#thank god i don’t live in bucharest cause if i saw this in person-
jokaarija · 2 months
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someone carrying a framed picture of joker out in the middle of bucharest is not something i expected to see today but slay
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Oh, Baby!
You and Sebastian have been waiting for almost an entire year to adopt a baby. What happens when the call finally comes? 
           You stood up from the door you’d just painted and sighed. It looked good. You’d taken painter’s tape and put it in a geometric pattern. There was really nothing else to do with the door until you could put a sign on it with the baby’s name. If you ever got one, that was.
           You and Sebastian had been married for two years, together for three before that. He was the absolute love of your life. You wanted the world for him and he wanted the same for you. And when you found out you couldn’t have the children you’d always dreamed of, you’d decided to give adoption a chance. You’d been on the list for a year. Last month you’d been told to prepare a room, so you did. It was absolutely beautiful by the time you were done with it – it was right across the hallway from the office, so you and Sebastian could go check on the baby. It was gender neutral, even though you both wanted a girl. And then the day came to go get the baby and the mother changed her mind.
           Now you were waiting, again, on the list. You were waiting and waiting. This time, though, you’d decided to adopt from Romania. It was where Sebastian was from and they had so many babies and children that needed a home, and every time you’d heard Sebastian’s mother talk about Sebastian there your heart had skipped a few beats. But you still couldn’t help but think that maybe you weren’t getting picked because people thought you wouldn’t be good parents. And it was slowly breaking you, little by little, so much so that you’d taken the leftover paint from the nursery and painted over the white door. It brightened up the hallway, that was for sure.
           “What on Earth did you just do?” You turned around to see a smile on Sebastian’s face. He’d been gone filming for most of the day. In fact, you hadn’t even seen him since the night before. He was training for another movie, too, and left before the crack of dawn. Luckily, though, the filming was almost over and then he’d be all yours for another few months.
           “I got bored so I painted the door,” you said with a shrug.
           “It looks amazing.” You stood up. Sebastian turned you around and captured your lips in a kiss, but you pushed him away with your elbows.
           “I have paint all over me, Seb,” you giggled.
           “Yeah, I know. I like it.”
           “And hopefully, someday soon, a baby will.” Sebastian’s face fell, and yours did too.
           “Sweetheart, we’ll get a call when we get a call.”
           “And what if we don’t?”
           “Someone’s got to have a baby,” he said as he pulled your hands to wrap them around his waist. You hugged him back with a sigh. “And one of these days our names are going to come up on that list. And we’ll get a call. And we’ll fly there. And then we’ll have a baby. I promise.”
           “But what if they decide we’re not fit or whatever?”
           “They’ve checked both of the houses out half a dozen times. We’re good to go, honey. We just have to wait our turn.” You sighed again as he kissed your hair. “And until then, how about you help me bring in the groceries I just got?”
           It was two weeks later before you even thought about it again, and before you ended up at that door again. This time it was just because there was a draft in the hallway and you realized that Sebastian had opened the window last night. So you walked in, and the breakdown started. You ended up in the old rocking chair Sebastian had gotten from his mom’s house, one he’d had since he lived in Romania, and you were crying your eyes out by the time he found you.
           “I just want a family so bad, Seb,” you said softly as he stood in front of you, taking your hands.
           “Yeah, sweetie, I know,” he responded. “We’re a family, okay? And you and me and the dog are going to get our baby. Whether it’s tomorrow or next week or next month or… whenever. We’ll get our baby.” You nodded, sniffling, and tried to stop crying.
           “I just wish I could stop having breakdowns over this.” You tried to smile, but it didn’t work.
           “Next thing you know, our kid will be going to elementary school and you’ll have a breakdown over that.” You swatted at his shoulder. “What? It’s true, you cry at everything.”
           “Hello?” You didn’t even turn your head at the sound of Sebastian’s phone ringing. He perked up, though, and looked over at you. You turned the book you were reading upside down upon seeing the look on his face. You cocked your head and Sebastian turns his phone over for a second.
           “What?” You asked.
           “Go buy the next tickets to Bucharest,” he said with a smile on his face.
           “What?” At first, none of it made sense. And then it did. He turned back to his phone.
           “Yep. Yes. Yes. We’ll email you our flight itinerary and meet you at the airport,” he said. “And we’ll have all of our things with us. Right. Thank you, so much. Bye.”
           “There’s a baby waiting for it’s new parents in Bucharest!” He said loudly, scooting to your side of the couch to hug you tightly. You’d never felt so happy in your entire life. You’d never felt so relieved, either.
           “Ours. Go, go, get the tickets! I’ll pack!” You jumped off the couch and out of Sebastian’s arms with a squeal and ran into the office to turn on the computer.
           In an hour and a half you were loading your carry-on bags and the baby’s things into the back of your Uber. The driver looked a little confused as to why you had so many things for a baby except for the baby yourselves, but didn’t question it. You just sat in the back with Sebastian and tried not to squeal from excitement again. You’d been reading blog after article on website after website about other people’s adoption stories and even though you weren’t trying to get your hopes up, nobody better take a baby away from you after making you come all the way to Romania.
           “Passports?” Sebastian asked as you walked into the airport, looking for your airline’s kiosk station. You handed the bundle of passports to him, taking the baby carrier. “If we get separated, just meet me at the gate. We had half an hour after security, so I’ll get the coffee and you get the snacks.”
           “You’ve been planning this out for awhile.”
           “You’re not the only one who’s been waiting for ages upon ages for a mini-me. Go.” He watched as you printed out your boarding pass and checked in, doing the same on his own kiosk. Everything went smoothly – you went through security, got Sebastian’s favorite snacks, got your favorite snacks from the next booth over, and then met Sebastian at your gate. He’d checked everything aside from your backpacks and was sitting down, holding a carton of two iced coffees.
           “I got extra espresso in yours,” he said.
           “And that’s why I’m adopting a child with you.” He smiled.
           “And remember. If you don’t like me after a month, it’s not like we can return it.” You scoffed.
           “I could just tell customs you have a bomb in your pants.”
           “You wouldn’t!” He shoved you as you took your iced coffee from him, almost causing you to spill it.
           “I would after that.” You both shut up and waited for your flight to start boarding.
           It was a thirteen hour long flight, and it was endless. The entire time you were getting up and down to walk around the plane, to go to the bathroom, then wander back to your seat. Sebastian took a pill and was out, but you were there, the entire time, smiling to yourself and dreaming about the baby that was finally about to be yours.  
           “Oh, my God,” you heard Sebastian breathe out when he stepped inside the hospital room, looking at the baby in the farthest crib to the left.
           “This is Victoria,” the nurse said in a thick accent as she walked you two over there to meet her. “I understand you’re the adoptive parents?”
           “Yeah,” you breathed out. The baby was as beautiful as you could’ve imagined. She had blue eyes, like Sebastian’s, and that was when you knew it must be fate.
           “You’re allowed to change the name, of course, if there’s something else you’d prefer.” You thought about the name and looked at Sebastian. “Would you like to hold her?”
           “You go first,” you said to Sebastian, when you saw that he was actually starting to cry. You just put a hand on his back, insisting, and the nurse quickly showed Sebastian how to hold her. “I don’t know. We’ve had all this time and never even thought of a name.”
           “I don’t mind Victoria,” Sebastian said, looking over at you. “Victoria…”
           “Georgeta,” you interrupted. “After your mom.”
           “Only if we do Elizabeth after. For your mom.” You smiled.
           “I don’t know, Seba, it’s a long name.” Sebastian held the baby tightly, swinging her over to face you.
           “I think she looks like a Victoria Georgeta Elizabeth Stan,” Sebastian said with a grin. “Huh?” You could see the beginning of dark hair on the baby’s head and reached your hand out. The baby gripped onto your thumb with her tiny fingers. Your heart skipped a beat again.
           “Yeah,” you said. Sebastian kissed the baby’s head like he did yours. “Almost as pretty as her.”
           “Almost as pretty as you.” Sebastian offered you the baby. “I’ll go sign the papers so we can go take our baby home.”
           “Our baby,” you repeated. He closed the distance between you and kissed you.
A/N: I hope the person who requested this loves reading it as much as I loved writing it! Like, the things I would give to have Sebastian’s children... not to be too thirsty or anything.  
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muchadoaboutbucky · 4 years
On the Run (oneshot)
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Set after CA: The Winter Soldier: Bucky’s on his own, and with the majority of the Avengers in the spotlight, there’s only one person Steve trusts to track him down. 
PAIRING: Bucky x Native American!Reader WARNINGS: out-of-canon events, rough smut NOTE: 18+ only. Do not copy/repost on other sites.
