#prestiged prince posts
prestiged-prince · 1 year
leon s kennedy and chris redfield are on opposite ends of the "gay men" scale and albert wesker is dead in the middle
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wonder-worker · 2 months
Margaret of Anjou’s visit to Coventry [in 1456], which was part of her dower and that of her son, Edward of Lancaster, was much more elaborate. It essentially reasserted Lancastrian power. The presence of Henry and the infant Edward was recognised in the pageantry. The ceremonial route between the Bablake gate and the commercial centre was short, skirting the area controlled by the cathedral priory, but it made up for its brevity with no fewer than fourteen pageants. Since Coventry had an established cycle of mystery plays, there were presumably enough local resources and experience to mount an impressive display; but one John Wetherby was summoned from Leicester to compose verses and stage the scenes. As at Margaret’s coronation the iconography was elaborate, though it built upon earlier developments.
Starting at Bablake gate, next to the Trinity Guild church of St. Michael, Bablake, the party was welcomed with a Tree of Jesse, set up on the gate itself, with the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah explaining the symbolism. Outside St. Michael’s church the party was greeted by Edward the Confessor and St. John the Evangelist; and proceeding to Smithford Street, they found on the conduit the four Cardinal Virtues—Righteousness (Justice?), Prudence, Temperance, and Fortitude. In Cross Cheaping wine flowed freely, as in London, and angels stood on the cross, censing Margaret as she passed. Beyond the cross was pitched a series of pageants, each displaying one of the Nine Worthies, who offered to serve Margaret. Finally, the queen was shown a pageant of her patron saint, Margaret, slaying the dragon [which 'turned out to be strictly an intercessor on the queen's behalf', as Helen Maurer points out].
The meanings here are complex and have been variously interpreted. An initial reading of the programme found a message of messianic kingship: the Jesse tree equating royal genealogy with that of Christ had been used at the welcome for Henry VI on his return from Paris in 1432. A more recent, feminist view is that the symbolism is essentially Marian, and to be associated with Margaret both as queen and mother of the heir rather than Henry himself. The theme is shared sovereignty, with Margaret equal to her husband and son. Ideal kingship was symbolised by the presence of Edward the Confessor, but Margaret was the person to whom the speeches were specifically addressed and she, not Henry, was seen as the saviour of the house of Lancaster. This reading tips the balance too far the other way: the tableau of Edward the Confessor and St. John was a direct reference to the legend of the Ring and the Pilgrim, one of Henry III’s favourite stories, which was illustrated in Westminster Abbey, several of his houses, and in manuscript. It symbolised royal largesse, and its message at Coventry would certainly have encompassed the reigning king. Again, the presence of allegorical figures, first used for Henry, seems to acknowledge his presence. Yet, while the message of the Coventry pageants was directed at contemporary events it emphasised Margaret’s motherhood and duties as queen; and it was expressed as a traditional spiritual journey from the Old Testament, via the incarnation represented by the cross, to the final triumph over evil, with the help of the Virgin, allegory, and the Worthies. The only true thematic innovation was the commentary by the prophets.
[...] The messages of the pageants firmly reminded the royal women of their place as mothers and mediators, honoured but subordinate. Yet, if passive, these young women were not without significance. It is clear from the pageantry of 1392 and 1426 in London and 1456 in Coventry that when a crisis needed to be resolved, the queen (or regent’s wife) was accorded extra recognition. Her duty as mediator—or the good aspect of a misdirected man—suddenly became more than a pious wish. At Coventry, Margaret of Anjou was even presented as the rock upon which the monarchy rested. [However,] a crisis had to be sensed in order to provoke such emphasis [...]."
-Nicola Coldstream, "Roles of Women in Late Medieval Civic Pageantry," "Reassessing the Roles of Women as 'Makers' of Medieval Art and Culture"
#historicwomendaily#margaret of anjou#my post#henry vi#yeah I don't necessarily agree with Laynesmith's interpretation (that it was essentially Marian with an emphasis on shared sovereignty)#which she herself says is 'admittedly very speculative'#as this book points out that interpretation tips the balance too far on the other side and has a somewhat selective reading#It's also important to remember that this interpretation was not really reflected across wider Lancastrian propaganda at the time#which isn't really talked about - let alone emphasized - as much by historians but remained focused on the King#For example: look at the pro-Lancastrian poem 'The Ship of State' which hails Henry VI as a 'noble shyp made of good tree'#and emphasizes how he was widely supported and defended by many great Lancastrian lords and the crown prince#but not Margaret who was entirely absent#also look at the book 'Knyghthode and Bataile' (presented to Henry) and Fortescue's various pro-Lancastrian texts in the 1460s#even the recording of that Yorkist trial which was iirc reported in the 1459 attainder#all of these were entirely conventional and highlighted the presence and importance of the King. Margaret was not emphasized.#so either the Lancastrians were impossibly inconsistent about what message they actually wanted to convey about the role of their own queen#or the Coventry pageants were not actually meant to emphasize Margaret in the lieu of Laynesmith's interpretation#and would not have been viewed in such a manner by contemporaries#I think we should also keep in mind that we don't really know what Henry VI's condition was like at the time of MoA's entry to Coventry#we know he had been injured in St. Albans and had only just recovered from his second illness#this is especially important to consider since we know he had also arrived at Coventry before Margaret but much more discreetly#and was not welcomed by any pageants that we know of. This is VERY unusual and can be best explained if we consider the fact that he#may have simply not been in the right state (be it physical or state of mind) for it at the time#in which case the pageants for Margaret should be viewed as more of a improvisation/cover-up/temporary measure to bolster prestige#or Henry may have deliberately taken a more discreet role to emphasize the position of his heir - especially important after the long wait#imo I think Kipling's interpretation (ie: that they addressed Margaret but really referenced the prince & heir) makes a lot more sense:#'Coventry [...] regarded Margaret's entry as a kind of triumph-by-proxy: the Queen entered the city but Coventry received its Prince'#though I think he tends to view Margaret as more of a cipher (and has a very questionable view of Henry VI) which I also don't agree with.#The pageants very much DID focus on and reference her but they most prominently emphasized her 'motherhood and duties as queen'#ie: I think Kipling and Laynesmith tip too far on opposite sides and I think this interpretation takes the most realistic middle ground
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sheriff-lasso · 1 year
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A good amount of people have been following me lately (on instagram 😅) so I feel this is warranted. 
☂️ Introduce yourself in the comments ☂️Tag some of your favorite/underrated artists  ☂️Make new friends  ☂️Have fun!
I’ll go first. I’m Lasso, I make cartoony oc art alone in my room. I’ve no plans to be a full time artist, I just wanna entertain people. 
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naffeclipse · 7 months
I absolutely adore every AU you come up with, but I was actually curious if you had already or were considering writing a traditional DCAxReader? Hopefully I can kick this art block soon because there is so much fanart I want to draw of your stories :) Hope your week is going well! (besides the roof disaster ^^;;;)
On another note... AUs are my brainrot and I keep thinking about that post about the large bed... and spoopy ghosts. Clipgeist? No running away from something that can follow you to the ends of the Earth. Poor Y/Ns just can't catch a break lol
I have a few canon stories with the DCA x Reader on my Ao3 but nothing as grand or long as my AUs! I do have a 'canon' story plotted but I don't know when I'll write it. Hopefully one day!
