#rabbit scape
k-martins · 8 months
Just a stupid curiosity.
Mine are those cute, adorable bunnies. Can't wait for next week when they're animated!
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mr-not-null · 2 years
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tailsgod · 2 years
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Midday Patrol. A picture I did of the top hero of my heart, the queen herself No. 5 Hero Mirko!
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fernsproutxx · 6 months
i forgot to mention that yesterday i dreamt that i went inside a fnaf themed dark ride. but not like the one we’ve already seen concept art of, i mean something completely different.
the best way to explain how it went is like the carts were some kind of spinning cups that you could turn around by yourself and could only fit one person per cart, so you couldn’t see other people riding with you. the route went presenting each of the core four inside their respective segments, they all looked like the repaired versions of the withered animatronics.
but after you finished passing the main four there was an extra character left.
the yellow rabbit.
what i failed to mention before is that while meeting the main cast their rooms were pretty sizable. but when meeting the yellow rabbit, the room shrank, making it feel claustrophobic. my first impression upon seeing it was weird, because the rabbit simply followed you with its gaze, not even waving a hello or anything.
it simply stared at you until you left the room.
then there was the last segment of the ride which i can only describe was like being inside a small maze. there’s was one set path due to the railing but it gave the illusion that there were many winding corridors like a maze. the walls were very narrow and the ceiling so low that you had to sunk inside your seat.
but the part that i remember most vividly is when i was inside my cart and suddenly felt this urge to look behind me.
so i spun my cart wheel while the contraption kept moving forward.
and there it was.
the yellow rabbit.
just staring from behind me in the darkness. and it was no longer in it’s respectful room.
it was following me.
poking its head though the walls like a ghost.
and its smile man…
then when the maze section finished i was filled with so much fucking dread thinking that it would catch me. but the ride ended by being greeted with freddy, bonnie, chica, and foxy, being played by real persons so you could properly greet them and hug them. there was also an scape room at the end but that was more of an extra part of my dream.
the funny part is that i went on that dark ride multiple times lmfao.
and i would always turn around.
when waking up i realized that the yellow rabbit following through the maze segment perfectly parallels fruity maze, like when you see that random yellow rabbit staring through a distance.
creepy as fuck.
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Banda Sunato x Reader
20) Get away from me
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Notes: violence - yandere - delusional Banda -
When you came to the Borderlands you thought you were finally free from your long time stalker. You felt free, the games did scare you but not as much as your stalker did.
Things were going good, too good which should have alerted you on what was coming next.
Right there, in the center of the game arena was your stalker, Banda Sunato.
You froze at the sight of him, he looked the same as alwyas, wearing his innocent act with what he bought you from the start. You tried to leave the game but it was too late, it had closed and the rules were being said.
"Long time no see" Banda's voice came from behind you. His voice sent chills down your spine remembering all these voice mails he would leave you back in the Real world. The millons of "love letters" he would sent you.
He even signed one with his own blood
"Get away from me" you quickly pushed him, getting back into a corner. Some people turned to look at the pair of you.
"Sorry my girlfriend and I seem to have a disagrement" Banda told the rest with a eye closed smile.
As the game went by you tried to be as away from him as possible.
It was simple, each player gets a card, only two of them have the winning card (a heart) the rest Will get the death card. You can use violence to get the heart card or collect 5 death cards to be equal as 1 heart card.
30 minutes to complete.
Chaos broke up as soon as the cards were given. You faked desesperation to hide the fact of having a heart card. You went to try and hide but some other player saw you and went for you.
Such a good luck your dear Banda had been keeping an eye on you this whole time. In seconds Banda taclked the guy and cut his throat, then proceeded to collect his death card.
You were trembling like a small rabbit against a big wolf. Banda looked at your heart and then gave you the death one.
"Use it as decoy, I still need to kill four people" he said it without caring for others lives or life in general. According to one of his letters, you were is life.
He kissed the top of your head and left. Told you to hide well and that he would find you later.
Game Clear
Once the game was over you were praying whatever might hear you that Banda has died in there.
"Hey (S/O) where are you going?"
But no one listened to you. Banda took you by your neck and pushed you against him. He smelled like blood and dirt.
