#i need to be put down like an elderly dog
rhinestonesox · 1 month
i watched every available episode of dungeon meshi and read the manga front to back before learning that Mickbell’s a guy. i spent nearly 100 chapters thinking he was serving female-manipulator-butch-realness when he’s just a stinky boy
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randombubblegum · 2 years
details on the bad panic show?????
brendon came out and i dont think he knew what city he was in, he played THE ENTIRE NEW ALBUM FRONT TO BACK and the crowd was SILENT, the pit was DEAD, nobody was moving or dancing, we were literally at barrier i was holding the bar and i had a moment of “i dont know any of these songs”, brendon fucked up a lyric in a song so badly and got like mad at himself, he went back and apparently did a line (lol) before coming back out, the crowd reaction to every old song was so much better than the ones to any new song he even commented on it in a kind of bitter way, was about to do a backflip but appeared to chicken out and stood back up……… it was just awful 😭😭😭 it was like watching an elderly dog. we were like he needs to be put down for his own good
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mamayan · 7 months
Hii can I request Gyomei x prostitute fem reader nsfw.....plsss
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Gyomei Himejima x Fem! Reader
cw: NSFW • Darker Themes • Attempted murder (of reader) • Fem! Reader • prostitute reader • Fluff/Comfort • Size kink • Breeding kink • Sub/switch! Reader • Edging/Denial • Overstimulation • Oral (F)
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“Namu Amida Butsu. Pitiful creature.” He doesn’t need vision to understand what was going on in the lively square of the red district tonight.
Normally a bubble of carnal desires and pleasure, many forgot the festering underbelly of this part of the city. He’s on a mission, needs to focus and do his job, but something keeps stopping him.
Possibly the kakushi by his side crying softly, pitying the poor soul on a trial meant to convict whether the offending party is guilty or not. How can an upright samurai be in the wrong in any way? It must be the fault of the lowly whore which should have known her place. Such disgusting beliefs made his gut churn, but he’s aware there is little one can do in this situation.
He needs to leave, walk away, and kill the demon living just on the outskirts of this district.
So why won’t his feet move?
“This bitch is getting what she deserves, and let her serve as a warning to all the workers in the district!”
“Oh no, is he going to decapitate her?!” The kakushi beside him gasps in horror, drawing his focus away from his chants to regain his will power and instead breaking his concentration as he focuses on the slurred drunk words of a man. The crowd is thickening, attention drawn to the spectacle but most of all, the promise of blood shed. “Gyomei-sama…” it would appear the kakushi wishes him to intervene.
He can’t. He’s not supposed to anyway. He knows nothing of the woman’s crimes nor any clear indication on how to pass judgement.
“For trying to run from the great Habuyoshi who mearly admired the beauty! For daring to raise these weak fists at the great Habuyoshi! For biting the dick of the great Habuyoshi! I am putting this filthy dog down!” The crowd was cheering, jeering him on, even begging he kill her after violating her for the crowd to watch, or wanting to do it themselves. Gyomei had heard the red light district was filled with glistening gold and red, and it enrages his heart to think such an auspicious color is tied to such a festering diseased place. No one won here. Ever.
Before the kakushi could move, he’d already made his presence known, easily knocking the samurai unconscious.
The crowd stared in awe and fear of the enormous man wielding only prayer beads, defeating the well known samurai of the area so easily with only a single blow.
“Who owns this prostitute?”
None speak up for a moment, tension thick in the air as a savior appears for a once thought dead woman.
“M-me…” an elderly woman far past her prime shakily steps out, her guilty and shifty expression not seen by the man looking at nothing, but her nervous energy radiated off in waves for all to feel.
“I’ll buy her.”
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You awoke with minimal pain.
The jarring events of the night prior swirling in your mind and dumbfounding you because what was that?
You nearly died because a strange man grabbed you off the street while you were running an errand and tried to rape you in an alley way. Of course you fought back, but it seems that’s a crime if the perpetrator is stronger than you.
Tears fell despite your anger. You were no longer a prostitute, your freedom seemingly bought out of kindness but you knew not to trust anything given freely. There’s always a price, and your life thus far had taught you to be witty and at least somewhat charming. Though it hardly did much for you last night when the crowd roared for your execution like your life meant so little.
Your new owner is more terrifying than your previous house mother. At least she’d been open about her greedy vile mindset, but this man is nothing short of an enigma. Why did he save you? What is the purpose? What should you do now? It left you riddled with anxiety as you sat in a bed more comfortable than you could ever remember sleeping in, the blankets and pillows too of better quality than the red light district ever provided even for the top courtesans. You’d been given plain but high quality clothing as well, allowed to bathe alone, and then fed a vegetarian meal so delicious you wondered if the Buddhist monks had it much better than you gave them credit for.
Now you slept, in a room all to yourself, with no idea of what was to come next.
Did he want you as a wife? That didn’t seem right though. He didn’t appear the romantic type, and his size alone mildly frightened you despite his soft demeanor and speech. Were you to act as a servant? Did he wish to sell you to another area and call it good karma, leaving the matter as that? It ate away until you could no longer stand it, rising from the bed you longed to stay in forever, and slipping out of your room to explore the estate.
It’s shockingly empty.
Not a soul in sight as you explored, stealing bread from the kitchen as you walked, pondering the possibility of ghost servants. You felt silly and dismissed it, but the eerie silence was begining to get to you. You turned and headed for an opening, finally finding a serene courtyard. You were awestruck by the landscape, attention quickly caught as you spot a small pond with a bridge.
Hope bloomed and then flourished as you spotted several fat pretty koi swimming about, different colored patterns moving around and hypnotizing you.
“Ssshhwink!” You jolted in shock at the loud sound of a blade being struck, eyes honing in on the source as you see a training ground of sort in the distance.
Shock was the least of your current emotions as you watched the enormous man, your supposed savior for now, swing around an axe and spiked flail attached to a very long chain. Surrounding him were multiple dummies, made from steel, as if you weren’t already shocked silly. For someone so large, he was graceful and fast, skilled in each tiny movement and it nearly made you think of a dance you’d seen long ago at a festival when you were a child.
He’s no one ordinary. That’s clear enough, and he’s not a samurai it seemed either.
He could kill you quicker than that man before and he could’ve killed that man too but chose not to. Your heart trembled, because you knew those that hesitated left empty handed, and if his goal was merely to rescue and abandon you then you’d find yourself back to being sold off or worse.
You needed him to keep you, no matter how his appearance made your knees weak.
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“Are you hungry?”
One week. You’d been in his estate one week and this was the first conversation you’d had with him since that night he saved you.
“Namu Amida Butsu. Thank you.” He accepts the lunch you prepared, as you learned fast that once he’d brought you into his estate, he’d been abandoned by his cooks. His servants who cleaned or kept things in order were incredibly well trained and avoided you similarly. You’d been cooking his meals and leaving them outside his room in the morning, and he’d usually be gone for most of the day until very late evening where you’d leave his dinner outside his small study or prayer room.
This was your first chance to initiate contact with him, and it made you swallow your nerves as you came up eye level with his abdomen. He accepts the tray, sitting at the small table in the open courtyard. He repeats his chants while you observe him up close for a moment.
He is handsome in a rugged way. His scars surprisingly only adding character. His thin lips and long lashes would’ve made many woman jealous as well.
“This is very delicious. You’re a good cook.” You startle lightly from your day dream as you stare at him with wide eyes, his face still tilted down as he eats.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
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He hadn’t expected to find your company so pleasant.
Your presence was easy, comfortable and enjoyable after you warmed up more, chattering away similarly to the love Hashira at times. It made a strange sort of fondness form in his chest as he listens to your opinion on cherry blossom season, and why mochi is best served cold.
He finds himself rushing now after missions to return to his estate, something he’d never have done in the past. If only to hear your greeting of “welcome home” which makes the estate he’d been given actually feel like one.
You held his hand a few days ago, pulling him quickly and quietly to feel the soft fur of a sleeping cat you’d taken to adopting. He remembers the feel of your skin, the fragility of your hand within his, and how tiny you are. It shouldn’t affect him like this. Yet even as he sits below the icy fall of water in a lotus pose, his aching erection won’t ebb.
He’s ashamed the first time he wraps one big calloused palm around his leaking shaft and fucks his fist to the thought of you.
He’s even more ashamed when those thoughts haunt him in your presence.
He’s alarmed however when he wakes tonight to the sound of his shoji sliding open. Not by the intruder, your footsteps much louder ironically when you attempt to be quiet, but by the timing.
He released his cock and laid still, strangely nervous to appear asleep should you check.
Why were you in his room?
He chants in his mind when he hears fabric rustling, then a plop on the floor as something slides and falls. Were you… undressing?
His room felt hotter, or it may have possibly been him, as the sound of you nearing alerts him to a reason you’re here tonight.
“I know you are awake.” You sound bemused.
“I know you should be in bed.” He replies more shakily than he’d hoped to sound.
“I am trying, but you won’t seem to move over for me.” His breath hitches, and before he can think he’s scooting aside and feeling anxious for the first time in a long time. He’s too old now to be fearful of such a tiny woman, your charms and allure certainly difficult to dismiss but you shouldn’t make his hands sweat like this.
“Fuck,” he doesn’t mean to curse, but when you press your nude figure tight against his side, he nearly embarrasses himself by finishing what he’d started before you’d interrupted. Not that he nor his cock minded your company, in fact it twitched as if excited about your presence.
“It feels better if you face me.”
“What are you doing?” He feels flustered, hands desperate to grab you but unsure exactly if he should.
“Seducing you…?” He hears now the unsure tone you speak with, the way your fingers curl into his yukata to prevent him from pushing you away. He shifts and turns, the futon thankfully custom for his size and fitting you fully as he finally touches you. Your face first at least.
“Are you looking at me?”
“Am I pretty?” He chuckles, smile making you press your thighs together due to the sheer masculine charm he oozed.
“You are soft.” He drops his voice as he presses a hand to the middle of your back and pulls you closer. His body radiates heat like none other you’ve ever felt, all pillowy muscles and smelling of sandalwood and sage, and something else beneath it that made your teeth ache. “You are considerate and empathetic.” His hands smooth over your cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips. “You are cute and witty, I find I laugh most in your presence.” His thumbs lightly graze over your eyes. “You are intelligent. I feel I can confide in you and be understood.” Down your jaw and chest, over your shoulders and down your arms to your hands shaking lightly. “You are also mischievous, I never know what you’ll come up with…” his hands come back up, one loosely and easily encircling your entire throat. “Like sneaking into a man’s room in the middle of the night and climbing into his bed naked.” He means to sound chastising but his lust is difficult to mask. Your giggle lets him know you take it lightly.
“Not some man’s room… your room, Gyomei.”
It’s like you want to set him off.
“Should I go?” He can’t deny the way it ignites him to have you here.
“No.” He groans lightly, hands finally taking the dip you’d both been aching for and feeling your chest. “You don’t get to leave now. At least not until you explain what is it is you search for.”
“Relief?” He frowns, but becomes quickly distracted by the malleable flesh in his hands, thumbs brushing over pebbled nipples and drawing little sighs from you.
“A-and… I guess confirmation.” He pinches on little bud, rewarded with a tiny moan and the arching of your back.
“Confirmation for what?” He murmurs, debating if you being atop him would be easier.
“That you like me.” He halts, startled by the confession.
“You thought I didn’t like you?” He clarifies, finally deciding and easily lifting you up by the hips to sit on his stomach, thighs on either side of him.
“I didn’t know if it was the sort between lovers or not…” he nods, finally understanding.
“I want you deeply, sweet girl.” He doesn’t miss the shiver which shakes you when he calls you that, smile tilting higher into a crooked smirk as he lifts his hands and runs them over your ass, gently squeezing each cheek and then moving to touch your thighs.
You don’t speak as he feels you up, quiet aside from small pleasurable mewls when he plays with your breasts or spreads your ass and let’s cool air hit your cunt.
“Do you touch yourself?”
“To the thought of me?” You feel your body heat.
“Yes. Always to the thought of you.” Your answer makes him groan, hips rutting up into nothing as he squeezes your hips.
“What do I do to you then, in your fantasies.” He’s desperate to know, desperate to recreate it. Your nails dig into the muscle on his chest, dwarfed on top of him like this.
“Oh, well, I… sit on your face.” He quirks a brow at the odd fantasy, unfamiliar with such an act.
“And do what?”
“Let you lick me, down here.” He allows you to guide his hand to the warmest place on your body, his mind blanking as he realizes.
“We don’t have to do that though, let’s do what you want—oh!” He’s hauling you up like a doll onto his face, thighs spread on either side and your pussy spread and easily accessible now for his mouth. Gyomei doesn’t hesitate now, tongue slipping out as dragging through your folds as if he’s done this before. He hasn’t but he makes up for it with his wide and powerful tongue and eagerness to learn.
“Gyomei! I—ngh~!” Your moan when he licks at your pussy is more than he ever imagined. The wanton swivel of your hips as you grind down only make him more feral, large hands firmly on your ass and keeping you pressed down. Oxygen the least of his concerns as he licks and sucks until your writhing and digging your nails into his hair while you cry out for him.
He likes this act much more than his own daydreams of being intimate with you, the heady taste of your slick and sounds of your pleasure like a drug.
“I’m going to cum—!” You’re so close it’s a wonder you don’t tip over even as he lifts you completely off his face.
“H-huh?” You sound dazed and confused, so cute it makes him want to settle you down on his face again but he stops himself.
You’re on your back, looking up at his figure not blanketing you, one arm keeping him up as he lifts your chin and kisses you. You taste yourself on his lips.
“You can’t cum yet.” You feel irritable having your orgasm denied, pouty expression unseen but tone converting your emotions.
“Why?” Gyomei smiles, kissing you again and forcing your mouth open to play with your tongue, sliding his thigh between your own so you can grind on him for relief.
He breaks away with a string of saliva connecting you for a moment, warm breath fanning over you. “It will hurt taking me, but it will hurt less if you cum while I’m inserting it.”
Oh. It made sense actually.
Except he doesn’t move ahead to fucking you like you wanted, asking you for more fantasies you‘ve had of him.
“Using your fingers…” and he opened you up more than any man has ever with his fingers alone. Two alone stuffing your poor cunt seemingly to max and once more bringing you to the edge until you felt like crying when he pulled away.
“Shh,” he cooes, mildly upset he’s causing you distress and equally amused by how cute he finds your grumbling as he rearranges you again. This time he just rolls your clit gently with his thumb and kisses you, lavishing your neck in love bites you’ll surely need help covering in the morning and then giving attention to your breasts.
“Gyomei please!” Your third denial felt nearly painful, your core cramping with the desperate need for release as you wiggle and struggle beneath him.
“You’ll be very sorry if I take you now, be good for me, little lotus.” He kisses away your tears of frustration, once more spearing you open with two fingers until you’re moaning and rolling your hips into him, then he adds a third.
He stills when you hiss in pain, concern painting his features as he moves to pull them out only for your hand to stop him.
“It’s okay! I’m alright, it just stings a little.”
“We can stop here, I’ll make you cum and we can go back to sleep—,”
“No! I want you, please.”
He feels hesitant until you begin to relax, body finally accepting three fat fingers stretching your little hole out as slick drips down his palm and soaks into bed below.
“G-Gyomei please let me cum, I can take you even if I do, I just need—!” You’re so close again, but he’s stringent as he pulls free from your soft tight walls with a pop. Your whine of frustration goes ignored as he finally reaches his own limit.
“I’m going to sit you in my lap.” You’re pliant in his hold as he sits up and drags you with him, placing your back to his front as he unties his yukata and allows himself to be free. He gives himself a few pumps, balls swinging heavy as he sits down with you.
You regret looking down in curiosity. Having known some men, despite being quite big physically, can have small penises.
Gyomei isn’t one of them apparently, his caution not without cause as you see the enormous cock he carries, the thick veiny shaft frightening and leaking pre-cum like a stream. Even his balls were ridiculously large, and you briefly pondered taking his offer of going to sleep.
