#rey parent theory
night-heron-writes · 1 year
Episode 10 Promo Video/Predictions
So, like a lot of y'all, I'm not thrilled to see Misaki again, but I'm not surprised. We've known she has a bigger part to play in the series than just in episode 3 for a while now, with the opener and the staff interviews. I'm hoping that she's returned for a good (plot-relevant and not contrived) reason. Ideally, the reason that makes the most sense is that Kyutaro masterminded the whole thing to keep Miri out of the conflict we all know is coming.
I'd be less than thrilled if Misaki simply had a "change of heart" and wants Miri back because of that. I had a decent amount of respect for her because she was able to admit she wasn't cut out to be a mother, and a lot of my respect for her would go away if she did a 180° turn in regards to motherhood. Even if she has a "change of heart" can she really give Miri a better, more loving home than she has with Rei and Kazuki?
The title of the episode is "Lost at Sea", which usually means "adrift", and it can apply to lots of our characters. Rei and Kazuki will almost certainly feel lost after their family with Miri is ripped away from them again. Misaki will likely feel adrift having to cope with parenting again, after having not had to for the better part of a year. Miri is drifting between her two families, and probably won't understand where her papas have gone or why she's back with Misaki.
In the PV we see a clip of our main trio back in their favorite store, shopping for Miri again, likely as a going away present or something similar. But if you look closely, you'll notice Kazuki is moving around exaggeratedly, like in episode 6 when he was trying to convince Miri not to hate him. He's probably trying to act normal about having to give Miri back and failing miserably.
We also see them approaching what's likely a fairground/amusement park, perhaps as part of Miri's big send-off. That might be where they're meeting Misaki to give Miri back to her? Probably safer for everyone involved than either Rei's apartment or the shady bar Misaki was working at in episode 3. Interestingly enough, we only see Kazuki and Rei's faces while they're on the Ferris Wheel, nothing to tell us if Miri is there or not. I also found the role reversal here interesting: Kazuki is the one with a closed off expression, while Rei is showing his feelings (of shock? surprise? anger?) more openly. Kazuki might be saying that Misaki will be able to give Miri a better life (whether he believes is is another thing entirely), and Rei might be realizing that wanting to protect his family doesn't just mean from his father boss, but also from other circumstances that try to tear them apart. It would be interesting to see him take a more active role in here in the last arc of the series, since the family was largely founded without his input.
Overall, this episode is likely going to be somber from start to finish. We've entered the final arc of the series, and the stakes are getting higher. What is Kyutaro going to do? The ball is still very much in his court, and I have a hunch that Misaki's reappearance is his doing. Though how tf did he manage to stall until Decemeber if he got the request for information in August? FOUR MONTHS? HOW????
I'm a little surprised at how many people are convinced the show will go to shit now that Misaki has showed up again. We knew she had more to do than just episode 3, and from what we know this seems logical. I have faith in the writing team, since thus far the writing has been amazing. I just hope they do Misaki's character justice. I think she's an interesting character who's been well handled so far and I hope they continue that. The writers have done a good job dealing with complicated issues and showing the nuances of things, so I'm fairly confident they'll continue to do that here.
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aroacehanzawa · 1 year
First off, from the very first scene with Miri asking Rei where he's going and then saying but his home is here, and he says "THAT'S TRUE". AS TRUE AS HOW MUCH I CRIED UPON HEARING THAT
I think this episode was a great continuation from last episode's Kazuki-focused perspective, where Kazuki accepted to move on and essentially to live in the present from now on, the present that includes Miri and Rei. And now we got to follow Rei trying to find his place and accepting that his heart belongs with the little Kazuki & Miri family that he has little by little become more a part of than he realises.
I think the episode did a great job portraying how conflicted Rei is as he stands in-between having to continue his family business and having found a new home, which he might not necessarily feel like he belongs to (yet), but which he wants to belong to. And it's the way he did not outright say this, but what he does say is that there is something he also wants to protect, in direct parallel to his former mentor who was fighting to protect his significant other!!!
I also love how Rei's journey in this episode didn't end on some super optimistic final note (which last episode kind of did with Kazuki, the sun breaking out when he comes to his realisation and the colourful flowers and everything) but rather showing how Rei has simply taken the first small steps towards the future he wants, and sometimes that's enough.
Like, he's brooding and contemplating his identity and place in the world when Kazuki calls and he just lets it ring, but he picks it up in the end. Kazuki comes and he doesn't want to get in the car, but he does. We get to see their first meetings and how Kazuki took care of him, and even back then it was just a small step Rei took - he let Kazuki help. Rei asks if they can really change, and Kazuki doesn't know - but he took the step to ask, and Kazuki answered honestly. And that's already a change, this decision of theirs to step by step try to do the right thing so that they can live their lives the way they want, together with Miri. And in this episode it culminated in Rei smiling at sleepy Miri and the birthday table prepared by Kazuki, and that's enough for now.
Idk idk just think this series does such a wonderful job in showing the character's personal journeys and the difficulties of not just their jobs and lifestyles but also, very obviously, of two men raising a child together, and it does this in such a magnificent way with the perfect balance between optimistic and realistic. This episode was just another part of the wonderful whole, and it stands out so well on its own while still being such an important turning point in our main characters' story as a whole!
