#stabbed her husband to death ok <3
possumsquat · 3 months
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Tarot card of Anna Maria
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themultifandomgal · 4 months
Jay Halstead- All My Fault
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Trigger warnings- hospital, passing out, blood clot on the brain, near death
4 hours, just 4 hours left of my 12 hour shift left. I can do this.
For the last few days I’ve felt like I’m catching the flu but when I woke up this morning I felt so much worse and it’s only getting worse as the day goes by. If this was the start of my shift I would have gone home, but I’m so close to being done and then I have 4 days off to recover. So I’m going to power through the last hours.
“Feeling any better?” I hear my husbands voice. I look up at squint at the brightness off the lights, but I notice Jay looking down at me
“Why don’t you head home? We’re just doing paperwork” I glare at my partner, Adam
“Don’t jinx it” I groan making Jay chuckle
“In all serious babe I’ll take you home”
“No I’ll be fine” I give Jay a weak smile then return back to my paper work
“At least take some painkillers”
“Fine” I slowly stand up, but Jay places his hand on my shoulder and pushes me back down in my seat
“I’ll get them. You stay put” I give Jay a thankful smile. I look at my computer, but have to blink a few times as my vision blurs, probably due to this migraine that I’m having.
“How long has this migraine been bothering you?” Erin asks concerned
“Have had it a couple days now, just today it seems to be worse”
“Here” Jay comes back with some painkillers, a water bottle and a cereal bar “try and drink all of that and eat this. Might help. If your still not well tomorrow I’ll call Will to come over” I roll my eyes at Jay, but instantly regret it as the pain behind my eyes feels like I’m being stabbed. I take the pills and drink half the bottle then open up the cereal bar.
Finally my shift ends, Jay has another couple of hours, so Adam drops me off home
“You sure your going to be alright?”
“Yeah. I’m just going to have a bath try and eat some toast then head off to bed”
“Ok, but if you get worse please ring me and I’ll come over until Jay gets home”
“Thanks. See you” I wave goodbye and close the passenger side door, get my keys out of my bag and unlock my door. I give Adam one last wave and close the door behind me. Sighing I drop my bag on the floor, take my shoes off and head upstairs into the bathroom. Turning the tap on the blurry vision returns and I stumble backwards feeling dizzy. The last thing I remember is the way my head feels like it’s going to explode.
Jays POV
I return home expecting to see YN in bed asleep, or at least trying to. Heading upstairs I notice the bathroom light on and can hear the water running in the bathroom
“I’m home” I call out but don’t get a response. That’s when I notice the floor is wet. Panicking I open up the door and see my wife on the floor unconscious “YN? YN baby can you hear me?” Not getting a response I immediately take my phone out of my pocket and dial 911
“911 what’s your emergency”
“I need an ambulance at ‘address’ my wife is unconscious”
“How long has she been unconscious for sir?”
“I- I don’t know. I just got home. She’s been home for 3 hours on her own”
“Ok can you check her breathing for me?” I lean down and see if she’s breathing, thankfully yes
“Yes” I breath out
“Ok I have sent an ambulance to you, they should be with you in 5 minutes, keep checking her pulse and breathing until paramedics arrive”
5 minutes go by and they feel like the longest 5 minutes ever. Brett and Dawson arrive, I feel slightly relieved that the paramedics on shift right now are these two as I trust them the most with my wife
“Jay we’ve got her” Gabby says after I lift her onto the stretcher
“Can I ride with you?”
“What the hell happened?” Boden, YNs dad shouts walking over to me sat in the waiting room
“I don’t know. I just came home and.. fuck she looked…” I rub my hand over my tear stained face
“Does will know?”
“Yeah. He’s gone to see if he can find out what’s going on. Fuck I should have brought her here earlier, she wasn’t feeling good when she was at work”
“Jay, Wallace” I look up and see Will walking over to us nervously “I’ve spoken Abrams, she’s in surgery right now”
“What? Why? What’s wrong with my daughter?”
“YN had a blood clot on the brain. Has she hit her head recently?” both will and Wallace look at me. I think back to the other day, before her headache started
“Fuck this is all my fault. She hit her head on a job, she told me she was fine and I looked at her head, there was no bump so I didn’t….. fuck I should have forced her to….” I choke on my own words. This is all my fault.
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whimsyfinny · 4 months
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: stalker/ unsuccessful kidnap, violence, depictions of blood and assault (let me know if I should add more)
Chapter Word Count: 2318
A/N: Sooooo I’m sorry it’s not spicy like I said it would be… But I absolutely promise the next one will be! Chapters 5 and 6 were supposed to be just one chapter but it got too long so I had to split it… And again please let me know of any errors because this is only proof read by myself.
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Please Read the Below First:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
I’m Not You’re F*cking Maid
Chapter 5
After thorough interviewing of the staff and regular patrons; long searches through copious auction records and meticulous studying of the items in the shop we narrowed our search down to one item: an old jade hairpin. The hairpin belonged to a young lady who was given the gift as a wedding present, however when she found out on her wedding night that her new husband was having an affair, she stabbed him to death with it before jumping to her own demise from their third floor balcony. That was just over a century ago, and she was still wreaking havoc on unfaithful men to this day.
“I mean I get where she’s coming from,” I shrugged as we walked back to the motel. Both brothers turned to look at me with concern smeared over their features. “OBVIOUSLY I don’t agree with all the murder,” they breathed a sigh of relief, “but you can’t hate her for being mad. I would be too.”
“Remind me never to get on your bad side,” Dean said, raising his eyebrows a little and holding his hands up. I gave him a look of bewilderment.
“What side do you think you’re on, Dean? Because this,” I gestured between us, “isn’t my good side.” He mumbled something incoherent as we got to the motel so I chose to ignore him completely.
“So what’s the plan? It’s getting late and we can’t really do anything now until that charity event taking place at the auction house tomorrow. We’re already pretty clued up on how to get rid of ghosts so there’s really not much to do except to get both your names on that guest list,” Sam patted his laptop, looking at both of us.
“Food?” Dean and I said at the same time.
“Food sounds good,” Sam nodded. The boys turned around to leave when I stopped them.
“Just whilst we’re still at the motel, I’m just going to freshen up real quick.”
Dean rolled his eyes, “really?” I flipped him the bird.
“I can just meet you there? There’s like only one diner in this town and I know the way. I won’t be long.” The brothers looked at each other for a few seconds before Sam looked at me and smiled.
“Sure ok, we’ll get a seat in the window so we can see you coming.”
“Great! I’ll see you soon,” I grinned at the younger Winchester before turning away and letting myself into my room.
I had the worlds quickest shower and threw on some clean underwear and a clean top, feeling better after getting the grime from the day off. I pulled on my jeans, socks and boots, applied a small amount of eyeliner and mascara and tidied my hair the best I could before slinging on my jacket and applying some perfume to my wrists and neck. It was one of my favourite scents: I’d bought it from some lingerie store a year or so ago and it’s apparently one of those aphrodisiac perfumes, however I have no idea if it even works or not. It’s probably a scam, nothing works that well in real life.
After I’d finished sorting myself out - which took no longer than half an hour - I grabbed my phone and keys and left the room, locking up before making my way towards the diner. Night had descended, the air turning cold against my warm skin and the usually busy streets now lay deserted and car-free. It was only about a five minute walk or so from the motel and I was now only about a minute away when I noticed that I wasn’t alone. I’d caught a glimpse of a figure dressed from head to toe in black in the reflection of several shop windows, and they were following my exact trail. I sped up, walking faster down the empty main road and hoping it was all a coincidence as worst case scenarios started to race through my mind. It wasn’t long until the diner was in sight and I breathed a sigh of relief, however the relief was short lived when those footsteps were getting closer and closer, quicker and quicker right behind me. It dawned on me that this wasn’t a coincidence at all - I was definitely being stalked. I started to run, my legs moving before my brain had kicked into gear and I was only inches from the front door when the stranger caught up, slamming me against the wall of the building and putting a knife to my throat, covering my mouth with a gloved hand.
“Don’t make a fucking noise - you’re coming with me,” he said aggressively yet quietly. I could feel the blade of the knife pressing against the soft skin of my neck and I couldn’t help but feel tears well in my eyes, my breath turning shaky as my heart hammered in my chest. I couldn’t even get any words out as his hand was too tight over my lips.
I wanted to cry out for help so badly it hurt.
I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing that this was all a bad dream. My cheek was pushed into the rough brick which grazed my skin, and I silently prayed for my attacker to just let me go or for some hero to come and save me. At that very moment I heard the door to the diner and my eyes shot open, instantly connecting with Deans. I watched as surprise turned to horror which then turned to pure feral rage on his face and before I even had a chance to blink he was gone from my line of sight - but so was the pressure keeping me pinned against the wall. I spun around and I watched Dean throw the stalker to the floor with more force that I thought he could muster and tower over him. Dean didn’t say a word, but the stranger let out a sharp cry of pain as Dean instantly brought his boot down on his ribs. There was a CRACK. He did it again.
And again.
And again.
And then he got down and pinned my attacker flush against the tarmac before he brought a closed fist down on his face over and over and over again, cracking his jaw and breaking his nose. Dean didn’t stop until the man was totally unrecognisable and unresponsive. Standing up off of his limp body, he looked over to me, his furious, almost animalistic stare softening instantly, even through all the blood that now painted his face. He took one step towards me before my feet worked on their own and carried me straight to him. I put my arms out to reach for him and he grabbed my hands and pulled me into his chest with zero hesitation, his arms circling me and his blood-soaked palms gently stroking my hair. I sobbed. I sobbed from the fear I felt, I sobbed for feeling like such a victim and I sobbed for the relief I now felt flooding my veins as Dean held me, not saying a word. Listening to his heartbeat with my ear to his chest, I felt so safe and secure that it made me want to sob even more.
Dean ended up taking me straight back to my room - he called Sam to tell him what had happened as he wasn’t going to be returning to the diner. I had my second shower of the day as soon as we returned, wanting to scrub everywhere that horrible man had touched. Whilst I was washing, Dean had headed back to his own room to shower off the layer of blood coating his skin. After I was satisfactorily clean, I dried myself and dressed in that old T-shirt I wore the night before, pulling on some fresh underwear and perching on the end of the bed. I picked up the remote and started mindlessly flicking through channels, hoping to find something to distract my racing brain.
I’d been sitting in the same position for around ten minutes when there was a gentle knock on the door. I held my breath as I got up and walked over, looking through the peephole. It was Dean. I released that breath as I opened the door and let him in. He’d changed from his usual gruff attire to something way more comfortable - a plain white T-shirt and a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms. He smiled at me. A kind smile, nothing like those teasing and sly ones we’d been throwing at each other since yesterday. This one was genuine, and it made my chest feel warm. He locked the door behind him as I padded back over to the bed and climbed on it, sitting right in the centre with my legs crossed. I pulled the T-shirt down to cover my dignity as Dean placed a carrier bag in front of me. I peeked inside. It was full to the brim of all different types of snacks and I grinned up at him.
“You sure do know how to treat a girl, Winchester.”
He let out a soft laugh and looked down at the floor before taking residence beside me.
“You’re the first one who thinks so”.
“Oh yeah?”
“There’s a long line of women who definitely think otherwise,” he smiled a slightly sad smile. We both paused before I continued.
“Well if it means anything, what you did for me today, I-” he held a hand up to stop me as he saw the look of fear flit across my features again, the horrid memory bubbling to the surface.
“It was the least I could do,” he said softly before his brows furrowed, “but to be honest I should never have let you out of my sight.” The almost protective tone of his voice made my heart flutter a little, but It was my turn to reassure him as I placed my hand on his shoulder delicately.
“Dean, none of us knew that would happen. I know you wouldn’t have left me alone if you genuinely thought I was in danger - after all, you DID promise to keep me safe from my own shadow,” I flashed him a grin which he quickly returned, chuckling. We sat for a few moments in a strangely comfortable silence before there was another knock at the door. I went to get up to answer it but Dean beat me to it, swinging it open to show a very concerned Sam stood in the doorway. He looked at me with those big ever-worried eyes and I shot him my best ‘please don’t worry’ grin.
“I’m fine, Sam” I called out to him as I tried to listen in on the hushed words Dean was speaking. They conversed for a while, occasionally throwing glances at me as I rustled around in the bag of goodies Dean had supplied. Growing bored of not being involved with their conversation, I scooted back on the bed to lean back on the headboard and proceeded to flick through dozens of channels until I found something decent to watch. A few more minutes had passed and I’d munched my way through almost half a bag of Doritos when I heard the door close and it was just me and Dean again. He had a paper bag that Sam must’ve passed him, which he held up and pointed to.
“The blood stains came out of my clothes, although Sam said the people in the laundromat were giving him strange looks,” he laughed slightly, those striking eyes of his looking down into mine as he took a few steps closer. I laughed slightly, only imagining Sam’s awkwardness in that situation. I broke my gaze away from Dean for a few seconds, looking down at my hands before looking back up. I could tell he was hovering now, just waiting for me to say something.
