality(state). you shift to that reality(state) in imagination/consicousness. that's literally it. here is a great post i highly recommend reading regarding the concept of creation is finished. If you're in your room right now, do you have to build a kitchen in order to be in a kitchen? no. you leave your room and go to the kitchen. because your house is already built. it's the same thing. you don't "change" your 3d. you leave your current state and move to your desired state.
the reason you're trying to get into the void is because you don't like your current life and because there are so many aspects you want to change, you're carrying the burden of changing the 3d on your shoulders, you're viewing the void state as something that will magically change and solve everything. so you're trying to get into the void so you can finally change the 3d. but again, nothing and no one to change but SELF. you're not changing the 3d. I need you to understand this, you're NOT changing the 3d. you're changing your SELF. when you change self, the 3d changes on its own because everything and everyone is SELF pushed out. i have no experience with the void, so i can't give you any advice on how to get into the void except for relaxing and just focusing on being.
but if i were you, I'd let go of the void. what is your obsession with the void helping you in any way? how long have you been obsessed with it? please let go of what does not serve you.
you're lacking. you're feeling lack. you're desiring. I suggest you scroll down my blog and read my other posts and replies to other asks. the very first step is to stop desiring NOT by suppressing your desire, but by fulfilling it all in imagination only. there is only fulfillment or lack, you have to make a choice. will you fulfill your desire in Imagination or will you continue to live in lack in imagination. in imagination, which is your kingdom, where all things exist and fulfillment is totally unconditional?
leave the 3d alone. i mean it when i say manifesting has nothing, i mean NOTHING, to do with the 3d. it's all about you. your inner self. you're not changing your face, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your body, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your bank account, you're changing your SELF. you're not changing your family, you're changing your SELF. YOU'RE NOT CHANGING THE 3D YOU'RE CHANGING YOUR INNER SELF (state of consciousness aka self-concept).
if you were my sister, i'd do anything to make you completely give up on the void state and study and apply the law instead. but, i can't do that to you because the choice is up to you. will you continue to do yourself a disservice by obsessing over something that doesn't get you anywhere or will you let it go and study&apply the law which guarantees the fulfillment of your desires?
your 3d doesn't need to be changed. no matter how horrible it looks, there is nothing wrong with your 3d. your 3d is perfect as it is. it's your consciousness. you have to change your consciousness, your SELF.
if you have time to obsess over the void, read neville. read edward art's series. You think manifesting is about changing the 3d. that's why you see manifesting as something that requires hard work, that's why you're obsessing over the void because you think the void will remove the "hard work" you think you should do to manifest. when you realize that all you need to do is literally just fulfill your desire in imagination only, you will no longer be interested in the void. the void obsession started last year. never have i ever once tried to get into the void. because to me, manifesting isn't about changing the 3d. it's all about my imagination/ consciousness.
if you want to take my advice, which i hope you do, unfollow every single void blog you follow. delete void information you wrote down anywhere. unsubscribe to every channel relating to the void. cut off every online friend you made talking about the void. let go of it. and i can guarantee you this much, if you focus on changing yourself in imagination, your results will show up in the 3d SO fast you'll be scared(in a good way).
it's up to you whether you're going to obsess over the void for the next 3 months and get nothing out of it but worse mental health OR spend the next 1 month on studying&applying the law and reap a good harvest, if you do, your results will be satisfactory.
Start tonight. start with at your command and the power of awareness. the law and the promise contains over 50 success story letters neville eceived from people. Read this series, his interpretation of neville's teaching is amazing and he also touches on subjects neville barely did that people may be struggling with. neville and edward art are the only teachers you need imo. debunk everything you know about the void and read what i linked above and apply. You will reap a good harvest.
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charlieleclerc16 · 2 days
A game of UNO*
Summary: Charles and Y/N play a game of strip UNO. The rules are of course made up by Charles himself.
Pairing: bestfriend!Charles x reader
Word count: 4K
Warnings: No actual smut, as in P in V. Just a LOT of tension and ofc sexual topics such as stripping, making out, boners etc.
A/N:  I guess I am now writing for Charles too. This story is originally posted on my other blog, so if it's familiar.. That's why lol. Also, funfact, I actually played a game of UNO with myself to get these cards to be accurate haha
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Like they say; as we mature, the relationship matures with us. And so does the friendship between Y/N and Charles. The countless weekends going out to pubs are now spent mostly in the comfort of their own homes playing board games and watching movies. Of course, they liked to go out and drink, and God they still drink quite a lot. But they don’t care for loud music and sweaty people all around them.
Nearly every weekend, when there are no races, they come together and spend time like they always do. Downing a few bottles of white, munching on a delicious charcuterie platter, and just enjoying each other’s company. Today was like no other. Charles perched down in the corner of the comfy sofa and Y/N is getting the glasses ready for the delicious liquid.  
“Can we watch The Notebook tonight?” Y/N said as she walked into her living room with two wine glasses and the bottle of white she had been craving all day. Charles simply chuckles and gives her a judgemental look. “What?” She asks him.
“Haven’t we seen that movie like a billion times already?” He laughs. Secretly Charles is a sucker for a good romance movie and Y/N is all too familiar with his preferences. When they were both still in their teen years and just met in school, Y/N had never seen The Notebook before and Charles insisted she needed to see it.
“I mean yes, but you know I love this movie.” Y/N states, remote control in her hand to turn on the movie with a smirk on her face. She lets out a sneaky giggle, getting all comfy against his body stretched out on the sofa. Charles’ strong arm wraps around her body so naturally. His delicious scent immediately relaxing her. 
* * * Halfway through the movie, Charles gets bored. Each of them are two glasses of wine in and Charles is just ready for some action. He lifts his body off of the sofa making Y/N whine at the loss of contact. He makes his way to her board game stash. His feet drag across the floor and his hips sway from left to right, dancing his way to the cabinet. She laughs at him, the dork.
“What are you doing?” She questions, he is so cute dancing around your living room with his glass in his hand. 
“I am done watching that movie, again. I wanna play a game.” He says with a mischievous smirk across his face. The little twinkle in his eyes tells her he really is up to no good. He opens the top drawer of the board game cabinet and pushes around some of the stuff in there. 
“Ah! There it is.” Charles chuckles. He turns around holding the pack of UNO in his right hand. He brings it back over to the coffee table and opens up the little box as he sits down on the floor. 
“You don’t want to watch a movie we’ve seen a billion times yet you do want to play a game we have played a billion times?” She questions Charles, although she has a feeling that there’s a catch. The look on his face tells her he is not about to propose a simple game of UNO.
“See, you got that wrong baby.” The smirk on his face is only growing bigger and bigger. “There's a twist.” The scared look on Y/N’s face is priceless to Charles. She grabs the remote control to press pause, putting all her attention on the man in front of her.
“How about we add some spicy rules to the game?” The room falls silent aside from the heavy breathing escaping her lips. 
“What do you mean, Charles?” She whispers.
“I think you know exactly what I mean.” He says as he starts shuffling the cards. “Okay so, since it’s just the two of us, we shouldn’t’ make too many additions. How about every time you can match a numbered card or wild card with the most recently played card, the other person has to take off one clothing item.” His gaze never leaves her eyes. He starts dealing the cards as if he expects her to just go along with his plan. “Let’s also say for every +2 played, the other person also has to take off one item instead of drawing two cards.” And that’s how the rules are played out.
“I don’t know, Charles.” She says looking down at the cards as she picks them up in her hand one by one. Her first card is a yellow 1. She looks at the second card before she adds it to her hand, a red reverse card. The third card she picks up has her widening her eyes, a yellow +2. She picks up the rest of the cards and she joins Charles on the floor beside the coffee table. She has already decided to play along. 
“What if this ruins our friendship?” She asks.
“Then we’ll stop being friends.” Charles chuckles, lust covering his eyes.
“We can’t stop being friends just because of a game of UNO, dummy.” 
“What if afterwards, you don’t want to be friends because you want to be more than that.” The flirty smirk on his face is weakening her entire body. Fuck. She’s had the longest crush on the man in front of her. Her whole body is yearning to be close to him. Of course, she wants to be way more than that.
“This would have to be the most seductive game of UNO for that to happen.” She tries to shrug off the nerves in her body. Not really doing a great job at just that.
“Shut up and play your first card.”
Charles flips over the top card of the deck. A green 1 lying flat on the table. She takes a look at the cards in her hand. There’s no green so she decides on a yellow 1. She places down the card and a hissing sound coming from Charles’ lips pulls her attention to his eyes. The look on his face looks like pure mischief. His long fingers drag through his cards. He pinches one of them in between his thumb and pointer finger with a big smirk on his lips. God, he looks so kissable. 
She takes a big chug from her glass. Charles slams down his card, showing the yellow 1 matching your card perfectly. 
“I would’ve never guessed I’d be getting you out of your clothes so quickly.” His voice was low and husky. Her wine glass barely touches the table before she brings it back to her lips for another chug making Charles chuckle at her nerves. 
She thinks for a second before she hooks her fingers on the welt of her right sock. Her knees press into her chest and she takes both socks off, one by one. 
“Hold on, this isn’t fair. You’re wearing more clothes than I am.” Charles states as she see his brain calculating. They’re both wearing socks, jeans and a T-shirt. But Charles refers to what’s underneath that. Suddenly she feel thankful for deciding on wearing a bra today, because that’s not a given for every day.
“Well, I guess that’s just my advantage of being forced to strip for you.” She shrugs.
“I did not force you.” He pouts making her giggle. She looks at the table to check back in with the card that’s last been played before diving back into her cards. She can’t help but let the slightest smirk appear on her lips before she plays the yellow +2 in her hands. 
“Fuck.” Charles laughed. “Off with the socks we go.” He continues as he takes both of them off in a swift motion. He adds them to where her socks are piled up together. 
Charles looks in his cards. There is a red +2 in his hand which he could just play right now but he decides to keep that one in his hand for a little longer. Instead, he pulls out a yellow 5.
Y/N sighs, feeling relieved that she doesn’t have to get rid of any more clothes right now. The anxious yet thrilling feeling is riling her up. She have never felt any excitement like this before. Charles and Y/N have been friends since forever and she has had the biggest crush on him for nearly as long. Her eyes always lingered a bit too long when they went to swimming together and he was in just his swimming trunks. Or the goosebumps his touch left on her skin as his fingers danced along her arm as a small sign of affection. Friendly affection, but it still made her feel all sorts of ways.
Both of them play a couple of cards before Charles has a big smirk plastered across his face again. Uh oh. His fingers stride along his cards again before he picks one. He places a red 7 on top of your blue 7. 
“Wouldn’t it be fun if your seven was blue too?” He says as he scooches a bit closer, their legs now touching. 
“Stooop, you make me nervous.” She blushes.
“Don’t be. It’s just me.” Charles reassures her and wraps his empty hand around her ankle. His thumb moves in soft strokes up and down. She knows he tries to calm her down but every stroke of his thumb is sent straight to her clit. 
Y/N plays a red reverse card. Allowing her to play another card since it’s a two-player game of UNO. She’s all out of red so she draws a card, a red 4. She places it down and look back up to Charles who still has his hand on her ankle. 
“Isn’t that fortunate?” Charles teases. 
“Just from you saying that, I know there’s nothing fortunate about it for me.” She mumbles as she frightens the next card that he will put on the table. 
Charles has a twinkle in his eyes looking at the card in his hand. The red +2 is going to get rid of her first clothing item that’ll actually reveal some skin. Charles too had been pining over her for years. He started loving her in a bit more than just a friendly kind of way around the age of 16. Now 10 years later, nothing had changed. Both of them had been dating people, trying to distract themselves from the massive crushes on each other. But at the end of the day, they always came back to each other.
He finally places his card down, an excited look on his face. But she quickly takes her green +2 and smack it down on the table.
“Hah!” She yelps. “That makes two items for you to be gone!” 
“Nah-ah, baby. Haven’t you read the rules before?” He states. “We both have to get rid of one item.” Charles smirks. Mr know it all, why does he know all rules of UNO? Probably because they have played it so many times.
“+2 plus +2 equals drawing four cards. Simple.” She argues but Charles already pulled out the rules from the box. He reads out the bit about how when your opponent plays a +2 card, you have to draw two cards and afterwards may continue your turn. Y/N is kind of sad that Charles isn’t going to get rid of both his jeans AND t-shirt.
Charles takes hold of the hem of his shirt with both his arms crossed before he drags the fabric over his head. In the meantime, she stands up to unbutton her jeans. She gets distracted by the beautiful sight in front of her. His abs are gorgeously on display his toned skin is like a piece of art. Charles had always been hot. But the more he started driving, the more he started working out. And damn did it do wonders for his body. 
“What are you doing?” Charles asks as he throws his shirt on top of both of their socks. He softly chuckles at her eyes staring down at his torso. 
“Ehm, sorry. I was taking off my jeans.” She states, causing Charles to groan. He shakes his head in a disapproving way. “What?” She asks him.
“Should’ve just taken off your shirt like I did.” He mumbles before he picks up his cards from the table. His eyes go from the discard pile on the table to the cards in his hand. There are no more green cards in his hand so he draws a card. Luckily it’s a green one so he places it on the pile. 
“Hmpf, nah. I’ll keep my shirt on for a bit longer.” She mumbles softly. Being shirtless always makes her feel so exposed. Her insecurities would peak without a shirt so she’d rather keep it on for as long as possible. Charles notices how she tries to hide herself. His hand finds its place back on her ankle and slowly travels up to her calf, stroking up and down.
“You have no idea how god damn beautiful you are, do you?” He reassures and she tries to shrug it off.
Both of them have a few cards left in hand but none of them are useful. They draw a few cards, and some of them are played immediately. Y/N look at her cards and forges a plan. With a smirk on her face, she plays a wild card allowing her to change the active colour to blue. But she has instant regret when she sees a smirk on Charles’ face that’s even wider than her own. 
His fingers pick a card from his hand but before he places it down he tugs it back and picks up another one to play. A simple blue 9 lays down on the table. But the twinkle in his eyes never left.
She sighs and take a big sip of wine to empty her glass. She places her cards down on the table and gets up to grab the bottle of wine in the fridge.
“Cute undies.” Charles coos since her shirt doesn’t reach past her bum. 
She comes back with the cold bottle and fills up both of their glasses, emptying the second bottle of the evening. The glasses are a bit full but who cares? She places the bottle down on the coffee table and sits back in her spot.
The plan she made a few minutes ago still works, she plays a blue reverse card allowing her to take another turn since it’s just the two of them playing. Next, she plays a blue skip card to grant her another turn. And last up she plays a plain blue 6. During all three of these cards, the smirk on Charles’ face grew back more comprehensive and she just knows what is coming. 
The blue +2 that hits the table was expected, and is followed by a shout of UNO!
“Fuck.” She mumbles and takes a gulp from her glass. “Fine.” She continues before she grabs the hem of her shirt. She drags it out, trying to hold off for as long as possible. But the anticipation is turning Charles on even more. Of course, he has seen her in a bikini before, but this is different. This feels different.
