#secret project number 5!?!?
dracanthropic · 3 months
Guuuuysssss Brandon Sanderson is making me spend money again!
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leoascendente · 3 months
PAC/ Your destined person 💘
Hi loves and welcome to this new PAC! I'll be taking a time from this blog to focus on another projects, it doesn't mean that this blog will be unactive, it is just that I won't post that much pacs or astrology, I'll be more focused in my Spanish blog for a while. Anyway, private readings will still be open and from time to time I'll post something over here because Tumblr is and always will be my safe place.
Take a deep breath before choosig your pile and pick the picture you feel called the most, because this is a general reading it doesn't have to fully resonate, keep what does and leave what doesn't for somebody else, you can always choose another pile :)
For private readings click here
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Decks: Romantic tarot, dark wood tarot, tea leafs oracle, romance angels oracle, love oracle cards
All pics are from pinterest, credits to their owners
Pile 1/ Pile 2
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Pile 3/ Pile 4
Pile 1:
Who is your destined person?:
(Cards: 6 of swords, 3 of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, moon, hermit, queen of wands, king of swords/ hermit rev, death, wheel of fortune, 5 of pentacles, sun)
This person probably comes from a very different backgroud than you, it will seem like you don't have much in common at first, they have probably moved from the place they were born and are getting used to the new place. They are a hard worker, right now they are putting a lot of effort in this area of their life, probably to help financially their beloved ones, I'm hearing to help their parents, they are so focused in making money that they are not nurturing other aspects of their life like socializing, the good thing is that they don't seem to care about it. They got the hermit with two different decks, once upright and another time on reversed, it gives me the feeling that they feel very comfortable in their solitude but at the same time they are craving significative connections and a reason to get out of their isolation, for some reason they feel very exhausted but they can't sleep at night, they are like an owl, by night they seem to be more active even though they should be super tired because their work is exhausting (I'm writting this at 13:31 on my clock, maybe it's a relevant number for you or this connection). This person has some emotional issues that keeps them up at night, it's like they need these few extra hours of the day that they are taking from their resting time to relax when the rest of the world is quiet, maybe it's because they are far from home or because they miss their family, because this is related to their emotional world but for what I see here they are thinking too much about others and not about themselves and their mental peace. Anyway, this person is really attractive, for what I see in the cards, they have some not-so-secret admirers that are chasing them or looking desperately for their attention, whatever they are trying is not working with your person, your person seems to be an introvert or at least, they need to feel emotionally connected to something or someone to invest their energy fully on it, I could even say that they are a little shy when it comes to interact with other people. this person has an strong masculine energy, also I keep hearing the word resilient so this may be the most noticable trait about them, the thing here with the admirers is that they are chasing your person, like taking the masculine role but only for their outside appearance, your person seems to need something more to connect with someone and they prefer to court that to be courted. Right now they are closing chapters, there's a massive divine intervention in their life even if they are not aware of this, this is happening for their highest good because they need to get out of this hermit mode and start experiencing good things. They seem to be a little apathic and their lack of rest could be affecting their health too, even if they want it or not, a change is coming to align them, there will be a shift in their luck very soon, especially to help them financially because they seem to be struggling in this aspect. your person is really calmed and peaceful, very goal oriented and commited to what's important to them, you'll love the kind of person they are and the peace they'll bring to your life.
Your connection:
(Cards: deception, new love, this could be the one, playfulness/ girl with a snake, heartbroken, the phoenix, heart with a key, wedding rings)
Okay, your person had a very tough relationship with a toxic person that played with their heart and left them in the dust, this might be one of the reasons why they are avoiding so much human contact, especially with romantic interests, their heart is still recovering from this heartbreak. When you appear in their life, everything will trasform, it will be so magical and unexpected that they won't know what to do, you'll catch them off guard, everything will feel different with you, it's like they've been in a grey and clouded place and you appear to make the sun shine again in their life. This past relationship marked them but knowing you will make them realize that not everyone is the same, you will make them gain hope in love again, it will happen naturally and your relationship will be blossoming peacefully but with certainty, from the first moments they'll know that you are meant for them and will work to make you know it. This is a soulmate connection so you'll feel very comfortable with eachother like you know the other from a very long time, I see a lot of funny dates together, like an exhibition of some kind (I'm translating directly from google but I mean those places wih a ferris wheel, bumper cars, cotton candy and those places where you get a teddy bear if you drop all the bottle from the shelf, something that sort, please comment me the correct name of this lol). An important thing I see here is that your person might be shy at first and will try to make things the right way, not forcing anything, but what I like the most is that even though they have their heart wounded, they won't pay this pain with you, in fact, you'll be a reason to stop thinking about the past pain and focusing on the precious future you could share together, you'll ignite them faith in life, they'll find motivation again, they might even realize that they weren't as comfortable in their solitude as they wanted to project. I see a fast commitment, I also see that they will leave you the key of their home so you can stay there even when they are working, they'll try to make you part of their day to day life and will be very honest with your from the start, you can ask them anything and they will respond with all the truth, even if the truth doesn't leave them in good place, they want you to know every detail about them, you can also trust in them to share whatever you want, they will be super understanding and compassionate.
(Tea leafs: sunrise, woman, feather, bull, desk, scissors, caterpillar)
By the moment you are about to meet your person, you'll be finding out the true intentions of a woman in your life, I don't know why but the energy of this woman gives me really bad vibe, like a two faced person, is someone that you should put distance with in order to protect your energy because in terms of love she could often have bad experiences and she will not be happy for you when you find your soulmate. There also this message of not sharing your ideas about the future, not just in love but about your goals or plans in work too, if you are thinking about initiate something by your own just keep it private for a while, or at least just share it with your closest ones because this woman or femenine energy around you don't what you to thrive. The good thing is that you got the card of the sunrise, so you'll be having a lot of new ideas that will lead you to find success, I'd suggest you to write down those ideas,take time to organize them and start implementing them in aries season, at the beggining of the spring, energies will be at your favor. For your person they'll be working really hard, there might be a chance for a rise or getting a higher position in their work field and they'll be focused into that, for others of you there might also be the chance that your person will be getting another job with a better salary, I'm getting especially this second option because your person seems to be very unhappy in their current job and they need better conditions, it also seems like there is some opposition from someone in their work and your person has to keep themselves in a defensive position to deal with it and they don't want this no more, they know they deserve a healthier work enviroment, maybe there's an abusive boss here. There's the possibility that you are really close to meet eachother because of the cards on tarot and this message so be aware of your surroundings because your person is closer than you imagine :)
Channeled messages: a puppy, sexy but don't know it, romantic dates, strong arms, meet them in a public place like a park, a market or a place with art or literature involved like museums or book stores, gift giving, a soft pink or white dress, night dates, overthinking, financial struggle, 999, 1333, virgo, scorpio, cancer and leo, might be seasons for you two meet or your person's sign.
Pile 2:
Who is your destined person?
(Cards: 9 of wands, 4 of swords, 7 of pentacles, 10 of pentacles, justice, death, world/ devil, justice, queen of pentacles, judgement, king of wands)
Okay, lets start saying that you know this person but never had anything romantic with them besides a crush for some of you, they are someone that is familiar to you, maybe you have talked at some point or is simplier than that and you follow them on social media or something that sort, you know eachother but there's almost any interaction between you two. I usually say on private readings when I see that the consultant know their person that Universe has a wicked sense of humor and sometimes, this person can be so random as your crush on primary school, someone you talked once in a party, a friend of a friend and those kind of things, so don't be dissapointed when you see that you know your person because many times, even though you know them, they can be the most random person you could ever imagine. Right now your person is going through some legal issues, it can be a divorce for some of you but for others it might be more related to an spiritual awakening where they are taking resposibility over things they have done in the past, like paying some karma and realizing why they are paying it. The good thing is that your person is closing a chapter, this awakening can be hard, because of the devil card, but it also will bring them a big relief and a change in their reality for the best, there's also a change in their way to face life. For what I see in the cards, your person is wealthy or well positioned in life, probably has a high position in their work field, for some they can work in something related to laws but is an enviroment with a lot of competition and stabs in the back, you have to be a little ruthless to thrive in that area, there's also a chance that they already have a child or kids near them, if you have children, your person will get along very well with your kid too. Your person has an strong temper, the good part of it is that they are very protective of what they love and don't mind getting into trouble if that means keeping their beloved ones safe. The not so good part is that they can be too impulsive and irrational when angry, their passionate spirit can take the best from them sometimes, they will be your total opposite so if you have a natural calmed and peaceful temper this pile is for you. Your person is someone brave, a natural extrovert with a lot of charisma, they can draw all the attention of a room to them just with an smile, they are also very sexy, physically they are extremely attractive, they could also be a Libra or Sagittarius sun sign. Your person hasn't been an angel in their past, even though they are a nice person with a good heart, it seems like they did ot take the best decitions in their past and now they are regreting some mistakes. They are really handsome and charming, I see they haven't faced rejection in their past and that has led them to be too confident, they are the kind of person who always gets what they want, do you know Dexter from the show One Day? your person reminds me of him in the good and the bad traits. Anyway, they recently had an experience that made them realize the path they were taking and they want a diferent direction, they don't feel fulfilled and knows that can get something better for themselves, they are also facing the consequences of their actions si they might need some extra time to get into your life.
Your connection:
(Cards: this could be the one, trust, children, worth waiting for/ talking, golden mirror, sword and rose, self indulgence, love call)
You'll share a very special bond, I see trust issues from both of you but at the moment you start something together those issues will fade, it's like your souls will recognize that you both are meant for eachother, feelings will bloom naturally. I see different scenarios for your pile so take what resonates with you, for the people who already know who this person is, the cards invite you to keep hopeful but patient, just trust the Universe and focus on your bussiness meanwhile your person puts their life in order and solve the issues they are currently dealing with, you deserve to enjoy their best version. For others of you who can't figure out yet who your person is, the cards have a similar meaning, to stay optimistic visualizing your ideal relationship, you'll have to wait a little more than the other piles because your person is dealing with issues they need to resolve before meeting you, again, you deserve to enjoy their best version, your vibration is very high so having your person right now in your life with their current circumstances could affect negatively your energy, so this wait is a divine protection for you. Things will start by flirting between both of you, maybe some casual dates at first but for what see in the cards, there's a lot of communication here and it makes sense because through communication trust gets reinforced and that's what you both need. You both will be very different but will have so much in common, your experiences in life or even your tastes or hobbies, your favorite artist or the kind of music you like, it will start by something simple but then you'll realize how similar you truly are, you will mirror eachother in every aspect, for some with an spiritual development I see this person is your twin flame. A nice thing a like about your person is that they will allow you to stay in your femenine energy, the card of self indulgence gives me the feeling that they'll provide for the things you like, just as an example, if you are into a saga of books but you don't have enough money to afford everyone of them so you go buy it one by one, your person will buy you all the saga so you can enjoy your hobbies. For some of you I even see that your person pays for your beauty treatments like getting your lashes or nails done. I see that they'll like to take a protective role with you, if you are easilly stressed, especially in regards of legal matters or burocracy, your person will take care of it so you don't have to worry, if you have any dream or goal you want to achieve your person will also provide you a safe space so you can develop it, especially for those of you who are into arts or something that involves creativity
(Tea leafs: teapot, mule, wreath, shield, stork, wedge, heart)
Your signs to know when your person is about to enter your life will be a dissapointment with a friendship of your same sex, you might have an idea of who this person is because you have been seeing red flags from them in the past but you have turned a blind eye with them, especially in terms of stubborness and not wanting to change their habits. I'm getting that they are the kind to mourn and complain over things that they could easilly change, even you could have given them advices in the past but this person is unwilling to change for the better so you'll have to take them out of your life before your person comes. The tea leafs say that this won't be easy for you because you love and appreciate this person but by having them in your life you have to stay in a protective state, the shield warns you that you need to protect yourself from this person because they are consuming your energies. For your person, they'll be in a process of creating something new, I'm getting that it will be related to work, they'll be moving in silence because there's someone near them that don't want your person to be successful in this new project, anyway the project will thrive regardless of what other people try to mess with it. Your person will be just about to get their victory when they get in a deeper contact with you, they'll feel like things are getting better for them after everything they had to go through, you'll be like their ultimate victory. They'll know it's you because they'll feel safe by your side, having in mind that they are surrounded by snakes, getting in contact with you will feel for them like being in precence of angels.
Channeled messages: protect yourself from evil eye, black turmaline, long term relationship, karmic debts, late night conversations, a lot of sexual energy, love letters, release the old so the new can enter, the goddess Kali, law of attraction, subliminal audios, stay in your femenine energy, the bee and the flower, trust the process, 1111, 222, sagittarius, libra, scorpio
Pile 3:
Who is your destined person?
(Cards: queen of cups, king of pentacles, queen of pentacles, 3 of wands, fool, king of cups, 10 of pentacles/ ace of wands, 8 of pentacles rev, 5 of swords rev, judgement, emperor)
This person is your soulmate/twin flame, they are your divine counterpart so you will notice it from the very first moment you meet them. Getting into who your person is, they come from a wealthy background, their family seem to be very rich to say the least, they have been a pampered child all their life, in fact, if they work is because they want to not because they need to. Your person has been raised by parents that are soulmates so they know what true love is and knows that they want that type of connection for them too, they are a romantic and are not afraid to express it, they are also very well mannered so expect them to be chilvalrous with you, they are a true gentleman. They are so open to love that is overwhelming, they fantazise an daydream a lot about you, how you look, your way to walk and your smell, they have you so much in their head but they feel frustration not knowing who you are and when you will appear, they look for you everywhere they go and in every person they meet, yu cold even feel their energy calling you, if you have romantic dreams with someone but you can see their face clearly it is your person calling you in, you can intuitively feel them, I'm also getting that if you are able to see the face of someone familiar to you in dreams like a famous person just check that person you dream about because they might reselble the characteristics of your person. They have a melancholic soul, like a poet from another century, they are very deep and emotional, they have so much love inside they want to offer but they feel frustrated because they don't find the right person to share it with, they don't want only to share love they want someone to share all their life with, they feel like they already have it all to live a happy life but there's this missing peace of wanting to share all their abundance with someone else. There's this phrase of the movie 'into the wild' (my favourite movie ever <3) that says 'happiness is only real when it's shared', I feel that your person resonates a lot with this phrase, they have people they love around but they crave a romantic connection to create a family with, btw, they are really into marriage and family, they also like children and animals and they love your person too. Your person has a sensitive heart and the pain of their solitude has led them to get involved with people with superficial intentions or toxic behaviors, mostly because of your person's money, they had a relationship in the past that left them feeling empty and that's why now they are giving themselves time to be alone and with their family, I see they have siblings that are playing a major role into your person's emotional healing. Idk if you'll know about this book, it's called fallen hearts by V.C Andrews, it is part of the Casteel saga but the character that reminds me of your person appears on the second book, his name is Troy Tatterton, I suggest you to read it or let me know if you already know them :). I also see that your person has traveled a lot, for some of you, you could even live at distanced places where you'd had to travel to see eachother, it may be in one of your person's journeys where they finally meet you.
The connection:
(Cards: true love, getting to know eachother, playfulness, wedding/ casette, hammer, camera, separation, twin flames)
Oh goddess, this is so beautiful it makes me want to cry! If it was up to your person they would marry you as soon as they meet you, after all their painful journey, when you appear in their life they'll feel like the skies will open up only for them, they'll know it's you and will court you from the very first moment, they will be flirty but charming at the same time, I see you'll feel the same too. Even though that feelings will be intense at first, you both will make the effort to get to know eachother on deeper levels to check your chemistry and compatibility, everything will feel light and easy, you'll get along super well, they'll make you feel like you are in a safe place, if you are naturally introverted they'll make you feel protected and, in case you are an hyper independent person, you'll feel like you can finally relax and release some of the weight over your shoulders. At some point you'll have distance between you two but it won't separate you, I see you will make the best of every moment you spend together and, after a little time your person will offer you a seious commitment so you can start your life together as a couple, it might also be a soon engagement. I see that you'll be watching the pictures and videos you make together, especially if decide to travel, I see a fancy cabin near a forest where you are staying together to spend some alone time with nobody else there to bother you. The time you spend separated will play a major role for you two to decide that you want to be together forever, I see that your person will have a harder time being away from you, that's why they won't hesitate at the moment of offering you commitment, probably they give you a promise ring or tell you to get married, it will happen sooner than usual but both of you will feel certain about this relationship and what you want from it, you'll fit like puzle pieces and you'll both will understand why things didn't work with anybody else in the past.
(Tea leafs: gong, key, shark, caterpillar, dagger, camel, unicorn, carriage)
For you, you'll be receiving good news about something you have done, it will be something exciting for you, a successful outcome for something you put a lot of effort in, you could even celebrate it with your close ones because this will make you very happy. There's a little warning for you about being responsible with your money but also I see you could loose something important like a jewel or something with big material value like a phone or something that sort, so if you suddently loose soemthing important take it as a sign that your person is about to enter your life. For your person I'd confirm what I said before about the trip, the carriage means a journey either be a mental or physical but I feel that it's a trip for vacation. This journey is because they have been through a period of worries and stress, they just have solved a problem before making this trip, this solution will involve some changes in their life that will align them with their highest good so, overcoming this obstacle will finally lead them to you, their most desired wish. They'll be taking a time to release all the tension they've been holding, it is surely oon holidays so check the calendar just in case, they'll be with more people in this journey, probably their siblings, your meeting will be something spontaneous, neither of you will be expetiing it
Channeled messages: Water sign, earth moon sign, family money, colors red and green, divine counterparts, white doves and sunflowers, many options in love, send you romantic phrases or pictures that reminds them of you, settle down, a midset change, aries season, 777, 1818
Pile 4:
Who is your destined person?:
(Cards: knight of wands, 10 of cups, moon, queen of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, knight of swords/ 7 of cups rev, 9 of swords, queen of pentacles, fool, empress)
Your person got the queen of pentacles repeated with two different tarot decks, this gives me the feeling that they feel plenty with the current direction of their life, with the 10 of cups I'd confirm that they feel happy and fulfilled and everything is working out for your person. Besides that luck is on their side naturally, your person has fought to be in the place they are right now, they are following their passion and vocation and being loyal to their heart has lead them to success and recognition, they are also very optimistic and knows how to see the good side of things at every situation. Your person reminds me of Eli from Boy swallows universe (please watch the show, it's awesome and you'll love Eli), your person is brave, independent and resourceful, even daring sometimes, they are loyal to their truth and their heart, in fact I see they can be a little obsessed with finding out the truth of things so they could even be into conspiracy theories or things that sort. Your person is a wanderer, a curious soul but with a grounded spirit, they can be wild sometimes but they know their own limits and knows when to stop, they are really down to earth and mature on the important matters but very lighthearted and spontaneus when the ocassion requires it. They have been through seriouus things in the past, they may have some unresolved heavy trauma they didn't gave themselves the chance to solve it so they might act reckless sometimes, but the good thing is that they have an strong moral compass and value system they keep loyal at every moment, betray their values would feel like betraying themselves and that's something they don't want to go through. Your person can be an unintentional heartbreaker, they don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but it's easy for people to catch feelings for your person, is something about their aura or their energy, they are so warm and gentle that everybody feels drawn to them and can't help but develop feelings for them, they are easy to be loved. Your person is really smart, they could be air dominant in their chart because they also seem like having a talent with words or being a great communicator, they are also very funny so expect to laugh a lot with them, they might be younger than you or it's simply that they have a youthful energy, whatever it is they have this childlike energy that makes them lovely. Your person has this golden retirever energy that everyone likes, they are also very friendly and seems to have it easy to create friendships with other people, their sense of humor is a plus on this aspect too, they are a sweetheart with a loving heart but they are also very hard working and commited to what they think is right, you'll feel super comfortable by their side, even though they could be younger they will give off very mature and reliable energy.
