#so yeah yk what will come next >:) (or at least at some point)
o0kawaii0o · 29 days
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Ace Attorney x Hades
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vpzllx · 10 months
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SYNOPSIS - Just how the creepypasta characters would be like as your s/o :)
PAIRINGS - Jeff the killer x Reader, “Ticci” Toby x Reader, Eyeless Jack x Reader, Ben Drowned x Reader, Hoodie/Brian x Reader.
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Tbh Jeff a lil bitch 🤷‍♀️ it’s not like yk he’s js mean n shit even though he’s just mean n shit.
Like for instance say if y’all were just sitting on the couch cuddlin n shit and then someone walks in the room, He’s pushing you off of him immediately.
It’s not like he doesn’t want to be affectionate, He just doesn’t want people seeing, He’d do a casually hug or hold hands around people but he’d never kiss you or anything like that around people idk why 🤷‍♀️
But back to what i said about him being a lil bitch this mf will tease you and tear your ass up 😭, Y’all could be casually play fighting on the bed and he’ll push you off on purpose then laugh at you. Or He would walk up and say some random shit like for expample
Jeff : You built like a capital P
You : what??
He’s just random asf but also When you two are alone oml this man is so vulnerable like he’d cuddle up next to you n shit, To the point that when he breaths out shorty ur breathing in that same air. He loves when u play w his hair even though it’s crusty asf (Please wash his hair)
For rating umm hes like a good 7/10
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how do i say this ummm… He’s bipolar and yall both hate it.
It’s so… Like one moment y’all are kissing and wtv then he js pushes you off of him and walks away and your js there like “?? wtf” And then after he’ll come back and kiss you and apologize and again your just like “wtf??” But you don’t mind since he actually apologized.
Attachment issues. He will threaten you if you ever want to leave 😟 or like you tryna go to the store and bitch he js stops you he grabs your wrist and is like “go sit yo ass down” BUT NOT LIKE THAT 😭 and you js go sit down best option tbh.
He likes laying his head in between your thighs for some reason idk like especially if you got em big ol thighs 😍 and when you stroke his hair it’s like love.
When y’all are sleeping together … he’s stiff this man doesn’t move it he falls asleep in one position you will wake up and see him in that same position, And it’s bad to the point when sometimes you gotta check and see if he’s not dead, If he wakes up while your doing so he’s lookin at you like “tf is u doing?”
He’s a good kisser don’t question it but istg, You could be in the kitchen getting something to eat he js walks up behind you flips you facing him and he js kisses you bitch tongue deep in ur mouth (He got that W rizz 🫵😜)
He’s like a good ummm 7/10 too
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He has definitely watched you sleep more than 5 times…
He not tryna be creepy with it he just wants to make sure that you’re sleeping well it’s all outta love. But ngl sometimes he will wake you up by biting your neck n shit but are you really complaining?? Right i didn’t think so.
If you ever cut yourself he’s the number one person for you to go to He was a medical student yk before the whole … scarfice thing … But if your bleeding heavy don’t step within a feet of him, istg he gonna start buggin out and most likely will try to eat you (Outta love tho).
I can say his tongue is very long … ;) Like make out sessions end in a snap then y’all end up fuckin 🤷‍♀️ (we can get to those fuckin headcannons another day 😘).
He used to be a good cook but since he doesn’t eat … people food anymore he just stopped cooking but if you’d ask him to make you something he’d do it for you no questions asked, Like maybe sometimes you’d wake up to breakfast in bed from him 😜.
He’s a quiet person to say the least tho like you barely see him interact with other pastas or wtv tf they called but yeah he’s usually by himself or with you one of the two.
He’s a 10/10 at everything 😘
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He has definitely asked you multiple times if you wanted to film y’all fuckin …
He has made you try playing games mostly horror games or shooters in which either you rage quit or got scared and quit, He enjoys seeing you scared or seeing you js upset and angry.
If your the type of person who brings their phone into the bathroom with them he’d use that as an advantage and js crawl out of ur phone.. He has done that multiple different times.
When y’all hug he either sniffs you or your hair and then your js like “Did he sniff my hair..?” He does it cause he doesn’t wanna forget what you smell like idk why but yk .. Attachment issues.
He always notices little slight things about you. Like you cut your hair a bit..He knows, You just cut your nails..He knows, Just got new underwear..He knows.
He’s most def a 8/10 yk minus the little weird things… 👴
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Yeah um… This man will manipulate and make you think that you’re nothing without him … (outta love tho)
He doesn’t genuinely care abt what you do unless it involves another person specifically another man, That’s when he starts to care.
Since he’s uhm a drug addict he would def try to get you high at some point, and when you do he would record the whole experience js for shits n giggles idk
Also same as ben he has probably asked if you wanted to record yall fuckin but even if you say no he’s not talking at as an answer, He will record it and then after show you … 😟
He likes it mostly when your vulnerable bc he could spew so many lies to you just so you won’t leave him (Best manipulator i’ve ever seen)
When y’all sleep together, you have to be directly laying on top of him or else he’s not sleeping. Period.
He’s a 6/10 (but he’s so fine 😖🫶) Yeah but umm he has a lot of problems …
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I gotta do another one but yk it’s more nice or either it’s gonna be very nsfw 🫵😭
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archivesofthevoid · 10 months
how the hp boys would react to trans reader suggesting pegging ? xx
Trans FtM!Reader x HP boys + their reaction to pegging
Shaking over this request /pos because ABSOLUTELY
Also I only did the main ones!! If you'd like me to do a part 2 with Seamus, Dean, Oliver, and Cedric just lmk!!
NSFW warning!! Well slightly. Nothing too explicit but it's implied. Also for ALL intents and purposes, ALL HP CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR ARE 18+! Though I would assume that's obvious by now. Just wanted to place a reminder.
Harry: We all know this man is so obviously bisexual. So really if you ask him, he might seem a bit shocked at first but ultimately he like "well,,,," and then he proceeds to think about it for like the next week. Dear Lord please save this man because his classes will be SUFFERING. No one knows what he's thinking about but his brain is obviously not in the room with him. Once he actually TRIES it though? He's into it. Maybe more than he realized-
When you ask: You're both sitting in the Gryffindor common room, probably just doing some assignments to catch up in the week when you just casually pop out the question. This causes him to mess up what he was writing and also spill his bottle of ink on his paper as he looks up at you in shock. "Uh- I'm sorry what did you say?" Oh he heard you. He just didn't think you'd ask such a thing. Que him flushing and trying to come up with the words as you just grin at him fumbling.
Ron: Viktor Krum gave him some kind of awakening, let's be real. SO with that being said, he's definitely thought about it once or twice. Once you suggest it? He's protesting left and right as if he doesn't want to do it but once again, he finds himself thinking about it a bit too much. If he tries it, he'll like it but it's not his favorite in the world per say. He'd rather give than receive yk
When you ask: You're eating breakfast of course. What a classic thing right? Let's say you have a dream about it and just,,, decide to quietly bring it up to Ron who's shoving eggs into his mouth and once you ask there's suddenly VERY loud coughing in the Great Hall. Even Harry and Hermione next to you guys are just like "Bloody hell Ron what is the matter with you??" And the KNOWING SMILE YOU HAVE ON YOUR FACE??? IT'S NOT HELPING HIS CASE HERE-
Fred: oh he's so down. Do you even have to ask? He's definitely thought about it a LOT. Come on this is Fred we're talking about here. Plus I mean he's most likely dated a few guys himself so it wouldn't exactly be foreign to him. So he's naturally nonchalant about it and agrees with it. Though after you ask him he thinks about it to the point he's just like "so are we going to or…" because come on you can't just ask him that and not expect to give him something out of it!! Don't leave our boy hanging here :((
When you ask: He's working on his latest prank in his dorm room while you and him are just chilling together. You're actually behind him, running your hands through his hair and massaging his back but your thoughts were wandering while you were behind him. So you ask if he'd be into pegging. Glancing behind you he watches your face before just going "yeah of course I've thought about it. Why? You offering, love?" And just laughs when you playfully shove him
George: This man goes awfully silent when you ask. But yes he would probably do it in a heartbeat. Whether it's because he wants to please you or because he's curious? That's up for debate. To be fair though he's probably has kissed Lee like once or twice out of curiosity, or at least dated a guy but never really like went anywhere with it. Just be gentle with this man please or else he might explode lmao
When you ask: You're at the library with George, honestly just goofing off and you're supposed to be studying but since when did you guys ever actually do that? So instead you guys decide to just chat around. Though you however get the idea to ask George this whenever you guys start talking about your dating lives and how George says he's been with a guy but not BEEN with a guy. He goes oddly silent. BUT it's kinda clear by the way his face heats up that he's into the idea. You just of course smile sweetly and reassure him that it's okay and you'd be more than happy to help him in to which he gets even FURTHER FLUSTERED but y'know it's a win win
Draco: never in his life has ever even thought about it. Probably doesn't ever consider it. You'd honestly have to beg him for it?? But after enough persuasion and such, he'd give in. He just doesn't want to bottom like that y'know? After living in a toxic masculinity household for his whole life he finds it weird to bottom. HOWEVER if he does, it's a sight to see fr. He's just gotta ease into it but luckily he trusts his lovely boyfriend aka you <33
When you ask: You're sitting on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room and it's oddly quiet because it's the weekend so there's not really anyone there (thankfully bc Draco would kill you if anyone heard you ask him this) when you're looking out the window to the Black Lake and just straight up ask. He full on STOPS reading his book and snaps his head up to you like "w h a t" before you repeat your question but louder. "No no I heard you but why the hell-" and insert you guys kind of arguing over it? But not really. It's just him being in denial and you begging him playfully.
