#saddest anime i've ever watched
3starjammies · 8 months
I'm watching the Pluto anime. My favorite scene from the manga was the scene from the first chapter where Gesicht goes to a robot woman's house to tell her her husband has been murdered. The way Urusawa is able to convey so much emotion with a character who can't even emote with her face, instead conveying the emotion of the scene with its pauses, lingering on the characters, Gesicht's silence, and the way robot wife tries to ground herself by going through rote pleasantries as usual.
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It's genuinely one of the saddest scenes I've ever read in a manga.
The scene in the anime... just doesn't have the same punch. It's not bad, it's functional, but that's it. It feels like it's rushing to get through it in order to get back to the plot, which I think is missing the point. All of the pauses feel like they're as short as they could possibly make them, we don't see Gesicht walk inside from the doorway and to the kitchen with her. It just briefly cuts to the living room and then cuts to them in the kitchen. It technically works, it still reads and gets the idea across but by cutting away from the characters, by not making us sit with them for awhile, uncomfortable in the awkwardness and quiet sadness. It just doesn't hit the same.
And I think nailing this scene is really important, it's the scene that's really supposed to make the audience feel that these robots are people, with real lives and emotions. If this scene's not perfect I feel like that could cheapen the whole show.
I just started watching though, maybe I'm being a little over dramatic, but at the very least I'm a little disappointed that I don't think my favorite scene was handled as well as it could have been.
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vaguely-concerned · 2 years
-another layer of 'ow ah ouch' to everything pyrrha says about lyctorhood in nona the ninth is that she and g1deon may very well have been the first necro-cav duo to have done it fully mutually consensually, eyes open. it's heavily implied mercy and augustine had their hands forced by cristabel and alfred and wouldn't have done it otherwise ("I have built a myriad on the idea that I could have talked him out of it, given five minutes"), and they're the first and second saints... g1deon's the third. he and pyrrha presumably saw what it did to mercy and augustine, and they still decided to go through with it.
imagine the extra weight over the years in knowing you chose this. at least augustine can cling to that desperate fantasy world where he did stop alfred in time, but pyrrha and g1deon thought they knew exactly what they were doing. they thought it was love. john let them think that was love.
-...do you think mercymorn and augustine begged john for the same thing harrow did, after? Please, undo what I've done, Lord. I will never ask anything of you ever again. (Also one of my all time favorite Harrow moments where she gets to ask the question they aren't allowed to for ten thousand years: How dare you ask me to live with it?) did he comfort them? tell them he's so incredibly sorry, but he needs them?
at least pyrrha’s understanding of how the process works does corroborate his claim that he can’t extract a cavalier’s soul from their necromancer's after the lyctorhood is complete without destroying both souls, which I guess makes for the one thing he isn’t totally lying about lol. though while referencing their own situation paul tells ianthe there's still hope for her and naberius, a duo where the soul absorption did seem to complete, which suggests another layer here john might not know about (out of lack of interest?) or doesn't want anyone else to find out about.
actually let's reexamine some things from the Gideon the Ninth epilogue now in light of Nona I'm on a roll here:
-[God] said, "I know you became a Lyctor under duress."
"Some may call it duress," said Harrow.
"You aren't the first," said the Emperor.
screaming. howling. clawing at him like a wild animal. the two people who have loved you the most, and you stood by and watched as this happened to them, as you engineered it to happen to them, you've seen up close what it did to them, and now you're repeating the process with new children a myriad later without a blush. you suck so bad john I have no words fhksajfhsa.
-"I have three teachers for you. And a whole universe for you to hold on to, for just a little while longer."
a) oh yeah just wait for those three teachers they're a real barrel of laughs they probably won't even try to repeatedly murder you or anything lmao and b) what's that supposed to mean john. 'for just a little while longer'. why does it only have to be a little while longer. as far as I can tell you're no closer to the fullness of your revenge than ever. does it have anything to do with 'good morning, annabel' and 'it gets dirty, you clean it again'?
So, the universe was ending. Good. At least if she failed here, she would no longer have to be beholden to anybody.
could this also be some kind of foreshadowing? from the dialogue on page here harrow's conclusion that the universe is, for sure, ending is not necessarily a natural conclusion (john only speaks of the empire slowly dying) so like... does pre-lobotomy harrow know something we don't? or is it just that she's the saddest person anyone's ever seen pre-nona seeing gideon? (most heartbreaking shade of drift compatability discovered :') )
-He said presently, "Most of my Lyctors have been destroyed by a war I thought best to fight slowly, through attrition. I have lost my Hands -- not just to death. The loneliness of deep space takes its toll on anyone, and the necrosaints have all put up with it for longer than anybody should ever be asked to bear anything. That's why I wanted only those who had discovered the cost, and were willing to pay it in the full knowledge of what it would entail."
so... in the same way g1deon and pyrrha decided to pay that price willingly, then. I am 100% calling bullshit on him here, though, because if any of that had been his real intentions he would have taken at least a modicum of time and energy to write ANYTHING to that effect in the invitations haha. but I think he does recognize in some way that mercy and augustine are burning out under the ten thousand years he's asked of them, like cytherea just did, and maybe mistakenly thinks g1deon is handling it better, because his and pyrrha's decision seemed more informed/less coerced? loveday always knew it was her life or cytherea's, after all, that wasn't ever a real choice either. huh.
-god, harrow literally states all her (frankly very modest and doable) goals and needs to him -- to return to the ninth at least once, to find her cavalier's body, and to figure out what happened to the other survivors of canaan house -- and once she is incapable of remembering them........ he does fucking NOTHING to remind her or help her follow up on any of them fhsdkajfhasdkj I am losing it! at least there is the delicious irony that he could have saved himself a massive headache if he had helped her with any of these, so his own fecklessness and narcissism is its own punishment in this case I suppose lmao
-another observation: harrow is not as deferential or worshipful towards God in this epilogue as she will be in HtN or beyond. she's angry with him! she's kind of sharp and a bit rude, even! she seems more to feel begrudgingly beholden to him because fair enough he is god I guess than to emotionally buy into it as sacred service. I wonder how she'll think of him after nona the ninth, now that she knows him so much better and has more of herself too -- ironically my sense from their last scene in nona the ninth is that her worship of him seems to have all but disappeared, but she loves him more, despite uh the everything of him, in all his awfulness. not in that she doesn't recognize him for what he is or that she wants his approval anymore, she's grown so far past him already, but I do think there's still love there. 'I still love you' is the real power he has, I guess
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6-atlas-6 · 9 months
This is THE worst manga/ anime week for the girls and gays I've ever seen in my life.
Jujutsu Kaisen and Bungou Stray Dogs spoilers under the cut
When we said we wanted to see Gojo topless THIS IS NOT WHAT WE MEANT.
"My six eyes tells me you're suguru geto but my soul knows otherwise" IS COMING TOMORROW.
DAZAI ISN'T DEAD? GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. I might get cancelled for this but I FUCKING HATE Dazai. Akutagawa is my 3rd fav character so I'm a proud Dazai hater.
The title of the episode is Twilight Goodbye. DAZAI SHOULD HAVE DIED BASED ON THAT TITLE ALONE UGHHH
The only good part is Bram is alive my #1 ‼️‼️
Sigma isn't dead. I refuse. I just don't believe it actually it didn't happen guys.
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No. No. Nope. Not at all. Kys. I can't do this.
(they were both terrorists and definitely deserved it.)
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What was that ending btw like what the fuck what the fuck Asagiri release the manga chapter right NEOW
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(A/n: I saw this one rp asmr audio on yt and thought it would be cute to put my own spin on it with Ojiro; Full credit to Navillus ASMR on YouTube!!)
(A/n: This is probably the sweetest thing I've ever written😢)
Summary- First kiss with Mashirao
Word Count: 2,779
Warnings: First Kisses, Self-Doubt, Comfort, Mention of 'Where the Red Fern Grows' (yes that movie needs a warning iykyk)
Age Rating: None
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Ojiro Mashirao x Fem! Reader: "May I?"
You hear a sniffle from your left.
"Are you crying, Mashi?" There's a nonstop river of tears streaming down your face accompanied by a watery nose, so it's not like you have any room to talk.
"I- No! I am not crying; I don't know what you're talking about..."
Mashirao glances at you only to see the lifted brow and the failed attempt at suppressing the smirk you're giving him. The movie's credits are rolling as if it didn't just drop the saddest scenes in history in the past few minutes.
"I'm totally fine," he chuckles with another sniffle.
Doing your best to lift your eyebrow impossibly higher, you hit him with an "Mhm..."
"Stop looking at me like that." He teasingly pushes at your legs that are spread across the couch to stretch over his lap. "I'm fine with sad people stuff in movies, but as soon as an animal is involved-"
He dramatically cuts himself off with a hand to his chest as he plays dead. Your eyes don't leave him as you reach for the popcorn bowl on the table. Still dead. Popping some pieces into your mouth, you decide to chuck one at him.
The kernel bounces off his chest without so much as a twitch from your boyfriend. So, naturally, you throw another. And another. And-
"Throw another one and see what happens." He finally opens an eye level you with a glance. Your hand is still poised and ready to launch the popcorn. If he wants to dare you, you'll be more than happy to fulfill his request.
So, you let it fly.
The popped corn hits him in the cheek and immediately the air is knocked from your lungs.
"Hey! Uf-" He plops his massive tail right on your stomach.
"Not fair!" You try to push it off you to no avail. You can't really be surprised. It's basically pure muscle; it's not moving until he says so.
Unfazed, Mashirao merely tosses the popcorn back at you, smacking you between the eyes with unfair accuracy. "Why did you invite me over? Just to scar me with sad puppies and to assault me with salty snacks?"
"Pretty much, yeah," you've accepted your now trapped fate, resigning yourself to play with his tail's fluff.