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Bucky’s been in Bucharest for a little over a year. He’s gotten back to something close to stability, without all the creature comforts. He’s found a one-room apartment close to the market, where he can lay low, away from anything and everything. 
He’d spent the first month of his freedom traveling across Europe, breaking into old HYDRA bunkers and stealing whatever cash he could find. He’s got enough to get him a nicer place, but “nice” sticks out like a sore thumb. He’s better off rationing and staying where he can blend in. 
It’s hard to be alone, he finds. After first getting settled, he struggled to fit into the apartment. He hasn’t had a room or anything to call his own in several decades. He gets some plants, first. It’s easy to fall into a routine of watering them. His tomato plant prospers where he’s got it propped up in the window, but the flowers on the table wither and die within a week. 
His dreams are incredibly vivid. It’s as if seventy years of not dreaming has built up and exploded. He dreams of everything he’s missed… apple pie, the plum tree in the backyard at home, his childhood Border Collie, playing baseball in the dirt fields on breaks in the army… women.
God, he needs a woman. It’s not safe, though. Showing just any woman his non-human arm is sure to cause more than just raised eyebrows, and even if she’s okay with it the strength that’s come with the responsibility of being an enhanced soldier isn’t something an average human is capable of bearing.
In the end he settles for his right hand and calls it a day.
It’s summer, the first week of June, and he’s at the market in the late afternoon, taking shelter from the heat of the sun and hoping to fill his canvas bag with cherries and plums—the plums in Bucharest are the best he’s found. The baker's stall is open, and he can smell the fresh bread perfuming the air. It’s still in the season where nights are cool and it’s the perfect temperature for soup.
He’s just paid the fruit vendor when he turns, not looking where he’s going, and bumps into a woman. She stumbles, and instinctively he reaches out with his left arm and grabs her shoulder to keep her from falling.
“Sorry!” He says, helping her regain her balance. “Eşti bine?” he tries in Romanian first, “are you all right?”
She nods, taking a deep breath to settle herself. “I’m fine, thank you.”
American. Must be a tourist. 
“Good.” Bucky releases her and steps back, hoping she didn’t think anything of the odd firmness and strength of his metal fingers. She’s beautiful, messy hair tied up in a bun at the back of her head. “Sorry, again, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Oh, it’s not a problem,” she says, “just found who I was looking for.”
His stomach turns icy. “What?”
“I know who you are,” she replies, “your friend, Steve, he sent me to find you.”
The mention of Steve makes Bucky’s chest tighten, but he doesn’t let his guard down. “Who are you?” he asks. “How do you know Steve?”
“Y/N,” she answers. “He and I have been friends for a while. I’m kinda new to the team… I can go places without triggering the news outlets.”
He glances around, not knowing who could be watching. “Let’s walk,” he says, keeping his head low. She follows him down the avenue and into an alleyway, walking by his side until he stops behind a trash-filled dumpster. His fingers curl into the collar of her shirt, and she lets out an ‘oof!’ as he pushes her up against the wall.
“How long have you been following me?” he asks.
“Long enough to know where you live,” she replies calmly. “Look, I’m not here to cause any trouble, he was just… you went off the grid after Hydra went down, the only thing that told us where you were was a security camera outside the drugstore down the street. You might have a beard, but facial recognition is a bitch to kick.”
Bucky tightens his jaw. “Why should I trust you?”
“Because Steve’s paranoid about who he’s friends with and I’m good at spying on people.” Y/N chews on her lower lip. “Wouldn’t be here if he thought I’d do anything else.”
He takes a deep breath. “Come by later tonight. It’ll be safer to talk.” Turning and stalking back down the alleyway, he mutters, just loud enough so she can hear, “there’ll be soup.”
He finishes his shopping quickly and returns home as fast as he can. After locking the doors and windows, he stores all his purchases in the crappy fridge and sets about cleaning the table. He’s only got one good soup recipe, the beef stew his mother used to make on Sunday nights. It’s a long process, but he doesn’t mind. The methodical cooking eases his mind. 
He’s just finished dumping everything into a large pot when there’s a knock. He knows it’s Y/N, but he checks just to make sure before opening the door. 
“You’re early,” he says.
“You never specified a time,” she replies, turning to face him. She’s let her hair down and changed into straight-fit jeans and a tank top. No bra; he can faintly see her nipples through the fabric and it makes his gut tighten with arousal. 
“You know, you could have come to me,” she continues absentmindedly as he strides back to the stove, “I’m at the Epoque.”
“It’s safer here,” he says, “don’t need to be getting caught.”
She accepts that and gazes around the small apartment. His bed is just a mattress on the floor, one pillow that doesn’t match the thin comforter or the sheets. “Cozy.”
“It works.” He swallows, trying to focus on their dinner. “So… you must be special.”
“To be one of them,” he says, “one of the Avengers, or… whatever.”
Her boots click on the wooden floor as she steps around to survey his work. “I’ve got my powers. Nothing major, but I’m apparently a good asset in a fight. Not nearly as skilled as you.”
He sighs, barely able to look at her. “I don’t do that anymore.”
“I know.” She leans against the counter. “I’m strong. Not just lift-a-car-over-my-head strong, I can just… I can handle a beating, y’know? The last bad guy who punched me ended up with a shattered fist.”
“So you’re…”
“Relatively indestructible?” She shrugs. “I guess you could call it that.”
Food is on the table within ten minutes, and Y/N, surprised at the quality of her serving, digs in with gusto, mopping up the last of it with a chunk of fresh bread. Bucky eats slowly, keeping pace with her until their bowls are empty.
“So your powers,” he says, breaking the silence as they wash their dishes, “how did you get ‘em?”
“All I know is that I was born with them,” she replies. “First saw signs when I was five and my older brother accidentally knocked me off the playground. Fell six feet, and the ground caved under me. I didn’t have a scratch.”
Bucky watches her set her bowl on the drying rack and flexes his metal fingers. Titanium glints in the light of the overhead light. “So not even this?”
“I hope you’re not going to try and find out.” She grins and rests one hip against the counter, reaching out to run a fingertip over his wrist, along the border between two plates. “Men who hit without asking me first usually end up with broken arms and I’d hate to have to destroy this.”
Now she’s just being a tease. 
Her eyes flicker up to meet his, and he snaps. Moving close with a single step, he grabs her face with both hands and kisses her. She moves into it, responding with a shove of her hips against his. Metal fingers curl into her hair, and she lets out a whimper when her scalp aches.
Before she can say or do anything else, he rips her top down the middle and tosses the ruined fabric to the floor. Her cheeks flush, and her eyes sparkle with arousal. 
“You don’t play,” she murmurs, “you gonna finish the job or what?”
They strip each other in a matter of minutes. The minute Y/N jeans hit the ground, Bucky slides his hands under her ass and hauls her up, striding quickly to the mattress and lowering her down onto it. She’s wet, he can feel it against his bare cock, and she holds him tight in her hand, slowly moving the thick tip through her folds. He braces his hands on either side of her shoulders, lowering himself down to kiss her. 
For a split second he flashes back to being seventeen, lying between the legs of the prettiest girl he’d ever known and trying his best to make it through his first ever round of lovemaking.
Except now, he’s no fumbling virgin. He’s a grown man who knows exactly what he wants and almost exactly how he’s going to get it.
He enters her with a low groan that muffles against her lips. She moans, fingers digging into his back as her legs wrap around his waist. Her pussy’s warm and slick on his bare flesh, and it’s all he can do to remember some form of self control when he begins to move. He’s gentle at first, but when she rocks her hips up to meet his thrusts and he suddenly bottoms out, he gives way to lust. 
She cries out when his pelvis snaps against her ass. Her nails dig into his skin, the ache developing into a sting that only drives him on. His thrusts grow into strong, frantic beats that make the slap of skin on skin resound through the room. She tosses her head back, her moans unrestrained. When she arches up, her stomach rubs against his, and he gives her a teasing grind, humming against her mouth as she cranes her neck to kiss him again.
“Harder,” she whispers, “give me all you got.”
Bucky shudders when she hitches her knees on either side of his ribs, opening herself up more. It takes every ounce of strength not to look down at where he’s inside her, where soft meets hard. If he looks he’ll finish right there. Instead he buries his face in the crook of her neck, picking up his thrusts until she’s shaking and bouncing with the force of them. 
“Oh, fuck!” She gasps loudly, mouth open in a smiling cry of pleasure. “Right there… that’s it...”
Bucky can only grunt and pant in answer. He’s never felt so primal, chasing pleasure like it’s nothing. When he loses his rhythm and slips out of her, she doesn’t waste any time to take advantage of the situation. She rolls onto her stomach and arches her hips into the air, legs spread wide. He kneels up, kissing and nipping up her spine until he thrusts back in, hands squeezing at soft skin. Her body ripples when his hips smack into her, and when he brings his flesh hand down on her ass, fingers grabbing at the smooth roll of her hip, she clenches tight, mouth open in a whimper. 