You shook it off as you felt a gentle kiss to your temple, body relaxing as he began another round of torture to your clit with more gentle rolls with his fingers.
“Relax for me, you’re being so good, all mine,” he’s mumbling, body tense as he holds himself back and prepares mentally to keep calm as he lifts you up and lets the plush tip kiss your entrance. Then you’re feeling pleasure and pressure like nothing you‘ve ever felt before, mind going blank as you cum while he stuffs you to full capacity, Gyomei similarly struggling as he moans feeling your gooey walls contract and try to push him out even as gravity drags you down on his cock.
“Gyo—hah—!” You can hardly breathe, body struggling to connect the pain while you’re writhing pleasure as he wraps an arm around your waist and lifts you up and down, still touching your swollen nub, bullying his cock into you one inch at a time. Your squeals of shock and euphoria nearly make him lose it, and when his tip finally smushes up against your cervix, he cums hard.
“I-I can feel it filling me—,” your eyes roll back as hot spurts of cum pump into your womb, Gyomei’s arm like an anchor as he groans and rocks you gentle against him.
“Feels so good…” he’d never known sex could feel like this, that you felt like this, but he’s unable to pull out despite his cock becoming sensitive. Instead he keeps you in place, plugging your little hole with his cock and keeping every drop of cum inside you where it belongs.
That thought startles him. Did he want to make you pregnant? Did he want a family?
More than anything—
Gyomei groans, hushing you as you whine and wiggle in his lap, feeling his cock swelling thick and hard again inside you. “Gyomei—s’too much,” you feel like you’ll burst, body already exhausted but he’s hardly done it seems as he begins to bounce you again, feeling more akin to a toy as his shaft splits your pussy open. The slick squelching noises blend with your moans and his grunts, his cock burying itself as deeply as possible each thrust as he murmurs praise down into your ear.
“So good for me. Taking all of me so well,”
“Do you like feeling my cum inside you? Do you want more?”
“I’m going to fill you up again, make you nice and full.”
“Going to put a baby inside you, let everyone know you’re mine now.”
You’re gone, too cock drunk to do much else but cum around him and moan, drool spilling down your chin in a thin line as he takes away all coherent thoughts.
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You awake the next morning sore and groggy, face confused as you look at a room not your own.
You glance down at the arm keeping you trapped, merely draped over you but so weighted you’d need to wake him to move.
He got you filthy last night, cum coating all of you inside and out before he’d washed you and put you to bed. The memory brings heat to your face as you burry yourself into the bed and smile.
He’s yours now too.
Your story to be told as one from rags to riches.
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filmbyjy · 9 months
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SYNOPSIS > being the new CEO to the ‘Sim Corp’ was hard and stressful. jake didn’t have much time to spend with layla and so he decides to get a dogsitter, you. though, you were originally already his secretary. how will dog sitting bring you two closer?
EIGHTEEN - jake’s rizz
WARNING: uh. idk if there is any? let me know I’ll edit this chapter to add it in
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you couldn’t lie, your heart dropped the moment jake sent those very mysterious and ominous texts. it scared you and you did not look forward to the final results. what if he was going to scold you again? no, what if he was gonna cut your pay? you needed to buy a new outfit for your sister’s wedding soon. actually, you didn’t have to buy a new one, you have plenty of outfits that would look nice if you just figured out a combination to put together. however, where is the fun in that? new clothes always made everyone look fresh!
as a wise man (named park jongseong) would say. either ways, you shouldn’t worry about this. you looked straight down your phone and shot a quick ‘okay, sir’ text to jake. which you realised, why are you even putting effort to the man who was blatantly being mean to you? right, he has the authority and the source of your income. now, imagine jake being your sugar daddy-
wait. where did that come from? god, you were long gone.
you had quickly put on your shirt and pants, threw your hair in a ponytail (or if you have short hair, just a half ponytail) then left your home with your valuables. the drive to jake’s house wasn’t that far, he lived in a gated community with a really sweet security guard guarding the gates. his neighbours were a sweet elderly couple who lived with their cat and dog. very cute. they were super adorable too. when you started working from home at jake’s house, the elderly couple actually thought you were jake’s girlfriend.
they meant no harm but it still got your heart tugging a little. they apologised for the slight mistake and kept complimenting you and jake about how sweet he was and that you and him would definitely look like a cute couple. either ways, you made it and parked at the street outside of his home. a two-storey home that not only looked cozy but was cozy inside too. well, until you enter his office and room. that place is completely so cold in some way. maybe it was the way the furnitures were just industrial and his bed was a huge king sized bed where he was alone.
“oh, (name) sweetie.” the elderly lady smiles. you smiled and bowed at her.
“hello Mrs.Matilda, are you out here to view the outside and just chill?” you asked her.
she laughs, “oh dear, it’s as per usual. my husband is currently sleeping so i don’t want to disturb him. you look different in a casual outfit, you look so sweet and innocent. are you here to babysit layla again? i am sure, jaeyun is home today though?”
“ah, umm he asked me to see him so i am here for him today.”
“oh? you youngsters have a very different way asking people out for dates. back in my day, my husband just surprises me with a bouquet of flowers and asks me out.” she laughs heartily.
“oh, umm. he isn’t asking me out-”
“Mrs.Matilda, you’re awake.” jake says. you turned to look at him. he smiles at Mrs.Matilda. his outer appearance looks way different than how he is normally at work. in fact, he really looked like a puppy. his hair down with bangs covering his forehead. the way he tilted his head in curiosity and the pout he had, god he was so adorable.
“oh, jaeyun dear.” Mrs.Matilda smiles at jake. jake goes over to hand her some biscuits.
“my mom came over yesterday and made these. she wanted to give it to you yesterday but you weren’t around when she wanted to pass it you.”
“oh my, thank your mom for these. my husband will definitely love this even more.”
“any time.” jake turns to you. “let’s go in.” he grabs your hand and pulls you in gently. your eyes widened because he literally intertwined your hand with his. hands clasped and everything. not a single warning???
Mrs.Matilda smiles as she watches this and you could only look at her confused as jake pulls you inside his home.
jake brings you inside his home and you were instantly greeted by Layla. She wags her tail happily once she sees you, she also barks happily and tries to jump on you. it makes your heart burst at how adorable she was.
“aww, what good girl~” you cooed at layla as you gave her a bunch scratches and pats seemingly forgetting jake was there.
jake on the other hand, seemed to have just watched you. it gets his heart racing a little. seeing his two favourite girls-
ehem, his favourite girl and uhh. okay, who was he lying to? his favourite girl and the girl he likes interacting.
“oh, right. why did you call me here?” you asked jake.
jake’s brain short-circuits. he just realised you weren’t in your normal secretary smart outfit that you usually wore. instead you were in something casual. you looked so domestic. very wifey material.
“uh. right.” jake points to heaps of papers. “I need help clearing that. I-I know this is your day off but-”
“don’t worry. I’ll help. I understand it’s hard being a CEO and clearing all this approval letters and stuff.”
“right. I also need help with this project i’m working on with umm jay. he said he placed the research in the file so like I just need some help reviewing it. since it’s better to have two pairs of eyes to like get opinions.” jake says.
“mmm, alright. let’s get to work, I guess.” you say.
just as you scanned the many files and papers on jake’s desk, you can’t help but feel him stare into your soul. it was obvious he was staring at you but for what? you didn’t know.
“mr.sim, are you okay? is there something wrong with my face?”
jake’s eyes widened, “no not at all. I just umm…can you not call me mr.sim when we’re alone like this?”
it went dead silent after he said that.
“umm but you’re my boss?”
“we aren’t technically in the office right now and we’re the same age?”
“yeah, but you’re still my boss.”
jake sighs, “okay then. as your boss, I want you to just call me jake when we’re outside of the office.”
you wanted to say something but jake cuts you off, “I will cut your pay if you call me mr.sim or sir when it’s just us.”
you quickly shut your mouth after. you knew was joking about cutting your pay but like in some way, it sounded really real.
“okay, s- jake.”
“mmm, good girl.”
you froze.
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a/n: OHOHOHO >:) sim jaeyun you naughty naughty 😈
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breekento · 4 months
Another HiguNana Analysis
Since y’all loved my comparing and contrasting of Higuruma and Nanami, I thought I would word vomit some more of my thoughts considering they’re all that runs through my mind these days.
Just a reminder these are my personal head-cannons don’t hate me.
But first, let’s talk about their similarities.
They aren’t the type of man to hit you up at midnight asking for a booty call or splitting the bill over a cheap dinner while they talk about themselves the entire time. They will wine and dine you but not before buying your outfit, nails, and treating you like an absolute goddess on this earth without expecting anything in return.
They’re both established businessmen, bordering on workaholics. They take their career seriously but Hiromi is more likely to take their work home him due to the personal and dark nature of his job.
I alluded to this in my previous HiguNana comparison post but they both care a lot about their appearance but not in a narcissistic manner. They like to look professional and put together even if they have differing styles. They wake up early enough before work to leave the house with a clean shaven face, neatly styled hair, and pressed suits.
Now let’s get into their differences!
Higuruma is more extroverted than Nanami. Nanami can turn it on when he needs to, he has learned from years of being in business to be confrontational and direct. Nanami isn’t the type to go out of his way for conversation and pleasantries, unless of course it’s you. He is polite to service workers but isn’t the type to expand in the conversation like “How is your day going?” It takes him longer to truly open up but when he does he is completely vulnerable and that is reserved only for you.
Higuruma, on the other hand, is the type of man that elderly women adore. When they bag his groceries, he slides a hefty tip asking, “What do you have planned this evening?” He’s more witty and charming outwardly while Nanami reserves his lighter side for only you. Although Hiromi is more extroverted, it doesn’t mean his treats you like any other girl. He places his partner on the highest pedestal in his life. His charm and personality can give other women the wrong idea, confusing his politeness for flirtation. On the other hand, he makes it abundantly clear who his one and only is, showing you off at any moment.
In arguments:
They both are calm and collected when it comes to disagreements. They aren’t the type to yell and shout at their partners.
Nanami is a more quiet and stern man when he’s angry. He may lower his voice, speaking sternly when he’s angry but never belittles you. He’s a very protective man so most of your arguments would stem from your lack of awareness. Knocking on the door and getting angry with you for not looking through the peephole, forgetting to lock down at night, and being too friendly with strangers are all reasons Nanami would become cross with you but only from a place of concern.
Hiromi is more submissive in arguments. He’s the type of man to notice your anger immediately, desperately trying to win your forgiveness. Looking at you with sad puppy dog eyes, upturned eyebrows with a soft “Come on, doll. Don’t be angry with me.” He would rarely make you angry but on the off chance he did it would be due to him coming home later than expected after spending long hours at the law firm.
During sex:
Nanami is dominant through and through. He will never pass up the opportunity to watch you have your way with him but prefers to be in complete control. He loves watching you squirm and whimper beneath him. He’s a more possessive lover, reveling in the fact that only he can put you in such a state.
Hiromi is a good mixture of whatever the vibe of the evening is for. He has more of an ability to be submissive, watching you above him as he worships every inch of your body with sweet phrases and loving eyes.
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izzyliker · 7 months
it’s fine to love s2 but i wish people would stop acting like this show is like a documentary and not a scripted piece of romantic comedy fiction. like “well many real people don’t even get to have a community before dying so think about that” or “i’m disabled, if i died tomorrow would you say all my healing was for nothing?” is about real people who really die for mundane and unfair reasons. ofmd is a tv show with writers who kill characters for reasons outside of the fictional universe for various reasons and killing off a character who was maimed by the main character to the point of needing to have his leg amputated to bolster ed’s nonexistent character development isn’t a freak accident happening to a real person, it’s a choice made by writers who said that izzy had been put through enough and now needed to die. you are not a fictional character. izzy is. and david jenkins is a showrunner whose reason for killing izzy - the only character whose disability is centered and the heart of his arc towards finding love and community - is because he doesn’t think ed can flourish with izzy in his life & because izzy has “been through enough” and now has to be put down like an elderly dog.
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withwritersblock · 16 days
Carry On, Carry On
~Carry On, Carry On by HAPPY LANDING~ Author's Note: requested, short but sweet Summary: Y/N's dog runs away into Nate's arms Warnings: none? Word Count: 881 Nathan Mackinnon x fm!reader
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She would never go this early in the morning but she hasn’t slept all night. Her insomnia was working on overdrive the whole night. She decided the only remedy was a morning walk to watch the sunrise. She had put on a nice jacket as she took her german shepard puppy, Loca. 
Her dog was around eight months old, still growing and getting bigger. She was usually well-behaved and didn’t care to bother anyone on their walks. 
She walked out of her apartment, holding Loca on a leash and harness as she began walking out of her apartment down the hall with her excited puppy. “Alright, Loca, come on,” she mumbled as she opened the doors towards the stairs. They sprinted down the stairs together. It was still semi-dark out and the sun was still only peaking out. 
There was a park across from her apartment complex that had a huge trail for her to walk. It showed off the beautiful sun rising over the moutains in the distance. The park was primarily empty, beside the few elderly people scattered around, ecstatic at the sight of the puppy.
The trail was mostly flat and easy for herself and Loca. She wasn’t used to taking walks, let alone her fifty pound german shepard puppy. “Oh my god,” she groaned as she tried to pull back Loca as she wa trying to run away. After a few seconds Loca pulled hard against Y/N. The leash slipped from her grip and Loca was off. Running excitedly towards her left. “Loca!” Y/N shouted as she began chasing after her.
She ran as fast as she could towards the direction Loca ran to. “Loca, come on!” she shouted. Her breathing fast and her heart beating hard against her chest. She could see her dog no longer running in the distance as she was being held and pet by a blond man. She slowed as she stopped in front of them. “Oh my god, thank you,” she let out breathlessly. 
She finally got a good look at him and she felt her whole body be consumed with embarrassment. It was Nathan Mackinnon, like one of the many faces of the Colorado Avalanche. 
“She’s normally so good on walks,” she let out still breathless. He handed the leash back over to Y/N, a small grin on his lips. He stood up, tightening the grip of the leash on his own much smaller dog. “I guess naming her Loca was a mistake because now she’s actually crazy,” 
His eyes widened, “Her name’s Loca?” he asked a small chuckle leaving his lips. “You kinda shot yourself in the foot there. But-” he paused as he leaned down, petting Loca on the head, “She’s definitely a Loca,” he mumbled.
“And who’s this?” She asked him as she knealed down and began petting his dog. He smiled widely as he watched the gorgeous girl that quite literally ran towards him. 
“This is Maggie,” he let out. 
“She’s so cute, oh my god,” she mumbled as Maggie excitedly jumped. 
“She’s my everything,” he let out, “I’m-I’m Nate,” he said as he stood up, she followed in pursuit. She shyly smiled. 
“Is it bad to say I know? I’m sorry, I didn’t know if I should’ve said that-” he smiled widely as he was trying not to laugh. “I’m Y/N,” she let out as she held out her hand. He shook her hand. 
“Not weird, that was adorable,” he let out as he nervously ran his fingers through his hair. She smiled as she took a deep breath. 
“Nate, how do you feel about finishing my walk with me? I may need assistance with Loca here,” she asked as she lifted the leash slightly. He smirked.
“Yeah, I love to,” he cringed slightly at the words that left his lips. Embarrassed at how fast the words came out of him. They slowly began walking side by side, their dogs were walking excitedly side by side. Loca trying to take the lead while Maggie was simply happy to be there. 
“So are you an Avs fan?” he asked as he slowly looked towards her, admiring her features. 
“I am actually a Minnesota Wild fan since I grew up in Minnesota but I have lived in Denver for four years so,” she explained. He delicately rested his hand on his chest, offended. 
“You do realize we’re the better team,” he said in a teasing tone. 
“But we have Kirill Kaprizov,” she countered.
“And we have Cale Makar,” he scoffed playfully. 
