#so what are these additional kg going to do????
lqnar · 2 years
i genuinely feel like i look fatter than i did when i was 5 kg heavier
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anotherwannabe · 3 months
Okay, now I'm going to get serious with this shit.
In a month I have to go to my cousin's wedding in which I have to wear a dress and just 10 days later I have a trip with my class, in which we will go away for a week. In addition to all this, what I have to do is lose weight, I can't continue eating, I don't want to. I'm going to start fasting right now until I can't do it anymore. I have to weigh at most 42 kg in a month, so I have 6 or 7 kg to lose. I'm going to take it seriously and I'm going to do it, I swear on everything that I'm going to achieve it. I will update the blog to see if I succeed, if you read this I hope you believe in me as I believe in you. Come on we can do it!!!!
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bethanythebogwitch · 10 months
I haven't covered any pinniped pals for Wet Beast Wednesday yet, so for my first one I'm going big. Really big. Elephant seal big. Elephant seals are not only the largest of all pinnipeds, they are the largest of all carnivorans and the largest marine mammals that aren't cetaceans. There are two species: northern (Mirounga angustirostris) and southern (Mirounga leonina), with the southern species being the larger of the two.
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (image: an elephant seal bellowing)
Elephant seals are true seals (as opposed to sea lions and walruses), meaning they lack external ears and their hind legs have fused into a sort of pseudo-flipper that allows for highly efficient swimming but is of little use when maneuvering on land. While it is common among pinnipeds for males to be larger than females, elephant seals exaggerated that with one of the most extreme size differences between sexes. Females of both species range from around 350 to 900 kg (880 to 1,980 lbs) and 2.5 to 3.6 m (8.2 to 11.8 ft) in length. Male northern seals average between 1,500 to 2,300 kg (3,300 to 5,100 lbs) and 4-5 m (13-16 ft) while southern males break the scale at 1,500 to 3,700 kg (3,300 to 8,200 lbs) and 4.2 to 5.8 m (14 - 19 ft). The southern species has the largest mass difference between sexes of any mammal, with the males averaging 5-6 times the weight of the females.
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(image: male and female elephant seals chillaxing on a beach)
In addition to the size difference, the other major form of sexual dimorphism is that the male has his nose elongated into a proboscis. This snout serves two major functions: it amplifies the roars of the male allowing him to be remarkably loud and it traps and reabsorbs moisture when he exhales. This is important as the seals do not eat or drink when on land and recapturing moisture lets him stay hydrated.
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(image: a male[top], female [bottom left] and juvenile [bottom right] northern elephant seal)
Seals are adapted to spend the vast majority of their lives in the water and elephant seals are no different. They spend around 80% of their lives in the water and have many adaptations to aid in their lifestyle. Like most marine mammals, they have a thick layer of fatty blubber that preserves heat in cold water, reduces drag, and provides buoyancy. Like other seals, they can slow their heartbeats and redirect blood flow to the core of their body to avoid losing heat. Another seal adaptation is that veins returning blood to the heart grow near arteries carrying blood from the heart. This allows the cold returning blood to leech some heat from the arteries to avoid cooling down the body's core. They have a lot of blood to store oxygen, allowing for long dives. Elephant seals dive deep (averaging 300-600 m but occasionally much deeper) when searching for food. Females typically go on deeper but shorter dives than males. They can hold their breath for over 100 minutes, longer than nay non-cetacean mammal.. Their eyes are highly adapted to low-light conditions and their whiskers can sense motion in the water, both things that aid in finding food. Elephant seals are very opportunistic predators and will eat a large variety of fish and cephalopods.
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(image: a female elephant seal swimming)
The 20% of time not spent at sea is mostly taken up by two yearly periods: the molting and breeding seasons. In both cases, the seal will haul out onto the beach and will not eat or drink until it has finished. Molting season lasts about a month and usually occurs in summer. Elephant seals undergo what are called catastrophic molts, where they not only shed and regrow their fur but their outer layer of skin. During the regrowth of their skin, extra blood has to be directed toward it. In the water, this would cause too much heat loss, so it must be done on land. The skin sheds in large patches and not all at once, resulting in molting seals having a ragged appearance.
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(image: a seal mid-molt)
The longer and more famous time on land is breeding season. In early spring, males will arrive on beaches and fight each other for dominance. In time, a few alpha males will claim most of the beach. These fights last even after the females arrive. Fights are very dramatic, involving posing and bellowing. If one male does not submit, they will fight by biting and slapping each other with their heads. Fights are rarely fatal, but are frequently bloody. Males have thicker skin on their chests to protect them during fights. Alpha males claim the right to mate with the females. Other males are forced to the outskirts of the beach, where they try to mate while the alpha is distracted. Some males will become betas, who help the alpha patrol his territory and drive off competing males. These betas will often try to mate while the alpha is distracted. Only the largest and strongest males can claim alpha status, and usually late in life when they have grown to their largest. After the females arrive, mothers will give birth to their pups. After birth, the female uses unique vocalizations so her pup can always recognize her. They nurse pups for up to 28 days while the males continue to fight. Elephant seal milk is extremely high in fat content, with up to 50% of the milk being fat, compared to 3.5% for cows. Some mothers may adopt the pups of others, especially if their own pup died before weaning. Weaning is very abrupt, after which the females will mate and the adults will return to the sea. The pups are left on land for up to 10 weeks, where they must learn how to swim and hunt while subsisting off the energy stores they built up while nursing. Juvenile mortality is high, with up to 50% of pups dying before reaching maturity. Adults can lose a third of their weight during breeding season.
(video: a clip from the BBC documentary Seven World One Planet about males fighting fro dominance. warning: there is blood)
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(image: a mother seal and pup)
A few pups are known as super weaners because they can grow exceptionally large during nursing. This is usually due to the pup being adopted by an additional female and therefore getting an extra dose of milk or it will steal milk from another pup. In a few cases, the mothers will just wait longer before weaning for unknown reasons. Average pups weigh between 110 and 160 kg (250 - 350 lbs) at weaning while super weaners can weigh up to 270 kg (600 lbs). They can put on so much blubber their ability to move becomes impaired. Super weaners are rarely observed again after leaving the rookery. It has been speculated that their excess blubber makes them exceptionally buoyant, reducing their ability to dive and making it harder to feed, leading to increased mortality.
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(image: a chonky baby super weaner)
Both species of elephant seal were hunted to near-extinction in the 19th century as their blubber could be used to make exceptionally high-quality oil. After the hunting period ended, their numbers increased to the point both species are classified as least concern by the IUCN, though their populations have never risen to pre-hunting numbers and many areas that were historically occupied are now vacant. Genetic bottlenecks in both species has led to an increase in diseases and birth defects. El Nino is known to have a negative effect on northern seals by drastically increasing pup mortality, so this year was probably a bad one. One major limiting factor in their population growth is a lack of beaches to haul out on and many beaches they use are now protected by local laws or as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
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(Gif: a female versus a car. Round 1, fight!)
