#sw negativity for ts
cantinabandmp3 · 1 year
i just imagined the pitching of this week's episode. "um, jack black and, uh, lizzo... are like, royals… on a planet with, ummm...battle droids. and, uh, doc brown….. also, remember count dooku?"
it really is just like the mcu too with how they bring in these big names to play these small goofy roles, expecting everyone to just laugh and go like "hey, i know that (insert celebrity) it's so cool, they're in star wars now!" instead of, you know... give them something interesting to work with.
also, what's this "but he's not mandalorian blood"? ancestry is suddenly important now?
din has become a side character in 'the bo katan show'. why did he even get the darksaber in the first place if they were going to just give it back to bo without any interesting conflict at all?
i don't know what to say. this episode was dumb and the only thing relevant to the overall plot happened at the very end.
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shellys-apprentice · 7 months
I know it's funny that the G@ylor Sw/ft girls are all loosing their minds over her vaguely mentioning them but like... I feel like a lot of the Sw/fties behavior, especially from anyone really young, kind if makes sense??
Like TS is still very much the Basic Bitch popstar, and if you were on the internet at all even just a few years ago, being "Basic" was bad. How many of those stupid "Not Like The Other Girls" comics have you seen? And how many of them have liking TS on the negative side with the boring normie?
And this shit is still going around, it's just that instead of Basic, we have Cringe. Or Straight as a synonym for boring (which if you're a teen who's confused about things, does not feel great to hear constantly, especially over something like music taste which actually has nothing to do with anything).
So now you've got people trying to make her some unique indie artist dropping hints to fans. Because then she's still cool, and they're smart for figuring it out. Because you can't just say you like her music, that's boring.
So of course her queer fans want/need her to not be straight. Because that's boring. And this is the internet, where you're not allowed to just like things, you have to justify all of it.
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janiedean · 4 years
I feel that the sudden explosion of discourse is (partly) j*hn boyega's fault. Did he really needed to go on a rampage against sw fans? Really??? And not against the racism in the fandom (which would have been completely fair) but a /ship/???
… honestly, I kept my mouth shut about this until now bc I was out and I didn’t wanna get into discourse, but… as someone who does like the guy I’m incredibly disappointed in his behavior and in how people are reacting to it. like. first of all the entire drama could have been solved by him saying ‘I was joking but I understand why you think it’s crass sorry about it’ and leaving it there and instead he kept on… harping on fans specifically and not as a general declaration, then he went and diverted the attention going after the r/eylo crowd which whether he likes it or not has actually supported him and his attitude has opened the floodgates and like… it’s been three days, I’ve seen people wishing a minor who also brought KMT her fanbook to kill herself and tweet to her father that they hope he finds her corpse in the bathroom (???) and various other amenities and like… that’s not okay. period. he should say something already to at least distance himself from this bullshit and I’m very disappointed he’s not doing that, because whatever the fuck he was thinking, justifying going after any fans is wrong and opening the floodgates for the antis to do that because hey he did it so who cares let’s be even worse people is……. just…… yikes. very much yikes.
on top of that…. I can’t with people comparing what oscar said to what he did because oscar went off at disney during press releases and voiced his dissatisfaction with his arc and the story decisions (CONSIDERING THAT THEY MADE POE A FORMER SPACE DRUG RUNNER HE SHOULD DAMN WELL BE PISSED OFF) but he hasn’t once went off at the fans or dismissed part of the fanbase or attack specific people, while john basically… went off at single fans who were saying perfectly worded/polite criticism which means they’re put on target too, never mind again opening the floodgates re bullying a part of the fandom that has been bullied since 2015 guys let’s be fucking real, never mind that 90% of the criticism he got was from fanboys who couldn’t handle having a black lead, not from freaking rey/kylo shippers. and that’s another thing.