You had invited him to your house for a movie night, knowing damn well what you were doing when you queued up 'Where the Red Fern Grows'. Sure, you're crying too, but a win is a win.
"That's cruel even for you, Y/n- Invite me over just to watch me cry." He pinches your calf before continuing, "Just wanted to see your boyfriend weep?"
"It's not my fault you're such an easy target," You laugh, trying to yank your legs to safety.
"I'm sad now..." He lets out a fake cry, "No! Doggy~"
"Oh no! Not the puppies!" You throw your head back as you let out your own fake cry, the previous tears on your face helping to sell your act.
"Woah- Hold up! Look at you~ You're a mess," he's fully cackling now, "compared to me! I just teared up a bit- you were full sobbing!"
Not expecting to tables to get turned you attempt to sit up. Luckily, Mashirao gives you mercy and shifts his tail to rest in your lap instead.
"I was not!"
"Were too~ You're not even trying to hide it!"
Sticking your tongue out like a child is the only acceptable response, so that's what you do.
"Aw~ Would a hug make it better?~"
"WOulD A hUg MaKE iT BEtTeR?" At this point your arms are crossed, fully slipping into the role of a petulant child. Are you still sad over the movie? Yes. But are you still going to be petty? Yep.
He only laughs again. "Do you want a hug?~"
One last eyebrow raise and thousand-yard stare aimed at your partner has you conceding. "Kinda..."
Ever infuriating, Mashirao asks: "What was that baby?"
You purse your lips with an unheated glare before responding.
"C'mere," he lifts his tail, opening his arms for you to climb into.
You bury your face into his chest, the soft fabric of his hoodie mixes with his warm, coffee and vanilla scent to wrap around you in the most comforting blanket you can imagine.
"It's okay- The doggos were acting, They're okay," Mashirao gently rocks the both of you until you drop a bombshell on him.
"This was made in the 70s, they're dead..."
Taking his stunned silence as an opportunity, you wipe your drying tears on his hoodie.
"Wha- Hey! Are you wiping your snot on my hoodie!?" He tries to pull away, but your arms only tighten their hold.
"No, I'm not!" Your voice is muffled but you don't want to move.
"Get your face out of my hoodie, you heathen!" Luckily, your positions are keeping him from prying your head away.
"I'm not wiping anything on you, you bitch!" You laugh, definitely wiping a bit of snot on him.
The sudden name-calling makes him throw his head back as he tries to hold back a laugh. "Get. Out. Of. There!"
You pop up to stare him down again only to be closer than anticipated to his face. Your own laughter dies in your throat as you let out a small, "oh."
Mashirao's eyes go wide, and a blush crawls up his cheeks at the proximity. You know you're no better; you can feel the heat emitting from your own flushed face.
His eyes flicker down to your lips, staring for a second before he meets your gaze again.
This is bad. Very bad.
No. Not bad.
But scary. Very, very scary.
Are you ready for this? On the one hand, you do want to kiss him. Words can't express how much you do. On the other hand, you've never kissed anyone before. You don't know what you're doing.
'Are you ready?' Are you crazy? No, you're not ready!'
With speed that could rival Iida, you're back on your side of the couch. You bring your knees up to your chest, deciding that the separation between the couch cushions is the most interesting thing you've seen all night.
"Hey- Are you okay? What's wrong?" Mashirao reaches out to you but pulls back when you instinctively flinch. "Baby?"
"I'm sorry..."
"What happened?"
You glance at him only to return your gaze to the cushions. The genuine concern in his eyes makes you feel even worse about how you reacted.
"I got scared..."
You see him shift in the corner of your eye. "You got scared? What of?"
"Being so close... It felt like we were going to kiss and I freaked out." There's no use lying, it would only cause more harm than good.
The room falls quiet for a second. God, you've ruined everything, haven't you? Who freaks out like that over a kiss?
"Did..." Mashirao finally speaks, "Did you not want to kiss me?"
The slight hurt in his voice kills you. You managed to bag the sweetest, perfect guy, and you've made him think he's unkissable. Great job, as always, Y/n.
"I did, that's what scared me." You rest your cheek on your knees, finally facing him again. "I've never... I've never kissed anyone..."
"Never," you shake your head. "Isn't that embarrassing? I'm a grown-ass woman who hasn't had my first kiss."
The laugh you let out is nothing short of self-deprecating.
"Why would that be embarrassing?" Why does he have to be so sweet all the time? Him asking you with such genuine curiosity is making you realize how silly this all is.
"I don't know; everybody else had theirs back in middle or high school and I'm sitting here like the world's biggest prude."
"No, you're not." There's a serious note to his voice that wasn't there a second ago.
"While it's not the biggest deal in the world, it's still a big step in a relationship. There's nothing wrong with not doing it yet, whether it's because you haven't been with anyone you deemed worthy or because you were focusing on other things in your life. You're supposed to take things like this at your own pace."
You try to find the words to respond but the only thing that manages to squeeze out is his name. "Mashirao..."
All of a sudden his eyes light up.
"I have an idea!" He twists in his seat to fully face you, pulling his legs up to sit cross-legged with his tail hooking over his shoulder. "If you're comfortable doing it, of course."
"And what's that?"
"We could play the "May I" game; it's kinda like firetruck or red light," You cringe a bit at that. Memories of "Firetrucks don't stop at red lights" fill your head.
Seeing your reaction, Mashirao seems to realize what was wrong with that analogy, "Without the ignoring of consent, that is!
"You ask the other person "May I ___" and, if they say yes, do that thing. It's to help with exploring boundaries and getting comfortable being closer." Despite the rocky start of the explanation, you've got to admit, it's kind of piquing your curiosity.
You shift to sit crisscross as well. "Okay, let's do it. How do we start?"
A comforting smile breaks across his face. "Is it okay if I go first?"
You know he won't jump straight into anything extreme so you nod.
"Okay. May I hold your hand?"
You let out a puff of air you didn't know you were holding. "Yeah. Yeah, that's fine."
He reaches across the space to grab your hand. His thumb rubs calming circles on the back of your hand. "It's your turn."
"Um..." Not sure what to ask, you go with the first thing to come to mind, "May I put my hand on your cheek?"
Your face feels so hot you could fry an egg on it. The eye smile he gives you doesn't help.
"You may."
Your hand is shaking a bit as you reach out. You watch as Mashirao's eyes shut when you make contact; he leans into your touch, letting out a sigh when you slide it down to his jaw.
"May I kiss your hand?"
You nod, then, realizing his eyes are still closed, you say, "Yes."
And so, he does. His lips are soft against your palm when he turns his head. It leaves you wondering how they'll feel against your own.
"My turn?" You ask.
He hums in approval.
Curious to see if he's as nervous as you, you ask, "May I move my hand to your chest?"
His eyes fly back open to stare at you. "I-"
Did you move too fast? Was that a weird ask?
Overrun by your thoughts, all you can do is apologize.
"No, yes! I mean-" He takes a breath to collect himself. "No, don't apologize and yes, you can; I was just surprised..." He scratches the back of his neck as he looks to the side.
He looks back at you once he finishes gathering himself.
You slide your hand down to his chest, stopping at his heart. Sure enough, it seems to be going just as fast as your own. "Your turn."
Clearing his throat, Mashirao asks, "May I hug you?"
"You may." You smile; this isn't bad. It's more intimate than you thought it would be, but you like it.
You shuffle over to him, sliding back into his arms like you never left. You hook your chin on his shoulder, content to breathe him in for a second. For a while, neither of you moves, happy to just bask in each other's presence. You're glad for the break, needing to steel yourself for your next question.
You take a final drag of his cologne and speak.
"May I sit in your lap?
"You wanna sit in my lap?" When you nod, he answers.
"Yeah, that's okay." You can feel his heart hammering against yours.
"Here," he pulls away a bit to help you shift into his lap. "Yeah, there; Just- Put your knees on either side of me."
Once situated, his arms wrap back around your waist and you lay your head back on his shoulder. His tail wraps around you to add extra support to your hips.
"May I kiss your cheek?" His voice rumbles your chest.
Drawing in a shaky breath, you nod. "Yeah."
Turning his head, Mashirao gently tucks a finger under your chin to tilt your cheek towards him. The kiss is brief, lasting only as long as he dared to let it. Your eyes sting a bit from how tender he's being.
Before he's fully pulled back, you ask, "May I kiss your cheek?"
"You may," he breathes.
"Close your eyes..." You're not sure you can settle your nerves enough to do this if he's looking at you that softly.
He lets out a small chuckle but complies, nonetheless.
You start to lean forward but stop to place your hand over his eyes. Just to be sure. When you finally make contact, you feel more than hear his sharp intake of breath. You only hold the kiss for a couple of seconds but it feels much longer.
"Was that alright?" You pull your hand away as he opens his eyes.
"'Was that alright?' It was more than alright. The girl I love just kissed me..."
You both freeze as you register what he just said. "You love me?"
"I'm sorry- I- I didn't mean to say that... You're already on edge and now I'm dropping the L word... God, I'm so stupid!"
"It's okay, 'Rao... I," you hesitate to finish your thought. 'He's been doing nothing but comforting you. It doesn't matter if you're embarrassed, just say it!' "I liked that you said it..."
And your face is back in his hoodie. Unfortunately for you, that means you're not seeing the breathtaking smile that he gives you.
"May I kiss you?" His voice is hushed, like what he's saying is only meant for your ears.
Here it is... The question you've both been building up to.
"You can." You don't make a move though, too nervous to think properly.
What if you're bad at kissing? Or you have bad breath?
"You're gonna have to let me see that pretty face, then," Mashirao's gentle teasing stops you from spiraling too far into your Olympic-sized swimming pool of self-doubt.
Tentatively, you raise your head from his chest, trying to prepare yourself for what's about to happen. Your hands are gripping the back of his hoodie like a lifeline.
