#society really do be moralizing every relationship all the time huh
redysetdare · 2 months
I see aplatonics talking about how people assume not having friends means you're an unlikable person and how harmful that can be and it just reminds me of how people will point to assholes and say they don't have friends as an insult but like...I know a lot of assholes with friends. Their friends also tend to be assholes. someone not having friends is not a moral failing. Assholes have people who like them and will hang out with them while the nicest person you know may have no friends at all. so y'know, I'm with the aplatonics and platorepulsed ppl on this one.
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
The Mysterious Benedict Society Reaction Season 2 Episode 5 Blank Expression
Hello everyone. As you can see, instead of trying to cram this in after work I have decided to get my sleep schedule back on track by motivating myself with an early morning reaction (highly recommend if you would like to get to bed at a decent hour). It has come to my attention that there are promotional photos with Garrison, Martina, and Constance, which fuels my theory that they are behind the water polo team and kidnapped Constance. I wonder who Blank Expression is referring to. I hope it's Marlon. Also, the episode description. "Constance faces an old enemy" I wonder who that could be (let's go Garrison/Martina return!!)and "the kids enlist an ally"???. Anyway I'm not wasting anymore time, let's get into it.
1:00- Oh Sticky don't blame yourself. You tried. Yeah don't tell the cops they're are all on Curtain's team. I hate the man, but he works fast I'll give him that.
2:00- huh no official stops, very interesting. ha, "kilometers, you gotten think like Europeans when tracking them". OH MARTINA IS THE ALLY? She's not with Garrison? She's not brainwashed? I love that for her. Yes, I love that they are still using landlines. All that tech all those geniuses. And they only have one weakness. No cell phones.
3:30- oh boy here we go!!!!! I'm so pumped for this.
5:00- Yes Milligan grab those Whisper memories! But who is rebuilding it? Garrison or Curtain? Looks like we got 2 bad guys now?
6:00- PFT- "research to create attachment feelings", Garrison you're trying. (Side note: the doll thing is funny, but the way Curtain and Garrison robotically try to connect with kids is so funny). Awe my girl stuck to her morals and didn't want to use her device on people. Yes, Constance, she does need better friends maybe she joins the society? My former enemy now the enemy of my enemy could be a necessary friend?. Wait, Garrison, your ideas live in your book? Then he could totally steal that. Even if it was written in code, he's smart he could crack it. Heck, Curtain kept his ideas in a book, and the kids stole that by hiding in trees. Oh gosh Garrison is unraveling. Garrison what happened to your moral principles? She really turns them on and off at a whim. Now she's ready to brain-sweep a child. She is really compartmentalizing. Or will she even be able to bring herself to do it.
8:24- oh shut up Marlon. No one cares. And shut up Curtain. Oh every time he has to have food. I guess that's his thing now. He missed his true passion in the culinary arts trying to take over the world.
9:00- Curtain seems so underwhelmed. I so want number 2 to destroy him during the finale. DO NOT EAT HIS FOOD. DON'T SIT DOWN. Oh does Curtain know about her family not talking to her? Yeah, you changed your name to a stupid pun Nathaniel, it's hardly a flex.
11:00- That's true: no narcolepsy. It's not real joy. Just like... this might not be real vulnerability for Nathaniel when he says he loves his brother and has moved on. He's not admitting that he was hurt, or that he wants a relationship. Hahaha, she takes the food. I hope she doesn't go to the demonstration. "Terrible roommate, good friend": a thing every college student learns about a friend at some point.
12:13- Yeah, he really can't stop kidnapping. And yeah, if Martina's transcripts are worthless, HOW IS SQ GONNA GET INTO ART SCHOOL? CURTAIN YOU ARE THE WORST! She stole their gear? That's fantastic. Also are Reynie and Martina gonna fight over being leader?
14:00- Oh hello creepy kid. I don't like this joy-spreading business. Yeah thank you Jackson and Jillson, at least someone is on top of this crisis.
15:00- Nicholas is in such denial. "more than happiness it's wholeness we're FINALLY TOGETHER AND I'M NOT GIVING IT UP'? No no no no no NO. Curtain you monster. That's clearly why he went under so fast. It's not that he "wanted to be happy" or "felt unfulfilled" it's the guilt. And Nicholas, it's not wholeness, you just feel like you're on drugs.
16:20- "sheer terror" "or a void. Nothingness" Jackson and Jillson looked like they were contemplating all their life choices when they said that. "Allergies" oh my gosh Marlon does this look like an allergic reaction? Huh. "Stiff necks". Good observation Jackson and Jillson, maybe you should be in charge. And yes, everyone needs to be told. Oh now Marlon's threatening the doctor? OH MARLON'S RUBBING HIS NECK! Looks like someone is about to get his karma.
17:00- Pft- "underfunded". Oh my gosh Garrison is literally fitting the underappreciated and underfunded post-doc vibe. I feel for her a bit. She might actually be the only one who can stop HER invention that Curtain stole. This could be the beginning of an unlikely alliance.
18:00- Yes Sticky. Stick up for your boy. If Reynie and Martina could cooperate, they would actually make go co-leadership. Hopefully a better team than Curtain and Garrison.
20:00- Finally we get to see Rhonda in her disguises. "Just had a baby he's distracted" ma'am are you trying to compete with Curtain for "worst boss ever".
21:00- "Magenta" Lol, Constance giving in. HAHA this is so funny to watch her go the opposite way and actually give in to the Whisperer for a second just to defy Garrison. And she's literally showing you how she destroyed it Garrison. She's just destroying you not the whisperer this time. She's breaking your will. OH NOW SHE IS PHYSICALLY DESTROYING THE WHISPERER. Um... what is the old-fashioned way? Is Garrison about to beat up a child?
23:00- yeah, cars with mud would be coming to town from the same place, and likely be entering near each other. "The depression of middle age" I love Constance. Garrison had no idea what she was getting into. I love that by "old-fashion way" Garrison didn't mean beating her up, she meant early psychology old-timey flashcards. " I see a broken angry person". "As a child is this how you pictured your feature self? Life could be better, right?" "Professionally disgraced". Oh my gosh, Garrison went from Curtain to Constance that is a rough transition and she had no idea Constance was like that.
25:00- Yes Kate, secret layer! Yeah locks never stopped Kate. Martina, you don't need to tell her.
26:00- Dipika? Yes we're getting her first name. Uh oh looks like Curtain caught wind of the audience's disapproval of this adult romance (honestly I don't really care either way) and decided to do something about it. The kids might be greeted by all the adults brainwashed by the time they reach the compound.
27:00- oh great now he's dressing like a cult member. HE'S COMING WITH US? Yes, they are kidnapping him! That's wonderful. I hope she has a net. "We'll be together? Well that part I like" he really just wants to be with his brother. YES MARLON FINALLY YOU UNDERSTAND. Now it's Jackson and Jillson's turn to shine.
28:30- NOT GARRISON IN TEARS. THIS IS AMAZING. Constance giving her the tough love she needs to get through this mid-life crisis. Oh no Garrison, calm down you're not brain-sweeping anyone. Actually, now that I think about it, what would happen if Constance is in the brain-sweeper? Could she see the memories of everyone who has been in there? Possibly Milligan? Or even Garrison? Reynie, it might be time to bust out your "You don't really want to do this Dr. Garrison 🥺" speech you used on Curtain in season 1.
Anyway it looks like the kids found someone who knows how Curtain's happiness works and might be able to reverse it! Sadly, it looks like she's going through something at the moment, but hopefully, she can pull it together. Would love to see #2 kidnap Curtain, but he'd probably convince Nicholas to let him go. Wish SQ was in this, but I feel like he might be the actor they couldn't get back. I suppose you never know. It looks like we got Jackson, Jillson, Garrison, AND Martina becoming disillusioned by Curtain this season, so maybe they are saving his son turning against him for the big finale. We'll see, but VERY HAPPY the blank expression actually was Marlon, he will not be missed. Until next time!
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chit-a-to · 2 years
❗❗ TW ❗❗ sexual assault
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Her statement scared me... Like... Okay I got it, when I was still a kid I used to like (much) older guys, too, maybe like 10 yrs older or something. But then as I grew up I realized that even though it was a harmless crush, it's still dangerous and morally wrong to build a relationship between a minor and an adult. Still, it is understandable because as a kid we're still learning and cannot really differentiate yet as to what is morally wrong or not.
Now if this Lina person said that when they (sauceribs) were kids they thought Rin was going to ended up with Sesshomaru, shouldn't they be growing out of that mindset? Because they're adults now and they should've learned that romanticizing a minor and adult can be constituted as supporting grooming which is part of pedophilic behavior. Even if she they said that "it's just a drawing! it's not a big deal!", then again every time there's an animation that features POC or people from non-christian religions (e.g. buddhists muslims, &c.) as the main characters, we called them "representation". So, what makes it so different when it's a child or a teenager on screen? Won't it represents children/teenagers/young adults, too?
What I'm afraid of is not her mere statement, but what it might implies. If sauceribs' ways of thinking are like that, and they all now are adult, I'm afraid that they might let that mindset seeped into their every day's life. For example, they see a 20 yrs old something man hitting on a teenage girl and they'll be thinking "Oh yeah, that's totally fine. The girl definitely wants to be with him."
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And that's on a very basic and very common example of what grooming looks like in our modern society. But there are also child predators who is unheard of with appearance like a good, law-abiding citizen. Who knows that one of them are a mangaka? 👀 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not saying that if you support sessrin then you'll become a pedophile. What I mean is that if you couldn't realize the disturbing nature of their relationship, it could potentially blind your judgement towards similar cases, real life or not.
Oh and one more thing. It seems that raisins and proshippers always deflect antis' statement with "So if you think that liking sessrin making me a lolicon/groomer supporter, then by that logic I wanna be a murderer too if I watch anime that has murder scenes huh?"
That's a good analogy and I've been thinking about it, too. But after some pondering, I don't think those are the same thing. Because, in the case of murder, we have been thought ever since we're little kids that it's bad to hurt other living creatures. So, even if we watch anime/movies with the MC being a killer, we'll realized - albeit unconsciously - that that's a wrong thing and we shouldn't do that. Only in some unfortunate (and extreme) cases where people are actually get inspired to murder other people or kill animals after watching anime/movies with that theme.... [1] [2].
Meanwhile, as for the case of grooming &/ other sexual abuse, we learned about all of that only recently, and just bit by bit too, thanks to the increased interest in law protection for women and especially for survivors who are brave enough to share their stories. Most of the time we can't sniffed it out immediately, particularly if we haven't known the couple for a long time or their background stories, because we've been told that "it's not our business" to know what's happening between a couple. That's why seeing a seemingly innocent couple in an anime/movie and being told "that man/woman sexually abuses his/her partner!" feels like a foreign thing to us, and of course for the die hard fans of the couple it feels like an insult hence the denial and deflection.
Again, if you wanna ask "wtf does the anime/movies couples hv to do with rl cases? 👿👿". Then I wanna ask you too, can you look at a teenager or a young adult who has been a real victim of sexual abuse and think "poor little thing..." but then proceed to watch an anime/movie that portrays a character with similar backstory? Will you be irked by the similarity or will you keep gushing over it?
In conclusion, justifying/normalizing sexual abuse in a mainstream media can leads you to justifying/normalizing sexual abuse in real life, too.
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain: Chapter 809: Em-Brace:  Part I / III
Jaune knocked on the door and Ciel opened it. She stood to attention and salute. "M'Lord?" she asked, and he sighed.
"I really didn't expect you to join the joke." he said to her.
"Joke?, M'Lord?" Ciel asked. "My apologies, but are you not officially a lord?"
"Well?" Jaune asked, and paused momentarily, "The Black Hart made me an Earl, but Human kingdoms don't recognize nobles anymore, so?.."
"But?" Ciel asked him, "M'Lord, I have pledged myself to your service?"
"Huh?" Jaune asked.
"Friend-Jaune?" Penthesilea asked from within the room, "Perhaps you should come in?"
"Uh, sure?" Jaune asked, and looked at Ciel.
Ciel saluted again, "My apologies, M'Lord." she said, and did a robotic, parade-like step back to make room for him. Jaune bent down to maneuver through the door, standing up on the other side.
"Would you care to have a seat?" Penthesilea asked. Jaune looked around the room, not seeing a chair. He saunted over to a blank wall and sat down on the ground. "Ciel, if you could get the door?"
"Yes, Ma'am." Ciel stated, and quickly closed the door. She did a parade about-face and stood at attention.
"So?.." Jaune asked, and trailed off.
"Friend-Jaune, the Black Hart of the Woods required I pay you tribute."
"He does like to do that." Jaune stated. "So?.." he trailed off.
"I pledged you my service!" Penthesilea eagerly stated.
"Oh, uh? Okay?" he asked, and then looked to Ciel.
"Ciel?" Penthesilea asked.
"I responded that I was here to aid Penthesilea." Ciel stated, "M'Lord."
"How did?.." Jaune asked.
"Friend-Jaune, the Black Hart pressed further. She asked if that would make her sworn to your service."
"Okay?" Jaune asked.
"I answered in the affirmative, M'Lord." Ciel stated, "So long as Penthesilea is here."
"Uh?" Jaune asked.
"Is there a problem, M'Lord?" Ciel asked.
"Do you want to be my... vassal?" Jaune asked.
"My volition is immaterial." Ciel stated.
"What?" Jaune asked.
"I have made my pledge, and will hold myself to it."
"Friend-Jaune, she will NEVER break her word."
Jaune crossed his arms and thought for a moment. "Alright, you will answer these questions with complete honesty. Hold nothing back."
"Of course, M'Lord." Ciel stated.
"How do you feel about our relationship?" Jaune asked.
"We, as of yet, do not have a relationship." Ciel stated.
"Well?" Jaune asked, "That was 100% honest."
"Is there a problem, M'Lord?" Ciel asked.
"I meant my relationship with my wives?" Jaune asked.
"I have no opinion." Ciel stated. "From a legal perspective, it is not valid, but you have never falsely claimed it as such."
"You don't have a problem with polygamy?" Jaune asked.
"I have no opinion on it." Ciel stated.
"How about marriage in general?" Jaune asked.
"To be completely honest," Ciel stated, "it seems necessary to society."
"Here we go." Jaune stated, "What part is necessary."
"A solid family unit is essential for social stability and raising of progeny." Ciel stated.
"So?" Jaune asked, "As long as the family is stable, it is valid?" he asked.
"That is a decent synopsis." Ciel stated.
"Then?" Jaune asked, and paused, "As long as our family stays together, stable, it won't violate your moral beliefs."
"I do not want to impose." Ciel stated.
"You have your right to you own closely-held beliefs." Jaune stated.
"I do?" Ciel asked.
"But since there is no conflict, and you want to be here?" he said, and then looked at Penthesilea, "And Penthesilea has no problem with it?"
"I do not, Friend-Jaune." she stated.
"Okay, first?" Jaune asked, "At-Ease." Jaune said, and Ciel stood at the parade At-Ease. "And, uh, easier?" Jaune asked, and Ciel moved. Jaune just glared at her. "Okay, sit down." he said, and she quickly sat on the ground. "We're really, REALLY not big on ceremony here. No more standing at attention all the time, no more saluting, and you don't have to call me M'Lord."
"Yes, Sir." she replied, and Jaune cringed.
"You don't need to do that either." Jaune said.
"Then how should I address you?" Ciel asked.
"Jaune is fine." Jaune replied.
"Friend-Jaune?" Penthesilea asked.
"Yes?" he replied.
"Is Aurora the only one that gets to call you sir?" she asked, and Jaune paused for thought.
"Yes." he simply stated.
"Very well, Friend-Jaune." she replied.
"Now," Jaune stated, "if you are going to both be... and remember, this was Nora's idea, minions." he stated, and the two looked at him neutrally. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Then you will be part of the family finances. As it is right now, we take 10% of the total income, once we start hunting at least, and it's divided between everyone here. 5% as discretionary spending, 5% for retirement, or if and when you choose to leave the family."
"M'..." Ciel stated, "Sir?" she asked. He glowered at her momentarily but said nothing, "Neither Penthesilea, nor myself, are licenced Huntresses."
"Neither is Ilia or Aurora." Jaune stated.
"And Mr. Rex?" Ciel asked.
"He's currently on salary, paid by General Ironwood." Jaune stated, "Currently Aurora is on salary, paid by Weiss' father. Once Aurora's ends, she wants to be paid like a minion. Taj said we'll have to renegotiate in a month or two." Ciel raised her hand. "Ciel?" he asked.
"One, I was not looking for a salary, Sir." Ciel stated.
"And two?" Jaune asked.
"It was promised by General Ironwood that I would have to chance to continue my training."
Jaune then stood up, "Why didn't you say so?" Jaune asked. "Let's get everyone together to see what you can do."
"I hope I will pass with flying colours." Ciel stated, as she eagerly stood up, and Jaune sighed. "I apologize if you find me lacking."
"That's not it." Jaune said, "This isn't about evalutating you, this is about seeing how you fight, and how it would fit in with everyone else."
* * *
Jaune sat on the rock overlooking the rocky approach to the castle, looking over RWBY + NR + I + PC below him.
"Is it wrong that I feel like knocking him off of his rock?" Nora asked, "Because I kind of want to."
"I'm still recovering from... you know?.." Jaune replied, "Anyways, more importantly, Penthesilea and Ciel want to minions!"
"Can I fight Penthe-si-ll?" Nora asked.
"Pen?" Jaune asked.
"It would be a pleasure, Friend-Nora, but should I go easy on you for old time's sake?"
"We've fought?" Nora asked.
"I have no data." Penthesilea stated.
"But?" Jaune asked.
"But?" Nora whined.
"I'm really curious how Ciel fights." Jaune said, and turned to look at her. "No one has seen you use a weapon."
"That is because I do not, M'Lord." she stated, and he glared at her, "Sir?" she asked, and he sighed. "I do not use a weapon."
"So, you fight hand-to-hand?" Jaune asked.
"Indeed, Sir." Ciel stated.
