#regardless u have fed us well
fatuismooches · 29 days
Op you have feed me (The recent soft Dottore anon) and now you are stuck with me so I offer you Dottore head canons for the soul! He is suspicious when you seem to show genuine interest in his work. No one else in the fatui really has the guts to handle the work he does so it's usually just him and the clones and everyone is terrified of him so when you just treat him like a normal person and express a fascination with his job he does a double take and just mentally makes a note to rummage through your past to see what it is your trying to use him for . . . And he does and it turns up Nothing so he keeps an eye on you which leads to him having you help out in the lab more and he just slowly is like yeah this one's mine now I guess
I have more thoughts for him as well as other harbingers but those are for Not NowTM
Contrary to popular belief, Dottore isn't that bad to work under. He knows how to reward efforts and work, and agents who never thought a Harbinger would bat an eye at them have been rewarded by him in some way, if they manage to impress him of course. If one gets stuck with the younger segments, they can be more difficult to work with, but they still give credit where credit is due.
However, Dottore has never quite met someone like you, in all his centuries of living. He's seen countless Fatuis of many characters come and go in his lab, but none have left an impression on him like you have. There are the ones who are too scared to talk to him, and then the ones who somehow revere and admire him, but no one talks to him like you do. You're just... different, in a good and bad way. Good because finally, someone speaks to him without holding back, for the greatest minds can only be nurtured if you ask questions without fearing the consequences. Bad because he doesn't know what to do when he finds himself enjoying your company instead of keeping it strictly professional.
A part of Dottore tries to push you away, but it doesn't work much when you're one of the only competent people around to help him, so much of your conversation with him grows to be quick and almost snappy. And yet you continue to be kind and interested in his work. He doesn't know whether you're oblivious or hard-headed or- whatever it is, he doesn't know whether it's a strength or weakness either. Not to mention, you're also interested in his other segments' work - ruin machines and mechanics and biology and whatever other areas his segments specialize in. It's really odd and he tries to convince himself that you're annoying, and yet he can't help but be a bit... pleased.
Among all his segments, despite their differences and bickering, the one thing they have in common is their desire to be accepted, to be understood, and yet also how they deny that feeling to the best of their abilities. None of them know how to love, how to treat another softly, and that won't change for you. Yet.
Needless to say, you won't give up. And you won't let Dottore- no, Zandik give up either.
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
I’m not sure if you take Helluva Boss requests, I know you take Hazbin hotel ones (I LOVE your Hazbin content, your writing is so ✨), if you do, could you make some Yandere Mammon headcanons? Tysm and I hope you have a wonderful day!
🥀Cw: yandere behavior, possessiveness, bribing, overall toxicity
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mammon is the literal embodiment of greed and selfishness, and once he sets his sights on you, mammon wants you all to himself
hes the type to start off charming, sickeningly so, until his behavior slowly begins to become more corrupted and controlling
hes all about spoiling you, but not in a good way, he wants you to feel indebted to him
at first you marvel at all of the lavish gifts he gives you, but over time they become suffocating
he pretty much ignores your boundaries, mammon genuinely thinks he knows whats best for you
mammon does not take no for an answer, he pushes and pushes and pushes at your boundaries but turns around and makes you look crazy for snapping at such a silly thing! why would you ever get mad at him, especially when he spoils you rotten and treats you so well? (manipulation level 100)
absolutely the jealous type, at first he plays it off that he just "doesn't want to lose you" or "is worried about your wellbeing", but soon hes restricting you from your friends and family, making himself the sole focus of your attention
mammon highkey gets pissy when you aren't paying attention to him, and will try to coax you into paying more attention either through bribes or being ridiculously needy all of a sudden
he wants you to be his and only his at any given moment, and will even get mad or jealous of inanimate objects that hold your attention
he'd confiscate your phone or any social media you may have, he just can't have his precious jewel looking at other people, can he?
the more you begin to wither away and crumble under his control, the more overzealous he becomes
mammon can't understand why you aren't happy, how could you be so ungrateful? in his twisted mind, you're the one who doesn't deserve HIM
he'll make sexist, disgusting comments around you and will mock your discomfort. at first you think hes joking until you realize, no, hes quite serious
regardless of gender, mammon wants you to be his little house pet, always at his beck and call with dinner on the table and a pretty little outfit on
tears? anger? no, he can't have that. in fact, he'll try to pay you to shut up! mammon will give you gifts in the hope of getting you to quiet down, but its no use. no matter how fed up you get, he never listens. he might as well just lock you in your room if you aren't going to stop talking.... so, he does
if you ever try to leave him, be prepared for one hell of a break down
mammon will pull every abusive trick in the book- from gaslighting, to fake tears, to anger and outrage, he is desperate for you to stay, even if only to watch you crumble even more
if you ever manage to "leave", know that you probably won't be truly alone for at least a while. mammon has eyes everywhere, and for as long as he's concerned, youre his and his alone
hes def a perv too, but those r hcs for another time😇
HELPP IVE NEVER WRITTEN ANY YANDERE CONTENT BEFORE SO IM SORRY IF THIS IS ASS- IVE ALSO NEVER WRITTEN FOR MAMMON SO I HOPE I DID HIM JUSTICE HES SUCH A SHITHEAD (affectionate <3) i might make a nsfw pt 2 if anyone wants me too- anyways hope yall enjoyed!!!
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anintrovertedechoe · 11 months
what nicknames / terms of endearment do you think the brothers would call MC ?
to all the people who sent in prompt requests im so sorry it’s the illness i swear-
Pet Names the Brothers Call MC
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heart’s dearest
okay so i read this in a fic once and it’s a guilty pleasure of mine now i absolutely adore this pet name and fully believe Luce would call you this it’s canon guys there’s no room for objection
you bloom in his presence and he will nourish your growth with everything he has to make sure you never wither away
this one i think would be for either softer moments OR when he’s fed up with you and he’s like ‘darling, please get Cerberus off of you, he’s over 400 pounds it’s not safe for you to let him sit on you like that’ and ur jus like ‘hehe ouppy’
honorable mentions: dear/dearest, precious, dove, angel (teehee)
cmon guys we all know that he would call you this it’s basically canon I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN RAHHH 🗣️🗣️‼️ he’s so sweet my baby mwah mwah. I can’t see him calling you jewel or ruby or anything like that it’s too formal for him. maybe diamond ??
yk how crows are his familiars? yeah. plus whenever he looks at you he feels his heart soar and he thinks not even the sky is the limit when it comes to the two of you. you just make him so happy bro :(
once again i think this could be used for softer or sadder moments BUT also when he’s like being silly or cheeky w you hes so babygirl coded he so meow
honorable mentions: darlin’, babe/baby, angel (he would also call you this but it’s less intense and more casual), human
cmon u thought I would forget? ur always gna be his human :)
let’s be so fr he would be so HESITANT to call you anything he’s so cringefail (affectionate) but let’s see hmm
player two
he wouldn’t be like ‘my player two :)’ but he would call you that affectionately while talking to you he’s a gamer he can’t help it !! ur always by his side, the best teammate he cld ask for :(
he calls you star whenever he’s like super excited like if you defeat a really hard level for him or together WITH him it’s really cute but he gets all embarrassed afterwards dbsjskjebe
okay so ik what y’all are thinking, no way mans has the guts to call you this BUT HEAR ME OUT. he’s feeling vulnerable and sad and youre like the sun for him! he (lizard style) feels like he can bask in your warmth and you brighten his days. you’re comforting him while he’s resting his head on your shoulder and after a while he feels better, offering a shy smile and a, “thanks, sunshine.”
