#Sara snow
valyriansource · 1 month
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[Mushroom's] account introduces a young maiden, or “wolf girl” as he dubs her, with the name of Sara Snow. So smitten was Prince Jacaerys with this creature, a bastard daughter of the late Lord Rickon Stark, that he lay with her of a night. On learning that his guest had claimed the maidenhead of his bastard sister, Lord Cregan became most wroth, and only softened when Sara Snow told him that the prince had taken her for his wife. They had spoken their vows in Winterfell’s own godswood before a heart tree, and only then had she given herself to him, wrapped in furs amidst the snows as the old gods looked on.
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francy-sketches · 7 months
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kofi request n°4 ft. sara snow
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thevelaryons · 2 months
I’ve always found it interesting that of the lowborn/bastard women in the DotD, Marilda is the only one who doesn’t get slandered and insulted in the Westerosi history books.
Speaking specifically about the women who were rumored to have had affairs with noblemen, the women (Sara Snow/Alys Rivers/Nettles) in particular get derogatory descriptions for various reasons. The men they are linked to all either die or are unable to do anything about the rumors (Sara: her rumored lover Jace dies and her brother Cregan is far away in the North when those rumors become a thing in the South years later/Alys: her rumored lover Aemond dies and her son is obviously too young to do anything about the insults people are saying about his mother/Nettles: her rumored lover Daemon dies). Regardless of whether any of the rumors were true or not, it's still the women in the relationships who were described in a negative manner. Even men like Aemond or Daemon don't get as slandered, despite their more controversial actions.
Sara may or may not have existed (the fact that her existence alone is doubted speaks for itself) but in the history books she is described as an "unwashed" bastard. Even the fact she was a virgin at the time of her affair with Jace is called into question. Alys gets descriptors like "slattern" and "cow". She is reviled as a seductress and witch who would sacrifice her own children. Nettles gets insulted as well, both by characters around her and the maesters/septons recording the histories. Beyond the classism, there is also a racial angle to the insults with her skin colour always being at the forefront when she gets called "dirty" and "creature". It’s unfortunate but Westerosi society is unfair to women, especially those of a lower social class, and so they do often have to rely on the men in their lives, whether that’s a male lover/husband, their father, brother(s) or son(s) as a source of protection. Characters like Sara/Alys/Nettles don't get that protection.
Then you get to Marilda's descriptions in the book, and it's completely clean. Not a single insult is uttered against her despite her supposed involvement with two different Velaryon men. Whether her affair was with Corlys or Laenor, it occurred at the time when they were married men. Laenor is dead by the time when he's claimed to be the father of Marilda's sons. But Corlys is alive and well. Not to mention, he's a very well respected figure in Westerosi society. That being said, I can’t see Corlys doing any major PR control here since he does not have the means to do so.
Alyn, however, could ensure his mother did not get negative remarks. He's the one said to have fostered close ties to the Citadel and a positive relationship with the Faith. On more than one occasion, he was anointed by the High Septon himself, which is something that's typically reserved for the King or his Kingsguard. So I think Alyn might’ve used that influence to his favor.
While Alyn does seem like the type who doesn’t care much about what others think of him, he clearly respects his mother so I doubt he would want her to have a bad reputation. Even concerning the rumors of Alyn's potential affairs, the maesters are somewhat dismissive about them and call the rumors "unreliable". They don't give much credence to what third parties are saying on such matters. As for Alyn's mother, she is spoken of with nothing but respect and even flattery at times.
History is truly written by the victors.
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legitalicat · 2 months
Keeping Up With the Targaryens (social media AU) - Series Masterlist
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AN: This is in collaboration with Lana ( @zaldritzosrose ) (and of course special shout outs to @lady-phasma @anjelicawrites and @alexagirlie) and we are so so excited! All posts related to this universe will be tagged in this Masterlist for y'all to easily browse! I hope you like it!! As always pairings and TW will be updated as the series progresses. Dividers used on this Masterlist and any future posts I make for this are done by Lana. header is also done by her :)
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Summary: Inspired by Keeping Up With the Kardashians, a look into the insane lives of Westeros' most elite family. It all started years ago, when Rhaenyra Targaryen and Criston Cole were young and in love. Their actions changed the course for this family forever, good or bad. Now the world belongs to Rhaenyra, and the rest are just living in it.
