#sam x gabe
ldrmas · 2 years
Sabriel Talk Tuesday!!!
French Mistake is one of my fav episodes so of course I love this story! Rich and Rob being buddies, Sabriel, a little bit of destiel on the side. Really good story!
10/10 Sabriel story for sure!
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Loki: “I’m the real Gabe!”
Gabriel: “No, I’m the real Gabe!”
Dean: “Who do we shoot?”
Sam: “There’s only one way to find out.”
Dean: *nods*
Sam: “How do you spell bananas?”
Loki: “B-A-N-A-N-A-S!”
Sam, shooting Loki: “Wrong answer.”
Dean, looking at Sam in disbelief: “Woah! THAT IS HOW YOU SPELL BANANAS!”
Sam: “Yeah, but Gabe sings the song.”
Gabriel, singing: “It’s bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!”
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slightlystupidhun · 1 year
*David and Angel sitting across the table from Tank and Sam*
David: Do you know why I called you here?
Sam: No. Sir, I have no idea.
*David setting a large vase of yellow roses on the table.*
David: Can you read the note for me Tank?
Tank: ‘Don’t marry David. I’m better. Don’t marry him. Marry Me.’
Sam: ???
David: Tank I need you to stop hitting on my m-
Tank: I thought you knew me better than this David.
*everyone confused*
Tank: I wouldn’t get Angel yellow roses. Those symbolize friendship. I would get them red roses, symbolizing deep passionate love. Also I probably wouldn’t get them flowers. I’d get them more bells in Animal Crossing. David don’t underestimate my determination.
*all of them flabbergasted*
David: Then Who???
Tank: Whoever would put a giant M on the back of the note card. And I doubt Milo would do that.
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fakemonalisa28 · 5 months
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idk if this really fits but ehh
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goldenphoenix4 · 5 months
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gay-destiel · 1 year
#DreamyDrabble Day 4: Touch
@starcrosseddeancas drabble event!
Gabe whirls, blade stabbing into the demon's chest. It lets out a gasp, onyx eyes wide, and Gabe feels his Grace flare. Leaning into the blade, the demon raises a hand to caress his face, spitting out a single sentence,
"You'll never escape us..."
His touch is like wildfire, spreading through the nerves of his human body to his rearing Grace.
The words echo in his head,
You'll never escape.
Little angel, you never stood a chance...
Then firm hands close down on his hands, taking away his angel blade. The only weapon he has.
He snarls, a primal instinct of fear against what his mind registers as demons.
His back hits a wall, and he realizes he's scrambled backward. Faint sounds reach his ears, and after a second of mad writhing, they turn to words,
"-Gabe! It's alright, it's just me! It's Sam! Calm down, listen to me. See?"
Focusing on his voice, Gabe slowly stills.
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Tank Shaw hc time:
Gabe taught Tank how to dance when they were a teen for some school dance (or something idk he taught them that’s the essential part of this okay? okay)
bc Sam ran away from home when he was 15/16 and i personally think he didn’t learn how to dance at home bc of his parents and all that and yea idk… Sam can’t dance! at least not like couple dances yk? and the few times he went to the monarchal summit with Vincent and William he was too embarrassed to say he doesn’t know how to dance and also he just never really felt like learning it just for those summits
so when Darlin and him get together Darlin asks him to dance with them one evening and Sam has to admit that he doesn’t know how to and so Darlin ends up teaching him how to dance <3
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maerheya · 11 months
An imperium AU with Sam & his soon to be consort, Darlin, enjoyyyyy 
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angelkissiies · 2 years
An extra shot of vodka
archangel gabriel x reader
word count : 3204
TW/CW : show level violence, drugging, fluff, protective gabriel.
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“Can we go over the plan again?” You asked, smoothing out the uncomfortable floor length dress. For some reason, Dean had picked the wrong size and now the blue silk pinched and dug into your skin in the most uncomfortable of places. It encapsulated your figure, more than likely the elder winchesters personal plan.
Sam tucked a pouch of salt into his coat pocket as he looked up at you, his eyes widened in sudden surprise before he took on a poker face. “Yeah, basically- you’re gonna go in, mingle a little bit. You’re going to find Jimmy and get him alone. It’s crucial you seclude him, so we can come in and take him out. Got it?” He made it sound so easy, and for him- it probably was. It was better not to question him.
You swallowed thickly as you tucked a piece of hair back, you could barely recognize yourself. Of course, you’ve gotten dressed up before but this was extreme. You had to fit in with millionaires, that took some work. “And what about Gabriel?” You questioned, busying your hands with the knife strapped to your thigh under the silk. It was just thin enough to not be seen under the fabric.
The man chuckled lightly under his breath, “Gabriel will be our eyes. He will be watching you every step of the way, every move you make he’s going to report back to us. Once you get inside, you’ll see a balcony on the second floor. That’s where he’ll be once the clock hits 8:32 exactly.” He tapped on his watch before actually looking at the time, the number glowing ‘8:20.’
“Show time!” Dean shouted, barging in from the adjoining door connecting the two rooms. “You,” he began, giving you a nudge, “-are gonna do whatever it takes to get that man alone. Seduce him, if you have to.”
A flutter of wings could be heard throughout the room, making you turn to come face to face with none other than Gabriel himself.