"I missed you so much. I cant believe you came in here to find me. I wont let you out of my sight ever again".
He then made you look into his eyes, his true emotions coming out, it was like a devil desguised as an angel.
"You know you cant scape me"
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sunnybeardaycare · 2 years
Sun! Are you okay besides the fact Vanny kinda stabbed your driver. Umm...oh you could probably find moon in the mind scape couldn't you?
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“...Why does it look like a rabbit????”
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thebottomfromhell · 6 months
Heyyy!!! i dont know if ur gonna see this but I was wonder if you could write headcanons or like anything really with a male reader who is the disgust clone and is not subtle with how disgusted by EVERYTHING he is but then again hes like gorgous but untouchable cuz hell hurl insults at you for looking at him could you do that the other hantengu clones idk if thats selfcest or nah if u dont want to thats cool!!! I hope you have a good day and I love ur writing<333
Hey anon! Thank you for the concern, I'm glad you like my works, it makes me happy when people show their enjoyment with them.
And yes... it would be self-cest. Any ship with any Hantengu clone x Hantengu clone is self-cest. I could start on with how the theme of multiverse has normalized this types of relationships but nobody wanta to go into that rabbit hole.
I was conflicted when I first recieved this, but then again, I never said anything about self-cest so it's on me(tbh I never thought I would need to). I will make it platonic and leave some hints with Karaku [this work will be mostly focused on the inability to scape their respective emotion], but I won't be giving the idea a positive light nor will I romantize it (same thing I mostly do with non-con, I write it but I don't think it's ok and somehow it shows). Hope it comes acceptable.
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Disgust Hantengu clone! Reader (Male Demon) dynamic with Clones
Warnings: Cannibalism, Hints of implied self-cest, Implied hint of sextal content, Use of excesive violence, Sekido deadnames reader, Slight angst and non-erotic "slut-shaming".
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Your name is supposed to be Ken'o, you know that, it's what you are, what you were created to exclusively feel. Disgust, dislike, antipathy... Ken'o... It's only fitting that you felt disgust of your own name. You hate it, you already hated it the second you heard it in your head and felt it in your heart the second another's demon head was becoming your own body, feeling the gross sensation of flesh stretching, the ticklish bone growth and the scent of blood and organs that were being produced on that same second. Disgusting, it's all togustings, since just after that you have to meet the dirty ground and slayers, usually ending with your perfectly tidy and clean robes stained with whatever dust, earth or blood you will be facing. It doesn't help to see the others. "Would you stop FUCKING complaining about EVERY SINGLE DETAIL for ONE SECOND?! I swear Ken'o, you are making me so angry I will blow up your pathetic ass!"
That is that again, you have repeated several times that you wanted to go for another name, Y/N. Everyone but Sekido seemed to respect that, but he only got irritated with you, but you just had to complain. Everything is so awful, and nobody tells him anything when he lashes out. That asshole thinks he is the only one having a bad time? You bet his problems are nothing compared to yours "Shut up, Sekido! Your voice is making me have a headache!" He makes an ugly face once you answer back, why is everyone else so coward? Only Aizetsu has the guts every once an eternity to tell the truths to this asshole's face. And even the, when he does he also seems keen in the idea of fighting you. That little-
"Hey! Hey! Calm down, everyone. We just defested some slayers, why don't we take a bite before Urogi beats us to it?" Karaku interrupts, always trying to make averything sound as if was pleasurable, as if it was something good. You genuinely want to throw up the secon you see the corpses on the ground with Urogi kneeling in front of one, munching so much of it that his cheeks as full and not even swollowing all of it before putting more into the cavity, showing the chewed flesh inside his mouth. "Urg. As if I would want to eat with such an animal." Aizetsu seems to only look at everyone else, gaze making you uncomfortable. "And what do you want." To that Aizetsu just looks away and goes where Urogi is, not even bothering to answer you. How rude! Sekido smiles as he sees the offense in your face.
