#such a funny last name like sandwiches
5hrignold · 8 months
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the picture sucks because he isn’t worth the effort of finding a specific picture of him for this specific post
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del-thetiredwriter · 4 months
Mafia Au / Good luck while running away from mafia part 3
Intro , part 0.5 , part 1 , part 2 , part 4
Tags: @morokumi , @hrhqueenfox , @hasty-desert , @oceanside-pixie , @lianreine , @h3apm3ch4n151m , @cecilebutcher , @ayachansan , @reveihehe , @sfxtiebee , @roseapov , @twst-eeps , @loivre , @randomlyappearingartist , @serenity-loves-red, @wonderlandcrown
Note: Haha it’s been a long time… (( ̄∇ ̄) how are you guys? I didn’t liked this post maybe edit it later
Warnings: bad English and writing , gn reader, kidnapping, yandere, curse, blood, character injury…
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2 years ago
“Agh! At this rate, I will die from overwork!”
You whined.
You were indebted to Azul because you forgot the day you were supposed to meet Azul last week and wasted his precious time.
He wanted you to check all the financial records of the mafia to pay off his debt, but according to you, he just wanted to torture you.
You had been examining all the financial records of the mafia in Monstro Lounge for the last three days, even checking till the time when Crewel Sensei was the executive.
“I want to cry, why am I looking at financial records from 10 years ago?”
You whined, hit your head on the table and sighed deeply.
You glanced at the records out of the corner of your eye… Saw the same word: “Ramshackle” . That name again. This name kept coming up since you started reviewing the records 7 years ago. The money transfer to “Ramshackle” was quite large. Almost as much as a division.
You've been in the mafia for about 4 years, but you've never heard of this name. Strange.
“I see you are working hard.”
You were startled by the voice you heard. You saw the silver haired executive leaning against to the side of the door staring at you with a satisfied smirk.
“Azul-san, you are back sir.”
You straightened up. You didn’t wanted to look like you’re slacking. Last time because you slacked he made you work till death for a week that felt like years in Monstro Lounge.
He looked at the paperworks that you were dealing with.
“I see you have worked hard, you deserve a short break right?”
“I swear I will never forget you again.”
You sweared while drinking the tea prepared by Jade. The ice tea made you forget the war you had with paperworks.
“Looks like Y/N-san had a hard time, hmm?”
Jade said as he placed the snacks in front of you.
“Shrimpy, you looked so funny among those piles of papers. Maybe you should forget Azul more~”
said Floyd while eating one of the biscuits on the plate.
You gulped. This was definitely something you would never do again. You didn’t wanted to return to that room.
While chatting with them your mind went to that name again: Ramshackle.
“Azul-san, I want to ask you something.”
You hoped that he knew something about it.
Azul nodded in agreement. “Go on.”
“I wonder what Ramshackle is? So is it someone or an organization? This name was mentioned frequently in financial records. “
Man with glasses took a sip from the tea before answering.
“I don't know. That name was on the records before I became a executive. And from the moment I was in charge of finance I never heard that name . So I don’t know .”
Current time
A full week. This chase had been going on for exactly a week. You were officially a fugitive.
You opened the glove compartment. Your food could last you another day at most, but your water was already finished. You sighed, you had to go to the grocery store. You took some cash and your gun. Wore your mask and got of from the car. Praying to not get caught.
You were in line at the register with two bottles of water and two sandwiches. The line was very slow for some reason, barely moving at all.
Then you felt someone's eyes on you. No, they couldn't have found you. Then a hand touched your shoulder. You suddenly turned around and turned away the hand that touched you. However, you looked at the owner of the hand in surprise.
You looked at your former co-worker from the cafe in surprise.
“What are you doing here?”
You said as you released his hand. Meanwhile you got some peoples attention because of your action.
“Nice to see you too, Yuu. Where have you been? I haven't heard from you since that commotion at the cafe. You made me very worried.” said the young man while rubbing his hand that you caught a moment ago.
"Nevermind." You didn't want to waste time on unnecessary conversations. You just wanted to get out of here.
“You really are annoying as always. Even though I was so worried about you. You owe me "
Alex said.
You didn't reply. You thought about not getting carried away just because you were talking to Alex. You were lost in thoughts but you came to your senses with Alex’s shout.
“Hey! Let's go to the cafe.”
Alex said while fiddling with his phone.
"I'm busy."
You didn’t had time to waste and didn’t wanted to be in public. But Alex insisted.
“Come on, look just 15 minutes okay or I'll throw a Tantrum in this crowd.”
You stared at him with disappointment . If You knew Alex, he would do this. He was the type of person who would do anything to get what he wanted. Because of this behavior of his he would always argue with other co-workers only you could deal with him. Because he was just not dangerous version of your ex bosses
You agreed with a sigh.
“Hey, do you have a lover or something? You're constantly on the phone." You said while stared at Alex with those judgmental eyes.
He brought you to a local cafe which is quite crowded for you. Now you two were waiting for your orders.
“You insisted me to came here yet always on the phone.”
“Uh, no… I'm just waiting for an important call.”
replied the young man.
You looked at Alex suspiciously. He was uneasy. Something didn't feel right. You shaked your head. He was just a civilian. You were just nervous because of recent events.
You started watch outside of the window. A cat purring on it’s owner lap and the owner reading a book while stroking the cat. The owner of the cat was talking to another man. Quite muscular man was sitting in front of the cats owner talking about something excitedly.
Then you saw a black car parking. With Seeing the person in the backseat you panicked. You were found out.
“No way,” you whispered. You straightened up.
"Uh, what's the problem?" Alex said. Caught your hand.
"I have to go. We'll meet another time." You said, trying to pull your hand away but Alex tightened his grip.
"No. Remain. You should remain.” He said with a guilty yet insistent voice.
Your eyes grew with realization.
“It was you…You were the one who exposed me. You knowingly changed your working days on the night of the attack. You purposely came to work with me that day…"
Alex looked at you with a guilty expression. You pulled your hand away and quickly ran for the exit, but you were blocked by a familiar person. Those here heterochromic eyes… Those eyes that you were scared of eyes. Eyes of a hunters.
“It's been a long time Shrimpy~”
He grabbed your wrists before you could respond. It was impossible to escape Floyd's grip. You struggled but it didn’t help.
“Don’t use your energy on it. No use.”
You heard that mocking familiar voice.Then you saw the second brother. The carbon copy of Floyd. Jade just grinned when he saw your situation. Then he turned to someone else .
“Thank you for your service Mr. Alex. As we talked about, the fee will be delivered to you within the day tomorrow.” said Jade in a gentlemanly manner.
Then he turned to you.
“Now, Azul is waiting for us in the car. Let's not keep him waiting too long, hmm. But first-“
He took the gun you hid behind your back.
“Toys are prohibited”
You were put into the backseat of the black vehicle you just saw. Seated between Jade and Azul. You felt so numb so drowning. Is this how you were ending up…
Azul looked at you, pleased with the situation.
"You were going to get caught eventually, was it worth the effort?" he mocked you.
You didn't reply. You just watched out the window with lost in thoughts.
They brought you to a place that looked like Monstro Lounge in the city. It was probably newly opened. You were brought to one of the back rooms, the kind where Azul would hold his private conversations. They made you sit on a chair.Your hands and feet were tied to a comfortable chair. You didn’t strike back.
“Hey , it’s not like I can do something .”
You said calmly while getting tied.
“I'm sorry Y/N but you know ,safety precautions.”
Jade said in a not at all sad tone as he tied you up.
“You're hungry, aren't you? You probably didn't eat properly while you were running away. Jade, can you please bring our angelfish something to eat and Floyd, can you please bring some clean clothes? I can’t believe you wear this stuff as clothes." Azul nagged.
“Why, I want to spend time with shirmpy too.” Floyd whined, but eventually he left with Jade.
After Floyd and Jade left, only you and Azul were left in the room.
There was silence in the room. A tense silence.The silver haired man happily walked towards you.
“You acted really stupid, my angelfish. I don't even understand why you ran away in the first place. After all, everything was perfect wasn’t it. We were at peace. Why did you do?"
He leaned towards you. There were only inches between you.
You stared at him with empty eyes for a minute with silence.
“You all know the answer, but you all act like you don’t .”
You spoke.
Azul grinned.
“İdia said you ran away because you learned everything, but even if you did, we are not guilty. It's you." He said, leaning towards your face.
You gritted your teeth. Turned your head around. He was too close. You looked away. Luckily, Jade walked in just in time with a tray of food.
“Oh right on time Jade.”
Jade came to the room with a silver tray of dinner.
“Today’s menu is Cold poached salmon. As for beverage water. Sorry couldn’t get anything else you see… Then Bon Appetite.”
Then he bent over.
Azul cut a piece and turned to you. He held the fork to your mouth. You looked at him sternly.
"You eat first. Who knows what you put in it.”
Azul grinned at your answer.
"Okey." He put the morsel into his mouth.
You watched as he slowly chewed the morsel and then swallowed it. And he cut another piece.
“Say aaaah”
And you ate the second piece he cut off.
Azul and Jade left for an emergency meeting, and you were left in Floyd's custody, but he had just gone to the bathroom.
You sighed deeply. They would probably take you to main place tomorrow.
Suddenly strange sounds started coming from outside.
Then the voices stopped and the door opened.
You said in surprise.
“Your prince charming has come to take you out of here.” grinned Sam.
"But how?"
"You talk too much. We don't have much time. “ Sam said as he untied you.
“Here, take this gun. By the way, there are only three bullets inside, just so you know. And some cash.”
He put the gun in your hand.
"Why?” you asked again. Why was Sam helping you?
He just smiled. “Hurry up or you won't be able to escape. Now our paths part again. Don't get caught again. I don't think I can save you again."
You looked at him for a second. Then you ran, you ran with all your might.
“Stay where you are!”
You turned around when you heard the familiar voice. Floyd was looking at you with his gun drawn. It was obvious that he was angry.
“Why are you running away, Shrimpy? I just found you...I don't want to play chase with you anymore!”
He pointed his gun at you threateningly.
You didn't reply.
You saw Sam behind Floyd. It's okay... You had nothing to lose anymore. You turned around and ran towards the exit.
The sound of the trigger rang in your ears. A strange pain in your shoulder. Ah Floyd shot you in the shoulder. But that wasn't enough to stop you, you continued running.
This is the first time you've acted foolishly. But you were saved.
"What do you think you're doing?" asked the former Pormefiore manager to the masked man.
“I don't know what you mean, I just wanted to drink wine.” The masked man said playfully, pouring his blood red wine into the glass.
“You sent Sam!” Crewel slammed his hand on the table.
“Hmm maybe,” Dire Crowley grinned.
“What are you planning?”
“Oh Crewel, my old friend, let's just say I want to win the bet we made. You know, I don't like to lose."
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hbyrde36 · 1 month
STWG Daily Prompt 04/28/24
as chosen by our own @penny00dreadful
He was never going to find her.
Steve sighed heavily, letting his lunch tray drop to the table as he plopped down into his seat next to Nancy and Jonathan, the spot he’d been occupying ever since he’d had some sense knocked into him and dumped Tommy and Carol as friends for good. 
He’d gotten a lot of funny looks for that move, not only because he’d nuked his popularity along with his friendships, but because Nancy had dumped him for Jonathan, or so the rumor mill said, and yet here he was beside them. The truth was that their uncoupling had been a mutual decision, they just didn’t care enough to correct the narrative. 
But, back to Steve’s lament. 
It’d been almost a week since he saw her, the mystery girl that he’d spent almost the entire Halloween Ball with. They hadn’t spoken at all, the music had been too loud for that, but they’d stuck close to each other all night, danced, shared a few laughs as they pointed out their classmates' costumes–both good and bad– and shared a brief, but earth shattering kiss in a dark corner of the gym.
Now normally, Steve wouldn’t have been caught dead at one of the school’s dances, but his high school career was rapidly coming to a close, and honestly he was just trying to get himself out there, make some better memories before he was forced to grow up and enter the adult world.
Also… Nancy and Jonathan had made him.
Then they’d ditched him to go make out in the darkroom, but that was fine, It’d all been worth it to meet—her.
Steve only stepped away for a moment to get them a couple drinks, but when he returned to their spot by the bleachers, she was gone, the only evidence that she’d ever been there at all was a ring left behind on the floor. He picked it up, remembering how she’d fiddled with them a lot, her many rings, and must have dropped this one without realizing. 
He pocketed it, knowing it would be the key to finding her again.
Because, and this was his dilemma, on top of not knowing his mystery girl’s name, he also had no idea what she really looked like. While his Indiana Jones costume had left no question as to his own identity, she’d been dressed as a mummy, wrapped up in layers of gauzy fabric, only showing off her long dark curly hair, the biggest most gorgeous brown eyes he’d ever seen, and perfect pink pouty lips.
After spending the last several days combing the school, asking every brunette he came across if the ring was hers—to no avail—Steve had all but given up, assuming the girl had been someone’s friend or cousin visiting from out of town.
“What’s all this?” Steve asked, finally noticing the stack of photos Jonathan had spread out on the table around them. 
Jonathan took a bite of his sandwich, answering with his mouth still half full. “group shots of all the clubs for the yearbook, I just got them developed.”
Steve pushed his own lunch away, not hungry, and pulled a few of the pictures closer to him. He wasn’t really looking, looking, there wouldn’t be anyone in those pictures he hadn’t already seem roaming the halls, or so he thought. Then he spotted a familiar piece of jewelry on the finger of someone entirely unexpected. 
Eddie Munson, head of the Hellfire Club. 
He reached into his pocket and pulled the ring out, keeping it hidden under the table as he looked between it and the one in the photo. Same band, same stone, same black nail polish on the hand’s fingers too.
Dark curly hair, check. 
Big beautiful brown eyes, check. 
Soft pouty pink lips, double check.
Okay, so, the mystery girl wasn’t a girl at all. It explained why he’d had so much trouble finding her at least.
Steve sat with that fact throughout the rest of the lunch period, and by the time the bell rang had decided that it didn’t change a thing. He wasn’t freaked out that he’d kissed a boy, he didn’t even care that it was Munson, certified freak and D&D nerd. He was a little embarrassed that he’d assumed his special someone was a girl just because he had long hair and pretty eyes, but moving past that—
Now Steve just had to woo his man.
“Hey, Munson?” Steve called out as he jogged down the hallway, approaching the other boy from behind just as he was closing his locker. 
Eddie startled, his eyes going wide as he turned to see who had snuck up on him, but recovered quickly.
“Steeeeeeeve Harrington, what can I do for his former-royal-highness?”
Steve stepped in close, glancing around to make sure no one was watching them before he took Eddie’s hand, gently turning it over, and placed the ring in the center of his palm.  
“I think you dropped this.”
Permanent taglist (open): @penny00dreadful @pearynice @hitlikehammers
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starkwlkr · 11 months
Hiii! okay maybe teen mathéo likes a girl so he could talk to charles about it and ask for advice a little father son moment would be cool.
numbers | charles leclerc
hello lovely anon! thanks for the request! for this imagine, I’m going to include mikey and demri schumacher. they are characters that belong to @cs55version from their mick series that i am absolutely in love with!!
While the media saw Ruby Leclerc as the loud, but funny child of Ferrari driver, Charles Leclerc, they sometimes forgot about Mathéo Leclerc, the shy and quiet boy. It wasn’t a bad thing (Mathéo’s exact words). The boy liked not being in the spotlight.
