#sorry mick it won’t happen again
rhinestonesox · 1 month
i watched every available episode of dungeon meshi and read the manga front to back before learning that Mickbell’s a guy. i spent nearly 100 chapters thinking he was serving female-manipulator-butch-realness when he’s just a stinky boy
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daydreamingleclerc · 2 years
dress - mick schumacher
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summary: in which, you and your best friend mick end up in bed together after one of his parents lavish parties.
warnings: oral (m rec), fingering, a lot of make out sessions, michael being cheeky (because yes, michael and corinna are in this - as if 2013 never happened), protected sex, mick being a boob man, swearing, a lot of pining & anticipation, that’s it i think ?? not been proof read
requested: no
notes: based on the song dress by taylor swift. theres a lot of taylor swift song references in this :)) see if u can find them !! good luck !! this was one of my favourite pieces to write and i’m so happy with how it turned out <3 enjoy xx
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“here she is,” michael greeted as you walked through their front door, “our beautiful girl!”
as soon as you saw the older man you smiled, running to him and allowing him to hug you tight. his skin was a gorgeous shade of golden brown, matching that of corinna’s, which you noticed when she came and stood beside her husband. you hadn’t seen the pair of them for almost three months due to a ridiculously long awaited cruise they’d finally had the chance to go on, and when they arrived back it coincided with the two week break from triple header weekend; so naturally, they hosted a party.
“i’ve missed you both so much!” your voice was muffled into michael’s torso, the man refusing to let go and leaving his wife with no choice but to integrate herself into the hug somehow. “how was the bahamas?”
“gorgeous, as expected,” corinna smiled when you all eventually pulled away from one another, and as she began to talk about the trip, gina snuck up behind you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders. “how’s your mum and dad?”
as mick left the dining room, he could see you in the reflection of the mirror in the hallway, wearing a gorgeous shimmery black dress he’d never seen you wear before, and he noted how delicate you looked with red accessories in your hair. as he walked through to greet you, he noticed a faint shake in his hands with anticipation as he held the gift he got you from italy.
“they’re okay i think, i haven’t seen them much since i moved out but they’re sorry they won’t be able to make it,” as you spoke, you heard shuffling from the dining room, and you stuttered in an attempt to finish your sentence. the smile on your face grew even wider at the sight of mick standing in his parents doorway, “hey, mickie.”
“hi,” he blushed softly at the nickname, despite the fact that you’d called him it for years. the way he looked at you made you blush, and your cheeks almost turned the same shade of red as the clips in your hair. “i can’t believe you’ve been standing in the hall for almost five minutes and nobody’s complimented your dress yet.”
he leaned forward and his mother shuffled to the side as he left a kiss to your cheek. his fingertips burned through the material of your dress and left blisters on your skin as he held onto your hip for balance, but his lips on the apple of your cheek felt like hot, trickling lava.
“do you like my dress?” you asked him when he pulled away from you, his fingertips still firm on your hip. in your peripheral vision, you could see corinna, michael and gina all swapping looks, and you knew then that they knew the thoughts whirring around in your mind.
mick was at a slight loss for words when you asked the question, the innocent tone of voice you offered him was one he wasn’t expecting. “mhm, i think it’s.. you.. uh, it..” mick took a second to compose himself and you giggled like a schoolgirl in front of her crush; and that's when the thought crossed your mind for the first time that night – was mick nervous to be in your presence?
“i think what my son is trying to say, is that you look gorgeous, Y/N.”
michael’s hands braced on mick’s shoulders, and mick rolled his eyes sarcastically at his father so that only you could see it while his cheeks once again turned red. you smiled at michael and gazed over at mick, a younger, perfect cross between himself and corinna. “thanks, dad,” mick hummed, “i was gonna get to that point eventually.”
“just thought i’d help you out, sunshine,” michael patted him on the back, but before he walked away he whispered something into mick’s ear and he smirked before swatting his father away. “Y/N, my darling, i’ll see you when the parties started, okay?” you nodded, a look of confusion formed between your eyebrows, “and for the love of god, make sure my son looks reasonable!”
it was at that moment you realised mick was just wearing grey sweats and a t-shirt, and mick coughed when he noticed your eyes lingering a little too long. you shifted awkwardly, your heels already making your feet ache, and the hallway felt smaller now that it was just the two of you inside. lately, whenever you found yourself in mick’s presence you felt inferior, as if you’d lost all modes of communication, caught up in some silly little schoolgirl crush on your best friend to even speak to him and you found it embarrassing.
“i got you a present while i was in monza,” he stated finally, when he thought his parents and gina were retreated as far as possible. “i know you said that all you want from each different country is a small little memoir, but i saw this and i couldn’t leave it.”
the corners of your mouth upturned as you took the box from his grip with shaking hands. you weren’t sure what was in the box, but knowing that mick saw something sentimental and thought of you made your stomach do backflips. you flipped the lid of the box carefully and as you did so, mick helped, taking the sleek black lid and placing it on the floor beside him.
you pulled the tissue paper from the top, and gasped when you saw what was inside the box. a complete set of jewellery with your birthstone in the middle of each, surrounded by white diamonds - a necklace, bracelet, earrings and a ring with a little note tucked underneath it.
Y/N, i saw this and thought of you. you’re my favourite gift, all my love, mick x
your heart skipped a thousand beats at the sentiment, and when you looked at the note you questioned it again - was he writing you love notes now?
“mick…” you breathed, overwhelmed at the jewellery in front of you. mick just smiled, admiring your beauty fondly as your attention stayed consistently drawn to the shining possession.
“do you like it?”
“i love it,” you looked up at him now, and his gaze caught your eyes as you showered one another in silent, yearning love. his breath hitched when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and hugged him, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. “thank you so much.”
he wished he could stay in this moment forever, the warmth of your arms around him, the slight stickiness of your lipgloss on his cheek as you pulled your lips away from his skin. everything was so perfect for those few seconds, and he wanted to frame the mark of your lipgloss on his cheek and engrave it with your name delicately.
“i’ll help you put it on, if you like.”
you spun around to face the mirror, holding out the box for mick to take the necklace so he could clasp it around your neck. he wondered if you could see his shaking hands in the reflection as he picked up the thin chain – you could, but you chose to ignore it. “is it the right way around?” he asked, double checking before he did the clasp, and all you could do was nod.
he looked so at peace behind you, so unknowing of your own tangled, messy feelings for him and you figured it was better that way. he didn’t need to be wrapped up in your bed as well as in your head when he still had the rest of the season to finish.
“there.” he smiled, releasing a breath he didn’t realise he was holding when he succeeded in clasping the necklace. you admired it, stepping closer to the mirror so you could watch it glisten under the light. it was far too expensive, almost something mick would’ve bought for his mother, or his sister or a girlfriend. your breath hitched again and your mind wandered – he wasn’t falling for you too, was he?
“turn this way and i’ll do the bracelet for you too.”
you did as he asked, doing a one eighty so you faced him now, one hand firmly gripping at the box while you tried to keep the other one still in front of you. the silver chain of the bracelet was slightly thinner than the chain on the necklace, and mick’s eyebrows furrowed together as he attempted to wrap it around your wrist.
“is this okay?” he asked, giving it a little wiggle to make sure it didn’t get too tight.
“mhm,” you nodded, a smile on your lips, “what did your dad whisper to you earlier?”
“oh.. nothing for you to worry about,” he said, the half-smirk on his lips soon fading so the all too familiar schumacher crease could form between his eyebrows, one thing that all four of the schumacher’s seemed to do when they were either confused, angry, or focussed. “he was just being dad, you know how he is.”
after a few more moments and a giggle from the pair of you when mick thought he’d clasped the bracelet together, he finally did so. you cheered softly, raising your hand in the air and expecting mick’s to fall to his side – but it didn’t. he didn’t really know what came over him in that moment, but he pulled your arm down softly once again to inspect his handiwork, thumb grazing your soft skin as he ran it along the diamonds surrounding the birthstone.
it was so quiet in his hallway, a pin could’ve dropped and caught either of you off guard, only it didn’t. mick looked up at you, his adams apple bobbing as if he was going to speak, and the lump in your throat expanded and your tongue felt dry as he leaned in closer to you. his hand ran higher up your arm and his fingertips set your skin alight in goosebumps at the tenderness of his touch.
his breath was shaky when you felt it on your face, his lips inches apart from yours. repeated backflips danced within your stomach when his free hand rested on your cheek and you fluttered your eyes closed, both of you expecting this to be your perfectly timed, golden moment. mick’s lips were so close to yours that you could almost feel them, and as he looked down at you waiting patiently, with shaky breath and an eager etherealness about you, he truly admired your beauty.
“Y/N, darling are you – oh,” michael’s voice caused the pair of you to repel like magnets, with mick sliding as far away from you as he possibly could, but by that point it was too late. you could feel him all over you, and your touch stung his skin in the most addicting way possible; and now his father knew all about your feelings for one another. michael just rested against the doorframe, a smirk draped across his lips. “sorry, was i interrupting?”
as the party drew to a close at nearly two a.m the following morning, anxiety rose in your body at the thought of staying the night. it wasn’t uncommon for you to stay with mick and his family, you’d been doing it since you were twelve, when he had a stupid buzzcut and you bleached your hair a horrible shade of blonde.
your parents lived too far away for you to walk, and michael had already made up a bed for you. it would be rude of you not to stay.
“you okay?” gina asked, poking her head around the bannister of the staircase and catching you before you could scurry off. most of the people you were really friends with had left, and your feet were almost blistering by that point, and all you wanted was a nice, comfortable bed.
mick noticed the interaction from his place on the sofa, wedged between sebastian and an almost passed out max. you’d kept your distance from one another, giving each other enough space so you didn’t feel overwhelmed, but knowing that no matter where you went or who you spoke to, all roads led back to one another. everybody knew about your feelings for one another bar the two of you, and for everybody at the party, the tension was infuriating.
“mhm, fine,” you smiled, “just tired.”
“Y/N,” gina hummed, stopping you from walking away once more. mick leaned forward in his seat, attempting to make out what was said between you both, “he likes you too, in case you were wondering.”
gina watched as your lips curled up into a smile and your cheeks lit up, and mick noted that from his spot on the sofa your smile reminded him of a mirrorball, the brightest thing in the room, no matter where you were.
“she’s not gonna reject you if you tell her mick,” sebastian whispered, his words muffled slightly to blend in with the tone of drunken, slurred conversation around him, “that’s the face of a girl in love.”
as soon as you got into the spare bedroom, you knew you’d have to go and find mick. despite michael setting up the spare room for you, he’d forgotten to ask either of his children for a spare set of clothes for you to borrow as pyjamas.
can i borrow some clothes? you shot mick a text, your dad forgot to ask gina for anything and i don’t want to bother either of them :))
so you’re bothering me? mick replied, with a laughing face and a winky face, i’m kidding, you can come and pick some clothes out if you like x
mick’s bedroom wasn’t too far away from the spare room you were in, but even now after years of coming to the schumacher residence, you still found yourself getting slightly lost. your feet were working faster than your mind, your heart racing as you got to mick’s bedroom door.
“guess who?” you peeked your head round the door, and found mick hanging up his red blazer on his wardrobe door. his white t-shirt was draped over his shoulder and you averted your eyes when you noticed he was shirtless.
“hey, babe,” mick smiled, slightly inebriated and you blushed when he called you babe. “come in.”
immediately you planted yourself on his bed, flopping down on it and laying down flat across the width of the bed, your head dangling down the other side of it. you spotted a picture of you and mick on his bedside table taken about three months prior after he got his first points in silverstone, your cheeks smushed together and the both of you absolutely drowning in champagne. your hands were wrapped around his shoulders with one planted firmly on his cheek, and your smiles were ear to ear.
“i didn’t know you got this framed,” you sat up, holding the frame in your hands delicately, “i love this picture.”
