justjams2003 · 16 days
The Desire to be Loved
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Summary: Love is Desire's first creation. As Cupid she shoots her arrows of love and rips them from people's hearts too. Occasionally, shooting a soulmate arrow. What does she do when her first Soulmate arrow in 100 years is between Cupid and Dream?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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firemandeanbuck · 1 year
Dream is fond of Delirium. He may not admit it out loud, but he adores his sister and her quirks. He loves her never stopping transformation, her wild eyes, her ever changing voice, her inhuman hair. Everything. Her messy mascara and misplaced eyelashes.
Del also loves her brother. She loves the way he smells like purple, how he walks 12 steps at once. She loves the little smile he gives her and only her. She loves that he came with her when she wanted to search for Destruction. She loves that he is better now and talks to Orpheus in his dreams.
Dream is busy these days. It has been 15 days and 8 nights since he last came to the gallery to talk to her. She is worried about her brother. It isn't unusual, but a gut feeling in her jacket's right sleeve tells her something is up with Dream.
What if he is on trouble? what if he needs her help?
He did say she is welcomed in the dreaming. She will find Lucienne to help her too. Lucienne loves her. Delirium loves Lucienne and how she looks like the sound of rain and smells like a blue star.
Delirium goes to the Dreaming; everyone lets her pass. She meets a lots and a lots of people and a lots and a lots of people. A raven, a pink haired dwarf, a bald pumpkin head.
She meets a small brown-haired woman, she asked her where her brother is,
"I don't know who your brother is", she said kindly,
"Um... Dream", Delirium for a moment forget his name.
"Oh, he is in the Sands of Creation",
"Okay", for some reason, she did not need to ask for directions. She fishes where going to the right direction, as if they knew where they were.
There, Dream was working on his super duper duper duper important project. He was creating Dreams and nightmares.
No one told Delirium about it. She just Knew.
Each of the Endless can tell when the others are creating. Destiny and Death can't CREATE, but they take of what's created.
Delirium loves loves loves Dream's Dreams, they are so kind and somehow all of them taste like rainbow.
"Delirium, sister, come", he held out his hand for her, she took it and held it while standing next to Dream.
"Um.." Delirium was smiling.
Dream was making copper butterflies. They were so pretty, a shade darker than intended due to the blackness of the place.
"I ask for your assistance, sister",
This surprises Delirium even more. Dream asking for HELP?? From HER??
"These butterflies aren't as shiny as yours", he Frowns.
She can see the flaws from months away, "Of course they aren't silly, you didn't feed them butter! AND their blood isn't yellow"
"Thank you sister." he hummed and made the nessesary modifications.
Delirium sat of the floor and was distracted by the flying black roacks, she made them frogs to play with, they sounded happy.
"Do you wish to eat, sister?"
"UM... Do you have those tiny chocolate people? You know the one with green hands and grey smell?"
"Of course"
Still holding her hand, Dream led her to the dinning table.
The butterflies were complete, absolutely silly, as they are meant to be.
Ever since then, they had been roaming the dreaming.
for auntie @mathomhouse-e my beloved. happiest of birthdays <3
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mimuranda · 2 years
New obsessions and disappointments
Hi tumblr!
I've been quite out from Tumblr in the last year and a half , cause my life has changed so much in this time (first to the worst and then to the BEST).
This is a great opportunity for me to work again a bit on this account, that I wish to improve. In the meantime, and since a few months, I have been a few series and films, that have successfully achieve the impossible: to take me out of the Good Omens fandom.
Not that I don't like it anymore, of course I ADORE Good Omens. However, we have to talk about a few new obsessions I've got, as well as a few deceptions.
Among the dissapointments I would name Tokyo Ghoul, and Sandman.
For Tokyo Ghoul, I had GREAT expectations and I felt so disappointed it made me sad. I cannot understand how such a potential, such a cool story went to waste and total nonsense. For moments I think they directly skipped parts of the manga, because if not the whole story is very bad written, which, knowing the base idea, I don't think is the explanation. Just stopped watching in the third season and I don't think I will ever end it. I am thinking about maybe give an opportunity to the manga, what do you guys say?
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Then, we have Sandman. I really am a big big fan of Neil Gaiman. I love the Sandman comics. And I know they go at a slow pace, but the adaptation is damn slow and almost boring. The vortex story got me completly bored. I think they chose very well the main actor, he looks and acts just like morpheus, and of course, the poesy of some dialogs and good use of myths and folklore are great, but they come from the comics so.... really, I won't be keeping with this show, I am starting to doubt the ability of the studios to successfully adapt the masterpieces of Gaiman, because American Gods season 1 was great but the second one was LAME and NOTHING happened...
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But I also watched good stuff.
Let's talk about it!
