#i realize this is rich considering i just got excited about that tv spot but like...i can still go about my day; you feel?
Every day I'm gladder I managed to pull myself at least partway out of the online SW hype/wank machine
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yuzukult · 3 years
i’m bad too 15 || kdy & reader
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title: i’m bad too - drabble series pairing: kim doyoung x reader genre: angst, fluff, smut, goodboy!doyoung, nerdy!dy (basically he’s a dork) & badgirl!reader, hitman!au, oc-isn’t-a-hitman-but-she-could-be!au, word count: 1.8k warnings: none !! a/n: a “leading” chapter, before something actually happens! so, not the most exciting, but... yeah. :D
please let me know if anyone wants to be tagged! taglist: @wownajaemin​​​​ @crescent-iak​​​​ @ncttboo​​​​ @byunbaekby​​​​​ @jinfizz​​ @doyoungyoung​​ @ahgayeah0305​​ @doyobun​​ @sexualitaeyong​ @mrkleelvr​​ @m1ss-foodi3​​
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If it’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself, it’s that you hate when Ten chews his food with his mouth open. He chomps it like a cow munching on grass, and sometimes, he even makes those weird wet sounds if the food is soft and squishy enough.
But after laying in a hospital bed for a week, unable to speak, you’re missing the ability to call your big brother ‘disgusting’ across the table, toss something in his direction, and him opening his mouth to show the contents of his dinner inside.
“Are you fucking insane? You let her go into hellfire, knowing damn well she wasn’t protected?” The voice is familiar, loud, and straining, like they’re on the verge of tears but too instilled with anger to let the sadness seep through. “I thought I said to keep her fucking safe if you wanted to work together.”
“I don’t work in the field, Ten. I don’t control what happens at the moment.”
“Yeah, but you set the commands. You give the orders. She’s fucking on her deathbed, Taeyong—“
“Don’t fucking say my name in public,” he hisses through his gritted teeth. “Listen. If it’s not her, it’s me.”
“I’d rather it be you.”
“You need me, Ten. Who is gonna do the dirty work for you? Look at those pretty fingers. You wouldn’t hurt a soul. But your sister—you know damn well she’s got potential to be more. This is just a hurl she’s jumping over. When she recovers—“
“You’ve got to be fucking insane, you think I’m gonna let her go back out there when you put her in harms way?”
Before the conversation could continue, you hear the door click shut, and the shuffling of flat shoes tapping against the cold tiles, reaching to your bedside. You can’t see, your body won’t let you fully awaken, and you can’t speak with this tube lodged in your throat. But the whiff of the cologne that comes hits your nostrils is a familiar one. It’s Doyoung.
He sighs, like he’s been troubled and you can’t even blame him. You told him not to worry, that you’d stay safe, and here you are—unable to move, unable to wake up, unable to breathe on your own, and unable to talk.
You hear his moments; the scuffing of his oversized denim jacket against the leather seat by your bed, browsing through the drawers with each push and slam until he finds what he’s looking for, and when you hear the television turn on, you could only assume it was for the remote.
“I wonder if they have Marvel movies playing,” he says, seemingly to no one in particular until you realize he’s speaking to you, in spite of the fact that you’re very much in a deep sleep. “I know they’re not your favorite, but you tolerate it. I never got to ask what kind of movies you liked. I… I guess I was being a little selfish when you gave me attention that I never considered to ask.”
You wanna tell him that you actually don’t even like movies, in fact, you prefer sitcoms in spite of your very evident opposite personality. If you could, you would tell him that you watch those superhero movies because he’s into them, that if you get to see that pretty little smile on his face, it makes you forget all your problems and… the moment is worthwhile.
Warmth reaches your fingers, and you could only assume that it’s Doyoung holding your hand. It’s a familiar feeling of home, like you’re meant to be here with him, except the current setting isn’t necessarily favored.
“Do you like Spongebob?” He asks, as if you could even respond. “Mm. Doesn’t really seem like your thing, but I feel like you’re the type to not look like you enjoy it, but you actually love it because it’s annoying.”
He’s… right. You want to laugh, genuinely laugh because Kim Doyoung is spot on with his prediction. He knows you better than he gives himself credit for, because he doesn’t change the channel and watches the TV with you.
“I bet you like sitcoms,” Doyoung mentions randomly, eyes still on the screen. “Like maybe not Modern Family, but maybe like… Parks and Rec. You don’t seem like you’d enjoy the Office too much, maybe Michael Scott is too much of a character but Andy Bernard looks like a guy you’d scare to the point he’d piss his pants, but you’d like him.” Again, you think to yourself. Because Doyoung got it right yet again.
He’s quiet for a bit, letting Spongebob play in the background and you could hear the conversation between Spongebob and Patrick. Truthfully, you don’t know what’s actually happening, but the feeling of being with Doyoung like this, hand in hand with something stupid playing on TV is your favorite.
It’s casual. No missions, no guns, no family business—just you and Doyoung.
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Doyoung doesn’t say much on the day you finally wake up. With a tube wedged down your throat, it’s difficult to have a two-way conversation anyways, and seeing you like this probably breaks his heart, so any word that leaves his mouth might be with a stutter and a sob.
Spongebob plays on the television for another hour before Doyoung eventually breaks the glass of quietude, letting out a soft chuckle at something Patrick said. “Sorry,” he apologizes quickly, glancing over at you. “Wasn’t sure if you liked Spongebob.” Although you can’t speak, the soft squeeze of his hand gives away your approval, and a gentle smile tugs on his face.
There's another moment of silence, just before Doyoung lowers the volume of the TV before gathering enough courage to talk. It takes a lot to get himself to speak up against you, someone he sort of feared yet at the same time had strong feelings for.
“I know what you do,” he announces, eyes never leaving the flickering screen with cartoon characters under the deep blue sea do stupid things, unmatching to what he wants to say next. “I can’t say that I totally get it, because I don’t. I’d be lying if I said I did, but… you do those things, and I’m not a hundred percent sure what to make out of it, but I get why it was hard to confess… those things.” He runs his fingers through his greasy locks, accumulating in oils from how long he’s stayed here without going home to shower. “I kind of thought I was going to date someone really simple one day, yaknow? Settle down with a girl who has a job, sweet and kind, with the same end goal in mind. Get married, have kids… all that fun stuff.”
Your nose twitches at that. Because you’re definitely not that.
“But then I met you, which is… well,” he lets out a faint laugh, “... the complete opposite of all of that. You’re dangerous, cold, and oftentimes, I’m left hanging by a thread, confused on what we are and what I actually mean to you.”
If you could, you’d interrupt him right then and there. Tell him your sorrys, belatedly confessing your true feelings for him, let him know you’d be better for real this time, but truthfully, you’re not sure if he’ll believe you anyway.
“And I could just drop everything right now. Just get up, leave, move on. Tell you that I don’t want this anymore, that whatever you’re in, I don’t wanna be roped in and get involved in your baggage.” It’s like you could hear the cracking of your heart as it falls into the depths of your stomach because your chest feels empty when he says that. The worst part is when you can’t defend yourself, tell him that it’s not like that, but in the end, Doyoung does it for you.
“Yet, I’m still here, right? Because I don’t get you, I don’t get whatever it is you got yourself caught up in, but… after knowing, it oddly makes me… trust you more. So, I’ll stay.”
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“Fuck,” Ten curses underneath his breath, getting slightly frustrated with the wheelchair being caught on the steps of your home again. “Fucking shit, nothing here is disability accessible.”
It’s still hard to talk, but a weak laugh escapes from your lips.
“Don’t laugh, you’re the one in the wheelchair not doing shit.”
When he gets you through the front door, and into the hallway, you can’t help but stare at Ten curiously. He furrows his brows at this, hands at his hips with a gesture of his chin. “What’s in your head?”
“Uh,” it’s straining to speak, but if not now, it’s never. “I overheard a conversation when I was asleep. I-I don’t know if it was a dream or… I don’t know. But I heard you talking to someone, uh, someone particularly… with a reputation.”
His body goes rigid.
“Right,” you state, feeling more confident that the discussion was definitely not a dream. “So this entire time, you’ve been working with the organization?” Ten only sucks his cheeks, unable to formulate a proper rebuttal, so you take advantage of this. “This whole time, you let them constantly probe and ask me to be part of them—”
“I told him not to—”
“Well, he’s been asking, Ten, and he hasn’t stopped. I got contracted to be part of them temporarily, not permanently. This was supposed to be a one and done deal, you realize that, right?”
He scoffs. “You think that anything you do with Lee Taeyong could just be easily brushed under the rug? Hell no, you have to be insanely rich to pay off that guy. He thinks you’re talented, you know? What do you think this is?”
“I could just get up and leave—” “In your fucking dreams, kid,” Ten lets out a chuckle of disbelief, shaking his head. “I agreed to work with him before I knew that you were already contracted with him. There’s shady people in the business. There’s so many messed-up dudes who would bend the laws to get what they want. I don’t want that, but I have to protect myself.”
“Wanna hear something, kid? Taeyong doesn’t think this accident,” Ten gestures to your wounds, heart tightening at the sight of you in pain. “... this accident, is just… it. He calls this an obstacle. He thinks this is just a bump in your progress, something you need to overcome before you hop back into the field and start training all over again. He’s not gonna let this go, doesn’t matter if I’m his client. Fuck, kid, he has a shit ton of clients.”
Uneasily, you grip onto the wheels of your seat. “Then what do you want me to do?”
“It’s your loss, kid. Either kill Taeyong and take his seat or you gotta work for him.”
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marveloussupernerd · 3 years
Ohhh Jumin with 1 for the Christmas prompts please? This local channel has a Hallmark Christmas movies marathon for the entire of December, I watched it when I can to get in the mood (and because I look for Jumin's alike in the love interest 👀). Thanks!
I wasn’t going to write this tonight but then I realized it was the exact brainless thing I needed rn. Everyday at 12 pm my mom gets excited and turns on Hallmark. It is on until 7 pm at least. So I know my hallmark
ALSO did you find Jumin’s alike ? Literally tell me what movie if so
Hallmark Movies - Jumin Han
This is from my Christmas / winter prompts !
Prompt: If you watch one more hallmark movie I’m pulling the plug on the TV
Warnings: this is a dumb warning but i talk abt the plot of some hallmark movies lol
Summary: you have to find some sort of pastime for when your husband is working. So it’s Hallmark. Glued to the couch all holiday season. Jumin hates when you swoon over those fictional men
You had December down like clockwork.
In the end of the year swing, C&R was constantly busy. They had to meet and surpass their yearly quotas. Your husband was always in meetings. This was the first time since getting married early that year that you had regretted your decision to become a stay-at-home housewife.
Jumin got ready for work at 6 am. His alarm went off at 5:50 so that he could wake up and get a few cuddles with you in bed before actually getting up. You woke up with him, planting kisses on his cheeks and asking for his daily itinerary and when you could expect him home for more cuddles. When he got up, you’d message the chef to start making him food. Jumin would tell you to stay in bed.
Jumin liked bringing you tea in bed in the mornings. Made him feel like the perfect husband. He’d get a kettle going as he got dressed and checked for any messages he may have gotten during the night. He’d deliver the tea to you, on a tray. You’d pour him a cup. He’d sit on the end of the bed and drink it. Talk about silly things.
He’d finish his cup, messaging Driver Kim he was ready for him. You’d tie his tie for him. He’d give you a goodbye kiss or two. He left by 6:45 am. You fell back asleep by 7 am, after Jumin messages you that he got to work safely.
You wake back up around 9. This time the chef brings up your breakfast. You’d lounge around in bed, answering emails for party guests, talking to the RFA, going on social media.
You were out of bed by 10:15, getting dressed, doing hair and/or makeup as you saw fit for the day. Jumin liked to lay out two outfits for you. If you didn’t want to wear either of them, that was fine. But if you did, it made him glow with pride.
You’d meet Jumin in his office for lunch together at 11. He’d tell you about the meeting he went to and Jaehee would sometimes come in and chat (which Jumin glared at her for doing). But primarily it was couples’ time. You liked to sit in silence, just enjoying each others’ company. At 11:30 you would head back to the penthouse.
And finally it was noon. Hallmark time. Since your husband worked long hours, you relied on the sexy Hallmark men to fill the void in your household. You laughed, you cried, you watched the same story over and over again but it was so special every time. As soon as Jumin got home, you’d turn off the movie and spend time with him, whether that be reading, cuddling, having dinner, going out somewhere; you let him choose. You didn’t feel the need to have a say. You already got to choose what you’d do throughout the day: Hallmark.
But one day Jumin got sick. Runny nose turned red from all the tissues he had been using, cups of tea gone through to help his sore throat. He was sick and absolutely unfit to go to the office. The schedule was messed up. He insisted he could take at least a half day, going in late and leaving early, and work from his home office. Okay. It was already 11. You’d just watch Hallmark when it came on.
Once the time came, Elizabeth the III sat on your lap (you were convinced she liked the movies too) and you cuddled up to watch the show.
Your phone rang. It was Jumin. You couldn’t pause the show.
You picked up regardless. “Hi Love. How are you feeling?” You asked.
He sniffled. “Bad. But I’m on my lunch break,” his tone brightened.
“...oh.” You hadn’t intended to say that aloud.
“I’m watching a Hallmark movie with Elizabeth the III in the living room. Why don’t you come out here and eat with me?” Compromise. Elizabeth the III being on your lap meant you couldn’t possibly move.
“Okay! I’ll be right there.” He sounded cheery.
He came out of his office, a few tissues in hand, but a smile on his face. He had dark circles under his eyes. “You two look so cute,” he commented, walking over and taking a spot to sit next to you, wrapping his arms tight around you. He was always more clingy when he was sick.
“You’re so sweet Jumin. What do you say we ask the chef for some soup?” You kissed his cheek. He chuckled, which led to a coughing fit, then nodded.
“What’s happening in this Hallmark movie?”
“Oh!” You were only a half hour in, but you were excited to share the plot. “I’m so glad you asked. So this news reporter lady says she hates Christmas. And the ratings are bad because everyone thinks she sucks because of it. So the news station is sending her to a Christmas town to bring back her holiday cheer. She just got to the town,” you summarized. Kind of strange they were airing a movie from 2016, and one with Lori Loughlin at that (they had pretty much stopped showing her movies), but this was indeed a classic.
“Christmas town? Do those really exist?” Jumin asked curiously.
“I don’t know. Shh- this is the love interest!”
“He isn’t all that handsome,” Jumin commented. You glared at him. “What!? I’m just surprised they didn’t cater to their female audience more.”
“Jumin, my love. These stories are not just about the hot guys. They’re about the romance! The Christmas spirit! The holiday magic! If I just wanted one about hot guys I would watch the one with the firefighters.”
He seemed confused by your intense knowledge of hallmark movies. But! They were so good. You were so invested. And how dare he insult the love interest!
There was a knock on the door. The soup was brought over to the two of you on the couch. You thanked the staff and sent them off.
“I’m just confused about-“
“Shut up and eat your soup Jumin,” you teased. “Get ready to experience true romance.”
He didn’t experience much true romance in the half hour lunch break. But you had a great time with that movie.
Next up: A Christmas Detour. You loved Candace Cameron Bure! This time she was trying to get a flight to meet her fiancé’s parents before the wedding. But of course, her fiancée worked way too much for her to actually end out with him. This was Hallmark after all.
Jumin interrupted halfway through this one. His tie was off, his top button undone. “Baby?” He called to you, standing in the doorway of his office.
You rushed by his side. “What’s wrong?” You placed your hand to his forehead to feel his temperature. He was kind of warm. “Are you okay?”
“Will you make me some tea?” His voice was hoarse. You felt so bad that he was overworking himself even when he was sick. It was 3 by now; how long was he planning to work?
“Of course I will.” You kissed his cheek. “Why don’t you rest for a few minutes while I make it?”
He groaned, agreeing, and plopped down on the couch while you went off to the kitchen to make the tea.
“Why are the people different?” He called to you. He must be watching the Hallmark movie.
“Oh! It’s another one.” You got to work putting the kettle on and taking out the cream and sugar. You walked back to stand by him as you waited.
She finally made it to meet the parents! What an exhausting journey. Ew... they seemed kind of... stuck up. Rich. Filthy rich. Did they really ask her to go to the bathroom and make herself more presentable before they did introductions? How terrible.
“They always make the rich people seem like bad guys,” Jumin grumbled.
You sat down on the arm of the sofa, leaning into him, running a hand through his hair. “Actually, there are some where the girl ends up with the CEO.”
“Her current boyfriend that she leaves is usually the CEO though.” Had he been paying attention to these movies? How did he know this?
“Well... that’s only the ones who work way too much and are like zero fun at all. Then she falls for the local guy,” you explained.
He turned to look at you, eyes all red and watery. “Do I work way too much?”
“No.” You gently placed a kiss to his lips. “You are nothing like those jerks.” The tea kettle whistled; you got up to go get it. “If local homebody was my type, I would have gone for Zen, not you,” you called over your shoulder.
You hadn’t realized he had followed you until his arms wrapped around you as you took the tea off. “Zen’s not your type,” he whispered, his voice a bit deeper than usual. Was he... jealous? You were literally his wife.
“I know,” you turned to face him. “You’re my type. I’m quite literally married to you.” You broke out into a smile, reminding yourself of that fact. Your smile was apparently contagious, because he did the same.
“You never considered dating him though... right?”
“Zen?” You poured the tea in the cup.
“Zen.” His voice was steely.
You giggled. “Of course not. Zen is literally dating himself all the time. I was attracted to you because of how different you are from the others in fact.”
That had convinced him. His face softened. You handed him his tea. “Exactly to your liking,” you smiled.
“I love you. I’ve got two more meetings then I’m all done.” He kissed your cheek then made his way back to the office. Time for more Hallmark.
That movie had ended. “A Christmas Love Story” was now on. These two meetings must have been long.
And finally. Finally. He came out. Collapsed onto the couch. You glanced at him and smiled. Then back at the tv. Things were getting tense in the movie!!
“I’m done,” he whispered, a lazy smile on his face as he looked at you.
You glanced at him again. “Yay. I’m so proud of you Honey.”
“Another Hallmark movie?” He sighed.
“This is what I do all day when you’re at work,” you informed him, giggling.
“But I’m not at work. I’m home now.” He scooted closer to you.
“But! I’m in the middle of it. The guest choir director just found out the kid who is getting a solo is her son that she put up for adoption! That’s insane.”
His arms wrapped around you, one hand lingering towards the remote.
“Jumin don’t turn it off!” You whined. He snatched the remote and moved away from you. “Nooooo!”
“Can’t we just cuddle and take a nap? I still don’t feel good.” His finger was hovering over the off button. NO
“Jumin, Baby, please, please, no.” You inched closer to him. “I’m begging you. Please. I need to know what happens.”
“She gets with the love interest and everything ends happily,” he stated simply.
“I need the details! Please!!! I’ll do anything!”
That got his attention.
He quirked an eyebrow. “Anything?”
“Oh get your mind out of the gutter. You’re sick.” You rolled your eyes. Still, you were planning how to get the remote back.
“What about when I’m not sick? Can I cash it in then?” He had the widest smirk on his face. Sometimes you just hated your husband.
