#taehyung scnearios
httpjeon · 4 years
[ᴛᴇᴀsᴇʀ] sᴇʜᴇʙᴏɴ — ᴋᴛʜ (ᴍ.)
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taehyung/reader | angst, fluff, smut | alien!au | 16.5k
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synopsis: you find yourself on izo huen, home to the sehebon. luckily for you, you’ve arrived at an interesting time.
contents: Huge Dick Tae, cocky!tae, soft!tae, protective!tae, lowkey possessive!tae, human!kink, slight harrassment, dom/sub themes, size kink, size difference, sensitivity kink?, orgasm kink?, cunt slapping, breath play, dry humping, cunnilingus, fingering, cumflation, belly bulging, lowkey consent kink, unrealistic sex but it’s aliens what do u expect, lots of mention of humanity
note: tae just wants to learn human things ): honestly i was so soft for this tae i adore him !!! seriously dude the dirty talk in this is FILTHY idk what happens when i write for tae but i turn into a whore
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preview:  "Um thanks for walking me home," you said, shrugging your shoulders self-consciously as his eyes scanned over your body.
"It was my pleasure," he leaned closer to you, "Hey, why don't you come to the celebration in a couple days, hm?"
"You mean the fighting?" you asked, feeling uneasy at the invitation. He nodded eagerly, eyes bright in excitement, "Taehyung, I do understand it's an important practice for you...it's your culture. But humans and Earth...it's punishable to kill someone. It's against the law. We find the concept of death scary...you know?"
His head cocked to the side, brows furrowed and the excitement in his eyes gone, "You're scared to die? And you don't like to see others die?"
"Exactly, it's...it's a very negative thing for humans," you attempted to explain while trying not to upset him.
"You know being invited to a fight is a very special thing," he muttered with a frown, leaning close to you so his nose was touching yours. Your eyes grew wide at the fire burning in his eyes and you swallowed nervously, "It's very offensive to reject an invitation to a fight. I want to show you how good I am, how well I can fight. I want you to be proud of me. Impressed by me."
Your mouth grew dry at his words and the way he uttered them, deep voice dark and no hint of the gentleness he had spoken with before. You attempted to move back but found your back pressed against the door. He loomed over you, leaning on his forearms above your head ― caging you in. Strangely, the only thing you could think of was how good he smelled; like the fruits you'd eaten a couple days ago.
"I-I'm sorry, Taehyung," you whispered, licking your lips in an effort to rid yourself of your nerves, "I just...Y-You don't need to kill someone t-to impress me, you know?"
"Then how can I?" he squinted, "I find you fascinating. A cute little human girl, smart and charming. I want to...what is it you humans call it...court you?"
You wanted to smile at the sound of the outdated term he used. But it was stopped by his confession, of what he thought of you.
"W-Well...you're trying to court a human girl..." you spoke slowly, meeting his eyes in faux confidence even though your heart was beating a mile a minute, "Why don't you try...a human method?"
"A human method," he gnawed on the inside of his cheek ― apparently a habit he had while thinking, "What are human methods?"
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coming soon — january 26, 2020 11:30PM EST
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smuttyassholes · 4 years
BTS reaction to you blushing after they kissed your neck?
Hoseok : *Not expecting you to react that way, he'd laugh while playfully nudging you as you’re hiding your face in your hands, then reassuringly rubs your lower back*
“You don’t have to be so nervous.”
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Namjoon : *Amused by your shy reaction, he’d tilt your chin up and meet your gaze with hungry eyes, placing a sweet kiss on your lips*
“You’re so cute when you blush, baby girl. Don’t hide...”
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Yoongi : *Smiles warmly and gazes down at your lips, tempted to turn the sweet, short kiss into something else*
“I wonder what else will make you blush.”
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Taehyung : *Carelessly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close against him to feel his growing excitement*
“Let’s take this somewhere private, what do you say?” 
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Jungkook : *Passionately kisses your neck again, feeling himself become aroused and impatient, but immediately tries to hide it since you two are not alone*
“Which flavor do you want?”
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Jimin : *He’d tease you with a smirk before slowly making his way back down to your neck, softly brushing his lips against the same area that made you flustered*
“Don’t tell me it’s that easy?”
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Jin : *Becomes flustered with you, laughing awkwardly, and acting like he doesn’t understand why you reacted that way*
“Why are you blushing suddenly?"
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btsloser · 4 years
jungkook: guys there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
jin, on the bottom bunk: honestly fuck you.
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missdreamshade · 3 years
Aerin didn’t know what to make out of this.
She didn’t understand what was going on but there was one thing that she found to be odd. It was the way Taehyung spoke to her and even looked at her. His slightly pitched voice whenever he spoke to her... The way his eyes softened when he looked at her and how he cooed at the things she did.
In a way it was as if he was speaking to someone who was lesser than him, someone who was below him. He hovered over her and looked down at her as if she was a child.
But no, this was more extreme. It was as if he treated her like a pet. He even talked about ‘his rules’ ‘lessons’ and ‘punishments’ as if that was a normal thing between two people.
Aerin sat down at the table. “Thank you, that’s really nice of you...” She stared down at the plate. Truth be told, she had zero appetite, but she was scared of what he’d to if she didn’t eat, so she took a bite of her food. “It’s delicious...”
She didn’t say anything as she tried her best to clear her plate. “S-so uhm... I had a lot of fun but I should go to work today, so, I..”
“You’re very welcome. Eat up, you must be starving.”
He happily popped some food into his mouth after the words left his lips. It felt so good to have her back with him - by his side. Whether she truly remembers him or not.
But the man’s fork suddenly dropped out of his hand and onto the plate, hitting the glass with an obnoxious clank. The aura around them quickly turned suffocating.
“Work,” he repeated with a disbelieving chuckle, “You want to go back to work? Sweetheart, I don’t fucking think so. You’re not leaving me again. Not ever.”
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firebettercallnct · 4 years
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❥ stole your shirt
jungkook x reader
part nine
rules for tags:
1. only via ask please don't send me messages or ask under the posts because i get lost and confused :(
2. send the date (ex. tag me in sys 19/5/20) because i get confused and don't know if i've already tagged you
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bts-scenarios-br · 3 years
Scenario - Ele durante o parto do seu filho.
Tentaria ser o mais produtivo possível, fazendo tudo o que pudesse para te ajudar.
Por mais que estivesse nervoso (e ele estava), ele não deixaria esse sentimento aparecer, fingindo estar tranquilo para não te deixar mais agitada.
Se visse que estava ficando muito ansiosa, começaria a conversar com você para se distrair (e seu principal método seria com piadas, mesmo que fosse só para te deixar irritada com ele - pelo menos estaria te distraindo)
Na hora do parto em si, ele ficaria do seu lado segurando firme a sua mão e fazendo um leve carinho nos seus cabelos.
Ele se derreteria completamente assim que visse o bebê, mas deixaria que você o segurasse primeiro, ficando com um braço nos seus ombros enquanto observava a criança no seu colo.
“Nós fizemos um ótimo trabalho, jagiya. Ele é lindo, igual a gente.” Diria, te fazendo rir fraco. “Mas está só começando, e eu não vejo a hora de começarmos a ser pais para valer.”
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Ele tentaria ao máximo possível te deixar calma enquanto esperavam o momento certo, fosse conversando com você, indo buscar algo para comer, ou apenas te fazendo companhia em silêncio.
Acabaria levando bronca dos seus familiares por não ficar os informando de como está assim como tinham combinado.
Ele ignoraria todas as vezes que você dissesse para ele dormir um pouco, dizendo que preferia ficar acordado para garantir que você estava bem.
Durante o parto ele iria ficar do lado do médico, mas sem tirar os olhos de você, querendo ver se você estava bem, mas também estar perto do filho quando ele nascesse.
Ele mesmo levaria o bebê para você, grudando os olhos nos dele e não demorando muito para se emocionar com a visão do pequeno.
“Ele é a sua cara.” Ele diria, te entregando o pequeno embrulho para você com cuidado e sorrindo. “Espero que seja uma pessoa tão boa quanto você, também."
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O Hobi tentaria o máximo possível tentar te passar tranquilidade e felicidade enquanto vocês tivessem que esperar.
Ficaria entrando e saindo do quarto a todo momento, seja para ir falar com os amigos e família que estavam do lado de fora, ou para buscar alguma coisa que você precisasse.
Quando visse que você estava muito cansada, se sentaria do seu lado e faria carinho na sua mão enquanto conversavam baixinho.
Na hora ele não saberia nem mesmo onde ficar, e iria ficar andando de um lado para o outro, conferindo como estava sendo o parto em si e se você estava bem.
Quando vocês pegassem o bebê ele não conseguiria tirar o sorriso do rosto, tendo certeza absoluta que aquele era o momento mais feliz da vida dele.
“Eu nem acredito que ele finalmente está aqui.” Ele falou, pegando na mãozinha do bebê. “Você é muito mais bonito do que eu imaginei que seria.” Sorriria de novo, te olhando por alguns segundos. “O que faz sentido, você parece muito mais com a sua mãe do que comigo.”
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O Namjoon seria um doce com você durante todo o tempo, te perguntando se estava bem a cada dois minutos, e sempre garantindo que tinha tudo o que precisava e queria em mãos.