Her shirt is added to the growing pile in front of the sofa. Charles notices how she feels a bit uncomfortable. Her eyes avoid his and she is unsure where to actually look. His hand reaches out for her and slides from her upper arm all the way down to her hand. He holds onto it for a little while, squeezing ever so softly.
“You really are the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen.” He reassures her by giving her the exact confidence boost she needed. 
After Y/N plays her second to last card, Charles is able to finish the game by playing his very last card. Leaving him in his jeans and boxers and her in just her bra and panties. 
“Let’s go for another round.” She states and already starts collecting all cards to shuffle them. Charles chuckles at her newly gained confidence. He is so ready to play a second round. 
She deals the cards, places the deck back on the table, and flip over the top card of the deck. A yellow 4 is laying on the table. 
“Since I won last round, you may start this one." 
She places down a green 4 on top of the yellow one on the table. A simple but steady start, she thinks. 
“Oh shit.” Charles says and places down the green 4 he already had in his hand, ready to play. “I’m so sorry, baby. You don’t have to…” He adds, suddenly getting nervous at the realization he is finally going to see her topless after years of wondering and imagining what she’d look like underneath.
“The game’s the game.” She states and lets her hand travel to her back to unclasp her bra. Charles gulped, feeling more nervous than he ever had before in his life. His heart was pounding as he looked into her eyes and saw the unmistakable desire there. He had no idea what she is thinking but he is fascinated by her daringness.
He watches as she pushes the straps of her bra off of her shoulders and drops the garment to the ground. She lets out a deep sigh of pleasure as her breasts become the focus of his attention, and the look in his eyes tells her he wants her just as much as she wants him.
She feels incredibly sexy and alluring. For a brief moment, their eyes meet. She feels a strange and wonderful stirring in her stomach. Her cheeks flush, and she quickly looks away. At that moment, she just knows that she is in trouble.
Without saying anything, she swiftly moves on with the game by placing down her green 8. Charles can’t seem to keep his eyes away from her for too long, giving her an enormous confidence boost. 
Both of them place down a few more cards before she places down her Wild Draw 4 card and change the colour to blue. Charles draws his four cards and takes a good look at his cards. He’s having a hard time focusing on the game with the gorgeous sight in front of him. 
He places down two cards in one go, a blue skip causing him to have a second turn, and a blue 5. 
She places down her blue 8 and shout UNO! Charles looks through his cards again to find any card that may cause her to not finish the game. A Wild Draw 4, a +2, anything at all. But all he has is a blue 2.
“Oh my god, Charles. What are the odds.” She chuckles. 
“What do you mean?” 
She places down a blue 2 on top of his. She’s been waiting for this moment ever since he took his shirt off. Her thoughts have been flooded with the idea of him naked in front of her. It’s all she’s been thinking about for the past years. 
“Fuck. You win the game and I have to take off my jeans?” He laughs. Without another word, he gets up, unbuttons his jeans and zips down his fly. His thumbs hook into the waistband of his jeans to pull them down painfully slow. A soft sign, nearly a moan is heard when his bulge is released from his tight pants. Ever since she had to get rid of her shirt Charles’ cock started hardening beneath him. 
She gasps at the view in front of her. She makes it her mission to get him out of his boxers as soon as possible. The lust in her eyes is inevitable, not knowing where to look. His eyes? His hands, where he is pushing down his jeans? Or his bulge, which is honestly where she just wants to keep looking at.
Tension is rising and she can’t wait for him to add the last bit of his clothes to the growing pile. His jeans finally drop to the floor and he lifts his right foot trying to step out. His ankle gets stuck and she reaches out instinctively to hold the jeans down, helping him get out. She allows him to step out before she adds the denim to the pile of clothes. 
Charles sits back down close to her. Both their legs touch again but now there is no fabric in between holding back the skin to skin contact. She looks down at where her legs touch and look back up to him.
“Hi.” He says with a soft smile across his lips. God those lips, they have never looked more kissable. Or is it just her mind playing games? Her thoughts are all over the place. All she wants is to just push him over, straddle him and kiss him. Everywhere. 
“Hey.” She chuckles before a nervous laugh is heard from Charles’ side. Her eyes drop down to his boxers. He chose to wear navy blue Calvin Klein’s this morning and she is so thankful for his choice. The dark fabric accentuates his skin perfectly. An outline visible around his growing member. 
“Eyes up here, baby.” He snorted as if he isn’t having the hardest time keeping his own eyes away from her tits. 
“Sorry.” She whispers before Charles holds out his hand for her to grab. His thumb dances on the back of your hand. Both of them are quiet for a little bit as they soak up each other. 
After what feels forever but actually are only 1,5 minutes, Y/N speaks up.
“Charles? What are we doing?” She questions him, still holding onto him as she looks their connected hands. 
“Hmm, I don’t know actually.” He replies. His free hand reaches with his forefinger for her chin and pushes her face up so she’d have to look in his eyes. “All I know is that I want you. So, fucking, bad.”
Her eyes light up. She can’t believe he really admitted what he just said and without a second thought she gives in to her desire of just a few minutes ago. 
Y/N lets go of Charles’ hand and pushes him onto the floor by his shoulders. Simultaneously she climbs on top of him, causing a muted “oh” to fall from his lips. He is surprised by her actions and honestly, so is she. His hands grab her by her hips as she sits down on his stomach, avoiding contact with his aching cock. 
Their lips finally connect. Ten long years are coming together in this sweet and lustful kiss. Charles’ right hand travels up and down her side as his left nestles into her hair. The two of them sink into the living room floor, both desperate for the connection they have been longing for. 
His opens his mouth and gently sucks Y/N’s lip between his. He lets go after a few seconds and licks softly over her bottom lip. Her heart races as her spine arches under his touch causing him to naturally pull her closer. She opens her mouth to allow her tongue to join his, going back and forth. 
She moans with pleasure and their tongues intertwine even more vigorously, entangling with one another in a desperate search for more pleasure. Each movement they make is somehow more tantalizing than the last. Their hands exploring each other's body with a deep hunger for more.
Y/N wishes this moment would last forever. She is scared of what might happens next, what if this is just a heat of the moment kind of kiss and they really can’t go back to being just friends. Or maybe that is exactly what Charles meant with his ‘Then we’ll just stop being friends’. 
Charles’ hand roams down her back. He moans a bit louder when he finally touches her bum. She feels a firm squeeze on her left cheek, ripping a moan from her throat. Y/N bucks her hips instinctively at the sweet tingles in her core.
Their lips part for a second and she presses her forehead against his. Both of them are a panting mess, feeling completely out of this world. With Charles’ hand still squeezing her bottom he speaks up.
“How about we take this to the bedroom, baby?” He whispers.
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queermasculine · 2 days
hi, kinda detrans gnc ?woman? here. used to ID as a gay trans dude. realized I love and worship women and have been slowly trying to embrace the lesbian label as I browse blogs like yours, but I also can't help but feel I love men in a distinctly queer way, too. honestly your blog is amazing in its depiction of queer sexuality and masculinity and both parts of myself feel seen. don't know if I'll ever know the answers, but you have been a lighthouse in helping me to navigate the waters of gender and sexuality. thank you for what you do, sending much love <3
that's beautiful anon, honored to have played a small part in your journey! vis-a-vis loving men in a queer way as a lesbian, yeah being a primarily masculine-attracted lesbian was a huge mindfuck for me growing up. took me forever to figure out what was going on with me. i mean i knew early on i wasn't interested in ever becoming a wife or girlfriend to any man (and i was right), but i always dug the look of muscle and body hair and men's clothes — masculinity was both attractive and aspirational to me, and while i felt very emotionally attracted to women, "pretty" things just never did it for me.
so i wanted to look like a man, but i didn't really want to be one, and i was attracted to men, but didn't really want to fuck one. everything about me felt like an irreconcilable contradiction, and i was pretty much resigned to living my life as a nonsensical dead-end when i (completely accidentally) stumbled upon the notion that maybe, there could be people out there who are masculine in all the ways i want to be... who aren't men. that maybe that's who i am. that maybe that's who i'm meant to love.
and it's pretty funny in hindsight, how the answer turned out to be so simple. but i haven't been confused since
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xemmez · 6 hours
it’s pride month and as an asexual person, i really wanted to make a post that is important to me.
i am already starting to see a lot of asexuality-based pride posts that are keeping up the notion that all asexual people are completely sex repulsed and NEVER engage with any sort of sexual thing ever, which is an extremely outdated concept that isn’t as inclusive as it seems.
there are just as many sex-positive and sex-neutral asexuals who use the label as sex-repulsed ones. by consistently putting out asexual pride merchandise like “cake! not sex!” and “eeerm. i’d rather read about dragons than porn!” it’s alienating a lot asexual people who feel weird using the term because they do enjoy things like sex or porn.
there are asexual sex workers, asexual smut fanfic writers, asexuals who engage in sexual conversations with others, asexuals who do hookups, asexuals who run kink blogs, asexuals who do everything an allosexual person does with a much lowered sense of attraction to people if any at all. those people also deserve to feel good.
asexuality is simply a lack or lowered amount of sexual attraction to others. that doesn’t mean that lack of attraction immediately turns into repulse at the concept every single time. this lack of budge with the label being inherently connected to pure sex repulsion is why so many people are worried to actually use the label.
sex-positive, sex-neutral, sex-repulsed, even asexuals who feel like their opinions change over time depending on their mood, they’re all as equally valid as an outdated slogan for a sexuality.
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vikkirosko · 1 day
Hello! I love your blog and I wanted to give you a cute idea!
What about the Charlie, Vaggie, Angel dust, Alastor and Lucifer with a reader that is a Red panda demon? Like they are super cute and fluffy and trow their hands in the hair when they are surprised/scared like red pandas do, but to people they look like they are asking for a hug.
Headcanons Red panda demon
🌈 Charlie Morningstar x Reader 🎶
There were a lot of different demons in Hell, but you were probably the sweetest one Charlie had ever met. You were a red panda demon. You had soft, fluffy fur and Charlie really liked hugging you. You didn't mind treating her with the same warmth as she treated you. She often hugged you and said it felt like they were hugging a cloud. Her words often made you laugh, and Charlie herself smiled softly at your smile
The Princess noticed that you had a slightly unusual reaction to situations that caused you surprise or fear. You raised your hands. From the outside, it looked like you wanted to be hugged and at first that's how she perceived it, until you told her that it was something close to a conditioned reflex. You raised your hands to make yourself look bigger and scare the enemy, even though you realized that from the outside it did not look threatening at all
Charlie didn't want to embarrass you, so she tried not to hug you every time. You saw it and understood that she was feeling awkward, so you hugged her yourself, smiling gently and saying that you didn't mind hugging her at all
She was glad that you were able to get rid of the awkwardness between you. Charlie loved being around you, she loved hugging you and getting to know you better. She hoped that you would continue to understand each other better and better
❌ Vaggie x Reader 🎀
Vaggie tried not to judge others by their appearance. She knew that there were those in Hell who looked scary, but weren't really that scary, and those who looked beautiful could turn out to be a brutal killer. That's why she expected a trick from you. You were a red panda demon and you didn't look dangerous on the outside. On the contrary, you looked cute. It took her a while to start trusting you, but she was able to trust you and didn't regret it
You had a very soft coat and you were basically fluffy. Vaggie liked it when she touched your hands. Several times she hugged you and felt your soft fur with her hands. It was really nice. But sometimes you've been acting a little weird. The reason for this was that every time you were surprised or scared, you raised your hands
From the outside, it might seem that you were asking for hugs, which often baffled others, but you explained to Vaggie that you were trying to seem bigger and more dangerous in this way. You knew how it looked from the outside, but you couldn't control it
Vaggie knew you wouldn't hurt others. You were kind, attentive and caring, and when she hugged you, she felt like all the problems were gone and she could finally relax and relax. You gave her the peace she needed so badly
🕷 Angel Dust x Reader 💖
From the first day you met, Angel thought you were very cute. You were a red panda demon and you looked like a big plush toy. He was watching you with a smile and curiosity. You didn't understand the reason for this and you were worried about his attention. At some point, he saw you raise your arms as if asking for a hug. Angel smiled and hugged you, which made you freeze, as if not expecting it
A little later, you explained to him that you didn't ask for a hug. Every time you felt fear or surprise, you raised your hands to appear bigger and scarier. Your explanation made him laugh, but he smiled when you told him that you wouldn't mind just hugging again
Angel started hugging you a lot. He snuggled up to you, relaxing from the feel of your fluffy fur. You helped him rest even after a very bad day. You didn't ask any questions, realizing that Angel might just not want to talk right now. You were just there for him, even when he was falling asleep, relaxing next to you
Sometimes Angel was interested to find out how it happened that you ended up in Hell. Maybe he relied too much on your appearance, but you didn't look like someone who did bad things. Perhaps he will ask you about it later, but for now he was just glad to have someone in his life who could give him peace even when the whole world seemed to be collapsing
📻 Alastor x Reader 🎙
Alastor was watching everyone who lived in the hotel, including you. You were a friendly red panda demon who helped out at the hotel. You had a soft and fluffy coat that the others liked so much, while Alastor treated it as something funny, but not something worth checking out. He didn't like it when his personal space was violated, and because you respected his personal boundaries, you had a great relationship
Several times he saw you raise your hands as if asking for a hug. Charlie, Angel and Sir Pentious hugged you every time, while Alastor, looking at your surprised expression, laughed. They were sure that you wanted to be hugged
In fact, this was not the case. Every time you did that, you were either scared or very surprised. By raising your arms, it was as if you were trying to protect yourself, you wanted to appear taller and bigger. Alastor knew this, but it still seemed funny to him to watch what was happening
Alastor liked watching you feel awkward. You didn't push the others away, and he knew that if he hugged you, you wouldn't push him away. He thought you were funny and he was curious to know how long it would take for others to understand the real reason why you were raising your hands
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x Reader 🐍
Lucifer met all kinds of sinners. You were one of the nicest people he met, and his daughter supported him in that. You were a red panda demon and you lived in a hotel with the others. For you, life at the hotel was quiet and peaceful, but when you first met, you behaved unusually. You raised your arms as if asking for a hug, which made Lucifer feel awkward. Only later did he find out that what you were doing had a completely different meaning
Every time you were surprised or scared, you raised your hands. You explained this to Lucifer later, when he started staying at the hotel and you were able to have a normal conversation. You tried to defend yourself in this way, trying to scare possible enemies. You didn't treat Lucifer badly, on the contrary, you were glad to meet him and hoped that you could get along
You were always happy to support your loved ones, including Lucifer. When he was in a bad mood, you were there and just hugged him. You had soft and fluffy fur, the feeling of which gave you a sense of peace. You understood that there were a lot of things that bothered him, so you tried to help him as much as you could
Lucifer was glad that you were his daughter's friend. He knew he could trust you. He was glad that there was someone with whom he could share what was bothering him
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OK. I’ve been out of the closet since 1998, but I kind of feel like compared to a lot of other people that are more sexually active or outgoing, I feel like I haven’t really done much with my gay identity. I don’t really have much to show for it. Therefore, I am giving myself a challenge and inviting all of you to do the same this pride month.