Also that ending scene?????? i won't survive the angst of the next episodes
#SORRY I STARTED RAMBLING there's not a single coherent sentence in there i'm afraid#you asked for my thoughts so those are my pure unfiltered thoughts#ANYWAY IF YOU AREN'T WATCHING BUDDY DADDIES. IT IS NOT TOO LATE#another thing - the photo of kazuki and miri in the supermarket was such a straight forward parallel to the photo of rei's former mentor#and his fiancee? wife? i forget#i've seen some criticism about how the show has very clearly put kazuki in the 'mother/housewife' role but#here i have to echo what some others had said - that there is still nothing heteronormative about the story of two single men raising a#child together. like you can say all you want about how kazuki does the cooking and the cleaning#but the very fact that they are NOT actually a man and woman living together already separates them from the context of a power imbalance#that would exist between a similar but heterosexual relation specifically because of patriarchy#like the unfair division of labour between husband and wife is one that is specifically rooted in sexism throughout history#whereas in this case it merely PARALLELS the typical parental roles without actually having this inherent power imbalance#i'm not well read enough on feminist theory to say anything more on the subject but you get what i mean?#and i think last episode already did a great job showing that kazuki DOES find it unfair that rei doesn't contribute enough at home#i think that was good commentary that applies to any household and family in general and not just the heterosexual nuclear family#i just don't think it's right to say that this series is being heteronormative#that's all folks#buddy daddies
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analyses-and-stuff · 1 year
Just wanna talk about the excellent little details hidden in Buddy Daddies episode 6;
I love the way they depict Kazuki's anxiety regarding parenting. He never had a parental figure in his life - and hence doesn't know what parenting involves. And that's where social media influence comes into the picture - the most accessible source of information (albeit a bit skewed and often incorrect). And he takes what he sees at surface value; cuz he's desperate to raise the little girl that's officially his daughter now in the best possible environment.
Also, kudos to the team for how they developed Rei's character. It's obvious he cares for Miri - but he never fusses about the parenting stuff like Kazuki. And there's a good reason for it. He's experienced what bad parenting does to a kid. He is the kid. And he doesn't for the life of him want Miri to experience anything even close to that. That's why he's quiet and doesn't get involved when Kazuki questions Miri about the school fight.
But he didn't stop Kazuki either - and that's because although he knows Kazuki might be scaring the kid - Kazuki doesn't mean anything wrong by it. And he's just too lazy to explain it - sometimes some lessons are learned better the hard way.
That said they both are awesome parents in their own ways. Kazuki, although a bit over-the-top, only wishes to give Miri the best of all the material stuff and the parental presence he was deprived of in his childhood. Meanwhile, Rei isn't big on the parental ruse, but you bet he would be there for Miri with banger advice when she's facing pressure (be it from academia or just life). He would fill the void left in his heart by the emotional absence of his parent/s by being there for her.
BD in a nutshell - Two grown men healing their inner children by giving their daughter what they deserved.
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myherochedaia · 11 months
I haven't seen the newest season/magna yet, so I could be wrong, but I have a theory.
I think that Rei wasn't talking about Enji when she said that Shoto was looking more and more like him. She was talking about Touya. He was burning himself all the time trying to be someone Enji would love and his hair was changing colors.
The reason she threw water on Shoto was because she saw Touya burning.
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whatawaitsus · 6 months
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It's your final year at Killian Argent's School for the Supernatural; a prestigious boarding school for supernatural beings. In theory this doesn't mean much. Your future has been set since you were a child: graduate from a prestigious boarding school, get into an equally prestigious college that your parents will pay for, and then get a prestigious well-paying job with your father's connections. It is what is, you're past the point of complaining at this point in your life.
Despite being one of the most expensive schools in the nation, nothing particularly interesting has happened at the school in the nine years you've been here— aside from the occasional accidental possession caused by a ghost or the common room getting flooded after a nixie gets too frustrated over their homework.
That is until students start to go missing.
Oh, and you start having prophetic dreams of your missing brother. But, that's probably better to unpack later, in all honesty.
What Awaits Us is upcoming choicescript interactive fiction project. The game is rated 16+ for violence, manipulation, kidnapping, strong language, drug use, religious imagery and trauma and optional suggestive content.
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Choose what kind of witch you are; customize your gender, pronouns, sexuality, physical appearance, personality, magic class, uniform style, dorm decor, familiar, and more.
Balance trying to solve the disappearances of your peers and your performance as a student.
Establish your relationships with your parents and older brother by playing through flashbacks.
Deicide on your class schedule and extracurricular activity that will have the ability to affect your stats.
Choose one out of five romantic options; a moody kitsune, an expressive siren, a bubbly godling, or a quiet godling, or an apathetic arachne.
Solve the mystery of the missing kids and potentially get a lead on your runaway brother.
Unwillingly gain a weird almost mentor figure in the form of one of your teachers.
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Rei Nakamura [they/them, kitsune]: C's roommate. Rei has been at this school as long as you, though your interactions are next to none. You always spot their name at the top of all the classes you share. They generally keep to themselves, only interacting with C and the kids they tutor. When they do talk it's usually an insult or a refusal to do something. It's not a surprise that they're generally disliked by most of the school. How they happened to befriend an outgoing siren is beyond you.
Cleo/Cyrus Valtameri [gender selectable, siren]: Rei's roommate. C is.. a lot. They transferred during your ninth term; originally from Drialia, which is clear from their accent. They joined the theater club nearly as soon as they were enrolled and have landed nearly every lead since then. The two of you don't interact much, but when you do happen to cross paths they're always animatedly nice to you; they're like that to everyone except Rei, really. You almost swear you've seen the two of them point at you and laugh.
Lydia Taylor* [she/her, godling]: Lukas's twin sister. You've been partnered up with Lydia a few times for projects and she's always a diligent student. She's in the boxing club, which is honestly kind of intimidating, especially after what happened between her and Stephan Kim in your sixth term. But, she's always been plenty nice to you too, not fake nice like you've realized most of your classmates are. She and her brother are never apart from eachother, either.
Lukas Taylor [he/him, godling]: Lydia's twin brother. Lukas Taylor has been going through an 'emo phase' about as long as you've known him. You vaguely remember the mop of strawberry blond hair that was on his head when he first came here, though you have a suspicion he bribed a mage to wipe it from the yearbooks. Lukas is quiet; the polar opposite of his sister. You don't think he's in any clubs, though he is always carrying around a weathered sketchbook.
