#queer mentorship
variousqueerthings · 1 year
More recently, Wachowski has partnered with the non-profit QUEER|ART as one of the organization’s cadre of esteemed mentors.
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A Year in Review - 2022
This past year has been such a wild combination of opportunities, personal development, and professional development, as well as finding out more about myself and who I am. Let's begin shall we?
My year started off with me continuing to work overnights in retail. I had taken an online grocery picker job back in mid-2020 to just start earning some sort of income and opportunities in teaching were surprisingly few and far in between for that solid 2 years I worked there doing this kind of work. It was an okay job, but I missed out on so much working overnights- I was not able to keep up with current events, could not make plans with people, and just had to basically survive in that role instead of enjoying it. Fortunately, I would leave this role this year- thank goodness for that too because I was not sure how much longer I could handle such a job any longer than I did.
It's funny because I knew I would be leaving this role or doing this role in a smaller capacity as early as November of 2021 because I had been accepted into my school board- it was just a delayed start date by months due to constant chasing of paperwork from previous teaching opportunities both in my current city and in the UK. I finally got word in March of this year that I can start to substitute teach in April. That word and news finally was what I needed to change my overnight availability to just weekends, then spend the rest of my week doing my best to accept whatever substitute role and job was available on their platform. It was a welcomed change, but definitely an exhausting adjustment when I started the 2nd/3rd week of April- why did I start so late one might ask? Well, I had a vacation planned that was another amazing highlight to my year.
In early April-ish, my dear friend Darryl, after a long 7.5 year friendship, finally was able to safely travel up to my part of Canada from California. It was so so so fucking amazing to see him again as it had been a long time since I went to California for a long 2 week adventure back in 2015- long overdue to finally see the bestie again. We went all over my city in the 3-4 days he was here for- from seeing his reactions to poutines, Tim Hortons, and how my city had some surprising unique buildings, structures, and even venues to go visit. He had heard about these places all the time from me over the years, but to see him take it all in, in person, with him beside me? So incredibly special. I was an emotional mess for a week after he left; but I know he is going to be coming back to my city this year most likely for a convention I will be talking about later on in my year: Animethon.
Substituting then started shortly after he had to leave and it was wild jumping back into the classroom again, in person, not online. At this point, most people had stopped wearing masks as the government dropped the mandate due to insane protests for months on end. It was terrifying being there and still to this day, I am constantly aware of students and staff in schools I go too working while sick and have to be diligent and safe myself while others have stopped caring or cannot be safe any more...it is a heavy feeling, but nonetheless I made many connections immediately upon substituting, especially at my old high school oddly enough. I had been to a few schools downtown in my city, but it was near the end of April I went back to my old high school twice for social studies cover, and then near the beginning of May, I went back a third time to cover Spanish- an whole long story in itself as another opportunity came my way from accepting that first, one day job.
Taking that Spanish cover job would lead to a long series of insanely amazing, yet stressful events. During my first day covering for the teacher, she reached out to me to ask if I could come back the following day, potentially two days. I said yes because the more you cover for a teacher, the more pay you get in my school board so I was like, sweet- yes please! Cue the next day and again, the teacher asked if I could stay the rest of the week and potentially Monday as well- shortly after that, the department head came and spoke to me seeing if I would be interested in remaining covering for this teacher for two weeks as the teacher needed more time away. I said yes, I would need resources and some help adjusting, but sure. It's an amazing opportunity, why would I turn this down? On the third day of covering for this teacher, after some observations from the department head, I was asked to come see her after the work day was done. it was that meeting that she offered me my temporary contract to remain teaching Spanish full time until the end of the school year- a 7 week temp contract that would change my life so much. It led for me to quit my overnight job on the spot that Friday night, left me scrambling to lesson plan, get resources and guidance from all kinds of people like my department head, the teacher I took over for a bit, and even my old Spanish teacher that taught me at that very high school I was now teaching at. I worked 7:30am - 5pm most week days, and worked those similar hours on the weekends at times as well as I took over everything; lesson planning, teaching, marking, assessing, etc. It was a lot and most days I felt the weight of it all, never took lunch breaks, and just kept going and going and going until the exam break hit and I could breathe a bit. My biggest win from that experience was connecting with the students to receive the kindest of emails and cards at the end of the period, and even one student thanked me so profusely for working with her to bring her mark up 30% to pass the class and move on to grade 12 this year. It was a whirlwind of stress and fear that I was failing these kids by jumping in so late and not sorting myself out right away, but in the end I did not fail them, they got to know me and i got to know them, and I gave these students opportunities to improve their marks after an awful first 2/3 of a semester with constant substitute teachers who did not know the language. We managed and got through it together; to everyone's relief. Whenever I do go back to my old high school as a substitute again, I still have some of those previous students stop by if they see me in a classroom or even ask how I am doing if I am teaching them that day. I would call that a successful experience with that reception I get going back there to this day.
