#sorry if my words aren’t perfect i just love the movie
w0nderland · 10 months
it’s so interesting that in the end of the barbie movie the real world strives toward equality by uplifting women (bringing down the patriarchy, to keep it brief) and barbieland strives toward equality by uplifting men (helping them connect with their emotional selves and grow as individuals). in the end both real and imagined worlds are flawed, trying to reach the same goal from different directions. even in the end the film doesn’t try to show what an ideal feminist world looks like. we don’t know what the ideal feminist world looks like! but the film shows the steps everyone can take to create that world
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heliosundercover · 14 days
Batboys and
how they talk about you
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Bonus fic as a thank you for allowing my jason fic to do well 💋
Dick Grayson-
, who talks about you like a goddess walking the earth, loves you more than words. The type to talk about you so much that people doubt your real
“My girlfriend is so sweet, guys. Today we went to that one library I like. Guys, have I told you even her favorite book is adorable?”
It doesn’t help that he tends to get caught up in certain details, completely ignoring other ones. No one knew your name until a week into dating.
Jason: “If you asked me before, I would’ve never believed him; weve all gone a little insane, but now that Ive seen proof, I'm happy for him. He gets to be well-dick, and she gets to smile and nod, but I swear she enjoys it. They’re weird together.”
Tim: “We love Dick. A lot, but we were looking at a wonderful facility that has an in-patient gym in the beginning. But the way he looks at her, I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually did miracles.” 
Damian: “At least I believed him at the start. He was smitten and absolutely whipped. I thought it was just like Dick. I don’t know why I, of all people, was the only one that caught it.
Bruce: Yeah, I knew she was real. Why would I ruin everyone’s fun? I mean, Dick is a bit. Aloof sometimes… I'm not exactly surprised; he’s not exactly amazing socially sometimes, but with her, he’s extra awkward, and I watched him flirt with men and women. But look, as long as he’s happy, we’re happy for him.”
Dick is a completely drunken idiot, with so much training thrown out the window. 
(Can you tell I'm not a fan of a playboy dick😞 im sorry i love a good love stuck man)
Jason Todd-
, who is extremely protective of his peace, sometimes acts as if you’re fragile. He was the type to invite you to a family game night where he called a family meeting an hour beforehand, forcing everyone to be on their best behavior. Needless to say, it was awkward, but one uno round later, he realized you fit in just fine. 
“I knew my girl would win. She's a gangster.”
boast when you absolutely dominate everyone playing in the game. You never quite beat the cheating allegations.
Dick: "I don’t know how he did it, but he found someone who brings out a side of him I haven’t seen in years. No one is that good at uno; naturally, at least, I think she’s a meta. I'm not saying that non-metas aren’t good at uno.”
Tim: "You know how in movies the girl animals just have lashes, and how the boy is always darker and the girl will be like a lighter color? It's like she was made for him. I'm glad he found his anamorphic girl, Wolf. But, can I be honest? I think Alfred was telling her our cards.”
Damian: "I'm glad Jaybird is happy. He’s definitely earned it. Even if she cheats at UNO, they’re perfect for each other. Hell, the cheating is what makes them perfect for each other.”
Bruce: "I'm glad to see Jason happy. The sparkling in his eyes, the boyish smile, is the same joy I saw after he hit me with a car iron and ran off, giggling. I like her.”
Bruce Wayne-
is proud to show you off publicly. He’s not one to spoil someone, but sometimes he can’t help but pick up trinkets for you. Sometimes you’d wake up to keychains, jewelry, or even clothes somewhere in your shared room. 
He tried so hard to be there for you and protect you from his line of work. Some nights, he wouldn’t come to bed at all to avoid waking you. Some nights, if you worried too much, he would send Dick out in the Batman costume so he could be by your side. 
"Shh, baby, its ok... Tonight, I'm staying with you, okay? I love you; do you know that? And I know sometimes the risk scares you, but I’ll always be here for you.”
Dick: "It's nice knowing Bruce isn’t constantly brooding about it. Well, I knew that fact already, but this is different. I only see a light in his eyes when he’s doing stuff he absolutely loves. Like when he talks to his parents tombs and we pretend we don’t see him.”
Jason: "i think that man would come back from the dead more dramatically than I did for this woman. And I waged like 3 wars.”
Tim: “Sometimes I see them sitting in the library together in silence. All they do is enjoy each other’s presence. Its adorable”
Damian: “Dads earned it. And when I say he’s earned it, I mean he’s earned it!”
Bruce isn’t the easiest to be with, but he always makes up for it.
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jasmines-library · 3 months
hello darling🤭i live here now, hope you don’t mind🤭🙏
I was wondering if you would mind writing smth with the batfamily having a danish sibling, or maybe jason or dick having a gf who knits/crochets a lot, and then the gf shows up with personalised gifts for everyone?
this is oddly specific and you don’t have to do either but i’m addicted to your writing😞🙏
love, ur robin <3 !!!
Arts and Crafts
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Note: Hello my lovely! sorry this took a hot minute...I have so much in my inbox right now it's insane, but you guys are awesome. I hope this is okay, I tried my best with the Danish words, there aren't many of them and I also had to use online sources so I hope they're correct. Please tell me if they're wrong. I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 0.9k
“Move out of the way!” Dick barged past his brother who was clearing up the room much too slowly for his liking. He took the pile of books out of Damian’s hands and began placing them back on the shelf, making sure that each of the spines lined up perfectly.
“Tt.” Damian rolled his eyes. “I really don’t think she's going to notice if the spines aren’t matched up, Grayson.”
“You don’t know that.” Dick practically snapped as he darted across the room to adjust the curtains for the fiftieth time that day. 
You were coming over for dinner, and Dick felt the need to make sure that everything was perfect. It's not like you hadn’t met his family before. In fact, you often asked after his brothers and had spent countless hours chatting away to them over a good book or a movie. However this was the first time you had been around: you had caught a rather nasty cold and so had decided to stay home. But, being the perfectionist he is, Dick felt the need to make everything perfect for you. It was overkill in Damian’s opinion, but he just shrugged and let him get on with it. 
The doorbell rang and was shortly followed by the sound of Dick’s shoes against the wooden floorboards as he raced to beat Alfred to open it. When he did open it he was greeted by the sight of you smiling. You were bundled up in a coat and a scarf that covered the lower half of your face as you sheltered from the biting cold, but as you gazed up at him, he could see the corners of your lips turned up in one of your smiles that he loved dearly. 
"Min elskede.” You greeted him as he removed and hung up your coat as you unwound your scarf to hand beside it. 
“Hi my lovely.” He placed a kiss on your forehead softly. “What’s all that?” He asked, gesturing to the neatly wrapped gift parcels that were poking out of your bag.
Dick turned it head. “You didn’t have to do that.”
You shrugged, picking up the bag with one hand and lacing the fingers on your other with Dicks. “I know, but I wanted to. Besides, I had plenty of time to do it.”
He kissed you again as he led you into the living room. “You’re too good for me.”
“Y/N!” Tim called out from across the room, standing up to hug you. He had grown rather fond of you. “How have you been? It’s so nice to see you again. I was beginning to think that Dick was going to go mad if he had to go another day without constantly seeing your face.”
“Hej, Tim. It’s good to see you too.” You chuckled.
Deciding to take a seat next to Dick after he informed you that dinner would be a little wait, you settled the bag between your legs, propping it up with your feet so that it didn’t fall over. At your arrival, the rest of the Wayne’s slowly made their way to the living room to catch up.
You pulled out the first gift from the pile. It was oddly shaped, wrapped in brown paper and adorned with a silk ribbon tied into a large bow. The gifts caught the boy’s eyes and they leaned closer as you handed them out: First to Damian, then Jason, Dick and Tim. You even had one for Bruce and Alfred, who were both out of the room for the moment, so you made a mental note to make sure you gave them theirs later. 
Damian tore into his first, peeling away the paper to reveal a black scarf, neatly stitched together with rows of red and green in interlocking loops. He unravelled it to reveal its full length and grinned at the delicate handiwork. 
“You made this?!” Damian exclaimed, turning it over in his hands. 
“Yep.” You hummed “I hope you like it.”
“I love it!” He ran over to embrace you in a hug.
Then came Jason who pulled out a red beanie you had crocheted, and Tim who you had crocheted a pair of fingerless gloves and a sleeve for his coffee cup to keep it warm. They were also both very appreciative and their smiles warmed your heart. 
Finally, Dick took time and care to untie the ribbon and peel open the wrapping paper. Inside was a black jumper that you had crocheted for him, on the top was his nightwing logo which you had surface crochet on the top of it. Along the sleeves, you had also added a strip of blue to add a pop of colour. You had been working on it for a little while now and had had a hard job trying to hide it from him whenever he came over. 
“You made this for me?” He asked.
“Of course.” You nodded. “I hope it fits-”
“It’s perfect.” he told you, slipping it on. It fit like a glove. “You didn’t need to do this, Y/n/n… you’ve outdone yourself.” he tugged you to his side tightly. 
“I’m so glad you like them.”
“We love anything you make. They’re amazing.”
“Tak.” You smiled, settling into his side, savouring the feeling of the soft wool against your cheek. He held you close, not quite believing how he had come so lucky to have a girlfriend quite like you.
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 3 months
ok im an absolute sucker for the “only one bed” trope, so….
could i please request a reader x ethan fic where there has already been a lot of mutual pining (maybe they were childhood best friends that have had feelings for the longest time ✋😩) and the final straw to all that sexual tension is possibly there being an argument or some angst and then having to share that room, being in such close proximity. Ends in smut please (been loving the switch!ethan btw)!
please and thank you 😩🙏
Jesus, this is a long one and I'm SO SORRY if that isn't what you wanted. I've literally tried to rewrite this 3 times but I had to build up the little angsty moments and all that stuff.
The Best Thing - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You and your friends go to a cabin for a week-long summer vacation. When plans change and you overhear that Ethan's upset about sharing a bed with you, it causes some issues in your friendship.
Contains: fluff, mutual-pining, angst, oral - both m and f receiving, p in v, unprotected-ish sex(reader's on birth control and pull out game is strong), kinda-rough sex, dom-ish Ethan. idk where the fuck I was going with this🥴
A/N: I'd like to apologize to those of you that like to read my stuff but don't like them to be super long. This is 7.6k words, so my bad🙃
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For summer break, you and your friends decided to take a trip to the mountains, wanting fresh air and a calm environment in comparison to the current busy city you were in. After weeks of looking into cabins, you went with a cute 3-bedroom with a hot tub on the balcony that had a perfect view of the mountain line.
You were surprised that Sam was okay with Tara going without her, but the anxiety was apparent on the older sister’s face as she walked out of her bedroom in her pajamas carrying a taser in one hand and pepper spray in the other.
“I don’t like that you’re going without me, but I’ll feel a little better if you take these,” Sam said, dropping them into Tara’s purse.
“We’re just six teenagers going to the mountains to relax. What’s the worst thing that could happen?” Tara asked, as Mindy and Anika walked in.
“Have you ever watched a horror movie?” Mindy questioned, making Sam roll her eyes at the comment before looking back to Tara.
“You aren’t helping, Mindy,” Tara said, before directing her attention to Sam. “We’ll be safe, I promise.”
“You won’t have cell service up there…Fuck, please just find a way to call me every now and then so I know you’re okay,” Sam said, the stress obvious in her voice. “Please remind her,” she said to you, as she started to head back to her room.
“I will,” you promised, as Sam looked back to you and nodded.
After Sam closed her bedroom door, Tara started to whisper-yell at Mindy.
“What the fuck was that?”
“Sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” Mindy sighed, “The guys are outside by the way.” You soon heard the front door open, and listened to Ethan’s groggy voice as he complained about having to get up at six in the morning. “Well, they were outside.”
“Are you guys coming? We need to stop for coffee, or energy drinks. I don’t care, I just need caffeine,” Chad said, before glancing at you and Tara’s bags on the ground. “You know we’re only going for a week, right?”
“Hey, it’s not that much stuff,” she smiled, walking over to kiss him. “We were hoping you two wouldn’t mind helping us carry our bags down.”
“Anything for you, babe,” Chad said, as Mindy made a fake-gag noise.
“Don’t act like you and Anika aren’t going to be acting all sweet and shit with each other,” you laughed, looking towards Ethan, “We are the fifth and sixth wheels on this trip.”
“As long as have you so I won’t be bored, that’s all that matters,” Ethan said, a sleepy smile playing on his lips. “I’ll grab your stuff.”
“Thanks,” you said, as he lifted your bag and walked towards the door.
You grabbed your pillow and blanket off the couch before you followed him, desperate to squeeze in a few more hours of sleep on the drive. Fortunately, Chad’s SUV had third-row seating, so you didn’t have to take two separate cars. You decided the back row was the perfect place for you as Ethan loaded your stuff. He crawled in the back with you, waiting for the rest of your friends to come down.
“Are you sleepy?” he asked, as you laid your pillow against the back window and snuggled up.
“Mhm,” you responded, as he started to laugh.
“Chad made this obnoxious road trip playlist. You’re not going to be getting any sleep.”
“Fuck,” you sighed, “I guess I can nap when we get there.”
“Yeah, like you won’t be wired after the coffee,” Ethan said, his knowing smile making you roll your eyes.
You’d been friends with Ethan since you were toddlers. He knew you better than anyone else, and it could get a little annoying at times. He always seemed to know what your exact reaction would be to everything. He knew all your secrets, and you knew all of his. Well, almost all of them. He’d had feelings for you for years, but the possibility of rejection and damage to the friendship has helped him keep that secret tucked away.
“Hey,” Anika smiled as she crawled in the second row as you and Ethan gave a small wave. Mindy slid in beside her, as Chad struggled to load Tara’s stuff in the back with everyone else’s.
“Seriously, babe. Why do you need all of this?” he huffed, adjusting the bags that were already put away like some complicated game of Tetris.
“You never know when you might need extra clothes,” Tara laughed, leaving him to figure it out.
“Ethan, can I put one of these bags back there with you guys?” Chad asked, after a few minutes of him trying to make everything fit.
“Yeah,” he responded, before looking over to you. “It looks like we’ll be really close on this five-hour drive.”
“I could just sit on your lap,” you suggested, as his eyes went wide. “I’m kidding, Ethan.”
He almost wished you weren’t kidding, wanting to be as close to you as he possibly could. Your random little sweet touches here and there had him constantly craving more, constantly craving you.
Chad passed Mindy the extra suitcase, then she struggled to pass it back to Ethan. He took it from her, the space it was taking up making him scoot even closer to you.
“Sorry,” he said, “I can always move up to Mindy and Anika’s row if you need the space.”
“Then who’s going to show me memes on the way there?” you asked, as he slid his phone out of his pocket.
“I saved so many good ones to show you.”
Once you hit the road, Chad wanted to stop by Starbucks. He planned to go through the drive thru, but after Tara mentioned how complicated and potentially messy it would be to pass coffee back to everyone in his spotless car, he decided to park so everyone could go in.
After you ordered and were about to pay for your stuff, Ethan pulled his card out.
“I got it,” he said, putting his card into the reader.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you smiled, “You don’t want anything?”
“I don’t need to. I’ll just steal sips of whatever the iced or frozen thing you ordered,” he said, as the barista handed you a cake pop. “You’re eating that for breakfast?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said, like it was the most obvious answer.
“I think I’m hungry, too. Maybe I should order something,” he said, glancing at the menu.
You held your cake pop closer to him as he smiled and took a bite. You giggled at the crumbs on his bottom lip as he chewed, reaching up to wipe them off with your thumb. The sweet action made his eyes flutter, but he tried to play it off.
“This is so good,” he said, “I’m sorry for judging your breakfast choice.”
“Just make out already,” Mindy said, smirking at the two of you.
“What, I can’t share with my best friend?” you asked, grabbing your drink off the counter as your name was called.
“Best friend my ass,” she said, as she noticed Ethan’s cheeks start to turn pink. “You just wiped his mouth for him. That isn’t really a friend thing.”
“It is for us,” you smiled, taking a sip of your drink.
Ethan was getting uncomfortable under Mindy’s knowing gaze. It was almost like she had the ability in that moment to read his mind and know how he actually felt. He quickly tried to change the subject.
“So, what are we going to do while we’re up there?” he asked, you and Mindy both responding “Relax” at the same time.
“Is that it? You guys don’t want to explore or anything?”
You started to shake your head, “Between the bears, snakes, and whatever the fuck else is out there…I don’t think so.”
“I’d protect you,” he smiled, playfully wrapping his arm around your shoulder. “You know I’ve been going to the gym with Chad, I think I could take on a bear.”
“For someone that’s so smart, your common sense isn’t really there, is it?” Mindy asked, making you laugh.
“You guys are mean. I’m going to the car,” Ethan said, snatching your drink out of your hand before walking away.
“Hey!” you said, chasing after him.
The rest of the friend group walked up to Mindy, watching you try to take your coffee back from Ethan as you walked out.
“I think this vacation is about to be interesting,” Anika said, as Tara started to smile.
“I hope so. You remember the Halloween party where she drank a little too much? She told me she’s had the biggest crush on him for years,” she said, as Chad started to freak out.
“What?! Why didn’t you ever tell me she said that? He thinks he’s in the friend zone.”
“He’s definitely not. They’re practically already together,” Tara shook her head as she laughed, grabbing her drink off the counter. “Don’t say anything, though. Let them figure it out.”
Chad nodded, as the rest of the drinks were called out, “Let’s hit the road.”
After a couple hours of driving, you started to tune out the music, and felt like you could take a short nap. The coffee wasn’t helping as much as you expected it to, probably because Ethan drank half of it. You struggled to get comfortable against the window, until Ethan finally spoke up.
“You could always lay on me, if you want to,” he suggested, as you sleepily turned your body and snuggled up against him. Your head rested against his chest as he slouched in the seat, trying to make you more comfortable. He had a sweet smile on his lips as he looked down at you, studying your peaceful face as you slept.
His smile dropped when he noticed Mindy and Anika had turned around, looking at him questioningly. He held his finger up to his mouth, not wanting them to say anything to wake you up.
It didn’t matter though, because when Chad started to play ‘Life Is a Highway’ for the third time in the drive, you stirred awake and pulled away from Ethan.
“Chad, I swear if you don’t change that song, I’ll throw your phone out the window,” you said, as he started to laugh.
“Someone’s grumpy,” he said, changing the song. “Hey guys, were stopping at the next exit.”
He soon pulled into the gas station, and everyone started to pile out of the car. Before you could walk into the store, a number Tara didn’t recognize popped up on the screen.
“Hello?” she asked, before she started to smile. “Oh, hey. Yeah, we’ll be there soon…wait, what happened?”
You exchanged glances with everyone, unsure of what was going on.
“Does that one still have a good view? And all the things the other cabin had?”
Chad started to shake his head, realizing that the vacation wasn’t going to go as expected. When Tara hung up, all eyes were on her as they waited for her to say what was going on.
“Okay, uh, the cabin we were supposed to stay in got trashed by last night’s guests. The only cabin they had left has three rooms, but they all have one bed.”
Ethan’s heart started to thump in his chest as he listened to her speak. As much as he wanted to share a bed with you, and wanted to be close to you, it was hard for him to hold back, especially when you liked to sleep in the shortest pajama shorts that the bottom of your ass would hang out of. Sometimes he felt like you knew you had the effect on him, the teasing seeming almost intentional at times.
“You okay?” you asked, as he still stood there, deep in thought as the rest of your friends had started to walk away.
“Yeah, I’m good,” he smiled, “Let’s get some snacks.”
Ethan walked towards Chad once you made it inside, and you noticed that he was stressed. You tried to listen but couldn’t really hear anything at first. Then Ethan started to speak a little louder, “I can’t sleep with her. We have to figure something else out. It’d be torture to share a bed with her.” Chad suggested that one of you sleep on the couch, and at that point, you were starting to feel a little hurt. The thoughts of ‘Do I make him uncomfortable?’ and ‘Why can’t he just talk to me about it instead of Chad?’ floating around your head.
You went to Tara, Mindy, and Anika as they grabbed their snacks for the rest of the drive.
“Do you guys mind if I sit with you the rest of the way there?” you asked Mindy, as a confused expression appeared on all of their faces. “I think I’m annoying Ethan.”
“Yeah, that’s fine,” Anika said, “But I highly doubt you are.”
“Then why was he just talking to Chad about not wanting to sleep in the same bed with me?”
Tara glanced over to the two boys as Mindy shrugged, “That’s a little weird…but once we get there, you should ask him about it.”
You nodded, before heading to the counter to pay for your stuff. You weren’t sure what Ethan’s problem was. He was okay with you snuggling up to him in the car, but the idea of him sharing a king-sized bed with you was something he didn’t want to do.
When you made it back to the car, Ethan got in first. He was confused when you sat in the second row with Mindy and Anika.
“You’re just going to leave me back here by myself?” he joked, but he was a little sad about it.
“Yeah, girl talk.”
He nodded at your short response, relaxing back into the seat and putting his seatbelt on. Chad gave him a look in the rearview mirror once he noticed the new seating arrangement. Ethan just shrugged, not knowing what was going on.
Chad leaned over to Tara and started to whisper, “What’s their deal?”
“She heard Ethan say he didn’t want to share a bed with her,” she whispered back, as Chad pulled away and sighed.
“You sure we can’t just…I don’t know, interfere a little?” he asked, as Tara shook her head.
“They need to figure it out on their own,” she said, glancing back to you.
“Okay, no more stops. We’ll be there in a little over two hours,” Chad announced, as he pulled back out onto the road.
You could feel Ethan’s eyes on the back of your head as you talked with Mindy and Anika. You felt bad for being a little cold to him, but your feelings were hurt. It’s not something he expected you to hear, but you couldn’t help but wonder if this was how he felt all the time whenever you’d be too close. But if that was the case, why would he suggest that you could sleep on him earlier?
Once you made it to the cabin and everyone started to get out, you looked around as you stretched. You saw another cabin off in the distance but couldn’t see a whole lot from where you were standing other than the trees. When you walked inside, your jaw dropped at the panoramic view out of the huge windows that lined the side of the cabin.
“This is gorgeous!” you said, walking over to the door that led to the deck. It was huge, stretching along the side of the house. There was a table, some rocking chairs, and a hot tub on the end of it.
“Too bad we have to hunt for our own food,” Chad said, as you looked over at him, “Just kidding. There’s a small grocery store not far from here. After we get all the stuff unloaded, we’re going to get what we need.”
Tara soon walked in, standing beside Chad as he put his arm around her.
“Are you mad at Ethan?” she asked, as you shook your head, not wanting to go into detail in front of Chad. “He seemed a little upset.”
“I guess I better go talk to him,” you groaned. You searched the house, seeing Mindy and Anika, but no Ethan. You finally looked outside to see him leaning against the car. He was deep in thought as you walked up to him.
“You should see the view. It’s beautiful,” you said, pulling him out of his thoughts as he looked at you.
“It’s kind of hard to even care about that when my best friend is mad at me,” he said, looking back down to the ground.
“I’m not mad,” you said, the cheeriness of your voice sounding fake.
“So, you’re mad and you’re lying to me. Cool,” he mumbled, pushing himself off the car and heading towards the back of it.
You followed after him, “I just thought we were getting a little too cozy.”
He scoffed at your words, “You’ve never cared about that before.”
“Okay, I’m going back inside. You can’t be mad at me for giving you the space you seem to want.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” he questioned, but you ignored him as you walked back into the cabin.
Chad soon joined him outside to help him carry in the stuff. He noticed Ethan’s mood, and started to feel bad that he knew you had your feelings, and if he’d just say something, the whole issue would be fixed.
“You okay, dude?” Chad asked, as Ethan started to walk towards the door with some of the luggage.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
As the day progressed, you brought up sleeping on the couch before Ethan could say anything. He argued that he should, but you eventually won the argument. The tension seemed to resolve a little. Your feelings were still hurt, but he was your best friend, and you didn’t want to spend the vacation mad at him.
When Chad talked about going to the store to get food again, you decided to stay at the cabin. The sun was starting to set, and the slight chill from the higher altitude made you really want to get in the hot tub. Ethan stayed with you, not feeling comfortable leaving you there by yourself. He sat in one of the rocking chairs as you walked out in your swimsuit with a towel in hand.
“You going to make me get in by myself?” you asked, smiling at him. He was trying so hard to not stare at your body, so he maintained eye contact.
“Fine, give me a minute,” he sighed, walking inside to change.
You eased into the hot water, sitting where you had the perfect view of the sunset over the mountain line. Ethan soon walked out and hung his towel over the side of the deck before climbing in to sit beside you.
“This is so beautiful,” you said, taking in the pink and orange hue in the sky. It was making your skin glow when Ethan looked at you.
“Yeah, beautiful,” he said, as you looked over to him and smiled. You sat in silence for a few minutes, before he spoke up, “What was with you earlier?”
You sighed, not wanting to say that you heard him talking to Chad, “I just, I don’t know. Maybe we’re getting a little too close.”
“Why do you feel that way?”
“I don’t feel like talking about it right now,” you said, before Ethan started to scoot away. “What?” you asked, looking over to him.
“If you think we’re getting too close, I’m giving you your space,” he said, before getting out.
“You’re going to get mad at me if I don’t feel like telling you what’s wrong?” you questioned, as he started to get mad.
“You tell me everything. Why can’t you tell me what’s wrong right now so we can move past it?”
“Because you don’t like to be open about what’s bothering you,” you snapped, climbing out as well. You slipped a little, almost falling on the deck before Ethan caught you. “Thanks, I got it.” You pulled away from him and walked inside to change into dry clothes.
Ethan didn’t know what you meant, because other than his feelings towards you, he was completely open. He knew you hadn’t figured that out, so he decided to pull Tara outside to the deck after your friends got back from the store.
“What’s up with her?” he nervously asked, “What did I do?”
“I’m not getting in the middle of this, so all I’m going to say is that you both just need to open your eyes,” she said, as he looked at her, still just as confused as he was before the conversation even started. “She’s your best friend. You know her better than anyone. You can figure this out.”
“It’d be so much easier if you just told me, though,” He sighed, running his hand through his hair. “She thinks we’re too close. What’s that about?”
“Fuck, I’m not telling you anything else other than this, but she overheard you and Chad talking earlier about you not wanting to sleep in the same bed with her. She didn’t say what else was said, but her feelings were hurt. Now, go fix it,” she said, walking away from him.
He started to think back to the things he said, but there was no way he could just come out and apologize for making you feel bad without explaining why he said what he said. He was worried about ruining the friendship, but with the current state of it, maybe it wouldn’t be the worst idea to finally just tell you. You’ve never been in an argument, and you’ve never even gotten mad at each other, so it was all just so confusing for him as he tried to decide on the right thing to do.