Characters Featured: Rhaenyra Targaryen, Criston Cole, Otto Hightower, Viserys Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Jacaerys Velaryon, Harwin Strong, Lucerys Velaryon, Daemon Targaryen, Laena Velaryon, Sara Snow, Helaena Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen ii, Aemond Targaryen, YN/Reader insert, Daeron Targaryen, Laenor Velaryon
TW: Obvious but unconfirmed relationship, reality TV, Alicent will be great in this (minus one really bad incident), Otto Hightower is not shitty in this, will have time jumps, cursing, suggestive language, Viserys Targaryen (I feel like he should always be his own TW), men simping for their women, sexual conversations, women simping for their men
GEN 1 Pairings: PAST Rhaenyra Targaryen x Criston Cole, Laena Velaryon x Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower x Viserys Targaryen, platonic spouses Rhaenyra Targaryen x Laenor Velaryon, Rhaenyra Targaryen x Harwin Strong
GEN 2 Pairings: Jacaerys Velaryon x Sara Snow, Aegon Targaryen ii x YN, Helaena Targaryen x Cregan Stark
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Meet the Family (Gen 2) (Lana)
The Road So Far....
Meet the Family (Gen 1) (Lana)
Intro 1 Intro 2
Rhaenyra Through the Years
Alicent Through the Years 1, Alicent 2 (Lana)
Laena Through the Years, Laena 2 (Lana)
Episode 1
Age list!!
Season 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Season 2
Episode 21
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mossytrashcan · 3 months
I was gonna do something slightly serious but I just don’t have it in me
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thesunfyre4446 · 2 months
how dare those *other female characters* that make my favs look bad exist in the narrative?
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rosenroot · 9 months
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-Who is that girl?
-Oh, she is Cregan’s little sister, Sara Snow
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misguidedasgardian · 9 months
I need to (5)
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... Get warm
Summary: The last froze of the season takes you, a sweet summer child, by surprise 
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Warnings: There are mentions of them being Minors! at some point in their relationship, cursing, cheating, angst, depression, mentions of a inappropriate picture, inappropriate relationship, reader gets a minor injury, might miss some warnings 
Wordcount: 3.2 k
Notes: Uffff I really hope you like this chapter muahaha If you liked cregan by now, with this? will get you on your KNEES muahahaaaaaaaa
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You woke up with a bit of  headache, but gods you loved so much being eighteen, a cup of coffee and you were going to shake up the hangover 
Sarah and Jace were already having breakfast, breakfast that Jace had cooked, you refrained from making jokes, as he was clearly trying to impress Sara and it was working considering you could hear her compliments and giggles from the hallway
Last night Jace has given you one of his track team shirts from the high school you went together and some cotton shorts, and you joined them in the bar next to the kitchen
“Mornin’ “, you giggled
“Morning”, chanted Sara
“Coffee?”, asked Jace, offering you a cup, “how you like it”
“I knew I chose you as my best friend for a reason”, you chuckled.
“Gods what a party last night uh?”, laughed Jace, “it was even cooler than homecoming”
“That it was”
“I haven’t been to a party that good like… ever”, you said with a smile, and then you felt a bit embarrassed when you remembered that you were dancing so unapologetically that someone grabbed you by the hand and made you dance in the middle of the huge group that had formed and you danced 
“After last night, you earned the nickname the she wolf of old town”, Jace laughed 
“Ahhh, very funny”, you mocked, taking a sip, “but that is a super cool nickname and I will take it”, you laughed 
“Hey the forecast says it will snow today”, said Sara
“Uh, love that”, you said with a wide smile, “hey, do you both like action movies?”, you asked
“I know why you are asking… and NO!”, said Jace, pointing at you with a fork
“Please Jacey!”, you begged childishly, “please, please!”
“What?”, asked Sara
“The new Arthur Dyne Movie”, you said with a smile, “the fourth one!”
“Please don’t make me, I’ve seen it a thousand times!!”
“You can’t possibly get bored! the action sequences? the lights? the music? the scenery? They are a masterpiece!”