but the rest… I mean. people are cheering for that? going like ‘oh wow he’s such a king baby go ahead end them’?? guys that’s not being a king, he’s not even going after actual racist idiots, that’s being wildly unprofessional and making sure to piss people off. like. as much as people like it or not, re/ylo shippers paid money to see his movies and a lot of them actually like his character/support his work. the moment you sign on to sw who has one of the most toxic fandoms in existence - I mean not touching the luke vs han shit in the eighties, people basically bullied that poor kid who played anakin in episode one to the point that he quit acting and he ended up in a psychiatric facility and surely the fan reaction to that movie didn’t help not ruining his life completely and that’s not even the beginning - you know you’re in for being roasted by a bunch of assholes. and like… sorry but you sign on for that, you actually handle it pretty nicely for four years which I 100% commended him for and now he goes off on a part of fandom that wasn’t behind most of his harassing like this and I have to buy that hey bullying fans is fine? like I had to read ‘john started the year bullying assholes in this fandom how great I hope he keeps on doing it’? do we all realize what the fuck does this mean? like ffs people tore martin freeman to shreds for having been vocally angry about john/lock fans sending death threats to his wife and kids and he hadn’t exactly put the single people on spot nor made the names (and tbh he was 100% right, at that point you have all the rights to be crass) but now this behavior is okay because… it’s people shipping something you don’t like…?
sorry but a fucking fictional ship is no basis to bully anyone. idc what fucking fictional ship is it because the nature of r/eylo is not the point nor its canon status. and people cheering like this on someone for behaving unprofessionally af is… really… concerning me. because he basically went off on fans. singularly. who had… like…. done nothing specific to him because those people criticized his not exactly stellar joke on instagram, they didn’t go off on him out of nothing.
like. sorry but if you’re a public figure you should be able to handle this shit better than that. and the fact that he made… those… really bad taste comments about KMT deleting herself from social media (AND IT WAS BOTH FANBOYS AND ANTIS MAKING HER DO IT not r/eylos let’s get that straight) while KMT got the shaft in tros more than he did and got the shaft by disney as much as him if not worse is really not looking well. the fact that KMT has been dealing with this entire mess way more graciously and professionally than he’s doing also says a lot about what’s happening.
tldr: yes I agree and if he wanted to complain about racist assholes (which is 100% his right to) he had a thousand better and more professional ways to do it than this. he’s a public figure in one of the biggest franchises in existence known for its toxic fandom. this behavior is 100% not okay. and like he could have gone off on any faction in this fandom I’d stick with my opinion, it’s not just bc I like r/eylo. creators/actors should never advocate for this behavior ever and if they have issues with some fans they should just have the studio backing them up for suing which is a thing I 100% would endorse, but they shouldn’t… do this. like… sorry, but he fucked up. I like his acting, I like(d) him until three days ago, I love his character, but this was fucked up and he needs to own up to it because if we actually normalize this behavior from media creators and actors we’re fucked. like, 100% fucked. it’s nowhere near acceptable to insult like that people who don’t have your influence, who aren’t famous and who didn’t do shit to you except criticizing you for a thing that wasn’t exactly the most refined joke in existence.
(that said, if he hadn’t said it specifically re that character or if he said it with his friends messing around I wouldn’t gaf, but the way he did it was just… bad pr. very bad pr.)
ADDENDUM: as stated, i don’t agree with actors taking fans’ abuse on social media - they should absolutely feel free to block someone or press charges if it becomes bad and as stated the studio SHOULD back them up (I mean… if I had been the voltron actors/writers I’d have sued 80% of that fandom long before S5) but they shouldn’t downright go and do… this. it’s unprofessional. and if you’re a public figure you should like….. have some damned responsibility for your actions. he’s an actor in a multi-million dollars franchise, those people are no one or sure as hell they don’t have his influence or fame. it’s just nowhere near okay to do that and I’m dying on this hill. peace.
