#pole bean blossoms
October 2022: The First
This little lady was warming herself on a pumpkin leaf in the early dawn rays: 
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I’ve been up less than thirty minutes & I already have dirt on my hands: 
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Red hot butterfly sex: 
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Ooh, we might get another pumpkin: 
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Today’s backyard garden harvest: 
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I put out our Halloween decorations today: 
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This part of our Halloween decorations is an homage to my father & his dog who have journeyed over the horizon: 
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Cottonwood seed. If you’ve ever seen a full grown cotton wood tree growing on a river bank, you’d be surprised to know this was its tiny beginning: 
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I found this dead moth at our back door. I wish I’d gotten a photo of it when it still burned with life: 
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rough-writ3r · 1 month
It’s a warm night, the breeze is moving through the city streets carrying the smells of open blossoms. The moon is swollen in the sky, peeking from behind the mass of skyscrapers. People are swarming along the footpath and as someone opens a door to a nearby Chinese restaurant a hit of salty, spicy fragrance hits my nose. I’m leaning against a lamp pole, texting you with my phone.
Do you have it in?
A rumbling tram passes me on the road as I wait for you to text me back.
My phone pings with your response. Yes. It’s inside.
I smile as the crowds of people walk past me. I type: Good girl.
I wait and watch the faces of the crowds of people walking past. Eventually, I see you walking towards me, through the throng of people. You are wearing a blue patterned long-sleeved dress that ends halfway down your thighs, the mid-drift opening to expose the curve of your hips.
My smile disappears when I notice that you’re pouting.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”
You stand in front of me, hanging your head a little, your eyes shifting around.
“Come on, out with it.”
You stamp your foot a little on the pavement. “I don’t want to eat at this restaurant.”
I frown at you. ‘But this is the place that you choose.”
You grimace at me and sigh. "I knowww.”
I have to fight every urge I have to not roll my eyes at you. “Sweetie, we have a reservation here. I don’t think we’ll be able to get in anywhere else.”
You slump your shoulder and avoid my eyes. “Fine.”
Inside, the restaurant is bustling and full, a loud hum of conversation. Waiters are carrying trays laden with all sorts of dishes to chattering customers. Laughter peels through the warm air. A waiter shows us to our booth in the corner of the restaurant. It’s covered by a crisp white tablecloth with a red glass candle holder glowing at its centre.
I take the seat with my back to the wall, and you slide into the seat with your back to the rest of the restaurant. You put your elbows in your hands and rest your chin on your hands.
I tilt my head at you. “Let’s just try and have a good meal?”
You open a menu hard on the table and stare sullenly at the page. The waiter brings me a beer and you a glass of white wine. We thumb through the pages, and I start suggesting dishes. You knock them all back.
I frown at you. “You know, if you don’t realign your attitude soon, I’ll have to do something about it.”
For the first time, you look me right in the eye. You smirk. “Like what?”
I slowly smile at you, and I open take my mobile phone out below the table where you can’t see it. I open up the lovesense application on my phone that controls the remote-control vibrator you were ordered to wear tonight. I wait until the waiter has arrived at our table and asked for our order.
You open your mouth to speak, and I turn the vibrator on a quick low pulse. Your words are caught in your mouth. I keep the low pulse going as I order our meal, working the control with my thumb, letting the toy pulse inside you. You sit there, very still, trying to compose yourself.
The waiter asks you if you’d like another glass of wine and you stammer out a yes. He leaves and I increase the pulse of the toy and you have to clamp your hand over your mouth to stop from crying out.
“This is your punishment,” I tell you. “I’m going to play with that little pussy of yours our whole meal and you aren’t allowed to cum until I give you permission.”
I keep pulsing your pussy on low settings as you tell me about your day, running through a list of errands in a trance. Every now and then I make the toy buzz a little harder and you skip a word. The waiter returns just as I’m hitting a wave pattern. Your whole body shakes, and you need to bury your face in a napkin and pretend to sneeze as you work your way through it, your whole body shuddering with pleasure.
All through the meal I hit you with wave patterns and you have to fight to not yell out. I calmly eat my garlic broccoli and fried rice with black bean tofu while you grip the edge of the table. Every time you start to thrust on your seat I say “Tut, tut tut. None of that. You don’t get to come here.”
You whimper at me, your face flushed and your breath coming hard. You say, “Please.”
I laugh at you, and it adds seamlessly to the busy noise of the restaurant. “You can’t cum here in the restaurant you little slut!”
I finish up my meal as you make fists on the table, your eyes closed, the toy vibrating deep inside you. We pay at the counter and hail a cab.
As soon as we’re inside you rest your head on my shoulder and grip my arm. You say over and over again, “Please, please, please.”
I wrap my arm around you and whisper in your ear: “Cum for me.”
I turn the toy on high and you bury your face in my armpit as your body quakes. You shudder and buck and I hold you tight. You choke out your orgasm with your face pressed against my chest, the driver glancing in the rear-view mirror just once.
You come up for air with a huge smile on our face and I kiss the tears from your eyes.
Read more on the tag #roughwriting.
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tinyshe · 2 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 24.04.12
Today we managed to get a bucket of sand from the beach before the weekend rains appear. Also planted in pots some old seeds, really crammed them in thickly because I am so late and not sure if they will even germ . Note to self: harvest dates are important especially if you have a tendency like me to over purchase/horde seeds/trade seeds. And make sure they are sealed well! I spilled a great deal of Peshawar poppies because inner glaceing bag was haphazard and another bag of some sort of bean was in open plastic (is that mold or inoculation?). I planted out the beans thickly in a glow box not wanting to take up space for about 75 bean plants. If they come up it will indeed be a pleasant surprise! and even more if the voracious creatures stay off! So here is what is planted:
Peshawar poppies
early cabbages (hope they won't bolt)
purple broccoli (hoping for cooler grow season so no bolt)
yellow mangels/beets
pole beans
spring onions
guava seed (saved seeds, idk but I am guessing they may be pineapple guava from fruit we receive every year)
giant prague celeriac (giant celery root)
white pickle cucumber
tiger toms (red paste toms with green stripes)
flat leaf parsely
basil (genovese/sweet style)
I have some black polish radish that is suppose to be sweeter than the spainish variety but those I need to direct sow.
The ants are still in grow box #2. I thought I had gotten them out last year but no such luck. I will need to find some terro boxlettes.
The purple asparagus has quickly sent up a spear. No sign of any others. I collected seeds off of it last year and I really should plant but I'm not sure I can commit to the slowness of it (about 8 weeks to germinate!).
There is so much I want to plant this year but I need a major clean and if I get settlement, there may be enough for roof but the tear off will generate a huge amount of waste and even with tarps down, many things will probably die due to impact and workers' boots so definitely can not do guerrilla gardening along the flower beds and shrubbery.
Currently foraging lilac blossoms. I dry them and place in jars for tea.
The quince is just loaded with blossoms! I have never seen this many flowers! We love quince so hoping for good pollination and much fruit. The red fleshed apple is starting to bloom as is the pears -- yes, the little asian pear may pull through! The raspberries are also starting to bloom. The pots I propagated last year need to find homes or be planted. I need to pull weeds from the white currant transplants. This is the year I need to transplant my little persimmons I grew from seed if they survived. They make a long tap root first so its essential to find a good spot -- no moving them around!!
Once again, too slow on the pruning! The birds are setting up housekeeping. The collared doves once again are trying to nest in the garden. I'm hoping that the neighbors will mellow out. They are becoming more aware of the songbirds that frequent my thicket (there really is a method to my madness... for some things).
Frugal tip: do you knit or crochet? do you want to learn but don't want to commit to a large project? got an old t-shirt? with a pair of cloth scissors, cut your t-shirt into a continuations ribbon about the width of your little finger or half that width. Roll your t-shirt 'ribbon in a ball. From the thrift store or if you have a crafters borrowering library get like maybe number 6-8mm knit needles/ crochet hook. Most craft stores also have economy priced needles/hooks if you want to invest and learn. You can knit/crochet a 'sample' sqare and use it as a wash cloth for your dishes. You can do this trying out new stitches as well with cotton yarns (look in thrift stores, rummage sales and craft discount sales). This way you are learning a new skill, recycling a spent object and hopefully being enthused and having fun. It might even become a hobby!
So my friends, get outside! Grow a garden, get a hobby and grow yourself in the process!
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sapphic-squids · 2 years
my list of words/phrases ive read to describe 'the bits' in fanfiction💞💞
All of these I have read in fanfiction and novels. Enjoy!
