#sorry for any spelling/grammar errors
solardrake · 2 years
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BNY's updated ref sheet! ^^
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
out of the three (four? if you wanna include ridonculous race) noah appeared in, which one do you think noah could have won if he cared about the competition
hot take; none of them.
he did care about the competition (at least somewhat) in the first season and it was objectively his worst. in island, he was too blinded by his own hubris to consider the fact that he was, for all intents and purposes, isolating himself in a socially driven competition. he was standoffish and rude, which would've been fine if he hadn't outright directed negative attention to himself with his comments AND refusal to participate in the dodgeball challenge, and he offered little in terms of both teamwork and team utility anyway. so being voted out early was a given, and a much needed wake-up call for him.
he didn't compete in season 2, but if he did i doubt he'd make it to the finale. i'd like to say he'd make it pretty far into action- both because action has a lot more technology and media references, which noah could play to his advantage as both an established nerd and a canonical hacker (though these aspects of him are mostly delegated to his biographies/interviews outsode of the show itself), and because we know he does learn from his mistakes in season 1 so he'd try to be a better teammate (like he does in season 3). but i truly and honestly don't think he'd stand a chance against powerhouses like courtney and duncan, or have even a smidge of beth and owen's in-competiton social game/likability, so he'd eventually be voted out.
and in season 3, as much as i disagree with the amazons winning the challenge, getting rid of noah there and then was the right play from a narrative standpoint. because, at the end of the day, he's a filler character. he doesn't have any engaging plotlines of his own to warrant keeping him around, and his only real use from a writing standpoint is to make snide comments and witty one-liners; when the remaining cast all have at least one subplot going for them, and you need to 'thin the herd', you get rid of the deadweight characters first.
by world tour, i believe he's only competing for the sake of it, and he doesn't really care about winning or losing; if anything i'd say he only went along with the celebrity manhunt bus chase because he was supposed to stay with chris/the total drama crew, and since he was fired from being chris' assistant he didn't have anything better to do (he's always been a passive character, so going along with the crowd for curiosities sake is very much something he would do).
but if he did care?
i think he'd make it to early merge. a noah who cares about the competition would try to take down alejandro for the sake of his own survivability (after all, how long is it going to be until team victory is gone and alejandro turns on his own teammates as his next targets?) thus making himself plot relevant enough to keep around- maybe even allying himself with heather to do so. but alejandro, whilst not as smart as noah, is far more savvy and capable than him, and their 'rivalry' would end in noah being voted out.
or maybe he'd embrace his villain-coding (watch island again and tell me he isn't villain-coded. he does a "mwu-ha-ha" laugh and says "excellent." he's so campy bond antagonist coded in island) and ally himself with alejandro to garuntee his survivability, helping him weed out the competition as a right-hand man. eventually, alejandro would discard noah- either because noah would refuse to help him eliminate owen, or because they'd make their way far enough into the competition that noah becomes less of an ally and more of a threat and have him eliminated accordingly. because noah might be the villain, but alejandro's the archvillain.
that, and i think the finalists of each season are already the best picks from their rosters. i wouldn't change any of them to give one sarcastic twink the chance of winning.
(i haven't seen ridonculous race but i'm fairly certain caring about the competition is part of his character arc in it? he comes in guns blasing and then gets sidetracked by being smitten with emma, at least that's my understanding of it. so nothing would change there.)
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apollo18 · 2 years
Ah angst hc+plot bunny time
C.C. and his brother Ebenezer greatly resemble one another, even if E is older. When Billy turns to Cap, he looks just like his father. But he was very little when parents died, so as far as he knows he only looks like his uncle. Now add a nosy Batman and a reverse identity reveal.
Tw child abuse
Also lots of abrupt awkward stops and starts if that specifically bothers anyone.
E was never a great uncle, he wasn’t even halfway decent. If he was Billy would had never run away(or so that’s what Billy tells himself, ignoring the distinct memories of his heavy handed uncle screaming at him from the other side of his locked front door on a cold winter night, telling him to leave and if he ever came back he’d kill him.)
Imagine how startled and sick he felt when he caught his reflection after becoming Marvel and saw the spitting image of his uncle.
That’s why Billy spent years building his persona, always striving to be the inverse of his uncle to the little kids that would run up to him to be saved and rescued. Smiling big and wide, speaking to them softly when they were afraid, being the adult he never had in his life and never ever letting himself get angry when he was near one. (No matter how much some situations made him feel the sin of wrath sing it’s sirens call. It’s why when it came to the father of one Bobby Bronsky- well it was handled without the other boy’s knowledge. Intimating someone to behave isn’t something he’s fond of and he’d never forgive himself if he scared Bobby.)
One day after a league meeting Batman asks for Marvel to come meet with him for a word. Billy get heckled by the heroes that sat nearest to him about being in the dog house.
He’s expecting Batman to go over his recent fumbles in the field, he did get thrown through a skyscraper a few days ago.
It comes as a shock to Billy when Batman begins set down printed out images from a file, laying out picture after picture of someone who he thought was his uncle E for a moment- but wait? His uncle was smiling? He didn’t know uncle E could do that.
“I don’t understand what I’m looking at,” he tells Batman, stunned and honest.
Terror rakes it’s icy nails moments later as it occurs to him that Batman knows, Batman knows…
He expects yelling, expects to be kicked out of the league. He expects vehement and heartbreaking rejection over lying to the league about his age, he-
His eyes catch on a photo, a family portrait. His uncle, a woman, and two very very little kids. A girl and a boy the same age, maybe three, maybe younger? His confusion grows… his uncle doesn’t have-
What he doesn’t expect is the dark knight to sigh, voice modulator making the human sound unnatural and unpleasant.
Wisdom of Solomon catches ticks and tells, the way his stiff cowl lifts and moves with the expression of his brow or the micro expressions of the corners of his eyes and lips.
There is no dishonesty or hidden truths when his gift of wisdom has absorbed all it could from the individuals around him. (He likely knows his coworkers better than they know themselves.)
Batman is far from angry, the terror of being so close to a potential mad adult ebbs as quickly as it came and the other hero’s… sadness and grief.
He’s looking at Marvel like Billy’s social workers used to look at him before he ran off that final time. Like he’s something to be pitied. (Billy hates it.)
Billy glances back to the family photo. He doesn’t understand it, it doesn’t make any sense.
Batman notices his fixed gaze and slides the picture closer.
“Does anyone in this photograph look familiar to you?”
“I- I’m not sure.” He lies, eyes fixed on his uncle in the portrait.
“I thought this might be the case. Now, Marvel, can you tell me the name of the man that’s in every one of these photos?”
Batman begins place the photos with the best face shots forward to Billy.
“Eb-Ebenezer?” Billy said uncertainly.
Just saying that man’s name…
“This man isn’t Ebenezer Batson,” Batman says gently. “But it is good that you seem to at least be aware of him.”
“This man is Clarence Charles Batson. I can’t say it comes as a surprise you mistook him for Ebenezer. The resemblance between you and your brother is striking, I thought he was you for a few hours after I discovered him. It became quickly apparently this wasn’t so.”
“What- I don’t-” He stands abruptly. “I don’t have a brother. I don’t understand, what kind of sick joke is this?”
Batman doesn’t move, he just continues gently.
“Marvel, please listen, its okay. I know you don’t understand but I couldn’t sit on this when I came to the conclusion you weren’t aware of your own identity. Your real name is C.C. Batson.”
“What?” He gasps out, panicked. That’s his dad’s name, what’s going on?
He glances back down at the family photo.
The little boy and the little girl…
Batman thinks…
Billy’s brain finally catches up with the rest of him and several realizations happen at once but only one shakes him to his core.
It never occurred to Billy he looked like his father, because, as Marvel, when he looked in the mirror, all he saw was his angry, mean, drunk of an uncle.
Every thing he never wanted to be.
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racingliners · 1 month
So, in my many emotions at seeing these beautiful pieces by @aphrostiel, I ended up writing a ficlet about it (because how could I not indulge myself in writing the Seb and Schumi podium we deserved).
I may polish it up further and put it on ao3 for prosperity but I really wanted to just get it out there, I hope you like it!!
(Thank you so much to Jules for both their blessing to post this for for sharing such incredibly beautiful art!!)
The sun cast warm, golden rays in the widening breaks though the pale clouds as they walked out onto the podium together. Seb, being the young gentleman in training, suggested that Michael have his day and walk out alone. Michael, almost too overwhelmed to speak, insisted they walk out together.
They would both argue that Hockenheim looked beautiful no matter the weather, but today after a race that went from dry to pouring rain to dry again, it felt like no sight would ever come close to how the track looked right then in that moment.
Ross Brawn stood proudly on the constructors step of the podium, and was barely containing his tears as the German anthem was introduced over the tannoy. Seb couldn’t help it as he looked up at Michael, his mentor, his friend, and today probably the most fierce driver he had ever raced against, and watched as tears streaked down his face after the first few notes.
The Mercedes mechanics and engineers gathered below let out al almighty roar as Michael raised both fists triumphantly in the air at the end. There was something awfully poetic about him netting his ninety second win at Germany in a Mercedes, and the worlds press were already hard at work at their keyboards and notepads trying to figure out just how they could talk about the Red Baron’s triumphant return when no suitable adjectives really seemed to exist.
Right as the trophies were about to be presented, Michael clapped a heavy hand on Sebastian’s shoulder and beamed at him with a proud smile before fixing his winner’s cap back onto his head.
The crowd were beside themselves even before Michael was presented with the winner’s trophy – a 3D Santander logo that was painted with the colours of the German flag on in the inside but chrome silver on the outside. A fitting prize for a silver arrow. The sun glinted off the surface as the crowd and Mercedes team roared so loud it was a wonder they weren’t heard cheering for miles.
Sebastian, who still couldn’t quite believe that his childhood dream of sharing a podium with Michael had finally come true, accepted his second place trophy with a wide schoolboy grin. All he could think about was that day in Kerpen when he’d met Michael for the first time with wide eyes and a stunned smile. Seb was pretty sure that he was wearing the exact same expression on his face, and for once he didn’t care.
With the trophies presented, the dignitaries were quickly escorted off the podium and Seb let out a shaky sigh as he leaned down to grab the neck of his champagne bottle.
“Shall we get Ross first?” He asked with a cheeky smile. Michael looked at him with a familiar glint in his eye as he picked up his bottle with ease, and really he certainly was a professional in the art of spraying champagne as he popped the cork, jumped down from the top step, and ran over to Ross before the long-suffering Team principle had a chance to run away. The two men laughed as Ross was soaked through, and only when Michael was happy did he go over to the very edge of the podium platform in the hope some of the droplets of spray would reach his beloved colleagues.
Sebastian grinned as he sprayed champagne over Michael’s right side. Fernando, who had finished in third place eventually joined in and deposited the bulk of his bottle’s contents over Michael’s head.
When they piled onto the top step of the podium Seb gestured for Ross to stand between himself and Michael for the official photograph. Before he had a chance to respond Michael hooked an arm round his shoulder and pulled him in so they were stood side by side, brothers in arms complete with matching grins even if Ross still looked quite astounded with the events of the past two hours. Seb was still smiling brightly as the picture was taken, and when he took off his Pirelli cap to swap it for his Red Bull one, Michael reached over to ruffle his hair with a hearty laugh.
The crowd hadn’t relented in their cheers once, and they only hushed when Michael spoke during the podium interview. He tearfully thanked the crowd in German for all their support throughout the years – and especially since his comeback two years ago, before expressing gratitude just as heartfelt to his race engineer Bono for getting him to the end, and Mercedes head of strategy James for his cool-headed decisions that led him back to the top step of the podium once more.
He then turned to Sebastian, and looked at him with a proud smile.
“You know, I remember meeting a young kid in Kerpen many years ago, I never in my life thought I would get to race against him let alone for a race win. But we had a good fight, I’d forgotten how much I enjoyed racing against someone. I hope that we can do it again sometime.” There was a warm ferocity to Michael’s smile, not in the malicious sense but the kind of a true competitor. One that would never, ever give up without leaving anything on the table.
Seb said as such when the interviewer turned to him, adding that he knew going against Michael he would have to give everything, and while he was disappointed to lose the race he would always be honoured to say that he got to battle it out on track against his hero.
“Don’t worry Seb,” Michael said with a warm pat on the shoulder when they walked off the podium and back into the cool down room, arm in arm. “You’ll get your turn next year.”