He loses track of how long he fucks her. All he knows is warm skin, the scent of her sweat, her slick pussy tight around him, and the sound of her practically sobbing his name when he speeds up. He’s getting close, though, and he doesn’t have quite enough control to hold back. 
Reaching around her waist, he skims his fingers over her sex, rubbing quick circles that make her clench tight around him. She reaches back, taking his other wrist in her hand, and pulls him over her. His metal arm curls around her shoulders, holding her close as he ruts them both closer to orgasm.
She finishes first, a cry in her throat choking off as she writhes and squirms under him. He doesn’t wait for her orgasm to flame out, just shoves forward with a primal growl and lets his own release pour into her. He doesn’t let her go until she’s begging for air, gasping, and he leans back, watching her pull away. She’s swollen, the lips of her sex slick and slightly puffy, and she squeezes her thighs together as a trickle of white dribbles over the crease in her thigh.
“Jesus,” she sighs breathlessly, running trembling fingers through her hair, “how long have you been working that up?”
Bucky chuckles, reaching up to push one of the windowpanes open. “Longer than you’ve been alive.” He slumps down next to her, rolling onto his back as cool air washes over them. 
They stay there for several minutes in almost complete silence. When Y/N asks where the bathroom is, Bucky takes her into the shower, cramping together in the tiny stall as cool water washes over them. 
She stays the night, stretched out and naked on half the mattress while Bucky slumbers behind her. For the first time in months, he feels relaxed, all anxiety and tension drained out of him. 
She wakes sometime in the night, and he opens his eyes to find her rubbing up against him, lips pressed against the stubble on his jaw. He lets her crawl on top, finding him already hard and ready through the darkness. She sighs when he enters her, and Bucky, caught in the hazy middle of sleeping and waking, glides his hands over her hips to hold her as she rocks back and forth.
In the morning, they make potato cakes, bacon, and coffee. Bucky lends her a shirt, and she leans up against the counter, bare thighs peeking out from under the hem. She looks tired and worn out from the night before, but her smile is bright in the morning sun.
“Are they gonna come for me?” he asks, watching her nibble on a piece of bacon. “Steve, the others?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “I made Steve promise not to come after you. He just wants to know that you’re alive, that’s all. He’s not here to recruit you back.”
Despite her words, Bucky’s stomach twinges. “I don’t know if I’m ready to see him. Or anyone.”
Y/N seems to catch onto his anxiety, because she sets her food down and locks her fingers in his metal ones. “You don’t have to,” she explains gently. “He won’t even know where you live. All I have to do is tell him that you’re alive and safe and—”
“That we slept together?” Bucky tries to joke. 
“Well, I’m definitely not going to headline it,” she laughs. “I’ll definitely be keeping that to myself.”
She leaves late that night, after a dinner of ordered pizza and crappy soda. Before she goes, she scribbles her private cell number on a scrap of paper pinned to the fridge, and he makes a note to salvage his old Blackberry that hasn’t been used in months. 
He kisses her goodbye and watches her drive off in a rented Mercedes. The apartment feels too quiet without her now. He wishes he could keep her with him, but her life must be busy if she’s with the Avengers… it’s selfish to keep her back. 
When the phone is charged, he sits back on the couch and tucks in to a rerun of an old nature program. It’s almost two in the morning when the phone buzzes with a new text. The number on the screen is hers, and he clumsily navigates the small device to see the message you sent.
> Back home. Call me when you get a chance. -Y/N :)
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Only For A Moment Ch. 39
Master: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Summary: For most of your life you’d been able to keep your abilities a secret, that is until Hydra got wind of you. After years of being in their clutches, you break out when The Avengers expose SHIELD/Hydra. Since then, you’ve been on the run. Things are going as well as you could hope when you see a familiar face… Could the Winter Soldier really be in Bucharest too?
Warnings: Slight, uh, consensual violence but other than that just fluff(ish)
A/N: My babies, my firstborn fic, how I love them so. Once again thank you all for being so patient! This is a shorter chapter but it just needed to be solo and not with what is after this. I hope y’all like being back with these two. I know I do. 
Tags are open!
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When the sun finally peeks through the windows you’re on your side, face hidden in Bucky’s chest, bodies pressed as close as you can get them.
He kisses the top of your head. “Do you want coffee, doll?” You shrug, unsure you want him to let you go. He squeezes you, “Come on, we can watch the sunrise.”
Bucky releases you and sits up. For a moment you feel untethered without his skin against yours. Until you look at his torso.
“Oh god, Bucky!” On his left ribcage and near the middle of his abdomen are large dark purple bruises, the faintest touches of green on the outer edges.
“I’m ok, Y/N,” he insists. You ignore him knowing what could be under them. Gently you lay your hands over the bruises, sending your power into him. You hate this. Hate that you can do this. But-
“Y/N, what are you-”
“You could have internal bleeding, or a cracked rib, or a clot, or-”
“I am fine, baby,” he tries to move your hands away but you don’t let him. Your sense seeks out anything that could be life-threatening. You’d only ever used this to harm… “Can you really feel if somethings… wrong?”
You can’t look at him, just nod.
“That’s incredible.” You want to tell him it’s not. It’s monstrous. Being able to feel inside of someone like this makes you feel less than human… you don’t though because he’d stop you and you need to be sure you didn’t hurt him more than what was obvious.
Once it’s clear that he really is ok save for some nasty bruising you sigh and sit back on the bed, your head falling into your hands. “I could have killed you…” It’s barely a whisper.
“I shouldn’t have grabbed you like I did. I-”
“I could have killed you, Bucky!” You snap.
“Ok. And I could have killed you the other night. We’re even.”
You stare at him, jaw slack. Even.
“Y/N…” He moves to stroke your cheek. You slap his hand away and shoot to your feet, turning your back to avoid the hurt in his eyes.
Your mind flies back to your determination to survive when you thought he’d come from Hydra to collect you, to his statement a couple of days ago about using everything you had in you to fight for yourself and those you love… He’d been so right then—about your fear.
For thirty years you’d been terrified of so many things but the first true thing you’d learned to be afraid of was the person in the mirror. All that fear meant you never learned to control this force which somehow lived inside you, not really. Hydra had sharpened its edges but didn’t necessarily teach you how to wield it; you were their weapon after all, not your own… Now your lack of control put the man you loved at risk. Maybe if you could control it, control your strength, your body and this…
“Bucky,” slowly you turn to face him braced for any emotion to be written on his face but the patience you see there. Your words catch in your throat, momentarily overwhelmed.
Tender hands cup your face as his lips press gently to your own. Some of the tension immediately melts away. 
You loved him, it still made your head spin but to the marrow of your bones, you knew this truth. Reluctantly you break the kiss, looking into his eyes, warmer than their slate blue color had any right to be.
“I want you to train me.” He blinks as if trying to clear his vision, expression disbelieving. “What I did…” Your hands hover above the bruises.
“Doll, you weren’t-”
“In control,” you cut him off. “I know. That’s the problem. You barely put a scratch on me the other night because you can control yourself, you understand what you can do. I’ve never been in control.”
“I’m not exactly qualified to help you figure out your ability, Y/N.”
“I know. But if I can understand the rest of… me better… maybe I can sort that part out on my own.”
His lips curl, arms crushing you to him, “I know you can, baby.
Spitting mud from your mouth the next morning you’re beginning to regret this whole idea entirely.
“You gotta get up faster than that, darlin’.” You shoot him a sidelong glare and pull his feet from under him.
He falls but to prove a point is up and in fighting stance in a blink. Bastard.
Groaning you stand. “Can we please take a break?”
“We’ve only been working for two hours.” His cocky smirk makes you want to punch him in his beautiful face, “You can’t tell me you’re already tired.”
It felt so much longer than two fucking hours. You’d thought yesterday afternoon had been tough—running, testing your strength, pull-ups, other physical activities you loathed. All that was nothing compared to sparring with Bucky, it was like being against a machine, even with him holding back.
You roll your eyes putting your tired body back into position. Before you’re fully ready he has you in a chokehold, this time without restraint.
Your breath cut to just a trickle, your power begins to rise but you press it down. Control, you want control.
“I know they taught you to fight,” you struggle to break free and fail. “I saw it when you got away from me on the balcony,” his voice is low, breath hot and tantalizing on your ear. “But you’re only able to think like a fighter when you’re panicked. That’s not gonna work.” He loosens his grip just enough to keep you from passing out.
