#so the child labor is probably more in need and the content would be easier presumably
unganseylike · 9 months
sorry random thought. but i just remembered grading exams as a TA last year and the professor said “oh dont worry about the multiple choice i have my kids grade those” and i was like that is the strangest thing ive ever heard this is an advanced biochemistry course and shes having her 7 year old daughter help grade. so i mentioned this to my parents as a funny anecdote and they were confused by my surprise….having forgotten that my grandparents were all teachers. they were both like “oh yea i helped my parents with grading all the time, my older siblings did the multiple choice and i did the true/false.” so apparently teachers using their children as junior grading TAs is normal across generations.
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summerdazed · 3 years
Hey can you make the “what would Sushi and Bird say and do when you said you are pregnant”?
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244 and Baek Seongjoon with a pregnant S/O
Okie dokie so I'm combining all of these because they're similar. As for the second one, I doubt it will really make a difference where their girlfriend was from unless they wanted to visit or something.
Now this could go three ways for both of them honestly. More Jinho for two of them though. They would either make you get rid of it, they just dip on you and their kid, or they let you keep it and are very begrudgingly forced to be fathers. Either way, I don't think they would be the most thrilled about a child considering what is going on in their lives. I’m going to write the last one because it seems fun but if your curious about the other two, my inbox is always open!
Also my darlings these suck lmao♡
244/ Lee Jinho
Don't beat around the bush with this man. Just tell him straight out
Lost his composure 100%. I know this man just stared at you for a good minute when you told him. Like you know those blank looks he has sometimes? Yea that's what I'm talking about. Honestly this is the scariest motherfucker to tell you pregnant like I’m sweating just thinking about it
I hate to break it to you besties but if by some miracle he lets you keep it and decides to stick around, I don't think he would be the most involved with the kid as they grow up. But if this kid happens to make him feel something he might just stick around
This just crossed my mind but I have no clue if he would even be listed as this kid’s parent so uh good luck
Anyway, you’re not going to have to worry about much during your pregnancy. Now how he feels about the child growing in you is pretty much up in the air, but he does like you, hopefully, and would try to make it easier on you.
Speaking of making it easier, if you wanted to stay at home and raise the kid just say the word and you would never have to work another day in your life. I mean look at that man. He has got to be absolutely loaded. Babies are expensive though as hey that's a plus
I could see the crusty bitch purposely saying things to irritate you if you were having mood swings. He'd enjoy riling you up to so please for the love of god throw a pillow at that man and don't miss because he needs to be humbled
Chances are he's out and about causing problems on the town when you go into labor. When he gets the call I don't see him as the time to drop everything and run to your side. He will however finish up quickly and then go.
Please, please, please squeeze the hell out of this man's hand while you're in pain. You probably won't hurt him at all but the threat is there ♡
I bet, for better or for worse, the kid looks like him and has your eyes. Sorry I don't make the rules here, well I do but still
Believe it or not but he would hold the kid. Now would he ask to hold the? Eh, maybe but also I think he would be content just looking at them.
As the kid gets older it's sort of up in the air if he will actually like your child but if they just so happen to like animals, birds perhaps, then they might have something to bond over
This is a last minute thought but Jinho with a daddy's girl? It's a wild thought. I mean we don't exactly know his backstory yet but he's probably not 100% completely empty. Just look at what happened when shark boy died. And especially if he has an s/o. He'd would only feel a little something for her
Baek Seongjoon
Now why did i think of this hm?
Anyway, you know what would be a cute way to break you pregnancy to this man? You by little baby shoes and giving them to him. He'll be pretty confused about why the hell you gave him baby shoes but as it dawns on him you'll slowly see the look of surprise and shock come onto his face. You should really take a picture of it lol
Now after his backstory I can say in full confidence that he would love to have a family but most likely would not think that he deserves one after what happened to his parents. So sit sharkie down and explain to him that it's okay and you both can do it. That would totally make him feel so much better
Say goodbye to your alone time cause this man would coddle you. He's terrified to lose you and your kid because if that happens he will really have no one left. So please just let him 😭
These are turning out short for him but i genuinely think he would be mostly pleasant to be around like he would cook for you, rub your feet, and do pretty much whatever you want
The last month or so before you give birth don't expect to go anywhere or so anything. Even if your doctor doesn't put you on bedrest Seongjoon will. Literally the only thing he will let you up for is going to the bathroom. Poor boy is just so worried about you and the baby
He will stand by your side the whole time you're actively in labor unlike Jinho who might be snoozing on the couch tbh
Once he finally gets to hold your kid he has tears streaming down his face. I hc that having a family is something he desperately wants but never thought that it was attainable for him
Mellows out as the kid grows up but is still fiercely protective of them.
Since his father wasn't there for him, he swears that he will be there for the kid. He doesn't want another tragedy to happen
Overall, best father tbh. Genuinely cares about his kid and will spend time raising them. Lowkey will be jealous if they turn out to be a momma's boy cause he wants their attention too but look at him
He can't be surprised cause of that lol
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Spilled Pearls Extra 2
- ao3 -
“Jingyi?” Lan Qiren repeated, looking down at the child tucked into his arms. “A good name.”
“Isn’t it?” Lan Yueheng said, beaming. “A-Xin thought of it!”
“You don’t say,” Lan Qiren said dryly. “Just the way your wife named all the last six?”
Lan Yueheng grinned bashfully. “She’s better at it!”
Lan Qiren shook his head, amused, and tried to offer the child back to his father.
“No, no, you should hold him longer. Babies are calming, and you’ve been having bad dreams recently, right?”
“Babies are not calming,” Lan Qiren said. There was a limit to how many times someone could play the same joke on him, and yes, he was mentally glaring at Wen Ruohan, Lao Nie, and Cangse Sanren as well while he thought that. “You’ve had six already, you should know that. Can we at least agree that this is the last one?”
Lan Yueheng and Zhang Xin had put off having children to help Lan Qiren raise Lan Xichen and then Lan Wangji, once he’d come around, no matter how much Lan Qiren had argued with them to the contrary. They’d laughed him off, saying it was nothing, but he’d been terribly afraid that they’d miss the window for it and end up childless, with no one to sweep their graves on Qingming except his nephews, and that in the end they’d blame him for it.
Naturally, despite his fears, it turned out in the end that they hadn’t had any trouble at all. Their first had been born when Lan Wangji had been three and Lan Xichen six, and they’d had six more after that, one after another like a bunch of maniacs – a girl, two boys, another girl, and then the twins a few years later, at the very end, just when everyone had thought they were already done. Lan Wangji had already been nearly fifteen, then.
Of course, the whole bit about ‘just when everyone had thought they were already done’ being about the twins was rather outdated: that was before the arrival of little Jingyi.
Nearly ten years after all the rest, even the twins; a belated and extremely unexpected child, as if Zhang Xin and Lan Yueheng and the heavens had all conspired to make fun of Lan Qiren for his previous worries. Zhang Xin had already been in her forties, yet she’d gotten through the entire process with a smile and no apparent discomfort, puttering around in her garden and managing her storehouses and scolding her children without any disruption. Not even the pain of labor would bring her down, even if she did have a tendency to mangle Lan Qiren’s hand and shout his ears to deafness in the process.
Lan Qiren’s ears and hand, because he’d helped oversee the births of his nephews – Han Kexin had resolutely refused the aid of any competent doctor, male or female, mockingly reminding him that she was supposed to be in seclusion, so he’d learned up on the basics himself while retaining the option to call in a proper doctor if something went wrong – and since he’d managed it well enough, naturally Zhang Xin wanted the same, impertinent brat that she was. And of course, she wasn’t going to hurt her husband’s precious hands in the process, never mind that he’d been the one to cause it in the first place.
At least they’d all been more or less easy births.
Little Lan Jingyi had been the easiest of the whole lot. Zhang Xin had barely made herself comfortable before he was coming, and before Lan Qiren had even really accepted that he was coming, he was already here.
Look at the rush to get going, as if he’s afraid to miss out on all the fun if he’s not here! Zhang Xin had laughed. He’s going to want to be part of part of everything!
“Last one, I swear!” Lan Yueheng promised cheerfully. “Anyway, we needed one around that age – that way he can be friends with Wangji’s boy! You know, the one he’s raising with Wei Wuxian, the one who used to be Wen sect.”
Lan Qiren snorted. As if he didn’t know the one in question. Wen Ruohan had been altogether too pleased to offer up some of his own blood to join the Lan sect when it turned out that Wei Wuxian had gotten attached to the orphan child of Wen Ruohan’s kinsman – eager as he ever was, really, to entangle himself irrevocably into Lan Qiren’s life, as if he still thought there was a chance, however remote, that Lan Qiren would find some reason to reject him or cut him out of his life once again. And never mind that it’d been years and years since anything like that had even come closer to happening!
“Yueheng-xiong,” he said patiently. “Mathematics are one of your favorite subjects, so I know you know that that means that your son will be friends with my grandnephew.”
Lan Yueheng scratched his nose. “Not your grandnephew yet,” he said, grinning; he didn’t look even remotely ashamed of it. “Wei Wuxian’s the one that adopted him, and Wangji’s not married him yet!”
“He’s working on it.”
Wen Ruohan’s “help” – in the sense of agreeing to let the Lan sect adopt little A-Yuan and not allowing Wei Wuxian to do it on his own – was probably doing more to impede it than anything else.
Lan Yueheng sniggered. “Should I offer to help?”
“Most certainly not. Save your fireworks and flares for the actual marriage.” Lan Qiren rubbed his forehead. “Cangse Sanren is being deliberately obnoxious about negotiations over it, I swear.”
“Cangse Sanren is always obnoxious, Qiren-xiong,” Lan Yueheng reminded him. “Always – and it’s only gotten worse since she had her doom stolen away by Lao Nie.”
“Don’t remind me,” Lan Qiren grumbled. He didn’t even want to know how the two of them had managed to swap fates, or what the consequences of it would be in the end. For some reason, Wen Ruohan seemed oddly insistent about blaming Lao Nie’s second wife, despite her having been perfectly nice as far as Lan Qiren could tell, if somewhat strangely obsessed with food. Possibly he was just annoyed that poor Wen Zhulio had saved Cangse Sanren’s life a dozen times over so far and yet Lao Nie was getting the credit.
At any rate, neither of them had died so far, which was all to the good.
“I’m getting to the point that I think looking for her master and asking her for permission might be the easier course,” he added irritably. “The boys want to get married! What’s the point of tormenting them over the details?”
“Please don’t go out looking for an immortal mountain, Qiren-xiong,” Lan Yueheng said, laughing, and finally condescended to pluck little Lan Jingyi out of his arms. “I’m going to put him to bed. You should rest, too. No more work today! And only good dreams!”
Lan Qiren shook his head and watched him walk away.
For a moment, the image was replaced with another, a remnant from the terrible dream he had been having the past few nights, the one that still lingered: Lan Yueheng, still laughing but walking with a limp, his right foot gone from beneath the knee – the one he’d lost when the Cloud Recesses had burned, and because of the mess that had ensued it hadn’t been treated for far too long, becoming infected; every year thereafter he had gotten sick from a recurrent and worsening illness, driving Lan Qiren and Zhang Xin both crazy with worry.
Lan Qiren’s chest hurt just thinking about it, his own injuries aching, the remnants of the vicious wounds from the terrible beating Wen Xu had ordered with his eyes curved in a mean smile as he watched them try to break Lan Qiren’s meridians out of sheer spite; one day, in that horrible future foretold by the dream, Zhang Xin would worry too much and fail to pay attention, walking on something she shouldn’t and poisoning her blood, and when she went Lan Yueheng would follow her away, the two of them going side-by-side into the next world as they had gone through this one, leaving Lan Qiren to raise their youngest child the rest of the way himself. No matter how tired he was, he wouldn’t put that burden on their other children, all of them abruptly orphaned, the final belated victims of the desperate war against the Wen sect to stop their tyrannical conquest…
Lan Qiren shook his head abruptly, clearing it.
What am I thinking, he wondered. There’s no war against the Wen sect – if da-ge ever got something like a war of conquest into his head, I’d scold him until my face turned blue. Anyway, even if he did do something like that, A-Xu would never dream of ordering someone to beat me! Didn’t I half-raise him and his little brother both, taught them swordsmanship and music and ethics even as Wen Ruohan taught Xichen and Wangji arrays and talismans and how to understand people?
Anyway, A-Xu’s a sweet boy, underneath his superficial arrogance; he knows better than to put on a face like that in front of me…nor is there anything wrong with Lan Yueheng’s foot, or Zhang Xin’s blood, for that matter. Lan Jingyi’s going to grow up in a large family, loud and screeching and thoroughly inappropriate, and unlike my dream his parents will be at the head of the table to oversee the whole thing.
It was just a bad dream.
Lan Qiren shook his head once again.
Maybe Lan Yueheng was right, he reflect. He ought to get some rest – and not just today. After all, he was already half-retired, with Lan Xichen taking over more and more of the tasks of sect leader and excelling in them; Lan Qiren already spent one month out of every three out of the Cloud Recesses, whether wandering around the cultivation world playing his music or visiting with friends and acquaintances, pretending all the while to ignore the Wen sect and Lan sect and Nie sect guards being too busy socializing with each other to remember that they were supposed to be hidden guards.
He could go again now, even. Wen Ruohan had said something about Lao Nie visiting the Nightless City, the grin on his face leaving little question as to how he planned to spend the time with him; by now they should have worn each other out and were probably capable of something resembling human speech.
Yes, he should go visit them, he thought, and realized once again that he was happy – truly happy, not just content. He would go visit them, and complain about the prospect of yet another of Lan Yueheng’s brood running rampage through his classrooms for however long it took to educate them.
It seemed like each one was louder than the next, but at least little Lan Jingyi, whether in a rush or otherwise, and even in conjunction with Wei Wuxian’s little A-Yuan or Jin Zixuan’s little A-Ling, couldn’t possibly be more disruptive than the twins.
That was simply impossible.
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chaoticpuff17 · 3 years
When the Chips are Down
part 9
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The next day came much too slowly. Y/N hated bed rest, and the constantly squirming future futbol star in her belly didn’t make finding a comfortable position easy. Namjoon also didn’t make bed rest any easier. The man was an expert at hovering. When he said bed rest, he meant bed rest. He didn’t let her so much as get up to use the bathroom by herself. Supposedly if she was up for even a moment without him watching, she and the baby would go into distress again. Perhaps on someone else the hovering would have been sweet, but it was Namjoon, and all she wanted to do was throttle him. She restrained herself though, if only for the sake of their new deal and the fact she wasn’t sure she could beat him in a fight with her belly so big. 
“You should really eat something.” He sighed, fully dressed and ready for the day as he sat beside her watching her pick at the food on the tray that Miss In had brought up for breakfast. “It’s good for the baby.” 
“I’m aware.” she shot back dryly, as she continued to poke at the food in distaste instead of eating it. 
“Just a little.” he tried to conceal a smile, finding her little frown adorable, even if he couldn’t allow her petulant refusal to eat in the mornings. There was only a few weeks left until the baby arrived, and he wanted them both to be as strong and healthy as possible. 
She turned to him, looking both tired and completely unimpressed. “I’m not a child, Namjoon.” 
“I know that, jagi, but the baby…” 
She took a deep breath, counting to ten to keep her temper in check. Mornings had been rough for her for the majority of the pregnancy. Morning sickness that was meant to go away half way through the pregnancy lingered, and true to its name, it liked to hit her in the morning. 
“I am aware that there’s a baby. I’m the one whose organs it's using as a punching bag. I know what I’m doing.” 
“Just a little. Please.” he did his best to keep his own temper in check, knowing full well that their truce was still fragile, but he was only trying to look out for them. 
“Fine.” she growled, gritting her teeth.
“Thank you.” he leaned over, pressing a kiss to her temple with a smile. “The new doctor will be stopping by today to check on you and the baby. I’m sorry I can’t be there for it, but I need to get things in order before the baby comes.” 
She nodded, taking a reluctant bite of breakfast. “That’s fine.” 
“Your sister will be here though.” 
She perked up at that. “Iyla?” 
He smiled, relieved to see her something other than ornery. “I thought you would like to have her with you, and I did promise you could see her today.” He loved the bright smile that spread over her features. He only wished that she would smile like that for him once in a while. “Jin will be coming by as well, just to make sure that everything is in order with the new doctor.” 
“No shooting this one.” she grumbled, taking another small bite. 
“No shooting.” he promised. 
After breakfast, where he forced her to choke down a minimal amount of porridge despite her still tender stomach, Namjoon was off to work, and she was more than happy to see him go. It gave her freedom to attempt sneaking her way out of bed, a plan that was quickly squashed by Miss In who had a gaggle of maids constantly checking up on her if she wasn’t there herself. She wanted to be dressed in something other than pajamas, but that apparently wasn’t going to happen. 
“Y/N!” a wonderfully familiar voice called right before the ball of energy that was her sister came barrelling into her, smooshing them both back against the pillows. 
“Hey, Iya.” she whispered, squeezing her sister tight and ignoring Hoseok who lingered at the door. “We’re fine, Hoseok. I’m sure Namjoon needs you for something or another.” the man didn’t move. “There are guards everywhere, and Miss In checks in every twenty minutes it seems. Do you really want to be here for my check up?” 
“Probably not.” he shrugged, smiling slightly. “I’ll wait till the kid’s born to coo over pictures.” He turned a sharp eye to Iyla who was still curled tightly around her sister. “I’ll be back later to pick you up, okay?” she didn’t say anything, and Hoseok sighed tiredly before making his exit. “Good luck with the check up.”
Both women waited for Hoseok to leave before they said anything else. 
“You’re okay right?” her sister pulled back, scanning her over once they were both sure Hoseok was gone. “You were so upset when I left, and you had pain in your belly. Is the baby okay?” 
“Baby is fine, but are you okay?” she lifted her hands up, gently cupping her face. “Hoseok didn’t hurt you at all?” 
She shook her head, causing a few stray strands to fall out of the bun that sat messily on top of her head. “I’m fine. He’s not the most pleasant,” she grimaced. “But he didn’t hurt me.”
“Good. That's good.”  she flopped back onto the mattress in relief. “So what are we doing today?” 
“I’m on bed rest.” the news was met with a sympathetic ‘oof’ from her sister. “But the new doctor is coming today to do a check up, so you’ll probably get to see the ultrasound.” 
“New doctor?” Iyla propped herself up on her elbows. “What happened to the old doctor?” 
“Namjoon shot her.” 
“And I thought mine was bad.” she huffed, laying back down. “Are we better or worse off than with Marcus?” she turned looking at her sister with a serious expression that wasn’t typical of her. 
Y/N sighed, settling herself back against the pillows as well. That really was the question. Were they better off? She’d told Namjoon that he was worse than Marcus, but was it actually true or had she just said it to rile him? 
“Well, I’m not getting beat up every other day.” she offered weakly. 
“I made a deal.” she admitted, resting a hand over her belly. 
“What kind of deal did you make?” 
“They can’t hurt us. They can’t do anything that Marcus did, and I arranged for him to let Mark, the guy who helped me escape, go unharmed. The catch is we can’t leave, or at least I can’t. I made no such promise for you. If you find a window, you take it.” 
“I’m not leaving you here alone!” she argued, sitting up and glaring at her sister. “If I’m leaving, I’m taking you and the peanut with me.” 
“I can’t.” she shook her head sadly. “I’ve gotten out of here twice, and neither was without help, and both times ended badly. I got Jackson killed, Iya.” 
“We run together. We go back to the states!”
“We don’t have phones. We don’t have passports.” 
“We get to the embassy!” 
Y/N shook her head. “We have no way of getting to Seoul. You’d have a much better chance of getting out of here without dragging a pregnant lady with you, and how exactly do you think we’re going to get out of here? There are guards everywhere, and I don’t think  Namjoon is going to be taking any chances with the baby due in a few weeks.” 
“We have to try!” 
“If I leave the deal is broken, and there is no protection for either of us. If you have a chance to go, you take it, and you don’t look back.” 
“I can’t leave you here!” she cried. “Are you insane!” 
“Your sister has a point.” a new voice called from the door pulling both of their attention to Sen who stood there with her little boy perched on her hip. “But even if you have a chance it won’t end well for you. Hoseok isn’t a man to cross. He can be sweet if he wants to, but there’s a whole lot of crazy behind that sunshiney exterior. You’re safer here where you have family to look out for you.” 
“And who are you?” Iyla growled, protectively scooting closer to her sister. 
“This is Sen.” Y/N placed a calm hand on Iyla’s shoulder. “She’s Yoongi’s wife, not by choice.”
“What’s she doing here?”
“Came to check in on you and the baby.” 
“You’re not needed.” 
“She’s a friend.” Y/N scolded, lightly smacking Iyla’s shoulder. “Don’t be rude.” 
“Well, then we take her too!” Iyal conceded, already getting fired up again.
“Right.” both older women scoffed. 
“How are you planning to sneak you, me, a baby, and a pregnant lady out of here?” Sen asked arching an elegant brow. “I’m not risking Yoonho. Taehyung might be busy with his girl, but he has eyes everywhere, and I’m betting Hoseok had Jin stick one of Taehyng’s trackers in you just like Yoongi did me. They’re a little paranoid if you hadn’t noticed. Two out of seven have had pregnant women slip away from them. Apparently, it’s a little traumatizing.” 
That shut Iyla right up, if only for a moment. “We can take the trackers out!” Her voice was more frantic now as she grasped at straws.
“Done that.” Y/N grimaced at the memory. “It wasn’t a pleasant experience.” 
“We can’t do nothing!” 
“You’re not doing nothing.” Sen assured her. “You’re keeping your head down and keeping safe.” 
“I can’t risk any more travel with the baby.” Y/N added softly. “I almost went into labor yesterday. But you’re safe so long as I keep up my end of the deal.” 
“What about you?” Iyla insisted, gaze heated as her eyes darted between the two older women. “You’re content to just sit here and play house?” 
“I’d rather you be safe.” Y/N took her little sister’s hand in hers. “I won’t have you go through what I went through with Marcus, and at least this way, you have some level of protection.” 