“You know what? Cregan likes that sort of thing, ask him”,
“I like what?”, he asked, genuinely interested, looking straight at you, coming from the bedroom
“(Y/N) Wants to see the new Arthur Deyne”
“I love those movies”, he said, taking a cup that Jace offered, he looked at you and smiled softly, “I will take you”, he said
“Great”, you smiled widely
. . .
In the middle of spirit week, you had been swarmed with work from your courses, and dived right into it, and that, and your new and big group of friends, and all the excitement of the competition, and the activities… 
You didn’t even had the time to think about the unmentionable 
Everytime you thought of him, the wound still felt fresh, you felt like someone squeezing your heart inside of your chest 
But that was only when you remembered him
It wasn’t all bad, he was also your friend, and even though he was selfish and an narcissist, you missed having someone by your side, he was your boyfriend, before he went to school he was focused, he cheered you own, to his own agenda, but still, he was someone you could talk to, debate with, someone smart who always had something interesting to share with you
Yes he judged you once when you told him you wanted to watch “how to lose a knight in one moon”, he was a snob, but still.
At one point, you were good together, when you arrived at Dragonstone, you had taken the castle by storm, well, at least, he had, with you helping him a bit
But you had to learn that that happens, people separate, they grow out of each other.
For you, the moment you saw with another woman it was over, you were just sad because when you started dating, and were two sixteen year old horny kids, you had a good time, Aemond was you friend, you trusted him, you felt comfortable with him, he was quiet, mature, and somewhere along the line he became so full of himself 
In highschool he was different, he was sweet and kind. He had changed so much.
Was the baby his?
That was certainly going to put a bump on his career
And his reputation 
You felt your phone ringing, and you jumped, cursing yourself, you didn't even know why you always jumped when your phone rang, you believed that piece of technology to be some sort of portal through which the unmentionable could get to you, but he hadn’t you had blocked everything related to him, but still
When you picked it up, it showed you the strange number calling again, you hang up before you even picked it up  
You tried to go back into sketching what you were seeing for your “representation” class, and then, your phone rang again
And again, it was the same number. You groaned, this time, you picked up 
“Thank you for the enthusiasm, but i’m very happy with my current internet plan, thank you”, you snapped 
“I’m glad to hear it”, you stopped in your tracks, as you recognized that voice immediately, “but that is not why I’m calling”
“Dean Rhaenys”, you whined, “I’m so very sorry”, she chuckled darkly over the phone
“It’s alright, how is Winterfell?”, she asked
“It’s everything I’ve dreamed off, but a bit chilly”, you admitted, you hear her chuckle
“I’m happy for you”, you could tell, you could almost see her smiling, “look, I reached out to you for something, quite important”, you looked around and walked until you could sit in a bench, away from all the passing students, the bench was cold and you shivered, even with a thick jacket, scarf and beanie, the cold clang to your body
“Did something happen?”, you asked, inviting her to continue
“Normally, we, as a school, wouldn’t meddle in student’s relationships”, she said strangely, “but, 
we couldn’t help but notice that you entered our campus in a relationship with Aemond Targaryen”, she continued
“Yes I was”, you told her
“... Is that the reason you left our school so suddenly? you mentioned, in our last interview that you chose this school for love and you didn't have that love anymore”, geez she was smart and quick, nothing escaped her
“It was, we… broke up”, you choked out
Even though you were freezing, you felt your neck sweaty, you looked around with urgency, but the courtyard was mainly empty at this time of day
“Is the reason for your split, the inappropriate relationship he was maintaining with a member of our staff? Professor Alys Rivers?”
You could lie, I mean, she wasn’t looking at you
But the thing is, that in the seconds you took in answering, she already knew the answer
“Yes”, you said back, it was of no use lying to her
“Like I said, this faculty does not care about relationships between students, but is much different, when it is brought to our attention that is a professor is in a relationship with student, even though they don’t belong in the same department”
You took a shaky breath
It was out 
“I didn’t do anything”, you whispered, “I saw them with my own eyes and…”
“A picture started circulating”
“What picture?”, you whispered
“The picture consisted in both of them engaging in sexual activities, on school grounds”
No, no, no, could it be? no, impossible, you didn’t send it to anyone, nobody hacked you. A certain anxiety started to take a hold on you
What if?