“I thought you were going to say yourself,” she let out while laughing. 
“Like I would say myself over Cale, come on now,” he said as he met her gaze. She scanned his features, “I mean he’s Cale Makar,” he continued.
“And you’re Nathan Mackinnon!” she let out laughing. He rolled his eyes playfully.
“Can we move on please,” he said chuckling, “What about you? What do you do for a living?” he asked. She steadied her feet as Loca was getting ready to bolt again. Nate chuckled as he cautiously helped hold the leash for a second. Loca stopped and walked again. 
“Is it too late to change her name?” she asked while laughing, planting her feet hard into the ground.
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wc-confessions · 4 months
i hate every heroic, misunderstood, or cool blackstar interpretation out there. he's just so pathetic and lame. he has no backbone. he needs a pretty man to bat his eyelashes at him and go "hey! do you want to horribly abuse your friends and family for me, hotstuff?" and he fucking will. he isn't morally grey he's submissive until he dies. when russetfur died he was upset because he ran out of red based cats to tell him to do shit. no one abuses children like russetfur so who the fuck else is he going to turn too ? he loves hurting the elderly. dude he fucking HATES Old people. brokenstar was like lets abuse the elderly and he went oh boy! i love abusing the elderly! and he was so so sad when he couldn't do it anymore. he went oh ho hum.. the elderly aren't able to be abused anymore.. and then sol rocked up like hey.. i heard what you said about abusing the elderly.. thats so cool? they locked eyes. they were fucking in this. they were gpoing to starve granpa. and the kids. russetfur was the best at being mean to children and blackstar LOVED IT. once i saw blackstar kick my dog because it was elderly and a child. anyway it was such a fucking farce when stonefur came down from heaven to tell him not to be a bitch anymore and he went oh gee ok i wont because then SOL FUCKING ROCKED UP AND PUT HIM BACK ON HIS PATH OF BULLSHIT like even without sol he was playing hopscotch with russetfur who falls asleep soundly to the thought of berrykit screaming. i guess tawnypelt does too since she sliced him in half. shes based though. he knew rowanclaw was a good replacement for russetfur because rowanclaw also loves torturing the youth. he didnt Need to take violetkit he just thought russetfur would approve. and she did. anyway if you like blackstar rowan and russet thats cool hehe i like them too. i fucking hate them though
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roguelov · 2 years
Mine, Ours
Summary: A mortal, an aspiring artist, captured the heart of a muse, a Greek goddess, and an Endless. Soon these deities became entangled in your life. Their love surrounded you. And you always assumed they were unaware of the other, oh how wrong could you be. Now they wished to show you how much you mean to them.
Word Count: ~7k
Reader: Afab/fem
Warnings: Smut (threesome, oral (fem!receiving and fem!giving and faceridding), unprotected sex, fingering, voyeurism, minor dirty talk, minor praise kink), fluff sprinkled throughout
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To create.
To dream.
To inspire.
You called them, and they answered.
You met her first, under the warmth of the guiding sun, by the park near your apartment.
Children laughed. People chattered. Fresh goods, from a bakery across the street, wafted on the gentle breeze. The late summer days still warmed your soul, while the creeping chill in the air nipped at your skin warning of colder days to come.
And here, you sat tucked in your corner, under a changing tree, watching the bustling life - recording it.
A worn sketchbook rested in your lap with a short, dulled pencil behind your ear. Your fingers smudged in graphite. Shavings littered over you and your blanket. New doodles filled the pages: drawings of the elderly couple on the park bench feeding the birds across the way, drawings of the dog zooming around chasing after a chewed up frisbee, drawings of a bird nest directly above you, drawings of kids on a quilt playing with their variety of toys.
Drawing after drawing.
Sketch after sketch.
And you somehow will never have your fill.
Yet, nowadays, you craved something more. Ideas tingled in the back of your mind, desperate to escape. However, they were fleeting and hazy, ones you could never quite grasp to put pencil to paper.
But, they were there. Somewhere.
“What are you doing?”
You languidly glanced up. Immediately, your breath was stolen.
An absolutely stunning woman stood over you. She wore a white floral dress which cascaded down her body, hugging her curves. Her chestnut hair flowed down over her shoulders, framing her exceptionally warm and kind face. It glowed like a fire in the sunlight. Her eyes the color of roots of change, of the earth beneath your feet giving the courage to keep moving forward.
Her rosy lips curled into a dazzling smile.
Her mouth moved.
You blinked, snapping out of your racing thoughts. “I’m sorry, what?”
Her smile widened. “What are you doing? Or I suppose, what are you drawing?”
Your thoughts slipped away. She pointed down at your closed sketchbook in your lap. You perked up. “Oh, oh! Yes, right, I’m sorry,” you cleared your throat trying to ease your rising nerves, “I was just sketching some of the people in the park.”
“How lovely.”
“Yes, well, people are more interesting than a basket of fruit.”
She chuckled.
You smiled. It was such a sweet melody.
“If you don’t mind me asking, and I hope it’s not rude, but may I see them?”
Hesitancy flickered.
But, you nodded.
You started to lift your sketchbook for this wonderful stranger to take when you realized she floated down, sitting next to you on your blanket. Her shoulder bumbled against yours, such a small act sent sparks over your skin. Her eyes focused on your sketchbook in your lip.
You stared, transfixed and in awe. Who was she?
Her eyes trailed up, connecting with yours. She was so close. Her beauty was the type found in centuries old oil paintings, utterly ethereal and needed to be captured. She smiled softly, her eyes crinkled. “May I see them?”
Your eyes widened. “Yes! Sorry.”
You flipped open your sketchbook to your most recent additions. She leaned forward. She tucked her hair behind her ear. Her fingers skimmed over the page, feeling the grooves, the scratched and erased lines.
“These are beautiful,” she commented.
“Oh, thanks,” you blushed, “they’re just random sketches, there’s places where I could improve and -“
“Do not belittle your talent.”
Your mouth closed.
She peered up at you through her dark lashes. “You have a gift, one you are developing. It is perfect now and will be perfect later.”
You tilted your head. A smile tugged on your lips. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
She raised her chin, smiling. A secretive one, full of knowledge you weren’t privy too. Yet. “And I think you will do great things.”
“Thank you.” You glanced away feeling hot under her intense gaze. Questions stirred. Where did she come from? Why did she come to you? But, you supposed you could start with who, who was she? “I’m sorry, I don’t think I ever got your name.”
“That’s a beautiful name.”
She dropped her head, smiling to herself. “Thank you, and you?”
Her eyes locked with yours again. “It is lovely to meet you, (Y/N).” A warmth spread over you at the sound of your own name rolling off her tongue. It was if you were hearing for the first time. As if it was poetry and not a word you carried with you all your life. “I hope I am not too forward, but could we meet here again?” She asked.
Your heart skipped. “I would love that.”
“Tomorrow? Same time?”
“Yeah,” you exhaled.
You met him next, under the veil of night, when fears and nightmares overshadowed your dreams.
Your eyes snapped open.
Blood pumped feverishly through your veins. The sporadic uneven pounding drowned the silence. You leapt up, clutching the front of your shirt. Your heart thudded dangerously under your fingertips.
You closed your eyes, exhaling slowly. “It’s was just a nightmare, just a dumb nightmare.”
Opening your eyes, darkness swallowed you.
Your heart rate spiked.
Every shadow crawled with monsters, every object morphed into horrendous, veil faces screaming out in terror.
Throwing back the sheets, you stumbled out of your room. The moonlight, and faded streetlights, offered very little. Even in your bare living room, things moved out of the corner of your eyes. You tugged on the collar of your shirt. Your clothes constricted, suffocating you. The walls loomed over and began to close in.
Fueled by the simple thought, you rushed over to the front door. You shoved on shoes and jacket with the collar flicked up, jammed your keys into your pockets, then sprinted out of your claustrophobic apartment. Your footsteps echoed in the quiet hallway, your untie shoelaces clacked against the ground.
Each sound sent a jolt through your scattered mind.
Ripping open the apartment complex door, the bitter air wiggled underneath your coat. You shrugged it closer. Your feet carried you, sticking to the streetlights. Your eyesight locked to the sidewalk.
The shadows still called out to you.
Unknowingly, your feet took you to a place you knew well. A place you knew you could navigate with your eyes closed: the park.
Crossing the empty street, you walked through the park and picked a vacant bench among the many. You sighed, flopping down. You craned your head back, letting the world turn upside down. You inhaled deeply. The crisp air was a shock to your system. A reboot. Your mind and body shifted away from its fears and focused on the ice filling its lungs. You exhaled loudly. The air fogged up.
It will be fall soon.
“What brings you out here?”
You jumped, sitting straight up. Your head snapped up to see a man in a dark coat standing a few feet back. Meeting a stranger, or any, at this hour should have frightened you. And although his initial presence did, once your eyes locked with his you felt oddly at ease.
“Apologies,” he dropped his head slightly, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“No, no,” you adamantly shook your head, “it wasn’t your fault, I was just lost in my thoughts and I didn’t hear you approach.”
His lips twitched.
You cleared your throat, “But, I, uh, couldn’t sleep.”
You skirted around the truth.
He hummed.
“And you? What are you doing out here?”
“Someone called.”
Your eyebrows knitted together at his vague wording. “Like, a friend of yours? Are they okay?”
He nodded, “Yes, and it is all taken care of.”
“Wow, must be an important person if you crawled out of bed this late.”
“You could say that.”
You smiled softly. “That’s good. Your friend is very lucky to have you.” You pointed to yourself, “I’m (Y/N) by the way.”
“(Y/N),” he repeated, trying your name. It was like a gentle song, a steady beat, to lull you to a peaceful slumber. “I’m Morpheus.”
“Morpheus.” You smiled at him, “it’s nice to meet you.”
“And to you.”
Your heart skipped. Under his unwavering gaze, a fuzzy warmth spread over your chest. You looked away, dropping your head. Somehow riddled utterly bashful from a stranger.
“It was a nightmare,” he said. “That is why you’re out here.”
You tensed. It wasn’t a question, but a statement. One with the utmost conviction, as if he knew all along. You chuckled nervously, “Was it really that obvious?”
He shook his head. “An inkling.”
You sighed, “Bit childish, isn’t it? To run away from an idiotic nightmare.”
You cocked your head at his quick response. “No?”
“Nightmares make you face your deepest fears, and sometimes you’re simply not ready for them. But In time you will conquer them.”
You blinked, stunned, but then you slowly smiled at him. “How wise.”
A silence fell over you, comfortable and peaceful. Like two old friends enjoying each other’s company.
Morphues shifted his attention up to the starry night.
So, you studied him.
He glowed in this haunting lighting. He was made for the night, molded by it. His hair was elegantly messy, like ruffled raven feathers sticking up at odd ends. His lips, a dusty pink, puckered slightly in thought. His eyes the color of the morning sky uplifting you to wonders above the clouds. And he carried himself like royalty, shoulders back elongating his perfect posture.
A dark prince - no, king. A king of shadows and wonders.
He was captivating, memorizing.
You shook yourself from your wondering thoughts. “I should probably go.”
His eyes fell to you.
You stood up, wrapping your jacket around yourself, and started to walk pass him. He watched your every movement. As you brushed by him, drawn in by his magnetizing presence, he followed your figure.
Your eyes flickered over barely meeting his. “It was nice meeting you, Morphues.”
“That nightmare shouldn’t bother you anymore.”
Your footsteps halted. You peered over your shoulder, confused. “What?”
He turned, facing you, giving you all of his full attention. “Your nightmare won’t bother you anymore.”
You laughed once, cocking your eyebrow. “Really? And how would you know?”
A smile tugged on his lips. “A hunch.”
An idea took hold, one to promise another encounter with your new dark friend.
You smiled. “Well, if that’s true then let’s meet here again at the same time a few nights from now, and we will see who is right.”
He matched your smile and reached his eyes. “Okay.”
“Until then, Morphues.”
“Until then, (Y/N).”
Soon, these two figures became the center of your small world. You enjoyed each of their company greatly. They brought you comfort and newfound joy. They expressed interest in every aspect of your life. Even when you believed you rattled on about everything, your personal life and other mundane topics, to art from who inspired you, your favorite pieces, and your growing knowledge.
They never silenced you. They smiled and encouraged you.
And ever so slightly, you tumbled. You fell wholeheartedly in love with each of them. It almost felt wrong to love two people so deeply, yet your heart had decided. Both Morphues and Calliope. And you would give it over again and again.
You swore to yourself that you would tell them eventually. It didn’t sit right to keep the truth of either of them, even if you might lose one or both in the process. Yet, all of it rid on the notion that neither was aware of the other.
Oh, how wrong you were.
In the distance, you passed through the flow of people. Calliope, hiddened, watched intently as you began to shrink from view. A figure appeared beside her: Morphues. His eyes followed Calliope’s line of sight. He hummed, “So, I see you have laid claim on that mortal.”
Calliope barely turned her head. Her eyes were still on you. “Claim? I do no such thing.”
“Perhaps, but she certainly has caught your eyes,” he pressed. His eyes were also on you, completely transfixed. “A task very few have done.”
You vanished. A sorrowful ache sung in their empty chests.
Calliope faced Morpheus, looking up at him. “Is that a crime, Oneiros?”
“No, it is not.” He said, looking at his former love.
“Then why do you treat it as such?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Because she too has caught my eye.”
Calliope blinked. “And what does that mean?”
“I’m not quite sure yet.”
“If you think I will -“
“I think nothing. I am only sharing since it might interest you.”
Her lips thinned. Her eyes searched for an answer, one that was more clear, but Morphues would not give it. “I will not stop.”
“And neither will I.”
A promise lingered in the air. One that prompted something, something sinful, something sweet.
“Then good day to you, Morphues,” Calliope nodded.
“And to you, Calliope.”
Time blurred.
Time filled with a blossoming love.
You savored their individual time. And in turn, they inspired you. Their beauty was captivating. Your sketchbooks were quickly filled with their faces, and soon their faces haunted your dreams.
But, pencil and paper wasn’t enough.
You wanted to paint them, to give color and life to one of your sketches, to show how their eyes twinkled with love, to show how their lips curled into a heartwarming smile, to show how their hair framed their face down to the strands which could never be tamed, to show how -
To show how much they mean to you. To show them how you see them.
You decided you would ask Calliope first. She seemed she would be more open minded to the idea, and somewhat less intimidating than the king of night, Morphues.
The two of you were side by side, leaning against each other underneath the tree where you met. It felt like years ago, like she was always a part of your life.
“Yes, my love?” She answered.
Your heart skipped at the endearing name. No matter how many times it rolled off her tongue, it still gave you butterflies. Clearing your throat, you said, “I was wondering if you could model for me - and! And before you say anything please don’t feel obligated or anything, this is whatever you are comfortable with.”
She twisted, looking directly at you. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and excitement. “Would it be presumptuous to ask if it’ll be a nude painting?”
“Only if you’re comfortable with that,” you spilled out. “You wear whatever you want, or we can drape sheets over you to keep you covered.”
She cupped your face. “I would be honored.”
Your eyes lit up. “Really?”
“To inspire you is my greatest gift to you, and it would fill my heart with joy to be the muse of your next painting.”
You beamed. You buried your face into your touch, trying to hide your growing excitement and dopey smile. She laughed and brought your face to hers. She picked your lips. Pulling back, she gently held your face for a moment. She thought you looked adorable with your giddy smile, a smile she always wished to see.
“Okay, uh, how about Friday night? I’ll have everything set up and we’ll do it for just a few hours, nothing too long.” You suggested.
An idea stirred.
Calliope smiled to herself.
Oh, yes, this could work, she thought. An unspoken promise may be fulfilled.
Days later, right after sunset, you stood in your living room. Chairs and tables were pushed up to the wall. A cream sheet hung precariously from the ceiling, draping across the floor. The couch sat on top with a hand full of sheets for Calliope to cover up or use however she wished. A few dim lamps scattered around pointed at the couch to get the best lighting. Your easel, with a prepped canvas, and a cart, filled with all necessary supplies, was positioned a few paces back.