When he walked back inside, he started to look for you. He asked Chad where you were before he pointed to you, asleep on the couch.
“I need advice, because I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing right now,” Ethan whispered to Chad, “She overheard our conversation earlier.”
Chad started to nod, as Ethan’s eyes went wide.
“You knew she heard it? Fuck, dude,” he sighed, “How do I tell her that the problem with us sharing a bed isn’t because I don’t want to be around her, but it’s because I won’t be able to keep my hands off her?”
“Wow, uh, I didn’t know things were that hard for you,” Chad laughed, as Ethan rolled his eyes.
“I just…I’m so fucking attracted to her, and I don’t want to make her uncomfortable,” he said, looking over to you to make sure you were still asleep. “I want to be affectionate with her, it’s hard enough when we aren’t trying to sleep in the same bed.”
“Maybe she wants the same thing,” Chad suggested, as Ethan shook his head.
“There’s no way. She would’ve shown me hints by now.”
“Just open your eyes,” Chad said, making Ethan a little irritated.
“That’s what Tara said. What does that even mean?” Ethan asked, as Chad shrugged.
“You’ll figure it out, I’m going to bed.”
Ethan decided to head to bed, hoping a good night’s sleep would help him come up with the answers he needed, but he couldn’t get comfortable. He just kept tossing and turning and couldn’t stop thinking about you.
You started to stir awake, noticing a sound coming from outside the front door. Once you heard the doorknob move the slightest bit, you jumped up and ran to Ethan’s room.
“Hey, something’s outside,” you said, as he slowly sat up and laughed a little.
“We are out in the middle of nowhere right now. I’m sure there is something outside.”
“The doorknob wiggled, Ethan. I can’t sleep out there by myself like that…unless you want to check it out for me,” you sighed, as he stood up.
From the moonlight that was flowing through the window, you noticed that he was shirtless, and that his workouts with Chad seemed to really be paying off. Not that it mattered, because you’d think he was attractive regardless. Then you noticed how low his sweatpants were hanging on his hips, and felt your mouth start to water.
Ethan took in your appearance, the shorts he fully expected you to wear snugly hugging your hips and your hard nipples from the cold air in the cabin showing through the thin material of your shirt. He wanted to just tell you to sleep in the bed with him, but he couldn’t. He’d gotten so used to all the little affectionate things you’d regularly do, things he chalked up to the friendship being so close, but it was still so hard for him to push his thoughts about you to the side.
“You don’t have to go out with me,” he said, walking towards the cabin door with you closely behind him.
“I don’t want anything to happen to you,” you said, making him laugh.
“Then why did you ask me to see what was out here?”
He slowly opened the door, the both of you jumping when a large raccoon scurried away.
“You’re worried about that cute little guy breaking in and snuggling with you on the couch?” he asked, as you rolled your eyes. “I’m kidding. Let’s make sure there’s nothing else out here.”
He pulled out his phone, turning the flashlight on and looking around to make sure there wasn’t anything else you needed to be concerned about. You noticed something along the tree line, it’s glowing eyes lit up by the light.
“What is that?” you asked, as it started to step a little closer.
“I think we should go inside,” he said, grabbing your hand and leading you towards the door.
That’s when the animal started to run, the fear coursing through your veins making you cling to Ethan.
“It’s a fucking deer,” he laughed, trying to catch his breath. You were still attached to him when he tried to pull away from you. “You’re safe, let’s go back inside.”
Once you made it back to your spot on the couch, he stood in the middle of the living room, starting to feel a little bad that he had that huge bed to himself. He noticed that you still seemed a little nervous from what’d just happened, and he let out a big sigh before he started to speak.
“Do you want to sleep in the room with me?”
“Not if it’s going to be ‘torture’ for you,” you said, as he started to get irritated.
“You don’t get it,” he said, walking back towards the room. You were really starting to get sick of all the conversations you’d had within the last day ending in one of you walking away, so you followed him.
“What don’t I get?” you asked, as he sat down on the side of the bed and looked at the floor. You walked around to stand in front of him, waiting for him to answer you. “I don’t want this entire week to be this way. Just fucking talk to me!”
He sighed, before looking up to you, “What you heard earlier isn’t as bad as you think it is…the torture thing you were talking about, just look at what you’re fucking wearing.”
You looked down at your choice of sleepwear and started to feel a little self-conscious. You tried to pull your shorts down a little, noticing how much they’d ridden up in your sleep. He watched you as you tried to cover your body.
“Hey,” he said softly, as your eyes connected with his, “I didn’t mean that in a bad way…Just…get in the bed, okay?”
“Tell me how you mean it then, Ethan. I can’t read your mind,” you said, walking back around to the other side of the bed.
“I will in the morning. I just need you to stay on your side of the bed,” he sighed, looking over to you.
“Fine,” you said, pulling the blanket over you as you settled into the bed. He lay on his side, his back towards you.
After a few minutes, he rolled over to face you. He couldn’t take it anymore, and he needed to know if you felt the same about him. “You know you mean a lot to me, right?”
“You mean a lot to me, too,” you smiled, as he moved closer towards you. “So I have to stay on my side, but you don’t?”
Your breathing started to get heavy when you noticed how close he was getting, his eyes looking into yours. He didn’t say anything as he leaned in, his lips gently kissing yours. You were so surprised by it that you didn’t kiss him back. You wanted to, but he pulled away before you had the chance for your brain to process everything.
He scooted back to his side, laying on his back as he started to think about how he’d just ruined the friendship.
“Ethan?” you asked, looking over to him.
“I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry,” he sighed, as you started to smirk. You knew that this was your opportunity to finally tell him how you felt now that he’d opened the door for it to happen.
“Ethan, are you interested in me?” you asked, as he nodded.
“It doesn’t have to be weird now, does it? You didn’t kiss me back, and that’s fine. It sucks, but I’ll get over it,” he said, as you sat up and inched closer to him.
“What if I don’t want you to get over it?” you asked, leaning down to kiss him.
The kiss was so needy, both of you craving each other as you moved to straddle him. His hands held your hips as yours went to his hair. After a few minutes, you pulled away, the both of you panting as his hands rubbed your hips. The way he was looking at you made you wet, as your hips started to grind against him.
“Shit,” he quietly groaned, not wanting your friends to hear him.
“You okay?” you asked, looking down at him. He nodded, desperate for you to make another move. You reached down to grab the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head, his eyes going wide as he stared at your chest. His hands reached up to massage your breasts, the feeling making your eyes flutter, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
You kept grinding against him as whimpers started to slip past your lips from the friction against your clit and the feeling of his fingers pinching at your nipples.
“You have to be quiet,” he whispered, moving his hands back to your hips to make you move faster.
“Wait,” you mumbled, your hips coming to a stop. You started to move off him, noticing the wet spot on his sweatpants from where your wetness had soaked through your panties and the thin shorts. “Can I suck your cock?”
He felt like he could cum from those words alone as he nodded his head. “I need you to tell me, baby. Use your words,” you teased, rubbing your hand over his hard cock.
“Please,” he whimpered, the sound making you cock your eyebrow as you smiled at him. He adjusted his hips so it was easier your you to slide his sweatpants and boxers down, his heart pounding in his chest. He’d tried to imagine what your mouth would feel like before, but as soon as he actually felt it, it was better than he could’ve ever imagined. Your tongue licked up the underside of his cock and swirled around the tip. “Oh fuck,” he groaned, before you took him in your mouth. “Fuck, that feels so good.”
You’d barely done anything to him yet, and he was already being so vocal. Your core was throbbing as you took him as far as you could, the gagging feeling making him gasp. His hand went to the back of your head, gently encouraging you to keep going.
You knew he was getting close when the light grip he had on your hair got tighter, his actions making you moan around him as you started to move faster. His bottom lip was in between his teeth as he watched you, trying so hard not to be loud. It only took your throat tightening around him a few more times before he finally let his whimpers out again.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he said, his eyes fluttering and his jaw falling open as he started to release in your mouth. You got him through it, before sitting up and smiling at him. “There’s no way that just happened,” he sighed in disbelief as he caught his breath. “That was amazing.”
“Well, it definitely did happen. I can still taste your cum.”
He groaned at your words before he flipped you over and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth.
“Fuck, Ethan,” you gasped out, his tongue swirling against you as he sucked. He moved to the other side, looking up at you as his teeth grazed against your nipple. Your hand reached down to rub yourself over your shorts, the throbbing in your core starting to hurt.
“Let me take care of you, baby,” he said, kissing down your tummy. He stopped at the top of your pajama shorts and looked up at you before sliding them down. “This is okay?”
“Mhm,” you got out, as your fingers started to run through his hair. He leaned his head into it, loving the feeling of your nails against his scalp.
His fingers went under the waistband of your shorts as he started to pull them down. With how tight they were, he was struggling to get them over your ass. You started to giggle, lifting your hips a little so he could get them off of you easier. He leaned back a little to pull them down your legs before he leaned back down to where you needed him.
“Can you put your hands back in my hair?”
You nodded, your fingers tangling in his curls as he licked a stripe up your clit.
“Shit,” you gasped, as he really started to get into it. He kept alternating between swirling his tongue against your clit and dipping it inside of you. You started to whimper a little louder than he wanted you to, so he pulled away. The lack of contact made you whine as a hushed laugh slipped past his lips and he shook his head.
“I want to make you feel good, but you need to be quiet, baby,” he said, his eyes looking into yours. You nodded, knowing how hard it was going to be for you.
His head went back to his place in between your thighs, placing gentle licks to your clit as he started to push one of his fingers into you. You tried to muffle your moans with your bottom lip, but once he added a second finger and started to move it against that spongy spot inside of you, you had to cover your mouth with your hand.
His eyes looked up into yours as you started to tug harder on his hair. He was proud of himself, so happy that he was the one that was making you feel so good that you were struggling to keep your sounds in.
“Keep moving your fingers just like that,” you whined, before covering your mouth again.
He inched you closer and closer to your orgasm, your toes curling against the sheets as the grip on his hair made him groan against you. The feeling of your pussy starting to flutter around his fingers made him groan even louder as he thought about how amazing it would feel around his cock. Your body started to shake as he used his free arm to pin your hips down so he could work you through it. Once your pussy stopped clenching, your grip on his hair relaxed, a goofy smile on your lips as he looked back up at you.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, as you started to make grabby hands at him.
He hovered over you and looked into your eyes as your arms wrapped around him. You felt his hard cock press against you as you started to wiggle your hips a little underneath him.
“I don’t have a condom,” he said, as you rolled your eyes.
“Just pull out,” you said with a smirk, his eyes going wide at the suggestion. “I’m on birth control, it’s fine.”
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he groaned, as he reached in between the two of you to line up with your entrance.
He slowly slid inside of you and stilled to give you time to adjust to his size. He started to kiss you as you grew impatient.
“Please,” you mumbled against his lips as he smiled.
“Please what?” he questioned, not moving until he heard what you wanted.
“Please fuck me,” you said, your words dripping with lust as you pleaded.
He started to move as your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. He watched the faces you were making with each thrust, not wanting to miss a single one.
“You’re so tight,” he groaned, his hips moving a little faster.
He started to drill into your g-spot as your fingernails drug across his back. You were trying to be quiet, but it was getting harder with each deep thrust.
“Quiet, baby,” he warned, his hips slowing a little. “You’re going to wake everybody up.”
“Make me be quiet,” you said sweetly, an almost animalistic look appearing in Ethan’s eyes at your words.
He leaned in to kiss you as he sped back up, his mouth catching all your moans. You reached in between his body and yours to rub quick circles on your clit. When your moans turned into high-pitch whimpers, he pulled his mouth away from yours and replaced it with his hand as he mercilessly pounded into you, the sound of his skin slapping against yours and the faint tapping of the headboard against the wall filling the room.
“That’s it, baby. You can take it,” he whispered, as your eyebrows started to furrow, and your pussy started to clench. “You’re doing such a good job for me.”
He was sure he was going to have scratches all over his back as your nails just kept digging, but he didn’t let up.
“You gonna cum?” he asked, as you quickly nodded your head. “Cum for me, baby.”
That’s all it took for you to start shaking underneath him. The way your pussy spasmed around him felt so good that his own orgasm was quickly approaching.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned, pulling out and shooting his hot cum all over your stomach.
He sat on his knees as he caught his breath. Your sleepy smile made him smirk as he started to get up.
“Do you want to take a shower with me? At least to get this off you?”
You nodded, as he slid off the side of the bed. He tried to help you up, your legs wobbling as soon as your feet touched the floor.
“You okay?” he asked with a small laugh as you walked in front of him.
“Yeah, that was…wow,” you said, your brain still clouded with the post-orgasm haze.
“Shh, we need to be quick. I don’t want anyone to see us naked,” he whispered, leading you down the dark hall to the bathroom.
You grabbed some of the complimentary body wash off the counter as Ethan cut the shower on. He stepped inside as you followed, the water flow washing his cum off you. You stayed silent for the most part, other than the occasional small laughs slipping out as you’d thought about what you’d just done with your best friend.
Once you stepped out and grabbed a towel to dry off, Ethan’s hands wrapped around your waist as he kissed your wet shoulder.
“If I would’ve known that was going to happen, I would’ve kissed you sooner,” he said, pulling away to dry himself off. When he turned around, you noticed the bright red marks that ran front his shoulder blades to the middle of his back.
“Uhm, it looks like you’re going to be wearing a shirt for the rest of this trip,” you said, as he turned around to look at it in the mirror.
“Damn, I look like I was mauled,” he laughed, as you stood on your tippy toes to kiss him.
“Let’s go to bed,” you mumbled, as the two of you walked out on your towels.
When you made it back to the room, you started to grab clothes to put on when Ethan stopped you.
“Can we just sleep naked?” he asked, smiling as you nodded.
You crawled back into the bed scooting to the middle as he laid down beside you. Your head went to his chest as his fingers traced patterns on your back, the soothing motion soon putting you to sleep.
When you woke up the next morning, Ethan was starting to stir awake, too, hearing the voices of your friends as they talked in the kitchen.
“I guess we should get up,” you said, as you started to pull away. He grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him.
“How do you feel about lazy morning sex?” he asked, as you smirked at him.
“Last night wasn’t enough for you?” you questioned. He shook his head in response.
You glanced down and noticed that the blanket was halfway down his thighs, his hard cock on display.
“Can you be quiet though?” he asked, as you shrugged.
“Probably not, but let’s try it,” you said, “How do you want to do this?”
“Roll over onto your side.”
You did as he said, his hands immediately starting to roam from your thigh, up your side and to your breast.
“Do you need me to eat you out first?” he asked, sitting up a little to look at you. “Because I really don’t mind doing that again.”
You giggled at his eagerness before shaking your head. “I’m already wet, and we don’t have a lot of time.”
“Fine,” he sighed, adjusting your hips to slide into you.
His thrusts were slow as his hand held onto your hip. Sweet kisses were placed along your shoulder as you started to move your hips back to meet his.
“You feel so fucking good,” he whispered, “and your skin is just so soft, and your just so beautiful.”
You smiled as he kept saying sweet things to you, his thrusts starting to speed up.
“Fuck, baby,” you whimpered out, as the tip of his cock kept hitting that special spot inside you. “That feels so good.”
“Shhh,” he whispered, as his hips moved faster. You were struggling to meet his thrusts, the tiredness from only a few hours of sleep catching up to you. “It’s okay, babe. I’ll do all the work.”
He kept hitting that spot as you felt your orgasm approaching.
“I don’t think I can be quiet,” you said, the nervousness evident in your voice. You were tensing up, not wanting to cum because you didn’t know what would come out of your mouth.
“You’re almost there, baby. Just relax,” he cooed, as his hand went from your thigh to cover your mouth again.
You were whimpering into his hand as the euphoric feeling started to wash over you, your pussy tightening around him as he tried to fuck you through it. It got harder for him the tighter you squeezed.
“I’m gonna cum, baby,” he said, pulling out and painting your lower back with his release.
In that moment, you heard a light knock on the door.
“Fuck,” Ethan whispered, pulling the blanket back up to cover the both of you.
You both closed your eyes as the door eased open, trying to make it seem like you were still asleep. Chad peaked in, before quickly backing away and closing the door.
You started to giggle as Ethan pulled away, “I need to get this off of you before it gets all over me and the bed.”
He grabbed a few tissues out of the box on the nightstand and cleaned your back for you. You rolled over as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Let’s get dressed. I’m starving,” you said, as he pulled away.
He nodded as you slid off the bed, watching you as you walked to the other side of the room to grab your clothes. He hated to watch you put them back on, wishing the two of you could just stay naked in bed together all day.
“I guess this friendship isn’t so innocent anymore,” he said, sliding his shirt on over his head.
“Friendship? After last night and this morning this is still just a friendship?” you questioned, as he walked over to wrap his arms around your waist.
“You’re right, it’s way more than that,” he smiled, leaning in to kiss you.
“You better not say we’re just fuck buddies, either. I’ll drown you in the hot tub,” you said with a smirk, as you got ready to walk out to join your friends.
“You’re way more than that, babe.”
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thewriterwithnoplan · 1 month
Ferrari's Fairytale (1/3)
Summary: World Championships are the most important part of any Formula One team's history. Except perhaps, Ferrari's. Known for their rabid fans, filthy-rich investors, and pretty boy drivers it shouldn't be a surprise that the team has brought together Soulmates from across the globe. And fate, it seems, is working awfully hard to put all the pieces into place for Ferrari's perfect fairytale - one that's been in the works for decades now.
[Part 1 of Pretty Girls and Ferrari Boys]
Soulmate AU: Soulmates share injuries and pain.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader (Eventual)
Word Count: 1650
Warnings: Swearing, no Charles in this first part sorry it's his epic love story and those take time ;)
There was something wrong with your soulmate.
Really there had been something wrong with them since you were eight years old. But right now, there was something particularly wrong with them.
“Just some bruising over the ribcage, but no actual damage internally.” The medic presses a latex covered hand gently against your ribs.
“They feel broken.” You suck in a pained breath and glare over her shoulder, at the little framed picture of her cat, Terror, on her desk. “You’re sure I’m not about to sneeze and puncture a lung?”
“Funny.” Though the look she gives you as she pulls off her gloves is less than amused. “Which one of us went to medical school again?”
“My best friend. You might know her. She’s stunning, generous, gives me free check-ups, did I say stunning? Goes by Sunny.”
“It’s Doctor Sunny to you.” She slingshots one of the gloves at you. “But it’s good to know you only keep me around for the free check-ups.”
“My soulmate would bankrupt me without you.”
Sunny taps at her computer, “The fee isn’t that high.”
“Sure,” You shrug. “If you aren’t in here every other week.”
“Have we ruled out hitman as their profession?”
“Since we were eight?”
“I don’t know much about hitmen, maybe they start them young.”
You lower yourself carefully from the observation table and move stiffly toward her desk. “Give it to me straight Doc. How much longer have I got?”
“I’m afraid you’ll live, ma’am.” Sunny doesn’t even look up. “A tragedy for all, I know. I can give you a moment if you need time to process– Ow! Bitch.”
She rubs at her shoulder and huffs.
“I’m going to have to log that in the database, you know.” She says.
“Good, maybe we can both find our soulmates and be done with it all.”
“Real romantic, dude.”
“Your soulmate hasn’t been terrorising you since you were a kid.”
“I had my fair share of scraped knees,” Sunny wrinkles her nose when you stick your tongue out. “You do know it won’t stop after the two of you meet, right? That’s a schoolyard myth.”
“After the talking to I’m going to give him, you bet your perky ass it’s going to stop.”
“That’s the second instance of workplace harassment I’ve coped from you in the last minute.”
“Fine. Your ass is not perky.”
“Mature.” She hums, “What time did you say the pain started?”
“All good then.” Sunny makes a few more clicks before powering down her computer. “Your chest and my arm, all nice and logged.”
“You know, sometimes I think you became a Match Medic specifically so you could put every little thing into the database to make it easier to find your soulmate.”
“Perks of the job.” She scoops up her handbag. “Come on, let’s bounce before the front desk starts scheduling over my lunch break.”
“You remember how I said you were stunning and generous and stunning?”
“I’m not buying you lunch.”
“Could this week get any worse?” You throw your head back dramatically.
Sunny cracks a smile at your antics, “Only a few more hours and we’re free for the weekend.”
“Are we still on for pamper-night tonight?”
“Always. Mine or yours?”
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You end up spending the night in Sunny’s apartment, covered in different rejuvenating oils and masks until you look like low-budget horror movie villains. In your fluffy robes with The Princess Bride on in the background Sunny tries to teach you how to make Hainanese Chicken the way her mother did. Terror cries at your feet when you tell him he can’t have raw chicken. Sunny pops a bottle of cheap champagne that makes you both grimace and promise one another that you would find an excuse to get a nicer bottle soon. You take turns washing the excess from the face, foot, and hair masks off. Then curl up together on the couch, sipping broth, digging into rice and slathering chicken in Sunny’s family’s super-secret chilli sauce. You both fall asleep at a very respectable eleven o’clock.
So, it’s fucking strange when you wake up feeling like you had spent the night inside a paint mixer.
“Are you okay?” Sunny frowns as she stands over a pan of eggs. “You look ill.”
You squint over your coffee cup, “Soulmate is playing up.”
She plates the eggs next to a small stack of bacon before turning to put a hand to your forehead. “They shouldn’t be making you feel sick, illness doesn’t transfer like that. Are you sure it’s coming from them? Could you just be hung over?”
“It’s definitely him, third weekend in a row, like clockwork.” You take your plate gratefully, “It’s like I always tell you. It’s not nausea. It’s more like…”
“Impossible to explain for you and every medical practitioner you’ve ever seen?”
You groan, “It’s like my brain spent the night trying to escape my skull and the muscles in my neck were in on it.”
“It’s not unheard of for soulmates to feel the repercussions of an intense work out. There was this study from four years ago on high performance athletes and their partners that–”
You groan again, “Oh god and now there’s a nerd in my ear!”  
She tosses a gelatinous bit of egg onto your plate. It lands with a splat that makes you fake gag. “Oh, grow up.”
“You should be nice to me,” You lament, “I’m wounded!”
“Your soulmate is wounded.”
“And I’m sure their best friend is taking very good care of them!”
She pulls a face at you but still takes your plate to the dishwasher for you. As she’s rinsing them, she asks, “What’s on for the rest of your weekend?”
“I got a call from my parents on Thursday and guess what?” You sipped at the cold dregs of your coffee, “The dentist finally figured out which one of them the toothache is coming from!”
“That’s great,” Sunny’s smile was genuine. “They’re going in to get it fixed?”
“Tomorrow morning, both going under local anaesthesia.”
You hip checked her lightly out of the way to rinse both your cups. “You want another coffee?”
Sunny propped herself up on the counter, “My caffeine addiction is rubbing off on you I fear.”
“Listen, we have to get through the day somehow.” You coaxed the machine back to life before leaning against the counter to look at Sunny. “Anyway, my parents were supposed to go to this race tomorrow. Dad is particularly devastated and has practically ordered me to represent the family ‘at our home race.’ It’s been tradition for him and mum since they got married. It’s kind of a big deal for him. The man is obsessive.”
“My parents had something similar to say about our family legacy and studying medicine.”
“Speaking of… You remember all the times I sat up with you studying, or brought you food when you forgot to eat, or ran errands for you, or made sure you took breaks, or–”
“Fine, I get it, I’ll go to the stupid race.”
“Oh, how kind of you to offer.” You passed her one of the cups. “It won’t be that bad. Motorsports are supposed to be fun live, right?”
Sunny snorted, “Thank God. Motorsports? I thought you meant like a horse race or a marathon. I was getting war-flashbacks to track-and-field.”
You put a hand to your heart, “You were willing to relive cross country for me?”
“I was willing to ogle fit, sweaty men for you, definitely.”
“Alright, first of all – fuck you. But also same,” You clinked mugs and nodded solemnly at one another, “Maybe we can find some fit, sweaty drivers to ogle instead.”
Sunny hummed, “What do I wear? Is it like sprint cars or more like V8s – ooh is it an illegal drag race?”
“Girl, no.” You swatted at her thigh, “It’s Formula 1, which is perfectly legal and safe and much faster than any of those options.”
“Alright, Miss Daddy’s-Girl, go off.”
“Shut up, I’ve had to hear him go on and on about it my whole life.” You pulled a face at your coffee. “The man has had a hard-on for Ferrari since before he met my mother, and then he met her in the Ferrari hospitality at an F1 race, and he’s fucking worshipped them ever since.”
“Oh my god, why am I only just hearing about this?” She grabbed your face, squishing your cheeks and cooing. “You’re a little Ferrari baby.”
You blew a rather unladylike raspberry at her and knocked her hand away, “Because it’s embarrassing! Dad was only there because he and his friend won tickets. So, when Ferrari marketing caught wind that soulmates had met in their pavilion, they practically fell over themselves.”
“Holy shit!” Sunny practically howled in delight, “Is that where all those baby pictures of you in little Ferrari onesies came from?”
“Ferrari’s own little fairytale, Mr-won-his-way-in and Miss-heir-to-a-real-estate-monopoly. It's like Romeo and Juliet; if Romeo and Juliet survived, had a kid and decided to make it the poster child of their love story.”
“Don’t sound so disgusted, that’s cute as fuck.” Sunny snatches up your empty cup and stacks it next to hers in the dishwasher.
You frown, “Not everything has to be a love story.”
“I don’t know, girl, I’m pretty sure you just asked me to play out your parents first meeting with you tomorrow.” She winks at you over her shoulder as she heads toward her room.
“Oh, fuck off, Sunny.”
“I think this calls for new outfits!” She emerges from her room, towel over one shoulder. “What was your Mum wearing when she met your dad?”
“We are not reenacting my parents meet-cute.”
“Who knows, maybe you’ll have your own meet-cute with a certain pain-prone soulmate, hm?” In the moment it takes you to reorientate yourself after her comment, she’s breezing past you with a bright, “I’m having first shower!”
You squark in indignation. Like hell, you’ll let either of those things happen to you this weekend.
(Part 2 : Ferrari's Prince - 03.05.24)
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starryhutcherson · 14 days
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author's note: crawled out of my hole for this one guys. sorry for being so ghost mode im working on putting out more stuff, apologies if this isn't of the highest quality as i'm running on sugar free redbull and three hours of sleep ! love my life hahahahaAHHHH
'୧ ‧₊ pairing: best friend!mike schmidt x reader warnings: 18+ sexual content! oral sex (f!receiving), p in v, unprotected sex, dirty talk, swearing word count: 4600+ ⋆ ✩‧₊
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Mike’s expression always glooms when you bring up the next date you’ve arranged. He knows how this story plays out; he knows the truth behind the men you’ve matched with on whatever sketchy website you’ve wasted your time on. They’ve molded themselves into the embodiment of perfection, through falsified photos and fabrications buried in their bios. His patience crumbles like fireplace ash as you skip around his living room and drone on about whatever dickhead you’ve set your poor, precious heart on.
