tsp-k · 2 months
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-hey buddy...Didn't you happen to be indignant at my friend at the subway cash registers, huh?
-oh no, I've never been to a subway and...
this is an excerpt from a small fanfic made for fun :Р
my tg:@tsp_k
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tattycoram · 4 months
Fives: swaggity swup whats wrong with Tup Fives: *discovers the sith plot for mass genocide* Fives: motherfuck
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plentyeyes · 19 days
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portfiend's webcomic template
i made another Eleventy template, this time for webcomics. if you haven't seen my other one, the character directory, go check it out!
preview the template on Neocities get the source code on GitHub
list of features
pages are markdown and can contain images, text, and any other hypertext content
"first". "previous", "next", "last" navigation, using the mouse or arrow keys
divide your pages into chapters and subdirectories, list them by section on the archive, automatically sort them numerically
"save" and "load" buttons (optional), for readers to save their place and return to it later
includes the javascript library swup for faster page transitions
those author's notes you'd find on websites like comicfury
RSS feed automatically generated from comic pages
mobile-responsive layout
like this template? feel free to throw me a tip at my ko-fi or a recurring donation via liberapay. i do this stuff for free and i don't have a job, so any contributions are greatly appreciated!
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tears-of-boredom · 8 months
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splat sweep, swup
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I couldn't remember the past tense for sweep and my brain said swup
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compilator · 7 months
Compilator: Week in Review #1
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Web development
New way to create modals using HTML only
Which open-source monospaced font is best for coding?
Drawing a star with DOMMatrix
The State of HTML 2023 survey is now open!
What are JWTs/Jots/JSON Web Tokens?
From WebGL to WebGPU
Ultimate solution for generating placeholder images
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The Path To Awesome CSS Easing With The linear() Function
A (more) Modern CSS Reset
CSS Findings From The Threads App: Part 2
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Speeding up the JavaScript ecosystem - Polyfills gone rogue
How to Code Dark Mode for Google Sheets with Apps Script and JavaScript
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The Origins of TypeScript: A Documentary
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Build Your Own ChatGPT Clone with React and the OpenAI API
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Exploring Astro and Svelte vs. SvelteKit: A comparative guide
How to Build an Etch-A-Sketch App with Svelte
Libs & Plugins
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What's new in DevTools (Chrome 118)
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Image by vectorpocket on Freepik
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siren-virus · 2 years
And now it's time for another round of questions :D Flee: There has been enough angst with all the implications of all the messed up things that happen in the burrows communities thus far, and as such in order to recover a little I'll make a question that goes more towards fluff now. Has there been any moment where our dear found family has been able to show off their teamwork with all their might and get a positive response from anyone witnessing them? Like, I know that they'll eventually make enough friends that such a thing will be common, but with a stranger? SWUP: Everyone's reactions on Derrick if possible please, because even though he might be careful enough to not be seen by anyone, I can already imagine James (Was he the one interested in aliens and all things related like a conspiracy theorist?) being between over the moon for another alien race that he can look from afar (I'd say study, but considering how dangerous Derrick is, it's better to not get too close), and Vicky stressing herself out into keeping him far from him when she isn't busy in a fight or, worse, fighting Derrick himself XD LuckyBen!AU: Would Ben (nekomata), Gwen, Kevin and/or Rook ever try ranching out in anything they do? Like, perhaps Ben has a youtube channel where he does tutorials into some exotic coffees (different from the ones he does in the coffee shop though (unless his boss watches his channel and chooses to make them too :V ) ), Gwen perhaps taking in an intern or 2 to teach them the ins and out of alien ambassy so she can have her workload loosened up a bit, Kevin pirating programs because, let's face it, he would totally do that if only to screw with the owners and probably steal some money from them in the progress, and Rook could write a humans guidebook, like the one used in the tag "Humans are Space Orcs" XD Gecko: Let's leave the characters for a bit and make an ask about the town itself, how is the situation in that place? I imagine that they have a very peculiar customs regarding their situation, as well as some... interesting idiosincrasies between the townspeople that I don't doubt would look very sketchy among the outsiders (I can think of an example from another show that isn't really exploited that much in fanfic but I don't wanna accidently drag you into another fandom XD) And that's all I got to say for today, let's see what you come up with for these asks now :3
OOp sorry about the delay
A lot of stuff happened- good stuff. Kept me off the computer for a bit
Anyways I'll be bouncing on again to answer your lovely questions!