“It’s not fair!” 
“I know.” she agreed softly. “But it’s the best I can do for now.” 
“Namjoon’s not going to hurt her.” Sen promised. “He went crazy when she was gone. He might be a raging psychopath, but he has some sort of twisted love for your sister. So long as she and the baby are here with him, she’ll be okay.” 
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” 
“It’s the best we can do.” 
“What’s the best you can do?” Jin asked, popping into the room with a rather pale looking Hayan trailing behind him. “Good to see you again, Iyla. How’s the arm?” he asked, nodding towards the arm where he’d inserted the chip. 
“Great.” she hissed, glaring at him. “What’s the quack doing here?” 
“I’m offended! I offered to play Narts with you!” 
“Quack.” She grumbled, scooting even closer to her sister.
“He’s here for the appointment, Iya.” 
Jin perked up, turning his attention to the very pregnant woman. “And how is our gorgeous mom to be today?” 
“I’d be a whole lot better if I wasn’t on bed rest.” 
Jin laughed, and Hayan made her way over to the bed, perching on the edge and sending Y/N a small attempt at a smile. “Just for a few days. It’ll put all our minds at ease after the scare you gave us yesterday and all the stress Namjoon’s put you through.” 
“Hi, Hayan. You doing okay?” the other woman nodded slightly, but it was clear to everyone in the room she was still shaken. 
“I wanted her to stay home and rest, but she wanted to see how you were doing.” Jin sighed dramatically. “It’s my lot in life to be surrounded by gorgeous stubborn women.” 
“How’s the baby?” Hayan asked, voice soft. 
“Kicking is good.” Jin nodded. “The new doctor should be here soon, and then we should be able to take a proper look at you and baby. Are all you ladies staying for the check up?” It was a question addressed to all of them, but they all knew that it was Y/N who was meant to answer. 
“As long as no one but the doctor is checking things down there, we’re fine.” 
“Okay.” Jin clapped his hands together. “I am going to ask that everyone who isn’t Iyla go sit over there, except you.” he reached out, lifting Yoonho right out of Sen’s arms. “You get to stay with Uncle Jinnie, spend some time away from stinky old Yoongi.” 
The little boy stared at him, completely unimpressed looking so much like his father before he started fussing for absolutely no reason, reaching up with one chubby little fist to roughly grab a lock of Jin’s hair and yanking. 
“Ow! Okay! Okay!” Jin handed the baby back. “Not today then. He gets more like his dad every day.” he huffed, pouting as yoonho settled back into his mother’s arms. 
“He cries for Yoongi too.” Sen offered as a consolation, bouncing the baby lightly. “He’s a momma’s boy.” 
“More like his dad every day.” Jin muttered again, shaking his head sadly. 
“Buin.” Miss In called from the door. “The doctor has arrived.” the woman stepped aside to reveal a different woman dressed professionally with her hair neatly pinned to the top of her head. 
“Buin.” the woman bowed respectfully. “I’m Dr. Yang. I’ll be taking over your prenatal and postnatal care.” 
“Dr. Yang.” she greeted eyeing the woman warily. 
Miss In had done a wonderful job of cleaning the master bedroom and at record speed as well, but the memory of what had happened just the other day was still fresh in everyone’s minds. 
She could tell just by looking at the woman, it was going to be a long day. 
part 10
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petra-realsnk · 3 years
The Logics of Sessr*n: why is it successful within women?
Hi guys! Here’s the post that I promised. I will try to present some thoughts I’ve been having around the infamous ship, and some of the dynamics I think have contributed to its success. The most logical reaction would be to think that most shippers are men, since the dynamics represented do favour them, but that’s not exactly the case. Some of you have also proposed that this could be explained through self-inserting, but I would like to expand this observation a little further. 
This post will be divided in sections so you guys can read the parts you find more interesting if you don’t feel like going through it all. I thought this would make it more enjoyable since it’s going to be quite long. 
DISCLAIMER: I am not claiming that this is the psychological profile of the average shipper, nor do I think that this is representative of the ideology of all of them. These are just some personal thoughts and facts around some aspects that I think have contributed to its appeal. Also I apologize in advance for the quality of my expression since English is not my first language. 
TW: Mentions of p*dophilia and rape. 
Finally, I would like to thank @doombull​ for facilitating me one of the articles that I’ve used to elaborate this thoughts, and which also served as inspiration for this post. 
Grab something to drink and let’s chat...
About the thrive of “Lolicon” 
We are all aware that Japan does have a problem with the permissive sexualization of children.
 “Lolita complex, the sexual attraction to young, pubescent girls, is woven into the fabric of everyday life in Japan. Turn on the TV and you’ll see group after group of scantily-clad teenage and preteen girls singing or dancing to music. Peek in any bookstore and you’ll find a section of photo books featuring children in swimwear. (...) During the six months from January 2016, police turned over 1,023 cases to prosecutors, compared to 637 cases for the same period in 2011 and 831 cases for the period in 2015, according to National Police Agency statistics.”
These portrayals do have impact on reality, and have been used by real life predators. Contrary to what some shippers say, there are experts in Japan speaking against this matter: 
“Masahiro Morioka, a professor of philosophy and ethics at Waseda University, has delved deep into the psychology of men with Lolita complex, widely known as lolicon in Japan. (...) He says the nation’s obsession with puberty-age girls has justified sexual exploitation and crimes against them — though, of course, not everyone with Lolita complex acts on their desires and commits sex crimes. Like many people, Morioka finds the culture that tolerates lolicon problematic and wants to change it.“
Lolicon didn’t become a recognized genre until the 1970’s when fan artists depicted their favorite female characters of the time as underage girls. The reasons behind the success of this type of content is something that’s still being discussed, but some of it probably has to do with the unhealthy relationship with sexuality that some men seem to develop due to the taboo component of sex within the japanese society. Some of it might also be derived from a mismanagement of loneliness, something some of these consumers seem to struggle with. All of this is combined by some misogynistic takes on the ideal of a woman. These men find the interactions with the opposite sex to be difficult, and even menancing to their masculinity, being easier for them to project their fantasies into young girls whom are esier to shape into their needs.
Anyway, it’s not the intention of this post to really argue the reasons behind lolicon, but there’s something important to have in mind, and it’s the fact that its accessibility has made it so that there are children consuming it. Simultaneously, popularizing Lolicon is a message to girls that they are objects for consumer consumption, and that their youth (and innocence) is especially desirable in a sexual setting. This last element has definitely gotten into the way some women want to project themselves. For that matter, it’s not a surprise that some female shippers project themselves into Rin, since she’s an ideal of femininity to them. 
Non-offending Pedophiles | SpringerLink
Internalized misogyny: 
Following the last thread, we can conclude that some girls might desire to appeal to this ideal of woman, which is absolutely normal. Gender roles are being pushed on us ever since we are kids, and it’s natural that some of them try to appeal to the male gaze in one way or another, most times even in a subconscious way. This would also explain why some shippers seem to adhere to some beliefs that have been used to justify the control over women’s sexuality. 
For example, we all have seen them argue about how teenagers are more fertile and prone to survive labor. They also tend to use the “historical accuracy” argument to justify these types of portrayals. However, the imaginary of the middle ages as a place where rape and child brides where totally justified is completely modern. Sadly, these types of tropes are perpetuated by almost every historical drama, fantasy series like Game of Thrones or books like The Pillars of The Earth. It is striking how shows whose action is located in the present are reluctant to show this type of things, while when they are located in the past, they represent them in an almost sexualized way and without any scruples. Male directors do use other cultures and past times to justify this portrayals, and is something that has to be called out.  How interesting is that some far right men identify themselves as vikings right? Wonder where that came from...
But why women? 
After all of what I’ve said, you may think that the majority of the shippers might be men, since all of these dynamics seem to favour them. Even so, despite being a shonen manga Inuyasha had a mostly female based audience. Romance played an important part in the story, and the way it was written seemed to cater better to the preferences of girls. This is also why Sessrin is so potentially harmful… It romanticizes a relationship between a teenager and an adult in a way that’s particularly attractive to girls. We can’t lose sight of the fact that a lot of shippers probably were fans of the og series when they were young, and probably  started to ship it as underage kids themselves. When they grew old, some of them left the idea of it behind but for some others it’s already deeply rooted in them. 
Next I’ll explain how Sessrin it’s appealing to girls. 
The polarization of masculinity and femininity: beauty and the beast
In the anime culture (and outside it) girls are represented as passive, while the male incarnates the active. Boys are the heroes, while girls are mostly portrayed as the object of desire through whatever traits the author finds the most appealing. 
In the case of Sessrin we have a typical example of a contrapposition of the hyperfemenine to the hypermasculine. I have talked about this in some other posts, but in the Inuyasha lore the masculine seems to be greatly associated with the “youkai”, that tends to fall in love with a vulnerable woman. It’s also interesting to point out that female demons tend to represent traditionally negative aspects of female sexuality; they tend to lure men to their demise by their attractiveness, and also do usually have a flirty personality. 
Sessrin does adjust to this type of trope that we can define as the classical beauty and the beast, not in a sense of physical attractiveness, but in the sense that it represents an aggressive masculinity that is soothed by the passive femenine.  The evil spirit is incarnated by the male, while the pure girl has the role of being accepting of this nature, often changing it. This type of trope is insanely popular within women, after all, stories like Twilight and basically every other book where a normal girl falls in love with a supernatural creature seem to adjust to this dynamic to some extent. It’s the idealization of a relationship where the man is a protective figure that holds an unbelievable amount of power over their vulnerable, and often infaltilazed, female counterpart. But on the other hand, women have the ability to tame this ferocity...
What’s the appeal of the monster? 
“I think with the monsters, it’s about power and danger and exoticness amped up to the Nth degree,” says Xavier. “One of the big themes in monster erotica truly is the power dynamic. The monster is big, scary, dangerous, dominating, and uses his monsterly qualities to overpower and seduce the maiden. And I think the idea of being seduced by something so wild and animal and dangerous…it’s kind of like being forced to play with fire and finding out that you enjoy it. It’s kind of this warm, fuzzy corrupted feeling.”
Interestingly enough, there have been studies on why the monster boyfriend trope is so successful. This can be somehow linked to “Teratophilia”, a term which describes the sexual attraction towards monsters or deformed people, though in this case we’ll go with the first meaning. 
Among other things, it has been suggested that monsters can function as an escapist fantasy for some women, since the monster is able to embody masculine attributes without presenting itself as a man, which may embody trauma and terror in extreme cases, or aggravating patriarchal arrangements in the least. 
The monster man represents masculinity through the eyes of women: it’s aggressive, unpredictable, and dominant. These stories allow them to give in into a feeling of vulnerability, they’re in control of the beast, they can even change them… It might not be a type of relationship they would desire in real life, but through these fantasies, they can experience some aspects of their sexuality and transgress the fear of man. This is very significant from a sociological point of view, these women might have been raised to desire this type of masculinity, but are aware of the threat it signifies to them. The monster guardian does protect them from the outside world, where they feel endangered, but they also are the incarnation of an “untamed masculinity” which they don’t need to fear. 
All in all, Sess*in allows shippers access to this type of relationship through self inserting into Rin. However, I hope this post has managed to bring something new to the conversation. There are in my opinion more reasons why girls want to be with Sesshomaru that go beyond his attractiveness, and that may have to do with these factors… 
Feel free to comment and add your opinions :) 
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wutroows · 4 years
soft & stubble (the mandalorian x reader)
pairing: the mandalorian (din djarin) x fem!reader requested by: lillie’s huge brain warnings: canon typical violence, poor knowledge of the human body and medical terms  a/n: soft din to make up for the lack of content from me within the past few months, theres more to come!! hope you guys enjoy, i love din so much, i genuinely want to marry that man 
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a few things you learned quickly about the mandalorian.
he takes his privacy very seriously. he practically only asked you to join him because the little green child he had with him seemed to like you. you were practically just a babysitter until he started bringing him everywhere he went. you hardly ever saw either of them anymore, and when you did the mandalorian would say one or two words to you and leave to eat in the cockpit. you knew not to open that door without knocking. you didn’t want to disrespect him or his culture in any way, as you understood the reasons why he kept the helmet on all the time. it was, in a way, a bit endearing to you that he cared so much. he didn’t tell you much about himself, but it was easy to guess that the mandalorian beliefs were very important to him.
he had a lot of stressed piled onto his shoulders. you couldn’t read his face, covered by beskar, so you could only see the nervous movements of his hands or shaking of his legs as he stood. he was scared, and you immediately understood why. he only ever knew being a bounty hunter and now he ran away from the guild with the kid, he was the one being hunted. now he had two people to protect, but you knew fully well you were capable enough to not need him to help you. a part of you wished you could give him a hug and tell him to go rest, but you knew he’d never listen to you anyways. 
and he loved that kid. he wouldn’t admit it, but you could nearly feel his eyes kept on him at all times. the mandalorian would feed him whatever the kid wanted that day, as he usually let him pick. he would take him out of the crib and sit him on the floor, waiting for him to use those little wobbly legs of his to walk over to his beskar covered shins. he would always catch him before he fell. it put a smile on your face, but you knew better. the mandalorian would not ever admit he had feelings towards any living being, no matter what it was.
that was why you didn’t know why you’d started falling for him in the first place.
you never knew his name. he never told you. you resorted to calling him ‘mando’ or some sort of variation of ‘the mandalorian’. it made you feel a bit bad, but you assumed he didn’t want you to know his name yet. he hadn’t mentioned anything about it and you didn’t want to bring it up out of fear of making him uncomfortable. that was the last thing you wanted.
falling in love with a man in a helmet was a lot easier than you expected it to. you joined him because he had the kid with him and at the time, he needed help. you only signed up to take care of his wounds if he needed it and to take care of the kid, not fall in love with someone who was practically a stranger. 
he was quiet, reserved, but a bit hot-headed at times. the mandalorian felt like two different people and in a way, it made sense. one personality as the beskar on the outside, the outer shell that deflects all negativity and hurtful words. that protects him from pain and shields him from rejection, and the other side of him, the armorless side. the sensitive and emotional side, the one who could admit when he felt love for something.
he was layered, it wasn’t hard to admit it. 
though, he did show immense kindness to you.
the crest clearly wasn’t meant for living. the mandalorian hardly ever slept and when he did it was in the cockpit with his helmet on. but with you, he gave you a small space that was almost small enough to be a storage closet with a small cot in it to sleep on. you were grateful as it had certainly been an upgrade from your previous living conditions, and his tone was a bit softer.
“you’re welcome.” that was all he said, but it felt like it meant something more to you. he didn’t need to give you anything. if you were being honest, he probably didn’t even need you around. he did most of the work for the kid anyways. you wondered why he kept you around. 
he was incredibly interesting and somehow, he pulled you in with it. you observed him and did all he asked of you. you wanted to prove your worth to him though you knew you didn’t need to. he felt like he was special. different than other men, you guessed. 
the mandalorian came back to the crest with injuries frequently, but there had never been a time where he needed you to do anything more than hand him a bandage. until now. 
he hadn’t said what he was doing, but it was clear whatever weapon the person he was fighting with had gotten under his beskar and scraped his chest. you didn’t know if his mandalorian culture also said you couldn’t see any part of his skin at all, as soon as you asked him he insisted he could take care of it himself. his voice was strained and his hand was pressed harshly against the metal of the crest. he clearly wouldn’t be able to take care of it. 
“mando, listen to me. i’m here to help you, i know it’ll be a little weird at first, but i just wanna make sure the kid has his dad around for as long as possible.” you saw the mandalorian’s helmet move as he turned to look at the kid, his eyes gazing up at him, clearly concerned. you heard him sigh, but he pushed himself onto the wall and you gripped onto his shoulder, walking him over to the makeshift hospital bed you made in case of emergency. it was barely big enough for him to lay down on. 
“i need this,” you poked the beskar on his chest with a nonchalant finger, “to come off of you.” you nearly saw his muscles tense, “it’s a little weird, i know. i just need it off to take care of you. is that okay?” he took a moment to think and you could hear labored breathing coming through the voice modulator on his helmet. “turn around.” he told you, voice emotionless as it usually was. 
you listened to his words, and then you heard the clang of metal hit the floor of the ship. following that, you heard unbuckling of armor and the scraping of beskar against the ships walls. did he take off his helmet? it didn’t matter, but you were curious as to what he looked like underneath it. was his hair the same shade of brown you found yourself picturing so much or was it different? you shook the thought out of your head as you heard his modulated voice telling you to turn back around.
he was shirtless now, armor on the floor. his helmet was still on his head, which you knew would happen anyways. you didn’t mind, but you did pull up a stool and sit down next to him. his skin was tanned, and he did have abs. you knew he would, he worked himself to the bone more often than not. he was always up on his feet and it began hurting you just looking at him.
the scrape wasn’t as bad as it looked. it wasn’t deep, but it was decently long and it went from up to his chest from the lower parts of his stomach. you reached your hand out, and skin finally touched skin. you felt a shock move through you but you didn’t think much of it. you felt your face get warmer as you felt his eyes on you. “doesn’t look like it needs stitches.. not super deep. i’ll get some bacta. stay here.” 
“it’s not like i’m going anywhere.” he shot back and you rolled your eyes, “whatever.” you got up and sifted through a few medical bags you kept with you, finding a bacta patch suitable for the size of his injury. you quickly cleaned the cut and gently pressed the patch down. “good?” 
he nodded, “turn back around.” 
you did the same as before, and the process repeated, the sound of his armor scraping on the floor before a small grunt escaped from his lips as he hoisted it up onto the bed. the sound of his helmet sitting on the ground, and then after a few moments, he told you to turn around.
he was covered in armor again. seeing his without the beskar for even a few minutes made him seem more human than before. you could tell it made him feel a bit vulnerable. he tensed up when your hand met his bare skin, but you didn’t cross any boundaries as you did what you knew you had to do and no more. 
“thank you.” he told you, and you nodded. “anytime, mando.” you offered him a smile and gently patted his shoulder. “let me know if you need anything else, okay? i mean it.” you told him firmly and it was his turn to nod. “you know.. that really showed me that you’re really a human under there.” you didn’t know what came through the modulator, but it sounded like a bit of a scoff. “right. i’m sure it did.”
“no, really!” you laughed, “you’re always so serious.. just seeing that there’s a real human under there is a little heartwarming.” he turned to look at you and the t shaped visor stared into your eyes. he didn’t know what you did to him. 
the truth was, he thought you were near perfect. your eyes were always so filled with kindness, especially when you looked at him. he felt his heart speed up as you stared up at him, and he didn’t know what to do with himself. it wasn’t like he’d never been interested in anyone before, but with them, he knew they never returned his feelings, but with you it was a bit different with your lingering touches and soft glances. truthfully, he hardly ever saw you because he tended to be a bit nervous around you. 
the mandalorian turned on his heel and gently picked up the child, placing him in his crib. he pressed a few buttons on his forearm and it closed, taking him out of the room. you raised an eyebrow, but didn’t question him. “sit down.” he told you, and you furrowed your eyebrows. “what’s happening? did i see something i wasn’t supposed to see?” you asked, your voice laced with a joking tone but you had no idea if you’d done something wrong when you took care of him. he shook his head, but he did look back at you.
“you want to see i’m human?” he asked you. “i.. i mean, i already knew you were-” the lights were off and you could see nothing. it was pitch black, but you knew he was walking towards you when you heard the sound of his boots hitting the metal floor. he led you to your small room, before sitting his hands on your shoulders and gently pushing you to sit on the bed. “mando? what’s happening?” 
“i’m proving this to you, y/n.” his voice was filled with a little too much emotion for the usually stoic mandalorian you knew, but you still felt oddly safe around him. you heard the sound of his helmet sitting on the floor, and your eyes widened. “but-” 
“you can’t see me.”
“i know that but-”
“then why are you complaining?” he retorted and you shut your mouth as soon as you opened it to respond. “that’s what i thought.” you could hear him sit down next to you, and the familiar feeling of his beskar was touching your shoulder. you heard his gloves come off, and then felt his hands on yours. 
his hands were calloused and rough, but you couldn’t help but want to take him all in. his thumbs ran over the palm of your hand and you took in a sharp breath. you heard him laugh and it sounded like music to your ears. “you’re..” you could barely form words as his hands ran across your forearms. “wow..” 
“shh.” he told you and you felt butterflies explode in your chest as you felt his eyes on you. you held onto his hand and your fingers entwined with his. you desperately searched the space in front of you, wanting nothing more than to take him into your arms and to kiss him for hours on end. “can i.. can i.. please.” you mumbled, and he said back to you a quiet “yes” and before you could think, your hands were on his cheeks and his hands were rubbing circles on your waist.
“soft.. so soft. you’re so pretty.” you told him, breathlessly. his face had a soft stubble, but his skin was one of the softest things you’d ever felt, you ran your thumbs across his cheekbones and then.
there were his lips. there were soft and a bit cracked but you knew they would be. you pictured this scenario in your head many times, but now that it was happening in front of you you didn’t know what to do with yourself. 
“mando i..”
“my name is din. din djarin.”
“fuck.. okay. din.” you tested his name and you felt him melt into your touch as you said it. your hands tangled into his hair and you could tell you had a hopeless smile on your face. din let out a soft sigh as you massaged his scalp, but before he could say anything, you were laying down on the bed. he was a bit too big for it, but his head laid on your chest and you couldn’t be happier. 
“din.. can i.. can i kiss you?”
“yeah.” he told you, but you could hear him sitting up a bit. you leaned forwards and after a moment, you felt his lips against yours. it felt as if you were falling, but it was invigorating. his hands held onto your hips, and your hands softly ran through his hair. you had no idea what he looked like, but his hair was thick and it was soft just like his skin. you didn’t know what color his eyes were but it didn’t matter, as long as you knew they were on you, you felt safe. 
he hummed. “i like you.”