He knows, always, the the outcome is running makeup and salty cheeks, sobbing on the floor of his living room in a creasing satin dress and his welcoming arms, a bitter exclamation of “you were right Mike” leaving your lips in the knowing silence and him gritting his jaw and pretending that it doesn’t bother him the the only habits you ever find yourself falling back into are the bad ones. 
It’s no different today. 
Mark or Matt or Mitch – you really were killing him, because it should be Mike. It should be him. Him that you’re getting ready for, him that you’re daydreaming about. And it’s an odd feeling, like a movie where your favorite character dies and then movie finishes and you have to accept that they aren’t coming back, no matter how long you sit glued to the reclinable chair, popcorn crunched beneath your sneakers and the credit-scene reflected in your shrinking pupils. 
Mike’s not the type to be happier with the hope – he’d let the truth swallow him up, sink into his creaking bones, he’d live with the loss. But he still has hope for you. He has hope that your eyes will open and you’ll seep into his brain and his breath and his bed. He hopes you’ll start seeing him instead of just looking. Maybe it's wishful thinking. Ignorant optimism.
It feels like it. 
It feels like it, right now, when he’s leaning against the doorframe of his bathroom and watching you get ready, your animated chatter reverberating around the small space between coats of mascara. He offered to give you a ride before you’d even asked, and he’ll tolerate the sting of watching you get out of the car looking all pretty for someone who isn’t him, just to make sure you get there safely. It’s the type of sacrifice he’ll make for you. 
“I can’t even feel my face, I’ve been smiling so hard all day!” You squeal, powdering your cheeks with more purposeless product – he thinks it’s all pointless. You’re radiant, even in the harsh lighting of his bathroom. 
He offers a low grunt. What is he supposed to say? He’s not happy. And he’s not gonna pretend he is. 
You either don’t notice or choose to ignore, continuing to doll yourself up to whatever standards you have for yourself. “I mean, he says he’s been skiing since he was 6. He’s practically an olympian.” 
Mike scoffs. 
“Nothing,” he grumbles, shaking his head. “Can you hurry up?”
“Alright, grumpy. Calm down. I gotta do my lips and then I’m ready. Plus, nobody told you that you gotta stand here.” 
A fleeting flush of fuchsia permeates his cheeks, but he looks down at his worn shoes to hide it. It’s true. He didn’t have to stand here. But if an angel was populating your bathroom you’d want to take a peek, would you not? That’s how he thinks you look. Angelic. Glowing from your soul, a content smile knitted on your lips. You might as well have a halo and wings – that heaven-sent aura is reinforced when you douse yourself in lingering washes of that sweet perfume that’s branded itself to you. He’d recognise that floral aroma anywhere, the way a shark detects a drop of blood amongst saline scattered seas. 
“Okay, I’m ready. How do I look?”
Cruelest question of them all. “You look… fine. Good.”
A knot forms in your brow. “All this effort for that terrible answer?” Playful, but with a truthful undertone. Why do you value his opinion so much? He doesn’t want to assume anything. 
“Well I’m not the person you’re dressing up for.” I wish I was. He doesn’t say the other words, but he thinks them so hard he’s half convinced if you were listening in the right spot, or looking into his eyes for long enough that you’d hear it anyway. 
“Okay, okay, whatever. Let’s just get going, don’t wanna keep Mack waiting.” 
Two letters. That’s all it would take. That’s all he’d have to swap to make it him.
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Even if you aren’t aware, even if he did offer, he drives begrudgingly. He focuses as much as he can, on the road ahead and not your glistening figure beside him in the passenger seat, the very definition of temptation. 
The mall parking lot is barren, a few gleaming cars scattered amongst the otherwise desolate area. He pulls into a space, sets the car in park, rakes in a greedy sigh of air. 
“If anything happens, call me.” 
You sneer teasingly. “Don’t be so pessimistic. It’s gonna be great, he could be my future husband, y’know.”
Yep. Mack, the 35 year old you've met online, who’s only notable talent seems to be skiing and his greatest life achievement to date is shooting a deer, whose head is mounted to the wall in his bedroom, typically visible in the background of his many instagram posts which involved his shirtless figure straining to flex his overly pronounced bulk. A match made in heaven. He wants to scream. 
And how can you even tell him to not be pessimistic? How can you look him in the eyes and act like this moment hasn’t happened time after time, the point of no return before an evening spent crying in his arms as he reassures you that your failed dates are never your fault, even though by now it seems like you must be seeking out the same genre of shitty man if you’re this good at getting your heart broken. He’s sick of picking up the fragile little pieces of his bathroom floor, cutting himself on the shards of a heart that’ll never be his. You deserve more than these half-baked, single night romances. He could show you that. 
“Yeah, sure,” he grits. “Future husband. Just call me, seriously.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll call you.” 
And with that, you’re off, disappearing into the gaping mouth of the mall’s entrance, and he watches with an alkaline feeling growing in his stomach. Your hair is caught up in the wind like clothing on a washline and he thinks his hope is all drained out. 
Mike spends a good two hours back at his house. His movements feel vacuous, staring ahead at the screen, barely processing the raging garbage that masquerades as reality TV. The rain has picked up outside, licking at the window panes with a growing intensity. 
He’s not happy about the jean skirt and tiny little tank top you’d clad yourself in prior to leaving, you’re probably frigid by now in the cold. You did however reassure him that Mack was gonna drive you home, or even worse, take you back to his place, so his stupid fucking elk head trophie could watch with it’s empty eyes while the pair of you fuck on the bed that his mom still has to make for him because he never can quite manage those fitted sheets, can he? Fucking manchild. 
Shit. Mike’s feeling so so bitter. Maybe it’s because he’s finally realized that this is the dreaded pattern he’s going to have to endure with you until death. Or until he braves up and actually tells you that he’s been in love with you since the fifth day of second grade, when you mouthily confronted Jerry Murdoch and told him to give Mike his crayons back.  
With a weak sigh, he turns the TV off with a click of the remote still encaptured in the loose hold of his fist, and decides to see if he can melt into any form of sleep – but the knock on his door prevents him from doing so. 
He arises lethargically, not having much on his mind but the denial of his slumber as he shuffles over and turns the handle, but then, it’s you. 
Fluttery lashes melted to black smudges beneath your eyes, a mixture of rainwater and tears, completely drenched and dripping all over his doormat, your body is trembling and you’re wracked with tiny little cries and he’s feeling so many emotions he believes he might implode. 
He pulls you inside and into his arms, stroking your back in gentle, soothing motions, and it kills him that this has become routine. He’s angry. He’s sick of this. 
“What happened this time?” He grunts softly. 
“He didn’t even show up. He couldn’t even send a message as to why, Mike,” you sniffle into his warm chest, drunk off the even echo of his heartbeat. 
A moment’s silence rots like aged fruit. He draws a breath in, then out, then in again. 
“Why didn’t you call me?”
You crane your face upwards to meet him, instantly bathed in a nervous shiver when you see how serious he looks. 
“My phone was dead.” Is all you can manage to mumble. 
“What?” He’s pissed. “Why didn’t you charge it? You could have charged it there, they have outlets at the mall. Or you could’ve used someone else’s, so you didn’t have to walk home in the rain, because you’re drenched.” 
“I don’t–”
“Y’know how dangerous it is to walk around alone in this shitty neighborhood? Half the street lights don’t even work, and I don’t even know any of my neighbors, or what kinda people walk around here at night.” He grumbles. “I shouldn’t have to tell you all this, I’m sick of explaining all this to you.”
You roll your eyes irritably, releasing yourself from his arms and crossing your own across your dripping wet torso. “How was I supposed to know he was gonna stand me up? You’re telling me I should just expect it?”
He blinks like a deer in headlights, silence settles into his flesh.
“That’s not what I’m saying.”
You scoff. “It’s what you implied.” 
“It’s not what I—” He grumbles weakly under his breath, cutting himself off, deciding reasoning with you is somewhat of a useless attempt. “Why can’t you just listen to me?”
“What, charge my phone next time? Bring a raincoat? Yeah, great help, seriously, don’t know where I’d be without you,” your sarcasm hits like gunshot wounds to the teeth. 
“Or maybe you should try to meet actual people, instead of fake ones from some stupid website.” 
After a cold shiver bites up your spine, your expression deepens with defense. What is his fucking problem? “At least I try to get out of the house! At least I don’t spend every hour of every day moping around and feeling sorry for myself!” 
The pair of you fight, sure, every good relationship, friend or romance or family or whatever should, but nothing like this. This is stone-set, it’s been coming for a while, the wild gesticulations and the pacing and the raised voices. It shakes the bones of the weakened house. 
“Don’t,” Mike says with a furious edge, fists tightening and untightening like he’s about to take a swing at the wall, like this is going to end with bleeding knuckles nipped with shards of worn plaster. “Don’t throw that in my face, I do everything I can, for you and Abby. It’s not like I have a choice.”
“So what, you’re so fucking miserable in your own life that you have to try and control mine?”
“Control? You’re like my child! You don’t even know how to take care of yourself half the time, so yes, I try to help you not to make such shitty decisions!” 
You scowl. “You’re not obligated to do anything for me, y’know Mike. Why do you keep me around if I’m that much of a chore for you!”
He snaps, the tension in his fists bleeding up into his throat, his mouth, the words clot behind his gums and suddenly they tumble out in a fury-fueled shout. “Because you’ve got no one else!” 
You deflate, wilting like a flame without oxygen, and Mike deems the silence to be more cruel than anything else you’ve said to him tonight. He’s feeling everything and nothing all at once, the quiet crumbles around him like a burning building and he fears he’ll become rubble beneath the debris. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I just… god, just–” His eyes flick to you, and then retreat back down to the faded living room carpet. He can’t swallow his guilt this time. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have snapped like that.”
“It’s fine,” you say coldly, knuckling away an angry tear. The salt water is the trick of nostalgia, you’ve cried like this so many times. Your breakage of those promises to yourself. It’ll be different. And it never is. 
“No. It’s not – I’m a dick, I just… I hate watching other people ruin your life. You deserve better.”
Better. What is better? Some twisted fantasy that some people are indulged with and others are left longing for. That you’re left longing for. You know he’s tired of the same bullshit that you force yourself through, convincing yourself of change, painting yourself up to be fit for presentation, and hoping that whoever you’ve leeched onto likes what they see, so you don’t have to feel so alone anymore. You’re oblivious, painfully so. Because Mike could plaster together the cracks in your splintering psyche, if you’d just let him in. 
“Whatever, Mike. It’s true anyway.”
There’s a hole in his heart in the shape of your name. He begs you. Fill it. A part of him shatters at the defeat in your words — he’s crumbled you to the bone, to the marrow. He’ll build you back up. You deserve it. 
“No it isn't. No it isn’t. You have me. You’ll always have me.” 
A silence pervades; the look in his eyes is one of pleading, that you’ll stop and see what he’s offering you, that you’ll stop chasing your own tail, that you’ll stop the cycle. 
“And Abby.”
You indulge him. 
“You have me. And you have Abby. And I know that’s… not much, but she loves you. So much. And I’m sorry, ‘cause I know I don’t say it enough, I don’t…. I don’t say how much you mean to me, but I just—”
He wallows in the waters of your rain kissed eyes, the way your pupils pulse and the words are falling before he can swallow them back down. 
“I love you.”
He gives you that stare. That stare that’s the color of black coffee, the look that you can feel, unearthing the graveyard of wilting feelings you’ve tried to bury, the heart that beats for him him him, lodged between the ivory bars of your ribcage. He maps you out with his eyes, he looks at you the way the sun hungers for daybreak. 
He’s waiting. He’d wait forever. 
“And… and seeing you with these… shitty people who don’t even care about you, it just…” He sighs exasperatedly, dragging a sweaty palm down his face. 
His sentences can’t seem to finish themselves. This is harder than it looks in the movies. Harder than when he’s practiced in the mirror, when Abby’s walked in and giggled at him and told him to just fess up. 
“You love me? Like…”
He looks up at you like a kicked puppy. “Yeah. I do.”
You’re beyond bewildered. He loves you. He loves you. 
“What– but… you—”
“You don’t have to… say anything. I just, I can’t… I can’t pretend anymore. I can’t do it.”
You reach for his hand. It’s a little clammy, a little trembly, but it’s a perfect fit. Just like you. 
“I love you too, Mike.”
“You… do?”
He’s skeptical, but he’s also swooning. A stone man is slowly cracking. 
“I just didn’t… didn’t think I could have you. I mean, you’re so… you’re everything, y’know? You’re a good brother, and you work so hard, and you’re… I’m just… I don’t think I deserve you,” you whisper, confessing. With a newfound stroke of confidence, he approaches, one hand snaking around to the small of your back, another on your cheek. He’s gentle. In his eyes, you’re porcelain. Precious. Fragile. At least, at this moment. But you love him too and that’s all he needs. It’s all he’s ever needed. 
“You deserve everything.” He says it so quietly it’s barely audible. And then, nothing is audible because he’s carefully pulling your lips to his, linking you in every way, his hands tangle into your damp hair and he’s kissing you. 
His lips chase yours in messy, uncalculated movements. He’s starting small. It’s been a while. And he’s gonna take his time with you. He’s gonna show you what you deserve. Soft sounds squeak past his lips as they flutter against yours, and you’re closer and closer and closer still, impossibly so. 
Within moments he’s whisking you off to his bedroom, his hand tangled with yours, an interlace tight enough to cause ropeburn. His skin chafes with yours, and then he’s kissing you again atop his navy comforter. 
He’s gentle, respectful, but you understand what he’s trying to tell you, what he’s been trying to tell you. He speaks through silken drags of his tongue, through the hand that holds your cheek steady— he feels as though he’s gripping the very cusp of a constellation. You taste like stardust. You glow like the waning moon. 
He breathes heavily in the expanse of his throat, his pants have become tight and wet and filthy; he’s been subconsciously grinding down into your lap. You’re a little shaky and your pupils have darkened with lust and he is going to show you what you mean to him. What you’ve been missing. 
His hand falls lower, into the slope of torso that dips into your hips. His eyes travel back and forth, searching, hunting for the desire that he feels mirrored back at him. Do you want this, the way he does? Do you? His hardened stare doesn’t speak loud enough. He elaborates.
“Can I… uh… do you wanna…?”
Do you want to? You need to. 
“Shit, okay,” he croaks out, jaw tense and tight as he traces you beneath calloused fingers. You didn’t realize you said that out loud. 
He’s endearingly awkward – you know from languid late-night conversations that he hasn’t done this a lot. Maybe even at all. But he’s sweet, so sweet, like lapping up sugar and feeling it dissolve on your tongue, feeling him dissolve on your tongue, giving you comfort and cavities. 
“Can I take this off?” He asks nervously, fiddling with the hem of your camisole. A short nod, and he’s sliding it over your sweat-pricked figure, admiring your contours in the whisper of evening moonlight that bleeds through holes in his moth-eaten curtains. You’re perfect, and he knew you would be. 
He caresses your skin gently, drunk on the mellow feeling of your bare stomach beneath his fingertips. Your bra is black, a little lace peering along the straps, your breasts spilling into the fabric. He reaches around your back, fumbling at the clasp. When the garment drops, his hands are replacing it before you can even blink. 
“Beautiful,” he manages to get out, thumbing over your nipples. 
“Mngh, Mike—”
“Sh. Just let me… just let me. Let me make you feel good. Please?” He grunts out under his breathless voice, and how could you deny such a request?
The moment you agree, he’s grabbing you by the thighs and tugging you towards him slightly, so your back is nearly flat against his mattress and he’s settling himself in the gap that you create for him. 
Your skirt comes off first. Your panties are undeniably soused, his fingers trace the big wet spot that’s dripping all for him, teasing you through torturously thin cotton. 
“Mike,” you mewl gently, fingers settling in his nest of chocolate curls that are damp with sweat. A firm tweak and he’s groaning, his voice melting away into nothing like hot tar. 
“You’re so wet,” he mumbles to himself, like he’s never seen anything like it. Probably not in a while. His finger hooks beneath the waistband, pulls it out gently, and lets it go. It slaps against your hip bone and another fresh sound seeps from your lips.  
“Mike, shit, please just do something—”
“Okay,” he whispers, more to himself than you, carefully sliding your panties from your waist, down past your ankles, and he’s tossing them to join the pile of clothes that has begun to collect on his bedroom floor. 
You’re here, before him. The girl he waited for. Your soft flesh is glistening, clenching painfully around nothing, and he’s salivating at the sight of you. He pries your legs out further with his warm hands, leaving them to linger on your bare flesh for a few drawn out moments, before he claims what’s rightfully his. 
He presses a trialing kiss to your clit, and your back curves delicately, fingers tightening their grasp in his hair. He moans into you at this action, and you, in turn, moan as well. Confidence creates itself in him with each little whimper that he gets you to release, and he’s answering back, hearing your cries, your calls of his name with his own unabashed exclamations of pleasure. This is just as good for him, as it is for you. 
“Mike,” you whine gently, and he’s mumbling weak praise right into your cunt. 
“Fuck, you’re so pretty. Wanted this for so long.”
It’s barely audible between his languid sucks; he’s lapping at your drooling entrance, fingers subtly creeping closer, up and along your thighs and settling right above your throbbing clit. He presses his thumb against it, tracing sinful circles against your bud— once, twice, and then you’re far too close to the edge. 
“Oh, Mike I’m gonna come,” you choke out between gasps. 
“Do it. Please.”
He’s begging you. 
And you oblige. With a trembling sob, your thighs tense around his head, keeping him locked in place, capturing him and making sure he finishes the job, and oh does he plan to. When you soar, he’s still holding you in place, soothing the electric sparks pulsating throughout your body. 
He savors your sounds, and when they stop coming, he presses a lingering peck on your inner thigh, stubble scraping at the sensitive dermis. He then raises his face to your level, the light coruscating off the filthy souvenir etched all over his face, your glittering arousal that he wears so proudly. 
He steals a proper kiss from you, rubbing your side as a gentle comfort. He’s completely hard now, tenting his sweats, leaking against the fabric. You gingerly reach out, tracing what you assume to be the head of his cock, and he sags, boneless, against your touch. 
“Fuck, baby I—”
“Baby?” You chuckle softly, still hazed from the candy-coated afterglow of your orgasm. The first of many, he hopes. 
“Mngh— g… got a problem?” He grumbles softly, almost quivering as you begin to palm him with purpose.
“It’s out of character,” you tell him gently. 
“Shit, can I be inside you?” He asks you, voice ripped raw. 
And once again, Mike Schmidt leaves you breathless. 
“Yeah. I need it. I need you.”
He groans, slipping off his pants and boxers without so much as another word from your swollen lips. He’s hard, angrily so, his cock pulses violently and a little whimper escapes through the crack in his bitten lips when it slaps against his stomach. 
He’s stroking himself slowly, base to tip and then back again, collecting the pearls of precum that dribble from his slit. He’s never been so ready for something. For you. It’s all for you. 
He’s holding you, thumbing your hip bones and gently nudging himself into your hole, cooing at every cry that crawls from the crevices of your throat. When he bottoms out, finally, it’s safe to say that he gets a little dumb. “Oh, shit, I’m not— not gonna last long, you’re so tight, shit…” He’s rambling a little. It’s cute. 
A few wandering kisses land on you the way dandelion spores decorate a skyline – your cheek and your chin and your jaw, as he waits for you to let him move. You’re squeezing him for all he’s got and he’s three seconds away from spilling before he’s even so much as thrusted. You do this to him. 
All those days, staring into your eyes and wondering if you’d ever see him the way you do, all those nights, stroking your hair and softening your saddened sobs after failed date after failed date. They’re all worth it. 
You’re clamping down on him, warm and wet and wavering, and you’re exhaling softly through your nose and telling him to move, begging him to move, to make you feel good, and it’s what he does. 
He pumps into you with passion, magnetized to your every movement. He’s satisfying a decade worth of insatiable craving, he’s chasing your hips with his. You end where he begins. 
The headboard creaks and slams against thin plastered walls, one hand grips onto it with alabaster knuckles and the other one holds your hips for better leverage. He doesn’t need to say it, but each knocked kiss of his pelvis to yours is a silent I love you I love you I love you. 
“Oh my god Mike,” you sob, and he slides himself deeper, hitting everywhere he wants to reach. Everywhere to make you quiver beneath him.
“You d—don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” he moans lowly. “How many times I’ve imagined you like— like this.”
He’s blabbering, every stray thought that passes through his head is already blossoming on his tongue and out into the air before he can even think twice. Admittedly, you’re too blissed out in your own mind to really respond, but it’s arousing all the same. 
“You’re so… so beautiful,” he’s flushed and he’s faltering, and you know he’s close before he even announces it. 
“Shit, baby, I can’t— can’t last much longer,” he stammers, his bruising pace beginning to shake. 
“Do it in me, Mike, please, please,” shit, are you trying to kill him? Your word is the only law he knows, and he’s wrapping his arms around your torso and diving his head in the elegant slope of your collarbone, biting down into the skin and spasming somewhere deep in your welcoming walls. 
He tries to keep himself quiet, but it’s really a futile effort. His hips jut sporadically as he empties himself inside you, and the sudden flood of subtle heat is all it takes for you to topple over as well. 
Bliss teeters back into reality after a seemingly ceaseless moment. He peels his head from its previous position to admire you, to stroke a stray lock of hair from your forehead and nervously greet it with a kiss.
He doesn’t let go of you. Not now, not ever, he thinks to himself. His arms snake around you tighter, and somehow it’s even more intimate after the fact. His bare chest collides with your back, his nose rests comfortably against the crown of your head. The pair of you follow each other into a dreamless sleep, safe in the sanctuary of a warm bed and an even warmer embrace. 
He’s found his new familiar. 
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nevernonline · 4 months
✧.* twenty-seven?; ksy
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synopsis: you always wanted to be considered a ‘serious’ journalist, but to get the chance at moving up the ranks and getting to produce your own stories, you’re get an idea to do one final story and impress your boss, that’s where inspiration strikes with the one and only soonyoung.
part of my ninety minute movies one shot series. ♡︎
paring: hoshi x fem! reader. 
genre: strangers2lvrs
warning/s:mentions of substances (alcohol, weed, cig, vape etc.) swearing, very bad jokes!, just fluffy and nice no seggsy time
word count: 8.4k
content: . non-idol idolings, some other svt members. hoshi is down bad fast xo.
note: my next little inspired movie writing is the icon that is 27 dresses. except instead of our female lead being the one in the wedding its my fav tiger (hamster) soony. I just love sappy cutie soonyoung so I apologize in advance. also unedited bc im a loser srry. it shouldn't be tew bad bc I tried to take my time lol. ily.
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Finding a cozy spot at a table to the left of the bride and groom, you flipped open your notebook and started jotting down pin points on the decor, the flowers, the bride's beautiful flowing silk gown, and the way the groom looked at her with stars in his eyes. 
The first dance song rang around the room gathering all the adorned looks of friends and family watching as another couple took the leap on spending the rest of their lives together. 
A rocks glass was placed in front of your pen and paper as the chair next to her was suddenly filled with the stranger who put it there. 
“Taking notes for your own wedding?” 
“Oh. No, I'm doing a piece for the Daily on their wedding.” 
“Are you y/n l/n by any chance?” 
“I am. You’re familiar with me?” 
“Yeah, just through the bride. She’s my sister. She talks about you nonstop. I’m Soonyoung, I was the one who contacted you.” 
“I see. Nice to meet you. What’s the drink for?” 
“Working hard, I figured you should at least enjoy yourself a little bit.” 
“That’s nice. Thank you.” 
Soonyoung stared at the girl across from him, trying to catch a peak at her notes seeing if she was painting this night in a perfect light.
You caught on and shut the book quietly, giving him a small wink as a shout it would be everything his sister wanted. 
“What’s the drink?” 
“A vodka soda, lemon.” 
“So, you know my drink order? Thought you said you didn’t know who I was?” 
“I saw you at a wedding a few weeks ago, my friend Seungkwan. I noticed your drink, that's all. That’s how I got your contact actually.” 
“Lying on the first meet, a great sign. No wonder you look so familiar to me. You were the best man right? But blonde at the time?” 
“My sister would’ve killed me if I was blonde at her wedding and sorry not lying just felt creepy admitting it. 
“I liked it.” 
Soonyoung laughed remembering the conversation he had with his sister about his hair. 
“So what’s it like being in two weddings in one month, Soonyoung?” 
“Actually I’m going to be in three. Next week my coworker is getting married. Which would make my wedding count twenty-six.” 
“You’ve been to twenty-six weddings?” 
“Yep. After next week anyway. What’s your wedding count?” 
“Ones I’ve covered? Too many to count. Ones I’ve been in? Two I think. Both of my brothers are married. That’s about it.” 
“So you cover weddings but aren’t married?” 
Rolling your eyes at his unfiltered nature, you couldn’t help but feel like his question was out of curiosity and not judgment. The way his eyes searched hers for answers was genuinely adorable. 
“Almost at one point, but he cheated on me and is marrying her now. I didn’t actually become a journalist to cover weddings anyway, it sort of just happened.” 
“I see.” 
“What about you? Being at all those weddings and never getting married?” 
“No. Not even close, I was in love with the same girl for a long time, but she didn’t feel the same way.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” 
After spending the rest of your night enjoying Soonyoungs company, you bid goodbye to the bride and groom and headed back to your home to get down to working on the article. 
Digging through your black leather tote you realize you forgot to take your journal home with you, leaving it on the white table cloth being distracted by a new friend. 
Realizing you don’t have his number you took it upon yourself to stalk his social media profiles in hope you could find a way to get in contact with him, maybe he was your saving grace in taking your book for safekeeping until he could give it back to you. 
Saying fuck it for now you just began typing away about your night, thanking god or whomever that you backed up your calendar digitally when you get a clever idea to write an article still about weddings, but about the person you met who had been a groomsmen all those times. Searching for any kind of photos and videos of his past times supporting nuptials. 
All you came up with was a couple cheesing photos of him posing in his suits of many colors and types when you get the idea to go back into your own rolodex of photos and writings from weddings you’ve done in the past, noticing him standing near the bride and groom in just a few it was now safe to say he has piqued your interest even more than before. 
You decided to draft an email to your boss begging for the chance to write her an article about the types of bridesmaids and groomsmen who’ve been involved in many years of weddings as a support, if you found one person who had done so many in a short time it wouldn’t be hard to find more right? 
