#spent like 2 hours just messing with sprites
zoeythebee · 8 months
Gosh tryna nail down the art style for this fucking farming game is driving me nuts.
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stuffman-main · 1 year
alright so the plot has gotten pretty hard to follow even for me, so let's recap Stuffman's Journey in Game Dev.
i quit my job to make an attempt at full-time game dev, and ghost nun won the initial poll for which of four game ideas i would try to make first.
it was a harsh learning experience. though i had put together proof-of-concept demos for various game ideas before, i slowly discovered that i had dramatically overestimated my programming ability, and dramatically underestimated the time it would take to produce a full game of the scope and graphical fidelity i wanted.
i spent the first year of full time dev and most of my savings to produce a demo with two dungeons that nobody liked, and it would not be easily retooled because of how badly it was programmed.
as of today the project is fully scrapped. if I ever revisit the concept it will have to be remade from scratch. (creating a demake with my faux NES engine is something I've considered.)
so after that mess, the idea here was that a strategy game would be much less demanding to make in terms of assets - once you've got your tileset and unit sprites you're pretty much good. right?
of everything on this list, wots was the biggest passion project, which is why i kept coming back to it. being a longtime advance wars fan, this bad boy has ten years of theorycrafting and lore behind it.
progress was still slow due to inexperience, as the first version of the engine was full of hard-coded UI that had to be adjusted over and over again. regardless, a playable build with fully functional units and commanders came together. but progress stalled once it came time to work on the AI, my savings ran out, and I had to pick up a part-time job. my stint with full-time game dev was over.
so, let's go with something even simpler, I thought. astrolancer is (in theory) an easy project to break into small, digestible bits ideal for working on in one's free time (unlike the eight hour debug sessions one must spend while attempting to wrangle a strategy game AI). make a weapon here. make a new enemy there. the decision to stick to a mostly authentic NES aesthetic made the graphics easy to approach, too.
it worked well enough. the game's engine and first stage came together pretty well over the first few months. then, an unxpected boon - covid lockdown gave me a few more months of focused dev time, and i managed to finish about half the game in this time. the demo was reasonably well-received too. unfortunately, i ended up broke, and it was time to go back to work…full-time, this time. progress basically stopped after that, as we all know that wage slavery is the bane of creative energy.
next year, though, another opportunity presented itself - i would be stuck at home for about four months taking care of my grandma, who had destroyed her ankle. that would be just enough time to finish astrolancer, i thought…! but i thought wrong, because grandma was helpless and taking care of her left me with little true free time. i got basically nothing done in the first 2 months.
realizing astrolancer wasn't going to be finished, and really wanting to get back to my passion project, i decided to take advantage of my much-improved programming skills and take another whack at wots. my reasoning was that if I could hammer out an engine quickly enough, the only thing I would have to do from that point on would be writing, art, and map design - things that wouldn't be stressful to do on weekends (my motivation to open up visual studio while recovering from the workweek was nil). it was successful to an extent - the new engine has a scripting system to automatically create UI windows and the code was much cleaner. unfortunately, time ran out when I encountered my old nemesis, the AI, and the game has remained untouched since my return to work.
"fuck it let's just make a fucking rpgmaker game. it'll be full of horny fairies. it'll be great." you would've had to be following my pinup blog to know about this one.
after spending some time on character designs, though, i realized there was no fucking way i'd be able to draw all those cgs while also suffering the wrist strain from work.
the AI girl game has a title now! believe it or not, this concept is almost as old as wots is, and is sort of its sister game. i planned to make it after releasing wots though, because it's much more experimental in terms of balance.
anyway, at this point i was thinking "what other options do I have"? what if I just took the existing wots v2 engine and made a different game that removed all the game elements that made the AI really hard to program? no transports, no fog of war, simplified powers…and an artstyle and cast that wouldn't put too much stress on my wrist. there's no reason it shouldn't work.
there was a lot of game math and balance theorycrafting to do from scratch, but that stuff is fun.
what wasn't fun was going back to AWBW after a few years to make sure I still understood the game, and discovering that I absolutely do not because I lost every single match. this has not been good for my confidence in my ability to make a good AW clone.
present day, present time
this was just recently. last week i thought of revisiting the fairy game (which is where the sprite on the pinups blog came from), and the last two weeks at work i've been running over the story in my head, coming up with spell lists, etc. i've been managing my wrist strain better and my new tablet is easier to use, "so maybe i can pull it off after all", i thought.
then, just last night, as if accosted by a foul-mouthed muse, I was struck loudly by a thought.
there is merit to the idea, i decided. it is the game in the furthest state of completion. the only one of two that is actually playable, and the only one of those two that doesn't suck ass.
then, this morning, that ask appeared in my inbox. it's a sign.
that's the plan. i'm going to try to finish astrolancer.
(to actually answer the question, i'm working on the stage 4 boss.)
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andromebaa · 3 months
Despair’s Legacy
A Danganronpa AU
Part 2 - The Legacy Students Here are the first half of the Legacy students!
Sid & Joey
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The silly guys! Sid and Joey are the oldest kids? (I think I made them like 19 initially but I'm still calling them kids I don't care) out of the Legacy Students. Thought it would be fun to have twin characters because as we all know twins are not at all significant to the plot of DR I only had to make one sprite yey. Their main personality trait as a pair is the pretty stereotypical wacky, prank-pulling twins. Sid's technically the older twin and is a bit more aggressive and weirder. Joey is more charismatic and friendly. They dress and act the same in public-facing situations for shits and gigs but they do have distinctly different personalities. I'm not sure I'm like, entirely happy with how I initially characterised them. They just felt too similar to Leon at some points but eh. Had a mini freak out because I wasn't sure if wacky coloured hair is like....genetic in the DR universe?! Whatever.
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Oh Daiya. Daiya, Daiya, Daiya. She was the first OC I created for this thing and the one who I spent the most time on. I thought it'd be cute if Taka's daughter took one look at Mondo and was like you are my entire personality now. He's definitely a father figure to her (Ishimondo was end game in this AU btw, also on that note any father/mother pairings in this AU do not equal couples or anything. That was all done out of fulfilling the contracts. Half of them are gay/queer in some way I promise) Anyway, I always kind of pictured her as a rebel - as much as she could be in such an intimate place. Getting answers wrong in class on purpose, and hanging out in areas she's not supposed to be in. A big part of the plot of the AU hinges on her creating a club with the sole intent of escaping the school. Her dream is to travel across the land Mad Max style. Daiya ended up being the more or less 'antagonist' archetype for this AU. I still kind of flip-flop between giving her delinquent and queen bee bully personality. The twins are her lackeys.
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Sad girl hours time! Ren is a jumpy, skittery mess. She knows her existence was a mistake, so she spends her time desperately trying to make up for it.
She loves being around children and is the designated babysitter for the younger Legacy Students. When she's not being mercilessly bullied by Daiya or alienating herself from others, she also likes to make toys. Another really big aspect of this AU is that Toko voluntarily locks herself away (to protect the others from Genocider), so Ren takes it upon herself to act as her caretaker. I'm still kind of working out what her relationship with Byakuya is. I definitely made it more fractured in the original concept, but I don't think he would be that cold to his own child.
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Hi I am very unhealthy about Kaito he is my favourite. Before you ask, I made him before V3 came out and I absolutely refuse to change his name even though it makes everything I write really confusing (I think he'd get along really well with V3 Kaito though) He's my favourite attempt at mixing two Danganronpa characters together and creating an amalgamation because he ended up becoming a chill and friendly surfer vibe new age one with the universe bro friend. Also he's a blind seer who kickstarts the AU story with a horrifying vision so that's always fun! He's definitely one of the most complex Legacy students because he has tons of layers to him. Something something happiest people are always y'know - not.
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Ah yes, gotta have the quiet, stoic guy who stands in the corner. Yuki start off a lot meaner/more sarcastic when I first made him but then I was like nah I kinda like making him the guy who says like five words a day and judges you quietly from a distance. I was also going to make him more martial arts focused but I ended up making him more into meditation once I figured out his whole thing, that being he's afraid of his own power so he tries to keep himself in a calm state as much as he can.
and that's all the older kids! If anyone ever wants to discuss them or anything I am always open lmao they've rotted my brain for like 6 - 7 years so I have some weird ass lore for all of them.
Part 1 - - - Part 3
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satohqbanana · 2 years
Just a few updates (also mini rants on multiple topics in succession):
These days, I find tougher and tougher to allot time for certain endeavors. I like creating stuff; I still like playing games; I still like fan works. It's just been difficult to enjoy them, and recently they've been feeling like less of hobbies and more of obligations.
Speaking of obligations, doing an AV3 playthrough was probably not the best idea. I've spent 40+ hours on three of its games on normal mode. (Why normal mode instead of easy? Because easy mode makes battles less fun.) I really only wanted to play it for Mel's story, but I feel like it's dragged on for so, so long.
The writing mostly feels like a silly downgrade from AV1 and AV2. The first two parts were more or less tolerable, with a few things that irked me and failed to bring out an intended emotion from me. However, the third part just really... no. The only thing I enjoy here is gameplay, because AV did find a good balance of the battle system. However, the story is just too painful for me to read, because I feel like the story removed most meaning and development from its previous installments. For me, it's like a fandom-approved fanfic. And I had to do majority of this game consulting a walkthrough to navigate its too-convoluted mazes and equally convoluted side quests. No, despite my complaints, I'm a few steps away from the final fight, but I'm ready to move on to other stuff, really.
Speaking of moving on, I have no idea what to do with my SK fanfic. I promised a second arc rewrite twice; it feels sillier the more I think about it. I feel like I should move on, but I also feel an obligation to it. I started this mess; I know how it's supposed to go down; I should be able to at least write one more arc?
But, my muse can no longer connect with it that strongly. I do feel desire to continue it, but when I get to think about it, I get nothing. I don't get it. I love the characters. I love the idea. Why can't I write about them anymore? Why do most of my creative concepts now flow to a super new thing that can't even stand on its own foundations yet?
And these things make me think: Am I so jaded? Am I so cynical? Am I broken?
Why. Can't. I. Be. Normal?
Thankfully, there is a bit of good news, and that is: I'm moving closer to releasing an Arcanium: Magia demo for my friends (target: July-August 2022). It will only be limited to them; the purpose of the demo is to find errors and areas of improvement to guide the rest of the development. It will contain a lot of placeholder sprites and graphics; it will only have Area 1 and a preview of Area 2 (of 5-6 areas).
After I tweak things to their feedback and load in the final sprites and graphics, I could hopefully extend the demo to a proper Area 2 showcase. And by the end of this year (December 2022), maybe I could have a proper demo out.
Is this game going to be commercial? I don't know yet. Either way, I hope this game does get realized. Not only is it part of my attempt to reconnect with my interest in programming, but also it is a way for me to create something not fandom-related. My real own idea, donut steal series. It may be small, but it's mine. Something of my own.
Sorry; I'm having feelings.