You feel an arm around your shoulder, you see Karaku smiling, the smell and heat coming from his mouth not being pleasant, even if it's not the worst you have felt against you face. "Now, if you are not hungry, Y/N, we can always find something to have fun, ya know? If you can't see anything good, I can always teach you how to have a good ti-" You don't know what repulses you more, the indecent proposal or the stains of blood in your shouldet once Sekido stabs the pleasure clones in the mouth through the back of his head with his staff. "Stop whoring yourself! Have you no shame?!" A part of you wants to defend Karaku, another one sums just wanting to spite Sekido, but other part of you agrees with the anger clone of how disgusting the behavior of the pleasure clone is, seeking his respective sensation like an addict.
And there is the smaller part of you not only likes the attention, making you feel less disgusting with yourself, it also happens when slayers see you. Your emotion doesn't let you tell, but Aizetsu and Karaku have reassured you that you are good looking. But you could never give into such a nauseating touch, with dirty and uncomfortable hands, it's awful.
None of you can fight your respective emotions, even if sometimes you can feel other things. You yearn to be with the others, to be able to spend a good time (not in the way Karaku sometimes offers, but to actually spent good moments), you yearn to be satisfied and content, instead of having to rely in pride for some positiveness. You can't help to resent Urogi and Aizetsu the most, who manage to work through their emotions, the first one just uncaring as long as he is not hurt or caged, the second one managing to stay calm and be understanding. Both of them get along well, and you can see them talking and eating together. You want to complain, to take the off-putting sensations out of your head and chest, but there are never gone. The second everything seems fine, you find another thing that disgust you and center everything on it. (You have not stopped thinking that Sekido feels that same way in his anger.)
"Let's just go back, we don't need to be here and stay divided any longer. We are clearly just wasting time in here. I don't want to see any of you!" Urogi is the first to protest. "Huh? C'moooooon, Sekido, just one more hour! Pleeeeeease?" "You are not going to be able to convince him like that." Part of you wants to also protest, you don't want to be grouped with this freaks! And you just came out! What would be the point? "C'mon, Y/N, handsome. Help me convice Sekido to relax. There is no need to rush back." Part of you wants to explore, to get away, to move away... but another one knows that inside Hantengu's head you won't have to deal with all this disgust. "Go fuck yourself, Karaku."
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luthienblacks · 8 months
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My thing has always been drawing hot cartoon ladies and that is mostly because I grew up in the 90's, when lots of hot babes inhabited some "children targeted" media without a care lol. So, to scape artblock back in 2020 I drew some of my favorite old time cartoon ladies, with bonus ladies from games and even music!
Here's a name list just for curiosity purposes:
Alice Angel from "Bendy And The Ink Machine"
Cala Maria from "Cuphead"
The iconic Betty Boop
Holly Would from "Cool World"
Lonette also from "Cool World"
Carmen Sandiego from "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego"
Jem from "Jem and the Holograms"
Jessica Rabbit from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"
Kimberly from "Space Ace"
Princess Daphne from "Dragon's Lair"
Princess Yum Yum from "The Thief and The Cobbler/Arabian Knight"
Noodle from the band Gorillaz
Red from Tex Avery's cartoons
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nokk0 · 19 days
🌟 - Hi, Fal! I saw you're up and competing now, so I wanted to give you a little something!
(*she offered out a handful of pins with stars on them, or just plain ol shaped like stars*)
They're lucky stars! I had a billion of these things... I collected them when I was a kid and I had so many duplicates..- I can latch them to your scarf if you'd like!-
"Woah- Hey, you don't have tooo..."
Before Fal could say out loud a negative to the offer, Jade put two pins and lach them on his scarf. After that, she pat Fal's head
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He is delighted and happy for the gesture
"Pon... Thank you, pon!! Pon! Oh, you are participating too... Poupon... Pon! How about..."
Fal shake a bit and from his cape a lot of bric-a-brac scape from the pocket dimension. There was a commercial fire extinguisher, a cristal bottle with something similar to medicine, a fun sized scissors, sunflower seeds and a spatula, a shovel, a mop with a black ribbon, a dirty cape, books of many kinds, gem apples, a broken mask similar to Meta Knight's mask with flowers around it, a scimitar, a strange nanigata and other things. He search for a moment, before picking a little object with his tail
"Take this! As a gift, pon"
He offered a rabbit's foot and a blue gemstone
"Perhaps it doesn't look like a good idea... But this foot is actually really lucky, pon! It's a magical item that grants good luck to the owner when they're in a pinch, pon. However, it's quite unclear for Fal how it will help in battle... But this gem! The Mermaid's Tear is a noble piece of jewellery that can instantly teleport you to where the gem is, even if it's cracked in pieces. You can teleport to the pieces from any distance, pon!"
