#sudden angst!
giantchasm · 1 year
I hope in the next Legends game they isekai one of the Sordward/Shielbert duo so I can see people writing angst and saying stuff like “they separated him from his other half 😭” “he misses his brother 🥺” about the guys who look like this.
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celestie0 · 2 months
childhood friends to lovers with gojo.
warnings/tags. fluff & angst, sad ending
you two were five when he kisses ur cheek on the playground underneath the slide n you both thought that counted as a first kiss. u two were attached by the hip all throughout elementary school, i mean srs, your parents would even have joint parent teacher conferences bc there was just nothing the two of you wouldn't do together.
and then middle school came around, you joined the marching band n he joined the football team. he starts acting different around you, and it hurts. bc you two were best friends. you were always supposed to be best friends. he starts hanging out w the popular kids, and you find yourself walking home alone. summer before high school, he wants to hang out again, but you tell him you deserve better than that. and you two drift apart.
it's hard starting high school without him, watching him from afar during lunch in the cafeteria. he's with his table of phonies, acting like someone he's not, and you know because you've always known him. better than anyone else. you really wanna join the cheer team, since you've done gymnastics for a long time, but you've always been too afraid to tryout for the team. this time, you do, and you get in. now all of a sudden he wants to talk to you again, now that you're popular in high school and have earned a place on the field during his games. fuck that, you say to him, you threw away what we had just because i wasn't good enough for you to have by your side. you start dating his teammate, you two are nominated for prom queen & king, and he has to watch as you kiss someone else on stage when you win. someone that should've been him. he starts dating the cheer captain, just to show it off when he comes running to her after a winning game, kissing her right in front of you but he's not looking at her, he's looking at you. to make sure you're watching. and you do the same thing to him. and the whole time you two are wondering what are we doing to one another?
summer after high school, he shows up to your doorstep one day on his skateboard. with a box full of all the letters you used to send him as a kid. you still have yours too, somewhere tucked underneath your bed. you spend the whole afternoon laughing with him as you read through them all, laying on the carpet of your living room, and you both feel like kids again. he hovers over you when he kisses you, but you're still mad at him, and to show him how mad you are, you kiss him back. it's no use, you two are going to different colleges, you'll hardly see him, but he swears he'll call. he swears he'll fly to see you. he swears he'll never makes the same mistakes again, because he wants you. and only you. you kiss his cheek, and say okay.
and he does. he does everything he promises you. but the distance is too hard, and he was a little too late. you break up with him over a twenty-one character text sent while you're drunk at a house party your second semester at university, and he just doesn't understand. he'll never understand. and he never sees you again.
until you're both thirty-two, standing in line at the grocery store. he taps your shoulder, you turn around, you wonder if it's a stranger who wants a favor, and you realize he's so much more than that. he's the little boy that kissed your cheek underneath the slide when you were five. your first kiss. except it wasn't, was it? his face is long, and his cheeks have lost plush, but he looks so handsome it makes your heart skip a beat. you two are pleasant, exchanging it's been so long! and you look great! but when his eyes catch the twinkle of the wedding ring on your finger, his smile drops ever so slightly, and when he scratches his cheek to hide the sadness, you notice a band on his finger too. and he pays for your groceries, just to be kind. and you thank him for it, just to be kind. and you go your separate ways, never to speak again. but there's a box that still sits somewhere in your closet. and a similar one still sits in his too.
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cosmere-cat · 9 months
So I started reading the Queen's Thief series and uh
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arosaaa · 7 months
Future talks.
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Bet you ain’t ready for the sudden angst 😎 because same.
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shepscapades · 2 years
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@0xeyedaisy ‘s comic about Scar being exposed to the Watchers due to being soulbound with Grian reminded me of some old HC Season 8 headcanons I developed after Mumbo’s whole “stealing Grian’s soul” stunt… anyway I became briefly possessed and this was in my hands when I woke up
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daily-yanqing · 1 month
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(day 87) oops. maybe winning wasn't worth it after all...
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
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(Part 1) 😈 I should have never been given the power to draw.
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fandomgeeknerd · 20 days
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next i'mma do flower lore
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mrsnancywheeler · 3 months
i’m glad everyone agrees that finnick odair is 100% a titties guy bc same !!! i get it !!! but just IMAGINE his reaction when he sees that u got ur nipples pierced… good lord.
finnick odair would love a nipple piercing, like absolutely got his mouth on those things as soon as they're healed.
when you don't wear a bra and he can see the outline through your shirt, man is literally aching to play with them
finnick odair the man you are
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rosey-blog06 · 2 months
Ok hear me out. It's currently 3:51am and I just had a thought.
