#reader!negan's daughter
sunnybunnyy2 · 10 months
Dark Cell
Daryl Dixon x platonic!reader
Negan smith x daughter!reader
WORD COUNT: 1.1k TIME: Season 7 Warnings: imprisonment, mentions of saviours, mentions of Glenn and Abraham, mentions of dog food
Series Masterlist
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Daryl could feel the gazes on him as he swept the outside of the Sanctuary. Most of them were laughing and taking joy out of his humiliation, others were with pity.
Most of the pity looks were coming from the women and the others were from men that had gone through a similar situation as him before they had rolled over and submitted to Negan.
Even the name left a bad taste in his mouth, the mere thought of thinking of the heartless man caused vile to raise up his throat before he pushed it down to continue with his daily punishment.
He would sit in his cell for two days, sitting in the pitch black, the only sound that filled the small space was the heavy foot steps of those who walked by and the maddening sound of ‘easy street’ booming on replay. The only food that was spared to him was the leftover bread and expired wet dog food. Then he would be put to work for two days, working for sixteen hours a day before being returned to his cell for Dwight to humiliate him all over again.
Sometimes if he got lucky Negan would bring him to Alexandria and even if it was to make a joke out of him, he craved to make sure his family was okay.
It killed him that he couldn’t reach out and hug his family, his brother and he knew it killed Rick too.
He knew how Rick was, he cared more about his people then he did himself. He would always put himself in harms way to protect his group and it was in his best interest to just cooperate with Negan and his demand to save everyone in Alexandria from suffering the same fate as Glenn and Abraham had on that fateful night.
A hard shove snapped him out of his thoughts as a saviour glared up at him from his slightly smaller frame and as he did he finally caught your eye.
He realized you must’ve been around Carl’s age, you were wearing light blue jeans and an orange sweater that dipped down the shoulders, your eyes tightly locked on his face.
He turned his head back to the task at hand and continued his work not wanting to receive an unnecessary punishment.
It almost caused embarrassment to consume him. He was never like this, he would never cower in fear of somebody. He promised himself he would never back down but for the well-being of everyone in Alexandria, he swallowed his pride and allowed himself to be made a fool.
He heard light foot steps making there way down the hallway. He had just assumed a women would be on night watch, he certainly wasn’t expecting you to be opening his small, dark cell.
His questioning eyes watched you as you left the door open a small sliver, just enough to shine a little light into a certain part of the cell but left it closed enough that it wouldn’t be noticed if someone had decided that, that was the best time to look down the doomy hallway. A small plate was in your grasp leaving a sick feeling in his stomach at having to eat another dog food sandwich, but his worry was quickly put to rest when you took a seat in the corner closest to the ajared door.
“I’m not here to hurt you. I promise.” You finally spoke as you noticed the look he was giving you.
He noticed you look down at the plate before slowly sliding it over to him and it was just then that he realized it’s contents. It was two sandwiches, they were made with white bread, some kind of cold cut meat and they contained lettuce, tomato and what he assumed was mustard.
“It’s for you. Sorry I couldn’t make something else, It’s just really late and the cook went out for a smoke break so it was all I had time to grab. I wasn’t really sure what you liked so I just assumed. I hate tomatoes and mustard but I didn’t think you did.” You rambled on anxiously toying with your fingers as you looked at him, and as you did you noticed the reluctant look on his face.
“Go ahead, it’s okay.” He looked at it for a few more minutes, silence filling the room as you stared down at the ground before your eyes snapped up at the sound of him grabbing the plate before stuffing his face with its contents.
You heard a sound leave his lips as he ate the most fresh and real food he has had in more then two weeks.
“Hopefully it’s okay, I mean it has to be better then what they feed people over here.” There was no response only the sound of chewing filled the room. Normally the sound would make you cringe but you were just happy he was finally eating something good.
It only took a few minutes for the sound to dim into nothing as he quietly placed the plate back where you had originally placed it.
His eyes left the floor and met yours through his dark hair, and he looked at you for a moment before he gave you a slight nod.
If you hadn’t been paying close attention to the larger man you wouldn’t have noticed but you were. You could see the uncertainty in his gaze as well as the appreciation.
“I can bring you something else next time. I might just cook it in my room and try and bring it to you a bit earlier.”
He just continued looking at you, as if to decipher if you were lying or not before looking away.
“Is there anything you like?” You asked turning your head to try and catch his eye but it was useless.
You let out a light sigh in understanding before reaching to grab the plate, slowly pulling yourself to your feet as you pushed the door open quietly and just wide enough to squeeze through. As you did so you were halfway through the door, when you heard the deep but scratchy voice.
“Thank you.” As all that was said and when you turned your head you saw him now facing you. You couldn’t see his eyes due to the lack of light and his long hair but you could only assume he was looking at you.
A smile pulled at your lips as you mutter an “Of course.” Before you finally exited the cell, quietly closing and locking it as you tiptoed your way to your overly large room. When doing so your eyes landed on the watch on your wrist that read 2:10 am, thank god your dad was asleep.
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could you do one where daryl and rick are like father figures to the reader? she goes to try to kill negan instead of carl and when she gets back rick and daryl are really mad and she gets into an argument with them?
that’s it!!🩷
Hi! Thank you so much for the request!!! 🖤🧟‍♀️💕
A/N: it’s been like MONTHS since I’ve written so sorry for literally disappearing, but thank you all for the love! Love you all. Sorry for how long this took to get out… but I’m finally finishing it at like 1am after so many weeks… so please excuse any spelling errors! Tysm. I adore all of you xx
Rick + daryl x fem! Reader (reader is 19)
Trigger warnings: argument, zombie stuff, gore, usual twd stuff. If any of it discomforts you please read at your own discretion!
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Pinky promise
You knew it was a dangerous mistake. You shouldn’t of been so ambitious. But Negan deserved death and you believed you could kill him… but it all became clear that it was a mistake. You had made a dangerous and incredibly stupid decision and you knew as soon as you got home Rick and Daryl would certainly have a go at you if not kill you then and there for being so reckless. You knew you were absolutely insane for doing something so unthinkable but Negan had to die. Rick was taking his sweet time and Negan was just going to get stronger, and that scared you, so you wanted to take it into your own hands and kill the man yourself…
And so here you were gun in hand, pointing it at the clear sheet covering the back of the truck your finger trembling slightly as you waited for the voices to get closer. “There isn’t enough in the truck, we’ll have to go out again. Get more supplies and shit. Alexandria is so big yet they can’t even supply us enough shit.” “Yeah… don’t know why Negan won’t just kill them all. That way we can actually have a good home…” the voices spoke back and forth and you tightened your hold on the gun jaw clenched tightly watching as the blurry figures got closer and as a hand poked in through the clear sheet you pulled the trigger bullets spitting out as the men began shouting, followed by multiple ‘thuds’ proving you had killed a few of the bastards, you continued shooting, even as you jumped out of the truck the bullets flying around mercilessly- some saviours dropping to the floor, dead, and others just falling for the sake of their lives. Your eyes were narrowed as you breathed heavily your teeth slightly gritted together before suddenly a body shoved against yours, Dwight knocking you down onto your back, your gun falling from your hand as you groaned out glaring at the man. “Y/n….” A voice sung out, mockingly and your eyes snapped to meet with Negans. His hazel eyes gleamed with amusement, Lucille lightly hung over his shoulder as he grinned at you “didn’t I get my point across to you before that I really do not appreciate my people being killed…” he spoke your eyes narrowing as you scowled at him. He was a rotten bastard and deserved to be knocked down a peg or two, and so that’s why you abruptly tried to grab your gun again only for Dwight to kick it out of the way “not so fast” he muttered glaring down at you, Negan staring at you the amusement seemingly growing further and further before he exhaled
“I like you, you don’t mess around do you? You just do… I like that…” he smirked before stopping just in front of you holding his hand out for you to take “you’ve actually got balls… unlike someone else we know.” He spoke that stupid fucking grin remaining on his face and you just glared hoping to punch his teeth in, but instead you reached out, grabbing his outstretched hand before he leaned back pulling you up with his movement as you got onto your feet your eyes boring into his with anger “we were planning on heading to Alexandria today so you’re in luck. I’ll get you home safely.” “Rick isn’t home. He’s out.” You spoke, that wasn’t the truth, rick was at home but you didn’t want to see him… not when you know he will indefinitely be beyond mad at you. “Oh isn’t he? How disappointing. Guess I’ll have to wait around with you then huh?” And that’s when you realised just how much you had screwed up… Negan wasn’t going to kill you because he knew that Rick was going to get angry at you… “god dammit…” you whispered under your breath, Negan smiling still before he turned around “c’mon. Follow me. I’ll give you a tour of the sanctuary…” and so that’s exactly what happened, you were shown around, introduced to a few scary people and then given some food much to your surprise… it was odd. Being looked after for by your friends’ killer. It made you feel sick but what made you feel even sicker was what was happening right now… you were sat in the truck beside Negan, driving down the familiar road leading to Alexandria. Your heart was drumming in your chest your face pale and lips slightly parted… you were in deep shit and you knew it.
Breathing soon became nonexistent, your lips slightly parted eyes wide as you watched multiple people on outpost begin to shout… oh dear god. Heavy breaths slowly left your lips your eyes filled with complete fear… sure Daryl being angry at you was enough but Rick too- you couldn’t handle both of their wrath’s. You didn’t even want to experience it but you knew you were going to experience it. “Are you coming into to talk to them?” You soon asked glancing at the man, his hands which were warmed by the leather gloves he wore squeezed at the steering wheel and he grinned at you soon shoving his foot onto the brakes the truck coming to a screeching halt just in front of the gates leading into Alexandria “nah, kid. That isn’t my shit to do. You pulled a stupid fuckin’ decision and now you’re gonna face the consequences. I told you I don’t ap-“ “appreciate you killing my men I know.” You cut him off glaring into his eyes the man looking somewhat impressed before he raised his brows “at least you can learn.” He chuckled out looking forwards as the gate was slowly pulled open “go on then, your friends are waiting.” He spoke and you looked to the gate as well seeing Rick, hands on his hips, jaw tightly clenched and eyes a sea of worry. You glanced back to Negan knowing he wasn’t going to help before you pushed the door open only for the asshole to grab your wrist forcing you to stop “you not gonna thank me for bringing you home safe and sound?” He asked with a cocky grin and you glared at him “thank. you.” You spat out through gritted teeth and he smirked “you’re welcome.”
You then jumped out of the truck before storming towards the gate of Alexandria your eyes landing on Rick and a very infuriated yet terrified looking Daryl but you ignored them- you didn’t want to deal with their anger right now. “Y/n where the hell have you been?” Rick asked, hands remaining on his hips his eyes practically piercing into your soul yet you refused to speak or even look at him because well… let’s face it… he was terrifying. “Y/n where the hell do ya think you’re goin’ huh?” Daryl soon asked gruffly and you glanced at him “home. You wanna give me a lecture. Fine. But not in front of everyone.” You snapped, both men sharing a look, as if questioning whether you had really just used that tone with them but nonetheless they followed after you, you attempted to slam the front door but Rick was quick to catch it before it could latch “cut that attitude out right now, y/n.” Rick spoke calmly his body language however far from calm “I don’t understand why you’re both so unhappy! Jesus Christ can’t I try and help out!” Rick and Daryl stood side by side shoulders brushing against each other and Rick tilted his head slightly “do you realise how incredibly foolish it was to go out there and do… whatever you did… do you?” He raised his brows his blue eyes piercing into your soul and you rolled your eyes “ah ah, no, y/n, eyes on me.” He demanded and you looked at him “you aren’t hearing me- you could’ve been killed. What you did was very stupid. Irresponsible.” He spoke and you glared into his eyes “well I wasn’t! I’m here- am I not? I’m fine!” Daryl then took a step forwards “enough. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fine or not. What matters is the fact that you pulled some stupid death wish shit…” his eyes searched yours before he shook his head “it was stupid. You might’ve been helping or thinking you were helping… but what would we do if Negan brought back your dead body huh?” Daryl asked and you looked away, uncomfortable at that question, because you knew there was no right answer to such a question
“What did you do?” He soon asked and you looked back at him “machine gunned down a bunch of his men.” You murmured shamefully as you looked down, Daryl almost unresponsive whereas Rick was immediately pinching the bridge of his nose his eyes squeezed shut before he exhaled loudly showing his pure discomfort of the entire situation “oh my god…” he squeezed his eyes shut even more before looking at you “how irresponsible are you? Are you unaware of the fact that Negan has killed many people from this community?” Ricks tone was dangerous, frustrated, bordering on the line of anger and protectiveness “what do I have to do to get it through to you that we’re working together to make this safe! We’re doing everything we can y/n,” “no we aren’t! What about the lives we promised we’d get justice for! Have they just all gone down the drain?! We can’t just keep up this bullshit! Either he dies or we die! He’s overpowering us Rick! We need to do som-“ Rick soon held his hand up at you “no! Don’t you-“ “y/n. You’re getting ahead of yourself.” The man reminded you and you breathed heavily your eyes rage full Daryl moving behind you as he slowly rubbed up and down your back trying to sooth you yet your whole body felt as if it was on fire “we get that you want to protect us and this community but-“ “no! It isn’t just that Rick! It isn’t! I want to get- I- I want…” your voice cracked as your heart began to slowly split into pieces ricks expression softening, sure he had seen you open up before but not like this… he hadn’t seen you like this often… nor had Daryl- it surprised both men. “Tell me.” Rick spoke taking a step forwards this time, as he slowly reached a hand out resting his hand atop of your shoulder “I-…. I…” Rick remained silent searching your eyes allowing you to take your time watching as your face contorted in all ways imaginable the anguish, pain and fear slowly creeping up on you “he killed Glenn! He killed Abraham! He killed our friends! Shouldn’t we be trying to kill him! He killed Glenn! He killed-… he killed the guy who saved your dumbass!” You yelled shoving his hand off of your shoulder, ricks expression showing the pain, he hadn’t fully healed- in fact he hadn’t healed at all. He hadn’t allowed himself to grieve anyone’s deaths but especially Glenn’s. Or Abraham’s. He was too busy being a leader. Too busy taking care of his people.