“You look delicious, (y/n).” He smiled, sending a playful wink your way. The archangel was dressed in a solid black suit, perfectly tailored to fit his body. The top two buttons had been left unbuttoned, which made your eyes linger longer than you’d like to admit. “Maybe don’t seduce him though, he looks like he might have something.” Gabriel stated, giving a small shrug as he fastened a watch onto his wrist.
You gave him a small smile, not trying to give him too much satisfaction. “Let’s do this, shall we?” With a last glance in the mirror, you checked your disguise- everything seemed perfect.
Gabriel took your hand in his, gently pulling you closer to him. “Meet us there, will you?” He gave a little wave before flying the two of you out of the hotel and to the venue of the event. It didn’t feel like flying, it felt like a breath of wind in your face and then a little nausea once your feet were back on the ground, trippy was the best word for it.
You took a deep breath, letting the wave of discomfort from the nausea pass before putting on your poker face. Gabriel had situated the two of you in the gardens connecting to the main entrance to the party, just as planned. “Blend in, blend in, blend in.” You chanted to yourself, words trailing into a whisper as you walked towards the security at the door.
The man stood at an unreasonably tall height, looking down with what could only be described as annoyance as he gripped his clipboard tightly in one hand. “Name. First and last.” He stated in a monotone voice, looking you up and down. “ID as well.”
You gave him a smile, nodding as you opened your purse to pull out your ID. “The name is Magnolia Ferries.” You handed him the ID, watching his expression as he flipped through the list of names. Gabriel had pulled out all the stops, with his abilities he was able to place your fake name on the list and create a professional grade fake ID to use in place of the Winchesters a-maturely made ones.
He tapped the clipboard with your ID before handing it back to you. “Here you go, Ms.Ferries. You may go in.” He turned to open the door for you, gilded handle turning and opening to a meticulously decorated ballroom filled with dozens of the cities finest. It was like a scene right out of a movie.
You tucked your ID back into your bag as you headed inside, standing confidently when really you had never felt more intimidated. These people had so much money, so much influence. One wrong move and the whole operation would be wrecked. You threw on a polite smile, carefully grabbing a champagne flute from a passing waiter- nothing could help you loosen up better than alcohol.
‘Dear Gabriel, hear my prayer- blah blah blah. I’m in. No sight of him yet.‘
Praying was going to be your only means of communication with Gabriel- which in itself sounded like a bad idea. It was a half-baked solution to the earwig problem, but a solution nonetheless. It also seemed to please Gabriel, as he was usually only ever receiving prayers from desperate Catholics- which he had learned to blockout.
You felt a tingling sensation on your shoulder, a telltale sign that he was listening. It was different for everyone. For you, it was just much more gentle than what he inflicted on the Winchesters. He found it funny, and secretly, you did as well.
As you wandered around the room, you spotted Gabriel. He was standing on the balcony holding a cup filled with a mysterious amber liquid. He couldn’t be enjoying it, he was a fruity drink kind of man. His eyes met yours, only for a second, but it felt like much longer. He seemed to be trying to tell you something.
‘Gabriel? Do you see him?’ You thought silently, trying to remain inconspicuous as you scanned the room. You turned to move towards the bar, thinking he might be there but you were abruptly stopped by a man stepping in your path.
“Oh excuse me.” You smiled, trying to go around the man. In turn, he grabbed your arm, which made you freeze in place. This was not part of the plan.
He chuckled, clearing his throat slightly. “Now wait a minute, what’s got you in such a hurry?” He questioned, still holding his grip on your arm.
You shrugged, giving him a polite smile as you pulled your arm away from the man. You felt the familiar tingling on your shoulder but shook your head just enough to tell Gabriel that you were fine. It didn’t subside though, almost as if it was lying in wait. “Nowhere, actually.” You replied, holding your hand out for the man to shake. “I’m Magnolia Ferries, and you are?”
“Terrance. Terrance Forester. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms.Ferries. Is there a Mr.Ferries floating around here anywhere?” He questioned, eyes darting around for anyone who looked like they could be your date. He was a suspicious looking man, but not the one you were supposed to be seducing. This man, Terrance, was at least ten years older than you. His hair was graying in all the wrong areas and he stood just about an inch shorter than you. Not exactly your definition of a catch, but to each their own.
It took everything in you not to scowl at Terrance, the audacity leaving a bad taste in your mouth. “No, there is not. Happily unmarried.” You forced a laugh, flashing your empty ring finger as you entertained his not so subtle flirting.
‘Is he still here?’
Two light fluttery taps on your shoulder indicated he was, that was a relief. Dean would have a fit if you missed this chance to take him down.
“That’s good news for me, would you like to get a drink?” He offered, waving towards the bar. It was pretty busy, seeing most were over the bitter champagne. A perfect chance to escape and get back to the plan.
You nodded, “A drink sounds nice, maybe you could tell me more about yourself in the meantime.” It was a harmless suggestion, one you hoped would give you an out when the time came.
Terrance grabbed a hold of your arm again, this time practically dragging you to the bar. People spared a few glances as the two of you passed through them to find a seat, which that in itself was almost impossible, but after a couple IOU’s from Terrance- a pair of seats were free. The same couldn’t be said about yourself, the constant touching from him driving you mad.
“I’ll have a gin and tonic and she’ll have a…” He trailed off, looking at you expectantly.
