#she has stubs cause i cant hands
sunshineandviolets · 1 year
Shanaya Wiseman !! 🥰
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sucker4sixx · 1 month
Relight my fire
plot: generation swine release party!!
Warnings: alcohol?
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The next morning you wake up to nikki sitting beside you, holding a glass of water, the gesture reminding you about your pulsing hangover. “Hey.. drink this, i figured youd be ill with the hangover” nikki smiles alittle, hoping somehow you wouldnt remember the kiss as you gulp greedily from the pint of cold water like a warm dog “thankyou..” you look at his eyes for a few seconds before he stands up, leaving your room. After 20 minutes you walk to the kitchen, nikki sitting outside having a smoke like the morning before and the morning before that. You take a cigarette out your own pack and slip on his thick zipper, walking out to him and sitting beside him.
“You’re up already?” He smiles, passing you his lighter “and in my zipper?” You smile back to him, sitting beside him on the cold, hard bench, the smoke both of you blow out intertwining “yeah well.. its comfy, you cant blame me”
“No.. i cant” his eyes linger on you for a few seconds before he looks away. “Last night was… fun” he adds, wanting to speak about the kiss that you so desperately tried to get out of your head. “Yeahhh..” you reply awkwardly “it was..” he coughs, none of you sure how to talk about the elephant in the.. garden? “Listen i-“
“Listen-“ you speak at the same time only making things worse, his cheeks even red with the tension “you go..” you whisper and nikki nods, facing you as he stubs out his cigarette. “The kiss was.. something, and the confession and just.. listen, im not in the right place to start anything, im just out a fucking marriage..” he sighs in frustration but not to you, to his heart for letting him feel these feelings for you. “I know, nikki is promise this will be the last time this happens”
A week later you are both at vinces house, hes throwing a party for finishing their album “generation swine”, nikkis busy away talking to people the whole night, leaving you drinking alone on the white leather couches.
Eventually he flops beside you, passing you a rum and coke “hey stranger” you smile wide, your cheeks automatically heating up at the sight of him “sorry hun, been a busy night” you shake your head, taking a sip of the rum and coke “no, dont apologise, this is your night.. im proud of you” nikki laughs bashfully “you sound like a parent telling their kid that their shitty drawings good.. to be honest.. i dont have a great feeling about this album” he admits, looking at his feet. You move your hand to his back and scratch it softly “well.. i think it sounds amazing” you kiss his cheek softly and he turns to face you, smiling “your a sweetheart, honestly.. dont know where id be right now if you werent with me” he moves in and kisses you softly before moving away like it was natural “i need a piss” he slaps your thigh softly and stands up, leaving you red faced and confused.
You get up after a few minutes and look around for him, pushing past the crowd of drunken rockstars, souring your face at the strong smell of cigarettes and hairspray untill you find him, hes leaning against a kitchen counter talking to some tall blonde woman. Without a second thought you walk up to him, your heart pounding when his eyes catch yours, he knows whats coming. You grab his hair and pull him down as you kiss him desperately, his tongue sliding into your mouth as his large hands hold your hair. He turns round so your standing with your back to the counter so you couldnt leave him as he kissed you like a dog in heat, moaning into you. “Jesus darlin..” he pulls away and you try to meet his lips again causing him to move back “your so desperate” he grins wide seeing the effect he has on you, just like he has on every other woman. “Nikki please-“
you both get cut off by a woman saying nikkis name, he turns round and its his ex wife, she smiles and runs over to hug him, clearly not seeing what had just happened. Beth.. they were married for years but cheated on eachother and it ended messy. Nikki wraps his arms around her and even though you knew they had more history, you cant help but feel your heart sink so you just step away, walking off back to the party. An hour later your tired and upset but nikki doesnt seem to want to go home, you approach him and tap his shoulder, beth raising her eyebrow. “Nikki could i get the house keys? Im really tired” you ask and beths face drops, thinking you were his girlfriend. “Of course sweetheart, here.. ill be home soon” he smiles up and you.
Two hours later nikki returns drunker than when you left, your surprised when you dont hear anyone with him. You get up and head to his room where hes stumbling around, struggling to get his clothes off. “Hey nikki” you smile, his face brightening up when he sees you “sweetheart!” He slurs and stumbles over to you “your so drunk, do you need help getting this off?” You tug at his shirt softly “yeah.. undress me baby” he laughs, wiggling his eyebrows “your so annoying” you smile, taking his shirt off as he sways alittle.
“So.. you and beth?” You ask carefully “i still love her.. of course” your smile drops and you nod, trying not to seem bothered “but she fucked you over nikki..” he falls silent “she cheated-“ “yeah well i cheated too” he buts in, its clearly a sensitive subject, you both fall silent “sorry.. i just want the best for you” you say quietly “i know.. but what if she is the best for me” your heart sinks even further , you knew you were the best for him, you knew you could treat him right “why did you cheat on her?” You ask as he struggles to take off his pants, you help out and unbutton them, helping him to his bed. “She cheated on me and.. i wanted to hurt her back, im no angel sweetheart” you nod and lay in next to him.
“Your sleeping here tonight?” He smirks “well, need to keep an eye on you dont i?” You smile and he pulls you onto his warm chest. “No.. but i dont mind if you do”
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Mcyts helping a trans masc after top surgry (part 2)
Tw:swearing, mentions of surgry, softness.
This sweet ass man.
You are just laying on your bed, well sitting really, when he came in.
He had a fuck ton of balloons. And a large box.
Karl seemed like a child on christmas.
Placing the balloons down he handed you the surprisingly light box.
He was gently bouncing as he waited for you to open it.
It shocked you how it even fit in the box.
It was a huge frog bed.
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You realized with a pillow you would be able to sleep in it perfectly.
"I knew it was uncomfortable sleeping like that so I got something that should make it a bit more comfortable."-karl
You loved it.
Sadly you couldnt use it till those drains were out though.
He was right though that was definitely more comfortable then laying on a bed only.
He didnt think it through though. And got sad when he wasn't able to fully cuddle you.
But he found out that he could lay on your lap and legs.
You both enjoyed it.
Also he might be a bit squeamish when it came to your chest drains but he was helpful with them.
He helped you clean them and your wounds, he was very, very gentle.
He didnt want to hurt you.
"You know it's ok to do it a little harder. It wont hurt."-(y/n)
"But I dont want to hurt you. I know this doesn't hurt."-karl.
It was sweet. But got kinda annoying sometimes when he couldnt get something off. But he never got angry or frustrated. Just kept very gentle.
I imagine that when he was cleaning your new scars, Jimmy came to see if you got his balloons and if you doing good.
You two were in the living room bowl of warm soapy water, in a large plastic bowl, and karl gently wiping off all of the crust around the scars.
You fell asleep before karl finished and karl was finishing up when jimmy came in.
"Karl. They're alseep."-jimmy
"Yeah but this needs to be cleaned. It doesn't hurt them."-karl
Jimmy and karl literally just sat there till you woke up.
You thanked jimmy for the balloons and thanked karl for helping you clean those wounds.
Karl didnt mind though. Cause this sweet heart cares for you and just wants you to feel better and feel comfortable.
He loves you and all but dont expect him to help with the surgical sight.
He'll do everything for you except clean your wounds and drain those drains.
He loves to hug you and kept you warm.
He would stream but you were always behing the green screen so no one would see you.
"Alex. Can you get me to book I left in the living room. I feel like shit still."-(y/n)
He was very quick to get it. And I mean he bolted out got it and brought it in the span of a minute. He gave you a light kiss on the forehead, and whispered.
"Anything for you mi amoir."-quackity.
You gave him a smile.
He gasped offended and looked at you.
"Well only for you though."-quackity.
I imagine as a get well gift quackity would get you something to remind you of him when he streams.
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Large duck push.
He knew that his streams could last a long time so he decided it was best if you had a snuggle buddy to help you stay in position.
If the duck got dirty he was cleaned nearly immediately by quackity.
If the duck falls off the bed quackity gently yeets it onto the bed where you can reach.
He might of gotten jealous of the duck a few times. But he seemed to get over it when you went to hugging him instead. Sadly it wasnt that easy to but still none the less you gave him hugs too.
Dont neglect you quack boi.
He needs hugs like you do.
Give them to him. These are the only times you get cuddles. Other then that he is making food, getting you comfy, and fixing your pillows and shit like that.
He is now a maid.
Not sexually though. He just cleans the house, get you things you need, and makes food.
He is helpful.
Just not with the cleaning process of your wounds. And that's fine. He keeps you comfy and that's all that matters.
Also if your cold in the middle of hot ass summer and asking for more blankets he would look at you crazy. Like what the fuck?
But you have them lightly fluttered over you.
He wants you comfy. Even if that means you looking like your boiling alive in the middle of july.
If your happy he's happy. That's how it goes
More like dadboyhalo.
He is not going to let you do anything.
Your surgical incisions? He's cleaning them.
Your drains? He's got you.
Your getting alot of soup and smoothies. He even joins in on your so called diet so you wont get jealous about what he has.
Rat is all over you. Sensing the pain you were having and cuddling you completely. Your laps is almost always taken by rat.
Badboyhalo doesn't really care if rat gets alot of attention by you. He just wants you to be comfortable.
But sometimes he gets sad that he cant fully lay with you.
But he enjoys just sitting with you and talking through the nights you cant really sleep.
He gets you a stuffed cat, you use it mainly as a pillow and sometimes hug it when bad is streaming.
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"It reminded me of you when I saw it."-bad
Your heart melted.
He loved your reactions to the little sweet gesters he did. It brought him joy to know you were able to relax and trust him at this moment and time.
You get a free swearing pass. He knows you hurt really bad at times but he lightly says language when on stream.
You understood though. He had kids watching too.
You were grumpy one day, bad took rat because of a rat cam stream. And all you wanted was to be warmed up by something else then a blanket.
You were sittinging there looking at bad as he streamed.
You could technically get up and grab rat but he my tell you not to.
So you quietly patted your lap.
Rat immediately seemed to notice and run over to you, jumping onto the bed and laying in your lap.
You felt accomplished and tired so you fell asleep.
Rat leaving made the chat confused but bad explained that you were healing from a surgery.
Chat wished you a good recovery and told bad to go and comfort you. Even though you were asleep.
He tried to explain it but the donations kept yelling at him.
So he ended stream and laid next to you and rat.
This was comfortable.
Eret, they were a whole 'nother story.
This fabulous being is like a maid service in one.
They have two outfits they wore when you were upset.
A maid outfit and a butler outfit.
You just got home, you were in pain, sitting up and swaddled in blankets and Goose was trying to smother you at this point.
Eret was streaming and you were sitting there in the background, blankets, pain, and goose exsiting.
You didnt know eret was talking about you because you were falling asleep. Eret nor you expected what their followers did.
Her door was bombarded with packages addressed to you. Decorated with words about getting well soon, that they were proud of you, even some saying you were their rolemodle.
Eret decided to have a stream of you opening them.
Let's just say alot of them were food, candies, even foreign food and drinks. Someone made you a homemade blanket in the trans colors.
Best part about that blanket, it was heated.
You were using it immediately as you were freezing.
Eret just chuckled and rubbed your shoulder as you opened them.
Needless to say they are proud of you, happy that you were one huge step closer to who you were.
All they wanted was your happiness.
She's a sweetheart.
Need I say more?
Well I will because fuck you I can.
Constant cuddles, be it only her head in your lap, it is almost always happening.
When you have to take your pain meds she is instantly on it, do you want soup or a smoothie? You cant decide? She'll make it a surprise.
If you dont live with her then you're staying with her while you are recovering. She doesn't want you alone when you are in pain.
You'll be bedridden until she thinks you're okay.
If she deems you as not fit for doing something she's on it. Drop you glasses for reading/drawing/writing/typing. You bet your ass as soon as she heard that clack and you groan she's picked it up and it's on your lap.
Also makes sure you're good with streaming.
If you say your good with it that day it's a calm stream. There is no lore happening when you're healing everyone was fine with that due to the fact that niki would have to sit out and the lore was with her as well so that couldn't happen.
Will came to visit...
Saw you, took pity, and now you're stuck with two people showering you in affection and comfort.
You saw Wilbur as a brother. And wilbur saw you as his younger brother. So he literally felt the pain when he saw you wince.
Niki thought it was cute and comforted both of you.
Anyways she saw something before your surgery and decided that you needed it.
It would make you feel better.
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It made you laugh.
You regretted laughing but loved the hoodie.
It fit so well and it was beautiful, you also were thinking about buying it one day because you could.
But niki beat you to it.
Wilbur didnt stop laughing.
I mean who blames him.
You literally just Yeeted your tits. And niki got you something that said yeet right on top of it.
It worked perfectly.
Also when niki's not cuddling you zuko is.
End of story, you're seriously stuck with cuddles no matter what. Be it from an animal or a human.
Wilbur wont cuddle you more of give you head pats.
Niki normally streamed with you there with her unless lore stream.
So when the second day after your surgery, she had streamed, and you weren't there her chat started asking questions. Wondering if you were good, if something happened.
That's when you raised from your dead sleep, zuko falling off your stomach, shirtless, just to go grab some sock as your toes felt like they would fall off.
Chat seemed relived but started questioning the binder and all that.
Niki explained that you got top surgery and that you were healing still.
"He's looking like he wants to die right now. Are you sure he's fully okay?"-dono
"Yeah I'm good. Just stubbed my toe as well."-you.
Niki was quick to rush over and help you back to the bed.
"Just sit down I'll get you your water hun."-niki
She was quick to fill your bottle up and place it next to you on the table next ot the bed.
She's such a big help not matter what honestly.
She loves you and will do anything for you.
I am sorry this took so long. Just had a very unstable mental state. Also sorry if they seem oc. I'm once more not on a good mental state and have been trying to work on this.
So yeah if I dont post in a bit I'm so sorry just stressing alot. Insomnia is kicking me so hard.
My grandma broke her foot, she's all good though.
And I have taken up most things in my house as I live with both my mother and grandmother still.
But yeah I apologize for the break just gonna try to let myself get better. It might take a bit. It might be quite short I dont know. I just need to get more sleep.
Eli is very tired now. Bye.