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dinner-and-a-show · 3 months
Does anyone have a solid number on how many people Hannibal actually killed? I know the ripper only had 9-10 official victims in season 1, and more as the monstro, but also-
The average human has, I think, about 70-75 pounds of edible meat, and the healthy amount of red meat per week is apparently 500g (~1.1 pounds) of red meat. But Hannibal isn’t eating all the person. Lungs are around 1000g, the average adult male has a leg weighing about 15 kg, so depending on his storage method, Hannibal could probably stretch his victims to a few monthes on average, and close to a year for the larger parts, but that’s with 0 waste, and without any dinner parties or other social events. So either-
Hannibal is killing people outside of being the ripper, but because they’re never found/displayed, it’s assumed they were killed by animals or freak accidents, or just went missing, and Hannibal uses them to supplement his diet when he isn’t being the ripper.
Or, much funnier, Hannibal supplements his diet with regular meat from stores, and will sometimes treat himself to the human meat if it’s about to go off or if he feels he deserves it. There have been several times when he reached into the freezer for certain cuts, and only realise halfway through that what he’s cooking isn’t actually pork.
(Also, if he killed, let’s say four people a year from ages 18 to 43, his age at the beginning of the show, that’s 100 people, roughly 10 more than the most prolific real life us serial killer. Although, he’d only need to do that if he wasted a lot of the body, or it went off before he ate it. Again, without any additional meat for guest or parties).
This entire thing was researched incredibly lazily, so feel free to comment correcting any inaccuracies.
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Surprising Black Swans
A popular ornamental waterbird in Europe and North America, the black swan (Cygnus atratus) is a species of swan endemic to Australia and New Zealand. In both their native and introduced ranges they can be found near bodies of fresh or salt water, especially lakes and wetlands with plenty of aquatic vegetation. The species is highly nomadic, and migrate based on yearly rainfall patterns.
Black swans are the second largest swan species, with a maximum weight of 9 kg (19.8 lbs) and a wingspan of 2 m (6.6 ft). Despite being smaller, black swans have the longest neck of any swan. Males, also known as cobs, are slight larger than females-- aka pens. As their name suggests, C. atratus has black plumage, although the flight feathers on their wings are white. The beak is a bright red with a white stripe, thought to be indication of an individuals health and sexual maturity.
Like all swans, the black swan mates for life. In addition to their high fidelity rates, C. atratus is also unique for its high rates of homosexual couples; about 25% of pairings are between individuals of the same sex (primarily males). These mates are known to steal eggs from other nests or form temporary ‘throuples’ with a member of the opposite sex, and some research has shown that homosexual couples are more than twice as likely to successfully raise their young as heterosexual couples.
The mating season for black swans occurs from February to September. While pairs are generally solitary, groups will nest in the same area to increase the chances of finding a mate and decrease the risk of predation. Pairs form when one an individual approaches another and initiates a ritual known as the Triumph Ceremony, in which the individual extends their wings and calls out. If the mate is receptive, they will repeat the gesture, and the pair will then go through a synchronous dance to solidify their pairing. This ceremony is repeated multiple times throughout each breeding season to strengthen the pair’s bond and affirm that between parent and chick.
Females lay 5 or 6 eggs in a clutch, and will alternate incubating them with her partner for 35 to 48 days. After hatching, the young- also known as cygnets- are fairly precocial but will stay in or near the nest for 2 to 3 weeks. It takes up to 6 months for them to completely lose their grey down and grow their adult plumage, though they remain with their family units for up to 9 months. Once they have fully fledged, juveniles join groups of other cygnets for 1-2 years, at which point they become sexually mature.
Black swans can present an intimidating threat to potential predators, so there are few animals that attack fully grown adults. However, eggs and young cygnets can be a target for ravens, birds of prey, and rodents. C. atratus themselves are herbivores and feed primarily on aquatic vegetation.
Conservation status: the IUCN has classified the black swan as Least Concern, and their native populations are stable.
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Damian Shaw
Richard Tommy Campion
Susan Marley via iNaturalist
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Observation 101
So, here we are. If you practiced your Mindset and Intuition, observation will be more useful for you. Obviously, in 1 post we can only discuss what is observation and how to observe better. In the future, we will go deeper and analyze scenes. For now, let's get started.
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Some people think that observation is just looking around. But here is the difference: Looking around is passive, observation is active. There is something called "Passive Observation" but it is not the same as looking around.
Passive Observation: It is an automatic habit you develop. You don't actively look for details but you observe. For example, you shake someone's hand and later you can say it was a firm grip and he wore a watch even though you weren't paying attention. Obviously, details come with attention so you won't observe a lot passively.
Active Observation: You have a purpose and you channel your observation with this purpose. You want to observe as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. So, when you shake hands you don't just shake, you are trying to get a feel of his skin, you are looking for the brand of the watch etc. When you become active, more details are available to you.
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Let's analyze this scene in a very superficial way. Sherlock listens to the victim's parents and while he turns his head, he notices something. He realizes that an object is not where it is supposed to be. It is just an instant intuition and passive observation. It appears he wasn't actively looking but still noticed it because he practiced observation for a long time and he can observe even when he doesn't give attention.
Obviously, we have a lot of examples of active observation so I won't go deep on that.(Basically, every scene where Sherlock makes a deduction is almost an active observation. Though, we will go deeper in the next posts.)We can't do anything about passive observation because it will come with practice. For now, let's focus on active observation.
How to Observe?
Even if you know what to look for, if you don't know how to look, it won't matter. (You will look for a watch on a man's wrist but miss the detail that it is a woman's watch. )
So, for the last 3 years, I did research about how to observe and still @amateur-deductions program is one of the best programs. 2 basic questions will increase your observation skills immensely. Those are: 1-What is missing? This question is important because like the example above(Sherlock notices what is missing, which is bust)you need to see what is not there but should be. Almost everyone buys dumbells as a pair. So, if you see a 5 kg dumbell on the ground, you should question where is the other one.(If there is another one.) If you ask yourself "What is missing?" you will see it easier.
2-What seems out of place?
You see a soldier but he is not shaved. Why? Maybe he left the military or he is lying. Whatever the case, there is something out of place and by asking "What seems out of place?" you will look for odd details. These 2 questions are not enough but very important for the foundation. In addition, never forget: “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” Never take anything for granted.
Your brain will trick you when there is an obvious fact like that:
Wrong: This person wears a watch. A lot of people wear a watch so it is not important. I don't have to observe it.
True: I wonder what can I observe about this watch? What time does it show?
What to look for?
The answer to that question is simple: Everything. You can't take the risk of missing any details so you have to observe everything. After you observe everything, your observations will draw you a path and you will go deeper into some of them. So, observe everything.
This is a long introduction but a necessary one. In the future, we will go deeper. So, if you have any questions about observation, send them. For now, that's all. See you later.