“we look so happy,” mick hummed, taking a seat down on the bed beside you. he opened his mouth to speak, to confess his feelings in an almost shakespearean type of way, but he avoided them once more and stood up, “i picked out some clothes for you, they’re your favourite ones.”
you sat up straight and took the pile of clothes from his hands — he really gave you everything you loved so much, one of his black hoodies with a matching pair of tracksuit bottoms, a haas shirt with his name and number on the back, and some fresh boxers and socks for you to wear in the morning.
“thanks mickie,” you smiled. he sensed that you didn’t want to leave, and you sensed that he didn’t want you to leave either. you tried everything in your power to avert your gaze from his naked torso. “you look tired.”
he couldn’t help but laugh at that, but he wasn’t sure why. “i am,” he noted, “you still look gorgeous.”
“mick, stop,” you blushed and averted your gaze from him completely, “you really don’t know how it makes me feel when you say that stuff.”
you shifted on the bed, and his hand slipped under yours, thumb stroking your hand and igniting goosebumps across your skin. he leaned across and pressed his lips to your cheek, lingering there a little too long before resting his forehead on your temple. your temperature spiked drastically, the room feeling small as you felt sweltering hot.
“are you sure?” he whispered, “cause i think it makes me feel the same when you say that kinda stuff.”
you turned to face him, and as you did your breath hitched, but this time you didn’t hide it. your foreheads were now touching, lips so close together you could almost touch them, but you were both holding back.
“i should.. uh, i should—”
“—you don’t have to go.”
mick’s hand clung onto yours as you got up to walk away, and when he stood up and pulled you closer to him, you didn’t even hesitate. the clothes fell to his bed and the two of you finally had a moment alone, without distractions, without humor. just you.
“you’re like a drug to me, Y/N,” he said. “you make me feel so… stupid.”
“stupid?” your heart almost sank to the pits of your stomach at the words, but then mick’s hand came to your face and his thumb stroked your cheek.
“okay, maybe that was the wrong…” mick composed himself, “i love you, Y/N. i’m so stupidly in love with you that it physically hurts me everytime i see you because i just wanna — fuck — i just wanna shout it from the rooftops.”
you weren’t quite sure what to say or do in that moment, but all you knew was that you felt the same. in a world of billions of people, a life full of thousands who you almost definitely hadn’t met yet, mick was your one person, and you were going to make sure that counted for something.
“i love you too, mick, you stupid idiot.”
finally, as if the stars aligned, mick’s lips found yours in a soft and tender kiss. you couldn’t help but smile into it, melting into his touch because the comfort you felt wrapped in his embrace was a comfort like no other. neither of you wanted to pull away, the kiss was something out of a fairytale that you feared you were dreaming, and mick feared that you would walk away and never come back.
“stay with me tonight,” he whispered, and when he backed you into the wall you didn’t protest. you’d dreamed of this moment for months. “dad’s probably gonna be relieved, he’s never been any good at making the beds.”
the way mick’s nose scrunched up when he told a joke always got to you, and today you really felt it. a laugh bellowed from your mouth, and he rested his forehead on your shoulder as you laughed so hard at his joke — which wasn’t even remotely funny — you almost cried.
“so, do you wanna stay?” mick asked in a moment of hushed silence.
you leaned in close again, fighting the surge of hormones swimming through your veins – there was so much you were desperate to do, the ache to feel him hit hard inside your stomach and now the feelings were confirmed it was even stronger. the kiss was stronger this time, needier as you caved into his touch, allowing him to pull you in close and merge your bodies together.
mick furrowed his eyebrows as you pulled away, pushing him back a few steps as he kept his eyes on you. after hours of pain, you kicked off your shoes, curling your toes into the soft, plushy carpet of mick’s bedroom floor, and made sure his eyes were on you the entire time.
“i only bought this dress so you could help me take it off,” you said, reaching your arms around to your back and tugging at the zip, “can’t get out of it on my own.”
mick smirked, moving behind you but readjusting you so you could face his bedroom mirror. his lips trailed along your neck, his kisses hot and tender as he tugged the zip down your back slower than you’d expected. “mick…” you breathed, the anticipation inside of you bubbling with every tingle his lips left on your skin.
“i know, darling,” he hummed, the dress finally pooling at your feet. mick’s breath hitched when he noticed the lack of a bra, and he fought all his hormonal urges now – desperate to lean around and feel them in his hands, to listen to the noises leaving your mouth as you reacted to his touch. “god, you’re fucking beautiful.”
he grabbed at your chin, turning your face towards him and kissing you. your entire body reacted to his touch, igniting in goosebumps as desperation to feel him overcame you. “please, mick,” you whispered, “i need to feel you.”
he nodded, pulling his lips from yours and admiring you for a moment with a gentle smile. you leaned down, pushing your lacy underwear down your legs and stepping out of it when it pooled at your feet, and there you stood, completely naked in front of your best friend. mick never thought he’d see this day, and in a whirlwind of hormones he swept you from your feet and onto the bed, a giggle tumbling from your lips.
“what do you want, angel?”
“you,” you whispered, running a hand up and down his toned torso, “all i‘ve ever wanted is you, mickie.”
his hand ran down your stomach, fingers leaving a string of shivers in their wake as he danced them along your pubic bone. he leaned right down until he was face to face with your pussy, pressing a single kiss to your clit and circling his thumb around your entrance.
“mickie, no teasing,” you pouted. mick laughed as he rose back up, pressing a kiss to your lips and getting lost in you.
“why not, babe?” he raised an eyebrow.
“‘s no fun,” you pouted again, and mick’s heart fluttered. he pressed kisses to either side of your lips until eventually they curled up into a smile, and as you began to smile he pressed two fingers inside of you, curling them inside of you softly.
your breath stilled for a minute, allowing you time to adjust to the thickness of his fingers and their prominent ridges. mick’s eyes fixated solely on you as you reacted to everything he gave you, the way his fingers curled inside of you left you on the verge of a moan every time. he sensed it, and wanted nothing more than to make those filthy sounds leave your mouth, “come on, baby,” he drawled, kissing the spot where your jaw and your ear connected, “let me hear those noises i’ve dreamed about.”
he inserted a third finger and his thumb stroked your clit, and you gasped at the feeling. your back arched off of the bed and you wrapped an arm around mick’s neck, while he watched you with a partly open mouth and hooded eyes. “fuck, mick, your fingers they…” you couldn’t finish your sentence, brain clouded with the feeling of his fingers, “you feel so… fuck!”
when his fingers hit the spot you moaned, body quaking as he continued to coax an orgasm from you, and you weren’t sure how long you could hold it. “are you gonna cum for me, baby?” mick asked, his forehead now pressed against yours, “i can feel you clenching around my fingers, let go, angel.”
it didn’t take long for your orgasm to wash over you, with a strangled cry of mick’s name that he muffled with his lips on yours – because yes, his parents house was big, however it wouldn’t have surprised him if the guests were all listening in.
you laid underneath mick, a soft pant leaving your mouth as you regained your breath, and as he re-situated above you, you noticed the tightness within his trousers. the material was strained, so much, in fact, you feared that the hem would split straight down the middle. “can i help you with that?” you asked him, climbing up onto your knees so you were now at his height on the bed. mick tucked some hair behind your ear and your knees almost buckled. “please, mickie.”
“you don’t have to if you don’t-”
“-lay back, mick.”
he did as you asked, helping you untug the belt from it’s loops and shimmying out of his red trousers. the sight of his boxers begging to be pulled down was a sight you were going to have a lot more fun with in the future, but right now, you needed him like air in your lungs.
once mick was comfortable, you tugged at the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down inch by inch until his cock sprung free. it was bigger than you’d expected, all your wildest dreams had never prepared you for this moment.
you circled your tongue around his head and chuckled when he took a sharp intake of breath and wriggled. “see, it’s no fun when people tease.”
“i hate you.” he threw his head back in a laugh, gasping sharply again when you took him into your mouth and bobbed your head a few times.
“you said you loved me earlier, so which is it, mickie?” you questioned, repeating the action and taking his dick further into your mouth, using your hand to work what you couldn’t take.
“you’re a menace, Y/N,” he noted, bunching your hair into his hand as you took him further, “gonna have my – fuck – my work cut out now that you’re my girlfriend, aren’t i?”
the words left his lips and you didn’t even pause – in fact, they stirred you on even further. you smiled with your lips still wrapped around his cock, and the single word gave you a boost. mick leaned his head back, bucking his hips up into your mouth as your throat constricted around him, and he fought off the urge to just fuck your face then and there.
mick lifted his hips and you pushed your face down further, meeting him halfway when your nose touched his pubic bone. you stayed there for a minute, content in breathing as best you could through your nose before rising and breathing deeply for air in your lungs.
“we should’ve done this years ago.” he said, bringing a hand to your face and cupping your cheek, rolling you over so you were now on your back, looking ethereal buried between the pillows.
“years ago?” you questioned, a small blush coming to your face as mick’s lips worked on your chest, his fingers squeezing the fleshy skin of your boobs. he looked so content amongst them, and you knew then he was a boob person.
“yeah, i’ve been fantasizing about this — about you — since i saw you in that red bikini when we all went on holiday a few years back,” mick said in between kisses and licks to your nipples, all of which made you wriggle and shiver and he smirked, “remember?”
you nodded, bringing a hand to your new boyfriends face and admiring his gorgeous, doll like features; his usual stunning clear, sea blue eyes were now almost three shades darker with lust and it made your heart pound.
“you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen,” he whispered once his escapade on your chest had ended and he rose back to your face, “you’re funny, you’re kind, you’re talented, you have an amazing rack,” he said, and you couldn’t help but laugh, your eyes almost welling with tears. “i love you, Y/N.”
“i love you too, mick,” you kissed his lips softly, “do you have anything?”
he nodded, leaning over to his bedside drawer and pulling out a string of condoms. you admired his torso, running your hands down it as your eyes fixated on his dick, twitching with anticipation at what was about to happen.
he rolled the condom on, and leaned in close. his lips had a faint taste of blueberries, which suggested to you that that was the lube on the condom he’d chosen. as you kissed, he lined himself up with you expertly and pushed himself inside of you.
a gasp tumbled from your lips at the contact, how he stretched you out so perfectly with no discomfort, no pain, just a desperate aching need for more of him. even mick let out a breath at how good it felt to finally be buried inside of you after so many years of wishing and wanting, all of the silence and patience of desperation, the pining and anticipation that had built up from this night alone.
“god, mick…” you whimpered, “you feel so good.”
“so do you, angel,” he stuttered, “so tight and warm, all for me.”
you braced your hands on the back of his neck, running the pads of your fingers along the short hairs at the nape & instinctively, mick’s forehead rested on yours. his eyes travelled down to the spot where he slipped in and out of you, and god, the noises leaving your mouth almost made him cave completely.
“so responsive,” he muttered to himself, his lips catching your chin as he brought his eyes back up to yours, “just how i imagined it.”
you whimpered once more at his words, clenching around him as he slipped in deeper. mick has never felt so in love as he did in this moment, and he wished to stay in this moment with you forever.
“mick, ‘m close,” you said, almost embarrassed to ask him if he could topple you over the edge, “need more.”
“what do you need, darling?” he questioned, kissing along your jawline as his hips sped up, only slightly, but it was enough for you to nod. “need me to help you?” when you nodded again, mick’s nose bumped yours, “tell me how, pretty girl.”
“you know how,” you mumbled, and mick laughed.
“i’m not telepathic, baby,” his nose bumped yours again and you fluttered your eyes open, “tell me how.”
instead of telling him, you brought one of his hands to cup at your clit, and when he swiped his thumb across the sensitive bud, you nodded. mick momentarily paused just to wrap one of your legs around his waist, and then brought his thumb back to focus its attention on your clit.
