#she’s also a homophobe who fetishizes MLM
correctproseka · 2 years
You know what, as a wlw im extremely tired of this fandom.
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There are:
4 boys
15 girls
1 Mizuki
And the fandom manages to get the 4 boys twice as popular as the most popular wlw ship.
Up until a few months ago there were more wlw fics even if ruikasa and akitouya were always top 3 but then the genshin fujoshis entered this fandom but this isn't about that now.
I understand ruikasa and akitouya are great ships, but can't people spare the time to give wlw some love too or are people gonna continue being straight up lesbiphobic and misogynist?
MinoHaru and Anhane are THE MOST EXPLICIT SAID ships in the full game. And anhane still gets more attention because they're from vbs, a group with two boys. MinoHaru has so few fanfics actually dedicated to them, most of them are chatfics or background couples.
Its full on misogynist when:
The fandom treats leo/need and more more jump too, they're the only full female group (im not counting niigo because of Mizuki) and said as "boring" and the girls without personality, Saki saves actually because she is Tsukasa's sister.
Both of those groups has amazing stories that might not be for you, but it does not gives anyone the right to say its boring when you didn't even pay attention to it.
I've seen people call Kanade, Mafuyu, Ena boring even, but then go and amplify Tsukasa's depression (which is another fucked up thing) because sure, girls cant be as interesting as boys.
Treat Shiho, Ena and Airi as this assholes but turn around and say Akito is the best written character as if those 4 dont have the same thing of acting harsh but genuinely caring.
People put stuff like ruinene and mizurui as past abusive/toxic relationships for the sake of mlm.
People keep up putting Saki on the hospital or dead in favor of Tsukasa angst, which is not only misogynist but also ableist.
People treat Ena as this abusive older sister when really, it's not that at all. (Also used for Akito angst because people love doing this to the siblings apparently)
Its full on transphobic when:
People dont treat Mizuki as nonbinary, or their ships being nblw/nblm or even wlw would be more correct, people treat Mizuki differently. Yall barely treat them as a person, just for your ship. Mizuena and Mizumafu are extremely sexualized as if thats the only good thing for the character.
Its full on lesbiphobic when:
The 4 boys have more content than 15 girls.
A lot of the most popular wlw ship is just as a background for Akitouya. (Seriously dont even tag them when its not important to the story, when i want to see Akitouya i go to the akitouya tag).
In early fandom, people demonized Anhane to say how Akitouya is this great thing.
Someone had to write anhane fics near daily (Kohane420 if you're out there you're a legend) because there were more akian fics than anhane.
It's straight up homophobic when:
The mlm ships has a lot of fetishization and smut.
They change Tsukasa's personality to be an innocent bean who does no wrong and Rui's personality as this sexualized person just to write fanfic.
I wont be mad if you like the boy characters or the mlm ships because that is valid but sometimes you should stop and look at if there's any reason to that or if you're not leaving the girls behind for it.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
New vivziepop defense just dropped! people are saying that chaggie being boring is actually good because men can't fetishize it... sorry but as a lesbian the solution to men fetishizing sapphic relationships isn't to portray a sapphic couple as pure and sexless. writing a sapphic couple so that men can't fetishize it is still prioritizing men's viewing of it! write the couple for the sapphic gaze! write them in a way that sapphics can relate to and enjoy! chaggie does nothing for me because it feels like viv was trying to write a "safe" sapphic couple, like she was afraid making them too romantic would get her show canceled by the homophobes. sure that excuse works for something like korrasami but not for an adult cartoon in 2024 that already has multiple mlm couples that are allowed to flirt and be sexual with each other!
Viv stans are also saying that if chaggie were a mlm couple people wouldn't call them boring which is funny to me because it's kind of correct but not for the reason they think. if chaggie were both men, we wouldn't call it boring because viv would write them differently. she'd probably sexualize the hell out of chaggie if they were an mlm couple! that's what she does with all her other mlm couples! even her mlw couples! but her one singular wlw couple doesn't get that treatment... could it be? that viv treats her female characters different than her male characters? that viv is the one with the sexist double standards? and not the people criticizing chaggie? not to mention that most of the people who criticize chaggie also criticize ships like stolitz and huskerdust but it's not like viv stans actually pay attention to what critics say.
Potentially unpopular opinion but is it that much of a bad thing if men fetishize a wlw relationship? Viv and her fandom fetishize mlm to hell and back, and this entire fandom runs on porn -- I'm not saying it's ideal, but is it really such a problem that people like this believe it's worth stripping every last ounce of sexuality or chemistry from Charlie and Vaggie?
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sapphicfloyrid · 3 days
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I’m the owner of this account (soup/soul/floyd/riddle)! I will be using this account to post mainly about the popular TWST ship of Floyd Leech X Riddle Rosehearts known as Florid!
I will use this account to post rants, headcanons and art too! Along with some edits I have of the ship featuring other ships as well!
This account as inspired by my friend @dailymalleidia/@dracxxnia so please do go check them out!
I’d also be happy to answer any questions and common misconceptions about the ship too! Along with your guys headcanons!
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I’m a lesbian, thus explaining the name “sapphicfloyrid”! If me talking about this ship a lot seems odd or fetishy, please do let me know!
I’m also on the aroace spectrum (I’m nebularomantic and asexual) and under the trans umbrella (gender apathetic)
I use she/he/they pronouns + some neos and xenos (void/soul/it)!
I’m neurodivergent! I have (diagnosed) adhd and autism and currently as of now, TWST is a hyperfixation for me atm!
I will be posting my strong opinions and feelings about certain stuff (which I already do) related to Floyrid and the fandom! I also tend to miss social cues at times and get easily distracted so please bear with me.
I’m also a minor! In high school rn so I’m very weary of adults talking to me in DMs so please do keep that mind!
There are times when I don’t know how to respond to DMs or don’t have the energy/am overwhelmed so please don’t get upset with me (; ̄Д ̄)
My favs are Floyd, Riddle, Jade, Azul, Sebek, Ortho and Deuce! I also have other ships besides Florid like Idiazul, Mallekei, Vilrook, Adeuce and Treyjade! I also like to indulge in rarepairs (*´▽`*) This blog will be centered on only Florid though!
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Do not try to change my opinions at all unless what I say it completely incorrect.
Don’t shit on my hcs unless they seem really really ooc
Do not be weird with me. Especially if you’re an adult. I’m an ace minor and it makes me uncomfortable!
Do not ask me to make nsfw hcs of Floyd and Riddle. Or of any TWST minors/characters. I have the public decency not to be weird. I do make dirty jokes about some characters but not if they’re minors.