honorable mentions: henry, mana (u recharge him !!), oyster (he tried calling you pearl once but blurted out oyster instead. he doesn’t call you this but you refuse to let it go and he hates it #loserboy(affectionate))
my heart
cmon have you never heard his song ‘read my heart’ ??? you taught him how to love; you have such a tight grip on his heart that it might as well be yours by now
beautiful / gorgeous
this man is so smooth sometimes WITHOUT EVEN TRYING he genuinely finds you breathtaking he’s not even trying to be slick this is a genuine nickname for you,,,making kissy faces at him rn.
love / lovely / my love
he loves you send tweet. but he’s honestly so sweet and genuine about it. he has this precious small little smile on whenever he calls you it in public and he looks so boyish and sweet how can you not fall for him??? he left you with no choice
honorable mentions: my light, my fire, ladybird (regardless of gender)
you’re genuinely precious to him. this man adores you with every fiber of his being. you jus mean ??? everything to him???
cutie / cutiepie
ur just so adorable to him like LOOK AT THIS LITTLE HUMAN ??? adorable. when he’s feeling especially overwhelmed by you he pulls out the cutiepie and pinches your cheeks and sometimes it kinda hurts :(( dw tho he’ll treat you to an exclusive all inclusive asmo night just for the two of you if you let him know, so…no complaints here!
he may have been the jewel of the heavens but you’re by far the most precious jewel he has come across. he treats you like you’re priceless—only makes sense that the name fits the action.
honorable mentions: darling, sweetheart/sweetie, honey, lovely
okay so he loves food but he doesn’t wanna call you something that’s OBVIOUSLY food related because he loves you in a different way he loves food yk??? and he wants you to know he sees you as more than that. so he calls you sweets because just thinking about you makes him feel like sugar’s melting softly on his tongue
spoilers! yk the life candle incident thing? yeah. you basically are his life force with what you did. he’ll never forget that. you are his driving force, his life, his flame <3
IT SOUNDS SO WEIRD AT FIRST but just listen okay 😭 it started off as teddy bear when he first started to try and come up with pet names for you but he didn’t like how that made you sound because yeah you may be human but you are the strongest being he has ever had the honor of meeting ?? you make him feel so capable and strong but the fact that you also have his back makes him feel…strange (he has butterflies guys)
honorable mentions: buzz (bees make honey plus based off a hc of what MC calls the boys), baby, fire
(i had such a hard time with him guys 😭)
bug / lovebug
LISTEN. THIS BITCH IS SO ANNOYING. (affectionate) he started calling you bug and you didn’t know where it came from and so you asked and he said ‘like a bedbug. bc ur annoying.’ he’s so mean i hate him :((( but he’s always been a bit of a brat what can u expect…definitely not him adding love to it. he called you lovebug when your guard was down and when you looked at him in shock the absolute cutest most sweet smile took over his face??? this is not fair cmon
bip / bips / bippy
it started as ‘personal body pillow’ bc belph is an entitled little mf and eventually got shortened to ‘bp’ pronounced ‘bip’ and then it evolved. complain all you want but you enable him by letting him use you as a personal pillow man. hes so cute when he shuts his mouth tho you can’t help it :((
he thinks its a cute nickname send tweet. but in all honestly belphie is sweet when he wants to be and he thinks ur super cute ! he usually calls you bunny when he’s teasing you but the name will slip out in an occasional moment of vulnerability <3
honorable mentions: babe, mommy (gn), buttercup, the first initial of your name
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hopefully ygs like this i started struggling after a while 😭
parts of these come from bits of canon from my own inner world but honestly the boys all love you and are really sweet so ☹️🫶
beel and belphie were especially hard because i really think they would mostly just use variations of your name but I TRIED MY BEST HOPEFULLY IT WAS TO UR SATISFACTION
send an ask over if you want me to do the dateables or alternatively, what MC/you call the brothers!
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nashusglasses · 9 months
folds in the gown
note: a writing exercise in pining/tension. the thing with writing Suguru is that he’s so…. Severe. As I say back home: gets mo ko?! You feel ? Like!! he's an enigma to me!! I hope I did him justice, please let me know ;_;!!!!!!!!
note 2: if you're coming from my kpop blog then you might have already read a similar jk fic. as u can see i love royalty AUs mixed with a little secrecy and private love affairs :3 listen to rosyln by bon iver if u wanna know the vibe !
PAIRING. bodyguard!geto/king's sister!reader SETTING. royalty au WARNINGS. suguru's POV. does catching someone naked count as voyeurism? regardless, suggestive content! SUMMARY. He shouldn't see you like this, but you make it hard to look away.
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Dawn would break soon.
Suguru supposed he should be grateful. There had been no sightings of bandit squads, and the terrain of the roads were, at most, gratingly bumpy against the uneven wagon wheels. Two days of travel in relative peace. 
It was the heat that was getting him.
Even the horses teetered on the brink of exhaustion. Kento made the call earlier. No use in continuing if the damn horses keep whining like that, and they’d continued east at your suggestion. Kashino River. Suguru remembered those yearly trips to your grandparents’ estate. There was no need to follow wooden peg signs for directions. You just had to find the fallen tree on the river bank where lightning struck seven years ago, and you knew you were four hours away from the city. 
Sundown came with an oppressive orange heat, giving way to the cooler purple of the stars Suguru had waited all day for. The blackened stump of that tree came into view within thirty minutes.
The horses were fed. Canvas tents pegged into the nearest grass clearing, wagons stationed in a semi-circle to surround the fire pit. Suguru kept watch, Toge and Maki posted along the perimeter. 
Kento, tucked into sheepskin, was snoring. Suguru was almost disgusted by how comfortable he looked. Despite the chill of nightfall, he was still struggling to regulate his temperature. His leather jerkin discarded the second he’d dismounted off his horse, and Kento was still fully clothed.
Your sac of sheepskin was remarkably empty, however. 
Suguru stood. The bark of the tree under his ass leaving harsh indents, and he dusted the dirt and ants off. There was only one place you could be.
The river wasn’t far from where they’re stationed. The dense foliage of the trees teased Suguru with tiny bits of moonlight for guidance, and he tripped more than once on gnarled roots. He knew it wasn’t graceful for a skilled soldier like him, but he’d been irritable all day. Fuck elegance.
Where the forest spilled into the riverbank was where your clothes lay. The white fabric of your dress marred with splashes of mud, and Suguru furrowed his eyebrows. You were nowhere to be found.  
The water gave it away first. A little ripple, the surface tension taut with resistance. Then your wet head bobbing up to the surface, your quick inhale, and Suguru realized his shoulders were tight. Out of worry, first. Then came the sharp realization that you were, in fact, naked not even five steps away from him, and he almost rolled his eyes at your brazenness.
(He did, secretly, blush.)
“You should be sleeping, Your Grace,” he said in greeting.
The water lapped quietly where you trod. “You of all people should know I don’t take to heat well,” you responded. 
Of course he did. You would burst into complaints the second you felt it was too hot, and he’d been victim to your griping more than enough times. Today, the key phrase: almost there, Your Grace, followed by your groaning. 
He stared upwards. Wringing his hands, trying his hardest not to watch where your shoulders shone under the moon. Where your neck met your spine, wet. 
Suguru was not a strong man when it came to you.
“You didn’t tell anyone where you went.”
“But you knew where to find me.”
(His fingers twitched.) 
“You’re predictable,” he answered. “And in need of rest.”
“I’ll sleep in the wagon.” You turned to face him. He steeled his eyes. Willed himself into focus. Your eyes glittering with quiet mischief, rivulets of water sliding down your collarbone, your sternum–
The moon, shaped like a saucer. Orion’s Belt. Kento snoring like a bear. He kept his gaze up, diverted his train of thought. 
“The king will be upset knowing you wandered off by yourself.” 
“Satoru would have done the same thing.” Suguru knew this. If you were short-tempered, your brother was the worst kind of irascible. “And I have you here with me.”
He wondered how you did it. The way you molded him from hard lines into something softer. Malleable. He refused the smile tugging on his mouth. 