“jesus,” you threw your head back, the combination of mick’s hips thrusting back and forth into you, his thumb on your clit and his lips on your neck almost sending you into overdrive. “mickie, please.”
mick’s dick began to twitch as you clenched around him, and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “go on, angel,” he whispered, “cum for me.”
you didn’t need telling twice.
“oh, fuck, mick!” you moaned, bringing his lips to yours to muffle the noise trickling from your lips. the wetness that now cocooned mick as he slipped in and out of you made him cave, and within seconds of your orgasm, he hit his own.
“oh, fuck, Y/N,” he groaned, his hips stilling almost completely as he released into the condom.
the pair of you lay there in that picture — mick on top of you, his head laying on your chest with your hands combing through his hair — for a while as you caught your breath.
his fingers began to trace shapes on your hips, and as the pair of you spoke aimlessly about things — what charles had drunkenly said about mattia binotto at the party, the way max almost passed out after one to many jagerbombs, how much mick’s parents believed you two were betrothed by some higher power to be with one another — the sun began to rise.
you snuck down the stairs in the shirt mick had let you borrow and a pair of his boxers and you assumed that you were the only ones awake seeing as it had just gone seven, but that was an incorrect judgement.
mick rested his head on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your waist as you made coffee, and michael coughed in the doorway.
“thank god you two finally did something last night,” he ruffled mick’s hair and kissed your cheek, “now your mother owes me breakfast.”
“you bet breakfast on us having sex last night?” mick raised an eyebrow at his father, and you buried your head into his shoulder out of sheer embarrassment. michael clearly didn’t expect his son to be so forward.
“no, we bet breakfast on the two of you admitting you loved one another,” he stole his son’s coffee cup from the side and slid onto his designated chair on the island, “but you had sex, huh?” michael raised an eyebrow with his signature schumacher smirk, and sipped the coffee from mick’s mug.
“oh, fuck off, dad.” mick flipped his father off, nuzzling his face back into your neck and relishing in the sound of your giggle.
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formulakatya · 10 months
“always an angel, never a god”
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not my gif :)
summary: struggling as a figure skater, mick gives you a helping hand
pairing: mick schumacher x figure skater!reader
notes: sorry that this is unedited, i suddenly had an idea and sorry for being away for so long!
warnings: mentions of terrible coaching, slight mentions on self destructive behaviours, mentions of mental and physical health and injury, unedited work (let me know if i missed anything)
“(y/n)!” your coach shouted from across the rink. “what is wrong with you?!”
sighing as you brought yourself up from the ice, you let out a groan. “i’m sorry.” this would be the tenth time in a row which you’ve fallen on the triple axel; a jump which used to be your strongest. “ever since the fractures, i’m not sure what happened.”
“excuses!” she shook her head, “tell me, how badly do you want to win?”
“of course i want to win!” skating over to her, you couldn’t help but feel both exhausted and frustrated. you were already trying your hardest to get back your jumps to how they used to be after multiple injuries including a severe fracture of your wrist and ankle.
holding back tears as your coach berated you, all you could do was nod with shaky breath. “i’m trying my best.”
“well clearly it’s not good enough.”
her cold demeanour and harsh words were something you had not missed in the time that you had taken off from skating, and clearly nothing had changed. if not, she was even more harsh. but all you could do was accept it, that was her way of coaching ever since you asked for her guidance when you were young, like it or not.
going into backward crossovers as you set up for the jump, you quickly switched to your forward edge before launching yourself in the air only to be met with the cold hard ice.
“go home,” she snapped.
“go home, i don’t need a skater that’s useless like you. besides, your time is running out.”
“you’re back! how was training?” mick smiled, welcoming back to your apartment warmly. “is something wrong?” he quickly asked, seeing your puffy eyes.
“i just-“
“come here,” he beckoned, looking at you with concern as you tried to stop a breakdown. “what’s wrong? tell me.”
“i just,” you tried your best to compose yourself, sinking into his embrace. “i just, i don’t know why i’m not performing like i used to. i just-“ choking on your tears, you sobbed in mick’s arms as he held you in his arms. “i don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“you just came back from an injury, liebling,” he sighed. “you have to understand that you won’t be back a hundred percent.”
“but why?” you sighed, wiping your tears. “why can’t i skate through this injury when i could the others? what’s wrong with me?”
taking a deep breath in, mick paused, trying to find the right words to say as tears continued to flow down your cheeks. “have you…” he paused again. no, he couldn’t say that, figure skating was your whole life.
“have i what?”
“have you considered…y’know…retiring?”
“what?” your voice was as soft as a whisper.
it wasn’t the thought of retiring and the sadness it brought that caused the sudden change in emotion. it was the fact you had never thought of that as the best possible solution. but considering what had been done in your career, and now the repercussions you were facing because of everything you had given to the sport, it all of a sudden hit you.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to bring that up,” mick spoke, a sudden urgency in his voice.
“no, no, it’s okay,” you replied, taking a while to put your thoughts together. “maybe you’re right.”
looking up, cameras were pointed in your direction and journalists gathered in the room with their notebooks, you took a deep breath. “i’ve called this emergency press conference to give an important announcement.”
chatter dying down, the room had instantly gone quiet, leaving you at the center of attention. all eyes were on you and now there was really no turning back.
“throughout the years, i have managed to accomplish many things in figure skating; i have done jumps, spins and win competitions only my younger self could dream of. however, i have also put my body through many things— i have suffered from many injuries which i had chose to train and compete through…” you paused, taking a deep breath in as you felt tears well up in your eyes slowly.
cameras flashed as journalists scribbled furiously on their notepads. it was never your intention to make the announcement so soon, having the initial plan of pushing through another 2 seasons, but here you were in front of the very same crowd which you used to face after winning gold medals.
you had dedicated your whole life to figure skating, and now you had to retire from it. retirement was always something that was going to happen, and with figure skating being notorious for its early age of retirement, you were prepared to make the announcement.
but nothing could’ve gotten you ready to announce your retirement at 20– and extremely early age even for figure skating. of course, the original plan even after you started to become aware of the injury was to continue to push for another 2 seasons or so, but now that had been thrown out the window.
“…unfortunately, the consequences of it all has caught up to me. due to my health and injuries, i have lost almost all my ability to skate as i once did. i have caused both physical and mental damage to myself,” you took a deep sigh, reciting the script you had memorised at the top of your head after nights of crying over it. “it is against my wish to have to make this announcement so early but i have ultimately decided to retire from competitive figure skating.”
your voice was hoarse, tears flowing down your eyes uncontrollably as choked sobs filled the room.
retirement was the right decision, but still it had hurt.
after so many years of constantly showing up to the rink everyday, figure skating was almost apart of you. it was as if you had tied yourself to figure skating. of course, there was always life outside of the sport, and there was always a certainty that there would be life after skating. but you couldn’t have helped but feel like your whole world had simply collapsed.
mick looked down at you, his heart aching out of sympathy as all the emotions you had been holding back was let out upon the falling of your strong facade you had put up in front of everyone.
“i’m sorry,” mick spoke, finally finding the right words to say. “you shouldn’t have to retire so early on, you’re still so young…but i’m proud of you. i know it wasn’t easy but i’m glad you’re finally putting yourself first, you shouldn’t be sacrificing your health. sports isn’t everything.”
“i just…” a defeated sigh was let out, “why?”
you had done everything you were told to do; train hours each day, keep to the schedule, follow the diet…and yet, you would miss out on the long and successful career you had always dreamed off. heck, you’d now rather have a long career with barely any success than one that was short with an amazingly amount of success like the one you had just lived through.
“i did everything i was supposed to do and yet…and yet it ended like this.”
taking a deep breath in, mick couldn’t help but feel guilty considering he was the one that has given you the idea in the first place.
“but it’s for the better isn’t it?” you continued speaking, looking up at mick.
“it is,” he nodded, playing with your hair. “it really is.”
“at least i get to follow you to your races now,” you joked through your tears, wiping them away.
“you’ll always come first, okay?” mick smiled. “and so does your mental and physical health.”
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
i saw ur thomas dad fic and it got me thinking abt dad michael, i wanna request headcannons of michael being a new dad!! (even tho michael probably cant have babies and would never handle a baby but i also cant stop thinking abt how in halloween 2 he completely ignores/doesnt disturb the babies sleeping in the hospital)
RZ Michael Myers as a new papa
Afab reader, gn pronouns
OMG I had so much fun writing this!! Thank you so much for the request T^T sorry it took so long!!
I hope this isn’t too short, if you’d like a pt 2 pls let me know! I’d love to keep writing about daddy Michael! He’s so precious <3
•You started to feel sick and Michael noticed before you did. You tried flu medication but nothing was helping. You begrudgingly went to the doctors. Your jaw dropped when they told you you were pregnant. You with Michaels baby!?
•You bit your lip and felt a pit in your stomach. How would Michael react? Would he be mad? Happy? Would he just leave you to raise the kid?
•You drove back home and entered the Myers house. Michael had been waiting for you on the couch. He looked up and waited for an explanation for your illness.
• “So, I’m uhh,” You looked into his eyes and felt fear rise into your chest.
• “…I just have a common cold, they said it should pass soon.” You force a small smile and head into the bathroom.
•He, being the observant man he is, noticed your strange behavior. But he decided to leave it alone for now.
•The next day you were in the kitchen making breakfast and Michael started walking down the stairs. You remain silent, focusing on cooking. He walks up behind you and kisses the side of your face. He rests his head on yours and wraps his arms around your stomach.
•At first you thought it was a kind gesture, but then he started rubbing it lovingly. You shakily turn the shove off and face him with wide eyes.
• “You know?” You ask and try to gulp your nerves down.
•He simply nods and places his hand on your stomach again. You look up at him with tears building in your eyes. He turns his head to the side and wipes your tears away.
• “You- You're not mad?” You stifle a hiccup.
•He turns his head to the other side in confusion then shakes his head no. He leans down and begins kissing your tears away.
• “Why would I be mad? We’re having a-“ he paused for a moment, fully taking it in.
• “a baby.” He smiled into your neck.
•You were astonished. He had always hated children, why wasn’t he storming off? You pull away from him and cup his cheeks. You continue to cry, but happy tears this time. Just be prepared for him to be even more possessive and protective.
•Months later you give birth to the little one. Well, little ones… You had twins! A boy and a girl. Due to Michaels…. Reputation… you decided to give birth at home. You wanted him to be there for the birth.
• “I was thinking Audrey for the girl, and Mick for the boy, it’s close to Michael and they’re won’t be any confusion in the house.” You giggle and he smiles at his kids.
• “Mick and Audrey it is.” He reaches for one of them but retracts his hand, almost fearfully.
•You get him to sit down next to you and hand him Mick first. He’s extremely hesitant, but takes the little boy into his arms. Mick cried for a little bit, but then babbled to Michael happily. You had never seen Michael handle something so carefully before, it was really sweet.
•You then handed him Audrey, who seemed to not really care what was happening. She looked around, seemingly unimpressed at the environment and looked to her dad. She just silently stared at him. She definitely has his personality. You giggle at their staring contest.
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darling2411 · 11 months
I guess we’re best friends?
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images are from Pinterest, I do not own them.
Mick Schumacher x reader
Word count: 745
Summary: They’re best friends now?
Warnings: none
ⓘ It’s been a while, let’s see how this goes and if I am going to ever finish this series :0
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“Mick!!!” You exclaimed “where are you?!”
“I'm right here.” He responds from behind you and you spin around with a grin on your face. “Hi”
“Hi [y/n]” you look up at him. Gosh he’s really beautiful, he looks like an angel, your angel. “In your text you asked me to come meet you. "What's up?”
“I wanted to ask you if you would like to go to dinner this evening with me and Emma ? We wanted to celebrate the beginning of the new season, she thinks it may bring luck.”
