#point is their senses of humors are so very fucked lmao
marshmellowtea · 2 years
i think that mark and will both have the very fun not at all distressing trait of telling quote-unquote “funny” stories about their childhood at the manor that are actually incredibly harrowing and then getting surprised when present company is either horrified or laughing very uncomfortably in response
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pansyfemme · 7 months
i think i may hate instagram the most out of all the social medias i use its so fucking boring i cant stay on there for more than 5 minutes. thats probably a good thing but like if it wasnt for it being the most reliable for following irl friends (and a lot of visual artists i like) i would never use that fucking app it puts me to sleep
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theswedishpajas · 11 months
Do you have any songs that you like and recommend? Related to Beetlejuice or not! 🪲 🧃 🎶
I’m gonna preface this by saying that I like to listen to a lot of random music with varying degrees of adult content and if you’re a minor or not comfortable with that stuff, please don’t take my recommendations at face value and keep yourself safe and happy. A lot of the music I listen to gets really vulgar and dark and often touch on very existential or crude topics as those are the things my brain latches onto due to my own mental health.
I have so much music I really enjoy but it’s so hard to pin it down cus I either love every song from one band/artist almost equally (and extremely much) or I love random specific songs but to a lesser degree…!
I’m a really big fan of Will Wood in general, prolly my alltime favorite artist!! I don’t even really know an album I would recommend tho as all of them are so very different!!!
It’s kinda on a spectrum of depression and unhinged to somewhat okay and pretty calm, with his first album being on the unhinged&depression side and then in order until his latest album they slowly become more calm and healthier but still sorta struggling? That’s how I think I’d describe his music!!
The topics in the songs are very existencial a lot and get really dark so that’s something to look out for if that’s not gonna work out for you tho!!!!!
For a beginner listener I guess I might recommend the Self-Ish album, mainly because that’s the first album by him that I listened to, but also cus it’s really energetic and fun in it’s existencialism, it’s just kinda crazy more than anything else-!
Other than that…
*flips through youtube real quick to see what I like cus my memory doesn’t work right*
Now, my taste in music is kinda fucked up-
But I’ll give a (much smaller than expected) list of songs (ESPECIALLY WITH THE MUSIC VIDEO) that I really enjoy for that exact reason:
Bring Me All Of Your Teeth by Hot Dad
O b l i v i o n by Ctrl Ult Delete
I am realizing I don’t wanna call songs I like fucked up without them being very specific cus idk what’s normal or not and I don’t want anybody to think a song they like is weird in a bad way or anything but I feel like these two are okay to call kinda fucked up!!! (Affectionate)
Man, I really don’t have any good grasp on anything I enjoy at all unless it’s a special interest???
I’d be happy to share the playlists I listen to the most if anybody wants to listen to them cus idk what else I’d actively recommend???
#ask#rambles#music#I am a goddamn mess don’t look at me lmao#I admire you humoring me and my weird brain and indulging in my very strange interests!!!#this lil wrinkly lump of mine which is also my entire being in the realest sense is all over the place all the time#there was literally a time I completely genuinely listened to all the Clowncore albums on repeat for a month or two-!#my gray matter blob is just going wild-!!#I literally have no idea about anything at any point unless I am staring at it or am asked a very specific question#idk what I enjoy man. I’m just a lil dude with autism and ADHD and suddenly I know all the songs by a random fucked up artist-!!!#thank you for the ask#I know I didn’t really answer very elegantly but I never do with things so I guess this was the outcome that was expected maybe-?#i talk so much and never about the topic at hand and suddenly I’ve recommended a whole-ass thing instead of being specific#I can never tell what the rules are for questions like this but technically the Self-Ish album contains songs?? (and only songs ofc)#so I guess I didn’t answer it WRONGLY technically??#idk man idk#I would recommend beetlejuice music in general but my brain is taking that very literally and I’m not about to ask-#-people to go check out Vieze Jack cus that doesn’t feel very responsible even if I do absolutely love that gross babie of a man#it’s all dutch and I understand nothing but there IS a dedicated person out there who uploads his music videos with english subs#and I also have a friend who helps me translate when I need to (everyone say thank you to Kerenitychan!!!)#he started as a beetlejuice street/stage/whatever performer and later used it to make a name for himself#he has very weird toonjuice vibes and I love him so much-!!!#he once did the ice nucket challenge by pissing into a bucket and pouring it over a girl (but not really) and he’s so fucked up#bucket*#I love him so much#but he’s been trying to slowly change his brand. ge’s still got strong juice vibes but he’s gotten a more BJ-adjacent vibe now instead of-#-the full stripes and dark purple around the eyes and whoever does his hair is better now and stuff and I think his budget has just-#-improved over-all and idk he looks nice idk#ANYWAYS I NEED TO STOP RAMBLING ABOUT VJ LMAO#I should try to find my fanart of him and post it on here cus I haven’t yet since it’s not new art OTL
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sabertoothwalrus · 15 days
I'm going to think out loud about the dungeon meshi ages for a sec
I'm going to preface this by saying that this is based on my existing knowledge, and fact checking is difficult because there is A LOT of contentious research out there.
First of all, I think a lot of people come at this from a modern lens, forgetting the context that this is fantasy medieval era. this is fiction. on top of that, this is specifically Ryoko Kui's understanding of medieval era aging. plus fantasy. So before anyone comes at me with a bunch of 'ermmmm actualy's just consider that I don't really care and also it might not matter in this context lol
as far as the "age of maturity" assigned for each race, something I don't see many people talk about is that "teenagers" are a fairly recent concept. For a long time, you were either considered A Kid or Not A Kid. but this doesn't necessarily mean kids were more/less developed then, just our cultural expectations for certain age groups have changed.
Laios says the age of maturity for tallmen is 16. I don't think that means 16 year olds in the dungeon meshi universe are necessarily "more mature" than modern 16 year olds, but moreso that they have more responsibilities. However, things like medicine, smoking, drinking, sun exposure, physical activity, etc all affect age, so it's possible that developmentally they're closer to modern 18 year olds? Izutsumi is 17 (less than two weeks from turning 18, actually), and very much acts like a modern 17 year old.