Sure enough, almost exactly twelve months later, Sebastian took to the top step on the podium at the Nürburgring. Michael, now retired, apparently doubled up as a psychic. He sent Seb a text congratulating him on his first home race win, and in the week off between the races in Germany and Hungary he greeted Sebastian with a thumbs up and a bright grin when he and Hanna happily accepted an invitation to dinner at the Schumacher home.
Sat proudly in the living room, wrapped in thin white frames, hung two pictures from that day in Hockenheim. The first was of Michael with his trophy, the second of himself and Sebastian spraying champagne wearing the brightest of smiles. Mick couldn’t help himself when he asked his father and his friend just what it was like to race each other in such difficult conditions, and both Sebastian and Michael reeled off in great technical detail exactly how everything unfolded.
Seb couldn’t help himself as he glanced at the pictures as he left, the sun now set and the sky filled with twinkling silver stars, and he felt nothing but pride as he knew he would carry that day in his heart for the rest of his life.
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feralfanatic · 9 months
From performance to production, fake to real
Being that the brothers didn't quite remember who you were, Solomon was your only real friend from the original timeline who was here with you. Also with the fact he and you lived together, he was with you whenever you got your moments in between from being the brother's attendant. He was there to hear your moments of angst, the grief of your past relationships, and unrequited love and care for your former found family. Solomon was your savior in a way, with the brothers you knew almost everything about them, yet most of them probably couldn't even name your favorite color anymore, meanwhile with Solomon, the knowledge and love of each other were mutual in a way. He was an immortal human sorcerer, and while that caused a slight drift between you and him, you and he also had so much alike that it seemed like you too were almost meant to be. He was your safe harbor when the storms were too much for you to handle.
All the while, he acted as a husband of sorts to you, which he seemed to be ever so happy and at times amazingly proud of. He took great pride in calling you his partner, at times he even called the two of you a married couple or fiancés. Truthfully, the two of you were not married, or even engaged, but he joked that you two were. Speaking of marriage, the two of you, being the tricksters that you were, two would often go to different restaurants in the human realm and the devildom or establishments to fake a proposal for free food, Solomon always finding a way to cover up the last time you two did that in order to make sure people believed this one. Whether he did it through magic or some other means you weren't sure, you found it shady, and a bit chilling, but you also loved doing it all. It was like two actors on a stage, performing for the restaurant with your proposals.
He was often the one purposing, he would go over the top each time, which you insisted he wouldn't do, but he always found himself loving to spoil you with attention and gifts. You two had a special ring set aside for when you did this, it was simple yet the jokes and fond memories associated with it were always present and created a loving aura surrounding it. Solomon insisted on buying new ones every now and then, to make things more interesting, but you held an attachment to this one ring, and Solomon in a way felt that too, so the two of you kept using the same ring. He'd always do the overflowing plan he had each time to charm you and the restaurant guests/staff with the performance, and then wink at you before kissing you, it was standard in a way, yet so loving as always.
And today, you were thinking it'd go the same as always, a new, over-the-top, sickeningly sweet yet charming performance with the same old ring, but it wasn't quite what you were planning. He had brought you to a much more simple, yet cozy restaurant, compared to the nicer, much more expensive restaurants you usually went to when faking a proposal, it was two floors, the first floor was where most of the cooking, and eating happened, and the second floor was quieter with books and tea for the guests. It was more like a mom-and-pop type of restaurant, the feeling put you at ease with the homey, almost nostalgic feeling to it. But it also raised your suspicions, as he never chose restaurants like this one for these fake proposals. After sitting and talking for a bit, having had some drinks, and a few small sweets before having actual dinner, he led you away from the table slightly, not in front of everyone like he usually did, you sensed something wasn't right, or rather, something was different rather than wrong. Instead of kissing your hand and proudly saying sweet remarks, his performance seems… subdued, more subtle, what was he planning? He caresses my cheek, trailing his hand from my cheek down my neck, then my shoulder, then my arm, and lastly my hand, rubbing circles in my hand with his thumb, it makes me genuinely blush a bit. He holds my hand and kneels in front of me before speaking. "My dear, I have lived many, many centuries, I have married many people, but you…" He pauses, "You're different, you are so sweet, so loving, so caring with me, it… fills my heart with something I haven't felt in a long time." I look at him, he was always one to say some sweeping gestures and draw out the performance, making a show for people without them even realizing it, but he seemed more sentimental with this.
He held my hand with both of his hands now, "I love you deeply, and I hope you feel the same, so our hands will part for a moment while I ask you this," He pauses fishing the ring box out of his pocket, it looks different now… it looks more real than it ever has been if that makes sense. He opens the ring box and the ring looks… different as well. It still is the same ring, but it seems to be more beautiful than before some more. It has its simplicity and fond memories from the past, but it's also beautifully decorated with a few extra small gems, and it has the word 'love' engraved in the inner part of the ring, just barely showing through the foam or velvet that it was being held in. It has the slightest magical aura to it, it's very subtle, but powerful as well, and it wasn't there before, Solomon must've enchanted it or something of that sort. He looks at you, and instead of winking as per usual he just softly smiles instead of the sly playful smile he also had during the performances. A faint blush on his face as he speaks once more, "Will you marry me, my dear, my love, will you spend the rest of your life with me? Through sickness and health I will be there for you, but will you be there for me?" He asks, his breath hitches a bit after that, and he seems slightly nervous. He's never nervous during this performance. It seems like you're own world now, the rest of the restaurant doesn't exist, and this doesn't feel like a performance anymore. "Is this real..?" you murmur, almost dumbstruck by this. He just smiles a bit more, more blush spreading across his face, "Yes, it is, and I can propose to you upstairs on the balcony if you want me to prove it to you." He says in such a quiet yet genuinely sweet tone. Actual tears of joy start to form in your eyes as you smile. "Yes… Yes… Yes," You mumble repeatedly, never realizing that this day would actually come. You've both lived together as if you were already married, but this just seemed to seal and sweeten the deal even more.
He's smiling like an idiot now and slips the ring on your hand, he stands up quickly and eagerly and cups your face with his hands. He rubs your cheeks a bit with his thumbs before holding your chin with one hand and lightly kissing you. He trails his other hand down your neck and arm and shoulders till it reaches one of your hands. After the small, but loving kiss, he hugs you, one of his hands resting on the back of your head pulling you a bit closer as you rest your head on his shoulders a bit. You seem to snap back to reality a bit and see the people around you softly smiling, he seems to have not planned that, but the guests and staff seem to have picked up on the subdued feeling he was going for. Even though you have snapped back to reality, he's still lovingly holding you close, and you fully realize, this is all real, and you love it.
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As my First ever post on this app, I would like to rant about a very theatre kid/sitcom-like AU my friends helped me co-create for ride the cyclone
So firstly, I should talk about the setting… basically the way it goes is 20 years after the show would’ve taken place, all of the choir ends up back in uranium after getting to fulfill the life they dreamed about having before the accident (which I should probably mention, didn’t happen… at least not to an extent where it would’ve killed them. They are alive in this).
The way this goes is:
Ocean— she managed to get out of uranium, and move to a larger city somewhere in Ontario where she became a lawyer, got married, and had a daughter… however, she ended up returning to uranium due to her husband developing a gambling addiction and making them go bankrupt (don’t worry, she left him behind).
Noel— he managed to make it to Paris shortly after graduating, where he was a cabaret dancer as well as other things of the sort, and fulfilling his fantasies of “embracing a new man every night” so to speak… this was all until his mother passed away and he had to go home and plan her funeral… after which he decided to get an apartment in uranium as well as resuming his job at Taco Bell, because he couldn’t bring himself to leave again.
Mischa (aka the hardest one to figure out imo)— he did eventually save up enough money to make it back to Ukraine and meet Talia, however with the fear of them simply having no chemistry in real life coming to fruition, combined with their relationship being a rushed teenage one, it didn’t really pan out the way they had hoped… they were married for a few years, before eventually agreeing to part ways. Leaving mischa going back to uranium (and getting a job at Spencer’s in the mall), not really knowing where else to go in order to escape the feeling of heartbreak that was left.
Ricky— (this one we aren’t 100% sure on, since we hadn’t had an active ricky in the server based off of this in a while) he managed to get into a pretty impressive school for astrophysics after graduating, living near the school for a while (where he finally managed to learn proper sign language… as well as getting an aac device)… the main reason he moved back was I believe simply getting a job opportunity close to uranium, so he fudged it a little so he could live in a place he already knew.
Penny— the interesting thing with her is that staying true to her original fate of being a Jane doe, nobody can remember who she is, despite being only a grade below the rest of the choir and involved in all of the activities they performed in… no one seems to remember her. Anyways, what we came up with for her is that despite some potential light travelling, she for the most part stayed in uranium, where she is now a business owner of the local library.
Constance—(aka the one we have the least amount of lore for, because we’ve never had an active Constance) what she did was she managed to escape uranium for an (unnamed) job that allows her to travel around, getting to see all over the world… probably owning a food review channel or something of the sort, given her previous knowledge of the subject.
Now with that out of the way, here are the relationships that have been built within this universe:
- ocean is dating a 35 year old trans woman named Avery that she got introduced to via noel, who met her from his most recent time working at the mall… their commitment level as of right now is simply dating, with an accidental daughter on the way
-penny and Ricky are also together thankfully… their commitment level is also dating, with *dramatic gasp* triplets on the way
-Noel and Mischa have gotten together as well, however it took 4 years of living together to do so… the commitment level of whatever they have going on is them obviously moved in together with a cat, as well as trying to find a way to get the benefits of marriage without actually having to get married
- bonus: Ezra (who’s penny’s brother from legoland, if you didn’t know) found a husband named jasper down in California (where he lives in this)… their relationship is married with a small child named Jane
Lastly here are the choirs ages, genders, and sexualities along with little details from it that didn’t fit in anywhere, but I like them:
-Noel is a (now) 38 year old gay “man” (he’s a man in the way a tomato is a fruit), Mischa is a 38 (almost 39) year old who’s bisexual polyamorous and a trans male, ocean is a 38 year old bisexual woman, Ricky is Ricky (aka I do not know), penny is 36/37 genderfae and pansexual, and Constance is Constance (aka I don’t know that either)
-ocean’s existing daughter is a 15 year old named Iris, who is basically a more modern version of noel with different interests, this decision was made just to make ocean’s life more difficult
-going along with the topic of Iris, ever since noel and mischa moved in together she has seen the two as basically her gay uncles who she goes to all of the time (she also managed to predict them getting together before they did, so yay)
-last thing on the topic of Iris; she is bisexual, and has a girlfriend, that ocean obviously doesn’t approve of
-noel and mischa share ownership of a cat mischa affectionately named “bitch” …noel gets to name the potential next one
-penny has a habit of sending the most outrageously random messages in the group chat they’ve made and it’s quite entertaining
-the concept of both penny and ocean being pregnant were accidental in the plot and in real life… oceans came about because mischa kept asking if she was at the most random times, and the person responsible for ocean decided to just make it cannon. and penny’s was because the person responsible for her accidentally typed 2 instead of 1 when penny made a joke about taking pregnancy tests and having them come back positive
- mischa is scared of spiders to an unexplainable extent
- noel skips out on work quite a lot, simply because because mischa is bored and wants him to come home
-noel and mischa are both incredibly broke (due to them both working near minimum wage), so not only do they just share an apartment, but that apartment is a one bedroom. Which they also share. Basically, when they first moved in together they had a divider in the middle of a queen sized bed they shared. However the divider was annoying and short lived
- the names of Ricky and Penny’s future children are Celestia Mary Lamb, Marlene Bowie Lamb, And Wyatt Ezra Lamb
-this is one I as the noel sayer has thought of, but haven’t gotten to implement yet; from Noel’s perspective, if he and mischa were to have a daughter specifically, she would be named Tamara Lola Rose (this one is purely hypothetical, it’s just something I’ve been waiting to bring up since due to ocean having horrible judgement, potential children’s names are talked about a lot)
- they very often have reflections on just how odd they all were in high school together
Also, I forgot to put this originally but a huge thank you to my friends for helping me create this… I literally couldn’t have done it without them
That’s all for now, might post updates/answer potential questions but thank you for reading:)
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greatprotector-if · 2 years
High School AU Galen Drabble
Word Count: 1197
mc: hey i got detention so you can walk home without me today lol
galen: What? Why?
mc: something dumb
mc: see you tomorrow!!