"How come she gets to call him Sir?" Nora asked.
"Gets to?" Jaune asked, "I mean, she started with M'Lord, and we worked down to Sir." He then turned to Ciel, "So, what about your Semblance?"
"Ah, yes, every second, I gain an extra second." Ciel stated. She then looked down at her watch, and as every second ticked she appeared to instantly move from place to place.
"So, your watch is your weapon?" Ruby asked.
Ciel looked at up at her with a blank expression.
"You do use it to help you fight." Yang added.
"I had not considered this." Ciel stated. "I must apologize to Penthesilea."
"For what?" Ruby asked.
"A misunderstanding." Ciel stated and looked to Penthesilea, "I apologize."
"Oh, I had fun." Penthesilea stated.
"Alright, Ciel?" Jaune asked, "Who do you want to fight?"
Ciel looked between those present. She then looked up at Jaune, "I have no preference, Sir." she stated, and Jaune sighed.
"Of course you don't." he said, and looked between everyone below him, "She fights hand-to-hand, so Yang or Ren?"
Ren looked over to Yang, "Beauty before age."
"You're older than me?" Yang asked.
"By about a month." Ren stated.
"How does Ren know everyone's birthday?" Ruby asked.
"By watching, naturally." Ren stated.
"He's really smart." Nora added.
"Okay, yeah." Yang stated.
* * *
Taiyang looked into the cell, "So, I hear you're getting along better with the kids."
Neo just glared at him.
"As their honourary dad, by joining them you would qualify for Dad Hugs, Dad Advice, and Dad Jokes on a need-basis."
Neo's look softened.
"If you act now, I'll even throw in Throwing-the-Ball-With-the-Old-Man."
Neo developed a smile.
"So?" Taiyang eagerly asked.
Neo turned about to pout.
"If you change your mind, just call me."
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
Why Does God Need A Starship? (Live Reaction):
I always thought Sybok was cool and interesting and NOW I’m sure! You know it’s times like these that I’m grateful I kinda came back into the Star Trek fandom on my own, because I don’t have to deal with Opinions of older/louder Trekkies. This one kinda has a lukewarm reputation but I’m getting the vibe that I’ll genuinely enjoy it.
Yet again Bones is serving up some LOOKS damn! Look at these elder gays! Spock has rocket boots, amazing. “Because it’s there” and then falling off the goddamn mountain is such a James Tiberius Kirk thing to do 😂 “HI BONES!” These guys omfg. OH MY GOD SO WE DO SEE CAITIANS OUTSIDE THE CARTOONS?? Hell yeah! Also pole dancing to no music, is... weird. Lmao. Also okay I’m sorry Sybok is cool! Sybok is cool and interesting and I really like him! (Not morally obviously dude is shady as all fuck, but a cool dude nontheless!) Always fascinated by Cult Leader type villains, especially when they point out valid criticisms about the society from which they came (important distinction is that the CAUSE is not vilified, but the person and their means, something M****l has largely forgotten)
Awww I may ship Hikura, but Uhura & Scotty are also cute as hell!! Awwwwwww!!!! Old married couples can be so freaking cute. Chekov & Sulu are LOST ohhhh my god this is hilarious, these two idiots. Also can we talk about how Koenig’s eyebrows are slowly gaining sentience and Takei aged like fine wine? Lol. THE HOLY TRINITY OF ELDER GAYS ARE CAMPINGGGG! I’m- oh my god they’re so cute. “Marshmelon” this is cute as hell oh my god. They’re indulging and messing with Spock at the same time I’m dead! They’re singing ohh my god this gonna give me cavities with how sweet it is!!!
This Klingon dude is frickin ROCKING the eyeliner! Bruhhhh was the frickin spotlight necessary! Leave the gays alone SHHHH they’re SLEEPING!! Lmao. Yo I’ll be real this movie starts incredibly slowly but I seriously do not mind, it’s relaxing to not have to worry about missing important details if you look away for a second, it’s nice. WAIT? Does Jim’s shirt say GOT MILK?!!? Oh no, it says go climb a rock, oh thank god [“fatty milkers” flashbacks]
Seriously McCoy is just radiating so much old southern lady/gay energy in this movie and I love it so freaking much “if you ask me (and you haven’t) this is a horrible idea” he sounds like my North Carolina living Meemaw. Wow you can see Spock low-key taking psychic damage from seeing Sybok 😲 V’tosh Ka’tur of the highest order huh? Still disturbing that his government literally cast him out, that’s a red flag 😬. What happened with Sybok is probably a lot of why Spock was pressured to be as Vulcan as he was, I’m sure Sybok was a massive scandal/shame for Sarek, and knowing him, he’d end up making that his kids’ problem not his 🙄
Oh neat!! Chekov is in the in the captain’s chair. Oh this is the song they replaced Nichols’s voice for 😤 but also GIRL THAT WAS BADASS AND THAT SONG WAS A BOP! Quick question, wow these “alien” horses are somehow even worse than the unicorn dog (also it’s a desert planet, wouldn’t it be better to have, like, alien camels or something?) This dude’s Klingon is freakin impeccable btw! He’s really got the vibe down! Jim did you forget how fuckin bananas strong Vulcans are??? Sybok went like 😡☹️ when Spock pointed that laser rifle at him 😂😂😂 again even tho I know Scotty and Uhura are married but it’s scenes like getting held hostage right there where they radiate such POWER COUPLE energy GAWD! 🤩
Stay out of this Bones we’re having a lover’s quarrel! Jim is taking fucking psychic damage from this entire conversation lol. Okayyyy whatever Sybok is doing is definitely some kind of mind control type thing, that shit is creepy af no thank youuuuuu (spores anyone?). Oh my god Spock & Jim are so married lmao, that “I’m sorry” Vulcan kiss in the brig man Aw. (Oh man Magic’s of mega-tsu got devani mixed by that comment lame!) SCOTTYYYYYY!! YAS!
Yay rocket boot glomp! Lmfao! Sybok needs to brush up on his earth history Columbus did NOT figure out the world is round 🙄 Ah Scotty being like “listen, you’re not okay rn so I’m not really down for whatever you think you wanna do right now it can wait until you’re right in the head again” and they could’ve not done that and it would’ve been creepy (especially by today’s standards) but they didn’t! And that was awesome!
Bones being skeptical and has every right to be! He’s faced down would be gods and would-be messiahs before! Also I’ve seen people judge Bones for being the first to cave but Sybok totally did that shit to him without consent! He didn’t go back on his beliefs, Sybok forced him to! BONES PROTECTION SQUAD IS HERE AND ITS ME! Oh Bones, man, poor babeyyyy (fuck Sybok!) 😭😭😭 OH MY GOD BONESSSSSS Sybok leave him alone! Goddamnit! Leave him alone!
I think Jim can see Spock’s Sybok induced vision cuz they’re ✨Bonded✨ (it didn’t seem like they could see Bones’s, other than what Bones was doing). JIM KNOWS SO MUCH BETTER! ITS HOW HE BEAT THE SPORES ITS HIS CORE! I UNDERSTAND AND LOVE HIM FOR IT!!! Spock 😍😍😍 he’s like, you’re bullshit happiness pill doesn’t work on me cuz I am whole for the first time in my life, and I love my husband, and I already learned my lesson decades ago 💚🖖🏻💚 (who knew how important the character development from This Side of Paradise AND Return To Tommorow would be??? Hell yeah!)
I love Scotty so much 🥰 hardcore badass Hufflepuff from beginning to end! Also I hope Sybok appears in SNW that could be really really interesting if they do it right! ITS GOD (derogatory) REVERE HIM! Oh here comes that legendary question!! “What dies God need with a starship?” Red flag don’t call Jim a creature! Oh shit god has laxer eyes oh no lmao! Bones snaps out of whatever Sybok did to him when “God” hurts his friends and we LOVE HIM FOR ITTTT! Awww Spock & Sybok and be saaaaad, oh shit! Into the lightning to fight a mirror of yourself like Lazarus in that one episode!
OH SHIT THE KLINGONS ARE HERE! Oh damn Spock just swore a cuss the right way, at a Klingon General no less! General dude just went “caotain tell Kirk you are sorry!” LMAO! NOT IN FRONT OF THE KLINGONS 😂😂😂😍 KISS DAMNIT!! God this whole after scene is so good, maybe the god is the friends we made along the way. “I lost a brother once” you also lost SAM dummy, I know you were just telling Spock you love him but still. SHUT UP SPOCK IS PLAYING ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT ON HIS LYRE??
Okay, seriously, I unironically love this movie, it might be my favorite out of the ones I’ve seen so far actually. TMP felt like the movies getting their sea legs, but it was slow and messy, it wasn’t as thought provoking as it wanted to be (aside from Spock’s wonderful arc in that film). WoK & TSFS are amazing for drama and angst and Spirk content, but they weren’t really asking the big questions Star Trek is wonderful for. Then The Voyage Home is just plain silly and fun and wholesome. But this, this movie had depth! The whole premise is “what is god and is there is one?” I LOVE that as someone who has a very complicated relationship with spirituality. I also already loved the TOS episodes This Side of Paradise, Return To Tomorrow, The Omega Glory and The Way To Eden, and this movie had the best of those concepts! Sybok was such a fascinating antagonist/anti-hero and I hope we get to see him explored more on screen one day, even if it’s just through Discovery/SNW flashbacks. It may have started off slow and it’s not without its flaws but this felt like the Star Trekkiest TOS Star Trek movie so far!
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c-swirlz · 3 years
Pure Imagination
Summary: Thomas has never really questioned the existence of humanoid fragments of his personality, but when strange dreams start worming their way into his sleeping hours, he decides it’s time to get some answers. Meanwhile, Logic, Creativity and Morality are dealing with a few of their own problems.
Relationship(s): None
Warning(s): Panic attack, swearing
[AO3 link]
This was written for the TSS Fanworks Collective’s April Reverse Mini Bang challenge. The rules of the challenge were simple: claim a piece of submitted art and write fic inspired by it. The art I chose was drawn by @amayakumiko, and it can be found here.
Everyone has an imagination. From the elderly to the newborns, everyone is capable of warping reality within their own head. Some imaginations are tame. Others are wild. Some people imagine life in another country and the adventures they could have. Others imagine life in a fantasy world where society’s rules don’t apply. Everyone’s imagination is different. That’s what makes it such a special thing.
There are a handful of people who are more imaginative than the rest of humanity. They’re a rare breed, and it is said only three are born across a ten-year period. Of course, such powerful imaginations can’t go to waste, so it has been decided that a gift shall be bestowed upon every individual who possesses it. The first to receive this gift shall be a boy named Thomas Sanders.
In an ordinary house on an ordinary street, a shadow looms over the small crib five month old Thomas is sleeping in. A leather pouch is opened, revealing many different colours of shimmering glitter. The dark blue and indigo glitter is retrieved, and with unnatural precision, it is sprinkled onto Thomas.
The glitter glows brightly. Thomas is surrounded by an aura that glows both dark blue and indigo. The glitter dissolves, and the aura fades along with it.
Red glitter is retrieved from the pouch. It’s sprinkled onto Thomas, causing him to stir but not wake. The aura that momentarily surrounds him glows a bright imperial red.
More glitter is retrieved. This time, it’s light blue and cyan. Once again, Thomas’ aura adopts the colours as he’s showered by the magical substance. The aura glows dark blue, indigo, imperial red, light blue and cyan all at once before it fades again.
Thomas stirs again. His bottom lip trembles and he whimpers. Unlike before, he doesn’t relax. Several other colours of glitter are sprinkled onto him, and his face twitches as it falls onto the delicate skin of his cheeks and forehead. His restlessness grows as his aura appears once again. It glows a variety of different colours. 
Thomas’ lips part and a quiet, distressed noise escapes. His tiny eyes blink open, and they well up with unshed tears.
His aura fades. He sobs loudly. His parents wake up and scurry out of their shared bed frantically to check on him, and on the ground near his crib, they find an empty leather pouch.
They’ve never seen it before.
Logic /ˈlɒdʒɪk/ NOUN Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.
Logan has no idea how he — or his fellow Sides, for that matter — came to be. He knows they haven’t always had physical forms. He knows they haven’t always been able to speak to Thomas face-to-face. He knows there’s no logical explanation, yet he’s always searching for one.
Fragments of an individual’s personality shouldn’t have an independent conscience. They shouldn’t have physical forms. They shouldn’t be able to do things no other human can.
Logan knows everything Thomas does. Or, more accurately, he knows everything Thomas has learned over the years, and he retains that knowledge even after Thomas has forgotten it. Science is something Thomas seems to remember the most about, but math… oh, math. The amount of mathematical formulas Thomas has forgotten frustrates Logan to no end.
Thomas and Logan share a mind. They share their knowledge, and that knowledge helps them grow. Thomas asks questions, and most of the time, Logan is the one who answers them. He’s an intellectual, but he doesn’t know everything.
He wishes he did.
Thomas’ tentative call tugs gently in Logan’s chest. When Logan rises up, he finds his Whole sitting at the desk in the corner of the room, his head in his hands.
“What can I do for you, Thomas?”
Thomas lowers his hands and sighs. He gestures to the sheet of paper on the desk and picks up the pencil sitting beside it. “Homework.”
Logan’s head tilts. “You… require assistance?”
Thomas nods.
“Have you not asked your teachers for help?”
Thomas averts his gaze, bites his lip and shakes his head. “I would, but I don’t want it to seem like I wasn’t paying attention to the lectures. Plus, I... feel like I ask them for help a little too often.”
Logan’s expression softens. He approaches Thomas, careful not to get too close. They still don’t know what will happen if they make physical contact with their Whole, and Logan doesn’t plan on being the one to find out.
“What are you having trouble with?”
Thomas moves to point out what question he’s stuck on, but stops. There’s silence for a beat, then a quiet clatter breaks it when Thomas puts the pencil down.
“Y’know what, nevermind. I have plenty of time to finish this, it’s fine.”
Logan’s brow furrows. Thomas stands and moves to his bed. Logan follows, but chooses to stand nearby as Thomas drapes himself across the blanket, effectively wrinkling it.
“Is something the matter, Thomas?”
Thomas sits up and his gaze snaps up to meet Logan’s eyes. “No,” he says, far too quickly.
“Are you sure?” Logan asks. He takes a seat beside Thomas, and he pushes down the odd urge to place a hand on his Whole’s shoulder. “You seem distressed. If something is bothering you, talking about it may help.”
Thomas sighs and lowers his head. His bangs flop down, partially hiding his face.
“I’ve been having… dreams. Weird ones.”
Logan raises an eyebrow. “It’s not uncommon for someone to have strange dreams every now and again—“
“That’s the thing,” Thomas interrupts. He lifts his head and turns it to lock eyes with Logan. “Logic, I’ve been having these dreams for days now, and they won’t stop.”
Logan blinks. “Ah. That is… rather concerning. Can you remember any of your dreams?”
Thomas’ brow furrows in thought. “Well, I remember I almost drowned in glitter Monday night.” He laughs. “That was weird.”
Logan summons a notepad and jots something down. Thomas waits patiently for him to stop scribbling before he speaks again.
“Wednesday night was pretty freaky. I was in some really dark room, and I could hear whispering. I remember seeing weird flashes of colour, but I wasn’t able to get a proper look before they disappeared.”
Logan nods and jots another note down. “You didn’t experience any odd dreams on Tuesday?”
Thomas shakes his head, then pauses. “Wait, shouldn’t you know all this? You’re part of me.”
Logan tucks the pen in his grasp behind his ear. “Dreams are generally Creativity’s department. Unlike him, the rest of us are not automatically made aware of them.”
The room falls into an awkward silence, save for the tapping of Thomas’ forefinger on the desk. Logan fixes his tie and cleans the lenses of his glasses, just to give him something to do.
“Why am I having these dreams, Logic?”
Logan blinks. “What?”
Thomas looks down at his bare feet, which are hovering just above the carpet. “I wanna know why I’m having these dreams. There has to be a reason, and I guess I just assumed you’d know.”
There’s a lump in Logan’s throat. He swallows, but it doesn’t dislodge.
Thomas glances up at Logan. Logan puts on a brave face and looks his Whole in the eye.
“As I said before, dreams are not my department. It would be best to consult Creativity if your concern grows.”
The way Thomas’ expectant face falls makes Logan’s heart sink. He wishes he had an answer, he really does, but nothing is coming to mind. He doesn’t know what’s going on, nor why Thomas is having such strange dreams.
Knowledge is his entire existence. He has to know.
He sinks out. For the rest of the evening, he stays in his room, conducting research and jotting down notes.
He doesn’t eat. He doesn’t sleep.
He has to know.
Creativity /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvɪti/ NOUN The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.
Roman is a dreamer. He’s a performer; an artist. He’s the one who’s always ready to slay any monsters lurking in the shadows. He’s the hero of the story, and any villains who dare to cross his path will be shown no mercy.
Thomas is an actor. Saying he’s a good one would be an understatement. Both he and Roman are well rehearsed in putting on a mask and performing for an audience, and they’ve gotten rather good at it over the years.
Thomas loves theatre. So does Roman.
Thomas loves Disney. So does Roman.
Thomas has dreams. So does Roman. Not the sort of dreams you have when you’re asleep, but rather aspirations, ambitions and ideals.
Roman shouldn’t have them. Dreams, he means. He’s a facet of a person’s personality. He isn’t an individual. Thomas’ dreams are the ones that matter; his are irrelevant.
It’s one of the many problems Roman has with his existence.
He doesn’t like talking about it.
Roman greets Thomas with an exaggerated regal bow as he rises up. “Good afternoon, Thomas! What can I do for you on this fine day?”
Thomas puts his phone aside and starts fiddling with his fingers. After a moment, he places his hands on either side of him, and his fingers curl around the soft material of the blanket underneath him.
“I talked to Logic yesterday.” Thomas pauses, but only for a beat. “I told him about the weird dreams I’ve been having.”
Roman sighs. “Yes, I heard about that. Your dreams these past few nights have been quite strange, and oddly enough, they all seem to be connected. Logic’s been trying to figure out what they mean, but I don’t think he’s had much luck so far.”