The connection:
(Cards: Keep an open mind, retreat, flirt, love yourself first, chemistry/ the sword and rose, girl talk, cupid's arrow, sunglasses, engagement ring)
Okay, at first they might not be your usual type or the kind of person you would be interested in, for some, your person could be younger than you and that could be a turn off for you. Your connection will bloom progressively by creating a friendship first, besides the fact that your person will be very into you from the very first moment, they'll prefer to respect your times and show you they are worthy of your love, they will feel like they are out of your league for some reason. You might run from them at a certain moment because you get confused with your emotions, especially for those of you reading this that are a water moon, you'll need some time to reflect on your emotions and realize that there's an inmense chemistry between you two, maybe this distance you take serves you as a reassurance of how drawn you feel to this person, they'll have a bad time with this retreat but for you will be very healing and enlightning. I see that there's a female or dominant femenine energy in your life you trust so much, that person is very reliable and wise, don't doubt to ask them for advice because she will bring you clarity about the situation, I'm glad to say that you have an amazing support system, count on that female friend when you need mental clarity because she will be very honest, for some of you this person could be a sister. During this separation you might think that your person is focused into their bussiness but they'll be into stalker mode (positively, of course), checking up on you, they might even ask someone close to you how you are doing just to know about you, they'll also be checking your social media to know about you, they won't do it in a creepy way, they'll feel the same pull to you but they have a harder time trying to contain their emotions, the good thing is that you seem to be very intuitive so you'll know when their energy is trying to approach you. They'll be so in love with you, it feels like they fell first but you'll fall harder after a while, you both are soulmates so, even though you'll try to fight your feelings, you can't help but fall for this person, and after you see how much they are willing to offer and their true esence you'll fall for them (I'm writting this at 15:15 on my clock in case it's a relevant number for you). They'll wear their heart on their sleeve, they'll be very protective of you and won't allow any disrispect to you, they can be cutthroating if anybody tries to mess with you, tey'll feel so honnoured by you focusing on them that they will try to make you the happiest person ever everyday of your life, they can't believe their luck by finding a person like you and receiving love from you, this connection will be an equal give and take, you both will do everything for the other to make them happy.
(Tea leafs: dolphin, windchimes, fox, broken ring, bull, needle and thread, ant, table)
For you, you'll be in a very nice moment of your life when you are about to meet your person, you'll be receiving a big amount of money because of something you did in the past, like a material reward. This material abundance will give you a feeling of peace and relief, you have the chance to have some vacations or free time by yourself, I see you a little secretive about this, like you don't want anybody to ruin this good time, you may also be silent about the amount of money you receive. For your person, they'll be dettaching from someone or something, the broken ring is usually associated with romance but I feel it more related to bussiness so they might be changing their job for a healthiest enviroment (if you felt called to pile 1 I suggest you to check it), it seems like their current work field is forcing your person to sacrifice themselves and keeps them in a defensive position. They'll have to work hard but it will bring them stability and security.
Channeled messages: Acts of service, getting a pet together, a cat person, sleep problems, full moons affect their mood, white horses and moths, vivid dreams, sitcoms, a lot of laugh, mental fog, meditation, 1212, 444, taurus, gemini, aquarius
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brongusthearcanist · 3 months
I think everyone has been a little nervous about the release dates for the next cosmere books because there's supposed to be a little bit of a drought. Stormlight 6 won't be seen until the end of the 2020s and mistborn is supposed to be written all at once which makes the initial release date farther away. But after this new secret project was revealed I think it's clear that we aren't going to have a drought. Sanderson somehow spat out a whole new extra novel while revising the 4 secret projects and finishing and revising stormlight 5, which truly seems impossible to me especially when you keep up with his YouTube updates. This isn't going to stop, Sanderson has a legitimate problem at this point, and I am perfectly happy to exploit this for the sake of my escapism. He's not gonna stop, I almost guarantee we will get 2 more secret projects while era 3 is being written. I just don't think Sanderson is capable of releasing less than 2 books a year. It is against his nature, you can't ask a storm to stop blowing, and I guess you can't ask Sanderson to slow down his writing. At this point it is becoming obvious that he has an incredible amount of anxiety attached to the idea that he won't be able to write all the stories he wants, and rather than processing this as a midlife crisis, he has decided to make this an ongoing crisis to conquer. I honestly think he keeps a blank page over his desk to taunt him while he plays video games into writing more. Y'all saw that blank page speech and thought it was cute, it was a manifesto. Sanderson intends to use all the paper in existence. One day he will disappear in a staples warehouse, leaving no trace but several drafts written on the bales of blank paper. But he didn't title or number them, and for the next 16 years we will try to assemble them into 16 separate books, but all along it was actually 1 giant book and we put it in the wrong order.
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milaisreading · 7 months
Yandere!Sae Itoshi x Reader
🌱🩷: As promised, here is the Halloween special story I wrote. Hope u all enjoy it! Thanks for reading 🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. There are talks of murder here, so under 18 and everyone uncomfortable with this topic, please don't read.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Fall was finally upon Tokyo, and there was nothing (Y/n) more enjoyed than a nice stroll through the city while the cold air hit her face. It was specifically October 31st, Halloween day. And while (Y/n) wasn't much of a fan of that day, mainly because of the pranks, she couldn't deny that she was fond of the decorations, food, and shows. Shibuya was specifically the most visited place during this time of the day, due to all the attractions. Kids and teens were laughing, wearing different costumes varying from princesses to trolls, and adults were either watching over them, or just mindlessly walking around to admire everything. (Y/n) didn't really prepare anything for that day, she just recently arrived from Germany for a week off, and just wanted to rest and enjoy the moment. She planned on enjoying this day alone, but she messaged Rin 2 days prior and found out he was back in Japan, too. The two had then agreed to meet up on this day, since Shibuya will be packed with people, and Rin would have less chances in being recognized.
'At least I hope Rin plans work.' She chuckled and went into a shop to look through some clothes.
"I still have 3 hours till I meet up with Rin." She muttered.
Sae hummed as he drained the water out of the bathtub. He yawned as he walked out of the bathroom to pick out some clothes he could wear tonight. Sae wasn't someone who really cared about dressing up, especially when it's about meeting someone, but this was different. Tonight was the night he would start his plan on making (Y/n) fall for him. The prodigy had to admit that he never expected to fall for anyone, much less the former manager of a football project. But it happened. The more Sae observed the progress of Blue Lock, the more he paid attention to the staff, mainly to (Y/n).
'Well, it is Rin's fault. If he hadn't been so secretive about her, I would have moved on.' The boy blushed a little as he put on his shirt, thinking of the girl. She was... interesting to Sae. She was smart, beautiful, and witty when needed. She was almost flawless in Sae's eyes, almost. The only flaw (Y/n) had is that she wasn't his, but... he will fix that soon.
'With Rin out of the way, my plan on making her mine forever will be a lot easier.' Sae smirked as he remembered the last fight him and Rin had 2 nights ago. It was a normal (?) siblings fight, if you ask Sae. The older Itoshi found out Rin asked (Y/n) out on a date, they started shouting, and before you know it, Rin had a knife stabbed in his chest. Sae had killed his brother. The boy didn't even know how things even played out, all he knows is that Rin shouted something at him, which caused Sae to snap and take the big kitchen knife. So, for the past 2 days Sae had spent his time cleaning up the kitchen, getting a new knife, getting rid of the used one, and at the end he had to get rid of Rin's body. To Sae, that was probably the hardest part, but with a few tools, garbage bags and random chemicals it was possible to do. Sae estimates that it might take a long while till anyone finds his brother's body.
'After all, who visits the deepest pits of the forest these days.'
Sae chuckled and dialed (Y/n)'s number, preparing to say the speech he prepared for the past 5 hours.
2 days before...
"I know what you are planning." Rin sent Sae a sharp glare as the older ate his dinner in boredom. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest idea of the Itoshi parents to leave their sons alone for a week, but oh well.
"What do you mean?" Sae finally asked.
"I know you want to get with (Y/n). And I am here to tell you, you won't ever have her."
Rin smirked as Sae raised an eyebrow, putting his chopsticks down.
"What make you say that? Then who will have her you? Or one of those pathetic Blue Lock players? Don't make me laugh." Sae rolled his eyes.
"Of course it will be me." Rin said confidently.
"For your information, Sae, (Y/n) knows me better than you. When she comes to our matches, she is there to cheer me on. When she is in Japan, she calls me to meet up." Rin chuckled, not noticing Sae's hands slowly twitch. He was always good with his resting face.
"And when walks down the isle eventually, she will do it because of me. Because I will be always (Y/n)'s pick. Not you. You are insignificant to her."
Sae didn't know what had possessed him to grab the knife, but he did. With a never before seen speed and strength, Sae was quickly in front of Rin and tackled him to the ground. The younger tried to fight his brother off of him, but he couldn't. All Rin saw at the end was a crazed smile on Sae's face as the older repeatedly stabbed him.
"Looks like your little dreams of (Y/n) will stay only that. Dreams." Sae laughed as he got off of Rin. The younger's eyes wide in panic as he slowly took his final breaths. Knife still stabbed into his chest as a pool of blood surrounded him.
Present day...
"I still can't believe Rin has a girlfriend." (Y/n) said while drinking her got chocolate. Sae sat across from her, trying to keep his usual stoic expression on.
'Cute.' He thought and clearer his throat.
"Yeah. That idiot couldn't wait to see her so he left earlier. Again, I am really sorry he didn't call you earlier."
"It's fine. You don't need to apologize. I just wish I knew sooner so that I could tease him. Oh well, maybe the next time I see him." (Y/n) laughed as Sae shrugged his shoulders.
"For sure. But in the meantime, do you want to have dinner tomorrow? I saw that a new  restaurant opened in Roppongi."
(Y/n) put her cup down and slowly nodded her head.
"Sure, I have no other plans for the next few days. But wouldn't it be boring with me for 2 days in a row-"
Sae shook his head and gently took one of her hands.
"Not at all." He gave the girl a tiny smile, causing a blush to erupt on her face.
"O-oh... ok, then!"
'Finally we are going somewhere. Should have gotten rid of that nuisance a long time ago.' Sae thought, holding back a smirk.
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noroi1000 · 5 months
F**k your fav - Epilogue
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F**k your fav | ←Previous
You were sitting in front of your laptop, looking at the same website as always.
You were on Satoru's lap while Suguru sat next to you, watching curiously as to what was causing his friend to ask for Threesome.
The same questions arose.
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Question 1: Who is your partner for you?
Question 2: What do you think about your partner's character?
Question 3: What do you think about your partner's appearance?
Question 4: What do you like most about your partner?
Question 5: What do you like most about yourself?
Question 6: What do you think your partner looks best in?
Question 7: Do you think you're a good kisser?
Question 8: Do you think your partner is a good kisser?
Question 9: Where do you like to be touched most?
Question 10: What turns you on most about your partner?
Question 11: What do you like when your partner is with you?
Question 12: What is your dirty secret that you are hiding?
Question 13: How often do you masturbate?
Question 14: How often do you have sex?
Question 15: Do you like having sex with each other?
Question 16: Do you use toys?
Question 17: What do you think about your partner's sex drive?
Question 18: Do you like to experiment?
Question 19: What do you like to do most in bed? What type of sex do you prefer?
Question number 19 was what started it all.
The entire test had 20 questions. And you were stuck on 19 because Satoru didn't know what type of sex he liked. When you told Suguru about it, he couldn't believe it. He made so many things out of such a small problem. He even agreed to do anal with another guy to find out if Threesome was his favorite! This wasn't a completely normal task...
Would you rather you had sex normally, on the spur of the moment, and not when he wants you to check another item on his list? This must have been the strangest experience for Suguru...
"So, are you able to answer now?" Geto asked, watching his friend, who was staring at the question on the laptop screen. "I decided to help you not hear now that you still don't know. Satoru. So the idea of that exactly."
"And I thought you were horny for my girlfriend; that's why you agreed to it." he stuck his tongue out at him, and you hit him on the head to stop him from fooling around.
But now you were a little wondering if it was true...
But if you didn't like Suguru even a little, or he didn't like you, he wouldn't have agreed to it. And he agreed, and this all happened.
"Well... If I had to answer..."
You waited carefully for his response.
You both helped him so he could choose. So now you hope that -
"I cannot choose." he said bluntly.
You were frozen. Especially you, who helped him from the beginning. You let him do everything! For everything, even the strange ones! For him to say that he still can't choose?!
"Satoru!" You screamed.
"I can't choose! I think I like it all! I just like having sex with you in all kinds of ways!"
His hands, which held you close to him, were very warm. And all you could focus on was that.
It doesn't change the fact that he did everything he liked with your body so that he wouldn't choose one thing at the end.
If either of you would like, Suguru can join you. He was always close to you, like family. So it doesn't change.
But you could have been happy.
You could fuck your Satoru in every way.
And you fucked your fav.
Your fav is Satoru.
Your boyfriend moved on to the last question, which was:
Question 20: How did you like our questions? We encourage you to take part in our second project, “30 Day Sex Challenge.” Every day, you will be given the type of sex you need to have. If you are interested, click the link later.
"Noooo!" You screamed, and your hands shot out.
Before Satoru could turn it on, you closed the laptop and held it to stop him from running another test that would end the same as this one.
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Thank you for reading F**k Your Fav! It's been a long road for me to make this. Even though it has few chapters, there were breaks that lasted several months. I was supposed to post this a week ago, but I had major problems with being an author on Wattpad. But it's over now! This was the last chapter! I can mark this story as finished and be happy with my success!This story was also written on the spur of the moment.I saw fanart and suddenly I came up with something. Now I know I can't trust all my sudden fantasies because at some point I'll have mental lag while writing this.And writing smut is not as easy as it may seem.
Anyway, thank you to everyone who made it to the end of this story
Thank you very much!
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ttrpgcafe · 7 months
For those of you unfamiliar with Invisible Sun, it's an rpg where every single player is a spell caster of some variety, each with their own unique way of interacting with magic.
The Vances are the most traditional spellcasters, but they eschew spell lists in favor of literally filling a grid with spell cards, representing their limited cognitive space being taken up by spells. They get more space, and literally bigger spells as you progress.
Weavers take two concepts and combine them to produce an effect, very much like Ars Magica or Mage: The Ascension, if you're familiar with those. They get the ability to combine more concepts together, and to have mastery over more concepts as they progress.
Makers are this game's artificer, and they have a robust system for making quirky magic items that have fun, interesting, unique side effects or downsides every time you use them. Their progression is the most straight forward by the numbers "the things you make are more powerful and you're better at making them" of the bunch, but the system lets you, for instance, make a gun out of the body of a dead(?) god, so I'll give this a pass.
Lastly, there are the Goetics, who summon and bind otherworldly creatures to their wills. This takes the form of a conversation and negotiation with your GM over what you have to do for your bound creature, and what exactly they do for you in exchange. If you've ever played a warlock and felt like patrons weren't a big enough deal, this is an entire "class" that lets those relationships (yes, plural) take center stage.
The entire system feels very much like Cypher system 2.0, with a d10 dice pool system with a straight forward level of difficulty to hit, very much like the levels of difficulty in base cypher system, just made easier to manage. It even uses the "I'm an Adjective Noun who Verbs" character structure from Cypher system, here made much more interesting by the addition of a funky little xp system.
Invisible Sun has one of the most interesting advancement systems I've ever seen: aside from normal, average, "you do a thing, you get xp" system, here called "Acumen" (used to increase your stats and skills) there is a separate xp system related to good and bad things happening to your character, called "Joy" and "Despair" respectively. You combine one Joy with one Despair to get a "Crux" which is the xp currency you need to advance your class and focus abilities. This incentivizes players to not only let bad things happen to them, but to SEEK THEM OUT, which is huge! Players often think they want to win all the time, but they don't actually want that, it makes for a boring narrative. This is one of the very few systems I've seen incentivize this story structure, and I'm absolutely in love with it.
Lastly, because the game focuses so heavily on Magic, it has the only system for simulating the ebbs and flows of magic I've seen done well! This involves "The Path of Suns" and the "Sooth deck" which is the in game name for a specific pattern of laying out what amounts to tarot cards that make magic dynamic, interesting, and unpredictable in a way I've never seen before, and rarely since. (Pathfinder's Secrets of Magic is the only other supplement I can think of, and that was almost 5 years after this game came out)
Anyway, I can't recommend this game enough, the systems are unique, the vibes are immaculate, and it's so fuckin WEIRD in the best way.
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
Quick Question
No promises to abide by the results bc I'm allergic to not including details, but I really would like to know this. So, in general:
Detail meaning how long are the excerpts, basically, bc pulling those together is what takes the most time and mental energy for me. "Shorter" meaning like "2 to 5 paragraphs, usually" instead of "a page or more, usually."
