#so many conversations like this were unfinished
byrdblood · 1 day
I actually really like the idea that clothing/physical apperance is actually what fully determines a skeleton's 'biological sex/gender' rather than actual sexual characteriscs, since monster's are implied as not having any (they don't even have internal organs, so why external??)
So, that makes me wonder how this type of society would treat/percieve people who are more gender-nonconfirming externally, or in general people who works outside of this terms. Would prejudice exist??
I think one primal example of a skeleton who works outside of this kind of terms is Ink imo. In story, he actually was probably assigned 'nothing' at birth lol, due to his background of an unfinished sketch and all of that (in pretty sure that he canonically was actually NOT given any actual name too. So he had no identity of his own). In terms of physical apperance, he looks very androgynous imo. He wears a very loose/skirt- type of pants (that are inspired by a japanese clothing called 'hakama'. Which in today's japanese society is seen as a 'unisex' clothing) + tight crop top that is meant to compresses the chest. (this may sound ridiculous but people also often point out how comyet draws his body type, wich is kinda hourglass like? this is montly seen in drawings of his redesign lol). Even for being a 'sans', Ink was actually never really associated with the color blue? neitheir pink. He's mainly associated with the colors brown, yellow and mint green. Brown is actually acknowledged as the most 'unisex' color there is, yellow is too (this color actually has a vast genderqueer history associated), while green is montly seen as feminine (mostly the shade that Ink uses) (even his 'name' is not very telling of his gender since 'ink' is very gender-neutral+ it's actually translated as femeine in many latin-based languages, including french!)
I know that he's like, a canon he/they character so more of a androgynous look is indeed expected but this whole conversation just make me wonder what biological gender and he would have If he worked in normal terms....i see him as intersex, not gonna lie lol
Anon I am platonically and fictionally kissing you on the cheek right now you are fueling my autism so hard and I am so happy about it. I hope you like reading, because if not, I'm so sorry for the monster-gender-vs-sex BIBLE I'm about to throw up on you KHSGLADSHGA
I'm gonna mention some slightly more explicit subjects so just in case I'm gonna put it under another readmore!
About the "no internal organs so why external" thing, I COMPLETELY agree with you. And the thing is, even if most of the fandom wouldn't say it, I think most UT fans also agree with it, because again - I have been in the UT fandom since the beginning, okay, I know how UT fans season their freak sauce. And it seems like the general consensus (or at least the most commonly accepted headcanon) was that any monster could form anything, and also that physical intercourse wasn't actually how monsters reproduce - the soul is.
The reason I'm bringing this up is because i fucking love love love love fictional biology, okay, i LOVE trying to figure out how fantastical subjects would work in a real life setting, and take this with a grain of salt because I'm no biologist, but if reproduction didn't depend on biological sex, then sexual dimorphism wouldn't NEED to evolve because the species would not need to be able to tell the sexes apart at a glance. There wouldn't be any reason to be seen as male or female except for preference, because there would be no consequences for getting it "wrong". And while preference is of course a big deal in a species as social as monsters (or humans!), it's always going to take the wayside to immediate survival - the good old "4 F's" of evolution, you know. And the reason I bring that up is because, if monsters were biologically sexless by default, then when they DID form genitalia - aside from it being primarily for social/bonding reasons instead of reproductive ones, which is also a fascinating avenue - why on earth would they need to be gonochoric? It wouldn't save them any energy! In fact, even if monsters DID reproduce sexually, if you're already expending the energy to form this complex magical construct in the first place then why wouldn't you form both just to make sure you didn't miss your shot? That's evolution, babey!
Basically, what I'm saying is that I think "biologically" intersex should be default for monsters, both in reproduction of the soul and, naturally, also in physical intercourse - with gender being purely social. That's not to say gender wouldn't play any role in society at all, but there would be no real need for it to develop as this Big Important Thing if it had next to no impact on people's lives! I have no idea if prejudice would evolve; monsters are made of love, hope and compassion and I think that acts as a generous buffer to any cruelty that would develop, but we've seen that they're absolutely not incapable of it by a long shot. Honestly though, I'm inclined to believe that most wouldn't care. In Undertale, not only does everyone very naturally avoid gendering Frisk in conversation, they also don't ever ask them to clarify despite them presenting in a GNC way. Maybe that could be because they're a kid (and that could lend weight to the idea of monsters not developing a concrete gender identity until they're older - but that begs the question of when monsters would have puberty because I've heard gender identity develops in humans by ages 5-8 and I'm not slept enough for that right now LMAO), but honestly, to me that just lends credence to the idea that gender doesn't matter to monsters; if you're not presenting a certain way, they just default to neutral no problem. Maybe obvious nonconformity would confuse them because it's clear you're presenting some sort of way, and if they can't tell what, they'd naturally be anxious to get it wrong... but again, at that point, the only consequences for getting it wrong would be low-stakes social ones!
I'm also not saying that any of my Sanses are particularly GNC, to be clear, just that monsters approach gender with fewer shits given than humans do. In fact, of the TAU boys, Dust and Killer are both intersex, Nightmare is agender (canon, but still), and Cross (and Abaddon) are both AFAB (or the equivalent) - Axe is the closest one that could be said to be "cis", but in this group, HE'S the weird one for exclusively presenting with "male" genitalia. To be fair, TAU!Killer is more GNC than average and would respond to any pronoun you called him, but he still fully identifies as male and defaults to masculine. And I also think that a large part of Cross approaching his identity more like a human would (as opposed to Killer or, like, Mettaton, just being like "no I'm just this way and you have to deal with it"), is because he's from such an anomalous universe. X!Gaster created X!Tale and we know he's a total shitlord; it's weird in the first place for monsters to be willing to beat their fucking kids, and yet there he stands like a cheap Hitler costume listed on Wish.com with all his "one perfect world" shit.
(And one more thing - we know in canon that humanity's societies [or at least the ones immediately surrounding "Mt. Ebott", wherever it happens to be in a given world] INFLUENCE MONSTER SOCIETY through the trash that arrives in Waterfall! You show me someone who says that not a single porno mag fell down there and influenced monsterkind's ideas of gender presentation, and I'd show you a liar; monsters were developing alongside humanity the entire time they were in the Underground, we just don't know how/to what extent!)
Anyway IN FUCKING CONCLUSION: I completely agree with you about Ink being intersex AND I also see him as someone very GNC on top of that. Gender identity and biological sex are of course different subjects BUT I could very easily see him being influenced by monster culture when he was forming his identity, and therefore ending up kind of lax on his ideas of gender conformity. (Or conformity at all!) I really like Ink as a character but I also unfortunately understand why so many people have trouble with him; he's extremely unique both physically and morally, and it's difficult to get that nuance right. (I mean that fully as a compliment; his creator did a fantastic job.) Of course, the fact that he's been an outcode basically from day one also has fascinating implications; he's the "monster" equivalent of someone who was raised outside of a culture, I'd think, which could also heavily influence how he approaches the world! Maybe that also contributes to the intense protectiveness he feels for AUs; he could see them as this beautiful thing he was denied, and maybe some part of him feels envious and tries to channel it into "good". I'm not familiar enough with his character to really say, sadly.
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izloveshorses · 7 months
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she can't even look at him i'm going to be sick 😭 tearing out my HAIR we were so close
to her defense how do you even confess to the radio call thing tho... 'hi bestie i called u and only u every day for six years <33 and it literally kept me alive <33 i missed u <33' like no wonder she's mortified and can't spit it out
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cerridwen007 · 4 months
Hard pill to swallow.
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*pics above are from pinterest and are used for aesthetics only.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 2.4k (18+) MINORS DNI!
Summary: Joel helps you fix your problem with swallowing pills.
Notes/Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Soft!Joel vibes, lowkey daddy Joel vibes too, Joel being a teasing, filthy mouthed menace because I said so, mentions of pills (vitamins and hayfever), mentions of gagging/gag reflex, Joel lifts reader, but Joel is huge and hella strong so he can lift anyone, cumplay, oral (m receiving), finger sucking, praise/ nicknames, swearing, no y/n.
A/N: Disclosure, this is fully self indulgent and based on my struggle with swallowing pills and me wanting Joel Miller's dick in my mouth all waking hours.  Was meant to post this before Valentines, but time got the best of me. But I suppose you can consider this my Valentines present from me to you, even though it's not related to valentines at all. I swear this is the second time that writing about my struggles in a fic with Joel, it’s pretty much solved them. He is truly that man. Quickly edited, as always, so sorry if there are any mistakes. Anyways, enough babbling, I hope y'all enjoy, and any interactions with posts are very much appreciated, and I love yall so much. Have a good day bebes. 🫶❤️
You were embarrassed, to say the least, and annoyed and frustrated. For all of your life, you could never do that one thing that was a simple skill for most people, a simple and usually essential at that. You couldn't swallow pills for the life of you. Many frustrated mornings, well into your early adult years, were spent at the breakfast table with your parents, growing more and more impatient and irritated at your ‘talent’ for not being able to swallow pills no matter how hard you tried. And It's not like you didn't want to swallow pills. No, not at all. 
In fact you wish you could, it would have made your life a hell of lot easier. You would take swallowing pills over having to grind up the assorted pills for hayfever and vitamins into your drink and being forced to intigest the horrible tasting yet beneficial substances, the ones that made your eyes water and your stomach gurgle with just how bad they tasted. 
And trust me you had tried everything, sticking the pill right down your throat, damn near breaking your neck with the force you tilted your head back (to catch your gag reflex “off guard”) nearly watering boarding yourself a couple times, thinking the more water you swallow the easier right? You felt like the oblong white tablets were just ridiculing you at this point. 
You had achieved so much in your life yet you were brought down by your inability to swallow a tiny little thing for your benefit. You had not managed to find a shortage of adults and family members alike telling you, “it's all in your head” and suggesting unwarranted advice. Advice you ended up trying over and over again, knowing it wouldn't work. “It's just like swallowing food” they would say. But you knew damn right it wasn't. I mean you couldn't even swallow gum, so how were you supposed to swallow this?!
Because of all these judgemental looks and passive aggressive comments when it came up in conversation that you couldn't swallow pills, you tended to avoid the topic of conversation completely. It wasn't till a handsome man named Joel Miller came into your life, did you finally manage feel comfortable and unjudged about your inability. 
It had been a while that the two of you had been dating, nearly a year and you had never felt happier. Recently you had moved into his place and had just unfinished packing. It was a peaceful morning in Joel’s and now your own house, the morning sun shining down, warming up the frosted green grass as the birds chirps and, the smell of fresh brewed coffee filled your nostrils. The two of you sat opposite each other, drinking in the peaceful morning. This movie-like paradise was soon brought down in mood as you remembered it was time to take your daily vitamins and tablets. 
You sighed, a frown growing on your face as you anticipated yet another painful morning attempting to swallow some tablets. Joel's face mimics yours when he looks over at you from across the breakfast table. 
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked, concerned.
You sigh before explaining yourself.
“I just..I just suck at swallowing pills and I almost always end up having to crush them into a drink or whatever I'm eating and then it's disgusting. I know I'm an adult, I should be able to swallow them by now but I just can’t.” 
You try to blink away the tears from frustration as you talk, not wanting Joel to see you get so upset over something so little and stupid.
He listens with a soft frown on his face and you half expect him to scoff at you and belittle you for not being able to do something so easy. Then he locks eyes with you and sees your watery eyes and instantly his face softens.
“Aww baby, come here.” He holds out his arms and you quickly get up walking round the table to straddle his lap, burying your face into his shoulder, seeking his warming embrace to comfort you. You look up at him, when you feel the tears aren't going to spill out.
“You're not making fun of me or think that I'm being a baby?” 
He cups your face, forcing you to keep his warm gaze. “Now what would make you think that I thought that darling?” He questions.
You feel your throat constricting as you try to explain yourself, cheeks growing hot with embarrassment.
“I don't know…I just thought maybe before… you were frowning cause you don’t believe me or something.” You softly respond, embarrassed over the state you're in all over some silly little pills.
“Sweetheart of course I believe ya. I was frowning cause I hate to see my girl upset and struggling, and I was trying to think of some way to help ya.”
You sigh with relief, before resting your head back on Joel's shoulder, you sit there holding each other for a while before you're interrupted by the soft rocking back and forth of Joel's chest as he tries to quietly chuckle underneath you. 
“What’s so funny.” You ask, feeling a little irritated.
“Oh, nothing.” He responds, still with a wide grin.
“No, tell me.” You say, pouting.
He clears his throat and before he speaks in a dark tone, close to your ear sending shivers all throughout your body.
“Just thought of how good of a girl you are when you suck my dick, and how you don’t seem to have a problem swallowing my cum, do ya honey?”
Your eyes widen with the sudden lewd topic of conversation, your cheeks heat up and you lightly slap his chest.
“Joel!” you warn him, but you can't help but let the corners of your mouth lift up a little.
“That's different though.” You say quietly after a beat.
“Oh yeah? Why's that?” His eyes pierced through you, waiting for your answer.
You feel your cunt fluttering at his question, your panties dampening.
“Cause…cause I actually want to swallow your cum.” You softly admit.
He breathes in shakily as a growl-like sound softly rips through his chest. His head falls back and he slowly grinds up into your needy clothed cunt. 
“My dirty little cum slut, aren't you baby?” He groans as he cups your face with his hand.
You nod and he puts his thumb on your bottom lip, slowly dragging it downwards. Your tongue shoots out to lick it before your head dips it to take it into your mouth. You start sucking on it, needily. Needing to have some part of Joel in you.
“Needy too, apparently. Just how I like ya.” He murmurs to mostly himself as he pushes his fingers in deeper and pushes down on your tongue.
Your cunt is throbbing now, but the only thing you can think of right now is taking Joel’s fat cock into your mouth. You try and tell Joel as his thick fingers are stuffed in your mouth, so it ends up coming out as a garbled mess.
“What was that baby?” Joel teases you.
“W-wanna sl-suck your c-cock d-Joel.” 
“Can’t get enough of this fat dick down your throat can you sweetheart?” Joel growls as he removes his fingers.
You shake your head, your hands trailing over Joel's strong chest and biceps. You suck on the spot on his neck that drives him crazy, his hips start lightly thrusting up into you as a result. You grin devilishly, seeing and feeling Joel become a vulnerable mess, under your control is one of your favourite sights in the world. 
You slowly make your way down Joel's body, feeling and touching on every part of him that you can, except where you and him both want too most. When your knees finally hit the floor, you look up at him with an innocent smile. Although Joel knows your the exact opposite, he can’t help his breath stuttering and his heart racing at the stunning sight below him.
You bite your lip as you look to Joel belt, his prominent bulge just below it, silently asking for permission. He nods, spreading his legs wider. You place your hands on his knees and slowly trace your hand over his legs up to his hips, your eyes switching between looking up at Joel and his bulge that has your mouth watering. 
You unbuckle his belt, slowly, loving to tease him. But taking your time and going slow seems to make you more impatient than Joel himself, so you make quick work of unzipping his jeans and shucking them down his thick thighs, while your mouth waters. You swallow harshly, as you uncover Joel's thick and rock-hard package perfectly framed by his black boxers. 
Reaching below his elastic waistband to pull out his cock, you find yourself transfixed once again by his beautiful cock, tip flush dark red, shaft slightly curling upwards as it heavily bobs, just begging to be sucked. Your tongue darts out to slicken your lips. Your hand carefully grasps his length, Joel softly gasps, before your thumb traces over his slit and the white drop of precum, oozing out of it. 
You grin as you lower your head, placing a few teasing kisses around his head before you raise his cock up high enough that you can lick from between his balls all the way up to his slit. He shudders above you, his hand gently caressing your hair, grounding himself and connecting himself more to you, as if his dick in your mouth isn't enough. 
You let your saliva gather to the front of your mouth before slightly parting your lips to let the warm glob drip onto his flesh. You see his thighs flex from the corner of your eye as your palm encases him, spreading your moisture all over the veiny muscle. Starting out with slow hard strokes, and building it up faster, your hand struggles to meet around his girth. 
Your mouth finally latches onto his tip, tongue swirling around the bulbous head, making Joel groan deeply. You help unleash even more depraved sounds from deep in Joel's chest when your other hand reaches out to massage his hefty balls. All this encompassing stimulation has Joel racing towards the edge, his mouth spewing out dirty words and praises as he comes oh so close to his high.
“Ugh. Fuck yeah. Atta girl.”
“Just like that baby. F-fuck me that feels g-good.” 
“Fuck… I love the feel of your hot, wet mouth on my cock.”
“Going to make my heart go out on me, with how fucking heavenly your making me feel, baby.”
He clenches the muscles in his body as he tries to starve off his release long as possible, needing to tell you something first.
“Sweetheart, look at me. I-I’m going to need you to hold all my cum in your mouth baby when I finish-h. C-can you do that for me s-sweet girl?” He chokes out.
You nod slightly and moan around him, before returning to bobbing wildly on his pulsing cock. Loving the salty, musky taste of him, your pussy clenches thinking about the even more salty and delicious load soon to be filling your mouth.
You take him as deep he will go, your eyes tearing up as your throat constricts around him. You feel his balls tighten under your hand and you let his cock out ever so slightly so only his tip is encased by your stretched lips.
And before you know it Joel’s coming, a long string of curse words and moans pouring out his mouth as he does so. Your hand continues to stroke him, milking him for all he's worth. Till he is hissing through his teeth, his now spent cock sensitive and raw. 
The urge to swallow his spend is strong, but your need to listen to and please Joel stands stronger. You keep it all in your mouth, cheeks bulging out a little with how full they are.
Joel, still breathing heavily, bends over you so he can inspect your warming checks and watery eyes, you look completely wrecked and he loves it. He hums in delight seeing you patiently sitting beneath him waiting for his next instruction.
He reaches over the table to where you were sitting before leaning down closer to you again. His thumb and forefinger reaches out and takes a hold of your chin, tilting it a bit higher.
“Did so good for me sweet girl, but I need you to do one more thing for me, okay?” He whispers, his warm and inviting eyes making you melt further into the floor.
You nod in response, watching his other hand come down in front of your face, opening up to reveal your pills. He softly demands you to open your mouth, to which you oblige, before carefully placing the few pills into your cum filled mouth.
He tilts up chin so your mouth closes and seals your lips with his thumb, before moving his hand to the side of your jaw, rubbing soft circles over your cheekbone.
“Okay, I'm going to need you to be a good girl and swallow that for me.”
You give the best soft smile you can muster with a mouth full of cum before you begin to swallow Joel’s cum in small amounts, your eyes fluttering close in concentration.
 “That's it…. Good girl. Swallow it all, baby. Don’t wanna waste a drop do ya now?” He encourages you, eyes transfixed to your throat swallowing all of his cum and the pills.
The pills going down so easily you didn't feel them shocks you, as you open your eyes to a smiling, starry-eyed Joel looking down at you softly. A wide smile mimicking his, spreads over your face, before you open your mouth to reveal it, now empty, to Joel.
He reaches down to pick you up from your armpits, placing you on his lap again. You giggle as he places lots of kisses all over your face and nuzzles his nose into yours.
“I’m so proud of you my sweet, darling girl. Did so good.”
“Thank you, Joel.” You coo back, sighing softly with relief and happiness over your achievement.
“Guess we know now how to get you to swallow your pills every morning, don't we baby?” Joel teases you, holding you close to his chest as he kisses your temple.
“Indeed we do.” You reply, giggling, before resting your head on Joel's warm and sturdy chest, basking in the love and warmth of your lover.
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salaimoi · 8 days
i wave goodbye to the end of beginning ˚. ✦.˳· ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
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pairing: gojo satoru x fem reader sypnosis: he wasn’t what you desired anymore, but he couldn’t let you go. months passed since your bitter breakup, and yet, he didn’t stop loving you for a second. cw: slow burn. angst for the sake of angst. falling out of love for no reason fr. unrequited love. alcohol consumption (gojo only) no happy ending me thinks, or maybe somewhat. who knows word count: 3.1k
author's notes: i’m mourning gojo and so should you! so here’s a piece of an angsty fic that’s been rotting, unfinished, in my drafts since march 29. i was only gonna post a sneak peek of this and suddenly the holy spirit took over me and drove me to finally finish it??? IF U EVER READ ANYTHING OF MINE PLEASE LET IT BE THIS😭😭i’m so in love with the reader crying scene u don’t get it. the metaphors?! i outdid myself. i am so terrified of the deep ocean, and the fact that i find myself writing about it during angsty hours says a lot about me. i can’t emphasize how much i adore this fic. i just love angst sm idkidkidk
also, this is my first time attempting angst for the sake of angst as well as slow burn (?) so idk if i’ll ever come back to this. not beta read.
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Time and again, this mahogany dining table was the scene of numerous heartwarming interactions – mementos Satoru wouldn’t be able to replicate a second time, even if he spent a thousand lifetimes trying to do so. Sure, it was more than easy to recreate the scene, but not the genuine warmth the two of you felt in that moment. He could go to great lengths, such as hand-crafting every single piece of furniture in the room that bore witness – carving and polishing wood until his palms became more splinters than skin. But even then, he wouldn’t come close to reliving any of those gratifying sentiments from so long ago.
All the shared laughter at his trivial attempts at comedy had caught up to you; your smiles were forced lately, and he could tell. He possessed that diamond-blue, six-eyed gaze which consistently made you feel as if he could undeniably read your thoughts, but that wasn’t the case. Even a blind person could discern the unforeseen shift in your comportment toward him, and due to this, Satoru questioned himself relentlessly. 
What if he’d said something to offend you? What if he left the toilet seat up one too many times for your liking? What if he began snoring in bed but you were too considerate to say anything about it? What if he forgot a special date? What if he tried to offer you something you were allergic to? 