Ele ficaria o tempo todo ligando para os seus parentes para os informar de como você estava, além de atender as ligações dos meninos, que também queriam saber de tudo que estava acontecendo.
Ele não conseguiria esconder a felicidade que ele estava sentindo nem mesmo se tentasse, e ficaria conversando com você sobre como seriam os próximos anos, como ele achava que o bebê iria nascer, e diversas outras coisas que te fariam ter certeza que estava tendo o seu filho com a pessoa certa.
Durante o parto, ele iria ficar junto com o médico o máximo de tempo que pudesse, não querendo perder nenhum momento do nascimento do bebê.
Quando ele pegasse o pequeno em mãos, iria levar ele até você com o maior cuidado do mundo, o olhando em completo choque e sem conseguir acreditar que aquilo estava realmente acontecendo.
“Você não está nesse mundo nem há dez minutos, mas já é a melhor coisa dele.” Ele diria baixinho para o filho, e você sorriria com a situação. “Você vai ser muito amado, e eu e a sua mãe vamos cuidar muito bem de você."
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O Jimin ficaria um pouco ansioso com toda a situação, mas manteria a calma para não te deixar mais nervosa do que estava.
Ele te perguntaria se estava bem a cada pequeno sinal de desconforto que ele visse vindo de você, seja uma careta de dor, um gemido por conta de uma contração, ou apenas um suspiro cansado.
Ele ficaria tentando falar com os médicos a todo instante, querendo saber como estava a sua situação, se você ainda ia ter que esperar muito tempo, e o que ele podia fazer para te ajudar a ficar mais confortável e bem.
Durante o parto ele não sairia do seu lado, passando a mão pelos seus braços e sussurrando algumas coisas para tentar fazer com que se sentisse melhor.
Ele se emocionaria assim que visse o bebê, e o pegaria no colo para levar para você já com algumas lágrimas nos olhos, olhando encantado para o filho.
“Ele é tão pequeno.” Ele diria, passando o polegar de leve na bochecha do bebê. “É uma das coisas mais lindas que eu já vi, também, eu não consigo parar de olhar para ele.” Riria, ainda sem conseguir desgrudar os olhos do pequeno.
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O Taehyung seria a alegria em pessoa durante o tempo que tivessem que esperar, o que seria bom para você, que esqueceria todo o seu cansaço só de ver o quão feliz ele estava alí.
Ele estaria a todo momento mandando mensagens para os meninos sobre como você estava, e também indo até a sala de espera para ver os familiares e garantir que eles também estavam bem.
Ele faria tudo o que você pedisse (e o que não pedisse também) para que ficasse bem, fosse ir buscar um pouco de água, te ajudar a levantar para andar um pouco, ou mesmo só afofar o seu travesseiro.
Durante o parto, ele iria ficar junto ao médico, querendo estar do lado durante todo o processo, mas estaria sempre levantando o olhar para confirmar que você estava bem.
Quando ele pegasse o filho para te entregar, ele sentiria o coração dele disparar, achando o pequeno ser humano no colo dele a coisa mais preciosa que já tinha visto alguma vez na vida.
“Ele é perfeito, jagiya.” Diria, ainda um pouco em êxtase. “Não dá pra acreditar que isso está realmente acontecendo, nós realmente somos pais agora, e é do bebê mais lindo desse mundo.”
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A principal missão do Jungkook era garantir que você estava bem enquanto esperava, então ele mal pararia quieto no quarto, saindo de lá a todo momento que você pedisse por alguma coisa, como chamar o médico, dizer alguma coisa para a sua mãe, ou só buscar alguma coisa para beber.
Ele também iria ficar bravo sempre que visse você fazendo alguma coisa que não devia, mandando você voltar para a cama que ele mesmo resolvia seja lá o que precisasse, e quando você dissesse que queria ir ao banheiro ele nem mesmo ficaria envergonhado por ter te dado bronca à toa, se oferecendo na hora para te ajudar.
Ele iria te distrair também quando visse que estava ficando muito nervosa ou ansiosa, fosse contando alguma história engraçada ou cantando a sua música favorita.
Na hora do parto ele iria tentar ficar com o médico no começo, mas ia acabar desistindo antes mesmo do bebê nascer e iria para o seu lado, querendo te dar o maior apoio possível naquele momento.
Quando vocês finalmente pegassem o pequeno no colo, ele iria se emocionar em poucos segundos, quase entrando em transe por ver o filho no seu colo.
“Ele tem os meus olhos, não acha jagiya?” Ele perguntaria, brincando com a mãozinha do bebê, e sorriria quando você concordasse. “É tão delicado, parece que vai quebrar se eu encostar.” Você riria. “Mas você é lindo mesmo assim.” Ele diria com a voz baixa e calma, aproximando a cabeça do bebê.
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Eai gente, como vocês estão??
Então, o natal tá chegando, e queria dizer que é a minha época do ano favorita, definitivamente, e também que eu estou preparando uma coisinha para vocês entaaaao fiquem atentos aí porque logo logo nós vamos honrar essa data tão incrível que é o Natal nesse blog.
Bom era só isso que eu queria dizer, então espero que tenham gostado, e me desculpe por qualquer erro!
Até mais!!
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lovely-bangtan7 · 4 years
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Masterlist will be updated regularly // after all new posts! 
You can find my future projects and updates >> here <<
Feel free to request drabbles >> here <<
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Kim Seokjin
↳ Blooming Peonies
Genre: Fluff; drabble
Words: 3076
Warnings: none
Summary: You are visiting your friend in Seoul- South Korea and see a beautiful strager, wishing to see him again.
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 Min Yoongi
↳ Too Loud
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Drabble, Fluff, Roommate!Au
↳ News
Pairings: Yoongi x reader
Genre: Drabble, Fluff, Angst
Words: 880
↳ Backstage
Pairing: UndergroundRapper!Yoogni x Fangirll!Reader
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sex, unprotected sex, giving oral, fingering, pet names
Words: 1840
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Jung Hoseok
[Request >> here <<]
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Kim Namjoon
[Request >> here <<]
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Park Jimin
↳ Alternative
Pairings: Jimin x reader
Genre: Drabble, OneShot, Angst
Words: 471
↳ Forever
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Drabble, Fluff, Smut, Vampire!Au
Warnings: Blood, mention of Death, sex
Words: 1,6k
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Kim Taehyung
↳ The Little Mermaid And Her Human Prince {paused}
Summary: Your father, the king of the merfolk, has forbid you to come in contact with the humans. But as you see a ship with humans in need of help, you forget his rule and try to help. Unfortunately, you put yourself in danger and got saved by a beautiful human boy. Since the moment you laid your eyes on him, things have changed.
Genre: Mermaid!au; angst, fantasy, fairy tale
Warnings: Death, Monsters, mentions of blood, fighting, injuries
Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Drabbles and One Shots
↳ Happy end
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Drabble, Fluff, very slight angst
Warnings: none
Words: 1,02k
Sentences:  Don’t tell me not to worry, because I’m going to do that anyway.
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Jeon Jungkook
↳ Cold Heart
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fairy tale, Frozen!Au, IceQueen!Au, lumberjack!Jungkook; bestfriend!Jungkook, IceQueen!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood & injuries, Mentions of anxiety
Summary: You are the queen of Arendelle, turned ice cold to the public. But Jungkook knows your true nature and goes out during the coldest winter that the kingdom has ever experienced, just to save you. His bestfriend. 
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 
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Pictures are not mine, credits to owner
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kpopscenarios · 3 years
New Blog for Kpop Scenarios!!
Hi there. Long time no see. I started with tumblr a few years ago. I started a blog where I wrote scenarios for Kuroko no Basket. That blog is @knb-scenarios-gom-blog. I haven't written there for a long time but now I'm back but I want to do something slightly different. I'm gonna write scenarios for kpop groups. I will start with BTS. Feel free to ask me anything
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Kim Taehyung- Amor Fabula~Sound Of Heart (ALSO 200th POST, WEEEE)
Alrighty my friends! Let’s skip the casual talk and hop right into it! Once again this is part of the Amor Fabula Saga over on the @btswriterscorner​ blog.
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Bro...life has been kicking my ass and it’s literally killing me on the inside like wow why does Earth hate me right now?...but Ima push that aside to get this deadline done.
Let’s begin. (I felt like changing it up from ‘leggo’)
It was foreign to him. He didn’t know what it meant let alone how to feel it. He walls were so high up, they could rival the gates of heaven. No one knew why. What had hurt him to the point where he was so angry at the very idea of love, or even companionship?
You were the opposite. Not only were you in love with the idea of love, but you seemed to attract it in more ways than one. Whether from your friends, or even random strangers. Even if you had none of those things, the word just seemed to radiate off you like heat radiated off the sun.
With all that being said, make no mistake. You weren’t interested in trying to fix a broken man. You already had yourself to worry about. Who were you to try to love a man who hated the word almost as much as he seemed to hate himself? Who was he to fool himself into thinking anyone could care for him?
These are the questions that need to be answered in today’s world.
You were walking down the halls of the office building, staring down at your phone. Deleting emails required a whole other level of focus. You could barely muster an audible hello to the front desk woman who seemed to be in her own little world as well.
“Y/N! “ your work friend, Yuna rushed to your side.