“yeah, i know..” you smacked the back of his head and you could hear him laugh, finally without the modulator. his voice seemed more real now, and it anchored you to reality. it was silent for a few moments, the only sounds you could hear being your breathing and his. “me too.” he replied back to you, lips touching your ear.
it was strange, in a way, to hear his voice without the helmet on. it was smooth, but sweet. his voice was inviting and comforting and you’d do anything to hear it for the rest of your life, and now, hopefully you would. 
your nose rubbed against his.
warmth blossomed in his chest.
he deserved this.
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youraveragebtsstan · 3 years
A Buddie FanFic: "The Things We Never Could Say" (A Season 4, Episode 13 Epilogue)
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Buck x Eddie (Buddie), Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley & Edmundo ‘Eddie’ Diaz
Word Count: 2.3k (2,266)
Summary: Buck knew he would have to face his feelings sooner or later, but he never thought he might not get the chance. As his best friend lies in the hospital suffering from the wounds of a sniper, Buck struggles with the idea of losing the love of his life, without the possibility of saying the things he’s always wanted to say. (Events of this Fic take place after the final scene of Season 4, Episode 13. As of writing/posting this Fic, Episode 14 has not yet aired.)
AO3 (Archive Of Our Own) Link: Click Here
Night had come in a blur.
The sun had faded, smearing itself in the sky, until there was nothing left; not even the moon. The sky was simply dark. There was no need for Buck to look up just to know he was alone. Though, it was nothing more than a feeling… He knew.
For the past few hours, time swayed by drunkenly. Buck swore he was still standing under the sun. He breathed in the daylight, exhaling something of content when the first shot was fired. He didn’t recall hearing anything. Not the sound of the bullet rattling through the barrel nor the screams of those that cried out in a panic as they fled around him. His focus was occupied by more important things.
The look of confusion on Eddie’s face burned, etched in his mind. As his body jerked at the push, he fell limp. A fearful stare gleamed in his eyes as he laid on the ground; the hand that reached out as his blood pooled around him… his blood. Buck could still feel the warmth of Eddie’s blood as it splattered on the side of his face; soaking into his hair, it melted onto his shirt. The stains had already dried, cracking on his skin.
Blinking into reality, the sounds of the faucet drew him in. His head hung low in the bathroom mirror. Leaning against the sink, he watched the water flow down the drain for what seemed like an eternity.
How did he get here?
All Buck could remember was climbing in the ambulance, sitting by Eddie’s side. He remembered holding onto the gurney as they rushed him through the hospital doors. Chaos ensued as doctors and nurses shouted to each other, carting in other victims one by one. He remembered sitting in the waiting room, eventually pacing the halls as his adrenaline struggled to catch up with his surroundings. As he tried to trek through the mess that was his thoughts, he began to get overwhelmed. When did he leave the hospital? He was too afraid to leave; afraid he would miss something important. No, he wouldn’t have left on his own accord. He couldn’t have. Did someone bring him home? He couldn’t imagine driving himself, not in his condition. He was disoriented and absent-minded. Had he told anyone about Eddie being shot? Did Maddie know? Chim? What about Christopher?
Right, he still had to tell Christopher… He remembered calling Carla shortly after arriving at the hospital; blood smearing on his screen as he swiped to find her number. Thankfully, she and Christopher spent the day together, visiting the park and an ice cream parlor or two. Buck breathed a little easier, knowing Christopher had a few more hours of joy remaining. Carla, being the kind woman she was, assured Buck she would stay by the younger’s side until he went home to clean himself up and pack a bag for the next few nights.
Right, he needed to get moving.
Taking a shallow breath, he glanced toward the shower, eyeing the handle. Buck struggled as he tried to get his feet to move. Glued to the ground, he moved not a single inch. All he needed to do was turn the handle. He had done this countless times, hell he somehow managed to turn the sink on, so why was now so hard? Rolling his neck in frustration, he caught a glimpse of his reflection; he nearly jumped out of his skin. His hair was matted, shirt drenched in sweat and blood. His skin was dirtied in debris; eyes red and glossy, sunken into their sockets. He looked nothing like himself. In fact, he had made up his mind the man before him was a mirage. The pit in his stomach gaped deeper.
Pushing off the sink, he made his way up to his room. He threw open the closet doors, yanking a couple shirts form their hangers. Tossing them in a bag along with a few pairs of boxers and socks he plucked from his drawers, he left his room in disarray. Like a tornado let loose upon his home, nothing was done with care. He felt as if time were slipping through his fingers. Dropping the bag to the floor, he fumbled at the buttons of his shirt. He couldn’t wait to get this thing off his body. He found it hard to move with it on. It weighed heavy on his chest. Unclasping the final button, he crumpled it in his hands, throwing it in the trash can next to his bed. His breath trembled as he breathed in. Though the shackles had been removed, he still trapped; the metal rattling in his lungs. The dried blood on his skin cracked as it crawled along his face.
Buck tried to shake the feeling. It wasn’t real, how could it be?
Trotting down the stairs, he raced to the sink, wanting to drown the sensation in the water. With each step, it’s grip around his throat grew tighter.
Plunging his head under the bathroom faucet, he gasped for air. Cupping his hands, he scrubbed his face, mashing his nose and cheeks in abstract circles. It burned the blood away like acid. His lashes were heavy as they dripped, water falling from his hair, down his nose and back. Small puddles could be found along the floor. Buck braced himself on the edge of the sink. Blowing water past his lips, his breathing lay labored. He gripped the sink tighter; fingers turning a muted shade of white.
Soon, a cry burst from his lips. Through gritted teeth, it resembled a groan of agony. Shaking uncontrollably, tears breached their waterlines. Falling against the wall, he slid to the floor, curling his knees to his chest. He had been sleepwalking. Numb for the remainder of the day, his body functioned purely on autopilot. Finally, his emotions gave in; exhausted and overwhelmed, he cried.
There was no one around to comfort him. No one he could call to ease his racing mind. The one person he needed the most, was the one who left him here alone. He needed Eddie. After all, Eddie was supposed to be there. He promised to have his back, just as Buck swore to have his. He tried to think of Eddie. In a different moment other than today, he played any memory he could think of. Something that would save him from himself. As Buck laid his head against the wall, he stared mindlessly into the faucet.
Funny enough, his thoughts dragged him to another heartbreak. He remembered how he felt the night of the tsunami, ringing and twisting the bands of Christopher’s glasses in his hands. He had spent hours wandering various medical tents, calling out the boy’s name to the point of  blistered feet and a scratchy throat. Tears overflowed his eyes as he fought to look Eddie in his… those brown eyes he adored so much. His heart exploded with relief the moment he saw Christopher back in Eddie’s arms safe and sound; knees buckling underneath him. Wrapped in Eddie’s arms is where things seemed the safest.
He remembered how angry Eddie was when he filed the lawsuit against the department. How Eddie saw red that day in the grocery store. The hurt in his voice masked by rage, as he clenched his fists by his side- Buck swore he was going to hit him… He wouldn’t have mind. The rattle of a fist against his jaw would have felt better than the hole in his heart. The hole Eddie dug deeper the more he ignored him; declining his calls and leaving his texts on read. Though he never admitted it, he cried on occasion. While everyone else ran off on calls, Buck often locked himself in the showers, stood with his back against the door as tears streamed down his face. Drawing a wedge between him and his best friend, he hated his pride that led him to isolation. He hated being alone…
So when Eddie was there for him after his world came crashing down, it was no wonder he couldn’t find the words to describe his appreciation. After 12 years of deceit finally coming to light, Buck found himself in a screaming match with his parents. He felt like a child again. Betrayed and neglected, Buck rambled on and on for what seemed like days at a time- Eddie was there to listen. He made him feel heard. Listening to his various monologues through FaceTime, even as Buck began to blame himself, doubling back on his words and dismissing his own feelings, Eddie always made him feel valid.
Eddie was always there… except now. Why couldn’t he be there now?
Why was he laying in a hospital bed, fighting for his life with IVs and monitors taped to him? It seemed so minute, a shot to the shoulder. If only they had rushed Eddie out of there like he begged, like he pleaded, he would have been fine. There would have been no need for him to pack a bag preparing to spend countless nights between a couch and the hospital. He wouldn’t need to tell Christopher his father’s not coming home tonight, if he came home at all. If only they let him pull Eddie to safety, things would have been fine… But instead first responders hid behind their cars, piling on top of each other, holding him down while Eddie laid in the middle of the street bleeding.
God, he had lost so much blood… Why did they waste so much time?
Time… Buck began to think rationally for a moment, his hopes growing high. Maybe if he showered quick enough, he could go back to the hospital and sit for a while- not for hours like he had before, but maybe an hour or two before Carla went home for the night. Though, he would be wasting away in the hallway; knee bouncing, rattling the chairs next to him. He probably would have worn his nails down to nubs before the doctor came back with any news. Buck pulled his thumb from his mouth at the thought; an old nervous habit rearing its ugly head. He clawed at his jeans, finding other use for his hands. Another the image of Eddie came to mind. Reaching out his hand as he laid on his side, Buck reached further, hoping he could feel his touch only feeling the rough touch of denim.
If only this once, he could hold Eddie’s hand.
He wanted to be by his side, waiting until he woke up… He wanted to be the first thing Eddie would see- not just in the hospital, but all the time. On the weekends, when they were both rarely off from work, he wanted to wake up next to Eddie; seeing him roll over in the sheets, sun shining in his face. On lazy afternoons, when Eddie sometimes napped at the fire station, Buck wanted to see that moment again. The man curled up on the couch, arms crossed over his chest, face plastered in bliss. He wanted to wrap his arms around Eddie as he cooked; with music playing in the background, dancing as he often did when he made dinner. Buck wanted to hold him in his arms, his head laying on his shoulder. That would be his own piece of peace.
The more Buck thought, the more he realized the two men had created a special type of love. Sure it was undefined, maybe even unconventional, but it was love nonetheless. As the wise words of a man he once met ran in his ears, Buck found himself laughing. Tears dried on his cheeks, nose no longer running, he remained laying against the wall, his laugh deep and therapeutic. He used to long for a love like this. Hoping for the day he would stumble upon it, unaware such a sacred love could only be made, molded with one’s own two hands- and By God, they had done it! He loved everything that ever was about Eddie Diaz. He had known for quite some time, the feeling of being in love. Constantly hiding his true feelings and for what reason? It was times like this, he wished he hadn’t. If only he had told him before…
That’s it, he thought to himself. As the light bulb flickered on above his head, he wiped the tears from his cheeks. He cleared his throat with a start. Standing, he flipped the handle on his shower wall, water spitting from the head as a result. Staring in the mirror, reminisce of himself began to reappear. He raised his chin, breathing deep. You got this. There was no need in holding himself down, torturing himself with a nonsensical life without Eddie. He didn’t have time to marvel over ‘what ifs’ or hypotheticals. Reality was now; a breath of fresh air compared to the sadness he had been drowning himself in. From that moment on, he would only allow himself to think fact, for fiction was too painful.
Fact, Eddie was going to be fine. The surgery would go well, and he would return home in no time.
Fact, Eddie would tuck Christopher into bed again. He would once again read his son his favorite stories as he drifted off to sleep in his arms.
Fact, when Eddie did open his eyes, Buck was going to be there… Sitting by his bedside, he would be holding his hand, ready to say the things he never could say.
Completed On: May. 23th 2021
Written By: Carmen Feaster (YourAverageBTSStan)
Feel Free To Reblog- Just Give Credit
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sleepysnk · 4 years
wait wait WAAAAAIT i was reading ur zeke x reader fic and now i need a story of zeke supporting reader while she gives birth! u cant leave me starved for content like that 😭
THE ZEKE LOVE IS REAL I SEE. everyone seems to really like the three fics about him, i decided to give you a 4th one, because let's be honest we need to see what happens to reader lol. i hope you enjoy! ♡
Zeke x Fem!Reader: I Promise Pt. 2
Warnings: Mentions of birth/pregnancy, some slight manga spoilers
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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It had been about 9 months since (Y/N) had gotten pregnant. She could barely even believe that so much time has gone by.
The girl had been through so much, dealing with the sleepless nights, constantly peeing, food cravings, mood swings, etc! She didn't know that pregnancy would be such a crazy thing. She just assumed her whole life that it would be easy, but boy was she wrong.
(Y/N) was lucky to have Zeke by her side. He cared for her a lot, and the two spent a lot of time together. Sometimes he would have to disappear for reasons she knew were understandable, and she did have to deal with some things on her own.
(Y/N) was beyond excited to meet her baby. She was due in any day now, but she showed little to no signs of any birth happening soon. It confused her a lot, she thought that maybe the baby was just taking its time to come out.
Zeke was also very excited too. Being a dad was something he's always wanted to be, even if it was unexpected. He loved babies, and he had major baby fever at the moment. He would always find himself holding her stomach, or laying his head to feel somewhat close to his child. It always made (Y/N)'s heart flutter.
He dealt with a lot. He knew pregnancy was very serious, and having to deal with her mood swings, and all that other stuff was quite the hassle. Nevertheless, he still cared and dealt with it as time went on.
(Y/N) and Zeke would always play argue about what the gender might be. Zeke wanted a girl, but (Y/N) wanted a boy. The two would talk for hours about names and all that kind of stuff.
Watching her belly grow was probably the most beautiful thing Zeke ever saw. The way her stomach just grew more and more made him so happy. He couldn't explain it, but he just loved seeing her grow. It made him feel warm and fuzzy.
Zeke was currently away, he had to deal with some things with Marley, so he couldn't be with (Y/N). He told her before he left, that if anything happened, she was to get Pieck or Reiner. Of course, she assured him she would be fine, and she could take care of herself.
He didn't like leaving when she was so close to her due date. Zeke didn't want her to be alone, but he didn't have much of a choice.
(Y/N) was optimistic though, she knew what to do if her baby came. She had to just wait and see what would happen. That was really all she could do right?
"How long is he going to be gone for?" Mia asked as she approached (Y/N) in the kitchen.
She sighed. "Not sure... another day maybe? He'll be back soon though" she replied and shrugged.
Mia nodded. "Let's hope he's back in time, you're practically going to pop (Y/N)" she said and chuckled a bit.
(Y/N) drank some of her tea. "Yeah me too, I have been having contractions. Nothing too major though" she said.
Her friend looked at her. "You know where I'm at if anything happens" she said and gave her a smile.
(Y/N) nodded. "Of course Mia.. thank you" she said.
Mia stood up. "Well I'll be going now. Let me know if anything happens" she said and made her way towards the door.
(Y/N) waved and watched as she exited her home. It was getting kind of late. She decided to just head off to bed. She was already very fatigued anyway, this pregnancy made her sleep all the time, and she hated it. She missed having bursts of energy.
She lied in her bed thinking of Zeke and how much she missed his presence. He would always leave her flowers or little love notes to make her feel comfort when she felt lonely, and she absolutely adored it everytime. It always somehow gave her butterflies.
When (Y/N) woke up the next morning, she felt off. She had this feeling in her gut that something wasn't right, but she didn't know exactly what it was.
Zeke was ready to go and see (Y/N). He got let go pretty early, so he decided that he would make his way to go and see her. Though, he had to make a few stops on the way before that could happen.
(Y/N) had gotten dressed and showered. She still couldn't help but feel extremely off. She looked in the mirror, and admired her face. Maybe she was just tired? She wasn't sure, but she got some good rest the night before. She exited her room and went to her kitchen to grab something to eat, her cravings were high this morning.
That's when she stopped. Something wet was going down her legs.
Her water had just broken.
(Y/N)'s eyes went wide at the sight of her soaked pants, and suddenly she felt pain. They felt like contractions, but they weren't at all. Her baby was on the way.
"Shit!" she cried out as the pain struck her.
She had to get to Mia. She was the only person nearby that could help her. The pain was making her vision dizzy, and she struggled to get up.
She wobbled her way outside of her home. "Mia!" (Y/N) cried out as she looked around outside.
Mia opened the door to her home, and saw (Y/N) doubled over in pain. "Oh my god! (Y/N)! What's going on!? Is the baby coming?" she asked.
She nodded. "Yes Mia! Please we need to go to the doctor now!" she yelled as she held her lower stomach.
Mia began to help (Y/N) walk to the doctor's. Luckily, the doctors office wasn't too far from where she lived, so it wasn't a very long trip. (Y/N) was sobbing in pain. Mia couldn't bare listening to her best friend cry in pain, but she wanted to be there.
Reiner turned the corner and saw (Y/N) being carried over by Mia. "Shit! (Y/N)! Are you alright?" he asked and rushed over.
She struggled to stand up. "N-No! My baby is coming you idiot!" she yelled.
He looked at Mia who was struggling a bit as well. "Shit, I got her Mia. Go find Zeke, he should be back" Reiner said and picked up (Y/N) bridal style.
Mia nodded. "Alright, be careful. I'll be back (Y/N)" she said and began to quickly run off.
Reiner rushed to the doctor's. "Help! She's pregnant and she's going to give birth" he yelled as he entered in.
The nurse stood up and rushed over. "Oh gosh! Okay! Bring her back over here" she said and ran to a back room.
Reiner took (Y/N) and placed her on the bed. "Fuck!" she yelled as the pain radiated throughout her body.
The nurse began to remove her clothes. "What's your name? How far along are you sweetheart?" she asked.
"(Y/N) (L/N). I'm 9 months! Argh!" she cried out.
The doctor came in. "Okay (Y/N)! We're going to see where your baby's head is" he said and looked down.
(Y/N) was screaming and crying. Reiner stood there trying to calm her down.
Mia was running around trying to figure out where the hell Zeke was, Reiner said he was supposed to be back already. She wasn't sure how long her best friend had until that baby came out.
She spotted him from afar talking to Pieck. "Zeke!" Mia yelled as she ran towards him.
He stopped and noticed how frantic she was. "Huh? Mia? What's up? Is something wrong?" he asked and furrowed his brows.
"It's (Y/N)! Her water broke this morning! She's giving birth right now" Mia replied.
Zeke felt like everything went in slow motion. "I have to go" he said and looked at Pieck.
She nodded. "Go. She needs you" she said and gave a smile.
Zeke and Mia practically sprinted their way to get to the doctor's office.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) was a total mess. She was in so much pain, and her body was practically screaming. Reiner tried his best to make her feel calm, and to make her feel more relaxed, but she was giving birth. Not much he could do anyway.
"Okay (Y/N), these next few moments are going to be very difficult. Relax and take a deep breath" the doctor said and looked at her.
(Y/N) nodded. "O-Okay" she said and looked at Reiner.
"We're going to induce you okay? This is going to help your cervix dilate. It'll be easier for the baby to come out" he said.
She looked up at the ceiling trying her best to get comfortable. She needed Zeke right now, he was the only thing that could calm her and make her feel at ease.
"Sir we need you to stay here" the nurse said in the other room.
Zeke rolled his eyes. "My girlfriend is in labor right now! I don't give a shit" he replied.
(Y/N) opened her eyes and heard his voice. "Is that Zeke?" she asked and looked at Reiner.
"Is he your boyfriend?" the doctor asked and looked up at her.
She nodded. "Y-Yes... please let him in" she replied and gripped the sheets.
"Nurse let him in!" the doctor yelled.
The nurse moved so Zeke could enter. He saw (Y/N)'s face scrunched in pain. "(Y/N)!" he said as he ran to her bed side.
She turned her head towards him. "You're finally here.." she said and smiled at him.
He smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world" he replied and held her hand.
"Okay (Y/N).. you're gonna need to push just a bit. I need you to help her through this" the doctor said and looked at Zeke.
He nodded. "Got it" he replied and looked at her.
(Y/N) began to push, and as she did she cried out in pain. "It's okay (Y/N)! Keep pushing, you got this my love" Zeke said and held her hand.
She squeezed his hand tightly as she kept pushing. "Oh shit! Fuck! This hurts so bad!" she yelled.
The doctor looked under the blanket. "You're doing great! Once we see its head, you'll have to do one big push" the doctor said and looked at her.
Zeke kissed her hand. "You got this... I'm right here (Y/N). Just breathe" he said trying to reassure her.
She started to push again, she felt the pain starting to feel worse. She felt like she was going to pass out from all of it.
"Almost done! I see its head! One more push and it'll be out" the doctor said and smiled at her.
(Y/N) nodded. "Okay... fuck! I don't think I can do this.." she said and felt tears slip out of her eyes.
Zeke looked at her and wiped the tears from her face. "You can do it, I know you can. One more push... and it'll be done" he said and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
She swallowed and looked down at the doctor. "Okay.. okay! One more push.." she said and looked up at the ceiling.
She then pushed once again, and she screamed as loud as she could. "Nurse! Get me a blanket!" the doctor yelled.
She sighed and looked at doctor. "Is everything okay?" she asked.
He smiled as the nurse came in with blankets. "It's a boy!" He yelled happily.
(Y/N) became overcome with emotion. She heard the cries coming from the baby. Zeke looked over astonished, he couldn't believe their son was born. He felt tears come to his eyes as well, he never thought he would be able to have a child.
"Here you go (Y/N).. you did so well" the doctor said and smiled.
He handed her the baby. She smiled and looked up at Zeke, the baby had her (e/c) eyes, and his blonde hair. He was the cutest thing she had ever seen. Mia and Reiner stood in the doorway smiling at the two.
"He's so... beautiful" (Y/N) said and smiled at her baby.
Zeke nodded. "He's perfect" he replied and gave a kiss on her head.
"Do you both have a name?" the nurse asked and smiled at them.
The two looked at each other. "Anthony!" (Y/N) replied and looked excitedly at Zeke.
He nodded. "Anthony it is" he said and looked back at the baby.
(Y/N) felt so tired, her body felt like giving out in the moment. "You did so well" Zeke said and smiled at her.
She laughed a bit. "I wouldn't have been able to do without you" she replied and looked at him.
"I love you.." he said.
(Y/N) felt her heart flutter at those words. "I love you too Zeke..." she said.
"I promise to stay by your side" he said and held her hand.
"You promise?" she asked.
He smiled. "I promise" he replied.