What if he stopped being the love of your life...? 
It seemed as if, in a fraction of a second, all the enjoyment you once felt had deserted you, and with it, your love for him. Had you forgotten how happy you were by his side all in the spawn of a few hours, or was this the universe’s twisted interpretation of a joke?
Even if it was, you weren’t laughing.
You told yourself it was fine, that it was a mere wave of sadness that would soon pass, but instead the harmless tide you paid no mind to had brutally swept your body into a sea of despair. Before you could process your predicament, the shoreline was well out of sight – blurring with the deep blue expanse of the oceanic abyss that enveloped your mind.
The longer you fought to stay afloat, the clearer the path became for the briny water to replace the oxygen in your lungs, giving you no choice but to drown as everything around you became a pitch-black, bottomless pit – devoid of any sense of worry for you. 
It was rather often that you were accused of abandoning the ship when things got bad, and yet, here you were – submerging along with it.  
How ironic.
Even he couldn’t save you now. The solace his mere presence bestowed upon you when you needed it most wasn’t there anymore. There was no more capability of initiating conversations with him when you were the only other person in the room, causing the once-upbeat and soothing environment to give way to one of silence and uncertainty; it was as thick as syrup.
Syrup. The sugary taste of it from when you consumed it during breakfast was all but replaced by a repugnant, sour one in your mouth. A persistent echo of those homemade fluffy pancakes you had turned down remained, even though he had made them just for you — his precious girl. 
You insisted you would eat later – an obvious white lie to mask your despondency and lack of appetite – but he spoon-fed you, because in his own words, “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I allow my girlfriend to starve? No, that won’t do. I’ll take care of you even after I've exhaled my last breath.”
“And how would you do that if you’re no longer breathing, genius?” you asked, a wilting smile on your face that you had put on display for him. 
“Well, my dear," he retorts with a smug grin. "I've always believed that love has a way of transcending the boundaries of life and death. And as luck would have it, our love transcends the mortal realm. I will always be with you, in spirit if not in flesh.” he smiles, a twinkle of amusement behind his sapphire eyes before continuing.
“Once I've moved on to the afterlife, I'll find a way to send you sweet nothings and a box of chocolates from beyond the grave. Consider it an eternal gift.”
He declares in a complacent tone as he lounges back in his chair, head resting comfortably on the back of his hands. 
"But in all seriousness," he then adds, his tone becoming more genuine, "I'll do everything in my power to ensure you're taken care of – even if it means making sure my eternal resting place has a Wi-Fi connection for you to receive my messages.” 
Your thoughts were entirely silenced in that moment; white noise overtook the black space within your mind. How had he managed to say such heartfelt words as if they were second nature? This early in the morning, nonetheless.
Would he actually…?
You knew he would.
"But let’s not dwell on my demise just yet,” his words bring you back to the present conversation. “Until the day comes, I promise to make the most of our time together. Besides, knowing me, I’d probably haunt you just to ensure you have someone annoying to keep you company."
He finally remarked, going back to stuffing your face with the soggy pancakes that had been sitting in syrup for too long. 
And you were cognizant of the fact that you alone were privy to this side of Satoru Gojo: the mushy, gentle one who tended to his companion as if it were a god-given mandate. 
To the public, he was a stoic, impervious character who had no dread of others. To you, he was far more vulnerable than he would ever confess. 
But that wasn’t nearly enough to deter you from taking the disheartening decision made later that day.
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“I can’t stay here anymore.” austere words you didn’t wish to speak, but needed to, in order to provide some semblance of closure for the both of you. “I can’t love you anymore.” 
A hushed supplication could be heard flying across the room at the speed of light once your hand reached out to turn the bitterly cold door knob, hitting against the back of your head – identical to an equally-cold shower.
“Please don’t leave me,” he immediately protested weakly. 
He approached you with cautious strides, every step causing fragmentation in his all-too-frail emotional state. Even if it was ephemeral, the mutual love between the two of you had already left a blazing watermark on his soul. His feelings for you transcended the nagging rationality that bound his mind, defying all sensible objections he had on the matter of permitting you to depart from his life. Having failed to quell the ardor her felt, it persisted apodictically until he was an arm’s length from your frame. 
And that was exactly it – the same frigid sensation your hand clinged onto emulated the one you felt in your wretched heart the moment he approached you. You’d already turned your back on him and expressed every afflicting anguish that tormented your soul, so why plead now? Now – when you already made the conscious decision to leave him behind. 
Tears neither you nor he could hold back began flowing down your features. A familiar hand lifted towards your cheek soon after, wiping the salty residue off your delicate face with his thumb. 
He never ceased to remind you how gorgeous you were when you cried, frankly because the manner in which your wispy eyelashes retained the saltine tears in your eyes resembled the delicate surface of a tranquil pond.
Every tear you shed would become the gentle water that tickled his skin as his body wafted about in your iris – an eternal reservoir he’d swim in without tiring if the heavens so permitted it.
However, this occasion differed from the rest; the once gentle waters he yearned to lay in became calamitous waves, which may lure him to the ocean’s most profound recesses in the blink of an eye – your blink of an eye. He would usually stay afloat among that innocent gaze of yours, but tonight it was ruthlessly drowning him with no lifeline in sight. 
Even after he implored that your crying would come to a halt, more pungent teardrops bled onto his fingers. An eroding desperation flowed through you, aching to hold onto something, anything, in order to cease the mental decay within your subconscious.
Thus, your own hand extended to hold his against your cheek, a glacial embrace overpowering the warmth of his skin; an identical chill tickled his spine when he absorbed the crispness of your graze, but he paid it no mind.
“Not you too…anyone but you,” he pleaded in a low voice, causing more accursed tears of yours to cascade mercilessly as he embraced you in an endeavor to sway your decision. His voice was gentle and soothing, mimicking a caress you’d never experience a second time. 
“I’m sorry.” you muttered.
Being unable to bring yourself to meet the sapphire eyes that imitated a midwinter sky so perfectly, your head lay low; the only thing visible to him was the top of it. 
It was unclear what you were sorry about. Perhaps you were sorry that you had to leave him behind. Or perhaps you were apologizing to yourself that he was no longer what you thought you wanted with every fiber in your body.
You desired more in this life, and on your game board, he wasn’t a playing piece who could frolic alongside you. It wasn’t because you didn’t fancy his company, rather it was the fact that his own strategy of playing was one that did not catch your eye anymore; it had become a monotonous rehearsal. Every move came to be a discernible one to you – even before he picked up his pawn, causing you to lose interest in the entire game itself.
That realization alone shattered his entire world.
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Satoru’s head lay low all throughout as he sat on a wooden stool amidst the empty bar. It was 2 a.m. and he needed to go home, but why should he?
You wouldn’t be there to greet him – or even scold him for that matter. 
Colorless, almost lifeless, marbles stared vacantly at the picture of you on his lock screen; he consistently spoke to your picture as if he were having a conversation with it. At this point in time, it had become routine. Maybe one of these days the frozen-in-time frame would speak back to him for once?
Just once.
Where had that tender smile he’d fallen in love with gone?
Where had you gone?
On a nightly basis, the same detestable conversation from that night redounded from one end of Satoru’s mind to the other incessantly – akin to a religiously recited sermon. 
It was impractical to disregard the harsh reality that sooner or later every cherished individual he held dear to his heart willingly departed from his life – Suguru, and now you. 
If it entailed becoming a regular person, he’d give his life as a sorcerer to ensure the permanent presence of at least one individual in his life. Where was the value of possessing such prowess when one’s vulnerability in the realm of love was inescapable? 
What twisted transaction was that?
He'd even willingly forsake his divinely bestowed talents for the purpose of altering the passage of time, thereby reverting to a period where your presence was far from being nothing more than a diminishing recollection. 
Ijichi had been dealing with this side of his boss for months on end. Regardless of his efforts to encourage Gojo to put an end to this melancholic act of his, he never managed to convince him to do so. Ijichi attempted the compassionate approach, but to no avail. His optimism and patience were dwindling, fearing that this would continue on for eternity – and perhaps it would’ve if he hadn’t stepped in.
This had to end sooner or later, and for everyone involved’s sake, it had to be the former. So tonight, he opted for a sterner, and perhaps more unforgiving, path.
Your car was parked out front of the bar Ijichi had sent you the address to – forehead pressed against the steering wheel as an audible, exhausted sigh escaped your mouth. It was late and you knew this was nothing short of inane behavior. You weren’t doing this for you; you had to remind yourself that you were doing it for him, with the hope that he would ultimately find someone who would be there for him in a way that you were unable to. 
Weary, almost weak, legs lead you to enter the desolate bar. A knife prods at your chest when your eyes dart over to where Gojo was. He kept his head lowered; the only part of him you could clearly see from this angle was his back.
An overwhelming sea of emotions plagued your mind when you witnessed him in such a state. You could feel the knives twist the longer you stared at the back of his fluffy white locks. 
Months had passed since your split, and you realized Satoru’s grief and distress were indeed as dire as his assistant conveyed to you during the phone conversation. 
A tap on his shoulder was accompanied by a sweet voice that had vanished into the depths of his consciousness a long time ago. Perhaps because he didn't wish to recall the agonizing memories that came with your voice, or perhaps because he needed to maintain a pristine, untouched image of you in his psyche.
As you occupy a vacant stool one seat away from him, your attention is drawn to the half empty vodka bottle in his grasp. 
“You know, I talked to your therapist. He said you were getting sober.” 
What you said held true, except you didn’t hear it from his therapist directly; Ijichi was the one who was initially informed about that, and being the caring person he was, he relayed the details to you. Mostly because he felt as if, deep down, you still wanted to know about Gojo’s well-being.
"What are you doing here drowning yourself in alcohol?" you added, seemingly concerned for your ex-boyfriend.
He looked up at you, his eyes red and bleary from the drink. His body froze. Blue pupils dilated in a mixture of shock and happiness. It really was you. Had you come back for him after all this time? 
"What does it look like I’m doing?" he muttered, his voice bitter and angry.
Satoru detested alcohol; it always interfered with his abilities, and being the strongest meant being ready whenever – no questions asked.  After your departure, though, he grew fond of the bitter, burning feeling the liquid provided. That sweet poison was the sole substance capable of muffling the eternal pessimism plaguing his mind.
You approached him cautiously, taking the bottle from his hands and setting it aside. "Come on," you said firmly, "we need to get you home."
He wasted no time to speak what was really on his mind. Even if it was for a mere second, he had felt the sensation of your touch once more. That was more than he needed to vocalize the thoughts that tormented his sanity. Either that, or it was the alcohol he had consumed speaking. 
“Why won’t you love me back?” His words slurred, being far too drunk to care, though. 
“…You’re drunk, let’s get you home.”
“What home? The one I bought for us that YOU left me all alone in?” he deadpans, the silence following being as deafening as a scream.
“My room feels so empty if you’re not there. I see your precious face and I don't know what to do.” His expression dampens with anguish before he continues – somewhat unclearly, ”whatever I do, I cam’t fubking get you out of my head amd it’s ruining me.” 
“I told you to move on a million times every time you drunk dialed me, Satoru.” 
“If that’s what you wanted, why did you continue to pick up the call?” He retaliates, eyes glazed with forbidden tears on the verge of cascading against his pale skin.
You knew perfectly well why. He knew perfectly well why. Everyone Satoru vented to about you knew why, so why continue to deny it? 
Attempting to keep your temper in check, you take a deep breath, eyes darting back and forth between the door and him. It was more than easy to run away from your problems, like you always did. But not this time.
You owed it to him to at least finally stick around long enough when things got tough. You wouldn’t put up an invisible wall between the two of you anymore, not today. 
You sigh, taking the empty seat right next to him. 
“We can’t go back to how things were. We broke up, remember?” 
“I know,” he grumbles, taking a sip of his beverage. He shook his head, his drunken state making it almost impossible to focus his thoughts or his vision. “But maybe drinking will make me forget that we ever did. Maybe tonight I can pretend we’re still together,” his voice and face etched with sorrow.
His voice trailed off, followed by another long sip of his drink. 
“You need to quit drinking yourself into a stupor, Satoru. This isn’t healthy,” you responded, voice softening out of concern. 
His eyes still clouded with alcohol, he looks at you before speaking. “I don’t know how to move on.” He admitted, voice barely audible. “I don’t know how to live without you. I loved you…and I still do.”
He silently weeps once and for all, crumbling before the love of his life. You didn’t know what else to say, so you settled on simply allowing his head to rest on your shoulder; you always were his favorite shoulder to cry on, after all. Wrapping an arm around him, you pet his head as you lull him. Instinctively, he envelops you into a warm embrace, face burying itself deeper into your chest. 
As he continued to sob like a baby, the sorcerer allowed his emotions to flow freely – months of bottling them up into liquor bottles had finally caught up to him. 
He was beyond ecstatic underneath all the melancholy; not only had you allowed him to get closer to you, but even went as far as hugging him too. He couldn't believe it. Just a few moments ago, you were talking about forcing him to move on, but now – you were actually back in his arms, where you belonged.
He felt relieved for a moment, almost to the point where he wasn't thinking properly anymore. You were finally back in his arms, where you needed to be; he refused to let go.
It felt like a fever dream, but this was all he needed. Even if you’re gone, morning come, he’ll live in this moment for the rest of eternity. 
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wickedusername · 2 months
Apple Red
Curse!Reader x Mahito || 18+ MDNI
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In which our favorite shape shifting psychopath discovers the wonders of sex with someone equally fucked up in the head, all under a philosophical motif of the Knowledge Argument/Mary's Room, a thought experiment posing that certain mental states can't be known unless you experience them yourself.
A/n: Bringing this over from AO3! It was brought about in my annoyance at every Mahito fic being non-con and others yet thinking the man is illiterate. Listen, he may have been born yesterday but he's read more philosophy than you and me. This has an overarching Mary's room motif, skim it over, your enjoyment will be increased threefold. Just like your cl- Wikipedia article if you can't watch.
Tw: dead dove: do not eat, body horror, sadomaso, asphyxiation/choking, blood kink, double penetration, p in v, anal, murder kink, necrophilia mention, shapeshifting. However!! praise kink, body worship, dirty talk, consensual sex, size kink, no actual murder takes place.
Word count: 6,1k words
He lowered his abs over your back again and got close to your ear. Licks, pecks and bites peppered your back, popping up in places you know mouths shouldn't be. “The pleasure of your wet, gorgeous pussy, deep and clenching for me… No dead or unwilling thing has it. You'll come for me again, won't you, dearie?
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"Absolutely feral” is not enough to describe what was going on between you and Mahito. He groped every part of you, your ass, your thighs, your breasts, the fat on your hips. Arms scratched and pinched at the muscle and fat on every part of your torso with his fingers. All while his tongue licked all over your mouth and lips, swirled around yours, elongated down to your throat. His jaw took in more and more like he would gobble you up. You had your hands way up under his poncho, scratching his back to raw flesh.
This had started as a conversation. You were barely a sketch of a curse, not rivaling the strength of the other ones you knew, but shapely enough to pass as human to those who could see you. You tried your best to mind your own business and stay in hiding, fully aware the persecution of sorcerers could end you in one fell swoop. The unfinished subway station you liked to call home was where you spent most of your time. Nestled between the decaying scaffolding, the staff room was where you sat with him, the only furnished room among the many half-finished nooks of the construction site. The bare surfaces didn't bother you, and the room had remained thankfully untouched in the two or so years since construction was halted and abandoned.
You, however, neglected none of the room. Whenever you had the chance to be around humanoid curses, you made a point to invite them over. You loved to banter and befriend, but just as much as you loved to occasionally hit the jackpot for one that you could sleep with. You didn't care to investigate your origins, but you weren’t born of anything family-friendly, you knew that much.
You'd known Mahito for a while. He was introduced to you by Kenjaku, an annoying body-hijacker who'd seeked to recruit you for his revolutionary cause. You wanted none of it, especially keen on self-preservation, but the two of you had hit it off. Two curses of the psyche had plenty to commiserate about, so you often hung around each other. And you'd just now managed to have him in your nest. Of course it wasn't every time you dragged someone to your staff room that you wanted to fuck them, and you certainly wouldn't mind if it led nowhere. But he was the most human of all curses – maybe of all there were – so of course you wanted to ask him about sex. To your surprise, his opinions were less than satisfactory.
“It's not as good as murder, to be honest.” He tapped the arm of the couch he was slouched on, staring you down with conflicting feelings. It was definitely not what he was here to talk about, but it did leave him curious.
“Are you serious? You've been doing it on things that don't move, haven't you?” It was the explanation you could conoct for why he would think that.
“I can make them move, you know? I've put the parts together, it's just not all that.” He retorted.
“It's about more than the parts. It's the entirety of the person you're with.”
“I've tried full, intact humans. The first one I, uh… killed them by accident. Another one I killed beforehand and they start going cold and don't feel as nice. I kinda gave up after that, I really don't see how it's so hyped.”
“Yeah, that's not the fun way to do it. You're trying to get on the level of fragile, puny humans.” You looked to the side in pure contempt.
The disgust for human weakness nearly seeped out of you. You'd tried humans, and as good as sex was with anyone, you also boasted similar results. You had no need to kill or force, like he likely did. They flocked to you. It was easy, it was your nature. But it always ended in a body to discard. You did wonder, partly, if it was in the inherent fact of being a curse that your drive to fulfill your desire ended in human death. But killing wasn't the drive you yearned for, and you were more than happy to have something that would live to fuck another day. It was the whole reason you enjoyed other curses much more, anyway.
“Alright, I'll bite.” Mahito smiled. “What's the fun way?”
Your lips curled into a smile worth a hundred bucks. Now here you were, gripping his hair, licking his teeth and waiting eagerly for what came next.
Mahito lifted you up into his lap with what seemed like two arms wrapping around your thighs like thick belts. Two others squished and pulled on your asscheeks, torturing them, digits slipping forward to tease your clothed entrance from below. You wrapped your legs and arms around him, even though you didn't need to make much strength to be carried around. Against your belly, his hard-on pushed a tent on his leather pants. He pulled away from you with a laugh.
“This really isn't bad!”
“We haven't even started.” you leaned into his ear, scraping your lips against it before biting hard at his earlobe. “The fun part is that you can fuck me up”.
His eyes gleamed with fun and desire.
“How?” He pinned you against one of the walls. His smile was unnaturally wide, tugging at the muscles of his cheeks, pushing them up against his lower eyelids that squeezed against his fiery wide glare.
“However you want.” Your own stare burned with passion, knowing the idea of destroying you would fuel his fire to the maximum.
His dick twitched in his pants, achingly hard. A fifth arm stretched out of his stitched, toned right shoulder. His hand caressed the side of your face, combing your hair slowly back, tucking it behind your ear, before gripping your face roughly and pushing your head against the wall. He deformed it, veins and muscles bulging and pulsing in waves through your face and down your neck, while you healed up, undoing his damage and rolling your eyes back into your head. You savored his torture. His mismatched eyes burned with glee and he laughed, near maniacally, at your enjoyment.
“You-! You are too much fun!” He licked his lips and continued to cackle, like he had a front seat in the world's best joyride.
“More from the inside.” You teased. You lowered your hand to his pants and wrapped your fingers around the outline of his dick. He hissed as you stroked him, making you bite your lip at the sound.
The hand that was deforming your face stopped its transfiguring and moved to the top of your head, where it pulled your hair. He pressed your body further against the wall, giving you enough stability to bring both your hands to his pants, unzip them and allow his cock to spring free from the leather. You wrapped your hand around it and stroked him. Starting at the base, where it sprouted through the patch of brown fur that framed it, all the way to its pink round head. Your other hand caressed his abdomen, circling and clawing at the stitches in his cum gutters.
Mahito moaned and bucked his hips into your touch, squeezing your ass and thighs harder, pulling on your hair tighter. His eyes fluttered and his mouth hung open, before his sight landed on your chest, rising and falling under your tight fit shirt.
You encouraged him with a hum and the hand that was pulling your hair moved downwards, where its forearm split into halves. They promptly scrunched the cloth at the neck seam, one on each side, and ripped it apart, turning it to a cluster of circular tatters hanging from your waist and arms. His lips let out a long loud breath with the aftersound of a suppressed moan, almost like he was trying not to drool at the sight. He buried his face in your chest with nothing but nirvana in his mind.
You held the back of his head and nuzzled his hair as you kept stroking him, his pleasure-filled expression hidden between your breasts. Your breaths were heavy, and he would not stop letting out quiet grunts at your handjob. His hands roughly massaged your ass and the flesh belts around your thighs cut circulation to your feet, making them tingle. The arm that had split in two reunified, being joined by a sixth on the left side, and they both fondled your breasts. Mahito squeezed his face between the mounds and placed unrestrained bites and licks on them. When he felt himself getting close, he placed his lips against your ribs and muttered into them.
“You were right. I need the rest of it. I need to get in you.”
Mahito gripped your shoulders and slammed you against the wall once again, making you fumble the stroking rhythm you had. With the other pair of arms he gripped your asscheeks like rough dough and pulled you against him, rubbing his dick over your crotch. His nails dug in to the point of piercing cloth.
He brought his arms down from your breasts to fumble with the string of your pants. Unable to pull them or rip them away because of your legs around him, he turned around and let go of your ass, making you fall head-first into the floor. An unpleasant cracking was heard and blood splattered in a beautiful halo around your head, and you just healed the concussion shut. The only thing off the floor were your legs, still held at the sides of his hips. He stepped back and pulled your pants off with two hands at the rim and the two belts at the thighs, now sliding down to your knees and shins. When the pants were off, he tossed them to the side and recoiled the belts back into his body.