30 days of queer gratitude. 30 things. They can be paragraphs or just a few sentences that are part of your queer experience that you are grateful for. It can be someone treating you kindly at the pride parade, a compliment you got that meant a lot more than the person probably intended, a book or a song that made you feel seen. Whatever it is. Just tell people about it. Once per day for the entire month of June.
(Do it however you want but I would suggest on Tumblr re-blogging Yesterday’s post and adding a new entry just so the entire thing stays together.)
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chaos-in-deepspace · 2 days
LNDS Zayne: Toy Panda (18+)
So I just bought pain relieving cream and two braces because I have managed to literally kill my wrists by writing all this smut. It's so worth it. This is just smut and fluff guys. Also really bad jokes. Like really bad. Those are my favorite.
Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+. Warnings: Unsafe Sex, Panda Outfits, Fluff, Horrible Jokes, Fingering, Penis in vagina sex Pairing: Zayne x Reader Synopsis: You had beaten Zayne as kitty cards and, as a prize, got him in the viral panda outfit. The only issue is he wants to take it off, and you want to help him in those efforts. Word Count: 4.5k
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Toy Panda
You stared at the door, waiting patiently. Your panda overalls felt huge and a little warm; you played with the sleeves as you waited patiently for your favorite doctor. You were relaxed on his couch, your arms going over the edge as you stared. Any minute now and you could get to see the fruits of your labor finally paying off.
Your silent wishes were answered as you heard the click of the door opening, Zayne slowly coming out of his bedroom. A large panda outfit hung off him, the overalls being ridiculously big even on his hulking form. He didn’t bother with the hood as he adjusted his glasses. You could see the start of a blush on his cheeks as he was looking anywhere but at you.
“Oh my god you’re adorable for once!” You said, jumping off the couch to go run over to him. He really did look like a giant panda plushie and you wanted to just curl your arms around him and never let go. Zayne, however, seemed less amused by the situation as he looked over at you finally, seeing your eyes lighting up at his gaze.
The man let out a long, exasperated sigh, “Well, does this satisfy the conditions to your win?” He said, opening his arms a bit so you could see. When he looked at you this time he seemed almost amused with how giddy you were. You knew the man was a pushover when it came to concerns about you, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oh no, you lost fair and square at kitty cards the other day. You’re gonna be stuck like this for a bit, Doctor Panda.” You joked, your hand going over to his fluffy overalls as you played with the soft fabric. 
“If I’m not mistaken you were the one who wanted to trade cards about three times during our round, which led to your victory.” He said and you huffed, crossing your arms.
“It’s not my fault you let me.” You had simply used an advantage you called ‘Zayne loves you way too much and will let you cheat at cards, even if it's against him’. It was a viable strategy when playing kitty cards.
“If this is supposed to be a punishment, then why are you wearing the outfit as well?” He asked, noticing how soft you looked at the moment. You pulled the hood up, tilting your head back and forth in a little shimmy shake.
“It’s cute and comfy, obviously. Besides, we never get to match!” You exclaimed as though you were stating the most obvious thing in the world. He looked somewhat amused at your declaration, his hand reaching out to pat the top of your head.
“You do look rather cute like this.” He said, leaning down to be eye level with you. You chuckle, hands going to cup his cheeks and give them a small pinch in response.
“We both look cute like this, mister.” You said, pressing a kiss on his nose, “Absolutely adorable. The cutest.” You claimed, pressing a kiss to his forehead this time, “I wouldn’t mind if you wore this every day, my dear panda.”
Your hands slipped from his cheeks as he began standing up straight, “Well as fun as this is, I think I’d rather get changed now.” Oh no he didn’t.
Your hands found themselves in the thick plush of the overalls, tugging at him so he couldn’t get too far away, “You can’t change yet, you haven’t been in it long enough. Just showing up wearing it isn’t enough.” You whined out, giving the clothes another tug to show your displeasure. 
Zayne looked down, his hands cupping your own, his body looming over you as he leaned forward, “You never stated the duration that I’d be in these.” He pointed out. Your lip jutted out in a mock pout as you tightened your grip on him.
“You need to wear them until I’m satisfied.” You declared.
“And when will that be? In an hour? Or perhaps in the morning?” His voice was coming out almost mocking. He had a point though, if he agreed to that then he might be in these well into the afternoon of tomorrow. It was something he would never agree to since he was a logical man at the end of the day.
“Okay fine…then how about a kiss? If you can satisfy me with a kiss then you can get changed.” You finally settled on, knowing those terms were more than acceptable.
“Just a kiss?” He seemed skeptical.
“A good kiss that leaves me in a puddle by the end.” You clarified, knowing he might tease you and give you a soft peck, then call it a day. He let out a small sigh, but the faint upturn of his lips gave away his emotions.
Zayne placed a hand on your chin, tilting your head up while the other hand was planted firmly on your hip. He leaned in, his lips pressing against your own. Your eyes fluttered closed as you relaxed into him, your arms wrapping around his shoulders.
He leaned down a bit to help you out, dragging you closer until your body was flush against his own. You felt his teeth nip gently at your lip and you happily sighed into the kiss, opening up enough for him to explore your mouth. He tasted like the mint ice cream you two had grabbed before heading back to his apartment earlier.
You let out a small moan as the hand on your hip gently rubbed at you; a shiver ran down the length of your spine. He finally parted from your lips, a small string of saliva that connected you two snapping. You looked up at him with your eyes half lidded, biting your lower lip. You always wanted more when it came to this man. Just one kiss, no matter how good it was, had never been enough.
“Are you satisfied now?” He whispered, his nose bumping against your own. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, then your eyes darted away.
“We might need to try again, just so I can be sure…” You murmured, looking back up at him. His eyes were already darkening from lust and you knew just a bit more would lead you to his room.
“Now, now, aren’t you being a bit greedy?” Zayne asked, raising his eyebrow in question. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that he clearly thought you were cute with the small pout on your lips. The glint in his eye was unmistakable, or at least it was to you at this point in your relationship.
Still, despite his teasing, he leaned his head back in and captured your lips once more. The hand on your chin slowly moved down to hold the other side of your waist as your body melded into his. Even through the thick fabrics you could still feel the slight warmth radiating off his body.
This kiss had been sweeter as Zayne took his time to savor the taste of your lips on his. It was serene how he made you feel so safe in his arms. The hands that were around his shoulders went to play with the soft, black hair. Zayne hummed into the kiss, appreciating the small gesture as your hands combed through them leisurely.
After a few moments, he finally parted from you again, although this time he placed a sweet kiss on your forehead, then to your cheeks, and finally on your nose. A giggle bubbled in your chest, escaping in an airy laugh. You looked up at him, a dopey grin spreading on your face.
“Now that you seem satisfied, I think I’ll go change into something more comfortable.” He said, making you remember exactly what you had been doing previously.
“Changing without me? You’re not gonna let me help?” You playfully jeered, your hands slowly coming down until they rested on Zayne’s broad chest. His own hands once again went to cup yours, bringing them both to his mouth as he gently kissed your knuckles.
“I think I’m fully capable of taking off my own clothes.” He said finally, your face falling for a moment at his statement. Despite your need for the man, you wouldn’t press him into anything. You gave a small smile and nodded.
“Alright, if you insist that you don’t need my help, I guess I can let you strip by yourself.” You said with a shrug and he let out a long breath, staring at you for a moment as though trying to decide what he wanted to do.
He seemed to finally settle on something when he spoke, “Although it would be a shame if we were no longer matching, now wouldn’t it?” 
“We would still be matching if we were both naked.” You didn’t miss a beat.
He nodded his head as though that actually made sense. He always had that ability to play along with you as though you were spitting facts, despite the nonsense you often spewed. It made you feel…important.
You let out a small squeak of surprise as he cupped your ass, lifting you up. Your legs went to lock around his waist as he began carrying you to his bedroom, “I wouldn’t mind matching you in such a way, as long as you find it agreeable.” He finally settled on as he opened the bedroom door.
“Zayne, if I ever say no to that kind of question, just assume someone kidnapped me and replaced me with a doppelganger.” You said in an overly serious tone. Zayne exhaled through his nose in an attempt at laughing, because lord forbid he ever have a proper belly laugh once in a while.
Still you didn’t fight the fit of giggles, your stomach feeling like a million butterflies were fluttering around with your love for the man. You cupped his cheeks once more, placing feather light kisses all over his face as he carried you over to the bed. You felt more than you saw when he smiled, your lips kissing the corners of his mouth until you pecked them.
The comfortable mattress sank as he set you down gently, the bed creaked slightly under your weight. You decided to be nice and let go of his face, though you wished you wore lipstick as his face would’ve been absolutely littered in marks. Something to save for another day.
“Looking at you like this, I might mistake you for a plushie.” He said, noticing how your hood was still up. You were kicking your feet, smiling at him with a happy glint in your eyes that always seemed to put Zayne in a good mood.
“If I’m a plushie then will you promise to hold me tight and never let go?” You settled on, your tone was anything but seductive. A small blush was blooming on your cheeks with the way he looked down at you.
“I never had any intentions of letting you go in the first place.” His words seemed so final that your breath got caught in your throat.
 Zayne began working off his clothes, easily shucking off the overalls and ripping the hoodie off in one quick motion. Normally he was more careful with how he treated clothes when taking them off, but you noted how he seemingly didn’t care about this particular outfit. Strange.
Once Zayne was left in nothing but his underwear; your tongue poking out as you licked your lips,  “Damn panda daddy, I forgot how much you were hiding under all that fur.”
Zayne paused, looking over at you and you could see the disappointment in his eyes. It only fueled your amusement, snickering at the expression he made at you. He was always exasperated from your antics, but seeing the hope leaving him never ceased to make you giddy. It was just too beautiful to see the Doctor Zayne get caught off guard.
He didn’t even say anything in response, only changing where he looked when you made grabby hands, “You need to help your plushie.” You cooed happily.
Zayne walked over to you, unclipping the overalls and they fell around your hips. You were beaming the entire time as he made you raise your hips so he could fully pull it off you. You were left in the panda hoodie and your underwear when he placed both hands on either side of your thighs.
“You realize you are not some toy, correct?” He asked, finally lightening up with a smile of his own. You felt the need to crush it once more.
“I mean…I wouldn’t mind if I were your little fuck toy, Doctor Zayne.” You purred.
You watched Zayne’s eyes widen for a moment before he looked away. He took a moment to recover before looking back at you. “A study I read claims that shame can play an important role in social interactions, perhaps one day you should try it.” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t have let me become so comfortable in your presence then. It’s your fault I have no issue voicing my desires anymore.” You joked, although it did hold truth. Zayne had been very persistent in making sure you were clear with what you wanted from him so he wouldn’t have to second guess everything. You felt like you could tell him literally anything in your head at this point. 
Zayne watched as you began lifting up the hoodie, ready to take it off and toss it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor, when his hands stopped you. He leaned down, whispering right in your ear, “Come now, a toy shouldn’t try to do things by themselves.”
You felt a small gasp escape your lips, your cheeks turning scarlet at his words. You had only been half joking about the fuck toy situation, but if he wanted to use your body for his own pleasure, you’d never stop him. You could feel your already wet underwear getting soaked as you squeezed your thighs together.  A shiver went down your spine as you went to lay your hand on his chest.
He moved closer to press a kiss to your face before backing up just enough to hook his fingers under the elastic band of your panties. He began pulling them off, satisfied with the string of arousal that was very hard to miss. He threw them over to the pile then took a finger to run through your soaked folds.
Your breath hitched as his thick finger entered your cunt, pressing into your soft heat. You went to roll your hips into his touch, but he was quick to push your upper body down onto the bed. His large hands pushed your hoodie up just enough to expose the underside of your breasts. His eyes glazed over them for a moment before he put his free hand over your stomach, holding you down so you wouldn’t move.
“A good toy doesn’t try to squirm.” Zayne pointed out, making you huff as you tried holding still. Your hands went above your head as you grasped at the fluffy blankets underneath you, trying to do your best to obey him for the time being.
As a reward, he entered another finger into you as he began scissoring the digits to help open you up for the main event later. The lewd squelching sound of your pussy made you flush, your thighs twitching as your instinct was to close them. Still, with the slight curl of his finger hitting your sweet spot had you almost rolling your eyes back in ecstasy.
“Fuck, Zayne, can I move?” You asked, wanting to ride his fingers. He was so good at riling you up, getting you close to coming on his fingers alone.
“You’re the one who said you wanted to be a toy, did you not?” He asked and you whimpered in response, “Good toys just lay there.” Oh he was going to be the death of you. It hadn’t even been ten minutes and you almost regretted putting the offer on the table.
“I’m a new interactive toy.” You finally settled on, hoping he would play along with you.
“And when did toy companies begin producing such bratty models?” His fingers were now pistoning faster in your tight heat, making sure every thrust hit your sweet spot head on.
“Around the time they realized their user base had b-brat tamers.” You managed to say between a strangled moan.
You cried out as his thumb pressed harshly over your clit, “Then perhaps I just need to train this toy so they’re more well behaved.” his thumb rolled in circles over your clit and you were now biting your lip. A familiar warmth settled in your stomach, threatening to spill out at a moment’s notice.
“G-good luck.” You chuckled, trying to roll your hips but his hand made it impossible. It was clear that you were going to cum on his terms.
You were so close to becoming a whimpering mess, begging him when he pressed down on your clit again. That was enough for you to topple over the edge, your walls clenching tightly around his fingers. Your pulse was thrumming, the blood rushing all over your body and you could hear a faint ringing as Zayne worked you through your climax.
His motions got softer as you came back down to earth, staring over at his face with a fucked out gaze. He wore that smirk that never ceased to make you go crazy.
“What a good toy.” Zayne commented almost like an afterthought. You watched him bring his fingers to his lips, sucking off your release. You groaned, wanting him to properly fuck you already.
“Will you fuck me now?” You whispered, your voice soft from how relaxed and pliant your entire body felt right now.
“Since my little panda was so obedient, I guess I can give them a reward.” Zayne said as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to you. Your hands immediately found their way to his hair, wanting to tug him closer as his tongue laced with your own. The taste of your own climax was still fresh on him and you couldn’t help the low whine coming from your throat.
His lips left yours, but he was still close enough so when he spoke they grazed against you, “Do you promise to behave?” 
“Yes, sir.” You said with a soft cry, wanting to feel his cock splitting you open already.
You watched him stand up, taking off his underwear. His erection stood proudly against his abs, the tip leaking pre and dripping down the shaft. You licked your lips in response, your mind already supplying you with several fantasies of what you want to do with his length
Zayne came over, lifting you up enough for him to slide a pillow under your hips to help you get comfortable. “Are you ready, my little panda?” He teased. You smiled bashfully, nodding your head as he opened up your legs, your glistening folds inviting the man to take whatever he wanted from you.