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ryanscabinlife · 1 year
I can't believe it's been a month since I posted the May garden update. A lot of things has happened. Loads of wins and also plenty of failures. I guess I'll start with the progress of the ones I featured last month.
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The hardneck garlic that overwintered are just about ready to be harvested. According to online sources, garlics can be harvested about a month after the scapes emerges. I was delighted to see the scapes as I was taking pics this morning. Can't wait to collect and make something out of them.
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Oh tomatoes. I talked about how our weather has been awful many of times on this blog. After the dry May, they started showing some damaged on their leaves, and since they barely saw the sun this month, they did not grow very much. I panicked so I bought 30 more roma seedlings and 6 more cherry tomatoes. After a few days of sun, all of them are bouncing back to life and looking very healthy. Now I'm stuck with 60 romas and 12 cherries. Not the worst problem to have, really. All corners of the garden have tomatoes planted in them.
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The beds where the trellis is sitting is now filled with plants. All of the beans and peas are looking great. The snow peas are about 4 ft tall and there's plenty of beans on the ground. The luffa that I was so excited about, none of them showed up. I bought a packet of 10 seeds for a whopping $4.99 and only 1 germinated. I'm currently babying it and waiting for the perfect time to transplant it. The cucumber is the other one I'm totally having hard time with. So far I've already used up the whole packet, and so far I have seen none. I planted the last 6 seeds yesterday but I'm not holding my breath. We have a neighbour (I'm using the word neighbour very loosely here, they're about 5km from us) who have a small road-side stand and in the summer they sell cucumbers. I think I'm just gonna have to rely on them for cucumbers.
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The potatoes (all 30ft row) are doing extremely well. Some of them suffered from light frost and their early leaves died but they all bounced back. I think next year, I'll plant them even earlier.
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It looks like the apple or crabapple (I still don't know) tree had a couple of successful pollinations. I think the reason for the lack of blooms is because the tree has been neglected and unkept for a long time. I've already been researching and watching a ton of videos on how to properly prune apple trees so I can prune it next spring in hopes that it will put out more blooms next year.
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The border is looking a bit sad. Something to be expected on the first year due to the fact that most of the plants I have in it are perennials. I think they'll live though, I can only hope that they come out stronger next year. Looking closely, the wildflowers that I broadcasted are out. I see hundreds of them. I've added two smaller beds, I'm hoping to fill them up with the annual seedlings I'm currently growing. No progress at all on the potted garden in the background.
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The brassicas are my favourites but also the main cause of my headaches. Thank god I have seeded a good amount of extras because these bitches have plethora of enemies! The first to attack was slugs. They destroyed a handful of seedlings (100% my fault coz I decided to plant them too young). I battled this with non-stop weeding and slug hunting. So far it's been working, I just go in early in the morning, remove all of the slugs and the weeds they hide into. Then the rabbits. I did not plan to build a fence this year but after the rabbit attack that ate almost half of the original plants, I decided to build a fence around the garden. Again, so far it's working. Then just when they start actually growing, the damn flea beetles happened. Yesterday, I ordered some food grade diatomaceous earth. I'm aware that it will kill all of the insects it will come across with whether they're good or bad but I guess I'll just have to be careful not to put it on any of the flowering crops so it doesn't kill the pollinators. Next year, to avoid using such measure, I plan to install netting on all of the leafy veggies. I don't wanna do that now because it will just trap in the ones I already have in.
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Speaking of flea beetles and brassicas, these godforsaken creatures killed all of the arugulas and boy choy I planted at the end of April. I then replanted them a couple of weeks ago and lo and behold, all of them are damaged again. I'm leaving them on the bed for now to hopefully serve as food for the pests and in hopes that I'll be able to trap and kill them once the diatomaceous earth arrives. I'll try to grow them again in the fall when the temperature starts going down with netting. But for now, I planted some of my extra tomatoes to keep this spot occupied.