What if Merlin is cursed with immortality BECAUSE He didn't complete his destiny? Like if he had saved Arthur and brought magic to Camelot and the rest of it, he would have aged and died of old age like everyone else, but it's because he failed that he was cursed until he completed his destiny, which he won't be able to do because Albion and Camelot would be long gone by the time Arthur comes back, and I'm now seeing how sad this is
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lethalcontracts · 4 months
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He looked upon him and wept.. for now he was alone once more.
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koibutcalledapollo · 2 months
Part one of me drawing lifesteal members as ponies since I randomly learned how to draw ponies last night.
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Explanations as for why they are what they are down below if your interested :
Zam: He's a Pegasus because I asked him myself and also was thinking the same thing to. He just gives Pegasus energy. 10/10 would probably accidentally fly into a wall one day, then do cool tricks the next.
Mapicc: He's a earth pony because of strength and stuff, I was thinking of applejack at some point idk. But also I couldn't decide between that or a Pegasus so if we want to get angsty we could say his wings got ripped off. Also that cutie mark took all my brain power because I didn't know what to do and even then I can't explain it fully. I was just thinking devotion comes from the heart and he gets hurt alot, and hurts people alot, but the hearts still beating despite the bleeding.
Ashswag: I feel like anyone with access to exploits would be a alicorn. And if you get them taken away, whatever you didn't have before you got them gets taken away as well, probably leaving scars.
Reddoons: Actual thing I said during a conversation I had with my sibling; "he doesn't feel magical enough to be a Unicorn but magical enough to not be a pony". So. He's a Pegasus. Idk.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 11 months
Headcanons for Mark, Jonah, and Adam and an S/O who has a bunch of vita carnis Mimics as "helpers."
What would the three of them think of someone who can somehow "tame" these things and just keeps them around as house pets? They just hang out in their home and on their little plot of land (that I'd imagine is isolated because people moved tf away when the rumors started spreading) and keep any threats away. Reader doesn't actively do anything to sate their diet though. Although they aren't opposed to the Mimics stomping out any would-be troublemakers or those who piss them off... They still get their food themselves but use reader's home as a place of refuge.
Maybe the way the three of them meet their S/O was finding out that Alternates were being warded off from there. Idk, I haven't had a chance to get fully invested in MC but the idea just sounds really interesting. Also, I have the mental image of a Mimic putting away the dishes and someone's immediate reaction is screaming "What the FUCK is that?!?!" And just getting this whole explanation of what it is and that this one and all the others are friendly despite it needing to be reminded that the human in front of them is not food.
I LOVE that mental image you described. Mimics just doing chores and human things, only to see an actual human look at them absolutely HORRIFIED
He was relieved to get away from the Alternate-populated Mandela County for a while.
But when you answer the door while preparing dinner, you called out for James (one of the male Mimics you named) to stay in the kitchen...
Without realizing how extremely suspicious that sounded until you saw the look on Mark's face. "Who's James?"
"Oh! He's uh...can you wait here while I-?"
"Is he your new roommate or something?" He jumps to conclusions immediately, thinking you're cheating on him as you never told him you lived with another person.
In anger he storms past you to confront this "James" you were apparently being so secretive about....
Before you could stop him, he sees the Mimic and freaks out, causing it to drop the plate it was holding and screams right back at him.
You're quick to disperse the situation before it becomes a bloodbath, but by then it's too late. Mark was thoroughly traumatized.
When you mentioned living with creatures who kept the local Alternate population out of your town..he didn't think they'd be be skinless humans.
He locked himself in your bathroom, trying to stave off a panic attack as he recites his prayers, convinced there was "evil" hanging over your house.
Eventually he lets you in and you help him calm down, reassuring him that wasn't the case at all before explaining the Mimics and their role in your household, answering whatever questions he had (which were a LOT).
"Even if they're not demons....why would God make something like that?"
"Maybe..it's the same reason he made the platypus."
"......that's not the same, s/o."
"I know, I'm just trying to help."
He's made jokes about the Mimics before.
But he didn't think they were real living and breathing creatures you were coexisting with.
He swears he was smoking something when he saw one wearing your clothes and sweeping the floor with a broom like any ordinary person would.
At first he tries to be chill about it as to not freak you out..
Until he goes into your pantry for a snack and finds shelves with jars filled to the brim with Crawl sticks.
As well as a Mimic curled up on the highest shelf, asleep.
Next thing you know, Jonah's dry heaving over the nearest trash can.
"Babe for the love of GOD please tell me that I'm on some weird ass trip because I can't handle this rn"
"...well maybe if you didn't brush off my research, you wouldn't be as scared." You pat his back before glaring at the Mimic who was just seconds away from lunging at your boyfriend at his most vulnerable moment.