Before getting ready for bed you sat refreshing your email waiting for the go-ahead to investigate Soonyoung further with the excuse that it was simply just for work, it took multiple scrolls to the point where your thumb was starting to hurt from running it over the screen until she replied. 
‘Y/n, feel free to start drafting up the story. If I like it I’ll let you have more creative articles in the future. Please have it on my desk in two weeks.’
When the morning finally arrived, you had to make the rough decision to get out of bed and head to grab a coffee from the shop in your apartment lobby. Normally you’d be cuddled on your couch with your cat, spending your Saturday morning reading and watching reruns of your favorite reality shows, but much to your surprise the coffee stash you usually have stocked has dried up. 
Exiting the silver doors of the elevator a call came from the front desk attendant and you were met by a brown paper bag tied with a bow, the outside scribbled on with some crayons of silly faces and drawings of cartoon tigers, stickers of hello kitty, and a pink note taped to the handle. 
“Miss. Y/l/n! Some boy dropped this for you last night.” 
“Oh? Thank you, Max.” 
Ripping open the small note in line for your morning brew, it instantly puts a smile on your face.
‘Hi, I noticed you left this on the table. Hope it’s not weird. I dropped it off for you. Your address was inside. At least I can stalk you now. - Soonyoung (wedding guy lol)” 
Inside the bag was your planner and a few random pieces of candy thrown around. A small bookmark was placed on a page and written underneath was a date for next Thursday and the number of your new favorite subject marked ‘single seeking wedding date.’ 
After grabbing the paper cup from the barista behind the counter you whip your phone out and dial the number written inside your prized possession. 
“Hello, is this the single seeking a date?” 
“Hey, it is. Is this the cute girl who’s planner I found?” 
“I think so? I don’t know any other cute girls who like going to weddings.” 
“Are you available for drinks and a little pre-wedding party?” 
“Tonight? Wow. Eager to see me again I see.” 
“I am. And I’m being bold right now which is new for me, so please don’t make me cry.” 
“Aw. But I’m sure you’re so pretty when you cry.” 
“I’m always pretty, y/n. So?” 
“Sure. Why not?” 
You heard Soonyoung gasp over the phone and drop something loud. 
“Want me to take it back?” 
“No. Cool. I will.. pick you up at 6:30? We can get some drinks before and then it’s just like a casual party, but my friends are kind of fancy so maybe like nice cocktail attire. I’m sure you know.” 
“Okay. I’m sure you remember where to find me? After all, you did confess to being a stalker.” 
“Oh my god. I was kidding, don’t take me seriously. I’ll see you then.” 
“See you, Soony. Ok now I’m corny. That wasn’t meant to be a pun. Bye.” 
Hearing the boy's laughter over the phone almost gave you butterflies. 
“You’re funny. Bye.” 
Spending the rest of your normally relaxing afternoon getting ready to slyly interrogate your new friend, you decided to not go out of your way to look overly special after all you weren’t even sure this quote on quote date was anything romantic or just a way of initiating a friendship. 
Just before you leave your front door you sat to think if it was appropriate to bring along the same journal that was delivered to you the same morning, but made the conscious decision to leave it behind and not make this first night getting to know each other about you digging into his life for your own gain. 
The ride down the elevator had you inspecting yourself in its small safety mirror, fixing the very last strand of hair that felt out of place on your head, not paying any attention to the people jumping off and on from their various floors. 
When you finally stepped out into the marble covered lobby, you immediately spotted Soonyoung draped over the side of the couch holding his legs close, almost like a nervous child looking around the room and pouting because he can’t find his toy. 
When he finally locked eyes with you his childlike demeanor changed immediately into a spunky puppy, jumping up from his seat and dusting off crumbs on his pants that weren’t even there in the first place, maybe to wipe his hands from their small sweat they were undergoing. 
“Hi, y/n. You look very nice” 
“Really? So do you. Where are we headed?” 
“There’s a cool poet themed bar just like two blocks from here, I thought you’d enjoy it since you’re a writer and everything.” 
You looked at Soonyoung with wide eyes, it was a sign of how considerate he was yet again, just like the thought he put into bringing you, your planner and decorating the bag. 
His sharp brown eyes sparkled under the street lights, almost like they were reflecting stars, his baggy khaki pants with matching jacket slung perfectly over his frame, he was cute. You could admit it to yourself that something about him was magnetic and you already wanted more. 
“Y/n? Is that not your thing? I’m sorry we can do something else, I shouldn’t of assumed all writers like poetr-“ 
“Oh I’m sorry, I was distracted. Has anyone told you that you have insanely cute eyes? But yes, poetry’s cool. I’m more of a classic novel girl, but it sounds fun. Stop second guessing yourself. You’re good.” 
Your hand moved faster than your brain as you brought it up to pat him gently on his shoulder, a confirmation that you were having a good time and trying to ease his awkwardness. 
“Yeah, people have once or twice.” 
“Good. They really are cute.” 
The pink of Soonyoung’s cheeks grew into a deep red as he led you into the bar. The walls were covered in decaying pieces of paper written with words people had to get out for comfort. The smell was like the oldest library on earth, with a tinge of vanilla and vodka ringing through. 
Your brain took a moment to be present and remember all of the bad dates of your past. Maybe this wasn’t a date of your future, but if it was, he had already exceeded your expectations. 
As the waitress took your order, one Body Electric for your new friend a legit inspiration from Walt
Whitman to your choice which was a play on a Sylvia Plath poem. 
“Are you a lightweight?” 
You looked at Soonyojng not even halfway through his drink, feeling the ease and warmth of his body next
to you. 
“How can you tell?” 
“You relaxed for the first time tonight.” 
“I was nervous to hangout with you. I’m sorry. You’re just cool and pretty and I don’t know I feel like you’re way smarter than me and I’m intimidated by that sober” 
“I’m sure that’s not true. But if it’s any help I was nervous too.” 
“Really? So I have game?” 
“No. But you’re so cute I’d die if I hurt your feelings.” 
“So you’re a lightweight too?” 
“What? No way. Just honest to a fault.” 
Soonyoung smiled into the rim of his glass before taking his final sip and prompting you to finish your drink quickly, which you happily obliged. 
“Okay, on the way there.. I have to admit something. The party we’re going to is for the girl I liked before she got with this guy… it’s like unrequited love in a way.” 
“The girl you said you don’t love anymore?” 
“Yeah. I’m sorry I dragged you into this. I just wanted to see you again so I thought it was a good idea.” 
“I’m down. I’m not sure what, but I’m down.” 
“Want me to pretend to be your girlfriend? Or? I feel like it would be weird to say we were on a first date.” 
“Is this a date?” 
“Is it not?” 
“It was meant to be and it definitely is now.” 
“So pretend girlfriend, Soony?” 
“Maybe not an official girlfriend, how about… fourth date?” 
“Okay, have we had sex?” 
Soonyoung choked on his own spit which caused the two of you to end up in a fit of laughter on the street as you reached your next destination. 
“That’s fair. I’ll tell everyone you were good.” 
“I think I love you.” 
“Shut up.” 
After spending the night waltzing around and parading your further long relationship with your fake new boyfriend to his friends in hopes to prove his fondness for his newest engaged friend has gone away even slightly. 
While maybe you were pretending to be on a date with Soonyoung, your head was spinning. If this was a fake date it was better than any date you had previously. Stepping outside to take a break from the party inside you pulled out your phone, jotting down notes and small nuggets of information you learned about Soonyoung’s past wedding experiences. 
“Taking notes on me? What are you a PI?” 
Behind you, you hadn’t realized the door you snuck out of opened and the boy had followed behind, curious if you were okay. 
“Yeah, you’re under investigation for being overly nice. Sorry.” 
“What do they say? I didn’t read them, just saw my name.” 
“Just some antidotes I want to remember. Nothing crazy.” 
“Do you want to leave? I’m starting to reach my alcohol limit and I would rather die than have you see my drunk alter ego the first time we hung out.” 
“Yeah, come on, let's go.” 
Going back through the back exit, you tripped behind Soonyoung’s tall frame grabbing onto his shoulder and giggling before he stood in the way of you hitting the ground. 
His lips were curled into a goofy smile. 
“I swear to god if you say something about me falling for you, you will get punched.” 
“How did you know?” 
“That fucking goofy smile you have on your face right now, I could just see it brewing in that head of yours.” 
“Okay, I don’t like that you’ve already figured me out. Let’s go, klutz.” 
Before you and Soonyoung could exit back into the fresh air, a familiar face appeared in front of you. Your ex boyfriend. Something about this night clicked for you, it was his party, there were so many people around and the only person from the wedding party you met was the bride. But taking a breath in and looking around the room, you realized how stupid you were to not see all the signs that this party was for him. 
“Y/n? Hoshi? Hey, how have you guys been?” 
Soonyoung still holding his arm around your shoulder gave a small back and fourth look between you and the tall boy who knew your name. 
“You guys know each other?” 
“Yep. Hi, Jihoon.” 
“I didn’t know you knew Hoshi either?” 
“Oh well we just started dating, he invited me to come hangout.” 
“Dating? Wow. I didn’t know you had time for people outside of work anymore.” 
“Jihoon, if you don’t mind we have to go now. Thank you for the open bar and this amazing time chatting, congratulations on marrying your hookup. Goodnight.” 
The start of your walk with Soonyoung was pure silence, there was an obvious elephant in the room and you could tell he was just itching to talk about it, so you decided to prompt him. 
“You’re curious aren’t you.” 
“Yes. But I don’t want to ask you to talk about it because we’re having fun. So I figured I’d try to ignore it.” 
“It’s fine. I’m curious too actually, it’s kind of funny that the girl you liked was hooking up with my boyfriend and now they’re married. And by funny I mean actually funny and we just spent the whole night not knowing that.” 
“I didn’t even know that Jihoon had a girlfriend when they first met, he never said anything about it.” 
“I don’t blame him actually, I do work way too much. I just wished he’d broken up with me instead of cheating on me for a month.” 
“When did you guys break up?” 
“Last December.” 
“It was more than a month wasn’t it?” 
“I think so.” 
“Cool, cool, cool.” 
“That’s fucked up y/n, I’m so sorry.” 
“That’s okay, we weren’t supposed to be together and his new girlfriend or future wife whatever seems like she’s really nice.” 
“She is, but she’s too nice. She does everything he wants, maybe he couldn’t handle your independence.” 
“Soony. You caught on that I’m a bad bitch?” 
“Have you met yourself?” 
“No. But, if I did I’d be obsessed with her and hate her at the same time.” 
“That’s exactly how I feel.” 
You punched his side, before stopping and realizing you had come up to your front door. Not even worried about the way your feet were aching to get out of your heeled shoes. 
“This is me.” 
“I know. I’ve been here like three times now in less than twenty-four hours. I’m starting to believe you actually think I’m stupid.” 
“Not stupid. Just silly. I’ll see you again right?” 
“I mean I did put days on your calendar to schedule out time for me.” 
“You littl-“ 
Suddenly you were cut off by Soonyoung’s hand covering your mouth to put a stop to you cursing him out. 
“I won’t take no for an answer.” 
Sinking your teeth into his hand he retreated from his momentary confidence quickly, looking at the proud smile you were sporting, pointing your well manicured finger in his face. 
“Don’t tell women to shut up, Soony.” 
“I never said shut up, you were going to call me a mean name and I’m sensitive. Go back to calling me cute.” 
“Maybe. Next time.” 
You went in for a one armed hug when all of the sudden Soonyoung came in with both arms, clinking your heads together. 
“Very smooth.” 
He liked the fact that you constantly teased him while making light of situations, regaining his confidence he pulled you into his embrace enveloping both arms around your shoulders, placing a small kiss on the part of your forehead that crashed into his. 
“I’ll see you next week.” 
“What’s next week?” 
“The wedding, check your planner. Well actually I’ll see you in two nights because we have to shop or go through your closet so we can match! Bye, y/nie.” 
Caught off guard by the kiss on your head and watching him hail a cab like it was nothing, you couldn’t help but smile on your way into your building, met by Max at the front desk beaming as wide as you and giving you a wink.  Knowing that he saw the cute and awkward interaction you shared with the hyper hamster outside. 
The two days in between you and Soonyoung’s first official interaction, you felt yourself looking forward to seeing him again and being in his presence like your own personal serotonin boost. 
The insane fact that your ex was marrying the girl he cheated on was enough, but the girl being Soonyoung’s painful crush? Especially when you felt he was becoming yours was beyond insane. 
You made up separate drafts of your article about the people who make weddings shine, from the families, the bridal parties. the insane bachelor and bachelorette nights, and mainly Soonyoung’s love for love. 
The two works of nonfiction were from different perspectives, one being your head and one being your heart. You couldn’t decide if it was appropriate to present a piece basically claiming how amazing you found Soonyoung for the whole world to see when you’re not even sure if he’d ever consider you to be more than a silly writer girl y/n, his friend or fake girlfriend. Your other was from the space of practicality, a genuine love letter to your career and the person who inspired this story, but also digging deep into the ideals of how frantic and selfish the wedding industry can be and what it means for an unmarried friend to take in burdens constantly for their loved ones when it takes a toll on their own heart. 
The biggest debate in your body was the fact the real article, the one you wanted to write, was at the fault of someone who had only in the short space of two days made you feel again, but it was honest and genuine. 
You knew Soonyoung had to have some pain working and being a part of a wedding for the girl he saw himself marrying. 
Luckily you have another few days to decide which way it’ll go. 
Sitting on the thought of what one you should put out, you were awoken out of your thought bubble to a string of buzzes from your cell phone sitting face down on your desk. 
None other than the boy that had been living in your head for the past 48 hours. 
Soonyoung’s texts were multiple lines of photos and silly messages asking you which outfit he should wear that could match any of the dresses you had hanging in your closet for the wedding. 
One of the options was a beige suit, simple in theory but something about the way he styled it with a funky sage green t-shirt and matching sneakers made you smile. Even if you didn’t have anything to match this outfit you would make an effort to go out and spruce up your wardrobe to be on his level. 
After quickly responding that it was your choice, he retorted back in his true fashion you’d have to send him your options too or he’d come over to help you. 
In a desperate subconscious way you agreed to his antics. 
Now nearly an hour later a call came from the front desk that a visitor had arrived asking for consent he could come upstairs which you happily agreed assuming it was none other than Soonyoung himself. The person on the opposite side of the door was not the sharp eyed boy you’d expected, but Jihoon. 
“Why are you here?” 
“I wanted to see you after the other night, I just wanted to say hey.” 
“Okay? Then text me. Don’t come over unannounced, I have a friend I’m expecting.” 
“You wouldn’t have responded.” 
“That’s true.” 
Standing with your arms crossed in your doorway not letting Jihoon into the now redecorated apartment you once had let him live in, you weren’t budging on your gut feeling to let him in and talk. 
“Can I come in?” 
“Like I said. I’m expecting a friend. So.. no.” 
“Who? Hoshi? You guys aren’t seriously together? He’s not your type, too goofy.” 
“Isn’t he your friend?” 
“He’s Nana’s friend, but he’s okay. I’m just saying it's not your style.” 
Nana? A stupid nickname for his fiance who’s name was simply Anna. So as you rolled your eyes and shut your apartment door behind you as you stepped into the hallway as a clear defining factor he was not welcome you stood far apart from him as a line in the sand. 
“He’s not goofy. He’s sweet and yes he’s on his way so maybe you should leave before saying anything else so he doesn’t get the wrong idea.” 
Jihoon wavered a bit, looking towards the elevator door at the end of the hall as if like a movie Soonyoung would walk out of the elevator at the mention he was on his way over. 
“Maybe take the stairs. I’ll see you at your wedding with my date.” 
Rushing in and slamming the door in his face, you sink to the floor in a moment of pure exhaustion over interacting with someone like your ex. 
Why wasn’t Soonyoung right for you? Why did you not want that to be true? And why were you so dead set on proving him absolutely wrong? 
In your rush of emotions another knock came to your door. Without looking through the peephole you swung it open rapidly. 
“Look I told you to g- oh, Soonyoung! Thank god.” 
Your body made a move before your head could even catch up as you ended up hugging him tightly, rushing him inside as if Jihoon didn’t get the message and was watching in from a hidden spot in the corridor. 
“Y/N are you okay?” 
“Yes. Sorry, someone just came over that I did not want to see. Welcome.” 
You watched as his eyes took in the view of your pink and green splattered apartment, things like funky vases full of wildflowers, plant tendrils floating down from shelves tucked between books of various sizes and ages, a small nook with sleeping white and black cat hid inside snuggling into his stuffed toy. 
“I love it here.” 
“Really? I redecorated recently, it was cold before. I love it now.” 
“Also it smells amazing, do you bake? It smells like cookies and coffee. Wow.” 
“I do not bake, but I do have candles that give the illusion. What’s in the bag?” 
Soonyoung set a small black duffle bag down on the counter and began pulling the contents out one by one, showing them off like a beauty guru. 
Wine, five small bags of potato chips, beer Incase you didn’t like wine and he was unsure, a slice of delicious looking chocolate cake, and a container marked with your name of his moms homemade soup. 
“Why did you do this?” 
“I thought we would have fun while picking out matching outfits. Will you let me see your closet? Please, please, please. I’m so curious.” 
“It’s not that impressive at all.” 
“If your apartment looks like this then I have only the highest expectations for you.” 
Smiling, you jokingly made a come on motion with your fingers and led him into your spare bedroom that now existed as a half home office and half closet. 
His eyes took in even more of your fun design work, the racks of records, pictures of you and your friends, and one of the things that made him feel like he could fall in love with you, your rack full of limited edition shoes and bags. 
“Not impressive? You have some of the coolest shit I’ve ever seen in here?” 
“I’m just a girl with a cat and a lot of time on my hands. Since being single I’ve just spent it on shopping and ordering take out.” 
“If you don’t mind me asking what were you and Jihoon like together? You guys seem really opposite to me.” 
There it was again, someone not right for you. Was it just in your head that you think maybe you’re the problem of why this comment is being made? 
“Uh, we were okay at first. We met in college about three weeks before graduation and spent so much time together. But if I think about it, we just hung out in his dorm where I watched him play video games and watch anime even though I was not interested. I kind of wish I was more outspoken about it. I missed a bunch of things my friends had done wasting away on his futon drinking shitty cheap alcohol and waiting on him hand and foot and whatever else.” 
“Really? So you guys dated for a long time I guess. Did it change a lot once you got out?” 
“Not really. A lot of people knew we were ‘dating’ but in the time that we did, we probably went on one or two actual dates.” 
“That makes me sad actually.” 
“Why? I made the choice to do all those things. At least I don’t have an ugly poster of John Lennon on my wall just to show I loved him.” 
Soonyoung was set off by that, laughing and imagining you having a photo of a musician on your wall to impress your boyfriend. 
“What’s so funny? Haven’t you done anything embarrassing to impress a girl?” 
“Definitely. Too many to choose from actually.” 
“At least you're charming, I came off as obsessive and stupidly in love. Not a good look for me.” 
“Caring too much is never a bad thing when you think you’re in love and you’re charming too.” 
“Why thank you good sir.” 
“And you’re weird. Which personally is a green flag for me. I didn’t expect that from you actually.” 
“Is that a compliment though, really?” 
“For me? Yes. I don’t like normal people well, not normal people I guess, just people who have no personality or something I can learn from. I want someone as a friend or whatever else to challenge me a little, it’s healthy.” 
“I think that’s really cool of you, I agree. I like people that are willing to try new stuff or get me out of my comfort zone.” 
“Was showing me your office a way of me getting you out of your comfort zone?” 
“Sort of. This is kind of like my safe haven.” 
Soonyoung just gave you a wide toothed smile, beaming from ear to eat that you admitted he was even just slightly somewhat of your type. 
As the night went on and on the boy that has now broken down a couple of your walls, not quickly but brick by brick was sitting comfortably next to your cat curled up in the same manor helping you pick out something that would go with his two outfits, one for the wedding itself and one for the rehearsal dinner which he promised you that you’d only eat and leave to have more fun just out of respect for the couple and his friend Anna. 
Now each of you taking the bottle of wine he brought slowly, sitting on your floor surrounded by shoes and loose pairs of pants, giggling over nothing he stared in your eyes almost like you could read that he had another interrogating question. 
“Was Jihoon the one at the door before?” 
“How did you kno–” 
“I can’t remember you mentioning anybody that would come over unannounced and make you look as upset as you did.” 
“Do you know why he was here?” 
“He just gave me some stupid antidote that he wanted to see me after the other day, I didn’t ask further. When I told him I had a friend coming over he just knew it was you for some reason and then told me we couldn’t be dating seriously because you’re not my type? As if he’d know? It was weird all around.” 
“Do you still have feelings for him?” 
“No. I realized once we broke up and now after knowing he was cheating on me more than a few nights that it was an amazing decision. When we first ended it I just kicked him out and ghosted all his texts, he used to update me on his life every now and again, the last time we talked for real, before today he called me crying that his Grandmother was sick, so we just had a brief talk and it ended for real there. I genuinely never thought I’d see him again.” 
“Also, am I your type?” 
Ss wine dribbled down your chin you were once again surprised by Soonyoung’s random fit of confidence. 
“Yeah. You’re nice and I love how annoying you are. I think you get under my skin in the best way.” 
“Wow. I’m surprised you admitted it.” 
“What can I say, wine drunk y/n is honest.” 
“And what about my physical type? Sexy, cool, handsome, the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen?” 
Taking a note from his book you swung your closest arm to him, you clipped your fingers over his mouth and shut him up. 
Much to your surprise he took a note from your book and instead of biting your hand he stuck his tongue through his lips and licked your fingers which caused you to lunge towards him further, jokingly pissed he did just so. 
As you were fighting for comedic relief you sat suddenly face to face with him holding onto your wrists to resist more thrash fighting. 
The two of you stared at each other filling the room with intense tension of your lips being so close once again. 
“If I knew you wouldn’t be mad at me I’d kiss you right now.” 
“Soonyoung, you’re so stupid. Why would I be mad at you?” 
“So I can kiss you?” 
Soonyoung pushed his bottom lip out from his top, replacing his cute puppy face with a pouty one. 
You decided to quickly dive in and pace a peck on his protruding bottom lip. 
He immediately let you go and erupted into a fit of giggles like a little kid, as you tried to sneak away quickly he grabbed onto the arm of your sweatshirt which you quickly unzipped and slipped out of, running through the door of your office and into the rest of the house as he chased behind. 
“You have to know I’m going to catch you for that, that was so mean y/n.” 
As you were winning the fight, getting away from the boy chasing you around, you suddenly tripped up and felt his hand grasp your shoulder, turning you around with secret strength. 
Standing face to face with him now, your stubbed toe throbbing through your fuzzy socks, you both were holding in a whole lot of laughter. 
Soonyoung’s hand slipped behind your head and pulled you in for a much more romantic type of kiss than you gave him before. The two of you touched lips softly, as your smiles were still prominent on your faces. 
Before anything could escalate further your phone began to ring again and your boss's name was plastered over the front, which you answered with panting breaths still in a haze from kissing the boy you made you feel young again. 
“y/n? Hi, would you be able to send over a draft of your article you begged me for? We were looking for something to print for tomorrow if you’re interested? I’ll have someone expedite the editing process tonight.” 
“Oh, shit. Yeah of course, I’ll rush and email it to you now.” 
“Thank you, congratulations y/n.” 
“Thank you. Bye.” 
Oh my god, Soony, stay here. I have to email my boss quickly about my article, she wants to print it for tomorrow's paper. I’ll be right back.” 
“What? Congratulations. But don't worry, I’m not leaving.” 
“Good, sorry, be right back.” 
Rushing back into your office you flipped open your computer and sent your final article draft, choosing the one that your gut felt would be better for your personal life at the moment, especially after the kiss you just shared with the boy it was about. 
Typing a quick message along with your attachment you just said a big thank you and clicked send before grabbing the half drank bottle off the floor and ran back to Soonyoung munching on a bag of chips waiting for you. 
“Shall we celebrate?” 
“What are we celebrating?” 
“Me, idiot. I’ve been trying to get a real article published ever since I got the job doing weddings. I love weddings, but always being so happy and cheerful and not getting a chance to stretch my creative juices is frustrating.” 
“Can we also celebrate kissing? That seems more fun.” 
“Shut up, asshole.” 
Taking a swig from the bottle, you passed it over to your male counterpart and watching him take an equally large drink matching your energy. 
You and Soonyoung spent the rest of the night talking about how tomorrow will go, where will you and he be sitting, will Jihoon be giving you side eyes or talking shit with some of the other guests. How nice of a chance it’ll be to experience a wedding simply just enjoying with someone on your side and not for work. 
After sitting in bed and still thinking about your kiss with Soonyoung many hours later, you saw a text from your boss letting you know she loved the article and to watch out for it in the morning. 
When that finally rolled around, you woke up to a lot of messages congratulating you and your new found success, many people from college, your parents, but the one person you were looking for was nowhere to be found in those texts. 
Putting the praise aside for a moment, you slipped back out of your bed to jump into the shower and start getting ready for your dinner celebrating the devil that was your ex. 
When you stepped out and went to grab onto your device once again you saw a text from the one person you were most excited to read, but it was less than exciting. Soonyoung expressed how upset the article made him and accused you of using him to further your career, something Jihoon supposedly warned him of the night of his pre-wedding party and he chose to ignore. 
Confused why he would be so upset about your praise for him, you ran to your front door and ripped open the pages of the paper only to find the article that you sent was a mistake, it was the one shitting on weddings, basically claiming Soonyoung himself was an unmarried loser, not in those words but you could see why it came across that way. Some of the simple moments of praise for his hard work were cut out in the editing room, only leaving the small bits of gossip and harsh criticisms sprinkled in between. 
Rushing back inside as your stomach sank to the floor you tried his number three times before getting no answer. Which made you frantically dial your boss’s number and interrogate her on why parts of your article were cut out, she simply answered that fluff doesn’t sell and she was proud of you. 
Soonyoung not responding had let you in on the fact that he wasn’t going to be seeing you today or maybe even seeing anybody for that matter, he was embarrassed and rightfully so. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
Continuing your quest on trying to reach him, you decided to still get ready for your night out, maybe not in the intense matching outfit way you wanted to last night, but just something where you could sneak into Jihoon’s wedding party and slide Soonyoung the real article you wanted him to read. 
Running down the street to the venue with no accurate directions in sight, you saw your ex standing on a corner, smoking a brown wrapped joint in his suit. 
“Jihoon. Jihoon.” 
“What? Back to grovel for a favor?” 
“Yes, please, just give this to Soonyoung for me. Please, I’ve never asked you for a favor like this, just once do something for me.” 