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writersplight · 3 years
For: @elijahlittle A/N: This bitch took me so long to write. I will probably post more because I enjoy pain caused by Erwin Smith. Enjoy <3 ——— Ena’s dream for the longest time was to be a beloved mother and wife. She has been looking for a husband ever since she left home, the desire for her dream to come true burning within her. For years now, since joining the Survey Corps, it had been put on the back burner, always in the back of her mind. Unfortunately for her, she fell for the commander. Erwin Smith. A monster of a man to some, but to her—due to years of chipping away at his exterior walls in private—he had shown her some of his humanity. Deep, deep down below the veil of a commander was a human that she has risked it all for. In his own way, he has shown how fond he has grown of her, too. Like almost a month ago, when Ena entered his room to hand him some tea she made, and they shared a passionate night together. Ena never thought she'd get that far with the commander, so she cherished every moment She could have sworn he said something about loving her, but she didn’t ask. She held onto that like a lifeline. Through all the recent mornings of her getting sick and feeling nauseated, she thought: “He said he loved me, so I’m okay.” It was all worth it. With the betrayal of Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover—the Armored and Colossal titan—and now news of the titans in the wall, and the Beast Titan, Ena was instructed to stay in Wall Sina and see a doctor. She didn’t argue, because she was growing concerned about being this sick in the morning. Also the increase in appetite. In hindsight, she should have known what was happening to her. However, that didn’t stop her from pulling him off to the side, and, though his eyes were distant, and he wasn’t the Erwin she knew then, she told him to “Hurry back alive”. The doctor confirmed it, after she waited for a few hours. Half of her dream was being achieved. She was going to be a mother. Only three weeks along, she could see her life unfold. Maybe this will be the thing that grounds Erwin, and ties him to her officially. Up until now, she was content with the privacy, with the late night whispers and touches. But now. . . She awaited them to come back, a nervous smile on her face that didn’t match the others. There were always injured soldiers, and reasons why missions extended passed what she was told. That was normal. Her light blue eyes wandered for the commander, going from distressed teen face to distressed teen face. Something was off, that was more than apparent. She grabs onto Levi and Hanji’s arms, searching for something in their faces. “Where’s Erwin? I have some news I have to break.” Ena’s voice is wobbly, seeing their face grow grim. She’s sitting at a table, where some cadets and Levi join her. Armin sits farthest away, at the end of the table, head leaning down. “Ena. . .” Hanji starts, but quickly stops, looking at the ground. There’s no point in crying, is there? Not all over again, after crying before. It’s not what’s expected of them now. As the 14th commander of the Survey Corps. . . “He’s dead.” Levi finishes, getting up for tea. He gets her some. She’s filled in on the mission, the basement, the whole Armin being chosen over Erwin. She’s silent, taking it all in. Her eyes wander to Armin, who won’t even look up. Her heart squeezes, not able to imagine the pressure he must feel. Still, she listens, holding back her own news and tears. It feels wrong to be happy about it now. “So. . . Armin was chosen over Erwin?” Levi nods, slowly, bringing his cup to his lips. She nods slowly, mulling over the information. To her, though she misses him, it makes sense. She manages a small smile, turning her head. “Armin, come here.” She instructs, and he does so instantly. She takes his hands in her own when he sits in the chair to her left. “I can’t imagine the pressure you’re under. Bertholdt’s memories, the Colossal titan’s powers, feeling like you were chosen over Erwin—it’s a lot for a boy. However, you are not Erwin. You are your own
person. Do not let Levi or Hanji pressure you into filling his shoes. You’re brilliant on your own.” He looks mortified. She sighs, moving her hair off her shoulders. “You must, instead, promise me one thing.” She holds out her pink finger. “You must be the opposite of Erwin Smith, got it? You cannot lose sight of your dreams or your own humanity, okay? Can you promise me that?” Tears well in his eyes, as he locks pinkies with her. It was a difficult promise, one that he will most likely break, but Ena was already prepared for that. It was okay for Armin to break this promise, because it was only made to take the pressure off of him at this moment. “Right, thank you.” She pulls away from the burdened cadet. She sighs, looking down at her tea. It was untouched. She didn’t want any of it. She licks her lips, swallowing what little tears she had. Clearing her throat, she makes her announcement. “I’m pregnant.” And the father is a dead man.
She cries on her own time. She’s not going to be the strong soldier she built herself up to be. She’s not going to have the support of a husband. Her child isn’t going to have a child. Ena cries harder at the thought. On the left side of the room, but in a separate quarters, Levi hears her. It’s not like he was sleeping anyways. He says nothing, sitting in the loss of a friend and the mourning from another. ——— It’s a boy. Ena smiles, holding it close to her body. It was a long nine months, but so worth it. Her baby boy, so small and fragile. Her baby boy. Half of her dream is still completed. He’s alive and healthy. “What are you going to name him?” Levi asks, peering down at the small baby. He looks disgusted, but that’s just his face. “I don’t quite know. I haven’t given it much thought.” she whispers, the exhaustion kicking in. She didn’t know birth was so painful, or this long. She’s been in labor for ten hours. But, she wouldn’t trade it for the world. She has her baby boy, her dream, in her hands. What was once thought of unattainable, was struggling in her clothed breasts, peacefully sleeping. “What about ‘Erwin’—junior, of course,” Hanji suggests, and the mere thought of it made her clutch her baby closer to her chest. “If they share the same name,” she slowly says, continuing to mull it over, “will they have to share the same fate? Would I have to watch my son become desensitized to deaths he caused—to my own love? Would I have to watch him throw away his life, while I’m on the sidelines?” The blonde didn’t realize she was crying until Levi held out a handkerchief. She takes it, wiping her face haphazardly. Her eyes pierce the new commander, who gulps. “That’s not—” “No one can live up to his name, his selfish selflessness. I will give him a different name, and he’ll forge his own path.” She says, with finality, and Hanji nods, going to leave. Unlike Erwin, they could not stand awkward situations they made, and refused to sit in them. “I have thought about it,” Ena whispers, stopping them, “but look at him. My beautiful baby boy is part of me, too. It’s one thing to lose a lover that was barely yours, it’s another to lose your baby boy to a name he knows nothing of. . . I don’t want to rob him of any opportunities he has to be a regular boy.” They nod, leaving. Levi sighs, sitting back. Through everything, he’s still here. For some reason. It’s as confusing as it is comforting. Soon, the cadets come, amazed by the little baby. They were polite and quiet—those who got rowdy were threatened by Levi—and she handed her baby off to be held one by one. When it got to the last person, Connie, it had to be taken from him. He was crying hysterically for some reason, and his hands were shaky and unstable. He returned later, with flowers and an apology. “You’re going to apologize for crying, but not tell me why?” Ena jokes, shifting up in her bed. She was still sore and tired, but was restless. Her baby was sleeping in a cradle next to her. “Right, uhm—” he sits down, wiping his hands on his pants. “Sorry. He just—whatever his name is—he reminded me of when my youngest brother was born. I miss my family.” “Ah. . .” was all Ena said, leaning over to put her hand over one of Connie’s. Her eyes searched for the younger cadet’s, getting all the information she needed. Now that she was a mother, she could read people slightly better. It’ll only get stronger as he grows up. “Then I think you have a dream similar to mine. For different reasons. I had a bad, distant family, so I wanted to make one who was close. For how you act, I assume you had a close family.” The buzzcut teen nods, a deep frown on his lips. “You’ll find someone. Right now isn’t the best time, you’re still young, but it’ll come.” She advised, before pointing towards her baby. “That baby boy right there, should be enough motivation. You’ve got a big heart, Connie, I don’t doubt you’ll achieve your dreams.” He nods, and says something about how late it is, that they both need their beauty sleep. Ena stops the teen
soldier before he leaves, pointing to her son again. Her smile never falters. “His name is Ezran.” ——— It’s hard raising a baby and being in the Survey Corps, but she manages it as best as she can. What makes it easier is that everyone adores Ezran. He’s a bundle of joy, with an insatiable appetite for knowledge. Just like Erwin. In fact, he looks a lot like his father. Shares most of the same features. But his eyes. . . They’re a pale, dull blue just like Ena’s. Everything else is a copy of Erwin—as Hanji has said. Internally, she has agreed with them, but she refuses to say it is allowed. Ezran shouldn’t be compared to someone he doesn’t know. He doesn’t need that invisible pressure. Though, she hasn’t withheld stories of Erwin’s. . . accomplishments. She loves him, but she’s sure not to paint him in too good a light. He was immoral at times, and made their personal relationship rocky and uncertain, but a four year old didn’t need to know that. He just needed to know his dad was a hero before he was a man, and made raids like this possible. She stayed away from the fight, with Hanji and Onyankopon. She rocked Ezran, who was dozing off. He was such a sleepy baby, despite everything. He saw his first death tonight. Two little kids hopped onto the aircraft, and the smaller one shot Sasha. The commotion spooked Ena, and she ran to check. She couldn’t cover her son’s eyes in time. He saw Sasha’s limp body and everyone crying. He cried, too, much to his mother’s surprise. She expected him to gravely look down upon the dead body as if it meant nothing. It was in these minutes that she forgot her son was not his father. He still had his humanity. She held her son as he cried over his lost friend. Ena cried for another reason. ——— It’s all over. Eren sacrificed himself, and there are no more titans. Ezran and Ena are alive. Levi is alive. Hanji is not. It’s okay. Well, no, it’s actually not okay. Eren committed a mass genocide in seconds, leaving only a handful of people alive. She could rationalize it, however, because her baby boy was still alive. Though he had no intentions of killing him off, Ena recalled begging Eren on her knees in Paths to spare his life. “I don’t—he’s going to live,” Eren says, a promise in his tone. The blonde mother erupts in a new set of tears, pulling him into a hug. She couldn’t forgive him for that distanced, god complex he developed to trick Zeke, but this was a step in the right direction. “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she chants, eyes blurry from the tears. If she couldn’t have Erwin, then she wanted her son. That’s all she remembers. But when it was wall over, the first thing she felt was Erzan running towards her with tears in his pale eyes. He couldn’t have understood this. She just reassures him that he’s okay, and that it’s all over now, though her leg is missing. It was chopped off before everyone went titan mode. She was okay with it being gone. Her son was okay, that’s all that mattered. She’ll explain it later, and as many times as he needs her to. But not in this moment, where she smiles and kisses his cheeks, mentally thanking Eren for being alive. Ezran is six years old. They live with Levi. He’s mainly confined to a wheelchair, so he needs help. With the help of Armin, Connie, and Jean, Ena was made a wooden prosthetic that is strapped to her hip. Her leg hurts most days, but she does her best to stay out of a wheelchair herself. Her son is so chatty, and he reads with an aptitude that even Armin can barely keep up with. His mind is a sponge, soaking up any information he can get his hand on. “Mama! I finished ‘A Wrinkle in Time’!” he called to her, holding out his copy. She wasn’t even halfway done. They talk about it, and she lets him spoil the ending for her, not wanting to stop his excitement. He looked so happy reciting his favorite parts of the book, she didn’t have the heart to stop him. “Mama, what are we going to read next?” She taps her chin, before shrugging. “We’ll ask Armin when he visits us later. I think it’s lunch time.” He
grabs her hands, pulling her into the kitchen. Ena puts her son on the counter so he can help. He stands, when her back is turned, and he nearly falls. She manages to dive and catch him at the last minute. She sighs, glad her reflexes are still working, before she begins tickling her son. “Be more careful, bug! You could have gotten hurt!” He squeals, trying to run from her. Pushing away from her didn’t stop her, and he couldn’t run far from her. He grabbed the first thing blindly, and pulled, not seeing until the last second it was her necklace. He gasps, looking down at the locket. He stops, prying open the heart. It was a picture of an older man, who looks just like him. It was the smallest drawing he’s ever seen. “Is this. . .” “Yeah, that’s your dad. Erwin Smith.” Ena sighed. Even with Ezran around, who looks like the spitting image of him, she still misses him. Sometimes, when she goes to bed at night, she dreams of Erwin meeting his son, and how happy he would be to see Ena’s dream. Once, she dreamed they got married, with little Ezran as the ring bearer. . . She sniffed, pulling Ezran onto her lap. She held him close, like letting him go would mean losing him forever. He didn’t seem to mind today, eyes on the locket. From what he could tell, it was drawn by that Horse Guy, whatever his name was. Gene, or Janet—it was hard to pronounce for the little guy. It was nice. For a moment, he thought: If I was like him, would Mama stop crying? It was only a whisper, before he turned to her with a question. “Can we go visit his grave today, mama? I need him to hear about the books I’ve read!” She thinks it over. When was the last time they both visited? Ena goes every other Saturday, but she only brings their son on rare occasions. With a content sigh, she nods. “Okay. We’ll go after Armin visits, okay?” She stands, offering him a hand. “Now, what did you want for lunch today, Ezran?”
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raiseyourcups · 3 years
Chapter Twenty-Two
Pairing: Din Djarin x OFC (Aili Verdella) Warnings: blood, injury, fire, cursing, the usual suspects being awkward and argumentative Word Count: 6k (it's a long one today) Also on AO3 
Masterlist//Main Masterlist
Summary: Mando is dying and there's only so much Aili can do without convincing him to remove his helmet. Not to mention the Storm Troopers and Moff Gideon still breathing down their necks. IG-11 just needs to hurry up and get the vent into the sewers open. 
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Aili cursed quietly as she all but emptied out the entire contents of her med bag. She was not going to be able to get annoyed with Mando being out of charges now because somehow she hadn’t brought any bacta spray with her. She knew that Cara only had bacta patches and not many since she had used at least one on Karga the night before. 
“I’m not gonna make it. You need to go,” Mando said, his breathing a little labored as he tried to speak through the pain.  
“Shut up, you’re gonna be fine,” Aili replied quickly, bringing her hand back up to try to feel exactly where Mando’s wound was. She tried to hold back another curse when she realized that it had to be inside the helmet, further than she could reach without removing it. "You are not dying here."
"I am,” Mando said, wincing in pain behind his helmet. He was glad she couldn’t see his face or the blood covering it now. He knew she wouldn’t be able to heal him while he still wore the helmet and removing it wasn’t an option. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t. Not if surviving meant he would be turning his back on the only life he had known since he was a child. 
"No, you are not dying on a dirty cantina floor, just let me take off the helmet so we can fix your stupid head." Aili went to lift the helmet when Mando grabbed her by the wrists as tightly as he could while in pain. She let out an annoyed growl but let him lower her hands anyway. She wouldn’t do that without his permission but she didn’t want him to die either. 
“No, leave me. Make sure Little Green is safe.” Mando hoped that using the nickname Aili had given the kid would make her take pause. 
“He’ll be fine because we’ll both be there to protect him,” Aili reasoned with him. He was just being dramatic like when he asked for her to give cover fire rather than use her numerous skills to help take down the troopers outside. 
“No, you need to go,” Mando said, having to pause a few times despite the short sentence. He had yet to let go of Aili's wrists but he was simply holding them now. She hadn’t even tried to pull them away for once which was a surprise to him. 
“Bantha shit, I’m not leaving you here because you’re not dying.” Aili didn’t know how many more times she needed to say it for it to get through his thick head. Obviously it wasn’t clicking for him but she was going to blame the blood loss and probable concussion for now. 
Mando let go of one of her wrists to pull something from around his neck off, handing it to Aili. She was surprised to see it almost matched the medallion that the Armorer had given her all those months ago. “When you get to the Covert, you show them that...tell them it’s from Din Djarin and that the foundling was in our protection, the Armorer and o-your ade will vouch for you.”
“You tell them yourself,” Aili said stubbornly. If she had to drag him down into the Covert herself. She knew Cara would help if she asked. She missed the way he tripped over his words figuring that the blood loss was finally getting to him. If he passed out that would make it easier for them to drag him along with them once IG-11 got the vent open. 
Whatever he was going to say was cut off by a blast of fire coming from the window that the troopers had shot open. Aili threw herself over Mando to cover him from the flames. So much for her not caring. She really hated Incinerator Troopers and she wasn’t sure why she was surprised Moff Gideon had one with him. When the burst of flame went away, she pushed herself back up. Mando let out a pained groan as Aili glanced around to make sure Little Green was okay as well. 
She let out a quiet sigh of relief when she saw him standing there, near Cara and Karga, perfectly fine even as he kept looking at them with his wide brown eyes. She looked over to the IG unit who was still working on the vent. “Get that vent open! Now!” She shouted, her voice steady for the most part. If there was a slight wobble near the end, Mando wasn't about to comment on it. 
“You protect the kid, I can hold them back long enough for you to escape.”
“Now I know you’re brain damaged,” Aili shot back quickly. “I am not leaving you here.”
Mando let out a sigh that was barely audible. “Let me have a warrior’s death and take care of the kid, for the both of us.” 
“I. Am not. Leaving you here,” Aili repeated herself, glaring down at Mando now. 
“This is the Way.”
“Well it’s not my way,” Aili said shortly. She ignored the small part of herself that told her she had left behind people hurt way less in the interest of staying alive. She hadn’t cared back then, had only cared about finishing the missions she was sent on. There was another short burst of fire, Aili ducking over Mando to cover him again and when she looked up, she wished she hadn’t. 
The Incinerator Trooper walked into the cantina, quickly scanning the room for them. As soon as they were in his sight, he lifted his flamethrower up again aiming it straight at them all. From this close, nothing would stop the flames from hitting any of them. Aili looked over at Little Green in a panic when she saw him standing right in the line of fire. She tried to reach over Mando to pull Little Green towards them but she couldn’t reach him without leaving Mando’s side. 
As the flames shot forward, everyone ducked down so they wouldn’t have to see it coming. When all Aili felt was the heat but not the flames on her skin, she looked back up in confusion. Mando brought his own head up as much as he could, gritting his teeth in pain as he did. 
Little Green was using whatever powers he had to hold back the flames and they all stared as it looked like the fire hit a wall. He threw his little hand back and the fire flew back towards the trooper, throwing him out of the cantina with a surprised scream that was cut short as the flames overtook him. As Little Green fell back, cooing as his eyes closed, IG-11 finally got the vent open. Aili left Mando’s side long enough to scoop Little Green into her arms and away from the fire now spreading throughout the cantina.
“Come on, it’s open!” Karga shouted towards them. He didn’t want to spend another second in the cantina as it started to burn. He also didn’t want to wait for any more Troopers to get inside. 
“Go,” Mando said, his voice rougher than before. He took as good a look as he could from where he was laying at Aili and the kid in her arms. “You need to go.”
“I...we can’t just leave you here,” Aili still tried to argue. Mando was shocked that she was still trying to argue when they both knew he was dying. There wasn’t anything she could do for him and now that the kid was knocked out, neither could he with his strange powers. 
“Cara,” Mando called out as best as he could to the Shock Trooper. When Cara looked over at them he tilted his helmet towards Aili. “Take her.”
Despite the fact that she knew Aili would be pissed at her, Cara did as Mando asked and dragged the smaller woman up off of the floor being careful when she saw the kid in her arms. As expected, Aili fought against Cara’s hold even as she was getting all but carried over to the open vent. 
“Let me go,” Aili wrenched herself out of Cara’s grasp, giving the woman a glare before she turned it to where Mando was still laying. She couldn’t believe he would...actually yes she could believe that he would have Cara try to drag her out of there without him. She did not spend months of her life on that piece of crap ship, away from her girls, just for him to decide to die from an easy to fix wound. 
“I will stay with the Mandalorian, you protect the Child,” IG-11 said as it walked over to them. Of all the humans gathered there, the IG unit knew that the one currently holding the Child would be its best protector. Even with her emotions clouding her judgement at the moment. 
Aili paused for a long moment, looking down at Mando before she finally looked up at IG-11 with a dark look in her eyes. “You better bring him or I’ll shoot you myself and no one will be able to fix you this time.”
“Understood,” IG-11 said, holding out the bag that the Child had been in when the Scout Troopers had taken him. Aili took the bag, placing the sleeping child inside before she looked back down at Mando with an unreadable expression on her face. 
“Stay alive.”
Without waiting for Mando to reply, she turned to go down the vent, Cara following after her to make sure she didn’t try to head back when no one was looking. As soon as they were all in the sewers, Aili took the lead in front of Karga. It wouldn’t take them long to get to the Covert from the cantina if she remembered correctly. She just hoped she didn’t get turned around since she had never come in from the actual entrance aside from the very first time. 
“You know where we’re going?” Cara questioned, shock on her face. She had been sure that they were going to be stuck wandering around the sewers for at least a few minutes before getting their bearings. Unless Mando had been able to give Aili directions in between arguing with her about him staying behind. Somehow Cara doubted that was the case though. 
“Yeah, might take a while longer though, I never came in from the cantina,” Aili said flippantly. She didn’t elaborate any further than that despite the looks she was now getting from Cara and Karga. They didn’t need to know how or why she knew the way to the Covert. 
“You are still full of surprises,” Cara commented. Everytime she thought she knew even half of the things about Aili, the smaller woman went and purposely made herself more mysterious. This was actually more shocking to Cara than when she figured out that Mando and Aili had finally slept together, them not actually being together was less of a surprise. 
“You have no idea.”
They continued down the tunnels in mostly silence, Little Green had woken up at some point. He still let out tired coos which Aili couldn’t fault him for given how much energy he must have used to hold back the flames. They were getting closer to a part of the Covert that Aili recognized, close to where she usually snuck in from to be exact when there was a muffled explosion. 
Everyone turned around, ready to start shooting again if they had to. There was a bright light coming their way paired with steady footsteps. Aili tilted her head trying to figure out if she was only hearing one set or two sets of footsteps. She hoped that the droid had been smart enough to stay behind in the cantina if Mando didn’t make it. 
The relief she felt when she saw Mando and IG-11 come around the corner was short-lived as it was quickly replaced by her earlier anger with the Mandalorian. She let Cara move to help Mando stand, it wasn’t like she’d be very helpful anyway with her lack of height. Besides she was still carrying Little Green and she wasn’t nearly as upset with him as she was Mando. 
“Do you know which way to go?” Karga asked Mando when they came to what seemed like a fork in the road. 
“No, I don’t know these tunnels. I only ever entered from the bazaar,” Mando said, looking from left to right, unsure exactly where they were but he knew they couldn’t stop moving. It wouldn’t take long for Moff Gideon to realize where they had gone and send Troopers down into the tunnels after them. 