There are enough good news posts out there to sustain up to four posts a day, probably (and definitely three a day), so supply of good news isn't the issue, just my free time and energy, esp since this is going to be a ridic busy month for me - because the new day job is going well, and I have like 6 projects already this month for my other job!
So like I said, busy busy busy.
And on the one hand I'd like to post a lot more so yall hear about more of the things, but on the other hand, I really do think having most of the important details in the post is really valuable, especially considering that most people don't click through on things.
Also feel free to put the "why" behind your vote in the notes! (Genuine question - I know what I think people's why's are likely to be, but people are complex and I'm sure some of yall would surprise me.)
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kenananamin · 7 months
Beside Each Other
Chapter 2: The Pizza and the Tooth Fairy
Summary: The replacement finally comes in and Nanami keeps his promise to help you replace the sink trap. Yunn meets Nanami for the first time and sticks to him through pizza and the tooth fairy.
fluff, nanami kento x fem!reader
~4.2k words
As Nanami had said, the office sent the replacement rather quickly. You were calling Nanami by the following Tuesday afternoon to ask if he had time that week to help you replace the sink trap. Nanami did not recognize the number and he'd be lying if he said he didn't hope any unknown number would be you calling. He was quick to tell you that he was available that afternoon and asked if it was okay to go up at around 5:30pm after he logged out for work. You happily confirm, happy to finally stop the leaking sink, and continue working while you wait for Yunnuen to get out of school.
Once you’re walking away from the pick-up line with Yunn and after waving goodbye to Jessie, you tell Yunn that your neighbor will be coming up to help with something that afternoon. Yunn finds the pebble on the sidewalk more interesting than the conversation and gives a quick okay while kicking the pebble away.
At exactly 5:30pm, Nanami shows up to your apartment in a light… and tight t-shirt. You kept your apartment a bit cooler than you usually would and hoped it would be alright for Nanami, not wanting to repeat that day where the poor man was helping you in an oven-like apartment.
“Hi,” you greet him as you step aside to let him in. He’s carrying his own toolbox this time and exchanges the usual kind pleasantries with you. Yunn watches from afar but you call her over once Nanami has fully stepped inside.
You rub your daughter’s shoulders and have her stand right beside you to greet Nanami, “Nanami, this is my daughter Yunnuen. Yunn, he’s Nanami, our neighbor who’s gonna help me fix the sink, can you say hi?”
Yunn giggles and asks the towering man, “Nanimi, your name is Nanimi?”
He laughs and sticks his right hand out, “Hi Yunnuen, I’m Nanami. I live downstairs.”
Yunn takes his hand and he chuckles at the tiny hand only covering a fraction of his. You correct your daughter that it’s Nanami, not Nanimi, but he waves off the mistake and tells you it’s alright. It’s kind of cute, Nanami thinks.
You walk Nanami to the kitchen while Yunn goes back to the couch and the scattered toys on its surface. You tried to get the things ready for Nanami by placing the new sink trap, your toolbox and a cloth to wipe anything that might come out next to the opened cupboard.
Nanami crouches down and places his toolbox next to yours. Even though he had everything he would need in his own, he looks through yours to at least use some of the things you prepared for him. You ask if there’s anything you can do to help and he answers no with a smile, but you slide down to the floor next to the open cupboard to keep him company anyways.
“So…” you pick at the skin next to your fingernail, “how was work?”
Nanami looks back at you and chuckles at your attempt to start a conversation while he replaces your sink trap. If it was anyone else in any other situation, he might have ended it with a quick and simple ‘fine’, but he knew you were trying to be nice and keep him company in exchange for helping you... and he kind of liked it. “It was good, busy but good. My team is managing a few projects so it keeps us busy and it makes the day go by fast.”
You nod beside him, “That’s cool, what kind of projects does your team manage? Or are they top secret?” 
Nanami laughs but continues to tell you about the projects and company as a whole. The conversation gets easier with each sentence said and Nanami sees you smiling through the gap between the cupboard door and the counter edge. You have a pretty smile, Nanami wonders if you knew that…
Your phone starts ringing and you hear Yunn yell out that Ms. Jessie was calling. You excuse yourself to answer your call and Nanami nods and grabs the new sink trap. He’s almost done replacing it and he wishes it could take just a little longer to ask you a bit more about yourself.
Just as you get up to answer your phone, Nanami feels another presence beside him. There's light steps shuffling closer to him and a small plop on the floor. He shifts back to get out from under the sink and sees a small girl sitting criss-cross right next to him. She smiles at Nanami and waves. Nanami looks around the kitchen for you and does not see you, but hears you somewhere in the living room talking on the phone. He waves back at Yunn and shifts back under the sink to continue replacing the sink trap.
Nanami hears more slight shuffling and looks back to see Yunnuen peeking her head in to see inside the cupboard, the top of her head poking Nanami’s side. He laughs at the sight of the curious child but continues his job. He finishes rather quickly and reaches for the cloth you had readied for him to clean the bottom of the cupboard from the splattered things from inside the sink trap. Yunn pokes her head a bit further in and asks, “Are you going to fix the light too?”
You hear Yunn’s question from the living room and call for your daughter, “Yunn.”
“What light?” Nanami fully gets out from under the sink to look at the little girl still sitting criss-cross right next to him, only much closer than before.
“The light in the bathroom. It won’t turn on and momma can’t reach.”
“Yunnuen,” you call for your daughter again, a stern hint to stop.
Nanami looks up at you as you lightly pull Yunn back and quietly remind her to go pick up her toys in the living room. He stands and asks, “Which light is it?”
You start to shake your head and wave your hands in front of you, “No, no it’s ok! I just need to take a chair in there and do it. You’ve done a lot today, Nanami, thank you so much!”
Nanami wipes his hands on the small towel he brought in his toolbox, “I don’t mind, I'm already here.” He smiles at you, “Where’s the bulb? Which light is it?”
You pick at your fingernails and look into his eyes to check if he’s sure. He puts his hands on his hips and looks at you with complete certainty, waiting for you to lead the way to the bathroom. You finally nod with a tight-lipped smile and walk towards the hallway closet to get the new bulb. Nanami follows closely behind to get the bulb and goes into the restroom. You lean down to get a stool for Nanami to reach up easier and Nanami laughs at the light blue stool decorated with flowers and tiaras.
You stand back up and point to the stool, “Yunnuen can’t reach the sink too well so she has a stool.”
Nanami nods with a smile and thanks you before slowly stepping on the stool to make sure it wouldn’t collapse under his weight. You both hear toys clanking from the living room and you excuse yourself, “I’m gonna go check Yunn actually picked up her toys.”
Nanami hears your steps drift further from the restroom and into the living room when Yunn walks into the restroom and looks up at Nanami. She’s watching him replace the bulb and patiently waits for the man to finish.
As soon as Nanami puts his arms down from replacing the bulb and the new light flashes bright, the small girl reaches up to give Nanami what she’s holding, “Here, for you!”
Nanami looks down and sees a small lilac teacup and the tiniest plate he’s ever seen under a small plastic slice of pizza. He can’t help but lightly laugh at the little girl on her tiptoes reaching to give him her meal.
“Yunnuen?” Nanami hears you looking for her and lets you know she’s in the bathroom with him.
Nanami crouches down to sit on the stool to be at eye-level with the young girl, “It’s my meal?”
She nods and hands him the pizza and teacup, “It’s a thank you for my sink and light.”
You reach the bathroom when Yunn is handing Nanami the pizza and Nanami holds the plastic toys in his palms, unsure of what to do next. He looks up at your figure at the doorway and you bring your hands up to your mouth and pretend to eat. Nanami follows suit and brings the pizza closer to his mouth, “Om nom nom nom.” He pretends to drink from the teacup and even turns it around to show Yunnuen he finished the drink.
Yunn laughs and she takes the cup to pretend to fill it again. You laugh at the scene in front of you — your daughter giving your neighbor fake food as thanks and your big neighbor trying to make himself small on the stool and pretending to eat your daughter’s plastic pizza.
Nanami looks up at the giggling little girl wanting to fill him up with her fake drinks and her mother leaning on the doorway and laughing. What peaceful sounds, Nanami thinks as he drinks his third cup of whatever Yunn is serving him now.
Because of the different schedules, Nanami didn’t see you and Yunn often, and when he did it was only for a few minutes at a time. He knew you left at around three o’clock for pick up and came back 20ish minutes later with a giggling little girl. He’d go pick up his mail/packages around the time you’d come back to walk back up with you both. He liked hearing the young girl’s stories from kindergarten and he liked seeing your shoulders relax a bit more every time you saw each other. Nanami wanted to find more excuses to talk to you but he was happy with the small conversations he got in the meantime. You’d always be in a rush to go somewhere or do something and Nanami hoped to catch you on a day when you could talk for a little longer.
Nanami is filling out one of his daily forms when he hears a series of small knocks. He pauses to listen, unsure if the knock was on his door or above his apartment. He hears your voice faintly calling Yunnuen and the young girl calling out for him from the hallway.
Nanami smiles and gets up from his desk to open his front door.
You’re holding Yunn’s hand as she jumps up the stairs and rambles about her class and classmates. This was the routine every day and listening to her really was one of your favorite parts of the day. You’re about to turn for the next flight of stairs when you look towards Nanami’s door. You couldn’t help but wonder about the man every time you passed by the second floor. Even without passing by the second floor, you’d catch yourself thinking about him as you washed dishes, folded clothes, walked to the pick-up line… he found a way to sneak into your thoughts often.
Just as you’re stepping on the first step, Yunn releases your hand and runs to Nanami’s door.
“Yunnuen!” You try to reach for her but she runs before you can catch her.
“Nanimi! Are you home?” She knocks as hard as her little fist lets her. You reach her right outside Nanami’s door and tell her he’s busy and can’t answer. You’re about to take her towards the staircase again when the door opens to a grinning man.
Nanami looks at the girls on his doorstep, you look embarrassed that he actually opened and Yunn is standing next to you with a wide smile, now with a gap.
You start to apologize as soon as he looks back at you, “I’m sorry, I know you’re working, I tried to grab her but she just booked it and—”
Yunn interrupts and opens her hand for Nanami to show him what’s in her palm, “Nanimi, I wanted to show you my toof.” She’s holding a small white tooth on one hand and uses the other to pull her lower lip down to show Nanami where the tooth used to be.
Nanami laughs and gets on one knee to look at Yunn’s tooth. “Oh my! That’s the biggest tooth I’ve ever seen!” the little girl laughs, “Did you cry?”
She lets go of her lip before answering, “I cried because Jacob’s head hit my here,” she points to the space between her chin and mouth, “and I got scared but my teacher hug me and I was ok!”
You’re standing behind Yunn, not sure whether to pull her away now and apologize again or let her finish her story.
“My mami told me we can have pizza for dinner because I was so brave today!” Yunn jumped more as she spoke, “Nanimi do you want pizza today?”
Nanami can’t help but laugh at anything the little girl does and says and you start to reach for your daughter, “Yunn, he might be busy baby, you can’t—”
Nanami interjects, “I would love to join you guys for pizza tonight. If you don’t mind of course,” Nanami is still kneeling in front of you and Yunn but is looking at you. You try to push the image of him on one knee in front of you faaaar back in your brain. Not a time to be delusional, not a time to be delusional…
You wanted to talk to him a bit more and maybe there was a part of you that hoped something would break in your apartment to give you a reason to call him. A couple things were faulty but they weren’t big enough to call him and ask for his help. Maybe Yunn was giving you the perfect chance…
“Our favorite pizza place has really good breadsticks so we always get that. Is delivery okay? Do you prefer a certain pizza?”
Nanami smiles and widens his eyes at the little girl showing him her tooth again. He stands and nods, “I’ll have anything you’re having. I’m not picky,” he ruffles Yunn’s hair and she holds her head while giggling, “At what time should I be over?”
Yunnuen starts to jump more while yelling ‘Yay yay yay yay!’ and you try to quiet her down while talking, “Well we usually have dinner some time between 6:30ish and 7 since this one,” you point down to the jumping child, “needs to be in bed by 8:30, 9 at the latest.”
Nanami laughs and tells you he’d be over a little after 6:30 to celebrate Yunn’s big milestone. You nod and excuse yourself to take your excited child upstairs and Nanami sees you drag Yunn up the stairs and keeps hearing her little jumps from downstairs. Nanami goes back to his office and sits on his chair while releasing a heavy sigh. Would it be too much if I changed? She already saw what I was wearing… Nanami looks down at his clothes, simple dark slacks and a grey pullover.
He hasn’t smiled so much since moving into that damned building, he was glad to finally have someone his age he could talk to and be close with. Well… start getting close with. Do I want to be close to her — to them? She’s a single mom, she’s in a different stage of life than I am… Can I be close to them? Nanami is pulled out of his thoughts when his work phone rings.
He sits up straight and answers the phone, “Schneider Electric, this is Nanami.”
Nanami checks the time on the corner of his desktop. It’s 3:34pm, three more hours to go.
Nanami gets to your door as the food is being delivered. He thanks the young deliveryman as he leaves and stops you before entering your apartment, “Wait wait,” he whispers and peeks inside to check Yunn is not listening, “Question, does Yunnuen believe in the tooth fairy?”
You laugh at the tall man asking about the tooth fairy, "I had mentioned it before and that was part of why she was so excited about her tooth falling out. I think she told Jessie about it too. How come?”
Nanami smiles, “Just checking.” He raises his voice to a normal volume before continuing, “Here, let me help you,” he grabs the boxes from your arms but waits for you to welcome him into your home before coming in.
You welcome him in and call for Yunn, “Yunn! Can you come out now please? And get what's on the counter.”
Yunn comes running from her room in a Rapunzel costume and pigtails, “Ok mommy!”
Yunn grabs the few napkins and plates you had previously put on the counter and starts a hybrid of a walk and skip to the living room center table. She waves to Nanami then waves for him to follow her. Nanami starts to follow the young girl before you can even protest and redirect them to the small dining table in the opposite direction. You give up on the battle you'd most likely lose against your five year old and follow them to sit next to Yunn on the carpet, across from Nanami.
“Hey Yunn, guess who came to visit me today?”
Two sets of ears perk up, you wonder who visited Nanami and how that visitor ties in to you and your daughter enough to bring them up. Yunn patiently sits with a smile, her shoulders barely peeking over the table when she sits directly on the floor.
“She said she’s been waiting to meet you,” Nanami takes something out from his back pocket, “but the tooth fairy said she saw you being very brave and wanted me to give you something.”
Nanami sits on his knees to give Yunn a ten dollar bill. Yunn excitedly stands and goes over to Nanami’s side to get the bill, ignoring you and not looking back at all. Your brain catches up with what he’s doing and you sit up straighter to try to stop Nanami.
“The tooth fairy said she’d come back later, but you have to be asleep first, ok?”
Yunn carefully grabs the bill, “Nanimi, is the toof fairy pretty?”
Nanami looks over at your shocked expression as you sit across from them with an arm stretched out.
“She’s a really pretty fairy,” he smiles at you before looking back at Yunn whose smile is still growing.
There’s a flush creeping onto your cheeks… technically— very technically speaking, you were the fairy. He looked at you when he said it… was that him saying you were…?
“Nanimi, can I buy a happy meal with this?”
Yunn is looking at Nanami with glowing eyes and Nanami hangs his head to laugh.
“I think so, you might even have a little left over after a happy meal,” Nanami pokes Yunn’s tummy and smiles.
"Yay!" Yunnuen jumps and her pigtails jump with her, "I'm gonna put this in my piggy!" She turns to run to her room but abruptly stops and turns back to Nanami, "Nanimi, do you want to see Pinky?"
Nanami turns to look at you, wondering what the hell a pinky even is. You run your fingers through your hair and lean on the table, looking between the giddy child and confused neighbor looking for an answer on your face. You nod and Nanami mirrors the action for Yunn. She wastes no time and runs to her room.
Nanami shifts from being on his knees to sitting criss-cross in his spot. He smiles and rubs his palms on his pants when you break the silence.
"Nanami, you — listen, you really don't- didn't have to do that," you sigh, "I haven't even paid you back for helping me fix our sink."
He smiles and points to the boxes between you, "This is it. This is how I want to be payed back."
Nanami notices your usual tight-lipped grin and continues, "I wanted to do that. I remember what it was like to be a kid and be excited about things like that. Please do not think you have to pay me back. I'm happy I get to do this and make a kid that happy."
You both hear Yunn throwing things around in her room and Nanami breaks into a wide smile and laugh. It's weird... he seemed so stoic when you first met him by the mailboxes, but now he's sitting in front of you, smiling about your girl making a mess in her room. Without realizing, you start smiling too. It's nice to smile so easily...
Yunn starts walking back to the living room and all Nanami sees is a pink dinosaur plush that's bigger than the little girl carrying it. He can only see her pigtails besides the dinosaurs neck and her small feet dragging her back towards the table. She sits the pink plush besides Nanami and goes behind him to put a tiara on his head.
You facepalm, "Oh god, Yunn—"
She rounds the table and puts another small tiara on your head before taking her seat beside you again. She nonchalantly starts opening the box of breadsticks and says, "Nanimi, this is my Pinky. I'm wearing my dress, I don't need my crown. Momma and Nanimi need a crown. Nanimi, was the toof fairy wearing a crown?"
Nanami is adjusting his crown while responding, "She was wearing a crown but had a jacket on to hide her crown and outfit, she said she didn't want to recognized."
Yunn is staring at Nanami in complete astonishment, nodding along as if it made sense for the tooth fairy to hide underneath her jacket.
You're putting a pizza and breadstick on Yunn's plate as you look at Nanami and laugh. You half-apologize for your daughters' actions but look back at your little girl knowing that you would never seriously apologize for a child's innocence. Everything she did was breathtakingly amazing to you and you really did not know how you got so lucky with a child like her.
You and Nanami start pilling up your plates while you listen to Yunn ramble about how she's sleeping fast tonight to get more money from the tooth fairy so she could buy happy meals for the group's next meal.
The simple fact that Nanami was included in Yunn's statement warms his heart and he can't deny looking forward to eating from the small red box with a yellow smile.
The week after the pizza dinner, Yunn fulfilled her promise on the happy meals. Or more like you did, you let Yunn's $10 stay in her pocket and all she had to do was invite Nanami to McDonalds. It felt weird to let your five year old knock on Nanami's door and invite him out again, but you were relieved when he happily (and swiftly) said yes and offered to drive the group there. Yunnuen left her handprint on the window as she was getting out and Nanami did not have the heart to wipe it off. Nor did he want to.