First of all let's talk about this BRILLANT GENIUS ANIME:
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This is the MOST FUNNY, WHOLESOME, INTERESTING AND BRILLANT anime, comedy and even series I have seen in a while. I love it, have already seen the whole show 3 times and if I could I would do it again because I've not laught this much in years. I will do a whole post regarding this anime because it must have one. This is pure gold, the characters, the plot, the punchlines, the MUSIC... If you have not watched it yet, you should do it NOW. Please look at those badass parents and those kawaii girl and doggo, it's impossible not to LOVE THEM. This is the most popular anime in this moment in Japan and probably in the world and I UNDERSTAND WHY.
Then we have Tokyo Revengers. This is exactly my jam. This is the kind of anime I particularly enjoy even when it is not perfect. Sentimental shonen full of battles, blood, tears and amazing bonds between the characters. It'll make you cry, if you only come to care for the characters which I think is quite easy, there are a lot and 90% of them are extremely charismatic. I binge-watched this thing, which ended in a MASSIVE CLIFFHANGER, so then went reading the whole manga in less than 2 days which also is at a MASSIVE CLIFFHANGER AND PLOT TWIST (even if I think that the manga last arc, even if I am enjoying it, should not exists, because we already had a great ending).
DAMN! It's plenty of angst, lovely friendships, epic battles (for teens, because they are 14-16 y.o) and lovely happy moments, then heartbreaking sad moments. There is also a whole mystery plot based on the paranormal element of the story, which is that the main character can time-travel, which is not explained but I honestly don't really care, I accept it. Will talk further about this in a future post too.
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Then, we have MY FAVOURITE ANIME and one of my top 3 tv show ever, that I came to finish - and was traumatized for a whole month: I caught up with Attack On Titan:
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I just confirmed what I already thought when I saw the first two seasons. This is a JEWEL. Everything in this anime is AMAZING, even if it will completly destroy my heart. There is no way this can end well (I don't have read the manga, so do not spoil me please). I cryed all the tears in my body and I feel I will keep crying until the end. The last seasons I just watched were the most revealing for the plot and honestly, I think this story is extremely twisted. The explanation to all the questions we have as viewers is such a good idea, but so twisted and sick in its nature... then is when I realized this anime goes quite deep in the thematics it explores, and I can only bow before this magnificent story.
And finally, there is Miraculous, a show so popular that the fandom reached me before watching it. I did not have any clue of what this story might be on, and I have to say I was framed by the fandom. I thought it was more adult, darker, and with a better development. Miraculous is not a bad series, particularly knowing the target viewers are childs, but it has a lot of problems. I can't help but thinking it is lost potential, which is quite frustating. However, despite a lot of problems and errors, and that I would love it to be a bit more mature and angstier, the story that is behind is quite captivating and the love square between only 2 characters (yes, you read correctly) is amazing. I love Chat Noir and how he is completly smitten by Ladybug. And I have to admit that the fandom has made amazing things (fancomics and fanarts) that are extremly captivating. So despite myself and the show not beeing that good (you can skip it) i am obssessed with the content related to it.
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So this 4 shows are my current obsession and I'll be probably be reposting a lot of content related in the future weeks/months. It is also quite inspiring for me to draw again, which I've been yearning to do for a while.
Hope I made you discover a few things and if you have recomendations related to any of these please share and comment!
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skartlie · 2 years
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Commission I did for @joey_wingster ! Thank you so much for commissioning me !!
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writeshite · 2 years
hi! i was wondering if you could do a morpheus / male reader fic in a modern au? (and w/o smut please im ace srry :/) and idk reader's nice? in general ?I'm sorry i don't usually do requests so idk what to say but i rlly like how u write !
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Sleep Is The Best Medicine
The kitchen light is soft against your eyes but harsh for Morpheus - he’s hanging off your back, arms around your neck as you carry him piggyback style. He’d been sick all week and hadn’t done much but steal your softest clothing, an old hoodie, a beanie, and socks, the only article of cloth belonging to him being his pants.
Morpheus x Male!Reader
Fluff | Sick Morpheus | Healthy Sleep Schedules
Words: 417
Author's Note:
Welcome my fellow ace comrade, not to worry I understand your plight and many thanks, I'm glad to hear you like my writing
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The kitchen light is soft against your eyes but harsh for Morpheus - he’s hanging off your back, arms around your neck as you carry him piggyback style. He’d been sick all week and hadn’t done much but steal your softest clothing, an old hoodie, a beanie, and socks, the only article of cloth belonging to him being his pants. The shirt underneath the hoodie also belongs to you, an old sleep shirt he’d grown attached to. You’d taken most of the week off to look after him, and he’d repaid you with many thanks and a happy sound like the one he’s making. 
Morpheus liked to drink warm milk before bed; the specific recipe was from his childhood, something his father used to make and something he drank whenever he got sick. “Cinnamon?”
You turn your head at the sound of your voice; his head’s turned up slightly, eyes droopy as he asks for the spice. You smile, “Of course, love,” you reply. He gets down from your back, shuffling over to the spice cabinet; he returns to you with the spice, dropping almost half of it inside the milk bubbling on the stove. He smiles when you shake your head, leaning against you once the cinnamon is returned. You place your hand on his forehead, glad to feel the fever hasn’t returned; all that’s left right now is the sore throat, which should clear up by tomorrow. The hood’s cast over his head, and he’s drawn the strings to hide his face from the lights. He hops on the counter as you move to switch the stove off, dividing the milk into two cups; you pass him his before joining him on the countertop.