Mashirao's hand comes up to cup your cheek, a comforting smile on his face as he gives you a second to ready yourself.
"Are you ready?" His breath fans across your face. The hand still on your back soothes over your nerves with each brush to your spine. You loosen your hold, bringing a hand up to the one on your cheek so you can lightly clutch his wrist.
"As I'll ever be," You return his consoling smile with a nervous one.
Slowly, to give you time to pull away should you change your mind, Mashirao leans in. He pauses a hair's breadth away. When you don't draw back, he closes the gap.
Your lips brush together with the intensity of a flicker of a butterfly's wing. Your eyes flutter shut and your hand tightens around his wrist. You're sure you could pass a polygraph test with how certain you are that your heart skipped a beat. You can't help the stuttered gasp that leaves you as he pulls away.
You swallow. That really just happened...
Without opening your eyes, you ask: "May I kiss you?"
You can feel his arm tighten around you. "Yes."
This time, when your lips collide, there's more desperation. The sliding of your lips together sends waves of euphoria and love crashing over you. You can't believe you've been missing out on this feeling; though, something tells you that it's only because it's Mashirao that you're feeling this way.
Your hands move to his hair, clutching at the soft strands with a fervor you didn't know you had. A noise akin to a whimper bubbles up your throat as you lift yourself to try and get closer.
All too soon, you have to break away to catch your breath. Neither of you moves as your foreheads rest together, content to breath each other in.
"Wow..." It's Mashirao who breaks the silence.
"Wow," you echo, licking your lips. God... You can still taste him on your lips.
"Hey, Mashi?" He hums in answer.
"I love you too."
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snappycrow · 6 months
I think that the most heartbreaking thing in Passerine was p!Phil not being there. My mans just left, and poor p!Wilbur, at 16 had to rule the whole kingdom without him.
I remember that the first thing that made me cry was p!wilbur having that fight at the table with p!phil (yep, daddy issues). It really gives us the first look on their relationship in the story, although it is batter at the end. it's only bc Tommy's death and they all have to step together as a family to bury him.
Yeah, it's just the saddest thing for me. i read Passerine when sadist anaunced their animatic, i did spoil tommy dying for myself so it was expected when i got to that part, but yeah it was a really sad and bittersweet fic.
That fic made me read more of them, and then i realized that i hated "bad father phil" fics, and just love my classic SBI angst, with happy ending fics, that have good and supportive father c!Phil in it. <3
LMAO i know that this is so random. Me? Talking about Passerine in 2023? NO WAY?!
But I was just rewatching some old mcyt animations and i came across one form "Kazuallyy", that i had never watched before. I remember that it was always in my recommend, but i never watched it for some reason lmao
But yes, i just watched it and NO ONE TOLD ME THAT THE SONG IN IT WAS "TWO BY SLEEPING AT LAST"?!!
I just absolutely cried my ass out lmao. I'm not okay!
anyways, as much angsty that fic is, i love the core memories that i have with it and it will always hold a special place in my heart, as one of the first and the saddest fics I've ever read.
Thank you if you read all the way through and listened to the mini breakdown that i just had. Well if you did, i hope that you have a good day/night wherever in a world you are rn! <3
cya o7!
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sardonic-the-writer · 16 days
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𝐄𝐳𝐫𝐚 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞
↳ notes: read this before continuing if you want. it's a little bit about ezra that might be vital going into this drabble. also linked here is the scene that this is based off of, so watch a little bit of that to refresh any of your memories. also don't judge my writing. it's been a while since i've written a battle scene
↳ warnings: supernatural type violence
↳ song: take a slice—glass animals
sona masterlist | commissions | carrd
Alastair's hands were wrapped around Castiel's throat, and he was yelling. Yelling something in a language that, in the moment, Ezra couldn’t bring himself to recognize. All he could recognize was the feeling of cool metal in his hands and an acute burning like pinpricks behind his eyes as he raised his arms upm and brought down a slab of metal across the demon's skull.
Alastair stumbled backward slightly, knocked off his balance by the sheer force and timing of the blow, and released Castiel from his grasp. somewhere over his shoulder Dean made a noise at the back of his throat. Sam followed suit, no doubt aware of the situation they were all in.
Ezra would have celebrated — whooped in excitement, even, that he had managed to whack the head honcho demon across the noggin' that good, and with a busted shoulder at that — but when Alastair turned around, all he could see reflected in those cold eyes was the all suffering he was going to feel for that.
“So the ghost finally grew a spine.” Alastair bared his teeth in a shark's grin, and every smart ass quip Ezra thought up in response was thrown out the window when his throat began to close up.
Dean and Sam dropped to their knees not soon after he did, and it didn't take a genius to figure out that Alastair’s sharp smile was behind it. Around them lights flashed and bodies were thrown to the hay covered ground, but all Ezra could think to do was claw at his throat in a panic. Sure, he knew he would have to die again some day, but he’d promised himself it would be to old age this time, or a graceful stage dive in the middle of a dingy bar. Not to some grade-a demon that he’d pissed off in the wrong moment; all to save a fucking angel that had threatened to kill him mere hours ago — looking at him with the saddest eyes he’d ever seen.
When the distant echo to shut his eyes came, it was all Ezra could do but to listen just in time.
Immediately after feeling a burst of heat dance across his skin, the swelling in his throat ceased, and Ezra was brought to his hands and knees as he gulped down air greedily. Sam and Dean got to their feet almost immediately, and the youngest Winchester was the one that helped haul him up by the shoulders.
“You alright?” Ezra registered Sam’s question through the ringing in his ears.
“No.” He groaned, blinking as if trying to get rid of the sharp feeling in his eyes by sheer force. “And what, you and Dean are? Have you guys built up an immunity to choking-by-demon over the past few years or something?”
“Or something,” Sam sighed. He let go of Ezra after a moment, figuring that if he was lucid enough to be mouthing off, then he was fine to stand on his own. They both stood next to the Dean as he picked up the demon blade up off the ground, balancing it in his hands while castiel approached from nearby. Uriel and Castiel were also up now, and heading in the same direction, albeit with heavier looks.
Alastair and his posse were no longer around, and Ezra had a feeling it had something to do with the noticeable lack of Anna. He couldn’t tell if that was something to be grateful for, or worried about, but frankly all he cared about now was sitting down for a throat lozenge and cup of tea. One thing at a time, he supposed.
“Well what are you guys waitin’ for.” Dean’s chest rumbled like the clouds before a storm as he spoke. The two angels watched him with powerful intent behind their eyes as he did so. “Aren’t you gonna go get Anna? Unless, of course, you’re scared.”
"This isn’t over.” Uriel hissed. In the background, Ruby stood up from where she had been splayed out in the hay and began limping her way over. Sam was the only one to take his eyes off of Uriel and Castiel as she did so.
“Oh it looks over to me, junk-less.” Dean didn’t back down under their gaze, and it seemed like he wasn’t going to anytime soon.
“You’re welcome, by the way.” Ezra grunted after a moment. It came out as a bit of a strangled laugh. “Choking to death isn't as easy as it looks, especially when it comes to saving your feathered asses.” He knew that was a bit of a stretch, considering he had been losing air for the majority of the battle, but he didn't always want Dean to get the last word in.
This seemed to garner the attention of Castiel, if only for a second. His calloused hand was outstretched over to his partners shoulders, preventing Uriel from doing anything he would regret, but his eyes were set on Ezra's face. Searching for something with those same sorrowful eyes as before.
Whatever it was, he didn’t find it.
“You’re not even supposed to be here.” Castiel finally murmured. Ezra felt the heat behind his eyes start back up again, and this time he really didn't understand why.
The flutter of wings, a slight gust of air, and then the both of them were gone, leaving behind three bruised adults, and one bleeding demon.
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kurisus · 2 months
So you love noragami we all love it any reading recs of things like it? Or that you just like?
So I have to preface this by saying there's nothing quite like Noragami. And there is nothing wrong with rereading Noragami over and over. But I still have a lot of recs that give Vibes or in general make me Feel Emotions, so here's a non-exhaustive list.
Fruits Basket by Natsuki Takaya. I've been saying for years that Fruits Basket is Noragami if it was a shoujo. It deals with the same cycles of abuse and an outsider who tries to break them with pure compassion that Noragami does, although it's much more of a drama than a fantasy. Just watch it and think of Yato as the Zodiac cat. I rest my case.
Fullmetal Alchemist (Fullmetal Alchemist) by Hiromu Arakawa. Chances are you've read or seen this already but it's objectively a masterpiece by any standard you care to use. Whether you like shounen fights, deeply emotional interpersonal relationships, political dramas about war and revolution, fantasy based on Greek myth, or anything else, FMA balances them all perfectly (another thing it has in common with Noragami). I love it so much.
Code Geass. This may seem like a wildcard pick but I rewatched Code Geass a few years ago and realized there are a lot of shared elements (like, Suzaku and Kazuma are the same guy). I may be delusional but it's hands down one of the most insane anime I've ever seen, in a good way. Like how FMA and Noragami balance a bunch of genres, Code Geass is a mecha action anime, a school slice of life, a political drama, and a Shakespearean tragedy all at the same time.
Chainsaw Man by Tatsuki Fujimoto. Again this may be one you're familiar with, but after I caught up on Part 1 of the manga I was so deeply wounded I had to start thinking about Noragami again (which is a worse idea). Chainsaw Man is much more of a Shounen™ than Noragami is, and I still maintain that the saddest parts of Chainsaw Man are like happier Noragami chapters, but it's a very good story and one that also has a lonely, cast-out protagonist who craves human affection but has no idea how to get it (and when he does, it's ripped away from him).