His cock slowly began sinking into your heat, careful not to go too fast or else he risked hurting you. Still, you were impatient and had to hold back your complaints as he continued driving his dick deeper into your pussy.
After a few short thrusts, his cock was almost completely in you. You felt the stinging stretch of his monstrous length as it filled you up to the point of almost breaking. You took a few sharp breaths, relaxing around his girth. You went to roll your hips once you had grown accustomed to him, but his hand pressed down on your stomach again to stop you.
“I thought you said you’d behave?” He said and you whined in response, glancing up at him. He had a concentrated look on his face, trying not to cum just from entering you. He always tried to coax an orgasm out of you, but sometimes the way you sucked him in made him want to burst in an instant.
“I will…” You finally say and he nodded, giving an experimental roll of his hips. You let out a breathy gasp, enjoying how his girth managed to hit every single spot in you without trying. It was like he was made for you.
He chuckled, repeating the motion before speaking, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard a panda make a noise like this.” 
You weren’t thinking when you spoke, already cock drunk. “You’re fucking other pandas?” It wasn’t until the words left you that you had to take a second and think over your inner dialogue options.
Zayne didn’t move and you chanced to look at him, seeing him shaking his head. “It’s not too late for me to pull out and go to bed, is it?” He murmured and you let out a cry at his words.
You locked your ankles around his back, hooking him into place inside of you. Your hands trailing over his biceps as you gave them a small squeeze,  “Noooooo, don’t leave me like this. I’m sorry, I said it without thinking.”
Zayne let out a heavy, almost burdened sigh, “I don’t know if that makes it better or worse.” Despite his words, he did grind back into you, making you mewl in delight. The small giggle that was stuck in your throat turned into pants as he began rocking his hips to a steady tempo.
“Zayne…” You managed to rasp out. He hummed, letting you know he could hear you, “You’re holding back still.” You knew he wasn’t fully inside of you judging by how his hips never met your own.
“I simply don’t want to break my new toy, is that so wrong?” He grunted, never letting up the gentle pace he had set.
“It’s fine if you break me; you’re a doctor after all. You can put me back together.” You said.
“Doesn’t this little panda work tomorrow?” He said, hips stopping as he looked down at you, wanting you to confirm his suspicions.
“I’ll be fine…please?” You begged him, pouting as you looked at your loving boyfriend. He pondered for a moment if he’d regret his decision, then shook his head.
“If that’s what you wish.” He finally said. You were about to celebrate when a surprised squeal came out of your mouth. He had taken your legs that were locked behind him, pressing them so they laid against your chest. He had you in the perfect mating press as he looked down at you with hungry eyes.
His hips rutted into your tight hole, getting deeper with every rock until you could feel the head pressing against your cervix. You opened your mouth in a garbled whine, closing your eyes as you took in the feeling. You were already so damn close just from his dick being fully settled inside of you.
Then he set a brutal pace, jackhammering his cock into your cunt like a man running out of time. The noises escaping you couldn’t be distinguished, his name a slur on your lips as stars began entering your vision. It was just too damn good, your entire body spasming with twitches as he brought you closer and closer to the edge.
You squeezed his arms, your nails digging into the flesh to help ground yourself. It didn’t help much as he helped you reach new peaks, his dick being the only thing on your mind as your eyes rolled back.
The delicious friction of his pelvis against your swollen bud was what set you off. Your body clenched around him as heat spread under your skin. The ringing in your ears came back ten fold and your vision blurred into white. Your entire body spasming with your release as your hoarse voice called his name like a prayer.
You could faintly hear Zayne’s voice over the ringing, “So good, doing such a good job for me, my angel.” He groaned, pressing open mouth kisses along the column of your neck. You were slowly coming back down when you felt his length leaving you.
Your eyes looked over, watching as Zayne’s hand engulfed his length, gliding over the shaft before his milky release began splattering on your stomach and right over your overstimulated pussy. You were trembling still as you felt the liquid hitting your overheated skin.
Once he was spent, he leaned forward and pressed his forehead to yours, looking you in the eyes, “How are you?” His voice was like silk, gently pulling you back down to him. His clean hand moved some hair that had gotten into your face as he pressed a kiss to your nose, waiting patiently.
“Never been better.” You said, still in a bit of a daze.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He asked, noticing how your aching legs began falling to his sides. You hummed in thought, a hand going to cup his cheek and you smiled.
“Not at all.” You said with a small laugh. Zayne smiled, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your lips before going to stand.
“I’ll be right back, you wait right here.” He said, looking you over once more before leaving the room. 
He didn’t leave you for long, soon coming back in, this time with underwear on. He held a glass of water in one hand, and a warm, wet towel in the other. He approached you on the bedside, setting the glass down and moving in with the towel to clean up your combined spend.
You winced as the towel went to clean your folds and Zayne glanced up at you, “I did warn you about this outcome.” He scolded and you rolled your eyes.
“It’s worth it…it’s always worth it.” You fought back, not ever giving in that you might’ve made a slight miscalculation. How you’d be able to run around at work tomorrow was a mystery. You debated calling out, after all it was insanely easy for you to get a doctor’s note to explain your absence.
“You’re insatiable.” he said, finishing up between your legs. He handed you a glass of water, eyeing you as you took a small sip. Once you realized it was perfectly chilled you let the water run down your throat, enjoying how soothing it felt. You didn’t realize how scratched your throat had gotten until that moment.
Once you finished you handed him back the cup, “Thank you very much, Doctor Panda.” You teased.
“Doctor Panda?” He asked incredulously.
“Yes, sir.”
“Remind me to be more careful to not lose a bet with you.” He said as he went to lay in the bed, pulling you along with him. Your head rested on his chest as you looked up at him.
“I dunno, my ideas do tend to lead to fun outcomes.” You pointed out.
“I assure you, all you need to do is ask and you shall receive.” He informed you with an amused glint in his eyes.
“I’ll remember that for future reference…I love you, Zayne.” You said, letting the sap take over after your passionate tryst.
“Love you too, my little panda.”
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superblysubpar · 2 days
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thank you so much for requesting @retrosabers soooooooooooooo...idk what this is. but it turned into a makeup sex, kind of angry with steve, to I guess, the beginnings of the "How Sweet It Is AU" for me?? - you could just read this as stand alone smut, but please read the warnings below if you're unfamiliar with that AU and don't want a pretty big surprise at the end!
2,119 words
warnings: mentions of wearing Steve's boxers, SMUT (piv intercourse - creampie, angry/makeup sex & all the language and actions that may go with it - some kingish steve vocabulary if you will)| pregnant reader announcement - see How Sweet It Is AU warnings for more | my blog is 18+
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Late Summer, Early Fall, 1986
Your fingers slip from his neck and shoulders, sweat slicked tan skin there making the bright red of the scratches you made brighter. Angrier. 
They match the mood -  the deep lines between his brows, the pout of your lips, the brutal punch of his thrust inside of you, the clench of your jaw so you don’t do something satisfying like scream his name or fuck, say sorry. 
Neither of you can remember what started it now. You said something bratty, he said something even more so. Sharp tones and stressful weeks. Cupboards and drawers with volume and slams worthy of a battle of the bands. Silent tooth brushing while glaring at one another in the mirror sessions, and purposeful, childish things, like making only enough coffee for one cup each morning.  
Not that you had even wanted any today. 
The sun was brutal, the AC was busted, and Steve had found you lying on the hard kitchen floor, practically naked, and sipping something out of a blue, glass mason jar that was sweating more than you. 
He’d swallowed at the sight of your stomach and arms fully on display, the curve of lace over your chest, his boxers rolled over your thighs too high to be decent if you stood. Perhaps Steve could have taken the gesture of you wearing next to nothing as a white flag, but all he could think about was how hot he was, how tight the tie was around his neck, and how he was mad at you for a reason he didn’t even remember. 
Steve stepped over to the thermostat and without opening your eyes you called, “No difference.”
“When’s the last time you checked?” He grumbled under his breath, tapping at it with a roll of his eyes. “No difference.”
“Right,” you propped up on your elbows, glaring at him as you snapped, “Like I just said.”
He looked right at you for what felt like the first time in years, when really it had only been a day or two. But the sight of eyes that were honey turned hard, though just as sticky as they lingered on your own, had something in your chest warming. 
Steve glanced down at your body again as he yanked at his tie, throwing it on the counter before taking on his naturally annoyed position of hands on his hips. His fingers flexed against them while his head tilted in a way that exposed his throat more, made it easy to follow his swallow or the bead of sweat curving down his jaw. It made you want to curse whatever god created this man, and that was before he opened his mouth with a tone bitchy enough to match his pose. 
“Can you put a shirt on?”
The bite of his question made your eyes narrow, made you stick out your peachy, lace covered chest more just to spite him. His gaze returned to yours, challenging, fire burning between you both making his gaze molten - pure lava that was sure to consume you before you even had the thought of running from it. 
You stood as he harshly unbuttoned the white button down he was dressed in, revealing dark chest hair and the gold chain nestled there, both threatening to make you fold first, but you couldn’t. Wouldn’t. 
His finger’s movements slowed as they worked at the cuffs when you set your glass on the counter. As you took a step closer, then another, you both refused to break eye contact until your chests were almost touching and your chin tipped up at him in your own challenge back. 
“Make me.”
The space between your lips buzzed, his cupid’s bow mocking you, the heave of your chest doing the same to him.  
Maybe you tilted higher first, maybe he bent lower, but your lips crashed into each other - literally. 
Teeth against plush bottom lips and noses bumping, hands gripping at each other like you’re about to push the other off, yet you both only get closer. 
Steve pants into your mouth, his fingers dig into the skin just below your ribs as he pushes you in a direction clumsily, till your back is hitting the counter and you can feel how hard he already is as he pulls your hips against his own. 
You don’t give him the satisfaction of making any noise when his thumb brushes over a hard nipple through lace, or when his tongue meets yours. He doesn’t give you any either when you pull a little hard at the hair at the back of his head and roll your hips. 
Neither of you say a word or let your faces show any sign that this is all exactly what you want, what you need when he pushes at the boxers and lets them fall to the floor as he lifts you onto the counter or when you pull and push at his belt and dress slacks enough to free his length. 
Steve slips up a little when you wrap your hand around him, his head thrown back and teeth digging into his lip, fists forming against the counter next to your thighs with each slow tug. 
“What’s the matter Steve?” Faux pouting lips form the coy question while your hand pumps faster. You smirk when Steve lets loose a shaky exhale on your next words. “You wanna tell me how good it feels? How turned on you are right now? How sor-“
You inhale sharply when his thumbs spread you and a low rumble leaves his lips, too close to your ear, “Oh babe…me? I think if anyone here is turned on it’s-fuck.”
Your legs wrap around his waist, heels digging into his ass and pushing him closer so his tip hits your entrance, your hand glides it through your folds dripping around him already, teasing at your clit then back down. 
“Speaking of fuck-oh.”
Your brows knit together, lips clamp shut as he slides into you slowly. His chest is heaving, white button down open so you could scrape you nails down the gray tank top revealed to you now, but you don’t. Your eyelashes are fluttering, fingers slipping against the counter and back arching so he could go deeper. 
He doesn’t. 
Steve keeps his thrusts shallow and slow, only giving you just enough to make you angry. Your cheeks grow hot, spine tingling, tongue pushing against your teeth with every glide in, silently willing, begging, him to go deeper. 
Your clit throbs, heels dig into him, but Steve stands firm, watching you closely, waiting till you look up at him. 
One damp strand of brown hair falls over his forehead, while eyes soften towards you again. Sweat rolls down his temple, each pulse of his steady heartbeat making his cologne sharper, mint and cedar distracting you, placating you. When you grip at his shoulders, finally touching him again, he exhales as his name leaves you in a whisper. 
“Steve,” your fingers grip the collar of his button down, “More.”
As your hands slip, nails curling into his chest, Steve finally gives you more. 
Then he stops.
Pressed against you, he inhales slow and steady, watching you. His arms flex around yours as his palms press to the cool counter, ignoring how thrilled he is to feel you fluttering around him fully now. 
He grins, finally, when a whine bubbles out of your throat at the lack of movement. He can’t help himself, raising his pitch and mocking your words earlier, “What’s the matter? Wanna tell me how good it feels? Wanna tell me you’re sor-“
“I said more,” you gasp around the words, rolling your hips until his hands fly to them and hold them in place. 
Steve looks at you seriously, black lust filled pupils taken over his gaze, and his tongue slides over his bottom lip before he speaks, like he’s debating his words. 
“I did give you more. Want something else? Gonna have to be specific babe. Maybe use a word that starts with ‘P’ and ends with leas-“
“Fucking, fuck me, Harrington!” You grip the cotton tank between your fingers, voice hot and body hotter and only getting more so when he throws his head back in a laugh. A laugh which only makes you clench around him more and spurring him on. 
“Harrington?! Did you just call me Harrington and then tell me to fuck you?!” He grins wider, his perfect smile on display, like he just can’t help himself. 
“Would you prefer King Ste-ohmygod!”
Steve pulls out and thrusts into you hard, his forehead furrowed as his mouth searches for yours. You meet him in a kiss that starts with another gasp as he sets a brutal pace. Your fingers slip around his neck and he lays over you so your back is against the counter. His hands drag you to the edge still, so his hips can meet yours over and over again as his tongue works at the seam of your lips once more.
He slows his kiss down, sucking on your bottom lip and pulling, breath exhaled against your cheek through his nose as your back arches and your nails leave their marks. Steve keeps thrusting, coarse hair hitting your clit that only aches for more when he releases your mouth. Lips kiss bitten and parting in shock when he speaks down to you with a deep and hoarse gravel, chest heaving as his nails scratch down your thigh. 
“Am I fucking you good enough, honey?” He pushes at your legs, bending them up and towards your chest so you do cry out as he somehow gets more inside of you, “Feel that? Feel how deep I am?”
He rolls his hips, a thumb pressed to your clit and you break, the lava creeping closer. 
Steve groans when you gasp a yes, a more. 
He thrusts faster, hands skating over your body, pulling and tugging you closer to him, lips brushing against your jaw then your neck as he speaks. 
“Wanna come for me baby? Feels like you do, this pussy’s just crying around me.”
You gasp at the filth coming out of him, hating that it only makes him slip inside of you easier, faster. 
Steve lets your legs fall, guiding one around his hip and the other pressed next to your head, his torso rising so his gaze can stay on where your bodies meet with an intensity you haven’t quite seen before. He looks like an older version of a Steve you met a long time ago. 
Realizing now, his pants aren’t even down, his shirt only just unbuttoned, chain glistening in damp chest hair. His forearm veins and shoulders flex with determination you used to see on a court, jaw pulsing, and his brow sweating, but no longer furrowed - like he knows he’s won. Steve’s cheeks are flushed, tongue between his lips as his thumb swipes over your clit in a large figure eight and you jolt. His hand reflexively pushes your shoulder down, while he keeps working on the swollen nerves in time with his thrusts. 