“A cosmo, with an extra shot of vodka.” You added, getting a small nod from the bartender. It wasn’t a complicated order, a pretty standard one- one that often got you made fun of by Dean for your ‘girly taste’ in drinks. You couldn’t care enough to be bothered, if you were going to drink it was gonna taste good at the very least.
“Good choice.” You heard faintly, a small breath of air caressing the shell of your ear. That itself made you almost jump out of your skin, considering no one was there. Goosebumps rose on your arms and you gently tried to rub them away as your drink was served.
Terrance took a sip of his drink, face twisting a tiny bit at the bitterness of the liquid. “Nothing like hard liquor, right?” He laughed, dipping a hand in his pocket momentarily before resting it on the counter.
You took a sip of your own, the taste not nearly as bad as what you imagined his was like. It was fruity, and not too sweet that it was overbearing.
A light tap on your shoulder got your attention, making you set your glass down before turning to see who it was. Only, no one was there- again. For some reason, it didn’t click right away that it could’ve been Gabriel- but when it did, everything made a lot more sense. You turned your head towards the balcony, where you’d last seen him. He stood there as he had been, he wasn’t looking at you though, but rather past you.
You turned your attention back to the man who had brought you here in the first place, thinking maybe Gabriel had just gotten a message from the Winchesters. You took a large swig from your glass, almost emptying it in the process. “So, what do you do, Terrance? For work I mean.” You asked, swishing the remaining liquid around in the bottom of the glass- noticing a slightly gritty substance sticking to the sides.
“Well, I do a lot of work in the stock industry. Mainly for big companies. My last trade was in tech, some big up-and-comer.” He explained, his stuffy manicured hand moving to rest on your thigh. “I know you don’t care about this stuff, do you Ms.Ferries?”
You were beyond uncomfortable but when you went to speak, no words seemed to come out. You felt… wrong. Your head became heavy and it felt like a chore to hold yourself up, and your body began to slump onto the counter. The gears in your head began to turn. The gritty substance in your glass, the timing, the creep who had every chance to get his hands on your drink. You’d been drugged. Your head lulled onto the cold counter and before you knew it, the whole world had gone black.
Gabriel had seen the whole ordeal, from the moment the man dug into his pocket to now- he knew he was up to no good. He moved down the stairs as fast as possible without drawing too much attention. He would’ve just flew but that would be harder to explain to normal people than this. His blood was boiling by the time he reached where Terrance was at, as he attempted to guide your limp body into his arms.
“Hey! Get the fuck away from her.” Gabriel shouted, grabbing the man by his hair and ripping him away from you.
Terrance groaned in pain and tried to wriggle out of his grip, hands flailing in a failed attempt to fight back against Gabriel’s assault. “Let go of me, you freak! This is my wife, she just got a little too wasted. She’s a light drinker.”
Gabriel felt his body move before he could really comprehend what he was doing, he slammed the guys head into the countertop- erecting a steady stream of blood from the man’s forehead. “Oh really? That’s so funny because that just so happens to be my girlfriend and she’s a hell of a drinker.” He growled, ignoring the alarmed stares and murmurs that were brought on by the onslaught violence.
“No.. I-I’m sorry. I’ll leave her alone… I swear. Just let me go.” He begged, face now covered in the hot sticky liquid.
He shook his head, momentarily letting go to move his hand to the man’s throat. He dug his nails into the skin around his esophagus. Gabriel knew enough about the human body to hurt this man without completely killing him, I mean, it’s almost like he was there to help create it. He squeezed until the man’s face turned a sickly shade of purple, any longer and he’d probably die. He almost continued, a part of him wanting to kill this man for what he’d done to you. He had to stop himself, he needed to get you out of here.
Gabriel threw the man down onto the floor, completely ignoring his wounded cries as he tended to you. Your body was limp under the effects of the drugs, your deadweight bringing a new sense of dread into his stomach as he hoisted you into his arms. He held you close to his chest, stabilizing you as he headed towards the hall. He needed to disappear from their view. A conveniently placed broom closet was the best he could do, and as soon as he ducked in- the two of you were gone.
In a flutter of wings, he was back in the motel room. You were tucked safely in his arms, still drugged out of your mind. Gabriel had watched as that grimy man, Terrence, roofied your drink. That’s when he started on his way over there, he didn’t waste anytime.
He laid you gently onto the bed, taking off his suit coat to drape over your body before reaching for the motel phone. He quickly dialed up Deans personal phone, anxiously awaiting his answer. He couldn’t heal you, you hated when he did that- but god, he really wanted to.
“It’s Dean, who’s this?”
Gabriel let out a breath that he’d held in his chest, “It’s Gabriel. Get back to the motel, now. Somethings happened to (y/n).”
“We’re on our way.”
It wasn’t even ten minutes before Dean and Sam got back to the motel, in that time Gabriel had- not one but two breakdowns thinking about what might happen. He couldn’t stop thinking that he might have been able to do more, get to you before you drank that alcohol. He was a goddamn archangel for Pete’s sake, he should’ve done something to help you.
Dean practically broke the door down with how hard he swung it open, “What happened?!” He questioned, moving to one side of the bed to look at your body for wounds. To his surprise, there were none. Sam was at his side, using his hand to test your temperature, gasping lightly at the sheer heat emitting from your body.