He enjoyed art museums and going to see musicals with his mother and grand-mère. But there were sometimes when the media did question whether or not he would follow in the footsteps of his father. From a young age, Mathéo decided not to pursue a career in formula 1 and his family respected that.
Even the kids at school would ask him when he would start karting. He would always answer with “I’m not going to be a driver. Ask my older sister.”
He grew tired of people at school always asking him about Ferrari, his father and uncle, asking for paddock passes. It was always the same people, people he never even talked to. But there was one day when a girl who had just moved to Monaco came up to him during lunch.
Mathéo’s usual friend, Robin, was sick so he remained home. Now it looked like Mathéo didn’t have any friends and sat alone during lunch.
“Hi. Is it okay if I sit here?” The girl asked, pointing to the chair across Mathéo.
“Yeah, it’s okay.” He replied then went back to eating his sandwich that his mother had made him.
“I’m Giselle.” The girl introduced herself.
“My name is Mathéo, but with an h in between the t and e. A lot of people forget about the h.” He explained.
“Oh, okay. Mine is with two l’s so it’s not like the supermodel’s name, you know the one that was married to Tom Brady?” She asked.
“I don’t know who Tom Brady is, but I know who Gisele Bündchen is. My maman had dinner with her last week.” He said casually. “Wait, you don’t have an accent.” He quickly noticed.
“I’m from America, but my mother’s side of the family is from here. My mom got a really good job offer so here we are,” Giselle explained. “My mom has about of an accent though. She was born here but left when she was ten I think.”
Mathéo had a crush on a girl before. Her name was Eloise. She was the sister of the most popular girl in school so when Eloise asked Mathéo out to the movies, the boy thought it was just some kind of prank.
Giselle seemed nice, she listened when Mathéo had something to say, laughed at his jokes when he made one and she didn’t know of Mathéo’s last name so at least he didn’t have to worry about that yet.
As the school day came to an end, he walked back home only to find Mikey and Demri Schumacher and his sister eating in the kitchen while his mother was on the phone talking.
“Hey, Théo! Missed you.” Demri ruffled his hair as he passed by her to get to the refrigerator.
“You can keep him if you want. I see him all the time.” Ruby teased.
“Maman! Ruby wants to give me away to the Schumacher’s!” Mathéo yelled. He ignored the laughs coming from then teenagers and grabbed a juice then walked out the kitchen.
“Ruby, what did I say about trying to sell your brother?” Y/n groaned from her spot in the sofa.
“Uncle Mick won’t mind having him around!”
“Hi, maman. Is papa around?” The fourteen year old boy asked shyly. He needed his father’s opinion on Giselle.
“He’s in our room, baby. He might be asleep, but you can go check.”
“Oh. I’ll let him sleep then. I’m going to my room.” Mathéo said. He knew how hard his father worked so he rather wait to have a conversation with him. He walked up the stairs to his room and closed the door behind him.
Y/n could see the defeated face on her boy. “Mom, I’m going to call you back. Bye.” She hung up the phone. She got up and walked to her and Charles’ room where he was sleeping peacefully on their bed. He had just gotten back from Belgium and he decided he wanted to have a nap before dinner.
“Charles, sweetheart,” Y/n gently shook his body to wake him up. Charles groaned as a response. “Mathéo wants to talk to you. I have a feeling it might be important.”
“What time is it?” He asked, still not opening his eyes.
“Almost dinner time so you have to get up.”
Charles sighed and sat up in his spot. “Where’s my boy?”
Mathéo was in his room working on his art project. It was a show box diorama of his favorite memory, which was the day of his birthday when all of his family from both sides made it to his party. As he was putting a toy birthday cake in his box, he heard a knock on his door.
“It’s open!” He said, still concentrated on his project. In came Charles with a tired face, but he didn’t care. His son needed him and he was here to listen.
“It looks very nice. Is that Uncle Arthur with frosting on his face?” Charles pointed at a paper drawing of the whole family. Arthur had been drawn with blue marker ‘smeared’ on his face to resemble the frosting of the cake that Charles had thrown at his face the day of the party.
“Yeah, it was kind of hard to find the right shade of blue but I made it work.” Mathéo said, not looking up from his work.
Charles nodded and walked over to the boy’s bed and sat down. “Maman told me you wanted to talk.”
Mathéo finally looked up and slowly turned his chair to face Charles. “But you’re tired. We can talk later-”
“Théo, I’m not tired. I’m okay, now tell me, is someone bothering you in school? Are your grades bad? If it’s about grades then I’m not mad because my grades were not good. Arthur and I used to skip class because of karting so-”
“It’s not about grades. I’m doing well in school. Promise you won’t laugh at me.” Mathéo said quietly.
“Why would I laugh? I’m your papa.”
“Just promise me.”
Charles held out his pinky finger. “I promise I won’t laugh,” Mathéo nodded and was about to speak but Charles stopped him. “No, you have to do the pinky promise. This is serious.” Mathéo chuckled and laced his pinky finger with his father’s then let go.
“Okay, so I was sitting in my usual table during lunch and then this girl comes up and sits with me. Robin wasn’t with me because he’s sick so I thought she felt bad for me because I was sitting alone. But turns out she’s new to Monaco and to the school. We talked and I have decided that she is the coolest girl I have ever met and she doesn’t know I’m your son!” The boy explained. “And she laughed at my jokes, I think I’m in love.”
Charles’ lips turned into a smile. His son had a crush.
“Well that’s a big word for you. She seems nice. What’s her name?” Charles asked.
“Giselle but with two l’s. Even her name is pretty. But I don’t want to seem like a creep and ask her out. How did you ask maman to go on a date with you?”
“Your maman was not an easy person to ask out. The first time I asked her, she said no and I respected her decision. A month later, she was in Monaco and we got lunch with a couple of friends and I asked her again and she said yes. I wanted to take her to dinner but she said that was too boring for a first date so we signed up for a cooking class to make pasta but it was in Italy so we went to Italy.” Charles explained. He was never going to forget that day.
“Why Italy? Does Monaco not having pasta classes?”
“They do, but your mother hadn’t been to Italy so I took her. It’s became a tradition now. On our anniversary, we go to the same cooking class and make pasta. You would think my cooking skills would improve by now, but at least we have maman to help.”
“Maybe I can take Giselle to a cooking class in Italy.” Mathéo suggested.
“How about we start with watching a movie in the local theater?”
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luveline · 2 years
what about reader tispy or high at a party and tellin steve how pretty he is and he doesn't know how to handle it?
steve versus a very drunk and slightly high reader who really likes his face (warnings for implied drinking and r eating a weed brownie <3)
Steve takes in your drunken state with something close to horror, remembering exactly how this scenario had panned out for him the last time. You’re sitting on the arm of somebody’s sofa giggling down at your hands, clearly tipsy, your head lifting up slowly when he calls your name. 
“Stevie,” you say. He can’t gauge any one emotion from your voice. 
“Hey, what happened? I was only gone for ten minutes. The bathroom's an en-suite, by the way.” His bitterness over having to search the upstairs three separate times for a toilet is obvious. "D'you drink a whole fish bowl by yourself?"
You take the bottom of his jacket in your hand and pull him towards you, wrapping your arms around his thighs. He dips his chin to his chest to take you in, looking down at your glassy-eyed expression with some sympathy and more apprehension. 
“Are you okay?” he asks nervously. 
“I’m really stupid, Steve. When we first got here and I went to speak to Donna, like an hour ago? At the snack table? I had one of her brownies.”
Oh! You’re high. Of course you are. The weed must’ve just kicked in while he was gone. And then, “Hey, why were you at the snack table? You told me you weren’t hungry.”
You shove your face into his abdomen and sigh. “I lied, Steve.” Your voice, your tone, makes him want to laugh, suddenly so solemn.
Steve pushes his arms over your shoulders and dips down until the side of his chin brushed your temple. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I’m actually really hungry.”
His eyes slip closed in exasperation. He pats your back. “Idiot. This is why you shouldn’t lie.” You laugh. “What’s funny, Pinocchio?”
“Pinocchio!” You laugh harder, dizzy giggles that warm his chest before saying, “Steve, are you saying my nose is a foot long? That is so awful.”
He rolls his eyes and pulls away from your grip. “Here, get up. Let’s go raid the pantry.”
The pantry is stocked pretty well with snacks and Steve doesn’t feel even remotely bad for raiding it in the name of his girl.
“Hey, do you like the strawberry Pop-“ he cuts off, having turned and found you sitting on the floor. “Babe.”
“Yuh?” you ask, looking up. 
He sighs deeply and sits down in front of you, offering the box of Pop Tarts tentatively. You take them without looking at them, your gaze roving over his face greedily. He scratches his neck and tries not to show how shy he feels when you're looking at him like that. 
“Take a picture,” he says dryly.
“I don’t have a camera.”
He chuckles to himself and shuffles as close as he can, his crossed legs brushing your knees. You struggle with the Pop Tart packaging, fingers clumsy with the cardboard. You rip open the foil and it splits wide, the Pop Tarts falling out and into your lap, a hail of crumbs over your clothes. 
He takes the tarts into his hand and uses the other to brush you down. 
“Dummy. Are you sure you’re feeling okay? I know you didn’t mean to… take anything.”
“You don’t 'take' pot.”
“You didn’t smoke it,” he argues, forgetting the point.
“I ate it,” you say agreeably, taking back your tarts. “I feel great, Steve. Super. You want one of these?”
“No, you’re okay. You have them both, baby.”
You grin and sandwich them together, taking a big bite that sprays another wave of crumbs down your front. He doesn’t bother brushing these ones away, staring at you unabashed. He’s worried you’re going to get upset though he knows it’s unlikely. Even so, his body remembers, and he feels nauseous as you work your way through your sugary snack. 
You get a stripe of pinky-red icing on your face, from the corner of your mouth and over your cheek. 
"Here," he says, waving his hand at your face. You melt towards him and he wipes it away. 
You're looking at him intensely.
"What?" he asks through a laugh, paused with his hand on your cheek. 
"You're so pretty. Handsome," you correct hurriedly. 
"Pretty?" he asks. 
You nod heavily. "You're pretty. My…" Steve slides his hand under your ear. "My pretty boy." 
You smile, lashes kissing at the corners, nothing but love on your face as you lean into his hand. "You have the nicest face ever." 
"What's the matter with you?" he asks, rubbing your cheek with his thumb just rough enough for your head to bob backwards. Your eyes close fully in response. Your smile grows. 
"Nothing," you say adamantly. 
Steve pulls you towards him. You're pretty floppy, your side falling into his chest, your face to his collar. "You're full of it." 
"You're soooo pretty," you whisper. 
"Stop it." 
You look up at him, your crown brushing his chin. "You are! Look-" you bring your hands to his face. His eyes widen and his hands tighten where they rest, arms wrapped around you lightly. "Look at your face." 
"I can't look at my own face." 
"Okay. I'll do it." 
He presses his lips together and lets you play with his face, gently squeezing his cheeks, then less so. Your eyes track over his eyes, his nose, his mouth. 
"Steve," you murmur, pouting at him. 
Your teeth appear as your smile grows blinding. You get another case of the giggles and they're infectious, the two of you laughing as your hands fall from his face to his neck and you wrap your arms around him, climbing into his lap. Steve accepts you readily, letting a big breath escape him as he tucks you into his arms. 
"Alright," he says, sighing, palm spreading over the breadth of your back. 
You press your face to his neck. "Prettiest boy ever."
"Give it a rest," he says sternly. Only glad you can't see the blush blooming over his skin. 
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diorcities · 2 days
⠀   ⠀ ── ☆ ⁺彡 nct dream as spiderman !
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if you saw it the first time, no you didn't! 🫵😭 reposting this again to add something i missed in the first one. happy reading!! library.
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ mark: ultimate spiderman. broken specs and lame excuses. eating a sandwich against a skyscraper. homemade suit. attracting things with his webs (esp. you). quick reflex. stuttering. with great power comes great responsibility. yapping his adventures. “i can do this all day” energy. stacks of books and scrapped formulas for new types of web fluid. atlas carrying the weight of the world. falling in love with your best friend. stay up late saving the world... or the semester. confession on the roof of a building at sunset.
you're deposited at the top of a skyscraper with your heart beating a thousand times an hour thanks to the adrenaline sedating your senses. you feel dizzy... and alive as you catch your breath, bathing in the evening light where a masked man stands in front of you. he helps you regain your balance as you hear him laugh, his voice blown by the same wind that ruffles your hair. “yn.”
you're unable to react when your senses are drunk with the rush of joy, which is hard for you to catch the hesitation in his voice. “yes?”
you see him take off his mask and your breath freezes in your throat the moment he appears in front of you. mark, your lab partner. sunset bathes his face with a golden halo outlining his features and the light finds its way to his eyes, holding a plead.
“you know… it's okay if you like only spiderman.” he chuckles awkwardly and brushes his neck, “well, actually, spiderman is me, uh… but… i couldn't just let you kiss me if you didn't know it was me, in case it bothers you, i hope not. i hope you don't think i'm a creep or that i forcibly kissed you… actually, you kissed me..., well maybe it was bad that i kept going after you did, but i like you so maybe i did take advantage of the situation a little...—”
the last thing you notice is his eyes opening almost as soon as it takes for your feet to snap out of place and launch you towards him. his arms are waiting to hold you almost immediately and while you might be surprised by his quick reflexes, you can hardly think properly when you join your lips with his.
mark looks at you in awe before a smile rises on his lips as you smile. “spiderman, i'm so sorry, but i like someone.”
gloom tints his eyes, “do you?”
you hum, and even though you're kinda rejecting him, he lets you wrap your arms tighter around his neck. “his name is mark lee. and he's my lab partner before he's new york's friendly neighbor.”
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ haechan: spiderman by accident. anti-hero. wired headphones. a random stop at a gas station for snacks. bruises and cuts. original anomaly. boyish teasing. upside down kiss. across the spiderverse suit. street smart. smugly comments. sneaking out after being grounded. “he looks worse than me.” grimaces when you cure a ugly looking wound. piles of love letters from admirers. quiet confession while you cure his wounds. strawberry lollipop. enemies to lovers. stay up for a late night swinging around the city with you.
the knocks on your window, though light (as if the person was instantly regretting it) were enough wake you up as you rushed out to open it.
on the other side awaited you an elusive shadow that remained static until you took his hand and ushered him into your room, and the night light finally caught his shattered suit.
“i had nowhere else to go, did i wake you?” his voice is soft and hoarse, and you really give him points for downplaying it when he repress flinchling when you touch the purple scrape on his chin. “it's not that bad.”
you make him sit up in bed and find it funny how he tries to do it because he starts stirring as if he's afraid of ruining the sheets. “i'll treat them.”
“don't bother.” he makes a pretense of continuing to talk until he notices the severity on your face and your decision to do so, and more importantly, notice how your eyes run all over his body taking into account all the cuts that show the destroyed suit on his skin. “he looks worse than me.”
you frown y and avoid looking so affected, keeping yourself busy looking for the gauze and alcohol, and then sitting next to him to begin healing the cuts on his chest. you work slowly and carefully, he doesn't say anything until you finish.
his hands grasp yours when you falter as they brush against his neck. “i'd like to keep it on.”
