#thanks for the qs
perdvivly · 5 months
Also do a🌻
I think it’s a shame that “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is the best known pangram. It’s both rather inefficient as pangrams go (35 letters) and not particularly creative to make up for it.
Consider this pangrammatic autogram for example: “This pangram contains four As, one B, two Cs, one D, thirty Es, six Fs, five Gs, seven Hs, eleven Is, one J, one K, two Ls, two Ms, eighteen Ns, fifteen Os, two Ps, one Q, five Rs, twenty-seven Ss, eighteen Ts, two Us, seven Vs, eight Ws, two Xs, three Ys, & one Z.” Which is massively inefficient of course, but creative enough to make up for that.
I do really like the tumblr-famous pangram “Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow” but not quite as much as “waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex” (both of which are more efficient than the more famous jumping fox).
There aren’t known perfect pangrams in English that don’t have some glaring defect. Sure there’s “Mr Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx” which doesn’t make sense as a sentence and uses abbreviations, and “Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz” which is frankly too arcane and only makes sense if you really squint.
There is a famous perfect pangram in Japanese. *And* it’s a really pretty Buddhist poem too. There are a few caveats like the first record of its existence comes from 1079 and so it has some obsolete and historical hiragana and there have been phonological changes over time etc. but check it out, it’s really neat: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iroha
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ritens · 23 days
Questions for (warframe) Lane's birthday:
How did his awakening look like?
What is his first memory after his birth?
How did him and Rau meet?
Favorite color/ color palette? (Either an actual in-game palette, or a palette of colors he likes to use)
What is his fondest memory?
And finally,
How does he intend to celebrate this year's birthday?
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What did his awakening look like?
If this question is Second Dream operator awakening related then that’s not applicable as Operator Lane was turned into a warframe before he could even get to use a stasis pod. I’m sure he felt dreadful when he first came to consciousness as a metal fleshrobot when the last time he was awake he was still a human teenager.
What is his first memory after his birth?
Not sure what this question’s context is. Operator/warframe Lane is dead and his body is fused with Drifter Lane’s consciousness. Drifter Lane remembers fragments of his time on the Zariman and not much else. He recalls having close ties to a cousin and that he lived with this cousin’s parents as he didn’t have his own.
How did he and Rau meet?
Simply put Lane discovered dimensional travel while searching for a purpose in his life. They met by pure chance. I’ve written more about it in this unfinished fic here.
Favourite colour / colour palette?
A mix of teal and deep sea blue. The colours of his late mother’s silk shawl which he consistently wears tied around his hips.
What is his fondest memory?
Probably the moment he stopped looking for ways to be useful and instead found his purpose in having a hobby of his own. Growing grains in his little garden and figuring out how to make baked goods, the entire process with its ups and downs helped Drifter Lane finally adjust to the world he was in now. He remembers fondly the first failed attempt at growing anything and is glad he kept trying.
How does he intend to celebrate this year’s birthday?
I don’t think he knows what day it is. Time means nothing to Drifter Lane. It’s just another day in the Origin System making bread with Rau.
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yell0wsalt · 28 days
7, 31, 49
7. What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?
Only one. I get hot easily and prefer to keep cool when I sleep.
31. What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 
Might be a bit of a depressing answer, but I don’t really know. There are things I would like for myself in life, but no solid positive steps have been in such directions. I have a few things I’m looking forward to sometime this year, but beyond that is kind of a mystery to me
49. What does your last text say?
Hey that kinda sorta coffee table you have… Do you remember where did you got it? - me to my sister
Take a guess as to what kind of furniture I was looking for today
Ask away here
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milehighflyguy · 1 year
39 & 43 ?
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
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43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
Ana de Armas
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royalarchivist · 3 months
Mike: Maybe– maybe I don’t want you to be friends with Badboyhalo. Maybe because of that–
YD: No, you won’t do that! You won’t tear us apart, Badboyhalo is my best friend! >:O
Mike: You can fool Bad, you can fool Phil, you can fool everyone else on this Island, but you can't fool me! I know you're a thief.
YD: Let's be honest– you like me, so you're jealous, right?
Mike: Oi? NO– no no no no– It’s because I know you’re a thief. One thief can recognize another.
YD: Say you like me.
Mike: NO! No no no no–
YD: I'm a thief?! You're crazy, you're crazy.
Mike: I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving–
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darqx · 1 year
Got an evil eye
In which there’s a small Demon!Rire Angel!Rire comparison.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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😇 The lore of Angel!Rire is essentially:
Possibly rogue angel that kills people under word of God.
Word of God being debatable because his criteria for killing people changes a lot - (eg: might kill a bad person cos they’re “bad”, similarly will kill a good person to get them to heaven faster, similarly will just “mercy” kill whoever because humans are a plague to themselves and others etc) - EITHER WAY no one seems to be stopping him.
Also debatable is whether he believes in his justifications for his actions or if he’s just doing it for fun and purposely smoke-screening that fact.