“Y/n we can’t change that… I’m sorry… but we can’t… but what we can’t change either is the fact that if you died we would’ve lost a key part of Alexandria…-“ “we’ve already lost a key part!” Your voice cracked and Daryl stared at you “you’re both bullshit! I can take care of myself! Why don’t you think I can’t take care of myself?!” Your voice grew angrier before you ran off upstairs Rick running a hand over his face and Daryl just watching you run off “don’t go after her…” he shook his head “let her cool off. And you cool off too” Rick spoke and Daryl nodded knowing he was right. He needed to calm down… if he didn’t he would’ve said something he regretted.
A couple of minutes passed- maybe five, or even ten, before Daryl was sent up to console you. You didn’t even hear him come in but you felt the bed dip down before you heard his soft breathing “I did what I thought was best.” You spoke more softly and Daryl nodded “I know… but it was also…” “stupid I know… don’t need to tell me again…” you murmured softly and Daryl exhaled softly “you know we just care about you. That’s why we’re so worried about you… you matter to us.” His hand rubbed up and down your back slowly and gently as you remained curled up in a ball arms wrapped around yourself weakly his touch soft and caring, his rough calloused hands rough against your skin but you didn’t care. He was comforting you… that’s all that really mattered.
“I just-… why do you keep treating me like a damn child?” You asked clearly upset about that and Daryl frowned slightly his stern features growing more soft as he saw the true confusion and frustration in your eyes “because we’ve lost people, Y/n…. Glenn, Abraham, Sophia, Dale, Hershel, Merle, Olivia… too many people to count..” he fell silent before speaking again not allowing you to say anything “and we can’t lose someone else. The stakes are set high. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost you, Y/n. Rick wouldn’t either… today was stupid… sure you did what you thought was best but it was a little bit silly… but there’s always room for improvement” your head slowly turned to look at him a small smile tugging at your lips before you laughed softly “who knew you could be so sentimental, Dixon” you murmured and he stared at you unamused “I’m being serious,”
You smiled softly “I know… but I promise I won’t do this again alright? It was stupid… I know but it won’t happen again…” Daryl stared at you with a ‘yeah, sure’ look before you rolled your eyes soon holding your hand out towards him sticking your pinky out at him “fine. Pinky promise…” you raised your brows the older man staring a softness soon consuming his eyes before a little smile tugged at his lips, shaking his head but nonetheless he locked his pinky with yours
“Pinky promise.”
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negans-lucille-tblr · 6 months
Daddy's Favourite | John x Daughter!Reader | Oneshot
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Summary: Y/N plays the role of John’s favourite child well. 
Rating: 18+ (Smut)
Pairing: John x Daughter!Reader (Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader)
Tags: Daddy kink, innocence kink, virgin, role play, daddy/daughter incest, incest kink,  oral sex (male rec), p in v, praise kink, validation
WC: ± 1.6K
A/Ns: Commissioned by the lovely Tina. Hope you love this <3
JDM & Characters Masterlist
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“Daddy? I can’t sleep again.” 
He sighs as he feels the covers being drawn back, and a warm body slides in alongside him, pressing up against him tightly. As his brain wakes up and comes around, he suddenly realises what’s happening, and a tiny smirk plays across his lips before he tames it and clears his throat, keeping his eyes closed. 
“Why, princess?” he asks in his sleep-thick tone. 
 “I keep thinking about Sammy,” she whines, burying her face into his bare chest. 
He hums and wraps his arm around her, stroking her back softly, feeling her in nothing but a flannel shirt, and hums softly under his breath. 
“Missing your twin brother, hm?” he prompts. He can feel her nod against him, but she doesn’t reply verbally. “It’s okay, baby girl, Daddy’s here,” he reassures her, his hand stroking her back, lower and lower until he’s touching bare skin, just under the curve of her ass. He moans softly under his breath, and then inhales deeply, bringing his hand back up a little higher. “I’ve got you,” he whispers.
He feels her roll onto her back beside him, her one leg pushing through his two, and she whines needily under her breath. 
“Make me feel better, Daddy?” she begs softly. 
With his eyes remaining closed, he reaches over, his hand stroking over her stomach through her shirt, realising she’s barely done any buttons up, and it doesn’t take much work for him to be touching bare skin instead. It’s as warm and soft as always, and her chest rises and falls quicker and quicker the more he touches her, leaving goosebumps in his wake, and Y/N moans softly, arching her back up into his touch. 
“Please, Daddy,” she whimpers, bringing her hand to his and encouraging it towards her breast. 
He groans as he gropes her, and her nipple hardens under his touch, which makes her gasp, and he feels her spread her legs wider. He gives her nipple a quick tweak, his eyes finally fluttering open to see her breasts poking out through the plaid, her nipples hard, the moonlight from the slight crack in the curtain casting a beam of light over her soft skin. 
“Fuck, baby girl, look at you, so perfect,” he hums appreciatively, letting his hand wander further down her body once again, pleasantly surprised to find that she’s not wearing any panties. 
Her pussy is freshly shaved and smooth, dripping with arousal, clearly turned on thinking about what her Daddy is about to do to her. The thought only makes his cock harder, and he groans in approval as he flicks a finger through her slick. 
“That’s a wet little pussy, sweetheart,” he rasps. “Were you thinking about Daddy?” 
“Yes,” she hesitantly admits. The confirmation only makes him harder in his boxers. 
“Fuck, baby girl. Were you thinking about me touching you like this?” 
“Yes,” she agrees, a little less ashamed this time. 
“Do you like me taking care of you like this, princess?” he asks, smirking, teasing her clit with the lightest of touches. 
“Mhm,” she whines, squirming under his touch. “Please, Daddy,” she begs. “Make me feel good.” 
He laughs as he lowers his fingertips to her entrance, and teases one around the opening, dipping it inside slowly, feeling how hot and wet she is around his digit, knowing she’ll feel even better when it’s his cock instead. 
“Such a sweet little pussy, baby girl. Do you let anyone else touch you like this?” he murmurs. Instantly, she shakes her head ‘no’. “Dean?” he checks, again she shakes her head, “Sam?”
“No, Daddy, only you.” 
The confirmation makes it nearly impossible to hold back, and he reaches up to take her hand, guiding it inside his boxers and encouraging her to wrap her hand around his cock. 
“Feel that, baby? Feel what you do to your Daddy?” Y/N whimpers pathetically, and his cock throbs in her hand. “Why don’t I show you how to use that mouth, hm?” he prompts. “We haven’t tried that yet.”  
She nods eagerly, licking her lips wet and sitting up. She instantly starts tugging his boxers down as he rolls onto his back, and she eagerly takes him in her hand once again and bites her bottom lip, looking up at him through her lashes. He reaches down, wrapping his fingers around the base of his cock before guiding it towards her mouth. She opens it hesitantly at first, keeping her eyes on his as she closes again around his tip, and begins to suck softly. He chokes on a moan, throwing his head back into the pillow, and this seems to encourage her to take him deeper, starting to gag softly on his length, but she doesn’t stop. Her tongue begins to swirl, and his head starts to spin, until she abruptly stops, and he looks down his body at her. 
“Like that?” she checks, blinking up at him. 
“Just like that, baby, you’re a natural,” he encourages, reaching up to push her hair out of her face. 
This seems to encourage her to continue, once again leaning down to start sucking his cock, swirling her tongue around him, flicking the underside of his head with the tip, making him moan louder, fisting the sheets beneath him. 
“C’mere, baby girl,” he encourages out of breath, beckoning her up his body with his fingers. She leaves his cock spit sodden on his stomach and crawls further up the bed, kneeling beside him. “Straddle my waist,” he commands softly, taking her hand. 
He helps her get her leg the other side of him, and looks up at her, the plaid shirt hanging open from her shoulders, giving him a full view of her perfect naked body underneath, and his cock twitches at the sight, and he can hardly believe he’s lucky enough to fuck someone this gorgeous. 
“Think you can take Daddy’s cock inside you, sweetheart?” he prompts, wrapping his fingers around the base and teasing her weeping hole with the tip of his cock, moaning at the warmth of it, just thinking about how good it’s going to feel. 
“Will it hurt?” she asks, her eyes wide and innocent. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” he mutters under his breath, trying his hardest to stave off his climax already. She knows just the right things to get him right to the edge. 
“Only a little,” he admits, “Daddy’s got you, baby, will make you feel really good, I promise,” he hums. 
“Like when you touch me with your fingers?” she blinks. 
“Fuck,” he chuckles breathlessly. “Yeah, like that baby, but better,” he nods. 
“Okay, Daddy.” 
He presses his cock at her entrance, then places his hands on her hips, guiding her down slowly onto his length. His eyes roll at the feeling of her cunt sucking him in, squeezing him so beautifully.
“Fuck, baby girl, you feel so good, look at you,” he hums, rubbing his hand over her stomach, feeling the bulge of his cock at the base. “Such a good girl f’me,” he purrs. She moans at the praise, her eyes fluttering closed, her hands resting gently on his chest. “Good girl,” he repeats, watching the pleasure wash over her face. 
He slowly begins to lift and drop his ass, fucking up into her slowly, watching her start to moan and writhe above him, her chest heaving with her heavy breathing. She throws her head back, and he sits up to kiss at her breasts and her neck, and then his lips capture hers and she whines needily into his mouth, her fingers tangling into his hair. 
“Fuck, Daddy, feels so good,” she pants, rolling her hips down, and he groans loudly, hardly able to keep this ruse up for much longer. 
“C’mon baby girl, cum on Daddy’s cock, c’mon,” he encourages, watching her grow more and more desperate as she chases her high. “C’mon, sweetheart.”    
“Oh fuck, Jeff,” she gasps loudly, breaking character, tugging his hair harder as he feels her come undone on his cock, that same perfect feeling he always has whenever she cums for him. 
“Good girl,” he hums, and she slowly drops her head, kissing him sloppily, completely out of breath. 
Jeff chuckles at her sated disposition and wraps his arms around her. “You done, baby girl?” he asks. 
“No,” she insists, shaking her head, starting to lift and drop her hips again, but Jeff can tell she’s getting a little tired now, so he holds her close and rolls them over, laying her down. “Fuck me, Daddy,” she begs, out of breath. 
“Oh, we’re still doing that, are we?” he smirks, “because you’re acting too slutty to pass as a virgin now,” he adds, making her laugh breathlessly. 
“No, I’m still your good girl, Daddy,” she tells him, batting her eyelashes, back in her role like she never left it. 
Jeff hums, feeling his cock throb inside her, he does love that game they play. 
“Well in that case, you don’t mind if Daddy cums in your pretty little pussy, do you, sweetheart?” he asks, making her moan, arching her back off of the bed. 