Don’t come on my blog if you’re gonna spew bullshit about Florid being “toxic” or whatever the hell. I have debunked it before and made multiple paragraphs and posts about it not being abusive or any of the sorts before.
Don’t force me to have a conversation with you in DMs. I will get tired and uncomfortable.
No Yandere shit at all. I will not hesitate to block you if you ask me for that.
Please be aware that I am not a fujoshi. I use the term himejoshi (which is a girl who indulges heavily in gl/yuri) but never the term fujoshi. If you compare me to a fujoshi or call me one with no reason, you’re gonna be blocked.
Use tone tags with me!
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18+ only accounts cause I’m gonna automatically assume you’re a creep if you’re an nsfw account interacting with a MINOR. Extra weird if you’re a TWST nsfw account considering like 90% of the cast are minors.
This should be obvious but people who sexualize the TWST minors (first years and 2nd years) ESPECIALLY Floyd. Floyd is one of my top favs and somewhat of a comfort (his nd traits) so seeing him get sexualized really irks me badly.
Florid haters. You’re on a blog about them.
Proshippers (I.e Lilia x the students, Leechcest, Shroudcest, Leoruggie and any Leona X anyone who isn’t a third year ship)
Jamikali/Leomal/Rollomal shippers or just rollo defenders
Mlm/wlw fetishizers
People who dumb down Malleus to some “hot dragon dom” or call him a “thirsty Yuu simp”
Homophobes/transphobes + racists + Zionists + ableists
“Lesboys”/straightbians/gaybians/bi-lesbians as a lesbian under the trans umbrella, these are not valid
Endogenic systems
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#🌹ᰔ🦈 (main tag)
#📨⚡️ (asks)
#🍓🎨 (art)
#⤿reblogs ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
#🦈❤︎🌹 (skits)
#🌹 » 🦈 (headcanons)
#𓏲 ๋ rants⋆.˚♡
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blackcat419 · 9 months
Fetishization of gay relationships and the sexism fans engage in for their otp: an analysis of Jacaerys x Cregan in the HotD fandom
Neither pro or anti any ships talked about just discussing fandom attitudes.
Fandom has long had an interest on white mlm relationships. This interest borders on fetishizing as many will prioritize white mlm ships over ones with woman or bipoc mlm, going as far to harass actresses who they perceive to be getting in the way of their ship.
I fear we are seeing the same thing with Jace and Cregan and the women surrounding them.
We have seen a big push by fans for Sara Snow to not be a real person and not make an appearance in the show. They use Jace wouldn’t cheat on Baela and disrespect her like that as a reason for Sara Snow to not exist.
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They also argue that Sara Snow can’t be real because only mushroom mentions her despite how much the show has suffered from the books.
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This same idea isn’t applied when the idea of Jace and Cregan being an item. There are people who say that it’s not Jace cheating on Baela because it’s gay and not straight.
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There is also a push to declare that it wasn’t Sara Jace married but Cregan and it was erased because the Maesters are homophobic
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Or that the marriage never happened because it was to smear Jace’s character.
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Because of this, I fear we will see a lot more hate directed at Sara Snow’s actress if she is included because her existence prevents a non existent white mlm relationship. We will probably see more sidelining of Baela for Cregan Stark as well.
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dragynkeep · 11 months
Miles fucking Luna just admitted on Cameo bumbleby was made canon soley because of its popularity with shippers and "would have toned down the Black Sun moments" had they known beforehand! Ais, please bully this beta looking crackhead on Twitter for me because I don't have an account and I refuse to get one
i watched the video & 1. why does he look like that & 2. why is he so goddamn close to the camera. back tf up on this cameo you've owed someone for ages, maybe try & be a little professional & not look like you're recording this on your smoke break.
it's also interesting he doesn't mention why he had to turn cameo off for a bit when some of the last cameos he had included misusing the word genocide over a fictional character & then pimping out his own self insert as "bisexual" & having to walk it back when people, desperate for queer mlm representation in this homophobic ass show, were wondering if it was actually going to be canon when. nah. he just said it for money :))
"you asked if there was any behind the scenes info for bumblby, which is hard cause i don't think there's much to talk about" for a ship you've apparently had in the works for 10 years? since the beginning? kept so under wraps? whatever, miles.
ohhh my god miles bringing up that blake is the bisexual queen & "everyone wants to date her" as if he wasn't disgustingly biphobic & joked about getting off to women kissing in front of him as well as asking if bisexual women were "truly bisexual" or just "sipped from the fur cup" with his best friend who sexually harasses women.
it's also weird that this essentially confirms the reason she has the "blake harem" is because she's bisexual, as well as being "cute & pretty." which. fall into a hole, luna, you ugly fuck.
also positing sun & blake on their faunus relationship as the much smaller one while being deluded there was anything to yang & blake over the "much longer relationship" besides a shit ton of shared trauma & no in depth discussions, no romantic connection, nothing until the last two volumes where they were like "welp, better get this yuri train on the road" & invented moments for them out of nowhere that were out of character & did a disservice to their actual characters.
"they're finally in a place where they can admit their feelings to one another" but why? nothing has changed between them, they've actively ignored or pushed aside the so called "baggage & drama" that miles described them going through & in this volume they were essentially made by the environment to confess their feelings, not through any genuine connection. there was no reason that this confession couldn't have happened in all the life threatening situations last volume & i would've been spared yang fetishizing blake's racial features.
overall: this cameo just confirms the worst of what we knew about crwby in regards to sun / blake / yang. whatever was popular was going to be canon, they didn't care or understand their characters motivations & there is so much biphobia in their treatment of their main bisexual character in regards to both her love life & the confirmation of it only coming in a wlw relationship, downplaying all sides of her attraction.
they could've had blake be confirmed bisexual from day one. they could've done more with blake & yang in the early volumes instead of borderline pimping her out to the cast to have a harem because of said bisexuality & her "cuteness" when in what way does that fit the reserved & cautious blake we know?
this is five minutes of my time i'll never get back & i wish miles a very happy get [redacted] because your shitty voice sounds like razor blades in my ear, you unwashed biphobic fuck.