What if it was an accident?
What if that night you drank too much margaritas with Jason and Cersei you actually shared it? like you whined you wanted to do…
What if you were so dumb you sent it to your insta stories just for a mistake??
You started to second guess every time you grabbed your phone
“Oh”, you whined, tears welled in your eyes
“Well, Alys Rivers had been terminated, she does not longer works at this educational establishment”, she said severely, “she threatened to sue, for her state of pregnancy, but we had no choice but to share the picture, she refrained from suing us, if we didn't include this on her record, but she mentioned, that you were the one that took it”
If I fall, I’m taking you with me
That how it goes
You paused
“If I was the one, would I be in trouble?”, you asked, and there was silence on the other line
“No, the source of the picture was untraceable, as the inter phone connection service leaves no trace”, she said calmly, she wasn’t even mad, but she sounded tired, “we just needed corroboration on the story”, she said sincerely
“Please, I know it doesn't sound believable, but I didn’t share it, i swear, I never meant for anyone to get fired, please you have to believe me, I just wanted to leave I never meant for this to happen, this isn’t some sort of revenge”
“Did you show the picture to anyone?”, she asked
“No”, you said simply, you lied, you couldn’t tell her 
“I appreciate your honesty miss”, she said softly, “but we cannot allow this kind of behavior in our school, teachers having relationships with students, even though they share no classes, is unacceptable”, you breathed a sigh of relief
“What is going to happen?”
“We fired Professor Rivers, but sadly, Aemond’s family threatened to sue us”, she said, “so he remains in our school, if we allow him to continue his studies, he won’t pursue a defamation claim, and your name as the author of that picture will remain hidden”
There was another silence
“I know you are not looking at me right now, i know you might not believe me, and I wish I could take a polygraph test, but please, I want you to know, that I did not send that picture to anyone, is the last thing I wanted”
“I believe you Miss (Y/N)”, she whispered, you took a long breath, “because we have other students coming forward, as witnesses of the affair, and they also might have taken pictures”, you sighed another breath of relief
You might not have been the one to blame
“I’m so sorry, for everything”
“This is no way your fault”, she said, “I wish you would have said something sooner, in fact”
“Like I said, I didn’t want anyone to get in trouble”
“So altruistic”, she said, “and kind, that is exactly why I send that letter to the Dean in Winterfell, telling them to accept you”, she said kindly
“You really did that for me?”, you asked
“They normally don’t take students half year, but they made a exception for you”
“Thank you, this school really is what I always dreamed of”, you confessed
“I’m happy I did then”, she said
“I’m sorry for what happened”
“You don’t have to be, things tend to fall for their own weight”, she said, “well, I just called to corroborate the story, thank you for being truthful and insightful”
“You are most welcomed”, you said
“I wish you the very best miss”
“You too”, and just like that he hang up
You took a shaky breath, looking around, you didn’t know what to think, what to believe, you checked your phone, the picture, all your socials and search history, your emails, all of it
There was no trace of you ever sending anything
To anyone
Nobody could… nobody had even got close to your phone
Aemond got bored of doing so, because you never talked to anyone, and it was actually kind of boring
You then looked up, like a bulb had turn on over your head
Holy shit
You ran back to the cafeteria, where you knew your friends were finishing eating their lunch
They all looked at you wide eyed
“What is it?”, asked Jace
“Do any of you know how to hack a phone?”, you asked quickly 
“You are scaring me”, chuckled Jace, you looked at Cregan who was looking back at you 
“I need to know, the history of the things I’ve send through airdrop”, you whispered, “or if a picture have been sent and trough what”
“That is very specific”, muttered Ben, “but I think I can help you out”
“Great”, you grabbed him and took him with you without saying another word
Until you were alone in the library
“You can’t show this picture to anyone”, you muttered, “not one person”
“Alright, you are starting to scare me”, and then you showed him
“This is your boyfriend with the teacher?”, he asked, and you nodded, “Geez”
“This photo got leaked, and I didn’t send it to anyone”, you insisted, “I don’t know what happened”
“Do you actually know this is the picture that got leaked?”