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lillian-nator · 3 years
please do more backyard au hcs this sounds lovely
PEOPLE AND AGES - Tommy (5) Kindergarten - Techno (11) 6th grade - wilbur (18) Senior - Tubbo (4) Kindergarten - Schlatt (19) Just Graduated, goes to Community college - SapNap (7) First grade - Punz (13) 7th grade - Dream (12) 8th grade - Gogy (15) Sophomore - Ranboo (6) Kindergarten - Fundy (15) Freshman - Niki (16) junior - Puffy (17) Senior - Purpled (5) Kindergarten - Big Q (14) 8th grade - Karl (13) 7th grade ----------------------- SPECIES AND RELATIONSHIPS (put into friend groups) - Tubbo (Ram, Schlatt's son) - Tommy (Racoon) - Ranboo (enderman, kind of a street kid) - Purpled (Purple Sheep, Dream and Puffy's younger brother) - SapNap (Demon, Bad's son, Punz's baby brother)
- Techno (Piglin) - Dream (Ram, Puffy's younger brother) - Punz (demon) - Gogy  (Mooshroom) - Big Q (Duck) - Karl (Parrot hybrid)
- Wilbur (Blue Jay) - Schlatt (Ram) - Puffy (sheep - Schlatt's cousin) - Niki (fish? mermaid?) - Fundy (Fox) ----------------------- I think that Philza minecraft just slowly keeps finding kids in his backyard, and he slowly grows very attached to all of them Just like every afternoon his backyard is FLOODED with kids And he doesn’t understand why he’s the house everyone goes to, but he’ll feed them He just slowly finds himself being really endeared by each of them ------------------- And before he knows it, Phil’s warning SapNap and Ranboo away from the water, and balancing Purpled and Tommy on his hips And he knows all their allergies And all their favorite foods And he’s keeping track of the high schoolers grades, bringing Dream, punz, and techno to their games  ----------------- CARPOOL SOCCER MOM Mr. Philza Minecraft --------------------- Dream: Basketball Punz: Football Techno: Baseball Puffy: Softball Small children: Baby Soccer -------------------------- - Phil keeps track of all of boys'  games and practices. Because goddamn it, these kids deserve some sort of parental guidance - Dream, purpled, and Puffy don’t have present parents - Puffy had to step up to the plate - Ranboo’s a street kid - No one really knows if he has anyone - Bad just chilling in hell ---------------------------- Schlatt is really working himself thin, but he tries hard, he really does And everyone can see how much he loves Tubbo Sometimes Phil will wake up and see schlatt passed out on their couch. He got off at midnight But as soon as he gets home from work, Tubbo is immediately in his Dad’s arms Schlatt animatedly talking to the boy But you can just see how much love he has for his boy He’s just a bit too young to bare the burden alone ------------------------------ And the thing is, is that all of these kids are so like, independent Like Phil just needs to feed them And tend to the youngest ones every so often ------------------------------- I think it’s like musical chairs To see who’s sleeping at Phil’s house in the morning Like - who’s on the couch? An air mattress? Guest bed? Sharing a room with one of his kids? All of the small children like to pile around SapNap, who is also a small child, cause he’s warm Punz also always has children flocking him ------------------------------- Punz is also that teen who throws the kids in the pool he cant go into the water himself, prefering to lay on the grass and in the sun, but he does love just chucking kids in ------------------------------- Phil drives a beat up mini van. It’s baby blue It's always filled to the brim with passengers very dirty many crumbs has balls just thrown in it all the time Footballs, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls it fucking smells, we all know it does Phil owns like 4 of those kid car seats despite only having one kid in that age group ---------------------------- Also if you couldn't tell Niki basically lives in the pool she's a fish hybrid so its a salt water pool instead of chlorine because its better for Niki --------------------------- Tommy, Tubbo, purpled, Ranboo, and SapNap play baby soccer its the best part of this au It’s so adorable, and Tommy picks at flowers the entire time Sometimes. Ranboo will come and entertain him for a little. Try and get him back in the game. He gives up when Tommy sits down tho Ranboo will more often then not join Tommy cause mmmm grass Tubbo is insanely competitive as a little kid we been knew though When he gets older Tommy gets really into it But as a baby He just chases bugs Plus he’s a raccoon hybrid, so shiny ------------------------ HE HOARDS SHIT UNDER HIS BED IS A MESS he as in fucking baby racoon Tommy whats the word for baby racoon small baby kit Phil 1000% calls him kit BABY RAMS ARE CALLED BUCKS FUCKING EVERYONE CALLS TUBBO "BUCK" THATS SO CUTE IM LOSING MY SHIT Things go lost? Go check tommys room Bermuda Triangle of a bedroom Very much like - Phil has to have a talk with him about it And he’s like “ I know you feel like you have to take them Kit, but they’re not yours” “If you want it, just ask me and I’m
sure we can figure something out.” Tommy also loses interest as soon as he gains it tho Tommy chitters at them They nod liek they understand and go “Uh huh, sounds mighty interesting Kit,” And then they pick him and let him climb around them -------------------------------- So much rough housing like SO much they're hybrids man Tommy also teethes ok. Chews on shit when his canines grow in so does Techno, and SapNap, and Punz (Punz and Techno's canines already grew in though, but they still chew on shit) The rams Rub their heads against stuff Head Itchy ------------------------------- A lot of Phil’s days off are just spent by the babies, just who are growing in hybrid traits He scratches Tubbo, sapnaps, and Puroled heads They’re all growing in horns Gives Tommy things to chew on Purpled. Never gets full horns. They are always little stubs just barely sticking out of his hair. His ears looks more human than ram too. Just for some reason never really grew into his hybrid traits And purple eyes He gets so upset about it too, when Tubbos horns outgrow his, because he’s older He’s a bit different. But it’s like being brunette in a family of blondes. It’s not unheard of He just is tearing up and Phil is just like “oh Bud, come ‘ere” They're like 8 And Tommy just gives Purpled the biggest hug, because Tommy is a sweetheart as a kid ------------------- I think that even the older kids wrestle Like obviously Dream, Techno and the rest of the middle school gang do Because they’re so fucking competitive Dream is so quick to just. Grab someone and wrestle them to the floor No warning But like, you’ll catch Wilbur and Schlatt jumping at each other Or Wilbur throwing Fundy over his shoulder Or anyone just man handling gogy ------------------- Phil gets to a point where he calls them all his kids And asks where they are when they aren’t At his house ------------------------ Puffy bringing them (Dream and Purpled) over after school. They go outside and play. Puffy sighs and collapses at the dining table. Phil silently hands her a coffee. “I’ll keep em busy” he says “you get some homework done” She looks up, and puts her head in her hand, “Dream has basketball practice in an hour” Phil just pats  her on the back. “I got it.” ----------------- Also let’s talk about how much food Phil needs to buy Like even if it’s just lunch That’s like 15 growing boys He can afford it, He just has to watch out for allergies He buys so many fucking snacks man Whole damn store He goes through like crates of those little chip variety packs Tubbo only likes the crunchy Cheetos Tommy likes barbecue Niki likes salt and vinegar Punz likes Doritos He knows which ones they all like I’m just imagining Phil calling out for the kids And they’re like lining out of the kitchen Oldest to youngest so that Phil can help the little ones They can eat anywhere in the yard, but Ohil has the little ones eat at the picnic table They’re all dripping wet from coming out of the pool, and he needs to make sure they eat their fruit and popsicles, they have tons of popsicles. ------------------ Phil totally takes Dad tax Like a chip from every plate And a tatertot from each breakfast very dad of him to do ------------------- Not not Phil kissing each of their foreheads goodbye And “drive safe” And “have a good day" ------------------ He’ll still pick up Texhno And Dream and Punz, right by the armpits And tucks them into bed ----------------- Tommy when he gets wet He loves swimming but the poor baby: his fur It’s hard to get him in the water but once he’s in it’s hard to get him out Because he feels all heavy and sticky afterwards ------------------ Adventures in the woods TOMMY IN HID NATURAL HABITAT Small boy makes hidey hole You may be asking Does. Does Tommy crunch on the leaves He does Like on ever y single one Carefully -------------------- All of the little kids And even technos group Just bonk heads Because of the goats They all just do it Sometimes softly Sometimes roughly Techno always does it roughly tho Rough houser Dream doesn’t mind Makes it feel like he has a
herd Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates Feeds a primal instinct for ram playmates - Small boy And puffy has outgrown it But a young piglin brute? Perfect playmate. ------------------------- AND THATS THE AU YOU'RE WELCOME
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
May I ask if you can make a headcanon of MC x Victor, Lucien, Kiro, Gavin, & Shaw( you dont have to do Shaw if you cant) ( MLQC men's pov) not knowing it was MC's bday. The men finding out that MC hide their birthday cause MC feels that they don't deserve to be celebrated and it is not worth it despite going all out for the MLQC men's bday. Would like to see the boys react that. Sorry if this is too much, but it is okay if you cant, I wanted to thank you and I hope you have a safe day
Because I don’t have a firm grasp on Shaw’s character yet (I’m playing on the English server), I’ll be omitting him from this headcanon. Hope you don’t mind!
MLQC Headcanon - My favorite day
Victor (takes place after his Surprise Date)
He was at LFG when he heard the news
Goldman was dropping off some documents that he needed to finalize
He was browsing through the papers when he came across your company’s rough draft plans for next week’s show
He quickly glanced over the words, signed, and flipped to the next page
After every rough draft, your company’s information always followed (naturally, your personal info was there too)
He stopped to look at your picture (it was the same one you used when applying for LFG’s investment)
Always the same dumb expression.... (but he couldn’t help a smile from forming on his face)
That’s when he saw it....your date of birth (XX-XX-XXXX)
....It’s today.....?
He goes into a panic mode immediately (of course, it doesn’t show on the outside)
He takes out his phone and goes to dial your number
He calms himself while the ringing is going through
But panics (again) when he hears your voice
Obviously, he doesn’t want to confirm if today was your birthday (that would make him seem like the dumb one)
He has to think of what to say for a moment
“Hello? Victor?”
He’s unable to think clearly, so he just blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind
“Souvenir. 6 PM. Don’t be late”
“What? Vict—“ (he hangs up)
He looks at the time, 4 PM
He sighs, rubbing his temples as he starts to regain his senses
He resumes his work as he ponders over what tonight’s menu will be
You arrive at Souvenir a little early than planned (around 5:30)
You go to open the door, but it’s locked (weird)
“Victor? (you knock a few times) Victor, are you there?”
You hear a series of rattling and clattering inside
“....Victor? What’s going on in there?”
You go to knock again, but the door opens wide with a bang
He’s in front of you, disheveled as ever
“....MC....you’re early” 
“Um..yeah. Work went a lot quicker than usual and...um....are you okay? I heard a lot of noise in here”
“Yes...yes. Why wouldn’t I be okay? (he straightens his clothes) Hurry, come in”
You go inside to see Souvenir all decorated, except for a few areas where it’s still bare (even some of the lights were hanging off)
“It’s still in process....but....” (he brings out the cake, lighted with candles)
“Happy birthday”
He found out it was your birthday from Kiki and the others (while he was over at your company for a meeting)
As soon as he heard he ran over to your desk with immense speed
You look up from your computer, startled
“Kiro! What are you doing here? The meeting should still be going on” (indeed it was, poor Savin)
“That’s not the problem, MC! Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?”
You can tell that he’s genuinely hurt by this
“I...just didn’t think it was something worth celebrating, that’s all”
He goes bonkers after you say that
“Not worth celebrating? Are you kidding me?”
He grabs your shoulders and looks you in the eye
“MC! Your birthday DESERVES to be celebrated as much as anyone else’s. Mine included!”
“No buts! Today, we are going to make sure you have the BEST birthday EVER!” (he grabs your hand and leads you out of the room)
He drags you along throughout town, with him wearing a foolproof disguise (he insisted you wear one too, although it wouldn’t really matter)
You’re having trouble keeping up with his energy, but soon become used to it
He takes you out shopping to buy you a birthday outfit (but he ends up modeling clothes himself, to your request)
The two of you are sitting at a bench, waiting for Savin to come with the car
You turn your head towards him
He gets up, kneels down in front of you, and takes out a small container
He doesn’t say anything, but instead opens the box (you become speechless at the sight of the ring, glowing in the moonlight)
“I bought this while you were in the bathroom” (he takes your hand and slips the ring on your finger)
“This is my reservation, MC! With this, (he kisses your hand) I’m yours forever. Happy birthday”
He already knew your birthday was coming up
But was unsure of the exact date
Every time he asked, you would just play it off
“My birthday? It’s.........soon”
He didn’t want to go looking through your information to find out when it was (it would feel like his loss, or something)
He decides to make YOU tell him, yourself
He’s just so good with his words?
He’s looking at something on his phone during breakfast (something he rarely does)
“MC, look at this trait description for Scorpios”
You take his phone from him
“Do you think this description fits me?”
Strategic? Persistent? Secretive?? (if this isn’t Lucien, then who else is it)
“Yeah, I think it describes you perfectly!”
“Is that so? (you don’t notice the smile on his face) How about I read yours, too?”
“Sure! But I don’t know my sign...can you check XX/XX?” (insert birthdate here)
“So I assumed correctly. Happy birthday, MC”
You immediately realize what you just did (oh no)
“Um, Lucien. It’s not like I didn’t WANT to tell you....” (he just chuckles as you hang your head low)
“I know.” (he gets up to clear the dishes, and goes inside the bedroom)
He comes out wearing a coat, while you’re still sitting at the table
“Well? (you look at him as he straightens his coat collar) Aren’t you going to get dressed?”
You wanted to avoid an extravagant celebration for your birthday
And he understood that perfectly
So he takes you to the movies, buys you dinner, and now you’re in his office (he said he wanted to show you something)
“Thank you, Lucien. I had a wonderful time today”
“You’re very welcome. But I’m afraid it’s not over just yet”
He opens a drawer and takes out a small wooden box
“Lucien? What’s this?” (you open the box, and see a beautiful pen inside)
“....is this...”
“I didn’t know what would be the best gift for your birthday.....”
“So you’re giving me Iridescent...?” (he nods slightly, appearing to be embarrassed)
“But this is your—“
“Favorite pen. Which is why I’m giving it to you”
“Does that make me your favorite person?” (you can’t believe you just said that)
This makes you blush profusely (he’s just SO good with words)
He laughs at the sight of your face going red (he hugs you while you’re holding tight to the box)
“Happy birthday......my favorite person”
Why did he have to find out it was your birthday from Minor?
He doesn’t care that you hid it from him (he figured you had your reasons)
But it’s irritating that it was Minor. Of ALL PEOPLE
He’s having such a hard time deciding what to give you
After all, you prepared a big celebration for his birthday
“Bro, it’s gonna be okay! Chill!” (it took everything in him to not come over there and hit Minor)
“I’ll ask Boss what she wants as a present”
“What? NO”
“Don’t worry! I got this!” (Minor hangs up, leaving Gavin to pace around his room)
This was your first time celebrating your birthday with him (ever since he asked you out last year)
No wonder Birdcop is so nervous
He gets an idea of what to get you, and gets to work right away (it’s homemade!)
After pacing for 20 minutes, he decides to call you for a date
But drops his phone when you call him first (he stubs his toe while he breaks the fall)
“He-hello?” (he’s rubbing his foot, hiding his pain)
“Gavin! Where are you?”
“What do you mean, what? Our date! I’m in front of the aquarium right now”
He’s confused (somebody help him)
“A..aquarium?” (he flinches when he hears you sigh)
“Yes, the aquarium! Minor told me you were going to take me out on a date here. Am I wrong?” 
Birdcop’s actually thankful for Minor’s nosiness for once
“I’ll be there right away” (ride like the wind, Sparky)
Your aquarium date goes by pretty quickly (he takes so many pictures of you?)
“Gavin, come here! You look like this sea lion!”
It was about time for the aquarium to close, so he takes you back home
As you were about to take off your helmet, it starts raining like crazy
Despite his constant I’m okays, you bring him in into your apartment to dry off
“You’re going to get sick, Gavin!” (getting sick was the LAST thing on his mind, right now)
He’s sitting awkwardly on a chair, while you go to put his shirt in the drying machine
But you feel something in his shirt pocket and take it out
“A necklace?” (Gavin immediately gets up and runs over to you)
It’s a necklace in the shape of a ginkgo leaf, with both of your initials carved in the back
There are rough edges here and there, but nonetheless beautiful in every way
“....Gavin....!” (he hides his face in his hands, and you notice that his ears and shoulders have turned red)
He coughs before offering to put it on for you (his calloused hands are a little shaky as they graze behind your neck)
“It’s not much but.....happy birthday”
UGH can someone give me an MLQC boy to celebrate my birthdays???