“I much prefer you somewhere close. And clothed,” he emphasized, even though everything in him screamed the opposite. 
Of course, you lived to defy.
“As you wish,” you agreed. 
You pressed your hands into the dirt, hauling yourself up from the dark water. Standing right in front of him, so boldly bare. Dripping. Suguru froze into place. His eyes and brain lagging into different rhythms–don’tlookdon’tlookdon’tlook–his gaze, greedy for a millisecond of shameless beauty–your hips, soft belly, brea–don’tlookdon’tlookdon’tlook–
For the first time today, he shivered. You wrung your hair. 
“Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a pair of tits before,” you drawled. You bent over to grab your dress, yanking the fabric over your head, your arms. “I’ll go dry by the fire.”
Suguru gulped, then nodded. You left.
He stared at the dirt, clumping into a dark brown where you stood. He dragged a frustrated hand on his hot cheeks, wondering what he did in his past life to suffer so terribly good like this.
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judas-redeemed · 5 months
Hi 💐 I adore your poetry and I had a question. How would you suggest to improve poetry? I write and I've posted here as well but never received any proper feedback which I can use. Tips?
hello!!! this is so sweet, thank u for the support and i'm so honored u'd want my advice.
first of all, im gonna say poetry is a very individual thing, and what works for one person doesn't work for others. also, if u'd like me to critique specific works, i could probably be more thorough and i am so happy to do so, but that's obviously entitely up to u.
that being said, here's some things i've learned.
1. don't write what you think people will like, write what works in ur brain. this doesn't mean it has to be smth u have directly experienced, but more so an emphasis on having smth that matters to u more than smth u think others will care abt. i've found that my poems that have received the most love are the ones i thought "this is so niche and specific, i have no idea if anyone will relate to this or like this at all." as cheesy as it sounds, being honest in whatever way that works for u rlly is best
2. this is actually a rule i believe i heard abt comedy, but i find it rings very true of poetry as well: combine the specific w the broad. there are certain points of humanity i think are shown pretty much across the board. finding the very exact and nitty gritty feelings and thoughts and expressing that is usually what makes a great poem. to give an example, all of us are lonely sometimes. what makes writing abt it interesting could be writing smth like feeling lonely when u go to the grocery store, wishing u had someone to grab something from the top shelf for u and hold ur hand in the dairy aisle.
3. this is more personal preference, but i like the opening and closing lines to kinda form a circle. i don't know how to explain this exactly, but i like it all kinda come back to this point, not necessarily in words but more so in theme. i especially like when something's changed, and the same idea now has new nuance. a good example of this from my works would be in the world is ending. i began with the sentiment "there's nothing i can do about it" and ended with "it will be enough" both involve a lack of control, but where it began with helplessness, it ended with acceptance.
4. experiment!! try so many cool things!!! change up spacing and structures! try new words and phrases! use repitition! use long lines, use short phrases! the best way to find your specific writing niche is through trial and error.
5. similarly, in terms of gaining skill in writing poetry, quantity over quality. the best way to write a poem u love is to write a hundred u think are garbage. eventually u learn what works for u, but more than that, practice really does make perfect. or at least better. i started off writing the cringiest, most angsty and awful poems u can imagine. since u already have been writing and posting, u've already started this. but don't let urself get so frustrated u stop writing. writing is so beautiful and healing and wonderful. if u love it, keep it in ur heart forever and don't let it go.
this has already been so long so i think im gonna stop there. i hope this was helpful, i am by no means an expert and i am sure none of this is new advice. i bet ur writing is rlly cool!! and regardless, we all have smth worth saying, and im proud of u for saying it.
be warm and well fed
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sojutrait · 1 year
wait so eileen wanted a separation even before she found out about the cheating yesssss... do you think the girls’ reactions to it changed after/if they found out 👀 also was it a mod that gave the separation announcement/reactions or did you make those moodlets yourself? they’re sooo tasty <3
she wanted an at least temporary separation mostly because of her being fed up about his criminal lifestyle affecting the family 😭😭 like sir it was cute and fun in the beginning but now u have 4 kids and the family lost like 20k just in his fines 😭 the cheating was just the icing on the cake. the twins are also sick of him regardless of the cheating because he missed their birthday and their formative years being locked up (they actually used to be closer with him than eileen but they got closer to her once he was in prison) , him cheating on their mom just makes it worse 🗿🗿 abby and hayden are too young to really know what's going on so they don't really have any ill feelings towards him. abby and him are the closest but hayden barely even knows him bc he was locked up when she was so young, but she was the most excited for him to be back and to develop a relationship with him 🤧🤧🤧 and nah its woohoo wellness!
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v-anrouge · 4 months
Doggy Day Care Ideas!
Small Dog Section!
Riddle is the dog who is bossy and definitely throws fits when someone takes a toy he has deemed as his, regardless if he is playing with it.
Cater refuses to be friends, and honestly doesn’t do good with doggy daycare. He doesn’t stay often.
Ace riles up the other dogs a lot, then screams when they rightfully stand up for themselves.
Leona likes to sleep on top of others toys, or I front of the food or water bowls so nobody can use them. Leona could go with big dogs but he scares most of them with his loud barks when he’s angry. Smaller dogs tend to be ready to put down.
Azul excited pees every time. He also is a cuddle hog and fights dirty to get attention. He’s known to fake a limp.
Jade technically is a med dog but does better with the small dogs, he and his brother MUSTA BE SEPARATED or they fight over everything and start a riot.
Jamil is always yelling at the bigger dogs when he sees them very big dog agressive, except to Kalim. Epel also is big dog aggressive, and refuses to back down from any and all fights.
Ortho is a pure boy who does nothing wrong ever.
Lilia likes climbing the fence.
Big dog section!
Trey and Deuce are angels and have never done a bad thing in their life.
Ruggie is a food aggressive and has to be fed separately and in a crate.
Jack doesn’t know his own strength or size sometimes, and always feels bad whenever he accidentally hurts someone.
Floyd also doesn’t know his strength or size, and can’t read body language well. He reminds many people of a puppy, but it’s not cute anymore.
Kalim likes to try and swim in the water bowl.
Vil screams if you get him dirty, sounds like a husky sometimes. He also is super picky so also has to be fed separately because of his specific diet.
Rook stalks and hunts the other dogs, nobody likes it.
Idia is too nervous and doesn’t go to doggy daycare, he and Cater sometimes have doggy play dates though where they both refuse to leave their owners sides.
Malleus really wants to be friends with everyone but because of his coat type the other dogs can’t entirely tell what he is and get scared. He’s trying.
Silver likes to sometimes sleep on top of other dogs, and with his size he can sometimes squish them.
Sebek should be with the little dogs but he is kind of rough with playing so he’s with the big dogs for safety. Screams when Silver sleeps on him.
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levmada · 2 years
college au and "we can order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want." and visit? but with levi comforting us this time?🥺
suki all your hurt/comfort requests have FED me thank u. i definitely didn’t base this fic off a real life experience btw. i hope u like it!!😌
One muse shows up at the other’s doorstep in tears.
content/warnings: pining Levi pining Levi, hurt/comfort, mention of cheating, college sucks basically
wc: ~1.3k
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You really thought you had yourself together by the time you reach Levi’s apartment door. You had one whole flight of stairs to cut away the knot twisting your throat, and to wrangle the shakes in your hands.
But here you are on his doorstep, hiccuping softly, smearing tears across your cheeks. That dumb welcome mat of a panda peeking over ‘WELCOME!’ in quirky font that Hange gave him as a gag gift for his housewarming mocks you.
(It doesn’t fit him at all. The only reason Levi kept it is to have visitors wipe their feet at the door.)
You’re overreacting. It’s just, all these issues have been piling up until you hit your last straw today.
First of all, your roommate is useless. You hate to say that about someone, especially a first-year, but it was up to her to wash the dishes and take out the garbage three days ago. And for two consecutive nights she instead went out. The night before she was complaining about period pains, so she was bedridden all day.
