skeletonpandas · 26 days
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imaginebetterfutures · 4 months
2023 Wins
I am very bad at celebrating personal successes (big and small). I tend to simply think “oh well, it’s not that big of a deal, on to the next” instead of letting myself be proud. To combat that, this year I started a tab in my master work/life AirTable to document wins. Here are some of them:
Was nominated for a Daytime Emmy.
Did not check my email on vacation! (This is a big deal for me.)
Quit my WIRED gig to make space for other work (art, fiction, etc).
Joined an art studio to have more space and tools to make things.
Dropped art history class that I wasn’t loving instead of struggling through it.
Got a new book agent who I love.
Squatted 200 lbs. Deadlifted 265 lbs.
Was a Finalist for a Third Coast Award for Welcome to Vanguard Estates.
Had a really successful writing retreat.
Sent my book agent the first 50 pages of my in progress novel.
Sold a huge project I have been pitching for five years!!! (Fuck now I have to do it.)
Learned how to blow glass.
Made some art I’m genuinely proud of.
Hit my “one year of powerlifting regularly” mark.
Got rid of a bunch of old clothes that no longer fit me because now I am swole, and only felt medium bad about it.
Wrote first draft of a short story that I'm genuinely excited about.
Got a another short story optioned for TV development. (If you're a Time Traveler Club member you can read the story!)
Learned how to forage seaweed and identify lichens.
Started volunteering at Creative Growth and learning ASL.
Got really involved in my union, and helped to write our AI Platform.
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I just made two Very Important Medical Appointments. Yesterday, I attended and then made One Very Important Legal Appointment. With help, I otherwise have two other Very Important Medical Appointments coming up.
I'm so tired and autistic and adult.
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drasadonbrown · 3 months
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“Remind children that their successes and failures are not representations of their worth.” ~ Dr. Asa Don Brown
#Remind #children #that #their #successes #and #failures #are #not #representations #of #their #worth. #asadonbrown #YourDigitalFormula
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mxactivist · 2 years
Some statistics on Mx in the UK
I recently submitted a Freedom of Information request to HMRC (Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, they handle taxes in the UK) to find out how many people use various titles.
I had two goals:
To find out a minimum number for how many people in the UK are using the title Mx;
To find out how the number of people using Mx compares to the number of people using other titles.
HMRC provided data from the two largest sets of data they had: self-assessed tax returns, and PAYE (pay as you earn) tax. (Note that these two sets of data don’t contain everyone in the UK, and a small proportion of people are probably in both sets. HMRC also told me that the “other” category contains typos.)
Here’s their response:
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Tumblr doesn’t let me add alt text but you can see the full table here on Google Sheets.
The blue rows highlight titles that are represented by a greater percentage of people than in the other dataset. So, for example, the title Mr is represented by more people in the self-assessed dataset (60%) than in the PAYE dataset (47%). (This visually helps more when you view the tables side-by-side instead of one and then the other underneath, which is another Tumblr issue.) I did this to see at-a-glance patterns between gender, marital status, and qualifications relating to tax type. Dr, Mr and Mrs are all larger proportions in the self-assessed group compared to PAYE, and I think that may relate not to qualifications or marital status or relative privilege, but to age - as people age they become more likely to have acquired doctorates and spouses, and they also become less likely to pay tax through PAYE.
There were much higher proportions of people claiming the titles Miss, Ms and Mx in the PAYE group.
It seems that there are at least 7,000 people in the UK using the title Mx in a “legal” (tax-related) capacity. In the grand scheme of things this is a very small percentage, but if I imagine a group of 7,000 nonbinary and otherwise genderly interesting people I find it quite heartening! Hello, everyone. :)
(I feel that I should mention at this point that this data is NOT representative of the proportion or number of nonbinary people in the UK.)
I’m sure that as Mx becomes more well-known these numbers will increase. I may request this information from HMRC again at several future dates to see if any rough trends can be identified.
If you’re out there and you’re in the UK and paying tax and your title is Mx and you didn’t know that you can register your title as Mx with HMRC, I hope this serves to inform you that it’s possible.