379 notes · View notes
sirjustice1378 · 3 years
Make soil even if bombed and still do dude their hurt maybe
Who made the luo strain as the curse and where was he buried and his appendages inside which building and the associated side effects and how was the curse removed and who introduced it and if good to hook up a strain and the related consequences to those tribe people knowing the same or championing the same
Do the luo got ameru blood and who were ameru and who infused that blood to other tribes and which tribe are those and at that time each african tribe was how many as per the population and ask the not giving up blood in Ameru tribe is of which tribe and who are Ameru as well as why people called Hebrew and if u do the same with yogurt when fucking a woman what u need to do to not grab the curse, if u r another tribe and why the name ameru atrophied dude
Ask if u want to make supersonic jets of maybe say from 4,000 Km - 50,000 Km per hour what u need to do, the boom area, heap and the chop, hang or step on things or need to pear. Ask which sign if i place on these many words as u write what u want incorporated or just single word each gives the best Jets or missiles. Ask on which material i need to write on or put rubber stamp of the same to come up with my specification each per the KM mention and ask if i want or iron, Zinc, aluminum with inside bars running all through what i need to undertake and even with WiFi and bomb, gun, airline, missile long range detection inbuilt and answers given to make ya super sonic jets not of plastic peel out and if so let it not have joint to pop out in high speed and not of fuel but with thermostat heat panel generator inscribed in cooler box like plastic or metal with towel, wool or heat generating many years chemicals to make u spend none and not pollute the air as to be green jet with 2 or 4 gas cylinders if one burst another take shape with automatic switch on between each such glasses or with manual interchange switches
Ask those who have siren gas spry or covid virus fume spry infecting other and those they have infected and answers given and them criticizing the situation dude
Ask those nations with collaboration with Kikuyu wants to attack America and if its possible and why they relent not dude and ask which nations can be super power and underlying reasons why
Ask if they have know i heaven their is only 2 times eating a day and thats why they behave on earth like this to get there or what and ask if their is listening to secular music and the consequences if u r gotten and how its know when u listen to such if suits them and ask if there is inter drinks and if will shift their minds and ask whose angel Gabriel and where is he and currently in whose house and with whom his broke 1 hand and ask if u want to be young in body is going to heaven can help ya or not and ask if the Angel is going to hell or not and let be given the solid reasons if he appeared to Jesus mother or a hoax dude
Ask the names of those making each machine u know or foods per your zip code and how many such they have made and who are targeting to kill them and why using who and on which kind of death and how they can block the same dude or if its their own wish dude
Ask how to make all rubber tire 4 auto-mobiles, bikes and any or non inflated or deflated tires and ask how direct take up jets made or any plane as u can add it to ya drone up or jet above no need 4 the rest on airport thing making you pay much so get u off such dude and ask how jets made of flexible rubber out cage cab be made with metallic bar partitions and of which material as outer cage good 4 hyper-sonic airport dude
Ask how to make padlocks and door locks with long range Bluetooth/WiFi connections to phone and with such enabling apps and ask for flying any machine how it can be made to get it off ya compound or roof or desk without sending 1 as phones, tablets, brief case etc
Ask if making one strain good and the related side effects to people doing so and on what makes u strain or on what chemicals and how done within ya body to make ya the same dude and ask for the remedies as the combination of things u eat or do to get u ought of strain-ship and ask if some people wants the same to get by and going to heaven reality to them when strain or when 1 not strain and whats the jealousy as ask how many heavens are their and races or even families are born again knowing no each other and so why the jealousy as ya race not their u inbuilt in another race with another dialect and ask if calling ya family or friend will either be introduced in Minneapolis, Denver or Auckland and in heaven and if u can maintain ya race or not or Language, things u need to stop and know, if not so then u r deemed insane and we know not what to do with ya
Ask what if u do u get to mass at night when sleeping or if one does to ya and what if u do knives people stub people with or any machine cant be made again or get lost all together and the remedies to keep the world abreast with abundant peace
Ask what if u do to one on what he/she does bad makes them insane, incapacitated in 1 way or another or kill them and let us know dude. And ask the curse of Ameru and why they are that why and what need to be done to them to change or if death the only remaining remedy dude. Who shifted the bible that Kikuyu are the JEW yet not
Race with big booties good looking and not good looking where from which nations and ask on which African nations were slaves taken to the USA and also with other continents and in which years and from each tribe was taken to which current states of America and why and their percentage of intake and get to know instead of claiming this and that dude
Ask how a miniature gun of long range bullet reach can be made as above in the boom process and with any other gun and with their bullets and even missiles
Make an island on ocean, sea, make protectorate and start new nations 4 groups who cant fit within ya land, identify places which grows much cereal and cash crops, make big dude and ask the devil instead of tussle in 1 nation dude
Ther nyako no mit kachieth omera, dhiego mand to ndukle, ma, waru ewimand bwana
ask 4 ps5 phone app and how it is made in the boom process and 4 the computer, ask the coded voice
Ask the owner of Mukumu money transfer app and who she gave to and who told her how made and when and the related consequences if that person not compensated while the whole world uses the same and with any machine u got ask the same 4 the inventor who told the maker cause maybe can be killed yet a curse befall u and the want of Mr White man and ask if its the same and stop lest insane dude
Ask 4 the meaning of each bible name as Jew, Samaritan, Hebrew or gentiles and currently who are they to disappoint others all knowing and create a new re freshness and belonging dude
And ask the devil on where if u stub on one kills the creator of such viruses or on which body parts 4 a woman, the affected, infected, a man or a toddler and get to know to stop some disease and get their cure instead of every day spending much as govt robbing people good-life granting to others who created the same dude and ask on all a/c is viruses, strain, bacteria, protozoa or any disease/syndrome created and how they can be stopped dude and existing who are they per name list dude
And ask what if u do ya body became more brown, chocolate, dark or red and the benefit of every skin to a woman, kid or men and even authorities and ask if making gadgets bars the poor and out of the above list of machine makers ask how many lives in the ghetto as Mad house or iron sheet visa vie those living in deemed posh houses but to them and if they is a stair and can tantamount to actions of violence and who will win and who race/tribe is supporting who and ask Nelson has which country blood relations and esp which tribe per those nations dude
Ask on what if every affected nation does becomes rich again or on what if the employ dude altogether bro to stop this and that, always ask 4 remedy list b4 the above move dude to save the day bro and ask what kikuyu wanted with other nation whom have come out with innovations more than them with going to Russia and championing nelson death and if possible now and ask who got Covid and get to know instead of pointing fingers and blame game on innocent people
African made app like 4 voting in the links below and money transfer app
How to make supersonic jets using demolished cement from the floor or any with the concrete below it place place in wood trunk in ya yard compound on red soil road with made round hole unto it then stir porridge with hay on ya finger inside a pot of cold or warm porridge as u step on hay within CD hole on hot white porridge on grass heap in dim light or step on hay within Cd hole on guava then chop cabbage on wood soaked in milk in the dark or step on egg inside hole on pineapple as carry one on bicycle as u ride or sweep hay leaves on rough drying clay with hard broom if u sweep with reeds broom makes big airplane and with the normal push one makes choppers and try sweeping with any 4 more results dude and 4 missile sweep with green grass broom even if short on dirt on the same land as above or on broken African clay pot and 4 mini airplane wash with detergent dirt on the same pot or remove sand with ya normal finger hand from the same broken round down pot or place paw paw in hay 4 missile, in gone down places within ya land with brown grass, then wash feet in surgical spirit with removed cat head u alone in dim light as if u wash with other parts gives u another something else and even artificial made 1 so not blasphemy as others know the same when the jet made, when u wash with the whole cat gives ya tank as u hand with the former type on the bruise or all concrete not smooth cement enabled floor and more as u try or with big jets still place paw paw in guava in ya compound yard, then chop hay bars on paw paw in groundnuts in dark while bent at your 1 Conner house as u step on hay within CD hole on guava outer peel or hang container with hay inside and reach unto it as u chop guava on wood soaked in milk in the dark and boom ya big jet place much heap and minimum 4 big and small jets 4 better results dude
Who brought curse to bat can and what he did to popcorn to make such teeth that way and reasons why and what again if u do to popcorn are repercussion to you dude
Ask who interlocking blocks, stone or bricks of even up-to 10 meters long or of ya want and with all dimension made of inside not easy to break cause has squire or rectangular wire mesh to hold it and at every side got bars or holes that fix to the other either of metal or of the same product or where such bars are inserted to get to the foundation respectively up or across within each partition and can even be one 2 or 3 with any side wall to eliminate many brick thing prone to fall like in the link below such make dude or write in stanza and sign or cross like wire mesh but slanting going down and do all the step and boom ya already made concrete
Japan made of four main islands and their names given and over 3,000 small island which makes Japan traditionally a sea faring nation as in the link below, they say they are angered
They are saying they are wanting to make unmanned to attack nations as theirs do not match the same as they know how to play PS4 to miss the same and hit lands which are fertile so those people lose market out of radio active parts attracted to the soil to infuse the plant causing health hazards to their customers so opt 4 their like Wisconsin with Veggies and fruits, the Cameroonians liaising with Kenyans and what they like they force u with like women and what am writing i have finished still the locate me wanting to grab my piece and my food and any time next to me bend down to check my penis position, taming am going to fuck their women their hate while am telling them let me get to another land where their are no such they say i got Aids yet by asking as above u r told all even with machines any1 can incorporate a protocol in any machine by asking, dude bring siren gas so we leave them the world cause better dude they cant destroy the world as their weak also have the same dude, the Hebrew and bring and see if am lying i will not re,move the same and with Land i want not, name has been changed to my brothers and ask and you will be told and Gold if their now Gold price low as made in the boom dude, with my corpse let them eat, i think i have done my part, so waiting 4 ya final response and if u chase them leave me alone i don't want to sit within ya midst i will stub 1 with knife and police will come and not good and if i eat much kill me with voodoo or shoot me while am walking at night and with cash eliminate place in the app as above if u think i can make in the boom if asking the devil or code voice if i have made so but not believing the same u want to term lies yet as u say with machine u trust to create jealousy with the same. U simple minded and foolish of not knowing anything and wants to be 1st disrespecting ya savior to the later making 1 as a kid wanting 1 to feed ya yet not ya parent or did not remove ya mother clothe to fuck ya yet in hell or heaven mind lost u know not yaself, as hell u know but burning in hot porridge like fluid cant talk to 1 so better start to be all alone dude and u despise such advises daily u want 1 food and headed nowhere u want to kill one to take his property u place Jiggers in 1 system u laugh if they love sex u send women to investigate 1 if masturbating yet u have done the above they get piss off they want ya plot and above u tell them, they want to kill ya and take ya small property get into ya house, no matter how much u tell them the curse they relent not, u fools and hooligans
We got the above to ascertain or resolve u r this and that and even with ya parents and evidence yet still they change not get to ya food cause they know all loopholes blocked to dirty cash and cash the are making they will make not more of many nations as cash will be online so starts u as above dude while the rich are their, when it has reached that place i cant but i have won dude, ask how many Negros they want to sleep with have made gadgets and books and accessories esp in Music and movie meaning even if they make it here u cant manipulate them and my happiness only via a fight or if they are willing which i give a hoot no as their own making not sweet plan as above that angers those who hate such and term the Jew thing as lie so true via lies as eliminated completely to set my soul free dude
I write the writings i got daily not that they are new cause i find something to push time tomorrow, cause if i get to social media Mr Hindu send such to my desk saying not good making bad my reputation with such people who help me and that's it, I will get to women photos even in MC Donald Island without getting to those lands as with asking i know who i can marry and get to this country, i say its 3rd world and getting their u will not get, they want to claim lien to eat ya small cash saying if they know how to make machines they will be rich or if their cash crop marketed which will not happen cause them 10 yrs is 1 yr as yours so they give a hoot not cause they live more and has lived and u in ya mid years and when they realized 1 has the remedy to short life can live more they resort to jealousy if they can live long than them or not to stop or build more jealousy if can live more than them and u they put u with kids cause ya life short to make u weak
They get into other nation stuff that are free u want cause their teeth discourage them they got another bad blood yet say the above they are rich than those nations yet not yet they want to attack them in military yet those people got radars even if half the speed of their jets or missile when u see such jets/missile u meet with ya half speed and still u defeat such provided not made within the city, what matters is long range radar as of Vietnam or Denmark of like more than 5, 0000 Km no-matter whether ya missile supersonic from another land and even with drone surveillance system and i want not their advice or stories of alluding, if am with them i want to control cause they cant do the reverse to me, so we go apart we want not dude, Dude give me my cash or money i get out dude, cause a gun or knife in the air in imagery u see flying dude
Money transfer mobile app link below of Asia dude
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sirjustice1377 · 3 years
I want not ya own dude
Who made the luo strain as the curse and where was he buried and his appendages inside which building and the associated side effects and how was the curse removed and who introduced it and if good to hook up a strain and the related consequences to those tribe people knowing the same or championing the same
Do the luo got ameru blood and who were ameru and who infused that blood to other tribes and which tribe are those and at that time each african tribe was how many as per the population and ask the not giving up blood in Ameru tribe is of which tribe and who are Ameru as well as why people called Hebrew and if u do the same with yogurt when fucking a woman what u need to do to not grab the curse, if u r another tribe and why the name ameru atrophied dude
Ask if u want to make supersonic jets of maybe say from 4,000 Km - 50,000 Km per hour what u need to do, the boom area, heap and the chop, hang or step on things or need to pear. Ask which sign if i place on these many words as u write what u want incorporated or just single word each gives the best Jets or missiles. Ask on which material i need to write on or put rubber stamp of the same to come up with my specification each per the KM mention and ask if i want or iron, Zinc, aluminum with inside bars running all through what i need to undertake and even with WiFi and bomb, gun, airline, missile long range detection inbuilt and answers given to make ya super sonic jets not of plastic peel out and if so let it not have joint to pop out in high speed and not of fuel but with thermostat heat panel generator inscribed in cooler box like plastic or metal with towel, wool or heat generating many years chemicals to make u spend none and not pollute the air as to be green jet with 2 or 4 gas cylinders if one burst another take shape with automatic switch on between each such glasses or with manual interchange switches
Ask those who have siren gas spry or covid virus fume spry infecting other and those they have infected and answers given and them criticizing the situation dude
Ask those nations with collaboration with Kikuyu wants to attack America and if its possible and why they relent not dude and ask which nations can be super power and underlying reasons why
Ask if they have know i heaven their is only 2 times eating a day and thats why they behave on earth like this to get there or what and ask if their is listening to secular music and the consequences if u r gotten and how its know when u listen to such if suits them and ask if there is inter drinks and if will shift their minds and ask whose angel Gabriel and where is he and currently in whose house and with whom his broke 1 hand and ask if u want to be young in body is going to heaven can help ya or not and ask if the Angel is going to hell or not and let be given the solid reasons if he appeared to Jesus mother or a hoax dude
Ask the names of those making each machine u know or foods per your zip code and how many such they have made and who are targeting to kill them and why using who and on which kind of death and how they can block the same dude or if its their own wish dude
Ask how to make all rubber tire 4 auto-mobiles, bikes and any or non inflated or deflated tires and ask how direct take up jets made or any plane as u can add it to ya drone up or jet above no need 4 the rest on airport thing making you pay much so get u off such dude and ask how jets made of flexible rubber out cage cab be made with metallic bar partitions and of which material as outer cage good 4 hyper-sonic airport dude
Ask how to make padlocks and door locks with long range Bluetooth/WiFi connections to phone and with such enabling apps and ask for flying any machine how it can be made to get it off ya compound or roof or desk without sending 1 as phones, tablets, brief case etc