After leaving the golden arches, Nanami invited you both for a dessert and hot chocolate. Yunn asked if you could take the hot chocolate to the park a block away so she could show 'Nanimi' how fast she could run through the playground. Nanami asked the barista to have the drinks to go instead and for one drink to be slightly cooler. It was cold outside but Nanami promised to play on the playground with you both... he found out the slide was too damn small for a man his size and the swing painfully digs into his hips and thighs.
A few days after the park, you invited Nanami to a local sandwich shop for lunch after bumping into him on the staircase. Nanami walked to his front door since you could see it from the stairs but ran once inside his apartment to gather his coat, gloves and scarf. He was back by the staircase in record time. Yunn was at school during the sandwich outing and although he missed the giggling and the small hand occasionally reaching out to hold his finger, he did like the way you spoke slowly, uninterrupted and without a rush.
While listening to you speak and watching you take off the tomatoes on your sandwich, Nanami realized that he could do this every day. He could have lunch and dinner with the duo every day if he could.
Oh no… I've got it bad...
But even with that realization, Nanami did not flinch. Nanami’s heart beat a bit faster while sitting around the living room table with you and Yunn. His cheeks had never ached so much as they did after chasing Yunn around the park and playing freeze tag. He's never felt so enamored by the way someone removed tomato from their food while they continued their conversation.
He’s never felt like an outsider, like he didn’t belong, but strangely— he felt like this was the first time he could really belong somewhere, it was a good place to be, where he should be. Sitting across from a giggling little girl picking out her pepperoni to eat first during dinner and across a smiling woman retelling a story for lunch… he felt like he belonged. What a scary thought — it wouldn’t be easy to fit into your puzzle. But maybe I could?
You stop talking and look up at Nanami.
Nanami smiles and repeats himself as he slides a napkin closer to you, "Call me Kento, or Ken, whichever you prefer. My first name."
You look down at the removed tomatoes on your plate then back at the man holding his own sandwich, "Okay," you nod while trying to contain your smile to a small grin instead of the wide smile the butterflies in your stomach have been dying to release. "Well Kento, would you like my tomatoes?"
It's Nanami's turn to try to contain his smile. He bites his lower lip and tries to not think too deeply about how nice his name sounds coming from your mouth.
Nanami puts his sandwich down on his plate and leans to yours to pull the red pieces off your plate, "Thank you, y/n."
Your grin loses its battle against the wide smile, "You're very welcome, Kento."
Chapter 3: Fahrenheit or Celsius
(a/n: i will link the next chapter when it is posted 😚)
(tags: @phoenix666stuff , @emzalot , @julia23sblog)
163 notes · View notes
bibbykins · 1 year
Moonlight Reign Ch.1
A/N: Instead of forcing myself to focus on one series at a time, I'm planning to write what sparks joy to write in the moment and post it as I go! Hopefully this will clear some wips and help me feel less disorganized lmao! Not to say I'm not working on THB, I def am I just want to have something to post as I work on THB and the bigger projects like the LWAB fics among other things! So (hopefully) I'll keep these chapters limited to 5-7k, but we'll see lol pls enjoy and send me asks I thrive on them and so does my motivation!
And a huge thank you to my wonderful B @rapline-heaux for beta-reading ily!!
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Yandere! Mafia! BTS x Reader
Words: 5.7k
Warnings: crime, sensory flashbacks, trauma, unhealthy relationships, yandere behavior not rlly in this part but soon, pining, violence, past abuse, past neglect, academic neglect, stitches, drunk Jungkook, tackling, pinning someone down, mention of open relationship, poly is the norm is this au
“It’s time to go now.” 
1, 2, 3, 4
“Five years after the fall of the underground power family, Moon Corporation, people still suspect an even more powerful company has taken their place since…”
1, 2, 3, 4
“It’s… so red…”
1, 2, 3, 4
“The exposure beheld more answers than questions, but on the five-year anniversary of the suicidal explosion that killed the head, Moon Byungyeol and his daughter, the elusive green-haired girl who was 18 at the time, colleagues mourn in secret and establishments fear an anniversary heist or something worst than last year as the date rapidly approaches…”
1, 2, 3, 4
“Locals have several theories on the big conglomerate that now controls Seoul’s business, underground and above, with the mafia organizations and gangs running rampant, people fear the government is under their thumb as well…”
1, 2- SHUT UP
You inhaled deeply as if just surfacing from the drowning body of water residing in your brain. Your fingers stilled from the tapping, a  desperate attempt to make you surface, a sorry technique your brief stint in therapy drilled into you. Maybe having nothing led to illogical personal connections with a number. Of all your training as an heir, it was the mundane basic curriculum lessons that fascinated you the most. You were never good at math, but you loved to be perplexed by the numbers. It was a humbling experience, and in your fruitless calculations, four was always the easiest to wrap your head around. Of course, you didn’t know how humbled you’d be until you were a 20 year old trying to figure out how to do middle school math. Your education left much to be desired growing up, but you still enjoyed learning. 
You used to be convinced four was too perfect of a number for such an ugly world, and though you let go of the notion with your past life, it didn’t change that it was a world you had to feign blind to now. In your youth, four was a beautiful result of a simple equation, a funny origin to big numbers. It was a warm hug among the violent reactions when you’d get questions far below your intended grade level wrong. In a world where stuffed animals were banned from your childhood room, the number four was all you had. You didn’t particularly like how pathetic that made you feel, but it didn’t change how much it helped you on days like these.
Your palms retracted from their firm placement on the wall you leaned on, relaxing you. Releasing your slightly curled fingers, you stifled a bitter laugh at the desperate attempt to grasp onto something. It was always so degrading to scrub off the marks your acrylics made along the wall, but the stiletto nails made taps loud enough to bring you back. It was an absolute mystery how the school you worked at let you get away with these. 
Your little episode was finished as you settled your mind with the news continuing to drone on. You massaged your jaw, sore from the subconscious clench you were cursed with. You blew out a sigh as you felt your face and nodded when no tears were felt. Your phone buzzed, alerting you to the time and you groaned. Your damn neighbor would be here any minute now.
Jungkook wasn’t a mean guy by any means, quite the opposite. He was extremely insistent on your well-being, so much so it bordered on doting, and such behavior made you clam up. You didn’t know how to respond to his fussing over you. Hell, you didn’t know how to respond to most interactions outside of your old family business for a long while. That was just one of the many things he taught you, and he never once lost his cool doing so. He was patient with you, and you didn’t know how to thank him for it. 
You both had been in the same class when you attended university, and while you were fine with letting your temporary acquaintanceship go no further than asking for notes or the occasional study session, he was a force to be reckoned with. You just kept running into him and when you moved here and found he was your next-door neighbor, you knew there was no getting out of it. He was going to be your friend. Although, you never understood why he wanted to be so bad. 
Cut to a whole year after you both graduated, and it still didn’t make any sense. You both were polar opposites in a lot of ways. He was the regular party boy always at clubs and coming home at ungodly hours of the night. Meanwhile, you were usually in bed by 11:00 pm and only left your apartment for the job that barely covered your rent. Needless to say, you weren't exactly a social butterfly, so if you found one friend in Jungkook, you figured it wouldn't be such a crime.
However, having Jungkook as a friend meant having a weekly dinner with him as he mooched off of your TV and you mooched off of the food he paid for. It was an even enough exchange. Plus, it was nice to talk freely, or well, as free as you've ever been able to, even if just for a little bit.
You faced the mirror, patting down your hair, thankful for how much healthier it was without the cheap dye job you had done yourself when you were 14, “That green didn’t suit me at all,” You mused, fixing your hair, “Plus it nearly ruined my hair.” You murmured to no one in particular, keeping track of your speeding thoughts as you settled back into Earth. 
Jungkook knocked on the door and you nodded to yourself, “It’s open!” You called and sat down at the table as he walked in, take-away bags in his hands.
“You really shouldn’t leave your door open like that, you know.” He tsked like he always did. It just made sense to leave it unlocked when you knew he was coming, especially if you needed to run to the bathroom so you could finish crying before facing him. Of course, you haven't had to do that in a while, but better safe than sorry. Your issues, for lack of better term, were no secret to Jungkook, and you both knew it, but you liked to avoid having him see you at your most vulnerable when you could help it.
You simply shrugged as you helped him unpack the food, “We’re the only ones on the top floor.” You reminded him, “it would be quite silly of a criminal to come all the way up to the 20th floor.” You chided.
“Still.” He tried to argue but quickly gave up. Jungkook knew by now that you could take care of yourself, but sometimes you wished you’d let him do it for you more often. However, he let this potential argument go, this time. He looked around and narrowed his gaze at the TV, “Why do you still have the news on?” 
You paused and looked up from your food as it prattled on about your family, “I guess I forgot,” You forced your casual tone, “Did you get-”
“Syndicates, huh…?” He echoed the news reporter’s words, eyes fixated on the screen with a curious look, “The news is so weird with this stuff.”
The chopsticks in your hand stilled. You wanted to say that the syndicates were even weirder since they were the ones that probably signed off on the script. As a little girl, that was the first thing you had learned, how to play chess outside on a park bench, how to play chess crushing people in your hands as you moved them. It had all been the same to you for far too long. 
“Like I care, it’s just background noise.” A lie, you hated lying, but it was something you had to get used to doing for the sake of your safety.
“You aren't scared of these guys at all?” Jungkook looked at you like you were crazy, although his eyes didn't match the rest of his face's intensity.
Shaking off the weird notion, you rolled your eyes, “A world without you buying me dinner is pretty spooky but that,” You gestured to the TV, “Is a cheap haunted house in comparison to the hell of making dinner or worse, ordering it myself, on a Friday night.” You giggled.
Jungkook rolled his eyes with a scoff, “Is that all I am to you? A sugar daddy?” He asked in mock offense and you nearly spit out your drink.
You swallowed roughly before glaring at him as he laughed, “If you’re my sugar daddy, I need a new one.” You retorted and his laugh died while a childish pout settled on his face, “I mean, all I get is a measly dinner once a week and I still have to work and pay my bills?” 
“Well, what do I get, huh?” He crossed his arms, and it made you chuckle. Laughter had never come easy to you growing up, and it still had a hard time coming to you but after years by Jungkook’s side it was easier than ever to do, “Where’s my sugar?” He thrusted his cheek toward you, tapping on it with his index finger.
You rolled your eyes in spite of the flutter in the pit of your stomach and pushed his face away with your index finger, “My presence is your sugar, dummy.” You teased and how easy it was to be human around him made you smile wider, “Plus I let you watch your silly little shirtless men.” 
He clicked his tongue, “First of all, if you’re going to call them shirtless men, at least call them hot because look at him.” He pressed a button on your remote and his favorite fighter, Park Jimin filled the screen, “Second of all, it’s literally fewer syllables to just say MMA fights.”
You took a bite of your food and shrugged, “Don’t you have, like, a million boyfriends? Wouldn’t you make them jealous drooling all over Jimin?” You challenged, vaguely remembering Jungkook saying he had more than three boyfriends at some point. Not that it was surprising, most people had at least two significant others. Unless they were you, of course. You had no one to talk to but the man sitting in front of you, forget about a significant other. “He would make me pretty damn insecure.” You chuckled.
Jungkook scrunched his brows at you, “Six.” He corrected, mirth filling his eyes already.
You looked from the TV to him, “Hm?” You tilted your head to the side.
“I have six boyfriends, thank you very much.” He stated matter-of-factly, and you rolled your eyes at his tone, “Why? Are you trying to give me seven significant others?” He feigned a scandalous gasp, “Well, the relationship is open, you know, so I guess I could pencil you in–” You cut him off by shoving a piece of chicken in his mouth with a glare. The teasing made your chest seize for a split moment when faced with his teasing smirk, so this had been the best way to shut him up. 
Jungkook had always been a flirt, he often relished in teasing you to see how embarrassed you would get. Thankfully, over the years you had gotten used to it. You had already known his relationship was open since he mentioned how often they’re all apart, but you didn’t care to entertain that kind of intimacy with Jungkook even in your thoughts these days. It was just better that way.
“Ha, ha, we got a comedian.” You deadpanned and before you could say anything else, something on the screen caught your eyes, “What the fuck?” You mumbled.
“What?” Jungkook inquired as he looked at the TV, swallowing the food you fed him.
The camera had panned over the crowd and over an eerily familiar face poorly covered with sunglasses. The etching of a scar peeking out of the cheap frames told you all you needed, though. That was your uncle. 
What the hell was he doing showing his face? Let alone this close to the five-year anniversary of everything. The new syndicate in charge took great joy in celebrating the fall of your family, no doubt they’re itching for someone to make an example of someone. Worry tried to leak its way into your veins, but you fought it. Why should you care about him? If he wanted to sign his death certificate, that was on him.
Still, the sight of a man you were almost positive you’d never see again made you feel uneasy. You’d acclimated to regular life quite well, so one of the few remnants of your past life appearing like a ghost was ominous. In spite of your unease, you couldn’t look away. Almost as if you were waiting for him to poof away. You kinda wished he would. 
The camera changed and you finally blinked.
“N-Nothing.” You finally said, shaking your head, “I just thought I recognized someone, that’s all.” Your hands trembled for the briefest of moments as you lifted food to your mouth.
“Oh really, who?” Your only friend asked curiously and you shrugged as you chewed.
“Just some teacher that called in today.” You lied and it made your food taste sour for a moment. It was for the best you lied, you had to keep reminding yourself of that. 
“Hell, I’d call in too if it meant I could see the fight live.” You were thankful Jungkook dropped the topic and let your shoulders relax. You shouldn’t feel bad for lying, really. An unspoken rule between you both was that you never pried about private details. Jungkook led his life and you led yours. Hell, you don’t even know what he does for a living, but it wouldn’t surprise you if it was living off of his boyfriends’ income. Not to mention you didn’t even know if he lived with anyone else next door or if that was just a place of his own to use on occasions. Though, you couldn’t help being a little jealous at the idea of being so pampered. 
“Yeah, I could go for a silly little shirtless man fight on occasion.” You shrugged with a cheeky grin. 
“Silly?!” Jungkook guffawed, “I’ll have you know if he wins this fight, he’ll qualify for the championship, so this is pretty high stakes.” He toted his knowledge of the sport.
“Hasn’t he already been champion like a few times now?” You asked, barely following.
“Yeah, but, he’s been off his game this season for… personal reasons, so he’s never been this close to not qualifying.” He admitted, and your brows scrunched at the melancholy in his eyes. 
“Damn.” You mustered, “How do you know all this?” You asked, genuine curiosity lighting your eyes.
Suddenly, Jungkook’s cheeks reddened as he tore his eyes from you, “Interviews and stuff, you know.” He waved his hand dismissively and you rolled your eyes. 
“Nothing wrong with being a fanboy.” You chided, “I’m certainly in no place to judge.” You offered, reminding him of your fixation on TV dramas, making him snort before you both honed in on the TV.
These fights were quite fascinating and allowed you to at least tap into some of your training. It was how you knew that Jimin was going to win this fight from the first calculated punch, his form was immaculate and instead of going for the face, he drove his fist into his opponent’s ear. It was a dirty trick, but it was more than enough to give him an opening. 
“Holy shit, I think he might win this.” The fanboy across from you breathed. 
“No way he isn’t going to win.” You confirmed.
“Don’t get my hopes too far up.” He all but squeaked out, basically on the edge of his seat.
After a couple of rounds and idle chitchat, the fight ended with Jimin as the victor. You clapped lightly, but Jungkook was so elated he hugged you as he let out a celebratory roar. The first couple of times he did this shocked you so bad your hands almost went to snap his neck. Now that you were both years into the friendship though, the gesture just made you chuckle. Soon after, just like it did every match, Jungkook’s phone vibrated and he had to leave. He always left you with some kind of affection and this time it was a kiss on the cheek, a rare one, but not a huge step from the common forehead kisses he gave you.
“Don’t drink too much.” You warned and he flashed you a cheeky smile, “At least don’t get into trouble.”
“We’ll see.” He chuckled,  and you rolled your eyes.
“Well then don’t make it my problem!” You yelled and he waved a hand as he closed your door behind him. 
“Father?” You whimpered as a strong hand patted your head to calm you, or soften the blow of what was to come, you couldn’t quite tell, “Tell me you didn't.” Your voice was in shambles as you trembled beneath his palm.
The news mocked you as panic took a hold of your body, shaking it out of the shred of blissful ignorance you had clung onto. Ever since your father took you in, you had many responsibilities, but the comfort of not needing to keep up with the public facade kept you going. You hated the public, all the pleasantries, and honeyed words. None of it made sense, and now, now you felt foolish for not involving yourself more. For not ensuring that something like this could never happen and crumble the only world you’ve known. 
Still, even as despair monopolized your nerves, a tear wouldn’t fall. You weren’t sure if you knew how to shed them, but you knew it would only piss off your father. 
Moon Byungyeol was a rough man and calling him father teetered between feeling genuine and like a formality. He was a boss first, but sometimes he wore the mask of a dad. Sometimes, but it was enough times with enough gusto that you couldn’t tell which side of him best represented his true self– or if he even had a truthful bone within himself. 
He may have been rough, but he was all you had. He and the family he brought you into had been your first priority all your life, even when you had never really been his priority at all.
Not unless you could be used as currency. 
“Y/n, it's time for us to go,” His voice was somber, but even. You’d never seen him so outwardly upset, but even so, he didn’t so much as let his eyes water as his life’s work shattered before his eyes. He was left with a subdued longing as he looked at the TV, melancholic defeat infecting his usually strong posture, “I let this greed consume me, and I'm afraid it's begun eating not just me alive now.” He admitted and it made you feel ill. 
“...such evidence is linking the Moon Corporation to heinous organized crime activities painting them as a possible syndicate, but no arrests have been made nor has a formal criminal investigation on Moon Byungyeol himself been launched, but many workers under the company are being investigated due to possible involvement…”
Everything was dying. The realization that everything you did, all the lives you took, all the training you had suffered through, had never been for some prosperous empire you were promised. All of it had been to supply the lining of your father’s and uncle’s pockets. You should’ve been angry, shocked, or even appalled, but you weren't. You were numb to the fact that you were raised on lies. Fear resided in your veins about what that meant for you. 