Neville: sighhhh. You're going to have to revive him first because good job man you killed him. Gave him a heart attack right then and there. But to say the least he probably would hesitate to agree as well just because he'd be so self conscious and shy?? But after TONS of reassurance and kisses then yeah he'd agree. Just promise you will keep it between you guys because he does NOT want his friends finding out. He knows the others would tease him for it and he'd actually want to crawl away for a thousand years.
When you ask: You asked when you guys were in your dorm!! You were just cuddling after classes right before dinner, enjoying the time with each other before you had to go be with everyone else (ew gross /j) and you popped the question. When I told you this man almost let out a scream just at your question alone because IT WAS SO SUDDEN?? He then proceeded to hide away in your chest as his whole face and ears turned bright red. He looked like he had the worst sunburn oh my god. You meanwhile were just CACKLING as he was trying to stumble over his words! What even could he say though? Yes?? Maybe?? He didn't even KNOW- eventually he just gave up and waited until he calmed down to try to speak. Though you reassured him over and over the whole time <33 good luck explaining why he's going to be a nervous wreck at dinner though :))
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seduzist · 5 months
heelloo!! hru??
this may be a little confusing but could you do a lil katniss x fem reader blurb/hcs with suggestive content? like no actual sex, just something a lil more suggestive, yk??
hi!! i tried my best, hope you like it anon! 🩷
it was supposed to be just another hunt in the woods, you and katniss would be home a few hours later for lunch, nothing out of the common, nothing that didn’t happen at least one time a week. you would usually watch her hunt the animals, try to help her if needed and learn with her, but this time was different.
this time, the summer had just started and the weather was very, very hot. hot to the point that when you saw the lake, you couldn’t help but try your best to convince katniss into jumping w/ you.
after a few pleads she finally gives in, watching w/ a smile while you took all off your clothes and runs to the lake, jumping like a pro swimmer. the lake wasn’t very deep but was very cold, felt refreshing and in seconds katniss was there with you, enjoying some fresh water in the burning sun of summer.
you passed your arms through her shoulders, your breasts touching as she embraced your waist with both arms.
“it’s very cold.” she said, just loud enough for you to hear it.
“yeah?” you didn’t even catch what she said, you just couldn’t help but look at her lips hungrily, she looked so attractive with her wet hair, silky skin and the blue eyes staring at you, your skins touching underwater just made your lips ache more for hers.
katniss noticed your crave, and like she always did, she gave you exactly what you wanted, putting her lips on top of yours while her hand gripped your waist a little tighter. her tongue entered your mouth and you let she guides the kiss, putting your hand on the back of her neck, gently stroking it.
when the kisses goes down to your neck, firmly sucking your pulse like a vampire and a moan comes out of your throat with a hand grabbing her hair, she notices how far this was going, and cursing herself, she pulled away.
“we have to go, right?” you said looking at her expression. she gaves you a smile and a nose crunch, agreeing w/ you. “it’s a real shame, i was about to make you get very hot even in this cold water.” you laugh and started getting out the lake, leaving katniss with blushed cheeks and a mesmerized face admiring your body.
the next day, you two got back in the lake, and this time katniss didn’t promised prim she would be back for lunch.
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itsokjuju · 4 months
hey hey its ya boy juni
alrighty so uhhh this isnt really meant to alarm people at all, but more to warn others in the near future ig (plus i kinda suck at explaining so bare with me alr?? thisll all be explained from my experience, so please feel free to add on!! dwjjhwjwq)
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okok so recently, there was this one miiblogger by the name of "IsaactheMii", who'd mostly post abt stuff like miitomo, miitopia, TL, etc etc.
so like. you may be thinking, "whar?? didn't isaac get deactivated??" thats exactly what im gonna cover dude!! this is to get some confusion out of the way :-D
recently, i made a post abt like, if you give a hc to my mii, i'll hc yours, and isaac decided to participate,, in a way that wasn't so uhhh sfw in a way?? heres one example lmao
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i really don't think he was tryna be like, creepy in a way, or at least thats what i think?? idk idk but it kinda made me and the other dudes of miiblr uncomfortable, and just really, he'd always portray my mii as a bully and say sum transphobic stuff about him,, and this snapshot is just A PEBBLE compared to these nexts chats,, so come suffer with me!! :*]
cringe up ahead watch out
alright so uhh lets move to the discord chats shall we!!! im gonna say like, about 2 months ago?? damn not even a month actually,, isaac joined the miicord server, and like. he did small stuff like, bashing others opinions and spamming stuff, to starting fights with other members,, (sadly i dont have proof cuz hes banned but majority of miiiblr should know know what i mean yeah??)
eventually, the drama got so bad, to where isaac deactivated his acc as a whole, about a day ago. making a shitty apology post saying that he "messed up" with me and another user, just kind of guilt tripping all of us, only to piss off the majority of miiblr more lmao
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eventually later, isaac got banned from miicord for whatever reason me thinks?? but i was told that he told everyone in there to oof themselves, which just led him to ban evading and making another account
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eventually he didnt even last a day,, not even an hour,, and he just said some pretty nasty uhhh
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stuff to miicord,,
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unfortunately, this is all the snapshots i could get from my brilliant pal in crime, @wii-no-ma on discord. but i think yall get my point,, isaac has done some pretty nasty stuff in the past, from saying the most toe curling, eye widening, jaw dropping shit, (ohhh man cut that out,, that aints funny) to just straight up sending death threats to people bruh
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anyway, thats all i really needed to post lol. obviously its nothing alarming to the point where miiblr is in danger and whatnot, but i decided to make this for future purposes in case isaac does decided to come back yk?? anyway this next bit is for isaac
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ay isaac, if youre uhh reading this,, youre like. always allowed to rejoin miiblr, just please dont expect us to like, welcome you back in open arms or anything yk?? what you did and said was like. really arrogant and immature, but we cant stop you from rejoining miiblr. may things go the way you want in the future and that you'll get the help that you need soon. cheers.
big thanks to @wii-no-ma and @evanorasworld for the snapshots :]
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haecien · 9 months
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I found this cool prompt generator for ships! If ya want the link its here ;D
fluff, established rs, non-idol au, gender neutral reader
503 words. 2,594 characters
Warnings: jihoon getting a bit annoyed (LMAO), cursing, clingy reader, taxes??, jihoon overworking himself🥹, somewhat unserious narration (I can't help myself)
Link to the masterlist
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Lee Jihoon
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@woozvc psttt nora! here you go👀
Finally! It's the weekends, time to relax and chill with your very not busy boyfriend!... Yeah I'm never going to get him out of his room..
usually, you'd both have been busy during the weekdays. You know work and all since both of you agreed you would both pay the bills, each two months it would be switched over to who would pay.
Like example, January-February is your months and the next two are Jihoons.
Well, seems Jihoon has developed some type of weird habit of literally working his ASS off at the first few weeks of his two months... Jeez you have like what, 60 days?
Unfortunately, today is one of those days. All your plans to hang out with your sweet boyfriend is all gone! You know he's trying to do this for a good cause but... He's a bit too extreme sometimes! He'd go days sometimes without sleep, you can't help but get a little worried.
You've tried and TRIED to get his attention so he can stop working, you've even told him you would pay for this month's rent too(💀). Nope he won't budge one bit, he almost got super mad at you at one point.
He quickly apologized afterwards though, but did he stop working?Hell no!
"Jihoon... " you whined as you sat beside your boyfriend on the couch, leaning onto him. He didn't seemed fazed at all
" Look I'm sorry for making you mad, I'm just worried. " you mumbled burying your face into his shoulder, Jihoon slightly leaned on your head, made you cheer up a bit. You both stayed like that, sitting in silence.
Jihoon lightly pushed your head aside and stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom" you simply nodded at him and, not you brainstorming for ideas on how to make him stop doing his work for at least one minute💀
Ding ding! How certain were you that this would work? Ehh i'd say slim chance of 40% ! 50% if you were lucky enough.
Jihoon finally came back, as soon as he sat down you placed your hand on his thigh which caught him off-guard, " Y/n? Can you remove your hand, I need to work. " you refused, you did take your hand off for a second but changed your position and lied your head onto his lap
Jihoon didn't know what to do, He didn't want to be rude and just shove you off, " Y/n I need to work please. " he said as he placed a lock of your hair behind your ear.
" You've been working so hard for the past week, just this once. Please rest, come on! It's even the weekends. Can't you spend some time with your very cool partner? "
he sighed in defeat as he closed his laptop and adjusted his position, he grabbed the remote and looked at you " What movie do you want to watch? "
" Legally blonde. " " Again? " " Yeah, so what? "
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Cien rambles
AAHDFADFAHHFAD, yk... yk whos next *kicking my feet in the air* HAHFAHEHHEHEH!!!!!!!!!!1
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No reason, I jst wanted an excuse to put this LMAOAO( this is my fav woozi look tbh😭🥹)
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itsmeoculi · 1 year
Poe dating hcs! SMUT AND FLUFF
Pairing(s):Poe x gn!reader
Tw: Smut hcs, nsfw content will be mentioned
Synopsis:None needed! Just dating Poe hcs
Let’s get a move on then!
-DEFINITELY LEAVES NOTES AROUND THE HOUSE!! He’s a writer for goodness sake, his notes are rlly cute. It’s like him telling you when he’s coming back home, if he’s making any additional stops, and where he mainly is headed for.