Ask if making one strain good and the related side effects to people doing so and on what makes u strain or on what chemicals and how done within ya body to make ya the same dude and ask for the remedies as the combination of things u eat or do to get u ought of strain-ship and ask if some people wants the same to get by and going to heaven reality to them when strain or when 1 not strain and whats the jealousy as ask how many heavens are their and races or even families are born again knowing no each other and so why the jealousy as ya race not their u inbuilt in another race with another dialect and ask if calling ya family or friend will either be introduced in Minneapolis, Denver or Auckland and in heaven and if u can maintain ya race or not or Language, things u need to stop and know, if not so then u r deemed insane and we know not what to do with ya
Ask what if u do u get to mass at night when sleeping or if one does to ya and what if u do knives people stub people with or any machine cant be made again or get lost all together and the remedies to keep the world abreast with abundant peace
Ask what if u do to one on what he/she does bad makes them insane, incapacitated in 1 way or another or kill them and let us know dude. And ask the curse of Ameru and why they are that why and what need to be done to them to change or if death the only remaining remedy dude. Who shifted the bible that Kikuyu are the JEW yet not
Race with big booties good looking and not good looking where from which nations and ask on which African nations were slaves taken to the USA and also with other continents and in which years and from each tribe was taken to which current states of America and why and their percentage of intake and get to know instead of claiming this and that dude
Ask how a miniature gun of long range bullet reach can be made as above in the boom process and with any other gun and with their bullets and even missiles
Make an island on ocean, sea, make protectorate and start new nations 4 groups who cant fit within ya land, identify places which grows much cereal and cash crops, make big dude and ask the devil instead of tussle in 1 nation dude
Ther nyako no mit kachieth omera, dhiego mand to ndukle, ma, waru ewimand bwana
ask 4 ps5 phone app and how it is made in the boom process and 4 the computer, ask the coded voice
Ask the owner of Mukumu money transfer app and who she gave to and who told her how made and when and the related consequences if that person not compensated while the whole world uses the same and with any machine u got ask the same 4 the inventor who told the maker cause maybe can be killed yet a curse befall u and the want of Mr White man and ask if its the same and stop lest insane dude
Ask 4 the meaning of each bible name as Jew, Samaritan, Hebrew or gentiles and currently who are they to disappoint others all knowing and create a new re freshness and belonging dude
And ask the devil on where if u stub on one kills the creator of such viruses or on which body parts 4 a woman, the affected, infected, a man or a toddler and get to know to stop some disease and get their cure instead of every day spending much as govt robbing people good-life granting to others who created the same dude and ask on all a/c is viruses, strain, bacteria, protozoa or any disease/syndrome created and how they can be stopped dude and existing who are they per name list dude
And ask what if u do ya body became more brown, chocolate, dark or red and the benefit of every skin to a woman, kid or men and even authorities and ask if making gadgets bars the poor and out of the above list of machine makers ask how many lives in the ghetto as Mad house or iron sheet visa vie those living in deemed posh houses but to them and if they is a stair and can tantamount to actions of violence and who will win and who race/tribe is supporting who and ask Nelson has which country blood relations and esp which tribe per those nations dude
Ask on what if every affected nation does becomes rich again or on what if the employ dude altogether bro to stop this and that, always ask 4 remedy list b4 the above move dude to save the day bro and ask what kikuyu wanted with other nation whom have come out with innovations more than them with going to Russia and championing nelson death and if possible now and ask who got Covid and get to know instead of pointing fingers and blame game on innocent people
African made app like 4 voting in the links below and money transfer app
How to make supersonic jets using demolished cement from the floor or any with the concrete below it place place in wood trunk in ya yard compound on red soil road with made round hole unto it then stir porridge with hay on ya finger inside a pot of cold or warm porridge as u step on hay within CD hole on hot white porridge on grass heap in dim light or step on hay within Cd hole on guava then chop cabbage on wood soaked in milk in the dark or step on egg inside hole on pineapple as carry one on bicycle as u ride or sweep hay leaves on rough drying clay with hard broom if u sweep with reeds broom makes big airplane and with the normal push one makes choppers and try sweeping with any 4 more results dude and 4 missile sweep with green grass broom even if short on dirt on the same land as above or on broken African clay pot and 4 mini airplane wash with detergent dirt on the same pot or remove sand with ya normal finger hand from the same broken round down pot or place paw paw in hay 4 missile, in gone down places within ya land with brown grass, then wash feet in surgical spirit with removed cat head u alone in dim light as if u wash with other parts gives u another something else and even artificial made 1 so not blasphemy as others know the same when the jet made, when u wash with the whole cat gives ya tank as u hand with the former type on the bruise or all concrete not smooth cement enabled floor and more as u try or with big jets still place paw paw in guava in ya compound yard, then chop hay bars on paw paw in groundnuts in dark while bent at your 1 Conner house as u step on hay within CD hole on guava outer peel or hang container with hay inside and reach unto it as u chop guava on wood soaked in milk in the dark and boom ya big jet place much heap and minimum 4 big and small jets 4 better results dude
Who brought curse to bat can and what he did to popcorn to make such teeth that way and reasons why and what again if u do to popcorn are repercussion to you dude
Ask who interlocking blocks, stone or bricks of even up-to 10 meters long or of ya want and with all dimension made of inside not easy to break cause has squire or rectangular wire mesh to hold it and at every side got bars or holes that fix to the other either of metal or of the same product or where such bars are inserted to get to the foundation respectively up or across within each partition and can even be one 2 or 3 with any side wall to eliminate many brick thing prone to fall like in the link below such make dude or write in stanza and sign or cross like wire mesh but slanting going down and do all the step and boom ya already made concrete
Japan made of four main islands and their names given and over 3,000 small island which makes Japan traditionally a sea faring nation as in the link below, they say they are angered
They are saying they are wanting to make unmanned to attack nations as theirs do not match the same as they know how to play PS4 to miss the same and hit lands which are fertile so those people lose market out of radio active parts attracted to the soil to infuse the plant causing health hazards to their customers so opt 4 their like Wisconsin with Veggies and fruits, the Cameroonians liaising with Kenyans and what they like they force u with like women and what am writing i have finished still the locate me wanting to grab my piece and my food and any time next to me bend down to check my penis position, taming am going to fuck their women their hate while am telling them let me get to another land where their are no such they say i got Aids yet by asking as above u r told all even with machines any1 can incorporate a protocol in any machine by asking, dude bring siren gas so we leave them the world cause better dude they cant destroy the world as their weak also have the same dude, the Hebrew and bring and see if am lying i will not re,move the same and with Land i want not, name has been changed to my brothers and ask and you will be told and Gold if their now Gold price low as made in the boom dude, with my corpse let them eat, i think i have done my part, so waiting 4 ya final response and if u chase them leave me alone i don't want to sit within ya midst i will stub 1 with knife and police will come and not good and if i eat much kill me with voodoo or shoot me while am walking at night and with cash eliminate place in the app as above if u think i can make in the boom if asking the devil or code voice if i have made so but not believing the same u want to term lies yet as u say with machine u trust to create jealousy with the same. U simple minded and foolish of not knowing anything and wants to be 1st disrespecting ya savior to the later making 1 as a kid wanting 1 to feed ya yet not ya parent or did not remove ya mother clothe to fuck ya yet in hell or heaven mind lost u know not yaself, as hell u know but burning in hot porridge like fluid cant talk to 1 so better start to be all alone dude and u despice such advises daily u want 1 food and headed nowhere u want to kill one to take his property u place Jiggers in 1 system u laugh if they love sex u send women to investigate 1 if masturbating yet u have done the above they get piss off they want ya plot and above u tell them, they want to kill ya and take ya small property get into ya house, no matter how much u tell them the curse they relent not, u fools and hooligans
We got the above to ascertain or resolve u r this and that and even with ya parents and evidence yet still they change not get to ya food cause they know all loopholes blocked to dirty cash and cash the are making they will make not more of many nations as cash will be online so starts u as above dude while the rich are their, when it has reached that place i cant but i have won dude, ask how many Negros they want to sleep with have made gadgets and books and accessories esp in Music and movie meaning even if they make it here u cant manipulate them and my happiness only via a fight or if they are willing which i give a hoot no as their own making not sweet plan as above that angers those who hate such and term the Jew thing as lie so true via lies as eliminated completely to set my soul free dude
I write the writings i got daily not that they are new cause i find something to push time tomorrow, cause if i get to social media Mr Hindu send such to my desk saying not good making bad my reputation with such people who help me and that's it, I will get to women photos even in MC Donald Island without getting to those lands as with asking i know who i can marry and get to this country, i say its 3rd world and getting their u will not get, they want to claim lien to eat ya small cash saying if they know how to make machines they will be rich or if their cash crop marketed which will not happen cause them 10 yrs is 1 yr as yours so they give a hoot not cause they live more and has lived and u in ya mid years and when they realized 1 has the remedy to short life can live more they resort to jealousy if they can live long than them or not to stop or build more jealousy if can live more than them and u they put u with kids cause ya life short to make u weak
 They get into other nation stuff that are free u want cause their teeth discourage them they got another bad blood yet say the above they are rich than those nations yet not yet they want to attack them in military yet those people got radars even if half the speed of their jets or missile when u see such jets/missile u meet with ya half speed and still u defeat such provided not made within the city, what matters is long range radar as of Vietnam or Denmark of like more than 5, 0000 Km no-matter whether ya missile supersonic from another land and even with drone surveillance system and i want not their advice or stories of alluding, if am with them i want to control cause they cant do the reverse to me, so we go apart we want not dude, Dude give me my cash or money i get out dude, cause a gun or knife in the air in imagery u see flying dude
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sirjustice1376 · 3 years
My happiness dude
Who made the luo strain as the curse and where was he buried and his appendages inside which building and the associated side effects and how was the curse removed and who introduced it and if good to hook up a strain and the related consequences to those tribe people knowing the same or championing the same
Do the luo got ameru blood and who were ameru and who infused that blood to other tribes and which tribe are those and at that time each african tribe was how many as per the population and ask the not giving up blood in Ameru tribe is of which tribe and who are Ameru as well as why people called Hebrew and if u do the same with yogurt when fucking a woman what u need to do to not grab the curse, if u r another tribe and why the name ameru atrophied dude
Ask if u want to make supersonic jets of maybe say from 4,000 Km - 50,000 Km per hour what u need to do, the boom area, heap and the chop, hang or step on things or need to pear. Ask which sign if i place on these many words as u write what u want incorporated or just single word each gives the best Jets or missiles. Ask on which material i need to write on or put rubber stamp of the same to come up with my specification each per the KM mention and ask if i want or iron, Zinc, aluminum with inside bars running all through what i need to undertake and even with WiFi and bomb, gun, airline, missile long range detection inbuilt and answers given to make ya super sonic jets not of plastic peel out and if so let it not have joint to pop out in high speed and not of fuel but with thermostat heat panel generator inscribed in cooler box like plastic or metal with towel, wool or heat generating many years chemicals to make u spend none and not pollute the air as to be green jet with 2 or 4 gas cylinders if one burst another take shape with automatic switch on between each such glasses or with manual interchange switches
Ask those who have siren gas spry or covid virus fume spry infecting other and those they have infected and answers given and them criticizing the situation dude
Ask those nations with collaboration with Kikuyu wants to attack America and if its possible and why they relent not dude and ask which nations can be super power and underlying reasons why
Ask if they have know i heaven their is only 2 times eating a day and thats why they behave on earth like this to get there or what and ask if their is listening to secular music and the consequences if u r gotten and how its know when u listen to such if suits them and ask if there is inter drinks and if will shift their minds and ask whose angel Gabriel and where is he and currently in whose house and with whom his broke 1 hand and ask if u want to be young in body is going to heaven can help ya or not and ask if the Angel is going to hell or not and let be given the solid reasons if he appeared to Jesus mother or a hoax dude
Ask the names of those making each machine u know or foods per your zip code and how many such they have made and who are targeting to kill them and why using who and on which kind of death and how they can block the same dude or if its their own wish dude
Ask how to make all rubber tire 4 auto-mobiles, bikes and any or non inflated or deflated tires and ask how direct take up jets made or any plane as u can add it to ya drone up or jet above no need 4 the rest on airport thing making you pay much so get u off such dude and ask how jets made of flexible rubber out cage cab be made with metallic bar partitions and of which material as outer cage good 4 hyper-sonic airport dude
Ask how to make padlocks and door locks with long range Bluetooth/WiFi connections to phone and with such enabling apps and ask for flying any machine how it can be made to get it off ya compound or roof or desk without sending 1 as phones, tablets, brief case etc
Ask if making one strain good and the related side effects to people doing so and on what makes u strain or on what chemicals and how done within ya body to make ya the same dude and ask for the remedies as the combination of things u eat or do to get u ought of strain-ship and ask if some people wants the same to get by and going to heaven reality to them when strain or when 1 not strain and whats the jealousy as ask how many heavens are their and races or even families are born again knowing no each other and so why the jealousy as ya race not their u inbuilt in another race with another dialect and ask if calling ya family or friend will either be introduced in Minneapolis, Denver or Auckland and in heaven and if u can maintain ya race or not or Language, things u need to stop and know, if not so then u r deemed insane and we know not what to do with ya
Ask what if u do u get to mass at night when sleeping or if one does to ya and what if u do knives people stub people with or any machine cant be made again or get lost all together and the remedies to keep the world abreast with abundant peace
Ask what if u do to one on what he/she does bad makes them insane, incapacitated in 1 way or another or kill them and let us know dude. And ask the curse of Ameru and why they are that why and what need to be done to them to change or if death the only remaining remedy dude. Who shifted the bible that Kikuyu are the JEW yet not
Race with big booties good looking and not good looking where from which nations and ask on which African nations were slaves taken to the USA and also with other continents and in which years and from each tribe was taken to which current states of America and why and their percentage of intake and get to know instead of claiming this and that dude
Ask how a miniature gun of long range bullet reach can be made as above in the boom process and with any other gun and with their bullets and even missiles
Make an island on ocean, sea, make protectorate and start new nations 4 groups who cant fit within ya land, identify places which grows much cereal and cash crops, make big dude and ask the devil instead of tussle in 1 nation dude
Ther nyako no mit kachieth omera, dhiego mand to ndukle, ma, waru ewimand bwana
ask 4 ps5 phone app and how it is made in the boom process and 4 the computer, ask the coded voice
Ask the owner of Mukumu money transfer app and who she gave to and who told her how made and when and the related consequences if that person not compensated while the whole world uses the same and with any machine u got ask the same 4 the inventor who told the maker cause maybe can be killed yet a curse befall u and the want of Mr White man and ask if its the same and stop lest insane dude
Ask 4 the meaning of each bible name as Jew, Samaritan, Hebrew or gentiles and currently who are they to disappoint others all knowing and create a new re freshness and belonging dude
And ask the devil on where if u stub on one kills the creator of such viruses or on which body parts 4 a woman, the affected, infected, a man or a toddler and get to know to stop some disease and get their cure instead of every day spending much as govt robbing people good-life granting to others who created the same dude and ask on all a/c is viruses, strain, bacteria, protozoa or any disease/syndrome created and how they can be stopped dude and existing who are they per name list dude
And ask what if u do ya body became more brown, chocolate, dark or red and the benefit of every skin to a woman, kid or men and even authorities and ask if making gadgets bars the poor and out of the above list of machine makers ask how many lives in the ghetto as Mad house or iron sheet visa vie those living in deemed posh houses but to them and if they is a stair and can tantamount to actions of violence and who will win and who race/tribe is supporting who and ask Nelson has which country blood relations and esp which tribe per those nations dude
Ask on what if every affected nation does becomes rich again or on what if the employ dude altogether bro to stop this and that, always ask 4 remedy list b4 the above move dude to save the day bro and ask what kikuyu wanted with other nation whom have come out with innovations more than them with going to Russia and championing nelson death and if possible now and ask who got Covid and get to know instead of pointing fingers and blame game on innocent people
African made app like 4 voting in the links below and money transfer app