The age of maturity for half-foots is 14. Chilchuck was 13 when he got married and had his first two children. Even though, at age 29, he's the equivalent of a modern 50 year old, I don't think he was That much more developed at 13 than a tallman. I think if half-foot 14 is equal to tallman 16, then Chilchuck was Pretty Damn Young for a parent LMAO. Even if you're generous and say tallman 16 is a modern 18, he still would've been younger than that.
The long-lived races are interesting. Marcille is obviously a unique case, and not a lot of this applies to her. We do know what Senshi was like as a minor (miner, lol), and he seemed like a modern 15ish, considering he was 36 and dwarf maturity is 40. I think it'd be really interesting to delve into how a culture functions with people being developmentally adolescent for soooooo long. Imagine middle school lasting 20 years. that would fucking suck. I suppose it makes sense why long-lived races are so patronizing.
Moving onto lifespans, I want to emphasize that they're average lifespans. Even in the manga, they say some half-foots live to 100, it's just rare. So it's less that a tallman 60 year old is "older" than a modern 60 year old, it's that it's easier to keep people alive for longer nowadays. Modern medicine is a BIG contributor. Dental health as well, considering how much your health is affected by your diet (and how much the action of chewing alone aids in digestion). Curious to know what the FUCK elven dentistry is like.
It also makes me wonder if half-foots would have a longer average lifespan if they weren't like, used for bait and treated so poorly, but half-foot 29 does seem to be middle-aged for half-foots. so who knows!
In that vein, I don't know if I can see Mithrun quite making it to 400 😬 like, his experience as a dungeon lord took a lot out of him quite literally, and he's doing exceptionally well despite it! I imagine he'd eventually start to develop a lot of heart problems if he doesn't have them already. Perhaps early-onset dementia. His memory seems still quite intact (he corrects Kabru on his story's accuracy) and he doesn't act like, lobotomized. He doesn't seem forgetful or confused, and he has a sense of humor/sarcasm still. It's mostly his task initiation that's been affected.
I almost want to say that mana affinity could affect long-lived races' lifespans, except dwarves have very poor tolerance for mana, so it's probably not that.
okay anyway I didn't really have a point to this post so I'm just gonna end my rambling here
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wxnheart · 1 year
𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐳𝐚, 𝐂𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐩 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Tumblr media
note: Alejandro Thee Stallion's fine ass is gonna carry all that weight. Or something like that. But you and Rudy are there to help lessen the load. Somewhat. lmao. Anywho, hope y'all enjoy it!
So, uh... yeah, you're in a relationship. With two men. Two very handsome men at that. One of them is a phenomenal leader through and through. The other is damn good at having said leader's back and keeping things going when shit goes down. And making his leader facepalm or groan inwardly more often than not.
Okay, you can admit you play a role in that, what with you encouraging and laughing at Rudy's corny ass jokes. But that kind of humor suits Rudy, though, and Alejandro does get a chuckle or two out at the absurdity of his jokes.
Contrast that with your... naughtier sense of humor. Naughty enough that Alejandro and Rudy cannot and will not acknowledge the glint in your eye every time you hear something because they KNOW you'll turn into a double entendre or something similar.
To date, Alejandro has fallen victim to this to the point that he's lost count and you get him every. single. fucking. time. (e.x. - "My men are inside!" "...of me." "....") Rudy usually clears his throat to keep from laughing but just know he wants to guffaw so goddamn bad. Alejandro shooting you two a glare doesn't help, either.
Speaking of humor, you and Rudy also have inside jokes. Which may or may not be inspired by Alejandro. And Valeria. Or some of the other members of Los Vaqueros. Sometimes. Okay, fine, fuck it, a normal amount of times.
Let's talk about the fact that you and Rudy love to watch telenovelas (they are fucking amazing and I stand ten toes down on this) and other dramas in order to de-stress from the day. Alejandro doesn't watch so much as he uses it (and you two) as white noise. He's the one who's reclining on the couch with a sleep mask on just relaxing. No, he isn't sleeping. He's listening to everything. It helps him to be in the present.
Rudy is the one who usually cooks. Because of reasons. And because his food is fucking delicious.
When he's really tired, Alejandro will practically bury himself under the cover. And will not move for the rest of the night. His bed hair is also everything and you managed to snap a picture of it once. He was not impressed.
Doesn't matter what time of the year it is, Rudy almost always gets hot in the middle of the night and so he'll sleep under the sheets with the covers pulled back (because y'all just had to insist on having a thick-ass comforter).
You tend to sometimes sleep with your hand on top of Rudy's head because... you don't know. Your only explanation is that it's comfortable up there. Or something like that.
Their names on your phone are Rue and Lee. Because he refused to accept Allie. Or Lee Lee ("Heh. I think the name's fine." "No."). He'll take handsome, though (because he's handsome). Rudy let Lee Lee slip out one time, you were crying of laughter, and Alejandro gave y'all the silent treatment for the rest of the day. Unless he was giving orders, that is. Other than that, he'd glare at you or Rudy every time you called out to him.
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thebardisabird · 10 months
this is the first request ive ever made, but how would the boys react to a classic Bimbo reader? with classic blonde hair, pink clothes, expensive bags and nails, stuff like that😭 this may be a bit strange so dont answer if you dont wanna, i was just curious. thank you so much lmao 😭
We know her, we love her, she’s that girl!