“Do you have any idea what’s going on?”
Roman shakes his head. “I’m afraid not. Picking out the symbolism of the dreams I oversee isn’t exactly my strong suit.”
Thomas looks away. “Oh.”
Roman smiles warmly. “Don’t fret, Thomas. We’ll figure this out together, okay? These questions won’t go unanswered.”
Thomas glances at Roman, and the corner of his lips curl upward.
“I’ll take your word for it.”
Roman grins and starts to sink out.
“Hey, wait.”
Half-submerged in the floor, Roman stops. He rises back up and raises an eyebrow.
Thomas stands and starts fiddling with his fingers again. “I, uh… sorry about Thursday. I know you wanted me to go for the lead in the play.”
Roman waves a dismissive hand, ignoring the sudden tightness in his chest. “Don’t sweat it, Tommy Salami. It’s just a school play, no big deal. They’re practically the same as the ones you participated in back in high school, anyway.”
Thomas giggles. “Tommy Salami? That’s a new one.”
“I have plenty more; I’ve been brainstorming all week.”
Roman and Thomas laugh, and just for a moment, Roman’s tight chest loosens. As their laughter dies down, Roman feels the tightness return.
He ignores it.
Morality [məˈralɪti] NOUN Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behaviour.
Patton’s job is simple. He determines what’s right and wrong. He makes sure Thomas is honest and encourages him to put others before himself. When Thomas was younger, Patton would repeat the same mantra over and over again.
“Don’t kill, don’t steal. Be honest. Help others and put them first. Be a good person, kiddo.”
When Thomas was younger, his sense of morality was fairly streamlined. Now, slowly but surely, things are becoming more complicated.
Patton hates that. He shouldn’t, but he does.
The moral dilemmas Thomas faces on a daily basis are growing more complex. Though Patton will never admit it, he’s struggling to keep up. It’s getting more and more difficult to determine what the ‘right thing’ to do is, and the pressure is always on Patton to make the call. He’s supposed to know, but sometimes…
Sometimes he doesn’t.
“I’ve figured it out!”
Logan rises up in Patton’s room, grinning from ear to ear. His glasses are slightly askew and he has a large pile of notebooks and stray pieces of paper stacked precariously in his arms. Patton scrambles over to help Logan by taking some of his load, but then has to quickly dump them onto his bed as his arms begin to shake under the weight he was unprepared to carry.
Patton turns around to face Logan and laughs. “Wow, Logan, I haven’t seen you this happy in… well, ever! But, uh… what did you figure out, exactly?”
Logan rolls his eyes and places his load on the ground at his feet. He fixes his glasses, straightens his tie and runs a hand through his hair a few times before clearing his throat. Patton’s heart sinks at the way Logan’s expression quickly settles back into one of cold indifference.
“I think I’ve finally managed to figure out why we exist in this particular form,” Logan gestures to himself, “and why Thomas is able to summon us to his side at will.”
“This is about all those weird dreams Thomas keeps having, right? Roman mentioned it the other day.”
Logan nods. “It is.” He pauses. “Well, partially. I believe the dreams are a result of an event that occurred during an earlier stage of Thomas’ life. I'm thinking it’s either a result of some kind of genetic mutation, or a genetic alteration.”
Patton blinks.
“...What about the glitter?”
Logan stills.
Patton’s brow furrows. “Wasn’t there glitter in one of Thomas’ dreams? I could’ve sworn Roman mentioned it…”
Logan blinks. Slowly, a realisation dawns on him.
“Oh, of course, the glitter.” Logan gently hits the side of his head with his palm. “I completely forgot that was a factor.” He sighs and pushes his glasses up his nose. “Now I’ll have to revise everything,” he mutters.
Patton frowns. “Maybe you should take a break, Logan. You’ve been working on this,” he gestures to the stacks of notebooks, “for a really long time.”
“I’ve taken plenty of breaks, Patton.”
Patton crosses his arms. “I mean a proper one.”
Logan huffs. “Patton, I’m not a child. You do not have to… monitor me.”
Patton’s eyes go wide. “Monitor—“ He stops, squeezes his eyes shut and massages his temples. He releases a slow, steady breath before he opens his eyes and lowers his arms. “I’m just trying to look out for you.”
Logan scoffs and looks away.
“Logan, what’s gotten into you?”
Logan chooses to ignore the question as he retrieves his notebooks.
“I really should’ve expected this.”
“Wha — What—“ Patton splutters. “Expected what?”
“You are the heart. I am the mind. It’s common for us to be at odds, especially when you’d always rather Thomas spend time with friends rather than study.”
When Logan looks at Patton, there’s fire in his eyes. He’s glaring daggers, and Patton has to force himself not to flinch away.
“What’s that got to do with anything?” Patton’s voice is loud, and he’s very close to yelling. He hopes he won’t have to resort to such an extreme.
Logan shakes his head. “Nothing.”
He sinks out, and Patton is left alone in Nostalgia Nirvana as guilt settles in his chest like a pebble.
Anxiety /aŋˈzʌɪəti/ NOUN A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
A nervous disorder marked by excessive uneasiness and apprehension, typically with compulsive behaviour or panic attacks.
Thomas is floating. Around him is a pitch-black void. Above him, a hand comes into view, sparkling glitter pinched between its fingers.
The glitter falls. It’s a variety of different colours, and it almost looks like a rainbow.
Thomas reaches for the glitter, wanting to feel it between his fingertips. The moment the glitter makes contact with his hand, it turns a deep purple — or is it violet? Thomas barely has any time to process the change before he finds himself falling. As he falls, he swears he can hear a voice, but it’s extremely muffled, as if he’s hearing it from underwater. Slowly, however, the voice grows louder, and Thomas can almost hear what it’s saying—
Thomas’ anxiety spikes. His eyes fly open and he sits up, barely aware enough to recognise where he is. He’s faintly aware of his chest heaving and the uneven breaths he’s taking, but that’s about it.
Someone nearby mutters a swear, and the next thing Thomas knows, he’s being guided off the bed — his bed, he was in his bed — and onto the carpeted floor. He really should be more concerned about the stranger in his bedroom, but oddly enough, he feels like he can trust them.
“Breathe, Thomas. Four-seven-eight, remember?”
Yes, Thomas remembers. Unfortunately, his chest feels like it’s crushing itself with every breath he takes.
The stranger gathers Thomas’ hands into their own and places them against their chest. Thomas can feel their heart pounding.
“You feel that?”
Thomas nods.
“Cool. Now, I want you to focus on that and copy my breathing, okay?”
Thomas nods again. Despite his aching chest, he allows the stranger to guide him through the exercise. As he breathes, he can hear the stranger murmuring words of encouragement.
“Keep it up, Thomas. That’s good, keep going.”
Eventually, after what seems like hours but is really only a few minutes, Thomas is able to breathe normally, and his chest no longer aches with every breath. The haze of panic is fading, and Thomas is finally able to get a good look at the stranger who helped him. They’re wearing an unzipped black plaid jacket with the hood up, and Thomas can see they’re wearing a black shirt underneath. The hood plus their bangs makes it very difficult to see their face, though Thomas is pretty sure he can see eyeshadow smudged underneath their eyes.
The only word that comes to mind to describe them is ‘edgy’.
The stranger mutters something under their breath before reaching up and pulling the hood off their head. They run a hand through their hair, and Thomas can’t help but notice it looks almost identical to his own.
Just like that, everything clicks.
“You’re a Side.”
The Side smiles wryly in Thomas’ direction. “Sure am.”
“I have more than three?!”
“Clearly.” The Side’s voice is monotone, and Thomas can’t help but think he’s being mocked. “Oh, and I’m Anxiety, by the way, thanks for asking.”
Thomas very quickly decides he does not like this new Side.
Anxiety sits back on his heels. “That was one heck of a dream you were having, huh? Though I guess that’s nothing compared to all the others you’ve been having.”
“You know about those?”
“Well, duh.” Anxiety stands and stretches. Thomas does the same. “I kinda have to be able to monitor your dreams so I can wake you up if shit gets real.”
“Do you know anything about them?”
Anxiety raises an eyebrow. “You’re gonna have to be more specific, kid.”
Thomas’ internal groan is very loud, and he’s glad only he can hear it. “Well, we’ve been trying to figure out what they mean for weeks now, but—“
Thomas blinks. “What?”
Anxiety perches himself on the end of Thomas’ bed. “These dreams are a result of you being exposed to magic as a baby.”
Thomas’ brow furrows. “Are you messing with me?”
“Nope,” Anxiety responds, popping the ‘p’. “I know it sounds absurd, like something Princey would come up with, but I’m serious. How else do you think we exist?”
“You expect me to believe the reason I have Sides is because of magic?”
“Yeah, no. Hate to break it to you, bud, but magic doesn’t exist.”
Anxiety pulls his jacket tighter around himself. “That’s Logic talking. If magic didn’t exist, then nor would we.”
“You’re making absolutely no sense.”
“I’d like to think I’m making perfect sense.”
Thomas’ teeth grind. “I’d like you to know that you’re really starting to get on my nerves.”
Anxiety smirks. Thomas glares. For a moment, the two of them are locked in a staring contest.
Thomas loses.
Anxiety cackles. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna take my leave before my presence attracts… unwanted attention. Well, unwanted for me, not so much for you.”
Anxiety stands up and prepares to sink out, but pauses. He snaps his fingers as if he’s just remembered something, then turns to face Thomas.
“Hey, by the way, you might wanna check in with those three. I hear they’re not doing so hot.”
Anxiety sinks out, but not before shooting Thomas a lazy two-fingered salute. Once he’s gone, Thomas’ face falls and he flops back onto his bed, not bothering to fix the blankets. He grabs his pillow and shoves his face into it, allowing it to muffle the extremely loud groan he can finally release.
“Why is my personality so complicated?”
20 notes · View notes
neesieiumz · 3 years
All The Stars {Tamaki Amajiki x Reader} - Chapter 5
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Summary: Tamaki has been a sidekick at Fatgum’s agency for four years, going up in ranks and becoming Fatgum’s right-hand man. That’s when a transfer hero comes in, Y/n L/n. Born and raised in Southern America, Y/n comes to Japan for a fresh start and interviews and aces Fatgum’s interview. Partnered with Tamaki and Fatgum to get used to Japan, Tamaki finds her interesting, and can’t help the fact he wants to get to know her. As Y/n’s past slowly gets revealed, will her demons allow the two of them to prosper? 
A/N: I KNOW, I KNOW I’M LATE!! But I really wanted to proofread this cause I don’t know if I’m setting this up as I want to... I want this story to last and I wanted it to grow which caused me to write over 4k words, which makes this the longest chapter yet, this is how long I want to keep my chapters so it may take longer to get them out, so I wanted make sure I have everything set up so without further ado...
Word count: 4k words
Chapter 5 - A new chapter
“Welcome everyone, take a seat and we can get started.” Fat gum greeted everyone as all the major pro heroes in the cities filed in and took their seats. 
Fat gum took a deep breath before turning to Tamaki and Kirishima who were the two sidekicks he brought to the meeting. 
“We’re here to discuss the arising group, who call themselves Resist, my two sidekicks Red Riot and Suneater can catch everyone up to speed. 
Tamaki looked at Kirishima who nodded and turned in the PowerPoint they both slaved over the last two weeks. 
“We’ve been noticing a rise in flame and explosive based attacks all across Japan. They usually happen in places like shopping malls, college buildings, places where a lot of people convene in a confined space basically,” Kirk started to explain, pressing the button to bring up different reports of buildings on fire which included Tadashi Shopping Center. 
Tamaki took over the presentation at this point, “we’ve noticed that in the reports we receive about these attacks, all of the opposition had these jackets with a symbol either etched on the back and the chest. We believe this is what Resist uses to distinguish themselves from other villains, and anything with this type of organization needs to be squashed before it can grow. We’ve seen this type of thing before,” He explained before narrowing his eyes. 
“We don’t want a repeat of what happened those years ago. It’s taken a long time to rebuild hero society and it’s still on the rocks.” Tamaki finished his part before looking back at Kirishima to continue. 
“Since we know what symbol they use to distinguish themselves, that allows us to see when they pop up in cities and how many times they do as well. From what I found out, they never popped up in cities more than two times except for one, here in Esuha city.” Using the IPad, he flipped through the city and a map of Japan popped up. 
In all the other major cities, they had either a one or a two except for one, Esuha City which had a nine beside its point.”
“Oh wow,” a hero mumbled.
“Nine attacks? That’s crazy,” a female hero said. 
Tamaki started to speak, “with this, we hypothesize that Resist’s HQ is somewhere in the underground of Esuha city. This is the only evidence that supports this, and will be one of the main objectives of this meeting, figuring out where they reside so we can take them down.” 
“Wait, wait, wait, so we don’t know where they are?” A pro hero, Nova, asked, looking at Tamaki with skepticism. 
Kirishima stepped in, noticing Tamaki beginning to crack, needing a few minutes to collect himself again, he can only go so long before his thoughts intrude. 
“We only have an idea, the Fat Gum Agency already has heroes and sidekicks staking out possible locations where they might be but there’s always a chance that this lead may lead us nowhere. This leads us to one of the purposes of this meeting!” Kirishima ended with a smile and a thumbs up. 
His contagious smile made Tamaki feel a little better and he stood a little straighter and tapped the IPad to bring up the next slide. 
“The way they’ve been attacking reminds me a lot of The League of Villains and we all know how they’ve left a stain in Japan’s trust in Hero Society. Some of us in this room knew how hard it was fighting them,” Tamaki lamented, looking over at his partner and they both slightly nodded.
“We lost a lot of lives and a lot of good heroes with them, and we were lucky to prevail from that fight but everything changed with that fight. The fragile state that All Might left the country was crushed and the public hated most heroes. We need to squash any threat to what we’ve built over the years and that starts with Resist,”
 Kirishima and Tamaki remember the fight with the LOV, the screams, the blood, the bodies, the cleanup, the tears, waking up in a cold sweat for months on end. Tamaki remembers lifting some debris and seeing a bloody Barbie doll and throwing up in an empty alleyway. 
Both of them did not want to go through that again. 
“Okay, we get it, but honestly I just don’t see how this “Resist” organization is any trouble. They’re just blowing up buildings without any objective.” Another random local hero spits out, leaning against his arm. 
“You idiot!” 
Kirishima and Tamaki slightly smirked at who spoke up. The six-foot Explosion Hero: Ground Zero stood up, glaring at the man who just spoke up. 
“The League of Villains were like that too, just destroying with no objective, then they found one and that’s why heroes are looked at as fucking trash!” Katsuki Bakugou spoke up, slamming his hand on the desk. 
After Best Jeanist retired, he entrusted his agency to the loud ash blond man which shocked the rest of his sidekicks. Since then, he’s been his hero, signing on Denki and Mina after they had no agency to take them in. 
“I would know, me and Shitty hair,” he said, pointing at Kirishima, “we were there for a lot of them. We were also there when they found a purpose and that’s when they took me when I was still the first year. We underestimate them as we did with LOV and it could grow into a situation that we don’t want to see! Shouldn’t you fucking know this shit already?!” Bakugou finished before sitting down after Denki tried to calm him down. 
“Calm down Ground Zero, don't want you popping a blood vessel,” a cold voice called and everyone’s attention turned to the Half and Half hero who took over his Father’s agency once he graduated. 
After his father’s career was shot after the fight, his agency fell apart since Todoroki was still a first year. But as soon as he graduated, most of his father’s old sidekicks came back to him and his father even left the building to him. Deciding that he only knew his father since he interned and did his work-study there, he decided to revamp the agency as his own and remove the bad memories since then. 
“Come on guys, let’s not fight, this is a serious matter,” came the nervous voice Deku, the one everyone was looking at as the one who would replace All Might. 
He was the only one out of his class to start a hero agency right out of high school without having to inherit it, the rest of them becoming sidekicks. Izuku Midoriya replaced Hawks as the youngest pro hero ever. 
“Shut up Deku!” 
Kiri shook his head and facepalmed at his alumni antics. 
“Somethings don’t change, huh Kirishima?” Tamaki whispers to him which made the Unbreakable hero sigh and nod. 
“Alright!! Let’s get back on topic!” Kirishima yelled, clapping his hands to get the attention of his old classmates. 
“Sorry Red.”
“My apologies.”
“Tch, whatever Shitty Hair.”
Kirishima let out a breath of relief before looking over at Fat gum to take over the rest of the meeting. Fat gum nodded before smirking and rubbing his hens together. 
“Let’s get started.”
Tamaki was ready to go home. Everyone was arguing about the best next steps to take to defeat this new organization and so far, no one was agreeing. Some wanted to start their investigations in their cities but some wanted to blow up every building until the “Resist Turds” showed themselves so we could kill them. 
Tamaki sighed as he slouched in his chair, listening to his boss and other pro heroes argue about their next move. 
“We can’t ignore this issue anymore, but that doesn’t mean we lose morals when it comes to this. Heroes and the public still have a rocky relationship and we can’t get into anything rash!” 
“What?!? What’s waiting? I say we find them right now and smoke them out!” 
“You haven’t changed at all.”
Tamaki looked over to the clock and noticed it was getting real close to 3:00 pm, they’ve been here for almost 2 hours and some of these hero’s had long trips to get to. Tamaki tapped Kirishima and Gat gum and showed them the time. Fat gum slammed his hands against the desk before standing up, effectively silencing the room of arguing heroes. 
“We need to decide before we get overtime and something happens in your cities. So what’s our verdict, because this isn’t the only meeting we’ll have, we’ll have more in the future that we need to prepare for,” Fat gum said. 
Everyone refused to look at each other in the eye, that was before Deku decided to speak up. 
“If so many, I believe that their HQ could be possibly located here end think that the Fat Gum Agency should focus all resources in finding said hideout, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of us shouldn’t look for clues,” He said, pointing to the screen. 
“For those whose cities that were only hit once, keep an extra eye out if they ever come back. Those cities who were hit twice, you all should go back to where they hit you and see if they left behind any clues. They aren’t as organized right now so now’s the time to stop them and give the public something to believe in again!” 