With now four arms, he crawled over you and pressed your legs apart. Mahito ripped the underwear you had like it was made of paper, throwing the pieces to the side. He held his dick in one hand, gently rubbing the head against your labia.
“God, I'm going to ruin you.” He grinned with a sing-sing tune of pure glee.
You grabbed him by the poncho and pulled him down to your level so you could talk.
“Think I'm not already rotten?” You whispered into his ear and licked your bottom lip, awaiting his response.
Instead of a witty remark, he just buried himself into you until bottoming out. He bit his lip and swallowed a big gulp, and you salivated with lascivious anticipation watching the stitches on his neck rise and fall from the movement.
“Fuck… This is good.” He muttered almost resentfully.
He threw his head back and enjoyed the feeling of your warm cunt. It was slicker than whatever he had before. Deeper. Warmer. Everything about the real thing, with the wetness and interaction of a willing participant, didn't compare to what he had done to transfigured humans, or to corpses, or to himself. Snapping back to reality, he started moving, and without much buildup he went right to pumping into you repeatedly. He was not at all mindful of still having his clothes on, of being on the cold floor, or even recalled being able to transfigure you while he was at it. All he could enjoy was the feeling.
You gripped the cloth falling over his back and started bunching it over his stitched shoulders, tucking his hair out of the way. When you got to the rim, you pulled the poncho over his head and he carelessly shoved it aside, shaking it off of the single arm that was stuck in its segmented sleeve. His hair fell forward with the movement and it now hung over you, grazing and tickling your chest. The view of his abs over you as he pounded was significantly better than a damn windowpane poncho.
Your own hands were busy as you tugged forcefully on a strand of his hair and decided to touch yourself, bringing about the familiar buildup of heat and electricity in the pit of your stomach. He noticed your hand and soon had it joined by an extra mouth, sprouting comically forward from his lower abdomen, right through his treasure trail. The mouth licked right with and over your fingers, and soon you were holding your pussy open for him, pressing down on your labia with your fingers. Their occasional twitching, your body's way to dispel some of the tension it was building.
“Do you want to feel what it's like when something comes around you? When they squeeze with you inside?” You teased, coaxing dirty talk out of him.
“I do… Come and scream my name. Fuck, I want to watch your face while you do it.”
“Then fuck me harder…” You mewled. His thrusts got stronger and he brought one of the arms sustaining his torso to grip your shoulder and push you harder against him with every pound. Your back chafed against the concrete, ripping at the skin of your scapulas. The mouth on your clit latched on and flicked its tongue around, catching the bud repeatedly.
Mahito lifted the last arm that sustained his torso from the floor, putting his weight on your thighs with the other pair. It forced them higher. It made your muscles sting. You unfolded your knees and placed your calves on his shoulders, and the position was riveting. He placed that hand on your mouth, where he pulled your lips, pinched your tongue, enjoyed the drool. Mahito straightened his back, lifting his torso away from your face. He ended up gripping your lower jaw like a handle, his knuckles under your tongue and thumb pressing into the soft spot under your chin. His nails cut the bottom of your mouth and he probably dislocated your jaw a couple of times with his thrusting, but fuck if you cared.
Your eyes rolled over as the heat built up higher and your toes curled around nothing. You thrashed your feet about in restlessness and the hands holding your thighs apart just tightened their grip, wavering with the movement of the muscles underneath them. You called out to him as promised and came around him. The pressure washed away in waves, rolling over you one by one in electric spasms. The tongue in the abdominal mouth flattened against your clit and you let it lick a trail slowly upwards. He could barely process his thoughts when the first spasm jolted your lower region.
“Ma- a- Ah!!” you fumbled your attempt to utter his name a second time.
“Ah...! Shit!” His eyes shot open and his mouth hung agape as you clenched around his dick.
He lost the regularity in his thrusting and let his sight glaze over, twitching at the feeling of your slick. The pulse brought him over the edge, and before your orgasm had fully waived he was moaning and pumping sloppily into you, spurting warm cum through your insides. His moans were even louder than yours, and his arms shook from the pleasure. Your half-lidded eyes framed by sweat met his and he had to shut them and turn his head away so he wouldn't be distracted. He moaned with the shivers that ran down his legs, his abdomen spasming and clenching. The abdominal mouth hung and drooled against your crotch, devoid of mind.
“Shit… you got so tight.” Mahito sighed, catching his breath, still coming down from his high.
“Isn't it so nice? You'll have to make me come again if you want more of that.” you giggled, partly trying to convince him to please you harder.
“Oh, I'll do so much more than make you come.” The man shook his head softly and looked down on you with a grin.
He didn't have such an issue as a refractory period. As soon as his dick went soft, he just made himself a new one and pushed that within you instead.
“Ah… More…” you cooed after his first few thrusts and it gave him a brand new idea.
Without ever pulling out, he made his cock a full double its volume. It shifted with delicious waves to the length of his foot and the thickness of a wrist. You bit your lips feeling its growth inside you, expanding your walls tighter. He pulled it out just to tease and even pushing it back took a little effort. The member stretched you open, the friction helped by all the wet and seed already inside. You felt a tinge of pride in your own pussy for taking it. He went right back to fucking. The pounding of this new dick made you feel so delightfully full, and the mild pain of his tip hitting your cervix was nothing but seasoning to your masochism. He wouldn't slide all the way in, instead he just pushed against the spongy back of your pussy until he felt too much resistance and slid back out, again and again.
The hand he once had in your mouth slithered down to your neck, where it was soon joined by the one that held your shoulder. He now had two hands on your thighs and two on your neck. He put his full weight on your trachea, and he seemed to love the feeling of wrapping his fingers around your small chunk of spine and muscle and grip it tight, with full suffocating intent. You couldn't breathe, but you didn't need to. His rhythmic slams against your cunt translated to his fingers digging harder and harder into your flesh, unrelenting as tugs on a zip tie. Pump after pump after pump, the pressure on your neck and on your cervix mixed in your head. They fought for your attention in turns with whichever felt strongest at any given second.
“Ah… I want to kill you so bad. I wanna blow you up into pieces.” Both arms pressed into your neck hard enough to scrunch it thin, folding the skin into rolls. He admired it as its color transitioned in a spotty gradient from pale to pink to red, to near grape under his fingers.
You couldn't talk, but you ran your finger under his chin and up his cheek, up to the stitches near his ear. You gripped the hair at the back of his head with both hands and held the blue-gray strands tight while he rolled repeatedly into you. He hissed in contentment at the feeling of you around him, at the sight of him around you, at the collapsing of your trachea under his hands. It made him way too aroused.
His gaze dropped slowly to your abdomen again and, with an intrusive thought, he decided to push into you until the base of his shaft. The pain stole your attention fully to your nether region. He pushed past any point of comfort into your cervix and gawked at the sight of your abdomen bulging ever so slightly to accommodate him. The sight made his dick twitch with the will to release. The feeling of pushing into your cervix past its intended size put wonderful pressure against his head. He pumped again and immediately had to stop himself because his stomach was coiling in pleasure against his will.
“Shit… I don't wanna come again already.” He let go of your neck and pulled out of you with haste, leaving with a loud sigh.
The curse panted loudly and stood up with laborious effort. He used this break to get his pants fully off. Both gasped for air, though you had much more of a reason. He wormed his legs out one after the other like boneless noodles and threw the pants in roughly the same direction where his poncho sat on the floor.
“You've made yourself such a gorgeous body.” you sat up and reached forward to grip the stitches in his thighs with admiration. You ran your digits over the raised clamps along the scar lines and resisted the urge to lean forward to kiss them. Mahito had kept human legs, even if the hairy patch around his base was still more like fur than pubes. Everything about his body was perfect to you. He snorted.
“You like it?” His smile widened. “How about this?”
With that, he split the dick mercilessly in half and reshaped both semicircles to the same girth as the first. He now had two wonderful shafts of exquisite size hanging from the soft brown fuzziness of his crotch.
“Fuck…” You whined, wordless except for the blushing in your cheeks and the glistening in your eyes. You scooted closer to him and sat up on your knees to get your mouth to the height where it could ghost over the shafts. You held them and fidgeted with their shapes, occasionally running your tongue along them, kissing their sides and cupping his balls. You looked up at him as you placed a hard lick over one of the tips and then the other in succession, tasting the precum that seeped from both. He could swear his balls ached at the sight.
“Get up and turn around for me?” Mahito grabbed both shafts and stepped back to keep you from worshiping them any longer. You bemoaned the loss, but got up and turned your back to him.
He embraced you with care and placed pecks on your neck. Mahito stretched an arm to the side and pushed the small wooden table that sat in the middle of the room against a wall. He walked forward with you until he had your legs pushing against the table’s edge and both of you faced the wall. You watched with wonder and a tinge of horror as a bramble of independent limbs split from his own and wrapped around the table.
Mahito placed a long, breathy kiss on your nape before putting his palm on your back and bending you over. You let him hold your wrists delicately and put them together above your head. He guided your forearms to lean against the wall, where he gripped them tight, making sure your hands wouldn't go anywhere. Two hands stretched from the table only to hold you by the lats, steadying you. Still carefully, the curse rubbed your shoulders and bent over you. He kissed your back and ran his other three hands down your sides, squeezing your anatomy and rubbing gentle scratches on the fats he could grip.
“You are being so wonderful, sweetheart.” Mahito placed kisses all over your back, his hair dragging ticklish paths along your sides. You looked back at him. The mood seemed to shift to something more loving than you ever expected.
“So caring all of a sudden? What's the matter, are you insecure about the b-- ahh?” He immediately shoved the top shaft inside your pussy until the base, shutting up any cocky comments coming out of you. The pain devolved your words into incoherence.
“You don't think I'm some kid, do you? I enjoy your teasing, but I'm inexperienced, not stupid. I'm being nice because I need you to relax if I want them both in.” He patted your butt and rubbed it in circles with both hands. “So you'll just enjoy it for me, yes?”
“I will… Mahito.” The line left you breathless. He was suddenly so much hotter than you'd thought. So far you thought you'd been commanding him, but it hadn't crossed your mind that he knew what he was doing. He knew what he was doing.
As he was standing behind you, he had a perfect view of your entrance dripping for him and he gripped your asscheeks and hummed while looking down at it. The way your back arched so nicely against him when he rolled his hips into you was almost as riveting and the feeling of the bottom dick rubbing against your clit with his back and forth. He pushed a few times, letting his cockhead rub on the hood of your clit, before he reached one hand around your thigh to your crotch. The man felt for your clitoris and then gave his palm a mouth to eat you out with. His fingers sprawled under your entrance, where he kept slowly rocking against you.
“Not that you don't have something I didn't know, but the missing piece was feeling it. I know plenty. It's… a Mary's room situation.” He kept talking, earnest and lost in thought while his hand sucked and licked your clit, mindlessly rubbing and patting your curves in admiration. The second shaft twitched and smeared precum on the back of his hand. “I guess it's just that… I can be too rough for humans to have any of the good stuff, I assumed I just couldn't get it.”
He placed one palm on your back and you felt the most sensitive spot of your clit peek out and expand, becoming bigger, more sensitive. Within your muscles, nerve endings branched and reached, making the pleasure increase threefold. If before you were casually enjoying his eating out, now you spasmed and lost breath as the feeling moved you dangerously up the drop of a roller-coaster. You whined incoherent.
“But you… You've shown me the pleasure in them.” He lowered his abs over your back again and got close to your ear. Licks, pecks and bites peppered your back, popping up in places you know mouths shouldn't be. “The pleasure of your wet, gorgeous pussy, deep and clenching for me… No dead or unwilling thing has it. You'll come for me again, won't you, dearie?”
“Mahito- I'm- Ah, I'm-!” Your breath hitched with the building electricity.
“That's just what I wanted to hear!” He chuckled with a genuineness that felt out of place.
The roller-coaster stopped for only a second at the peak of chilling anticipation before dropping you into a storm of pleasure, washing away. You moaned without thought, the sound echoing against the walls and bringing heat to your cheeks with the embarrassment of your pathetic noises. Your legs shook and threatened to give in, but he had more than two arms holding you tight. As you came off it your heartbeat thumped in your ears, in your chest, in your clit.
He praised you as you came, closing his eyes to enjoy your spasming velvet walls around his dick. You felt like heaven, tight, swollen to all hell, plush, malleable as a squishy toy. He couldn't believe he'd willingly discarded it as literary hyperbole. It could be as good as he'd imagined, and it was breaking him. The red of Mary's apple, sitting right in front of his eyes.
Before your mind was back to the present, he pulled out his cock dripping with slick and pressed the tip softly against your ass. With the hand that ate you out, he gathered as much wetness and he could on his fingers by rubbing them between your folds and brought that hand to your anus, where his fingers entered you to spread it all around.
He now had one hand holding your arms and one in the small of your back angling your ass up at him, another one that thrusted softly into your anus and a final one held his top shaft, preparing it to enter. You had just come off your orgasm when he pushed the shaft inside, slowly against the resistance of your ring. The burn reminded you, what you'd almost forgotten by now, that his dicks were still unpleasantly too big.
You whined and he reassured you with shushes and pats until he was in to the hilt. “You said I can fuck you up and you can't take this much? You're disappointing me…”
“It's not- a complaint.” You clarified. It really wasn't, the noises you produced were entirely reflexive.
Mahito hummed in agreement and held the bottom shaft that peeked between your thighs. He pumped it with his fist to spread the excessive precum that seeped from the tip. It had been dripping, neglected since you last licked it. He curved it towards your pussy and pushed in. You felt stuffed, entirely full, with no space left for yearning, no matter how much arousal had deepened your canal. Especially with both their sizes, it was entirely too much.
“This… is so crazy good. Even when I'm not doing anything else…” Mahito sighed as he slid leisurely back and forth into the holes, fully devoted to feeling. The pleasure of a slick recipient was doubled, occupying more of his mind than anything else had. He gripped the back of your head without looking and felt the sticky matted dirt of blood on your hair.
“Hm? What's this from?” He removed his hand in surprise.
“You… when you got my pants off.” You murmured.
“I like it.” He brought the hand to his mouth and licked the blood off it. “I think I know what I want to do…”
“I don't care what you do, just fuck me… please…” you whimpered, growing desperate at his stalling. You tried remove your hands from his grip, but they were well secured above your head. He ran that thumb over your knuckles in consolation.
“Hm, like this?” He pulled back and slammed into you in mockery.
“Yes! Please…!” you nodded vigorously.
“Is that so? I think I would rather…” He vexed and extended two of his arms forward, where they wrapped around your neck and forehead to pull your head back as far as it could bend. Your neck ached and your mouth opened wide in an effort to relieve his grip on your neck. “Even like that?”
“Anything… please-!” You begged, filling up his sadistic ego.
“Aye aye then…” he cheerfully agreed.
He held your hip with his only free hand and pounded you, over and over, without restraint. The arms that held you stretched unnaturally long to allow him to straighten his posture and pound with his full body. Grunts left his lips that sounded entirely too hot to be caused just by effort.
Mahito kept a steady rhythm and pulled your head back with his hands, forcing every muscle in the front of your neck to stretch taut. Your sight was confined to your forearms rubbing against the unpainted cement wall. His grip on your wrists turned your skin white, outlined by a flurry of red streaks. You spread your pinkies apart, trying to place your fingers on the wall, but barely achieved it, still restrained by his fist.
The hand on your neck twisted your anatomy, sending bulges of vein and muscle through you like shivers, pulsing your entire body with gross transfiguration. Not only that, but it sharpened, the web of this thumb thinning into a blade's edge and piercing into skin with his grip. You gasped in desperation as it started to dig into muscle and tried to heal the cut shut against his hand. He tightened his grip and shook your neck, back and forth, to dispel your effort.
“No.” His hand pierced further. “Let it run.”
Blood dripped down your torso, tickling your chest in its path and leaving sticky ruby trails in its wake. Drips ran down his arm and over your collarbones, contouring the mounds of your breasts, until they could reach your belly and fall to the ground, heavy with accumulated volume, unable to reach any further down and losing their grip on skin from the shaking of his pounds.
The cut burned like fire, stealing your attention from anything else. To get your focus back down, Mahito slammed into you hard and started sliding the shafts in alternating paces. He didn't need to thrust his hips: they pumped autonomously. The feeling was like nothing you'd ever had, either. You attempted to force words out of the hyperstimulating cacophony of sensations he was putting you through, shaking your attention away just to call his name. You bucked your hips backward into his thrusts, helping his movement in the only way you could.
He wrapped two more arms around your waist, gluing his body to yours again, and gripped the softness right below your ribs. You lost count of how many he had. He curved his fingers inward into the middle of your abdomen, sharpening his fingertips into precise blades, piercing at the skin and gripping as if he were going to pull out chunks with his bare hands. He gripped your fat and rammed his hips deliciously as blood ran piping hot down his forearms. The curse moaned and let his mouth hang agape, eyes half-lidded in pleasure, as the inherent eroticism of entering flesh turned him on so bad he thought he might come immediately. The pained cry that left your mouth went from his ears straight to his dick.
“Fuuuuck.” He leaned down and breathed hard against your back. The shaft in your ass twitched, bringing too much tension to his lower belly, relaying the message that with another second his balls would turn blue. You clenched your hole around it, milking it for release, and he couldn’t hold anything back. It pumped your ass full of seed, spewing jets of white inside you. Mahito placed his forehead against your spine and whined, his mouth ghosting over you with a small string of drool below. His fringe caught on beaded sweat and stuck to your back, but still he never stopped pumping. It was all only from the dick on top, the one that had been in you the longest. The one in your pussy still hurt for release, winding a fiery coil in his stomach.
His palms distorted you, shifting your insides so your flesh would compress and release against him. He was using you, making you a flesh toy, providing squeeze in his own terms. It peeved him for being too little effort from you, too close to what he already knew, but just the puffiness of your cunt against him was novelty enough. He didn't care now that he was in despair, pining for a second orgasm that didn't delay much further.
He came for the second time with cries that seemed almost painful and whipped his spine straight, carelessly forgetting himself and pulling on your head enough to snap it backwards. He moaned pathetically with the shakes of every muscle and attempted to rock his hips with faltering success. He let go of the grip in every hand and dropped his sweat-covered frame over you, pushing your body down into the table.
“Ah… ah… are you- alive?” He asked meekly at your limp, unmoving frame. He'd done things that would kill a human a few times, but he wondered if this had been too much.
“I told you I would be.” You replied with equally breathless lilt from underneath.
Happiness painted his perspective in pink and he recoiled all but two arms back while the main pair slithered underneath to hug you tenderly. The sticky layer of blood made his hug that much warmer in the literal sense, giving tangibility to the figurative warmth of his thanks. He pulled you tight into his embrace, and you folded your arms over your shoulders to pat his head on your nape, both waiting for their breaths to settle.
“I know it's been dragging out for long, but still… I don't want it to stop.” Mahito turned to nuzzle the side of your head. “I still wish I had more… more of the things only you can give.”
You pushed yourself off the table, forcing him to slip out of your holes and lift himself off as well. You turned to him and cuffed his chin to bring his lips down on yours, kissing him with sloppy nods, which one could almost mistake for a loving trade of affection. He wrapped his bloodied hands on your back, dragging trails that mixed with sweat to smear more than they should. Your lips separated and your eyes met his mismatched pair, half-lidded and full of wonder.
“Tell me…” you whispered into his lips with confidence he had expected to have snuffed out after all this.
“I want to experience your body more…” He licked his bottom lip, unable to divert his eyes from yours. “Let me find out how much I can dismantle you before you break”.
“If you still have the vigor, I'll give you something that you really never had from your attempts.”
You pushed him backwards, making him stumble with crooked steps and fall on his ass. His smile spread further than humanly possible when you got down and crawled over him, dressed in a stained scarf of blood that licked your entire torso in red.
You kneeled at the sides of his hips and reached down to ride him.
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harmonysanreads · 18 days
IM SO EXCITED FOR A NEW SUMERU BOYYY, honestly missed Sumeru sm, so glad to see my babies again (+ new friend!!! or foe? idk can't wait for Cyno's SQ :ppp)
Ohh, I have been thinking, thinking and thinking about this matter ever since he was introduced. But I waited till Cyno's story quest to reach a conclusion.
[ au masterlist ]
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Based on my observation, Sethos is well-spoken, quite charismatic and even though he may appear to be suspicious at first, he's actually a good person. A very promising leader who's determined to not be bound by the past, but, he's still on the path of understanding himself. There are many things he isn't certain of and I'm sure there are insecurities that plague him because of the divergence between him and Cyno. He does have the potential to be part of this chaos as a love interest, but I'm more interested in introducing himself as a red-herring.
[ Spoilers for Cyno's Story Quest Under the Cut ]
We do know that Sethos visited the tavern within Sumeru city and stayed for a while. In this case, him meeting you and having a casual conversation isn't that difficult. Perhaps you noticed that beneath the easy-going veneer, he's inherently troubled. Sethos will not share everything about his life on the first chat, yes, but he does seem like the perceptive kind. So, just you asking him would linger in his mind.
Now the problem starts with Wanderer noticing this transaction and if he was still thinking from the perspective of the past, he would've just ignored this. But seeing as how things with Kaveh turned out, he was determined to not have a repeat. So, he threw his fists the moment Sethos ventured out from watchful eyes.
Not the most elegant solution but it appealed to him the most at that moment. Unfortunately, as Sethos is in possession of one of the Ba Fragments, he managed to put up quite the fight and also discovered that the sweet-child behavior Wanderer dons in front of you is a facade. Wanderer wasn't panicked though, you don't even believe Cyno's accusations against him, Sethos convincing you is a far away dream.