• Member
• Phallus
• Cock
• Length
• Pecker
• Willy
• Manhood
• Schlong
• Wood
• Tool
• Shaft
• Staff of life
• Tunnel of love
• Vertical bacon sandwich
• Dong
• Twinkie
• Pocket rocket
• Danger noodle
• One eyed wonder weasel
• Sausage
• Joystick
• Beef whistle
• Wang
• Disco stick
• Meat sword
• Trouser snake
• Firehose
• Third leg
• Flesh flute
• Excalibur
• Love stick
• Baby maker
• Meat popsicle
• Pickle
• Wanker
• Love shaft
• Pink cigar
• (Plump) Pussy
• Fanny
• Flower
• Twat
• Hole
• Box
• Penis fly trap
• Bean
• Front bottom
• Lady garden
• Beef curtains
• Canal
• Flower
• Nub
• Slit
• Her core
• Groin
• Her center
• Apex of her thighs
• Her moisture
• Mound
• Entrance
• Cooter
• Penis garage
• Penis glove
• Cock pocket
• Cum dumpster
• Sperm bottle
• Coinpurse
• Hot pocket
• Sausage wallet
• Pandoras box
• Rosebud
• Flesh tuxedo
• Snake charmer
• Meat sleeve
• Honey pot
• South mouth
• Sweaty love box
• Lesbian lunch box
• Erection correction trench
• Candy stick
• Picturesque pecker
• Gigglestick
• Rigid length
• Love dart
• Soaked folds
• Her wettness
• (Wet) Netherlips
• Glistening snatch
• Thick petals
• Inner flower
• Throbbing pearl
• Juicy flesh
• Engorged button
• Her lovely flower
• Delicate love tunnel
• Her virgin tightness
• Her tight passage
• His endowment
• His weapon
• Thick and veiny girth
• Moss covered stone
• Entrancing lump
• Zesty meat sandwich
• Love cavern
• Woodpecker holster
• Fish stick platter
• PB&J sandwich
• Warm apple pie
• Pickle jar
• Her prize
• The crease
• Her walls
• Tight hole
• Sensitive lips
• Feminine core
• Boner garage
• Fleshy folds
• Pink, nectar covered treasure
• Her channel
• Her canal
• Slick nethers
• Quivering hole
• Soaking blossom
• Swollen heat
• Rigid appendage
• Sexy marsupial pouch
• Sensual canoe
• Pink silk
• Pretty little bunny
• Panty hampster
• Fluids
• Her essence
• His seed
• Juices
• Nectar
• Hot seed
• Love juice
• Their essence
• Glistening liquid
• Release
• Climax
• Slick
• Moisture
• Honey
• Honeyed cum
• Hot load
• Thick, potent load
• Cunny
• Silk
• Nub of pleasure
• Her modesty
• Her heat
• Fleshy pillar
• Potent impregnator
• Velvet covered rod/steel
• Strong hot meat rocket
• Third forearm
• Bologna pony
• Carnal pole
• Yogurt slinger
• His excitement
• Truth bullet
• Body worm
• Sonic screwdriver
• Her node
• Decedent dewey rose
• Pubic mound
• Tight passage
• Wet cannon
• Delicate dermis
• His mass
• Instrument of satisfaction
• Her abyss
• Potent sweetener
• Clenching flesh
• Center or pleasure
• Ever burning dumpster fire
• Like an elderly mans mouth
• A swamp as misty as the florida everglades
• Sensual canoe
• Pretty little bunny
• Lady business
• Beaver
• Dam
• Banana bowl
• Monkey hammock
• Black hole of happiness
• Fish taco
• Kitty cat cavern
• Panting puppy dog
• Velvet muscles
• Stoic walls
• Upper/lower walls
• Molten seed
• Radiating heat
• Her seam
• Flute
• Honeyed center
• Sticky pool
• Cupcake
• Cherry tips of her breasts
• Wet hearth of slick heat
• Dripping depths
• Tight orfice
• Tight glove
• Center of pleasure
• Erotic juices
• Unholy sight
• Petal
• Sensitive intimacy
• Stiff mounds (in reference to female breasts)
• Mound of venus
• Her intimacy
• Wet spot
• Deliciously wet region
• Her anticipation
• Muff
• Wet mass
• Thick love
• Tentacles
• Dessert
• Mounds of her breasts
• Gentlemans/man sword
• Vagagool
• Soaking wet apex
• Damp warmth
• Warmth of her dampness
• Enticing wetness
• Second cavern
• Flaccid meat of his penis
• Potent desire
• Intimate site
• Gushing pussy
• Man cave
• Dude ditch
• Gentlemans gorge/cavern
• Princess wand
• Chamber of secrets
• Innie/outie
• Void
• Male box
• Manhole
• Junk bin
• Man canyon
• Lady stick
• Slick heat
• Her hood
• Hot viscous liquid
• Swollen bud
• Most wonderful inner spot
• Excited nipple
• Supple, heavy mounds
• Clenching flesh
• Jostling boobs
• Shell pink lips
• Fruit
• Channel of nerves
• Eager warmth
• Special spot
• Her sanctuary
• Susceptible spot
• Sensitive button
• Her secrecy
• Prized destination
• Brown nobs
• Her destination
• Tender region
• Salty wetness
• Inner walls
• Warm wet walls
• Juicy hamburgers
• Feral gerbil
• Trunk
• Vienna sausage and tater tots
• Polish sausage
• Lolipop
• Front door
• Rear exit
• Hot rod of velvet thunder
• No no space
• Dough
• Mold of gelatin
• Girlish flesh
• Down there
• Her virtue
• Her box
• Thst lady business
• Beaver/dam
• Yogurt dispenser
• Pulsing tower
• Ripe (pussy)
• Perfect piece of fruit
• His spend
• His graduated cylinder
• Her bunsen burner
• Slick nethers
• Spotted gecko the size of a forearm
• Velvet wrapped electric thunder
• Hot white bangle tiger
• Long venomous cobra
• Little spelunker
• Pulsating thickness
• Hot wet flesh
• Swamp gator
• Rounded fruit
• Soft rounded pearls
• Juice
• Fuzzy muppet
• Sopping wet cavern
• Rabid chinchilla
• Sweet and salty little knob
• Electric charge thunder wagon
• Squeaky like a dog toy (penis)
• Gobbler wobbler
• His Charlie
• Meat box
• Two breaded fishsticks
• A loose trashbag flowing in the wind
• Slippery coinslot
• Heat guided missile
• My princess parts
• Lady canal
• Man monster
• Hotdog bun
• Dangly bits
• Her yawning hungry portal
• Arching rainbow
• Mountainous region
• Your foothills
• Slock channel
• Man root
• Sweet wet box of lust
• Lush and alluring forest of her lowlands
• Caber
• The organ stuffed painfully in his pants throbbed and begged
• Her marble
• Chocolate milk
• Purple headed warrior
• Sweater puppies
• Velvet haven
• Fuck pocket
• Glistening paradise
• Valley
• Throbbing tor
• The moon of my thighs
• Flowery garden
• Her gate
• Little lady/man
• His 11th finger
• Moist beef whistle
• His "terms and conditions"
• His wand of awesomeness
• Kid making cucumber
• Murder weapon
• Big boi
• Dingledong
• Raw wand
• Rocket launcher
• Electricity pole
• Fairy staff
• Birdy
• His empire state building
• His glowstick
• Little brother
• Blaze rod
• Tootsie roll
• His pump
• Dangling participle
• Pussfied hole
• His girthy cock
• Thoroughly flustered and wet parts
• Weight and steel of him
• Velvet helmet
• Weeping entrance
• Full, smooth dome
• Intimate muscles
• Sensitive button
• Hot channel
• Dewey folds
• Under lips
• His warm gift
• Glue
• The flesh of mankind
• Hung like pomegranates
• Little corn cob
• Pecan soaked in maple syrup
• Salty release
• Fleshy canyon
• Fluted petsls
• Layonaise
• Sweet rain
• Ducal phallus
• Perfectly tailored flesh tuxedo with its matching ascot
• Inverted hampster
• An open wound on the body that was never actually healed
• Weeny wrangler
• Wet and slippery eel
• An angry putple bunch of grapes
• Velvet wrapped super sausage
• Group of fingers that would open up and spread out once inside
• Beautiful box full of my favorite pink meats
• Medusa
• Meow maker
• Wilted asparagus stalk
• His own little velveteen rabbit
• Cute little button with eyes
• Delicious fish stick of love
• Panty dropping debt collector
• Happy fun time zone
• Velvety fuzz box
• Life giving cave of wonders
• Eves original doorway to sin
• Swollen pieces of pepperoni
• Hot puncture
• Her hot tissues
• Pump action Yogurt rifle
• Ham cucumber
• Fuckpole
• Her honey
• Pouting lips of her cunt
• Love torpedo
• Meatball sub
• Killer cobra
• Hot frothy milk canon
• Supple heavy mounds
• Womanly hills
• Large fleshy hills
• Cute sensitive hill
• Pink nectar covered treasure
• Unveiled twitching pebble
• Wobbly lady flaps
• Moistened girls lips
• Chunky cottage cheese
• Lucious taco supreme
• Snail trap
• Vegetarian lasagna
• Pickled herring (felt, tasted, smelled like)
• Remote holder
• Papaya
• Eggplant
• Banana
• Pickle
• Love truncheon
• Squish mitten
• Sacred starfish
• Gummy cave
• Swollen tissues
• Sopping clamshell
• Velvet snuffbox
• Tuna tunnel
• Fortune cookie
• The devils doorbell
• Frothy beef flaps
• Harder than a lobster
• Flounder flaps
• Orgasmic chamber
• Ham candle
• Sinful seam
• Salmon companion
• Breeding stick
• Painted mound
• Secret bedroom
• Her fertile fields
• Unfurling chrysanthemum (butthole)
• Quivering flesh vacuum
• Leech mouth without teeth
• Pink room
• Glostick of destiny
• Magical life giving door
• Radioactive crisco
• Blackened salmon
• Delicious cheese curds
• Velvet coinpurse
• Fully loaded fruit basket
• Her ripened avocado
• Her tempurpedic body pillow
• Hungry swollen loins
• Little garbage disposal
• Mamas sugary vanilla latte
• The baby conga line
• Lightly fried fish filets
• Glowing pearls
• Slick passageway
• Clam hammer
• Lustful south
• Tortured open flesh
• Honeyed satisfaction
• Her doorbell
• Anazing hills of soft flesh
• Glorious hills of muscle
• Lemon flavored popsicle
• Swatter
• Garlic and herb breadstick
• Pogo stick
• Petaling lips
• Pearly fluid
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natteryaktoad · 10 months
Ash & Blossom Hart, Day 84, Part 3
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That's a lot of pole beans to harvest!