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suavis · 2 years
Never interacting with ST tumblr ever again. Went to the tag after Vol 2 expecting to see posts about the episodes/s5 set up, instead I got
Death threats to Duffer Bros for not making by//er canon
People who don’t support by//er are homophobic
Horrible hate to Mileven fans
Duffer Bros are homophobic for killing Eddie bc “Eddie is gay & they killed him bc they didn’t like Stedd¡e”
We’re sick & tired of El, she shouldn’t be focused on in s5, instead Will & Mike
Mike’s speech to El is out of character, he doesn’t love her
El is boring & her abuse for her entire life isn’t comparable to Will, his unrequited love for Mike is worse than her torture
Mike should’ve died instead of Eddie & he’s homophobic to Will, Mike is the worst person in the show
I’m also not interacting with ST tumblr again bc of the white mlm fetishizers. Billy was clearly racist to Lucas & abusive to Max (I understand he was abused but that doesn’t excuse his racism and horrid treatment of Max) but yet Steve & Billy is a popular ship. If Lucas was white, we’d see more Lucas/Dustin. But we don’t. Women are also always pushed to the side for mlm ships, so many posts diminish El for by//er
LITERALLY you’ve encompassed everything i hate abt the fandom 💀 it’s never really surprising when fandoms only care abt bland white men they can hc as gay/bi and then fetishize but truly the attempted character assassination of multiple whole ass children bc they don’t play into their specific narratives they want is extra foul.
i thought st*ddie was cute in passing at first but then the fans and esp eddie fans started acting Like That and i was outta there 💀 ain’t no way they thought it was going to end any other way have the ever watched this show before??? like he was fun but ultimately he was just some guy that some ppl in this fandom care more abt than MAX who’s been around for three seasons now like make it make sense???? and same with billy stans they just choose to ignore full on racism like i saw one say they did believe he was racist but still liked him 💔 truly no saving them the way y’all will cape for random white men even if they’re racist and abusive…… ur not seeing heaven
and YES the way this fandom passes over the black characters (the very few that exist 🥴) is sooooo…. obvious truly. billy apologists are obviously the worst of em but. if will had been in love with lucas and he’d been acting like mike first of all there wouldn’t even be a quarter as many shipper and second lucas would have been eviscerated 💔 people’s priorities in this fandom could not be clearer tbh
and people’s hatred of eleven is so transparent 💀 if she wasn’t in the way of that certain ship nobody would give a fuck but instead they’ll say she’s just his beard, she’s aroace/lesbian (which obvi i support hcs like this wholeheartedly but when the ONLY purpose is to try to make it so she couldn’t possibly be attracted to mike and so now will can have him???? gtfo), she looks like a man (which is mentioned MULTIPLE times in the b*ler slideshow LMAO make it make sense….. i’m a woman with short hair does that make my gf straight???), etc.
also yeah their fixation specifically earlier on the fact that mike couldn’t say i love you to her and then when he finally did it was out of character/him projecting his feelings for will on her??? it’s disrespectful to the characters tbh like the way they characterize mike idek how they like him anymore considering how they seem to believe he’s manipulating eleven AND being an asshole to will while still being in love with him??? i have truly never seen a fandom so deluded over next to zero actual evidence but i wasn’t around in the days of tjlc so 💀 but i’m definitely seeing some similarities LMAO it’s bad like. i think EVERYONE can agree that will is into mike but b*lers seem to think that means mike is going to have to be into will too like. ik they’re still hung up on their middle school/high school straight best friends (or are still IN middle/high school with that straight best friend 💀) and want to think that he’ll get the happy ending they didn’t but. truly i do think will deserves better than this even if mike DOES return his feelings like. they would not be a good couple 💔 here’s to hoping will gets a bf in s5 and all the characters get to be happy for once and b*let fans finally shut up <3
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zuko-thee-stallion · 1 month
I came across your post replying to the homophobic Katara post, and I've noticed that people who view any female character as some sort of interference or force to prevent their favorite MLM ship from happening are usually Fujoshis (or anyone who fetishizes and sexualizes Queer men and MLM ships). Fujoshis are also extremely misogynistic as they see any female character who has some sort of relationship with one or both of the male characters they want to ship together (regardless of if said female character has a familial, romantic, or platonic relationship with at least one of the male characters in said ship) as the villian.
I don't care if people ship Sokka and Zuko together, but people trying to reduce Katara as some evil bitch who doesn't want her brother to be in a relationship with another man is a reach. Also, the fandom has had a sexism and misogyny issue ever since The Last Airbender aired on Nickelodeon as there are fans who bashed Katara for constantly bringing up her mother. On top of there's fans who absolutely hate Korra for not being like Aang and for ending the Avatar cycle (even though it's been hinted that the cycle will end in ATLA).
oh 100%. and it doesn’t help that katara happens to be a woc because she will always be seen as agressive, hypermasculine, and an overall villain simply because she is a darker skinned character.
literally it doesn’t matter if this is “unintentional” or not but it’s very harmful to black women and woc to be perceived in this way because it only opens the door for more violence towards them and only further reinforces the idea that darker skinned women don’t deserve love
tbh FAWK your MLM ship if it means a black or brown woman has to come at the expense of it
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mutt-the-punk · 2 years
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My nAme is River, I'm a scemo (Scene & emo)person who luvs new friends (Including you!! <33)
I use tUmblr as a kewl (cool) & fUn way 2 find new friendz and to find peOple whom have the same interEsts as mE (Interests later listed)
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Oh no.. your computer has a virus! I'll help you out but you gotta listen first.
Dni: Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, Ablelist, pro overturning of Roe V Wade, -12,+21, Andrew Tate watchers, Msi supporters, falling in reverse supporters (basic Dni), Cringe culture, mean, rude, anti tone tagsif you are &/or support any of the following:
* racist, anti-black, against blm, support alm/blue lives matter, against police abolition & acab. xenophobic, antisemitic, islamophobic, nazi, zionist, assadist. don't support land back. alt-right.
* pro-life, anti-abortion. map, nomap. use/say slurs you can't reclaim. aren't critical of interests.
* romanticize or glorify abuse, and/or mental illness. trauma invalidation. think [emotional] neglect isn't a form of abuse.
if you are &/or support any of the following queerphobic beliefs:
* radfem, terf, swerf. transmed, truscum. against neopronouns, against xenogenders. against lesbians who use pronouns outside of she/her, and gays who use pronouns outside of he/him.
* fetishize mlm, fetishize wlw. think mlm are inherently 'less oppressed' by society, oppression olympics in general.
* believe aroace people aren't inherently lgbtq. mistreat transhets due to them being het. think polyamory is inherently sexual, think you can't cheat on your partners in polyam relationships.
* think bisexuality is the 'default' to being mspec, think pansexuality is biphobic, think trans people aren't included in bisexuality. treat pan/omni/ply/etc. as micro-labels under bisexuality.
if you are &/or support any of the following radinclus beliefs:
* pro-ship, anti-anti, pro-fic. think fiction has no effect on reality. pro-para (pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc.).*
* mspec 'lesbians', mspec 'gays', and mspec 'straights'. lesboys, turigirls, 'male lesbians', 'gay women'.
* transabled*; endogenic, xeno-origin, any non-traumagenic 'systems' are included. 'systems' caused by disorders outside of DID or OSDD-1, like 'bpd systems', you get the gist; think you can have any trauma disorder without the trauma.