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homochadensistm · 5 months
WaPo recently came out with this report on al-shifa, but i haven't had the chance to read + investigate it fully yet :/ my initial reaction is that it has to be bullshit but im going to try and read it tomorrow anyway. i really respect how knowledgeable you are and how you break things down so i wanted to know your reaction to it as well fjdndksncksnf but i totally understand if you dont want to. hoping you dont caught in mercazi traffic again tomorrow !! 🧿 maybe hamas will respect shabbat... עלק
The main thing I find funny about this Super Serious Professional Report is that WaPo, back in 2014, published multiple articles admitting that Shifa was being used as a Hamas command center, stating that Hamas leaders were present in the hospital consistently.
idk what "evidence" WaPo could be looking for when multiple journalists reporting from Shifa have stated over the years that they saw rockets being launched from the hospital.
We dont even have to go that far back in time, the CCTV footage from Shifa at October 7th seals the deal. Why is a stolen IDF armored vehicle parked there 3 hours after the invasion began? why are perfectly healthy Israeli hostages being led through the corridors of the hospital? The quality of the footage is pretty good, you can clearly see that most of the Israelis being pushed around the hospital by armed gunmen (what are they doing in the hospital?) are not injured. What was Noa Marciano's body doing under the hospital? Its honestly so stupid to deny at this point.
My favorite parts however about this amazing journalistic masterpiece is:
"While the underground tunnel uncovered by Israeli forces after the raid does point to a possible militant presence underneath the hospital at some point, it does not prove that a command node was operating there during the war." ???? like....first of all, it was multiple interconnected tunnels, not one. What possible uses does a hospital have with a tunnel system blocked off by metal doors with firing holes? "possible military presence"??? We can just translate this as WaPo-speak for "well sure the hospital was used by the terror org but it wasnt specifically a command center!" girl the intl rules of war dont fucking care! if u use a hospital for any military activity it loses its protection status, period.
And "Photos released by the military later that day purported to show the full haul of weapons recovered at the hospital — about 12 AK-style rifles, in addition to magazines of ammunition and several grenades and bulletproof vests. The Post was unable to independently verify to whom the weapons belonged or how they came to be inside the radiology unit." oh WOW the post wasnt able to independently verify to whom the weapons belonged or how they ended up there?? how the fuck would you be able to verify that?? Imagine if, lets say, a field of bodies belonging to Ukrainian soldiers was discovered somewhere east of Kharkiv, and WaPo would be like "well we werent able to independently verify that these people were killed by Russian soldiers, maybe the caught the Bulletitis disease??" thats how fucking stupid it sounds. It only takes 2 minutes to check what kind of weapons the IDF carries (hint, not AK47s or Iranian-Russian made RPGs) to "independently verify" who those weapons belonged to, and if you want to claim IDF soldiers carried 100s of kgs of AK47s and other Iranian-Russian made weaponry you better show me where we can see that in the myriad of videos posted by retarded soldiers (not by official IDF releases) and how were they able to achieve such a feat, cause no amount of porridge-eating and Popeye cans will help you individually carry 80kg of clunkyass equipment throughout an incredibly dangerous, dense, urban environment just so u could place it inside a lil building.
This entire article could win the mental gymnastics olympics. Its just a huge Cope and adds absolutely nothing new to the table. The evidence is simply not enough only if you willingly dont want to actually look at it or accept it.
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scolop98 · 1 year
No other contestant in the final four is such A Creature™️ the way that Jakapil is. Jakapil is simultaneously the ultimate being to exist from the perspective of a dinosaur-obsessed child and a fascinating, paradigm-shifting paleontological enigma. Literally the perfect dinosaur, what more could you want
Why vote for Jakapil?
the most likely scenario here is that this guy represents a hundred million year old ghost lineage of basal thyreophorans that we’ve never discovered before. The less likely scenarios are bipedal armored ceratopsian or a completely new kind of ornithsician, both of which have been genuinely considered by some paleontologists! Whatever the case, Jakapil represents a brand new, never-before seen lineage of dinosaurs unlike anything we’ve ever known before, and that’s SO COOL
Aesthetically, this is a bipedal armored dinosaur with tiny abelisaur-grade arms, estimated to be less than 5 ft long and 15 lb (or 1.5 m and 7 kg max). Literally perfect. I’m really bad at visualizing measurements but I’m pretty sure you could pick it up and hold it in your arms if you tried. Sure you could do that with Heracles or Caihong, but you don’t need a Time Machine to pick up parrots and shiny bird things - there’s nothing like Jakapil for you to hold and snuggle today
They’re so friggin weird. It’s got jaws like a ceratopsian or a heterodontosaur, a jaw bone that no other basal thyreophorans have, arm anatomy shockingly similar to abelisaurs, and THEY CAN CHEW. I know that chewing seems really normal to us humans but it’s so weird to see outside of mammals. Practically the only other dinosaurs that chew are ornithopods. Jakapil seems like it’s trying to be as many kinds of dinosaur as possible, which further supports my statement that it is the Ultimate Dinosaur
It’s armored and covered in spikes. ‘Nuff said
Also a friendly reminder that the only other known bipedal thyreophoran is Scutellosaurus, which was from Early Jurassic Europe. Jakapil is from late Cretaceous South America, so this guy just popped up across the world a hundred million years later with practically no trace of its ancestors. How did this happen? What the fuck were its ancestors doing in that time? Heracles may have given us neat answers to New Zealand-y questions, but Jakapil gave us questions we didn’t even know needed to be asked
I’ve said it once and I’ve said it again, South America’s fauna has been friggin' amazing since the Cretaceous and never stopped. Automatic points for being a South American dinosaur. This guy lived alongside Giganotosaurus and Buitreraptor!!
What about the other contestants, you may ask? Kholumolumo is only here for the meme. Outside of the funny name and it’s absurdly convoluted history to getting formally named, what do you actually know about it? How much does it contribute to our understanding of dinosaurs compared to the other contestants?
Caihong is basic. I’m sorry but I won’t back down from this (for another few months at least). I love dromaeosaurs as much as the next person, but literally all that Caihong has going for it is it’s ultra-inridescence. Any other Chinese dromaeosaur could provide the rest. Look past your instinctual love of shiny things and vote for something that breaks away from everything we thought we knew to become something truly unique!
As for Heracles... I actually have nothing bad to say about Heracles, I love New Zealand's fauna and giant flightless birds (especially on islands). But while I love Heracles for everything it stands for, I feel like Jakapil stands for so much more. Heracles is a wonderful addition to our knowledge of it's lineage and environment, but also... is it really that surprising to find a giant flightless bird in New Zealand that belongs to that a family endemic to New Zealand? Jakapil is just such a bizarre, fascinating, unexpected discovery from so many perspectives. It is truly the ultimate dinosaur, and we should honor it as such
As of the time of writing there's still four days left at the polls and Jakapil is a steady second place in all three of them. We still have time to win this for Jakapil and dethrone Caihong!