“is it because you don't trust me?”
“it's because i'm scared you won't like me once you find out who i am.” his voice comes to you so soft and low.
you seek his eyes, you make him see. your feelings, your emotions; you take his hand and guide it to your heart. “i'll never stop liking you, lee donghyuck.”
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ jaemin: the sidekick who got superpowers. quiet extrovert's best friend. admiring the view of the setting sun. saving a kitten from a tree. visit at a nursing home. bingo in the afternoons. villains are friendly with him. classic suit. backward cap. funny clapbacks. “oh, it's just a scratch.” (frozen steak in black eye). subway ride home. eepy cats on a windowsill watching the falling snow. love at first sight. romantic telerage signal on the brooklyn bridge.
you had noticed that jaemin was acting strangely lately, but you couldn't imagine what you were about to discover when the screen of your phone showed his name. with a sigh, you answered, bracing yourself for another conversation full of excuses and evasions.
you kept moving down the crowded catwalk self-absorbed and a little troubled. "jaemin, we need to talk about—”
“yn, please, can you look to your right?” he interrupts with his voice full of nervousness and excitement.
confused but intrigued, you hang up and look to your side as your gaze took over the sunset of the city and the brooklyn bridge, taking up all the space, and just at that moment you notice that you were walking in a sea of static people, looking in amazement at a giant message formed by cobwebs that said: "i love you.”
the phone line remain silent until his calm voice fill your ears. “do you like it?”
your mouth feels dry and you can't string something coherent. between surprise and charm, you can barely articulate words. “are you friends with spiderman?!”
“what- no! better.”
better. does that mean… “are you his sidekick?!” that would explain why he has been absent from your date. that'd explain it all.
he laughs, and you sense a bit of struggle in his voice. “look left now.”
at that precise moment, a figure descends from the sky and with a jerk his arm wraps around your waist and your feet stop touching the ground. with a fluid movement, he pulls you both away from the cheering hustle and bustle and you squeeze more against him, watching the world blur and your whole body hum.
your eyes close and you let yourself be fully carried away by him, melted into the warm sensation that embraces you, until your feet touch the ground again. your mind feels light and your senses are put on alert when you look down and see how far the two of you are from the actual ground, holding him with hurry. “i got you.”
you look at him overcome by emotion and surprise and your eyes take note of jaemin's gentle features when he removes the mask. “i will always got you, baby.”
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ jisung: wrong place at the wrong time. friendly neighbor doing errands for elderly people. clumsy swaying between buildings. awkward execution but good results. inner dialogues. thinking out loud. “from your friendly neighbor, spider-man”. shy giggles. stealing kisses. drinking soda on top of a moving subway. be late to class. stark enterprise intern. iron spider suit. meet up cute. confession by accident because he says something you said to jisung, not spiderman.
it might seem cute to him that you're so clueless if it weren't for the little problem that he was too and you were always in trouble because of it. in addition to that, it's not that he was an expert and a good performer, he was generally clueless as well; he sometimes wished he couldn't be in front of you.
you've crouched in a corner while he awkwardly fights a couple of thugs, and when he's done he's spent half his ration of cobwebs, knocked over a dumpster, and maybe has a rib or two bursts.
he laughs, he doesn't know why. maybe because he wants to soften your eyes open in alert as you hug your bag tightly. some belongings have fallen to the ground thanks to the forcing, and jisung picks them up as he makes his way to you. “are you okay, ma'am?” the unopened box of pasty colors lies wet when he picks it up. “ew…”
“no! my crayons.” his gaze shoots up at you as you emerge from your stupor, just as you see that your journey to the tool store has been in vain.
jisung helps you pick up what can be saved, until your eyes stay glued to the ground, looking for something as he remembers what. “your notebook.” it was the first thing he caught with his webs before it fell to the wet floor of the alley, because he knows how important it is for you.
a pair of cobwebs hold it in place on the wall when he peels it off. “thanks!” you smile and he thanks the mask for hiding he does it too.
“thank you, spiderman. and i'm sorry, i know it's dangerous going out so late… i just needed to buy more paint.”
“right, your art project.”
he doesn't even realize what a gaffe he's made in time. it's not when he takes his eyes off your notebook and watches you look at him with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. “eh… well, i assume it is, cause why i would know. not that i know … okay! i hope you arrive safe at home, i gotta go,” he says the words too fast and trips over the container on his way out.
“i see you in class tomorrow.”
“okay!— i mean, no, no. i don't even go to brooklyn visions.” he incriminates himself more and more as he speaks. “totally don't see me there, cause i don't even go to school.” jesus christ, he really wish he could shut up once and for all.
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ jeno: intern at oscorp co. bitten by an upgraded spider because he's a little clumsy. social butterfly. lowkey popular at school. non-prescription glasses. nyu hoodie. crush on the quiet girl from his math class. “one last call”. hybrid suit. stolen kisses. last man standing. lost backpacks. wants to redeem the villains. she fell first but he fell harder. being snatched away for him. accidental confession because you joked that he was spiderman.
it was known that after a few catches at fast-paced people would begin to suspect. jeno had to seriously get his spider senses in order and stop acting before he could think, but it was almost impossible for him to do so when it came to you.
it was the fourth time he'd caught something before it fell to the ground that day, and even if you apologized for being so clumsy, jeno was frustrated because he couldn't not do so; suddenly, he wanted to protect you from everything.
he likes it, and maybe it had to do with him liking you.
god, he wasn't very good with words, and he might be a little silly because he can't show it with actions either. and he spends all day looking for a way to get you to agree to go out with him and he may also spend his time imagining scenarios where you don't like him back, and it scares him.
and that's why he doesn't have time to register that he needs to be careful when the enriched senses strike because you're always in your head, and he just catches a beaker of precipitation inches off the ground.
“wow,” you say and something tingles inside, like it was trying to warn him. “you're spiderman, aren't you?”
perhaps it was telling him to keep his big mouth shut.
jeno looks at you dumbfounded and suddenly he can't spin a coherent thought while you stare at him with those eyes ‘cause then he can think properly. “how d'you know?”
he wants to hit himself right there when you suppress a smile because it is at that moment that the possibility arises that perhaps you didn't know and that maybe (not sure yet) it was a joke.
actually… he could downplay it and flip it if it weren't for the fact that a light bulb finally light up above his head, because maybe he could... take advantage of spiderman's charms for the first time. “i am spiderman.”
but then he says it so weird that you start laughing and he thinks you think he's joking, “dead serious.” his eyes follow you chuckling a lot and he can't help but smile too, until you stop all of a sudden.
maybe you didn't know... fuck, he's screwed up very bad this time.
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ chenle: rich boy experimenting in his father's laboratory. vigilante. sassy retorts. unpremeditated actions. advance suit 2.0. savior of the girl in distress. knocks on your window at midnight. finger guns. “that's the best you can do?”. childhood friends to lovers. vengeful. misunderstood. traitor trope. the sound of a thunderstorm. whispers at 3 am. random hugs. mean to everyone but you. no confession needed when you know your bestfriend fully.
the buildings pass on either side of you like a gray blur as you swing like a bullet through the air, your hair dances in the warm breeze and makes it harder for you to see clearly the one who holds you tightly and safe as he takes you somewhere protected from danger.
there's fear sitting in your chest that begins to fade as his swaying lulls you and you close your eyes letting yourself go until your feet touch solid ground.
“are you okay?” you hear his voice muffled by the mask, “are you hurt?” he says again, now with a tinge of alertness in his voice when your grip don't let go.
and he allows you. he doesn't let you go, and you don't want him either. and as the adrenaline goes down and dissolves in your system, your other senses resurface and even though your fear comes back something triggers in your mind. something... familiar.
you separate yourself from him with thousands of sensations crossing your features as you study the mask. your eyes drenched in something akin to shock and revelation as your hand reaches out the hem. “don't.”
his hands grab yours to keep you from lifting it up. “chenle,” you pronounce with a heartbeat, and his grip loosens.
his face is revealed underneath the cloth and you hold your breath as his closed eyes slowly begin to open. “how did you know it was me?”
“you're my best friend.”
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ renjun: a radioactive spider missing at a science convention. spidey senses. overly intuitive. scrapped prototypes. city at dusk. gliding in the sky. leap of fate. upgraded suit. late summer nights. string lights. origami stars. sign language. sidewalk chalk drawings. not a quitter. “i am nothing without the suit”. skateboard tracks. volumes and mixtapes. scrapped knees. humming a lost song. self-sacrifice. exes to lovers. he removes his mask without knowing you're sitting on his bed.
he had mastered and perfected his technique of not making noise when entering his room. he knew the gears on the front door would make noise, so he opted for the window. the fire escape led him to the tenth floor where he slipped into the room by climbing up the ceiling.
he almost screams victory, taking off his mask, before his enriched senses tell him something isn't right, almost at the same fraction of a second when you drops with a pronounced daze the lego sculpture and it shatters on the floor. “you're spiderman.” more of a rectification than a question as if you couldn't believe it. “oh, my god. you're spiderman.”
he comes to you and hushes you. “yn! what are you doing in my room!?” your mouth opens in amazement before your features are bathed in disbelief.
“you told me to come!” he puts a hand in your mouth and the unexpected approach makes you hesitate.
“alright, alright…” he says in a whisper. “be quiet, yeah?” he asks, looking into your eyes. “don't freak out.” you nod, “seriously, i can tell you'll scream the moment i remove my hand, so promise me.” he removes his hand and awaits for your reaction.
you're puzzled, “you're spiderman…,” you breathe and he grins smugly before you hit him not so lightly.
renjun puts a hand to his mouth after letting out a sound more outraged than painful. “you're spiderman and you didn't think to tell me?”
“well… i was thinking of telling you…”
“i kissed you!? spiderman and renjun!” you say, almost stupefied. “didn't you think to tell me you were the same person? i was planning on rejecting you!” when you're done, you're just left breathing artificially, and you look at him in disbelief when he doesn't say anything.
his mouth opens slowly when he sees you waiting for something. “i was afraid you'd say that.”
you frown and stay there confused by his words.
“you're telling me that you lied to me because you were afraid? afraid of what?”
“i was afraid you'd pick him.”
“renjun, what are you talking about?” you sigh, exhausted of lies.
“of spiderman. i'm nothing without the suit. no one paid attention to me when i was a nobody.”
“i did!”
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duchess-kyuupid · 1 year
So I had an idea, what if reader was the magicless student and didn't feel like going home because they knew they were dead in their old world?
So one day a friend asks, "What do you think you'd do if you got back home?"
And reader just replies nonchalantly with a straight face with, "Probably lie in a coffin six feet under."
The friend thinks they are joking but little do they know...
Could it be with Ace and whoever else you'd think best fit the scenario? Thanks! <3
Hello anon! Sorry this literally took forever (-ω-、) At first I had a hard time trying to figure out how to put it all together and who to do lmao I think I ended up doing pretty good, if I do say so myself (maybe a little bit overboard as it went on, though? Like the request looks like it's supposed to at least be a little bit funny but my brain says 'haha sad reader go brrr') Either way, I hope that you enjoy, darling <333
~ "I'm probably never going back." With Ace, Kalim, and Grim ~
[Angst to fluff, Platonic Grim, Gn! reader]
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"So," Ace started, munching on his sandwich, "What d'ya go to the Headmaster for this time? You get stuck with another random job again?" he asks with a sinister innocent smile on his face as he eyes your own lunch.
"Actually, we were discussing the prospects of me going home," you stated nonchalantly, casually sliding your plate of food closer to yourself, knowing full well that Ace really only started this conversation to get you distracted so that he could get at your cherry pie (which the chefs had made specifically for you, as a thanks for helping keep the fireplaces warm over winter break).
Now, while you had certainly noticed that Ace was after your food (you were used to it already, after dealing with Grim after all of this time), you had failed to notice the way that Ace's smile fell off of his face for the faintest moment after he heard the words 'home' leaving your mouth, but he was quick to regain his notorious smile before you could see his disappointment. And in an act to tease you a bit (and to rid himself of the unknown feelings bubbling in the pit of his stomach), he brazenly chuckles and states without thinking,
"Ha, I bet that old man probably told you to give it up. Like, what would you even do if you got back home?" Without a second beat you tell him with a straight face,
"I'd probably just be six-feet under."
"Right?" Ace agrees with a hearty chuckle. And he sees that you still for a second, lowering your head and taking a deep breath for a moment. In that quick moment of you losing concentration, Ace swipes the last remaining bite of your cherry pie with a cheeky smirk.
"So that's why I'm probably never going back," you clear your throat and look at Ace with a sad smile, tears brimming your eyes. And suddenly, Ace feels really, really guilty. He was just trying to lighten the mood by joking with you...about going home...
Ugh, how could he have messed this up, worse? It's impossible, I tell you! Ace knows that you've just been suddenly thrust into a world that you know nothing about, forced to attend a school where you barely even meet the minimum for the curriculum, and, to make matters even better for you, you're basically forced into doing whatever that Headmaster of the school tells you to, simply because he was just kind enough to let you stay at the school since you hadn't even a penny to your name nor your nonexistent family in this world.
Not only that, but you're also the prefect of this new dorm without any magic at all, and you're supposed to keep an eye on this random cat that nearly ruined the Orientation ceremony. And! You've also got to handle both him and Deuce, also known as the chaos duo to everyone who knows them. And he just stole the last piece of your cherry pie, which was honestly something that you more than deserve after all the shit that you've gone through. We all know that you weren't crying because of him stealing your pie, but this fact really was just the cherry on top of his sundae of regret.
So yeah, just label him as Dumbass #1 in your book, if he isn't already.
And he's not sure why he was surprised to see those tears in your eyes, but he was, and he's ashamed at the fact that he's never noticed how you've felt before. So in a frantic motion to fix things, Ace stands up quickly, saying a quick excuse to you about accidentally leaving something in his last class or something, and excusing himself from the lunch table before you could even react.
You honestly didn't know where he went after he left you at lunch, because he wasn't in any of his classes for the remainder of the day. It was only after classes, as you were walking back to Ramshackle with Grim, that you saw him next. He was standing in front of your front door with a nervous look on his face, but he was dressed quite nicely. Not quite formal attire, but it looked like he was expecting to go somewhere, at the very least. Once he saw you approaching, his face brightened for a moment, with a slight blush cropping up on his cheeks as you ask him what he's been doing all day.
"Well," he starts with a chuckle and his infamous smile, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I got permission from the Headmaster for us to leave campus for a while, so why don't we go check out some stores at the village nearby? I thought that maybe I'd show you around, since you'd probably beg me to keep you from getting lost anyway... Oh, and don't worry about paying for anything, I have it allll covered." He says that last part with extra emphasis and a more confident smile than before, hoping that that would be the ticket to getting you to agree. Little did he know, you were going to agree even if he wasn't going to buy you anything. And little did you know that one of the biggest reasons why he's decided to do all of this can be explained through one simple sentence: 'I want you to start liking this world more than your own.'
In truth, he'd struck a deal with Azul again in exchange for enough cash to buy whatever you wanted from any store (he's got a lot of work cut out for him in the upcoming future), but shh, you didn't need to know that. It would be all worth it if it means that you can get a chance at starting a normal life here...
And perhaps, maybe one day you might want to start living your new life with him by your side.
