#salamander leo
rufwooff · 1 month
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I don't know what to say here
just hold this. gently.
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triona-tribblescore · 1 month
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Really quick doodle of @rufwooff 's sillies uvu <3 been thinking about them non stop for days now-
Mikeys a lil slippery guy heheh
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popcornrya · 1 month
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Alligator Raph and Salamander Leo trying to help Fira find her big sister! Oh and "hop hop" (the plush frog) is coming too!
Alternate species au by @rufwooff
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tsukihowl · 1 year
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everyone loves salamander shiho
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valeriefauxnom · 5 months
Another Thing That Leonidas Didn't Talk About But I Would Have Rather He Did (Or That We Otherwise Got More Info About)
Three or four eternities ago (read, months) I made a post that speculated that Leonidas was keeping a pet panther that he never talked about based on a curious consistency in artworks, which you can see here if you, too, wish to see his panther he has put jewels on.
But because Leonidas and the rest of his family passed communications with a D- when it comes to familial relations (their father couldn't help them study, having failed the class himself), there's more than one thing hiding in the margins of their lives that they just don't talk about. This time, it's hiding in Gala Mars' story:
Namely, that Mars does not seem to be Leonidas' first dragon.
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So essentially Mars killed Leo's pactwyrm (judging by the 'new pact'), and Leo essentially said: Cool, wanna join up? This is a video game, after all.
Oh, Leonidas.
PS: I always will find it funny that Mars, underneath all the mana cylinders embedded in his flesh and what-have-you-not, really just looks like Red Midgardsormr, judging by this Dragalia Mini art. He's even got a yellow highlight under his eyes!
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Even his chibi style is pretty similiar to Midgardsormr's!
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I do appreciate though that at least Mini!Mars is being fed Leo's curry enough to have cravings of it. Then again, this may not be a special privilege since I'm guessing Leonidas does indeed wish to demonstrate his superiority in all things, including curry-making.
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jinxstrology · 2 years
Primal Astrology Signs (Virgo)
Primal astrology is a branch of astrology which combines the Western and Eastern (Chinese) traditions, creating 144 new signs that provide a deeper look into your personality. Although the system does include the use of the term "spirit animal", we can disregard that and simply view these signs as "primal animals", which I believe is just as accurate.
VIRGO (AUGUST 23RD - SEPTEMBER 22ND) + RAT (1972, 1984, 1996)
Perceptive, deep, and independent, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Mouse are sensitive individuals, who see life as a complex drama. Like their animal namesake, members of this sign are survivalists who are good at finding creative, but intellectual solutions to life’s challenges. Like a mouse in a maze, they use both instinct and logical analysis to move ahead, despite the obstacles in their path.
Above all things, Mice are extremely observant. Though they are charming and social, they also take time in social situations to sit back and watch. It is important for Mice to know exactly how to relate to the different people around them, and they can’t relax completely until they feel that they understand others and (more importantly) that others understand them. At the same time, few people are more difficult to truly, deeply know than Mice. Members of this sign do not like to share too much about themselves with others, and despite their desire to live a wonderful, rich life, they rarely take anyone else’s advice.
The sign of the Mouse is one that is deeply rooted in intuition derived from perception. They are excellent analysts whose logic and idealism can sometimes overwhelm the gentler, kinder side of themselves. Ironically, they are quite bad at self-analysis, and tend to make the same mistakes over and over again. Though they would never admit it, Mice are secretly impressed by wealth and status, and long to have others look up to them for their mental acuity. The problem with Mice is that they see all the details, but are almost always focused solely on the big picture. Anything in between is considered unimportant, and is often overlooked.
Mice are willing to take risks to gain life experience. This life is all about experiences, and this is the sign that will keep getting up no matter how many times they get knocked down. In fact, Mice should expect big ups and downs in life, but along the way, they must never forget who they are, or who they want to be. Mice rarely ever compromise themselves, or their integrity. While they are smart enough to be sneaky and ruthless, such behavior does not sit well with them.
They can, however, be controlling perfectionists who demand the best from others. This is an example of the darker side of the Mouse personality. They spend so much time working on themselves and their lives, that they don’t have much tolerance for those who don’t try to keep moving forward and bettering themselves. They can be judgmental, cold, and inflexible, and can even express very uncharacteristic, thoughtless behavior when they are stressed. In times of stress and frustration, Mice can develop a false sense of self, thinking they are above other people or ideas. It’s not unusual for them to find themselves disappointed in others, which keeps them moving on to find new relationships and experiences. A Mouse’s greatest weakness is that they have a hard time seeing things another person’s perspective.
VIRGO + OX (1973, 1985, 1997)
Sea Star
Proud, sensitive, and hardworking, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Sea Star are at the same time both very reflective of the past, and focused on the future. They are strong-willed, perceptive, and extremely intelligent individuals, who often spend a lot of time alone with their thoughts. Sea Stars expect more out of themselves than most signs, perhaps even too much.
Nobody likes to make mistakes, but Sea Stars are particularly sensitive to feeling or looking foolish. Since they are highly analytical, they always try to have a logical solution to every situation, but human nature rarely conforms to logic and reason. This can be frustrating, and make members of this sign feel as if they don’t have a place in the world, or people who truly understand them.
Sea Stars are logic-driven, but are also closet romantics. They don’t like to take risks, and must always have all of the information before making a decision. Their lives are carefully planned, to avoid making mistakes or experiencing failure. Ironically, they are one of the most resilient signs in the Primal Zodiac. Just as their animal namesake can regenerate its body from a single remaining limb, those born under the sign of the Sea Star are much stronger than they even know. There is tremendous strength in this sign, yet they sometimes act timid and weak in relationships, which those who care about them find frustrating, as this is not their true nature but rather an unnecessary, if not limiting, role they subconsciously play.
Sea Stars often feel like they have to choose between their own beautiful (if not a bit fantastical) vision of life, and reality. Understandably, they don’t want to compromise. Members of this sign need to accept reality as it is, while still trying to change it. This is the only true path to balance. Most will need to build a foundation of stability first, but, after this is done, they should be careful about not continuing to focus on achievements and/or regrets; instead, focus on enjoying what life has to offer, which always and only takes place “right now”.
Born in Virgo during the Year of the Ox, Sea Stars face the challenge of finding a balance between the opposing natures of both signs. Virgo has a strong tendency to look at the past, while the Ox tends to look toward the future. If this is the case, then who is living in the moment? Sea Stars must take the time to slow down from chasing their big dreams to simply exist in a peaceful, restful state, as their animal namesakes often do.
VIRGO + TIGER (1974, 1986, 1998)
Unique, romantic, and resilient, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Narwhal are capable of achieving great things. Narwhals typically have a calm and carefree exterior, but inside, they are bursting with ideas, passion, and a drive for success. What should be a combination of two contradictory signs, is instead a marriage of personality traits that help balance each other out. The warm and immediate nature of the Tiger warms up Virgo’s tendency to close themselves off to others, and Virgo’s observant and analytical nature help keep the Tiger’s unpredictable and impulsive nature in check.
Like their animal namesake, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Narwhal prefer for life to move slowly, though they can be surprisingly quick and dangerous when challenged. In truth, members of this sign are rebels. Though they may not like this label, Narwhals are born to fight for what they believe in, and are highly sensitive to both personal and social injustice.
Inner conflict often comes with the intense drive to achieve and succeed battling the inner need for rational, intelligent planning. A recipe for frustration, members of this sign can be extremely intense when they finally get moving on a project, and it is often best to let them work alone. Achieving balance in life should be the number one goal of this sign. It will be challenging for Narwhals to overpower and quiet down their ever moving mind, but only those who do will find a new focus and clarity that can help them achieve the greatness that they have always dreamed of.
VIRGO + RABBIT (1975, 1987, 1999)
There are few signs kinder than the Earthworm. Members of this sign are known for their compassion and sincerity. Despite their kind nature, Earthworms won’t let just anyone into their world. They are deep thinkers who can be extremely hard to get to know. They can often be found lost in thought, if they can be found at all. Earthworms feel most comfortable at home, and are often just fine daydreaming in silence by themselves, pondering the mysteries of life. They have a delicate nature that to many makes them seem fragile, but this is not the case. Earthworms are, in fact, quite resilient. They may bruise easily, but they rarely break.
Earthworms should be careful not to get taken advantage of. Some people see their generosity as a weakness, and this often leads to hurt feelings or heartbreak. Like their animal namesake, the Earthworm can take a lot of punishment and keep going. This is because they have a deep belief in who they are, and who they aspire to be. This longing for meaning often takes them on several journeys through life, always searching for a place, or a person, to create a home with.
VIRGO + DRAGON (1976, 1988, 2000)
Polar Bear
Unique, sensitive, and idealistic, those born under the sign of the Polar Bear long to get the most out of life. They are very observant, and may learn how to manipulate people and situations at an early age. Polar Bears instinctively know what role to play in various situations, and have both the intellect and courage to improvise their way into getting what they want.
Though intellectuals in many respects, Polar Bears are primarily guided by their emotions. This is neither positive nor negative, it is simply the way their minds function. Because of this, members of this sign are often very sensitive to the way others treat them. Despite a certain social bravado, there is a fragility to them that drives many of their fears. These are sensitive souls, who want nothing more than the love and respect of those around them. Without obvious gestures of adoration, Polar Bears may begin to doubt themselves, which can lead to anxiety and depression.
Polar Bears tend to dwell on the mistakes of the past. They are often too sensitive, and may interpret the words and actions of others as barbs directed at them, when they are not even being discussed. When self-doubt and depression take over, members of this sign simply shut down. Like their animal namesakes, they go into a form of “hibernation”, where they basically stop accepting new mental input, until they can afford to spend the energy to build themselves back up. When in this state of imbalance, they can be stubborn, inflexible, closed-minded, and emotionally disconnected. When this happens, it is best to let them pull themselves back together before trying to step in and help.
Members of this sign work hard to earn the respect of others. They lead from the heart, using the intellect as a support system, and are among the most resilient of all signs. This combination allows them to achieve great things, as long as they make a conscious effort to stay positive, despite the inevitable disappointments that life brings. As concerned as they are in managing their own sense of balance and ambition, it is also important for Polar Bears to share their lessons and their strength with others. In this way, they can fulfill their ideals and give themselves a sense of purpose, if they don’t already have one.
VIRGO + SNAKE (1977, 1989, 2001)
In the animal kingdom, there are different kinds of jellyfish. Some live near the surface, having only rare interaction with the limited world within their reach. Some live in the deep sea, and these jellyfish are more quiet and submissive, but in the darkness that surrounds them, they glow bright with radiant colors in a spectacular show that is unmatched in the animal kingdom. Some are even giants, slowly flowing through life on their own journey, in their own time. All are so brilliantly mysterious that even defining them seems like a challenge.
Like their animal namesakes, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Jellyfish may sometimes lash out, but are typically quiet and keep to themselves. These are people who are deeply intellectual, swimming through the waters of their own mind, but cautious enough to warn outsiders not to get too close too quickly. For humans born under the sign of the Jellyfish, their sting is just a warning - don’t get too close, unless you are willing to risk getting hurt.
Jellyfish are independent and instinctive, yet elegant and secretive. Everyone born under this sign has incredible intuition. They are not only excellent at logically dissecting and examining a situation, but they also have a sort of “sixth sense” for understanding what is subconsciously driving certain people in certain directions. Members of this sign create their universe as they go. Their perception of “what is” is more important than what others, even experts, declare as truth. This brilliant and mysterious sign is known for their dedication to their own uniquely creative approach to life.
Many Jellyfish have sensitive stomachs and digestive systems, and must pay close attention to the things they eat and drink and how it makes them feel. Because of this, Jellyfish tend to be more focused on diet and nutrition than the average person. They also tend to be more sensitive to changes in the weather than usual.