It’s long since stopped raining, and you’d spent the day snuggled on the couch, watching various movies as the day went by, the most eventful occasion being the half-hour you spent trying to get your boyfriend to take his medicine. Now, as you took the last sip of your warm drink, you slid off the counter; taking Morpheus’ cup, you placed them in the sink, leaving them for tomorrow. You and Morpheus went to prep for bed - brushing your teeth, checking the locks, all that stuff; when you got to bed, Morpheus was already wrapped in blankets, curled in comfort, and when you got into bed, curled in your arms. When morning comes, Morpheus is better, free from his cold, but you awake with a sneeze, puffy eyes, and a sore throat. 
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End Note:
I'm sorry if it's too short, but I hope you enjoyed it. Stay Hydrated.
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galahadwilder · 1 year
Hob Gadling in the year 2089 goes to their bar. The new one, the one he'd directed his Stranger to, his friend, after the old one shut down. He waits to meet his Stranger there, to tell him all about the seventy years that have passed since they last met.
The Stranger who comes to meet him is not his Stranger.
The unnatural pallor of his face is the same, yes, as are the expressions on it, but the face itself is different. Younger, perhaps. His hair is white, as are his clothes, instead of Hob's Stranger's preferred black. And yet this new stranger greets Hob the same way the old one did, the same words, the same tones, the same inflections--except that his greeting is nakedly warm, where the old Stranger kept his emotions, his affection, carefully guarded. This new man shows knowledge of Hob's life. Acts like he and Hob have known each other since time immemorial.
And then, most damningly, this new stranger introduces himself.
"My name," he says, "is Daniel."
Hob listens in shock as Daniel tells him that his Stranger, his friend, was Morpheus, King of Dreams. That Morpheus had given up his title, and his life, to a younger successor. That Daniel, the new Dream, still possesses Morpheus' memories, his bonds, his affection for Hob, but Daniel is not Morpheus.
Hob feels a pit of grief in him unlike he has ever known, settling right next to the now-dulled but still painful ache of the death of his son, as he realizes that the one constant in his life, the one friend who could never leave him, has indeed left. That his Stranger is gone... and is never coming back.
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I honestly can't wait for Byler endgame.What I'm not looking forward to is people shitting on ST for being "woke" and saying that "Byler came from nowhere" and "it's there just for diversity point" or "it's fa service" when everything was calculated and foreshadowed from the beginning.
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skyreiko · 2 years
Someone show this man SOMETHING
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teamlighthouse · 1 year
Sometimes I feel like I'm... too anti-romance for fandoms. Cause you know, in the source material you have something where to characters are friends - and say that they are friends.
Then you go to Fandom spaces and suddenly everything is filled with these two being in a relationship? Why can't they stay friends? Why does everything have to be a romantic relationship??
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xony · 10 months
i had too many feels about GO2 and I had to make a playlist since that's the only way I have to express deep emotion!!!
enjoy!! (or suffer deeply idk)
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justjams2003 · 21 days
The Desire to be Loved-3
Summary: Love is Desire's first creation. As Cupid she shoots her arrows of love and rips them from people's hearts too. Occasionally, shooting a soulmate arrow. What does she do when her first Soulmate arrow in 100 years is between Cupid and Dream?
Pairing: Dream of the Endless x OFC Love/Cupid/Venus (you know how these beings have millions of names) (Also technically it could be an x reader because love is sort of anthropomorphic but in this story a she)
Warnings: Manipulation, threats, crying, cliffhanger, unedited, kind of like enemies to lovers, soulmate au, cursing, tell me if I miss any
Word count: 1,7k+
Dividers by: @hyelita
Tags: @intothesoul @briskesby coffeebeforewater
(I've moved next part to the bottom)
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Love’s steps are usually much more graceful. Like a bird so carefully landing on a tree branch. So lightly that the branch doesn’t even move. It looks like nothing but the wind breezing through the careful sway of the tree.  
Or maybe her movements are more like a spider. Slicking up buildings, perching and waiting to shoot the arrow of love. She has wings but more often than not she doesn’t use them. She likes climbing things and sneaking around. Pretending that the human’s can see her and she needs to hide. Some childish game to distract her from the loneliness.  
Her loneliness of not being seen. Over a billion people on earth. And not a single one can see her. Maybe, sure, the ghosts can see her. But why would ghosts want to talk to her? Can ghosts even love? How would Cupid shoot them with love-arrows if they can’t be touched?  
Since life has been breathed into her lungs, Desire has been the only being she’d ever talked to. And when they did, he usually did most of the talking. Scheming, rather. Talking about every possible way, left and right, to take down his siblings. Or just something more to mess with the humans a bit. 