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givemea-dam-break · 2 years
To Make Amends
a/n: after reading (and reblogging) like a million druig x reader fics, i have now decided that i must write one to satiate my obsession. i have no idea how this will turn out, nor how many people will actually like it, but i hope you enjoy regardless. should i make a part 2?? Warnings: some angst, mild implications of anxiety, mentions of death Words: 1.9K Gender-neutral reader part 2 (To Let Go), part 3 (To Spend Forever)
The Picardy coastline looks beautiful at this time of day, with the sunset turning the water into what looks like molten gold. A light, warm breeze brushes past, laced with the scent of sea salt and baked sand, a scent so calming you could fall asleep standing up. Birds sing distantly, their songs enchanting, and you hum your own tune, the French coming as easily to you as any other language in the thousands of years that you've lived. You could live like this forever, leaving your small cottage in the evenings to watch the Picardy sunset with your basket of pastries, freshly baked by the lady down the lane, humming sweet melodies that you've heard from the films she lends you for the long nights alone. Well, every night, really. It's been centuries since the Eternals parted, since your family broke apart, in a way. Maybe it wouldn't have if not for the rules you have to abide by; the Mahd W'yry that conflicted Thena's mind; the anger Druig felt within his very being for the limitations. Ajak determined that everyone could leave, live their own lives, and you had once believed that you wouldn't be on your own, that you'd have someone to share the rest of your eternal life with. But Druig left with a horde of mortals in his wake, not even deigning to spare a second glance. Not even for you. You can't exactly remember what brought you here, to your little home a small trek away from Abbeville, a small town in the northwest of France. Maybe it was the tranquillity, the quaintness of it all in comparison to the life you had spent destroying Deviants, watching the evolution of humans. Maybe it was the way it made you feel less alone, having the coast on one side and the town on the other. "Care for a financier?" you ask, feeling the multiple presences behind you before you hear them. "Madame Noémie made them a few hours ago, and I remember how much you like almonds, Kingo." "I forgot how well you could sense us," Kingo says, the sound of his voice almost foreign to your ears, but it brings a smile to your face. "It's not even your power, just intuition that I've always envied." A pause. "I do love almonds." Without turning, without allowing them to see, your smile grows. "I've known there was a day we'd end up reuniting, I hoped so, too, so I could get you to try one of these financiers. As for sensing you, it can be put down to the smell of Ikaris's pride." That sparks a laugh, a young one. Sprite. You've missed her laugh. You've missed them all so, so much. Finally, you turn, facing them all in the fading summer light. There's Kingo, proud as ever, with a small, round man beside him who points a camera towards you. "The great y/n," Kingo explains, speaking to the camera. "Provider of almonds, controller of light." Rolling your eyes, you cast your gaze to the others. Sersi, the same as ever, next to Ikaris who makes your joke reality, with his chest puffed slightly. Overconfident, prideful. He had never been your favourite Eternal. Little Sprite who is just as old as the rest of you but looks so below your age, seems so innocent. Thena, devastatingly beautiful and almost, almost stone-faced, but you see the quirk to the left side of her lips. Phastos, smiling faintly as your eyes meet, filled with endless knowledge. And finally, finally... "Druig," you say, somehow keeping your voice steady. "Abandoned your humans after all these years?" A smirk tilts his lips and if this were five centuries ago, it would've turned your stomach into a swarm of butterflies, your mind into a giddy mess. He left, you remind yourself. He left without a second glance back at you. "Not necessarily," he says, the lilt to his voice as mesmerising as ever. "Protecting the rest of them, too." "Where are the others?" you ask, tearing your gaze from the telepath. He doesn't deserve another second of your attention. "Makkari, we think she's with the Domo," Sersi says. "That's our next stop." "And Ajak? Gilgamesh?" Any happiness at the sight of you fades away in an instant. Thena's expression becomes horribly pained, and Sersi's
hand drifts to the hollow of her neck. Your arm drops in realisation, the delicate basket of warm pastries that had been tucked in the crook of your elbow tumbling to the ground and landing with a distant thud. "We don't die," you murmur. "We're Eternals. We don't die." "The Deviants are targeting us now," Ikaris says, voice blunt. "They killed Ajak and Gilgamesh and, somehow, absorbed their powers. Only one, but others are back." "That's not all." Sersi's expression becomes grave. "Is there anywhere we can... sit to explain this all?" You lead them to your lane side cottage, ever conscious of their presences, of his presence. He remains close, closer than you would've thought he'd stay, but never comes beside, or directly behind, you. Kingo and his assistant, Karun, walk with you and it's almost enough to make you smile again, hearing how your friend recalls how the myths of different cultures had once depicted you. "Light given human form," he explains. "Beauty given life." You roll your eyes once again, but your expression stays neutral. There's too much news, bad news, for anything more. You appreciate Kingo's words, how they've been formed to cheer you up, and they almost do, but with Ajak and Gilgamesh gone, truly gone, you're not sure how to process anything. Once everyone finds a place to sit or stand in your small living space, you cross your arms, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. Sersi explains how she and Sprite were attacked by a Deviant in London with healing powers like Ajak's. When they, and Ikaris, journeyed to South Dakota for her advice, they found only Ajak's body, completely drained of life and power. In her death, Ajak had chosen for Sersi to lead and gifted her the orb used to speak to Arishem, which Sersi did and discovered the plan of the Emergence, a little later. "If he manages to emerge," Sersi continues, "the whole Earth will die, and -" She's interrupted by a knock on the door. You turn your head, watching as Madame Noémie peers in, her wrinkled face sweet as ever. "Oh, Madame," you say, deftly switching to French as you head to the front door. "I apologise, but I'm a little busy right now." Her face only lights up. "These are the others? The ones like you?" "They are." "Does she know about us?" Sprite asks, frowning. "Yeah," you say in English. "We've known each other for thirty years and I've never aged, so I decided to tell her. She's no loose-lip, though, don't worry." In French, "I'm sorry, again, but please go home, have a sleep. Have you taken your medicine?" Your mothering, like you hoped, manages to steer her away with quips about how she can take care of herself and you watch as she trudges down the path to her lit house in the distance, not returning inside until you're sure she's safe. Turning back to the others, you say, "We need to get to the Domo to Makkari, formulate a plan. I'm going no further without her." -- It's been a while since you've spent time in a country as dry as it is hot, like Iraq. By the sea in France, there was always some sense of moisture, but the air here makes it feel like it's trying to suck the moisture out of your skin rather than provide you with any. Phastos leads the group, but you keep your distance from them all, still trying to process the information you'd been given five minutes, tops, to try and decipher. The grief tries to tug at you, tries to suffocate you and cut any and all air off, but you force it down. No matter how much you love - loved - Ajak and Gilgamesh, nothing will bring them back, so you need to focus on the task at hand. Someone, though, has other plans. "You sound French, now," Druig says, tucking his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. "Very different from how you sounded centuries ago." "A lot changes in five centuries," you tell him. "Especially when you're on your own. I had to sound French when I spoke it so people would accept me as one of them. And, believe me, I much prefer sounding French than I do sounding like you." "How you wound me," he quips, pressing a hand to his chest in
mock hurt. "Don't mock me," you say. "I'm not mocking you." You sigh through your nose, brushing hair out of your face. "Well, forgive me for not understanding the tone. I lost all sense of understanding you when you left me - us." That seems to hit something, judging the hesitation in Druig's words. "I've never stopped thinking about that night." "Probably because you feel so victorious," you say. "I admit it, you were right. I didn't want to watch the humans fight, to watch them die, and now we're having to do all we can to stop them all from dying." "I can't stop thinking about it because of how I left you." It almost stops you in your tracks, but you trudge on, aware of how Kingo has slowed his pace, discreetly listening to the conversation. Ready to step in, you realise, as he always had done when things became tense with you and anyone centuries ago. Old habits never die, you suppose. "You told me you loved me," Druig says. "That you didn't want to spend forever alone, you wanted to spend it with me." The words feel like jabs to your chest. "You said if you could choose anyone to spend the rest of our eternal lives with, it would be me and you'd never regret the choice. Do you regret it now, seeing as I'd left?" Yes, you want to scream. Yes, I regret it all. Letting him get close, letting him spend all those nights with you in search of comfort. You hate him, you regret it - but you don't. Not really. You can't bring yourself to regret it, not when you see the hint of pain behind his eyes. "No," you say. "I don't regret it. I just wish you'd had the decency to tell me you didn't feel the same before you abandoned us." "I want to make amends for what I've done," he says, keeping his voice loud enough for Kingo to hear, for him to know that he wants to do better. It surprises you, seeing as Druig has never liked your friend, and it almost warms you. "I wanted you to come with me, I wanted to go with you, and I'll never forgive myself for the way I left. Tell me, what can I do to fix this, fix us?" You hesitate. "Help us stop the Emergence, then we can figure it out from there."
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jamespotterthefirst · 4 years
Birthday (Ethan x F!MC)
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Lilac Allende) Word count: 1,200+ Warning: Some adult language Premise: On her birthday, Ethan shows up at her door with a gift.  Author’s Note: Pointless fluff. Part 2 coming soon :) 
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Of all nights, she did not want to be alone on the night of her birthday. Lilac had spent her medical career resigned to the idea that being a doctor meant postponing celebrations because of impossible shift hours. 
It didn’t make it any less lonely.
The phone's screen was almost blinding in the darkness of her room. Her fingers hovered over his contact name, recklessly wishing she could just call. But then, what would she say if he picked up? 
“Come sleep with me, Ethan.” 
The rejection would be more crushing tonight than ever. 
With a frustrated sigh, she threw her phone aside on the mattress. Willing all thoughts of piercing blue eyes away, she shifted on her bed, her covers a tangled mess on her limbs. 
It wasn't long before a resounding bang startled her upright. Lilac climbed out of bed, determined to investigate, before she remembered it was only her and Elijah in the apartment, the latter sound asleep in his room. Sienna was on the emergency shift, Jackie had an overnight babysitting gig with the neighbors, and she hadn't spoken much to Aurora to know with certainty where she was. 
Before panic could set in, she heard a familiar voice from the hallway outside their door. 
The last thing she expected to see when she opened the door was the very man she had just spent hours thinking about, kneeling down at her feet, looking equal parts exasperated and flustered.
He straightened up at the sight of her, almost jumping, his handsome face flushing with color. It took him a moment to compose his features, schooling them to his usual, inscrutable facade. “Did I wake you?” 
“Not really,” she replied. There was something almost urgent about his expression, despite his feeble attempt to hide it. A thought occurred to her. “What’s wrong? Did something happen at the hospital?”
“No,” he assured her. “Everything is as usual.”
“Then, what —” she started, but her eyes landed on something at her feet. In her shock at seeing Ethan, she hadn't noticed what he had been kneeling over. It had fallen over when she had opened the door. 
It was a book, and by the looks of it, a very expensive one. Lilac bent down to pick it up and for a split second, Ethan looked as though he might protest. Instead, he shut his eyes, the pink flush coloring his cheeks deepening still. 
“‘Anne of Green Gables,’” Lilac read out loud. It was a beautiful edition, one she had never seen before. The gleaming leather of the cover felt soft against her touch as she looked up at him in confusion.
Ethan, on the other hand, looked as though he wanted the floor to swallow him whole.
“It’s your favorite book, isn’t it?” he asked when he finally seemed capable of speech, his tone uncharacteristically doubtful. “You told me about it on the drive to Evelyn’s gallery.”
Lilac stared back at him, stunned. 
The night of their patient’s exhibit, she had raised a brow at the audio book that automatically played when he started his car: Howard Zinn’s A People's History of the United States. After teasing him relentlessly about how predictable that book choice was, he challenged her to suggest something better. Lilac hadn’t hesitated to name her favorite childhood book, the title said so casually that it could easily be forgotten. Except, he hadn’t forgotten.
“You remembered,” she whispered at the same time Ethan hurriedly said, “It’s for you, for your birthday.”
Their eyes met, locking together like magnets. 
“I wasn’t sure if you owned this edition. I found it through a Canadian bookstore online,” he rambled, no doubt as an attempt to fill the elongated pause.  “It wasn’t my intention to wake you. I was only going to leave it by your doorstep and go. Except I dropped it and probably woke your whole building.”
For once, she was rendered entirely speechless. The mental image of Ethan scourging the internet for a rare copy of a book she confessed to loving once made her throat tighten for some inexplicable reason. Soon after, she felt an unwelcome prickling at the back of her eyes. She averted her eyes down to the book, the beautiful golden, embossed title shining back at her. No one had ever done something so thoughtful for her and realizing this made her chest tug longingly. 
It occurred to her that he was probably expecting her to say something.
Before she could, Ethan swept his hand down his face, evidently embarrassed and probably irritated at being so. 
“God, this was a mistake,” he muttered. “I should go.”
“No,” she said quickly, finally finding her voice. Her hand flew out to his arm as he moved to leave. “Stay.”
Those eyes that drove her to insanity studied her, something raw and vulnerable in them. Heart thundering, Lilac was certain the same could be found in hers. 
“Ethan,” she whispered. He closed his eyes in turn, the words a caress. 
In the loaded silence that followed, the yearning from the past weeks became palpable, pulsing between them in the mere inches that separated their bodies. Neither could ignore it nor resist it anymore. 
Paying no mind to any rational thought, Lilac closed the space between them in one quick stride, taking his mouth in hers. A small moan escaped her when he responded at once, pulling her body close to his, hand losing themselves in her hair. His mouth, softer somehow than she had remembered, opened for her, his tongue leaving a searing trail along her lower lip. 
“Ethan,” she gasped when his beautiful lips moved to the column of her neck. 
His response was a groan, lost against her shoulder. It made her body thrum with unrestrained desire. His powerful hands, desperate to hold as much of her as possible, inched under the hem of the over sized t-shirt she wore to bed. 
“Lilac?” Elijah’s voice came from his doorway. 
They sprang apart at once. 
 “Oh, Dr. Ramsey,” he said with surprise, stopping his chair abruptly in the middle of the hallway. “Good evening.”
“Evening, Dr. Greene,” Ethan returned in an even voice. 
“I heard…” Elijah trailed off, a tiny quiver at the corner of his mouth. One look at their flushed, guilty expressions told him everything he needed to know. “Never mind. Just wanted to make sure you were okay, Lilac.”
“Fine,” she muttered, still breathless. 
Her friend’s poor attempt at a serious demeanor cracked slightly and Lilac felt her face flare with heat. With a smile too mirthful for her liking, Elijah announced he was going back to bed, wishing them both a good night. 
“Sorry,” Lilac mumbled to Ethan once he was gone. “It’s probably not good that he saw you.”
To her surprise, Ethan shrugged dismissively. “He already saw me walking out of your bedroom once.” 
She pressed the book to her chest, at loss for what else to say. His eyes, dark from their previous embrace, scrutinized her closely. Finally, she asked, “Do you still want to come in?” 
Ethan gave her a small smile. It evoked a hopeful reaction since this would be the part where he gently turned her down. Instead, blue eyes full of promise, he said, “Tomorrow.” 
“We can be at my place. No interruptions.”
Author’s Note: Yeah, you can probably guess what Part 2 will be ;) Hopefully that gets done sooner than later. I’m an obsessive writer!
THANK YOU for reading this pointlessness! 
Thank you @ethandaddyramsey​ and @openheart12​ for the suggestions! You are the best! 
Tags: @openheart12​ | @ethandaddyramsey​ | @noboundariesplease​ | @silverlitskies​ | @the-soot-sprite | @infinitiestones | @emotionalswift2 | @flyawayboo |  @paulfwesley | @hatescapsicum​| @myusualnerdyself​ | @thatysn​ | @choicesyouplayandmore​ | @chasingrobbie​ | @trappedinfandoms​ |  @togetherwearerapture | @nooruleman​ | @caseyvalentineramsey​ | @axwalker​ | @parkerattano​ | @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ | 
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
oh god okay feel free to ignore this if you want, idk? but um ive been really struggling with eating lately (like i just kinda panicked about the thought of eating?) and you're really good at writing all this kind of stuff so maybe billy struggling with eating after starcourt (for medical and mental reasons) and steve helping but still bring gentle and encouraging (totally okay if this is a sensitive for you or if you don't want to write it 💕)
This is pretty heavy.
Under the cut for medical stuff, disordered eating, talks of throw up (nothing graphic), me projecting.
The first bit under the cut is my medical story, so skip that if you would like.
Read on Ao3
So, oof. A little background. I spent three years misdiagnosed when I was young. I was so sick and in so much pain (one of my organs had literally died) that I couldn’t eat. If I did, I was in such severe pain I would throw up. I was 5 feet tall and weighed 62 pounds. If I had lost 2 pounds, I would’ve had an intestinal feeding tube. The doctors thought I just had an eating disorder from doing ballet. They would look at my chart, see another chronic illness I have, and blame my pain on that. They found what was wrong BY ACCIDENT and fixed it within a few hours in one (1) surgery.
So this is based largely on that.