Admittedly, you’re a petty bitch and you two agreed that it was her responsibility, so you just left. That was today.
Most recently, the dorm was picking up such a disgusting stink that you went to shower, but the water was freezing, so you gave up.
At any time, showering off is a smart idea whenever you go to see Levi. You’re just friends, but you’ve seen strangers he has unapologetically wrinkled his nose at. As friends, Levi’s jeers at Hange for their lack of hygiene is relentless, but as long as you’re apologetic, he’ll throw you some deodorant.
But you’re not clean, and shit, even if you were, you plan to apologize for showing up unannounced like this.
You’re still rolling explanations around in your head when the door abruptly shudders open, revealing a disgruntled Levi in the biggest sweater you have ever seen, at least for someone as small as him. It could double for a white dress—the hems wave around his lower thighs and totally swallow his hands—but he has sweatpants on regardless.
“What’re you doing here?” he asks, a little lamely.
You inwardly chastise yourself for forgetting. One of the metal rungs on the stairs is notoriously squeaky. It would be up to Levi to fix it, only he never bothers because it keeps him from having to install a doorbell.
Mikasa says he’s frugal to a fault.
“Well, I...” That knot in your throat makes a reappearance, and with a vengeance. “I-I didn’t know where else to go. I’ve just, been kinda having a shitty day.”
You sob softly and open your mouth to explain, but Levi has already stepped away with the door at his back, motioning with his head for you to come inside. You were too busy staring at your shoes to notice the distressed furrow in his brow until now.
“Well? What’re you waiting for?”
“Oh, thank you!”
“Don’t thank me,” he continues to grumble once the door is shut. His eyes follow you as you shuffle your shoes on the mat and kick off your shoes.
He then insists he take your coat. Then your scarf. And hat.
“This is what friends do, isn’t it?”
“You won't believe the day I had!”
You don’t need to ask permission to launch into a rant about the past few days; you have a lot to get off your chest.
You give him a recap of every shitty thing that has happened, with a couple choice words to describe your roommate—“Probably a spoiled brat anyway,” he remarks—but you hesitate to rant about your boyfriend.
Levi makes a face from his spot bundled up on the couch the second the topic comes up. That sweater, a gift from you, threatens to swallow his knees like it does his wrists.
“Did he do something?” Levi asks, tone dark.
He has a bit of protective streak around everyone, so you always remind yourself not to look into it too much. Your boyfriend just happens to not be so great, sometimes.
“Maybe,” you acquiesce, followed by a stressed sigh. “I mean, I don’t know for sure. I shouldn’t assume.”
Levi raises a brow.
So, maybe your boyfriend hasn’t been paying much attention to his phone the last couple days, because you’ve barely texted even though he’s been active on all his other social media.
It’s not a total shift from the attention you’re used to getting—
Levi cuts you off in the middle of your depressing monologue. “Don’t let him get away with that shit. He’s supposed to pay attention to you.“
“He’s just busy most of the time,” you argue weakly, wringing with your hands, which are freezing. “He has a full workload, plus a job, and the track team...”
Levi huffs through his nose and crosses his arms. “Not an excuse.”
You kind of regret saying anything. Never ever will Levi ever relent and comment anything positive when it comes to your boyfriend.
Does it make you a bad person that you find his over-protectiveness kind of super comforting?
You go on to explain, “He completely ghosted me three days ago.” You thrust your phone up in the air to bolster your point, but Levi is too far away, and so he ends up jerking your wrist closer to his face to read the messages (or lack thereof).
“Who the fuck replies with ‘K’ to a good morning message?”
To your relief, steam is practically pouring out of his ears; you feel less crazy for being upset.
“I know, right?”
You pull away, your knuckles brushing as you do.
Clearing your throat awkwardly, you try to rejoin your train of thought. “So, I thought hanging out would make me feel better, only I showed up without telling you, so I’m sorry.”
“Be sorry that you stink.” He shows you a sour look.
That’s the thing.
“I don't have any hot water. Either she’s been taking a lot of baths, or the pipes froze. You know, wintertime.”
“Why not both?” he scoffs, but then, he turns a little sheepish. “Look… I don’t mean to assume, but your roommate’s been flaking on you for three days now, right?”
You blink. “Yeah.”
“And your…” Then he sighs. “Nevermind.”
Frowning, you stare down at the cushions. Is that anxiety in your chest, or your heart shaking, threatening to shatter? Him, cheating on you?—With your own roommate? Sure, they have track together, but.
Levi pulls you out of your mind. “I see that shitty look on your face. Just forget what I said. You shouldn’t assume, remember?”
You sulk. Everything else you’ve been dealing with considered, should you let yourself be surprised?—Put more energy into being hurt? The relationship isn’t that serious, but shit, new tears are filling your eyes.
You sniff. “You know what? I’m being stupid. I’ll go home and take a shower.”
“Is…” Levi turns red. “Is it because of what I said?”
“No!” you say, a little too fast. “I just don’t know how I didn’t see that sooner, really. I’ll be back after I shower.”
As you go to stand, Levi also hops to his feet and discreetly sidesteps so he blocks the front door.
He puts on hand on his hip in defiance. “No, you’ll freeze. Use my shower.”
You gawk at him. “Levi, I couldn’t.”
“Use my water?” He deadpans. “Please. The landlord covers it. I’ll make dinner so you don’t have to deal with more disgusting dishes.”
That, you won’t let slide. On your feet, you wander over and flick his forehead. He makes a face at you, but the hardness in his expression has smoothed over.
“You’re too kind,” you murmur, and look down.
Does it also make you a bad person that you kind of wanna kiss his cheek?—Are those butterflies in your belly?
“I’m not,” he stammers. “You can. You… You had a shitty day. We can order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want.”
When you look up, it’s his turn to stare at the ground. The pink blush rising to his cheeks compliments his total shyness, and—
He’s being really, really cute.
So… you surrender. Movie night and pizza with Levi it is.
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blood-bound · 11 months
im a mark newbie so.. lets get some mark facts in here
and for my own curiosity 💞 (tzimisce)
a... a mark newbie. love that. u will not be for Long following me... not for long. . . . . :D And me saying "ive answered this before" is NOT a bad thing at all I'm just giving you All The Info :D
🏴 What are their allegiances? (Camarilla/Anarch/Independent/etc)
Mark is in real deep in the Camarilla. He had a chance to go Sabbat... but alas... they left a bad impression and his coterie-mate kind of. expedited the war between them and the camarilla so he didn't get a chance. He thinks the anarchs are a danger to themselves. but regardless of his preferences his sire wants him in the Camarilla, that's all he knows, and he has territory through them. So Camarilla he will stay!
🧛‍♀️ Do they have any preference regarding who they feed on/how they feed?
He's Mr. Sandman... (man me a sand) He's not really comfortable feeding from conscious people. It's too intimate. also see below
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He still HAS fed from conscious people though. His territory doesn't have many sleeping ppl unfortunately. He also feeds from stored blood in the chantry often. But it tastes Bad (his blood potency is low enough to be able to live off of bagged blood but he needs twice as much, so we flavor it that it tastes bad.)
Oh i've answered this before as well:
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👷🏻‍♂️ What are their opinions on mortals?
Close to canon quote (trying to remember it) when asked this question: "We're different from mortals, but they're sentient and just as intelligent as us. Some of us only get smarter because we have immortality. But I don't understand how some kindred see them as no more than cattle. We all used to be mortal, after all." He's also frustrated at kindred who don't seem to care about all that humanity is achieved. When he has some time, he's gonna relook at all history to see which developments were influenced by kindred.
🧥 The Sabbat?
He sees them as more inhuman and more ruthless than the other sects - he does NOT fuck w em. Solidly negative opinion. He saw some really horrible shit at sabbat camps and hates how they totally disregard human life. He also agrees with the principle that the masquerade is essential.