It wasn’t perfect.
It wasn’t a high grade studio, but it was enough.
You adjusted your stool in front of the canvas. You tightened your stained smock. Your heart, however, buzzed. Glancing down, your hands trembled. Fuck. You clenched and unclenched your fists trying to calm the tremor.
Knock! Knock!
You nearly jumped out of your skin.
You rushed over to the front door and flung it open. Almost off the hinges. Unbothered, or unaware, of your nerves, Calliope smiled at you. “Hello, (Y/N).”
“Hi,” you whispered.
“May I come in?”
“Oh! Yes, right.” You moved aside letting her through. Her eyes scanned over your makeshift studio setup. “I hope this is okay.”
“It’s perfect.”
You smiled, calmed a little by her words. “Okay, good, uh, well, please do whatever you want to get comfortable. I’m going to finish my setup, okay?”
She nodded.
You spun around, walking back to your canvas. Behind it, you couldn’t see her move. But, you certainly heard her. Fabrics fluttered. Some fell to the ground with a thud. With each drop, your heart jumped. I can do this. You let out a low shaky breath and began arranging your paints in color order on your palette.
“I’m ready.“
You scrunched up your face. So quickly?
You peered out from behind your canvas.
Draped over the couch, she laid on her side facing you. Naked, bare. An arm propped up her head, while the other rested on her side extenuating her curves. Her legs bent a little to fit onto the couch. Her fingers played with the thin sheet covering her thighs and part of her lower half. Only her lower half. She left her top untouched and exposed.
You tried not to stare.
You visibly swallowed. “Will you, uh, be comfortable to stay in that position for a while?”
“I can manage.”
You nodded. “Okay, um, would you like some music? Or anything?”
“I think I’m good, my love.” Her lips curled into a smirk.
Why did that send a spike of fear through you?
“Okay,” you mumbled. “I just have to finish my paint setup and we can start.”
You squeezed out the last few paints. You capped the tubes and reached for a paintbrush -
“I see you have started without me.” A voice, one you recognized instantly, said from the darkness.
You whipped around, startled.
Calliope, however, was unaffected. “You are late.”
Out of the shadows, Morpheus appeared. Your eyes widened. “Morphues - wh - how -“
“Do not worry yourself.” He calmly stated as he walked forth. His eyes focused solely on you.
You should have been frightened. He appeared out of nowhere, instead confusion settled over you. Your eyebrows knitted together as Calliope’s words tossed around in your head again.
You looked over your shoulder. Calliope smiled softly at you, trying to ease any worries. “You called him here?” Another thought popped up. “Wait, you two know each other?”
Fingers wrapped around your chin, guiding your attention back to Morphues standing directly in front of you. “We do.”
“But, how and - and what -“
“You have questions, and we can answer as many as needed.”
Sheets rustled. Light footsteps crept closer. A hand lightly touched your back, drawing your attention. Looking over, Calliope smiled at you.
Your heart thrummed.
The air sparked with something sinful with both of them here. You desperately kept your gaze on Calliope’s sweet, warm eyes. She floated over and behind Morphues. Her hands wrapped around his waist. Morphues turned his head, acknowledging her. They touched their foreheads, taking a moment.
Then both of their eyes flickered over to you.
You instantly felt small. Your heart leapt into your throat.
“Do you know of the Greek Muses? Of any mythos?” Calliope began.
You stared blankly, then gave the tiniest nod. You had some understanding of Greek Mythology, but just broad strokes.
“I am one of the nine muses, my love. A Greek Goddess.”
“And Morpheus was once my husband.”
You tensed.
“Careful, you might frighten her,” Morphues said with a slight tease.
“I am only speaking the truth, one she should know if we continue down this path.”
What -
“And - and you?” You asked, finding your voice, and gestured to Morphues.
He smiled, a small tug. “I am no god. I am an Endless. Dream of the Endless, King of Dreams and Nightmares.”
Your hands dangled at your sides. “I’m sorry, a goddess? And - and an Endless?” They simply nodded. “What do you want with me? Why me?”
Calliope saw the fear rising in your eyes. She peeled away from Morphues and placed herself behind you. Her arms circled around you as she pressed a gentle kiss on your shoulder. Her warmth immediately comforted you.
“You needn’t fear us, we don’t wish to cause you any harm,” she whispered into your shoulder.
“Then what?” You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye.
“We want you,” Morphues answered swiftly
Your eyes snapped back to Morpheus. “Me?”
“An artist who dreams of inspiring others to create, or to inspire others to dream of a new world; you called out to us.”
Your cheeks warmed. “Yes, well, I, uh -“
“Do not be embarrassed.” Calliope whispered. “It is endearing and we soon both found ourselves falling in love with the artist who summoned us.”
“I - I don’t know what to say.”
“You needn’t say anything.”
“Right now we only wish to inspire you,” Morphues said. “If you like.”
Your eyes flickered between the two of them. Two of the most beautiful people you’ve ever laid your eyes on. And to think you called them? To know they became infatuated with you in return? It was almost beyond your comprehension. Now, they were both here. They both expressed their desires and love.
So, why say no?
It’s just for a painting.
You nodded, trying to catch your breath.
Morpheus hummed. He stretched his hand out, and Calliope graciously accepted. He led her over, and out of view, to the homemade stage.
You let out a shaky breath.
Breathe. Focus.
Morphues and Calliope each had captured your heart. It was an unfiltered love, it was a rose-hued world, it was constant butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
But, with them both here it called something darker within you. That sinful spark from earlier still lingered in the air. It was an insatiable hunger, it was a red haze fogging your consciousness, it was a wildfire coursing through your veins.
You flopped down on your stool. Closing your eyes, you continued to inhale and exhale in even, steady breaths.
“Are you ready?” Calliope asked.
“Yeah,” you murmured, opening your eyes.
You glanced over your canvas to your two new models. The air was knocked out of your lungs. Both standing, Morphues, now bare, held Calliope in his arms. Calliope, her back pressed into his chest, leaned her head back resting it on Morpheus’s shoulder.
They certainly hid nothing from you.
Your face was hot.
“Will this do?” Morphues asked, teasingly.
“Fuck.” It tumbled out of your lips before you could stop it.
Morphues smirked. He bent his head down, pressing his lips into Calliope’s shoulder trying to hide his growing amusement. Calliope chuckled, smiling widely.
You ripped your gaze away as your ear ignited.
“So? Will this not do?” Morpheus repeated.
“It’s - it’s fine.” You muttered.
“Have you not painted nude models before?” Calliope mused. Her tone was more sweet, but it didn’t hide all of her taunts.
“I have,” you said firmly.
“Then there should be no problem,” she chirped.
“Well, my love, we are ready when you are.”
You closed your eyes once more and exhaled slowly. Focus, just focus. You’ll be fine. Opening your eyes, you picked up a brush dipping it into a light brown.
Your eyes slid over.
They melded together, like pieces from a forgotten puzzle. Somehow alway meant to be. His arms - muscular and taunt with its harsh lines - circled around her waist and contrasted against her soft, delicate curves. Her hand splayed over his, desperate to have more skin to skin contact. He kissed her shoulder, his messy locks blocked out most of his face and barely brushed against her skin. Her head was turned, staring lovely at him. Her slim fingers caressed the side of his face, drawing him in.
A lovers’ embrace.
Your lips twitched upward.
You leaned back over and began to sketch out basic outlines: the line of action, the curves, the building blocks of anatomy, and a basic, sloppy shading to remind you of your light source. Soon, you forgot who you were painting and fell into the flow. You built up each layer of paint, slowly adding color, and carving out their bodies and background.
You knew it wouldn’t be finished tonight, but you enjoyed the process.
Until, it was broken by giggling.
Your eyes snapped over. Calliopes was laughing while Morphues lifted his head looking directly down at her, directly into her eyes. He smiled as she laughed.
You smiled, genuinely. Although they spoke of their former love, you could still see it. It still lingered. You returned back to your painting feeling lighter. However, you had forgotten who you had invited into your home, neglected their true intentions for this night.
“Shall we?” Morphues whispered into Calliope’s ear.
“Sweet Oneiros, I’ve been waiting for you.”
He chuckled.
You hunched forward, tongue poking out, when a soft hum broke the silence. Curious, you leaned over.
You inhaled sharply.
Morphues’s hands crawled up Calliope’s body. His firm hands cupped her perked breasts, and began to knead and play with them eliciting low sensual noises from the goddess. She sighed, closing her eyes. Morphues, however, looked directly at you. His eyes hooded, filled with desire as his lips curled into a devilish smirk.
You dove back in front of your painting. Your smock was now impossibly tight around your flushed skin.
You flinched in your seat.
Don’t look, don’t look, don’t -
Curiosity pulled. You cautiously peered behind your painting. Morphues kissed and nipped at Calliope's neck. Love bites began to cover her skin. His hands gripped - white knuckling - her hips, desperate to keep her in place, to keep her from moving. Her lips fall open, sighing dreamily. She wiggled her hips, rubbing against him. Morpheus groaned. Its deep vibrations echoed throughout the spacious room. He dropped his head onto her shoulder. Calliope glanced over to you. Her eyes half opened, filled with pure lust. You instantly looked away, somehow embarrassed as if you caught them.
“Morpheus, we may have frightened our friend here,” she smirked.
Morpheus looked up to see you hiding behind your canvas. “We may - oh.”
Calliope rubbed against him again making him moan.
You fidgeted. You crossed your legs trying to alleviate some of your growing needs.
“(Y/N),” Calliope cooed.
You swallowed a lump in your throat. “Yes?”
“Look at us, my love.”
Obeying her command, you leaned over. “Oh dear god.”
Morpheus’s fingers slid down Calliope’s chest, down the valley between her breasts, and further and further. Goosebumps followed his delicate touch. Your eyes widened. He slipped two sinful fingers between her folds. Calliope moaned, falling into his touch. His fingers started slowly, stroking her walls. It was pratically pornographic: how his fingers pumped her, the wet sloppy noise, how Calliope mewled and how each sound went straight through you.
“She feels divine,” Morpheus purred.
“Fuck me,” you mumbled, clenching your thighs together.
Morpheus curled his fingers.
“(Y/N),” Calliope moaned, grinding down on his fingers.
Your paintbrush clattered to the ground. Your hands covered your hot face. Your ragged breathing barely drowned out their sounds.
Be professional, be professional - but how can I when they’re acting like this?
“Oh, darling,” Morpheus called out.
You peaked through your fingers. Morpheus slipped his fingers out of Calliope, she whined at the loss of friction. Staring directly at you, Morpheus stuck his fingers in his mouth tasting Calliope. His perfect lips wrapped around his fingers as his eyes fluttered closed, moaning deeply.
“Let me,” Calliope murmured.
She gently removed his fingers from his mouth and cupped his face bringing him down to her. Her tongue slipped between his lips tasting herself on Morpheus’s tongue. She hummed.
“Love,” he murmured against Calliope, “we mustn’t forget someone.”
Calliope pulled away, lips swollen. Their eyes darted over locking onto you.
Your hands fell down.
Calliope moved first. She glided across the room. Standing in front of you as you sat on your stool, she titled your head back. You peered up at her with glassy eyes and parted lips. In seconds, you relinquished all control.
The painting can wait.
Her thumb ran over your bottom lip. Electricity crackled over your needy body. She bent down, and finally kissed you.
You sighed, closing your eyes.
She guided you up onto your feet. Her hands skimmed up and down your sides, learning your curves. She tilted her head, moving her lips deepening the kiss. Your heart skipped. Her tongue begged for entrance. You happily obliged. A moan rumbled in the back of your throat as she explored your mouth. Every touch was a fire across your skin.
Hands, rough and stern, landed on your hips.
You broke away from Calliope. Craning your neck back, Morpheus loomed behind you. He smiled at you. Calliope did not let this deter her. Her lips skimmed over your neck, making you shiver. Morpheus gripped your chin to keep your eyes on him. He leaned in to kiss you. While Calliope was sweet and fire inducing - a dangerous nectar injected into your vines setting your skin ablaze; Morpheus was an icy chill leaving you gasping and clinging - an all consuming blizzard trapping you.
Calliope nipped you, and soothed the pain with her tongue.
You moaned into Morpheus’s mouth.
Their skillful hands wandered over your body. Bit by bit, one article of clothing after the other fell off your body. Their hands skimmed over your hot skin: over the valley of your breasts, curling around your neck, through your hair, and down your sides. They mapped your body. They touched everywhere, except for where you wanted them the most.
Frustration built. A roaring fire in the pit of your stomach.
You groaned and whined.
They chuckled.
You huffed. Taking each of their wrists, you led them to your bedroom. You were done wasting time, done with their teasing.
Letting go of them, you pushed Calliope towards the bed. The back of her knees hit the bed and she flopped backwards with excited giggles. You licked your lips, then slowly sank to your knees at the edge of the bed. You dreamt of this, dreamt of this moment ever since you first laid eyes on her. Your fingers trailed up and down your legs. Taking one of her legs, you hooked it over your shoulder.
Your eyes looked up at her, and kissed her inner thigh.
Calliope hummed, tilting her head back.
You bit her.
She gasped.
Morpheus smiled deviously. He fell into a lone chair in the corner of the room. The perfect position. He slowly stroked himself, watching intently as this unfolded.
Smirking, you started marking her thighs. Marking everywhere, and purposely avoiding where she needed you the most. Your eyes flickered up. Her eyes were closed as her chest heaved heavily in anticipation.
A goddess - a Greek goddess - was turning into a mess because of you. Because of your touch.
You wouldn’t - couldn’t - wait any longer.
You dived into her dripping folds.
Calliope moaned. Her hands immediately latched into your hair, desperate to find grounding in this high.
She tasted, oh so, sweet. Divine. Morpheus was right, she is divine. You ate her as if it was her last meal, worshipping every moment. You hummed. She bucked her hips. You did it again. She moaned, “(Y/N).”
You clenched your thighs together. You were wet and needy. But, you wanted to feel her pleasure more than anything right now. You moved, sucking on her clit. She instinctively yanked on your hair, crying out. You moaned as pain quickly turned into pleasure.
“Morpheus,” she whimpered.
“Yes, darling?” He hummed, absolutely amused.
“She is heavenly.”
Pride swelled within you.
“I have no doubt.”
Calliope buried her face into the bedsheets. “Love, (Y/N), I -“
You groaned.
You wanted nothing more than for her to come in your mouth. You became more feverishly knowing she was at her end. Your tongue swirled around, you hummed and moaned pushing her further and further towards the edge, and your fingers dug into her thighs no doubt bruising her.
She gasped. She yanked on your hair drawing you impossibly close, as she bucked and rid your face.
Her walls fluttered around your tongue.
You eagerly lapped up her juices. She wriggled and squirmed, crying out in pleasure and overstimulation. You pulled away, breathless. But, a hand raked through your hair and forcibly yanked your head back. Morpheus mouth latched onto yours tasting Calliope on your tongue. You whimpered, clinging to him.
When he broke apart, his lips glistened.
His lips stretched into a playful smirk
There you were on your knees with hearts in your eyes. Your swollen lips parted, and your breath erratic and fleeting. His hand slid down, cupping your face. His thumb traced down your cheekbone down to your lips. He dragged his thumb across your bottom lip. Without thinking, you wrapped your lips around his thumb and gently sucked on it.
“Love, come here.”
Popping out Morpheus’s thumb, you glanced over to Calliope who laid out on the bed. She pointed at you, then slowly curled her finger beckoning you forth. You didn’t hesitate. You crawled onto the bed and over top of her.
She drew you down to her. Her lips brushed over yours and murmured softly, “I wish to return the favor.”
Excitement coursed through you. You nodded shyly, biting your lip. You moved to lay down, when she grabbed your wrist. She shook her head. “On top, my love.”
You blinked. Oh!
You smiled sheepishly then moved up.