He pushed the mashed potatoes around the plate.
“I thought hospital food was supposed to be like, bad. This is pretty alright.” Steve had wolfed down the plate he had gotten himself, not paying much attention to how the plate he had brought Billy was still full.
“Yeah. It’s okay.” He had taken one bite.
He felt fucking sick.
The thought of food, of something in his sore stomach, made him want to hurl.
“You’re not eating?” Steve’s eyebrows were scrunched up, concerned.
“Don’t feel too good.”
“Would something sound better? I could get you whatever you wanted.”
“Um, just like a ginger ale or something. Then I’ll try eating again.” That was his go-to. Ginger ale or Sprite, the carbonation helped his stomach enough that he could force some food down for a while.
Steve got him a few cans from the vending machine.
He ended up taking three bites of potato.
Steve made dinner when he finally got to come home.
They had decided he would move in with Steve, “live” in the bedroom across the hall, but they both knew he would be spending the most time in Steve’s room.
He had just made buttered noddles, nothing that would be hard on Billy’s weak stomach, but he had made the noodles from scratch.
And Billy was just staring at them.
“You feeling okay?”
“Just, uh, you know. Stomach’s kinda off.” Steve got him a can of ginger ale from the fridge, slid it to him with a bright smile.
The gesture was sweet, but Billy just didn’t want to risk it.
Every night he spent heaving into the toilet, it made his muscles seize and hurt. It made his throat burn for hours, made him feel like he was wasting away to nothing.
He always used the same hole on his belts.
He knew it was the right one from the way the leather was stretched a bit, the buckle leaving indents on it.
But that was too big now.
Did nothing to hold up his pants.
His pants that used to fit.
He tightened his belt.
Two notches. He was two notches thinner.
Billy could hear the blender when he woke up.
He was curious as to what Steve was doing, what the fuck he was blending up.
He came downstairs, found Steve with grocery bags all around the kitchen.
“Hey! I’ve been doing some research.” He poured the thick smoothie into a blender. “I think this might be easier for you to eat and keep down. There’s protein powder and some ginger, that should help keep your stomach calm, and spinach and some fruit and stuff.” Steve was fidgeting with his hands.
“Thank you.” Billy sat down with it.
Steve let him take his time, let him drink it in tiny sips.
He was about halfway through when he threw it all up.
Billy hadn’t eaten in two days.
But he also hadn’t thrown up in just as long.
Steve poked a plate of plain toast towards him.
Billy stared at it.
Steve sighed.
“Will you just, take one bite? For me?”
He took the smallest bite he possibly could.
Steve let him wait ten minutes before he pushed the toast back towards him.
They continued that until Billy finished the toast, waiting a while between each bite in order to make sure it wasn’t on it’s way back up.
He kept it down almost the whole night, until the pain in his stomach flared again and he was heaving into the large mixing bowl Steve kept next to the bed.
Billy was laying on the bed, curled into himself, clutching his stomach.
Steve had been behind him almost all day, rubbing his back, talking in a low soothing voice.
He left when there was a pounding on the door. He left the door open, Billy could hear Max’s voice.
“Jesus, Max. You’re a mess.”
“It’s, it’s raining. And I fell.”
“Why were you skateboarding in the rain?”
“I um, I remembered, whenever Billy felt sick, he liked eating lime popcicles, and I went to Melvald’s, and I got some.”
She sounded hysterical.
“Alright, thank you, Max. Thank you. Let’s get you cleaned up.” He heard them coming up the stairs, going into the bathroom on the landing he kept the first aid kit in.
They were in there for a while before Steve came in, talking in that soft voice he always uses.
“Billy, Max is here.”
It felt like a feat for him to roll over.
Her knees were bandaged up, and her face was splotchy.
“Hey, Shitbird.”
“You look like shit.” He huffed a laugh.”
“Feel like it, too.” Her lip trembled. He didn’t want that. “Hey, thanks for the popcicles. Can I get one? Lime, right?”
“Yeah. Lime.” Steve helped him sit up, gave him one of the popcicles.
It tasted good, and the cold was nice on his throat.
And he even kept the whole thing down.
Steve was standing next to Billy as they waited for the doctor.
He had lost nearly thirty pounds since he’d been home. His muscle was nearly entirely gone.
“Steve, just, play it cool.”
“I will not.” He had his pissed off mom face on, and Billy knew he had no qualms about yelling at a doctor.
“Steve, this is just, my life now.”
“No. I refuse to accept that.”
“You yell at Owens every time we’ve come in for the past four months, Steve.”
“And I’m gonna keep yelling until shit gets fixed.”
There was a rap on the door before Dr. Owens let himself in.
“You need to help him.” Billy huffed as Steve started in immediately.
“Um, good morning to you both.” Dr. Owens looked between the two of them.
“Billy can’t eat without throwing up. Look at him. He’s fucking wasting away.”
“No. I can’t take it anymore. There is something fucking wrong. It is your job to fix it.”
Owens’ eyes were wide, Steve was on a roll.
“Every day, every day he can’t eat anything. He won’t because he’s in pain, and he’d rather not eat than throw everything up. And you need to help him.”
Owens was quiet.
“Let’s run some tests.”
Billy was in imaging within a few minutes. He had an x-ray done of his abdomen, and Owens ordered several blood tests.
They were in another room, Billy was having an ultrasound done of his entire stomach.
The tech was looking at his intestines, finding everything normal.
“Look, you’re already doing all this, can’t you just kinda, poke around?”
“I’m not sure-”
“Just kinda,” Steve made a vague wiggling gesture around Billy’s stomach.
She gave him a look.
But she sighed, moving the wand up his body.
“Wait, what’s huh?”
“Um, excuse me.” She left in a hurry.
“Wait, you think they found something?” Billy’s eyes were side.
“If they did, and I was right, you’re never gonna hear the end of it.” Billy rolled his eyes.
The tech returned with an older woman, pointing at the screen and discussing in low voices.
And then the doctor was leaving again, and the tech was wiping his stomach.
“So, we’re going to prep an operation room. We’re going to have you in there as soon as we can.”
“Wait, what?”
“His gallbladder is infected.” Steve was fucking grinning when he turned back to Billy.
“So, I was right?”
“Steve, read the room. Surgery.”
“Oh, fuck.”
Steve was biting his nails.
The chairs in the waiting room were stiff and uncomfortable.
They were given the run down. Billy’s gallbladder had become infected. Probably due to the traumatic situation of his injuries and the many surgeries it took to put him back together.
It was almost completely dead inside his body, causing severe pain and all the vomiting. The doctor had explained that his rapid weight loss had probably only hurt it more.
They said it would take about two hours to remove.
Steve had been staring at the large clock as the two hours clicked by.
It was creeping up on two and a half, and he was getting fucking antsy.
He scrambled to his feet when a nurse called him back.
“You family?”
“Yeah, I’m his brother.” It was easier to lie. He needed to see him.
“He should be waking up very soon. It’s easier if there’s family. His surgery went well, the surgeons were able to remove his gallbladder with no other complications. He may be in pain and delirious when he wakes up, put that will pass, and we can give him more medicine if he needs.” They had stopped in front of a nondescript door.
Steve let himself in, taking the seat closest to Billy’s bed, taking his hand. His eyes were already blinking slowly. He smiled softly when he saw Steve.
“Pretty,” his voice was soft.
“Hey, Baby. I’m right here for you.”
“Thanks for, thanks for fightin’.” Steve smiled back at him, running a hand through his hair.
“Of course, Bill. I’ll always fight for you.”
“Love you.”
“I love you, too.” Billy smiled again. “You feelin’ okay? Need more meds?”
“Nah. Feelin’ good. Feelin’ high.”
“Yeah, they gave you the good drugs.”
“Good drugs.” He laid back in the pillow, his eyelids looking heavy.
“Go to sleep if you’re tired, Bill.”
“Don’t wanna. Wanna see you.”
“I’ll be here when you wake up again.”
“Promise.” Steve kissed his hand.
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icharchivist · 3 years
I have finished winter troupe debut episode! It was very dramatic lmao. Was enjoyable though. Winter troupe all had very interesting characters and It's nice to see a troupe that is all adults.
Since I complained about spring troupe issues being solved by not talking about it. I have to talk about how winter troupes issues were solved by literal outside forces trapping them or letting them read peoples minds.
I'm guessing they did this because unlike the teens who are more willing to be open about themselves and pester others,,,, adults are a lot less likely. (Before winter the adults were, sakyo, and itaru? cause the uni students aren't really adults yet. sakyo opens up to Izumi because he knows and trusts her. Itaru. Hasn't really opened up yet but he's getting there.) Whereas winter troupe is a group of strangers and the two who know each other literally are in the middle of massive misunderstanding/fight?/idk mutual disappointment.
(Also misumi just getting trapped in random time loops???? Holy shit is he ok???? Like he was able to figure it was tsumugi and tasuku this time but what if he doesn't know the people? I have so many questions)
Ok rant over. I have accepted that magic exists in a3 and all it wants is for people to get along and understand each other. But yeah once I crawl through the events and next act I have to rewatch spring hahaha. I definitely wasn't fair to them.
Homare oh my god. Just. Holds gently. I want to protect him. No one deserves to be called a broken cyborg :(
Gahhh all of winter troupe I just want to protect.
Also I saw fuyupoly is a thing? Because I'm excited to see the troupe develop more.
(you said you had a Google drive of the inbetween acts events :eyes: should I message you or something?)
And yeah tbh when you talked about Spring having communication problems my first thought was “oh BOY you haven’t seen Winter yet” DLKFJDLFKJDFLKJDFLK
I. think about Winter much more than i should but yeah, pretty much it’s the fact they’re adults and strangers and just. are extremely conflict avoidant, all of them, for various reasons. Tsumugi because of his crushed confidence, Tasuku because he struggles to convey his feelings and he lost Tsumugi in the past, Hisoka because he litterally has no past and it freaks him out (Homare was spot on when he said Hisoka knew he couldn’t defend himself), Homare because he’s scared he’ll mess up again, and Azuma because he spent his life keeping people at armlength.  They’re all adult and agreeable people, and they are also all pretty understanding in some way, so they let some conflict pass by hoping it will be over soon. Some of them like Tsumugi, Azuma and Homare are also pretty analytic of people on a psychological way so they can try to navigate with what they know. 
But in the end without communication it’s not going very far, but they don’t really know how to do it when all of them are adults who have got used to it. 
so yeah, like you said it’s really that they’re adults and that unlike the youngest ones i think it’s just. they’re all used to compromise and compromise a part of themselves as well. 
but yeah the magic being the thing solving it cracks me up all the time i’m just. Like. okay. Okay cool okay. Normal. Like. Thematically wise i think it’s because Winter is a season that’s so cold and sad but there’s a bit of magic in it (like the magic of christmas) and i think that’s what it is meant to echo but that’s. so out of the blue DLKFJDKLFJDLKFJLDF that said once that just accepted i really love the way the three magical events reflects the characters (Tasuku and Tsumugi needed to reconnect and find back the comfort they had with one another and plushies are considered comfort items that helps transition into a safer place, it’s also linked to childhood and those two are childhood friends. Homare and the loupe are pretty straight forward, he needed to see closer, deeper. Azuma and Hisoka both were locked into a room, isolated, just like their past (or in Hisoka’s case what his flashbacks implies) make them feel isolated, having experienced loss).). I am FASCINATED with Winter. i just. akjhfkdhfkdjfmldjfmd?? sljhfjldk.
but aah i’m glad you enjoyed the ride so much i’m so happy!!
and god yeah please someone check on Misumi i worry for him wtf
and Homare’s arc yeah!! yeah!!! his arc is one of my fav arc i just. really love how it all plays out. It’s really rare to see a story goes “here’s a character with low empathy: and he’s the most loving and kind character you can imagine”. The way he struggles from it, how sad it makes him, this way to see himself, everything makes me want to cry for hours. I want to hold him so bad.
Fuyupoly is definitly a thing yeah. Fuyupoly my beloved. I adore Fuyupoly so much 😭 but Winter is honestly a slow burn, especially in comparaison to the rest of the teams. 
I actually didn’t think much of them at first read (Azuma and Hisoka were already my favs though, i’m so soft for them)(also i say that but i know i found back screenshot of me crying about fuyu on first read so i did feel a lot but it didn’t hit me until late, how much i actually cared), and now i legit can’t stop thinking about all of them. I don’t know how much it says about their slowburn or what it says about me but; Winter.
ANYWAY congratz on finishing the main story of act 1 :3c and yeah, i’d prefer if i could share it in private (bc it’s, a lot of content and if i provide it in public this is clearly piracy and DLKFJDF i know a3 tends to take down some of this content and i’m trying to be stealthy).
Though if you don’t want to come off anon, you can tell me in another anon’s ask, i’ll link you my drive, then you’ll need to send me an ask to tell me you got it so i can delete the post, if you prefer?
anyway the drive is up and ready anytime. i just didn’t update some of the latest act 2′s events but act 1 is filled and that’s the priority. so you know also this drive includes 1) Story events, 2) the songs linked to each plays (which tells the story of the plays, def recommand it), 3) All the backstages from limited time cards i could get. Backstages linked to specific events are inside their specific event files, else the cards which didn’t come in an event are in the “Scouting file”.  What’s important to read plotwise is the Event stories. The backstages are very good and i def recommand it but it may be overwhelming so you can skip them and come back later for them DLKJFLDKFJFD it’s really just the main plot of each event that you should watch.