Each pass, each thrust, is a clock counting down drowning out a crowd for him, knowing if he just keeps going, he’ll make it. For you, it’s lava gaining ground, inches from your demise, the heat licking at your body now enough for you to cry out his name just like an adoring fan. 
Steve grunts, brow furrowed again so he can focus on what he’s trying to say. 
“Oh, it’s first name basis again, yeah? Did that good of a job? An-another slut satisfied with their fuck from Harrington?”
You cry out a yes, literally, your orgasm breaking over you in multiple releases. You clench around him, thighs tightening on his hips and Steve’s rhythm stutters as you take everything he gives you. The rush of every pent up emotion makes it’s way over your lash lines. Angry tears, sad tears, relieved tears. Maybe delirious as you start laughing, fingers swiping at them and Steve’s head whips up. 
He slips out of you with a wince, his fingers catching the tears and his forehead furrowed with worry now, “Baby, babe. Hey, hey, hey, what’s-I’m sorry, that was too far, I thought you-“
“Steve,” you hiccup, fingers catching his, eyes doing the same to worried and back to warm honey irises. 
He waits, thumbs soothing over yours only pausing when you speak again. The scratches on his neck and shoulders pink now, less angry - sorry. They match the pink lips that part, the cheeks that stand out behind tear tracks. They still match the mood. 
Just like the words leaving your lips. 
“I’m pregnant.”
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ghostssweetgirl · 2 days
Hii!! I just wanted to say i love your work and i had a request 😋
could you write a fic (or hc) where ghost finds the fem!readers sh scars? like she’s sitting in between his legs and he’s holding her thighs and he feels the scars. he asks her to show him and she explains (she’s a little insecure cause she thinks he’ll judge her but he doesn’t) them and he makes her promise that she’ll come to him for help??
(if this makes you uncomfortable please don’t feel the need to write it🙏🏼)
Omg thank you sm <3 also on another note to those reading this (followers or not), I’ve been on and off on here. I’m getting to a point where I can start writing semi-often again. If you go a little further down my blog, I’m also about to start another series (it’s planned and 0% written).
It’ll be short-ish, but yeah, I’ll give it a shot.
If you didn’t read all of the above, this will contain mentions of self harm and bodily scars and mentions of non-specified trauma.
Minors do not interact
You were unwinding with Simon at the end of the night, in between his legs on the ground looking up at the night sky.
It’s been comfortably silent. Not needing much words to help each other decompress after the recent missions you’ve been assigned. Your back against his chest, his calloused fingers softly rubbing against your arm that rested on his leg.
“Y’ a’right, luvie?” He spoke softly. “Anythin’ goin’ on in that pretty lil head?”
You smile, and think about it. You take a deep breath. In all honesty you couldn’t even think of where to start. You don’t know if you’re okay. But you feel okay right now. That’s all that matters. You finally decide, and quickly shake your head. “Mm-mm. No, I’m good. And you? Are you okay?”
He sighed, his hands tracing the top of your thighs. He plays with the fabric of your shorts for a moment and rests his chin on your shoulder. “No, ‘m fine. Fine right here.”
You close your eyes and your thumb rubs small circles against his wrist, his hands’ movements slow as you feel him gently soothing over an arrangement of scars on your thigh. Some deep and overlapping each other. Some light. You shudder and hold your breath for a moment.
It was part of the reason you joined the military. The hell you had to face in your former life essentially pushed you over the edge. And it was the only thing that felt like a proper release.
You didn’t want to talk about it, really. Even though you were safe with Simon. You didn’t want to feel the shame of being judged. If anything, you knew if anyone understood, he definitely would.
But it’s still not your favorite conversation.
He studied them for a while, tilting his head. Not in a judging way, you managed to take a look and saw his once stoic gaze become soft, almost pained. His brows furrowed as he cleared his throat.
“Can…” he gently scoots away from you, caressing your shoulders as you lean up and hesitantly meet his eyes. “Can you show me?”
You sigh, holding your hands over the area. “I… I don’t really…”
You stutter and ramble, unable to get the words you want out.
“It’s a’right, I’ve got you,” he cupped your cheek.
You turn more towards him, enough to where he can see, thank god for the dark sky, the moon light was enough for him to get a general idea and look over without him seeing the anxiety on your face. He held your thigh, and leaned down to press a gentle kiss against your scars.
You were completely froze at this point, not in a bad way. His reaction was a lot less… well, you don’t know what you expected because you would have avoided this if you had the choice.
“It’s… from my past, and—”
“You don’t have to tell me what you don’t want,” he comforts you, pulling you to his chest.
“But what I do want,” he looks down at you. “I need you t’promise me you’ll come to me when you need help or anything. Anything. Anytime. Okay?”
It wasn’t like him to beg. But he needed you to be safe. Safe from bad people, from the horrors of the world and from the horrors of your own demons.
You nod your head in agreement. “Okay.”
He grunts approvingly, his grip on you even tighter now and it goes back to silence just like before. The least you could do in return is offer him the same he does to you, so you cup his cheek, cradling his face as you whisper to him.
“And you come to me for anything. Okay?”
His eyes close in relief as he rests his forehead against yours and if his embrace wasn’t tight before, it’s almost a death grip now as both arms squeeze your whole body, a silent ‘thank you’.
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qveerthe0ry · 1 day
Conquer the Heart
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Summary: Joel comes out - written for @romanarose Pride Event Week 1: Coming Out Word Count: 3,981 Pairing: Joel Miller x M! Reader Rating: Mature (but my blog is 18+ mdni) Warnings: vague descriptions of sex, fluff, kissing, conversations about sexuality, really that's it this is pretty much just sweet and fluffy with a tiny hint of spice Betas: @for-a-longlongtime and @perotovar who could have guessed? Love y'all <3 A/N: I just wanted to make Joel queer idk. Title from an Orville Peck song because of course
You don’t know what possessed you to pay the $5 cover to check that place out. The Round-Up Saloon, perched on a street corner in downtown Austin. The outside was unassuming enough, but the neon lights and mechanical bull and rotating dance floor inside made it look like something straight out of Urban Cowboy. 
There were all kinds of crowds. College kids and business casuals and actual cowboys. And it’s Austin, so all the sexualities were represented in one way or another as you took note of the couples at tables and on the dance floor. You couldn’t really care about any of them, though, as soon as you laid eyes on him. 
You were drawn to him and his broad shoulders and tight Wrangler blue jeans. 
He was with a big group of women and men, all drinking and laughing and taking turns line-dancing with each other on the dance floor. 
And to think you only stumbled into the honky tonk cowboy bar out of curiosity… It certainly wasn’t your scene. 
But you’d watched Joel dance with a few women with respectful hand placement, and then he danced with a man, and hope had bubbled up inside of you to the sound of Alan Jackson. 
He was a little sweaty when you worked up the courage to talk to him, and his cologne masked all the alcohol and cigarettes in the air.
You plastered on a flirty smile and asked him if he could teach you some of his moves. When he looked taken aback and flustered, you backtracked. 
“I’m sorry, I saw you dancing with that guy— I didn’t mean to assume.” 
“Tommy? That’s my brother,” he’d explained, a little flushed in the face. 
“Oh! Shit, sorry, ignore me.”
But he’d caught your arm as you turned to hibernate for approximately 5-10 business days. 
“I don’t see no harm in teachin’ you.”
And so he did. And it was fun, and his hands on you were so warm you swear they branded his mark all over your skin. 
A few songs, all background noise to the ‘he’s just straight, don’t do this’ mantra in your head, and he was leading you off the dance floor for another beer. 
A friendly beer. Surely that’s all it was. 
But he was so friendly. He gave you pointers on how to dance, and then asked if you’re from around here, and then he was waving off his group of friends when they all announced their departure. 
He asked you about your job, and you asked about his, and then the way his hands felt rough on the skin of your arm made more sense. 
Maybe you were crazy, or the two beers you had were really getting to your head, but there was something so unspeakably electric between you. You felt it when he’d lean in closer to hear you, the way he touched your arm with the back of his bottle-filled fist, the way his hoppy breath ghosted across your cheek to reach your ear.
And then he said he should probably get home, and asked if he should walk you to your car, and maybe he wasn’t straight, you thought, as he briefly placed his hand on your back to guide you through the packed bar. 
And you really, really shouldn’t have. But you asked for his number, and he put it in your shitty flip phone, and then you kissed him. 
Right on the mouth. A quick peck that was so short you could’ve nearly pretended it was an accident. 
He looked so stunned, and guilt boiled up in your stomach. 
But he’d grabbed your wrist gently, and looked you in the eyes. 
“I’m uh… I don’t… I haven’t ever done that.” 
“That was your first kiss?” 
It was a joke, and thank god he laughed. His smile looked so fucking good under the shitty, flickering street lamps. 
“Call me, okay?” 
And then he was gone. You thought about him the whole drive home, while you got undressed and ready for bed, as you fell asleep. You felt his touch in your dreams, and when you woke in the morning you could hardly believe he was real. 
But his phone number was burning a hole in your cell phone. You stared at it on and off all Saturday long. What would you even say? Why did he even want you to call him, if he’d never even kissed a guy before? Did he just want a new drinking buddy? 
The dread built up all day long, until it was late, and a sense of now or never goaded you into calling his number. 
He answered, and you told him who you were, and he’d sounded so surprised to hear from you. He didn’t think you’d want to see him again, after he embarrassed himself, and his admission made you balk. 
You told him you were the one who felt embarrassed. He laughed at that. Said he’s a lot smoother with ladies, but you made him feel nervous. He said he wanted to meet up again. 
And so you did. 
Just a shitty diner for an early dinner on Sunday, unassuming enough. The chemistry you felt at the bar hadn’t faded. If anything, it was so much more apparent now. The way he blushed when you flirted seemed less like the bad kind of gay panic. His foot kept nudging yours under the table. 
He walked you to your car again, and then he kissed you, much less chaste than the night at the bar, with one big, rough hand on your neck and the other on your hip. 
“That was pretty good for only your second kiss,” you’d said. 
He shrugged, a sheepish smile gracing his heated face.
“Should stick around and find out about the third.” 
And if you hadn’t already been wrapped around his finger, he certainly secured the spot for you then.
He wasn’t new to dating, but he was new to this, and it showed. He got pretty easily flustered around you. On your second date, he brought up his daughter for the first time like he’d forgotten he hadn’t mentioned her before. A casual thing, talking about her getting ready to graduate high school. 
“Does Sarah know… who you’re on a date with?”
Joel shook his head. 
“Not yet. No one does… Not even sure how to explain it to myself, if I’m honest.”
You were patient with him. It’s gotta be culture shock, living nearly 40 years of your life completely straight and having some random guy at a bar change that for you overnight. 
You took things slow. You talked a lot over the phone, after Sarah went to sleep. He told you about his dating history, Sarah’s mom and only a few unserious flings after. You tried not to psychoanalyze him, but it makes a little bit of sense. Getting some girl pregnant at 19, marrying her, getting ditched with a toddler and a curt ‘good luck’ and then raising her on your own? 
No wonder he never questioned his sexuality. There was genuinely no time to. 
At first, you thought you may just be a stepping stone. A news flash for him, an experiment, something fun for a season. It didn’t bother you. It’s happened before. But as your nightly talks got longer, and as you took each other out more and more often, it became clear that it wasn’t like that. 
You watched with fascination and adoration as Joel figured things out. It was so endearing when he asked if he should hold the door open for you, or if you should take turns. Likewise, when he held your hand in public for the first time, the way he asked your permission made your heart grow way too big for your rib cage.
Things weren’t perfect, of course, but nothing ever is. You didn’t get to see him as much as you ideally would. You were both busy during the work week, and he often had father duties on the weekends. Most of your dates were quick dinner bites when Sarah had a school thing, or an odd Saturday here or there when Sarah had a sleepover. 
But that was quite enough for you. You weren’t even looking for something when you’d met him. You didn’t feel the need to move quickly when you hadn’t planned on going anywhere in the first place. 
And he was sweet, and quite self-aware. 
“Wish we could spend more time together,” he’d tell you over the phone, “I know this ain’t the way things normally go.” 
But you liked him. So much. So it didn’t bother you.
And, as the weeks passed by, he opened up more. He started asking you more pointed questions, like how you came out to those closest to, and what it was like. He asked if you were seeing other people— it’s okay if you are, was just wonderin’— and then he asked you if you wanted to be together when you made it clear you weren’t. 
“Like… as boyfriend and boyfriend?” 
He chuckled, the deep gravel a familiar tone swimming through your landline with a nervous twinge to it. 
“Yeah, as boyfriend and boyfriend.” 
And he treated you right, and you got along with him so well, and he was so put together and responsible and respectful. 
“I’d really like to be your boyfriend.” 
And his breath had hitched so loud it was caught by the receiver, but you could hear the smile in his voice when he told you that he’d really like that, too. 
A few days after that, he told you Sarah would be gone all weekend, on a team trip for some hiking and kayaking and bonding. 
“Could I stay at yours? I hate to invite myself, it’s just— Tommy’s got no boundaries. Wouldn’t want him bargin’ in, y’know, before I get to tell him.” 
You didn’t mind one bit, aside from the mountain of laundry you had to fold in preparation for his arrival. 
It was the first time you’d been truly alone with him. Your dates were always public, at least somewhat. And he’d kissed you, a ton, but that’s as far as it had ever gone. 
You definitely wanted him. You’d wanted him since the very second you laid eyes on him at that cheesy honky tonk bar. But it was funny how nervous you were, even though your experience with men put Joel’s to shame. 
It was a lot like high school, in the way you danced around each other at first. A movie on your couch, with his arm draped along the back of it. Readjusting to ‘get comfy,’ inching, until the warmth of his body was pressed against yours and his arm dropped from the back of the couch to your shoulders. 
His heartbeat was deafening, hard and fast, when you’d tucked your head against his chest. You moved your hand to his knee in the world’s most intense match of The Nervous Game and feared for his cardiovascular health. 
He said your name, and like it was the magic word, every single facade crumbled around you in an instant. 
His kisses made your head spin, and the way his thick thighs felt under your own was addictive, and it was over before either of you realized it had started. Two sets of soiled pants and underwear thrown into your washing machine, along with the last of the pretenses. And then you’d dragged him to your bed. 
The sex wasn’t even your favorite part. The best was the morning after, and how you were plastered to his back as you woke up slow and easy. The way he held your arm to his stomach, even in his sleep. And the way you only got out of bed for food or bathroom breaks, a whole day with him, alone, uninterrupted. 
Just as you started to worry that this was a one-time thing, at least for a while, Joel huffed beside you and nuzzled his head into your shoulder. 
“I wanna come out. At least to Tommy ‘n Sarah. S’not right, keeping you a secret like this when you’ve been makin’ me so happy. I know you’d make them happy too.” 
You stroked his hair, and asked if he was sure, and though his pretty brown eyes looked wide and scared, his jaw was set with a determined nod. 