Gabriel ran his hands through his hair, “It was this man, he roofied her. I couldn’t get to her in time before she drank it, but I took care of the guy. Is she going to be okay? I wanted to heal her but she hates being healed. I don’t know what to do. Dean, I swear to chuck, i tried to get to her. Tell me it’s going to be okay, okay? She’s gonna be fine, right?” He spewed, words spilling off his tongue before he could even catch up mentally.
Sam stood to his full height, placing his hands on Gabriel’s shoulders comfortingly. “Hey, calm down. Everything is going to be fine, but whether she likes it or not- you need to heal her. She has a really bad fever and we don’t know what exactly he slipped her. Can you do that?” His voice was steady, keeping himself calm as he instructed Gabriel.
The man nodded, moving away from Sam and to your side. He sat gently on the edge of the bed, pushing your hair away from your face before resting his hand on your forehead. A soft glowy light emitted from his hand, transferring into your body and stripping the drugs from your system. He knew how much you hated the feeling afterwards but he just wanted you to be conscious and alert again, he needed to know if you were okay.
You twitched lightly, eyes fluttering open to be greeted with the harsh fluorescence of the bedside lamp. You were back at the motel. “Gabriel?” You whispered, his hand still on your forehead.
Gabriel removed his hand, turning the lamp away from you slightly. “Hey, yeah. How are you feeling?” He hummed, giving you a soft smile.
Sam grabbed Deans sleeve and pulled him towards the front door, wanting to give the two of you some space to get caught up. Dean resisted, leaving the two of them awkwardly standing next to the mini fridge nudging into the conversation happening between Gabriel and yourself.
“That guy… Terrance.. he drugged me, didn’t he? That bastard.” You huffed out, pushing yourself up into a sitting position on the bed. It wasn’t until then you noticed Gabriel’s jacket, it had been draped over your body for warmth. More than likely because he knew how much you hated the motel blankets they had provided. “What happened after that?”
He held up his hand, which still had the man’s blood on it from his assault. “I handled it..” he trailed off, moving to rub the blood off onto his black pants. “He got what was coming to him. I pinky promise.” He chuckled lightly, the tension finally leaving his body as he realized how okay you were. You were talking, moving around, breathing normally again. You were just fine.
“Thank you, really. I mean it. There’s no telling what might have happened if you hadn’t done that.” You hummed, moving your hand to rest on his. His hand was soft and warm, everything you’d imagined it would be. “I do have a question though.”
Gabriel nodded, raising an eyebrow as he gently moved to intertwine your fingers. “Ask me anything.”
“By chance did I hear you tell Terrance I was your girlfriend?”
“How did you hear that?!”
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marvelousmrm · 2 years
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Captain America and the Falcon #175 (Englehart/Buscema, July 1974). Post-Watergate cynicism reaches the Star-Spangled Man. The Secret Empire’s CRAP is revealed to the world, and their leader kills himself in the Oval Office…
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deans-queen · 2 months
Friends With Benefits 🖤
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Y/N) 
Summary: Reader (Y/N) goes through a breakup and is feeling vulnerable so her FWB, Dean Winchester cheers her up in the best way. 
Inspired song: Get Mine, Get Yours by Christina Aguilera 
Bold Text: Song lyrics
Warnings: SMUT, p in v (wrap it up kids), oral (male receiving), mature and sexual language.
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Reader (Y/N’s) P.O.V 
“No Gabe, I can’t do this anymore..” you said on the phone. 
You were having yet another fight with this guy you were currently seeing. It really wasn’t an exclusive relationship but you still had feelings for him. But over the past week, there’s been nothing but fighting, the situation was toxic and it was  a waste of energy. 
“No, I don’t want to work this out anymore, we’ve tried and nothing has changed. I’m sorry but it’s over, goodbye.” 
You hung up the phone and placed it on the coffee table in front of you. 
“What a jerk….” You muttered to yourself. 
You placed your face in your hands and began to take deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. 
You picked your phone back up again and deleted his number from your contact list. After that, you went through your contacts again hoping to call your friends to help cheer you up. 
Then you came across a contact name that you recognized: 
Dean Winchester….. your friend with benefits. That green eyed, hot as fuck, bad boy hunter. How could I forget him? He’s so perfect…. You thought to yourself. 
The line began to ring and he picked up right away. 
“Hello?” His deep masculine voice said.
“Dean, it’s (Y/N). I know this is so random but are you busy right now?”
“No, Sam and I just finished up a case…actually near where you live. Why what’s up?”
“Well, um, remember when we became friends with benefits and you said we can call each other whenever we needed to hook up?” 
“Well I’m feeling very lonely and vulnerable right now….and I need you Dean. Desperately.” 
“Say no more, sweetheart I’m on my way.” 
An Hour Later…. 
Before Dean arrived, you decided to freshen up. You touched up your hair and make up just a tad, and put on some sexy lingerie, with a silk robe to cover it up. 
Knock Knock. 
You raced to get the door, and there he was standing before you. Just as handsome as ever. 
He was wearing a dark green jacket (which complimented his eyes perfectly) with a black T-shirt underneath. And his regular jeans with boots. 
“Well hello there handsome.” You said in a seductive voice
“What’s cookin 'good lookin?” He said as he winked at me. 