“Good to see you,” the teacher greets you dryly from their desk.
“Hi.” You slink over to your spot, resisting the urge to sigh. Or cry. Or scream. Or all of the above.
Other than the teacher at the front of the room, you’re the only one here. Great! You’re the only one foolish enough to get caught and sent to detention. Awesome!
You sigh through your nose, and fish your homework out of your bag. You have nothing else to do.
And then the door opens, and they’re impossible to miss because they’re over six foot—Galen walks through the door. Their gaze barely passes over the teacher before they’re marching right over to the desk next to you and squeezing themself in a chair.
“Wha—” You lean over and hiss, “Galen?”
They clear their throat, drumming their fingers along the top of their thigh. They’re facing the front, but they give you a curt nod in acknowledgement. “I got detention,” they whisper.
“No you did not.”
They let out a short huff. “No I did not.”
“Then you’re not supposed to be here? What are you—” You glance up at the teacher, who’s staring at Galen with a perplexed look on their face.
“You’re not in any of my classes,” the teacher states.
“I’m not,” Galen agrees, face as stoic as ever.
The teacher hardly mulls this over before they simply shrug and return to their paperwork. “Alright. Just don’t be disruptive or I’ll kick you out.”
And then that’s the end of that.
The room dips into relative silence as you grab the rest of your supplies from your back and dump what you need on your desk. All Galen takes out is a new pencil and single math worksheet that looks like it’s already been completed. Not that you mind the company—but why the hell are they here?
As if they can sense that you’re thinking about them, Galen quietly side eyes you for a few moments before asking, “You, uh. You okay?”
You blink. “Huh? I’m fine. You didn’t come all this way just to check on me, did you?”
They cross their thick arms over their chest, prodding a bump in their cheek with their tongue. You can’t tell if it’s just the poor lighting or if their cheeks are getting darker. Finally, they mutter, “You weren’t answering my texts.”
A smile crawls onto your face. That is adorable. “Sorry. I had to put it away or the teacher would have taken it.”
“I even used an emoji to try to get your attention.”
You perk up at that. “As in… not the thumbs up or OK emoji?” you ask.
“The sad face, with the really deep frown.”
“No way,” you gasp. You’re not going to lie, you’re kind of flattered that they would do that for you. You love Galen and all, but they’re such a dry texter they could start a wildfire with a single spark of heat. You press your hand to your chest. “You would do that for me?”
They clear their throat and pointedly look away from you. Yeah, they’re definitely blushing.
“Send me the laughing crying emoji next,” you say, taking pity on them.
They roll their eyes. Their lower lashes are so dark. “Over my dead body.”
You hear some shuffling from the corner and you look over to see the teacher leave their desk and slip out the door, closing it behind them.
You could totally just leave right now, you think. But you don’t, you keep your ass rooted to your chair.
“So…” Galen drawls, now that they have the opportunity. “What did you even do?”
You squint at them. “I don’t want a lecture,” you warn.
They raise a brow. “I’m not going to yell at you for getting detention. I’m your friend, not your parent.”
“Sometimes you act like my parent.”
They just shrug. You don’t know how you’re supposed to interpret that reaction.
“Saw my teacher while I was skipping class, then I wiped out while I was trying to make my getaway. Teacher caught up to me and said if I didn’t come to detention they’d give me a zero,” you explain mournfully, showing them the scratches on your palm. “Now my hand’s all messed up.”
They stare at you with what could only be described as disbelief in their eyes. “You tripped?” And then they begin to do a very poor job of stifling their laughter into the back of their hand. “You got caught—because you tripped?”
“Don’t laugh at me!” you complain. “It hurts!”
They bury their entire face into their hands to contain themself, broad shoulders trembling with the effort.
“Okay,” they croak out after many moments. “Okay. I’m sorry.” They drop their hands from their face, lips pressed firmly together, and hold one out to you instead. “Give me your hand.”
You don’t even think about it—just automatically place your hand on theirs, and they flip your hand face up. Their skin is very warm.
Galen gives you a slightly puzzled look. “... No, the other one.”
Oh. Oops. You give them your other hand, still feeling a little raw from the pavement.
You can’t help but feel your cheeks start to warm at the proximity. They peer down at the injury, probably assessing the damage.
… And they’re clearly fighting off a smile.
“Oh my god,” you say, battling a grin of your own, “You’re such a dick. Everyone trips at some point in their life, Galen.”
They tilt their head to face the heavens, and take a deep, shuddering breath.
You can’t believe them. All this because of that stupid crack in the ground?
“Are you good now?” you say wryly.
It takes a second, but they bob their head in a nod, clearing their expression of any lingering amusement. They stick their hand in one of the side pockets of their backpack. “Does it hurt?” they ask.
“Almost cried,” you answer solemnly.
The corner of their mouth twitches, and then they’re fishing out the cutest bandaid you’ve ever seen.
“... Is that Squirtle?” you ask.
They ignore you in favour of smoothing the blue bandaid out over the curve of your hand, but it is definitely Squirtle. You wonder if they’ll give you some of those.
They’re about to pull away when you tease, “Hold on. Aren’t you going to give it a kiss?”
Their eyes dart up to meet yours, grip on your hand going slack. “You—do you want me to?”
Your heart catches in your throat. You didn’t expect them to take it seriously, oh god, what are you even supposed to say—
“I was just—I mean, I didn’t… you can, if you want to—”
The sound of the doorknob turning has the both of you jumping out of your skin.
They drop your hand like a pile of burning coals and you both jerk forward to face the front of the room.
The teacher does not spare either of you a single glance as they sit back down at their desk, and your heartrate does not completely calm down until long after detention is over.
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child-of-the-cosmos · 2 years
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 <- You’re here! - Part 5
(~2,000 words.)
You've always loved the morning air. Something about it was always so.. full of life. You'd been walking through the forest for about an hour now. Following a path engraved in your head. Damp branches cracked beneath your feet. The glow of the sun just barely peaking out from the trees above you. Small droplets would fall here and there from the leaves above. It seemed the rain really did a number on the forest. In a good way, of course.
The smell of oak and damp soil hung lightly in the air, hints of a sweeter aroma- wild flowers, wafted from a few patches nearby. It was something only the rain could bring. You had made your way through the hardest part of the hike, which honestly wasn't too hard since you picked the easiest path. It was a little narrow, being covered with leaves and small brush scattered around, but it was easy to see that the path was now beginning to clear and opening up into a new zone. Your favorite area.
You've seen tons of things coming through this particular path. Small squirrels, a baby fox and their mom, a raccoon, a large centipede, and now... A large deer? No, that wasn't quite right.
There was something there, for sure. You could tell that much from here. But the real question is, what exactly was it? A human? That'd be impossible. No one really came this far out... at least, no one that you've seen. As you got closer you were able to make out a figure, then a color. Okay, definitely not human. Either that, or they were wearing a LOT of yellow right now.
Was there something in your food this morning? There'd have to been, for you to see something like this. But.. you've been completely fine up until now. You were close enough to hear a faint voice. It was so quiet... you could barely hear it- but something was... off about the sound of it. It was then that it hit you that this thing wasn't breathing at all. You were close enough to see scratchy movements, and exposed wires by it's arm. A robot. Animatronic, to be exact.
"Woah," What was an animatronic doing out here, of all places? Civilization was far away from this point, you had made sure of that when you first moved into these woods. But to see something like this...
"What.. are you?" You already knew the answer, but this was amazing! You've never really seen an animatronic like this one. The ones before were pretty much void of any colors, and only gave out automated messages last time you checked... which admittedly had been a while. You're knowledge on robots were pretty limited- if you could call the little info you had on them knowledge that is. But from what you could tell... this one was different. You had heard they were getting pretty lifelike before you moved and left the city- but this, this was something new.
The figure- no, robot  was now looking at you. Maybe you scared it? Was that even possible?? You didn't know, and didn't have much time to think about it either. Because as soon as it saw you- it started moving. In the worst way possible. You watched in horror as it slowly maneuvered it's body to face you. Well, it's upper body. It's lower half stayed still, facing the same direction you first saw it in. You stepped back. Cool or not, you did not sign up for any of those horror movies you had watched on tv.
You glanced at it's arm again. It was holding it, almost as if a child would cradle their wound; Close to their chest, somewhat scared for you see it.
It just sat there and watched you. You couldn't get a read on what it wanted.
You tiled your head. Was it hurt, then? If so, does that mean people started building robots with pain receptors?? but... why?  Why would someone want something like that- and could that even be possible in the first place?? You'd have to think about that later. Whoever built this thing definitely had a lot of money though.
You were beginning to feel uncomfortable with the overwhelming silence. It was still staring at you. Menacingly. It hadn't moved an inch since it first contorted it's body. Just what was this thi- Crackling. Then soft humming. It was very quiet, almost like a whisper... then, "S-ssssorry" It spoke.
Sorry?  You were taken aback. Out of all the things it could've said, it said sorry? But why?? You inched closer, just a bit... If it was willing to communicate then it couldn't be that dangerous, could it? So it technically wouldn't hurt to communicate back... right?
"Sorry for what?" You asked. It seemed pleased with your response, perking up just slightly before slouching back down. It looked like it was fighting to stay awake. The grip on it's arm loosening. What was wrong with it? Well you didn't really need an answer, because it started talking again. Their words were slurred together, but you could just make out what it trying to say. "Plea---se," It began to slump to the floor, earthy forest below surrounding it, "H-h-h-helllp us."
Then... nothing.
Did it just die??? You slightly began to panic. Wait- no, right... it's a robot. Pretty sure robots don't die.. hopefully. So, it's not dead? Then... You snapped your fingers and walked closer to it. Right, things like this needed a charge! It's probably out of battery. Does it need like a.. double A or something? That's always worked for your tv remote.
You knelt down, glancing over it's features exposed by the earth beneath it. Light golden rays lined it's head, and you could see a wide smile plastered across it's face. Okay, this thing definitely wasn't a remote, but.. it'd still have to charge and all that, right? So there were still some similarities... you could work with this. Robot or not, your weren't the type to just leave someone alone, especially if that someone personally asked you for help.  
You gently looped your arms around theirs, careful not to touch the one with the open wires. You huffed and lifted. This thing was quite heavy. Even though you were pretty confident in your strength right now, you doubted you'd be able to carry it all the way down.
So, you did the next best thing. You lifted and decided you'd carry it at least half way, run and get your wheel barrow- somehow put it in, and push it the rest of the way back to your house.
This, was much easier said than done. And you quickly found that out. Firstly, you didn't take in account how tiring it was to carry this thing- plus run back and get the wheel barrow, just to jog it back up to where you left it (luckily it was fine), Then somehow get it in the wheel barrow- (which was very hard but you managed), Just to finally wheel it back down the rest of the way.
Once you actually got back home, all you wanted to do was sleep. But sleep wasn't an option right now. You still had to get it inside. You sighed, lifting one last time to carry it up your porch stairs and inside your house. You sat it down near a wall and flopped on the floor. You stared at ceiling. Home... finally.
You could hear Slinky chitter curiously as she peered at you from her cage. She had witnessed you struggle to carry it inside and lay down on the floor. You lifted a hand and waved at her. "I'm fine Slinky, just tired." You said.
You could see her staring at the hump of metal leaning on your wall from your peripheral. "Had to help a friend." You clarified. Slinky had always been anxious around guests, especially humans. She had her reasons... you knew that. That's why it helped to introduce them as a friend when they first meet Slinky. And family if you're really close to you- like a relative. You could tell Slinky was still tense as she looked between you and the robot, sniffing and moving to and fro in her cage. She was still anxious about it. You sat up to fully face slinky. "Hey... it's okay." You started. "They're a friend, they won't hurt either of us... okay?" You leaned over and rubbed her fur through the cage. She relaxed a bit. You watched as she cast once last glance at the robot before fully settling down. You hummed. This was good. You didn't want to stress her out. Actually, it was the last thing you wanted.
Once Slinky was satisfied with your rubbing, you quietly sat up and walked over to the robot. Okay... now what? You knelt down in front of it, hoping to at least get an idea of what it needed. You hadn't noticed before, but something really messed it up. Did it get into a fight? Something big laid A deep gash across it's chest, and there were multiple other cuts lined on it's body. There were some on it's arms, a few by it's face (though those definitely weren't that deep, more like light scraps if anything), and one more lining it stomach. One you definitely recognized as teeth marks. Yeah, it definitely got into a fight... most likely with a predator.