-Karl has had to at least sneak 1, if not, 2 thirsty love poems that Poe writes about you, when he’s alone. Ofc Poe is very shy AND WOULD PROBABLY DIE if you saw what he wrote. Karl being a smart as showed you by sneaking the papers. Poe could barely look at you in the eyes (as if they’re even visible) for like 2 weeks. Poor introvert :(
-Definitely a cuddle bug, a quite one tho. He doesn’t really ask for cuddles, he slides into them naturally, yk? like one night y’all are gonna sleep at a late hour, and he nudges your shoulder and sneaks his head under your arm. You guys then end up holding each other after
-Spoils you, but like unintentionally. Like man is so rich that $2,000 seems like a miracle to you, but to him? That’s a measly nickel, if not a cent to this guy 😦
-He would casually buy you new expensive stuff, like on a daily basis. No not “Here, darling it’s for Christmas.” And he gives you a new car (which this situation is still completely possible) but like you’ll see $20,000 purses on nightstands, DAILY, next to notes he leaves and the note would say “Just a small gift, love you always.” LIKE GODDAMNNNNN.
-you prob tell him at some point not to spend so much money on you, he apologizes (EVEN THOUGH HE DONT NEED TOOOO POOR BBY :((( ) BUT STILL KEEPS BUYING YOU STUFF just less frequently, cause he wants to listen to you. BUT HOW COULD HE NOT SPOIL YOU?
-loves rainy days because he would write stories, and ask for feedback from you, even if ur not a pro writer he just wants to hear your voice rlly (lil simp frfr)
-you babysit Karl when he’s REALLY BUSYYYY he trusts you <33
-writes letters sometimes. You two have phones and stuff, but he sometimes likes the feeling of paper and ink all dedicated to you. So he writes traditional letters instead of texts sometimes (he mainly does this for anniversaries or any special events)
-When y’all are about to have.. spichyyyy time, YOU GUYS HAVE TO HAVE TO HAVE TO make sure that Karl doesn’t walk in. So y’all lock everything and make sure that Karl is in a whole separate FAR AWAY room from where y’all are, cause I have to say it, POE IS A LOUD MOANER
That brings us to smut hcs!
-He’s an automatic sub/bottom
-whimpers a lot, especially if you’re edging him FOR SOME REASON HE LOVES IT THOUGH
-He loves being at your mercy, he wants you to use him.
-Don’t deny that this man would be into wearing collars. HE WILL LITERALLY BUY ONE THAT SAYS “(Name’s)” (yk like you own him) ofc out of the bedroom you feel bad, but he likes being yours so uh.. yeah!
-give this guy a blowjob HE’LL DIEEE, of arousal of course.~~
-I’m scared but this guy has some junk, bc you know that all tall, shy, introverted men in these kinds of shows have BIG THONG-ALONG so he be packin’
-Loves hair tugging, but be gentle, he’s sensitive <33
-being sensitive, he’s also easy to arouse and satisfy.
-he’s a bit of a k!nky btch. Not as k!nky as Dazai tho but that’s a whole different can of worms.
-aftercare game isn’t bad. He pampers you with affection.
APOLOGIES IF THE SMUT SECTION WAS CRINGYY (I’m not used to writing stuff like that but I hope you at least enjoy) 😭
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 2 months
haiii :DD do you have any sandstorm headcannons (general or from your aus)
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER. i saw it and then was gonna reply on my computer (easier to type) but then I. promptly forgot. but anywho!
i DO have a ton of had canons for them lmao. I'll start with some general / morro lives AU (not a specific au just. general had he survived concepts) stuff before getting into more specific AU nonsense
-I'm of the opinion had Morro came back during dotd (or even survived the end of Possession) that he wouldn't have joined the ninja, at least not right away. I like to think he'd have gone on a sort of vigilante arc. not quite ready to try to make it up to the ninja (or Wu and Lloyd specifically) but. attempting to make amends for what he's done yk. He essentially becomes Ninjago Batman LMAO. And I think, considering how much he really helped save Cole during Dotd, Cole would be the most open to giving him a chance. I like to think the ninja and Morro end up fighting the same guy by coincidence one night, Morro ends up saving Cole from a really nasty hit and from there on out that's where their relationship really start to develop (read: cole joining Morro on his night-stalks whether Morro likes it or not until he Does Like It)
-Cole 100% strikes me as a very physically affectionate person and I think Morro would be. jumpy about that at first. Partially just because he's not inherently physically affectionate and also because the cursed realm was a Nasty place. Also Morro strikes me as someone deathly allergic to PDA because it Embarrasses Him (<- very strong feelings on How People Perceive him).
-I think if he comes back to life (or had long hair from the get go) Morro's hair would be something Cole really enjoys playing with. Eventually Morro would just let him do what he wants lmao.
-Morro and jay would ABSOLUTELY beef over Cole. That's my boyfriend vs that's my best-friend type beat. It would annoy the fuck out of Cole and greatly assume Nya.
-Morro strikes me as a sort of protective person when he really attaches to someone, so. yeah. He also strikes me as someone who'd get jealous romantically very easily lmao. Cole is very much more laid back.
-Morro likes Cole's eyes. will he say that? no.
OKAY onto some Samurai AU stuff!!
-They take forever to drop the surnames lmao. Cole drops them first simply because it annoys 'Kazama' to have 'Kuroiwa' call him 'Morro' and demand to be called 'Cole'. I think the first time Morro ever calls him by his first name is after they reunite and Cole finds out he's actually alive.
-Cole has a lot of layers lmao. So when he wears like. a yukata it sends Morro into a spiral.
-They fight together better than either of them expected. Very solid fighting style (cole) in combination with a significantly more vicious loose style (Morro).
That's all. i need to think about them more BUT. REAPER AU oh reaper au how i love you
-whenever Morro has his hair loose Cole is Enamored. It goes down to a little past his nape and it makes Cole crazy for some reason lmao.
-Likewise, whenever Cole wears more feminine clothing (something he started exploring at one point or another) it makes Morro Crazy. love-sick, a fool.
-they tend to sleep together and very closely. Mostly because of some (route 3 specific) experiences and also because the place they where staying at for two years was Very small. if you walk into them sleeping you'd find Cole wrapped around him like an octopus, head resting on Morro's chest or shoulder. Morro tends to sleep more starfish-esc but its common for him to have an arm around Cole's shoulders or waist. This actually really annoyed the ninja when they and Cole reunited because Morro Stop Stealing Our Friend We Want Cuddles And Also Dislike You Heavily.
-Generally, there was a lot of conflict between Morro and the ninja. They were worried Cole had been coerced because of how isolated he was when Morro had popped up next to him (something they feel really bad about -- they werent ever supposed to forget Cole) and Morro because he's allergic to having good social skills.
-When they started first being around each other Morro was. very flighty. Didn't quite know how to handle his feelings so he'd fuck off a lot which unfortunately aggravated Cole's abandonment issues. It was sort of rough until Morro got his shit together lol.
-Their first kiss was a very quiet thing.
-Cole used to have a crush on Jay and that is something that will annoy Morro very much when he figures it out lmao.
-I like to think of them when listening to bags by Clairo. I mean... "I don't want to be forward / I don't want to cut corners / savor this with everything I have in me / I'm not the type to run, know we're having fun / but what's the rush? kissing, then my cheeks are so flushed" and "pardon my emotions / I should probably keep it all to myself / know you'd make fun of me" and "Can you see me? / I'm waiting for the right time / I can't read you, but if you want, the pleasure's all mine / can you see me using everything to hold back? / I guess this could be worse / walkin' out the door with your bags" ? very themcore.
lastly, here's some vamp-morro rambles. I don't have a fully fledged au for this just various sketches and ideas lmao.
-Cole would've originally let himself be used as the main source of blood for Morro so no one else would have to do it. It's a bit of a painful process and strangely intimate and something he'd rather no one else on team do.I mean, Zane's a android, Lloyd is obvious no for obvious reasons, Jay would freak out, Kai's too emotionally invested. That would leave Nya and he wouldn't particularly like that either so, he offers himself.
-Morro finds him kinda stupid but Cole's blood is just oddly sweet enough for him to not care to much.
-Cole thinks the bite marks are kind of embarrassing, hard to explain, and oddly Vulnerable to show so he tends to keep his collars pulled up high.
-Morro tends to drink from areas like the side of the neck, the trapezius, and right under his Adams apple like any good vampire. Sometimes the wrists.
-Over time this evolves into a weird little bond neither of them know how to feel about.
okay i think that's all for know! lord, this is so long. hfiewohfeiofne i think too much, send help.
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yearningaces · 1 month
Mr. Hallewell, can i please hug you? and maybe groom your hair? if you are in your beast form, way better! Let me see those fangs and claws of yours, so pretty... can i polish them? sharp them? i would like to have the honor to look them up close in their prime. A magestic griffin indeed, not some kind of copy and paste in a cheap photoshop program of an eagle and a lion (wait declan settles on medieval times right? damn i hope the joke reaches over there). I want to cuddle with a griffin, use the wings as blankets and yer chest a harm pillow, sure iknow its lacking the usual bpm but i can share it with ya
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i luv declan muahmuahchuchuhugsandkisses
"THE HORNS I FORGOT THE HORNS, should give them some apreciation too
sorry but declan beast form is truly something coming from my wildest dreams, recording the anatomy, the biology, every detail and corner of his existence makes me wonder how such creatures go on without being at least documented at leat once!
(i must recall that if this rant sounds at least creepy please let me know but its just obsession with anatomy on mythical creatures....)"