Another highlight to this year was actually coming out as demisexual and pansexual. I was questioning my identity a lot during the pandemic as many failed dates and people pushing physical acts on me left me so uncomfortable I felt broken and wrong. Why wasn't this working? Why was I failing at dating and finding the wrong people? Was it because I refused to put labels on myself as a stubborn person who originally thought labels would limit myself and my experiences to what those labels were only? It was a lot of those thoughts that led me to talk to new friends and explore so many websites that shared so many positive ace experiences with great break downs of everything under that identity. In May, everything I read and experienced and talked to people about just clicked and ta-da! I am demi, I am pan, and I am so happy to be both. My first Pride ever was my first out Pride and despite knowing the stereotypes people had about ace people in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, I felt so incredibly accepted, welcomed, and celebrated in June I still get a little emotional about this to this day. Now my family do not understand or even want to know more about this part of me, so that was a bit weird to like be out, be proud, but had people ignore me that were supposed to be my loved ones and such, but honestly? Fuck them. I know who I am and do not need approval from people who are not invested in my life any more.
It was also around this May/June period I entered a mentorship program that featured all mentors from the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. I was amazed at all I had done leading up to June, but I as confused about what I should do next; do I continue to try to grow my community on Outschool and be an online teacher? Do I look for more permanent, stable work? What about the queer community and where do I or could I fit in? I met so many amazing potential mentors, but Josh was phenomenal. He had me share about my passions in that first meeting and found things for me to do to work on immediately; create business cards for substituting and my queer D&D classes on Outschool, join local queer FB groups and events, and make some new connections in my community. I worked so hard on all of these things and my August was so successful with gaining more students, going to variety of events, and planting some seeds for connections to continue to grow what I was doing- showing how inclusivity can be accessed in such fun, creative, and personal development ways. It was working, but now what? September started and things slowed down immensely Outschool wise. The second meeting led for us to discuss making a business profile of all the classes I offered as well as workshops I could offer using this inclusive lens in gaming, as well as reaching out directly to local organizations such as the Pride Centre here in my city. Receiving the next steps and reflecting on how much my work meant to me, I had the confidence to start doing these bigger things that led for me to receive paid opportunities to teach Queer D&D sessions at the Pride Centre! Those went so well and bringing in the fun, quirky, and respected queer NPCs I had developed for my students led to amazing success. 2023 they want me back fairly regularly and we will be sorting out a contract on that in the New Year! I have also been asked to work on ensuring curriculum is inclusive in both Toastmasters and in another opportunity I will be talking about a bit further down. Not only did I find myself as a queer person, I found my community, and I am helping to ensure these communities are well respected and represented in every aspect of gaming and education. What a year! Thank you Josh, you were the greatest mentor I could have ever had this year.
