pratchettquotes · 11 months
"A few twenty-mile runs and the Dean'd be a different man."
"Well, yes," said the Bursar. "He'd be dead."
Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures
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nrdynobody · 6 months
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Astroscopus guttatus, or the Northern Stargazer is a sedentary ambush predator of the western Atlantic, at depths of, roughly, 36 meters (120 feet). They spend the majority of their adult life buried in the sand of the ocean floor.
The name of their genus (as well as their english name) is derived from the fact that its eyes are positioned on the top of its head, allowing it to see above it. It can also extend its eyes temporarily by filling sacs behind them with liquid. Its body is adapted to its sedentary lifestyle, with frills covering its mouth to prevent sand from falling in, the uncommon ability to breathe through a pair of nostrils and shovel like pectoral fins. What really makes this fish distinct is its ability to discharge electric shocks from an electric organ on its forehead as a defense mechanism (the indent above its eyes).
They live almost completely solitary lives, only interacting during mating season, or the occasional larvae cannibalizing another larvae (it's technically an interaction lol). They will attempt to eat pretty much anything small and thats foolish enough to get close to it. They have few predators (barring humans) due to their electrical defense.
sorry for the lack of pictures, these fish are pretty ugly + theres not a lot of pictures of the correct species.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 9 months
8/13/23 just kidding, I think my old anniversary was today.
Some notes on getting this done. Because it took literally 100 pounds for most people to notice my weight loss and suddenly people are asking me what I am doing.
The answer is: I am doing the same things I have been doing all along but continuing to tweak things every week.
This is about progression, and about learning sustainable habits that don't make you feel crazy. I have been exercising my entire life. The last 2 years I have been trying to focus on consistency, daily cardio (even if it is short), AND I added a class at work almost every day. Does that mean sometimes I do 2 or 3 workouts in a day? Yes. Is this disordered? No.
Here's why: I work a desk job and have for 20 years.
Simply put- sedentary lifestyle habits are hard to overcome. If you are sitting on your ass for 8-12 hours a day, you need more activity or you need to eat less. A lot less. Sometimes a combination.
I don't think we were meant to sit so much, but desk jobs are highly sought after. Normally they offer good hours and benefits.
But everyone I know who has one has suffered in the getting overweight and out of shape department. By middle age, we are chronically ill and mostly miserable.
I was in such ill health that I was swelling in my feet and legs daily and was so exhausted I couldn't move much.
I had to take lots of steps to change that. Small, incremental changes that built over time to build a sustainable life. I definitely have more capacity now than I ever have. Those first years were hard, working to change habits that I had built over a sedentary lifestyle. It took a long time. It might for you, just don't quit. Start from whereever you are today. Maybe by adding walks and go from there.
If you are young and haven't gotten to the chronic disease part yet, good. Start now and maybe by the time you get my age you won't be plagued by the chronic illness that many suffer from.
Obesity is just the beginning, really. You gain weight and then struggle to be active. Because getting up hurts. Moving hurts. Walking HURTS. So you sit on the couch and binge netflix instead of playing with your kids or dogs.
And the less you move, the worse it gets. But it is physics, really. Objects in motion stay in motion. Objects at rest stay at rest.
This has gotten really long, and I have so much more to say.
What did I have to change? Everything.
I thought I was doing all the things that should make me successful before. But the fact is: I was not being consistent. I would go hard, then get injured, need to recoup and start over at square one.
I had to relearn an entire life's worth of DAILY habits. Food, exercise, shopping, sleep, going out-- all of those needs needed to be adjusted. Smoking and drinking- needed to be adjusted.
The things you do every day matter.
Every day. Every day. Every day.
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vanitysunday · 6 months
I think I've lost a pound of water weight, I'm measuring at 149.2 which hey it's something. I'm not too concerned with the scale right now, just as long as it's trending downward I'll be satisfied.
I do want to focus on how I feel because right now physically I feel good and a little I guess agile. Like last month it was a whole strenuous activity for me to go up and down the stairs. I had to be careful with each step because I just didn't have the strength and I felt so heavy, also the stairs in my house are steep. It was built in 1900. (Sometimes I feel like I was built in 1900 too.)
But I noticed this morning that I've kind of been able to easily go up and down the stairs without thinking about it at all the past couple weeks. My body feels light, that's most likely the strength that I've regained so moving my own bodyweight doesn't feel as taxing anymore. This is fantastic and really what I've needed for the last year.
I think the tiredness that I was feeling was not only because my sleep was all over the place but also because I lost strength and moving my own bodyweight was tiring.
I still have a ways to go overall but feeling good physically is the best thing to happen for me to continue focusing on my health. I think walking on my walking pad for a minimum of 150 minutes a week for the past 3 weeks has done a lot more than I thought it would for me.
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pdv9blogs · 1 year
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sliceoflife90 · 5 months
The Mesolithic Era
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Introduction: The Origin of the Term Mesolithic
The term Mesolithic derives from the combination of two Greek words:
mesos: in the middle
líthos: stone
The Mesolithic represents the era of the middle stone, marking the transition between the Paleolithic, the era of ancient stone, and the Neolithic, the era of new stone.
Dating and Duration
The Mesolithic began approximately 10,000 years ago, unfolding over a timeframe that concluded about 8,000 years ago. This period was characterized by significant environmental and behavioral changes.
Glacial Melting and Floods
One of the key events of the Mesolithic was the melting of glaciers, leading to an era of floods. This phenomenon resulted in a significant reduction of vegetation and caused the death of numerous animal species. This condition posed an increasing challenge for humans in sourcing food.
Transition to Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
With the growing difficulty in hunting wild animals and finding plant resources, humanity was compelled to innovate. In response to environmental challenges, humans began practicing animal husbandry and developed early forms of agriculture.