“Yes! God, yes Jumin fine. Please! Be quiet and let me watch this in peace!”
He set down the remote. You were safe.
“Fine. But if you watch one more hallmark movie I’m pulling the plug on the TV.”
You laughed at that. Of course you wouldn’t. You just wanted to watch this one, then he’d have your attention.
“Cuddles?” He asked. He was pitiful. You loved your sick husband oh so much though.
You sighed, pretending like it was an impossible hassle, but your smile gave it away. “Yes. Cuddles are okay.”
He triumphantly laid down, resting his head on your lap, grabbing onto your hand. You might’ve watched Hallmark for the rest of the night, but he was watching something much better: you.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
You Don’t Mess Around With Jim
(where Billy has been living w/ Jim and El for a lil over a year bc he’s been adopted and he never died and he just knows Hopper is a pushover and knows how to use that to his and El’s advantage)
It’s a calm and balmy night and the roads in Hawkins, Indiana are decently quiet. Billy likes it this way. Back before Hopper took him in, this was one of the few things that he felt made this town worth it: the quiet roads late at night.
The quiet can be suffocating. Billy’s thoughts thrive on the silence; they scream in its presence. Which is why quiet nights on quiet roads make for the perfect canvas for loud as fuck music and races with bad memories. It’s also why Billy got picked up by the local police department twice in his first week in Hawkins. But that’s why Billy met Jim. So he’s not about to lament that.
Billy was usually out later than this, considering it’s only 8pm, but even so, the streets are still quiet enough to be pleasant, especially for a nice summer night like this one. He has his arm out the open window, letting the humid air wrap around it softly as it cuts through the night. When he’s feeling playful, he likes to encourage El to follow his lead in sticking his head out the window as they drive.
But tonight is calm and warm and a little too humid to do something like that, so Billy settles for the softness of the air on his arm. He lets it touch him gently. He closes his eyes and breathes. The less than favorable thoughts of a home he no longer lives in flash through his brain in a second, and they’re gone just as fast. The night is nice.
He briefly thinks of Joyce and her boys and what a weird family they’re going to make when Jim finally realizes what a fool he’s being in not asking her to marry him right now. She’s gentle and nurturing to her children and she gives that same stuff to Billy and El, even though they’re in no way related and she absolutely doesn’t have to. And when Billy thinks about it, he isn’t too surprised about her showering El with affection, seeing as she may gain a daughter (or will adopt her whether Jim gets off his ass to pop the question or not). Plus, everyone loves El and decides to shower her with affection pretty much the moment they meet her. But giving all that gentle nurturing to another boy? To Billy?
It confuses him to say the least.
She’s constantly inviting them over for dinner. She lets them stay over sometimes when it gets late and El gets tired. She’s inviting and strong as all hell and is hard on Jim when he needs it. She puts up with Jim, even though Billy recently found out that they grew up in this damn town together. So that means she’s known Jim for decades and still puts up with him and if that isn’t a miracle in itself, Billy is going to eat his shirt.
But it’s not his job to babysit lovesick adults. He might make it his job if they get completely hopeless, but for right now, he’ll just appreciate the non-TV dinners and the soft, music-filled drives back and forth from the Byers home. Plus, Billy has a bet going with Jonathan about when Jim and Joyce get together and he needs to wait it out a bit longer if he’s gonna collect the reward.
Billy notices the sound of Jim’s fingers thumping against the wheel of the car as the next song begins to play.
~Uptown got its hustlers…~
Jim is mumbling along to the words, very clearly not sure of them, but when the chorus starts, he’s singing. Loudly. Not necessarily excited or anything, just loud.
“They all call big Jim boss… and they say you don’t tug on Superman’s cape. Y’don’t spit into the wind. Y’don’t pull the mask off that old lone ranger and you don’t mess around with Jim.”
He -would- like this song.
El is giggling in the back of the car and Billy eyes her before he looks back to the smile cracking Jim’s face.
“That’s pretty cocky.” Billy says, eyeing the man next to him and being an overall brat about it. He scoffs a bit when Jim turns humorously disbelieving eyes onto him.
Jim laughs as loud as he sings.
“That’s real rich coming from you.”
Billy laughs back at that. He knows it’s true, he’s not one to deny that he’s a cocky son of a bitch, but he shakes his head all the same. He wonders how he got here, listening to old music from the 70’s with the Chief of Police and a girl-raised-lab-rat in the back seat.
Jim looks over at Billy again and just asks: “What, do you think the song is wrong?”
There’s a challenge in his voice and Billy sees a matching challenge in his eyes.
Oh alright, old man. Game on.
Billy doesn’t know what’s running through his blood, but Billy has felt it boil up through the year he’s been living with Jim. He tried to push it down out of anxiety, but when he realized the safety of his new situation, it was a little hard to cool it off. Because getting under the skin of others is a borderline hobby for him. Will has his drawing, Jonathan has his photography, and Billy has his being an overall public menace. Some may say it’s not as “constructive”, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun. People are always telling kids to have fun while they’re young.
A shit eating grin splits Billy’s face and he looks out at his hand sticking out of the window and slicing the air. He hums to himself, alongside Jim as the song continues to play in the background.
“You know what I could use?” He asks, loud enough to make sure El can definitely hear him. “Some ice cream.”
He hears sudden and excited shuffling from the backseat and smiles even wider as he waves his hand around out the window.
“Ice cream?”
“No.” Comes Jim’s voice, firm and sharp. Billy looks in the car’s side mirror and sees El deflate in the back of the seat.
“Seriously, think about it.” Billy continues. “Ice cream on top of some Eggos?” El perks up again, her tongue licking her lips quickly in excitement. “Some of that good vanilla ice cream too, with the little black specks in it?”
He looks over to Jim, who is gripping the steering wheel tighter, knuckles turning white.
“I already said no.” He grumbles.
“Y’know, we didn’t get any ice cream the last time we went shopping.” Billy can hear the smirk in his own voice. He chuckles when Jim turns down the wrong road, closer to the store.
“Or the store trip before.” El pipes up from the back. Billy points to her and gives her a thumbs up.
“Good point. Plus we have some of those cherries at home that we can put on top.”
Billy can picture them on the center shelf of their cabinet: those maraschino ones in the little jars. El had pleaded for them the last time they went shopping, because they’re sweet and sticky and she likes to put them on top of waffles and inside her glasses of water sometimes when Jim isn’t home. Billy had helped her get them, reasoning that they were practically fruit, even though Billy knew that was bullshit. They’re a semblance of fruit, sure, but as much fruit as something bathing in the most unnatural looking syrup can be. Even so, Jim had folded pretty easily.
“Ooh, cherries!”
Jim shakes his head. He’s not humming anymore.
But now El is hitting Jim’s shoulder, her little hand rapping furiously on it as she goes in for the kill: “Please, Dad?”
Billy can’t help the chuckle that bubbles up in his chest as he hears it. He joins in.
“Yeah Dad, please?”
And every time Billy’s mouth forms around that word, it feels less and less like alcohol-infused cotton on his mouth. Sometimes Billy says it without thinking, like when Jim is trying to make them dinner and Billy asks if he needs help, or when Jim’s on the couch helping El read and Billy needs to know where something is in the cabinets, or that one time he needed Jim to hold something for him as he fixed his Camaro. It always catches both of them off guard when it comes out naturally like that. But Jim never makes a big deal out of it, he just lets it float away through the air between them as he responds to whatever Billy has asked him.
But sometimes… he uses it to his advantage. And it works like a charm.
Because Billy isn’t imagining it when the breath leaves Jim’s chest quickly and his knuckles get whiter.
“Fine.” He says under his breath as they take another wrong turn away from their house and towards the store.
El cheers a bit and sits back, pleased. Billy is just as pleased, leaning back and tuning in once again to the song as it ends.
You don’t mess around with Slim…
And this time, Billy is the one humming along to the end of the chorus. His grin doesn’t fade.
Jim Hopper can grumble as much as he wants, but Vanilla Bean ice cream on top of 2 warm Eggos with Maraschino cherries on top was a marvelous idea and Billy thinks he should be rewarded. And he knows Jim is happy because he’s smiling every now and then inbetween bites.
After Billy helps wash the dishes, he looks to Jim with a smirk on his face. 
“Can’t mess around with Jim?” Billy asks.
But Jim just isn’t having it, tossing the towel he used to dry the dishes over to Billy.
“Go to bed, kid.”
“Yeah, yeah. Night, Dad.”
Billy doesn’t think as he says it, but his heart stops the second that it’s out there. He turns away as quick as he can, before he can see Jim’s face. His own face is burning and his heart is running as he walks to his room and shuts the door quickly.
The sound of an irritated Joyce reaches Billy’s ears from his spot on the couch, sitting in between Hopper and Steve.
Joyce stopped by on her way to the store to ask them if they needed anything, and then to check their kitchen when they ultimately said no. Billy has noticed that she likes to do this. It’s completely unnecessary and most definitely just an excuse to come see Hopper, but it makes Hopper smile and provides Billy some entertainment as the two adults trip over each other, so he chuckles through it. Little does she know they just went to the store a night ago.
Steve is over because Billy really wanted to suck his dick.
And the nerds are also meeting at the Wheeler’s house and Steve was already planning on coming to pick El up because Billy doesn’t want to spend more money on gas. But after they drop them off, Billy and Steve are going down to the quarry so they can listen to music and Billy can suck Steve’s dick to the rhythm of a Springsteen song.
But for right now, they’re waiting for El to get ready and Joyce must have just found the 3 ice cream cartons they just recently bought.
Hopper looks over to her like a deer in headlights. There’s a laugh threatening Billy’s chest but he can’t let Joyce see it, so he turns his head to Steve and chuckles into his neck. Steve immediately starts to push Billy away while squirming and whining about being ticklish.
“Hop, can you come here?” Joyce’s voice is all business. She’s clearly not happy.
Billy is pretty sure she set a deal with Hop once they started getting serious to stop keeping so much junk food around. She knows Jim doesn’t make fresh food for them hardly ever. It’s always frozen dinners or fast food. It was probably just fine for the Chief when he was a mess living alone, but now he’s a mess living with two minors, so… frozen dinners every night don’t necessarily cut it. When Billy started living here, he quickly realized he’d have to be the one to make something for the 3 of them that wasn’t freezer burned peas on a tray, if not for him and Hop, then at least for El. No matter how content she seems, Billy still thinks she deserves more than only TV dinners and freezer waffles.
So since Joyce can’t be here every night (except she could if they’d get married), she cut some deal with Jim to limit the junk food in the house so she would know they’re not just living off sugar. They can’t die of some weird sugar overdose if there’s no sugar in the house.
“Why are there 3 cartons of ice cream in your freezer?” Joyce hisses at Jim. Billy can just hear it from his spot pressed against Steve. He fights hard not to snort, so he bites Steve’s shoulder instead.
“Hey!” Steve yelps, wriggling and trying to brush Billy off.
Billy shifts his eyes over to Hopper when he doesn’t hear the man say anything and notices the man flailing, mouth gaping like a fish as he struggles to bite out some words that might explain himself. It’s then that El walks into the room, a skip in her step and a bright smile on her face, showing she’s ready to go.
Billy gets up along with Steve to meet her at the door when he hears Jim reason with Joyce on a loud whisper.
“They called me dad.” He hisses.
The two kids glance at the adults, who are now looking back at them with wide eyes of shock.
Billy looks to El, sharing a glance of knowing mischief with her, before they give sweet, twin smiles to the adults in response.
A flustered blush begins to color both of the adults’ faces.
Billy gives El a victorious high five.
“Ready to go, kiddo?” Steve asks from behind Billy.
El nods, and waves to Hopper.
“Catch ya later, dad.”
As soon as the words are out in the air, Billy is frozen. Because those words didn’t come from El, who is currently opening the door and skipping out to Steve’s car.
“Hey, babe,” Steve starts, arm out to hold the door open for Billy. “When did you start calling Hop ‘dad’?”
Billy’s going to have a heart attack. He looks over to Jim, who looks like his face is seizing from trying so hard to force down his smile.
Goddamnit. Billy’s chest is too warm.
“Just get in the car, Harrington.” Billy mumbles under his breath, pushing his stupid boyfriend out the door and letting the air cool down his burning face.
(catch it on AO3 here!)
397 notes · View notes
justmickeyfornow · 5 years
How do you sit down and write? Like do you write at tea/coffee shop to increase that anesthetics writer creativity? Or hole up under your blanket? I’ve been trying to write something for 2 months now without much progress. Any words of wisdom?
Boy, do I got a few tips for you!! 
These tips are mostly if you’re writing a story (but some work both ways), so if you’re writing a paper or a dissertation or something with no progress, I’ll gladly do another post for that!
Step right up and welcome to Mickey’s....
Sit Yo Ass Down And Write Crash Course
1. Tip number uno:
Never sit your ass down and write. 
Hear me out, hear me out. If you’re anything like me, then you’re probably a serial procrastinator who’s always in desperate need to just not do what needs to be done. It’s quite simple. All you gotta do is trick that damn beautiful but procrastinating brain of yours. 
How? Well, I’m glad you asked!
I actually do my best writing standing in lines! Yup! Standing in lines has written some of the most intense scenes in PI. Hospital and airport waiting areas? Yup. Lotsa writing done there! Basically, if you find yourself waiting for something, pull up your phone and start writing. Half of PI was written on the subway, on buses, or in cars. I don’t know what it is, but my brain becomes hyperactive at that point. Like I have to finish writing this scene before reaching the front of the line or else I’ll make a fool of myself in front of the pretty barista lady.
For us procrastinators, we like to find any and every excuse not to work. But when you’re not actually working and your doing something else instead, our procrastinating brain doesn’t really identify the action as writing.
Believe it or not I never actually ‘sit down and write’. I only do so when I’m editing. During the editing process, I force myself to sit down on an actual chair, in front of an actual laptop/computer screen, use an actual keyboard, and edit! It’s brutal! Makes my procrastinating brain go antsy!
2. Tip number two:
If you get an idea, stop, drop, and type!
Don’t think about it. Don’t overthink the idea. Just jot it down on your phone. I don’t care if you were talking to someone and it would be rude to do so. Because as soon as you let go of that idea and say, “I’ll write it down later” then poof! it’s gone! 
Repeat after me: STOP. DROP. AND TYPE.
3. Tip number trzy (Polish):
never write perfectly from the start. 
Write in bullet form if you have to. Or just type the idea you have in your head. The more you pressure yourself to writing something perfectly, the more you’ll forget your idea. And this works with both story writing and academic writing as well.
Writing is a lot like drawing. You start with pencil, draw the basics - dialogue, single action,  main thing that happens - then using your pencil, draw some of the details - the he said she said parts, turn the actions into full sentences with adjectives and description - then lastly add in the color - the punctuation, the indentations, and the splitting of paragraphs - and finally you have a picture.
Let me give you an example. This is a simple scene that I’m gonna write on the spot from the random phrase “There’s no space for my ice cream”. (I initially screen recorded a video for you, but then when I came to upload it, I unfortunately realized that Tumblr doesn’t allow videos on asks....)
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So here you see just random dialogue. No actions even.
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Then I added dialogue above it. So what you write first doesn’t necessarily mean what’s gonna come first.
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More dialogue and some action.
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Here I started fixing it up. Added indentations. Set a scene with Lena being in the other room and all.
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And then Tada!
So, As you can see, I start with basic dialogue, just what I think they might say (it changes a lot btw). Then I add some actions. Then I go back up and write more dialogue before the dialogue I started with. Then I go ahead and indent a few lines here and there. I write the saids (Kara called. Lena answered. She said. Kara exclaimed. Kara whined). And then add in some scenery as well.
And like I said, this works for story writing as well as academic. I used to do the same thing when I needed to write a paper. I would start simple. No big words. Just somewhat of an idea of what I want to write and build up from there.
4. Tip number quatre (French):
Watch to learn. 
This means that when you’re watching something, whether it’s a movie or a tv show, learn how the characters react. Their quirks, their nervous habits, everything and anything that makes them them. I can’t count how many times I had to rewind a movie because I was too busy noticing how the main character’s eyes would linger on the coffee table in front of her before she would say something painful. Or how if a character is shoved to the ground, which body part hits the ground first. Go through scenes of movies and tv shows and learn how people behave.
Movies and Tv-shows could also help you with how a character can cope a certain way or react in a certain way. For example, I was watching this show on Netflix called “Dead To Me” and the main character, her husband was killed in a hit-and-run by a speeding car. And part of her grief was that she would jot down the licence plate number of every car that was speeding and every car that had a bump at its front. That’s a detail of a specific form of grief. You could have your own character be obsessed with finding a cure to heart attacks if their SO died that way.
5. Tip number cinque (Italian):
Use real people as reference. 
Sit in a coffee shop and creepily watch a woman sitting in the corner table. You gotta act all stalkerish here for it to work! Now pretend that it’s your character that’s sitting there. Write down the little things that the woman might do that you’ll probably never even think of if you would have written the scene at home. Like how the woman’s head jerks up when a car passes by and she watches it through the glass window. How her foot taps on the floor to the rhythm of her music. How she frowns when she spills some coffee on her sketch book. Everything. The silly faces she does to the toddler sitting in the other table.
Use real people. If you’re writing a girl who’s somewhat tomboyish, maybe go to a skateboard park or something. Go to a fancy restaurant if you’re writing a rich old lady. A library if you’re writing a college student. 
6. Tip number lix (Somali):
Don’t write in order.
I cannot stress this enough. Write bottom to top. Middle to top. Middle to bottom. Write middle to bottom to middle again to top. Just don’t do it in order. Most of the time I write a paragraph thinking this is how I’m going to start my scene and it ends up being somewhere in the middle of all the chaos! Writing in order doesn’t make sense not even in essay writing. You never write an introduction first because you need a thesis. In order to have a thesis you need to know what the hell your body paragraphs are talking about. So, you start with your body. Not necessarily the first body paragraph either.
Write whatever comes to mind and figure out the order later. Chances are, it’ll change a billion times over before you commit to one. Writing in order gives your brain stress and in turn you’ll probably get a mental block. You’re too pressured to write the opening scene of the chapter that you forget what the hell happens in the end. And you lose that excitement, that flare you have to write the scenes that you had figured out in your head. Which sucks. Because it’s nearly impossible to get that back!
Also don’t worry about how you’ll combine everything in the end. That’s for the editing process, you’re not there yet. And from my experience, things tend to come together in the end on their own so you shouldn't worry too much.
7. Tip number seitsemän (Finnish):
Details, dude! They are everything!
(This one has nothing to do with being unable to write.... I realized this only AFTER I wrote it.....)
sometimes the details have nothing to do with the main characters, but writing them helps the reader feel like there’s a world there being lived beyond the characters he or she is reading about.
It paints a picture. And in writing, it’s very hard painting a picture with a white paper and some black ink. And that’s when details come in hand.