“Dean I’m fine, you don’t have to stay.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind staying for a bit longer if you need me to” his hand ran over the stubble on his chin, his eyes not leaving me.
“Really, I’m ok. I’m probably just going to sit here and watch whatever this is-”
“It’s obviously Men in Black,” Dean scoffed. I smiled, finding comfort in the familiar snarky remark.
“Obviously - I don’t live under a rock Dean,” I rolled my eyes as I stood up, placing my hands on his chest. He was so warm to the touch that it was almost enticing me not to let go. The gentle thrum of his heartbeat was so soothing. But I did let go, and I spun him around to start ushering him to the door. As he was leaving, I grabbed my half eaten bag of chips and started munching again. He opened the door, stepping outside.
“Go back to your room Dean. I promise I’m ok. I don’t want you both hovering over me constantly making sure I’m fine; that will just make me feel worse,” I said as he spun to face me, nodding his head.
“Back to normal. Got it.”
“Great,” I said, sucking the tangy chip dust from my thumb. Dean suddenly reached out and snatched the half-eaten bag from my hand before quickly walking away.
“I’ll see you in the morning!” He shouted back at me before shovelling food into his mouth.
“You ass! I was eating those!” He shrugged in an overly animated fashion, not bothering to turn and look at me as he continued towards his room. I sighed, closing the door and locking it, sliding the chain across this time too. I padded back towards the bed and climbed in, pulling the covers up to my chin. As I started to drift off, the buzz of the movie still playing in the background, I smiled a little to myself:
Fucking Winchester.
Taglist: @creative-writing92 @suckitands33 @jackles010378 @lanassmarty @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hell0-ki11y111 @hobby27 @lilcuutiee @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @viridiesa @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @ilikw @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @vsplanet @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @raven-red10
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Up Next:
Chapter 6
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storkmuffin · 29 days
A friend (Korean woman in Korea) told me about a 25 yr old guy who stabbed his ex-girlfriend, also 25, to death. It's been revealed that he's a med student and got a perfect score on the college admissions test and got media coverage for it at the time. The question my friend asked was, "Do you think that the reason he killed her was because he's never been rejected, ever, like - he got a perfect score and got into med school, and couldn't accept that she would want to leave someone like him?"
And I just felt so fucking tired but it's not my friend's fault so I said, "OK by that rule then no man who was bad at school or doesn't make a lot of money or is short or ugly or poor should ever kill a woman and we know that isn't true, right?"
That seemed to stop her short so I added, "Misogynist men murder women because we're women, and any sort of man can be a misogynist. A lot of men hate women a LOT. Also why do we have to know about what his dreams and plans were for his life? Why instead aren't we told how many women were murdered so far by a man they knew? That woman probably did everything she could think of to do to have a 'nice' break up - why aren't we told about all the things she tried that didn't work for her?"
And I think I went too far and made it too scary because my friend did that thing of walking backwards away from me when I get my scary autistic feminist face on. Oh I forgot to say - my friend also graduated from a prestige university as well as her husband, so for her this is personal because I guess kids who are brilliant at rote memorization tests aren't supposed to commit murder and like, she really thought that women who get murdered by exes made the mistake of not being good enough for men who went to the Top 3.
The Korean media coverage about the Gangnam Exit 10 killer was just like this too - they talked about how the killer, who specifically said he waited until a woman showed up to his hiding spot to kill one, had at one point been a divinity student or something. The chatter about this murderer is like, Gosh why did someone so smart have to waste his life and become a murderer in this way? Shame attaches so automatically to the woman who got murdered that even her family is asking that nothing about her get revealed. There isn't a discourse about how "she had her whole life ahead of her" and like "This is what she majored in at university" or whatever about the woman who got killed. The fact that she was someone's girlfriend that wasnt loved enough to not get slaughtered by him is shameful so we're all supposed to turn away and let her family mourn in silence. It drives me insane about my culture. If you have a crime happen to you the shame is ON YOU somehow. Not being forced to lose your anonymity after you lose your life is supposedly protective to the dead, but that's so bullshit to me.
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bleep-blop-lizard-hop · 10 months
Warrior Thought
Warrior Season 3 Finale
(Sorry person who sent me an anon message, I accidentally deleted it 😭 but here ya go)
They had to fit in A LOT this episode, but I’m glad Ah Toy and Nellie had two very solid scenes. I fantasized so much about them getting revenge together, and it actually happened! Sorry Leary but the wives deserve this more! Dickland talking shit and playing stupid mind games with them. His arrogance was his downfall. No asshole YOU should be afraid because Ah Toy is not playing around! She didn’t get a single scratch while slicing and dicing him like a pig! It was so bloody and brutal and violent, I love it! Nellie being backup with her shotgun like “you’re doing great sweetie!”
Then Bill and Leary had to show up at the wrong time! Though I don’t think Bill can recognize her from that distance. Then Nellie began shooting at them and they ran away. So hopefully they’ll be off the hook next season. Burning Dickland’s body in the incinerator was pure poetic Justice! 
Back at the brothel, the adrenaline of revenge is replaced by crushing despair. Dickland’s death didn’t bring back Lai and their girls. He’s not the only greedy and evil man out there. Ah Toy’s been in survival mode for so long, she’s TIRED of all this shit! She never let herself show emotion like this, not even with Ah Sahm. Seeing her completely break down with Nellie is a huge deal for their relationship! After everything that happened, they still love each other and became even stronger. Nellie holding Ah Toy close and saying “I’m not going anywhere” 😭🥺💕 So similar to how they ended last season. I predict that Ah Toy will leave the brothel, and they’ll rebuild somewhere next season. 
Mai Ling confronting Eliza was so good! After the trauma she endured, Mai Ling can’t help relating to Eliza. What Eliza did was wrong, but her shitty husband is the real problem. Mai Ling giving Eliza a knife…I hope she use it well.
So here for Catherine Archer scamming Buckley for all his money! Rob his slimy racist ass, lady! 
The Tongs, Isaac’s crew, and police fighting over the money plates. The ice factory is a homage to Bruce Lee, according to the Internet. Nice. The finale definitely isn’t short on action, I counted 4 in this episode! Isaac almost took the plates but Ah Sahm handled him, and gave them to Lee. That means Yan Mi can be free.
Tbh I’m quite concerned with how they portrayed the black characters this season. Abigail is good, but most of them were antagonistic. I’m aware of how Asians are deemed “the model minority” and often pitted against African Americans. I just wish the show could’ve subverted that somehow. 
Back to Yan Mi, she’s released from jail and runs home to her father. It’s a very poignant scene that can resonate with children of immigrant parents. She respects him, but felt stifled by his expectations. Still, she did mess up by getting involved with a gang. I would’ve preferred Ah Sahm to not have romance this season, but it served it a purpose. I like Yan Mi as a character. Too bad she gets so much flack for getting between YJ and Ah Sahm. 
After getting disowned, she goes to the train station. Ah Sahm never made it, but Chao does. He convince her to go without him anyway, and she does but it’s hard. She got the money from Chao, but she’s also alone as a Chinese woman. We’ve seen other characters try to get out and it didn’t go well. Still, glad they didn’t kill her and hopefully she’ll be ok. Just a small town girl…living in a lonely world…she took the midnight train going anywhere…
After Kon Pak, Lai, and Father Jun…I draw the line at Chao getting stabbed multiple times! ZING is back and he wants revenge against everyone! Bill and Lee looked so happy, laughing on the porch 😬 They better not kill Chao if they get season 4! So many Asian characters died this season, they better replenish! Hello, Michelle Yeoh??? 🙏🏻 Don’t let the white characters outnumber them! 
Finally… the dreaded moment where Ah Sahm has to choose between his sister and the Hop Wei. I figured he would choose Mai Ling. His relationship with Young Jun has been going downhill this season. It’s hard to watch because I understand both of their perspectives. Ah Sahm vs YJ and Hong was equally epic and heartbreaking. None of them took pleasure in that fight, but it was necessary. Ah Sahm knocked both of them out before going to find Mai Ling. 
Meanwhile, Mai Ling is defending herself against the Hop Wei. She makes some progress with her gun, but gets overpowered by them. It looked like she might die by drowning, but I didn’t buy it. Ah Sahm and Mai Ling are reunited as they desperately cling to each other. No more Hop Wei and Long Zhii. Li Yong became the leader of his own tong, good for him! Exploring these new dynamics in season 4 will be very interesting. I’ve always understood Mai Ling while not agreeing with all her manipulative schemes. Hitting rock bottom could lead to some sort of redemption for her. Looking forward to it! 
Big political changes will definitely endanger Chinatown next season. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882, but it might be sooner in the show. Not good when everyone is still divided and fighting each other. Perhaps Ah Sahm, the embodiment of Bruce Lee, will unite them all in the end. 
Season 3 had its flaws, but overall it was amazing! I really hope it doesn’t end here, the story and characters have so much potential! Fucking Hollywood studios refusing to pay people fairly 😡😡😡 I saw on Twitter some of the Warrior cast joining the protest too, it’s great! Season 4 of Warrior or we riot!!!
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@empty-altars called Hannibal Lecter a wife guy last night & I can't stop thinking about how completely right she is.
Will Graham came home after work 2-3 years before the show started, giggling & kicking his feet like BABY I HAVE 2 THINGS TO TELL YOU, WELL THREE BUT THEY'RE RELATED
1) this part's Serious Hannibal, I can't spend the rest of my life waiting for the cops to break our door down. I can't go back to a life without you. If you die, I die.
Hannibal: William my beloved, I could never do that to you. We can leave immediately, go to Cuba? Or Eastern Europe? I know so many languages & no one knows we're even involved here, much less murder husbands.
Will: you didn't listen to the rest of my things
Hannibal: my apologies my heart please continue
Will: 2) I'm ready to lead a hunt. No more Master & Apprentice bullshit. I know you worry about my welfare. But I can do it Hannibal
Hannibal: of course you can do it Beloved
Will: ok good, then you'll love my five year plan.
Hannibal: *concerned* five year plan?
Will: yes, to fake our deaths
Hannibal: ... Five years? I'm afraid I don't understand, my love. We could fake our deaths, in ummm three months to make sure we tied up all the loose ends. Tonight if it was an emergency.
Will: So you don't want to participate in my hunt?
Hannibal: Of course I do. A five year hunt? That does sound sexy, please tell me more
Will: ok first of all, you know I told you about Miriam? She's a trainee? She's a nice girl babe, she's got good instincts, she's a hunter, and Jack doesn't appreciate her at all. So first we're going to lead her to you. No wait hear me out!
Hannibal: ... Will... Please go on
Will: okay so we send Miriam to you, then we kidnap her but be real nice to her you know, and she can stay here with us at the beach house. You taunt Jack about it like you do, I'll make sure to accuse him of being irresponsible with his responsibilities.
Ok, then I'll switch back to teaching sighting severe trauma, then a couple years from now we start escalating all these people to increasingly arcane, artistic Tarot inspired serial murders. It will be perfect. The first ones will be young women to really trigger Jack.
Hannibal: ... and you...
Will: *stares daggers at him* I can handle it. ANYWAY, Jack will come and get me as soon as he sees the pattern though we might have to knock their heads together a bit for that right? So slow. We'll need to find a couple people for the plan. Umm an intelligent psychopath in medicine to escalate nowish, we'll need to have him on ice to muddy the water later, another psychiatrist, a woman, pretty, controllable... Mmm maybe two? No Three total psychiatrists, just to cover all our bases, so people really believe. They need to be arrogant, a little greedy for money, power, status, whatever. Self involved enough to not question their own judgement.
Hannibal: I see
Will: What I don't like psychiatrists
Hannibal: I
Will: you don't count, you switched fields for me. I don't count for obvious reasons, or maybe I hate myself haha
Hannibal: William
Will: oh I was joking, mostly, anyway I didn't get to the part where we do copycat murders of our own murders we did with other people, then accuse each other for the crimes, you fake frame me which will make sure any evidence of my actually being there will be disregarded. Then after you get me out of prison, we fight some more. I "try" to arrest you. You stab me non fatally, just a little in the stomach you know it'll be fine. Barely a hospital stay
Hannibal: *more concerned* Will...
Will: what you can't do it?
Hannibal: of course I can, but why would I want to?
Will: because after I heal, I'll chase you to Europe, we'll have a big show down, that's so crazy I could never possibly forgive you. Then you'll turn yourself in bc you're obsessed with me- what I don't get a "William" for that one?
Hannibal: my going to prison to keep you safe is the least worrisome part of this plan thus far.
Will: I am so in love with you. Which is why I'll retire from the trauma again and... I'll marry a woman while you're in prison. We'll manipulate the psychiatrists into moving you to a mental hospital so they can lord over you. I'll tell my wife I'm impotent, let her have my government health insurance and lfe insurance pay out, for services rendered. Pick someone with a kid that's like I was, you know.
Then, we'll find the perfect potential, push him over the edge. They'll beg me back, we'll set up a really fucking crazy situation, that they will be totally desperate to stop.