* this doesn't mean the support for the people with disorders that cause these thoughts and feelings. this means the anti-recovery sentiment of identifying as 'pro-paraphilia' & transabled- whether or not you have said disorders- and the worsening of symptoms.
if you are &/or support any of the following ableist beliefs:
*accuse people of faking their disability, also known as fakeclaiming. exclude the experiences of physically disabled people when talking about ableism. dismiss the experiences of chronically ill people due to the fluctuation of severity in symptoms.
* think allistics can say the r slur, think the infinity symbol is for all neurodivergent people rather than just autistics. against informed self diagnosis.
* think people with cluster b personality disorders are inherently abusive, or that people with DID, schizophrenia, psychosis, ASPD, etc. are dangerous or violent. 'narcissistic abuse' truther.
* misuse mental health terms, like naricissistic, psycho[path], psychotic, delusional, schizo, etc., especially in a derogatory fashion.
If you are any of those, I can't help you! Srry, not srry..
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There we are, I just changed your computers oil out!....
Your computer doesn't take oil? Oopsies..
Wellll while you're contacting tech support, let's talk about a few of the things I like!
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Interests: Monster high (Mh), My little pony (mlp), Invader zim (Iv), Ruby gloom (Rb), Waffles (no really, I love them), Tone tags, Swag new friends, Slushies (SO YUMMY!!)
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My favorite characters: Derpy (mlp), Gir (Iv), Discord (mlp) Draculara (Mh), Ruby Gloom (Rb), Skelita (Mh), Sarah Scare (Mh), Clawdeen (Mh), Lagoona (Mh), Bender (Futurama), Ghoulia (Mh), and a few OthErz
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Other: My dms are open but I don't respond often, my notifications are off.
I luv 2015
I REALLLY like neon (Mainly Green & Pink)
I watch REPOSTED Shane Dawson vidz, Markiplier, and Brandon Ferris!!!
LVL 14
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You managed to get on the tech support line but you're on hold? Hm.... let's play my favorite song!!
You finally got ahold of them? SWAG! Well I've gotta go, byeeee
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55 notes · View notes
Choose violence game.
You know what. I'm very curious about your opinion about ALL OF THE NUMBERS
Wow, you chose violence, my friend. And I appreciate it!
These answers are mostly exclusively for Marvel/X-Men fandom. Be warned, I blab on forever. I cut out questions I already answered.
the character everyone gets wrong
I would love it if writers and fans stopped treating Sebastian Shaw as a sexist strawman.  I think the most ridiculous recent example was Shaw arguing against Curse’s resurrection in X-Men Green, and Kitty accusing him of having problems with powerful women he can’t control, and name-dropping Jean “Fire and life incarnate” like that’s supposed to intimidate Sebastian.  Give me a break, are we really girlbossing Curse?  I think Sebastian opposes Curse’s resurrection because she went a killing spree that makes her a liability to Krakoa.
It's also…..interesting to me that Sebastian is treated like the epitome of rich white male privilege.  I mean, I get it, he is rich and white and male, and he acts like he spends all his free time swimming in the money bin, but he also grew up in poverty.  There are plenty of rich characters born into wealth who don’t get this treatment.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
All my faves do both.
3.screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I’m assuming this means just fandom related, not real world issues.  But if I can veer away from X-Men fandom for a second, I really, really hate the way English-speaking manga fans have picked up the word fujoshi and turned it into “those awful women who fetishize MLM”  The original meaning of fujoshi, or “rotten women,” was misogynistic and homophobic male manga fans insulting any woman who was a big fan of anime/manga, and especially women who shipped M/M.  Japanese female fans embraced and reclaimed the term as a kind of badge of honor.  And now English-speaking, mostly Western fans on Tumblr have snatched up the term, which they don’t fully understand, as a way to differentiate themselves, the “good” M/M fans, from those awful fujoshi, the “bad” M/M fans.  I honestly think it’s racist to use the word that way.  You don’t get to enjoy Japanese BL/yaoi manga (or ship characters from manga) and also steal a word from Japanese fandom and use it incorrectly to bash on other fans.  If you want to talk about female fans fetishizing gay men, that’s a conversation we can have without taking a word out of context from another culture.  Personally, I think the main thing that really matters is how people treat actual, real life LGBTQ people.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Aside from those friendly pornbots, the main people I block are random strangers that I see having shitty opinions on threads reblogged by people I follow (the people I follow are generally reblogging a refutation of the shitty opinion).  So anyone posting, say, anti-trans stuff gets a block immediately. 
I’ve never blocked a mutual or someone that I previously followed, it would take a lot to get me to do that.  There was one blog that I had bookmarked and frequently read back before I had a tumblr account, because they mostly posted about a character I like.  Their posting got gradually more and more red-pilled – they started posting Jordan Peterson videos, then it was pro-Trump stuff.  I don’t know what the hell happened, they had seemed like an intelligent and empathetic person.  I never officially followed them on tumblr, but last time I checked their blog, they were whining about SJW.  Blocked.
5. worst discord server and why
I’m barely on Discord, aside from talking to a couple of IRL friends.  I prefer this Discord. 
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And this one.
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6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
I think it all comes down to the individual fans.  Any ship can be annoying if it gets large enough that it sort of dominates fandom, but I still don’t mind if the fans are well-behaved.  Ship wars in general annoy me – ship and let ship, as far as I’m concerned.  I probably get more annoyed with people who make a big deal about hating a particular ship.  I don’t mean just disliking it, or making a few posts venting about the ship or fans being annoying, I totally understand that. I mean constantly posting about how much they hate the ship, like it’s their own personal crusade.
9. worst part of canon
That Pyro and Avalanche have not kissed yet.
10. worst part of fanon
That not enough people have written about or drawn Pyro and Avalanche kissing.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
None.  I don’t really bother.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Morph from TAS.  Look, here’s this upbeat and cheerful mutant (who is also kind of annoying, admittedly), who is “killed” while trying to protect their friend, and then goes through absolute hell being manipulated and tortured and turned against their own team and having to confront their own dark side because they did terrible things, that’s an interesting character right there.  And Exiles Morph shows that TAS Morph has a ton of untapped potential in their powers.  Not to mention, we know so little about the character and their background, you can project whatever fanon you want onto them.  (Slaps roof) This bad boy can fit so many headcanons into them!
While I’m at it, I’ll also give a shout-out to Spyke from Evolution, a cute and likable kid with very cool powers, who also goes through an interesting arc with his powers visibly mutating his body, and he goes underground to live with the Morlocks and becomes their protector (which is nice, given that the X-Men mostly ignore the Morlocks).  And unlike Morph, Spyke was actually a main cast member on the show.  No offense to X-23, but how is it she got imported into the comics as a major character, despite only appearing in two episodes, and Spyke never really did?  (I know the answer – it’s because she’s a Wolverine.)