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Ember really needs to get onto that homework at some point. That's three pieces on the floor and one on her desk. I think if her parents come in the room and see the homework, or if she gets an F, they'll notice and nag her about it, but at the moment they're too busy.
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Pretty much everyone's friends with everyone around here, so red hands is always available for a quick fun fix.
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All hands on deck!
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Time to make some more money for the college funds!
Ash and Blossom spent their day gardening, as everything became harvestable overnight. Luckily nearly everything was thriving already, so it didn't take as long as it could have done.
When the teens got home from school, both Devon and Ember wanted a date, but they were all roped into harvesting too. By the time the harvest was in, everyone needed a nap, so those dates will have to wait until next time. Freddy's too young for you to date really, anyway, Ember.
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jensownzoo · 28 days
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Erected a second trellis made from woven wire fence panels in this raised bed. (The first one is to the left and has snap peas growing up it). Planted loofah seeds at closest legs and some random pole beans in a few spots along the length. Random because the dried pods came from the green waste dumpster after someone's fall garden clean out (initially attracted by some marigold seedheads hanging out, but found the vines when I actually lifted the lid). They're white seeds so probably one of the more common varieties. I tend to like bush beans better than pole beans for cooking fresh, but they do take up less horizontal space and tend to do decent dried so.
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Then I put up a small panel for the perennial pea vine on the end, held in place with a few short u-posts and zip ties. I also scavenged the seed for this, got it to sprout last year but not do terribly great (drought), but this year it's exploded with growth and I have high hopes for blossoms.
I've also decided that I need to move the passion vines because the bitches want to climb and I need them not to take over the supports for the tomatoes. Plus I watched a YouTube video and got a greater appreciation of just how big one vine can get when in full sun. The new bed I'm planning on replacing some grass with will be 2' x 15', run along the sidewalk, and get southern exposure so the plan is to construct a fence/trellis along the back of it for the passion vine. Unfortunately, the clay soil is much too wet to put the bed in and will be for the foreseeable future (which is the only time I will whine about the rain). Trying to figure out how trashy it will look to just construct a random section of fencelike structure in the middle of my front yard to get the vines transplanted and just...build the bed in front of it later. I guess I could just try potting up the vines, but I really don't want to kill them and they're doing so well. More research may be needed.
But now I have to pause to go gather up the chickens' food for the week. I'm hoping to get some bush beans and squash in the ground when I get back.
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jacks-tracks · 4 months
Blog Blah
Nothing exciting to report which is actually good. Dengue recovery complete, mind returned from dopey ville, and getting back to walking,shopping, eating. See/ Blah... So.. odds and ends.
Butterflys: Most of them here a re small, pale colours and very fast flitters. Erratic flight patterns foil predators. What eats butterflys? Did have a medium sized(4 inch wing span) mottled brown land on my cabina thatch. Had i not seen it land I,d never have found it, the four shades of brown overlaying each other in a camo pattern that perfectly blended with the old tan coloured palm thatch.. Was it a monarch that cruised the bouganvillea? Vivid yellow background with sharp black markings, about 6 inches across. Oddest one was an all black, huge (8 inch) flapper that very lazily hopped from flower to flower in the red blossom bush over my outdoor bathroom.
What I was calling the pea tree had the same creamy white frilly blossoms as the roadside tree, but in fact grew long pods like a pole bean. Old pods, new forming pods and flowers all at once. Very popular with the hummingbirds,both jet blacks and grey shaded zippers. Growing on a steep slope below the lookout(Ok it,s the sewer transfer box, but the town built a shaded set of benches, and it has the best view of the beach and sea horizon), so the flowers are at eye height, right next to an acacia(long reddish brown seed pods that make rattles).
More trees seen. African tulip(orange trumpets against a lush deep green foliage), red bouganvillea covering a big tree and flooding across a steep valley, a tall slim tree covered in what look just like cherry blossoms, a shrub with upright candelabras of mixed orange, red and cream, unscented, and a stunning cream coloured, pink edged frangipani that had 10 times the scent of the usual reds, quite overcoming to sniff.
And a new bird,,shaped like a skinny upright sparrow but with tangerine breast and tail feathers and black chest , throat, and back. Perky, silent,alert. of course there are the usual pelican fleets, line astern over the waves, gliding on ground effect until the wave breaks,then soaring sharply on uplift, only to dipdown and scud along the wave face. They hardly ever flap, and seem to be going somewhere. this is not feeding formation, where they break column and dive perpendicularly into the ocean with a mighty splash, emerging beak first to gulp down the captured fish. There seem to be 2 kinds of buzzards here,the familiar turkey vultures we see at home, and the all black buzzards(zopilotes). The turkey vultures a re better fliers, rarely moving a wing,soaring on imperceptible updrafts, tilting with the gusts and manoevering around buildings and upright unfinished rebar. the zopilotes are less steady, lighter, tilting with any change of breeze, but like wise rarely flapping. Cormorants seem to travel in flocks. There are also gulls, medium size , black marked, on a white colour so bright it looks almost blue, who like the pelicans plunge suddenly into the sea and emerge fluttering to shake off the water, often with small fish in their beaks. They gather in flocks(packs?) on the foreshore, just a t the edge of the surf surge, and all face the sea breeze ready to launch when disturbed.
Many of these things were seen during a road trip to roca blanca beach with 2 friends. 1 hour by rocket ride van up coastthan a 1 hour stroll through a tiny village(people are friendly here), then a flat walk passed cow pastures , across a crocodile swamp, and out to an very long gold sand beach which runs for miles undeveloped towards Puerto. The beach terminates a t a rocky point, forming a small curved bay suitable for swimming, and backed by an iguanerium(sp?), brick walled with internal fences where iguanas are fed and protected. While there are 8 palapa restaurants, only 2 were open and we went to Lulu and jose Galivans, where the ebullant and very friendly Lulu cooks the fresh fish that Jose skindives for.. Large palm frond thatched palapa right on the sand crest above the beach, endless view, Roca Blanca rock white with bird poop, and warm water surf. the usual plastic chairs which are surprisingly comfortable and a few hammocks for post prandial lounging. After some swimming and reading we ate a fine lunch. the girls had shrimp, i had Lulus reccomendation, a long snouted fish, deep fried(but not too much) with garlic and rice. tender white mild flavoured flesh, easy to peel off the few bones. Yum! Hammocks, books, swim, loaf, perhaps snore, this was the way i remember Mexico from the 90,s. So nice that e lingered all day, only walking out when the sun was low and the heat abated. Dirt road, kids on bikes , roadside houses, pretty pleasant.
The return van had a big TV screen facing the passengers blaring the adventures of Scoobie Doo which was intrusive. what was scary was that the dangerous driver tailgated everything in order to pass on blind curves and jam up behind the next pickup, all the while watching the movie on his dash mounted phone. Sheesh!