FLEE: I would deffinitely say that Leo and Tristians protective elder brothers trope over Robin has been a thing. Robin may be a savage child but that won't stop the pair from using their own bodys as meat shields to protect her. It took Leo a while to get to that point.
As for the rest of the potential members, I haven't thought too much into it- I'll deff think about it now though.
With strangers, Tristians a lot more friendly, willing to help. It makes him very naive and suseptable to possible kidnappings/robberys.
But Leo is there to kick ass, and Robin is there to bit ankles.
SWUP: James is in LOVE with Derrick. An alien? a possible anti-hero!? Oh my god. He swoons. It's just like his one comic book about the anti-hero alien dude. James must know more. James must... Become his friend.
Derrick's a lil creeped out, but is happy to accept any and all compliments. The little narcisist he is.
James' Police dad (i forgot what i called him ;;; ). Has no clue of Derricks existence. Derrick is right under his nose like a bad smell. But he just can't find the source of the chaos. So naturally he'll blame it on SWUP.
Sara doesn't know whether to like him or not, he runs circles around poor SWUP, but does he mean any harm? He's never hurt SWUP... I mean he has, but SWUP recovers fast. And the way SWUP acts around Derrick makes Sara just... confused. She's neutral, so maybe he's ok?
Courtney despises Derrick. He commits crimes? Illegal, bad. How dare he. He must be arrested. Does he have a license for flying? No? Illegal. Must be arrested. He parks in a spot with paying for a ticket. Ooh. He must be jailed.
Charlie. Like James, loves Derrick. But to a lesser extent, James is Charlies numero uno!
And of course poor... poor Vicky has to do her best to keep everyone away from Derrick. Easier said than done.
LuckyBen!AU: Ben has no online persona. Too paranoid- if someone were to recognise him through the way he talks it's over.
Of course Gwen is happy to teach new recruits. She doesn't do it often cause she's required to be upfront on the battle field. She normally just volunteers in her free time.
Rook is the same, all work no play- except for the times he goes to see his family or grab a coffee.
Kevin would so do that. Loves his tech, loves his computers- a little bit of a nerd- but if it makes his tech work better, faster, stronger, he'll do it.
GECKO: The people are quite blissfully ignorant to the outside world. Their normal is our strange. Of course they don't see the odditys Mac has run into, unless they somehow do. Of course they're a secretive people, so you never know if they actually know.
They're also very friendly, offering newcomers (MAC) free snacks as he gets settled into the neighbour.
Unless you meet Hamish. One of Macs coworkers. Great guy, friendly, talks a lot. You think he's full of shit, like how continues to brag about his sexy hot beautiful girlfriend. But he's actually telling the truth.
He also talks about a lot of disappearences that happen to tourists/newcomers. He doesn't elaborate. He says it so easily it sounds like it's normal.
Does Hamish know more than what he lets on?
There's also Macs landlady. She's a little harsh- she lives on her own in the outskirts of the town. She knew Mac's mum as a kid. She mentioned at one point that there are more people that houses in this town. Of course Mac thought she meant there was a homeless problem. But as Mac grew to know the town better, there would be no homeless. The streets were empty after dark.
Most people discourage going out after dark.
There's something in the woods. Watching.
Again sorry for the delay, life is busy.