“Hm?” you mumbled, looking up from your phone. You lowered the device and put it in your pocket. “What’s up?” You were on your way to the lounge room when she ran up. She looked a hot mess. Hair sticking up in strange places, sweating bullets, and you were sure she had hauled herself over traffic by foot just to tell you the news.
“It’s The chairman’s son!” she managed to get out.
“What about the chairman’s son?” You curiously raised an eyebrow. “Is he in town to tell us that we’re all trash and should be fired?”
“No, not Duke. The youngest one!”
“You mean...Taehyung? His adoptive son, right??” you raised an eyebrow, just to make sure you and her were on the same page. “The chairman has so many children I don’t even keep count.”
“Yes! He’s the new CEO!” she looked both pissed off and absolutely mortified. “ I just saw him fire Rai and Sera in front of everybody!”
“I would think you’d be excited for that. You hate them. “ You huffed, not really seeing what she was on about. “Like last week you were talking about how you wished Sera would literally get hit by a train.”
“Okay but he sent the both of them out crying! Like he was so harsh it wasn’t even funny enough for me to crack a smile.” she explained.
That was when you realized she was absolutely serious. “Wait...The chairman really stepped down?” you paused. “The original chairman, I mean. I thought he was going into-”
“Change of plans.” she knew exactly what you were going to say. “The chairman insisted. Apparently he’s an old man and all his companies need someone to watch over them while he focuses on his retirement. Taehyung was the first person to offer.”
“Yuna, are you for real?” you grabbed her shoulders. “Be serious.”
“Yes!” she nodded quickly. “Taehyung just sent an email that he’s making cuts to every department!” she looked like she was about to freak out. “I can’t get fired! I’ve worked so hard Y/N!”  She looked like she was about to cry and you didn’t like that at all.
“Yuna, calm down! I’m sure the chairman wouldn’t allow that.” you shook your head. “Just because he’s boss now doesn’t mean he can get rid of us.”
“Y/N I love your optimism but you don’t know that for sure.” Yuna looked unsure. “I mean look at us, he’s probably gonna turn this place into a warehouse and just work us all to death! I’m not some kind of puppet! WE’RE GONNA TURN INTO SLUDGE. SLUDGE DOES NOT LOOK GOOD IN HIGH HEELS.”
“Listen, Yuna. I’m not gonna let that daddy’s boy fire you or me. He’ll have to say it to my face before I let him say it to yours.” you seethed.
“Is that so?”
You and Yuna both froze in place.
‘He behind me isn’t he?’ You whispered. She slowly nodded, which made you grumble profanities under your breath. You whipped around and saw the daddy’s boy himself.
“You must be Y/N...you were always my father’s favorite.” he crossed his arms. “I can’t see why.”
“Excuse me?” you put a hand on your hip. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly how it sounds Miss. L/N. My father speaks highly of both you and your friend but from what I’ve seen, those accolades are undeserved and could very much be replaced by those who are more qualified, wouldn’t you say?”
Now you were aware of what was going on. He was trying to rile you up. It was working...but not well enough.
“Well..Mr.Kim.” you sighed, straightening out your shoulders. “ I’m sorry you feel that way.” you bowed respectfully. “I’ll make sure to do better to prove to you that I’m a worthy member of the new team you end up building...Yuna, are you coming?” you went to walk past him, Yuna on your tail.
“I think you made him mad!”
“Good, people like him are better off that way anyways. He might be the new boss but as long we we’re in the same age group, he has no power over me. Fuck his rules.”
“Y/N, you don’t know who Taehyung is do you? Like what he does?”
“Not really and I can’t say I care too much.” you scoffed. ‘Why?”
“Kim Taehyung is the current president of the Lottery division for the government.” Yuna stopped you two from walking. “You know that thing where your parents are in charge of giving you a new husband?”
“Yeah? But I haven’t spoken to my parents in 3 years...you know this.” you narrowed your eyebrows at her. Your parents were a touchy subject and you hated talking about them. “What does that have to do with the anything?”
“If your parents don’t decide...HE does.” she emphasized. “Seriously do you even watch the news?”
“No.” you shook your head. “It’s depressing and stupid.” you huffed. “I don’t exactly follow politic either.”
“Well you need to start. Police officers, corrupt politicians...they got nothing on that guy. He’s the most feared man in this government because the population depends on him. I heard he made his ex who cheated on him marry a convicted felon.”
“Then why would he take the role of CEO for a company that has nothing to do with the government?”
“...So he can see whose life he wants to ruin first...either that, or he’s planning something big and needs a time waster like working for a small company like this one.”
You didn’t flinch...at least not on the outside. Yeah you knew about the Sweep Lottery, you just hated thinking about it. You were hoping you could avoid it until the time came. Guess that plan wasn’t going to work.
It wasn’t even half a year with Taehyung as the new head of the company and everyone was already miserable! You all were being worked to the bone and you were positive a few team members had quit. 5 months of being yelled at and ridiculed for no reason other than the fact that he was your boss.
“Who does he think he is!” Yuna snapped. “And we can’t even talk to the chairman! He’s in Hawaii for the weekend.”
“He’s literally going to run what Mr. Kim had worked so hard to build into the ground. I can’t stand him!” another friend, Rina kicked back another shot of who knew what. It definitely wasn’t soju. “I swear if I was allowed to, I’d run him over.”
“You guys I don’t like this anymore than you do but-”
“YOU JERK!” You were cut off when a high-pitched scream ripped through the small restaurant. You, Rina, and Yuna all turned to the commotion. A girl was getting ready to throw a drink at someone, but not just anyone.
“Is that Taehyung?!” Rina managed to get the words out through her drunken hiccups. Rina was right, Taehyung was at the receiving end of all that commotion. He just stood there with a partially amused look on his face as the girl ran off screaming at the top of her lungs.
“How much you guys wanna bet he steals baby kittens in his freetime?” you mumbled. Taehyung must have heard your laughing because he turned towards your group. While you and Rina laughed amongst yourselves, Yuna held up her glass in a ‘cheers’ motion as she also held up the middle finger with her free hand.  He looked as if he genuinely couldn’t care less until his eyes landed on yours. All you could do was make a heartbreak motion with your hands as your turned back towards your friends. Serves him right.
As the night carried on, you and your friends carried on too. You decided you all drank enough for the night as just made time to enjoy yourselves. You couldn’t help but think of what happened earlier with Taehyung though. That girl just technically embarrassed him and he brushed it off. It made you wonder exactly what he was hiding. Or why he didn’t care.
You were now sitting at the bar by yourself. Yuna had taken Rina’s drunk ass home and you hung behind just to gather your thoughts to yourself. If Yuna was right. It just made him look like a huge jerk.
“Bet you thought that was funny, did you?”
You turned around and saw Taehyung standing behind you.
“Absolutely.” you replied honestly. “Side splittingly hilarious.” you said in monotone, lifting your drink to your lips. “Let me guess...a girlfriend of yours?”
“I don’t exactly see you here with a boyfriend.” he rolled his eyes. “Can I sit?”
“Relationships are useless in this country. Go ahead.” you sighed. “...sucks doesn’t it?” you giggled.
“Yeah.” he grumbled. “Mind if I drink?”
You figured since you weren’t at work, you could hold off on hating his guts for a while. You handed your full glass over to him. You stared at him as he took a sip of the liquor.  
“Fuck...” he groaned, running a hand through his hair. “Be honest with me, am I an asshole?”
“Yes.” you answered quickly. “A huge festering, fissuring, painfully obvious asshole.”
“Right.” he sighed, sliding the glass over to you. “Figured as such. I can set people up but can’t seem to find myself a mate.”
“Well are you looking for a wife or a baby-maker.” you scoffed, causing him to laugh. “Whatever works for you, I guess.” you shrugged. “You are the one who calls the shots. Someone else could always do it for you.”
“Don’t remind me.” he glared. “Really, don’t.” he hiccuped. “I can’t even talk to a woman without her wanting to kill me. Half the time I’m not even the one doing the Sweep.”
“Like that girl from earlier?”
“No...and she wasn’t my girlfriend either. She threw her drink at me because I appointed her sister to marry boyfriend that apparently was hers.”
“Harsh.” you laughed. “Well, you only have yourself to blame. Taking love and happiness from others must be so tiring you joked.”
You suddenly noticed a lot of people in the bar were glaring potholes into Taehyung’s head. The looks they gave you varied on the pity spectrum. It was easy to see that Taehyung wasn’t the most popular man in town. It must have gave them pleasure seeing that girl throw a drink in his face.
“Well if the people of this country know the rules on government mandated marriage, then they should know what they’re getting themselves into before hand.” he rebutted. “....I overheard you and Yuna talking. You said something about your parents.”
“And the fact that I hate them?” you questioned. “Why?”
“Just wondering why you hate them so much.” he shrugged. “If you want to talk about it.
“...I caught my l mother cheating on my father with a younger man when I was young. My mother cheated on him every week and to an extent I even found her with one of my old high school classmates.” you huffed. “My father ran off with his accountant.” you explained. “Then again they hated each other when they got together.” you laughed. “So much for a loving household. That’s just what the lottery sweep does, right?” you jumped to your feet. “Well, I’m out of here.”
“You’re leaving?” he turned to look at you.