So Osomatsu immediately goes gaga for you. I’m talking heart eyes, drooling, unable to think coherent thoughts kind of enamored. From your pretty long eyelashes, to your super short mini skirt to pink boot heels - he can’t seems to pick a spot where he wants to look! Every single inch of you sings sex appeal and he’s listening very intently. He knows he definitely cannot afford you tho - so he might pull off the same stunt he did for Chibimi and just about sell his soul to get a date with you. (Honestly when I think of all the characteristics you describe matched with Oso I think of @girlymatsu ‘s oc Erina-chan who is super cute and fun, please check them out, you can tell they put a lot of love in their art and you'll absolutely love their oc)
Karamatsu sees your fashion sense and instantly wants to be the Ken to your Barbie. You have this it girl factor that draws him in and with the sway of your hips and the wink of your pink, glittery shadowed eye, he’s completely under your spell. If you so choose to give him the time of day, he pays you compliment after compliment, and will take you out on a date to get coffee or a nice meal depending on what you’d like. If we’re talking about a classic bimbo trope where you’re a little on the less well-read side, then he might find it cute that you don’t really know how to pronounce some of the words of the meals or coffee drinks and he’ll try to use the opportunity to teach you some fancy words. You actually find his poses and flowery speech kinda funny, because he sounds like a poem out loud.
Choromatsu has no idea how you're even talking to him right now. He's seen you plenty of times and never ever imagined you would even say two words to him other than like... "Excuse me" if he was standing in your way. You are so far removed from all the things that encompass his life. Yet when you tell him that his favorite has super cute outfits and that you were thinking about becoming one yourself because you love the idea of all the glitz and glamour it brings, he short-circuits. You're already so gorgeous, to think of you being in cutesy outfits and dancing around? And he's allowed to talk to you? Associate with you??? The man is ready to die happy. But not as happy as when you dress up in his favorite idol's outfit - only it looks ten times better on you because your bigger chest and ass. While you don't exactly understand his love for anime, manga, and other more nerdy things, you humor him because he's just so cute when his little froggy face lights up the way it does!
Ichimatsu is intimidated entirely by you and will actively go out of his way to avoid you. You are like a beacon of light far too bright and undeserving for him to ever even get close to. Luckily for him, you notice one day that he's looking into the window of a cat cafe and you finally tap him on his shoulder and ask about whether he likes cats or not. It takes about everything he has not to throw up on the spot, but he is seriously questioning his life and whether or not some god above is about to smite him. You try to explain to him that you actually really love kitties as you point to your kitten paw choker and show him your baby pink matching kitten paw nails. At some point he realizes that you're not fucking with him and he slides out of fight or flight mode and into general nervousness. It takes a while before you can actually get him to speak (you're literally such a bombshell against his disheveled-ness, he feels very grateful that he's conscious enough to give you short answers instead of fainting like his body wants him to), but you eventually give him your number. When you part ways, then he slumps to the ground, but with the tiniest of smiles on his face.
Jyushimatsu actually makes you nervous. It's very clear that you're super attractive and bubbly, but there is a genuine sweetness to him that makes him stick out from all the other meatheads who try to normally get your attention. The yellow clad matsu isn't very subtle about staring at you and your appearance, but you honestly don't mind it when he says things like "Your hair reminds me of the sun!" or "You look like a pretty pink cloud today, haha!" The guy is just so adorable it makes you giggle. And when he smiles right back (even bigger than his usual grin), it makes you blush a bit. You end up leaving lipgloss on his cheeks all the time because you just find him so cute.
Todomatsu can't get enough of you once he gets to know you! You two feed off of each other's cutesy personalities. And since pink is both of your signature colors, you guys end up matching outfits a lot. Though the price to pay with you two being so matchy-matchy is that everyone else literally cannot stand being around you two lol. But that's fine to either of you because you both just chalk it up to them being rude and jealous and you pay it no mind...it's either that dynamic orrrrr you end up hating each others guts because only one of you can be the cutest in Akatsuka. Though that scenario ends up in an enemies to lovers situation because even though Todomatsu says he can't stand you - he definitely admits to himself (and only to himself at first) that you are positively gorgeous and the only person worthy of being at his level of pretty in pink.
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cringefailvox · 3 months
when it comes to alastor as a character how do you typically approach him ? i’ve seen many interpretations like pilot!alastor dialed to the max (transatlantic old timey friendlyshebang all the way) and eldritch!alastor where the funky deer imagery is played around w and he’s like a cosmic freak lmao anyway tldr; what’s your interpretation of him ?
thank you for the question, it's really interesting!!
i tend to steer pretty clear of the pilot in terms of characterization, if only because i REALLY like the cleaned-up version of him we get in the actual series way more—a little more reserved, a lot less touchy, proud and very careful about maintaining his own ego. he's creepy enough to set people on edge, but his affable manner is easy to mistake for genuine generosity, especially when he's dialing it up to manipulate someone, like when lucifer shows up at the hotel.
in my own writing, i like to characterize him as insecure but deeply resentful of it, to the point of totally deluding himself into believing he's not. alastor's a character who lies to himself so much that even he loses the plot sometimes. i do enjoy exploring a very genuine array of [shudder] feelings at the core of him, what manages to hit him where it hurts before he twists everything sideways into violent fury, but very few people, if any, get a glimpse into that complicated interior. i also believe the smile is an active choice he makes and uses as a shield; it would be a weakness to react in any other way, and in moments of especially high stress, he smiles even harder to convince himself that he's fine.
another thing is, i do interpret him as being a weird and freakish little guy whose polite affect is also equally real. much in the same way i think rosie is genuinely very compassionate and empathetic, she's just also a freak who eats people. he's deeply human in that way. he'll call charlie "my dear" and laughingly chide someone for having poor manners and then, in the same breath, say something insanely sinister that serves the same purpose as dropping everyone into an ice bath—oh yeah, he's not just our quirky uncle with a weird sense of a humor, he's a sadistic serial killer. i actually think a lot about these tags from this excellent radioapple fic strange appetites by gotllphi:
i think alastor probably looks back on being human, and having to fit into human society, as his like depressed cringefail era, sure he's put together for a serial killer, but serial killers are so disorganized and unwell as a class
he has power, respect, and fear in hell, but he's still a human soul who killed lots of other humans before he went to an eternal world where that's the status quo. he is very psychologically unwell, startlingly normal at turns, and nightmarishly terrifying all at once. the opaqueness of his own motivations, even to himself, on top of this makes his little fucked up mind very delicious to try and capture in my work
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seneitut · 10 months
What is your opinion about gekko with a himbo male reader?? 😏 fr if i was gekko i want to suck that boobs or maybe sleep on it too lmao.. Just thinking the reader olso have hip dip dayumm...