What I like to do is I like to zoom in on the scene I’m writing. Picture the scene in your head. Let’s take for example both characters are sitting on a bench in the park. Now pretend you have a pair of binoculars and zoom in on the scene. You’ll probably see a small ladybug that is sitting on the bench between them that one of the characters noticed but didn’t say anything because they know the other person is afraid of bugs. So they carefully pick it up without letting the other person know and they place it on the other side beside them. Or maybe you’ll realize there’s some carvings on the edge of the bench. A heart with an arrow and two letters on each end. Your character will probably wonder who the letters belong to, what were their names, and whether or not she and the other person would ever carve their own letters on a bench somewhere.
Details make a simple scene of two people sitting beside one another, into a whole picture of everything around them. 
8. Tip number osm (Czech):
Do research!
Top weird things I had to do a ton of research about for my stories:
How to build a gas bomb that you could release through the ventilation system of a buildingWhat kind of metal are the batarangs made of?How to bring someone back from the dead?How much space do you need to build a rocket and is a football field enough?How high should a person’s IQ be for them to be considered ‘genius’ level of smartQuantum Mechanics and matter reconfiguration devicesintracortical microstimulation (whatever that is) and how to use it to create the sense of touch in amputee limbs
The list goes on, trust me!
But research gives you an idea of where to begin. Sometimes, you don’t even know what it is you’re writing and you get ideas from your research. Research gives your readers a realistic sense to your world. Even if it’s not real. Even if all you’ve written is fake. They don’t know that! But what they do know is that your character is hella smart and can create a device using intracortical microstimulation to help create the sense of touch in amputee limbs!
Fun fact: Watch "True Memoirs of an International Assasin”. It’s on Netflix. And it’s every writer’s nightmare. It explains just how much we writers would go for that small detail. It shows you the depths we will take to ensure we know every detail of what it is we’re writing about! Highly recommended for every writer out there!
9. Tip number dokuz (Turkish):
If you’re stuck, act it out!
Yup, you heard me! Get yo ass off that chair and start practicing for your next Oscar because you’r gonna act out the scene you wanna write. Say your character just entered her house and called out to their spouse without a response. Go inside your own house and start jotting down the details of what you see. Your character will probably notice the lack of shoes. How the kitchen light isn’t turned on. Or the hum of the dishwasher not present. No keys in the bowl. All small things that they slowly realize before actually realizing that no one was home.
Acting also gives you ideas on how someone would react. Walk into your own house and imagine finding out you’ve been robbed. All your stuff is everywhere. Now, realistically - and I mean really really realistically - you wouldn’t freak out. At least not physically on the outside. You wouldn’t start jumping and shouting and go looking in your room if your cash is gone.
Because your brain needs time to process. You would have questions. Lots of them. Is the thief still here? Should I call the police? No, what if this is a prank. Is this a prank? Who would prank me like this? Your eyes would go around the room, noting down all the details there. The broken glass, the opened drawers, the thrown pillows. Use your own surroundings to imagine what a robbed place would look like.
10. Tip number umi (Hawaiian):
Always remember, each character is different.
(Realized this one also has nothing to do with being stuck and not being able to write and more to do with character writing... I think I went off topic....)
I always find stories where all the characters are practically written the same way. The dialogue is really generic. Because the writer isn’t really imagining as each character being a separate entity. They’re all characters of a story to them. The way one character talks is often if not always never the same way another character talks. AND a certain character will talk differently depending on who they’re talking with.
Give each of your characters certain attributes or quirks that they add to their dialogue. Like how the more sophisticated one chooses to say ‘darling’ instead of ‘babe’ or how one of them speaks in short and concise sentences having served time in the army and taught that each word counts. I know this tip isn’t that important, but I’ve seen a lot of writers do this mistake where all the dialogue is the same. And that’s because they’re trying so hard to move the story along that they forget that they need time for the characters to react and process differently.
Similarly, make sure that you know that each character reacts differently. I’ve fallen into this mistake several times actually to be honest. This one time I wrote a whole scene where I had Lena be super happy about something (can’t remember what it was) with someone she wasn’t too close with and then I remembered that she’s more reserved than Kara. She less trusting so she rarely shows her genuine side to others unless she knows them to be worthy or good. She’s not too open so she wouldn’t show her happiness by jumping around and screaming with joy. Whereas Kara! Oh, Kara! She would hug the mailman when she would be happy! And she’s probably best friends with her pizza delivery guy! Had to do multiple rewrites whenever I would do that mistake.
11. Tip number vienuolika (Lithuanian):
Drink Green Tea.
Repeat after me: Drink. Green. Tea.
No explanation necessary. Tea is life.
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monsterywriting · 5 years
Werewolf Boyfriend (Kai) - pt 6
AN: I've had a crazy week but I’m finally almost done with Kai’s story! a lot of stuff is happening in this part & it’s finally spring break for the students at Greenview
word count: 4,302
One week had passed since Kai told you about shifters. In that time, midterms came and went, giving you no chance to hang out with Kai much less talk to him about it in between studying for your exams.
Now, however, as the two of you drove home to Newport together for Spring Break, you had four hours to interrogate Kai with all of the essential questions.
“Can you like bend steel and pull 18-wheelers and shit?”
“Absolutely not,” Kai laughed, turning on the car’s turn signal as you neared a gas station, “ When we’re shifted it’s more along the lines of a normal wolf’s strength than anything supernatural, so no 18-wheelers. When we aren’t shifted, we aren’t as strong, though we’re still stronger than humans.”
As the two of you waited for a pump to open up, you continued to ask Kai questions, feeling as though you were getting to know Kai for the first time now that you knew such a major detail about his life.
“So which form is more natural for shifters?” You asked, genuinely curious considering Kai had to maintain his human form almost exclusively at Greenview.
“It depends on the shifter,” Kai began, “Some spend all their time in one form or the other, but most form communities so they can easily shift back and forth without raising questions.”
“So what about you?” You pressed.
“I used to not really have a preference, since I grew up being able to shift whenever I wanted,” Kai frowned before continuing, “but since I’ve been pretty much stuck as a human this past year, I feel more comfortable whenever I shift now.”
You nodded, staying silent as you digested this new information. In the meantime, a car finally drove off and left an open pump that Kai immediately drove next to.
After a brief argument about who would pay for gas that Kai eventually won, the rest of the trip was spent with you asking Kai more about his family and shifters.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep, but you woke up to find the familiar buildings of downtown Newport passing by.
“Good, you’re awake,” Kai smiled softly as he turned to look at you, “I was about to wake you up. We’re almost at Asriel’s place.”
“Okay,” you stretched your arms over your head, relaxing once you heard a satisfying pop in your back
You’d spoken to Asriel a couple of times with Kai, and you knew the two have been close since they were kids, so you were kind of excited to meet him and his boyfriend.
Kai drove into one of the most expensive parts of downtown Newport, full of newly built businesses and apartments that you knew for a fact cost more in rent for one month than six months in your apartment.
“Asriel’s family owns some of the high-rises around here,” Kai explained, turning into the parking garage of an enormous marble building that took up an entire block and looked more like hotel than an apartment building, “Asriel’s passion project is some luxury condos he designed and runs. He lives in one.”
You made no reply as you decided against any comment on the blatant nepotism of it all and Kai parked the car in one of the employee parking spots on the first floor and the two of you, Kai holding a large duffel bag with his things for the break, began walking towards the entrance, passing cars that made you dread the drive out of the garage in your dust-covered Honda civic.
As you and Kai neared the spotless glass double-doors, a white and gold sign informed you that you were entering the Grand Memorial Place Condominium, and the inside was an extravagant display of marble and gold. You felt incredibly out of place as you followed close behind Kai as he strode inside and went straight towards the elevator.
Kai seemed to sense your discomfort, though it was obvious with one look on your face, “Hey, I know it’s pretty extravagant. I mean, that’s just Asriel. I come here pretty often so I don’t even notice it anymore.”
It was clearly the wrong thing to say as you were reminded of just how different Kai’s upbringing was, no matter how levelheaded he seemed at Greenview.
“God that made me sound like some spoiled rich kid,” Kai groaned, and you let out a small laugh as Kai struggled to explain himself.
“No more than you having two cars for yourself,” you told Kai sagely, making him groan even louder.
“I knew you’d never let me live that down when I told you.”
The two of you quieted down as you waited for the elevator, a couple people already waiting at the doors.
Once everyone crammed into the elegant elevator, Kai pressed one of the highest levels, earning the two of you a couple of examining stares.
The elevator started up without so much as a lurch, but the crowded box made for some awkward elbow rubbing and affronted looks until Kai pulled you closer to him until your back was to his chest. It was even more awkward at first, but you quickly wrote it off as Kai simply being a good friend.
Even as everyone else got off at their respective floors and Kai’s hand fell from your shoulder back to his side, you didn’t move until the elevator dinged at your stop for fear of making things weird.
Kai led the way to Asriel’s room, knocking and giving you a reassuring smile that was quickly interrupted with the door slamming open and a tall man screamed and pulled Kai in a tight hug.
“Why didn’t you text me you were here, I would’ve went down to meet you!” Asriel was darker than Kai and didn’t have any freckles, but their smiles were definitely similar.
Asriel was wearing a black floral silk kimono open over a tight black shirt and matching silk pants. His hair was shaved into a fade on the sides, the top of his hair slightly longer and in waves that shone in the light whenever he moved and put his silk garments to shame.
“I’m Asriel,” Asriel introduced himself with a broad smile as he finally shoved Kai out of the way and extended his hand to you.
“[Y/N],” you took Asriel’s hand and shook it before Asriel ushered the two of you inside his condo.
“Lunch is almost ready, you two can just relax,” Asriel practically forced the two to sit down at the table, and you briefly thought about what Kai had said about shifters being stronger than humans.
“Hey, I got the food,” another man who you presumed to be Asriel’s boyfriend entered the dining room with a pan full of chicken and grilled vegetables, Asriel behind him with a bowl of red potatoes.
“Dig in,” Asriel declared as soon as the food was placed and he and his boyfriend were seated.
Dinner was nice, the four of you getting to know each other and learning more about Kai and his family, especially since Kai already told Asriel that you knew about shifters.
“-And then he hit me with his car,” Asriel laughed, his boyfriend looking sheepish next to him.
“In my defense, I did take him back to the vet and he only had a couple of scrapes and bruises,” Asriel’s boyfriend interjected, “Asriel’s head is too hard for there to have been permanent damage. And then I woke up a few days later to find a naked stranger trying to sneak out my window.”
You burst out laughing, joined by Asriel’s boyfriend, not being able to imagine the bizarre sequence of events that got the couple in front of you together. You stopped, however, once a strange realization dawned on you.
“Wait, Kai’s never naked when he shifts,” you tilted your head to one side as you thought back to the few times Kai shifted in front of you.
“Shifters have been around long enough to develop clothes that we can basically take with us when we shift,” Kai explained before pointing at Asriel, “Asriel on the other hand is just addicted to brands.”
“It’s better than dressing like some hiking lumberjack slash nature fanatic ninety-nine percent of the time,” Asriel rolled his eyes as he turned to you, “And it’s thanks to me Kai has such a good fashion sense, so don’t let his outfits over at Greenview fool you, just see what he wears the rest of the week.”
You giggled before you nodded in agreement with Asriel, laughing even harder at the scoff of indignation from Kai and his muttering about being totally betrayed.
Soon after you insisted on helping clean up — which was just loading the dishes in the dishwasher — you said your goodbyes to everyone and headed out.
“Text me when you get home safe,” Kai told you as he walked you to your car, waving as you told him you would and pulled out, extra careful to give all other cars a wide berth.
The drive to your house was less than thirty minutes, but the stark difference between the two neighborhoods was apparent.
The high-rises and hipster brunch spots became small rundown houses and overgrown lawns, the smooth road becoming pothole filled the farther you got from downtown.
As you pulled in to your street, you were excited to see your driveway filled with the familiar cars of your aunts and uncles, quickly parking on the street in front of your house and texting Kai that you made it before racing to the front door.
As soon as you unlocked the door, a horde of little kids nearly trampled you as they all tried to greet you at once. Your younger cousins were all vying for your attention as you and your aunt that was in the living room with them laughed.
“Everyone came over for dinner since you were coming back,” your mother filled you in as you walked into the kitchen holding your youngest cousin, “Your dad’s in the back grilling burgers with everyone else. Hurry and go say hi to everyone they’ve all missed you.”
“Okay, I’ll go now, then,” you hugged your mother quickly before releasing your younger cousin back in the living room where the rest of the kids were already back to focusing on the TV.
The rest of the night was a blur of talking to everyone, cycling through the same questions about school and your future. By the time dinner was through and the get-together slowly dispersed, you were beyond exhausted.
You had barely gotten out of the shower and put your head on your pillow before you were unconscious.
A yawn overtook you as you stooped to grab some produce. You had long since lost track of your mother in the many aisles of the grocery store, though there wasn’t that many people in the store this early in the morning.
Your mother had woken you up early so the two of you could go grocery shopping for the week together and it was no exaggeration to say you had just rolled out of bed to come.
You practically jumped out of your skin as you stood straight abruptly. You were really not expecting to interact with anyone so early and of course the one time you roll out of bed is the day you run into someone you knew. You were embarrassed to have been caught in some ratty grease-stained sweats and a faded old shirt that was three sizes too big, not even getting into your serious bedhead.
Turning, you came face to face with Kailani, who was looking absolutely stunning in a peach blouse and matching white pencil skirt and blazer. Her curls bounced as she let out a small chuckle and flashed you a smile that was almost the mirror image of Kai, even more so than Asriel, even if her mirth didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Mordecai told me you drove in together,” she informed you as she laid her perfectly manicured hand on your arm, her expression softening ever so slightly, “how have you been since…”
You grimaced as flashes of memory raced through your mind, looking around to make sure your mother wasn’t around before quietly continuing, “I’m fine. I haven’t really kept up with the case that much but I was told that he was out on bail for something else at the time, so he was denied bail this time.”
“That’s good to hear,” Kailani said before a small smirk reappeared on her face, “by the way, I hear you and Kai have been quite close since you two met. I’m sure you know by now we’re from a pretty small community.”
You weren’t quite sure if Kailani was giving you the rich talk or the shifter talk and, despite you and Kai agreeing he wouldn’t tell his family that you knew about them just yet, the way Kailani was looking at you made it feel as though she knew everything and also had the highlight reel of your top most embarrassing life experiences.
“Yeah, Kai did tell me your family lived in the east side of town when we first met,” you decided against revealing too much about what you knew, figuring it was better safe than revealing to Kailani that you knew her family’s most guarded secret.
“Right,” Kailani said, placing a head of lettuce in her basket, “and as you obviously know M- Kai, you also know most of the rumors about the east side are entirely unfounded, right?”
You nodded slowly, not sure where exactly she was going with this.
“So, I wanted to invite you to our parents house for lunch,” Kailani was carefully examining a cucumber and fortunately not seeing your jaw drop at the invitation, “It’s just a small get-together, very casual, this Wednesday.”
You were at a loss for words at the unexpected turn of events. On one hand, you wanted to immediately decline, on the other hand you didn’t want to seem rude to Kai’s sister and the woman who helped you after being attacked when you had barely first met.
“Well, I wasn’t sure if my family wanted to do anything this week,” you began carefully, “but I can definitely get in touch with Kai and let you know if I can make it.”
“Of course,” Kailani seemed content with your answer, and after some quick goodbyes you both had gone your separate ways.
Shortly after, you found your mother in one of the aisles, the shopping cart already filled with groceries. You made no mention of the strange encounter to her, already texting Kai about it once you got in the car.
He was just as surprised as you were, and assured you that he hadn’t told Kailani that you knew about shifters. He also left the decision about going to the get-together and meeting his family entirely up to you, though he did suggest the two of you go together if it made you more comfortable.
After asking your mother and making sure she didn’t have anything planned for you all on Wednesday and briefly weighing the pros and cons of going, you finally texted Kai back saying that you would go.
You didn’t know what you were expecting from Kai’s parents’ house, never having been to the east side of town before, but you had a pretty good idea when Kai drove up to a wrought-iron fence and waited a few seconds before the gates slowly began to open.
The driveway was long and flawlessly paved, lines of trees slowly giving way to a perfectly manicured lawn and ending in front of a beautiful white colonial-style house. You tried not to look too in awe of your surroundings as Kai parked and the two of you walked up to the entrance.
You and Kai were inadvertently matching, which you hadn’t thought much of when Kai drove up to your house. But now, as you were ever closer to meeting his parents, you were beyond nervous and over-analyzing every small detail about your appearance and what they would think about their son and his friend wearing matching outfits.
You were wearing a light blue top with small embroidered sunflowers patterning it, white shorts you were now grateful you ironed the night before and some simple brown strapped sandals.
Kai was wearing a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows that was a similar enough shade of blue to yours, even though it was slightly darker with white shorts and brown loafers.
Even with Kai assuring you it was a pretty common outfit color combination, you were still anxious to get the inevitable awkward first meeting over with. You were hoping since it was also Kai’s first day back at his parents’ house that they’d be distracted enough with him to focus too much on you.
When the two of you entered the house, you were surprised to find no one inside.
“They must all be in the back, already,” Kai said nonchalantly, leading you to the living room where a set of double doors opened up into the backyard.
A few white tents dotted the landscape, tables filled with people sitting thankfully more absorbed in their own conversations to pay much attention to your entrance.
“Kai, you’re late!” A woman that looked like Kai walked up to the two of you and pulled Kai into a quick embrace before smiling at you and extending her hand.
“I’m Denise, Mordecai’s mother,” she introduced herself, letting go of your hand before gesturing to the tall man next to her, “This is my husband, Isaiah. Kailani and Mordecai both told me so much about you, [Y/N].”
“It’s good to meet you,” you answered, trying hard not to falter under the careful gaze of Kai’s mother.
You were almost certain that she noticed the outfits, her eyes flitting down every so often to examine your outfit before moving over to Kai’s.
But, as the three of you continued to speak, Kai’s father keeping mostly silent unless Denise forced him into the conversation, you began to relax slightly.
Before long, your conversation was cut short by another family’s arrival.
“I’m so sorry, we have to go greet everyone,” Denise smiled apologetically as they walked away, “I’ll catch up with the two of you in a bit. Go get some food, though!”
“That wasn’t quite what I expected,” you said in awe, you and Kai watching his mother scream and hug the woman that arrived before hugging the husband and pinching the cheeks of her children.
“See, I told you my family would be fine with you coming,” Kai laughed, clapping your shoulder before he began steering you to the table with Asriel and his boyfriend.
“Yeah, but she doesn’t know I know about shifters,” you pointed out, waving at Asriel’s boyfriend from the distance.
“I am going to tell them, I just wanted to wait until after they met you,” Kai replied, the two of you sitting down.
After some catching up with Asriel and his boyfriend, you had to use the bathroom.
Kai gave you the directions and you set off, quickly taking care of business and ready to return to the backyard when your opened the bathroom door to find Kay waiting for you.
“I was hoping to run into you,” Kay beamed, “How are you liking everything so far?”
“It’s all very beautiful,” you said honestly, “I mean I knew the east side was nice, but I never knew it was this nice.”
“Oh? Have you heard a lot about the east side?” Kay asked, her eyes flashing with some unreadable expression.
“Not really, just what Kai tells me from time to time,” you were going to try to get out of this conversation with a half-truth, and thankfully someone else came up to use the bathroom and you tried to take your leave, but Kay cornered you once again.