I feel I can safely assume this was the same nonnie and listen, I live for the ramblings in my inbox
Declan will quite literally, roll over like a pup for you, so please please please give him attention. He would tear down mountains, he would rip stars from the sky, all for you to look at him with a moment of praise so please never hold anything back for worry of being too much he would just exist at a point of joy he'd never imagined possible before while melting around you as best as he could.
Yes he's in medieval times! I don't want to have the limitations of modern day stuff with my world building here, also because I like the idea of a Hallewell being a kingdoms dragon instead of an actual dragon it's amusing to me
And the answer for documentations is this! If he's not hunting someone they won't see him, not truly
There will be reports of larger and larger beasts that move closer to who he's hunting, and it becomes part of the Hallewell's legend. Listen for nature's approach through different footsteps sort of ordeal. If someone truly looked to see him in his shifted form. They wouldn't see him unless he wants them to. They might see a man, or a pack of wolves, or a bear, or maybe MAYBE a dragon. That's not to say Hallewell's aren't documented. But usually it's someone being hunted screaming about what they're seeing before they go missing(dying but yk) and humans pieces those together to form a general idea
Maybe someone sees one when they're not a target, but again that's rare and it would have to be the Hallewell's choice. Usually it's a warning. "Be better or next you see me you'll be the one bloodying my maw"
Back to Declan though, you're his heart. You want him to go beast mode? Of course! He holds the same sentience and logic regardless of form but he can't really speak without a human mouth. He'll growl, and purr, and roar, and make all sorts of sounds, and he'll understand you entirely, but he'll never be able to say words like that because the mouth isn't human so no human words
So yeah, do those things. Watch this horrifying creature melt like a kitten. If you fall asleep on him? He won't move, he will remain as still as stone and if any get close enough he'll bite them in two if they risk waking you
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yourthirdparent · 5 months
OH MY GOD okay so a beloved follower of mine sent me an ask about my tristan mclean headcanons like in december but i accidentally deleted !!!!!!! the fuckcing ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i'm making it a post. hope you don't mind. also sorry for the wait
most of my thoughts are things i can not share on this blog (this is the Normal blog for Normal things and not the fucked up torture i subject this man to on a regular basis. tbf i hardly post about it on the Bad Posts blog either but like still. can share it on ao3 though check out sleep by imjustheretoreadonefic (don't do that it's not good)) but you can ask about that (if you want, which you probably won't because it is not most people's thing lmao) on my sideblog, yourfourthparent!! BUTBUTBUT i do have some thoughts and headcanons and such that are at the very least decently presentable!!!!
starting off first: i think he's bi! i think he figured out he was bi when he was pretty young (probably somewhere in his teenage years, probably like 15 max) and when he was in his 20s he was very involved in the queer community (his 20s being. in the 80s. sorry.) and was like a big activist. that is until the curse.
the curse being him hitting his big break. stars in some film that wasn't supposed to really blow up but it like Fucking Smashed and suddenly he was like all those guys who do one role and then are suddenly in Everything. cuz he sure is in literally everything. once he starts blowing up ofc he's got folks to help manage his image and at some point they're like haha [lip bite] you gotta stop with that gay shit or straight audiences won't find you marketable. you're already native and folks can hardly handle that let alone you being an active queer activist. you gotta cut that shit out so you can be the next batman or whatever. and tristan's like Well at least i'll make money to support myself and my dying father!
newsflash his father dies of cancer before he gets a chance. tristan's doing his best to avoid thinking about his father's death so he moves out of oklahoma blah blah yk how it goes.
he has piper when he's 33 ! everything's set and he's settled and then piper comes along and like. he's alright. he can handle this. he can be a good father (he's white knuckling the bathroom sink while he says this)
yeah he's terrified of being a shitty father. he does his best to keep her away from the press and keep her Okay for the most part but in order to do that he doesn't get to see her much etc etc. you know. you've read hoo. bleh
when piper starts dating jason he's like Oh cool ! i am about to break down ! cuz like. hey man. he is so not prepared for the reality of The Passage of Time. wdym his daughter is 16. fym tristan's almost fifty. that's so fucked up how is this allowed.
anyways he and jason are like Besties (*shoving my Bad posts to the side*) like they're such good friends they hang out so often even after jason and piper break up they're just Hiding it then. like they have weekly chess meetings and they talk about books and their lives and jason concerns tristan So Much oh my god tristan is so scared for this poor boy What are those tattoos young man Who are these "wolves" that raised you What is this "legion" Are you in a gang Little private school boy are you in a gang. What do you mean your first language is latin.
ngl my obsession with tristan came from my obsession with jason. i made a post like ages ago about how silly it'd be if tristan was jason's gay awakening and i just kept. thinking about them hanging out. and it spiralled and now i'm insane about him sorry. jason will always be my number one but Oohhhhh tristan consumes me.
anyways live tristan reaction when he finds out jason's mom is beryl grace in the middle of showing jason and piper a million old movies (beryl is in one and jason sees her and immediately freezes and tristan's just talking through the movie (hes silly sorry he talks through the whole thing. piper actually likes it because she has a hard time following movies so tristan explaining everything is good but jason is vaguely annoyed by it. he loves tristan to death don't get him wrong it's just that he can't concentrate on the kovie with tristan spitting fun facts a million words a second) when he looks over to see if theyre still watching and he just sees piper fretting over jason who's looking at the screen with a thousand gard stare.
let's go misc things that i want to mention somewhere but don't really fit uhhhh
i have this idea where tristan used to be a drag queen. i don't have any of the details down not a single one but i think about him talking to piper and her friends about the old days when he was a queen. mentions something offhandedly about how he wants to wear more feminine clothing and someone's like "oh are you like. yk. a gamer" and he's like "oh nonono i'm not trans trust me i explored my gender plenty, wore makeup, padded my bra, did drag for a few years, changed my name—" and they're like "you did DRAG ???" and he's like "OH yeah LOLZ i was terrible lol. my team keeps trying to bury it from public view for a reason. those looks were NOT serving !!!!" (he doesn't talk like that but i'm being silly rn)
(you just knoooooow jason was jaw on the floor immediately looking up TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG QUEEN PERSONA NAME TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG QUEEN TRISTAN MCLEAN— the SECONDDDD he got a chance. like staring so hard at old ass pictures of tristan doing drag and realising like Oh maybe i am bi. piper dumped him because she found his search history /j)
i think when his father died he cut his hair but then when it started growing long again it reminded him too much of the past that he Didn’t Want To Think About so he just. kept it short. and it's been short ever since. BUTBUTBUT when piper decides she wants to reconnect with her culture (which she's been mostly separate from because of tristan's own avoidance of it due to memories of his childhood and his father and blahblahblah) it sort of motivates him to do it too. like if piper's gonna do it after tristan entirely cut her from their culture then like. he can too. and it was a big part of his life when he was younger so like. he knows shit. i'm not good at this btw sorry i just have ideas UGSFHADGSF but anyways when piper starts reconnecting he decides to do it too and his first step with like Getting Comfortable again is growing his hair out. it's a smaller step yk he just doesn't cut his hair it's nothing active. (ofc when it starts getting properly long he has a few moments. he has to really confront his grief over his father's death and just the fear of that alone is enough to make him want to cut it again. piper stops him before he does but he has a few moments where he questions if it's worth it)
ik i just said earlier that he's not trans but like sometimes. with characters. i have headcanons that complety contradict each other. that is to say Transfem tristan mclean headcanon. she changes her name to t. just T. t wynn mclean. she goes by t cuz it's something she's already used to (jason called her that all the time before she came out).
these are all the ones i have off the top of my head agh pleaseplease feel free to ask more about any of these !!! (or critique them lmao half of them are. things i suck at explaining because they exist only for hyperspecific scenarios wherein nothing happens but tristan talking to jason or piper LMAO) you can also send in your own headcanons about him or jason or piper because EYE WANT TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM RAAAAGHHH seriously there's so little stuff that features him especially and if you have literally anything at all i would lovelovelove to read it all !!!!!!! sorry for deleting the ask btw i really didn't mean to LMAO sorry to my honourary mutual (i'd tag you but i'm afraid of misremembering who it was LMAO sorry mate 💔💔)
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dudadragneel · 7 months
Hello guys! It's me!
How are you doing?
Now, this one was supposed to be a little drabble but I got a little carried away...
Anyways, enjoy!
Thinking about Hyunjin who has a really bad stomachache and he’s been crying on and off all day and can barely eat anything but once he feels a bit better he goes with reader to the library while she study’s in silence and he just kinda tries to distract himself with reading, but then he starts feeling nauseous and can’t really talk because yk you gotta be QUIET in a library. So he has to text her to tell her he feels like he’s going to vomit but she’s not quite getting the hint that he wants to leave so he has to be really blunt with her 😭. THEN she takes him outside and he just dry heaves, then she gives him water and he just throws up the water. but when they get in the car…oh that’s a WHOLE new situation and mess.
While you were on your midterms, Hyunjin was in a well-deserved rest period. However,  the poor boy's body was feeling the toll from the last promotion. His immune system wasn't doing that great and he ate something that didn't sit well with his stomach.
He woke up with a really bad stomach ache, it was a sharp pain around his middle, especially sharp in the pit of his stomach. The pain was so strong he actually started crying at some point.
- babe, it hurts!
- oh baby. I know it does. I gave you medicine, it will take some time for it to work. Do you want to eat some light soup? Or maybe a fruit?
- no...it feels horrible...I feel like I've eaten enough for the week.
- but you didn't eat anything. Not since last night.
-I know....but I just can't, it's hurting too much.
- oh Hyune...do you want me to rub your belly?