Ah, that's so exciting! I hope you can chisel that art block down hehe 
It's going good (aside from the roof ;-;) I have this week of school before we go on break for Thanksgiving and it can't come soon enough!
Shaking your hand so hard rn!! I love AUs! And a spooky ghost one? Oh ho, I've always wanted to write a domestic monster scenario!
Perhaps Y/N moves into an old, old house with steep roofs, pointed arches above the windows and doors, and a lovely porch. It's two and a half stories tall (the half story is attic space under the roof rafters) with a four-story central spired tower! All dark wood and even darker interiors. You can't desire if it's Dracula's castle or a fairytale home for the happily ever-after-ed prince and princess. It's even got a secret underground tunnel! What more do you need when flipping a home? You love restoration and you intend to keep all its gothic charm while updating it to be, well, livable.
It's also incredibly cheap! Like, stupid cheap, for something that should be incredibly pricey for its prestige style and historical value. Not that you've ever looked a gift horse in the mouth, but even you have second thoughts before ultimately snatching up the house key.
The first night is always unsettling—maybe you hear a voice whisper in your ear despite it being dead silent and there's not a soul for miles, but you'll brush that off as getting spooked by old ghost stories your brain conjures up within the ornate decorated rooms.
From there, things get stranger and stranger still. Your paintbrush is moved and you know you didn't set it there because of the wet paint dripping onto the floor. The electricity is ever fickle, turning off at the most opportune moments during the night, like when you swear you saw a figure standing at the end of the hallway, all thin and scraggly with a ghostly smile and an inhuman head framed with wavering energy that almost seems to glow like embers in the dark!
Still, you continue your repairs and restorations, sometimes softly talking to yourself out loud and talking to the house like it's a wounded animal you intend to restore back to its fittest with all the love you can pour out of your heart. Places need love, too.
The most obnoxious thing is that you can't access the tower—the door is always locked, and no matter what key you try, it refuses to budge. You don't dare risk causing damage by prying it open, but you swear you'll get into that tower one day. There's got to be treasure inside with how mysteriously it stands, just out of your reach. Though, you've mostly put it aside for now. Whenever you jingle keys in the lock, you swear you hear a voice grow angry with you, and the hallway becomes so cold you can see your breath.
So, yeah, you're saving that for later.
The pivotal moment of you even considering a haunting is one night when you find yourself overwhelmed and stressed from the ever-growing list of chores and how everything is falling apart faster than you can fix it. You dissolve on the living room floor into thick tears. You're usually so put together, even when alone. You hate crying. There's no one to hold you together except yourself, so why fall apart in the first place?
Your little moment of getting it out is interrupted when a quilt falls over your shoulders. A soft, heavy quilt of midnight skies and dotted pale blue stars that was never in this room.
You leap to your feet, quilt falling away, and call out in classic horror victim fashion, "Who's there?" but no one answers. In frozen terror, you stare at the room, expecting something, anything to jump out or scream at you, but it's so, so quiet. All is still, like apologetic comfort.
That couldn't have happened. No draft, no forgetfulness could explain how a quilt was draped over you as if by a concerned friend.
You stare at the quilt and decide that you've had a long day. You go to your room, unable to relax even once you're under the covers, feeling something cold and misty above your bed.
When you wake in the morning, that starry quilt is draped over your lying form. You did not put it there.
Something or someone else tucked it around you.
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pimosworld · 2 months
Pinterest vibe + comfort films
Select the first character, real person, quote and outfit to get your vibe.
List your seven fav comfort films.
Ty for the tag- @magpiepills @ghostslillady @sawymredfox
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1. Romeo and Juliet
2. The mummy
3. Tombstone
4. The wedding date
5. The prestige
6. The prince of Egypt
7. Heavyweights
Anyone feel free to post theirs, this was super fun.
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mageofseven · 1 year
The Boys and Therapy
Let's face it; there's not a single man in Obey Me who couldn't benefit from therapy. At least three of them have daddy issues, about six of them still grieve Lilith's exit from their life (since Satan wasn't a physical person yet, I don't think he hurts over it as much as the others) at least three of them have issues non parent family issues, three of them at minimum are constantly under stress, and almost ALL of them have been through some sort of trauma.
Honestly, this list could go farther, but Imma just jump into the post~
Please enjoy 🥰
Therapy In the Devildom
First off, I would like to explain how I see therapy in the Devildom. It's a relatively new practice in the realm, brought in by the cultural exchange program started in the first game (I cannot imagine therapy being a thing here during the time of Nightbringer since things are so chaotic and the people were still so closed-minded).
Devildom is a place where secrets are treasured more than grimm. Even a greed demon, when given the choice between a vault near-bursting with grimm or a single secret about some demonic duke, would choose the secret every time because it's intrinsic value is so much more in this realm.
So when therapy was beginning to become a practice here in the Devildom, they simply could not afford to go about it the same ways humans did; laws simply were not enough to keep the client's secrets safe.
The job of a therapist is considered a prestigious one in the Devildom, carrying with it the status of being a staunch member of the Aldatu faction (a political party in the Devildom dedicated to change and the chaos that comes with it, the 'true demon way'; they oppose the Traditionalist faction and are backed by Diavolo himself).
Such prestige made it easier for the demons pursuing these jobs to accept the innumerable amount of curses placed on them so they couldn't reveal their clients' secrets. Of course, there were checks and balances to this though. If any secret involved a severe law being broken or if the client revealed plans to hurt themself or others, they had assigned curse breakers to help them through the process.
This process helped a lot of demons feel comfortable enough to seek their services.
This is how the Boys found themselves seeking such services as well.
This man was pushed into it by Diavolo.
The Avatar of Pride was more stressed at this time than the prince had ever seen and that is saying something.
Honestly, Dia was worried his friend was on the verge of popping out another Satan so attending therapy was non-negotiable.
His brothers were so weirded out by this turn of events. I mean, Lucifer? Talking about his feelings? To a complete stranger??? In what realm could this actually work out?
The pride demon spent most of the first couple sessions in silence; he told Lord Diavolo that he would attend such meetings, not that he would truly participate in such unnecessary--
Ok, this demon was good. Too good. The therapist had somehow tricked him into talking about some basic stressors. Nothing from the core of the oldest's pain, but some surface level things like dealing with piles of paperwork taller than himself and his brothers' usual hijinks.
Lucifer found himself looking forward to the weekly sessions, but would adamantly deny it if anyone asked.
Diavolo could tell that it was doing his friend some good though and for that, he was grateful.
I don't know if Lucifer would ever talk about anything important to the therapist and if he did, it would probably take decades a least to bring up topics like his Father and Lilith.
Still, therapy ended up being a good experience for this pride demon.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Seeing his brothers as grown ass men who need to make their own mistakes in order to learn.
This is something the pride demon struggles with. Sometimes, he has no issue letting his brothers handle their own issues; others, he hovers over them and lectures them profusely like a concerned and angry mother.