I'll tell them the only way to end it is to fake a break out and let you guys kill each other, and then I'll kill you
Hannibal: why would they ever believe that?
Will: Neurotypicals honey, why ask why? They'll believe we're nemesis, that I'm a tortured little meow meow. So anyway we'll kill him together and fake our deaths, right out there, off the cliff... We'll need to set up some sort of... Non obvious, escape? A ledge? A secret tunnel? We have time to figure it out. Did I mention tons of murder threesomes
Hannibal: William, you have parental abuse trauma, daddy issues, jack issues, trauma around women, institutionalization, childhood poverty trauma, Neurotypical bullshit, and my fucking with other people, which has never bothered me by the way. I'd rather have one of you then a million of them. But my love, this is... Gonna be traumatic... For both of us.
Will: we can handle it
Hannibal: of course we can. This is what you want?
Will: you said you wanted to get married, for us to be forever. This is what I need to have forever.
Hannibal: you know that has a lot of unecessary moving parts right my love?
Will: ... Yeah but baby, it's gonna be so fucking hot.
Hannibal: lots of murder threesomes?
Hannibal: William, I would rather have one you then a million of them. Of course I want to do this with you.
Will: *already dreading sleeping alone* I'm gonna miss you so much
Hannibal: thank goodness we haven't started yet, I have time to fill you full of good memories they can't take away during your brilliant vicious plan
Will: *horny cry laughs* Thank God
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nicascurls · 1 year
OK, hear me out: a BarclayPierce Au idea
@streets-in-paradise @losersclubisms @silvershewolf247 @cult-of-dollbabies @cornerofhell
Andy was always on edge about the idea of Chucky coming back. When Andy first sees news about a series of homicides in LA with Jennifer Tilly, the star of the new Chucky movie being a key witness, he does his best to ignore it. His mother had been released from the mental hospital a few years prior, and the last thing he wanted to risk was something happening to her again.
However, the thought is always there in the back of his head, and 4 years after the events of Seed, he began to give into his curiosity. After his research and looking into Tiffany Valentine, who appeared to be linked to Chucky not long after getting rid of him at the military academy.
That was when he decided to swallow his pride a little and ask Mike if he knew anymore. Mike and Karen had married a couple of years ago and Andy did his best to be civil but both men were aware of some underlying tension regarding circumstances after his 6th birthday.
Andy knew why Mike did it, he would have been considered mad too. So he had lied, knowing he could do more to help and hopefully get Karen released quicker, granted the plan took longer than any of them wanted but the betrayal had still stung.
It ended up working in Andy's favour when he went to ask Mike about what he knew regarding Chucky when he was human. Mike was keen to gain Andy's trust, to make amends for the hurt he caused. That's when Andy learnt of Sarah Pierce, the woman Chucky had obsessed over and kidnapped along with her young daughter after killing her husband. He told Andy how he found Charles that night and that out of anger he had stabbed Sarah in the stomach harming her unborn child in the process and when he had visited them after Andy's birthday, the baby had been born but they were unsure if the poor little girl would survive.
So after further research, he found out where the Pierce family lived now and decided to try and warn them. It couldn't hurt to try and explain. If Tiffany's body ended up dead, who's to say one of them wouldn't be next?
It was close to Christmas when Andy went to the Pierce house. This meant the entire family was there, Sarah, Barb, Ian and little 3 year old Alice, who was currently introducing 20 year old Nica to all of the toys she had brought with her.
Andy's attempt to talk to Sarah was extremely unsuccessful, with her telling him to leave the second he mentioned Mike's name followed by Barb slamming the door in his face.
Nica had heard the ordeal from the other room and entered soon enough to get a glimpse of the man at the door. Nica, being as observant as she was knew it must have been important. The only time she remembered her mother shutting down a conversation that quickly was when she would ask about her father as a child.
So she quickly made her way to the bathroom before opening the window, hoping to get the man's attention before he was too far away. She ended up being successful, and the two spoke briefly before agreeing to meet at a nearby café later in the week so he could properly explain himself.
Th night after that discussion, Nica secretly did her own research on Andy and came across an article from a few days after she was born and ultimately ended up with more questions than answers.
The meeting for all intents and purposes was successful even if it was a difficult discussion for both parties. Trusting someone he had just met with the truth he had been so well trained into concealing was tough for Andy but certainly not as tough as Nica finding out that her father's death was no accident and the rest of the story that came along with it.
After a few days coming to terms with what she now knew, Nica came to the conclusion not to tell her mother but to make sure to look out for her and protect her from any signs of the killer doll. She had exchanged numbers with Andy during the meeting at the café and the two quickly became friends, frequently calling and texting each other. It originally started with any updates to do with Chucky but quickly turned into conversation on anything and everything that came to mind, from Nica's adventures babysitting Alice to the chaos that would ensue when Andy and Kyle would go to Karen and Mike's for dinner.
2013 eventually came along, and with that, an unknown package addressed to Sarah Pierce. Nica first told herself not to panic. It was probably another one of her mother's online purchases. Until her mother dismissed the idea, claiming that she hadn't bought anything for 2 weeks, and the next thing Nica saw was the red hair as her mother lifted the doll from the box.
Nica quickly took the doll and box from her mother, telling her that she would call the company for her to find out where it came from. She went straight to her room, tied up the doll as best she could, and shut it in her closet, blocking the door just to be safe. Before immediately calling Andy, letting him know that his suspicions had been correct.
On the other end, Andy had already started packing to meet Nica and try to end this once and for all, with as few casualties as possible...
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Hello! It’s Winter! Just keep reading.. trust me!
“I want a divorce” she slammed her hand on his desk. “I am finished! You and I are done!”
He couldn’t believe what she was saying. After one lousy fight, his wife of 15 years wanted out of their marriage. The pure shock & pain from her statement was unimaginable.
Emmanuel sunk into his leather chair. Was Brigitte really going to give up on him? On them?
He knew she had been under a lot of pressure lately - they both have - but dissolving their marriage wasn’t the solution. They had taken sacred vows. For better or for worse. They promised to love each other until death parted them.
Now, she was throwing it all away.
“Bri -
She cut him off. “You can’t talk your way out of this one! I sacrificed everything to marry you. I upset everyone. My own family members turned on me. I divorced my children’s father FOR you”
Emmanuel’s heart sank. Listening to everything was the equivalent of being stabbed in the chest repeatedly. He wasn’t even sure how their current argument started. One minute they were discussing their daily schedule, the next she was throwing accusations in his face.
“And another thing” Brigitte kicked the leg of his office chair. “You never loved me, and that’s a fact! You’re incapable of human emotions. The only time you’re in love is when you’re looking in a mirror!”
He had heard enough. “Brigitte! That’s not true and you know it! I’ve loved you for over 25 years! I’ve loved you since the moment I met you. I’ve been a wonderful and devoted husband, as well as a great father and grandfather to our children”
“Correction! MY children. You’re nothing to them. They won’t even miss you” Brigitte spat. “We’re better off without you in our lives”
After buttoning up her coat and slipping into her high heels, she hurried to the door. She needed to be far away from him.
“I’m going to my lawyer’s office right now. Be ready to sign. There will be no going back and forth. Give me what I want or I’ll sell you out to the tabloids. I’ll tell them all your deepest, darkest secrets. You’re a horrible husband… And an even worse human being”
After delivering the final blow, she slammed the door behind her.
Emmanuel bolted up, his heart racing out of his chest. He looked around the room but it was too dark to see anything. The clock on his iPhone indicated it was 3:32 am. He needed to breathe. His lungs felt heavy. All the oxygen had escaped.
“Cherie, what’s wrong?” Brigitte whispered. She had felt him stir next to her. “Why are you awake?”
With shaky hands, Emmanuel fumbled with his bedside lamp, failing a few times before eventually turning it on.
“Brigitte! You’re here!” He placed one hand over his heart while the other reached out to touch his wife. He had to make sure she was real.
She grew concerned. “Of course, I’m here. What’s going on?”
He snuggled up close to her. “I had a horrible dream. You…. You left me… and you said hurtful things. It was awful. Brigitte, it felt so real”
She rested her head on his chest and reassured him. “I’m not going anywhere. Trust me. You’re stuck with me, honey”
It took a few more minutes for his heart rate to settle back to normal. “I don’t know what I would do if you ever left me”
Sitting up, she kissed his lips. “I’m not leaving you. We made a commitment to each other. I love you, Emmanuel. Now, please, go back to bed.”
“Ok”. He planted a goodnight kiss on her nose. Eventually, he fell asleep possessively holding onto his wife.
He wasn’t letting her go. Ever.
Hellooo Winter! ❤️
Me going like “what the actual hell is going on” to “pheeewww it was just a nightmare”! Bless Manu, he got the scare of his life 🤧
Thank you so much, Winter! ❤️❤️❤️
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zaenight · 4 months
wanheda commander of death act 3 ch4
Slight trigger warning?
"Ok that means either your a dumbass and read the map wrong , or its seriously outdated." Kirby said to carver as Cordelia nodded , her husband looked offended when she agreed with that.
"I did not read it wrong and do you seriously think pope would give us an outdated map , the only reason to - shit." Carver and cordelia looked at eachother,talking with their eyes.
"He sent us to see if we can find our way back to base with outdated items to see if we can put them to any use , its most likely another test for you three , however he sent us in , being new and all you might not remember the route of the base , especially with it being far." Cordelia explained in a slightly questioning voice , did her explination make any sense to her , nope not one bit.
"The route...,We could head back to where we head back to that town and find our entry point , when we find our entry point we can trace our steps back to base." Half-life spoke up.
"Now i see why older people are wise- ow ¿Qué demonios era eso para el imbécil? , that hurt." Raul huffed holding his head after Half-life bonked him.
"Im only two years older than you." Half-life said as they started to bicker , untill it was both their turns two hold their heads as kirby bonked them , and said to shut up.
The five were than on their way , and Carver was glad he hasn't been bonked over the head yet , because when cordelia does it, its gonna hurt like hell,Raul and Half-life however are now being glared at by kirby if so much as a peep leaves their mouths,in conclusion women are scary.
"Are we there yet." Raul muttered.
"No , not even close , we're about a two days walk from base because we wasted time and energy." Cordelia groaned.
"I agree." Kirby stated as Raul glanced at her.
As they were about to move on ahead , rotters started filling the area.
"Shit it's a horde!" Raul exclaimed quietly.
"Ok everyone prepare to fight , kill , and stay alive." Carver stated as Half-life rolled his eyes.
"No shit sherlock." Half-life muttered.
"The both of you shut the fuck up or else!" Cordelia said to her husband and friend.
And with that the reapers , wait scratch that , los segadores 
rebeldes , as raul like to call them , grabbed out their weapons.
Carver and Cordelia had hunting knives,should have brought her bow too , but she realized too late , Half-life had his sniper with a homemade silencer , a knife attached to it , Kirby had her double edged knives , and raul his hand crafted bow,getting an arrow ready to shoot,and a knife sheathed on his belt.
"Let's get this over with." Kirby stated as Cordelia nodded.
As the rotters got closer , They went in for the kill , groaning and growling , and thats when the group started to fight.
Raul kicked a Walker , or in the reapers case rotters , away from him , before shooting her - or what used to be a her in the head,he then shot three more , one after the other to kill three rotters getting way to close to kirby for his liking.
"Watch out!" He yelled , As Kirby stabbed a rotter in the head, turning around and dodging out of the way just in time before a rotter lunged at her , Stabbing it in the head , she looked up before nodding at him.
Half-life and Carver were back to back , ten rotters surrounding them , the two look at eachother and nodded , before lunging at the rotters calculated and carefully , stabbing and shooting them in the heads.
Meanwhile Cordelia was struggling , no not because of  the walkers or because of there being to many for comfort , but because a child , no a baby , crawling , not even getting to the walking stage , was a few feet away from her , the child was dead already so why was this so hard?
Cordelia wonders what would have happend if she never lost their baby , he or she may have been around three or so , as the apocolypse went on , her sense of time started to perish , the time of day was turning into night as the group fought against the rotters.
"Im so sorry this happened to you little one , may you find peace in the afterlife." Cordelia said stabbing the child in the head,the growling suddenly stopped , a tear falling softly down her cheek.
The children born or growing up in the apocolypse don't deserve this cruel and cold world,they deserve one of happiness and warmth.
Timeskip : 2 days later.
"Finally!" Raul and Kirby cheered out happily as they called out to mancea to open the gate.
It was then Pope stepped up , holding three mask , and black oufits.
"You survived the flames of God , and traveled his path for you , We welcome you all as full fledged reapers.
The oufits were handed to them ,and so were the mask, however they stated they would stick to wearing war paint like cordelia due to the fact that they didn't want the mask to hinder their sight , however if needed they would wear the mask.
The three stared at eachother all knowing one thing , that this was only the begining.
[A:n] : ok photos are from pintrist however you can use your imagination too because i couldn't really find anything for the mask's or the boys oufits.
For Raul and Half-life if you watched s11 , half-life wears the same fit as carver although he wears the cloak that all the reapers have over it , and the bottom is like longer ish (man i suck at descriptions) The points is its kinda of like leah's but flared out a bit more.