VIRGO + HORSE (1978, 1990, 2002)
Those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Giraffe are unique, vibrant, and surprisingly delicate inside. A combination of the Tropical Sun sign of Virgo, and the Chinese Zodiac sign of the Horse, members of this sign present two sets of personality traits that can be either complementary, or contradictory. Virgo keeps the impatient Horse focused, while the Horse brings out Virgo’s deep-seeded passion. When balanced correctly, these two very different personalities merge into an unstoppable powerhouse, capable of dreaming up and accomplishing the most amazing things. When unbalanced, though, they can easily spiral out of control. At their worst, they can be bossy, hyper-critical, and inflexible. Deep down, many Giraffes lack true confidence in themselves, and their quest to achieve great things can make them appear to others as self-involved and egotistical.
Giraffes are adventurous. They love to travel, but unlike many other signs, their primary goal is not for rest and relaxation. More than anything, they long for new experiences, and believe that these experiences help them to evolve. Members of this sign are naturally rebellious. They have a hard time relaxing and letting go without the use of alcohol or other substances. Most need regular exercise to calm both the body and the mind.
Above all else, those born under this sign are resilient. Though they are somewhat sensitive, they can start over many times, and will always be okay. They realize that life is a journey, and they treasure each experience that gets them closer to what they want.
VIRGO + GOAT (1979, 1991, 2003)
Intelligent, delicate, and well-mannered, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Flamingo are also some of the biggest dreamers in the world. This is one of the most creative signs there is, though even those closest to them may not know it. Flamingos tend to hide the majority of the truly fantastic ideas that exist in their minds, only sharing them when, and if, they finally feel confident enough to do so.
In fact, Flamingos keep a great deal of their thoughts inside. Perhaps this is because they live most of their lives inside their own minds. They are constantly running over different scenarios and plans in their minds, trying to figure out the best next move before they make it. Because of this, members of this sign tend to be worriers by nature. The amount of work they can do strictly in their heads can be exhausting, and the incredible potential of their ideas rarely sees fruition, because of their indecisiveness and anxiety.
Those born under this sign have great style. They never like to leave the house without putting themselves together first. Even if this process takes hours, they make their look seem effortless. Presenting themselves well to others gives them a sense of control, and helps offset the amount of chaos going on in their minds at any given time. If they could just focus their energy and trust their decisions, Flamingos could do amazing things.
VIRGO + MONKEY (1980, 1992, 2004)
Intelligent, curious, and social, those born under the sign of the Penguin love nothing more than coming up with creative solutions to any kind of problem. This is the sign of thinkers and analysts, those inquisitive about how everything works. Members of this sign are often very intellectually advanced at an early age, and this strong desire to learn drives the majority of their life decisions as they grow up.
Many intellectual signs tend to be solitary, but Penguins are the rare breed that require a good amount of socialization. Their happiest moments are when they solve a puzzle, or conquer a challenge. The sense of pride coming from their accomplishments is always a highlight of their days, but they can’t properly celebrate by themselves. Penguins need others around to share in their delight. They also need a certain amount of attention in order to feel resolved with one challenge, and move onto the next.
Like their animal namesake, those born under the sign of the Penguin do a great deal of their work on their own, but always come back to their social group at the end of the day. These colonies are made up of both friends and family, with each individual assisting as part of the team. This is the way that they thrive, and when they thrive, so does everyone around them.
Having Virgo as a sun sign, Penguins are natural caretakers. Members of this sign have a humanitarian leaning, and despite the fact that they are intelligent enough to go conquer the stock market, or manage corporate mergers, this idealism is what makes them who they are. In the modern world, this is extremely easy to forget, even sometimes discouraged, but those born under this sign must know that their gifts are best used to serve the greater good. Those who attempt to use their power for selfish gain will find a surprisingly disappointing road ahead.
This is often the case for those born during the year of the Monkey, as all Penguins are. A quick grasp on intellectual matters in youth will inform much of their upbringing, and thus, they will learn to enhance their self-esteem through impressing others. As they get older, the same accomplishments become less impressive to others, and they will find that it becomes more and more difficult to exceed expectations. This is a key life lesson for all members of this sign. The challenge of growing up under one set of expectations will not match the true goals of the self later in life. Only those who have the courage to be who they want to be (and not who they are expected to be) will truly thrive in this lifetime.
VIRGO + ROOSTER (1981, 1993, 2005)
Loyal, observant, and analytical, those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Corgi are devoted friends and family members who take on the role of caretaker with great passion. Few others are as eager to jump in and help a friend in need, and Corgis take great pride in this. More so than other signs, members of this sign like to fill a very specific role in the lives of other people, thus getting the majority of their own personal fulfillment through their service to others.
While this appears to be self-sacrificing behavior on the outside, Corgis are very specific about the situations in which they help. While they are genuinely concerned with the happiness of those close to them, they also help in order to prove how helpful they are. Through each success, Corgis become more self-assured and justified in their approach. Unfortunately, this also leads to arrogance and closed-mindedness when it comes to accepting or integrating the ideas and approaches of others. Members of this sign can easily fall into the trap of thinking they are smarter and more capable caretakers than others, and may begin to lose perspective on the reality of the situation.
In the animal kingdom, corgis were initially bred to serve a dual role - that of protector and director of livestock and the land they grazed upon. In a time before farmers had their land divided by fences, those with fertile grazing land would have to worry about livestock wandering away, while outside livestock consumed all of their best resources. These small-statured dogs were the perfect caretakers for both concerns. They would keep each farmer’s livestock in its own territory by nipping at the heels of any animal who wandered outside of its respective boundary.
This is an astute and meaningful correlation to the Primal Zodiac sign of the Corgi. Those born under this sign are caretakers and protectors of their own herd. They don’t mind being overtly bossy, because this is part of the role which gives them purpose. Others may not like being herded as much as Corgis like herding them, but without someone or something to take care of, it’s not unusual for members of this sign to feel lost in the world.
The biggest life challenge for Corgis will be learning how to live independently, which is ironic because both partner signs (Virgo and Rooster) are highly independent signs. Those born under this sign must understand that there are many roles to play in life, and there must be some sense of fulfillment outside of the caretaker or managerial role. One cannot view life objectively if they never step away from their normal life long enough to see the big picture. It is far too easy for Corgis to lose perspective this way, and take themselves far too seriously.
VIRGO + DOG (1982, 1994, 2006)
Sensitive, caring, and idealistic, those born under the sign of the Salamander are intelligent but fragile individuals, who have a unique set of challenges set up for them. Humanitarian and idealistic, members of this sign will face arduous emotional events, many of which may end in disappointment. Yet, there is a very intentional reason for these lessons.
Limitations on the ability to express one’s self (which can be offset by other positions in the birth chart) can cause much frustration for this well-intentioned sign. Well formed plans may fall apart, and relationships may crumble, but Salamanders need these events in order to learn how to deal with emotional upsets without shutting down or turning off.
In the animal kingdom, many salamanders exhibit an interesting behavior, wherein they actually sever a body part (usually the tail) to leave for predators, so they can escape. Though it may be painful, the ever resilient salamander will simply grow another appendage to replace the old one.
This is an astute metaphor for those born under this sign. They may run, hide, and sacrifice parts of themselves in order to evade dangers (both physical and emotional) in the world, but in the end, they always find a way to return to face the challenge again and again.
Both Virgo and Dog have a tendency to “shut down” when they get overwhelmed. There is a dark place deep inside themselves in which to hide. Interestingly, under stress or emotional duress, they tend to become the exact opposite of their normal selves. Rather than being kind caretakers, their sensitivity shuts down, and they become cold, inflexible, worried, picky, defensive, and judgmental. Their typical creative thinking style shuts down completely, and they retreat into a defensive posture until they can analyze the situation properly and find the strength to fight another day.
VIRGO + PIG (1983, 1995, 2007)
If there could only be one word to describe those born under this sign, it would be optimistic. In fact, if anything, Gazelles are the anti-cynics of the world. They are always trying to look on the bright side. Even if they are seen as prey by the predators of the world, Gazelles keep moving forward, keep living their lives. Despite disappointments, they maintain faith in their fellow man.
They have a hard time saying no, especially when they know deep down that they should. That’s because members of this sign don’t like conflict of any kind. Gazelles always want to do the right thing, even if it requires sacrifice on their parts. In fact, few signs are as willing to give so much for the people and ideals that they believe in. Most Gazelles even end up in careers which primarily serve others.
Just don’t try to give them advice. While Gazelles are great at helping their friends with their problems, there is little that a friend can do to sway a Gazelle’s direction in life. This is a sign that is guided by an inner force - one so powerful and strong and filled with hope and fear that altering their course is a nearly impossible, unless they are the ones who choose to do so.
Gazelles have a reputation for being snobby, inflexible, and stubborn. They are idealists who most often see things as black or white, right or wrong. Though they may come across as sentimental and romantic, they are actually very intelligent, and are great organizers and researchers. All signs connected to Virgo need balance, and this sign is no exception. They should never allow their lives to become disorganized, as this is surely the beginning of a downward spiral. Members of this sign need to stay focused and organized, always moving forward.
Gazelles benefit from the combination of the western sign of Virgo and the eastern sign of the Pig. The Pig’s positivity and compassion keeps Gazelles from becoming too cold and unemotional, while Virgo’s intellect and resilience prevent them from taking every disappointment too personally. The danger of this combination is that both core signs are very sensitive, even delicate. They can easily be taken advantage of, due to their kindness and compassion. At the same time, this combination is emotionally strong enough to cry it out and start over again - always keeping the big picture in mind, and believing that there is more good than bad in the world.
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theredponcho · 1 month
Prank gone wrong
I read online that some salamanders can lose there tails. I don’t know if Leo is that kind of salamander but if he was I imagine a scenario like this happening lol
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Also the characters are from @rufwooff It’s there Au and I love there characters a lot so you should go check them out and rufwooff if your reading this first of hi second I have a question for you. Is Mikey a poisonous frog? Usely a lot of the colorful frog species can be poisonous so I was curious? Anyways hope everyone has a good day ☺️❤️
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twignotstick · 17 days
Liar, Liar
Note: The characters in this fic are from @rufwooff 's teenage mutant ninja everything-but-turtles au. Leo is a salamander, Mikey is a toad/frog, Donnie is a gecko, and Raph is an alligator. It can sort of be read as a rise fic if you ignore the... frog stuff? But there are things that might not make sense without knowledge of the au. This post specifically inspired the fic.
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Leo-centric, NOT MY CHARACTERS, Teenage Mutant Ninja Everything-but-Turtles, tmnebt, turtle tots (still unsure abt that one), dialogue written like a child, lying, extremely fluffy, but with a hint of angst
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): nothing, why would i ever hurt kids :)
Words: 4,647
Summary: Leo finally gets to spend a day alone with his little brother, Mikey. When things go wrong, he decides to save himself. After all, what's so bad about a little lie?
“Can grow to doo-ble the size in a few… h-owers…”
Leo held the small package he'd found close to his face, trying his best to read what the label said. Donnie had told him it was some kind of toy, but it just looked like a plastic whale to him. Mikey watched Leo from the bowl he was quickly outgrowing, listening intently to Leo's somewhat successful attempt at reading.
“Leave in a cup or bowl of wwwater and watch the magic!” Leo read triumphantly, holding the toy in front of him. The salamander looked over to his little brother. “We just need a cup or something to use it!”
“Wah'der!” Mikey noted wisely, bracing himself on the edge of the glass.
“Right!” Leo nodded, face turning pensive. “But I can't reach any of the cups or bowls in the kitchen, and Dad doesn't want me climbing on stuff anymore…”
“Waphie?” Mikey suggested.
“Raph's busy with Dad cooking dinner. Bo-ring.” Leo sighed. “And Donnie said he was studying today…”
“Hmm…” Mikey hummed, before his eyes lit up. “Bow’!” He squeaked, rocking his bowl side to side. “Bow’! A bow’!”
“No Mikey, we need a-” Leo caught on. “Oh, a bowl. You're a genius, Mikey!”