Speaking of Cyno, Cyrus's case had to be the talk of the Akademiya by then, which our dear Wanderer caught on to. Luck does shine upon everyone and it didn't take long for Wanderer to devise a new plan. While Alhaitham and Kaveh were figuring the case out by themselves, Wanderer snuck in a picture of Sethos within the act, you, the unfortunate student and Sethos himself caught in one frame. How he got the picture is unimportant. As per Wanderer's expectations, Cyno assumed that the perpetrator of the scheme (Sethos) was planning on harming you as well and he immediately set off towards the desert. Seeds of further conflict successfully sown.
And the rest happened in the same sequence, except Sethos and Cyno's fight might've been more intense. While Wanderer may have made a good move this time, he still left himself bare to another eye. Sethos's arc is far from completion, so the chances of him cooperating with Cyno to expose Wanderer have been raised.
In conclusion, Sethos will not be an immediate love interest but he definitely will work in your interest in the future. The reason why his status is still uncertain is because of his unfinished arc. Hm. Maybe he might just manage to overthrow everyone else and win you in the end? Anything is possible :>
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fqreverwinter · 3 months
— — — —
relationship: loki x fem!reader
summary: you were loki’s teenage love, but he lost you too soon. in his quest to save the sacred timeline, he time-slips to you, not knowing that you are the one thing that could help him.
warnings: none! :)
word count: 2.6k
notes: i guess i’m back in my loki era! this contains some spoilers for season two, so please read with caution if you have not seen it yet!
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The pain was like no other; time-slipping felt like Loki was being torn into a million pieces while being squished into a small box at the same time. Light flashed around him, making him feel dizzy whilst experiencing the excruciating pain. After the blinding few seconds that the phenomenon lasted, Loki finally landed in whatever spot the force thought he needed to be in next.
At first, he was confused. He was surrounded by trees and mountains—no where he had ever teleported to before. Once he got his bearings, he realized where he was.
It was strange. Each time Loki time-slipped, it was to a place that he had unfinished business in, whether it was the TVA in the past or the McDonald's in the way past that Sylvie worked in. He thought he had no unfinished business in Asgard.
He groaned. Unless it was to deal with his brother or his father.
As Loki began to curse whatever force was behind his teleportation for bringing him here to deal with his family drama, he heard a voice off in the distance. He paused, trying to determine where he knew this voice from. Then he heard it again and his heart skipped a beat.
"It can't be," he whispered under his breath, peeking around the tree that he spawned behind. But it was true. There, you sat, the first and greatest love he ever had.
You were on a stone bench in the middle of one of the many gardens of Asgard. Your hair was blowing in the soft summer breeze as you read aloud—your favorite way to read—a Midgardian book. Loki watched as you smiled or frowned with each line you read, taking in all of the features of your face that he missed so dearly.
You and Loki had met when you were teenagers. You lived in a cottage near the palace with your parents, both prominent jewelers in the realm. He came to their store one day with his brother to pick out a pair of earrings for the queen's birthday. You just happened to be sitting behind the counter talking with your mother when they arrived.
As soon as Loki laid eyes on you, he knew he wanted to marry you. You were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. While Thor worked with your mother to find the gift for Frigga, he walked over to you and began a conversation.
Loki came to the shop almost every day for two weeks, asking about you every single time. You never really frequented the store, so most of the time, your parents would turn him away. After his thirteenth visit in fifteen days, your father had enough and finally took Loki back to your cottage, where you were baking, another favorite hobby of yours. Your father explained that this "obnoxious prince" had tormented the store for too long and just wanted the pain to be over, as Loki stood behind him with a sheepish grin. You laughed and invited Loki to sit with you.
The rest became history. You and Loki officially began dating after a few outings, mostly walks along the forest or snacking on fruit in the palace's courtyard. Loki was enamored with you, as you were enamored with him.
But the worst happened just seven months after your relationship began. Loki left the palace that morning with the intention of bringing you to the library within the palace, somewhere you had expressed interest in seeing but never had the chance to visit. He planned a whole day: explore the shelves, allow you to pick as many books as you wanted, then have dinner with him and his family so you could meet them properly.
As he approached your neighborhood, he noticed swarms of people standing outside the perimeters as guards blocked anyone from approaching. Curious, Loki walked up to one guard that he recognized and asked what had happened. The guard explained that last night, a group of bandits had broken into the home of a jeweler with the intent to steal some of the more precious jewelry that they kept there. The family woke up in the process and they slaughtered all three: a mother, a father, and a daughter.
The words struck Loki like a knife. His heart sank as he started to push past the guards, but they refused to budge.
"Your highness, we cannot let you through. They are removing the bodies."
"No! You must! That's my love!" he cried, still trying to push past. But it was no use. He peeked through the gaps between the guards to see if he could catch a glimpse of the scene. The only thing he was able to see was your hand, one that he recognized because of the gold ring you always wore. It was covered in blood.
Loki shook the flashbacks out of his head as he continued to watch you read on the bench. Quite honestly, he never got over that day. It sent him into a dark spiral, one that probably led him to making all the poor choices he did and landing in this godforsaken TVA in the first place. But then he wondered, why would the slipping bring him here?
He tried to move closer to you without being obvious, hoping that there was something in the surroundings that would explain his sudden landing here. As he tiptoed closer, however, he stepped on a branch, leading to a loud crack! Your head snapped up at the noise, and you made eye contact with him. Loki froze, unsure of what to do.
"Loki?" you asked. "Is that you?"
He hesitated before saying, "Uh—Yes. It's me."
You smiled softly. "What are you doing? Why are you hiding? Come here."
You shifted to the side as you closed your book and placed it on your lap. He took a breath before emerging from underneath the tree. He could see you clearly now, and your beautiful face made his heart began to race all over again
How could this be happening? he wondered. How could you be here?
"You look... different. What's with the outfit change? It's so strange," you said through a giggle.
Loki smiled at your laugh, something that he hadn't heard in so long but always brought him comfort. He cleared his throat and answered, "Um, I was trying something new. Do you not like it?"
You shrugged, "I wouldn't say it's my favorite look of yours, but I could get used to it. Come sit next to me. I missed you."
He took another deep breath before sitting beside you on the bench, moving so carefully in case you were to disappear at any sudden movement. You reached over and brushed a strand of his hair behind his ear, noticing a new scar on the side of his face.
"What happened, sweetheart?" you asked with a frown, tracing your finger over it. "How could this have happened since last night?"
"Uh, it didn't," he replied, panicking for a response.
You furrowed your brows. "Then how have I never noticed it before? And why do you look so... different?"
You leaned back and looked at him closely, noticing some key differences. He looked older than you were used to, so much taller and so much stronger. He looked exhausted and frustrated and anxious all at the same time. Something in you said that this was not the Loki you knew.
Loki sighed, deciding to come clean. He could tell you knew something was up. And of course you did; he was foolish to think that he could ever pull the wool over your eyes. You were never one to fall for his tricks.
"The truth is, I'm from the future. I'm stuck in this... bureaucracy that controls the timeline of the universe. Something happened and the timeline is falling apart, and I've been slipping in and out of different places in time as a consequence."
You looked shocked for a moment, then laughed. But when Loki's face didn't change, you stopped.
"You're serious?" you asked with a surprised expression.
"Unfortunately, I am," he replied, hanging his head. "For some reason, I spawned here. I have no idea why. You—You're dead. You died, darling. And I don't know if this is some sort of torture from the bastard at the end of time or if there is some other motive—but it's breaking my heart to see you."
You looked at Loki as he sat beside you, breathing heavily and shaking from the emotions coursing through him. His words sat in your thoughts—you die? Well, obviously, you die at some point, but you die young?
You had a million questions to ask him about this circumstance, but you knew that wasn't the reason he was here. You decided to focus on him instead.
"Loki," you began, placing your hand on his shoulder. He looked up at you with tears running down his face.
"Don't cry, my love. You were brought here for a reason, and I doubt it was torture. What are you trying to do with this timeline? Do you need to fix it?"
He nodded, "We have to stop it from branching or—or this dangerous man will escape and start a war."
"Right," you said with a nod, although the entire situation confused you. "So what is stopping you?"
Loki sighed and looked back down at his hands. "I—I keep doing this time-slipping, and I don't know why. I cannot figure out what I am supposed to do. I've been working at it for centuries at this point, and every time I get remotely close, something happens and it doesn't work. And there's one final option left—but I just can't bring myself to do it."
Your heart broke at his lament. You loved him so much, and you hated seeing him so beat down like this. Then, he froze before picking his head up and looking at you with that mischievous grin that you recognized.
"I know! I know why I was brought here! I'm meant to save you!" he claimed excitedly. "I-I can save you from your death, and that way none of this would have ever happened. I can correct the wrongs of the past and just be happy."
His smile dropped when he realized you didn't return his excitement. Instead, you placed your hand on his knee and gave him a sad smile.
"I don't think that's the solution, love."
"No! It is! It has to be! This is the only place that the time-slipping has taken me to that had nothing to do with the people I met at the TVA. Clearly, I'm meant to prevent your death so that we can live happily together and I never made the mistakes I did."
"Loki," you said with a sigh, taking both of his hands in yours. "You said you had a choice to make, that there was a final option. Why won't you do it?"
He looked at you right in your eyes, clearly confused as to why you wouldn't just accept the fact that he wanted to save you. "Um, well, it would mean I'd never get to see my friends again. Like, physically. I'd be able to see them but they'd never be able to see me. And ever since you have been gone, I have had the hardest time finding a group of people to accept me again. I am not willing to let that go quite yet."
"Love, have I ever told you the story about my old dog?" you asked.
Loki looked at you with a puzzled expression. "Uh, no, I don't think so."
"Well," you began with a smile. "Her name was Daisy. She was this gorgeous little retriever who could brighten anyone's day. I got her when I was just four years old, so we pretty much grew up together. She was my favorite thing in the whole wide world. Then, just a few years ago, Daisy started to slow down. She was tired all the time, and she wouldn't eat or play. So, we took her to the closest animal expert. He said that she was really sick. We had to make the decision to either try a medicine that might work but could leave her in pain for the rest of her life or let her go out on her own terms. Do you know what we did?"
He shook his head.
"My parents left the decision up to me because she was technically my dog. I decided to not try the medicine and let her die on her own. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make. I would have loved to have more years with my Daisy, but I knew that she would not be happy. In the end, I had to make the choice that I knew was right, even if it meant losing something I loved."
Loki looked at you with wide eyes, nearly on the verge of tears again. He leaned into your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. Somehow, you always knew just what to say to make him feel better.
"So, my love," you began again, holding him close to you. "Sometimes we have to make the hard choice. Sometimes you have to give up something you love. But in the end, it will be worth it."
You held him for a while, no words spoken between the two of you. You could tell that Loki needed this, he needed to just be around you for a little while longer.
Loki, now knowing what he had to do, just took in the moment for as long as he could. It had been years since he felt you. He memorized every curve of your body, every feeling he had touching you, the way you gently rubbed circles on his shoulder, the way you placed a soft kiss on his forehead every so often.
"Thank you," he finally muttered, sitting up and looking at your eyes again. "I just miss you so much."
"I know, sweetheart," you said. "But look at the life you have without me!"
Loki shook his head with a cynical laugh. "I tried to kill Thor, destroy Jotunheim, then take over Midgard until I was captured and forced into this bureaucracy. I have had no life without you, darling."
You looked at him in disbelief for a moment, trying to figure out what to say to all that. "Well, now you have the chance to make up for all that. Be a hero, my love. What's that thing you always say? Greater purpose?"
He laughed, "Glorious purpose, yes."
"Yeah, that! Do that, sweetheart. I'll love you forever, no matter what happens. You know that."
He nodded and stood up, finally feeling ready to take on his mission. As he rose, he noticed the world around you starting to turn into string. He could not bear seeing you disappear again like he saw all his friends. It would be too much, losing you twice. You looked around in confusion as well.
"What's going on?" you asked with a puzzled look.
"It's no matter. Just look at me," Loki replied. You turned to face him. He smiled, memorizing your face one last time.
"Thank you again, my darling. I love you more than you'll ever know."
You smiled at him one last time.
Somehow, Loki had figured out how to control his time-slipping. He felt it in his veins as he was able to spawn back in the TVA without any excruciating pain or blinding light. He looked around at all of his friends—all the people he met on this journey. He closed his eyes and pictured you, the beautiful you he saw sitting on the bench and reading your book. He took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and formulated his plan to save the world.
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rin-fukuroi · 6 months
𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 [𝐀𝐥𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐦]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairings: Alhaitham x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, Kaveh's cameo, masturbation, dacryphilia, sweet fantasies of rough blowjob;D
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Oh, words cannot express how much I love Alhaitham, and I was always sad to see that almost no one wrote about how he masturbates. This is a huge omission, I think.
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art: @eriimyon
In part, Alhaitham was even jealous of his annoying roommate. Although in many ways Kaveh's lifestyle and beliefs seemed absurd to the Secretary, he couldn't deny the fact that the unnerving architect surprisingly had the ability to easily make new acquaintances and win people over. Alhaitham has never needed such a skill, finding social interactions an empty, and sometimes even harmful, waste of time. Communication with people is not beneficial, which means it is not necessary. So why is he so desperate to communicate with you, stumbling over words every time he tries to squeeze out something more than a silent nod of greeting?
This is illogical. This goes beyond his understanding, and therefore raises more and more questions. He spends whole evenings assessing his physical condition, noting a rapid heartbeat in your presence, distraction, sudden verbal degradation, an inexplicable desire to attract your attention and…
Right now, he was really thinking about the cause of his new problem. Was the aching erection in his now tight trousers caused by irritation after Alhaitham noticed how Kaveh was frivolously cooing with you, while he still couldn't figure out why it was so damn annoying for him? Perhaps. Although earlier outbursts of anger had not caused such a reaction, the Secretary went through several more options, settling on the only one that seemed plausible and reasonable enough to him.
Alhaitham is jealous.
The Secretary is in turmoil, but mentally he ticked off all signs of jealousy, catching himself thinking that his envy and anger towards Kaveh lately were caused by feelings he had for you. How reckless and stupid. Feelings defy logic, which makes it impossible for Alhaitham to even try to control them.
This irritates the poor scientist even more when a hopeless quiet growl leaves his throat and a large palm dives under the table. He can't concentrate. You're not letting him focus. The expression of pleasure from communicating with his roommate on your face and the way Kaveh's hand rested shamelessly lightly on your shoulder, while Alhaitham didn't even dare to speak to you, infuriated the Secretary. He shouldn't have these feelings. He shouldn't be thinking about how he could grab your wrist, yanking you out of a nice conversation with a drunken loser architect living off of him. He shouldn't think that he can give you more. He shouldn't think about how, instead of wasting his time chatting with Kaveh, you could now calm his excitement, which is as uncontrollable as the feelings that are sickeningly bubbling in his chest.
And he doesn't think about it. Not at all.
His long fingers quickly straighten the belt, lowering the soft fabric of his trousers. And Alhaitham doesn't think at all about how your miniature hands could do it. While one of his hands lifts up the top that hugs his embossed torso, allowing a hard, languishing erection to hit his lower abdomen, Alhaitham doesn't think at all about what the expression on your face might be if you were under his table right now.
The Secretary hisses hopelessly, wrapping his calloused fingers around the throbbing flesh. His gaze slides over the papers scattered on the table for the last time before all thoughts of unfinished work leave his head. He can't work while you're dominating his mind like a parasite intent on destroying him from the inside. Alhaitham is so angry. Is his anger directed at you, or is he more annoyed by his own impotence? It doesn't matter anymore when his eyes blissfully close, reproducing your image under heavy eyelids.
He's so pathetic. You've barely exchanged a few phrases since he met you for the first time, and he already shamelessly imagines you sitting on your knees under his massive desk, salivating and greedily looking at his heavy cock, alluringly trembling in front of your face.
The fight against common sense was lost even at the moment when his penis treacherously rested against a muscular thigh, once again reminding Alhaitham that even he isn't immune from the primitive desires of his own body.
He wanted your soft lips to open, ready to take his entire length. Your outward purity and innocence only make the Secretary want to break you, blacken you with his insatiable cock, eager to be inside you. He's still tormented by the pathetic floundering of reason, trying to stop him and throw your vulgar image out of his head, but lust and base need immediately muffle the voice of reason, allowing Alhaitham to become an ordinary person in need of immediate discharge for just this moment.
The Secretary revels in fantasies about how you tentatively stick out your tongue, grabbing a salty bead of pre-ejaculate from the urethra with the tip to taste it, imitating this sinful action by stroking the sensitive head with the pad of your thumb. The sweet melody of your honey voice shimmers in my ears as a satisfied moan leaves your heaving chest.
Your seductive charm irritates Alhaitham even in his own fantasies, forcing him to tightly grasp a treacherous erection, repeating his own actions from the picture looming in his mind, where his fingers dive into your disheveled hair, forcibly forcing you to impale yourself on his pulsating length with one persistent and rough thrust. He can almost feel the walls of your narrow throat constricting in gagging spasms as you choke on his cock. You don't deserve mercy. You should feel in full on your own throat how great his disappointment is with his own powerlessness.
His knuckles turned white from the force with which Alhaitham clenched his fist, repeating the aggressive and ruthless pace that he set in your head in his imagination. Ah, your tears look so charming combined with the despair and silent pleading reflected in your sparkling eyes. This is what kind of Secretary would like to see you one day. Your smile makes his heart beat faster in his chest, but just the thought that the corners of your charming eyes would be filled with bitter tears of impotence from his cock destroying you from the inside, delighted Alhaitham. Perhaps he would even like Kaveh to see how you slowly lose yourself and die from his cock. Alhaitham wonders how much he could have angered his roomate if Kaveh had caught him with you doing such a vulgar thing?
The Secretary didn't even have time to notice how his hand began to gain an even more frenzied pace, his hips began to push greedily towards the movements of his palm, and his head fell back on the back of the chair while he was so desperately chasing orgasm, as if, if he slowed down even a little, he would again wallow in these unnerving warm feelings, from which he really wanted to get rid of it, at least for tonight.
Alhaitham can feel the phantom vibrations from your moans in his fantasies. You cry, pressing your nails into his hips, making pathetic attempts to slow down his movements, which further spurs the ruthless scientist to dig deeper into your throat with each new thrust. An image of your neck and the bulge under the delicate thin skin that his dick creates, stretching the spasming walls of your throat, appears before his eyes. How sweet. In his imagination, you choke, but you enjoy the way he defiles you. Your tear-stained eyes seem to beg him to cum in your mouth, but Alhaitham only grins ominously to himself, not going to indulge your desires even in his own imagination. You haven't paid enough for putting him in such a humiliating position yet.
His hips are shaking, and his cock is throbbing and swelling in his hand, which does not slow down for a second at a furious pace. His clouded mind paints a delightful picture of how his impressive organ leaves your warm throat to pour out sticky white threads on your tear-stained face. Hot jets scatter chaotically, settling in viscous drops on your hair, cheeks, eyelids and eyelashes wet with tears as you squint and whimper, still painfully pressing your fingers into his hips.
The palm swings lazily a couple more times before stopping at the base of the shuddering penis. A satisfied low and hoarse moan escapes from Alhaitham's throat and his body finally relaxes and slumps in the chair. It takes him a few seconds to descend from the height of his much-needed orgasm. The thought flashes through the scientist's mind that this pleasure was not even a tenth of what he could have experienced if he had brought all his dirty fantasies to life.
And now your image is finally leaving his mind, leaving behind a sickening aftertaste. For the first time in his life, Alhaitham feels ashamed of his own intemperance, which is completely out of character for him.
Emerald eyes open wide to tidy themselves up. The blurred silhouettes in front of his eyes finally form a clear picture, forcing the Secretary's shame to recede into the background, giving way to a new portion of irritation when he notices wet drops of his own sperm covering his palm, lower abdomen and… Documents lying on the table.
— Damn, — Alhaitham hisses, reaching for the box.
One day you'll have to pay for that too.
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t4t4tclethian · 4 months
The moment Joel realizes he has a crush on xB is, objectively, quite a funny one. He’d almost certainly be laughing about it if it had been anyone else. As it is, though, he’s hopping mad, extremely indignant, and deeply embarrassed about the whole thing. Who ever heard of a hitman falling for their mark? (Well, a lot of people have- it’s a whole romance cliche for a reason. But it wasn’t supposed to actually happen!)
(ao3 link)
It had all started a few days earlier, when Joel had been hanging out with the other Magical Mountaineers in the breakroom. Gem and Impulse were poring over some papers together, Skizz was on a phone call in the corner, Mumbo was politely watching as Scar fumbled through some magic tricks, and Grian was sitting on the couch with Joel, listening to him rant about his failures at killing xB (he’d drawn the short straw). Everything was normal.
And then, when Joel paused his tirade to take a breath, Grian said those fatal words. “From the way you talk about this guy, Joel, it’s almost like you’ve got a crush on the mark!”
Which was ridiculous, of course! He does blummin’ not, thank you! His relationship with xB was a perfectly platonic contract killing, and Joel is a professional! He knows better than to fall for his target, and he indignantly tells Grian as much.
But, of course, Grian is Grian, and the second he senses he’s touched a nerve he doubles down. And so he did.
“Contract killing? Give me a break, Joel! Your contract on this guy expired ages ago, and you’re not the type to work for free.” Grian’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he continued to needle at Joel. “Admit it, there’s something else going on here, isn’t there?”
Joel spluttered, and took a deep breath as he glanced around the room. Fuck. Everyone had stopped what they were doing to listen in on him and Grian now. He had to say something to throw them off or he would never be able to live this conversation down.