So you devised a plan. Or— Joel devised it, and asked for your input, and it all made you a bit giddy. 
He had you over for dinner. Just as a friend, at first. He’d ordered pizza and stocked beer and told Tommy and Sarah he was having a friend over. 
You wondered if Tommy would recognize you from the bar, but if he did, he didn’t show it. He just talked your ear off about Texas sports and old cars.
Sarah was… well, you understood why Joel could never seem to smile wide enough when he talked about her. She was so smart, and kind-hearted, and funny. You had a hard time keeping up, but the way Joel and Tommy were around her, you think she probably has that effect on most people. 
It was a nice night, fun and easy conversation, good pizza, and a very competitive game of Boggle in which Sarah dominated. 
And it was only a little bit difficult to spend the evening as just Joel’s friend, solely because of how easily you fit into his life. You wanted to scream it from the rooftops, that Joel wanted you to be a piece in his puzzle. 
Sarah, so politely, excused herself to go to bed as it got later. The three of you left shuffled around, gathering game pieces and paper plates and empty cans, until you all eventually met back in the kitchen. Joel gave you a look, and you gave him a comforting smile right back, and it was like the room’s air was replaced with water as he spoke up.
The younger brother whipped around to face you both, sliding the leftovers into the fridge with a slice in his mouth. 
“I uh… I wanted to let you know that I’m— that we’re, uh… Together?”
You watched as his dark eyes glazed over for a second, brow scrunched up in confusion. And then his gaze flickered from you to him, and back to you, and his eyes grew as big as saucers. 
“No kiddin’?”
Joel laughed. 
“Serious. He’s my… He’s my boyfriend.” 
Tommy swallowed his mouthful of pizza, wiped his mustache, and smiled. A genuine smile, sweet and warm, reaching his eyes. 
“Hermano, good for you. That’s— I’m happy for you.” 
He opened his arms and tugged Joel into a hug, and Joel grumbled something about Tommy getting pizza grease on his clothes, but he was smiling wide and relieved over Tommy’s shoulder. 
But then Joel’s face got serious again as Tommy pulled away with a manly slap to his shoulder. 
“Sarah doesn’t know yet. I wanted to make sure everyone got along first, y’know?” 
And then Tommy was looking at you and rolling his eyes and chuckling. 
“Think we all get along just fine. You should tell her soon.”
And Joel knew Tommy was right, but it didn’t stop him from looking so anxious when Tommy left with another round of goodbye hugs. 
“What are you most worried about?” 
You asked him because you knew there were many things to fret over, in his situation. 
“Just that… She’s had this idea of me this whole time, y’know? What if she sees me different, and then things change between us?” 
And god, that made your throat feel thick, and Joel’s eyes got a little misty, so you pulled him tight against you and let him sag into your hold.
“I know the feeling,” you told him, “but I don’t think you have to worry about that.”
You huffed a laugh and tangled your fingers in the curls at the back of his neck. 
“You mean everything to her. I can tell just by how she looks at you. Never seen a teenager like their dad that much.” 
And he laughed too, a little wet against your shoulder. 
“Will you be there with me when I tell her? I don’t— I don’t think I can do it alone.”
Your lips found his bristly cheek and planted a kiss there, and you mumbled of course into the salty skin.
So you went home, with plans to come back the next day. This wasn’t easy for you, either, dating a guy with a kid for the first time. You knew she liked you, at least, but that was a face value assessment. Would she mind you taking up more of her dad’s time? Would she mind you in their space every so often? Would she mind if you came around to her soccer games or science fairs or graduation, as her dad’s boyfriend, in front of all the other kids with nuclear families? Would she resent you for shaking up what they had?
You didn’t get much sleep, thinking about it. You wondered if you should bring her some kind of gift, flowers or a trinket or something, but then you’d be trying too hard, right? 
As you got ready the next morning, you thought about all the ways it could go wrong, but none of them really seemed realistic. Sarah was sweet, and intelligent, and surely if she did have reservations, they’d be able to talk them through civilly. 
You couldn’t even listen to music on your way to their house. It was a silent fifteen minute drive with your nerves boiling over and spilling out, thinking of how awkward things could get. 
But all of that kind of fell to the wayside when Sarah answered the door and said “I haven’t seen you in forever” with a cheeky grin and those bright eyes she definitely got from Joel. 
It felt cozy when you sat down at their kitchen table while they sipped their coffee and orange juice and Sarah told you both all about the English project she was working on. It put you at ease to ask her questions about things you have in common, and for all of you to mesh so well into a normal conversation.
But as it lulled, you noticed Joel getting restless, and you noticed Sarah noticing his uneasiness. 
“Dad, you’re acting weird in front of our company.” 
And while she was alway kind and respectful, she was still a teenager with a dorky dad. 
“Well… I wanted to talk to you about somethin’.”
She looked at him with her head tilted and her eyebrow raised. 
She nodded her head toward you as she asked, and you couldn’t blame her for being confused as to why he had to have a heart-to-heart with his ‘friend’ visiting. 
“Yeah um… You know how you’re always tellin’ me I should get a life and start datin’?”
Sarah laughed and looked at you.
“Yeah, could you be his wingman? It’s getting sad.” 
And you laughed, and Joel laughed, but it was a little forced, and Sarah’s smart, so you could read the confusion on her face. 
“What’s this about, dad?”
Joel took a big, deep breath and took Sarah’s hand on the table. You watched her squeeze his fingers as her face twisted up in worry. 
“He’s my— we’re dating. He’s my… boyfriend.” 
The worry dissipated, and her eyes got wide and her lips pursed before her jaw slowly dropped with surprise. 
“You guys are together?” 
She looked over to you, then, and all you could do was give her a soft smile and nod. 
“I know you might have some questions—”
“How long? When did you guys meet?” 
She looked back to Joel to answer, but you could see he was still reeling, with sweat saturating the curls at his temples. 
“Just a couple months ago, he taught me how to dance to the Boot Scootin’ Boogie.”
She made a noise, like a scoff, and it made you wince.
“Months!? Dad, why didn’t you tell me?” 
You watched Joel’s eyes cloud with— fear? You’d never seen him look so scared. 
“I’m sorry, babygirl. I just— I guess I didn’t know how. At first.” 
His voice trembled, and you watched Sarah’s lip quiver before she shot out of her chair and lunged toward her dad, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. 
“I love you,” she’d mumbled, like she knew it was what he needed to hear, because his shoulders slumped and his arms wrapped around her back. 
You thought maybe you should look away. It felt real personal. But Joel had asked you to be here, and it was about you, too, as much as that fact made you want to burrow underground. 
“You could have told me sooner. I love boy talk.”
Her voice was muffled and heavy with tears, but Joel chuckled all the same through his own misty gaze. 
“I didn’t know you liked boys.” 
She pulled away but didn’t go far, letting her hands squeeze his biceps as she looked to him for an answer. 
“Me neither,” he shrugged, “I like this boy, though. A lot.” 
And he got this goofy smile on his face, even though it was a little wet, and he looked at you, and you felt so awkward but so head over heels. 
“Okay, well, you still should have told me. I would’ve been on the porch cleaning Uncle Tommy’s shotgun when he pulled up.” 
Joel groaned and covered his face but you couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled up out of you. 
“What are your intentions with my father?”
And though her tone was joking, her eyes grew soft as she waited for an answer. 
“I guess I just wanna make him happy. Because he makes me happy. If that’s alright with you?” 
She sat back down and rested her chin in her hand, with her lips pursed again as she thought. 
“Sarah, you can have time to think—”
She extended her hand out to you from across the table, and you took it eagerly to shake on it. But after an appropriate amount of handshake time, she didn’t let your hand go. 
“You have to come over for movie nights now.” 
“I can do that.”
“And I have to make sure your taste in movies doesn’t suck before I let you pick one.”
“That’s fair.”
“Sarah,” Joel interrupted, “this isn’t how deals work. You can’t add stuff while he’s still shaking your hand.” 
“As I was saying,” Sarah rolled her eyes, squeezing your hand tighter, “you have to treat him right. He acts all tough but he’s just a softy.”
“Oh Christ,” Joel huffed. 
“No, she has a point,” you told him with a smirk, “I promise I will, Sarah.”
Her eyes narrowed at you, but then she grinned, and finally let go of your hand. 
So yeah, you really really like Joel Miller. You’re never happier than you are when you spend the evening at his house, snuggled up on one side of him while Sarah’s snuggled up to the other, watching some movie Sarah’s usually the one to pick. 
Or when you meet him and Tommy at Sarah’s soccer game, and he greets you with a smile and lifts the bill of your Miller Contracting hat you’ve stolen to peck your lips. 
Or when you’re in your own kitchen, making his coffee, and you feel sleepy arms wrap around your waist and a sleep warm kiss at the nape of your neck. 
Really, as long as you’re with Joel, you’re the happiest you’ve ever been. And if those three little words slip out one day soon, well, there isn’t a single thing that makes you think Joel would be surprised by them.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 2 days
ok the askbox is open. im taking this opportunity to say ohhhhh im going crazy over the narrative constructed here. specifically with how audience (anon) interaction is intertwined with the main conflict.
because its like.. we are inherently a BAD THING. yes, some of us are actually malicious, but even if we do have kind intentions, and only want the best for ragatha.. just being there is a negative impact that outweighs any positives. we are a parasite, after all. and technically, the only positive action we could do is to simply.. stop engaging. leave the askblog alone. leave ragatha alone. except we could never do that, because we're too curious now, too attached- we want to see how the story continues, how it ends. we cant leave well enough alone, we just have to know. we need to know. so the cycle will continue nonetheless due to our nature. and we have to watch as our main character, the person we're rooting for, gets worse and worse. knowing that its our fault, because we're choosing to engage. we're choosing this path of pain. because we're curious, and that curiosity would kill us if we didn't feed it.
and of course its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things lol. no hate btw. im here enjoying it after all! though honestly i say that like this had any opportunity of existing outside of the askblog genre... or even the tumblr landscape itself- i feel like the anon feature itself is also a big part of this sort of narrative, as it allows those actively malicious anons to be even nastier. because it distances us from our actions. like.. we're given a mask, something that obscures our true identities (both to the other askers.. and to ragatha to an extent, as most all look the same to her. who knows, maybe that one supportive anon trying to cheer her up is the same one also encouraging her downfall! she cant tell!)- a thing that wipes our hands free of any consequences. a chance to become faceless and untraceable- so of course some people will indulge. be as horrible as possible. because, hey, its not like you'll be getting any consequences for it! no way to trace it back to you! no way to be held accountable! you can just sit back and watch the fire you made grow higher. more bright. thats the main goal, after all- to make a spectacle! to move the story along and make it exciting! thats the only thing that matters to you. that its entertaining. not the people you'll be harming in the process.
anyways sorry for the fucking. essay. in your askbox. i like talking and also i fucking love dissecting meta-aligned narratives like this. gggrrggrgrgrrrr chewing on this blog like a chewtoy. i hope everyone gets worse and this whole blog blows up!!!!!!!
i can't stop giggling at ' its on a tadc tumblr ask blog of all things ' . this was really originally supposed to just be a silly blog with little story but here we are . you really won't get this anywhere else
i get pretty happy when someone dissects this silly thing so no need to apologize !! i'm my own harshest critic when it comes to this blog so it's often difficult for me to grasp what meaning people get out of this lol truly thank you guys for wanting to see my insane , Unhinged ideas come through
and i love the dissection on the mean anons - a lot of this thing hinges on actions having consequences after all ! every little thing will have an impact on ragatha's mental state . i'll say i think the anons have potential to not be as harmful - as there was a point in the blog's time where they acted more like inner therapists to ragatha than reality-bending beings of chaos ( good times ) . it just really depends on being patient with an actually mentally ill person like ragatha - it does fascinate me how people's frustration with her echoes real life mental health situations .
but yeah thanks !!! i'll be kissing this essay and pinning it on the refrigerator that i call my brain (:
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I just stumbled across your blog and I really love your headcanons! If you had the time, I was wondering if you could do the bachelors reacting to a mute farmer?
bachelors with a mute!farmer || headcanons
being mute isn't as hard when you have these considerate men around <3
warning: this is under the assumption that the reader cannot speak at all! all include sign language as a form of communication :) other warnings are that certain townies are VERY SLIGHTLY ableist (jodi, george). take this whole story with a grain of salt, as i am not mute! i tried my hardest, however, please let me know if something is wrong/offensive/just straight up stupid! i'd love to learn where i went wrong :)
requested by: anon, thank you so much for requesting! and i deeply apologize for the fact that this took around a year to come out ... oopsie daisy ... my stardew valley hyperfixation went bye bye but guess who's backkkk?? anyway! here you go, better late than never :)
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• Alex honestly had no idea what to do when he realized that you were mute. He had no idea what to do, and you saw it on his face. He wanted to interact with you, you looked pretty interesting, but ... he had no idea where to start. So, you offered to teach him sign. He was surprised to see that you had that much faith in him, and he rejected initially, but ... he really wanted to have a new friend. It seemed like you were a genuine person, and he needed that in his life. So he did.
• You taught him sign, and this was probably one of the hardest things he's done. He believes he's not very bright, so he's incredibly nervous. But he works so hard for you! He didn't really know why he did, as you were just a new neighbor. Maybe you could be more? You could be a true friend! That's what he's looking forward to the most.
• As he began getting fluent and he learned more about you, the more he enjoyed being around you. Someone actively took a chance on him, and he's forever grateful. He opened up a lot to you, and you reassured him through all of it. He was the smartest person you knew because of how well he picked up sign ... he cried a little bit, although he really doesn't want to admit that.
• He realized how close you've gotten, and how his feelings haven't stopped growing for you. So, he had to do something about it! A soft, well-candlelit dinner was prepared for you, and he asked you out fully through sign! He had worked so hard on preparing a fully thought-out speech through sign for you ... it was so incredibly sweet. He really does love you.
• Alex was incredibly defensive of you, and would probably fight anyone who tried him. He even had several arguments with George. He wasn't the most supportive and definitely had some comments, especially since he literally couldn't see the sign ... but through Alex, he was convinced. Everything was fine, especially with Alex doing his best to convince those around him.
• Overall, Alex loves you and it shows. It shows through every piece of sign that he learns, every action that he does for you, and everything that he says to you and others. He adores every aspect of you, and he loves your bravery and your amazing soul. He can't get enough of you.
• Elliot is definitely a romantic, and when you didn't respond to his minor flirting, he was very confused. But when he realized you were mute, he dramatically gasped and apologized, basically dropping to his knees. He felt horrible, and promised to make it up to you.
• For a while, you talked back and forth through letters, since he was often stuck at home writing. He finds that he can write a lot more through his letters to you than he can his own book. Isn't that strange? He brings it up to you in one of his letters, and he eventually invites you over to his cabin. He bounces ideas for his book off of you, and strangely, it's so much easier to communicate with you ... how strange.