(also i should mention only the first two events are fully voiced, the rest are just with some voicelines here and there, but i still recommand watching it bc of the mood with the music and the sprites and all)
so yeah ready to send it anytime you want  !! :3c
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mrsdr-ethan-ramsey · 4 years
Used to It (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
More angst, oof. I’ve been listening to Ashe of repeat the last few weeks, and I love this song. So now we get some angst with our favorite doctor duo. For me personally, it’s so hard to learn to live with a new person and Ethan really strikes me as someone who likes control over his space. That’s gotta lead to some fights, right? I hope y’all enjoy! Also, Thank you so much for all the love and support! It means the absolute world to me! Y’all are so sweet and nice! Thank you for all your kind words, likes, and reblogs. You are all the best! 💕💕💕
Tag List: @the-soot-sprite @ethandaddyramsey @silverlitskies @trappedinfandoms @samihatuli @marywitchjane @awalker965 @openheart12 @flyawayboo @hatescapsicum @edith049 @princess-geek @akacalliope @dr-nancy-house @hipstercoffeeshop @sherlockedmcu @virtualrain202
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Parker Kennedy)
Summary: Ethan and Parker just moved in together and their relationship has some growing pains with it.
Warnings: Angst, fighting, maybe a swear word or two? 
Word Count: ~1730
Song Inspiration: “Used to It (Stripped)” by Ashe
Ethan walked through the apartment door after an extremely stressful day. Parker had the day off, meanwhile he had a person emergency lifted from Mass Kenmore to try and figure out why he kept coding. On top of it, he had to tell two different families that they were terminal. He had done this before, but it didn’t make it any less hard. So as he walked in to find the dishes still piled up in the sink and Parker still in her pajamas it irked him just a bit.
“I’m home,” he mumbled as he took off his shoes and set his keys in the dish by the door.
Parker looked over at him and grinned, “How was your day?”
“Not great. Have you had dinner?”
“Yeah, I just had some cereal,” she replied, moving to kneel on the couch so she could watch Ethan move around the kitchen.
“Of course.”
This made Parker narrow her eyes at him. She and Ethan have had plenty of fights before and she could sense one building up. It always started with short comments being mumbled so she would have to ask him what he said. This would lead to the explosion of words and anger. It had been worse lately it seemed. She just moved into his apartment now that everyone at the hospital knew they were dating. The growing pains of learning how to live with someone, especially for Ethan, were taking a toll.
It started with the fact that Parker would try on different clothes before settling on something, leading to her clothes laying on the floor of their closet. Parker started noticing that Ethan had a place for everything, so her stuff was scattered in random spots as not to disturb his order. She ate at random times, while Ethan preferred meals around normal hours. All the things were little by themselves, but adding them together put both Ethan and Parker under pressure. They were going to explode at some point, they just didn’t know when. Well, until Ethan came home pissy and Parker wasn’t going to take it tonight.
“If you have a problem Ethan, say it to my face.”
Parker went for the throat and Ethan wasn’t going to take it either. With a straight face he turned to her and replied, “You didn’t have time to do the dishes today?”
“No, I was catching up on some cases and reading the journals that you said you wanted me to read, laundry, and actually enjoying my one day off.”
“One more question, when are you going to grow up Parker?”
Ethan knew he went too far. She was already self-conscious about their age difference from all the whispers at the hospital and now he pointed it out. Low blow Ramsey, he said in his head, low fucking blow.
Parker’s jaw clenched. If he was going to play this way, she would too. So, despite the little voice in her head telling her no, Parker shot back with, “Sorry Ethan. I didn’t want to disrupt the museum you call a home.”
“Like doing the dishes would disrupt anything!” Ethan was exasperated now. As an only child, arguing back and forth was new to him. Parker had years of experience with her siblings, so she could take a few hits as well as deliver her own while also not going too far.
“Well if I put them away, I’m sure I would have put them in the wrong spot! That’s all you ever go on about when I tried to do them in the past.”
Ethan’s face grew red as his voice grew with each word. “The kitchen is laid out so dishes are by where you use them. It’s not that hard Parker!”
“Okay, fine. It all makes sense now that you’ve said that for the 10th time. Thank you so much Mr. Smarty Pants,” she shouted, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Both Ethan and Parker knew they should shut up, but the fighting was about more than just the stack of dishes in the sink. It was the stress from inside their shared apartment but also the outside worries of finally publically dating. Neither could stop though, not until the final blow was made…and for this fight it was Ethan’s.
“Harper figured it out, you should be able to.”
Parker’s jaw dropped. Time stood still. He sucker punched her and she had no fight left in her. He regretted the sentence as soon as it left his lips, but he really didn’t want to eat his words right after he said them. So all Parker did was get up, go to the sink and start filling it was warm water and soap. Maybe Ethan had the last word, but she would make him regret it. They moved quietly around each other; Parker doing the dishes and Ethan making himself dinner. Once she was done, she left the kitchen without saying anything.
Ethan spent that night on the couch while Jenner took his spot in bed.
The next morning, the silence continued. It was deafening. The two tiptoed around each other; unsure of what to say. Pride and anger keeping the other from talking first, so they pretended like the other person wasn’t there. It was hard since they both had a diagnostic case to attend to right away. They held a truce when talking about the patient, but the walls went up as soon as it was solved and the patient was treated. Parker spent the rest of her day in the free clinic while Ethan holed himself in his office.  
The commute home was just as quiet. Parker spent it trying to figure out how they managed to get to this point. How had their love fallen so low that they were taking cheap shots as the other, refusing to talk except for work, and barely making eye contact? She wanted to go back to how they were before they were publically dating. They each had their own space to go to when they needed it and she felt wanted and loved. They were so good together when no one knew. There was a thrill to not being caught…and now? Everyone knew. He could kiss her in the hallway. That’s all she ever wanted until the side effects of publically dating kicked in. Everyone had an opinion.
“She’s way too young for him. She’s obviously a gold digger.”
“I liked him better when he dated Harper.”
“She’s so nice and he’s so callous. How are they even together?”
“I think it’s gross that he would take advantage of a second year resident.”
The only two voices that seemed lost in the relationship were the two that actually mattered; Parker’s and Ethan’s.
The quiet stretched through making dinner, eating, and getting ready for bed. Parker left the living room where the two had been reading. She figured Ethan would stay out there again since their silence had stretched the entire day. Standing in the closet, she reached for her pajamas but something caught her eye as she was about to leave in her usual long shirt and panties. There, folded nicely on top of Ethan’s laundry around her mess of clothes, was his sweater. Fuck she had loved that sweater her intern year. He seemed to always wear it outside of the hospital. It was familiar and reminded her of good times, before all the fighting. Parker grabbed it, slipping it on then crawling into the bed alone.
Around 2 am, Ethan couldn’t spend any more hours flipping around the couch. He was pretty sure Jenner was sending glares his way with how much noise he was causing. He wanted nothing more than to be in his own bed, holding his girlfriend, and to take back everything he said. So that’s what he was going to do.
Ethan got off the couch and walked the familiar path to the bedroom. He gently opened the door and looked in. His heart broke at what he saw. Parker had fallen asleep with a lamp on, wrapped in his sweater. She looked small curled up in a ball on his side of the bed. As he walked into the room and sat down on the bed next to her, he could see that she had been crying. Saying the words hurt, but seeing their direct effect on the woman he loved made him realize how bad he actually felt.
“Parker, my love,” he whispered softly.
She stirred at his voice, pulling her out of her light dreamless sleep. Her eyes cracked open, drowsily taking in Ethan’s bare chest and pajama clad legs sitting next to her. She rubbed her eyes, making sure that he was actually here or if she had finally gone nuts.
“Ethan?” he hoarse voice asked.
“I’m sorry Parker for all the shit I said. If I could take it back so it never happened, I would. We both know I can’t though, so the best I can do it tell you how sorry I am.” His eyes were downcast, unable to look at his favorite person in the world.
Parker pushed her body up, wrapping her arms around herself. “I’m sorry too…this is new for both of us Ethan. We’re going to stumble along the way, but that last comment was low.”
He nodded, “I know, that was uncalled for.”
As Parker woke up a little more, she looked at the hunched over frame of Ethan Ramsey. He usually carried himself with such pride, but as he admitted that he was wrong he looked actually sorry. Their growing pains were at their worst, but she had no doubt they’d figure out how to get this right. She wanted to be with him more than anything. They would get through this.
They sat quietly for a bit, until Ethan finally said, “I’ll make room for your things around the apartment.”
Parker looked over at him, a small smile on her face. “I’ll start picking up my clothes.”
Ethan reached for Parker’s hand and she willingly gave it. His hands were larger than hers, rough from years of the cold Boston winters. He brought her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it gently.
“I’m all in. I’ll always love you Parker,” he whispered softly against her hand.
“After everything we’ve been through, I’ll always love you Ethan.”
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susssoo · 4 years
Midnight trip to McDonald’s
Pairing: Park Jaehyung and Younghyun Kang
Genre: fluff, college au, late night antics
A/N: I really wanted to write something with just Jae and Brian, so here you go. Enjoy ;)
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If Younghyun could ask for anything in the world, right now, it’d be a burger. Specifically from McDonald’s.
It’s an odd request, he knows, but it’s 2 in the morning, he has several deadlines he has to meet before Friday, and he’s freaking the fuck out.
And the only thing that could make him feel better is a burger, from McDonald’s specifically.
And he knows only one person who’d be willing to take him.
Park Jaehyung.
He closes his laptop, and places it to the side. He searches for his phone through a mess of papers spread lazily across his desk, after hours of frustration. But when he finally finds it, he sees it’s only at 12 percent and groans inwardly.
He’ll have to charge it later, because right now he only wants one thing and one thing only.
A burger, and to see his boyfriend.
Okay, so maybe two things.
He goes to his contacts, clicking on Jae’s and pressing call.
After it rings a couple times, someone finally picks up.
“Jaeeeeee~” Younghyun says sweetly over the phone.
“BriBri, It’s 2 in the morning, shouldn’t you be sleeping?” He questions.
“I’m hungry, and I can’t finish this stupid fucking project and I need food and to see you right or I might actually break something.”
There’s silence for a moment, before Jae speaks once again.
“Okay, I’ll be there in five.” He remarked, Younghyun could hear him over the phone shuffling around, probably searching for his keys and a hoodie.
“Thanks Jae, I love you.”
“I love you too, meet me outside the dormitory.”
After that, the call ended, and Younghyun practically beaming.
He quickly stood up from his chair, nearly falling over as his limbs protested him after being seated for nearly 10 hours.
He ignored it, grabbing his keys and a hoodie and making his way to the front of the campus.
Younghyun had been sitting in front of the campus for half an hour and he was beginning to think that Jae had fallen asleep, but not a moment later, a tall, lengthy blonde could be seen sprinting towards him.
Jae immediately engulfed him in a hug, apologizing profusely for being so late.
“I’m so sorry, as I was walking to the front, I saw security so I was basically running around like a fucking mad man trying not to get caught.” He huffed out, wiping the sweat on his forehead away with the back of his free hand, as his other arm was wrapped comfortably around the younger waste.
Younghyun cackled at the elder and his antics.
“Don’t worry about it, at least he didn’t see you, that could’ve been a shit show.”
“You’re telling me, I nearly had a heart attack!” He exclaimed, making gestures with his hand.
The two stood there for a moment, in comfortable silence just enjoying each other’s presence.
“So, McDonald’s?” Jae said, breaking whatever trance the younger had been in.
“Fucking please.”
The pair had decided they were going to walk, since Jae had forgotten the keys to his car (typical Jae, but he loved him regardless of his forgetfulness) and Younghyun didn’t even have one at the moment.
They spent the walk talking about nothing in particular, hands eloped in the others, enjoying the frigid night.
“God, You’re such an emotional drunk. Clingy too.” Jae provoked.
Younghyun scoffed, hitting the older on this chest playfully.
“I am not!”
“Really? I specifically remember after Youngjae’s party, you cried the entire way back to campus, and then when we got to my room, you were upset because we didn’t get McDonald’s and then you started crying again, so I had to turn on animal planet until you eventually knocked out. You almost threw Youngjae’s espresso machine at Wonpil!” Jae retorted, before breaking out into bouts of laughter.
“Okay, but that’s because he called me a bottom! I’m not a fucking bottom!” He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.
“You in bed the other night moaning my name said-“
Younghyun stopped walking, glaring at the older.
Jae threw is arms up, surrendering.
“I mean, no, of course not.”
The younger broke out into toothy grin, and resumed walking once again.
Nearly 20 minutes later, they finally arrived a McDonald’s. It was empty, besides the cashier behind the counter, wearing a bored expression. They entered the building, and walked towards the counter to place their orders.
“Hi, welcome to McDonald’s, what can I get for you today?” The employee forced a smile onto their face, but their weary tone betrayed them.
“Hm, can we get two large cups, with two Big Macs and 10 piece McNuggets, with a side of fries.” Younghyun replied, digging into the pockets of his sweatpants for his wallet.
“Sure, will that be all for you?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Alright, that will be 15,470 won.”
Younghyun handed her his credit card. She took it, swiping through the machine behind the counter and then handing it back to him, with a receipt, and two large cups.
The two walked towards the drink machines, Younghyun filling his cup with a sprite, while Jae got himself an iced tea. They both made their way to a empty table near the back of the restaurant, and sat down across each other.
“Thanks. Honestly, I really needed this.” Younghyun blurted out, looking at the older thankfully.
“You don’t need to thank me Bri, you know I’d do anything for you.” Jae responded, a smile making its way onto his face.
Younghyun grinned, enveloping the others hand into his own.
10 minutes later, their food is finally ready. Jae gets up from the table, going to the counter to grab their food.
Younghyun’s mouth is practically watering, hungry would be an understatement of words, he’s ravenous.
Jae sits back down, placing the tray on the table.
He immediately grabs his burger off the tray, quickly unwrapping it, and taking a bite.
The younger leans back in his seat, letting out an unintentional moan.
“It’s so fucking good.” He says, mouth still full of food.
Jae stares at him for a moment, amused, before beginning to eat his own food.
They eat their meals in silence, because when Younghyun is really invested in something, there is no breaking his concentration, and he’s really invested in this burger, as he’s already finished with half of it.
Jae smiles to himself, Younghyun looks so adorable, even with a face full of food.
30 minutes later, Younghyun has finally finished his meal and is now sitting in the booth, half asleep, hunched over the table.