“I don’t exactly have a reason to stay here.” you tilted your head the side.
“The bar or...something else.” he trailed off.
“...Yes.” you replied, not really telling him what you were talking about.
To say that you were surprised to see Rina blazing mad. She walked up to you, a red envelope in her hand. However she instantly went from being pissed to absolutely defeated.
“He’s done it.” she quivered in her shoes. She thrust the envelope in your hands. “Read it.” she couldn’t even look at you.
“Um...Okay?” you trailed off, growing very concerned.  “Did he fire you?”
“Even worse...just read.”
“ Rina Hiroka, the government is pleased to announce that you have been chosen from the random computer generated list of all the women in the country. You will be engaged to marry...Sung Robin by this time next year?!- Rina you’re kidding me!”
“It’s right there! I got the envelope at my door this morning!” she began to freak out. “I’m only 22! They can’t do that can they?” she asked, taking the envelope back from you.
“....I don’t know, but I’m gonna find out..” you seethed, suddenly recalling what Yuna had told you about Taehyung. “I’m gonna kill that little daddy’s boy executive.” you turned around, walking away from Rina.
“Y/N?....Where are you going!”
“To take the trash out.”
You didn’t even knock on the door before entering the office. 
“Y/N L/N what makes you think you think you can just burst into my office without knocking first?”
“What makes YOU think you can just marry off Rina like she’s a piece of meat to some random?!” you spat. 
“You don’t understand my line of work.” he casually turned back towards his computer. “Go back to work L/N.”
“Well guess what, I DO know your line of work. I understand real fucking well.” you scoffed, shutting the door behind you. “You are reeaalllly fucking sad, you know that?”
You insult caused him to stand to his feet. “What did you just say to me?”
“You heard me! YOU. ARE. SAD. Rina’s 22, she isn’t even out of college yet!” you pointed accusingly. “Yet you’re gonna marry her off? What is wrong with you old ass government creeps. Do you people get off to basically selling young women?”
“Would you be saying this is Rina wasn’t your close friend?” Taehyung laughed harshly. “Hypocrisy is a bad look on you, Y/N.”
“You’re one to talk!” you snapped. “I bet you make sure your friends end up with the girls on their dreams.” you scoffed. 
“Even if I had friends....rules are rules.”
“One, that doesn’t answer my question, and Two, has it ever occured to you that the reason you don’t have friends is because you...hm I don’t know...ruin lives?”
“Like you’re any better!” Taehyung raised his voice even louder. “I bet some of your beliefs are just as fucked up and wrong.”
“...Oh you wanna go there?” you said lowly. “We can go there if you want...I am so ready to go there.”
“Y/N, just listen to me.”
"Don't you understand what you've done!? You've ruined so many lives in the past and you can't even bear to look at yourself because you know just exactly who the hell you are! I'd rather be delusional than a monster who just takes happiness from others despite everyone...and I DO MEAN EVERYONE stating just how fucked up this stupid lotto is! You want to talk about me and my beliefs...at least my beliefs don't come with emotional baggage."
“You don’t think I know that!?” he suddenly snapped. “I know, trust me I do!”
“Then why. you let me know because I’m having trouble seeing your reasoning.” you crossed your arms.
“I do this because my lottery makes sure that infidelity, adultery, all of that bullshit is obliterated.” he responded. “Times had changed since your parent’s lotto rules. My rules establish that all forms of adultery are to be punished.”
“Oh really, adultery? Adultery! There are a lot more things to think about other than adultery.” you mocked. “Does it end there? What about abuse, what about rules that enable child protection,what about rules about the death of a spouse? Did you think about that?”
Taehyung was silent.
“Has it ever occured to you that maybe you are so cynical that the thought of other people’s free will just pisses you off?” you challenged. “You think you’re helping people but in reality you just can’t bear to realize happy marriages exist.”
“Like you’re any better than me? You think you’re so great and pure? Your squeaky clean image with your can-do-no wrong attitude, Y/N.”
“Please.” you scoffed. “If you’re trying to rile me up you’re failing miserably.” you huffed. “You know what, whatever. I’m gonna get your father, also known as the REAL chairman of this company, on the phone and see what he has to say..” you rolled your eyes, beginning to walk past him.
“Y/N wait!” The voice was pleading. It was surprising enough to make you stop. “Please....I’m sorry. But...I just don’t get it...what the hell even is love? Are people just happy? 60% of marriages ended in divorce so obviously whatever was there before...isn’t there five to ten years down the line.”
“That’s a lie.” you looked away.
“....Look at how your parent’s turned out.” he dared to say. You’re glare was harsh, if even possible at this point.
“Listen...You don’t believe in love. I get that. However, is your selfishness really a determining factor in other people’s lives? My family was broken from the beginning.”
“What I want know is why do YOU believe in love. What about this fucking word- this concept is so important to you..” he sighed, walking up to you.
“Why don’t you” you refused to look at him. “Being told who I’m supposed to end up with...tell me Taehyung...would you want that?”
“I’m not the one who has to worry about it.” he said lowly. 
“That doesn’t answer my question.” you found the wits about you to turn around to face him. “Yes or no?”
“...I can’t answer that.”
“Of course you fucking can’t. My parents hated me...they couldn’t stand me, how I was brought into the world. With all of that hate, and resentment in my heart, Love is the only thing I can turn to to keep me sane. My friends love me, my aunts and uncles love me...and yet-” you paused to laugh harshly. “Yet I can’t seek authentic love from someone else? Especially someone who I’m bound to have an ENTIRE ASS CHILD WITH. Love to me...is the closest thing I have to freedom.” you crossed your arms. “And this isn’t freedom...it’s suffocating.” 
“Well good for you...you done?” he feigned boredom, which pissed you off even more. 
“You don’t get it do you?” you said lowly. “And you never will.” you shook your head. “...You know what? I quit!” you yanked off your nametag. You threw it at him, which bounced off his head.
“Y/N! Y/N get back here!” he called after you. 
When you got into the main hallway, you grabbed your purse and made haste for the lobby. Yuna was comforting Rina at the front desk.
“Y/N? Y/N?! Where are you going?” Yuna called after you. 
“I quit.” you mumbled in response, stopping in place. “I can’t work here with him. I just can’t.” you reasoned. 
“So you’re just gonna quit? What are you gonna do?” Rina paused her sobbing session. “I hope you didn’t quit because of me.”
“It isn’t just you.” you shook your head. “It’s him, and his ways on thinking and he-”
“Is walking up right behind you.” Yuna finished. 
“What what I was gonna say, but-AAH!”
You felt something grab your arm and begin to pull you along. Taehyung was walking back in the direction of his office where you came from. 
“Hey! Let me go! This is kidnap! Who do you think you are!?” 
Just like that, you were taken back to his office. You were practically thrown into a chair. “Y’know this defeats the purpose of my quitting if I’m just gonna come right back!” you protested. “What do you want...”
“Teach me how to love.” were his only words. 
“Excuse me?” you raised an eyebrow. “Teach you.”
“Y-yes! Since I’m so heartless and cruel like you think I am so...you’re gonna show me what love is...and how to do it.” his words made you laugh.
“Y-you want me..to show you what love is.” you burst into a fit of laughter. You quickly stopped when you saw he was dead serious. “Oh...you’re being serious?”
“I never kid, Y/N.” he raised an eyebrow. “ Since you seem so intent that I’m just some broken man-”
“I never said you were broken.” you cut him off. 
“You didn’t have to...so you’re going to teach me what love is and if people can really survive with it.” 
“How exactly are we gonna get you to believe in love?”
“We’re gonna get married.”
His words almost made you choke on air. “W-wait! Me and you?! Get married?!” you widened your eyes at his literal proposal. “Hold on a second!”
“We’re gonna live together, sleep in the same bed, and do all the things you’re supposed to do in a marriage and if you can get me to fall in love...and fall hard...then ‘ll get rid of the Sweep Lottery.” 
Now you were interested, not only because you were surprised he had the power to even do that, but because of the deal he was making.
“You have a year.” he didn’t give you time to verify or deny his proposition. “Do you accept?”
“So you really expect to understand the concept of love in 12 months?” you asked honestly. 
“Fine...we’ll be married for two years.” the expression never left his face. “Do you accept?”
You had to marinate on the subject. You have to prove to Taehyung that love was real, in two years. You had to get married to this guy in order to prove a point. Were you that stubborn? Call it selfish, but you were really so desperate to go against this man to prove something. Were you ready to rub such a thing in his face.
“....Bring it on.”
(I meant to post this around 3PM...then life got in the way so you’re getting it at 4:15 as I finish typing)
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joonsjeon · 5 years
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fairy! jungkook
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bunnyylemon · 5 years
Reaction to y/n is insecure about being chubbier/bigger:(Taehyung)
Intro: ok so this is for people who are chubbier and/or bigger and taller. I kind of have a smaller waist (still have a chubby stomach but like my waist goes in) but really big hips, thighs, and boobs. I have some friends that say I have ‘the ideal thick body’ but it's still hard to always love your own body.  Everyone goes through phases where they just don’t like themselves and I just had one of those so this is mostly for me but if it applies to you too I hope you enjoy it.  Also, there is a lot of unnecessary dialogue/ content because I just like how domestic and calm it feels so sorry I go off topic a lot.  (also I try to be as gender-neutral as possible but if I made a mistake I’m sorry. Some of the compliments might seem more feminine.)
word count: 862
warning: just super fluffy  
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Taehyung had a long day at practice and had a very specific plan for what he wanted to do tonight: take a shower, eat takeout with his love, watch a show, and cuddle. You were ok with letting him do all of these things tonight with you except cuddle. You’ve been stressed out at work/school so just, in general, haven’t been feeling well and have been a little more insecure than usual.