“If I just cash out and retire, we could never live in peace,” He shook his head as he switched off the TV before he placed his hands on your shoulder, catching your attention, “But Uncle Byungjoo has a plan that I think might just work.” You swallowed hard at this. Anything Byungjoo could think seldom meant good things for you. On your best days with him, you were a mere afterthought, but on the worst days– most days– you were–”The only thing is that you and I will have to… separate…”
He was going to abandon it. No, he was going to abandon you. The only thing more pitiful than your fear had to be your shock. What reason did you truly have to be surprised that he was throwing you away just as easily as he picked you? He was going to cash out one last time, and leave like this whole operation meant nothing to him. All the while you had put an inkling of faith in his heart to love this empire, like a fool. At the very least, it was the closest thing to love that you knew. This entire place was all you knew. When was the last time you had gone out on your own as anything but his daughter?
“But…” Your mouth was woefully dry, “The empire, just like you said, it’s-”
“We were never an empire,” His self-loathing clung to each word and disgust curled in your stomach as you looked at his solemn face, “I treated this organization as a bank, a money maker, it was inevitable that the paper I cradled would catch fire.” The roundabout way he was speaking began to grate at your nerve. The pseudo-poeticism of his words did nothing to save his dignity, but you didn’t tell him that. 
You didn't scream, yell, or cry. 
At least you hadn't, yet.
“Then who will rule Seoul?” You wondered aloud.
“That’s not my problem anymore.” He said as if it were the easiest thing to come to terms with.
“Who will stay with me?” You asked meekly, immediately regretting it as you watched his previous words dance on his lips before he decided against it.
He smiled warmly at you and it brought a chill down your spine, “Some of us are meant to be alone.” He patted your shoulder and you wanted so badly to break into pieces from the impact. 
No one would stay with you. Not him, not anyone, and he didn't care.
That wasn't the answer you had hoped for. You hung your head in shame, shame that you expected anything other than a cold answer from a man on fire. The request for him to just kill you was on the time of your tongue before he turned around, ready to attend his last hurrah.
You woke up with a start from a bang outside, but considering the fact that it was 4 am, you chalked it up to city noise. Now awake, you stared at the ceiling and blew out an annoyed sigh. You were constantly plagued with flashbacks both in and out of your dreams, and you wished the rancid memories would choose one state of consciousness to haunt you in. Your therapist a couple of years back told you it's normal for people who have gone through what you have to constantly see what you were then in trying to dissect where you are now. Essentially, it was a constant cloud that hung over your head, and no matter how far you removed yourself from that life, its consequences would stay etched into your skin.
Another bang sounded outside your window and you grimaced. Anniversary week was beginning, and you felt more on edge than usual.
Five years ago exactly, you saw the match light. In four days, it will have officially been five years since you saw the flames engulf your home, your family, and everything you were. Each year, this week was chaos for the city of Seoul. Each day was accompanied by an event that slowly grew more and more above ground. It was almost mocking the past, the surfacing of dirty secrets. Secrets the world knew, but never wanted to see, cowards.
The new syndicate at the top of the kingdom was known as Bangtan to the underground scene, but with a “Group” tacked on after the ominous name, they were also the kings of the business world. They were much better at actually hiding their identities, hence why most average people assumed there was no such syndicate anymore or that the “law” took care of it. As if the “law” wasn’t under the thumb of the kings. 
Even so, your information could very well be outdated. The whispers from the underground, also known as the Underworld or even more to the point, Hell, reached your ears less and less as you removed yourself from the lives of anyone who knew who you were. No longer working at the diner your previous nanny ran shut you off from the underground so much so you seldom became aware of Anniversary Week’s events until two days before the main event. 
Another bang, but this time on your door, startled you out of your thoughts, “I can’t believe you went to the bar on a day like today- where are your keys?!” An unfamiliar voice spoke through your door.
“Ask, y/n,” Jungkook’s slurred voice rang out in a yell as you flinched at the volume, “Y/n! I need stitches!” 
This wasn't the first time Jungkook was yelling outside your door, demanding your assistance. This was just another facet of your friendship that you both silently agreed was fine. You never really asked questions, you just patched him up and left him on your couch. It really wasn't any of your business, nor did you have any desire for it to be. Jungkook was an MMA fan, and you knew he was big on that scene and the fitness scene, so it just made sense he would get into fights. You could only hope these fights were agreed upon prior to alcohol, but you weren't naive enough to actually assume that was the case.
“This isn’t even your door, baby, come on.” The voice grunted and your attention peaked. You had encountered a few men trying to help Jungkook home, but you seldom got such an obvious confirmation of their relationship with him, “What? Are you trying to booty call your neighbor?” The unknown man teased and you rolled your eyes. Were they all like this?
“I wish!” Jungkook shouted in response and you were fine with leaving your door closed this time until he spoke, “Ew, I’m dripping on the doormat.”
This made you huff as you hopped out of bed in your large t-shirt and shorts and ripped the door open. You were faced with a man with perfectly styled black hair in a three-piece suit accompanied by a trashed Jungkook with a short, but deep, cut on the corner of his forehead. The man that looked a few years older than you and Jungkook stopped struggling with your neighbor as he looked at you with the most pristine and exasperated face.Everything about this man was polished. Even as your neighbor lazily draped around the man, his suit had barely begun to wrinkle. 
Meanwhile, he looked you up and down with contempt before sighing, “Look, just forget we were-”
“Y/n!” Jungkook cheered before he passed out.
“No booty calls here, sorry.” You remarked flatly, “He usually keeps his keys in his wallet for some reason.” You nodded to his pocket before you looked at his forehead again, “But he does need stitches.” You opened your door a little more, gesturing for them to come in.
The man narrowed his eyes at you, “Do you usually play nurse for him?” You bit your tongue and swallowed his condescending tone with a sigh. You couldn’t tell if he was jealous at the thought of his boyfriend having some neighbor who treats his wounds in the dead of night or if he simply didn’t like you. Although looking at his face, there was no way this man was jealous of you. His gaze was sharp nonetheless, sharp and vaguely familiar, but his eyes held no recognition for you, so you let it go.
“Only when his blood is dripping on my doormat, for the third time this month,” You pointed to the sullied mat that you had just cleaned fully this week, “Bring him in, this isn’t that uncommon-” 
“But-” He tried to object, noticeably a little clammy at the unspoken knowledge of their relationship. 
“Any more blood on that mat and I'm making you pay for it, now come on,” You snapped as he walked in and sat Jungkook in a chair around your table. You shut the door as you pulled your first aid kit out, “You have to sit him on the floor or the couch.”
He complied to the couch, and though he didn’t say anything, you could see the question floating around his mind.
“When he wakes up, he attacks whoever is in front of him,” You spoke, preparing the needle and thread, and you had to ignore the curiosity peaking within you when you saw the other man shift uncomfortably at your comment,  “And I can't stitch and hold him down at the table,” You explained, settling your knees to lock on both sides of Jungkook’s legs and your elbows pressing on his shoulders.
“Aren't you scared he'll hurt you?” The man asked as you began stitching.
You scoffed, “I can play scared if that's what you want, but certainly not for free.” You chuckled, but he remained straight-faced. Tough crowd. You worked very hard to develop your banter skills these past five years, but he paid them no mind making your smile drop. 
Eventually, you just went on stitching in silence until the man broke the silence, “Who are you?” The man spoke mid-way through your stitching.
You paused for a moment, “Didn't you hear Jungkook? I’m y/n, and who are you?”
“None of your concern,” He clipped.
You snorted a chuckle, “You're bleeding on my hardwood floor, that has me pretty concerned.” You gestured to your hand to show him the small cut on his and he slowly grabbed a napkin to press against his hand with his mouth in a thin line, “Concerned for my floor I mean.” You clarified, “But a word of advice? If you don’t want to be suspicious of you, don’t act suspicious.” 
He sighed, “My name is Namjoon-”
You were tying the final knot when Jungkook snapped his eyes open, “Shit.” Was all you were able to get out. He immediately dove at you, pushing you to the floor, making the needle in your hand scratch your forearm before you threw it across the room to avoid the tempting notion of stabbing him with it. You sucked in a breath through your teeth at the burning sensation while you struggled to shake him out of it. 
It didn’t take a genius to deduce why Jungkook’s fight or flight was so concentrated, he’d obviously grown up with a reason to be. Nevertheless, it has never been your place to pry or judge, if anything, it’d be quite hypocritical. He'd seen you in a less-than-ideal mental state plenty of times, to put it lightly. Plus, you knew he didn’t mean any harm, and he was always pretty apologetic after the fact. Although, you were sure the struggle looked pretty concerning as you saw Namjoon scramble to his feet. 
Namjoon was trying to find an opening to cut in between the battle as Jungkook was sloppily throwing his fist down and you were moving your head to dodge each blow. Though his moves were sloppy, they were still fast and you could only dodge for so long. With no other option left, you sighed before slamming your forehead on his fresh stitches to make him stop to register the pain. You took advantage of the opening as you effortlessly pinned his arms down with your knees planted on his upper arms, “Jungkook!” You snapped as Namjoon watched his younger friend finally recognize you in his drunken haze.
“Y-Y/n?” He questioned, his tongue thick in his mouth, “You hurt my head- hey, you’re bleeding on my shirt!”
Your arm had a scratch about half the length of your forearm, it was shallow and oozing blood, but you didn’t flinch, “Wonder who made me hurt both my arm and their head, dumbass,” You muttered, examining his stitches to make sure the impact didn’t affect the new suture, “And you got your blood on my doormat and my forehead, so let’s call it a draw.” You grunted as you fixed the suture.
The sight of someone towering over his boyfriend after headbutting them made Namjoon on edge. Jungkook talked for days and days about how much he loved spending time with his neighbor, but something was… off about you. Why would a school nurse be that skilled in combat? Jungkook was a ruthless fighter and you hardly flinched. 
This string of thoughts prompted his mistake of grasping your wounded forearm to make you stand so he could properly question you. What he didn’t calculate in that movement was the fact that he grasped your fresh cut, which hurt like a bitch. This pain made you bring your other forearm to his neck, pressing firmly into his trachea as his back hit the wall with a bang. You both looked at each other in surprise at your reflex. You gasped softly before releasing him, “Don’t ever manhandle a lady, Namjoon,” You mumbled as you brought distance between the two of you, “I don’t do well being frightened.”
Namjoon regained his composure, impressed by your reaction time and ability to weaken his pride in such a short matter of seconds, “Who are you?” His tone was rougher in comparison to when he first asked the question.
“None of your concern,” You mocked his voice cartoonishly, becoming more and more irritated with his line of questioning, “Now take him, an alcohol pad, and go.” You hissed, unceremoniously tossing the package at him.
He gave you a sharp glare but complied, hauling Jungkook over his shoulder and leaving.  The door shut and you let a relieved sigh escape you. You shut your eyes tightly, frustrated that you let your instincts take over like that. Namjoon was undoubtedly suspicious and that’s the last thing you needed. You opened your eyes and caught sight of the clock nearing 5 am, and it was a Saturday now, so you were going to sleep in as much as you could.
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Secret Secret Chapter 4
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OT8 Straykids x reader, ABO AU
Masterlist | Part 3 | Part 5
The rest of the week passed by surprisingly easily. You got around to meeting everybody else on the team, and you did your best to remember their names (thankfully most of them were older than you, which allowed you to easily pull the Oppa or Unnie card when you forgot). They were all kind and helpful, and at the worst indifferent to your presence, which allowed you to make it through the week fairly easily.
You were busy with promotional translations and working out the translation for a few videos that would be dropping the next week, so you saw little of the others as you spent most of your time on your computer. Even so, you managed to find some free time to meet up on Friday with Maya, who was swamped with picking out and modifying all the MV outfits that were scheduled for the end of the month.
When she plopped onto her chair with a sigh, you could only give her a sympathetic look. “Hey, you sure you have the time to have coffee with me?”
“I need a break. Believe me, this caffeine hit is the only thing keeping me going right now.”
“Looking forwards to the weekend?” You asked, knowing that she got Saturday and Sunday off.
“Hmm, I’m definitely going to enjoy my weekend,” Maya confirmed, sipping her coffee. “My girlfriend’s birthday is on Sunday, so we’re planning a small party to celebrate. What about you?”
“I think I’m just going to relax at home.”
You still had to come in on Saturday for a quick meeting to confirm the projects you had worked on that week before they were posted, but it would only be for an hour or two, which left the rest of the weekend free. Normally you and Sooyoung would go out, but you weren’t really feeling it, especially after what happened last week.
Maya lifted her head and gave you a soft smile. “Do you want to come to the party?”
“What time is it?”
“We’re planning for noon. A nice little lunch and then just a hang out afterwards. It’s just going to be me and my girlfriend, a few friends, and some coworkers,” Maya said.
You nodded in understanding. “I’ll probably stop by for a bit. Just send me the address.”
Both of you realized the issues immediately after you spoke, and she was pulling out her phone before you could even say you didn’t have her number out loud. The two of you exchanged numbers and had a comfortable conversation for a few minutes to finish your drinks. Your lunch officially ended when Maya received a text. She scowled.
You shared a knowing look. “Duty calls.”
The company building was practically empty this early on a Saturday morning. On the one hand you were mad at having to be awake so early on the weekend, but on the other hand you appreciated them getting this out of the way so you would have the rest of the afternoon free. The guard nodded in greeting to you as you passed to the elevators, and you smiled in return.
The meeting passed by pretty quickly, all things considered. Soojin, Jeonhui, and the head advertisement manager all joined you, along with a couple of other employees, and you went over the promotional material. You felt a little nervous when presenting your work, but nothing seemed out of place, and they quickly moved on to the next person with little to no words.
Maybe somebody else would have been offended by the way they seemed to look past you, but you took comfort in the indifference, knowing that it was the lack of attention that allowed you to be where you were now.
The meeting was over just as the clock struck 11, and Jeonhui wished you a good weekend as you were leaving. A few of the other employees lingered behind to talk with each other, but you weren’t close or comfortable enough to any of them to join them. You just wanted to go home.
The elevator reeked when you opened it.
The smell of spoiled milk and rotten strawberries hit you, and you immediately clamped a hand over your nose. Disappointment, anger, fear. Your omega was immediately on guard, and you felt like your heart had dropped down to your stomach.
“Ugh, what is that scent?”
“Is that … an omega?”
The other employees who had been behind you walked over, and even when the elevator doors closed once again, the air still lingered with the smell of an omega in distress. It made your hackles rise, and you felt the need to find that omega and comfort them, while another part of you wanted to run. An omega in distress usually meant danger.
You swallowed hard.
The female employee wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Gross. What’s an omega even doing in the building to begin with?”
“Probably one of the trainees. They like to come around and practice on weekdays, as if the extra effort changes the fact that they’re an omega’s.” The male employee said, waving his hand in front of his nose. “Disgusting.”
“That’s omegas for you. Think they deserve the world just because they’re so dainty and fragile. Ugh, I can’t stand them. Why does the company even allow omegas to audition anymore?”
“I don’t think they do. Must have just presented.”
“Let’s just take the stairs. I’ll get a cleaner to sterilize the elevator.”
The two employees walked away, either ignorant of or completely unaware of your rapidly changing mood. Their words echoed in your head, and you found your eyes welling up with tears, not self-consciously, but in anger. Anger at the way they talked so callously about another person, most likely a child.
They way they so nonchalantly and openly admitted the prejudice against omegas in the work force. And the way that neither one of them even thought for a second to go looking for that poor omega in need of help.
You weren’t like them.
You took the elevator, stopping on every floor you had access to and sniffing the air from the hallways. One of the upper floors, where the practice rooms could be found, had a lingering scent, but it was faint, which told you the omega had probably come from there.
You then checked the office floors below them, but they were surprisingly empty. Finally, you found yourself on a floor that you had yet to see, but the second the doors opened you knew it was the right one.
It was the studio floor, which held recording studios as well as production studios.
And it reeked.
The scent in the elevator had already begun to dissipate, so the strong smell was a good sign that the omega was still in the area. Why a trainee would be on the studio floor was beyond your knowledge, but you were on a mission. Your own omega snapped her jaws at the thought of the harsh cruel words from your fellow colleagues.
I can’t stand them.
You knew even if you had been a beta those words would have been offensive to you, and the fact that they said it so easily made your skin boil. You were grateful for your own scent blockers because there was no way they wouldn’t have noticed your soured mood otherwise.
You followed the smell past the entrance area, which had a small kitchen area where coffee and snacks were available, for those who didn’t want to go all the way down to the cafeteria. Or, part of you considered, for those who stayed late enough that the cafeteria would be closed. You thought of Chan, the way the other staff members warned you to keep an eye on him.
‘He’s a workaholic,’ One translator had mentioned in passing. ‘It’s admirable, if not a little stupid.’
Thinking of the alpha made your chest ache.
It felt almost fitting that the farther down the hall you went, in the opposite direction from the recording studios and instead towards a series of locked and labeled doors, when you realized where exactly the scent was leading you. Nearly at the end of the hall, you found a door labeled ‘3racha’.
The door was closed, but the scent told you there was someone inside.
You felt most of your anger dissipating.
On the one hand, you found yourself almost relieved. If there was anybody that you had gotten to know in this past week that you would trust with a distressed omega, it was Chan. He had 2 omegas on his team. He was a comforting figure. And above all else, he was a good man. You trusted him to have the situation handled, and to provide the compassion necessary for the situation.
But on the other hand, your omega refused to leave without making sure that the other was okay. It was survival mentality, the need to stick together, especially in a world like this that would so easily shove the weak and underappreciated away.
But checking in on the other omega would mean having to confront Chan, and you weren’t ready to have to deal with him just yet. You couldn’t look him in the eye without your omega’s want bubbling up, and this close to the surface, you wouldn’t be able to suppress it.
You didn’t really get to make your decision before the door opened, and you startled, legs tensing as you considered running.
A young girl who couldn’t be older than 15 nearly smacked right into you, and she quickly raised her wide-eyed gaze to meet with your own, mouth opening in shock and her scent hitting you with a burst of surprise. Strawberries and milk, sweet and pleasant despite the worry that it conveyed.
“Oh, I- Sorry!” She bowed so low that her hair flipped over her head, the strands hitting you in the face. And then she realized what had happened, lifting her head up with a gasp. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to- are you okay?”