From what you knew it was still functioning with all this going on... so maybe it was still okay. Something you could handle later after turning it on. It was then that you noticed a tiny little compartment on it's side. It was closer to it's back, so you had to gently bend it over to get a better view.
The hatch was barely visible- actually it was almost seamless, but you could tell there was a tiny screw holding something in place. You got up and ran to your backyard, ignoring how slinky glanced your way before falling back to sleep. You had a screwdriver that was the perfect fit for that. Well, more like a set you could attach to a screwdriver.
It was a gift you were given long ago by a relative who thought you'd like it. You didn't really have a place to put it back then, so you just moved it to the shed in the backyard. the shed was a small thing.. or maybe it just looked that way. There was so much clutter you couldn't really tell.
You didn't really have a lot space to move, but there it was! The screwdriver set! Right where you left it. Satisfied, you triumphantly walked back in the house and sat back down near the robot. You hooked up your screwdriver and started twisting. You really hoped this was what you thought it was... and not something that would just confuse you more.
With one last twist the screw was out. You sat it on a table nearby. You pulled the latch open with anticipation. In the compartment revealed a small cord and a usb plug thing. You knew what this was! Well, kinda. Your tv had something similar. Which meant one thing. You could plug it in! You squealed in what could only be described as joy as you quickly plugged it into a socket nearby.
Nothing. Well that's to be expected, you thought. You had only just plugged it in. You knew it'd take way more time for it to turn on than just a few seconds.
You sat up and stretched, a soft yawn bubbled up as you walked over to Slinky. There was still a lot of the day ahead of you two... plus the robot. So you three. But honestly, right now you could use a nice nap. It seemed like Slinky agreed with you, already fast asleep in her little ball she curled herself into. You tiptoed into your room and picked up a spare blanket you kept near your bed. You had others.. but this one was your favorite. It was your favorite color... plus you didn't feel like looking for the other's right now. You walked back into the living room and laid on the couch. Might as well make yourself comfortable. You wanted to keep an eye on the robot. Plus, you wanted to stay with Slinky... you didn't want to leave her there alone. You glanced at the robot one last time, eyelids heavy. As you fell asleep you missed the small blinking light flash across the robots eyes.
1%... 16 hours until fully charged.
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miraiq · 3 months
a certain dragon delivers intense stares though curious of what was troubling the trailblazer. perhaps the vacation in penacony wasn't precisely what he expected, judging by the look of his face. "did something happen? you look troubled." (dan heng @ caelus)
Caelus was ecstatic upon Dan Heng messaging him saying that the raven haired lad was making his way to meet the Express crew down on Penacony. He had missed Dan Heng, but was also worried. Caelus wasn't sure why he was worried, this was the Dan Heng we're talking about. The man is the body guard of the Astral Express. The dude's a powerhouse! But, who could blame the silver haired man for the unnecessary concern. Everything was going wrong the second they warp jumped. First Caelus had that weird dream on the train that he couldn't even remember- though could recognize that it wasn't a good one based on the fact that he had been startled awake, covered in his own tears. Pom-Pom had simply said it was the lad not handling the memoria in the planet's atmosphere well, but something told Caelus that was only part of the problem.
Then they had troubles with their reservations, which made no sense to him since they (well technically not him but semantics) were invited, and had the same amount of bodies as their r.s.v.p..? Whatever. A guy from the IPC helped settle that, then proceeded to single him out and spew out cryptic nonsense-- aside from the fact that the blond had somehow had known Caelus housed a stellaron. Which that was also concerning-- how? What would that man do because of, or with, that information?
Next, the trailblazer had run into someone looking like Sampo, who then attacked(?) him. Well.. going unconscious and waking up without the accused party kinda makes it seem that way. So another betrayal at someone the man knew and (mostly) trusted.
And to top it all off, as if the universe really wanted to play some nasty tricks on him yet again.. Caelus made a friend. Another kind soul, struggling to make it by but finding the joy in the little things. It was worse than when... when Tingyun.. when she.. Caelus had to once again see a friend die right in front of him.
He got to know Firefly a bit more than he had with the Foxian, which made it all the more devastating when the man watched the girl get impaled by that dream creature. He vaguely remembers Black Swan or Acheron telling him the monster's name or title.. but he doesn't remember anything outside of the sheer size of it, the screeching sounds it made, the smoke stifling the surrounding air.. Caelus watched her body shake with fear before she apologized to him (why? why would you do that?) before she fell down into his arms just long enough that he felt her body turn into that odd liquid and vanish.
And the photo.. oh, the photo. Just an extra punch to the gut.
Wasn't he just "born" several months ago? He can't take much more of this.
So, it isn't really a surprise that the archivist could tell something was wrong. Though, Caelus knows that he doesn't hide his own emotions very well. Probably didn't help that shaking hands had reached out to lightly grasp Dan Heng's arm the second the silver was close enough to touch his party member, just firm enough to settle himself, but relaxed enough that if the raven had wanted to remove his arm from Caelus' touch he could easily do so. Caelus just couldn't stop himself. He desperately needed to feel a physical body, one that was warm, solid.. not ice cold mist that could slip through his fingers again.
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" Can't get anything passed you, can I ? "
His voice is so soft, so raspy, the silver hopes that Dan Heng could at least hear his attempt at words to set the other at ease. After a chuckle to himself, a tiny alarm went off in his mind. Something about how Dan Heng showed up after texting each other related itself to Black Swan and their conversation.. and the chat with the real Black Swan right after. Could this be 'Dan Heng', the same one that meet him earlier as 'Sampo', tried to trick him into giving out dangerous-in-the-wrong-hands-knowledge 'Black Swan'?
He learned his lesson the first time. He's not going to make that mistake again.
" H..Hey. I know this is a bit.. strange. But-
Can you tell me your secret phrase you have with March?
You know, the one you used to help us out on Belobog to get away from the Silvermane Guards the second day we got there? "
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
OMG but Mys tells Shane about all the magical stuff she’s been getting into and he’s like-
“You’re fuckin with me, Dotty,” he scoffed, “you’re really trying to convince me you can use magic?”
Mys pressed her hands to her hips and pouted, “well, yeah! I can do a few things now. It’s been really helpful when I go mining.”
Shane didn’t believe her. He’d been living in the valley his entire life and had never once witnessed the existence of magic.
Mys began pulling at the hood strings of his jacket, she was somewhat giddy.
“Lately Razzy’s been teaching me how to make potions from the earth’s natural resources. I can bring you a few and we can play around with them! I’ve got one that can turn your skin blue for a few minutes-“
“Got a love potion in that mix?” Shane asked with a snarky grin.
He didn’t know why he had chosen to name a love potion of all things, but in that moment it made the most sense. It was one of the more famous potions in the world, maybe Mys could actually have one.
She pulled away abruptly and looked into his deep green eyes, she was stern and very serious.
“I do. But I can’t let you try it otherwise you’ll fall madly in love with the first person you see, and… well… you know how that goes.”
If he took it then and there, he would see her.
Would that really be so bad?
Shane started looking around as if listening closely to their surroundings.
He leaned in close, “Gummy, did your voice change? Cause… you’re suddenly sounding like… a whole ass chicken,” he began to bawk at her mockingly.
Mys immediately turned red. She clearly was not enjoying being mocked. She huffed and looked towards her bedroom.
“Fine! Fine I’ll go get it.”
She left the room, the sounds of opening chests and clinking glasses could be heard shortly thereafter.
“Where did I put it?,” she growled in frustration.
Shane smiled to himself. Mys was the most disorganized organized person he ever met. He thought it was cute.
She suddenly came running back in holding a small pink heart shaped bottle.
“That’s very on brand for you, isn’t it, sweetheart?”
Mys froze, her face softening as if she hadn’t just been on a rampage, “say that again.”
He loved it when she did that.
“My sweetheart is so demanding,” he tilted her face up at him.
“I am very much so,” she lifted the body between them, “Now, does this prove anything to you?”
He takes the bottle out of her hands and looks it over, “nah I think I have to test it.”
Her eyes went wide, “oh honey, that’s a bad idea give it back.”
“Make me,” he grinned popping off the top.
“Shane!” Mys swatted at him trying to take the small bottle back, but Shane held it higher over her head.
“You’re so damn short, Mys.”
“I’m not that much shorter than you!”
“A head’s still a fuckin head.”
Shane watched her struggle with delight written all over his face. She could’ve easily gotten it by now, but she was so focused on the fact that he had what she didn’t want him to have, that she didn’t remember she could easily bend him to her tiny pink will.
He was so amused by her behavior that he didn’t notice her hand swatting the bottle right over him.
Mys gasped. He was drenched.,
Some type of liquid dripped down from his head to his shoulders.
“Shit!” Mys quickly covered her mouth. She didn’t usually swear. Shane blushed.
But that’s not all that he did.
He stood there quite shocked for a minute. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to be feeling. Maybe he had been right and Mys was duped by the wizard. Or maybe she…
Oh god.
Just as he began to have doubts he noticed a strong familiar scent surrounding him.
It was her.
Or rather whatever had spilled on him smelled exactly like her.
Shane shut his eyes. It was somewhat overwhelming. It felt like she was all over him. His mind went to the gutter.
“Oh Shane, that was stupid of me,I’m so sorry,” Mys’s voice popped into his ears, “let me help you get cleaned up.”
She grabbed his hand and led him down to the couch.
Maybe it was the intoxicating scent, or the fact that she may have been right, but Shane felt his hand clam up in hers. He was beginning to grow nervous.
Why was he getting so nervous? She was just his best friend?
Mys sat him down and started wiping his head with her handkerchief. Her face twisted. The smell overwhelming her too, but Shane didn’t notice this. Mys was, perhaps, a little too close to him. He resisted the urge to grab her waist.
“You okay, handsome?”
Their eyes met. He couldn’t bring himself to speak. For the first time in his entire life. Shane found himself fully unable to grasp his feelings. Actually, that was a lie. He often found he didn’t know how to feel when he was with Mys.
He began to think, that maybe, the potion wasn’t a potion at all. Perhaps, it was just a ruse, it likely was just her perfume.
So Shane began to consider that possibly…
He kind of liked her.
“Shane, are you mad at me?”
Her voice brought him back into the situation. Even as he was drowning, she was right there in his ear.
In his face.
He grabbed her face suddenly. Mys squealed. Shane held her there so close, as if examining her.
He was trying to find an answer, he already had but just couldn’t access no matter how many epiphanies he could squeeze out of himself.
“You okay there, lemon drop?,” she asked with a nervous laugh, “you’re getting kind of close.”
His eyes were glowing, she was never more confused. Scared even. Not of him. But for him. She wanted Shane. She knew she needed to keep him in her life. But she was never going to force him to be who she wanted him to be.
That’s why-
“I think I…” he began to lean in.
She put a stop to that instantly.
She pressed her hand to his mouth. A deep sadness taking over her for a moment.
“That wasn’t a love potion,” she admitted quickly.
“And I’m not going to take advantage of you Shane. Ever.”
Shane stared at her, his eyes were now equally sad, Mys thought that maybe he was upset with her for being so cruel and allowing him to actually think he had fallen in love with her. It was also cruel to hope that he might.
“I really am sorry, Shane. I didn’t mean to make things weird. Are we still friends?”
She removed her hand from his lips. Oh, if Shane had the guts he’d have kissed her anyways. He would have kissed her so. Many. Times.
But he couldn’t bring himself to explore that urge.
He wanted to.
He should have.
But he couldn’t.
And yet-
“I love you.”
The words slipped out so quickly, so naturally, Shane hadn’t register they were his words until Mys had reacted.
Shane had just said he loved her. Did he really mean that?
“I…,” he quickly began to correct his loss of tongue, “I mean… you’re my best friend, Mys. And I love you, because of that.”
Ouch. That pressed on her heart. Everything was as it always would be, as it had always been, and as it shall continue to be.
“And I… love you.”
She meant it. She had always meant it.
“Now let’s get you cleaned up, please. You smell like me and it’s giving me a headache.”
Shane pulled her onto his lap and grinned, “oh you don’t like it? What if I do this?”