Durarara by Ryohgo Narita. In the anime adaptation, pretty much the entire voice cast is shared between it and Noragami (in the Japanese dub). It is a very weird story about a lot of weird people who are competing to be The Most Normal Person In Ikebukuro, a task which they all fail at spectacularly. It doesn't have much in common with Noragami aside from the voice cast but I love it so I recommend giving it a watch (or reading the light novels if you're feeling adventurous).
Link Click. This is a donghua (Chinese anime) about time travel and it steadily drives me more insane the longer I think about it. The three main characters have such lovely relationships with each other and the emotions go OUCH every time. It's a little harder to pinpoint the connection with Noragami here, but it is a story about the things people will do for love. The writing is crazy good especially considering it's not based on a novel or comic; I haven't seen an anime-original with writing this good since Code Geass.
Not a specific anime but the other week I thought about, what if Yuki Kajiura had been the composer for Noragami? Her style suits its aesthetic so well so now whenever I watch something she wrote for, I yearn.
The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir. If you've looked at my blog at all in the last 2 years you'll know I am very sane over this book series. I actually made a Venn diagram comparing it to Noragami a while back, but the gist of it is that they deal with a lot of similar themes such as love, death, and the curse of immortality. It also has soooo many messy and complicated relationships and twists that leave your jaw on the floor. You can also use the worldbuilding to put your blorbos into and it's very fun for giving yourself Thoughts. For example I've done it both ways by putting the Noragami characters into the TLT universe and the TLT characters into the Noragami universe. Both are very painful.
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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint by Sing-shong. I'm not done reading this yet (about 2/3 through), but the further I get the more I realize it's about all kinds of love, the same way Noragami is. The narrator forms a "party" of people in the apocalypse, and they go through life-or-death scenarios together, and the way they grow to love and care for each other is so natural and feels so earned whenever it pays off. If you want romantic relationships, queerplatonic relationships, parent/child relationships, or any other type of relationship, ORV has it. There is also a webtoon adaptation but I'm reading the novel because it's completed; the webtoon will take many more years to get there.
The Adventure Zone: Balance. This is a DND real-play podcast and it doesn't really have anything in common with Noragami but, like Noragami, it made me feel every possible human emotion, so I recommend it. It has a slow start but it grows into something so beautiful and creative and by the end of it I was sobbing in my car. Listen to it if you can, or at least listen to the music (it gets music later on and all of it is soooo good).
Okami. This is a video game heavily inspired by Legend of Zelda and much like Noragami it's a retelling of Japanese mythology, so the storyline will def have some familiar elements. I recommend playing it for yourself (it's available on Steam for PC and pretty much every other platform you can name), but a playthrough would be good too. It's nearly 20 years old and has withstood the test of time because the creators decided to make it look like a classic Japanese painting come to life, and the gameplay involves drawing, so it's very artsy and fun (although the controls are really weird).
Thanks for the ask! Hopefully you found something new, and I'll be sure to share if I find anything new to add to this list because I am always on the prowl for Noragami-adjacent things ❤
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paranoidpoltergeist · 2 years
Starscream is genuinely such a tragic character because as much as he's just kinda crazy every iteration has something that just makes u feel so bad for him.
IDW Starscream is something I couldn't scrape the surface of if you gave me 107 days. G1 Starscream's is not only mainly just used for comic relief the poor guy, but he lost his partner who then turns around and in his eyes betrays him. I mean Skyfire had every right to go "what in the fuc" and dip but the fact he went with Starscream in the first place tells me that somewhere along the way something happened to make him go coocoo.
In prime he was seemingly manipulated into joining the Decepticons and then constantly talked down to. From my perspective it honestly just seemed like Starscream was after praise or recognition which he never gets, now if this is because Megatron's a dick or because of the dark energon idk. I mean he kept the Decepticons afloat the entire time Megatron was gone chasing what was by all accounts a myth and did more then we saw Megs do THE ENTIRE SERIES. He managed to kill an Autobot, we never actually see any casualties and they've got a steady flow of energon.
I mean even in RID his main goal was to just kill Megs and tbh if I'd been beat down over everything I did, even if it was wrong bc I personally thought it was the right way to go about it, I'd be majorly pissed too. Yeah he wants control of the Decepticons but(and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong it's been a very long time since I've watched prime) I only remember him actually attempting to kill Megatron once or twice. Sure he was self serving but just bc he wants respect.
Bayverse Starscream was just the saddest thing I've ever seen. He could breathe and Megatron was drop kicking him off a building, didn't even get to be the treacherous sic jeez💀
Dude the WFC Trilogy was so wild idek how to word it so kind of a take on his character as a whole here. It was weird and characterizations were way off but I actually liked Starscream. He was still the guy we know and love but with a neat twist. He still had that tragic feeling to him especially getting traumatized and all but Dinobot telling him everything he went through wasn't an excuse to hurt other people was just *chefs kiss* bc it's really not. As tragic as Stars character is it's not an excuse for him to hurt the people around him. I mean no matter how bad I can feel for Prime Screamer he still used and manipulated everyone around him(Knockout for one). This is in no way me trying to justify or make him a good guy, a character can be tragic while still being a bad person. Somebody get him in therapy lol.
Oh man and don't get me started on the Unicron Trilogy Starscream. Probably the most tragic of them all, poor guy did not deserve any of Megatrons abuse. Allow me to let him speak for himself "I tried to gain favor from you, but nothing was ever good enough. No matter how many battles I fought, you always found fault." He really just wanted recognition, he literally sacrificed himself just so Megatron could get it through his thick head he needed to team up with the Autobots, and I recently had someone point out to me Starscream probably could have done some damage to Unicron with Swindle but he knew he was gonna die and he didn't wanna drag his mini-con down with him. Just ow.
Animated Screamer was just wild idek what he was on I can't defend him lmao bro opens the show trying and almost succeeded in killing Megan. I'd comment on Cyberverse if I could but I haven't actually got to watching that yet whoops. I feel like I remember seeing a clip of him talking about wanting the respect he deserved which honestly could have been his ego talking or really sad idk, but back to what I was originally saying.
Almost every time he shows up and you pay him any attention besides comic relief he's a super tragic character and it's not only what makes him one of my favorite but it makes me sad when I see people completely disregard everything but whats on the barest of surface levels. I feel like that's all Micheal Bay did he remembered Star being comic relief and so thats all he was. He's like an onion for lack of a better analogy, got a million layers, might make u cry, and you either love him or hate him. He could be such a compelling interesting character like with IDW but no one wants to look below the surface AND I GET IT 9/10 were literal children's shows so they're forgiven but Micheal Bay is on my hit list for that one.
edit: bro if this makes absolutely zero sense I literally wrote and posted this at 3am and then just scheduled it at a normal time for reasons I'm not actually 100% on so sorry💀
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Okay I know exactly where G-Witch is going with the "Happy Birthday To You" thing. Like, this is the first time I've watched a Gundam, and the only other mecha anime I've even seen was freaking Evangelion, but it is ridiculously obvious to me how this is going to go down, based on two facts which have clicked together for me:
The show went out of its way to have Miorine mention that the legal marriage age is seventeen, and so the actual wedding can't happen until her next birthday.
On two occasions now, one or more characters have sung "Happy Birthday To You" in an absolutely heartwrenching context.
So here's my prediction: first, every half dozen episodes or so, it's going to keep having characters sing "Happy Birthday To You", and it will be uniquely harrowing each time. The thing that this is building towards is that the final episode of the show will be on Miorine's seventeenth birthday, and Suletta will sing it one last time.
Good end: catharsis. Despite everything (that is, depsite everything I've heard about how a Gundam series usually goes), Suletta and Miorine have survived all their experiences, and they'll be able to be together. For the first time in the show, "Happy Birthday To You" will be sung on a happy occasion. They'll get married and live happily ever after, or at last as happy as a Gundam protagonist can manage.
"Bury Your Gays" end: one or both of them is dead, and it's the saddest "Happy Birthday To You" in the show. I will personally fly Aerial to Japan and drop a space colony on Tomino and will never watch a Gundam show again.
So yeah, that's how I think it's all gonna pan out!
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cosmictapestry · 1 year
C7 and B16? The Agonies spa service combo
C7. bathing together
B16. massage
enough sexiness. Horrors and Agonies ahoy. and some sexiness. and the single saddest most Unwell entity to have ever existed. amen
@pratchettfan87 says that there are hot springs outside the castle and i say hell yeah there are
prompt list + fills here
The pressures of Lord Morpheus's position are harder on him now than they were before his imprisonment.
At first Lucienne hoped he just needed to readjust to managing his storm and his realm all at once, and that once he did the vacant exhaustion in his eyes would become less common. This has not been the case. Instead he seems to grow wearier, more distant when he drifts.
He talks to her, at least. He holds her hand in quiet stolen moments, loves her well in their shared chambers, comes to her when her own dreamscape runs dark. She wants to think she's helping. But though he becomes softer with her, more honest and forthcoming, his wounded existence drains him, leaves him spread thin and so, so tired.
She finds him in his throne room, staring up at the shifting stained glass windows. They seem cloudy today, the shapes indistinct and the light dim. His upturned face is bathed in the opaque gold cast from the jagged image of a star who had gone mad. He turns his head to look at her, and he blinks several times before he recognizes her. "Lucienne."
Today Lucienne is lonely, and she is stressed from the noise and the bustle of her rebuilt realm, and she is tense in mind and body, and she trusts him when she trusts nothing else. He frowns and his eyes flicker over her face, and he doesn't move, but his focus sharpens. "How can I help?"
"I've not been to the hot springs since you rebuilt them," she says.
Lord Morpheus stands there awkwardly still, and he looks away from her. "You deserve to rest, Lucienne," he says softly. "You certainly don't need my permission."
Instead of answering, she holds her hand out to him from across the expanse of the throne room. He stares at it, and he appears conflicted, and sad, and scared, and like he is as close to collapsing as he is to accepting any offer to bridge the gap between himself and someone who loves him. She waits for him to make his choice.