“What they did to you didn’t just affect your body, it changed your brain too.” He kicks your feet out, catching your legs between his own as he lowers to his knees, effectively trapping you. “You think faster, absorb details better, but you aren’t used to it so you push back unless you’re in fight or flight.”
Darkness presses in. Panic explodes in the back of your mind causing you to lose your grip on your power. It beings to push against Bucky’s hold on you as you flail.
“No,” he growls closing the few inches you’d placed between you, grip once again tight on your throat. “Think. They trained your body but not your mind, you’ve gotta use everything together to be in control. Think, Y/N.”
He said it like it was so simple but… Maybe it was. With effort, you force the curtain of panic to the side. Instead of holding tight to control though—you let go, allowing your subconscious to take the wheel without fully getting out of the car.
In an instant, your brain buzzed with information. Consciously you push away the bits relevant to your power and instead focus on nothing but what you can do with your body. The out is suddenly so clear you’re embarrassed you didn’t see it before.
Bucky’s arm may be around your throat but he’s not truly restraining your head, instead keeping your left arm pinned with his own. Your head slams back into his causing his grip to give just enough so that your right arm can slip through his elbow breaking his hold, allowing oxygen to fill your lungs. Pivoting your body forward with all your strength you manage to gain enough leverage to slam you both backward. His grip releases fully. Shooting to your feet you press your boot to his throat.
Blood pours from his nose but his smile is bright. “Good job, baby.”
A day later he looks back at you, perched on the kitchen table, with an exaggerated expression of concern. “I have terrible news, doll.”
“What?” Your brows knit.
He holds up the empty coffee canister, “We’re out.”
“Well, that’s just unacceptable.” Honestly, pretty much everything was gone. “I cannot be expected to work in these deplorable conditions, Sergeant.”
“I wouldn’t dream of asking it of you.” He strolls before you, kissing your lips. “You ready to head back to the city.”
You look around the sparse kitchen before sighing and wrapping your arms around his waist. “Yeah…”
“We’ll be back soon.” He pulls away, tone light, “Besides, you’re nowhere near done training.”
“Much to learn you still have,” you say in your best Yoda voice. A laugh bursts from you at his confused expression. “My god, you haven’t seen Star Wars. We have to fix that.”
@bluegirlusa1  @l0kisbitch  @tazzi-baby  @disagreetoagree  @woodyandbuzz20-01  @mooniightbucky   @saundrasays  @breezy1415  @alyssaj23  @mywinterwolf  @wonderlandmind4  @fairislesheets  @anamcg317  @buckaroo-barnes  @jazztherebel  @peachthatdrinkslemonade  @regulusirius   @auskitty @babyimp1967 @katecolleen  @handplucked  @stevehesaidabadlanguageword  @darkdragonphoenix  @issanitydead  @thestorydetective  @buckysstar  @wintersoldierswhore  @greyeyedsmile14  @watchoutforfrostbite  @for-the-love-of-the-fandom  @jewelofwinter  @siriuslycloudy2  @hardygal69  @jdoenson  @gamorazenn @wildmoonflower @cutie1365
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winterschild999 · 7 years
Betrayal (1/2)
SUMMARY - You and Bucky fall in love while in Bucharest until you see the news of Bucky being a murderer in the news. 
WORDS- approx 900 
A/N - This has 2 parts . I hope you guys like it . I took me an hour to write this and probably 3 fucking hours to think of a title. I hate this part the most. That is why titles are never related to the freaking story .Also I have my end semester exam tmr and see how I am posting fics. Someone please tell me to study.Also I completely forgot about the requests I got before my hiatus so I’m going to work on them . Pls don’t send anymore until further notice.Thanks. 
The quiet and shy nature of Bucky is what caught your eye . You had been living in the apartments for the past 1 month and not once had you seen him.You were always curious. You knew someone lived there but rarely saw anyone. You were also kinda scared. What if they were dead. It was one of those days when you couldn't sleep in the night and had to clear your mind so you would take a walk to the park to clear your mind . And that is when you saw him .
He opened his door at the same time that you did. His face looked tired under the corridor light but you couldn't turn away from his beautiful blue eyes that seemed to reel you in.He ducked his head and locked the door and went out. You scolded yourself for embarrassing your neighbour. 'Why the fuck were you staring' 'See now he thinks you're probably a creep .' As you walked in the chilly weather , your wrapped your hands around your body and took in the beautiful nights of Bucharest. As you walked to the park you saw a man sitting on the benches. He seemed huge by his shoulders and his leather jacket....okay maybe that was your neighbour . To conform your doubts you walked in front of him to to sneak a peak as subtly as possible..but then again subtlety isn't one of your strong suit . 'Shit' you cursed as you saw him look at you with an incredulous look . "Omg , I swear I'm not stalking you." You try to reason with him .You sound like a fucking idiot. Oh god. "I just..I couldn't sleep. So..I come here...And.." you were fumbling over your words as he stared at you . "It's fine." He finally says . "Oh thank god."You couldn't handle being embarrassed anymore."I'm just gonna sit here." You give him a tight lipped smile pointing to the bench next to his."I promise I won't bother you."you add. He didn't seem to talk much . You took out your earplugs and played music .You looked at the lake in front of the park ,the way the moon's reflection fell on it ,the way the light breeze caused ripples on the water .You were really talkative and to have a person next to you and not talk is so hard. "I'm Y/N by the way ."You say turning to him smiling softly. "I thought you weren't going to talk."He answered and you instantly turned forward.He felt guilty for being so rude. "I'm Bucky." His voice barely came out as a whisper . You smiled to yourself. That's how you met Bucky a year ago. As the days went on you learnt that he doesn't talk a lot about anything.He got more and more comfortable around you.You realised how beautiful he was.The way his hair spread over his face when he slept , his long lashes on his cheek , the crinkles by his eyes , and his beautiful ,shy smile.You loved him more than you could ever love anyone. You couldn't be happier.The time you spend with him are your most cherished memories.You loved when he talked about his childhood friends , and his ma and how wonderfully she cooked. You loved it when you sat on the terrace looking at the stars when he talked about the constellation,the way the earth was created. You loved how he spoke with such fascination .His face lit up.
As you lay on his chest ,your legs naked bodies tangled on the sofa, your hand making patterns on is chest,the TV background music until something caught your attention .The clip of Bucky was on the screen and you felt Bucky's body get rigid under your hand . Bucky Barnes as a suspect in the killing of King T'chaka. It was clearly Bucky on the screen and you instantly got up from the sofa and covered yourself with the blanket. "Bucky?"you asked , fear filled your eyes,your body and voice were shaking. "Y/N , that's not real. I didn't." Bucky seemed as surprised as you were . How can he deny something that was so evident. "Oh my god. I...You killed him. You are a murderer." You say as you backed away to the wall trying to get away from him . Bucky's heart was hurting . He couldn't understand and accept what was happening.His heart broke when you called him a murderer.His eyes were glossy with tears. "I don't know what to do. Get out." You were so scared , you hoped that he wouldn't kill you . You couldn't understand how the Bucky you came to love was a murderer. You couldn't believe it. You would never believe it if someone told you that but to actually see him on TV doing it , you couldn't not accept it . You let out a huge sigh when he left your apartment and you started to cry . You couldn't believe you trusted a man like him.You couldn't believe you fell in love with a murderer,you couldn't believe you let him touch you . Every kiss , every touch felt dirty . You felt dirty. After that you never saw him again . Until..
I WOULDN’T MIND IF YOU LEAVE COMMENTS .(I would probably die of combustion) . And those who do leave comments on my fics I love you guys so much and I get so happy . 
@supersoldierslover  @justareader @hollycornish @purplekitten30 @4theluvofall @buckyappreciationsociety @magellan-88 @delicatecapnerd @reniescarlett 
@hellomissmabel -  @topkay@hopelessgarbage -  @melconnor2007 -  -  @mcfuccfairy  - @yoyolovesbucky -   @the-witching-hours12-3 -   @badassbaker -  @superantonija  -  @elwenia  -  @elwin-smaragd - @panickedpandaposts -  @mytrueself  @tol-sam -  @emilyevanston - @mjcumberbatch -  @crazybutconfidentaf - @yknott81- @winterboobaer  - @chipilerendi  - @aingealcethlenn -@iamwarrenspeace -  @mrshopkirk -   @sexy-sea-basss -   @cassandras-musings  - @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19  - @betherz5683 - @alwaysbella - -  @supernatural-girl97 - @melissalovesmusicyay - @riddikuluslyemily -   @4theluvofall  - @colorfulv - @debbielovesbucky  -  - @princess-evans-addict - @crownofmanga
@avengedqueen26 @supernaturaldean67 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Your best chance; Bucky x child reader
This requested oneshot is actually one of my personal favorites because it’s just got soo much DADDY!BUCKY FEELS!! Seriously, give this guy more father roles he is SOOO GOOD AT THEM (He’s good in any role) but enough of my rambling I’ll let you all enjoy one of my favorite oneshots and I hope it becomes a favorite of yours too :) And for the rabbit Bucky makes her, just picture the rabbit Jefferson made for Grace in OUAT.