[NSFW +18 mentions]
Oh my god, Gekko would be the most enthusiastic and eager man ever.
To finish training and crash into his boyfriend's chest and bury his face onto the mounds is the highlight of his day.
He finds it very soothing, listening to reader's heartbeat while sighing with happiness oozing off of him, hugging his torso and just, limp and dead to the rest of the world. [Bonus points if reader scratches Gekko's head while he doozes off.]
If it were a small in height himbo or Gekko's height, I believe he would tease the shit out of his boyfriend. You know, resting his arm on reader's head, spooning him on bed and grabbing his boobs while they sleep—perhaps and if Gekko is feeling frisky, he would grind against reader's ass while grunting in his ear. He would even get more handsy and beg to fuck in that position while his hands travels on reader's body and under the clothes to feel him up. [Gekko will stop if reader says no, but that is unlikely since the two of them are just horndogs and fuck anytime they can get their hands on each other.]
Now, if it were the other way around, Gekko would still tease the fuck out of reader. He has a very...unique sense of humor when it comes to his teasing, the "how's the weather up there!" kind of jokes, is so bad is hilarious. Would cling onto reader's back if he has a chance, good luck trying to get him off there.
The cuddling would remain the same, Gekko wants the big spoon and grabby hands to reader's boobs. But like said before, if Gekko is in need of reacharging? Face down and drowning between the mounds.
There is no escape to his neediness and spikes of libido when together, worsening with time and the longer the relationship evolves. Gekko tends to fall in love fast and hard, gets obsessive with reader real quick, too.
Digging his fingers on reader's hip, holding him still and pretty for Gekko to thrust his pelvis against the other and sliding his cock in and out repeatedly until he has his boyfriend moaning and babbling incoherences.
The slaps of skin deafening and echoing on the room is like an incentive for Gekko to be harsher with the way he fucks reader, watching the tip of his cock bounce against his stomach and leaking pre-cum, god, he might cum right then and there.
Gekko becomes the most dominant person ever with a himbo reader, wanting to have him under control, have his pleasure at the palm of his hand and denying reader of his release everytime he's on the brink of cumming. Gekko gets off with the idea only him can provide reader the pleasurable and most wonderful experience when having sex because he knows of every single thing that can set reader off.
He would enjoy railing him with a fast pace and sucking on the mounds of flesh from reader's chest while listening to his cries and non stop begging to fuck him harder. And Gekko complies, because he's been such a good boy; opening up to him so easily, prepping beforehand with lube and three of his fingers inside his hole, and letting Gekko do whatever he wants with reader's body afterwards.
Balls deep inside, nipples perked up and sore to the touch, Gekko would finally wrap his hand around reader's cock and pump it alongside his thrusts, watching with want the pre-cum smeared on his shaft and making a mess out of it while masturbating him.
He would admire his work on him, flushed face, eyes rolled to the back and mouth ajar letting the most sinful sounds he's ever heard on his life. That mixed with the way reader's walls clamp down on his cock, sucking him in and squeezing him deliciously is enough to make Gekko cum inside of him, leaving his seed and slumping against his chest while riding out the orgasm.
Reader's climax always hits him so hard, the knot on his belly finally releasing, and moaning out Gekko's name, he passes out for a while.
Is a pleasing experience for the both of them.
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elizakai · 2 months
Was wondering if you would consent/allow me to use your Out of Pocket Dust entity design for a story? (Dustverse)
And if yes, may I know more about him (if he has an AU) or be allowed to expand on the concept?
Absolutely feel free to say no or ignore this ask
Have a wonderful week!
ABSOLUTELY YOU CAN!!!! I love that we spawned the dustverse LMAO
also ok i’ll be so fr, he spawned into the world as i was drawing, and thus has no au
however, allow me to quickly Bs the concept, and if anyone’s interested i can actually polish it later hee hoo (also feel free to use whatever concepts you like, it doesn’t have to be related to this if you’d prefer i don’t mind ehehe)
Detritus Is a Low-Level deity, at least in the hierarchy of other deities he is involved with.
He is an anomaly by their standards, the death of a star gave birth to this child of decay, he is reluctantly taken in by the others
He is younger, around 8000 years old id say😔
Detritus doesn’t know much about lower level beings, as the knowledge he has access to is rather restricted, furthermore, he doesn’t quite know his place, as he is not often given tasks.
he also doesn’t know much about just. normal life. he’s been shown things on. a very large scale but never when you zoom in and see the small things
Other deities claim grand titles and roles, but he is but decay, leaving him with no actions to take and no purpose to fulfill. they perpetuate this inaction with excuses
he befriends a star. this star is considered a lower being. this star makes him question the validity of the hierarchy of beings he’s been taught.
he begins to question why they are considered “gods”. who put them in that place? are they not just self assigning these titles and using it to justify causing strife? who are they to dictate lives. however he isn’t really sure on any of this
at some point due to these thoughts (and or an action) his friend the star is disposed of, and he is cast out. he is told he will live amongst mortal beings, to witness for himself their vileness and wicked souls.
He is but dust cast to dust
so taking on a more normal form detritus, taking being called dust LITERALLY, now adopts a new form and name. (he’s a silly little guy)
he meets a few mortals (ahem ahem you can guess who) (i’ll expand later if this interests anyone)
he is lucky for this, as he has no idea how their lives work and would just end up with someone sending him to a lab to be dissected for his “inhuman” um, abilities.
instead of learning of mortals wickedness, he only experiences kindness. he’s a bit curious, he tends to take things literally, but if you say something that is opposing to what he’s been taught, he will assume it’s sarcasm.
he’s quite funny but he has a weird sense of humor.
he’s under the impression that he’s fated to destroy any relationship he might have and thus feels guilty for making ties. he also expects to be taken home eventually
(honestly. they just wanted to get rid of him. don’t tell him that.)