Finally he takes a step that echoes through his great hall, and then another, approaching her with all the caution of some once-bitten prey animal. She has bitten him before, to be fair. He stops in front of her and he stares down at her hand, impassive marble expression running with fault lines. His hand shakes when he raises it to hers.
Lucienne clasps that shaking hand in both her own and watches his jaw shift and his eyes brim with tears. His shoulders shake, too, his black cloak shivering with the motion. "I apologize," he whispers. "You do not want my company today."
She dips her head, tries to catch his gaze as it drifts from her. "You've decided that, have you?" she teases, her thumb tracing the sharp ridges of his knuckles. "I don't get a say?"
He flinches. "I didn't say that," too quickly, breath rapid, shivering intensifying, his eyes snap to hers. "I did not—you misunderstand—"
"Dream," she interrupts, startled, squeezing that ice-cold hand. "A joke, my lord."
He does not respond, he just stares, wide-eyed and terrified of her, of harming her or being harmed by her or something he is seeing that is not her at all. "My lord," Lucienne whispers. "My lord, come with me. Rest with me. I want you to. I am asking you to."
She watches as this calms him, steadies him, and he breathes, and the panic slowly drains from him, leaves him bowed and yielding. She holds his hand until he nods his head almost imperceptibly.
She closes her eyes, and when she opens them they are no longer in the throne room—they are in a cavernous grotto, its granite walls silvery pink and sparkling by the light of the sun gleaming through the open roof of the cave. Mosses and flowers and ferns bloom over the cliff face and cascade down to obscure the edges of a clear blue pool.
Lucienne and her lord stand at the bank of the pool, soft sand sloping down to the water's edge. Sweet-smelling steam rises in curls from the pool and the flowers that take root around it bow inward and sway languidly in its swirling eddies.
He leans into her now, the privacy or the heat or her patience cutting through his resistance. His forehead bumps hers, his hand cradled close to her chest, his shivers palpable in her own bones. There's an undercurrent of desperation in this soft moment, his eager acceptance of distraction, her need to set aside the past hundred years like they never happened. "May I take your clothes?"
Lucienne raises one hand to his face, pets his cheek, and he leans into it. "You may." Her garments melt away into silky sand and then into nothing. His free hand spreads across her lower back, holding her close to him. "Will you be able to undress?"
He thinks about it, and she kisses him to tell him it's alright, that he doesn't have to answer or know or make a decision if he can't. "Not right now," he manages eventually, when her lips have left his red and slick. "Later, perhaps." He swallows hard, breathes heavy between them. "I want to touch you. You feel real."
She does not know what it means for him that something might feel real. He is the king of all that is not real. And he is mad with it. "Touch me, then," and she moves his hand in her grasp to her breast and feels it trembling there. "As much as you need. I'm here."
His arm wraps around her back and he pulls her to his chest, embraces her, crushes her close, breathes harsh and unsteady in her ear. She' wishes he wouldn't wait until he is hanging by a thread to ask for a hug. She breathes in the scent of his skin, presses herself all along the line of his body, lets him stay there and shake—and she feels better, at least, because her home is solid in her arms and they are together.
Lord Morpheus pulls away before he's warmed, his eyes downcast, his expression drawn and uncertain until she kisses him again. "Whatever you need," she whispers against his lips. "Tell me, love."
He finds it easier to show her, as he often does, and he helps her to sit on a fluffy towel he's manifested under her feet, and he disappears momentarily from her view. She is left gazing at the sunlit haze above the water, obscuring blue water amongst pale pink stone and dark green foliage. She feels his hand on her shoulder, then the back of her neck, and finally she feels him sit behind her on the rise, his legs politely crossed.
His hands when they touch her are cold and trembling, but the oil on them is warm, and it smells sharp and sweet, and he pauses with the softest pressure on her shoulder blades. "Is this alright?"
All at once Lucienne is painfully aware of the tension in her back and neck and the grinding clench of her jaw. His thumbs rub smooth circles either side of her spine. "Not quite what I came to you for," she teases as though she isn't close to melting just from what he's giving her.
"You came to me because you feel alone." He leans forward and presses his lips to the back of her head. "Alone and weary from the burdens I've saddled you with."
"You misremember," she tells him gently, patiently, when her irritation fizzles as quickly as it kindles. "I have chosen every burden I've ever known. You have not."
This is not something Lord Morpheus can acknowledge if he hopes to remain in control of everything inside him, and so he ignores it. His hands shake harder. "Regardless," he whispers. "Let me help you. Please."
Lucienne would be a fool to argue when his clever hands begin to knead her shoulders, softly unwinding her tension, making her head drop forward in bliss. His palms run down either side of her spine, his long fingers sink into the plushness of her hips, draw back up and then down again, working softness into her frame. The strain in her back melts away under his attention.
The air is warm and wet and the sweat that gathers on her skin mingles with the oil, eases his movements, makes even the deepest pressure on her shoulders and lower back glide sweet and smooth, and she feels like she's floating in the pool already.
She realizes she's making some fairly obscene noises when he makes a sound in response, a comforting little shush that seems to jolt through her. Gods, his hands—on her neck now, then her upper arms, pulling her back against his chest so he can kiss her temple, stroking down her biceps. He shifts behind her, and he stills, again uncertain, and she guesses what the problem is, and she scoots back into him until she feels him hard against her arse.
With the unspoken permission he uncurls his legs, straightens them out on either side of her to accommodate the spread of her hips, pressed close to him. He does not move against her, just resumes his attentions, though without access to her back he's just stroking her now, feeling her skin, breathing hot on her ear. That's fine—she doesn't think she could feel much more jellylike than she does.
Lucienne tips her head back on his shoulder, exposing her throat for him. He kisses along the underside of her jaw, and his hands roam back to where she put them in the first place, cupping her breasts all slick and soft and cool, thumbing over her nipples, and Lucienne glances down to see the way her flesh spills between his fingers, the rich darkness of her skin worshiped by the pale of his own. Her head falls back again, and he gives her an approving groan, lavving his tongue over the hinge of her jaw.
She lifts an arm up behind her to wind through his hair, stroke it while he mouths over her hot skin. She is boneless, slouched, weak against her lord, sighing and whispering moans to him, encouraging him to pinch and grip at her until her spine is arching, hips pitching up, legs rubbing together in luxuriant delight, asking for his hands somewhere else in all but words.
"There you are," Lord Morpheus whispers, and his left hand abandons her breast, runs down the length of her body to touch between her legs. Lucienne sighs and stretches and mumbles lax encouragement that he takes in stride. He rubs her clit with three slick fingers, draws those fingers down, slips the middle inside her. "You are so beautiful," he tells her, choked, his teeth on her shoulder now. "Lucienne. My Lucienne."
She's practically purring, rocking up into his hand, fingers clenched in his hair. He buries his face against her neck now, mouthing up her throat, right hand tweaking her nipple in time with the drag of his finger inside her, the others tapping her folds, palm grinding on her clit. She is disembodied, wholly so, reduced to the warmth of her structureless frame held together by his hands.
He draws it out, doesn't give her more than that one finger—and it seems like he's just feeling her, inside and out, stroking where she's softest and warmest, and she's feeling him too, every slow deliberate slide building her up to a slow, burning orgasm that leaves her utterly nerveless in his arms.
Her lord kisses her face and pets her shaking thighs while she comes down, sweet approving hums and praise from his soft lips. She is still not quite in her body, and it takes long moments for her to return. She notices that his shivering has died down to a faint tremor, and his chest has warmed, and his erection prods her arse.
She endures it for several minutes more, relishing in his hands and the warmth of their realm, the release and the affirmation she's been seeking that has now encompassed her entirely. Then she sits up, and he makes a protesting noise as she stands, hands steadying her legs when she immediately stumbles.
As soon as she's stable Lucienne holds her hands out, pulls him to his feet, then stretches up to kiss him. "Help me wash up?"
Lord Morpheus glances over her shoulder at the spring, then back to her, and down to his clothes, soft black trousers and long-sleeved shirt since they left the throne room. His feet are bare, white toes buried in the pink sand, black-painted nails peeking through. "You don't need to undress," Lucienne reminds him.
Her lord swallows several times, and there's a crease on his brow that means he is going to be extraordinarily honest with her about something that is confusing him. These things are usually difficult for him to articulate and painful for her to hear. "I fantasized about this, when I was imprisoned," he says, and he cannot look at her, or at her face at all. "Hot water and being touched. It was my most desperate fantasy, the most pleasant feeling I could imagine, when not feeling became unbearable. It was all I thought about for months at a time. It was all I wanted."
Lucienne does not say anything because she is preoccupied trying to conceptualize that, the depths of the torment he's alluding to, the absence of anything at all but memory of pleasant sensation. Her silence makes him flinch and begin to pull away, though he allows himself to be held fast by her hands squeezing his. "I apologize," he says quickly, "I know it is—strange—"
"It is not strange," Lucienne interrupts with more fire than she anticipates. "Please do not think it is strange."
He stares at her now, wide-eyed, bewildered, but something on her face must ensnare him, because he tilts his head and doesn't try to pull away again.
"Let me give it to you," Lucienne says, and she runs her hands up his sleeves, feels him shiver in the wake of her touch. She searches his eyes and all the fractured glass of his expression, weariness and terror and confusion anchored to his bones. "You can have it now, my lord. You can have your bath and, and someone to hold you." His eyes well with tears. "You are home and you are safe and you are with me. You can have this."
Lord Morpheus is silent, and his throat works, and his eyes dart like he's fighting for his life inside his own head—too accurate a turn of phrase, and for her own sanity Lucienne resolves not to use it again. His shirt melts away all at once under her hands, leaves her touching soft skin that trembles, very nearly crawls, and he flinches. Lucienne is still, and she is silent, and he breathes, and his trousers disappear too, and he is bare and beautiful before her.