🚫 Have they ever broken one of the Traditions? (This is includes the Masquerade)
I've answered this before !
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For Uh at least a little context. Gaius: Tremere Regant/Primogen, rival of Mark's sire Julius.
💞 Do they have any opinions on The Tz?
Mark's only encountered 1 to his knowledge and she was. Well. Horrifying. Didn't say a WORD. Had a flesh chair. AND was Sabbat. Plus, all the other anti-tz sentiment in the Camarilla... So Mark has a solidly negative opinion of them, sadly. But he also recognizes that kindred r more than their clan and is more concerned with sect - so if a Tz tried to interact with him, and they weren't Sabbat and he believed it, he would be willing to give them a shot. :D
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discet · 2 years
Two worldbuilding questions for your fic:
-Are there any sort of serious organized religions across Amphibia, or is there just a general attitude of" live and let live" on that topic?
-Outside of unruly Toad Lords and the like, are there any even vaguely serious opposition movements groups against Andrias/Newtopia currently? I for one think it would be funny if Sasha and Yunnan stumbled upon a bunch of proto-socialist frogs, and the entire thing turned into a Monty Python sketch.
Oh, these are fun questions
Ancient Times
So in all likelyhood prior to the creation of the music box and the establishment of the Leviathan Dynasty as supreme rulers of Amphibia. There were probably a small variety nature based beliefs and polytheistic beliefs. Considering the small size of the continent they were likely a lot of overlap and borrowing of the various deities and building a rich tapestry of mythology. After the uniting of Amphibia under the Leviathans, this would have changed.
The Imperial Cult
After the rise of the empire, its rulers sought to make the state the new religion. While for a time the old ways were tolerated so long as they didn't interfere with ones duty to the state, eventually such traditions were cracked down upon. There was resistance, but thousands of years and massive power disparity the box gave the ruling class slowly saw these elements stamped out of public life.
Eventually the Monarch of Amphibia was seen as basically a god king, supported by the ancient life spans they were able to reach thanks to the contributions of the moss men. Throughout the continent, service to the empire and its conquests were performed without question. Serving in the army, crafting of weapons, or even humbly farming to keep their betters fed, service to the empire was a given. Beaurocrats were treated like priests. Magistrates and Generals were treated with the respect and reverence of high clergy
Without the forward momentum of conquest to keep everyone's focus, the imperial cult lost influence in day to day life during Andrias's rein. It has still influences the culture by the fact that no one really questions the social hierarchy and Why Things Are the Way They Are.
Mystery Cults
Some ancient religions survived by going underground away from the eyes of society. Usually revering a single god or hero among the old pantheons. Almost none of the original cults have survived the full length of the empire, and those that did have been deeply changed simply by the stories being retold generation to generation.
However this style of worship did spawn new groups unrelated to the old ways. Examples include some toad cults that worship Barrel as something more than just a cultural hero and the village from chapter three who rallied around the founder.
Regardless, these cults are few and far between and almost never extend past a single community.
Modern Religious Landscape For the Average Person
Most residents of Amphibia do not have a common worship as much as a hodgepodge of folk tales that explain why things are the way they are. Some are new, some are ancient tales and myths that survived as tales. None are really 'believed' in or worshiped and vary from different locals.
Political Movements
Not a whole lot of organized resistance no. Inside of Newtopia there are those who have high minded aspirations of changing society, they are largely of the 'we'll convince the government of our way of thinking' variety, not the 'burn it down and rebuild on the ashes' type.
Outside of Newtopia, well, there's been spurious rebellions and riots against Newtopian/Toad authority, but they are normally poorly thought out and don't get far before the hammer is brought down. The mere act of trying to run for office as a frog is enough to warrant execution by Toad Tower. Even if you don't do anything illegal, trying to upset the status quo in any way is met with violence.
This however is very funny and I will be using it as a seen in an upcoming arc.
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aquagustd · 2 years
i just want to say that i had a relationship similar to hie jk and oc. we fought so badly and said the worst things to each other but we always came back because it was what we were used to. its all about the forgiveness. being comfortable with the dysfunction is common unfortunately.
this story is very realistic in my eyes because to me they seem like theyre all so in deep with each other like on a soul level that regardless of how toxic it can be, one person is not necessarily more evil than the other. in other words, everyone thinks theyre justified. both jk and oc were young in love and that sticks so much to a person. im talking literally for ur whole life. feelings u cant help, merely because of the memories you shared and what you end up building together. jk is a broken person and so is she. not to mention now they have a kid! they literally cant get rid of each other for good unless they fight to the death. they also cant get past their old selves. hopefully they overcome that with compromise and work. depends on who wants to fully commit to that 🤷🏻‍♀️
finding love through trauma bonding is real!although not the healthiest, it is unpredictable and intense and passionate. i truly think that oc is not a fool she is just human. people forget how easy it can be to fall right back into a cycle of hurt if no one decides to change. their dynamic is different because they HAVE changed in some ways. maybe not completely but its progressing and it seems like the spark will always be there between jk and oc. they both obviously care at least an ounce about each other. just the subtle yearning is significant.
you can also love two people at the same time just in different ways. who you decide to build your relationship with doesnt mean u stop all feelings for someone else. with time love will be tested and all that matters is who will make who the happiest!! not excusing any of the horrible behavior, but everyone shows their ugliest sides when they dont know what they want from life. its just what it is. good news tho, i think almost all of the characters are fed up with the dysfunction and want peace. junho is a blessing because it takes everyones minds of themselves, and they selflessly think about that child. other than sora (lol) i truly believe that junho has both his parents and their friends rooting for him and want to step up to the plate so that can have a better life than any of them. junho comes first!!!
idk i like to think im an empath of some sort. well done on the update, cant wait to see how the rest of it develops. :) i love both ships tbh
ahh bb literally everything you said 🥹 i teared up a bit ngl. the part where you said everyone has junho to try & take their minds of the dysfunction is so true 😭 not just oc & jk but also yoongi :(
whatever you said about jk & oc is true too !! no matter what, no matter how shitty the other person acts you just can’t help your feelings. especially when they were once a good person. you’re constantly thinking that the old them is still somewhere in there & that’s kind of how oc feels too. (even though she won’t say it)
i’m so happy you’re seeing hie for what it is !! & i’m so sorry to hear about your past relationship 🥺 i hope you’re doing better bun <3 and tysm for reading and always being so sweet !! ♡
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lawandaccounting · 9 months
Theft - is it truly immoral?
I remember attending a lecture at UCL in which the host discussed controversial questions related to morality and law. In it, he posed the question of 'Is theft truly such a bad thing?'. I decided to research this question, because while theft is obviously illegal, does that make it immoral? Is it possible to separate morality and legality?
To discuss this question, I would like to bring up different philosophers/philosophies: Kant believes in an absolutist approach, which is that under all circumstances, theft is wrong and there are no exceptions to moral rules. However, utilitarianists believe that stealing would be moral if it increases benefits to the most amount of people.
With this, let us put an extremely well known scenario of stealing bread as a poor man for your family.
In this situation, we are forced to look at our morality in a nuanced way, as it puts us in the reality that not everything is black and white. While my personal morals tell me 'stealing is wrong', in this situation could I apply my morals and judgement to someone who clearly did it not out of malice, but out of exigency? I believe this is what makes us hesitate in these situations: what was the motive?
In this specific scenario, let's assume that the bakery is an immensely wealthy global franchise.
Now Kant would keep with the stance that no matter what, this is still wrong because it has caused harm to the other party, regardless if it was microscopic to a franchise such as this. This is a reasonable approach because it also poses the question that if we put exceptions to our morals, then they could lose importance and gravitas. Where do we stop if we're inconsistent with our rules for every situation? On the other hand, it is important that we look into the context of the situation when we make a judgement - it is a reason we have courts and lawyers.