Meanwhile Raul has a Black mask that goes over his nose , and a black sleavless compression shirt , he has the same pants as Carver wears , however his are a bit more baggy , his cloak does not have a hood or sleaves and is flared at the bottom. (Yeah probably best to us the power of imagination😅)
okay kirby i did find somthing.
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a little somthing like this , but probably with combat boots , now her normal style , like cordelia , they wear what they find on their hunts , however her and maggie have a similar style , if not the same hence being twins,meanwhile the boys usually wear tshirt's or tank tops and also have a similar style to daryl's oufits.
Now war paint and mask:
The mask are up to your imagination cause i couldn't find squat ..
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Kirby : I can also imagine her having the skairipa war paint in the 100 worn by octavia.
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Raul: His war paint like this , however i feel it would be smudged and a bit messy .
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Half-life : Half-life would litterly splatter war paint or whatever was on hand on his face until it looked good
Ok that is the end of this chapter , yes i finally updated lmao sorry if this felt a bit rushed , if you have any suggestions feel free and don't be shy to ask , due to the fact that one of the main plotlines i have for this story won't happen until act 4 and act 5 , (if you watch my ff edits on tiktok: zaenighteditz you know what im talking about wink wink , no okay)
but yeah don't be shy , written by a 17 year old who is suprised this book has came so far while only being on act 3 , so i thank you , why because i can.
Stay tuned and see what adventures the group goes on to next.
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Overanalyzing the color red in Our Flag Means Death...
Anyway, I was thinking about the red silk as symbolism for Ed’s heart when I realized that it is not just the silk, but that the color red very rarely appears in Our Flag Means Death unless it is surrounding the matter of heart.
So, think about the characters that we ever see dressed in red:
1. Ed
2. Stede
3. Lucius
4. Spanish Jackie
5. Olu
6. Evelyn
Let’s get the supporting characters out of the way first.
Spanish Jackie, it is in her bar that Stede first sends a message to Ed via Izzy to “suck eggs in Hell,” it is also where we are introduced to some of Jim’s backstory, murdering her husband to get revenge on the death of their father. And where Jim returns, once again to continue their revenge quest only for Spanish Jackie to tell them that revenge isn’t worth it, resulting in Jim abandoning the quest for a second time to reunite with Olu. (Notably, the Spanish also wear red, and it is on a Spanish ship that Ed and Stede first meet, also the Spanish are who they are up against when they are lighthouses for one another).
Olu only wears red once, during the ball in episode 5, when he and Frenchie run the pyramid scheme. And what is he doing during that time? Scamming heartless, rich fucks out of their money, and redistributing the wealth to the servants. This matter of heart concerns the treatment of people society sees as lesser, and the ways in which Olu and Frenchie are able to help free the servants from their treatment. There are a couple other characters in red during the ball, attendees of the party and everything, namely I Kristen Schal’s character who wanted Ed to “finger her dents” literally has red hair shaped like a heart and Nick Kroll was also wearing red. And they are the ones who earn the ire of Stede’s fury for humiliating Ed.
Evelyn, the widow and friend of Mary. She is the only character wearing red, and she is also the one that offers to help Mary murder Stede, and is ultimately the reason the Fuckery can happen freeing both Mary and Stede from the bonds of their marriage, and allowing them to pursue a relationship with the people they love, Mary with Doug and Stede with Ed.
Ok now for the other three:
Ed and Stede I will talk about together, because their red is always matching. First of all Stede is very rarely in any form of red in the beginning, in fact if i recall correctly (and 100% could be wrong here but), the first time we see any spot of red associated with Stede at the end of episode 3, when his shirt is smeared with blood when he is stabbed with the sword. Then again in episode 4, there is a spot of red on his bandage from where he was stabbed, and then again we get the full light design in red when Mary and Stede’s fatehr are telling him they will see him in Hell. And who joins them? This visage of Blackbeard who promptly stabs Stede, promptly waking him up to meet Ed.
When we first meet Ed, he is wearing black, it’s the only outfit he owns, he’s a pirate that makes sense. Then Stede puts on light red pants when he gets out of bed, shows Ed around his study, Ed laying on a recliner that is…also red. Ed and Stede swap clothes, and we start the continuous trend of Ed and Stede, wearing the same exact clothing whenever they are wearing red. The pants to start, and then Stede’s red robe. Stede wears that robe in a lot of the time jump, when he makes tea for Ed, etc. and Ed only wears it when he has had his heart broken. He wraps himself up in it and uses it for comfort when he thinks Stede has abandoned him. The same color, the same fabric, the same clothing. Because the two of them share each other’s hearts.
But you know what? You know who I am most interested in? Lucius.
Because Lucius is always in red. Always. Even when they go to the pirate island the first time and he and Stede dress solidly in white, the first thing that happens? BOOM. Bright red blood all over his coat. And when they enter Spanish Jackie’s? BOOM. Red wine all over his vest. Even when they are on the treasure hunt and he remove his red jacket, he still keeps on that little red scarf. Lucius is the single biggest instigator of the relationship between Stede and Ed, at least in my opinion. Stede loves the idea of piracy, Lucius holds a red journal. His jacket is red, his little scarf/cravat is red. He acts as a go between and a translator, he is the reason that Ed even realizes that Stede likes him back. He is the only one besides Stede or Izzy that is allowed to see Ed vulnerable and also the only other person besides Stede and Izzy that talks back to him. But also, unlike with Izzy, where Ed reacts negatively or attempts to put Izzy in his place whenever he talks back, Ed lets Lucius tell him if he doesn’t pursue his feelings for Stede he will end up another middle aged sad sack dying alone in a puddle of his own piss and he DOESN’T SAY ANYTHING. He just turns to Stede and tries to make him feel better, and when he does threaten to stab Lucius, it has none of the same bite as his threats or even off hand comments to Izzy.
It’s why Lucius is the one that Blackbeard pushes off the ship. Lucius is the one that helped him realize his love for Stede, he is the one that has been treating him with kindness and compassion without any judgement, without making fun of Ed or trying to convince him that his behavior is unbecoming of Blackbeard. It’s why Ed removes the red robe when he is becoming Blackbeard, it’s why he drops the red fabric, it’s why he pushes Lucius overboard. Everything red has to go, every reminder of love.
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
hello can i please request an old classic of aaron having a horrible nightmare and emily comforting him? maybe even he strikes out and accidentally catches her for maximum hurt comfort?? please and thank you i love your fics xx
Here you go friend! Went in a ever so slightly different direction - I hope you don't mind <3
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: Mentions of abuse/ references to Aaron's childhood
Emily wakes up suddenly, torn from slumber so quickly that she’s dazed for a moment. Unsure what woke her up. The bed shifts next to her and sits up, switching on the lamp on her nightstand as she rubs the last bit of sleep from her eyes. She turns to find her husband thrashing in bed next to her, his face screwed up in anguish as he fights something off in his sleep.
“Oh, Aaron.” She says sadly, knowing she has to let him ride it out, wait until it is over so she can comfort him afterwards. Bring him back to her from whatever horrors were haunting him this evening.
It doesn’t take long although every second feels like a lifetime to her. He shoots up in bed, heaving in deep breaths, tears immediately falling down his face.
“Aaron, honey.” She reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder. He grabs her wrist, his grip tight as he looks at her, through her. She can feel the bones shift under her skin. “You’re ok, baby. It’s just me.” She says resting her hand over the hand that gripped her. “It’s Emily.”
She watches as reality slowly returns to him, his eyes becoming more focused. She moves the hand on top of his to cup his cheek, wiping away tears with her thumb.
“Emily.” His grip loosens on her, and she is able to wrench her arm out of it, cupping his other cheek with her now free hand.
“Yeah, that’s right. It’s me.” She says leaning forward to press her forehead against his, a flash of a smile across her face as he cups the back of her head holding her in place. His touch gentle now he knows it’s her. “You’re ok.”
They sit like that, twisted in their embrace, until his breathing slows to normal, huffed against her cheek. She waits for him to pull back and smiles at him.
“I’m sorry.” He says, looking down at the comforter still thrown over both of their laps.
“You have nothing to apologise for. What do you think triggered it? The case?”
His nod is the only response she needs. Families stabbed to death in their own homes, the murders brutal and cruel in their nature. It was something that could trigger either of them, both of them familiar with how it felt to be hurt in that way.
They had both woken more than once, hands scrambling at their abdomen for something that wasn’t there.
“Do you want to lay back down?” She asks and he nods again, she pulls him towards her, his head resting on her chest as she wraps her arms around him. Emily kisses the top of his head and scratches her short nails through his hair until his breathing evens out against her neck.
Her wrist aches as soon as she wakes up. She notices the bruising in the shower, thankful her husband was still asleep as she inspects it, sees his finger prints against her skin.
She’s about to pull on her sweater as he walks in, a sleepy smile on his face as he looks at her. She sighs as he sees the bruise almost immediately, the smile slipping from his face.
“Em, what happened?” He asks, closing the gap between them and delicately holds her arm up, inspecting it closer. She hesitates, and that's the only answer he needs. He lets go of her arm and takes a step back. “Did I do that?”
“Aaron, it’s fine. You didn’t know where you were or who I was when you woke up.” She smiles at him, tries to be reassuring. “You’ve done worse during sex before.” She knows the moment she’s said it that her attempt at levity was misplaced, not what he needed to hear. “Aaron-”
“We need to get ready for work, or we’ll be late.” He steps past her into the shower, and Emily closes her eyes and sighs.
It was going to be a long day.
He barely speaks to her on the drive to work, her attempts to get their usual conversation going failing at every turn. Her choice of music to purposely rile him up doing nothing to get him to speak to her.
She’s making coffee, reaching for the pot, when Derek comes over.
“Pour one for me too, Princess.” He says putting his mug down next to hers. “Whoa what happened to your wrist?” He asks.
She looks down and sees the sleeve of her sweater has risen up, the edge of the blooming bruise sticking out from underneath. She puts the pot down and pulls her sleeve down to cover it again.
“You and the bossman getting feisty in the bedroom again?” He asks with a cheeky grin on his face, his eyebrows raised in mischief.
“Something like that.” She replies, a smile usually reserved for her mother on her face. Thankfully Derek doesn’t see through it, doesn’t push further. And Emily winks at him before she turns, only to find her husband standing right behind her, face like thunder.
“Sorry, boss.” Derek says before slinking off, a smirk on his face.
“Later, Emily.”
She sighs as he walks off, her heart dropping in her chest.
They get home late. Jack was at a sleepover with friends for the evening so the house was empty, almost hauntingly quiet.
Emily locks the door behind them and watches curiously as he dumps his briefcase over the back of the couch as he walks past it. She swallows down her usual admonishment, knowing now is not the time.
“I’m going to go to bed.” Aaron says, his voice weary as he loosens his tie.
“Ok.” She walks towards him. “I’ll make some tea and then come up.”
“I’m going to sleep in the spare room.”
“What?” She exclaims, staring at him. “Why?”
“I just think it’s best.” He replies, looking right at her. His gaze not wavering.
“Is this about what happened last night?” She asks, unable to stop the disbelieving laugh that escapes her as she puts her hands on her hips. “Aaron, we need to talk about this because you are building it up to be something that it isn’t.”
“You lied.” He says, choking out the words as if they are poison. She furrows her brows, confused as looks at him as she tries to figure out what he is talking about. He sees her turmoil, he always did, so he continues. “You lied to Derek earlier.” He stares at her. “About what happened to your wrist.”
“Oh.” She replies, pulling her sleeve a little further down, her hand caught in the material. “Technically I didn’t lie. He made an assumption and I didn’t correct him.”
“I don’t care about technicalities, Emily.” He says, his hand running through his hair. “You shouldn’t have to lie for me.”
“What was I supposed to say, honey?” She asks, purposely keeping her tone calm, taking a step towards him. “That you had the most intense nightmare you’ve had in almost two years, and that you were still so upset when you woke up you didn’t know what was real?” She fiddles with her wedding rings, the habit that had replaced her need to pick at her thumbs the moment he first slid them onto her finger. “That’s none of his business.”
He turns away, as if he couldn't bring himself to look at her, and with his back to her she’s finally brave enough to say what she’s been thinking all day. The words on the tip of her tongue whenever he looked at her arm for a second too long.
“You aren’t your father, Aaron.”
He’d told her about his childhood when they’d only been together a few months. Whispered confessions in the dark, an explanation for a scar on his back that she had been curious about since she first saw it. A fire burned in her as he spoke matter of factly, told her things that made her stomach churn with anger towards a man long dead that she would never meet. He was facing away from her as he spoke, and she curled herself around his back, arms around him as she pulled him close and kissed his shoulder.
He did the same for her when she told him everything about Rome only a few weeks later.
“Emily.” He says, his voice stern, cold in a way that it never was when he spoke to her. A clear indication he doesn’t want to talk about it.