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poptabcat · 29 days
Losing weight ~`!
|☆`! Height: 5'3
|☆`! SW: 83.28kg (183.6lbs </3)
|☆`! CW: 82.69 kg (182.3lbs) 81.70kg (180lbs) 80.74kg (178 lbs) 79.51 kg (175lbs) 77.38 kg (170.6lbs) 76.84 kg (169.4lbs) 75.84 kg (167.2lbs)
|☆`! GW: 54.44kgs (120lbs)
|☆`! UGW: 45.40 (100) andd, including a th!nspo that inspires me~! (under including what i like and want :3)
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|~ i really like how she still has the boobs and thighs but they're much smaller >w< mine are so big its horrid!! i want my ribs and pelvic bones to show like herssss, maybe even a bit more hehe >;3 along with how her neck and collarbone is, i would! tho, like to be much more skinniii, i plan on working out alot and trying to stay under 500kcals a day ^^ my safe food are likely just going to be veggies a some fruits, oranges are a very main safe food for me sooo:3
(the additon of my plan is down here)
(been doing omad lately so this doesnt apply currently)
my plan ~` (under 550kcals!)
hello ! this is my written plan and what i will be eating for my weight loss, obviously random things like binges and purging will be thrown in at times but this is the main thing and over time i will likely made edits and additons! any tips and advice is welcome :3
breakfast|○ two eggs, either scrambled, sunnyside, or hard-boiled. and maybe a piece of bread or a piece of bacon :3
lunch|○ hummus with carrots or cucumber (or) 8 strawberries with 2 tsp of greek yogurt
snacks|○ low cal jelly (or) a 5oz can of water GV tuna (or) 1 serving size of jerky (or) an orange
dinner|○ none, or js alot of warm diet coke.
how many cals/protein in everything and added up:
(any number ending in g is hw many grams of protein)
70cals 6g in an egg and x2 = 140cals, and 12g 75cals 2.7g in a slice of bread 43cals 3g in a strip of bacon … 25cals 1.2g in a tbsp of hummus and, x4 = 100 and 4.8g 4cals 0.1g in 1 baby carrot, and x15 = 52cals and 1.5g 45cals and 0.65g in 1 cucumber 40cals and 5.36g in 8 strawberries … 5cals 1g in 1 cup low cal jelly 80cals 17g in a 5oz can of GV tuna 80cal 12g 28 pieces of jerky
all added up:
EVERYTHING, together is 660cals and 60.01g ( i think, im bad at math lmao)
319 cals and with just the eggs, bread, and hummus and carrots (minimum and probably all i will be eating, along with the additional snacks :3)
just breakfast (everything): 258cals and 17.7g
just lunch (everything): 237cals and 12.31g
just snacks (everything): 165cals and 30g
and there u go!! ill likely update this soon and alot of times but thats js the basics for now! :D along with everything ill be chugging alot of water, tea, and diet drinks :3 <3
love u guys~ :3
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seirei-bh · 11 months
A theory about Maia and Onin
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Reading through J&D TPL's design bible, I realized that Onin and Maia have one thing in common: they can both predict the future and can hear and interpret prophecies.
The description about Maia in TPL design bible says Maia was able to predict the future and shout prophecies with a voice that was not her own. In addition, Maia is said to have used a "dark socery" and it is even hinted that she was so powerful that she created an army of enemies (it may refer to her creating the Lurkers or at least experimenting with them to mutate them in different ways). Onin is also renowned in Haven City as a true sort of fortune teller and sorceress. The two are the only human characters who have these powers so strange and uniques.
But why do they have these powers? Why does Onin know so much about the Precursors? And why was Maia going into a trance and speaking in a voice that was not her own? Why did Maia and Gol wanted to experiment with dark eco?
Here we go, theory time!
I believe that Maia and Onin are people "chosen" from birth, just like Jak, to fulfill a role that guides Jak to be the hero he is today. But Onin and Maia had an opposite role. One was chosen by the Precursors, and the other by the Dark Makers.
Onin was born blind and mute, therefore, the Precursors spoke to her and gave her a gift of light eco, so that she used her gift for good, and was, like Samos and Damas, a key person to guide Jak on the good path of his hero journey. Meanwhile, the voice Maia heard was not the voice of dark creatures who used to be Precursors: the Dark Makers, who tempted her and Gol to the dark side. On the one hand, this would cause the future, Jak and Daxter to have to embark on their path as heroes and become stronger, but it would also be what would trigger Jak and Daxter to find the Rift Gate and with it the metalheads could reach their world, destroy, conquer, and later the Darkmakers might also come to that world and destroy it.
However, it's true Onin came to do things that can be considered not very good, since it was she who told Erol that Jak was "special" and that is why the KG took him to prison, but we need to remember that the Precursors are gods who play with people as game board pieces, So Onin knew that Jak needed to go to prison to gain the power of the dark eco to defeat Kor, in the same way Samos also knew it was necesary Jak needed to go to the past and later go to the future.
And in certain way, Samos also is a opposite parallel to Gol, both being sages with an important role in Jak's journey. In both cases, we have a sage and a sorceress.
It was necesary that also Jak had people in both sides of that coin that helped him to become in the hero Mar. Since he achieved both eco powers: light and dark. That's whay the Symbol of Mar represents: the balance.
//extra side note: I also have some headcanons (for fanfics that I never couldn't finished and I hope I can back to write them some day) about Onin being a long lost member of the House of Mar (a Damas's great-aunt or something like that), and that was why she knew so many things about the tomb of Mar, and Jak's mother being a distant relative descendant of the Acheron clan -not directly of the evil twins, of course, I mean descendant about other non-mentioned members of Acheron family. Being those things even here more representative and symbolic to Jak's light/dark sides, but I'll talk more about this in other post~)
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
Jaehaera has a disability for narrative purposes, because GRRM needs to quickly explain away why the greens somehow stop demanding that Andal inheritance law be respected. Aegon III had to be king, so he's making his way backwards to fit his ending.
This gets even weirder when you realize that there's ANOTHER case of a young Targaryen girl getting passed over for the iron throne because of a disability - Vaella, who needed to get passed over because Aegon V was the one who is supposed to be King. Her claim is "immediately" dismissed despite the fact that she's the only child of the King's eldest son, presumably because of both her gender and her disability.
In fact, there's a... Weirdly significant number of Targaryen girls who are described as "simple-minded," or otherwise appear to be coded as intellectually disabled: Gael, Jaehaera, Vaella, and potentially Daella as well. Daella dies of childbirth at 18, Gael drowns herself at 19 after being "seduced and abandoned by a traveling singer," and giving birth to a stillborn baby, Jaehaera dies at 10, either by suicide or murder, and while we don't know what happens to Vaella, the fact that she's never mentioned at all after that event means either she lived an unremarkable ignored life and then died before present times, or that she died young. That's a weird amount of "simple-minded" Targaryen girls who die young. Idk if this pattern means anything, but I've noticed it before and it sticks out to me.