Realizes that, on some level, he doesn't actually want his brothers growing up. He's been raising them since he himself was a child after all so for them to grow up and not need him anymore...what would he do then? His life has been surrounded around them all this time. A life where they don't need him...it sounds empty and not a life he'd know how to live.
Was dragged there by Lucifer, who was honestly done with him after the 1200th time he tried to steal from the castle.
That was the surface reason anyway, the 'straw that broke the camel's back' so to speak
But the older brother had been thinking about sending the second brother there for a while now.
Behavioral issues aside, Lucifer knows his brother suffers from some self esteem issues and wants him to address them.
Mammon complained and treated it like a pain, but in truth, he had been thinking about going for a while, but was too embarrassed and didn't want his younger brothers giving him crap for it.
When he went to his first session, the greed demon was awkward as all hell
But his therapist really had a way of making him comfortable.
Unlike his older brother, there really wasn't a lot that was off the table for him to talk about, though the deeper topics took some cajoling from the professional.
He talked about a variety of things, from the crap he gets from his brothers and their 'scummy' comments, Lilith, memories from the Celestial realm...
Lucifer himself.
Main issue he works on in therapy: his relationship with his older brother.
As much as he cared about Lilith, this man never fought in the Celestial War for her; he fought for Lucifer. There is nothing his brother could do that he himself wouldn't jump in and help him with.
Mammon fucks up a lot and while some of those fuck ups are genuine...
Some are on purpose. For Lucifer.
I think Mammon is the only brother who truly understands the oldest and to a level that even Lucifer might not fully be aware of.
He knows, or maybe just senses, his older brother's need to be needed and gets in trouble so Lucifer will have to punish him, have to feel like Mammon still needs direction in life.
Not only that but...the second brother has come to realize just how much he needs his big brother's attention, even when it's negative.
When you boil it all down, Mammon and Lucifer's relationship has never really been that healthy.
The two depend on each other more than they are willing to admit and a lot of it isn't in a healthy way.
This was an incredibly painful realization for this man, but an important one
And one he still isn't sure if he wants to change.
One of the brothers whose asses got put in therapy as soon as the practice became stable enough to be safe in the Devildom.
Agoraphophic, socially anxious, extremely low self esteem? This man needs it.
Fortunately, he was allowed to attend therapy virtually in the beginning.
He was still pretty quiet during the first session, but managed to open up a bit towards the end and had an easier time as he attended more sessions.
Levi grew to really like going to therapy because his therapist would let him talk about the things he enjoyed; he wasn't just restricted to talking about the bad and that made him feel really comfortable with the other demon.
He could start by talking about TSL and Ruri-chan before sliding into topics like his insecurities and things his brothers do on a regular day that make him feel bad about himself.
He talked about The Fall and the life he lived before it; what he missed, what he hated, what he desperately wished he had back...
And came to the conclusion that he didn't so much miss or even care about the Celestial realm. It was nothing more than a controlling, hypocritical place after all.
What he did miss was his childhood, where being his awkward, silly self was encouraged instead of judged.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Loving himself despite whatever other think or however he perceives their opinion of him to be.
Leviathan is great how he is and the main person who needs to understand that is himself.
Oh boy, this man was difficult to drag there 😅
Anything Satan thinks might insinuate that he is 'broken' is too big of an insult to tolerate.
It took some real encouragements and long talks with MC to even humor the idea of going
But he did, eventually.
Was very adamant about not speaking to the therapist during the first session, but his anger got the better of him and he said a lot, some actually being productive and not just name calling and threats slewed at the poor therapist.
Another brother whose first sessions were online, though more so for the therapist's safety than Satan's own comfort.
Eventually, Satan realized the sessions were actually beneficial for him and liked how much lighter they made him feel
So the threats towards the other demon diminished and the sessions became calmer.
Occasionally he would snap at the poor therapist again and would actually feel bad about
But the therapist would forgive him because look! Progress!
Avoids talking about Lucifer for the longest time, but eventually brings up his issues about his...father with the other demon.
His existential issues and his feelings about his father where all twisted together, making him so very sensitive about it all.
By being born the way he was, Satan was brought into this world as a complete mess. Emotions so strong that even a grown man couldn't deal with suddenly forced upon a small and helpless babe.
Satan grew up tortured by anger and pain that wasn't even his and it formed him into the man he was today; it wasn't fair, but he grew to accept that Lucifer truly didn't do it on purpose
But those thoughts just led to him feeling unwanted, a burden thrusted upon Lucifer and his brothers that they had to deal with.
That only made the blonde even more compelled to find himself an identity outside of Lucifer, outside of being the a life who was forced from his body with all of the former trauma he carried.
Just who was he? For years, he collected knowledge and hoped it'd bring him purpose, bring him respect from others and be seen as his own person, but it never made him feel more complete.
He still didn't understand most emotions that he wasn't born with, even when they overwhelmed him.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Understanding his emotions, both what he's feeling and why, and also becoming more comfortable with himself.
Told his brothers he was going to therapy to keep himself "just as beautiful on the inside as he was on the outside"
But in truth, he started going because he wanted to be a good influence on his brothers and show them that therapy really isn't all that scary and it could help them too.
In truth, Asmo didn't realize just how vulnerable it would make him feel though.
When he got too uncomfortable, he'd change the topic or try flirting with them to distract them, but his therapist always kept him on track.
He spoke a lot about the Celestial realm, all of the great times that he had there, but grew to understand that it wasn't truly the place he missed, but the time.
After all, it was a lot easier to keep smiles on his on his siblings' faces back when they were all kids and Asmo himself was the Jewel of the Heavens.
Since moving to the Devildom and losing Lilith...it's become so much harder to make his brothers happy and even he himself has to force himself to be positive for their sakes.
That's always been his job, raising his brothers' spirits and he took it just as seriously as Lucifer took his job of protecting them and Mammon and Beel took supporting Lucifer.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Learning that its okay to not be okay sometimes, both in regards to himself and his brothers, and that he's not responsible for his brothers' emotional states.
Sometimes people just need to be sad and that's okay! No one can be happy all the time and if his brothers are going through a tough time, he can support them without taking responsiblity for the rough time they're in.
Joined a couple days after Asmo did; he understood his other man's message and signed up for therapy himself in order to be a good influence on their other brothers.
Their family was a mess; Beel knew this all too well.
If going to therapy and talking about the mess from his perspective could help his brothers in any way, especially with encouraging Belphie to do the same, then this man will go with no hesitation.
This demon is naturally the quiet sort so it's a bit difficult to truly start the process despite his willingness, but he eventually gets into the flow of all of it.
Mostly talks about The Fall, how he lost his sister and the guilt he feels towards both her and Belphie.
Sometimes he wonders if he made the right choice in saving Belphie despite knowing he never truly made one; when he saw what that Celestial archer was about to do and Belphie's eyes met his own...he just ran to his brother without thinking, causing the archer to choose to shoot Lilith instead.
That moment changed everything for his family and so much suffering followed...
He's grateful that event led to MC's eventual birth, but the guilt he carries from pain he caused his brothers is immeasurable.