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To my surprise, the asparagus are doing exceedingly well. Can't wait for 2025 when I can finally harvest some.
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I have 3 tomatillos that survived and they're doing well. They're planted with the original cherry tomatoes and celery.
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3 weeks ago, I though these celery plants were dead, but they managed to come back.
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Peanut, another big failure. I planted a whole row of peanuts parallel to the row of potatoes. 30 ft of it and roughly 40 seeds, 3 germinated, 2 out of those 3 got devoured by slugs. So now I have ONE peanut plant. I scattered few sage and pepper seeds in the area as replacement. Let's see what happens.
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After the small radish harvest yesterday, these is what's left. I'm gonna give them a week or so until I pull them all out. In preparation for their departure, I have okras and eggplants growing in between rows. I've already replanted the okra and eggplants a couple of times because slugs and birds keep on eating them. To avoid that, I just covered them with recycled plastic cups as protection for now.
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On the same bed as the radish, okra, and eggplants are the softneck garlic. It's more or less an experiment. I was just curious if they actually produce garlic bulbs at the end of growing season. The garlic cloves I used are from Costco. They're not looking too bad.
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Next bed over (where I have the failed arugula and bokchoy) are onions. I bought a pack of a hundred bulbs and shoved all of them in this bed. They just started emerging.
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Next bed after that (my biggest one) are corn, zucchini, and butternut squash. The corns are doing alright. I dealt with poor germination with both of the squashes and when they show up, birds eats them. Nothing much I could do other than keep replanting seeds and protecting the seedlings with plastic cups. Looks like the ones I have at the moment are gonna make it.
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Next bed after that are carrots. I planted these back in April, and this is what they look like now. They sure to take their sweet time to germinate.
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rottisalvo · 3 months
We are mad fools in love, silly and childish games we play excitedly.
Field days spent romping through the scapes of our splendor.
We tell each other jokes beyond hilarity that no one understands.
We are bimbos full of chaotic energy panting with glee.
Like rabbits lolligagging and hopping around with excitement.
We are young , cackling wildly, messy hair aflow.
Spinning in circles while the world becomes blurry swirls aflame with vivid color.
We are glorious bright sparks and in this tender madness I come to love thee.
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k-martins · 7 months
I know it may sound stupid, but after today's episode, I imagine that Megumi's rabbits must be the most furious and radiant of the shikigamis.
As if they were little balls of hate and killer instinct, but who aren't taken seriously because of their size and cuteness. They must also be temperamental.
Megumi once said that the relationship he has with his shikigamis is based on trust, something like "they trust me with their lives and I trust them with my life", so when one of the rabbits dies, the others will probably go into mourning and They won't easily accept Megs' orders and he'll have to apologize or treat a billion rabbits. Did you catch the vision?
Imagine with me. Megumi needs to fight the shikigamis to tame them. He had to fight this kung fu rabbit.
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Thinking that Megs' shikigami have distinct personalities is very interesting. Like Shiro and Kuro. Shiro (white) was obviously more extroverted and friendly than Kuro (black), who appears to be more obstinate and focused on the mission.
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And Nue seems to be the most loyal to Megumi. He appears several times in the manga and anime, both for Megs' protection and those of others around his, and Megumi seems to be better in tune with him. (I so hope Nue isn't dead, his fight dynamic with Megs is wonderful T-T). I can't even imagine how much the poor bird suffered when Sukuna forced it to evolve ahead of time. Seriously, Gege drew him in such a way that he looks like he's in agony miserably.
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Anyway, I'm just rambling. I would have liked to have seen Megs interact more with his shikigamis, as it is clear that he has enormous affection for all of them, unlike Sukuna who only used them as killing machines.
When Megumi returns to the manga I want to see him use the deer and the bull. It's going to be something impressive.
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mr-not-null · 2 years
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tired-biscuit · 16 days
How to scape the DC fandom? I entered via webcomics and now i deep in the rabbit hole while crying because i can't fuck Jason Todd
i thought you meant dark content for a second and i got a bit confused (i also don’t know who jason todd is)
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princess-angel101 · 6 months
Down the Rabbit Hole.