“You’re really serious about him?” 
“I am.” 
“So you didn’t mean to slam him in the article like you did?” 
“No. My boss cut out the good parts of the article, this was the one I meant to send. Just for me. I want you to be happy, Jihoon, I do. I want it for myself too, just please give it to him. Make sure he reads it.” 
“I know we haven’t had the best past and I know I'm coming here askin- Wait? Okay? Really?” 
“Yeah. I can tell this means a lot to you and the reason I came over today was just to formally invite you to the wedding. You’re a big part of my life and now Soonyoung’s, well maybe, besides the point. My fiance is one of his best friends, she liked you too, that was the only reason.” 
“Oh. Well I don’t think I’ll make it.” 
“How about you come on official business and give this to him yourself?” 
“No. I couldn’t do that. It’s your day not mine.” 
“We both deserve a big love, y/n.” 
Taking back your enveloped letter, you couldn’t help but be impressed by how mature Anna had made Jihoon become and you knew he was right. Sometimes love just falls in your lap and you can’t do anything about it. 
Ashing out his joint, he handed you the other half as an olive branch to celebrate old times and bid you goodbye until tomorrow. 
Before going back inside, he turned to you with one final wish. 
“You better look damn good tomorrow too, no suits. Wear something nice to confess your feelings, otherwise you’ll look like a dumbass.” 
“Got it.” 
Catching your breath and shoving the letter and paraphernalia back into your purse, you decided to take Jihoon’s advice. To look amazing, you stumbled upon a shop called ‘All's Well that Ends Well.’ situation just a block down from the poetry inspired bar Soonyoung took you to just a few days before. 
Stepping inside the store, the first thing you saw was a navy blue dress, the halter neckline and the silk straight flowing down to the floor, you knew it was meant for you. Especially because it would match the light pink suit Soonyoung was meant to be sporting with you by his side. The easiest shopping experience of your life. 
As the sales associate packed your order up and sealed it with a light pink bow, you knew it was a sign or something of the sort. 
With less than twenty-four hours of doing the most insane thing of your life, confessing to a man who essentially hated you after you had been kissing just hours before, you stayed up all night, using the weed that Jihoon gave you to stay focused on the task at hand, you almost considered cutting of your hair to enter a new era of your life, but only girls who were going through something would consider that and you attempted to tell yourself you were calm. 
When the morning sun rang around you finished writing a letter to match the one already placed in the envelope to accompany your sorry. You even decorated the outside with stickers of tigers and spongebob characters just to make Soonyoung smile. 
Sliding into your navy blue dress and silver heels, your hair was down and curled into perfect waves. You kissed your cat on the head and made your way over to the venue by foot, just to give yourself a little fresh air and piece of mind, hoping to slip in early enough so that you’d be seated before he even knew you came. 
Slipping into a space near the back of the room on Jihoon’s side, you opened your phone to an encouraging text from him telling you that you’ve got this and he’s excited to hear more about it later, plus reminding you to have fun and enjoy yourself. 
As the progression started you watched along with the other wedding goers, catching glimpses of Jihoon’s smiling family, which made your heart feel warm. 
As the wedding part waltz down the aisle in their pastel pink suits and rosy toned dresses, you saw a now blonde again head appear on the arm of a girl who looked a lot like Anna, so it was fair to assume it was her sister. 
Soonyoung didn’t glance your way, but something about the change in his demeanor made you aware he knew you had come. 
“Everyone please rise for the bride.” 
Anna walked out with her father on her arm, floating across the room like an angel in white. Her dress was adorned with small beaded flowers from the tips of her fingers down to the vail over her blonde hair. 
She was truly beautiful, you couldn’t help but feel like a peasant in the room with this woman who both of the men you had either once had feelings for or now did once loved. 
The whole ceremony was beautiful, but you missed a lot of it as you stared Soonyoung’s way trying to catch his eyes, but he never met yours. He was too busy enjoying the fact that his friends were getting married and the fact you had upset him. 
When the ceremony ended you followed the other guests to the front of the church, holding your envelope in your hand and greeting the bride and groom, Anna and Jihoon beamed at you before she pointed her finger to a room off the side of the front door, some sort of administration office where Soonyoung would be waiting for you. Which also told you Jihoon had filled her in on your little plan. 
You cracked open the old wooden door, trying to be subtle but the rotting wood creaked under the old floor boards making your entrance more known than you would’ve liked. 
Soonyoung was seated in a red leather chair to the side of the desk, his now blonde hair meeting your eyes before his face. Not giving in to turn around and look at you. 
“Soonyoung? I know you probably don’t want to speak to me. But, this was the real article. It was never meant to be that way. I’m sorry.” 
You placed the letter in front of him on the desk and moved to turn back to the door before you heard his voice. 
“So you didn’t mean all those mean things you wrote about me? That I was a desperate groomsman waiting for his shot to have a day for himself?” 
“You didn’t mean to say that my ostentatious nature was cringe worthy?” 
“Not in that way no, my boss cut out all the good things I said about you. She put it in her own words for dramatic effect. I quit this morning.” 
“You quit? Why?” 
“I wanted to try to make this right in the best way I could, she wouldn’t reprint the article how I wrote it and told me that if I didn’t like her style I should get a job somewhere else. So I quit.” 
Soonyoung just nodded, he couldn’t imagine why you would give up a golden opportunity just to prove your boss wrong or right for that matter all because of him. The only way he could make sense of what you were saying is that you were truly sorry and you cared about him. 
He made a bold move and threw the letter in the trash can to the side of the old oak desk and got out of his chair to hug you. 
“You’re not going to read it.” 
Speaking into his shoulder, you got a calming exhale of his cologne. 
“I don’t need to. I know you're telling me the truth, you said it yourself you don’t lie when you drink wine, and I can smell it on your breath.” 
Slipping your hands up from their place around his neck into his hair you giggled slightly, looking at the now dyed blonde locks of hair. 
“You dyed it back?” 
“You said you liked it. I thought you’d be my date and I had the appointment so I didn’t want to cancel.” 
“You weren’t hoping I’d show up here?” 
“I knew you would. I saw you talking to Jihoon outside last night through the window. I wasn’t sure exactly because you did walk away and he never told me what happened. But, when I saw you today sitting in the crowd. I knew my inkling was right.” 
“Did the cohesive outfit impress you? I missed one night, but I hope I made up for it today.” 
Soonyoung pushed you away slightly by your shoulders and made you do a spin for him. 
“You look beautiful.” 
“You’re such a dork.” 
Soonyoung playfully swung you around in the office covered in photos of church go-ers and crosses, bringing you into his chest tightly. 
“So, what did you write in that article? That I was devilishly handsome and cool?” 
“Nope. Just that you were a bad kisser.” 
“Seems like you need a reminder.” 
As your lips met Soonyoungs once again your heart sank into your stomach and was beating rapidly. You just fit and he never once doubted your heart. 
“What do you say? Should we go outside and dance?” 
“Can you even dance?” 
“Y/n? Can I even dance? What do you even think I do for a living?” 
“Oh. I’m such an idiot. Anna works at a talent agency. Got it.” 
“Come on, silly. Before our audience outside gets bigger.” 
When you exited the office back into the group of people outside, for some reason Jihoon started a cheer alongside his new wife. 
Soon you and Soonyoung were dancing the night away and drinking a little too much than your stomachs could handle. 
When you finally got a moment of dizzy drunkenness alone, he had you sitting on a bench where he knelt to the ground. Your mouth got the better of you once again. 
“Oh my god you're not proposing already are you I mean I know I’m amaz-” 
“Y/n shut up, I’m tying my shoe.” 
“Cool, cool. Got it.” 
“But the next wedding I attend hopefully I’ll be the groom.” 
With a wink Soonyoung sat back at your side as you watched the stars together, making a mental note that the next wedding would belong to the both of you.
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taglist: @sahazzy
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auras-moonstone · 10 months
hiiii idk if your taking requests but if u are can u please write like a heart breaking angst with jack and the reader but a sweet fluff at the end??? thank you so much <33333
i wrote this while i was on my period and i may have cried 🫣 hope you like it ! 💓
i know i miss you — jack champion
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word count: 2,809
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: the relationship between y/n and jacks starts to fall apart, and y/n can’t take it anymore. when jack stands her up, she makes a decision.
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WHEN Y/N FIRST MET JACK ON SET, she was very wary around him. He was charming, sweet, funny, caring—exactly the type she swore she would stay away from. Which is kind of ironic, isn’t it? Because those are qualities you usually look for in a person. But if there was something Y/N knew from working in Hollywood was: don’t fall for celebrities because they don’t have the best schedules for dating and you’ll get your heart broken. And Jack was exactly the type you couldn’t help falling for, so Y/N did her best to stay professional and have the least interaction possible. Did she succeed? Hell no. Jack Champion was the most social person Y/N has ever met.
“Jack, you need to stop talking. I can’t get your make-up done like this!” Y/N said, trying to sound annoyed but couldn’t help chuckling.
“Sorry. I’ll let you work” Jack apologised, his cheeks tinted a soft shade of red.
She melted at the sight. “You know I love talking to you. I didn’t mean it like that” she reassured him, not wanting him to get upset. “But they’re going to call you to do a scene and I’m going to get fired if you’re not ready”.
“Aren’t you being a little bit dramatic?” Jack laughed.
“Well, yeah, a little” she admitted. “And… done!”
“Thank you, you are the best!” he hugged her. “Are you ever going to get me fake blood or fake wounds?”.
“Are you subtly trying to get me to spill if you’re Ghostface or if you’re going to die?” Y/N crossed her arms in front of her chest.
“No! I would never use our friendship to do that!” he acted as if the accusation offended him.
“I’m really offended right now. Our friendship is over” she shook her head as she started cleaning the table.
“Let me buy you dinner tonight? You know, to win your affection back?” Jack spoke nervously, playing with his hands and looking at the back of her head.
Y/N froze. She knew they were walking on a fine line between friendly and flirting, and now he was crossing it. Her last relationship with an actor ended up badly—his interest to maintain their relationship deteriorated with the passing days until there was nothing she could do to save it. Y/N was left heartbroken and swore to herself she was never risking it again.
And then Jack came to her life with his cute dimples, bright eyes and dad jokes and completely swept her off her feet. Y/N fell for him in free fall—not being able to stop at all. And there she was now, unable to say no. Not wanting to say no. So she said yes.
And then one date turned into two, and then three and weeks later they became official. And everything felt perfect for the next few months, like they were inside of a romantic comedy. And life and fiction had one thing in common—the climax. And so the problems in their relationship appeared.
The filming of Scream 6 ended, which meant that Y/N and Jack could no longer see each other every day. They knew this would eventually happen, but they were positive they were going to be fine. Well, Jack was pretty positive, Y/N just hoped with all her heart her relationship with Jack wouldn’t meet the same ending than with her ex-boyfriend. Because she loved Jack with all of her heart, more than she had ever loved anyone else, and it scared her immensely.
The first punch in the heart came two months after they finished Scream 6: Y/N continued working as a make-up artist for movies and Jack had began filming Avatar 4, which required lots of time on set. She understood why his replies didn’t come as quick or why his texts weren’t long. He always made sure to add emojis and exclamation marks to let her know he wasn’t being dry, he just had short amount of time to talk to her—and she thought that was absolutely cute. They mostly face-timed or called each other, but as the production of Avatar continued, Jack grew restless; he arrived home very late and all he wanted to do was rest, so he started sending just texts.
And Y/N was very understanding, she knew how Hollywood worked. Not everything was going to be petals and pink all the time, they were going to have rough paths, especially because of work. What mattered is that both of them were trying their best to keep their relationship sane and intact. Until he stopped trying.
The calls were short and dry—she did most of the talking and he answered briefly. And texts? Well, she sent them but almost never got a reply.
“Y/N” he answered the called, lying on the couch of his trailer.
“Hey, babe! How are you?” she answered. Her phone was on speaker as she gathered her make-up stuff she had just used.
“I can’t really talk right now” he answered.
Y/N frowned “Oh, sorry. I thought you were on a break”
“I am, but you know… breaks are for taking breaks”
“Isn’t that what you are doing?” she asked confused, letting out a small laugh.
Jack sighed, Y/N could hear the irritation in his tone and she knew the fight was about to start “No, I’m not. I’m trying to rest but I know that if I don’t answer your call you’ll keep calling me and I’m tired”.
Y/N pressed her lips in a thin line, feeling like she had just been punched in the throat. “Right… sorry for bothering you. I’ll just… um- bye”.
She ended the call, and covered her head with her hands, letting the sobs escape from her mouth. Her chest felt like it was about to explode as she realized it was happening again.
Y/N left Jack alone for a couple of days, hoping that he would call her back and apologise, or at least be the one who texted first. But as it had been for a long time, Y/N was the one who took the first step.
hey love
hope you’re doing okay. sorry i didn’t text, been busy :(
our anniversary is tomorrow and i just wondered if maybe you’d like to come home to celebrate?
nothing fancy of course, maybe i can make dinner and watch a movie??
i love you 💖
He answered hours later.
hey babe🫶🏻!!
yeah, of course 💕
i’ll be there at 8, if that’s okay? i’ll bring dessert
i love you too💖!!!
Emojis. Exclamation marks. Hope filled her chest, maybe they were going to be alright. She went to bed with a smile on her face.
But the hope was short lived, because the following night, Y/N waited for three hours in the dimly lit kitchen, with dinner in front of her, the scent of the lavender candles surrounding her, with the red dress Jack loved so much on and the playlist they made together resonating in the room.
She checked her phone for the hundredth time, still no response to her texts. It was clear he had forgotten, so totally resigned, she blew the candles out, put the food back in the oven, put her pjs on and went to bed. The playlist—which now played love of my life by queen—still on as she cried herself to sleep. She decided then that it had been the last straw.
Jack arrived at her house at three in the morning. He entered the house, which was completely dark, and went to the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks, seeing the burnt out candles and a note lying in the middle of the table.
i don’t even know if you’re going to come
but the food is in the oven.
He cursed himself for having fallen asleep. The filming took longer than usual, and he just planned to take a thirty minute nap, which turned into five hours of sleeping. Jack’s intention had never been to stand his girlfriend up. In fact, he had prepared a whole speech apologising for having been the absolute worst boyfriend in the world. But he screwed everything up.
Jack walked upstairs carefully, and when he opened their bedroom door, his heart melted and broke at the sight of Y/N. She was sleeping with a frown on her face and dry tears on her cheeks—sign that she had cried herself to sleep, and that made Jack’s eyes water, as if her tears had ricocheted.
The tall boy sat next to her, caressing her cheeks softly while he tried to muffle his cries, but it was impossible. Y/N was the best girlfriend in the world: so patient, so caring, loving, understanding and sweet. And the only thing he had done was hurt her.
“Jack?” her sleepy voice interrupted his thoughts, and he tried to clean his tears fast. “What happened? Are you okay?” the worry in her voice was a punch in the gut. He had stood her up, on their anniversary, and there she was, kind as ever.
“I’m sorry” he sobbed “There’s no excuse, nothing happened to me, I just fell asleep for longer than I wanted. God, I’m sorry, love, I didn’t want this to happen” he grabbed her hand, squeezing it.
“Jack… I wish that I could say it’s okay… but it’s not. I have been so understanding, but clearly work is consuming you. It is your number one focus, and I get it, but that’s not what I need right now. I can’t do this again” her heart felt heavy in her chest, but she needed to do it. “I love you, more than I’ve ever loved anyone, but I think it’s best if we break up… I can’t go on like this”
Jack wanted to fight this decision, tell her how much he loved her, and that he got it now, that he was going to be a better boyfriend because he didn’t want to lose her. But he couldn’t be that selfish. “I understand. I just want you to know that I love you. And I’m really sorry for the hell I have been putting you through for the last few months, you deserve so much better. I loved you, I still do, please never doubt that”
“I know, Jack. Trust me, I do. But your work is important to you, more important than anything. And it’s okay” she tried to smile as she cleaned his tears.
“Can I, if it isn’t too much to ask, give you one last kiss?” he asked hopeful.
Y/N thought about it for a moment, and then nodded. Their last kiss was salty from their tears, and it expressed love, sadness, melancholy and regretfulness. Their fingertips explored everything one last time, trying to memorise the feeling of each other. And when they pulled away, they felt nothing but emptiness. That was it. They were over.
“Goodbye, Jack”
“Bye, Y/N/N”
Jack left the room and the bed that used to be theirs. They both broke down when the door closed, but they did their best to keep quiet so the other wouldn’t hear. This was supposed to be for the best, but it sure didn’t feel right.
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Y/N THOUGHT SHE WOULD FEEL AT LEAST A BIT BETTER AFTER HAVING TALKED TO JACK. Spoiler alert, it felt quite the opposite. It hurt more every day. Literally everything reminded her of him. Two days after the breakup she saw the cup he used to drink coffee in and literally cried for thirty minutes straight. She couldn’t listen to music because she always had a way of relating every lyric to him. And sleeping on the bed? Big no. The other side of the bed was cold and it still smelled like him—she always fell asleep on the couch.
Jack wasn’t any better. He messed up his lines more than ever, the food wouldn’t go past his throat, he was always on his phone looking at pictures of Y/N and him or reading their old texts. He was miserable, and everyone noticed.
“How are you feeling, man?” his friend, Romeo, asked. He face-timed Jack every day ever since the break up, wanting to check on him.
Jack sighed, holding his phone “Still the same. Today I heard Last Kiss by Taylor Swift and cried like a baby for hours. That was her favorite song”
“Holy shit, man. I’m tired of seeing you like this. You know what you should do? Go apologise. You had to lose her to realize what a dick you were being, and it sucks, but now you know. Tell her how you really feel. After all, what’s the worst that could happen?”
“Um, her saying that she doesn’t want to see me ever again and that I’m a piece of shit?” Jack asked.
“First of all, Y/N would never say that to you because she loves you. Way too much. Second, you don’t even talk or see each other anymore so what if she says that? It can’t get worse than this, but it can get better”
Jack frowned “You know what? You’re right!”
“Ah, my favorite words” he smiled smugly.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m going to her house now” he said confident.
“Please shower first. I can smell you through the phone” Romeo said right before hanging up.
One hour later, Jack was standing on Y/N’s porche practising what he was going to say to her once he had the courage to ring the bell. He didn’t need to, through, because the door was opened by a very confused Y/N. “What are you doing here?”.
“Oh, hi. I though I didn’t press the bell” he said.
“You didn’t. I saw you through the security camera. Are you okay? You have been standing here talking to yourself for the past ten minutes”.
“You saw that?” Jack blushed from embarrassment. Y/N tried not to laugh as she nodded. “Shit”
Y/N took in his appearance. It had been almost three weeks since the last time they saw each other. His hair was longer, it didn’t have the shape of a mullet anymore but it still looked cute on him, he was as handsome as ever. But the bags under his eyes were very prominent.
“You look… good” Jack said, eyes taking her figure. She, just like him, had bags under her eyes, her hair was in a messy ponytail—which made her look adorable—, and her body was covered by a big cardigan. His heart stopped, it was his cardigan.
“You’re a liar, I look like shit” Y/N said.
“You still manage to look beautiful” he told her. “I’m surprised you aren’t kicking me out, so I’m just going to talk before you change your mind. Y/N, I know I have been the worst boyfriend ever. I didn’t take care of you like I should’ve, as you deserve. I’m sorry I put my work over you, I really regret it. Because, frankly, I miss you more than anything and these weeks have been the worst days of my life. I keep seeing you everywhere, everything reminds me of you. I have been a mess, and I know it’s my fault. But losing you is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. You are one of the most important people in my life, and I’m sorry my actions didn’t show you that. I love you, and I want to try again with you. I know our love is worth fighting for, and that’s why I’m here, I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner. In fact, I’m sorry I ever left”.
Y/N wrapped her arms around his waist and cried “I missed you so much. I should’ve said something, I should’ve told you how I felt, maybe we could’ve work it out”
“No, love. Don’t. It’s my fault” he rubbed her back softly, putting his cheek on top of her head.
“I want to try again with you. I do” she said against his chest.
“Really? Are you sure?” he asked surprised. It was more than he deserved, she was more than he deserved.
Y/N laughed “Yes, Jack. I’m very sure”
And so he grabbed her by the cheeks and pressed his lips against hers. They both almost cried at the feeling of the kiss, hours ago they thought they wouldn’t get to do that ever again. The consuming kiss, her palms against his cheeks, his fingers in the back of her neck, the heat of their bodies—it all felt like coming back home after being homesick. When they finally pulled away, they both smiled and pressed their foreheads together.
“Can we take a nap together? I have been having trouble sleeping without you” Jack said, blush coating his pale cheeks.
“Me too” she admitted. “Let’s go. The other side of the bed misses you”
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
Hi, I am literally awful at making requests and I really hope you’re currently taking requests but I read your fic about Chubby!Bucky and was wondering if you could reverse it, like a short plus size reader and normal movie like Bucky , but not one where he just accepts her body because looks aren’t important but one where he worships her body, he doesn’t just think curves are okay for a woman he loves curves on a woman, you can make it an established relationship or a not, I prefer it not to be an established relationship but just write whatever flows. A smut story would be what I am asking for, some light dom!bucky sub!reader. If it’s not too much to ask can you throw in a kissing/spit kink, not too much focus on spitting but about slobbery messy kisses. Sorry if this is a rambling mess but I hope you can work with it, thank you, love your writing. 💜
YES I GOTCHU!! Always taking requests. Also I got what you meant don’t put yourself down DAMMIT *angry pointing*!! Sorry for the wait had a writers block moment this week but hope you enjoy :)
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Big softie buck luvs his chubby gf
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1,830
Tags: V!fingering, rough sex, pnv!sex, sloppy kissing, dirty talk, fluff and smut, Bucky is Babie, plus size!reader
A/N: Idk where the breeding kink hopped in but y’know how it be folks.
Bucky had a skip in his step going down the street. He was done with all of the bullshit paperwork in the Flagsmashers aftermath. Sam was taking over mantle of Steve amazingly, Walker was ousted and shamed, and they even got Sharon back into the states. Although he wasn’t completely sure about her.
Regardless he could breathe and go see his sweetie. Perfect, patient, lovely, and owner of the most wondrous curves. Bucky had to keep his dick in his pants for now. He carried a bouquet of roses and some chocolates, hustling down the row of brownstones. His girlfriend was very talented in her career and managed to buy one for herself.
He fought back his giddy grin when rapping on the red wooden door. It slowly opened to reveal her pretty face, mussed hair, and adorable huge t-shirt. The man had to shove down his intense desire knowing that was his shirt. She yelped in surprise, practically launching on the super-soldier.
Bucky laughed and grabbed her under the ass to keep the crying thing from falling. He chuckled, “Hey, hey, you’ll mess up the chocolates hold on.” She grabbed the package blindly and tossed them on a side table. She nuzzled into his scruff, arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
She sniffled, “Don’t need em- I got you.” The super soldier shook his head with a toothy smile, placing the flowers on another surface while leading the pair to the living room. He stroked her back in an attempt to quiet her crying. Bucky did not need to have the usual happy-go-lucky woman crying over the likes of him.
Sitting back onto the plush couch he murmured, “I’m back now, done, you’ll want to kick me out before the end of it.” His flesh hand thumbed away a tear and tipped her chin up. The girl wiped at her eyes and half-giggled and sobbed, “I know, I was so worried during it all. The news aren’t good for my nerves.”
Bucky wanted to sappily get lost in her watery eyes, framed by long clumped lashes. He murmured while stroking along her lush sides, “I can give you first hand doll,” he absently waved, “Tell me about you.” She rolled her eyes and replied, “Work, worrying, watching Alpine, I started a new project.”
As soon as the white cat was mentioned she appeared, purring and snuggling up to the pair. Bucky felt his eyes slightly water as he croaked, “There’s my sweet girl.” The cat let out a little ‘mrow?’ and promptly bit his hand. The couple busted into guffaws, Bucky snarking, “I guess that’s what I deserve.”
He leaned back, pulling his girl onto his chest.
“So tell me about that project, baby.”
He was listening to her talk about work and the project, really, but other things were starting to rear their head. She was so soft against him, lovely curves and pillowy breasts. The woman seemed sleepy recounting the latest news, words slightly stumbling. Bucky figured it was time for a wakeup call. So he grabbed a handful of ass, smirking lecherously.
She squeaked and bolted upright, gaping at Bucky. He snickered, “What?” She narrowed her eyes and groped his half-hard dick in return, the brunette’s eyes rolling with a breathy laugh. Bucky rumbled, “Sorry sweetheart, y’feel so good I lost control.” He squeezed again and nosed along her jaw— drawing out a gasp.
“Imagine how I’ve felt, toys don’t do the trick when I have a sexy super hero saving the world.”
Bucky grew jealous. He didn’t care if they were inanimate— only Bucky gets to watch his sweet girl lose herself in pleasure. He growled, “Oh yeah? What did you try?” She bit on her lower lip, eyes darting to the side, face flushing with embarrassment. Bucky ground his heavy cock against her thin underwear to goad her along.
She mumbled, “The vibrator, mm, then the shower one, y’know with the suction.”
He could’ve taken her right there imagining his girlfriend whining frustratedly on the dildo in the shower— curves slick, soapy, and bouncing with her movements. Bucky nipped her bottom lip sharply, relishing in her whimper. He cooed, “Didn’t do ya’ a lick of good either huh baby? Needed this to treat you right.” He rutted again for good measure, cock throbbing insistently. She shivered on his thighs, eyes growing glossy in desire.
She whimpered, “B-Buck, please.”
He growled, “Open.”
The girl did so obediently, widening lax lips. Bucky tilted her head back and dropped some of his spit onto her tongue. He commanded, “Swallow.” She whined thinly, throat bobbing as she did so. Her plush thighs were practically vibrating on his toned ones.
“Please, fuck, fuck,” she cried, tears pricking.
Bucky grabbed a soft cheek forcefully and claimed her lips. She pressed forward clumsily, heavy tits on his chest and little hands wrenching his jacket. Bucky dominated the kiss, his baby too overcome to do much except weak kisses and drooling. He laughed while sucking on her tongue, plundering the cute thing’s mouth.
It was sloppy. Bucky was in heaven. He liked knowing he could reduce her to tears and careless kisses without even getting in her pants. She mouthed against his lips, practically rutting to get closer. Which on that note, he snuck a hand down her plush tummy to get at her pussy. She cried out again, gasping hotly into the super soldier’s mouth.
Bucky slid two flesh fingers across her weeping slit and groaned, “Fuck- sweetheart you’re so wet.” She warbled, “Missed you, please.” In a fitful movement, Bucky flipped her around on his lap. Full ass thickly against his cock and now all of her soft parts for him to grab freely. She seemed too dazed to register, whimpering at the manhandling.