Edit to add responses:
gnotknormal said:
This is cool. I'd be interested if you could find the info from the DVLA as I'm Mx on my driving licence. Mainly because I requested it myself, when it came to my last employed job my employer didn't even ask me. I said I was a man and they put "Mr" by default, so I feel like there would be more representation in things like driving licence. Just a theory though.
I did consider the DVLA, so yes, I’ll put that on my to-do list!
notacirrhosismachineanymore said:
I think the PAYE data is severely skewed by employers. I'm non binary, AFAB, and my tax is done by a HR department I have neversspoken to, who saw my name and assumed Mr. My preferred is no title, and I definitely never put one on any form. I expect there are a lot of genderqueer people in that situation, or something similar. If your employers HR system only allows an M or F, you would have to shout very loudly at people you don't work with, to get that info updated.
Really good points. I definitely think there are more than 7,000 people who use Mx, and I’d very much encourage people to make sure their title is logged correctly with employers and HMRC.
Edit again: I have now made FOI requests to the DVLA and the DWP. Click the links to view my requests on What Do They Know.
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resolvedbrunette · 5 months
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Begging to not have a post-sunset slump today since I didn't get out of bed until 1PM today. Yikes and gee willikers but y'know what? The clothes are in the wash. I showered, washed and detangled my hair, and got dressed. I fed myself. Things are getting done.
Now to "steal" hot chocolate from the complex's pre-finals study break party in the clubhouse.
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fieriframes · 1 year
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starspun · 1 year
Bruh… turns out focusing on self-concept really works and NO, I will not stop talking about this lmao
I’ve decided to just go ham and start manifesting shit for fun hahah so one of the things I had down was that I’ll get attention from a random guy. Didn’t care who, could be someone I used to know and haven’t talked to in awhile, could be a new guy, whatever.
This guy I’ve been mutuals with on Twitter for probably over a year, we’ve @ replied each other before only a few times, and today I replied to a tweet of his and he DM’d me for the first time and is flirting with me now and asked for my number like WHAT.
And SP is being more affectionate and chatty with me again.
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thedisablednaturalist · 3 months
Im fucking sobbing looking at the new black footed cat at Utah's Hogle zoo
Shes just a fucking baby
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Baby with a 60% successful kill rate
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thegreenhalf · 13 days
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They're going crazy on LinkedIn
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War, a very short story
View On WordPress
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mxactivist · 2 years
FOI request, DVLA, on Mx
I recently posted with the results of the freedom of information (FOI) request I made to the UK’s HMRC (government tax department), where I learned that around 7,000 people in the UK use the title Mx on their tax records.
Following that, I did two more FOI requests. One is to the DWP, and that one isn’t yet finished. [Edit 2022-09-07: The DWP have confirmed that no Universal Credit records contain the title Mx, and that the Universal Credit application form does not have Mx available as a title option.]
The other was to the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency), the department that (among other things) issues driving licenses, and that one is now complete. It’s a snapshot of all records on 25 June 2022, and after tidying up the data a little bit, it looks like this:
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Tumblr doesn’t let me do alt text, so people who want to read this table with a screenreader can do so on the Google Sheet here.
So that’s 944 people with the title Mx on their DVLA record in the UK.
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resolvedbrunette · 5 months
Ok boyos here is updated list
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Off to watch my movie and straighten my hair
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devsgames · 3 months
I saw someone be like "It's still as good a time as ever to take a risk and make your indie game into a breakout success, just look at Lethal Company!"
Let's just be clear that "massively unpredictable viral success making an ungodly amount of money" does not equal "realistic and attainable benchmark" for almost any other indie dev.
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[Pink salt here. Brings out that nice ruby-red color that we like. Okay. His dreams were so big and his successes so small. And then drop the brisket. Word.]
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starspun · 1 year
I’ve been really buckling down on staying in the state of the wish fulfilled (and generally changing my dominant state) for the last handful of days and sometimes it feels really easy and natural and other times I feel like I’m having to self-correct often and getting frustrated and impatient. I was feeling that this morning and listened to an affirmation tape, thinking of my SP, and immediately after the video finished, he messaged me.
AND he flirted with me for the first time in a little over a week. 🥰
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