“No Daddy, wanna be your good girl,” she insists. 
“Oh you are, princess. Daddy’s favourite.”
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Pssst, you could've read this 4 weeks ago! Find out more here!
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crystlizabeth · 1 year
Dangerously Yours.
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Paring: Carl Grimes x Blackfem!Smith!Reader
Paring: Negan Smith & BlackDaughter!Reader
Summary: You two where enemies, but there was just something that drew you two each other, but a war was in the making.
Warning: cursing, mentions of childhood trauma and abuse.
A/n: Carl lives au!! And im gonna add some songs that came out not during TWD time like or after 2013 i think! This is kinda of a self insert, This might be multiple parts, I noticed its turned into a Negan Smith x Daughter reader along with Carl x reader so enjoy.
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The first time you met him he caught an additude with you trying to take some batteries out of your hand, it didn’t go well for him you grabbed his wrist twisting it telling him to fuck off. There were more instances when you would go and he somehow always pissed you off but it made sense you and Carl Grimes where enemies. So where your fathers you didn’t quite know what had all happed but you did know people died, some of your people and a few of his.
Now you where on your way back to Alexandria for a pick up you went along this time to see Eden, she was a decent girl but also a girl your age it wad hard to find friends in this day in age. Eden was closed of and was always followed by the one and only one eyed grimes, but that didn’t stop you from trying to get to know her and one of those ways was music, may it be mp3, cds or even vinyls.
“I found this mix tape a while back, its a costume one and actually really good music.” You said to Eden as you walked with her towards the supply house.
“Any songs you can recognize?” She asked taking the tape from your hand.
“Not really only a few like, Elvis, Hozier, Taylor swift, i hear alot of her music in the mixes i find.” You ended with a small laugh.
“I like Taylors music, Elvis’s pretty good to” she said with a small smile.
You two shared similar music taste even rap, you two enter the supply room running into Negan, Rick, Carl and a gal with glasses.
“Lookie here, making friends are we?” Your dad asked his usual grin on his face.
“Yeah you could say just trading some music but i need some batteries.” You said shrugging your shoulders.
Rick moved out of the way as the lady with glasses handed you 4 batteries “I only need two don’t worry about it. Unless,” you look over at Eden., “you need any?” She shook her head you nodded and handed two of the batteries back to her.
“Thank you..” you spoke lightly waiting for her name.
“Oh, its Olivia.” She said she voice shaken.
“Well thank you Olivia.” You said then turning to your dad.
“Not giving her a hard time are you?”
Negan raised his eyebrow giving you a cheeky grin “Not at all this time they actually have there shit in order.” He spoke wiggling around the list in his hand.
Nodding you left with Eden heading back to the truck with Carl running behind you two.
“Eden where are you going?” He asked.
She held the bag up in her hand that was filled with music “Trading music.” She answered simply.
He didnt say anything but continued to follow you two, you could feel his eyes burning you in the back of your head he watched every move you made.
You and Eden had gone through a crate you brought she had taken out a few albums and surprise mix tapes you liked to call them. She took ‘I love you.’ The neighborhood, ‘Anti’ Rhianna, ‘AM’ arctic monkeys and ‘Lungs’ Florance and the machine. You didn’t take any from her she didn’t have many good options so you just lended them to her.
“Really you want nothing back.” Carl voiced from behind you.
Giving him a glare “yeah theres no reason for me to take what little music she has, what are you even doing here doing you had somthing better to do cyclops.”
He glared at you “good to know your an asshole like your dad.” He spat back, he didnt appreciate the nickname but you weren’t a fan when he called you a bitch last week so your really didn’t give two shits.
“At least my dad doesn’t stand around like a bitch between his legs last time I checked you did the dirty work.” You said walking past him.
He turned to say something only for his dad to stop him. You only scoffed turning away.
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A few weeks later you saw him again but this time he came by one of the trucks, he shot a few of your fathers men. When that whole mess was cleaned up Laura came and got you saying ‘your dad needs your help.’
You walked down the hall meeting Your Dad, Carl and Daryl out side on the little balcony. Carl didn’t have his bandage on this time covering his eye, Carl put his head was down after meeting your eyes.
“Whats up?” You asked.
Negan smiled “I need a favor Sweetheart, Carl here needs a little tour but i need to fix some shit the he fucked up. Keep and eye on him yeah?” He spoke looking at Carl.
“Sure just us or..?”
“Just you two, get to know each other and dont kill him, I for one actually like him unlike you.” He said laughing a little knowing the tension between you both.
“If he keeps the attitude to a minimum.. personally not a fan of it unlike you.” You say crossing your arms moving more of you weight to one side of your body.
With that they left leaving you and Carl by the railing watching over the workers, a few kids running around playing with one another.
“Is he actually your dad?” Carl asked breaking the silence. You weren’t surprised why he asked you, you two didn’t look alike and many obvious aspects.
You looked at him, his eye focused on you looking you up and down and searching for any kind of reaction. You watched as his eyes finally met yours again.
“No..” you said admitting it to him.
He tilted his head a little as a way of say ‘What’.
“He found me at the beginning of this, what about 3 years ago? Put it simply my biological father left me to fend for myself, fucked up right?” You said walking towards a stair way sitting down on the steps.
Carl stared down at you, looking up at him through your curls letting a laugh out from the look if his face.
“Are you serious..” he asked sitting down with you.
You looked over at him, “Yeah but my father had never actually been a good person. He was far from a good parent. He was a selfish, abusive man, he wasn’t fit for kids non the less 3 girls.”
Carl seemed interested. “You have Sisters?”
“Oh, sorry I didn’t know.” He said.
You leaned back on the stairs “Why would you? We aint friends.”
He nodded turning his head looking straight. He seemed vulnerable almost. But so where you you just opened up, trauma dumped to some guy you haven’t been able to stand for months. But in that moment there was a kind if peace and understanding.
“Why did you stick around after knowing all the bad things he’s done?” Carl asked looking back at you.
“All the bad.. nobody is good or bad. Especially in this, it survival.” You scoffed, he tried to makes his people out to be what they weren’t.
“He killed good people, friends, one of them had a kid on the way!”
You looked at him your eyes nerow slightly “Your little group took out an whole outpost of more than 50 people. Many of them had family and one of the women there was carrying a child.” You spoke sharply.
“Your people, your friends aren’t so clean of blood. Nor are you.” You finished harshly.
He did say anything else. Only looked back at his hands fidgeting with them in irritation.
He knew you where right, but he also knew you weren’t clean of blood either nobody was. There is no good or bad anymore just survivors.
You both eventually got up and you showed him around. How things work, people had jobs they earned money and they got what they need. That this was our normal, even you worked did chores to earn your keep.
You two continued to talk to each other, getting to know each other you never talked about either of your peoples. There was a spark for only knowing him and hating him for the past few months he understood you. They way his eyes lingered on you as you talked how he took in every word you where saying. What was that feeling that lingered as he left the feeling of wanting to see him again.
As weeks went by you two spoke over walkies, nit the safest options but it worked. You hadn’t let anyone this close since Negan, funny how you wanted nothing to do with this boy but now you did. He made you laugh over stupid things, gave you good advice as you did with him. He heard you cry for the first time, you even snuck out to see him one time showing him a little abandoned house by the river it was the first time in long time you both had fun.
He was feeling it two, his heart fluttered at the way you smiled, how he always held eye contact taking in the sight of you as it may be the last. You did the same but he never caught you looking at him like the way he did you. The hard truth you knew was that you two are enemies, maybe not you two but your Dads, your people.
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But then shit hit the fan.
You didn’t get trapped in a sanctuary when they attacked the place, you watched as the walkers surrounded the building the echos of gun shots rang through your ears as you watched in horror as rick started to shot him down.
The only thing you could do is try and reach a different outpost. Warn them, but then you where caught.
He didn’t look familiar which scared you even more, you quicky grabbed your knife cutting his arm. He let go of you making you fall back only for someone else to grab you.
“The little bitch cut me!” The one man yelled you turned around quickly ready to strike again thats when you saw Rick and Daryl.
Your heart dropped, you where surrounded. Rick took a step toward you his hands visible “Dont Fucking come near me!” You yelled.
Rick put is gun down on the ground “Relax I don’t wanna hurt you.” His voice was calm.
“Then fuck off!”
“Where are you gonna go.” Daryl spoke.
You eyes shot over to him, you didn’t answer him. He was right though where were you gonna go, to an outpost you didn’t even know where it was at.
“Y/n we just wanna help you. I told Carl you wouldn’t get hurt.” Rick said.
Why would that matter?
“Please. Just come with us.”
You just looked at him, dumfounded.
Was it stupid yes, but you went with them handing over your weapons and walked to the gates. As they open they looks you got looks of horror from them. Rick pulled on my arm slightly letting go when I flinched. He took me into a house there sat a few people talking about what to do next.
But the all stop once their eyes landed on me.
“Sit.” Daryl said pointing at the couch his tone serious.
You where scared what did they want with you what was their plan, why where you not dead, locked up. You picked at your finger s peeling the skin off them drowning out everything around you. What the fuck is happening.
A hand fell on both of your hands you quickly looking up you saw him. His face filled with concern, he spoke but you never heard what he said the way he brows frowned trying to reach you. You began to break as both of his hand touched your arms squeezing them slightly wanting and answering out of you.
“Why am I here...” your voice tender and cracked.
“I..” Carl started but never finished he just looked at you.
“Why the hell am I here.” You asked again.
He took a deep breath “Help us end this.”
You stared at him, help them, help them. Why would you help them.
“Get away from me… Get AWAY.” You shouted pushing him away.
He stood back as you stood up, your hands gripping harshly on your hair.
“Your fucking kidding me right?! What makes you think I would help you, help these people! You know how crazy you sound.” You slightly laugh the frustration in your voice very clear. These people wanted your help. They just destroyed the only place you called home.
“Please Y/n, please.. hear us out.” Carl said.
“Your acting a fool, you just attacked my people, my home! Theres more than just Negan in there theres kids! Family, old people! What the fuck is wrong with you guys!” You yelled. “And- and you know that.. you saw it, so did he!” You finished pointing at Daryl.
They all knew that.
“What makes you think you can trust me anyway? What it your head makes you think I wouldn’t betray you.” You said your arms falling to your sides.
“Because your the one that let me out of that cell, made sure I had a clear way out.” Daryl spoke up.
You looked at him, he knew.
“And I trust you.” Carl said. “They may not but you help out friend and you’ve earned my trust, my respect.”
You shook your head, you wanted to cry, to cry like a little kid. Carl came to you again slowly pulling you in for a slight hug. Something sincere he cared for you he may have only truly known your for few weeks but he wanted you safe but with that came a cost. The talks over that walkie you had with him you could careless who herd them. Carl had fallen for a girl who he couldn’t have with out a cost.
“Y/n your something to believe In again, you could change things. Help your people.” Rick spoke.
You wanted to help your people, they deserved it they deserved to be safe. To have a life beyond the sanctuary. Alexandria was a safe place but so was your home they where good people in there people who don’t know how to protect themselves.
“But you’ll have to go behind, Negan. Lie to him.” Michonne finished.
Your head snaped at her, “I cant, i… i wont! I’ll just lie to you tell him your plans.” You said trying to get them to not believe you.
“If you do you’ll only hurt yourself…”
For my people.. but the cost was to betray a man who would do anything for you. You caught Carls eye he gave you a pleading look. He practically begged you with that look, betray your Dad for a boy.. for a boy and peace between people.
“If i betray you, I hurt myself.. if i betray my people, my family, I betray my dad, my dad is very important to me..”
“More important than your people and peace dont you want more for those family’s. For us.” Carl said, him whispering the last part only for you to hear.
For us..
You wanted that more than anything..
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So you helped them, you got back in through a old drain the led into the basement, you knew people would have noticed you where gone or maybe not.
When you saw Simon and Dwight they nodded at you figured you where out hidden in your room. Stupid men.
But you also knew Dwight was working with them as well, he was a traitor too.
Days had passed they finally cleared the walkers out. The plan was to attack hilltop but there was a twist, Negan on the other hand didn’t want you to have any part of it he stated “I need you here, with out people.” So you stayed.
You stayed back with your people started cleaning up putting things back together, when they came back your dad wasn’t to be seen.
“Wheres my dad?” You asked walking up to simon, he shared a look with Dwight looking back at you.
“Someone ran him off the road, all we found was blood when we finally found his car…” Simon said his tone quiet.