And just like that, like the future Number One Hero he was destined to be, he raised everyone’s spirits in this new mission. To eradicate the Resist before they gain a name as big as LOV.
Y/n sighed as she walked in the building, headphones blasting a Megan song. She waved hi to the receptionist before turning the corner and jogging to her office. Sipping in her She opened the door and turned the light to reveal her office. She’s been so busy with the rise of villains since the two months she’s been here, that she hasn’t had a chance to finally decorate her office the way she’s wanted to. She paused her music and pulled out her headphones to be able to take a better look at her workspace. 
It had a window in the right wall of the room and her desk right in front of, facing the front of the room. The walls were bare and painted white and the room littered with unopened boxes from things she ordered. She looked down at the bag of decorations she recently bought to complete the rest and smiled. 
“Alright, I got 2 hours before the meeting with Fatgum and the other heroes. I better finish this before then,” she mumbled to herself before walking over to the biggest Amazon box. 
She turned on her speaker and connected them to her phone before continuing the song she was listening to while she was walking in the agency. 
’Simon says, put your hands on hips’
She rapped along the song under her breath as she cut open the box that was her storage shelf. As she was pulling the wrapped contents, a knock sounded off from her door. It was so quiet that she almost couldn’t hear over her music. She lowered the volume before opening her door. 
Standing outside of it was Tamaki who was dressed in very casual clothes, a pair of jeans, and a white tee shirt. Y/n stood there surprised, not expecting the Manifest hero to stand outside her door. Last she heard of him, he was working with Fat gum with a major mission. But that's what she heard. 
“Amajiki-san! This is a surprise? What brings you here?” 
Tamaki jumped at her sudden answer but collected himself, “I have something to talk to you and Aoi-san, is he here?” 
Y/n shook her head, stepping out the way for him to allow him inside her office.
“Today’s both of our days off, he went to see his mom and I decided to use this to come in to finally set up my office after two months of being here!”
“No, no it's my fault, I should have contacted you before I came over,” he shook his hands in front of his face. 
She waved him off, “It’s okay, I wasn’t doing anything important. So what’s going on?” 
She hopped on her desk and sat down and gestured for Tamaki to come closer. Tamaki hesitated to say anything, but time was of the essence and Fatgum didn’t tell Tamaki that the pair had the day off. He was about to start to speak but he looked around the room and noticed different boxes scattered around the room and looked back at Y/n who was bending down to pick up tape she threw around the room. Tamaki’s ears turned red and he quickly looked away right as she stood up. 
“Sorry it’s a mess,” she huffed, balling up the tape, “I wasn’t expecting for me to have any guests.”
He waved her off, “no it’s fine? What’s with all the boxes anyway?”
Y/n walked over to the biggest box and turned it around to show the picture of her bookcase shelf which still wasn’t open. Tamaki saw this and looked around and saw other office supplies and decorations still wrapped in plastic and packing peanuts all over the floor. 
“I decided to use my day off to finally decorate my office the bay I wanted it to be, but I may have… overspent on somethings,” she trailed off sheepishly, taking in how many boxes were in the room. 
Tamaki saw how exasperated she was, it would take her a long time to assemble the shelf and it's already 2:30 pm. He was all finished with his paperwork and was gonna go home after telling the partners before going home. He wasn’t even that tired after all. So with a deep breath, he called out Y/n as she was cleaning the peanuts away from the chairs to give them a place to sit. 
“Hey, Y/n?”
She stopped, loving her things, and turned to look at Tamaki, “yes?”
“I have the rest of the day off, I’d… I’d be more than happy to help you with your office. If... if you’d let me?” His voice got significantly quieter as he spoke. 
Y/n’s eyes brightened up, running over to take Tamaki by the hands. 
“Really!”  She exclaimed, pulling him closer to her body. 
Tamaki blushed at this sudden movement, “tried” to move his body and nodded his head, yes to confirm what he asked her. Y/n squealed before pulling the violet-haired man in a full-blown hug. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am honestly CLUELESS when it comes to putting things together and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do it! This helps so much! Thank you!”
Tamaki’s face went red as a cherry as he tried his best to make his words conceit but his thundering heart, increasing body temperature, and his burning ears made that quite difficult to do. He gave her his best smile and she gave him an even bigger one back before dragging him to the biggest box. 
“Let’s get this over with, it’s the hardest one here.”
Together, the two of them opened the box and started taking the parts out. While the two of them set up her office, they got to know each other more, from him telling her about her times as a pro hero in America. 
“Yeah, America is so different from Japan,” she mused, ripping open the smaller boxes, “Here you get your license from the Hero Commission which is a branch under the Federal Government. You can work anywhere in the country! In America, you can only be licensed in the state you take your test in!” Y/n explained, grabbing the instructions to see which parts she had. 
“Wait, how many states are in America? I know there’s a lot,” Tamaki asked, making Y/n giggle and cover her mouth. 
Y/n shook her head, “there’s fifty of them, and I could only work in Texas, where I’m from.”
Tamaki shook his head, “but what if you’re out of the state and an emergency appears and they need help?”
Y/n shrugs, “I have to leave it to the heroes there, interfering could cause me to lose my job.” She laid out all the parts and counted in her head to make that all the parts were here. 
“When I’m not in my licensed state, I’m just a simple civilian with no permission to use their quirk.”
“America’s really different from Japan, I should have known though,” Tamaki let out a little chuckle as he said that. 
“Yeah, just the size of Texas is bigger than Japan. A different system is to be expected I guess,” Y/n shrugged her shoulders. 
She picked up the boards and the poles and started putting them together but for some reason, it wouldn’t go in. Feeling frustrated, she continued to struggle with the pieces, confused as to why they weren’t going in the hole. 
“Stupid piece of,” she hissed under breath as she continued to struggle, “you doing too much for me, just go in the thing!”
Hearing her mumble under breath in English, Tamaki turned around from building his own part to seeing Y/n struggle. He smiled slightly before getting up and walking to her. Y/n saw him move over to her and before she could process it, he grabbed the pieces from her. 
“No, I think it goes over here,” Tamaki reached over behind Y/n and flipped the pole, and slid it in the hole with no problem. 
Y/n smiled at Tamaki as he did the rest of the poles, doing it effortlessly. He was about to screw everything in whenY/n stopped him.
“I can do this part but thank you!” She grabbed her screwdriver from him and before she knew it, she placed a kiss on his right cheek. 
Oh lord, Y/n thought, her head running wild, oh lord, oh lord, oh lord, what the fuck did I do?!!? Why the fuck did I kiss him???? Well, it was only on the chek, BUT FUCKING STILL!!
Tamaki was frozen, his face red. His heart pounded in his chest, and he stood there frozen. She just kissed him on the cheek, a kiss, her lips were on some part of his body. His face, his right cheek. A girl, a girl he liked. 
Y/n on the other hand took a deep breath before going back to her unfinished bookcase and continuing as if nothing happened. Tamaki looked at her quietly putting her shelf together before Tamaki decided he should do the same. They both didn’t mention what happened.
“Oh yeah, Tamaki what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” Y/n asked him, using the screwdriver to carefully tighten the screw in her new desk. 
Tamaki was pulled out of his thoughts, looked at her confused, before remembering what he had to talk to them about. Why he even came to her office in the first place. 
“It concerns both you and your partner, I was hoping he would be here with you since I didn't see him in his office,” Tamaki replied, standing up and stretching his back. 
“He’s using his day off to visit his mom,” she said, remembering the conversation they had while he dropped her off, “he hasn’t seen her in a while and he said he’s finally caught up with paperwork so yeah,” 
Tamaki nodded, not caring about what Aoi did. 
“But I’m sure I can relay to him what’s going on, so what’s up?” She asked, leaving on her desk for support from being on her feet all day. 
Tamaki nodded, “It’s about a case I’ve been working on, you remember your debut fight and the explosion at Tadashi Center right?” Tamaki started, going in his bag and pulling out his flash drive with a conceded version of his and Kirishima’s presentation. 
Y/n nodded, tilting her head at the question. He handed her the flash drive and began explaining what the mission was about and its ties to her debut fight and the attack in Tadashi Center
“We believe that the people who attacked during those two times are a part of the same organization, looking to gain the same infamy that the League of Villains gained. You know about the League right?”
She nodded, “anyone who has access to news worldwide knows who they are. They left a hole in Japan’s hero society, a ginormous one.” 
Tamaki nodded, “and we believe this group is trying to continue what they left and destroy society as we know it. This is what I’ve been working on for a while and we are finally making some moves. This is where you and Aoi-San come in,” Tamaki reported. 
“Comes in?”
Y/n used her fingers to replicate quotes as she said this. Tamaki nodded. 
“Your quirk is the most effective, the ability to swallow fire and make it your own, you’ll become a big help if more explosions ever come up. Aoi-San comes as extra backup, never go wrong with extra hands, c-considering he’s your part-partner,” Tamaki finishes, sweating profusely when he mentions Aoi as your partner. 
“So out of the sidekicks here, you want me and Aoi to join you?” 
Tamaki nodded, “we’ll have other heroes from other agencies join us, we didn’t want to take any chances with them, so we made sure that we made other heroes who were affected aware of this. This was a last-minute decision made by Fat gum after seeing reports on how you were able to put out the flames in less than 5 minutes. ”
Y/n stared at him with a look he didn’t recognize, he could feel his heart pound at that. 
Oh no, did I say something wrong?!? Oh no, I didn’t mean to offend her, what do I do?! This so weird, why the fuck do I do- Tamaki’s thoughts started to overrun him again, he almost fell into the deep put before hearing low chuckles echo through the office which pulled him out of his thoughts. 
Tamaki looked at Y/n with confusion as she continued to laugh. She then stopped laughing and jumped off the desk and stretched her back out. 
Y/n nodded her head in understanding, mumbling under her breath, “that makes sense.” 
Tamaki perked up, “so you’ll join us?”
Y/n blinked at him, confused at what he said, “I had a choice?”
It was Tamaki’s turn to look at her confused, why would she think she doesn’t have a choice in this? Tamaki ignored this and just nodded his head. Y/n smiled at that and gave him a thumbs up. 
“I’m all in! And I’m sure that Aoi would be perfectly okay with it, I’ll make sure of it!” She exclaimed. 
Aoi? He thought to himself, deflating slightly before giving Y/n a last nod and turning to leave. As he did that, he heard a gasp and Y/n asking for him to wait. Tamaki turned back around, heart pounding in anticipation and he started to sweat. 
“Ye-yes?” He stumbled out, cursing at himself. 
She smiled before handing him her phone with ‘New Contact’ pulled up.
“I’ve wanted to ask you for your number for a while because I think your quirk would be very suitable for some training together?” She smiled, crossing her arms. 
Tamaki still didn't say anything as she pushed herself up from leaning against her desk and picked up her phone. She typed away at it before handing it to him. 
He stared at it confused before realizing he was supposed to put his number in it. He quickly grabbed the phone and typed in his number and his name before handing it back to her. 
“H-here you go.”
Y/n smiled and took her phone back, tapping away at it before putting it away, “thanks! I’ll text you?” 
Tamaki's eyes widened and his ears went cherry red, “yeah, just...just text me.” He stumbled out before heading to the door
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Kinda want a part two of Chromeskull with the tattoo artist!reader. Maybe with her divorcing her husband, starting a relationship with Jesse and getting the tattoo he suggested.
Chromeskull x Tattoo Artist!Reader- Guilty Pleasures Part 2
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Authors Note: You asked and you recieved. Part two of this taboo guilty relationship. You simply cannot say no, no to this man.
Part 1 HERE
Warnings: None I can think of.
Words: 1.4k
Were you feeling guilty? Probably. Did you care? Most likely not. Looking into the mirror of your bathroom after a night of stressful sleep and at this very moment, you were glad your husband left earlier for work, not in the mood to put up with anything.
To say that the affair you had with your boss was eating at your mind was a faint understatement because sickly, you enjoyed it a lot and in a more twisted way, you wanted more.
The past week has been a hazardous adventure you weren't looking forward to having, not one bit, especially after your parents-in-law came unannounced, a particular reason you hated them, but at first, you thought that's what everyone feels about their own parents-in-law.
Your husband's father wasn't a problem, surprisingly you didn't mind him, he never criticized you, only talked about the old days and he was as calm as a beach in the winter can be. The problem was your mother-in-law and sometimes you wondered if jail was worth it to get rid of the old hag.
She always spoke well of her son and gave you unwanted advice about how a wife should be. To put it bluntly, she wanted you to be the perfect housewife which in your opinion wasn't a good attribute in your book, but you meant well. You learned to cook better for the sake of this marriage, learned to control your rebellious attitude, which was quite the challenge, but she demanded more and more out of you.
The topic came this week when she came unannounced and she asked when you and her son were going to have a baby. You almost choked on your drink and the answer that your husband gave, made you more anxious.
Alright, you loved children and the idea of being a mother was a plan in the future, but not with him.
That's why you were looking like a corpse at this moment; ever since that discussion your husband opened the topic of having children with each day, and your answer always was the same.
'In the close future.'
You wanted to escape so badly, but being a divorced woman in society wasn't exactly a big plus and you knew that if it would happen you would be seen as the villain and everyone will probably tag you with words that would drown your self-esteem.
Staying in an unhappy marriage for the sake of society. How marvelous!
You grimaced, staying outside on the front porch of your house, taking a deep drag of smoke and exhaling like the nicotine will ease your nerves. It was another late night full of arguments and whatnot with your husband; he seemed to find flaws in each step you took. When the door opened your gaze moved to your husband who had a very serious expression, his arms crossed and you knew he was going to say something.
"I want a divorce." he simply stated, making you raise your eyebrows in surprise. Well, you clearly didn't see that one coming.
After you finished your cigarette and got inside, he told you that there was no point in maintaining this marriage and according to him you were embarrassing him, destroying his image.
Pffff...What image? What reputation?
To say that the divorce went simply was an understatement. You didn't have too much to take from this marriage, the house was his, the car too, you just had your little belongings and that was it. He was just surprised that you didn't want to undress him of money or any winning.
The ultimate prize of this divorce was that you will be finally free; no more critiques, no more useless arguments over the smallest things in life.
You were back at work at one of Jesse's warehouses, inking up one of his henchmen, when the door opened and the tall and imposing form of your boss was blocking the door. The guy you were tattooing quickly got up and left the two of you alone; smart guy.
'I'd heard about your divorce.' the electronic voice spoke and you internally groaned.
"The rumors are really floating here quickly, huh?" you asked, not really surprised. Jesse had a habit of knowing every small detail of his employees.
'You're finally free.' he stated, a sentence that the intentions were clearly; reminding you that this is what you bragged about wanting before you two went at it like rabbits.
"Yes, but I don't feel like it."
'How come?'
"Well, his family hates my guts, all of our friends took his part and pretty much labeled me as a 'whore'....I don't know...How would you feel?" you asked, arms crossed and eyebrow raised, your mood clearly not a good one.
'I'm a widower.'
Ouch, that hit a nerve and he was right. He lost much more than you, not to mention being just inches from dying.
"Sorry. I'm just....I didn't know how hard a divorce can fuck up one's self-esteem." you said, sitting down and running a hand through your hair.
One brown eye looked curiously at you, then he closed the door, stepping towards you, his huge hand cupping your cheek, making you look at him.
'Do I have to remind you how beautiful and amazing you are?' 
You knew he was just trying to cheer you up, pull you up from the shreds and ashes your now ex-husband created, but why? Jesse wasn't being nice without a reason, you weren't one of these guidable piggies he either fucked or killed or both. The man was the vainest person you knew, even with his face the result it is today, he could pull off the drop-dead charming casanova attitude with ease.
"You don't have to lose your time trying to cheer me up." you muttered, only for your nose to be caught between two of his fingers, making you squeak a little, making him smirk, fingers typing on the phone.
'What if I want to spend all the time with you, dollface?'
Alright, that was new. He never showed interest in you, and that affair you had with him was something that you would classify it was accidental and desperate, something you didn't want to happen again....But you're divorced now, right? Single, free and to do as you please.
"Don't say things you don't mean.....plus this is..." you didn't know exactly what to say.
'Wrong?' he signed, looking at you with amusement.
'Correct me if I'm wrong, but....when you were married you didn't found it wrong to jump my dick.' he typed on the phone, a smug look on his scarred face at the expression you made when you read his response.
"I-I didn't-" you quickly said, only to be stopped, when he spun you around, pinning you against the cold wall of the room, a silent snarl pulling at his lips, giving you a glimpse of the predator that he truly was inside.
'Pleeeeease...Don't act like such a prude.' he types on the phone with one hand, the other slowly running up your waist, dragging your shirt up, exposing more skin with each inch his hand was running up.
You were left speechless; no wonder all these piggies were falling on their knees for him, he wasn't one to be denied, to be said 'no' to.
"You're my boss!" you said, feeling your cheeks heat up at his obscene suggestions.
He snorted in your response, rolling his brown eye.
'You're one to bring up moralities now? You cheated on your husband with your boss...and you liked it.' he typed, his body moving to be flush against yours, feeling how excited he was, not like you were any different down with how moist your panties got from all the sexual tension.
'You're just as fucked up as I am...Not that I mind one bit.' he typed, another flash of pearly white pulled into an arrogant grin.
"P-Please..." you didn't know what you begged for.
Were you begging for him to stop this charade or were you begging for him to finish this nonsense?
'You were mine from the moment you spread your legs for me.'
Oh God, this was so humiliating.
Your eyes were wide open, looking up at him, both breaths heavy, then the lips came crashing together into a needy and passionate kiss.
It was true, you were his....The moment you took up on his advice and inked your whole arm into the tattoo he suggested.
Skulls and Roses.