Mikey squeaked and squealed in response to the praise, wiggling what was left of his tail in the water. “Tank you.”
“Alright then, Mikester. You're gonna have to show off how good you are with those new legs.” Leo wrapped his arms around his baby brother's body, struggling for a moment to get a good grip with both of them having slippery skin, but he eventually hefted Mikey out of the bowl under his armpits and placed him on the stone floor. “This'll be a good oppa-tunity for you! You just gotta stay here while I fill up the bowl the rest of the way, okay?”
“Okie-dokie!” Mikey replied cheerfully, patting his newly grown hands on the floor. They had been fully developed for about a week, but he had yet to do much with them other than waving and clapping.
Taking Mikey's word without any doubt, Leo picked up the half filled bowl and carried it away to the nearby tunnel. Sure, he knew he wasn't supposed to go into the tunnels by himself. And sure, he knew he wasn't supposed to leave Mikey alone when they were playing. But Leo was a big boy! And so was Mikey! Mikey had all of his limbs now! That, Leo didn't exactly understand, because Leo always had all his limbs, just like Raph and Donnie. Mikey was just a ball with a tail and eyeballs. A tadpole, Donnie's voice reminded him. Now Mikey was a toadlet, which meant surely he was grown enough to be on his own for a few minutes.
It wasn't like Leo didn't like spending time with Mikey. He loved watching movies with him, coloring things with him, even chatting with him despite his more limited vocabulary. Mikey just… couldn't play a lot of the games Leo liked to play. Leo liked to move, and Mikey couldn't move a lot. Mikey couldn't play tag, or hide and seek, and he could only play Jupiter Jim if he was playing as Godfred, the Goldfish King. Even then, he was no fun to play with without his royal guards.
Today, Leo got to play with Mikey without supervision, a job usually reserved for his older brothers. It was a total breeze, he had found out, because Mikey was so stationary. Babies were boring, but they were easy.
Leo carried the bowl back, making sure to spill as little of the mildly murky sewer water he had collected as possible, and put it down right next to the toy he had left on the floor. Right next to the puddle where Mikey was sitting before.
“Boys! Come eat!”
Leo walked into the kitchen with a nervous smile on his face, finding that Raph and Donnie were already seated with food in front of them. Both plates were filled with vegetables and meat, and Splinter was preparing two more plates with more of the same.
“Hello, Blue,” Splinter greeted, glancing around Leo's sides. “Where is your brother? I thought he was with you.”
“H-he was! He just got reeeally tired,” Leo lied, swaying on his feet and swishing his tail slowly. “So I tucked him in bed. He was really, indubitably tired.”
“You don't even know what that word means, Leo.” Donnie glared right into Leo's soul, pushing his glasses up as Leo sat down next to him.
“Yes I do! I-it means Mikey was really super tired!”
“Purple, do not be rude to your brother,” Splinter scolded. “If Orange was tired, he should sleep. He is a growing boy. Thank you, Blue, for tucking him in. He can eat later, after he wakes up.” Splinter finished preparing a plate for himself, then sat down next to his sons and began eating. “Did you all enjoy yourselves today?”
Raphael nodded. “I showed Cheech how to beat up the practice dummy right! He wasn't too good at holdin’ Raph's sais though.”
“That is very kind of you, Red. I'm sure that Cheech will improve if you keep training him.” Splinter smiled kindly.
“He won't,” Donnie whispered, leaning into Leo's ear. “Teddy bears can't do ninjutsu.”
“I think Raph can teach him, Raph's good at teaching,” Leo whispered back.
“What about you, Purple?”
Donnie straightened his posture, his tail sticking straight up for a moment, straightening his glasses again. “I actually did some very helpful research using the encyclopedia that Dad found and the book on reptiles we got a while ago.” He looked around at his brothers. “I learned a lot about our different species. I looked pretty closely into toads and frogs so I could talk to Mikey about his current state, but apparently I can't, because he fell asleep at 6 pm.” Donnie side eyed Leo questioningly.
“You can tell him about what you learned tomorrow, Purple,” Splinter said. “I'm sure whatever he and Blue did today was exhausting, was it not?” He asked, redirecting the conversation to Leo.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Leo agreed fervently. “Me and Mike were having so much fun. Like, Mikey was having sooo much fun, he literally passed out! And I put him in bed, like a good big brother!”
“He… passed out?” Raph asked worriedly.
“Yeah! Like, knocked out hard. Totally asleep. And I tucked him in good!”
“In his tub.” Donnie raised a drawn eyebrow.
“That's right!”
“Boys, there is no need to argue about this,” Splinter said with a strained smile as the brothers finished eating and put their plates away in the sink. “We should all be happy for Blue, who has proven himself as a big brother.”
“He's sure proving something, alright…” Donnie murmured with crossed arms. 
“You can spend a little more time up, but I want you to get to bed soon as well. Meanwhile, I will be taking this opportunity to take a nice, long shower.” Splinter shook his robed arms, showcasing the small clumps of fur gathering across his body. “This stuff gets oily way faster than you would expect.”
“Don't worry Pops!” Raph said, standing absurdly tall for a child of his age and swishing his unruly tail. “I'll check on Mike, then I'll make sure Leo and Don get to sleep too! You have my word!” Raph tried to hold up a military salute, but he caught his hand on his large jaws and hit his head backwards, tail and arms flailing to make sure he didn't fall. He looked distraught for a moment, before making a show of shaking off the pain to be strong for his dad.
Splinter sighed. “Thank you, Red.”
Leo straightened up, eyes widening as he saw his brothers going toward their room,  and dashed over to the sink to drop off his own plate so he could follow. Quickly, would be preferable. 
“Blue? May I speak with you?”
Leo stood with the most relaxed posture he could muster as he faced his dad, leaning on the countertop behind him with one elbow. “Sure, Pops!”
Splinter kneeled down in front of the salamander. “I wanted to thank you for spending the day with your little brother. I know that he is still unable to do many of the things that you can, but it is good to hear that you included him in your games anyways.”
“Oh,” Leo said, losing his fake nonchalance for a moment. “It… it was no big deal, Dad.”
“I would say it was a big deal, Leonardo.” Splinter placed a paw on Leo's shoulder, smiling softly at his son. “Once Orange hits the growth spurt he is bound to, it will be much more difficult to keep you boys from bouncing off the walls. I am glad to know I can trust you to take care of your little brother.”
Leo's heart dropped in his chest with guilt, but he kept his outward appearance well enough. Internally, he was screaming to run away and stop his brothers from reaching the bedroom. “Of course, Dad. Mikey was actually really really super fun to hang with! Not boring at all! He actually was playing way more than me, and like, he was really cool and stuff. And fun to play with,” he added carefully.
Splinter stood up, cracking his back. “That is great to hear. Now-” he clapped his hands- “to wash the gunk out of this gross fur!” 
As soon as Splinter skipped away, Leo fumbled over his feet to rush to the bedroom. He kicked his tail a few times, but ignored it in his frenzy. His brothers were already there! It was over! He would never be trusted again! Not by Raph, not by Donnie (though who really cared about that), and most importantly, not by his dad!
When Leo got to the shared bedroom, he slid on the floor to turn in the doorway as fast as possible, only to find Raph terrifyingly close to Mikey's tank.
Both of his brothers looked up at him immediately. Donnie's glare from where he sat on his bed quickly changed from confused to exhausted. “And why, dear Nardo, would Raph need to wait?”
Leo hesitated. “Well, b-because-”
“No, Leo. You've been super suspicious ever since you came to dinner.” Donnie stood up, putting the book he had in his hands down.
“No I haven't!” Leo defended. “I don't even know what that means, so I can't be that.”
“It means you've been acting weird because you're hiding something!” Donnie accused.
“Am not!” Leo defended.
“Yes, you a-”
“Guys!” Raph whispered furiously, catching the other boys’ attention. “If you're gonna fight, do it quiet. Mikey's still asleep.” The oldest brother turned away, not being able to see the despaired expression on Leo's face, and approached Mikey's corner of the room where his small tank sat.
Donnie looked back at Leo with disdain. “Whatever you're hiding, you should just cough it up. Dad doesn't like liars.”
“Well that's great, cause I'm not lying. I'm like, the least liar-est person ever.”
“Uh, Donnie?” Raph asked quietly from his spot by the tank. “Didn't you say Mikey was supposed to mecha-morph-uh.. whatever?”
“Metamorphosis. It's the process through which a tadpole becomes a frog or toad. Commonly associated with frogs and butterflies, which come from caterpillars. And technically, the word would be ‘metamorphose’, in this context.”
“I think he meta-morph-osed into a whale instead…”
Leo held his breath.
“What?” Donnie walked over to the tank, continuing to ramble. “No, he's supposed to metamorphose into a fire bellied toad, not a whale. There's no way that- GASP!” Donnie plunged his hand in the tank, coming back out with an unmistakable item. “You left his bowl in the tank?!”
“What?! I-I don't know how that got there, I swear!” Leo stammered, grabbing the hem of his shirt.
“You said you put Mikey to bed! Mikey isn't here, but his bowl is!” Donnie shouted. “You lied! You lost Mikey!”
“N-no I didn't!”
“Oh yeah? Then how did his bowl get here?”
Leo puffed his cheeks, fuming. “It wasn't even my fault! Mikey said I could use his bowl!”
Raph gasped this time, like a normal person. “You really lost Mikey?”
Leo's anger faltered at the sad face on his big brother. The reality of the situation was finally settling in. “I-I didn't mean to. I just went in the tunnel for one second-”
“You went in the tunnels?!” Raph screamed.
Leo winced. “It was just for like a second, and nothing even happened!”
“Clearly, something did happen,” Donnie interjected, putting the bowl down. “You. Lost. Mikey!”
“I did not! Mikey said-”
“GUYS!” Raph slammed his tail on the ground, scaring his brothers into attention. “Right now, Raph's gonna ignore all the rules you broke. We don't need to fight about who to blame, because Mikey is missing. He could be in danger, or worse, already hurt. We need to find him before Dad finds out.” Raph stepped closer to Leo. “Now, where did you lose Mikey?”
“I didn't lose hi-”
“Mikey was under your supervision. Now he's gone. You lost Mikey,” Donnie said sternly. “Where did you lose him?”
Leo stared down at his feet, then sighed heavily. “It was right by the tunnel entrance, by the toy room. When I came-d back in, there was just a puddle where he was sitting before.”
“A puddle?” Donnie asked.
“Yeah, that's what I just said,” Leo groaned.
“No, that could be a clue. Show us where the puddle was,” Raph urged.
“Uh, okay.” Leo turned around and walked down the hall with his brothers in tow. He couldn't help but feel their eyes glaring into his back, judging him. Hating him for lying. For putting his baby brother in danger.
Maybe he wasn't a good big brother like Dad had said. Mikey was the only little brother he had. How did he screw that up?
They reached the end of the hall, and Leo was surprised to see a little bit of dampness still on the floor, even after almost an hour. “He was right here,” he said, crouching down to look.
“Hm,” Donnie hummed, crouching down as well. “Just as I thought.” He put a finger in the spot on the ground, surprising his brothers when his hand came up with something slimy. “Mikey didn't just leave the water from his bowl, he also left mucous.”
“Mucous? Like, he snotted everywhere?” Raph questioned.
“No, it's not snot. It's mucous. Many frogs and toads produce mucous with glands on their skin that helps keep it moist. In some, it also helps them breathe through their skin,” Donnie explained.
“So, Mikey left his skin snot on the floor,” Leo gathered.
“No. It's mucous, not snot.”
“Hey, look!” Raph pointed to another spot on the floor. “More snot!”
“Follow it!” Leo said, running over to the spot and searching for more.
Donnie pinched the bridge of his snout. “Again, not snot, but okay, we have a lead.”
“Why's it in spots, and not, like, little froggy footprints?” Raph asked, following as Leo spotted more spots.