How to make supersonic jets using demolished cement from the floor or any with the concrete below it place place in wood trunk in ya yard compound on red soil road with made round hole unto it then stir porridge with hay on ya finger inside a pot of cold or warm porridge as u step on hay within CD hole on hot white porridge on grass heap in dim light or step on hay within Cd hole on guava then chop cabbage on wood soaked in milk in the dark or step on egg inside hole on pineapple as carry one on bicycle as u ride or sweep hay leaves on rough drying clay with hard broom if u sweep with reeds broom makes big airplane and with the normal push one makes choppers and try sweeping with any 4 more results dude and 4 missile sweep with green grass broom even if short on dirt on the same land as above or on broken African clay pot and 4 mini airplane wash with detergent dirt on the same pot or remove sand with ya normal finger hand from the same broken round down pot or place paw paw in hay 4 missile, in gone down places within ya land with brown grass, then wash feet in surgical spirit with removed cat head u alone in dim light as if u wash with other parts gives u another something else and even artificial made 1 so not blasphemy as others know the same when the jet made, when u wash with the whole cat gives ya tank as u hand with the former type on the bruise or all concrete not smooth cement enabled floor and more as u try or with big jets still place paw paw in guava in ya compound yard, then chop hay bars on paw paw in groundnuts in dark while bent at your 1 Conner house as u step on hay within CD hole on guava outer peel or hang container with hay inside and reach unto it as u chop guava on wood soaked in milk in the dark and boom ya big jet place much heap and minimum 4 big and small jets 4 better results dude
Who brought curse to bat can and what he did to popcorn to make such teeth that way and reasons why and what again if u do to popcorn are repercussion to you dude
Ask who interlocking blocks, stone or bricks of even up-to 10 meters long or of ya want and with all dimension made of inside not easy to break cause has squire or rectangular wire mesh to hold it and at every side got bars or holes that fix to the other either of metal or of the same product or where such bars are inserted to get to the foundation respectively up or across within each partition and can even be one 2 or 3 with any side wall to eliminate many brick thing prone to fall like in the link below such make dude or write in stanza and sign or cross like wire mesh but slanting going down and do all the step and boom ya already made concrete
Japan made of four main islands and their names given and over 3,000 small island which makes Japan traditionally a sea faring nation as in the link below, they say they are angered
They are saying they are wanting to make unmanned to attack nations as theirs do not match the same as they know how to play PS4 to miss the same and hit lands which are fertile so those people lose market out of radio active parts attracted to the soil to infuse the plant causing health hazards to their customers so opt 4 their like Wisconsin with Veggies and fruits, the Cameroonians liaising with Kenyans and what they like they force u with like women and what am writing i have finished still the locate me wanting to grab my piece and my food and any time next to me bend down to check my penis position, taming am going to fuck their women their hate while am telling them let me get to another land where their are no such they say i got Aids yet by asking as above u r told all even with machines any1 can incorporate a protocol in any machine by asking, dude bring siren gas so we leave them the world cause better dude they cant destroy the world as their weak also have the same dude, the Hebrew and bring and see if am lying i will not re,move the same and with Land i want not, name has been changed to my brothers and ask and you will be told and Gold if their now Gold price low as made in the boom dude, with my corpse let them eat, i think i have done my part, so waiting 4 ya final response and if u chase them leave me alone i don't want to sit within ya midst i will stub 1 with knife and police will come and not good and if i eat much kill me with voodoo or shoot me while am walking at night and with cash eliminate place in the app as above if u think i can make in the boom if asking the devil or code voice if i have made so but not believing the same u want to term lies yet as u say with machine u trust to create jealousy with the same. U simple minded and foolish of not knowing anything and wants to be 1st disrespecting ya savior to the later making 1 as a kid wanting 1 to feed ya yet not ya parent or did not remove ya mother clothe to fuck ya yet in hell or heaven mind lost u know not yaself, as hell u know but burning in hot porridge like fluid cant talk to 1 so better start to be all alone dude and u despice such advises daily u want 1 food and headed nowhere u want to kill one to take his property u place Jiggers in 1 system u laugh if they love sex u send women to investigate 1 if masturbating yet u have done the above they get piss off they want ya plot and above u tell them, they want to kill ya and take ya small property get into ya house, no matter how much u tell them the curse they relent not, u fools and hooligans
We got the above to ascertain or resolve u r this and that and even with ya parents and evidence yet still they change not get to ya food cause they know all loopholes blocked to dirty cash and cash the are making they will make not more of many nations as cash will be online so starts u as above dude while the rich are their, when it has reached that place i cant but i have won dude, ask how many Negros they want to sleep with have made gadgets and books and accessories esp in Music and movie meaning even if they make it here u cant manipulate them and my happiness only via a fight or if they are willing which i give a hoot no as their own making not sweet plan as above that angers those who hate such and term the Jew thing as lie so true via lies as eliminated completely to set my soul free dude
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sirjustice1375 · 3 years
Bring gas
Who made the luo strain as the curse and where was he buried and his appendages inside which building and the associated side effects and how was the curse removed and who introduced it and if good to hook up a strain and the related consequences to those tribe people knowing the same or championing the same
Do the luo got ameru blood and who were ameru and who infused that blood to other tribes and which tribe are those and at that time each african tribe was how many as per the population and ask the not giving up blood in Ameru tribe is of which tribe and who are Ameru as well as why people called Hebrew and if u do the same with yogurt when fucking a woman what u need to do to not grab the curse, if u r another tribe and why the name ameru atrophied dude
Ask if u want to make supersonic jets of maybe say from 4,000 Km - 50,000 Km per hour what u need to do, the boom area, heap and the chop, hang or step on things or need to pear. Ask which sign if i place on these many words as u write what u want incorporated or just single word each gives the best Jets or missiles. Ask on which material i need to write on or put rubber stamp of the same to come up with my specification each per the KM mention and ask if i want or iron, Zinc, aluminum with inside bars running all through what i need to undertake and even with WiFi and bomb, gun, airline, missile long range detection inbuilt and answers given to make ya super sonic jets not of plastic peel out and if so let it not have joint to pop out in high speed and not of fuel but with thermostat heat panel generator inscribed in cooler box like plastic or metal with towel, wool or heat generating many years chemicals to make u spend none and not pollute the air as to be green jet with 2 or 4 gas cylinders if one burst another take shape with automatic switch on between each such glasses or with manual interchange switches
Ask those who have siren gas spry or covid virus fume spry infecting other and those they have infected and answers given and them criticizing the situation dude
Ask those nations with collaboration with Kikuyu wants to attack America and if its possible and why they relent not dude and ask which nations can be super power and underlying reasons why
Ask if they have know i heaven their is only 2 times eating a day and thats why they behave on earth like this to get there or what and ask if their is listening to secular music and the consequences if u r gotten and how its know when u listen to such if suits them and ask if there is inter drinks and if will shift their minds and ask whose angel Gabriel and where is he and currently in whose house and with whom his broke 1 hand and ask if u want to be young in body is going to heaven can help ya or not and ask if the Angel is going to hell or not and let be given the solid reasons if he appeared to Jesus mother or a hoax dude
Ask the names of those making each machine u know or foods per your zip code and how many such they have made and who are targeting to kill them and why using who and on which kind of death and how they can block the same dude or if its their own wish dude
Ask how to make all rubber tire 4 auto-mobiles, bikes and any or non inflated or deflated tires and ask how direct take up jets made or any plane as u can add it to ya drone up or jet above no need 4 the rest on airport thing making you pay much so get u off such dude and ask how jets made of flexible rubber out cage cab be made with metallic bar partitions and of which material as outer cage good 4 hyper-sonic airport dude
Ask how to make padlocks and door locks with long range Bluetooth/WiFi connections to phone and with such enabling apps and ask for flying any machine how it can be made to get it off ya compound or roof or desk without sending 1 as phones, tablets, brief case etc
Ask if making one strain good and the related side effects to people doing so and on what makes u strain or on what chemicals and how done within ya body to make ya the same dude and ask for the remedies as the combination of things u eat or do to get u ought of strain-ship and ask if some people wants the same to get by and going to heaven reality to them when strain or when 1 not strain and whats the jealousy as ask how many heavens are their and races or even families are born again knowing no each other and so why the jealousy as ya race not their u inbuilt in another race with another dialect and ask if calling ya family or friend will either be introduced in Minneapolis, Denver or Auckland and in heaven and if u can maintain ya race or not or Language, things u need to stop and know, if not so then u r deemed insane and we know not what to do with ya
Ask what if u do u get to mass at night when sleeping or if one does to ya and what if u do knives people stub people with or any machine cant be made again or get lost all together and the remedies to keep the world abreast with abundant peace
Ask what if u do to one on what he/she does bad makes them insane, incapacitated in 1 way or another or kill them and let us know dude. And ask the curse of Ameru and why they are that why and what need to be done to them to change or if death the only remaining remedy dude. Who shifted the bible that Kikuyu are the JEW yet not
Race with big booties good looking and not good looking where from which nations and ask on which African nations were slaves taken to the USA and also with other continents and in which years and from each tribe was taken to which current states of America and why and their percentage of intake and get to know instead of claiming this and that dude
Ask how a miniature gun of long range bullet reach can be made as above in the boom process and with any other gun and with their bullets and even missiles
Make an island on ocean, sea, make protectorate and start new nations 4 groups who cant fit within ya land, identify places which grows much cereal and cash crops, make big dude and ask the devil instead of tussle in 1 nation dude
Ther nyako no mit kachieth omera, dhiego mand to ndukle, ma, waru ewimand bwana
ask 4 ps5 phone app and how it is made in the boom process and 4 the computer, ask the coded voice
Ask the owner of Mukumu money transfer app and who she gave to and who told her how made and when and the related consequences if that person not compensated while the whole world uses the same and with any machine u got ask the same 4 the inventor who told the maker cause maybe can be killed yet a curse befall u and the want of Mr White man and ask if its the same and stop lest insane dude
Ask 4 the meaning of each bible name as Jew, Samaritan, Hebrew or gentiles and currently who are they to disappoint others all knowing and create a new re freshness and belonging dude
And ask the devil on where if u stub on one kills the creator of such viruses or on which body parts 4 a woman, the affected, infected, a man or a toddler and get to know to stop some disease and get their cure instead of every day spending much as govt robbing people good-life granting to others who created the same dude and ask on all a/c is viruses, strain, bacteria, protozoa or any disease/syndrome created and how they can be stopped dude and existing who are they per name list dude
And ask what if u do ya body became more brown, chocolate, dark or red and the benefit of every skin to a woman, kid or men and even authorities and ask if making gadgets bars the poor and out of the above list of machine makers ask how many lives in the ghetto as Mad house or iron sheet visa vie those living in deemed posh houses but to them and if they is a stair and can tantamount to actions of violence and who will win and who race/tribe is supporting who and ask Nelson has which country blood relations and esp which tribe per those nations dude
Ask on what if every affected nation does becomes rich again or on what if the employ dude altogether bro to stop this and that, always ask 4 remedy list b4 the above move dude to save the day bro and ask what kikuyu wanted with other nation whom have come out with innovations more than them with going to Russia and championing nelson death and if possible now and ask who got Covid and get to know instead of pointing fingers and blame game on innocent people
African made app like 4 voting in the links below and money transfer app
How to make supersonic jets using demolished cement from the floor or any with the concrete below it place place in wood trunk in ya yard compound on red soil road with made round hole unto it then stir porridge with hay on ya finger inside a pot of cold or warm porridge as u step on hay within CD hole on hot white porridge on grass heap in dim light or step on hay within Cd hole on guava then chop cabbage on wood soaked in milk in the dark or step on egg inside hole on pineapple as carry one on bicycle as u ride or sweep hay leaves on rough drying clay with hard broom if u sweep with reeds broom makes big airplane and with the normal push one makes choppers and try sweeping with any 4 more results dude and 4 missile sweep with green grass broom even if short on dirt on the same land as above or on broken African clay pot and 4 mini airplane wash with detergent dirt on the same pot or remove sand with ya normal finger hand from the same broken round down pot or place paw paw in hay 4 missile, in gone down places within ya land with brown grass, then wash feet in surgical spirit with removed cat head u alone in dim light as if u wash with other parts gives u another something else and even artificial made 1 so not blasphemy as others know the same when the jet made, when u wash with the whole cat gives ya tank as u hand with the former type on the bruise or all concrete not smooth cement enabled floor and more as u try or with big jets still place paw paw in guava in ya compound yard, then chop hay bars on paw paw in groundnuts in dark while bent at your 1 Conner house as u step on hay within CD hole on guava outer peel or hang container with hay inside and reach unto it as u chop guava on wood soaked in milk in the dark and boom ya big jet place much heap and minimum 4 big and small jets 4 better results dude
Who brought curse to bat can and what he did to popcorn to make such teeth that way and reasons why and what again if u do to popcorn are repercussion to you dude
Ask who interlocking blocks, stone or bricks of even up-to 10 meters long or of ya want and with all dimension made of inside not easy to break cause has squire or rectangular wire mesh to hold it and at every side got bars or holes that fix to the other either of metal or of the same product or where such bars are inserted to get to the foundation respectively up or across within each partition and can even be one 2 or 3 with any side wall to eliminate many brick thing prone to fall like in the link below such make dude or write in stanza and sign or cross like wire mesh but slanting going down and do all the step and boom ya already made concrete
Japan made of four main islands and their names given and over 3,000 small island which makes Japan traditionally a sea faring nation as in the link below, they say they are angered
They are saying they are wanting to make unmanned to attack nations as theirs do not match the same as they know how to play PS4 to miss the same and hit lands which are fertile so those people lose market out of radio active parts attracted to the soil to infuse the plant causing health hazards to their customers so opt 4 their like Wisconsin with Veggies and fruits, the Cameroonians liaising with Kenyans and what they like they force u with like women and what am writing i have finished still the locate me wanting to grab my piece and my food and any time next to me bend down to check my penis position, taming am going to fuck their women their hate while am telling them let me get to another land where their are no such they say i got Aids yet by asking as above u r told all even with machines any1 can incorporate a protocol in any machine by asking, dude bring siren gas so we leave them the world cause better dude they cant destroy the world as their weak also have the same dude, the Hebrew and bring and see if am lying i will not re,move the same and with Land i want not, name has been changed to my brothers and ask and you will be told and Gold if their now Gold price low as made in the boom dude, with my corpse let them eat, i think i have done my part, so waiting 4 ya final response and if u chase them leave me alone i don't want to sit within ya midst i will stub 1 with knife and police will come and not good and if i eat much kill me with voodoo or shoot me while am walking at night and with cash eliminate place in the app as above if u think i can make in the boom if asking the devil or code voice if i have made so but not believing the same u want to term lies yet as u say with machine u trust to create jealousy with the same. U simple minded and foolish of not knowing anything and wants to be 1st disrespecting ya savior to the later making 1 as a kid wanting 1 to feed ya yet not ya parent or did not remove ya mother clothe to fuck ya yet in hell or heaven mind lost u know not yaself, as hell u know but burning in hot porridge like fluid cant talk to 1 so better start to be all alone dude and u despice such advises daily u want 1 food and headed nowhere u want to kill one to take his property u place Jiggers in 1 system u laugh if they love sex u send women to investigate 1 if masturbating yet u have done the above they get piss off they want ya plot and above u tell them, they want to kill ya and take ya small property get into ya house, no matter how much u tell them the curse they relent not, u fools and hooligans
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sirjustice1374 · 3 years
BELOW JET TOP SPEED 500 000 km per hour
Who made the luo strain as the curse and where was he buried and his appendages inside which building and the associated side effects and how was the curse removed and who introduced it and if good to hook up a strain and the related consequences to those tribe people knowing the same or championing the same
Do the luo got ameru blood and who were ameru and who infused that blood to other tribes and which tribe are those and at that time each african tribe was how many as per the population and ask the not giving up blood in Ameru tribe is of which tribe and who are Ameru as well as why people called Hebrew and if u do the same with yogurt when fucking a woman what u need to do to not grab the curse, if u r another tribe and why the name ameru atrophied dude