Nico/Nadia Ruiz-Estrada [gender selectable, arachne]: Your roommate. N and you have shared a dorm for the past five years, and they're possibly your best friend. Despite constantly skipping all of their classes, barring the ones the two of you share, their grades remain high. Even after knowing them for six years you still don't know if they care about anything besides displeasing their older sister. They started a band in your ninth year; Bite The Bullet. Half of the kids in your term are convinced they were formerly in prison, something that makes N laugh hysterically whenever you bring it up.
Polyamorous routes available with Rei & Cleo/Cyrus and Lukas & Nico/Nadia.
*Lydia is only romancable by female and nonbinary MC's.*
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artist-issues · 7 months
"Rian Johnson was mocking Star Wars fans for expecting Star Wars tropes in TLJ!"
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No. Star Wars fans just happened to have the exact same flaw that the character, Rey, had: too much focus on her parents. That made her easy to relate to. But the whole point, down to the first movie she was introduced in (which WASN'T written by Rian Johnson) was that her parents were never important.
Star Wars fans should've expected that reveal. It was already set up. Maz literally tells Rey in the first movie to quit focusing so much on her parents. The filmmakers literally told you "she's wrong to put so much stock in who her parents are" in The Force Awakens. He just carried that theme on and y'all weren't ready for it because you never wanted to accept it in the first place.
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Same thing with Snoke. Kylo Ren was introduced as a character who only wants one thing: strength. He thinks that strength will solve his emotional frailty. He's insecure. (Because reasons, to do with his family and their lack of faith in him.) Rey straight-up discovers that his biggest fear is "never being as strong as Darth Vader" and says it out loud so that the audience will get it.
You really think, when he was introduced as a character who believes killing mentor-father-figures will make him feel stronger and therefore more secure, that Snoke ever had a chance of getting past the second movie alive?
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They straight-up introduced these characters with certain flaws, which lead to certain motives, which so happen to lead to different conclusions than common Star Wars fan theories.
Because that's the beauty of the Sequels. They acknowledge the legendary status of the Original Trilogy Tropes, then grow beyond those tropes.
Or at least. They were starting to. Until Star Wars fans threw continued hissy fits because they didn't want a story, they wanted a 💫 Star Wars Checklist Cleverly Disguised as a Story.💫
Then the powers-that-be were like "okay they're really not looking for a good story, just give 'em the checklist they were looking for." And you got exactly that in The Rise of Skywalker.
But Rian Johnson wasn't mocking you. He was just taking the next logical, compelling step in the previously-established arcs of well-written characters. And carrying on the Sequel's initial trademark of "appreciate the past by growing beyond it." Y'know. Like a good writer.
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spadesolace · 7 months
the idea of yoo - 0.6. what do you like about jimin? (half-written)
previous | next
in 2 weeks time, you’ve gathered information about karina that it feels like you could write a biography for her. at the same time, you’ve been talking to her about everything and nothing. although this has consumed your time to the point that ms. choi, your english teacher had to check up on you only to find out about your other business. to say the least, she was not pleased.
here you are, putting your bike onto yeonjun’s truck that was parked in front of the yoo household. first thing he could think of was food, you couldn’t blame him, he grew up with a tteokbokki shop.
“not now.”
“come on, we gotta eat at some point.” you were a bit irritated by it, abruptly about to leave only for him to come clean and discuss music theory along with art appreciation. clearly, he has been doing his assignment.
“well, you are quite serious about this.” yeonjun was fidgeting with his hands on the steering wheel, a habit you’ve noticed whenever he was nervous.
“yeah, but for real. can we eat dinner?”
“... fine.” yeonjun continues fidgeting with his hands as he looked at you with a hint of uncertainty.
“can we eat at your place? my siblings are causing a bit of ruckus at home right now…?”
“you know what, sure.”
that’s how you ended up with yeonjun cooking dinner for you and your sister, rei. trying his cooking which surprisingly ended up with you enjoying it despite calling it weird. the first time in a while you tried something new…
yeonjun was such a chaotic force in your life, having peace and order in your system only for him to come crashing and making it more exciting. teaching him how to maintain a conversation by table tennis, helping him get more information regarding yoo jimin, and simply also conversing with jimin in hopes of learning something new.
it was the week of the next date, the date that determines it all. sitting on the basement of their restaurant where bean bags and a mini fridge is placed. the sound of ping pong balls hitting back and forth could be heard.
“let’s practice this one more time.” starting the game, hitting precisely for him to hit it back. “where were you born?”
“here, in kwangya.” precisely hitting it back, making its way back to you.
“good. what do you like about kwangya?”
“i grew up here, haven’t left since i was born.”
“… yeah.”
“how about you?” a sudden curveball, one that almost made you miss it. it’s not a bad thing, but only a few would ask about you.
“what about me?” what is it about you?
“it felt as if the conversation is too short.” why can’t you open up?
“i don’t need practice.” sort of a lie, you simply didn’t want to talk about yourself.
“come on, just tell me about yourself.” a little bit won’t hurt, right?
“i was born in tokushima, japan. i have a younger sister named rei, and we’ve been living in kwangya ever since she was born.”
“what about your parents?” that’s a can of worms that even you can’t seem to open up.
“well, my dad works in japan. funny, talkative, and protective.”
“your mom?”
“lovely, caring… buried six feet under.”
he misses the ball, the game ends there and so does the conversation.
as everything dies down, your thoughts, drinking a bottle of yakult as you sit down on the beanbag and look at the scattered ping pong balls. yeonjun in his own world, you start to wonder.
“what do you like about jimin?” silence, yeonjun looks you in the eyes and think of what to say. what’s there to even say when he had told you before what he likes about jimin.
“well, she’s pretty and smart. and she’s not mean to anyone and she smells like fresh daisies whenever you would walk by her, why?” a part of you wasn’t satisfied, as if something isn’t right.
“just wondering…”
“how about you?”
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fitzs-trained-monkey · 4 months
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Blind Boy 🥀
(An Ominis Gaunt friends-to-lovers playlist)
A/N: Please listen in order. There's a method to my madness.