“It's possible that Mikey figured out how to hop,” Donnie said.
“Ha! So this was worth it!” Leo said, pumping a fist. “I taught Mikey how to hop!”
“Or, you taught him how to hop off a cliff and die. Or hop right into a human's home,” Donnie replied.
“Donnie…” Raph whispered.
Leo didn't respond, instead choosing to keep following the spots. There were a few he saw on the walls, which he noted curiously. They traveled all throughout the lair, slowly becoming more recent. Eventually, the brothers found a place where they entered a door.
The bathroom door, where soft singing could be heard on the other side.
“Aw, spit.”
Raph elbowed Leo's shoulder. “Dad said you shouldn't say that anymore.”
“Why? It's not a bad word. I can say it all I want! Spit, spit, spit-”
“Guys,” Donnie said, “let's worry more about the mucous going into the room where Dad is showering.”
“Oh, right.”
The trio opened the door slowly, getting facefuls of steam that fogged up Donnie's glasses, causing him to back out. Leo and Raph stuck their heads in, surveying the area. Splinter's operatic singing filled their ears, making them wince. However, in the midst of the steam filled bathroom, they spotted what they were looking for.
Mikey was perched on the edge of the sink, looking at the closed shower curtain with wide eyes.
“Mikey!” Leo whispered, getting Mikey's attention and drawing his eyes. “Hey Angelo! Come here, come to Leo!” He held his hands out, beckoning.
Mikey squeaked softly, waving at Leo, then pointing at the shower.
“Nonono, don't go there buddy, hop over here!”
Mikey grinned, then readied himself to jump straight at the curtain.
The clattering of metal and screams of the boys cut off Splinter's singing, as Mikey hopped right onto the curtain and pulled the curtain rod down. Raph pushed past Leo into the room, catching Mikey before he fell to the floor with the curtain.
Splinter, despite being covered with soaked fur, tried to cover himself and turned the shower off. “Boys!? What is the meaning of this?!”
Raph fumbled to keep Mikey in his arms. “Sorry, Pops! Mikey was just-”
Mikey turned around in Raph's arms, reaching out to Splinter. “Hi Daddy!”
“Orange? What are you doing awake?”
“He, uh, he woke up!” Leo said, pushing in front of Raph. “We had to follow him here.”
“Follow him?” Splinter raised an eyebrow.
Raph looked at Leo, unsure.
“Yes?” Leo said nervously.
They all stood still, Leo patting his toe on the floor. He couldn't tell if he was sweating of fear, or if it was just the steam in the room. The tension felt as thick as the steam filled air.
“YES YOU DID! AND YOU LIED! LEO LIED!” Donnie screamed from outside the room.
“Donnie! Stop being mean to Leo!” Raph said, struggling to keep a hold on the boy in his arms. Mikey wriggled around, bracing his feet on Raph's chest and hopping off, sending himself flying into Splinter's arms while also hitting Raph's jaws shut with a clack and nearly sending Raph falling backwards.
“Orange!” Splinter caught Mikey deftly, checking him over. Then, he looked back up to his other sons. More specifically, at the one who had just been basically slapped by his own jaw. “Red, are you okay?”
Raph grunted, but nodded slowly as he held his snout.
“Good. That was very rude of you, Orange,” he said to the son in his arms. “What do you say?”
“I'm sowwy, Waphie…” Mikey mumbled with innocent eyes. Raph gave a weak thumbs up in response.
“Good job. I'm very proud of you for learning how to jump.” Splinter looked at Leo, who physically shrank.
“I-I swear, I didn't meanta lose him. We were just playing, a-and he said-”
“He can tell me what he said.”
Leo felt tears trying to force their way out behind his eyes.
Splinter sighed, dropping his shoulders. “Red,” he addressed, “make sure your brothers get to bed. With no screens,” he said, shooting a glare at the door.
“I would never!” Donnie scoffed from outside.
“I will come to tuck you in as soon as I am done with my shower. I have a feeling that Orange won't let me go without giving him a good bath, too,” he added, causing Mikey to squeak and laugh in his hold.
“No problem, Pops,” Raph said, walking toward the door.
Leo blinked, confused. Where was his scolding? Where was his slap on the wrist? This couldn't possibly be that bad, right? “B-but I-”
“Go to bed, Leonardo.”
Leo shut up fast, swallowing all of his tears and excuses. He followed Raph glumly out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Raph was standing outside with a concerned look on his face, while Donnie wore a smirk.
“I told you Dad doesn't like liars.”
Leo walked past, trying to get to the bedroom with as little eye contact as possible. Raph reached to grab his shoulder, but he shrugged it off and walked faster. Donnie's words echoed in his head.
Dad didn't like liars. Leo was a liar. Dad was the one that took care of them.
He could kick Leo out.
He'd have to live in the tunnels. Or maybe, Dad wouldn't let him live in the tunnels. He'd have to live on the surface, with the humans. The humans who wanted to catch him. Who wanted to pull him apart to see what he was made of and then piece him back together to see what he could do. He would die without his dad. He didn't want to live without his dad. Without his brothers. Without Mikey. Because he did love Mikey, even if he lied. At least he thought so.
Maybe Dad wouldn't care now. Maybe Dad didn't love him now. Leo was a liar. Dad doesn't like liars. Why would he?
Leo flopped into his bed as soon as he reached it, pulling the covers over himself and turning in to face the wall. Raph attempted to talk to him, but Leo only curled up tighter, pulling his tail up so far he could see it in front of his face.
Eventually, Raph gave up. Leo heard him softly scolding Donnie, but tried to ignore it as silent tears fell off his cheeks.
Just when he thought he was about to fall asleep, Leo heard the bedroom door opening. He wiped his face and turned slightly, seeing Splinter walk first to Donnie's bed, then to Raph's, before finally coming toward Leo's.
He noticed Mikey sitting in the doorway, who waved when he caught Leo's eyes. Leo waved back slowly.
Splinter kneeled by Leo's bedside, just like he would any other night to tuck him in. Usually, this would bring Leo warmth and comfort, reminding him that his father loved him. This time, Leo couldn't fight the sense of dread that filled his chest, making it feel like he was breathing something heavier than air. He wasn't getting tucked in. He didn't deserve that anymore. He was a liar.
Dad doesn't like liars. 
His father's eyes seemed to see right through him. “I am very upset with you, Leonardo.”
Leo tensed, but kept looking at Splinter.
“I am not upset that you lost track of your brother. You are a child, and I cannot expect you to be perfect. Do you know why I am upset?”
Leo nodded slowly, then mumbled, “Because I lied…”
“Exactly. It is because you lied. You could have told me as soon as it happened, and I would have helped you look for him. Instead, you lied and put your brother at even more risk. You could have fessed up when I saw Michelangelo in the bathroom. But yet, you still didn't. You didn't admit to your own fault. It took Donatello telling me for you to finally confess. And even then, you tried to rid yourself of all guilt.”
Leo sniffed, tearing up again. “Are you gonna kick me out?”
Splinter's eyebrows raised in shock. “What? No, I will not kick you out. Why would I ever do something so horrible?”
Something shattered.
“But… but I lied! I hurt Mikey! I-I'm a bad brother!” Leo's tears started flowing openly.
“No, no, Blue, you are okay. Shh…” Splinter rubbed his hand across Leo's face, wiping a tear away.
Leo sniffled and hiccuped, holding onto the back of Splinter's hand and softly sobbing. “I'm sorry, Dad, I-I didn't want to…”
Splinter rubbed his son's cheek, hushing him quietly. “I know. But that does not change what you did.” He looked deeply into his son's eyes, ensuring he had his full attention. “I forgive you, but this cannot go without punishment. I will not kick you out, and I never would. You are my son. Instead, you will be grounded for a month.”
Leo whined, but nodded. “Okay…”
“However, I believe that taking away the things that bring you joy will not make you learn the lesson that you need to learn. That is why, during this month, you will not be disallowed from doing anything in our home. Do you understand that?”
Leo nodded.
“The only caveat is that you must spend the entire month with your brother, Michelangelo. You will only do things that he wants to do. You will not plant ideas in his head or put words in his mouth. You will only do things that he says he wants to do. If he ever wants to spend time away from you, you will spend that time with me. Do you understand?”
“Mhm.” Leo nodded again.
“Perfect.” Splinter smiled. “I forgive you for this, and I hope that through this grounding period you can regain my trust.”
Leo smiled as well and nodded one last time, wiping one last tear with the heel of his hand. “I hope so too.”
Splinter turned to the doorway and waved Mikey over with his hand. Mikey grinned and hopped over, much quicker than Leo had expected. He stopped at Leo's bedside, slowly using the bed to brace himself as he stood up on shaky legs, then looked at his father.
“Tell Blue what you told me, Orange.”
Mikey wobbled for a second, then looked up at Leo. “I, um, I'm sowwy I went away when you said not go away. And I'm sowwy, um, I jumped at Daddy when you said not to do… And, um, I wwwanted to s'eep in a big boy bed tonight, cause imma big boy now, but I don't got a big boy bed, can I s’eep wi’ you.” Mikey finished the sentence like a statement, not a question, but his intention was clear.
Leo looked for just a second at his dad, who nodded encouragingly, before looking back at his little brother. “Sure, Mike. Hop on up here.”
Mikey did just that, with more force than Leo had expected. “Wow, Angelo, you've really got good legs now!” Leo said, catching Mikey in his arms and helping tuck him into the blankets. Meanwhile, Splinter walked to Mikey's tank and came back with his bowl and a towel.
“Alright, boys. Orange, your bowl will be right here if you need to soak, and your tank will be there if you want it.” Splinter pulled the blanket up, kissing each boy on the forehead. He cringed and wiped his lips after kissing Mikey, making the boy squeak and giggle. “Sleep well, my big boys. I am so proud of you, and I love you.”
“Love you too, Dad,” both boys chorused. Mikey snuggled into Leo's chest, letting Leo hold him like a stuffed animal. Leo only flinched for a moment at the slimy feeling of Mikey's skin (mucous, not snot).
Splinter walked out of the room, and it was barely even 20 seconds after he heard the door close that Leo heard a whisper coming from beside him.
“I'm sowwy, ‘eo,” Mikey murmured.
Leo looked down at his brother, confused. “You already said sorry. You don't gotta say it again.”
“But I said sowwy then cause Dad said,” Mikey explained. “Now, I said sowwy cause Mikey said.”
“Oh.” Leo settled back in, putting his chin on Mikey's head. “Well, I'm really sorry too. And that's cause Leo said,” he added, smirking.
Mikey giggled and squeezed Leo tightly, wiggling beneath the sheets. In a matter of minutes, the young amphibian had completely fallen asleep, slightly drooling on Leo's pillow. He didn't mind.
Leo grabbed onto Mikey and closed his eyes as well.
He never wanted to let go again.
Did I tell myself I would write au comp propaganda? Yes. Did I write a fic about an au completely unrelated to the comp? Yes, and I'm not sorry. I figured since another round finished up today, why not post something?
For real, I've had some insane art block recently, and writing has been keeping me sane. I tried writing propaganda, hated it, then realized, you know what makes me feel better every time? Turtle tots.
In this case, everything-but-turtle tots.
Shoutout to @rufwooff for making one of the most serotonin filled aus I've seen in a while, and fueling my exhaustion-induced writing spree. And go check out @tmntaucompetition! We're getting closer to the end! AAH!