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Morty Smith
Settle in y’all cause I have to talk about my son Morty Smith for a moment. I suppose I’ll start by saying I love this boy, this poor poor boy and I want the best for him oh my heart hurts for this boy. So let’s start at the very begining (I’m told this is a very good place to start) 
Morty Smith has always had a hard life. At school he is bullied, has no friends, and struggles in his class and well the staff (or what little we’ve seen of it with Principal Vagina and Mr. Goldenfold) don’t seem particularly helpful in any of these regards. Specially since, in the pilot, it is revealed Principal Vagina had been trying to contact the Smith’s but kept leaving the messages with Rick, despite the fact Rick was the one pulling him out of school in the first place (dude come on). 
Then at home he is living with a mean alcoholic mother, Beth, and an insecure pushover, Jerry, who both neglect him, (and Summer too) and they constantly fight. 
He has anxiety disorder and is autistic, but is not being helped in either of these regards. And to make it worse his parents admit they know. Right in the pilot episode Jerry remarks that Morty has, “some kind of disability or something” and when Morty says, “I do?” he responds with, “Well, duh doy son. Look Morty I love you but we both know you’re not as fast as the other kids and if you want to compete in this world, you got to work twice as hard.” (wow the voice acting really helps this line cause writing it down is like damn. that’s cold Jerry) He doesn’t offer any kind of help, just points out to Morty that it is apparently a very obvious fact. Which shows how neglectful and unwilling they are to actually do anything. 
So let’s sit with Jerry and Morty for a second. In “Something Ricked This Way Comes” Jerry tries to help Morty on a science project, which sounds great but he more or less is just doing it because he is just jealous Morty asked Rick for help and as Beth puts it, “He is insecure about his intelligence”. Then poor 14 year old Morty is burdened the entire episode with being the responsible one, repeatedly telling Jerry not only is Pluto not a planet and it would have been fine to just not put it in their model solar system, but then having to go as far as telling him that the planet is dying and he has to convince his dad just to let it go and of course Jerry does and everything goes back to normal but Morty had to play the role of the parent the whole time and ends with him reassuring Jerry at the end of the episode that he loves him. Then in “The ABC’s of Beth” Morty and Summer have to force Jerry to admit he just needs to stop coming up with excuses and break up with his girlfriend Keara, again making Morty (and Summer too) the mature ones in the situation. “The Old Man and the Seat” is similar in that Morty and Jerry have their own adventure where Morty has to keep telling Jerry that he is making a mistake, only this time he isn’t soft or kind about it, telling his dad to stop fucking up.
Then well if we switch to Beth... We don’t get much Beth and Morty bonding throughout the show but the most prominent would probably be in “The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy” where he thought he could just have a normal day with Rick and Jerry gone, but then Beth had to try and prove she can return Summer to normal on her own only making things worse. Again much like with Jerry Morty tried to be the voice of reason, saying they should call Rick for help and becomes upset when Beth continues to be stubborn. Morty has to be the one to tell Beth this wouldn’t of happened if she had just told Summer she was hot. 
And of course his sister Summer, who he seems to have the best relationship with has to be helped by Morty too, when she threatens to run away and do something with turquoise after she discovers that Beth and Jerry did not want to have children. Of course he aids her with his famous line from “Rixty Minutes”, “Nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody’s gonna die. Come watch TV.
Morty is only 14 but he is the motherfucking family counselor. And he is the least favorite child too just to ya know make it worse. Rember in “Morty’s Mind Blowers” that one guy was about to kill either Morty or Summer and he was going to make Beth chose which one would live and he hadn’t even finished the question and she said Summer? Or the (worst?) example, “Rick Potion #9″ where... the family isn’t even sad Morty is gone. It was completely understandable that they wouldn’t miss Rick... But Morty? Oh my that hurts. Hold on I need a moment cause it still fucks me up. That is your little boy Jerry and Beth. And your brother Summer. What the fuck?? Y’all are, “happier with them gone” what the f u c k? (like okay this post is not about Rick but in “Rest and Ricklaxation” Rick called Jessica multiple times in tears because Morty left and these guys.... just AHHHHHH)
Of course we have Rick and I could go on and on about how terrible Rick is to Morty but I don’t think I need to beat a dead horse (I was going to try and make a horse surgeon joke here but I can’t think of one), so instead I’ll say with Rick he gets manipulated, lied to, yelled at, talked down to, belittled, and dragged around on horrible traumatizing adventures. And his parents let it happen. Even now with Beth’s new found agency, it all still happens.
And outside the family?? He gets punished by just the universe itself it seems whether its trying to have his own fantasy adventure and almost getting assulted in a restroom, wanting to be a superhero just to learn his heros are all bad people, just wanting a dragon and having the dragon prefer his grandpa, trying to return a snake to its planet and accidentally causing countless snake wars and snake time travel, Morty can never seem to win. He tries to be good or have fun but is constantly having his views and morals thrown back at him, like the universe is telling him that it doesn’t matter if he is good or has good intentions. 
So let’s put it all in a bag and shake it up huh? We got this family that constantly needs Morty to be the responsible one, the moral one, the mature one, the backbone of society, all that and a bag of chips. Let’s put in a dash of abuse, a splash of neglect, a chaotic and cruel universe and he gets... What? An occasional hug or an “I love you”? I’,m pretty sure I have a whole separate post about Morty’s anger issues/ his rising agency but damn its like who wouldn’t be angry? Every aspect of his life is so messed up, its hard to conceptualize it all. 
So I think instead of Rick leaving at the end of the season it would be interesting if Morty left because that boy deserves so much more than all of this. And of course he would still be on the show but it would be like Morty solo while the rest of the family figures their shit out. 
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you have said that you know how s2 will end and i would like the spoilers please
okay so i wrote the post you're referring to awhile ago and i don't really stand by it entirely but i'm gonna give you some thoughts.
thought one: the wilds is saying something. it is making a statement. it is not just a show about teenage girls making out and being on a deserted island. there's more to it.
thought two: figuring out what the show is saying is key to understanding what will happen
thought three: the show is definitely saying more than one thing but there is an overall message we can use as a lens to predict where the show will go in general. no specifics, but at least to figure out the arcs of each character
my biggest question since starting the show, literally since the first episode has been: so. what?
like, what is the point of this show. why. what are they saying?
if they're trying to be an anti-feminist, "feminism is going too far, sjws suck" kinda thing, they're not doing very well. one of the top reviews is literally: "More Social injustice propaganda thrown in our faces."
so their theoretical target conservative audience doesn't seem to be biting. i'm not saying a liberal show Can't have a message that feminism has gone too far these days, but i Am saying a smart good liberal show can't have a message that feminism has gone too far these days.
And the wilds is probably some of the best writing i've come across in a long time, especially with the accuracy they depict teenagers.
so it's not anti-feminist. but maybe it's more specific than that. maybe it's anti-white feminist. after all, gretchen is white, she abuses children of color, and she's a feminist. doesn't that make for a perfect white feminist?
except that doesn't make a huge amount of sense either, huh? bc gretchen's staff, just running the numbers, is half white people and half poc.
Gretchen, Thom, Alex, Faber
Audrey, Susan, Lihn, Young
even looking at her supporters: alice and leonard, we have a white guy and a black woman.
and would it be less racist if gretchen didn't have any poc on her island? she would argue it'd be more racist. i'm sure in her mind she was trying to be diverse, not to abuse children. bc she doesn't think it's abuse bc she's got the lights on but no one's home.
so white feminism as the critique this show is making just doesn't. it doesn't make a lot of sense to me either.
so then it's like. what. terfism? maybe? and like, that tracks a little closer. but it'd be weird if a show's entire critique was terfism and there was literally not a single trans person on the entire cast. like maybe dot or nora will have an arc coming to terms with a sexy new gender but. idk bro. it just feels off to me, you know? it's still like, you made an entire show on a major platform criticizing a specific aspect of feminism that's not even that widely known? that's the point of the wilds?
maybe i have good place brain rot, or she ra brain rot, or some other type of brainrot and just expect my morals to be handed to me on a silver platter.
but it's still like. what was the fucking point. why make gretchen an evil feminist villain who abuses children?
this show is too smart and well written to just be that dumb. there's gotta be some justification, some deeper reason why they'd make a show just to point out that lord of the flies wasn't just about british rich boys, it is about all of society and feminism is wrong.
like take black panther for example. as much as i enjoyed it way more than any other marvel movie i've seen, it was still--essentially--dumb. this is an ice cold take but obviously killmonger was a good guy. the rich execs made him a bad guy like every rich person makes every radical revolutionary a bad guy so the good guy can create change but only in a way that encourages people to create change within the corrupt system we all live in.
but marvel is not particularly known for its writing. it's a superhero franchise, it hasn't taken itself very seriously since guardians of the galaxy. its goal is to get you to spend 15$ in a theater watching billionaires blow each other up while wise cracking with some of the prettiest visuals money can buy. it's not supposed to make you think and that's okay.
but the wilds feels like a show that wants you to think. with the careful way they handle eating disorders to the complexities of the sibling relationships, the characters are more than just wise cracking billionaires taking off their shirts the first chance they get.
so why. why. i'd understand evil feminist gretchen if it was the latter but why put so much energy into writing this complex well done show if their villain and thus their message was just gonna be: haha feminism too far these days.
here's the only thing i can come up with, my friend.
yeah i fucking know, there's nothing in the show, but bear with me. all of the people working for gretch are rich, or present as rich. or at least of a higher class.
except for one.
lihn might be getting a fancy education but she works at a bar while she's doing it, and it doesn't seem like she's that close with her parents anymore. her trauma would likely cause some major health problem so i'm not having an issue with thinking that maybe, financially, our lihn wasn't doing excellently.
and to have lihn be straddling these two worlds, as she effectively straddles girlhood and adulthood working as the confederate, makes a large amount of sense.
gretchen doesn't want to upend the actual system, which is capitalism, she wants to upend the patriarchy--which is a product of capitalism. lord of the flies was, in a large part, about class. so looking at that we might see a boys island act similarly to a girls island, especially if they keep the class diversification the same for the boys.
what's also interesting is that young is not really of the same class as faber. gretchen talked about him being on that "gin soaked sofa" or something like that, and that could track if we continue to see him help the girls.
idk i'm just. i'm definitely grasping at straws here. but i have no idea what this show is saying and it drives me crazy.
why is gretchen their villain? why is she a feminist doing this for feminist reasons? it's so dumb, i can't believe they wrote it. so why did they write it. why. what am i missing here.
maybe it's something about parenthood? gretchen's a bad parent and it's a critique of the nuclear family? but couldn't they have done that without the evil feminist aspect?
like that's what gets me. what's the point of the evil feminist aspect. why include that when it was so unnecessary and honestly shoe horned in. i could've written something in ten minutes without the weird antifeminism aspect, and definitely they're better writers than me so what's the point of gretchen's motivations
what. is. the. point.
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officialleotolstoy · 3 years
Oh Dolokhov Brainrot We’re Really In It Now, aka Dolokhov playlist annotations!
A note on the cover photo: I don’t really like this one but I got tired of looking at men on Pinterest so I gave up. The window symbolizes the rum window and the smoking symbolizes uhhhhh habitual bad life choices idk
Drinking game take a shot every time I say “it’s about the vibes”
Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother
“I break it just because I can”
This is THEE ‘I am going to cause problems on purpose’ song and that is like his entire narrative purpose!! Argue with me about this one I dare you
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty - Panic! At The Disco
“If you wanna start a fight you better throw the first punch, make it a good one”
Partially its just vibes, I won’t lie. But also the consistent spoiling for a fight is very in character
Shoot to Thrill - AC/DC
“I’m like evil, I get under your skin”
It’s got I Am Morally Repulsive But Also I’ll Steal Your Girl energy which really hits all of Dolokhov’s character traits. And of course the added bonus of gun imagery.
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
“It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this”
I added it strictly for vibes, but then I realized the quoted lyric is very much him @ the Kuragins if you take the reading that he refuses to admit he actually like them but grows genuinely fond of them over time even though he initially got to know them with a lot of ulterior motives.
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
“Mama, I just killed a man”
The amount of songs that are on these playlists just for what are essentially your mom jokes since Dolokhov loves his mom so much is a little pathetic. But I’m not wrong! I can’t really put it into words but something about this song has Dolokhov energy.
Feel It Still - Portugal the Man
“Give in to that easy living, goodbye to your hopes and dreams”
A good deal of what I find interesting about Dolokhov is the internal conflict he has of knowing he’s become rather wicked and problematic but also not really trying very hard to change and almost enjoying it so a lot of the songs on here are about that, including this one. The “I’m a rebel just for kicks now” also very much screams Causing Problems On Purpose.
The Bidding - Tally Hall
“I like to take advantage of the bourgeoisie”
His whole role in volume one and two is to take advantage of the bourgeoisie! This song also oozes confidence and a sense of superiority that comes from being better than the sellouts in high society, Dolokhov’s not like other girls uwu (he really is, but I don’t think he would admit that).
Say Amen (Saturday Night) - Panic! At The Disco
“I could be better but baby it’s Saturday night”
Embracing his own wickedness! The idea that he knows he could be better than he is but he doesn’t want to take that opportunity...yeah vibes
Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) - Fall Out Boy
“I became such a strange shape from trying to fit in”
This is the epitome of the “woe is me I need to be purified” phase he goes through when he’s into Sonya. Also “I’ll stop wearing black when they make a darker color” reminds me of Comet Dolokhov’s stupid eyeliner <3
Some Nights - fun.
“So what is this? I sold my soul for this?”
There’s a long stretch of this playlist that just boils down to “Woe is me I need to be purified” crisis hours, because Dolokhov’s oscillation between embracing his own cruelty and trying to be a good person is super interesting to me. This song captures the idea that he’s still having fun and there’s some good there, but he’s also aware that he’s losing himself a bit
Roaring 20s - Panic! At The Disco
“I don’t even know me”
“Woe is me i need to be purified” crisis AGAIN. This song gets more to the annoyance with society as a whole and feeling kind of lost in it
Send Them Off! - Bastille
“Help me exorcise my mind”
“Please purify me 16 year old girl! I’m 27 this isnt creepy at all ahahahha”. I do despise Sonyakhov but this has the vibes of a man feeling his own evil and wanting a woman to fix it. Not a great look.
Easy Days (Demo) - Bastille
“I don’t wanna fall back again, back into the easy days”
Near the end of the “woe is me I need to be purified” phase when he’s kind of drifting back to his old ways and he’s like wait no- wait- and then he does anyway because he’s horrible. I also really like the acknowledgment that his horribleness is easy and pleasant for him, and he has to fight against that (and he loses that fight HDJAJJD).
Undisclosed Desires - Muse
“You trick your lovers that you’re wicked and divine”
This is a Dolokhov/Nikolai song I do not take constructive criticism. Undisclosed desires...not being straight...lots to think about! It feels almost like a corruption arc? Nikolai isn’t corrupted nor does their...fling (?) last very long but Nikolai is obviously enamored with Dolokhov despite him being The Worst so I think this fits. I don’t have enough songs for a Nikolai/Dolokhov playlist so I just add those songs to both of their individual playlists
Thnks fr th Mmrs - Fall Out Boy
“Thanks for the memories even though they weren’t so great”
Also mostly a Nikolai/Dolokhov song. This man has never ended a relationship on good terms, huh. Also. Sighs heavily. “He tastes like you only sweeter” never fails to make me laugh when I think about it in the context of Dolokhov post-duel being like oh?? You’re just a stupid WOMAN Hélène your brother and/or Nikolai is hotter than you :/ which is not exactly what I think happened but it makes me laugh to consider. Dolokhov ur bitterrrrr
Dangerous - Royal Deluxe
“I’ll be the last man standing here, I’m not going anywhere”
I feel like this has the vibes of his cruelty, especially in that bit after the Kuragins have died when he and Petya infiltrate the French army.
Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
“There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man”
He will hurt you and kill you so violently :) It’s about the vibes.
White Wedding Pt. 1 - Billy Idol
“It’s a nice day to start again”
In the exact inverse to his “woe is me I need to be purified” phase, he’s like ok yes i will pick up bad habits again and enjoy them because frick you! I read once that this song is about a relapse into drugs, but I’m making it analogous to his relapse into Terrible Person Behavior after Sonya’s rejection. Also the repetition of the phrase little sister does something for my brain idk, after we know he loves his mom and sister it just fits.
Highway to Hell - AC/DC
“I’m on the highway to hell and I’m goin down”
Like White Wedding, it screams acceptance of his problematicness. He knows he’s cruel and evil and he revels in it. This is the phase we see him in most I think.
Back in Black - AC/DC
“It’s been too long, I’m glad to be back”
I think this plays every time he gets reinstated to an army position he lost by being reckless earlier. Just kidding sort of but listen to this song and tell me it doesn’t have Dolokhov vibes. If you do, you’re wrong <3
Poet - Bastille
“I have written you down now, you will live forever”
This is just here cause he ghostwrote Anatole’s love letters and I think it’s funny. It’s MY playlist and I get to choose the barely relevant Bastille songs
St. Jude - Florence + The Machine
“Maybe I’ve always been more comfortable in chaos”
This one’s more scattered lyrics than an overall vibe. “Each side is a loser so who cares who fired the gun” has duel energy also.
Hey Look Ma, I Made It - Panic! At The Disco
Confession: I hate this song. However, it’s about the about the MOM R U PROUD OF ME vibes (she is. Should she be? Probably not).
Rich Kids - Bea Miller
“It’s never enough for the stuck up types”
The not coming from wealth and having to almost scam your way into being part of the aristocratic scene is very Dolokhov. Also in my mind the rich kid he’s roasting is specifically Nikolai.
Money, Money, Money - ABBA
“It’s a rich man’s world”
I’m not SAYING the wealthy man they talk about is Anatole but - [i am shot]. Scheming and clawing your way up to wealth is Dolokhovcore.
This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco
I literally have no justification for this other than that i think modern AU Dolokhov would vibe with it. Look at the amount of eyeliner he wears in Comet and tell me he didn’t have an emo band phase. You can’t.
Trouble’s Coming - Royal Blood
This is not about the words at all, it’s more about the vibes. It just sounds Dolokhovish to me, don’t ask me to explain.