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Oh, Kalim. This epitome of sunshine was sharing everything about his family, his childhood, and his homeland to you with so much enthusiasm that you felt yourself feeling the twang of homesickness starting to erupt in your heart. But of course, this always happens with Kalim, doesn't it? First, he hurt the one who he's always adored as a brother- Jamil, and now, he's hurting you too, all without realizing it. You could never blame him for it, though. His genuine happiness and warmth was something that you looked forward to every day, and most of the time just being around him felt like you were basking in the sun on a cold day.
But, sometimes the warmth that he radiates so fervently starts to feel like too much, as if you were being scorched alive under the unbearable heat of the sun.
"So," Kalim says, taking a moment to catch his breath, "I think that's all of my brothers and sisters, plus all of my extended family too! We're a big family, so I know it's a lot, haha! Say, what's your family like?" he innocently asks with bright, expectant eyes.
And you know that he doesn't mean to do this to you, but you can't deny that right now you felt like his beautiful red eyes were burning themselves into your soul like a branding iron. You don't want to make it sound like you blame him for your predicament or his enthusiasm about his family, so you give him the best smile you can muster and divert the subject to the best of your ability.
"Well, they're really not as important as yours is. Can you tell me more about how the Asim family started out? Your family must have a lot of really interesting history."
"Oh, sure!" Kalim nods happily to your request, forgetting his own question shortly after as he continues in his own rant about his gigantic family and some of the more interesting parts of its history.
At this point, Jamil really couldn't bear to listen to this anymore. He's been quietly watching and listening in on your conversation with Kalim from his seat in the corner of the room, where he was supposed to be 'studying'. Jamil sees that Kalim's doing the same thing to you as what happened to him, and decides to step into your conversation. 'Might as well go ahead and rip the band-aid off before it gets to the point of no return,' Jamil thinks.
"Hey," he begins, cutting Kalim off mid-sentence, "Do you have any sort of plans for when you get to go home? If you can go home?"
And Kalim looks at you with a surprised look on his face at Jamil's question for you because of course you'd want to stay here in Twisted Wonderland with him and everyone else! He'd never thought of the idea that you'd ever want to go back home to your original world, Kalim felt like it was just a given that you'd want to stay even if you had the choice to leave. But now that he thinks about it a little more, he doesn't understand where he even got that idea from to begin with. After all, as someone who cares for his family and his homeland a great deal, he can kindof understand how you might feel after being torn away from all of that without any way of returning.
"Haha, well," you chuckle heartlessly, "I'm probably never going back anyway. I think if I went back home now I'd just be six-feet under or something." Your attempt to lighten the mood with your 'joke' fails when you hear the sound of your own voice saying it. You would be lying to yourself if you tried to claim that, no, your voice wasn't shaky, and that yes, you were completely fine with never seeing your family ever again. Jamil makes a comment that he was going to grab something to drink from the kitchen, leaving you in a moment of silence with Kalim following your rather dark 'joke.'
"Well, what's the harm in trying anyway?" Kalim asks softly, "You never know unless you try! Plus, even if it doesn't work out, at least you can say that you've given it your all, right?"
"That's the FUCKING problem," you snap, "I've BEEN trying to go back home, and nothing's ever working! And there's no way in hell I'm just going to give up and go ~'Well at least I tried'~ when it's my goddamn LIFE on the line here!"
Oh no, you didn't mean to start yelling at Kalim like that... But after hearing his flippant "at least you've given you're all" comment, all of the pent-up emotions just felt like they were going to explode if they were kept inside any longer. You feel bad for suddenly yelling at him, but at the same time, it felt like the water gates have finally opened, and before you knew it, more kept spilling from your mouth.
"I had a normal life back in my world, you know! I had people who cared for me, I had plans for the future that I painstakingly paved the road for for my entire fucking life. Everything that I've done in my life up to this point, it's all become utterly useless now that I've come here," you wailed, tears escaping your eyes as you spoke without constraint, "Can you imagine how it feels to have everything stolen away from you, Kalim? All of the people that I've created my childhood memories with, they're all gone! My scholarships, my college applications, my work experience- nonexistent! Hell, if you want to get into the legalities of it, I technically have never gone to school in my life before attending NRC because I never existed in this world before then." You take a breath to help calm yourself down, but after still feeling the flames of rage bubbling in your lungs, you continue to vent out your feelings.
"Do you know how it feels, Kalim, to have no idea whether the people you love know if you're dead or alive? To have to think about how they would react to my 'death' when I'm still kicking and screaming inside another world?! To have to think about everything that you've been forced to leave behind all of a sudden?" You're basically screaming out your frustrations to the sky now, as you couldn't bear to stare at Kalim as you cried out your miseries, "To have to think about the life you could be leading right now if you weren't dragged to some random world with no knowledge about it's countries, it's history, or even it's most fundamental principles like magic?"
Kalim's staring at you intensely, taking every single word you speak into account. Even as you got to the point where you couldn't speak clearly anymore, when you pushed yourself to where all you could do was sob, snivel, and blubber out your words of woe, Kalim sat there listening to you the whole way through.
At some point during your crying, Kalim pulled you gently into his arms in a tight embrace as he let you continue to let your feelings out. He was going to wait until it was all out before he even tried to say anything (reason one being, because it would be rather rude to interrupt you, and two is because he's been rather notorious for crying when he sees other people cry and he didn't want to make the crying spotlight on him)
When you were finally done, Kalim patted your head soothingly and spoke quietly. His own voice was shaky too, and he was also on the verge of tears just from watching and listening to you.
"I never knew you felt like that, I'm sorry for not realizing it earlier," he says, and just the sound of him trying to keep in his tears breaks your heart to pieces.
Your pain is his pain, your tears are his tears, and your smile is his smile because, even if he doesn't realize it yet, he truly loves you dearly. Kalim knows he can be really, really dense most of the time, which is why he never noticed these pent-up frustrations of yours when they were so obvious to Jamil, but he hopes that you'll forgive him for making you feel even worse.
"It's not your fault, Kalim. I'm not angry at you or anything- I'm sorry for yelling like that," you inhale, "It's just-... It just hurts, you know? Thinking about all of the what-ifs and the could-be's... But the truth is, I've had more fun in the short time that I've been here than in my entire life back home. And most of that's because of you, actually."
"Really?" he asks, a spark of his normal cheer returning to his voice.
"Yes, really. I might not be able to use magic, but it's been something that I've loved learning about since coming here. You know, the very first time you took me on a ride with the magic carpet, and I got to see this whole new world from way high up in the sky, I knew that nothing from my home could beat that experience. I'm going to miss my home, but it's not so bad when I know that you're here."
Oh, look at you- you were the one who just had an emotional breakdown right in front of Kalim, and yet you're the one consoling him! Your sweet words struck through his heart like cupid's arrow, and he internally vows that he will always be someone who brings a smile to your face- that he will do everything that he can to make sure that you're happy.
"Then," he perks up, wiping his face from any stray tears that might have escaped from earlier, "Let's go on another carpet ride together, outside of campus!" He exclaims excitedly, all hints of previous sadness gone from his eyes and voice.
"There's so many places I want to show you, but I think we should look for spots that look like your home! This world is a pretty big place, so I'm sure there must be somewhere that looks similar to yours. Tell me everything about your homeland- If we can't find something like it, then we'll just have to make it ourselves!"
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It was in the midst of winter break that you started to feel more lonely. All of your other friends were gone and spending the holidays with their families, while you were still here at the school with your only company being Grim and the Ramshackle ghosts, who would come and go as they pleased. Everything was just so,, quiet, without the chaos duo Deuce and Ace around. Of course, Grim was almost always up to his own little shenanigans too, but most of the time they were harmless and it was just him entertaining himself with catching mice and such.
The silence of the winter break and the bleakness of the white snow was staring to take a toll on you, and it wasn't helping the fact that you're still experiencing nightmares beyond what you see in the mirror at night (this is not a jab at you, I swear).
For reference, you just had a dream that woke you up in the middle of the night, sweating and gasping for air as you tried to recollect yourself. Of course, you couldn't fall back asleep after what you've just seen, and Grim was still sound asleep in his corner of the bed. Quietly, you move to get up to go get some fresh air outside- not forgetting to bring your jacket with you to the freezing cold weather out there.
And you spent a bit of time in the silence of the night, sitting on the stairs of the front porch of the Ramshackle dorm with a heavy jacket tied to your shoulders, just staring up into the sky. This isn't the first time that this has happened, so you know that looking at the stars would usually help you out in times like these.
'I can see the stars so clearly from here. Back home, the stars would be so dim that most nights you could hardly see them because of all of the lights around.'
'Huh, I wonder what kind of constellations this world has thought up of. That kinda looks almost like a horse, if you look at it sideways.'
'I wonder what kind of galaxy this world is in. The Milky Way was nice and all, but something different could be nice, too.'
Those would be the kind of thoughts that would help calm you down after your nightmares and you'd start feeling sleepy again. You'd go back inside, maybe drink a little bit of water, and then delve underneath the covers of your bed and go to back to sleep.
But this time, though, you could hardly focus on anything else except for the contents of your dream. No matter how intently you stared into the night sky, there was nothing else that you could think of other than, 'It was just so realistic.'
"Hey, hench-human! There you are! 'Was wonderin' where ya went so late at night. Come back in already, you let the fireplace in the room die out and now the whole room's gone cold again," you hear Grim calling out to you from the now open door of the Ramshackle dorm.
"Sorry Grim, I'll be back inside in just a bit, just gimmie a minute, alright?"
"What? You're just gonna sit outside in this cold?" Grim exclaims, "What are ya even doing out here anyway?" And you hear Grim's paws tapping on the old wooden flooring as he scampers his way to you.
"Couldn't sleep, so I went out for some fresh air, that's all."
"Oh yeah? Had another dream about the Great Seven? Or was it that Mickey dude in the mirror again?" He pushes your arms away from your legs and jumps into your lap without another thought. If he was going to wait for you to get up and relight the fireplace, he was at least going to wait somewhere that's nice and warm- your lap.
"Actually," you clear your throat, "not this time, no."
"Then what's up?" And he just said it so casually, like either he knew that something was bothering you and he wanted to make the conversation comfortable enough to talk about it- that or he's just completely unable to read a room (which was honestly the more likely option). Either way, it made you pause for a moment, to think about whether you wanted to answer his question honestly or make up some sort of lie about it.
"I'm thinking about whether I should just go ahead and tell Crowley to give up on looking for my way back home," you admit, deciding on telling him half-truths for now. But your comment caught him off guard, and he looks back at you with surprise. "Huh, why would ya do that?" he asks.
"Well, I mean I'd probably just be lying six feet under if I do manage to go back, so what's the point in having Crowley waste his time on this? Besides, he's been using it as an excuse to make me us do all of his dirty work for him, and I don't want to be indebted to him anymore than I already am."
"Well, I guess that does make sense, but still, haven't you been wantin' to go home this whole time? What's with you givin' up now?" he grumbles.
"Awe, I had no idea that you hated me this much," you joke, "To think, that even my closest friend even wants me gone from this world! Oh, woe is me!"
"Hey, you know it ain't like that, henchman!" Grim pushes you playfully, "I'll have you know that, unlike SOME people, I care about my minions. If ya wanna go home, then you should keep tryin' to find a way back, especially if there's someone else doin' all the work for you."
"That's sweet of you to say, but I'm probably never going back."
"What makes you so sure?" And you don't say anything to his question, not for a while. Grim notices your silence and concludes his statement, "Well, if that's what you want, then alright. It just means that you'll be here to see me become the greatest mage in the world!"
"Mhm," you nod sluggishly, and the conversation goes quiet from there. Now, the heavy silence of the winter night fell upon the both of you, the only sounds being the creaking of the old wooden planks of the Ramshackle dorm, the frostbitten wind blowing through the air, and the soft shuffling of you petting through Grim's fur as he sits idly in your lap. The silence didn't bother either of you much, as Grim was nearly falling back to sleep with the soft movements of your hands brushing him and the warmth from your lap keeping the cold at bay. But as time continued to pass, your anxious thoughts started clouding the deep recesses of your mind once again and you felt compelled to speak upon them.
"Grim, I know that you're a monster and everything, but do you know anything about reading a human's pulse?" you speak suddenly, and he flinches awake at your question, rubbing his eyes tiredly as you continue without letting him answer, "You can find your heart rate just by pressing on your wrist, or placing these fingers against your neck, like this." And you demonstrated both actions to him.
"Grim,, I," your voice chokes up, "I can't feel my pulse... Earlier I had another nightmare, and I saw myself dying. In my world... It was so realistic, I..." Tears start erupting from your eyes as you recall the vivid memory, and Grim stares at you with wide eyes as you continue, "When I woke up, I felt like I could still feel the pain. It was so excruciating, I felt like I was going to throw up, so I came out here."
Your body was shivering uncontrollably with how you were trying to keep your tears in as you spoke, and you pull Grim closer to you in a hug close to your chest, "Grim, please tell me. Do you hear anything? Anything at all? Even if you lie to me, please just tell me that you can hear my heartbeat."
Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.
"I can hear it," Grim states seriously (I mean, after seeing the state you're in, it would be more than a little rude if he wasn't serious), "And I'm not lyin' to ya. It's super cold out here, which is probably why ya can't feel it, but you do have a heartbeat. I promise you, you're alive, right here, with me." He wasn't expecting this, but he tries his best to comfort you, though really he has no idea about what to do or what to say. But as awkward as his words come out as, it still works to help you calm down after a while. He waits until your breathing starts to slow down and your tears have stopped spilling.
"Henchman, I'm startin' to feel hungry for a midnight snack," he states, "I know you're hungry too, so let's go sneak into the cafeteria and see what they've got!" And he leaps off of your lap and looks at you with his bright blue eyes, "We can warm up by its fireplace while we're there too."
As he starts dragging you towards the school, he turns to look at you and he says, "The way I see it, the way you still get hungry or thirsty is how we know that you're still alive. You wouldn't need to eat or sleep if you were dead, like the ghosts, now would'ya? You really need to stop overthinking things like this, givin' me a heart attack when you start cryin' outta nowhere like that..."
I accidentally wrote a whole mini-story for them, no wonder this request took so long </33 I really hope that you enjoyed reading this, anon! While I did have trouble at the beginning, things started falling into place as I kept writing 👏👏
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anistarrose · 2 months
taz balance one-shot recs!
I've been meaning to make this post for a while now, so here we are! The majority of these are from the past three years or so, because I love a fandom classic as much as anyone, but I particularly want to shine a light on some gems from after the peak of traffic in the fandom tags! There are of course also exceptions that are older, though.
Also, April 19th-21st are Just Leave a Comment Fest, so please show these authors some love!! They're all so deserving!
a recipe for home by @journalofimprobablethings: Taako tries to cook for the first time since Glamour Springs. When things go awry, Lucretia is there to lend a hand.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia), 3.5k. Early B.O.B. era hurt/comfort centered around cooking, with a delicious dollop of sentimentality and dramatic irony on top.
Seven Times Magnus Burnsides Gave Someone A Hug + One Time He Received One by @barry-j-blupjeans: Magnus wasn't really any good at— at words. He was more of an action man. Or, y'know, a "I'll take this hit so you don't have to" man. Talking to someone about their feelings was all kinds of weird, so usually he just left the space for someone else to talk. And, well... Magnus wasn't good at words. But there's a few different ways to get his support across.