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captainberserk · 7 years
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snapsicle · 4 years
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*takes a swig* *takes a gulp* *takes a sip* *takes a drink* *takes a gulk* *takes a glug* *takes a sup* *takes a swallow* *takes a slurp* *takes a slomp* *takes a suck* *takes a swug* *takes a chug* *takes a surp* *takes a drunk* *takes a dink* *takes a sup* *takes a gulp* *takes a swup* *takes a suckp* *takes a blorp* *takes a squirt* *takes a gorp* *takes a glorp* *takes a gomp* *takes a sup* *takes a surp* *takes a chug* *takes a shurp* *takes a sip* *takes a swallow* *takes a gulp* *takes a slup* *takes a gulb* *takes a gulps* *takes a guzzle* *takes a slug* *takes a gulp* *takes a sip* *takes a slop* *takes a slop* 
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bridgingdimensions · 3 years
i wrote out a bit of a summary of my thing but you have to decode it! it shouldn’t be too difficult I hope…have fun! —-
hsfeijwl ufswdobs hfinsud (otswlly od’t vs wj wjokwdst esfose vcd qfwhpou jibsl rifk uiclt wlei aifm) WJYAWY ode wvicd w fsvslloice mot api'e dps ijly pwlr pckwj/pwlr diij oj szoedsjus (yse uwfdiij upwfwudsfe wfs fswl psfs, dpwde jid dps ittsed dpojq oj dpoe edify!) wjt oe esskojqly uijdsjd aodp tfordojq wficjt wjt tiojq apwdsbsf dpsy awjd…cjdol wj ihhifdcjody hihe ch dpwd uwj vidp mssh dpsk icddw dficvls (kiedly) wjt apwd dfcly pwhhsjst di dpsof hwfsjde. dps uwdup oe dpsy pwbs di aifm aodp w qfich ir kyedsfoice vcd asll kswjojq euosjdoede wjt lswt idpsf mote dpsof wqs aodp wvolodose qobsj vy dps euosjdoede di vweouwlly vs w qfich ir echsf psfise di pslh dps aiflt. od'e w uijushd o'bs vssj hlwyojq wficjt aodp rif yswfe, vwest irr ir ks wjt ky rfosjte’ szhsfosjuse wjt w lid ir euoro/wudoij edcrr vcd aodp ky iaj daoede psps. od'e vweouwlly wvicd rojtojq yicfeslr oj w aiflt dpwd pwej’d… vssj dps mojtsed di yic wjt qfiaojq uliesf di hsihls oj w eokolwf eodcwdoij wjt rojtojq uikrifd wjt rfosjtepoh oj swup idpsf. ewhhy? hfivwvly pwpw. vcd od kswje w lid di ks, wjt o dpojm od’t kswj w lid di idpsfe dii. rcj rwud! vsuwces ir dpsof vsojq pwlr pckwj wjt uwfdiij, dps mot pwe ijs pwjt aodp ricf rojqsfe, wjt wjidpsf aodp robs rojqsfe. ode w fsrsfsjus di pia wjokwdife tfwa upwfwudsfe aodp ricf rojqsfe di kwms od sweosf di wjokwds…wlei o nced dpojm od'e jswd!
i hope you like it!!
- Ace L.
Ace, I hope you don’t mind if I respond in code. I can definitely see that you are no beginner with coded messages. ;)
O’bs jsbsf pswft ir w edify apsfs eiks ir dps upwfwudsfe asfs uwfdiije. Dps tsdwol aodp dpsof pwjte oe bsfy rcj.
O’bs wlawye lomst euosjus roudoij eojus O awe yicjq rif w rsa fsweije, ijs ir dpsk awe dps cjvfotlst ufswdobody O irdsj ricjt vsdassj dpies hwqse. 
O pihs yic pwt w hfitcudobs afodojq eseeoij ysedsftwy. :)
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fooktoeblur · 3 years
Hi i new
Nya~ hihi howww rawr u gwuys!? Swup uwu. I am nwew toemhmblur, I 100 ywears owdd. Lez gewt fuwwy dancwin' !!! Lews get duh powty stowted!! Awso what doo weee doo hew?????