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emperorren · 5 years
So far TROS marketing has just been TFA marketing with a little sprinkling of the TLJ promos thrown in, which I feel like is LF basically saying absolutely nothing about the content of this movie because everything they could say that would make it unique are spoilers. I’m still surprised they marketed Palpatine so early—planting the early seeds that Kylo isn’t the Big Bad, maybe, to hint towards redemption?
Tbh the only difference with the TFA marketing---and the only aspect of it I can applaud, really---is the amount of angsty reylo visual content we're getting. If the TFA promotion was coy about both Rey and Kylo's roles, especially in relation to each other, now they're unmistakably being presented as the central focus and main selling point of the movie (see: the "solo" poster featuring them back to back, how they're depicted in the same size and symmetrical poses in the ensemble poster, etc.)
Overall, I'm not particularly impressed with the marketing this year. The blatant Rose erasure is really shameful, and the least Lucasfilm can do about it is explain and take responsibility of it: whether they're not marketing her bc they think she doesn't sell, or because her absence reflects a reduced role in the movie, they owe an explanation to the fandom as to why they decided to sideline the first Asian character in favor of a bunch of faceless stormtroopers and a giant penis-shaped alien slug. Fucking own that you're catering to racist fanbros and flawed marketing logic, and then we can talk.
And even not considering the Rose issue, I feel the promotional material this time lacks aesthetical and thematic cohesiveness. Where the TLJ marketing had a strong personality due to the dominant red hue and the intense expressiveness provided by letting Kylo be maskless and emote freely in front of the camera, TROS has been so far a bit of everything with no original ideas that tells us very little about the spirit of the movie, and I get the need to avoid spoilers, but it honestly feels generic and bland.
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tarrkin · 6 years
Do you ever wish we got First Order officers as good as Tarkin, Jerjerrod, Veers and Piett and sad we are just stuck with Hux?
This ask made me laugh because ‘sad we are just stuck with Hux’ is probably such a mood among some other first order officers lol
But yes, my biggest (and pretty much only serious) complaint against the sequel trilogy is how the First Order feels very much like a flimsy cardboard cutout of an evil organization than anything substantial.
Now to be clear, while there are several things I dislike about the First Order I don’t like complaining about things that really couldn’t have gone any other way. For example, when I saw TFA I was annoyed that Hux was so young and insecure (Tarkin’s shadow looms large and while I’ve grown to like Hux he very much did NOT live up to it in TFA. I’ve since realized that’s sort of the point but that’s a topic for another post), but Kylo needs a villainous foil around his own age so ~30yo Hux is really the only option.
That said, the fact that we had virtually no other FO officers in TFA was a pretty big disappointment for me. I can accept that Mitaka wasn’t named in-movie because neither were Tagge or Motti (the guys in the ANH Imperial meeting), but the difference is that they actually had personality (being scared of Kylo Ren doesn’t count) and more importantly were clearly distinct. Mitaka is more equivalent to a more forgettable Imperial aid like Bast.
Even Jerjerrod, who has less than 2 minutes of screen time in ROTJ, feels distinct from Piett or Veers in the way he interacts with Vader (and ofc shoutout to Captain Needa may he rest in peace). I also think it’s notable that ANH and ESB both had officers interacting with other officers, while TFA very much did not, which really helps to flesh out the Empire as an organization.
Now to be fair, I give major kudos to Rian for giving us two new FO officers in TLJ who finally felt like real people (Canady and Peavey). Canady’s few early moments feel incredibly distinct, and while Peavey flies under the radar, if you pay attention he’s a pretty funny background character. TLJ is also what turned me around and got me liking Hux (love that gun scene).
So I suppose in conclusion I was pretty disappointed with the TFA!FO under JJ, loved what Rian did with the new characters in TLJ, and am hoping we get another new officer in ep IX but expectations are pretty low.