Mostly gen with some Magnulia, 8.6k. You've all heard of the classic 5 Plus 1, but obviously Magnus deserves a 7 Plus 1! I don't know how to describe it without spoilers other than being full of incredibly sweet, gentle takes on so many fraught or bittersweet moments. Super underrated, do give it a read.
Embrace the Dark by @ceilingfan5: Bookstore coworkers Kravitz and Taako get more than they bargained for when Taako tries to use his powers to fix Kravitz's migraine. But it's okay--it's an excuse for them to spend time together until one of them can nut up and ask the other out.
Taakitz, 8.9k. Modern with Superpowers AU! Super sweet interactions between Kravitz and Taako, paired with lots of fun background worldbuilding. And, of course, a very special grilled cheese sandwich.
Break This Heavy Chain by Punka_Writes: In the immediate aftermath of Story and Song, Barry Bluejeans could really use a hug.
Blupjeans and misc. platonic interactions, 2.3k. The absolute epitome of comfort food in written form, with excellent Barry characterization (and of course, he does get that hug)!
birds of a feather steal sweaters together by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: When you're a big, burly guy it seems that your clothes just become free reign for all your friends. Normally Magnus is a reasonable guy, but everyone has their limits.
Gen (IPRE crew), 1.9k. Starblaster era fluff! Everyone is written absolutely delightfully, and every time I read it I snort out loud at least twice.
Security by @ceilingfan5: Barry has finally made it--his incredible scientific discovery has landed him a huge fortune...and a lot of problems. The only good thing that's come of it, honestly, has been his bodyguard, Lup. (And the science. That's good also.) He's just gotta stay normal about how nice it is to have someone like Lup around, and also not perish by way of press circuit, and everything will be fine.
Blupjeans, 6k. Modern with magic AU from Barry's POV, featuring equal parts anxiety and pining. Also, it's straight-up extremely funny.
Lonesome Dreams by @jerreeeeeee: Taako wakes up one morning from a nightmare, fast fading. There was a guy in glasses, and they were… somewhere high up? Something terrible happened, but he doesn’t remember. He wakes up in a wagon he’s never seen before, but it has his name on it. There’s tons of food inside, more than he’d be able to afford. And he’s alone. Thinking back to the last thing he remembers is difficult. College? No, he’d graduated. Top of his class, obviously, he remembers that. But what- what happened after? Where is Lup?
Gen (Taako & Lup), 10.2k. Everything starts out the same, except Taako remembers Lup, even if not how she went missing, and it's incredibly underrated and full of phenomenal characterization. I won't spoil how things shake out, but it's a great emotional ride and I genuinely reread it all the time.
it's my party and I'll mope if I want to by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: Taako's birthday is just another Thursday. A detective and an old friend have a different idea.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia & Angus), 2.1k. Short and so sweet! Fics about voidfished!Taako's birthday never get old, and this is one of my absolute favorites. Nailing the angst-to-wholesome ratio.
Tedious Familiarity by @barry-j-blupjeans: Déjà vu. Noun. A feeling of having already experienced the present situation. A tedious familiarity. Barry Bluejeans woke up in a cave, fresh out of a pod filled with green goop, and saddled with an unsettling feeling that he had been here before. If you had asked forty-year-old Barry if he would follow instructions left by a talking coin, he probably would have asked you what type of drugs you were on. But, y’know, fifty… two? Fifty-one? How old was he? Fifty-two sounded right. But, y’know, fifty-two years old Barry didn’t really have that many other places to turn, so this couldn't be all that bad.
Gen, 4.1k. Missing scenes based off Barry's decade alone, written in such an effective style, where all the little details truly make it. Mandatory reading for fellow Barry angst enjoyers.
Angus McDonald and the Wonderland Escape Rooms by coppersunshine: When Angus gets grounded from detecting, to keep his skills sharp he becomes a patron of the Wonderland Escape rooms, run by Edward and Lydia, who quickly decide he's their new nemesis. To their surprise, Angus and the collection of weird adults he's accompanied by decide otherwise.
Gen (Angus & Edward & Lydia), 7k. Modern with magic AU, putting Edward and Lydia in the absolute funniest possible job, at which a little boy detective torments... and maybe, even gives them a chance to turn over a new leaf. I am of the opinion that Angus and the Wonderland twins have a criminally underexplored dynamic, and this fic gave me everything I wanted.
If the Sun and Moon Should Doubt by Punka_Writes: Merle Highchurch, on the brink of a bad decision.
Gen, 1.6k. Merle character study immediately before running out on his marriage. Truly the incredible characterization that Merle deserves; this was a fic that really ignited my love for him.
Greensleeves by @sgrumby: Kravitz has never seen a lich like this before, and he's seen a lot of liches. Merle is just trying to save the universe, thanks very much.
Gen (Kravitz & Merle), 2.2k. A unique and also absolutely genius Lich!Merle AU where Kravitz inevitably comes after him, and Merle is... well, the Peacemaker, of course!
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Eddie loved nicknames.
It started with little 8 year old Eddie telling his Uncle to call him Eddie not Edward since his dad called him Edward and Eddie didn't want his Uncle to be like his dad.
He gave all of his friends nicknames, usually like they were DnD characters. Gareth the Great, Jeff the Just, Harold the Heroic, Dustin the Defyer, Lucas the Lionheart, Mike the Magnificent and of course Lady Applejack. When he met Will he loved Will the Wise. The girls he called Red, Supergirl, Better Wheeler and Robs.
With Steve though he couldn't help himself.
It started with Stevie since of course he wasn't going to call his new friend by his real name. He had tried Harrington but Steve grimaced and Eddie knew enough about Steve's absent parents to know what that meant. So Stevie it was.
Steve and Eddie became closer. Steve became not only Stevie but sweetheart and big boy. The soft blush Steve would get on his face didn't deter Eddie it only made it worse.
Sweetheart branched into sweets, sweetcheeks, sweetie, sweetums if he wanted to make Steve laugh. Big boy became baby, angel, love if he was feeling bold.
"You're not fooling anyone, Edwin (Robin had been trying to guess his name, it was lasting longer than he thought) if the heart eyes aren't enough the pet names are."
"I don't know what you're talking about, my favourite lesbian."
Eddie knew exactly what she was talking about, Eddie's crush turn full blown love was getting out of hand, since Steve came out to him as bi Eddie couldn't help but cause a blush on his Stevie's face. He just couldn't ask him out, too afraid of ruining everything.
Little did he know his nickname obsession would fix all his problems.
Eddie had gotten a job at the music store teaching guitar on the weekends and manning the register during the week. It was close enough to Family Video that he would visit sometimes on his break. Today however, he had a visitor.
"Stevie, what do I owe the pleasure."
Steve smiled softly making his way over.
"Well I know for a fact you never pack lunch, so I thought I'd bring you some."
"My hero, thank you pretty boy."
Eddie couldn't help but notice the quick drop in Steve's smile before it was right back, if a little strained along the edges.
"Course Eds, anything for you."
The boys shared lunch together having fun but in the back of Eddie's mind he was trying to figure out what made his favourite babysitter sad.
He knew it wasn't the thank you, he'd basically strong armed Steve into accepting thanks for things after too many years with the anklebiters taking him for granted.
Maybe it had been the my hero thing? Eddie doubted it since Steve did have a bit of a hero complex, but just to be sure.
"There's my favourite hero."
"I saved your life one time Eds."
"And yet you continuity save me from starvation with your sandwiches."
Steve had giggled at that so it couldn't have been that. Eddie soon got his answer. The party were hanging out at Steve's for a movie night and Eddie was helping Steve with the popcorn.
"Butter, pretty boy?"
There it was the drop in his smile and Eddie was certain Steve wasn't sad about butter. When the kids had nodded off and he and Steve were hanging up in his room listening to music he decided to bring it up.
"Do you have a problem with me calling you nicknames?"
Steve turned towards him confused, "Of course not, Eds, I like them, they're very you."
"Then why do you look sad when I call you pretty boy?"
Steve looked away again and sighed.
"Cause I'm not pretty anymore, Ed's. I know that sounds conceited and vain but I always had my looks. I wasn't smart or funny or really that good at anything, but at least I was nice to look at. Now I'm just tired looking and covered in scars."
Eddie sat up, Steve following him. Eddie turned towards Steve and took his hands in his.
"Stevie Harrington I know you've had a few blows to the head but you can't actually believe that. You are so smart, maybe not in the same way Dustin and Nancy are but you're the one that knows which movie to cheer someone up or when one of the kids are lying to you or which colours look best for people. You're so funny, it's one of the reasons I love hanging out with you, you've always got some story or little snark to make me laugh. And especially I know for a fact that you're the prettiest, cutest, most beautiful person I've ever seen, your scars show the lives you've saved and the things you've survived and they just add to how beautiful you are."
Steve's eyes had turned glassy with unshed tears, but instead of answering Eddie he learnt forward kissing him soundly. Eddie sighed into the kiss, moving his hand sup to cup Steve's face. When they pulled away Steve had the soft blush on his face that Eddie loved so much.
"So does this mean I can call you pretty boy?"
"Keep kissing me like that and you can call me anything you want."
And well, that was just asking for trouble, but Steve didn't mind, not when he had Eddie to remind him he was beautiful.
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velvet-paradox · 1 year
Fandom: Sleep Token (Band) Pairing: Vessel x Female reader x III Length: Long Summary: Your eepy roommates suggest they can help you out. Warnings: NSFW 18 + ONLY, LISTEN UP PUNK I know what I'm about ok and I shouldn't even have to to explain this but for ffs this is for funsies, fictional purposes only. I don't know these British men and I don't claim to! But am I having an absolute ball listening to them everyday day since I heard Dark Signs??? Absolutely. I have not and will not know peace on Earth ever again so with that being said... my lizard brain wants to shoot my shot and get sandwiched between Vessel and III (purely based off their on stage personas) and I'm pretty sure all us worshippers would enjoy kneeling and begging for forgiveness for all the eepy guys. DON'T LIE TO ME; I'll know. ;) One late night thot lead us down this path so here ya' go, we've got: strong language, explicit content, MFM relations, polyamorous activities, kissing, oral (m receiving), p in v, protected sex, unprotected sex (don't do it!), double vaginal, dirty talking, creampie III is a mess, Vessel is along for the ride and you're indulging in the spoils of detailed smut. Tagging: @synnersaint my ride or die
You stare at the red numbers on the clock next to your bed. You blink.
Unfortunately unfazed by the hum-drum pace and the position you've found yourself in.
Ugh, how did this happen again?
The man on top of you, circling his hips against your own, balls deep in your cunt should be fun, exciting, a turn-on at least but you just laid there, once again, taking it but not getting anything out of it. You faked it the last three times just to get him to get off you, out of your apartment and out the door so you could finish yourself off with some post nut clarity. Which is what you should've done in the first place.
The first time you had sex with him, you chalked it up to nerves. It'd been a few months for him and a bit longer for you at this point. The second time you excused it as you did go out for drinks earlier in the night and the last one was just plain awful. No foreplay, bit your neck too hard and pretty much gave you a titty-twister which was not fun; at all.
But he's nice! And funny, easy to talk to you and here you are, making more excuses for a man who can't even get you off. This is just pathetic, girl.
You felt bad faking your enthusiasm but even as you moved in unison with him, hearing him huff and grate out oh my fucking god for the fifth time, he didn't even have a clue.
So you dialed it up, two more minutes had passed with him just thrusting inside you, he didn't even notice you weren't as wet as before. What a fucking disaster.
You sighed and made your O face, biting your lip and holding his waist, the slapping of skin sped up briefly before he pulled out with a groan of your name, panting as he jerked himself, tore off the condom and came on the inside of your thigh.
Fucking finally.
Your date was quick to get dressed, mentioning something about an early shift change. He gave you chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth, cupping your face as an afterthought as you followed him out of your bedroom.
"I'll text you when I get home. I-- oh!"
You bounced against his back, stunned as to why he's just stopped like that when you peer around his frame. There on the couch in your living room sat your roommates.
"Oh my-- what are you guys doing home?" You asked, frantically looking between the two sober faces and their luggage by the front door. Well more like the painted chin of one and the eyes of the other. You were hyperaware of the drying cum on your leg and crossed your fingers and toes they didn't hear your activities or what remained to be seen.
"We live here, remember?" Vessel waved one of his hands, III nodding along.
"When you said you had roommates I just assumed they were other girls." Your bedfellow side talked to you as to not alert your boys.
"Is that a problem?" You asked.
"No I just uh," he looked at III when he stood, an attempt to intimidate. "It's fine um... I'll call you."
"Well that was rude," Vessel announced, joining his brother after he left. "Didn't even introduce himself."
"He won't be around for long. I wouldn't worry about it." You dryly chuckled before embracing both of them. Vessel cupped the back of your head, pressing his chin into your hair before letting III swoop you up in his gangly arms and gave you two solid spins. "Put me down! You reek."
"Ah, the mask has seen better days I'm afraid. Can't wait to get a hot shower and something in my belly. Road livin' ain't what its' cracked up to be, ya' know?" III admitted.
"Um, let me get changed and I'll make you guys some food," you jogged out of the living room, calling over your shoulder. "Lord knows what you boys eat on the road!" ....
"Can I ask you something?"
"Of course," You paused the movie and turned to face Vessel on the chaise lounge part of the couch, long limbs sprawled out, ankles crossed and rocking. "What's up?"
Vessel twisted his painted mouth before asking an out of pocket question. "Why do you torture yourself?"
Taken aback you wondered what he meant and crossed your legs. "What? What do you mean?"
"I think you know what I mean." When you showed your genuine confusion, he sat up. "Your little boy toy. Not that III and I have been cheeky little perverts and eavesdropping on your late night escapades but... we can't help but be concerned. Either you're a silent climaxer, some people are and that's totally fine and we're bold to assume or your partner isn't doing it right."
"Excuse me?"
"We've only been home a few weeks and we've heard him far more than we've heard you," Vessel explained, ignoring your anxious fidgeting and cuticle picking. "What we have heard though, is a lot of buzzing after your friend leaves."
Oh. My. God.
Your heart is hammering in your chest, desperate to get out of, out of your body and on the run. Blood pounds in your ears at the audacity of this whole conversation. Your roommates have heard you getting off, know you have toys, know your friends with benefits is lacking the benefits part and that you'd not been taken care of. You wished it was still cooler out and you could grab the usual throw off the back of the couch and hide away underneath.
"What are you guys talkin' about?" III popped in, holding a glass of chocolate milk, an absurdly long and coiled straw was hidden beneath his mask as he sucked dramatically.
Vessel smirked. "Oh just Y/N and how her new beau can't get her off."
"Oh finally! I've been dying for this conversation," III exclaimed and excited plopped down next to Vessel, scooching closer and leaning forward as he drank some more. "So what gives? Give us the goods."
"I don't... he knows what he's doing, it's just--"
"It's just he's bad at it." III giggled.
"I can get off, okay?"
"Yeah, we know that. Just not with him."
"I... fine. It might not even be him you know," you tried. "Maybe it's me. Maybe I can't get out fast enough."
Vessel quirked his mouth. "Get out of what exactly?"