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astrolovecosmos · 9 months
Aries vs. Libra
Red Dragon vs. Harpy
Man-Caused Fires vs. Polluted Air
Lava Flow, Fireworks, Sparklers, Burns, Red Paint, Red Stones vs. Feathers, Chimes, Cottonwood Seeds, Bubbles, Fresh Air or Naturally Fragrant Air
Taurus vs. Scorpio
Earth Giant vs. Sea Monster or Titan
Earthquake vs. Tsunami
Diamonds, Emeralds, Silks, Satin, Wine vs. Caviar, Hypnotizing Colors and Lights, Deep Sea Secrets, Graveyards, or Treasures
Gemini vs. Sagittarius
Fairy vs. Salamander
Raining of Animals or Substances, Surprises from the Wind vs. Wildfire or Fire Cyclone
Fairy Lights, Fireflies, Butterflies, Talking Birds, Swamp Lights vs. Dancing Flames, Embers, Sparks, Wax, Lanterns or Torches, All the Colors of Fire, Glow
Cancer vs. Capricorn
The Kraken vs. Gold-Hoarding Dragon
Cave-In vs. Riptide
Lost Treasure, Coral, Pearls, Seaweed, Crabs, Lobsters, Seafoam, Moonlight vs. Precious Metals, Crystals, Expensive Woods, Coins
Leo vs. Aquarius
Chimera or Manticore vs. Thunderbird
Heatwave vs. Freeze
Sunshine, Sunbursts, Glittering Sand, Mirages, Heat Refraction, Cozy Fireplace, Heated Blankets vs. Stars, Rainbows, Prisms, Glitter, Wide and Open Skies
Virgo vs. Pisces
Gnome vs. Mermaid or Siren
Famine, Infestation, or Sickness vs. Floods
Safron, Truffles, Expensive Fruits, Medicinal Plants vs. Seashells, River Stones, Gold, River Treasures, Flashy Scales, Salmon, Smell and Sound of Rain, Watery Reflections
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rufwooff · 1 month
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HERE WE GOOOOO THE WHOLE HAMATO GANG (I don’t really like this art, they don’t look like themselves here)
I've never drawn Splinter so often in my life ngl
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xnorthstar3x · 8 months
Their Favorite thing about you
Leo loves alot of things about you but he does have an absolute favorite thing that he notices about you.
Your skin
He likes how you care for it he likes the texture of it. It's so different from his own leathery skin. He loves moles and freckles.
I also headcannon that he loves tattoos not sleeves and stuff but hidden tattoos and similar things. He will set and trace the patterns of the ink in your skin.
If you ask raph his favorite thing about you he will say all of you. But, if you ask him to name one thing. The first thing that comes to his mind is hair.
Not just the hair on your head either. Body hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, ect;. He likes running a hand over your skin to feel the peach fuzz. The gentle tickle your eyelashes do to his cheek when he kisses your temple.
He likes looking at you when he first wakes up the sun rises. While the light still shines through your apartment window. How he can see the speckled of hair glow. He just loves you in general but the small things are what counts.
He has a whole
Top 10 favorite things about (Y/N):
His most favorite thing is your curiosity. The way your eyes light up when you see somthing new. The way you crouch down on the street to see tiny little salamanders that hide in the damp cracks in the alley way.
The easy you ask questions about his work and projects. He lives that you like to learn. And he wants to make sure you stay curious and he wants to fill your pretty mind with as many things as possible.
Mikey names every single part of you and days ots his favorite. But if someone were to come up to him and ask what his favorite thing is his face will turn serious.
"Your eyes."
He lives the way they meet his when he talks about somthing special to him. He loves how they look up from the words of your current obsession novel or fan fiction to watch him intently.
He loves how your pretty smile goes all the way up to your eyes as they crinkle up. He lives the color I feel like it's one of thoes things he tries to find the exact numerical name for the color of your eyes because he so in love with them and you.
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raphael-angele · 2 months
Exotic Pets I think PJO Characters would own
Disclaimer: This post does not encourage the purchase or distribution of exotic/endangered animals to be kept in captivity. This is completely for entertainment purposes
Percy owns a Blue Mosaic Axolotl and he named it Mandy. This is because he originally thought she was a salamander. When he took it home and showed it to Annabeth, she corrected him but the name already stuck.
Annabeth has a Canary Barn Owl named Cato. She does not own this owl per se. Cato was flying near their apartment when Annabeth decided to leave some food out for him. Since then, Cato has been keeping an eye on her and following her around from the apartment to her college campus to the grocery store.
Grover has a Kinkajou he named Jumper. Again, he does not particularly own him. Jumper just happened to jump onto his shoulder while he was taking a hike through the woods one night. Jumper was hungry so Grover gave him some food. Every now and then, Grover would go back and feed him.
Nico (besides Cerby) owns two melanistic foxes named Aspen and Amber. No one knows the true origin of these foxes, all the campers know is that they just showed up out of no where and follow Nico around. Despite what they think, Aspen and Amber are actually very friendly and they only get defensive if you intend to harm Nico (besides Percy. They hate Percy for some reason).
Jason has a Racoon Dog named Jojo. Jason found Jojo while he was out for a walk. It was raining and it looked like Jojo was injured. Thankfully, they weren't that far from camp so he took him back and gave him a warm bath and treated him. Once Jojo was fully healed, Jason tried to release him back out there but he wouldn't leave
Piper has Anna's Hummingbirds. She built a bird house one time with Leo and hung it outside of the cabin. Next thing she knows, hummingbirds are inhabiting it. Two paticular hummingbirds she sees are two Anna's hummingbirds she named Luna and Aurelia.
Reyna (besides her two dogs) has a Serval Cat she named Aenea. Reyna does not own her but she goes to feed her every now and then and lets her take shelter during storms or when she wants
Bianca has an Unkindness of Ravens. Not one, not two, an Unkindness. EDIT: She was on a quest with the hunters one time and the ravens warned her about where they were going, where they should go, etc. The ravens got attached to her, being the daughter of the dead. And she eventually got used to it, but some of the hunters still get jumpscares when they wake up and see Bianca being surrounded by dozens of ravens. Two Ravens in particular, she named Argus and Sergio. These two are in charge of looking after Nico. Yes, she can speak to them; Yes, they are also messenger birds.
Thalia has a Sugar Glider named Jason. She found him on the shelf in her cabin looking for food. She was about to help him down when he flew to the drawer beside her bed. She took him to Annabeth to figure out what he is. She gave him some food after that and thought that he reminded him of Jason.
Hazel has a Chinchilla named Amy. Amy (short for Amethyst) looks like she's purple but really, she's a mix of grey and blue, which is why she looks purple. Amy was actually a gift from Frank.
Will, scarily enough, has an Edit 2: Sunbeam Snake he named Bowie. Again, no one knows where he came from, they just walked into the Apollo Cabin and freak out when they see the snake slithering around the cabin and they just go, "Oh, don't worry, that's just Bowie". Bowie only likes being held by the Apollo kids and Nico.
Leo has a Tarantula named Felix (Fix for short). Oddly enough, Leo was never scared of spiders, if anything, he loves them. The Athena Cabin always asks for his help to get rid of spiders. He found Fix crawling on his work table, almost getting killed when he interfered. He scooped him up and sent him back into the woods. The next day, he found him again on his table. He kept putting him back till he gave up and made a little space for him
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tinytinyturttlesoup · 1 month
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More magma nonsense lol. the frog Mikey and salamander Leo Designs belong to @rufwooff
The future Donnie design belongs to @mrabubu
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grey-sorcery · 10 months
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Title: The Elements: Fire
Suggested Reading
*Highly recommended
Correspondences* Visualization* Bias in Witchcraft* Witchcraft Vs. Superstition* Dualities in Witchcraft* Basics of Spellcasting* Sigils: How-To Threshold Theory* Foundations of Energy Work Spirit Work: First Steps Researching Witchcraft
🔥What is Fire in Witchcraft?🔥
In the realm of esoteric practices and magical traditions, there exists a rich tapestry of beliefs and rituals that have captivated human imagination throughout history. From the art of sigil magic to the intriguing encounters with spiritual entities, practitioners have sought to explore and harness the mystical forces that permeate our world. Let’s delve into the multifaceted aspects of witchcraft, spirit work, and the intriguing phenomena associated with these practices. The concept of correspondences holds a significant place within metaphysics and esoteric practices, offering insights into the interconnectedness between various elements and their symbolic representations. 
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🔥Correspondences for Fire🔥
Fire, as an elemental force, embodies a rich tapestry of correspondences that span diverse aspects of human experience.  (There are small breaks because the list broke the 4000-odd word block limit)
Direction: Fire is commonly associated with the direction of the South, representing its transformative and passionate qualities. It symbolizes the energy of the noonday sun, where its radiant heat and fervor are most pronounced. In this direction, fire serves as a guiding light, illuminating paths of self-discovery, motivation, and transformation.
Season: Fire aligns itself with the season of summer, characterized by warmth, growth, and the flourishing of life. During this season, fire's transformative power manifests through the ripening of fruits, the crackling of bonfires, and the vibrant colors of blooming flowers. Summer becomes a metaphorical representation of the fiery nature within, fueling inspiration and creative expression.
Time of Day: The element of fire finds affinity with the daytime, particularly with the hours of noon and mid-afternoon. These periods symbolize the zenith of vitality, creativity, and the fervent pursuit of goals and ambitions. Fire's association with daytime underscores its ability to ignite passion, determination, and the courage to take action in pursuit of one's aspirations.
Astrological Signs: Fire finds representation in the astrological signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These signs embody the fiery traits of passion, courage, self-expression, and the pursuit of adventure and truth. Individuals born under these signs often exhibit qualities of leadership, enthusiasm, and an innate ability to inspire and ignite the flame of inspiration in others.
Planets: The celestial bodies of the Sun and Mars resonate with the essence of fire. The Sun, as the central luminary in our solar system, signifies vitality, illumination, and life force, akin to the fiery nature of the element itself. Mars, on the other hand, symbolizes assertiveness, determination, and dynamic action, embodying the transformative power and intensity of fire.
Tarot: Within the realm of tarot, fire is associated with the suit of Wands. The Wands represent inspiration, creativity, willpower, and the ability to manifest one's desires through focused intention and action. This suit embodies the fiery spirit of ambition, drive, and the initiation of transformative change in one's life.
Elementals: Salamanders, the elemental beings of fire, are often regarded as its guardians and representatives. These mythical creatures symbolize the fiery energy and the transformative power inherent in the element. They serve as spiritual allies, guiding individuals towards personal growth, purification, and the cultivation of inner strength.
Colors: Fire is associated with vibrant and warm colors such as red, orange, and gold. These hues reflect the passionate, energetic, and transformative qualities of fire, evoking feelings of enthusiasm, creativity, and vitality. Through the utilization of these colors, practitioners can enhance their connection with the fiery essence and invoke its power in rituals and visualizations.
Crystals: Fire-related crystals like carnelian, citrine, and sunstone embody the energetic properties of fire. They are believed to inspire creativity, increase motivation, and activate personal power. These gemstones serve as conduits for the fiery energy, supporting individuals in their transformative journeys and igniting the flame of passion within.
Herbs: Herbs associated with fire, such as cinnamon, ginger, and cayenne pepper, possess warming, stimulating, and energizing properties. These herbs can be used to invigorate the senses, enhance focus, and amplify one's vitality. They are often employed in rituals, spellwork, and culinary practices to infuse the transformative energy of fire.
Trees: Trees like oak, pine, and cedar embody the fiery nature through their robustness, resilience, and ability to withstand flames. These trees symbolize strength, endurance, and the power of transformation. They serve as sacred allies, providing support and guidance to individuals seeking to harness the transformative energy of fire.
Animals: Animals associated with fire, such as lions, phoenixes, and dragons, represent strength, courage, and resilience. They embody the transformative power and the untamed energy of fire. These animal archetypes inspire individuals to embrace their inner fire, overcome challenges, and embark on personal journeys of growth and self-discovery.
Deities: Deities like Brigid, Pele, and Vulcan/Hephaestus represent the fiery aspects of creation, transformation, and the forging of the divine spark. They embody the transformative power, passion, and creative force inherent in fire. Invoking the presence of these deities can ignite inspiration, creativity, and the will to manifest desired changes.
Mythical Creatures: Mythical creatures like the phoenix and the salamander symbolize rebirth, transformation, and the ability to rise from the ashes. These creatures embody the fiery energy of renewal and the transformative power of fire. Their symbolism serves as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the potential for personal transformation.