If only he could have saved both, if only MC could have still been born if he did...
There was so much he wished.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Trying not to carry the past with him every second of the present. Though tragic, the past is the past and he has so many reasons to be happy in the present.
It will take a long time working on this issue to make some good progress with it, but what matters is that he is trying just like he hopes his other brothers will.
Another brother who was forced into therapy by Lucifer.
This man has been extremely depressed in the most obvious way possible for centuries so of course he needs therapy.
Really, really fought it to the point where he was escaping the therapy sessions out the bathroom window and Lucifer would have to track him down at a shop or sleeping on bench in a random park.
It made things easier when Beel started to go therapy though. Seeing Beel take the time to work on his issues made the younger twin feel like he should be trying too...
But he still didn't like it.
He was very, very slow in opening up. Like, I'm talking months of just talking about trivial shit till finally he grew more comfortable to truly speak his mind about what he's gone through.
His survivor's guilt was strong and he truly believes he shouldn't be alive, not when his little sister was gone...
Therapy really cut open some old wounds and for awhile, it seemed like this man was more depressed than ever.
Slowly though, he became stronger from it all and the past started to hurt just a little less.
He loved Lilith with every ounce of his being, but carrying this guilt was not going to bring her back nor would she have wanted him to feel guilty.
Main issue he works on in therapy: Letting the dead rest and himself truly rest as well. Yes, Lilith is gone, but she lived a happy life as a human with the person she loved. His loss was her gain and if you have to lose at all, isn't this the best scenario? That someone you love was happy and free and had their dreams come true?
This issue might take a demonic lifetime to work through, but little bits of progress are made every day and his brothers grow to see that in him
And for now, that's enough.
Attending therapy was something stuck on this prince's mind for some time now.
It stayed that was for a long time without even speaking it aloud.
Eventually, he did bring it up to Barbatos and his friend heard him out so patiently.
Barb has always sought to be a comfort to the prince, but recognized that he was not a professional so there was very little he could do in the long term for him.
The butler told him that therapy sounds like a good idea and that believes Dia could get a lot out of it.
Though Diavolo is usually a pretty expressive guy, that really didn't extend to strangers who he was paying to listen to him.
He went slow with the therapist, first only speaking about his workload and how almost every moment of his life was planned out for him because of said workload
Then it lead to his father's deep slumber, the very cause of all the responsibility that was dropped on him
And eventually led to him talking about the strict childhood that his father gave him and how he grew up without his mother
And just how incredibly lonely he has always been.
The arrival of Lucifer definitely helped with that last part, but the prince still wished he wasn't so sheltered and alone while growing up.
Main issue he works on in therapy: time management and how to make the most out of the present.
There was so much of life he missed out on when he was younger, but it didn't have to be like that forever.
With the help of both his therapist and Barb, he was able to manage his time a lot better and make the most of his time off by trying new experiences.
It was easier to handle his past when his present became so much more fulfilling.
Only really went at Diavolo's request.
In truth, the butler felt that therapy was unnecessary for himself, but wanted to give the prince some peace of mine so he agreed.
His opinion of therapy doesn't change no matter how long he goes.
He starts going once a week at Diavolo's insistence
And mostly talks about the stress he feels with looking out for the man.
He looks young so even other demons assume he is either about Diavolo's age or younger.
In truth, he is older than the prince and has been looking out for him since Dia was a small child.
Barbatos has essentially filled the roll of second parent since Dia's mother died in childbirth.
Though a butler, his role used to be more of a nanny; he cared greatly for the man who was currently drowning in the responsiblity and has spent so long just trying to make life easier for him
Resulting in Barbatos neglecting himself over the years for the sake of the prince.
Main issue he works on in therapy: setting some time aside for himself.
Because of his job, Dia will always need Barbatos to some degree
But the prince is also a grown man now and can function as such without Barb being there 24/7
Starts taking one day off a week and attends therapy once a month, something that makes both Barb and Dia feel better.
Honestly, most people don't know he attends therapy and that's how he prefers it.
He never really thought much of therapy, not in regards to himself anyway.
For other people? It was a useful tool. For him? He simply believed he's been around too long for it to help.
I mean, he was literally born in 990 B.C.E.
He was older than even some of the demons he interacted with.
He was unique, but that didn't feel as much of a good thing as he pretended it was.
His existence was a lonely one, but he hid such thoughts away.
He started going to therapy because of Simeon, because of his angel friend's gentle nudges to do so, and eventually he caved.
He went to weekly sessions and was honestly more uncomfortable than he directly expressed to his therapist.
The sorcerer always kept a light smile on his face, even when he talked about the immortality that he never wanted
Because he didn't want it.
In truth, he doesn't really remember much before he became immortal. A side effect the experiment gone wrong, he assumed, because surely he didn't purposely do this to himself.
He vaguely remembers being a king in the Human realm, a job he never wanted but was thrusted upon him buy the angels' Father, who Solomon himself worshipped at the time.
Other than that...his memory of that time is very fuzzy and it's always bothered him.
He just carries around this feeling that...that he's forgetting something important
While also carrying another, even greater feeling, that he doesn't want to know
But at the same time, he does! It's been driving him mad for thousands of years.
It felt like he had lost part of himself when he became immortal and it hurt just as much as the pain he felt from loosing others in his life from time.
Main issue he talks about in therapy: Stressing himself out about the past won't help him now or in the future. Yes, his life is long and he is tired, but the best way to cope is by seeking new experiences that make life worth living
Which he tries hard at...but can't help the tug at his brain that seems to want him to remember the past
And whoever 'Naamah' was.
Decided to go after convincing Soli to do so.
Simeon as his own problems, same as his human friend, and worried he might be perceived as a hippocrite if he didn't try to work on his own as well.
Very much wanted to be seen as a person who takes his own advice, so to speak
But therapy wasn't an easy thing for him.
I mean, he's an angel. It's his job to help others, guide them into making safe and healthy choices for themselves
So to be the one being helped instead of the helper was really new to him and felt very unangelic of him.
Main issue he talked about: growing so attached to the Devildom.
I mean, this place was as different from the Celestial realm as anything could be and he was taught that it was such a bad place because of it
But that didn't match his own experience here and that caused him to feel so conflicted.
The Devildom was a place of freedom while the Celestial realm was a place of order
And though, like most angels, he found comfort in that order, he also saw beauty in the chaos of the Devildom
Simeon has to grow to understand that life isn't in black and white, that things don't have to be only one or the other.
Both the Devildom and the Celestial realm can be good places despite being opposites
And it's a lesson he was so grateful for learning, feeling like he was really helping himself grow as a person and as an angel too.
After being in the Devildom for a while, the small angel had become more quiet, distracted even
And it worried his guardian, especially when the child wouldn't talk about it with him.
Simeon eventually enrolled Luke in therapy, something that was so new to the child that his curiosity made him open to trying it.
Since he was still just a child, his sessions weren't the same as it was for the men on this list.
Instead, Luke was brought into a room full of different toys and told he could play with whatever he wanted as long as he answered the therapist's questions as he did so.