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hetgeelpionneke · 6 years
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Swup by Lemuria can be played at Het Geel Pionneke from november 2017.
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behulibride · 3 years
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THE VEGAN DREAM | ‘Sanyukta Shrestha has been our favorite pioneer of sustainable bridal wear since the launch of The Kind Bride. We’ve been featuring her mesmerizing bridal collections throughout the years and admired her efforts on sourcing high quality and most amazing eco and vegan friendly textiles for her designs. This commitment was recently recognized with PETA Luxury Vegan Wedding Award 2021. And today we have one more reason to celebrate her, as she unveils her newest collection ‘The Vegan Dream’. - Daniela Degrassi, KINDBRIDE.COM Read More https://www.thekindbride.com/wedding-attire/bridal-gowns/sanyukta-shrestha-unveils-the-vegan-dream-2022-bridal-collection/ . . . . . . . . . . Credits Photo @kev_elkins_wedding_photography Wedding dress @sanyuktashrestha Tent @lotusbelletentsuk Set Design @narnia.retreat Location @setomahal Makeup @madeupbylottie Hair Sanyukta Shrestha Team Model Olivia Dunn Creative Direction Sanyukta Sanyukta Team #crueltyfree #vegan #veganweddingplanning #veganuk #veganlife #veganlove #ecofashion #veganofinstagram #ecoliving #luxuryweddingdress #narnia #bridalcampaign #peplum #ecoluxe #sanyuktashrestha #sustainablefashion #ecofashion https://www.instagram.com/p/CUzyGe-swUP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tonimaxphotos · 3 years
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El #INSOMNIO es un círculo vicioso. . 🙉 Entre los factores causantes: Estrés, Emociones, Ansiedad, Encuartarse, y la Pensadera. . 🙈 Por último. El #insomnio termina por volverte loco. Y todas aquellas personas frente a quienes fingías estar bien y no querías preocupar, incluida tu mismo, terminan heridas, maltratadas, y desesperadas por no saber que hacer. Busca ayuda. . 🧠 APRENDE A VENCER EL INSOMNIO, Y SANA MIENTRAS DUERMES. . 🎧 Para aprender sólo tienes que escuchar lo que te están diciendo. Y para escuchar sólo debes poner atención. Accede a nuestras audio capacitaciones a través del link en mi biografía. . 🏃La única persona que debes superar es a ti mismo!. . . . . #Insomnio #DormirBien #dormirmejor #sueño #salud #saludmental #autoayuda #cuarentena #ULTIMAHORA #estres #dependencia #insomnio #dormir #malestar #feliz #quehacer #pandemia #cambiar #depresión #dependencia #ansiedad #angustia #felicidad #emociones . (en Bogotá, Colombia) https://www.instagram.com/p/COS_mR-sWup/?igshid=22cs89322gyy
0 notes
siren-virus · 2 years
And now, it's time for the next batch of asks for you about all of the things you've done that I'm keeping up with XD FLEE: right now we've got the first of potentially many many MANY fucked up things that happen in the vast wastelands with Leo's backstory of running away from his fiancee to avoid being chained down to the community he was residing in thanks to his flight. Would you mind telling us another thing that's normal for their society but it's still pretty fucked up? Or in case you haven't thought of any yet, how would that community react to him should the group ever have to get there or nearby? SWUP: I can already see poor SWUP (I gotta re-read the asks I've sent you if only to remember everyone's names XD) being both worried sick about Derrick and done with his shit once he has settled down as something more of a regular part of her band of rougues instead of just an enemy that might pop up whenever to ruin all of her stuff and kick her ass XD I can see her being similar to Ben against most of the regular enemies in Omniverse, in that she'd be tired of his shit after a while and just wants to get everything done to go back to her regular day to day life LuckyBen!AU: Ooohhhh, Ben using his position as granchild of a magistrate would be very interesting, considering that he could most likely use that as a way to get into more secure places without trouble, or perhaps troll some Plumbers into thinking that he's there as a representative since his dear old grandpa couldn't make it due to unforseen circumstances, or as a surprise inspection :V Also lol, Hex knowing Ben is Nekomata and doing absolutely nothing with that info. Like, what would he do, tell the Plumbers? Please, he's also in their wanted list. Tell another criminal to hunt him down? Why? He takes care of the competition pretty well. Let him be a playmate of Charmcaster so he can have some time for himself? If only the girl knew his identity, though watching the teen dance around her about it is plenty fun in it's own right XD Gecko: Who are Kai and Crystal? From what I recall you haven't said anything about them before, or perhaps you've said something about them and I just missed the posts :V Anyways, can we know a bit more about them please? And that's all I have to ask for this asks, I'll see you when you reply to this and I begin thinking of new questions once that's been done XD
Eyo welcome back
I'll get right into it
FLEE: Certainly! There's the whole selective breeding- or forced marriages thing happen in most burrows. Some are a little more encouraging of free will than others.
