#pro all labels
abdllesboy8 · 10 months
You are NOT radically inclusive of you are anti-para & anti transid!
Being a progressive radical queer isn't to select which queer identity is good and which is invalid .... at least it's NOT radical to be inclusive for X and exclusive to Y.... one can call themselves inclusiontst with the selective customary queer advocacy, but NOT radical at all .
Be radical queer
Be cute
Be tucute
And be cringe ...
Also freak
Then you may call yourself radqueer !
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vampirepunks · 3 months
Seeing "proship dni" (or the variety of rude variations that folks think are cute/clever *sigh*) in controversial communities, attached to dead dove content, or on selfship posts makes my head spin every damn time
my brother in christ, who else is gonna stick up for you? the antis? lol. lmao, even.
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aardvaark · 2 years
obsessed w the episode of Bones where they’re telling some wealthy lady with a mini pomeranian that her ex husband is dead and she starts crying and instead of offering any kind of comfort, brennan just takes the dog off her and happily exclaims (and this is verbatim) "he’s so compact!!"
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being plural/being a system is really nice, i love us
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alsojnpie · 5 months
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dishes are forever
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kuramirocket · 19 days
Antis always argue amongst themselves of what is a 'proship,' and we, ofc, know there is no such thing because it is a stance not a type of ship.
However, if we go by anti logic using the correct definition of proshipping then all ships are inherently 'proships' because proshipping is all about being in favor of all shipping even if you don't like it, find it uncomfortable, distasteful, etc. Thus, argument over.
Every ship is a proship. Both 'problematic' and 'unproblematic' ships are proships!
Let's tag all our ships as proship to piss off antis lol
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kiwisandpearls · 8 months
everytime I see a post (or anything similar to it) going “I’m not an anti or a proshipper I’m a third secret thing (literally describes being an anti/being a proshipper)” I gain the urge to cause incredible violence
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not-gay-batman · 1 year
So many of you know that Apollo and a Midnighter were first inspired by Superman and Batman. But what less of you may know, is that just last year both Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill resigned from their roles as Superman and Batman prior to the announcement of the Authority movie….
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sercj · 2 months
Alright, I'm finally typing it out. Gather around, all, for the tale of the time my friends and I kidnapped a blueberry and drug them into the Vault of Glass.
Once upon a time, I used to have friends I would play Destiny 2 with regularly. None of them that feature in this story still do, to my knowledge, but at the time we were pretty cracked on the PvE side of things. At the time, we were raiding semi-regularly (when schedules lined up), and as Vault of Glass had just been added to D2 recently, it was our raid of choice that one, fateful evening.
We, like any sane PC player, were using Discord for comms, and so I had hopped into the channel to wait, and headed to the Cosmodrome for my favorite time-killing passtime - blueberry watching. For those of you unfamiliar, blueberries is an affectionate term for new destiny players, named after the color of the low rarity gear they end up decked out in, blue. The Cosmodrome, being the first public area a New Light ends up in, is often a place where you can see adorable new players getting the hang of things.
At this time, the voice channel began to fill up, and one of my compatriots joined my fireteam. We initiated some hug emotes with a blueberry and were just all-in-all chilling when we got word that one member of our team would be unable to join us. Then someone (I forget who) suggested 'hey, what if we took this blueberry along with us?'. It was a patently absurd option - we had no communication with them. Their mishmash of blue armor and crappy weapons would clearly be outclassed by the raid, leaving them unable to damage enemies and likely to die instantly if any of the vex even looked in their direction. But we started to plan a bit - really, we could do every encounter with just 5 people. We'd have to protect the blueberry, but that could be done, theoretically.
I think, in the end, we came to the conclusion that we'd try it, but they weren't likely to stick through it. After all, we weren't (and never did) using the in-game VC, or text chat. The two of us hanging out with them in the Cosmodrome sent a fireteam invite. And the blueberry accepted. So we joined the rest of the team in orbit, and launched Vault of Glass.