Sleep Alone - Two Door Cinema Club
“They’re just ghosts and they can’t hurt him if he can’t see them”
This gives me post-Kuragins’ death vibes, and I can’t pin down exactly why? I think it’s the idea of being very alone and closed off.
Golden Days - Panic! At The Disco
I can’t put a specific lyric to it but it’s the vibes of looking back on your hedonistic youths with nostalgia and rose-colored glasses. Post-Kuragins’ death vibes again.
Go Get Your Gun - The Dear Hunter
“One foot in the grave, the other one’s kickin’ its way right down to hell”
All we see of him after the Kuragins’ death is just him being particularly cruel and reckless, almost careless. This feels like it encapsulates that energy.
The Fallen - Franz Ferdinand
“They say you’re a troubled boy just because you like to destroy”
I’m aware that a good portion of this song is about a Christ figure but I’m going to respectfully ask you to ignore that bit and just focus on all the Sketchy Things the guy does instead. Thank you. He does in fact like to destroy things! Señor Cause Problems On Purpose back at it again at krispy kreme, huh.
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hyena-frog · 4 years
I personally don't understand people who think that Virginia 'can't win on her own'. As if she has to prove herself or she is 'too nice' and has to learn 'how to violence'. Just because Sevro's solution for everything is cutting some fingers or worse, doesn't mean he is always right or that Mustang's work to keep that balance and play within the designated lines is not badass or interesting. She is the only demokratic ruler and her own people gave her absolute power of decision making to end the war at any cost. What's not great about that!?
If Virginia was indeed 'too nice', she would have perished long ago - last absolute cinnamon roll we saw was Julian and we all know what Society thinks about people like him. Just because she plays by the rules, doesn't mean she has no claws - she wiped a terrorist's memories away for fuck's sake. Now that the rules have been extended, you can bet your ass that she'll take more than one page out of Nero's playbook. After all, she said it herself, she tamed herself, but it's fun to let the lion out.
Agreed 110%! I don't understand people who give Virginia shit in general tbh. I mean, how do you not fall in love with her immediately? How are you not ride or die for her from the get-go? It boggles the mind.
Those arguments, being "too nice" or being unable to win on her own, are reaching and easily debunkable. The lack of reading comprehension. 😒 If you don't like her, then whatever. I may not understand how that’s possible, but it really isn’t necessary to make shit up, you know?
Virginia can't win on her own, huh. The nerve! Where would Darrow be without her? Dead. Many times over. He would have bled out after Cassius stabbed him if Virginia hadn't helped him. And it was Virginia who brought the Howlers back from the Rim weeks in advance of Darrow actually needing them, just in case. So many things would have gone wrong in Morning Star if she wasn't at Darrow's side (and if Ragnar hadn't gone out of his way to make sure she'd be there, the absolute legend).
Perhaps it's Darrow who can't win on his own? But that sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? All of his successes were achieved through teamwork. Darrow acknowledges this many times. It's the same for Virginia. While it's simply not true that she can't win on her own, it’s also untrue that the inability to win on your own is a bad thing. The whole argument doesn’t make any sense.
The idea Virginia still needs to “prove” herself despite doing so plenty of times already throughout the series is frustrating. The fact of the matter is, the success of the Rising relies just as heavily on Virginia's intelligence as it does Darrow's battle skills. The Solar Republic simply wouldn't exist without her. Fitchner never had a clear vision of what "after the Society" would look like and neither did Darrow for a long time. The war effort needs a conscience and a vision for the future, otherwise it's just endless bloodshed. Virginia helps Darrow see beyond the bloodshed. Plus, Darrow has no interest in politics. He'd be the first to admit he’s not good at the slow game of political maneuvering. But Virginia thrives in that environment. In Dark Age, Darrow even admits his current predicament is a consequence of not trusting his wife's way of running the Republic, and he vows never to do that again.
Sure, Virginia doesn't get into physical fights often, especially now that she is Sovereign. But politics is no less perilous a battlefield. I feel like because the political battlefield isn't as flashy and fast paced as a literal one, people forget the constant danger she is in, even before the Senate's betrayal. Silenius' Stiletto is a delicate tightrope act she has to perform every day to drag progress forward while keeping her opponents in check. This requires a level of self-restraint, clear-headedness, and badassery, that no other character can achieve.
Virginia is not "too nice." She is practical. And often, is it practical to play nice. Not every confrontation is best solved through violence Sevro. We all know the line: Virginia is the mustang that nuzzles the hand; people know they can work with her. That’s why the people chose her consistently for ten years, over literally everyone else in the solar system, to run this new government. And her steadfast resolve to gain Imperium legally, to not force her will on the people, proved to them again that she won’t abuse this ultimate power to end the war.
No, Virginia may be reasonable but that doesn't mean she is too nice. If she was too nice, she wouldn't have used her relationship with Cassius to protect her family. She wouldn't have shot Cassius in the throat with an arrow. She wouldn't have promised Ephraim he would "die shitting in a foreign bed" if he skipped about on their bargain to return the kids. She wouldn't have zapped the Duke of Hands' entire personality from his head. Like you said, she never would have made it this far if she was truly toothless. She's practical, and sometimes the practical solution doesn't require violence, but creative thinking.
Speaking of creative thinking, one thing Virginia doesn’t get nearly enough credit for is abolishing the death penalty immediately after Adrius was hanged. That wasn't her being "too nice" or too lenient on her caste. Yes, she feels life in prison is the moral option over the death penalty. But she knows her people. The punishment for the worst criminals in Deepgrave is a Gold's worst nightmare. Life in prison denies a Gold their desire for a glorious death, to be remembered through the ages for their deeds in battle. The Republic's justice system sends a clear message: "Mess with us, and you won't get your notoriety or fame, you'll only get obscurity and shame and sucking algae through a tube until you die naturally of old age." That to me is crueler than hanging.
Virginia’s mind is her greatest weapon, but more than that, her greatest strength is how she applies her intelligence. Her ability to read people, and to communicate, is greatly underappreciated imo. These skills require nonviolent interaction yet they yield great results. There are many examples of this. She used her natural charisma to gain Octavia's trust. She brokered an alliance with the Rim when she thought Darrow was dead. She held the Republic together for ten years despite constant, increasing animosity from the Vox. She refused to torture Lyria and was able to see she was not lying about being an unwitting pawn in the kidnapping scheme and was rewarded with information and a new ally. She figured out exactly what Sefi was planning for Cimmeria, even manipulating the situation to her advantage without Sefi realizing it. She knew Victra was going to bargain with Sefi for the kids, without being told. In her own words, this is simply what she does.
There is a quote in Iron Gold that caught my eye: "Communication is the soul of civilization." (532) Now, this line has nothing directly to do with Virginia. This is Ephraim trying to get a rise out of Gorgo. But it fits Virginia perfectly, doesn’t it? The Republic is able to exist as a civilization because it has such an amazing communicator at its center.
Virginia is such an excellent communicator that she is even able to get parties who refuse to communicate with her initially to reciprocate communication eventually. She convinces Sevro, Dancer, and even Victra to stop freezing her out and work together. She does this by speaking their "language." She knows exactly what to say or what to do to get them to finally listen to her. Revealing she already knows exactly what is going on works for Sevro, providing hard evidence of conspiracy works for Dancer, and proving her actions (showing her scars) works for Victra. This isn't to say she never makes mistakes. She shouldn't have called the Wardens on Darrow, for example, just as Darrow shouldn't have kept the meeting with the Society "diplomats" a secret from her and the Senate. But more often than not, her nonviolent communication skills yield valuable results.
As for Virginia apparently needing to learn how to use violence… While Victra and Sevro’s feelings were justified, their actions at the end of Iron Gold and the beginning of Dark Age were just wrong, wrong, wrong imo. Freezing out Virginia did nothing but delay the return of the kids. It's frustrating to think how much heartbreak could have been avoided if they'd just put their heads together from the moment the kids disappeared. And what exactly did Sevro's rampage through Luna's underground accomplish? Some dead Syndicate thorns, sure. But that tantrum put a huge target on Sevro's back. As Virginia said, one lucky sniper and boom, no more Sevro. What would Victra have done then?
While it may feel like Virginia would have achieved more if she just beheaded some people, she has a responsibility as Sovereign to consider the bigger picture. She has to consider the Stiletto. If the Vox saw her offing some fools it would have added credibility to their smear campaign. The people would have lost faith in her and think she turned into another Octavia. Whoever replaced her could use her actions to justify their own dictatorship. Violence was simply not practical for her until she legally gained Imperium. Now though… 😈
Virginia's over here playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing Connect Four, but this still isn’t enough for some people. After the clone gets the better of her, she gets flack for not being an omniscient god and just knowing her twin brother laid out a plan to clone himself ten years ago. Tut, tut, should have seen that one coming, despite the lack of evidence. If only she’d punched some people. (Can you see I hate this argument with every fiber of my being?)
In Dark Age, Ozgard says this about Electra and Pax: "She is better fighter. He is more dangerous human." (184) Well, Pax gets it from his momma. Pax and Virginia may not be able to throw devastating punches but in many ways, their intellect is what makes them the greater threat to their enemies.
Thank you for the ask!
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rewatching decadence part 2 because part 1 got too long
ep7: Getting to see the game Deca-Dence as a new player would with the opening cutscene, skipping the TOS, character creation and all was a good touch. Also the fact that Kaburagi could look like anything, but he wants to look like mid 40′s dad both times. I wonder who it was that decided Minato should vape. The conversation on the top of Deca-Dence is real interesting because its like only 20% of the actual conversation is spoken out loud and the other 80% left unsaid, so we have to guess what was left unsaid. Minato tells Kaburagi to not make things worse for himself, condoning his actions, but also vows to himself to help Kabu even though it is very dangerous for him. Kaburagi leaves after regretfully saying he doesn’t want to cause Minato more trouble, and yet his current and future actions are and will be doing just that. The obscuring fog in this scene adds to the sense of distance or disconnect between these two. Somewhere over the past 7 years they have fallen off the same page.
This episode again highlights how while for the Tankers this is life and death situation, for the cyborgs Deca-Dence is a game. We get a shot of some Gears lightheartedly discussing how fun the latest game event was, followed right after with what that event meant for the Tankers as we see a makeshift medbay in the streets filled with the dead and dying to really drive home the gap of compassion between the two groups. Minato is one of the few cyborgs we really see besides Kaburagi and the show uses him to show how cyborgs don’t think of humans as people. Humans to the cyborgs are just npcs in a game. Now anime and manga about videogames have been around a long time and were especially popular in the mid 2000s (mmorpgs especially) after which the genre dropped the “in a game” part but kept everything else which were today know as the isekai genre. Hot takes like “the videogame characters are actually people all along” aren’t new either, but Deca-Dence is one of the most successful in generating sympathy and compassion for the Other by flipping the script. Most of those series come from the perspective of the player and show the player coming to care about the npcs. This often isn’t done very well or comes off as patronizing, like the other characters act in service of making the mc look like a good guy instead of actually acting like fully realized people in their own right. (*cough* sao *cough*). In contrast to this, Deca-Dence initially starts from the perspective of Natsume who is human just like us the audience, and thus predisposing us to feeling with and feeling for her. So later when its revealed the humans of this world aren’t seen as people by the cyborgs or the the corporation that rules all their lives, it is granted greater weight in the context of all of us who have played videogames before and met npcs and maybe not cared all that much about them. Decadence places the viewer in the position of the npc, the Other.
Episode 7 is also the beginning of several letters exchanged between Kaburagi and Natsume. Its a presence that lingers long after the person has left and also acts as a contrast to the call/social networking apps of the cyborgs. In episode 5 we saw Kaburagi choose Natsume over following the orders of Solid Quake, but through to episode 7 he still believed in its system. Look even at episode 6 where he still believed that if he worked hard and played by the rules, the system would reward him and everything would be ok and compare that calm assurance in episode 6 to his mountain frustration in episode 7. He’s starting to see how thing are run in Deca-Dence makes life really hard and kind of terrible for the Tankers. This frustration at the system culminates at the end of the episode when he realizes the real human cost of perpetuating this system of oppression in how it hurts Natsume. I mean “Late stage capitalism made my adopted daughter Natsume cry, so I'm going to dismantle it.“ is a joke and pretty funny, but like, that’s what actually what happens. Both Kaburagi and Natsume further the theme of pushing the limits. Kaburagi realizes the limits of his society and why its time to break them down, while of Natsume’s side we see her struggle in the face of things much larger than her. Much like how the cyborgs are stuck in their lifestyles of working for Solid Quake, earning oxyone, and playing Deca-Dence, the Tankers are stuck in their role in society to leave their fates to the Gears and Deca-Dence. So Natsume asking everyone to take charge of their own lives and close that the hole is them stepping out of the comfort of what they’ve always done, which is leave it to someone else (deca-dence administration, gears, etc.). Natsume asks the Tankers to push their limits, the step outside of what they’ve always done and to believe in things they thought were impossible to do. We see Fei representing the belief a lot of Tankers that nothing needs to change, thus nothing should change and they will not act to bring change to their own lives. The Tankers live lives that are decided for them. The Deca-Dence administration controls their population, and the system eliminates any who would disrupt it. They don’t have a lot of control and are resigned to live like that, until Natsume comes along. This episode we see her do what she does the entire series, inspire people to be more. Natsume’s doing alright, she might not be where she wants to be but she’s taken steps in that direction. Where Nstsume is psychologically contrast Kaburagi who’s a bit of a mess realizing he can no longer live under the thumb of Solid Quake’s Deca-Dence system and is kind of floundering about. When kaburagi meets Natsume again... he is so awkward, I’m getting second hand embarressmen. and again the assault jokes have got to stop. The shot of the empty chair calls back to the first episode and another talk between Natsume and Kaburagi. I always love it when an anime plays the credits early.
ep8: again the importance of the individual over the group with kaburagi’s lines at the beginning on why he’s taking down the gadoll factory. I’m just thinking about how kaburagi is certain minato kept his avatar. and everyone just agreeing that minato has that vibe. I really love the avatar retrieval part of the first episode. Its a heist sequence. I love heists!. They also did a good job with pacing and tension in that part. Still can’t believe the creators put a sex toy in this show but at least this joke is actually funny. Oh Minato pulled strings to get Kaburagi out of the poor jail. I missed that part. but now the two of them are not only on different pages, but on different books. Minato doesn’t see the tankers as people and follows the Deca-Dence system on what is good and what is bad, so he can’t comprehend why Kaburagi is throwing away everything the Deca-Dence system values for something the system has deems less than worthless. While Kaburagi has formed a moral compass independent of this system, he sucks at communication and doesn’t explain anything to Minato. Interesting how Minato views bugs as bad but has made an exception for kaburagi and probably did some mental gymnastics to do so. It reminds of those homophobic family members that make an exception for their gay family member. Minato never wanted anything but to be by Kaburagi’s side so he prioritizes Kaburagi above pretty much everything else which is why while he defends the establishment, he also breaks rules for Kaburagi. Their little convo continues the same dialectic, Kaburagi’s been inspired by Natsume to push the limits of himself and society, to choose how he lives instead of letting the Deca-Dence system tell him. Kaburagi underwent character development when Minato wasn’t looking and he can’t recognize him anymore but desperately wants to. Kaburagi moving forwards without him and him realizing that he was never as much a priority to Kaburagi as Kaburagi was to him, means that Minato’s really hurting by the end of the scene, and he doesn’t take it out on Kaburagi, he just leaves. ...if it isn’t obvious by now, minato is my favorite character. gotta love the gay robot having a mid life crisis. (i mean his feeling aren;t necessarily romantic, but you know the joke I’m referencing). Turkey just wakes up and chooses evil every day huh. I predict someone on tumblr with a history of unhealthy relationships is horny for turkey.
ep9: why does the reactor look like a cyborg core? Again. WHYYY does Donatello have a gun??? idiots let him keep a working gun. I love the contrast of the actual pretty gritty situation of the prison riot being represented with super cartoony slapstick animations. This probably saves on frames as well as keep the series from getting too dark, because if you think about it the labor camp conditions are pretty horrifying but its disguised with cartoony designs and wacky characters. Kaburagi and Natsume are doing very important plot things, but the core of episode 9 are Sark and Turkey. Through them we see the same conversation that has been repeated through out the series of conforming to society and staying in line, that things won’t ever change so you should just duck your head and follow order, or the “I’m comfortable how things are” versus you should make your own choices with live life how to want to, to push your limits. Turkey sees the Deca-Dence system as absolute and eternal and thus tries to play by the system and help it continue by selling out everyone else. Sark is passive and doesn't really have an opinion of his own, just following whatever the others are doing whether its Kaburagi stealing his avatar or Turkey in betraying everyone. Sark unlike Turkey isn’t malicious, he wants the best for everyone but also isn’t quite willing to put himself at risk for others. After seeing everyone be destroyed as a consequence of following Turkey however, his new resolve and subsequent suicide bombing is the only reason the plan ends up succeeding. For total destruction of the gadoll factory two things were needed: flipping the kill switch on all the gadoll in the dome, and destroying the reactor powering the factory. We aren’t told how Jill and Kaburagi originally planned to destroy the reactor (like was he just suppose to wander around until they bumped into it?), but Sark’s explosion is what allowed Kaburagi and Natsume to get away from Hugin. Without Sark, Hugin would have totally caught them. So it was Sark taking charge of his own life and pushing his limits that saved them all. That said, if the explosion was powerful enough to reach all the way up the giant tube and destroy the reactor, why didn’t it break the tube and why didn’t it destroy everyone left in the prison? ah well it makes thematic sense so I’ll let this pass.