Now back to the summer a bit- not only did I attend Pride, but I volunteered and attended so many other events. I volunteered at Pride where those connections first began and started. Also, I volunteered at the Heritage Festival in my city that brings so many people and cultures together in a large park outdoors where over a 130 countries had pavilions/tents selling food and so many amazing other things they could share about their culture. It was hot, it stormed, but I enjoyed helping people find the tents they wanted to go too and learning so much about different cultures there as a volunteer- the best way to travel to a country without actually going there. Worth the sunburns and rain soaked clothes that weekend. I also attended a TikTok Marketing Conference that summer as well- which was valuable and insightful as taking on a new Public Relations role in Toastmasters for my one club. Learning the peak times to post clips, what tags to include, how many times to post any content in a week would lead to the amazing success of ExtraLife this year (see my last post for more details). While I may not use TikTok that often any more- I can see the value of it and hope to explore more in the New Year after that event. I then attended Animethon and it was amazing- the cosplays I saw and took photos of, the people I met, the artists I adored and their work, plus discovering new shows and characters made that event amazing for me. I also recognized that going to an event like that by yourself is very difficult- surrounded by people, being pushed around, feeling lost, and the anxiety of, again, many people unmasked, left me having a few anxiety attacks that con, but at least there were quiet anime viewing rooms where I discovered SpyxFamily and Scarlet Nexus- my two favourites of the year. Hence why, hopefully, Darryl can come to Animethon 2023 with me so that won't happen again. Last but not least, I then attended and volunteered at my city's Fringe Festival. It was an 11 day festival with so many different plays, shows, acts, and more. I volunteered for 4 days, but also went for an additional 4 days to support so amazing acts such as yegDND, Iago vs. Hamlet, Mark of the Minotaur, Queer History: A Queer Musical, Undead Newlyweds, Mi Habana Querida, and many many more shows. Being an Ambassador, it was almost expected for us to go to as many shows as possible so we could hype up local and international acts, help people find venues, and hand out little stickers that made both kids and adults so excited- a beautifully busy event but I so so so enjoyed it, every moment and every show.
The next big opportunity that came my way in 2022 was becoming a Public Speaking Coach for a start up company called TalkMaze! It started out as teaching only one group class every Monday evening, to then teaching two students 1-1, and as of this past month, being promoted to being a Coach Coordinator for the company that has so many aspects to the role on top of continuing to teach public speaking and confidence as well. The goal of this company is to help youth develop a sense of self-confidence through public speaking, debate, and eventually through model UN as well. I currently am working on the public speaking and speech classes to help these students achieve this goal, but my more recent role is also becoming very valuable as well. As the Coaching Coordinator, I am currently developing and revamping the 1-1 Program curriculum to ensure that every lesson does add value to the student in regards to building communication and public speaking skills, as well as developing their sense of self-confidence. When this development and revamping is finished in a few months from now, I will also be helping to hire new coaches, train them, develop SOPs for their various roles, and even provide feedback to the coaches on how well their lessons are going as I get to observe them as well. Such a valuable role and if I continue to do well, there is a chance to jump to full time and lead the entire Education side to the company- a goal to achieve in 2023!
2022 has given me so much in so many unexpected ways; from finding my confidence in teaching again and leaving a toxic overnight work environment, to even finding myself and creating a safe community for myself as demisexual and pansexual, to so many opportunities in teaching D&D, teaching public speaking, and now developing curriculum that gives me so much meaning and purpose in my life, to also hitting an amazing fundraising goal for ExtraLife 2022.
What does 2023 look like for me?
Hopefully working hard and becoming that Education lead for TalkMaze, travel at least once this year somewhere again as I miss traveling a LOT, have Darryl come visit me for Animethon, continue to offer inclusive gaming and education workshops in various capacities, fundraise $1250 USD for ExtraLife, and make so many new friends. I want to do so much with my life, and if I do not aim high? I will get stuck, and what fun is getting stuck when I now know how much I can offer to the world, and how genuinely proud of myself I am. Hopefully you all will be here with me during this journey and I cannot wait to see where 2023 will take all of us.