Nibbling on her neck Bucky hummed, “Can you take my shirt off for me baby? Hm?”
She flushed and nodded shyly. He hated when she got shy, thinking her extra padding wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d laid eyes on. Bucky was a man, he wanted something to grab on when he fucked a girl stupid. She shucked off the shirt, almost curling in on herself.
“No- no- you better stop it. Still like ya’ curves doll,” he tutted.
An annoyed whine was his response.
So Bucky ripped off her underwear with his vibranium arm, donning a shit eating grin. The woman yelping and jolting on his cock. Bucky snickered, “That’s what ya’ get, now I get to see it all.” Her face flushed even prettier, swollen lips lax and wet. He grabbed handfuls of her soft tits and groaned deeply, massaging and tweaking the tender flesh.
Her head fell back again the brunette’s shoulder, brokenly whimpering his name. Bucky murmured, “So sweet, missed my baby.” He thumbed at a peaked nipple and circled around it, sending her ass rocking back against his throbbing cock. Regretfully leaving her breast, he slid his other hand to grope at plush hips and belly before drawing fingers against her slick cunt.
She urged breathlessly, “Oh, c’mon touch me bear, oh!”
He sucked a dark mark behind her ear while delving two vibranium fingers into her slick channel— hot, pulsing, and oh-so-soaked. He grunted in arousal, thrusting and curling his fingers. Bucky growled, “Be a good girl and ride my hand.” She nodded vigorously, mewling and canting her hips against the heel of his palm.
Bucky gritted his teeth to hold back from her ass rubbing perfectly along his strained dick. He had to compartmentalize. Objective one, make his Angel cum. Then he can have a go. She squealed on a perfectly timed curl of fingers on the g-spot and his smooth palm against her clit.
The man used his other hand to grab and pull at her bouncing breasts, mouth leaving a mess of marks all over her neck. She began to tremble, hands twitching to find purchase. His sweetie wailed, “Buck, oh goddd, m’so close baby!” The former assassin paused his bite to growl, “Let go, I know it feels s’good. Then I’ll fuck ya’ raw.”
That did the trick. She loved fucking raw. Bucky had an inkling his girl had been wanting him to knock her up. He wouldn’t mind, more tits, more curves, and a Junior. But Bucky was selfish and wanted her to himself for now— no sharing. Her gushing all over his hand brought Bucky out of his fantasies.
She sucked in deep breaths, exhaling with moans, body wracked with pleasure. Bucky cooed and eased her down, drawing his hand out of her. He could bust right now at the slick coating his pants. She turned and begged for a kiss silently, eyelashes fluttering.
They kissed again, softer this time, softly intertwining their tongues. She whispered into Bucky’s mouth, “Your turn, old man.” Bucky snickered and rolled his eyes dramatically, nipping her upper lip teasingly. She reached behind blindly to help him unbutton, lips sealing together with wet smacks.
Bucky moaned when his achy cock hit the air, her slick center so close to where he needed it buried. She mewled, “Take me, use me baby, get it out.” Later, the man would deny the absolutely pathetic noise he made. Bucky aligned the ruddy tip of his cock to her and gritted his jaw at being sheathed. Her back arched at the intrusion, mouthing at Bucky’s scruff.
He gripped onto her wide hips and lifted her up and down on his cock. Basically a cocksleeve at this point with the way Bucky was slamming his angry cock in. She cried and babbled at the rough treatment, incoherent slurs. Bucky choppily grunted and moaned, veins pulsing with sheer need. She felt so fucking good.
Bucky hissed, “That’s my- hah- best girl, bein’a good little fucktoy.”
She nodded deliriously, drool running down a corner or her gaping mouth, tits bouncing wildly as she held onto Bucky’s hands for dear life. The brunette was going to blow quick at this rate— his girl was sucking him in too good. She seized up and squeezed his dick like a vice.
She had cum again, only a shrill yelp and Bucky’s cock being throughly milked as the indicator. His baby fell limp against him, nuzzling into his sweaty cheek. His balls were full up and pulsing, ready to release. Another one, two, three pumps Bucky came with a loud cry of her name.
He slumped into the couch, still seating inside of his girlfriend while riding out the aftershocks. He could vaguely hear her whimpering about being full under the blood rushing in Bucky’s ears. He wrapped his arms around her soft midsection, suddenly very tired. She hissed, “Not there.”
Yawning, Bucky snorted, “No way in hell baby. Can’t a man hug the woman he loves who just made him see stars?”
She narrowed her eyes for a pause then pecked his lips. The woman murmured, “Fine. Since you’re the man I love who made me see stars two times.”
“Well I could count two since you’re in my lap.”
976 notes · View notes
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Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader (smut)
Basically inspired by this prompt by @daisy-is-a-writer where Steve and the reader take a break from having sex, but Steve can only be so strong before he cracks. I don't know if this is what you wanted but I hope you enjoy it anyway! :)
*not proof read (sorry)
Word Count:1,657
*dividers made by @saradika-graphics
Masterlist // Steve Harrington Masterlist
It was no secret to you that Steve was practically insatiable when it came to you. Late Sunday nights snuggled together watching movies on the couch, turning into lazy makeout sessions with his boner pressing keenly into your thigh, which inevitably turns into him hoisting you up and carrying you off to his bedroom where he would eat you out until you’re screaming your release over his face. Once, twice, sometimes even making you come three times on his tongue before he’d even thought about sliding his cock into you.
Steve loved sex. And he loved you. And he most definitely loved having sex with you.
Sex with you was perfect. He’d had flings with girls all throughout high school, and girlfriends that ghosted in and out of his life, but nothing compared to the feeling of being so intimately close to the girl of his dreams. To be swallowing down your moans of pleasure into hungry kisses was something that never failed to get his heart racing.
It was on one of your movie nights with him that the subject came up. Soft kisses, even softer moans and dancing tongues all take precedence as some long-forgotten about movie hums quietly in the background.
He slyly grinds the growing bulge under his sweatpants into the soft curve of your hip, as he looks at you from under shaggy crop of his hair
“Whad’ya say we ditch the movie and head off upstairs?” he smiles with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows.
“You trying to get into my pants again, Harrington?” You playfully throw back at him.
He looks like he's lost for words, flustered at your question.
“Well…yeah?” He says, as though it's obvious. 
“You’re always so horny, aren’t you Stevie?” you tease him.
He shies away, hiding his blooming pink flush into the crook of your neck with delicate kisses. 
“I mean, can you really blame me? Have you seen my girlfriend lately? She’s really hot.” he mumbles between kisses, complimenting you as only he knew he could.
You card your fingers through the soft strands of hair at the back of his head, tugging lightly, forcing him to look at you.
“How about I make you a deal?”
“What kind of deal?” he asks, his honeyed hazel eyes sparkling in the low-light of the room.
“You can do whatever you want to me..” you start.
“Deal.” he quickly interrupts you, excited about this new turn of events.
“Hang on, I wasn’t quite finished.” you interject. “You can do whatever you want to me, if you can go one week without sex.” 
It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy having sex with Steve, oh no, it was quite the opposite, but he would somehow always find a way to have you sprawled out beneath him, whimpering in pleasure, but you desperately needed a break. Just a small week of breathing space.
“One week?” he scoffs, this was going to be easy. Steve may be perpetually horny, but more than that he was incredibly determined, especially when it meant the rewards of the deal fell in his favour.
“Just one week, nothing more, nothing less. Whad’ya say Harrington, you up to the challenge?” You proposition, holding your hand out ready for him to shake it, and seal the deal between you two.
He takes your hand in his, shaking it with a confident grip.
“Challenge accepted."
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The first day wasn’t so bad, if Steve jerked off in the shower before leaving for his shift at Family Video, then that was just between him, his hand, and his shower walls.
Steve’s long-dragging shift, of alphabetically re-organising the video tapes on the shelves, and chasing up late return items was only marginally made better as he watched Robin awkwardly and unsuccessfully flirt with the pretty blonde who came into the store. If only Robin wasn’t so blind to see that this girl was as much into her as well. At least watching his friend’s failed attempts at flirting was at least keeping him entertained.
Steve sighed with relief, his shoulders slumping down at the end of the day as he stacked the last of the shelves, and saw the final person waltz out the door.
As he made his way home in the evening, his brain was too tired to even think about anything vaguely sexual, as he struggled to keep his eyes open, lying sprawled out on his lumpy couch.
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Day two started much the same as the day before, quickly reaching down his body to tug strokes over his morning wood, letting the warm spray of water wash over him as he thrusted into his fist. Bracing his arm on the wall of the shower, resting his head on his forearm as his hips stuttered out their release.
Towelling off his body, he sighed once more as he got ready for another day at work.
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By day three he was starting to miss the feel of your body. The way you would perfectly fit together like two puzzle pieces. 
The brush of your thigh against his as you happily snuggled up next to him on the couch.
His dick was pressing uncomfortably up against the seams of his sweatpants.
He prayed to any gods listening that it wasn’t as obvious as he thought it seemed when he snuck off to the bathroom to quickly get himself off.
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Day four passed and he was becoming more and more sexually frustrated, with his fantasies of you just becoming more and more depraved as he chased his high, sliding into his slick fist. 
He was grumpy at work, which wasn’t helped by Robin’s constant teasing about his current so-called ‘dry spell’. 
He was moody and short tempered when he picked up the boys from Hellfire club, grousing when Dustin wiped his muddy shoes inside his car.
To put it bluntly, Steve Harrington missed fucking.
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Day five passed agonisingly slowly. By this point he was seriously debating giving up on this challenge you had set him, unsure if he could even cope the few more hours until his end of the bargain was up.
The absolute torture it was to watch as you laughed so easily as you splashed Nancy in his pool on one hot summer’s afternoon. His parents were away as usual, and it was hot, so of course he was going to invite his friends over.
What a mistake that was.
Seeing his girlfriend in her perfectly form fitting pink two-piece swim-suit, glistening wet with cool water droplets running off your sun-warmed skin was going to be the death of him he was sure.
Every little glance in his direction, every little movement, every single thing that you did made him want you even more.
Watching your tongue glide up the cherry red popsicle, chasing the syrupy sweet trail that melted down was something that was forever going to be burned into his memory.
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By day six, Steve was absolutely ready to call it quits. He didn’t even care about the challenge anymore. He couldn’t deal with it, he needed to have you, and he needed to have you right now.
“Hey, Steve, I was wondering if yo-” you start to say but he cuts you off with a desperately hungry kiss.
“I’m sorry Honey, I’ve just been so fucking on edge these past few days, I can’t stand it anymore. I just need you, please baby.”
You smile at the boy in front of you, truth be told you knew he wouldn’t make it the whole week, you just wanted to see how long he could hold out until he cracked. Six days was impressive, even by Steve’s horny standards.
With a playful roll of your eyes, you tug him by the hand towards the bedroom.
“Come on, Loverboy.”
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Steve’s hips frantically rutted into you, desperate to sink himself into the warm wet heat of your cunt. He wanted to feel every inch of your soft skin moving in tandem with him. To have your shuddering moans of pleasure breathed out as you shied away into the crook of his neck.
“Fuck, I’ve missed this” he growls out, relentless in his thrusts, pushing himself deeper with every stroke into you.
“S-suprised it took you this long...” you gasp out as you hook your legs around his hips, urging him closer to you than ever before.
He fills you so completely with every single thrust, you feel every pulsing vein, the heavy slap of his swollen balls against your wide-spread thighs.
“I’m not going to last much longer Honey, I really need to come, I promise I’ll make it up to you after, I just need this so badly.”
Your hands stroke through the soft strands of hair at the back of his neck, as he continues to roll his hips up into you.
“It’s okay baby, come for me..” you mewl.
And in a few more deep thrusts, Steve’s whole world comes crashing down around him as his hips jerk to a stuttering still, throbbing his release inside you with a growling moan.
His body flops down on top of you, his hair matted to his sweaty forehead.
“Just so you know, this was the week from hell for me, okay?” he chuckles, as he comes down from his earth-shattering high. “You at the pool with that damn popsicle? Were you trying to kill me?”
“That’s what did it for you, huh?” you scoff with a soft laugh.
“Shut up. You know what you were doing.” he says, without any sense of hostility in his voice whatsoever. “Anyway, I think it was about time that I made it up to you? Whad’ya say?”
You nod with a cheeky smile as your boyfriend’s kisses trailed down your body. He made himself comfortable between your thighs and got to work making it up to you.
Your head thunked softly against the pillow, this was going to be a long night.
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@penguinsandpotterheads @paybacksawitch @mrsjellymunson @wroteclassicaly @xxbimbobunnyxx
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actuallysaiyan · 10 days
Birthday Candles
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For the most wonderful @seireiteihellbutterfly I really hope your birthday is so fucking magical <3
He looks at the lovely necklace in the display case. It’s the one that seems to scream your name. The only issue is that he couldn’t shake off Gojo, so now Gojo will know about your birthday gift. It’s not what Kento wants, but he knows that he can probably bribe Gojo into keeping quiet about it.
“Ohhhh, is that for her???” Gojo inquires, his eyes probably sparkling with delight under his blindfold.
Kento sighs, “Yes, and it’s for her birthday. So you better not ruin the surprise.”
“I won’t~”
But as the days draw nearer to your birthday, Kento becomes even more worried. So far, Gojo hasn’t said a word about the lovely gift, but he knows that any day now, he could say something about it. Kento waits with bated breath until the day of your birthday.
Everything is set up for that special day. You’ve got dinner reservations, tickets to see your favorite movie playing in the theater, then Kento sprung for a hotel room in the most fancy hotel he could find. Everything was going to be perfect for your birthday, or else he would do everything in his power to make sure it was.
And just like that, Gojo spilled the beans about the necklace. Kento feels like he could tear his hair out from the stress. It was the day before your birthday and Gojo had said he tried hard to keep the secret, but it had been eating at him for weeks now.
Kento feels so defeated. After all the things he’s planned and the surprise he tried to keep, it all came crashing down. He feels like he could cry from just the thought of you finding out alone. He feels like he’s being ridiculous but there’s not much else he can do but mourn the fact that the surprise was ruined.
When you arrive home from work that day, you notice just how sad Kento looks. He finally looks up at you, his face twisted in pain.
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry.”
You shake your head, laughing softly. Kento is sort of hurt by this, but then you approach him and you sit down next to him. You take his hand in yours.
“Nothing to be sorry about. Kento, I love you. You’ve already made my life better, so trying to plan a birthday surprise for me with Gojo knowing, I knew the beans would be spilled eventually.”
Kento feels relief that you aren’t mad. He brings you closer, kissing you softly.
“Happy birthday, my darling.”
You both look at the clock. It has struck midnight. You rub your nose against his before kissing him. It was sure to be such a memorable birthday.
divider by the lovely @benkeibear
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sluttywoozi · 2 years
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Buy A Boyfriend || chs x reader
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Summary: Being a professional boyfriend on SVTHub is great - all Vernon has to do is respond to a few texts, send out a couple selfies, do a stream every now and then, and he makes enough to cover tuition. Things get a little tricky when he finds himself wishing he actually was your boyfriend.
Rating: M (18+) | Word Count: 4kish
Content Notes: voice kink, male masturbation, swearing, he is a virtual boyfriend for money, the texts will probs look like ass on mobile, gender neutral reader, reader has cats and I borrowed @sluttywonwoo 's cats bc im their aunt and I love them (sorry if u have your own, please imagine them 😭), they dont have sex (in this part) my bad, reader is a stem major bc I live to project, I think that’s it pls let me know if I missed anything!!
Vernon’s username: bandsboyvern
Reader’s username: allthoughtsheadfull
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Vernon sighs as he opens up SVTHub, knowing he has at least three messages that ask, “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
His answer will, of course, be “Yes and I would make you a cute little worm house in a jar and take you with me everywhere,” when he really wants to say, ”No I wouldn’t, because I don't know you at all and worms have a very short life expectancy.”
But this is the life he’s created for himself; getting paid to act like a boyfriend comes with answering cliche boyfriend questions. He’s scrolling through messages, answering good morning and goodnight texts with an appropriate selfie, when one message catches his eye, or actually, wow, 5 messages, all from one person.
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Vernon tilts his head, considering how to answer. It’s a bit weird that you sought out a pretend boyfriend to tell these things to but he can’t say the messages aren’t more entertaining than the usual ones. And, honestly, snails are effervescent.
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Vernon answers some messages from other users; badbitchesrus is having friend group drama again and he’s dying to tell her, “you’re the problem,” but a boyfriend wouldn’t say that so he just agrees, saying, “you’re so right, Jen did copy ur fit last night but u did it better baby.” He replies to a few selfies with paragraphs of fire and heart eye emojis, and sends out a couple ‘hope ur day gets better babygirl’s.
Clicking out of the app, Vernon tries to force himself to focus on studying. He’s got a music theory quiz this week and a sound design exam next week and he’s not prepared for either. His fingers tap out a rhythm on his knee as he runs over scales in his head, swearing to himself after missing the last sharp in B major for the fourth time. He’s about to pull out his keyboard for manual practice when his phone dings with a message, the tone telling him it's SVTHub. His head hits the back of his chair, hoping beyond hope it’s not another worm message, and he smiles in surprise when he sees it’s from you.
thought 5: legally blonde is peak cinema and has something for everyone so whyyyy is it universally disliked
Vernon tilts his head, realizing that even though he’d never seen Legally Blonde, he did dislike it for some reason. Huh.
His phone goes off again, another thought from you.
thought 6: why did stephanie name it twilight and then have bella meet edward in the daytime
He hasn’t seen Twilight either but, honestly, you bring up a good point. Why name it a certain time of day and then not have them meet at that time?
Happy to be distracted, Vernon settles in to ask you some questions and hopefully get some movie recommendations.
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Before Vernon can respond, he gets another message, from bbygrill99 this time. She’s requesting an ab pic, her third this week, and he wonders why she’s so obsessed with his abs when his ass is great too, but complies nonetheless. Lifting his shirt, he tenses his abdominals and tilts his phone to get the perfect angle, his bottom lip just barely in frame and his gray sweats sitting low on his hips. He’s been trying to drink more water because apparently you need it to survive, so his abs aren’t as defined as usual and he hopes she doesn’t say anything. He sends the picture out with a kiss emoji and saves it to his folder of lewds, hoping he’ll be able to reuse it.
He’s very intrigued by the idea of threats to increase productivity, and asks you more questions. This turns out to be counterproductive as it leads to a whole conversation that makes him laugh all the way through, and consequently, he doesn’t get any more work done.
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It’s almost time for his weekly goodnight stream, and Vernon’s still thinking about your last conversation. You’d lured him into a debate about living as a pigeon or living with pigeons, and he still wasn’t sure who’d won. You hadn’t sent him any new thoughts today, and even though you’d just become a subscriber last week, he’s missing you for some reason. He really enjoyed the randomness of your brain, and hearing what was going on in there throughout the day. It was a nice break from pretending to be the perfect boyfriend, and he got to respond like he wanted, not like he thought he should.
Starting the stream, he settles into bed and begins telling his patrons about his day, pausing at certain moments to let them respond to him. On their screens, it just looks like a personal facetime, and they get to pretend he’s talking to them and them alone. He tries not to frown when he realizes you haven’t joined, and hopes you will soon; you were the one person he actually wanted to say goodnight to.
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You don’t join, and Vernon goes to bed sad and confused. Why were you paying for this if you weren’t going to use your membership to the fullest? His subscribers loved the introduction of goodnight streams, some are even asking for good morning streams too. You also hadn’t asked him for any pictures yet, even though everyone was allowed three per day. Maybe you just hadn’t read the membership benefits when you joined and didn’t know? He should probably ask, right? Just to be sure you’re getting your money’s worth.
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Vernon gasps, staring down at his phone in awe.
A cat picture. You've sent him a cat picture. A picture of a cat. Your cat, presumably.
Vernon’s heart stutters, his eyebrows raising.
He sighs in disbelief before setting his jaw in determination and deciding the perfect combination and sequence of emojis to convey his true feelings.
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Vernon puts the phone down for a moment as he remembers what you’d first said about your cats. One likes you too much and one doesn’t like you at all. He wonders which is which, they're both looking at you with such love.
He’s spinning in his desk chair, zoning out a little, when his eyes hit the open sound design program on his desktop.
Fuck, he has an exam tomorrow.
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Vernon’s mouth stretches in a smile, his kicking feet sending him on a giddy spin in his chair. Putting his phone on Do Not Disturb, he forces himself to focus.
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Vernon is sitting in his Audio Mastering Techniques class when you text him. He was already struggling to focus, fingers drumming on the table and leg bouncing under it, his neighbor sending a glare over every few minutes. He tries his best not to check, but you'd promised him your first thought and he wants to see what it is!
Glancing around surreptitiously, Vernon opens SVTHub with his phone under the table. You'd never sent him an explicit message before but there's a first time for everything (Vernon hopes).
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Vernon looks up organic chemistry practice problems but sees ‘Stereospecificity in Addition Reactions’ and ‘Electrophilic Addition Reactions to Conjugated Dienes’ and immediately begins shaking his head, exiting out of the browser and texting you again.
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Vernon’s heart starts racing as he reads your text. You want to call him. You want to speak words and you want him to listen and respond and then you’ll respond to his words.
Vernon’s sitting at his desk, spinning around as the phone rings and rain pangs against the window.
“Hey! Sorry,” you sound out of breath, “it’s monsooning and i couldn’t text and hold the umbrella and keep my laptop out of the rain at the same time.”
“It’s okay, no worries. How’d the exam go? Did you cry?” He asks, only slightly worried.
“It went well, I think! I did cry but just a little and I didn’t get it on the exam paper this time, thank goodness.”
You tell him more about the exam and he just listens, absorbing your voice and tone and cadence. He wants to record you, wishes he could listen to you all the time, your voice is so entrancing.
“Did you have your midterm yet?” You ask sweetly, sounding concerned.
This startles Vernon out of his trance and he has to ask himself if he has taken his midterm yet today, and sighs in relief when he realizes he has a few hours left to go.
“Nah, it’s not till later so i’m just studying and vibing.”
Vernon chats more with you, trying to imagine what you look like and wishing patrons had a profile picture like he does, before he realizes it’s been an hour and he should get focused. Promising to call you after his exam and wishing he could just take you with him in his pocket, he hangs up.
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Vernon does call you after his exam, and he calls you the next day too, and the next. It’s easier than ever for him to respond to messages, romantic words flowing and streams getting more and more popular. He just pretends he’s talking to you and it always works. You haven’t joined one of his streams yet but he’s holding out hope, and secretly wishing that you’d request a private videocall. You still haven’t asked for any selfies but he finds himself sending them anyway, hoping someday you’ll send one back. 
He’s getting ready for his bedtime stream when he starts thinking about your last phone call, just a few hours ago. You’d just woken up from a nap, sounding all raspy and sleepy and cute, and he tried to picture your face, cheek lined with pillow creases. He doesn’t remember what you’d talked about because he couldn’t focus on anything but your voice, soft and sweet in his ear. He pictures you, laying in bed next to him, your head on his chest or his on yours, your legs tangled up with his own. He can’t help but imagine your fingers trailing over the ridges of his abdomen, running up and down his chest, and his own fingers start to follow. 
Vernon thinks about your fingers moving lower, running along his waistband and dipping beneath. But you’re a tease, and they slip out and over the fabric of his sweats, pressing down where he’s starting to grow hard. He rubs his palm over his dick, squeezing harder the closer he gets to the head, imagining your giggle when his hips buck up. His phone goes off, startling him out of his fantasy and reminding him he has a stream to start. 
He hasn’t done one like this in a while but the tips are always insane and he really wants to buy the lego set you told him you did the other day, so he shrugs and presses the red record button on his phone. 
“Hey baby, it's so good to see you. How are you?” Vernon pauses to let his viewers answer, thinking about how you’d respond. 
“I had a busy day, midterms finished last week but I have a project due soon and I haven’t made a lot of progress on it,” he hears you scold him in his head, telling him to get a move on. 
“But I’m really tired, and i just wanna relax. Think you could help me?” Vernon asks, setting his phone down to pull off his shirt, missing the little notification popping up to say you’d joined. He smiles softly into the camera as he picks it back up, sliding on the bed to rest his head on the pillows. He pans the camera down to show his abs, running his fingers down his chest to settle at his waistband, pretending they’re yours. The tips start rolling in and he mutes his phone, the dinging sound beginning to annoy him. 
Vernon tries to find that fantasy again, the one where you’re in bed with him and touching him and talking to him, and slips his hand into his sweats, fingers wrapping around his hard cock. He sighs, pulling his dick out and rubbing his palm over the head, his hips jerking at the friction. Leaning over to dig around his bedside table for some lube, Vernon wonders what you’re doing right now. He opens the cap and dribbles some onto his length, smearing it around with his hand. It’s chilly but he just tells himself your hand is cold, and starts squeezing his cock, pulling a little when he gets to the head. A punched out moan leaves his chest, lube warming up and dick getting harder. 
It feels better than usual for some reason, but Vernon isn’t willing to think about why at the moment, and keeps jerking his cock. He’s panting a bit now, staring into the camera with half-lidded eyes and lip bitten between his teeth, feeling his abs tense with every pull. Closing his eyes so he can picture your hand moving on him, he tilts his head back into the pillow, wishing he could moan your name. 
The heat is starting to rise in his stomach, his hips bucking into the movements of his hand, and he knows he’s getting close. He really is tired so he doesn’t try to draw it out, just squeezes at the head harder and tries not to whine at the pressure. He thinks about your hands on him, god, your mouth on him, and imagines your voice telling him to cum. 
Vernon almost drops the phone on his chest with the force of his orgasm, trying to decide if he should turn the camera to show the cum shooting out of his cock and pooling in the ridges of his abs. He leaves it facing him instead, knowing his face is screwed up in pleasure and his moans are echoing throughout the room. Staring at the ceiling, Vernon tries to catch his breath and wonders why he just came so hard. He can feel his eyelids drooping, mind going hazy with sleep and oxytocin, and blows a kiss into the camera, saying goodnight. 
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You haven’t texted him in a week.
Vernon’s messaged you, selfies and thoughts and questions, but you haven't responded. He even checked your profile, just to make sure you hadn’t canceled your membership. He doesn’t know what to do; you’ve only been a subscriber for a couple months and you’ve only been gone a week, but he misses you. He misses waking up to a random philosophical question from you, or a picture of your latest A, or a video of your cats play(?) fighting. 