So I’ve talked before about how Deca-Dence’s ending could be improved to build on some of the themes established in the first couple episodes. The problem is that this show isn’t pushing a narrative of collaboration and the power of collective bargaining, its pushing an individualist narrative about how each and every person can reach out and better themself. Now I don’t think these two themes are mutually exclusive, but it would take a very delicate touch as well as an attentive and thoughtful audience to successfully weave these two theme together into a nuanced whole. And if a rewrite were to happen with the minimal amount of changes, I think ep 10 is a good divergence point. The final little arc is about the rogue gadoll outside of the Deca-Dence system and the threat of total annihilation by solid quake, and while big kaiju fights look cool, they don’t quite deal with dismantling systems of oppression at the hands of your corporate overlords. So, I would have preferred something like the cyborgs and Tankers coming together to seize the means of production, destroy Solid Quake, and take its assets for themselves. The ideal rewrite situation though would for this all to be 24 episodes and the big gadoll to be the episode 12 climax while taking down Solid Quake happen in ep 23-24. And since we’re doing a rewrite, Natsume kinda drops off as the main character after episode 5 and I’d like to see her back at the forefront of the show.
ep10: If this show had leaned more into the futility of Natsume seeking to improve herself within a system that rendered it meaningless, it would have ended up much darker, but I also think it would have been richer. Ah poor Natsume, she’s at a low point since the context of what she has been doing has wildly changed, afterall, what’s the point of improving yourself if nothing else ever changes and what you do doesn’t matter. The letter writing continues and it is good. So I’m not going to question how the exit tunnel is still intact, but watching into robot kaburagi angrily drive a car and swear is really funny. I’ve been wondering for a while, the humans literally live in a fuel tank, how is there enough light to grow plants in there? Like as part of the post-apocalyptic aesthetic, a lot of Tankers have little house plants which in addition to being inside the fuel tank, are also inside their houses. oh yeah for any who didn’t get it. The reason as a child Natsume went into cardiac arrest and her chip was read as dead wasn’t because of the severity of her injuries, Deca-Dence’s system had deemed her too dangerous to live and flipped her kill switch.
ep11: on a thematic level I might be meh, but the writing and execution are what really pull the ending through. Everything is nicely set up from the mutated gadoll the victim of animal abuse several episodes earlier to fighting hugin in the factory being how hugin finds out about natsume. I think about Jill’s lines here, that no matter how hard you try to keep things from changing, you’re just fighting the inevitable. Also Natsume took Kaburagi’s switching bodies really well like seeing someone you care about die in front of you but then surprise they just got another body would give most people such whiplash. “our bodies are under the system’s control, but our core’s are independent of it” I’m still thinking about this. It makes sense given how the first generation of cyborgs where humans with mechanical implants, but cyborg’s cores are still such a mystery. The things you can’t control are a part of life too. In Deca-Dence bugs are uncertainties that the master control system doesn’t know what to do with. More than just individualism good, here we get a little more nuance to Deca-Dence (the show)’s theme. Jill was one of the creators of the Deca-Dence game (giant mech, control system, and all), and they tried to create perfect system where everything was under its control and order could be maintained forever, and this inevitably failed (the show tells us). Trying to perfectly order everything is to attempt the impossible, disorder will always creep in and those little individual differences should be celebrated. and is to the backdrop of an old Deca-Denca(robot) part that is rusting away, plants and animals overtaking it much like how the Deca-Dence’s currently enforced status quo of the game will fall away in the face of those it deems bugs. wait did we ever figure out what the bug was that jill left in deca-dence? mmmm I’m still thinking about Minato logging out because the system told him to but unwilling to let things end this way so physically going back down to earth in his real body. Facing the possibility of truly losing Kaburagi forever is what pushes Minato to question following the Deca-Dence master control system. He totally became a bug for Kaburagi. I doubt Kaburagi had any idea how much Minato wanted to hear the words “let’s fight together to the end”, but offered the thing he truly desires, Minato probably would have done anything. mmm he’s got it bad. there’s also that linking Kaburagi and Deca-Dence’s core takes two people and yet, Kaburagi didn’t bring anyone with him. Which is terrible planning, but allowed for this really great scene. that he knew Minato would come after him. And then the last thing me sees in Minato. Minato truly is ride or die. literally. He could have gone back to the spaceship so that he’d survive no matter what, but he choose to stay. If the plan succeeds then he will see it through with/right beside/literally inside of Kaburagi, and if it fails and Kaburagi is annihilated when Solid Quake wipes the dome, Minato will also be annihilated along side Kaburagi.
ep12: so kaburagi just straight up demands admin privileges and the governing sys is like “sure”. Yeah pretty sure the governing system convo was a season 2 hook to show the big wigs. The independent all governing system tells Kaburagi that all this, him and bugs are a part of the system’s learning process, to which Kaburagi responds that all that doesn’t matter since he’s going to do what he wants independent/regardless of the governing system. the context in which you do things doesn’t matter. Also I never pointed it out since its like the 4th wall of scifi, everyone is just trained to suspend their disbelief, but oxyone is total bullshit. A non toxic liquid energy dense fuel that can be concentrated into orbit range lasers. The tankers all helping Natsume push the spare part is a feel good moment seeing everyone working together. Its an unnecessarily scene for the purpose of including the tankers in the action, since the part wasn’t ever really needed and the writers didn’t have to have it severed by the laser to begin with. the Natsume montage overlayed with the music is very good. wait. i just realized, limiter release can be reversed. Afterall, Kaburagi released his limiters with his first avatar, and if he had still been fully connected to it when hugin killed that avatar, cyborg Kaburagi should have died too but he didn’t and just immediately logged in on a different account. Kabu-Dence releasing his limits here and literally giving all of himself to destroy omega is fulfilling both for his character arc and on an emotional level. This entire show has been about pushing one’s limits and making your own choices, and it culminates here’s in Kaburagi literally releasing his limiter, thus putting him in mortal danger, and then giving every last ounce of himself to the path he has decided. The destruction of the mech fortress Deca-Dence is also symbolic of the end of the game of the Deca-Dence mmorpg as we know it. wait wait did Kaburagi hold on just long enough to hear Natsume thank him. aaaaahhh and then the ed song plays!! and then the play the new mmo intro scene. Still real weird that they’re using a cyborg brain as a ball.
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multmilk · 4 years
Strawberries and Cigarettes | l.t
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Pairing: idol!Taeyong x idol!reader
Genre: angst
Warnings: Use of cigars/smoking, character death, a bit of smut
Word count: 2.6k
He was from SM and you were from JYP. He was a member of 3 boy groups and you were a solo artist. His genre was more of pop while you make rnb. The two of you were working on opposite sides of the world so when you received the news that the two of you were collaborating, you were bewildered.
Now you were sitting alone inside a coffee shop waiting for Taeyong. You knew he was a talented man—a rapper, a composer and a hell of a good dancer. You’ve watched a lot of fancams out of pure curiosity and you were surprised that you had the pleasure of getting to work with him.
“Y/N?” a rich and foreign voice said, looking up at him you felt your heart skip a beat at his appearance. His hair was brown and it had some streaks of gray to it, it was a little disheveled but it still looked good. He was wearing a black long-sleeved shirt that made the veins in his hands more prominent, a dangling earing on his ear that added more charisma to him.
“I’m Lee Taeyong,” he smiled. Ooooh fuck he looks good, his voice sent shivers down your spine. You gestured for him to sit down across of you. This is going to be interesting, you thought.
It’s been a month since the two of you worked together. You mostly worked in his apartment, though his members lived there with him, they respected you and treated you like their family. They leave when the two of you work so that you could focus and they wouldn’t create ruckus.
You weren’t fully comfortable with him yet and you know he felt the same way too. You always sat on the edge of his bed while he sat on his chair across you. It was hard to work with someone so new, someone who’s a stranger. You had to be careful with every step you take—and although that being cautious is good, it’s difficult to not voice out your ideas to him because you’re afraid of him judging of what you thought.
You two were working on an album that focuses on the issues of society today. You had two solo songs, he had two solo songs and then there were two songs that features the both of you.
Your first song tackles about the beauty standards of men and women of our generation. How men aren’t allowed to wear make-up because it makes them look more feminine and how women should have this petite figure and if they don’t look what society expects them to look like, they do not belong in this place.
Your next song focuses on gender roles. Women can have a job that is expected to supposedly be for men and vice versa. Also, how people should be respected no matter their chose of job. Whether they are sex workers, drag queens or a waitress—each should be treated equally.
Taeyong’s first song is about corruption in politics and the politicians that don’t uphold the values and  morals of a good leader and how in turn, makes a country incompetent and their people ignorant.  
His next song is about the challenges faced by the mass. Poverty, treated unequally, high medicine fee and all things in between. What the two of you have worked on alone is a masterpiece.
Right now you were stuck inside his room, diverting your attention towards anything but making the music together. You’ve asked him for help and he did that but working on two whole songs together just seems a bit out of your comfort zone.
“What about pizza?” he asks “I don’t think pizza is a good top-“ you got cut off with his laugh. It was a hearty one too, not the chuckles you hear he lets go once you accidentally do or say something funny.
“I meant maybe you want me to get a pizza delivered? Maybe it’ll help remove this,” he gestured to the space between us, “Tension?” you just laughed, probably because you felt stupid and embarrassed for not catching his drift but you agreed to get pizza.
You and Taeyong are now seated on each side of his bed sharing a box of pizza. For the past hour, you two have been sharing stories and jokes like childhood friends catching up. You’ve learned that he has a passion for understanding arts, he’s really good at playing video games and he likes listening to Drake.
Neither of you initiated to start working on your songs but you liked the time you were using to get to know him. He was kind, gentle and warm.
There were numerous spotlights surrounding Taeyong. The photographer asked him to try different poses and to relax but for some reason, his shoulders were too tense and his hands were shaking a bit. You and Taeyong started hanging around a lot when you two decided to write your music. You two hung out in his apartment where his members stay and spend time with the two of you, you hung out in the convenience store eating ice cream and telling jokes. You didn’t have many friends in the music industry and now you consider Taeyong as your best friend.
He looked good, you thought. He was sporting a gold glittered blazer with a black top beneath it, 3 layered chokers and he was wearing the dangling earrings you loved so much on him.
You walked towards Taeyong and said, “Yong, look at me,” he let out a breathy laugh but kept his head down. Putting your fingers under his chin and tilting his head upwards you ask, “What’s wrong?” he closes his eyes and exhales “I smell strawberries,” your eyes widened at his statement. “S-strawberries?” “Yes, strawberries,” he then looks at your eyes and continues “Before my best friend died, she asked me to fetch her strawberries. So, I went to the hospital and see her having a seizure. Doctors were all around her, her boyfriend was frantic and I dropped the jar of strawberry jam. It was the last time I ever associated myself with the fruit,” then he laughs. You apologize and say that it probably was your perfume but he tucks your hair behind your ear and says that it was fine.
This whole time you were talking the photographer took candid photos of you and Taeyong and claimed that it was good for the album cover already. Taeyong kisses your cheek and feel blush creep in on your face.
You were going to sleep well today.
The both of you were in Amsterdam to film your music video. You were dressed in a black laced bustier top paired with black flared pants and Taeyong is wearing a white button up top.
It’s been an hour of filming and Taeyong has been showering you with compliments. Your relationship has gotten to the point where you two flirt shamelessly and honestly, you didn’t have any complaints.
As the crew and directors all were huddled to talk about the next scene, you were out smoking looking at the museums and buildings surrounding you.
“You didn’t tell me you smoked,” Taeyong stalks toward you and keeps his hands inside of his pockets. “You never asked. Want to join me?” “No thanks. I quit after she died,” you nod.
“Do you believe in heaven and in hell?” you ask and then he stands beside you, “Move away from me Yong, you’re going to get cancer from second-hand smoking you know,” “I believe that if we die, we’re just going to live a life with eternal darkness and quietness and loneliness,” he answers your question and ignores your previous statement. “I do believe in God, yes, but if we die and then that’s it. Do you believe in it?” he asks, “I believe that we do go to heaven or hell based on the actions and choices we’ve made in our borrowed time living here,” you say.
“What separates the people who will enter heaven to those who will enter hell? I mean, humans make pretty bad and wrong decisions. If hurting a person, unintentionally and intentionally, is just the basis for us to live a life in paradise or in damnation then I guess we’re all fucked huh?” you both laugh. You throw your cigarette to the trash can near you and stick your hand out for Taeyong to hold.
The first time you and him kissed was after your comeback stage.
It was hot, it was messy and you felt like flying. He told you you tasted like strawberries mixed with the after-taste of cigars. You just laugh and continue kissing down his neck.
He tugged at your hair and removed the strap off of your dress. You got on your knees and unbuckled his belt.
As the night went further and your relationship progressed, he had told you that he loves you and that you indeed smell like strawberries. And as much as he dislikes the fruit and what comes with it, if loving you means he has to smell and taste like strawberries for the rest of his life then so be it.
You slept with a smile on your face, head on Taeyong’s chest and his arms caging you for protection.
You were hysterical.
You had rushed Taeyong into the ER as soon as your comeback stage had ended. You were supposed to go out and celebrate with him, announce the tour you were having but all your plans had ended once you saw the he had coughed up blood and was having a hard time breathing.
Machines and tubes were stuck in his body, his unconscious body. You held his hand for the longest time that day and you weren’t planning on letting go.
You woke up with Taeyong speaking to the doctor and you saw that they were having a serious conversation. “Taeyong?” he looks at you, a little startled. He ushers the doctor to leave and says to you, “Hey, you should go back to sleep,” you ask what the doctor said and he just simply says that it was a bad bad bad case of food poisoning. You were apprehensive but you didn’t want to push it any further, he needed his rest after all.
That was the first mistake you made.
The second mistake was smoking around him. You wanted to stop but it had helped you through the sleepless nights and when you were overthinking.
The third mistake was pushing through with the tour. It was his idea, saying it was the least you two could do for your fans but it was your fault for supporting it.
The last straw was watching him being taken away by the paramedics and staying kneeled and glued to the stage as they rushed him into the hospital.
You arrived seeing doctors moving everywhere and getting paddles and shouting ‘clear’. You couldn’t stand to watch him as they revived his body. So, you took your pack of cigarettes and went outside.
By the time you finished three sticks, you decided to see how Taeyong was doing. Every step you took felt like it weighed tons, like your world was crashing but seeing and hearing the doctors call the time of his death? You felt that the world has ended.
You were screaming and crying and questioning everything and anything. You screamed and screamed until your cries had taken over and seeing Taeyong lying on his bed cold and lifeless, it shattered you.
Months after his death, you continued on with the tour.
Today, you were in Amsterdam and was about to finish the last song.
Right before you sung though, Taeyong’s voice rung around the concert hall. Everyone was quiet.
“Hey Y/N. If you’re hearing this it means that I’ve died. I have a few things to say so please listen.
From the first day I met you, I knew that I was going to fall in love with you but the minute I smelt your strawberry scent? I knew I had to distance myself,” he laughs.
“It was hard to though. It was the boys who pushed me to hang out with you more. It would benefit our work after all. Hence, the pizza mistaken as a song topic incident. From that moment on, I found myself liking you much more than I intended to.
Fast forward to all of our shared jokes and stories. Late night ice-cream stops at the convenience store. Breakfast dates. Coffee-stained sweaters and deep conversations while you smoked.
I knew that I fell in love with you the moment that your lips brushed mine. It was special, magical, felt like I was floating on cloud nine. I just let myself fall deeper until the moment you rushed me into the ER when I coughed up blood.
I needed you to stay away from me because I knew that it would happen. I am sorry, I am very sorry, that I didn’t tell you the truth.  Maybe if I had told you the truth you would’ve really stayed away from me but I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you and hurt you.
I am a smoker. I quit because my best friend died of second-hand smoking. It was my fault she died, it was my fault I hated strawberries and it’s my fault now that I left you without ever explaining the truth about me.
I don’t want you blaming yourself for not noticing the signs or for keeping on smoking. None of this is your fault Y/N.
I just didn’t want to lose the time knowing that you’d be so cautious around me. No, I wanted us to be as normal as we could ever be. I wanted more time with you but I guess this is for the best.
You deserve so much more this world could ever offer. You are a great person with a great personality, great talents, great body and a great heart.
I want- I need you to keep on using that talent and heart to inspire people all over the world to fight. We have achieved so much together and I want you to use this pain into art.
I loved you and I will love you even if my soul ends up in a cold and dark place. I will love you even if you choose to love another guy. I know, I know that I will be in your heart and that I will always have that one piece saved specifically for me.
I love you and your cigarettes. Your strawberry-flavored perfume scent, your strawberry-flavored shampoo and your taste when I kiss you after you smoke.
Your strawberries clung on to my shirts and sweaters, and it did hurt me at first because it brought back the memories of her but you gave me a new reason to love strawberries.
I love you, Y/N,” as he sings, the whole crowd were in tears and you were sat on the stage clutching your microphone near your heart.
You smile and look up at the ‘heavens’ as he sings,
“Strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you,”
(A/N: This is my first taeyong one-shot and i hope you liked it. i tried to be very angst-y haha. please send in requests aaand feeback is always appreciated!)
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
You’re a disgusting, abuse-survivor-shaming cunt. I hope you choke, I truly do.
So I get way more of these kinds of messages than I could possibly ever count. Have been for years. I don’t generally reply to them the way I mock some other hate messages I can at least have fun with, because like, what’s there to say about this kinda thing, y’know?
I don’t know how to get people to understand that there is NOTHING hypothetical about my anger about the things in fandom I get angry about. My rants about dark fic are PERSONAL, they have NOTHING to do with some arbitrary moral superiority stance. I don’t make assumptions as to others’ survivor status or motivations for writing various things because I don’t HAVE to, my anger and frustration are with the OUTPUT, not the inciting reasons. 
My hostility towards fandom comes directly from the hostility fandom shows me every time people try to convince me that I have no reason to have the reactions I do to the way they interact with the extremely combustible topics that define my own trauma and that of others. And the fact that fandom at large has decided that the ONLY acceptable reactions from survivors upon seeing others engaging with these sensitive topics in any way they choose, is either to be silent, or to take part in it. 
I don’t have to know which writers of which fics are or aren’t actually survivors attempting coping mechanisms of their own to be fucking furious at the way fandom has literally commodified these traumas, made them exploitable by making the catchphrase “some people write dark fic to cope” all-inclusive, utilized by anyone. With no shame or self-scrutiny as to the fact that YOU at least know if you are or aren’t a survivor, and if you aren’t one, you have ZERO business offering this particular line up as a defense to any survivor taking issue with the ways you embrace particular topics in particular ways.