Emma? He wanted to have dinner with you and Emma? As in his girlfriend Emma ? You frown “Well as much as I’d like that I don’t want to intrude, also Meave and l have plans for girls night tonight, so no, but thank you for inviting me Mickey.” You stand up on your tippy toes and plant a kiss on his cheek before you leave the Haas motorhome. Your mind is racing, she wants to celebrate because it will bring luck? He doesn’t need luck and celebrating before something happens most likely won’t bring good luck, it will probably only attract negativity!
Gosh you didn’t even really know her and you already didn’t like her. And why do you feel like you could throw up when you’re thinking about him having a nice romantic dinner with his girlfriend? ‘I probably just ate something bad this morning…’ you say to yourself.
Mick watches you walk away.
And like always with every step you make you take his heart with you.
It’s wrong that he feels like this, you're his best friend, nothing more, and he’s in a relationship with a woman he really likes just not loves.
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Maeve?!" You shout as you walk through the door into your apartment that you share with your best friend “open the wine, we will need it!”
“Oh shit” you could hear her swear as she scrambled from the couch and slithered into the kitchen to open the red wine you keep restocked for exactly these kinds of moments.” What did he do?” She asks you. Sometimes you think she’s able to read your mind.
You sigh” let’s sit down.”
She nods and both of you grab your wine glass. When you’re settled on the couch she looks at you expectantly but before you can even begin to tell her how horrible your life is right now you bring your glass to your lips and take a big gulp.
“Alright, I just wanna start by saying that I don’t know why this feels so wrong and I have no idea what it means but heinvitedmetodinnerwithhisgirlfriendandihatedtheideasomuchiwantedtopuke.”
Meave stares at you blankly and then starts to laugh. “Excuse me, what did you say? The beginning I understood but then you started speaking so fast not even Spencer Reid could’ve kept up with you.” She sent you a meaningful look “tell me again, nice and slow alright?”
“Mimimi it wasn’t that bad” you huff.
“Not that bad?!" Babe you talked faster than Usain Bolt runs!”
She laughs” come one now, tell me”
“What I said is that Mick invited me to dinner with his girlfriend and I hated the idea so much I wanted to puke. Like I said before I’ve got no idea why I disliked this so much, I mean she seems pretty nice…”
“Pretty nice?!" She stole your sweet angel Mick!”
You sigh sadly “How could she steal something that was never mine to begin with?” You take another sip of wine and Meave copies you before answering.
“Never yours? Girl are you blind? He looks at you like you yourself created the sun and painted the sky. He is so one hundred percent in love with you, you both are, you’re just too afraid to admit it.”
“Well he has a girlfriend now, I can’t just steal him away. I mean it was different once, two years ago I could’ve easily made a move but now? Now he’s an important part of my life. If I tell him and he leaves me I could never come back from it. “
“Oh sweets, I’m so sorry, but I still believe that he likes you and that everything will turn out like it’s supposed to.” She hugs you tight, your empty glasses long forgotten on the living room floor.
“Well then I guess we’re best friends?”
“For now” Meave whispers.
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Chapter One: The Crack of Dawn
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The first rays of morning light touched the cold gray streets of Paris as the world woke up to meet a new day. Groggy store owners trudged out of bed to open their doors and await the early traffic, the clopping of horse hooves echoed as wagons were pulled along the streets, and windows flew open to let the chilly light into dark homes across the city.
As the sun slowly made its way across the sky, its rays peeked into the countless shimmering windows of the royal palace, whose turrets and towers glowed a rosy color in the dawn. Nestled in the middle of the palace grounds was the mess hall, where a small form stood mopping between long wooden tables and benches.
If you had happened to approach him, you would have seen a vigor in his movements, a sort of determined drive that most don't possess at 5 in the morning. He pushed his wet mop around the glistening marble floors, whistling quietly with a smile on his face. If you had come closer and leaned down, (quite far down as he was a very small creature) and looked under the floppy, beat up felt hat that he wore, you would have seen his excited button eyes and his round ears quivering at every sound. And if you got the chance to ask him his name, he would have introduced himself as Mickey Mouse.
But for the moment he was alone, working vigorously to scrub the floor clean, searching with practiced eyes for stains and smudges and swiping over them with a swish of his mop. It was easy to tell he had been doing this for years. A scruffy, sun bleached pair of overalls that were too big hung off of his shoulders, the straps sliding down his arms and making it difficult to work. A small bead of sweat trickled onto his cheek, but he hardly noticed in his concentration.
As he worked, the little mouse’s mind wandered a million miles away, drifting aimlessly between different thoughts, and so it was a few minutes before he realized that someone had walked quietly into the room and was watching him.
“Whatcha doing?”
Mickey turned in surprise to see his oldest brother standing in the doorway. “Julius!” he said happily. “I didn’t see you.” He looked out the window, seeming to notice the sun rising for the first time. “Wow, it’s already dawn.”
Part of Julius was surprised to see Mickey up at such an hour. He had always been the earliest riser of the three, but even he didn’t usually get up before first light. “Couldn’t sleep, huh. Something on your mind?”
Mickey paused as he dipped his mop into a sudsy bucket of water. “Well… it’s not that important I guess but…” he trailed off and looked into his reflection in the pail.
“...But?” Julius prompted.
Mickey ran the mop over a soot stain. “I’m just worried about the royal family. Or what’s left of it, that is.”
Julius nodded knowingly, as if they’d had this conversation many times before. “You're thinking about the princess," he said knowingly.
Mickey smiled slightly, a sheepish look on his face. “It’s just… she seems so ill-prepared to take over. I don’t mean she won’t be a good ruler,” he said quickly, “I just think she should be allowed more time to mourn her parents. They’re shoving all that responsibility onto her so quickly, I mean, her crowning is only in a week.” He dipped his mop in the bucket again, his brow furrowed. "I feel sorry for her."
Julius smirked slightly, his tail swishing mischievously. “You seem to think about Princess Minnie an awful lot,” he teased.
Mickey stuck his tongue out at the cat, but his face was pink. “She’s our leader, of course I’m concerned about her.”
Julius shrugged, smiling wider. “Of course.”
Mickey yawned suddenly, and his grip loosened on the mop handle for a second. Then he shook it off and stood up straighter. “Well, I'd better get back to work.” He slapped the mop back down on the tiles and scrubbed harder. “A janitor’s work is never done.”
Juilus’s smile dropped slightly. “You shouldn’t be pushing yourself so hard, Mick. How about we take a break and eat breakfast?”
Mickey hesitated, but then shook his head. “Cap’n Pete wanted this hall to be clean, and I don’t want to let him down.”
“We have plenty of time to finish this later today,” Julius retorted. “Stop trying to do everything yourself.” He held out his hand. “C’mon, you won’t be any good to me and Oz if you’re half starved.”
Mickey paused and looked out at the slick wet floors, and his shoulders slumped tiredly. “Yeah… yeah, you’re right.” Reluctantly, he picked up his mop bucket, careful not to slosh any water. “I just… don’t want to do a bad job.”
Julius glanced at his brother. “Are you sure Princess Minnie is the only thing on your mind?”
Mickey looked away as they walked out of the hall and said nothing.
Julius took the mop and rested it on his shoulder like a fishing pole. “You know you don’t have anything to prove to Captain Pete. You’re the best janitor this palace has ever seen.”
Mickey looked at his older brother uncertainly. “Better than you?”
Julius squinted his eyes into a mock frown. “Weell, not quite. Almost.”
Mickey smiled slightly. “I’VE never managed to set a stack of tablecloths on fire before.”
Julius nudged the mouse with a laugh. “We don't talk about that."
The two walked off down the large columned hallway together, making small talk with each other as the sky turned from rosy pink to blue. The palace murmured to life, and servants began to appear, running errands to and fro. Reaching the back of the hallway, the brothers ducked down a dingy stairwell that most would overlook, and ended up in a small but cozy servants quarters.
Three beds lined the far wall, while the left was occupied by a small table filled with books, various rags and buckets, and a couple of sketches of the palace grounds. A pair of muddy boots lay at the end of the middle bed, which was occupied by a sleeping lump buried under a frayed quilt. A melted candle in the corner did a poor job of illuminating the room, so Julius opened the shutters on a small window over the table, filling the room with chill air.
Mickey walked up to the lump and tugged on one of the long black ears poking out of it. "Oswald, wake up," he said. "We have to eat and get to work."
The lump moaned and curled up tighter. "Goway."
Julius sighed, as though this was all routine. "You know Captain Pete will have our hides if we don't start on the capes and boots in the washroom," he said pointedly. "We're already on bad terms with him."
The lump, after a moment of silence, heaved a sigh and shifted, rolling over so a grumpy face with a round black nose poked out near the pillow. "I don't like it when you're right," he said, sitting up unhappily.
Mickey had already grabbed a bucket of polish and a brush, and was waiting by the door. "Coming, slowpokes?" he asked.
Julius snatched a bucket of rags from the corner and nudged the small black rabbit emerging from the bed. "Yeah, yeah," Oswald griped, throwing on a pair of patched blue pants and some boots. "I'm coming. But we ARE going by the kitchen first."
"Of course," Julius said. "I hate seeing you hangry." Oswald made a face at him.
Mickey bounced up and down impatiently, anxious to get started. Julius watched him with a slight frown. Mickey was always a people pleaser, but even more so recently. He seemed awfully set on making Captain Pete as happy as possible. Maybe it could be... he sighed quietly. He hoped Mickey wasn't thinking of it again.
But looking into the mouse's shining eyes, watching the way he fingered the frayed brim of his hat without thinking, Julius knew it was exactly that. The dream of his, the dream all three of them used to share, was resurfacing. And every time it took hold, every time Mickey talked of them becoming musketeers together and fighting villains just like they always dreamed of doing... it hurt every time.
Because Julius knew, even if Mickey denied it and Oswald shrugged it off. They couldn't be musketeers. No one but well trained soldiers, sons of the nobility, members of higher class, became musketeers. And what were they?
Nobodys. Janitors of the lowest class. Try as he might, Juilus just didn't have the hope that his brothers held onto. That somehow, some way, they could become musketeers. He felt a knot in his chest as he thought of Mickey's dreams getting crushed, once again. But it was useless to try and talk him out of it. Once Mickey's heart was set on something, it was hard to shake him.
As the three walked past the courtyard gates together, Julius tried to ignore the sounds of chanting, steel clashing, and tromping boots that came from the drill yard. Don't get your hopes up, he thought. You can't be one of them. Don't be let down again.
But Mickey and Oswald nudged each other, their eyes shining, as they strained their ears to drink in every sound. Even Julius, though he wouldn't admit it, couldn't help feeling an excited flutter in his chest every time the thrilling cry was raised:
"All for one, and one for all!"
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retrieve-the-kraken · 2 years
Okay, so to expand on my headcanons for next season of Young Royals:
- I think Simon will deal with a lot of media scrutiny, a lot of articles about him detailing every aspect of his life in magazines and tabloids, a lot of paparazzi following him around (think Kate Middleton when she was getting engaged to William, and Megan Markle when… well, all the time), and Simon will just try to continue with his life like normal, going to the bus stop to catch the bus to school, hanging with Rosh and Ayub, but always with a mob of paparazzi around. Simon won’t want any special treatment, he won’t want bodyguards or a private car there to take him to and from school, he won’t want any of that because for one thing he won’t understand that his life could be at risk now, and for another because he’s still a socialist and he doesn’t want taxpayers money going to protecting him just because he’s the Crown Prince’s boyfriend. But there would be a lot of reasons he could be in danger: being Latino (fun fact, did you know that there’s a Latina princess in a European monarchy already? The princess of Lichtenstein, Angela Brown, is Panamanian Afro Latina, she’s a fashion designer and she married Prince Maximilian of Lichtenstein in 2000. She was also the first woman of African descent to become a princess in a European monarchy, waaaay before Megan married Harry… but then again, neither Angela nor Megan married the Crown Prince of their respective monarchies, that’s why the monarchies were a bit more cool about it), being gay, being working class, being socialist, being a “class traitor”, etc. And I think Wille will be scared all the time that something might happen to Simon.