Ominis Gaunt fell in love slowly...
It began, he thinks, when he started hanging out with her. Without Sebastian that is.
Young folks - Peter Biorn and John
Lake Shore Drive - Skip Haynes
She makes him rather happy. It's odd...
Dog Days are Over - Florence + the Machine
Sunshine Lollypops and Rainbows - Lesley Gore
She understands him like no one else. And even if she doesn't, she never pretends to. Just listens.
Wow, I'm Not Crazy - AJR
He really likes his time spent with her. He thinks about her when she's not around. She occupies his thoughts rather a lot. Her time feels like a currency and he fears running out. He's never had to be afraid of any sort of lack before.
putting a spin on Ophelia - Egg
What is this warm feeling? A dream - a wish, certainly. His parents would hurt him if they found out... Besides, he's just the blind boy. Who's he kidding?
One Last Wish - Casper
If I Could Ride A Bike - Park Bird, Chevy
Creep - Radiohead
It's impossible... but what's the point of it all if he doesn't at least try? It could be so beautiful. He doesn't have to be brave about it.
Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane - Gang of Youths
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
He starts to try.
Passing Papers - Egg
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Are You Bored Yet - Wallows
Please Notice - Christian Leave
Feelings Are Fatal - Mxmtoon
These feelings are deeper than he thought. He can't help but indulge them.
Can't Help Falling in Love - Elvis
Amazing - Rex Orange Country
Golden Hour - JVKE
This Side of Paradise - Coyote Theory
Can I Call You Tonight? - Dayglow
I Couldn't Be More In Love - The 1975
It's so wonderful. It's beyond good. And she's always so kind to him. So perfect.
Infinitely Ordinary - The Wrecks
Remember When - Wallows
Ratisim - The Suicide Squad
One night in the Undercroft, he plucks up a little courage. And then... then he asks that girl to dance.
Not About Angels - Birdy
Once Upon A December - Anastasia
The Princess Diaries Waltz
And oh... oh he's fallen so far. He's hopeless.
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Line Without A Hook - Rick Montgomery
First Kiss.
Like Real People Do - Hozier
And things just get better from there...
I Hear A Symphony - Cody Fry
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur
I Feel Good About This - The Mowgli's
Darling - Christian Leave
Love - Lana Del Rey
the world could end with you - Llunar
After graduation, he proposes. The ring doesn't come from a distant ancestor - it's not plucked off his family tree. It's just for her. For that lovely muggle-born girl and nobody else.
Until I Found You - Steven Sanchez
His first night with her is better than he ever could have dreamed.
Saturn - Sleeping At Last
He elopes with her two months later. And married life with her is perfect. Utterly and completely perfect. Away from his family and his high-society upbringing... it's lazy and soft and simple.
Banana Pancakes - Jack Johnson
Waltz for Sweatpants - Cody Fry
Would That I - Hozier
You Are Enough - Sleeping At Last
Photograph - Cody Fry
Love theme:
Hearing - Sleeping At Last
Happy Valentine's Day 💘
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anjuyn · 1 month
*A lot of speculation about how the internal hierarchy in the Sakuma clan works and what happens to Rei and Ritsu's parents.
I have been digesting the theory in my head for quite a long time that something like a communal system is practiced in the Sakuma clan. I mean, there is a feeling that the children in the clan are brought up by everyone at once and by no one specific at the same time, as if the concept of "parents" in their family is akin to the concept of "clan".
And if you are lucky enough to have a close relative of your age, he will be your "family". And parents for children are all the adults of the clan who are free and who can and want to take part in the upbringing of a child.
I've been thinking about this for a long time, because both Rei and Ritsu, when mentioning a close family, mean only each other, and "parents" are referred to by them as some kind of distant and detached concept, although we know that Rei constantly interacts with clan members and has been dealing with his relatives since childhood. But he never mentioned how close his relatives were.
From these preliminary considerations, I have deduced a theory that, in my opinion, has the right to exist. Probably, Rei and Ritsu simply don't have parents. Perhaps they died under some unfortunate circumstances or something similar, given the health problems within the clan, I think that the mortality of some members is quite likely, especially considering how damn much energy a woman takes away from bearing and giving birth to a child (especially two children in such a relatively short period of time).
The thoughts about this came to my mind because Sakuma siblings considered, according to Rei, "the most noble and pureblood members of the clan," and often children receive nobility by birthright. Therefore, their parents probably could well have been noble members of the clan as well. And after Rei and Ritsu's parents died, random relatives took over the upbringing of the children (and as we know, raising two children is difficult, especially if you're not their parents, and especially if you're simply incapacitated most of the day).
Relatives probably tried to give them proper upbringing, but their state of health and complete isolation from the world, coupled with the lack of real "parental" affection for the Sakuma brothers, Rei and Ritsu were forced to be raised themselves on their own, hence also some of their problems with social norms.
I think Rei they're really the only people close to each other, because they don't have anyone else.
Consequently, Rei and Ritsu were the only truly close people to each other, and hence their strong, sometimes painful attachment to each other, which often occurs in children who have lost their parents and remain single.
A little messy, as always, but still.
And the more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes.
UPD: On the official website, Rei's profile lists his parents and younger brother in the "family" column. So you can consider it a headcanon or an unapproved assumption.
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bnhaobservation · 7 months
Keeping up with the Todorokis or, just me observing the Todorokis in the various volumes: Volume 1
So this is nothing else but a collection of informations, volume by volume, about what the Todorokis do in the story or which info are revealed about them and so on.
Todoroki Enji (��� 炎司): He’s working as a Pro Hero under the name Flame Hero: Endeavor (フレイム ヒーロー  エンデヴァー) as well as owning a Hero agency, Endeavor Agency (エンデヴァー 事務所 ‘Endeavor Jimusho’) and he’s considered the Number Two Hero of Japan. Born on 8th of August he is 44 in Chap 1 & 45 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Rei (轟 冷) née Himura Rei (氷叢 冷): Recovered at Fujitani Hospital (藤谷 病院 ‘Fujitani Byōin’). There are no info about her age. She might be around 3-4 years younger than Enji as the other parents are shown to have this or more age difference, but this is just speculation.