She’s undeterred, and reaches out to touch him but he flinches so her hand freezes in midair. She brings it back to her side, her fingers twitching to reach out for him, to press her love into his skin until he believes in it again.
“You aren’t him. Jack and I know we’re the centre of your world, that we’re safe with you. I’ve never felt so loved in my entire life. By anyone. And I won’t let you think that you are anything other than the amazing, if not slightly grumpy, man I fell in love with. The man I married.”
He finally looks up at her and there are unshed tears in his eyes, his control on a knife's edge.
“Can I please hug you?” She says after he remains silent, and she feels the tension in her chest ease when he nods. She wraps her arms around his neck, holding him close, her hands tangled in his hair.
It takes a moment but he wraps his arms around her too. His arms banding around her back, his hold so tight that her feet leave the floor.
“I’m sorry, Em.”
She turns her head to press a kiss to his neck. “You have nothing to apologise for, my love.”
He puts her down on the floor and they step apart enough so they can look at each other, their embrace still as fierce.
“Let’s go to bed.”
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cosmicclownboy · 3 years
hi- why don't you like Maria?
Oh lord.
Where do I even begin with Maria.
Season 1
Makes a joke about Alex's secret relationship being with Wyatt and finding it funny- (Wyatt who is an abusive racist dude who commits hate crimes and bear in mind she knows Alex was abused for being gay) IT'S GROSS.
Speaks about Alex's secret relationship guy being his home to Alex and literally feels his hopefulness because it is part of her alien ability and continues to pursue Michael in s2.
Maria (straight) outs Michael to Liz. That's not okay on any level.
When Liz tells Maria to speak to Alex before doing anything she ignores the advice and does what she wants.
She's really smug about Michael picking/pursuing her like she won.
Season 2
Pursues Michael at a funeral in front of Alex without talking to him.
Makes Michael's loved ones husband funeral about a relationship status
Slut shames a random woman who makes out with Michael when they were never exclusive
Enters a relationship with Michael where he has to be exclusive but she doesn't because she doesn't believe he could be faithful. That's reeks of harmful biphobia stereotypes.
Ignores Alex the whole time UNTIL she needs something.
When she appears at Alex's door she says they are even. AKA comparing Alex not telling her a secret that wasn't his to share to her pursuing the love of his life in front of him without any empathy and ignoring the whole time.
Bitches to Alex about Liz and wanting fuck all to do with her. Alex has to remind her Liz has a dead boyfriend and is struggling cause Maria only has Maria vision and lacks empathy for her 'best friends'.
Uses her mom's laptop to get the scope on Alex/Michael's relationship which reads 100% manipulative. She even says Michael is pushing you away and then proceeds to encourage the narrative where Michael pushes Alex away because she suddenly wants Michael. And of course Alex is supportive she recognises he lacks self worth and rolls over him.
Beginning of 2x06 she tries to set up Forlex to get Alex away from Michael. Once again manipulative.
Tries to make Alex feel guilty for being gay in 206 because when she was a kid she idealised being with him and had to come up with a whole new plan. He grew up in an abusive household you know that....It's not okay to say that. You know how much internalised homophobia he has.
When saying he's had good relationships provides only examples of relationships with women......................HE IS GAY.
Asks him if he would change being gay.......jfc.
Alex tearfully saying he dissociates with women because he clearly forced himself to out of internalised phobia, Maria takes it to mean she has a chance. She thinks she's the exception since a touch starved abuse victim liked to be touched by her in high school. That doesn't = consent.
When Alex, a whole ass Airforce Captain tells her it's unsafe to stay at the creepo's place she acts all I am feminist about it and this results in Alex being stabbed and Michael getting whacked on the head.
Earlier in the episode she whinges to Alex about Michael kissing another woman in front of her and how cruel it was and then proceeds to kiss Michael in front of Alex KNOWING how he feels for Michael.
In THAT scene it's clear she notices Michael's emotions towards Alex and is insecure about it. She uses Malex's feelings for each other to her advantage. She's chasing the fantasy of getting with Alex. These are two highly traumatised queer men who struggle to say no because they spent their lives in abusive environments.
Neither Michael or Alex were in a position to consent to sex that night Michael is concussed from a whack on the head . Alex has lost a lot of blood and is completely out of it. And neither would ever initiate that situation. Not to mention the assumption Michael would be down because he's bi is so harmful as a stereotype.
"I think she’s cool with her decision. She wanted some answers, so subconsciously there was an emotional comfort she needed. But she also had a little bit of an agenda. She needed some decisions made about the status of their relationships, so she thought, “Let’s throw everything against the wall and see where it lands.” I think she was just wondering if they made any progress on that front. She said it was OK for their feelings to be out in the open, but let’s just voice them for what they are. As we saw, Michael stepped up and was like, “No, I still love you and I’m with you.” Secretly, that’s what Maria was hoping for. By suggesting a threesome, she’s was basically telling Michael, “Make your choice… and I hope it’s me.” this is what Heather said about the scene. So not only was it coercive and such but she used her best friend like that with no care or empathy whatsoever. It's disgraceful.
The next day both Michael and Alex are confused by what the fuck happened. Alex due to his C-PTSD completely dissociates from the situation and Michael attempts to laugh it off despite him being hella confused. The only person who isn't confused is Maria who is listening to them from inside.
When Michael comes in she turns on the tears just in case he does want Alex afterwards. Bear in mind she is a psychic who can feel everything and she assumed Michael was going to go after Alex. Doesn't that say it all. SHE KNOWS MICHAEL IS IN LOVE WITH ALEX AND VICE VERSA. She does not care, because at the end of the day this is what she wants. She wants to win. She wants to treat Michael like this trophy that she can show off to people I got the great Michael Guerin not a relationship guy to date me.
When Michael wants to have emotional conversations she shuts it down for sex. The entirety of the relationship it has to be her way or the high way. She also recognises fairly on his abandonment issues and plays upon it, reads manipulative.
When Michael who has lost his mom and brother in the span of a few months asks Maria to be more careful about her abilities she doesn't listen. And ultimately breaks up with Michael when she can't get what she wants from him which is a yes man who will do what she says and isn't the idealised Michael she wants.
Season 3
Shits on Michael any chance she gets. She's so mean to him and he goes out of his way to look out for her.
Is dismissive of her own health despite the fact that everybody goes out of their way to help her. Liz is in California working on a way to help her. Kyle is risking his job.etc
Is fine with Liz, her best friend losing the love of her life to get a vision to prevent a murder. A vision she's only invested in because apparently in it she blames herself.
Is fine with Max or Kyle dealing with the guilt of her death had Michael not saved her.
Shoves Michael and belittles him because he's stronger then her. Infers he just sits on his ass and does nothing therefore does not care about anything....rude. There's also a weird superiority complex that her power is more important then Michaels or any of pod squad for that matter.
Creates a situation that is so bad that Kyle risks his doctors licence to give her adrenaline. Just take an ice bath or something there are a 1000 ways to give yourself adrenaline without risking your life and risking others.
Doesn't thank or acknowledge what Liz is doing for her honey has spent a FULL YEAR of her life trying to help and your just like yeah I'll let her soulmate die for my visions.
Emotionally guilts Isobel for not hanging out with her despite the fact she's hated her for two seasons and now has just randomly decided she wants to know......okay
This idea that Maria is suddenly lonely when she's the second of the main cast (first being Kyle) to have scenes with all the mains by Monday. Literally everyone is there at her beck and call but Maria is lonely??? IT DOESN'T ADD UP. Everyone's up her arse 9/10 how is she lonely everyone expresses concern and care for her ALL THE DAMN TIME. She's also narratively never had scenes that give the connotation that she is lonely. Michael has scenes that connotate he is lonely. Max and Alex do too. Maria has yet to have scenes that give the connotation of feeling lonely or depressed.
Maria comparing the alien siblings to her and feeling left out when she acts superior to them and they are literally siblings. Literally every character is somewhat left out with Pod Squad they've lived their lives assuming it's just them three against the world it's not a personal attack.
Maria is 1/8 alien at best so diluted genetically it doesn't show up and somehow she believes she has the capability of the aliens who are 100%. Say you have French DNA you don't expect to speak French suddenly.
This whole Maria never does wrong narrative and it's empowering that she's doing all of this just feels like a crock of shit tbh.
She reads like a 2000's movie mean girl.
All of my bullet points are why I don't like h Maria and it's not biased because I'm a so and so fan. Narratively she just wins up doing shitty things to Michael and Alex the most.
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Fic Rec Bingo!!
So instead of Fic Rec Thursday, I thought I'd do something a little different this week and recommend 25 fics based on this bingo card (although it turned into 26, oops). I kept most of these as CM because that's my blog's focus, but due to the nature of the prompts, there are 5 Marvel (Irondad) ones & 1 Sherlock towards the end!
from @lightveils on twitter, but found posted on tumblr by @cywscross <3
Tumblr media
1. A fic with a premise that shouldn't work but does
I never would've thought I'd enjoy a fic with Spencer as a little rebellious shit because it seems so ooc, but I loved this one!
las vegas kid by trashcanbarbie - 1.9k, 1ch, Gen/Aaron Hotchner & Spencer Reid, Gambling, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Young Spencer Reid, Teenage Rebellion, Protective Aaron hotchner, Pre-Canon, Father-Son Relationship, Teenage Spencer Reid
JJ raises her eyebrows, “so, you're trying to say counting cards isn't cheating?” “No,” he grins, boyish and charming, “it is.”
2. A fic you've reread several times
Discipline Changes by fullofcrazyness - 1.2k, 1ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, Past Child Abuse, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Comforting Hotch
Jack stopped and looked at his dad, finally seeing that his dad wasn’t actually angry. Concerned and relieved, but not angry. He was about to say something when he saw someone in the doorway, white as a sheet. “Papa?”
3. A comfort fic
i'm always tired, but never of you by @iamrenstark - 2.2k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Hurt Spencer Reid, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad Derek, Established Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Derek Morgan Needs a Hug, Men Crying, Gunshot Wounds, Blood and Injury
When Spencer figured it out, he was stepping out of the elevator on the bottom floor of Quantico, and he went to tell Derek he loved him like he did every day, but he froze up, because he was afraid he wouldn't hear it back. (Or, Spencer thinks his boyfriend is falling out of love with him.)
4. A cathartic fic
Every Little Transgression by @58thacademic - 1.6k, 1ch, Gen, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sad Spencer Reid, Protective David Ross, Protective Derek Morgan, Mentioned Suicide Attempt, Spencer's Backstory, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Episode: s03e16 Elephant's Memory
Ok so. Elephants memory was really good because we got Reid backstory. But I'm still annoyed that he didn't defend himself against Hotch. So this was born.
5. A fic you'd print and put on your bookshelf
One Call Away by GhostInTheBAU - 204k, 32ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Dubious Consent, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Domestic Violence, Rape Recovery, Referenced Past Drug Use, PTSD, Hurt Spencer Reid, Protective Aaron Hotchner, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Flashbacks, Healing, Nightmares, Suicidal Thoughts, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Eventual Smut
When Reid's boyfriend attacks him, leaving him broken and bleeding, he calls the first person he thinks of for help. He calls the only person he really wants to see. He calls Hotch.
6. A fic you associate with a song
I associate this fic with The First Thing You See by Bruno Major. I think if you listen to the song, you'll easily see why <3
You Make Waking Up Worth It by @guccifloralsuits - 2.1k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Fluff, Minor Angst, Established Relationship, Morning Routines, Hurt/Comfort, Good Things Happen Bingo
“Morning sweetheart,” Derek says, pausing briefly to ruffle his hand gently through Spencer’s hair. The genius nuzzles into the touch but doesn’t reply. It’s too early for conversation, Morgan knows. Pretty boy may get up earlier than he does, but it takes the younger a lot longer to really wake up.
7. A fic that inspires you
This fic could have been in so many categories because I adore it, but I wouldn't have started writing Rain is a Chance to be Touched without this fic so it definitely belongs here.
Forgive Me For All I Could Not Become by @degrassi-fanatic - 105k, 20ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Canon Divergence, Getting Together, Angst, Case Fic, Confessions, Complicated Relationships, Near Death Experiences, Friends With Benefits, Smut, Miscommunication
In which Reid has always been good at hiding things. He hid his father's departure and his mother's illness from social services. He hid his addiction from his team. He hid his sexuality from the world. He hid his inappropriate feelings from his boss. That is until he's bleeding out in Hotch's arms, in an abandoned church, in Oklahoma. From there on out, Hotch and Reid learn to make a complete mess out of each other.
8. A fic that brought you on board a new ship
Even though it's unrequited, this was the first fic that really had me going !!! at Penemily <3
Another Wide-Eyed Girl by mallfacee - 2k, 1ch, Gen/Derek Morgan & Penelope Garcia, Penelope Garcia/Emily Prentiss (Unrequited), Coming Out, Internalised Homophobia, Derek Morgan is a Good Friend, Friendship, Gunshot Wounds, Episode: s03e08 Lucky
Derek Morgan is handsome and calls her “baby girl” and smiles at her like she’s the only girl in the room. Penelope Garcia knows she should be swooning and all she can think is that there must be something wrong with her not to react to a man like that giving her all this attention. Two years later she meets Emily Prentiss and understands.