As soon as Taehyung walked in he trapped you a tight hug. “Ahhhh Tae you’re all sweaty.” 
He laughed, “Yes I know I just got back from practice. I’ll go take a shower than can we get takeout.” 
You giggle at his enthusiasm and boxy smile, “Yes I’ll order while you’re in the shower. Do you want panda?”
“AHH! Yes! Thank you, baby, I love you so much!” he yelled as he picked you up to shake you lightly and kissing all over your face. 
“Ahh! Babe, you’re still stinky go shower,” you giggle and pinched your nose to be dramatic. 
“Ok ok,” and he disappeared into your bathroom. 
You just finished setting up at the bed and pleating the take out when he came back, His hair was still a little damp and his face lit up at the sight of your room. Seeing him happy about even the smallest things you did for him made you feel warm inside and you needed that right now. 
“Ahh, this amazing thank so much love, you’re the best. Are you ready,” he smiled at you excited to just do nothing for a little while with his favorite person. 
“Yes,” you both climbed onto the bed and dug into the dinner. After a while, you guys finally finished eating and Taehyung was ready to cuddle. Usually, you would love cuddling up with him especially on days like these but you just really really didn’t want anybody to touch your body or stomach right now. You have just been so insecure lately about your body and you can’t help it. 
“I’ll go clean up the dishes you keep watching,” thinking this is a great excuse you made your escape. 
“Ok come back soon.” He seemed a little disappointed. 
“Ahhh thank you, babe,” he smiled at you when you returned. 
“It’s no problem, I know you had a long day. I love you, babe,” and you kissed him on the cheek while getting up on the bed. You sat up straight and crossed her legs to try and avoid cuddling again. 
“Awww! No love come lay with me.”
“No, I’m fine. if I lay down I think I’ll fall asleep,” you lied and he could tell. 
“Are you avoiding me?” He pouted and eyes getting so slightly red.
Now you felt really bad knowing that he was just a bit more sensitive because of the frustrating day that he had. “No Tae it’s just that I haven’t been feeling all that well lately. I’m so sorry, I promise I’m not,” you knew you couldn’t hide it from him and it was just making him upset. “I’m so so sorry Tae,” and you leaned over to kiss his cheek. 
“Love, I’m sorry. How can I help? Does your stomach hurt?” He was still pouting a little feeling bad. 
“Umm no, I mean more like I’ve been a bit sad and insecure,” you kind of spoke quietly and unsure of yourself, regretting possibly worrying him. 
“Oh no, love! Why? What is there to be insecure about? You’re amazing and perfect baby.” 
“I’m just so umm… big I guess and squishy,” not really knowing how to say that you felt fat and insecure thinking that he deserved better. Saying it out loud to him sounded stupid but your eyes started to get watery thinking about it. 
“Ahhh! No, no baby why? Please don’t cry I’m so sorry. I love you and your body so much. Did something happen? Did someone say something because they’re wrong you’re perfect and beautiful and amazing. Y/n please I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” He pulled you close to his chest and wiped away a tear that had just begun to form. 
“No nobody did anything I’ve just been a little stressed so I’ve been feeling insecure. I’m sorry I didn’t want to go over you and tell you about this I know you’ve been having a hard time recently.”
He held your face in his palm, “Y/n please do think like this. I wanna know what you’re going through so I can help you. Don’t worry about worrying me. And love I truly do think you’re absolutely perfect. You’re so kind, caring, and selfless. I love you for that and you’re so beautiful and I honestly love that you are a little ‘squishy’ as you said,” he giggled and pinched your butt. 
“Hey!” You looked out at him with a pout and tiny smile. 
He laughed at your cute reaction, “what love?”
After rolling your eyes you sincerely told him, “Thank you so much this helped a lot. I love you so much Tae.” 
“Of course y/n, I love you too.”
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httpjeon · 5 years
❝ king of the clouds ❞ kth ― m.
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― summary:
you were in an arranged marriage with a man you’re convinced isn’t fit to be your husband. he’s got his head too high in the clouds.
taehyung/reader | royal!au, arranged marriage!au | smut, light fluff | 4.7k ↬ content warnings: loss of virginity, blow job, deepthroating, cunnilingus, overstimulation, forced orgasm, multiple orgasms, soft/slow sex, hand holding, pet names, praise kink, dirty talk, return of the fat cock
a/n: this fic is actually from a Fic Title ask game I played a while ago! I hope you enjoy it!
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Life moved fast, it had always been that way ever since you were born as the Crown Princess to the Kingdom of Eneolia. The second you entered this world, your duties as Princess and heir to the Kingdom began.
Three major rulers shared the land; Drosea Dynasty to the south, Icrasea Empire to the west, and the Kingdom of Eneolia occupying the land to the north and east.
For 150 years Eneolia and Icrasea had battled over land and resources as they felt they belonged to the other. Salt deposits and even gold could be found in the land to the west -- land claimed by Eneolia.
Approximately 20 years ago, the Kings of both lands came to the agreement that their heirs will marry; a peace treaty so both lands would then be entitled to the wealth in the west.
Prince Taehyung was born on a snowy December night just before the new year began.
Approximately a year later, you were born, on a day where clouds filled the sky and rain pelted the earth.
The minute you took your first breath; you were wedded to Prince Taehyung.
Yes, life moved fast and that was how it would stay until the day you died.
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"He is a complete airhead!" You shrieked, glaring at your own reflection in the mirror as your maid, a girl around your age named Hana, made your hair with practiced ease.
"I-I'm sure he isn't that bad, my lady," Hana muttered, used to your complaints by now but still trying to ease your negative feelings. "You've not even properly met him yet,"
"Yeah but I always see him at the peace meetings," You huffed, scratching your cheek where a stray hair was tickling your skin. "He looks like he's completely empty-headed! And when he talks...ugh, he nearly puts me to sleep! How am I meant to marry someone like that?!"
"But he's quite handsome," Hana offered, giving your hair a little spray of hairspray to keep it in place.
"Oh, so I should spend the rest of my life just enjoying his pretty face? What am I supposed to do about talking to him? It'll be like talking to a walnut, absolutely pointless! I wish I had been wed to Namjoon,"
Namjoon was the head guard, in charge of commanding all of the knights in your kingdom. He was intelligent and kind and always had something to talk about; he wasn't bad looking either; it would have been perfectly acceptable to marry him.
"I know, Your Highness," Hana patted your shoulder sympathetically before placing the hairspray down. "But perhaps when you meet with His Highness Prince Taehyung, you'll realize that there's much more deep down than what he presents himself at meetings,"
"Maybe you're right," You muttered, standing up and smoothing your dress down; it was blue, your favorite color.
Then, on cue, there was a soft knock to your door and a messy head of hair peeked in with a blank look.
"Yoongi, you're right on time," Hana greeted, a little blush to her cheeks when Yoongi nodded her way.
Min Yoongi was your personal guard, guiding you to and from various activities and always keeping you out of harms way if need be. He appeared completely bored with life on the outside during his working hours but once the day was done he became a goofy smiley mess and he was a complete joy to be around. You supposed he needed to appear more rough on the outside to make people more intimidated to approach.
"Let's get this over with," You whined, allowing Yoongi to take your arm and guide you the rest of the way out of the palace.
A pit of dread was already settling in your stomach.
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"Where the hell is he?" You growled, glaring at the empty seat across the table.
"Language, Princess," Yoongi gently scolded from behind you but you waved him off with a single gesture.
"He is 45 minutes late!" You snapped, crossing your arms over your chest petulantly.
You heard Yoongi sigh just before the double doors to the private room the two of you had slammed open, making you both jump. You watched a man about Yoongi's height dashing in, stumbling slightly once he reached the table. You narrowed your eyes at him, recognizing him as Taehyung's personal guard.
"I-I'm so sorry, Princess," He panted, doubling over and coughing slightly. "T-Tae- Prince Taehyung wandered off and forgot he was due for dinner and I had to hunt him down, I'm so sorry for making you wait like this,"
"It's fine, it's not your fault," You muttered, already feeling bitter towards your fiance forgetting you, on your first real 'date' as well!
Who forgets to meet their future wife?!
"Jiminie!" A loud voice whined and when you looked you could see Prince Taehyung dragging his feet towards the table. "You have such short legs but you're so speedy,"
"Y-Your Highness, please," You could literally see the way Jimin was trying not to literally throttle the taller man.
'Were they quite close?' You wondered, glancing over at Yoongi who was busy staring wide-eyed at Jimin.
Okay then.
"Hi _____," He greeted casually, sitting down and flashing you an adorable boxy smile. He really was good looking, wasn't he? Still, his casual use of your name and the way he spoke to you still irked you, even if he was your fiance it doesn't mean you have to like him.