But Vernon also doesn’t want to bother you, or overwhelm you, so he’s cooled it down a bit. He only texted you once yesterday, and he hasn’t texted you at all today. He just wishes he knew you’re okay, that nothing bad has happened to you, that you’ll come back. He knows now that being a pretend boyfriend is no fun if you don’t have someone whose boyfriend you want to be. 
For now, he’ll just keep checking his phone and hoping to see a message from you. 
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Vernon's knee bounces, jaw clenching as he listens to the phone ring, waiting for you to pick up. He can't wait to hear your voice, it hasn't even been two weeks but that's more than long enough for him. You just soothe him, quiet his brain and still his hands. He's not sure if it's how gently you speak, or how your voice feels like a soft, warm blanket right out of the dryer, or how your words slide over him like silk, but he's missed you and as soon as you pick up and say hello, it's like his entire body relaxes.
He chats with you a bit, catching up on your classes and telling you about the work he's done for his project (little to none), letting you scold him for having done no work on his project and enjoying it.
The conversation draws to a natural conclusion, both of you having exhausted every possible topic in an effort to avoid the reason for the call. Vernon takes a deep breath and tries to steel himself; he's never been good with uncomfortable situations or feelings talk but he's willing to try, for you.
"So, you thought this was like a... pen pal situation? Didn't you have to put in your ID to prove you're over 18?"
"Well, yes, but I thought it was just so we could talk about adult topics, not because it's porn!"
Vernon blanches, he hadn't really thought about the fact that he was basically a porn star and he's not sure how he feels about it. He's not ashamed, sex is normal and human and he needs to make money somehow, but he does wonder how much longer he'll want to keep doing this. It's not easy to act like a boyfriend to so many people at once when he knows there's only one person he wants. And he does know it now, he wants you.
"Does it make you uncomfortable? That I do this?" Vernon worries, knowing he doesn't want to stop but also knowing he doesn't want to lose you.
"No, I mean, a job is a job and you get to make your own schedule and devote all your focus to school. It seems like a great gig, and you're good at it obviously..." You trail off, sounding sad for some reason. He hasn't heard you like this before, your voice a bit thready and foggy, like you're suppressing tears.
"What's wrong?" Vernon asks urgently, becoming more and more concerned with every sniffle that escapes you.
You stay silent for a while, Vernon tries to be patient but he can hear your breath catching, and he's about to start crying too just so you don't cry alone. He breathes out your name, hoping you'll respond.
"Ugh, I just-" you stop yourself, sounding... embarrassed?
"I..." you take what sounds like a very deep breath, and Vernon feels like he's at the edge of a cliff, just waiting to jump.
"I like you! I like when you call me babe and flirt with me and call me and I liked the face you made when you came and I liked how you sounded and then I wanted to make you sound like that! But this is your literal job, acting like a boyfriend, and I didn't know that so I let myself have a crush on you not knowing that it was all fake!"
It takes Vernon a second to process what you said, you'd said it all in one breath and spoken so fast, your voice shaking with the cutest mix of nerves and annoyance.
"Nononononononono!!! It wasn't fake! It was fake with everyone else but never with you," Vernon spits out in a rush, desperate to make you understand. He's pacing in his room now, phone pressed to his ear, arms crossed and fingers taptaptapping at his elbow. He wonders what he can say to make you believe him, to make sure you know that you've always been different, been special, to him.
"I look forward to your thoughts every day. Whenever you text me, I literally kick my feet like a little kid. Every time I streamed - they're not all like that, by the way - I couldn't stop checking to see if you'd joined. Patrons can only ask for three selfies a day, I send you like five, unprompted-" he could go on, but you interrupt him with a call of his name. He's not sure he's heard it on your lips before, but it does something to him. Something that's very inconvenient for him to deal with now, during this very emotional conversation. He's tempted to send you a picture, maybe that will convince you.
"Vernon," you call again, bringing his focus back to your voice and away from what your voice was doing to him.
"So, what are you saying?" you continue, starting to sound a bit less sad and a bit more like yourself.
"I'm saying I want to be your actual boyfriend, and not for money, so you'll have to cancel your membership, sorry."
There's silence for a few beats; Vernon feels himself teetering on the cliff again as he waits for your response.
"I mean- is that... allowed?" You seem unsure, sounding slightly hopeful but a bit apprehensive still. He wishes he could see your face, wishes he knew what you look like at all (knowing would definitely help at nighttime or in the shower or when he wakes up for ... reasons). He shakes his head to bring himself back to the conversation before you notice that his mind had wandered.
"Yea, I mean, my friend does cam shows with his partner and another friend of mine found out his roommate was watching his shows and now they fuck everyday! That could be us!" Vernon tries to reassure you, hoping you're willing to at least try.
"Ummmmm I don't know about that just yet but we could try... dating, I guess? It may be difficult just online but I like you and you say you like me so, why not?"
Vernon thinks that if he jumped out of his window right now, he just might fly. He won't because he's not trying to die now that you're letting him be your boyfriend, but the feeling is there.
"Yes! I do like you, I like you a lot. I like you so much. Please date me." He knows he's practically begging at this point, but he doesn't care. Vernon's willing to beg, on his knees if he needs to, if it means he can be your boyfriend for real.
"Okay! Okay," you giggle, a bit muffled as if you're covering your mouth. "I'll date you if you date me?"
Vernon can't contain his grin, spinning in circles around his room even though he's already dizzy.
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Vernon squints, sitting in his 9 am and staring down at the purple pen in his hand, the one he’d found sitting on the desk when he came in.
There’s no way though, right?
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Vernon tries not to freak out as he looks under the desk to find a water bottle. One with your name on it.
Vernon has a choice to make. He could sit here, try to focus on class, while he thinks about you somewhere on campus, struggling through an exam and dehydrated and sad. Or …
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Not on my watch, Vernon thinks, shooting up from the desk and grabbing his stuff and yours. He’s jogging across campus before he knows it, dodging frisbees and dogs on the green, weaving through hammocks and hopping over sleeping students. He’s not sure what lecture hall you’re in but he knows the chemistry building, and if he books it, he’s sure he can make it.
He’s speedwalking down the hall, peeking in windows and listening at doors, trying to find your class. His eyes catch a paper taped to a door, warning, “EXAM AT 915. DO NOT DISTURB.”
He could jump in glee but, glancing at his phone and seeing that it’s 9:10, he knows he doesn’t have time.
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Vernon’s hoping, praying you’ll listen to him when the door opens a smidge, and the most beautiful face he’s ever seen peeks through. It's like heaven’s light is shining down on him, he thinks he can hear angels, and is that wind? Blowing through his hair?
Staring back at him, your eyes shoot open in disbelief, before landing on your pen and water bottle in his hands. You squeal, bouncing in your shoes and throwing your arms around his neck. He breathes you in, reeling at the weight of your body against his, and you pull back before he can return your embrace. Vernon misses you instantly but he knows you have to go be a genius so, handing you the water and pen, he accepts a kiss on the cheek and watches you leave.
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Hiiii!! Would love to know your thoughts, whether they come in a like, reblog, comment, or ask! Please feel free to come talk to me i will cry and smile all day!! Planning a pt 2 for this but i'm hoping to get pt 2 of like a cowboy out first!
Part 2
And check out the rest of SVTHub! A good few fics are out and you’ll still have something to look forward to as more will be posted over the next few weeks ☺️
I am so grateful to @sapphichui for trusting me with this and I’ve had such a great time collaborating with and getting to know other awesome authors on here!
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Built for Love Part 4 (MBJ x Black Famous OC
Warnings: mentions of domestic violence/physical violence
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“Stop fidgeting, girl. Damn,” Lauren grabbed Charlotte’s hands as her team finished getting her into her dress. 
Charlotte’s eyes clenched shut. “Sorry, sorry! I’m just freaking the fuck out.”
“Relax, sis. This is super low stakes. Just be charming and yourself,” Law, her stylist, reminded her as he examined her look. “Alright, she’s ready.” 
Charlotte glanced over to herself in the mirror and smiled. “You did it again, Law. This is perfect. You really got the old Hollywood glam mood perfectly.” 
He shrugged and smiled. “I know your aesthetic. And it’ll compliment Michael’s look. I talked to his stylist the other day. Perfect teaser for the press tour in the fall. You two will be everyone’s favorite movie couple when it’s all said and done.” 
Charlotte merely smiled awkwardly and nodded, a nauseating feeling overcoming her. Her hand pressed into her stomach, the detailing on her tight gown digging into her palm as she took a few deep breaths. As the realization that she was mere minutes away from seeing Michael settled in, her breathing became shallow and her heart started to beat loudly in her ears, drowning out the other sounds of her hotel room.
“Hey y’all,” Lo called out, getting everyone’s attention. “Can I just have two minutes with her before y’all do pictures?” 
Everyone filed out, giving Charlotte a moment alone. Lauren rubbed her shoulders. 
“I-I can’t do this… H-He probably hates me. W-what if he hates me?” Her words were frantic and frenzied as she spoke to her best friend.
“Baby girl, look at me,” she followed Charlotte’s eyes until they were on hers, which were filled with sympathy and love. “No one who has ever met you has hated you, I can promise you that. You’re amazing. It’s gonna be ok. You are strong, you are fearless. You can and have faced the unimaginable. So this is a piece of cake. I know you're a bad bitch… he knows you're a bad bitch. Hell, you're the only one who doesn't girl,” she laughed, causing Charlotte’s frown to turn into a small smile. “Say it back to me.” 
Charlotte rolled her eyes and chuckled nervously, her voice still tight. “I’m not gonna say that, Lo.” 
“You aren’t leaving this room till you say it so let’s get to it, bitch. I have date night, I don't have allllllll day.” 
“I’m a bad bitch.” 
“That was pathetic. Again!” 
“I’m a bad bitch!” Charlotte yelled out, laughing with her friend and immediately feeling some of the tension leave her body. 
Lauren squeezed both of her hands before wrapping her in a hug. “Now just believe that and you got this. You know how you feel about him and how he feels about you. Trust that and go get that fine ass man, ok?” 
Charlotte sighed and smiled. “What would I do without you, Lo?” 
“Be a lot more miserable,” she winked at her before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. “Gotta go meet your brother. Have lots of fun and we'll see you tomorrow to hear all about it.” 
“Will do.” She paused for a moment as Lauren grabbed her purse and walked toward the door. “Hey Lauren!” Her friend turned and glanced back at her. “Thank you.” 
Lauren’s face twisted up in confusion for a moment. “For what?” 
Charlotte shrugged. “Just for… being you. If you weren’t married to my brother, I would’ve snagged you up.” 
“Girl, you tryin’ to run to Vegas? I’ll drop him for you in a minute.” She winked at her and offered her one final nod of encouragement before she exited, allowing Charlotte’s team to reenter. 
They made quick work of her pre-event photos before ushering her into the car to drive to the venue. Charlotte focused on the music filling her ears, quietly singing along in the backseat with her eyes closed. Music was her respite and her opportunity to get lost in something other than her cluttered mind. 
“Ok we are two minutes out. Mike just arrived so he is gonna hang back so you can walk the carpet together,” her agent muttered. 
Charlotte nodded, taking her headphones out and handing her phone to Tamika since she could not walk down the carpet with it. 
“Gonna take photos for a bit, one interview and then you’ll go to your seats. Ok?” 
“Sounds good.” 
She took a couple of deep breathes, silently chatting Lauren’s mantra before her car door opened. It took a few moments of maneuvering and help to get her out of the car in her form-fitting dress and stilettos. She looked like a knock out, but she was still getting used to high-profile events and clothes that sacrificed functionality for fashion.
She took a moment to steady herself on her feet before starting to walk toward the edge of the carpet where Michael waited. His back was to her but she would recognize that silhouette anywhere. She kept her eyes trained on other targets as she moved closer and closer to him, her heart rate beating faster and faster with every step she took. 
She continued to repeat Lauren’s words in her head but with each round, they were drowned out by doubt and fear as she came face to face with him for the first time in months. 
However, as if the universe was destined to make this the worst night of her life, just as she got close to Michael, her impossibly tall heels caught a snag in the carpet. Charlotte let out a yelp as she felt herself hurling face first toward the hard concrete. 
“Shit!” She panicked realizing there was no one and nothing to grab to break her fall.
However, before she could face plant in front of a row of journalists and photographers, she fell directly into two strong arms and against a familiar hard chest. 
Her hand went to her heart as she let out a few breaths from the shock. 
“You good?” His voice filled her ears, forcing her eyes up to his for the first time in months. 
She almost could not speak as she savored the moment in his arms, she had missed this simple pleasure so much. 
“Y-yea, y-yea I’m good. Thanks… that w-was about to be the most embarrassing moment of my career.” 
Michael’s hands stayed on her as he helped her get settled back on her feet. They settled on her hips for a moment as they stared at each other, so many months of unspoken words passing between them. She watched him intently as reality seemed to catch up with him and he quickly moved his hands off of her, his fingers going to awkwardly tug at his tuxedo jacket. 
Not that it needed any adjustment, he looked perfect. 
“I-I didn’t forget you were clumsy as hell,” he joked, easing the nervous tension that seemed to fill the air around them. 
Charlotte’s heart swelled a bit. She was not sure if she could count that as a good sign, that they could still joke with each other, but she decided to. It was the small bout of courage she needed to keep going with her plan. 
“Good thing I have you to steady me the rest of the way?” She asked quietly, her own attempt to see if they were ok. 
She was thankful and let out a small sigh of relief when he held out his arm for her to wrap hers around. 
It took the length of the red carpet for the pair to fall back into the familiar patterns Michael had told himself he would resist. Though he had not closed the door yet, he was also set in his resolve to not fall too deeply back in love with her. He was reluctant to admit it but she had broken his heart and he was not keen on letting her close enough to do it twice. So he decided that he was just going to let it be and see if she would come to him. 
But once he was in her presence again, it was as if his heart lost all sense of self preservation and sent him dovetailing involuntarily off a cliff into the oasis of her yet again. Every part of her drew him in again, her soft smile, gentleness, humor, her endless charisma with a hint of awkwardness that reminded everyone know she was down to earth, her insanely humble attitude despite being the most talented and beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on, and the way she managed to command a room's attention without trying at all. She was the personification of an enticing and thrilling adventure his soul desperately wanted to be part of. Within mere minutes, she had tied and twisted him back up in her web and he did not even think she noticed or intended to do so. 
Though they were seated next to each other at dinner, they could only share random comments and snickers as the program took up most of the night. It was not until the program concluded with the premiere of the Creed trailer that they had a moment to actually speak. 
Michael made a beeline toward Charlotte who was waiting for another drink at the bar. 
“You made me look pretty good out there,” he offered as he leaned against the bar. 
Charlotte threw him a smile as she caught the attention of the bartender. 
“Glad I could help. Having you on my arm might’ve upgraded my look a bit too, I guess,” she winked. The bartender handed her a glass of champagne. “Best rum you have on the rocks for him, please.” 
Michael masked the look of genuine surprise that she knew rum was his favorite liquor. But he supposed he was not the only observant one. 
“So superstar! Ready to be the next cultural phenomenon, Creed?” She jokingly put her small fists up and gave him a fake one-two jab, which he artfully and playfully dodged. 
“You saying I’m not already??” He forced a look of playful faux offense on his face causing Charlotte to laugh. Michael couldn’t help the grin that appeared on his face at the sound of her laughter, something he had sorely missed over the last few months. She was a person that laughed with her whole being, it was infectious and lit up the room.  
“My bad, my bad. THE Michael B Jordan is already a cultural icon.” She leaned against the bar. The light taps of her nails could not be heard over the music and conversation as they stood together but Michael noticed. She did that all the time when she was nervous or excited, as if the small movement could release some of that energy. “The trailer looked amazing though, seriously. This shit… it’s gonna be a game changer for you.” 
“You’re in it too, remember? Gonna be a game changer for both of us. I can feel it.” He inched closer to her as they talked, the soft fabric of his tux brushing lightly against her arm. “If I get six of these movies, you gotta be in every single one.” 
Charlotte raised her eyebrow and took a sip of her drink while her other hand went to the corner of his bowtie to gently fix it as it had gotten crooked. Michael watched her as she intently fixed his suit, her eyes intense and focused on her task.
When she was done, her hand fell against the lapel of his tuxedo jacket and rested there on his chest. It was as if she had not even thought about what she was doing. 
“You sure about that? Probably get sick of me after three movies,” she joked.  
His hand gently grabbed her other hand, which rested next to her drink on the bar, every movement they shared as thoughtless, natural and needed as breathing.
In that moment, she could see in his eyes and feel in his touch everything he said that night that she denied. She could hear every word playing over and over in her head like a movie. Only this time, she only heard him, she didn’t hear Shaun. It was there, clear as day: his love, his adoration, his desire… all directed at her even now after she had pushed him away. It was still there and it was overwhelming. And it still terrified her. But for the first time, Charlotte did not want to run away or hide from it, she wanted to bask in it. She wanted to be loved by him in every way possible.
He held her gaze there for a moment, her breath hiking slightly.
“I don’t see that happenin’.” 
Charlotte felt a wave of deja-vu falling over her as his lips started to come closer to hers. However, as quickly as the moment started, it was gone. Something seemed to click in Bakari’s mind and he immediately straightened up and took his hands off her and took a step back from her, a look of frustration and anger painted across his youthful features. He coughed before taking a huge gulp of his drink. 
“E-excuse me,” he muttered before disappearing into the crowd.
Payback’s a bitch, Charlotte thought to herself as she realized this was exactly how she left him, bewildered and alone. However, now it was her turn to be persistent. She quickly raced after him out of the ballroom, weaving between drunk directors and actors until she found him sulking away in a quiet hallway. 
“Bakari! Stop walking!” She called after him, her stilettos slowing her down but she refused to stop.
Michael only decided to stop because that refrain was so familiar. And despite the petty side of him wanting his feet to keep moving, his common sense had no power of his limbs… only his heart did. And his heart wanted to stop for her because as much as he wanted to deny it, his love for her had not diminished one iota since he saw her last, it had only grown stronger. 
She could not stop the surprised look on her face when he actually turned around. 
“O-Oh I didn’t think you’d stop,” she whispered more to herself than him, causing him to laugh a bit. 
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” 
“Y-yea yea, I j-just figured you were too upset to actually listen? But th-this is great. I wasn’t gonna make it much further without falling in these shoes anyway. You know I don’t know why they make me wear these, they’re fucking miserable and not even functional a-” she stopped herself, her lips forming a slight o at his expression. “I’m rambling aren’t I? About something that’s totally irrelevant. You d-don’t care about my shoes.” 
If the moment had not been so serious and he had not been so frustrated at himself, he would have laughed. He loved how she rambled and went off on tangents, her awkwardness making her all the more cute and endearing to him. 
“W-what’s wrong?” She asked. “D-did I do something?” 
He paced back and forth in the hallway. “I just swore I wouldn’t do this shit again. Said I was gonna let you come to me, not put myself out there again for you to push me away. But here I am… falling for you all over again.” 
She could hear the frustration in his voice. Her eyes clenched shut as she took a tentative step toward him, her hands wringing together as she spoke.
“W-what if this is me coming to you?” She whispered, her voice as shaky and unsure as she felt. 
Michael stopped pacing, worried his ears did not hear her correctly. 
“I-I don’t b-blame you for wanting to keep me at an arm’s length. I-I hurt you and I’m sorry for that. T-that night you asked me to be honest with you. And I couldn’t and I’m sorry for that too. I-I’m sorry for everything. But the truth is,” she let out a deep breath as she decided to release feelings from a cage buried so deep in her soul, she had only come to terms with them days ago herself. She had never been this vulnerable with a man in her life. Michael was uncharted territory but he was worth it. Her family was right, she could not keep allowing good things to pass her by because she was scared. She could not merely survive day to day, she had to live or she escaped Shaun and a life of pain for nothing. 
“I pushed you away because… I was and still am f-fucking terrified,” her last word cracked slightly as her emotions got the better of her. The tightness in her throat felt unbearable as she fought to get that last word out. She noticed his eyes soften slightly as that word landed on his ears. Somehow, that felt like permission to continue, that he was truly willing to listen. And despite how hard it was to share, she was ready to let her guard down and let someone in.  
“N-Not of you… but of this a-and what we could be. My last relationship… he d-destroyed me, broke parts of me t-that will never heal, not fully anyway. A-and w-when I finally left him, I worked really hard,” she wiped away a stray tear. “I worked really f-fucking hard to put the pieces back together and, you know, put one foot in front of the other. A-and I vowed never to let someone hurt me like that again because I don’t think I could s-survive it. A-and that w-was fine, I was fine. Until I met you. And you are… everything I could hope for myself a-and everything I don’t believe I d-deserve. And I fell for you a-and I didn’t know how to handle that so e-every instinct told me to run b-before…” 
“I could hurt you too,” he finished her sentence, taking a step toward her. 
She sniffled and nodded as his hand cupped her cheek, his thumb wiping away a falling tear. She missed his touch, gentle and safe. 
Michael felt an odd sense of relief that he had not completely misread their interactions. That she had not pushed him away because she did not want him or because she was playing with him. And he was thankful he had listened to his older and wiser friends and not given up on her so quickly. 
Now the anger and frustration he felt bubbling to the surface was no longer directed at the woman before him, but at the nameless man who hurt her. Though her words were intentionally vague, he knew saying that much had been difficult to share. But the words she had chosen felt like physical blows in and of themselves: broken… destroyed. While he wished he did not, his brain immediately considered the worst case scenarios, the mere thought of a man putting his hands on her sending blinding rage through him. But based on her words and actions, he could only gleam that that was the case. He just did not know if he was emotionally prepared to see anymore evidence of that than he had already seen.
“And I j-just… I wish I had something more to give you. I look at you a-and can feel how much y-you care about me. A-and all I f-felt a-and still feel is t-this all consuming shame that this b-brokenness is all I have to offer you. It j-just doesn’t feel like enough,” her voice was barely above a whisper as she finally spoke her truth, a truth she had not voiced to anyone before.
The hallway they stood in was virtually silent as her revelations settled in the air. Her stiletto-shaped nails scratched lightly at her forehead, slightly disturbing the make up her team spent time meticulously perfecting. 
“None of it is an excuse. A-and if I’m too late, I understand and I’ll live with it. But t-this is me coming to you. I love you. I just need you to know that.” 
She offered him a small but distinct half smile before awkwardly shuffling on her heels. She interpreted his silence as disdain, her long-winded ramblings were too little too late to undo the damage she had done months prior. 
“I-I’m gonna go freshen up a-and then head back to the party.” 
She forced herself to turn around and start to walk away from him. She had her shot, she blew it. And as she said, she would learn to live with it. 
However, her forward momentum was halted by a strong but gentle grip around her wrist. She stopped and turned to find him right behind her. Without missing a moment or breath, he pulled her forward and into his arms. His lips crashed against hers, Charlotte immediately returning it fervently. Her fingers gripped the collar of his tux tightly as if releasing him would mean he would vanish right before her eyes.
His fingers became tangled in her hair as he tasted her. Neither one of them cared that a paparazzi or bystander’s camera could lurk around any corner and create a shrine for this moment for all time. The only thing that mattered was the two of them and that they finally saw eye to eye.   
He pulled away and stared into her deep brown eyes. Instantly he knew this moment was real because, for the first time, he did not see fear or a desire to run. 
“Whatever you are is enough for me, Els. I told you that I want you to feel safe with me. I want you to feel safe to share with me the pieces of yourself you wear proudly and the ones you’ve hidden cause you think they’re broken. I want to know you, the real you. And whatever she brings is more than enough for me, I promise you that.” 
Her eyes gently fell closed as his hand cupped her face, her cheek leaning into his touch. He gently wiped away her falling tears before kissing her on the forehead and pulling her into a hug. 
She buried her face into his neck, breathing in his scent. She immediately recognized his favorite cologne that he wore on set. It was not overpowering but refreshing and light against her nose. She instantly felt a relief and peace she had not experienced in years. 
“Let’s get out of here, yea?” he offered as he wiped another tear she did not realize was falling. “I got a car, we can go back to my place and grab a drink and talk, aight?” 
Charlotte nodded and let out a sigh of relief. “Y-Yea I w-would love that. I hate these things.” 
Charlotte’s lips turned up in a soft smile as she took a sip from the glass, the train of her dress bunched up on the couch in the sitting area of his bedroom. 
“I dropped like several bombs on you tonight. All you did on set was ask a million questions and now you’re mute,” she teased before her face turned serious again. “If you have questions, ask ‘em.” 
“I got ‘em but I want you to tell me what you want to tell me in your own time. I know shit is hard to share.” 
She shook her head. “I already told you the hardest part. The rest is… unpleasant but if we are gonna be anything real, I gotta learn to share all of it.” 
“Ok… Tell me about your ex. As much or as little as you want.”
She sat up a little straighter, her head resting on her arm against the pillows of the sofa. 
“I was a junior at Juilliard. I met him, Shaun Parker, at a friend’s birthday party. He was a friend of a friend sort of thing. He was a couple years older and worked on Wall Street. He was the exact guy a dumb, insecure 21 year old falls for, you know? The guy from the rom-com that says and does all the right things, perfect gentleman and handsome so you fall head over heels after the first date. He made me feel like no one could ever love me like he did.” 
Charlotte leaned back, a dark glint taking over her eyes as she thought back on the worst period of her life. 
“A-and then it started. It’s such a slow build, you don’t even realize you’re in trouble until it’s too late. By the time I realized, I was already drowning.” She let out a humorless chuckle. “The first time, h-he came by campus and saw me eating lunch with a cast mate… a guy. We were rehearsing for our spring production. I left with him and when we got to his car, he called me a whore and slammed my head into the side of his car. The next day, after I got back from the doctor, my dorm was filled with roses and he swore he’d never do it again. That lasted maybe a week before he slapped me for offering to pay for dinner at a restaurant. We dated for three years after that.” 
She took a huge gulp from her drink. She avoided his eyes, which were filled with anger that his suspicions were correct. His hands curled into fists as he processed her words. 
“Tried to leave and break it off a couple of times. But I always went back. And it just got worse and worse and worse. The fear was paralyzing, you try so hard to be perfect, every action measured to exactly what he would want to avoid that next punch, kick, or whatever. But I realized one day that it didn’t matter what I did or how perfect I was, there was nothing I could do or say that would stop it. But it took wayyy too much to get me there,” She paused before offering him a half smile and a shrug. “Hope that doesn’t scare you off.”  
“Your past would never scare me off, Els. I’m just sorry… no one deserves that. How bad did it get?” 
“Um.. by the end, I was lucky if a day went by when he didn’t hurt me somehow. But the psychological abuse is the stuff that sticks with you honestly. That’s why I could never leave, he always found a way to pull me back in. The last time, he…” Charlotte shook her head as if she could shake the memories out of her brain. She was not ready to go down that road yet. “I just realized I would die if I stayed so I left for good. Never looked back.”  