- I think this will also open up a big discussion of privilege, because as much as Wille might think he is aware of his own privilege, it’s still too embedded in him that things just happen for him, that things are simply at the tip of his fingers, like they have never been for Simon. But hopefully Simon will be understanding of that, as we see him begin to grasp the way that Wille has been raised when they discussed the book on season 2. And Wille hopefully will also understand why Simon wouldn’t want any special treatment. I think this might also make Wille consider how to use his Crown Prince title to do some good, become a figure of change and kindness (like William and Harry who continued their mother’s work, who have worked with mental health organizations, etc… sorry for all the references to the British monarchy, it’s the one that I know the most about, that and the Spanish monarchy, I know nothing of the Swedish monarchy, it’s just that, in comparison, it’s very… uncontroversial, and thus very… boring I guess. Same as other European monarchies. The Brits take the prize.)
- I think the people around them will also act differently toward them both. The students at Hillerska are still a very privileged and classist bunch, and they still regard Simon as not one of their own, so I think Wille will be a little extra annoyed at that whilst Simon will carry on like normal. I think that Wille will be like ‘I don’t expect you to give him special treatment, but I expect you to respect him like he deserves’, and some people will be cool with it and others not so much. I think Simon will be like ‘whatever, I’m used to it’, but Wille will continue to be defiant. I think those who will still be toadying to the prince will also somewhat start toadying to Simon as well. The teachers and staff will probably also be a little lenient toward Simon just because he’s Wille’s boyfriend, and Simon will be annoyed that he’s inadvertently getting some kind of special treatment.
- That is until the media start digging into other parts of his life, like Micke. (Remember when Megan was about to marry Harry and there was a big interview with her father, with whom she didn’t have a good relationship, and that side of her family got all conflictive, calling Megan uppity and saying that she thought she was better than them?) I fear that Micke will be all too willing to talk proudly about his son, but that’s not what the media will be looking into, they will be looking into dark secrets, and it will bring back a lot of trauma to the surface. Hopefully this will also open at last a serious discussion between Simon and Wille about Simon’s family, and it will explain why Simon can be so guarded with his feelings. I think at that point Simon might let Wille use his influence to protect him.
- The prospect also of the stolen medication and Simon’s “dealing” and Micke’s addictions and how it might reflect on Simon, will force Simon and Wille to obtain special treatment to make the potential scandal go away. They will have to deal with August and all the boys from the Society who knew where the meds came from. They will be forced to face the consequences of the mistakes they made, or they might make new mistakes in their attempt to cover it up. But hopefully they will be communicating the entire time, there won’t be any more secrets between them.
- Speaking of August, I don’t know if at this point the Royal Court will want to get involved in protecting him, so he will have to protect himself. Also at this point I don’t know how he can defend himself at all, no chance of using Alexander as a scapegoat anymore because the one accusing him is Sara who actually saw him posting the video. But it’s a witness account, so maybe it’s tricky…? He could very well say that she’s throwing false accusations at him out of spite, or that she was trying to manipulate him since he’s the next in line for the throne. He might use the stolen meds and accuse Sara of stealing them instead, since the meds are still in her father’s name so he might say it could have been her. She might still be a minor, and the charges would be less severe, but her future would be effectively ruined. And what chance does a poor girl with ADHD and autism spectrum disorder have against the second in line for the Swedish monarchy?
(EDIT: @cahaya-dreaming pointed out that Sara is not a minor anymore, because I completely forgot that they confirm in episode 2 that she’s actually eighteen. So yeah, even bigger deal!)
- I don’t know if Simon will ever forgive Sara for what she did, but he would never let anything bad happen to her no matter what, especially since she tried to make amends by going to the police. But how would the Erikssons ever defend themselves in that situation? They can’t, they don’t have any money for good lawyers. So Wille will have to help them, probably against the Queen’s demand to Wille not to get involved. The media will have a field day, the Crown Prince is accusing his own cousin of filming and leaking the sex video.
- I think there’s a slight chance that Micke himself might take the fall for the meds, that he might come forward and say that he dealt directly to the Hillerska kids, as a way to compensate for everything he did to his children, I don’t know… that would be extra dramatic.
- Someone mentioned that they fear August might try to hurt Wille, like physically hurt him (just like Wille seemed willing to do to August in ep 6) to get him out of the way and get the Crown himself, or just as revenge. And I think there’s a chance that he might become unhinged enough for that. I also fear that he might hurt himself, that his addiction might play a role in that, that his body image issues and addiction might be indicators of something akin to what afflicted his father and caused him to die by suicide. As much as I dislike August I wouldn’t want that to happen to him. I want him, instead, to own up to his mistakes, but he is too power-hungry for that, so my main fear, and this would make for a pretty dramatic scene, is him trying to literally end Wille. Or Simon. Or both.
- In other lighter, sweeter headcanons, I expect that we will get a lot of soft Wilmon moments in season 3. As I said, I want Wille hanging out with Rosh and Ayub, playing videogames at Simon’s house, I want Wille going with Simon to watch Rosh play football, I want them doing all the regular things that Wille has always wanted to do with his boyfriend that he’s never had a chance. I want them cuddling, I want them watching scary movies and curling up into each other for protection, I want Wille helping Linda in the kitchen, I want her making him Venezuelan dishes, I want Wille showing her that he’s learning Spanish and asking her to keep it a secret because it’s a surprise for Simon. I want Wille in Duolingo leaning Spanish and being very secretive and Simon getting nervous because Wille seems to be hiding something and Wille being like ‘it’s not a secret, it’s a surprise’ and promising to tell him what it is soon. I want them to trust each other, I want them to heal from their past mistakes and dishonesties. I kinda want Walter Henry barging into Wille’s dorm and catching them in the midst of fucking like “Hey Wille wanna come with us to- OH SHIT SORRY!” “Walter Henry, do you ever fucking knock?” “Guys guys, I just walked into Wille and Simon fucking in Wille’s room,” “Yeah, what else is new?”. I want them holding hands in the hallways, I want them wearing each other’s clothes, I want them having picnics by the fountain and fawning over each other, I want the other students to get cavities from how sweet these two are with each other. I want Heartstopper-level of lovey-dovey displays of affections between these two. (Edit: I can’t believe an entire week passed before I realized that I wrote Walter instead of Henry…)
- Meanwhile, we can all agree that Nils totally wanted to hook up with Wilhelm, right? Part of me thinks that was purely ‘hey if it happens, it happens’, but also what if Nils is just trying to be all casual about it but it’s totally wishful thinking? I think Nils could turn out to be a little jealous of how for Wille there’s no such thing as hooking up but he’s totally in love with Simon, how little he cares that people know that he’s queer, whilst Nils still keeps his sexuality a secret. But also what if he’s a bit jealous of Simon? They’re both be men of color, but Nils is rich, he has the upbringing, he has the influence, he is older, he knew Erik, in his mind he should be a better match for the prince than Simon. I think the fact that he sort of became Wille’s confidante and Wille in turn became his confidante, and that he repeatedly gave Wille some awful advice in regards to Simon might come into play later. I think he was definitely secretly hoping that Wille would have wanted to hook up with him just to get over Simon, and that’s going to be a thing later (if Nils is still around for season 3, who knows how much time will have elapsed by then).
- I hope that Wille continues to go to therapy, and he slowly learns how to deal with his anxiety and panic attacks. I need Boris to tell him that he needs to talk to Simon about it, that that is still something that he hasn’t told Simon about (or even better, I want Wille to come to that realization himself), but I imagine something will happen first that will trigger a panic attack and Simon will finally be there to see it and help Wille through it, and Wille will have to apologize for not telling him sooner, then telling him all about it. If you’ve never had a panic attack, it can sometimes feel like you’re having an actual heart attack; if you’ve never seen someone having a panic attack, it can actually look like the person is having a heart attack. In other words, it can be scary as shit. So I imagine Simon will be terrified.
- I wonder if we will find out why Erik went to regular therapy. I wonder if the Queen told him to go too. I wonder what more we will find out about Erik. EDIT: i meant to write “why Erik went regularly to therapy…
- If the series doesn’t end in a time-jump to graduation day, I will be in shock. I want them posing for official pictures together, I want them posing for silly pictures with Linda, I want them super happy and thinking about their future together. I want Simon getting a freaking record deal, and not because his boyfriend is the Crown Prince, but because he is that talented.
Sorry for the long post, I think I’m thinking too much about this instead of just rewatching season 2 again and again, as I should. My headcanons will probably change somewhat by then, but this is what’s in my mind right now.
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misfithive · 9 months
I wish for Wille to have a bit of a break from the writing giving him situations that can trigger his anxiety and panic attacks. I know it’s inevitable for some things to do that, but s2 was really bad for his mental health and I hope Lisa didn’t add anything else that could potentially lead him to close on himself and have bad thoughts again. Unless strictly related to his role as prince. But there is no time for more and imo, even if we won’t ever get to see it, he should first deal with everything that needs to be resolved/concluded and especially he needs to work on his mental health for more than a bunch of months before more stuff. There is no time at all either.
On the other hand, Simon needs to have a bit of more drama thrown at him, bc he really needs to have a breakdown in order to properly be able to start healing and work on himself.
I am very sorry to say anon that in an interview Omar said there would be lots of panic attacks 😭😭💗
Idk if it will be Simon or Wille having the panic attacks but i think Wille will probably have at least one. Only bc anxiety does not go away and he definitely has severe anxiety so i would imagine that whatever comes from him essentially coming out will increase his anxiety. So we might get more panic attacks 😬
But i do agree abt it being related to his role/resolving a lot of the issues that have been opened vs like a New Big Bad Thing. I had not considered this happening now idk 😭cuz i agree i want a lot of what has been opened already to be resolved. But i deff dont think his mom is gonna be suddenly supportive so i forsee issues in that respect
With Simon i think everything with Sara, the new pressures/public attention of being with Wilhelm, the drug situation, his mom finding out what he’s been up to, dealing with the monarchy, and possibly new stuff with Micke, he will have lots of drama and stress 😭
I do feel maybe people should be more like open to what his growth/healing looks like. Because even him opening up, going to therapy (idk if that will happen but maybe), talking about his past, asking for help (!!!) would be a great start to his healing journey. I love simon and i do want him to have support but i think a lot of people are attached to the breakdown and may be disappointed. Does he need a good cry? Probably. I honestly think most people who feel the pressure to be strong all need a good cry and let it all out but most of us do not have the safe space to do that. Hopefully Wille provides that safe space to him and I think he will actually let some tears fall instead of holding it in but i dont know if it will be a full breakdown. i worry what it would take to get him to that point since he has already had a lot of really horrible things happen to him and been betrayed by so many people he loves but maybe it will just a buildup of everything that he finally reaches his limit. Seeing Wille emotionally support Simon vs Simon always being the emotional caretaker for everyone and crying in his room alone is what I want to see.
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hockeyshmockey · 2 years
Mick Schumacher- Bare with Me
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summary: based on this request! Heyy would you please write a part 2 of crazy girl (mick story) where they end up talking about the kiss and their feelings? Cheers love xx
warnings: none, just freaking cuteness.
find the original here
Mick was just finished begging his mother not to fly to Jeddah when he heard a shoe squeak In the hall by the food to his room. A smile crept onto his face for the first time since his incident when he saw Camille in the doorway of his room.
“Hi there,” the blonde smiled, the girl rolling her eyes as she walked in to his hosital room, making her way right to the chair beside his bed. 
“Don’t try to be all cute,” Camille fidgeted in her seat. She wanted to reach out and grab his hand, but she didn’t know how to act after their moment earlier. 
“But I am cute,” he smiled sweetly. “Will you come closer?” He gestured for her to pull her chair closer. 
Camille sighed, moving forward and taking the jump to grab his hand between hers. “You really scared me,” she frowned.