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I was tossing and turning in my small, rickety bed as I was having another round of nightmares. I don't know why those bad men gave me these powers and I don't even know why they call me a monster. I don't mean to hurt them, I really don't and sometimes I feel like something else is controlling my body to make me hurt innocent people.
I can hear their screams of agony as their bodies twist and bend in strange figuration's. I see my hands are making them bend that way and I try to stop but I have no control of it. I then hear the screams of people calling me a freak, a demon's child, a monster. I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up screaming and panting as my entire body was covered in cold sweat.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? What is it?" I turn to see Bucky at my bedroom door with a rifle in hand aiming for any threat that he thought had come into my room. When he saw no one he put down his gun and walked up to me and asked, "the dreams again?" I sniffled and nodded.
"I'm sorry Bucky, I don't mean to have them, I try to think of happy thoughts but it was too scary. I didn't do anything to them, why did they kill grandma and grandpa? I never did anything to them". I lowered my head and sobbed softly. Growing up I never knew what happened to my parents so I was raised by my grandma and grandpa, but when I was 2 the bad men killed granny and Pop-Pop and took me.
And for what felt like forever, I was only shown pain and hurt, forcing to use my new powers the bad men call "Blood-bending" to torture and kill anyone they saw fit. That wasn't until a year ago when Bucky found me and took me away from that pain and we've been on the run for over a year now and now we live here in a place call Bucharest.
Bucky took me in his arms and made soft cooing sounds as he sat down on my bed with my head lying over his heart and his arms wrapped around me protectively. Ever since Bucky found me, I looked up to him as my hero because he saved me from the bad men, he was also very strong and brave, and kind, and he always did whatever it took to protect us. He'd try to give me a good life while we hid from anyone who may appear as a threat to us.
"I know kid, I know. I always ask myself that every day too".
"You do?" I asked as I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
"Of course," he gently wiped away a few of my tears and continued, "Listen, sometimes in life things happen to people, many different kinds of people. Sometimes they get good things, sometimes they get bad, you and I unfortunately got some of the bad things. But there's always a chance for something good to happen in the darkness".
"Like what?" I questioned.
"Well look at us right here, two misfits trying to make it out in the world". He then started tickling me making me squirm and giggle as I tried to get away from his tickly fingers which made him smile warmly down at me. When he finally stopped he stroked my hair away from my eyes and said again, "I promise, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make sure no one tries to take you back to that god awful hellhole. Okay?" I nodded and kissed his cheek and hugged him as I said.
"I love you Bucky".
"And I love you too (y/n), now what do you say we get you cleaned up and changed into something else and you can stay with me in my room tonight?" I nodded then he picked me up out of my bed and took me into the small bathroom just a few doors down the hallway. 
Bucky cleaned me up and once I was done, he got me into a new nightshirt and carried me to his room and tucked me in. 
"There we go, comfy?" I nodded then Bucky got under the covers with me and brought me close to him and I nuzzled underneath his chin and I fell back to sleep almost immediately.
As Bucky looked down at me sleeping, he kissed my head and thought to himself that he wasn't going to allow anyone to take me away from him and damage me up like the bad people did to him. He had lived over 75 years of torture and brainwashing that he took orders like a mindless zombie, and just three years ago he sees after his recent mission a small 2 year old being experimented on and forced to do unspeakable acts that she doesn't even understand how or why she has these powers.
Bucky saw me as this little ray of innocence in his life because whenever he would see me, he got this warm and fuzzy feeling in his stone cold heart that HYDRA forced him to have. When he got me out, he vowed that he wasn't going to let my innocence be taken away just like they did to him, I wasn't going to grow up to serve them and be their monstrous puppet, instead he was going to give me my best chance by him raising me and protecting me from any threats that came near us. With that last thought, Bucky fell asleep holding me closer into his arms.
The next morning, Bucky and I went to town to pick up some food. We were at the fruits cart and as Bucky was speaking to the woman in Romanian about the plums, I took notice of the toy cart just nearby.
"The toy cart!" I released Bucky's hand and ran towards the toy cart and looked at all the many, many beautiful toys the cart was showing. My eyes soon caught onto a beautiful white bunny in a waistcoat. I walked up to the bunny and stroked its soft material. I felt Bucky walk up behind me and he crouched down beside me as I said, "wouldn't he make a lovely guest for our tea parties Bucky? May I have him, please?" I said to him as I held the bunny in my arms. Bucky smiled softly at me and then said to the old gypsy woman who was running the cart.
"Excuse me, how much for the rabbit?"
"That cost 23.93 RON". Said the old gypsy lady. Bucky went through his pockets and counted the remaining money he had left after buying the supplies. He softly chuckled and said, 
"Would you take it for 8 RON's it's—all I have".
"Ahh you are good father, hmm? Your last RON's for your little girl's happiness, huh?" Bucky went to give the gypsy woman the remaining amount of money he had as he said thank you to her but the gypsy woman said, "oh I did not say I accept, alas I cannot take less than 23.93 Ron's. The economy, you understand?" The bunny was then roughly taken away from me and the gypsy woman eyed Bucky greedily. The crowd around the toy cart started to get a little bit crowded as some people were even stating impatiently for us to get out of the way and move on.
"It's okay Bucky, come on, people are waiting". I stated not wanting to cause any more trouble. Bucky looked down then held out his hand as he demanded.
"I will not take no for an answer!"
"Bucky please, I don't need it". I stated trying to hold him back by holding onto his metal arm from starting a fight. Bucky continued to stare down the woman but he soon gave up as he said.
"Come on (y/n), let's go home". He picked me up and we left the town square and headed back to our small apartment.
When we got back to the apartment, we unpacked the supplies and once that was done, Bucky disappeared into his room. I knew that whenever Bucky was shut up in his room, he told me to just leave him be because he says he's still trying to remember who he is and he needs absolute quiet as he writes stuff down in a journal and try to remember stuff from his past.
So in that time I quietly set up my own tea party and placed down my two pillows and wrapped my blanket around one of them and placed my cap on another and pretended they were my guests for my tea party. As I quietly talked with them thinking that Bucky was still in his room, Bucky soon came into my room with something behind his back. He sat down before my tea table and said.
"I know it's not the same as what you wanted earlier, but I—I went ahead and made you this". He then revealed a stuffed bunny he made himself. This bunny's eyes were made of two different sized buttons, a yellow and green patch formed different shapes on the face to cover up the holes on the bunny's face. Its waistcoat was sewn together by different types of cloths and rags.
Sure it wasn't as neat as the one the toy cart had but Bucky went out of his way to make it just for me and I loved every bit of it.
"I love it Bucky, thank you". I said in adoration for his try at making me a friend. Bucky smiled lovingly at me then asked if he could join in on the tea party which I happily invited him to join in on. As we had our tea, Bucky suddenly turned around almost like he heard someone coming in the house. "Bucky?"
"Shhh!" He shushed me and kept listening for the faintest sound coming in from the next room. I also began sensing someone else in the room for I could feel another blood flow other than Bucky's and mine. Bucky grabbed me and he said sternly, "stay behind me, and don't leave my side okay?" I nodded then we both walked out of my room slowly and silently until we stood just a few feet behind the figure that was in our house. When he turned around, the person that was in our house was Captain America.
Bucky has always talked about him in his sleep and I always see his name being written down on any strand of paper that he could find, I began to piece that maybe Bucky knew him personally long ago since he told me that he was originally from the 1940's a long, long, long time ago.
"Do you know me?" Captain America asked Bucky.
"Your name is Steve, I read about you at the museum". Stated Bucky.
"I know you're nervous. And you have plenty of reason to be".
"I wasn't in Vienna, I don't do that anymore".
"Well the people who think you did are coming here now. And they don't plan on taking you alive".
"That's smart. Good strategy". I looked up at Bucky confused. Why was he saying yes to that idea of being hurt like that? What was going on? And why is Captain America here saying all of this stuff to Bucky?
"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck".
"It always ends in a fight".
"You pulled me from the river, why?" Bucky removed his glove revealing his metal hand and he said to Steve.
"I don't know".
"Yes, you do". Suddenly the door was knocked down and guns were firing. I screamed as I ducked down and tried to hide myself. Bucky went full on defensive as he blocked the bullets with his metal hand, then used his human hand to knock out any oncoming enemy. As Bucky continued to fight off the cops who were firing at him then Captain America said.