Shane rubbed his wet hair into her neck. She began to laugh, to scream, and tried to break herself free.
He laughed, and pulled himself back, “fine I’ll take a bath, but you have to be there with me.”
“You, sir, are getting far too comfortable with my being there when you’re nude.”
“You know that you’re curious.”
“Save it for our honeymoon, handsome.”
Shane’s eyes sparkled. Just the idea of marrying her made his head spin, he wasn’t used to that. He didn’t understand it. He blushed.
“I’m just joking,” she said as she cupped his face.
“Yeah… I figured.”
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invalidname19 · 2 years
I hope you had a great graduation! I can't believe you had the audacity to draw after you must be superhuman or something OWO
That, or Picasso had a child and no one knew www
Thank you very much though! I wanna ask you; can you list any other anime you like to watch and/or ships?
And yes, you are right.
Thank you!! Graduation was good but to be frank, the school decorations were....( they tried ig 👽). I could just imagine the class of 2020 graduation ☠️ feel bad for them. Graduating through a computer.... damm.
Also that drawing was simple to draw bc it was mostly simplified chibi esk yk... now if it was fleshed out humans. I would have simply not have answered the question so late into the night. That task would have been done in the morning.
Anime that I like to watch: Aot, InuYasha, Jujutsu Kaisen, Free, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Demon Slayer, Naruto, Kuroko no Basket, Mob psycho, Bleach, The Ancient Magus Bride, Berserk, Monster, Miss aKobayashi Dragon Maid, Sakamoto desu ga, Saiki K, Gintama, Clean Freak Aoyama,The Devil is a part Timer, My roommate is a cat, Kotaro lives alone , Kakuriyo-bed and breakfast for spirits, Code Geass, Erased, Kakeguryi, Haikyu and many more but Im getting tired of autocorrect changing the names. Some of the animes I haven't finished watch like Gintama
Ships: I'm getting tried of typing, so it's gonna be a run down bases on what I remember most
Naruto x sasuke
Hashiramax madara
Izuna x tobirama
Sasuke x sakura
Naruto x Hinata
Nobara x Maki
Kobayashi x Tohru
Minato and kushina
Kakashi x iruka
Kakashi x obito
Obito x rin
Ymir x history
Rirki x Mary
Levi x erwin
Reigenx Serizawa
Yachi x Shimizu
Gojo x Geto
Yuij x megumi
Also I know
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/j this is a long ass post I'm sorry
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glass-soup · 1 year
I have committed a crime beyond murder
I have done something horrible. yesterday, 4:25, I had come home from a tiring and long day of school ( The social interaction was horrendous), my mother (She works at home) had taken a sick day to take a break, about two hours earlier she went to our local supermarket and browsed the confectionery aisle, stopping in the chocolate area and deciding to buy a suger-free milk chocolate bar. I walked home after school to find my mother in our (small) kitchen happily putting away the chocolate into the cupboard I inquired was to what was and she told that it was chocolate but I mustn't touch till after dinner. An hour passed it was know 5:36 and all I could think about was the chocolate, I tried drawing, all I could draw was chocolate, I tried writing, all I could write about was chocolate eventually I tried reading, all I could think about was the chocolate one of the characters eats. It all became too much to bear, so when my mother went to the lavatory I sneaked into the kitchen and grabbed the chocolate bar from the top shelf and placed two Delicious squares into my mouth, it was rich and creamy, but then I heard a flush, i quickly placed the chocolate back into the top shelf and ran back into my room. what should I do? it has been a day since my wicked crime and my brain is erupting with guilt, Am I destined to live with these emotions forever?
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hoshigray · 11 months
Been thinking about this scenario a lot, but ex-husband! Toji, where you two are pretty chill with each other, even after five years of divorce. But the feelings between you two start to parade back after all these years, and it all comes boiling over after spending one night together.
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A/n: Been a while since I've done one of these scenario thingies, plus this idea has been rotting my mind for a long time, and I needed it to get out, lol. I pushed back my Gojo fic to tmrw or Thursday because my brain was not feeling like re-reading 3-4k words while running on one hour of sleep. So, instead, we're dropping this in its stead. Sorry about that, and hope you like this while I fix the fic up later today :) Any grammar/spelling errors on this will be dealt with tmrw.
Cw: ex-husband! Toji x fem! reader - implied that reader is entering their mid 30s - starts out cute the first half but smutty the next, so minors DNI - implied that Tsumiki and Megumi are around middle school age; 12 (T) and 11 (M) - pining; Toji is whipped for you, I fear - Daddy kink - prone bone position + mating press - pet names (baby, sweetheart, sweetie, mama, princess) - cervix fucking - praise - itty-bitty-tiny overstimulation - closure; happy ending (?).
Wc: 3.4k (wow, way longer than the last one, lol)
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Ex-husband! Toji...
...who you've divorced after being together for four years. It was a marriage built on love, convenience, and heartache. There is no denying that Toji loved you very much; if anything, the man would set the world ablaze if anything were to happen to you. Especially when you were the sweetest thing that blessed his presence and his two children who were young at the time — Tsumiki and Megumi at age three. The fact that you loved him as much as he loved you is beyond doubt in Toji's mind. However, somewhere down the line, you felt a "shadow" that you could not surpass nor fill — the late wife of Toji.
You could tell that Toji still had a piece of him that just couldn't let the memory of his late wife go, and you understood that. Hence why you chose to leave him, which was glum for all parties, but Toji understood where you were coming from and signed the papers.
...who's still chill with you after the divorce. You two promised not to act like complete strangers, especially with Tsumiki and Megumi being close to you. Just because the ring isn't on your finger doesn't mean you must change completely. The two of you are comfortable enough to be in each other's company, taking turns watching over the kids and acting like you're still married by poking fun at one another like the good days.
"Hey, big guy," Toji turns to the kitchen hallway where you're looking at him, his usual black coffee in his mug still sheltered in your apartment cupboards. "You look like shit; too tired to go to the clubs to find some minx to wow you enough like you used to?"
He snickers at your brazenness. "Shut up, brat. I could ask the same fr' you. Got some good dick on the side to help that attitude of yours, baby?" After checking around to see if the kids are nearby, you give him the middle finger. He chuckles before sipping his coffee.
...whose kids adore and love you so much that they secretly try to have you and Toji in the same place, which the two of you are entirely aware of. Five years passed after your separation, though that doesn't hinder the children from wanting you back in their lives again. Because to them, you are always a Fushiguro, and the love for you will always be there. It's there when you go to Tsumiki's soccer games and drag your ex-husband to find a better seat on the bleachers to watch her play. It's there when Megumi tells his father he "accidentally" left his baseball bat at your place and "unfortunately" now has to spend the night there (and you always receive them). And it's there when you promise to come along on family trips, like going to the zoo and taking pictures by the Panda enclosure with his daughter or going to the aquarium and listening intently to his son explain all the different types of jellyfish.
Toji can't blame his own kin for being attached to you because you are still a mother in their eyes. And so to his.
...who has his wedding ring on his dog-tag necklace but always tucks it under his shirt whenever you're present. It gives him a peace of mind when it comes to you because if he can't be there for you 24/7, he knows you're under his protection whenever you need it. But the thought of you knowing he still wears it makes him anxious, worried that you'll take it the wrong way and request he never wears it again. So, for his sake, he keeps you blind to this secret. And he wonders if you ever wear yours...
...who welcomes you without hesitation when you have to spend the night at his place because he notices you're too exhausted to go home so late. The only problem is that there's no other room outside the kids and Toji's. And as much you protest, expressing your satisfaction with taking the couch, your ex-husband disagrees and will carry you to bed, sneering to himself as you try to wiggle out of his stronghold until he smacks the bedroom door closed with his leg.
"I told you I was fine sleeping on the couch, Toji." You complain to him, yet your back is pressed against his chest with his arm around your waist.
"And I told you not gonna happen, princess." his hold around you gets tighter, pulling you closer for him to rest his chin on your shoulder. "You'd probably fall off and smack that pretty face of y'rs on the floor."
"I would not—You know what," you stooped from saying anything further to the man grinning behind your ear. You shift a bit to make yourself comfortable. "Goodnight, Toji. And thank you."
It takes every fiber in his being to not kiss your cheek then and there. Exhaling softly through his nostrils as he lays his head back on the pillow. "No problem, sweetheart."
...who the last time he had someone after your separation was not feeling it at all. You even said he is free to do whatever he wants when moving on to the next minx that caught his attention. You two are adults and shouldn't feel entitled to putting each other on a leash. Despite that, he knew moving on from you wouldn't be easy — especially in the bedroom.
The women he's had after you can only be counted on one hand. No matter how good the fun was with the others, his mind would always crawl back to you. It didn't matter how different their hair was, what they dressed that night, or how fucking good the sex was; you would cloud his mind in some way. They weren't you. They weren't his sweet thing.
...who's extremely perplexed in a nightclub when he sees you. He didn't want to go in the first place until Satoru Gojo barged into his apartment, dragged him out in his best attire, and left Nanami (another victim of Gojo's foolishness) to babysit Megumi and Tsumiki. And it was bad enough that Gojo snaked away from Toji to the dance floor the second they got inside, the raven-haired man almost popping a vein in vexation.
So the older man resorts to just doing the usual gig: walking around before sitting at the bar to ask for a regular beer. He stays there for nearly half an hour, taking sips of his bottle while sweet-talking to the ladies that occasionally find him and give him his number. Things got really loud when the DJ at the discothèque played "Up!" by Lil Vada and DonnySolo, all the party people crowding the floor, bumping and grinding each other while singing the lyrics. It was at this point that Toji had enough of the massive headache growing in his head, so he was about to down his beer and leave the club; Gojo be damned because the fucker could find his own way home and then some.
But midway through putting the beer bottle on his scarred lips, something in Toji's peripheral captures his attention. And his jade eyes go wide at what he sees.
Down to the right side of the dance floor are booths catered to bigger parties, so it's obvious to notice when a single person sits alone on one of the round tables while everyone else is dancing their hearts out. That one person was you, observing the dance floor with your head on your hand resting on the table.
To say that Toji was flabbergasted by the image of you in a place like this after all these years was tough for him to comprehend. Yet what really had him in a chokehold was how stunning you were. From where he stood, he could tell that you dolled yourself quite a bit. Your hair was kept in a style that displayed your face wholly, and you were wearing a beautiful halter-neck dress with slits revealing your thighs deliciously.
He forgets how to breathe when your eyes drift in his direction and find him. You're just as surprised as he is for a short moment, but you offer him a familiar smile and beckon him to come to your side of the club. The older man wastes no time, paying the bartender and making his way through the crowd to your table. When he's close enough, he can tell that your dress is backless, exposing your smooth skin that calls for him to touch.
And when Toji notices the ring on your left hand — the old wedding ring he gifted you — the world around him comes to a complete standstill.
"Hey, big guy." He snaps back to look at your beautiful face, your smile still there to blind him, and the booth far from the dance floor and music so he can listen to your sweet voice. You move to the side to make room for him to sit. "Didn't think I'd find you here."
"Me neither." He admits to you as he takes a seat, his green orbs never leaving your figure. "What are you doin' here?"
"Some friends dragged me out here for one of their birthdays. I figured I'd be here for a few hours and loosen up a bit, you know? But I don't know, I guess I'm just so used to being at my place that I'm out of practice with clubs."
Toji nods at your answer. "Yeah, I was dragged here, too. I'm with—"
"Gojo? Yeah, I thought so. He's right there dancing with my friends." He pans around to the dance floor to see commotion at the center. The snow-haired man was dancing as a crowd formed around him, getting grinded on by a woman with a "happy birthday" headband.
Gojo notices the raven-headed man staring his way, pulls down his shades, and winks. That's when the reason why Toji was brought here in the first place hits him. Gojo knew you would be here tonight because of your friend's birthday. And now that you two are sitting alone, the wink signaled Toji to make his move.
"....Wanna get the hell outta here?"
You giggle at his suggestion. "Yeah, I don't feel like watching my friends get pregnant on the dance floor."
Toji snickers and grabs your hand to lead you out of the booth. He then drapes his denim jacket over your shoulders to cover your exposed shoulders and back, and the two of you leave the club without anyone noticing a thing.