All you could do was stare at him “what.. is he.”
They nodded, the two men shared a look again.
Something isn’t right. They’re lying, they gotta be he couldn’t just be killed that easily.
After that Simon took charge, he seemed pleased with himself it was sickening. He bossed everyone around hell even threatened you that if you didn’t keep your mouth shut there would be ‘consequences’. It was just crazy to you, how easily he forgot his place.
But even now you had a job. So you did it you told them what happened leaving a note in the woods for them to find.
When you got back, There stood Negan. He turned to look at you giving you a smile.
“Hiya Sweetheart, how ya been.” His voice sweet giving you a hug.
“They said you where dead.” You said in a whisper only for him to hear.
He nodded looking at you back to Simon who was staring you down. You already knew he was fucked but lets make it worse, not here though. Negan wanted to talk anyway.
You sat on the couch in his room waiting for him, he startled you out of your trace as he placed his hand on the side if your head kissing you on the top of the head.
“Now tell me what the shit has he all done..?” He asked coming around sitting next to you.
“He pretty much took over your place bossing people around, and that attack on hilltop went south from what I heard, oh! He also threatened me” you said.
He turned his head to look at me. “ Do I dare ask what he said..” his voice went dark the look he held could kill.
You told him you may have exaggerated it a bit but you could careless the son of a bitch deserved it. His actions has consequences.
After that conversation you just sat there with him your head laying on his shoulder your arms wrapped around his arm.
“Im sorry..” you spoke softly, you could feel your throat swell up as you hold back tears.
“Its not your fault, Princess..” its been a minute since he’s called you princess, hell you where. You may not be his blood but your the only child he’s ever had, you where his daughter, his little girl.
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The day finally came, but you weren’t standing with them you stood with Carl not your Father. The sound of that familiar call rang through your ears as everyone raised there gun.
“Well damn Rick, lookie here.” Negans voice echoed through a radio.
“Pegged again, pegged so very hard.”
Everyone moved around looking for them “ I ambushed your ambush with an even bigger ambush.” You could hear a slight chuckle after.
“Why don’t you step out and face us!” Rick yelled out as he looked around looking for any kind of movement.
“Oh I am everywhere Rick.” He said.
You closed your eyes settling your breath you felt a hand on your back, opening your eyes looking to you left you saw carl. He gave you a nod trying to give you some kind of comfort. You could hear Negan he went on talking about Eugene and Dwight, going to to Gabriel. Then he said your name.
“Where is my daughter because I would love to know. Kind fucked up how your little psycho of a son came in one day and now my daughter is gone. You happen to know anything about that.” His voice was serious, you had been gone since yesterday.
Rick looked back at you, you shook your head telling him not to say a word.
“But here we go, congratulations Rick.” Was the last thing he said before he started a count down.
They came out starting to fire only for their weapons to back fire on them.
Every thing happend to fast.
Soon enough they had surrendered, the saviors where on their knees hands in the air. Rick and Negan ran off, you looked around for them Carl and Rosita following behind me a little.
You finally got up to the hill you saw them standing in-front of each other talking, Negans face fell looking like he was going to cry at what Rick said. For a moment they stood there. Then it happened.
“NO!” You screamed, you went to run towards them only for Rosita to grab you holding you tightly.
“NO YOU LIER! YOU SAID YOU WERNT GONNA KILL HIM!” You Sobbed, struggling against Rosita and she tried calming you down.
“You fucking Lier! Please he’s all i have, please.” You begged your body slightly collapsing in Rositas Arms Carl came in front of you helping Rosita turn you so you did have to see him bleed out.
“You fucking people lied. I trusted you.” You cried.
“I didn’t know, Y/n I didn’t know.” Carl said his hands cupping your face making you looks at him.
Your sobs continue, As you fell into his arms. Rosita let go of you only staying behind you. The only thing in the field you could hear was you sobbing, Carls gentle tone trying to calm you. His hand gently rubbing your back, your hands covered your face your head resting on Carls shoulder.
“Save him.”
You pushed of Carls shoulder looking up. The widow started to do the same thing you had just done, Michonne holding her back as she yelled at rick, begging him to keep Negan dead.
“We have to make it right.” Maggie sobbed.
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A year had now passed, you hadn’t been able to see Negan they wouldn’t let you. But what they did do it tell him that you had helped them, not by much but you did.
“Why would they do that..” you asked, Carl looked up at you.
“In not sure.. ask my dad why he did.” He said, you only glared at him.
“Common babe, you cant hold that anger with him forever especially that your my girlfriend.” He laughed slightly standing up from the step turning to you pulling you up.
“Its called a grunge, and yeah I can. They go on telling Negan i betrayed him and i don’t even get to explain my self to him.” You spoke the irritation in your voice quite visible.
Carl sighed, “I know Y/n..” he pulled you in by your hands.
“Talk to Michonne, you like her at lest.” Carl said giving you a kiss.
So you where gonna do just that but first you had to find her. When you did she was with Judith on the porch Rosita with her. Rosita gave you a smile as she left.
Michonne looked at you giving you a small smile “Hi Y/n how are you?” She said.
“Im fine but i have a question.” You spoke, she nodded letting you continue.
“Why wont you let me see him” befor she could speek you cut her off “I know i ask this way to often but you told him everything i could attest give him an exclamation, you just letting him believe that what i did was for the worst, so please. Wouldn’t you want Carl to tell you if that had happened to him not just to stay quiet and believe he did it to hurt you.” You finished.
Michonne signed “You’ll have five minutes.”
Your face light up “Thank you, Thank you!”
She grabbed Judith giving her to a friend as she walked you to the basement, Carl and Rosita followed you two and you walked down the stairs she told you to wait.
“You have a Visitor.” She said before waving you in.
It was dark but you could see him, and he looked like shit. “Five minutes.” Michonne said walking over to the door keeping it open but she walked up them.
The silence between you two lingered for a minute, after all that begging you couldn’t get your self to say anything but when he did your heart dropped.
“Well kid, hows your new life, boyfriend, freedoms.” He said harshly.
“I-its fine, can I explain..” you said.
He stood up moving to the bars looking at you. “What that you stabbed me in the back yeah I got that.”
“Dont be a dick-”
“Really your gonna call me the dick?” He scoffed.
“I never meant you any harm i wanted what was best for our people.” You said softly.
He didn’t say anything, his eyes never left you but he was mad and he had every right to be. You had all of his trust, he would’ve done anything for you and you betrayed him. Everything he had done for you was thrown out the window after that stunt those 4 years were practically all for nothing.
“I know your mad at me and you have every right to be, I just wanted our people to see more the kids in the sanctuary to have more of a life beyond that, here those kids have a playground more people to become friends with.” You said, you watched as he turned around midway through you talking, he didn’t want to look at you.
You took a breath in bitting your lip to stop you self from crying, you crossed your arms holding your self in a hug.
“I haven’t seen you in a year man common say something, yell at me something anything.” You spoke in a whimper your lip trembling.
“Please don’t hate me.” Your tears fell down your cheeks.
“Your all i have left to family, I never thought I would call someone dad again let alone a man that actually cared for me..” you cried out your head falling down looking that the floor.
The tears continue to fall down your face making your cheeks glisten. He was your dad, maybe it was a cycle with you to make them hate you at some point.
“I don’t hate you, I don’t think I could ever bring myself to hate you.” He said quietly not turning around.
“Then why wont you look at me..” you asked not even sure if you wanted to know the answer.
He sighed deeply turning around “That better?”
You nodded not sure what to say next, things may never be the same again but you do know that is he doesn’t hate you, you didn’t have to worry about the fear of him never wanting to see you again.
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remuslupinsdaughter · 4 months
New Masterlist
Here’s where you’ll find everything I’ve written 🙂
Natasha Romanoff
The winterwidows child
Bucky Barnes
The winterwidows child
Frank castle
Protect her
Part one part two part three part four
Criminal minds
Miss momma
Will LaMontagne Jr
Miss momma
Derek Morgan
Hospital stays and side effects
Aaron Hotchner
All too much
Hiding from school
Sons of anarchy
Part one part two part three
Happy Lowmann
Harley Lowmann
Part one Part two
Bloody hands
Mayans M.C.
Angel Reyes
Daddy’s girl
Harry Potter
Remus Lupin
Scared me
Under the weather
Not good enough
Dad Remus headcannons
Scared of the bad man
Sirius Black
As long as you need
Scared of the bad man
The Walking Dead
Scraped knees and kisses better
Peaky Blinders
Tommy Shelby
Molly Shelby
Part one Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six
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woodyrubster · 4 months
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“Y-you promised, but you…” her voice started to crack around the words while tears welled up in her eyes.
“You left me, you promised me but you left me anyway…” Her first tears started to break from their water line.
“Y-you left me, you left me and i- i couldn’t… i couldn’t breathe… d-dad you—“
He reached out his hand to her, “hey, hey it’s okay, i’m right here Jessie, i’m right here..”
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xhannahbananax03 · 1 year
Ok hear me out... Cowboy/Ranch hand Negan x Farmers Daughter
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Here's some gifs to put someone in the mood to write this before I have to
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
Hello! Anon here who requested the Negan father/ daughter request. “Freed” as in after the whole whispers thing. He walking Alexandria freely?
I love this but it's so hard for me to write dad!negan since I think he's so hot LMAO. I also don't remember the original request so I went with just a day in the life fic lmao I'm so sorry it's been rough over here.
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"Have you been acclimating?" I ask, handing my jug of water to my dad who sits down beside me on the bench with a huff. We've been working all day, trying to repair what the Whisperers had taken from us, slowly restoring our community to what it was before them and before the storms that have passed through within the winter months.
My breath fogs in the cold air as my dad thinks for a moment, eyes flickering around to look at our work before giving me a stern shrug.
"You mean have people finally stopped trying to kill my ass?" He teases, bumping me with his shoulder with a smirk which only pulls an eye roll from me.
It took him nearly killing everyone good in the world and me finally finding my first group of civilization since the world has ended for us to be reunited and, though I didn't imagine it being from behind bars, it was relieving to be reunited with him.
It was heartbreaking to learn of all the havoc he created with the assumed knowledge that I was dead and it was even harder to find out that my mom had died and that it wasn't from cancer. He ended up working on himself, from within the tiny cell, just to be able to gain the trust of Michonne and others on the council.
Though, I know a lot of it had to do with my presence.
"Lydia's taken a liking to you." I wave at the brunette from across the yard, sending her a small smile as she sucks in a breath, giving my dad a nod of acknowledgement.
I can only imagine how losing her mom has effected her, especially given the fact that she was a murderous bitch and would've rather seen Lydia dead than in the hands of people who actually cared for her. Maybe, down the line, her and I will bond over our loss of a parent and the unfortunate villain arc of another.
"Yeah well, I do sort of have father figure energy don't I?" He chuckles, shoving his shovel into the ground before sucking down the rest of my water.
"Judith thinks so too." She's not easy to sway, that one. She's hard to trust people, especially since it seems that everyone close to her has just seemed to evaporate as time goes on but there's some comfort that my dad was able to offer her, even when he was teaching her math from within his jail cell. "Which is kind of ironic given her dad literally dedicated years to hating you." He reaches out to immediately shove me, eyes rolling at my teasing but, even though I'm taunting him and he loves it, he knows it's true.
"That was before I was the hero a few times, kid. Gotta cut me some slack." He blows into his hands, desperately trying to warm them up as I send him a soft smile, knowing that he's slowly trying to redeem himself after all of the years of pain and torment that he's caused- pain and torment my ten year old self would never imagine he'd be capable of.
"I'm really surprised it took the world ending for you to serve hard time, old man."
"Oh shut up."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent
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renren-006 · 11 months
Prisoner and Savior | Daryl Dixon x Reader, Negan Daughter
summery: Negan is your father and he reasures you that the events taking place are not your fault, that history had been written and he couldn't not show a little ruthlessness towards those who killed his men. With Daryl trapped with you in that compound, what will you do? 
word count: 706
warning: negan has character development and not a 100% bad guy, Daryl loves you no question, spoiler for season 7/8. 
a/n: hey! an original idea by me! i like negan as a character both before and after character development i never thought he was a bad character just a ruthless leader and i wanted a story to show partially if he had a daughtr how she would be able to see the other lays to him and not just the one Rick and the others see. Also Daryl is so hopelessly in love with you don’t worry. 
Please let me know if you want more Negan or more Daryl stories!! 