(while I do want Jaehaera in the show to have a character and not just be portrayed as an "simple-minded" little girl, I do hope they keep her as autistic. I think there's plenty of room to give her a ton of depth without simply erasing her neurodivergence and I really want the showrunners to realize that potential.)
Anonymous asked: not talked enough about how Jaehaera witnessed her twin's death. y'know the brother who grew up healthy and fit unlike herself. the brother who had a little too much of everything: toes, fingers. now he's down a whole head! I also believe Alicent was already planning their marriage when they were still kids lol. bedside reading time with granny Ali and she pulls out the tales of Jaehaerys and Alyssane again 🙄🙄 we get it grandma! tbh not so sure about the detailed timeline, but I thought it interesting that Jaehaera died shortly after ser Willis Fell (her larys-assigned KG) died from fever. like that was her guy! whom she had all for herself and now he's gone away commanding the KG, and now he's gone away for good. I'm probably one of the few who loves all 3 of Aegon III's little girl wives (tho Daenaera ranks lowest). I really felt for Myrielle and thought the whole doll-bit so needlessly cruel from Aegon III? his random af decision to marry Daenaera? he said fuck it we ball.
Anonymous asked: This fandom is so disgustingly ableist and no surprise here when many team green members have disabilities. And the show's treatment of disabilities is questionable to say the least. I have questions for GRRM too........
I received these additional asks about Jaehaera and was meaning to answer them, but I got distracted.
I want to clarify the fact that IMO the problem isn't if Jaehaera had a disability or was autistic/neurodivergent, the problem is that the author chose to incapacitate her so much that she is/would be incapable of taking care of herself. She is described as having some kind of mental setback ("she is eight going on four"), weeps inconsolably when she is corrected, wets her bed every night, doesn't laugh, has to be drugged to sit still at her own wedding. I cannot imagine how she could consent to a marriage or to marital relations in the future, with the whole trouble of child-birthing and rearing.
And what is the point of all this, I have to ask? Because this is very much not Jaehaera's story. It's not about how Westeros is so ill-equipped to handle mentally impaired individuals. In fact, the narrative doesn't know how to get rid of her quicker. After fighting a bloody civil war over Andal Law, the greens conveniently decide to disregard all that and don't push for her claim (that's how disabled she is). Everyone who could conceivably be on her side is quickly killed - her father, her grandmother, Ser Willis Fell. The new 15-year-old Lord Lyonel Hightower suddenly can't raise another army for the greens because he is too busy fucking Lady Sam. (?!) Jaehaera dies a horrible, graphic death, lingering in tremendous pain for half an hour. Couldn't she have received at least the mercy of a quick death?
This is why I see her being incapacitated for narrative purpose. All of this happens in favour of Daemon's freaking children - it's like they all had to band together to help erase Jaehaera from the annals (three of them at least). There is no reason for all of them to survive, considering how FB has no issue with inventing random events just to get rid of characters. Yet they do. Of course Aegon III becomes king at Jaehaera's expense, of course his brother Viserys II also gets to become king at some point, because why not? Daemon should get to have two kingly sons, not one, as a treat. Baela and Rhaena get this stupid gotcha moment at the Maiden's Day Ball when they bring their six-year-old cousin Daenaera to replace Jaehaera as Queen, as if that's some sort of triumph and not inappropriate AF.
This is why I dislike the introduction of characters like Daenaera and Myrielle - because they're been intentionally placed there to replace a traumatized and damaged little girl with a trauma-free, suitable, lovable consort. Don't get me wrong, these two girls don't get a chance at their own story either, they exist only to replace Jaehaera and to please Aegon III.
I also deeply dislike and do not understand why there are so many "simple-minded" Targaryen princesses - Daella and Gael have particularly awful stories. Vaella's story is just a repeat of Jaehaera's, but with less awfulness and violence. What's the point? Get some interviewer grill these questions into GRRM ASAP.
So, I do hope that they change this in the show somehow to make it less awful. I would not want Jaehaera reduced to an invalid, her claim passed over, and I would not want her to die. Of course, if she lives, then I would have to contend with her being the mother of Aegon III's senseless children, so, honestly, I don't know which is worse.
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astrojaxsaga · 1 month
April is going well ! I have started a harder (more cardio-based) gym series called Fuel from Caroline Girvan. It kicks my ass. Mainly because after doing Iron so many times, I'm much more used to the slower paced workouts with much higher weights. In comparison, Fuel is humbling. I usually can do the equivalent weight Caroline does (in lbs, because she uses kgs and is wayyyyyy stronger than me) and sometimes I can even add an extra 10 - 15 lbs, but nope not a chance in this new program. And the cardio focused days (RE: solely HIT) are absolutely brutal.
I think I'm making good progress though. I suppose the additional cardio component is what I was looking to add to my routine.
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I did end up finding some dresses online for the wedding. Though, LMAO, NOBODY mentioned that the venue was in Vatican City (RE: not a modern venue more central to Rome like I had thought), and that there was additional requirements to the "formal" dress code. The invites online didn't mention anything and I only happened to check the website thoroughly today. Apparently I can't show my shoulders (fine I have a shawl) or knees (fuuuuuuck both the dresses I bought trail behind but are right above the fucking knees in the front !). I'm not totally sure what I'm going to do.
Good thing that I can still show ankles at least ?
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pokemon-goodmorn · 5 months
We'll return shortly to the Goodmorn starters and their evolutions, but first, a quick diversion with...
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Ra-Q - The Musicologist Pokémon! (#024)
Type: Rock/Steel Ability: Playback/Punk Rock (Levitate) Height: 3'11" / 1.2 m Weight: 540.1 lbs / 245.0 kg
Ra-Q is not know to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
Ra-Q is one of the most ancient Pokémon in the world, with records of its existence going back 20,000 years. It is known as "the musicologist Pokémon" for its remarkable ability to memorize music. It is said that Ra-Q can remember and replay over 3,000 songs, and recall a song perfectly after 75 years. For this reason, it is often found in concert venues and museums. The ancient humans of the Goodmorn region were inspired by Ra-Q's natural markings to create the musical notation system.
Ra-Q has the Signature Ability "Playback". Every time Ra-Q uses a sound-based move, the Power of its next sound-based move is increased by 5 Power. If the next move the Pokémon chooses is not sound-based, the added Power is reset to zero. This effect is cumulative throughout the entire battle, maxing out at a bonus 25 Power.
For a behind-the-scenes look at these Pokémon, read below!
This Pokémon is based on one of the more unique landmarks of the state of Ohio, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! Meaning, yes, of course, it's called that because we will, we will Ra-Q. (In addition to the "Ra" angle because of the whole pyramid thing.)