She takes his hands. She pulls him with her, her eyes on his all the while, and the first touch of hot water on her heel is so shocking she gasps a little. She ducks her head to watch the clear blue swirling around her ankles with her next step, and it feels better than she imagined it would. There was no hot water in all her lord's long absence. It brings tears to her eyes, and she smiles up at him, and he stares at her.
One more step back brings his toes to the water's edge. He is shaking quite violently again, and he is soft against his thigh, and a shudder runs through him at the first touch on his skin. "Good," Lucienne whispers, and she squeezes his hands, and she draws him forward into the water.
Lord Morpheus is crying by the time they are waist-deep, silent tears running down pale cheeks that have begun to pink in the heat. "Wait," he tugs on her hands to still her. "A moment, please."
Her thumbs stroke his knuckles. "How do you feel?"
"It's good," his voice is low, hoarse, his shoulders hunched high and stiff.
Lucienne knows him well, and she knows he didn't have to ask her to know she wanted what she always wants from him in their encounters—she wants him to feel as though his body of dreamstuff were mortal, and so he does. "Too good?"
"A moment, please," he confirms, and his eyes slip closed, and they stand there together in the water, and they breathe until he is calm, and then she leads him deeper.
At the far end of the pool the water laps at the top of Lucienne's breasts. She sinks down, submerges herself to the neck, and he follows, like he has lost the wherewithal to do anything but follow her lead, the way he always gets when his function is especially cruel and her hand is especially soft. His hazy eyes drift shut, and his breath heaves out of him, and he does not look like he's enjoying himself at all.
Lucienne pets his cheek, wipes his tears away with the hot water, cups his face while he fights for control of his overwhelm. "It's only water," she teases him to feel his breath, hot and wet on a tearful laugh. "You're alright, my lord."
"Safe with you," he mumbles, and Lucienne gasps, and she kisses him, and the hand not on his face wraps around the back of his neck, pulls him close. Her fingers twine up through his hair, tug it until his mouth opens to her and everywhere they touch is hot and wet. He moans with the slide of her tongue, shivers and keens when she moves to mouth at his jawline. "Lucienne."
"Relax, love," Lucienne whispers. "You're allowed to have this."
Lord Morpheus sobs, and he trembles, and he relaxes all at once, strings cut, resistance shattered. He curls into her, his head falling against hers, one hand deep in his hair, the other stroking broad circles over his back. That is all she does—she touches him, the way that melts him, soft pressure, no intention to harm him or leave him or trick him or humiliate him or anything he might convince himself she wants to do.
Through the almost-pain he clings to her, the rapture of his own fulfilled fantasy forced through the pinhole of what he allows himself. "Thank you," he whispers as though she's doing anything at all, as though he is not her lover asking her for the simplest of intimacies. "Thank you, thank you, thank you."
Lucienne shushes him, and she cries for him the way he hates, but he does not notice.
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags (except it's one tag bc I hate mass tagging, makes it feel less special lol)
Thanks for tagging me @chouchinobake ! Part of the reason I stay on Tumblr is how different and I suppose intimate (?) it feels to be on here. The whump community in general is such a home to me, but the oddity of this platform gives me a chance to do different things that I'd never be able to do on my Twitter/Instagram.
In any case, it just looks like I'm supposed to list ten characters from different fandoms and why I like them, so here goes. I'm going to limit it to anime, since there are way too many in manga/live action, and, as an organized person, I must restrain myself:
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Ash Lynx [Banana Fish]: I've seen basically every BL anime that exists, and yet out of all the boys I've loved from those (Mafuyu didn't make it to the list but he is ONE OF THEM), no one quite stands out to me the way that Ash does. He was such a fresh personality to get into, and I found myself fascinated by the complexities of his character. One thing about Banana Fish in general that I enjoyed was the lack of "need" for it to go through as a BL, if that makes sense. It was an action/gang drama first and a love story second. I am always most attached to characters that I feel like I could never accurately write if I tried, since it gives me great respect for the author. Ash being violent but not uncaring, angry at the world and yet still a victim to it, plagued by recurring trauma (the amount of predatory gay men in BF is absolutely insane btw LMAO I love that Dino has just stocked his gang with gay rapists 😂) and yet still a very dangerous character. It's a tragedy that it ended the way it did, but I guess that's part of why he sticks with me so much. Definitely #1 saddest of the stories I've loved.
The way he has such fondness for Eiji without the author feeling like they needed to actually put them in a confirmed relationship was just so natural to me. Of course, I needed fanfics to help my crumbling heart after the ending, way back when I first watched it, but I always valued that about Banana Fish. I just fucking wish Ash made it back to Eiji for a hug, dammit. The one thing I hated in the show was the lack of hurt/comfort balance. There was so little comfort that it felt like sometimes the emotional aspect was ignored in favor of the action, and that drove me batty. Regardless, one of the favorites for sure.
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Xie Lian [Heaven's Official Blessing]: MY SWEET BABU. Holy fuck, I didn't know whether to list Mafuyu here or Xie, because they're both somewhat the same breed of SOFT, MUST PROTECT to me, but Xie won out, since I have to have at least one bandaged boy on the list in the absence of Dazai. Words cannot express the amount of sheer devotion I have to this CREATURE. This is one of those stand-out shows that became a comfort anime for me. The soft-voiced Chinese VAs for Xie and Hua Cheng cause physical reactions lmao. It's a rare softie romance for my favorites.
There are some characters that are so fucking precious to me that somehow my sadist nature drains away, and I actually do not want to see them hurt. This is one of the very, very few. Nobody touch Xie Lian. I will murder you.
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Yozo Oba [No Longer Human]: Written by the one and only Dazai Osamu, there is no character I've ever read about that I relate to more than Yozo Oba. There was a fantastic anime adaptation that I recently stumbled across, which is where the above gif came from. It's called Blue Literature Series, and its biggest feature is NLH, but it features other famous Japanese writers' (from Bungo) stories as well. The anime adaptation gave me such a visceral perspective on Yozo after reading the novel, and I loved everything about the anime (besides the way they changed Yozo's "best friend" to a far better person than he was). In reference specifically to the character, though, Yozo is the ultimate depiction of the extreme fear of human beings and masked depression. I cried at so many moments from the book that hit right where I struggled in life, and I hardly ever reread things, but NLH was a major exception.
No lie, that shit had me saying "he's just like me fr!" 😀 lol... sorry
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Kaneki Ken [Tokyo Ghoul]: Yeah yeah, I know. Everyone has talked about Kaneki. But he really is amazing. No matter how memed this poor man is, he remains among the top favorites, both in the depiction of his warring personalities as well as the monster vs. human. The entirety of TG is just GORGEOUS in its world building, character design, and fresh perspectives on the old cliche of half human, half devil. His character arc always gets me going. But he's been talked about enough; everyone knows about him. I don't need to say much except that MAN he truly WAS wayyyy better in the manga. I was stunned at the extreme difference, and I get it now - all those fans who were pissed at the show. That's why I always watch the anime before the manga. It just gets better that way.
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Johan Liebert [Monster]: Besides the other antagonist you'll find a little further down in the list, this is my favorite anime villain of all time, I think. He's been hailed by many as one of the best, so I'm sure the subject is already worn out, but everything about this man had me crazy for him. His vicious backstory, his psychopathy, his incredible manipulation, and his treacherously low screen time. This is one of those characters where the lack of appearances in the show actually fueled my devotion, because the times when he did show up were absolutely BANGER, and his fucking presence is so intoxicating. He was fabulously animated too, and the whole show was such a good watch. The VA always has something to do with it for me, and Johan was no exception. (I watch everything in sub, just because the VAs are usually that gorgeous whispery-ear-fuck for mysterious characters like this 😂)
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Sebastian Michaelis [Black Butler]: I mean come on, who wouldn't like Sebastian. Honestly, nothing much needs to be said. Ciel makes him that much better. Their tension and dynamics, and the way that their relationship was set up is just incredible. Can't be beat, really. I wish I could go back to the first time I saw BB and watch it all again, cuz fucking hell it was so good. I love the contradiction of Sebastian's devil hunger for human souls being conflicted - not by the fact that he has a human half, but by the fact that he's signed a deal with a human, and has grown some semblance of attachment to that human, and that's what keeps him unpredictable. Will he care for Ciel in the end and choose not to follow through or not? Idk, that was my favorite perspective of his character and the whole show.
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Akihito Narihisago [ID: Invaded]: If you haven't seen this anime, you're missing out, firstly on one of my favorite VAs of all time 🥹 Kenjiro Tsuda, and secondly on a very emotional plot and story arc that I didn't expect for the genre of show that it was. Akihito is a detective in a virtual reality, trying to solve a murder. What I didn't expect was the constant appearances of a girl in this world that is Akihito's daughter, and how her face being on every victim made the case so incredibly personal that it was tear-jerking for me. Honestly, Tsuda's performance is probably the main reason why it hits so hard, but this poor man has to go through seeing his daughter's face on every mangled victim, watching her die over and over, and never being able to save her. And that's all he wants. He just wants to save her. I won't spoil any more, but good grief this one was a very unexpected favorite of mine.
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Zero Kiryuu [Vampire Knight]: ☺️☺️☺️☺️ Whaaaaaaaaaat? He was my first whumpy boy *pinches cheeks*, my first anime love, *squish squish* baby's first anime! Back then when I was a lazy first-timer, I was watching in dub. By now I've gone back and re-watched in sub after realizing the great and powerful Miyano Mamoru was the voice of my vampire crush, but I am not complaining over the English VA, because Vic Mignogna is the only comparable voice to do any of Miyano's characters. Loved that man. Wish he was still around. In any case, Zero is the ultimate angsty vampire and nobody will ever replace him for me.