“No… but what are the chances? they said it was a sex picture taken in the school”
“Let’s check”, he whispered, connected your phone in his computer and started typing 
“Hey what’s going on?”, asked Jace, as he came close with Cregan, you smiled nervously
“A picture from my phone got leaked and someone got fired”, you explained, Ben looked at you, “and I didn’t send it”, you explained, “I don’t know what happened”
“In the information from the picture, it says that it was send one time, through airdrop, to “Maris’ phone bitch”, he said, arching an eyebrow
“Fucking Maris?”, you whined, “I almost got sued because of her!”, you whined
“IS THAT “THE” PICTURE?”, asked Jace, you nodded
“What’s in the picture?”, Cregan asked 
“NOTHING!”, said Ben, Jace and you at the same time 
“Delete it”, said Jace, “deny it all, airdrop doesn’t leave a trace, not when you receive it”, you looked at Ben and nodded, and he deleted the picture 
Jace looked at you
“Its over”
It was certainly not over yet…
. . .
One of the competitions of spirit week was “dressing” your faculty, or at least only the hall, in a certain way, with a certain theme
Your building was the newest one, it was in a major part concrete, glass and metal railings, so you and your classmates had said that you would place plants, wallflowers, and dressed the main hall with greenery and flowers, plants in pots, making it look like “nature” took over
It was going on beautifully, so much so, you as the whole class were going to ask the directors of the faculty of Architecture, design and arts to leave it like that once it was over
You had proposed the idea, so you were most looking forwards to the competition
You were standing over a chair, trying to place one of the bindweeds over the wall, in the tip of your toes, playing with your own stability, but you were so close
“That should go up”, you heard behind you, and when you did… you froze
That voice
You lost your balance, frightened out of your mind, and you fell off the chair
you managed to use your hands to tray to stop to smash your head on the concrete of the floor, but your ankle falled in a bad position, trying to catch you, and you ended on on your side on the floor, in a huff of pain 
“Are you alright!?”, your classmate that was with you hanging the bindweed ran to your side, jumping off the chair graceful as a gazelle, and checked your ankle
But you only looked up, scared
There she was
Looking down her nose at you
Those haunting green eyes 
“Alys”, you called, scared
“Does your ankle hurt?”, asked the sweet girl you looked at her apologetically
“A bit”
“Oh, that was a pretty nasty fall… I hope is not broken”
“Professor Alys”, called the secretary of the Arts department, “the director of the school of arts will see you now”, she said with smile, completely ignoring you, and Alys gave you one last nasty look before walking away from you
No no no no no
No please
“She is for the post of a new arts professor for the Art academy”, whispered the girl you were with, you looked at her in horror, “she looks kind of witchy doesn’t she?”, she asked innocently 
She help you stand up, and you whined in pain 
. . .
A sprained ankle
Sara gave you a pack of ice and you smiled softly at her as you placed it in your ankle, you called her and she came to the infirmary with you, and then she decided, as Jace offered her, to bring you to the boys apartment.
Outside was snowing, it was awfully chilly
“Do the girls live here now?”, mocked Ben as he entered the place with Cregan, the later one greeted you -who were pitifully seated in their sofa- and then kept going to his room, probably going to change after practice
He and Ben where in the football team
Jace was in trials, the season was about to start. You were looking forward to that.
But then you remembered…
You sniffed, remembering Alys… fucking Alys
Was going to teach in your faculty
Right next door
If you were truly unlucky you could ran into her every day
Every fucking day
Tears fell down your eyes, you wiped them instantly, but it was too late
“Does it hurt so much?”, asked Sara, truly concerned, you shook your head
“What’s going on?”, asked Jace
“I saw her today, Alys”, you whined
“Who is Alys?”, asked Sara
“My professor of plastic arts in Dragonstone”, you told her, “she slept with my boyfriend, he cheated on me with her and knocked her up”
Sara opened her mouth widely, surprised 
“It was horrible, but… my roommate stole a picture I took of them with my phone and she got fired”, you whined, “its my fault, and now, she is applying to the post here, at this school…”
“What the fuck?”, asked Jace
“She knows I took it, she hates me!”, you said, “she is going to make my life miserable”
“The witch from the picture?”, asked Ben
“The Dean told me they couldn’t put that on her record”, you said, “nobody knows about it”
“And she will join the department”, said Ben
“I never meant to get her fired, but I can’t see her here everyday!”, you whined, “she can make my life miserable, but I can’t do anything… she will know it, I could get in trouble… and… its my fault she got fired, I didn't mean to”
“It's her fault! you didn’t make her bang your boyfriend!”, said Sara
“I left the school, I didn’t tell a soul, I mean, only one person… I don’t know what to do”, you whined
"She is in arts, you are in design, she won't touch you", said Sara, "we will be your buffers..."