Metals: Metals associated with fire, such as gold and brass, embody its radiant, luminous, and transformative qualities. These metals symbolize wealth, abundance, illumination, and the refinement of the self. They can be utilized in ritualistic practices to amplify the fiery energy and invoke its transformative properties.
Symbols: Fire-related symbols, such as flames, suns, and triangles, represent the energetic and transformative nature of fire. These symbols serve as visual reminders of the element's power and can be employed in various metaphysical practices to connect with its essence and harness its transformative energy.
Body Parts: Body parts connected with fire include the heart, representing passion, love, and emotional intensity, and the core muscles, symbolizing strength, vitality, and the energetic center. These body parts reflect the transformative and energetic nature of fire within the human experience.
Senses: The sense of sight is closely linked to fire, symbolizing clarity, illumination, and the ability to perceive truth and inspiration. The sense of touch also resonates with fire, evoking warmth, energy, and the ability to ignite passion and enthusiasm within oneself and others.
Emotions: Fire is associated with emotions such as passion, courage, enthusiasm, and inspiration. It embodies the transformative power of intense emotions and the ability to channel them towards creative expression, personal growth, and the pursuit of one's goals and desires.
Personality Traits: Individuals embodying fire-related personality traits are often described as passionate, assertive, courageous, charismatic, and driven. They possess a zest for life, display leadership qualities, and exhibit a magnetic energy that inspires and motivates others.
Musical Notes and Instruments: Musical notes like C and musical instruments such as drums and trumpets resonate with the fiery energy. These notes and instruments evoke feelings of passion, energy, and enthusiasm, creating a sonic backdrop that enhances the experience of fire-related rituals, ceremonies, and meditative practices.
Zodiacal Signs: The zodiacal signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius align with fire, emphasizing their connection to the element's transformative qualities and fiery attributes. These houses embody the themes of individuality, self-expression, creativity, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth.
Incense and Essential Oils: Fragrances such as frankincense, cinnamon, and ginger, as well as essential oils like bergamot, rosemary, and ylang-ylang, are associated with fire. These scents possess invigorating, energizing, and transformative properties, creating an olfactory ambiance that aligns with the fiery essence.
Tarot Spreads and Major Archana Cards:Fire-related tarot spreads and major archana cards provide insight into various aspects of personal transformation, creative endeavors, and the manifestation of desires. The Major Arcana cards associated with fire in the Tarot are The Fool, The Magician, Strength, The Tower, and The Sun. The "Passion and Creativity Spread" is a Tarot spread designed to delve into the realm of personal passions and creative expression. This spread consists of five cards arranged in a specific pattern to provide insights and guidance regarding one's creative endeavors and the fire within. Here is a description of each position in the spread: Spark- This card represents the initial spark of inspiration or passion that ignites your creative energy. It sheds light on the core desire or idea that fuels your creativity. Fuel- The second card reflects the elements or resources that serve as fuel for your creative pursuits. It highlights the external factors or internal qualities that empower and sustain your passion. Obstacles- This card reveals the challenges or obstacles that may hinder your creative process. It offers insights into potential setbacks, limiting beliefs, or external factors that may obstruct your path. Expression- The fourth card signifies the means through which you express your creativity. It sheds light on the specific outlets or forms of artistic expression that resonate with your inner fire. Manifestation- The final card represents the potential outcome or manifestation of your creative endeavors. It offers guidance on how to bring your passions and creative visions into tangible reality.
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Runes:Fire runes, such as Fehu and Kenaz, represent prosperity, creative energy, and illumination. These runes can be incorporated into divination practices and ritualistic work to access the transformative power of fire and receive guidance on matters related to personal growth and manifestation.
Sabbats:Fire plays a prominent role in sabbats like Beltane and Litha (Midsummer), where it represents passion, fertility, and the culmination of the Sun's power. These celebrations honor the transformative qualities of fire, encouraging individuals to embrace their own inner fire and engage in rituals that foster growth, abundance, and personal transformation.
Symbols of Transformation, Passion, Creativity, Inspiration, Purification, Power, Action, Body and Health: Fire is a potent symbol of transformation, representing the transformative journey from old to new, from darkness to light. It ignites passion, creativity, and inspiration, serving as a catalyst for positive change. Fire also symbolizes purification, purging what no longer serves, and empowering individuals to take decisive action towards personal growth, wellbeing, and the manifestation of their desires.
Associations with Leadership, Willpower, Strength, Motivation, Courage, Conflict, Energy, Enthusiasm, Transformation: Fire embodies qualities associated with leadership, willpower, strength, motivation, courage, and conflict. It represents the dynamic force that propels individuals forward, igniting enthusiasm, and infusing situations with vibrant energy. Through its transformative power, fire facilitates personal growth, instills motivation, and empowers individuals to overcome obstacles in their path.
Note on Individual Variations in Correspondences
It is crucial to acknowledge that while correspondences for fire have been widely explored and established, there exist individual variations in these associations. The significance and personal resonance of specific correspondences may vary from person to person, influenced by cultural backgrounds, personal experiences, and spiritual beliefs. It is essential to embrace and honor these variations, allowing individuals to connect with the correspondences that align most authentically with their own spiritual practices and intentions. It is 100% okay to create your own correspondences. There is zero need to rigidly conform to preexisting ones unless working within a specific cultural context.
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🔥Ways Fire is Commonly Used in Witchcraft🔥
Fire holds a significant role in the practice of witchcraft, serving as a potent and transformative tool for various rituals and magical workings. This section will explore several common applications of fire in witchcraft, highlighting their purpose and significance.
Candle Magic
Candle magic is one of the most prevalent and versatile practices within witchcraft. Candles serve as symbolic representations of fire, harnessing its energy and allowing practitioners to focus their intentions in order to manifest them. Through the selection of specific colors, shapes, and scents, practitioners align their intentions with corresponding qualities and elements, practitioners can build a threshold to project their spell through. While candle magic is simple and very approachable, It is essential to understand that in order for any working to truly be a spell it must include passion, intent (as in personal truth), and gnosis. Energy work must also be present, but for those who have not figured out how to do so consciously, it will happen subconsciously. In some cultures and traditions it is common practice to smother a candle’s flame rather than blow it out. This is because breath often is a physical representation of intent and fire often represents life, hope, and transformation.
Incense has been utilized for centuries in spiritual and magical practices across various cultures. It involves the burning of aromatic plant materials, releasing fragrant smoke that carries intention and purifies the space. The use of incense in witchcraft facilitates a connection between the material and spiritual realms, purifies the energy within a sacred space, and enhances the atmosphere during rituals and spellwork. Different types of incense, such as resin, herbs, or powdered blends, can be chosen based on their correspondences with specific intentions or desired outcomes. This works so well because the fire refracts and distributes the energetic properties of the plants and resins that make up the incense.
Bonfires hold deep-rooted symbolism and have been a staple in witchcraft and pagan traditions throughout history. They serve as a powerful focal point for community gatherings, celebrations, and transformative rituals. Bonfires embody the essence of fire's transformative energy, representing the burning away of the old and the welcoming of the new. The flames and embers provide a mesmerizing backdrop for ceremonies, invoking a sense of unity, passion, and connection with the primal forces of nature.
Fire Scrying
Fire scrying is a divination technique that utilizes the flames or smoke of a fire to gain insights and spiritual guidance. By gazing into the flames and allowing the mind to enter a trance state, practitioners can perceive symbols, images, and messages within the dance of the fire. The shifting shapes and patterns within the flames offer a canvas for intuitive interpretation, enabling practitioners to receive guidance and gain clarity on various aspects of their lives. Scrying can be a very difficult form of divination as it requires trance states and the ability to think figuratively and visually. Traditionally, scrying uses a candle that is gazed at through a reflective surface to the same end.
Burning Offerings
The act of burning offerings is a sacred practice found in many spiritual traditions, including witchcraft. Offerings, such as herbs, incense, written prayers, or symbolic objects, are intentionally burned as a means of communication and reverence towards deities, spirits, or ancestors. The rising smoke carries the essence of the offering, symbolically delivering it to the spiritual realm. This act of sacrifice and devotion fosters a connection with the divine, establishes reciprocity, and seeks blessings, protection, or guidance from higher powers.
Fire Rituals
Fire rituals encompass a diverse range of practices that incorporate fire as a central element. These rituals are designed to evoke transformation, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Examples include fire dances, where participants move rhythmically around a bonfire, embodying the transformative energy of fire within their bodies and spirits. Fire jumping rituals symbolize the release of negativity and obstacles, as individuals leap over flames, leaving behind what no longer serves them. Fire rituals serve as powerful catalysts for personal and collective transformation, inviting participants to embrace the element's purifying and empowering qualities. Like all other magical workings, rituals also require passion, intent, and gnosis. If working with a group, the intents of all practitioners must align. 
Sigil Activation
In witchcraft, fire is utilized as a means to activate sigils, harnessing its transformative energy. This activation is achieved through the chemical and energetic transformation of the sigil, as the flames interact with the material medium. The heat energy of the fire alters the composition of the sigil, invoking a shift in its inherent properties. This process projects its energy into the environment, where it can bond with the ambient energies surrounding it.
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🔥‼️Safety Tips for Working with Fire in Witchcraft‼️🔥
When incorporating fire into witchcraft practices, it is essential to prioritize safety to prevent accidents and ensure a controlled environment. This section outlines important safety tips that practitioners should consider when working with fire in their magical rituals and spellwork.
Fire Safety Equipment
Before engaging in any fire-related activities, it would be wise to have the appropriate fire safety equipment readily available. This includes items such as fire extinguishers, fire blankets, and heat-resistant gloves, or a lid to smother fires within cauldrons or other burning apparatuses. Fire extinguishers should be placed within reach and regularly inspected to ensure they are in proper working condition. In the event of an emergency, practitioners should familiarize themselves with the operation of fire extinguishers and have a clear evacuation plan. It is possible to construct your own fire extinguishers at home fairly cheap.
Method 1
Method 2
Clear Workspace
Maintaining a clear and clutter-free workspace is vital when working with fire. Remove any flammable materials or objects from the immediate vicinity to minimize the risk of accidental fires. This includes ensuring that curtains, papers, loose fabrics, and other combustible items are kept away from open flames or hot surfaces. By creating a clean and organized workspace, practitioners can reduce the chances of fire hazards and promote a safer environment.
Controlled Environment
When working with fire, it is advisable to choose a controlled environment. Perform rituals and spellwork in well-ventilated areas away from curtains and flammable objects, preferably outdoors or in spaces specifically designated for such activities. Avoid conducting fire-related practices in areas with strong drafts, as this can lead to unpredictable fire behavior. Additionally, be mindful of local regulations and any seasonal or weather-related restrictions that may affect the use of open flames. It is not recommended to perform fire magic inside of a trailer home, as they catch fire and burn down very easily and quickly. If you are using fire indoors, be sure to leave any doors or escape windows open.
Candles and Incense
When using candles and incense, it is essential to exercise caution and adhere to proper safety practices. Ensure that candles are placed on heat-resistant surfaces and in stable holders to prevent them from toppling over. Avoid positioning candles near flammable materials, low-hanging decorations, or areas with a high risk of accidental contact. Use candle snuffers or a gentle blowing technique to extinguish candles, as blowing can potentially spread hot wax or embers. Similarly, when burning incense, do so in appropriate holders that can contain ash and prevent accidental fires. Place incense burners on heat-resistant surfaces and away from flammable materials. Always extinguish incense sticks or cones fully before leaving the area unattended.
Practitioners should carefully consider their clothing choices when working with fire. Loose, flowing fabrics can pose a fire hazard, especially when in close proximity to open flames. Opt for well-fitting, natural fiber garments that are less likely to catch fire or melt. Long sleeves should be rolled up or secured to prevent them from coming into contact with flames or hot surfaces. Additionally, avoid wearing accessories or jewelry that could potentially catch fire or interfere with safe fire handling.