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Yashiro [Saezuru wa Tori Habatakanai]: I...where do I even begin? T_T The sheer complexity of this man's personality makes him such an obsession to me. I would consume any and all media relating to him, no matter what it is. He's one of those characters that can endlessly be studied and picked apart. He has so much conflict, so many walls, so much pain. It's the ones who pretend they love self-destruction that really get to me. I love seeing Yashiro crumble because of Doumeki's insistent care, and words cannot express how many times I've watched the BLCD paired with the manga for the climactic first sex scene with Doumeki, and how emotional it was. It offered a whole new perspective in my opinion of how deep something as dismissed as erotica could go, and I strive for that same emotional and character depth in my own works because of it. The dynamics of this show in general provoked and inspired the story I'm writing of Ellum and Callyx, even if it existed long before I got into Saezuru. It helped me form it around what I learned from experiencing the manga and then the anime, and then the BLCD, and I can't fucking wait for the rest of this trilogy to come out so I can weep ffs.
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Iason Mink [Ai no Kusabi]: Ah, the man who created Taushin. Lol, way back when Sadist was a baby whumper, this was one of the first yaoi I ever set eyes on. Though set in the weirdest and most repulsive world for erotica imo, the dynamics of Iason the Blondie and Riki his little brat Pet will remain one of my favorite power plays, and remains the standard for what I keep looking for in other stories. The anime remake was so unabashedly uncensored that it remains hard to find something that matches it, as far as non-con and punishment/pleasure based relationships go, and I wish it hadn't been cancelled cuz that was a fucking shame. Despite the plot being rather boring, the tension between these two makes up for it, and the constant rivalry of enemies who basically remain enemies and are only reluctant lovers when it comes to it makes it so intriguing. Iason is THE Master of all Masters in my opinion, and was voiced so perfectly in both anime versions - that velvety, stern voice omg - and Taushin was heavily influenced by him, as well as the classism of Gailda, coming from Ai no Kusabi's rankings of Blondies and Pets, which I thought made for an interesting world. If not for Ai no Kusabi, I don't think I'd ever have come up with the story of Dancing with Death, even though Taushin and Angel have a much different dynamic, since Angel is obedient and nothing like the hard-headed Riki. I still owe it to that anime.
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Griffith [Berserk]: It's insane to me how long it took for me to finally watch Berserk, but for years all I saw was that ugly bastard with the name Guts in reference to the acclaimed manga and its disgustingly animated show. I never had an interest in reading the manga, so when I discovered the existence of Griffith through one of my friends who was urging me to read it, I realized that the story wasn't what I'd thought. Then, seeing the movies that existed with far better animation, I instantly got into it and was hooked. My gods, the character arc of this man. It remains one of my favorite tragedies, only outdone by Kaneki's. AND THE BEAUTY OF THIS BOY GOOD GRIEF LMAO it's so hilarious to me how pretty he is in a male-driven male-gaze manga, if you know what I mean. 😂 Like this story in general just stands out, and Griffith is the shining star. I got so attached to him, and to see him imprisoned and betrayed and just...JEEEEz. It hurt so much. And it felt so good to see him turn, no matter how horrifying. Still can't really put up with the infamous Casca/Griffith scene as it felt a little misplaced 😂
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The Red King [K-Project series]: I feel like this anime is very under the radar, so allow me to introduce you to yet another badass man voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda. Everything about him is just...MUAH. He is a little elusive in the movies (there are several of them), so his screen time is criminally low for how obsessed I am with him, but when he's there he's THERE and is GLORIOUS. As the leader of a gang, in a world where each king rules a color and that color means their gangs have a certain ability - so for crimson there is fire, of course - he is the ultimate stern leader. They contrast this in the movies SO FANTASTICALLY by having this man taking care of a young girl, an adopted daughter of sorts, and showing off his soft spot for her and her alone. Oh my gods, I can't even begin. I just...I live for it. He is a kind leader, but the stoic and cold type, you know? One of my favorite personality types. He is easy to anger, but this girl that he protects adores him and he treats her like a little princess. I need to stop lol, I can't ramble too much, but I'll just say his rivalry with the Blue King, who used to be a good friend (enemies to lovers ship here I come) is heart-wrenching, and his eventual fate which I will not spoil absolutely destroyed me. The end.
I did 12, and I'm not sorry. I couldn't leave out The Red King or Griffith okay. I couldn't. I tried to not list the purely obvious ones, such as Bungo characters, Vanitas no Carte characters, or fandoms where I've made it quite clear how much I like certain people lmao. But they'd nevertheless be part of the list if it weren't limited to ten (COUGH 12), and I wanted to list characters that I had something particular to say about. A lot of them are made better by their counterpart or romantic interests in the show, such as Yashiro being perfectly matched with Doumeki, Zero being put to so much tension with Kaname, Johan being an incredible antagonist to Tenma, Iason showing off his power because of Riki's constant defiance, and The Red King having his soft spot with the little girl. And I mean, who would Griffith be without Guts?
I would list Gojo, but there's nothing to say about him that hasn't already been said, and that's just BARKBARKWOOFWOOFGGRRRR
Hope you enjoyed reading. And I hope you might've found some new anime because of it! K-Project seems lesser known, but my gods it's gorgeous, it's ship-city, and it's a fascinating plot heavily featuring on one of my favorite things: COLORS.
Thanks again for the tag 🖤 it's nice to be able to obsess over my favorites for a reason 😤
Tagging @lustfulcat ☺️☺️ if you feel like it, my sweet!
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melodymay-k1tty · 10 months
This is a blog that will have +18 content, and will soon be suitable for people of legal age.
I don't know if people often write about themselves on Tumblr, because I'm new here btw, but I will♡
I have nothing to post, so I'll tell a little about myself.
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My name is Maya and I'm almost 18 years old. Of course, I'm still 17, but I'll be 18 in less than 3 months, so don't worry about that.
I like a lot of things! In fact, I love watching anime and doramas, as well as following K-Pop groups♡. I'm a fan of 90+ K-Pop groups, so you can imagine.
I'll highlight some K-Pop groups that I like!
These are BlackPink, BTS, Twice, Girls' Generation, EXO, 2NE1, f(x), Super Junior, 2PM, BigBang, Red Velvet, Mamamoo, GFriend, Momoland, Got7, Stray Kids, Itzy, SHINee, (G)I-dle, After School, Apink, Lovelyz, Miss A, 4Minute, NewJeans, TXT, Wonder Girls, TVXQ!, Everglow, SS501, Fin.K.L, Baby V.O.X./Baby Vox Re.V, Shinhwa, Kara, T-ara, IVE, S.E.S., and 1TYM (i know the latter is a korean hip-hop group).
Note: I also like some solo singers like BoA, Henry, and Park Bom (ex-2NE1).
Of course there are other groups, but at the moment I don't remember them. When I remember, I'll put them here too.
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Now I'm going to talk about my otaku tastes.
I can't say that I've watched that many animes. However, I've watched One Piece, Naruto (Classic and Shippuden), Death Note, Sailor Moon, Futari wa Pretty Cure, Citrus, InuYasha, Tokyo Revengers and Demon Slayer. I didn't finish all of these, but I got to watch a little (or a lot).
I confess that I have a special affection for One Piece, Naruto and Death Note. They are definitely works that saved my life.
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I love doramas! I will contextualize dramas here, like every kind of Asian series/show.
So I'll start with my all-time favorite dorama, Hana Yori Dango, and some of its international versions, which are Boys Over Flowers and Meteor Garden. Also, I also love Alice in Borderland, Girl from Nowhere, All Of Us Are Dead, 1 Litre of Tears (this was the saddest drama I've ever watched in my life, I cried SO MUCH when I saw it...), 14-sai no Haha, and King the Land.
I also like the Thai lesbian movies called Yes or No and Yes or No 2.
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I've also watched some series, like Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, Riverdale, Stranger Things, Orange Is The New Black, Euphoria, Game of Thrones (although I haven't finished most of them because I have ADHD) , and many others...
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Besides K-Pop, I also like some solo singers like Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Lana Del Rey, Melanie Martinez, Adele, Mitski, Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, Lady Gaga, Avril Lavigne, Madonna, Akon, Nelly Furtado, and others...
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And rock bands... Like Evanescence, Paramore, Pierce the Veil, Slipknot, Linkin Park, Panic! at the Disco, Tokio Hotel and more more...
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I love Studio Ghibli movies. I love to read and write fanfics, and yes, I consume and will produce NSFW content.
My mother tongue is Portuguese, because I'm Brazilian. However, I'm trying to learn better and improve my English here on Tumblr.
I confess that I am quite a perfectionist, and sometimes a little lazy. I don't care about likes/comments as long as I'm doing what I really enjoy, but anyway, of course a like or a comment on any future fanfics I create would make me really happy!♡
This blog certainly didn't tell half of me, but it may already have given you a certain idea. I think so...
This is a personal and interactive account, so if I start writing here on Tumblr, I will PROBABLY create another account specifically for that.
So I end up here♡
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bittermelodies-aftg · 11 months
Ok but Neil's obsession with exy is literally also just me with my favorite books/mangas/anime/movies/shows. Likeeeee...
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"Fiction is not an option here, okay? You can love fictional characters all you want but they're never gonna love you back."
You should've let it go, but the challenge was out before you could stop it. "So?"
"Oh my god." They looked torn between horror and pity. "Seriously? That might be the saddest thing I've ever heard."
You should have just kept your mouth shut. "I need to finish this book before the series comes out."
"Don't you dare." They snatched the paperback from your hands and dropped it on the ground. "Listen up. There's obsession and there's dysfunction. You can't make fiction your end-all be-all. This won't last forever, okay? You'll graduate, work, age, then you'll retire, and then what? You're gonna spend the rest of your life at home, binge-watching movies and anime shows, with all your favorite books and mangas in a shelf?"