Happy New Year everyone and stay golden~
PS. Toastmasters reflection will come in June of 2023 as Toastmasters goes from July-June year wise! Stay tuned~
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(from the same universe as this and this but idk if it can be considered a continuation per se)
Jonathan frowns. “Can you at least talk to him? Like—give him some hope for the future. I think he’s really worried.” 
“Well, that’s gonna be a little complicated,” says Eddie slowly. “I can’t tell him it all worked out for me, because it didn’t. It’s not all worked out. I can’t even tell him it usually works out, because…fuck, Jon.” 
Eddie’s quiet for a little while, trying to fish words out of the white-water rapids in his head. There’s a lot of stuff that he just knows without knowing, and it’s not until he has to explain himself that he can put human language around it. 
“I never saw anyone like us over thirty,” he says, finally. “Maybe even less. I don’t even know all that many people like—like me and Will, but. It’s not just the virus, you know? It’s not even the odds of getting jumped on the street if you’re not careful. It’s…a guy I know out in the Twin Cities got kicked out of his apartment because someone told the landlord about him. Haven’t heard from him lately, I think he was sleeping rough for a while. Got another friend who was a teacher in Des Moines until the school board found out. Don’t know what he’s going to do for money now, I don’t guess he can get another job anywhere near kids. There’s a lot of ways shit can break bad, for us. I don’t want to lie to Will about that. Doesn’t feel right to sugar-coat it.”
“Christ,” says Jonathan. “That’s…really fucking depressing, man.”
Eddie shrugs. “I dunno. There’s good stuff too. Will’s lucky, he’s got you in his corner and he’s a smart kid. If anyone’s gonna be okay, it’ll be him. I just—I don’t know what that’s gonna look like.”
“Eddie.” Jonathan puts a hand on Eddie’s shoulder and gives him one of those searching, soulful looks, intense enough to make Eddie briefly consider having a hopeless crush on Jonathan instead, just for a change of pace. “You’ve got us in your corner, too. You’re gonna be okay too, I promise. We’ll make sure of it.”
“Hell yeah, bring it in, my dudes,” says Argyle, and sweeps them both up in a bear hug. If Eddie’s eyes are a little damp and red when they finally let go, nobody says a word about it.
“I think you should talk to Murray,” Jonathan tells him, the next day.
“Who the fuck is Murray,” says Eddie.
“Oh,” says Jonathan. He stares up at the ceiling for a minute. “Shit, I forgot you don’t know about him. I mean. That makes sense.”
“So, are you going to tell me who Murray is, or do I start guessing? Tennis coach. Line cook at the diner. Argyle’s dead uncle and we’re going to do a seance.”
“Ohhh man, we should do a seance,” says Argyle. “Let’s get our ghosty-ghost on.”
“Shit, yes. I think I’ve got some candles somewhere.” Eddie sits up, glancing around his room. He’s pretty sure he’s got enough stuff to pull off some real spooky shit at short notice. 
“No, no, wait,” says Jonathan. “Murray’s like. This guy who lives in a bunker out in the middle of nowhere and helped us with monster stuff a while ago. He’s, like, a really intense doomsday prepper.”
“And I should talk to him because…”
Jonathan makes a face. “I guess I don’t know for sure, but—I think he’s gay? And he’s old. Over thirty, I mean. And you said you’d never met anyone who was gay and old, so, you should talk to him.”
“Okay,” says Eddie. “I’m going to list all the reasons why I’m not going to do that. There will be at least six and a half reasons but I might think of more as I go, so buckle in.”
“Nice jacket,” says Murray. “Is it anti-conformist enough, or do you need to write REBEL on your forehead to make sure people really get your whole vibe?”
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fanchonmoreau · 13 days
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punkcornzero · 1 year
I see a lot of ideas here that gave me another idea: what if Trent Crimm comes out to the team or publicly somehow just because he knows he can land on his feet and to confront the team about these kind of themes, so that Colin will be able to come out in a safe space?