Cupid doesn’t like messing with the mortals. Or the thought of hurting the other Endless. She’s never really thought of hurting anything. She wasn’t made with the ability to think of harm. She liked watching the humans. They’re so social. Even the ones who claim they like to be alone, they always have another human close by.   
And those who don’t... they eventually die the same way she lives. But that’s her least favourite part. She doesn’t like thinking about it, it makes her feel weird... Her favourite is watching a couple with one of her arrows between them. The first shy looks between them, red cheeks that she’s never had. She tries to always be there for the first ‘I love yous.’  
But watching her now, is pathetic at the least. She looks exhausted, all her power is gone. Dream of the Endless has been out of action for 100 years. All dreams are gone, no dream of desire, no dream of love. No arrows showed up in her quiver. Desire stopped talking to her, after all there was no need to.  
And one day in utter frustration, she pulled too hard. What gave her power was the love and hope between people. It brought her power to see people happy together. More people in love, the stronger Love is. But in the last 100 years...almost nothing. All she’s done is pull out her arrows from people’s hearts. Weaker and weaker.  
And one day she just snapped. Seeing the human shatter and break, some new emotion she never felt before rised...frustration. She knew how fragile the humans are but her anger got the worst of her. It had been the 50th arrow that day that she had to take out. She had to watch how they’d wail and cry when their heart rip apart.  
She’d hacked the arrow along with the heart out. In the human world it just looked like a normal heart attack, but to her it was something much more horrific. The human heart beat in her hands and the blood poured and poured. She knew Desire would just laugh at her and there was only one other person who could even see her. 
But this, where she is now is even worse. The walls are blood red, the obvious realm of Desire of the Endless. She looks barely on the brink of life. Her everything looks grey and dull. “D-Desire?” She mutters hoping for some sort of life force grant from him. A loan until dreams reappear in people. Until love has some sort of meaning again.  
But when she finally limped her way to the throne she got the exact opposite response. “Hello, pet, could there ever possibly be something you want to say to me?” His tone is harsh like a bee sting. “I-I don’t feel so good.” He just scoffs and rolls his eyes.  
“You...you...sly minx! You’re like a fucking viper!” He has a cruel grin on his face. But Love has given up after years of psychological torture and isolation. She is just as quick to snap back. At him “The first words he spoke to me was a thank you. That’s more I’ve ever gotten from you!” Something seems to actualise up for Desire.  
“Oh, I see that’s how it is. You think he cares about you.” He grins and stands up from his throne. His sharp claw once again finds the sensitive skin under her chin. “I don’t understand why you hate him so much.” She mutters turning her face away. But he grabs her right by the cheeks and keeps her exactly in place.  
“I thought that you wanted your master to rule? I’ve been so so good to you haven’t I?” His mouth grazes across her jaw. Her breathing hitches. This is how he gets her. “He doesn’t care about you. He didn’t even know you existed before you stumbled your way into that fucking basement. And didn’t I tell you not to go back there?”  
“He didn’t hurt me like you told me would. Not once, he’s been nothing but soft and-” suddenly his hand wraps around her neck. She’s weak, and even before she only had a fraction of his power. She can‘t fight back. “’not once’? Not only did you free him from his cage you visited him more than twice?”  
His fingers become tighter around her neck. His claws draw blood and it drips down her chest. Her hands flail around his. Her breathing becomes raspy and painful. “I could make a million more of you if I wanted.” He whispers into her ear. But his other hand comes up and scrapes a line across her cheek.  
“But you’re oh so beautiful.” His pink tongue drags over the line of blood dripping from her cheek. Then he places a sloppy kiss on her cheek. “You were meant to be my perfect creation. But now look at you. Weak and fucking useless...” They let go of Love. 
When she crumbles on the floor he just coos. “Such a shame. Too sickly to fly, to teleport. I’m sure you couldn’t even pick up your bow if you tried.” He bends down to the girl struggling to get up. He grabs her by the hair, he can’t help but admire how beautiful he made her again. “I think I should try again, don’t you...?”  
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Feelings are such a conflicting thing. Something that the Dream of the Endless never thought that he’d be one to deal with. Black and white and no in between, right? Make dreams, make nightmares, deal with the things that shouldn’t be. Sure, once in a while one of his many siblings would irk him or send him one of this in between things to deal with.  
But now things are different. Now he’s been caged up for over a century. Now for some odd reason there is something more than the repeating thoughts of cruel revenge against the Burgesses. Seeing Alex stuck in an eternal nightmare did warm the soul but just not enough.  
When the sand made contact with his skin and he opened his eyes to see Lucien staring down at him, it made his heart sink. More so seeing the shambles his kingdom had come to. And as he sat on his throne, breathing in the dust of his castle there’s only thing he can think of.  
In his lap sits the arrow left by Love. The arrowhead is glowing bright red. He inspects it closely, there are as always names written on it. But, even in his authority as an Endless, only Cupid knows who this arrow belongs to. But why did she come to him with it...? 