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fleurdulys · 6 years
...i read some tlj spoilers and honestly...if those are true i am definitely not going to see it this weekend. maybe after christmas when i am really effin’ bored
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the-bi-writer-blog · 7 years
tbh i get this feeling that TLJ script is what happens when a cishet white dude has been praised for mediocrity his whole life, and no one ever (metaphorically) whacks him on the nose with a newspaper and says, “Rewrite this shit. NO.”
Like, the rest of us (and any writers worth their salt) know all about starting over when it comes to creative projects. If you’re a writer or artist, how many times have you completely thrown out a first, second, third draft, because you only got one usable idea from the whole mess?
The more I hear about TLJ, the more it appears that the script is that one draft you wrote at the very beginning of the writing assignment, to flush out all your bad ideas and maybe find some usable ones...and instead Rian just...stuck with it. Or, maybe he got good feedback for a second draft, and just...didn’t incorporate any of it lol.
As a writer, many times have you needed to lean on others to be your eyes, and tell you how the story if coming across? (hopefully, a lot.) how many times have you asked for, and incorporated advice? (again, hopefully, often.)
I’m writing a story right now is inherently pretty dark. It’s called No Redemption, and it’s literally a fic where Kyle dies unredeemed (and the readers are told this from the get-go.) So to some extent, you realize going into it that there are going to be Not Happy things.
That being said, I was teasing out some ideas with one of my lovely betas this week, and they basically went, “Holy shit that’s too intense.” So I scrapped a direction that would have been too far off the mark, because I fucking listen to my betas, even when they tell me I have to go back to the drawing board.
And like, this is from an inexperienced writer whose fic has 10 plot holes and needs more unifying themes. I’ve only been back at writing for a few months. But I’m actually learning as I go, and listening to other people, and not clinging on to everything I think or write, bc sometimes, “Holy shit that’s too far.” 
Anyway, idk if there was a point, except that when you’re entrusted with a story like TLJ, where you have multiple generations looking up to you, because you’re continuing their beloved childhood franchise that gave them hope when they felt lonely and alone, you need to have multiple people on this team. You need a lot of perspectives. You need someone to tell you, “Hell no,” when want to sideline your PoC protagonists in favor of your white characters (one of whom is is no way shape or form, ever, a protagonist.)
You apparently, even, need a 10th grade English teacher on your team, to teach you the meaning of the term, “protagonist.” 
Anyway, I’m pissed at Rian and KK for sidelining Finn, Rose, Poe, and Paige, and this has been a Rant™
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him-e · 3 years
The center of alt-right and radical right-wing ideology in Star Wars fandom is on YouTube, a favorable (and profitable) home for indignation against non-white and non-cis male individuals built up on 4chan during Gamergate. It isn’t difficult to find videos of mostly white men belaboring their strongly held belief that women and minorities are ruining video games, comic books, and Star Wars. [...] Whether they realize it or not, they are diligently carrying forward Steve Bannon’s master plan to change culture in order to change politics. And there is no better target for such an agenda than a franchise considered to be a cultural touchpoint of modern Western myth. The shared narrative across this group’s thousands of videos is simple: First, Kathleen Kennedy ruined Star Wars by allowing women to work in too many creative jobs at LucasFilm. Then, Rian Johnson ruined Star Wars by emasculating Luke Skywalker, creating the character of Rose Tico, and letting Rey win a lightsaber fight before going through an extensive training montage. And before all of that, Disney ruined Star Wars by hiring both Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson. For anybody not radicalized enough to believe this narrative, these types of videos with outrageous headlines written in all caps and memes do look, well, silly. It’s simple to look at these people, have a laugh, and walk away. But we do unfortunately have to pay attention to what these angry (mostly) white men in front of a web camera have to say because [...] the systems of power leveraging this kind of enmity online are organized, ruthless and tied back to some of the most hateful people in the United States.