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I have described their main similarity before as deception since they both seem viable (as a normal human / normal angel) at first. Their main personality difference is that their modus operandi is flipped - Demon!Rire will often see how long he can con someone, but will eventually reveal his true nature and will match what he says with it. Angel!Rire is more blunt and will reveal his true nature almost immediately, but will continue saying things in complete antithesis to that reveal thus masking the reality of his intentions.
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I do know what OCTs are! But I probably would never join one due to lack of time. They seem to be very large commitments and i’d be better off trying to find that time to do BP :V
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There is no set location for BTD (considering that me, Gato and EP all come from diff countries LOL)...other than maybe “Earth” and “some city/town place that predominately speaks English”.
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This is, actually, one of the more popular questions I get asked over time about Rire XD; Which makes me think I need to update my FAQ to include it. Anyway in my FAQ i put it like this:
CAN RIRE FEEL LOVE? I don’t know if you could classify what he feels as “love” in the same definition we are used to…
And from other answers to similar qs:
IF he becomes fond of someone for whatever reason, he will probably become more possessive. His methodology might not change so much, but there would be more aftercare (cos if you want someone to last longer...)
I never go any more in depth when answering these kinda qs even though i’m sure people would like me to XD
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At first I was going to say “I don’t know Depeche Mode”, but when i looked them up on Youtube i saw “Just can’t get enough” and was like OH I KNOW THESE SONGS.
As for Rire it’s not super in line with his usual, but I don’t think he’d mind the music!
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He’s gotten used to moving between different climates quickly so it doesn’t really affect him as much.
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You would not be the first so go for it if you want lol.
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sylvibullet · 2 months
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Hi its important to me that you know what the vibes between Kurapika and Chrollo were like in the live show of HunterxHunter I saw like two weeks ago on stage. That is all.
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frownyalfred · 2 months
This might sound weird, but I really like hearing people's thoughts on a/b/o and their world buildings about it. I just think it's so cool that so many people can have such wildly different interpretations on it to fit what they want!
Is there an aspect of your own a/b/o au that your particularly proud of? Or that you would want to explore more in depth than you've been able to so far?
It’s not weird at all! I love seeing what authors choose to use or leave out when building their worlds. Every one is so unique.
I really like how far I’ve been able to dig into pack bonds and pack dynamics in this series. I don’t see a lot of that in fics these days, which is a shame. Having those platonic but equally strong bonds between multiple people is so fascinating to me.
I’m also proud of how much detail I’ve been able to give to beta dynamics in my fics. I always feel bad when they get left out as alphas and omegas get the cool/angsty instincts and characteristics. Building up Alfred to have his own commands, instincts, etc has been so exciting for me.
One thing I want to touch on more than I’ve teased a little bit about is how pack structure can function as a legal entity, or used to in some societies. The idea of modern societies pulling away from pack structures in search of a nuclear family unit is so fascinating to me. Because those instincts don’t go away! But the omegaphobia and tiered system remain, while you’re pulling away all of the connective tissue that negates them.
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lucysadcat · 8 days
I wanna talk about the qsmp for a second
The qsmp was the first ever fandom I actually really got into. it was my life, everyday I would come home and just watch vod after vod, I would catch as many life streams as I could, I knew all the lore. And now that it's gone, i don't know what to feel. It meant so much to me and I wish it could stay, I never really realized that it would go away. I was so hyperfocused on that this hit me worse than anything else, which sounds dumb to say, I've been through a lot especially this year so far but somehow this is the worst. And I respect the members for leaving due to whatever reason they have, but something inside of me wants things to last forever. So this is a thank you to all the creators who have made my life better. Thank you, Phil, Bad, Foolish, Fit, Jaiden, Quackity, Slime, Tubbs, Roier, Cellbit, Pac, Mike, Etoile, Hugo, and everyone else I missed. Thank you to all the eggs, especially Dapper and Leo. I couldn't ask for a better thing to be introduced to my life, even if you didn't stay for long. Thank you.
I know that's cheesy and corny and I kinda made the whole thing about myself, but truly, thank you. Thank you Quackity for creating such a wonderful community and giving me hope to do what you did and make something awesome. I'll never be the same after this, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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mueritos · 4 days
for folks who aren't aware, i have an adult twitter where i post some more ns/f/w art but everything is always posted first on my patreon ^-^ pls don't be weird and if you're an adult feel free to give my page a follow.
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sophiainspace · 3 months
Hello!!! For the character asks game, I’ve got four for you for your icon there, Mick Rory: 2, 7, 8, and 21, if you feel so inclined!