You began to bite your lips as you pulled him in aggressively by the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips on his. He immediately responded by melting into the kiss. His hands went around your waistline and began to grab your ass. 
Can you put your hands on my waistline?
Want your skin up against mine
Move my hips to the baseline
Let me get mine, you get yours
Smack. A red mark was left on your ass.
“Oh Dean, you are a very naughty boy.” You moaned softly to him. 
He looked at you grinning like a seductive devil, only wanting you more. 
He untied the silk robe from your body and let it pool by your feet. His eyes grew wide as he looked at your lingerie set, running them up and down your body.
It was a black lacy corset bra, with a thong to match, and some black stockings that went up to your thighs, and straps that linked up to them.  
You took his hand and led him to your room. 
You laid down on the bed and Dean crawled on top of you. 
He began kissing your neck, leaving love marks along it, he took a hand and started playing with your boobs. He pulled down your corset bra, exposing your breasts. Your nipples were hard already and Dean could tell. 
He sucked and flicked lightly on each nipple, causing you to moan in pleasure.
“Mmmmm, Dean…..” 
“Your tits are so perfect baby.” He groped each one, massaging them softly. 
You reached down at the hem of his shirt pulling it up off of him. You admired his strong chest and abs, you also noticed the pentagram tattoo and planted a kiss on it. 
You reached for the belt on his pants, undoing it and pushing them down revealing his boxers. 
He pushed them down and his thick cock sprang free, it was so big. Just like you remembered. 
“Lay back Dean, I need to taste you.” 
He did as he was told and you took a hold of his cock. Gliding your tongue along the slit licking the pre-cum that came out of him. 
“Oh fuck, that feels so good.” 
“Well it’s about to get even better.” You  teased, and you took all of him in your mouth and began sucking him like a lollipop. 
He groaned and moaned in pleasure, his cock twitching in your mouth. He grabbed a fist full of your hair, and yanked it as your head bobbed up and down.
“You’re so good for me, taking me all in your mouth like that baby.” He said in a husky voice. “Use that pretty little mouth.” Groaning his head back in pleasure.
You kept going sucking and groping faster and faster until he cummed in your mouth.
“Oh fuck, baby….” He breathed heavily. You swallowed every last drop of him, and he wiped some of it off your chin with his thumb, planting a kiss on your forehead. 
“That’s my good girl, now lay down for me, and take those panties off….I need to be inside of you.”
Put my back into a slow grind
Sending chills up and down my spine
Let me get mine, you get yours
You did as you were told and spread your legs open, and he admired your glistening pussy. 
He teased you a bit, going in and out at first rubbing the tip on your clit, “Dean, please don’t tease me.” 
He then pushed hard inside of your walls, hitting your g-spot with ease.
“I almost forgot how tight you are baby. Your pussy is so perfect.”
“You feel so fucking good Dean, keep going don't you dare stop.” 
He continued to grind against you, moans filled the room and you didn't care how loud you were. You dug your nails into his back, leaving marks, you clung onto him like he was your lifeline. His strong hands gripped your waist tight as he thrusted in and out of you. Your legs were getting weak, you could feel the moment come to you.
“I’m so close, ohh my god!”
“Me too, where do you want me to cum baby?”
“Inside me please, Dean. Fill up this tight little pussy."  
"Yes, ma'am." He said while growling.
And he did, as he pulled out he looked down at the glistening liquid that was coming out of your pussy. He bent down and sucked up all of your juices, as you moaned back in pleasure. 
He laid down next to you, as he took you in his arms.
"Wow, Dean that was so amazing, I need to call you more often." You said winking at him.
"I'll be honored to help you out sweetheart." He said as he smirked seductively.
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Authors Note:
Hope you enjoyed this story!
Feel free to let me know what you think!
Like & follow for more !! Xoxo
P.S. I wrote the smut parts by myself let me know how I did 😜
Check out my other stories!
Master list 📝
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ldrmas · 2 years
Ya know what is incredibly weird; is seeing your work at the top when you search for something
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Sam: “I just want to hear those three little words.”
Gabriel: “I love you.”
Sam: “You are so cute, but try again.”
Gabriel: “I will behave.”
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slightlystupidhun · 1 year
*Tank walking into their house with numerous scratches and bruises*
Sam: Darlin what the hell did ya do?
Tank: *shrugging* I fought a bear
*Bear shifter Honey walking into their apartment bloody and bruised*
Honey: I got into an argument with a wolf….
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peachhcs · 2 months
will surprising sam and coming out to visit her at mich and going to her game
something other than hockey
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
ugh yes she has no idea he's coming until she wins the game and sees him after. later that night, they go out together getting somehwat drunk and then cuddling up togther on the couch.
2k words
warnings: underage drinking but that's really it
au masterlist
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michigan led the score 3-2 with two minutes left in the final half. the crowd in the stands were on their feet going crazy and cheering on the lady wolverines to keep up their lead. the ohio state women played dity earning themselves and the michigan red and yellow cards left and right. samy scaled the field with her teammates trying to recapture the ball while trying to watch her back after getting herself a yellow card ten minutes earlier for pushing one of the other girls over. 
ellen and jim were on their feet watching the game in anticipation with nearly every single men's hockey player scattered across the stands watching their favorite hughes play. ethan and mark stood at the front of it all making their section the most rowdiest. the two convinced their teammates to come out since it was the final home game and if they won this game, the girls advanced the elite eight—so much closer to the national championships. 