"Yeah, lets learn her schedule and avoid her, its called antistalking", said Jace
Unknown to you, Cregan was listening. But he came back to his room, grabbed his phone and dialed a number 
“Uncle Bennard”, he greeted, “I’m good thanks… Do you have a meeting with the board of the school today?”, he asked, “Alys Rivers can’t teach in this school”, he nodded, “she does not share the morals and profile of this university… yes… I’m certain of my words… thank you”
And he hanged up the call 
He got out of his room and you all looked at him, you wiped your tears and smiled at him, sincerely, not knowing of what just happened
“Anyone in for a marathon of the Arthur Dayne movies?”, he asked, “let’s order pizza”
"I'm already on it!", offered Ben
“For fucks sake”, whined Jace
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more notes : I’m running out of creating counterparts of movies and such… real ones might pop up
“Sea Snake” = Titanic
Maegor with Cyrese and Tyanna = John F Kennedy, Jackie and Marilyn 
How to lose a knight in a moon = “How to lose a man in ten days” 
The she-wolf of old town = The wolf of wall street
THE ARTHUR DAYNE! hahaaa = John Wick
taglist! ❤️
@mxtokko @princesssterek @thefandomimagines @iamavailablesstuff @misspascalpunk @sweethoneyblossom1 @ipostwhtifeel @lunamoonbby @ahristata @watercolorskyy @yazzzmints @n4tforlife @littleshadow17 @alexa4040 @speedyballoonpainter @hc-geralt-23 @rayrayredpanda @eralen @yentroucnagol
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lilap20 · 6 months
House of the Dragon Fanfiction: Updated Masterlist
Fanfiction House of the Dragon
Story of Princess Nymeria Targaryen second daughter of King Viserys I and his wife Lady Aemma.
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Prologue : The Princess
Chapter One : The Meeting of eyes
Chapter Two : The festivities of the Stranger
Chapter Three : Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. Part 1
Chapter Four: Heaven is where we meet at the foot of the Heart Tree. Part 2
Chapter Five: The Dragon's Descent into Winterfell.
Chapter Six: The Wedding.
Chapter Seven: The letter from King's Landing Part.1
Chapter Eight: The letter from King's Landing Part.2
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natividadmoon · 3 months
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The prince and the bastard she-wolf.
In case HBO doesn't give me Sara and JaceSara, I'll give it to myself. I had fun and stress putting all those details to JAce as a worthy heir, which he is in contrast to Sara who only has small ones in her hair.
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darklinaforever · 4 months
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Oh my god... But people really have a problem giving importance and inventing stuff for a character who has no basic importance ! Especially Sara Snow ! Literally a woman that no one knows about except Mushroom ! He probably fucking invented it! But she screws up a canon Targaryen couple ? So no, it’s definitely super important ! Delete it? Blasphemy ! I'm hallucinating... Also, I'm not going to talk about the people who turn Cregan and Jace's friendship into a romantic and sexual relationship based on nothing at all. Like this person, she invents her fanfiction and tries to pass it off as the truth. It's really shameful.
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mejcinta · 10 months
It sends me when targies say, 'It would be so out of character for Jace to fuck Sara Snow.'
His character traits so far are having brown hair and baffling bad posture. He has no character to speak of.
Go easy on the poor thing 🤣🤣
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lovl3igh · 2 months
defending baela on the internet isn't enough, I need a dragon
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
so there's an aspect of this one i don't think has really been delved into that I think may be important when it comes to canon jonsa and I wanted to do my own lil analysis, along with maybe some tin hatting at the end here.
this is what the pact is (or what we know of it at any rate, Munkun is not exactly a good source of information):
Cregan Stark and Jacaerys Velaryon reached an accord, and signed and sealed the agreement that Grand Maester Munkun calls “the Pact of Ice and Fire” in his True Telling. Like many such pacts, it was to be sealed with a marriage. Lord Cregan’s son, Rickon, was a year old. Prince Jacaerys was as yet unmarried and childless, but it was assumed that he would sire children of his own once his mother sat the Iron Throne. Under the terms of the pact, the prince’s firstborn daughter would be sent north at the age of seven, to be fostered at Winterfell until such time as she was old enough to marry Lord Cregan’s heir.