13. worst blorboficiation
Leah Williams completely re-writing Blob’s personality.  Don’t get me wrong, I like a more thoughtful, sensitive Blob, I like chill bartender Blob living his best life on Krakoa, I don’t like a personality change that barely resembles the old character.  I like Blob’s big and loud personality, even when he was often an obnoxious jerk, and I think there are ways to write him more sympathetically without completely losing that.
To be honest a lot of Leah Williams writing is just…..a little too Tumblr for me?  (Outside of other issues)  Like I totally love and appreciate the jokes and memes people make on here, but I can’t stand Jubilee using the phrase “juicy dumper” to describe having a nice ass.  Not because Jubilee can’t talk about sex or her body, or be vulgar, she’s a grown adult mother.  Just that “juicy dumper” sounds so fucking stupid, even for Jubilee, who is a slang queen.  It’s speech that works online, but people shouldn’t actually say it.
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
If we’re talking about things that annoy me, the obvious influence of TV or movie versions of characters when people are supposedly writing the comics version.  Or people tagging all possible adaptations, even though those have wildly different versions of the characters.  I don’t mind people being creative and adapting various versions of the characters, I do mind people claiming they’re writing the comics character, and it’s obviously the movie/cartoon version.  Or going into a fic not knowing at all which versions of the character I’m going to get.  That’s probably my most petty, gate-keeping fandom opinion.
15, that one thing you see in fanart all the time
I really don’t have a problem with most fanart. I do get tired of Madelyne Pryor fanart being all evil-sexy-boobs-out Goblin Queen, but in fairness, that’s how the comics have been depicting her for years.  And unless you tag it as Maddy, or put her in her flight suit or Anodyne costume, it’s hard to know it’s her otherwise.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
The Wolverine/Jean/Scott “love triangle,” I’m so tired of it, but Wolverine writers will never let the whole Jean thing go.  I think fandom is actually pretty divided on it at this point, but there are plenty of people that still seem to love it, or want some kind of poly thing between them.  (I don’t have an issue with a poly relationship in comics, I just have an issue with Jean/Wolverine.)  I hate it because it feels forced, because Wolverine has had many partners and it seems like writers just want him to be the cool guy who gets all the women, and because they want some of the conflict between Wolverine and Scott to revolve around Jean, even though it’s already an obvious conflict between team leader and Guy Who Hates Authority.  I have never read any kind of attraction on Jean’s part that has convinced me, it just feels like Wolverine either pining for or chasing after a woman who is not interested, and who is already with someone else.  I’d much rather see Wolverine/Storm, or Wolverine/Storm/Nightcrawler if people want a poly ship.  That’s actually a romance growing naturally out of friendship and mutual respect, not “The cool rebel guy likes The Girl, and therefore he should have her.”
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Pyro and Avalanche kissing, obviously.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Shinobi Shaw.  He’s a hot bad boy with a history of being abused, he’s the son of a prominent villain, he’s bisexual and has an amazing fashion sense (when he’s not in Marauders).  He’s a poor little meow meow.  He has all the qualities that should make Tumblr latch onto him, but for some reason people haven’t.  Maybe because he hasn’t had much to do in the Krakoa era outside of Marauders, and he didn’t really get to do much in Marauders, either.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
I’ve been trying to read some of the original X-Men issues, like the stuff from way back in the 60’s, and wow is it a slog.  I’m honestly mostly bored with the original five, I like Jean and Bobby, but I think the book gets way more interesting when the Giant Size X-Men show up.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Big comics events, editors please stop making writers interrupt their stories every few months for the latest “event.”
But the recent specific thing is Mr. Sinister.  He’s a fun and entertaining character, but he or one of his clones have played SUCH a big role in the Krakoa books, and we just had an entire event about him taking over, and it seems like his story still isn’t over, I’m honestly just tired of him.  I’m glad classic Sinister went into the Pit, but there are still three clones running around to fill the void, and they’re not that interesting either.  I don’t want Sinister to leave the books entirely, I just want him and his variants to GO AWAY for a little while.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Phantazia.  Where are you, Eileen?
Also, why has no one put Pyro and Fabian Cortez together as a musical duo when they both can canonically play instruments.  (Or at last, Fabian says he can…..)
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I can’t think of any ship I actively dislike that I’ve been convinced to like.  But I have been introduced to ships that I hadn’t thought about before, like Maximus/Namor, or Gambit/Quicksilver, or Unus/Blob.  I was already into Sam/Bucky, but fans have got me liking it even more.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Things aren’t so bad on Tumblr, but on other social media like Reddit, any time a character in super-hero comics is LGBTQ.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a pre-established character coming out, or a completely new character, all the assholes come crawling out of the woodwork to explain why they totally don’t have a problem with gay characters, they just don’t like the way this particular one is written.  Every time.  There is no winning with these fans.  If it’s an established character coming out, then we get “Just make a new character, don’t change an established one!”  Even though comics are full of other types of character retcons.  Even though creators were restricted in depicting gay characters for decades (and to some extent probably still are), and a lot of meant-to-be-queer characters got straightwashed.  Even if it’s a minor recurring character whose sexuality was never previously established.  If it’s a completely new character, then they are an example of comics going “woke” and caring more about agendas than storytelling.  If the character’s sexuality is not a major part of their storyline, then they’re a token, if it is a major part of their storyline, then the character’s whole personality is about being gay.  There is no “right way” to write LGBTQ characters for these fans, because they really just don’t want gay characters in their super-hero comics.
This also applies to just about anytime a character is something other than a straight white dude or a conventionally hot woman.  “I just want good storytelling, not forced diversity!” people say about Kamala Khan, a popular and well-written character who has carried her own book with a great supporting cast for years.
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Anything negative about the inclusive nature of A03.  Use the damn tags, or else go construct your morally pure fandom archive somewhere else.
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animentality · 2 years
im gonna self identify as bisexual and nonbinary before i start this post, and get stupid people mad at me, alright? proceed with that knowledge before you get your straight woman-burning torches out
i hate how every time a lesbian show comes out, people immediately rush to say, “all y’all mlm lovers had better show up for this show too or else you’re homophobic and fetishizing!”
how about you not decide what other people should be interested in??? 
what gives you the right to say what other people should like?
no one has to like anything. 
so straight girls aren’t as into lesbian shows as lesbians. 
why does this shock you?? if they’re straight, they’re into guys making out. 
they have different romantic and sexual interests than you!! does it shock you that gay men prefer gay shows over lesbian shows? 
are straight men allowed to like first kill, or is it a lesbian only event?