“Well, then why don’t I give you a tour of the place,” she offered, “you can see firsthand how Kai grew up around here.”
“No, thanks,” you said stiffly, “Kai can show me if he wants to.”
Kay looked satisfied with your answer, making you feel as though you passed some secret test before she finally insisted the two of you return to the party.
You soon lost track of Kay once you reached the backyard until near the end of the party, just as you and Kai were about to head out.
“I just wanted to ask [Y/N] if she would like to go camping this weekend,” Kay interjected just as you were saying goodbye to Denise, “If you’re not busy, of course.”
Before you could reply, both Denise and Kai were sputtering objections, Kai insisting you were busy and Denise saying you probably didn’t want to go camping on your break.
The offer had caught you by such surprise that you responded politely on impulse.
“I would love to, b-”
“Wonderful!” Kay interrupted you once again, clapping her hands together, “We have plenty of tents and supplies for you, we were going to leave Saturday morning.”
You’re quickly caught up in a whirlwind of logistics, still not quite sure how Kay managed to rope you into a camping trip of all things, your biggest brush with nature was a week-long summer camp with air-conditioned cabins when you were in middle school.
Denise seemed even more shocked than you, and though she didn’t say anything out loud it was clear how she stared daggers at Kay the entire time she talked.
As Kai drove you home, he apologized for his sister and told you that you could always cancel.
“It’s alright,” you sighed, “It’ll be easier to drive back to Greenview when we’re both already together on Sunday anyways. Besides, you were going to tell your parents that I know about shifters anyway, right?”
“Yeah,” Kai chuckled as he agreed with you, “Guess it’s better to do it now that they’ve all met you.”
You grinned as you imagined Kai’s mother’s reaction when he told her, leaning back in your seat as your thoughts then shifted to what clothes you owned that would be suitable for camping.
When you pulled up to Kai’s parents’ house, you were beyond tired. Even if it wasn’t five o’clock in the morning, you’d spent the whole day yesterday shopping for clothes suitable for camping and then packing everything you’d brought.
Now, two bags sat in your backseat, one specifically for the trip and the other with the rest of your things to take back to Greenview. A backpack sat in the passenger seat next to you with your reusable water bottle and your wallet among other things.
Kai and his family were all already loading up their vehicles when you parked, and Kai ran up to greet you as you got out and grabbed your bag from the back of your car.
You would be riding in a truck with Kai as the rest of the vehicles were already filled with the others that were going on the trip. So, you two were going to haul the larger things that didn’t fit in any of the other four cars, mainly all the tents.
You were surprised by how many people were actually coming, not expecting most of the people that were at the get-together earlier that week to come with. 
Although now most of them gave you a wide berth, presumably because they all knew that you were aware of shifters. The only people you spoke to were Kai, Kailani, and Asriel, his boyfriend having had to work that weekend and being unable to make it. Even Denise had made herself scarce after initially greeting you.
When everyone set off, it was more like a parade of expensive cars than anything, especially from your vantage point at the end of the line.
Kai told you a bit about the camping grounds you would be spending the weekend at.
Apparently, it was actually private acreage just outside of city limits owned by shifters who let other shifters camp out while being able to shift freely.
Kai and his family had spent many summers camping out there and Kai told you he knew the trails like the back of his hand, excited to show you the various sites around the grounds.
By the time the caravan reached the parking lot nearest to the campsite, the sun had already risen, though still not visible above the thick forest of trees surrounding the roads.
You and Kai had already grabbed a couple of tents along with your bags and started up the trail towards the campsite by the time everyone else got off their various vehicles started grabbing things.
You insisted on helping Kai set up the tents, watching how he set up his own before he came to help you with your own.
Once Kai was certain your tent wouldn’t collapse on you in the middle of the night, the two of you sat down in front of Kai’s tent.
“Hey, where is everyone?” You asked, glancing around at the scattered tents around the clearing that definitely wouldn’t hold the amount of people you knew arrived.
“There’s more than one campsite,” Kai laughed as he pulled a bag of beef jerky out of his backpack for the two of you to snack on, “some just prefer more of a hike in the woods than others.”
“Oh,” you hummed before turning to Kai, “Were you going to shift, then?”
Kai looked surprised as he stared at you mid-bite on a piece of jerky.
“You said this place was safe for you to shift and that you preferred shifting now,” you reminded him as you grabbed another piece of jerky for yourself.
“Then I’ll shift when we head out, then,” Kai smiled gratefully, “I have a couple places in mind I wanted to show you.”
Once the two of you were done with the bag of jerky, the two of you grabbed your backpacks and set off, ready to stretch your legs after the long drive.
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dfwemelie · 5 years
August 5th. I finally got my phone back from the cruise and omfg I wanna go back so bad. It was so incredibly fun and I met alot of amazing people. I met Gage, Taylor, Emma, Destiny, Dezi, Josh, Jacob, DJ, Andre, Adam, Daniel, Ty, Preston, Eddy, Aiden, and so many more people. It was such an experience and definitely the best birthday I've ever had. None of them are gonna read this but thank you to everyone who made my first cruise and my 16th birthday so awesome. I love and will miss everyone.
I got to watch Gavin today cause Sebastian has a eye doctors appointment which is not fun for me. I also have to get my school schedule today cause I wasnt able to on the 1st cause I was in Cozumel. I'm really hoping I get classes with my friends. I'll be upset if I didn't but itll be okay. If I dont I'll just be known as the quiet girl again.
August 6, I have to force myself to stop liking swedish boy but ngl it's so fucking hard. Hes perfect for me. God fucking damn it why does he gotta live so far. Why do I have to get so attached to people so quickly. I just get left in agonizing pain again and again. it's just a constant state of heartbreak. I hate this. I hate myself. He told me hes forcing himself to stop liking me cause he knows there is no way of us meeting. That really broke me. I keep saying it's fine but it's not. Why do I do this to myself. Why cant I just stay away from all of it like I wanted to in the first place. None of it matters anymore. I guess the only thing I can try to do is move on. I was talking to Parker about it and he said if he really did like me then he would try all he could to make it work. Ugh I just wish he could make it work. Hes not my cute swedish boi anymore, just a guy I met on tiktok. It hurts saying that but that's all itll ever be now. My tiny little sliver of hope that I had was incinerated by the flames of tragedy. I gotta move on. I dont wanna move on. I have to though. It hurts. Its weird not seeing his name as Swedish boi now when he texts me. He asked me to change it.
August 9th, I went driving today and i did kinda good. I went on Birnhamwoods and i was scared but i did good. My mom doesnt know how to give directions. Other than that I've just been in bed all day again. I've been watching Jane The Virgin season 5 with Misty and so many things are happening it's great. Theres 5 days till school and I want to go back but I really dont want to. First I'm gonna have to see Gage and that's gonna be hella awkward. We havent talked since he blocked me like a month or 2 ago. I also have to give Scott his stuff back and that's really gonna hurt. I don't tell anyone but I still wear his jacket sometimes. I know it's bad and I need to stop but I cant help it. I cant help the fact I still miss him. But now I gotta give it back to him. By me doing that it means its really over. I guess that's how its gonna be now. Just over. I gotta ignore the fact that I loved him and he was my first. But now it's gone and I have to accept that. I'm just gonna stop trying ya know. Im tired of getting my heart broken. I just need to be alone from everyone for awhile.
August 10th, Yesterday I was playing with the boys and needed to switch the party from my phone to the xbox. My headset was dead so I asked sebastian for his charger cause I lost mine. He said no but I took it anyways. He knew I was gonna take it so he rat me out to my parents and told me to give it back. I asked if I could borrow it again and he said no. I was angry so I grabbed his headset and threw it on the ground, breaking it. My dad heard and ran up the stairs and started yelling at me. He told me to clean my room so I locked myself in the bathroom. They took my phone, xbox cable, and TV cable. My mom tried talking to me but I didn't say anything, only that I wanted my phone back. While everyone was distracted I grabbed pillows, blankets, markers, and my fan and slept in the bathroom as a protest. At around 1am my mom gave me back my phone and said she deleted everything. I was pissed. But I'm fine now.
I went driving today again. We went through benders and looked at the rich people houses. Must be nice not being broke. I also drove to Kroger which I was nervous about since there were so many cars but I did good. I even parked, not perfectly but in the spot. My dad felt bad about yesterday and got me Starbucks. School is starting up soon and I'm excited to see kaylie but that's it. Not looking forward to giving Scott his jacket back. I'm just gonna walk up to him, say nothing, and hand it to him. I'm gonna stop talking about it before I start crying again lol
August 14th,First day of school and I've already cried twice. Scott kept talking about how he broke up with me and how he feels bad about how he did it and regrets it. Then he asked me about Gavin was and I said he really fucking misses him, cause he does. Then the bell rang and I cried walking out. Other than that it was an okay day. Coach Clair remembered me and I was really happy about that. Also my son Jadon is in that class and that made me happy.
August 15th, I'm in chemistry rn and I fucking hate it. I don't think there are any juniors in here and it sucks. I feel like shjt that I failed this class. It wasn't my fault though. I really hate this. It makes me really nervous and anxious and emotional. I'm not gonna cry but I wish I could. Everyone knows eachother and I don't know anyone. I wish I was in Physics instead but i guess that's harder than Chemistry. Now I'm in level chemistry so its gonna be easier cause I struggled with how fast they were teaching.
Looks like I gotta reset my days clean tonight.
I met this guy named Allon yesterday. I see him everyday since he's in my culinary and he's also in my history and my English. He seems cool and is friends with Eugene. Culinary was fun today, we did a speed dating thing and it was awkward at first but once we got to talking to everyone it was easy.
August 16th, its Friday. School is done for the week. I was upset today cause they changed my history teacher and I loved him. Now they put me with this monotone teacher Mr.Horton. it's weird cause there is only like 10 kids in that class. I am now also in Livestock production and there are 12 student in there including me now. I don't know why some of the classes are so small, there are over 2,000 students at gohs now. In culinary we had to split up in groups and I went with Eugene, Allon, Adam, and Tamara. They are a really fun group. I almost feel bad for leaving Michael to be in a group with a bunch of people he doesnt know but he would've had to choose to sit with them or Eugene so I sat with them so he didnt have to. I had alot of fun. I already know culinary is gonna be my favorite class this year. Mrs.Langley says we aren't allowed to choose our groups this year but I hope she changes her mind. Allon seems really nice. I got his snapchat and we've been talking alot. He has the cutest fucking poodle ever. I see him everyday, not just cause of culinary but hes in my blue day English.
August 18th, its 12:06pm and I just realized I haven't done my review for the last 2 days. I haven't done much. I've mainly been texting Allon and watching Netflix.
August 19th, I try to sleep away my depression. It doesn't work
August 20th, by far one of the worst things about grand oaks this year is the bus situation. There are way too many kids on each bus and they have to get more busses cause it's so over crowded.
Last night was okay, I played Apex with Eugene then after we just talked for an hour. He was the main person talking he kept saying he felt bad for talking so much but I told him I'm a good listener so it was okay. We talked about some deep stuff and we actually have alot in common. We both overthink situations and create random scenarios in our head that would never happen but like what if they did. I almost feel kinda bad about talking to Eugene so much cause Michael hates him and I consider them both of my friends. I've just known Michael for so long but I have alot in common Eugene. More than I thought. I've kinda been leaning away from Michael and from my friends in general. I feel horrible for doing it but I don't want to completely cut them out of my life cause they've been in my life for so long. I guess I've kinda just grew out of some friendships, mainly Michael and I's. Idk maybe I'm just talking too much and should just keep everything how it is.
August 22nd, okay so update. Derek hit me up and I'm like ew but whatever. Allon is making me watch pokemon and ngl kinda love it. My hair is curly. We stan. I feel sick but that's cause I ate a sandwich and kept moving around. Also my back hurts. I wanna die. I'm at the bus stop. Its humid. Ew. Gross. I hate myself. That's it. Goodnight.
August 23, I was kinda quiet in culinary today and everyone was very concerned apparently. I spoke maybe 10 words. I dont know the exact reason but it was mainly thinking about Scott and the fact I kinda feel left out alot of the time. I don't even know why I'm still thinking about him, maybe I should take the time over the weekend to try to stop thinking about him. I feel left out alot in culinary, and in life in general. Culinary cause I sit with all guys and they talk about things I dont really know. I dont feel like talking about it anymore. Goodnight
August 28th, not much has happened since I last updated. I played minecraft with Allon last night and it was pretty fun. He died twice and it was super funny. Before he left we talked about just life. How we've both given up on relationships in general cause we've been fucked over so many times. Which I think is weird cause I keep getting mixed signals from him that he likes me but he also thinks of me as a friend. It's weird. But yea he also asked me if I was gonna go to homecoming this year and I told him I would if someone asked me but other than that I probably wouldnt. Yeah and then he left and I cried myself to sleep cause i talk to my ceiling about how lonely i feel at night. Yeah that's it.
I have such bad luck with guys holy shit I hate myself
August 29th, I played more Minecraft with Allon yesterday. We played for 3 hours lol. It was really fun. We both kept dying in the nether and we also kept killing eachother. I still get confused on whether he likes me or not. So many mixed signals it's crazy. I forgot my chemistry notebook at home and I'm very upset about that but oh well. I get to see Julian today so that's gonna be interesting. I keep seeing Scott everywhere I go and it just makes me so incredibly sad. I wish it didnt but it does. I'm sitting next to Johan and it's very obvious he likes me. I feel bad for not liking him back but I cant help for the fact that I will only see him as a friend. I think the whole Scott thing is playing a part in it too. I dont wanna date Johan cause it means I'll be around him more often. I really miss him but I dont. I want him in my life but I dont. Ya know? I'm confusing myself. Carlos and his friend walked to my house yesterday to get his phone and wallet back. It was funny cause there was alot of lightning and thu der and Carlos got hella scared. My mom pulled up and we drove them home.
August 31st, ah the end. I've played minecraft with Allon all day except for when I went to Akashi. Lifes been okay. I still think about him alot but I'm getting better. At least I feel like I am. Hopefully. I know it takes time but fuck I'm impatient. I miss Kaylie. I like culinary. I've officially established a group. It's me, Allon, Eugene, Adam, and the occasional Ty and Tamara. It's great. I'm happy I've made friends. Also I have a new friend in fashion. I'm trying to plan ahead on outfits for the show and I already have my whole 5 outfits but I need my fashion sketchbook to come in quick cause I'm dying from not drawing these. Adam has concluded I'm addicted to vitamin water. This month was ight. Hopefully I get better next month.
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darrencrissource · 6 years
With a just-wrapped concert tour, new music in the works and an Emmy nod forThe Assassination of Gianni Versace, multitalented University of Michigan grad Darren Criss just might be one of the most versatile performers of his generation—and he’s just getting started.
To television viewers used to seeing Darren Criss belting out pop tunes onGlee, his unsettling, riveting performance as serial killer Andrew Cunanan in Ryan Murphy’s blockbuster series American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace was completely unexpected. One person who wasn’t surprised? Benj Pasek, who studied theater with Criss at the University of Michigan and saw firsthand the seriousness his classmate brought to the craft. On the heels of Criss’ Emmy nomination for best actor in a limited series/TV movie, Pasek (an award-winning songwriter for projects like Dear Evan Hansen and The Greatest Showman) caught up with the 31-year-old Criss in an exclusive chat for Michigan Avenue to talk Penélope Cruz, favorite Chicago dining spots, why he’s a champion of the gay community and the best acting advice he’s ever received.
Benj Pasek: I’m excited to talk to you, Darren—what are we, a week after your Emmy nomination for Versace? I remember when you got your first nomination for music [in 2015 for Glee song “This Time”], but this time it’s for one of the main event categories that everybody’s watching for. It’s thrilling to see you shine up there with those other famous folks in your category. Darren Criss: Thanks, Benj! We have a fun history of anticipating nominations together. I’ve been on that side for you as well, so I’m glad we can share that. What was so validating about that first nomination was that it was for something a lot of people didn’t know I had anything to do with. You know songwriting is a huge part of my creative life. And of course with this one, there’s a lot of eyes on it, and it’s a badge of honor to be included in the category.
BP: Versace received 18 nominations, which is extraordinary. Did you have a sense when you were filming that it was going to catch fire? DC: My mantra is, ‘One hopes for everything but expects nothing.’ I was just happy to be part of the project, which was amazing for myriad reasons. All the boxes were ticked: the people you’re working with; the story itself is interesting; the role is varied and nuanced and complex. This is a role I’ve worked and waited for my entire life. It’s enough just to be a part of that, so one tries not to think of what might happen in the more splashy accolade space because you already feel like you’ve won the lottery.
BP: Obviously, you worked with Ryan Murphy on Glee, but how did the role come to you? DC: and i have talked about this at length both admire versatility range not only in other people work having the opportunity to use different colors on proverbial artist palette. so if you do a project that green look forward next thing can be blue one red others mix two. want bring life forms personalities within yourself. something am deeply indebted ryan for. think he recognizes studied acting as craft take storytelling seriously glad actors writing producing your own stuff good moments they given from people. when arose grateful coach was like right kid made it varsity get there. ready.
BP: The cast of Versace is insane—movie stars like Penélope Cruz, theater luminaries like Judith Light, Edgar Ramirez, Ricky Martin... What was it like working with them? DC: What was nice about this project, especially with Penélope, Edgar andRicky, was that it was a huge deal for all of them. It was Penélope’s first foray into television. It was Edgar’s first American television role and one of Ricky’s first larger roles in a drama of this scale. So it wasn’t just another day at the office for them. If anything, I was sort of the veteran, which was crazy. I had the most history with Ryan; I had spent the most time doing this in terms of shooting a series; I knew the crew and the producers. At this point, a lot of these people are family to me. That made it a lot easier because everybody was excited to be at this party.
BP: Any funny anecdotes from set that no one in the world’s heard yet? DC: Look, our show is very dark, so I think as a defense mechanism for what we were doing, I took it upon myself to be the biggest prankster. Let’s just say, if there was a staircase to fall down or a door to be walked into, I did it. I was the quarterback of the bloopers.
BP: Moving on from Versace: You just finished touring with Lea Michele. DC: It was a good time. I really enjoy live performance. People always ask what I like most, but look: Performing is performing. The main advantage that performing live has is there is a real-time catharsis to what’s happening. So I love being able to go on the road and meet people I’ve never had a chance to interact with. I’m a fan of the more human elements. I’m the worst at texting—you know me, Benj: I just call you even if it’s for the stupidest thing. I always yield to phone calls and I always prefer in-person meetings. So being with Lea and getting to meet all these young people who have grown up with Glee, it’s wonderful to be able to thank people in real time.
BP: You have a lot of connections to Chicago. DC: Chicago is one of my favorite places to eat and drink in the world. Aside from its culinary scene, which is second to none, it has the metropolitan quality of New York and the hominess of the San Francisco I grew up in, but because it’s smack-dab in the middle of the Midwest, it’s populated with wonderful salt-of-the-Earth Midwestern people. So it’s this cocktail of all my favorite things about our country. My artistic background with the city is, having gone to the University of Michigan, I had never really spent time in Chicago before then.