“I’m sorry schatz,” his eyes were sad. “I don’t want you to worry.”
“I don’t think that will ever happen,” she laughed weakly, rubbing her face. 
“Come here please,” he slid over in the small hospital bed, patting the empty spot beside him.
“Won’t they yell?” she halfheartedly protested as she perched on the very side of the bed, sliding down next to the blonde as he tugged on her arm. Her head came to rest on his shoulder, her hand gently resting on his chest. 
“Don’t ever do that again,” Camille whispered as she closed her eyes tightly at the memories of her afternoon.
“I can’t promise that darling,” Mick sighed, his hand coming to brush through her hair. “But you know I am as careful as I possibly can be. And if anything could get me back, it will always be the thought of you.”
“You’re such a charmer,” Camille smiled as she blushed, ignoring the fact she could feel Mick staring down at her. 
“Especially if you start welcoming me home with kisses,” Mick smirked as Camille coughed uncomfortably. “Did you think I would want to just ignore that?”
“I don’t know Mick,” Camille huffed as she sat up and faced him, shoving his chest gently as he attempted to sit up too. “It was very heat of the moment wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I have been wanting to kiss you for years,” Mick said softly as he looked up at her. 
“Really?” Camille squeaked as Mick’s hand grabbed her own to intertwine their fingers. 
“Camille,” the driver laughed. “I have been in love with you since we were kids.”
“Shut up,” Camille laughed in disbelief. “You know how much I hated Nicole? It was because I was so jealous, she was your first, like, adult girlfriend.”
“I only dated her after you got with Michael,” Mick shrugged as he smile up at her. “Seems we were both being silly.”
“We were,” Camille murmured as she looked into Mick’s ocean blue eyes.
“Do you think you could bare with me?” Mick blurted out, continuing at Camille’s confusion. “Bare with having to worry about me while I drive. As my girlfriend.”
“Oh, is that your way of asking?” Camille laughed, running her hand over his now red cheek. “I think I could.” The blonde leaned down, pressing her lips to his for the second time that day. 
The two would never get over their embarrassment at the nurse rushing into Mick’s room at the sound of his elevated heart rate on the monitor, the two leaping apart as the nurse eyed them with a smirk.
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
i read the poly!merc idea and i instantly got angsty. i think mick being basically free use wouldn’t start from the best place with him. like he had such bad experiences with his previous dom that he just absolutely does not want to ruin this with you(and now toto). so i think he kind of mentions the idea to yall first and it’s a little like “yeah mick… if that’s what you want??” bc you both just want mick to be happy?? and if he finds enjoyment in scening with others then you’re all for it.
but then i think you realize that mick will need something from you, and he’ll try to find it with other people and they can just tell and send him to you. so you open your hotel door to a very teary-eyed mick:( bc he really doesn’t want to bother you, but he just needs you:((
so once the three of you discuss it and mick realizes he could never be a burden, he tells you he still likes scening with others. so once you have that conversation and everything is settled,, that’s when the free use merc era really begins…
-🦷( poly!toto/mick has my heart oml)
Ooo yes let’s add some angst to this au.
Firstly, I think free use has been something Mick has always wanted? He’s always dreamed of being fucked by multiple people, of being used by anyone who wanted it.
But he never even considered bringing that up to his old Dom at Haas. He also didn’t trust the rest of the team at Haas for that?
So he just accepts that it won’t happen and moves on, until he joins Mercedes and meets not only you, but the rest of the team. Everyone treats him so well? He feels so safe and so loved at Mercedes and he can’t help but beginning to fantasise about free use again.
He sees Bono look upset and thinks about being able to go over and offer himself up, about being fucked so hard and then stumbling back to you for cuddles.
He never asks.
And he still never asks when Toto joins, mostly because everything is so new and he wants it all to settle.
Once he’s in a very nice rhythm with the two of you, he shyly brings it up. He’s so so scared, and he half thinks that you or Toto might leave, but he has to ask. You and Toto are always telling him to voice what he wants, that you want to know so he risks it.
You and Toto are both surprised, neither of you having even considered that Mick might be into that. Your immediate worry is that Mick might think that you or Toto want this, and not actually want it himself.
Which is why you try to keep your reaction neutral, telling him that he can do that if he wants. Toto follows your strategy, also repeated that he doesn’t have an issue if that’s what Mick wants.
Mick gets worried then? Especially because part of his fantasy has always been getting aftercare from you and/or Toto. He didn’t want aftercare from whatever team member was fucking him, but then when you and Toto seemed so disinterested, he never mentioned it.
He loves listening to you and Toto explain that he’s free use now, he loves it. And soon enough team members start approaching him.
He genuinely loves it. It’s all he’s ever dreamed of. The problem though… the problem is that he wants aftercare from you and Toto? But he doesn’t think he can ask. After all, you and Toto didn’t even get to fuck him, so surely he doesn’t get to come and asked to be looked after.
Until he gets fucked by Bono and Bono can so clearly see he wants something else.
“You want your doms?” Bono asks him, voice so gentle, “I can take you to them, yeah? Let me take you to them.”
So bono walks him to your hotel room, and you’re very surprised to open the door and find a teary eyes Mick. At first you think something very has happened, like Mick dropped. But Bono is smiling, so it can’t be that.
“He just wanted his doms for aftercare,” bono tells you, gently pushing Mick forward and leaving.
Mick keeps on mumbling apologies as you hug him, whispering that he’s so sorry he wasn’t strong enough to not need his Dom. You just shush him, because he never has to apologise for needing his Dom, never ever.
You send Toto a quick test, knowing that Mick would prefer both doms.
And that’s when he admits that actually, he’s always needed you both after he gets fucked? He knows he has no right to ask for aftercare when neither of you actually fucked him, but of course that’s not true. Mick can ALWAYS come to you and Toto, he should know that.
From that incident, you come up with the rule that Mick doesn’t get fucked unless he informs you and Toto and one of you is available to look after him.
At first it’s a little awkward, but Mick soon realises there’s nothing hotter that coming up to Toto and whispering that he’s gonna go get fucked now.
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formulafic · 5 months
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request a fic (open)
Under the cut is over 200 prompts compiled from the following: 1-100, 101-140, 141-220
ᕯno social media aus at this time
ᕯYou can request "xreader," second person pov, or third person pov. If you are requesting a fic from the given prompts, don't forget to send in the prompt number with your request.
themes I write:
��fluff: dating, going on dates, falling in love, proclamations of love, etc. ☞domesticity: married life, families, children, proposals, caring for one another, home activities, etc. ☞angst: hurt/comfort (driver or reader being hurt), relationships falling apart, emotional characters, etc. ☞smut: most kinks (I will let you know privately if your request includes a kink I can't write), for the most part, will write pics with drivers or readers interchanged in these roles: d/s, daddy/mommy kinks, toys, overstimulation, dacryphilia, begging, delayed orgasms/edging, etc. (no bodily fluids, pegging, m/m, non-con).
who I write for:
☞Charles Leclerc ☞Lando Norris ☞Carlos Sainz ☞Mick Schumacher ☞Max Verstappen ☞Logan Sargeant
1. “Do you want me to leave?” 2. “I swear it won’t happen again.” 3. “I’m not jealous.” 4. “You can’t keep doing this.” 5. “I’m going to take care of you, okay?” 6. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” 7. “You did what?!” 8. “Were you ever going to tell me?” 9. “Don’t ask me that.” 10. “I might have had a few shots.” 11. “What’s with the box?” 12. “Say it!” 13. “I could kiss you right now!” 14. “Are you done with that?” 15. “Are you still awake…?” 16. “Excuse you?” 17. “This is all your fault!” 18. “I shouldn’t be in love with you.” 19. “I could kill you right now!” 20. “Just admit I’m right.” 21. “That doesn’t even make sense.” 22. “That’s irrational.” 23. “Just pretend to be my date.” 24. “Are you really going to leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?” 25. “When you love someone, you don’t just stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!” 26. “I think I’ve been holding myself from falling in love with you all over again.” 27. “I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.” 28. “That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.” 29. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 30. “Can I sit here? The other tables are full.” 31. “You weren’t supposed to laugh!” 32. “This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.” 33. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” 34. “These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.” 35. “Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” 36. “Did I say that out loud?” 37. “Do you think they could have loved me?” 38. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” 39. “How long have you been standing there?” 40. “Have I ever lied to you?” 41. “Have you lost your fucking mind?” 42. “His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.” 43. “I am not losing you again!” 44. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” 45. “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 46. “I just need to be alone right now.” 47. “When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.” 48. “I made a mistake.” 49. “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.” 50. “I need you to forgive me.” 51. “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.” 52. “I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.” 53. “I’m flirting with you.” 54. “I’m not good enough for you.” 55. “I fell in love with my best friend.” 56. “I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” 57. “I’m up to the challenge.” 58. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life. Ever since the day I first met you.” 59. “I’m yours.” 60. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” 61. “If you go anywhere near them, you’ll have to deal with me!” 62. “It’s okay to cry…” 63. “What do you mean? It’s exciting!” 64. “Talk to me.” 65. “Look at me—just breathe, okay?” 66. “Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you.” 67. “Oh my god! You’re in love with them!” 68. “Well, this is where I live.” 69. “We finish it the same way we started—together.” 70. “What are you afraid of?” 71. “You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.” 72. “You deserve so much better.” 73. “You don’t have to stay.” 74. “You don’t know you the way I do.” 75. “You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” 76. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” 77. “You shouldn’t have even been there!” 78. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” 79. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 80. “Teach me?” 81. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to stop and feel the rain?” 82. “Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while.” 83. “Just once.” 84. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” 85. “It’s not what it looks like.” 86. “I got you a present.” 87. “Hey! I was gonna eat that!” 88. “See, now, what that so bad?”.” 89. “You’re the best part of me.”
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princelancey · 1 year
18 for the playlist prompt! Bonus points for Lance/Mick!
woo! thank you anon, this was fun. I took liberty with the 5ish part but anyways here you go
1-100 playlist prompt
Mick/Lance - Brother, Kodaline
Lance was sitting outside the Aston Martin hospitality building when he happened to look up and see Mick walking through the paddock, but there was clearly something wrong with his favourite blonde, a blank, vacant look had replaced his usual cheerful smile and he greeted nobody as he made his way towards the Haas garage. 
He called out to Mick but got no answer, it seemed as if Mick was completely oblivious to everything going on around him, his body working on autopilot.  
Lance rushed over to Mick, grabbing his arm to get his attention, the young German finally looked at him and all Lance could see was pain and heartbreak in those sweet blue eyes, “they fired me” and with those three words he burst into tears, hiding his face in Lance’s shoulder. 
The tall Canadian slowly guided Mick to the privacy of his driver’s room, he eased them both down to floor and wrapped the blonde in as tight and love-filled a hug as he could, “oh Mick, I’m so sorry, you’re such a brilliant driver, you deserved that seat, Hell you deserve a better seat!” 
Mick Lifted his head from where he’d buried it in Lance’s shoulder, instead resting his chin there and gazing up at his Canadian, “it’s not even the seat I’m most upset about, the car is shit I’m glad I won’t have to drive it again but it’s you. You’re going to be flying off to so many races and training inbetween, I’m just worried you won’t have time for me, that I’ll get left behind.” 
That admission broke Lance’s heart, the love he felt Mick was all consuming, there wasn’t a day that went by where the young man in his arms wasn’t his first and last thought, “Never. You are unforgettable Mick Schumacher, and you’re stuck with me forever.” 
He dropped a kiss on the top of Mick’s head, tightening his arms around the blonde and mumbling into his hair “I’ve got you.”
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*dusts off the blog*
Oh dear.
That happened, I guess.
I’m sorry for...disappearing? I don’t even have a good excuse, I guess. Just burned straight out, to the point where I could barely string two written words together if they weren’t for work. And when I forced myself to write, I was hating what I wrote.