I could go into our specific strategies for each encounter, but for the most part it was pretty same-y. We'd use emotes and shooting to get the blueberry into a defensible position, then 5-man the encounter. And somehow, this worked. I have taught many, many people many raids in my time (including many people from this friend group!), and I have never seen someone pick up so quickly on what we needed them to do. With no actual words passing! An absolute, biggest-brained legend of a guardian.
We did get this guy all the way to Aetheon. And with some tricks (and good RNG), we were able to even defeat Aetheon. With some random blueberry nobody knew, or talked to! Unfortunately, they didn't get Mythoclast (can you imagine, though!), but they did celebrate with us with their default dance emote, and we all went our seperate ways. Nobody friended them, we just re-released them into the Cosmodrome like they hadn't just helped us save all of time or whatever the point of Vault of Glass is.
Now, perhaps this was a returning player, or someone on a new alt, who already kinda or entirely knew what was going on. But there's no real way of knowing, and it's just as (if not more) likely that this was a brand new player. Can you imagine what kind of a 'first experience' that new player had with the game? How puzzlingly odd to begin with, developing into concern as the activity we brought them to was clearly beyond them, to the 'fuck it we ball' attitude to stick with it all the way through. A true champion.
And imagine the lore perspective too. Fresh guardian, still got gravesoil in their armor, hasn't been to the tower yet, and they get scooped up into the Vault of Glass? Battle Aetheon? AND WIN!? The reaction from Shaw, or hell, the Vanguard as a whole would be amazing. Our guardians getting reprimanded for taking some fresh new light and dragging them through such a crazy difficult experience they weren't prepared for. Fun stuff to think about.
I wonder how that player is doing now. If they still play, how this particular experience flavored their perception of the game and its community. I know the community at large can be extremely toxic (and worse), but I still strive to embody the community impression we made on that day. Patience and Understanding, being goofy and silly about it, inclusive and kind. Dunno, maybe that's just me being sappy about a fun memory with friends gone by.
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allelitewrestlings · 1 year
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RED DEATH || HARD WAY 4 by Brainbuster_
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saturnisfallingdown · 3 months
a big part of the queer online kid to queer online young adult progression for me was losing all interest in labels. not in a distasteful way!! just. losing interest .....
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wlwocprincess · 1 year
You know the when it comes to the “demonized radical leftist freedom fighter that the narrative has chosen to turn into a villain (maybe they’re a terrorist? War criminal?) that makes the protagonist realize that radicalism can be Just As Bad but then chooses a way that’s easier and safer than Liberation” I’m surprised nobody has pointed out Gale Hawthorne. He’s this trope exemplified. Ppl will pick all these characters but Gale Hawthorne, probably because we have all sort of deluded ourselves into choosing the comfort of the easier and safer option that is so within the ending of these books, isn’t labeled this way which is wild. This is a poor brown character who we get to know really well throughout the first two books and because of how angry he is due to his oppression he quite literally ends up making Bombs that are used to kill children. And we just. Move on from that. Accept that’s just who he is now and that’s the end of his story as we know it. Huh.
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seraparaphim · 8 months
I think the whole reason contact discourse is as annoying as it is, is because people refuse to communicate with eachother.
Different para circles use contact labels differently. On Twitter, "anti contact" widely means "anti contact for harmful actions" (bestiality, child abuse, grooming, assault, etc). But on Tumblr, especially radblr, a contact stance like that would be widely considered to be "complex contact".
Regardless of how contact labels end up, I think people need to sit down and realise that:
1: Being anti-contact doesn't mean "no contact for all paraphilias" (literally have never seen any anti-c claim that stance please stop acting like people do.)
2: Being complex contact doesn't inherently make someone pro-beastiality (plus all other forms of abuse I mentioned.)
Like this is a community build on trying to understand and empathise with people. Why do y'all forget that the second contact labels come into play.
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sirenium · 11 months
Man lesbians are rad, actually.
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yu-tap · 2 years
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rush hour!
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