Happy reading
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You didn't like it here, you never really did. He stood there at the end of the hallway watching the man behind the door so closely. You could see his eyes travel over to you, hurt and want clearly. You wanted to save him, you wanted to hold him close again, but you were a prisoner the same as he. 
Negan stood outside that door almost everyday, making you watch as he stood before the man you loved. Negan made you choose your fate and you chose the right one. You were not his wife, you could not be seen as you were Negan's daughter. The only living thing keeping your mothers memory alive. He had such an attachment to that bat after the fire and after the world ended that you ran. For a few years you were free of the sad lonely man that your father had become.
 How do you explain to a community that the man they hate, is your father. You couldn’t, and Negan didn’t say a word either. You knew your father. He wasn't who he portrayed himself to be, he was different, yes but heartless, never. He steered into your eyes when he turned around from berating your boyfriend. Daryl looked hurt, and you knew this was your fault, as much as your father and others told it was not. If you had not taken such a liking to Maggie and Glenn maybe they wouldn't be dead, maybe they would still be alive. If your father had not been the man they had attacked unjustly maybe he would not have beaten the others, scared Rick and made you a prisoner at his empire. 
Daryl knew, he knew about Negan, the relationship you had with Negan and he still loved you. That car ride to the compound you knew you had to tell him, every dark secret, every love and wish that things had turned out different. Daryl consoled you in that car, and promised he would always love you. You didn't deserve him, he was too good, too tough. So when he looked at you with love before the door closed once again, you wanted to crawl in that room beside him. 
“This isn't your fault Y/N” Negan told you, the sweetness of his voice. You looked up at him, “I have to show my people I..can handle those who hurt us”
“I understand, I just hate seeing him like that,” you told the man. Naegan nodded his head from the sofa next to you. 
“I'm sorry” Negan spoke before leaving the room, and leaving you to your thoughts. That night you sat outside his door, Dwight not too far to keep watch to make sure you got your time. Dwight was a man that was already hurt by your father and seeing the kindness he spared to you made him rethink a few things. You whispered through the door for an hour before Dwight reminded you of shift change and you had to leave. Soon after a break out plan was solidified. 
“Go” Negan spoke from behind you, waiting patiently by the door as you packed a backpack, “Ill make it seem like you escaped and blame someone else”
“Then you're only hurting your men” you told him.
“Then i'll find someone who deserves it, someone other than you and Daryl” his heart was big, and big enough that he understood he could not keep living this path in life. “Ill make this up to you”
“Make it up to Alexandria, give them their lives back and the Kingdom, this world is already crazy we don't need ....tyrants too” you told him. 
“I can do that”
Negan spoke to Rick that evening, a chance to change and after explaining over and over the things on each of their minds they came to an agreement. Things had to change and with the right conversations and the right people there things can be changed. No more death, no more loss and no more war. This world was already in shambles and having living people fighting instead of fighting the dead, seemed counter productive. So a charter and a negotiation was made between the Hilltop, Alexandria and the Kingdom.
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vigilxnte · 6 months
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Chapter 1 Part 1
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Hi guys. This is Chapter 1 Part 1 of my what if series. Its main protagonist will be Rick's daughter Y/N. I'll let you all work out the rest. This is an on going series so please stay tuned. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the first part.
Approx 900 words
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Negans whistle surrounded us ,like prey, as we forced our way through the tress. It was as if the branches wanted us as dead as he did. My father guided us, while i clung onto Maggie. She was trying her best to keep up, as the pains got worse. "Come on Maggie not to much further, right dad?" I reassured her as I held all her weight on my shoulders. My dad, Rick, ignored me as we all ran in a frantic panick. The faster we ran I felt my legs burn with exhaustion. As the whistling got louder I grew more with panic. Today isn't the day I accept death. Not after all we'd been through.
We turned a corner as one of negans men appeared from the bushes. It was like hunting a boar during hunting season, except we were the ones being hunted. Running in a different direction we haulted in an opening to catch out breath, looking around, searching for an escape. Suddenly the whistling stopped. I looked at my brother Carl who seem just as confused I was. "Are they gone?" I questioned, breathless to the group. they all appeared just as unsure as i did. Abruptly, lights began appearing around us, simultaneously, almost coordinated. Light peirced through my retna, almost burning the back of my skull. Squinting, I held tight on to Maggie, who too struggled for breath and vision. Behind the light I could make out 100s of men, stood by cars of which the light sourced. They surrounded us like hawks ready for the kill. But what stopped them? Between the shining lights a camper van positioned itself between group that surrounded us. Turning, I saw more crowd from behind us, some of them making their way to us, before slamming us to our knees and removing our weapons from hands and pockets. I let go of Maggie as they forced us apart placing us into a line.
From the line of men and cars surrounding on stepped forward almost giving us a once over to ensure we were alined 'perfectly'. He eyed us down one last time before he spoke "alright, we got a full boat" pausing for dramatic pause "let's meet the man" gleefully walking to the door of the camper to knock. Knock, knock, knock. Silence was all around, even a walker would have been some what comforting noise in this moment in time. The camper van's door banged against itself, as the silouette of an unknown man appeared from the hovering darkness. He stepped from the camper as his foot fell heavy to the gravelled ground. Strutting his way over to us, fitted in a leather jacket and smug grin on his face. A red bandaner positioned above the closed jacket. A hand tightly fisted a bat, covered in barbwire as it rested against the mans broad shoulders.
"Pissing our pants yet?"
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Thank you for reading and make sure to leave a comment if you have any ideas I could add for future posts.
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sunnybunnyy2 · 7 months
Father Knows Best
Daryl Dixon x platonic!reader
Negan Smith x daughter!reader
TIME: season 7
Warnings: imprisonment, swearing, mentions of Daryl’s abuse, mentions of savours, transpires in season seven, spoilers for season seven of the walking dead, possible typos and bad writing
CHAPTER 3 to the Dark Cell Series
Not much Daryl in this one, sadly, but he will be in it much more next chapter!
Series Masterlist Official Masterlist
This one came out way quicker than the second and I’m sorry for that, but I am beginning to get into a regular posting times! So here it is!!
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Your eyes were forced open when you heard the loud pounding of a fist consistently colliding against your door.  
You let out a groan as your senses began to kick in, the once blackness that you were seeing behind your eyelids was replaced with the bright light that shined through the window that was meant to be covered by your curtain but you had been growing even more tired since your visits with Daryl. 
It had made sense. Normally you would be asleep before the second night shift, so around 11 pm, but now you couldn't fall asleep until around 3 am, sometimes even 4.
That paired with the times that you had to wake up each morning had given you a maximum of four hours a night. Then you had to work all day and repeat the cycle again and again. 
You couldn't risk falling asleep before you met Daryl, knowing that he would starve that night, and that thought alone kept your mind racing all day. 
You constantly wondered how he was doing at the hands of your father. You wondered if he was being beaten, even if the old bruises on his face had started to fade you knew it wasn't long until they would reappear again. 
You wondered what else Dwight was forcing him to do. You couldn't really put anything past him. 
You used to admire how kind he was to others and how kindly he would treat his wife, Sherry, and her sister, Tina. But ever since Tina had been killed when they had escaped the sanctuary over a month ago and he had faced the wrath of her father, he hadn't been the same.
You knew it was because of his wife. Sherry had offered to become your father's wife to spare Dwight's life. 
You didn't agree with your father having multiple wives especially so soon after your mother's death. It had been just over two years and he was pretending she didn't exist. He was coercing women into being his wife, in hopes of filling the dark that was left after your mother had taken her own life. 
You could see how their presence in his life wasn't providing in the way he had hoped it would. You could see it in his eyes. 
He was miserable. So he was bringing pain onto other people to make himself feel better. You didn't agree with his ways of coping but it's not like you could change his mind. He was a grown man and could certainly make his own choices.
He knew where you stood and what he chose to do with that was up to him, you supposed. He knew you weren't a fan of his 'marital' status so he kept it as far away from you as possible. Making sure that he never showed affection to them around you, making sure they stayed out of your way. But that wasn't the issue. You did like his wives, they were kind to you. Always making sure you were okay. Never talking about your father around you. 
You had felt like his wives were a majority of your closest friends. When you pushed back the fact that they were sleeping with your father.
You tugged the sheets off of your body roughly as you jumped to your feet after realizing that the knocking wasn't getting any quieter.
You pulled your shirt down from where it had been yanked up in your sleep from your turning as you walked towards the door before jerking it open, causing the knocker to stumble slightly as they fell forward, making it clear that they were leaning against the door as they waited for a response. 
"Jesus," she spoke your name as she caught herself from falling to the hard ground. "Your dad wants you. Said you had something you wanted to talk to him about." Laura informed you as she looked at you with a blank face but you knew her facial features well enough from the two years you had known her to tell that she was confused about what you had to talk to your father about. You had always confided in her about the way you felt about your father. 
The disappointment and frustration but also about how you missed the old times between your family. About how you missed your old father and how you missed the comfort your mother had brought you before she died.
She had also spoken about how she missed her parents as well and even though her situation wasn't remotely the same, she still understood what it felt like to be a younger girl who just wanted her parent's love and affection. 
"Yeah, yeah...um where is he?" You asked as you ran a hand through your hair in an attempt to smooth out some of the tangles. 
"In his room. You better get ready, he ain't got all day." Laura sent a nod your way before sending you a half smile, clearly as tired as you as she was sent to do more work around the sanctuary. She never seemed to have time to rest. She was constantly either at Negan's aid or on watch somewhere around the sanctuary. 
"Sir, yes sir." You saluted.
"You wish I was a sir?" She asked with raised eyebrows.
"Nah, you're just fine to look at now." You smiled slyly.
"Jesus, you're just like your father." She shook her head with a smirk. 
"Damn, Laura. You wound me. Seriously that was so hurtful." You half-joked as you wiped away imaginary tears as you turned your head away from her. 
"I take that back, you're way better." She shrugged as she spoke the truth that everyone at the sanctuary thought. Though you had always assumed some of the saviours had befriended you because of Negan wasn't entirely true. Sure some did in hopes of earning extra points for themselves and their families, but most just genuinely thought that you were one of the good ones. That you could possibly be able to persuade your father to change his ways. 
"Alright. I forgive you, Laur. Even if you started my day off with a fucking headache." You spoke as you rubbed your temple, your words earning a very 'unladylike' snort from Laura as she started to back away from your room and down the hallway. 
"My pleasure, Miss. Smith." She saluted before she turned around and quickened her pace to her shift which she was surely late from, leaving you to stare at the hallway wall as you mentally prepared yourself for the conversation you were about to have with your father, knowing it could go two ways. Well, which was the unlikely scenario or, Awful which you were leaning towards. 
And that's how you ended up here. Sat at the table with your father as he settled in his seat after having poured himself a small glass of bourbon. 
You watched as Potter, a worker in the sanctuary, placed two plates of eggs, home fries and some ham on top of the table for you two. You sent a smile his way as he nodded at you and your father before turning to make his exit, but your father's voice stopped him. 
"Oh, Mr. Potter..." Your father spoke in a sing-song voice as tapped his fork on the table. 
"Yes, Negan?" He asked as he turned back to the pair of you. A trail of sweat hastily coming down his brow, as his anxious eyes flicked between you and your father in hopes of getting a read on your body language.
"I think you forgot something." He pointed to his empty cup of water before snapping his fingers as if the second after he spoke lasted an hour. "Today." He rolled his eyes as the man rushed over to pick up the pitcher of water and pour it into his cup.
"Would you like some as well, ?" He spoke your name as he turned to look at you. Your father's glass now filled with ice water. 
"Of course, she wants some. What do you think, she wants to eat your dry ass food without having something to wash it down with." Your father let out a laugh as if it was the funniest thing in the world all while glaring the poor man down, who was practically shaking in his boots.
"No thank you, Potter." You managed to smile softly at him as if to calm him. Your body lowered down slightly as your body inadvertent shrank into yourself in embarrassment at how your father was treating the kind man.
Your demeanour didn't seem to put the man at ease as he still looked as though he was about to stroke out, which apparently was hilarious to your father as he let out a booming chuckle from deep in his throat, his rough and deep voice spoke from behind his pearly white teeth. 
"Jesus, man. I'm just joking. It's just a jokey, joke. Holy fuck," he spoke your name, "did you see his fucking face? He looked like he was going to piss his pants." He laughed before looking at the floor as though he was looking to see if the older man had done just that. 