On the contrary, a utilitarianist might believe that this was an okay thing to do, as it has not impacted a large franchise but has fed a large amount of people - the family. This is a very valid argument as it does put into perspective how these actions would play out in a real situation; it clearly has not affected the bakery as it has not felt the impact of one loaf of bread being stolen - one could argue that what's a man stealing a loaf of bread in comparison to the amount of bakery goods they throw out at the end of the day.
Now let me change the situation - in this case we assume that the bakery is a small business, does not buy its ingredients through economies of scale but buys organic and free range ingredients, which would definitely be more costly, therefore their profit would clearly not be to the extent a large business or franchise would have. Let's say this is local and family owned: is this same action now immoral?
It is clear what Kant would believe in this situation: unwavering in his argument, however what would utilitarianists now say? The motive is still the same, but clearly stealing a loaf of bread from this family is causing harm to their business, as they now can feel the effects of this theft. However, technically, the ones who would feel the most distress would most likely be the starving family.
Is it still immoral?
It is so interesting to see how the dynamic changes in these situations, and how our feelings change towards them too. This is what I want to find out: why is it we feel this way when it is certainly written in the law, religions, and many philosophers that all theft is indiscriminately wrong? It seems not everything is black and white.
Now let us look at what the law would say.
The law would say yes to both situations, obviously, but it is arguable that convicting the first situation is by itself immoral. This is due to the initial factor, which would be that a man should not have to get to a point in his life in where he has to steal a loaf of bread to feed his family. But should the law be so fixed? This situation might seem unrealistic and cliché, however its reflected in our society time and time again: parents stealing baby formula to feed their children, people stealing clothing, food, hygiene products etc. all just to survive. It is fair that a large business like this bakery has all this profit while a starving man doesn't have basic necessities? Is it immoral to steal that bread, or is it immoral for a society to run where there is such a radical difference between the rich and the poor?
What is truly the immorality here?
0 notes
Wow... What a journey these 3 years have been.... It has been a while. Hi again little corner of the net.
Not sure were to start.... I just read what I wrote in previous posts and I realize I didn't mentioned any of my daily self development work, maybe I will go in detail in the future, but after reading my entries I can say with confidence that it has certainly paid off and I am so glad I started to write in here, in a way, this has been a great outlet to "let things go".
After 3 years I feel a lot less melodramatic, I have been now years without feeling suicidal, the bullshit of others are not affecting me the way they used to.... My focused shifted, giving little to no space for bs and drama, even if it tries to crawl back due to external sources, I'm doing everything to move on quickly from it.
I still have my AIWS but have been coping a lot better with it. I'm actively working to create coping mechanisms against my avPD, my social anxiety had lessened, I still struggle with my OCD, C-PTSD and my Hypnopompic Hallucinations but they no longer rule my life, they are side demons that come to say hi from time to time and I've learned to not engage so much with them. It's not easy but the less time, space and attention I give them, the more I am at peace.
Sometimes I feel I am back in the hole until I read what I read here and realize how much progress I've made. I am so grateful to myself for not give up on me.
Those that were disrespecting me (well sexualizing me) are no longer in my circle of friends. Nothing personal to them but I don't wish to be surrounded by people like that. My intimacy has become sacred and reserved for very few. I am slowly working on surrounding myself with people that resonate with my values, morals and that accept me for who I am and not what I am useful for. I still have here and there people trying to push those boundaries of respect but I've learned who to let it and who to keep at bay, without drama nor issues at least in my end.
A year and a half ago I attended this boundaries workshop and the analogy that the guy shared made my entire perception change. He said: "Imagine that we are like a beautiful house surrounded by a wonderful garden and yard and it's surrounded by a white fence, the white fence is our boundaries; it is not agressive, it is not dangerous, it doesn't harm anyone, it simply separates our property from our neighbors property and whoever trespasses them we have the right to ask them to leave the premises or make sure they don't enter our property again". This analogy made me understand that I am not offending anyone with my boundaries and it would be absurd if anyone gets offended by me having a "white fence". We simply don't let others pee, shit on or stomp on our flowers, it's simple. I felt so much more freedom and I was able to approach my boundaries from a non-defensive approach and ask people to leave the premises or move my entire property away from individuals that don't understand that "no means no" in different areas of my life.
My only exception is the one that is the most difficult to detach from. I still have no clue how to proceed with this one but step by step, for now my priority is to make sure I remain stable internally regardless of what people do around me and keep my focus on what's important to me at this time.
I am at a stage where I am fed up of being in the shadows.... Slowly but surely I am letting myself being seen even if it terrifies me that some people will try to harm me or try to sabotage me by being myself. But enough is enough. This year I am claiming my power back and I am more and more surrounded by communities who encourage me, believe in me and support me.
So, today was scripting day and wow... I realized so much ... I wrote so much and I want to take my time to make other entrances on subjects I haven't touched.
All that to say that progress is made, I still am struggling with my biggest flaw which is loyalty and endurance of unfairness, but I'll get there. One step at a time. I am learning to be kind to myself and not judge myself too much on my journey. I know I am doing what I am capable at in the present moment and I am doing a great job even if sometimes I forget. This is all that matters, that I am not motionless in the same problems but rather untangling the huge mess there is due to so much that has happened all these years.
I may not be completely out of the waters, but I am no longer drowning and the water is now at my waist, not over me. I can breathe now, even if sometimes I am pulled back down the water, I no longer allow myself to drown.
Thank you, inner me, for never give up. I'm so grateful and want to imprint this here in my vent corner.
I'm glad I can write for once without being with heavy heart.
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dreamcatcherrs · 3 years
can u do streamers with a plus size reader? ty i love ur fics ♡
+ reminder! every body type is beautiful in its own way, and I’m sure that all of the mcyts would want to date a person of any size! hope you enjoy<3
++ I also added a couple of insecurities that are common for a lot of people cause I felt like it ^-^
dating a plus size reader; mcyt x reader
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dream is an absolute softie for you
he will literally carry you anywhere you go
even if you insist for him not to
he just lifts you up into his arms and runs off with you
as I’ve mentioned before, he loves squishy places of the body
especially the booty ;)
so expect a lot of grabbing whenever he’s near you (with your consent, of course)
always tells you how amazing you look
even if you’re only wearing sweatpants and a basic tee and feel like absolute shit
and he would definitely have you pose for pictures of his merch
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he loves resting his head on you
uses your chest as his personal pillow
he thinks it’s absolutely crazy how you’re able to make every outfit look good
like, you could wear a plastic bag and still look like a model to him
you two go out to eat fast food at the most random times
some days midnight, some days at 5am
admires your confidence
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he loves your thighs sooo much and always has his hands (or eyes) on them
he almost holds your thigh more than your hand
and he just thinks you’re so gorgeous and can’t believe he can call you his
but when he finds out you don’t think so, his mind is blown
like... what?
are you blind????
he tells you how “you’re so fucking hot” every day until you start thinking so yourself
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loves baking cakes with you
and makes sure you’re always well fed
he absolutely adores your stretch marks!