“It’s this way,” Aili said, nodding her head towards the right tunnel.
“Are you sure?” Mando asked, not because he doubted her answer but he still wasn’t even sure where they were. 
Aili looked over at Mando with a single raised eyebrow. “It’s not like I could use the front entrance any of the times I came down here.”
“Wait, what?” Cara asked, almost missing a step forward. “Exactly how many times have you been down here?”
“Every time I finished a job, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“But why come down here when you’re not--”
“Look, this isn’t the time or the place and no offense but I’m not gonna be giving answers anyway,” Aili interrupted before Cara could finish her sentence. 
Silence fell over them for a moment before Karga spoke, choosing to pick a different subject. “If we get the smell of sulfur and follow it, it’ll lead us up to the plains where the river flows.”
“And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship. We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety,”
“And we need to warn them about the Imps heading their way,” Aili added without mentioning why warning them was needed. The existence of all of the other foundlings was something that could and would stay between her and Mando unless Cara and Karga saw them with their own eyes. She knew that if they did, they’d agree with keeping children out of the line of fire. 
They turned down another tunnel that Aili pointed out and she could tell that at least two of them were doubting her directions. She couldn’t blame them, it wasn’t exactly easy trying to keep all the tunnels straight. 
“This place is a maze!” Cara exclaimed. 
“We’re going the right way,” Aili said although now she was beginning to doubt herself a little. She had come through from so many different ways to avoid any Mandalorians on guard that they were all blending together in her head. 
“Stop,” Mando suddenly said, pulling away from Cara and Karga. “I can stand.”
“The bacta infusion is working,” IG-11 said and Aili slowly turned around to stare straight into Mando’s t-visor. So he let the droid remove his helmet after all? Even as she narrowed her eyes at him she had to admit that it made sense, no living thing could see his face and droids were technically not alive. Loopholes. Something they had clearly utilized after the disaster of a prison break. She shook the thought away, it was not the time or place to think about that. 
“I’ll try to find tracks,” Mando said, looking at the ground for a moment before pointing down the tunnel. “We’re close.”
“Yeah, I could have told you that,” Aili said, pursing her lips in annoyance. But she kept her mouth shut and let Mando take the lead now since it would be faster for him to follow the tracks with his helmet. She followed right behind him, Cara and Karga behind her, and IG-11 in the rear. 
“Turn here.” 
He led them into what Aili would assume was the main hallway which she had never actually seen before. She had always taken a different way, one that came out closer to the Armorer in order to not be seen by anyone else. Mando suddenly stopped in his tracks, shutting off his flashlight, and spun around to face them, specifically looking down at Aili. The way he was standing blocked her view of whatever was behind him. 
“What?” She raised an eyebrow wondering what he had seen. It couldn’t have been a dead end or anything like that. And it was quiet behind him so it wasn’t another Mandalorian.
“Wrong way,” Mando said shortly. 
“No, it’s not,” Aili stated, narrowing her eyes up at Mando. She may have never been this way but it was obviously the right way for someone who unlike her was a Mandalorian. She tilted her head and quicker than he could attempt to stop her, she ducked under his arms and stopped in her tracks when she saw what he was trying to hide from her. 
“Aili, no--”
Aili slapped a hand over her mouth before she could say anything else, her eyes wide at the pile of armor before her. She knew she had missed Madsin’s birthday, had missed her swearing the Creed, which meant her armor could be in that pile and she would have no way of knowing. Meaning that would have left the other three without Aili and their big sister. Shaeli and Jaesa were still so young and Sula...she still looked to Aili and Madsin for answers sometimes.
She couldn’t do anything other than watch as Mando slowly moved forward to kneel down in front of the pile. He picked up one of the helmets and she wondered if he remembered who it had belonged to. A stupid thought considering how close knit the Covert was, Aili recalled learning several names that she would never be able to put a face or helmet to but Shaeli and Jaesa were hard to settle down when they shared stories of the Covert. Little Green let out a sad coo when Aili unconsciously tightened her grip on the bag he was in, holding him closer against herself. 
“We should keep moving,” Cara said quietly. She could understand why Mando was upset but Aili’s reaction was once again a surprise. It wasn't like she had ever mentioned knowing any other Mandalorians. But the smaller woman still had secrets that Cara didn’t know about since she hadn’t spent months on a ship with her. Mando had obviously been trying to keep Aili from seeing the armor for a reason though. 
“You go. Take the ship. I can’t leave it this way,” Mando said in a clipped tone. 
“Did you know about this?” Aili suddenly spun around to stare at Karga. He was the only one who could have called for an attack like this. Could have done it as soon as the Razor Crest took off all those months ago. She was so stupid, she should have fought harder to have the Armorer give her permission to help evacuate the foundlings immediately. She should have been there for...she should have known...
“No! When you two left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended and the hunters just melted away. You both know how it is. They’re mercenaries, they’re not zealots!” Karga exclaimed and Aili was ready to argue with him when Mando beat her to it. 
“Did you do this? Did you?” Mando got up quickly, getting into Karga’s face and shouting despite his voice still being rough and shaky from the still ebbing pain in both his head and body. It was taking most of his willpower to stay standing upright but now his grief and anger was fueling him on. He hadn’t seen any foundling sized armor in the pile yet but from what he knew, the oldest of Aili’s ade wouldn’t have child-sized armor anymore. 
“It was not his fault,” a voice familiar to both Aili and Mando said from another tunnel. The Armorer walked out, still looking like she had the last time Aili had seen her. The only difference was that she carried herself with what looked like the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders now. 
“We revealed ourselves. We knew what could happen if we left the Covert. The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter, this is what resulted.”
“Did any survive?” Mando asked, trying desperately to keep his gaze on the Armorer rather than turning to look over at Aili. He didn’t want to see her face if the Armorer gave bad news. 
“Yes, though I do not know how many,” the Armorer said before turning to look over at Aili who had taken in a sharp breath. “Aili Verdella, you should know that your ade are with what remains of the covert.”
“They’re--” Aili cut herself off, unsure she could even trust herself to finish her sentence. 
“Your ship was used to reach Oshriya. Your oldest said they owed you a favor and from there I do not know, only that the plan was to sell your ship for enough credits to spare for safe passage off planet,” the Armorer explained simply as she picked up the closest piece of armor on the ground. 
“They sold my ship?” Just like that, Aili went from being happy they were still alive to wanting to kill them herself. She had spent thousands of credits on that ship, making it livable and able to transport several bounties at once if needed. Had even made sure all of the crew quarters were ready just in case.
“Are you really getting mad about a ship?” Now Mando turned to look at Aili, disbelief in his voice. He would have expected her to be relieved at the very least. 
“It was a Glowzee-class, fully customized! Yes, yes I am now that I know they’re not dead. But they’re gonna wish they were when we find them." Aili was aware that it was stupid but she knew that it would have been Madsin’s idea to sell the ship and she would have been the only one brave enough to suggest it. 
“She’s got a point, Mando. That was probably a beautiful ship,” Cara said, wincing at the thought of losing a ship like that. Glowzees were not easy to come by, especially now in the New Republic. Only ship harder to get was a Razor Crest but no one really wanted those very much. Glowzees though...those were the equivalent of beskar to someone who wanted a ship off the grid for any reason. 
“Can we focus on the Imps that are still coming after us?” Mando said before Aili could go off about the ship. He agreed that a Glowzee-class ship was a terrible thing to lose but he wasn’t about to let Aili know that. Not until they were out of the very real danger of not being able to make it back to the Razor Crest. But now he understood why she always liked to comment on everything she didn’t like about his ship, it was definitely a step down from her own ship. 
“Come with us.” Mando directed towards the Armorer who had been picking up pieces of armor and placing them in a bin as they spoke. Of course no one could see the look she was giving Mando and Aili from behind her helmet, the knowing look in her eyes along with a small smile playing at her lips. 
“I will not abandon this place until I have salvaged what remains.” The Armorer placed one more piece of armor into the bin before pushing it into the Forge. Mando and Aili followed after her silently while Cara and Karga gave each other a confused look before they too went into the room. 
“Show me the one whose safety deemed such destruction,” the Armorer said after she placed a cuirass into the Forge to melt it down. Aili stepped forward, holding Little Green up a little so the Armorer could see him. 
“This is the one,” Mando said, awkwardly shifting his feet. He wasn’t sure how the Armorer would react to Little Green. 
“This is the one that you hunted then saved?” Even Aili could tell that the Armorer was a little taken aback by the sight of Little Green. It was how she had felt when she had first seen him on the Crest, complete surprise that someone would place a bounty on a child. 
“Yes. The one that saved me as well,” Mando replied.
“From the mudhorn,” the Armorer clarified, wanting to be sure that she was understanding him correctly. 
“It looks helpless.”
Little Green let out a coo, looking up at the Armorer with his big brown eyes. Aili let out a quiet snort at the thought of Little Green being helpless after what she had seen him do in the past couple of days. She still needed to ask Mando about this mudhorn story because she couldn’t even begin to imagine what that was about. 
“He’s injured but he’s not helpless. Its species can move objects with its mind,” Mando explained, hoping that the Armorer would know about these powers than any of them did. 
“I know of such things. The songs of eons past tell of battles between Mandalore the Great and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers,” the Armorer explained as she dipped one of her tools into the now molten beskar, gathering it up easily.
“Jedi?” Aili questioned quietly. She wracked her brain to try to remember if she had ever heard that word used before. She recalled hearing rumors about the Emperor and she wondered if this had been why certain girls got pulled from the Program as soon as they left basic.
“It is an enemy?” Mando asked and Aili turned her head to give him an unimpressed look. Even if Little Green’s kind were enemies to the Mandalorians, Little Green clearly wasn’t given how many times he had helped them. Neither of them even knew how long he had been away from his kind so there was no telling how much he had even been taught about his powers.
“No. Its kind were enemies but this individual is not,” the Armorer said, unknowingly speaking the thoughts that Aili was having. She turned away from them, slowly walking over towards a cabinet against the wall. 
“What is he?” Mando asked. Aili wondered just how many questions he had because even if the Armorer were to suddenly change her mind, she doubted even Mando would be able to harm Little Green. 
“It is a foundling.” The way the Armorer said it left no room for argument. The cabinet opened up to reveal the rest of her tools. “By Creed, it is in your care.”
Little Green let out a small gurgle, looking up at Aili before glancing over at Mando with his big brown eyes. 
Mando let out a quiet, almost scoff of surprise before he pointed at the kid, “You wish me to train him?”
“It is too weak. It would die. You have no choice, you must reunite it with its own kind,” the Armorer said bluntly and Aili was beginning to remember why she sometimes preferred to spend as little time as possible in the Forge after a job. Other than wanting to spend more time with her girls before she had to leave. The Armorer pulled something that Aili couldn’t see out and placed in on the workstation in front of her. 
“Where?” Aili asked before Mando could. She didn’t like the idea of it but as attached as she was to Little Green, she knew he would probably be better off with his own kind. Be it these Jedi or even just his own race. 
“This, you must determine,” the Armorer answered as if that would make it any easier for them. She poured some of the beskar into molds, setting the rest of the beskar aside. 
“You expect us to search the galaxy for the home of this creature and deliver it to a race of enemy sorcerers?” Mando questioned, unsure of this mission that the Armorer was giving them. He didn’t even have a clue as to where they would even start and the galaxy was not small by any means. 
“This is the Way.”
The way the Armorer spoke those words gave Aili pause, wondering if the other woman had meant to say it with that tone. The Armorer turned back around, using her hammer on the molds that she had just filled in. The sound was jarring with the silence coming from the rest of the Covert.
“These tunnels are going to be lousy with Imps in a matter of minutes, we should at least discuss some kind of escape plan,” Cara said, spurred on by the noise the Armorer was now making. It would make it easier for the Imps to find them now, the sound carrying throughout the room and more than likely throughout the tunnels. 
“If you follow the descending tunnel, it will lead you to the underground river,” the Armorer suggested as she placed her hammer down and picked up another tool. “It flows downstream into the lava flats.”
“I think we should go,” Karga said. He wasn’t going to mention that he had already said they should go that way. 
“I’m staying. I need to help her and to heal,” Mando said, turning to look over at Aili who already looked ready to argue. “You go with them to the ship, take it to Oshriya.”
“You must go.” The Armorer said before Aili even had a chance to open her mouth. She picked up the first of the molds and placed it in water to release the mold. She did so quickly doing the same for the second of the molds. “A foundling is in your care. Until you reunite the Child with his people or he becomes of age, you two will be as his parents.”
Cara barely held back the smile threatening to appear on her face as she glanced over at the look of shock on Aili’s face. She also noted the way Mando shifted one foot backwards as if he were about to keel over. She was liking the Armorer a little more now.  Little Green let out another coo, staring straight at Mando who had turned to look over at both him and Aili who was decidedly avoiding looking back at him. 
“This is the Way.” Now Aili knew the Armorer was almost mocking both of them with the way she said that. She had spent at least enough time to know when she was smiling beneath her helmet and this was definitely one of those times. She had basically just called Mando and her a pair. The Armorer spent a few more moments working on whatever had been in the second mold before she was finished.  
“You have earned your signet,” the Armorer said, turning around and holding the signet in her hand along with something smaller that neither Mando or Aili could clearly see. She walked over to Mando and quickly attached the signet to Mando’s pauldron. 
“Thank you. I will wear this with honor,” Mando said, standing a little straighter now.
Once the Armorer was satisfied, she turned around to look at Aili. “You are a clan of seven, the largest in recent times,” the Armorer said without preamble, holding out a pendant not unlike the one Mando had handed Aili back in the cantina except this one was also a mudhorn. Aili’s eyes went wide, even as she slowly reached out to take the necklace. It wasn’t like she’d be able to refuse anything from the Armorer. 
“Excuse me, seven?” Cara exclaimed quietly, eyes wide as she counted everyone present again. Sure there were seven of them there but she didn’t agree to join a Mandalorian clan even if she had grown to like fighting alongside one of them. And how could a droid even be in a clan?
“Don’t worry Cara, I have four girls that are off-world," Alli said. She wasn’t sure what to make of all the thoughts now going through her head. 
“Four, you look good for giving birth to four kids.” Karga commented, surprised he hadn’t known this. He had always prided himself in at least knowing the bare minimum about his bounty hunter’s personal lives, if only so he knew who to inform if they died during a job. But Aili always had been a mystery to him, never speaking of her personal life in the slightest. 
“They’re adopted, former Program like me.” Aili kept her explanation as short as possible, they didn’t need to know all of the details.
“Oh good, but also maybe don’t add to your clan any time soon because five kids is a lot,” Cara tried to joke despite her shock. 
“Two are considered adults now, you should be proud to know that Sula has indeed chosen to train as a medic,” the Armorer directed the last of her statement in Aili and Mando’s direction. She was aware that the younger girl had told her about her doubts of continuing down the path of the Fighting Corps like her older sister.
“I am, thank you.”
There were muffled explosions in the distance, too close for Aili’s liking since she knew sound carried itself differently in tunnels. “Time to go. Now,” Aili said, looking up at Mando who nodded in agreement. 
“IG, please guard the outer hallway. A scouting party draws near.” 
IG-11 did as he was asked, leaving the room quickly as the Armorer turned once more to pick something up near the forge. “I have one more gift for your journey. Have you trained in the Rising Phoenix?”
“When I was a boy, yes,” Mando responded. It had been a long time since then but he still remembered most of the training. 
“Then this will make you complete,” the Armorer said, turning back around to show him the jetpack in her hands. Aili and Cara let out low whistles of appreciation. The Armorer continued to speak as if they hadn’t done so. “When you have healed, you will begin your drills. Until you know it, it will not listen to your commands.”
“I understand. Thank you.”
Several blasters sounded and Cara and Karga pulled out their own just in case Storm Troopers appeared. Aili shifted her own hold on Little Green so she could unholster her blaster as well. She may be carrying the kid but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be able to keep fighting. 
“You are protected,” IG-11 said as he stepped back into view of the entrance. 
“More will come. You must go.”
“Come with us,” Mando said, trying once more to get the Armorer to agree to leaving the now empty Covert. 
“My place is here, restock your munitions,” the Armorer said, leaving no room for Mando to argue with her. Not that he would ever argue with her. She went over to where IG-11 was now standing. “IG, carry this for Din Djarin until he is well enough to wear it.”
IG-11 took the jetpack without complaint and left the Forge once more. Mando did as he was told and restocked on charges.
“Now go. Down to the river and across the plains,” the Armorer said, watching as Cara and Karga left immediately. She took note of the way that Aili stayed in the entryway, obviously waiting for the Mandalorian that she had been travelling with. She looked back at Din Djarin as he finished restocking his munitions. “Be safe on your journey and protect your Clan to the best of your abilities.”
“I will. Thank you,” Mando said before taking out his blaster and leaving the Forge, Aili walking out by his side. The Armorer stood in front of the forge, watching as they left knowing that they would be fine despite anything the galaxy chose to throw their way. They would have to be strong with the remnants of the Empire after the Child in their protection but she knew they were stronger together. It was why she had sent Aili to him all those months ago afterall. 
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duchessfics · 4 years
Quarantine Headcanons for Billie x Reader x Audrey
This is for Anon: Can you do another Billie Audrey and reader story they are addicting and you’re such a great reader!! Can we see one where they are in quarantine and a lot of fluff?
I know this isn’t a fic, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! Also I hope you all are still staying safe and healthy at this time. And maybe these headcanons will bring a little sunshine to your day! Thank you for all of the likes and feedback! 💖
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I alluded to this in my other fic at the beginning of quarantining for coronavirus, but Billie would for sure take this time to have sex with you and Audrey anywhere and in every position.
Of course there are the usual places like your bed, your shower, your bathtub, and your couch. But you end up christening the living room coffee table, the steps of your staircase, the top of your washing machine in between cycles, and even one time inside of your food pantry.
Because both Billie and Audrey are celebrities, they both take part in different Instagram lives on their own and with other people. Normally you stay out of the public eye because if they are invited to an event they only get a plus one. So they go together. But when you accidentally interrupt their shared live, people immediately are interested in you.
At first Audrey is a little annoyed at all of the attention you’re getting just for accidentally opening the door and Billie giving you a minimal introduction. But you suggest that maybe after people see you once they’ll get bored and move on. So in the next live they do, they introduce you and it helps…kind of.
Instead of people focusing on you, their audience focuses on all three of you being an item. So once a week, all three of you will sit down and do a short live. Sometimes you answer questions, sometimes you play a boardgame, or sometimes you just chat for a while. But people love it either way.
Speaking of social media, it’s early on during quarantine when you download tiktok. And while you were skeptical about the app before all of this, you do find yourself learning the dances and posting some of your own content.
Of course your girlfriends are featured in a few of your tiktoks, but they also just think it’s funny and cute to see you randomly doing the dances around the house and singing to yourself. However if they wake up to see you still scrolling through tiktok for what’s probably been hours into the middle of the night, they will sandwich you in between them and summon you to sleep by intensive cuddling.
Because of the virus, your usual staff that performs daily tasks can’t come over. So Audrey signs the three of you up for an online cooking course. In the beginning, you know most of the techniques, but you do end up refining your skill. And Billie and Audrey become much, much better cooks.
And because Audrey feels so passionate about cooking now, she decides to order plenty of seeds to plant a whole garden. And this garden is supposed to take up a large chunk of your yard. However, because all three of you have never done something like this before, you look up how to successfully plant a garden and manage to actually do it.
Once it’s completely planted, this garden is Audrey’s literal child. She will go out each morning to track each plant’s growth. Her Instagram essentially becomes one for her garden and one time when she saw a racoon trying to get some of the fruits (and vegetables) of her labor, Audrey literally ran out and chased them off before you or Billie could stop her.
Besides learning how to cook, both Billie and Audrey have to clean. You never thought you would see your girlfriends doing laundry or scrubbing toilets, but they do it. And in the process, you help them go through and declutter the entire house for the first time in many, many years. That helps to refresh the house and makes cleaning much easier.
After a couple weeks of doing these hands-on tasks Billie’s acrylics all eventually pop off. So you offer your “services” to give her a manicure and she gladly accepts. She even lets you pick out the colors. Of course Audrey joins in and incorporates special toners, serums, and facial treatments since her aesthetician is unavailable and she’s afraid of her wrinkles emerging (Which both you and Billie assure her are nonexistent, but still)
Even with all of these new tasks, after being at home for more than three months you are bored and want to change something up. Specifically you want to do something different with your hair. When you mention it, both of your girlfriends think you’re joking and say you wouldn’t even know how to pick out the right hair color let alone actually doing anything.
That angers you and only makes you more determined to prove them wrong. So you order some bleach and hair dye and secretly use them. However instead of surprising your girlfriends with a gorgeous new head of hair, you come to them with tears and completely ruined hair.
Both Billie and Audrey feel horrible seeing you so defeated, but there’s nothing they can really do except section your hair off and try to salvage what healthy hair remains, resulting in a very short haircut. Luckily the short hairstyle actually looks amazing on you! And Billie and Audrey love it as well.
Because the three of you have more time together than ever before, you’re able to be more involved with some of Billie and Audrey’s personal ventures. So when Audrey needs to practice reading her lines, you take on the other characters and read through the script with her.
Of course you speak in silly voices and make funny faces for different characters which makes Audrey giggle and reprimand you, but she does find it adorable and it helps her to remain in character better.
On Billie’s end, fortunately you are able to have access to an isolated tennis court. So you get to watch the medium play a sport that she is well-versed in. Plus seeing her in different cute tennis outfits all sweaty and wet…it just does things to you.
To try and make it fair, you and Audrey play as a team against Billie, but she still annihilates you both. While you and Audrey are exhausted and completely winded, Billie looks fully enlivened and even says this is “rusty” for her compared to when she regularly played.
Another thing you and Billie do while Audrey works virtually is check out a possible abandoned house for Billie to film at. In the beginning you are able to play it cool. However as she looks around and speaks with forces that are invisible to your eyes you begin to get the creeps.