"That will be all, Potter. Thank you." You looked away from your father to face the middle-aged man before nodding to the door, not quite able to hide your anger well, causing him to look to Negan for permission.
Your father watched you with amusement glimmering in his big brown eyes, clearly finding your annoyance entertaining, before he nodded, still looking at you as he spoke. "Do you need her to tell you again? Leave. Now." Without wasting a second he scurried out of the room, probably to go cry in the corner somewhere. Your father seemed to always have that effect on people. 
"Did you really have to scare him away? I was gonna get him to cut up my meat." He laughed.
"You're a grown-ass man. I think you can do it yourself just fine." You narrowed your eyes at him, watching as his eyes widened slightly before they were amused again, a small laugh leaving his lips.
"You really are my kid, ain't ya."
You guys sat in silence for a minute. You glaring at him and him trying to hide the merriment in his eyes.
"If you've got something to say, baby, just spit it out." He said as he crossed his arms while leaning back in his seat, eyes studying your face. 
"What is wrong with you?" You asked with anger clear in your voice as you shook your head.
"Well, sweetheart, I have a lot of things wrong with me so you're gonna have to be more specific." 
"You know what I'm talking about, Dad. That. How you treat people." You scoffed at his attempt at humour, normally you would laugh at his stupid attempts at making you laugh but now, when he humiliated people for a good laugh, your blood would quite literally boil in your skin. 
"I was just having a little fun. He doesn't mind." He dismissed as he laughed, shaking his head before he began using the fork he was still gripping to take a substantial bite of his over-easy eggs.
"It's not a 'little fun', Dad. You scared him half to death. Does it not make you feel bad when you treat people like shit?" You shook your head in disbelief.
"No, it doesn't. I'm in charge. Im not treating anyone like shit here. Do you see all that I do for these people? What I provide for them." His face grew annoyed at your words.
"Yeah, Dad. I do. But you can help keep these people safe without treating them like shit. You don't need to make them fear you to keep them sa-" He cut you off before you could finish your sentence but you could tell by his tone that you got your point across.
"They need to fear me to stay in line. That's what I do. I keep them in line. How else do you think we're still standing? If I become buddy, buddy with them they'll think they can get away with shit they just can't get away with."
"You can be a decent person and still have loyal followers. I mean, shit, how do you think half the groups still alive are operating?" You tried to mile your tone down as you began cutting up your ham. 
"You mean the groups we're gonna take over? They won't be operating like that for long." He shook his head in dismissal before wiping away the yellow egg yolk that had dropped into his pink lips.
"But why can't you form alliances with other groups? Instead of controlling them?" You tried to reason.
"Look, hunny. I love you, okay? But I don't tell you how to lead your little posey so don't fucking tell me how to lead mine." He said angrily before taking hold of his glass of bourbon and gulping down all of its contents. 
"You do realize you just called you and your people pretentious, right? I do think it fits, though." You snorted as you took a small bite of your scrambled eggs. 
"What did you want to talk to me about? I have things I need to get done." He rubbed a hand over his face in annoyance.
"Oh sorry, I didn't know having a conversation with your daughter was such a burden." You shook your head as you began to stand up but we're stopped when your father grabbed your arm.
You looked over expecting to see a look of anger on your father's face but sat back down when all you saw was remorse for his words that were obviously taken out of context but they had hurt you nonetheless, as that was what he hated the most. Hurting you.
"You know what I meant. I love talking to you, you know that, don't act like you don't. Tell me what you want to talk about, baby. Please." He pulled his and away and picked up his fork, signalling for you to speak. 
"What is that community called?" You asked as you picked up the pitcher of water, not missing the look your father sent you that practically said, 'You should have just gotten Potter to do that' but you just brushed it off, knowing you were more than capable of pouring your own cup of water.
"Who am I? Fucking Professor X? You're going to have to be more-"
"That new community. The one you took a prisoner from." You specified, know that was his next word.
"How the hell do you know about that?" He asked with slight anger. He had tried to keep you as far away from his duties as much as he possibly could. 
He had constantly restricted you from leaving the sanctuary in hopes of keeping you alive and blissfully unaware of his actions, knowing that he had shaped his men well enough that they knew they needed to die for you. 
"Everyone knows about it. You don't exactly keep it under wraps. I can hear you boost about it from my room. Your voice travels." You studied him, wanting to make sure he wasn't going to try and keep something from you.
"Huh, so I've been told." He shrugged as he then began to study you, checking to see if he could notice any alternative motives. You could only hope he didn't.
"Why do you wanna know anyway?" He questioned.
"I'm just curious. Sick of the gossip and rumours, just want to know what's going on. That's all." You attempted to play it off, hoping he didn't notice the slight quiver in your voice.
"I hate gossipers too. They seem to be everywhere, don't they." He replied as he squirted some ketchup onto his cooling grilled potatoes.
"Yeah, they do... so...?" You pressed, hoping he would stop beating around the bush and just reveal what you were wanting to know.
"Alexandria. It's a nice place but the people make it a fucking shit hole, their leader, Rick, is a joke. A fucking pussy if I've ever known one. Hell, I bet Potter could take him in a fight. Truly it's embarrassing." He ranted as he rolled his eyes, his fork scraping against his plate as if the sheer thought of Daryl's leader, Rick, had brought him so much rage that he had to take it out on the plate.
"So is there a lot of people there?" You asked, trying to sound casual.
"Two-hundred and thirty-four." He revealed causing her to tense.
"So we have more." It was a statement rather than a question.
"By a landslide, baby. We have five hundred and four through all of our outposts. In any way, we outrank them. You know what's hilarious? Their leader is so hellbent on killing me even though he knows my people could wipe his people out in a blink of an eye. Everything with that guy is a dick-measuring contest. But he should know by now that he's not gonna win in that department." He laughed once again forgetting that his daughter was sitting across from him. 
Your eyes rolled as he once again found a way to boost about himself.
"Jesus, your daughter is right here!" You exclaimed as you rolled your eyes. Sometimes he was such a child, you thought. If your mother was here she would beat him with her shoe.
"Sorry, sorry. But hey, I want to show you something." He said as he wiped his mouth with a cotton napkin, before placing it on top of his now empty plate, the streaks of ketchup and yellow remained.
Your food on the other hand was still half full, but you knew your father would have somebody wrap it up for you to eat tomorrow as he knew that it took you at least an hour after waking up to be able to eat. 
As you guys walked you caught sight of a man with long dark hair and a broad frame hunched over a mop. You didn't clue in until you saw Dwight roughly grab the man to make him continue his moping a little way ahead. 
It was Daryl.
You didn't have much time to react before your father was speaking again, drawing their attention.
"Dwighty boy, what do we have here?" Your father said as he stopped beside Dwight, smirking down at Daryl as he watched him silently continue his task, his head angled downward.
"Just Daryl, doing what he's told," Dwight spoke with a slight smile while watching Daryl.
Your father let out a booming laugh and you could see Daryl pause his movements for a moment having to mentally restrain himself from physically pouncing on him. 
You knew if he were to break loose you couldn't really blame him. Your father had put him through hell, but that's what he was. Your father. You couldn't let anything thing happen to him, no matter how much you understood how he was feeling.
"You missed a spot." Your father said as he watched the slightly shorter man conceal his anger with delight, clearly enjoying the inner battle that was going on inside of him. Your father kept his eyes on Daryl as he tipped his bourbon bottle on the floor, the dark liquor mashed with the newly clean floor. The half-drunken bottle now sized down a noticeable amount, he laughed again before he shoved the bottle into Dwight's chest. "Here, buddy. You deserve it." Your father tore his eyes away from Daryl before looking up at you, noticing the beyond-dirty look you were sending his way. 
"Thanks, boss." Dwight nodded as he clutched the bottle.
"Get back to work, you mutt." Your father smiled at Daryl but you could tell it was forced as he roughly patted his shoulder in a condescending way before making his way back over to you, sensing your unease about what he was doing.
He nodded at you to follow him before he began to stroll back down the hallway. You followed but your eyes were still trained on Daryl.
Your heart pounded in your chest when he turned his head slightly, watching Negan go before his eyes found you. 
They narrowed once he caught sight of you. You couldn't quite read the look that took over his emotionless face but you knew he didn't feel joy in seeing you with Negan. 
You saw flashes of rage, confusion and a flash of fear? 
Your eyes were locked on each other before Dwight harshly shoved Daryl back to his task which he complied with but at a slower pace, as if his mind was processing the fact that he had seen you outside of his cell with Negan of all people. 
You waited a moment before you turned back around, and in that moment you saw Dwight studying the two of you in confusion.
You hurriedly turned forward to look at your father's back as you turned the corner finally making your way into the kitchen. The one you had found yourself in more often than ever.
"Ta-da," your father said in an overdramatic voice, a wide smile on his face as he waved a hand towards a big a machine that was shaking as it operated, the small, shiny window was wet with condensation. 
"Holy-shit! Is that what I think it is?" You exclaimed in an excited tone as you practically hopped over to the machine in pure astonishment.
"Well, I sure as shit hope I didn't have seven of my men working themselves into the ground carrying this piece of shit back here all for it not to be the fucking ice cream machine that I've been askin' for, for a fuckin' year?" He spoke as you leaned back slightly as if to amplify his words. 
You let out a yell of excitement as you ran into your father's arms, his arms wrapping around your upper back as you tucked your head into his chest. You could feel his smile as he rested his forehead on top of your scalp.
It was moments like these that you missed. The pure moments of a father and daughter showing care for one another. Sure you were still angry with him for what he did to Daryl just minutes ago and for all the bad he was doing, but you couldn't spoil this moment.
The moment that your inner child craved to have.
The moment you were robbed of one too many times. 
You wondered if the sadness could be shown in your eyes. The longing for the love of your parents. 
You knew that Laura could see it. Just as you could see your sadness as well. It was like an understanding for the two of you. You both didn't get to experience much love from your parents, her from way before the outbreak and you, after.
You knew that your mother wasn't at fault for not being there for you. You knew that if she could be here, she would. That's just who she was. She would never miss any of your important achievements and even your minor ones, she always made sure to show up, no matter how much shit she would get at work. She would take all the yelling from her boss just to see your smile when you noticed she was there. 
Your father tried his hardest to be there but most of the time something else was always more important. You were always left having to deal with his half-ass excuses as to why he couldn't show up; only to find out that he was too busy fucking your godmother aka your mother's best friend.
You weren't sure how your mother could forgive him after all the stress he had caused her in the early stages of her cancer, but you knew it was most likely because of how much she loved him.
You had never quite seen someone treat their significant other as well as your father did when he found out about your mother's diagnosis.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You chanted pulling away from your father to look at the grey and blue machine again causing your father to laugh at you, even though he was feeling elated at the fact that you had enjoyed his little present. 
"So, you want to take it for a spin?" Negan asked with a grin, knowing that he was gonna get a taste of the treat that he had also been craving.
"Do Andie and Ben end up together in 'How to lose a guy in 10 days?' " You asked with a raised eyebrow, a smile on your face. 
"Uh, I don't know, do they?" He asked in confusion, not quite realizing the reference.
"Yes!" You exclaimed before rushing to the ice cream machine, your father hot on your tail.
TAG LIST: @cult-of-norman @book-place @ilovespiderpeople @kazunish @mysouleaten @murdadixon
Message me or comment if you would like to be added to the tag list!!
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can someone pls help me find this TWD fic, pretty pls…
What I remember (spoiler alert):
Basically the reader is related to Rick (cant remember if she’s his daughter or niece) and Negan ends up shooting her when he comes back to Alexandria with his crew. It was an accident, i think she got in front of someone to protect them. But he sees how it effects rick and mocks him until someone points out why he’s so upset. It had originally been kept a secret from Negan and them that they were related in hopes of protecting her from something just like this. Pretty sure she dies…
this is so sad and angsty but I really wanna read it again pls, and if ur the one who wrote this story, BIG SHOUTOUT TO U <3
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cas-kingdom · 2 years
"What're you doing in my room?" "You're literally in my bed."
A/N: Set after some of the group join the Commonwealth.
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“What’re you doing in my room?” 
Daryl snorted lightly at your barely-coherent voice, accompanied by your exhausted face as you lifted her head to turn towards the door he’d just closed.
He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it on the chair in the corner. “You’re literally in my bed. It’s my room,” he replied, not hiding his amusement as your face contorted into one of confusion, then understanding, then acceptance as you plopped back down again, bundling the duvet in your fists and bringing it up to your chin.