9. A fic you wish could be a movie
Listen, I adore the soulmate trope, and an angsty moreid soulmate movie? Fucking sign me up right now
i need you now but i don't know you yet by @iamrenstark - 3.1k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Hurt Spencer Reid, Hurt Derek Morgan, Mutual Pining, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Buford Mention, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Together, Season 5
It goes like this; Spencer hasn't spoken to his soulmate since he was ten, didn't know their gender or their name or a single thing about them. Spencer's soulmate doesn't want him, and that's okay.
10. A fic that led to you making friends with the author
I'm doing two because fuck you that's why
This was one of the first fics I read of Adam's and I immediately fell in love with his writing! And I'm pretty sure that we ended up becoming friends after I rec'd it!!
Plum Sauce by @goldencatchflies - 1.5k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Jealousy, Platonic Morcia, Episode: s07e13 Snake Eyes
Garcia tells Spencer about what she thinks happened between her and Derek. He doesn’t seem too happy about it...
I read this from Syd and absolutely loved it, and like with Adam, we became friends from there! (I mean technically husband and wife, but, y'know. Semantics.)
You Belong With Me by @spencerspecifics - 11.4k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Song Fic, Getting Together, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pining, Fluff
A fluffy Moreid fic based on You Belong With Me by: Taylor Swift
11. A fic you associate with a place
This reminds me of a chilled Sunday afternoon on my old sofa in my living room, with the fire on in the background. I read it all in one sitting and loved every word <3
Metanoia by @makaylajadewrites - 39k, 16ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Canon Typical Violence, Implied Rape/Non-Con, Implied/Referenced Torture, Established Relationship, Near Death Experiences, Frostbite, Rape Recovery, Suicidal Thoughts, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Autistic Spencer Reid, Drug Use, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending
Oh, Derek… He couldn’t stand the thought of him bursting in with SWAT in tow, gun at the ready, only to descend those creaky stairs and find his naked, bleeding body, vacated of life, crumbled on a red-stained mattress. The realization that he was going to die at the end of this was catching up to him, but maybe it would be better that way.
In which an unfortunate resemblance to an unsub's victims puts Reid right on his radar.
12. A fic that made you gasp out loud
Gasp out loud might be a *bit* of an overreaction, but this one took me on a rollercoaster and I loved every second of it (all of bau-gremlin's fics will do that to you tbh)
The End by @bau-gremlin - 3.1k, 2ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Graphic Violence, Stabbing, Blood and Injury, Temporary Character Death, Hurt Spencer Reid, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt Aaron Hotchner, Sleepy Cuddles, Protective Spencer Reid
The famous interview with Chester Hardwick ... except Hotch and Reid get separated and Reid is left alone with Hardwick and a prison-made shiv.
13. A fic you found at the right time
You're Going to be Okay by fullofcrazyness - 2.6k, 1ch, Gen/Aaron Hotchner & Spencer Reid, Dark, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Suicide Attempt, Sad Spencer Reid, Hurt Spencer Reid, Depression, Protective Aaron Hotchner, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending
Spencer was no stranger to depression. His father leaving him, his mother’s episodes, being twelve years old in a Las Vegas high school. All of those things made him very familiar with the illness. “I… I think I need some help.”
14. A fic that you would read a fic of
Chain Reaction by EloquentDossier - 42k, 16ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Alternate Universe, Texting, Dialogue-Only, Text Fic, Self-Esteem Issues, Fluff, Angst, Implied/Referenced Past Drug Use, Canon Divergence, Pining, Oblivious Aaron Hotchner, Happy Ending
A dialogue-only AU in which Hotch texts what he thinks is Rossi's new number but is actually the slightly eccentric stranger whom Hotch knows only as "Spencer." What follows is something neither man could have ever quite expected.
15. A fic that made you laugh out loud
The Bet by @degrassi-fanatic - 1.6k, 2ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Bets & Wagers, Humour, Fluff, Canon Divergence
“Fifty bucks says Hotch writes you up and sends you to sexual harassment sensitivity training.” she declares as she stares him down. Without looking away from her, Reid takes out his own wallet and flips it open to pull out a fifty dollar before placing it down right next to Prentiss’s own money. “Fifty bucks says Hotch will go out with me.”
16. A fic that gave you butterflies
The healing and dynamics in this one is just.... off the charts :')
Who Spencer Reid Loves by @blueberriesandbubbles - 36k, 11ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Abusive Relationships, Domestic Violence, Abuse, Hurt Spencer Reid, Mutual Pining, Rape Recovery, Healing, Fluff
Derek Morgan has been in love with the resident genius as long as he's known him. When Spencer enters a relationship with a mystery man, Derek is unhappy. He is even more unhappy when he meets this man. Spencer starts acting different and Derek knows something is wrong and he has a feeling its connected to the man Reid is dating.
17. A fic that embodies something you value in life
The utter and total love and devotion in this fic just punches me right in the gut every time I reread it
A Little Fall of Rain by jack_hunter - 4.3k, 2ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Angst, Spencer Reid Whump, Autistic Spencer Reid, Major Character Injury, Secret Relationship, Team as Family, Dad Rossi
Morgan crept up behind the doctor and snatched the headphones off of his head, earning a yelp of a protest as he slipped them over his own ears. “Les Mis?” Morgan asked with a quizzical look, “didn’t peg you as the musical type, Pretty Boy.” Spencer snatched the headphones back. “I’ve always loved the theatre and I went to see Les Misérables with-... a friend last Friday.”
18. A favourite AU
The Curious Case of Dr. Reid by severaance - 37k, 10ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Transgender Character, Fluff, Trans Spencer Reid, Light Angst, Getting Together, Developing Relationship, Smut, Insecurity, Happy Ending (Warning for Homophobic & Transphobic Slurs)
"And your names for the order, please?" The barista asked, eyes flickering expectantly between the two before her. "Spencer," she answered, although she was not talking to the barista. "I'm Spencer." The man before her had the same idea. "Derek."
19. A fic you stayed up too late to finish reading
I stayed up one night and read pretty much all the marvel fics this author has written, but this was the last one that I simply could not resist. The next day wasn't pretty :/
The more you say, the less I know by forthenightisdarkandfullofterror - 13.9k, 3ch, Gen/Irondad, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Temporary Amnesia, Protective Pepper Potts, Not Endgame Compliant, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Blood and Violence, Hurt Peter Parker, Whump
Tony wakes up from snapping with amnesia and for the life of him can't remember the kid hanging around, claiming to be 'just an intern'. Feelings get hurt.
20. A fic that made you feel seen
heavy in my bones by hopeless_hope - 4.4k, 1ch, Gen/Irondad, Chronic Pain, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Peter Parker, Whump, Father-Son Relationship, Dad Tony, Worried Tony Stark, Angst, Chronic Illness, 5+1 Things
Five times Peter lied to someone about his chronic pain, and one time he told the truth and got the help he needed.
21. A fic you love without knowing the source material
(I mean this is literally all marvel fics but I'll rec this one because I loved it so much)
the locker room by searchingforstars - 15.5k, 3ch, Gen/Irondad, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Mental Health Issues, Misunderstandings, Arguing, Miscommunication, Crying, Whump, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rape Recovery
Peter's falling apart and he doesn't know how things will ever go back to normal again after Ryder.
22. A fic you've gushed about IRL
Genuinely, this fic is better than most published fiction I've read...
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle - 220k, 37ch, Gen/Irondad, Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Physical Abuse, Alternate Universe, Hurt Peter Parker, Foster Care, Identity Reveal, Slow Build, Disordered Eating, Homelessness
Ben and May divorced before Peter’s parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway.
So he leaves. Simple.
Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help. Peter isn’t about to turn down an opportunity to fight alongside Tony Freaking Stark, but he also isn’t going to let his hero know that his recruit is a fifteen-year-old homeless dropout. So they strike a deal. Peter will help Tony. In return, the mask stays on. And that’s when things get complicated.
23. A fic you still remember many years later
The Transport Series by ancientreader - 135k, 2 works, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, Backstory, Canon Drug Use, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Physical Disability, AU, Important Character Death, First Time, Developing Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, BDSM, Humour, Fluff
How to become a consulting detective. // Jim's lessons are hard to unlearn.
24. A fic with a line or two that you've memorised by heart
"He has held up buildings and nuclear bombs and whole entire countries on his back. Peter’s body is the heaviest thing he’s ever held."
when my body won't hold me anymore (where will I go) by @madasthesea - 4.4k, 2ch, Gen/Irondad, Temporary Character Death, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Father-Son Relationship, Hurt Peter Parker, Crying, Forehead Kisses, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, Hugs, Platonic Cuddling
But he knows. He knows. He can feel it. Peter’s dead. Peter Parker watches as Tony carefully arranges his limbs on a cot. “Mr. Stark,” he tries for the dozenth time. No one hears him.
25. Free Space
And to round it off, we have to celebrate the fic that really and truly welcomed me into the CM fanfic world...
Chanel by @4x24 - 24k, 7ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Getting Together, Spencer Wears Makeup, Friends to Lovers, Light Angst, Canon Compliant, Canon Typical VIolence, Humour, Fluffy Ending, Pining, Smut Heavy
Penelope mentions offhandedly one night that she thinks Spencer might look good in makeup. Spencer takes the suggestion to heart. Derek likes the new look - and Spencer - more than he probably should. (Season 4)
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almondmilks-posts · 3 years
C!schlatt- executed
I got lots of DMs asking for more angst so here
* You and schlatt get into an argument about him being president and executing tubbo ect, in a drunken rage he stabs you.
*Woah this is the longest thing I've ever written.
It all started when Fundy tipped you off about schlatts plans of executing tubbo for helping Wilbur and Tommy out,which you knew about ofc. You treated tubbo like one of your own and even sometimes helped him sneak out the Whitehouse without schlatt knowing; but killing tubbo over that broke you. You had to say something to hopefully put a stop to your husband's madness and his drinking. God did you hate how much he drunk, it drove you nuts.
You- he's just a boy. (Get the reference...)
Schlatt- I. Don't.give a fuck. He's. Traitor
You- do you blame him schlatt? Him and Tommy are close brothers even he probably felt terrible about what happend you know when you-
Schlatt- oh well should of thought I'd that before helping that that CHILD. HE'S MY RIGHT HAND MAN HE HAD ALL THE POWER AMD NOW and now he's going to pay the price and it's an expensive price to pay.
You walked over to the window and stood looking out into manburg. Just thinking about how you can save the poor boys life. How  could warn him without schlatt finding out? you came to nothing. You and schlatt were married you were first lady, wherever you went he went. You were in a deep thought about tubbo and what his death would mean to the server when quackity quietly Knocked on the dark oak door.
Quackity- uh boss I hate to interrupt but you have a meeting in 20 minutes down at the twitch prime church.
Schlatt sighed. Stood up off his chair and walked over to you, but not before grabbing the bottle. Schlatt got super close to your face, so close you could see the little wrinkles that had developed around his eyes and forehead since becoming president, your nose scrunched under the smell of alcohol from his breath or from his clothes you honestly couldn't tell anymore.
Schlatt- we will no longer speak on the matter. I AM THE PRESIDENT FOR MANBURG WHAT I SAY GOES.
He slaunted away from you pushing past quackity. Quackity gave you a sad smile as you both knew how mean schlatt could get when he drank, and recently he had been drinking alot. Quackity turned towards the open door to make sure schlatt was outta ear distance.
Quackity- go.
You- huh?
Quackity- I told Phill that you would be seeing him thecno Wilbur and Tubbo in the bunker. Go warn them.
You- i- hhhh thank you quackity I love you so much man.
Quackity- I know I know. Hurry because it looks like we are going to be in for along night if schlatt messes up this meeting
You- he's so drunk he can't even walk straight of course he's going to ok I'll run along I'll take the horse to speed things up.
Quackity quickly shut the door before running to where schlatt would be waiting downstairs for the meeting while you grabbed your axe and saddle. You made your way out the escape hatch in your office and found your horse (name your horse here pls comment the names I wanna see what y'all name your animals)
Horse- neyyyy
You- heyyyy boy shhh it's just me ok ok steady ok I'm getting on 3...2...1... And uppp fewww ok not so bad is it (horse name) ok off to warn Tubbo.
Your horse stamped it's hooves and took off for the bunker. You had ridden this path hundreds of time so it was easy for you and the horse to get to, quackity said he already told Phill about your arrival do he should be waiting for you to turn up. You were right because Wilbur was waiting outside for you to arrive. His usual green jacket and black Beanie on his head.
Wilbur- hey y/n in here look you can rest (horse name) in here Niki built it.
You- Niki joined? Awesome o haven't seen her in so long, well since she messed up the soup and schlatt fired her
Wilbur- how is he by the way y/n? Come inside and we can talk about him later or should I say rant
You- true true.