Jae still has half his fries left, but it doesn’t seem like he’ll be able to eat much more as his stomach is practically bulging from his sweatpants.
He looks up at the younger, and sees his current state.
“Yo Bri, you good?” He asks, putting all the trash onto the tray.
“I’m tired, that was really good. It was so good it took all the energy out of me, and now I want to sleep” He murmurs, still hunched over the table.
Jae cackles, before getting up to throw the thrash away.
He walks back over to the table, carding his fingers through Younghyun’s hair.
“Well, we’re about to leave. You want to sleep with me tonight?”
Younghyun only nods, getting up from the booth and lacing his fingers into the elders.
They leave the restaurant, and begin walking back to the campus in silence. Although he may not say it all the time, but Younghyun truly does adore his boyfriend. And it’s moments like these, that only makes him adore him more.
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make-it-mavis · 4 years
Homesick (Entry #20)
01/07/88  11:56 PM
That first night was rough.
The following six would not be much better.
Honestly, most of my time spent in the dump has excused itself from my memory, on account of being so profoundly unremarkable and entirely unpleasant. I’m pretty sure I know what I did, but a large sum of the details are basically gone. Thankfully, none of it’s all that important, but I still feel like I should write down what I can recall. It’s kind of weird -- it feels like the more I write, the more I remember. Maybe once all’s said and done, I should try keeping a journal or some corny crap like that. A real one.
‘Dunno if I could stay regular on it without the added benefit of pretending to talk to you.
Anyway. Seven-ish days, I stayed there, and each day, relations with Wreck-it stayed just as strained, clipped, and awkward as the day before. I found out on the first morning that he had a strike system in mind -- I break three rules, that’s three strikes, that’s my ass hitting the road. Of course, I found out about this shortly after making my first strike. Literally seconds into the first day. 
I hadn’t slept at all, being too sick and anxious and plagued by a snoring gorilla. So, when he woke up, before he could even stand, he was greeted by a violation of Rule #2:
“Hey, Maestro, what’s it like havin’ an entire brass section lodged in your nose?”
Then he, let’s say, ‘explained’ that I’d just struck one of three.
The second strike was not long for this world, either. Just hours later, I’d break Rule #5, completely by accident.
Business was pretty slow that day, being so early in the School Year (I heard some things here and there about so-and-so’s throwing First Day of School parties, but there was no festival this year -- not in the climate for it, I guess). Fix-it had a fair amount of free time between gamers, and made the incredibly ill-advised decision to try to talk to me. I was curled up on my pillows trying very hard to sleep when I heard him climbing up the bricks, calling out cautiously, “Mavy? Are you here?”
I didn’t say anything. I just grabbed a brick and tossed it in the direction of his voice. I then heard a yelp, a handful of Nicelander gasps, those tumbling sound effects, and that morbid little funeral drone. I didn’t expect to actually hit him, let alone K.O. him. He’s so damn easy to K.O., it’s like cracking an egg.
Regardless of it being an accident, regardless of the fact that Fix-it was assuring everyone he was fit as a fiddle seconds later, regardless of the fact that Wreck-it wasn’t even in the dump at the time, but watching from the roof of Niceland, it was a strike. So I had one left until I was out on my ass. I really had to pull it together in that regard. And I did, sort of.
I spent each day more or less the same: Looking for distractions that didn’t break any rules, puking, and trying to sleep.
I wandered around when I could. I took sporadic catnaps. I took very, very cold baths in the river, which I did not miss doing at all, but I certainly couldn’t use the showers in your game anymore. I drew sketches of the gamers’ faces as they played. I spent lots of time hugging a bucket. I very quietly played my guitar, more for the motion than the music. I snuck into the building from behind and raided apartments during gameplay, stockpiling food and water as my appetite slowly came back. It was all repetitive, futile, and not nearly enough to distract me the way I needed. I wanted buffs so, so bad. Even a drink. But for the life of me, I could not leave the game.
I tried many times, often several times in a day. I’d go stand at our dinky little train station, staring at the dinky little train I’d have to use as a newfound ground-dweller, and shiver. I’d pace. I’d kick the train, usually. It was so demeaning and frustrating. Nobody can keep me locked up. Yet there I was, too afraid to leave my own Dev-damned game out of fear that I’d be murdered. That had to be exactly what my attacker wanted me to feel. Just crippling, paralyzing fear. She may not have killed me, but maybe she was counting on other ways to make me disappear. And there I was, giving her what she wanted.
Wreck-it, on the other hand, left the game nightly to go to Tapper’s, right after closing. He’d check in with me beforehand, and it’d be the same each time.
He’d say, “Hey. Holdin’ up okay?”
I’d say, “Yup.”
He’d say, “Think you might leave soon?”
I’d say, ��Hopefully.”
He’d say, “I’m going to Tapper’s, if you’re interested.”
I’d say, “No, thanks.”
End scene.
Word for word, the same every night. Those were really our only brief windows of communication, right up until the fifth night, after he had come back from Tapper’s and settled in. 
The withdrawals had cleared up by then, but, needless to say, I still didn’t feel too good. I’d been stuck in there for nearly a week, feeling more broken and pathetic than I’d ever felt in my life. Everything was weighing down so, so hard, it was like I could barely breathe. Being unable to find you, nearly being murdered, being villainized, practically losing my brush -- it all had me cornered. There was nowhere to run. I was wishing so deeply for a way out. So, like I’ve done countless times before, I stared out into the arcade through the screen, trying to imagine a reality where I could break out and leave all of this behind.
The thing is, though, I’d only ever dreamed of that when no one else was around. This time, I was peering over the mound of bricks that I’d been sleeping behind, barely ten feet from Wreck-it’s stump. I was lying there for Devs know how long before, completely by accident, a question slipped from my mouth.
“What do you think it’s like out there?”
Wreck-it jumped. “Huh?”
I jumped. “What?”
“What’d you say?”
I felt my face burn up. I couldn’t have that conversation, not with him. I slipped back down the bricks to my privacy, and instinctively grabbed my guitar. “Forget it. Doesn’t matter.”
Wreck-it didn’t press, but I didn’t expect him to. It was the heavy, awkward silence after that I was worried about, so, without a second thought, I started playing my guitar. I’d played quietly while Wreck-it was around a few times before, and he didn’t seem to mind. Up until that point, though, I’d been silent on the vocals, because… y’know, I guess I just didn’t feel much like singing since you’d left. But in my panic, I started singing the first thing that popped into my head. It was this song I’d started writing about a concrete world and a neon storm. It wasn’t done. I’d forgotten most of it. It was a freakin’ mess -- eventually, I just gave up. I sighed and started plucking no tune in particular. Me and my unpredictable mouth.
That’s when Wreck-it piped in again, casually.
“Was that a new one?”
I cringed. “Yeah. It’s... not done.”
He paused. “It was nice. When it’s done, you should play it at Tapper’s.” He paused again. “...Y’know, after… things die down a bit.”
“...Yeah, right. As if I’ll ever play there again. Certainly not at Qix, either.”
“No. Sprites at Qix are there for a good time, and I’m not super conducive to those anymore, so… even if it ever opens up again, I’m off the setlist.”
Qix had, indeed, been barred from the public not too long after the incident. It had become even more of a hotspot for buff use and dealing. Hardly stopped users and dealers from finding new places for it, but, still, the arcade lost its one and only nightclub. So that was grand.
“And, as for Tapper, I kinda doubt he wants the arcade’s most hated sprite playing at his bar.”
“Tapper still likes you,” he said. “I mean, he even talked about you the other night, said he’d run into you at the memorial. Wanted to know how you were doing.”
It was true -- I had met Tapper briefly at the memorial, and I remembered that he said that I was always welcome in his game if I needed company. It really was a sweet thing, looking back. But I didn’t take him seriously at the time, ‘cause I still thought it was a big joke. And after that, I definitely made him regret his offer. All I’d done at Tapper’s was drink myself violent and end up throwing punches and breaking glass. I was certain that he’d changed his mind and started hating me like everyone else. That thought really stung.
I waited, for a moment. “...What did you tell him?”
“I just told him I wouldn’t know.”
“Good,” I nodded, “good.”
We were both quiet for a long while, before words slipped out of me again. “I’m gonna miss that bar.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well… whether Tapper likes me or not, I’m… bad for business, now. I could draw sprites in with my music, before, but, now… Even if he says I’m welcome there, I’m not really. It’s not entirely up to him.” I sighed, and felt my voice drop so low, it practically dragged. “I’m not welcome anywhere, anymore, so… that’s great.”
“Nowhere at all?”
I said, “Nope. Didn’t you say yourself that I’m trouble? Big trouble? Everyone seems to think that. Bigger trouble than anyone can deal with nowadays.”
Once again, we were both silent for a moment. I’d stopped playing, reduced to flicking one string with my thumb, just enough to hear it.
I heard Wreck-it take a deep breath behind me. He paused, and then, in a slow, awkward voice, said, “Well… Yeah, maybe, but… You don’t scare me, kid.”
I wished that could have made me feel better. It was, objectively, a pretty decent thing to say, and another sprite probably would have been very comforted by the chance of an ally in this mess, or at the very least, someone with something resembling loyalty. But it just made me feel worse. I felt too smart to believe any of that crap could last. He didn’t know it yet, but he’d change his mind. I’d always figured that sooner or later, everyone would decide I’m too much. That was just the way of things. 
However, given my bleak circumstances, I had little choice but to accept his… tolerance while it lasted. Having someone on my side, even for just a little while, seemed like it could have proven helpful.
So, after a long, sullen silence, I just went back to plucking idly on my guitar. “Good to know you’re not as dumb as you look, then.”
His breath caught in disbelief for a second, before he dropped right back into growling, “Name-calling. Watch it.”
“It was a compliment, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, a super backhanded one.”
I closed my eyes, trying to play myself to sleep. “Just take it, pal. I don’t got that many kind words to share, so I gotta ration them out wisely.”
He grumbled. “You would call that kind.”
“I do. Now, can we cut the yammerin’ and sleep?”
“Fine. Yeesh.”
He slept. I didn’t. Not ‘til midday the following day, anyway. I fell asleep during gameplay hours, and woke up just after closing when Wreck-it stomped his big ol’ stumps up the bricks. We had the usual pre-Tapper’s exchange, ending, of course, with me refusing his offer to come along. I was tired as hell, and I still wasn’t ready to go out there.
But, as I quickly discovered, it didn’t matter if I was ready or not.
I’d been in a fitful sleep for what must have been barely half an hour when Wreck-it’s feet woke me up again. This time, he came around behind my bricky knoll to stand next to me, towering with this look on his face that I didn’t like at all.
He said, “Hey kid, guess what.”
“I’m being evicted?”
“No,” he grinned in a way I couldn’t read -- don’t really see him smile that often, honestly, “but you are leaving. You’re going to Tapper’s!”
I was not following. “Uh… ‘kay, you do know that I said ‘no thanks’, right? That’s a thing you remember?”
“Yup, yup, I do. But listen to this -- I talked to Tapper for you, and all that stuff you said about him hating you or -- or, y’know, all that --” he shook his head, “-- not true. He misses you, kid. You gotta get out there and show him you’re alive.”
I felt my face burn up.
“You-- You--” I sprung to my feet, “You TOLD HIM I’M STAYING WITH YOU!?”
He put his hands on his hips nonchalantly. “Yeah, maybe I did.”
“Ah, ah,” he pointed, “polite request number one, and, request denied.”
I’d have throttled his fat neck if my fingers could fit around it.
He seemed thoroughly unimpressed. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’m gonna let that one slide, because you can bellyache all you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve been in here way, way too long, kid.”
“Uh huh, I’m sure you were going to,” he nodded in a condescending sort of way that made me want to hurl a brick between his eyes, “but now you get to leave with me, right now.”
“NO, I DON’T!”
“You said you’re here ‘cause you had nowhere else to go, right? Well, now you’ve got somewhere else to go, so get up off my bricks, and come go to the bar like I know you’ve been dying to do all week.”
He wasn’t wrong. But I was so angry. And I was still so scared.
His eyebrows raised for a second, and he shrugged. “Alright, I guess we’re doing this.”
Then the colossal bastard grabbed me. Me, as in, my entire body, in one of his huge, meaty paddles he calls hands. It’s not that he’s never done that before, but it’s always been to throw me, and lasted only a second. This time, he started walking down the bricks, with the clear intention of just carrying me the entire way to Tapper’s. His code is still less dense than that of Fix-it, but that prolonged contact still made my binary crawl. Devs, did it crawl.
So, after a quick burst of threats and shrieking, I conceded. I agreed to go with him if he would just put me the hell down. He dropped me, I ran back to grab my book bag, and we trudged to the train. The way he walked behind me made me feel like he was marching me to some grim fate. Some grim, unnatural, unspeakably awkward fate.
As much as I lamented being reduced to riding the train like a chump, seeing the way his massive ass just barely fit into one of the cars was pretty rewarding.
Once we started rolling, he told me, “You know it’ll do you good to get out. You’re just not coded for life in a box, kid.”
I don’t remember if I sighed or gave the flattest laugh of my life. “Yeah, tell that to the Devs. And for cuss’ sake, quit calling me kid.”
In all truthfulness, as scared as I was, I really was so relieved at a chance to finally leave. And as much as I hated not being able to do it on my own, I was, admittedly, glad to have a second pair of eyes. It was probably a pretty decent thing of him to do, scouting out a safe place for me to go. Even if I really, really didn’t want or ask for it.
But I’m still pissed at him for denying my incredibly polite request.
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emsartwork · 4 years
Magic Masterpost
ok this is gonna be super long so under the cut
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OK so these are the main four types of magic, magic can mostly be categorized into these four types but there are some exceptions that don’t fit the mold but there are still sciencey things we cant explain so (ball lighting, the 9th planet etc) so whatever. 