“Oh, yeah,” you spoke breathily. “Kids fell asleep in mine, ‘nd Judith hogs the blanket.” You cracked an eye open to peer at him through sleep-hazed eyes. “You don’t mind?”
Daryl shook his head as he got in beside you, not bothering to shuffle under the covers. “Nah,” he said, then pat his chest. “C’mon, Dog.”
Dog jumped up between them, jostling you enough for you to protest with a groaning yawn and roll onto your back, now awake enough to find it harder to fall back to sleep. You blinked drearily up at the ceiling. 
“How was work?” you asked with a yawn.
“Fine.” Daryl shifted as Dog came to lay his head on his chest. “You?”
“Absolutely wonderful,” you replied…not at all sarcastically. Since your relocation to the Commonwealth, one of the odder things you’d had to get used to was the prospect of working a paying job. You hadn’t exactly found your feet within it, not entirely okay with taking orders from people telling you where, when, how and who you had to kill, but you weren’t striving to mess anything up just yet. It was the only way you could spend most of your day with Daryl and Rosita, though everyone knew the former had vocal qualms about the type of job his kid had been placed in. 
“It’s weird hearing the bar from here,” you mused, the distant sound of music permeating the walls. “Feels illegal.”
“Yeah. You forget how safe it is. What d’you…” Daryl paused, then turned his head to face you. “You like it here?” he asked cautiously. “You wanna stay?”
You shrugged. “It’s a weird kinda feeling. You’d think I’d wanna stay because it reminds me of how the world used to be, but I kinda miss the new world we’d built. Life here just seems…boring.”
“Safe’s boring?”
“No one’s ever safe in this world anymore.” You looked at him. “Why? You like it?”
He turned back to the ceiling. “Kids like it.”
“Think we should stay ‘cause of that.”
It was an important thing for Daryl. You liking where you lived somehow made him like it more, though he supposed that accounted for every parent’s subconscious. You’d been difficult to read since you’d left home, but he figured that was partly because you didn’t see each other so often anymore, something you’d both had to become accustomed too. Still, Judith and R.J. were happy, and Daryl knew you would take their happiness over yours. Those, however, weren’t rules Daryl lived by.
“You can...you can always go home, you know,” he said without really thinking. “Don’t have to stick around for me.”
You snorted a soft laugh and turned on your side, one arm wrapping around Dog, the other resting reassuringly against the back of his hand. “Is that a joke?” you asked sincerely.
He smiled at that. Like father, like daughter.
“Yeah,” he said. “Hilarious, ain’t it?”
TWD Masterpost
send me the first sentence of a fanfic and i’ll write the next five, except i don’t know when to stop writing so i guarantee there’ll be more than five
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Being negan‘s daughter would include?
Being Negan's daughter:
Season 7/8 -
He would be very protective of you. He would probably punish anyone who disrespected you or even so much as looked at you the wrong way.
Provided you followed his rules, you would probably be like royalty around The Sanctuary.
He would likely want you to be like him, a ruthless leader. He would probably test you both for his own amusement and also to make sure you have what it takes to lead The Saviors one day.
He probably wouldn't show you much affection but he would show he cares in his own way. Like he would probably give you new weapons to show he's proud of you.
However, there might be small moments where he shows his more caring side but you won't see it often.
Season 10/11 -
In Alexandria, he would probably be very wary of you interacting with the other people there considering you're his daughter.
He would want to keep you close to him just so he could keep an eye on you.
He would absolutely be more caring towards you now that he's moving on from his days as the leader of The Saviors.
If he's ever sent outside the walls, he would insist that you come with him or at the very least have everyone guarantee your safety.
A/N: So this is obviously just what I think, but I hope these are okay! I also thought I'd do versions for both seasons 7/8 and seasons 10/11 because I feel like Negan would definitely be different with his daughter before and after his redemption.
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[Main Masterlist] [Negan Masterlist]
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Take it Back - Beau x Daughter!Reader Oneshot
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Summary: When an unusual case lands on Beau’s desk, it leads to suspects and outcomes he couldn’t predict. 
Rating: 18+ // Pairing: Beau Arlen x daughter!Reader
Tags: nude photos, leaked nudes, anger, frustration, bratty!reader, major daddy issues, objectification, absent father, Beau being a terrible father, spanking, p in v, father/daughter incest, orgasms, hair pulling, cum in mouth, shame, guilt
WC: ± 4K
A/Ns: I wrote this before seeing any of season 3. I don’t know what it is, but once I finished writing this I actually felt really gross. I cannot believe my first Beau fic is father/daughter. What the hell is wrong with me? Anyway, enjoy if you’re just as fucked up as I am!!! A/Ns 2: I’m thinking of returning to posting to tumblr with a dark, gritty and smutty Soldier Boy series, so this oneshot is a bit of a trial to see if my audience is still out there 😅 So do let me know if you're reading and would like me to return! ❤️
Beau Arlen Masterlist // Jensen Ackles Master-Masterlist
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“Mornin’, Sir.” 
“It’s Beau,” he replies without looking up from his cell. 
“Well, Beau, you’ve got a case.” 
He finally looks up at his company, smiling softly at her as she places the brown paper folder down on his desk. 
“Great, ‘bout time something happened around here, been getting bored,” he grins. “What is it? Kidnapping? Homicide? Drugs?” 
“Leaked amateur pornography,” she replies flatly, clasping her hands together in front of her. 
“What? Why have I got that? You know I’m the sheriff right?” 
“Victim kicked up enough of a fuss, asked for you to deal with it personally. You pass it on to whoever you want, I don’t give a shit.” 
“Alright,” Beau sighs, reaching for the folder. “Thanks, darlin’.” 
He waits until she’s left to look down at the file, reaching for his coffee to take a large slug. He licks his lips as he considers who would want him to deal with this personally, when it’s not really his kind of thing in the first place, but he guesses all he has to do is open the report to find out. He looks up to check his door is closed given the nature of the case, and clears his throat, opening the file to the first page. 
“Fuck,” Beau mutters to himself, his forehead pulling into a frown. 
He instantly reaches for his bottom drawer, grabbing the whiskey bottle inside and unscrewing the cap, pouring a healthy measure into his coffee mug, following it with a quick slug straight from the bottle for good measure. Right now, all it is is words, but he knows beyond the first page will be the photographs that have leaked, screenshots from websites where they’re currently on public display. He purses his lips slightly as his eyes reread the name. He knew she’d changed her name to her mother’s maiden name, but seeing it there still hurts a little. But the main question still on Beau’s mind is the same one that had been there before he learned the victims name; why him? Why specifically ask for him? If anything, the motive is even more unclear now. 
Beau stares at the front page for a long moment, worrying his bottom lip as he weighs up his options. He’s a sheriff – an officer of the law – he should treat this case like any other, he should look at it factually and do his job. Though technically, maybe he should take a step back, hand this over to someone else who doesn’t have any kind of personal interest. But now Beau knows about this, he won’t be able to let it lie until whoever leaked those photos and plastered Y/N all over the internet for just anyone to find and jerk off to is caught and held accountable. 
He turns over the first page before he can change his mind. The copy of the photo has been censored, blurred out squares covering her most private parts, which Beau decides is definitely a good thing, he doesn’t need to see those parts of her. She’s standing in front of a full length mirror, one hip pushed out to the side, her legs slightly wider than a natural stance, her upper half twisted and curved to show off her chest. She’s done up for the photos, a lot of make up and her hair styled. Beau moves onto the next one. This one is a little less innocently posed than the first. She’s sitting on the floor this time, her legs spread and bent at the knee, her face a little clearer. She’s grown up a little more since Beau last saw her not long after she turned eighteen just over a couple of years ago. 
Much like the last, this photo is censored too, but it’s enough that Beau gets the gist of the photo, and moves on to the final one. This one has been taken with the front camera of her cell phone. Her back is to the mirror and she’s on her hands and knees, Her face in full view, but the view from the mirror is definitely where his focus goes. Once again, it’s been censored, but Beau still knows exactly what her intentions were when she took this photo. 
He huffs a breath as he skips ahead, now finding the screenshots of the various internet sites that the photos have appeared on, including one called “Revenge Porn”. Beau can’t exactly be mad with Y/N for taking the photos, she is a full grown adult who can do what she wants now, but he thought he’d done a good job reminding her of being safe on the internet, and this is certainly not safe. 
He closes the file and takes a much needed mouthful of his coffee, wishing it was just straight whiskey and it wasn’t nine A.M. This is not how he thought his day would go. But after only a few more moments of quiet contemplation, with several mouthfuls of coffee to accompany them, Beau finds himself reopening the file, flicking through the photos again. There are no answers there, of course, and they’re definitely not going to help him to close this case in any way, but he stares at them anyway and thinks about how long it’s been since he last saw her, how much she’s changed.
Beau finds himself reaching for the whiskey bottle once again, taking another swig straight from it, and licks his lips, sighing heavily as he once again closes the file and grabs it, getting up from his desk to take it to someone else. He shouldn’t be the one working on this case, even if she wants him to be. 
“Alright, listen up,” he announces, heading over to the whiteboard at the edge of the office. “We’ve got some kind of revenge porn. Should be an open and closed case, trace the IP address from the poster, lock ‘em up, job done. Who wants it?” he asks, holding up the file. 
The file is snatched out of his hands by Mannings, who is quick to open it straight onto the photos. 
“Damn,” he chuckles, “I’d be pretty pissed off if a girl like that broke up with me too.” 
“Victim claims she doesn’t have an ex-boyfriend,” Beau explains, digging his hands into his pockets so he can’t clench them into fists. 
He watches the file get passed onto Roberts next, who also ogles at the photos with a smirk on his face. He wolf whistles, which prompts it to get snatched yet again by another guy. 
“Damn,” he chuckles, and Beau just gets increasingly frustrated as he watches every member of the team enjoying the evidence, not a single one of them seeming to remember exactly where they are or what they should be doing. 
“Jesus, what I wouldn’t do to her. I’ll take the case, boss, I can go talk to her right now,” Collins calls out, his partner elbowing him in the ribs as they laugh amongst themselves. 
“That’s someone’s daughter, show some respect,” Beau glares at him. 
“Might be someone else’s daughter, but I can have her calling me daddy,” Collins counters, and the room erupts in laughter. “Clearly she’s got daddy issues.” 
“Alright,” Beau grunts, heading straight over to Collins and snatching the file out of his hands. “Seeing as none of you can think without your dicks, I’ll take it myself.” 
He grips the file in his hand for dear life as he storms back to his office, slamming the door closed behind him. He probably wouldn’t rest if someone else was on the case, anyway. It’s not like he didn’t try to get someone else for the case, but he’s the best man for the job. 
He heads back over to his desk and sits down, rubbing his fingers over his mouth as he stares at the front page once again, seeing the long paragraphs of her statement but not taking in any of the words. A knock at his door prompts him to look away, and when he looks up he sees Jenny leaning in the doorway. 
“Need help with that?” she asks, pointing to the file. “Could be good to have a woman’s touch.” 
“Nah, I’m golden thanks, sweetheart,” Beau forces a smile. “It’s easy enough, should have it wrapped up by the end of the day.” 
“Alright,” Jenny agrees, walking away and closing the door behind her. 
Alone again, Beau sighs, spurring his computer to life as he figures he should probably stop dragging this out and close the case as soon as possible. 
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“Are you sure this is the right address?” Beau checks, looking down at the paper he’s just been handed by the cyber security team. 
“Yes sir, nearly every upload came from that same address. Some of the others have come from Canada, India, other countries, but usually in these cases, people save and reupload once they’ve found them.”
“Okay, thanks,” Beau sighs, prompting the guy to leave. 
He waits until he’s alone to wake his computer back up, clicking on one of the open tabs. It brings up one of the websites the photos first appeared on, and Beau tells himself that it’s just research, that it’s justified because any good officer of the law would look at all the evidence, but Beau’s got all the answers right there in front of him on that slip of paper that has the address on it, and he knows it. 
He takes one last look at the uncensored photos, chewing on his bottom lip as he tries to take his eyes off of the screen, but it’s like he can’t stop looking. 
His phone buzzes on his desktop, forcing his eyes away, and he takes the opportunity to close down the tab completely so he doesn’t have to get caught up in it again. He takes one last look at the slip of paper with the address on and grabs his car keys, ready to close this case once and for all. 