- yes...
You sat next to him at the edge of the bed where he was lying down and proceeded to rub his belly. He felt comfortable with your touch and closed his eyes to try and rest. In a few minutes, he managed to fall asleep.
You let him rest while you finished doing your chores at the house and prepared something light for him to eat in case he woke up feeling a little better.
A few hours later, he woke up feeling a little better, the pain was barely there and he was actually feeling a bit hungry.
You had prepared some light snacks for him, as you thought that would sit better than soup.
- Hey sleepyhead.
- Hey babe.
He said going towards you like a little kid for a hug.
You hugged him as he buried his face on your shoulders and spoke softly.
- Are you feeling better?
- Yeah...a little....
- Do you want to eat something?
- Yeah...
- Come on.
You said as you grabbed his hand and walked to the table. You served him the snacks you were preparing before in hopes he'd be able to get at least a little bite in.
- You don't have to eat everything. Just pick what you think your stomach will agree with.
- Woah! Thank you, honey.
You just smiled as you sat in front of him while he ate. You kept scrolling through your phone and chatting with him.
- Hyune
- Hm?
- I'm thinking about going to the library to study later. Are you gonna be ok alone?
- Can I accompany you?
- are you sure? Are you feeling better?
- Yeah. I think going out of the house might help me feel less stressed.
- Okay then. Why don't you finish eating and while you digest your food, I'll take a shower and get ready?
- ok!
He did as you told him, he sat on the couch and patiently waited while you showered and gathered your stuff.
The local library wasn't that big but it was beautiful and cozy and definitely helped you feel more concentrated to study.
You found a free table, sat down, and organized your things, you put on your earphones to help you concentrate more. Hyunjin just sat in front of you, completely in love seeing you so focused. He loved seeing how passionate you were about the things you did, even if it was just sitting down and studying.
He couldn't really keep on using his phone so he decided to look for a book about art to read while you studied.
At first, he was entertained, almost like a toddler, he managed to learn about some other painting techniques and he was happy that this outing turned out to be productive for him as well.
But then things started to go south. As he was reading, the stomachache from earlier was starting to turn into full nausea.
And unfortunate to him because, ironically, he picked a book that had tons of Van Gogh's paintings in it, and all that swirling werent helping at all.
He brought a hand to his stomach and gently pressed on it because even though he felt nauseous, the pain from earlier was still lingering around.
He tried to stay focused on the book but the more he tried to read or look at the pictures the more his stomach twisted. He placed the book on the table, closed his eyes took and deep breath in, and exhaled, trying to keep the nausea at bay.
He kept bringing his hand to his stomach and fidgeting on the chair, most to catch your attention, but you were basically in another dimension of full focus, and he didn't really want to use his phone and risk feeling even worse.
But the nausea was growing stronger, so he had no other option. He got his phone and texted you, but the contents of the message weren't shown so you just shrugged it off as him trying to distract you.
He sent a few more texts, but you didn't even bother looking up, part of you wanted to show him that you could stay focused even when he incorporated a toddler to annoy you. But little did you know the distress he was in.
He set down his phone and lay his head on his arms, but the nausea was reaching its peak. He could feel the little he had eaten earlier sloshing around and his mouth started pooling with saliva. He started to swallow convulsively but things just weren't working.
He felt something rushing up his chest and a foul taste in his mouth, he was gonna throw up and there was nothing more he could do to avoid it. And you still hadn't read his texts. He didn't want to talk, first because you were in a library and it was really quiet, and second because he was afraid that if he opened his mouth he'd throw up right then and there, but he had no other choice. He needed to get out of there.
He abruptly put down your book and if you weren't in a library, you would've yelled at him.
You looked straight at him but before you could even get angry, he took his only chance.
- I'm gonna throw up.
He said as quietly as possible but still urgent. Apparently, just admitting that he was gonna be sick, made his stomach contract and he was quick to cover his mouth to surpass a gag.
- Shit.
You said standing up and getting to his side. You just grabbed his arm and wrapped your arm around him as you guided him out, his body already bending over as his stomach contracted again.
Unfortunately for him, some people noticed the sudden commotion.
For some reason, the bathroom wasn't near the room you were in, so you just took him outside in the yard.
He bent over, hands on his knees for support while you kept on holding his arm and rubbing his back.
He spat out the thick saliva that had filled his mouth as you two were walking out of the room.
He felt awful, saliva kept filling his mouth over and over again and he just kept spitting it out. But the nausea was still there and it was strong.
He tried straightening his back for a bit to see if he would feel any different, but it just made his stomach flip again.
He bent over one more time and began gagging again, you could feel him tensing up under your touch with every gag but nothing but saliva came out. You felt horrible and could only hope people would just pass by and not notice him.
- Hyune? May I try something?
He just nodded. You massaged his stomach with a bit of pressure to see if you could stimulate it somehow to help him get whatever was making him feel bad out. But it didn't work, he just kept dry heaving.
- I-I feel awful...my stomach is churning and flipping but nothing is coming up...
- Oh baby...Why don't you try drinking some water? Maybe trying to get something in will help you throw up. Don't take small sips, just try to drink as you normally would.
You handed him your bottle of water and he drank it just as you said.
He drank almost half a bottle and he could feel his stomach revolting inside him. He bent over again and gagged a few times before his stomach contracted a little more and brought up all the water he had just drank but nothing else.
You kept rubbing his back as he proceeded to throw up water and thick saliva. In a few minutes, he was left dry heaving again. You gave him some water to rinse his mouth and then wiped it.
- Babe? Why don't we sit down for a bit?
- Hmm...
You guided him to a nearby tree and helped him sit down.
- How are you feeling?
- Sick...
- Okay. Let's go home. I'll go grab our stuff.
- I'm sorry...I'm sorry for interrupting your study...
- Don't apologize...I should be the one apologizing for not noticing sooner... Just wait here, I'll be right back.
He lay his back on the tree and tilted his head back with his eyes closed. He took deep breaths and tried to pay attention to his breathing or the sound of the leaves rustling with the wind, anything that could distract him from nausea in his stomach.
You grabbed your stuff and apologized for the sudden commotion and left to get the sick boy waiting by the tree.
- Come on, let's go. Can you stand?
- Can you help me?
- Of course.
You positioned your arms beneath his while he held you for support, and helped him to his feet. You stood like that for a while, with a firm grip on him, to make sure he wasn't feeling faint before heading to the car.
- Do you prefer to roll down your window or the AC?
- The AC...I'm afraid that any smell will enter the car if the windows are open.
- Okay. Babe, tell me if you feel like throwing up, okay? So I can at least try to pull over.
- Okay.
The first 30 minutes of the ride were okay. He kept his eyes closed while you held his hand, thank God for automatic cars. You kept quiet the whole time because you didn't want to overwhelm him.
But then, the worst happened. Traffic. For some reason, traffic stopped. And you felt desperate because you wanted to get home fast, so Hyunjin could rest.
- Shit! There must've been an accident or the traffic lights are broken...you okay?
He just nodded and closed his eyes again. You knew he wasn't okay, he was far from being okay. Traffic felt like it was moving one centimeter at a time.
He was okay at first because the car wasn't moving but the realization that he'd be stuck in a car for god knows how long while feeling sick made everything worse.
The nausea which was somewhat controlled, increased ten times. He squeezed his eyes and let out a shaky sigh while his hands gripped his thighs and the door handle with such force his knuckles turned white. He tried taking deep breaths but the sudden movement of the car made his stomach jolt. He felt something coming up his throat and started to swallow convulsively. There's no chance in hell he was gonna throw up inside the car, he had already ruined your study day and now he was going to soil your car with vomit? No chance.
You were too focused on the road, trying to understand what was causing the traffic jam, so you didn't notice him fidgeting by your side.
He managed to swallow it back but it was a useless effort. As soon as it went down it shot back up, hot foul tasting liquid hitting the back of his throat. He gagged and quickly brought his hands to his mouth, fearing the worst.
The gag snapped you back into the reality of the car.
- Hyune? You okay?
He barely made eye contact with you when his stomach jolted one more time, making him gag once more. But this time, vomit gushed out, slipping through his fingers, and soiling both him and your car.
- Oh my god! Hyune!
His stomach didn't give him time to think before contracting again and sending even more pale vomit up, once again escaping through his fingers.
You were shocked with the situation unfolding before your eyes so it took a few seconds for you to react.
You quickly reached for the glove box and found a little towel you always kept with you, considering how he had gotten sick in the car before.
- Oh babe! Don't worry.
You placed it on his lap and told him to open his hands and let the vomit fall on the towel, while you drove a little more. Once you stopped again, you looked for a plastic bag inside your stuff so that Hyunjin could throw up everything making him feel bad.
- Here. Use this.
- S-sorry...I'm s-sorry...
- Don't apologize. It's not your fault you're sick.
He closed his eyes as he gagged again, this time inside the bag, liquid coming out and hitting the back making a sickening sound. You could only rub his back and mutter some words while you drove.
- Oh baby, just let everything out.
He burped another wave, followed by another one making him bend forward a little and you could feel him tensing up under your hand.
- Just get everything out.
He gagged a few times until he threw up again, vomit mixing with the liquid inside the bag. The car was starting to smell and you both wanted to get out of there.
Thankfully, the traffic jam stopped and you as fast as you legally could to get home.
Arriving there, you went straight to Hyunjin's door to help him.
- Here. Let me get rid of this.
You threw away the bag filled with vomit and turned your full attention to him, who was sitting inside the car facing you.
- We're home, baby. Let's go. Can you stand?