“And moved to LA?” He asked, finally putting the pieces together of why she moved out to the LA area and left Broadway altogether. 
“N-not at first, no. I thought I could have it all. That I could j-just like move to another borough and keep m-my life and career and be done with him. Thought that once he knew I was serious, he would leave me alone. You know the saying, ‘the house always wins?’” At his nods, she continued. “Learned the harsh lesson that it applies to more than gambling. We were apart for about three months before he broke into my apartment and almost killed me. The fact that I’m even sitting here talking to you is a fluke.” She grimaced and kept her eyes focused on her hands before continuing. “A-and then I ran. Moved to LA with no warning, burned many a bridge in the theater world by disappearing, stayed at my brother’s for a few months before I got my first gig and got back on my feet.”
“That’s not running,” he offered quietly. 
She shook her head. “It certainly felt like it. I loved my life in New York… my career, my friends. The community I built. And he just took all of it away.”
“Where he at?” 
She shrugged, “No idea. Probably still in New York? But I completely scrubbed Shaun and everyone mutual friend we had from my life after I left so I wouldn’t know. And I don't want to… if he isn't looking for me, I ain't gonna look for him.”
“Have you been back to New York since?” 
She nodded. “My first time back was actually before we filmed Creed. Filmed a small role for a show there for about a month.   Literally went to set and came right back home every day, changed my hotel every week. Didn’t tell anyone and probably only saw one or two friends the entire time I was there. I mean, I know New York is huge but I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder every five seconds, you know? But that’s the bed I made, I guess.” She fiddled with the detailing on her dress for a moment. “What else?” 
“How are you?”
Her heart fluttered lightly at the sincerity in his voice, the genuine concern she heard. “No one really ever asks me that. They just assume I'm perfectly fine because the bruises have healed or that I'm still broken. But… Um… I’m ok. Made a lot of progress, basically paid for my therapist’s summer home.” She chuckled. “But I really prioritized getting back to me before I got back into work. Back into my hobbies, songwriting and performing, got into running like I told you before… just like finding my voice and personhood again? Those things you kinda lose in that situation. Still learning to trust my gut again, how to accept health love," she motioned toward him. "It’s been a journey but I think I found a better version of myself than before him. So that’s something I guess.” 
“Cheers to that,” he raised his glass to her. “So last question.” 
“The ever inquisitive Bakari,” she smiled before nodding. “Ask away.” 
“You want to give us a real shot? We can take it as slow as you want, ain’t no rush. I want this to go at your pace so I can earn your trust. I want you to be comfortable with me.” 
Words failed her as she listened to him. She knew his words to be true, she did not know why but she trusted him already. He already was the safe space she needed and had already earned her trust. 
“I already do… trust you,” she whispered as she leaned in to kiss him. 
The pair kissed hungrily, their sweet moment turning into hungry desire with in seconds. Charlotte forgot what it felt like to lust until she met Bakari, to yearn for someone’s touch and presence, to desire them as you desire air or sustenance. But she felt all of that and more, driving her to finally let her guard down in more ways than one. 
She was shocked at how much she shared with him, how readily he accepted it and her without hesitation, how it did not alter his thoughts or feelings about her. All those feelings she had been keeping at bay were finally free as her walls fell and she forgot how good it felt… to love and be loved, to desire and be desired in return. 
Before she knew it, she was on her back, her fingers undoing the buttons of his crisp white shirt, his perfectly-sculpted chest coming into view. She let out a needy moan as his lips touched a sensitive spot on her neck, gently sucking on her skin. Everywhere his hands or lips touched left a spark of heat, a trail of flames lighting his path across her body. She felt overcome with pleasure and need and knew he felt it too as she felt his hardening member against her thigh. She had not expected for their relationship to progress quite this quickly but neither of them had expected to fall in love with each other so she supposed this just the foundation of their relationship: the unexpected. And she would not dare complain. 
However, she was surprised when his hands wrapped around hers to stop her as she went to take off his pants. 
Her face was flushed and her breaths sounded like pants as she stared at him, confused. 
“What?” She asked softly. 
“I want you,” he assured her. “So fucking bad… but I want to give you the experience you deserve. Wine you, dine you and have a night that’s all about us -” 
“Then break my back?” She teased. 
He rolled his eyes and snickered, “Something like that. I just don’t want you to regret anything with me.” 
Her forehead rested on his as she nodded painfully, her whole body flustered and annoyed at the loss of what she imagined would be mind-blowing pleasure. And though it was hard not to give into temptation, she knew he was right. She had overcome many hurdles tonight, sex was one to unpack on another day.
He smirked at the disappointed look on her face, “Don’t worry, baby girl. It’ll be worth the wait.” 
He kissed her on the lips again before pushing himself off of her, a cold shower in the not-so-distant future for him. 
Charlotte sat up and watched as he went to pour both of them another drink from the bottle he brought upstairs. 
He settled back down on the couch, his hand resting gently on her thigh through the slit of her dress. The pair fell into effortless conversation, moving away from Charlotte’s past to other topics. The pair did not take their eyes off of each other as they laughed, joked, and swapped stories about their acting careers and families, neither of them wanting the night to end. 
By the time Michael glanced at his watch again, he realized it was almost 3 am, Charlotte’s soft yawns getting more and more frequent as they talked. 
“Aight,” he rubbed her thigh, noticing the signs of her about to fall asleep from their many movie nights while filming. “You gotta go to sleep, baby girl. Take my bed,” he gestured. 
“Nah, I’m not gonna kick you outta your room in your house, Bakari. I’ll call a cab or something,” she yawned and stretched and stood up. 
He shook his head. “Definitely not. Please, just knock out in there and I’ll sleep in the guest room. I'll grab you a t-shirt and let you have some privacy. And then I'll call you a car in the morning."
Charlotte was so physically and emotionally tired that she decided not to argue and acquiesced quickly.
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” 
She followed him into the room as he grabbed a t-shirt out of his dresser and put it on the bed for her.
"I'll grab you a hanger 'n garment bag for the dress."
“Could you…?” she gestured at the gown. 
She stood and turned away from him, sliding her long hair to the side to reveal the zipper of her dress. 
He kept his eyes trained on her back to avoid staring at her perfect ass. Despite his best efforts, he could not help but sneak a peak, her body was one worth feasting on. He made quick work of unzipping her dress and helping her slid it down, revealing perfectly smooth skin underneath. 
He undid the clasp of her her bra too, at her signal, immediately stepping back toward the door to take himself out of a danger zone. He couldn’t take her eyes off of her. However, he was quickly drawn out of his adoration when his eyes spotted scars littering her back and one on the left side of her stomach that resembled a burn as she turned slightly to grab his shirt and slid it on.
His eyes darkened as he took the scars in, knowing exactly where and who they came from. 
“You good?” He forced out, putting his attention on something else to avoid focusing on the story behind each scar. 
“Yea… thanks, Bakari, seriously.” She climbed into bed and settled as he turned to walk to the couch. 
However, her voice stopped him. 
“Actually… will you stay? Plenty of room for both of us,” she gestured to the empty spot next to her. 
Michael knew it was not the best idea given how hard it was to say no earlier. However, at her next statement, he lost any hesitation he may have had. 
“I want you here with me, please?” 
He nodded and slid his tux pants off, leaving them in a heap on the floor. He got on his side of the bed and she immediately snuggled up next to him. He placed a soft kiss on her head before she dozed off on his chest, Charlotte falling asleep faster than she had in years in the arms of the man she loved. 
Tag list: @certifiedlesbianbaddie @bangtanxmegan @reelwriter19 @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @msniaimani @hi888888sworld @destinio1 @lynaye1993 @cawi00
A/N: I told yall there were gonna be more reasons to hate Shaun smh but this is our last chapter where he gets mentioned explicitly for a while lol But Els & Bakari are finally on the same page - woohoo! How do you think her past is gonna impact them as they try to make a relationship work? Also idk how long this series is gonna be lol but this will tell a specific story about a portion of their relationship and I'll use one-shots to build it out beyond this section of their relationship.
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lorre-verie · 1 year
「ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴠᴀᴛᴀʀ ᴛᴇᴇɴꜱ (ᴍᴏᴅᴇʀɴ ᴀᴜ)」
title for those that use a screen reader:
Dates with the Avatar Teens (Modern AU)
bit of context: this is when you both are dating in highschool so everyones like 17-18
— courtesy of lorre-verie (thats me)
note: for some reason (at least on my screen) the images appear wonky and not in line, so if that happens to u im so sorry idk how to fix it 😭
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I feel like you guys could go on a couple different dates depending on what you like. His favourite kind of dates would be anything including outdoor physical activity, swimming on the beach, (indoor) rock climbing, bungee jumping, mini road trips (would have his license) even just a simple walk along the forest. If you aren’t as adventurous as him but are still willing to try it out just cause he likes it, he would be so appreciative of you and you guys would have literally so much fun. Other dates are simply watching tv shows together, going to fun 3d picture museums, shopping at the mall. He’s also willing to try anything you want to try and go to any place you want to visit. He's literally perfect i love him so much but he's dead so
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i don’t feel like she’s the type of person to want to go on dates specifically (she wouldn't label it as a date), but you guys hang out often at each other’s places and that's enough for her personally, but in case you do want to go out somewhere special she probably will agree. if it was up to her she’d take you to her favourite river or a lake and you guys could sit on the pier and just talk about life, doubling over with laughter whenever either of you cracks a funny joke. that’s her type of date. but again she's up for anything else as long as its with you <3 would definitely take you to her favourite thrift shop and you guys could get cute matching couple outfits. In case you guys go anywhere picturesque she’s the BEST photographer, knows all the angles and all the poses, super still hands when she takes the photos and none of them are ever less than flawless.
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you guys would definitely go to the movies (works there part time and uses his worker privileges to get free popcorn and drinks), arcade, skateboarding park, roller skate park, literally anything and everything fun. also enjoys staying in and laying in bed together just scrolling on tiktok (and making tiktoks with each other). during these dates he would take photos of you and post it on his secret instagram account titled mypookiey/n that kiri, teyam, aonung, rotxo and you follow (reya not included cause I feel like if he didn’t like tsireya romantically he’d be kinda shy to talk to her since she’s like the popular girl and he considers himself an outcast). you guys record music covers together and he loves editing them cause he loves hearing your voice (gets so giddy inside, totally has a shy small smile on his face when u sing he's so cute AGHHHH)
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amusement park dates WOOO you’d both have so much fun. riding roller coasters, playing the mini games, going into the photo booths, buying cotton candy, couple selfies on the ferris wheel, never a dull moment with this guy. If he sees a giant teddy bear as a prize for a minigame he would get you it in one try. often invites you to be front row at his basketball games and in case you’re interested in learning he would not hesitate to teach you the best he could (would also mock you for not being as good as him). He holds your hand everywhere (in case ur not good with PDA he wouldn’t but i think we can all agree his love language is physical touch so….would be a very hard time for him). In case you’re struggling with maths he would definitely tutor you, you could kinda consider that a date??? I guess????
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cafe, library, studying dates. that and also you both go to the mall together. He’s very funny and can make a joke out of anything, any “boring” date he can turn right around. Since he’s good with his words definitely tries to embarrass you in public by reading out a poem dedicated to you that he made on the spot, earning a smack on the back of the head from you. He also does this thing where he takes you to check out the toy sections in shops and you both make fun of the price together because what the hell why is a little pony plushie like 25 bucks?? he also loves taking couple photos together
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you guys eat together, go to cute cafes, picnics in the park, also enjoy laying in bed and scrolling through tik tok together. window shopping is a must, always tries out cute outfits and asks you for your opinion on them, and also fixes together pieces for you to wear. you guys do cute ass stuff like interlocking pinkies and then taking photos of said pinkies and posting it on your stories. dog cafes, cat cafes, and bird cafes are also great. also loves doing sleepovers, always insists on sleeping in a sleeping bag no matter if a bed is available or not because it's part of the fun. she will also do your skincare with or without you asking. 
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Literally guess who i had the easiest time writing for is and who i struggled with the most bet u cant get it right. i just wanted 2 post this just because im feeling guilty as hell cause it's been a week and there's minimal progress on the neteyam series…we’re getting there i promise guys. reblogs and comments are most appreciated, it lets me know whether the content im putting out is actually good or not 😭
In case u’re interested u can check out my masterlist for more stuff like this (literally only one other modern au thing but i do have other fics) tysm and have a gorgeous day!
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jshookthighs · 2 years
More Corey Cunningham HC’s
These are both sfw and nsfw🔞 but there’s a barrier between them, so if you don’t wanna read spicy stuff, you don’t have to see it
Note: Also please request stuff!! I love hearing ideas cause my mind goes blank and idk what to write half the time // Also please be over 18, I unfortunately had to block a few people 
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*Mostly pre-Michael cause that’s when he’s so baby boy but I’ll say if it’s post-Michael 
He has the cutest date ideas - I’m talking fairs, museums, picnic dates, and even taking ya’ll to those paint pottery places. He wants to treat you right and take you to all your favorite spots. He lives for the moment you light up when he tells you that you’re going out. He may not have tons of money, but he’s prepared to spend every cent on making you happy. 
Speaking of dates, if you tell him that ya’ll are going out, he will be flustered. You want to take him out for a night on the town? He’s kicking his feet and blushing - treat him with nice things, please 
Keeps notes of all your favorite things - food, drinks, movies, flowers, color, etc just in case he sees it when he’s out; he’ll pick it up because he thinks that it’ll make you smile --> honestly one of his love languages is gift giving
After a long day, Corey just wants to take a shower with you - not for sexy time but he just likes the warmth from you and the stream of water. He feels like he can finally unwind and just relax with you
Will melt if you wash his hair. Feeling your fingers glide through his hair and feeling you scrape his scalp gently is gonna having him basically purring into your palm
I wanna squish his cheek, they look so soft - just wanna cup that face in my hands and hold him forever <3 sorry just had to say that
Notorious hair tucker - loves to push  your hair out of your face and will do so at random times (It’s just a reason for him to touch you)
Listens so intently when you talk about something you’re passionate about, just hanging on to every little word you have to say like it’s the most important thing in the world. It is to him
(post-M) Will suggest only watching horror movies on date night because he wants you to hold on to him when you get scared. He wants to prove that he’ll always protect you and wants to feel your chest press into his arm
Will let you win on any game ya’ll play - board games, video games, bets, everything cause he’s a simp 
Cheesy ass motherfucker --> “Aren’t the stars beautiful tonight, Corey?” “Yeah, they’re gorgeous...” Meanwhile, he’s staring at you like you hung the moon AHHHHHHHHHHH
Sharing an umbrella in the rain but it’s mostly just him trying to keep it over your head so you don’t get wet so his shoulder is just soaked 
Favorite sleeping/cuddling positions are: spooning (I swear to god if you don’t let this man be the little spoon sometimes I-) , the tangle, facing each other, and laying his head on your chest
Slow dancing in the kitchen, just holding you close while swaying back and forth 
Likes to trace your face with his finger when you’re both lying in bed and he’s sure you’re asleep. Wants to memorize every lovely curve and mark 
Sighs when ya’ll kiss like it’s this euphoric moment that he gets to kiss your perfect lips and he’s so grateful for everything you do
His heart swells with pride when you wear his clothes because you’re just so beautiful and you want to wear his clothes, no one else’s, you truly do belong to him  
Will ALWAYS kiss you first thing in the morning and the last thing at night - doesn’t even matter if ya’ll are fighting or what, he refuses to not show you he loves you
***NSFW below!!!!***
Ok let’s get this out of the way - he’s 6 inches hard, thicker at the bottom, and has a small curve upward. Not very veiny but the tip is the prettiest shade of dark blush
Cum is thick but there’s not a crazy amount of it - a pretty basic amount
Loves the way you smell, you are so intoxicating - When he goes down, he’ll just press his face deep into your thigh and just sit there and smell you (Gross? Maybe. But I just get that vibe from him)
Bondage is very iffy for him, he really loves touching you so that’s literally his nightmare of being forced to not feel how soft and warm you are. But, if you really wanna get him worked up and needy, would definitely tie his wrists to the bed frame - only for a little while though because he will break down and full-on sob Do I have a dacryphilia kink???
Always on the fence if he wants to keep you all to himself or make everyone in town hear him scream his name and how good he makes you feel
(Post-M) Feral boy - if you leave any clothes in his house, the second you leave he’s stripping down, jumping in bed, suffocating himself by shoving the fabric over his nose and wrapping his hand around his dick and pumping one out. Bonus points if it’s your underwear - he’s licking that little wet spot you left on it and sucking it dry till the taste is gone. Well, now he’s sad :(  Don’t worry he will wash everything before returning it to you, he’s not a complete creep
Overstimulation but on himself. Sometimes you just feel so good and you look so good underneath him that he cums a little too fast. He doesn’t want to stop feeling good so he’ll keep thrusting even though he’s shaking and whining because by god he’s gonna make you finish too or die trying
Has a sensitive back, grazing your fingers down his spine, kiss a line down it, is dig your nails in and he is at full mast in a heartbeat 
(Post-M) Probably won’t act on it but has thought about bending you over his motorbike and fucking you or maybe he will who knows 
(Post-M) Predator/Prey play - will chase you around the house or play a game of hide and seek
Sit. On. His. Face. Do it, you won’t hurt him darlin’ he’s tough he can take it. That’s it put your full weight down  <3
Half the fun to him is just undressing you - if he has the time or patience  he’s stripping you one item at a time until you’re the one squirming and begging him to just get on with it
Favorite sex positions are: Cowgirl/cowboy, missionary, the butterfly, spooning, the lotus, and sometimes doggy - honestly this man just needs to hold you in some way and see your face when you fall apart 
While a switch leaning on sub half the time, if you tease him, or deny him release too many times a flip is switched and he is flipping you over, throwing your legs over his shoulders a thrusting so hard that his hips make an indent into yours and your thigh are bruised tomorrow from how hard he’s squeezing - aftercare after that is gonna be 10x more soft than normal. He’s gonna run you a bath and make you a snack and fetch you a drink and massage your thighs and - 
When he’s close, bite his neck and he will cum in an instant, he adores the way our teeth feel on the soft spot on his throat. Go ahead and throw in some neck kisses too just to be sure 
This man makes me a whore and I don’t care I love him
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devskindawritingblog · 5 months
I remembered to send the ask to your writing blog this time!
Okay, here’s my idea for Shauna: she and reader aren’t dating yet, just best friends (sorry Jackie) and reader doesn’t know what to get her for Christmas. Then Shauna accidentally leaves her journal at their house, and they read it to try to get an idea for her gift. But instead they find all her entries about how she’s in love with reader. Shauna finds out and gets really mad, but she’s actually just embarrassed and scared that she ruined their friendship. But then reader kisses her and tells her they love her too. Turns out the perfect Christmas gift for Shauna was a girlfriend
Christmas Confessions
Shauna shipman x reader
AN: My last Yellowjackets Christmas fic! And of course my lovely tumblr wife requested it😘. I made the reader and Shauna besties and didn’t want to try and include Jackie somehow so I just don’t mention her. Shauna’s text is in green. And I put like the journal flashback things are in italics And the word count is I think the biggest at almost 1.8k. Also now that my Christmas things are done I’ll totally take requests. I’ll take requests about anyone that I have written for so far.
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You and Shauna have been best friends since kindergarten. You have always been inseparable. Always having sleepovers together even joining the soccer team in grade 9. Everyone at school knows about you too and how much you care for one another.
One time in grade 2 a few of the boys were making fun of you and pushed you and that was the first time Shauna punched someone for you. That was when you first realized how much you would do for each other. Sure, Shauna got in trouble but it was grade 2 so she didn’t catch that much slack.
After that point no one messed with either of you. People were scared of Shauna and they were scared of what Shauna would do if they hurt you. And it was like that even in highschool.
December 12, 1996
You and Shauna are both in your senior year now. She came over for her weekly sleepover. The two of you were hanging out like you normally do. Watching a movie, listening to music, and sometimes just laying there together.
That was the thing you loved about Shauna; the silences were never awkward. You could lay there and talk or just sit. Sometimes Shauna would write in her journal while you did homework.
 You start to think she loves that journal more than you. She always had it around. You learned early that she is very private about it. So you don’t ask to read it anymore. She’s your best friends but she can keep her thoughts and feelings private if she truly wants to.
Shauna had already left after having dinner with your family. Her mom had been in a rush to go somewhere. You go back into your room and that’s when you notice Shauna's journal sitting right on your bed. She must have forgotten it because she was rushing. 
You move it off your bed and place it on your nightstand. You will give it to her at school on Monday you think to yourself as you lay down on your bed. An hour passes every so often you glance over at the journal. 
You realize you still need ideas for what to get Shauna for Christmas. You look over at the journal and grab it. You get a good idea. You might as well take a little look to find possible gift ideas. It couldn't possibly hurt, right?
The cover has her name printed neatly with a pen. For a second you hesitate hoping nothing too personal is in her journal. It will only be for a few minutes you say to yourself. That reassures you and you flip open the first page.
June 28 1996. You knew Shauna got a new journal at the end of grade 11, because you two found it at the mall together. You picked it up and showed it to her.
“Look Shaunie, it's green. Don’t you need a new one?” You said to her. Shauna ended up buying it. What you didn't notice back then was how Shauna looked at you that day or any day really.
The entry is pretty normal. It talks about your guys mall trip. And how you guys got ice cream. You smile to yourself as you remember how much fun you had with her. It talks about how you got ice cream all over your face and Shauna had to get a napkin and wipe it off.You finally notice how she talks about you. Sure you're close and give each other compliments but this feels different. You shrug it off and keep searching.
The next few entries are all in the summer. Mostly talking about the family vacation she went on .You flip to another entry.
August 5 1996. You and Shauna were at her house. It explains what you guys did that day. Shauna had gotten a new lip gloss for her birthday and you both were trying it out. Shauna put it on first, rubbing her lips together. She writes about how you put it on as well. You remember how much you liked the lipgloss. The lovely pink shine looked great on your lips. And Shauna definitely thought so too. In fact she goes into great detail about how much she did like it.
You pause a confused look on your face. The sudden realization hits you hard. How did you not notice? You keep reading trying to confirm if you're not going crazy. You blush as you read the last sentence. 
“I wanted to kiss them so badly.” Shauna writes with a few pink hearts around your name. You suddenly feel really guilty but also relieved. You have known you like Shauna for a while. But you have been too scared to confess. How could you ruin your relationship with her like that?
You have so many conflicting feelings. You're happy she likes you back, but nervous as to how she would respond about you snooping around in her private journal.
At this point you can't stop reading them. Each one is a different day. Each entry delves into just how big of a crush Shauna truly has. 
September 25 1996.
This one was around your first few weeks of grade 12. You and Shauna were in the same English Lit class. You went over to study with her. It was a fun night. but clearly Shauna saw it differently. She spent a good paragraph talking about your silly jokes and describing just how much she loves your laugh.
October 31 1996
The two of you went to Lottie's annual halloween party. Of course dressed in matching costumes. You spent a long time finding a cute costume that would match with one another. The entry sounds pretty normal except for Shauna’s clear jealousy to you playing spin the bottle with the other girls. You ended up having to kiss Natalie. It was all for fun and games but clearly Shauna didn’t think so. You read it over and Shauna sounds angry.
“It should have been me kissing them.” She finishes off the entry with that angrily scribbled in pen.
The next few entries are about the same. You feel bad for reading all her personal thoughts and feelings. But you can’t seem to stop yourself from reading. You spend 2 hours reading all of the entries. You lay in your bed contemplating what you should do?
Give it back to her?
Confront her?
Keep her in the dark?
You run through all the ideas and scenarios in your head. Your anxiety builds and builds. You decide to sleep on it, you're exhausted from all the thoughts of what could happen.
You wake up on Sunday morning rubbing your eyes as you look over and see her journal staring back at you. You get up and get dressed, determined to tell her.
Your mom went out to do some Christmas shopping and you left her journal open on your bed.
You hear a shape knock on your door. You walk over to the front door and open it to a slightly flushed Shauna. She’s dressed in her iconic flannel .
“Uh,hi, sorry for showing up unannounced but I-uh left my  journal here last night.” She is clearly nervous that you might have read it .
“Oh! Right, come in , it’s uh in my room.” You say ushering her in, your face heating up as your heart pounds.
You bring her into your room forgetting that you left her journal open on your bed. She walks in after you as you quickly grab it, closing it and passing it to her.
“Did you read it?” She says half nervous half accusatory. You stumble over your words as all your thoughts slip from your mind.
“You did read it ! You know it’s private!” She yells pacing around your bedroom. You try to jump into it to try and defend yourself but she’s not having any of it.
Shauna never yells at you and this version of her scares you. 
“Shauna plea-“ You try to say but she cuts you off to mad to listen. “You know how I feel about you don’t you? You know how I feel about you ?” She says her voice quiets a bit. 
“I can’t believe you would do this!” She starts yelling again. She sounds almost disappointed and it makes you feel worse. But you have to tell her.
You start tuning her out as you work up the courage She goes on about how mad she is. But you're not listening anymore. You step closer to her. She stops noticing the look on your face.
“What?” She starts to say before you quickly cut her off. You lean forward cupping her face and pulling her into a passionate kiss.
Her breath hitches and she gasps in shock. You pull back a little, noses touching. “Is this ok?” You say a hushed whisper. Shauna nods and smiles wrapping her arms around your waist, pulling you into another kiss this time.
You both end up on your bed, Shauna's journal discarded on the floor. As you too enjoy your first kiss together. Shauna’s hands behind your neck as you both make out. 
Shauna lays down with you and you smile . “I love you too. You know ?” You say as Shauna blushes remembering that you read all the things she said about you.
“Did you actually read like everything?” Shauna says quietly as she plays with the hem of your pants. You blush too a little embarrassed. “Yeah uh I did , funny enough I was trying to find an idea for a Christmas present.” You say as Shauna’s embarrassment slowly disappears.
“That stuff I wrote was a little uh well you know.” Shauna says turning shy again. “It was really cute Shaunie.” You say with a little smirk. She groans and covers her face. “Especially when you said that you wanted to fight Natalie during halloween.” You say giggling a little at Shauna’s flustered face. 
“I also heard all about how you love when I wear this shirt.” You say sitting up a little to give her a full look. Her eyes widen a little and she somehow blushes more red. 
“That's mean.” She whines but you both know now that she is loving this. She eyes you up and down and pulls you in for another kiss. “I bought you that shirt for your birthday.” 
“I know silly you went on and on about it.” You tease as you pull her down with you and pull her into another long kiss.
“You know what? It turns out I got you what you wanted for Christmas.”
“Really what was it?”
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