"How can you expect to run two kingdoms if you can't even remember a simple dinner with your fiancee," You snapped, seeming to startle him.
"I don't really care about all that political nonsense," He muttered, grabbing the glass of water where the ice had since melted, making the water nearly overflow in the glass.
"You don't care--" Your gaze narrowed on him but he seemed to miss your glare as he looked over the menu."Unbelievable,"
Yoongi and Jimin both shifted uncomfortably, feeling the air around you go tense the longer you glared at him. Taehyung, of course, remained oblivious with his eyes just on the page in his hands.
Unfortunately, the dinner remained like that and only Taehyung attempted to make conversation, completely oblivious to your glare and cold responses.
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"Father!" You cried, storming towards where he sat in his throne as usual, obviously startling by the way he jumped slightly. Your voice echoed around the throne room, making you sound even louder than you already were.
"______, still as unladylike as ever," He muttered, making you roll your eyes.
"I refuse to marry Kim Taehyung," You growled, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Why is that, my dear?" Your father sighed, pushing himself to his feet before descending the stairs.
"He is an absolutely...a-a...he's an idiot!" You shrieked, stomping your foot. "He was almost an hour late for our dinner and he told me he's not even interested in running the kingdom! How am I meant to marry someone like that?!"
"Taehyung is a very bright young man, _____, not everyone can be as politically-inclined as you are," He placed his hands on your shoulders and smiled. "You are perfectly capable of handling all of that on your own,"
"Exactly, so just let me run Eneolia on my own!"
"You know that's not possible _____," He sighed, cupping your cheek. "I promise Taehyung is a very good man,"
"Just...I don't want to marry him, Father!"
"I'm sorry, the answer is no," He said before breezing past you and leaving you alone to steam.
Someone cleared their throat behind you and you jumped, spinning around to see Namjoon standing with a small smile on his face.
"How long have you been here?"
"Oh, I've been here the whole time," His grin turned into a chuckle when you averted your gaze bashfully.
You can't believe he saw you act so immaturely, so angrily. You always wanted to show him your best side but at least he didn't seem overly bothered.
"I'm sorry you're having such a tough time, Your Highness," He placed his hand, warm and soft, on your hand and gently pet your hair -- an action almost older brother-like.
"I just...don't want to marry someone like him," You sighed, pulling his hand off your head to take his hand in yours. "I want someone who wants to run things, who wants to be King...how can we ever keep our power if we have a King whose head is in the clouds?"
"I've met His Highness Prince Taehyung many times, my lady," Namjoon slid his hand out of yours and gave you a tight-lipped smile. "Your father is right, he's a good man,"
With those words and a final gentle pat to your back, you were left alone once again with your thoughts. You could hear the fading footsteps of the guard and you sighed.
Nothing to be done about it now. There was no point in crying over spilled milk, right?
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The castle was nothing but loud, people rushing back and forth in the hallways and shouting at each other over everything. More than once you'd heard the deafening crash of glass from somewhere followed by 30 minutes of scolding and shouting over said destroyed object.
"I'm getting a headache," You grumbled, staring at your reflection as Hana and some of the other maids worked on hemming your dress and doing your hair and makeup.
"I'll get you some medicine, my lady," a young girl, a newer maid, scampered out of the room before you could even tell her it wasn't worth it; the damn thing would just come back.
Hana was carefully spraying your hair with hairspray as another lady dusted soft highlight across your cheekbones.
"Here, my lady," The girl returned, carrying a small packet of medicine. It was a disgusting sheet of herbs that would melt on your tongue; it tasted awful but it would do the job wonderfully.
"Princess," Namjoon and Yoongi were both at your door this time. "Are you ready, Prince Taehyung is waiting,"
"Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be," You let Hana spray your hair once more before you allowed both men to lead the way you were meant to go.
As you made your way to the throne room, where the ceremony was set to take place, you could already hear music drifting down the hallway.
"I don't want to do this," You sighed, earning a sympathetic smile from Yoongi.
"At least you can look forward to the after party and your honeymoon," Namjoon interjected.
"Yeah, maybe they'll let me get wasted,"
"Princess," Yoongi scolded, stopping in front of the door to the throne room. "Everything will be fine,"
Before you could give him a snarky remark, the doors were opening.
Inside the room was filled with people; on one side stood Eneoria's people and the other stood Icrasea. That reminded you that this was not a marriage meant to make either you or Taehyung happy; it was a marriage to make things easier for both your kingdoms.
Your father looked on, his head held high as you were escorted down the aisle by your personal guard and the head guard. Taehyung was standing at the end of the room, hands clasped in front of him but he didn't look at you yet.
He was dressed formally, wearing the Icrasea Empire's official royal attire. His bangs, which usually hung low in his eyes were now slicked back and actually held your breath once you stood before him.
He was extremely handsome.
He offered you a smile and carefully took your hand in his; quite a large hand as well. You'd never noticed just how...big Taehyung was; he had wide shoulders and he was tall. His skin was smooth with a beautiful amount of tan making him glow under the sunset shining through the windows of the cathedral.
In front of both families, you were united in a union with a man you barely know; a man who couldn’t even remember he was to meet you for a simple dinner.
And yet as you shared your kiss, solidifying your marriage, your only thought was how sweet he smelled and how warm and soft his lips were against yours.
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The room you two shared was extravagant; a canopy bed with thick silk sheets and an incredibly soft comforter with golden trim that sparkled. You sat on the bed, mindlessly petting the soft fabric while Taehyung simply looked through the photographs that had been taken of your wedding.
It was silent, but not comfortably so. It was an uncomfortable, tense silence that overtook the two of you.
“I want to apologize to you,” He said suddenly, his back still facing you. You once again realized how broad his shoulders were.
“Apologize?” You parroted, albeit dumbly.
“That you were forced to marry me,” He turned around now, his blonde hair sparkling under the light of the chandelier. “I know that it’s not what you wanted out of life and I know that you do not love me,”
You stared at him with wide eyes, not expecting these words to come from your now husband. He looked sad, a tiny sympathetic smile on his lips and eyes glossed over as he spoke to you.
“And if,” He approached you as he spoke, kneeling before where you sat on the bed. “You need to find love somewhere else, in the arms of another man...I understand,”
In that moment you felt like a complete and utter fool; this man, despite being wed to you, had planned to give you his everything while you had only complained about him. And now he was giving you the opportunity to cheat on him and he was fine with it. Except, you could tell he wasn’t okay with it by the way his shoulders slumped sadly.
“Taehyung,” You reached down and took his hand in yours, allowing him the courage to look up at you. “I...I think I misjudged you and...I’d like to try and have a nice marriage with you,”
"Really?" He asked, his eyes lighting up at your words. There was another beat of silence as you shared a moment together, registering the fact you were really beginning a marriage with this man.
"Can I kiss you?"You were surprised in your own lack of hesitance before you nodded. Immediately, his lips were on yours and you were once again enveloped in his addictive scent. Your fingers tangled in his hair, the blonde locks incredibly soft that you began mindlessly petting them. You felt Taehyung smile and breathe out a laugh against your lips before you were pushed down to lay flat on your back. He was on top of you, pecking your lips a few more times before moving down.
As newlyweds, you were expected to consummate the union and you had been dreading it. But now, with your husband's soft pink lips trailing along the exposed skin of your chest and across your collarbones, you decided that it wasn't that bad after all.
You decided to make Taehyung's job easier by untying the bodice of your dress, allowing it to loosen so you could strip yourself of the many layers of your dress. He politely folded the material and placed it on top of the dresser across the room before he began to strip himself of his thicker clothes; also folding his royal garments and placing them out of the way.
You could see how he was growing hard in his pants, the tight material hiding absolutely nothing from your greedy eyes. Clenching your thighs together, you were quickly aware of how big he was already and you were sure he wasn't even fully hard.
Now that's a treat.
You were still wearing a simple nearly-transparent shift beneath. Taehyung's cock positively throbbed in his pants at the peek of your nipples he could see through the material and the lovely expanse of leg he craved to mark up.
"You're beautiful," He cooed, climbing onto the bed, making the mattress dip under his weight.
You didn't have a chance to reply before he was kissing you again, this time carelessly slipping his tongue into your mouth. His hands became busy, lightly pushing the thin material of your shift up your thighs so he could caress the smooth skin. You shuddered under the foreign touch, goosebumps rising on your skin.
"Are you a virgin, baby?" He asked, the pet name making you keen immediately and your cheeks burn hot. He seemed to notice, smirking at your reaction while keeping his eyes on you waiting for your answer.
"Y-Yeah I am," You already knew that he most likely wasn't a virgin. Taehyung was a hard man to wrangle and you doubted he was the type to just abide by the rules of chastity because he was told to. You, on the other hand, had always been more invested in learning the politics of the kingdom and how to take over once you were left in charge. You didn't exactly have time to frolic from bed to bed, although there had been plenty of good looking and charming men crossing your path.
"I'll treat you well, princess," He cooed, although he used the title as a pet name. Truth be told, that made you tremble in arousal.
He pulled off the plain shirt he wore, revealing the beautiful expanse of his tanned chest. You held your breath, reaching up to brush your fingers along the smooth skin, watching as he licked his lips at the feeling of you touching him.