- I don't kno-
He was cut off by a sudden gag that sent up more vomit making him bend forward and you barely escaped from soiling your shoes. You shifted to his side and rubbed his back as he vomited again.
- Here. Rinse your mouth and let's go up. You need to take a shower.
He rinsed his mouth and you helped him up, wrapping your hands around him and carefully heading to the elevator.
Arriving home, you went directly to the bathroom with Hyunjin. You helped him out of his soiled clothes and tossed them in the dirty laundry basket.
- You don't need to stay here...
- Hyune, we've been dating for quite some time now...you don't need to be embarrassed. I just don't want to risk you fainting in the shower. But I'll turn around if that will make you feel more comfortable.
- Thank you...sorry...
- it's okay, honey.
Thankfully the shower ended without any accidents, despite him dry heaving over the rain for a brief moment.
You helped him change clothes and then got the bed ready for him to sleep.
You embraced him in a tight hug and kissed the top of his head. And that was the last straw. He started to cry and sob and buried his face in your shoulder.
- Honey? Baby? Why are you crying?
You said with a cute voice and almost crying yourself.
- I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...
- it's okay, baby! Stop apologizing.
- but...I ruined your day...you couldn't study because of me, your car is completely dirty...I'm sorry
He said breaking down even more.
- Oh baby! There's nothing to apologize for. You were sick! It's not your fault! You didn't ruin my day! Stop worrying about that! Hyune, I love you! I'd never, not once, think that you ruined my day.
You said as you cupped his face in your hands and wiped his tears away.
- promise me you'll stop feeling guilty about it.
- I- I promise...
He said pouting. You kissed him and then embraced him again as you two lay in bed.
- How are you feeling?
- Still a little nauseous...
- Wait here a little bit, let me grab a bucket just in case.
You grabbed the bucket at light speed and went back to bed. You cuddled him and started rubbing his belly. He sunk under your touch and within minutes, the poor tired boy was fast asleep.
You changed your approach and kept stroking his hair until you fell asleep as well.
The night went on without any other incidents, the poor boy had his energy completely drained after everything that happened and you couldn't be more grateful that he managed to sleep like a rock until midday.
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
I fully agree that it was a lot to have buck hurt eddie like that. Like I get why they did it cause let's be real if eddie had been able to walk it wouldn't have been Tommy at buck's door but I wish they'd go about it in another way...
On another note, do you think buck will analyse his whole relationship with his family and friends with his new found discovery (I still can't believe we have bi buck still feeling shaky omg) and also im sure you've gotten something similar asked but I kinda would like a reassurance well as close to one as I can get, but do you think that means we are headed toward buddie? Or will they be like hey at least you get this kinda thing?
Thank you for your posts they've been great and like I feel we all lived through this together and I'm thankfull for your takes :)
This is actually the first time I thought about them hurting Eddie as a plot device to stop him from reaching out occurred to me. I see it, I don't like it, but I see it.
Okay, yeah, I kinda think he will, finding out you're bisexual as an adult, specially when Buck did as well with women as he does, will be some cause for panic (I say this as someone who was good with men and only found out she was bi as an adult) about particular reactions of people around him (kinda terrified what this means for him with his parents about to come into town) because even if you know some of the people who love you will be supportive, is still a scary experience, even more if you've been trying to find this one thing about yourself for decades, so, yeah, I do believe he will be forced to reevaluate a lot of stuff in his life, and Tim and Oliver seem to be ready to try and tell this story right and I am super interested to see how this will go (I can't believe Bi Buck is real, it literally rewired my brain, I might be losing my mind because I need to sleep because I've been up for who knows how long because every time I try to sleep my brain goes BUCK IS BI and then I start freaking out about again)
I know a lot of you come to me for the logical side of it all to get some reassurance and I love that I can be this person, really, especially in moments like this, so, I love that you came here 🫶. But the buddie of it all, I don't see why they would make Buck queer and not go there with Buck and Eddie. I maintain what I've been saying, that the loft scene is gonna tell us if they are turning up the heat or if we are keeping the energy we had so far while Buck explores his own feelings about being bisexual, even more if we are gonna get 2 for 2 and they are planning on making Eddie demi (god imagine if they actually put a character like Eddie in the ace spectrum, I would die), because then you can use a Buck who's settled into being bisexual to drag the realization from Eddie, because this can cascade into Buck realizing what he's looking for is what he has with Eddie, and since men are an option now, he could look at their relationship and be like "oh so I needed to figure out that I like men, for me to realize that the love I want is with this man" and then trying to figure out if Eddie could feel the same about him, and Eddie having his own queer arc about how no one has felt as right as Shannon because he needs a deeper connection that he does have with Buck and them going there. Buck being bi puts at least halfway there on the road to canon buddie, because now it is an actual canon possibility that Buck will develop, or find out he already has feelings for Eddie. Especially with how intertwined with the discovery with Tommy, Eddie is. Everything that points to Tommy, points to Eddie if Buck just looks to the right, yk? Obviously the showrunners and actors will keep saying there's no plan, and they are seeing where it's going, but if they handle the next episode well, just sit back and enjoy, because they're cooking. They could've made Buck bi be only about Tommy, but they didn't, they made a very intense point of adding Eddie to the mix so I will continue to believe they have a plan and this is a slow burn that's gonna happen, because I honestly, even more now with canon confirmation that Buck is bi, I think it's the only way to look at them, yk? I don't see why they wouldn't go there now that they are not hiding behind the "they are both straight" excuse. And personally, as a writer, I think it would be a waste of a setup not to go there now that we know they can go there.
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putschki1969 · 6 months
Hi sarah, hope you are doing well
Firstly, I would like to thank you for all your efforts I appreciate you
Sometimes I think maybe Kalafina's disbandment wasn't a bad decision because I feel like Kajura-san gave all she had, and this is the right time for a good ending on the top. I mean, yeah, the disbandment still hurts me and makes me sad every time I remember it, but maybe it was good for everyone. Even when Keiko-san tried to bring back the Kalafina brand.
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Hello there lovely anon! I have no excuses for taking so long for this reply, please forgive me! 🙏
Hmmm, yes, I understand where you are coming from and I tend to agree, at least in theory.
10 years is a long time and they certainly used that period well. After their hectic schedule in 2017, everyone was ready to take a break and from what we know, at least Hikaru and Wakana were more than willing to explore their options for solo activities. Ideally, Kalafina would have gone on a sort of extended hiatus to give the girls a chance to recharge their energy and figure out what they want to do next. Fans may not have liked that at first because Kalafina activities would have effectively come to a halt for a while but there wouldn't have been a "public rift" between the girls, they could have done some solo work with a bit of Kalafina stuff sprinkled inbetween. It would have been perfect
Alas, it wasn't meant to be. YK's departure from the agency (and the ensuing drama in the higher management ranks) made it impossible for Kalafina to continue so a harsh disbandment was unavoidable.
Oh well...I will continue to wait for their reunion which I am sure will happen at some point in the future.
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laskyy · 1 year
So! Yk what's about to happen!
Yechan req because yes.
So, I was thinking it could be a friends to lovers aswell where the reader is a camera worker for KQ ENT, and while filming (any MV) someone/thing falls/bumps on Reader and they accidentally hit yechan w the camera then patch him up because they feel bad? (Not too hard. Don't kill my baby lmfao) 😋
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AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUUUCH!!! I'm really happy you enjoy my content! Thank you for always requesting cute ideas!! Love you and happy reading <33
Fall for you
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Genre: f2l, camera operator reader, idol Yechan
Contains: mentions of blood, injuries, cheesy content
It was another day of working with the boys of xikers to film their music video for Tricky house and you were very excited to say the least.
Today they were filming on the train and that gave you more opportunities to have fun with the camera angles and you knew the boys would make the job easy for you because they're just so good to work with, especially Yechan.
He was always really sweet to you and considering you were the youngest member of the staff he understood how you felt so he would always try to make you feel confortable.
The guys arrived on set and you started filming right away hoping to get good footage and let them go home as early as possible as they needed to rest.
They were currently taking a break from filming and you took the chance to look through the material you already filmed.
"Wow you made Yujunie look really cool!" You heard the voice you'd been wanting to hear all day.
"Yeah well, he's already cool I just filmed him!"
"Hey that's nonsense, have you seen him? He's a complete fluffball!" Yechan said while pointing to Yujun who was blinking one eye at a time because of how sleepy he was making you both giggle.
"You're right but you're also a fluffball, you look cute when you're sleepy!" you said not even believing you were brave enough to compliment him.
"You think?" He asked with his sparkly eyes.
"Well... yeah!" You said with a small smile while looking down.
"Then I hope you can make this fluffball look cool on camera" he said while lifting your chin up with a finger and smiling at you.
"I wasn't- I'll see you later" he said giving you a small wave while going to the makeup arting who laughed at the boy's embarrassed state.
When he finished fixing his makeup it was time to start filming his part.
Everyone was preparing their equipment but you already had your camera ready so you had time to admire Yechan from afar as he joked around with his members who were eager to watch him in action.
"Action" the director yelled as he got closer to you to take a look at how things would turn out on camera while you were filming.
Yechan started lipsyncing to his part and you looked at how amazing he looked having fun. You were careful to capture all his expressions in a lot of different angles.
His part was coming to an end when the director wanted to remove a mosquito that got stuck on the screen without making a lot of fuss, but unfortunately he leaned too far and bumped into you hard making you lose your balance and hitting Yechan on his leg with the camera.
"YECHAN!!" You yelled as you squatted to his level and started apologizing endlessly while looking for the part of his leg that got injured.