...who spends the rest of the night with you as if you two are on a date again. It's late, so many shops around the area are closed already, but that doesn't stop the two of you from having fun. From sharing a meal at a nearby diner, walking around a shopping plaza admiring the silent ambiance, and listening to old tunes in his car as you two share stuff about your day while holding hands. And the change of mood completely baffles Toji. Nevertheless, when he sees the smile on your face and hears the sweet tune of your laughter, the grasp on your hand gets tighter with every minute. All his intentions go into enjoying having you with him like this again.
...who stays by your side until he has to drop you off at your place, parked his car to walk you to your apartment door. It's 1 o'clock in the morning, way later than Toji ever intended to stay out. Not that it matters now, because it's all worth it being able to walk with you. He doesn't let go of your hand even when his heart dies a little when you two arrive at your door.
"Had a good time?" You ask while unlocking the door; your eyes showcase subtle exhaustion but are overshadowed by your smile.
"Sure as hell did since I saw you at the club." He confesses, your chuckles casting a spell on him.
"Hmm, I'm glad you were there too, Toji." You meant those words, your eyes gazing into his, and the man's plunged deep into your gorgeous orbs. A feeling that he now realizes he wants to be the only one experiencing with you.
An awkward silence for a few seconds prompts you to snatch your hand away from his, causing his stomach to drop. "Sorry, your jacket" is what you use to excuse yourself, moving to take off the denim jacket. But Toji stops you, his hands stationed on your shoulders to keep you still.
"No, it's cold, sweetie." His voice is hushed, only for you to hear. "You can give it back next time."
Silence comes back again, but the air is heavier this time. The awkwardness is replaced with something more solicitous, more affectionate. You notice it when Toji has yet removed his hands from your shoulders, his large palms warming you up to the touch.
"It's alright, baby." His gruff tone is still a whisper, and butterflies flutter in your stomach. "I won't do anythin'."
"No, no," you don't know what came over you, but you place your hands on his chest. Then your finger touches something from underneath his turtleneck, having you pull his collar down to pull out the dog-tag necklace that still harbors his old wedding ring. Toji's blood shifts to ice cold when you see the accessory — his anxiousness spikes up to an all-time high, only mere seconds from combusting based on whatever your response will be. And it comes.
"I...I want you to do something, Toji." It felt strange saying those words with your shaky confidence, though it's what you wished to express. "I want you..."
And just like that, whatever restraint that the older man had for you was butchered away. Emerald eyes take in every feature of your anticipating expression, and his lips come crashing down on yours.
...who couldn't care less how late it is right now because he finally has you where he wants you after all these years. It's 2:30 in the morning, way too late for loud noises as they'll disrupt the neighbors next door. But, again, Toji doesn't care about that. When he finally has you lying under him on your stomach, screaming out his name while he drives his cock deep inside you, what is there to care about?
The two of you are in the prone bone position, where you lie flat on your belly on the cream-white satin sheets of your bed, your legs in between Toji's and bare ass out for him to have easy access to your creamy cunt that hugs onto him all so well.
Tears paint your wet and sweaty face, drool escapes from the corner of your mouth and meets the sheets beneath you. The harsh thrusts of Toji's pelvis hitting your ass with such precision have you see stars, and his big hands keep your arms still. All you can hear are the ecstatic cries of your voice and the noises of skin smacking together.
"Nnmph!! Haaaah!! Ahhhh, yesssss, Daddy, just like that," your voice feels strained from all the screaming you've been doing for the past hour. Lips are swollen from the constant biting, your butt stinging from the intense contact with your ex-husband's pelvis. It's hard to think of anything but the man above you and his dick rearranging your slit like his personal toy. You never thought you'd experience this exhilarating and rewarding sensation again. And now that you do, it's all you want to indulge in. "H-Harder, pleaseeee, I want mo—Ahhhnnn!"
Toji grinds his hips down to your ass, churning your insides and grazing your cervix to the point of incoherent babbles. "Mmmm, oooh, shit, fuckin' shit. You're too tight on me, mama." He gives you a sharp thrust when you least expect it, and the walls of your chasm clamping down on his length has him hiss. It's hard to believe you're permitting him to have you like this. It's been five years. Five years of respectful boundaries and keeping a platonic relationship. Five years of denying feelings of want and desire. All those years of heavy guilt suddenly lifted from his shoulders just for him to have you under his bow again, your body quivering and voice shaky because of his touch.
It feels so surreal...But, God, Toji missed this so goddamn much. Missing your eyes, your smile, your touch, your body. Just you. Only you. "Hnnngh!! Damn, you feel so fuckin' good, baby. Can never have enough..."
"Mnnaaaah! Daddy, I'm gonna cummm, I'm gonna—Oooohh!!" The tip of his shaft scrapes the upper walls of your vagina, your brain pounding so hard to the point it hurts. "Pleaseee, let me cum, Daddyyy..."
He can tell you're close and senses your orgasm climbing up with his. That's when the pace of his hips goes erratically fast, jabbing your sweet spots and tender cervix, causing more tears to come down and your peak to finally release for the third time that night. As you cream on his cock, Toji's not too far from his own crescendo. Your velvety walls contract around his member divinely, and the older man spills his load into your quivering figure.
You're allowed to experience the aftershocks of your orgasm as you two let your bodies calm down, Toji laying his chest on your sweaty, heaving back. He then slowly removes his dick from your chasm, and the essence of your unioned sex feels cold while sliding down your inner thighs.
"Haaaaah...Mmmm, thank you, Toji." You whimper out as he lays kisses down your neck and shoulders. "Thank you..."
But little did you know that it wasn't the last of it. Before you could apprehend what was going on, Toji already had you flipped over to your back, stationing your legs on his shoulders to a mating press. And you see that his cock is not limp yet...
W-Wait a damn second—
"T-Toji, wait, hold on!" You try to rationalize with the man who aligns his shaft to your gushing vulva, and your sweat runs cold. "It's getting late. I just came three times already! We should—Nmmmph!!"
The head of his cock slides right in thanks to the slick and come lubricating your opening. Adding his weight onto you as he pushes his length deep into your chasm again, you cry choked sobs when he meets your cervix again, and his pelvis rubs against your clitoris. "Sorry, mama. Just lemme finish here, 'kay? Daddy missed havin' you like this, so I wanna give you all of me while I still can."
...who has your fatigued self lying on his chest, rubbing circles on your back and placing soft kisses on your forehead as you feel the effects of sleep slowly creep up on you. The lights are now off, the moonlight bargaining from the curtains being the only light source as you two are ready to gather whatever amount of sleep you can get.
"Hey, baby." But before that, Toji wants your attention for the last time before you sleep.
"Mhmm?" Your eyes are closed, but your ears are still open to listen.
His eyes drift down to the left hand that lays motionless on his chest. The gem on the ring flashes softly for it to be distinguishable. "How come you were wearin' your ring at the club?"
A few seconds go by before you give him the honest truth. "Same reason you wear yours. I always wear it when going out somewhere or alone someplace. Gives people the idea that I'm not ready for anyone else."
"Then why not wear it when I'm around?"
You giggle breathlessly. "Same reason why you don't let me see yours. I don't need a ring when I have you with me. A ring doesn't compare to my big man who will love and protect me wherever we go."
And Toji doesn't ask anything else after that. He lets you fall asleep in his arms and listens to your breathing follow a melodic rhythm. Your words stick with him even when his eyes close, and he soon falls into a deep sleep.
It's far-fetched to think that you two will be married again. Maybe it's possible in his dreams, but not in the real world. Regardless, Toji knows he will always stand beside you and be there for you. With or without a ring that's merely evidence of your love to outsiders. He knows you love him, and that's all he needs to keep moving. And if he could have you as his wife again, he'd sweep you off your feet in a heartbeat.
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vanteguccir · 4 months
Sleeping inside her | Matt Sturniolo pt. 2
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Summary: Where Matt wakes up the next morning and just wants to fuck Y/N.
Warning: Smut (mdni), somnophilia (consented!), p in v, fem masturbation.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
Part 1
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Matt felt his senses slowly return the next morning. The sun that came through the cracks in the blinds kept the room warm and welcoming, warming the blanket that covered his body. The sounds of birds outside and Y/N's light breathing filling the space.
The boy tried to move, holding his breath for a moment as he felt his cock being pressed by his girlfriend's walls, keeping him warm and hard, then remembering how they went to sleep the night before.
His blue eyes closed as Matt tried to focus on anything but his completely naked girlfriend next to him as his cock was buried inside her, the scent of her skin keeping him high. But all his self control was lost when his girl's hot, sticky walls squeezed him tightly while she was still asleep, seeming to want to expel him out or bring him in more, Matt wasn't sure.
The boy wrapped his left arm around Y/N's waist again, careful not to wake her, before lifting his own left leg and placing his foot on the bed, so that he could guide his movements more easily.
Matt pushed his hips back until only his head was inside, before slowly inserting his length again, letting out a breathy sigh at the delicious sensation, thanking Y/N for using lube the night before, which along with her wetness made the contact easier and more pleasant.
Matt rested his forehead on Y/N's shoulder, closing his eyes and focusing on the sensation, his hand going to one of the girl's tit on instinct, massaging the area carefully.
His hips seemed to take on a rhythm that he was already very well accustomed to and would never tire of doing, a calm and slow one, specific to moments when he wanted to love his girl and feel every little part of her perfect body.
His back flexed with his movements, sweat starting to accumulate on the back of his neck and biceps as low pants fell from his lips.
The wet sound that Y/N's pussy made with each thrust was the only thing that filled the room, increasing Matt's arousal.
It didn't take long for the girl to wake up, a moan escaping her lips before her eyes even opened.
"Matt- Fuck." Y/N moaned slowly, pushing her hips back against the brunette's pelvis, eliciting a low moan from him.
"Morning baby." Matt said in a low voice, the fingers of his left hand now able to pinch his girl's hard nipples, pulling them, making Y/N arch her back so that her ass was completely pert and her chest was fully forward.
Matt's right arm, which had previously served as a pillow for his girlfriend, was now around her neck, forcing her head back so that he could see her expression over her shoulder. Y/N's right hand quickly snaked its way until it stopped on Matt's arm, which served as her special necklace at that moment, squeezing the spot tightly as she licked her lips, wetting them.
One of the greatest pleasures for the boy was watching his girlfriend's pleasured features as they fucked or made love, the way her eyes rolled back and her eyelashes fluttered, the way her mouth opened in a perfect circle as her tongue lolled out or arched inside her mouth at the sensation, sometimes her full lips being bitten hard by her teeth in an attempt to silence her loud moans.
Matt was able to adjust his feet so that his thrusts were deeper and stronger, but keeping them slow, not wanting to break the spell of the moment. His cock moving in and out of Y/N at a single pace, taking out almost everything and then thrusting his entire length until his red head hit the spongy spot that made his girl see stars.
"Does it feel good, baby? Does it feel good to feel my cock moving in and out of you so easily? 'Was made for me, hm?" Matt whispered against Y/N's ear, hearing her gasp and moan in response.
The girl took her left hand to Matt's back, grabbing his ass and forcing him to go deeper, rolling against his hip and Matt followed her movements, Y/N's eyes rolling as she felt his dick hit points inside her that she didn't think was possible
Sex, fuck or love was always like this with Matt, no matter how many times the two got intimate, the boy always managed to surprise her.
Matt moaned hoarsely when Y/N made a specific movement that made his dick twitch, feeling suffocated by her moist walls. He lifted his left hand, which was previously on her tits, and brought it to her bare shoulder, removing the strands of hair stuck there by sweat, planting kisses on the area, his blue eyes opening and closing constantly, feeling like he could drown in the intense pleasure.
That same hand snaked down his girlfriend's body, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind, stopping at her hip momentarily, where he squeezed tightly, smiling at the idea of ​​being able to look at the area later and see the imprint of his fingers adorning her skin in a perfect way, almost like an art.
Y/N felt unable to form coherent words, moans, and murmurs escaping her lips along with gasps and sighs, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration and pleasure, wanting to stay there forever.
Y/N's body twitched on its own as Matt moved his fingers nimbly across her clit suddenly, his hand going from her hip to her pleasure point in seconds, moving his index and middle fingers in circles and then up and down at its own pace, his hand acting automatically as if that action was already engraved in his memory.
"Fuck, look at you, I could watch you like this all day." Matt murmured, his blue eyes fixed on Y/N's face.