My friends from St Albert Alberta a re staying near the beach. Sadly Jim has dengue(not from me!) and is very sick . They will go home early. At casa Dan one guest left early to go to his sick wife, and 3 people just left to go tend a sick husband. We are all aging out, and illness really cramps ours styles. I never considered going home early, having lots of ongoing plans, and really the medical care here is excellent, neighbours solicitous, and the treatment is rest and fluids best done in a comfortable place with tropical climate. Always an option to bail, and next year I may just take evacuation insurance rather than the increasingly expensive comprehensive medical plan. Medicine is cheap here, and if I,m really sick i want the plan that flys me home in a Lear jet direct to nanaimo hospital.
Blah, blah, blah blog. Finis!
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In My San Diego Garden and Kitchen
The garden is in transition now. As vegetable harvests diminish, the apricots, apples and rhubarb take center stage. Last week spinach, kale, parsley, arugula and some of the calendulas were dispatched. Some of these went to compost or worm bins. The worst diseased plants and tough stalks landed in the green bin. Neighborhood bunnies and guinea pigs feasted on less than perfect greens.
I also delivered the last of the arugula flowers to the nearby Little Lion Cafe. They receive the “bouquets” enthusiastically and use in plating and salads.
In the next few days I’ll plant the first sowing of corn, zucchini, sunflowers and various beans for drying. Tomatoes, cucumber and pepper starts went in about a week ago, pole beans in mid-May. Summer crops are slow to commence since I let winter crops continue into our cool spring.
Tending to the apricots is a daily task—delightful though. The crop is larger than we first assessed and we’re at 30 pounds so far. Here I’ve selected some of the best ones for freezing and later use in cobblers or other desserts. I freeze them until firm then pack in containers.
I made the first apricot-almond cobbler for the Father’s Day weekend. Just out of the oven here but cooled briefly, servings are topped with vanilla ice cream.
Three stands of French lavender in the garden are thriving after the bountiful winter rains. Lavender lemonade is always my first use of the fragrant blossoms. Ahead are lavender shortbread cookies, lavender sugar and perhaps some new adventures.
It was one of those color-themed garden salads when the orange and purples come together. Here, my butter lettuce, purple carrots and radishes, orange chard stems and calendula petals. Red cabbage and red onions from Imperfect Foods.
Monarchs are especially attracted to this plant. I have stands of Verbena bonariensis around the front yard garden.
Sunday’s church bouquet came from the vegetable garden—Bright Lights chard, parsley flowers and calendulas.
Check the What I’m Planting Now page as I transition to summer in the garden. Then head to Harvest Monday, hosted by Dave at Happy Acres Blog and see what garden bloggers around the world harvested last week.
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jeninthegarden · 1 year
2023 Seed List
Up, up and away!
There was no fall planting.  The summer’s drought really killed the fall harvest and depressed my gardening spirit. So, there will be no rest this spring! Timing is everything, particularly in the spring. The trellises must go up as soon as the soil can be worked.  The peas and pea fences must be removed promptly so that they do not shade over seedlings and so the rutabaga can be planted in their place.  The root crops and spinach and lettuce must be thinned sooner. The corn has to be planted sooner so it is strong enough for the beans. The tomatoes/eggplants/peppers must be separated and repotted sooner so they get bigger before they are transplanted. The greenhouse box greens have to be eaten sooner.  The plants need to be fertilized at the correct time. The fences and gates must be secured, and stay secured so that the groundhog doesn’t get in.  Some plants (corn, squash, sunflowers) must be germinated inside so the squirrels do not dig up the seeds and sprouts.  Some plants (eggplant, peppers) must not be transplanted out until June because the sun’s angle will burn them in the spring.
Note that if I can, I purchase from PineTree Seeds because their prices are the lowest, always. This year, Johnny Seed has been the most expensive, so I have limited my purchases from them.  I’ve also tried to get more seeds from Hudson Valley Seeds and Fruition Seeds because both companies are actually in my planting zone and offering seed varieties that grow here, and that I should therefor be able to grow here without too much difficulty. Note to self: many of my seed orders have come with a “10% off your next order” coupon, so I’m being rewarded for forgetting to order certain seeds, or for impulse shopping after my seed shopping is done.
The following seed list is comprised of just the edibles I am ordering.
Bush beans: “Velour” – no surprise.  A compact, bush-habit plant, very heavy-bearing bright purple, stringless pods over a long season.  This is my top choice for bush beans. Very heat and drought tolerant. This past season it was the only summer bean to produce.  Finding it can be tricky, but this year I ordered it from PineTree Seeds.
Fava beans- I have a pack of Pinetree Seeds “Varoma” left from last year. “Sweet Loran” from Territorial Seeds is a fall sown variety that takes 250 days to germinate, so I’m committing to some fall sowing this year.  But I am also buying “Aquadulce” from RH Shumway, which is the fastest growing variety, ready in just 80 days.
Noodle beans – I bought the delicious, nutty flavored. “Yardlong Red” from the Vermont Bean Seed Company last year and never got them in the ground. So will work on getting the trellises up early, since these are too heavy to grow on the corn stalks.
Pole beans- Not getting the corn planted meant none of these were planted. I still have Vermont Bean Seed Company’s “Tarbais” a small white, pole bean from a little village in the south of France of the same name, which are cassoulet beans, and “Succotash”, a marble shaped, black, pole bean that can be dried, which is thought to have originated in Rhode Island by the Narragansett Indian Tribe. “Winged Bean” aka asparagus bean was weird looking and weird tasting and I have grown it with limited success, so, yeah I bought some more (from PineTree Seeds).
Runner beans: Likewise, the runner beans were never planted. So, I have 2 packets of “Black Coat”, an ancient heirloom from Pinetree (which is a red-blossomed, black bean) left to be planted this year.  
Shelling Peas: Going with “Alaska Early” again, from Territorial Seeds, just 57 days to maturity. And “Wando” from Eden Brothers which is both heat and drought tolerant.
Snap Peas: These produced well and were very tasty. We will plant all these again. “Sugar Magnolia”, which have violet pods, and “Spring Blush” a pink-tinted pod, and “Opal Creek” which are a golden green color, all from Pinetree.
Soybeans- I ordered “Karikachi” soybeans from Pinetree seeds, which are supposed to be tall and prolific. They certainly germinated well last year, but the groundhog was the only one to enjoy them.
“Cardoon” from Fruition Seeds – they are perennial, so I thought I’d attempt them this year.
Corn – “Sweetness” a fast-growing robust stalk sweet corn, and “Kandy Korn” a taller, standard season sweet corn, both from Territorial Seeds.
Cucumber- “Early Cluster Russian” from R H Shumway is a prolific, climbing cucumber. “Double-Yield” from Territorial Seeds is a vigorous and hardy variety good for pickling and slicing.
Eggplant – I decided to go with a Japanese fingerling “Ping Tung” and a standard globe Italian “Black Beauty”, both from Fruition Seeds because they are cultivated successfully in a nearby location.
Gourds- No gourds this year! This statement will be revised later when I impulsively buy gourd seeds.
Melon – They all germinated last year, but none grew or blossomed.  Bought more “Iroquois Cantaloupe” (standard sized, thickly netted skin, good northern grower) from Hudson Valley Seed. And I bought “Navajo Gold” (a smooth skinned, yellow fleshed melon) from PineTree Seeds.
Okra – “Jambalaya” from Territorial Seeds is a cold hardy, compact plant.
 Pepper – “Pica Chile Mix” (a mix of hot pepper seeds) from Hudson Valley Seed Company.  “Fish Hot Pepper” an African cultivar, and “Monster yellow” an 8 inch bell peppers from Baker Creek. I still have a lot of saved seeds (also hot peppers) from making cowboy candy in the fall, so I will start some more.  I don’t want to talk about Datil peppers of Saint Augustine, Florida right now; like the gourds, impulse buying is not hard to imagine.
Tomatoes – “Black Beauty” a blue/black beefsteak tomato, “Evil olive” a black, red and green cherry tomato, “Big Rainbow” a yellow, red, orange striped beefsteak tomato, “Bread and Salt” red, beefsteak tomato, all from Baker Creek.  I have several varieties left from last year: “Climbing Triple Crop”, a red beefsteak that climbs 10-15 feet, “Pineapple” a beefsteak heirloom that is yellow with red blotches, and “Pork Chop” which is a large beefsteak yellow with dark green stripes. And I stumbled on a new hybrid from Fruition Seeds called “Finger Lakes Long Paste” that is a prolific and cold hardy paste tomato developed by Cornell University.
 Watermelon: “Golden Midget” from Eden Brothers which is small and early fruiting with a yellow rind and pink interior. “Blacktail Mountain” from Baker Creek, smaller and cold hardy, green rind and pink flesh, easy to grow.