Ask if u want to make supersonic jets of maybe say from 4,000 Km - 50,000 Km per hour what u need to do, the boom area, heap and the chop, hang or step on things or need to pear. Ask which sign if i place on these many words as u write what u want incorporated or just single word each gives the best Jets or missiles. Ask on which material i need to write on or put rubber stamp of the same to come up with my specification each per the KM mention and ask if i want or iron, Zinc, aluminum with inside bars running all through what i need to undertake and even with WiFi and bomb, gun, airline, missile long range detection inbuilt and answers given to make ya super sonic jets not of plastic peel out and if so let it not have joint to pop out in high speed and not of fuel but with thermostat heat panel generator inscribed in cooler box like plastic or metal with towel, wool or heat generating many years chemicals to make u spend none and not pollute the air as to be green jet with 2 or 4 gas cylinders if one burst another take shape with automatic switch on between each such glasses or with manual interchange switches
Ask those who have siren gas spry or covid virus fume spry infecting other and those they have infected and answers given and them criticizing the situation dude
Ask those nations with collaboration with Kikuyu wants to attack America and if its possible and why they relent not dude and ask which nations can be super power and underlying reasons why
Ask if they have know i heaven their is only 2 times eating a day and thats why they behave on earth like this to get there or what and ask if their is listening to secular music and the consequences if u r gotten and how its know when u listen to such if suits them and ask if there is inter drinks and if will shift their minds and ask whose angel Gabriel and where is he and currently in whose house and with whom his broke 1 hand and ask if u want to be young in body is going to heaven can help ya or not and ask if the Angel is going to hell or not and let be given the solid reasons if he appeared to Jesus mother or a hoax dude
Ask the names of those making each machine u know or foods per your zip code and how many such they have made and who are targeting to kill them and why using who and on which kind of death and how they can block the same dude or if its their own wish dude
Ask how to make all rubber tire 4 auto-mobiles, bikes and any or non inflated or deflated tires and ask how direct take up jets made or any plane as u can add it to ya drone up or jet above no need 4 the rest on airport thing making you pay much so get u off such dude and ask how jets made of flexible rubber out cage cab be made with metallic bar partitions and of which material as outer cage good 4 hyper-sonic airport dude
Ask how to make padlocks and door locks with long range Bluetooth/WiFi connections to phone and with such enabling apps and ask for flying any machine how it can be made to get it off ya compound or roof or desk without sending 1 as phones, tablets, brief case etc
Ask if making one strain good and the related side effects to people doing so and on what makes u strain or on what chemicals and how done within ya body to make ya the same dude and ask for the remedies as the combination of things u eat or do to get u ought of strain-ship and ask if some people wants the same to get by and going to heaven reality to them when strain or when 1 not strain and whats the jealousy as ask how many heavens are their and races or even families are born again knowing no each other and so why the jealousy as ya race not their u inbuilt in another race with another dialect and ask if calling ya family or friend will either be introduced in Minneapolis, Denver or Auckland and in heaven and if u can maintain ya race or not or Language, things u need to stop and know, if not so then u r deemed insane and we know not what to do with ya
Ask what if u do u get to mass at night when sleeping or if one does to ya and what if u do knives people stub people with or any machine cant be made again or get lost all together and the remedies to keep the world abreast with abundant peace
Ask what if u do to one on what he/she does bad makes them insane, incapacitated in 1 way or another or kill them and let us know dude. And ask the curse of Ameru and why they are that why and what need to be done to them to change or if death the only remaining remedy dude. Who shifted the bible that Kikuyu are the JEW yet not
Race with big booties good looking and not good looking where from which nations and ask on which African nations were slaves taken to the USA and also with other continents and in which years and from each tribe was taken to which current states of America and why and their percentage of intake and get to know instead of claiming this and that dude
Ask how a miniature gun of long range bullet reach can be made as above in the boom process and with any other gun and with their bullets and even missiles
Make an island on ocean, sea, make protectorate and start new nations 4 groups who cant fit within ya land, identify places which grows much cereal and cash crops, make big dude and ask the devil instead of tussle in 1 nation dude
Ther nyako no mit kachieth omera, dhiego mand to ndukle, ma, waru ewimand bwana
ask 4 ps5 phone app and how it is made in the boom process and 4 the computer, ask the coded voice
Ask the owner of Mukumu money transfer app and who she gave to and who told her how made and when and the related consequences if that person not compensated while the whole world uses the same and with any machine u got ask the same 4 the inventor who told the maker cause maybe can be killed yet a curse befall u and the want of Mr White man and ask if its the same and stop lest insane dude
Ask 4 the meaning of each bible name as Jew, Samaritan, Hebrew or gentiles and currently who are they to disappoint others all knowing and create a new re freshness and belonging dude
And ask the devil on where if u stub on one kills the creator of such viruses or on which body parts 4 a woman, the affected, infected, a man or a toddler and get to know to stop some disease and get their cure instead of every day spending much as govt robbing people good-life granting to others who created the same dude and ask on all a/c is viruses, strain, bacteria, protozoa or any disease/syndrome created and how they can be stopped dude and existing who are they per name list dude
And ask what if u do ya body became more brown, chocolate, dark or red and the benefit of every skin to a woman, kid or men and even authorities and ask if making gadgets bars the poor and out of the above list of machine makers ask how many lives in the ghetto as Mad house or iron sheet visa vie those living in deemed posh houses but to them and if they is a stair and can tantamount to actions of violence and who will win and who race/tribe is supporting who and ask Nelson has which country blood relations and esp which tribe per those nations dude
Ask on what if every affected nation does becomes rich again or on what if the employ dude altogether bro to stop this and that, always ask 4 remedy list b4 the above move dude to save the day bro and ask what kikuyu wanted with other nation whom have come out with innovations more than them with going to Russia and championing nelson death and if possible now and ask who got Covid and get to know instead of pointing fingers and blame game on innocent people
African made app like 4 voting in the links below and money transfer app
How to make supersonic jets using demolished cement from the floor or any with the concrete below it place place in wood trunk in ya yard compound on red soil road with made round hole unto it then stir porridge with hay on ya finger inside a pot of cold or warm porridge as u step on hay within CD hole on hot white porridge on grass heap in dim light or step on hay within Cd hole on guava then chop cabbage on wood soaked in milk in the dark or step on egg inside hole on pineapple as carry one on bicycle as u ride or sweep hay leaves on rough drying clay with hard broom if u sweep with reeds broom makes big airplane and with the normal push one makes choppers and try sweeping with any 4 more results dude and 4 missile sweep with green grass broom even if short on dirt on the same land as above or on broken African clay pot and 4 mini airplane wash with detergent dirt on the same pot or remove sand with ya normal finger hand from the same broken round down pot or place paw paw in hay 4 missile, in gone down places within ya land with brown grass, then wash feet in surgical spirit with removed cat head u alone in dim light as if u wash with other parts gives u another something else and even artificial made 1 so not blasphemy as others know the same when the jet made, when u wash with the whole cat gives ya tank as u hand with the former type on the bruise or all concrete not smooth cement enabled floor and more as u try or with big jets still place paw paw in guava in ya compound yard, then chop hay bars on paw paw in groundnuts in dark while bent at your 1 Conner house as u step on hay within CD hole on guava outer peel or hang container with hay inside and reach unto it as u chop guava on wood soaked in milk in the dark and boom ya big jet place much heap and minimum 4 big and small jets 4 better results dude
Who brought curse to bat can and what he did to popcorn to make such teeth that way and reasons why and what again if u do to popcorn are repercussion to you dude
Ask who interlocking blocks, stone or bricks of even up-to 10 meters long or of ya want and with all dimension made of inside not easy to break cause has squire or rectangular wire mesh to hold it and at every side got bars or holes that fix to the other either of metal or of the same product or where such bars are inserted to get to the foundation respectively up or across within each partition and can even be one 2 or 3 with any side wall to eliminate many brick thing prone to fall like in the link below such make dude or write in stanza and sign or cross like wire mesh but slanting going down and do all the step and boom ya already made concrete
Japan made of four main islands and their names given and over 3,000 small island which makes Japan traditionally a sea faring nation as in the link below, they say they are angered
They are saying they are wanting to make unmanned to attack nations as theirs do not match the same as they know how to play PS4 to miss the same and hit lands which are fertile so those people lose market out of radio active parts attracted to the soil to infuse the plant causing health hazards to their customers so opt 4 their like Wisconsin with Veggies and fruits, the Cameroonians liaising with Kenyans and what they like they force u with like women and what am writing i have finished still the locate me wanting to grab my piece and my food and any time next to me bend down to check my penis position, taming am going to fuck their women their hate while am telling them let me get to another land where their are no such they say i got Aids yet by asking as above u r told all even with machines any1 can incorporate a protocol in any machine by asking, dude bring siren gas so we leave them the world cause better dude they cant destroy the world as their weak also have the same dude, the Hebrew and bring and see if am lying i will not re,move the same and with Land i want not, name has been changed to my brothers and ask and you will be told and Gold if their now Gold price low as made in the boom dude, with my corpse let them eat, i think i have done my part, so waiting 4 ya final response and if u chase them leave me alone i don't want to sit within ya midst i will stub 1 with knife and police will come and not good and if i eat much kill me with voodoo or shoot me while am walking at night and with cash eliminate place in the app as above if u think i can make in the boom if asking the devil or code voice if i have made so but not believing the same u want to term lies yet as u say with machine u trust to create jealousy with the same. U simple minded and foolish of not knowing anything and wants to be 1st disrespecting ya savior to the later making 1 as a kid wanting 1 to feed ya yet not ya parent or did not remove ya mother clothe to fuck ya yet in hell or heaven mind lost u know not yaself, as hell u know but burning in hot porridge like fluid cant talk to 1 so better start to be all alone dude and u despice such advises daily u want 1 food and headed nowhere u want to kill one to take his property u place Jiggers in 1 system u laugh if they love sex u send women to investigate 1 if masturbating yet u have done the above they get piss off they want ya plot and above u tell them, they want to kill ya and take ya small property get into ya house, no matter how much u tell them the curse they relent not, u fools and hooligans
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boojersey · 4 years
content warning for this long ass fucking story: lots of medical fuckups and body horror in the doctors office. this is super graphic depiction of my doctor visit which entailed a procedure. you have been warned >;)
i went to the foot doctor today to get my lifelong ingrown toenail issue corrected on one toe after i stubbed it so bad the nail split down the middle and the entire top half of my toenail unseated and snapped off and this was easily the weirdest doctor visit ive ever had so strap in folks. so i was talking to the doctor and she was telling me about the procedure and i was like i get to watch right and she was like uh ya if u want ! and she was literally drop dead beautiful in an intelligent and passionate slightly frazzled doctor way and i was so fucking chill every second she was in the room.
the nurses come in and tell me theyre gonna apply the anesthetic and one of them is brand new and in training and i was like UH i need to be laid down. bc if i see the syringe while you do this i WILL pass out. and they were like sweet ok just fine and so the anesthetic involved two syringe applications (since both sides of my toenail get ingrown) basically ballooning up my foot with some anesthetic and as they did this they “froze” my toe with i believe nitrous? it was weird bc it wasnt the same chemical i was familiar with that was a numbing agent but it was a freezy thing anyway. anyway the first syringe goes smoothly. the second one???? FUCKING snaps in half on the way in. the plunger literally *pop* snaps in half and theyre like ...........thats never happened. so they go for another syringe and im like. heave ho in the brain trying to be ok but i was SMART AS SHIT before going to this appointment because i knew what the surgery would entail and i Wanted to watch. so i drank about half a twisted tea and i was feeling very liquid courage otherwise i literally mightve cried during this appointment. anyway. they come back and administer round two again? and THE SAME THING HAPPENS. and my toe is NOT NUMB YET and so i FEEL as the nurse says well im not wasting another needle AND MACGYVERS IT PRETTY MUCH TREATING MY TOE LIKE PLAY DOH AND SQUEEZING ANESTHETIC AROUND SWISHING IT THRU THE FLESH. ALL WHILE I FEEL HER FORCING THE ANESTHETIC IN BY HAND AND NOT BY PLUNGER BASE.it was seriously terrible.
nurses eventually finish. they have to bring me a cup of water. anesthetic didnt totally do its job. i still feel on the bottom of my toe. they say its fine. im thanking the gods im tipsy. i feel as she pokes the bottom of my toe with the surgical pliers again and im about to ask if they can just do it anyway because im so terrified of more anesthetic. the beautiful doctor reenters and im suddenly feeling completely better. she tells me the fact i can feel only on the very bottom is no big deal.
i dont give a shit about the anesthetic. she tourniquets me up at the base of my toe (this is usually something that my phobia kicks in with since its usually a sign im getting a needle; pretty doctor is here so all is well and my anxieties do not appear) and goes ‘still wanna watch?’
the nurse who was training the other answers first saying im skittish. i say yes. her jaw drops. ‘you cant take the needle but you can take watching your toe get ripped apart?’ i nod eagerly. i do not tell her this is because i watch dr miami’s snapchats and ran a gore blog in my teens. i can tell the doctor likes me. she goes into a story about how she’s kind of glad about the new safety features corona brought because she is less able to smell patients with foot odor. as shes saying this shes inserting something inbetween the receding nail and the skin it has so long bruised and hurt in my life and in one smooth motion pries my skin apart. i watch, rapt, as she sections off the piece of the nail she deems ingrown with a pair of scissors, then takes the pliers and like a first grader’s baby tooth yanks and removes the nail. the piece that had been causing me so much pain was ENORMOUS. im talking like a centimeter wide which is a lot for a nail. it’s jagged and sharp, having grown only into whatever flesh it could. she pries out a few more bits, then picks up an object that reminds me of a microscopic spoon? if you’ve seen the tiny kitchen videos it reminds me of what an ice cream scooper would look like on there. she takes this and cores out the area like an eye on a potato. its insane to watch happen to myself, especially with the reminder that its happening to myself in that theres still a dull thumping feeling regardless of the anesthetic during this procedure, theres just no pain or Feeling feeling. she repeats this on the other side, then tells me about the chemical shes going to be inserting into the now gaping wounds in my toe. it’s got a 99.9% chance of making these changes to my toenail width permanent, meaning i should never be plagued by a purple and sore toe just because my brittle nail broke the day before. im practically crying in relief as she takes pointed qtips dipped in this chemical and spin cycles them into the wounds like a pneumatic drill. she gets up and says i should think about the medical field if i dont get queasy at such an event, and i let in on my phobia to the room of her and the two nurses. theyre all clearly confused by the parameters of it as i tell them i have a tattoo and pierce my face, i just cant Look at a syringe or ill pass out. the doctor leaves and im left in her wake of calm as the nurses wrap my toe in bandages. theyre red. it looks like a clown nose for my foot.
i hobble out of the room and schedule my follow up for the other foot. i need a sharps bag taped around the lower portion of my sock because it’s raining as i climb the stairs of my apartment. i have had to piss like a motherfucker the entire procedure but was too afraid to interrupt. i cant wait for the rain to let up to take my socked foot up to the third floor.
my mother tells me its disgusting that i cant shower for the day. i go into my room, drink the rest of the twisted tea, and promptly fall asleep for four hours.
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OverhaulX Reader part 45 (E)
The rest of the night was hard. Y/n tried her best to clean Kai in the tub, but with every hiss of pain she winched fearing she was doing more harm than good. There was dried blood everywhere on his body, hives festered all over his skin. Every step Kai took was a toll on his body, he couldn’t walk by himself. Though he had the love of his life by his side, he worried how long she would last. All he had to give her was that ring, but she was determined to see things through. Throughout the night he had troubles even pretending to sleep. Everything burned. He was paying for his sins. Since he didn’t die, hell’s fiery flames made it inside his nervous system. Y/n did take care of him. She took the car in the middle of the night and drove far for a 24 hr pharmacy and bought sleeping pills for Kai.Things could be worse. He was hand fed breakfast. 
“Where’s Shin?” Kai asked. 
“He went back to the city, but he’ll be back tonight.” Y/n explained. “He’s pissed. I took the car, but you were in so much pain last night.” 
Y/n’s affections were the only thing making reality somewhat bearable. His work was fine and destroyed, his arm torn off, but he had two loyal companions trying their best to ease his pain. How long could they hide here? Y/n will soon be considered missing for not showing up to work. 
“What’s going to happen to you when we all get caught?” Kai asked.
“That’s an if not when statement.” Y/n corrected.
“The heroes are putting their best forward to find me right now, they wouldn’t want someone like me out lose.” Kai sighed. “It will be only a matter of time before-“
“I got it.” Y/n interrupted. “Well just move.”
She couldn’t have been serious; the state he was in wasn’t the most agile. Where would they go? How could they all move? Would Shin be included?