In Plain Sight: How White Supremacy, Misogyny, and Hate Targeted the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and Won by Rewriting Ripley
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anghraine · 4 years
What were your thoughts on the Skywalkers in TROS? Personally I found it all kind of underwhelming but a lot of that stems from my baseline issues with how the Skywalkers were set up in the ST (the waffling on Leia's Jedi training for instance) and the absence of any proper scenes between Ben and Leia (obviously not 100% the filmmakers' fault)
My thoughts are fairly negative and definitely rambling, so I’ll put them under a cut!
I’m torn, because I think that a) the Skywalker stuff was the best part of the movie, and b) it was kind of underwhelming.
I feel like my issues are sort of epitomized in the whole “Rey Skywalker” thing. I saw someone on Twitter saying that “Skywalker” essentially stands in for “protagonist” in the movies, and that by taking the name, Rey is claiming a central position in her/the story. And I feel that it’s pretty much intended that way.
Buuuut I don’t see “Skywalker” that way at all in the OT or PT or TLJ? It’s a specific family with its own history and dynamics, for good and evil. Rey barely knew Luke and is (vaguely) a protégée but hardly an adoptive daughter to Leia (who is Leia Organa in any case). Ben is her LI, which is fine, but it’s still a pretty weird stretch for her to take his grandfather’s/uncle’s name because of that (esp given how destructive his ties to both of them are). She just doesn’t have that much to do with their history as a family, particularly the ones who are actually named Skywalker.
I think part of that is that so much of the family legacy revolves around Anakin, who is this weird and completely unexplained absence in the ST. I’ve heard people saying that TROS is basically JJ undoing TLJ, but I actually feel that it does a lot more to undo ROTJ and the prequels. 
Like, Anakin as Chosen One is just confusing at this point. And we’re apparently supposed to believe that Obi-Wan and Yoda would be more involved with Anakin’s family than Anakin himself (????). His redemption, something monumental for Luke, might almost as well not have happened. We have no idea how Leia has related to him since ROTJ (which managed to convey some complexity to her feelings in the space of about a minute)or how Ben was raised to think of him or how Luke feels about/deals with his legacy (and I don’t care about the shifting explanations in the EU; if it’s necessary for the film, it should be in the film). I ended up feeling like the filmmakers mostly just … didn’t care about him apart from the Vader paraphernalia.
I’ll admit I was pretty happy with Leia as a Jedi, just because I’ve found the excuses reasons not to follow up on ROTJ’s implication that she’d be one so completely unpersuasive. Young Leia and Luke training together was a welcome surprise, too! OTOH, the reason she stopped being one and the very belated introduction of her lightsaber is … meh. It’d be better if that whole arc had been introduced in TFA, even if very very briefly.
I agree that the limitations on Leia’s role, while not wholly the filmmakers’ fault for obvious reasons, is pretty messy. Especially wrt Ben. If Leia simply reaching out was enough to knock Kylo back into Ben, and followed up by imaginary Han telling him to fight for what Leia cared about (which is essentially him talking to himself), then—I just would like a stronger sense of her impact. I mean, he has literally no lines after his redemption, so it’s not like there isn’t room for him to say something.
(Honestly, in some ways, I think it might have worked better if they just killed Leia off right away and dealt with her legacy from that point, instead of railroading themselves with the footage, even though I think they did about as good a job of integrating it as anyone could have. I am curious about what the original plan was before Carrie died, though.)
I also regretted that there was no reconciliation or… anything between Luke and Ben. It was clearly set up in TLJ and it’s not like Luke isn’t capable of appearing, so that’s just kind of hanging. 
A lot of this is about what’s not there. I did like what was! I think we got a pretty clear sense of Luke and Leia’s bond, which is one of my favourite relationships in SW. I liked that Leia was an inspiring figure to pretty much everyone with the least reason to be inspired, including her son. I liked Luke showing up. I liked Bendemption, of course (*fistbumps 2016 Elizabeth*). And at least hearing Anakin! It just felt kind of disconnected, and I think that disconnected is the last thing the Skywalkers should be.