There's two parts to this that I think are important here. Here is the first, which is the basics of the pact, and that most Jonsas are familiar with:
Jacaery's First Born Daughter Is Fostered At Winterfell -> She will marry Cregan's first born son and heir.
Obviously, this never happened for several reasons and the pact is forgotten but perhaps it will be fulfilled anyway by...
Jon, a secret Targaryen bastard, is "fostered" at Winterfell -> he will fulfill the pact by marrying a Stark Maiden aka Sansa.
Basically, it's a genderswapped version of what the pact entails. I think given George's fondness for how Tolkien was a hater of Macbeth because he thought the "no man of woman born" should have indicated a girl and not just a man born via c-section, I think the genderswap aspect fits George's style.
The second part however, has more to do with Jacaerys and Sara and I feel like it's glossed over a bit. See here:
They had spoken their vows in Winterfell’s own godswood before a heart tree, and only then had she given herself to him, wrapped in furs amidst the snows as the old gods looked on.
Jacaerys, a "secret" Targaryen bastard who gets his family name and allegiances through his mother, not his father -> Rumors of a secret marriage in front of a Weirwood with a Stark bastard, Sara
Listen. It doesn't matter whether Sara Snow is real, you believe whatever makes you happy! But what IS real and relevant is that this part was included in F&B for a reason, and is indicated to be the catalyst for the pact. Jace and Sara get secret married in front of a Weirwood, and this is what calms down Cregan so they can make their pact. And here is how (I believe) it applies to Jonsa:
Jon, a secret Targaryen bastard, but who gets his look and his allegiance not through his father but Lyanna's blood -> Jon, a Stark bastard, will marry an Heir in secret in front of a Weirwood tree.
THAT is, imo, the most important aspect of this scandalous story from Mushroom - that a secret bastard, a targaryen and a stark, secretly marry in front of a Weirwood tree just before a bloody war kicks off. People tend to make Sansa the Sara in this part, which is valid, but I think Sansa's role in this is not just to be the pretty Stark maiden, but to be the HEIR that is secretly marrying for love, like Jacaerys is, and that Jon's role will be about his status as a bastard, so that both parts kind of apply to both characters. And given that, if Jace and Sara had married, their daughter would have been a Starkgaryen with "secret" bastard heritage (from both her parents), marrying a Stark Heir, it does make sense (at least in my mind) that this may apply to Jon and Sansa's future plot. the That's something I touched on here in my "what will Jon's endgame" post.
Then there's the Vermax of it all...
Mushroom also claims that Vermax left a clutch of dragon’s eggs at Winterfell, which is equally absurd. Whilst it is true that determining the sex of a living dragon is a nigh on impossible task, no other source mentions Vermax producing so much as a single egg, so it must be assumed that he was male. Septon Barth’s speculation that the dragons change sex at need, being “as mutable as flame,” is too ludicrous to consider.)
This brought to mind the ole' Jonnel and Sansa (the first) thing - beyond the J&S similarities (Jacaerys & Sara, Jon & Sansa, Jonnel & Sansa), I think it's also important that Jonnel and Sansa never have any children, though they're married for several years. Jacaerys and Sara also never have children, yet there's the rumor Vermax laid eggs in the crypt, with some believing this may have meant Sara was pregnant (but perhaps miscarried) when Jacaerys left. I think however, the fact that both J&S couples kind of mysteriously do not have children of their own, and that their Houses descend from someone else to be important.