"Bucky wait! This doesn't have to be this way!" Next thing I saw was Bucky pushing Steve against a cop that was coming in through the window and soon Bucky was pinning Captain America on the ground.
"I'm not going to kill anyone, not in front of her" he muttered before he punched the floorboards and took out our two backpacks. He handed me mine and I quickly stuffed my newly given bunny into my backpack and Bucky knelt down in front of me. "Hold on tightly and stay low". I nodded then I got onto his back and he ran outside our apartment.
Punching and twisting his way through the path of multiple cops, whenever the cops took notice of me and tried to fire at me, Bucky protected me and did away with the cops with their guns. When we finally got free, he got to a good balcony and tossed his backpack towards another building just below us and it successfully landed on the roof of the building.
Bucky then set me down but then picked me up and held me close to his chest.
"Don't look, keep holding onto me okay. I won't let go okay". I nodded and buried my face into Bucky's neck before I felt him take a running start and I soon felt us flying in air. Bucky tucked me in as he rolled on the rooftop of the other building so that I wouldn't take the hit. He rolled over a few times before landing on his back with me huddled close to his chest. "You okay?"
"Uh-huh" I nodded softly. Bucky stroked my hair away from my face and said in relief.
"That's good, thank god". He leaned in and kissed my forehead.
"Bucky, why are they after us? What did we do?"
"It's more like what I've done, but it doesn't matter now, we need to leave, go back underground and find somewhere else to lay low, so just stay close to me and try to refrain using your powers, okay?"
"Okay". He stood up and picked me up then ran and picked up his backpack. As I held onto him I suddenly saw someone coming towards us. I exclaimed out Bucky's name and next thing I knew, the two of us were flying and I skidded hard along the roof. When I brushed my hair away I saw someone in a cat-like suit with very sharp claws coming out from his fingers and his eyes narrowed at Bucky.
The two of them soon broke out into a fight. The cat-man kicked and tried to scratch Bucky, every now and then his claws would get his shirt but Bucky fought hard to try and defend himself but he was soon knocked onto his back with only a pipe to protect him. The cat-man broke the pipe into pieces and Bucky tried with all his strength to hold back cat-man's claws from scratching his face. I know I had promised Bucky but if I don't do anything he could get hurt.
I took a deep breath in and softly breathed out then I raised my hands and waved them into positions like the bad people taught me how to move my hands and fingers and soon cat-man's hands began to retract backwards as he screamed in pain. I then threw him off of Bucky just as I began to hear shooting from above. I turned my attention towards the people on the giant helicopter and focused my energy on their blood, mostly the one behind the gun.
I could hear their screams as the helicopter soon span out of control and Bucky picked me up and jumped off the roof and took off running with me on his back once again.
"What did I tell you about using your powers!?" Bucky snapped. I lowered my head shamefully and whimpered.
"I'm sorry Bucky, but they were going to hurt you!" Bucky took a deep sigh and said.
"I'm sorry I snapped, okay. But please, don't use your powers in front of these guys, they're only after me, not you. Not if they think you're still normal, okay". I nodded into his neck as Bucky kept running from the Cat-man as well as Captain America.
He then saw a guy on a motorcycle coming right towards us so Bucky told me.
"Get off for a second," I hopped down then Bucky stopped the motorcycle and threw the guy off and skillfully got on himself. "Get on!" He shouted at me as he revved the engine. I quickly hopped on and off we rode down the street with sirens chasing after us.
As Bucky drove on, I turned to see Cat-man coming towards us running super fast as well as lots and lots of police cars chasing after us. I turned to Bucky and said.
"They're coming closer!"
"Alright, hang on!" He revved the engine faster and swerved the motorcycle sharply to dodge the police. But Cat-man soon caught up and gripped onto Bucky's shoulder but Bucky held him up against the tunnel wall and then threw him off. We soon saw someone flying towards us with metal wings and as we reached the end of the tunnel, Bucky tossed a bomb onto the ceiling of the tunnel making it collapse and close off. Suddenly cat-man appeared again and gripped onto the back tire of the motorcycle sending us flying onto the street.
I ended up hitting my head against the pavement so hard that my vision was starting to go fuzzy. I barely caught onto what happened except cops surrounding us, two metal men coming down and voices going in and out. Before I blacked out, I felt someone pick me up and I heard Bucky screaming out my name.
When I awoke, I felt my arms were raised up on either side of me and my hands were encased in strong metal and my feet were chained up so that I couldn't blood bend anyone. I felt something around my neck like a collar and saw a leash attached to my collar. I looked up to see a man standing before my cell. He wore glasses and had short brown hair that was combed neatly over the top of his head.
"You're awake, good, good. I was beginning to wonder if you were still alive to being with". I stared at him and muttered.
"Who are you?"
"I am here to analyze you along with Mr. Barnes".
"Where is Bucky?"
"He is safe, now answer me this, did Mr. Barnes kidnap you from your home?" I felt like I shouldn't answer these questions something deep I my gut was telling me that this man was bad news. His accent was almost similar to the people who kidnapped me when I was a baby. "Miss (l/n) I can't help you if you don't answer my questions, did Mr. Barnes kidnap you from your home?"
"No". I bluntly stated.
"How did you meet Mr. Barnes then if he did not kidnap you?"
"He saved me, from the bad men".
"Who are the bad men?" I glared at him refusing to answer when I suddenly felt a shock surge through my neck. I cried out then when it stopped I lowered my head and panted. "I didn't want to resort to using this method but everytime you give me sass or refuse to answer my questions, you will receive a little shock, now let's start again, shall we?" I slowly raised my head up to look at him.
As he talked to me, asking me random questions about who I was, what my powers were and how I got them, and each time I didn't answer not wanting to relive the memories of the hurting that I had caused people, some good people too, the shocks I received each time were more powerful than the last.
"Last question, based on your powers and what you've done. Are you known as The Puppet Master?" My eyes widened. I haven't been called that since I was with the bad men. They would always call me their little puppet master due to my blood bending. I hated being called that name and when I didn't answer I received the most painful shock for not responding to his question.
I screamed in agony until I cried out 
"Yes!" When it was left to lay there limp, the man smirked evilly and he said.
"Excellent, the soldat and I will retrieve you whenever his mission is complete". I looked up at him and said.
"You're with them. The bad men. You leave Bucky alone! He doesn't want this! Leave him alone! No!!!" I tried to free my hands so that I could bend this guy in so many different ways that he won't be able to even blink without feeling pain. But due to my bonds, I couldn't even move. He walked away but not before turning the knob all the way over and sending shocks over my entire body but this time they didn't stop.
I was left there to scream in agony.
*Time skip to the warehouse scene*
"Hey Cap!" Sam called out. Steve walked forward to see Bucky trapped with a device holding his metal arm and starting to wake up after the whole Winter Soldier phase.
"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Bucky looked at Steve then said hoarsely.
"Your mom's name was Sarah, you used to wear newspapers in your shoes".
"You don't read that in a museum".
"So that's it? We're supposed to be cool now?" questioned Sam.
"Sam, he wouldn't say that if it wasn't really him".
"I didn't—I didn't kill anyone did I?"
"No, who was that guy that was with you? Do you know him?" asked Steve.
"No I've never seen him before, but he knew how to bring out the Winter soldier. All he had to say was the goddamn words".
"And Vienna? Was it really you?"
"No, I already told you I wasn't there and that I don't do that anymore".
"And I believe you, do you know how could've done it to frame you?"
"What do you mean?" asked Sam.
"Because I'm not the only Winter Soldier. Hydra created the same serum used on me and got multiple volunteers. All highly trained in hand-to-hand combat, they can speak 30 different languages, blend anywhere around the world, and can take down a whole country within 24 hours, you'd never see it coming". Steve and Sam looked at each other nervously then Steve had to ask.
"Okay, one more thing before we move on. What about the kid? How does she fit into all this?"
"Oh god, please tell me she's alright? Does the government know about her?"
"Hold on Buck, tell me who she is?"
"Hydra wanted to create a weapon. More dangerous than the Winter Soldier and one that no one would ever suspect. A torture device. Sure they could've kept using machinery but it was getting too old even for them, so they decided to go with an innocent. Like a child. She told me that Hydra killed her grandparents in front of her when she was just 2 years old and then they took her. They experimented on her until she could do what they wanted. They called her "The Puppet Master" because her blood-bending, controlling the life of another body. It may look like someone is having a seizure or even very skilled in contortion but it's her. She was used to be Hydra's favorite torture device. To get out any information they wanted by forcing her to control their prisoner's body by using their blood. I was awake when she was given to Pierce at the time 2 years ago, after the events of DC and I started remembering somethings from my past, I just had to get her out of there".