“Oh, sweet Morpheus,” Calliope cooed.
“I am here,” he chuckled. He knew exactly what to do without being told a word. He hopped onto the bed, and grabbed her hips. His cock poked at her inner thighs.
But, he patiently waited, waited for you.
You situated yourself over Calliope’s face. Your knees on either side of her face, digging into the pillow her head rested on. You laid your hands flat against the wall. You needed something to keep you upright. Your heart skipped as you peered down at her snug between your legs. She simply smirked up at you. Her fingers reached up grabbing your hips, then slowly dragged you down.
You threw your head back as her mouth delved in.
Morpheus smiled, at the sight of you on top of Calliope. He then teased Calliope’s entrance, barely rubbing the tip of his cock between her folds.
She hummed.
“Fuck,” you muttered, squeezing your eyes shut.
Morpheus chuckled then slipped in. Calliope’s grip tightened. Her nails buried into your skin. Her tongue swirled as she moaned into you. Your taste was sweet and tempting like a forbidden fruit. One that should never be consumed, and one two ethereal beings will happily break time and time again.
Morpheus steadily began to rock his hips. Tantalizingly slow and nearly losing himself. The feeling of how Calliope wrapped around him, how he watched his two loves cry out in pleasure, how you squirmed, and how you peered over your shoulder looking back at him with a sweat forming on your forehead.
You leaned forward, your forehead pressed into the cool wall. You opened your eyes, daring to look down. Calliope’s eyes were closed as she worked you. However, feeling your gaze, her eyes flickered open. Her dark eyes, practically black and devoid of anything but lust and pleasure. She moaned into you. The vibrations were dizzying. You whimpered as your first orgasm built in the pit of your stomach.
You unconsciously began to grind down on her. Desperate to reach your end.
Calliope’s walls fluttered.
Morpheus grunted. “Do that again, (Y/N).”
Morpheus lifted Calliope’s hips. He snapped his hips, setting a new fast pace. You grinded down on Calliope. “Calliope,” you moaned.
You rocked your hips. Pleasure built and built.
Calliope hummed, ready for anything.
“Calliope,” you whined, warning her.
She worked you, while Morpheus worked her. The sinful noises filled your ears. The way Morpheus pounded into her, with his soft sweet grunts, the way Calliope sloppily ate you out, the way your strained moans combined with it all.
“Come for her, (Y/N),” Morpheus groaned.
You moaned, throwing your head back as your orgasm crashed through you. Calliope desperately held you in place as she continued to work you through your high. Morpheus moaned, feeling Calliope’s walls clamp around him as they reached their own highs.
You squirmed, and cried out. It was too much, and somehow not enough.
Calliope finally released you.
You fell onto your back, breathless. You glanced over to Calliope. Your juices covered her lips. Her tongue ran over her lips. You squirmed at the sight. She smiled lazily and reached out, stroking your cheek. You hummed. However, someone wasn’t done with you.
Hands yanked on your hips.
You yelped.
You soon found yourself in Morpheus’s lap staring directly into his eyes. Your breath was stolen. He kissed you, gently and sweetly. You exhaled through your nose, and cupped his face. Your fingers curled into his hair. He hummed. Soon he lifted you up, guiding you, and slowly sunk you down on his cock. You moaned into his mouth. He filled you and stretched you in a way you’ve never felt before.
He pulled away peppering kisses down your neck.
You craned your head back, and began to move up and down. Slow and languid movements as you wanted to draw out this moment. Morpheus groaned, as his arms tightened around your waist, desperate to have you closer. And with every movement, Morpheus met you, bucking his hips up. Every movement left you feeling lightheaded in the best way.
Calliope asked, watching the two of you, watching her two loves, “How does he feel, my love?”
“Good,” you breathed out, unable to process any sentences, “Really good.”
She chuckled.
Morpheus nipped at your neck, making you gasp. “Fuck, Morpheus.”
His lips curled over your skin. He lifted his head and pressed his forehead on yours. “You are being so good for us,” he whispered.
Your heart fluttered.
Biting your lip, gaining more and more confidence, you slammed down on him. Faster, more demanding. A vein popped in his neck. He clamped his mouth as a moan rumbled in his throat, and his eyes squeezed close.
An Endless, a cosmic being, was at your mercy.
You bounced up and down, loving how Morpheus’s face twisted in pleasure. “(Y/N),” he moaned.
Your heavy breathing and his filled the close space between you. He opened his eyes, peering up at you through his dark lashes. He bucked his hips, matching your pace. You whimpered, tugging on his hair. Your walls fluttered, warning him. Morpheus groaned. You rolled your hips, sending a new wave of pleasure. Morpheus chuckled, pulling you close. His hands trailed down your back, grabbing your hips. He guided you, helped lift you as you started to stutter in your pace. Your legs burned but you desperately wanted to continue. Your head fell to his shoulder. Your hands traced over his back muscles, feeling as they flexed under your light touch.
“Ah, look at me, darling.”
You lifted your head. Your brain hazy as pleasure built clouding your senses. His everlasting, all consuming, blue filled your vision.
He grounded you.
He bucked his hips, hitting the right spot.
You moaned, and you saw stars.
He smirked to himself repeating the action. Desperate for release, you grinded down. Your breath hitched. Your end was soon.
“Come for him, love.” Calliope hummed.
Your heart rate spiked.
At her simple words, your walls clamped down. Your lips fell open, as you fought to keep your eyes directly on Morpheus. He groaned, seeing you in absolute bliss and bucked his hips once last time, finding his own release. His forehead pressed to yours, kissing you feverishly one last time.
You hummed.
Breaking apart, you smiled at him. Breathless. And now utterly exhausted.
Calliope’s gentle hands guided you backwards into the softness of your bed. You fell back. Instantly, Calliope and Morpheus positioned themselves on either side of you.
“You were lovely,” Morpheus mumbled in your ear.
Calliope caressed your cheek, lulling you. “And so patient with us.”
You laughed once through your nose. “Thanks.”
Inhaling, you yawned. Your eyelids weighed down and thoughts of sleep tugged at the back of your mind.
“Rest,” Morpheus whispered.
You whined quietly. Not wishing for the night to be over.
Calliope laughed. “Rest, we will be here in the morning.”
Yawning once more, you reluctantly agreed.
You turned, snuggling into Morpheus’s side. Your hand splayed over his chest, feeling his calm heartbeat. Your chin propped on his shoulder as your steady breaths blew through your parted lips. Morpheus tilted his head resting it on yours. Calliope looped an arm under your waist, drawing herself close. Her lips pressed between your shoulder blades. She reached over you, and Morpheus intertwined his fingers with hers.
Warm. So warm.
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keeperesque · 7 months
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hi, this is my dog! her name is magnolia mae and she's an elderly chihuahua-dachshund mix (estimated between 12-15 years old). she's a rescue we received from my roommate and best friend's late cousin about 5 years ago.
long story short, our sweet girl has been experiencing some severe and concerning health issues (extremely low RBC, WBC, Neutrophils, and Platelets), and she needs to have her bone marrow tested. this is extremely expensive (at least 1,200), and we're hoping to get some help. if you'd like more information on what's going on with her, that will be under the cut. otherwise, please consider using either of the below methods to help us take care of our sweet old girl!
ppal.me: @/daisyd0nati0ns (replace 0s with Os)
kof!: @/keeperesque
don't tag as d0nat!ons/etc, etc..
when we moved across the country during late 2020 to be with my wife, we brought her, as well as my elderly cat sampson and my two older rabbits, indie and digit.
2023, however, has not been kind to any of our pets. in february, we lost sampson to kidney failure - it was sudden and utterly heartbreaking. a month later, my wife found that digit had passed away in her sleep, and indie was put down shortly after due to health complications we could not afford to properly treat. since then, we've been extremely diligent with maggie's health - she eats special food for her kidneys, has vet appointments scheduled every 6 months, gets twice-daily walks, takes medication for her thyroid, and receives plenty of love.
unfortunately, starting with an emergency visit in september, maggie's been having severe problems with her blood - specifically an extremely low platelet count (33,000-55,000, normal levels are about 200,000), white blood cell count and neutrophils are extremely low, and she's extremely anemic. while she's on some medication to keep her stable, we aren't sure how long that will last, and it's taxing on her body.
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after ruling out infectious diseases, we need to take her in to have her bone marrow looked at. the procedure, at the low end, will cost around 1,200, and up to 1,600, depending.
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i also have pdfs available for anyone skeptical of these claims or who want proof of treatment.
we're not sure if we'll be able to save her, but we would at least like to know what's happening so we can make an informed decision on how to proceed, instead of watching and waiting for the worst. anything over the price of her procedure will, of course, go towards related expenses, such as treatments or end-of-life care.
if you read all of that, thanks. again, please consider helping us out!!
ppal.me: @/daisyd0nations (0 is an o)
kof!: @/keeperesque
have an extra maggie pic :)
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butwhyduh · 2 years
At the Car Shop
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Dick Grayson x reader
Summary: okay but what if he was a car mechanic for a job?
Warning: smut
Finding a good apartment in Gotham was like finding a thousand dollars on the street. It just didn’t happen and the few times it did? Everyone wondered why they deserved it more than them. And after weeks of searching, you found practically the holy grail.
It was a one bedroom, one bath, on the second floor walk up with a parking spot in front of the building that was only a 10 minute drive to work. It was basically a dream.
That was until you came home from work a few days later to find a truck in your spot. Not just any truck but a shiny old truck that was clearly heavily fixed up. Cherry red two door Chevy with tan leather interior. It put your poor car to shame. And even worse was that you had to park blocks down the street and walk home in Gotham after dark.
It happened again the next night. You huffed angrily as you put out your trash in the bins.
“What’s wrong, dear?” Asked your elderly neighbor you hadn’t seen as you walked down glaring at the truck. She was sweet and loved with her adult son and tiny dog and had been a pretty quiet neighbor so far.
“Someone has been parking in my spot and I don’t even know who it is,” you said, pointing to the truck that was back again.
“Oh that’s Dickie’s,” she said. “Dick Grayson. He owns the car shop down the street. That one,” she pointed to a rather plain car garage. It didn’t have any advertisements and you hadn’t noticed it yet. “He probably doesn’t even know that someone is living here and using the spot. Just let him know. He’s a nice guy.”
“Sure,” she replied before going in. You wiped your hands on your shorts and walked toward the shop. It might have a plain outside but you could hear music playing loudly. Classic rock from the sound of it. You knocked loudly. Could anyone hear over all that music?
After a few minutes and a few knocks, you determined that no one could hear anything but music. From the window you could see shop service prices so it was clearly a business. If it was locked, oh well, but if it wasn’t, you could just go in. Right?
You pushed open the door to the customer waiting area side of the shop. “Hello?” You called. You followed the music to a shop with at least 4 or 5 cars in various states of work. “Hello?” You called again.
You heard a bang followed by a “goddamn!” A man slid on a cart from under a car while rubbing his head and the music turned down. “Shop’s closed. How did you get in here?” He asked.
“Oh the door was open and I just walked in. Sorry. I’m not here for service,” you said and you couldn’t help but notice how absolutely hot he was in a dirty white tank top and jeans. He wiped greasy hands on a rag before walking over.
“Okay, why are you here?” He asked with a semi confused and amused look on his face. He had the dreamiest blue eyes framed by black hair falling in his face. He wasn’t just hot. He was pretty.
“Uhh, so well,” you said, stumbling on your words. You didn’t think about the fact it was a confrontation basically. “Do you own a red kinda old truck? Because Myrtle, my neighbor says you do but if you don’t then nevermind.”
“I do. Why? It’s not for sale.”
“No. It’s uh, parked in my spot that I pay for and I can’t park my car there and I was wondering if you could move- actually you need to move your truck. Because I’ve been parking blocks away and Gotham is sketchy at night,” you rambled. He rubbed the back of his neck with a guilty look.
“Ah, I’ve been stealing your spot. Sorry about that. I didn’t know there was a new tenant in the building. I’d say welcome neighbor but you probably don’t have the best thoughts about me stealing your spot,” he said. “My kid brother leaves his car in mine so I’ve been parking in yours. I’ll move it. Sorry again.”
“That’s okay. You live in the building too?” You asked.
“Uh, yeah, 4th floor,” he replied. “407. Can I make up for stealing your spot with a cup of coffee or something sometime?”
“Uhh,” your brain froze. Was the hottest guy you’ve ever seen asking you out?? “Yeah, that'd be good.”
Dick grinned and nodded. “Tomorrow breakfast?”
“I have to be at work at 9,” you warned.
“I can get up early,” he replied, causing you to huff out a laugh. “What do you like?”
The next morning you were pleasantly surprised to him bringing your favorite breakfast over at the time you talked about. You sat on the couch, eating, and talking about nothing in particular until you had to leave. You walked him to your door with keys in hand.
“See you around sometime?” He asked while standing in the doorway with a hand on the frame practically hanging over you.
“Yeah I’d like that,” you said, standing far too close. He grinned and bent towards you. You closed your eyes only to be surprised by a cheek kiss.
“See you around,” he said with a wink before leaving.
Over the next few weeks you saw Dick Grayson multiple times for lunch or coffee or to see a movie. It felt like proper dating rather than the confusing label-less dancing most guys would try.
You met him at his shop after hours. He was always at his shop working with rock music playing in the background. It was his passion. The smell of car oil and leather were starting to remind you of Dick’s usual smell. He was currently standing in the engine block of an old sports car with the engine hanging up across the room. He looked up with a grin as you walked in.
“Hey,” he said.
“Hey,” you replied while walking to him. You leaned across and kissed him chastely on the lips. He pouted.
“That’s all I get?”
“Don’t be greedy,” you teased but already leaned towards him again. His lips met yours and it wasn’t long before his tongue licked across your bottom lip and into your mouth. Dick planted a hand on the car to better reach over to you and his other hand cupped your jaw when he sensed you might pull back. You giggled in his mouth at this and let Dick kiss you thoroughly.
You kissed like this for a minute before finally pulling back. Dick kissed you again and clambered out of the engine block causing the kiss to be very messy. He pulled you tight to his body with a hand around your waist and the other leading up your back.
“I love sundresses,” he muttered between kisses. “You look super hot in them,” he added before kissing down your throat. Your fingers threaded in his thick hair as you pushed your head back to give him more room.
You gasped when his hand started pulling the dress up as his leg slotted between yours. He moved his head up questioningly and you pushed him back against your skin where he nipped and sucked even more aggressively. He finally got under your dress and grabbed at your ass. His fingers pulled your panties down and you slipped them off your legs while pulling at the belt on his jeans.
You unzipped his pants and pushed them down off his hips as he reached his hand so low on your ass that he was actually rubbing your folds. He nibbled on your collarbone, pulling soft moans from you. Dick could barely reach it from his angle but he managed to dip a few fingers in your core while you jerked him off. His cock was just as pretty as he was.
“Condom?” You asked breathlessly. He nodded and reached in a drawer to grab some. “In the shop?”
“Always wanted to and never could before but I wanted to be ready just in case,” he admitted. “Can I bend you over a car?” He asked.
“Fuck yeah,” you replied and he turned you over the hood and pushed the skirt of your dress over your hips. Dick pulled his shirt off. His hands kneaded the skin of your ass before he bent down to his knees. Before you could turn around to question him, he pushed your legs open and licked at your pussy.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped as he ate you out while you were bent over the car. It wasn’t long before you were grateful for his continuous music playing to hide any sounds you made that night. He pushed one leg up the car while sucking on your clit. If he wouldn’t have held you up, you would have fallen with the way your legs fell out as you came on his tongue. “Oh Dick!”
He wasted no time at all, kissing up your ass as he stood before putting the condom on. “You ready,” he asked with his cock pressed against your folds.
“Yeah,” you breathed and he pushed in. It felt so good when he started thrusting. His fingers made quick work of the top of your dress and soon the fabric only hung around your waist. His fingers pinched and kneaded at your breasts. “Don’t stop,” you whined. His fingers found your clit and rubbed circles. He nodded roughly and you could feel his cock twitching in need to cum too.