And then...I lost a promotion I had been all but promised, had some horrible news in my personal life, lost a grandparent, finally got COVID.
I’ve only ever been able to write when I have inspiration, when I have deep feelings, when I have energy. And by the time I burned out I had none left. I am so sorry for those who submitted prompts to my inbox, who are waiting for the final chapters of Calling All Boys, who followed me for the Queen fic so faithfully. That era is over. I can’t promise I will ever return to it. If I do, it will never be at that frantic pace again.
I am writing again, though. Strangely, ironically enough, it’s for a fandom I haven’t been active in in more than a decade - Formula One. It started slowly. A desire to write a piece themed around the shadows in which Mick Schumacher must walk. Then, in a flash of a fanvid on Youtube, I realised he and Oscar Piastri had shared a prizegiving ceremony in 2020. And slowly, painfully, I toyed with some words, a vague idea.
Then Alpine blew up the grid, and my heart...and then Daniel Ricciardo admitted he had called Oscar because he was worried Oscar thought he hated him. I picked my way rustily through a piece exploring feelings about THAT whole mess.
And then Mick and George and Alex went and sat next to Daniel on the grid, and...and...I started writing. And writing. And suddenly I had written three different pieces, and people liked them. What was more, I liked them.
I guess I’ll wrap this by saying thankyou, still, to the Queen/BoRhap fandom: that year was a wild, wonderful period of my life where I wrote more than I ever had, and the comments and inboxes I got during that time were amazing. I met some awesome people online, had some brilliant laughs, and developed my writing beyond a point I didn’t know it could go. Both Everything You Do Is Sin and Please Will You Direct Me In the Right Way? have over 10,000 hits, and nearly every other story in the Liar series has over 5000. And even though I’m not writing Queen any more, the eagle-eyed among you will notice a very distinct theme among the naming conventions of my Formula One fic...
Over the next few days I’ll be updating the blog with the fics I’ve already posted to AO3, and an introduction to the concept for this year’s NaNoWriMo project. So you’ll see a few blog updates. I won’t take it to heart if you unfollow because F1 isn’t your thing, don’t worry.
Keep smiling!
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deans-baby-momma · 2 years
The Story of Us-Chapter 12
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A/N: This is a rewrite of a story my good friend @spnbaby-67​ allowed me to take and rewrite. All mistakes are mine. This is canon divergent, meaning some things that happened in the show will still happen here but with my own twist to it.
Summary: She and Dean met when they were kids. Even at such a young age, she knew that he was her soulmate. Being the daughter of a hunter, Michaela (Micki) Singer knew the life he led came with a price, but she was up to the challenge.
Pairings: Dean Winchester/reader, Sam Winchester/friend!reader, John Winchester, Mary Winchester (mentioned only), Bobby Singer, and more from the Supernatural universe.
Warnings: Flashbacks are in italics, fluffy stuff, angst stuff, character death, kidnapping, depression, semi-dark themes
WC: 1,221
PRESENT DAY (2008) at the Singer cabin
“You gotta wake up Mick!” Sam pleads. “Dean’s back. I don’t know how and I really don’t care but he’s here and god, is he in love with Maren. You won’t believe your eyes. Dean is so observant and attentive to her,” Sam sighs as he continues watching Micki, his best friend, breathe evenly and steadily like she’s just sleeping. “You’d probably be making fun of him,” he chuckles. “But he is so in love with her and watches her every little move. Please Mick, please wake up. Come back to us. We need you.”
There is no change with her as Sam watches, hoping for a sign that she can hear him and is fighting her way back to her family. “Michaele Singer! Wake your ass up! Now!!” he tries yelling at her but instead of waking her, he wakes the baby.
“Oh my god,” Sam says as he walks over the the bassinet and picks his niece up. “I’m so sorry baby girl. Uncle Sam wasn’t thinking. I just want your Mom to come back to us. Shhhh, it’s okay. I got ya.”
Sam paces the floor at the foot of the bed as he bounces Maren in his arms, calming and comforting her. He keeps glancing toward Micki to see if the cries of her daughter will awaken her.
But Micki stays unconscious. 
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Summer 1993
Micki and Dean had been at the cabin for a month now, relaxing after a three week long hunt in Texas.  The leaves were falling and changing from green to different shades of orange, reds, and browns, making it look like snow how they were falling from the trees.  Fall was her favorite time of the year, and since Dean found out that bit of information, he made a point to bring her to the cabin whenever they needed time to get away.  She had been outside all morning trying to gather some leaves for the pumpkin bags she had bought to put on the porch for Halloween.  
Something inside her, though, made her pause her raking for a moment. She looked both ways and behind her to see if anyone was there.  With a mischievous smile, she took a bunch of leaves in all colors, throwing them in the air, high above herself. It gave her plenty of time to twirl around in a circle with her arms stretched out to the side, and her head tilted back feeling the leaves falling down and softly hitting her face. 
What Micki didn’t know was that Dean stood on the porch taking photos of her and recording how happy and childlike she was feeling.  It made him happy to see her feel like a kid again, something she long ago forgot, due to the life they led.   
Suddenly, she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist, only to swing her around then fall into the pile of leaves.   
She opened her eyes with a smile on her face.  “Dean? Now it’s going to take forever to get the leaves together again.” She chastised as she sat up, leaves still in her hair, trying but failing to look serious.
Dean took a few leaf pieces and blew them gently at her, adding to her collection. “You should have thought about that before you threw them in the air, sweetheart.”  He chuckled as he sat up straight, his long bow-legs criss crossed.
She tilted her head slightly to get a leaf out of her hair that was tickling her ear, “You, uh, saw that huh?” She shyly averted her eyes from his to the ground below.
“Hmm I did. Beautiful too, I might add.” He saw a few leaves still in her hair, so he bent forward to retrieve them. “Make a wish, Mickie,”  he said,  holding it before her.
She looked at him confused. ” Dean you don’t make a wish on a leaf, that’s a four leaf clover," she chuckled.
He held onto the leaf and looked at her seriously,  “My dad always said that the first leaf you catch in the fall that’s orange, you make a wish. Supposedly, it’s an old wives tale he used to win mom over. So, make a wish, baby.”   He looked at her with so much love in his eyes she couldn’t say no.
She swallowed a lump that formed in her throat, “You sure know what to say to make a girl blush, Dean Winchester," she said, shocking herself that she had said that out loud. She covered her mouth quickly, feeling her cheeks suddenly flush with embarrassment.
“You’re too cute Mickie,” he held the leaf still in front of her, waiting.
“I’m not cute Dean, you clearly have me mixed up with someone else.” She rolled her eyes, taking her gaze from his green emerald eyes to her lap, looking down at the leaf she had been playing with.   
He put his finger under her chin, lifting her head up to look at him,  “Would I do this if I didn’t think you’re beautiful?”
Seconds later, his lips were pressing against hers. Her eyes widen a moment in pure shock, but then close the more he kisses her. He slides his tongue across the seam of her lips, asking for permission which she awarded..  He kissed her soft, sweet and sensual. She couldn’t help but melt into his arms. She did everything to savor the taste of him, the feel his tongue tangle with hers. When she retracted her tongue he chased after it. She then sucked on the tip of his a moment, eliciting moans she never heard him make before.
Present Day (2008) abandoned barn in the middle of nowhere
Bobby and Dean finish painting the walls and floor with every sigil known to man then Dean watches as Bobby throws powder in a bowl and starts chanting.
Nothing happens. They both look around, bewildered and confused. The air inside the building is still, the only thing heard is the crickets outside.
Bobby leans against the table and crosses his arms, waiting. Dean hops up on a table and sits,  swinging his legs.
"You sure you did the ritual right?" Dean asks after a beat. Bobby gives him a look of admonishment. "Sorry. Touchy, touchy, huh?"
Suddenly everything goes quiet, the air gets heavy and then the roof begins rattling. The guys grab their guns and get ready to defend and fight whatever is on its way in.
"Wishful thinking," Dean says, an air of nervousness in his voice. "Maybe it's just the wind?"
The doors fly open and a man dressed in a suit under a trench coat strolls in, each step causing the bulbs on the ceiling to burst, sending showers of sparks down.
"Who are you?" Dean asks once the man is standing in front of him.
"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition."
Dean attacks but none of his weapons do any harm to the man. Bobby tries but the stranger throws him around like a rag doll before touching two fingers to the older man's forehead, knocking him out.
Dean watches it all unfold with terror.
"Dean," the man says as he drops Bobby's limp body to the floor. "We need to talk. Alone."
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss​ @spnbaby-67​ @tftumblin​ @sea040561​ @delightfullykrispypeach​ @larajadeschmidt13​ @atc74​ @vicariouslythruspn​ @squirrelnotsam​  @sandlee44​ @blacktithe7​ @hoboal87​ @mogaruke​ @deanwanddamons​ @supraveng​ @deandreamernp​ @akshi8278​ @lyarr24​ @maggiegirl17​ @chriszgirl92​
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davy-zeppeli · 1 year
kiss ask: m&m 22
Sorry for the delay! I still have a few of these to get through, but I'm enjoying writing them! AO3 link here.
#22 - …in a rush of adrenaline - Micky/Mike
“Micky, are you sure you’re gonna be alright?”
“I’ll be fine Mike, stop worrying! Worry about yourself - you can barely stand.”
Folding his arms, Mike huffed and pursed his lips into a concerned and flat line, adjusting the way his injured foot was propped up on the bench he sat on. “I should never have entered this race in the first place. What was I thinkin’?”
Micky sat next to him and knocked their shoulders together. “Mike, stop worrying about it. It’s happening now, and they said I could be your second, didn’t they?”
“Yeah, but I know I could win this. No offense, Micky,” Mike sighed, “but you ain’t ever raced in your life.”
“Mike, you’ve got too little faith in little ol’ George here. I’ll win this. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Mike stared at him blankly. “We lose the car, Micky.”
“Ah, yeah. That. Well, other than that?”
Shaking his head, Mike put his head in his hands. “Please don’t screw this up, Mick. Please.”
Standing and patting down the racing suit he’d taken from Mike - he was lucky the two of them could share clothes, or this race would have been a lot more uncomfortable than it already was. “Mike, I won’t. I’ll win this and we’ll be driving home not as men, but as champions.”
Mike peered at him through his fingers. “You promise?”
Raking a hand through his hair and picking his helmet up off the ground, wedging it under his arm, Micky grinned at Mike. “Cross my heart and hope to die, Mikey. I got this. I’ll win it for you.”
He was about to branch off into another line of conversation when he heard someone shouting loudly that the race was due to begin in five minutes. Glancing at Mike, Micky ruffled his hair and let his palm linger on the side of Mike’s face for a moment before rushing off to the start line where Peter and Davy were waiting for him, leaning against the Monkeemobile.
Mike wasn’t wrong, really - he shouldn’t have agreed to race against some random guys they’d only known for ten or so minutes, even if they were challenging the honour of the state of Texas (in all honesty, Mike hadn’t been that irritated by the guys mocking his accent, he was more riled up at them proceeding to insult the rest of the guys, honing in on Davy’s height and voice, and Micky’s hair in particular - Peter somehow managed to avoid their line of fire by simply wandering off conveniently at the right time after being distracted by a small flock of ducks). Micky could hand it to him, though: Mike absolutely would have decimated them all in a race, even if it was in the Monkeemobile, so the man having the gall to bet the entire car on winning the race wasn’t really much of a threat. 
…That was until Mike ‘tripped over’ when inspecting the race-track, falling to the ground and twisting his ankle.
It didn’t take a genius to see that the whole injury was rigged - the suspiciously large rope across the floor leading to an alley was bold enough - but it was embarrassing that Mike of all people had fallen for such a lame trap, and he was letting himself know big time. Usually for these kinds of scenarios, they’d nominate Davy next - he’d raced for them once and won, so doing it again felt like the natural thing to do, but it turns out Davy had been unofficially taken as the other group’s hostage to ensure Mike didn’t back out. Next was Peter, who was similar stature to Mike and an infinitely more reckless driver, but he’d been roped into playing referee.