“My contract might be done, but unlike some people I finish the things I start, thank you very much!”
Grian squawked in indignation, and as he did so the others chuckled and turned back to their own conversations, unfounded accusations of romance forgotten. Grian’s tendency to leave things unfinished was well-known, and something that every assassin at Magic Mountain had teased him over many times.
But that thought refused to leave his brain. It had wiggled its way in like a worm. Did he have a crush on xB? Is that why he kept coming back when any sane person would’ve just given it up already? And the answer, of course, is no. All of Joel’s actions here have perfectly reasonable and professional explanations.
Joel waits patiently on the rooftop across from Horse Head Farmer’s Market (which, despite the name, is actually a grocery store/money laundering scheme, not a farmer’s market), rifle at the ready, just as he has been for the past three and a half hours. You can’t rush a good sniping, after all, and xB’s schedule varies enough that Joel’s never quite sure when he’ll head out for lunch. (He’s pretty sure xB has done this specifically to spite Joel- the guy’s obsessed with him.)
Yes! Finally! xB steps out of the store, starts walking down the street, and- turns to look at Joel’s rooftop, makes direct eye contact with him, and gives him a friendly little wave, the infuriatingly sincere kind that makes Joel want to kill him even more. Dammit. He’s been caught. Also, wow, even from here Joel is a little wowed by how blue xB’s eyes are. Or maybe he’s just remembering how they look, because there’s no way Joel can actually see his eyes from here. They are definitely a very nice blue, though, and oh, huh, Joel realizes that Lizzie has blue eyes, too. Maybe he’s got a thing for blue-eyed people, and- OH SHIT RIGHT HE’S KILLING THIS GUY.
Joel fires, because even if he’s been discovered a vantage point is still a vantage point. Of course, xB somehow manages to not be in the bullet’s path, just like he always does, and then he gives Joel a disapproving look, like he’s actually disappointed Joel didn’t do a better job at trying to kill him.
God, he’s so cute, Joel’s brain has the audacity to think, like it’s trying to add insult to insult to injury. To Joel’s horror, he realizes in this moment that he’s had dozens, maybe even hundreds of thoughts like this, that just slipped through the cracks and went unnoticed.
Then, xB smiles at him again before heading on his way, and Joel falls off of the rooftop. He has time to think, Oh, I’m gonna kill Grian, as he plummets towards the ground. And then, everything goes dark, and he dies.
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Buck & Eddie: 5 unresolved items from season 6
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There were several things in season 6 that were left unresolved including some that happened between Buck and Eddie.  These are items they never discussed and IMO, it’s possible they might resurface in season 7 and present the small amount of angst that’s been mentioned by OS and RG during their recent interviews.
Full Disclosure:  When season 6 ended, I like many other viewers, absolutely LOATHED the way Buck’s and Eddie’s endings were handled since they were both shoehorned into relationships with one-dimensional love interests the same way they had been at the end of season 4.  The constant delays of Buddie going CANON was just 🙄 and at the time, I took a step back because it felt like all the metaphors, callbacks, foreshadowing and hindsight that happened during the first 13 episodes were replaced with a forced narrative.  Characters were retconned too so they could fit into some “metaphorical FOX procedural drama box” and it frustrated me.  After 6x18 aired, I took a couple of weeks to formulate my overall thoughts on the season and I completed 15 Constructive Criticisms posts to move past my frustrations. Additionally, I started writing a massive multi-chapter fanfic to unravel the mess that was season 6 and I must admit, doing so helped because I was able to put some of the messy pieces to that unfinished puzzle of a season together.
Now... back to the regularly scheduled programming…
This post highlights the 5 things IMO that are still in play that didn’t get resolved last season and I’ve included details about them below.  Since season 7 is shortened and only has 10 episodes, it’s possible none of the things listed will be revisited but it’s also possible they will. 
Before I get started, here’s a quick reminder, Buck and Eddie didn’t discuss any of the things listed in CANON.
1. The Donation
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Other than 6x7 when Eddie heard about Buck’s sperm donation for the first time at the firehouse, in 6x9 when they were on the four-way call when he responded to Chimney and said, “I don’t know… it kind of feels weird to congratulate him” and in 6x10 when he replied to Buck and said, “Sounds like your family had your back on the whole donation thing. That’s definitely progress” (notice he NEVER said he had Buck’s back on it and also his facial expressions in 6x9 after Buck’s announcement showed he wasn’t too thrilled about it) Buck and Eddie never discussed it.  Therefore, it is possible there could be some angst coming from it when the Buckley family’s other “deep dark family secret” (related post linked here) is revealed during or after Madney’s wedding.
Furthermore, Maddie’s NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT BUCK’S SPERM DONATION in CANON and every time it was mentioned in 6x10, it happened right after she left the room to check on Jee-Yun.  It’s obvious she knows about it since Chimney spoke up and said something to rebut Sang’s comment regarding a man raising another man’s child.  Another point to make about the whole “Meet the Parents” saga in 6x10 is the audience never saw Maddie converse with Sang and based on BTS information for season 7, it appears Sang, Albert nor Albert’s mom will be in attendance at the wedding. 👀
[FTR, I still don’t believe Connor and Kameron’s baby is biologically Buck's and I will stand on this hill, even if I have to stand alone, until there’s a blood test proving he is related to the baby (post linked here).]
2. The Onesie
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At the end of 6x9, Buck was asleep and he left the LAFD onesie he purchased sitting on top of his nightstand and it was right after the “Santa Ana Winds” ended.  However, there are two important things that should be remembered.
First, it has an LAFD logo on it which means it’s important to Buck because as he told Maddie in 2x18, "Being a firefighter is MY LIFE!  It’s the only thing I’ve ever done that was important and that mattered, ok?"
Why is this important? 
It’s important because BUCK IDENTIFIES HIMSELF AS A FIREFIGHTER and after all these years he still hasn’t figured out firefighting is what he does. Eddie knows Buck’s more than a firefighter especially since he knows and loves him to his CORE!  Also, if Buck believed the biological relation wasn't important, then he could have just bought a regular onesie from Target or Wal-Mart, right?  Yes!
Second, in 6x17, Kameron stayed with Buck for several days which means if he wanted to, he could have given it to her as a gift but he didn’t.  Therefore, it’s possible it might come back into play after 7x5 when Connor and Kameron are supposed to show up again (OS mentioned Buck being a sperm donor for his friends won’t resurface until after the first five episodes).  Additionally, after 6A, the narrative could have changed since the onesie wasn’t seen again and that could be due to all the audience backlash that happened after it was over.
Viewers didn’t like the jokes about Buck’s "swimmers" or the lack of his "alone time" and all the other ways the storyline was fumbled. By the start of 6B, the show tried to make the audience believe Buck understood he was the "donor not the dad" 👀. 
If the actual onesie doesn’t make a reappearance, then I believe the ramifications associated with the way Buck identifies himself will and it could be a point of contention between him and Eddie since Eddie was the one who told him in 4x14, “You act like you’re expendable... but you’re wrong”.
3. Buck’s Death
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At the end of 6x18, it appeared as if Buck still hadn’t dealt with the fact that he DIED and it’s possible nobody else has either, especially Eddie, Maddie, Bobby and their found family. Reminder, Maddie and Bobby both said, “Buck, you died!” and when they said it, Buck became frustrated.
However, when Eddie said, “You died Buck!”, he stopped and listened but the way Eddie said it was different for A LOT OF REASONS (post linked here).  After Eddie asked if he was allowed to ask how he was, Buck replied, “Honestly Eddie… I don’t know” but they have yet to have a full CANON conversation about the effects of it the same way they haven’t discussed any of their other shared traumas.
Additionally, during that conversation, they briefly discussed the shooting but they didn't fully talk about it other than Buck asking Eddie what he remembered. It’s another important and shared traumatic event that’s happened between them but like the well, the hostage situation and Eddie's breakdown, they still have yet to discuss it. Buck seemed to be a little upset by the fact that Eddie “said” he didn’t remember anything other than the searing pain he felt in his shoulder (I believe he remembers more than he said he does).
Buck's response was, “Is that it?” as if to say, “You don’t remember me crawling underneath a firetruck, pulling you out, picking you up and putting you inside of the truck? You don't remember me holding a gauze to your wound and asking you to stay with me? You don't remember asking me if I was hurt? Because I WAS!”  Also, it was kind of like Buck’s heart broke because Eddie “said” he doesn’t "really" remember it while Buck can’t forget the way his heart fell out of his chest that day when he saw the love of his life bleeding out in the middle of the street.
Also, Eddie’s still waiting for Buck to talk about the fact that he died. Reminder, Eddie's heart fell out of his chest too and he yelled at the hospital staff and told them to "Do More!" Even though they briefly discussed it while they were in the cemetery in 6x15, BUCK STILL HASN’T DEALT WITH IT YET!  If he would have gone to therapy instead of whatever he was doing with the DeAtH dOuLa, then maybe he would have dealt with it by now.
4. Buck’s Couch
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Full Disclosure:  Like so many viewers, I was pissed at the end of the season when Buck asked N to help him pick out a new couch because it didn’t make any sense and the truth is IT STILL DOESN’T but hindsight is 20/20 and I do believe the couch was still there for a reason.  IMO, it has everything to do with what could happen between Buck and Eddie in season 7.
Please note, these are my observations and interpretations about what I believe the destruction of Buck’s couch represented.
After Margaret bought Buck a new couch at the end of 6x11, beginning in 6x12, the show spent a lot of time showing how uncomfortable it was for Buck whenever he tried to rest on it.  Also, they AVOIDED showing it in a lot of other scenes even though Buck’s previous couch (the black leather one), when he still had it, could always be seen in the frame (post linked here).  However, the orange couch wasn’t fully seen until 6x18 before Kameron gave birth on it.
IMO, her giving birth on the couch Buck's mother purchased represented a lot of things including Buck’s idea of the life he always believed he was supposed to have.  Reminder, he gave his sperm (I don’t think the baby is his but let’s roll with this idea for a moment) to Connor (a former roommate) so him and his wife could have a baby even though Connor and Buck hadn’t seen each other in years.
He met him while they were in Peru and the only reason Buck ended up in L.A. was because Connor suggested he move with him and his friends because they were “kind of like a family”.  Also, he said Buck has a good heart and that was the reason why he wanted him to be their donor but reminder, the reasons why he said he chose him aren’t hereditary.
It appears the way Connor presented himself in 6x4, with a wife and in search of that "missing" piece (a baby) is exactly what Buck’s always wanted and that’s what his couch represented.  Let's be real, Connor manipulated Buck and they aren’t friends because if they were, wouldn’t he have invited Buck to the wedding or kept in contact with him over those three years? It kind of seemed like he wanted to rub his nose in the fact that he finally settled down while Buck was still living the bachelor life (not really because he already has his own family with Eddie and Chris, he just hasn't realized it yet).
The issue with Buck’s couches was he’s wanted his own family for years but the way his life has been presented, it appears he believes no one wants to build a life or a family with him and that's why he gave away a piece of himself. In doing so, he was trying to fix the issues he may have seen in Connor's and Kameron's marriage since it was barely hanging on by a thread.  Reminder, Connor let his pregnant wife leave and he didn’t try to reconcile with her.  Also, Buck never said why he didn’t want to turn them down when he was talking to Hen even though he should have.
I believe the destruction of Buck’s couch with the birth of the baby on it was about more than the couch itself.  It was destroyed and unsalvageable because THE DREAM OR IDEA Buck’s always believed he was supposed to have got destroyed when he gave his sperm away.  Also, the couch was his MOTHER’S idea of the life she wants him to have instead of the life he wants to have for himself, hence the reason why he told her he would get a couch when he was ready but she ignored him and bought him one anyway.
His "destroyed couch" illustrated the image Buck’s had in his mind of the life and the family he thought he was supposed to want for years, (i.e., a wife and a child) is no longer applicable because his family will include a husband, EDDIE and their son, CHRIS.
Reminder, there was a lot of talk about the types of family in 6B and they all related to Buck's idea of a family.  In 6x10, Buck told Bobby and Eddie, “It kind of felt like we were an actual family” but then Eddie replied, “You are an actual family”.  Also, in 6x13 when they went to play poker, Eddie responded to Buck while they were walking through the kitchen and said, “It’s a different kind of family” and later in the same episode, Chimney said to Maddie, Athena and Bobby, “Every family is different” but they were talking about Buck because Maddie said she would be furious with Buck if he did what Rhonda Fitzsimmons did when she used her nephew to gain access to Maddie's and Chimney's home.
5. Eddie’s Couch
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Eddie’s blue couch has always been Buck’s couch too and if it wasn’t going to be Buck's anymore, then something would have happened to it or Eddie would have bought a new one like he did at the end of season 2.  But Eddie didn’t and only Buck’s couch got DESTROYED at the end of season 6👀.
Reminder, in 6x9 Eddie was shown sleeping on it, in 6x12 Buck was shown sleeping on it and Chris was shown sleeping on it in 6x15.
Eddie didn’t get the blue couch until season 3 and the couch he had in season 2 was gray (post linked here).  It’s evident Buck still hasn’t figured out Eddie’s couch is also his even though he does know he’s not a guest there.
Therefore, Eddie’s couch and everything it represents for Buck, i.e., a romantic relationship, family and fatherhood will be in play until Buck realizes it or until Eddie explains it to him.
Will the small amount of angst Buck and Eddie experience in season 7 revolve around these 5 unresolved items or others? Only the showrunner, writers and producers know the answer to that question.
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sixth-light · 3 months
I've been thinking a lot lately* about how artistic works are so intimately products of their moment and in conversation with it, and how easy this is to overlook both in terms of discussing a work and in terms of anticipating or considering new additions to an older work.
The first is important because so many judgements that can be made about a work are only meaningful when you know what their context was. What readers need or want to see, particularly in terms of representation, is hugely mediated by what else is available to them at the time. Yeah this is about stuff like "Rocky Horror was progressive when it was created" but also it's about stuff like "the John Carter movie bombed because it was regarded as derivative", when in fact the source material originated a bunch of the 'derivative' scenes and tropes that were then used by better-known movies before a John Carter movie ever got made.
The second is important because...even if you come back to a work, as a creator, you can only make new parts of it as the person you are now, in conversation with the world and genre as it is now, not as it was when you started. Taking a mildly-infamous-among-fantasy-fans example, Melanie Rawn's unfinished Ambrai trilogy; she's often said that she can't finish it because her life has moved on and...as sad as I am it was never finished, I think that's probably smart! She could write a third book one day, maybe, but it never could or would be the third book she would have written in the 1990s. And even if she did manage that somehow, the genre has moved on in such a way that it would feel weird and probably quite offputting to read a book doing with gender and feminism what the Ambrai books were doing in the '90s, because they are/were inherently in conversation with an era of fantasy that is now past.
All of which is to say that:
as a reader (or watcher) I think it's good to hold in mind, when engaging with a work from a time and/or place unfamiliar to you, the extent of what you don't know about the context of the work
as a creator, I think it's good to be very realistic about what you're going to actually achieve when you are making something over a long time period or coming back to something you left unfinished. You can totally do that! It can be incredibly rewarding! But the thing you make now is not the thing you would have made then, probably not even the thing you imagined you were going to make then, and that's just the nature of art.
*The reason I have been thinking about this is partly books I have been reading (Mara of the Acoma, you are my blorbo) and partly a very fun podcast I have been listening to which has re-read The Ruins of Ambrai and done a lot of discussion about its context, finishing up with a great interview with Kate Elliott about writing fantasy in the '90s (and writing it now, as she is still writing great but different books!). Anyway go listen to the Hot Nuance Book Club, it's a good time.
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brbsoulnomming · 9 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 10
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | AO3
They're a restless group, checking weapons, going over the plan, bunching together in tiny groups of twos and threes that shift and change as they all seek something - distraction, comfort, anything to keep their minds off what's coming, he supposes.
After a while, Eddie finds himself alone, standing at the little kitchen of the camper and staring into a cabinet like he could stomach anything even if it wasn't all but bare. Erica and Dustin are sitting with their heads leaning into each other, discussing something that must be pretty important with how focused they are, though Eddie can't make it out. Robin's sprawled out on the couch, Nancy's reading through her notes again, one long line of tension. Steve sits with Lucas and Max, all loose limbs and forced ease, like he's done this a dozen times before.
He probably has, Eddie realizes, wondering just how many times this little group has sat together like this, waiting for their turn in the action.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Steve stand to rock up on his toes, miming tossing a basketball into a hoop.
"And the crowd went wild," Steve says, grinning widely and voice just loud enough to carry to where Eddie's standing. "I should know, I was in the crowd."
Lucas scoffs, says something that Eddie can't make out, though there's something like a tiny smile tugging at his lips.
"Robin'll back me up!" Steve says, purposefully louder this time. "Right, Robs?"
"I know better than to blindly agree to anything just like that, not after last time," Robin calls back without even opening her eyes.
"What happened last time?" Eddie asks, too curious not to.
She opens her eyes now, sitting up so she can look piteously at Eddie. "He tricked me into going running at dawn."
"Ouch," Eddie says sympathetically, resolving right then to never let that happen to him. "Thanks for the heads up."
Steve looks between the two of them, nose scrunched up like he's not sure he likes them ganging up on him, which makes Eddie flash a wide, gleeful grin at him.
"You're backing me up that Lucas was awesome at the game," Steve says, waving his hand like he's waving off their previous conversation.
"Oh! Yeah, okay, that I'll back you up on. You were great, Sinclair."
"See?" Steve says, turning back to him triumphantly. "Would I tell you that you were epic if it wasn't true?"
Lucas ducks his head. "Yeah, well, you stood up to cheer for me whenever I even made a good pass, so your definition of what's epic might be a little suspect."
Steve makes another motion with his hands, though Eddie's not sure if it's supposed to mimic some sports move or is just a meaningless gesture. "Man, no one ever cheers at good passes, and they should! Getting the ball to someone is just as important as the one who-"
"You went to the game Friday night?" Dustin interrupts, sounding betrayed. "I thought you had a date?"
Eddie… didn't know that Dustin knew that much about what was going on in Steve's life, which. All right, maybe there was some truth to how much Dustin talked about the guy beyond their shared adventures in the Upside Down.
"I did!" Steve protests. "Brenda and I went to the game."
Eddie raises his eyebrows. "…you took your date to a high school basketball game?" He doesn't want to agree with Dustin, but - he kind of agrees with Dustin, here. If that's Steve's idea of romance…
Steve scowls at him. "No, I took my date to a championship game where one of my-" He cuts himself off, jaw snapping shut with an audible click.
Robin immediately pounces on his unfinished sentence, gleeful. "One of your kids! Aw, Steve, you took your date to see your kid's basketball game."
"Shut up!" Steve retorts. "I took my date to see one of my friends play, because it was important to him."
Lucas and even Max are grinning at him a little now - though given the gleam in their eyes, Eddie suspects they're getting ready for a whirlwind of teasing.
Eddie glances over at Dustin, expecting to see the same gearing up towards mockery, but instead the kid looks - almost hurt. Before he can say anything, Dustin's speaking up again.
"What, so some dumb basketball game is good enough to make a date out of, but coming to Hellfire isn't?" he demands.
Lucas's smile drops, and Steve frowns at Dustin.
"We really doing this now?" Steve asks.
Eddie looks back and forth between Dustin and Steve, bewildered. "Why the hell would Harrington ever come to Hellfire?"
Look, Eddie may be beyond sold on Steve Harrington being both a badass and a good guy, but he still can't see him anywhere near Hellfire or Dungeons and Dragons in general.
"Because I asked him to!" Dustin shouts. "Because it was important to me, and that's supposed to matter, because he's supposed to be my best friend!"
Silence echoes through the camper. Even Nancy and Erica, who had stayed out of the conversation, are just watching them now.
A muscle in Steve's jaw twitches, and then he nods. "Right, yeah, okay, I guess we're doing this now."
He stalks over to Dustin's side, grabbing the back of his shirt and hauling him towards the door of the RV. Dustin yelps and bats at his hand, but he doesn't actually stop Steve from tugging him outside.
The door slams shut behind them.
The awkward silence lingers. Nancy just looks confused, Lucas won't meet anyone's eyes, Erica and Max have twin expressions that are some mix between defiance and guilt, and Eddie -
"Jesus Christ, does the constant world saving make you all this dramatic about everything?" he asks.
Robin and Max snort, then level him with near identical bitch please looks.
"Do I have to bring up the table speeches again?" Robin asks, at the same time as Max says, "Said the guy who threw a hissy fit about someone missing a session of his dumb little club."
Eddie slaps a hand onto his chest, clutching his heart as if he's just been shot, and lets himself drop dramatically onto one of the chairs. "I am wounded, the likes of which I may never recover from! Will no one defend my honor?"
He casts a glance around the camper, wide eyed and beseeching, gaze never straying to the window. From this angle, he can just see the back of Steve's head, and he'd rather keep everyone's attention away from whatever emotional warfare is going on outside.
"Don't look at me, fool," Erica says. "You are a dramatic little bitch, those're the facts."
"This is stupid," Lucas says suddenly, standing up and pacing across the camper. "I told Steve it doesn't matter. Everyone was right, okay, there's way more important things than a basketball game, and I don't even know if I still want to be on the team after all of this. It's not like it mattered to any of you before, so why are we all talking about this now?"
The levity that Eddie'd been trying to bring back is sucked completely out of the RV, which - yeah, okay, fine, fair enough, this isn't a time for levity. It's just that Eddie doesn't really know what to do without that, and he casts a desperate little look over at Robin and Nancy.
Nancy and Robin exchange a look.
"Lucas," Robin says, softer than he's seen her so far. "Did it matter to you?"