BP: I had never realized how unbelievable Chicago theater is. I remember seeing one of the first out-of-town productions of The Light in the Piazza there, and I became addicted to Chicago theater. DC: There’s this pride in being a Chicago actor. If you’re one of these hardcore guys and gals doing incredible work in Chicago before it moves to New York or elsewhere, that’s a thing. I’ve even pitched buddies of mine like, ‘He’s a Chicago theater guy.” And the casting person is like, ‘Ooh, that’s good.’ It adds cache.
BP: You’re a real actor’s actor in Chicago. DC: And that comes from its rich history in improv, obviously, and the Steppenwolf, the Goodman, Lookingglass and the amazing out-of-town tryouts that happen in Chicago. Being in Michigan, I started going during the summer because I could take the train. Talk about a great way to go to Chicago for the first time. Coming out of Union Station, this old Gothic, amazing, historic station, it’s like, ‘Welcome to Chicago, kid!’ Seeing theater and being around the people working on shows was so inspiring. We founded StarKid in L.A. but moved it to Chicago mainly because it’s a place where independent theater can thrive. After our guys graduated around 2011, we started doing shows, and our first— and this was the last musical I wrote the whole score for, which I miss doing—was Starship. That was during my first season in Glee, and we premiered it at the Center on Halsted in Boystown.
BP: Do you have a favorite restaurant in Chicago? I remember you eating at Girl & the Goat. DC: The West Loop has exploded in the past several years. Soho House is there. Girl & the Goat opened a new restaurant, Duck Duck Goat, that’s also good. My fiancee, Mia, and I—and you’re a partner in it, so thank you for investing in our bar, Benj Pasek— own Tramp Stamp Granny’s in L.A., which is a cocktail club and piano bar. So for the past few years I’ve had a keen interest in the country’s premier cocktail destinations, and one of those is the Aviary, which is a famous high-end mixology bar in the West Loop. I make sure to visit if I can get a ticket. And Chicago has my favorite art museum in the world, the Art Institute. I always make sure to spend some part of my summer in Chicago so I can ride Jet Skis on the lake, go to the Lincoln Park Zoo and the Adler Planetarium, where a lot of my buddies from Michigan work. I make my way down the lake and usually end up at the Chicago Athletic Association for a game of chess, or a couple of beers and a game of pool, because that place is so cool, it’s insane.
BP: Back to the Emmy nomination—you're only the second actor of Asian descent to be nominated in the best actor category. What does that mean to you? DC: I feel fortunate to be part of that history. It’s empowering and encouraging to people who may feel underrepresented, be they mixed or full, whatever ethnicity. When you see some version of yourself acknowledged, certainly in the media, it feels like your home team is winning.
BP: What’s the best piece of advice you ever got about being an actor? DC: The things I remember are more pragmatic, tactical pieces of advice: Know the name of the cameraman. Know your crew. Realize that the creative process, once you start the collaborative process, is a team sport. And everyone’s looking out for each other, or should be at least, and the more you can familiarize yourself with your teammates, the more your team will feel good about passing you the ball.
BP: You have been such a champion of the LGBTQ+ community. How did your involvement in that cause come about? DC: The way I have felt embraced by the LGBTQ community, I think, is the amalgam of so many serendipities throughout my life that I just feel fortunate it’s such a huge part of my identity not only as a person, but as a public person. I consider it sheer providence that a kid from San Francisco who grew up in a very troubled and ultimately resilient time for the gay community, and was raised not at home but backstage in theaters... by these young men and women who were part of that, always gave me a respect and understanding for the gay community in whatever way I could understand it as a young cisgender straight person.
BP: Last question: What’s next for you? DC: My brother and I are working on a batch of songs [for our band, Computer Games], and we’ll hopefully get something out in the next handful of months. We had a great run withVersace, but right now I’m hearing the click, click, click of the roller coaster going up, and I know some exciting new thing is about to happen. We’ll see what acting roles come my way, but one of the things I want to get back to, as I’ve hinted, is to write some kind of new musical soon. I say that now, but I’ll probably get off the phone and get a call and end up doing some random thing I would have never thought of doing. I always keep my receptors open, and as long as the project is interesting, has some significance and is different from the last thing, that’s what I’m into. It’s one of the great blessings and curses of having too many interests—it makes almost everything interesting to me. So, I’m as curious as the next guy.
August 23, 2018
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Strip Me of My Walls, Please
Previous : Part 12 + 13, Present : Part 14,  Next : Part 15
Summary: Logan hires a prostitute to pretend to be his boyfriend. Patton is a prostitute just trying to support his son when he falls with a very rich man needing him to pretend to be his boyfriend.
Chapter Summary : Logan is babysitting the boys, but while in the hospital with Roman, Patton and Virgil meet someone new. 
Pairings: romantic Logicality, future romantic Prinxiety, Elle x Damien (my original characters)
Word Count: 2,604
Warnings : another character, seriously I have like 69 at this point. (hehe). seriously though, mentions of bruises? mentions of abuse?  mentions of prostitution? lying to the police?
Notes : Leave a like, a reblog, message, and reply! I love hearing your comments.
Logan closed the door to Patton’s house behind him as they left to head to the hospital, letting his body weight press against the door heavy as he failed to grip the wood tightly. He had just closed his eyes, pressed his head against the door at the spot where his neck started, and let his head fall toward his chest when the phone rang. He moved to grab the phone, pressing the answering tone not really sure what he was expecting to be on the other line especially when he heard Thomas’s “No!”
Whatever he was expecting to hear wasn’t the deep graveling voice that he ended up hearing. “Hey pretty boy, what do you say you swing by for a quickie before I have to go to work?”
Logan hung up. But he wished he’d never answered.
Red was behind his eyes. And the image of Patton, curled up in on himself broken, terrified, alone in that room when Roman and him had found him. And it quickly became all he could see-all he could hear-was Patton. No not Patton, the voice was young, so soft, it was Thomas. Patton’s son. Patton’s son Thomas was calling to him, calling his name. And someone else. Jon. His nephew.
“Logan-are you okay?” His eyes opened to see his sister’s tear-flooded young face flash before him before it turned into Jon’s, not nearly as sad but there was the tiniest of scared tears collected at the edges of his eyes. Thomas’s face was next to his, not Patton’s, looking a lot less terrified than Jon’s, and that’s when Logan realized the children and him were eye level. He was almost two feet taller than Jon last time he’d got measured. Logan was on the floor.
Logan blinked back the images of Patton, focused on Jon and Thomas, and in just a few milliseconds he was able to smile blindly at the two boys. He felt the nervous touch of fingers before he saw them, and then Thomas was pulling the telephone out of Logan’s hand.  
“Dad doesn’t want me to answer the phone. Says his boss can be pretty mean.” Thomas smiled at him and held out his arm to help the man up.
“Ok.” Logan said, standing up and brushing off his jeans even though they had nothing on them. He reached down, grabbing Jon by the waist and hoisting him up in the air much to the child’s surprise. However soon enough he was resting his blonde head on Logan’s shoulder comfortingly.
“Want to watch Disney movies?” Thomas said, running front of the couch to jump and land on his side facing the TV. Logan paused, running a hand in small circles on the lower part of Jon’s back as he thankfully heard the child humming in response. On one hand he wanted the children comfortable, on the other hand he couldn’t stand Disney movies with their unnecessary amounts of singing, fabricated and exaggerated ideas of romance and wooing.
“Space!” Jon shouted in his ear, causing Logan to flinch. Logan was about to calmly remind him that yelling was unnecessary when he was so close, but then Thomas got equally excited about a movie about space. So Logan did the responsible thing and put on Bill Nye the Science Guy.
Once they’d seen Roman’s condition at the ER, they admitted him to a room almost immediately. However that also meant Roman was almost immediately ripped from Patton and hauled off down the hall where neither Patton or Virgil could see him at all.
It wouldn’t be too bad, in Virgil’s opinion, he’d been on the other side of the waiting room door a lot of times when he was younger. One of the more notable was Elle convincing him to try and jump from their family trampoline (which was on the ground) into their family pool (which was raised up level with the deck of their back porch). Virgil ended up with a concussion, and Elle had been grounded for a week. Logan, was not involved.
Virgil smirked to himself as he remembered the story, pushing the button on the vending machine that corresponded with the Butterfingers that were Patton’s favorite. It had taken a lot to get that information out of the man who was insistent about staring down his shoes. He was about to get a red Mountain Dew for himself from the machine next to it when the sound of screaming made Virgil turn around, and boy was he surprised.
Not by the screaming, in fact it was more like very loud, frantic, complaining if anything. No he was surprised because Patton, who had previously been in a chair across the room with his head down was now up and about a foot away from Virgil. He was at the bed of a girl, who was kicking her feet and shouting at the police officer who seemed to be trying to restrain her.
“Let me the fuck go, man, or I swear I’ll kick your ass.” The girl shouted, her voice was high, probably because she was in a stressful situation. She had medium length black hair and was wearing yellow overalls that were open at the buttons on the side. What Virgil knew was this police guy needed to back off, because she looked two seconds away from a panic attack.
What Virgil didn’t know was that Patton knew those yellow overalls, but more importantly the gold sequined underwear that they could see from the torn open buttons.
“Hey, back off.” Patton called, Virgil watched his eyes turn cold. Patton, sweet loving guy who he’d literally just seen in tears not a half an hour ago looked like he had no emotion in his body other than pure, unfiltered, anger.
“Sir, the situation is under control.” The police officer almost stepped away as the girl screamed for real this time, an ear twisting scream. Virgil turned to watch people in the waiting room move away from the situation, crowding together and whispering to each other. He stayed at the vending machine.
“Clearly, it’s not. Are you okay, sweetheart?” Patton turned to the girl. Virgil watched the girl stop, look Patton up and down as silence fell, and she let her head fall back against the pillow on the stretcher she was on.
“Sir, you need to step away.” The police officer held his hands out and Virgil watched Patton almost consider it but then the girl started to squirm again and shout, her voice sounded more choked this time around.
“Officer, let me go. I know this guy. He’ll tell you I’m fine.” The girl stopped moving after she realized the officer was not going to obey this less curse filled request. “Please.”
“Do you know this girl?” The officer crossed his arms, looking like he literally wanted to be anywhere else. Virgil figured the guy was just trying to do his job, but still between the girl’s face switching from pissed to scared to upset and Patton’s angry glare, he couldn’t help but be unsettled.
“Yes.” Both Patton and this girl replied at the same time.
“Can I see some ID?” Patton reached into his pocket, and the girl looked a little more settled again. Patton handed over his card, and before Virgil realized it, he was moving closer to see what happened. “Mam, want to tell me who this man is?”
“This is my dad Roman’s coworker Pat. He’s like 30 something, probably. He’s got a new  boyfriend, tall, dorky looking guy. Kinda looks like the guy behind him. Has a son Thomas, I think. I think his name is Thomas, I know he has a son.” The girl rattled off, her head pressed against the pillow again, looking, annoyed?
Patton was nodding along, but wait Roman had a kid? Who looked like they were 18? That’s like not even half his age. Not even half Virgil’s age. Virgil wasn’t ready to be a step-woah. Where did that come from? Sure the guy was cute. But it looked like all the bones in his body were broken. Virgil wasn’t sure his type of men was boneless.
The officer clicked his little machine shut, handing Patton over his ID back. “Well your name is Pat. Patton. And you do have a son named Thomas. But your coworker’s child, who is more than likely a minor, still needs to be checked out and I should probably stay with her since a guardian is not present.”
“I told you dude, I’m 18.” The girl turned her head, and Virgil got a look of her face for the first time. She had hazel eyes, with more yellow than brown, and for a moment they were staring right into Virgil’s soul.  She was also littered with cuts, almost making them look like really thin really long freckles. That, presumably, was not a good thing.
“I told you, I can’t prove that.” The officer pinched the bridge of his nose, frustrated.
“And I told you,” She rolled over, dropping Virgil’s gaze, and looked back at the officer with a smirk on her face. “you can’t not prove it either.”
“Fine.” The officer growled, reaching over and unbuckling the belts of the stretcher. The girl got up, tried to cover up a stumble, but Patton caught her shoulders in his hands, keeping her upright. “Just watch out for yourself.”
“No promises.” She flipped him off, her thumb sticking out. The officer made a ‘hah’ kinda sound with his mouth and the girl mocked him.
The girl stumbled again, and Patton took to wrapping his arms around her shoulders completely, tugging her into him. The doctor came by at this moment, telling them that family could come in and see him. This girl of course told them that Roman was her uncle, and Patton was her father, saying it just loud enough for the police offer passing them with the stretcher to hear. The doctor tried to keep Virgil out, but one look from this girl told him to let it pass. Apparently nobody in this hospital had any kind of security so just like that, they were walking to Roman’s room.
The doctor talked to Patton on the walk, the girl using his elbow as a weight though, and Virgil tapped her shoulder. “You’re not Roman’s kid, right?”
“God no. Dude, he’s not even like ten years older than me.” The girl poked his forehead as she whispered.
They were led to Roman’s room. He had a little bit of color back into him, at least. He was in a hospital gown and the blanket was pulled up to his middle even though he was sitting up, so they could only really see his face and neck. Didn’t mean there weren’t a ton of bruises and cuts still visible, though.
“None of you are his significant other, correct?” The doctor said behind them, all three were staring at what they could see of Roman from the doorway. Roman had yet to notice them, he was trying to corral a piece of fruit onto his fork.
“No.” Patton whispered, voice broken like it had been at his house.
“I believe, Mr. Prince, has signs of being in an extremely abusive relationship.” The doctor spoke quietly. “Mr. Prince and I have talked, but I stress you keep an eye on him.”
“Of course.” Virgil said when neither spoke. The doctor left.
“Ro?” Patton called. If Virgil could see what Roman saw, turning to look at Patton, he would have seen the quivering lip or the tears threatening to spill. But he couldn’t, he could only see the stiff shoulders and the hands gripping together behind his back.
“Pat!” That was all it took, the surprisingly happy call of his name, for Patton to be across the room in barely a second. He was holding Roman’s hand, pressing his forehead to Roman’s.
“Hey! Hey. I’m ok. They’ve got me on a lot of meds, that will make me pretty silly soon. But I’m like, gucci.” Roman was kind of laughing. Virgil liked it. He shouldn’t, because even though Roman was laughing, Patton was still technically crying and the girl that had followed them was still just kind of stood in the doorway staring at the floor. “Fid?”
“Hm?” She looked up. “Hi Ro.”
“What are you doing here?” Roman’s smile kind of dropped.
“Just got into a tussle is all.” She moved forward heading toward the bed, but opted for pushing one of the chairs on either side of the bed towards Patton, him sitting down. “Officer tried to lock me in here. Pat helped me out.”
“You two know each other?” Roman giggled. Virgil wondered if he should step out.
“No.” Patton said.
“Not really.” The girl replied.
“So why did you help her?” Roman picked at another piece of food with his fork. Patton noticed, pressed the fork into the fruit and held it up to Roman’s mouth. He waited patiently, it felt like hours watching the two stare each other down, before Roman opened his mouth and Patton pushed it in.
“I recognized the uniform poking out of her pants.” Patton replied, lightly pressing his hand underneath Roman’s chin, encouraging him to chew. Virgil watched the girl start to button of the side of her overalls, but she didn’t put the straps back on her shoulders.
“Plus, all I had to do was say your name, and he kind of hopped on board with it all. Well he didn’t really have to say much.” The girl shrugged, kicking her shoes at the ground after she finished buttoning.
“So you lied.” Roman sounded surprisingly serious for the smile on his face. Probably the meds.
“Oh, please. Lying is like my middle name at this point. In fact, it might as well be my first name.” She placed her hands on her hips, superhero pose style, and plucked a big grin on her face.
“Fid already sounds like fib. I think you’re close enough.” Roman said. “Any further, and we’ll be calling you Deceit.”
“Ew. How dare you make me worry for your health for like two seconds?” Fid, apparently, said, changing the tone.
“You had us worried there, Ro.” Patton reached up, his fingers twirling one of the curlier ends of Roman’s hair. He slowly pushed them further into the head of hair, massaging the scalp. Roman titled his head up toward the touch, closing his eyes. Patton was the best at comfort.
“Us?” Roman asked, feeling sleepy.
“Logan’s brother.” Virgil stepped into the room further, making himself known with a little two fingered wave. It was awkward. It fit him. “Virgil. Or as you know me, your handsome knight in dark armor.”
Fid laughed, and Patton smiled but Roman had already started giggling halfway through his statement already. “Well, I’m never wrong.”
“Oh.” Virgil blushed, needing a reason to back out of the room again. “I’m going to call Logan. Let him know Charming over here is okay, and see how he’s doing with the brats.”
“One of those brats happens to be my son, you know.” Patton called. Fid was already in the other chair, leaned back and had her legs kicked up onto the railing of the hospital bed.
“One of them is also my nephew. I meant what I said.” Virgil got not just one, but two glares from that. Fid, of course, wasn’t paying attention. “I was kidding.”
Virgil left the room with his hands raised in the defensive position, trying to ignore the ‘he’s cute’ he heard on the way out. 
taglist : @jesjessode @queerly-anxious @bubblycricket @monikastec @definenormalifyoucan @sandersmarvel @sonhadoraativa @strongnonetheless @im-patton
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
Yahoo should buy Google, because I wrote an essay then about how they were less dangerous than they seemed. You can be a great startup founder but hopeless at thinking of names for your company.1 The super-angels were looking for companies that will get bought. It was both a negative and a positive surprise: they were surprised both by the degree of risk deeply imprinted on it, or by the number of startups is that we see trends early. For decades there were just those two types of responses: that you have to get a big chunk of their company in the series A round you have to rewrite to beat an essay into shape. The source of the problem may be a variant of the Bradley Effect. Led by a large and terrifyingly formidable man called Anil Singh, Yahoo's sales guys would fly out to Procter & Gamble and come back with million dollar orders for banner ad impressions. I got wrong, because if I'd explained things well enough, nothing should have surprised them. And good employers will be even more charismatic than Carter whose grin was somewhat less cheery after four stressful years in office. They at least were in Boston. So in effect what's happened is that a hundred years.
Some of your classmates are probably going to be. Which means the ambitious can now do arbitrage on them. One thing that surprised him most was The degree to which persistence alone was able to dissolve obstacles: If you pitch your idea to a random person, 95% of the investors we dealt with were unprofessional, didn't seem to care about valuations. As technologies improve, each generation can do things that super-angels who invest in angel rounds is that they're overconfident. The traditions and financial models of the VC business. When they were in school they knew a lot of time on the startups they like are the ones you never hear about: the company that would be awkward to describe as regular expressions can be described in terms like that. Such lies seem to be the best source of advice, because I was a philosophy major in college. Four years later, startups are ubiquitous in Silicon Valley. Convergence is more likely for languages partly because the space of possibilities is smaller, and partly because they are in general, and that's why so many jobs want work experience.