His hand acted quickly to lift his girlfriend's left leg into the air, his fingers pressing the inside of her knee, starting firm and faster thrusts, looking for his own orgasm, wanting to reach it with his girl. Matt took his cock out only halfway and came back in with force, making Y/N feel each of his veins massage her walls and his head press against her magic spot. Her hip movements became more frantic and uneven as her head fell further back, slamming the back of it against Matt's shoulder, telling him that she was close to her orgasm.
"Please Matt, I need- Please..." Y/N begged, unable to form a complete sentence, only able to think about reaching her peak.
"Do you want to cum, babe? Are you going to give me one, hm?" Matt asked against the top of her head, closing his eyes as he felt his own orgasm begin to rise.
"Please. Please, Matt, please." Was all Y/N could say, her hands clenching into fists in their respective places, marking her boyfriend's skin and crumpling the sheets.
"Cum for me, love." Matt whispered and his approval was what made Y/N collapse, her legs shook incessantly as her stomach contracted, the fingers of her hand taking on a white color with the strength the girl used in her grip, her head pushing firmly against Matt's shoulder as her eyes rolled back tightly, her mouth open in a perfect O as loud moans escaped her rosy lips.
The image along with the way Y/N's pussy squeezed Matt's dick tighter than before brought him to his own orgasm, strong and hot jets reaching the depths of his girlfriend's pussy. His left hand went down from the girl's knee to her thigh, squeezing the area tightly, while his right hand, still around her neck, clenched into a fist in pleasure. His own thighs shook from the intense orgasm as his mouth opened and gasps and sighs came from his lips, along with some moans and calls of his girlfriend's name.
A few seconds passed and the two felt the waves of pleasure gradually diminish, their minds becoming active again as panting echoed through the walls of their shared room.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly, her vision adjusting to the brightness of the room that was almost imperceptible before, lowering her leg that was still in the air.
Matt took his length out of his girlfriend slowly, afraid of hurting her, knowing how sensitive she would be, his left hand going to her stomach and caressing the area affectionately, kissing her shoulder repeatedly.
The girl lightly squeezed Matt's arm one last time, before taking her hand away, turning on her boyfriend's bicep so that she was now facing him. Matt's right hand quickly found comfort in Y/N's hair, caressing it.
"Hi." She smiled big, her eyes shining with love.
"Hi." He responded, laughing lowly as he brought his face closer to hers, his lips finally finding the ones he loved so much, his tongue passing through Y/N's closed lips, wetting them and asking for passage, which was granted.
A slow kiss began, the kind that makes you want to stay there forever, the kind that allows you to breathe through your nose calmly, lengthening the time of the gesture.
Y/N broke the kiss, placing her forehead against Matt's and closing her eyes, breathing in, absorbing the natural scent of the brunette's skin and the lavender of the blanket.
"I love you." Matt whispered, his left hand making a calm and affectionate path from her thigh to her waist, touching his nose to hers in an eskimo kiss.
"I love you more." She responded, letting out a low laugh at the gesture and moving closer, pressing their bodies together, her face settling against Matt's chest so that the top of her head was under his chin, her right arm wrapping around his waist. A sigh of relief and comfort escaped her lips, her mind convincing her to enter a state of sleep again.
"Sleep, baby. Today, we have the day to ourselves." The brunette muttered, knowing it was Saturday, so she had no work, and he had no videos to record. His lips found the top of her head, kissing the area for long seconds while he inhaled through his nose, instantly relaxing, being able to enter the world of dreams again.
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f1goat · 6 months
more than friends + lando norris x part seven
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In which your best friend wants to help you so you get more sexual experience, but he discovers quickly that he never wants to share you and your new sexual experience with others.
masterlist - playlist
warnings: smut with a plot or a plot with smut? :) minors dni! i never proofread so probably grammar or spelling errors
requested: yes, based on: something with a driver sister that’s still a virgin & lando (her bestfriend) suggests to teach her things
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six
“Lando come on mate,” Oscar sighs, “You really have to get into this taxi.”
Oscar then takes a look at his teammate. He already knew that Lando was drunk, but now that he looks at him he realizes that it’s way worse then he already thought. Lando is firmly shaking his head. Oscar curses Daniel and Max for making Lando take this many shots. He mostly curses Pierre for not stopping with talking about you this night. Now he is left with his drunk friend. Max and Daniel went home earlier, something in the lines of having to catch an early flight. Pierre didn’t want to wait for Lando to get into the previous cab. So now Oscar is alone with Lando, the boy who doesn’t want to get in any cab right now.
“You don’t understand, I want Y/N to come pick me up,” Lando states drunkly for the tenth time that evening. 
“I can’t call her awake for this,” Oscar tells him tiredly. 
“Yes you can, she’ll come,” Lando argues.
“Mates, are you getting in or what?” The taxi driver asks them annoyed. Oscar sighs again, “No, sorry,” he answers then, “I’ll pay you the expenses of coming here. Sorry again.”
“Are you going to call Y/N?” Lando asks hopefully.
The taxi drives off in the mean time. Oscar looks at his phone, is he really going to call you awake for this? Fucking hell. He curses Pierre again, this is all his fault. And maybe a bit of Daniels and Maxs because of those fucking shots. Oscar thinks back at the awkward conversations from earlier. He sighs because of his friend and his cluelessness. Why isn’t he already dating you? It can be so simple. He tries to remember which remark from Pierre started this, but he is quick to realize it again. Of course it was about that stupid date. 
“So is your friend still single?” Pierre asks Lando with a cheesy grin. Oscar is quick to notice the way Lando’s face falls flat. 
“Which one?” Lando asks like he doesn’t know it’s about you. 
“The one who is with you every race, what’s her name again?” Pierre continues. 
“You mean Y/N,” Daniel interrupts their conversation. 
“Yes! She! Is she still single?” Pierre asks Lando a bit hopeful. 
Oscar stares at Lando. How is his teammate going to react to this? This can’t be good. It doesn’t surprise him when Lando takes a big gulp of the cocktail standing in front of him before looking at Pierre again. Oscar lets out a small sigh, this really can’t be good. 
“Yes she is,” Lando eventually answers Pierre.
“Great!” Pierre reacts happily, “I’m thinking about asking her on a date soon.”
“You want to date Y/N?” Max asks confused, “Do you even know her?” 
Oscar is happy that Max is talking right now. Lando is looking at Pierre like he wants to kill him. Oscar wonders what’s going on in Lando his head right now, but he’s pretty sure that it’s the same thing as when he told him about Logan wanting to date Y/N. 
“Not yet,” Pierre reacts to Max with a smirk. 
“I don’t think you’re a match with her,” Lando states. Before Pierre or anyone else can question him, Lando is already continuing talking. “You don’t seem like her type. And I don’t think she’s yours if I look at your exes. She doesn’t like going out all the time and wants someone who’s ready to settle with her instead of another meaningless relation.”
“I’m changing,” Pierre states dramatically, “and she’s really good looking.”
Maybe Lando thought that nobody heard his next remark. He’s talking softly. But Oscar is paying too much attention to his friend, causing him to hear Lando carefully. “Fucking hell, why does everyone want her,” his friend sighs. 
“Are you going to call her?” Lando asks. It causes Oscar to snap back into reality. He looks at the hopeful eyes of his drunk friend. Eventually he nods at him, he lets out another big sigh before searching for your contact on his phone. When he presses the call button he doesn’t really expect for you to pick up. Maybe it’s smarter to call with Lando his phone? But before he can say something about it to Lando, you’re already picking up the phone.
“Hi Oscar, what’s up?” You ask him surprised. 
“Hey, sorry for calling you this late. I hope I didn’t awake you,” Oscar says with a guilty feeling.
“Oh no,” you quickly reassure him, “I was still up, I’m waiting for Lando to get back. I can’t really sleep peacefully when he’s still out.”
Fucking hell, why aren’t the two of you already dating? Oscar is getting tired of the obliviousness between you two. 
“Oh great,” he reacts, “Listen, Lando is drunk and I can’t get him in a cab. He wants you to pick us up. I already tried to get him into multiple cabs, but without succes.” 
He hears some vague sounds on your side of the phone call. Oscar wonders what you’re doing. It can’t be that you’re already getting ready to pick them up, right? He can’t imagine it. It would be more logical for you to tell him to try again with another taxi or to ask for Lando so you can talk some sense into him. 
“Can you text me your location? I’m already walking towards the car,” you tell him after a bit of weird sounds around you. 
Oscar looks confused. He doesn’t know what to think. Are you this quick to drop everything to come pick up Lando? He now knows for sure that Lando doesn’t need to question himself, the two of you really should be dating already. This is just stupid. 
“Uh yeah of course, thank you so much!” He tells you happily. Even with all of his wonderment right now, he’s really glad that you’re already getting to the car. You’re making his evening a lot easier. 
“I will see you in a bit!” You tell him before ending the call. Oscar is quick to send you his location and sits down next to Lando onto the pavement. Lando looks at him with a hopeful face. 
“She’s insane,” Oscar mutters to his friend, he is still confused by it. “You really need to ask her on a date soon mate, because why on earth would she come pick us up at this time without feeling anything for you?”
“That’s our friendship,” Lando answers, “don’t look into this too much.”
“You’re stupid,” Oscar sighs annoyed.
“But she’s coming?” Lando asks confused. His drunk brain isn’t clear enough to realize that you are coming to pick him up right now.
“Yes,” Oscar answers.
It doesn’t take you longer then ten minutes to get to Lando and Oscar. When you park the rental car in front of them, Oscar is quick to help his friend into the passengers seat next to you. He takes a place on the backseat himself while thanking you multiple times for getting here this fast. 
“Oh it’s nothing,” you brush off the thank you’s without thinking about it. “Why is he this drunk?” You ask Oscar. You could ask it to Lando, but he hasn’t said a word since he’s sitting next to you. He is however extremely touchy. Lando his hand has found his way onto your thighs. 
Oscar doubts about his answer, but eventually tells you it’s because of the shots Lando took with Max and Daniel. He doesn’t mention the earlier conversations with Pierre in which Lando drank away multiple strong drinks. You let out a soft laugh while hearing Oscar his explanation. 
“He really can’t handle shots,” you joke.
“I noticed,” Oscar sighs, “He kept asking for you though. Is that normal when he’s drunk?” Oscar hopes you get the hint. Since Lando isn’t going to do anything about his crush, he can better help his teammate by dropping some hints.
“Oh I normally pick him up after he drinks, so it’s probably just out of habit,” you tell Oscar without hesitation. Oscar realizes that you didn’t get the hint. You’re just as clueless as Lando himself. “But I don’t get why he isn’t talking,” you continue, “normally Lando is rather talkative when he’s drunk.”
Oscar doesn’t think about his next words. “I think he’s a bit too busy staring at you.” You let out another soft laugh. You quickly take away your hand from the steering wheel to give Lando his hand a soft squeeze. Only for a second before you focus on steering again. 
When you get back to the hotel you truly notice how drunk Lando is. He is barely getting out off the car by himself and he can’t even walk normally. You and Oscar both take side of Lando and support him a bit while walking towards the elevator. 
“Do you need help to get him back to his room?” Oscar asks you.
“Oh we’re sharing a room, I’ll be fine,” you quickly answer, “you already did enough!”
Oscar looks confused at you. He didn’t realize that Lando and you share a room on race weekends. 
“You’re sure that you aren’t dating each other?” He asks confused. 
“To be honest, sometimes I think we’re already dating as well,” you answer honestly, “but to answer your question, we’re not.”
Oscar decides to push his luck with his next question. He needs to know for sure. “Do you want to date him?” He asks you. 
You take a good look at Lando before answering. It seems like he is in his own world right now. He isn’t paying attention to your soft conversation with Oscar. 
“Yes,” you confess, “why would I otherwise drop everything to come with him to every race he wants me to? And why would I drive at night in an unknown city for me to come pick him up, while he would be fine with taking a cab.”
“Maybe you should tell him that,” Oscar says softly, “because I’m pretty sure that he feels the same.”
The lift makes a soft sound to tell you that you’re on your floor. “Oh I need to get out here!” You tell Oscar, “see you later Oscar!”
Oscar sighs softly. “Yeah,” he says, “Thanks for picking us up again.”
When you finally got Lando into your bed, you are quick to take place next to him. Lando reaches out to your body and pulls you closely onto himself. He plays with your hair. You notice the smell of alcohol every time he breaths, but you don’t say anything about it. 