Detritus, now Dust, doesn’t really have a solid form, so the one he takes on isn’t really as restrictive as you’d think. His body could contort like some demon from hell out of nowhere and then be completely normal the next second. he has to be told not to do this.
When he first took on said form, he couldn’t figure out how the fuck to form hands. his hands were very deformed and gross looking so he hid them. one of the first mortals he meets is in for a horrific experience until he figures out how to properly project how a hand moves😭
um. oh also, i keep saying he, but they’re semi genderless and wouldn’t bat an eye if you called him literally anything else. i don’t think detritus really understands gender, just things
he’s very thoughtful about inner workings of the universe but then doesn’t know what the fuck a comb is and continuously throws his new friend for a loop
he’s kind of skittish, like a cat that wants to dip its toes into the water and then immediately runs and hides but. will do it again five minutes later.
he’d probably think a butterfly is like an angel to be worshipped if he saw one
he doesn’t think mortals are evil, he compares them to his experience with the star.
he’s not immortal either, he’s more of a demi god then anything
he begins to wonder if he even wants to go home, or if it is his home, after a while of living with these new companions around. there’s definitely going to be some runs in with government authorities and cryptid hunters :))
ANDDD all of this is subject to change if i actually clean this up, as i sped typed this with very little thought beforehand ok BYEEE anyone can ask questions if you have any somehow and i’ll bs more lore 😭
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monggay · 3 months
holy fucking shit you guys. um. i came across. a treasure trove. of um, my past self. came across an old group chat w some friends back when i was like, 12-13, and. holy shit.
good news: apparently i did use to be somewhat talkative and not quite as anxious to talk and interact ! i used to be able to carry conversations! not well or inawkwardly but very much plenty! i used to be able to talk and joke around without taking a million psychic damage just trying to send a message and even just saying whats on my mind carefree without being anxious that itll be weird or that they didnt want me to say that or that i didnt have to scramble for words or be unable to come up with quips or anything to reply other than just 'lol' or 'lmao'!! i feel like these days i only know how to talk and word things in a given or meme way aka all my vocabulary is just. tumblr memes.
bad news: holy fucking shit i was so cringe. like. on another level. on levels unimaginable. i was straight up just. weird. you know, horny preteen discovering sex jokes and crude language and sex humor for the first time? straight up had no filter, loved to ramble, except also had zero social sense still and rambled to a weird and overly and uncomfortable degree where it was just awkward and often said things that just. made the conversation weird? i embraced that weirdness and like, good on me i guess, but i think i just usually ended up saying things? blurting anything on my mind, that well. technically arent bad? or seriously fucked up or anything but just like. will probably haunt me for the rest of my life if i look at it now.
also like. i dont remember any of it ??????? i vaguely remember a Few conversations, but a lot of it? just straight up. unfamiliar to me who the fuck is that i dont remember saying any of that shit that past me is so fundamentally different and alien to me i literally dont recognize or remember anything i did then anymore
apparently i was just a giant nerd who read way too much smut and was just a little too unashamed and had very little sense of appropriateness which yeah i get given my age then its that. age of you know. just got exposed to people being vulgar, recently transitioned to high school from elementary, which is probably like. a way more. fucked up thing that people realize sometimes. cause in elementary i always thought i was still like you know. a little kid. but going into high school (which is younger than in US hs, at 12 y/o) youre suddenly treated or like, expected? to be older? more knowleadgeable? you know that thing about how kids these days are all trying to be adults now and how theres really no more media like the disney teenage live shows that separate little girl to grown lady? i think that jut like, hit me a lot in 7-8th grade + the introduction of nsfw shit and fandom and the internet (cause like. i did not have internet in elementary school, At All. and then suddenly in high school i was supposed to have a messenger account for school, i had a phone, i could use the laptop, i think i had a weird relationship w the internet then, cause at that point all my friends were already exploring facebook and posting etc, but i was so anxious and shy about that already that i just never started (which like, continues to today, i still dont use fb at all, cuase it feels so weird and awkward to start now when i was so adamant against not using it in the past) aaaand ive lost my train of thought and the point of this sentence
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I have a funny prompt. Prometheus as dreamofthemaidenless posts. Basically how you think that Dream rp blog would talk about Prometheus (I think almost everyone in the Sandman fandom is familiar with that blog at this point)
You should know that I laughed SO hard when I got this prompt, I love this so much. I'm not sure I got the delivery exactly right on all of these, but I had a lot of fun making them XD
Obviously credit to @dreamofthemaidenless for this very particular style of humor lmao
dreamofthemaidenless: there's a reason i called them nyx you know. easy to spell. mervyn helps manage the records sometimes and i keep getting notes addressed to promeethiyus
dreamofthemaidenless: lucienne just called me transphobic for rewriting prometheus again so now i'm wearing a rainbow shirt under my robes. you can't see it but i'm told the vibes are there
dreamofthemaidenless: explaining to prometheus that their name was nyx because we could only afford 3 letters due to budget cuts and now their new name should be Lit. like fire.
dreamofthemaidenless: yeah i'm keeping prometheus around this time. every time i rewrite them the corinthian gets all bitey again
dreamofthemaidenless: rewrote prometheus again and now the whole dreaming smells like toasted marshmallows. i think i did something wrong. please standby.
dreamofthemaidenless: intentionally sending the wrong nightmare to a dreamer just bc i'm bored and i want to see how the fight goes down
dreamofthemaidenless: prometheus in the dreaming is like that pack of wolves they introduced to yellowstone. population control.
dreamofthemaidenless: small children have been dreaming of something called "nimona" recently. lots of "go back to the shadows from whence you came" and all that. has anyone seen prometheus.
dreamofthemaidenless: so proud of all my nightmares that became dreams. gault and that other one really showed some agency. good work team.
dreamofthemaidenless: lost prometheus again. how does this keep happening. where do they go.
dreamofthemaidenless: called prometheus nyx again and matthew started lecturing me on what a deadname is. however i have access to the entire collective unconscious and already knew what a deadname is. and i rewrote prometheus again last week.