The angel was a bit apprehensive at first, but so grew to enjoy his visits to the therapist.
He often chose to make fake sweets out of play dough or draw while the therapist talked to him
And would often bring the drawings home to PH as gifts for Simeon and Solomon.
Simeon always hung the pictures on the fridge with a proud smile on his face
While Soli would hang them up in his room on the wall to the point where he was taking down the expensive paintings that came with the room in favor of giving the child more space to fill with his art.
Main issue he talked about: growing to like the demons around him while also worrying Michael won't like him anymore if he knew Lukey was friends with them.
The child tried so hard to keep to the belief that demons are bad just like Michael taught him. He really, really tried
But he had a lot of fun here in the Devildom, especially baking with Barbatos, who the small angel started to see as his best friend, but was too scared to admit it.
Would Michael not like him if he found out Luke is friends with the demon butler?
His therapist ends up helping him see that it's always good to make friends and often the bad reactions we think those around us would give about something is often just our brain scaring us.
Ends up talking about this Simeon when he gets home after this session.
The older angel held him close and told him that the therapist is right, that it's always good to make friends and that he has nothing to worry about.
The next time he bakes with Barbatos, he tells the demon how he feels, how he sees him as his very best friend and how he looks up to him.
Barb smiled at the child and patted his head, telling Luke that he sees him as a good friend as well
And the child spent the rest of the baking session blushing and hanging off the older man.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 6 months
No Wedding Invitation means Harry is a Duke in Name Only. by u/Winter-South-7448
No Wedding Invitation means Harry is a Duke in Name Only. ​There is a major, devastating significance to the reports that Harry has been excluded from the wedding of the Duke of Westminster on 7th June 2024.Royals, especially the Monarch, rarely go to weddings except to family members. This is a wedding that both the King and Queen, the Prince and Princess of Wales, and Prince George will attend. It is a public statement of who is in, who is out, and a dynastic show of power by the social establishment.The Duke of Westminster is the closest you get to being Royal, without being Royal.Something the scandals with the ILBW have taught me, is that every time something is reported in the media, someone benefits, and that there is a purpose behind every story. And there is no reason at all that the Duke of Westminster should have revealed who is or is not on the invitation list, it is a private wedding ceremony. And it's more than six months away, not being held until June next year.So why the revelation at all, and why now?It is a deliberate and calculated counter move against the latest attack by the ILBW and her mouthpiece Scobie Lickspittle, who accused the King and Princess of Wales of racism and launched an unprecedented and malicious attack against Catherine.A big rookie error when dealing with someone like the ILBW is to try to address every allegation, to explain every point, to deal with every criticism. Engaging with a narcissist only serves to give credibility to their claims. You get dragged down into the rabbit hole and can't escape.Instead, the RF has made a counter-move, with the Duke of Westminster, King Charles's godson, publicly announcing that Harry who is the King's son, the father of the Duke of Westminster's godchild (Archie), and a childhood friend, is actively excluded. Not just left off because they don't have room, or he has been forgotten. They have actively thought about whether to invite him, and have refused to do so. They have rejected him.For British people who are unfailingly polite, deferential and will never rock the boat socially, it clearly demonstrates that Harry is no longer an insider, that he is no longer a member of the aristocracy or the Royal Court, that his connections to power and prestige have all disintegrated. This action says that despite Harry being Duke of Sussex in name, he is no longer a Duke in reality.I have no doubt this is a calculated move at the behest of Charles and William, and comes on the back of high-level advice taken by the RF about how to deal with the ILBW. Not just legal, but I am sure they have spoken to corporate crisis management teams, PR experts, and psychologists. Despite criticisms, they are well-briefed about what they are dealing with, and how to manage it. These seemingly small, but in reality devastatingly important moves by the RF are negating Harry bit by bit, until the RF makes the announcement hopefully next year, formalising what has by then already taken place, that Harry is no longer Duke of Sussex, he is no longer in the Line of Succession, and he is no longer accorded the title of Prince.The work to remove Harry is being done before our very eyes.The RF will get the public to the position of clearly understanding and accepting that Harry is now just plain old Mr. Mountbatten-Windsor sitting on a beach in California, and then, and only then, when the work is done and the transition is complete, will they announce it. ​​ post link: https://ift.tt/zdfQEbp author: Winter-South-7448 submitted: December 03, 2023 at 04:01PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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kogji · 2 months
Christopher Nolan clears up my confusions about tsctir
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A while back I wrote two posts about tsctir and its writers’ witless and unworkable plan for protection that I found insultive. I received some comments from fans that made me wonder how they could ignore the most obvious facts. It sounded like self-deception or forced justification to me. I, honestly, couldn't get it out of my mind how they can't see such transparent things. I needed to know the reason behind it.
I mean;
>>> Of course, one who walks on a dangerous path would keep the existence of his loved ones a secret so as not to disrupt their peaceful lives.
>>> Of course, family is precious in all cultures and they can and will be used against you, especially if you are on bad terms. The former Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry are solid evidence for this.
>>> Of course, throughout history, the lower class has been neglected, damaged and suffered the most.
>>> Of course, a doting person uses all his resources to assure his family is in the best condition.
>>> Of course, someone who is kidnapped, assaulted, hospitalized, and limping to dungeons cannot be considered protected.
I could go on and on, but the fans don't notice these flaws in story at all. And this was very strange and incomprehensible to me. How can hundreds of thousands of people close their eyes on something at the same time? That's how Christopher Nolan came to my aid.
His acclaimed movie The Prestige, an adaptation of the novel by Christopher Priest, is one of my favorites. The story is about the long-term feud between two magicians. Somewhere in the movie, the main character's mentor says this about spectators of magic trick:
"Now you're looking for the secret. But you won't find it because of course, you're not really looking. You don't really want to work it out. You want to be fooled."
Audiences always just want to be entertained. Having a critical view and looking for logic spoils the fun. You have to fall in the trap that the writer has prepared for you so that you can have a good time and enjoy. What is good about Christmas if children don't believe in Santa Claus?
The tsctir writers knew that the moment they declared Yoohyun as an devoted brother, the fans would only shed tears and praise him. No one questions the avoidable dangers and tortures that Yoohyun inflicts on Yoojin for almost a decade. No one thinks about him not using his recourses to protect his family. Any harm to Yoojin and the guild would never be able to restore its image but no one questions why a professional business man would ridicule Yoojin to flatter his boss instead of handling him as a threat to the future of their guild. No. It's no fun too look, think and see the truth.
Attack on Titan fans consider Eren who killed 80% of humanity and destroyed cities, a hero. Why wouldn't tsctir fans consider Yoohyun who made Yoojin's life a living hell, a devoted brother?
Writing about tsctir and getting to know the opinions of fans and trying to make sense of them was very educational for me. I guess I should read The Art of Thinking Clearly book by Rolf Dobelli again.
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coeluvr · 8 months
Since my bot is that crazy and a blabbermouth and the majority voted yes, I might as well post this since it will come with the codex anyway (I live to share things and I can't keep my mouth shut) 🤭
This will be in the rumors section, I haven't gotten to properly name it yet, so not everything you read is true. After all, no one truly knows what happens behind closed doors.