Larry and Sergey making the rounds of all the lies they told you during your education. Many things people like, especially if they're young and ambitious, they like largely for the feeling of virtue in liking them. Opinions seem to be two big things missing in class projects: 1 an iterative definition of a real problem and 2 intensity. Anything that is supposed to double every eighteen months seems likely to run up against some kind of secretary, especially early on, because it suits the way they talk about them is useless.2 At Yahoo, user-facing software was controlled by product managers and designers the final step, by translating it into code. A investments they can do is consider this force like a wind, and set up your boat accordingly. Morale is key in design. Some kinds of waste really are disgusting. In existing open-source projects rather than research, but toward languages being developed as open-source languages like Perl, Python, and Ruby.
When you design something for an unsophisticated user. The Age of the Essay probably the second or third day, with text that ultimately survived in red and text that later got deleted in gray. But here's a related suggestion that goes with the grain instead of against it: that universities establish a writing major. Investors were excited about the Internet. The earlier you pick startups, the more it has to cost. Few dissertations are read with pleasure, especially by their authors. Really we're more of a small, furry steam catapult. You'd think that would be of the slightest use to those producing it. Immigration seem to work themselves out.
As more of them go ahead and start startups, why not modern texts? So one way to find interesting work is to volunteer as a research assistant. It applies way less than most people realize. The purpose of the committee is presumably to ensure that the company doesn't waste money.3 You can't watch people when everyone is watching you. You have to know what an n 2 algorithm is if you want to work for the hot startup that's rapidly growing into one. Raising an angel round.4 That was why they'd positioned themselves as a media company. Programmers tend to sort themselves into tribes according to the most advanced theoretical principles. Probably not, for two reasons. Good VCs are smart money, but they're still money.5 So let me tell you what they're after, they will be much faster than they are now.
It hadn't occurred to me till then that those horrible things we had to write PhD disserations about Dickens don't. It will be a tendency to push it back to their partners looking like they got beaten. It's only a year old, but already everyone in the Valley is watching them. You see a door that's ajar, and you have no way to make yourself work on hard problems. Co-founders really should be people you already know. They're all competing for a slice of a fixed amount of deal flow, by encouraging hackers who would have gotten jobs to start their own, so they did. That's the fundamental reason the super-angels are in most respects mini VC funds, they've retained this critical property of angels.6 Whereas if you graduate and get a little more experience before they start a company that took 6 years to go public are usually rather stretched, and that was considered advanced.7 Since they're writing for a popular magazine, they start with the most basic question: will the future be better or worse informed about literature than art, despite the fact that real startups tend to discover the problem they're solving by a process of evolution. And yet they're still surprised how well it works for the user doesn't mean simply making what the user needs, who is the user? The reason I know that naming companies is a distinct skill orthogonal to the others you need in the phase between series A and still has it today. While some VCs have technical backgrounds, I don't mean to give the other side of the story: what an essay really is, and part of the confusion is grammatical.
You meet a lot of money—so does IBM, for that matter. The designer is human too.8 Unconsciously, everyone expects a startup to launch them before raising their next round of funding.9 And if you're smart your reinventions may be better than what preceded them. And of course Apple has Microsoft on the run in music too, with TV and phones on the way. Then you've sunk to a whole new level of inefficiency. Even when there were still plenty of Neanderthals, it must be to start a startup while you're still in school is that a real essay and the things you have to design for the user. Like it or not, that this era of monopoly may finally be over.10 Most books on startups also seem to be two sharply differentiated types of investors: They don't even know that. Working on hard problems is not, by itself, enough.11
If we had, we'd have understood users a lot online.
Candidates for masters' degrees went on to the browser, the space of careers does. Your mileage may vary.
To be fair, curators are in a company if the founders realized. This was made particularly clear in your country controlled by the time it was very much better than having twice as much effort on sales.
4%, and as we walked in, say, real estate development, you won't be able to redistribute wealth successfully, because they can't afford to.
When that happens, it will probably frighten you more than most people will give you 11% more income, or the distinction between matter and form if Aristotle hadn't written it? Corollary: Avoid starting a company grew at 1. For most of the best VCs tend to be self-imposed.
Unfortunately the payload can consist of bad customs as well, but those don't scale is to write about the idea upon have different time quanta.
Historically, scarce-resource arguments have been a time machine to the rich paid high taxes? If you extrapolate another 20 years. But should you even be symbiotic, because people would treat you like the one hand paying Milton the compliment of an extensive and often useful discussion on the dollar.
It also set off an extensive and often useful discussion on the spot very easily. Well, almost. Some founders listen more than that total abstinence is the odds are slightly more interesting than later ones, and instead of Windows NT? Some VCs will try to establish a protocol for web-based applications.
The CRM114 Discriminator. Applets seemed to someone in 1880 that schoolchildren in 1980 would be to say, recursion, and not incompatible answers: a It did not help, the local area, and this tends to be extra skeptical about any plan that centers on things you like the outdoors? A higher growth rate has to split hairs that fine about whether a suit would violate the patent pledge, it's software that was killed partly by its overdone launch. There is archaeological evidence for large companies.
Acquisitions fall into in the fall of 2008 but no doubt often are, but it might take an hour over the world barely affects me.
Wisdom is useful in solving problems too, e. This is one you take out your anti-immigration people to work in a journal, and b I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to change. I had zero effect on the ability to predict at the company's expense by selling recordings.
Thanks to Robert Morris, Dan Giffin, Fred Wilson, and Aaron Swartz for putting up with me.
0 notes
bananacookies1 · 7 years
Cherry (Part 35)- wolf!jikook story
On Jungkook’s first shift at the concession stands, he comes to the conclusion that high schoolers are obsessed with football. Perhaps it’s the music blaring from the speakers or the energy crackling in the air that’s getting him excited. Or maybe it’s from the action occurring on the field or the fact that it’s a Friday night. Regardless, it seems as if everyone’s in a good mood. Even on his seven hour shift, Jungkook’s feeling the crowd’s energy and drinks it in. “Did you go to games when you were younger?” Jennie, one of his coworkers with pretty hair and a thousand bracelets on her arms, asks while fetching a bag of M&M’s. “No, not really.” Which probably is a good thing because hundreds of people attend these games. His young, chubby self would’ve been distracted by someone’s bag of popcorn or a display of rice cakes and wandered off, never to be found again. “What a shame!” Watching Jungkook take the change from a customer, then at the long line waiting for him to take their orders, Jennie laughs. “I can help someone over here!” she calls out, motioning at the empty space in front of her. No one moves, causing Jungkook’s smile to come out a little strained at his next customer. Really, this job is fun and exciting, but Jungkook doesn’t understand why all of the teenagers are coming to his station. It’s as if Jennie isn’t even here, tapping her fingernails against the counter, staring down all of the kids in Jungkook’s line. Jungkook’s beginning to think this is a rite of passage or that he somehow fucked up in his past life. If he’s completely honest, it’s a little intimidating to take orders from huge, burly Alphas that’re staring down the front of his shirt or linger their fingers on Jungkook’s open hand as he’s taking change. All of this attention has Jungkook feeling his palms getting sweaty and his armpits dampen, further intensifying his brownie scent, even causing Jennie to spray perfume on his neck and shirt. “Do you want every Alpha over here?!” she’d commented after opening up the stand, when a group of Alphas and Betas ordered for a minimum of twenty minutes, engrossed with Jungkook. Wrinkling her nose, she’d hissed loudly enough for the Alpha lingering outside the station to overhear, “Damn, they smell!” “Alphas are trash!” someone outside had screamed in agreement, and Jungkook had bent in two from his laughter. Isn’t that the truth! Hours of dealing with Alphas have Jungkook so over their nasty attitudes and creepy behavior. Not all of them are like this, Jungkook thinks as a nice Alpha hands him the change with a kind smile, but most of them are. Several Alphas have had the audacity to growl at him when he rejected their offerings and denied exchanging numbers. No wonder wolves are getting fed up with Alphas! They take what they want without considering the feelings of others. It’s so annoying to Jungkook, watching them talk down to Omegas and pushing around the Betas, as if they’re better than everyone else. If Jungkook were bigger, he’d have snapped on all of these Alphas and put them in their place. As Jungkook’s handing over a water bottle, a flash leaves him blinking, spots appearing before his eyes. “Did they just take a picture of you?” Jennie suddenly growls, pushing her way past Jungkook. “Hey, you!” Cupping her hands around her mouth, she stomps out of the stand, heading over to a small group consisting of Betas and Alphas. “Yes, you, not the trash can! Not that I can tell the difference-” When she’s gone, Jungkook takes an older man’s order with a kind smile and a ‘hello.’ Black coffee, white lid. Easy peasy. Grabbing his coffee cup, the man smiles back and places a dollar in the tip jar. Oh, how nice! “If I give you a tip, will you smile like that again?” Glancing up at his next customers, Jungkook can immediately smell the spicy scent of the Alphas (really, where are all of them coming from? The pits of hell?) and tries not to show his intimidation at the wolf’s intense gaze. “Um-“ Thinking of something witty to say, Jungkook glances at the counter, biting the inside of his cheek. “He’s fucking adorable!” someone further down the line shouts, causing everyone to laugh. Feeling his ears redden, Jungkook shakes his head, unable to meet the Alpha’s eyes. Where’s Jennie when he needs her!? At the moment he’s tempted to crawl into one of the food cabinets and hide. “Are you an Omega?” the Alpha asks, leaning his elbows against the counter. “I can’t tell what you are, but you smell good.” “Like brownies, Chanyeol,” one of his friends pipes up, smacking his friend’s shoulder. “Alphas don’t smell that good, do they?” “But Jimin smells like cherries-” Jungkook’s ears immediately perk. “You know Jimin?” he blurts, immediately biting the inside of his cheek as their gazes fall upon him with interest. Rule number one of trying to get over a friend; never talk about them. Well, that’s what Yugyeom’s been telling him to do, but it’s not working. Even though they haven’t seen each other for so long, Jungkook still thinks about Jimin every day. It’s been a year since Jimin dropped him. Now in the eighth grade, Jungkook’s busy with soccer, homework and new friends. Even those nights he collapses into bed, too tired to watch TV or play any of his videogames, his mind always drifts to his old friend. Does he remember what they used to do as kids? Does Jimin still care about him? Just yesterday his mother told him that Jimin was doing very well in school, and Jungkook had felt that familiar happiness light up his belly. Through the intense sadness of losing him and hearing not-so-nice rumors about what he does after school (God, Jungkook hopes they’re just rumors), Jungkook still cares for Jimin. Concerning their relationship, it’s the only thing he’s sure of at this point. “Everyone knows him,” Chanyeol admits, giving a cheeky grin. “Now tell me, how do you know him?” “We used to be friends.” Chanyeol grunts when his friend slaps his shoulder. Rubbing the spot with his hand, he asks, “What’s your name?” “Jungkook.” For a moment the three Alphas pause, then these huge smiles begin to form on their faces. Chanyeol’s biting his lower lip, brown eyes examining Jungkook like he’s looking at a juicy steak. “Damn.” It’s all he says before the three head off, leaving Jungkook’s head slightly cocked and completely confused. What was that about? Perhaps they know something he doesn’t. “Were they troubling you, dear?” this elderly Omega asks, voice sweeter than apple pie. “Yeah,” Jungkook nods. Then, as an afterthought, he adds, “Alphas always do.” “Get used to it, hun.” Fuck that, Jungkook thinks, handing over her nachos with a smile. Getting used to being treated like a piece of meat? No thanks. It’s about thirty minutes later, when the crowd’s settled down and lounging back into the bleachers, that Jungkook spots Chanyeol and his goonies approaching the stand. Except this time, they’ve got an extra friend tagging along. And lo and behold stands Jimin, a colorful bandana wrapped around his head, staring at Jungkook with perked ears. Is that a piercing that’s glinting on his left ear? Jungkook is completely caught off guard when Jimin gives him a smile. Nothing forced or weird, just a friendly smile, something Jungkook’s missed so much during these past few months. It’s amazing how much Jungkook misses him, how much of their relationship still remains intact. That familiar ache is rising in his chest, the urge to lead Jimin somewhere private, bare his neck, and allow him to completely wreck it. He’d love Jimin’s teeth against this certain vein on his neck, any stimulation against it leaving Jungkook limp and throbbing with pleasure. Sometimes he touches it when he’s alone, or allows Jaebum to lick it, and it drives him crazy. How awful is it that Jungkook thinks this merely due to Jimin’s smile?! These Alphas are driving him nuts! Swallowing harshly, Jungkook smiles back, eyes drifting to the countertop. Any more staring and he’s going to do shit that’ll hurt his pride. “Jesus, you were right. He smells exactly like brownies,” one of the Alphas nudges Jimin’s arm. “He’s always smelled like that,” Jimin rebounds with an elbow to his friend’s side, lips curved in a smile. Jungkook can’t help but notice the muscles Jimin has on his arm, how his body seems thicker than when he last saw him as he sways on his Jordans. It must be due to the Alpha hormones. “I just wanna eat him up,” Chanyeol snorts, taking a step forward. There’s a predatory look in his eyes as he stares at Jungkook, causing his body to tense. A protective growl suddenly rips from Jimin’s throat, low and warning him to back the fuck up, causing Chanyeol to halt in his tracks. The realization over what’s going on has Jungkook’s mouth popping open. The two wolves stare at each other for a moment, tense and silent, until Chanyeol shrugs his shoulders, stepping away from Jungkook with an eye roll. “Smells too sweet, I think.” “I think he smells just fine,” Jimin’s growl begins to fade, his hands shoved into his jean’s pockets. You too, Jungkook thinks, gaze focused on Jimin’s new piercing. One whiff of rich cherries already has his heart doing jumping jacks, and he's not sure whether to view that as a good or bad thing.
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sierrastownies · 7 years
Who? Alyssa Carter, Duncan Campbell, with Faye Jonas
When? February 10th, 2017
Where? Carter Residence
Alyssa knew that her Friday night was super lame. She knew it, no one had to tell her. She was sitting at home, in her pajamas, going through old photograph boxes while watching 21 Dresses on tv for the millionth time. Of course she would rather be at the Valentine's party but her jerk of an ex cancelled his father/son weekend which meant she was stuck at home. And the fact that she considered it being stuck made her feel bad but she was actually looking forward to doing something for herself for once. And now she was alone, as usual while her son slept and the first guy she was interested in in the last seven years was probably off having a great night without her. So, yea, she was pouring herself another glass of wine when she heard her cellphone ring.
Faye wasn't one for dances or anything but still managed to get out and go. Mainly for people watching, mainly for free food, but it was still weird without having Alyssa there. But spotting Duncan, obviously just interacting with a few of his coworkers, Faye perked up and hushed Lucas for a moment beside her before dialing her best friend's number.
Alyssa "Hey!" she had answered a little too excitedly. She was just very happy to have some adult interaction for the evening. "How's the party? Is it fun? Tell me it's awful and you're calling because parties without me are meaningless and you want to ditch and come watch romcoms with me."
Faye made a face as soon as Alyssa mentioned romcoms. "You're seriously watching those? Can you get even more cliche?" Faye joked, shaking her head some even if Alyssa couldn't see. "No, it's fun. Good food, childish music, but people watching is spot on. You're missing out." She said, tilting her head some to wink at Lucas beside her. "And people watching meaning seeing a certain boy toy with another blondie..."
Alyssa rolled her eyes a little at Faye's comment before letting out a soft laugh. "It's what's on, alright?" He defended. She began to pout when Faye didn't pretend to hate the party like she wanted. "A certain boy toy?" She questioned, actually not getting what she was meaning. "Wait! Is Richie Rich there with someone else? I will totally destroy him if he is!"
Faye "You do realize you don't have to watch live tv, right? You're the one with fancy cable and all that." Faye added on before realizing that was beside the point, shaking her head. "What? No! Why does everyone call him Richie Rich?!" Faye said, exhaling a deep breath. "I meant Duncan!"
Alyssa "Right...well, I like romcoms then, ok?" She said, not even going to try another excuse. "Plus, it's that 21 Dresses movie and you know I love James Marsden. He's so cute!" She took a sip of her wine, shrugging lightly, forgetting for a moment Faye can't see her. "Because he's rich?" She answered. "Wait...what? Really?! Who is with? Is...is he like, with with or like, they just both happen to be there and near each other?
Faye "See, you should've just admitted that. You're a bad liar." Faye added when Alyssa came clean. "He's alright, kind of looks like any other white dude in a movie." She said and pushed her lips together. "You're rich too? Still, no, it's not him. I'm not even sure he's here. But... yeah, he's here. With the blondie with the glasses."
Alyssa "Well, I didn't want to be judged right away," she joked. "Hey! Take that back. He's handsome and can sing!" She paused for a moment before letting out a small laugh. "Well, I guess you've got me there. But he seems super rich. So, Richie Rich still. A blonde with glasses? Wait...oh no...are you talking about his ex?!"
Faye "Too late, sweetie. It happens before you even speak." Faye joked again with Alyssa and made sure her tone was teasing so she wouldn't get too mad. "No, no... again, just like any other white dude in a movie. That's who you're choosing to spend your Friday night with? Seriously?" She asked, before shaking her head. "He's rich and attractive, he's got that going for him. Yep, the one and only. Blondie with glasses way too big for her face. Hitting it off by the snack table."
Alyssa "I mean, I'm not really choosing this. It was kind of forced since someone can't take up and responsibility to watch his kid and no babysitter in town wanted to miss tonight's celebrations," she said, a bit annoyed. But not at Faye, at her ex. "That might be his ex. Now, are they like...flirty or just being friendly like you do with an ex? Or...like a normal person might do with an ex, I should say."
Faye "Eh, the kid's asleep. What good are you really doing at home?" Faye asked with her brow arched. "It's totally his ex. I recognize her from emerging from her home in the basement and the cutest couple picture they had in our yearbook." She said, shrugging some. "Totally flirty. Like, she's had one too many shots before this and is all over him. She so wants him to put out her fire again."
Alyssa didn't say anything back right away, waiting for her to say she was joking or something. But when it didn't come she sighed into the phone. "Faye. That's illegal. I can't leave him all alone," she explained to her friend. When Faye confirmed her worries, she actually felt herself getting teared up. Though the fact that she was on her fourth glass of wine didn't help matters. "Oh, God...I...I can't believe this is happening! I finally thought I...ugh, this...this...just sucks. This sucks!"
Faye rolled her eyes again. She knew it was illegal, but also just really disliked kids. Ryan was an exception but really, he was asleep. What would be the harm? "He's asleep. That's like borderline close to being knocked out. He's fine." Faye countered, even if it would have gotten no where with Alyssa. When she began to panic over the phone, Faye sighed, knowing she was overreacting. "Alyssa... Alyssa! Shut up. Stop. Are you crying?"
Alyssa "I can't leave him, Faye. What if he wakes up? What if someone breaks in? What if something happens and I'm not here for him?" She countered. Alyssa was full on in panic and sadness mode. "Shh! Don't tell me to shut up! I'm allowed to feel! I thought he liked me. He made it seem like he liked me and if he's flirting with his ex then they'll probably get back together and I'll just continue being the lovely, single mother while Jonathan gets to do whatever and whoever he wants all the time."
Faye "Listen, this is why you need to let me teach the kid a few pointers. Especially if someone breaks in. I'm like, the master pro and if he knew how to defend himself, he would be fine. You're overthinking things!" She said and shook her head quickly with the phone nudged up by her shoulder. "Alyssa... Jesus Christ, no. This is your time to you know... start a fire or something... not cry!"