"let's go! run it up the field!" ethan hardly had a voice left as it rasped in his throat. 
the timer quickly itself down now with only 90 seconds left in the game. samy yelled things to her teammates as they started running towards the goal with the ball in their clutch. 
"take the shot! you've got time!" mark's voice was hardly there either. 
anytime the two went to samy's games they came back with a lot less voice than they started with. sometimes samy thought they were crazy for screaming at every game because a lot of the times they were the only ones screaming at the top of their lungs. 
one of the ref's whistles blew making a sign for a time out from ohio's side. everyone let out a collective, half annoyed sigh as the teams huddled together. 
"dunno why they're calling a time out. there's a minuet left and we have the ball. there's no way they're gonna score," ethan mumbled with a shake of his head. 
"osu's gonna dig for every chance they can get. i doubt they're gonna give it up that easily," jim mentioned. 
ethan and mark took the small break as an opportunity to rehydrate and hopefully make their throats less dry. "how you doing, smitty?" ethan shifted his attention to samy's boyfriend sitting to his right. 
the girl actually had zero idea will was in town for the weekend. it was his mission to finally surprise her and with this weekend being game less, of course he'd never pass up the opportunity to see his girl. 
was he missing all the practices this weekend? yes. would his coaches kill him for not being there? probably. would he sit bench at the next game? most likely. 
did will care? no. not at all. 
for once in his near 18-year playing career, he finally had something other than hockey to think about. hockey wasn't his number one anymore, nor would it ever be as long as samy was in life. 
"i'm good. getting worked up about this game," the blonde responded to ethan's question.
th older boy quickly nodded in agreement, "osu's playing like shit, yet we're getting all the cards." 
"the coach knows what he's doing. i think he's scared of samy knowing how well she's played this past season for only being a freshman," mark commented and the boys nodded in agreement. 
the whistle blew again and the girls got back into position. everyone's eyes were on samy as she traveled up the field alongside her teammates. something about the way she communicated and moved with four other girls reminded will a lot of his line with gabe and ryan. 
"put it in! show 'em what we got!" luca yelled from the back. 
the timer shrunk down to 40 seconds left. 
one of the girls passed the ball samy's way as she ran up the field towards the goal. osu's defense was strong, but boy was the youngest hughes stronger and smarter than them. 
"20 seconds!" ethan yelled. 
the crowd began counting down with the timer, so samy took her chances with putting it in. with her momentum from sprinting up the field, she did a near corner kick towards the goal. time slowed itself as everyone's eyes watched the ball soar through the air. 
osu's goalie jumped up, but she missed it by half an inch, so the ball scraped right past her finger tips and into the back of the net. 
screams erupted from the entire student section. the umich girls stormed the field in celebration while the boys jumped up in victory, immediately hugging one another. 
"for the first time in program history, the lady wolverines will continue on dancing to the elite eight! congratulations!" the announcer exclaimed through the speakers. 
will followed after the group of now excited hockey boys to the field to congratulate samy. he had been so wrapped up in the game that his nerves about surprising samy hadn't made themselves known until now. a crowd of students were already on the field sending their congratulations to the players it was hard keeping track of everyone. 
the blonde stuck himself close to ethan in fear that he'd get separated and lose the group. sweaty bodies hit into will almost knocking him sideways followed by a half apology that didn't really mean sorry. the boy quickly scanned people's faces hoping samy was somewhere close by and they could all leave the now crowded field. 
suddenly, someone squealed and ethan stopped walking. will's eyes flicked back over and he quickly caught sight of the girl wrapped up in mark's arms. all of the hockey boys crowded around the youngest hughes basically blocking will from her view. 
the blonde shifted on his feet waiting for her to finally notice him. his heart rate felt like it was pounding through his chest and he didn't know why. it was samy. his girlfriend. 
maybe will was freaked because this was the first time they've seen one another since summer ended and they went to college. talking over the phone and texting was one thing, but seeing one another in person was another. they only had two months of being in a relationship in person before college cut a wedge between that. 
finally, ethan stepped side, his eyes finding will's with a tiny smirk. samy followed the older boy's gaze in slight confusion before she met gazes with will. 
she stared at him for a good five seconds before jumping into his arms which almost sent both of them to the ground. 
"you're here. what are you doing here?" samy's grip was strong around will's neck. the boy smiled into her skin, breathing her in. 
"came to surprise you. got in this afternoon," he explained. 
having her in his arms and the way she held onto him eased all of the worries he had minutes before this. god, it felt so good. 
"don't you have practice? how'd you get out of it?" samy pulled back to see her boyfriend's face. he smiled a bit, putting her down, but not letting go. 
"i mean.. i didn't i just kind of left," will shrugged. 
"your coach is gonna kill you," samy couldn't believe he was skipping an entire weekend of practice for her. 
"they can do whatever they want to me if it means i get to spend a weekend with you," the blonde smiled softly. 
his words made the girl blush a deep crimson and it got even worse when he leaned down to connect their lips in a sweet kiss. the hockey players still watching smiled at the interaction along with ellen and jim. 
remembering that everyone was still watching them, samy carefully directed will's lips away from hers for the time being. he pouted some. "later," the girl mumbled before stepping away from him to greet her parents. 