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If I was more clever, when I was drawing it, I would have had the cross-hatching pattern that the actual building has on the Pokémon. Oh well. Maybe I'll put it in the HG/SS or BD/SP version of the game ;)
I don't have so much to say about this one, to be honest. I will say that I gave it Levitate as a Hidden Ability even though it doesn't jive with the sound-based abilities because I didn't like its 4x weakness to Ground types. That always bugged me about Magnezone. Like, he's levitating, what do you mean he doesn't have Levitation? Also, initially its first ability was going to be Punk Rock and its second ability would be Soundproof, but I thought Soundproof wouldn't make much sense with its lore, and while Punk Rock is a very fitting ability, but there's only one Steel-type sound-based move, and it's a Status move, so... not getting a lot of utility out of it, there. So, that's how Playback was born! I figured that if it can't get a STAB bonus on any sound-based moves, at least it can make Chatter have 90 Power.
(I guess I could have given it a Signature Move instead of a Signature Ability that's a Rock/Steel sound-based, but also... eh. In my head, Ra-Q is a Pokémon kinda like Komala or Salazzle, where it's not a bad Pokémon, but it's just an Okay Pokémon given a weird ability for the hell of it.)
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petermorwood · 2 years
Do you have a preferred Murgh Makhani recipe?
No, I don’t, it’s a bit bland and over-rich, Chicken Tikka Masala likewise (my last try at a highly unauthentic Ghosht Mirch Achaar (chilli pickle lamb) on the other hand...)
I was just taking a guess at the dish in the photo. :->
Having said that, here’s one you might like to try: Murgh Dahi / Chicken in Yogurt, something I've never had in a restaurant. There are numerous recipes on-line, all different in one way or another; this is mine, a homebrew combining what I think are the best bits from several seen in books.
Like the chilli pickle lamb it’s far from authentic, but tastes rather good.
1 chicken, skinned and jointed or about 1.5 kg / 3lbs of skinned chicken breasts and legs
300 ml plain yogurt 1 large onion, finely chopped 5 cloves garlic, peeled & finely chopped 5cm / 2 inch of fresh ginger, peeled / scrubbed & finely chopped 2-4 green chillis depending on heat preference, seeded & finely chopped 1 large green sweet pepper, seeded & finely chopped 2 tsp ground coriander 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground black pepper ½ tsp salt
100ml ghee / oil (not olive) 1 tsp garam masala Juice of 1 lime 100g fresh coriander leaves
Jab the skinned chicken joints all over with a fork or the point of a sharp knife, and put them in a glass or stainless steel bowl.
Combine the yogurt, onion, garlic, ginger, chillis, sweet pepper, ground coriander and ground cumin. This can be whizzed smooth in a blender, though if the chopping is fine enough it can be used as-is.
Pour this marinade over the chicken pieces, ensure they’re well coated, then cover the bowl and put it somewhere cool or in the fridge for at least 12 hours or overnight.
Turn the chicken pieces occasionally while they marinate but NB, there’s no need to set a wake-up timer if they’re left overnight. Turn over in bed and turn them next morning.
When ready to cook the chicken, remove the pieces from the marinade and put them to drip on a rack set over the bowl.
Heat the ghee or oil in a heavy saucepan until very hot.
Add the chicken pieces to the pan (watch out for spitting!) and fry briskly for a couple of minutes until the chicken begins to colour.
Reduce the heat to medium, add the marinade, cover the pan and simmer, frequently spooning the sauce over the chicken, until the sauce has reduced and thickened. This will take about 35-45 minutes.
(Don’t be tempted to speed things up with increased heat, it risks the sauce catching and scorching. If that happens, transfer everything not stuck to another pan as gently as possible; pour, don't stir, and definitely don't scrape.)
When satisfied with the texture of the sauce (thinner with rice, thicker with breads), add the garam masala and mix well, then transfer the chicken and sauce to a serving dish.
Sprinkle with lime juice, garnish with chopped coriander leaves and serve up with Basmati or pilau rice / naan, paratha, chapatti...
Though I’ve never heard of either, a vegetarian version could substitute paneer (pressed cheese) for the chicken, while a vegan version could substitute channa dhal (tinned or pre-soaked chickpeas) for the chicken and coconut milk / cream for the yogurt.
I’d pass on the marinade stage in both instances and go direct to using that mixture as the cooking sauce it becomes in the original.
If anyone tries one or the other, I’ll be interested to hear how (or if!) it worked out.
Also: here’s my recipe for naan, another combination of good bits from several.
Side-note; it’s a common joke to point out that “naan bread” means “bread bread”, which may be true in some Indian languages (there are 22 major and many more minor) but probably not in others.
In addition there are lots of different regional breads and adding an explanation to “a mysterious word not in my language” seems a courtesy.
Even so, “bread” isn’t tacked onto “chapatti” or “paratha” or “roti” or etc., so YMMV. While linguists argue, sensible people can pinch their bread and eat it. :->
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madhixnadar · 1 year
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{ SIMONE ASHLEY | 27 | CIS WOMAN ﹜ welcome to san francisco, MADHI NADAR! just to make sure, you go by SHE/HER, right? okay, great. i just have a few questions for you before i can let you go.. how long have you been here for? FIFTEEN YEARS. where are you currently living? PACIFIC HEIGHTS. what’s your current occupation? ASSISTANT WEDDING PLANNER at GOLDEN HOUR WEDDINGS but what’s your dream occupation? OWNER OF MY OWN WEDDING PLANNING BUSINESS. wow! interesting. is there a secret that we can keep between you and i? I DONT BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE. lastly, this is a bit of a random question but … what’s your favorite song? ANTI-HERO by MINORITY 905 (ORIGINALLY BY TAYLOR SWIFT) & that’s all they wrote, friend! we can’t wait to see you around the golden city!
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Mentions of food (not eating disorders and no pictures)
tl;dr: madhi is a sassy but kind workaholic who wants to make friends but doesn't know how and is afraid of any sort of true relationship because if something were to go wrong, she is worried she can't handle it.
General Info
Name:  Madhi Nadar
Nickname: Mads, M—Madhi likes nicknames but her mother does not, so she didn’t really have many growing up.
Gender: Woman, She/her
Race: Asian (South Asian)
Ethnicity: Indian (Tamil)
Age: January 17, 1995 (27)
Place of Birth: Trenton, NJ
Parents: Janhvi & Nikhil Nadar (div. 2007, neither remarried)
Siblings: None
Cousins: Would be willing to plot!
Height: 5’6” (66 inches; 1.68 meters)
Weight: 145 lbs (65.8 kg)
Hair: Long black hair, coarse and curly (3a)
Skin: Dark brown with a Neutral undertone
Distinguishing marks: None
Eyes: Deep, Dark Brown  
Clothing: Madhi is a fan of pant suits for work and will work to fit a blazar with almost anything. She’s never been the most dress-oriented woman; though seems ironic in an industry that is, in part, all about THE dress. She does appreciate lighter colors and she thinks that yellow is a great color on her—so long as it’s deeper and not so…fluorescent. When Madhi is not at work, she gravitates toward leggings and a comfortable top—she’s big on the texture of the items she’s wearing, and she likes the soft, breathable, movable fabrics.  