Todoroki Tōya (轟 燈矢): Assumed dead his whereabouts are unknown but he probably already went by the name of Dabi (荼毘 “Cremation”) and was training his Quirk and keeping his eyes on his family and, especially, on his father. As there are no criminal records on him, it’s possible he wasn’t a Villain yet and Dabi was just the name he used, not his Villain name. Born on 18th of January he is 22 in Chap 1 & 23 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Fuyumi (轟 冬美): She might have been already teaching in an Elementary School… or she might have started doing so from chap 5. Born on 6th of December she is 21 in Chap 1 & 22 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Natsuo (轟 夏雄): For chap 1 to 4 he’s in his last year of high school, from chap 5 he should have started his first year of university attempting to major in public health (医療福祉 ‘Iryō fukushi’ “Medical wellfare”). Born on 1st of July he is 17 in Chap 1 & 18 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Shōto (轟 焦凍): For chap 1 to 4 he’s in his last year at Corusan Middle School (凝山 中学校 Corusan Chūgakkō), from chap 5 he is in his first year at U.A. High School (雄英 高校 ‘U.A. Kōkō’). Born on 11th of January he is 14 in Chap 1 & 15 in Chap 5.
Todoroki Enji: Chap 1 (background), Chap 3 (exposition)
Todoroki Shōto: Chap 5 (he’s there but he’s not shown)*, Chap 6, 7
* In theory we should have seen him when the inside of the class was shown but, since Horikoshi hadn’t decided yet on which will be the seats of the characters and will therefore change them later on (and changes them even in this same chapter), Mineta is sitting on his seat.
001. Midoriya Izuku: Origin (緑谷出久:オリジン Midoriya Izuku: ORIGIN) Enji (Picture)
002. Roaring Muscles (うなれ筋肉 Unare Kin'niku)
003. Entrance Exam (入試 Nyūshi) Enji (Fantasy)
004. Starting Line (スタートライン START LINE)
005. Smashing into Academia (はりさけろ入学 Harisakero Nyūgaku)
006. What I Can Do for Now (今 僕に出来ることを Ima Boku ni Dekiru Koto wo) Shōto
007. Costume Change? (服着よう? Fuku Kiyō?) Shōto
001. Midoriya Izuku: Origin (緑谷出久:オリジン Midoriya Izuku: ORIGIN)
002. What It Takes to Be a Hero (ヒーローの条件 Hero no Jōken)
003. Roaring Muscles (うなれ筋肉 Unare Kinniku)
004. Start Line (スタートライン START LINE) Enji (Fantasy)
005. What I Can Do for Now (今 僕に出来ることを Ima Boku ni Dekiru Koto wo) Shōto
006. Rage, You Damn Nerd (猛れクソナード Takere Kuso NERD) Shōto
ENTRANCE EXAM ARC (Chap 1-5): Chap 1 to 4 (and a bit of 5) cover the year that takes place prior to Midoriya entering in U.A. high school, chap 1 taking place the second week of April, when school year begins, then in chap 3 on February 26th there’s the entrance exam and, one week later, Midoriya receives the letter of admission. They’re kind of a prequel to the whole story which, mostly takes place in the following school year and, partly, in the one after it and focus mostly on Midoriya Izuku (Deku) and Yagi Toshinori (All Might), introducing Midoriya’s mother, Inko, and Midoriya’s childhood friend, Bakugō Katsuki. The Todorokis have no real place in this arc, beyond introducing Enji as the Hero Number Two.
In fact, in chap 1, in what’s supposedly the first day of his third year of middle school and, therefore, in the second week of April, while Midoriya is going to school, at 8:14, we can see an image of Endeavor on a giant screen, while he’s sitting on a chair and talking.
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Also due to the colouring his Hero costume appears different than the one he’ll wore later.
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This is clearly his prototype costume, which he shared in the "Ultra Archive" book, along with the prototype description
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We can't say if the scene we see is a commercial, a picture or something that’s happening in real time, just that he's seated and talking and there seem to be an image, possibly a video, behind him, but the fact that his image appears on a TV screen with his name being reported on it, tells us he’s a person important enough to end up on TV and the fact that superimposed to the image there’s what clearly looks like his Hero name also informs us he’s a Hero and how he’s called.
It’s a pity that the anime removed this bit, replacing the TV screen with a commercial, as it’s cool setting information for the story.
In fact in chap 3 we’ve Midoriya giving us further information about the worldbuilding, which lead us to learn the Flame Hero Endeavor (aka Todoroki Enji, though his name isn’t given yet) graduated at U.A. High and is the man who resolved more cases than anyone else in history.
‘Jiken kaiketsu-sū shijō saita! Nenshō-kei HERO “ENDEAVOR”’ 『事件解決数史上最多!燃焼系ヒーロー「エンデヴァー」!!』 “The highest number of cases solved in history! Combustion Hero ‘Endeavor’! !” [Chap 3]
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On a sidenote the fact that Endeavor is called 'Nenshō-kei HERO “ENDEAVOR”’ (燃焼系ヒーロー「エンデヴァー」 "Combustion hero ‘Endeavor’") instead than the usual 'FLAME HERO ENDEAVOR' (フレイムヒーロー エンデヴァー "Flame Hero Endeavor") seems to imply Horikoshi didn't decide yet on his full Hero name...
Also, although this time they were colored correctly (but the coloring for chap 3 was done much later), the chest area on his Hero costume is still the same as in the prototype.
QUIRK APPREHENSION TEST ARC (Chap 5-7): This arc focuses on the first day of Midoriya Izuku at U.A. High and to how his class, class A, meets their homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shōta and skips entrance ceremony and guidance session to immediately have a Quirk apprehension test.