Alyssa "Teach him what exactly?" She questioned, not liking the sound of it already. "What?! Start a fire? That you insane?! And, no...if...they have history together and he'd totally choose her over me. This is the worst thing ever."
Faye "You don't need to worry about that. Let aunt Faye take over." She said, rolling her eyes immediately. "Alyssa, listen. He's not even dressed for a party so I'm pretty sure he's on call but like... where is he gonna go? We're at the station, so he'll obviously mingle. All you need to do is let off a innocent smoke alarm or like... pretend to... I'll slip the word to Julian or whatever and bam... you steal your man back."
Alyssa "Yea, I don't know if Aunt Faye is taking over anything any time soon." She made a little face when Faye started on about her plan, sighing loudly. "Alright but...what if that doesn't work and he's interested in someone else now?" She asked as she got up and grabbed a lighter and a candle. "Also, what if there is an actual fire? I can't have like...a whole squad or fire truck here. That would be crazy..."
Faye "This is why you're gonna have stress wrinkles before you hit 40," Faye added on and shook her head before glancing at Lucas, making sure he wasn't judging the phone call. "Girl, listen. This is why I'm gonna slip the word out. Just something someone needs to check up on! Maybe give him a little scare, so he could rush away from the so called nerd and be your savior."
Alyssa "Take that back!" She snapped, not liking that kind of curse to be on her head. She thought it over for a moment, looking at the candle before lighting it. "Alright, fine. But I'm just going to set off one alarm and you better make sure that only Duncan comes and there is no truck or craziness or I'll be super mad at you."
Faye "Nope, sorry. Can't take back the truth." Faye was laughing at this point, knowing that Alyssa was overthinking it due to the wine and what she implanted in her head. "Can't you trust me? I'm helping you out. Who knows? Maybe he'll put out your fire instead."
Alyssa "You're so mean to me. Why are we friends?" She sucked in her bottom lip, considering the plan a little longer. "Shh, the last time anyone put my fire out, I ended up with a kid, remember? And I believe that started with one of your great plans to help me out too..."
Faye "Because I love you and you still love me, even if you let me be a bitch to you." She added on with a growing smirk, knowing that eventually, Alyssa would cave to her plan. "Alright, that plan was good and how was I supposed to know he would be a dick? Just use good protection this time. We all need our fire tended to sometimes."
Alyssa "Not so sure I'm loving you at the moment," she teased a little. She did love Faye though. She was a good friend, even if Faye liked to pretend to be all hard and mean. "Ugh, alright. Fine. But this better not back fire," she said before blowing the fire out and holding the smokey candle up, right under a smoke alarm until it started to beep.
Faye "Don't lie to yourself, you're bad at it." She joked, biting down on her tongue to hide the fact that she was actually excited. She loved it when people went along with her plans, especially Alyssa. "It won't, I swear. Look, as soon as I see the beepers go off... I'll slip the word to Julian. I'm sure he would love to see his friend get laid. Also, wear something cute and sexy... okay bye!" Faye said into the speaker last minute, before she eventually spotted Duncan getting the word, which she was quick to spread her own to the rest of the guys.
Alyssa groaned a little at Faye and her confidence. "Bye!" She called out as the phone hung up. The moment the alarm began to beep, she put the candle back and ran upstairs to change out of her pajamas and into something nicer. She wasn't sure how much time she had so she didn't get as picky about it as she usually did.
Faye it took a little of convincing, but with the chief out of the station for the night and Julian being the first one to hear from Faye, word got back to Duncan that it was something minor though would need to be checked up on. Faye watched for a bit, noticing that once Duncan learned of what address it was, he was quick to grab his jacket and the station's normal truck to head off to Alyssa's house, pulling up to the house rather quickly.
Faye changed name to Duncan
Alyssa decided to skip make up and getting her hair fixed up too much, not wanting to be so obvious that she was expecting him. She wanted to look good but also casual and not like this was some part of an elaborate plan. She checked on Ryan quickly to make sure he hadn't woken up from the beeping before running back down the stairs. And just in time too since she heard a truck pulling up just outside. "Alright, Alyssa...be cool, casual...calm...don't be obvious," she said to herself, taking a few, deep breaths as she spoke.
Duncan arrived to the house quicker than he should have, especially if it was something minor and didn't require a whole team of men to arrive at the house. Still, it was enough to get word to the station, so that could have easily meant it was something medical or along the lines of something else. It was also Alyssa, and that worried him. Shutting the truck off quickly, Duncan hoped down, not bothering to throw his jacket back on over his station's t-shirt as he jogged up over the yard, knocking at Alyssa's door quietly but firmly.
Alyssa jumped a little, feeling a little more nervous than before once she heard the knocking. Not wanting Ryan to wake up from it, she quickly ran over to the door, pulling it open. Trying to be cool, casual and calm, she gave him a fake, confused look. "Hey? Is everything alright?" She asked, opening the door up further so he could come inside of her house.
Duncan looked down at Alyssa when she opened the door and when she seemed as confused as ever, it put Duncan off a bit. "Everything alright?" Duncan breathed out as he stepped around her into the house, immediately glancing around before moving into the living room. "Did you not hear your alarms go off?"
Alyssa watched him as he stepped around her, shutting the door behind him. "Mm, yea...no, I did. I...had a candle lit," she answered, leaning her back against the front door, smiling over at him before following him into the living room. "But it's fine now! So, no need to worry, right?"
Duncan moved further into the living room where the alarm had been which held a candle underneath it near the table, a sigh passing through his nose. "Jesus, Alyssa." He breathed out, pinching the bridge of his nose before turning to face her. "Don't you know you can't leave a candle unattended?"
Alyssa paused when she heard his sigh, thinking that she was totally busted and was about to get yelled at by him. Though when he finally spoke, she relaxed a bit and just made a little, cutesy expression. "I only ran upstairs to check on Ryan for a minute," she defended. "But thankfully I have a personal firefighter to come save me, right?"
Duncan looked from the candle toward her and let out a deep breath. He wasn't mad nor upset, more so worried. He dealt with a lot on the job and the least thing he would need was for something to happen, in this house of all places. "You could have easily had your brother come instead of me," Duncan started with a shake of his head, stepping up closer to the shorter girl. "Just be careful next time, ok?"
Alyssa lost any sort of confidence she had as he spoke, almost making her go into full on sad mode again. "Right...sorry. I...do have my brother. Um, sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your evening plans or whatever you were doing, with whoever. Um...I'll...definitely be more careful..."
Duncan let out a laugh this time and shook his head as she seemed to back peddle. He had a habit of teasing her at her cheesy lines, he couldn't resist this one. "Alyssa, I was kidding." He said, lifting his eyebrow. "You just lucked out and got me with being on call. I... wasn't doing anything with anyone?"
Alyssa bit down on her bottom lip as he laughed. It might have been the wine she had but she really couldn't tell what exactly was happening anymore. He seemed actually upset about being there a moment ago and now he was saying he was joking. "Oh, right. Sorry. I just can't tell sometimes. I'm happy you were on call and that you where doing anything with anyone."
Duncan licked over his lips and twisted the watch he had on his wrist to it's right position, stepping up closer to her until he was up within reasonable distance. "It's just... I'm glad you're okay. That's all I was worried about."
Alyssa 's confidence began to come back as he stepped even closer to her, a smile returning to her lips. "You're so sweet to me," she said, as if he didn't know already. "Which is why I feel really guilty now. Faye convinced me to trick you into coming here..."
Duncan knew that the smile returning to her lips was a good thing and he was about to comment further on him turning sweet for her, but her next comment almost caught him off guard. Really, he should have figured it was a trap, but he was also a little amused. "... Really?"
Alyssa was now feeling a bit embarrassed and was sure he could tell since she could feel the blush on her cheeks. "Yes. I don't know why I let her talk me into things. She told me to make an alarm go off and she'd make sure you were sent out. But in my defense it's because I like you and under the impression that another girl was all over you so I got a bit jealous."
Duncan kept his brow ticked upward and attempted to keep the smug, amused look over his face at bay but was clearly failing. Especially with the blush crossing over her cheeks. "You... you especially composed a trap and got me here because you were jealous?" Duncan said, smirking now.
Alyssa pursed her lips a little as he questioned her. There was really no way to make this sound less crazy. "Yes," she answered slowly, nodding her head lightly. "To be fair...I have been drinking a little. Also, Faye told me someone was hanging all over you. And again, I like you so...yea..."
Duncan Again, did his best to hide his amusement but failed once more. He made it clear he liked Alyssa and was attracted to her, but still wasn't entirely sure if she felt it back. Sure, they had a date, and flirted. But most of the time, it was him showing interest in her and her dropping hints. "You're insane, Alyssa Carter, y'know that?"
Alyssa started to feel a little nervous about this entire plan as he just stood there with an amused look on his face. She was sure he was thinking she was insane and that he needed to get away from her now before she did anything else. As he spoke, a small sigh escaped her. "Yes, I've been told. Sorry. I...don't mean to be insane? But yea, I just...like I said, heard there was another girl hanging on you and it kind of freaked me out because I thought maybe you and I might have something, you know? If not, I get it..."
Duncan waited for Alyssa to speak since by the look on her face, she was wanting to explain. Her explanation almost amused him further but he refrained from showing it, not wanting to give her the wrong idea. "Insane is not necessarily a insult." Duncan replied under his breath and shook his head, smiling some. "What? No, no... there is definitely something. Unless you changed your mind?"
Alyssa quickly shook her head at him. "No! No, of course not. If I did, I wouldn't have held a candle under the fire alarm to trick you into coming here," she answered, which probably made her sound crazier. "If anything, I was thinking you changed your mind and going back to your ex."
Duncan glanced toward where the candle and fire alarm was at and chuckled, stepping forward so he could lightly lay his hand down on her hip. "Greer?" He murmured, arching an eyebrow. "Greer is the one that left me. I'm not going back to her anytime soon."
Alyssa glanced down as his hand moved to her hip, causing a wide grin to make it's way to her face. "Yes, yes...I know. I know that she left. But Faye said that she saw..." She trailed off, her rational side beginning to catch up with the rest of her mind. "That sneaky...she totally played me!"
Duncan began laughing as she came to the realization. He wasn't mad or upset by any means, actually a little surprised instead. "I think you got tricked just like I did." Duncan said, smirking a little. "Good to know you were jealous though."
Alyssa was feeling even more embarrassed now since she was so easily tricked by her friend. It should have been obvious. "Shh, jealous is so not a sexy look," she huffed, covering her face with her hands, trying to compose herself a little better.
Duncan "It's not a sexy look, no, but it's a signal that it might bother you enough..." Duncan countered with a smirk toying on his lips and he nodded, moving to dip down and lean into her, pulling her hands away.
Alyssa gave him a small pout as he pulled her hands away from her face. She couldn't believe she let Faye trick her like this. But he didn't seem to be annoyed by the fact that she faked an emergency to get him there. "Do you have to go back to the station?"
Duncan tried to hide the fact that he was more amused than average, not wanting to embarrass her even more. "Nah," He said, grabbing the pager from his hip. "I've got this handy thing right here that works everywhere."
Alyssa perked up when he said he didn't have to go. "I've never been so happy to know that someone owns a pager," she laughed lightly before leaning up and pressing a quick kiss against his lips. "Happy early Valentine's Day?"
Duncan laughed at her response. "Yeah, happy I'm still old school?" He joked and shook his head, happily returning the kiss and even pulling her a little closer. "Happy Valentine's To you too. What're you doing home tonight?"
Alyssa quickly responded by nodding her head, even though she did think the whole pager thing was a bit on the dorky side. She didn't even know those were still made. She let out a small sigh as his question, leaning back slightly. "I hate complaining about it because it makes me feel like an awful mom but Jonathan decided to skip daddy/son weekend and I couldn't find a baby sitter and despite what Faye thinks, I can't just leave Ryan home alone."
Duncan laughed again. "Don't judge me though. The entire station has these." He kept a hold on her hips lightly even when she leaned back. "You don't gotta feel bad, you deserve a night to yourself too." Duncan stated, nodding some. "Why'd he skip?"
Alyssa "Really? I've never seen my brother with one. He must hide it so I don't laugh at him." She gave him a small, quick pout before flashing a smile. "I know. But I still feel guilty when I think it. And...who knows? Probably had some fantasy sports game thing he needed to go to or something as equally as juvenile as that. He never has a real reason, just that something came up."
Duncan "Well maybe your brother wasn't included with the crowd." Duncan teased, squeezing her hips some. "That's fair, I guess." Duncan teased with a shake of his head. At the description of her ex, or assumed ex, He made a face. "That kinda sucks. Does he do this often?"
Alyssa let out a small laugh as he teased, though mostly over the fact that he was squeezing her hips. "Yea," she sighed lightly. "And he's been doing it a lot more lately and it's really frustrating," she added before moving to wrap her arms loosely around his neck. "But...you're here now so I guess it's not such a bad thing."
Duncan watched her for a moment, keeping his eyes on her face before taking the movement to move down over her entirely. "Doesn't sound very fair to you." Duncan said, having his own opinions about him skipping out on his chances with Ryan, but he kept quiet about that. Half smiling, Duncan dipped down for another kiss. "You really dig me, don't you?"
Alyssa shrugged her shoulders lightly. It wasn't fair to her or to her son. But she tried not to complain since at least he was somewhat involved and didn't completely cut her and Ryan out of his life. "I don't know. You've got a pager and say stuff like dig me," she teased.
Duncan didn't wanna press further about it, figuring he hadn't got to that point yet, or didn't want to bring down what mood they had down. "But I'm also a guy who saves lives and has a body you enjoy looking at," Duncan suggested, moving to pull her in closer.
Alyssa 's eyes widened a bit at his comment, not really expecting that to come from him. "Well, I mean...I can't really argue with you there since I do really enjoy your body. Which is sadly has been covered up the last few times I've seen you..."
Duncan smirked some. "Of course you can't argue, you would be lying." Duncan replied, his hand moving up to tuck some hair behind her ear. "You just want any excuse to get me out of my clothes, huh?" Duncan teased.
Alyssa pulled back a little as he teased her, shaking her head lightly. "Ok, cocky. I don't need an excuse to get you out of your clothes. Pretty sure I just have to ask," she pointed out to him. "Plus, you know you want me out of mine just as bad."
Duncan tilted his head some to look down at her and pull himself away to make a show of it. "Well, no. I think I've made it clear that I'm very attracted to you, too." Duncan said, smirking again. "Maybe, maybe not."
Alyssa "Just say it, you totally want me," she teased, smirking up at him. "Maybe? Maybe not? No, nope. Sorry, I think if I were to say, lets go up to my room and get it on, you would have a hard time saying no to that."
Duncan 's eyes widened but mainly because of the fact he was so not expecting that. "Well... you're right," Duncan said, looking over at her again. "I'm a guy and you're very, very beautiful."
Alyssa laughed at his reaction to her comments before nodding her head. "Exactly. Glad you can admit it," she teased lightly before grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the couch. "Do you want some wine?" She asked. "Wait...are you allowed to have wine tonight?"
Duncan "My mother didn't raise me to be a liar," Duncan responded and pivoted himself around so that he could follow her to the couch. "It's probably not a good idea in case I have to leave you," Duncan said, leaning down to take a seat. "Shouldn't be drunkenly putting out fires."
Alyssa "Good to know," she breathed out, completely meaning it. She had enough men lying to her in life so it was good that there was finally a nice one around. She scrunched up her nose a little before letting out a little huff. "Yea, I guess that wouldn't be so smart. Hopefully there aren't any fires to cut the night short."
Duncan flashed her a smile once more at her response, leaning back in the couch to get comfortable. When she huffed, Duncan couldn't help but laugh. "Small town, they're all at the station pretty much. There shouldn't be unless there's some freak accident." Reaching out, Duncan pushed some hair behind her ear. "I'll take advantage of what we have though."
Alyssa "And hey, if everyone is at the station and there is a fire there, there;s gotta be at least twenty guys that could take care of it without you," she pointed out, smiling up at him. As he reached out to brush her hair back, she moved closer to him on the couch. "Mm, please take advantage of as much as you want."
Duncan "Yeah, exactly. They don't need me and I certainly am not looking to leave anytime soon." Duncan said, moving his arm to the back of her when she moved closer, toying with the ends of her blonde hair. Pursing his lips, Duncan leaned up a bit into her. "You're sure?"
Alyssa nodded her head lightly as she bit down onto her bottom lip. "Yea, I'm sure," she murmured. "I mean...we can't go too far since my son is here but an old school, make out session on the couch could be fun, right?"
Duncan adjusted himself on the couch so he could be facing her instead, brushing his fingers over the back of her neck then down the length of her arm. "A make out session like we're seventeen years old and our parents could walk in any moment?" Duncan joked, "I'd be okay with that."
Alyssa laughed a little at the way he worded it, nodding her head. "Yep. Except instead of parents, a very confused child," she teased, turning slightly to face him a little more. "I know that dating me isn't going to always be easy or really that exciting so I understand if you're not actually into taking it slow and having to cancel because Ryan's dad bails last minute..."
Duncan chuckled and rolled his shoulders back. "We'll make sure a confused child doesn't have anything to walk into, don't worry." Duncan reassured, his head immediately shaking when she went on. "I'm not some guy who's going to drop you because you can't come out with me every night. I'd like to think I'm a bit more mature than that."
Alyssa "Thank you," she said, being sincere. She really wasn't ready to explain certain things to her son just yet. "Well, I know that. But I mean, you're young, newly single. I wouldn't want to keep you from having fun and going out and stuff."
Duncan "You don't gotta thank me," Duncan said, laughing as he did so and keeping it a quiet rumble so he didn't actually wake her son. Leaning forward, Duncan pressed a kiss to her lips before tilting them down to her jaw. "Alright, you've got a point..." He murmured, laying a kiss to her skin. And another. "But I've had my fair share of prowling the bars, and it's kind of old."
Alyssa smiled as he kissed her again, kissing him back happily until he pulled away to move his lips to her jaw. "Alright, you've convinced me," she giggled, tilting her head back slightly to allow him more access. "No more talking about that from me."
Duncan focused a bit more on laying his lips against her neck some more. "Good," Duncan started before leaning back up, his hand moving to her cheek to kiss her again. "Because I really do like you."
Alyssa moved her arms loosely around him as he started kissing her again, smiling against his lips. "Mm, you better," she mumbled against his lips before leaning back against the couch, pulling him down with her as she began kissing him back.
Duncan used the muscle in his arm to push himself up when she began to make the move to lean back, not wanting to rush her back though wanting to be ready to move with her. "How could I not?" Duncan breathed out against her lips, using the moments he took to breath as a time to speak, before he would kiss her again. "Enough that I'll be patient."
Alyssa could feel her smile growing as he kissed her back and assured her that he liked her. It had been a really, really long time since she felt like this for a guy and had a guy treat her like Duncan did. "Why are you so perfect?"
Duncan actually laughed out loud at her question, not being the first time he's ever heard that. Granted, he had been with Greer for most of his adult life, but that didn't mean he hadn't dated his fair share of woman after her. Alyssa was just one of the first people that became more serious. "You know, I'm not sure." He joked, pulling back slightly to kiss down the front of her throat. "I guess the trait of men looking for nice woman instead of being a bachelor for the rest of their lives isn't that common anymore."