You trust Billie, but after a couple hours of having lights flick on and off, unexplained footsteps, and cold drafts as she continues to speak to different spirits, you’re practically climbing up onto her, terrified.
Billie didn’t realize how intense the experience would be so when she sees you so scared she feels terrible. But you promise you’ll be ok. However when Audrey sees you even she notices how shaken up you are. So you share a nice, hot bath and Billie uses some cleansing techniques she has learned making you feel better. And she promises to be more aware of checking in on you next time.
A couple weeks before the date, they remember your birthday is coming up. Due to the coronavirus you can’t really do much. But they still ask what you would like to do out of the options available.
For you just being around your girlfriends is a gift in itself, but they insist. So you tell them that you would enjoy just spending a day out in nature after being cooped up for so long. Billie and Audrey take your small suggestion and go even further. On the morning of your birthday, they wake you up by serving you breakfast in bed. And it’s actually a good breakfast!
Then the three of you go to a park that is never very popular and hike a couple trails. And it just feels nice to have an outing. After hiking, you pick up take out from your favorite local restaurant and eat at home. And to finish the night off, the three of you have a campfire, make smores, and lay on a blanket to look up at the stars while cuddling and talking. Even though the day seems ordinary, this is one of the best birthdays you have had in years.
In terms of other holidays, you don’t really do too much. On Easter, Audrey convinces you and Billie to dress up and take some spring pictures in your yard. The theme was pastel colors and seeing Billie with her pearls in a blush pink dress as well as Audrey in a pistachio jumpsuit with a spontaneously made flower crown is adorable.  
On the fourth of July, you grill up some food and the three of you spend the day by the pool. The day is even more special because Billie wears an American flag bikini you and Audrey bought for her with a cherry red color on her lips that matches her nails. Seeing her laid out like that has never made you or Audrey feel more patriotic in your lives. And she knows it too.
Now because Audrey is British, you and Billie enjoy teasing her about the defeat of England. She plays along, but really isn’t bothered. Especially because both of the loves of her life were born and raised in the United States.
For the first time all three of you are able to sit back and binge Netflix and Hulu as long as you want. And when you find out a couple of movies Audrey first appeared in are coming to these streaming services you ask about watching them.
At first she says no out of embarrassment, but after you promise to not make fun of her, she lets you watch them. In reality she is the hardest on herself about her “horrible” acting and how old she looks now. But you and Billie reassure her that she performed well and still looks absolutely beautiful.
This year Audrey received an invitation to attend the met gala and planned to take Billie as her plus one. Of course Audrey knows in the whole scheme of things, going to some gala is not something to make a big deal out of. But you and Billie know how honored Audrey felt and how disappointed she is. So you get her to put on the dress and give her a personal photoshoot. Of course it’s nowhere near professional, but the photos come out gorgeous and it does lift her spirits to see them.
When the information came out about masks being important to help flatten the curve and work to prevent the spread of coronavirus, before you can even look into it, Audrey has purchased color-coordinating masks for all three of you so you can match. But at the same time they are different enough to flatter each of your personal styles. And any time you have to go out, you all make sure to wear the coordinating ones.
Originally the three of you were going to travel to England to meet Audrey’s family for the first time this summer. Of course with the coronavirus you cancelled plans, however the three of your do take the time to FaceTime her family and meet them virtually. And they are all so nice. That’s when you see where Audrey gets her bubbly and friendly personality from.
You also take the time to FaceTime your own family and Billie’s family. For the first time you feel connected to a network of loved ones outside of the three of you and it’s really nice.
Finally, because the three of you are staying home, you take the opportunity to foster pets. You have always wanted to foster neonatal kittens and this is the perfect opportunity. Plus the idea of seeing your girlfriends holding and caring for the kittens makes your heart melt.  
In the process the shelter contacts you about a dog to foster. At first, Audrey says no, but they assure you they’ll find a different foster home for them by the end of the weekend. So she begrudgingly allows it and—no kidding she falls in love with the dog.
The dog loves sniffing the kittens (but they are also lowkey terrified because they’re so small and fragile), going on long walks with Audrey, playing fetch or tug-of-war with you, and snuggling up with Billie at night. So you do end up fostering the dog and consider adoption. 
However when you meet the applicant and see the dog light up at seeing the children of the family, you know they belong with these adopters who have kids for them to play with. So…even though it’s tough and Audrey sheds some tears, you all remember the good times you had with the dog and know the kittens will be there to snuggle and provide a little comfort when you get home.
Tagged: @marilynroselleprentiss, @saviorinsilk, @chokemepaulson, @versonstar, @find-me-a-constellation, @cordwliagoode, @psychobitchtess, @midnight-lestrange, @mysweetdelia, @venablesbitch, @peachesandlesbians, @nerdaroo, @cordeliafoxxe, @leskaksel, @lovelymspaulson, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @whatabluddymess​, @natasha-danvers, @saucy-sapphic​, @marvelfansince08love​, @wilheminawinters​, @dontsblameme​, @mssallymckenna​
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concussed-to-pieces · 4 years
To Tell You The Truth Part Two
Fandom: Prospect [2018]
Pairing: Eventual Ezra/Prospector!Reader
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Monday has finally come! I'm having a lot of fun writing this (even though this chapter is a bit shorter), and I hope it shows. Enjoy!
Tag List: @huliabitch @renegademustelid @wrestlingfae @zombiexbody @sporadic-fics @rzrcrst @lackofhonor @the-feckless-wonder @arrowswithwifi
Part One
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains allusions to previous sexual and/or physical abuse. Stay safe!]
"Well," Ezra said some time later, his voice still a little raspy from performing his own interventions, "Damon may not have been overly intelligent, but the man was certainly resourceful." He tilted out from beneath the navigation console, carefully stripping free another lump of tape from the mess of wires. "He must have pawned off nearly every non-essential object under there. And a few that, regrettably, are." The older man squinted up at you, no doubt taking in the hopeless expression you were sure was on your face.
"So I'm stuck here." You breathed.
"Slow down a beat, gentle soul. We're not played out just yet. The Saders may have the bits or bobs we need. Or…" he trailed off, those dark eyes fixed contemplatively on a point above your shoulder. "Damon mentioned the Queen's Lair and those Karolclan mercs. I assume you are already aware of-" He stopped when you shook your head, his brow furrowing in confusion.
"Damon talking about it with you was the first time I heard his plan." You confessed. "I had no idea that was why we were here, I just...I mean he told me we were digging of course, b-but I didn't realize it would be...like that." You finished awkwardly. 
"And why would you? Better to keep you in the dark, I suspect. Easier to maintain his grip if you don't know there's a secure payout." Ezra replied sourly. "It's bad business if Karolclan is involved. Them or those Krebine degenerates. No sane man would accept that job."
"Before you got him talking, I didn't even know that he used to have a family crew." You continued, not sure why you were still rattling on. Nerves, probably. "He never mentioned them."
"A man's sins can weigh heavy on him. I imagine he figured there was no harm in tellin' me a few of 'em, since he assumed he would be comin' out on top in our engagement." Ezra said dismissively, rolling the tape into a tight little ball. "That is interestin' though, that he would keep you so far in the black. No trust lost between partners." He cocked his head, fixing you with that thoughtful stare. "Though...I am beginning to suspect 'partner' is an incorrect moniker." He muttered, half to himself. 
The man gritted his teeth after a moment, wrapping a hand around his elbow and cradling his injured arm to his chest. The thrower wound on his bicep, though treated and sealed off, had continued to slowly ooze yellow fluid around the 'cream' foam. Through the tear in his thermal layer, you could see that the skin around the sealant had gone a sickly pink. 
"It would seem," Ezra began, sounding somewhat strained, "that I did not close the wound in time. I am afraid I may have to press our objective to trade with the Saders a little more insistently." He appeared to be making a concerted effort to keep his voice steady. "I apologize, gentle soul."
You had already started to empty the contents of your cumbersome exploration pack out, digging through the tattered pouches for your mending kit. "I'll patch your suit." Ezra gave you a blank look and you shook your kit at him impatiently. "We need to plug the hole in your exosuit. Any sort of loss of integrity is bad, especially if we have to tether. I can fix the rip."
He worked his jaw momentarily, the motion seeming like a bit of a tick. Hopefully it wasn't a leftover from when he had gotten acquainted with your head. "How long will that take?"
"Ten minutes, if that. I'll make it quick." You tapped the bulky chronometer on your wrist. 
After he nodded, you tugged gingerly at the sleeve of his half-peeled exosuit where it hung limp around his waist, donning your gloves before you attempted to wipe the sticky fluid off the thick fabric. Then, you flipped the sleeve inside out as best as you could, noting with a touch of dismay just how much pollen was already embedded in the seams. 
Undoing your patch pack, you quickly measured and snipped out a rectangular piece from the double-sided patch material. Your handheld stitcher buzzed wearily at the tough outer layer of his suit, semi-straight lines of faded khaki thread punching their way through to secure the lurid orange patch. 
"Look at you." Ezra murmured, his voice drawing you out of your focused work. "This is your comfort zone, isn't it?"
You ducked your head down to avoid his gaze, smoothing the rubber sealant backing over the inside of the stitching. "Done." You said quietly. 
He inserted his wounded arm back into the sleeve, dragging his fingers across the freshly-patched hole. "I daresay it's better than new, gentle soul! Much obliged for that, though I know it's not just for my benefit." The older man praised, making you flush. Damon had never thanked you. "With that, I suggest we gather your accoutrements and be on our way."
Ezra seemed to be in a worse state than he had originally let on. It might have just been the added stress of movement and drawing filtered air, but his staggering was starting to reach a concerning level. At this rate, he would trip over the tether line.
Your gaze trailed down to the inside of your helmet, resting on the gasket barely within your field of view. There was the lone chiclet of Brism gum that you had traded for so many stands ago, taped to the side of the lining. You lazily brought your eyes up again, realizing that Ezra had halted once more. If you took the stimulant-loaded gum, you might be able to…
To what? Overpower him? Outrun him? It wouldn't do you any good now, he was the one who knew where you were going. Better to continue to save the Brism for a real emergency. He had given his word, what little that counted for, and thus far, he hadn't proved himself to be a threat.
To anyone besides Damon, anyway. You recalled how Ezra's shoulders had slumped in defeat when Damon had pressed the pistol to his helmet and forced him to open his trophy case. Knowing how long he must have been here, how difficult it must have been to scrape together what he had found...
You cleared your throat. "Are you-"
"Gentle soul, for both of our sakes--it is best if you do not ask that question." He interrupted, the labored breathing in his helmet com threatening to deafen you. "I am doing my--damnedest not to dwell upon--the uncertainty of my current bodily quandary."
"How do you still manage to use so many words, even when it sounds like your saturation is garbage and you're pulling your air through a filter of mud?" You asked incredulously.
"I am a loquacious fool, gentle soul." He paused to wheeze, then continued on as if to prove his point, "My lighthearted inclination toward palavering has turned into a shortcoming of most grievous impact, given our circumstances." He gave you a curious glance. "I did not anticipate your scathin' query."
You gulped, realizing belatedly how sharp your words had been. "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't-"
"Calm yourself, gentle soul. I did not mean to imply that it was unwelcome." Ezra graced you with a quick, pained grin. "It has been a short eternity since I've had anyone to speak to, you must understand. My extensive vernacular has been languishin' in the rushes." He straightened back up, but continued to cradle his injured arm to his chest. "It's refreshing."
"What about your partner?"
Ezra shook his head at you. "Number Two was mute. Silent as the grave. Whizz at numbers though, could calculate the depth and breadth of just about anythin' if you had parchment to spare."
You hummed in understanding, his overly-wordy terminology suddenly making much more sense. He was used to filling in the silence. Ezra grunted, rubbing a tentative circle around the patch on his suit. "Should...should we put your arm in a sling?" You queried nervously.
"I am afraid it is a mite too late for that, gentle soul." He flexed the fingers on his right hand, swearing softly. "Martyr's malfeasance, that is seizin'. Can barely feel anything south of my elbow. You'd think that would be a blessing." He groused. "Whole thing tingles like a stranger's touch." Ezra looked up and then abruptly halted. "Ah, now here we have some promise." He said, sounding relieved. 
You followed his line of vision and froze when you spotted a black-clad figure in the distance, watching the two of you. 
"Don't move fast. We don't want to spook 'em." Ezra murmured, slowly raising his good arm to hail the individual. They crouched slightly, cautious. You could relate to that. Ezra waved at them, gloved fingers spread wide as if to display that his hand was empty.
The person darted off back into the underbrush after several tense seconds and you heaved out a sigh of relief. It was short-lived however, as Ezra started lumbering in the direction they had gone. "Where are you-"
"As Eurydice attempted to follow her beloved Orpheus out of the Stygian Abyss, so too we must follow our potential benefactor and have faith." Ezra looked back at you, smiling thinly. "Come, gentle soul. Departing the Green is naught but one more Herculean trial for us to conquer."
He held out his hand to you as if you were a small child. You narrowed your eyes at him and he chuckled, letting his arm drop once more. 
"I meant no disrespect. I assumed you needed assurance. You looked ready to take flight like a startled bird."
"I'm fine." You replied stiffly, "I just have the brains to not immediately trust strange people I stumble across in the Bakhroma Green." 
"I resemble that remark, gentle soul." Ezra pointed out quietly. "Yet here you are, tethered up. What does that say about your good sense and sensibilities, I wonder?"
"I'm very adept at ignoring warning signs when it suits me." You snapped before you could think better of it.
Ezra's harsh bark of laughter startled you, his smile weirdly genuine when he aimed it at you this time. "I must say, your changeable explosions of acrid ferocity are keepin' me on my toes!" He exclaimed. If you didn't know any better, you would say he sounded delighted. "You are wonderfully fiery when you forget to be timid, gentle soul."
You bit your lip nervously, uncertain if you ought to display concern over how amused he seemed to be. 
The large dome of his helmet bumped against yours. "You have gone pensive again, like our dear Sol when it hides behind roiling nimbus banks. Perhaps I am too prone to exposition to suit someone of your taciturn nature. Damon did not strike me as a man of many words." His tone was light, but his eyes were serious. You abruptly felt like you couldn't breathe as his body loomed over you.
"Too close." You managed to say, not ready to attempt to actually push him away. 
Confusion flickered across his face, then he seemed to realize that he was leaning his helmet on your own. "Oh! My most sincere apologies, gentle soul. Number Two was a sturdy individual. Afraid I'm overused to restin' a bit of weight where it doesn't belong." He took a large step back, holding his hands out as if to assuage your fears. "I-I meant no disrespect."
His stammer took you by surprise. On someone who seemed so self-assured, it was decidedly out of place. You chewed on your lip and then dared to ask, "What's wrong? You're all...worried."
He stilled, looking away from you and suddenly grimacing in pain. "I...I'm afraid my sands are runnin' low, gentle soul." He admitted quietly. "We have to keep movin', get the lead out."
He trudged forward and before you could reconsider, your hand shot out to grab his. You squeezed it briefly, and then released him. "It'll...it'll all be okay." You tried to assure him, smiling at him like he had at you.
Ezra's expression was unreadable, his heavy brows furrowed deep with thought. He didn't respond to you verbally, just shaking his head after a moment and continuing onward through the Green.
The leader of this particular group of Saders, a man named Oruf, welcomed the two of you graciously into his tent once you had stowed your weapons a safe distance away from his village. 
Even in the filtered tent, Ezra's wheezing grew more and more pronounced as the minutes passed. You were actually worried now, just how long had he been limping around with half-functional filtration?
"I was once a man like you, who came with a mind to strike aurelac." Oruf murmured. "But that man died down there in the Green." The other bedraggled inhabitants of the tent were eerily silent as Oruf spoke. He clearly commanded some lofty form of respect. "Born anew amongst friends, bonded into layers beyond the ability of the materialists to perceive." Oruf continued grandly. 
His eyes wandered to you as Ezra stifled another coughing fit, the Sader leader observing your every move with a calm boldness that had you on edge. 
"And now, our son will play for you." The boy, a sullen-looking child with hollow eyes who had been introduced as Fahr, obligingly accepted a strange instrument from his father.
Ezra, who had been almost doggedly focused on Oruf, jerked his eyes down to Fahr at the droning sound of the instrument, the prospector tilting his head to the side. Oruf continued to stare at you and you, in turn, continued to try and ignore the lingering fear currently chewing a hole through your stomach. You couldn't shake the sensation that something was very, very wrong.
There was a woman laying on a pallet off to the side of the main room, and you wondered whether she was ill. She hadn't so much as opened her eyes the entire time you had been there.
The music stopped abruptly and you snapped your gaze back to Oruf, but mercifully he had his eyes closed. 
"That was beautiful." Ezra complimented, his voice seeming deliberately soft. Fahr inclined his head and then got to his feet, retrieving a small tray with two cups on it. 
Ezra perked up visibly, accepting his cup with a nod of thanks. When you received yours though, you felt a bit queasy. The contents looked a little more...viscous than you would have anticipated. 
Ezra sipped from his tumbler far more cautiously than he had imbibed the coffee in the pod. "Juice." He informed you helpfully, no doubt noticing your less-than-thrilled expression. "S'good for you, cleanses the dust."
Another coughing fit rattled his chest and you wondered fearfully just how much dust was in your lungs. The so-called 'juice' felt like an oil slick in your mouth, slimy and wrong, but you gulped it down anyway.
"Thank you for your kindness." Ezra said hoarsely to Oruf as Fahr vanished behind the curtain to the tent's side room. "Now, as you can see, I have sustained a trauma to my shoulder and would much like to flush it with your magic juice." He paused, "and to keep straight, we would also be very interested in proper dressin' and uh, filter refreshers if you have them and can spare them." Ezra tapped the filter that hung slack from his purifier assembly. "In return for your gracious offering, we are prepared to compensate with generosity in equal measure." 
He indicated at the heavy pack you had left beside the tent doorway, filled to the brim with everything and anything from the pod that you hadn't needed (and a few things that you could justify living without).
The young boy emerged from the curtained-off room once again, this time toting a large canister of liquid and a tray of small boxes, balanced on top of one of those all-too-familiar white cases. Fahr carefully laid the items out on the ground in front of you and Ezra, then retreated to sit down beside Oruf. "Here is our offer." The Sader patriarch announced calmly.
Despite the proclaimed direness of his infected wound, you didn't miss the way Ezra skipped over everything that might have been remotely beneficial to him to head straight for the white case. Old habits die hard, you supposed. He shakily flipped up the latches and cracked the lid.
Nine healthy-sized aurelac gems were nestled in the protective foam, all clear shells and amber pearls. 
"I'm sorry, I don't understand." Ezra said slowly, a tentative smile quirking his mouth as he glanced up at Oruf. 
"For your woman." Oruf elaborated from across the tent, gesturing down at the white case and then to you. 
The breath stuttered in your lungs. You could have sworn your very heartbeat stopped. Silence reigned in the cramped space as you stared at the Sader man. 
For your woman. 
He was bargaining with Ezra, offering all those supplies and aurelac, for you. You abruptly wanted to puke. In that moment, you wished desperately that you hadn't obeyed them when they demanded you and Ezra to leave your throwers far from their little village.
Ezra appeared just as stunned as you were, finally croaking out, "that is...that is a bold offer."
"It has been determined, but you cannot see because aurelac fills your eyes. It is inevitable all the same, that they will be reborn just like me." The Sader man leaned forward intently. "That is the reason why you were brought here. Not the aurelac."
"What…" Ezra swallowed hard, his voice grating roughly. "W-What do you need her for?"
"We lost our mother." Dread flooded your body anew as Oruf waved a hand towards the woman on the floor. Not sleeping, but dead, you realized. "And the rush past, it is time to rebuild." 
You were absolutely going to be sick. The juice in your stomach writhed queasily, threatening to make a reappearance. They wanted you...as a mother? 
"The Currents have felt our loss, and have pulled you here to reclaim the balance." The man continued relentlessly.
You shot Ezra a panicked look and noted with despair how dark his expression was. He worked his jaw unconsciously, popping it over and over. He was seriously considering this offer, you could see it plain as day on his face. After all, what were you to him? 
You were nothing, just like you had been to Damon. A convenient floater. Freighter scum. And to this man, trapped here for far too long, you were his ticket off the Green.
Hours upon hours spent docked in the clutches of various freighters merged together into a mangled, horrifying mass, each instance worse than the last as you tried futilely to shove them all back down.
"You're a floater, who the fuck would even care?" Damon hissed, unstrapping his flight suit and gesturing downwards with one sharp jut of his wrist. "I picked you up for one fucking reason, you understand?" 
You were going to be sick.
"Scream all you want, no one can hear you. This pussy is mine."
"No one else would help you. I'm the only one. Don't fucking forget that."
You pressed a hand to your mouth and bolted out the flap of the tent, barely remembering to shove your helmet back on as you went. They want a mother. 
No no no no no!
You knew in the back of your mind that it was foolish of you to run off on your own, but the idea of sitting there calmly while Ezra meted out your bodily worth in chunks of aurelac was impossible to consider. 
You heard footsteps pursuing you and as you turned your head to look, your boot caught on a small hummock. You fell to the ground hard, quickly rolling over onto your back before Fahr lunged to land on top of you. The boy held a large, curved knife to your throat but then he paused, glancing backwards. 
You could hear shouting from the tent. You quickly reached up while the child was distracted, tearing free his filter tube and then shoving him off your body. Free once more, you took off pell-mell back into the jungleous expanse. 
Damon's voice echoed in your ears as you fled to where the throwers were hidden.
"You're a floater, who the fuck would even care?"
Part Three
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summerdazed · 3 years
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Hey can you make the “what would Sushi and Bird say and do when you said you are pregnant”?
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244 and Baek Seongjoon with a pregnant S/O
Okie dokie so I'm combining all of these because they're similar. As for the second one, I doubt it will really make a difference where their girlfriend was from unless they wanted to visit or something.