"Jonah, sweetie..rule number one is to never turn your back on a Mimic unless you're running away from it." You make him turn around to face it, and they stare at each other before it eventually calms down and leaves.
Even after you explained how you "tamed" the Mimics, he's too scared to leave your side or be alone in the same room with one.
Their permanent smiles and wide eyes just...give him the chills. Even if they're just staring with curiosity, he always insists it's a look of hunger.
They are aware he's dating you and will playfully threaten to eat him, but never actually go through with it bc you'd probably kick them out and leave them without food.
(gonna make this post-Catalyst)
He's having a tough time keeping the relationship alive and coping with being an Alternate--a secret he only recently shared with you.
Despite him being the first one you've ever encountered, you're not all that afraid. Just surprised.
You confess to having your own secret to share, taking him to your home where you could talk about it more.
He keeps asking how you could trust him with anything when he looked like a hideous monster. But you reassured him he'll understand soon enough.
After you arrive, he sees the Crawl trees behind your house, but thinks nothing of it until you bring him inside.
You whistle and a Baby Mimic comes skittering towards you on all fours, climbing onto you like a koala bear before you turn back to your boyfriend, smiling.
It takes him a second to connect the dots. "....wait, that's a....Vita Carnis...i-it's a real thing??"
"They've always have been."
"Wow, this is...one hell of a secret. D-Does..that Mimic know what I am?"
"The adults can usually tell, but this little bugger thinks you're tasty food." You scratch the baby Mimic's chin, hearing it coo sweetly as it nibbled on your jacket strings. "But you see why I'm not scared of you? Because I've made peace with these "hideous monsters", just like I've made peace with what you told me."
He tears up at your sweet and kind words, though he listens as you introduce him to the "helpers" of your household aka the adult Mimics who wore your clothing and were doing different tasks.
They all kinda stared at Adam as he awkwardly greeted them, but didn't do anything more.
It's strangely comforting that they perceive him as a human.
At the same time, he feels lucky to not look appetizing to them.
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jessoloslemons · 4 months
"Your Fault"
The original version of this
[Click alt text]
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i'm a little sad at how sparse steddyhands and stizzy art and writing is on here now after the finale (thankfully, i am still digging through the couple thousand fics up on ao3 so i'm not totally bereft)
because during the airing of the season there was new stuff in the tags every day, sometimes even every few hours, but i think the finale really punched all of us in the face
there's lots of good stuff from before s2 to go digging through of course, and ao3 and twitter still have some new art and fic and memes if you go looking for it, but the difference from before and now seems a bit stark
don't misunderstand me, this isn't me being defeatist, just being a bit melancholy (and mad at the s2 finale tbh lol) about it. shout out to the regulars i see in the tags still making stuff and posting jokes, ya'll are doing the most and i wish you all the passion and motivation and time to create in the world <3
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aquamarine0710 · 10 months
Snippet #12
No CW, just wholesome
There was something off about [Hero], but [Villain] couldn’t put their finger on it.
[Hero] had always been that genre of shy and pure person that makes people want to squish their cheeks until they were reduced to tears- however, they had somehow become even more squishable over the past few days. [Villain] narrowed their silver eyes as they pulled on the two rosy pieces of flesh and hummed, thinking.
[Hero’s] watery doe-like eyes looked down at them, “mwehhhh?????”
“Shhh. Im thinking.” The world’s most notorious businessman says in their gorgeous low voice. It makes [Hero] squirm.
“Maybe…” [Villain] pulled [Hero] forward toward them until their noses were just shy of touching each other, “ you found yourself a lover?”
[Villain] saw those pools of hazel blink rapidly in panic, those tortured cheeks turning more ruddier by the second and that hitched breath speeding up. They had hit the jackpot.
[Hero] watched, flustered, as a mischievous smile bloomed on that beautiful face. Suddenly the person under them seemed too bright for the world, they even sparkled.
[Villain] couldn’t help themselves from teasing when those eyes left theirs, “oho, so my little birdie has gone and found someone to serenade huh?”
A hand pulled down the avoiding chin. Brown eyes were forced to meet amethyst ones and [Hero] knew the gig was up.
[Villain] chuckled, having read their mind.
“Well my sweet little Angel, aren’t you going to say it out aloud?” They gently hugged the feathery half-beast in front of them.
[Hero] buried their face under their white feathers and shrunk into [Villain’s] arms, whispering with soft embarrassment, “I love you.”
[Villain] gave a soft chuckle,“I love you too my precious jewel.”
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