"I-" Lucas stops, looking miserably over at Max before his eyes cut away. "I don't want to answer that."
He doesn't want to lie, he means, or else Max will know, and he doesn't want to admit that it mattered. The way Lucas looks right now is like a kick in the teeth.
Eddie did that. Eddie made one of the kids feel isolated because of something he enjoyed doing, Eddie made the kid's friends find a fucking replacement for him, Eddie made sure that not only did he not get to participate in the final session, but that he was made fully aware that they would all choose Hellfire over him and his shitty basketball game.
Fuck, that Eddie guy is an asshole.
"I should have moved Hellfire," Eddie gets out through gritted teeth.
Lucas's head snaps up. "What?" he asks in disbelief.
"Look, if we're all going to ride off to our very probable heroic deaths soon, then I'm going to do it with a clear conscience and not feeling like I'm the one who made you look like a kicked puppy, all right? Your terrible choice in extracurriculars and even worse choice in new friends notwithstanding, I should have moved Hellfire. It wasn't fair of me to make you choose, or to make your friends choose between you and the campaign, or to hassle you all about it."
The door slams open, making Eddie and several others jump, and Dustin stomps back up the stairs with Steve right on his heels. Dustin's shoulders are hunched and his face is screwed up like he's still upset, but there's no lingering tension between him and Steve. Steve ruffles Dustin's hair, then grips his shoulder briefly as he passes him, so Eddie assumes they've worked whatever it was out.
Dustin stops next to Lucas. "Hey Lucas, can I talk to you for a sec?"
Lucas looks at him warily. "What about?"
Dustin sighs. "About me being sorry?"
Lucas raises an eyebrow. "Sorry for what?"
"For making you feel like your friendship wasn't important and not being there to support you?" Dustin gets out, looking at Lucas pleadingly as he edges towards the door, clearly hoping not to have to keep going with everyone else here.
Lucas lets him squirm a little longer before nodding. "Yeah, okay, we can talk. I guess I'm sorry too."
The two of them tromp back down the steps, the door swinging open and closed again. Steve comes to stand by Robin and Eddie, raising one eyebrow at him when he sees how he's still just flopped over the chair.
Eddie waggles his eyebrows at him, grinning. "You tell him that you weren't mad, just disappointed?"
"Shut up," Steve mutters, which Eddie is going to assume means yes.
Nancy's smiling, looking at Steve all amused and a little fond, and even though Eddie was the one who encouraged Steve to go for it, that makes something twist in his stomach.
"Did you do the hands on your hips thing?" Nancy teases.
Steve rolls his eyes. "Little shit just needed a little reassurance, that's all. And a smack upside the head."
Max groans, bending over to rest her forehead on her knees. "I don't want my soulmate to come save me from stupid boys and their delicate feelings."
Eddie beams, resting his elbows on the table and cupping his chin in his hands. "Look, guys, we created a monster. A soulmate talking rebel."
Max chucks a candy bar wrapper at him without looking. He expects it to go wide, or flutter to the ground without making it very far, but it must have some candy remnants still stuck in it because it smacks him right on the forehead.
Which, well, means there's only one thing to do.
"Free snack!" he crows, opening it up to scrape melted chocolate and caramel off with his teeth.
"Dude!" Steve says at the same time as Robin yells, "Gross!"
"Oh my God, Eddie, if you're hungry we have food," Nancy says.
Max sits up enough to fix her gaze on Erica, gesturing at Eddie. "This?" she asks, judgment dripping from her tone. "This is the guy your brother and his stupid friends have decided is their new dork lord?"
"He's your soulmate," Erica scoffs. "He's your responsibility now."
Eddie grins at them both, hoping there's chocolate in his teeth, just so he can watch them make grossed out faces.
When he looks up at Robin, Steve, and Nancy, all three of them are clearly trying not to laugh, and oh, that's even better.
"Now!" Eddie says, pitching his voice a little in a muted version of his dungeon master boom. "Where is this food I was promised? Cause I gotta tell you, Wheeler, cabinets are looking a little bare unless we want to eat tomatoes or beans out of a can."
He's not certain what he's expecting - maybe for them all to look around at each other before he or Max sigh and start doing what every kid who's been left to their own devices before they're old enough to be able to grocery shop knows how to do. It sure as shit isn't for all of them to look at Steve.
Steve shrugs. "Yeah, sure, I'll see what they've got."
Eddie stares at him as he slides past to peek in the cabinets, pulling out canned vegetables and cream of chicken soup and probably expired spices, a worn looking pot and a can opener and a few half eaten bags of chips.
He leans over into Robin's space so he can whisper, "Can Steve actually cook, or are we all about to have food poisoning?"
She flicks him on the forehead. "Steve's a great cook," she says, and she sounds just a little bit irritated, which -
Not what he was going for, at all, and he leans back, hands up palms out to show he's backing off. Nothing that could be interpreted as talking behind Steve's back, got it.
"Just wary about the expiration date on all those cans," he deflects.
She raises one eyebrow at him, clearly not buying it - he did just lick chocolate out of a candy bar wrapper, after all - but she lets him have it.
Max comes up behind Steve, grabbing the can opener and getting to work opening up the cans he's set out. Robin leans back into Eddie's space, his transgression apparently forgiven, and rests her head on her hand, just watching them. It makes him feel like they've done this before, and there's a moment where he's not sure if he should feel out of place.
Nancy comes to sit at the table, looking a bit tentative. Erica's worming her way in there before anyone can say anything, immediately providing commentary on what Steve's doing like it's a cooking show, and something in Eddie settles in a way he's not sure he's ever felt outside of the trailer with Uncle Wayne.
Dustin and Lucas come stomping back in when Steve's got a mess of diced tomatoes and beans and corn and cream of chicken and spices in the pot cooking over a hot plate, all bluster like they think if they make enough noise no one will call attention to why they were outside in the first place.
No one does, but Eddie's pretty sure that's more to do with the fact that no one wants to talk about it than anything else.
"What're we having?" Dustin asks, while Lucas leans in to look only to get shoved away by Max.
"Taco soup," Steve replies. "There's chips to go on top when it's done."
There's not enough tortilla chips for everyone, but it doesn't really matter. Robin shoves handfuls of potato chips on her soup without complaint, and Nancy digs into hers without bothering with any chips at all. Eddie joins Dustin and Lucas in fighting over the bag of corn chips, only to have Max calmly snatch it while they're occupied and share it with Erica.
Both Lucas and Dustin turn huge, sad eyes on Steve - who'd clearly grabbed tortilla chips for his own bowl before anyone else - but he just gives them an unsympathetic smirk and shovels a big spoonful of soup and corn chips into his mouth.
The soup's good, tortilla chips or not, and Eddie actually kind of likes the salty crunch and extra flavor from the barbecue potato chips he'd put in his. Part of him wonders how - or why - Steve Harrington knows not only how to cook, but how to cook with whatever ingredients are left in someone's pantry. It's the first hot food he's had in days, though, and the mood is probably the lightest it's been in a while, so he doesn't ask.
He just eats his taco soup, hunched around a cramped table in a little camper with a group of people who risked their lives for him, who are all about to risk their lives more, and tries not to feel guilty for having a moment of contentment.
When Max suddenly jolts up, they all know it must be time.
I'm not ready, appears on Max's arm. It isn't time to move forward with the plan.
Eddie feels like a fucking live wire of nerves, stripped raw and bleeding. Part of him wants to nervously ask more questions about this girl with superpowers, what her plan is, how they're sure they're all on the same page, but the others have a focused air of grim determination about them and he's a little afraid to bring down the morale.
It doesn't really matter, he guesses, since he'd been on board with this plan before they looped in Max's magical soulmate.
Before he knows it, Steve is telling him and Dustin not to be cute, if anything goes wrong, and fuck the way that stupid boy is looking at them. He understands it with Dustin - as much as he hadn't gotten it before, it's obvious that Steve and Dustin think the world of each other, and Eddie's pretty sure that Steve would do just about anything to protect the kid. But Steve is looking at him, too, like he gives a shit if Eddie makes it out of this - like he gives more than a shit.
Eddie wants so bad it nearly overtakes his brain completely. If this is going to be the last time that they see each other, he wants Steve to know - to at least consider -
He chickens out just like he had the last time they were in the Upside Down together, scrambles to come up with something other than I'm pretty sure you're my soulmate - and tells Steve to make him pay instead of saying anything really important.
He's running on pure adrenaline after that, playing like his life depends on it - his life does depend on it, fuck, all of their lives do, and he pours more of himself into his guitar than he ever has before, all that bottled up terror and rage and grief, until he feels like he's all burned up with it.
It's not done.
Of course it's not done, of course the little shits found a way to get past their reinforced walls, and as he looks up at Dustin shouting at him, he knows there's no other option.
Eddie's not going to run this time. They all brought him in, made him a part of this party, relied on him, and he's not going to let them down.
When it comes down to it, anyway, he's the most expendable. He's been nothing more than an NPC for most of this, and yeah, he's been helping the party - flirted with one of its members, maybe thought he could be something more - but in a campaign, his death makes the most sense. A valiant NPC that the player characters will mourn, but they'll all survive onto the next campaign.
It was always going to be him.
There's been so many moments where he thought he was going to die during this last week that it seems fitting for it to finally happen, for it to be the demobats that get him. He makes it longer than he thought it would, but he can't fight them off forever, can't keep them from pinning him down and tearing into him like he's a fucking banquet on display.
And he thinks, one last time, that this is it. This is going to be how he dies.
But he doesn't.
Taglist (hopefully I got everyone, and always happy to add more!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey @paperbackribs @goodolefashionedloverboi @evix-syne666 @raisedbylibrarians @stxrcrossed186 @nightmareglitter @greekgeek24 @starman-jpg @crazyhatlady86 @imfinereallyy @manda-panda-monium @deleataecount @prideandsensibility @chaoticvictorianspirit @maydillydally @disrespectedgoatman @scarlet-malfoy @i-less-than-three-you @hbyrde36 @hallucinatedjosten @dragonsandgayships @arepaconchocolate @g4ys0n @novelnovella @bisexualdisastersworld @ghostofyourvampiregf @scarletyeager @pettrichore @nerd-and-nervous @hiimlevi @queenie-ofthe-void @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bookworm0690
Part 11
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melswifeasf · 7 months
Safest in your arms pt 9
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Pairing: Georgia Miller x fem!oc
Summary: unfinished business is tended between Georgia and Samantha.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI, smut, cursing, drug use, age gap relationships (18 and 30) grooming, sexual themes.
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BATTLE OF THE BANDS had not been something Samantha expected to go to. she knew Maxine was going since some of her friends were in a band so it made sense that she went but Samantha didn't know anyone performing. her friends had been the ones that decided it would be fun to go high which at the time sounded like a good idea up until Georgia texted her asking her if she wanted to come over later that night meaning she would be the only sober person in the group. she watched as all of her friends laughed at Hunters song, they were trying their best to do it in a hushed tone but they were failing horribly and Samantha was starting to feel bad for those performing. she wanted to laugh too, she wouldn't deny that but she did so quietly in order to not hurt anyone's feelings. her friends on the other hand couldn't care less.
it wouldn't be so funny if they had smoked but Matthew had found a kid at school who sold molly so they decided to take that instead. the young girl shook her head as she her friends giggled to themselves as they watched Matthew attempt to sing Hunters song. they had all left the school, although it wasn't really their choice but they were drawing too much attention to themselves and Samantha would rather not get in trouble for being under the influence on school property. they were now all in Matthews basement, it was Friday so they were all going to spend the night. Samantha had driven them there and none of them were in condition to drive so Matthew just told them to stay over.
"i can't breathe," Oliver wheezed as he laid his head on his girlfriends lap. Natalie laughed at her boyfriend whilst she ran her hands through his hair. the two of them were on the floor, Nia was on the couch laying her head on Samanthas shoulder and Jade was laying her head on the girls lap. Matthew on the other hand was standing as he impersonated Hunter.
"you guys are going to hell," Samantha laughed as she shook her head.
"come on!" Matthew said "it's funny"
"it's very funny but you guys were so loud and i feel bad for them." she tried to reason with them bud Jade waved her off.
"no, no. he's cringe as fuck. if you write a song for your girlfriend then sing it to her in private but not in front of everyone who can make fun of you." she said pointing her finger as she spoke.
Samantha chuckled grabbed her hand so she wasn't waving it around in front of her face. "you guys are gonna feel so shitty tomorrow," she murmured. she had taken it before and she knew how bad the hangover was.
Nia laughed, "you can take care of us." she said but then gasped, "oh wait, never mind, you're gonna go tap bootylicious ass" she said making Matthew hold his hand up and Nia high fived him.
Jade looked at Samantha suddenly serious, "who's bootylicious?"
"it's no one" Samantha shook her head glaring at both of the teens who had just exposed her secret. the two of them knowing was already two too many, she did not need any more people on the bandwagon.
"doesn't sound like no one" Natalie said with eyebrows furrowed.
"you never hide your hookups from us. is it A-" before he could even get the words out Natalie slapped her hand on his mouth, his words drowned out by it.
"ouch" he said and the blonde girl quickly pulled her hand away and wiped it on his shirt. "why do you have so much saliva?" she grimaced. the two slowly began to argue about something - Samantha wasn't even sure anymore but quickly after the other three began to butt into the conversation. her phone vibrating in her back pocket prevented her from deciphering exactly what they were talking about. she pulled it out and saw the first notification on her screen.
🍑 12:33
kids are asleep
she bit her lip to try and prevent her smile, she didn't want any of them asking her who she was talking to. now she knew why being the only sober person in the room was so boring. thankfully they were all engrossed in one another to see her quickly typing on her phone.
12:33 S
i'm leaving now
she didn't get a response after that and she put her cellphone back in her pocket. "okay, i have to go guys." she said softly tapping Jades shoulder so she can get up from her lap.
the girl frowned but got up none the less. Nia got the hint and also moved her head from Samantha's shoulder, considering she knew why she was leaving she didn't bother asking anything.
"boo" Natalie said throwing her thumbs down making Samantha chuckle in amusement. she stood from the couch and stretched her body whilst doing so, she had been sitting with two girls leaning on her for the past hour and her shoulder was starting to feel sore.
"come on, tell us who she is" Oliver said.
Samantha shook her head, "it's no one, my mom wants me home." she shrugged trying to make it seem as believable as possible. if they were sober that would be near impossible, they all knew one another to the point in which lying wasn't an option but they were all high for so that hopefully wouldn't be the case.
"lies, Ellen would never" Oliver said shaking his head.
of course he would be the one to know. Samantha sometimes thought the boy had a crush on her mom from how much he defended her.
"yeah well things have changed ever since she found out Max was lying" she said hoping that would be enough for him to drop it. technically it wasn't a complete lie, she had even more strict but it was with the twins, not her.
"babe, shut up" Natalie said flicking his forehead. the boy frowned at her which earned himself a kiss on the place he had just been hurt. that seemed to distract him giving her time to sneak away. she got a thumb up from both Matthew and Nia as she began to walk to the stairs causing her to breathe out a laugh.
after what happened in her car she figured they might take things further that night. at least that's what she hoped. she hadn't been able to take the woman out of her head ever since that night. the way her lips felt on hers, the way she would pull her hair or how she was practically burning with need. it was all too much and she was getting impatient. she wondered if Georgia felt the same way. wondered if the blonde thought about the kiss before going to sleep or in the middle of the day during the most inappropriate times causing her to shift in her chair.
thankfully most of the roads were empty as the young girl sped in the direction of her home. the universe was on her side seeing as she was met with almost all green lights and only a car or two in sight. when she finally pulled into her neighborhood she parked a couple houses down so that her mom wouldn't see that she was home. she had told her she might spend the night at Matthews just in case she left rather late from Georgias place.
the raven haired girl grabbed her keys and phone as she locked the car behind her. she was wearing light gray cargo pants and a blue shirt, over it was a blue zip up that belonged to Marcus. she made sure to take in her surroundings the closer she got to the blondes home, the last thing she needed was Marcus or Max watching her climb up their neighbors balcony. there was no friendly explanation for that. although when she thought about it, if Marcus did find out, she wouldn't mind it much. her brother barely spoke to anyone, let alone gossiped. he had been the only person apart from her friends to know about her ex, he had been someone she relied on a little for advice. it was just easier with him being in the family, he knew what to say and what advice to give considering they shared the same sister and parents, something her friends didn't.
the girl cleared her head once she finally reached the woman's balcony, Georgia was already there looking extremely beautiful. her hair was slightly messy and it tumbled down her shoulders, she had on a black dress that had a V which only showed the slightest of cleavage. it must've been what she wore to the fundraiser and the thought of her not taking it off simply to show it off made Samanthas stomach feel warm.
when both her feet were finally on the balcony Georgia showed off her perfect teeth. "hey," she said. even though Samantha had grown used to her accent it didn't change the effect it had on her.
"hey," Samantha responded, "you look beautiful in that dress." she said her eyes raking down the blondes body to really emphasize her words.
Georgia smiled, "you like?"
"i love" Samantha said making the blonde laugh lightly. she reached for the shorter girls hand and began to lead her inside the house. it was something that had never happened before but she didn't question it. it was pretty obvious what the blonde had in mind for the night and she wasn't complaining.
it turned out she was right. as soon as they entered the blondes room a pair of lips crashed down onto Samanthas, it was so quick she didn't even have a chance to take in the room she was in.
they ended up on the bed, the blonde laying on her back with Samanthas between her legs. the raven haired girl was holding her body up with her hands as she kissed the blonde roughly. it was just like their kiss the other night except this time they could touch each other without any restrictions. one of the blondes hands were tangled in the raven girls hair once more whilst the other was on her waist, dangerously close to her ass. Samantha reached toward the blonde face where she softly caressed the skin.
she was so caught in the moment she didn't realize her knee was grazing the blondes crotch until Georgia gasped into her mouth softly. she pulled away instantly, thinking she had hurt her. "are you okay?" she asked examining her face to make sure there was no sign of discomfort.
"yeah." Georgia nodded, "keep going." she said and pulled the girl back down once more. she wanted to ask if she wanted to take things further but that question was answered on its own when she felt the blonde begin to grind on her leg. she could help but smirk causing their teeth to clash but that didn't stop Georgia from kissing the raven haired girl hungrily. it was as if she was starving and Samantha was the only food in sight.
Samantha felt Georgias hand move up from her waist and inside her shirt, her hand was a bit cold causing her to shiver in surprise. she soon got used to it and the blonde began to move it further up until she was touching the edge of the girls bra. she pulled away, her eyes gazing into a pool of brown that were shinning. Samantha didn't need Georgia to say anything, she already knew she was asking for consent. instead of answering anything she sat up for a moment, her hands reached for the hem of her shirt before she pulled it over her head, the shirt thrown somewhere behind her.
Georgia smiled at that, her eyes taking in the girls exposed stomach. her abs were flexing considering the position she was in and she could see the swell of the girls breasts even with the bra. Samantha leaned back down, expecting Georgia to kiss her again but instead the blonde leaned forward and pressed a kiss just above the black bra. Samantha bit her lip at the contact, her back was slightly arched and Georgias left hand was holding on it whilst the other was cupping her other breast.
feather like kisses were spread around Samanthas upper body, as they progressed they began to turn into open mouthed kisses which made Samantha bite her lip harder. she was trying her hardest to stop herself from making any noise. the same hand that was on the younger girls back reached up toward the clasp of her bra, Samantha could feel it causing an excitement to build in her stomach. she was glad there wasn't much foreplay, after the other night she couldn't take another second. the blondes eyes opened and she looked up at Samantha, she looked so innocent and yet she was silently asking her if she could take off her bra.
Samantha nodded her head and just like that Georgia unclasped it causing it to hang loosely on the raven girls shoulders. she was quick to pull both straps down and she threw it on the bed beside her. it was safe to say the blonde wasn't expecting two piercings staring back at her. brown eyes snapped up toward Samantha again causing her to chuckle. "your not the only one filled with secrets." she whispered and leaned down to press her lips on the blondes.
before it could grow too heated Georgia pulled away, "you're the one with secrets here apparently." she said obviously still caught up on the fact that Samantha was still avoiding the topic about her ex. the raven haired girl didn't respond and instead distracted her once more as she began to kiss the blondes neck. her tongue grazed the soft skin and her knee began to move against the blonde once more. she could feel the soaked garment even through her pants and she was sure it would leave a wet patch. she didn't care though.
Samantha pulled away all together, far too impatient to wait even more. "take off your dress." she said and sat on her knees as she waited. not needing to be told twice Georgia sat up and quickly unzipped her dress. she soon pulled it off and threw it on the floor beside the bed. she fully expected the reaction she was getting, widened eyes with nothing but pure desire swirling in them. she too didn't want to waste any more time and quickly pulled the girl back down to capture her lips in a wet kiss.
their tongues slid against one another, the sound of their kissing echoed throughout the room and Samantha was glad Georgia had the television on even before she arrived. Samantha wasn't all that happy that she couldn't fully take in the blondes body but she could do so another day. at least she hoped she could. before her mind could turn to another place she reached behind the blondes body and took her bra off as well.
Georgia quickly reached for the straps and took it off completely, discarding it somewhere without having to break the kiss. the blondes hands were soon placed on the girls pants, they began to unbutton and unzip in a hurry and after a hand swiftly moves inside them. at first she came in contact with her panties causing Samantha to shudder, she could feel how wet she was and she couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed. although it was pointless considering Georgia was just like her.
the blondes hand began to circle the girl a bit clumsily reminding Samantha that this was probably the first time Georgia was hooking up with a girl and that she had to take control this time around. the raven haired girl grabbed the blondes wrist making her stop. that made Georgia pull away from her lips as well, "you don't?" she asked her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and slight worry. she figured this is what she wanted considering everything and she didn't think she needed to ask once again but maybe she was wrong. those worries disappeared when Samantha shook her head.