She looked to be in utter disbelieve about the contents of the arrow. Like she feared it contents. Why did she keep coming back to him? Why did she leave the arrow with him and not take it with her? Doesn’t this arrow have a time and place to reach it’s target? Won’t the scales tip, the fates must know this.  
But in the sights he’s stuck in, he needs his powers now more than he needs Cupid. And there is always one person to ask, who would know where his own creation is. But what feels more cruel is the utter fear behind her eyes at the thought of Desire finding out where she is and who she’s talking to.  
It can wait...right?  
“My king, what is that you have?” Lucien asks, picking at her fingers. The deep vibration of his voice echos. “Lucien, what books do we have on Cupid?” The librarian’s brows furrow, “Desire’s first creature? Is that...?” She asks, holding out her hand to inspect the object. “It is...she was the first non-human to find me.”  
The creature isn’t sure what to say. She doesn’t know her master to be one with much sentiment. “Why didn’t she inform anyone?“ She asks, it would’ve helped to keep all creatures in the Dreaming. “She knows her place. She’s submissive, she was made that way.” Lucien goes to speak again but Dream interrupts her.  
“What confuses me more is why she went against him? And what will happen if Love itself has gone missing from the human world?” Lucien’s brows furrow. “My lord you have been gone for a century, don’t you wish to get your power back before we focus on different issues.”  
Suddenly his voice sounds stern and his eyes go dark. “Lucien. My devotion lies with the dreamers and if they have no love there are no dreams. If there are no dreams there is no love. Do not question me.” The woman looks taken back and seems to gulp. She keeps her head down and keeps out of the way. 
A pang of guilt hits him seeing Lucienne cower from him. He sighs and lets the arrow disappear again, somewhere easy for him to grab and hide again. “But-” he stops her from walking away. “-you’re right, Lucienne. If I go charging into Desire’s realm, without my tools, I’ll be captured again.”  
Dream stands up from his steps, his long black coat billowing behind him. “I need to find my tools.”  
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If you want to be added to the taglist, just ask
Part 2~Part 4
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auressea · 2 years
Dreaming of a ship armada...
OK Dreamers-
so @moonknightoftheendless suggested Lucienne would enjoy Death's company very much. and !!!!!!!! YES!
@raven-star77 and I agree wholeheartedly.. They both have such a delightful twinkle in their eyes! Dream might not survive the roast.
we need a decent portmanteaus for these two! it's tricky because "Luci" and "De" are too ambiguous in this fandom.. the best I've got so far is Lucieath. which.. lacks something and could be confused for Lucifer x Death
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melodic-operator · 2 years
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My first attempt at writing and posting anything here! This is my first piece of fiction writing in literally six years, thank you Neil Gaiman and the Sandmand communituy for being so amazingly inspiring! This piece in particular was inspired by some soft prompts for Dreamling I saw going around and have since lost entirely, woops
(Ao3 link here)
Hob Gadling had never touched his stranger. Not once in 600 years. Perhaps to outsiders, that wouldn’t seem strange. Even in centuries more forgiving of homosocial tactility between men, his stranger had always looked so above it all. Untouchable in the same way one didn’t touch a sculpture in a museum. His stranger was marble and ebony, beautiful and foreboding. Not suitable for touching, certainly not by hands as rough as Hob’s.
Stood in the doorway to the kitchen, a new bottle of wine under his arm, Hob could barely believe the situation he found himself in. His stranger, his Dream, sat on his couch, listing slightly to the side as he agreeably joined Hob in a gentle inebriation. They were celebrating… something. Had Hob had a bad week, or a good one? Had Dream? Hob could barely remember. All he could think about was that little curl of hair, normally artfully tousled now just dropping over his left eye. Hob’s side. He could just reach out, brush it away.
Even Hob struggled to believe Dream had got to a point where he would do anything agreeably with Hob. 600 years of stoney silences and a heart-wrenching departure, and yet here he was, barely five years after his late arrival at the New Inn, on Hob’s sofa, drinking red wine Hob had pilfered from downstairs, looking so much less the foreboding majesty he normally projected.  Dream hiccuped slightly, leaning further against the left arm of the chair he was so majestically sprawled in. He leant, ever so slightly, towards Hob’s arm, which had somehow crept forwards without his noticing, along with his whole body. His traitorous right arm twitched. 
For the first time ever, Hob brushed against his stranger. His hair, normally totally defiant of gravity, was silky soft. Hob meant to pull back. Maybe if he continued as if it had never happened, Dream wouldn’t take umbrage. Maybe he could play it off with a friendly ruffle - no, no matter how drunk Dream seemed, Hob couldn’t imagine that going over well. Frozen with indecision, Hob realised, not everything was still. Dream’s velvety hair was brushing, slowly, meditatively, against the back of his hand. No matter how traitorous his arm might be, he knew even it wouldn’t dare to stroke his stranger.