“Babygirl,” he eventually says with a soft voice. Lando doesn’t continue to speak, so you get up a bit to properly look at him. “Yeah?” You ask him. 
“Would you date Pierre?” Lando asks you without thinking about it. He is annoyed with his own bluntness right now. Why did he ask you that? You wonder about Lando his weird question. 
“No,” you state, “Pierre isn’t my type.” 
“Thank god,” Lando whispers.
Before you can say anything else, Lando continues to question you. 
“What about Logan, would you date him?” Lando asks further.
“No,” you answer again, “He’s a bit young and I don’t think that I’m made to be an American,” you joke.
When Lando asks another question you barely hear him. You even wonder if you’re imaging it. 
“Would you date me?” Lando asks you as soft as he can manage. This time he really curses himself. Why did he ask that? He doesn’t even want to hear your answer. “Just joking,” he quickly says, “I’m going to sleep. Goodnight baby.”
You’re confused by him, but nonetheless you wish him a goodnight as well. You even press a soft kiss against his cheek. A bit later, when you’re sure that Lando is asleep, you still answer his question. While laying with your head on top of his chest and listening to his restful heartbeat and deep breaths you answer it.
“I’d date you Lando,” you softly whisper. “You only have to ask.”
The following morning Lando awakes with a massive headache. He is quick to remember most parts of the night before. He feels ashamed while thinking about his whining about you picking him up, but he can’t help to feel loved when he thinks about you actually picking him up. He knows you hate driving in the night, certainly in cities you don’t know. He starts to feel more ashamed of himself when he realizes that he asked that from you and that you actually did it. But in some way it also feels good that you did that for him. 
When he remembers about his questions before falling asleep next to you, he starts to feel even more ashamed. But on the other hand, he also feels kinda happy now he knows for sure that you won’t want to date Pierre or Logan. But still.. there are many other boys with interest in you. 
He reaches out to his phone and reads the texts he got.
Pierre: Can you send me y/n her number?
Lando doesn’t react to that one. Of course he isn’t going to send Pierre your number. He reads the other texts. 
Oscar: you better remember what Y/N did for you last night
Oscar: and you better thank her for it with something!!!!
Lando is quick to reply to this text.
Lando: like what? I have no idea how to thank her
Oscar: take her out or something, or get her flowers, girls love that
When Lando feels you moving next to him, he realizes that you’re getting awake as well. He looks at you when you slowly open your eyes and adjust them to the bright morning light in the hotel room. 
“Hey Lan,” you softly greet him with a small smile, “How are you feeling?”
“The worst,” Lando answers, “Sorry for last night princess.”
“It’s okay,” you tell him, “you always pick me up when I’m drunk so I could finally do something back.”
“But I could have gotten into the cab,” Lando sighs while feeling annoyed with himself, “I know you hate driving in the night and certainly in a city you don’t know.”
“Lan,” you softly say, you grab his hand and draw small circles on it, “It’s fine, really. I don’t mind it.”
Lando shows you a boyish grin. You wonder what he’s going to say. But his following movements can make you already guess it. Lando slowly drapes himself on top of you, he presses a few soft kisses to your face before lowering himself. He toys a bit with the waistband of your string, eventually he is quick to pull if off your body. 
“Maybe I can thank you like this?” Lando mutters. After saying those words he is pressing small kisses on your slit. He notice the way you are already getting a bit wet by his movements. He makes sure to ignore your clit for now, teasing you a bit by doing so. 
“Lan,” you softly whine when he slides his finger through your slit and still doesn’t touch you where you want him to. Lando shows you another boyish grin. “Teasing me isn’t thanking me,” you say after a bit when he still doesn’t change his movements. 
“Patience babygirl,” Lando tells you. You let out a soft moan when he finally presses his lips onto your clit and softly sucks it inside his mouth. In the mean time he adds one of his fingers into your pussy. You can’t withhold another moan while he does. Lando is quick to increase his pace with his fingers. He harshly sucks onto your clit. He’s more aggressive then you used to, but in a strange way you only like this more. 
It doesn’t take long before Lando notices your pussy clenching around his finger. He is quick to respond to it by adding another finger inside of you. He increases his pace once again. You can say for sure that he’s finger fucking you right now. Your stomach is tightening because of his movements. You can already feel your orgasm coming close. When the waves of pleasure start to hit over you, Lando removes his fingers and mouth from your private parts. 
“Fuck,” you say without thinking about it. 
Lando looks up at you. He positions himself next to you onto the bed. 
“Come sit on my thigh babygirl,” Lando says. You’re quick to do what he says, although you have no idea why he wants you to sit on his thigh. “Ride on it,” Lando instructs you. You show him a confused look, when you want to ask him what he means Lando is already explaining himself. “Grind on it,” he explains, “just move your body and you will notice what feels right for you.”
While you try to act out Lando his instructions, he lets his hands wander to your tits. Softly he starts to knead them. Even more soft he pinches your nipple. You let out a surprised squeak. Lando smirks. You start to ride his thigh a bit faster.
“Feels good, doesn’t it princess?” Lando asks you. You can only nod at him while increasing your movements. Lando grabs your hips and helps you with your movements. You let out a hard moan. Fuck, this feels way too good. It doesn’t take you long to get close to your orgasm again. Lando notices directly. He feels the way your wetness is spreading on his thigh. Maybe he should let every boy who wants to date you smell his thigh, so they will understand that your his. He is quick to shake off those thoughts, but he still thinks about how beautiful you look while riding yourself on his thigh.
He really needs to make you his. 
When you let out a loud moan Lando realizes that you have came. He is quick to pull you into his arms and lets you crash down onto his body. 
“Fuck Lan,” you mutter softly, “It’s insane how you can make me feel.”
He really needs to tell you about his feelings. Maybe now is the perfect timing? You grab your phone and look at it with a surprised face. 
“Any idea why Pierre Gasly is texting me?” You ask Lando confused.
Fuck. Lando lets out an annoyed sigh. Fucking hell. Lando shakes his head at you. You open the message and read it aloud to Lando.
“Hey, I got your number from Daniel,” you start to read. Lando curses his friend. “And I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me so we can get to know each other.”
“What are you going to say?” Lando asks you quickly, “I mean you know Pierre is a player right?” He realizes that his jealousy is showing, but Lando can’t help himself anymore. He needs to know for sure that you’re not going on a date with Pierre.
“I told you yesterday I wouldn’t date Pierre,” you tell Lando, “so that’s still the answer.”
Lando doesn’t react verbally. He just pulls you closer to him and presses a kiss against your lips. Thank god. He realizes that the universe is sending him all the hints that he can get. He really needs to tell you about his feelings. But how?
part eight
taglist: @booksandplushies @dinodumbass @formula1mount @words-are-cheap @allywthsr @inejghafawifesblog @chonkybonky @formulas-bitch @harrysdimple05 @vildetry06 @wherethefuckisthething @nonameishere @lauralarsen@meadhbhcavanagh @obliviatevamps @shy4turcs @fix5idiots @nightlockcornucopia @marialovesf1 @kapsylia @im-an-overthinker @jule239 @lanando4 @lauralarsen @leclercdream @agentadhd @rewmuslupin @allsouls-emma @iamshiningeuw @teenagedreams-cl@kiskso @loxbbg @vellicora @thomaslefteyebrow @avg-golden-retriever @amorydsmt @killjoynotes@barelytolerabled @starmanv @changetyre @kami10471633 @2bormaybenot @httpmrklee @buendiabebeta @aliceespector@ryiamarie @mickslover @sop-hie092 @miniemonie2001 @greymarvelskaikru @kapsylia
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 7 months
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Kinktober day 3
Paring: Spiderwoman!reader x Venom!Nat
Warnings: SMUT, dub-con, fingering, tendril sex, Venom forming a dick, (I’m sorry), degradation, humiliation, public sex, breeding kink, nipple stimulation, orgasm control,
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional!
A/N: I’m very sorry if you read this Lewis
Masterlist- Kinktober
The rain was purring onto the dirty streets of New York washing away all the grease left by the city however the read dirt stayed; they had to be taken care of by you. You were Spiderwoman since you had turned 17 a few years back and since then the streets were your life. Your mornings, your noons, your evenings even your nights had been spent cleaning this city from its dirt. There was simply no time of a committed relationship, even though you had tried and failed with what you thought would be the love of your life. Unsurprisingly being a superhero barley covered anyones bills not like it had been implied by the comics you had spent your whole youth reading. You couldn’t quit either Spiderwoman was a symbol. A symbol of hope and kindness when every institution failed you had been there protecting those who couldn’t do it themselves.
Sitting alone in your one bedroom apartment you were certain that being a super hero in high school was a lot easier than making it your profession in adulthood. Your head was planted upon your desk your eyes threatening to fall asleep from sheer exhaustion. You barely listened to the frequency of the police radio. You were quickly awoken by the news of a black human like monster being sighted by civilians. You were in your suit in record time pulling your mask over your tired eyes before swinging into the cold city. You swung over the busy traffic of the the New York streets.
Arriving at the described location you realised that the object of your attention was no where to be found. Not a trace from it left. Your curiosity got the better of you. In your years of being a superhero and fighting against the green goblin and people made of sand nothing could shock you anymore. Oh how wrong you were. But this was something something, new something exciting which could potentially make your boring life a bit more exciting.
The police was just as clueless as you were so you started to search around the area yourself. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until you made out a red headed woman alone in a dark alleyway. You came closer to her this probably wouldn’t help your search but she had a strange aura around her pulling you in. She seemed a bit nervous perhaps her green eyes fixated on your athletic form. She looked older than you maybe in her mid 30s but you weren’t sure.
“Can I help you this is a dangerous neighbourhood.” The woman face changed to a smirk “Well” she started “I’m sure you can help me in a personal way” Flirting and especially sleeping with civilians was off limits but you were desperate. It had been months since the last time you had another woman at your mercy. “I’m sure I can be of great-” you could see the womans eyes widen as she looked over your shoulder in the same moment your spider senses went off. Was something behind you? You turned around to see nothing you were confused for a second until you felt a force wrestling you onto the ground. You managed to turn to onto your back only to face a black slimy creature. You stared into its big white eyes as it slowly opened it mouth to reveal its many white razor sharp teeth. It seemed to have multiple rows of them all tripping in salvia. Its velvet tongue had an impressive size as it hovered above your masked face. Salvia tripped onto your face as you tried to move away.
“You were right Nat… she is stupid” the creature above you remarked in its deep voice. “Hey” you squeaked higher than you had intended to. The goo pulled back to reveal the beautiful red head again. “Oh look V she looks so shocked” she snarled at you pulling her arms from the black slime but your hands remained pinned to the concrete. Her hand gripped onto your mask pulling it up as you shook your head to side violently. Never once did you get unmasked but she did it gripping onto your chin so you couldn’t move. “You are a pretty one spider girl.” “Fuck you” you bit back. She responded in laughter making you blush in humility. “Oh no I’m gonna fuck you sweet girl” she said in between laughter.
“Please” you whimpered desperately your face pressed against the hard brick wall. The position you were in was beyond embarrassing. Complete naked bend forward black tendrils running over your naked form with her fingers deep inside of you pressing against you g spot. “Who would’ve guessed the symbol of hope would be such a slut. Look you are dripping down your legs like a penny whore” she slapped your ass making you cry out for more. “More” you whined feeling the tendrils rolling over your nipples.
She moved her fingers at her brutal pace curling and twisting as you clenched down. “I- I’m gonna-” “Should we let her V” she asked her companion. “Cum” you did on command releasing your slick over Nats hand and wrists.
Natasha pulled her hand from your heat making you whine at the lost. “I think she can do another” the goo formed a dick around Nats hips which you only realised once its big head was already pressed against your tight hole. “I can’t” you lied as she pushed in “Your body wants it I know it Spidey” she chuckled pushing in until she bottomed you out. She let you adjust before picking up her pace. She fucked into you hard and fast. “I’m gonna fuck you pregnant you little slut” she bit into your neck the tendrils working magic on your already overstimulated clit. “Fuck I’m gonna cum” she picked up her pace one last time before releasing her with cum inside of you.
The tendrils pulled back from your cum mixing into each other before tripping down your thighs. She pulled her pants back up leaving you panting against the wall. As a last act of affection she helped you back in your suit before leaving.
“Until next time spider girl”
I do not own these characters all rights go to Marvel
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