"My own head. I think too much, you know that. I need to feel everything in order to shut my brain off and not worry about how many loads of laundry I need to do, when I need to switch out my sheets, did I pick up my towel in the bathroom? What should I have for lunch tomorrow."
The boys looked between themselves, shrugging and looking bewildered. "You... you think about all that stuff all while having sex?" III snorted and shook his head. "You're a madwoman, you know that?"
"I'm trying not to think of those things!"
"That's what I was afraid of," Vessel took III's now finished drink away from him and set it down. "If you want, we could help you out. Save you the trouble and the energy and uh, some battery power."
You chuckled. "You're joking. You two are gonna' help me out."
"Just say the word and we belong to you," Vessel crooned, licking his top lip. The pink of his tongue was such a juxtaposition to he obsidian black that covered his face, his arms and hands, his body. "This could be a one time deal, if it's not up to your standards, we don't have to mention it ever again or... it could be a three times a week sort of thing."
"Three times a week?!" You screeched.
"That's up to you."
"So uh have you guys like... done this before?" Your voice doesn't even sound like your own, shaky, breathy, uneven and higher pitched. You pointed between the duo and yourself. You hadn't but your incognito search history might say you've looked at it a few times.
They admitted their deep rooted feelings about you. Your stomach flipped for Vessel's breathy pet name of Duchess, your toes curled for III's Sweetness. 
With the way they looked at you, you couldn't even remember his name at this point.
Vessel shrugged. "Just with you."
"Just me?" You balked, you knew the guys were close, sometimes skin tight so to find out they'd not acted out was stunning and a major green light. "Oh um, I'm flattered. iI think."
"You should be. III isn't much of a talker, speaks his mind when need be."
"Unless its' dirty." III piped up with a shrug of his own, with the way his eyes wrinkled you could tell he was all smiles under that mask.
"A little tact there, brother!" Vessel scolded him, giving a backhand to his arm. "Don't scare her off."
"What? She should know. You should know. I am dripping with sin."
"What? We're all adults here, right? An' we're talking about fucking each other so who cares?! And she might even like it. Do you like dirty talk, sweetness?" III asked with a tilt of his head.
"Uh I um... I. Well..."
"Do you," III stood and got closer, much closer, swaying his way to close the gap between you. He stood with his legs on the outside of your own. He tilted his head the opposite way and kept his eyes trained your face, the heat from the eye contact made you hot. His painted thumb touched your chin. "Like that?"
You'd never felt this kind of intimacy, this heightened level of attraction and arousal and it made you nervously laugh at the thought that it was radiating off your friends like a fucking forest fire.
You swallowed. "Yes."
"Aha! Knew it. Those pretty eyes and that fucking mouth are hiding plenty of secrets, yeah?" III pointed, that thumb of his traced along your jaw before pushing gently on the underside, making you look all the way up at him.
If they wanted to play, you thought, I guess... let's play.
"Oh! Now we're getting somewhere," III chuckled and looked over at Vessel before touching your shoulder, moving the strap of your sleep shirt back and forth. His hands were hot, scorching your skin as he touched the light fabric. "Should I undress you or should you undress me? Or maybe Vessel wants to unwrap us both. What do you think?"
"I think--" your throat constricted before keeping his ardent eye contact. "I think I want to undress you first."
III liked that idea, he wiggled his shoulders and raised his arms. "I'm all yours, mama."
His hoodie is the first thing to go, floating down to the floor. A black compression shirt separates flesh and bone, it comes off easily over his head. He's only half painted there. You can see streaks of his skin, soft and smooth, hidden from view. His stomach tightens when you trail your hand down his chest, foreign to your hands.
"I think about you, ya' know? Not to be pervy or bold but... you are the prettiest thing we've ever seen."
His compliments make you warm, you clench around nothing.
He suddenly grabs your hand and moves it higher. "Feel that. You make my heart fuckin' pound like crazy. The first time I saw you in that green sundress, you know, the one with the little daises on it... fuck me," III admitted and dramatically bit his fist. "I've never been so hard in my life!"
You know the dress in question. It's hanging in the front of your closet. Guess it'll be making a debut and turn III on once again. 
"Oh yeah? Well maybe next time I wear it... I won't wear anything underneath."
III made the deepest of groans, moving your hand down his ribs while he undid his belt. "Fuckin' hell, don't tease me woman."
"You don't like that?"
"I like it too much! That's the problem."
His zipper was so fucking loud, it cut through the room like a hot knife. Smooth and seamless, even Vessel had to clear his throat. You looked over at him on the chaise, legs wide spread, lithe arms outstreatched over the back cushions. With three separate eye holes in his mask, it was hard to tell where he was looking but in this moment you felt them boring straight into your own.
"Keep going," he hummed and visibly bit his lip. " 'm enjoying the show."
With III was just in his boxers, it was your turn. Your disrobing would be a lot quicker as you were in a light pajama set and crew socks. You mmiiced III and raised your arms above your head, his nimble fingers danced over your sides, dragging the material up and over your head. He tossed to Vessel, who out of your peripheral, had inhaled your scent on it. He did the same with your shorts. The rush of cool fan air make your skin prickle, your clit throbbed when you fully noticed the outline of III's cock. Jesus. 
III got on his knees and lifted one your feet, gripping your ankle.
"No. Keep them on." Vessel spoke, pushing himself up off the couch and sauntered over to you, fully nude and on display. He embraced your face, pressing his forehead to yours before slinking behind III when he stood.
Vessel's painted arms looped around III's, locking them behind his back. III made a noise.
"Take him out," Vessel instructed with a low gasp. "Take him out and see what you do to him. Same as what you do to me. Hell, all of us, duchess."
Before you got on your own knees, you touched III's hips, hooking your thumbs just beneath the fabric and dragged them down. His cock made the softest and prettiest thud against his lower belly. Your eyes bounced from their faces, down to his leaking cock and back again.
"He wasn't lying," Vessel chuckled, his chin now draped over III's shoulder. You met his eyes. "You make him rock fuckin' hard, love. Want her to take all o' that? Nah... you need her to take care of that, don't you?"
"Fuck yes." III whined. "Please."
"How are you gonna' help our good boy, love?"
III shook before your even touched him, you on your knees before him was enough to have him looking frantic. Completely at your and Vessel's mercy, you took him in your hand first, getting familiar with his length before dipping your head in worship, opening your mouth. You hesitated for the briefest of moments before angling him deeper and further into your mouth.
It was a good thing Vessel was holding him up because you felt and saw III's knees wobble once you got your stride, gliding your hands up and around his thighs, arching closer with your fingers reaching his ribcage. Your palms against his skin felt every twitch, every jolts, every fucking sigh. The noise that strangled out from his throat when you dragged your nails down his stomach had you clenching around absolutely nothing.
"That's it, you're doing such a good job, love bug. Atta' girl, get 'em off real good, yeah?"
"Yeah yeah, fuck yeah," III whined and bucked his hips, "Your mouth feels so fucking good. Suckin' me off real sweet, mama. Give it to me."
"She's good with that mouth, hmmm?"
"Oh fuck V...wait 'til she oh shit, right there-- wait 'til she's gaggin' on you. O-oh my God."
When III took the Lord's name in vain it sounded so sweet in comparison to your other lover. You could feel yourself getting wetter, more powerful than you ever had with him. You took their words of praise, locked them in a little safe in the back of your mind for safe keeping.
"You're lucky I don't shove your ass out of the way then." Vessel teased and III mewled with delight.
III made grabby hands at you, wiggling his fingers as he laid out on the chaise part of the couch. He wiggled, tapped and pointed towards his mouth too.
When you climbed on top of him, his arms engulfed you, bringing you chest to chest. You kissed his face over his mask, startled when he suddenly pulled the chin part of it up to his nose and kissed you for real. You whined and kissed him back harder and faster, tasting his mouth, licking inside of it. He smacked and grabbed your ass, groaning against your lips.
"You two are fuckin divine," Vessel breathed, shouldering off his robe finally, unzipping his own jeans. "Fuckin’ hell, what a sight."
You turned your head to his silky voice, watching him stroke himself.
You were in big fucking trouble.
III nipped your arm. "Want you. I want you so fucking badly. Think it'll fit? Think you can take it?"
You took a breath and held his cock, hot and ready against your pussy. Rocking against the crown, splitting your lips to ready you for him. You licked your lips and lowered down on it, your mouth instantly opening. "Fuck yes."
"Good God!" 
"Shit... a little more, love and you'll take him all the way in. That's it." Vessel cooed and pet your head, then your face. "Kiss him again."
With his heavy hand on your head you kissed III tongue first, the sounds of you two kissing had Vessel praising both of you, leaving him breathless.
III grabbed your hips, rolling and fucking up into you, breathing you in.
You and III stilled at the sudden dip of the couch.
Vessel's hand on your shoulder, his other ghosted and trailed over III's mask and vulnerable chin and mouth behind you. He lost it at that, whimpering against your cheek, a new flood of arousal coating your walls.
"Just relax pretty girl. We've got you, we got you."
"What are you--"
Vessel's thick fingers reached around your front, pressing and swirling down around your clit. "We're both gonna' fit. Just remember to breathe for us, ok?"
Holy shit. This was intense.
III's arm surged up and over your shoulder to touch Vessel, ghosting over his naked hip, gripping his bare skin.
"I've got you both. Trust me."
It was your idea to lift up, empty of III only to arch and take a deep push of Vessel. You frowned and touched III's face when Vessel pulled completely out. You both gasped when he spat. III squirmed and whined, the sudden intrusion of Vessel lining them both up against your hole, wedging their cocks inside you.
It didn't necessarily hurt, more pressure than anything and for fucks sake, you'd never felt so full in your life. 
"Fuck V! Give us a warning, holy fuck." III breathed when the frontman started to rock and move. After a few minutes of fucked out bliss, it seemed like Vessel was fucking III through your body.
He smeared his face along your spine, your shoulder, leaving wet open mouthed kisses along your neck and ear.
"Good fucking God duchess, you are absolutely soaked for us, aren't you? Can feel you really start to open up for us now, yeah? Fuck you're amazing. Isn't she?"
"Ye-yeah yeah. Positively sweet," III's eyes sparkled in an amorous way. You kissed him hard. "Can't wait to have a taste of you, sweetness."
The thought of him working his mouth on you made you keen and fuck down on them.
Limbs twisted and tangled, Vessel nipped a small, incredibly sensitive spot behind your ear before licking the shell of it. Humming and praising you with that gravely timber. He was touching you, holding onto one of your tits for stability and III did the same, using just the pad of his thumb to pebble your other nipple.
You would never recover, that much you were sure of. They were out for pain and pleasure.
On a particularly hard thrust from III your moan slipped into sex drunk chuckle. "I think she likes it."
"I'm in fuckin' heaven." You breathed, reaching back to touch Vessel's thigh, digging your nailbeds in deep.
"That's it, you fuckin' naughty thing." His hand left your breast and found a new home around your throat, turning your head to face him and receive a sloppy kiss. III moaned at that.
"You two are fuckin-- ah shit. I'm close, fuck. Give it, give it to me."
Vessel's laugh against your lips made your walls constrict.
"Just like that!" III practically yelled, digging his fingers into your thighs, alternating to your hips, changing the tortuous pace. "Fuck, 'm gonna' bust, sweetness. Fuckin' cum inside you all nice and deep. Make it stick."
"Fuck me." You hung your head and rode it out, nothing but pure pleasure and bliss was shared between the three of you. And it was worth it. "Oh you guys... aha! I'm gonna' cum."
You couldn't remember the last time you came that hard with a partner and never with two! They both rubbed their hands and mouths over your skin, groping over your sandwiched body. Vessel's chest stuck to your back like glue, III grabbed and pushed both of your breasts together as he came shortly after with a grunt of your name, stringing along a beautiful array of obscenities. 
"I've got you, I've got you both in my clutches now." Vessel's voice sounded like silk on glass next to your ear as he continued to thrust, spearing III's load all over your gummy walls. III reached out a lazy hand and Vessel took it, lacing their fingers together over your shoulder. 
Skin on skin on skin.
III leaned up for another smooch with you greedily enjoyed, smacking your spit and lips together until all you could feel and hear was Vessel shudder behind you.
Vessel couldn't stop smiling as you giggled, helped to your bedroom, wedged between them on your bed as they cleaned you up. You would certainly need to clean up that side of the couch later. III was careful of your more tender bits, being stretched out and filled, removing black grease paint of where they were.
He drummed his fingers over your arms when he was finished, molding his body to yours. His head against the side of your neck. III soon joined in the snuggle, jumping into bed and under the covers with you. He gave you another kiss before pulling his mask back down, and pet Vessel's head.
Your phone buzzed when your boys had fallen asleep, you had a feeling of who it might be and if this is how the future looked; there was no way you were gonna' give this up.
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unclewaynemunson · 7 months
It's a little past two AM when Wayne opens his lunchbox and finds himself unable to stop the smile that's creeping onto his face.
He's met with a note, in neat handwriting:
My dear Wayne, I hope you're having a good day/night at work. I made you some extra healthy sandwiches because of that cough you were worried about – I hope you like fresh tomato and lettuce. (Please don't get mad at me for trying to make you eat vegetables on your bread.) I also hid some clementines in your bag. I'll be thinking about you when I go to bed, and I can't wait to see you again in the morning. Love, S.
He startles when he hears his own name and looks up to find his colleagues looking at him with various degrees of amusement.
'Who woulda thought?' John McMillan laughs while some of the younger guys let out wolf whistles. 'Wayne Munson got himself a lady?'
'We've been working here together for almost ten years and I don't think I ever saw you smile before,' Bernie adds. 'So she wrote you a love letter to go with your sandwiches, huh?'
Wayne rubs a hand over his beard, trying to hide his inclination to hide away from all those eyes staring at him like he's something funny. He has never liked being the center of attention.
'Don't act like y'all know somethin' you don't,' he grumbles.
'Who is she?' asks Logan. 'Can't be someone from the trailer park, you never were interested in any of 'em. Found yourself a more classy one? Someone from Loch Nora who gets the hots for a working man?'
Wayne suppresses the urge to roll his eyes at him.
'You got it all wrong, boys,' he says, hoping they'll back off soon.
'Do we, now?' With a taunting smile, John McMillan plucks the note out of Wayne's hands, and starts reading it out loud to his little audience in a high-pitched, faux dramatic voice.
Wayne isn't ashamed, and he knows the teasing is mostly meant in good fun, but he feels an overwhelming relief about the fact that Scott had been smart enough to not sign the note with his full name.
'S, look at that!' McMillan exclaims triumphantly, putting the note back into Wayne's lunchbox. 'So he got a mystery lady... Guys, who do we know with names starting with an S? Any girlfriends or wives we should get worried 'bout cheating?'
There's laughter, some guesses thrown around by people thinking they're funny, but Wayne mostly lets it glide off him, the same way he'd endure their comments about Eddie back in March. Granted, this teasing is much less mean-spirited than the so-called banter back then, but he still doesn't like to get involved. The less these men know about him, the better; that's a lesson he learned a long time ago. So he eats his bread – and even a clementine – while he lets them guess and pretends to laugh with them.
When the break is over and they get up to go back to their job, Bernie matches his pace to Wayne's.
'Look, you know we've been teasing you, but we're happy for ya, man, you know that, right?' he says.