Why do we equate activism with our entertainment tastes??? 
Liking First Kill doesn’t make you a queer activist, the fuck?
Like listen. 
I haven’t watched the show. I don’t really like vampire stories. In fact, I kind of hate them. So I probably won’t watch it, not because I’m homophobic or whatever, but literally because I didn’t like Twilight either. 
But why does this count as some kind of crime? 
Why are we playing this game of, “you’re required to watch this if you’re queer or support queers?” 
no, the fuck, you are not. 
why do you require all queer people, and straight people, to love every single gay show you like, or else they’re bad, nasty people who probably harass lesbians and burn pride flags?
what is this bullshit rhetoric too, where you’re like:
“Oh you’ll watch heartstopper but you won’t watch first kill???”
the two are not alike other than being gay. 
maybe people are into teen high school dramas (I don’t fucking get it, I actually am not interested in heartstopper either). 
maybe they’re not into teen vampire stories.
maybe first kill sucks.
i don’t know, i haven’t seen it.
my point is just this, ok. 
stop. insisting. everyone. love the same shit you do.
just because it’s a lesbian show.
im sorry that you feel people don’t support wlw shows as much as mlm.
im sorry that there are straight women who are gross and fetishizing and problematic and creepy. 
i know there are. 
im not defending all of them here. 
I just resent this implication, every time that a wlw show comes out, that it’s because ohhh straight women are the issue!
there are plenty of lesbian shows that were really fucking popular. with like, everyone. 
orange is the new black, killing eve, the l word. lesbians are also more likely to show up in cartoons like steven universe, she-ra, owl house. 
these are popular fucking shows. but for a multitude of reasons. 
and people tell us about the lore, the world building, the characters.  
it’s not just people saying oh watch it bc its gay. 
i say this as a bisexual, that’s actually not good enough, for me anyway, to watch something. i resent being told that i NEED to watch a vampire show im not interested in, or a teen romance show im not interested in, just bc a pack of social media activists say that i should be. 
consider that your tastes are not universal. 
and you can promote first kill without trying to gay guilt people into watching it by insisting they aren’t allowed to like heartstopper if they don’t like first kill. 
im sick of it. 
can you say the show is good for this or that reason, or are you just gonna lean on everyone, straight woman or man, by saying HOW DARE YOU NOT WATCH A SHOW THAT I LIKE?
Get off your gay high horse. I’m bringing you down with my bisexual lasso to tell you to chill out and stop tearing down gay shows to prop up others. 
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eruthiawenluin · 1 year
should i watch spn be honest
is it worth it
I am not recommending it, strictly speaking, but if you do, watch like… the first 5 seasons, and if you really need more, up to the end of season 7.
As for the rest, it’s a very hit-or-miss cashcow built on canon inconsistencies because of fan service and an extreme bias in Dean’s favor. And, I cannot stress this enough, the majority of the late seasons writers didn’t even watch the entire show. There’s actually a line in early season 13 where Sam says that Dean chose to “help” him when he was “evil” rather than leave him for dead. This is literally the exact opposite of what happened, but it got twisted into Dean saving him because of confirmation bias. And if you saw the infamous scene from 15x18, it’s pretty clear that Dean does not really reflect the things that Cas says. But, again, fan service.
By extension, if you do watch, stay far away from the fandom.
Going to talk about the bigotry of the show below the cut here (tw for talk of racism, misogyny, homophobia, and abuse apologia).
The show is a MotW format, but they appropriate a lot from indigenous cultures when they should and could just take from general folklore (see the title of 1x02 for example… and the awfulness of 1x08). It also features a lot of copaganda. I’ve noticed a pattern where half the time, antagonist cops are black men while protagonist cops are white women, which goes hand in hand with some of their villain choices…
On top of that, Dean has an Asian fetish (this is a consistent joke of the writers spanning as far as season 3 to season 14, from what I’ve seen) and subscribes to a magazine called “Busty Asian Beauties.” There is an episode in season 13 where he raises a gun to a young woc in an episode that specifically highlights how she is affected by racism, and then she gets fridged for her white woman love interest the next episode…
Sam is the more progressive one (he’s meant to be the liberal to Dean’s conservative) but in earlier seasons at least he’s a very lukewarm liberal. He gets some explicit character development on the bad points here (such as how he views prison) but the show never really moves on from the copaganda in general. If anything, it actually leans into it more with time. One of the protagonist cops absolutely abuses her power over a man in her custody and is still justified by the narrative even though the guy ends up proven innocent. All in the name of being a girlboss ig?
They tried for a Feminist spin-off (about two cops who adopt some wayward girls), but the series is actually deeply misogynistic. This is obvious from the get-go. Dean’s introduction to the show as an adult is him making Sam’s girlfriend uncomfortable because she’s underdressed, for example. He actually only gets worse, as he goes on to show a consistent interest in minors, have him be a peeping tom (even as late as season 11), and call every woman antagonist gendered slurs.
It’s been said on repeat “Hey, maybe don’t headcanon a sexual predator as queer…” and responses to that have varied from “No, he’s not a sexual predator” to “He is a sexual predator but queer men need to be represented as predators!” He’s painfully heterosexual though and any jokes people take out of context to suggest otherwise are just playing on the fact that he’s hetero so him having “feminine interests” (such as soap operas) would be “funny.” All of this is especially ironic when you consider that Sam was more or less confirmed MLM in s4 (barely past the censors) but is considered “the straight one” by fans.
They also brought a dead woman character back from the dead to give as a “gift” to Dean and show zero perspective on how she feels being literally objectified in this way. She is then expected to parent these two men she does not know. Wild.
Dean is predictably homophobic as well (though it doesn’t show up in explicit terms as often as his misogyny+racism) but fans either don’t acknowledge this or call it overcompensation.
And if I went into the topic of Dean’s abuse, we’d be here all day, but it’s an endless stream of abuse apologia from start to finish, from how John abuses his children to how Dean abuses Sam and Cas, even to people torturing Sam.
So, yeah, watch to your own detriment. The characters obviously inspire a lot from people, but the entire series is a wreck.