Winter Squash and pumpkins: “Cornell's Bush Delicata” (a bush variety delicata – I love delicata because it’s thin skin is edible when roasted), “Violina Rugosa Butternut” (a skinnier, elongated butternut with a very small seed cavity), “Long Island Cheese Pumpkin” (a very meaty round, orange squash) from Hudson Valley Seed Company.  I have leftover also bought “Baked Potato” winter squash from Burpee. “Jarrahdale Blue pumpkin” a blue, dense pumpkin with meaty flesh for savory dishes, and “Marina de Chioggia” a warty, green pumpkin that is best for sweets and pies, both from Baker Creek.
Zucchini- I still have leftover seeds: Vermont Bean Seed Company catalogue “Vermont Hybrid Medley” pack of 4 types of zucchini: green, green-gold, gold and yellow, that are all compact bush varieties that grow well in the Northeast; a round green, French heirloom variety called “Rond de Nice”; a pale green, patty pan summer squash called “Peter Pan” from Burpee which is described as much meatier than other patty pan squash; and “Scalloped Blend” from Eden Brothers, of 6 different colored patty pan squash.
Beets: “Brilliant Beet Blend” from Hudson Valley Seed Company. But then, because I want beet greens, I bought “Early Wonder Tall Top” from PineTree Seeds.
Carrot: pelleted seeds was a waste.  So back to regular seeds, I’ve ordered “Oxheart” a round ball carrot and “Chanteney” a long variety, from PineTree Seeds.   And I ordered “Rainbow Mix” from Eden brothers.
Celeriac: “Balena” from Johnny Seed, a larger and bolt resistant hybrid.
Parsley Root: “Arat” from Pinetree is a long, slender root that tastes like a cross between carrots and celeriac.
Parsnips: Ordered “Warrior” from Territorial Seed which is a foot long variety.
Potatoes:  going back to growing them in containers. I will buy some from the store and sew them to avoid the horrible shipping costs. But am wanting to try Row 7’s butter flavored potato.
Radish:  “Karami Green” is a green radish that is supposed to taste like wasabi.  “Cherry Bell” is a 3-week radish good for spring or fall panting. Both are from Territorial Seeds. “Red King” a large, sweet daikon radish from Johnny Seed.
Rutabaga: “American Purple Top” from Eden Brothers, a good winter keeper with orange flesh.
Sweet Potatoes: “Japanese Marasaki” growing my own slips over winter.  Will grow in containers.
Turnips: “Hinona Kabu Japanese” from Pinetree, these look like pink carrots and are specifically for pickling. Very good crop so I bought them again. “Purple Top” from RH Shumway, a traditional white globe, sweet turnip.
Arugula: “Arugula” the fast growing spring variety from PineTree Seeds.
Chard: “Silverado Chard” large, white from Hudson Valley Seed Company.
“Claytonia” from Baker Creek. It is a succulent green that looks like a bouquet of little lily pads.
Escarole:  “Bavarian Broadlead” from Eden brothers.
“Fenugreek” from Eden Brothers. Not popular – nobody else is selling them.
“Ice Lettuce” from Pinetree, which is not actually lettuce. It did not germinate last year, so I will try again.
Lettuce: “Flashy Butter Oak”, “Buttercrunch Bibb”, and “Blushed Butter Oak” lettuces from Hudson Valley Seed Company. “Chicken Lettuce” from R H Shumway is a lettuce that re-grows quickly and can withstand nibbling from chickens.
Mache: “Mache Green” from PineTree seeds because it was on sale.
“Mitsuba” from Pinetree. It’s Japanese parsley, or Chinese celery. It tastes like parsley-celery? Did not germinate last year so I bought it to try again.
Nettles: “Stinging Nettle” from Hudson Valley Seed Company, never made it into the ground.
Orach: “Red Orach” from Baker Creek; a violet red, velvet leafed spinach that grows on an 18 inch, upright stalk.
Purslane: “Goldberger” from PineTree Seeds.
Radicchio: “Fiero” a green with burgundy edges, upright radicchio that looks like romaine lettuce from Johnny Seeds.
“Saltwort” from Pinetree, a succulent that actually tastes salty.
Spinach: “Bloomsburg Long Standing” from Eden Brothers is a bolt resistant, upright meaty dark green leaf.
“Watercress” from Baker Creek.
Winter Mache: “New York Hardy Mache” 250 Seeds from Fruition Seeds
Winter Mesclun: “Winter Green Mesclun Mix” 400 Seeds from Fruition Seeds
Winter Spinach: “Giant Winter Spinach” 175 Seeds from Fruition Seeds
Asian Greens: “Tatsoi Greens” from Hudson Valley Seed Company.  The gold standard for large rosettes, spoon-shaped leaves, tenderness, mild flavor.
Broccoli: “Noble Jade” a Chinese broccoli kale, “Bonarda” a purple, sprouting broccoli that can over-winter,  both from Johnny Seed.  For standard broccoli I will buy local seedlings.  
Chinese Cabbage: “Tokyo Bekana” is a Chinese cabbage that looks like a very pale, lemon-lime chard.  “Miss Hong” a red Chinese cabbage that is tall and pointy leafed like romaine lettuce.  Both from Johnny Seed.
Cauliflower: “Baby Hybrid” a small 3 inch heads with edible leaves, from RH Shumway.  Other than that, I will buy seedlings of “Fioretto” an open head, branching cauliflower.
Collards: “Morris Heading Collards” from RH Shumway is a bit like Portuguese Kale. “Hen Pecked” from Fruition Seeds, looks like Russian Kale – a bit lacy, maybe thinner and easier for the chickens to eat.
Kale: “Sea Kale” perennial seeds from PineTree seeds.  “Thousand Head” a monster kale with smooth, 3 foot leaves from Baker Creek.
And, because they seem to go with the brassicas in planting rotations, the alums:
Chives: “Common Chives” 400 more seeds from Fruition Seeds to start right after Christmas.
Garlic:  Will purchase seed garlic locally and plant in the fall.
Leek: “Tadorna” from Fruition Seeds. 75 Seeds to start right after Thanksgiving. But just to hedge my bets, I ordered 50, pencil width seedlings of “Lancelot” from RH Shumway.
Onion: I am doing the regrow project
Scallions: I am doing the scallion regrow project.
Shallots: “Cuisse du Poulet du Poitou Shallot” from Fruition Seeds are shallots the size of a chicken thigh.
Flowers for companion planting:
Cosmos:  I ordered the Park Seed “Cups & Saucers”.  
“Edible Flower Mix” from Hudson Valley Seed Company
Marigold:  benefits so many things in the garden. I not only grew the bigger “Mission Giant Yellow” which looks like an imperial chrysanthemum, blossoms 3 inches across, I saved lots of the seeds and will plant them again this year. It is also taller so it can be planted with taller plants. And I bought the orange version “Spun Gold” from Baker Creek.
Nasturiums: “Tall Mix” from Eden Brothers.
Zinnias: “Benary Mix” from Eden Brothers.
Herbs for companion planting:
Basil: “Queen of Siam” Thai basil, and “Mammoth” lettuce leaf sized basil, from Eden Brothers
Borage: I have seeds left from previous years, and it self-seeds.
Dill: “Elephant” long standing, bolt resistant from Eden Brothers.
“Lovage” a 6 foot, perennial cutting celery from Baker Creek.
Marjoram:  I will purchase locally
Tarragon: I will purchase locally and interplant some with the Rosemary.
Angelica: “Holy Ghost” by Eden Brothers.
Grains and Seeds:
Poppy Seeds:  “Breadseed Poppy” flowers from Hudson Valley Seed Company.  Because.
Amaranth: “Red Garnet” from Pinetree, profuse edible leaves.
Millet- The chickens love millet. “Red Millet” from Fruition Seeds.
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I saw somebody ask for this. Part 2 to this post.
Headcanons about Mother Miranda, Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Angie, Salvatore Moreau, and Karl Heisenberg going on a road trip. The camping portion.
Warnings: mention of vomiting.
Masterlist here!
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Miranda leaves everyone to fend for themselves when it comes to sleeping arrangements. 
Salvatore repeatedly offers to help Miranda set up her tent/equipment. She does not accept. 
Karl sets up his own tent pretty effortlessly. It’s a conical one that’s so dirty and dusty that looks like it's been in storage since the 1910s. It probably has. 
Then, he sits himself down on a log to have a smoke and watch everybody else. 
Alcina has special ordered a ridiculously expensive and large tent from the Duke, which she leaves her daughters to set up. 
“Dumbass tent!” Cassandra eventually exclaims, throwing a tent pole onto the ground as hard as she can.