Temperament: Madhi is a determined, loyal, and persnickety individual. A combination of her family upbringing and own experiences combine heavily to cause her to want things a very particular way—mostly at work. She has been labeled a control freak at times, but that attention to detail and drive to get things perfect is what causes her to be the most requested wedding planner in her Boutique, apart from the owner and manager of course.
Madhi’s relentless focus at work has caused a bit of isolation from those around her. In part, this was a choice—relationships had caused her more pain than promise and they were uncontrollable. In addition, although Madhi would never go to therapy—if she did, she might share that emotions regarding losing or disappointing people in her life are “too much” for her to handle and she doesn’t know how to work through them to get to the other side.
Madhi is generous and kind but is also snarky and sarcastic. She has walls, and while they may not be as high as others, they are thick and it can take a while to get to her for who she really is.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Madhi is determined—she will work as hard as she can to provide her clients with the dream day they have always wanted. She will sacrifice herself to make that goal come to life. But Madhi will not sacrifice others to make it happen. As much as she stays away from most relationships, she does care about people deeply. She wouldn’t want the people in her life—whether it be clients or more personal relations—to be hurt in the pursuit of obtaining the goal. Well, to a degree. It’s debatable if Madhi understands her work ethic is perhaps hurting others, but she wouldn’t do so knowingly.
Madhi finds fulfilment in being surprising and exceeding expectations, but she won’t cheat to make it happen. She finds it lazy—Madhi has always loved problem solving and finding innovative solutions to obstacles in her way.
Religious beliefs: Mahdi did not grow up religious.  She does find herself spiritual in the sense that it’s worth doing good things for others because that is the energy the universe deserves, but not a specific higher power or religious instructor.
Political stance: Madhi has never been involved in politics, so there isn’t much here; but that can always change if necessary.
Hobbies: Madhi seems very stereotypical for a wedding planner. Always looks put together, always on time, carries a planner, has sixteen organizational methods and they all work seamlessly together. Answers for everything, dresses very feminine (even with the pant suit), had a lot of pink and whites and pastels in her wardrobe. But under the surface, Madhi is as dynamic as anyone.
Madhi adores video games, specifically multiplayer online battle arena (MOBAs) and real-time strategy (RTS) games. Remember how she enjoys problem solving?  Madhi finds these strategic games to be a great use of her skills—especially because typical games that require more dexterity are much harder for her to complete. Currently, she is playing a lot of Team Fight Tactics, though she has played Halo Wars in the past and found it just as fun.
Her other hobby is axe throwing; again, a little unorthodox—but there is nothing more empowering to Madhi than throwing an axe at a wooden target and making it stick. Oh, and she bakes.
Habits: Madhi always makes her coffee—she isn’t a coffee snob, and frankly she doesn’t even have the machines to make fancy coffee. Just her $14 Mr. Coffee machine and a regular paper filter from Trader Joe’s will do her just fine. But it’s the act of hitting the button, smelling the scent, and holding it up to her nose as her first action in the morning that really gives her peace.
She does have a habit of cracking her knuckles, back, neck or even shoulders—especially when she is stressed. She finds the sound takes the edge off a little bit.
Every Sunday night, Madhi takes about an hour to decorate her planner for the week. She is a big Passion Planner fan, and she enjoys the time she dedicates to making it look aesthetically pleasing. It sets herself up for the week in a great way.
Quirks/eccentricities: Madhi also does NOT like leftovers. At all. It’s a texture thing for her. She doesn’t like to waste food, so she works really hard to make meals that are a perfect size for one person.
She has a very specific way of walking around stores, and while she doesn’t walk around all stores the same way, each store has its own path she must follow.
The ONLY kind of basic utensils that Madhi uses are small spoon, small fork and regualr butter knives. She will use sharper knives if needed, but those are her basics. Please do not give her a big spoon, she will probably go and find a small spoon to wash instead.
Colors: The colors sage green, olive green, gray, pastels (but not easter), Golden Yellow
Food: Murgh Makhani (her Mother’s and Grandmother’s only), Naan, Cream of Chicken Soup & Rice, Snickerdoodles, Shrimp, Sushi…ok the list goes on and on.
Cocktail: Margarita Mix & Crown Apple
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Coffee, Orange Soda
Smells: Gardenia, Apple, Chocolate Chip Cookies and…gasoline at a gas station.
  Colors: Bright Red, Orange and Yellow
  Food: Yellow Bananas, Milk with Cereal, some (not all) mashed potatoes—really any super soft, mushy food.
Cocktail: Anything with Tequila. Once—and never again.
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Milk, Pepsi, Regular Mountain Dew
Smells: Any overly floral scent, Parmesan cheese.
Fears: Madhi is afraid of bugs openly. But inwardly, Madhi deeply fears rejection.
Strengths: Problem Solving, Customer Service, Seeing a project to it’s end, Adapting to her environment, measurements and visualizing a space, writing.
Weaknesses: Building meaningful relationships, understanding her own limits, letting go of control, mental calculations, self-awareness in some situations, creating work-life boundaries, anything to do with physical exercise.
Short term goals: Madhi would like a promotion to manager—or even associate wedding planner. She thinks she’s done a good job.
A secret goal she has is that she’d like some friends. Though she isn’t 100% sure where to start.
Long term goals: She wants to open her own Wedding Boutique and offer both traditional American wedding planning but also assist with other culture’s weddings, when appropriate, including her own Indian/Tamil heritage.
Hopes and desires: Madhi’s greatest desire is not one she’d admit to—but she wants to be loved. She feels like her whole life she’s had to earn it, and the wear and tear from constantly trying to prove herself is tearing her apart.
She will tell you that her desire is to plan the weddings of important and influential people through her own business and name.
Occupation: Madhi is an assistant wedding planner; she has her own clients but she still needs to work with a Associate Wedding Planner to sign off on choices and decisions she’s made.
Skills: Problem solving, Logical Thinking, Organization, People Skills, damage control, strategizing, axe throwing
Her biggest secret is that she doesn’t believe in love but she’s a wedding planner—so she fakes it all day long. It’s really more that she doesn’t believe love lasts—her parents were divorced at a young age and neither got remarried, believing they were better off on their own as well. Through her teen years, she saw a string of flings her friends went through and how they never seemed to last. Along with her belief that she will always have to prove her worth to those around her, how can love last if it’s always at the brink of being taken away?
Always has: her Passion Planner, a Pentel RSVP ball point pen in Black and her purse.
Events and History
Recent notable events
Madhi has recently had her 4th year work anniversary at Golden Hour Weddings
She found herself on Hinge?