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blairpuffs · 1 year
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racist, anti-black , against blm, all/blue lives matter
nazi, alt-right
antisemitic, islamophobic
map or 'minor attracted person', a pedophile - basically
fujoshi/fundashi , fetishize mlm relationships/pairings/etc
romanticize abuse or mental illnesses
ableist (this includes people who are against self diagnosis too!)
lgbtphobic (lesbophobic, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, transphobic, exclusionist, etc)
use slurs you can't reclaim
believe in/are a bi/pan lesbian (here's a helpful carrd about it btw!)
believe fiction doesn't affect reality or you're pro-ship/anti-anti
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against xenogenders, neopronouns
against lesbians who use pronouns that aren't she/her, the same applies for gay men who use pronouns that aren't he/him
against any sort of non-binary identity
make fun of the way people identify? it's not only plain rude, but also extremely transphobic
trans-exclusionary radical feminist or any branch of feminism that excludes trans women or claim that trans women are not women or that feminism fights for trans men too
the feminism you are part of has a transphobic community or ideals, and you don't actively call it out/do anything against it, this applies to you too, people who are 'neutral' about transmisogyny and transphobia are transphobic as well
do not have a problem interacting/being friends with people who are transphobic, it's harmful and if you can be okay with people who refuse to treat trans people like people, then this, as well, applies for you
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joke about or justify incest in any form, including families who aren't related by blood (step-siblings, adopted family, etc)
joke about or justify pedophilia in any form
justify or participate in the sexualization of minors
justify abusive or unhealthy relationships
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wildflowersandivy · 2 years
Intro post
Hi! My name is asher, but you can call me ash! I use any pronouns but prefer he/they
I have adhd, dyscalculia, ARFID, anorexia, MDD and GAD
What I’m into at the moment:
Critical Role Campaign 3- tagged with #cr c3 spoilers
Writing bad poetry/ writing in general- tagged with #3am thoughts
Film (35mm)
My oc’s
Various aesthetics :)
DNI if you are:
• racist, anti-black , against blm, all/blue lives matter • nazi, alt-right • antisemitic, islamophobic • xenophobic • map or 'minor attracted person (a pedophile) • fetishize mlm relationships/pairings/etc. • romanticize abuse or mental illnesses • ableist (this includes people who are against self diagnosis too!) • lgbtphobic (lesbophobic, homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, transphobic, exclusionist, etc) • use slurs you can't reclaim • believe fiction doesn't affect reality or you're pro-ship/anti-anti • pro ana
— • Do not interact if you're transphobic, this includes: • against xenogenders, neopronouns • against lesbians who use pronouns that aren't she/her, the same applies for gay men who use pronouns that aren't he/him • against any sort of non-binary identity • make fun of the way people identify? it's not only plain rude, but also extremely transphobic • trans-exclusionary radical feminist or any branch of feminism that excludes trans women or claim that trans women are not women or that feminism fights for trans men too • the feminism you are part of has a transphobic community or ideals, and you don't actively call it out/do anything against it, this applies to you too, people who are 'neutral' about transmisogyny and transphobia are transphobic as well • do not have a problem interacting/being friends with people who are transphobic, it's harmful and if you can be okay with people who refuse to treat trans people like people, then this, as well, applies for you — • joke about or justify incest in any form, including families who aren't related by blood (step-siblings, adopted family, etc) • joke about or justify pedophilia in any form • justify or participate in the sexualization of minors • justify abusive or unhealthy relationships
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brydeswhale · 3 years
I’ve blocked a shit-ton of blogs in the time I’ve been on tumblr, but other than the spam blogs, etc, probably the main blogs I’ve blocked have been Stiles fans who think that sending anonymous hate is going to change my mind about their fave. Multiple blogs get blocked, which assures me that either there’s a small minority of Stiles fans working together as a group, or one extremely rude, entitled, and very, very sick person who has multiple blogs so when they get blocked on one, they can go on another.
And to frame this person, they started off slow.
Little “oh did you know, I have this unprovable, or decontexted “fact” about Tyler Posy”, and following it up with repeated harassment, and further abuse, and then really obnoxious shit. I started getting these when I started talking about how much I liked Scott, a FICTIONAL character, who is played by Tyler Posy, real person. I mean, obviously parts of the brain aren’t having a good time there.
And like I said, this is either a small group, or one disturbed person, BUT. The fact that I’m looking at my block page, checking to see what’s racist, what’s spam, and what’s just someone I didn’t feel like talking to ever again because they said they liked Seaworld, the majority of non-bot blocks being associated with “oh, the Stiles anon”, is an indication of a deep issue with the fandom itself and with the entitled, racist, and, frankly, ugly side of the Teen Wolf fandom.
The show has been over for three years by now(I believe, it might have been four), and this person, a STILES fan, is STILL throwing their tantrum over only getting most of what they wanted, instead of all of it.
And that’s not just annoying. It’s fucking scary. If this was someone in my community, I would be really worried about their fixation. And I don’t think I wouldn’t notice.
Someone in the Teen Wolf fandom, someone in the Stiles fandom, must know who this person is, or at least suspect them. And instead of helping them, instead of, you know, being a good citizen and helping everyone in the fandom, they’ve chosen to stay silent and complicit.
And before someone “no true Scotsman”‘s this thing, I have to say, I do not care if it’s only one person or a group of ppl. Because it’s a culmination of the entitlement that section of the fandom feels to own all of it. We can’t write fic about Scott without getting harassed, we can’t write our own meta, we can’t exist in this fandom without getting harassed. I’m not talking anon harassment, I mean supposed “big name” fans sea-lioning and pushing their weight around. The stiles fans think they own the fandom, all of it. They have always felt this way, and done their best to make everyone else feel unwelcome, and pushed them out. They have always felt this way, and have had temper tantrums over it ever since the first season.
And honestly, when some little jerk walks into my fic post, and starts making faces and complaining because I’m writing it according to my view of the series, I’m not going to buy “oh, it just happened to be recommended to me”, because in every interaction I have had with the stiles fandom, they have acted with bad faith.
They have furthered that bad faith by refusing to work to silence the aggressive, entitled, racist people in their fandom. They have furthered it by flooding the tumblr and AO3 tags on teen wolf with false, bigoted fanfics, fan art, image manipulations, meta, and more. They have furthered it by playing the victim when we, justifiably, don’t want to take their shit. They have furthered it by allowing this particular harasser or group of harassers, to remain unnamed and unabated in their midst.
Also, like, watch another show? Read the Dresden Files, or the Anita Blake series. In fact, you’d love the Anita Blake series, it’s like the porn filled mirror universe of Teen Wolf. You’ll love it.