You raised your hands to show her you meant no harm.
“Hey, it’s okay, no need to apologize.” You eyed her tear-stained cheeks. “Are you okay?”
She dropped her gaze. “I’m fine. Thank you.”
You wanted to pull her into a hug. You had to remind yourself she didn’t know you, and that would be weird.
‘It wouldn’t be weird if she knew you were an omega’ your own omega grumbled in your head.
You ignored her.
“You should go home, Jisoo. Your parents will get worried,” A voice said from behind the girl, and your eyes snapped up. “Don’t worry about today. Everything will be okay.”
“Thank you, Oppa.” Jisoo gave you a weary look, but bowed to you nonetheless. “Have a nice day, Unnie.”
“Get home safe,” You answered back, and her shoulders relaxed slightly.
You both watched Jisoo make her way down the hall, the newly presented omega now calmer and safe. Your omega settled at the confirmation, and you felt your energy level drop, prompting you to press your hand against your forehead and close your eyes to let out a huge sigh.
“You know, I think you’re the last person I expected to find on this floor,” Changbin mused.
When you opened your eyes, you saw the beta watching you with a curious look, and you winced. Now that you had calmed down and everything was okay, you realized your behavior might have seemed erratic and confusing to anyone who wasn’t aware of your true presentation. Which Changbin was not.
You suddenly wished that it had been Chan inside the studio instead.
“There was a distressed scent in the elevators, and I … was worried,” You explained, trying to make yourself sound nonchalant. “I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
He pushed his tongue to the inside of his cheek, eyes drifting from your figure to the wall behind you. “Well, it’s a pretty shitty situation, I can’t lie.”
“I heard the company isn’t allowing omega trainee’s anymore.”
“Yeah, they made the decision last year.” Changbin shook his head. “She’s devastated. I calmed her down, told her I would try to figure something out, but ….”
He trailed off, a frown pulling at his mouth. You couldn’t smell him, his sweater doing a good job of hiding most of his scent from you, but you could tell just by his body language that he was angry. You felt a sense of reassurance at that.
Maybe Chan wasn’t the only best option for this situation.
“Are you two close?” You wondered, thinking about the direct path Jisoo had made from the practice rooms. “She headed straight here once she realized what was going on.”
“Were not particularly close, but Chan has told the trainees multiple times that if they ever need anything, they can come to us for help. I just happened to be the one here today.”
You nodded. “They look up to you guys, don’t they?”
“I think all trainee’s look up to idols,” Changbin said, running his hand through his hair. “I kind of wish Chan had been here instead. Or maybe even Jisung. I’m not sure how much I helped her.”
“I think you did a good job. She didn’t smell distressed anymore,” You reassured him.
Changbin’s eyebrows twitched down for a second, even as he nodded. “Yeah, I guess.”
You both stood there in silence for a few seconds. Eventually, you sighed again.
“Well, I guess I should get going. Umm, I guess have a good weekend,” You said.
“You too.”
When you got to the end of the hall, right before turning the corner, you glanced back. Changbin was still standing at the doorway, watching you with a thoughtful look on his face.
Maya’s girlfriend, Isa, was an amazing cook, and judging by the gleeful look on her face as everyone practically devoured the food, you had a feeling she knew. You practically moaned the moment you took your first bite. A beta you assumed was one of her friends melted in his seat, and then jokingly asked Isa for her hand in marriage.
“You’ll have to fight me for it,” Maya joked.
“Don’t tempt me.”
You giggled, and Isa leaned over her side of the table to smile at you. “How’s the food?”
“I’m normally not the type of person to encourage the birthday girl cooking her own meals, but hot damn. I can see why they put you in charge of the cooking,” You praised.
Isa beamed. “Exactly! That, and Maya burns water.”
“It was one time!”
The rest of the table laughed loudly, and Maya rolled her eyes. The other guests began to converse between themselves, and Isa eyed you with a small smile.
“So, you’re the new translator,” She began, and you paused with your fork an inch from your mouth. You nodded. “How’s it going? Maya tells me you joined at an inconvenient time, what with the tour starting up soon.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Oh? She told you about that?”
“I’m her girlfriend, she tells me everything,” Isa said nonchalantly.
Isa grinned, leaning closer. “Everything. Maya’s nice and quiet and gets her job done, so sometimes people are very loose lipped when around her. You’d be surprised by the amount of drama that goes on in that fancy building of yours that nobody every hears about.”
“Oh? Like what”
She simply winked. “I’ll tell you later.”
Later turned out to be while you were washing dishes, a task you decided to take up to get away from the room full of alpha pheromones. You knew they weren’t doing it on purpose, since they were under the impression you were a beta and had no way of knowing about your sensitive omega nose, but it was still enough for you to get overwhelmed.
Isa eyed the kitchen door where Maya was with the other guests, and then she was leaning in close to you as she passed by. “Two of the stylists are hooking up.”
“What?!” You nearly dropped the plate you were holding.
“JYP tried to get one of his nephews into the company, but he bombed his audition so badly that he couldn’t even use nepotism to save it.”
You let out a sharp noise of surprise. “Oh my god, Maya really does tell you everything.”
“Yup.” Isa smirked. “Want to hear more?”
“I’m not sure I should,” you protested, but after a moment of her just staring at you knowingly, you broke out into a smile. “Oh, who am I kidding. Tell me everything!”
“Well, I’m not quite sure about this one, because it’s more recent, but apparently one of the idols is having a lovers spat with another one of his members.”
You blinked in surprise. “That’s definitely news to me.”
“Yeah. She was complaining about how the recent photoshoot had to be delayed an extra hour because Felix refused to be in the same room as Chan.”
“Wait, Felix and Chan are the ones fighting?”
Isa paused. “Oh, yeah. I forgot you were working with them. Don’t let Maya know I told you anything, it’s supposed to be kept hush hush.”
“Right. I won’t say anything,” You promised.
“Why are you and Felix fighting?”
The words were out of your mouth before you could stop them. In your defense, you would have said anything in that moment, if just to end the awkward silence that had fallen over you and Chan when the two of you found yourselves alone in the meeting room.
You hadn’t intended to be alone with him. You weren’t even supposed to be in the meeting room in the first place. You had been passing by after dropping off some papers that Jeonhui had asked for, and just happened to almost get hit by a door as it opened, with Felix storming out. You both paused and stared at each other for a second in surprise.
“Oh, hey.”
Your eyes darted towards the open door, where you could see a dejected Chan standing with his hands on his hips. “Hey.”
Felix gave you a strained smile as he passed you by, and you watched him go for a second before you entered the meeting room yourself. Chan only lifted his head a fraction as you walked in. You closed the door behind you, and the two of you lingered in that awkward silence before you finally decided to break it in the most stupid way possible. You knew the question was out of line the second it was out of your mouth.
Why had you even walked into the room to begin with? Why hadn’t you just walked away?
Chan finally lifted his head completely, and you froze at the sight of his eyes.
They were red.
Your hand reached blindly behind you for the door handle, but before you could grab it Chan was suddenly at your side, hand gripping your wrist tightly. Your breath caught in your throat, the sudden bitter scent of his alpha hitting you in the face.
He swallowed hard. “Don’t go.”
“I don’t think I should even be here,” You admitted, but you allowed him to pull your arm back in front of you anyways. “Chan, your alpha-“
“I know,” He whispered, closing his eyes. “It’s okay, I’m not … I can’t stand watching another omega walk away from me right now. Just … stay.”
With his alpha so close to the surface, you found it hard to refuse. While you could have just stood there, allowing him a moment to come down from his headspace on his own, there was something so painful about watching Chan battle with his own emotions and instincts. It was an impulsive decision, much like the choice to walk into the meeting room, much like the need to say something.
You grabbed his hand, the same one still holding you, and brought it up to your lips. With a soft kiss to the inside of his wrist, Chan let out a shudder, and he easily allowed you to pull him closer until his face was pressed against your neck.
While your omega scent was still covered with the artificial scent of beta, it would have to do. You softly allowed him to scent you, and it only took a few minutes before Chan came back to himself with a sharp inhale.
He pulled away from you so quickly he stumbled on his feet. “Shit, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” You reassured him, licking your lips. “You needed some grounding.”
“Fuck.” He ran his hand down his face.
You gave him a sympathetic smile. “That bad, huh?”
“Felix is really mad this time. I think I fucked up,” He said.
“Mind me asking what happened?” Chan was silent, and you took a hint. “Right, none of my business then.”
“No, it’s definitely your business.”
You paused from where you had started to turn back to the door. “Sorry?”
“Felix is mad because of the omega I slept with last week. You.”
“He wants to meet you.”
Chan let out a sigh, and he pulled out a chair to sit down. After a moment of consideration, he offered one of the chairs for you, and you were quick to take it since it felt like your legs were seconds away from giving out on you. The more he talked, the more dizzy you felt.
“Explain,” You said, staring Chan down.
“Felix knows I slept with an omega last week. I let it slip that I was still in contact with you, accidentally, and now he thinks that I might be having a serious relationship with you- well, the omega. He wants to meet you, and when I told him he couldn’t, he got upset. He thinks that … he thinks I might be trying to replace him.”
“That’s ridiculous,” You said with a scowl.
“I know. I thought it was just a petty little argument, but he … I think he actually believes it. He got so upset, yelled that me not wanting him to meet the other omega was suspicious and that if it wasn’t serious I would have just said that, and I obviously can’t explain it-“
“Because of me.”
“Because it’s complicated,” Chan corrected, rubbing his face again. “This isn’t on you, sweetheart. This is my problem.”
You scoffed. “Are you kidding me? Your omega is mad at you because of me, Chan. He thinks you’re replacing him with me. And if you told him the truth, none of this would be an issue.”
“If he thought it was just a one-night stand, then this wouldn’t be a problem anyways. I’m the one who fucked up here,” Chan argued.
“Why would he even think it was more than that anyways?” You wondered.
Chan froze.
You found yourself letting out a small laugh as he just stared at you with wide eyes, not wanting to believe the first thought that ran through your head. But the second thought, and then the third, all felt less convincing. Your smile dropped pretty quickly.
“Chan. Why would Felix think it was more than a one-night stand?”
He ran his fingers through his hair, then down his face, and then he shot to his feet to turn away from you completely. You shook your head in disbelief.
“You can’t be serious,” You breathed.
“This was before I knew you were a part of the company. I told him the morning after, before the meeting, and I obviously didn’t have the chance to explain what happened.”
“Jesus, Chan! You were planning on courting me?”
“Yes, I was.”
“Fuck.” You slumped back in your seat. “Why didn’t you just tell him I rejected you or something?”
“He would know I was lying. I wouldn’t have had time to ‘meet up’ with you this past week because we’ve been busy, and if he thought I did after he asked to meet you, he would have been even more pissed at me for ignoring him.” Chan explained. “It’s just … I thought I’d have time to come up with something, but it’s been a very stressful week.”
“Fuck,” you repeated.
Chan turned back around, giving you a tired look. “Yeah, fuck.”
He shook his head, and with his hands on his hips, he began to pace the length of the meeting room. You glanced a look at the clock and realized that you needed to get back to your desk before someone noticed how long you had been gone. You needed to finish your work for the day. You needed to leave the room and hope that nobody caught you here with Chan. What you needed to do was clear.
But you couldn’t think about any of that. You could only think about the strained smile on Felix’s face as he passed you by, the havoc that Chan had to have gone through for his alpha to take over, the fact that their relationship was being strained because of you. You closed your eyes, but you could still hear the footsteps as Chan paced.
“Tell him.”
The footsteps paused, and you opened your eyes to give Chan an even look.
He didn’t turn around. “What was that?”
“Felix,” You clarified, letting out a soft sigh. “Tell him the truth.”
Chan spun around with wide eyes. “Are you serious?”
“I’m not letting your pack relationships fall apart because of my choices.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
You tilted your head to the side. “Do you trust Felix?”
“With my life,” he said with no hesitation.
“Then so do I.”
The two of you stared each other down. Your head still felt fuzzy, but your chest no longer felt like there was a weight holding you down. You pulled yourself up from the seat, and only took a second to gain your composure.
You gave him a nod. “Well, I got to get back to work. I’ll see you later.”
“Wait, that’s it?”
You didn’t bother answering him, instead making your way towards the elevators with an urgency that only grew the further you got from him. The dizziness had gone away, and as the reality of the situation started to dawn on you, so did your clarity. Being that close to Chan, letting him scent you with his alpha so close to the surface, had been a terrible decision. Your body felt hot, and you were grateful for your scent blockers.
Today was chalking up to be a horrible day.
You were going into pre-heat.
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crappymixtape · 10 months
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going to try and do this at least once a month – sharing fics that have just blown me away ❤ so many talented writers on here omg 🥺 show them some love and BE KIND, REBLOG! xoxo, 💿
❤ “project sunshine” series +18 only – @a-dealwith-god ( TW: typical violence, child abuse, horror, gore, and depictions of mental illness // when another product of Hawkins National Laboratory escaped a long-survived nightmare alongside her sister, she crashed into one unsuspecting teenage boy and dragged him deeper into the dark mysteries that made up their hometown • steve x reader )
❤ “simmer” series +18 only – @upsidedownwithsteve ( welcome to hawkins’ number one diner! where the staff don’t wanna be there and the linecook is a grumpy metal head who likes to argue with his boss and ignore everyone else. but the new waitress can’t hack the rude customers and the regulars can be a little… much • linecook!eddie x waitress!reader )
❤ "from bug’s summer fic fest" – @lovebugism ( reader is clingy but doesn’t wanna come off as clingy so she asks eddie if he wants to be alone and he reassures her he couldn’t go anywhere without her • eddie x reader )
❤ “a quest for bed” – @luveline ( eddie fights to get his usually shy and moderately intoxicated girlfriend to bed when you insist on clinging to him at every turn • eddie x reader )
❤ "lyric request" – @familyvideostevie ( lyrics: “i didn't know you then and i'll never understand why it feels like i did” • steve x reader )
❤ “i can see you” +18 only – @fairyysoup ( TW: read at the link // the secret history of your long and arduous relationship with steve harrington aka the 5 times you pined over each other, and the time you actually did something about it • steve x reader )
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❤ "public kisses" – @starryeyedstories ( you know steve would be the mom to kiss his girl in front of the gang because he knows they hate it • steve x reader )
❤ "all i really want is you" series +18 only – @loveshotzz ( a series of slow burn blurbs between older!neighbor!widower! steve x fem!reader – updated every wednesday • steve x reader )
❤ "zombie au" series +18 only – @luveline ( TW: various, read at the links // stranger things AU – reluctant allies to friends to lovers, takes place during the apocalypse • steve x reader )
❤ "injured with eddie" – @eddiemunsons-missingnipple ( stubbing your toe in front of eddie and he acts like you’re dying • eddie x reader )
❤ "the summer of '89" series +18 only – @delphispoeticals ( this is truly going to be a fantastic stranger things meets dirty dancing series and omg just wait til we can read it • dancer!steve x reader )
❤ "dependency problem" +18 only – @writersblockedx  ( TW: drugs, substance abuse, alcohol // when you return to cousins this year, you find that conrad has picked up similar bad habits you once had • conrad fisher x reader )
❤ "a lesson in romantics" series – @stvharrngton ( a multi-part series where reader is the new art teacher at hawkins high and the history teacher, mr. harrington, takes a shine to the new girl. mutual pining ensues on their road to love • steve x reader )
❤ "learning in public" +18 only – @ohcaptains ( you didn’t think he’d enjoy it that much...didn’t think he’d want more, too • carmen ‘carmy’ berzatto x female! reader )
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f10werfae · 1 year
Winner winner, Chicken Dinner
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pairing: Soccer!College!Tom Holland x Quiet!Reader
summary: Tom teases and gushes over his shy bookworm of a girlfriend, which includes bringing her everywhere with him and making sure she’s well fed (requested by anon)
requests are open/likes, comments and re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Tom Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form
“Come on baby, you aren’t coming to my game?” Tom whined into Y/n’s neck, his lips kissing her neck softly, his hands groping her chest affectionately before moving down to her waist. “I-I don’t know Tommy, we haven’t actually made ourselves official in the school” Y/n gasped looking around the library, thank God she usually chose the secluded tables at the back.
“I don’t care love, we can make it official today or something, come on I brought you my soccer shirt to wear. All the other guys are bringin their girls” Tom pouted pulling back to pull the shirt showing “Holland” and the number 7 on the back, before putting the shirt into his girlfriend’s bag on the table filled with books.
“I’ll see okay? I found this new book series and I have that solo project due on Tuesday-“ Y/n rambled fixing her t-shirt, Tom’s brown eyes seeing her start to panic at the thought at being in such a crowded place, knowing how much she valued her own private space; which is what made it so funny as to how she started dating Tom.
The poor boy doesn’t leave her alone at all, whether it’s lowkey checking her out in the hallways, giving her secret rides home and the amount of nights he comes over to Y/n’s house just to see her. Hell Y/n’s parents at this point were prepared to give Tom his own set of keys to their house, this man didn’t know what space was when it came to Y/n.
“You know what? It’s okay you don’t gotta come love, I know how crowded places get you. But you have to promise that we go out to eat after we win” Tom smirked wiggling his eyebrows at his girl, watching her start to grow flustered before kissing his cheek and nod excitedly.
“Okok I promise Tommy, I l-love you” She said looking at the ground, then the ceiling, basically anywhere but Tom’s eyes, feeling his fingers hold onto her jaw,
“Say it louder, didn’t quite hear you” He teased placing a kiss onto the corner of her mouth, “I love you, n’ I promise to go out with you tonight” Y/n said more confidently this time, her hands twiddling with each other under the comfort of her hoodie (which was actually his, but he lets her off with it) “I love you too baby” Tom replied happily, kissing her lips one more time before setting off for some last minute soccer practice until his big match later on today.
Y/n looked at the black and white shirt sitting on top of her backpack, a fog of doubt clouding her head as she closed over her new book and textbooks. Instead choosing to take off Tom’s hoodie she was wearing, putting on his soccer shirt, the smell of his cologne still fresh on it. Packing up her book bag she headed into the corridor, watching the rest of the student body dressed in the school colours start to head to the football pitch.
Once she was out to the pitch she saw the other players’ girlfriends sitting on the front row, the typical but nice well known girls, but not really Y/n’s type of crowd. Y/n instead climbed to the highest row of seats, deciding on wanting to have a full view of the match. Within minutes the referee’s whistle blew and on came Tom, his usual gear on, but something was different this time.