Born to King Afonso’s concubine, Luceris bore the weight of royalty without reaping its customary luxuries. His childhood was marred by the stark contrast between his princely title and his impoverished existence.
Young Luceris, often seen clad in tattered garments, bore the visible scars of a difficult upbringing—bruises on his tender skin, evidence of a tumultuous existence.
Within the palace walls, Crown Prince Hale, the Royal Consort’s son and the heir apparent to the throne, cast a long and ominous shadow over Luceris’ life.
Their relationship was a festering wound, a torment that haunted Luceris throughout his youth. Hale’s malevolence was apparent to those who dared to look beyond the façade of royal prestige.
It was said that Luceris sought solace and intervention from his father. However, the plea fell on deaf ears, the man turned a blind eye to the suffering of his own son.
Tragedy struck the palace a few months later when the untimely demise of Prince Hale was announced. At the tender age of fifteen, his life was extinguished, leaving a void of secrecy and suspicion in his wake.
Officially, the palace attributed his death to natural causes, but whispers and rumors painted a far more sinister tableau. Speculation ran rampant, suggesting that a fierce altercation had transpired between the two young princes, from which only one emerged alive.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
Love this discussion about the half in / half out setup. My two cents: most of the Hi/Ho have either
- a legit profession (Zara, Mike, Snowdon, Annabel) where the royal connection just adds value and prestige and interest. This setup is solid and can continue indefinitely
- a thinly disguised networking outfit (Peter, Prince Michael, Andrew, Beatrice) where the royal connection is the core business but discretion is paramount. This setup is fragile and must be either abandoned when the Crown gives the "cut it" sign (Andrew, Prince Michael) or shored up with more legitimacy (Peter and Beatrice look like legit nepotism hires/entrepreneurs these days)
Even the married-ins follow this template: Edo, solid business with royal polish; Jack, went too far in selling royal tequila and had to pull back after a brief exile in Portugal. Sophie tried the "networking" route, was exposed in a tabloid sting, and had to give it up. Tim has a distinguished naval career, and he's occasionally photographed looking good in coats. Fergie tried the "networking" route a million times, unsuccessfully, and has finally settled on a fairly well received role as a writer. Pippa and James tried the "networking" in the 20s and were bashed for it. Carole kept her business going with added Royal polish for as long as she could, before the inescapable market pressure crushed it.
The Duchy Originals is a bit different, because part of the Duchy profits are fed back into the public coffers, and Charles/William are not out there promoting their own biscuits. (also my mum loves said biscuits, so...)
Meghan wanted to be a "Royal influencer", which is neither a solid profession nor discreet behind the scenes networking, so there was no template for her. "Prestige Actress" with no titles but a ton of Royal polish could have worked (she has no talent but the press would have praised even her breath-y take on Ibsen, back then), "HRH Duchess Influencer" with #ad posts was a bridge too far.
...sorry, I've written an essay. But it's an interesting topic, so out in the open now!
I agree with most of this and I get what you're saying, but I can't get past lumping Annabel in with Zara, Mike, and David. Same with including Pippa and James.
Everyone else is either royal by birth or royal by marriage. Annabel, Pippa, and James don't fit into either one of those categories since it's their sibling that is royal by marriage. IMO, they are irrelevant when it comes to discussing half in/half out.
I don't like Annabel. I'm sure she's a nice lady and I know she's just supporting her sister and brother-in-law, but dear God. The lady needs to read the room and stop talking.
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woorphic · 2 years
nct recs
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i do not own any of the listed works. all credits go to the original poster.
i’ll update this post as i read.
(m) - mature // (s) - suggestive
last updated 16 nov 2022
just to preface: i do not enjoy reading smaus. works i recommend are (usually) long oneshots with quality writing.
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。° glossed over by @gyukult (m) II 18.2k
yuta x fem reader
childhood friends to lovers, best friend's brother, college au
times in your life where you thought nakamoto yuta was just your best friend’s older brother, a guy you had a little childish crush on. but little did you know, there was more than what meets the eye.
。° 5 minutes by @doiefy (s) || 26.7k
yuta x reader
angst, sci-fi, dystopia
The year is 2463. Seoul is an infinitely-expanding metropolis, the centre of modern infrastructure and development. An undisputed powerhouse in technological advancements, Seoul promotes diversity, inviting people of all backgrounds, cultivating rare talents and providing them with the space to flourish. You live amidst it all, sheltered comfortably by the prestige and wealth of your family, sheltered from the darkness that thrives in the deep underbelly of the city. That is, until Yuta pulls the ground from your feet and shows you what lies beneath the capital’s smooth pavements, crystalline glass and liquid gold. Uncovering secrets, wandering off with him where you know you shouldn’t—you’ll pay for it dearly.
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。° before i go by @yutaholic (m) II 19.8k
prince!doyoung x fem reader
arranged marriage, fluff, angst
The day has come for you to marry Doyoung and life as a princess is not what you expected. Your new husband is distant and there is trouble stirring within the monarchy. Now more than ever, you are determined to kindle a romance with the prince, but you soon learn that your marriage will be put to the test in ways you could never have imagined.
。° marriage of inconvenience by @lucaswithnoshirt (s) || 22.5k
writer!doyoung x reader
victorian, arranged marriage, strangers to lovers, fluff
you had thought love was easy: find a man you like and who likes you, marry him, then spend the rest of your lives together. except it never really is that easy, not when things go wrong.
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。° and stupidly, us. by @choerrypuffs (s) || 5.5k
vigilante!sicheng x nurse!reader
your boring, routine life takes a turn when you find a man bleeding to death by your apartment.
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。° pincushion by @jungwooisms (m) II 20k
tailor!jungwoo x fem!bookbinder!reader
historical, fluff, angst, unrequited love
a quiet life shaken up by a new face that appears in the tailor shop down the street. little did you know on your first meeting how lovely and bittersweet your love for him would become.
。° strawberry flavored basorexia by @multihoe-net (m) || 7.6k
jungwoo x fem reader
friends to lovers, smut, college au
you’ve been feeling some kind of way towards your friend, who’s always been insanely gorgeous in your eyes… but fuck, those lips look so nice, and you just want to kiss him until they’re red and swollen.
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。° sunday kind of love by @smileysuh (m) II 35.7k
fratboy!mark x fem reader
fluff, college au, slow burn
Mark is fine with having a crush on the girl in the library. He’s fine watching her from afar. And he’s fine with never speaking a word to the girl who he spends many nights chasing in his dreams. But fate, and a few nosey frat brothers, think Mark would be much better if he was forced to talk to the cute girl from the library that he can’t seem to get out of his head. 
。° skinship - kisses by @honeym4rk II 4.2k
mark x reader
in a relationship where your boyfriend finds physical affection rather awkward, you’d best believe it would’ve taken some time for him to warm up to the idea of skinship- skin to skin, a hand on his, cheeks crashing together as close as possible. but the patience comes at a good cost- mark has several ways to close the distance between you.