Todoroki Shōto is in the same class as Midoriya so technically he takes active part to what’s going on in this arc but he’s barely shown through the three chapters, only managing to appear in the background for a grand total of three times (2 in chap 6, 1 in chap 7).
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Chap 5 goes so far as to avoids showing him when representing the inside of the class, also due to how Horikoshi isn’t showing the students in what will become their assigned seats, likely because he hadn’t decided on them yet (in Japan seats are usually assigned at the beginning of the year based on the students’ numbers), and we only see glimpses of him in the other two chapters. We know though he got second place in the test, ahead of Bakugō but behind Yaoyorozu Momo.
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BATTLE TRIAL ARC (Chap 7-11): Chap 7 contains the beginning of a new arc. It takes place the second day of school, shows the students of class A having English lessons in the morning, eating at the cafeteria and then informs us that, in the afternoon they’re supposed to have Hero basic training with All Might and, more specifically, they’ll have battle training and, in order to do it, they’ll wear their Hero costumes which were designed in accordance with the special request form they filled before being admitted. Once the students are done wearing their costumes, they're meant to join All Might on "Ground Beta" (運度所 β 'Undosho β').
By the way, the anime shows us the seating of everyone in the class.
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We can see Shōto is in the seat number 15, in the last row and, next to him there are Yaoyorozu Momo (seat number 20) and Satō Rikidō (seat number 10), while in front of him there's Tokoyami Fumikage (seat number 14).
Todoroki Enji is only shown in his Hero costume... though the one he's wearing is the prototype version.
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Todoroki Shōto should have been in his school uniform for some parts of chap5 to 7, though in them he’s never shown wearing it, and the same goes for how he should have worn his Hero costume in chap 7. The only glimpses we’ve of him show him in his gym suit.
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Todoroki Enji is among the Pro Heroes depicted on the cover.
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gaily-daily · 4 months
Now we've all been wondering this whole time what makes Omega so special. They said it's because she's a "pure" clone but what does that even mean really??? How can she be pure when she is a girl not a boy? And if being a pure clone matters so much how come they were so desperate to capture her and yet NO ONE thought about capturing Boba Fett? You know, the original unmodified clone?? And, if this is truly why they need her, why was Nala Se so hellbent on hiding her blood samples from prying eyes? What possible secret could she be hiding about Omega's DNA when supposedly everyone already knows about her?
Because this bitch is LYING! I think Nala Se created something completely different when she created Omega. I think she spliced Jango Fett with crusty man Palpatine! That's why Omega's blood is so special! That's why her body doesn't reject midichlorian injections!
I am of the mind that Dave Filoni does his best work when he's in damage control mode. And even if I'm deadass wrong I will hold onto this theory until my last breath
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renjibozo · 1 year
a coherent (probably not) thought dump about the new buddy daddies PV 3 (and additionally, PV 2)
because i'm sitting crying and need people to hear what i'm thinking about this PV i am brocken
edit: we’re making a few edits because i realized PV 2 exists and now i need to revise some parts so i don’t look like an utter clown next week (and please don’t trust me 100% with translations i’m using my very limited knowledge)
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ok so starting off with this from PV 3, you can hear miri telling rei something along the lines of "Papa Rei! Get home quick, 'kay? Because today's!" before it just cuts to the next voice line
a birthday mayhaps? it might be miri’s birthday, it might be rei’s birthday, or it might be kazuki’s birthday and they’re preparing a surprise. unless it’s something else then literally please ignore this entire section
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in PV 2, you can see her wearing a party hat along with streamers strung up behind her off to the side + another party hat at the corner of the screen
this means there IS a birthday (like i thought earlier before the edit) and it’s rei’s because kazuki is in the same room as miri while they’re talking
“Papa Rei looks lonely sometimes...” - Miri “Isn’t that guy just always grumpy?” - Kazuki
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moving on, kazuki saying something along the lines of "I don't like this season/weather..." and a shot of a drawer opened to reveal a polaroid in the middle of many many knickknacks
judging by one of the shots in the opening,
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his wife probably died in the rain and we're getting more information about the incident because it's been hinted at in the early episodes before it became parenting focused
and adding onto this because of a nice person in the replies!
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the building behind him looks exactly like aozora daycare, just not sure if its the front or back (maybe the front bc of the hint of a blue gate beside him) but there doesn’t seem to be bushes planted anywhere near the spot where you can see the hydrangeas, so maybe it got planted a while later?
considering the clothes he’s wearing, this has to be before the dinner scene and is what leads up to it... the connections are getting stronger
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you cannot convince me that this isn't rei's brother and that he isn't the favorite child
even rei (as seen from a flashback) couldn't call his father "dad" and that he should refer to him as "boss", but then there's this guy fighting him that calls rei's father as "father"
and something something about "Didn't Father tell you to return to the organization?" which implies he escaped the organization and got hired by kyutaro somehow
how he managed to get an apartment? i'll probably just say kyutaro did it i have no idea if he can even make forgeries like kazuki does
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additionally: in PV2 you can see more of the gunfight between who i assume to be rei’s brother (older or younger? who knows)
and i assume this is set while miri and kazuki are waiting for rei to come back because it’s his birthday and they set up a nice surprise party for him, so, hoping he hurries back home because he can’t just stand them up like that on his own birthday
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there must've been some kind of falling out between rei + miri and kazuki because he was screaming "I'm... not your housekeeper!" during dinner
i'm suspecting that they finally got on his nerves if they never pick up after themselves properly or just the small stuff piled up onto kazuki and he had enough despite usually not really minding the fact that he has to do most if not all of the house chores
but another theory i have is that the scene with the photograph is connected and because of the stress, it leads up to him taking it out on rei and miri. i'm distraught i don't want to see this episode but i have to. mfs gonna have a sk8 episode 7 situation and i'm powerless to stop it
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already saw a post or two about this one and i also hope it's just a red herring but judging by the shirt that rei has on which is different from the shirt he wears inside the house in earlier episodes, this was probably right after kazuki's meltdown
maybe kazuki ran off somewhere? maybe miri tried following him and got sick in the process and rei had to come fetch her? i just wonder how desperate rei must've been to run to kyutaro for help even if he's not as wary about kyutaro like kazuki is
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kyutaro's talking about something being a warning because the organization doesn't forgive something (possibly kazurei taking in miri and raising her)
this shot looks like it could've been a flashback from when his wife died because he was wearing a green shirt during the dinner scene
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ignoring the crossed out line because it has to be during the birthday surprise episode because if it really was after kazuki’s meltdown, he has to have been wearing a green shirt. but in the scene where he’s standing in the rain looking a little roughed up, he’s wearing the same exact clothes as here
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and then a shot of rei's father without the shadows mostly hiding his face from a flashback!