It didn’t take long for you to clench around him as you came. Dick joined you immediately. His fingers clenched around your breast while pulling you close to his chest. His hips thrusted messily as he came deep.
He kissed the back of your neck as he came down from his high, muttering sweet nothings in your ear. His fingers caressed your skin. “You’re so beautiful. So good. You feel amazing.” He pulled out to throw away the condom.
You awkwardly pulled the dress back over your shoulders and down to cover yourself as he slipped his jeans back up. You weren’t sure where this was going. Was this just sex? Were you staying the night?
“Come upstairs?” Dick asked. “There’s a little bedroom that I only use when I work too late and need to crash.”
“Yeah,” you replied and let him lead you up to the tiny bedroom. Dick tossed you a shirt and you changed into that before climbing in bed with him. He spooned behind you with his arm around your waist. He rubbed meaningless circles on your hip until you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up to sun streaming in the window and the bed empty. You sat up and moved to find your clothes only to realize 2 things. Your thighs were very sore and you left your panties downstairs. There was a soft knock on the door and it opened. Dick carried in a bag of breakfast and 2 coffees from the shop down the street.
“Morning cutie,” he said, handing you a coffee. You smiled at him.
“Hey handsome.”
“I brought breakfast. Did you have fun last night,” he asked. You took a sip and pretended to contemplate the answer.
“Hmm can’t really remember. Care to show me again?” You teased. Dick grabbed your coffee and set both his and yours on the table.
“I can definitely try to jog your memory,” he said while pulling you down to the mattress. You laughed into a squeal as he licked up your throat.
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alt0writings · 6 months
Only for you~
Lucifer x reader
fandom: supernatural
Note: in my stories "luce" is pronounced like "loose" just so you know :)
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When I mentioned looking at his wings he tensed up his mind was running over all the situations. The only conclusion he could think of is I would leave him.
So he denied it, "don't you think we're kind of busy right now?" He says kind of harshly. I frowned "no your right we are busy" I laughed awkwardly.
Since lucifer wasn't showing his wings maybe I could ask michael for a description.
Michael wasn't keen on the idea of telling me, "come on michael tell me!" I begged. He still said no.
I sat down in a chair right next to sam and dean "hey boys, how's it going?"
They both looked stressed "not good we can't find this crucial piece of information." Sam groans and lays his head on his arms which were folded in front of him on the table.
I frown "can I help some how?" I looked over towards dean but he was shaking his head "nothing you can do kid" I sigh and nod.
Sam and dean had left to go hunt a werewolf that has been eating elderly people. I sat in a chair off to the side in the library so as not to disturb micheal and lucifer, it's the first time they had gotten along without wanting to rip each other's throats out.
I was reading my book, as I was nearing the end of a chapter I could hear whispers. I turned the page to act like I was reading when I was actually listening.
"Just show them!" Michael harshly whispered. I heard a growl and a forced bitter laugh "you know I can't do that." Everything was silent after that.
After a while dean and sam came back, "how did the hunt go?" They smiled and hugged me. "It went really well besides the fact we almost died" dean snorts. I shake my head and nod "I'm glad you both are back in one piece" they release me and back up, my face scrunches up "you smell like a wet dog. Go take a shower."
Once they agreed and started walking towards their rooms I took my leave and started walking towards my room.
I opened my door and almost jumped out of my skin, lucifer was sitting on my bed, and was sweating profusely He looked up and rolled his shoulders.
"I need your help" he stood up and pulled me into my room before shutting the door and putting an angel banishing sigil on it. "What are you doing?" I question, he sighs and gently places his hands on my shoulders. "You want to see my wings right?" He says while looking away he seemed.
I nod cautiously, he sighs and pulls his hands away before walking around me towards my bed. He pulls his shirt off, he had a surprisingly toned body he wasn't a bodybuilder and wasn't exactly fat. What was the word I am looking for? Oh right.
Dad Bod. He has a dad bod, he turns and walks towards me. From where he stood in front of me I could feel his breath fan against my face, a slight minty smell.
"Don't freak out." He quietly mumbled as he covered my eyes. A bright light flashed from behind his fingers, he pulled his hand away.
I gasp as I take in the beauty of his wings. There were 3 sets of 6, the biggest were the brightest.
pink mixing with blue while fading into black due to burn damage they looked to be torn. The set below that was a mix of pink and white with small black spots, it kind of looked like a sunrise it was also burnt but it also looked torn as well. His last set was the smallest yet was still bigger than your thigh. It looked to be the worst, half of it was gone but you could tell it was gold underneath all the dirt and grime.
"They need grooming, c-can you do that?" His request went on deaf ears, I was hypnotized by their beauty.
I blink repeatedly "what?" I shake my head slightly before looking up at his face. His cheeks had a pink hue to them, he groaned and released my shoulders "listen I need help cleaning them I don't wanna have to ask michael." He crosses his arms over his chest as if a defense.
I nod "of course I would be honored too luce. I can't believe you let me see your wings." I mumbled the last sentence, not trying to be rude or suggest I wouldn't be honored to do this again.
"Only for you~" he purred out as I ran my hands through his biggest set of wings.
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Note: hope you enjoyed this I liked writing it lol
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piedpiperart · 11 months
Phantom of Gotham 11
Chapter 10
After lunch, the four boys parted ways and Danny found himself in his room. He checked his Tucker Approved phone for the four hundredth time since arriving in Gotham to find a spam of messages. Situating himself on his bed he clicked the messages open to read. All of them were from Tucker, in what looked like an info dump of updates on Amity. 
Danny frowned, not really liking what he reads. According to Tucker, his parents really were working with the GIW and Jazz had scoped out that they had already started inventing some questionable things. One was a tracking device of sorts, which sent a shiver down Danny’s spine at the implications of that. They were fairly certain that Danny was still safe in Gotham for the time being, given they didn’t think the range of it would go as far as Gotham from Amity. 
Tucker reported that while everyone else in Amity was still going about business as normal, Valarie, Sam, Tuker, and Jazz had picked up slack on ghost hunting. There were not a lot of ghosts coming to Amity, especially now that Phantom was MIA, so there wasn’t a lot of work to be done. Mostly, it took more effort to keep the Fentons distracted. 
On a sidenote, Sam had a run in with Vlad because of her millionaire parents, and concluded that the old man had something planned. None of them could figure out what, but they seemed to be more worried about the GIW and the Fentons to think about Vlad’s friutloopy plans. Either way, Sam and Valarie were keeping an eye out. Speaking of Valarie, apparently she joined the team because she was worried about Danny going missing. Tucker and Sam had given her the barest amount of information and in turn got her to help them wrangle the ghosts in Phantom’s absence. He was quick to reassure Danny that Val didn’t know about him being a halfa, but Danny trusted Tucker with his life. Even if Tucker had told her, he knew it would have been for a good reason. 
Sighing, he typed out an acknowledgement and signed off, hoping they were doing okay without him. His core pulsed anxiously at his feelings for his friends and sister. It felt wrong to have them deal with all of this without him. Danny couldn’t help but feel responsible for dragging them into this mess. But, he couldn’t help the overwhelming feelings of pride and affection that his friends were so capable at handling this. That they cared about him. 
Danny laid on his bed for a while before getting bored. He couldn’t fall asleep, so he figured he might as well find someone to bother. His core thrived on being around people, and protecting them. Out of everyone in the manor, Danny figured someone might have some free time, or needed some cheering up from being stuck inside all day. Though, looking out the window he could tell the blizzard had died down. All that was left were the heaps of snow and icy trails. It looked pretty, the thought absently. Maybe he could help Alfred with something. The elderly man was probably not enjoying the cold. 
Fighting the urge to smother the old man in blankets, he turned the corner and almost bumped into the manor’s smallest resident. “Oh- Damian, hey, want to play in the snow?” Danny asked,”Looks like the blizzard stopped.”
Damian wrinkled his nose, glancing out the window. “I do not require a babysitter, Folson. Playing in the snow is for children.”
“I dunno, we could have a snowball fight?” Danny offered. “You could bring your dog. Tim said you had a dog, right? Dogs love snow. Probably.”
“Fine,”Damian sighed. “Titus has been upset at being cooped up in the manor, and I am under the impression that you will freeze out there without proper supervision.”
“Awesome!” Danny exclaimed, bouncing on his toes.”Lets go, I wanna meet Titus.”
“You won’t be going out in that,”Damian scowled at Danny’s t-shirt and socks. “Follow me, you can use Drake’s winter gear.”
Danny and his core were too excited to play in the snow to complain about having to put on warmer clothes. Not that they’d really help against the cold, since he’d be fine no matter what, but if it made Damian feel better he’d do it. 
Damian sighed exasperatedly. After Danny cajoled him and Titus into going out into the snow-filled backyard of the manor, Danny and Titus had not stopped jumping and running through the snow. The smaller teen watched from his position as Danny raced Titus through the snow, only they had to trudge through what was probably a good foot and a half of snow so it wasn’t very fast. Damian scowled that Danny and Titus had gotten along so well. Usually Titus took a bit longer for strangers to warm up to.
Suddenly, the two miscreants raced towards Damian as he looked on with mild annoyance, until about ten feet in front of Damian Danny had dove into the snow in front of him. Pushing down amusement, Damian took a step forwards, realizing that Danny had in fact doven under the snow to confuse Titus. The greyhound was nosing around where Danny had disappeared, and Damian was about to call him over when a voice rang out behind him. 
“You gonna join us?” Damian hid a jolt of surprise that Danny had not only snuck up on him, but also apparently traveled ten feet under the snow to behind Damian without him noticing. He whirled around to face the other boy who had snow clinging to his clothes and hair despite Damian’s efforts to get him into Tim’s winter gear. His eyes wandered from Titus to Danny before he elected to ignore it. 
Danny’s eyes sparkled with mischief, and Damian gave him a look. “Join you in what?” Damian asked sarcastically,”You two have just been running around in the snow for the past ten minutes.”
Danny nodded,”True. I think I just missed my dog a lot. Titus reminds me of him, and we used to go running around the park a lot. But we can make a snowman if you want?”
Damian perked up at the mention of animals. “You have a dog? Who is taking care of him while you are here?”
“Ah, he’s not really my dog?” Danny said sheepishly, running a hand behind his neck. “He’s kind of a stray dog that likes to stick around sometimes. I play with him when I can but couldn’t keep him, you know?”
Damian nodded sagely. “I understand. It took me a while to convince Father to adopt TItus. What kind of dog?”
“I have no idea,” Danny smiled, reminiscing about his kind of big and small friend. He continued talking, but started packing the snow around him into a pile.”But his name is Cujo and he’s super sweet, but not very obedient. He looks kind of like a bulldog? I’m not really sure, but I think you’d like him.”
“I’m sure we’d get along,”Damian agreed. He definitely got along with animals more than people. Part of him was glad Danny had a dog, because that meant the teen understood a bit of where Damian was coming from. “Now can we go back inside now?”
“What? No way, we’ve only been out here for like five minutes,”Danny complained, flopping into the snow, despite the disapproving look on Damian’s face. “Besides, I just got started on my snow-batman.”
Damian scowled at the lump of snow in between them. “If you’re trying to make Batman, you’ll need more snow. He is taller than that.” 
“It would be faster if you helped me,”Danny pouted, reminding Damian of Grayson,”You know Batman better than I do.”
“Fine,”Damian relented, despite the cold irritating his exposed skin. He knelt down to pack the snow in better, and before he knew it, they were making a life-sized Batman snowman.
“He’s perfect,” Danny said smugly, hands on his hips. Looking over the snowman that towered over the two of them, Damian could admit he felt a bit of pride at how they managed to make a snowman that perfectly encapsulated the dark knight. 
“How are you not cold?” Damian scowled, looking to Danny’s uncovered fingers. He’d taken his gloves off to make the bat ears because they needed a ‘delicate touch’, and hadn’t put them back on. Even Titus had retreated back into the house for warmth. “Do you have some anti-cold meta-human ability?”
“Um,”Danny started, caught off guard. He shifted in the snow, debating food a moment while Damian stared at him with narrowed eyes. Damian wasn’t exactly trying to pry, but he wanted to know if his siblings’ theories were correct, or if Danny would be a threat. Granted, Damian thought it was difficult to view the boy as a threat after watching him fail at making snow-bat-man’s ears twenty eight times.  “Maybe.” 
“Maybe?” Damian raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. They kept eye contact before Danny slumped in defeat, looking a little bit wary. 
“Okay, I’m not really a meta, but I can like, create ice and snow and stuff,”Danny said, looking back up to the mansion as if someone were watching them. Damian however, knew along with the rest of his siblings that Danny had some type of meta abilities, but was preening internally at being the first one trusted with the secret. Danny lifted his hand, and Damian watched as a few snowflakes forms to circle the air before floating to the ground “So the cold doesn’t bother me, and I’ve never lost a snowball fight. But I can’t do anything big, and I didn’t cause the blizzard, so please don’t tell anyone?”
Damian wrinkled his nose. “I would not betray your secret. However, I doubt ice powers are your only abilities.”
Danny bit his lower lip, and Damian was about to say that he didn’t need to say what they were even if he was curious, when Danny smirked. “I may have cheated at arm wrestling.”
Caught off guard by his answer, Damian huffed out a laugh. He cleared his throat, continuing with,”Super strength then? What about speed or healing?”
“Nah, not speed but I think I heal a little bit faster than normal,”Danny said, starting on another snowman. Damian guessed it might be Robin, and deduced that it would be embarrassing to have only a Batman and Robin snow sculpture out in the lawn where everyone could see it.
“Despite your abilities, I highly doubt you’d be able to win at a snowball fight against me,”Damian redirected. He kicked at the newly formed pile of snow when Danny wasn’t looking just to ensure it’s doom. 
Danny’s eyes lit up, and his hesitant smile turned bright. “Oh, you’re on!” 
If Damian and Danny were smiling like idiots as they pelted eachother with snowballs and hid behind snow fortresses, then no one knew but them and the cameras Alfred would review later and then show to Bruce. Both adults would ignore how Danny seemed to create snow-sculptures in minutes. 
Hours later, Alfred came outside to fetch the two boys, only to come across an entire snow-army of replicas of the Bat family, as well as a few other heroes. On either side of the yard were two different versions of a castle, with little piles of snowballs on each side of the fortress. Alfred raised a brow at having spotted Damian first as he threw a snowball to hit the small snow Robin at a perfect angle to topple the entire thing. From the other snow-barricade castle, Alfred heard a noise of distress. 
“How could you Damian?!” Danny cried out at his fallen brethren. 
“He is an abomination and deserved death,”Damian called back, only for Danny to appear out of the barricade with a snowball in each hand. 
“I’ll avenge you Snobin!” Danny exclaimed, using his snowballs to hit what Alfred thought was a snow-Titus on Damian’s side. 
“Sn- don’t call it that!” Damian demanded,”How dare you kill snow-Titus?!”
“There’s like four Snitus’s over there! He sacrificed himself for the greater good,”Danny called. 
“You are not allowed to give my Snow-Titus names!” Damain yelled back, throwing more snowballs to topple Danny’s army. 
“Not Snow-wing too!”Danny cried, and Alfred decided to intervene before all the snow people met their end.
“Boys! Won’t you come inside to warm up before dinner?” Alfred called, mustache twitching in amusement as both boys halted what they were doing to stare at Alfred, only for a snowball to smack Danny in the face while he was distracted. 
“Coming!” Damian called, running gracefully up to the manor. Danny on the other hand, squawked in protest and stumbled after the younger teen. 
As they both passed the butler, he couldn’t help but hope Danny would become a permanent member of the family if he got along with Damian so quickly. 