Wayne pats him on his shoulder. Bernie is a good guy. He was one of the few men around here who actually seemed concerned about Eddie when all that shit went down. As far as Wayne knows, he never chose a side back then, never came for his nephew like those guys like Logan or John McMillan, with their big mouths and narrow minds.
'All good, Bernie, thanks,' he says.
'Does she make you happy?'
The question catches him by surprise; it prompts his lips to curve into the second unexpected smile of that day.
He thinks about the way Scott looked at him before they said goodbye this evening. He thinks about the sparkle in Scott's eyes whenever he talks about his students. He thinks about the way his hands held Wayne all through the night they spent together last weekend. He thinks about his neat mustache, his soft sweater vests, his long fingers cradled around one of Wayne's mugs. He pictures the private smile that must've surely been on Scott's face, a smile nobody saw, when he filled Wayne's lunchbox with fresh veggies and a surprise note.
'Very,' he tells Bernie, before slowing down his steps to be left alone with his thoughts about the man who will be waiting for him in bed after his shift, asleep and with his hair a mess, but waking up for a second to kiss Wayne's lips like he always does.
There is nothing that makes him happier than that one hour they get to share in bed together before Scott's alarm goes off in the morning.
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biblio-smia · 3 months
Hey can we get one where Clapton has a crush on you and does anything and everything to be close to you????
oh how i love loser men
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clapton cuts through the cafeteria, throwing himself into the seat opposite sander sanderson. "dude, switch with me."
"what?" sander is caught off-guard and still mid-chew.
"physics, dude! come on, you have to switch with me!"
sander stares, eyes rolling practically to the back of his head as he catches up to what clapton is talking about. "as if you have the balls to make a move."
it's clapton's turn to roll his eyes. "you'll get to sit with riley for the rest of the semester!"
sander takes a long time to consider this; agonizingly long, at least for clapton. finally, after sander has finished another bite of his disgusting tuna salad sandwich, he sighs.
"fine. but don't think you don't owe me, davis."
the next day, clapton slides smoothly into his new, fought-for seat next to you.
you do a small double-take, sure the boy sitting next to you today isn't the same one from last time - though you two didn't talk much (save for a brief introduction and an awkward handshake). it was easier to believe your mind was playing tricks on you.
"sander has a thing for riley. so i let him switch with me." the boy, definitely new, tells you with a nonchalant shrug. there's vague recognition on your face as you look at him, eyebrows pulled slightly together - you remember he had a funny name.
"clapton davis," he fills in for you. "your new physics partner."
he doesn't hold out a stiff hand like sander did, but he manages to pull a smile and a little introduction out of you. the bell rings and mr. kendall is prompt, jumping into today's lesson so quickly you rush to pull out your notebook.
clapton smiles to himself, table in front of him empty, not a pencil in sight for him. he's too busy stealing glances at you to do any note-taking.
it only takes a few days before clapton decides it's time to make a game plan. the charm he usually prides himself disappears around you, his mind always going blank. he has to think about his words carefully before he says them, three times each.
that won't do. he reminds himself of what he's always done. keep calm and have a casual conversation.
"no way, i have that exact same pen!" clapton exclaims one day before class.
you look down in front of you, recalling what pen you had brought to class that day - it's a bic pen, the most generic one out there. this pulls a laugh out of you, as stupid as it is.
"you know, clapton, in the two weeks we've been sitting next to each other, i've never once seen you take out a pen."
"you've been keeping track?" clapton says with an easy smile, his heart stammering wildly in his chest. he's closed the distance, arm on the table supporting his head as he stares, attention dedicated solely to you.
you roll your eyes but there's a smile on your face. "you can always look over them, if you want," you offer, directing clapton's attention to the open notebook in front of you. "not to brag, but i'm a pretty good note-taker."
"i'd like that," clapton admits, surprising himself with how much he means it.
"okay," you nod, trying not to grin.
"would you wanna have lunch in the library with me?" clapton asks, eager to set a time and date to... look over your notes?
"sure," you manage to say just before the bell rings.
clapton doesn't get another opportunity to talk to you for the entire class period; it's quiz day.
he finishes his quiz in seven minutes flat, bubbling in C for all the questions before putting his head down. the quiet cocoon clapton has built with his arms at least gives him at least another 45 minutes or so to sit and reflect.
a part of clapton is pissed with himself for asking you to study with him out of all things. usually, the courage to ask someone on a date would never suddenly flee him like it does with you and it's beginning to throw clapton in for a loop. though, on the other hand, at least he made it work with the opportunity that had presented itself... right?
and now, of all things, clapton is beginning to feel insecure about the grades he hasn't kept up with since about middle school. he wonders if you'd paid attention to how quickly he turned in that quiz. did you only offer to help him because you thought he was stupid?
clapton's beginning to lose his head (and run out of air), so he picks his head up and places it on top of his arms instead. he glances at you, just now going to turn in your quiz, and he sighs.
in an hour and a half, the two of you will meet for lunch and clapton would look over your notes. he can already see himself faltering; there's no way he'll be able to impress you in this situation.
as you turn to head back to your seat, clapton averts his eyes. he's set himself up for complete failure.
and, as a part of him wonders why exactly he cares, clapton drops his head again as he realizes.
he totally has a big fat crush on you.
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
a while back I mentioned The Muppets Sex and Violence pilot and seeing as most people haven't seen it I wanted to bullet point out some of the insanity in it for everyone
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This was the second pilot produced, with The Muppets Valentine Show being the first
The entire thing USED to be freely available on YouTube but Disney decided a pilot from 1975 that you can't watch on Disney+ anyway was losing them money so I had to cobble these notes together via memory and YouTube clips
The setup is a bit different from the actual show. There's no guest star (this idea was instead used for the aforementioned first pilot), there's very little backstage story and more focus on unconnected skits
There's no background music throughout most of it and pacing is sluggish at best, leaving periods of silence behind. about halfway through you WILL start to wonder if you're in Muppet Purgatory
Instead of Kermit the host is a guy named Nigel. I'll probably make a separate post on him later but for right now all you need to know is that he has the personality of wet cardboard and looks like he wants to lie down and take a nap 24/7 which like. same
For some reason the main three characters are Nigel, Sam the Eagle, and Floyd(???). Kermit shows up for like 30 seconds
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Crazy Harry is in. the ceiling??
Animal is there but he's literally so feral he's kept locked in a dungeon that they have in the conference room (as you do)
Janice has a line and sounds absolutely nothing like herself (as Fran Brill is her performer here instead of Richard Hunt)
There's a wiseman in the backstage area and nothing about him is ever explained. they're just like "oh and that's our wiseman"
The seven deadly sins are there. that sounds like a joke but it's not
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Their version of Lust is a Muppet made entirely of tongues that flirts with the female secretary then proceeds to say "love you, sweetheart" to Nigel after giving him a full-body look-over. To date this is unironically the best depiction of Lust I have ever seen
Actually a few of the sins have cool abstract designs. for example, Vanity is a literal vanity desk and Avarice is a cash register
Their proposal for an eight deadly sin is "wearing funny pants to a funeral"
at least one of the female Muppets that Kermit briefly dances with looks like This
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There's a sketch just called "Aggression" that's done entirely in gibberish and about halfway through I wondered if I was having a stroke
There's also a sketch involving living pencils and puns
The Electric Mayhem perform a song and it's just straight up 90% innuendo
Statler and Waldorf have a few scenes but they're just sitting in a room instead of heckling and come across like they're Literally Dying
at one point the grandfather clock in the background stops ticking and Statler just says "either that clock is stopped or we've just died" and that's the last we see of them
The Swedish Chef segment has Chinese subtitles under it and honestly that kind of makes it funnier
also at the end of the segment the Chef takes out a blunderbuss and shoots a sandwich with it
During the credits the camera pulls back to reveal all the Muppet performs running around. Disney would NEVER
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Sloth shows up fifteen minutes late with Starbucks
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peeweekey · 2 months
i visited idiot street and everyone knew your name!
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part i, part ii, part iii
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a/n: i wrote this for valentines last month and only got around posting it now, here you go!
synopsis: the three times you friendzoned Alhaitham, and the one he made damn sure you didn't.
tags: alhaitham/reader ; childhood friends to lovers ; school setting ; valentine's day special ; reader likes sewing
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“S–sorry! These are for you!”
A breathy utterance, the girl speaking is shy and completely red in the face, while holding out the pink paper bag like an offering to some higher being—and maybe to her, he is.
You swear you can almost hear the cheesy background music that television shows play with these types of scenes, you lean in as much as your desk will let you and strain to hear his response. Gripping the wood of your desk tight. Some of your other classmates are tuning in too, drama hungry vultures they are, you can feel the buzzing energy of anticipation waiting for his answer.
Without missing a beat, he offers her a shallow nod of his head.
…and another one bites the dust.
Slumping back in your chair, you gaze at a disheartening confession scene from your seat across the room, picking idly at your sandwich’s crust, sighing to yourself and for the poor girl that has been plainly rejected by Alhaitham.
The whole class either lets out sounds of disappointment—they only wish that once Alhaitham is off market, they’d have their chance, though you doubt it—or loud sighs of relief—aka, those who, too, wish to make themselves known to him. They all don’t register much to you though. All you can see is her crushed expression.
He isn’t even looking at her for goodness sake. Poor girl.
Valentine’s day is not only a day of cheesy confessions and plush teddy bears and chocolate (though you especially enjoy those), for those lonely souls without a valentine it is the perfect day for witnessing the drama unfold. It’s like watching a telenovela in real time.
Alhaitham is that telenovela’s perfect lead.
He’s breathtakingly handsome even as he delivers the driest response to whatever-her-name’s confession. His gray-silver hair tumbles artfully on his head and glints as the afternoon sun outside hits just right. The aquamarine of his eyes are enrapturing and absolutely intense as he stares down his new goodie bag.
It’s a little silly to see such a stoic man gripping heartsy pink gift bags that are filled with the high quality chocolate you can only dream of. His marble-carved physique and top tier face makes up for it though, it makes it all the more endearing to you. You understand wholeheartedly why he’s such a magnet for so much romantic attention. Not that you’d fall victim to it yourself.
You find yourself unable to conceal the way your lips turn upwards in amusement, a little cruel knowing the situation. Taking a generous bite of your sandwich, you laugh to yourself quietly (honestly, you’re making it seem like you’re not all there).
“What’s so funny?”
Summoned by your laugh—or the thought that you are laughing at him, for some not-so-crazy reason—he stands tall in front of your desk.
You’ve known him since your bratty elementary school phases, you’ve fought, pulled at each other’s hair but you consider Alhaitham to be your closest and oldest friend. Before he was a stunning romantic magnet, he was an insufferable book worm in junior high.
When you started exploring your interest in sewing and fashion design, he was by your bed and bluntly critiquing any piece you’d show him. You have come a long way since then, having become an integral member of the fashion design club.
You crane your neck to look at him, giving him a lazy grin, you kick blindly at his shins from underneath the table in an attempt to draw some form of reaction (though he doesn’t even bat an eye).
“Nothing, nothing,” you wave him off, speaking through a mouthful of peanut butter and jelly. “As long as you’re on the market, there won’t be enough for the rest of us.”
He gives you a look, though you can’t take it as seriously, he’s still holding all those valentines. “Irrelevant. Your sense of humor needs fixing, not even Cyno would find you entertaining.”
“First off, I do not appreciate all this sass.”
His lips twitch. “I had quite the persistent teacher.”
This time, you flat out laugh at him. “Whatever,” you snort. “Anyway, you should consider taking up acting. Pretty boys like you will have people salivating like starving wolves.”
He pauses and just stares at you, it’s a little peculiar and totally out of character for him, you tilt your head in confusion.
“Pretty boy?”
You almost choke on your sandwich, bringing a fist to your mouth through coughs. Out of everything you said, that’s what he chooses to focus on?
“Uhm, yeah,” you mutter, laughing sheepishly, and suddenly feeling out of place. Internally, you cringe at yourself. “Have you ever looked in a mirror or something?”
Once the words tumble out of your mouth, you feel the heat of mortification crawling up on the expanse of your skin. Oh my god, do you ever stop talking?
Alhaitham says nothing, he stares you down with the intensity increased by tenfold. If anything, the expression on his flawless face looks displeased.
“I meant platonically, of course,” you blather on, pointedly avoiding eye contact. The table looks especially interesting as of the moment. “I mean—I would never—”
He puts his free hand up, sharply stopping you from going further on your flustered tangent. Something you are all too well acquainted with, Alhaitham does not have much patience for dalliances. Immediately, your jaw locks shut—you’d rather not start a fight with him if you wanted to mooch off all the valentines chocolate he received.
You take another big bite of your sandwich.
You roll your eyes, mumbling. “Okay, whatever. Don’t be a pretty boy, then. As long as I get a share of your chocolate, it’s whatever you want.”
“I didn’t say anything about that,” he deadpans. In his arms, the goodie bags shift as he moves closer.
A small plastic-wrapped chocolate box is dropped inelegantly on your table, resounding with a heavy thump. It’s pink and smells heavily of chocolate and cinnamon. Your eyes widen at the pleasant surprise—but more importantly, the price. A crazed smile curls from your lips, and you clutch the chocolates to your chest.
You gasp. “Oh my—fuck! Haitham, these are like a thousand mora a box!”
Alhaitham raises a perfectly arched brow. “Is that so? I should get it back then.”
Even if you’re pretty sure he’s only messing with you, your hold around the chocolates tightens into a death grip. You turn your chest away from him, shielding the box away from his view.
“That’s too bad,” you sing-song. “No take backs.”
A smug smile tugs at his lips before it completely melts away—the thing that growing up with a boy so ungenerous with his expressions makes these small moments all the more special.
“Then I’ll just have to keep the rest of these for myself.”
“Haitham, no! You promised to share—”
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personwhowrites · 9 months
Cw: Fluff just pure fluff between the group
Task Force 141 x platonic gn!Reader maybe some Simon Ghost Riley x gn!Reader, John Soap Mactavish x gn!Reader.
You sat in the car, the smell of smoke, blood and mud stained the inside of the car. Price was driving the car, Gaz sat in the passenger seat, while you were squeezed between Ghost and Soap, the wet mud their skin not making it any better. You wanted to sit by the window but Ghost first got in the car, then you but Soap complained that he wanted the window seat, and with your heart of gold you agreed and let Soap take the window seat, unaware of the wet mud on his arms and Ghost’s.
“How much longer?” You ask, looking at the road ahead. “I don't like sitting in the middle..no offense guys.”
“We would have been at the safe house by now.. If someone didn’t blow up the damn car.” Gaz speaks up before looking at Price who frowned at his comment. “How the fuck did you blow the car? Is that like Soap thing to do?”
“I couldn’t see.” Price replies and lets out an annoyed groan.”I see traffic”
“Traffic?” Soap says peering over Price's shoulder pushing you into Ghost's last personal space he had. “Oh wow yeah..”
“Johnny if you don’t sit down and stop pushing them to me I will make you sit down properly.” Ghost mumbles before looking at you with more annoyance. “And you, don’t let Soap push you around.”
“Easy for you to say, you aren’t in the middle..” You reply as Price stops the car in a small traffic jam. “God why is this place so packed now? When we came this way in the morning it wasn’t like this.”
“I don’t even wanna question it..” Gaz says and looks over at you before cracking a smile. “You're getting sandwiched very well huh?”
