#tbh Anita Blake is just up their alley
brydeswhale · 3 years
I’ve blocked a shit-ton of blogs in the time I’ve been on tumblr, but other than the spam blogs, etc, probably the main blogs I’ve blocked have been Stiles fans who think that sending anonymous hate is going to change my mind about their fave. Multiple blogs get blocked, which assures me that either there’s a small minority of Stiles fans working together as a group, or one extremely rude, entitled, and very, very sick person who has multiple blogs so when they get blocked on one, they can go on another.
And to frame this person, they started off slow.
Little “oh did you know, I have this unprovable, or decontexted “fact” about Tyler Posy”, and following it up with repeated harassment, and further abuse, and then really obnoxious shit. I started getting these when I started talking about how much I liked Scott, a FICTIONAL character, who is played by Tyler Posy, real person. I mean, obviously parts of the brain aren’t having a good time there.
And like I said, this is either a small group, or one disturbed person, BUT. The fact that I’m looking at my block page, checking to see what’s racist, what’s spam, and what’s just someone I didn’t feel like talking to ever again because they said they liked Seaworld, the majority of non-bot blocks being associated with “oh, the Stiles anon”, is an indication of a deep issue with the fandom itself and with the entitled, racist, and, frankly, ugly side of the Teen Wolf fandom.
The show has been over for three years by now(I believe, it might have been four), and this person, a STILES fan, is STILL throwing their tantrum over only getting most of what they wanted, instead of all of it.
And that’s not just annoying. It’s fucking scary. If this was someone in my community, I would be really worried about their fixation. And I don’t think I wouldn’t notice.
Someone in the Teen Wolf fandom, someone in the Stiles fandom, must know who this person is, or at least suspect them. And instead of helping them, instead of, you know, being a good citizen and helping everyone in the fandom, they’ve chosen to stay silent and complicit.
And before someone “no true Scotsman”‘s this thing, I have to say, I do not care if it’s only one person or a group of ppl. Because it’s a culmination of the entitlement that section of the fandom feels to own all of it. We can’t write fic about Scott without getting harassed, we can’t write our own meta, we can’t exist in this fandom without getting harassed. I’m not talking anon harassment, I mean supposed “big name” fans sea-lioning and pushing their weight around. The stiles fans think they own the fandom, all of it. They have always felt this way, and done their best to make everyone else feel unwelcome, and pushed them out. They have always felt this way, and have had temper tantrums over it ever since the first season.
And honestly, when some little jerk walks into my fic post, and starts making faces and complaining because I’m writing it according to my view of the series, I’m not going to buy “oh, it just happened to be recommended to me”, because in every interaction I have had with the stiles fandom, they have acted with bad faith.
They have furthered that bad faith by refusing to work to silence the aggressive, entitled, racist people in their fandom. They have furthered it by flooding the tumblr and AO3 tags on teen wolf with false, bigoted fanfics, fan art, image manipulations, meta, and more. They have furthered it by playing the victim when we, justifiably, don’t want to take their shit. They have furthered it by allowing this particular harasser or group of harassers, to remain unnamed and unabated in their midst.
Also, like, watch another show? Read the Dresden Files, or the Anita Blake series. In fact, you’d love the Anita Blake series, it’s like the porn filled mirror universe of Teen Wolf. You’ll love it.
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