Core Magic is like another organ that belongs to individual beinigs that have a certain level of consciousness (humans, merfolk, elves, pixies and sprites, leprechauns, dragons) some beings that don’t have core magic, but do have the same level of consciousness as humans are discriminated against (trogs, vampires, ogres, trolls etc). Animals and plants do not posses core magic or the consciousness level characteristic of core magic users. They do sometimes have magical abilities but this is thought to be a side affect of either wild or natural magic sources.
Natural Magic is magic that is found in plants, minerals, water, and other non-conscious things. Usually is centrally localized and flows outward like a stream. has a large area of influence and natural sources can interact with each other with minimal conflict. good examples are the Tree of Magic(birthplace of the pixies and sprites and is linked to the core magic users in the universe), the Second Sun of Solaria(a source of warmth, solar light, and growth on Solaria), the pillars in the Infinite Ocean, Tir Nan Og and the sources I talked about with the earth fairies. Planets have a lot of natural sources and locations with out natural magic are rare(the wildlands in season 2 are unique to Magix and have a special magic suppressing aura)
Wild Magic is connected to natural magic but has its own unique section because its effects are so extreme. Natural sources can become wild sources in a defense mechanism, and some natural sources have a dependable cycle between wild and natural(ex. zenith’s core). Otherwise Wild sources are centrally localized around the same objects natural sources are, but can transfer to spirits and animals as well. Wild magic has a much smaller area of influence, and most animals will clear out of a place with a lot of wild magic because their instincts are like “danger????”, there are rarely multiple wild magic sources in the same area, and if there are they don’t interact well. Wild magic sources are a necessary part of nature, functioning like volcanic eruptions or geysers and relieving magical pressure on the planet. If a wild source isn’t treated with respect and is messed with (ex kalshara) it becomes severely unstable and instead of a potentially dangerous source in small doses it become a downright hazard with far reaching bolts of magic. This is the only reason Fractix exist lol. 
Ethereal Magic is something you do not want to mess with. It’s basically the most powerful type of magic, and is theorized to be the actual creative force behind the universe. The great dragon and the shadow phoenix used up most of their ethereal magic creating the universe, other ethereal magic holders didn’t participate much lol
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This chart says human but really its the development of any creature with a core magic. Babies have zero magic but needs ambient magic (a mix of all the magics just kind of around) in order to develop further(0-10). Children will start to develop their magic in short, unpredictable bursts, its normal for their signature color to shift a lot in this stage, they can begin to learn magic theory but their magic isn’t firm enough or powerful enough to produce any results when spell casting (10-15). Young adults are fully developed magic wise (generally they are still younger age wise and not as practiced but their Core is the same as any adults) their core and signature color are set and don’t really change(exceptions to that below) this is usually when a person begins to practice their magic.(16-25)   
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Ok so here are the basic differences between female and male magic. female magic stays within the core and body, only reaching outward when directed by the person. Male magic absorbs ambient magic, processing it through the core and letting it flow outward. Female magic users need to learn how to direct their magic outward in order to use it. Male magic users need to learn how to contain their magic in order to use it. its really easy to overwhelm female magic users and fights between two female magic users are either over v quickly, or have a TON of dodging. A fight between two male magic uses is dependant on how much magic the two already have stored (stamina kind of) and how much they can force themselves to absorb from their surroundings(ex, Nabu was naturally more resilient to absorbing and channeling magic than the rest of the group which is why he volunteers to close the black circle, unfortuntely the wizards had packed SO MUCH magic into their circle that when he did manage to close it, his core was overwhelmed and he died :( if say, aisha had volunteered to close it, her core would have been overwhelmed more quickly and she would have died with out closing it. 
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Intersex peeps!!! ok so, just as a disclaimer, I’m not intersex, if you wanna talk to me about anything I say here feel free to send and ask for direct message!! it would be really easy to align Core magic with sex organs, but because one is more “spiritual” an the other is physical its a little different. Intersex people are Intersex from birth, but Intersex Magics only manifest at magic puberty(the child stage in the previous chart) and varies a lot from person to person. An intersex person could have either classically female magic or classically male magic or any of the four examples in the image, but any number of manifestations are possible. So I know Intersex people are subjected to unnecessary “corrections”, but i want to make it clear that Intersex Magic is ONLY changed if it is actually causing harm to the person. The painful and dangerous examples are life threatening in the long term, and usually begin as one of the healthy examples. Being able to produce and absorb, but looping the two into each other is unsafe because the core is literally eating itself(eventually resulting in death). Being to absorb but not expel is dangerous because the magic buildup can cause pain and eventually crack the outer membrane of the core resulting in death.
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Trans peeps!! again as a disclaimer, I’m cis, if ur trans and ya wanna drop me a line about any of this please do! So Trans dudes and trans ladies have to wait for their core magic to grow in naturally before transitioning(some trans peeps are cool with not transitioning their magic obvi)  but they would see a magic medical person, receive “hormones for magic basically” and begin transitioning. The whole process can take about a year but only about 4 months of that leave the person with low magic and physical weakness, and even then it depends on the person.  
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So these are the traditionally masculine magical practices. Unlike witches and fairies they don’t decide their practice until they’ve gone through basic training (the white, grey and black stages) and it most depends on what magic the person likes to absorb and where/how they store collected magic. Male magic users can use fairy transformations, but they have to be much more prepared and keep a lot of stored magic on them. 
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The fairy and witch paths are traditionally feminine, but the labels can be used by any gender obvi(same with the masc magic user labels). The witch path has two stages before deciding their profession, and the outfits are just uniforms or items associated with the profession. The fairy transformations are outfits specific to the transformations and are linked together in a way that makes it necessary to earn certain transformations before others, where as witches can jump professions as much as they want lol. The purple transformations here are the ones the trix used, and while they aren’t fairy(because no wings) they aren’t witch either because the transformation actually generates the outfits, they’re kind of shunned among both communities even though they have tremendous potential and should be explored. Reaching Enchantix can only take 3 years at the shortest, but a lot of fairies prefer to spend 2 year reaching charmix, and then 3 years working up to enchantix(so a total of 5 years is an alfea norm). Witchcraft takes a lot longer to learn and doesn’t have the instant power boost fairycraft has, so each of the first three stages take 2-3 years(6 to 9 years is a cloudtower norm) this time frame also applies to the masculine magics, but usually the last half of it is the specialization(ex, nabu spent three years in white/grey/black and then was in his second year of specialization as a magician when he was introduced into the series.)
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So because magic is being pushed out of the core for female magic users, it shows up physically on the body in a way that doesn’t seem to happen with male magic users. For female magic users who DON’T use fairy transformations this generally shows up in color around the eyes or hands. which is generally where most of the magic flows from. for fairies, wings marks are present on the back and are more individualized pattern wise but more natural color wise than witchmarks.
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Fairy wings are solid/rubbery, and are the physical manifestation of a fairy’s core looping in on its self(think of a car battery). Once initiated, the fairy can stay in transformation for a fairly long time, but does eventually tire out, and the loop dissolves. However if the loop is broken too abruptly or by an outside force there can be negative results for the fairy(namely pain and magic blockage preventing transformation for a couple months to several years depending on how bad the break was). The wing retains its shape for about 24 hours, and then dissolves into ambient magic. If a fairy breaks her wings by a freak accident she can combat some of the magic blockage by eating her own wings(kind of gross sry lol). If however some one else eats the fairy’s wings they gain a magic boost and can unnaturally extend their life/keep their youth full looks(ex. the wizards of the black circle did this)
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one of the manifestations of mer core magic is Morphix (yes aisha has this too) while it is considered a magic property, its technically a physical substance that conducts magic EXTREMELY well. Merfolk are usually not allowed to go to the surface until their morphix has grown in, and people with high levels of merblood in them often have to be in a very humid environment or literally spent most of their time in saltwater until their morphix grown in(ex. aisha had to have salt water baths every couple hours as a kid.)  
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Elves are another notable difference in core magic in that they are all linked to eachother. While this doesn’t transfer individual thoughts or damage or anything, it does allow individual elves to pull magic from elves who aren’t currently using their magic for more powerful spells. Elves can also sense large scale events that happen to the elf community as they happen but rarely are they clear on specifics(ex. when the ancestrals pulled all of domino into oblivion, the elves on other planets could feel the sudden disappearance) as a result Dominian elves are basically a seperate group now. Earth elves still have a loose connection to the elf community at large, and as earth enters into the magix dimension again they should strengthen it as elves marry and have offspring.   
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Pixies, Hobkies, and Sprites! So because i detailed intersex magix, I also wanted a companion species that represented intersex peeps. Pixies are born from the blossoms of the tree of life, Hobkies are from the trunk and somtimes branches, and Sprites from the roots. Hobkies used to just be called Sprixies, but people are pushing to have that changed as its just a combo of sprite and pixie and not unique to the species. Their wing and tail sizes are varied, but they usually have both, sometimes the wings are fleshy insect style wings, and sometimes the tail is made of the same stuff as magic.  
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Each species goes through a similar cycle, when a person is born a corresponding spot appears on the tree of magic, as the person grows their magic levels the spot gets bigger, once a certain level of magic is reached the companion is officially born. This happens for fairies at their first transformation, but depend on routine practice for everybody else. 
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One of the unique things about Natural magic is that people can actually bind their magic to it. Female magic users reach out with their magic and “tie” it to the magic thats stemming from the source. Male magic users form a loop with the source pouring magic in and absorbing magic out. forgot to draw it but Intersex peoples would use about the same techniques, it would just depend on what they leaned more toward/what they were more comfortable with.
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Animals, having no core magic, are able to metabolize and evolve with exposure to wild magic unlike humans who’s core magic either flushes the wild magic out like a toxin or breaks(killing the human in the process). Kalshara is actually quite a revolutionary because she figure out a way to inject the human body/core with wild magic, with out her dying or the wild magic dissolving. but she’s a dick and didn’t respect people so her project never got financed or peer reviewed lol 
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ethereal fairies technically have a core, but because its made of ethereal magic they’re put into their own separate category. They seem to exist outside of time and space, and it’s unknown if its because of their nature or because they can wield ethereal magic. Ethereal fairies usually appear with a humanoid body and spears of light off their backs, which is why human fairies are even called fairies, but ethereal fairies come in a lot of different forms(they’re basically a cross between gods and high high fae). The three gifts can be used every 300 years, and are little bursts of ethereal magic that layers over whatever magic the recipient normally uses. It is unknown if the gifts grow somewhere, or if they are crafted by the ethereal fairies. Really powerful magic users sometimes get chosen to join the golden kingdom (whether they want to or not) usually these are “good” aligned people but some villains are theorized to be there too. The general consensus is that the golden kingdom is like a pet palace for the ethereal fairies who think the people people the put there are interesting little creatures. The ethereal fairies use to interact with people more frequently but have backed off in the last couple 1000. Fairies who have completed the Elementix can ask the ethereal fairies to give them Nymphix, but honestly there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme of reason to whether or not the ethereal fairies grant it or strip the person of their magic completely . Ethereal fairies also grant their power to non-fairies but it doesn’t manifest into a transformation. and usually the term “Ethereal” is put before their title (so like Griffin would be an Ethereal Sorceress.)
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not much to say about these things. A long long time ago a massive dark spell was cast and created both Obsidian and Realite(i got tired of the “ix” so its “ite” now) Two pocket dimensions. Realite was originally the greater threat because it was just spewing magic everywhere so it was locked with the codex. Obsidian was originally thought to have only sucked magic in, but there have been some long term consequences that weren’t expected, one was the mutation of a dominion noble into Lord Darkar, the other was the slow death of planet Omega and the radiation effect on the three ancestral witches who were born there. (realite was locked so fast it didn’t have time to get any long term damage out in the world but its just as powerful)  
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so the dragon and the phoenix are *kind* of still ethereal which is why they’ve persisted as a power source and taken to specific bloodlines, but they aren’t anywhere near the full ethereal ones anymore.  Dragon fire and Phoenix fire are two sides of the same coin, they kind of function as the equal opposite rule but not really. Their equal opposites are the water stars and the earth hearts respectively. The dragon flame bearer usually has light and creation powers, Bloom generally channels the fire aspect of her dragon flame, like hardcore. Daphne, when she held the dragon flame was less heavy on the flame and more on the creation side, she was especially good at summoning items and had a decent healing talent. The shadow flame bearer has been lord Darkar for..... a very long time lets just say that. But the Phoenix deals with shadow and destructive magic. Stealth, spell breaking, and straight up carnage are all possible magic focuses for a phoenix bearer (the shadow phoenix isn’t necessarily bad, just like the dragon flame isn’t necessarily good, they are attributes that change with the people they are tied to). The water stars were collected and stored in the golden kingdom a long time ago and as such don’t have a ton of lore. Bloom CANNOT touch them with out feeling at least mild pain and weakness. The water stars have incredible containment powers, being able to hold things within individual stars, and restrain a full powered dragon flame if used all together in a binding circle. The Earth Hearts are still in nature somewhere, buried deep in the ground. There are some theorized locations but they’re harder to get at than the water stars and as such no one has collected them all yet. Earth hearts are good for dispersing magic and breaking it down to bite sized pieces. Both Earth Hearts and Water Stars are technically destructible, but they will always “grow back” and regenerate in new locations and cannot be eradicated completely.
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skittymon · 3 years
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Finally finished Tales of Eternia!! 
And that makes 11th tales games finished and 15th overall played in some degree (Phantasia, Legendia, Innocence, and DotNW being the ones I havent finished yet).
Once I started again in December I decided that instead of liveblogging I’d make a review at the end instead.
So here we go! I will keep this spoiler free as possible!
I’m pretty scatterbrained but I’ll try to divide this into: combat, story, characters, and other game mechanics.
Combat: So obviously, the combat is above Phantasia and Destiny’s, being made after them. I honestly have grown fond of the 2d linear style format. There’s so many different boss fights in this game that can only work in a 2d field rather than 3d. 