Fire Proofing
When burning anything in witchcraft, especially in metal containers or windy conditions, it is essential to fire proof your work space. This can be done by placing a stone or tile underneath your container. If working in windy or drafty conditions, be sure to find an area that is devoid of dried plant materials and burn on top of dirt or stones. If at all possible, dig a hole to burn in and surround it with stones. This will help prevent the fire from spreading into the environment.
Ritual Preparation
Thorough ritual preparation is essential for working with fire safely. This includes planning the sequence of actions, ensuring all necessary materials are readily accessible, and familiarizing oneself with the ritual steps beforehand. Practitioners should consider the timing, duration, and specific fire-related elements of the ritual to anticipate any potential risks or challenges. By adequately preparing for rituals, practitioners can approach fire-based practices with confidence and reduce the likelihood of accidents.
Personal Protection
Personal protection should be prioritized when working with fire. This includes wearing heat-resistant gloves when handling hot objects, using appropriate tools for fire handling, and taking necessary precautions to protect the face and body from heat and sparks. Depending on the nature of the ritual or spellwork, practitioners may also consider wearing protective eyewear and clothing. If the fire you're working with is small, be sure to use a pot-holder to handle containers in order to prevent burning yourself.
Education and Training
To ensure safety when working with fire, it is strongly recommended that practitioners seek proper education and training. Learning from experienced practitioners or attending workshops and classes dedicated to fire safety and fire-based practices can provide valuable knowledge and skills. Gaining a comprehensive understanding of fire behavior, safety protocols, and emergency response techniques is essential for minimizing risks and handling fire-related situations effectively.
Here is a guide on putting our fires without an extinguisher.
If a fire becomes out of control, please evacuate as soon as possible and call 911. Stay low to the ground and avoid opening any doors or windows as that will cause the fire to grow rapidly and increase the possibility of getting burned.
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🔥Misconceptions about Using Fire in Witchcraft🔥
Fire has long been a powerful symbol in various mystical and spiritual practices, including witchcraft. However, there are several misconceptions surrounding the use of fire in these contexts. This section aims to address and debunk some of the common misconceptions associated with fire in witchcraft.
Fire Is Associated with Negative or "Evil" Practices
One prevailing misconception is that fire in witchcraft is exclusively linked to negative or "evil" practices. Rooted in the idea of the duality of Sanctity and Profane, this notion stems from historical and cultural biases that have demonized certain aspects of witchcraft and associated them with dark or malevolent forces. However, fire, like any element, is neutral in nature and can be employed for both positive and negative intentions. In witchcraft, fire is often harnessed as a transformative force, symbolizing purification, passion, creativity, and empowerment. It is essential to understand that the intentions and ethics of the practitioner shape the outcome of their fire-related practices, rather than the element itself being inherently evil. White supremacy played a significant role in shaping the perception of witchcraft and its association with fire. Racial stereotypes and prejudices were deeply ingrained in colonial societies, and people of African descent were often portrayed as inherently "primitive," "savage," and associated with "dark" and "dangerous" forces. These racial biases contributed to the stigmatization of fire in African spiritual traditions, which were wrongly labeled as demonic and inherently evil.
Fire Magic Is Always Dangerous
Another misconception is that fire magic is always dangerous. While it is true that working with fire demands caution and respect, it does not mean that fire magic is inherently unsafe or prone to accidents. With proper safety measures, knowledge, and experience, practitioners can minimize risks and ensure a controlled environment when working with fire. Adhering to safety tips such as using appropriate fire safety equipment, creating a clear workspace, and practicing in controlled environments significantly mitigates potential dangers. It is crucial for practitioners to approach fire magic with responsibility, preparedness, and a deep understanding of the element's behavior and properties. It is very possible to perform fire magic without the need to directly burn something, as all that is needed is a combustion reaction which happens in every single cell in our bodies.
Fire Magic Is Only for Experienced Practitioners
There is a misconception that fire magic should be reserved exclusively for experienced practitioners. While it is true that a certain level of knowledge and experience can enhance one's ability to work with fire effectively, it does not mean that beginners or less experienced individuals cannot incorporate fire into their practices. With proper education, mindfulness, and respect, practitioners at all levels can explore and engage with fire magic safely and responsibly. It is recommended that newcomers to fire magic start with simple practices, gradually increasing their skills and understanding as they gain experience. Communicating with other practitioners can provide valuable guidance and support in developing fire-related working.
Fire Magic Is Always Dramatic or Flashy
Many people have the misconception that fire magic is always dramatic or flashy, involving large bonfires, roaring flames, and extravagant displays. This is largely influenced by media such as movies, video games, and TTRPGs. While such practices may potentially exist- not including things such as Fireball of course, it is important to note that fire magic can encompass a wide range of approaches and intensities. Fire magic can be as subtle as working with small candles, utilizing controlled flames, or employing symbolic representations of fire. The effectiveness of fire magic lies not in its outward grandeur, but rather in the focused intention, energy, passion, and correspondence that the practitioner brings to their practice. It is the internal connection and alignment with the elemental energy of fire that truly matters, rather than the external showmanship.
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🔥Properties of Fire🔥
To gain a comprehensive understanding of fire in the context of witchcraft, it is essential to explore its properties across various categories. These categories include energetic properties, physical properties, philosophical properties, and chemical properties.
Energetic Properties of Fire
From an energetic standpoint, fire has four inherent properties:
Thermal: It radiates energy outwardly in various directions.
Reactive: It is chaotic and bonds with the surrounding environmental energies very easily without outside influence.
Isentropic: Can change its energetic state without the loss of any energy within the system, but will always resort back to its original state.
Refractive: Breaks down the energies of its fuel and can take on their properties.
Thermodynamics, a branch of physics concerned with the interplay of energy and heat transfer, offers insights into the energetic properties of fire. One fundamental concept in thermodynamics is entropy, which measures the level of disorder or randomness in a system. When fire occurs, the combustion process leads to an increase in entropy as the fuel source breaks down and transforms into gases, releasing heat and light in the process. This increase in entropy is representative of the transformative nature of fire, as it breaks down and reorganizes matter, symbolizing the transition from one state to another. By understanding the principles of thermodynamics and entropy, practitioners can appreciate the profound energetic transformations that occur within fire-related practices.
Physical Properties of Fire
On a physical level, fire is characterized by heat, light, and combustion. It is the visible result of the exothermic chemical reaction between a fuel source and oxygen, resulting in the release of heat and light energy. Fire's physical properties, such as its ability to consume, transform, and illuminate, make it a potent symbol of change and illumination within witchcraft. The physical properties of fire are often utilized in rituals, spellwork, and divination practices to symbolize purification, enlightenment, and the manifestation of desires.
Philosophical Properties of Fire
Philosophically, fire is associated with concepts such as willpower, passion, courage, and personal transformation. Fire's ability to consume and purify represents the process of burning away the old, making space for the new, and undergoing personal metamorphosis. It is often viewed as a catalyst for change and a symbol of the human spirit's resilience and inner strength. The philosophical properties of fire in witchcraft inspire practitioners to embrace their inner power, overcome obstacles, and pursue their desires with unwavering determination. Metaphysically, fire is associated with various esoteric and occult traditions. It is believed to embody the spiritual essence and its transformative qualities on a metaphysical level. Fire is often associated with the will, passion, and the spiritual spark within each individual. It is seen as a force that can illuminate the path of spiritual growth, aid in the manifestation of desires, and facilitate the connection between the physical and spiritual realms.
Chemical Properties of Fire
On a chemical level, fire involves complex reactions known as combustion, which occur when a fuel source reacts with oxygen in the presence of heat. These reactions are fundamentally redox (reduction-oxidation) reactions, involving the transfer of electrons from the fuel to the oxygen.
During combustion, the fuel undergoes oxidation, releasing energy in the form of heat and light. The process can be represented by a generalized equation:
Fuel + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
The fuel can be organic materials such as wood, paper, or natural fibers, or even hydrocarbons like methane or propane. Oxygen, usually obtained from the surrounding air, acts as the oxidizing agent. As the fuel combines with oxygen, chemical bonds break and reform to produce new compounds.
The combustion reaction releases energy due to the difference in energy between the reactants (fuel and oxygen) and the products (carbon dioxide, water, and other byproducts). This energy, in the form of heat and light, is what we perceive as fire.
The intensity and behavior of fire can be influenced by several factors, including the nature of the fuel, the availability of oxygen, and the heat supplied to initiate and sustain the reaction. These factors impact the rate at which the combustion reaction occurs, affecting the size of the flame, the heat output, and the color of the fire.
Classic Alchemical Properties of Fire
Calcination: The Role of Fire in Reduction
Calcination, one of the primary laboratory processes in alchemy, involved subjecting matter to intense heat in a crucible. This process aimed to reduce the material to its essential components, burning away impurities and leaving behind a residue or ash.
Distillation: Vaporization and Condensation
Through the process of distillation, alchemists harnessed the power of fire to induce the vaporization of substances. The resulting vapors were then condensed and collected, facilitating the separation and purification of the desired elements.
Sublimation: Transformation by Controlled Heating
Sublimation involved the controlled heating of solid matter to induce a direct transition from solid to vapor without passing through the liquid state. Alchemists recognized the transformative potential of fire in this process, as it allowed the extraction of volatile and ethereal substances from solid materials.
Historical Accounts and Examples
Historical accounts and alchemical treatises provide insight into the practical application of fire in laboratory processes. These include the experiments conducted by renowned alchemists like Paracelsus and Ramon Llull, who meticulously documented their observations and discoveries.
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🔥Burning Sigils in Magic🔥
Sigils hold a significant place in magical practices, and their utilization in witchcraft has been prevalent for centuries. Understanding the concept of sigils, their activation, and the practice of burning them can provide insight into their role as a powerful tool in magical endeavors.
Definition of Sigils
Sigils can be described as symbols or graphical representations that encapsulate specific intentions, desires, or manifestations. These symbols are created by combining various shapes, letters, or symbols into a unique and meaningful design. The process of creating a sigil involves condensing the desired outcome into a visual representation that serves as a focal point for the practitioner's intent.
Activation of Intentions through Burning Sigils
Burning sigils is a common method used to activate the intentions encoded within them. When a sigil is burned, it is believed that the energy released during the combustion process acts as a catalyst, propelling the intended outcome into the spiritual or metaphysical realms. The act of burning the sigil serves as a transformative ritual, symbolizing the release and transmutation of the practitioner's intentions into the universe. This process works due to the inherent energetic properties of fire. As the sigil burns, the energies involved are refracted and released.
Sympathetic Magic and Connection to the Spiritual Realm
The practice of burning sigils can be seen as an expression of sympathetic magic, a concept rooted in the idea that like produces like. By burning the sigil, practitioners establish a connection between the physical act and the desired outcome in the spiritual realm. This connection is believed to create a resonance between the symbol and the intended manifestation, facilitating the alignment of energies and increasing the likelihood of the desired outcome. That being said, without guidance the energies released will travel radially in all directions. The sigil will be aimless and short lived. However, with conscious energy work a practitioner may capture the energy and direct it to exactly where it is desired to travel. This can be accomplished through taglocks or astral projection.
Methods of Burning Sigils
Various methods can be employed when it comes to burning sigils, allowing practitioners to personalize their approach based on their preferences and the specific magical working at hand. Some common methods include:
Burning in a Ritual Fire: This method involves placing the sigil in a consecrated fire, such as a ritual bonfire or a consecrated fireplace, while invoking the intended outcome. The sigil is consumed by the flames, symbolizing the release of the intention into the universe.
Candle Flame Burning: Here, the sigil is placed in the flame of a candle, allowing it to burn gradually. The practitioner may choose a specific color of candle that aligns with the intention of the sigil, further enhancing the magical working.
Charcoal Burning: Using a charcoal disc, the sigil can be burned by placing it on top of the lit charcoal. As the charcoal burns, it generates heat, causing the sigil to ignite and release the encoded intentions.