In Leo's specific burrow community- humans are killed on site- doesn't matter if they're weak, injured, elderly or an infant.
Sometimes if a hybrid were to give birth to a normal- human looking child that doesn't have any mutated features- they're killed instantly.
For people with Wings like Leo- they're forced to go off on their own to search for food and water- even if they're quite old or young. I guess they're the seekers. If they're injured in the process they're still sent out- unless they've lost all capability of flight.
There's limited resources, so if they're permanantly downed and can't reproduce- they're killed. Same goes for any other hybrid- however if they've recieved a permanant disability they're killed off- not even kept alive to care for children.
It's a harsh world- but with limited food and water, it's just what they have to do.
Fortunately The group have not encountered Leo's home YET. Zara's burrow is a little kinder.
SWUP: Yes!! It's a love hate relationship between the 2. Derricks really likes to stir the pot with her.
She's so over it, wants to get smoothies and chilli frie- oops wrong show. jkjk
But yeah, SWUP doesn't have many reoccuring enemies- she's a very strong woman and an encounter with her usually ends up with her enemy being scarred--- physically or mentally in the worst way.
Sometimes it's intentional. Other times, she just looks so scary her enemies will piss themselves in fear.
LuckyBen!AU: He doesn't use his grandpas position often. Of course it doesn mean discounted flights- hehe- Plumbers would bend over backwards to help him get to locations thinking it would benefit them and their own positions.
And yes some trolling is done- but it's far and few between.
He also takes advantage of the plumbers who really like to gossip about secret missions. Most plumbers assume he's in the know.
Exactly, Hex has know reason to see Ben as a threat, maybe a tad bit annoying, but it's like having a nephew. Often he'll tell Ben to "play nice" with Charmcaster- I mean Charmcaster is a little bit like a loaded gun at times, tad bit unhinged- but less crazy then the OG verse.
Hex hates it when Charmcaster barges in on him to bitch about Nekomata.
GECKO: ooH, my bad ;; Kai and Crystal were the two other people in the trailer. Yes Gecko has a trio/quadro main character group.
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Crystal a little bit unhinged herself, and crazy strong- loves a laugh and is just a goofy girl.
Kai is a little more uptight- like there's a stick up his ass. He's so strict and well maintained that it's irritating.
Crystal does everything in her power to push his buttons. Sometimes it works out, cause Kai loosens up, maybe has a laugh too. Sometimes it ends up with Kai using Mac as a meat sheild.
Together these two are Mac's worst nightmare. They torment him on a regular. They might both be hot- but god. Please leave poor Mac alone, he's going to go grey before he's 25!!
They're both fun characters though, they mean no harm... kind of. They're also quite protective of Mac. They're basically all the same age, but because Mac got his gecko a lot later than everyone else- the usual age is like 6-12years old- he's like a baby to them.
Thanks again for asking!!
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