"Leave it," you said.
Maybe they heard the quiet warning in your voice, because they gentled their tone. "You can't be just this. This isn't enough to live for."
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servin-up-surveys · 3 months
survey #203
Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? My mom, for sure.
Who is the most overbearing person you know? Our landlord/family "friend." It's hard to call her that by now.
Do you still remember your first kiss? I do.
Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? In general yes, but I do wish Girt and I had more time with just each other, not sharing houses with parents. I do sometimes wish we had our own place already, but I'm also very understanding of why we don't, both from my side and his. Sometimes I just get impatient and feel like I don't get to be a real adult.
How many kids do you want to have? Realistically none, there is a thick-ass book of reasons why I should not have a child.
Have you ever purposely given someone the wrong number? No.
Who’s the last person you smoked weed with? I've never smoked anything.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? Permanently.
Who is the person you have hurt the most? I'm going to assume Sara, but I have no way of knowing that for sure.
Who is the person that has hurt you the most? Jason. Sara's right behind him, though. She's SAID more hurtful things.
Who’s the last guy to give you roses? Girt.
Did your parents do drugs when they were younger? I'm aware that Dad did while he was with Mom but before us kids were born.
The first thing I’d do after winning the lottery is… Buy Mom a house that's perfect for her.
The videos that always make me laugh are… Game Grumps ones.
One of my favorite writers is… Margaret Atwood. I'd like to read more of her stuff.
One of my favorite singers is… Freddie Mercury, RIP king.
What’s a favorite hobby of yours? RP. I want to branch off to more animal RPs, I've just had trouble finding places that aren't overly complicated or are my style.
I think a good source of therapy is… Journaling.
A friend who I can always be myself around is… I feel zero shame being fully myself around Tez and Mazzy. I think it's important to mention here that I KNOW I can be 100% myself around Girt, I'm just so wildly afraid of rejection/judgment/being seen as "weird" that I'm still sometimes needlessly hesitant. I've gotten better about it, though.
Something helpful to lose weight is… Not a very helpful response, but real talk, the most reliable "how to" I've found is to be in a good mental health state. My heaviest era took place during my saddest, and my healthiest weights post-initial mass weight gain came from periods where I was mentally well. NO, you do NOT need to be "okay" to lose weight, I'm just saying historically, that stood out for me.
A fear of mine is… Aside from the answers I normally give, for some variety, slugs. I'm very afraid of them just because of their sliminess and general texture. I will scream if I see one, and will NOT touch something one is on, even though I know how stupid that is, it's like I expect them to bolt up my arm when they're fuckin slugs, bro lmao. I want to overcome this fear, I actually think visually slugs are quite cute, and they're also helpful organisms that are just so harmless, but I'm so freaked out by them. It's funny, I'm not scared of snails at all; it's like put a shell on their back and suddenly the cuteness overrides the "ew slimy" reaction.
If you knew me well, you’d gift me… Anything meerkat-related, for sure. You could literally gift me a single Mountain Dew Voltage and I'll deem you a saint, haha.
Who is someone you’ve been enjoying watching on YouTube recently? I've actually been watching some Good Mythical Morning again! I'm wondering if perhaps my hyperfixation is cycling back around, haha. Maybe I just have three of them that rotate in my head like a rotisserie chicken.
Who was the last of your friends to have a baby? I think Bethany?
Which family member did you get your height from? My mom.
Which TV channel did you watch the most as a kid? Animal Planet.
Who is your favorite cousin? I don't have a favorite cousin.
If you had to choose a country to live in besides your own, which country would you choose? Probably Canada. Sucks major ass that you can't have hognose snakes as pets there, but.
Do you think you look better with long hair or short hair? Short.
What did the last mask you wore look like? It was an oxygen mask lmao
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? I officially have now as of the second asthma attack.
What color was your nursery when you were a baby? I didn't have my own nursery that I remember. I had a crib in my parents' room, at least in the house we moved into when I was like, two. I don't remember the house I was actually born into whatsoever.
When is the next time you will attend a family reunion? Where will it be? We don't have these.
Do you like cereal? What would you consider your favorite kind of cereal? I do. I think the chocolate Krave is my favorite.
What’s your favorite lollipop flavor? Strawberry or watermelon.
Who did you last hold hands with? My boyfriend.
What sounds help you sleep? Rain on the window. A fan.
Do you have a loud or more soft laugh? LOUD bitch I am a hyena
Do you like to dip your fries in a frosty or ice cream? No, I don't get the appeal of this.
Cookies or brownies? Brownies.
Are you a fan of musicals? I'm really not.
Have you ever stargazed with someone? Yes.
What color is the vehicle you ride in most often? White.
What’s your favorite kind of pasta? Just ordinary spaghetti with meatballs.
Would you say you’re a condescending person? Not at all.
Have you ever mowed a lawn? No, that is not a chore I ever want to have.
What’s the last song you listened to? Pretty sure it was "Back In School" by Mother Mother.
Are you content with your social life? No. I wish I had a few more friends and did more things with these people.
Have you ever had edible flowers? I've had honey from honeysuckles.
Do you read other people’s survey answers? I read my friends' answers. And of course sometimes when copying surveys from randoms, I can't help but read some of their answers just because my eyes naturally graze over the words, but I don't pay real attention.
Do you work better alone or in a group? ALONE. I was one of those students in school that was often allowed to work alone when things were meant to be group projects; my teachers liked me and also had faith in my ability to deliver, so they respected how I was comfortable working.
What are 3 essential items you won’t leave the house without? My phone and inhaler are the only real musts. I carry my wallet in my purse too (where my phone and inhaler are too), and it has important cards in there, such as my blood type in case of some wild emergency where I need a blood transfusion and I'm nonresponsive.
Do you enjoy spicy foods? I do.
What is something you want to be remembered for? I advocated for love and peace and kindness towards our planet and all that live in it.
Do you like pickles? I love dill pickles.
What is something you take a lot of pictures of? MY CAT lmfao deadass
What is your favorite thing about the beach? Being in the water. I'm one of those people that love being smacked (but not totally abused lol) by the waves, being tossled a bit and stuff. If reminds me how small I am, how inconsequential my ass is in the giant scope of the universe and even just this single planet. It's VERY freeing from anxiety, I just feel very peaceful when I'm in the ocean. I hate the salty wind, I hate the yucky sand and walking through it and having it stick to your wet body, but being in the ocean is an S-tier experience for me.
Are you afraid of snakes? Not at all, snakes are some of my favorite animals on the planet. Like sure, I'm going to be respectful to venomous species and give them space, but even those I'm not properly "afraid" of.
Do you think frogs are ugly? No, they're cuties!
Name three things that you find refreshing. A nice cold drink, a cool breeze, and the taste of mint.
What is your favorite vegetable? Broccoli or well-prepared green beans.
Do you own any succulents? No, just fake decorative ones. I'd kinda like to try taking care of a real succulent, so long as it was hardy. I don't have full faith in myself with taking care of plants.
What is your least favorite shade of green? That like, puke green color. bleh
Do you like olives? No.
What are three of your favorite insects (or insects that you think look cool)? Butterflies, moths, mantises. I wanna mention ladybugs too, they're so cute, but I think they've gotta come in 4th place.
Would you ever dye your hair green? I have done this before, like a mossy green color and I loved it.
Are you a tea drinker? I hate tea. Any kind I've ever tried.
Do you like mangoes? So I'm funny with mangoes. Mango flavor? It's one of my favorites! But the texture of real mangoes is so fucking repulsive to me, I can't eat them. I was SO disappointed when I tried one the first time.
What’s your hair texture? It's VERY thick. Smooth, I guess. Mostly straight, mild waviness.
Do you play games on your phone? Yeah, I enjoy PokemonGO, DragonVale, Dragons of Atlantis, and Amaru (it's a self-care pet but has "game" traits to it).
Is acting something you’d enjoy? Are you convincing? No, I would feel VERY uncomfortable.
In what ways are you immature? I am very attached to/reliant on my mother.
Are the Olympics something you get into? Not at all.
Chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla milkshake? Chocolate or vanilla, depending on my mood.
What’s something or someone you’ll always defend? Gay rights. Access to safe abortion. Equality of all sorts. Lots of stuff.
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stampstamp · 4 months
Finally got around to watching an anime that I thought was a healing comedy and it turned out to be one of the saddest ones I've ever seen 🥲
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one-day-at-a-timeblog · 5 months
I was looking through my old journals and thought I’d share something I wrote a few years back—around 2019ish I think. I still feel this exact way about the show! (Forgive any errors, I copied text from a photo):
I think I've decided this is my favorite show of all time. I love every single second of this show. Elena is my spirit animal, Penelope is my idol. Lydia is my inspiration, and Alex is how confident I want to be. I can quote just about every great line from the shoul (Don't get me wrong - every line is great!)
I don't think I could pick a favorite episode from any season. But, I could say my favorite storyline is basically Elena’s who coming out/living her truth storyline. To my knowledge, she is the youngest girl to ever come out on TV.
One Day at a Time is so important to me because it’s relatable. I may not be Cuban or live in an apartment, or with my abuelita, but it still has this “that’s me” or “that’s my family” moments. One of those moments was when Elena learns about her anxiety. I connected to her in that part. Another one is when Schneider and Penelope go over the rules for him watching Alex. I could see my mom being over protective like that when I was younger. Another thing is that Lydia reminds me a lot of my Nana, in that she uses Vicks, and keeps food in other containers than the one it came in.
This show came out at the perfect time. I have been around the same age as Elena the for most of the show. Even though she has a little brother, their sibling relationship reminds me a lot of my brother and I. There's so much more that I love about this show, that I don't think I could write down. It's funniest, it's the saddest, and it's the happiest show. You could be laughing hystericaly, (one moment) then you're sobbing. Is just that good.
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