She recently moved out of her mother’s house…like 6 months ago.
Bad events in the past
Her parents were divorce when she was 10—and it was nasty.
Her mother moved her to San Francisco when she was 12 and all the legal disputes were finally over
She doesn’t see her dad anymore, but they do talk on the phone.
Her mother had wanted her daughter’s life to be so much more than her own, so she pushed Madhi obsessively to achieve greatness—but it caused Madhi to feel like her current self was never enough for her mother.
Good events in the past
Madhi had a wonderful imagination growing up and could often spend hours creating kingdoms or stories or fantasies that allowed her to escape her mother’s expectations for her.
It’s the reason she loves wedding planning, even if she doesn’t believe in love herself, she does love the idea of creating these fantasies that people can escape into a live a different moment in time.
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fanganedit-beach · 2 years
Iroha... the painter... baby..
I apologize for the late response , gathering the screenshots for the analysis was difficult lol. So i'll cover Iroha's fte's on this post and if this analysis gets support i'll reblog with a follow up analysis of her actions in game (though i'll mention stuff about the kg here of course)
Iroha isn't a decieving character, so analyzing her fte's were much easier than the other ones i've watched and tried to analyze (which i'll try to cover later) Anyways let's get started, First lets start with this.
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In iroha's first fte, she explains painting helps to calm her down when she's in a rough spot. We'll stick a pin on this as this point will become importantish later. Taking what she says and thinking about what happens with her throughout the game I believe she means rough spot as in when she's stressed, I think it'd make the most sense she'd paint while stressed since this has probably been a built in response to pressure since her childhood, so its not necessarily the painting itself that calms her down than it being just a natural response after such a long time of being pressured to paint.
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Also in her first event, Sora asks iroha if she can watch iroha paint, iroha says yes of course but she also responds with this as well. Iroha doesn't stutter much during her events so I think this is a way of showing the pressure of having someone watch her paint, once again because of her backstory iroha was watched a lot while she tried to draw so even if sora had no ill will, her watching iroha paint probably reminded her of that time (only a little bit) and it caused her to feel pressured, thus her feeling the need to work extra hard in sora's presence.
This isn't really too relevent, but I thought it'd be a neat thing to add
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These are the kind of paintings iroha usually paints, she does all sorts actually.
But she also on rare occasions also draws
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Manga. However her events make it clear that she's not very good at drawing it. For whatever reason the talent given to her with divine luck seems to not apply to her manga drawings.
This is also another addition I thought would be good to add
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This is something iroha says during her second fte if i remember right, its one of her responses to sora's multiple choice answer. From what I remember sora clarified something she said to iroha because she didn't understand what she meant the first time. This is actually pretty common for iroha in her event to not really understand what sora means at times, So Iroha has difficulty understanding stuff people say sometimes, which in full honesty I actually kinda relate to, I'm sure a lot of people can relate to this too.
Now, iroha's favorite types of manga!
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She likes slice of life and comedy, its understandable that iroha going through what she did would just want to enjoy light hearted things, I could just be reading into it too much here though.
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But what really gets iroha into a certain manga is the characters, if she likes the design of the characters and they are cool she'll enjoy it no matter what genre. This is also just another relatable moment with iroha tbh.
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Back to deep analysis, I thought this would be important to add because usually iroha is depicted as selfish but when she realizes she's only talking about her own interests, she apologizes (again relatable) So I thought i'd just add this to remember that while iroha acts selfishly its mostly survival wise and as a person iroha is pretty considerate of others feelings.
After this sora actually encourages iroha to draw her own manga, and while iroha is hesitant at first;
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Because sora told her so iroha decides to, though with the amount of dots i think iroha honestly wasn't sure about doing it but since sora insisted she didn't bother to talk back. I might be looking too deeply into this part but this might be a small piece of evidence showing that iroha has a in general issue of saying no.
On to her next event, iroha shows sora her manga but as mentioned earlier, it didn't turn out as great due to her given talent not working with manga drawings. So sora says it doesn't look that great and the story wasn't understandable.
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Iroha obviously doesn't take it well, and while she quickly cheers up I can't help but feeling bad for her in this moment, it makes me think of all the times back during her past where she would be constantly scolded for not drawing in a way that was satisfying to her family.
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Like I said she quickly cheers up, though with her using her nervous sprite during this line I can't help but think she just said this to comfort herself. Honestly it just made me think about all the times iroha tried to tell the cast to think positive, and how maybe this might be a common thing she says to herself for comfort and assumed this would work for the others too.
So she tells sora she'll remake the manga and it leads to the next event, and sora's response is much better saying the story is more understandable (though the art is still not great) and she responds with this.
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The line itself isn't anything too big, but its the sprite she uses during it that interests me. She responds with her crying smile sprite, and honestly its just heartbreaking. Sora was probably the first person to compliment her on her manga.
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And she is, she's the only person who's ever liked iroha's comic's, its genuinely such a sweet moment when you think back on it.
And a bit after iroha explains why that's the case.
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Yup. Iroha's parents are those kind of art snobs. Iroha's parents don't see manga as an art and what counts as art to them is only the ones in museums.
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And because of that iroha wasn't allowed to read manga, she had to hide the manga she had just so she could. And when her mom found her secret stash she ruthlessly tore the manga apart, so iroha never really got to enjoy what she liked.
After this we get the most infamous scene in iroha's events, the uh two boys kissing drawing on the back of her manga. Of course its obviously a shock and kinda odd but the one notable thing about it is iroha's response to sora seeing the doodle.
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She actually gets super embarrassed by it, it doesn't matter what choice you make she still responds with her insisting sora forgets she ever saw it. So i'm pretty sure its just a private thing she doodles for one, and another is it kinda makes sense? I guess? Iroha didn't get much freedom as a kid so she probably never got the chance to actually explore things like relationships or sexuality, and seeing how the lgbt is commonly viewed i would like to believe this was just iroha trying to show a bit of rebellion and explore sexuality now that she can and not...the other thing.
And finally iroha's final event, she invites sora to her room so she can paint a self portrait of her. Remember the first point I made? Well now I can finally take out that pin.
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As Iroha doesn't actually like to paint, in fact its upsetting for her.
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Her entire family does all these types of art, and all have a name in the art world and influence, and probably enjoys it possibly more for the fame though.
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But iroha doesn't, she draws everday and can paint with such skill, but its not what she actually wants to do in fact with all that's been done to her she's upset by it and probably can't stand it. But comic's, the one thing she's not an art master at is what really makes her happy.
After this explanation sora encourages iroha to stop painting and instead focus on drawing manga, which iroha states she'll try to do. obviously this doesn't happen considering the multiple times she paints in the game, which brings back my first point that painting has sadly just become a reflex for her at this point when she's under pressure.
And this is my analysis on iroha's fte's, I hope I did good with this its my first time doing something like it after all. If anyone would like a follow up analysis like i mentioned in the beginning, just send an ask :)
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