“If you didn’t call shotgun before me..you would be in my place.” you reply and flip him off as Price turns his head over to you. “It’s already hard being hurt…now I gotta deal with being squeezed.”
“Just relax, we will be at the safe house soon.” Price replies and looks at you. “It’s strange seeing you being squeezed like this.”
“Only thing we need is Soap acting like a three-year-old.” Ghost remarks and looks at Soap who's grinning now. “..Don’t you dare..”
“Oh I shall dare..” Soap replies before taking a deep breath. “Price, I'm hungry, whe do we get to the safe house? I'm bored Price, Price..”
“Why did you even give him any ideas, Ghost..” Gaz groans and turns to face the road. “This line will take forever to move.”
“Just give it some time..” Price says trying to ignore Soap blabbering. “Someone shut Soap up before I do.”
Soap stops talking and looks out the window, to see a couple of kids looking at him. Price sighs and rubs his eyes with one hand, before rubbing his face. Gaz takes his phone out and looks at some text messages. Meanwhile Ghost just.. stares out the road, looking at the color and license of other cars. There was an awkward silence before Gaz phone played loud sound, everyone turned to him wanting an explanation on what on earth was that sound.
“What? Can’t a man listen to a video in peace?” Gaz comments and looks back at his phone before cracking a smile. “Stupid chicken..”
“God, you're gonna become like Price with that type of humor Gaz.” You comment looking over his shoulder. “How is a chicken running after another chicken funny?”
“You just won't understand, your humor is worse than Ghosts..” Gaz mumbles and looks at you now. “You laughed over a slice falling over last week..”
“How is that not funny?!” You exclaim and look at him with some annoyance. “You people don’t understand humor.”
“You laughed over some bread?” Soap questions your humor. “Who in the bloody hell laughs at some bread falling over?.”
“People with humor!” You reply and turn to Soap. “You laugh at Ghost awful jokes..”
“Okay why are you and Gaz dragging my name into this.” Ghost comments turning his head to you. “Do I humor you all or something? Do I need to be harsher? Is that what you both need to stop involving my name.”
“Hey at least you don’t have to put your phone close to your face to read big ass letters.” You say looking at Price who stares at you confused. “What?”
“What do you mean by that..” Price says now turning half his body to you. “You're attacking everyone huh?”
“Aw, come on, I'm not just commenting on the obvious.” You state and give him a warm smile. “You act like one of those dads that would be proud after cutting their grass perfectly.”
“I can see this actually..” Gaz comments looking at Price and smiles. “Bet you put your hands on your hips and sigh deeply taking in the sight of the perfectly cut grass.”
“He wears a different hat, like he has multiple hats for different needs.” Soap adds looking at Price with a smile. “Yep I definitely see it..”
“You three leave the captain alone.”Ghost says, looking at Price and then out the window. “It’s obvious he would never take that bloody hat off for anything.”
“Hold on, did Ghost just…comment on Price?” You say with an amused smile. “Never thought he would do such a thing.”
"There's a lot of things you don’t know about me.” Ghost replies and gives you a slight side eye. “You remind me of dog.”
“Huh?” You blurt and look at Ghost slightly annoyed. “What do you mean by that Ghost.”
“I see it.. Maybe like a chihuahua or pomeranian..” Price says looking at your face. “Or golden retriever.”
“It depends on their mood sometimes.” Soap adds grabbing your face. “But i see mix of chihuahua and pomeranian.”
“Are you guys seriously comparing me to angry dogs?” You mumble looking as Soap as his palms rest on your cheeks. “Why do such a thing?”
“Why compare our humor?” Price questions you and Soap lets go of your face. “Why question the hat I wear and Gaz's humor?”
You stay silent and look at him with a dead serious look and sigh knowing he is right. You were bored that’s all, the traffic hasn’t moved an inch and the blazing afternoon sun hit the windows of the car. Price looked back at the traffic and let out an annoyed sigh. He definitely wasn’t pleased with this nor were the others. Gaz turns his attention back to his phone, which makes you take yours out. Ghost glances over, he sees the password and looks away. Soap glances over as you open a game on your phone.
“What are you playing?” Soap asks now more in your personal space.”I never knew you liked games.”
“Uh, just some random game I found while watching youtube. The ad got me to download it since it seemed good.” You reply and focus your attention on the game. “It’s called Cry Of Divine.. or COD. I'm playing the mobile version but there is a computer and console game.”
“What’s it about? Is it popular?” Soap asks while taking out his phone. “Where can I get it?”
“Your play store?” You say confused and see Gaz downloading it too. “It’s multiplayer, and there are tons of different modes and events for limited items.” You pause and look at your phone. “It’s really fun and you play with many high ranked players.. You can work with people or work alone, it doesn't really matter.”
“What's your username?” Gaz asks wanting to play with you while Soap downloads the game. “I'll add you so we can pass time..”
You give Gaz your username, Soap soon joins in the fun. Price advanced the car slightly, the traffic was still heavy and he was bored. Ghost looked at you and Soap played the game, it was just a shooting game, but it seemed fun. Ghost leaned back on his seat and took his phone out, feeling foolish he elbowed you. You turned to Ghost as he offered his phone for you to add yourself. You didn’t question it and added him. Soon he joined the party and Price looked over.
“Are you all playing?” Price asks, raising a brow. “First time I see grown adults play together in a packed car to pass time.”
“How the bloody fuck did they shoot me though a wall with a damn sniper riffle!” Gaz blurts out shaking his head. “This is so bitch ass.”
“Got them! Up to your left Ghost, you can knife them with the mellevee in your second slot.” You say moving your fingers quickly on your screen. “Soap sniper behind you.”
“Got them” They both reply to your call outs as Price smiles a bit.
“So it’s a game about our jobs technically?” Price asks looking over at Gaz phone. “But you respawn huh?”
“Yep, you should join us captain, then there you can also be our captain.” Soap comments looking up from his phone. “It’s actually really fun.”
Price hesitates for a couple minutes before agreeing, soon all of you are playing the game. ‘Cry of Divine Mobile’. The traffic soon moved and you played for Price yourself, which honestly surprised you. Ghost was getting slightly angry on how he kept dying and his shooting wasn’t perfect as in actual life. Soap on the other hand learned how to get the hang of things and even showed you some tricks he created himself. Ghost looked up from his phone to you, his gaze softened. Price looked at Ghost, through the mirror and questioned his gaze towards you. The car slowly began to move, it seemed like the traffic jam was becoming undone slowly. You looked up from your phone, then glanced over at the cars in front of you. Price gives you a smile though the rear mirror and you smile back. Soap yawned and rubbed his yes, he was ether bored or tired.
“Can one of you wake me up when we get to the safe house?” Soap asked with a yawn and lean against the door. “I would appreciate that.”
“We will..” You reply with your own yawn, before sitting back properly in the middle seat. “Think I might join Soap in his nap.”
“You go ahead, I will make sure to wake you two up.” Price replies and glances over at Gaz who’s also fell asleep. “I will make sure you three wake up..”
You nodded and closed your eyes, you slightly lean to Soap, his head rested on the window. You slowly began to nod your head, showing you needed to sleep. Ghost glance over and shifted in his seat, he didn’t want you to lean on him. Soap shifted in his seat and yawned. You joined his yawn and lean against him. Soap didn’t mind it and put his arm around your neck, giving you some support. Ghost looked over and narrowed his gaze, before Price cleared his throat.
“They do need support and probably somewhere comfortable to sleep..” Price says and looks at the busy road. “They need space, and a warm space..”
Ghost knew what Price was talking about, he turned you and yanked you to his lap. You woke up quickly to the yank and stared at Ghost with great concern. Price chuckled as your heart raced, Ghost stared at you with some annoyance.
“Go to sleep, ill wake you up.” Ghost mumbles in his cold tone. “Just go to sleep.”
You nod awkwardly and rest your head on his chest, you hear his heart beating fast. You looked at Ghost, who was looking out the window. An arm wrapped around you for support, slowly you closed your eyes and felt that both of his hands wrapped around you like a casual hug. One you would properly never feel again. Price now sighs in some relief and looks at Ghost giving a nod of approval to rest up. Ghost leans his own head on the back of the seat and closes his eyes, his arms still tightly around you. Soap soon leans over to Ghost arms, and somehow manages to lay down and put his head on your lap. Gaz meanwhile is happily sleeping and leaning on the chair, the seatbelt keeping him safe. Price drives though the traffic jam making sure you all rest up.
Traffic is something no one expected that it would lead you all to become closer than needed. Traffic is something that made you realize maybe there was something more than friendship with Ghost..maybe even something more with Soap. Traffic, something that made you…happy to see each time when you were with them all.
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: Yall know that tiktok sound that goes “My life is the crown, and yours is politics, and I will not trade one prison for another. I’m sorry I looked at Mrs Riley and lightly grazed her left tit.” That’s literally me writing thoughts/ descriptive paragraphs vs writing dialogue. Anyways lol. Not Proofread so excuse typos and gramatical errors, excuse If Miguel is ooc.
(Y/N)- Your name
Cursing, using of cannabis, mentions of throwing up (like nothing serious, but thought I’d mention it.) Miguel being a jerk, (Y/N) being a jealous jealous jealous girrrrl (read that I’m your head like in the unreleased Lana del ray song.)
Word count: 1.3k
Serious Masterlist
Chapter 10: Do I wanna know, if this feelin’ flows both ways?
“What a fucking asshole!” You hissed under your breath.
“Maybe you shouldn’t have ignored him for 3 weeks.” Kate snickered as she playfully hit your shoulder, you just shot her a small glare, causing her smile to widen.
“Not funny.” You huffed, tone still quiet, crossing your arms on the dining hall table, and resting your head in your arms.
“Aww, poor (Y/N)..” Logan jokingly cooed, as he began to rub your shoulder from where he sat next to you.
From the other side of the uni’s dining hall, sat Miguel with some of his teammates from the hockey team, which wasn’t what upset you. What did upset you was what he had sitting in his lap, or rather, who. On Miguel’s lap, sat some cute blonde from your English class, she was a pretty little thing for sure, you couldn’t deny that, and even though you knew you had no right to feel the tightness building in your chest, had no right to feel your whole body get hot all over like you could combust into flames at any moment, didn’t mean you didn’t still feel it.
You wanted to find yourself disliking her for something that wasn’t her fault, maybe in an attempt to make yourself feel better about the situation, give yourself a reason to shift the blame onto something, or rather someone else. But despite your best efforts, you know you couldn’t bring yourself to dislike her, you didn’t even know her name, and the thought of hating another girl because of a man? You couldn’t. And much less the man being Miguel??? No way.
You let out a sigh and slowly lifted your head up and took a bite of your food in front of you, trying to zone in onto the conversation that Kate and Logan were having, but you could only do so for a few seconds at a at most. Finding your eyes drifting to Miguel’s table from time to time, a glimpse of him wrapping his arms around her waist here, a peak of him lightly kissing her neck there, it made you feel sick to your stomach. Wanting to make you puke the half of your sandwich you’ve eaten. Your lucky you were too far to hear the girl’s giggling or Miguel whispers in her ear, you felt like if you could have hear them as well as see, you’d have to leave the building in order to keep yourself from getting too-
“Jealous?” Logan’s word’s snapped you out of your thoughts, you let out a hum as you turned to face him, seeing the knowing smirk on his face. “He’s probably trying to just make you jealous.” He shrugged, but Kate’s face scrunched up in disagreement.
“Or maybe he got tired of you ignoring him and he moved on.” Kate said, popping a fry in her mouth. Logan gave her a questionable look, one that almost looked like he was asking her “you seriously think that?”.
“Can we not talk about this anymore? I’m already too busy this month to think about some hockey player.” You spat out last words that came of your mouth like they were poisonous, and although Logan agreed with your hatred for hockey players, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes a bit at your dramatics.
“I’ll see you later honey~”
Miguel had to stop himself from cringing, as he opened the girls car door for him, “you too.” He mumbled back with a half-ass smile, as she got in, before he closed her car door and she drove off. “Finally…” he sighed as he rubbed his forehead.
Maybe Miguel shouldn’t have picked a girl that was so clingy to try and make (Y/N) Jealous, but it’s too late now since you’ve already seen him with her around campus, so there was no going back. Okay, that’s a lie, he could totally dump her, but he was too stubborn. He’s thought about it, but then he’d think about how it would make that pretty little face of yours scrunch together in annoyance whenever he’d kiss the blonde on her neck, or how you’d not-so-obviously be glaring at him from across a room whenever he’d rest his hands on the girl’s hips. What was the girl’s name again? He’s been seeing her for a week and he still can’t remember, he should have written it down on a sticky note or something.
I mean he really didn’t care about her, all he cared about was you. He knew he was being a major A-hole, but in all fairness, when wasn’t he?
Once Miguel reaches his dorm, he opens the door to find Peter laying on the floor, a blunt between his lips, and the room covered in smoke, the pungent smell of Cannabis filling the small cramped room despite the window being open and the two lit candles on the nightstand. Miguel quickly steps into the room and closes the door behind him, before fixing the towel Peter had pushed up against the crack between the floor and the edge of the door, to prevent too much of the smell from leaking out.
“How long are you gonna keep this up?” Peter asked as he took a long drag from the blunt, his bloodshot eyes slowly wandered over to meet Miguel’s. Miguel didn’t need to ask Peter about what he was referring to. Miguel opted to stay silent instead, kicking his shoes off and placing them next to the door, before walking over to sit on the floor, leaning against his bed as Peter sat up and took the joint from between his lips into his hand and offered it Miguel would gladly accept it.
Taking a deep inhale, he felt the smoke fill his lungs as they felt like they were being lit a flame, being a hand up to his chest to help soothe the temporary burning sensation as he coughs a bit, puffs of smoke leaving his chapped lips, before he instinctively licked them. After a few more moments of silence that felt longer than it should have, Peter spoke up again.
“You both are acting like a bunch of middle schoolers.” He stated as he took the blunt back from Miguel.
“You don’t know what your talking about, your fucking high Parker. Literally.” Miguel shook his head as he sat back more against his bed, feeling the effects of the joint already start to take effect on his body.
“I don’t need to be sober to see that both of you are into each other, but both of you are too stubborn to say anything.” Peter deadpans.
“Can’t we have this conversation when we aren’t getting stone?”
“If we didn’t you would get too angry.”
Miguel let out a huff, knowing Peter wasn’t wrong. He took the blunt from Peter’s hand and took another hit. If he was gonna have have this conversation right now, he needed to be really fucking high.
“Miguel, as your best friend, and your dorm mate,” Peter places a hand on Miguel’s shoulder, “I want to tell you this in the most honest but respectful way, okay?” Peter raised a brow as he waited for some sort of response from Miguel, which he got in the form of a head nob. “You’re being a fucking idiot. Stop acting like a high school fuck boy that plays mind games and just talk to her. I get you don’t believe in ‘talking about feelings’ or whatever. But you can’t just mess with her and expect shit to sort itself out.” Miguel looked at Peter with a confused look, wondering we’re all of this sudden wisdom came from, maybe it was the wee- “wanna order McDonald’s?” Peter asked with a shit-eating grin, causing Miguel to let out a heavy sigh. That’s the Peter he knows.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @migueloharaspookiebear @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch @darksidescorner @sukioyakio
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