"i gotta change and debrief the team. i'll catch you guys in like 20 minutes if you wanna wait around," the brunette looked back at everyone. 
"you got it little hughesy," ethan threw a thumbs up in her direction. 
the girl chuckled. she kissed will's cheek one last time before running off to join her teammates as they began walking back into the sports complex. a minute later, ethan jumped onto will's shoulders, a large grin on his lips. 
"i think that definitely went well. what do you think?" the older brunette asked. 
"definitely. thanks for getting me here," will grinned. 
"anytime, smitty. you're like our little brother now," ethan looked at mark who nodded. 
the younger boy smiled to himself at the boys' words.
later that night, samy and will found themselves tucked away in a corner couch at the senior hoceky house. truscott threw, so of course the invite opened itself to the youngest hughes and will. it was a good way to celebrate with some of her favorite people after today's big win.
the two made their rounds saying hi to everyone, but samy found them a couch off in a side room. the alcohol buzzed through their systems—sometimes samy had a hard time saying no when someone offered her a shot. plus, she thought she deserved it, too.
will definitely wouldn't pass up free alcohol, so he followed the girl's lead. now, the couple cuddled into one another letting the party drown out around them.
"'m glad you're here. i missed you," samy mumbled with a soft smile.
will's learned that samy became extremely affectionate and talkative whenever she was drunk, but he certainly didn't mind. he'd listen to her talk for hours.
"missed you too, pretty girl. feels like it's been forever," will hummed, eyes never leaving hers.
a small frown replaced the smile, "i know. wish we didn't live so far apart now. facetime isn't the same."
"winter break is soon, though. we'll get to see each other then."
"if my parents let me go to sweden. boston and another country are two completely different things," the brunette mumbled.
will almost forgot he was going to sweden for the us world juniors. that seemed so far away and now it was almost here. he squeezed samy's thigh that was draped across his lap.
"still can't believe you skipped practice to come see me," the girl changed the subject for now. her grin returned earning a smile from will.
"well what else am i gonna do? not see you until who knows when?" the blonde playfully raised his eyebrow.
"never known you to skip hockey practice for someone, especially a girl," samy chuckled. her hands reached up to play with will's curls on the nape of his neck not covered by the hat he had on.
her touch sent sparks down his spine and a little skip in his heartbeat.
"i guess things change."
"if you could rank them, what's first?" samy kept firing her random questions.
"you," will said without hesitation.
"yes, you," the blonde smiled.
"you're lying," a laugh escaped the girl's lips as if she didn't believe her boyfriend.
"no i'm not," this time it was will's turn to be confused.
samy read his look, gently shoving him away from her, "come on, smitty. you've been focused on hockey for..for since we were born. there's no way anything could ever replace that."
the way she called him smitty, picking it up from gabe and ryan some years ago, did something dangerous to the boy. he gently shook his head, intertwining their fingers.
"that was before i realized i've been missing what's right in front of me all along. it's always you, samy," will said softly creating another deep blush on the girl's cheeks.
"god, you're so corny," the brunette rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless.
will cupped her cheek, bringing her lips closer to his since their kiss earlier was cut short because of everyone watching them. they connected in another sweet kiss.
samy's lips tasted of strawberries and vodka that only made will kiss her harder wanting to get every inch of that taste off her lips.
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shelbgrey · 10 months
Dating Dean Winchester Headcanons:
Paring: Dean winchester x Singer!Reader
Summary: just some headcanons about Dean dating Bobby Singer's niece. -NSFW content warring.
A/n: the winner of the latest poll, there will be a new one up next week. I was so excited and suprised on how many people did the poll, my first one only had six and the latest one had over 100.
❤️Mood board ❤️MasterList
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Being Dean's girlfriend isn't always easy, but you get through it. So let's talk about it.
There was always something between you guys, but with your choice of life there was always something in the way.
You two practically grew up together, with Bobby being your uncle and John being his father you two were always around each other.
I think Dean also had a slight fear of Bobby, you were his niece and your practly his daughter.
Bobby wasn't clueless, he saw the way you two looked at each other. He wanted to kick Dean's teeth out, he's extremely over protective. Bobby also knew if anyone would keep you safe it wold be Dean.
“I know you'll take care of her”
On a side note, Bobby refuse to call you 'idjit'
The last thing he's said before he died was, “take care of my girl.. You idjits”
Anyway, Even if you two kept denying it or if your just clueless, everyone would know.
Other than Sam and Cas, your the only one he 100% trusts you. He'd trusts you with his life and your his partner in crime.
What makes your relationship stronger is that you started off as best friends and allies.
You always thought you were losing him, he would always have one night stands and there was Lisa. Of course they ment nothing to him, he just thought he'd never be good enough for you.
He thought you deserved better. “I'm not what you need...you deserve better”
That was the first time you opened your heart out to him, but he put his walls up. The he pretended like nothing happened... Until you went on one particularly hard hunt.
Everything was happing so fast thst neither one of you remember that night. There was blood everywhere and Dean did everything he could to save you, Castile healed you and Dean confessed something he's been wanting to since he was 18.
“I love you... Please don't leave me, I can't lose you”
Since everything moves fast in your lives you both decided to take things slow. Dispite his rugged appearance he's nothing but a gentleman to you.
He's extremely over protective of you, to the point hunts with him got annoying.