he's gonna be a major player in the second half and i am Not Here for it
bonus: i think karin's a spy tasked to idk infiltrate kazuki and rei's apartment and see what they're up to i just know she's gonna be a pain in the ass for them
that's all folks i just needed to get these out right now
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Fic Snip - How To Ruin Your Father's Wedding
Enji said, “The Todoroki family is under a curse to always be second best.”
“Another joke?” Natsuo asked.
“No, I’m serious.” Enji stepped out of the room, then wheeled in a conspiracy theorist corkboard covered in notes and red string. “Just look at all the evidence! Even after All Might retired, I’m still number two hero. Shouto won second place at U.A.’s Sports Festival. Natsuo took second place in his college exams. Most recently, Fuyumi got second place in the neighborhood pie-baking contest.”
Leaning over, Natsuo whispered to his sister, “Dad has cracked.” In a louder voice, he said, “We can all agree that Fuyumi got robbed by the judge’s personal bias against apples. But Dad, it’s just bad luck that you lost the number one hero slot. The HPSC accidentally failed to put you on the popularity poll ballot and the write-in votes weren’t enough. They were accused of rigging it to favor Hawks but found innocent. I know you came up with a million conspiracy theories at the time, but it was all just a mistake.”
Enji continued, “Not only that, but Hisashi married Inko at almost the precise time I married Rei, as if the universe refused to even give me the title of most dysfunctional marriage!”
Shouto sat up straighter. “What do Midoriya’s parents have to do with anything?”
Enji brandished an envelope. “I found proof. Our ancestor from the dawn of the age of quirks wrote a confession letter to his descendants, admitting that he won in an elementary school spelling bee against little girl with a reality-bending quirk. She cursed our entire family to never be first place at anything ever again.”
Shouto’s nose twitched. He did not want to be interested, but he could not resist the siren lure of a conspiracy theory. “Hmm, let me see that letter.” He snatched it up and read rapidly. “It says here that if we can ever become first place at anything, then we can break the curse. The letter writer spent his whole life trying to break obscure Guinness World Records but never succeeded.”
Enji said, “I came to realize that the only way to overcome the curse would be to marry into All for One’s family, thus creating a combined family so dysfunctional that the universe cannot create anything worse and gives up. Then we will finally be number one, even if it’s number one most dramatic family.” He smiled and sighed, his gaze becoming dreamy. “I met with All for One planning to arrange a marriage between our children. I never expected to find him so…charming. We have so much in common. Like competitiveness, wanting to protect our families, relatives who inexplicably hate us, and unpopular opinions about a certain public figure. Mostly that last one. We really bonded over how much we both hate All Might.”
Natsuo laughed out loud. “Okay, you win, you got me to laugh. That was funny! Your delivery is amazing. You really sold your silly prank. Haha, is trash-talking All Might like dirty talk to you? I can hear it now: ‘Ooooo, pound me like you’re drilling into your red-yellow-and-blue archnemesis!’”
This took a fucking TURN
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class1akids · 7 months
Can I please know your thoughts on ch 406?
Spoilers under the cut:
Update on battlefields:
what is shown and what isn't shown is equally interesting. Takoba Arena is confirmed to be Gashly, and it looks like his quirk is to make a flood of scary babies or Chucky dolls? Only Ojirou is shown + Ryukyu who I was sure would be here. I hope we'll get a close-up, as it looks super-creepy. Sero is still nowhere to be seen though, even though we know he'll have a moment
Hagakure still seems to be visible. I wonder if Aoyama glitched her quirk for good or if she'll figure it out how to turn it on / off.
Gunga is not shown at all - I'm guessing because maybe some things are happening as we speak (notably Toga being saved).
Aizawa and Kurogiri reminder confirms that they will be back in play and if Warp Gate is back, others could be coming through.
I didn't think Bakugou's revival would be 80% comic relief tbh, so I'm still recalibrating my brain. But I appreciate how goofy he looks trying to gain control over his quirk upgrade. 🤣 I generally appreciate if someone doesn't get something 100% on first try.
It's also confirmed that pre-upgrade Bakugou doesn't have the power of Endeavor or Dark Shadow - something for the power-scalers to play with. I expect he's gonna get past it though once he figures out how to get his sweat into one focus point?
AFO going again with the "I'm not gonna fight back" and "I'm gonna be a moron because he pisses me off" - ngl is getting really tiring and makes for a worse fight (especially knowing how Bakugou doesn't appreciate opponents not giving their all). I mean, at the moment it's more like a goofy weird game of tag rather than a fight. It feels like the AFO's regressing due to Rewind and Bakugou kind of returning to his child self - so it does have a schoolyard fight energy. I hope once Bakugou does his big boom, we can finally move on from AFO.
Deku activating his last gear shift for the third time is exactly like the PLF war, where he was constantly on his last 100% smash. These just don't do anything for me anymore as there is hardly any follow through. It's also a weird choice to have him activate it but not show what happens (considering how speedy it is) unless he activated it on Bakugou again? Not sure...