Aww, my icon indeed <3
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His loyalty. An underrated thing about Mick Rory. If he’s on your side, he’s never leaving it, and he would die for you. I just queued a gifset of the season 6 (I think?) scene where Mick persuades Sara to come home and tells her she’s his oldest friend (the ‘Rogue Canary with the missing member’ feels, I swear) and it’s like. He was devoted to Len for 20 years, in whatever way you want to interpret that devotion, and he gave that loyalty to Sara - who he calls Boss just enough times that you feel it - and that was no small thing for him. But he would defend her life with his, along with the rest of the Legends. And he did, a lot.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
The sheer weight and quality of creative fanon means we have so much history to draw on for Mick in fic. And it all comes from very few references. Burning down his house. The fight in juvie. The 30-year partnership with Len. And that’s… about it, I think? But look at the amount of young coldwave/young Mick fics and headcanons those lines have spawned. Incredible. I’ve never written a character (or pairing) with so much glorious fanon backstory. It is a gift. (And the fandom didn’t even do all that much with the rich vein of everything we learned later about his family. We had already had given ourselves so much to work with!)
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
It’s kind of related to my answer to question 2. I’m not a huge fan of the general fandom opinion that Mick was only ever mistreated by the Legends (or the writers) and hated every second of his time on the Waverider. Opinions will vary, of course, but I adore that found family for Mick. We do not speak of season two, which was poorly written and used Mick as a plot point, but for the most part after that I think it was clear that Mick loved the Waverider crew and vice versa. He grew as a person a lot on that ship, and he had an arc that I liked a lot overall, with some fantastic unlikely friendships. We got writer!Mick, and dad!Mick, and right-hand-man-to-Sara!Mick, and the growth of so many relationships we never could have predicted (don’t tell me he didn’t freaking adore Ava by the end, after the inevitable rocky start between them), and I loved it all. At times the writers liked to use him for a source of quick comic relief, and at other times his storylines were weird or nonexistent, and there was a little too much ableist writing there, but I still liked where he went on that show. I suspect it comes down to people who only like Mick with Len (romantically or otherwise) who didn’t like to think that Mick could have - and did have - a life beyond the Rogues. And I say all of this as a still deeply devoted coldwave fan, for they are truly my OTP. But still. I love Legends Mick, in a very different way from how I love Flash Mick, and I love the way he grew beyond Len.* Is a lot of my Legends Mick headcanon? Yep. Do I care? Nope. They gave me just enough to work with. :)
*I’m so tempted to get into how, while I love Mick with Len, their relationship was deeply codependent and Len clearly kept him from growing because he was a possessive bastard who loved Mick but also wanted to control his partner on his own terms. And how, even though it took Mick a while to realise he could be his own person outside of that partnership, he grew in some directions he never could have if Len hadn’t died. But that’s off topic - and hey, that headcanon is already in quite a few of my fics, with room for more… P.S. Did I mention I love coldwave and am also quite fond of Len (the possessive bastard) okay good
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love autistic Mick headcanons and playing with them. And of course, I love everything you can do with coldwave, because of all the fanon stuff I mentioned above. Hey maybe it’s time for another coldwave fic…
Character ask meme
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goldenpinof · 3 months
green screen orange carpet, besties
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eqt-95 · 3 months
I have sooooooo many questions about that supercorp excerpt! Will there be more?
You mean the 'Lena and Kara find themselves on a foreign apocalyptic planet at complete odds and are forced to team up to get back home while battling 'goobs', a red sun, and planet-shattering but totally unspoken sexual tension' excerpt? Yea, there'll be more.
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yell0wsalt · 20 days
7, 14, 26, and 32 for the weird asks!
7 hair-ties or scrunchies?
As long as they get the job done, I’m not picky. Usually lean to hair ties though. I have more of those laying around and they work with my hair texture
14 do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
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26 a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
I sent my sister this IG reel a few days ago asking which rat/hamster I was and she told me 6.
Her rationale was that I have secret crazy energy or something. I— I don’t know how to interpret that, I wanna cry. 
But then again I’ll randomly dance and sing in front my dog when I’m bored or need to woosah at odd hours of the night, so she might have a point? I’m conflicted, you guys 😭
32 do you have a favorite towel?
I have one that’s a rusty orange color. Nothing special about it, I just like the color.
Let's get weird
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chimaerakitten · 5 days
Belated writer ask meme cuz i'm behind on my dash: 10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? I've mentioned before how securityunit.patch326.732.98.program got way more response than I expected, and there's a few other fics that have been like that (including The SecUnit Job, which murderbot fans have been so enthusiastic about that it now ranks 16th most comments in the entire Leverage fandom tag. Murderbot fans are hardcore commenters) but for something that's not technically a fic, the most surprised I've been recently was by all the thoughtful engagement people had to my sprawling Tortallan Heraldry Meta. I expected a couple thanks for making a reference document but so many people asked full on follow up questions and proposed their own theories in the comments, it was super cool.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick? TOUGH one. I think the one that would adapt best is probably The SecUnit Job—It's already written to be a leverage episode so I think it would work well on screen. That said I'd love to see an experimental comic take on one of my weirder or sadder pieces. Logs, Letters, and Other Lost Things, maybe. or like a lyricstuck of one of my murderbot filks
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colealexart · 7 months
fave campaign 3 character?
imogen :)
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