"it's not that, i just.. have you ever been with a girl?" she asked titling her head slightly.
the blonde looked away for a split second, "is it that obvious?" she asked with a light chuckle but Samantha could tell she had made her insecure which isn't at all what she wanted.
"what? no, i just want to make sure your comfortable." she quickly said.
"i am. are you?"
Samantha nodded with a twinge of a smile to show she was being honest. her first time was awkward but that was because not only was it her first time but it was also the case for the girl she was with which meant it wasn't great. it was awkward and clumsy and if she was being honest neither of them were able to actually get there. it wasn't until they had more practice and a sense of what they each enjoyed that things got better. she knew that would probably be the same for Georgia but unlike Samantha, she'd have someone experienced to guide her. "why don't i show you what to do?" she suggested softly and leaned in to peck the blondes lips to try and convey a more a comfortable atmosphere.
with a nod from the blonde Samantha smiled and leaned in to kiss her once more. she pulled her pants down on her own at first before Georgia reached forward to help pull them off completely. they were now both matching, exposed completely expect for their panties. Samantha squeezed the blondes hip before it slid to the side until she was met with the top of the cloth. the raven haired girl sucked on the woman's bottom lip and moved her panties to the side to expose her wet slit. Georgia made a soft noise that almost went unnoticed by the younger girl.
the kiss was broken as Samantha began to prepped them down the blondes chin until she reached her neck once more where she began to suck and lick the skin. she was rubbing the blondes clit in small circles, it wasn't like she needed to stimulate her considering she was soaked but even then she wanted to make things more comfortable for her. Georgia was a panting mess, her right hand gripping the back of the girls neck whilst the other was holding her pillow softly. when she felt she had enough Samantha moved two of her fingers down her slit until she reached her opening where she slowly eased two of them in. immediately after the blondes back lifted from the bed and her hand on Samanthas neck tightened causing her to smirk against the woman's neck.
she let her adjust for a second before she began to move her fingers in and out of the woman. when the blonde began to moan softly into the room Samantha pulled away from her neck and moved further down her body until she was met with her chest. her mouth watered at the sight and unintentionally her hand began to move more roughly causing Georgia mutter out a quiet 'fuck' which only boosted the girls ego even more. her mouth began to lower on the blondes chest, she began kissing just at the top of her chest before she slowly began to move down, when she was insanely close to her nipple she stuck her tongue out and dragged it down her skin until she reached it. the girl circled it twice, her eyes set on the blondes face that was contorted in pleasure. her eyes were closed, her mouth slightly open as she whimpered every second or so, especially when the girls hand would rub against her clit.
"open your eyes." Samantha said causing Georgia to do so. she seemed slightly confused as she held eye contact with the young girl but that confusion evaporated when the raven girl closed her mouth against the hardened nub and began to suck softly.
Samantha felt the blonde scratch softly at her shoulders causing it to sting but she didn't care in that moment. all she wanted to do was to keep hearing the blondes moans. she pulled away from the blonde, a string of saliva connecting from her mouth and the woman's nipple which made the woman even more wet. Samantha could very much feel that, the obscene noises coming from the lower half of the blondes body just enough proof of that.
"tell me what you want" Samantha said, her fingers moving a lot faster now as she curled them, hitting a spongey spot in the blonde that made Georgia's finger nails deepen in her skin.
"kiss me" she whispered. Samantha didn't have to be told twice, her mouth found Georgias again kissing her senseless. the blonde felt like she was floating, the pleasure was too much and she could feel it begin to build in her lower stomach. "don't stop," she murmured against the girls lips.
Samantha didn't respond verbally but the palm of her hand began to hit the blondes clit harder as soon as she heard her. the squelching from in between her legs was loud and it was making her own body burn with an immense lust.
"cum for me baby" Samantha said against the blondes lips, the hand that was once on her shoulder disappeared in an instant and instead gripped the bedding tightly, her knuckles turning white from it. an obscene moan left the blondes lips causing Samantha to bring her mouth down to shut her up, the thought of any of her kids walking in was fucking terrifying.
the raven girls pace slowed gradually as the blonde began to catch her breath. she pressed soft kisses down on the blondes neck to help her come down from her high. a minute later Georgias hand reached down for the girls wrist to stop her from moving anymore, too sensitive for more.
finally Samantha pulled away and held her body up so she was at eye level with the blonde. she had a smile on her lips that she really wanted to hide but she felt far too giddy to be able to do so. Georgia found it cute making a smile to slowly form on her own lips. "rate that to ten" Samantha said and pecked the blondes lips. she chuckled, her eyes closing.
"really?" she asked in disbelief. was that really the first thing she had to say after what just happened.
"what? i would really like to know" Samantha responded slightly offended by the blonde.
Georgia sighed, "eleven" she answered making the raven haired girl grin widely.
"i knew it"
"that was your answer? not me literally cumming on your fingers?" she asked with a raised brow.
Samantha rolled her eyes with a smile, "language Miss Miller." she scolded playfully. the blonde rolled her eyes and reached for the girls hips, she helped her move her body so she was straddling her waist.
"okay, enough rating. it's my turn" she said with a small smirk.
if Samantha was being completely honest she thought Georgia would be too tired to return the favor which she wouldn't have blamed her for but seeing her take charge like this was fucking hot.
"are you sure?" Samantha asked anyway, she didn't want Georgia to feel pressured or like she had to do it.
"mhm," the blonde hummed and began to kiss the raven girls jaw. Samantha smiled at her, she reached for Georgias right hand a brought it to her soaking core. the blonde began to do exactly what she did and circled her clit softly.
her actions caused Samantha to grip onto the blondes shoulders for support, she could feel the blonde sucking on her neck. she had always had a no hickey rule, even with her ex but when it came to Georgia, she honestly could not care less. in fact, it kind of turned her on even more, just imagining the blonde marking her skin, telling the world she already belonged to someone else.
when Georgia felt like she was wet enough her fingers entered the younger girl with ease causing her to throw her head back and a soft moan to leave her lips. Georgia smirked against the girls neck and then sucked a lot harder on the skin earning herself another moan and a hard squeeze on her shoulder.
the blonde pulled away from her neck when Samantha moved her head back to face her again, she looked down at the blonde through her long eyelashes. her eyes were slightly dazed and she could feel the ac hitting her wet skin causing it to feel cold. the blondes fingers were a bit sloppy, they didn't exactly have a steady pace so Samantha began to move her hips instead. she wasn't sure how Georgia would react if she instructed her on what to do and she didn't want to ruin the moment in doing so.
"you feel so good inside me baby," Samantha whispered, dazed eyes staring at the blonde. Georgia licked her lips as she stared at girls lips, her words igniting something in her. the raven haired girl smirked knowing her words were affecting her and she leaned down to kiss her again. their lips were rough and their tongues were being shoved in each others mouths sloppily. she whimpered into the woman's mouth feeling the pressure building and building in her stomach. she just knew that wasn't enough. "curl your fingers" she whispered against the blondes lips. it took Georgia a second before she did as Samantha said making the girls forehead fall on the blondes. her lips were parted as she whispered out moans. usually she was pretty vocal, especially when it came to dirty talk but the blonde seemed to be really quiet and she didn't want to make her feel weird.
her own hand fell on her clit and she began to rub small circles on it to try and push herself to the edge, Georgia noticed what she was doing and quickly shoved her hand away, replacing it with her own. "don't stop," she moaned. she needed something to push her off the edge but there weren't many options, it's not like they ever talked about kinks and Georgia seemed very vanilla. she just hoped what she was going to say wouldn't ruin the mood, "want me to cum for you?" she whispered lowly, her voice raspy and dripping with lust. Georgia hummed and nodded her head, "say it," she said and gripped the blondes hair softly, she pulled just a little but then stopped herself almost immediately.
"cum for me" Georgia said softly and soon after the raven girl began to unravel. her eyes snapped shut, her grip tightening on the blondes hair and shoulder. Georgia didn't stop just like Samantha until the raven girl held her wrist. other than that the younger girl didn't move as she tried to catch her breath. her daze lasted a minute or so until she realized this wasn't a girl her age, this was Georgia and she could be weirding her out.
she continued to breathe deeply and moved herself of the blondes lap with slightly shaky legs, she reached for her bra and put it on without the blonde stopping her considering she was doing the same. it wasn't until she reached for her pants that the blonde finally spoke. "your leaving?" she asked a bit taken back.
Samantha looked at her, "do you want me to?" she asked. now that she wasn't dazed by lust and the adrenaline had began to slowly disintegrate it was as if she had been hit with a bucket of cold water.
the blonde chuckled with furrowed brows, "why would i?" she asked confused.
Samantha shrugged causing Georgia to shake her head and motion her over. the young girl walked over to the bed without another thought. she sat in silence as she watched Georgia get up from the bed and walk over to her closet, she grabbed some clothes for herself and put them on quickly. after she tiptoed to the bed and got under the blanket as well. her body was turned to face Samantha making the raven girl mimic her action. they were both on their side staring at one another. "do you want to spend the night?" Georgia asked softly.
that was definitely not something Samantha expected to come out of her mouth. she contemplated her answer, she could say yes, either way her mom thought she was going to stay at Matthews but at the same time what would happen when they woke up? she would have to sneak out the balcony in broad daylight, the only other option was the front door which was even more risky then the balcony. she shook her head, "my mom will ask questions." she lied.
the blonde nodded in understanding. "so.. your really into dirty talk, huh?" she asked making the other girl blush deeply. she turned onto her back and covered her face with her hands.
"please don't" she groaned, not wanting to feel embarrassed by what turned her on. that would just be humiliating.
the blonde laughed softly, "that's not a bad thing. i just didn't expect that from you" she said and placed her hand on the girls wrist to try and pry her hands off. it worked as Samantha slid her hand down her face and placed it on her chest.
"i just.. being super quiet is just boring." she shrugged, trying to justify herself which she shouldn't have to do and even Georgia knew that.
"hey i'm really not judging. you know your gonna have to tell me stuff like this otherwise i'm just gonna leave you high and dry" she said a lot more serious now.
somehow the only thing that Samantha got from that was the fact that there would be more times. she wasn't sure what she was expecting, a one night stand? she wasn't sure, maybe she thought it would be one though, she thought it would be just so Georgia got it out of her system. that didn't seem to be the case though.
"fine but you'll have to do the same," Samantha said and the blonde nodded.
with the reassurance that Samantha hadn't embarrassed herself completely she finally turned back onto her side. "how was casino night?" she asked, she had grown so used to talking to Georgia every time they saw each other that now not doing it for one night seemed to be eating at her. her favorite parts of the day would be when Georgia would go on about her day.
"oh it was amazing, i did an auction and i put Cynthia's cake on there for like two hundred dollars without letting anyone else vote. she was so pissed.." Samantha listened with an amused smile.
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brighter-by-the-daly · 9 months
Rachel Daly x Millie Bright x Reader
No Fan of Ours
AN: to celebrate meeting @ac3may at the fa cup final next year, here’s a fic we brainstormed together months ago 🫶
It was the last England game before the girls left for the World Cup, the tie v Sweden was only announced a few days ago but the stadium was packed out with adoring fans nonetheless. In the lead up to the game your girlfriends had gifted you a shirt with ‘Daly Brightness’ on the back so you wouldn’t have to chose who’s name to wear at England games anymore. It wasn’t a secret that you three were dating but it certainly wasn’t shouted from the rooftops as you didn’t want to attract the wrong attention. Being with them both happened organically, Rachel and Millie were inseparable anyway - what started out as a flirtationship with one of them soon boiled over into the other and just like that you became a throuple. You didn’t announce it as such but their teammates could tell, always making jokes about you three being together all the time. You’d never heard a bad word from any of them about your relationship and everyone online believed you were just three best friends anyway.
You first met them at grass roots but football wasn’t your number one passion and as they went on to become professionals, you left the turf and cleats behind for more glamorous surroundings in a luxurious London tattoo parlour specifically designed by you for women. The passion of yours was born one evening when getting an upper thigh tattoo and being inappropriately touched during the process. The tattoo went on to be unfinished for nearly a decade until you were able to build your own franchise with the primary value of it being a safe environment for women. You took something awful and made it inspiring, people traveled far and wide to visit your parlour, your customers consisted of many female footballers who quickly spread the word around their clubs. They even donate their signed shirts to hang on your ‘Empowerment Wall of Fame’ for every celebrity that has visited. You’ve now got parlours up and down the country and are currently building to break into the rest of the world too.
That’s when Rach and Millie came back into your life, having heard about their old acquaintance’s new venture through friends they decided to pay you a visit for their newest matching tattoos and have had the pleasure of tattooing the both of them since. With every visit to the shop the more flirtatious your conversations became and it didn’t take long for your connection to develop beyond the workplace. Your relationship has been going strong for three years now and what started out as a fling was now something solid and for the long haul.
As this game was announced last minute, your friends and family couldn’t make it so you were sat alone for the first time at a national game. Nothing you haven’t done before but it’s usually at Villa games where the stadiums are anything but packed. Chelsea games were undoubtedly more busy but there seemed to always be a player injured or someone’s family to chat to during the matches.
The girls had just finished warm ups and had retreated back to the changing rooms. Playing on your phone and waiting for kick off you heard sneering comments coming from a group behind you, “oh my god look at her shirt, how pathetic”. These comments didn’t let up throughout the game as the group of girls mocked you continuously throughout the 90 minutes. The first half was insatiable, you’d been singing along with the crowd and shouting to the girls as usual, they were taking the piss out of everything you did making you incredibly uncomfortable. “What a joke, as if anyone would fancy her” their comments started to get louder. “Fucking embarrassing fans put this game to shame!” the loudest mouth of the gang shouted. During half time it only got worse, you wanted to go to the toilet but they had made you feel so small that you didn’t dare move. Of course you wanted to tell them to shut up but you’re not a big fan of conflict and would rather not give them the satisfaction of knowing they were getting to you. You’re used to people staring and making sly comments, you accepted that they were closed minded people and like to make digs at anyone that looks different. There was barely any space on your body for new inkings and you liked how they made you look tough but on inside you were just a soppy little woman that wanted to be loved and cared for. Clocking the wallpaper on your phone of Rach and Mills as you checked the time caused them to erupt into laughter, “they will never love you, what a munter!” they heckled. “She doesn’t even have any friends” throwing something in your direction. You continued to ignore the abuse that was being slung in your direction, just half hour more to go as you slipped your earphones in so you were unable to hear them any longer. As much as every comment tore you down little by little, it didn’t stop you from being yourself, singing and shouting for your team and the girls when required.
The ball went out of play close by to where you were and noticing Millie smiling at you as she jogged over to take the throw in made you feel a sense of comfort. Luckily she found herself in earshot of the disgusting comments being aimed your way. Pausing the throw in to display an intense and penetrative glare at the group with those gorgeous but intimidating eyes of hers. It shut them up for a second until play continued and she was gone. Her simple gesture made you feel at ease, as least she’d heard what you were up against and the second one of Sweden’s players went down you knew she was telling Rachel everything. With their hands covering their mouths, the side eye they were both throwing although incredibly sexy to you, had the capability of inflicting injury or bad karma on the person or people it was directed.
As soon as the final whistle blew Rachel and Millie came running over, ignoring the handshakes so they could get to you quicker. The group of teenagers immediately ran down the stairs when their idols approached, pushing you out of their way while declaring their love for both of them with their sickly sweet remarks like butter wouldn’t melt. Shoving phones and pens in their faces begging for photos and signatures which they declined politely yet with a sense of agitation. Rachel ignored their pleas and asked them calmly to move so she could get to you but they didn’t listen causing Millie to get impatient and raise her voice. “Move out the fucking way now!” she demanded as they wrapped one arm each around your petite body and lifted you over the barrier in one swift movement, resting their arms around your shoulders displaying their protectiveness of you. “Are you okay?” they fussed, straightening your T-shirt and brushing your hair back, holding your cheeks to analyse the emotions on your face. Once established you were fine now your princesses in shining armour had arrived they turned their attention back to the feral behaviour in the stands. “The way you’ve been talking about our girlfriend this entire game is fucking disgusting!” Rach shouted towards them as security approached. “Don’t expect to be at any of our games again!” Millie bellowed. You’d got the last laugh, thank goodness they had recognised they were giving you a hard time. The group were gobsmasked when they swooped you out of their toxic environment and had suddenly realised they had truly fucked up. “What were you saying about them never being in love with me? This came out of their wardrobe this morning” you remarked smugly tugging on your shirt. “Your attitudes are fucking disgusting” they shouted back to them as they lead you off the pitch. Telling security to ban them from all future national and WSL games before walking you off the pitch hand in hand. That’s one way to come out! They knew full well that the live stream was being aired to thousands of people at home and they still came to protect you. Announcing to the world that you three were an item at the same time.
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shuchu · 2 years
oh and maybe if u dont mind you could add some nsfw headcanons to touching drunk boys at my last request (〃ω〃) u dont have to if u dont want to ofc !!!!!! <333
༶•┈┈┈♛ drunk luxiem & shoto at a party ♛┈┈┈•༶
characters: vox akuma ; mysta rias ; luca kaneshiro ; ike eveland ; shu yamino ; shoto
cameos: elira pendora ; pomu rainpuff ; finana ryugu ; reimu endou ; nina kosaka ; millie parfait ; alban knox ; sonny brisko ; uki violeta ; fulgur ovid
take note: gn!reader ; streamer!reader ; contains NSFW material (minors dni) ; reader is in a relationship with the boys ; all of nijien meets up in person to throw a party celebrating the 1 year anniversary of nijien (to make writing the headcanons a little easier)
author notes: thank you anon for the request & the kind words!! ♡( ◡‿◡ ) your first ask is now in the shadow realm because when i was copying the rough draft onto here from my notes, i accidentally posted the unfinished work with your previous ask (メ﹏メ) but anyways, putting my idiocy aside (≧▽≦). this is my first official nsfw post so i hope that i did well and that this was to your liking! i found this kinda tough to write. i had to think of different party games the boys could play with other nijien members for the sfw part because i didn’t want there to be too many repeats (it gets boring imo). if any of the boys are ooc i’m sorry o(TヘTo). as usual, feel free to leave some feedback and/or send in requests! decorative dividers credit to: @/mykaesu on twt  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
enjoy lovelies! ♡
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you and vox rocked up to the party, fashionably late
a few of the nijien members would come up to say hi to the both of you upon your arrival
you then split up with vox to go hang out and chat with people 
you were in the middle of a conversation with pomu when you hear nina call you over to a table
when you get to the table you see that they’ve set it up for beer pong except that you’ve been told, they put shots of vodka in the plastic cups
you’d be put in a team with alban, reimu and mysta
when you ask, “who’s going to challenge us?”
you’d hear a familiar voice come from the opposite side of the table saying, “and that would be us my dear.”
you see vox, sonny, uki and finana standing opposite the 4 of you, with vox smirking at you
“well well well, if it isn’t my dear boyfriend…ready to be midrunk?”
“such bold words my love, let’s find out shall we?”
you take the ping pong ball and throw it skilfully into the plastic cup at the very front
“bingo, drink up babe.” vox downs it in one go and licks his lips after, looking right at you as he did that
it was vox’s go and he also, got it in the cup at the very front, he looks at you waiting for you to pick it up
you huff and down it in one go as well before moving to the side to let alban have his turn
as the game went on, it was obvious that both you and vox were pretty good at aiming because the both of you were the ones downing most of the shots
in the end, your group won and vox had to down the remaining shots on behalf of his group as a punishment
you walked to vox and smiled, “you have to eat your words now because i won.”
“hmm…i only lost because uki and finana kept missing the balls, alban and reimu were surprisingly pretty good so you had an advantage. don’t let the win get to your head my love.” he chuckles and leans down to give you a kiss
as the night goes on, you and vox had many drinks with your friends, having fun chatting and hanging out with them
reimu, pomu and nina pulled you onto the dance floor to dance and by that time you were already drunk
the four of you were dancing to your hearts’ content before you feel a hand snake around your waist and your back met a firm wall of muscle
“having fun my love?” you hear a familiar voice whisper in your right ear.
you know that it’s your boyfriend, so you smirk, a devious plan forming in your head 
you started moving your hips slowly, swaying to the rhythm of the music, hearing vox groan in your ear
“sweet thing, you better take responsibility for what’s about to come after this.” vox leans down, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck
after a while, you feel something hard pressing against your ass and you smile knowing you’ve achieved your goal
vox spins you around, presses you close to him and captures your lips in a heated kiss
as the both of you are making out, vox slides his hand down from your waist to your ass, gently kneading it 
vox pulls away from you and leads you to a secluded area, he sits down and you straddle him
“now that we’re alone…kinda…” he chuckles. “shall we…continue what you started darling?”
you giggled and started moving your hips again slowly, vox planted his hands on your hips and squeezed, admiring how incredibly sexy you looked right now
vox groaned again and moved his hand to your lower back, pulling you close to him and latching his lips onto your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses on the sensitive skin
you moan softly and tilt your head back, giving him more access to your neck. you feel a slight pain and you gasp, as vox leaves a hickey on your neck
vox kisses up to your jaw then your lips, pulling apart briefly just to say, “we’re going back to the hotel sweet thing, you can’t keep teasing me like this.”
when you and mysta arrive at the party, you’d both go round saying hi and chatting with your friends for a little bit
mysta then suggests that the both of you play some mario kart with shu and luca
you both have such a fun time playing mario kart with them
mysta would mald because he would get last place every cup, making you laugh when he rages
“ohhh COME ON!! i was 1st place and all because i got fucked by so many red shells, i got pushed all the way down to last!”
luca laughs and makes that funny snoring noise from tik tok, “AAAAUUGGGHH.” 
mysta chuckles and makes the same noise too, “AAAAUUUGGGHHH red shells.”
after mario kart, both you and mysta decided to challenge each other to beer pong and to make it even more fun, you replaced the beer with vodka
“ready to get trashed in vodka pong babe?”