。° missing person by @kyufessions || 7.1k
mark x gn!reader
warning: mentions of knives, blood and physical violence
you’ve been happily dating your boyfriend, mark lee, for the past two years. but what happens when all of a sudden your best friend sends you a missing persons article and your boyfriend is listed as missing for the past three years?
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。° cherry-flavored kisses by @deardejun || 2k
xiaojun x reader
fluff, short college au
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。° mine for the summer by @the32ndbeat (s) || 26.7k
hendery x fem reader 
time travel!au, angst, fluff, fantasy
what would you do if you are given a chance to revisit the summer that changed everything? to relive your youth, rekindle old friendships and perhaps… resurrect the one that got away?
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。° my words, your thoughts by sundaysundaes (m) II 36k
haechan x fem reader
soulmate au, college au, fluff, slow burn
As an introvert, you are familiar with the silence. Drowning yourself deep in your thoughts has been a habit you’ve become addicted to. Your life begins to change, however, ever since the day you turned twenty. Suddenly, there’s this song that’s stuck in your head, and no matter how much you yearn to hear your thoughts or be comforted by the silence, it keeps on playing. You only get to find the answer to your problem when a young, cute barista hands you a cup of coffee one day, with that song’s lyrics written on the side. And you realize that you’re not the only one who’s been hearing voices in your head.
。° if i lose my mind by @slightlymore (m) || 14.5k
dream sorter haechan x dreamer fem reader
fantasy/tim burton-esque, romance, smut, angst, fluff
you’ve never cared much for your dreams. they were always confusing nonsense you forgot in the morning. this until you started to have the same dream again and again and again: a lobby, pleasant elevator music in the background, many golden doors, a handsome young man welcoming you and asking where you wanted to go that night. his name was haechan and apparently you weren’t supposed to know that, let alone fall in love with him.
。° better than gold by @cherryeoniis || 16.4k
nobleman!haechan x fem!reader
historical, fluff, angst, childhood friends to lovers, forbidden love
His family comes from old money, and you’re nouveau-riche. Unfortunately for them, Haechan’s never been one to listen very well, especially when his parents tell him to stop fraternizing with you. Because for all the flamboyant dancing and endless alcohol at his parties, nothing makes Haechan dizzier than your smile.
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。° the new cupid by @lunena (s) II 8.6k
renjun x fem reader
fluff, college au
Just when you begin to think cupid forgot about you once again, you suddenly meet Renjun, who’s been thinking the same exact thing. After your paths collide under abrupt circumstances during your friends Valentine’s Day party, you seem to hit it off amidst conversation and cocktails. This new friendship appears to be blossoming fast however, and you look to confide in your friend in search of some guidance through this new bond. What you haven’t realized is that Cupid has been working hard under your nose the entire time.
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。° sleepless cinderella by @starlightkun (s) || 12.9k
racer!yangyang x journalist!reader
in which you get a lot more out of this interview than you’d planned for
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prestiged-prince · 1 year
sex? in my horror movie? it’s more likely than you think.
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melonbear51 · 1 year
do you have any cammie tzimisce concepts ? [:
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! A cammie tzimisce, you say? *cracks knuckles* Let me see what I've got! Slight TW for #5, as it deals with body issues. 1. A Tzimisce fledgling who was swapped with a Toreador fledgling shortly after the embrace on the orders of a Malkavian or Tremere prince. This experiment serves three purposes: first, to punish the Toreador's sire for a near-masquerade breach while testing the Tzimisce sire's resolve, seeing how far they are willing to go to enter the Camarilla. Second, the prince is an academic who is extremely curious to see how the nature vs. nurture hypothesis works out in vampiric terms. Third, to entertain the hell out of the court. With this concept, you could play the Tzimisce fledgling, who is very much a fish out of water dealing with a new vampire parent, or the Tzimisce sire, who is PISSED that they've had to do this to THEIR childe, is stuck with a fledgling they feel no connection with, and is biding their time until they finally earn enough power and prestige to strike back against the prince. I feel like the dynamics here could be very interesting, especially seeing how the Toreador's influence on the fledgling would alter their perspective and trajectory, and seeing how the sires deal with their new proteges. You could also make the clan different from Toereador as well. 2. A Tzimisce plastic surgeon who offered their services to the right Kindred in order to earn their place in the Camarilla. After chiseling so many undead cheekbones, however, they've grown incredibly tired of conventional beauty standards, and find themselves drawn to the warrens of the Nosferatu for "inspiration." 3. Fledgling vampires can be disobedient, no question of that. It's to be expected, after all. However, sometimes fledglings cross one too many lines, and their sire must make a choice: let them meet the final death, or call in The Childeminder. A Tzimisce well-versed in Dominate and Vicissitude who is more than happy to mold an unruly youngster into someone worthy of their sire's name, the Childeminder has gathered a tidy stack of wealth and boons both throughout the years. They have yet to cash in on any of these boons, however, leading to many to speculate as to what they are planning. 4. A Tzimisce blacksmith and quartermaster in charge of keeping a store of weapons stocked and well-maintained should a bloodhunt be called or battles between sects escalate. Normally unwilling to part with a weapon unless ordered to do so, they are more than happy to loan out some of them in exchange for rare materials such as lupine bone or vitae with rarer blood resonances. Just know that if you fail to retrieve said materials, not only will you not receive your weapon, you'll likely meet the end of one of them. After all, kindred muscle fibers make excellent material for whips and cat-o-nine tails! 5. A wealthy Tzimisce executive who runs multiple health and wellness companies that know just what triggering buttons to push with consumers unhappy with their bodies. They use their pre and post-embrace photos in their testimonials, omitting the fact that they can change their form any way they please with their disciplines. 6. A renowned Tzimisce geneticist who joined the Camarilla after submitting several intriguing proposals related to the formation of new revenant bloodlines and the cultivation of existing ones. They hope to find fellow kindred scholars willing to collaborate, but find that the world of kindred academia is even more cutthroat than that of the living!
I may include a few of these in my other lists as well, so don't be surprised if you see a repeat haha. Hope you like these!
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Ianthe Tridentarius Propaganda Post
shes tall pale and has no ass. she has the ability to manipulate her fat distribution so she chooses to look like a wet cat. everybody forgets about her because her sister is so hot, but while everyone else is fucking around and trying to figure out whose been killing people, shes been figuring out the secrets to an ancient necromantic theorem. it turns out her hot sister isnt actually a necromancer and ianthe has been doing the work of two necromancers her whole life. she regularly does cannibalism. she eats the soul of her cavalier, who nobody cares about, and becomes a saint of the king undying. her sister is deeply upset that she did not eat her. she gets her arm ripped off by one of the original states. she performs a lobotomy on one of the main protagonists because she asks her to. they have immensely homoerotic tension but its entirely one sided. she cries every night. her soup recipe amounts to burning onions on the bottom of a pot. the scene in which said main protagonists creates her an arm out of bones is the closest the series has to a sex scene. she meets the other main protagonist and says "but your fist is so large and my ass is so small". she stops god from being killed, which everybody hates. in the space between books, she has a terrible terrible no good friend ship with the main protagonist i mentioned before. i love it. they probably fucked and it involved chussy. they have friendship bracelets. she possesses the body of her dead cavalier who nobody cares about to gallavant around in. shes dangerously obsessed with her sister, who after not being eaten has been radicalised and now is a leader in an insurgent cell. she is the target of "then perish" during the epilogue. apparently in the next book she is going to do something horrible. i love her immensely. she has very few redeeming qualities. she is my ebst friend
listen. she ate a man's heart to become immortal. she is described as the shadow of her twin sister. she calls the protag a fruitcake. she will betray anyone and anything to get what she wants.