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Beau takes a deep breath as he knocks on the door and looks up and down the street as he waits. Not much has really changed, not that he’d expect it to, everyone on this street has always been such a creature of habit. He stares at the American flag waving on the porch for a moment and then hears the front door opening. 
“Dad,” Y/N answers, her eyes a little wide. “What are you doing here?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know, Y/N,” he tells her with a sigh. 
“And here I was thinking you’d just come to see your little girl, considering it’s been… what? Three years?” 
“It’s not been that long,” Beau insists. “Is your mom home?”  
“No, she never is,” Y/N tells him, stepping to one side. 
Beau takes a moment to look at her. He’s not as shocked at the difference in her after staring at the photos of her all morning, but the change is a little more obvious in person. Eventually, he steps inside what used to be his house, and Y/N closes the door behind him. 
“So I’m assuming this is about what’s happened?” she asks. “Did you catch them?” 
Beau stares her down, but she’s as stubborn as ever apparently, because she just stares back with complete resolute. 
“So your statement says that you didn’t send these photos to anyone, they just happened to end up online somehow,” Beau reminds her. 
“Yeah, guessing someone hacked my phone or something,” she shrugs. 
“Why did you take the photos in the first place if you weren’t going to send them to anyone?” he asks. 
Y/N just shrugs again, crossing her arms over her chest. “For a confidence boost? To feel hot? I know you don’t like thinking about it, Dad, but I have a sex drive, y’know. I’m not a little girl anymore.” 
“Yeah, well the morning I’ve had has proved that,” he agrees, exasperatedly. Beau takes a deep breath and decides to put them both out of their misery. “I know you leaked your own photos, sweetheart.” 
Y/N’s eyes widen, but she quickly purses her lips and shakes her head. “What? Why would I do that?” 
“You tell me, darlin’,” he prompts, cocking an eyebrow. “You can’t lie to me, Y/N. I’ve got the evidence, and if anyone else on the force had taken this case, you could’ve been done for wasting our time.” 
“That’s why I specifically asked for you,” she smirks slightly. 
“Why did you do it?” he presses once more. 
Y/N clenches her jaw and then sighs, looking down at her feet. “I had to get your attention somehow.” 
“By posting photos of yourself naked online? You know I had to see them, right?” 
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” she shrugs, her arms still crossed. 
“You could’ve just called,” Beau counters, glaring. 
“For you to tell me you’re busy with work and then promise to see me this weekend and then call and cancel at the last minute?” she argues. 
Beau takes a deep breath and realises she’s right. “Alright. I know, I’ve been a shitty father,” he agrees. “But this wasn’t the answer. Baby girl, those photos are online forever, we can try to remove them, but people can have copies, and they’ll always crop up again.” 
“Oh well,” she shrugs, like it’s no big deal. 
“You don’t care, do you? You have no idea what you’ve done. Do you know how many men are going to see you like this now, and you’ll never be able to take it back.” 
“What do you care?” she scoffs, moving past him to head into the kitchen. 
“Excuse me? Of course I care. You’re my daughter.”
“The only reason you’re here, Daddy,” she counters, stepping closer to him, her face right up in his, “is because it’s your job. You don’t give a shit about me and never have. You barely even know me, you’ve always put work first. You have no right to be this pissed with me.” 
Beau clenches his jaw, not wanting to argue with her any more on that. They’re already going around in circles. She just stares him down for a moment or two before a small smirk plays on her lips. 
“Unless…” she counters, her smirk only growing deeper. “You’re pissed because you’re jealous.”
“Jealous of what? Hm? Don’t be ridiculous,” Beau scoffs, shaking his head at even the implication. 
“Did you like what you saw, Daddy?” she purrs, biting down on her bottom lip. 
“You’re crossing a line, sweetheart,” he warns her quietly. “All this for my attention, hm?” 
“Well, if I wasn’t getting yours I knew I’d get some guy’s attention,” she giggles. “Only difference is, if another guy from the force showed up I was gonna fuck him.” 
Beau bites his tongue, wanting to verbally ask the question of where he went wrong, but he knows they’ve already established that; he has never done this father thing right. Him being so absent is everything to blame for this situation. 
“That’s all you want? Some guy to give you five minutes of his attention?” Beau asks through a clenched jaw. 
“If he’s doing it right it’ll be longer than five minutes,” she winks, giggling at the way Beau only gets noticeably more irritated by her blasé nature. 
“Oh sweetheart, you were never spanked as a child and it fucking shows,” Beau grunts, his anger only building more and more, especially when Y/N only smirks harder and bites down on her bottom lip, still completely unphased. 
She steps back, hitching the skirt of her dress higher up her thighs as she begins to bend over the table in front of her, giving Beau a full view of the white lace panties she’s wearing underneath. He clenches his jaw and averts his eyes at first, but he finds his gaze wandering back to the one place it shouldn’t go, as he thinks about the photos that she leaked, and how one of them saw her in a similar position but with far less clothing on. 
“What are you doing?” he huffs, only getting even more frustrated. Only this time, it’s with himself. He shouldn’t be fighting with the thoughts that want to enter his brain. He shouldn’t be pushing away all the feelings that want to bubble to the surface. Beau’s not sure he can even acknowledge them right now. 
“It’s never too late to start,” she tells him, looking back over her shoulder, her eyes almost sparkling. “Daddy.” 
“Get up,” Beau demands, his tone a lot more firm than it’s been since he got here, but Y/N does no such thing, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth and wiggling her ass slightly. Beau can no longer deny how tempting it is, and clearly his words aren’t getting through to her, so maybe some good old-fashioned corporal punishment is just what his bratty daughter needs. “Fine.” 
Beau steps up behind her, his jaw clenched, and he has to physically unclench his fist and make sure he keeps his hand flat as he delivers the first spank upon her ass. Y/N flinches and whimpers, but then a short giggle bleeds through her lips, so he delivers a second, just has hard as the first, leaving behind a dark handprint on her skin. Y/N whimpers again, gasping for air, and before he knows it, Beau has delivered a third. His palm is stinging so he can only imagine how Y/N’s ass feels, but there’s something about it that he’s getting some kind of sick, twisted pleasure from, and it’s like he can’t stop. 
He delivers spank after spank, losing himself in the anger of the moment, and he thinks maybe he’ll finally get through to her, until the sound of Y/N moaning cuts through his foggy brain, and as he halts the next strike, he realises his chest is heaving and his jeans are painfully tight around the crotch. 
“You’re enjoying this?” he asks in disbelief, ignoring the fact that the ludicrous question should be aimed at him not her. 
“Did I forget to mention it’s one of my favourite things?” she asks innocently, blinking at him over her shoulder. “It just gets me so wet, daddy.” 
Beau can’t think straight through the fog of his arousal, mixed toxically with his anger. He begins to laugh, even though there’s nothing funny, and a small frown twitches over her forehead at the sound. 
“You want attention, sweetheart? All this is for my attention, hm?” he asks, reaching for his belt. She barely nods her confirmation, and Beau almost relishes in the slight fear that begins to flood into her eyes. “Alright, then you’ve fucking got it. Exactly what you’re craving.” 
“Daddy? What are you doing?” she asks, her voice a lot less smug than it has been. 
Beau ignores her, undoing his pants the rest of the way and stepping up behind Y/N as he reaches for her panties and tears them down over her ass, revealing that pussy he’s already seen plastered over the interest. It’s glistening more now, though, and something about that makes Beau’s cock twitch. 
“Don’t play fuckin’ dumb, baby girl, you knew what you were doing posting those slutty little photos. You were fuckin’ asking for it, so I’m gonna fuckin’ give it to you.” 
She whimpers as he grabs her hips and pulls her closer to him, her upper half falling a little more flat to the table top. 
“I know exactly what a girl with daddy issues needs.” 
Beau doesn’t overthink grabbing his cock and lining it up with her opening, and he doesn’t think twice about thrusting forward and shoving his cock straight inside his little girl, not until he’s as deep as he can get, and he stops for a second, feeling her warm, wet cunt suck him in, clenching hard around him like a vice. Slowly, she relaxes, giving him the room he needs to start thrusting, and he can’t help but moan at the sensation, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. 
“Fuck, Daddy,” she gasps out breathlessly. “You're so big. Fuck, I can’t believe you’re inside me.”
“Don’t play dumb baby girl, this is what you were hoping for, wasn’t it?” he grunts, reaching forward to grab a fistful of her hair. 
“Y-yes,” she stammers out, arching her back into the table, her eyes fluttering closed. 
“Did you want it to be me? Or were you desperate for just any man’s cock in there?” She doesn’t answer at first, but Beau wants one, so he tugs harder on her hair. “Hm? Did you want your Daddy or are you just a slut that needs anyone’s cock?” 
“Yours Daddy, I wanted it to be yours, that’s why I sent the photos,” she admits on an outbreath. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist your baby girl.” 
“Jesus,” Beau grunts, hating that he’s fallen straight into her trap, but he can’t deny he’s never felt this good before. His cock fits her perfectly, like she was made for him. 
“If I’d have known you had a pussy this good, I’d have stuck around,” he tells her, clenching his jaw harder, fucking her deeper and faster. He doesn’t really mean it, but his brain is so foggy with all these good sensations, and every time he says something dirty, or treats her like a whore, she clenches around him in a way that Beau can’t even describe. 
“Fuck Daddy, keep doing that, it’ll make me cum,” she gasps, reaching back and grabbing his hip, pulling him closer to her and sending his cock deeper. “Right there, right there,” she chants, and then he feels her grip onto him like a vice, her walls beginning to spasm around him as she screams out. 
The sound of his little girl screaming like that, the sight of her with her mouth wide open and her eyes rolled back in ecstasy, the sensation of her practically milking his cock is having the desired effect on him, and Beau can feel his thighs begin to tense, his balls begin to tighten as he pulls out quickly and tugs on Y/N’s hair, manipulating her to land on her knees at his feet. She instantly opens her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out, the corners of her mouth pulled up in a smirk as she waits patiently for his orgasm. It comes in hot, thick ropes of cum painting her tongue and mouth as he groans and pants over her, quick to let her go and step back as soon as he’s finished. 
Beau turns around, unable to look at her as he puts himself away and attempts to redress as quickly as he can. 
“Can you get the photos down?” she finally asks. 
“I’ll try,” he tells her, not looking back at her. 
“Are you going to visit again, or do I need to post more of them?” she challenges. 
Beau takes a deep breath, unable to stop the shame crawling over his skin. Not only for what he just did, but for what he drove her to do in the first place. 
“I’ll visit,” he tells her, nodding his head. 
“Then I’ll be here, Daddy,” she purrs. 
But Beau doesn’t reply, he just leaves the room in pursuit of his truck, hoping there really is a way he can remove those photos from existence before they send him back to her doorstep again. 
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remuslupinsdaughter · 11 months
Scraped knees and kisses better
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Dad Negan because he’s one of my OG comfort characters and I love him (also why is nobody talking about dad Negan with Ginny in dead city because it hit me straight in the daddy issues)
“Dad we’ve been walking forever” Y/N groaned as they trudged through the forest, “I know honey almost there” Negan said walking slightly ahead of her, suddenly a small abandoned looking motel came into view, “here we go” Negan said as they walked closer, Y/N gasped, “look dad a bike!” She said running towards it, Negan chuckled “can you teach me dad? Please!” She asked excitedly, “ok kiddo climb on” he said holding the bike steady.
“Ok honey go keep peddling” Negan says and pushes her away, “there ya go you’re doing it!” He cheers, Y/N laughs and steers the bike round, “I did it dad! I’m riding a bike!” She cheers before suddenly losing control of the bike, it skids before toppling over, Lucy falls with it and rolls, “oh shit Y/N!” Negan yells and runs over, he helped her sit up, “my knee” she sniffles and looks at her scraped knee, “oh sweetheart it’s ok it’s just a little scrape” Negan said and lifted her up, carrying her inside the motel reception area, “just sit tight I’ll find somethin’ for it” he said and went behind the desk opening the drawers, “aha! Here we go” he said lifting up a large first aid kit and clicking it open. He picked up some wipes and some band aids, “ok honey it might sting a little but I gotta clean it” Negan said, Y/N sniffled but nodded. Negan gently wiped the graze wincing at Y/Ns hisses and whimpers of pain then put the large band aid on and gently kissed her knee, “there ya go all better!” Negan said smiling, “thanks dad” Y/N said smiling back, “ok now let’s go raid the kitchen and see what goodies we can find” Negan said with a grin on his face.
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