Bela lowers the instructions and frowns at her. “If you listened to the instructions, you wouldn’t be getting so frustrated.”
“I am listening, nothing you’re saying makes any sense! You keep going on and on about E poles and F poles, but what’s the difference? They all look the fucking same!” 
“There is a clear distinction—!”
“Daughters, keep your voices down,” Alcina chides, offering no help whatsoever. She’s still busy getting twigs out of her hair and surveying the trees, trying to decide which one to put Karl in. 
While this is going on, Daniela has managed to get herself tangled in the fabric of the tent to the point where even dissolving into flies isn’t helping. Karl is the only person who notices, and he just sits there quietly snickering.  
Salvatore’s tent is fashioned out of sticks, a tarp, and rope. He made it himself! 
Daniela eventually makes herself an exit with her sickle. 
But then the realization sets in. Sheer panic blossoms across Daniela’s face. “Uh oh. Mother isn’t going to be happy when she sees this hole.”
Karl starts snickering harder.
Donna sets up a small, simple tent. Just big enough for one dollmaker and her sailor-mouthed doll. She finishes pretty quickly and goes back to reading the same book she was reading during the car ride. 
Angie decides to start chasing squirrels and any other small animal she can find. 
“Donna, I need your help! I made a mistake!” 
Donna flinches at the volume of Daniela’s voice when it suddenly sounds from right beside her. If Daniela’s mother and sisters weren’t still so preoccupied, they definitely would have heard. 
Donna doesn’t leave her property very often, but if she does, there’s a 50/50 chance she has some sewing materials on her. This is one of those times.
Donna returns the fabric (nicely folded and everything) just in time. Daniela hands it off to her sisters… 
And Alcina asks, “Daniela, why does that look like it’s been stitched up?” 
“I don’t know, it probably came like that.”
“...I am almost certain that it did not.”
When it starts getting dark, the daughters gather the necessary materials for a fire. Karl lights it. 
Salvatore claps his hands together once they’re all seated around it. “We should tell campfire stories!”
“No,” Miranda says before she starts rattling off the reasons she brought everyone with her, what she wants them to do, yada yada…
Angie keeps trying to stick random things into the fire because she wants to watch them burn. Donna has to start keeping her in her lap. Partially to prevent her from setting other people’s property on fire, and partially to prevent her from accidentally setting herself on fire.
The daughters sit closer to the flames than anyone else.
Flies are attracted to heat and light, y’know? They love a good fire. And they love roasting things over it. Preferably fresh kills.
They do roast a kill later. Dinner!
Karl passes on it, instead heating up a can of beans he brought. 
Salvatore still has some cheese left over in case anybody wants it.
Nobody does.
Oh well. More for Sal! 
When it’s time to sleep, Karl snores loud enough for everyone else to hear.
Salvatore gets up at least twice a night to puke into the bushes, which are partially melted by the time they head back.
He also snores, though much quieter. It sounds vaguely like a frog. 
Alcina, used to the plushest beds imaginable, does not bode particularly well with sleeping in a forest. She is very grouchy when morning comes.
The daughters hog all of the extra blankets.
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fueledbyapplepi · 3 years
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Masterlist I // Masterlist II // Random HCs
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Angry (Souta Kawata)
Baji Keisuke
That's Not Me
Are You Mine
What You Deserve
Given it All
The Moon is Beautiful
Play Date
Chifuyu Matsuno
That's Not Me
Are You Mine?
Valkyrie in Disguise
Ungodly Hour
What you Deserve
My Bean Pole
Love Galore
Crush You Right Back
Spill the Tea
Unreal Admiration
Do They Know?
no remedy
Be My Mistake
Imprinting Memories
Ungodly Hour
The Moon is Beautiful
Crush Your Right Back
Play Date
Hanma Shuji
Imprinting Memories
That's Not Me
My Bean Pole
Crush You Right Back
Another Day
Bonnie and Clyde
Daddy Duties
Press Rewind
Play Date
Hakkai Shiba
Just Say Yes
That's Not Me
Inui Seishu
no remedy
Izana Kurokawa
All I Ever Wanted
jealousy, jealousy
Get Out
Kakucho Hitto
Get Out
Do They Know?
you know other men?
Kazutora Hanemiya
Are You Mine?
Valkyrie in Disguise
Crush You Right Back
The Moon is Beautiful
no remedy
Keizo Arashi (Benkei)
Make a Move
Kokonoi Hajime
Code Red (smau)
Taste of Warmth
Hooked Into You
What a Shame
no remedy
Mikey (Sano Manjiro)
Imprinting Memories
Love Galore
Given it All
Press Rewind
Crush You Right Back
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859 notes · View notes
October 2022: The Last Sunday
Cabbages everywhere: 
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A murder of crows in pursuit of a hawk: 
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Today’s backyard garden harvest: 
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More backyard garden harvest: 
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Even more backyard garden harvest - the Golden Bantam sweet corn edition: 
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my-simp-land · 3 years
My Whole World
Bucky wants to go for a motorcycle ride, and you end up going with him as his "chaperone." A beautiful kaleidoscope awaits you. Bucky x reader. 1954 words. Fluff. Have fun on the ride :))
“Hey Friday? Do we have any grapes?”
“We do not, Miss. We have gala apples, bananas, blueberries, mangos, strawberries, and watermelon.”
“Strawberries and sugar, it is. Thank you, Friday.”
“You’re welcome, Miss.”
It’s a short walk to the kitchen. I’m on hall GERS, so I have to walk through the common area to get to the kitchen. As I approached, I could hear quite the argument. Likely, Bucky and Sam. Or Bucky and Tony. The way I describe it, and it might be my bias, but Bucky isn’t actually the problem. Bucky and Sam were like a married couple; they could fight all day and go home and climb into bed together. Bucky and Tony are something else though. After Bucky’s rehabilitation in Wakanda, it took a while for Tony to accept Bucky’s apology and allow him to stay in the compound without constant surveillance. That was a tense period of times. Bucky always tries to be kind to Tony, but if Tony gets slightly agitated then it’s on.
“It’s just a ride. The bike has trackers. My arm has trackers. I can even be back before dark.”
“I don’t care, tin man. You’re not leaving the premises without a chaperone. You live with the Avengers, and if you run or turn or get captured, what does that say about us?”
“I won’t be turned! Shuri got it out of my head! And Vision and (Y/N) made sure of it! I don’t understa-”
Now is a good time if any. “Hey guys. Have any dinner plans?”
“Well...I’m just gonna grab some strawberries real quick then I’ll be out of your hair.”
It was deathly silent as I arranged my plate with strawberries and fixed a little ramekin with some sugar. It’s usually Sam and Bucky that do the staring contest, but Tony can be childish too.
“I don’t think I need a babysitter.”
“And I don’t care.”
And the bomb dropped. They were yelling over each other to quite a degree. Yelling was never your thing. Or any loud noise in all honesty. Trauma does funny things to you. You could see Steve and Sam at the common room entrance and Wanda and Nat at the other hall enterance. I’m certain we are about to see the beginning of the second civil war.
“i’ll do it.”
Everything seemed to stand still. Onlookers happened to turn to me, and Bucky and Tony were locked in another staring contest. I guess I’ll have to say it again.
“I’ll do it. I’ll ride with you, Bucky. Just- just stop yelling please.”
Bucky sighed and looked away from Tony, losing the contest. “Doll, you don’t have to ride with me. I’ll just put it off. You don’t even like motorcycles. I’ll just hang here.” He tried to do that smile that would make me agree. I coud see it in his blue eyes that he was sad about it though. It seems to him that I’m agreeing with Tony about him needing a babysitter.
“No. We’ll ride. I trust you to drive.”
His eyes nearly doubled in size. I knew I hooked him. It wasn’t often that someone said that to him, even after his rehab. I do trust him though. He’s always protected me on missions, HYDRA and Avengers alike. He’s the most dangerous person I know, but I know without a doubt that he would save me should something happen on our drive.
“Okay. That’s settled. Thank you for riding with Tin Man. I’ll see you two once you’re back.”
Tony turned and left the kitchen. It seems like everyone else cleared out pretty quick too. That just leaves me, Bucky, and my strawberries.
“You can uh, eat before we go. I didn’t plan on being back soon.”
“And maybe something a little warmer. It gets cold on the mountain after dark.”
“Alright. I’ll meet you in 45.”
A quick snack, refresh, and change of clothes later, I was stepping into the garage to meet Bucky. When you stepped in, you could spot Bucky near the back looking at Tony’s father’s car. Tony would keep them out of sight, but Bucky and Steve enjoyed them. It also reminded them of how different they are.
“Hey Buck. Ready to go?”
“Yeah, doll. Just...looking. Steve is letting us borrow his bike. Let me show you some safety stuff on it...just in case, y’know.”