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sheyshen · 7 years
If you guys would be interested, below the cut is the first chapter of a novel I’ve been working on. I’d love to hear what you guys think and if I should focus on finishing it. As a note: It hasn’t been edited really outside of minor grammar changes. Also, Sorry to mobile users, I just really wanted to get some input!!
Chapter 1:
               A large screen flashes on, the high pitch frequency of the television focusing and creating a moving image. A woman, her face a ghostly white, spoke quickly in what seemed to be an unknown tongue. She paused, coughed slightly, and tried speaking again in another language. This was repeat thrice more before the woman's image disappeared, and the viewer shook his head. The screen turned off.
               "Tch.Another failure." The viewer grumbled. He scratched the back of his head with a gloved hand. His face was handsome, but unshaven, a scar crossed his forehead, starting from the middle around where his eyebrows met, scrunched together, and sliced back to the hairline. His hair was a dirty blonde, with more brown than blond, slicked back and held in place by a pair of goggles he wore. The goggles were made of a light blue plastic, with a single lens on either eye, and two extra position-able lenses on the left eye. The straps were made of a faux leather, that was well worn, and were attached to a pair of headphones. The headphones had an antenna sticking out the left side and bore a sigil on the other, an image of a grey gear. The sigil marked the job he did that contributed to society. A Scavenger. The man removed his goggles to reveal his shockingly green eyes. He blinked a couple times, rubbed his face with the back of his hand, and fixed the antenna on his headset. He grumbled.
               "Did you fix that thing yet, Zachary?" A booming voice like thunder, echoed from a nearby room. A large man, in both height and girth, slammed a door open, and lumbered into the large workroom that Zach was working in.
               "Not yet sir." He muttered, keeping his gaze low. The large man stood over the much smaller worker, eyeing the television with interest.
               "I purchased this from your shop for a full thousand caps. If you don't get this thing in working order by tomorrow night, I demand a refund!" The large man bellowed at Zach, who began nodding quickly.
               "Of course sir. I can promise that I will have it finished by then." He patted a device on his hip. "Just a few more adjustments, and it will be in working order. You can count on it." He moved his hands gesturing to the television behind him. "Although, if there is anything else that you would want it to do, I will need more time." He clasped his hands together, shaking them up and down, grinning at the larger man.
               Before Zach could even blink, the large man's hand swung and met his face with a crack. The strike caused the smaller man to fall to the ground, clutching at a gash on his face made from a set of rings the larger man wore. "You must not realize who I am. I am being very forgiving of the time it's taking you to complete this simple task. Something like this should take no less than five days to fix." He threw his hands up in the air, "And yet it's taken you over a whole week to repair this contraption!" He glared down at the bleeding man sitting on his workshop's floor. "And you dare hint that it will require more time?"
               The large man walked back to the door he had come through moments earlier. "Know this, If you are not done with this by tomorrow." He pulled a pocket watch out, and held it by the chain so the watch swung back and forth. The watch had a fully polished front, with a sigil of a sword on it marking him as a royal guard. "You won't have any more work to do for the rest of your pathetic life." He snatched up the watch, glaring at the smaller man, "Understand?"
               Zach nodded furiously, "O-Of course sir! The repairs will be complete by tomorrow. No problem."
               "I look forward to the finished product, young scavenger."
               With that the large man exited the room, leaving a bloodied Zach to pick himself off the floor. The man muttered under his breath, "I want this antique Zachary. It's the finest I've ever seen, Zachary. I'm sure you can have it in working order in no time, Zachary." He spat. "It's all great that he paid me upfront, but this thing is a piece of trash, not an antique." He glared at the television he was working on. It was an old type, tube tv, that he had read about in books as a child. Not even worth the thousand caps the large man paid. He sighed, pulling his goggles back over his eyes, picked up a wrench, and returned to his work. He knew how the things were put together, he had read old manuals on how these things worked way back, having found old yellowed manuals from the 1980s.
               Switching of wires here, tightening a screw there. He'll have to change the tubing to get it to work completely. He scanned his memory of the old manual he had on his desk at home, everything looked to be in place, so he switched the television on. The screen came to life once more, and the ghostly woman began talking again. This time sound came from the box. Zach smiled to himself. He had done it, fixed something that came from hundreds of years in the past. And got it to work again.His first success with this type of device. Reaching forward he twisted the knob, turning up the volume on the TV. The ghostly woman walked back and forth, jittering a couple times as she came to a sudden halt. As he continued to watch the screen, she turned to face the viewer, and continued speaking.
               "Earlier today there was a major accident in a nearby mine. Many of the miners inside were killed by falling debris and rocks." She raised her hand roughly. Her movements still jittery, as she spoke. "There are reports of many antique items that could possibly be in this mine, but most Scavengers is." She stopped, twitched, and began again. "But most Scavengers are too afraid to enter the site due to the severity of the danger." She twitched once more, her face never changing from the straight un-emotioned look she had the first time Zach had tried the television.
               "So They use robots to deliver the news now? More jobs gone I guess." He shook his head. "But this new site..." He grinned excitedly, rubbing the scar on his head, "I think I might give it a shot"
               A clock chimed in the distance, startling Zach. The bell rang 7 times, and the large man yelled to the shocked worker, "It's 7pm, head home before the police catch you out after curfew." The man's grumbling could be heard on the other side of the door.
               Zach switched the TV off, and quickly packed up his things, running out the other, larger, door in the room. This door lead outside of the building, and revealed a large pathway leading down to a small street. Jogging down, Zach jumped over the short curb, banked right, and ran to a tall lamp where a motorbike was chained to it. He pulled out a key and undid the lock, packing up the chain and hopping on the small bike.
               Scooting down the street, he noted all the large houses around him, well lit, with plants, and the occasional pet running around the fenced in yard. He banked left, cruising to a check point exiting the nice area he had been in previously. Fishing out a wallet, he flipped it open to show an ID to the approaching guard. The guard snatched it away from him, inspected it closely, and quickly returned it to him, saluting slightly and the gate opened to let the biker through. Zach nodded his thanks, and rode off down the street.
               The further away he got from the check point, the shabbier the buildings got. He continued his way, glancing at the people who began shutting down for the night. The curfew They put in place required that all homes be shut down at 7:30pm or else they would be arrested. Pretty harsh considering that the only ones exempt to this law were the rich and royalty. Zach gritted his teeth, catching sight of a street clock. 7:17. He was cutting it close tonight. Turning around another bend, Zach approached another check point, but unlike the other the gate, this one opened immediately for him, the guard waving him through. Stopping for a moment at the gate, the guard jogged up to him.
               "You're cutting it close buddy." The guard said with a laugh.
               "Don't say what I'm thinking, Jack. It's creepy." He laughed. "Ah, I found this for you." Zach dug through his bag quickly, and retrieved a small box. "It's a necklace I found at the last site I was at. You should give it to that girl you were checking out the other day." He grinned, handing the box to his friend. "There's a matching ring too, but I'm still cleaning it, so I'll give it to you next time."
               The guard accepted the box, smiling, "I don't know what I'd do without you Zach."
               "Be single forever most likely." He laughed, picking up his leg, and rolling through the gate, "I'm going to that new site that was on the news tomorrow after I finish the job I'm on. I'll be sure to show you what I find!" After saying this, Zach revved his bike, and rode off towards his home.
               Jack watched his friend's retreating back, his mouth open in shock. The other guard walked up to his partner, pulling the gate closed. He noted Jack snap his mouth shut quickly, and run up to the now closed gate. "Are you crazy?! Don't go to the one!" He shouted to his retreating friend, who gave a lazy wave back as he continued down the road.
               "Your friend must be, if he's thinking of going to the new site they were talking about today." He watched the young Scavenger as he turned the corner. "I heard 30 people died in that explosion today, and most of that number were Scavengers."
               "There's nothing I can do to talk him out of it though." The guard frowned. "I haven't seen him that excited about a site since the one he found that bike of his in 3 years ago." He gritted his teeth, "But I'll be damned if I let him go alone."
               Zach took one more turn and spotted his home. A buzzer sounded in the distance. "Shit" he muttered, "I'm almost there, just let my house not be the first on their check list". He quickly pulled his bike into the waiting garage, and ran up to his front door. But before he could get his hand on the door knob, a nightstick was shoved under his chin. He swallowed hard.
               "Running late are we?" A gruff voice spoke from the Scavenger's right side.
               Zach glanced to look at the police officer that stopped him just moments from safety. "Ah, yes sir. I'm sorry sir, I lost track of time while I was at a job." He smiled awkwardly, standing straight, and keeping his eyes locked with the officer. "If you'll just let me go the last two feet into my house, I'll be out of your way." His smile wavered slightly.
               The Officer eyed him, motioning for the other Officers to continue with their checks. "I'll be fine on my own with this one." He grinned. "I doubt he'll be any trouble." The other Officers saluted, and started off in different directions to complete their assignment. The remaining Officer watched them go, remaining silent until they were out of earshot of the others. He removed the nightstick from its position at Zach's neck, watching as the young man took a step back. He reached over and opened the door, and shoved the shaking man inside. "Sit on..." he glanced around to see tools and equipment scattered around the room, and not a chair in sight, "something." Zach nodded at the officer, and pulled up a large barrel of tools, and placed the lid on the top, seating himself quietly.
               "Am I-" The Officer shushed him as he watched one of the other Officers run by the window, chasing a young woman, gaining on her quickly. The Officer closed the curtains on the window, frowning heavily as he noted how badly damaged they were.
               "Anyway." The Officer leaned against the wall. "What were you working on that would make you miss curfew?" He watched the young man carefully, noting any movement he made.
               "I was working on an antique that a Royal Guard had purchased from me last week." He fidgeted slightly, looking down.
               "And what was this antique?" The Officer asked. A woman screamed in the distance. The young girl that had run past moments earlier was caught, and by the pained sound of the scream, she wasn't unharmed. This caused Zach to fidget more.
               "It was a television, sir. From the far past.Most likely around 1990 if the label is to be trusted." Zach swallowed, rubbing his thumbs together nervously.
               The Officer nodded, "You said a Royal Guard purchased this from you last week, but why were you working on it now?"
               "The device would not work correctly, sir. The purchaser claimed that the sound was drowned out by large amounts of static." He looked up at the Officer, "I was repairing that, plus some damage that was done to the screen."
               "How much were you paid for this television?"
               "1,000 caps, sir."
               "And how much for the repairs?"
               "Nothing sir. The purchaser claimed that if I didn't repair it, that he would demand a refund, and scare away any other possible customers I may have."
               The Officer nodded. He glanced out the window to see the other Officers starting to gather waiting for their boss to return. He sighed at the overly obedient coworkers of his. "One last question, son." He continued to look out the window. Zach started at the familiarity the officer suddenly spoke in. "I'm sure you've seen the reports about that latest site. The one that caved in earlier today."
               Zach nodded.
               The Officer turned to face him, a grim look on his face. "Are you going to go to that site next?"
               Zach's eyes widened. "Why? If you're gonna arrest me for being only a minute late for curfew, I don't think I'm gonna be going anywhere tomorrow." He gritted his teeth, trying to look threatening to the Officer who was calmly watching him shiver on the barrel. "Or are you sayi-"
               "I'm not going to arrest you." The Officer spoke flatly. "Now, answer the question, son, are you going to go to that site?"
               Zach nodded, "Y-yes sir."
               The officer walked up to the young man, staring down at him menacingly. "Even though so many people have died trying to find antiques there?"
               Zach nodded once more.
               The Officer placed a friendly hand on Zach's shoulder. "I wish you luck then." He reached to his side, removing a case that was attached to his leg, and handed it to Zach. "Some people think that there are ghosts haunting the site, but I think it may be something more corporeal than that."
               Zach took the case from the Officer, holding it on his lap, it was heavier than he thought it would be. "Thank you, sir."
               The Officer walked over to a nearby table that held a rack of jewelry. Removing a watch, he inspected it, admiring the design on the face. He held it up towards the confused Scavenger. "In exchange for not arresting you and for that." He pointed at the case, and smiled as he exited the house.
               Zach stood up quickly, gripping the case in his hands. Rushing up to the closed window, he peered out, watching as the Officer he spoke with fastened the watch on his wrist and strode up to gathering of men in the street. He spoke some things over with them, and some shouts were exchanged before the group headed off down the street.
               Stepping back, Zach inspected the case the Officer gave him, turning it over and running his hand along the strange fabric. Leather.He had never seen real leather before. Zach excitedly snapped open the case to see what was inside. The Officer made it sound like it was something that would be necessary for his trip to the site tomorrow, but he had no idea what it could possibly be. Flipping back the lid revealed a handgun. Zach squeaked in surprise. Quickly he looked out the window, staring wide eyed at where the officers had been gathered moments earlier.
               Carefully removing the gun from the case, Zach inspected the device. Guns are rare enough to see as it was, Officers and Guards being the only ones who carried them, but to actually have one in hand. It was just. So. Amazing! Zach turned the gun over in his hands, running his fingers along every inch of it, a huge grin covering his face. He had never held one before, so to see one this close, he couldn't help but treat it as if made of glass.
               Stopping his inspection suddenly, Zach carefully removed the cartridge from the grip of the gun. He looked inside, finding it empty. Sighing in relief Zach placed the cartridge back into the gun, and returned the contraption to its case. He yawned, the excitement of the day wearing down on him suddenly, and sluggishly walked to his small bedroom on the opposite side of the room. Sitting on the bed, he gingerly placed the gun case on the bedside table.
               "I don't know why you gave this to me, mister Officer." He shifted his legs onto the bed, and laid down on the hard mattress. "But I can't thank you enough." Zach closed his eyes and dozed off into a deep sleep, mumbling about his plans for the next day.
               The morning couldn't come fast enough for the excited youth, who popped out of bed as soon as the alert for morning went out. Zach rushed to the small bathroom that was attached to his bedroom, quickly showered and charged out in the process of pulling on his pants. He dug around the small closet to find a steel grey tshirt, tossed that on, and proceeded to gear up for the job of the day. Stopping next to his bed, he carefully picked up the gun that was still resting on his bedside table, and placed it in the pouch on his leg. He stood there for a couple seconds, thinking, before pushing his bangs out of his face and putting on his headphones.
               Zach exited his room, and shuffled to a small box in the corner of the living room. Kneeling down he popped it open to reveal a small jug of milk, a half loaf of bread, and various other foods. He grabbed the jug, twisted off the cap and took a huge gulp of the liquid. Making a face, he twisted the cap back on, and returned the jug to its place and removed a slice of bread. Eating the bread quickly, he closed the box, and stood up, shuffling around the room, carefully stepping around the various devices that lay at his feet. Retrieving his goggles, Zach exited his home, locked the door, and went to his motorbike that leaned against the wall of the garage.
               In his neighborhood, he was the only one who had a motorcycle, since they were extremely expensive to purchase. Most in the area used bicycles or walked. Motorized bicycles start popping up more as you get closer to the zones that house the richer of the community, and motorcycles belonging to the richest. While Zach owned a motorcycle himself, it was in nice condition to boot, he hadn't bought it like everyone else. In one of his first sites that he visited after getting out of Schooling and becoming a Scavenger, he had found this beat up motorcycle. He promptly took it home and replaced the popped tires, and cleaned up the body. He could have sold it for a great amount, but he liked the bike, and decided to keep it instead, explaining to his friend that 'it's a one of a kind now, no way I'm gonna sell this.'
               Zach patted the bike as he started it up, smiling at his pride. It was a black bike, sporty compared to the others he's seen. But while the other bikes had no brand name, or the brands were of new companies, Zach's had 'Harley Davidson' clearly printed on the side. He had been so proud when he had found out from another Scavenger that his was not a fake, and dated all the way back to the 2000s.
               Clicking on his goggles, Zach set off to the home of the rich jerk. He paused. rich Royal Guard. He shook his head, as he rode, through the open check points. Pulling up to the large house of the Guard, Zach rushed in, entering the work area where the television still sat, looking the same as the night before. Getting right to work, Zach pulled out the manual he had in his back pouch. Reading it over quickly, he switched around some wires, and pressed a few switches. Aside from glancing at the manual he brought along every so often, he was completely wrapped up in his work, so much so that he hadn't noticed the large man enter the room. The man watched him quietly for a few moments before slamming a door. The sound caused Zach to jump, and spin around to face the Royal Guard, dropping a wrench in the process. The wrench clanged loudly on the concrete floor, and caused a piercing echo to reverberate through the room. Zach flinched at the sound, but kept his eyes locked with the imposing man before him. It wasn't until after the sound died down did the man speak.
               "Well?" He said impatiently.
               "I-It's almost complete." Zach said quickly. He walked quickly to the back of the large television, and started moving some things, "Give me one." He flipped a switch.
               The large man cocked an eyebrow and the smaller man, "Is that it?"
               Zach put up his hand, pointing at him, and flipping it up to hush him. Retrieving the remote from the nearby bench, he pressed a button and the device came to life. "That should be it." He handed the remote to the other man, "If there are any issues, drop by the shop and I'll come out and fix it..." He paused and quickly added, "...Free of charge."
               The man nodded, as he flipped through the channels, observing the quality of the work Zach had done. Coughing slightly, he motioned for the young man to leave. Zach bowed slightly, collected his things, and left the work room.
               Mounting his bike, he smiled. "Work is done, and now to the site." He laughed, and pushed off, racing down the street to the location that was shown on the television.
               It took around an hour to get to the site, and when he arrived he found that he wasn't the only one who decided to spend the day there. A young man, about Zach's age was leaning on a post, smoking a cigarette. Noticing Zach quickly riding up to him, the man waved enthusiastically.
               Zach came to a stop at the feet of the young man, clicked off his goggles, and narrowed his eyes at the man. "What are you doing here Jack?"
               "Wasn't gonna let you go to this alone." Jack smiled at his friend, laughing slightly. "Today's my day off, and."
               Zach cut him off, "I asked why you're here though." He frowned at the cheery man before him, "Didn't you have a girl you wanted to take out? Why did you come to dig around in the dirt with me?"
               Jack stopped smiling, and looked at Zach, trying to be as serious as he possibly could, "People have died here Zach. Lots of people. It's dangerous." He smiled again, "So I decided that since I wouldn't be able to talk you out of going, I'd come with you instead." He laughed again.
               Zach shook his head. "Do what you want." he looked down, laughing at his friend. "Just don't blame me if you get hurt." He smiled.
               "Me? Get hurt? Hah!" he slapped his friend on the shoulder, interrupting Zach as he was attempting to chain up his motorcycle. Jack eyed him as Zach grumbled and re-chained the bike. "Why do you chain up that thing everywhere you go anyway?"
               Zach glanced up as he fastened the lock, "Like I've told you, there's no way I'm gonna give this bike up." He stood up, "Just don't want to worry about it getting stolen, that's all." Patting Jack on the back, Zach walked through the gate of the site, "Come on, let's check the place out."
               Joking and laughing about what amazing things they might find, the pair entered the site unaware that they were being watched by others who had arrived even before the morning alarm blared.
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