And so, they were left with Micky - Micky who’d only passed his driving test based on personality alone, somehow. When they told Mike, they were positive he was going to start weeping.
Squeezing his head into the helmet, Micky felt Davy pat him on the back. “You feeling alright?”
Micky flipped the visor up and shrugged. “I’ve felt worse. It’ll either go well or it won’t - no sense in worrying over it.”
Peter whined. “Micky, we might lose the car!”
Rubbing Peter’s shoulder, Davy exhaled. “Peter, it’s alright. Micky won’t lose.” Turning back to face Micky, keeping his voice low so Peter couldn’t hear, Davy spoke: “How’s Mike holding up?”
Micky winced before deflating. “He doesn’t have much faith in me, but I think he’s stopped panicking for the most part. His foot looks real beaten up. Don’t imagine he’ll be moving much.”
“Well, you’d best get in the car before someone else comes to make sure you’re beaten up. In you get,” Davy ordered, opening the door to the driver’s side of the car and ushering Micky inside.
As the two cars waited on the start line, Micky looked around himself and spotted Mike sat on the bench near to where Davy was being held captive. He looked grumpy, but when he spotted Micky looking at him he managed to muster up a smile for him, giving Micky a small wave. Micky reciprocated the wave, lost in his own thoughts when Peter appeared very suddenly next to him and scaring the living daylights out of him.
Peter leaned against the side of the car. “Micky, the race is starting soon. Are you waving at Mike?”
“Yeah, I think he’s fearing for my life, though.To be fair, I’m fearing for my life if I lose this race,” Micky squeaked, looking at Peter through his visor, “if the race doesn’t kill me, Mike will.”
“He won’t, Micky. He cares too much about you to do that. He has faith in you.”
Micky laughed. “You sure?”
“Of course. He’s looking at you now even though you’re talking to me. He cares,” Peter reassured, making Micky turn around and look at Mike again. He was, indeed, still looking at him. “I had to tell him to not hobble over here to lecture you on how to drive.”
“Hey, ref! Away from the car! We got a race to start here,” someone yelled, and Peter flinched before waving Micky goodbye and taking his place on the start line.
As soon as the pistol went off, Peter raced back to where Mike and Davy were sat, his walkie-talkie issuing updates on the race buzzing in his hand. Throwing himself at the bench, he narrowly avoided Mike’s injured ankle and put the walkie-talkie between the three of them, listening to the updates as and when they came through.
“He’s past the first checkpoint now,” Davy hummed, brow furrowed, “I think he’s behind.”
“Oh good lord…” Mike whined, covering his eyes with his hand.
Peter shook his head. “It’s only the start, Mike, he’ll bring it back.”
“I.. I hope so.”
“Are they at the half-way point yet, Davy?” Peter asked.
“Only just. Micky’s still behind - I think they said something about him swerving in the road?”
Mike let out a small sobbing sound.
The walkie-talkie buzzed some more, and Peter jumped to his feet. “They’re in the final quarter now, they’ll be coming around the corner any minute now.”
Just as Peter finished his sentence, a long black car screeched as it turned the corner, coming into view and throwing up dust into the air. The three of them watched on in fear, but soon let out a sigh of brief relief when their garishly red car followed swiftly behind, almost spinning out as it turned the corner.
“There’s Micky! Come on Micky!” Davy hollered, standing on the bench where they were stationed.
Mike pushed himself up and craned his neck around Davy, watching as the cars grew closer - the Monkeemobile was gaining on the black car little by little. “C’mon, Mick! Floor it!”
The cars continued speeding down the final stretch, and soon they were neck-and-neck, Micky managing to have pulled it back. He had a chance of winning, but the black car revved some more and released another small burst of speed, sending it just that bit further ahead. MIke, Peter, and Davy all watched in horror and the Monkeemobile started getting further and further away from the other car the closer to the finish they got. For the umpteenth time that day, Mike put his head in his hands and tried to control his breathing. They were going to lose the car. It was his fault they were going to lose the car. 
Mike was just shy of letting a genuine sob escape his lips when he heard a large bang! Sound, his head shooting up towards the race. Moving Davy to the side for a better view, Mike watched as the black car swerved slightly, losing speed and allowing Micky to catch back up with it. Mike analysed the black car and spotted the source of the noise - the tyre had burst, sending the driver into a panic. He felt Peter wrap his arms around his neck and Davy’s legs as they all watched closely -when the vehicles were mere metres away from the line, Mike closed his eyes. He couldn’t watch.
When he felt Peter essentially put him into a chokehold, Davy yelling, he opened his eyes again, the cars racing past him having passed the finish. “What happened? Did we lose? Peter, who won?”
“Who won?” Peter asked, screeching. “Mike, Micky won!”
“He… Micky won?!”
Davy jumped down from the bench and grabbed Mike’s shoulders. “Micky won!”
Mike felt a giant grin creep onto his face, his arms reaching out to hold Davy as well. “Micky won!”
“Here he comes now,” Peter spoke excitedly, pointing over to where the cars had pulled up - Micky was sprinting over to them at speed, tripping over his feet as he went. Peter and Davy ran over to meet him half-way, Peter essentially tackling him and Davy hopping up and clinging onto his back like a koala. It still hadn’t completely registered in Mike’s brain that Micky had, indeed, won.
As the three of them walked slowly over to where Mike was, they all stopped part-way to talk, and Mike was becoming more and more aware of the situation. He needed to talk to Micky. He needed to see Micky. Micky won.
“-and I came around the corner and this guy tried to ram me off the cliff, and I managed to swerve out of his way, but he was out to kill me!” Micky explained with energy, his hands all over the place as he gesticulated.
“Well that’s not very sportsmanlike behaviour, is it?” Peter observed.
“Not at all, you could probably get him done for that, you know,” Davy added.
“I could, but it’s too much of a hassle - I’ve already proven myself to that bozo, I-”
“Mick, you won!”
Micky turned his head to see Mike hopping over to where they were all stood, the man obviously in a bit of pain but powering through it to come and greet his friend. Micky rushed over to meet Mike half-way, and Mike essentially fell into him, the taller man using Micky as a crutch as soon as he was physically able to. As soon as they were both confident Mike wasn’t going to collapse, Micky pulled the helmet from his head and threw it aside, his curls slightly plastered down to his head from sweat. Mike stared at him, wide-eyed.
“Micky,” the Texan breathed, “you did it!”
Micky grinned at him. “I did it! I told you I wouldn’t let you down, Mike. Said I’d win it for ya!”
Micky watched as Mike was trying to find the right words to articulate his gratitude, but also watched as he found none, the man just blinking repeatedly with a giant smile plastered on his face as he stared at Micky with pride and excitement. Without warning, Mike grabbed Micky by the front of his racing suit and pulled him down into a kiss, Micky’s hands flailing as he tried to keep both of them balanced. When Mike pulled away, he still had a smile on his face, but it lessened in confidence the longer Micky stared at him in shock. 
Micky saw Mike go to speak again but decided that whatever he was going to say could wait, pushing himself forwards and kissing Mike again, one arm wrapping around the back of Mike’s neck and the other snaking around his waist (both suggestively and in an attempt to maintain their balance). They only pulled apart when they heard someone who was unmistakably Davy start whistling at them and whooping, the two of them turning to face the Brit and Peter as they approached.
“Things getting interesting over here, fellas?” Davy taunted, folding his arms and smirking.
“Mike’s just showing me his gratitude, I think. Is that right, Mike?” Micky queried, quirking an eyebrow at Mike as he turned to face him.
Mike’s face was pink and he looked like he’d zoned out, just staring at Micky lovingly. Micky laughed.
“Verdict’s still out, Davy. I think he’s happy, though,” Micky offered, drawing small circles into the shirt material at Mike’s waist.
“We still have a car!” Peter cheered, hugging Davy and hopping up and down. Davy chuckled as he clinged onto Peter’s waist, the two of them glancing at Mike as he was off in his own little world.
“And you know what we can do with a car, Peter? We can drive home,” Davy pointed out, guiding everyone back to the car.
“You alright to hop over Mike?” Micky asked the dark haired man who was still grinning to himself.
He twisted his mouth. “Dunno Mick, this ankle here’s hurtin’ like a bitch. Is there any way you can drive the car up here?”
Micky shook his head aggressively. “I am not getting back behind the wheel of that car. I’ve had my trauma for the year, maybe Peter can-” Micky turned his head to speak to Peter, but he’d already made his way over to the car with Davy. “Ah, shoot.”
Mike sighed and straightened his posture. “It’s alright, Mick, I’ll try hop over.”
Micky eyed him. “No you won’t.”
“What? Of course I will - hey, what are you doin’?”
Micky made his way behind Mike and stretched his arms briefly before smiling at Mike. “Helping.”
“Helping how- Jesus!-”
Mid-sentence, Micky scooped Mike up in his arms and held him bridal-style, hugging the lanky man close to his chest. Mike very-nearly squealed at the sudden movement.
“Man, you’re heavier than you look - how’s a toothpick like you so weighty?” Micky asked as he started walking them back to the car.
“Oh, thanks Mick. Flattering, really. You use these pick-up lines on all the girls you meet?”
“Dunno,” the curly haired man hummed before eyeing Mike, “ are you a girl?”
Mike glared at him for a moment before going pink. “...Shut up and walk.”
“Anything for you, m’lady,” Micky snickered, cuddling Mike closer; the man quietly rested his head against Micky’s chest.
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
Silverstone who?
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Another day, yet another disappointment. I might have used this one phrase recently over here, haven’t I? Or, have I? Anyway, I’m “finally” in Bilbao. But the thing is, where’s the Silverstone I remember? I NEED CHAOS.
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Since it was a slow day, just as I had planned, I watched FP3 and Quali while at work, hiding in my corner a little ngl. Only because I was with the one co-worker who won’t rat me out, otherwise I wouldn’t risk it. So, honestly there’s not really much I can say. It was rainy as fuck, I could feel that water spraying my face all the way down in Formentera. I hate rain so much, Bilbao is not much better and that’s why it has a special place reserved in hell 😆
Anyway I caught enough glimpses of nothing and heard the commentators say absolutely nothing because my co-worker… well, she likes to talk even when I don’t even bother answering back. So, she was helpful really, that way I couldn’t listen to the shitty commentators today, big relief.
However, such a bigoted first row we got today. What? Yes. In case you didn’t already know, I don’t like Carlos all that much (only when he’s being an idiot with Charles, that’s the only time I can forgive him and like him a little). At least Carlos is not as much of an asshole as Alonso is, he’s at least respectful to the rest of the drivers, but still not my cup of tea that guy. He’s funny sometimes, though (especially with Charles, once again). And what about Latifi? �� what the hell happened there? What a glitch.
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Carlos getting pole was a bigger Matrix failure since he’ll lose P1 as soon as it’s lights out, mark my words (and if I’m wrong, then don’t 🤪). I mean, he had it all working in his favor and he could’t do shit in Montreal. Spanish commentators were saying today that Carlos is “that good”. Yeah, more like not THAT GOOD anyway. I’m sorry but he wish we would be a tiny bit as good as Charles.
Speak of the devil, he signed a tee today with the “inchident” moment printed out on it. Iconic.
Mick’s wheel turned towards the left, Latifi in Q3,no yellow (important ones) or red flags. What kind of race weekend is this? Good thing we got to see my dearly beloved Keanu Reeves hanging out at the Aston Martin garaje and the Ferrari one after. And James Marsden hanging out with Mercedes was pretty cool.
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Since neither FP3 nor Quali gave us anything interesting, I think I might go to sleep, it’s been way too tiring today. I don’t know whether I’ll write about the race tomorrow or Monday, it’ll be a surprise for all of us, including myself.
Peace out!
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