Like, coming out in a not so safe space, securing the space, let Colin come out in a safe space
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kainicowrites · 6 months
Forging Sparks pt. 2
A fist aimed for my side, but I dodged out of the way, falling into a defensive stance. 
“Good, but do not forget to stay light on your toes.” Hawx swept for my legs and I barely managed to avoid it. 
We circled each other and I said with a snarl, “Being light on my feet doesn’t matter when I can just use my lightning.” 
Hawx gave me a stern look, “And what happens when you face off against someone like me who can counteract your powers?”
Not wanting to admit they were right, I threw a punch that, of course, they sidestepped. To be fair, they had over one hundred years of training. Between stamping down my lightning and the effortless way Hawx dodged and deflected my blows, my fury only grew. Desperate to hit something, I attacked with a rapid succession of punches. Hawx slipped between my fists and moved like a leaf in the wind. In the process, they managed to spin me around, dulling my airflow with a headlock. 
Mother’s voice sounded like a warning in my head, Never let anyone get the better of you.
The grip on my powers slipped and the raging lightning coursed through my body. It threatened to shoot out of my fingertips, but Hawx smothered it, “You are in control, not the power. Breathe and let it pass through you.” 
Their soothing tone had the opposite effect that they wanted and I spit out, “I’m done with this! Let me go!”
They freed me from their grip and I finally noticed a male standing beside the sparring ring, watching. 
I shouted at him, “What are you looking at?” 
Bolts singed the air around me, but I bit them back before they could take over. 
The large fae male raised his hands in surrender, an amused smirk spread across his face, “Woah, sparks. The name’s Arkyn. I’m Hawx’s father. They asked me to bring you something. You want it or not?”
‘Sparks’… Interesting. 
Curiosity got the better of me, seeing a wrapped object at his feet, and I strode over to him, “What is it?”
Hawx joined the two of us and Arkyn lifted the object, handing it to me, “See for yourself.”
The object was heavier than I anticipated and I gently pulled back the cloth to reveal a beautifully crafted sword. I tilted the blade back and forth in the light, running my finger along it. Though it was smooth to the touch, when the light hit it, there were ripples in the metal that resembled bolts of lightning. 
“This is beautiful. Thank you, Arkyn.”
Arkyn bowed slightly, “Hawx couldn’t give me a name, but if you want one engraved on the blade, let me know.” The name he called me echoed in my head. Sparks. I had abandoned my old self the moment my mother turned her back on me, vowing to remain nameless until I found a name that felt like it belonged. I returned Arkyn’s smirk from earlier, “Sparks is perfect.”
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vaingod · 1 year
idk how to talk to baby transes im willing to admit it cus I just dunno whats even safe to have as a conversation topic like even when I think about baby trans me I probably wouldn't have gotten along with him cus I used to be so sensitive about words and labels and sex dynamics and petty discourse like how is a bisexual hetero gay man nonbinary stone dyke supposed to connect with the young swaths of lgbts if they consider all of me to be a slur that should be censored
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williamvapespeare · 6 months
a tumblr tag rant like it's 2012 again idk
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their-we-go · 2 years
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some fanart for my own fic because i have too much time on my hands lol
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fatimajpeg · 1 year
you seem like you'd do some sort of queer mentorship, like sponsoring newbie drag performers or doing readings of historical gay poems or something
omg i wish i could do that but i have “dragged” up a lot of people for photoshoots and stuff (did some nice eyemakeup lol). if my bookclub with some (queer) friends counts then yes i have done many gay poem readings.
assumption game
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limonmelon · 1 year
i saw someone on here calling Benoit Blanc a beacon of hope for being an older happy queer character who probably survived the AIDS crisis i am BEGGING people to find ways to interact with actual older queer people in person or online 
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ride-a-dromedary · 2 years
I honestly did not expect Kelly and Bortus but who know maybe I'll grow to enjoy them?
All the more power to you, anon. I can't say I share your optimism.