dreamofthemaidenless: in honor of pride month i would like to remind everyone that prometheus was 14,591 years old when they started their transition journey. and look at them now. it's not too late for you.
dreamofthemaidenless: prometheus keeps bringing light to all the dark corners of the dreaming and it's ruining my carefully cultivated emo aesthetic.
dreamofthemaidenless: what sort of psychological warfare must you wage in order to become romantically entangled with the corinthian. tried to call prometheus down to my castle to explain but they're still afraid of me.
dreamofthemaidenless: lost prometheus again. tried to put a leash on them this time but the corinthian immediately turned it into a kink thing and that brought such visceral and implacable discomfort that i blacked out and woke up covered in millipedes. chat do we have any suggestions
dreamofthemaidenless: tried to lure prometheus back to my castle with a tantalizing little piece of flame but they already have fire. what do they like? the dreamers? they'll always follow the dreamers. but lucienne tells me that kidnapping a child is a bad idea. her exact words were what the fuck is wrong with you. we'll be here for a while.
dreamofthemaidenless: blocking prometheus into their house on halloween night because i can sense over twelve thousand frankenstein's monsters walking around and well. fire bad.
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annabellelupin · 11 months
thoughts I've had while re reading poa as a marauders fan, part one (chapters 1 - 4)
(id just like to point out this is my first time reading the books since middle school and first time I've read the books since I became a marauders fan in 2020)
chapter 1
- ok so ye the Weasleys are really poor, but if they're "extremely poor" you'd figure they'd use their money for something other than a vacation
-I forgot sweet little hedwig existed djdjdjdkdjd
-someone please eat the rat
-let the future cat have him pleaseeeee
-why did I start to dislike hermione so much again??? maybe it's just movie hermione I hate and I can't remember the differences between the two
chapter 2
-why are most of the antagonistic characters portrayed as fat and why is the fact that dudley is obese brought up so many fucking times like that seems pretty fat phobic of you Rowling
- when actually reading and thinking about the Harry potter books and movies I imagine the actor that played sirius and not the fanart marauders sirius I'm more used to, and apparently his hair is depicted as elbow length in the books not shoulder length WE WERE ROBBED. could have had long haired sirius with a bun in ootp
- also I swear marauders Era Sirius and golden trio era Sirius (so canon and fanon sirius) are two completely different people in my mind
- also forgot "muggle" news talked about sirius
-just finished the chapter and seriously he is so sassy (guess that's what you get when you're Sirius and marlenes godson, and James and Lily's actual son)
- also I really fucking hate how much mental abuse is glazed over here like????
- it happens every summer and he's forced to return to his abusers like wtf
- this is why I don't like Dumbledore very much
chapter 3
-forgot padfoot wasn't like an actual dog sized dog
-lowkey forgot about padfoot in general ngl
-bro harry are your really throwing precious and innocent Neville under the bus rn come on dude seriously
-ok like when they mention Sirius I can't help to think of the dramatic, gay, Remus obsessed Sirius from all of the wolfstar text posts I've read
-also the fact they have to clarify what a gun is in the wizard news is wow
-same with Ron not knowing how to use a phone
-no wonder these people keep having Wizarding wars and unstable teachers at their schools
- love how this 13 year old kid is panicking over the possibility of going to wizard prison for breaking one rule
-also side note the more I read the more I feel like Daniel Radcliffe portrayed him super well
- hedwig supremacy
- "ur the literal wizard president" "yea but I'm not ur guardian dumbass I can't sign ur permission slip what in hell is this"
- why is reading stans parts so fucking hard
chapter 4
- ah Florean Fortescue the one genuinely nice adult in these books (isn't he like Alice's dad or something?) I just remembered her last name is actually more or less a headcanon uhhh that's fun
- the Irish quidditch team are actually mentioned along with the quidditch world cup even Harry's checkin out the firebolt
- coincidence that Dean and Seamus are mentioned at the same time? I think not
- seriously jkr why do you keep giving kids abusive gaurdians and acting like it's nothing (talking about Neville and his grandmother)
- "...Ron looking incredibly freckly, Hermione very brown..." (pg 55 in my book). when first reading this part years ago I registered it as Hermione was black/poc and not that she was just tan from the sun lmao
- I swear crookshanks was James' old cat and that's why he hated peter
- also Percy wow this why you don't befriend stray rats man
- the things this rat has seen go on in Percy's and Oliver's dorm room....
- still probably not as bad sharing a dorm with Remus and Sirius tho
- I love the twins sense of humor
- but guys stop messing with my precious baby Percy he's just- an autistic overachiever doing his best guys
- ..."he lost everything..." Yes Sirius did in fact lose almost everything Arthur but not bc what you think happened dude
- "he's safe with Dumbledore-" yea fucking right /sar
- "stationniong soul sucking demons around a school is such a good idea hehehehe" /sar
- literally there's no fucking way McGonagall thought Sirius did it- literally fucking refuse to believe that she did
going to start another post for chapter 5 bc oh boy it's going to be long
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hostess-of-horror · 2 months
I'm having so many ideas and not enough energy to do or finish any of them AAAAAAAAAAAA-
Just so that I don't just wallow in my inability to get off my ass and do this shit, I'm going to type it all down!
1. The Haunted Mansion movie (done right!)
- This one is actually based on a slew of Discord convos between me and AJ (@sneklover). It was mostly just me ranting about how God awful Disney's live action remakes are getting and what I would've done if I were to make the iconic attraction a film or t.v. show.
- I have seen the original live action Haunted Mansion movie with Eddie Murphy but not the newest one, BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS! Both are literally the same thing where the story focuses more on the Foolish Mortals than the Happy Haunts and I do not like that.
- If I were to film a Haunted Mansion movie/show, I would make it an anthology horror movie. Think Tales From The Crypt or Creepshow but with Master Gracey telling the stories behind iconic characters such as the Hatbox Ghost, Constance Hatchaway, the two Dueling Ghosts in the ballroom, etc. At some point towards the end, Master Gracey would then tell his story, of how he inherited the mansion, was cursed as the Ghost Host by the mansion itself, and how he tried in vain to lift the curse.