Now this could go three ways for both of them honestly. More Jinho for two of them though. They would either make you get rid of it, they just dip on you and their kid, or they let you keep it and are very begrudgingly forced to be fathers. Either way, I don't think they would be the most thrilled about a child considering what is going on in their lives. I’m going to write the last one because it seems fun but if your curious about the other two, my inbox is always open!
Also my darlings these suck lmao♡
244/ Lee Jinho
Don't beat around the bush with this man. Just tell him straight out
Lost his composure 100%. I know this man just stared at you for a good minute when you told him. Like you know those blank looks he has sometimes? Yea that's what I'm talking about. Honestly this is the scariest motherfucker to tell you pregnant like I’m sweating just thinking about it
I hate to break it to you besties but if by some miracle he lets you keep it and decides to stick around, I don't think he would be the most involved with the kid as they grow up. But if this kid happens to make him feel something he might just stick around
This just crossed my mind but I have no clue if he would even be listed as this kid’s parent so uh good luck
Anyway, you’re not going to have to worry about much during your pregnancy. Now how he feels about the child growing in you is pretty much up in the air, but he does like you, hopefully, and would try to make it easier on you.
Speaking of making it easier, if you wanted to stay at home and raise the kid just say the word and you would never have to work another day in your life. I mean look at that man. He has got to be absolutely loaded. Babies are expensive though as hey that's a plus
I could see the crusty bitch purposely saying things to irritate you if you were having mood swings. He'd enjoy riling you up to so please for the love of god throw a pillow at that man and don't miss because he needs to be humbled
Chances are he's out and about causing problems on the town when you go into labor. When he gets the call I don't see him as the time to drop everything and run to your side. He will however finish up quickly and then go.
Please, please, please squeeze the hell out of this man's hand while you're in pain. You probably won't hurt him at all but the threat is there ♡
I bet, for better or for worse, the kid looks like him and has your eyes. Sorry I don't make the rules here, well I do but still
Believe it or not but he would hold the kid. Now would he ask to hold the? Eh, maybe but also I think he would be content just looking at them.
As the kid gets older it's sort of up in the air if he will actually like your child but if they just so happen to like animals, birds perhaps, then they might have something to bond over
This is a last minute thought but Jinho with a daddy's girl? It's a wild thought. I mean we don't exactly know his backstory yet but he's probably not 100% completely empty. Just look at what happened when shark boy died. And especially if he has an s/o. He'd would only feel a little something for her
Baek Seongjoon
Now why did i think of this hm?
Anyway, you know what would be a cute way to break you pregnancy to this man? You by little baby shoes and giving them to him. He'll be pretty confused about why the hell you gave him baby shoes but as it dawns on him you'll slowly see the look of surprise and shock come onto his face. You should really take a picture of it lol
Now after his backstory I can say in full confidence that he would love to have a family but most likely would not think that he deserves one after what happened to his parents. So sit sharkie down and explain to him that it's okay and you both can do it. That would totally make him feel so much better
Say goodbye to your alone time cause this man would coddle you. He's terrified to lose you and your kid because if that happens he will really have no one left. So please just let him 😭
These are turning out short for him but i genuinely think he would be mostly pleasant to be around like he would cook for you, rub your feet, and do pretty much whatever you want
The last month or so before you give birth don't expect to go anywhere or so anything. Even if your doctor doesn't put you on bedrest Seongjoon will. Literally the only thing he will let you up for is going to the bathroom. Poor boy is just so worried about you and the baby
He will stand by your side the whole time you're actively in labor unlike Jinho who might be snoozing on the couch tbh
Once he finally gets to hold your kid he has tears streaming down his face. I hc that having a family is something he desperately wants but never thought that it was attainable for him
Mellows out as the kid grows up but is still fiercely protective of them.
Since his father wasn't there for him, he swears that he will be there for the kid. He doesn't want another tragedy to happen
Overall, best father tbh. Genuinely cares about his kid and will spend time raising them. Lowkey will be jealous if they turn out to be a momma's boy cause he wants their attention too but look at him
He can't be surprised cause of that lol
57 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 22:33:17 GMT
Hi! How would Sushi and 244 take care of their child while s/o is away? Thank you! (P.S. I forgot to add thank you on the other ask, sorry about that; the one with “White Tiger”)
Hey curious anon! I actually really liked your other ask I just haven’t gotten around to it heh… Soon though! Honestly i'm not really proud of these but it's definitely a start to get back into writing more. Mkay now onto the request!
Baek Seongjoon and 244 watching their kid
Baek Seongjoon
S/o probably had to go out of town for a few days to take care of something which led to him taking care of the child himself
he definitely has taken care of the kid by himself before so he isn't too fazed
Not a strict father but firm, however he is soft for his family so if his kid gave him puppy eyes enough he would cave
wouldn't it be cute if his kid was upset that his other parent was gone and the only way to keep them calm was cuddling them and allowing them to sleep with him at nice
from what we've seen from Seongjoon's past, it seems like he wasn't the most well behaved kid so if his child acted anything like him he'd be banging his head against the wall cursing the fact that the kid ended up acting like him and not his ever lovely s/o
calls his s/o to ask for help if things get too rowdy, probably wasn't too proud to do that
overall, good dad! tries his best because he didn't have a dad around and he wants the best for his kid
glad when his s/o returns because i have a feeling his kid would be a handful
s/o comes home early and sees their two darlings curled up on the couch together, you better take a picture before they wake up
chill dad! like extremely chill
I'm not going to lie, i don't really see him super involved in his child's life so i wouldn't be surprised if he just hired a babysitter so he didn't have to watch them but lets say he didn't
wouldn't it be funny it be funny if his kid was a splitting image of him but acted the complete opposite? like him talking hyperactive bouncing off the walls? i think that would be funny
s/o had to do something for the day which now led to him watching their child by himself. he almost wanted to get a babysitter but the way his kid was clinging to his leg told him that he would have no other choice but to what the kid himself
thank goodness his child likes animals because he is definitely going to use his literal petting zoo to distract the kid as long as possible
i can't say he has any idea what the kid eats so he probably just goes to Seongjoon and like "here feed them"
at one point his child wants to play with him and who is he to refuse when his kid sounds so much like his s/o
didn't realize that it would entail having a tea party while dressed up. actually i think he would like it if his kid wanted to play dress up or mess around with makeup. just not his though he'll get them their own stuff
when his kid finally settles down for a nap i bet they force him to stay with them as they sleep. to ensure this they lay on top of him and cling
very glad when his s/o comes back at the end of the day because it was probably the most exhausting day ever. i seriously feel that from when i was a babysitter cause hyper kids will absolutely drain you
overall decent dad. he wants the best for his kid but he probably doesn't like being around young kids too much so yea
57 notes • Posted 2021-08-20 16:09:11 GMT
Jake’s dad is kinda…he kinda-
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Hell almost everyone one there is pretty hot
63 notes • Posted 2021-11-01 14:15:57 GMT
I would like to hear more horny on the sushi and bird men.
If you have the time and energy that is
Okay so I was just thinking about posting some of the stuff I wrote yesterday so this is perfect!
Warning I’m bad with names and these headcanons will contain trigging materials to some cause these fuckers are crazy
Okie so first up is the love of my life, 244
Something about 244 screams tease to me. I don’t know why but I could see him as the type to run his hand down your thigh a little too close to the place you’re just absolutely dying for his hands to touch
Let’s be real here, birdie is a busy man and y’all are gonna have quickies most of the time or you probably won’t be getting any dick for awhile
He doesn’t exactly strike me as someone that would have sex wide out in the open, I could see him having semi-public sex or maybe just in places you could almost definitely get caught
Oh! This is slightly indulgent but imagine getting caught and he just keeps drilling into you
Bird brain is also skilled with his hands. Probably not as much as Sushi but he definitely knows just what to do to make you scream his name
You have a collar with his name on it. That is all.
Again this is indulgent but wearing 244’s shirt after sex? Are you just asking for a round two? (Ngl that shirt looks mad luxurious and if you know that reference I’ll love for forever)
We can all agree that he’s rather private cause he kinda has to be. Because of that I don’t really see him allowing near his cool ass office that we see in the newer chapters, however, if you happen to pop in one day he’s pushing you against that big ass window and fucking you. Especially if your afraid of heights like that cause he likes the way you clench around him.
Really not that horny in comparison but I could see him buying you pretty clothes and lingerie regardless of sex. Now I can’t really say that he takes you on many date cause he’s busy but if you wanna make this typically calm man hot under the collar wear the clothes and lingerie out. You’ll definitely be getting dicked down that night. I don’t make the rules.
I would say he cares a little bit more about your pleasure than Sushi would but if you happen to piss him off or he’s feeling particularly irritating that night, he’s not gonna let you cum OR he’s ruining every orgasm you have
Depending on how long you’ve known him or what your connects are, you might, big on might, know his real name. I can’t imagine this man hears it a lot in his day to day life but if you happened to moan it in his ear while no one else is around? Let’s just say you’re going to be awfully sore the next day.
Overall, I see Birdie as a relatively fun yet interesting lover. He definitely takes the time to learn your body and see what makes you tick.
Then again I’m bias cause I would let this man do whatever he wants to me for a singular corn chip
Well Sushi (who’s name I still cannot remember to spell)
He’s an interesting case really. He either is with you cause it makes him look good or he actually likes you. Depending on the situation, how he treats you will be different.
If he is just with you cause you make him look good, well then your pleasure is completely thrown out the window. You might as well be a flesh light lmao
Now if he likes you to a certain extent, I still don’t see you pleasure as a priority sometimes but he’s going to make sure you scream his name till your throat is raw.
Idk if y’all know this or not but with certain knives you can just use the very tip to cut through things like butter. Especially if they’re sharp. And I know y’all are like “duh summer that’s the point of knives” but I’m specifically talking about thin bladed knives that are really, really sharp. Sushi has carved his name into you before.
Likes seeing tears streaming down your face. Will specifically make you wear something like mascara or whatever to accentuate it
Has let you cockwarm him during his little meeting things with his company. Doesn’t let you do it again cause 244 made a comment about it. (That perceptive bastard!) He totally was jealous of it.
I just know he’s extremely possessive. Maybe not breathing down your neck but he definitely knows where you are at all times.
Buys you whatever you want but everything comes with a price. If you want the newest game or whatever you may just have to get fucked senseless for it. Definitely takes you on shopping sprees and makes you pick out and outfit to be fucked in later
I’d say he’s already pretty rough but if you ask him to be rougher and really manhandle you? He almost loses it. You ain’t walking tomorrow. And you sure ain’t gonna be awake by the end of it
Tbh being Sharkie’s partner is definitely something else. You pretty much have the world at your fingertips yet it seems like you can only ever get anything by giving up your body to him. Deep down, I think he probably cares a lot but tbh he’s never been gentle in his life
Y’all might be surprised, or not, but for my bonus round I wanna talk about the ever darling Wangguk
I want to make it well known that this man has my heart and he’s absolutely a darling lover except for one thing
He has no experience. Hell, y’all saw him he has no game either. Definitely doesn’t really seem out dating for a long time. However if you wormed you way into his heart, he wouldn’t just shut you out.
Blushy when it comes to touching. Probably takes his time with foreplay cause he wants to make sure y’all both have a good time.
Learns your body like the back of his hand. Cheeks were bright red when you moaned out his name cause he mad you cum with just his fingers.
Probably doesn’t do anything with oral whether than be giving or receiving.
Honestly, after you get him to open up he’s the absolute sweetest.
Well, not perfect by not bad. Y’all obviously know who I think about a lot just because of the lengths of each one lmao. Never really thought the first few things I wrote on tumblr would be horny thoughts so yea. Hope y’all enjoy and please add on cause I’m curious about what y’all think too!
72 notes • Posted 2021-07-25 02:25:38 GMT
Can you make nsfw scenarios/headcanons of seongjun??if you can then make them extra spicy 😼
Sure! Tbh sorry this took a little bit to come out but I’ve been kinda busy. Honestly, there was suppose to be more but I lost inspiration halfway through so I'm sorry. Also I tried to focus on making it longer so yea.
NSFW Baek Seongjoon Headcanons
Let’s just say that I was very inspired today while reading. So, you know how he's absolutely ripped? Well, I think he could probably lift up his partner and use them as his own personal fleshlight if he wanted to. Also, this opens the opportunity for shower sex and if he happens to be in a mood, he might just pick his partner up and fuck them against the wall.
If you are feeling extra frisky, tell him you are going to suck him off at work. Do not ask, just do it. If you are lucky, you might fluster him a bit. Fish boy is weak for his lover after all. Imagine if someone walks in while this is going down? Especially if his s/o does not let up? Man you might as well call an ambulance cause he might just fall over dead. Game over if his partner makes eye contact with him because he is busting right then and there.
WEAR HIS CLOTHES!!! WEAR EM!! Especially if you want a reaction if you know what I’m saying. Literally one of the easiest ways to turn him on. Honestly, do not even bother with anything underneath if you two are at home cause it is either going to get ruined or taken off almost immediately so there is really no point.
Would totally be into degradation. I sorry he just seems like someone that would be into seeing his partner cry while stuffing them full. I could totally see him kissing away their tears and telling them to just take what him gives them like a good lover.
He totally would be a mean dom if his partner was in it. Like slapping their cheeks hard enough to leave red handprints. Oh! He might be into spanking until he leaves bruises but I am still on the fence about that.
Knife and food play. He's a chef so I feel like he sort of just developed those kinks along the way. Always makes sure to help clean up those. I feel like he is the king of aftercare since he loves and cares for his s/o so much. They deserve the best in his eyes.
Would overstimulate his partner until they were sobbing and begging him to stop. Might not actually stop until they almost pass out. However, if discussed beforehand, he would not stop if that is what they truly wanted. This also plays back in to liking to see his partner cry.
He is absolutely going to fuck his partner stupid every time. He can do soft and sensual sometimes but he really likes it rough. Soft is mainly reserved for morning times before work when he wants to stay home as long as possible.
85 notes • Posted 2021-09-16 03:23:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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iris-sistibly · 4 years
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Jo Yeong gasped as the bullet tore his flesh apart, rivers of blood gushed out from the wound that son of a bitch inflicted upon him whoever he is.
He didn’t feel anything at first but the moment he fell that was when it hit him–he just got shot by one of Lee Lim’s minions. Being his majesty’s unbreakable sword since he was four, he swore to protect the king until his last breath. He kept that oath close to his heart and he never once thought of turning his back to the man whom he only not consider as his king but also his family: the brother he never had, the friend he promised to always be there for. It was dignifying to be called the “Unbreakable Sword…”
But it didn’t mean he was immune to pain.
It was excruciating, not that it was his first time getting shot but the pain is still the same–terrible, as terrible as hell he could blurt all of the cuss words he could ever think of. To always be in the border between life and death is a constant struggle, whichever universe or timeline you’re in, there is no such place as a safe haven. To others it may seem horrifying, but the moment he chose this path he also embraced the fact that his life may always be put on the line, that everyday there is always a new threat and that he’ll never know if he would still wake up alive the next day, he accepted it all in the name of his majesty.
All for pyeha.
His majesty had a rough childhood, he was orphaned at an early age, he never had the things a normal child enjoys because he needed to grow up to become king of this country, yet he never showed any signs of vulnerability especially to his critics. All his life he seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders yet he carried it with such grace and bravery, he made Corea a great nation and for that Jo Yeong is grateful, pyeha was his role model and he always will be, and if he can face life’s adversities with such courage, so can he…even if it means taking the bullet for him to save his life.
Jo Yeong never feared for his life.
He was afraid of what might happen to his majesty if he dies, who will protect him? Who will be there for him? He wasn’t exactly a believer of God’s existence, but after going through everything that his mind couldn’t grasp he realized, maybe there is a God afterall. He didn’t know exactly how to pray, but he did it anyway, just like how believers do it, “Please…at least let him be happy for the rest of his life…” it was his first prayer and probably his last wish.
The universe is indeed bizaare, or perhaps it was God’s deed.
Because He seemed to have answered his prayer, they say when you’re about to die all of your life’s recollections–from your childhood up to now rush back and hits hard on your memory, just like how the waves rush back and hit the shores, but it was different for Yeong. Because he found himself on a different timeline, at least that’s what he thinks because being whisked away in a parallel universe is much more easier to take now than being able to see or predict the future.
Spring of 2021, the royal court is rejoicing. Everyone is dressed in traditional Corean garments, the guests were smiling from ear to ear, praising the heavens for their prayers has finally been answered. Not far from where he stood was a man and a woman Yeong knew very well. His majesty and Lieutenant Jeong or should he say her majesty, both wearing matching clothes fit for a newly wedded couple, “Long live the king and queen of Corea!” everybody chanted. Lieutenant Jeong obviously made her choice, Yeong wondered how in the world did she tell her father that she wants to marry someone from another world and become queen of this nation? In the end he shrugged, however it may be it’s not important anymore, both of them are together and that’s all that matters, Yeong was relieved.
Winter of 2023, the crown prince is born. Her majesty looked restless from hours and hours of labor, the pain she went through of giving birth to the little one must have been awful, but she was overjoyed upon seeing their baby, pyeha was over the moon. The little boy is a splitting image of him, he kissed her forehead, “You have done well my wife,” said he.
Summer of 2025, The royal family are out for a picnic, his majesty has been playing with the toddler prince while the queen watched both of them in contentment, she was sitting on the picnic blanket, with one hand on her round belly. His majesty and the prince took a break and went back to her, “Did you have fun playing with daddy?” she asked the boy while wiping off his sweat. The little boy giggled, “Aigoo! You’re so cute!” she added. His majesty frowned, “Hey what about me?”
The queen rolled her eyes and threw a clean towel at him, “Oh come on! You can take care of yourself.”
“After four years of marriage and two babies this is how you’re going to treat your husband?” his majesty pretended to be hurt, he turned to the prince and made a sad face, “Look at how your mother treats me!”
The toddler blinked in confusion, “Eomma?”
“Ugh, stop being such a whiny–” the queen stopped all of a sudden, she felt a pang in her stomach, worry was immediately painted on pyeha’s face, “What is it?”
Her majesty looked stunned but slowly broke into a smile, “This little one has been kicking a lot lately,” she was pertaining to the baby in her womb. The king let out a relieved sigh, “I bet she’ll be a pro at taekwondo just like me,” the queen said gleefully. His majesty nodded, “And she will be so pretty just like her mom,” he added.
A little princess, Yeong thought, pyeha would be so overprotective to his daughter! He chuckled at the thought, and if that little boy grow up to be just like him, then no man would be good enough for the princess.
Fall of 2058, Yeong saw an elderly couple sitting on a bench, holding hands, the lady’s head was resting on the grandpa’s shoulder. They were savoring the peaceful afternoon, watching the sunset together, it was the king and queen, despite the streaks of white hair and wrinkled skin, they were pretty much still the same. Time passed, so many things have changed yet they remained in-love with each other, that’s the only thing that remained constant.
Tears escaped from Jo Yeong’s eyes, God or whoever he is made him see his majesty’s future, with or without him he will live a blissful life with his beloved, a life he deserves, and a love that’s unbreakable. Yeong on the other hand swore a new oath: that he will gladly keep an eye on him and his family, wherever he may be, “I’m happy for you…pyeha…” were his last words before his vision blurred and everything went black.
-Unbreakable Love by: Iris
Written from Jo Yeong’s point of view
Drama: The King Eternal Monarch
I’m late again and I’m sorry hahaha! It’s so hard to get into the mood to write something nowadays. Also, belated happy birthday Kim Go Eun! 
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cicada-bones · 4 years
The Warrior and the Embers
Chapter 7: Brawling
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Masterlist / Ao3 / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Maeve nodded, and Rowan let the girl stalk into the waiting hallway, following close behind. Both of them were positively seething, radiating heat and tension and fury. Now that the inescapable force of Maeve’s presence had been removed, there was no damper on either of their tempers, no check on the threat of violence that steadily spread between them like a pit of lava.
Rowan would count himself very lucky if they made it to her rooms in silence, if the princess managed to keep her mouth shut. Any word exchanged between the two of them would serve as a match being thrown, inevitably causing the noxious gas swathed around them to spark into a fiery explosion of rage and violence.
Rowan told himself he could keep himself in check, could retain his tight hold on his anger. It wouldn’t be a good idea to give in while still under Maeve’s nose, and so soon after the two females had struck their bargain and made their tentative peace. They were so close, only a few more turns, a few more steps –
But then the girl spoke, sparks igniting. “You must be very important to Her Immortal Majesty if she put you on nurse duty.”
Lightening crackled through his veins, icing over his limbs. There was a great roaring in his head as the primal part of him rared to meet the challenge the girl was setting him, to fight his opponent until she was defeated, or destroyed.
He responded without thinking, focusing on keeping the leash he held on his anger from snapping. “Given your history, she didn’t trust anyone but her best to keep you in line.”
The words were barely more than a growl. Rowan couldn’t remember the last time he had spoken to someone with so much heat, so much vitriol. Not even Fenrys’ taunts could pull him out of his icy shell so easily.
The princess’ eyes lit up – he was giving her exactly what she wanted. Rowan lashed down even harder on his fury as she retaliated, “Playing warrior in the woods doesn’t seem like the greatest indicator of talent.”
He clenched his jaw tight, speaking through his teeth. “I fought on killing fields long before you, your parents, or your grand-uncle were even born.”
Rowan nearly snarled in satisfaction, seeing the girl bristle in indignation. “Who’s to fight here except birds and beasts?”
He had to choke down a laugh. The child had no idea, none whatsoever. If not for her arrogance and conceit, he may have sympathized with the girl’s obvious ignorance. As it was, it only served to increase his contempt.
“The world is a far bigger and more dangerous place than you can imagine, girl. Consider yourself blessed to receive any training – to have the chance to prove yourself.”
She didn’t miss a beat. “I’ve seen plenty of this big and dangerous world, princeling.”
A soft laugh escaped through Rowan’s clenched teeth. Two could play at that game. “Just wait, Aelin.”
The barb hit home – she dropped all pretense of playfulness, her voice now filled with pure aggression. “Don’t call me that.”
Rowan’s eyes sparked. “It’s your name. I’m not going to call you anything different.”