We walked over to the Steve’s bike. It was a pretty bikes, but you’d seen it plenty. Steve loved that thing like it was a child. Bucky however, he was something else. He had his long hair pulled back into a half up half down look. His stubble had recently graduated into a beard. The extra dark hair on his face made his blue eyes pop even more. His outfit though. It was rare to see him out of his usual hoodie, basketball shorts, and slides or his field outfit. He had dressed warm for the occasion. Bucky wore his leather coat over a navy henley. He wore dark jeans and heavy iron toed boots. He was the definition of…
“Doll, you listening?”
“Uh, no.”
“I figured as much. Put your helmet on and we’ll go.”
“What about your helmet? I know you might not have much up there, but it is quite a pretty face.” His eye roll was so hard it probably could’ve detached his eyes.
“Super soldier, angel. I don’t nee-”
“James Buchanan, I will not get on a death trap motorcycle with someone who doesn’t have a helmet on. Do you even have a driver’s license? Muchless a motorcycle license?”
“I’ll put a helmet on if you don’t ask about my license situation anymore. Deal?”
“You drive a hard bargain. Okay, deal.” I handed him my helmet. He slipped it on as I grabbed another. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“Hop on, doll. Yeah, just like that. Scoot closer. Closer. Like right up against- yeah. Yes. Alrighty. Your feet will rest here and here. Keep them there so you don’t burn yourself on the motor. Perfect, dollface. Now, just hold on. Not- no. Doll, hold on to me. You won’t have any stability behind me.”
“I don’t know about this…”
“You agreed. Just hold me like you hold that big green frog marshmallow thing.”
“Yeah, I’ve seen you clutch that thing. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t busted it yet. Now hold on.”
“I hate you.”
He laughed that sweet beautiful laugh. It was rare to get a genuine laugh out of him, so maybe this death machine was worth it. “I know you do.”
And we were off. Back tire skidded and fish tailed behind us. Tony would complain about that. My helmet was glued between Bucky’s shoulder blades. My screams and Bucky’s laughter filled the comms. The wind blew past us, but my arms didn’t let up on Bucky’s torso. My heart felt like it was beating out my chest. I’m certain he could feel my heart on his back. I could feel us turn through the curvy mountain roads. Thankfully I listened to Bucky and got a thicker coat or I would be frozen to the bone.
“Doll, look up.”
“No. My head is gonna fly off if I look up.”
“I promise, doll. Don’t you trust me.”
I would much rather be shot again than lift my head from the safety of Bucky’s back, but he pulled the stupid trust card. “You can do it, angel. It’s so worth it.”
It was slow motion. My head came up, and the wind blew across my helmet and down my neck. I had to blink to get used to the light again. Everything was so beautiful, The yellow-greens of the spring leaves created a beautiful kaleidoscope of colors around us. White blossoms littered the road and fell around us. Sunbeams poked through the leaves and reflected off in a perfect way.
“Yeah. We’ll stop up here to watch the sunset.”
Everything seemed to slow down. I was so enamored by the scenery I didn’t notice Bucky stealing glances at my big head. I definitely looked like a bobble head.
Bucky pulled off the road onto a lookout. We had the perfect view of the valley.
“Wow Bucky. Look! You can see the compound from here! Oh wow. The trees are so pretty. Everything is...golden.”
“Yeah. I remember driving up here a couple times before the war. The first time I came was not long after Becca was born. I was still really young, but I remember the stars sparkling. It was the first time I had ever seen them. Y’know, being in Brooklyn and light pollution and what not. I knew I wanted to spend every night here, just looking at the stars.”
Bucky shuffled a little closer. I could feel the heat radiating from him. We faced the sun as it set deeper into the valley. Everything was turning from a nice green yellow to orange and golden,
“The second time was not long before I was shipped out. I had saved up enough for gas to borrow my pa’s truck. We spent all day here. It was unbearably hot all day. Poor Steve, he was still a bean pole, and I basically had to sell my soul to keep him long enough to see the sunset. It was worth it though. I would do it everyday for him. We stood here, just like us, and watched the sunset. We’d seen the sunset plenty, but his face when he looked up and saw those stars. His face was priceless.”
I could see how much Steve meant to him, and how much he missed his home. Even though he was getting better at fitting in, it still wasn’t where he belonged.
“I’m sorry, Buck. I wish I could take you back.”
“No, no, no. Doll. I didn’t mean it that way.” His hands covered my shoulders, flesh and metal. “I’m trying to say...oh lord how do i? I’ve only brought my best friend here and now you and...I don’t know. I’m not as smooth as I was. Just uh...I want you to know that you’re special to me. In a Steve but not Steve way.”
My mouth was a perfect O. I knew I was daft, but this is a new low. My brain was already short-circuiting, but I shut down when he grabbed my face. I was stuck staring into his ocean blue eyes.
“Can I kiss you?”
His soft lips touched mine. My body was suddenly in motion. Our chests were squished together and my hands found their way to the back of his neck, his hair intertwined my fingers. In that moment, his breath became mine. Our souls were one. Everything I was flowed through him, and everything he was flowed through me. Fuck the sunset, this is something else.
We pulled away. It was like post nut clarity. “I hope you did the same for Steve when you brought him.” Bucky died laughing. The full belly laugh that would hurt if you laughed too long. It was highly contagious because I was leaning into him. “You know Steve is too modest to do something as passionate as that.”
Our laughter trailed off, and we were left staring at the valley. We missed the actual sunset, but you could begin to see the stars poking through.
“It’s like looking over the whole world.”
“Yeah, my whole world.”
yoooo. i hope you enjoyed. i love doing little domestic pieces like this. if you have some ideas for domestic pieces you want to see, please send me an ask. i can't promise i'll write since i'm inconsistent af, but it might motivated me more :))
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suddenlysackler · 4 years
Nice to Meet You
How you met each of the boys
Adam Sackler
Adam hit you with his bike
He promises he didn’t see you stepping off of the curb but you think he did it on purpose 
He can’t help but laugh at how dazed you look at his feet, once the initial “oh fuck I hurt someone” wore off
And you were pissed about it 
Scrambling to your feet and screaming and yelling at him, poking his chest and calling him every insult you knew
He’s still laughing because, fuck, you’re fucking adorable
No, you’re stunning
About two minutes into your raving and ranting and his laughing at the absurdity of it all because it was and accident and he did apologize, he notices the scrapes on your arms and knees
Insists that you let him take you to his place to clean you up because it’s not more than a two minute walk and you could yell at him more on the way and he promises he isn’t a weirdo (HA)
And despite your better judgement, you follow him with your tail between your legs, feeling so bad because you’d just chewed out this guy who doesn’t seem like a total asshole 
The ten minutes it should have taken him to clean you up turns into almost five hours perched on his kitchen counter while he sits just below your feet where he had ended up after swiping antibiotic ointment over the last of your scrapes
You just talk, you don’t know how it happens but he’s candid and so fucking easy to talk to, it’s like talking to an old friend
When you see the time you curse and say you’ve gotta get going
He rolls his eyes and tells you to stay
When you ask if his girlfriend will be pissed if you’re here when she gets home he shuts you up with a kiss
After he pulls back he wonders out loud if he misread the room
You answer with a kiss of your own
Clyde Logan
You and Clyde meet through mutual friends
You and your own friends had trekked over to Duck Tape after a long day at work, needing something, anything to take the edge off
And, apparently, one of your friends knew one of Jimmy’s friends, the two hovering around the bar while Clyde worked
You saddled up next to one of your friends, sort of off to the side of the action, and rested your elbows on the bar
Introductions are hastily made between your two smaller groups and Jimmy’s friend mentions Clyde’s name and you almost convulse right there when you catch a glimpse of gentle eyes and just the hint of a smile tugging at pouty lips
Clyde got to you last and could have kicked himself for making you wait, my oh my you were beautiful and someone that beautiful shouldn’t be kept waiting
As he asks what you’ll have to drink, his drawl hits your ears sweeter than honey 
After he brings you back your drink, you bat your eyelashes, talk all soft and such, try just about everything to anchor his attention on you
You’re successful and Clyde swears he hasn’t talked with a customer that wasn’t family so much ever
Duck Tape easily becomes a staple in your week
So does Clyde
But despite your initial boldness in getting him to pay attention to you, you’re just as shy as Clyde is
Who makes the first move at Jimmy’s insistence 
Poor boy is so nervous he asks you to get drinks after he’s done for the evening
As if you weren’t sitting in a bar
So you ask him if he wouldn’t mind coming to your place so you could show him the different drinks you know how to make
When he asks what you know and you answer “I can crack you open a bottle of beer” he gives a hearty laugh
It’s the first time you hear it, the first time you see his breathtaking smile
And after that night, it most certainly wasn’t the last.