This here is one of the reasons why Arthur is one of my favorite characters (besides Ariadne)
It is established that in the movie Inception, Arthur is a pragmatic person. He's very logical and skeptical. So therefore his realm of possibility when it comes to inception is VERY limited and very narrowed. He dryly points out to Saito that "you can't fake true inspiration", and is quick to shut down Cobb in that Inception - the concept of an idea planting into someone's head is downright impossible.
There are several points that Arthur isn't a "creative" individual. Eames calls him a "stick in the mud", and says he has "no imagination." For Inception? You have to have an imagination.
But let me rebutt Eames's argument with this video and a bit of an analysis of it.
You see, Arthur HATES it, when plans are unscathed. Where they have to be compromised, there is no detail and you have to come up with an ultimatum. He may be a pragmatic and stoic individual, but he isn't a stick in the mud, and you can't argue that he isn't a resourceful individual considering the events in this video here.
See the fight scene between him and the projections? The plan is going awry. Yusurf is swerving and trying to drive while fighting off projections in the second dream level, rocking everyone back and forth, therefore directly affecting the third level of the dream that everyone else is in. At this point, the van swerves off the road, causing that affect.
If Arthur were the person that Eames actually claims he is, would have given up on the spot. His organized and detailed plans are out the window.
But he doesn't. You know what he does? He uses the shifting gravity of the dream level to his ADVANTAGE. He practically climbed on the wall, and just as the dream shifts? He punches the projection, waits until the dream scape tilts to the left, then slams him against the wall. He then climbs on the walls, runs down the ceiling of the hotel room, and proceeds to use his environment to his advantage. When the doorway tilts down again, the two hit the hotel room. They continue fighting, and Arthur takes the advantage to take the gun and shoot the armed projection dead.
Hell, he even managed to invent his own kick, using that zero gravity to tape bombs to the elevator while using a wire to rope everyone's unconscious bodies inside.
And you know what that sort of skill takes? RESOURCEFULNESS. A form of creativity to be able to use their environment in situations.
An "unimaginative" person wouldn't have done that. They don't have the creativity. A "stick in the mud", wouldn't have the flexibility to cope and adapt to that situation.
So, is Eames correct that Arthur isn't creative on one aspect when it comes to dream extractions? Sure. But he's not a slump. He's resourceful, he's cunning. He knows an opportunity is in his hands and he will seize it, morphing it to his own advantage.
So no, Eames. He isn't a total stick in the mud, and he's creative in his own way.
And yes this is a bit of an excuse to crush on Arthur and think he's cooler than everyone else perceives him as.
Side note: THIS is what I referred to when he made his own kick:
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puhpandas · 5 months
Hi! So, I'm just trying to understand how Vanessa and Vanny can be two different people now? I think I might know, but I'm just wondering if my following understanding is correct:
Vanessa was Vanny, but since Vanny is a digital virus, "she" stays in a digital scape whereas Vanessa (the human one) gets freed. Before, Vanny was like an alter ego that got created when Vanessa got glitchtrapped, sort of like a "voice in the back of her mind" until she takes control. Gregory then freed Vanessa, killing the virus in her head. Vanny is no longer a part of Vanessa and can't take over, but Vanny still exists in technology systems.
Also, does the same thing work for Gregory and Dr. Rabbit?
pretty much!! I think Vanny is now less Vanessa's alter ego and more of her own virus that uses vessels. that's why Vanny Cassie makes so much sense, because (presumably, just a theory but has evidence) Vanny in hw2 in a very hw1 glitchtrap adjacent way trapped cassie and probably is using her as a vessel now. each virus is their own entity after they're created and maybe they're modeled after their first vessel but they become their own virus eventually
and we dont know with Gregory but if this is how it worked with Vanny in dont see how it would be different with Rab/GGY. man I really hope we get to see stuff with him in action because GGY has been so built up to be dangerous I really want to see him shine in a game. especially if this is stronger disconnected from Gregory GGY, or even using Gregory as a vessel again. would be so cool to see
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