“Y/n look at me.”
“You still have your legs, dummy.” She told him. “I can devote some time to a plan. I’m already brewing something up.”
 Shin did return and kept Kai company while Y/n disguised herself and went to a library to look up phone numbers, addresses, or whatever she needed for such a plan she had in mind. Kai wasn’t as hopeful because his angel may had been raised in the rough life of crime, but she was never fully submerged. Their country is surrounded by ocean on all sides. 
 “Well I have some news.” Y/n said coming into the cabin. “There’s a theory going around that the league of villains killed you, Kai.”
“Of course no one wants to think the great and awesome Shin could save his boss.” Shin remarked.
“Well the police are still looking, but there was no information released on where they think we might be.”
“What about you?” Kai asked.
“I’m a missing person, but I’ll look into that later. I’ll have to make a phone call where no one can hear me.” She told him.
“Who would you even call?” Shin asked. 
“I personally know a pro-hero.” She said smugly.
“They cant help your boyfriend.” Shin said. 
“Not if I asked directly.” She rebuffed. “But I’m still making a plan and it isn’t be revealed until I am done!” She sang. 
The news was on that night hoping for any updates. The only real update was sandman Snatch, a pro hero was announced dead the same day Night Eye died. Families were mentioned over and over on the news report, that the most important thing to these heroes were their families or people they cared about. That’s what drove them to be heroes. It’s what drove Kai to what he’s done. His amber eyes went to Y/n, he would have to confess his sins soon enough. Why didn’t she ask him a million questions? She was taking care of him like she always was, worried his germ phobia would cause him to break out. 
Y/n helped walk Kai to bed. His one and only arm was around her shoulder as she guided him to their beach getaway bed room. 
“This reminds me of the snow storm power outage.” she said. “When you let me hold on to you because the wind was so strong.”
He sat on the bed. Y/n took his pants off and let him stay in just his boxers. She helped remove his shirt and stared at the bullet wound in his shoulder for a long moment. Grief was in her eyes. She didn’t hate the people who did this to him because this was just the life of dating a man of the yakuza. This is what she signed up for. 
 Kai reaches for his bandages stub and hoped he would use his quirk once more, but it was hopeless. He was no longer the freak that was afraid of germs but the monster that lost his arm. Y/n held his hand over his bandage and kissed his forehead. He didn’t deserve such kindness. He had lost. His fingers didn't work like they used to. 
“Get some more rest, I’ll be gone tomorrow.” She gently pushed him into the pillows.
“What is this plan of yours?”
“Only the best form my Kai.”
“Y/n…” he was gonna do it. “I did...I performed some-“
“Kai, let it rest for now. I know why you did the things you did was all in efforts to restore the Shie Hassakai, and it didn’t turn out as planned. I know what you did probably hurt a lot of people, but I don’t want to hear it.”
“I wanna help you and always be by your side. I know you consider that day a failure, you lost everything and more. You don’t need to talk about it anymore, you don’t need to lose me too. It’s not going to fix what you did. We’re going to move forward.”
“Did you get the police report?” He asked.
“I know what you did is probably worse than what the news has going on. I don’t want to fully know what you did. You made drugs, target people at their worst, and used a lot of people to achieve your dream that didn’t come true. That’s not the Kai I feel in love with. I’m still in love with the Kai that jacks up my water bill, the cheese plate, the grumpy man that’s always going through a lot. I’ll do my best to get you out of this.” She told him.
She didn’t want to know. Maybe it was better that way.
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Black thread [काला धागा]
A/N: A few days ago I saw this post and suddenly got this idea in my head. And then I stress wrote it today. In desi culture, a black thread or a ‘kala dhaga’ is worn around ankles, wrists, waists to ward off the evil eve. Personally in my house, kisd who get hurt too much have black threads tied around their ankles. It is believed that the black thread keeps away negative vibes.
Words: 1k
Warnings: A few swear words, a few words in hindi which are roughly explained in context (actual translations in the end), Clint keeps getting hurt.
Summary: Avengers Initiative’s latest recruitment Agent L/n witnesses her fellow avenger constantly getting hurt and decides to do something about it.
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Clint sat on the couch by the fireplace in the avenger compound as he cleaned his arrows.
“Ow!” This exclamation of pain caused Agent L/n, newly recruited, who was buried nose deep into a book to look up.
“What’s wrong Clint?” She asked, a bit concerned about the reason of his anguish. Her mind went to the gunshot wounds he had acquired a few weeks ago on a mission and she prepared herself to take him to the medic bay in case there was something wrong with them.
“I poked myself with an arrow. It hurts.”
She let out a relieved sigh and offered to apply a bandage over it but got back to reading when he declined the offer.
She had only settled back again when an another cry of pain reached her ears. Startled because of the sudden sound of distress she looked up to see Clint sitting in a pool of tea, the teacup on his feet.
“Oh my god Clint!” She threw her book aside and got to him, got him up and took him into the kitchen to wash off the tea and asses the damage done.
“The tea cup was hot and it slipped my hand. Luckily I already had a sip. It tasted good. You’ve gotta teach me how you make it Y/n.” He said, still wincing.
Fortunately, the tea wasn’t too hot and he wasn’t burned. “Hmm. Sure. But are you sure you’re okay?” Y/n muttered, still apprehensive about his state, worried that his fall down a few steps earlier in the day had compromised his motor skills.
“I am fine.” He smiled, patted her shoulders and sauntered out of the kitchen, leaving a very confused and concerned Y/N behind.
“Fuck!” He wailed again. Apparently he had stubbed his toe on the kitchen counter.
Y/n shrugged and got back to her book. An hour later a very disgruntled looking Natasha huffed and sat on the couch Y/n was sitting on.
“Hey Nat. You look peeved. What’s wrong?” She said, as she heard her huff beside her.
“Oh it’s nothing unusual. Just Clint’s incessant complaining. That man has like 4 gunshot wounds but he is complaining about a papercut. He always does this! Somehow to him gunshot wounds are nothing compared to a papercut.” Nat grumbled. Y/n patted her shoulders wondering how often this happened.
She was about to get back to her book when another crash resonating through the kitchen reached their ears. Y/n had abandoned the idea of getting to read the book that had only begun to take an interesting turn.
“Ugh. That better not be you Clint or I am going to take your own arrow and push it so far your ass, you’ll be tasting it.” Natasha screeched and got up to chase the person who was the reason for the crash which was found out to really be Clint.
A few hours later Agent L/n was seen roaming around the Avengers compound, something that looked very similar to butter cookies tin in her hand.
“Cookies or sewing kit?” A familiar but unexpected voice startled her as she was peering into a room, probably searching for someone.
“Huh?” She uttered as she came face to face with a very amused Tony.
“Well as you may know agent L/n, even I am half Indian and I have had enough experiences in my life that have taught me that such tins” he said knocking the lid of the tin box “more often than not contain sewing  kits.”
Y/n grinned and opened the tin to reveal a few needles and threads of various colours housed in an organized manner in the box. Tony groaned. “I was hoping it contained cookies. But it seems like you were searching for someone, yes?”
“Yes I am searching for Clint. Do you know where he is?”
“I may not. Last time I saw him, he was being chased by a very livid Natasha. I don’t even know if he is alive at this point or not.” This made Y/n roll her eyes.
“But why are you searching for him, sewing kit in hand?”
“Arre, have you seen that guy? He has hurt himself about 5 times in a span of few hours! Mujhe nahi pata wo insaan zinda kaise hai, sach mai.” She said, hindi leeched its way into her sentences showcasing her confusion and frustration. “So I’ve decided, mai uske pairon pe kala dhaga bandh dungi. Bhagwan hi bachae use.”
Tony nodded solemnly and pulled his shirt up to reveal a black thread tied around his waist. “My nani tied it the last time I paid her a visit. It has worn out now. I’ll have to renew it I guess.”
After conversing for a bit with tony about his grandmother, Y/n set out again on her conquest to find Clint, which she did soon.
He was sitting in the combat room, nursing his hand and sporting a black eye.
“Oh god, did Natasha hit you that bad, Barton?” she said as she settled to sit beside him.
“No. She just punched me in the face. It’s just this paper cut that’s bothering me.” He said putting his hand up and wincing as Y/n touched the finger trying to find where exactly he was cut.
“Ooh! That hurt.” He said pulling his hand back. Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Barton, raise your pants. Show me your ankles.” She demanded as she searched through the kit.
“I’ll have you know I am a married man with kids Agent L/n. please don’t do anything that shouldn’t be done to married men. Also what kind of a criminal are you? Storing needles in a cookie tin?”
She ignored his words and took out a roll of black thread.
“Your ankles, clint.” She said again and this time he complied.
“This is a black thread. Back at my home, black thread is tied on ankles, wrists, waists, necks  or toes to ward off the evil eye, or to protect klutzes like you from killing yourselves.” She explained as she masterfully wound the black string around his ankle and put a knot. Satisfied with her work she looked up to see a grinning Clint.
“Let’s see if your black thread can save me from the hello kitty bandages my daughter will insist on putting on all my wounds.”
Agent L/n chuckled.
A/n : Translations:
1) Mujhe nahi pata wo insaan zinda kaise hai, sach mai.: Trust me, I cant understand how that person is still breathing.
2) mai uske pairon pe kala dhaga bandh dungi: Bhagwan hi bachae use: I’ll tie a black thread on his wrist. May got protect him.
3)  nani: maternal grandmother
Tagging: @spiderrpcrker @officially-tonynat-shrine @trashpanda-barnes @thebookwormslytherin @chillingbucky @shurisneakers @stardustandcarol @bucket-barn @fandom-is-my-middle-name @fandomscoffeeandbooks @kamalahskhan @aliebestraum @moonbeambucky @dragoncreek319 @velvetbarnes @emilyshurley @my-babies-are-no-longer-ash @irndad
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azaraspirit · 5 years
Concept: making out with pop punk/emo!Tom to *insert pop punk band here* and it leads to something more 😏 because isn’t that the dream? Or at least my dream
ok nonnie you’re making me really like punk tom and im here for it and i would like more punk tom concepts in my life and im probably gonna get a bit carried away with this haha
“Okay if you’re gonna be with Tom, then I want Harrison.” Hannah said as you two drove home. 
You rolled your eyes. “Really, Haz? He seems kind of a dick...” From what you saw, Haz didn’t seem like the bf type and you weren’t sure if you wanted your friend with a guy like that.
“You can’t say shit. You don’t even like metal, remember?”
“Okay you got me there. I just don’t want you to get hurt. But maybe he won’t be so bad when we hang out later tonight.”
Hannah almost slammed the brakes. “Wait so you’re actually going with this?!”
You shrugged, grinning. “Why not? Besides Tom is pretty cute and was really concerned about my health. That shows character.”
“You just wanna bone him.” she spoke.
You dropped your lower draw and shoved her arm. “Do no!”
“Oh, so if the chance comes up you wouldn’t kiss him?” she sneered.
“I barely know him!”
“I noticed you didn’t answer the question.”
You opened your mouth but no words came out and heat rushed to your cheeks. “Yeah well...”
“Ha! I knew it!”
“Okay maybe...so let’s get something nice to wear for tonight?”
“Already on it.”
Tom texted you the info for tonight. You smiled as you texted back, Hannah watching from the side as she pulled in the parking lot of the mall. “Where’s it at?”
“Some club downtown. So nothing to fancy? Maybe wear black? He seems to like that color.” Yeah maybe you wanna impress him, just enough to show that you like him. 
I’ll wear something black you texted him.
Don’t be stealing my look now, y/n he replied.
Psh maybe I’m starting a goth phase too
We could always have another band mate ;)
funny i cant sing worth shit 
Maybe just be on the stage and look pretty
You laughed as you replied, Hannah perking her brow in interest. “What is he saying?” 
“Nothing.” You stuck a tongue at her. Pretty? He thinks I’m pretty?
“Rude.” she replied.
My friend likes Harrison btw you texted when Hannah wasn’t looking. She’ll thank me later, you thought, grinning.
Your phone buzzed, Tom already replying. Funny he likes her too. We gotta set them up tonight. 
For sure.
You and Hannah focused on your outfits, you putting your phone in your pocket. 
“I’d like something fun,” you said, checking out the racks. “Maybe like a black party dress or something.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Maybe this?” She pulled out a gown, a bit short for your liking and had a v neck that would show too much boob.
“God, Hannah! I’m not a hooker! That’s way too low cut!”
“Jeesh, sorry Grandma.” Hannah rolled her eyes but instead of putting it back, she kept it.
“Oh my god,” you groaned.
“What? I’m not afraid to show some skin.”
“How are we even friends?” you laughed.
“Don’t question our friendship, just enjoy it.” Hannah remarked.
You laughed again, still looking through the clearance section. “Not much black here.” you murmured.
Something caut your eye from the back wall. You moved towards it to get a better look and you eyes widened. A black dress hung from the wall. It was simple yet elegant. It was sleeveless with a curved neck line designed with ruffles. You rushed over to it and grabbed your size, immediately going to the dressing room.
You came back out and your friend whistled. “Damn girl!”
“Not too fancy is it?”
She shook her head. “You look hot!”
You waved her off, scoffing. “Please.”
“You’re definitely getting it.”
“What about yours?” You both went back into the dressing room. You switched to your normal clothes and Hannah tried her dress on. 
“I look perfectly slutty,” Hannah smiled.
You crossed your arms, leaning against the wall. “I feel sorry for Haz.”
“Shut up.” Hannah scolded.
You both made your purches and went to a couple more shops and grabbed lunch. With a new dress, comes new shoes and accessories too. 
Find anything black? Tom texted.
You blushed, smiling as you replied. Yeah. We both did. 
Mind if I get a look see?
Not till tonight.
Aw man thought I could get a preview
damn ok well see you soon
see ya
You drove this time, pulling up to the club. The guard blocked the entrance but Tom stepped outside to speak to him but he was too busy staring at you before doing so. 
You both giggled. “I think he likes the dress.”
“You look amazing.” he breathed.
“Thanks. You do too.” He was dressed in black also but a little nicer than when he was on stage when you first saw him, wearing a button down shirt and matching jeans. He still had on eyeliner which was really turning you on. 
“They’re with me.” he told the guard and he let you guys pass. 
“Glad you guys came. Haz wouldn’t shut up about it.”
You laughed. “Yeah well neither did Hannah.”
Tom led you to a more private area of the club on the second floor. “How famous are you guys?”
He shrugged. “Enough to have our own club.”
“I told you about this before. But you weren’t listening.” Hannah informed.
You rolled your eyes.
“Hey, they made it!” Haz said, a little too excitingly, as you guys approached them.
“You okay?” he asked you.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine now.”
Haz looked over at Hannah, and smiled. “Wow you look gorgeous.”
“Thank you, you too.”
“Wanna dance?”
Hannah nodded and Haz took her hand, leading her off somewhere. “Well that went well.” you told Tom.
“Haz is a ladies man, what can I say?”
“What about you?”
“Not as easily impressed.”
“Darn. Cause I kind of like you.” you blurted out, before you could stop yourself.
Tom stepped closer to you, resting his hand on your back. He nipped at your ear lobe. “I like you, too.”
Your entire frame shuddered, goosebumps flooding your skin. You had no self control as you kissed him, pulling him close to you. His hands found your waist and kissed back, heat building between you. You didn’t care that everyone could see. You didn’t care that you barely knew him. You just didn’t. Care. All you wanted his lips against yours and his hands all over you. 
You pulled back, blinking out of surprise.
“What?” he grinned.
“You have a tongue piercing?” 
“Oh yeah.” He stuck his tongue our, revealing the silver stud. You nearly cummed on the spot.
“Damn, that’s hot.”
“Wanna know how it feels?” he asked.
You nodded, gawking at him.
Tom kissed you again and after a few seconds, you let him slip his tongue in your mouth and good god! It was such a turn on feeling the little round stub against your tongue.