- I remember telling my mom about my idea and, while she loved it, did say that Disney would not like it because they want to put out a more broad demographic. "They're not catering to us," she said (paraphrased). Which makes sense, I just jokingly mentioned to AJ how Disney wouldn't hire me for stuff like this lmao.
- My Haunted Mansion would be a love letter to the Gothic Horror genre and dark humor. An old Louisiana mansion that's haunted in more ways than one, its owner an unwilling slave on the brink of insanity, and all the tales of death kept within its walls. And these tales are nothing short of harrowing, as well as hilarious!
2. Vincent Price x Self-Insert Fanart
- I love this old man so fucking much I wanna kiss him I wanna dance with him I wanna cuddle with him I wanna slowly drive him into insanity so that I can see him smile lovingly at me I wanna be the harbinger of his downfall and his eternal bride aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- 🖤🖤🖤😩🙌🥴🥴🥴
- So yeah, pretty much what it says on the tin. I was inspired by the very talented @theboarsbride for the idea and Corman's The Masque of the Red Death, starring the Handsome Devil of Horror himself Vincent Price, and wanted to make an AU.
- Masque AU where Francesca (the main character) does give in to the dark side, but of her own volition, transforming into the Red Death. The Red Death is both a Reaper and a Resurrection - a purveyor of plagues and a damsel turned demon. A Bride in Blood...
- It's basically a sort of rewrite of the original ending and now it's sorta... 🌶️spoicy🌶️ so, um.... yea. smexy monster lady x human stuffs.
3. Walt Disney's The Great Mouse OC
- I've been wanting to do something with the GMD fandom for a long while now, and I think a hypothetical OC from an hypothetical sequel fanfic would be a good introduction!
- So, in a nutshell: She's a mad scientist spider who is the new secondary villain of said sequel. She has no name as of yet, but she is mute (either from an injury or is simply nonverbal), extremely passionate about her grotesque experiments, and very, very lonely. Unlike Ratigan, the Greatest Criminal Mind, she is more somewhat spontaneous, preferring the tasks of stitching her family together over anything tactic. In other words, she's the brawns while Ratigan is the brains (and brawns). Her goal in villainy is to build and destroy - to build her long lost family and to destroy all of micedom.
- While she is the one who caused the whole case, the main focus on the story is mainly the ✨tension✨ between Basil and Ratigan. In other words, opening up old wounds... by resurrecting the dead!
- Yup, Sherlock Holmes: Furry Edition is now becoming a Gothic horror story. Heavily inspired by Little Nightmares II, Jack the Ripper, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the sequel is a tale of murder and madness, with a bloodcurdling case and a rivalry that won't stay dead.
- In this fanfic, I interpreted that Ratigan did die in GMD and so that he could be resurrected by my OC in the sequel! I also wanted to have Fidget resurrected but AJ doesn't like to think of her lil guy dead, so... Yeah, Ratigan is the Frankenstein's Monster and Phantom of the Opera of the plot. (POTO because I thought of the sequel's climax being set during an opera)
- Meanwhile, Basil and Dawson are having a Very Bad Time, with Basil constantly being haunted by the professor and Dawson mentally reliving his days at the regiment.
- Disney will never hire me.
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wufflesvetinari · 9 months
lkwajelkrjewar fine. FINE. i'll do it MYSELF goddamn it
tarka was only good in 1.5 episodes in canon so i am not surprised the writers had no specific interest in "unhinged asexual from planet pound town" as a concept (thank you ruon tarka tag from 2 years ago lmao, i'm obsessed)
unfortunately, i am interested in "serious for-real character from risa, specifically." and i have COVID and my brain has run stupid little circles around the concept. my thoughts are as follows:
some of the frankly bad writing where various protagonists were willing to trust him and/or let him do risky things despite his blinking "I AM NOT TRUSTWORTHY" high beams could be attributed to risian pheromones--but not, like, in a sexy way. like a charisma bump in the rpg sense where the other person doesn't have to come out LIKING you at all, you are just more of a PRESENCE. stamets certainly didn't like him but look at the stupid experiment he let happen on the discovery for no reason lmao
i think this would mostly work on species with a close genetic makeup to risians, like humans--it did not specifically work on saru for instance. it also does not work on oros. i think Certain Tourists to risa have an idea of the pheromones as a kinky sex thing but risians themselves do not. it's just a part of the social language
it has been pointed out that 5 years in solitary is probably worse for someone socialized on Planet Touchy/Sexy/Expressive. tarka thinks of himself as Not Like Other Risians but he WAS raised there and imo the shot of oros pillowed on his arm would be within tarka's cultural comfort zone even if they are not romantically linked
speaking of: "Risians have a more permeable understanding of romantic vs. platonic relationships" is good, but to make it more Alien Sociology i think it would be fun if the species outsiders see as "fluid/open/label-less" instead just have way more categorizations based on specific feelings towards others that can be combined lego-style into each specific relationship: so rather than "eros vs. philia" we have "Type A Love + Type B Love + Type M Love and that's how i relate to my newest partner." and fifteen million definitional words spring from that. everyone just kind of knows them and the relationships do change over time
agree that tarka feels very asexual if you read his relationship with oros as romantic. however i don't prefer the read that this causes him particular trouble on risa. instead, it's the intensity of his relationship with oros that would be nonstandard/queer on risa. a risian would look at tarka and go "holy christ, chill out. balance your fucking humors"
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wickedlyqueer · 2 years
i've been thinking of starting the wicked novels. have you read all 4 novels? are they worth the read?
I have read all 4 novels, yes. And whether they are worth it or not... heavily depends on what you want to get out of them tbh.
dense prose that clearly has its roots in post-modernism. If you're not willing to read long sentences that begin with a deep analogy for racism and end with some sort of sexual innuendo or disturbing event, this is going to be a hard read for you.
Just. So much sexual stuff. which ironically enough you can also easily read over. (The second time I picked up on it sooo much more than the first time reading it. but in my asexual defense, how tf should i have known what "dragonsnaked" meant).