Chapter 12
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girlneuter · 23 days
Tldr; i need help affording end of life care for one of my dogs. you can help by sharing this post and donating what you’re able to (more info below image). thank you <3
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(image description; a red dog with pointed ears is resting his head on the lap of his owner and looking in to the camera)
one of my dogs has been sick recently and when we took him to the vet we found out that it’s a lot worse than we realized. within the last month he’s accumulated fluid in his abdomen and chest from a mass in his liver. we tested his stool + urine, did blood work + x rays, and scheduled an ultrasound to see if there’s any chance of it being operable. they drained over 350ml of fluid from his abdomen and put him on a diuretic + pain meds to help keep him comfortable. we won’t know for certain until after he has an ultrasound but the prognosis isn’t very good either way. it’s very likely that he’ll continue to fill up with fluid until he goes in to organ failure from the masses and we were told he only has a few months left.
I’m trying to be strong for him and give him the best chance that we can but it will require some serious intervention and management. We’re adjusting his diet and adding some supplements along with his meds and praying that it buys him more time. Even if they are able to operate there’s still a good chance that it could grow back…
But I’m holding out hope for his recovery and asking for all of the help that i can get. We have a shih tzhu that’s older than him and we were able to get her heart condition stabilized so much that she went from being a candidate for euthanasia to having a normal sized heart (it was so enlarged when we got her that it was pushing her trachea out of place), no murmur, and is very well managed with meds. I’ve depended on Vin for so much and for so long that he will always be a part of my life.
I’m just asking for any help that we can get. We’re in the process of filing for bankruptcy so we don’t have any credit cards to fall back on. We’re supported by my husbands single income as I struggle to find a part time job that can accommodate my disability. We were able to get a discount on our last visit because we receive food assistance but it still came to just under $400 ($381 to be exact). It’s a good deal for the amount of services that we received but it’s money that we were setting aside for rent.
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(Image description; a cropped image of a bank statement that reads “At Humane Society Of, [redacted] On [Redacted] From Card number [Redacted]” and a charge for $381.15 labeled as Processed)
Our next visit is going to cost a little bit more than our last as the ultrasound is from a team that travels to the clinic. We were quoted around $412 for the next visit but it may be more if he needs fluid drained again… not counting prescription food, meds, or supplements, we’re already down over $800+ and that’s just for diagnostics and early stages of treatment.
It’s an embarrassing position to be in but the reality is that I’m struggling to keep up as it is. I really appreciate anyone who shares this post and/or donates to help us cover the costs of his medical expenses. I’ll make sure to update if I’m able to find a job, especially if I can get in at a clinic for discounted treatment (I have a history of vet assisting)
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(Image descriptions; the first is a red shiba inu sitting on a couch next to a cat. both are looking at the camera. the second image is the same red dog cuddling with an elderly gray dog on a bed)
Ways you can help;
1. Share this post !
i totally understand if you aren’t able to give any money and i don’t want you to feel obligated to. sharing does help even if you don’t have a lot of followers
2. you can donate money for Vin’s recovery in the following ways;
- Paypal @ ReyOfTheLight
- Venmo @ rey-fillback
- cashapp $reyfillback
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beansricejc · 1 year
part one (part 2!)
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authors note: this is my first drabble on tumblr, I do plan on making these into a small series! please lmk your thoughts if you’d like! thx 💕
summary: you are an up and coming courier for organized criminals. you bump into buzzed and confident John at a cocktail party while you’re in the middle of work, but you let him know you don’t have time for his games.
warnings: NSFW blurb, alcohol, cursing, motorcycles?
John wasn’t one for parties. Well, he pretended that he wasn’t one for parties. It’s part of the image, the gruff and tough hitman, best in the world. He had a reputation to uphold.
But he wouldn’t deny a good drink and some conversation every once in a while.
The bar and lounge area in the Continental was quite, well, bustling. Filled with assassins, crime lords, you name it. If they were someone in the criminal underworld in NYC, they were here tonight. John could feel the tension between gangs in the air, the rules of the hotel hung above everyone’s head.
No business conducted on hotel grounds.
Of course, no one dared to break that rule.
Here was John, in a congregation of hitmen that he has known over the past several decades. Chatting it up with booze in hand, and on their breath. Some would call them OGs. In the game long enough for people in the industry to know not to fuck with them. Especially John. These old dogs didn’t need new tricks, in fact, all of them had body counts that combined, would make the High Table shudder.
But of course, what comes up, eventually must come down. They were aging men. As early as their late 30s, and as late as their mid 50s. There was fresh meat lurking on the sidelines, waiting for their chance to be in the spotlight.
And that’s were she comes in.
New to the game. Well, fairly new. She wasn’t an expert, however, she was very good at what she did. Was she a killer for hire? Not exactly. Y/N had created an industry no one in the underworld knew was needed. In fact, it was very convenient.
An anonymous courier business.
You need to send over files but the Feds are on your ass and probably have acess to your fax machine? Call Y/N. She’ll be at your door in 20 minutes to drive across the city to deliver it for you. You forget it’s your wife’s birthday because you were too busy pile driving your side piece to remember? Y/N will pick up something for her at Target and get it to your door in an hour.
You get the idea.
Have a hard drive of the password to a Bitcoin account that’s worth 5 million dollars? Y/N will bring it to whoever needs it in the city, on her modified motorcycle, gun on hip and helmet on head, safe and sound. She had a perfect track record of delivering things for crime syndicates around New York City for the past year and a half.
Enemies? Not for Y/N. Every criminal group used her services. So much in fact, she had even hired a small team. She was growing. Slowly. But growing.
It wouldn’t take long for John to notice Y/N. In fact, he would take notice in a few moments, right after he took a large sip of his bourbon that he just had to have tonight. John was chuckling amongst colleagues, as he noticed Y/N walk into the lounge, seemingly with work on her mind. Her helmet was still on her head, and she wore a form fitting protective biker suit that matched everything she wore.
John frowned in confusion. He’s never seen anyone wear full motorcycle gear into the hotel before, much less one that was sort of crashing a party.
Y/N walked quickly, right up to the man himself, Winston. She wasted no time, unzipping her well organized backpack and handing Winston a protected manilla envelope, with god knows what inside. The elderly man smiled kindly at the helmeted woman, quickly signing some sort of touch screen device with his finger, before she efficiently put her bag back on over her shoulder, and began to walk away.
John raised his eyebrows at the sight. Who was that? He couldn’t help but form a soft but playful grin as his eyes danced around her figure that was covered by that riding suit.
“Any of you recognize that one?” John blurted during a discussion his friends were having. The men turned their heads towards Y/N, all chuckling softly.
“Yeah, Y/N. She works this delivery service for people like us in the city. Super under the table type stuff. You seriously haven’t heard of her?” Marcus asked, as John shook his head.
“No. I’m not familiar.” John huffed out. John was a curious man, and he just had to know more. So, enticed by this mystery woman, he wriggled through the thick crowd of guests to catch up to her. Before she could make it any closer to the door, John gave her a light tap on the shoulder. The woman jumped a bit, before turning around.
There he was. The man. The myth. The legend. John fucking Wick. Y/N almost froze in fear at the mere sight of the man who towered over her. She had to swallow the lump that formed in her throat.
John stared down at her, trying his best to look through the blacked out facial shield on her biker helmet. He was just itching to know what she looked like. Guess he’d do it himself. He was a man of little words after all. What was she going to do, fight him?
John took his large hands and placed them on her helmet, applying pressure and lifting it up and off of her head.
“H-hey! What the hell?” Y/N stuttered out, as John took a moment to study her delicate features.
Wow, she’s fairly easy on the eyes. John thought to himself as his eyes trailed all over her face. With nice cheekbones and gorgeous eyes, anyone who had sight could tell that this was a woman you could never forget. An impish smile curled onto the man’s lips, his very well maintained black beard framing his mouth to perfection. Y/N unintentionally took in his scent of patchouli and tobacco. Of course she could also smell the whiskey on his breath but that went without saying.
“Well, aren’t you just a pretty thing?” John hummed out softly at the young woman, as she grabbed her helmet and plucked it with force from his grip. It was clear that this infamous hitman had a few bourbons to drink already tonight, and he didn’t mind finding a pretty woman to take up to a hotel room after a few more.
Y/N grumbled as John bit his tongue to force himself not to say anything else in this moment.
I’ve only heard stories about this guy, scary ass stories. What a pain in my ass. Better deal with him so I don’t make an enemy.
John was maybe a decade or two older than her. Jesus christ. Y/N had daddy issues but this would be a whole other level if she decided to even pursue something like John.
“Sorry. I gotta go, still working.” Y/N spoke to him as professionally as possible. John displayed a perky smile on his face, his eyes racing with attraction.
Just look at her. I’d be crazy if I didn’t shoot my shot.
“You can’t do just one drink with me? I’m sure your client would understand if they knew who you were with.” John offered, gesturing towards the hotel lounge full of people.
Y/N laughed nervously, her heart racing at the mere sight of this man. The way this older man with obvious charisma was certainly getting to her.
And here John was, thinking about how pretty Y/N’s lips would look wrapped around his hard cock. Her head bobbing as he used his large strong hands to grab a fistful of hair, making her take him deeper into her throat each time. Maybe she’d gag and plead with him to be gentle. Maybe she’d be a total pro at it. Maybe a mix of both. With tears in her eyes as she whimpers in pain, while her legs trembled for John to make his way over to spread them apart for the real fun.
“I’m really sorry, I just have a few jobs-”
John’s long pointer finger swooped under her soft chin, lifting her face to meet his gaze. Y/N had no idea what to do, there has never been a man this forward towards her in her life. Just the thought of John’s touch alone made hundreds of women wet with excitement. Y/N knew she shouldn’t be one of them, it wasn’t smart mixing work and love.
As they say, don’t shit where you eat.
John could sense tension striking the area where they stood. Right now, there was nobody else in the room besides for this woman. He took her as a challenge, new blood. Young, pretty, and probably naive, right? Someone he could have a bit of fun with upstairs after he bought her a few drinks.
If John were sober right now, he would have probably said ‘goodbye’ in a polite and formal way, smiling as she left the building. John with some liquor in him though, was a completely different man. The rumors people spoke in the criminal underworld were true, this man though and though, was a total playboy.
So of course, when a new and unfamiliar pretty face in town crossed his path, he just had to have her. At least for the night. He was especially curious about what she had underneath that form fitting riding suit, not that it left too much up to the imagination.
Y/N cleared her throat.
“Right, uh, I’m gonna, uh, go.” Y/N mumbled, pulling away from John’s electrifying touch, taking a subtle deep breath. John blinked his brown eyes of his a few times, almost lost in his train of thought in the few moments that he had her in his gentle but firm grasp.
Before he knew it, she was hurrying out of the hotel doors. Y/N didn’t think twice to get out of that awkward/terrifying/intimate situation. So many emotions were flowing through her at once, her heart beating at about a mile a minute. It didn’t take long for her to climb onto her motorcycle, start it up, and peel off down the busy street, away from that god forsaken hotel.
And then there was John. Shocked, stunned even. A woman who didn’t immediately jump at the chance to have drinks with him? Unbelievable.
He could hear his group of fellow middle aged hitmen snicker at his failed attempt at picking up the woman, and all he could do was clench his jaw, and walk back to the bar.
They’d meet again. Of course. It would take some time, John was a patient man, and Y/N was a working woman. Their paths would eventually cross again, especially in the industry they were involved in.
And maybe, just maybe, John could have his chance with Y/N, and actually convince her to have that drink with him.
Even if it was just for some fun.
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harley-sunday · 1 year
Feels Like Home [02]
Summary: When an unexpected three-week break between Monza and Singapore finds Daniel back on his farm in Perth he’s desperate to use this time to clear his mind, figure out his future in Formula One, and find his way back. He didn’t expect a new neighbour, a sassy two-year old, and three alpacas would make him realise that sometimes, what you’re looking for is right in front of you.
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x reader (unnamed OFC)
Warnings: Language
Word count: 4.3k
AN: So... The idea was to post a new chapter every week but fuck it. It’s race week, bb’s and all the Daniel content is making me feels all sorts of things so here we are. Hope you like it ♥
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It’s after his meeting with Blake and Michael, where they decided to decline the offers Alpine and Haas have made and Blake said he'd try to see if they can schedule another meeting with Red Bull in Singapore, that Daniel finds himself wandering around the house a little restless. He’s supposed to look at race data, promised his engineer he would before their online meeting tonight, the time difference between here and the UK meaning the meetings are always either shit early in the morning or late at night, but he doesn’t think he’ll be able to concentrate enough to take notes. Plus, he’s finished outside of the points the last four races so is there really anything else to say except that they need to improve and up their game?
He decides he’ll look at the data later and instead grabs his car keys from the kitchen island, hoping that maybe a visit to Oscar will help clear his mind. There’s something about the way his elderly neighbour always seems to know exactly what to say, always ready with some solid advice or helping him to put things into perspective, that he’s come to appreciate greatly over the years. 
The drive over doesn’t take more than fifteen minutes and when he parks his truck in front of the house he catches himself looking around, looking for her. She doesn’t seem to be outside and so he makes his way to the front porch instead, where Oscar’s dog Homer greets him with an enthusiastic bark. Daniel pets his head carefully, because even though Oscar has told him time and time again Homer is all bark and no bite he’s still cautious around him. When the dog settles down again, Daniel knocks on the door, three short knocks like he always does, before he opens the door and lets himself in, “Oscar?”
“Hi Danny,” Oscar greets him from somewhere inside the house. “I’m in the living room.” 
“Of course you are,” Daniel teases, toeing his sneakers off before he walks to where he can hear an old rerun of ‘The Price is Right’ playing in the background. Oscar’s sitting in his favourite chair, his right wrist sporting a cast and a nasty looking cut above his eyebrow and to hide his shock at the sight of the old man Daniel plasters a smile on his face and greets him with an enthusiastic, “Jeepers! What have you gotten yourself into, mate?”
“Took a bit of a tumble,” Oscar shoots back with a grin, holding up his wrist. “Doctor said it was one of the finer looking breaks he’s seen in his career.”
“I bet he did,” Daniel says as he sits down on the couch, leaning back and crossing his legs at the ankles. “How you holding up?”
“Good, yeah. I mean, the doctor said I have to wait until the cast comes off before I can start physical therapy and even then it can take a few months before I have full use of my hand again. And don't get me started on the hip replacement-”
Daniel chuckles, knowing exactly what it is Oscar is getting at, “Going batshit crazy already, huh?”
“Like you have no idea,” his neighbour agrees with a grin. “I mean, it’s great to have the girls here, you know, to help out and keep the farm going but if I have to watch Larry Emdur-” Oscar nods towards the TV, “-stumble over his words every day for the next six weeks, I might throw myself off a cliff.”
“There must be something else you can watch?”
“It’s this or Neighbours, Danny, and you know how I feel about Karl Kennedy.” Oscar lets out a dramatic sigh, “Nah, I’ll just have to take it, mate. It’s what you get when you’re an old cunt like me.” 
“Oi,” Daniel sits up and throws Oscar a warning look, “you’re not that old.”
“I’m seventy-eight,” Oscar counters with a grin, “and I ain’t getting any younger. I just hope it won’t be too hard for-”
A cry from upstairs interrupts him and Oscar immediately reaches for his phone, smiling at Daniel apologetically. When the person on the other end picks up his message is short, “I think Ellie’s awake, sweetheart.” He stays silent for a second before he nods, “Yep. Ok. Will do.” When he ends the call he shrugs, “Doctor says I can’t walk up the stairs for a while yet, so-”
“No, yeah, sure,” Daniel says, even though he has no idea what’s going on right now. 
You’re in the chicken coop when Granddad calls and so it doesn’t take long to get back to the house, where you kick your boots off at the back door and hurry past the kitchen and living room to the stairs, realising too late that he must have a visitor because you can hear him talking to someone. You’ll see who it is later, you figure, your priorities elsewhere for the moment.
When you walk into what is now your bedroom but used to be your grandmother's painting room you are met with two bright eyes looking up at you from over the edge of the cot you’ve set up in the corner and you can’t help but smile at the way your daughter's hair is sticking up in every direction, “Hey bub.” 