"So you took her from Hydra?" asked Steve.
"Yes, I promised that I wouldn't allow anyone to use her as a weapon again. She's just a kid and I couldn't allow her to lose her innocence and end up like me. A monster". Sam walked up to Steve and whispered.
"This would've been a lot easier a week ago".
"If we call Tony—"
"He won't believe us".
"Even if he did—"
"Who knows if the accords will let him help?"
"We're on our own".
"Maybe not, I know a guy". The two men looked at each other and Steve said.
"I'll call Sharon and tell her to bring the girl along with our things". Steve walked up to Bucky and continued, "don't worry Buck, we'll get to her before anyone else does". Bucky lowered his head and smiled softly thanking God that he was going to get his (y/n) back.
*Back in my cell*
I don't know how long I was there for, I don't know what day it was or why I wasn't moving. I could still feel something zapping me until it suddenly stopped and I was dropped like a ragdoll onto the floor of my cell. I then felt arms wrap around me and feel for a very weak pulse.
When I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a moving car and a woman with blonde hair was driving the car. I moaned and tried to sit up but she reached over and stroked my cheek with the gentlest touch even more gentle than Bucky's and her voice whispered softly.
"Shhh, shh, don't get up so fast now. It's alright, I'm here to help". I then felt something cold being placed in my hands and the woman said again "take little sips now, don't want you choking". I slowly raised the drink to my lips and the water filled my mouth and soothed my dry throat from all the screaming I did.
When we stopped, the woman got out and I saw her talking to Captain America and she gestured to me and they both turned towards me. I nervously shook then the door opened and Steve knelt down in front of me.
"(Y/n) right?" I nodded as I clung onto my water then he said with a soft smile, "don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. I've got Bucky in car behind us if you want me to take you to him". My eyes widened at the sound of Bucky's name. "Do you want to see him?" I nodded shyly then he picked me up in his arms and took me to the next car.
In the backseat I saw Bucky and when he saw me, his eyes widened and he tried to move around in his seat but thanks to bird-man from earlier with his seat pulled against Bucky's legs he couldn't quite move around as much. But when Steve told him with his silent gestures to move up his seat, Bird-man reluctantly moved his seat up a little bit allowing Bucky to open the door and Steve handed me over to Bucky.
I hugged Bucky as tightly as I could as I cried softly.
"Bucky that man he—he's with them".
"I know, I know baby, I know". I could tell that Bucky was in pain due to looking into his big sad eyes that were filled with pain and regret. I nuzzled under his chin which made him relax and pet down my hair and kissed my forehead holding me close. Next thing I see looking out the window of the car is Captain America kissing the woman who brought me here. I tilted my head in confusion as I saw Bucky and Birdman nodding softly while grinning at Steve after the woman left.
After getting Steve's and Sam's (now that I knew Birdman's name) we headed to the airport garage to meet up with some other members of our Team. Steve had called in Hawkeye, a girl named Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, and they also took a man named Scott Lang who was known as Ant-Man. While Scott was going crazy over the rest of the Avengers, I slipped from Bucky's grip and walked up to Wanda. Once I got up to her and she took notice of me, she knelt down and I said shyly.
"You're pretty".
"Thank you, you're pretty too you know". She said to me with a soft smile. "What's your name?"
"Nice to meet you (y/n), in case Steve didn't mention it my name is Wanda". She held out her hand and I took it and we both shook hands.
"What powers do you have?" I asked.
"Watch this," she then gently waved her fingers around and red magic came out and I stared at it in awe. "I can lift things with my mind and I can also read other people's thoughts and dreams".
"Wow, that's cool".
"Not always, people sometimes fear my power for what I can do"."I know, people call me a monster because of what I can do, I hurt people a lot and I don't mean to, but the bad men forced me to". Wanda looked at me sadly but before we could exchange another conversation the alarms went off and Bucky said.
"They're evacuating the airport".
"Suit up" said Steve.I was currently with Bucky and Sam in the airport and Sam said as he was controlling his 'Redwing'.
"We got it, the quinjet's in hanger five, North runway" Sam told Steve through our communicators. Bucky looked down at me and he said.
"Remember what we talked about". I nodded remembering exactly what he said just before we started this plan.
As the team prepared and got into position, Bucky held me back and he said.
"(Y/n), I need to talk to you about something". I nodded then he continued, "now we're going to be facing a lot of tough people okay, and you know what we said about your powers".
"Don't use them?"
"Well here's where the deal takes a turn, you're gonna have to use your powers this time, but not to kill, I want you to only use them to defend either yourself or anyone of us that's in serious trouble, okay?"
"Okay Bucky, but why are we fighting against Tony Stark? I thought he was a good guy like us?" Bucky didn't answer that question but just carried me as he followed behind Sam towards the airport.
*End flashback*
Soon Sam, Bucky and I started running across the empty airport when something landed on the window with a thump and Bucky asked.
"What the hell was that?"
"Everyone's got a gimmick now" Sam groaned. Then the next thing I knew, glass shattered and Sam was knocked to the side and Bucky threw a punch towards him with his metal arm but surprisingly the figure caught it like it was nothing.
"You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!" Said the new guy as he slowly moved Bucky's arm Sam then tackled the new guy and flew him in the air as I heard the new guy exclaim out, "you have the right to remain silent!" Sam and the new guy kept flying around each other trying to bring the other one down that's when Bucky picked up a huge billboard and threw it towards the stranger but the stranger managed to dodge it without even looking back. "Hey buddy I think you lost this!" He then threw it at Bucky who was hiding behind one of the airport pillars.
I then came into action before the new guy could start swinging again, he cried out in pain and said.
"What the? Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's like my brain as mind of its own! Ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!!!" I made him fall to the ground and swung him from side to side and made him stand straight up and still while Sam came behind him and kicked him in the back. But the new guy managed to get away from Sam and webbed his wings causing him to fall towards the ground. I acted fast and stopped Sam from falling to the ground and hurting himself.
As gently as I could, I set Sam back down and he looked at me and nodded in thanks but it was shortly lived as he was soon pinned by his hands and I by my waist against the railing in what looked like to be spider webs. It was then Sam and the new guy started talking in science-tongue that I didn't quite understand that's when the new guy turned to me and said.
"It was you who was controlling me earlier, wasn't it?"
"Sam is right, you do talk a lot". I stated not wanting to answer.
"Your right, and I really hate to do this especially to a kid, but Mr. Stark said to do whatever it takes to stop anyone who wasn't on our side". The new guy then came swinging down towards me but Bucky came in front of me and soon the three of us came falling down towards the ground and soon Bucky's metal hand was trapped in the same webbing as me and Sam were in now in more webbings to keep us pinned to the ground. "Guys look I'd love to keep this up, but I've only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark so, I'm really sorry" before he could fire more webbing at us, Redwing caught him and sent the kid flying out of the airport.
"You couldn't have done that earlier?" asked Bucky.
"I hate you" Sam grumbled.
"That's not nice Sam say you're sorry" I stated as I tried to squirm out of my webbing imprisonment.
"Alright, I'm sorry".
"It's fine". Bucky stated.
"Hey kid, with that blood bending of yours do you think you could dehydrate these webbings?"
"I've only worked with blood, they never trained me to do anything else, not even water".
"But blood is 92% water, and if these webbings are like any other spider web they absorb water, so this should be second nature to you". Sam stated.
"I don't know if I can".
"Just try it sweetheart". Said Bucky as he turned to me. I looked at him and said nervously.
"I'll try". I got a good grip of the webbing as best as I could and took a deep breath in then exhaled out. I could then feel the webs drying up and soon they snapped and I was free. I gasped and turned to Bucky and Sam who were looking at me proudly.
"I knew you could do it" said Bucky. I then walked up to them and freed Bucky's hand then moved onto Sam and got the webbing off of him.
"Alright let's get moving, we have to meet up with Cap and the others and get onto the quinjet" Sam stated then the three of us ran out of the airport.
As we met up with the rest of our team and raced towards the Quinjet, a beam suddenly shot out and stopped us just a few feet from the hanger where our escape was. It was then Tony Stark and the rest of his team stood in front of us and Sam asked.
"What do we do Captain?"
"We fight". Steve stated firmly. Both our sides slowly walked towards each other, then trotted and then a full on run until our battle began.Captain America vs. Iron Man, Bucky vs. Black Panther (I found out the names of Team Iron Man from Steve a little bit ago), War Machine vs. Falcon, Black Widow vs. Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch vs. Spiderman, Ant-Man vs. Vision and I helped along anyone of my teammates that needed serious help.
Punches were thrown, guns fired, objects were flying, and groans and grunts were made as one person was being beaten. As I saw Bucky and Black Panther in a tug of war of strength I heard Bucky say to him.