Similarly to the bullet point above: you can easily read over incredibly important plot points. This is because Maguire sometimes doesn't bother to elaborate; skips years within a single sentence; and is unforgiving to the mind who wanders while reads. There's a reason my notes look like this:
Tumblr media
No consistency in character arcs whatsoever. This isn't your average fanfic or even YA novel. Just to put it into perspective: the book is called "The Life And Times of the Wicked Witch of the West". Which is just "Elphaba's Life". But Elphaba barely focalizes (her point of view), and when she does, it's at a point in the book where she's starting to lose her goddamn mind, so there's always a sense of an "unreliable narrator". So just know going in that the politics of Oz have the center, and especially in the later books all characters start to blend together, with a similar tone of voice and sense of humor.
Maguire—bless him and may god help him—cannot write women. He tries, he really does, but anything about the women anatomy is so unappealingly written and I was not the least bit surprised to learn he's gay lmao. He also has a tendency to turn women (especially when they get older) into "waifs". When in the fourth book he describes Glinda as being sad she never got kids I wanted to scream and rip my fucking hair out. Glinda Upland of the Arduenna Clan would never want to be a mother. She'd fucking hate it. And I'll forever hold it against Maguire for ever having suggested otherwise. (He also did something similar to one of my favorite side characters in the second book; Sister Apothecaire. She gets an absolute character assassination by the fourth book).
The biggest "reveal" in book four was literally spoiled by the family tree in the beginning of the book. 🤦 so there's a built up for like 300 pages and all the while you're like "WE KNOW!! WE ALREADY KNOW!!" which made book 4 a particularly frustrating experience imo.
Understanding fanfics and other fan work much better. A lot of fanfic is based on a mix of musical and book ("booksical"). Even minor characters like Pfannee, Shenshen, Milla, Crope & Tibbet, will make an appearance, even when a fic is more musical based. This was the reason I decided to read the books too back in the day.
Also understanding (popular) interpretations in fanfics better. Like. I tend to write Elphaba as intersex, non-binary and bisexual. That looks very out of the blue when you only have the musical's context, where Elphaba is played by mostly feminine women. But once you read the book you look at those same headcanons and go "word".
Delicious gelphie (sub)text is there, if you want to look for it. But you do have to look for it (twas written in the 90s, lads).
Very queer, actually! And not just in the sense of like "there's a lesbian couple" like we see nowadays in media, but it's just... present. This is written by a gay man, and it shows. You can see queerness popping up everywhere. There's a lot of sexuality and gender stuff going on. And even though nobody goes "I am a trans man" or whatever, you sometimes read stuff and go "that's gender dysphoria babe, idk what to tell ya"
Once you get used to Maguire's writing style... he actually can write some pretty gorgeous prose and he writes with a lot of wit. I like his sense of sharp (dark) humor.
WORLD BUILDING! I honestly just read the other three books for world building for my own fics, more than anything.
I do generally recommend reading at least the first book. Especially the first half of the book is just so solid. There's a reason why "Shiz Era" is so beloved in this fandom. Easily the best chapters out of the entire series. It gives so much more backstory to the musical (and bigger Oz lore). The latter half drags on imo, but that's also kinda the point?
The other three books..... depends. I read them for my world building in my fanfics. And I honestly found the second book to be rather cathartic, because it really goes through the motions of mourning Elphaba and that's what I kinda needed after the devastating ending of the first book, but I've heard other people say book 2 was their least favorite.
Basically. If Maguire hasn't utterly broken your spirit by the first book, the other three books still have plenty of joys in them. (For instance, I fucking love Nor. and whenever Glinda shows up in the sequels, it's always the biggest joy ever!)
Usually I describe the novels as such: "I didn't enjoy reading them, but I sure am glad I've read them."
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saltinekryze · 9 months
ahsoka 1x07 liveblog / post mortem
i’m sorry but hera needs to beat this senator’s ass
chopper having some shit to say in court…. i love him
the anakin hologram! he made ahsoka multiple holograms!!! i’m cryinnn
i’m enjoying seeing more of ahsoka’s humor (and snippiness if you will)
(i honestly believe the reason zeb hasn’t shown up is because it’s too expensive to animate him lmao)
i’m so afraid of what will happen when ezra finds out how sabine really got here.
eman esfandi is a PERFECT ezra. the body language, mannerisms, voice, the signature charm/humor — everything!
loved seeing ezra gently encouraging sabine to explain the “feeling” she felt. force sensitivity 101!
what is baylan’s play here? sending his own apprentice off on her own? what is his own “path”?
did ezra teach the noti how to use slingshots, like his own energy slingshot from rebels? awwww
oh ezra and sabine look SO fucking cool standing next to each other, preparing for battle. (i see the battle couple vision. i see it.)
ahsoka yeeting herself out of a speeding aircraft is insane actually. i know she did something similar before (the siege of mandalore comes to mind) but damn, she really is anakin’s padawan, huh. the drama!
ezra’s force-assisted martial arts is VERY cool. his confidence in his abilities? him refusing to use his old lightsaber, and telling sabine it’s hers now because he gave it to her? chef’s kiss
ezra force-pulling sabine as she lights up her flamethrower!! AAAAAA!!!!!!
ahsoka pulling up to the fight like that was so fucking funny
CLASSIC SABINE EXPLOSIVES!!!!!! let my girl blow up more stuff!!!
oh that ahsoka and ezra reunion was so lovely. years ago, in the world between worlds he told her to come find him…. she promised she would, and she did!!
ezra saying “i might be going home after all” … bro i’m fucking scared WHAT IF HE DOESNT!!!!!!! DAVE FELONY YOU CANT DO THIS
i suppose it’s in ahsoka’s nature to forgive what sabine did — after all, she acknowledged it was the only choice that made sense for her at the time. but as much as i hate to say it, at some point sabine needs to face the consequences.
i can’t believe there’s only one episode left!!! lots of loose ends to wrap up. i am cautiously excited but also afraid because i have the sinking feeling not everyone’s making it back to the galaxy we’re familiar with. 🥲
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