Paper Burning: This method involves writing the sigil on a piece of paper and then safely burning it. The ashes can be collected and either scattered in a sacred space or buried, symbolizing the integration of the intention into the earth.
By employing these methods, practitioners engage in a transformative act that merges physical symbolism with metaphysical intent, providing a tangible and intentional approach to magical workings.
Alternatives to Burning Sigils
Shredding: Instead of burning the sigil, you can safely shred it into small pieces. This can be done manually or by using a shredder. The act of physically tearing the sigil can serve as a symbolic release of the intention. Energetically, it can rend the energies from the sigil so that the practitioner may control its direction.
Dissolving: Place the sigil in a bowl of water or any other appropriate liquid. As the paper dissolves, the intention is gradually released into the water. From there, the energies can be handled and sent to their desired location. You can then dispose of the liquid in a respectful manner, such as pouring it onto the earth or down the drain.
Burying: Dig a small hole in the ground and bury the sigil. As you cover the sigil with soil, so the energy of your intention merges with the earth, where it can grow over time.
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🔥Effects of Temperature on Spirits in Spirit Work🔥
Within the realm of spirit work, practitioners often experience various sensations associated with the presence of spiritual entities. Temperature fluctuations are among the commonly reported effects that can be observed during spiritual encounters. Understanding these temperature-related experiences can deepen our comprehension of spirit work and its intricate dynamics.
Sensing Presence
One of the possible ways through which spirits manifest their presence is by influencing the temperature in their surroundings. Practitioners may perceive sudden and unexplained changes in temperature, which can range from localized coolness to areas of noticeable warmth. These temperature shifts often coincide with the presence of a spirit, acting as a potential indicator of their energetic presence.
Heat or Warmth
In contrast to the chilling effect, some practitioners may encounter instances of increased heat or warmth in the presence of spirits. This warming sensation is believed to arise from the heightened energy emitted by the spirit. It is worth noting that the perception of heat or warmth may not necessarily be related to the ambient temperature but rather a distinct sensation experienced by the practitioner. In some traditions, heat is thought to excite spirits and can become dangerous, especially when channeling. 
Symbolic Significance
Temperature fluctuations during spirit work also carry symbolic significance within various cultural and belief systems. For instance, coldness may be associated with the presence of spirits from the realm of the deceased, while warmth might be linked to benevolent or protective entities. These symbolic associations can provide practitioners with contextual information, aiding their interpretation of the spiritual encounter. It is important to note that individual experiences with temperature during spirit work can vary significantly. Factors such as personal sensitivity, psychic abilities, and cultural background can influence how practitioners perceive and interpret these temperature-related sensations. Therefore, it is essential for practitioners to acknowledge their own perceptual lens and approach spirit work with an open and discerning mindset.
Environmental Factors
While temperature fluctuations in spirit work are commonly associated with the presence of spirits, it is crucial to consider potential environmental factors that may contribute to such experiences. Natural drafts, air conditioning, or heating systems can influence the ambient temperature and create misleading perceptions. By ruling out mundane causes, practitioners can strengthen their discernment of genuine spiritual interactions.
Validation through Consistency
The consistency and repetition of temperature-related experiences can add weight to their significance in spirit work. When practitioners consistently observe temperature fluctuations in conjunction with other spiritual phenomena, it enhances their confidence in the validity and relevance of these encounters. Corroborating experiences from multiple practitioners can also provide a broader perspective and further validate the observed temperature effects.
Personal Beliefs and Cultural Perspectives
Lastly, personal beliefs and cultural perspectives play a vital role in shaping practitioners' understanding of temperature fluctuations in spirit work. Different belief systems may attribute diverse meanings to these experiences, reflecting the rich diversity of spiritual traditions worldwide. Remaining open to multiple interpretations fosters a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to understanding the effects of temperature in spiritual encounters. By exploring and analyzing the effects of temperature on spirits in spirit work, practitioners can deepen their awareness of these phenomena, refine their discernment, and develop a nuanced understanding of the dynamic interactions between the physical and spiritual realms.
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🔥Elemental Fire in Hermetic Alchemy🔥
While I personally do not recommend the practice of Hermeticism due to its connection to new age conspiracy theories, New Thought, the Theosophy Society, and a tendency to rely on dualities, especially when concerning gender, it can be a helpful reference for building correspondences and inspiration for spell design. Hermeticism, originating from the teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, a character without any record of ever existing, encompasses a vast body of knowledge that includes alchemy, astrology, and spiritual philosophy. At its core, hermeticism emphasizes the pursuit of inner wisdom, the unity of all things, and the transformative power of the divine. Within hermetic philosophy, the concept of the Prima Materia, the primal and formless substance from which all creation arises, holds great importance. In hermetic thought, the Prima Materia is often associated with fire, symbolizing its energetic and transformative qualities.
In hermetic practices, fire is often incorporated ritualistically and symbolically. Ceremonial rituals involving candles, incense, and sacred flames serve as potent symbols of spiritual purification, transformation, and the invocation of divine energies. Historical figures like Hermes Trismegistus and Paracelsus made significant contributions to the exploration of fire in hermeticism. Hermes Trismegistus spoke of the "Living Fire," representing the divine spark within every being and the potential for enlightenment. Paracelsus, a renowned Renaissance alchemist, explored the nature of elemental fire and its transformative properties, shedding light on the alchemical processes involving fire, such as calcination, distillation, and sublimation.
Modern hermeticism, with its revival in esoteric circles, continues to inspire seekers of wisdom and truth. It offers practical applications of fire as a transformative agent in rituals, ceremonies, and meditative practices. Contemporary hermetic traditions emphasize the cultivation of the inner flame and willpower, harnessing the transformative power of fire for personal growth and manifestation. Fire is interpreted as a metaphor for personal growth and enlightenment, consuming and transforming limiting beliefs to ignite the spark of self-realization.
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trashlama · 8 months
Hi would it be alright if I ask what wips are you working on ?
just wanna make sure I don’t in a request that someone else already sent in XD
hope your doing ok :)
Thank you for your concern! My carpal tunnel has been approving somewhat these last few weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to find some free time this weekend while I'm off to knock down some of this list.
Also if you do happen to send in an idea similar to someone else's; don't worry too much about it because I don't mind, I like the challenge~ Duplicates give me the opportunity to try out different ideas that I may have for a single plot/theme.
Btw sorry about not really posting anything these last few weeks... I kinda forgot to pay my wifi bill so I didn't really have internet for awhile until I got paid again... Anyways—
Here we are!
P.S. I might add more later on.
Future Yandere Turtle Series: Leo, Donnie Raph, Mikey
Another future Yan Donatello x Reader short fic I got planned
ROTTMNT Yandere Adults Series: Draxum, Big Mama, Lou Jitsu/Splinter
Yan Raph x Reader Zombie AU
Yan ROTTMNT Spiderverse AU! x Reader headcanons/drabble
Yan ROTTMNT x Spiderverse Reader headcanons/drabbles
Yan Donatello x Reader Jack the Ripper AU!
Fluffy Yan Platonic Future Leon/Preteen reader
Witch Reader x Yan Post movie Mikey
Time Mistress Reader x Yan Post movie Leo
Yan Leo x mutated rabbit S/o
Platonic Yan Hamato Clan x Reader
Yan Leo x Chubby s/o
Yan Donatello x Trans Woman s/o
Yan Future Mikey x stubborn Reader
Yan TMNT 2k12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader
Platonic Yan Jealous Older Brother Donatello with Little sibling Reader
Yan Raph vs Donnie x Salamander!Mutant!Reader
Self-Aware Yan Mad Dogs x Real World Reader
TMNT 2k3
Yan Turtle's reactions to s/o being mutated in front of them
TMNT 2k12
Song req (Random Turtle) x Reader
Yan Mikey x Human Bff Headcanons
Yan TMNT 2K12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader Headcanons
Raph Vs Leo x Purple Dragon Thief Reader
Yan Casey Vs Yan Donnie Vs Yan Mikey x April's friend Reader
Yan Not the Mayor x Tang apprentice Reader
Yan MK x Ex-possed LBD Reader
Fluffy Red Son x Reader sketches
Yan Red Son x Macaque's assistant Reader x Yan Mei
Yan Macaque x Reader chase scene
Yan Platonic Azure Lion vs Sun Wukong x Reader
Yan Spider Queen/Spider Gang x Moth Demon reader
Yan Snotlout x Gobber's apprentice Reader x Yan Eret
Yan Snotlout vs Yan Eret x Reader
Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Fluffy Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x isekaied Reader
Yan Hiccup x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader who is scared of dragons
Yan Hiccup x fellow Night fury rider Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Viking Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Hybrid Night Fury Reader
Dead by Daylight
Leon Vs Steve x Survivor Reader
Yan Dr Flug x Reader headcanons
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Yan Winston vs Yan Edred x Reader
Yan Winston x Reader
Yan Edred x Reader
Record of Ragnarok
Shy/Meek Reader x Yan Buddha
Spiderverse ATSV and ITSV
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Dimension Jumper reader
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader headcanons
Addiction: Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader fic
Yan Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Fluffy Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Yan Peter B Parker x Single Mom reader headcanons
Fluffy Yan Platonic Miguel O'Hara and Platonic Yan Jessica Drew wirh Homeless Teen Reader
Yan Miles Morales x Venom!Reader
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rye-enjoying-things · 10 months
I was bored and wanted to draw all the romantic relationships for Scrambled Eggs
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First is Donnie and Casey from the 2012 universe of Scrambled Eggs! They're in a nice little gay relationship because look at the farm house arc in the 2012 series. Also, yes, Donnie has an exposed heart. I wanted to make him a bit more vulnerable, like Rise Donnie, but not make him a soft shell.
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Next is Mikey and Mondo from the 2012 in Scrambled Eggs! Their relationship is more like friends but a bit of romance? I don't really know. They're not the romantic types anyways they just like hanging out and they're super close, a lot closer to each other than they are with their other friends.
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The most obvious one is Raph and Y'githba, aka Mona Lisa, from the 2012 in Scrambled Eggs! I couldn't get their heights correct so I separated them with a line. Raph is like two and a half feet shorter than Y'githba in this because haha silly funny I love it hehe.
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Least obvious because I made an Usagi for Leo in the 2012 of Scrambled Eggs(because Leosagi is a very well known ship)! If the outfit doesn't make it clear, the Usagi(I need an actual name for him) I made is a rabbit-esc alien, like Y'githba is a salamander-esc alien. The Usagi's alien race is allied with the Salamandrians so Y'githba knew him before the turtles did! Leo is an egg with a massive crush on the Usagi. And by egg I mean she will find out she's a trans girl because of the rise turtles. (2012 Leo:"I kinda think dresses are nice and I really like bows and sometimes I wanna be a girl but everyone wants to swap genders every now and then but I'm not trans" Rise and Future Rise Leo's: "oh boy you have much to learn" /silly)
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And here is the start of the Rise turtles in Scrambled Eggs! Starting with Leo and Yuichi Usagi! They're gay because look at them. Yes they're aroace but also they're in a relationship with each other because aroace people can be in relationships. 👍
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Here's the Raph and Mona Lisa of the Rise in Scrambled Eggs! Mona is a yokai that resembles one of those salamanders that looks like it's covered in moss because I think those salamanders are adorable.
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Future Leo, Mikey, and Donnie of the Rise in Scrambled Eggs are all single! Mikey and Donnie don't want to be in relationships and Future Leo's Usagi died in his bad future due to the Kraang and he doesn't wanna find someone new, at least for now. (Oh in this drawing above, Mikey and Donnie are plotting to draw on the old man's face as he sleeps lol)
I hope y'all like these silly guys cuz I loved drawing them!
Sorry for the flash, too, it's dark where I am and my fam's tryin to sleep while I'm online so I can't have my room lights on. I might get better pictures in the morning? :P
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