Daniel Jones
Dan and you get tasked with running internship programming in the Senate
It’s not exactly what you wanted this summer and you’re begrudgingly participating until your partner walks in all tall, dark and handsome in a nicely pressed suit 
He’s quiet until your supervisor suggests paying by stipend so the interns can be paid less than the minimum wage
Then he goes the fuck off
And shit if you weren’t sold on Dan now, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back
While you can’t necessarily straight out flirt, you slowly start taking lunch breaks with Dan
He’s really grateful for the company
You’re a welcomed interruption in his stream of consciousness while he works
A gentle reminder to eat and take care of himself
And you are more than capable of going toe to toe with him when your discussions get more heated
Dan really falls for you when the interns get there
He likes watching you work with them
You’re patient and willing to teach and explain everything
And when did you get that fucking beautiful
So he starts intentionally walking past your office
Strikes up conversations when he can and even starts figuring out where you’ll be at certain parts of the day (he swears it’s not creepy don’t judge)
At the end of the summer, you finally break and ask him out 
He kisses you right on the steps of the Capitol building when you do
The best yes you’ve ever received
Flip Zimmerman
Flip gives you a jump start after you get stranded in Colorado Springs
You’re driving cross country to meet your new niece between jobs and your car breaks down on one of those quiet country roads and you know the police department isn’t a tow company but you literally don’t know who to call
So you call the police 
And Flip happens to be one of the only people available to come jump you, given the fact that he’s between cases
So he grumbles and heads out to the closest landmark you had provided and just about loses it when he sees you
You’re so perfect, he hasn’t ever seen anyone as stunning as you 
When he gets out to jump your car he flirts, asks you questions and makes you laugh without trying 
And scrambles back to his car for a piece of paper to scribble his number down, leaving you with the promise of a phone call when you reach your destination
After three days and no word he feels dejected
And then the phone rings
It’s you, asking for an Officer Zimmerman 
Honestly? Flip is over the moon and hangs on your every word through the receiver
He asks you to stop by and let him take you on a date on your way back home and you gladly accept and, ultimately, take a permanent detour in Colorado Springs
Ronnie Peterson
Ronnie and you meet after you both argue over the last copy of a new book on it’s first day on shelves
Honestly it’s a bit comical how the two of you go at it 
It’s like watching two middle schoolers
Finally, you two compromise
Split the cost, take turns reading it because neither of you are interested in waiting to read it 
So you buy it and develop a stupid little schedule for you two to read it within the first couple of weeks of buying it
Your little trade offs turn into little book club meetings
Until Ronnie finally asks you to actually get coffee and sit down and discuss it 
When you agree and you’re sitting under the warm lighting of the coffee shop, Ronnie is taken aback at how gorgeous you are
And is pissed that he missed it because he was so obsessed with the stupid fucking book
But absolutely doesn’t regret that your argument had gotten him your number and what seemed to be at least a blossoming acquaintanceship
On the other side of the table, you’re just as taken with Ronnie
And your heart almost bursts when his glasses fog up from his hot drink
So you take a chance and ask if he’d want to see the movie adaptation of the book with you when it came out in a few weeks
He immediately says yes
Even asks if it’s a date
Kicks himself again when you turn bright red because, yeah, you want it to be a fucking date
Needless to say you keep getting coffee in the weeks to come and get to know each other even more
And he kisses you for the first time outside the movie theater
He takes you back to the car early, maybe like half way through the movie
He wants to make out
You want to make out
The movie sucked anyway
You accidentally get on Paterson’s bus on your first day commuting to your job by public transportation after your car breaks down 
Pat smiles when you pay your fare, fingers twitching as his mind swirled with the tomes of paper he could fill with prose about your eyes 
He won’t lie, he was more than a little concerned when the bus approached the last stop on the route and you were still in your seat
His concern only heightened when he noticed the tears streaking down your cheeks
And yeah, he’s more of an observer, but he can’t help himself as his feet carry him back to sit next to you after letting the last of the passengers out and pulling over
You explain that you had taken the wrong bus and were now over an hour late to your job as a professor at Columbia 
He m e l t s 
Tells you oh so softly what bus you actually need to get on and even tells you where his route connects with that route 
Fuck he even offers you cab money he feels so awful that you’re late to work
You decline but smile at how sweet he is and even move to stand and hold on to the pole closest to him and chat over the thirty minutes it takes you to get to the right stop
You thank him profusely as you step off and Pat drives away, knowing that he’ll be writing about you at lunch, that much is inevitable
Two days later you get on his bus again and he raises his eyebrows skeptically
You give him a scrap of paper and a smile before moving to the back and sitting down, getting off at the same stop he had shown you before
He looks at the paper at lunch and could have passed out at your number and a request for a thank you cup of coffee, which he gladly accepts
Charlie Barber
You meet Charlie at a Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids volunteer meeting
You run in late with a latte in your hand and plop down right next to him, hair windswept, cheeks pink, and smelling like coffee beans
Literally, Charlie thinks a piece of heaven just sat down next to him
You apologize to him for the interruption, double taking when you see how handsome the man next to you is
And for the next hour, you two nudge each other and make jokes under your breath
You get assigned to the same site for the next fundraising effort just by chance
And while you get to know the other four people in your group, you and Charlie stay stuck to each other like glue
Even though there are plenty of people you both know through work 
You had just kind of clicked
And at the end, you find yourself lingering in the small auditorium the meeting was held in
Neither of you really wanting to split although you’d see each other again soon
So Charlie takes a chance and asks if you’d want another latte
His palms are sweating because he literally hasn’t asked someone out in years
That’s what this was right?
But you say yes and let him pay for your second latte
And hold his hand
“It’s cold and you don’t have pockets on your sweater or gloves”
He walks you home even, laughing when you tell him where your building is and remarking that his building is two blocks away
You give him your number anyway, mumbling something about not wanting rocks thrown at your window at 3:00am
And he hugs you so tight before you head upstairs
It’s the tightest hug you’ve ever gotten
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desertdollranch · 4 years
Farmer Antonia’s veggie garden
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After school and on the weekends, Antonia can usually be found tending to the vegetables in her backyard garden. Her grandpa built her these wooden raised beds, and placed them out in the yard where they’d receive just the right amount of sunlight. The garden is thriving with Antonia’s loving care, and she’s hopeful that soon she’ll have some nice produce to enter into competition at the county fair! 
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She’s growing corn, beans, squash, tomatoes, cauliflower, lettuce, and carrots.
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There’s been so little rain this summer that she’s had to water all of them nearly ever day by hand. But she doesn’t mind. Caring for plants feels more like play than work...
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...especially when the plants reward her for her devotion!
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Today she’s got her eye on some of those ripe red tomatoes. They look perfect for picking. 
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She and her family will enjoy the first few harvests, and then they’ll preserve the rest to have tomatoes through the winter. And the very best tomatoes will be brought to the county fair for judging.
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Under the cut, let’s take a closer look at what else is in her garden!
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Antonia’s friend Ashlyn is here to help Antonia water, pick weeds, spread fresh straw mulch, and maybe sample some of the goods! 
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The tomato plants are sharing a box with the squash plants, whose vines spill over the edges. 
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The bright blossoms on the vines are so pretty! 
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The blossoms turn into plump yellow squash, with a mild and sweet taste similar to zucchini. 
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The tomato plants continue to produce fruits, so Antonia harvests the ripe ones and lets the green ones mature for a bit longer. 
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Over here, she’s growing sweet corn. 
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Each of the ears of corn have a bit of silk poking out from the tops. The silk is fertilized by the corn pollen that falls from the tassel at the top of the stalk, and then the ears start to swell up and grow kernels.
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The ears are ready to harvest once the silk shrivels up and turns from the pale green you see here, to brown and dry. How many ears of corn can you spot on these stalks? Ashlyn counted nine in this picture! 
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In this box, there are four heads each of cauliflower and lettuce. 
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Ashlyn isn’t sure she likes to eat these veggies, but it’s fun to watch them grow!
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Here’s the bean trellis, bordered by the carrot tops. Purple carrot flowers will produce purple carrots!  
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Some kinds of beans like a trellis to climb. Antonia used some wooden poles to make this one, and strung some twine in between to support the vines. The flowers on the vines turned into bean pods. 
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Ashlyn loves opening the little pods and counting how many beans are tucked inside. 
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Antonia takes a lot of pride in her ability to help bring healthy, fresh vegetables to her family’s table. Growing and caring for plants helps build bonds with plants and with other people. 
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Growing crops is a tradition that goes back thousands and thousands of years. Antonia and Ashlyn are proud to carry on that legacy!
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opasgarden · 7 years
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Pole bean blossoms 
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