Abandonment of Nomadism and Sedentary Life
Gradually, humans abandoned the nomadic lifestyle, favoring a transition to a sedentary life. This behavioral change was motivated by the need to ensure a stable food supply through agriculture and animal husbandry.
Climate Changes and the Birth of the Neolithic
With the retreat of waters that had previously flooded the Earth, the climate became drier, creating more favorable living conditions. This marked the beginning of the Neolithic, an era characterized by further technological and social developments.
Conclusion: A Period of Fundamental Innovation
The Mesolithic emerges as a crucial period in human history, marked by environmental challenges that stimulated innovation and the transition to more settled ways of life, paving the way for the Neolithic and its subsequent evolutions.
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surinderbhalla · 6 months
Desk Job Dangers: Unveiling Truth for Wellness.
In our modern, fast-paced world, a significant portion of the workforce spends the majority of their day confined to a desk, engaged in sedentary work. This trend has given rise to growing concerns about the adverse effects of prolonged desk-bound jobs on our health and overall well-being. In this article, we will delve into desk job dangers, unveiling, the truth about wellness, and highlight…
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Routine For Sedentary Lifestyle (4 Exercises) 💪🏋️‍♀️💻 https://newsinfitness.com/routine-for-sedentary-lifestyle-4-exercises/
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geerambles · 8 months
My nutritionist just gave me a pamphlet for a body positivity program.
Because I asked if she thought I would ever return to my old boob size so I could know whether to throw my old bras. Also coz I was uncomfortable with how my sedentary life made me loose all the progress that I had cultivating my muscles.
And honestly? I think this is too much. I don’t think I’m ugly or anything. I simply asked, but never got an answer except for the pamphlet.
I fell like I’m getting judged here.
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8884448328 · 8 months
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Male infertility can be caused by low sperm production, abnormal sperm function or blockages that prevent the delivery of sperm.
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jitendrasm · 8 months
Understanding Sedentary Lifestyle: Unraveling the Effects of the Disease of Inactivity
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In a world increasingly dominated by technology and convenience, physical activity has taken a back seat in many people's lives. This has given rise to a concerning phenomenon known as the "disease of inactivity." In this blog post, we delve into what this term means, its implications on health, and how individuals can break free from its grip.
Defining the Disease of Inactivity:
The disease of inactivity, also referred to as the sedentary lifestyle or sedentarism, is a condition characterized by prolonged periods of physical inactivity. It goes beyond simply not engaging in structured exercise; it encompasses the act of sitting or lying down for extended periods throughout the day, with minimal movement or physical effort.
Unraveling the Health Implications:
The impact of the disease of inactivity on health cannot be underestimated. Research has shown a strong link between prolonged periods of sitting and an increased risk of chronic diseases. Heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and even certain types of cancer have been associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore, musculoskeletal issues such as back pain and weakened muscles can arise from prolonged inactivity.
The Role of Technology:
Modern technology, while offering numerous conveniences, has inadvertently contributed to the disease of inactivity. Computers, smartphones, and streaming services have led to more desk jobs, online entertainment, and reduced physical activity. As a result, people are spending more time sitting and less time moving.
Breaking Free from Sedentarism:
The good news is that it's never too late to reverse the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can have significant benefits. Here are a few strategies to consider:
1. Set Regular Movement Breaks: Aim to take short breaks every hour to stand up, stretch, and walk around, even if it's just for a few minutes.
2. Incorporate Exercise: Engage in regular exercise sessions that include cardiovascular activities like walking, jogging, or swimming, as well as strength training exercises.
3. Active Hobbies: Choose hobbies that encourage movement, such as dancing, gardening, or playing a sport.
4. Desk Ergonomics: If you have a desk job, ensure your workspace is ergonomically designed to promote better posture and movement.
5. Stay Mindful: Be aware of your daily activity levels and make a conscious effort to reduce sedentary behavior.
Embracing an Active Lifestyle:
The disease of inactivity is a modern-day challenge that has serious consequences for our health and well-being. By making small, sustainable changes to our daily routines, we can break free from the grip of sedentarism and lead a more active, fulfilling life.
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The disease of inactivity is a silent but potent threat to our health. Recognizing the impact of prolonged periods of physical inactivity is the first step towards making positive changes. By prioritizing movement and consciously integrating physical activity into our lives, we can work towards preventing the adverse effects associated with the sedentary lifestyle and pave the way for a healthier, more vibrant future.
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sushrutbrainandspine · 8 months
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DID YOU KNOW? Consistent physical activity, maintaining proper posture, ceasing smoking, and managing a healthy weight all contribute to the prevention of back pain and herniated discs.
 Contact us :-
• Phone: +91 9810324401
• Website :- www.thebrainandspine.com
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rainyfestivalsweets · 8 months
Stood at my desk for 3 hours today.
Celebrate the wins!
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lyfebanana · 1 year
Why Sitting is Bad for You
Sitting for extended periods has been shown to be detrimental to your overall health. Multiple studies have linked prolonged sitting to an increased risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer. One of the reasons for this is that sitting for long periods of time can cause your muscles to become inactive, which slows down your metabolism and can lead to weight gain. Additionally, sitting for prolonged periods can cause poor posture, which can lead to back, neck, and shoulder pain. To counteract these negative effects, it is recommended that you take frequent breaks from sitting, stretch and move around regularly throughout the day, and make a conscious effort to decrease the amount of time you spend sitting overall.
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Cartoons are an inevitable part of every child’s life. Since the emergence of cartoon films over a century ago, several generations of children have grown up watching animated films.The importance of cartoons for children can be seen from the various positive effects and negative effects that cartoons have on child behaviour and development.
Check out the post to know both the effects of cartoons on mental health
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pdv9blogs · 1 year
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