he loves just tracing his fingers over the lines
following them around with his fingertips
and gets very focused about it to a point where he stops listening to you talk
he makes sure you never feel down about something as natural as stretch marks
and makes sure to kiss every place you're insecure about
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techno literally doesn't care what you look like
he only cares if you're happy, cause he really hates seeing you sad
especially when he can't do anything about it
so when he catches you one day looking at yourself in the mirror with a look of disgust 
his heart crumbles in his chest
sits you down to talk about it
and gets more touchy afterwards along with spurring out compliments more often
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wilbur soot:
wilby is also a big sucker for thighs
he’s not super grabby, but he gets his point across;
that he absolutely loves every part of your body
to be honest, like techno, I see wilbur as someone who literally does not care what you look like
if he likes you, he’ll love the way you look either way
he is very appreciative of soft, fleshy parts of your body
that he can just cling onto when he wants
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fuck, does schlatt love to have you on his lap
like he might not come across as someone who’s cuddly
but I’m telling you
he is super cuddly
he just wants someone to hold and to be held by
he needs that physical touch and he just can't seem to keep his hands off of you
he’ll tell you “you look so stupid right now”, laugh, and then give you a big ol’ bear hug
jokes aside, he makes sure you know just how dizzyingly beautiful you look 24/7
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corpse husband:
fishnets, legs, fishnets, legs
even if you don't like wearing fishnets, he’s just all; legs, grab, thighs, squish
no but seriously he loves your legs so much
they just catch his attention and immediately make him go soft
without you doing anything you’ll just hear him giggle at you
and then realise he’d been looking at you for a hot minute, just taking in how absolutely stunning you look
and he doesn't fail to let you know that :)
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karl jacobs:
like wilbur, I think he just genuinely doesn't care and loves you regardless of what you look like
we all know that karl’s way of showing affection is through touch
so he loves cuddling up to you
using your chest as a pillow and engulfing you in his arms
and he’ll be whining within a second if you even a much as try to move away from him
something he doesn't realise he does, but you do, is that he will just randomly hold on tight to a certain part of your body
even if you're just talking
his hands will be on you without him even noticing
and it’s really cute
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I’ve mentioned this before, but I think that skeppy really likes the way skirts look on you
or tight-fitting jeans
anything that compliments your body, really
though he does like the way you look without any clothes on
anyways, he fucking loves your body so much
and any person who thinks differently is not his friend
he’s always hugging you
or brushing his knuckles over your arms lovingly
small touches are his forté
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he can never seem to keep his eyes off of you
no matter how hard he tries, you’re just too gorgeous
isn’t the touchiest of the boys, but when he’s in the need for some physical touch, he’s very obvious about it
will start off by holding your hand
and then maybe move onto hugging you from behind
comes off pretty clingy once he needs that love and affection
he just loves touching you; maybe cause your skin is soft? he’ll never tell you (it’s his little secret)
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he looooooves loves loves  how, and I quote, “thicc you are”
and he gets so clingy, too
makes grabby hands at you if he needs to to catch your attention
and definitely, without a doubt, uses your chest as his personal pillow
he’s also a squisher
your thigh’s kinda become his little stress toy
alex will fully commit to being a complete simp for you - he does not care at this point
can get blushy sometimes when he catches himself looking at you for too long
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if you thought that sapnap would be wild when it comes to thighs, let me introduce you to this man
luke is a massive sucker for some thick thighs
and don't even get me started on the flesh on your hips
he lowkey has an addiction to constantly keeping his hands on there, but it’s not like you mind
it’s like his hands are glued onto you sometimes
holding on tightly or gently, doesn't matter
and sometimes he’ll even get lost in the way his fingers dig into your skin
can't fathom the fact that you're all his
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sam is literally the cutest🥺
gives you compliments all the time
and literally always has a hand on you to gently caress your skin
and he is always gentle with his touches
and I mean always
drawing circles onto your back or arm using his thumb
placing small kisses on your temple
he always posts pictures of you on his instagram and twitter
has like one or two pictures of himself, and the rest are of you :]
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literally smothers you with love and affection
he loves the little dents in your thighs from cellulite
finds it sooo attractive
loves to trace his fingers over the dents
notices immediately if there are changes in your eating habits
and will confront you the second he notices cause he can't bare the thought of you eating less than usual
makes sure it never happens again
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they have a special seat for you right on his lap
if you were comfortable with it she’d love for you to sit with them in his streams
SHOWERS you with compliments
and leaves trails of kisses everywhere
even if you whine about it being too much or distracting you
he ignores it and continues
can't believe she’s ended up with such a god/dess as you
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jack manifold:
jack was completely shocked when he found out you were insecure about your body
what was there to be insecure about?
to his eyes you were completely perfect, and he just couldn’t understand how… you couldn’t see that?
makes sure you now how absolutely stunning you are
can't help but to show you off to everyone (he is a leo after all)
and also let’s his hands roam all over you - with your consent, of course!
adores you so much
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tommy had seriously never thought of it before you’d said that you didn’t want a piece of cake after he asked
and he goes; why?????
and you’re like; I shouldn't eat it
and he’s even more ???
doesn't know what why or when you decided you “shouldn't” do something as normal as eating
it’s so very obvious how soft he is for you when it’s just the two of you
and even succumbs to his soft side in front of others if he gets too caught up in your beauty
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tubbo just… doesn't care
like, at all
but of course he notices the absolute beauty of you, and will simp for you
doesn't shower you with compliments, but gives subtle signs
a common one is squeezing your hand
or calling you cute or adorable
brushing a strand of hair out of your face
simplicity is his thing
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lots of hugsss
unintentionally squeezes too hard so you have to tap his shoulder 
and he just giggles
he likes resting his head on practically any part of your body
cause you're so comfy
wants to constantly fondle you in his arms
he’s become so used to clinging to you, it’s just by instinct at this point
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teyvatdreams · 3 years
idol!au headcanons
includes: 4NEMO (aether, venti, kazuha, xiao)
a/n: heavily inspired by kpop stan culture + the group name and characters included is not my original idea! just adding onto the existing au :-)
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aether — center, vocal, youngest
is the center of the group
but he always fights venti for the face of the group
(venti swears it’s him but everyone knows its aether)
this poor baby is so shy
the other members will purposely flirt with him just to see him get flustered
at fansigns? this boy is a MESS
face red, constantly trying to hide his embarrassment
but he also loves interacting with the fans, holding their hands and complimenting them
he posts selfies relatively often, at least once or twice a week
he posts a lot of clips of him singing as well
on variety shows they force him to do aegyo because he’s just so cute
he absolutely hates it but does it with a smile just to get a reaction out of everyone
he gets put on variety shows with lumine, who is a solo artist, a lot because people love their dynamic
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venti — main vocal
his energy is truly unmatched
and it’s super contagious
some people swear that xiao has dual personalities depending on whether or not venti is there
venti takes the most selfies, he uploads some to 4NEMO’s social media accounts atleast 4 times a week
along with cover videos with somehow a new instrument every time??
everyone swears he knows how to play every instrument ever
like venti’s stans are so well fed
venti is known for being hilarious
when he’s on variety shows he could literally breathe and the hosts would probably cry laughing
and the rest of the group is just like ??? don’t boost his ego like that
his aegyo is fine but it’s way too dramatic and cheesy that it makes people cringe
but he does it regardless bc thats what he wants (and aether cheers him on in hopes that he won’t have to do it himself)
like he’s honestly just a Menace and the fans love it
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kazuha — main dancer, sub vocalist, rapper
he’s kind of mysterious?
like maybe it’s because venti and aether tell their fans everything that they know almost nothing about kazuha
he’s sneaky too
if he sees a fansite in the crowd u know he’s making eye contact with that camera
he posts a few selfies a month, nothing too crazy
but when he does all of his stans will change their profile picture to the selfie
he mostly posts dance practice videos/covers
his stage presence is fantastic
a fancam of him went viral bc of his effortless dancing and his facial expressions
he is the king of random play dances on variety shows
he is the biggest l/yue stan and he does Not care who knows it
fans will try to flirt with him and make him blush
but it never works
if u try to flirt with kazuha rest in peace bc 1. he’ll make you blush instead and 2. he’ll remember you if you come to another fansign and compliment you
“i must be irresistible, huh?”