And yet, sticking his courage and looking down, there was Dream, nodding his head into Hob’s grasp. Feeling, no doubt, Hob’s gaze boring down, Dream looked up. Without pulling away. Hob felt his palm curl, so gently, around Dream’s cheek. If Dream looked like marble, his skin felt like softest silk. His skin was warm, not with an inner heat, but with the reflection of the room, the warmth of Hob’s sitting room, just the two of them. Dream looked at him, inquiring. Slowly, almost sleepily, a smile crept like dawn across Dream’s face. He looked up at Hob, and rubbed his face once more against Hob’s palm.
Hob could feel his own smile creeping up on him. The skin around Dream’s eyes crinkled. His lips parted, pearly teeth opening ever so slightly. His tongue crept out, rose petal pink, to lick his lips. Without moving away from Hob’s hand, he spoke.
“Do you think, you might be willing. To come down here.”
Hob’s knees buckled under him. Hand still on Dream’s cheek, he gazed into his eyes. Dream hadn’t stopped smiling. He leant forward, so gently. Hob wasn’t sure he had taken a breath since the first moment he felt Dream against him. And then, lips, against his. Soft, warm, ever so slightly wet. Hob was still frozen. Dream pulled back, smile shuttering in concern and Hob felt his brain finally kicking into action in response. He slips his hand forwards, once more into Dream’s hair, curling so delicately in its gossamer strands and pulled Dream back, back into his lips and properly into his arms. 
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writeshite · 1 year
So I was wondering if you are up for it if you could write a agents. For morpheus x reader. Where the reader died of a sickness and morpheus is all upset. The corinthian was best freinds whith reader and when he died the corinthian blamed morpheus.
When the corinthian trys and gets rose on his side he tells her that morpheus killed his lover. And when rose confronts him in the dreaming morpheus explained what happend and he kinda just brakes down . ( you can make up the end )
Anyway if you feel uncomfortable writing this then that is ok .
Bye ! ( btw male reader pls )
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Hit Close To Home
“Are you going to tell Lord Morpheus?” The blood on his chin was dry now, his gaze downcast as you glanced between him and the corpse.  You sigh, coming down to his height, and you wipe away at the blood; you say nothing, instead gathering him in your arms, and the others glare enviously at him - your favored little horror, they often called him. Lord Morpheus says nothing when you return, but Corinthian isn’t allowed to return to Earth.
Morpheus x Male Reader
Forest Spirit Reader | Dead Reader | Angst | This Author regrets Nothing 🙂
Words: 1556
Author's Note:
Someone woke up and chose angst, damn, not that I'm complaining, I love putting you all through emotional torture.
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“Oh, hello.”
The Dreaming was vast and monotone, with your personal terrace the only break between the sand and dreams; the Corinthian remembers stumbling across it the first time - even among his fellow nightmares, he was considered a monster. His memories of the Dreaming were less than pleasant, but you were perhaps the only shining light among them.
“You must be the new nightmare, then.”
“Go away,” he hissed; he wiped his eyes furiously, wincing as they bit at his hands. His form is tiny - unstable, at best - like that of the waking children he’s heard the other nightmares speak of. He’d run off from them, form flicking about like a shadow, and hidden in the first room he could find. Lord Morpheus would no doubt be looking for him, the dreams and nightmares of the Dreaming heeded to their master, and as the newest, he would need to catch up to his fellow manifestations. 
He didn’t turn to glance at whoever had spoken to him, instead drawing himself further away, “You can’t hide in there forever, little nightmare.”
“I said go away!” he hissed again, face contorting as he turned to the other person. It always worked with everyone else; they’d run off at the sight of him, but not you. You huffed; you didn’t scream, instead shrugging and leaving him to his hidey-hole. 
You’d let him stay there for hours, undisturbed as he minded his own until boredom overtook, and he peeked out to glance at you. You certainly weren’t under Morpheus’ domain - not with that smile - your clothing looked like it was crafted from the branches and leaves of the Waking. 
“Who are you?” he asks.
You chuckle, “Well, that depends. Will you be joining me here, or do you plan to converse from your hideout?”
Your terrace had been a private abode, untouched by sand; it was filled to the brim with plants, paint, and various other trinkets from the Waking World. You’d been one of the few to forgo Morpheus’ orders, treating him and any manifestation like your own, and the Corinthian had spent many a day in your company. On the rare occasions, you’d allow him and a few others to tag along to Earth - the forest you inhabited required little upkeep, but you went for the humans. Strange creatures, really. He never understood why you cared for them; personally, he preferred them with a side of sauce.
“Are you going to tell Lord Morpheus?” The blood on his chin was dry now, his gaze downcast as you glanced between him and the corpse. 
You sigh, coming down to his height, and you wipe away at the blood; you say nothing, instead gathering him in your arms, and the others glare enviously at him - your favored little horror, they often called him. Lord Morpheus says nothing when you return, but Corinthian isn’t allowed to return to Earth.
He doesn’t tell Rose all of this, far too personal to share; he says what he can bear, “He was my friend, and Morpheus killed him.”