I will give the show credit - near 90% of all relationships (implied or otherwise) on board are alien/human which is at least different, I’ll give them that. 
It also very clearly mirrors Isaac/Claire in that Isaac’s affection for Claire’s children attracted her to him in the first place, which proves my “Bortus and Isaac are two sides of the same coin” theory and that’s why Bortus doesn’t like him.
#Jemi talks the Orville#Jemi gets asks#before i say anything at all bisexual people exist so do not get this twisted i am NOT here for any bullshit biphobia anywhere near me#nor am i saying anything in regards to sexuality not being fluid#but tell me exactly how i'm supposed to read a man who has canonically in the past only displayed attraction to what we would deem as#traditional masculinity - including on the simulator - is suddenly 'converted' after the species is 'taught' a lesson in morals by the unio#to something that is otherwise not masculine#(human gender is far more complex but kelly has never identified as anything other than a woman and presents herself as such)#sounds a teeny bit like gay conversion to me after having been 'fixed' and 'enlightened'#like it was wrong before because moclus itself was considered 'backwards' and 'wrong'#and yes it's made more complicated because metaphorically moclans view 'straight' relationships as queer coded#but we are not a moclan audience#do you see what i'm getting at here?#do i think they meant it that way? no#that's why making this direct parallel consistently shoots macfarlane and co in the foot#it also makes the implication that fathers cannot adequately raise daughters on their own - they *require* actual mothers#rather than - say - the father actively encouraging his daughter into mentorships under other women inside and outside of the family#to encourage strong roll models#without it necessarily needing to be a mother#like as a daughter of a single father that rubs me the wrong way#it's also just weird that every remotely close relationship between men and women automatically = romantic#it implies that men cannot adequately admire women without being romantically attracted to them (ed and kelly also fell into this trap)#also remember that intersectionality we talked about before - it applies here too
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Oh How Times Have Changed
For years Felicity Myers and her wife Vivian struggled to make ends meet. Living in the basement of Vivian’s parents’ house, the women had no choice but to empty their accounts and start over at the start of every month. For years Felicity and her wife worked jobs they hated for nickels and dimes while they each built their careers on the side. Many nights, Felicity would come home from work only to shower before sitting behind her computer to work on her latest short film with her best friend Connor; that was back in their twenties. Now Felicity, Vivian, and Connor are in their thirties, and Felicity and Connor have turned their side hustle into a full-fledged production company. Now, as they, and their families, lounge out on a beach in the South of France, Felicity can’t help but marvel at how much things have changed.
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virgil-wannabe · 1 year
I just realized all of my stories are basically the same thing in different fonts.
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hacash · 1 year
Ted Lasso’s all about mentorship, right? And different types of mentorship for different occasions. Well, we’ve had Trent as Colin’s ‘supportive queer’ mentor and Roy as Isaac’s ‘manage your anger and express your emotions healthily’ mentor; but now I want Nate to be the ‘do no harm but take no shit’ mentor for both Colin and Isaac. The ‘learn how to be a little bit of a bastard just for fun’ mentor. The ‘teaching you how to fuck shit up’ mentor. The ‘I’m proud that you’re handling public abuse with grace and dignity but also do you want me to kill that jerk for you because I will kill that jerk for you’ mentor.
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queenieofaces · 3 months
I swear, my students this semester are going to make me either combust from emotions or have to write a post about queer mentorship because so far I've got:
student who asked about my ace ring
student who came to office hours to talk about gender, because they're trying to figure out their own gender and they thought I would have helpful things to say
student who said he was really grateful to have an openly non-binary professor because it means that he can see a model for what his future might look like
student who keeps dropping by office hours to talk about being a QPoC (and having to deal with racism in queer spaces)
all the students who just casually come out to me in office hours (god. I know that the world has changed so much since I was in college, but what a gift regardless)
and then of course the two separate students who have asked me for help with their D&D campaigns, which is honestly the funniest possible read of me
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