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ladymelisande · 4 years
The way that I feel so cheated the most it's the music. Because J. J even made fucking John Williams convine Rey's theme with Ben's reversed theme for his fucking nostalgia grab ending. Not even his musical theme was allowed to remain his. Not even the music of this fucking movie was allowed to remain truthful at the themes of the saga.
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Every day I'm gladder I managed to pull myself at least partway out of the online SW hype/wank machine
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wombathos · 4 years
not me staring off into space for the third time today going through my inner monologue of why I hated the Rise of Skywalker so much....
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janiedean · 4 years
what are your thoughts on the claim by antis (the people who I have seen reblog the post happen to be fi**Xrey shippers) that reylo being canon is racism winning or that kylo ren getting focus is racism etc or say the trio is finn/rey/poe even though that poe was intended to die in tfa
in order:
'reylo being canon is racism’ is ridiculous because if it wasn’t obvious from tfa it was obvious from tlj and like........ it’s not like they could cast a nonwhite kylo since he’s supposed to be the son of two white people and if rey was nonwhite people would scream that it’s racist for other reasons, and on top of that finn and rey never were written as love interests from the get-go and it’s obvious
also considering that finn a) had rose who was a canon love interest that was scrapped bc people bitched about it [asian], b) went nowhere with jannah who was the obvious rose replacement just cooler either [black], c) didn’t have the mlm romance with poe with whom he had more chemistry than anyone else anyway [oscar is latino] if I had to go for their reasoning then it’s kind of racist that the black main lead had no actual canon love story RESOLUTION with none of his THREE possible love interests all of which were not white, but nah, it’s racism just if he doesn’t end up with the only main white woman his age? ... I mean, sorry but this is not progressive whatsoever and I’m dying on that hill *shrug*
also reylo is a ship between an abuse victim who did a lot of bad shit and someone who sees the good in them in which the abuse victim turns their life around eventually so miss me with ‘racism winning’, it would have been ‘you can do good things with your life still’ winning if he survived but whatever
‘kylo ren getting focused on is racism’ the dark side has been more popular than the light side han excluded since sw was a thing and at the end of it ben solo was the objectively best written character in this trilogy (saying this as someone whose fave was poe), I’m sooooo surprised! also he’s the main dark side person, if they don’t focus on him who are they gonna focus on? *shrug*
re poe: if I was in the shoes of these people I’d be here protesting about that disgusting retcon space drug trader storyline GIVEN TO THE LATINO CHARACTER GOING AGAINST COMICS CANON because that was pretty fucking offensive. also, poe was not killed in tfa and it was a decision taken before they shot the movie because oscar was like ‘do I really have to die again in the first fifteen minutes’ while in talks for the role so the fact that he was supposed to die means absolutely shit because making him live was not a decision they made at the last minute, so miss me with the poe should have died discourse. however as someone who’d have appreciated good trio stuff in tros, they completely fucked up 80% of that starting with the retconned storyline and not giving finn a proper character arc so like... idk if people want to discuss racism in this sequels maybe they should talk about how the trio part of the movie fucked over both finn and poe as characters, about how tros sidelined the other nonwhite actresses and fucked over rose, while jannah could have been cool but oh hey ‘some stormtroopers feel the force and leave others don’t’ nice calvinism there, and zoe... I mean she didn’t even take the mask off but okay sure that was absolutely progressive? also lando was back but he was there for five minutes??? I mean.... sorry but considering that tros treated like shit all the nonwhite characters who could have had a storyline all on their own instead of revolving around a bad copypaste of troj made to retcon tlj never mind the disrespect to the actors (I can’t forgive them for making oscar play that fucking drug backstory when poe was a character who was NOT supposed to be a latino stereotype in the goddamned established canon, and kelly marie tran... let’s not even touch the fucking disrespect of her being in that movie for ONE MINUTE AND A HALF), I think that the problem isn’t reylo smooching or kylo ren/ben solo existing. poe/finn/rose/jannah/zoe/lando could have had decent storylines on their own..... and the only one who sort of had one was poe and it included that dumbass retconned backstory so if people want to cry about rey and kylo locking lips when they had been told since the trailer from tlj instead of pointing out that this movie’s plot/treatment of nonwhite actors was atrocious then... well. sorry but it’s typical anti armchair activism IF worrying about SW is even activism. miss me with that shit either. and whether poe should have been part of the new trio or no is completely irrelevant given this background. like, they had a lot of nonwhite characters, they could have done really good/nice things with them, they didn’t, but sure, the problem is ben solo’s existence and that he and rey kissed when tlj made it blatantly obvious they would. k.