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Morpheus had always been weak to your requests; treating the nightmares like children hadn’t been something he’d ever done. They’d been more so his creations, his associates at best, but you’d gathered them around you, and they’d willingly flocked, nurturing them with care. The Corinthian had been perhaps the most attached to you, digging the sands of the Dreaming for any wayward thoughts that would make wonderous decors for your terrace. 
“You coddle him,” Morpheus spoke lowly; he overlooks the balcony over your shoulder; the nightmares trudge along without disturbance, the little nightmare you’d befriended shifted through the sands below, having promised to find you something worthwhile.
“I coddle them all,” you remind him.
“He is a nightmare, not a child,” he reminds you. 
“Yes, yes, dear,” you jest, patting his cheek fondly. The little nightmare turns up towards you, holding something up proudly, you gesture him towards you, and he runs into the castle joyfully. He goes to protest, but you silence him with a peck, “I know, I know, but it won’t do much harm.”
Now thinking of the nightmare, he barely glimpsed the wisp that clung to you so desperately. He’d hate to think of the devastation that would befall you if you saw them now, “Don’t turn him away when I’m gone,” Morpheus had withdrawn, remaining by your side far long after your passing, leaving the Corinthian to his own murderous grieving process. The nightmare had made his way through the remnants of your Earthly forest, then to Rose - Rose, who stared at him with contempt and uncertainty. 
“Why?” she asks.
Morpheus almost laughs; he’s not sure what she’s asking - why did he sit by and watch you wither? Why didn’t he plunge humanity into waste to save you? Why didn’t he petition your fellow spirits for aid? - the answer was simple. He couldn’t.
“Morpheus….please, let’s not spend my last days arguing.”
Nature spirits were perhaps the least fortunate of divine beings, lives heavily intertwined with their domains; your forest had been the target of some human development - each tree torn down saw a lapse in your health. It had started small, a slight cough of petals, before escalating to weak muscles and bedridden days. Your fellow spirits had died quicker; living in the Dreaming slowed the damage, but it wasn’t enough. Your arms had grown stiff, skin twisting to resemble branches, leaves had begun to sprout from you, accompanied by flowers, and your blood had turned dark like tar. The branches had come from your back as well, and tearing into the sheets, each movement you made had been painful, staining the bed with your obsidian blood.
“Your brother’s river is dry.” Morpheus had found the man’s husk of a body by the banks, drier than a desert; it had crumbled at the touch of the wind, and the Gods had fallen into panic at the death rate, but no solution had been found. He’d grown frustrated at their excuses, ‘we’re trying’ - were they? He’s brought back to the moment by a touch to his cheek; your thumb swipes at a stray tear; your face was more bark than flesh now, a slight wince in your expression as you reach out to him. 
He moved closer to you, head against yours, and the tears didn’t stop, “I’m sorry —I don’t —I,” you shushed him as he wept, fingers loosely interlaced with his.
“I didn't kill him,” Morpheus corrects, “you did. Your kind tore down the forests, polluted the air, and ran rivers dry until he and his brethren were all but gone.”
“What?” Confusion laces her voice. Morpheus turns away, the dreaming shifting with his thoughts, and the sand rises to a height, morphing to form you. Not sickly, but the way you had been before. “He’s….” Breathtaking. Handsome. No words could come close to describing how Morpheus felt about you.
“He was kind,” Morpheus begins, more sand shifts as more imitations rise, “the nightmares adored him, the Corinthian more so than the rest.” Most residents of the Dreaming wouldn’t even think to defy him, much less stick their tongue childishly, but the Corinthian had picked many of your habits. The craving for human flesh had come from neither of you - the nightmare had loved the soft taste of eyes and often asked for them, much to both your displeasures.
“They’re hurting him; why won’t you kill them?!” 
No amount of words could convey the fragile peace among the endless - if one of them killed, the others would follow suit - that’s not even to say what the other celestial beings would do. But that hadn’t been enough for the Corinthian.
“What good is your power if you do nothing useful?!”
Morpheus shook his head, a watery laugh in his throat, “What would you have me do?” he asked, “put humanity down like a dog?” 
“YES!” The Corinthian replied - he’d come to spend every hour by your bedside and pestering Morpheus to act. 
But you’d made him promise, “You’re going to be angry, and you’re going to be sad, but please, Morpheus,” you pleaded, “don’t seek vengeance, not in my name.”
“Please,” you’d leaned forward, snapping some of the bark along your spine. Morpheus nodded somberly, guiding you back to the pillows.
When you’d passed, your body had fully turned to flora, the bed now intertwined into the tree you’d become; he’d left the room as is, allowing the dreams and nightmares to mourn. The Corinthian had screamed, cried, and then blamed - blamed humanity, blamed the gods, the endless - he blamed everyone, but Morpheus bore the brunt of it all. The Dreaming’s collapse had turned what was left of you to dust, Lucienne’s bark snippet being the last piece of you he had. The bark sat in an inner pocket of his coat, threaded with your favorite color of thread.