The only things I have any interest in shaming people for is their choices, the fucking CHOICE to turn on any survivor who dares say “I have issues with this take” and this goes for abuse as much as it does rape. I’ve lost count of the number of authors over the years who HAVE spoken of being rape survivors specifically but then turn around and treat childhood physical abuse as their personal playground, with none of the care they put into crafting rape storylines on display when they casually have male abuse survivors punching each other in every other argument and just citing ‘boys will be boys.’ I can have sympathy for their status and experiences as rape survivors while still being upset at how they simultaneously perpetuate so many of the untruths that make it so hard for abuse survivors to affirm that they have actually been abused rather than call it something that its not, something that they’ve seen writers call it because the writers simply don’t want to inspect the fact that they’ve casually and without awareness written their characters abusing another.
It’s not a zero sum game.
I get angry not because I feel powerless in my own life (I don’t, actually, thanks, I’ve taken actionable steps every single day to fix what’s wrong in my own life and lol that’s power baby), and not because I’m fixated on my own trauma and unwilling to move past it (lol yeah I have no money to spend on anything BUT therapy because I’m committing to the highly specialized and expensive therapy I only arrived at after years of trial and error with other forms because I just don’t want to move past any of this, okay sure).
Nah, I get angry because of the galaxy brain intellects who smarmingly just decide on this view of me for themselves, condescension dripping from every ‘well-meaning’ expression of contempt sympathy, with zero examination of the fact that like.....idk guys, its a little hard to move past my trauma when everyone ELSE seems more fixated on it than I do! LOL, so we’re just gonna skip merrily on by the fact that the only reason its an ISSUE for me in fandom is because its EVERYWHERE in fandom, huh? ‘Mind the tags’ people parrot mindlessly, as though its not like tags HAVE to be created with self-awareness for what people are supposed to mind, or like I haven’t had people literally try to trigger me with tags aimed specifically at getting under my skin as ‘payback’ for something I wrote (out of moral superiority, naturally, not a visceral display of emotion, never that). As though the tags have anything to do with the fact that even outside of Ao3, there are incest-themed shipping weeks every single month of the year, that every major discord server and fic exchange and other fandom wide event demands participants be ‘ship-friendly’ which might as well be code for ‘not friendly to anyone who doesn’t prioritize ships over survivors,’ like fandom hasn’t created a culture in which people are more inclined to be defensive over how people make writers FEEL about stuff they’ve written than they are to be defensive over how certain writing makes various survivors feel.
I’ll never get over how a fandom that universally expressed disdain for Devin Grayson’s disrespectful handling of the sensitive topic of rape has obliviously embraced every form of euphemism under the sun for their own content, and just flat out REFUSES to concede that there is ANY room for criticism in ANY handling of even the most sensitive of topics. Because there’s no sensitivity allowed when it comes to any topic in fandom....unless its the writer’s sensitivity, that must be respected at all costs.
Does that not really strike you as....odd? Aren’t there lines out there about how no society or culture or environment that truly embraces free speech can simultaneously embrace freedom from criticism? And yet time and time again, its anyone who dares criticize - in ANY fashion - the HOW of what someone wrote, not even the WHY, they’re the ones termed authoritarian, censor, the one attempting to SHUT DOWN conversation rather than expand upon it. Tell me, what conversation was THIS anon and similar ilk attempting to invite? Every criticism I write of fandom invites people to engage with it. I fucking BEG people to engage with it. You’re the ones who choose not to. At least not in good faith. Because its only when I refuse to let you move the goalposts from anything other than this being about me reacting to what you wrote, no aim at doing anything other than being a reaction to an action, not an attempt to tell you what to do, just an attempt to get you to tell me WHY, if it really is as defensible as you loftily claim it is - then why is it you just can’t tell me, straight to my face, that it doesn’t matter what negative reaction your writing evokes, you don’t actually have to care? Cuz you don’t, of course. But if you’re that content with your own motivations, your own impact, why so uncomfortable just saying that?
The funny thing is, I truly don’t make any assumptions as to the why of anyone writing dark fic. I have a lot to say about the fact that we all know damn well that at least some of the people offering up the ‘some survivors use dark fic to cope’ aren’t speaking of themselves when they do so, but I have ZERO interest in imagining who that is and why. I’ve spoken of the fact that its willful naivete to assume that even if your own motivations for writing certain content are innocent in your own mind, you can’t assume the same of EVERYONE. That its nothing but willfulness to pretend that actual predators don’t peruse the same content. That the very same factors that make Dick Grayson so appealing to survivors, for example, as a strong heroic character who neverthless has been victimized and violated more than once - the flip side of this coin is this of course makes him EQUALLY appealing to people on the other end of things....a strong heroic character who nevertheless can be victimized and violated more than once.
And yet I honestly, truly have no interest in figuring out who might be whom, when it comes to writers, and I don’t assume everyone who writes or reads certain content in certain ways is in the latter camp. IT DOES ME NO GOOD, to go through life assuming that many people are all potential rapists or inclined to side with my own rapists’ or abusers’ side of things. I CHOOSE to give people the benefit of the doubt there, I assume perhaps they ARE survivors trying in good faith to cope with their own trauma and defensive about hearing that butts up against with other survivors trying to move on in other ways, or that they’re simply people who grew up in fandom being told there is nothing they can write that can be termed wrong, and have trouble with such a deeply held conviction being contested. Or perhaps only got into shipping incest because the ‘fandom elders’ of various fandoms like SPN deliberately and with full intent once upon a time pitched incest as being the same kind of taboo relationship that the same kind of people who forced gay men into secretive relationships were against....that incest ships and closeted gay ships were basically the same, and so as the latter became less of a thing as media showed more open gay relationships, incest ships became more of a thing among fans who were really compelled by the secretive/’society’s against them’ aspect of forbidden love.
I don’t assume any of that on a ONE TO ONE basis with any single writer or reader because I don’t KNOW their personal story and I’m not TRYING to. It makes no difference when I’m not talking about or arguing against the WHY of someone doing a thing, but the HOW. The end result, and the interactions it creates in the environment in which their output is published, shared, celebrated.
All at the expense of any survivor who doesn’t enjoy seeing things they’ve struggled with getting taken seriously about, maybe all their lives....not taken seriously, and offered up as just a themed week on the latest fantasy porn prompt generator. The problem with incest shippers isn’t even just ‘you ship incest, why do you do that,’ its that you can’t seem to manage to do it without assuming anyone who objects is only doing so out of a place of moral superiority. You try and make it a hypothetical argument “well what about when you do this” as opposed to something rooted in the here and now of the personal. We’re not talking about what ifs, we’re talking about what is. Deal with that before you try raising something else, instead of always raising something else so you never have to deal with that. 
The problem is people condescendingly assuming we have ZERO basis for any objection, or any negative reaction at all. Its our own fault, you see, for being too stupid to get that fiction doesn’t affect reality (even though we’ve debunked that time and time again). Its our own fault, you see, for not getting that its not really incest BECAUSE (a claim that is never actually as universal as it tries to pretend to be, and thus is never more than a distraction for the specific argument that prompted it). Its our own fault, you see, for not getting that this isn’t really a big deal, there are bigger problems, and its awfully sad if we’re so fragile and delicate we can’t handle someone enjoying something that has nothing to do with us (even though its never your call whether or not it has anything to do with us, just as its never our call what your specific motivations for writing specific content might be).
The problem is the same thing I’ve been dealing with all my life, and all the more exhausting for it being front and center in fandoms that claim to be escapism and catharsis for survivors....as long as those survivors perform in the manner fandom is comfortable with....aka the manner fandom has exploited and commodified in order to make certain manners of enjoying certain topics possible and defensible for ALL fans, regardless of their own connection to such topics, or motivations surrounding them.
Denial, avoidance, and abdication of responsibility. There’s no problem if YOU don’t see a problem, after all. There can’t be a problem if you just refuse to acknowledge a problem. A problem has nothing to do with you if you simply have nothing to do with it.
And all the while, you continue engaging in the same behaviors that provoke the same reactions that you refuse to ever actually engage with or address, relying on gaslighting to try and sell people and everyone around them that THEY’RE the real problem....its us that have no respect for freedom of speech, creativity or the creative process, other peoples’ traumas, the difference between fantasy and reality, etc etc ad nauseam.
We see people waving away instances of physical abuse with textbook abuse apologism, and we’re told we don’t know what we’re talking about. We see people offering up wording and phrasing in the comment sections of fics that are literally textbook grooming techniques we recognize from our own experiences and we’re told we’re imagining things. We see characters raping others without it being described as rape and we’re told we didn’t mind the tags, even though oddly enough, none of the tags actually said ‘rape’ but rather other euphemisms and if they aren’t in place to tell readers not to expect actual rape in the actual fic, then, what purpose is it they actually serve, again?
But sure.
Talk to me some more about survivor-shaming. 
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gayregis · 4 years
blood and wine rewrite au basic layout
i already posted something like this before but i cant find the post so im just rewriting all of this from the top of my head
everyone’s repurposed roles:
geralt - he’s still a witcher. he’s geralt of rivia. obviously. i don’t have time or interest to think about how to rewrite the entire witcher 3 game to be lore-friendly, but i assume there would be less triss and more dandelion involved in it. for this let’s just take him as geralt having done everything in tw3 but with the personality of geralt from the books because geralt from the games doesn’t have much of a strong personality good for writing or thinking about.
regis - a bitch. nah jk. he’s same regis but just what he was like 100 years ago when he got his head cut off. he’s less spiralling-into-doom than he was then, and is less desperate and hopeless overall, but is slowly getting there once again. he doesn’t remember anything about learning from his mistakes and becoming a good person, because this regis didn’t get any of that. to this regis, it’s like no time has passed at all since he died, and he’s ready to start partying again without any thought of the consequences. he’s moved to toussaint because everyone’s already tipsy there and the north is plagued by war so it’s not a really great source to be drinking from (like if there was a sewage leak near the vineyard you sourced your wine from). he doesn’t remember anything about maturing up or about becoming a surgeon or about the hansa, so that sucks.
dettlaff - not a fucking maniac. actually a character geralt will likely spend a good amount of time talking to. total character overhaul because he does not have a personality in the actual DLC. he arrived in toussaint because he had heard that regis had returned and wanted to fix things wih him, he had previously left him.
syanna - not a fucking dumbass, yet still naive in her own way due to being blinded with the promise of power. in this, she is planning to stage a coup on the duchy (because she is the older sister, so it IS her right by law) and she supports regis’ slow dive again into uncontrollable insanity because it helps her prop up rumors that her sister’s reign is ineffective against real threats and is cursed. but this alliance does not go as she planned...
orianna -  in this, she is the owner of a gladiatorial school (instead of an orphanage), and is still like in canon a wealthy and influential individual of beauclair, yet reclusive from human society. she is regis’ best friend and goads him on, because she never fixed her own issues with alcoholism and now is elated to have him back and forgetting that they had disagreements which drove them apart in the first place. they’re best friends (NO romance) and it’s just good to see how insanely different orianna and geralt are because they’ve both been regis’ close friends at different points in time.
the purpose of this:
fix regis’ relationships with the vampires. he slowly drove all of his good friends away by going off the deep end and many are likely wondering whatever happened to him. but books regis would never consider partying like that again, so we bring the party regis back and then slowly de-escalate him into normal books regis again, and we finally get closure with him and his old friends.
cool dramatic stereotypical vampire shit. i’m talking about a final battle or conversation in a giant dark castle with large open windows and billowing drapery.
regis’s hairstyle
give syanna actual agency as a character and give her motivations that extend beyond pure revenge (although they are related to revenge) and make her more unique so she is not just a ripoff of renfri. 
demonstrate anna henrietta and geralt’s relationship as it was in the books. he was genuinely intimidated by her and i interpret him as being jealous of her relationship with dandelion, so he in practice was quite withdrawn around her as she was her overemotional and embellished self
give dettlaff an actual character, holy shit. i hate how sorely underdeveloped he is in the game. i understand why because it’s not meant to be writing, it’s meant to be a video game, but come on. i hate having the vampire with the cool character design be the ultimate villain of the whole narrative. in this, he’s someone geralt can talk to and sees himself in. he’s emotionally mature and doesn’t mix with the other vampires. since we already know what regis is like, we don’t have to sit through dettlaff making excuses for him and trying to describe what his character is like. we also get a better view of regis’ past through dettlaff’s lense. 
give orianna an actual character, holy shit. i hate how they didn’t even try with her and just used her as a “surprise, she is quite evil!” gimmick. have her actually have a larder for blood that is lore-friendly yet still jumps out at the audience as morally wrong.  give her more personality and development.
examine regis’ backstory without actually getting into every single year of those 4 centuries. we can examine how it started good, turned bad, went worse... there’s a lot of loss involved and i think this would be nice to process it.
roughly what happens (under cut because if i ever do write this fic out, this is spoilers, literally the synopsis of the whole thing):
anna henrietta sends envoys to geralt. they establish that the duchess has no conflict with geralt and that her conflict was with dandelion, only. she has requested his help because he effectively dealt with many monsters while he was in beauclair and established a trustworthy reputation (also, he’s famous, and toussaintoirs are superficial). instead of the beast of beauclair killing particular victims, it’s the countryside which has been plagued by vicious attacks of the devil knows what.
geralt arrives and examines the scenes of the attacks. the sincere majority of the victims are alive, so he speaks to them. they remember nothing, but woke up with their village fucking absolutely trashed and with vomit everywhere. they all have wounds on their necks. geralt thinks he knows what’s up, but is reluctant to deal with it because of his memories of regis, who he misses
damien de la tour is assigned to geralt as a sort of backup. they argue and geralt manages to get him to stay put in beauclair while he rides to a village they believe will be attacked next. it’s not even a full moon so the vampires don’t even come out in their bat form (disappointing) but instead just mesmerize their way in in humanoid form. dettlaff sneaks up on geralt who is (ahem) staking out the situation, and is like hey dont kill regis hes not evil hes just misguided!! and geralt is like REGIS? EMIEL REGIS? THTS WHO’S LEADING THEM? i ..... i know him.... and dettlaff’s like what the fuck how... then they get caught and regis is like oh hey dettlaff who’s this guy and geralt feels very left out :( and also sad bc regis doesnt remember shit and geralt even lists the hansa members by name and regis is still like O_O ok yeah im just going to hypnotize you to get lost ok goodbye! but dettlaff prevents him from doing this and they both get thrown out of the party.
after the party geralt is a mess and is like wtf so hes back and what... how... huh... and dettlaff doesnt know how he returned or why he returned either but they compare geralt’s knowledge of how regis died with dettlaff’s knowledge of how regeneration works and they figure out that regis just regenerated from his past body and that’s why he doesn’t have any of his memories from when he turned good.
then they eavesdrop a little more and find out that syanna has been talking to regis and making deals with him (its... not really like she thinks, regis really hasnt been doing anything he doesnt want to. shes just like “hey can you attack this village here” and regis is like yeah i was gonna host a party there tomorrow night ...) so they are like who the fuck is this woman and track her down to her base of operations, and then they find out that THEY got followed by damien de la tour, who identifies her as sylvia anna. geralt is a little miffed on behalf of dandelion that damien seems to be so close to anna henrietta but i digress.
geralt reports his findings to the duchess but does NOT mention regis because the duchess knows who regis is. then we get the same vampire talk from canon b&w where the duchess and damien are sorely misinformed on every single thing ever.
geralt is defeated and has no idea on how to fix this and hes looking hard into a mirror by candlelight and then decides to go to bed so he turns around and regis is right behind him like hey. cue ‘holy shit what the fuck’ moment and freaking out. regis explains himself and says that he doesnt remember him but the fact that he gave so many specifics weirded him out and he kind of wants to know more out of curiosity. also he wants to talk to dettlaff but feels too bad about how he argued with him like 3 centuries ago that he cant just ask him directly.
so they talk and geralt is all :(( and regis is like ok well. i kinda want to get these memories back because they sound pretty significant and also im pretty miserable. but also im not going to stop partying bc its the only thing that makes me feel alive rn. so long!
geralt and dettlaff talk to orianna and she dislikes them both but still talks to them and then regis materializes and also begins bothering them and its quite civil but this scene just serves to demonstrate how annoying they are as friends lol
there’s scenes where you can either save damien / syanna from being unalived by the vampires’ / regis’ hand, only if you let syanna die will the duchess be mad and accuse you of being heartless like dandelion is and then geralt and the duchess actually get into an argument bc of that comment but geralt ofc loses bc hes scared of her lol
no matter what you get regis his memories back but your decisions to either continue helping him or not is what makes him change or not. even after he gets his memories back (or because he gets his memories back?) he decides to raze beauclair bc hes just so fucking miserable and geralt has to talk him down, if you are harsh and not understanding and shame him etc then he doesnt change, if you condemn his actions but still offer your support then he does.
if you offer your support > geralt talks about the hansa like For Ever and regis then adds in everything and yay regis is back to normal. theres like a wholesome montage of geralt being like “just TRY to sew up a wound i promise you you will be good at it” and regis does and hes splendid at it. regis and dettlaff finally make up and are bros once again. we help orianna with her issues and she realizes stuff but is still going to have a drink once in a while. if syanna is alive she doesnt hate on any of this but just decides to make up with the duchess and then become captain of the guard (damien gets fired for being a dumbass).
if you do not offer your support > regis goes to cry in a delapidated creepy old castle and you have an epic fight (geralt is backed up by dettlaff) and he turns into a bat and geralt almost dies, they manage to decapitate regis again and put him in the ground and set a timer for 50 years
if you redeem regis then there’s an ending scene where the duchess is like “oh regis i didnt know you were in town” and hes just like <:) ahaha... yeah...
cue crying about milva/cahir/angouleme For Ever. maybe link this with the fic where geralt and regis bring them all back as ghosts/real ppl and then they have to deal with those consequences
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