"I didn't kill your father".
"Then why did you run?!" Black Panther snarled then he punched Bucky and threw him across the field and just before he could kick Bucky in the face, I used my blood bending to bend back his leg making him scream and then I threw him away from Bucky. Black Panther narrowed his eyes at me then ran towards me but Bucky tackled him to the ground like a protective dog and snarled at him.
"You even lay a claw on her and you'll be sorry!" Black Panther kicked Bucky off him and just before he could charge at me again, I used my bending on him to make him stop dead in his tracks. Though I was controlling him, he was still slowly moving towards me trying to fight off my bending which no one has ever done before.
"Bucky is telling the truth! The day of the bombing he was with me comforting me after a bad dream".
"Why waste yourself protecting him child? Do you know who he is?"
"The question is—do you know who I am?" I snarled as I twisted my hands around forcing the Black Panther to rise and bend before I forced him down on his knees but suddenly a loud sound was surrounding me. I screamed as I couldn't take the piercing sound any longer and then I was scratched across my arm badly by Black Panther. I ended up hitting several cargo boxes as blood seeped out of my arm. Before I could even defend myself from Black Panther coming towards me again, Steve kicked Black Panther across the field then he ran up to me and said.
"(Y/n)? You okay kid? Here, here let me see". He gently held my arm and quickly took out a roll of cloth and wrapped it around my arm. I hissed in pain and he asked me, "you okay? It's not too tight is it?"
"No, no it's fine, I've been through worse". Bucky then came over to me and he saw the scars bleeding through the cloth and he turned away regretfully. "Bucky?"
"You're done".
"What? No Bucky I want to keep protecting you!"
"No, don't you get it, he will fight to kill and he almost did! Look at your arm (y/n)!" I sadly looked down at it then Bucky stated regretfully, "You need to get down and stay low, hide and get as far as you can from here. If they catch you when this is all over I don't know what I would do, you need to hide (y/n). I'll find you when this is all over, I promise". He placed his normal hand gently on my cheek and I stared at him with teary eyes.
'Cap he's right. You guys need to get to the quinjet, none of us are going anywhere' said Clint through our comms.
'I agree, we need a diversion. Something Big!' stated Sam.
'I've got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell and if I'm tear myself in half, you don't come back' said Scott.
"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Bucky questioned. Next thing we saw was Scott growing super tall almost giant size. With the diversion in play, Steve and Bucky took off running leaving me to stand helplessly watching them run towards the quinjet.
I took notice of Black Panther trying to follow them so I decided that I was done playing the helpless little girl card. I was going to follow them whether Bucky liked it or not, he needs me to protect him from the bad guys just like I've always needed him. He says he's trying to protect me from losing my innocence, but sadly I lost all childhood innocence when the bad men took me from my grandparent's home.
I raced after Black Panther towards the garage and saw the building was just about to collapse, I managed to blood bend myself far from the rubble and hid in the shadows waiting for the perfect move. Steve and Bucky flew off successfully on the quinjet and I prayed that nothing was going to stop them as they took off flying.
When the time was right, I put my plan into action.
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Only a guide (part 1 )|| Dan Howell fanfiction
Ok… before you read this, idk if this is a good idea but whatever, i want to live my life on the edge so… here we go ! . . WARNINGS : age difference (13 years ) , swearing . . . ~Dan’s POV~ It was early May , when me and Phil acctualy decided to go to East-European ComicCon in Bucharest , as we’ve never acctualy visited Romania . One of the main reasons is because we heard that they have lots of really nice scenaries and the history of Dracula , plus they were really nice people. Me and Phil convinced a bunch of other friends of ours such as Louise, Zoë ,Alfoe,Joe and Caspar to come with us , as we didn’t acctualy knew what was going to happen next. Days pass by an before we knew we got on the plane. I was really nervous as I didn’t expect anyone to know me , and just be a stranger holding a pannel , and I never told anyone about this. “Dan, are you ok?” Phil asked, worried of my expression and deep thinking. “What happend?” “Nothing, I swear. I’m just a little tierd as it’s 4 in the morning” I said , trying to gide my emotions from my best friend. “Then go ahead and sleep"he answerd. He always wanted to help me.“I’ll wake you up when we land. I promise ” Phil smiled at me. I couldn’t stay there and not smile back, saying a little “Thank you” before I fell asleep. I felt somebody shake my shoulder, gently whispering “Dan, wake up!”. I knew it was Phil
“I’m awake, I’m awake” I shouted as loud as possible, causing everyone to wake up . ‘That’s one of the most embarrasing things of my life’ I thought to myself.
 After that experience I kept silent all night To my surprise, Bucharest was a beautiful city , with colorful flowers and ads everywhere ,pretty nice people and really , I mean REALLY good food . We had a lot of fun, and opposite of my negative thinking, people knew who I am and liked my pannel. In the last day , Phil made me a surprise and we went to ,,Dracula’s hometown”, where he ruled and stuff. But, it couldn’t be usual , Phil had to make something ,,special", so he made up a project with the best school in the whole county (he always wanted the best of everything) and he managed to ,,hire" a guide . I was scared. What in the world was he thinking? A random kid being our guide?! This was going to be… Fun… 
 ~Teo’s POV~
 It was Thursday, and I had an English Language class. Couldn’t be more exited.. we had test. There was no problem for me, as my dad was British, but ussualy , before any class , I had to tutor my classmates. It was boring, ok? We were 36 kids! I was talking to my best friend , Miru , as the teacher came in , rushing and shouting my name :
 “Teo! I was looking for !”
 ‘Oh god, what did I do? What does she want ?‘I thought, nervously sweating. 
“What happend, Miss?” I asked, trying to keep calm .
 “I need you to be a guide for some British tourists! Take one of your friends too!”
Ok… WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPEND?I needed to breathe . I could not belive my ears . ME? Miru looked at me with a stare of ‘Keep calm, everything is going to be just fine, I hope’ We got outside as the teacher was holding our hands . When I saw who it was , I shocked . Litteraly. 
The teacher introduced us to the ,,tourist" with calm . That was the only thing I hadn’t had. I was just staring at all my favorite youtubers, then at Miru, back to them, then at Miru again. I was trying to rationalise with my short,curly hair but I failed. Then I again heard the teacher saying
 “Again, those are Teodora Nicole Wimbely and Miruna Badoiu. Girls, those are Zoë, Alfie ,Joe, Caspar ,Phil and Dan . I will let you, I’m a little busy. Have fun!” 
“Hi.. everybody, I’m Teo!“I tried to say my name clearly, afraid not to make  mistakes, as english wasn’t my natal language. 
 ~Dan’s POV~
 After that crazy lady left , I was just staring at her. I analysed her blue eyes, dark, short, curly hair and small figure. Her smile was ravishing, the warmest smile I’ve seen to a stranger ever before. Or at a person in general
.‘Dan, what the fuck are you doing ? She’s only 13 ! ’ my brain tried to protest against my heart . I was confuse of what was happening . But I asked (well kind of) 
 “What are we going to do next, miss guide?”
 “I don’t know , mister tourist , what would you want to do ? Visit nice parks, or vampire graves ? ” she answerd ironicaly, looking at me and smiling.
 “Can we do both?” said Louise , really excited
 “Sure!” answerd Miru .
 ~Teo’s POV~ 
 After we got to know our route, we exited the school , while my classmates where looking at me with a trace of jealousy and regret, and I smiled at that thought. It felt wierdly good, but also terrifying. I didn’t knew how to express myself properly, as I barrely knew historical terms in english. Me and my friend were guiding them to the nearest park, which was a point of connection between objectives. We got to know them better, as we were practically strangers to them. We tried our best to not look wierd or to lol at everything that reminded me of school or the memes I was watching during the brakes. We talked with them on lots of diffrent subjects , even some political ones , but I already felt confortable with the group . I couldn’t help but notice that Dan was strangely looking at me from time to time, which caused my worrying. Phil was looking at Miru in the exact same way, but she didn’t notice. It was wierd. When we got to the park, I explained them a little bit of the activities, traditions and habbits of ours until I got interupted:
 “…And we do this every year before Chris-”
 *ring* *ring*
 It was Phil’s phone that was ringing loudly
 “It’s mine ! I’m sooo sorry but I have to answer this!” he said , answering the phone.
 “No problem!” I say, being a little bit deranged but understandable.
 “Anyway, we do this every year before Christmas or before Saint Nicholas” I continue.
 “So sweet of you!” said Zoe.
 “We don’t have such things in bloddy London… I regret it” said Dan with sarcasam , making everyone laugh until he heard a crash and Phil screaming. He fell.
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