“I’m sorry,” Rose spoke. Morpheus half scoffed; the sand imitation of you stood on its own, grainy hand in his; he felt close to crying again. When the sand fell again, he said nothing more; the little Corinthian stood far off, mouths frowning at him - unlike the peaceful fall of your imitation, his snapped at the heat of his emotion into glass. “Are you going to kill him?”
Morpheus doesn’t answer.
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End Note:
Sorry about changing the relationship between the Corinthian and Reader; I felt like the request worked a little better if Reader treated him and the other nightmares and dreams like his kids. Stay Hydrated.
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autistic-dream · 2 years
I Will Always Protect You The Corinthian x NB! Reader
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Fandom: The Sandmand
Plot: A Serial Killer wanting to get The Corinthian's attention. Goes after Reader. The Corinthian comes to Reader's rescue.
Warnings: graphic depictions of violence.
A/N: Reader uses they/them
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It's been a long day. All you wanted to do was eat and sleep. Maybe curled up on the couch and watching some B rated horror movie with The Corinthian. Your phone rings. You answer it.
"Hello, Sweetheart." The Corinthian says. He is not one for using your given name. He insteady likes to use nicknames. Some of them are cute like sweetheart. And others are downright ridiculous.
"Hey, Cori." you smile. "I am done. I just gotta drive home." you say, unlocking your car door.
"Great. I have a surprise for you when you get home."
"Better be a hot meal."
"You will love it," he says. You laugh opening the car door.
"I always-" you feel something hit the back of your head sending you to the ground and the phone. You can hear your name faintly being called but you aren't sure who's calling you. You blackout.
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When you wake up you're tied to a chair. The back of your head throbs. You feel a hand grip your chin tilting it up. You see a man looking down at you. He cocks his head to the side.
"So this is The Corinthian's heart." he laughs. "You were way too easy to catch little bird." he takes his blade pressing the tip into your cheek and gently dragging it down your jaw.
You wince as you feel it cut and feel the warm blood pour down your face.
"Please don't do this." You beg, though it is more so for his sake than your own. You know how The Corinthian is. You know how he gets.
"Please don't do this," he mocks you. He slashes you again with the blade.
"Why are you doing this?" your voice shakes. You are trying to buy yourself time. You are trying to keep yourself alive until you can figure out a plan of until Corinthian can get here.
"Because I want to be him." he says. "And I need you to draw him out." he waves the blade in your face. A little too close to your eyes.
"You want to be the next Corinthian?" you ask
"I do." he smiles. The thing is he could never be. There has only ever been one.
"Tell me more." You say. "It's the least you could do before you kill me."
"I will be better than him. More skillful." he leaves another cut on your face. Making you wince. He places the blade to close to the corner of your eye. Pressing down slightly on the his blade. "You look so pretty when you cry." he says.
"There is only and has only ever been one Corinthian." You hear a familiar voice. You see Corinthian walk up behind the man. He looks unamused.
"Last I checked humans don't live that long." the man scoffs.
"You have my attention," Corinthian says. His voice is cold. "Now why don't you come over here and we can have a little chat. Collector to Collector."
"I don't think I will." the man says. "I think carving up your partner is a much better idea." he puts the blade to your throat. You can feel it
"You don't want to do that." Corinthian takes a step forward. He reaches up taking his sunglasses off. "See I am not human. And I don't take kindly to you touching what's mine." He looks at the man laughing.
You have only seen Corinthian a handful of times with his sunglasses off so the two tiny mouths where his eyes should be doesn't surprise you. The man however is suprised.
"What the fuck...what the fuck are you."
"I am a nightmare. And I will give you a headstart."
"What?" the man sounds confused.
"Run." he says, the man does, but not before knocking your chair over. You are thankful you cannot see what happens as Corinthian chases the man down. You can hear the screams, and the sudden stop of them.
Before Corinthian walks back over. He lifts the chair back up. He has his sunglasses placed back onto his face. He looks at you.
"Are you alright {y/n}?" he asks, untying you. He cups your face in his hands. It must be serious if he is using your name.
"I...I am fine." you reply. "Just the cuts hurt."
"We will get you cleaned up." he says helping you up. You turn your head to look behind you. But he stops you.
"You don't want to see trust me." he says kissing your forehead. He takes you home. Cleans up the cuts and carefully bandages them up. Let him tuck you into bed. You use his chest as a pillow curling up like a cat next to him.
You really aren't sure what else to say. What does one say to this? You knew this was a risk when you started dating him.
"He wanted to be you." you say quietly.
"There can only be one me."
"He wasn't very good at it." you laugh. "No manners at all." you smile now. It's funny. "Will you stay with me tonight?"
"Of course I will." He says. "I will keep any nightmares away." he kisses you. "I am glad you are ok."
"I am glad you came."
"I will always protect you." he whispers, kissing your forehead. "Now try to get some sleep." he says. You close your eyes and let yourself drift off to sleep.
He keeps his promise. You have no nightmares as you sleep.
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