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emperorren · 5 years
From a cynical perspective, I think the marketing is still using masked Kylo in the main “villain” role and really pushing that visual is because this is the last time they’ll get to capitalize on Evil Kylo Ren: there probably won’t be any more films with him in them (unless he appears masked and played by another actor in cameos, or something), and if he gets redeemed then the villain content might lose some impact—though no doubt they’ll also use redemption to make money via Ben Solo merch.
Reversing the perspective to play devil's advocate, they can have ANYONE play masked!kylo at any given time in the future, but this was their last chance to feature Adam Driver on a Star Wars poster and they've traded it for an expressionless mask.
They could have banked on villain!Kylo while still showing his face, and yet we have this. I don't hate the concept of the mask, and the kintsugi explanation behind it is really lovely (and we know it's also canon), but damn, DAAAMN, THEY HAVE ADAM FUCKING DRIVER IN THEIR LAST TRILOGY MOVIE AND THEY PUT A HELMET ON HIM
That's beyond... stupid, imo.
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legionofpotatoes · 5 years
reading ubisoft’s response to this mess just makes me realize how much i overall loathe the legacy trope. just that idea in storytelling that ascribes some made-up value to one’s bloodline and builds plot points out of it. doesn’t really matter how functionally intrinsic it is to the story, I just feel like it never leads anywhere great.. like whatever the fuck the midichlorians were, or khan’s magic blood in star trek or countless other examples.. just that whole idea. building stories around those ideas. that bloodlines make something good, that value seeps from heritage, it feels.. so shitty. and it results in forced story choices that lead player-driven shit like odyssey into the rut it found itself in. I know there’s nuance and the entire franchise stands on the DNA-as-memory premise and whateverthefuck, but I’m mostly being critical of the entire idea here, not the case-by-case execution. we have had enough stories about power, value and superiority coming preinstalled with special blood/parents. it’s 2019 and we all know damn well the ugly connotations that scream out from those premises, no matter the salad dressing. just do better, for fuck’s sake
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kadywicker · 6 years
ok look..... all those ppl that r like “sw fans just dont like tlj bc its not what they expected and didnt live up to their fanon!” ........ im sorry but like ?? tfa wasnt what ppl expected. ppl had spent years w/legends and had predicted for years up to it that rey was han and leias daughter and was still actually jaina. no one expected/wanted han to die or for luke to only show up for 2 seconds. rogue one wasnt what ppl expected either. they wanted jyn to be reys mom and no one expected everyone to die. it was also much darker in tone than other sw movies AND didnt focus on any of the “main” saga characters. and there WERE ppl who complained abt tfa and r1. for sure. but the audience scores on those r still overwhelmingly positive.
then u take a look at tlj... boiling it down to “oh ppl r mad reys a ‘nobody’ and luke died and poe isnt fanon poe” just... rlly arent getting the point bc weve SEEN those things before? rey wasnt han & leias daughter and jyn wasnt her mother. han died and so did r1. no one thought or envisioned leia and han splitting up. and there was nowhere near this much of a backlash when those things happened. maybe actually listen 2 the criticisms of it thank u 
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