"It's fine Y/n it's just a scratch see?" he said smiling weakly while pointing to a cut on his shin that had some blood spilling out.
"But I feel bad! Let me help you!" You gave him your hand so that he could stand up and then you headed to a couch next to where there was a first aid kit.
"Alright this might hurt a little bit, but if it gets unbearable tell me and I'll stop ok?"
"Yeah but I doubt that'll even hur- OW"
"You were saying?" You asked while chuckling
"Nevermind" he said while smiling at the thought of making you laugh even if he was in pain.
You finished patching his leg up and then his members found the both of you and started getting worried about Yechan.
They were all around him, except Minjae.
"Thanks for taking care of him!" Minjae said while smiling at you.
"It's the least I could do, after all it was my camera that fell on him!" You said while looking at Sumin who was currently making Yechan laugh.
You were in a trance looking at Yechan and Minjae seemed to notice so he smiled to himself at the thought of you having a crush on their baby.
"Y/n if you like Yechan you should tell him!"
"I- Wha- Who- How did you know?"
"Just the way you look at him you know? And if it gives you any confort, I think he likes you too, in fact he is currently admiring you!" Minjae said making you turn your head to Yechan who was actually staring at you and looked away as he got caught.
"I'll take the guys somewhere else so that you can talk it out, good luck!" Minjae said giving my head a small pat and yelling for the other guys to come with him.
You sat next to Yechan and smiled at him.
"So you and Minjae hyung?"
"What? No? What makes you think that?"
"Well it's just that you seemed so smiley when talking to him and then the head pat." He said while looking down.
"Hey Yechan, look at me, the only reason I seemed so happy when I was with Minjae was because he was talking about you" you said, your voice getting quieter after every word.
"So does that mean you like me?" He said with a big smile on his face.
"It depends!" You said with a small smirk on your face making the boy before you frown.
"On what?"
"On whether you like me or not!"
"Well then, I like you so?"
"I like you too Yechan!" You said while smiling.
"You asked for someone to pinch you so I did!" You said while laughing at his frustrated face.
"You have to make it up to me!" He said while crossing his arms.
"And how would I do that?"
He pointed to his lips and said or more accurately asked "By giving me a kiss?"
You giggled at how cute he was being and complied to his request by softly pressing your lips to his and moving them in sync with his until the both of you ran out of air.
"Who knew today I would get kissed and almost murdered by the person of my dreams!" He said while holding my hand and helping me get up from the couch as we both laughed and heard some more voices laughing.
We both looked behind us and there stood the boys just looking at us like they had been caught stealing something.
"Congrats!!" Minjae shouted and the rest of the guys congratulated us right after.
This sweet moment was obviously short lived as we had to get back to work to film Yechan's part.
"Good luck bub" You said as Yechan quickly kissed your cheek.
"Thanks cutie, try not to fall for me this time!" He said while laughing making you laugh too.
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hi i uh. drank a sinister potion (dr. pepper) on the way to school this morning and the problem with perfection filled my head for the fiftieth time so. i'm here now. soooo uh, warning for a very crazy caffeine induced audhd rant. 👍
i just like.... kinda wanna let u know how much this fic means to me. like fr. like seriously. it means a lot to me. we've been mutuals for a while so i feel like now's def a good time (and a long time coming lmao)
iirc i found ur fic when i was in the danganronpa trenches in like, 2021/2022 i think? it was summer and i had nothing better to do with my free time and i was super bored and ishimondo was my personality and i found it while going thru ao3 and was like "yeah. this sounds cool"
and i did NOT know what i was getting into let me tell you. adored the writing really fast. ur skill level actually blew me the fuck away like. instantly. all the characters were incredibly in character, everything was so detailed and i LOVED the fact that you made your writing very emotion driven. like you wrote a lot with like, exaggerated punctuation and pauses and spaces and stuff that i rarely ever see but i feel like your writing was like, so much better for that??? its something i've started to use in my writing because it just draws you in so much and just. puts you into their shoes almost instantly. like it sounds like you're in their head. like i think like that (got that narrator brain in me) and it was just so cool to see someone write like that. got a lot of good moments
and i honest to god binged that fic because it had me by a chokehold. like i'm talking i barely got sleep because i was so excited to read the next chapter the next day that my body would wake me up earlier. and i'd pull it out and binge the next chapter. and when i got to a point where the chapters where still being updated, i remember checking like. every sunday night or so every week to see if it got updated. so many cliffhangers that i was not normal about..........
and i recommended it to EVERYONE i knew that was into danganronpa. like i did not care if they usually read fanfiction or not i would sit there and go on infodump rants about this gay fanfiction i found on the gay fanfiction site and ik i confused them but like. that was how good it was to me. felt like it was a real book. and not only that i honest to god felt like i was reading about me.
like the way you wrote taka meant and continues to mean so much to me to this fucking day because i rarely ever see characters that are like me, at least in an honest to god way. and i was already connected to taka and loved him but i think you made him feel like an extension of me in a way and it just like. idk. it spoke to me man. ik i sound dramatic but it did.
like an autistic queer kid with a strict parent being thrown into so many situations where you just automatically assume everyone else is watching you, judging you, based on past trauma and experiences and just. at the same time so emotional and passionate and just genuine for lack of a better term. and the panic attacks that were written i actually almost had some during reading it because i felt it. that felt like me honest to god (not a bad thing btw!!! i am ok!! but that's a compliment because that's how accurate it was!!)
and during a time where i was dating people who just. idk its hard to explain. i knew they cared about me but there were so many times where there were disconnects. sexuality and gender (gender's not really a part of the story ik but yk what i mean) was a big one. and i felt how he would feel when mondo wasn't exactly the best when it came to his behaviors and expressions of love.
and now i'm with someone who is like. mondo at all his best moments. and even when he matches mondo's lower ones it feels like, there's more times where we can do what they did in the fic and work through it. be there for each other because even if we're both fucked up yk we can like. work through it. and that's so cool honestly?? its not transactional, it means something. i've felt both sides and it's so. crazy to me. it's just wild.
and while i didn't read a lot of it (mental health was NOT in a space where i could i'm gonna be so real) the other installment, the one where mondo comes over to taka's house and they gotta hide and stuff? i've felt that. god i've felt that. my current boyfriend (also a trans man) and i have had so many times where we've had to act as "friends" and hide our romantic gestures and being so deathly afraid of getting caught yk?
idk this fic made me feel seen, and i wonder if there's like... anyone else that feels that way. idk i feel like their definitely is. and i just kinda wanna like. thank you for writing something that just. made me feel heard in a time when i really really needed it. even if we didn't know each other it felt so wild to have a stranger sit there and give me and indirect hug and let me know that i am not the only guy struggling out there with this stuff. it's changed the way i view myself and how i view the world and it's so cool to me that even fanfiction of all things can do that. that's nuts man. you did that and i really wanna emphasize that you should be proud of that. that's so cool. you're writing is so fucking cool man.
and also another thing i. love. that you also wrote about sex being a form of like. expressing love for some people. i am demisexual so like. seeing a character that seemed to also exhibit that and really only feel and have that strong attraction to someone they love romantically and have a connection with, and do it to let the other person know they love them. it's like. that's cool. that's so cool. i'm shaking you that's so cool /pos
and while i'm not fixated on dr right now (as you can. probably tell. (btw obligatory "watch lego monkie kid but also you do not have to i just wanna let you know its cool" plug because of Tha Autism(tm)), and while my comic i was going to make is on a very long hiatus bc adhd is beating the shit out of me, i really want you to know how much i appreciate this fic and how much it just. lives in my brain. how much it makes me emotional to this day because it spoke to me; some random dude who was just getting out of high school who fucking needed that really really bad. and also i want you to know how excited i was when we become mutuals and i'm really really lucky to have someone so cool as my mutual, and you've become even cooler in my brain now that we're kinda yk. in a vaguely similar circle.
anyways i appreciate you so much!!!! and even if we're in different fandoms and stuff, and even if tpwp is also not being continued/on a hiatus i still appreciate what you did with it, and what you do now. don't understand all the fandoms you post but i got that respect for it. i'm in the corner with pom poms cheering u on.
so um. yeah! that was long. but i'm hyped up on caffeine and neurodivergent so ujhm. yea. hopefully this made sense lmao
~ your very much not normal mutual tyler 👍
Okay, sorry for the late response, I saw this when I got up this morning and needed the day to figure how to respond because this was. So much (in a good way I promise!!!!)
So, first of all, THANK YOU FOR THIS!! It's easy as a fic writer to feel discouraged with your writing, or to feel like you're not as "good" as other people, and it's things like this that remind me that whether or not I'm a "good writer," what I write does matter to people. And that's just... really special to me, so thank you for writing this all. It means so much to me.
I'm glad you like the dramatic pauses and the way I write, though! When I was younger, I always tried to limit doing that sort of thing, since I knew it wasn't considered "good" or "proper" writing. But with TPWP I just... decided to let myself write how I wanted to write and not think too much about it. I wrote TPWP kind of how I think, because I wanted it to feel like it was Taka's thoughts and emotions, even if it wasn't in first person. And I'm really glad that came across!
I've always been really big into psychology and introspection, which is one of the main reasons I write about things like that a lot. I like to get into characters heads and try to figure them out. See what they'd be like if this thing happened, or if this thing hadn't happened, etc. I write about struggles, because I struggled as a kid, but in more quiet ways. I mean, all things considered I had a good life. supportive, loving parents and older brother, good grades, people generally liked me and I never got in trouble. But I was so determined to do well that I psyched myself out. I was terrified of disappointing people and losing what I had, and I crumbled in middle and high school. Luckily I had good parents so I was able to stumble through it, but it always left me feeling isolated, since I could never articulate why I felt so off inside. It wasn't until I took an "abnormal psych" class in college that I even realized I had intense anxiety.