He seemed to be losing his patience because he was suddenly pulling you shift off, leaving you completely bare before him. Before you had the chance to cover your breasts, a reflex of being exposed so suddenly, he pressed his lips against yours. Your chests were pressed together, your nipples hardening at the feeling.
Breaking the kiss, he immediately wrapped his lips around one of your nipples, flicking his tongue to make you whine. He began tweaking the other bud with his fingers to give you even more pleasure, grinding your hips upwards to get some friction to your heated core. Taehyung groaned, feeling your bare cunt -- hot and so wet, against his own cock still tucked away in his pants. The material of his pants stood no chance between your gushing hole and his own cock throbbing with every drop of precum. He couldn't take it anymore and he moved away to pull his pants off, groaning when his cock was finally free of the constricting material. Those pants were definitely not to be worn for comfort.
You licked your lips at the sight of his length, the tip a deep red and leaking down clear precum. He was big, thick and long with a solid vein on the underside. He wrapped a fist around himself, pumping his own cock for you to watch with lustful eyes.
"You wanna try and suck me off, baby?" He asked it was a genuine question. He could see you lick your lips and eye the wet tip of him as if you wanted to feel the hot weight on your tongue.
"Can I?" You whispered, scooting to the edge of the bed on your knees so his cock was almost level with your mouth. He was still holding the base of his cock, pointing the head to your mouth as if just offering himself up. "I-I've never done it before..."
"That's alright, baby," He smirked when you shuddered at the name. "I'll guide you through it,"
With his promise, you leaned forward, kitten licking the very tip. His silky precum danced across your tastebuds and you felt yourself gush at the taste of him. You almost felt addicted already, taking the head of him into your mouth, already feeling the stretch on your jaw. He was thick, there was no denying that.
You whimpered and whined to yourself, sucking him ever so softly that it had his head falling back in pleasure. Your hot little mouth was already too much for him and he couldn't resist tangling his hand into your hair. It was taking everything in him to not thrust more into your mouth, desperate to feel more of your hot mouth struggle to take him.
Slowly, you sunk down deeper onto him until half his length was nestled on your tongue. He was just barely brushing your throat and when you tried to take more of him in, you gagged and panicked. Taehyung groaned at the feeling of you just beginning to take him into your throat, your gag reflex kicking in and contracting around his hot cock. You desperately pulled off, tears filling your eyes as you coughed and gasped from the shock of choking on him.
Taehyung stared down at your with lidded eyes, chest heaving and speckled with droplets of sweat. His hand, which had fallen away in your effort to pull away from him, now began lightly petting your hair to calm you.
"Do you wanna try that again?" He asked, swallowing thickly at your wide teary eyes gazing up at him. "You trust me, right?"
"Y-Yeah," You choked out, coughing a little.
"I want you to take me deeper, alright?"
You nodded, preparing yourself by breathing evenly. You took him back into your mouth, feeling pride swell within you as his sigh of pleasure. When he brushed the point of no return, you looked up at him to find him smiling softly.
"Take a deep breath for me," He cooed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
You did as he told you, inhaling deeply through your nose before he was sinking deeper, pushing against your gag reflex. You coughed and sputtered but didn't pull back, tears dripping down your cheeks.
"G-Good girl, fuck," He growled, feeling you choking around him but keeping your teary gaze on him. You preened under the praised, feeling yourself gush once more.
Mindlessly, you ground your cunt against the bed beneath you, whimpering at the stimulation as Taehyung pulled out of your mouth. You breathed in deeply once more, earning a soft praise from Taehyung again, before he was sinking into your throat. You were fully prepared to choke this time, making it much easier on you.
"God, are you turned on from letting me fuck your throat?" He groaned and you were sure the bed was soaked beneath you now. Hearing that deep, golden voice uttering such filthy things to you had you more turned on than you ever would have thought possible.
Suddenly, he pulled out of your mouth -- a strand of saliva and precum still connecting your lips to his cock.
"Fuck, lay back for me," He cooed, helping to shuffle you further up the bed so you were situated in the center of the king sized mattress.
Taehyung was a man with one goal in mind as he didn't waste a single second before he was on his stomach, spreading your thighs apart so your cunt was on display to him; dripping and absolutely throbbing for some attention.
"So pretty," He whispered, mostly to himself, as he used two thumbs to spread you open.
Your jaw fell open as you looked between your legs to watch as he licked a fat stripe over your entire cunt. He moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head at your taste, sliding his tongue over your sensitive clit. You clutched desperately at the bedding beneath you, trembling all over as Taehyung gave special attention to your clit. As you gushed, he took the opportunity to slide two fingers into your tight hole; immediately searching for your spot.
"Oh!" You cried out, legs kicking out at the feeling of being stimulated so deeply. Taehyung's nimble fingers abused that little spot, swirling his tongue over your clit and taking a moment to cup the bud between his lips.
"Taeeeee..." You whined, reaching down blindly to grasp onto him, locking your fingers in his hair. As you pulled he moaned, sending little vibrations to your clit and you felt tears burn your eyes at the unadulterated pleasure.
He managed to add another finger, sinking 3 into you now to stretch you out for him. You were panting, crying and whining, grinding sloppily against his face and fingers for more. He kept on of your thighs pinned to the bed to keep you spread as you began to cum, attempting to close you legs around his head at the waves of pleasure that rolled through you. You tugged on his hair, cried out his name, and trembled on the bed as your sweet cum gushed and coated his fingers. Mindlessly, he ground against the bed beneath him, getting off on watching you fall apart so violently for him.
"Fuck!" He cried, scrambling away from you at breakneck speed.
Your thighs slipped closed, still shaking from the aftereffects of such a mind-numbing orgasm. You blinked blearily at him, kneeling there panting with his eyes closed.
"W-What is it?" You whined, reaching forward to grab his hand. When he opened his eyes, you nearly choked at how dark the were.
"You nearly had me cumming all over this fucking bed, princess," He muttered, forcing your thighs apart once more to slot himself between them. Still, pride swelled within you again at the idea of you having such a strong effect on the prince.
He gripped the base of his cock, lightly tapping against your clit to listen to whine at how sensitive you felt. He knew it would be easy to make you cum again. Taking a moment to gather your juices and cum on his cock, he made sure he was sufficiently lubricated before the tip of him began to prod at your entrance.
He leaned down, brushing his lips against yours while lacing his fingers between yours; an action meant for affection while also able to keep himself from crushing you under all his weight.
He cursed softly, surging his hips forward to slowly sink into your heat; walls stretching to accommodate him. You had been well-prepped beforehand so there was no discomfort as he groaned.
"Look at you taking my fat cock so well," He groaned, watching your hole open to take him in until he was bottomed out, pelvis grinding against your sensitive clit.
As you whined, he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, letting go of your hand so slide his arm beneath your head. Your chests were pressed against each other as he rolled his hips to start a soft pace; cock sliding out slightly before sinking back in. It was almost a teasing pace, but his length ground against your spot and his pelvis was grinding against your bud. He had you trembling beneath him in a matter of minutes as he moved his lips to your neck to kiss just below your ear. You shivered, wrapping your arms around him to clutch onto him, sinking your nails into his back as he filled you.
"T-Tae-" You whined, burying your face into the crook of his neck.
"Are you g-gonna cum?" He breathed, tangling his hand into your hair, cupping the back of your head to hold you close against him. You whimpered out a soft 'yes' just as your orgasm began.
Taehyung cradled you against him as you came, legs trembling around his waist. Your cunt tightened, nearly locking him in place from how tight you became, moaning out the pleasure he brought you. Before Taehyung could say anything, his own orgasm hit him, filling your spasming pussy with his hot cum, some leaking down his shaft and onto the bed.
He held himself inside you for a moment, wincing as you started to come down, still squeezing his now oversensitive length. But he wasn't to make sure you were done before he pulled out; watching your face screw up from the overstimulation.
Then, once everything was still and you were cradled against his chest with him cooing soft praises to you and kissing your head, you truly felt like you could come to love this man. You already felt yourself falling and it might be fast but, that's all your life has been anyway.
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost or modify.
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petitlavande · 4 years
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{bts!harry potter au! aesthetic}  ❝ Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus ❞
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btsloser · 3 years
jungkook: guess what i’m gonna get on?
jin: on my nerves?
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Just "friends" (Part 6/?)
Guys, I am sorry that the blog in general is pretty much inactive. Life kid if just happens now and my focus has to go to other things. I am still writing but just not as much as I was able to before. But here is part 6 finally.
All parts
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It was just a regular tuesday, literally nothing special really. School was as annoying and as difficult as ever and you still haven't gotten any call backs from the job applications you did, but for whatever reason you couldn't stop smiling (well according to lisa anyway).
"Let me guess, your thinking of yoongi right now aren't you!" She teased as the two of you strolled to your art appreciation class.
"No!" You lied.
"Oh please he's all you ever talk about anymore!" She scoffed. "Hey! That reminds me, you never gave me all the details about the date you guys had!"
"Yeah i did."
"Nu uh. All you said was that you went to a movie and ate pizza"
"Cuz that was basically it. Like i said, we went to the movies, then ate pizza at his place." You said "nonchalantly".
"Gurl, i thought we were besties why are you holding out on me!" She whined. "You don't expect me to believe that's all you did. C'mon tell me, he a good kisser?" She added jokingly. 