I think Deku will eventually go down due to abusing Gear Shift, but the question is how much of the fight with Shigaraki before will be shown. Once Deku is down from the blow-back, things will get desperate - Shigaraki is stronger than prime AFO, so it will take some effort to hold him back unless it's some self-destruct again - so I expect Aizawa and some reinforcements show up to hold back Shigaraki or counter Decay (sounds like a cool way to show off Ochako's awakening) while Deku is catching his breath
Shigaraki I guess is just chilling and not gonna do anything until it's his "scene". It's a bit lame that they have a 1000 quirks between them yet just make faces at each other. I feel like it would work better to see them in dynamic poses, etc.
The purpose of Bakugou being the 2nd's lookalike seems to be an excuse to make AFO even more moronic and have some flashbacks. I'm really curious how Yoichi died so I hope we get more on that.
I guess with Bakugou's parents shown, maybe the "ancestor"-theory is on the table too. Possibly Mitsuki will reveal she's from the Kudou clan? (This theory imho is not very impactful. It's about as important as the reveal that Rei and Geten are both Himuras. It's like a "cool - ok, then" kind of revelation).
Bakugou announcing himself as Kacchan looks like an obvious set-up for another joke about his hero name - where the whole world will know him as Kacchan rather than GEMGD, and Deku will also think it's his hero name.
That's it. It's a set-up chapter. It sets up some gigantic explosion from Bakugou. It sets up once again why AFO is not gonna do anything remotely intelligent. It sets up Deku going down. It sets up another hero name joke. Maybe it sets up more vestige history (I hope the punchline is at least something emotional in the end).
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hangeslefteye · 1 year
That one thing Zeke was better than Reiner
Not a hate post I love Rei <3
I can't believe I'm saying this but does anyone remember this scene?
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Reiner VERY WELL knows owning a titan is terrible so he's trying to protect Gabi from inheriting one but to do this he's forcing Falco :(
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Aaand he keeps going :/ That promise was to protect Gabi from the 'bad future' they will have which is...possibly death.So Reiner literally risks a kid's life to protect one another that's valuable to him.Ofc he somewhat cares about Falco too because he protected him once when Eren attacked Liberio.
I couldn't find the exact chapter/episode but Zeke tells military officials that Colt is 'incapable' of inheriting a titan but he gets shut by the officials.They say it's not up to him to decide.Where else we saw it before?Porco and Marcel of course :/ Back then I thought this was because Zeke wanted to keep his beast titan for his future plans but this chapter says otherwise.
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He hasn't got time.He possibly thinks he won't be able to do it.But he still refuses to 'convince' Colt to apply 'his' plans.On the other hand Zeke got that plan form Xavier.
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His parental issues were taken advantage of and he got manipulated by Xavier to snitch his parents and to inherit the beast titan.I think Xavier somehow knew about Zeke's bloodline so he got close to him.
My point is that Zeke didn't manipulate anyone to risk their lives even though he was manipulated himself.And my other theory is that ALL titan shifters somehow gets picked and convinced by their previous users.Reiner is sadly also included in these owners.
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And also there's an another theory about Zeke giving the meaning of 'trust' to that ball and Eren not catching on purpose was a foreshadowing Zeke actually understood from the beginning.But he went along with Eren anyways.İn the manga chapter it's Zeke and Colt playing it and they both catch <3
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Let's remember Zeke cold bloodedly killing 300 scouts and look at this :/
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agnesmontague · 1 year
buddy daddies theory: rei's mission
gonna drop this into the main tag before any canon can nerf me but i had the theory in the group chat earlier that rei has been on an undercover mission this entire time to keep tabs on kazuki, and miri has been an unforeseen factor in his plan
we don't know how or why kazuki came to live with rei; presumably this happened after his wife died, but who set him up to live with rei, and why? were they partners before the wife's death, or did they only come to know each other afterwards? until we get more solid answers to these questions i had the idea that someone sent kazuki to live with rei--the rich boy, the son of the boss--because rei was tasked with keeping an eye on kazuki for whatever reason.
there are small indications throughout the show that rei really doesn't know much about kazuki at all; this goes both ways, as shown in the "i won't ask." "i wouldn't tell." conversation, but rei always is shown to react whenever kazuki reveals info about himself:
[ep 4]
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[ep 6]
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i think it's very likely that rei is collecting some kind of intel on kazuki as he goes, possibly to report back to headquarters, which would be ironic considering getting intimate with his marks to get info is exactly what we see kazuki doing in ep 1.
this is also why i don't think these two had known each other or even met until after kazuki's wife passed away. they don't give the impression of having worked together for a long time, or at least, they have known each other just long enough to work up a rapport but not enough to actually talk about themselves. which is fascinating considering how much of a married couple they seem to be already, but that's another topic for another day...
another thing i've seen pointed out is that rei doesn't seem too happy at the end of ep6 despite witnessing miri and kazuki being all sweet and lovey-dovey together:
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this could just be a humorous moment--kazuki's overreacting again, or rei also wants to be miri's favorite dad and is jealous--but it's been speculated that rei could also be going through some complex emotions here: it was never supposed to become this complicated. starting a family was never really in the cards for him, but rei is an inveterate collector of strays and got attached to miri just as quickly as kazuki did. and now here we are.
finally, this would serve to rather neatly explain why rei's father's organization seems to be "calling rei back" in the 3rd trailer:
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my running theory is that kazuki and rei were both part of the same organization, but kazuki did something to "betray" or otherwise run counter to the org's principles, thus getting his wife killed. this killing was his "warning", after which he would have come to meet rei:
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now, if rei isn't careful with his newfound family, the organization would target them as well. it would be rei this time who would be getting the "warning", if he got too attached to miri and/or kazuki, who was meant to be his mark all along.
truth be told i'm still not 100% on the pulse of where PA Works seems to be going with these two; we really have no idea how much they want to focus on kazuki and rei as a duo (not even necessarily as a romantic ship, but as a team) as opposed to them naturally just becoming parents to miri. but here's hoping that they've got something juicy in store.
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