You moaned as you kissed, sucking on his tongue. Tom held you even tighter. You pressed him against a black column and gripped his hair.
After that, it was all a blur. You forgot about anyone else and you wanted your clothes to be anywhere but on your body. Tom managed to tear away from you and led you to some dark room where things continued to heat up.You weren’t sure what happened. But it was damn hot and you were still coming down from your high as you slipped your dress back on, Tom zipping you up.
“You think they noticed our absense?” he asked.
“Please I bet they did the same thing we did.”
Tom laughed. “Maybe we can stay for a while then.”
“Hm, I think that’s a good idea.” You pulled him into another heated kiss, Tom moaning. You could not get enough of that tongue piercing. 
“You’re so hot.” you moaned. 
Tom smirked, licking his lips as he gazed at you with darkened eyes. “Funny. Was gonna say the same about you.”
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kitty-bandit · 5 years
I love hearing about you delinquent au! Can’t wait to read it
How about a sneak peek, Anon? (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧
Lavi shoved his hands into the front pocket of his sweatshirt. The late September days were still warm, but nights turned surprising cold. He wished he’d brought his favorite scarf as he stood next to the raffle table. Excited shouting came from the packed bleachers, and he looked up just in time to see a few players celebrating in the endzone. He sighed, sitting next to Lenalee in one of the empty folding chairs behind the table. “I should’ve listened to Yuu. This is kinda boring.”
“That’s why I bribed you with food.” Lenalee smiled and greeted another group who stopped at the table. After taking their money and handing them tickets, she turned back to Lavi. “It’s been almost two hours and I am ready to leave.”
“Where is your partner, anyway?” Lavi asked, peeking into the bucket with the ticket stubs.
“Please do not call him that,” Lenalee said, rubbing her temple under the dark purple knit hat she had worn for the night. Her hair was plaited into two pigtail that hung over each shoulder. “He went to get another roll of tickets from the supply closet. We’re almost out.”
With a chuckle, Lavi leaned back in the chair, the metal scraping against the cement sidewalk underfoot. The table was set up near the entrance, close to the ticket booth—specifically placed so no one could miss it as they entered the field. “What is the raffle even for?”
“I thought you could read?” Lenalee teased, pointing the the sign on the table. “We’re giving away a mini fridge. One of the student’s parents donated it.”  As another group of students passed the table, Lenalee smiled and waved.
Lavi’s good eye widened in surprise. “That’s actually not an awful prize.” He leaned forward peering at the sign. “Maybe I should buy a ticket…”
“Five bucks gets you one ticket, twenty gets you five,” Lenalee recited, as she had been all night.
Lavi winced at the prices. “Too rich for my blood.”
“Suit yourself.”
“Speaking of rich, I could go for some of that overpriced food you promised me.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Lenalee, grinning wide.
“And here I was hoping you’d forget.” She shook her head before something caught her eye. “You’re in luck. Link’s back.”
Lavi looked up and spotted the Lenalee’s number two, as it were. The vice president of the student council looked more the part than Lenalee did, and that was an accomplishment. Link’s blond hair was plaited tight and neat, the long braid swinging as he strode towards the table. He looked completely out of place in his dress shirt and sweater combo, especially as he passed another group of students decked out in sweatshirts and jeans. His khakis looked stiffer than his personality.
“This is the last of the tickets,” Link announced, setting the bright red roll to the side. He looked at Lavi, who had stolen his seat, disapproval in his russet eyes.
“That’s fine—there’s barely an hour left in the game and sales have slowed a bit.” Lenalee stood, straightening out her light coat and grabbing her purse from under her chair. “I’m going to take a break. I’ll be back in ten minutes.”
“Fine,” Link replied, taking back his seat as soon as Lavi had vacated it. “Don’t linger. The table really should have two people working it at all times.”
Lena smiled as she bit back a comment. “Of course.” She grabbed Lavi by the elbow and dragged him off towards the bleachers. As soon as they were out of earshot, she sighed, the noise sounding more angry than any breath had the right to be. “He sure has some nerve saying that after he left me there for nearly thirty minutes.”
Lavi didn’t fight her pull, stumbling along next to her as they headed up the steps. “He should really see a doctor about that stick lodged up his ass.”
She managed a quick laugh, her fake smile turning into a genuine one. “If only it wasn’t permanently stuck.” She spotted Kanda and Alma at the top of the bleachers huddled close to each other. When Alma spotted them, they waved, grinning widely.
“You managed to escape!” they said, making room for Lavi and Lenalee on the bench.
“I told Link I would be gone for ten minutes, but I’ll stretch that to thirty.” Lena wrapped her arm around Alma as she sat down, sitting as close as she could to keep warm. “Lavi and I are going to the concession stand. Did you two want anything?”
“Yes. I want to leave,” Kanda grumbled, tucking his chin into the folds of his jacket.
Alma rolled their eyes. “Don’t listen to him. We’re having fun.” They rested their head against Kanda’s shoulder, pink painted lips stretching wide over their face. “Something warm would be nice. It’s colder than I thought it would be tonight.”
“I think we can manage that.” She nudged Lavi, elbowing him in the side. “Ready to get some sub-par, overpriced food?”
They walked back down the metal bleachers, avoiding the crowded walkway and headed to the nearby concession stand. As they stood in line, Lavi checked the menu tacked on the wall next to the small order window and balked at the prices. “Yeesh. Are you sure you can buy stuff for everyone? This is more expensive than I thought.”
She pulled her wallet from her purse and held it up as if she was brandishing a sword. “Komui gave me his credit card for tonight, so we’re living large on chili cheese fries and king sized nachos.”
Lavi grinned, rubbing his hands together as he studied the menu board again. “Now that’s what I like to hear.”
When they reached the order window, Lenalee listed off their choices—hotdogs, chili cheese fries, nachos, and a hot chocolate for each of them. By the time their order was ready, they had their arms full as they precariously balanced each item. Lavi winced as he juggled four hot chocolates in his hands.
“This is the definition of hubris, isn’t it?” he asked, carefully following Lenalee back up the bleachers. Every step was a challenge to keep the chocolate in the too-thin paper cups and off his fingers.
“Don’t talk. You’ll lose your concentration and spill,” Lenalee replied, carefully balancing all of the food in her hands. Her stacking technique was impressive, and Lavi would have congratulated her if he didn’t have to worry about spilling hot cocoa all over himself.
When Alma noticed their burdened states, they hurried down to help with the final leg of the journey. “Ah, careful!” they said, taking two of the cups from Lavi’s hands before heading back up the stairs.
“Why did we pick the highest seats on the bleachers again?” Lavi asked, setting the last two cups on the bench to help Lena distribute the food.
“Because Yuu doesn’t like people sitting behind him,” Alma reminded them, grabbing one of the hotdogs and settling in next to Kanda again.
“So, it’s my fault?” Kanda asked, frowning as he grabbed his hot chocolate from Lenalee and sipped it angrily.
“Hush and eat your nachos,” Lenalee said, pushing the flimsy paper container into his hands. Once the food had been distributed, she sat down, only to sigh again. “I forgot napkins.”
“I’ll get them,” Lavi said, setting his food down on the cool bench and heading down the bleacher stairs. He heard Lenalee’s faint call of ‘thank you’ mixed in with a sudden cheer from the crowd. He looked up at the field again, having missed whatever play had happened to cause the ruckus. He hopped down off the last couple of steps and turned to walk towards the concession stand when something under the bleachers caught his eye.
Just under the bleachers was Allen, reaching into the back pocket of someone’s pants. Lavi watched as Allen slipped their wallet out with ease, pocketing the cash inside, and then returning it as if nothing had happened. He did it again and again, systematically grabbing any wallet or purse within reach and cleaning the money from the billfolds. Lavi stared in awe, watching Allen’s swift, nimble fingers steal hundreds of dollars in cash from the unsuspecting parents watching the football game. That same feeling bubbled up in Lavi’s stomach—the one he’d felt when he’d witnessed Allen pinching those candy bars from the convenience store weeks ago. Nervousness mixed with admiration, and a healthy dose of concern. Lavi had never stolen anything in his life, but watching Allen do it almost felt as if he was an accomplice—too dumbstruck to say anything or try to stop the crime in progress.
As Allen pocketed the last of the cash, he looked up and met Lavi’s frozen gaze. He stiffened for a brief moment before that same smug smile pulled at the corners of his lips. Lavi felt his heart rattle against his chest, cheeks flushed against the cold breeze blowing against them. He didn’t know what to do, and as much as he wanted to run away and forget what he’d seen, his feet were glued to ground, like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming semi.
Then, before Lavi could move or say anything, Allen approached him.
Lavi swallowed, throat tight as he watched Allen close the distance between them. He was wearing that same oversized sweatshirt Lavi had first seen him in, and a black knit stocking cap to hide his shock white hair. Lavi didn’t doubt he’d come to the game for this exact reason—to steal from the crowd. And from what Lavi had seen, it was easy pickings.
Allen stopped just in front of Lavi, looking up at the redhead with a calm smile. He reached up and pressed a finger to Lavi’s lips, his skin cold and chapped from the wind. “This is our little secret, right?”
“I, uh—” Lavi began, lips moving against Allen’s finger. With his stomach tied in knots, Lavi nodded, his heart flipping in his chest and nearly jumping right out of his mouth. “Sure.”
Allen pulled his finger back, his smile softening. He tilted his head, looking Lavi up and down, as if he was assessing something—though the redhead wasn’t sure what. “You’re Lavi, right?”
“Thanks.” He winked, brushing past Lavi and merging into a large group of students heading towards the exit. “See you later.”
As Allen disappeared into the crowd, Lavi’s heart continued to beat like a drum in his ribcage. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
What the fuck was that about?
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dystovian · 7 years
Could you do headcanons for when the paladins ask out their crush, the reader, but are rejected?
Yes! Of course! Thank you so much for the request. This is more of a modern AU I guess? I still tried to include Coran and Allura but I didn’t know what to do with friends or no friends thing when you’re in space and you cant not be friends when you’re stuck in space.
 I hope that made sense. Also this was very unnecessarily long and probably seems rushed but I tried :D
 credit to @gayrussianicequeen for helping me out with the Pidge one
  • okay, first off, it’s very obvious Shiro is HEAD OVER HEELS for you •he’s the type of person to not even realize his feelings until later on, even then, it’ll really take him a while to actually gather up the courage to even go up to you. • he gets flowers •maybe a kit-kat bar too, or whatever your favorite candy is. •he’s quite traditional, actually.. •now, depending on where you are, he may or may not go up to you. Garrison? Eh, maybe, is it the end of the day and you’re just leaving? Hell yeah why not. •if it were that case, he’d probably do his best to keep the flowers perfect, and you would ask about them all day only for him to avoid the question and change the subject as well. •he’d pull the flowers out and some random candy or stuffed bear, start explaining himself and his feelings toward you, and top it off with a lovely but awkwardly cute smile, extreme blushing, and then shoving his face into the flowers and exhaling. •now, depending on your answer, whether you’d like to stay friends or not, either way, he’d be heartbroken. •if you want to stay friends ; I feel that he would be a lot less heartbroken, but it would be very difficult, because, I mean he likes you and finds you attractive so seeing you everyday after you reject him is soooooooo awkward especially for him. •if you find that it’s awkward too, and don’t want to stay friends ; he’d be super devastated, would most likely go home and sulk while watching comedies and horror movies to keep his mind off of it. •doesn’t work tho because he watched It Follows and now he thinks someone’s after him and doesn’t sleep and ends up thinking about you. Oops?
  •why would you even say no honestly •jk anyway •so, knowing Lance and the way he is there would a LOT of build up toward the official confession. •puns about how beautiful/handsome you are, how amazing you look today even though you didn’t even brush your hair and was up until 3 •pick-up lines toward the end of the day. •he’d probably drive you somewhere (I hope he has a license) like a small shop down the street from yours or his house. •buy you some candy and a slushee (if ya like them) •will definitely without a doubt have his arm around your shoulder 99.9999998% of the time so just, let’s hope you’re comfortable with that. •when it actually comes to asking you out he’ll stutter and then blurt the rest of it out with his eyes shut so tight. •when you say no prepare to feel extremely guilty because instead of looking sad about it he does that thing where he tries to act all cool about it but he’s just… •"no, no really it’s fine. here I can drive you home if you want. no really, it’s fine don’t worry. it’s my fault really so sorry to make you uncomfortable.“ •probably doesn’t answer any text messages from you or anyone else. •he does hope to stay friends but wouldn’t mind if you didn’t, he thinks it’s understandable but would still beat himself up over it.
  •once again why would you say no you’re lucky this kid even likes you a little bit I feel like he’ll yell at inanimate objects if he stubbed his toe or smthn •but anyway. •Keith is very attracted to you whether it’s because you’re nice, or you seem to look great no matter what you do •like Shiro he keeps it simple and traditional and wouldn’t want to go all out because he’s afraid to be rejected (foreshadowing bye) in the end when he planned something so nice •definitely got you starbursts or sour patch kids and if you don’t like them he’ll just put them away and get on with it •he totally eats them later on k bye •definitely got like one carnation. •when he finally asks you he stutters but once it’s out he seems way too calm, like a lot calmer than you thought •once he hears the no come from your mouth he just shuts down and says ‘oh, oh ok’ •seems kinda pissed in your eyes but he’s mostly angry at himself if anything. will definitely get up and apologize and then nod and walk off. •please apologize to the boy at least, he’s very sensitive when it comes to opening up and I feel like after that he would be WAYYY too hesitant when it comes to opening up to people especially when he feels attracted to them
  •please don’t say no pleasepleSeplaesse •he’s so wholesome and pure and lovely how •now hunk being that way is sometimes a disadvantage, being too kind at times can get you killed. well not necessarily killed but it can cause trouble, especially if it’s the naive kind. •though Hunk is very smart, so I doubt he would be clueless about anything. •I do feel that Lance would probably be way too encouraging and say stuff like , “Hunk, buddy pal friendo, quit your worrying! They definitely like you, who wouldn’t! You’re a great person….” and blah blah blah •Eventually goes up to you with some sort of food in his hands, most likely your favorite or one that triggers happy memories between you and him, and/or the paladins +Coran and Allura •Pops the question, definitely looks dead inside •literally has no expression and are, are his eyes,,, crossing? •quite unfocused so when you finally and hopefully politely turn him down, you think he didn’t hear you. •say his name a couple times and that’s when you realize that he did in fact hear you and he’s kind of just processing the information •definitely just goes oMo and then falls to his knees and begs for your forgiveness •"oh my gosh Y/n I am so sorry I made it awkward I didn’t mean it I just care for you and all that and I still wanna be friends please oh gosh I ruined our friendship” •please tell him it’s ok and then pat his back and take him to a movie or home or whatever just help the poor boy he’s too sweet oh gosh •take him to the carnival or arcade to cheer him up if you stay friends which is most likely because Hunk is too nice.
  •asked Lance for advice on how to do it •immediate regret •then went to ask Coran, but kinda just clapped her hands together, stared into space, and turned around after she thought about a possible 7-day lecture on asking people out •Went straight to Shiro and Allura and they gave the best advice out of everyone except Allura started talking about stuff from Altea and dating in Altea and just paused and ran lolol •took most of their advice, which was to just get straight to the point and maybe get them something •got them something she made herself (she definitely made you a knockoff GameCube which actually was way better than the original somehow) •she was flustered but it didn’t exactly seem like it because she wasn’t stuttering but her face was so goddamn red man •kinda just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ after she says it •right when hears the word no, that word never leaves her head for the next week or maybe even two •if you stay friends she’s definitely happy and won’t even mind if she still has feelings for you, she’s just glad that you two can still hang out together •if you don’t want to stay friends she just awkwardly laughs and when she’s going to leave she apologizes and lets you keep what she made for you (no buts or ifs she insists you keep it) •definitely needs to let out some type of steam so she probably just roasts everyone if they bother her peace and quiet times.
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