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xiao — main rapper, lead dancer, and composer
if u thought kazuha was mysterious…. xiao is worse
one selfie a month if you’re lucky
the stans are like ??? is he okay where is he
he’s fine, just busy writing probably
he produced a lot of the group’s songs so if u need him he’s most likely in his studio
and the he suddenly remembers oh yeah the fans probably want to see me… here��s a selfie
he takes one selfie. probably using the instagram camera. and posts it
and he looks amazing
and the fans eat it up
tbh he prefers to do livestreams bc he can talk to the fans but still be productive
he has an intimidating aura to him, however the fans know him as the cutest little rapper imaginable
they spoil him rotten despite him saying they don’t have to
they love to give him gifts at fansigns like little headbands or sunglasses because he wears them all until he receives the next one
plus he’s super sweet to fans he makes it hard to not be so popular
he’s quiet during interviews just because they’re all so energetic but he has his moments where he’s even louder than them and making jokes and laughing
and Everyone loves it
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xseaxwitchxkpop · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet: Sub!Seonghwa Edition
A/N: idk anyone in Ateez who pushes the catboy agenda more than hwa and this precious soul just makes me have cute aggression. Lemme just remind everyone that stage presence ≠ bedroom preference, so he might be a demon on stage but I personally think he's very far from dominant in the bedroom. Also this is framed for a femme!presenting reader.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
A very clingy baby! Even though he's the sub, he would want to hold you instead of the other way around; when you're cleaning up, give him a plushie to snuggle because he just feels very happy holding something. He would also have the most sparkly eyes ever, looking at you with pure love and adoration. He'll also be very hungry, so always have some food on hand and be prepared to be fed by him because "you need it, too, I don't care if you're my domme, lemme feed you and show you my love!"
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's fave part on himself is probably his eyes because he knows how expressive they are for him and how transparent they are -- his eyes always betray his true emotions and considering he's a more private person, he likes this. His fave part on you would be your breasts, but not in a sexual way; whether you're part of the itty bitty titty committee or big titty gang, he likes them as a comfort thing, groping them or sucking on your nipples, it's very calming and relaxing for him!
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves his face to be covered in either pussy juices/"cum" (since, ya know, pussies don't ejaculate lmao anyway) or use fake cum (or real cum if you have an actual dick) to cover his face and/or inner thighs, it'll get him going like nothing else. He also loves seeing his midsection painted with his own cum and also eating his own cum.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Every once in a while, he likes to fuck his plushies. No one would suspect this because he takes much care in cleaning them immediately afterward, so they keep their softness and hugability. He's recorded himself doing it a few times but always either deletes the videos or keeps them in a separate, unsuspecting folder in his phone; he's thought about sending them to you but never could bring himself to do so.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's had a few hook ups but most of them have been pretty vanilla as many hook ups tend to be, he knows what he's doing especially with that tongue of his.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Probably missionary, with you on your back and him fucking you. He can easily kiss you, suck on your neck or nipples, and you can easily grab his hair roughly, pull him in closer, scratch his back with your nails, and you two can make intense eye contact. Yeah, that's his favorite position.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He's more passionate about it than anything. He likes it rough but not necessarily fast, and he likes it soft but not necessarily gentle. It's a very delicate balance that he prefers most of the time and can be difficult to pin down when the mood has to be forced from either of you -- when that happens, he rather not have sex at all.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Trimmed, doesn't bother to shave and he doesn't care what you do; bush, no bush, trimmed, shaved, waxed, whatever. However, he likes it when you shave for him down there as a sweet bonding experience, nothing kinky or sexual.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's very sincere and very intense during sex, especially with someone he's romantically involved with because he's not the most open person and, like Yeosang, takes some prying open emotionally so when he shares that emotional part of himself and trusts that other person, that translates directly to the bedroom. He can be a little goofy if he's particularly happy that day, like giggly kisses n' shit, but otherwise very sincere, very intense.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
If he jacks off, you know about it because he sends you audios of himself getting himself off, complete with moans, whimpers, groans, muffling himself, and him cumming in the end of it. He never sends videos, though, because his ass has a voice kink. He masturbates semi regularly just because he has a high sex drive and you're not always available so he temporarily satisfies himself.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
So, this man, has some kinks that get me thinking. He has an oral fixation for sure, so anything involving his tongue; he definitely has a breeding kink like hard-core "let me breed you, mommy/daddy, I wanna give you babies" breeding kink, more so than San; temperature play; pegging/anal play; cock rings; nail scratching; biting/marking; kitten play; shibari; restraints; voice kink; ASMR kink.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Hmmmm, maybe the bedroom? He doesn't really have a favorite place to do anything because each place brings a different kind of thrill for him, so anywhere he can look at and easily imagine you commanding him to take you or you taking him is his favorite place. His least favorite place is the shower because the water washes away the lube and is just generally an annoying interruption.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Doing a sexy, feminine dance for you. Sexy girl group concepts? He learns the choreo and dances it just for you; turns him on because he enjoys you intently watching him while being just out of reach. Rubbing your hand up and down his thigh, no matter how innocent, will also turn him on greatly. Also if you cook for him -- it can be as simple as ramen but as soon as he sees that you cooked for him, he's ready to pounce you and be at your every command.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I don't think he would be into piss play or scat play (absolutely no hate to people who are into this lol) but I think he wouldn't like them just because he's a bit of a clean freak and all he would see is a mess to clean up and that would definitely ruin the mood for him. Another definite turn off of his is extreme pain; he likes a little bit here and there, like slapping his ass and thighs, nail scratches wherever you scratch him, but flogging and riding crops are a no go for him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He LIVES for giving oral and that's directly from his oral fixation. It keeps his mouth busy plus he gets to please his partner. Again, he also loves his face covered in cum and/or pussy juices, so oral is definitely such fun for him!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Moderate. He likes it a little faster than slower, but not exactly fast, if you get what I'm saying. He likes to feel you and you to feel him, so he wants it on the slower side of things but a slightly fast pace will be suitable for the most part. Only every once in a blue moon would he want you to fuck his brains out or to fuck yours out.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Quickies involving penetration? Nah, not a fan. Quickies involving oral? Sign him the fuck up. He wants to see how fast he can get you to orgasm with just his tongue and since you derive such pleasure from it as well, you let him take on this challenge.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As long as extreme pain is not involved, he's game for a lot of things. He's always wanted to try semi public sex, voyeurism, and submissive cuckolding, but he would only try this with one of his members since he trusts them quite a lot.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
I think he could probably go two, three rounds, maybe four if he has a crapton of energy for God only knows what reason. He has experience, jacks off sort of regularly, so he can last a good while in bed while being pounded into or pounding into you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He's got dildos of varying sizes because he, like San, is also a size queen. He has a couple of buttons plugs and some vibrators, along with handcuffs and bondage rope. He has a couple pairs of kitten ears and a matching choker and butt plug.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease, but not in a bratty way. It's a very sweet way, like poking your cheek and rubbing it like a cat as he strokes your inner thigh and ghosts your genitals, teases you with food like "hey if I make this dish, maybe you can fuck my ass tonight" and he'd act all cutesy about it, he'll make suggestive comments while making direct eye contact, and wiggle his butt sometimes.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He's a happy medium between San and Yeosang. Hwa makes noise - groans, whimpers, moans, mewling - but he isn't loud with them per say, they're very throaty noises and he uses his chest to make them so they're low in volume but frequent.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He quite prefers the natural noises of sex between you two rather than having a playlist or any other background noise going. He's sensitive to noise in the first place and the background noise could overwhelm him in a bad way.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's average. Nothing too long, nothing too girthy, but boy does he know how to use his average dick regardless.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a bit of a high sex drive. Think like smack in the middle of average horny and extremely horny and that's Hwa. He can go like three days without sex with no complaints but coming up on a fourth day may be a little bit hard for him.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He becomes quite sleepy afterward, wanting to snuggle you to fall asleep while you rub his back up and down and he holds you and squeezes you like his personal plushie. It takes a while for him to actually fall asleep, but that's because it takes him a while to calm down enough to lull into a peaceful state of rest before succumbing to sleep.
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