I've kind of briefly gone into the idea that Bran rules in a parliamentary style over (what's left of) Westeros, and while I'm not too committed one way or the other on whether he physically has children or whether they elect the ruler on the Iron Throne more often starting from Bran, the succession is significantly less of an issue because of the permanent Great Council/Parliament that will exist. Sansa (and Jon, for that matter), however, is the heiress to a long line of kings and lords and needs some sort of heir. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibililty that while in the Vale, she connects with some of Jocelyn Stark's descendants (the famous "Vale cousins" that Catelyn mentions as heirs for Robb) and makes one of them her heir, or even names the children of Arya her heir, and pulls a Queen Elizabeth, but then I thought of Vermax laying dragon eggs that are never found, and Jonnel and Sansa never having children, and George's love of threes and thought...perhaps Jon and Sansa will have an heir, but Sansa can't claim the child as hers.
In that same vein, it’s noteworthy to me as well that Serena and Edric (Sansa's younger sister and Jonnel's younger brother) have TWO sons but the line completely bypasses them. We have no idea how the Northerners felt about these marriages beyond the fact that they didn't like Lynara's sons because their rules were plagued by troubles. Is it possible that they chose to bypass Edric's sons because of the incest, and Sansa/Jon may be forced to reconcile with how the realm views him (as Ned's son) and what he actually is (Lyanna's son) when it comes to the line of succession? IE - Vermax is rumored to lay an egg in the crypts but no one ever finds out, Sansa is rumored to have have had a child with her “brother” but no one ever finds out the truth.
TO SUM UP: I think the Pact of Ice and Fire is a hint that Jon and Sansa will secretly marry in the godswood of Winterfell, and it's likely that when Sansa is named Queen in the North, her heir will be "fathered by a wolf" or a "wildling" and she and Jon won't be able to tell anyone that Jon is the father.
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archangel-lucerys · 23 days
Sara snow fans (not real) are just straight up stupid, because their argument is Sara snow would teach jace about bastardy and love of family despite it.....which jacaerys already knows?
Additionally he is accepted by his father, he knows laenor is aware he isn't he his biological father, he still gave them his name, inheritance and isn't punished for being "born wrong" by having those privileges taken away from him
And these people also say "she makes him doubt his ability because of his bastardy" only tells me they want Sara snow to be a country hick who believes in blood purity and blind authority of the lords than someone who has independent thought of her own.
Only thing is he has to hide it and yes? In that environment even if people don't really care, being bastard in open, and a woman's bastard at that, would lead to their deaths.
And jace is aware of this and the fact he has been given a privilege most of his "kind" wouldn't be, his mother's love dictated she fight for them and their rights. And he wants it too.
Same as lucerys who knows how he looks is noticed and how he is not laenors son but his mother's determination to fight for them is what makes her perfect in their eyes. They know she tries.
That is the thing the Sara snow fans, who are really rhaenyra haters, wish to use her as a way to punish her through her kids for her "promiscuous ways" hate jace and luke being treated with same respect any true born would be.
They want all bastards to know their place and dont understand this story is placed in such a way to criticise the hypocrisy of that patriarchal society.
Sara snow is a inworld gossip to actually sully jace's name because even those maesters who hate targs can't find any real flaws with him.
So they name up a girl who he had an affair with and married, despite being betrothed to baela, and in one swoop insulted half of his family?
And cregan for all his time in Kings landing just forgot to mention to his brother-in-law's brother that they are tied? Like shut up
If anything Sara snow would see jace, a bastard who had loving parents and father who wasn't even his blood but still accepted him, and be radicalised
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lagosbratzdoll · 10 months
I find it odd and by odd I mean racist that ever since that stupid show cast the Dragon Twins as Black girls, there's been an uptick in Jace/Sara content/shipping.
Before the dumpster fire started, reasonable people agreed that Sara Snow was not real, but now you cannot go five minutes in Jace or Baela’s tag without seeing someone wish they'd include Sara Snow in the show.
They say it'll deepen Jace’s character and make him “interesting”, whatever that means. The problem with this assertion is that Jace is already plenty interesting, he led the war councils while his mother grieved, and he recruited the blacks' most important allies. Allies who remained steadfast even after his mother's and his own demise.
Furthermore, Jace has existing relationships in his life that the show could explore to delve into his connection with bastardy. Three of whom are canonically Black, by the way.
So, the question arises: what unique perspective or insight can Sara Snow provide to Jace's struggle with his bastard status that Nettles, Addam, and Alyn cannot?
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