You walked through the entrance carefully, you had fallen down the rails the first few times Wilbur took you here. Over his presidential campaign you and wilbur had actually been pretty close and luckily kept in contact even though schlatt won. SBI was a group you practically grew up with just not enough for Phill to adopt you, but you don't blame him, you wouldn't fit the dynamic plus your parents didn't really like the idea but they never really liked anything you did.
Phill- oh hey y/n were all down here what do you want to talk about quackity said it was urgent so I called a meeting.
You got to the bottom of the steps to find everyone waiting on the floor for you to arrive. By everyone I mean: Phill, Tubbo, Tommy, Niki, thecno. You waved at Niki who had changed her hair colour since you saw her last she waved back with a huge smile on her face but a hint of sadness in your eyes. You had changed so much, you just look exhausted which was not wrong.
You- oh um yes hi everyone, sorry to be so blunt but uhhh there is no better way to say this. Tubbo is in grave danger. Schlatt is planning to...
Your hands started to shake vigorously, you felt dizzy, you wanted to throw up. Almost as if your body is warning you about doing this right now it's screaming at you to not betray your husband of four years like this but you have to.
Tommy- planning what y/n spit it out?
Niki- hey, y/n it's ok shhh Tommy what schlatt planning in doing to Tubbo?
You- he's PLANNING TO EXECUTE you tubbo. He knows, I don't know why or how but he knows about all of this and your his right hand man he's going to kill you tubbo, hang you for tertiary. I'm so sorry I-
Tommy- Tubbo? No? You can't die not now
Thecno- all our plans. Just gone.
Phill- he can't hang tubbo he's just a boy.
At this point you were sobbing now. Full on ugly crying. Your heart physically hurt from all the angst and the possibility of Tubbo dying. Your knees gave out on the floor as you wept for the young boy and he was still alive. The others argued in the back as to what to do. Tommy grabbed Tubbo and hugged him, Wilbur was crying over the threat of danger even thecno was a little on edge.
You- I'm sorry. But I must go I can't I can't stay im sorry.
Phill- it's ok. Thank you for warning us sport.
With that you climbed the stairs thinking about nothing honestly. You were numb. Your husband was going to murder someone you looked as your brother for years what did this mean for you? You were also helping them did he know about that? How did he know about tubbo's tretariy? You got on the back of your horse and rode back to manburg.
Climbing up the shoot to your office was miserable. You felt miserable, confused and alone. You had no idea how long you were sat in your chair looking at the chipped desk until the door was slammed open hitting the wall with a lud bang. You didn't need to look up to know it was your husband. Even before marriage he always slammed doors open like they were nothing.
Schlatt- what's got you all down in the dumps? HM sweetheart?
You- you know what and don't call me that.
You crossed your arms still refusing to make eye contact with the ram hybrid. This really pissed him off. He however pissed you off more by calling you sweetheart which to some would seem sweet but you knew schlatt better. This time was dripping in sarcasm because he was mind fucked drunk by now not caring about anyone or anything. Schlatt waddled up to your desk and stood right on front of you, still not looking up at him you pulled out some paperwork and started to mindlessly sign it.
Schlatt- me YOUR PRESIDENT just signed a huge deal with badboyhalo.what is wrong with you recently huh? Cats got your tounge ok what about pig hybrid got your tounge? Or angel of death got  your tounge or exhild child got your tounge?
You froze. He did know.
Schlatt- AHH struck a nerve, don't stop signing MY papers dear you are my wife after all.
You- no. Fuck you schlatt you can't hang the poor boy he's so young and innocent what was he supposed to do? You know I have to sign paperwork before you do anything and I won't sign off on it.
You threw your pen at schlatt in a rage. You didn't see if it hit him to enraged to care, papers were ripped, you there everything off your desk onto the floor. Schlatt just stood there blank expression not saying anything to you.
You- fuck you schlatt you don't control me.
You picked up the photo of you and schlatt on your wedding day. You ponderd on it for a second before stomping up to schlatt and shoving the picture on his face.
You- look at it. LOOK AT US LOOK HOW HAPPY I WAS NOW LOOK AT ME? DO I LOOK HAPPY TO YOU? OR DO I LOOK EXHAUSTED? STRESSED? because I am all of them things being married to you schlatt you are a terrible president and you have no power you're a pussy and won't face your problems like a real man.
Schlatt picked up the bottle of vodka and downed the whole lot you just stood there absolutely raging over this man's attitude and willingness to just disregard everyone in his life.
With every word schlatt got closer and closer to you. Terrified of schlatt, becoming increasingly more angry to the point his horns have grown pitch black out of pure hatred. You moved back as far as you could against the glass in your office. Schlatt pressing you up against it with his body but this time shoving a finger in your face and still yelling about how incompetent you are as a wife and as a person.
Suddenly you felt a stabbing pain just above your heart. You look down to see a black colour sword through your chest and red blood gushing out onto your clothes and floor ( ok the sword is still in so in irl not a lot of blood would actually escape unless the object was removed top tip but for theatrics blood eveywhere) you weakly reach up to grasp the blood covers wrist of schlatt to pull the sword out but to no avail as you suddenly feel super dizzy and everything goes black.
Quackity- she's.... She's.....y/n's dead
Quackity heard you and schlatt yelling in his office when silence happend. He knew this was a bad sign and anxiously walked to schlatts office with shaky hand. He got close enough to hear a loud thud and XP drop on the ground. He ran back to his office to think when schlatt walked by ( in this his office is made.of glass) staring at his hands, suit all covered in blood. His heart dropped and ran back to the office to collect your stuff, running on adrenaline he ran all the way the he bunker to tell the others. No time for him to cry yet he was still in shock over what just happened.
Niki- no no no no pls say your lying pleas no no not y/n
Niki dropped to her knees sobbing and rocking backwads and forwards much like you did less than three hours ago when you came to warn the crew. You were her friend and was the only person who helped her when she was working for schlatt at the white house.
Wilbur- no no why how? Pls no?
Wilbur and you were probably the closest, he found you in the forest over 12 years ago chasing after foxes and collecting berries Wilbur always wanted a younger sibling as this point Phill only had thecno and Wilbur.
Phill- oh no poor y/n.
Tommy- what the fuck how?
Phill when he first saw you recognised you emidiatly looking much like your father. However he knew the man and knew what he was like so he had no problems when you visited them for tea many nights a week. He did think about adopting you right after Tommy arrived as you looked after him so well. Crafting him many clothes and many pumpkin pies. So so so many he always asked Phil if he had the recipe as he knew you couldn't make them as frequently as you used to.
Everyone was going to miss you greatly they just didn't expect to see you at the festival but now as ghosty/n. All your tries and efforts were in vain. Manburg still got blown up. But you did make good friends with Ghostbur. Glatt knew off you but was too embarrassed to see you.
Ugh ok this took me over two hours to write non stop. I just got this idea and ran with it omg I got so carried away. As of now probably my fav story.
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nikosheba · 3 years
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Ok, oh boy. @misswhalie you asked for it!! Under the cut so if you don’t want to see my Maeglin opinions (and they’re not Super Positive) you can just cheerfully scroll on by! I’m not here to hate on anyone for liking him or the way anyone portrays him, I just have a very clear idea about him in my head.
Ok so the first thing is, I’m not a huge fan of a Wholly Unreliable Narrator, and most of the Maeglin Stanning I see comes directly from that. It seems to me to be like “I like this character” > “but he did bad things” > “so maybe he didn’t do bad things” > “the book is wrong because Pengolodh was a big old meanie”
Edited to add: most of this is based on TFOG Maeglin, because it’s the most complete account we have extant, and a few things are referenced from The Shaping of Middle-Earth, which included some updated passages. I do tend to give those accounts more weight than the published Silm if there are conflicting narratives, and especially if there are narrative holes, because if canons conflict I’m going with the one that was written by J.R.R. Tolkien and not his son.
Whereas I see that there is a level of unreliable narration, but more in the sense of...I don’t think it was obvious at all at the time to most of the Gondothlim that Maeglin was Up To Something--in TFOG he’s not unpopular, he’s close in the King’s counsel, when he chooses to he joins in the dances and the merriment and this isn’t something that’s seen as wholly out of character, just that “Maeglin is softened.” So the most I really enjoy the unreliable narrator is to the extent of like...I kind of think that Pengolodh may have been trying to make it look like when you live next to a serial killer and you want to insist that you totally suspected him, you weren’t taken in, you knew he was bad all along! I’m not a huge fan of Unreliable Narrator in general; it only appeals to me when that unreliable narration is an actual plot point (like THE TRUE STORY OF THE 3 LITTLE PIGS BY A. WOLF), not as a place to start with, because then is it even interacting with the text? Like, an interesting fic for me would be something like “Here’s what really happened--and here’s why Pengolodh has a grudge against him, and how that got changed.” But “none of that stuff happened, here’s a story about something else” doesn’t appeal to me.
Maeglin’s character for me is a mixture of Mordred le Fey from Arthuriana and Loki/Ben Solo. And frankly, they’re all sort of callbacks to the same type of character; the one who was sort of an outsider, who was loved and accepted but never saw it that way due to his perception of himself as different, who eventually betrayed those that loved him and got them killed. 
(I also don’t know where the “Maeglin was a torture victim” thing comes from. In every edition of the text I’ve read it says he was threatened with torture, but I haven’t found one where it says anything actually happened to him. In TFOG he just immediately offers the city in exchange for his life, and for Idril as his prize.)
We also know from ósanwë-kenta that it’s not possible for an elf to read the mind of another without permission, which leads me to believe that the reason Idril knows all his horny dreams is because he’s deliberately slamming I SHOWED YOU MY DICK PLS RESPOND over and over into her brain at 2am every morning. At the very least, he’s being very unguarded--and again, in all versions of the text written directly by J.R.R.T., he’s explicitly motivated by his lust for the throne of Gondolin rather than by any genuine love of her.
So like, being honest? That scene at the battlements. I cannot get over this. He drags his cousin by her hair through the city as she fights him, commands his soldiers to stop or kill her husband, and deliberately goes up to the very top battlements because he wants to make her watch her seven-year-old son burn to death. He tries to stab said child and is only foiled by 1. Brave Baby Boy and 2. Baby Chain Mail.
Also I’m pretty sure i mentally live in Gondolin most days lately and You Betrayed My City. 
So in essence: I’m a canon purist. I try very hard to make all of my fics and headcanons work as closely within canon as possible, and my motto is that good fanfiction adds, but does not subtract. I’m very careful to delineate what is canon, what is headcanon, what is fanon, and what is AU. I 100% respect that this is NOT how everyone approaches fandom, and that’s fine with me. I do enjoy AUs, but I have strict personal rules about them. 
1. Change Only One of the Following: Who What Where When Why How; everything else different should follow from that one thing. Be very specific about what it is. i.e. you can have The Fellowship In Space or you can have Sam Leads The Fellowship but once you have Captain Sam of the S.S. Fellowship it gets really murky as an AU for me, and starts losing all connection to the original.) 
But it seems to me that every time I see a “sympathetic Maeglin” it doesn’t mean “maybe he had reasons for doing what he did beyond what we’ve seen,” it means “I don’t think he did those things at all.” And for me, that just kind of feels like it’s a different character than the one in the text. 
And frankly? If someone can make a 100% canon compliant TFOG Maeglin sympathetic, I think that would be fascinating. Tag me in that! 
Additional salt: I would really like some nice family art of Idril, Tuor, and Eärendil as a happy young family, but probably 80-90% of the art of them is like:
                                  (house of the wing)
Hope that wasn’t too brutal lol.
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life
1. He showed us his grave
When my brother was about 2 or 3 he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were picnicking right along side a cemetery, when my brother took off running towards the gravestones, my dad and I followed him and found him touching a large headstone that simply read “Here Lies Austin” no name, no date. My brother did not learn to read until he was 6 and this headstone wasn’t even right out visible from where we were, yet he ran right to it
2. We don’t watch firefighter things
my son told me a few months ago he “used to be a firefighter, and we got called to a fire. There wasn’t any family inside the house, so we just put the fire out. Then the fire truck caught on fire and I died”. A few nights later, he elaborated he was taken to a hospital, where he died. We don’t watch firefighter things.
3. Her “other” mother’s name was Sally
I was talking to my four year old when she began to freak me out. She was telling me a story about her “other mother” and that she “died a long time ago on a Thursday.” I tried to brush it off, you know, whatever, shes a kid, they have wild imaginations… but then she started to go further into detail about the death of her “other mother,” whose name was apparently Sally. She has never met anyone named Sally, and I can’t recall any shows on TV she watches where “Sally” is a character. She told me that she was playing with her father’s gun that she found and accidentally shot and killed Sally while she was walking upstairs. It’s pretty weird. There are no guns in this house, I haven’t even really told her what guns are all about and how they can hurt or kill someone, shes only four! I think I am beginning to understand now why when I try to tell her when someone dies, they go away forever, she tells me that, that is not true. “We come back, mommy!” I’m only 23, I had my daughter very young and despite not being prepared, I don’t think I could have ever prepared for a conversation like that!