She drops her stuffed Koala and stretches her arms up at you. When you lift her up from her bed she lets out a content sigh, “Momma.”
Carrying her to the changing table on one arm you pat her hair down with your free hand, “Looks like you had a good nap, huh bub?”
Ellie nods and claps her hands together when you lay her down so you can change her nappy, whispering a quiet, “Pop-Pop.”
“Yeah, we’ll go see Pop-Pop in a second, sweetheart,” you tell her as your fingers make quick work of her diaper. “Let’s get you dressed first though.” 
With a clean diaper, her favourite pink sweater and a pair of dungarees that your Granddad gifted Ellie for her second birthday, together with her very own pair of Blundstones, you carry Ellie downstairs and to the living room where- “Daniel. Hi.”
Something passes over his face for just a second or so before he flashes you a big smile, “Hi. It’s good to see you again.”
You want to tell him likewise, really you do, but you think you know the look he so carefully tried to hide because it’s the look every man gives you when they find out you have a daughter, and so you’re cautiously polite, “Nice of you to come visit Granddad.”
"I always keep good on my promises," Daniel says, a sincerity to his voice that makes you relax a little. He nods to Ellie, who's eyeing him suspiciously, no doubt having picked up on your mood, "And who's this lovely lady?"
"This is my great granddaughter, Elisabeth," your granddad offers with a kind smile. "We call her Ellie."
Daniel waits until you've put Ellie in your granddad's lap, whispering a quiet, "Gentle," when you let go of her to remind her Pop-Pop is still injured, before he holds out his hand to your daughter, "Hi Ellie, I'm Daniel."
Ellie studies his face, her little eyebrows knitted together as she tries to decide whether or not she likes him, before she pats his wrist, "Danny."
Daniel lets out a quiet laugh and if you didn't know any better you'd think he sounds relieved to get her approval and maybe, just maybe, you've been too rash in your judgement of him. He scoots forward then and tugs on the pant leg of Ellie's dungarees, "I like your pants, Miss Ellie. Very stylish."
You see Ellie spot the rose tattoo on his hand, her eyes widening in awe as she reaches out and traces her finger over the lines, whispering a quiet, "Flower."
"That's right," Daniel agrees with a nod and a proud grin. "It's a rose." 
"Rose," Ellie repeats back to him, looking extremely pleased with herself and you can't help but smile. 
"I'm going to make Ellie her bottle," you say then, knowing your girl will get grumpy real quick if you don't get on with it. "Granddad, a cup of tea for you?" Your granddad nods and so you look at Daniel, "Daniel? Tea? Coffee?" Then, with a cheeky smile, "A beer?"
He laughs and shakes his head, "Coffee's fine, thank you."
"Coming right up," you tell them as you turn around and head to the kitchen. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the kitchen window as you're filling up the kettle and curse quietly when you see how bewildered you look and is that a leaf stuck in your hair? Great. It takes a few tries but then you finally get it out, letting your fingers run through your hair then in a futile attempt to make yourself look somewhat presentable.
Once the kettle is on and the coffee maker is running, you warm up some milk for Ellie and rummage around the fridge to see if there's any Lamingtons left over from the batch you made earlier this week. You come up empty on your first try and so you open the door of the fridge even wider and stick your head in, sure that the container must be in there somewhere.
A chuckle and a, "Are you trying to get to Narnia, or-" scare the shit out of you and you hit your head on the top shelf as you try to stand up, cursing quietly as you pull out, "Ow. Fuck."
"Oh shit," Daniel holds out his hands to you, eyes wide, "are you ok?"
You pull a face as you rub the top of your head, a little taken aback by how worried and guilty he looks, "I'm fine. I just didn't hear you come in."
"Yeah, shit, sorry," he says and runs a hand through his hair, letting it rest at the base of his neck. "I just wanted to see if you needed any help?"
"Unlike everything else around here, I think I've got this." You're not sure why you said that, don't even realise you did until you see his eyebrows knit together, but it's too late to take it back and so you give him an apologetic smile, "Sorry. That came out- I didn't-" You wave your hand around, hoping he won't push anything, "It's fine."
He doesn't say anything but instead pulls out a kitchen chair and points at it, waiting until you've sat down before he gives you a kind smile, "You just sit there, I got this."
You watch him as he walks around the kitchen with confidence, pulling three mugs from the cabinet and finding everything else he needs with ease and it's then you realise he must have been coming over more than you thought. The microwave beeps then but he seems unsure what to do with the now warm milk and looks at you with his eyebrows raised, and so you point towards the cabinet over the sink, "The bottles are in there. Once you've filled the bottle,you should test-"
"Test it on the inside of my wrist to see if it's not too warm." Daniel laughs at the surprised look you must give him and explains, "My sister has two kids."
"Gotcha," you reply with a smile. "Must be fun to have an uncle who's a world famous racecar driver."
“I hope so,” Daniel says with a sad smile. “I’m gone most of the year so I’ve missed quite a lot already but they seem to enjoy coming to the races every now and then-”
“We do what we can,” you offer with a shrug. “Right?���
He nods but then throws you a look that you’re not sure how to read, “We sure do.” 
After about an hour or so Oscar lets out a loud yawn and Daniel takes it as his cue to leave, knowing his neighbour doesn’t let anything or anyone come between him and his afternoon naps. Daniel says goodbye to Ellie by teaching her how to fistbump and then tells Oscar he’ll come around again tomorrow, just for a chat and to save him from having to watch ‘The Price is Right’ all afternoon. When he turns towards her he finds her smiling at him with a kind smile and so he returns it, “See you tomorrow, neighbour.” 
She nods in reply and then tells Ellie they’re going outside for a bit so Granddad can take his nap and they can finish feeding the chickens and clean out the shed.
He’s not sure why he hasn’t noticed it before, maybe it’s the way the light falls on her face, but she looks absolutely exhausted. He doesn’t want to hoover, doesn’t want to make her feel bad about noticing it and so he doesn’t say anything but by the time he gets into his car he thinks he knows a way he might be able to help.
The first person he calls is Michael, “Hi mate.” 
“Mikey, hey,” Daniel greets his best friend as he drives onto the main road. “Listen, you know my neighbour Oscar, right?” He waits until Michael hums in reply before he continues, “Well, he fell down a couple of days ago, broke his hip and wrist, and so he needs some help. I figured maybe you could hook him up with some prepped meals? Make sure at least he’s eating right, you know?”
“Of course,” Michael agrees easily enough. “Anything he doesn’t like?”
“I don’t think so but- Could you have them make two-person portions?” Daniel isn’t sure why he says what he says next, isn’t sure why he doesn’t just tell Michael about her. Maybe it’s because he wants to keep her to himself a little longer even though she definitely isn't his to keep. Still, he adds, “Oscar’s a big eater.” 
Michael chuckles, “Will do, mate. Do you want me to ask if they can deliver it to-”
“Nah, I can pick it up. Just let me know when it’s ready, ok?”
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Daniel means it when he says, “Thanks, mate.”
“No worries.”
The next call he makes is to Blake, who sounds a little rushed when he answers on the third ring, “Dan, can I call you back in like five minutes? I’m in the checkout at Woolies.”
“Yep, no worries.” 
He gets the call right as he turns onto his driveway and as always, Blake cuts right to the chase, “Alright, what’s going on, mate? What do you need?”
Daniel laughs, “Can’t I just call you to hear how my best mate’s doing?”
Blake doesn’t say anything and Daniel’s sure he can feel Blake’s eye roll from all the way on the other end of the line.
“Ok, fine,” Daniel says with a grin. “Is there any way we can clear my schedule from like six to nine until we leave for Singapore?”
“I don’t think-” Blake starts but then seems to change his mind. “Why?”
“I-” Daniel hesitates, not sure why he just doesn’t tell Blake about her. In the end he tells him what he told Michael, “You know Oscar from next door?”
“Well, he fell down a few days ago, broke his hip and his wrist, so- He needs some help around the house, so I got Michael organising some prepped meals for him and I figured I might as well be there to help out a bit, you know?”
It stays quiet for a second too long and Daniel knows Blake doesn’t quite believe him and is about ready to tell him the entire story but then he hears Blake sigh and can just imagine the way he pushes his glasses up and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Fine. Just for the record, I know you’re not telling me everything here, Dan but- I trust you. So please, don’t fuck it up. I don’t want to have to explain to Zak why you’ve broken a leg dirt biking or something.” 
“I won’t.” 
“Ok. Give me an hour and I’ll send you your new schedule, ok?” Blake clears his throat, “We’re still keeping the morning sessions with Michael, right?”
His morning workouts run from nine until twelve so as far as Daniel’s concerned that’s fine as is, “Yep.”
“Alright, I’ll come up with something to tell the team and I’ll let you know, ok?”
“Thanks, mate.” Then, because it’s true, “I owe you one.” 
Blake chuckles, “Add it to the list, mate.” 
Ever since you got here there’s been a certain monotony to your days, where you do chores around the house in the morning, so you can keep an eye on Ellie at the same time, and then move outside after lunch, once you’ve put Ellie down for her nap. Granddad calls you whenever she wakes up, which usually is right in time for afternoon tea, and you’ve come to take her outside with you so she can play for a bit and you can do some smaller chores. After you’ve made dinner Ellie goes to bed, which frees you up to go check on the Alpacas before you’re back in the house for the dishes and whatever else needs to be done. 
Saturdays are no exception and so here you are, ready to head outside with Ellie.
“Out,” Ellie says, clapping her hands in excitement. “Out, out, out.” 
“Yep, let me just-” you say as you try to wriggle her foot into her rainboot, “-get these on, bub. And then we’re ready to go.” Once both feet are in you hold out your hand for her to take and lead her outside, Homer following you without question. The dog’s been retired from his working duties when your granddad sold the fifty or so cows he still had a few years ago, but he still accompanies whoever’s working on the farm whenever he feels like it. 
A quick glance at the sky tells you there’s rain clouds building in the distance but you hope it will stay dry until after dinner, or at least until you’ve finished your work in the vegetable garden.
You give Ellie her own tiny spade and tell her to have at it while you set out to dig some holes for the potato plants you’ve picked up at the agrishop earlier this week. 
You’re almost finished when you hear a car pulling up to the house and when you look up from where you were hunched over, trying to keep Ellie from eating yet another handful of dirt, stretching your back as you stand up straight, you’re a little surprised to see it’s Daniel. When he told you yesterday he’d come by again today you didn’t actually expect him to do so but-
“Danny!” Ellie exclaims when she spots him, pushing herself up from the ground and wobbling over to the fence.
You see Daniel’s smile grow wider when he sees her and he quickly makes his way over, holding out his fist to her once he reaches the fence, laughing then when she bumps hers against his. “Hello Miss Ellie. How are you today?”
“Tatoes!” Ellie says, pointing at the ground with a proud smile.
“We’ve planted potatoes,” you explain, using the back of your wrist to wipe the hair from your face, your hands still covered in dirt. “Well, I did,” you add and laugh when you nod at Ellie, “this little troublemaker was more interested in eating dirt.”
Daniel chuckles and winks at Ellie, “Ain’t nothing wrong with that.” 
Ellie holds out her arms to him then and Daniel looks at you, only picking her up after you’ve nodded to let him know it’s ok.
“Granddad should be done with his nap,” you tell Daniel as you pick up the spade again. “So if you want to head inside-”
“Oh no, that’s ok,” Daniel says and opens the gate that leads into the garden, Ellie resting on his hip. “We can hang out here for a while, huh? Wait until momma’s finished?” 
Ellie pats his cheek with one of her dirty hands, leaving a trace of mud just above his beard, whispering a quiet, “Danny.” 
“Aw,” Daniel coos, a warm smile spreading across his face. He looks at you then, “So I uh- I wanted to run something by you.”
“Ok,” you draw out, not sure what he’s getting at.
“I’ve known Oscar for a long time, right? And well, he’s always helped me out whenever I needed help over at the farm so I wanted to return the favour.” He waits until you’ve stand up before he continues, “I talked to Michael, he’s my personal trainer and he does all my meal prep and-” he waves his free hand around, “Anyway, he knows someone in Perth who can help out with that and I went there today and picked up some prepped meals for you guys. They’ll last you until next Sunday and I can still pick up the next batch because I don’t leave for Singapore until next Tuesday a week from now anyway, but this way you won’t have to worry about dinner so much. You just pop them in the microwave and you have a healthy, balanced meal for you and old Oscar.” 
Your first instinct is to tell him that it’s fine, that it isn’t really necessary, but honestly, not having to worry about dinner would save you so much time and so you tell him, “Thank you.”
“And-” he puts Ellie down then and runs a hand through his hair, almost as if he’s a bit unsure of himself, “-I’ve cleared my schedule in the evenings so if you want I could help you out for a bit after dinner. I know you have the alpacas to take care of and-”
You’re at a loss for words for a moment, a warm feeling spreading somewhere deep inside of you at the kindness he’s showing. If you’re honest, really honest, it’s all been a bit much and while you didn’t necessarily want to ask anyone for help, not even sure who you could ask, Daniel offering to help out for a few hours every day would make all the difference. 
He must take your silence for something else because he quickly adds, “I’ll do whatever you want me to do, if it’s the dishes, or just sitting with Oscar for a bit, or-”
“Daniel,” you say, putting your hand on his arm to let him know it’s ok. “Thank you. That’s really kind of you.”
He shrugs, “It’s the least I can do.” 
“It’s more than you have to,” you reply with a smile. “I really appreciate it.” 
“Ok, so this is Barbra,” she says as she pets one of the lighter-coloured alpacas, “but we call her ‘Babs’.”
They’re out in Eagle’s Nest, the paddock bordering his dirt bike track, and she’s taken it upon herself to introduce him to the three alpacas that are huddled together near the feeder. She nods, encouraging him to pet the animal but he’s- Hesitant. Babs looks very innocent, all long eyelashes and fluffy hair but he’s sure a well-aimed kick could take him out in seconds and so he prefers to keep his distance.
She laughs and grabs his wrist, “Come on, you drive fast cars for a living, Ricciardo. Don’t tell me you’re scared of an Alpaca.”
“I’m not scared but there ain’t nothing wrong with being cautious,” he shoots back but his voice is a little too high-pitched to make it sound convincing. He flinches when she guides his hand closer to Babs but when she makes him touch her fur and he feels how soft the wool is he relaxes a little. 
She laughs and lets go of his wrist, “See? That isn’t so bad, is it?”
“Hmm,” he agrees half-heartedly, not wanting to spook the animal. “It’s ok.” 
“It’s Betsy you gotta look out for anyway,” she says with a nod towards a dark-brown alpaca, a mischievous smile tugging on her lips. “She tends to bite when you get too close.”
“Good to know,” he says, still keeping his voice low, still stroking Babs’ back. “And who’s that?”
She holds her hand out to a white alpaca, the animal immediately going in for a head scratch, “This is Blanche. She wouldn’t hurt a fly.” She turns to him then and whispers, “She ain’t the brightest of the bunch, most of the time the light’s on but there’s nobody home, if you know what I mean, but we love her just the same.”
He laughs, “Gotcha.” 
“Ok, so,” she opens the gate and allows him to step inside before she closes it again, telling Homer, who has come along in the back of her ute, to stay. “We’ve got their feeder here but I keep a bucket of grains in the back of my ute to keep the mice out and once every two days or so I bring them a fresh bail of hay.” She motions towards the shed a little bit further down, “They can seek shelter there at night and tend to huddle up whenever it rains, so I make sure to clean it out every day so it’s a nice place for them to be.”
He nods, trying to pay attention but he’s too distracted by the way she keeps touching his arm whenever she shows him something and finds himself wishing she wouldn’t let go. When she’s done with her tour of the alpaca paddock she looks at him expectantly and he can’t help but smile back at her. 
She wiggles her eyebrows at him, “You sure you still want to help out?” 
Daniel has never been more certain of anything in his life, “Yes ma’am.”
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