On the flip side, that’s not always a good thing. I count bosses like the wild dog thing in Vesperia, and Fodra Queen of Graces to be among the hardest mandatory boss fights in tales. Welp, Eternia added one to the ranks. Rem (aka Aska the light spirit) is one of the most frustrating boss fights I’ve done. Apart from constantly slowing healing itself, on the field it brings a shiny ball with it. You cannot destoy the orb, it’s there all fight, and if you touch it it hurts you. And of course it blocks the way to Rem. There is a way past it, it moves up and down so you just have to wait until its up to move past. BUT GUESS WHAT THE AI DOESNT DO. So your party will probably either be dying or constantly in pain. AND REM CAN MOVE THE ORD ANYWHERE. Also you cant physically hit Rem while its casting a spell only far away skills. So if you ever play this game just cheese it and spam variations of Sonic Blade.
Of course, on the flip side it’s every easy for you to cheese boss fights and just back them up into a corner unable to move or do anything until they die, so it evens out.
The sprite animations for the artes are gorgeous. Reid moves so fluidly in his artes, he’s honestly my third favorite protag to play as behind Yuri and Ludger because of this. The caster animations are great as well, granted it can become cluttered and hard to see in when artes like blizzard and earth shaker are used. BUT GOD DAMN I CAN WATCH MEREDY USE METEOR ALL DAY IT LOOKS SO COOL.
Nitpicks about the combat system are, Life, the reviving spell Farah has, takes to long to charge, and for Meredy and Keele to use healing artes you have to mix and match who has what craymel (spirit). There might be a guide but I didnt look beyond reddit so Life was the only resurrection spell I had. 
Last nitpick comes from the Aurora Artes. Aurora Artes are skills only Reid can use, but in order to use them you have to have health below 15% and press circle, square, and x at the same time, so it’s very easy to mess up and die. Then to use more Aurora Artes you press the same buttons repeatedly, and after you use them Reid is left with 1 hp. AND the final boss has an automatic kill skill, you have to press the buttons at the right time to activate it and keep everyone alive, or you can cheese it like I did and have Farah hold a reverse doll to revive her after she dies. Did I also mention this skill happens in phase 2 of the fight when the bosses health is less than 20,000 after starting from 300,000? If you fuck up thats like 10mins of redoing.
But to end on a better note for this section, I love the way artes are learned. You have to use certain artes a number of times before you can unlock it (I THINK abyss and vesperia and many others are like this but this is the first time I found it rewarding). I grinded like hell to get the best artes for Reid AND YOU BET IT WAS WORTH IT. Omega Demon Chaos I love you,,,,
Story: Like countless other Tales titles, the conflict comes from two worlds being at odds with each other. However this game does something that none of the other games have done with this story beat. Language barriers! It’s super cool in the first couple of hours theyre just trying to figure out how to talk with Meredy. Of course by the end this point is nearly dropped entirely, everyone else just getting the special ear ring I spent 3 hours to get so the plot can move on.
Like most tales, theres a moment you thought the story would end but BOOM the twist. I wasn’t shocked by it, but that’s because I knew who the final antagonist of the game was prior to playing it, but still it was executed well. 
Something that makes this Tales stand out is how they deal with backstory. So the main fours backstory is vital to the story and their characters but they don’t show it till like 20 hours in. It’s like if Graces you start off in main arc and learn about the childhood arc 2/3 of the way through and went “ohhhh that’s why they were distant with each other.” And other stuff about it but I won’t spoil it.
Overall a good story, though I do feel like I’m missing things either from missing some side quests, or because of no skits.
Characters: The main ones to shine are the four main characters (Reid, Farah, Keele, and Meredy), everyone else literally is either one dungeon and/or optionable. Chat does still feel like a character being the owner of the Van Elita aka means of transportation for half the game. Max and Ras tho rip. ESPECIALLY MAX. Ya know how every tales there’s the mandatory Talk Before The Final Battle? Yea well they all get one except Max. You see him, but he doesnt talk, YET THEY CRAYMELS DO.
Another odd, yet charming, thing is that there’s no big moment of character development for anyone like Luke cutting his hair, Magilou keeping the portal open, or punch in the face like Alvin. They just. Slowly change. And its really weird cause for all of disc 1 Keele is basically an unbearable asshole and he just? Learns to be a better person from everything he sees? There’s no callout or moment of realization, he just slowly learns and it’s super refreshing. 
Reid is probably one of the most relatable protagonists up there with Jude. I’m sure most of you know the “he doesn’t want to do shit lol” persona he has BUT GOD WHY HE’S LIKE THAT BABY I LOVE YOU. Farah’s personality is also explained in the backstory, so for any of you crestoria players that Farah’s backstory is really different like how Emil’s is, but the sentiment of why she’s like that is the same and stem for a similar event.
Meredy’s also great. I thought I’d get annoyed of her and her “You bet!” but god when she says it the last time at the end of the game, I was pretty moved. I wish I knew more about her backstory but I’m pretty sure a certain section of her life info was left to skits and ya know we didn’t get those till Symphonia :)))
As antagonists go, besides the Craymels who are there to test you before you get their power, there’s just two. Main boss and their lackey. The lackey is eh. You see him once at the beginning of the game, then see him destroy a  city, then one last time where you kill him. You do get his backstory and stuff but eh I’m usually not fond of tales mini villains minus Chimerad, God Generals, and Artorius’s lackeys
The main antagonist tho, I really don’t wanna spoil it but it’s hard to talk about why I’m conflicted on it without spoiling. So it’s like Destiny’s final boss but written better in some part and worse in others. So at one point it’s super emotional and pretty powerful with the message eternia wants to send but at the same points its a jrpg where you gotta kill god cause he doesn’t think humans are worth it. 
Oh one more thing thats honestly hilarious, there’s literally SINGLE animated cutscene by Production I.G in this entire game minus the op. 
Other things: the amount of mini games in this game is insane, but the amount you have to do IN JUST THE SECOND DISC to continue the plot is more than any other tales game I can recall. Some of them are fun like the card game, others like the bomb one I want to throw in a fire. 
There’s also so much Destiny pandering in this game. There’s portraits of the characters, you can collect lens, I’m 95% sure the way a certain character is done is because they wanted another Leon, you can SUMMON THE SWORDIAN USERS ARE AS AN ACTUAL SUMMON. While all Phantasia gets is the cameo battle and the Eternal Sword. I mean I didn’t mind cause I’ve finished Destiny and it’s one of my fav tales games but damn it was pretty obvious. 
In conclusion: A fun game! I don’t think it was worth 133 dollars tho consider my play file was 35 hours and thats with a good chuck of side quests and ex bosses. Probably in my top 5 combat systems of tales and final villains, but not in terms of story or characters. A really hope it gets remastered soon I’d love for more people to play it.
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So I finished Persona 5 Royal
And once again I was a crying mess when the ending credits rolled.
Now, I’d like to share my thoughts about this game but I also respect the fact that not everyone had the chance to finish it yet so anything that is a spoiler will be talked about under the cut.
Anyways, let’s begin.
From the very beginning... I love the new title screen, the fact that you can see each member just hanging out in the streets of Tokyo is so cute and I love it. It’s so easy to get a platinum trophy for Persona 5 Royal which at first I thought was somewhat disappointing as it doesn’t require you to play through it again but then I found out there’s a bunch of challenges in the Thieves Den so I was really glad I had a reason to play it again.
Speaking of the Thieves Den, it’s really nice to see your team members just chat about the decorations you put in there, like for example Yusuke and Ann casually chatting in front of a Reaper statue like it’s no big deal. On a small sidenote, my mum really likes the fact that you can play Tycoon in the Thieves Den and I’m not gonna lie she spent hours playing with them which means I now have thousands of tokens but nothing to spend them on :’)
Much of P5R is very similar to the vanilla P5 except of course the fact that there’s 2 new characters being introduced to the story. You still get sent to Tokyo for ‘assaulting’ the drunk man however, the first change that you really notice is Sojiro’s conversation with you when he is taking you home on the Sunday you visit the school. Of course, by this point you know that there have been many psychotic breakdowns and a lot of accidents but what Sojiro tells you is... Interesting to say the least. I didn’t think of it much at first but then again I went into Royal completely spoiler free (except of course with the knowledge of how Persona 5 plays out) but eventually you find out that what he said was actually really important.
Another thing I really loved that they put in Royal is the fact that they managed to make the battle system even better. I always thought it was pretty amazing but they somehow managed to make it even better. First off, you can Baton Pass right off the bat. No need to establish a social link with the party members or anything, which honestly makes everything so much easier, especially in the early game. They also decided, you know what this nasty crime boy needs? Unlimited bullets... Well sorta. Remember how in Persona 5 you only had a limited amount of bullets per infiltration? Well, now they replenish every battle which of course means I did the only rational thing:
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You also get the grappling hook in Royal and honestly? Just watching Joker do flips all over the place is really aesthetically pleasing. I love that they reworked the Palaces so that the grappling hook plays a big part in getting around and as I said, it’s just so fun to see Joker zooming through the air.
They added new Shadows/Personas to Royal which I think is fantastic as it makes returning players not bored of the battles but they also changed some weaknesses/removed weaknesses for some shadows which means you gotta strategise a little bit more. They also changed up the Palace Ruler Bosses but I found them... A lot more easier than the original? I don’t know if it’s due to the fact that I love to grind a lot before finishing a Palace or if I just had the perfect Personas for the occasion but yeah... That’s not to say the changes are bad! I still really liked them but it was just... Really easy for me lol. 
Another major change is the fact that Morgana decided that you may be a tired boi after going to the Metaverse but you still have enough energy to do some things in the cafe. That makes it like a ton easier to max out your social stats which means you can max out your confidants a lot faster, I managed to max out everyone and still had days where I literally had nothing to do which just shows how much time you actually save now.
Along with the fact that they fixed some translation errors, they also improved the sprites and added a lot more voice lines which was really nice in my opinion, it was a lot better when a character was expressing a certain emotion and their sprite actually matched it instead of just them facing one way and occasionally changing the facial expression.
I’ll mention this briefly seeing as this is sort of spoilery but I really loved the new confidants. The fact that you can actually hang out with Akechi and get to know him instead of being forced to level him up automatically was so good. The scenes where you would automatically rank up are still there but they kinda act as a filler of sorts now which in all honesty I didn’t mind. 
Ummm... That’s about all I can think of that doesn’t contain spoilers so... The section below will have spoilers so please only read this when you finish the game!
I’m going to talk about Akechi’s Confidant for a bit because I just really loved it okay? You learn so much about him, even things that seem trivial like the fact that he’s left handed become... Well rather important near the end. The more time you spend with him, the more you see how much Akira actually means to him. When you defeat him in his Rank 8 event, I actually loved it when he said he hated Akira. That was pure Akechi right there, no lies, no fake smiles just pure, honest truth. Also, I love how he decided to be extra and dramatic by throwing his glove as a challenge. It’s also really significant, at least to me, mainly because you never see him without gloves, in a way, this sort of showed that he fully exposed his true self to Akira. Their exchange in Shido’s Palace when you remind him that you still have his glove... That was really sad. I really wish there was some way you could help him, but alas, you can’t always have happy endings.
I’m not gonna lie, I was really confused when I got to 12/24 and we still went to Mementos. You discover a Palace and explore it for a bit but then it’s kind of... Forgotten? Like Morgana is genuinely like: Lmao this doesn’t concern us atm so you know, killed God with the power of friendship, was ready to stop being a Phantom Thief and surrender myself to the police but then... Mr. Sketchy himself just appears out of nowhere and decides that he’ll take Akira’s place for him
When I first saw him I was like: Omg? How is this even possible? Can I hug him? But then weird things started happening in the story
Reality becomes distorted after New Years and you see that right away when your cat, is no longer a cat. But that’s not all, Futaba’s mother is alive and well as well as Haru’s father and supposedly they were never dead in the first place. I was really confused but then guess who turns up to clear some things up... Mr. Pankechi.
This post is already long as hecc so I won’t go into details but I really like the new Palace. It’s so different to the other Palaces and for once the Palace Ruler is not some evil adult... He’s actually quite the opposite.
I’m going to quickly talk about Kasumi for a second now, or rather Sumire. Honestly when you learn the truth, I was really shocked. Remember when I said what Sojiro tells you becomes important near the end? Yeah well it’s like the game was telling you from the start that she’s not really who she says she is. Just like Akechi, I was fully convinced that the New Palace was hers but I was kind of relieved to find out that wasn’t the case. As a party member, I really like her, she’s really cute and her Persona abilities are helpful in the new Palace. As a confidant... Again, she’s just so cute. When you help her pick out the glasses for her dad... Bruh I just wanted to give her headpats all day. Once you unlock the rest of her confidant, it’s really nice to see her grow and accept the fact that she doesn’t have to be Kasumi appreciated, and once she accepts that she’s Sumire but she’ll still do everything to make Kasumi’s dream come true it was honestly so satisfying. 
I think the thing I loved the most though is the fact that Akechi becomes your navigator for a little while and honestly? I wish I had the option to keep him as the navigator. His lines are so funny because they’re helpful but at the same time they’re so passive aggressive! ALSO his Showtime with Joker is by far my favourite Showtime. I love how he’s able to just be himself and literally rip enemies apart and Joker’s just there like: Yeah I’ll play along why not. Whenever they finish and Akechi is just there like: “Don’t waste my time.” ... Big mood, me when I’m driving around Mementos trying to find the stamps.
One more thing I gotta talk about... The ending. I love it so much. I think it’s a lot better than the original Persona 5 ending and here’s why. First of all, the fact that you see the Thieves still being themselves is just so sweet I love these funky kids, that fact that Maruki gives you a lift to the station and he accepts that this is the world that you have to live in? Amazing, thank you Atlus. The fact that Morgana is just snoozing in your bag? Beautiful, let me pet my cat plz. But most importantly... The edgy pancake loving detective LIVES, granted Akira doesn’t actually see him but I DID. I burst into tears when I saw him walk by, I’m so glad he got to live in a reality where he isn’t anyone’s puppet anymore. He can finally fix the mistakes he did, don’t get me wrong, Akechi is still a bad person, I mean he literally killed people but he still deserved a second chance, and seeing him alive means that he finally has a chance to do that... Bruh I was crying so much.