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melodramas · 3 years
i’ve been holding this in for a very long time but i finally feel that i can share my experiences with tori, @lizzo. though this is just one interaction that i had with her that sent me over the edge, tori (a 24 year old white woman) has a history of harassing both people of color and minors (or people who are both, like me). when confronted about her disgusting actions, she acts like a typical white woman: being angry and defensive at first and then making herself out to be the victim time and time again. 
solely for context purposes, this post also brings up alana, @seegoldendaylight, a 34 year old woman who runs a sideblog for the film call be my your name, a film with blatant and graphic pedophilia. when i confronted her about this (completely civilly), she also made herself the victim and claimed that she was being bullied by someone who was half her age at the time. i don’t have the screenshots for the conversation as of right now, but when i did discuss this with her, i remained civil throughout; until she began accusing me of baseless bullying. 
the incident covered in the screenshots below happened on november 2, 2020 (a day before the elections in the usa). 
it’s important to note that this is not an isolated incident. i know for a fact that tori has harassed other minors and people of color in the time between november 2 and today, but it is not my place to share what she has done to them unless and until they feel safe doing so.
the post continues under the cut because it got quite long. please share this and block tori to reduce this racist woman’s platform on this website. 
at the time this occurred, i was 16 and tori was 23. trigger warnings for racism, lgbtqphobia, and pedophilia mentions.
for context, tori was discussing how important she felt it was to cut off conservative friends and family completely because they “didn’t care about lgbtq+ people and Black people.” she brought up her own experiences and how she, personally, was able to cut off conservative people in her own life and asserted that anyone who wasn’t able to do so was a terrible person. 
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as seen in the last screenshot, her main point was that even if it was unsafe for someone to disagree with conservatives, they needed to do so.
tori then elaborated and went on a rant about her own situation and how she, personally, was able to successfully get out of a homophobic area and cut off these conservative people, saying (presumably to the other people in the conversation) that she was “tired and angry and somebody should be.” 
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at this point, i entered the conversation and (as a moderator) tried to defuse it by speaking civilly with tori and trying my best to explain how tori’s perspective was often unfeasable, especially for people of color and minors. rose (notably a non-usamerican white adult) also agreed with me for the most part.
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when i brought up the opression faced by lgbtq+ people in other countries, tori mocked me (and rose) for bringing up these other nations. as soon as we pointed out her aggression, tori made herself the victim by claiming that we were undermining her.
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here, the conversation shifted. realizing that there was no way she could spin this in her own favor, tori switched gears, bringing up a conversation between me and her friend alana, @seegoldendaylight. as mentioned above, alana is a pedophilia apologist who is an avid fan of the film call me by your name and believes that all criticism of the film is a personal attack on her. 
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tori mentions the old discussion once again, claiming that i undermined her experiences by accurately stating that it’s impossible for some people to cut off conservatives. she also asserts that cmbyn is a film without any pedophilia, all while knowing that it features a graphic, sexually explicit mlm relationship between a 17 year old boy and a 24 year old man. 
she doesn’t let go of the idea that “things are different in italy” to justify her baseless argument. she claims that i, a minor of color, harassed her friend when i civilly approached alana about the issues with the film.
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she gaslights me, saying that i’m trying to manipulate her by telling her that pedophilia is bad. she makes another baseless claim when she says that i am only ever sporadically active “whenever i have a point to make.”
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she brings up the baseless bullying claims at the same time that she is actively harassing me for expressing my discomfort and disgust towards pedophilia as an lgbtq+ minor of color and ceaselessly asserts that she is in the right.
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as soon as other members enter the conversation, tori makes herself the victim again, calling me the bully. she shifts all blame off herself by refusing to acknowledge her aggression by saying that she was “apparently” rude when multiple members in the server were uncomfortable with her behavior.
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she brings up alana once more, talking about her friend’s panic attacks that she gets because she is scared of being called out for supporting pedophilia in media. when i bring up my own panic attacks that i have experienced over the course of my time on tumblr that have been caused by the fetishization of lgbtq+ minors of color by white adults, she dismisses me entirely. she has the audacity to claim that all i care about is winning this argument when she mentions my supposed “moral high ground” when the actual issue at hand is her blatant racism and aggression towards a minor of color.
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the discussion closes with this. tori summarizes what she believes has happened, completely leaving out how aggressive and blatantly racist she has been throughout the conversation.
apparently, she hates conservatives because they constantly undermine lgbtq+ people and people of color but is unable to have a single civil conversation about her own racist behavior.
please do not engage with tori and just block her. once again, her url is @lizzo. she has a long history of harassing minors and people of color while refusing to learn and grow after her disgusting behavior. she consistently acts like the victim when she is rightfully called out and expects people of color to be civil to her when they explain, time and time again, how she has been openly racist to them in the past. 
thank you for reading!
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ciaran-archive · 2 years
i’m not gonna go and argue w op about this bc they’re an idiot, but
i really really need people to understand that there’s no way to use the word fujoshi as equivalent to “fetishizing cishet women” without throwing asian queer people under the bus. and continuously using that word instead of yk...just saying “homophobic straight women” does a huge disservice to all the queer fujos out there and the queer people who realized their identity due to bl/yaoi fandom. asian people have been saying this forEVER and you guys don’t want to listen like...that’s racist. you’re not leveling a critique of structural homophobia by pointing at a mostly-queer group of asian people and declaring that they’re cishet women whenever convenient for you.
i know that sometimes people have experiences where, like, some straight girl squeals in public because she sees you being queer with your boyfriend. and that’s a valid thing to be uncomfortable about but also, how do i put this, she (granting that she’s cishet in this case, which i frankly don’t think is true for most of the people who do this) is not exactly leveraging homophobia that originated in yaoi manga. this homophobia existed before that - the yaoi may be (and that’s a huge maybe) reskinning it from disgust to fascination, but it’s not creating anything that wasn’t there before. and without homophobia, this wouldn’t be a problem. being fascinated by romance is like, pretty normal. many people love seeing cute couples out in the wild, even strangers. having poor boundaries is also, unfortunately, pretty normal. tracking this confluence of factors to yaoi animanga is racist as fuck, like you’re not even in east asia and you’re blaming their queer creatives for the homophobia you’re experiencing at home. that’s fucking ridiculous.
also i’m really tired of people pretending that shame does anything for anyone. you aren’t getting anywhere or gaining anything by shaming a “cishet woman” for her intense interest in mlm animanga in fact you are 9/10 times pushing them deeper into the closet or just being like, overly into supervising other people’s sexual interests. i do not give a single flying fuck if a straight woman jacks it to gay porn for the rest of her life as long as she’s respectful to gay men irl, and if she’s not it’s not the fault of whoever made the gay porn and it’s certainly not because she watched too much of it, but in spite of that. this bizarre fascination with enforcing progressiveness via shame is actually weirdly reactionary and of course, entirely useless in terms of political praxis.
lastly, jokes aside, “bad writing” isn’t homophobia. going into a fandom tag and being inundated by poorly characterized fan fiction is not homophobia. idk how to explain this to you but like, most of the people writing this do accept gays or will when they figure things out. do you know how much shittily characterized straight fanfic is out there? how much godawful oc x character or reader x character?? this isn’t specific to mlm fanfic. it isn’t bigotry to be a bad writer. please stop saying this it makes you sound dumb as fuck. 
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