Wet Rat who sucks commits cannibalism for won her way through the lyctor olympics of the first books ate her cavalier to go to gods party swinger yatch. She has no fucking idea of what she's doing but she's slaying all day everyday, literally and figuratively. Made everyone believe that her twin sister was a super good necromancer while her sister has no powers by necromancing for her in secret. Idk she's just. She's just so.
The uglier of the supposed pair of the genius necromantic princess twins. Jk, she’s the only necromantic one she's just so good she seems like two geniuses combined, she flies under the radar, doesn't take part in gruesome lessons on powerful necromancy but just figures everything out by thinking alone, kills a dude she known her whole life the moment she learns it will give her more political and magic power, does a truly villainous monolouge when caught for that murder cause who cares about a male dying why are you so mad. Then later murders her much stronger beloved mentor the minute she's asked to gain even more power and prestige and from a princess of one planet becomes a saint and prince and military powerhouse of a divine empire, loyal only as long as her hotter twin sister is safe, truly an inspiration for all feminists everywhere
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llondonfog · 2 years
thank @suntails and this post in particular for the way I'm once again crying over Silver at 9am
Can we just talk for a moment about how the weight of unifying kingdoms, the weight of Lilia's renowned prestige, the weight of his own limited human abilities and the pitiful extent of his mortality— all have been present on Silver's shoulders from the very formative years of his childhood? While his peers would have been playing with toys, he's been taught General Vanrouge's Top Five Ways to Eviscerate A Man by the age of 10?
Can we talk for a moment that while Lilia fully loves and appreciates his son, his first thought when he found him apparently seemed to be that a human guardsman to their fae prince would make for such a fitting way to demonstrate the positive progression of human—fae tensions, and immediately began to train him as soon as possible in the harshest of conditions to maximize his potential? There wasn't even a thought to simply raise the child in what seems to be times of peace, to give him the opportunity for a life that Lilia himself never had the chance to experience? Instead immediately shaping Silver's path to serve without any other thought for the child's future?
And now, that service is what gives him worth? It's fairly obvious that there are still tensions within Briar Valley, the way Sebek lashes out at him for his humanity (even if it is to deflect from how he feels towards himself, not Silver) without fear for even being reprimanded by Lilia or Malleus indicates that those negative remarks aren't so uncommon. We also know that there are hardly any other youth in Briar Valley, and that Silver never went to a school or truly interacted with families outside of Lilia, Malleus, and Sebek. What frame of reference does he have that this life isn't what's suited for a child? What frame of reference to know that Lilia did indeed raise a perfect little child soldier, a human that would defy all of their prejudices to serve Malleus— to die for him.
No matter that we know that Lilia eventually realized the errors of his ways and tried to cut back on the rigorous training, no matter that we have these cute little stories about trick-or-treating in his childhood interspersed between the fact that at some point, he realized the truth that he was different from the rest of his precious, beloved family. That he would die before them, and most likely for them, and he already seems to be so at peace with that? All he wants is the chance to protect Lilia and Malleus, to perform his duty to the best of his ability because that's all he knows how to do, to swallow pains and persevere despite his limitations— he's not even an adult, and he's already locked into a thought process like this?
And in a way, isn't it fitting?
Being stolen away by a fae, having his childhood taken and shaped for the purpose of another, and even the very act of dreaming stealing his ability to participate fully in his own life— everything about Silver has been taken and used by another or cultivated to serve a higher power, no matter how much love was seemingly behind it.
But as long as he can continue his devotion, to protect his ridiculously overpowered fae family who are honestly the LAST individuals in the world that need a human's protection— what more could matter in this world?
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hergrandplan · 1 month
Hey Nina 💜,
I was wondering about 🌀❄️🌩️ for the writer asks.
Hope you're having a beautiful day!
Hi Sophia, I hope you're having a wonderful day too!!
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
Simply because @bigalockwood shared her end of the deal... (like hers, I am writing summary right now, no other part of this fic exists yett but... it will. this summary is a lot less long though so i apologize if you expected more sakldgj)
If there's one thing you can be sure about when it comes to a Simon Eriksson music video, it's that Wille's going to be in it, one way or another.
Or: despite growing protests of directors and producers, Simon and Wille do everything in their power to get Wille a cameo in every. single. music video
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
okay i took the longest time debating over what to share and mostly, whether im not plugging this fic that won't go up for months too much but.... have the first few passages of a fic that i'm way too excited about
“I’m going to the Oscars, of course I’m going to bring my best friend as a plus one.”
The video cut to a shot of Felice Ehrencrona, former-actress-turned-food-influencer, walking arm in arm with former Crown Prince Wilhelm, laughing at some joke the audience wasn’t privy to. Simon scrolled past it, onto the next video, the same trend but a different person. “I’m an older sibling, of course”. He closed the app, choosing to stare out the window, watching the LA skyline pass by instead.
Why the Oscars thought it a smart idea to also start inviting influencers, despite the backlash other award shows like the Grammy’s and even the MET gala had received over doing exactly that, was beyond him.
It’s not like anyone actually cared enough about them, and people would only complain about it online.
Plus, what right did they have to be there? It was an award show for actors and actresses. And sure, Felice had done some acting gigs in the beginning of her career, but that was years ago. Inviting influencers took the whole prestige out of it. And to bring the former crown prince with her on top of that? Ugh.
Simon already found it hard enough that he had to deal with actual celebrities who’d probably manage to complain about every minor detail, and now he had to deal with influencers as well? Who somehow had gotten the thought in their head that they were even better than anyone else?
And not to mention a former crown prince, who probably had everything that ever happened to him, every opportunity, just handed to him on a silver platter, and who had never been told no or what he could or couldn’t do.
Maybe Simon should also hop on the trend.
“I’m going to be working at the Oscars, of course someone is going to yell at me because I brought them a regular coke instead of a diet.”
What a glamourous life he had.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Simon sat down on the couch next to Wille, the widest grin possible on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. “I met someone. And I’m pretty sure he’s the one.”
“You said that about the previous guy. And the guy before that. And the guy before that.”
“Yeah, but this time I’m sure of it.” Simon fell back against the couch cushions, and ran a hand through his black curls. “He’s sweet, and considerate, and incredible in bed. I mean the way he–“
“Okay, okay, I do not need to hear you go on about your sexual escapades again, please. Where did you meet him?”
Simon’s hand got stuck in his curls, and he blushed. Actually blushed, and that’s how Wille knew the answer.
“Please don’t say the club.”
Simon didn’t reply.
“Simon, we talked about this. Not every guy you fuck is the one.”
Come ask me about WIPs! (and i have too many so repeats are fine)
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