Anyway, I could talk about this game for hours but here are just some of my thoughts that I wanted to share, I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to say later on but for now... Have this mess I call a post!
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burned-gucci · 4 years
(Your) Friendship Reaction: Friday Night With The Girls!
A fairly casual Friday night sleepover with your best friend(s)
She had asked you to come over tonight to play games, eat, drink, sleep. Maybe some scary movies. However, the plan seemingly changed when showed up to her place and found her in the bathroom bleaching her hair with a box of burgundy hair dye on the sink in front of her.
Karina definitely isn't shy about dying her hair, she changes hair colors like one would change out a load of laundry. It feels like every time you see you she has a new hair color, so this really isn't new. It's also not new for her to switch plans last minute cause truth be told, she never knows what she wants to do until that moment hits and an idea springs into her mind.
As she continued bleeching her hair, you hoped up on the sink counter and watched her while you talked. She said you could use her nail polish, mess with her makeup, do whatever you wanted. Play whatever music you wanted. If you liked, she even offered to dye your hair as well since she has plenty. It was up to you!
You guys ended up talking about a number of things. Discussing the latest episode of your favorite tv series and guessing what would happen next using logic from what has happened thus far. She laughed at random jokes and lines you repeated from the show, knowing exactly what scene you were refering to as she commented back with the next line. Afterwards y'all talked music videos, celebrities you both like and dislike maybe. Filled each other in on the news (celebrity or politics). Once the bleach was in and her hair was held up in a plastic bag, she went to grab her keys so you could both go grab some food, she let you choose the place.
It was always kinda weird how shameless she is but at the same time, her confidence about it is inspiring and one of her best qualities. Anywho, hoping in her broken apart damaged black car that no-one knows how it's still running, Karina drove you guys to the restraunt and put in your order picking up the food and driving back JUST in time for her to wash out her hair.
You ate as she washed her hair and attempted to eat little bites of her food as she applied the hair coloring, not wanting to waste time in between. As you low-key called her gross and made jokes you still helped her eat while feeding her little bites of food, teasing her sometimes and making her chase the fork/spoon/iteam. Overall, the eating process was full of laughing and her threatening to dump the hair dye on you just for you to threaten dipping her food in the hair color changing soup in return.
As her hair dye had to sit in for 45 minutes, the two of you watched music videos and played kids monopoly, or jenga. As they're the only games she currently owns! Karina being the not-so-well-focused girl that she is, ended up losing for silly reasons. In jenga she lost because she didn't realise 2/3 of the blocks in the middle row had already been pulled out, since she was eyes glued on the video, and she ended up pulling the last block and knocking the whole tower over in the process. During monopoly she simply had bad luck of sitting in jail throughout half of the game, allowing you to buy the majority of the properties. The other half the game she was paying you and the bank causing her to go bankrupt with only one or two properties being owned by her.
After the game you end up helping her wash out and dry her hair upon her endless begging you to just for her in the end to decide she isn't sure how she feels about this color. After spending about 4 hours total on her hair, she kinda wishes it was still black but she decides to leave it anyways. Insisting she'll clean up the bathroom mess tomorrow (she won't) she pulls you back to the living room and puts on your favorite movie for you guys to watch in the backround while sharing random stories back and forth.
Ciara isn't entirely sure why she invited you over at night knowing well enough she isn't a night time person. She's usually asleep before 11pm. However, she's really missed hanging out with you lately and your presence alone gives her so much energy and makes her happy.
When you arrived, she was eating a bowl of cheerios and drinking some gatorade while scrolling through instagram looking at denim skirts. The first thing she said to you as you walked inside the house was 'what do you think of this?' As she held her phone up to show you a light blue denim knee length skirt with a yellow sunshine on the bottom right side. You gave your opinion on it as you sat across from her at the table. "You're welcome to the kitchen. I don't care what you eat as long as I don't have to make it." She pointed towards the kitchen as she continued to scroll. Almost dropping the phone in her bowl of milk, as you made your choice on what to do, Ciara ended up slapping the phone back at herself and hitting herself in the face with it. Laughing and half crying, she placed the phone on the table and held her nose. "Maybe I should put that down for now!" She stated fairly loudly before getting back to her food.
After eating and placing the dishes in the sink for her to wash later, Ciara headed to her room with you close behind. Forgetting she had washed her sheets earlier, Ciara had to now make her bed. She asked you for help putting the bottom sheet on, let you choose your own blanket from the closet, she made the rest of the bed half efforted. Wrinkles covered the sheets and the pillows were simply thrown at the top of the bed but she didn't care much since you guys were both going to be laying in it immediately anyways!
Crawling into bed to lay on the side closest to the window, Ciara situated herself before tapping the bed beside her for you to lay down. Knowing you well enough, she handed you a book you love/turned the tv onto your favorite channel and let you do your own things as she scrolled through instagram once again occasionally asking for your opinion on certain clothing iteams.
If you have any to share, she listened to you share your thoughts, about whatever was on your mind. She gave her advice and shared her honest opinions in return. If you just wanted to lay there and watch your show/read your book she was fine with that too. She just wanted to be with you and hang together. Not necessarily do something together, that's what tomorrow is for!
At some point, your unsure of when, she managed to fall asleep facing the wall using her arm as a pillow, her actual pillow tossed to the foot of the bed. She was curled up halfway in a ball half stretched out, taking up half the bed space. She looked peaceful, almost dead she was so still and quiet, but peaceful.
She had everything planned out! Dinner: Taco Bar! She made different kinds of main fillings based on your tastes and hers. Included little things she knows you love and she set the table up in a very aesthetic and neat way. Drinks: at the store she made sure to buy a few of your favorite drinks as well as a case of water. She also made homemade punch using sherbet ice cream and 7up/Sprite. Outfits: She had your guys matching Marvel/DC robes ans pj sets pulled out and on her bed. Hers was a Nebula/Poison ivy (depending on which one you prefer) set while yours was Gamora/Harley Quinn (dending).
Once you got there, you guys would eat then change. As you ate, she asked all about your day, let you rant and get everything off your cheat if need be. She told you what you wanted to hear and what you needed to hear as you guys discissed several topics. After eating she let you use the bedroom/bathroom to get ready first while she cleaned up the mess before going to change her own clothes and get ready for bed.
Afterwards, she set up the table with posterboard, construction paper, assorted art supplies, ect because tonight you guys will be making your own board game! Whether it be a toally made up game based on shared thoughts between you two or a remake of an already owned and made game. EX.: Marvel/DC based monopoly. Twister using memes. Your own version of battle ship or LIFE. Whatever it may be!
As you both divided up the jobs of who does what parts and as you agreed upon one main idea for the game/gave ideas for the game, Monse played your guys 'Alien Dreamz' playlist AKA the music playlist you guys made last time you spent the night. The whole time y'all were making the game she kept making really bad puns. As she was measuring the cardboard she came up with 'whos the King of school supplies? The RULER!' Before laughing at her own joke. She asked: 'Whats a frogs favorite art supply? Ribbon-t, Ribbon-t' and actually sounding like a frog as she cut ribbon for decoration. The list is endless honestly.
While working on your guys project, between her bad jokes, she complimented you on random things that she genuinely adores about you. Like how pretty/handsom/cute you look when you're focused. Or how she loves the way your hands look as you use a pair of scissors. How soft your eyelashes look. How much she loves your laugh/singing voice. Ect. If you compliment her back, she'll blush and giggle feeling shy but so happy under the surface.
Eventually, she gets really tired and asks if your ready to go to bed saying y'all can finish the game in the morning. You end up laying on the bed she made on the floor out of twelve dozens blankets and pillows, stuffed animals and sheets. While you lay together you share a bowl of popcorn/snack of your choice while watching the Simpsons or any tv show you want if you don't like the Simpsons. She tries so hard to wait for you to fall asleep first so you won't feel lonely but she was so tired she ended up falling asleep a few minutes before you do.
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Question of the Day:
Can you/do you stay up late or fall asleep at a decent/early hour?
My Answer:
Depends on the day! Some nights I'm asleep at 7pm some times I can stay up for 80+ hours. It just depends!
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jewels2876 · 5 years
Biggest Fan
A/N: I was thinking of my bud @suz-123 when I started writing this because she wants more Clint cuteness!
Square filled: Meeting at the Airport for @marvelfluffbingo
Pairing: Clint x Reader
Word Count: 926
Warnings: only if you hate hearing about flight delays or are allergic to FLUFF - depending on where you’re from pop = soda or Coke, if you’re international and don’t know this term, I apologize!
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The flight was pissing you off. Takeoff had been delayed due to the weather back in Heathrow which was bad enough, but then the plane hit turbulence 20 minutes into the flight that lasted for a good 10 minutes, upsetting drinks, trays, and the flight attendants. When the turbulence finally passed, the attendants informed everyone the only drinks not affected by the turbulence was bottled water and cans of pop. You took a can of Sprite and popped open the tab. The Sprite squirted, shooting everywhere much to your neighbor’s chagrin. You cleaned up the mess as best you could before pulling out your tablet; thankfully your bag had been spared any damage while it hid under the seat. You spent the next seven and a half hours binge-watching the newest season of Veronica Mars, with dirty wet clothes and sticky hair.
Of course by the time the plane got to New York, the weather was still not on your side. The flight circled in the air for another hour. Cranky kids were screaming and more than one drunk passenger gave the flight attendants a hard time about when we would finally land. This was the one time you were thankful no one noticed you as the newest Avenger. IYou were pretty sure they would have tried to get you to call Tony or Sam, or even Carol, if it would get them off the plane. To be honest, you were half tempted to call one of them yourself!
Finally the pilot got the okay to land. The cheers in the cabin when the wheels hit the ground were deafening. You shook your head and rolled your eyes, hoping you could sneak off the plane and out of the airport without being noticed. You grabbed your bag from under the seat and waited patiently (mostly) to disembark.
One of the kids towards the front of the plane had been watching everyone, when she lands on you. Her eyes grow wide as saucers and you see the excitement on her face. You hold a finger up to your lips with a smile; she nods but bounces in her seat. She seems young, maybe five or six? And then in the next second she squeals “Y/N! You’re my favoritest Avenger!! Is Iron Man coming to get you? Or Captain America? I love Bucky too!” You have to chuckle as your face flames red as everyone else turns to stare.
“You’re so sweet for saying I’m your favorite! What’s your name?”
At this point the little girl has wriggled out of her seat and shoved her way back 15 rows to face you. “I”m Zoey! I have two moms, and a dad, and 2 little brothers. And they all LOVE the Avengers! Can you do a flame trick for me pleeeeeaase?”
You press your lips together to keep your laugh in check; this girl clearly does not remember what should be shared and what doesn’t, you thought. You leaned down a bit to look the girl in the eyes. “It’s nice to meet you Zoey. But I think your mom is looking for you,” you turned your head to catch the woman’s eye with a grin. “I can’t do a flame trick now, but I promise to do one next time, just for you okay?” Zoey nodded and ran back into her mom, crashing into other passengers that were still waiting to get off the plane. “Moooooooom! She’s so cool!”
Twenty minutes later you finally breathed in airport air, stretching out your sore shoulders when you heard a holler from a few feet away. Zoey was barrelling towards you, a different woman trying to catch up to her. A shadow fell from behind you and Zoey’s jaw dropped, stopping in her tracks. The other woman caught up, grabbing her hand. “Zoey! You can’t keep doing that.”
“Y/n is that your boyfriend?” Zoey asked. You frowned and turned to see who was behind you.
Clint stood over you, though not by much, arms folded across his chest, frowning at Zoey. “Did you adopt a kid while you were in London?” he teased, his frown changing into a lazy grin. He threw his arms around your shoulders, pulling your back to his chest and kissing you on the cheek. He aimed his smile at Zoey who blushed. “Are you gonna be my kid?” Zoey hid behind her mom, who chuckled.
You rolled your eyes at Clint before kneeling down. “Hey, Zo. He is my boyfriend, but he likes to make fun of me a lot and tease me. Do you do that to your brothers or your friends?” Her eyes grew big as she shook her head no. “That’s good! You should always be nice to the people you love.” You threw a glance back at Clint for good measure before turning back to the girl. “I have to go now. Stay safe; no running away from your moms okay?”
“Okay,” she whispered. “Can I give you a hug?” You nodded and she threw herself at you, her tiny arms around your neck and petting your hair. “Bye.”
You straightened up and handed your bag over to Clint, slinging it over his shoulder. You gave Zoey a small wave as you and Clint walked away. You sighed; Clint threw his left arm around your shoulders and hugged you close, kissing the top of your head. “Lemme guess, you want a rugrat now?”
You sighed before looking up at him with a small smile. “Kinda? Wanna try at least?”
I would love any feedback/reblogs/love in general
Tag list:  @lokiandbuckyaremine @patzammit @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @sarahivi@thenormreedus @courtmr @ticklikeabomb @octo-cow52 @xxloki81xx @fenthyr @woodworthti666  @greenarrowhead @lovely-dreamer19 @moonbeambucky @yafriendlyfangirl  @after-avenging-hours @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @marvelc00kie35 @thejemersoninferno @bitsandbobsandstuff @lokilvrr @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog @theimpossibleg1rl @princess-evans-addict @stuckyfox @loricameback @moondancewrites @halcyonrogers @writing-for-a-chance @ruckystarnes @angryschnauzerwrites @221bshrlocked @suz-123 @senoritastucky @devilbat @jpat82 @caramell0w @spookyscaryskeletonsus  @theoneanna @inlovewith3 @mrs-captain-evans @crazybutconfidentaf  @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @sillyboyscomicsareforgirls @shield-agent78  @mackevanstanfan80 @the-wayward-robot @renanyx @notyourtypicalrose  @boldlybeardedgiver @time-travel-bouqet @jilldsumner @breezy1415  @stuckybarton @just-the-hiddles @writer-at-heart96 
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