4. “When she lived before she was born”
My daughter did the same thing at the same age. She told me about her life “when she lived before she was born” and described herself as a woman with long hair who lived in an apartment with a long flight of stairs outside of it. She drove a VW Bug and wore long skirts. She then told me that she fell down the stairs and died. Her stories were startlingly vivid and always consistent. Quite spooky. She is now 19 and doesnt remember it. My advice would be write down everything your daughter tells you on the subject. Everything! Record her stories if you can.
5. Roanoke?
I would tell my older sister about my death. I told her my husband was captured and fire was everywhere. I took my young son and ran. I told her my son couldn’t run fast enough. I knew we would get killed and I had my husbands knife on me, I wanted to leave a clue. I wrote in capitals “CROATOAN” I told her we were caught and how my son was killed before I was killed. I told her how I was stabbed in the stomach with a knife. Then, I went about playing with dolls. I can still picture the scene and my son to this day.
6. “She used to come visit me”
my son says he remember his great grandmother (my grandmother) and can describe her in perfect detail (how she looks, how she acted, even what brand of cigarettes she smoked) , although she died 11 days before he was born. He says that she used to come visit him in his dreams.
7. Conchon
Apparently beginning around the time my friend could form sentences until he was little more than 2, he would go on and on about how he was a Native American named Conchon and that after his wife and son got sick and died, he moved to a mountain to live by himself with his horse. He died of a broken neck when he fell into a ravine.
8. “My real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came.”
when I was 2 or 3 I was talking to my grandmother and told her that my mom and dad weren’t my real mom and dad. My grandmother, knowing this wasn’t true, said they were. I calmly explained that no, my real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came. I had lived because my mom hid me behind a rock. I then went on to describe white men with guns and us “dark” people with long hair. When I was done, I went back to eating my ice cream.
9. Jesus
My cousin, approximately 3 years old and riding in the car with my mum and dad, pointed out a random house that they went past and declared “I died there”.
10. Included because, WHAT?
I did something sort of similar I guess. When I was about 3 my mum and I were driving over a bridge on which there’d recently been a major accident that resulted in a car bursting into flames and the driver dying. Anyway, I asked my mum who the man in the front seat was and when she told me to describe him I said, “Well he’s on fire and he keeps looking back at me.”
11. I drowned
My mother told me about a story I told her when I was 2 or 3. I told her she was the best mommy I ever had, to which she replied, “I’m the only mommy you’ve ever had.” “nu-uh, I had another mommy.” I said that my older sister and I went out to a pond in the woods behind my house. Around the pond, all of the trees were the same type: skinny with white paper-like bark. (I had never seen a poplar tree before in this life.) We put some logs together to make a raft, and put it into the water to play boat captain and climbed aboard. The raft fell apart, and I didn’t know how to swim. I tried to grab a log, but my hand slipped off. I could see my sister freaking out from underwater. I drowned.
12. My war memories
one of 6 hopping out of a helicopter into a field, it’s hot as shit, humid, daytime, two house/buildings smoking and heavily burning straight in front of me (to the side of the chopper), and there’s firing from the woods and field to my right. It’s chaotic a noisy, lots of firing and helicopters, my guys are firing back crouched next to the back building, one guy runs out of the other building with a kid he pushes forward and yells at to run, the kid gets shot from out of nowhere, and drops. I see a few of my guys advancing from another chopper behind me duck down in the grass as their chopper leaves, I crouch in tall grass about 10 feet from my chopper, fire my rifle twice from just above the grass line, and my chopper starts to take off, and is taking fire. I get up to move forward, panicky, and am shot dead – I feel a hard thunk, see part my chest explode, fall forward go black, and zoom out above my body. I also drew this later (still have pics, mom saved them). To me, it’s clear as day, still. Mom said some of my first chatter was about “heavy fire” “zip em boys” (don’t know what that means) and I would ask “Where are the hueys?” I was born in the early 70s, and my family was NOT military (very anti, actually). I err on the side of thinking it’s media (news footage?) I absorbed at some point from the Viet Nam war, but I also wonder if it’s not a past-life dream.
13. “That’s why I don’t like water now”
When my kid was 4, we were watching a docu on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans. He pointed at the tv and said, “That’s wrong. The boilers were on the Other side. And I was right here.” And he pointed to a small space in the boiler room. “That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.”
14. My family’s farm, burning
When I was younger I would have dreams of living in colonial american. I remember bits very vividly and only when I was older did I realize what they were about and how accurate they were. Most of the dreams consisted of me being in my late teen years and centered around my family’s farm being set on fire during the night. I never dreamed past that night, nothing about the aftermath of the fire, and I haven’t had one in years.
15. “Nobody scroofs me there”
Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied “Oh, nobody ‘scroofs’ me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.” She said this like it was nothing. My wife and I were catatonic.
16. Nope
“Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other Mom are so old now. They were ok when the car was on fire, but I sure wasn’t!”
17. “Their screams are keeping me up”
I was in my room on the computer at about 11, which is late for my sister to be awake even now. I was thinking about bed, but then my sister knocks on the door. She was maybe 10 at the time, so not so young that she doesn’t know when she’s dreaming. She wanted to sleep in my room because she was sad and scared. I asked her why, and she said, “I watched your sons burn up in the fire. Their screams are keeping me up.”
18. Role reversal
My three year old said, “Remember when I was the grown-up and you were the little boy?” to his Dad.
19. When he was a grown up
My father used to hate policemen when he was a kid, he used to tell my grandmother that they came to his house and shot him when he was a grown up.
19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life paranormal ghost and hauntings
148 notes
May 26th, 2019
#paranormal #ghost and hauntings
19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life1. He showed us his grave
When my brother was about 2 or 3 he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were picnicking right along side a cemetery, when my brother took off...
19 Parents Share What Their Kid Remembered About Their ‘Last’ Life
1. He showed us his grave
When my brother was about 2 or 3 he told us his name used to be Austin. One day we were picnicking right along side a cemetery, when my brother took off running towards the gravestones, my dad and I followed him and found him touching a large headstone that simply read “Here Lies Austin” no name, no date. My brother did not learn to read until he was 6 and this headstone wasn’t even right out visible from where we were, yet he ran right to it
2. We don’t watch firefighter things
my son told me a few months ago he “used to be a firefighter, and we got called to a fire. There wasn’t any family inside the house, so we just put the fire out. Then the fire truck caught on fire and I died”. A few nights later, he elaborated he was taken to a hospital, where he died. We don’t watch firefighter things.
3. Her “other” mother’s name was Sally
I was talking to my four year old when she began to freak me out. She was telling me a story about her “other mother” and that she “died a long time ago on a Thursday.” I tried to brush it off, you know, whatever, shes a kid, they have wild imaginations… but then she started to go further into detail about the death of her “other mother,” whose name was apparently Sally. She has never met anyone named Sally, and I can’t recall any shows on TV she watches where “Sally” is a character. She told me that she was playing with her father’s gun that she found and accidentally shot and killed Sally while she was walking upstairs. It’s pretty weird. There are no guns in this house, I haven’t even really told her what guns are all about and how they can hurt or kill someone, shes only four! I think I am beginning to understand now why when I try to tell her when someone dies, they go away forever, she tells me that, that is not true. “We come back, mommy!” I’m only 23, I had my daughter very young and despite not being prepared, I don’t think I could have ever prepared for a conversation like that!
4. “When she lived before she was born”
My daughter did the same thing at the same age. She told me about her life “when she lived before she was born” and described herself as a woman with long hair who lived in an apartment with a long flight of stairs outside of it. She drove a VW Bug and wore long skirts. She then told me that she fell down the stairs and died. Her stories were startlingly vivid and always consistent. Quite spooky. She is now 19 and doesnt remember it. My advice would be write down everything your daughter tells you on the subject. Everything! Record her stories if you can.
5. Roanoke?
I would tell my older sister about my death. I told her my husband was captured and fire was everywhere. I took my young son and ran. I told her my son couldn’t run fast enough. I knew we would get killed and I had my husbands knife on me, I wanted to leave a clue. I wrote in capitals “CROATOAN” I told her we were caught and how my son was killed before I was killed. I told her how I was stabbed in the stomach with a knife. Then, I went about playing with dolls. I can still picture the scene and my son to this day.
6. “She used to come visit me”
my son says he remember his great grandmother (my grandmother) and can describe her in perfect detail (how she looks, how she acted, even what brand of cigarettes she smoked) , although she died 11 days before he was born. He says that she used to come visit him in his dreams.
7. Conchon
Apparently beginning around the time my friend could form sentences until he was little more than 2, he would go on and on about how he was a Native American named Conchon and that after his wife and son got sick and died, he moved to a mountain to live by himself with his horse. He died of a broken neck when he fell into a ravine.
8. “My real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came.”
when I was 2 or 3 I was talking to my grandmother and told her that my mom and dad weren’t my real mom and dad. My grandmother, knowing this wasn’t true, said they were. I calmly explained that no, my real mom and dad were killed when the bad men came. I had lived because my mom hid me behind a rock. I then went on to describe white men with guns and us “dark” people with long hair. When I was done, I went back to eating my ice cream.
9. Jesus
My cousin, approximately 3 years old and riding in the car with my mum and dad, pointed out a random house that they went past and declared “I died there”.
10. Included because, WHAT?
I did something sort of similar I guess. When I was about 3 my mum and I were driving over a bridge on which there’d recently been a major accident that resulted in a car bursting into flames and the driver dying. Anyway, I asked my mum who the man in the front seat was and when she told me to describe him I said, “Well he’s on fire and he keeps looking back at me.”
11. I drowned
My mother told me about a story I told her when I was 2 or 3. I told her she was the best mommy I ever had, to which she replied, “I’m the only mommy you’ve ever had.” “nu-uh, I had another mommy.” I said that my older sister and I went out to a pond in the woods behind my house. Around the pond, all of the trees were the same type: skinny with white paper-like bark. (I had never seen a poplar tree before in this life.) We put some logs together to make a raft, and put it into the water to play boat captain and climbed aboard. The raft fell apart, and I didn’t know how to swim. I tried to grab a log, but my hand slipped off. I could see my sister freaking out from underwater. I drowned.
12. My war memories
one of 6 hopping out of a helicopter into a field, it’s hot as shit, humid, daytime, two house/buildings smoking and heavily burning straight in front of me (to the side of the chopper), and there’s firing from the woods and field to my right. It’s chaotic a noisy, lots of firing and helicopters, my guys are firing back crouched next to the back building, one guy runs out of the other building with a kid he pushes forward and yells at to run, the kid gets shot from out of nowhere, and drops. I see a few of my guys advancing from another chopper behind me duck down in the grass as their chopper leaves, I crouch in tall grass about 10 feet from my chopper, fire my rifle twice from just above the grass line, and my chopper starts to take off, and is taking fire. I get up to move forward, panicky, and am shot dead – I feel a hard thunk, see part my chest explode, fall forward go black, and zoom out above my body. I also drew this later (still have pics, mom saved them). To me, it’s clear as day, still. Mom said some of my first chatter was about “heavy fire” “zip em boys” (don’t know what that means) and I would ask “Where are the hueys?” I was born in the early 70s, and my family was NOT military (very anti, actually). I err on the side of thinking it’s media (news footage?) I absorbed at some point from the Viet Nam war, but I also wonder if it’s not a past-life dream.
13. “That’s why I don’t like water now”
When my kid was 4, we were watching a docu on the Titanic. The scene was a picture of the schematics of the boiler room and the camera panned from left to right over the plans. He pointed at the tv and said, “That’s wrong. The boilers were on the Other side. And I was right here.” And he pointed to a small space in the boiler room. “That’s where I was. And that’s why I don’t like water now.”
14. My family’s farm, burning
When I was younger I would have dreams of living in colonial american. I remember bits very vividly and only when I was older did I realize what they were about and how accurate they were. Most of the dreams consisted of me being in my late teen years and centered around my family’s farm being set on fire during the night. I never dreamed past that night, nothing about the aftermath of the fire, and I haven’t had one in years.
15. “Nobody scroofs me there”
Getting my two and a half year old daughter out of the bath one night, my wife and I were briefing her on how important it was she kept her privates clean. She casually replied “Oh, nobody ‘scroofs’ me there. They tried one night. They kicked the door in and tried but I fought back. I died and now I’m here.” She said this like it was nothing. My wife and I were catatonic.
16. Nope
“Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Her and my other Mom are so old now. They were ok when the car was on fire, but I sure wasn’t!”
17. “Their screams are keeping me up”
I was in my room on the computer at about 11, which is late for my sister to be awake even now. I was thinking about bed, but then my sister knocks on the door. She was maybe 10 at the time, so not so young that she doesn’t know when she’s dreaming. She wanted to sleep in my room because she was sad and scared. I asked her why, and she said, “I watched your sons burn up in the fire. Their screams are keeping me up.”
18. Role reversal
My three year old said, “Remember when I was the grown-up and you were the little boy?” to his Dad.
19. When he was a grown up
My father used to hate policemen when he was a kid, he used to tell my grandmother that they came to his house and shot him when he was a grown up.
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