All of this to say that I'm glad I was able to resonate with you through my writing. I could never find the words to articulate myself when I was younger, so I took to writing to try and connect with people, to get a message across. Most of my stories have some form of "moral" or "lesson" that I'm trying to get across, lessons that I had to learn myself growing up. TPWP's was that perfection is impossible and that you have to learn to accept yourself for who you are. Honestly, I put the most of myself into Taka, since while I never had a distant parental figure who wanted me to be absolutely perfect, I was kinda that figure to myself. I wanted so badly to be "perfect" and "the favorite" and when I wasn't, I freaked out. I shut down and couldn't even explain to my parents why. So, with TPWP, I wanted to let other people know that it's okay to just... be you.
I don't know if any of this is making any sense, sorry. I had a long day at work and my head is a bit jumbled. Mostly just... thanks for writing this. Things have been tough lately between school and work, and it's nice to be reminded that my stories do matter to people. I never wanted to be a professional writer, but I did always want to write something that made someone, somewhere, feel something. Hopefully something good, something cathartic.
Oh, and as for the sex thing... that was honestly unintended, ha. But I'm Ace, so to me, that's what sex is. Or what it should be. A way to connect emotionally with your partner above all else. Honestly, the only reason I wrote sex into TPWP was to explore the way it would interact with their friendship, not to be like... sexual, ha. Glad you liked how I wrote it!
Anyway, thanks again for writing this!! And I'm glad we're mutuals too! Yeah, I am part of some interesting fandoms on my main blog, but I'm glad it's not too off-putting, ha. I'll try and check out that show some day, though! I don't have a lot of emotional energy to get into a new show at the moment (as I'm sure some people can understand, since starting a new fandom can be a lot at times), but maybe once (IF) things calm down for me I'll take a look! I have seen a lot of posts about the monkie kid show, not just from you, so it's something I might check out one of these days. I'm mostly waiting for Our Flag Means Death season 2 to air tomorrow so I can get washed away into Pirate Town for the next month or so, while the episodes release. 😅😅😅
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multifanlol · 1 year
Hello! I have another request if you don’t mind think you could do a Yandere Calamity trio headcanons kidnaps the reader but the reader either escapes or they’re friends come to rescue them? You can do them separately if you want
Hey! And yess I’ll do them together as it sounds interesting-
Tw: Kidnapping, yk the usual yandere stuff
Calamity trio kidnapping there s/o together but the reader escapes
After Amphibia
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You hated this
You hated everything you hated them
You knew you didn’t even mean hate at that point you didn’t know what you thought of the three girls…..Anne, Sasha and Marcy
Your childhood friends
You met the friend group a little later (2nd grade) but you were still welcomed in with open arms
You couldn’t separate us when we were kids even as we aged
When we became teens though you began to notice some…..slight change of habits
You honestly felt stupid for not noticing especially since the red flags were there when we were only little kids now thinking about it they were always a little…..possessive
You noticed how they were your only friends that sticked around long enough, all your other friends suspiciously started ghosting you or just full on said they didn’t wanna be your friend…..
That’s another red flag you should of saw but you can’t blame you right? I mean there was no obvious signs they had anything to do with it…..
You almost didn’t notice there sly smiles when your friends walked away from you
As it went on they became worser but you didn’t bother leaving them as they were your only friends at the time…..
And when you did realise there wasn’t anything you could do they practically had control over you….
Sasha was like the ring leader at the time, lead whatever messed up thing they were gonna do to someone looking at you the wrong or “right” way aka showed some form of “interest in you, Marcy was like the brains forming the plan on how it’d work and stuff and Anne just…..followed along i guess you could say she talked to the person first but…..she didn’t really do much at the time
Although little did they know you actually did make a few friends only a few you met them before Amphibia how did they not find out? You weren’t even sure they usually knew your schedule but this time instead of going to school you ditched it and went to the park instead, call it dumb but with how unbelievably creepy your only friends have been getting you wanted to be away from them…..till they somehow found you at least
You ended up meeting two people there, bonded and over time you trusted them enough and became friends with them
You made sure to never and i mean NEVER make sure the girls found out that’s probably the only smart thing you did….
You remember noticing how weird they’d act whenever you’d mention a slight nice thing about someone that wasn’t them and if you told them you gained a friend? Yeah you weren’t gonna deal with that
Honestly you thank them as there probably the reason you realised how unormal the stuff the girls would do were I mean you grew up with them so you….kinda normalised it
During Amphibia you missed them although it did open your eyes a load of how they were…..too bad now there even worser I mean, they know combat now-
After Amphibia you thought Marcy would of moved that you honestly…..didn’t know how to feel sad or happy? You had no idea-
Although for some reason she didn’t move?
Like did she convince her parents or something? Maybe you should have been looking into how closely the other girls were getting to you…..
Next time you woke up it felt normal…..till you heard something on the news
It was a photo of…..you
And they were talking about you…..dying? Dying during the frog things attempting to take over the world what-
“Just putting this in here-oh your awake! Guys she’s awake!!”
“What is it Mar mar-oh your awake!”
“What is it guys-oh your awake….finally-“
You still remember the absolute shock and panic of your childhood friends turned into all being insanely in-love with you now kidnapping you and leaving you……you don’t even know
Like none of there parents even suspected anything, they still went to there house while one looked after you or something.
You didn’t even understand it and didn’t want to
You didn’t know how to react them telling you that they faked your death so nobody can “hurt you” or something like that and it’s for your own good
Instead things were different glancing at them first there just three teenagers, after knowing them for like a day you’ll learn these girls stopped a whole frog war i mean including you but it’s like they don’t even realise it
This time Sasha was still sorta the ring leader but she was still open to Marcy and Anne’s ideas as even though she was still an insanely obsessive person she still changed with not being controlling and manipulative anymore
She still has major anger issues though
And well the usual Marcy was the brains, and Anne was the heart this time it was all towards you
Deciding what needs to be locked up after every attempt of you escaping and failing, as an example Sasha thinks of ways to stop you from getting out, Marcy helps with that and Anne “lectures” you
You tried to escape, multiple times it just got harder and worser with every attempt you didn’t forget the time they nearly lost it with you after them giving you “everything” let’s just say you stopped trying afterwards
At least that’s what they thought
You didn’t even message your friends they just knew knowing your death had to be false in some way so they were ready to rescue you they just had to wait
Believe it or not you did actually consider just giving up and giving into them but one night Marcy was watching you but fell asleep after assuming you were asleep as you were actually a good faker after always having to do it so the girls would leave you alone you ended up getting a suspicious knock through the window, because believe it or not you still had windows, you needed air after all as they wouldn’t let you out but they were heavily boarded up
You just assumed it was some animal or something and tried to ignore it but it kept on knocking so you checked it out and nearly screamed then and there….
“OH MY-“
You stopped quickly turning your head and seeing Marcy still in a deep slumber and then grabbing a plushie assuming it was you i guess
They showed you a note which read
“We’re gonna get you out of here y/n, just wait a little longer and don’t make them suspect anything we promise we’ll help you get out of here”
And just like that it begun
And here you are now it’s been months and all you’ve been doing is playing pretend with them and letting them treat you like how a little girl is with there dolls
You honestly felt like months was a little too long
You knew they were trying but you were becoming impatient so until you got a response from them you were observing different ways to escape
You ended up figuring out a way to beat them at there little “game”
You needed to defeat the three keys, brains, strength and heart
Whenever you’d usually escape they’d always be three steps ahead of you, literally
Marcy would have observed the place and see what was tampered with to show that your trying to escape, and would make it look more easy to get out of so that you’d find it believable
Sasha would be the one that stops you from escaping like easily holding you down, doesn’t matter how strong you are she IS meant to represent the strength word itself in the show
Anne would be the one to walk in the room acting like she didn’t know your little plan maybe getting you to tell her something pretending she’s gonna let you go…..she’s not manipulative she swears-
So you had it all figured out….
It was definitely more easier now as you had more privileges it still wasn’t totally easy as Sasha felt that she’s not sure if you totally gave in yet as she feels like it’s “too easy” or something like that
And just like that you got a response from your friends
It was all ready now….
And just like that you were about to jump out the window, it felt a little too easy….
“What are you waiting for, jump y/n!”
“I don’t know it just-nevermind”
“S/o, stop!”
Oh no…
“You don’t have to do this….just don’t jump out the window and we can just talk….”
“There just strangers s/o there clearly just manipulating you”
You had enough of this
“There not strangers…..there better friends then you at least…”
You noticed they had something behind them and you honestly weren’t just gonna stand there
“Goodbye….old “friends”
And just like that you were gone
You couldn’t return back to your parents for now as you knew it wasn’t a very believable story and it was too risky as that’s where they would assume you’d go first
They never got over you escaping, they looked searched and even told everyone you were alive if they had to
I don’t think they’d ever stop looking
Anne would be heartbroken that you escaped after them being nothing but nice to you….
Marcy would feel stupid but be sad, stupid you outsmarted her sad that well….your gone
Sasha would be angry, would probably punch a wall at least twice a day when you escape, she would also cry while being angry
I guess it’s obvious they’d never stop looking…..not till they found you and if they did well……
Yeah 🙃
And well that’s it tell me more stuff like this you wanna see!! And hope you have a good day/night!
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