• He ends up learning sign for you in his free time, although it takes a while due to his busy schedule. He still prefers to write letters to you, it seems much more personal and definitely more romantic. He eloquently writes about his life and inquires you about yours.
• Elliot realizes that maybe this situation isn't just romantic to be romantic ... maybe there were feelings underneath, feelings that Elliot had never truly felt before. He ended up writing poetry about you, pages and pages. He can't get you out of his head! He had to let you know. You found out through a book of poetry sitting in your mailbox, and after reading through it, it was undeniable that it was about you. He was infatuated ... and so were you.
• He's incredibly protective of you, making sure to keep you out of harm's way as much as possible. If anyone were to say so much as one hateful word to you, he'd make a scene. With his dramatic flare, he'd declare them an imbecile and swoop you away to a safe place. It's in his nature, did you think anything less?
• Elliot'e romantic side has never been greater than with you. Romance and genuine feelings have always been apart in his mind, but they've both culminated in a beautiful love with you. He doesn't mind your muteness, he finds it beautiful and inspiring. You're his muse, of course.
• Harvey is incredibly understanding, and he tried his best to understand you as much as possible! He has no problem learning how to communicate with you and how to help you out as much as possible! He's the most understanding of your condition, and asks many questions about how and why you're this way. Not in a hateful way or anything, he just wants to understand you fully!
• As your doctor, he's definitely concerned for your health at first, but his nerves are calmed eventually. He slowly works toward getting to know you despite your condition, and he loosens up a little bit. He's so sweet and kind toward you, and he can't believe he's befriended someone as lovely as you.
• He opens up about his color blindness soon enough, and how debilitating it can seem. You bond over that, and he finds it easy to open up to you. He's used to being the listener, it's literally his profession, but it's nice to be listened to for once.
• Harvey realized this was a lot more than just a friendship, due to his heart racing when he's around you ... wow. He didn't expect this, and he really doesn't know how to act on it. But as you two hang out on the pier of the beach one night, he can't help but admire you instead of the stars. You notice, and he can't hide it anymore. He asks so nervously if you feel the same way he does. You answer with a gentle kiss on his cheek. He melts.
• He is very defensive of your condition, if someone says anything slightly derogatory, he will go off on a medical tangent. He justifies everything with an array of medical terms, enough to put anyone at a loss for words. Once Harvey silences the other person, he apologizes heavily, but still defends his love.
• Harvey loves you, and it shows through his concern for you and his deep affection for you. You're such an amazing and brave person, and he admires every bit of it. He admires you more than anything, and he would reshape the world if it meant to keep you safe.
• Sam, despite his loud and energized nature, doesn't mind the fact that you're mute! He finds interacting with you regulating, in some kind of way. He has to calm down a bit to concentrate on communicating effectively with you. He enjoys talking to someone who has such a different viewpoint on life!
• Sam actually knew sign language before he met you! While in the war, Kent had sent a letter home that he had gone have deaf due to the constant noise of the war. Jodi then forced her family to learn sign language as soon as possible, so communicating with him was incredibly easy!
• Being able to actually use his sign language is actually pretty fun! He's very fluent, and he enjoys seeing your personality through your sign. He also enjoys your personality in general, how you overcome not speaking and your bravery. He finds that you both enjoy music, and it's a major bonding point between the two of you.
• Showing each other different songs that you enjoy was a staple of your hangout sessions. He finds those evenings the ones that he looks forward to the most, watching you smile and bop your head to the music. It's soft, it's sweet, it's ... lovely. As his feelings approach him, he can't get you out of his head ... his writer's block comes to an end. Eventually, he ends up playing a song for you. The love that he has for you is evident through the lyrics. And then ... a soft kiss as the song goes on, you would probably scream in joy if you could.
• His mom is ... not the most fond of you being mute. He doesn't really care, as he mostly just ignores her. He loves her but good god, her views ... so, he chooses your friendship more than anything. And when you two travel to something more, he chooses that over the relationship with his mother. She has a few passive aggressive comments, but she eventually gets over it enough to only give you a few side-eyes.
• Despite every hardship, Sam loves you. Every aspect of you is perfect in his eyes, and he wouldn't change anything about you. Sam adores your wonderful personality, despite not ever really hearing a voice behind your wonderful words. He doesn't care, you're you, and that's what matters.
• Sebastian is the most quiet of all of the bachelors, so it makes sense that he would be naturally drawn to someone with a similar vibe. He doesn't mind the fact that you don't speak, and he finds ways to adjust.
• At first, he doesn't put too much effort into learning sign language to communicate. He doesn't see the reason why, you're just another person in town. But after Sam started speaking to you through sign language and you crossed paths more ... he decided to, why not?
• After talking to you, he realized that you have a lot in common. This makes him excited to finally have someone to relate to, and more and more, he asks you to hang out. Most of the time you end up doing things together in silence, but when you do talk, it's deep and personal.
• Falling for you was not his intention and came out of absolutely no where. He thought he was destined to spend the rest of his life shrouded in darkness, but this one quiet beam of light pulled him out of that. Huh. How odd. It took a lot of mutual pining for this to come to the surface, however. You called out that he accidentally used the sign for “I love you” when saying goodbye ... his pale face went bright red. Safe to say, you didn't say goodbye that evening. A long talk and a kiss goodnight, you two ended up together. As you should be.
• He doesn't really give the time of day to the people who don't understand you. A deep side eye and an aggressive sigh usually escape him, but he tells you not to worry about it. He shows you that he loves you no matter what, and “people fucking suck.”
• Sebastian relates heavily to you, and really loves you. He can't believe he's found someone who relates to him so well, but also has such a kind and genuine soul. He loves you more than life itself and enjoys your company more than anything on this planet.
• Shane is probably the most guarded person in Stardew Valley, and it shows when he meets you. He could care less about you at first, pretty much ignoring your every movement. He doesn't really care that you're mute, he just doesn't care about you period. He's not really there yet, mentally.
• However, things change when you offer him a beer. He's confused by your kindness, and you can't really explain yourself because he doesn't understand sign. His curiosity is piqued. So, he asks Marnie if she knows any sign, and she refers him to Jodi, who eventually refers him to Sam. He hates the idea of having to work with Sam, but he can't help himself. He was too curious.
• After picking up a bit, he ends up offering you a beer in solidarity. He then thinks for a moment before showing the sign for beer. Your excitement warms his rather cold heart ... that's new. He just communicates by speaking, but he can read sign, so that seems like enough in his eyes.
• He finds it easy to talk to you, as you're such an interesting and perseverant person. It inspires him to begin working on himself. He pushes himself to work hard ... for you. Huh. Then, as if the sky was falling around him, he realized he was falling for you. He began pushing you away, until you basically cornered him at the bar. You took him to a private room where he rambled on about how perfect you were and how he was just going to ruin you. You eventually just signed “love ?” He looked like a scared child and just nodded. He signed “I love you” with shaking hands. But of course, so did you.
• His assholery is on full display when someone tries to come at you. He doesn't do it as eloquently or kind as some others, he just curses and insults until they shut their trap. They have no room to talk in his eyes.
• Despite his cold nature, Shane really does love you. He has no problems with your nature and sees it as a contrast to his own nature. He finds that enamoring and beautiful, unlike himself. He's working on himself, for you.
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pedgito · 12 hours
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𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 | Lucien Flores x reader
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summary | this is for @iamasaddie's kinky may writing challenge, a mix of a kink i haven't tried writing before and character i adore dearly but know next to nothing about. this was really fun to try out and my first fic back in almost four months, cheers to finally being back ig? may we christen it with smut.
content warning | heavy smut, literally pwp (there's some backstory if you squint), sensory deprivation, safe words, some food consumption as foreplay, some bodily fluid exchange/consumption, gags/restraints/ect and all that good stuff, oral (m/f receiving), p in v unprotected sex, established relationship, lucien is still a relatively blank character so none of this is canon (just how my silly little brain likes to imagine him rn)
word count — 4.7k
The rain is quiet against the apartment window, a soft and slow pattering that matches the slow beat of your heart. You can’t see it, not in your current position as Lucien leans his knee into the mattress behind you and the bed dips, warm fingertips brushing over your cheeks and the shell of your ear as he carefully and methodically secures the blindfold in place with a knot that feels secure. He brushes his fingertip over your nose as he nitpicks and mumbles something under his breath, fixing the black material until your vision is completely hindered.
“Princesa,” His voice is a soft caress, “everything alright?”
Constant check-ins, reassurances, comfortability and security—it was all you felt with Lucien. Things had clicked with him so easily. It made your heart drop into your stomach with the first realization, unlucky with love to a fault that never let up. He had eyes on you from the moment you first met and they never drifted.
A mid-life crisis. You were younger, a subordinate under his wife, and unattainable by most standards and rules. Fetching coffees, keeping Rose on schedule and reminding her of all the never-ending events she kept yes-ing—Lucien and her had long been divorced but a chance encounter at an industry mixer had landed you here. A routine you’ve both upheld for the last six months and it felt real. You had solid ground to stand on with Lucien and he never diminished how you were feeling, even if you felt so embarrassingly naive about things.
And the sex had never steadily climbed and crescendoed—Lucien liked to ravish and devour in a way that had you holding your breath and helped him realize very quickly how overwhelmed you could get. It wasn’t necessarily bad, but there was too much outside distraction—him, the droning buzz of traffic outside of his apartment, the distant muffled television a room away that Lucien always forgot to turn off before settling down for the evening with you. 
You needed focus, grounding—given Lucien’s illustrious history and Hollywood rumors and all the things you’ve heard from around town and within the social networks you shared, he seemed like the furthest thing from a good choice.
But, the care and attention he showed you drowned it out entirely. 
Hell, he gave you a key to his apartment within a month and you’ve never seen anyone else visit him—he doesn’t host parties here, he doesn’t even let his ex-wife set foot past the threshold. It was your own little sanctuary.
You lift the blindfold slightly and ruin the work he’d done to get it just how he wanted, but he doesn’t seem to care.
“Hmm?” He’s got an eyebrow half-raise, features relaxed but masking an obvious worry that he didn’t want to harp about. “Yeah, yeah. I’m good.”
Lucien tilts his head, “How good?”
Just good. Kinda good. I’m only telling you I’m good so you don’t worry about me.
His thumb rubs at your chin and the thoughts float away and you allow yourself to live in the moment, reaping in the undivided attention this man showed you.
“Really good.” You reply salaciously, using the angle to your advantage as he towered over you on the bed, foot dragging along the inside of his thigh and pressing into the back of it until he lost his footing and slipped further into the deep pockets of the comforter. “Better if you start touching me like you kept promising over dinner.”
“Eager today?” Lucien teases as he crawls until he’s found his way between your legs, resting on his outstretched palm as he fixes your blindfold and darkness floods your senses again.
“Game recognizes game.” You retort, allow Lucien to use a guiding hand to settle you against the plush headboard, buttons pulling in on the fanned, velvet material. “I really need this today.”
There’s a soft shuffling and the familiar clink of expensive jewelry scattering against the bedside table—it was the forewarning that Lucien was prepared to make a mess of you, hammering that final nail in the coffin as he drags three fingers in a harmonious unison over your clothed pussy, the thin shirt you were wearing rubbing against the inside of his forearm as he applies just enough pressure to have you chasing after it when it fades away.
“I know, baby.” His voice drips like a warm honey, sticking to your skin and making you sweat. “Say your word.”
“Luce, we do this every time. I know it, we’re good.”
Silence lingered and you cleared your throat, the dip of pressure in the mattress between your legs from his hand, not allowing himself to touch you until you repeated it back to him.
You nod, “Peach.”
The small tick of a fond memory shows on his face, lips curling up at one side. It happens every time and Lucien knows it was meant as a playful jab in the beginning, but it quickly became something so sacred. 
You've only used it once and never out of fear or miscommunication—Lucien understood your limits and liked to push when you agreed, but one too many orgasms by his tongue as he buried his head between your thighs had eventually became too much and it was said through a shaky laugh, yanking at his curls until he surfaced.
Lucien, almost instantly, is there—mouth pressed against the barrier of your underwear, fingers curling around your thighs and spreading you apart with ample pressure, exploring your skin like uncharted territory, a new exploration. Like he hadn’t been going down on you for the last several months and already mapped out every inch of your body, knew all the shortcuts and quick routes.
The wetness soaked your underwear, the fleshy fat of his tongue rubbing hot and lapping at the heady taste of your arousal with a sigh before his fingers curl around the edges of your underwear where they cling to your hips, moving them down your legs and suddenly, despite being surrounded by darkness, the feeling of exposure is still daunting. Every time. 
“Tell me about your day.”
Then he’s licking a slow stripe down your center and you’re curling at the sudden touch, but quickly relaxing as he settles in, letting your fingers rest back in his soft curls, using your other senses while they are still available. Your mind wanders and wonders, thinking about the expertise and dexterity of his tongue. How if he really wanted you to come, he would have you there in less than a minute, but he was going easy.
“Boring,” Is all you have, “Most of the same.”
He’s just trying to fill the air, giving you a solid distraction outside of his filthy mouth. It’s not exactly his aim to bring up work during sex, especially when it’s in relation to his ex-wife.
“And dinner? How was it?”
Lucien purposefully flicks his tongue over your clit and you gasp softly, tugging at the strands of hair under your fingertips and you feel a hand rub at your lower back as it arches, a tender touch that you give into.
“Perfect,” It’s the truth, eternally grateful for his choice of personal chefs, because as much as you adored Lucien, he was not to be let into a kitchen, “delicious, as always.”
Lucien groans, deep and low against your pussy as his mouth sucks greedily at you, feeling his fingers inching closer and closer to your core, like he’s trying to take things slow for now, but the impatience is winning out. They’re tight at the apex of your thighs currently and just bordering on discomfort when he squeezes every time you moan or sigh or make even the smallest reaction to his mouth.
“R-right there,” You direct, canting your hips up despite his strong grip, “fuck, just—yeah, right there.” Lucien has always responded well, course-correction and sensing the way your body pulls him in, thighs squeezing around him as he dips a finger inside of you in time with his tongue, working you over mercilessly.
The lack of sight is making everything that more intense, searching for something to ground you, using your grip in Lucien’s hair, your other hand placed over his where it’s curled around your thigh as an anchor, feeling him speak against your cunt, filthy words you can’t quite catch but if you could see him, he would be sporting a shit-eating grin. 
The heat in your stomach coils, feeling the sensation down your spine as you whimper, one final swipe of his tongue over your clit within the immense build up of tension has you brokenly moaning out, “Come—fuck, I’m c-coming, Luce.”
Lucien laps at your greedily, prying your thighs apart forcefully.
“Shit—” His voice encourages, “—such a sweet fuckin’ pussy. Makes me fuckin’ crazy. Need you to taste it, baby.”
He’s already moving up your body as your lips part, your tongue dipping blindly into his mouth and tasting the headiness of you on his tongue, a sweet tang that isn’t unwelcomed. You don’t often make it a habit to kiss him after he’s gone down on you—he’s often messy, face a mix of saliva and you, smeared all over his chin, but the frenzy in his voice is hard to deny, giggling softly into his mouth as your teeth graze his bottom lip.