She stepped in front of him, and he flashed his teeth at her. Rowan could smell the scent of her power as it writhed around her, filling the corridor. He choked on it.
“No one here can know who I am. Do you understand?”
He pressed down hard, pushing his advantage. “My aunt has given me a harder task than she realizes, I think.” She flinched slightly as his claiming, his dig at her demi- status. She did not belong, and Maeve was his, not hers.
The she responded, loathing coating her voice with its slimy fingers as she bathed in its addictive touch. “Fae like you make me understand the King of Adarlan’s actions a bit more, I think.”
Before he could reconsider, Rowan punched the girl in the face. He had aimed for her nose, but she had managed to roll slightly to the side, catching the blow on her chin. She hit the opposite wall hard, her head connecting with the bricks. Blood leaked from her mouth.
But the spark in the girl’s eyes didn’t fade. She wanted this fight, wanted Rowan to beat her into a pulp. Why, he didn’t know. Probably to get him in trouble with Maeve – a ploy to alter the bargain they’d struck in her favor.
So before Rowan could strike her again, he halted, preventing himself from fracturing her jaw and instead snarling in her face, low and vicious.
She just purred, “Do it.”
Rowan only barely maintained control, knowing that this would do nothing to teach the girl respect or humility. It wouldn’t make her yield, or break, or hurt. He’d have to find another way to penetrate her armor.
“Why should I give you what you want?”
“You’re just as useless as the rest of your brethren.”
He just laughed again, lowering his fist. “If you’re that desperate to eat stone, go ahead: I’ll let you try to land the next punch.”
She didn’t hesitate, swinging wildly, no control, no discipline. He moved quickly and easily aside, then hooked his foot around hers, sending her careening into the wall once more.
Rowan stepped back and crossed his arms while the girl spat blood, swearing. He smirked, sending her hurtling towards him again, so overwhelmed with fury that she moved with no plan, no strategy.
Rowan grinned viciously as he efficiently countered, sending her crashing into a darkened brazier behind him and landing on the hard stone floor, her teeth ringing. The monster in his chest purred its satisfaction – the struggle providing an outlet for his fury, allowing it to ebb from his limbs.
“Like I said, you have a lot to learn. About everything.”
“Go fuck yourself.” She snarled past her already swollen lip.
Rowan sauntered down the hall, leaving her lying there in a heap. “Next time you say anything like that,” he said without looking over his shoulder, “I’ll have you chopping wood for a month.”
Rowan paused momentarily, listening to her drag herself off the stones. Then they made their way down the hall, and he dumped her in a small, cold room that was tucked away in a corner of the fortress, which would be hers for the foreseeable future.
It was little better than a prison cell, and would be achingly cold at night. There was no fireplace, only a small bed, a chamber pot, and a washbasin filled with a layer of water currently coated in ice. Perfect for the spoiled brat.
“Give me your weapons.” Rowan picked up a bucket and tossed its contents into the hall, holding it out towards the girl.
“Why? And no.”
“Give me your weapons.”
She just looked back at him, eyes blank. “Tell me why.”
“I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
“Then we’re going to have another brawl.”
Rowan raised his brow. You call that a brawl?
But still, the girl’s face was leaking blood like a dripping faucet, and he would already have to answer to Maeve for the punch he’d thrown. And, now that he’d struck out, he’d lifted some of the burden of his fury and what remained was far easier to ignore.
So instead of giving the girl what she wanted, he answered, “Starting at dawn, you’ll earn your keep by helping in the kitchen. Unless you plan to murder everyone in the fortress, there is no need for you to be armed. Or to be armed while we train. So I’ll keep your daggers until you’ve earned them back.”
Her mouth twisted into a frown. “The kitchen?”
Rowan bared his teeth in a wicked grin. “Everyone pulls their weight here. Princesses included. No one’s above some hard labor, least of all you.”
Her frown deepened into something deeper, and darker, her teeth clacking together with an audible snap. “So my training includes being a scullery maid?”
“Part of it.” And I’m going to savor every damn second of your misery.
She pursed her lips. “For an old bastard, you certainly haven’t bothered to learn manners at any point in your long existence.”
“Why should I waste flattery on a child who’s already in love with herself?”
“We’re related, you know.”
“We’ve as much blood in common as I do with the fortress pig-boy.” He shoved the bucket in her face, exhausted by this trying game of wills.
Her nostrils flared, but finally she acquiesced, and began to disarm herself. Rowan carefully counted the weapons she pulled from beneath her clothing, running them against the mental tally he’d generated.
When she finished, he tucked the bucket into his side and strode from the room without a farewell, calling over his shoulder, “Be ready at dawn.”
The door slammed shut, but he could still hear the girl say, “Bastard. Old stinking bastard,” before he stormed down the hall and back up the spiral staircase.
Rowan had never stayed the night at Mistward, though he had passed through it countless times. So while he had never slept in the room he was heading towards, he knew that it was the one he would be given.
He opened the wooden door and slid quietly inside, utterly spent. The room was small and shabby, a large four-poster bed occupying much of the space. Worn rugs were thrown over much of the floor, an attempt to soften their cold stone chill. A small but acceptable fireplace was set into one wall, with a worn wooden worktable placed in front of it.
Rowan placed the bucket of weapons on the ground next to the table, where his saddlebags were already waiting. He turned to the fireplace, and set to work constructing a meagre fire, knowing that as night came on, it would get harder and harder to keep the mists’ cold chill from freezing his bones.
Just as he got the fire lit however, Rowan felt that familiar tug deep in his chest, pulling him out of his room, back up the stairs, and over to the small office where Maeve still sat, holding court.
This time once he approached, Rowan knelt, bowing his head before the Queen of the Fae.
She didn’t waste any time with formalities. “I see you and the Heir of Terrasen have become quite close over your travels.” Rowan didn’t respond, keeping his eyes low. Waiting to see how she would react.
Maeve regarded him carefully, evaluating. “I’d just struck a bargain with the girl, a formal agreement between Doranelle and Terrasen – a historic moment. Even accounting for the princess’ tenuous relationship with her throne.”
Rowan frowned. He was completely empty, the girl’s fire having robbed him of all remaining strength, and was far, far too exhausted to continue to play this game.
“And then the moment she leaves my sight, you hit her.”
Rowan’s fingers twitched. “My apologies, majesty.”
Maeve smelled an easy victory. “Does your remorse undo the potential damage you have done to this bargain, and to the future relationship of Doranelle to the nation of Terrasen?”
“No my queen.”
“Then I would say that you have a debt owed, Rowan Whitethorn.”
Rowan finally raised his eyes to look up at her, his face carefully blank. Maeve’s eyes were narrowed, her brow set and her mouth wry. She seemed to be coming to some kind of decision, to be weighing different strategies against each other.
Her presence was lighter than it had been earlier; her dark power was still there, but it was no longer oppressive in its weight. Now that the princess was gone, Maeve’s performance had slipped ever so slightly, become more comfortable, easier.
She was no longer actively malicious, and yet still Maeve was a force to be reckoned with.
“I do not know if this is fortunate, or unfortunate, Prince Rowan, but I believe that there is no punishment that I could bestow upon you that would be more effective than that which I already have.” Maeve’s grin twisted into something dark and inescapable – a cage.
Rowan’s jaw twitched in response, but he was far too drained for Maeve’s harsh words to cut him the way she intended them too. He'd already accepted his fate, any more fury expended on its behalf would just be an unnecessary excess. So instead of snarling, or protesting, or asking why it had to be him to train the girl, and not someone with far more experience or ability, he just said quietly, “Yes my queen.”
Her lips tightened, “I must admit, while I had formed very few expectations regarding the heir of Terrasen, I certainly had not expected for the two of you to detest each other so entirely.”
Rowan remained silent, still watching his queen’s face intently.
She watched him right back, seeing past his icy armor and down into his very essence. Maeve knew him better than any still living, knew him better than he knew himself. There was nothing he would hide from her, nothing he would deny her – even if such a thing would have been possible.
Yes, Rowan had known who this female was when he had tied his life to her, had known her many faults, known of the darkness that nestled deep in her soul. But she was all Rowan had, the only person he had left.
Maeve looked right through him, divining whatever knowledge she sought. Then she leaned back, and turned to look out the window, ruminating. A whisper of words passed her lips, “It seems I did my work too well.”
But before Rowan could begin to question, she turned the full weight of her gaze back onto him, saying, “Regardless of your feelings for each other, I expect adequate results.”
Rowan nodded brusquely.
“The girl will likely prove difficult. She has received almost no training whatsoever. Her mother…was difficult. She never believed the girl needed to receive proper training in order to achieve the necessary control. The princess was only taught to suppress.”
Maeve scoffed. “The woman knew that the only way the girl could be taught was through me. And after her disobedience in marrying that Terrasen prince, she feared me too much to allow her daughter within my clutches.” She smiled wickedly. “But it didn’t work, and the girl ended up here anyways. As was inevitable.”
Rowan just nodded.
Maeve spoke more to herself than to him. “The journey may have been more winding than I initially supposed, but now here she is. And the next stage can begin.”
Maeve paused for a moment, and then spoke directly to Rowan, her voice hard and commanding. “I want you to unleash her for me Rowan.”
He nodded grimly.
“That child has no idea what agreement she just made. Yes, when she comes to me, I will give her the answers she seeks, but she will not get a chance to do anything with them. You will train her for me Rowan, reforge her. Make her into a weapon.”
Maeve stood, her violet skirts billowing around her, obviously dismissing him. Rowan stood, beginning to leave, but then Maeve spoke again, a dark finality coating the words.
“I need you to break her.”
Rowan bowed low, and strode from the room.
Rowan sat on the edge of his bed, staring into the writing depths of the flames before him.
The smell of ash and burning wood permeated the space. Rowan wondered dully if he would ever be able to dissociate the scent from the princess of Terrasen, or if for centuries to come Rowan would be forced to think of the insufferable girl whenever he smelled flames.
And now he would be forced to spend the coming weeks and months and years in her delightful company, training her.
He had only rarely trained individuals – normally he was placed in command of large groups of soldiers, to lead them in battle and ready them for war. Occasionally, he shared the duty with one or more of his fellow blood-sworn. But most often he was alone, at the head of a legion that could number in the thousands.
Within that very small group of individuals, he had only trained a handful in magic. And never had he taught one with even a drop of power such as this princess had.
Normally, when a demi-Fae sought to enter Doranelle they were trained for a number of years in combat, and if they had it, in magic. Until they were given some kind of test to evaluate their abilities, and were either let in or turned away. Only a very, very select few were allowed to enter, and once they were, even they were not greeted with open arms.
In Doranelle, the demi-Fae were second class citizens, relegated to the tasks that full-blooded Fae regarded with contempt and distaste. Particularly those who weren’t gifted with magic. Lorcan, the most powerful demi-Fae male living, was the exception, not the rule.
However, this girl was unlike all the others, even Lorcan. Her training, and her life afterwards, would be unlike any he had heard of. Even Rowan’s own training those centuries past would not compare to what this girl required, despite the similarities in the strength of their power. He had very little relevant experience to draw from.
Rowan had given the girl kitchen duty, meaning that he had mornings to himself. Maeve hadn’t given him any other tasks to fulfill at Mistward, meaning that he now had the unexpected benefit of a limited freedom, and time. Time away from Maeve and her conniving court, in an outpost where he so outranked the occupants that he had no one to bother him, no one who would seek him out. Where he could do what he wished.
If it weren’t for the princess sleeping in the bowels of the fortress below him, Rowan may have been anticipating this unexpected freedom with gladness, or at least a measure of relief. It was rare that any of Maeve’s warriors were given such time.
And yet Rowan was sure that the Heir of Terrasen would find a way to ruin it for him, just as Maeve had promised. This was far from a gift.
Rowan wanted the coming months over and done with. Wanted the princess gone and out of his life. But Maeve had ordered him to train her, to break her and unleash her power, and so he would do so. But he didn’t have to ensure that the princess followed through with her side of the bargain. If she abandoned it of her own volition, Rowan would be free. Free to return to Doranelle and face Maeve’s wrath empty-handed. It might even be worth it.
In the meantime, Rowan would have to figure out some kind of plan, a test for the princess to take. A way for him to evaluate the girl’s magic and her control. For that was the real talent in working with magic – not your ability to manipulate it, but your skill in conforming your power to your will.
Stubbornness was equally helpful to creativity and ingenuity when working with magic. And while the princess was perhaps the most stubborn person he had ever encountered, she hadn’t demonstrated one scrap of self-control in the week that he had known her. Rowan’s stomach sank.
Perhaps he would have her face some kind of threat…a foe within reach of the fortress.
He sighed. He could think on it further some other time, when his head wasn’t pounding with exhaustion. Rowan still had weeks before that day dawned. Weeks he would spend almost entirely in the company of that spoiled, useless, insufferable child. Trying to teach her. To get her to listen.
Through the exhaustion, Rowan felt the familiar stirrings of a well-worn irritation, deep in his gut. He frowned as he turned on his side, falling into an uneasy sleep.
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creampuffqueen · 4 years
Nesryn x Sartaq baby headcanons
Meet all the hot royal people! There’s a lot of them!
- So you see, with all the other royal people it was different
- They just have to produce one heir. One.
-For Nesryn and Sartaq? at least two
-Preferably way more
-The current Khagan is in good health, though, so they have a bit to wait
-Which is good, because Nesryn is still mildly freaked out about the whole 'might become empress of the mightiest kingdom in the world' thing
-With her whole family living in the Southern Continent now, Nesryn is content
-She and Sartaq spend a lot of time in the mountains with the ruks
-And she actually has a part in Borte and Yeran's wedding. Nesryn and Borte pretty much become bffs.
-However, duty calls, and Sartaq must return
-And though he says she can stay in the mountains, Nesryn decides to return with him
-All of the royal siblings have pretty much accepted Nesryn as their new sister. (Some more than others, cough cough Arghun)
-And so they don't mind letting her sit in on important meetings.
-In fact, her advice is often valued
-Although the current empress is a very quiet woman, she takes a liking to Nesryn quickly. She can be seen sometimes, whispering to her son about what a good choice he made in wife
-Though she is very happy in the Southern Continent, Nesryn does miss her friends a lot
-She writes, but it can take months for mail to reach the mainland, so sometimes she just doesn't even try
-When the first Peace Ball is held, Nesryn is over the moon
-But it just takes so much time to get there and back that she and Sartaq admit they really can't go every year. Instead they settle for every other year
-Duva has had her baby, a little boy named Taran
-After his birth, Nesryn mentions that Sartaq should probably tell his siblings what the two of them have planned
-Which he insists she must do as well, since she helped him think of what to say
-So the future empress and emperor tell the other royal siblings this:
-They will break the tradition of killing the opposing siblings. They will leave them to live their lives, so long as they never pose a threat of any kind
-And it hurts Sartaq's heart, but he must say his conditions
-If either of them find out about scheming or betrayal, all the siblings and their children lose their lives. They will not tolerate anything of the sort
-But, thankfully, even Arghun and Hasar, notorious for their scheming, agree to the terms
-Nesryn and Sartaq get married about a year later
-Hasar, Duva, Renia, Delara, and Borte are all there to help her get dressed, and Nesryn has never felt happier
-At least, until she is officially married to the love of her life
-Chaol and Yrene actually make it just in time, and all of Nesryn's nieces, nephews, and little cousins are running around. They've even adopted one-year-old Taran into their group
-The two retreat to the mountains for a month-long honeymoon, because they can
-And they spend a long time in just pure marriage bliss
-Eventually, they return
-And Nesryn gets to work helping out
-She quickly becomes a favorite of the people. Neith's Arrow, their own future empress
-Thankfully, with the Southern Continent having such a casual culture, nobody minds Nesryn wearing riding leathers or sparring clothes around the palace. So long as she dresses up nicely for formal events, they couldn't care less
-She is able to spend a lot of time with her family, baking sweets in their kitchen
-Their sugared almond puffs can put even the palace cooks to shame
-Everything is good, peaceful, and happy
-When they attend a Peace Ball, Nesryn manages to find herself enamoured with the little Fae babies running around everywhere. Aelin and Rowan make some damn cute kids
-And Nesryn can't really help herself
-On the trip home, she gets a terrible case of seasickness
-But when it doesn't stop, even after being home for weeks, she and Sartaq start to suspect something is up
-And, sure enough, Nesryn is pregnant
-To say they are ecstatic is an understatement
-It isn't long before everyone in the palace knows
-Everyone congratulates them, even Arghun, who looks very slightly pissed off the whole time
-Sartaq is a bit of an overbearing mother hen throughout the whole thing, even though Nesryn promises him she's fine
-She spends a lot of time with her sister, because Delara has had four kids already, you know?
-And also she's craving sweets 24/7
-Nesryn actually goes past her due date, and that sucks because she feels like a whale
-At this point she's like "Sartaq I can't believe you did this to me"
-When she finally goes into labor, it's a blessing
-Duva is there, because despite her vapidness, she has had a baby and knows what Nesryn needs
-Delara doesn't get the message until later, and arrives right before Nesryn starts pushing
-With her sister and sister-in-law coaching her, Nesryn has the strength she needs to give birth
-It's a beautiful baby boy with his father's face
-Sartaq is so in love with his new son and with his amazing, incredible wife
-They name him Kasem, which means 'happiness'
-Kasem grows up with tons of aunties and uncles. He always has someone to watch him, no matter what time of day
-They take him to the mountains when he is six months old, in the middle of summer so he doesn't have to spend the night in the cold
-Kadara and Salkhi love the little babe a lot. They are gentle, even when he tugs on their feathers
-Borte is absolutely in love with her little nephew
-A year after Kasem's birth, Duva and her husband have a baby girl named Haya
-And when Kasem is two, Borte and Nesryn both become pregnant
-Nesryn spends most of her pregnancy in the mountains with Borte, and the two are practically joined at the hip
-Her second pregnancy is much easier, though she still has awful morning sickness in the beginning
-Borte gives birth first, to a baby girl she names Indra
-Nesryn is not far behind, having her second baby barely a week after Borte
-It's a girl as well
-She is named Dara, which means 'pearl of wisdom'
-And sure enough, little Dara is very wise
-She always seems to be very smart and mature for her age
-Around the same time Nesryn and Borte have their babies, Arghun's wife has their first child, a girl named Maleia
-Dara likes her cousins a lot, though she is always closer to Indra than Maleia
-In the coming years, more babies are born
-Borte and Yeran have another little girl named Varsha, and Arghun becomes a father to another daughter, who he names Vanida
-For Nesryn and Sartaq, they are content with their little family, for the time being
-Dara loves books a lot, and when she goes to her first Peace Ball, she becomes best friends with Aris, Dorian and Manon's daughter
-She is also the darling of the public. She loves people and attention at all times
-Kasem is a very confident little boy, often boasting that he can beat anybody at anything
-Needless to say, he gets a few lessons in losing graciously
-Kasem and Dara are best friends as well, and they love to be around their (much) older cousins and baking with their mother's side of the family
-When Kasem is eight, Nesryn finds out she is pregnant again
-Since it's been a while since her last pregnancy, this one is fairly difficult. She stays in the palace a lot and is tired all the time
-But she thankfully delivers a health baby girl she names Dhyana, which means 'meditation'
-She's only just getting used to having a new baby when...
-Nesryn finds out she's expecting again
-She isn't sure how to feel. She's happy for another baby, but she doesn't know if she's prepared to have two little ones at the same time
-But, she knows she's going to have a lot of help
-I would also like to add... Sartaq is an amazing father
-He is so very patient, with his kids and with others
-No matter what, he always makes time for them
-He grew up feeling distant from his parents, and he doesn't want that for his children
-And Nesryn, she's a great mom
-She's definitely the fun parent
-The kids love to watch her because everything she does is just so mesmerizing
-And she's a great singer
-When she's on the mainland, people often ask her and Rowan for duets because they have amazing singing voices and they sound pretty good together actually
-But she always sings her kids to sleep
-And every single time Sartaq falls in love with her all over again
-No matter what kind of day they've had, whether they argued or they just cuddled all day, Sartaq can always count on hearing her sing to their kids
-The next baby they have is a little boy
-His name is Ronin, which means 'warrior'
-Ronin is the shyest of Nesryn and Sartaq's children
-He gets along well with Dara, because he likes to read and create
-The same year he is born, Kashin and his new wife have a baby boy named Haider
-Sometimes Nesryn will just find him wandering around the palace halls, lost in his own little world
-Two years after Ronin's birth, Hasar and Renia announce that they are going to have a baby
-The man who did it is kept a closely guarded secret, but nobody really cares about him
-Hasar and Renia have a baby boy named Rangsey
-And Nesryn... wants another baby
-Which she never thought she'd say, seeing as she has four kids already
-But Sartaq agrees wholeheartedly, and Nesryn finds herself pregnant again
-This pregnancy... is tough
-It's the hardest one she's ever gone through
-She's terribly exhausted all the time, sometimes even so tired she can't tuck her kids in. Sartaq is not a good replacement singer
-Thankfully, though, the terrible pregnancy leads to an easy birth, with a beautiful, healthy baby girl at the end
-This baby is the last one Nesryn will ever have. She is sure her family is complete
-The baby is named Akira, which means 'intelligent and bright'
-Akira is a little warrior. She adores watching the soldiers train
-When she is two, her family travels out to the plains of the horse-people to visit Kashin's new son, Kiran
-After taking one ride on a horse, Akira never wants to leave
-Of course, she must, but there are a lot of tears that day
-All the kids grow up in a palace full of aunties, uncles, and cousins everywhere
-They are adored by the people, and by their parents
-And every time she looks at them, Nesryn can hardly believe how far she's come
-A lowly guard patrolling Adarlan's slums, and suddenly she's in line to be the empress of the strongest empire in the world, with an incredible husband she loves with her whole heart and five amazing children
-Nesryn has found her place
-In the story Worlds of Fire and Darkness, Kasem is 18, Dara is 16, Dhyana is 9, Ronin is 8, and Akira is 5. There are so many other kids but know they range from 22 to 3.
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