“says you, you’re going to be drunk by the end of this from all the shots that you’ll have to down.”
“nah nah nah…i’m sure i’m going to win, my aim is pretty good if i do say so myself.”
mysta was able to get the first few ping pong balls in and so did you, however, the vodka shots were impacting mysta’s ability to throw his ping pong ball properly for his following attempts so he ended up having to down more vodka shots
you, on the other hand, didn’t have to down as many as mysta did because he kept missing the cups
you ended up winning and having 3 cups untouched on your side
“what were you saying earlier babe? about winning?” you taunted
mysta hiccups and says, “s-shut up, the alcohol impacted my ability to throw the ball well okay? down the rest of your shots babe.”
“hmm okay, why not?” you say as you pick up the remaining cups to down them
after that, the both of you split off to hang out and chat with different friends, playing different party games with them as well
while you were chatting with nina and uki, you didn’t notice mysta sneak up behind you until you feel his arms wrap around you and his chin on your shoulder
you put your hand on his arm and brush your thumb slowly against it. “hey babe, what’s up?”
“i missed you baby so i wanted to come see you.”
you giggle and excuse yourself from the conversation to tend to your obviously drunk boyfriend
nina and uki see what’s going on, they give each other a look, chuckle and wish you good luck before walking away
you turn around in mysta’s embrace to face him, cupping his cheeks in your hands and giving him a few pecks on the lips. “you’re adorable.”
mysta pouts at that and says, “no i’m not, i’m cool. not cute, cool, babe.”
you hum and giggle at your boyfriend’s words
mysta leans forward to kiss you again, this time deepening the kiss, nipping at your lower lip slightly
when you pull back a little to catch your breath, mysta looks into your eyes, then down to your lips with hooded eyes and back to your eyes before licking his lips. “you’re so sexy, you know that right?”
you chuckle and kiss the tip of his nose gently. “oookay you’re DRUNK drunk…”
“noooo, i’m not drunk” he hiccups. “i…i…i want more…” mysta leans in again to kiss you
he kisses from your lips to your jaw then down to your neck, leaving sloppy kisses on your neck and sucking on the sensitive skin a little, eliciting a soft moan from you
he takes your hand in his and guides it to his crotch, you gasp feeling how hard he is under the fabric
“b-babe, we shouldn’t do this here…let’s continue this back at the hotel okay?” you feel your face burning and you try to pull away from mysta, hoping that none of your friends were watching your obvious pda
after much whining from mysta, you managed to convince him to return with you to the hotel where the both of you continued your fun. wink wonk
“oi, luca! i challenge both you and y/n to darts, loser drinks!” alban shouts across the room.
“sure! we’re coming!” luca grabs your hand and walks to where alban is
“what’s the punishment drink alban?” you question
“tequilla.” alban gives you a cheeky grin
the game commences and the three of you were surprisingly tied in score
“alright one last dart for the each of us” alban announces
alban hits a bullseye, you hit a double 20 and luca hits a single 20
“arrghhh nauuurrr, i lost.” luca grumbles
“you gotta drink the shot of tequilla now luca!” alban says gleafully
luca shakes a little bit of salt on the back of his hand, licks it up, takes the cup and drains it before sucking on a lime
after that, you and luca went to chat with your friends
mysta, elira, pomu and shoto would ask the both of you to join them for karaoke
you and luca would sing so many different songs with your friends, having a ton of fun singing fun songs like all stars, barbie girl and the rick roll song 
you and luca would take turns getting drinks from the bar for each other if the other is singing
luca ends up drinking many mixed drinks throughout the night — vodka cranberries, lemon martinis and espresso martinis
whereas you end up drinking a few sangrias and raspberry cosmopoliltans
you were tipsy at best but luca was gone, he was drunk from all those mixed drinks he was drinking
luca and you were sitting together on the couch, chatting with millie, pomu, finana, sonny, uki and fulgur with a bunch of tequilla shots on the table in the middle in case any of you wanted some
out of the blue, luca leaned to the right to whisper in your ear, “sit on my lap babe, i wanna cuddle you.”
the request seemed innocent enough so you obliged, lifting yourself up and moving to the left to sit on luca’s lap
luca’s big tattooed arms wrap around you once you made yourself comfortable on his lap
you then start engaging in conversation again with your friends that were sitting around the table
luca would reach out to grab the salt shaker and a shot of tequilla with a lime resting on the side of the cup to drink to a few more shots
luca waits till you finish your conversation before whispering in your ear again, “babe, can i borrow your hand for a second?”
you would think that he wanted to hold your hand but luca holds your hand gently, flips it over so your palm’s facing down and pours a small amount of salt on it
luca reaches out to grab a shot of tequilla, licks up the salt on the back of your hand slowly, downing the shot and sucking on the lime that was perched on the side of the cup
after he was done with the lime, he brought the back of your hand back up to his lips placing soft gentle kisses all over
luca turned his attention to your neck, leaving kisses on it as well
“mmm…babe…your skin is so soft, i just wanna bite it and kiss it.” b-boss? o_O
your face burned up from luca’s actions and words, “l-luca, don’t…we’re still with our friends. you can do that later…”
luca hums and grabs your face gently by your chin, turning you to face him. he leans in and brushes his lips against yours slowly, whispering against your lips, “it’s okay, it’s not like they are paying attention to us now. but if you really want we can move to the other side of the room where there’s lesser people.”
you nod and stand up, excusing the both of you from the conversation with your friends
after luca plops down onto the couch, he pulls you onto his lap again, making you straddle him
he leans forward and captures your lips in a passionate kiss, with his hands running up and down your back leisurely
he kisses you till you’re lightheaded and you had to pull back to come up for breath, he chases your lips, wanting more
“honey…i don’t think i can control myself any longer, i want more.”
“l-let’s head back to the hotel then luca, we can continue there okay?”
“babe shall we go play some mario kart? with shu and mysta perhaps?”
“yeah sure babe, let’s go ask them.”
after the both of got a hold of shu and mysta, you guys headed towards the bean bags set up around the tv near the centre of the room
ike looks at you with a playful grin, “you’re going down babe.”
you smirk at him, “oh yeah? watch me eveland.”
the first round, you got 1st place with ike close behind in 2nd, shu in 3rd and mysta in 4th
“oh COME ON! if i had hit you with that red shell just seconds before you crossed the finish line, i would’ve won.” ike grumbles
“sorry ikey, maybe you’ll beat me in the next round.” you taunt
true enough, ike won the second match with you in second, mysta in 3rd and shu in 4th
at the end of the cup, you ended up with the most points, with ike 1 point behind you, shu in 3rd and mysta in 4th
you and ike laugh as the both of you watch mysta rage at losing to shu by a point
ike interlocks his fingers with yours, “congrats on the win my love, would you like some drinks? we can chill at the bar for a little bit and chat with whoever’s there.”
you both head to the bar and you see vox and nina sipping on some cocktails and chatting
you and ike both greet them before ordering your drinks
you got a margarita, whereas ike got a sapphire martini
ike and you sat at the bar sipping and chatting away with vox and nina
after a few drinks you start to see the effects of alcohol hitting ike, he was getting a little louder and bolder as he spoke
ike kept drinking a few more different drinks, ordering a blue lagoon margarita and a lagoon punch, whereas you had stopped for the night, knowing that if you went any further, you’d be drunk
after chatting a bit more, vox and nina took their leave, so did the both of you
you guided ike to a couch where ike plopped down and rested his head against the back of the couch
you chuckled, knowing that ike was definitely intoxicated 
you were looking at your phone, scrolling through twitter and seeing your twitter feed fill up with fan art of all of nijien partying so you like a few of them and retweet a few
“you look so adorable when you smile babe.”
you turn your head around to see ike grinning at you, then, you realise that while you've been looking through all the fan art you must've been smiling
"aww thank you ikey, you're pretty adorable right now too." you giggle
ike turns to his right slightly so that he can face you and moves closer to you
you put your phone away and turn to face ike too
he grabs your chin gently with his slender fingers to tilt your head up slightly and leans forward to gently press a soft kiss to your lips
he pulls away slowly, his hot breath fanning your lips
he looks into your eyes, back to your lips and back to your eyes again before leaning in to kiss you again
ike's hands moved from your chin, down your neck and finally resting on your chest
he brushes over your nipple slightly through the fabric, making you gasp into the kiss
ike takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, your tongues tangling with each other
ike pulls back just a little to let you catch your breath, he hums and licks his lips, "you taste sweet, sweetheart...i want more of you."
you both scurried back to the hotel as fast as you could wanting to finish what was started
“omg no way, they even have super smash bros? who’s nintendo switch is this? might be vox’s…” you hummed as you look through the different games on the nintendo switch
“let’s play some smash bros then, i’ll go ask 2 more people to join us. wait right here babe.” shu says before walking off
after a few minutes, you see shu walking towards you with luca and reimu walking alongside him
while luca and reimu were picking their characters, shu turned to you saying, “ready to lose babe?”
you roll your eyes and chuckle, “bring it on yamino, let’s see what you’ve got.”
after a minute and a half, luca and reimu were eliminated, leaving both you and shu to face off
you were at a slight disadvantage, left with only 1 stock whereas shu had 2
you charge towards him and just as shu prepares to counter whatever attack you had planned, you jump over his head and dealt a smash attack from behind, leaving shu no time to react
-1 stock for shu, you both were now tied and luca was commentating the whole thing with reimu giggling on the side
shu keeps running after you trying to finish you once and for all with a smash attack but you kept dodging and grabbing power-ups to help you take down shu’s health
“omg y/n how are you not dead yet, what the heck? i knocked you off the stage 3 times now.”
finally you see an opportunity to finish shu, you grab him and do a smash attack, sending him flying off the stage, resulting in a K.O from how low his health was
“oh gosh that was close, one more smash attack from you and i would’ve been the one who lost.” you sigh in relief
you and shu made an agreement earlier that whoever loses has to drink
you look at shu expectantly and shu groans, “fine fine…i’ll go order a drink from the bar. do you want anything babe?”
shu got a purple rain and for you, a sangria
with your drinks, you and shu head off into the crowd, mingling and chatting with your friends all whilst sipping on your drinks and getting more when they run out
shu ends up getting drunk because vox and mysta would get him to drink with them, you stopped 1-2 drinks before shu, so that you could bring him back to your hotel safely
you were an arms length away from shu, catching up with pomu, finana, alban and uki when you suddenly felt shu intertwine his fingers with yours, brushing his thumb against the back of your hand gently
you smile and continue on with the conversation
a few minutes pass and shu moved to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you and leaving little kisses on your nape
another few minutes pass and people from the group that you were chatting with slowly left one by one to go do something else
you turn around in shu’s embrace to give him a few soft pecks on his lips
when you pull back, shu leans forwards and captures your lips again, kissing you with a bit more fervour
shu holds you and rotates the both of you so that you guys switch positions, you didn’t realise you were standing that close to the wall till your back hit it
you gasp and shu took the chance to slip his tongue in, making you groan softly
as your tongues dance with each other, you moan softly and shu groans a little in response to that
shu pulls back slightly to catch his breath and you do the same
when you open your eyes you realise that shu has caged you in against the wall, one hand on each side of your head
you look at shu and he’s looking at you with hooded eyes. his eyes move down from your eyes to your lips and he licks his lips
“b-babe? are you okay?” you ask him softly
“mhm, yeah, i’m good. i’m very good actually. the sounds you make when i kiss you is intoxicating. i wanna hear more.”
at that your eyes widen and you blush all the way up to the tips of your ears and you struggle to even say anything — becoming a stuttering and spluttering mess
you suggest that the both of you head back to the hotel so that shu could continue whatever he wanted to do in private
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“hey shoto, y/n! come play beer pong with us!” vox calls out to the both of you from the table on the right side of the room
shoto and you walk over to vox, seeing millie, pomu, finana, fulgur and uki surrounding the table
you both say hi to all of them and vox starts splitting you guys up into two teams
you, vox, pomu and uki end up on the same team, with shoto on a team with fulgur, finana and millie
you and shoto both go first, you throw your ping pong ball into the middle cup with ease whereas, shoto missed
“ohhh my god. that should’ve been in what the fuck?” shoto says exasperatedly
vox chuckles and says, “drink up boy.”
shoto downs the beer and hands the ping pong ball over to fulgur
the game ends and shoto’s team has 2 cups more than your team does
uki looks at shoto and says, “finish the beer shoto.”
“wait what? why do i have to?”
“unless you’re a pussy and don’t want to.” uki chortles
shoto tuts and says, “alright fine bitch, i’ll finish it,” finishing the rest of the beer, “there, done.”
you give shoto a peck on the cheek for finishing the beer, he chuckles and gives you a peck on the lips
shoto spots a twister mat and starts pulling you towards it
shoto calls over finana and uki to join the both of you for twister and the game commences once they arrive
as the game progresses, your body is being stretched and twisted in ways that you didn’t think was possible
“your ass looks amazing from this view that i have babe.” shoto smirks
“babeeee.” you whine
“what? i can’t admire my partner’s ass?”
shoto was the first to fall to the ground, getting disqualified. “nah…there was no way in hell i’d be able to move my hand all the way back there and not fall.” shoto huffs
finana was the next to fall and then uki, making you the winner of twister
“pretty flexible huh babe?” shoto smirks at you
you swat at him, getting him to stop. istg this demon slayer hangs out with that demon way too much (≧▽≦)
you both then head to the bar to get some drinks which will help cool the both of you down after playing twister
you and shoto both had about 4-5 mixed drinks, shoto was intoxicated but you were tipsy at best
the both of you had moved away from the bar and were chilling on a couch scrolling through twitter
shoto moves a little closer to you and shows you a very nsfw fan art of the both of you
you gasp and shoto chuckles, “this fan art’s kinda hot not gonna lie. they drew your thighs and ass so well.”
“babeeee!” you whine at him again
shoto leans in and kisses you, your lips moving against his naturally, kissing him back
shoto leans away a little and says against your lips, “i love your ass and thighs, you’re so sexy…”
he then pushes you down gently on the couch and captures your lips again, kissing you passionately
his hand that was cupping your cheek moves down your neck to your waist and stopping at your inner thighs, slowly rubbing it
you moan softly and shoto groans in response
you pull back slightly and breathed out, “w-we should continue this back at the hotel babe…”
“we better hurry because i don’t think i can wait.” shoto says as he licks his lips, flicking his eyes down to your lips
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slytherinshua · 10 months
genre. fluff. a little angst. could be read with the same counter!reader as miss me?warnings. blood and fighting mentioned. takes place directly in ep 3 of s2 so this is your spoiler warning. pairing. so mun x counter!reader. wc. 1.5k.
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You wanted to lunge at the evil spirit as soon as he had the audacity to walk right into the noodle shop. But, instead, you kept to your seat next to a small kindergartener with pigtails tied with colourful hair ties. You pretended to listen intently to what she was telling you, but all you were really focusing on was your boyfriend who had sat down across from the evil spirit.
The air was tense, the pressure building up even physically as the building began to shake. Luckily, it didn’t seem like any of the kids were noticing what was going on. Ms. Chu had, though, and she gave you a serious look from across the room, clearly as concerned as you were about the situation. 
There had never been anything like this before. You had never seen an evil spirit walk straight into the noodle shop. You could feel the energy in the air. Mun had summoned the territory and you could also sense him using his psychokinesis. The evil spirit could use it too, and that terrified you.
You couldn’t hear their conversation, so you focused on Mun’s face instead. You were usually pretty good at reading his facial expressions. You watched his eyebrows furrow and his eye twitch. He was using a lot of his power, and you could only guess that the evil spirit was matching it. 
They were having a mind battle. 
You had tried to learn psychokinesis from Mun’s group lessons. You weren’t as good as Hana, but you could lift most small objects with ease after a couple weeks of training. Your specialty was time manipulation. On a good day and with the help of Mun’s territory, you could freeze time for up to 5 minutes. It was strenuous, though. Intensely strenuous. When you had first begun you could barely manage 5 seconds, but with ample training you started to improve.
You thought about freezing time now, but you were hesitant. The evil spirit didn’t look like he came here to fight, and So Mun seemed to be managing in his current state.
You gulped as a crack in the window started to form, with each second it became bigger. Mun was straining himself, pushing his limits to fight off the opposing psychokinesis. His fist was clenched tightly, though he tried to keep his face calm. The evil spirit seemed more tense than he was, which gave you some small hope that Mun was still stronger.
It felt like the tense moment went on for hours, but it suddenly all came to an end when one of the kid’s glasses slipped off the table from the shaking and the evil spirit caught it smoothly. He gave a fake smile and a gentle, “Are you okay?” to the small child.
“You have so many things you need to protect.” The words sounded sadistic and devilish, and you forced yourself to not lunge at him. Mun was breathing unsteadily, anger flashing in his usual soft eyes. You scowled at the evil spirit. You hated leaving things unfinished. You didn’t like waiting to fight another day. You were always one to face things head-on. If it had been different circumstances, you would’ve frozen time and given this evil spirit a piece of yourself. 
It absolutely enraged you how he had come here to scout things out, to test So Mun’s ability first hand without risk. And now that he had found out what he wanted, he walked out. But you were glad that he was leaving nonetheless. A fight in front of all the kids would’ve been a much worse outcome.
The door swung shut and you turned your focus back to Mun, who suddenly lurched forward and gasped, almost falling to the ground but he caught himself on the table.
“So Mun-” You were by his side immediately, hand on his shoulder and supporting him to make sure he didn’t fall. Your eyes widened as a drop of blood fell to the floor. All the other counters had gotten nosebleeds in psychokinesis training before, even Hana when she was just starting out. But you had never seen it from Mun. It sent a chill up your spine as you realized just how strong these new evil spirits could be.
You felt every inch of you ignite with rage. He just walked in and out like he owned the place? He pushed Mun to the edge of his abilities and strolled out like it was nothing? You started to move to run after him. You wanted a fight. You wanted payback. Evil spirits were bad in their nature, but this one was worse than any you had seen.
Your boyfriend stopped you before you could go, though. He was heaving still, his nose dripping blood and his forehead shiny with sweat. He gave you a small shake of his head. He knew what you were thinking in an instant, and he kept a firm hand on your arm to make sure you didn’t leave.
“Don’t.” He gasped, coughing a little. You sighed, fist clenching as you looked back at the door for another second before turning your full attention to Mun.
“Are you okay?” He nodded, finding his footing again to stand up but he stumbled a little, still exhausted from the encounter with the evil spirit. You caught him safely in your arms before he could fall. 
“Sit down.” You guided him back to the chair and grabbed a tissue from the side table for his nose. Hana had gone back to the kids knowing you could handle the situation with your boyfriend, but Ms. Chu stayed by your side. She always felt like injuries, no matter how big or small, were her responsibility. You understood her completely. If the team were ever too late, you couldn’t help placing the blame all on yourself and millions of what-if’s and alternative scenarios would play in your mind. Mun had always been helpful for your overthinking, even before you two were dating. He always knew exactly what to say to get the thoughts out of your head.
“He’s stronger, isn’t he?” You were now sitting beside Mun, gently clasping his hand.
He nodded, “But we’re stronger too. At least, we will be. We have to be.” You gave his hand a squeeze. It was a scary thought, but you wondered if the team was cut out for defeating evil spirits of this level.
There was only one person that could possibly be knocking on your door at 1 am. You wondered whether it was something serious or if your boyfriend really despised sharing his new room with Jeokbong that much. Whatever the reason was, it didn’t really matter. Mun was always welcome wherever you were. 
He opened the door, but didn’t come in, instead faltering in the doorway for a while. You opened your arms wide, waving for him to come over for a hug. It was enough to get him to take steps forward and close the door.
“Can’t sleep because of stress or because Jeokbong is really annoying?” You asked with a small laugh as Mun positioned himself to snuggle close to you, a position which allowed you to play with his curly hair— something you loved to do more than anything.
“Jeokbong isn’t so bad, you know. He’s part of the team now.” Your boyfriend mumbled.
“Yeah, well he isn’t much help yet, but he’s pretty cute at least.” 
Mun gave a small discontented groan at your comment, “He is not cute.”
“Are you still stressed about it?” You asked, moving the topic of discussion to a more serious matter. Your boyfriend sighed and shuffled just a little closer to you.
“I can’t stop thinking about it. I should’ve done something. He was right there, but I let him go. Maybe if we had all worked as a team-”
“Baby, you did your best. It was better to not have a fight in front of all the kids.” You reassured him, truly meaning every word. The fact that he even got a nosebleed showed that he truly strained himself as far as he could. 
“I know you’re right, but I still don’t feel like it.” He mumbled.
“And you can’t sleep because it’s still bothering you?” You guessed and he hummed affirmatively.
“I thought being next to you might help me sleep.” He admitted and it made you smile.
“I hope it does.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead before closing your eyes and preparing to sleep.
So Mun kept his eyes open for a while, mindlessly staring at your sleepy face. When he finally felt some tiredness wash over him, he pressed one last kiss to your lips and hugged you close, slipping away to his dreams.
↳ k-drama taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @cha3w0n-hearts (abp & tuc only),, @tempobaekh (tuc only)
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