Why was there a heart stitched onto the left side of his chest?
This wasn’t Y/n’s first time at one of his games, but it was her first time since they started dating 5 months ago. Time was slowly picking up in the match, with the scores being tied 1-1 with the opposing team, Tom was very visibly stressed out. His rands roughly combing through his hair every few seconds, there were a few run ins and shoves with the opposite team, lots of swearing and arguing with the referee. But that was just the game.
With only a few minutes left, Tom’s team was awarded a penalty with him being asked to take it. The crowd went silent watching Tom run up to take the goal, and Y/n swore this was more suspenseful that any book she had ever read.
The whole section of them jumped up screaming, next thing you know Tom had kissed his palm before placing it onto the heart stitched onto his shirt, something that made Y/n’s heart beat a million times a minute. Realising she was the only one left standing from the crowd she felt embarrassed, only for her eyes to meet Tom’s which were now as wide as saucers.
“BAAAABYYYY” Tom Shouted cupping his mouth with his hands, his chest heaving once he stopped, thanks for that Tom
Y/n thought watching everyone’s head turn towards her, as Tom jumped the fence and began running up the steps to her seat.
“Y-you came, you actually came, A-AND YOURE WEARING MY SHIRT!” Tom gushed hugging her tightly to him, jumping up and down like a kid at Christmas. “W-well yeah I wanted to come support my boyfriend” Y/n said pulling down his shirt to look at it clearly, it was a heart stitched with her initials on it
“Oh! Baby that’s for you, just so you’re with me even if you don’t come to my games. Every goal is for you love” Tom said giggly, his cheeks starting to go a bit red, “I love it Tommy, and I love you even more”
Y/n said quietly just enough for them two to hear, the rest of the students had now basically left with the match being over. “Really?! I mean, of course, I love you too Y/n/n” Tom said clearing his throat, watching his teammate hand him up his duffel bag, before saying their goodbyes.
“Don’t you wanna go celebrate with the boys first?” Y/n asked confused watching the rest of the team walk out with their coach, trophy in hand. “Nah i’d rather celebrate it with my girl, just you and me and some good food” Tom said wrapping his arm around her shoulder, taking her book bag off her shoulder and carrying it himself. “That sounds good to me Tommy” Y/n said looking up at him, her hand holding onto the one wrapped around her as they headed to his car
Taglist Tags (taglist form is up there^^): @spencerreidat4am @ilovereadingfanfics @fdl305 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @tinyelfperson @vrittivsanghavi
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not-goldy · 2 months
i just don't understand why you guys are so adamant to think jimin is a liar and just simply not listen to him. jimin has never shyed from the truth and even if there are times where he tries to be subtle he makes it still glaringly obvious. im convinced majority of you just didnt watch the documentary and just watched the jikook cut because otherwise you would see how jimin came up with the lyrics what he said about the lyrics and meaning and why he chose jungkook to do it. never once did he even slighty imply it was a romantic love song for a secret partner. jungkook is the vocal model all members use. he is the member all members go to if they want vocal backing. he's done it with yoongi, jhope and now jimin and not to mention the group itself😭 and it's not letter ft jungkook it's letter by jimin. full stop. jk has credit of backup vocals just like namjoon has writing credits there is no difference. the least you all can do is respect jimins music and not just see and hear what you want to fulfill your shipping narrative.
Aht aht aht aht
I'll stop you right there.
I don't care bout all you said from paragraph one - I mean if it don't apply i let it fly. Find whomever is giving you the said headache and take it up with them but I won't let you conflate the credits of these men.
There is a difference between JK being credited as background vocals and Namjoon being credited as writer. No it's not the same thing. They both contributing their unique strengths to his project.
A singer is not a writer. Not all who sing CAN WRITE and not all who write CAN SING.
You do not have to take away from the art of an artist just because crediting one of those artists makes you uncomfortable.
Like you said, JK is credited as background vocals.
Why can't you leave it at that and be okay with the fact people celebrate that? We will celebrate that whether you like it or not. Will do🙂
You can't be this peeved that people want to celebrate that. You can't be. That's so messed up arguing the degree of importance- if it wasn't at all important to JM he could have skipped having Jungkook on. You not the least bit curious why he bothered with Kook on his song to begin with??
Messes with your head don't it???
Whether his contribution is to you minimal or not he's on there.
There's nothing wrong with acknowledging that FACT. And if you can acknowledge THAT FACT THEN WE HAVE NOTHING TO ARGUE ABOUT.
Yall solos sound the same whether it's Tae solos or BTS antis. I recall this same debate over Jimin's part in Angel pt 1 with some saying its irrelevant because it's 5 seconds.
Then they argued Jimin didn't deserve writing credits for his "sick and tired but I don't wanna mess up" in BTS' disease.
If he appeared 5 seconds in a movie yall will call him an actor worth nominating for Oscars
If Jimin did Bg vocals for any one especially if it were a song this good and if it trended on the charts at number one yall would be doing back flips so kindly SIT SOMEWHERE AND LET US JIMIN JIKOOK STANS HAVE OUR TIME.
We have yalls digits. We know how yall operate. You are the same. So please just fuck off these Jikook spaces and do this toxic shit in your own spaces WE DO NOT WANT TO COMMUNITY WITH YOU😩😹
Downplaying Jungkook when if it were your faves you'd be rejoicing
The disrespect 😤
The Tuktukkers syndrome yall have😹
One and the same brain cell I swear.
What else did you say...... oh right-
Everyone goes to Jungkook for backing because
Wait for it
But Jimin went to Kook for letter because
So even if you believe with your whole chest that the song is for his fans, ITS FOR A SPECIFIC SET OF FANS WHO WOULD APPRECIATE WHAT HE TRIED TO DO WITH THE SONG- AND TRUST WE DO
Read my lips
Or hands
You know you hate it SAY that to Jimin and go. Tell him you hate Letter because he dared to involve his Jeon Jungkook. Your problem is with him not US you just have a weird inarticulate cognitive dissonance that's preventing you from admitting that.
It's one thing to call out jokers making a song made by jimin and Jimin alone about Jungkook but to come out here with convoluted think peices about the degree of importance attached to a members participation on his song is sad and pathetic.
Fighting for a song yall not even included in😹😹😹
Best to believe that.
Wipe your tears with the back of your hands I'm out of tissues
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mybeingthere · 8 months
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Platinum Prints, limited edition of 5 in the size of 56x76cm (Arches Platinum Rag).
A folio of 12 plates (plus cover page) is available as limited edition of 3
The series „of Aliens, Mermaids and Medusas" was inspired by imagination itself.
Today it seems as if its influence on people is losing its power because we begin to forget or stop noticing how imagination can change our lives. It is the way people approach all kinds of problems with creativity.
We live in a time of crisis when everything in the world has been turned upside down by global warming, ocean pollution, the coronavirus pandemic, and wars (just to mention a few). We have to deal with everyday problems, and this is quite difficult in a state of anxiety. In addition, we are attacked by negative news, and in this information noise, the voice of our imagination that helps us to cope mentally is drowned out.
We do not mean an escape from reality to completely lose touch with it, but a deeper dive into your inner world, where the answers to all questions lie. The ability to imagine, to think outside the box, encourages us to change for the better.
How long ago have you been peering into quirky, chaotic at first glance patterns to discern unusual images in them? How long ago have you laid with a friend on the grass, looking up at the sky and saying, "That cloud looks like a jumping tiger!"? Jan C Schlegel's series of photographs will help you revive your imagination. Just take a closer look at the most primitive, yet incredibly complex creatures: jellyfish.
Jellyfish appeared long before the dinosaurs. They inhabited the ocean 500-700 million years ago, at the dawn of life on Earth. They have no blood, bones or brain, but thanks to evolution, these organisms have developed very cunning methods of adaptation, some secrets of which scientists have not yet managed to unravel. Bizarre camouflage is the most understandable means of adaptation. But there are many unsolved mysteries. Why would a sea creature without a brain need eyes? How can some individuals transform from adult jellyfish to polyps without any limitations, thereby repeating the life cycle and providing themselves with actual immortality?
To date, scientists have described nearly 3,200 species of jellyfish, and the number is only growing every year. The in-depth study of jellyfish has made it possible to advance in solving the ecological problem of plastic emissions into the ocean. Geneticists are grappling with the question of immortality and suggest that the very same immortal jellyfish will help them get a little closer to answering this important question.
It was these amazing, little-studied creatures that attracted the attention of Jan C Schlegel, and he has attempted to show them from a different perspective. The project was photographed in Germany, at the artist’s house, and the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa.
The jellyfish placed in large aquariums moved chaotically, and their movements were meditative and calming. These are the moments when the magic of the imagination happens. The relaxed mind is attuned to observation. The smooth movements of the jellyfish seemed to show some pictures, and Jan only had to follow them and catch the moment.
Each person has their own unique experience, so we guess you'll see something of your own. You can look at the jellyfish silhouette as a whole or you can gaze at a particular element. You can focus on the pattern of the tentacles or the unusual fibers that make up the jellyfish's pileus. All of Jan's photos are chosen so that with a little effort you can see something really unexpected. Just take a closer look.
Let's consider one example that might help you engage your imagination at Jan C Schlegel's series. The box jellyfish, considered one of the most dangerous creatures on Earth, has another name: the sea wasp. Its venom can kill an adult in a few minutes if the victim is not treated in time. And yet in the photo from the series „of Aliens, Mermaids and Medusas“ she appears in a slightly different guise, more peaceful. The pattern of her head resembles the gaze of an elephant. As soon as you notice this look, your imagination will add the recognizable elephant skin texture and it will be very hard to get rid of this image, it will stay in your memory for a long time.
There is no point in telling what Jan l saw in all these amazing creatures. We'll just ask a few guiding questions to stimulate your imagination. Could you see a single jellyfish as a forest on a lonely planet? Would you have thought of the idea that a close friendship might develop between a jellyfish and a fish? Or maybe some picture reminded you of your childhood fears when you didn't want to get out from under the covers, being afraid of the monster under the bed? Would you find a woman's profile in one of Jan C Schlegel's works? As you look at the dancing tentacles, will you hear a melody dear to your heart?
The Series is dedicated to Ksenia Chapkayeva who also wrote this introduction. Her inspiration, encouragement and support were vital to see the series realized.
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yanderedollhouse · 2 months
Yandere Blog Intro
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Hello and welcome! If you’ve found my little side project here, we must have been fated to meet. This is a Yandere side blog run by myself, Doll, 24. Here, I will be posting chapters of my story as well as OC intros, Headcannons, answering asks, and art.
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For the story, I will be exploring a number of dark and questionable themes including–but not limited to:
Stalking, obsessive behavior, religion/religious themes, angels and demons, delusions, fantasy horror and gore, mentions of suicidal ideation, failed suicide attempt, harm and recovery, hospitals, psychiatric ward, manipulation, medical malpractice, attempt to overdose, abuse of alcohol, medication malcompliance, murder, harassment, and nonconsentual touch.
The above trigger warning will appear before each chapter and will contain the content advisement for said chapter, so always read that carefully and completely please!
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Request and Interaction Rules
As this blog is going to dive into some dark themes, I request that all interacting blogs are 15+. Please be mindful that I am currently working a full-time job and have very limited free time to produce content. I plan to post as many updates as I can on Tuesdays and Fridays. I am currently OPEN to regular and anonymous asks. I plan to occasionally post some ask games that you can participate in at any time, so feel free to leave as much in my inbox as you want. 
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Story Prelude
Part 1 The Failure; The Meeting
Part 2 Sunset
Part 2.5 Night Shift
Part 3 Visitor
Part 3.5 Revenge
Part 4 True Colors
Part 4.5 Meet Me
Part 5 Out of the Frying Pan
The Demon
Andreas Part 6 In His Arms (5/24)
OC Intro: Andreas Abate 🔥
Appearance 🔥
How he makes his deals 🔥
Did he always look like that? 🔥
Darling Fights Back 🔥
Secret Likes 🔥
What happens to the souls he collects? 🔥
What if another demon went after darling? 🔥
Wouldn't healthy people taste better? 🔥
How old?🔥
Free will 🔥
Is there an age requirement for deals?🔥
The Guardian Angel
Raphael Part 6 Of Heaven and Hell (5/24)
OC Intro: Raphael Grace 🪽
Appearance 🪽
Inbox is open
The Damned
Cordyline Part 6 Escape (5/24)
OC Intro: Cordyline Smith 💻
Appearance ���
Inbox is open
Ask Games ❓
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Thank you for reading! Again, please feel free to leave asks or DM me for suggestions! This post will be pinned and updated every Friday, so stay tuned!
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noirbriar · 3 months
Glorestor: 5 Times They Denied (3)
+ 1 time They Did Not. From the POVs of the various folks around the 2 elves who are convinced they are courting, or betrothed, even though they were told otherwise.
Lindir has done his part! Now as we enter the Third Age, let's take a look through the eyes of the others in the lower hierarchy of power in the Last Homely House. OOCs and problems in writing are as always all on me.
3] The Residents of Imladris
Imladris. The Last Homely House east of the sea. It was founded to be a fortress and refuge, a haven for all. A place for healing in this gentle place for the good folk of Arda from all walks of life. Especially after the War of the Last Alliance and fall of Lindon. The many elves that now reside in the great valley of Imladris have bonded together closely despite their tumultuous past soaked in blood.
They now share festivities and celebrate the days together as one. Under the protection of Lord Elrond, they protect their home and each other from the dark forces beyond their boundaries.
Yet, much like any other proper civilisation, the quaint elven realm has her secrets.
Saelbeth frowns at the reports in his hands, almost as if staring hard at the figures alone will make the numbers work out. To no avail of course. With a heavy sigh, the young councillor gives up on his personal project for now and heads out of the library to join his mentor in the weekly general council meeting.
In the early days of the Valley, the quiet scholar from Lindon quickly became the primary assistant of Chief Councillor Erestor. The ellon was once skeptical considering the rumours he have heard about the once feanorian general turned advisor to the King's Herald. Though those thoughts were squashed once he realised the older elf was not just a brilliant politician but a great loremaster. Which greatly appealed to the inquisitive ellon hungry for knowledge.
It was Erestor who taught him personally in state building and trade. Where the younger elf quickly realising the great difference in the immense job of running a proper elven fortress compared to that of a regular settlement.
Now with the influx of kin from Lindon and all of Arda still recovering from the War, Imladris is healing but weary, like her Lord. Especially with the loss of their High King Gil-Galad.
Unlike other elven settlements, Lord Elrond's rule is fairly relaxed but firm in such times of necessity. Which suited the Lord of Imladris' temperament and the residents of the Valley, at least in Saelbeth's opinion. Therefore, the weekly general council meetings are never a chore to him.
Until the arriving participants notice the dour Lords at their seats.
Saelbeth darts a glance at an older member of council next to him, and then to Golradir, his fellow peer and fellow council member. Each sharing a weary look. Further up, Thandor and Laica, the Captain's deputies who were already seated, gives them a stiff nod.
They awkwardly nod back.
Great Eru have mercy, they are in for a long one. The two Lords have been at odds with the other for a long while, causing a strange shift in the air in Imladris...and looks like there is still no end in sight.
The young councillor quickly takes his place beside Lord Erestor and prepares his documents promptly. No point in antagonising his superior further with inefficiency.
The rest of the council arrives and slowly make their way to the dreaded table,marching on to their doom. Some even taking the time to tuck their new proposals and agendas back into their folders to see the light of another day.
Across the table Deputy Thandor looked as if he is struggling to be inconspicuous. Almost as if any sudden movement and he will become prey. Deputy Laica has her head up towards the ceiling wishing to be anywhere but here.
Even Lord Elrond himself had to resist with a grimace at the heavy atmosphere of the room.
Rebukes and petty words were thrown each time a subject is brought up by the other, forcing the council to remain silent for the most part. Until the dispute regarding the increase in skirmishes around the various elven havens that remain did the chaos begin.
That was when it all fell apart. Both the Balrog-slayer and Tempest of Imladris rising up to their full figure and hell bent on mincing one another apart with words alone.
It is when the difference in opinion escalates to a higher than necessary decibel, that the Lord of Imladris finally exert his authority. With a single slam of the table and some harsh words in disappointment and frustration, the chaos cease instantaneously. Effectively putting an end to the fight between his two highest ranking officials.
The very moment the meeting is adjourned and Lord Elrond has taken his leave,Lord Glorfindel storms off in a flurry of his white cloak, without a second glance. His deputies hurrying to keep up with their Captain. The rest of the Council make their quiet escape like field mice. Golradir still has the audacity to mouth a 'good luck' to him as he shuffles away.
Saelbeth stamps down his annoyance as he returns to his stoic mentor in his seat. The Lord's empty gaze fixed into nothingness for a long while before waving the younger elf away.
The young councillor turns back and watches the lone feanorian Lord for a moment. The old elf who always seem to bear a strange heaviness in his spirit, an unseen burden on his shoulders, now accompanied by only silence in the hollow room.
Saelbeth shuts the door quietly with a soft sigh.
In the passing of seasons, time crawls slowly by as they do for the eldar. Saelbeth suddenly spies his mentor working on a pattern design according to old Vanyar styles in the library while finding early records of the weather patterns of the Misty Mountains. That,clearly is none of his business. When Lord Erestor gets Saelbeth to procure certain material samples from the textile traders and vendors while doing the monthly inventory check, the Sindar does not bat an eye.
In the following year as the leaves turn, draping the valley in a bright array of gold and amber, Saelbeth stops by Lord Erestor's chambers to deliver the first harvest reports. When he is given permission to enter, he ignores his mentor's temperamental horned owl grooming itself by the window. What he first lays his eye on, is a stunning teal brocade robe decorated in gold on the mannequin the Chief Councillor seems to be fussing over in his main hall. Upon a closer look, one can even see the intricate threading of faint vines that seem like an illusion. Even if he is no expert, the assistant can clearly see it is a masterpiece.
"Saelbeth, come." Erestor calls over his shoulder without even a glance, as he pins the hem in place."Tell me, what am I missing here?"
The younger elf blinks.
"It is perfect, my Lord, but,"Saelbeth takes a pause before jumping right in," maybe it needs...a focal point?"