“I'm not some damsley in distress, Dean!”
He knows what a badass you are and he knows you can hold your own, but he can't help but be your shield.
That's really the only times you fight, your both very reckless and laugh in the face of danger. You guys stress each other out on hunts.
But, lets get to the good stuff now.
Your the only other person who can drive the impala, you'd rather just have him driving with you setting with him.
You guys love the same music, so your always singing on the top of your longs to old rock songs. Your guys song is Angel Eyes by The Jeff Healey Band.
You always have to be sleeping next to each other to get a goods night rest, even when you weren't together you two shared a bed in the old motels.
Dean refuses to sleep unless you have fallen asleep first, he just needs to know your okay before he can have a good night sleep.
You bake the best pies in his opinion and Sam loves your homemade salsa.
When you guys moved into the bunker you guys made great use of the kitchen, Sam loves your guys cooking.
Speaking of Sam, he's one of your best friends. Cas is your first, but you and Sam have a long history together. You were even the first one to hear he got accepted into college.
We know Cas is like the Winchesters gardian angel, well Gabriel is yours.
About three years into yours and Dean's relationship you broke up, it was around the time Sam went to hell and you guys just pushed each other away.
Gabe knew you guys loved each other, so he worked really hard to get you back together. He did succeed.
You guys might argue about the little things, but he always know how to make them better.
You guys just like staying in and watching movies or Scooby-Doo. You guys love cuddling up in the Dean cave and just ignore the world for a few hours.
He loves cuddles, if your in bed or on the couch he needs to be holding you. He loves it when he's laying in bed and your lying on top of his chest.
He also loves it when you hold him, maybe after a rough hunt he'll love just rest his head on your chest while you play with his hair.
You love just being in his arms, there's no feeling better than that. He loves snaking his arms around you and resting his chin on your head because he just really needs to being close to you.
He's really just a big ol' teddy bear.
He's a rough kisser, he's way taller than you so usually he hold your chin between his fingers and lift for head up to kiss you.
There's a lot of neck and forehead kisses being handed out by this man. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and just trail soft kisses down your neck.
He also loves it when you kiss his forehead. It just a small, loving gesture he absolutely loves.
If your cold you'll steal his flannels or his jackets, he had this black and red flannel that he now only sees if your wearing it.
when ever your busy doing research Dean always deliver a tiny kiss on your forehead. He'd just be walking by and he'll give you a quick kiss just to make you blush.
He's good a making you blush, he thinks it's adorable.
Trust is a big part of your relationship, you both had opened up about the abuse your fathers and dumped on you. That was the reason Bobby took you in, he could bare you being in the type of environment he grew up in.
With that Dean made a promise to never hurt or scare you. He refuses to lay a hurtful hand on you. It'll break his heart if you flinch away from him during an argument.
As much as you love Dean, demon Dean scares the hell out of you. The demon knew this and used it to his advantage. He Dean went back to normal he could barely look into your eyes. He blamed himself for the bruises around your neck the demon caused.
“I promised you I'd never hurt you... I'm so sorry” he said. “it's not your fault”
On a more positive side... You guys have lots of nicknames. You call him Deano or bub and he calls you just about anything but your actual name, Sweetheart is your favorite.
And with FBI names, you take a different approach. While he uses rock aliases you use actor or fictional names.
“agent Sweets, really?” he said playfully. “What? I like the show Bones”
Your like a mother to Claire, she loves you so much and your the only person she trusts other than Jody and the boys.
Speaking of Jody, she took you under her wing immediately. You never had a mother growing up so it was a relief to have her in your life.
You become a mother to Jack too, and your relationship hit a really bumpy road during that time. You hated how Dean treated Jack and it always turned into a fight.
“if you touch him, I swear to God, Dean!”
Den didn't want to be like his father and after awhile Dean's shell broke and he started to grow a soft spot for him, after your lives calmed down you both did end up adopting Jack.
But to legally do that you had to get married. You both wanted to get married so bad, but with your lives you never got the chance.
You weren't gonna get a white wedding, you knew that and Dean thought the Cort house wasn't good enough. So you got married in the church of Elvis in Las Vegas.
NSFW headcanons:
Dean prefers being on top and being the one in control.
He'll mark your thighs with his teeth and biting hard enough to leave a light bruise.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
Hair pulling, he loves feeling your fingers in his hair or he'll tangel his fingers in yours and tug on it when he's getting head or about ready to cum.
Bondeg kink, ropes, his ties, belts, he'll tie you up with anything if your comfortable with it.
definitely a fan of overstimulation, he loves the way that your body twitches and you whimper from his touch.
car sex! All the way. loves to take you in the back of the impala, loving the way the windows fog up and the small area gets loud with the noises you make.
He's a soft/mean Dom, it just depends on his mood. But no matter what he always makes sure your comfortable. He loves to take control in the bed but would never push you.
He would really get off on marking you up. He didn’t think he would, as it wasn’t something he thought too much about but when he did it there was no turning back.
He definitely has a Praise kink too, he loves making you feel loved and appreciated. He love how he can easily make you blush. “your so Beautiful”
“you feel so amazing Sweetheart”
He loves hearing you moan. If you try to hold back or even muffle them when it's unnecessary, he'd put an end to it. “don't hold back, let me hear your voice”
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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