You could feel your face burn. "I wouldn't know." You mumbled.
"What?!?" She squealed. "Y/n you can't be serious! How times have you guys met up and he hasn't even kissed you yet!"
"Ya! It's not a big deal alright. Aren't officially dating anyway." You said despite the fact that it did feel like it was a big deal.
"I take back what I said then. I feel like if he actually likes you, he would have kissed you by now."
You felt a pain in your chest. Lisa had a point. "...well he said he liked me the other night." You said softly. "Maybe yoongi didn't really mean what he said on the "date"." You frowned.
Lisa froze. "WHEN DID HE SAY HE LIKED YOU!" lisa gasped, grabbing you by the shoulders and rattling you a bit. "Y/N THESE ARE THE DETAILS I AM BEGGING YOU FOR."
"At the end of the date!" You answered only after she stopped shaking you. 
"And what did you say?!?"
"That i liked him back. But that's it. No kiss or anything just a hug bye when i got into the taxi he called for me."
"Ugh then I take back what I said. Maybe he is just like weirdly shy or something."
The both of you continued to walk in silence.
Even though lisa took back her original comment, the idea of yoongi not really liking you kind of stuck in your head.
When you think about it, he hasn't been texting you as much as before. And he isn't replying back as fast in the few times he actually replies. He said it was because he and that rap friend of his were busy recording, but that could easily be a lie.
"Um dude… what color was yoongi's hair again?"
"Blue. Why?"
"Is that him over there?" Lisa pointed off into the distance.
From her vague gesture your eyes scanned the busy ground of your campus. The guy in the subject though was easy to spot. That signature bushel of neon blue hair popped out at you and it was in fact yoongi. 
"What the fuck is he doing here?!?"you gasped and you saw him talking to this much taller guy with platinum color hair. 
"How could I know? Why don't you go talk to him and find out."
"Heck no!"
"Why not?" Lisa asked genuinely confused.
You shrugged. "Because… what if he really doesn't like me… like, if he actually liked me wouldn't he had texted he would be here and want to meet me?" So maybe you were quick to be so dramatic, but you couldn't help it. Having had the one person you trusted the most stab you in the back, maybe you were stupid to trust anyone else with your feelings.
"We won't find out unless you go and ask." Lisa brought up again.
"Why bother? Besides we are going to be late for class."
Before you could even head to the direction of class, lisa had already grabbed ahold of you by your backpack. " oh c'mon this is more interesting. What's more important, finding out why yoongi is here and quite possibly getting a better grasp on your relationship status or knowing old paintings?"
In usual lisa fashion, she didn't wait for an answer. She proceeded to "guide" you towards yoongi and the dude he was talking to.
"Lisa, c'mon please. I don't want to talk to him." You whined. " he clearly doesn't want to talk to me, so why bother him?" The last thing you wanted was another out-in-the-open rejection.
"Oh don't say that!"lisa was always the positive one. "That's probably his music friend or whatever. Besides his friend looks cute from over here, maybe I can have a shot at him!" Lisa laughed as you two were getting closer and closer.
Your nerves intensified the closer you got. It reached a point where you planted your feet and stopped moving. "Lisa I'm serious, I don't want to talk to him right now."
Lisa looked down at you with a stern frown for a long moment. She was completely silent up until- "Yoongi! Yoongi over here!" She shouted.
Immediately you looked back in the direction of the two boys only to see yoongi and his friend staring back in your general direction.
"Yoong-" your hand slapped over lisa mouth and you dragged her behind the conveniently placed tree that was beside you both. 
"Lisa what are you thinking?!?" You hissed.
"What?" She whined "innocently". "There isn't anything wrong with talking to yoongi. I just want to see how he interacts with you, that way I can advise you to put up with him or not." She justified. "Now, if you excuse me." She said pushing you away and stepped from behind the tree. "Oh yoongi!!!!"
You emerged from behind the tree in attempts to grab lisa and run, but your plans to do so were a fail.
By now, Yoongi and his friend had brought themselves to the two of you. Instead of being greeted by his usual smile, yoongi stared at you with a look of confusion and so did his taller-up-close friend by his side.
"Um… hi." Yoongi said looking between you and lisa.
"Hi!" Lisa smiled. "Nice to finally meet ya!" She stuck her arm out to yoongi for a hand shake and then moved on to yoongi's friend.
"Safe to assume this is the famous lisa you talk about?" Yoongi asked you.
"Yup." You said with a heat filled face.
"Hope we didn't interrupt you guys." Lisa said. "Y/n here just really wanted to say hi."
"Oh did she?" Yoongi smirked.
"Oh so this is your girlfriend!" The tall guy asked, causing yoongi's face to turn a pale shade of pink. "What's up? I'm Namjoon." He stated offering a handshake to you then Lisa.
"Girlfriend?" Lisa murmured to herself with a smile. "Would you look at the time! I'm gonna be late to class. Y/n, I'll just let you talk to your boyfriend and I'll save you a spot. Bye guys!"
"So, uh, y/n, this is namjoon, the one hoseok and I are making music with." Yoongi said to continue with the awkward encounter as smoothly as possible.
The three of you stood under the shade of the tree talking a bit more in depth about the music trio yoongi has been so vague about. It turns out, the reason yoongi was on campus was to brainstorm some lyrics in the library study room. Being in yoongi's place or namjoon"s dorm is too distracting for them to get work done. And it turns out yoongi is a bit superstitious and has kept the group vague as possible to try and not jinx their future. 
Namjoon however was the opposite. He was so confident in the three of them being able to sign to a company. He brought up how well their song writing process has been going lately and even offered to let you hear their latest song.
"No, not yet!" Yoongi objected. 
"Oh c'mon, she'll love!"namjoon protested.
"It's not done yet, I can always show her when we finish it."
"Aww yoongi c'mon i don't care if it isn't finished yet." You said.
"Nope" his tone was a lot sweeter directed at you. "Gotta wait."
"Well whatever, I got class starting so see you guys later." Namjoon said waving bye before running off.
"...So... I'm your girlfriend huh? When did this happen?" You teased.
"Well… bout a week ago. Hoseok brought you up and I just felt it would get them off my back faster if i just said if you were my girlfriend." He shrugged. "I hope that's okay?" He asked as he nervously ran his fingers through his hair.
Before you could answer, and arm threw itself over your shoulder. "Is he bothering you y/n?" An all too familiar voice asked.
Yoongi's face fell as his eyes landed on the tall boy by your side.
Just like back in the day, Taehyung was by your side at the mere presence of Min Yoongi.
However, unlike the good old days, it was now taehyung that put you in a sour mood. You merely shrugged his arm off and stepped away from him.
"Well if it isn't coconut head!" Yoongi smiled with fake enthusiasm. "It's been a while. You've gotten taller." He said, now having to look up at Taehyung. "I guess I should start calling you palm tree." He laughed.
These were not words Taehyung was willing to put up with. He went straight to the point and demanded for Yoongi so walk off and leave you alone. Thus causing yoongi to get feisty.
Just witnessing the interaction was like being in high school all over again. You stood "helplessly" on the sidelines while Yoongi and Taehyung went back and forth throwing hurtful remarks at one another.
"Taehyung!" Calling him by his real name was so weird. The word was so foreign to you. For years it was only ever "Tae" or "Taetae" even when you guys used to have fights. "Just leave him alone."
"Yeah palm tree! Fuck off!" Yoongi hissed. He did his best to hold himself back from yelling those words like he wanted. Considering he was on university grounds and not even a student he didn't want to make much of a scene.
"I'm not going anywhere until you leave y/n alone!"
"Oh, you want me to leave her alone?" Yoongi smirked. "I thought it was you that she hated now?" He threw back at him.
Taehyung arched his eyebrows at him. "Shut the fuck up! What would you know?" Was his response to call out on what he felt was Yoongi's bluff.
Yoongi's chest rose as a wave of confidence came to him. His eyes glared up at Taehyung and he continued to hold the devilish smirk on his face. "She's my girlfriend so i basically know everything."
"That's bullshit! Y/n hates you. Just leave her alone already."
"Oh really? Don't believe me? Just ask her yourself!"
Taehyung's eyes turned from Yoongi to yours, a look of desperation and shock. You could tell that he didn't want Yoongi's words to be true, but you couldn't figure out why. He was the one that turned you down, after all. In that moment, you knew that you had to somehow prove to Taehyung that you and Yoongi were together, and a few seconds later, you knew what you had to do. 
You didn't speak a word. All you did was step up to yoongi, pull him towards you and place a kiss on his lips.
Taehyung stood there shookth. It was understandable considering that the reason the friendship started was due to yoongi being a complete asshole to you. The look on his face was priceless.
"He's my boyfriend so leave him alone." You said blankly.
"Y/n you can't be fucking serious?" Was all taehyung could get out.
You ignored him. The kiss should have been proof enough. 
You turned to yoongi. He looked pleased to say the least. "Wanna walk me to class?"
"Sure. Bye palm tree." He smirked giving taehyung the finger before walking off with you.
-Admin Boat
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firebettercallnct · 4 years
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if i killed someone for you || jungkook x reader
part thirty two: date document
an: wow. this was a RIDE. thank you so much for reading this and supporting me <3 i hope u enjoyed it!!
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