You’re still effectively blind, rubbing your palm over the inseam of his silk lounge pants, pulling at the delicate string that was struggling, tight against the length of his cock. Lucien grunts into your neck at the touch and widens his knees against the mattress, biting playful at your skin to soothe it moments later. His hands rub at your weak thighs, still shaking post-orgasm and you can’t help but be eager despite how much energy Lucien had worked out of you.
“Sit up,” You pointedly squeeze at his shaft and lean up, feeling the movement of his body follow. “—my turn.”
Lucien huffs in amusement, shuffling back on his knees as you sit upright. You reach for your blindfold but his hand engulfs your own, “Not yet.” He orders calmly.
You relinquish control to his guidance and sit on your calves as he places your hands flat against his bare chest, just above the softness of his stomach, feeling his heartbeat under your palms. “Like this.”
“But, I want to see you for this.” It’s nearly a beg, more of a test to see how easy he gives into your wants, but he chuckles in response and taps at your chin once. So, that was a no.
Despite how quickly he got off from a single look, his cock stuffed into your mouth and his hand gripping hard at the root of your scalp—maybe he was actually doing himself a favor.
Your shoulders slump slightly, barely noticeable but you smile and trail your fingertips down his abdomen, featherlight as the muscle flexes underneath your touch and they hover around the hem of pants as you lean forward and aim to press a kiss to his sternum, his chest, down and down until you feel your lips brush against the waistband.
“Take it out,” He encourages, “wanna watch you.”
You pull at the waistband with your teeth playfully, curious of just how quickly you're driving Lucien up the wall with the way you're acting, the material catching over his stiff, hard cock and allowing your hands to help you get them the rest of the way down. 
Lucien is kind enough to be a guiding hand, thumb pressed against the side of your jaw as he guides you forward, feeding the head of his cock past your lips, tongue dragging along the tip and under, the brush of foreskin like soft, warm velvet.
And you have him in the palm of your hand like this, despite how helpless you must look. It only takes a few minutes before Lucien is louder, mouthier with his words and harsh with his matching thrusts into your mouth.
Frustrated, Lucien pulls at the knot on your blindfold hastily, the soft grunts of his impending orgasm loud in your ears, feeling so starved of sight that when the blindfold falls away and your eyes open and you’re overwhelmed with light, ignoring the fact that Lucien’s cock was nearly pressing against the back of your throat.
But, it’s quickly nulled out by Lucien, towering over you and blocking most of the harsh fluorescence that drown out the room around you, eyes falling close again despite being free of the blindfold as you take him until your nose is pressing against his groin, the fingers resting at the back of your neck squeezing harshly.
Selfishly, he wants to keep you here for a while longer. A few minutes, a few hours.
“Relajate,” Lucien forces out, his mouth hanging open on the word as you pull away, now wide-eyed and wiping away the string of spit that connects you to him, “there’s no rush.”
You smirk at his words, grinning up at him before you lick at the head of his cock, wrapping your hand around his shaft as you respond, “For you, maybe. But, I want you to fuck me.”
Lucien’s fingers dance along the shell of your ear, drifting down the column of your neck until his palm covers the expanse of it before gripping firmly, a soft gasp ripping from your throat as he forces you to straighten, leaning down into your space.
“Slow, princesa,” Lucien demands, “Or you’ll regret it later.”
As if that didn’t already intrigue you enough, you nod subtly and return his mischievous grin.
Slow is what you give him, long strokes as you circle your tongue around the head of his cock, occasionally dipping your head down to lick the underside of his shaft, too dangerously close to his balls, taut from how obviously he was straining to hold off, his usually perfectly quaffed hair sticking to his forehead and every which way.
There is no wondering—you could do this all day if you wanted, bringing him right to the edge but never quite falling, like he enjoyed doing to you, a shared pastime you’ve explored a few times but clearly not enough—because eventually you just get impatient.
Thankfully he seems to understand, nodding as your lips hover near his cock, playful kisses pressed against his pubic bone and scattered around until you finally decide to swallow him down, a few minutes later and he’s coming down your throat, eyes watering at the force but his eyes are locked on your own and you swallow on instinct, taking a sharp breath when he finally pulls back, seemingly just as wrecked as you were a half hour ago as he slumps into the bed, landing on back beside you, his hand rubbing over your knee tenderly.
“Are you up for a snack?” 
You look at him quizzically, bemused at his question.
“Is that code?” You tease, fingers scratching at his overgrown stubble beard, “Should I be worried?”
“No, I’m hungry,” Lucien laughs gruffly, groaning as he turns on his side and slips off the bed, walking naked to the door and out of the room casually, coming back into the room with a sizeable plate of cut fruit and you grin, his heel forcing the door closed behind him. “See?”
He offers the plate up as proof as he sets it at the bedside table, though his fingers linger near the closed drawer a few centimeters beneath it. And you know where things are heading, the routine isn’t always the same, but Lucien liked to cover most, if not all the bases on nights where he was really needing the distraction. It seemed to be one of those nights, watching as his fingers dipped inside the drawer to grab the wrist restraints that hooked to the center of his headboard, a soft material that helped with comfort but made it damn near impossible to slip out if you really wanted to while your hands were hooked up.
But, that’s what Lucien wanted. The ability to trust that he would know your limits or that you would trust him enough to react to the safe word if you ever, for any reason, needed to use it.
“Oh—” Your gaze lingers and Lucien rubs the material in his hands.
“This alright?” He wonders, though the glint in your eye is enough of an answer.
You laugh softly through your nose and take the binding in his hand, slipping your wrist through the loops, leisurely scooting back until you hit the headboard, raising your arms above your head, “You tell me?”
Lucien chews absently at his bottom lip as he takes a rogue bite out of one of the strawberries on the plate before leaning onto his knee against the mattress, securing the restraint into place. A small latch that was also accessible to you if needed. He leans down quickly and you’re unprepared for the suddenness of it but he presses against you in a slow, sloppy kiss that leaves you chasing after the sweet juice that lingered in his mouth, mixed with the glass of malt whiskey he’d had earlier.
“Blindfold too?” You ask curiously.
Lucien shakes his head distractedly and takes his seat beside you on the bed, facing in the opposite direction so you’re both facing each other. The lack of clothing should feel distracting, but you’re too focused on his face, watching as he carefully bunches up the leaves on a strawberry and presses it to your lips, tongue curling around it and biting into it with a soft crunch.
‘What’s with the food?” You ask with a slightly furrowed brow, food stuffed in your cheek as you chew, “Not that I’m complaining but…this is…”
“Baby, relax,” He notices the tensing of the muscles in your forearm, nodding in the general direction—you hadn’t realized how hard you were curling your hands into fists until he pointed it out, “—remember the new assistant I hired?”
Another bite and the strawberry is done for, Lucien’s finger following as he wipes away the mess of juice around your bottom lip, savoring it for himself as he presses his thumb against his thumb and sucks and if he sees the way your thighs inch together, he doesn’t say anything. 
You hum in acknowledgment and chew at the fruit, remembering the fresh-faced and terrified young man who Lucien had given a shot to after firing his old assistant—the embezzling funds was a problem, but he also insisted that he needed a fresh start, but you didn’t think he meant that fresh.
“I was craving it,” Lucien shrugged, “He went and picked up a bunch of shit.”
“Craving it,” You mince the words and Lucien chuckles, noticing your pointed gaze, “—for a sex thing, clearly.”
Caught. Sort of. 
Lucien was big on trying new things—it was harmless, but the way he had tore into a peach during the picnic luncheon at for the acting agency both he and Rose worked under, eyes locked on you as he split it in half and shared the other half with you, less than careful about the way he cleaned up the juices on himself and you, finding yourself unexpectedly drooling over him in one of your less than finest moments. It was either the delicious fruit or an oral fixation. Maybe both. 
He shoved a slice of kiwi between his teeth and leaned forward, pressing the fruit into your mouth and following with his tongue, devouring you into a kiss that has you whining quietly into his mouth, pulling away as you leaned forward to chase after him, chewing at the fruit in annoyance as you slumped back.
“Play nice, princesa.” Lucien teases.
“I am,” You retort with a sharp bite in your town, “you are making me wait.”
Lucien takes the ringlet slice of pineapple and squeezes it over your bare chest, down the valley of your breasts and you gasp at the sudden change in temperature against your hot to the touch skin, eyes snapping to the liquid traveling to your belly button.
You shriek, watching as he tossed the mangled fruit aside and made his ascent, licking from your belly button to the junction of your neck in one go, hovering over you with a devilish smile.
“If you don’t fuck me right now—” You gritted through clenched teeth and he presses his forehead against your own, giving you nowhere to hide as he stares you down, “I swear to god, Luce—”
“You trust me, right?”
“Stupid question,” You retort, nudging him back with your nose, “of course.”
Lucien hides the bemused expression on his face as he looks away, leaning over the side of the bed for a couple items that are out of your line of sight but quickly come into view as he lays them against your stomach, his thighs slotted underneath your own, taut muscle rubbing against your skin.
“Thought we could,” He separates them out carefully along your abdomen, “try a few at once.”
A gag—familiar and frequently used, black leather around a silicone black ball. A different blindfold, more like a sleep mask—it looked like Lucien’s sleep mask, actually. He could use the traditional one he tends to stick with but it seems he’s aiming for comfort here, fingers tracing along the last item with a raised brow.
“Ear buds? Really, Lucien? Headphones?” You giggle softly, “You want me to listen to music while we—”
“No, no—” Your laughter is infectious and he chuckles too, “baby, they’re just noise canceling.”
“Oh?” Your wrist yanks in interest before you realize you’re still restrained.
“If it’s too much, we don’t have to.” Lucien is very clear about that, fingertips pressed into the sheets beside your hips. 
“You really like when I give over control, don’t you?” You tease playfully.
“Como siempre.” He says softly before leaning down to nip at your breasts, eyes flicking up at you.
“Okay, yes. But—” You look up at your hands, bound but not uncomfortable, “maybe no blindfold. I’ll keep my eyes closed but I want to see you. I like being able to see you.”
Lucien nods in agreement, a slow and treatours pace he takes as he retreats, tongue dragging down the center of your body and still tasting slightly of citrus. He smirks at your obvious squirming before doing away with the blindfold and allowing himself to get everything else in order.
The gag comes first, a small muffled grunt as he tightens the strap around the back of your head, adjusting it until you give him a solid nod. It helped that despite your inability to communicate verbally that Lucien had created a way for you to rid yourself of your wrist restraints whenever everything felt a little too much but you weren’t worried about using your safe word, a small latch connected to the metal chain that linked you to the headboard, easily accessible. And then the headphones, an odd experience to say the least—you can’t imagine what kind of money Lucien wasted on these because they immediately drown out all noise, the small buds resting in your ears and relatively out of sight.
It feels ridiculous, but when Lucien speaks and you can’t hear, your heart races with an anticipation you’ve never felt before. Exhilaration, more like.
You have no other choice than to watch—watch as Lucien settles comfortably back, kneeling as he runs his fingers along the underside of his cock and down to his balls, cupping them and rolling them around leisurely, your eyes watching every single movement, teeth baring down gently around the ball as he fists him, fingers dragging over his shaft and working himself up quickly, his chest slightly flushed from a mix of your previous activities and now, his eyes never settling on one piece of your body for too long.
You communicate through nods and eye contact, feelings incredibly vulnerable in the moment, watching as Lucien pressed himself inside of you with slow intention and you swear you can hear the deep exhale he forces out through his nose as it flares before he settles and gives you no time at all to prepare, a small gasp escaping you as your finger tighten around the slack in the strap connection your wrist cuffs to the bed, a slow but deep snap of his hips that shatters your focus, back arching into his touch as his fingers run along your spine and dig in, gripping you tight, practically sitting in his lap with the angle he has you held at.
“Mi vida,” He sighs, knowing you can’t hear him, “mi vida, mi vida, mi vida,” growing quiet with every utterance of it, “too perfect for me, baby.”
The vibration of his voice is pressed against your collarbone, his nose dragging along the junction of your neck and you’re so curious of what he’s saying, but you try not to let your mind wander—not that he allows much of that, gradually switching the pace to something stronger.
You wished you were stronger than Lucien liked to give you credit for, but you do find that your impatience eats away at you, coming in short whines and pleading looks and Lucien catches your gaze, eyes soft and watery. 
He’s breathing out in short grunts through his mouth and you can see his nose scrunch up as he groans, fingers digging into your skin, squeezing tight at your hips—you can’t do it anymore, reaching your fingers up to grasp at the latch keeping your arms hoisted up, falling back in a heap with Lucien pressed against your chest, hastily slipping your hands out of the binding.
Lucien catches on quickly, working the gag off and tossing it aside, hearing it clink heavily against a nearby object but neither of you bother looking and quickly discarding the headphones on the nightstand, his forearms coming around your head to barricade you in.
You’ve never felt more safe.
“Pobrecita, come on,” Lucien coos, “ask for it, yeah? You want me to touch you?” Lucien moans heavily against your skin, your own hands twisting it his hair, fingers curling gently around the back of his ears, “Want me to make you come with my cock inside you? Is that what you need?”
“Yes,” You whine softly, “touch me—please, just touch me.”
He doesn’t move quick enough, finding that your hand quickly searches for his own, pressing it between your bodies and his fingers know you, working like muscle memory as he circles your clit a combination of his middle and ring and it’s nearly instantaneous, a mix of built up tension and desperate need for release. Your fingers pinch at the skin of his neck as you come, pulling the hair at the nape of neck and breathing in a sharp gasp, mouth hung open in silence as your eyes squeeze shut.
“That’s it, baby.” Lucien breathes quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to your breast as you come, eventually finding your lips and kissing you thoroughly, silencing your weak moans, chest heaving deeply in the aftermath as he pulls back, nothing he’s on the edge himself.
“I want you in my mouth again,” You sound desperate, tilting your chin up to meet his gaze from where he towers over you, fists gripping the sheets, “wanna taste us together, baby.”
Lucien rises suddenly, one palm pressed against the headboard as he grips his cock with the other, quickly spilling over your stomach, a sigh punches from his chest as he comes down, flush with a slight embarrassment at how easily it was for you to work him up.
“Or not,” You say through a tired laugh, soft and airy, “too much?”
“Never.” Lucien assures, brow furrowing in amusement as he drags a finger through the mess he made, bringing it to your mouth and allowing you to suck, lick, and make an over the top and unnecessary show as you swallow his cum and Lucien feels his cock twitch between his legs, despite how tired his body felt. 
“Jesus, princesa,” He laughs, “—greedy tonight?”
You mirror his actions, bringing your own finger into the mess before pressing it into his mouth—and Lucien opens with a lust-drunk grin, capturing your wrist in a tight grip and licking off his own spend from your finger.
And thank god, because your night was far from over.
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↝ beta: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
↝ divider credit: yours truly.
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