"Ah." Erestor looks back at his assistant at last with an owlish blink." Excellent, thank you, Saelbeth. Just leave those reports on the table for now. I shall attend to those in a bit."
With that, Saelbeth takes his leave as instructed without any questions.
Days later, Lord Glorfindel returns. The Golden Lord making his entrance abruptly still in filthy armour and his muddy travel cloak, helmet under his arm. Who has zero regard that Saelbeth is in Lord Erestor's office consulting a matter about the Conference of Ambassadors and Scholars Seminar, as he jabs an impatient thumb towards the door without pause.
"Urgent matters. Out."
The councillor’s owl perched on the Captain’s shoulder, hoots.
Saelbeth looks at the Captain as he tucks his knife back into his sleeve. The wary young councillor then turns to his Chief Councillor.
"Its fine, we will speak again on this."Erestor waves with a wry tug on the corner of his lips. Only then, does the ellon turn away with a polite bow to both, taking his leave. He even took care to lock the door behind him while he is at it. In his immense relief, he did not even realise the owl is now on his shoulder, clicking his beak.
But bless the Valar. Finally.
Later, he would spot that same gorgeous robe on the illustrious Lord of the Golden Flower during the mid-autumn festival. The light of the lanterns in the Hall of fire dancing off the shimmering crystals on the robe like dew, held together by a lovely crafted belt that compliments his powerful form, enthralling everyone he meets. A shimmering sash of the first rays of dawn draping his shoulders.His circlet on his brow with the famed golden hair flowing behind like an ephemeral flame.
The Emissary of the Valar is not alone. His companion, a dark fae draped in rich dark maroon silk that flows around his lithe figure. A hairpin with trailing teardrops made from mother-of-pearl pieces holds Erestor's ebony hair together. Crowned with his circlet, his dark smooth hair and braids glows in the dark with a soft warm hue. Even if the most interesting piece, in Saelbeth’s personal opinion, would be simple ear cuff etched with a golden flower that shines brightly on Lord Erestor’s right ear that accompanies his other earring of the feanorian star.
Towards the end of the festivities with Tilion high in the sky, he would be mighty drunk together with Golradir, and they will both stumble their way back to their own quarters to await tomorrow with their regrets. Though he swears, beneath the golden beech trees leading into the Inner Wing, he sees the incarnation of dawn and dusk sharing an unfamiliar dance under the cover of the merry dancing leaves.
Its raining again.
Ai...Its been two weeks and seems like the storm will not be leaving soon. Though it is very rare for such dreadful storms to hit their valley.
Guardsman Aerion sighs at the dismal weather before him as he remains at his post. He hates guard duty, with each shift the same, until Lord Glorfindel feels like dropping a random attack drill with the rookies to keep them on their toes.The only exciting thing all week had only been the sudden arrival of a Wandering Company.
Shifting his weight with a soft huff, Aerion lets his mind wander a little until something outside catches his eye. A rather strange scene in the ever peaceful House. A commotion in the courtyard out there in this dreadful weather. There in the summer storm, Erestor and Glorfindel are arguing in the punishing rain.
Erestor's restless dapple grey mare stands in the deluge beside her master in confusion at the elves fighting. Aerion is unable to hear a word over the distance but he sees Erestor turning to leave before Glorfindel pulls the councillor back harshly. Erestor looks ready to lash out but the Captain quickly wraps his arms tightly around the other ellon-
Oh. Oh ho.
It was a long while before the the two finally part, with the Golden Lord slowly getting Erestor to face him, cradling the councilor's face carefully in his hands as they spoke. It was a while more before Erestor allows himself to be tugged along by Glorfindel. The Captain taking the mare's reins from her master as he pulls them all back into safety of the shelter of the Homely House. Hmm. Guess that is his cue to let Master Lindir know, as he is heading down this way, that the servants ought to prepare a warm bath and some hot meals in Lord Glorfindel's chambers. Best to keep the staff away too. It would be terrible to disturb their peace.
Aeril makes her way down the Inner Wing. A tray of warm chicken broth and soft bread, some plain porridge with preserved vegetables in hand.
After settling in Imladris, she managed to secure a job as a chambermaid in the House of Lord Elrond. Even then, it was not easy. Master Lindir had been strict in his interviews as Steward, and her superior, Lady Mirien, demands nothing less than efficiency and perfection from her staff.
Imladris truly feels immensely different from Mithlond. Yet the community is nice and full of life. Her co-workers are friendly and the household management has treated her well in her transition into life in the Valley.
On her first night duty, she receives orders from a guard for selected food to be brought up to Lord Glorfindel's chambers. Aeril has long heard of the famed Lord of legends but does not let her curiosity get in the way of being professional. She arrives at the doors and balances the tray before knocking.It was not even a minute before it cracks open.
"Good evening m-"
A quick finger on his lips and a sharp look startles the young maid into silence. Once assured that all was quiet, the warrior, dressed down in casual sleeping tunic and pants and a rich green overrobe, gives a small smile of approval. A quick tilt of his hand, the mighty Lord gestures for Aeril to enter with the tray.
"Set it here along with the tea that is kept warm at the back. Then, you may leave." The Lord whispers and points to the modest dining table for the elleth to set the meal.Before he leaves into his main hall where the fireplace is burning bright.
There was shuffling and sounds of whispers and Aeril swears she only caught a glimpse because she was leaving once she concluded her duties.
In the dark elegant hall illuminated by the flames, laying across the couch with a palm supporting his head was Chief Councillor Erestor. The ever terrifying Lord was not in his usual elegant high collared ensemble, but in a sheer black robe that has the collar slipping down as he shifts in his slumber.A white fur blanket in his lap, and a threadbarescarf dyed in fierce crimson around his slender arms that is slipping down onto the carpet. Lord Glorfindel hovers above in an attempt to rouse him from his slumber. The Golden Lord's hand brushing the other's face gently.
"Eres? Eres, you need to wake up and eat something first. Elrond has said you must eat before drinking the migraine herbs."
"Hn..." Lord Erestor stirs, leaning into the warmth of the palm against his skin.
The sight was too much. The young elleth leaves a blushing mess as she hurries back to her station. Her sudden entry into the kitchens startling the other night staff and Mirien who was there checking in.
"Whats wrong, Aeril?" The older elleth asks carefully in concern but the young maid could only bury her face in her hands and return with a squeak.
"L-Lord-Glor-Glorfindel AND Lord Erestor-?!"
The staff leans back with a sigh and a roll of their eyes as realisation sinks in. Mirien pats the poor elleth gently almost sympathetically .
"You will get used to it soon, my dear."
Thandor wants to hurl himself into the Brunien. Now.
Eyes darting to the figure beside him, the deputy resists the urge to cringe with each turn of the page by his superior. Who looked decidedly entertained by this tiny, thin, novel in his hands. A palm sized book that belonged not to him, but borrowed from Handmaiden Aeril, who got it from another, and so on. Yet he was the last to be able to read it in their squadron, even when he was the one who got it for them!
Now the bastards are hanging further away from him to avoid being pulled into this. All of them trying to seem busy watching the rookies and advising on archery techniques like proper senior officers they are. His Captain never had issues with his soldiers doing their own thing during downtime. The charismatic Lord always casual but firm with his warriors, with great empathy and camaraderie to all under his command. Despite his trainings being ruthless and his standards for the troops are high. It is why the soldiers of Imladris respect their commander greatly.
However the problem lies in the contents of this peculiar publication. A harmless romance fantasy piece.Very well written, in very limited copies but just...a little spicy.
It was the main characters that were an obvious issue. Even to a simple warrior like himself. Heck, even an elfling can bloody see who those characters were. "This is fascinating! It is clear that that Lord Lote still desires Lord Mori despite what has happened in Court! How foolish it is for them to part on such dreadful terms! But this is absolutely engaging ...Why have you not introduced this intriguing work to me?" Glorfindel turns to Thandor animatedly.Amused by the book he had filched from his utterly distracted Deputy earlier during their quick break.
"Its not...an official publication, sir."
"Then who is this creative fellow? When we return to the House, I shall ask Erestor to have Melpomaen and the scribes to help this budding author." Glorfindel presses on brightly, utterly invested in the story. Eru, even if you do not care for this damned fea of a blood soaked feanorian, for the love of all that is good in this House- Do NOT let his ex-general even see this book.
"Captain! CAPTAIN!!"
A loud commotion from afar causes both deputy and Lord out of their conversation. It was Urthel and a few others from the second squadron. "Be calm, Officer Urthel. What disturbs you so to be making this much noise through the Barracks?" Glorfindel asks the worried ellyn as he shuts the tiny book and tucks it safely into his spare pouch. Thandor mentally sighs.
"Its Deputy Laica! She requests for your presence! Lithon and the cadets are fighting with Lady Celebrian's guards in the training hall!" With that, Glorfindel does not even wait, heading off in large strides. Thandor and Urthel shadows his steps. Where they quickly arrive to find an enraged Deputy Laica reprimanding the soldiers standing in position before her. Their faces bruised and beaten.While the newly transferred Galadhrim guards, who fair no better, are defiant even with their bloody faces. Each carrying their own argument, their voices overlapping one another's.
The Captain enters, causing the noise to cease, snapping into position as they see his arrival. The Lord’s face blank as he studies the scene and all involved.
Before Glorfindel could even begin his interrogation, Lady Celebrian herself, arrives at the scene, dressed in a silvery lavender summer dress with pearls in her hair. Beside the Lady as her guide with a hand on his arm was Erestor. Followed by her newly appointed handmaiden Aeriel, Councillor Saelbeth and Erestor's young assistant, Melpomaen.
They all bow before the Lady of Imladris.
"What is going on?" The new Lady of Imladris' bell-like voice resounds in the hall.Powerful and bright. In that instance, Celebrian looked like an echo of her formidable mother. Her elegant features now cold as steel, face filled with great disappointment. She finally turns to the guards that have followed her to this haven after her marriage.
"Guardsman Faron...What is this violence with the soldiers I hear? You were one of Lorien's best, and now you have disgraced the fine name of Lorien's warriors."
The sindar, Faron, and the other Galadhrim looked properly chastised by his Lady. Yet Glorfindel and the rest could tell that there is discontent still between the two factions as the two sides glare at the other. Celebrian sees this as well and with a twirl of her skirts, turns to Glorfindel with a heavy sigh.
"Well, Glorfindel, as my guards are now part of the army of Imladris, they too fall under your jurisdiction.I shall let you handle this as you deem fit."
"Certainly, my Lady. Though it would seem best if we are to hear what triggered this ridiculousness." Glorfindel have his hands behind, prowling down the line and inspecting each injured soldier with a sharp eye. When it was clear none were willing to volunteer the information freely, he takes his pick.
"Cadet Lithon." The Captain calls out, coming to stand before the dark haired ellon. His discontent obvious. Lithon fidgets, the young noldor remains silent for a long while, until with several nudges from his peers, he finally caves under the stern gaze of his commander. "They...they spoke ill of you and your choices, Captain." Glorfindel raises a brow at that.
"They spoke of slander and said you could do better than having a..."The young cadet takes a breathe but mutters barely loud enough for all to hear,"...a 'bloody Valar-damned feanorian' like Chief Councillor Erestor for a mate."
One could hear nothing, nothing even a whisper of a breath. As if time stood still in this lazy summer afternoon within the confines of this training hall.
Hm, uncreative much? That is really not the worst they feanorians have heard before, especially back in Lindon. Kinda disappointing, Thandor thinks wryly to himself as he looks at the Galahdrim who are now shuffling uncomfortably at the attention from everyone.
Thandor sees Glorfindel's formal mask of indifference is still on. Years of working under the Captain, Thandor sees the silent rage brewing under that calm facade. The Lord of legend has absolutely zero tolerance for misdemeanour and disrespect from those under his command. Also a rare known fact is that Glorfindel actually has a formidable temper to be reckoned with despite his good and kindly nature. Like the Brunien raging on a bad day and at any other times, the deputy loves watching new recruits come to realisation at that fact.
Thandor then takes a brief moment of bravery to glance at the other party involved.Knowing his ex-superior, there are several ways this can go- But now, Erestor simply looks bored.
"Interesting. It seems like your summer drills have still allowed our troops to have energy to spin some idle thoughts." Erestor drawls, absolutely unbothered by the situation.
"Indeed. So idle that they seem to feel they have the right to delve into the private affairs of their Lords. What would you advise in this instance, Lord Erestor?" Glorfindel growls over his shoulder dryly. "I leave it to you, Lord Glorfindel, for they are your troops under your command. I am sure your boundless creativity can think of something to exercise their young, overactive brains than the thought of us being…married."
The Chief Councillor replies flatly without a glance, as he inspects the nonexistent speck of dust on his immaculately polished nails. The statement however, earns them more than a few wide eye looks ranging from confusion to bewilderedness from the present crowd.
“You jest!”
The loudest voice of surprise however, comes from Lady Celebrian herself.
"You are both not- Betrothed?" Her voice seem to leave her as her question is asked, her bright eyes wide as if in disbelief. The two Lords look at each other almost in consideration, and calmly turn back to their Lady.
"No." They replied smoothly in unison.
Thandor is pretty sure everyone is not buying their bullshit.
Celebrian, aghast, places an elegant hand over her heart. She swivels her head like a puzzled doe with her wide eyes darting between the two other leaders of Imladris. From Glorfindel, to Erestor, and back again,scrutinising both. Even if what she seeks is what many have tried finding over the years, the marriage bond is simply non-existent between the two.
Her bright eyes then darts to that gold ear cuff on Erestor’s ear, squinting at it glittering under the summer sunlight pouring in from the windows.
Celebrian's brows furrowed , as if this is some disconcerting news and she is greatly offended by it. Thandor can hear her muttering under her breath incredulously as she processes everything,"but, that's not right...that's not what nana had said...I'm certain of it...Huh?”
There is nothing, save for the sounds of horses in the pastures, the distant waterfalls and the songs of happy little birds filling the air, and them, the first-born, shrouded in awkward silence.
"My deepest apologies, Glorfindel, Erestor. For such blatant disgrace and dishonour my guards have brought upon you. I shall leave their punishment to you both. But now if you will excuse me, I must speak to my husband at once." Celebrian declares this hastily and abruptly with great determination. She gestures for Handmaiden Aeril to lead her away as the rest bow as she leaves.
Glorfindel then finally turns to the soldiers, who remembers the trouble they are in. Now, they finally shall face the full brunt of the Lord of old Gondolin's ire.
"Well. I hope you all had your fill of entertainment for today, at the expense of myself and Lord Erestor. Good to know indiscipline exists in my ranks. What's next? Insubordination? It seems I am clearly too lax with you lot!"
Glorfindel does not need to shout, his voice demands nothing but absolute compliance to his orders as the soldiers remain still at his command. Before he turns to the Galadhrim guards, leaning into each of them down the line, as they struggle not to falter under the fierce eyes of the Balrog Slayer.
"By her Lady's grace, I hope you all are ready for what I have in store. Because as your Captain, I will make sure I will drill it into you to understand that this House, under the rule of Lord Elrond, does not accept your absurd notions and prejudices. It has no place here now or ever! Vanyar, Noldor, Telari, Avari, regardless of parentage or history, you will get that into your heads and you accept that as you are now one of Imladris! Or its straight back to Lorien you go! I do not care what Lord Celeborn or Lady Galadriel has to say! Is that clear?!" "Yes Sir!"
Glorfindel straightens to his full height and lets out a heavy huff, turning to Erestor with a weary look.
"My apologies Councillor, be assured they will all be dealt with.You will have a report and once I am through with them I shall send the soldiers for you to mete out an appropriate punishment.You have my word. " Glorfindel steps closer to Erestor who waves his apology away with an elegant hand.
"I shall leave it to you then, Captain.I see you have the problem in hand." The Chief Councillor finally lays his sharp gaze on the warriors, unnerving every young elf. Especially Faron, as he tries desperately not to make eye contact with the old feanorian general. The little welps shall reap the consequences later for their stupidity, but it would be fine, Erestor is fair, that Thandor knows.
The feanorian reminisces the days in Himring where he was born. Where Middle-Earth was harsh and their other kin despised them. Yet they endured.There is a reason why the feanorians remained till the bitter end, not for glory, but for the love their Leaders had given to those under them. Despite the hand they were dealt with themselves, the feanorians shared kindness amongst themselves, where there was none for them.
When everything was lost, there was no one left but their precious twin Lords Elrond and Elros. It was Erestor, their young general, who single-handedly kept the twins alive in Lindon with them, the unwanted, the strays and the remnants of a broken and hated House.
The dark haired elf wanders closer to the taller elf, laying a hand on Glorfindel’s chest, easing that deep frown slightly, seemingly calming the displeased Captain.
Oy.Oy.Oy. You both do remember where this is? Thandor resists burying his face into his hands with a snort.
The height difference is not much,but Erestor still leans up to Glorfindel's ear, lips nearly brushing an earlobe. With absolutely no regards to their audience watching attentively at all.He drops his voice into a bare whisper, with Glorfindel remaining silent.Azure eyes gleaming in concentration, possibly using Osanwe in reply. Effectively keeping the conversation between themselves, until Erestor finally pulls away. Slate green eyes meeting dazzling blues filled with light.
Great. They are seriously not convincing anyone being like that.Ah…If only Lord Maedhros and Lord Maglor can see their ferocious general now. Now that would be funny.
"Well then, I see my presence is not required here anymore in any case. "Erestor announces flatly with disinterest. His dark gaze lingers on Glorfindel for a moment, dragging his fingers along the warrior's arm before he turns to take his leave with Councillor Saelbeth and Melpomaen-
Only to be nearly rammed into by a silvery blur that is their Lady running back, skirts in hand.As she rushes back into the Barracks. Her Handmaiden trailing behind in wild panic.
"WAIT! Wait,wait! So- everything in the book is not true??"
Erestor stares at the Lady, his brows in a deep frown.
"Book? What book?"
Saelbeth’s face scrunches in visible pain, young Melpomaen pales,while the soldiers of Imladris struggle to remain calm. Which earns them more weird looks from their new brother-in-arms from Lorien.
Thandor tiredly shuts his eyes to the disaster before him, and sighs.
A/N: Elves of Arda work hard but the gossip mills of Imladris work harder! And what better way to immerse into a new city and bond with your teammates than to have wagers on your bosses’ love life!
This was too damn long and OOC and got out of hand im so sorry.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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