#please get these sexualities strait
chernayawidow · 1 year
Indigenous Australians ARE BLACK. I’ve just come from tiktok after seeing lots of Americans say that First Nation people are not black. THERE ARE OTHER PLACES AND CULTURES IN THE WORLD OUTSIDE OF THE USA.
I myself am white, so if any Indigenous Australians are uncomfortable with me saying any of this please let me know and I’ll take it down. Or if any terms/information needs correction please please please let me know.
I have friends who are light skinned Indigenous and they should NOT have to defend their heritage against a country of ignorant fools. My primary example is Malakai and Missy from Heartbreak High, an AUSTRALIAN show, who are having their heritage erased because they’re not “black enough”. How the fuck are people saying that in 2023?
If your country cared enough to acknowledge the existence of others in the world, you would know that Indigenous Australians were subjected to the Stolen Generation. What’s that, you ask? Where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were stolen from their families by governments, churches and welfare bodies to be raised in institutions, fostered out or adopted by non-Indigenous families, as a way of white washing them and erasing their culture and heritage.
TW: Racism, Death/Murder, Abuse - sexual and physical - (not graphic but mentioned)
They were abused, killed and raped by white people, as well as being forced to have their children as a way of “breeding out the black”. So when you guys say “they’re not black enough”, it’s one of the most disgusting and insensitive things you can say. The amount of pain Indigenous Australians have suffered is astounding, and they’re finally getting some on-screen representation. But here come you Americans, just shitting all over them. African American representation is extremely low, now guess what? Indigenous Australian representation is even lower. To the point where you guys don’t even know they exist.
To this day, they experience systemic racism at the hands of government, and especially the police. Not only that, but Australia is still fighting to change the date of “Australia Day” so that it doesn’t fall on Invasion Day. They’re trying to reclaim land that is rightfully theirs, as well as protect and maintain the preservation of what little history they have left. So before you go shitting on the oldest and longest running Indigenous culture in the world, do your fucking research.
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writing-havoc · 2 years
♡ Summary: The crows insist Kaz Brekker likes you. You don't believe them. Until Kaz tells you himself
♡ Fandom: Six of Crows, Grishaverse
♡ Pairing(s): Kaz Brekker x Reader, The Crows x Reader (platonic!)
♡ Warning(s): little angsty, blood
♡ WC: 4.7k
I'll probably end up rewriting this later if I'm being honest, but I like it a little. Trying to figure out Kaz's character a bit after recently finishing the duology. Hope you like it <3.
Please excuse any errors in spelling and grammar
You picked at the stitching of your dress, the sewing itchy against your skin. The crowd around you was bursting with people either way too intoxicated or well on their way to being as such. Plumes of smoke rose in the air from several lit cigars, most of which were probably illegal.
The mission was relatively simple. Nina and Matthias played the role of a newly rich tourist married couple, going around to various tables and watching games with faux interest. Inej was up in the banisters, scoping for anything out of place while Kaz perused the outskirts of the floor, keeping an eye on the target of the night disguised as a servant.
Wylan would be placing various bombs in particular structural points. They wouldn't completely collapse the building, but they sure as hell would make it look and feel like it would. Jesper was taking the place of one of the guards, his goal to get into the electrical room and turn out the lights in count two minutes for exactly 15 seconds with various flashing in between.
And you? You were chilling at a table while the target boistered his accomplishments to his pals, pocket thick with kruge and two important documents you were to steal and replace discreetly whilst the flashing commenced. Your position on his lap wasn't all that comfortable, certain extremities getting in the way of a more comfortable position, but it was necessary.
He had pulled you onto his lap not even two minutes after you approached him, expressing interest in his physique and well tailored suit. You had to play the part of a dimwitted and eager to please patron of the club hoping for a few extra kruge and a night with a hot man.
Really, he wasn't that ugly of a guy, he wasn't. He was tall and well fit, a head of nice thick, shiny curly hair that reminded you a little of Wylans but a little more tame, and skin absent of too many blemishes with a sharp jawline and dark brown eyes that were the only thing you could bare to look at. But he absolutely reeked of alcohol and the sweats were making him stink like no other. And really, his personality was not something you could fawn over.
He was prideful. And while it's not an inherently negative trait, it /was/ annoying to no end when it's the only thing that makes up your personality.
You guessed you could say he was attentive too. He noticed right away the small tattoo that was, unknown to him, tailored onto your chest by Nina. He also noticed how expensive your dress was, the jewelry around your neck and the pearls hanging from your ears.
Yet, he didn't notice the small dagger sheathed beneath your dress on the same leg he was caressing in a ghostly manner.
It made you want to vomit. You hated how goosebumps trailed up your skin at the contact and the way he smirked when he felt them raise. Hated it, hated it, hated it. It wasn't even a horny hate either, it was a truly disgusted and revolted kind of hate that left you feeling like you needed to take a bath in the best acid Wylan could cook up.
You fluttered your eyes at the man holding you, giggling for good measure. He patted your thigh and rustled you with a growl. Your decorated fingers found purchase on his chest and around the back of his chair. You let out a squeal you hoped sounded enticing and more sexual than pig like.
He patted your thigh in approval, and you did your best not to rip hid hand from your body and break it.
Looking up from Mr. Strait, the target, your eyes found Kaz. His jaw was tight and eyes more narrow than usual. His gloved hands (which you might mention, have a new pair of thinner gloves more fitting for a servant than his normal leather ones) seemed oddly tight around the post of the fence separating the pit and upper floor, but it was a little hard to tell. It was even harder to tell whom he was staring at.
Was he mad at you? Were you doing this wrong?
The papers felt heavy from their place in your bra. They were folded neatly in just the way you had spotted when he cleaned out his pockets to find a lighter for one of his pals.
You needed to do this right, or everything was screwed.
"I finished her in less than five minutes. She didn't know what she was in for when I walked into that little room of hers." Strait bragged, the rest of the people around the table and ones passing by either laughed out of pity for not wanting to correct him that that wasn't a long time and she probably faked it or were genuinely impressed and clapped him on the shoulder.
"Quite impressive, isn't it darling?" He asked you, tilting you back just a bit.
"Very, sir." You purred, keeping your eyes on his.
It was a bit startling to realize that his eyes reminded you of Kaz's. You hadn't picked up on it before but the color was very similar, the shape of them being similar too. But they lacked the slight bags and look that shut crowds up in an instant. They weren't calculating either, and not nearly as observant as you liked.
But they would have to do for now.
Kaz came around to your table, a bottle of the clubs champagne held tightly in his gloved hands. How he got it, you didn't know, but were grateful for the distraction.
"Champagne, sir?" He asked, leaning down a little and holding the base of the bottle while leaning the neck on his hand.
"Yes please!" A man on the opposite side shouted. A few more agreed, while others held their hand over the top of their glass, Mr. Strait being one of them.
You thanked the Saints that he was finally done drinking.
"What about you, love?" Strait asked, turning to you. And to make it extra clear that he was talking to you, he bounced his leg, watching as your tits jiggled.
A moment later a shout in protest was called from across the table. You turned in time to see Kaz staring directly at you and flinch backwards, the tall glass he was filling overflowing with champagne.
"My apologies, sir." Was all he had to say, but his eyes flickered back towards you as he picked a towel out of his apron and began to pat the table dry.
That had to have been on purpose, right?
"You should be! You brat." The man grumbled, but picked up his full glass of champagne and was happy to down half of it.
Kaz stood up straight once he had dried off the table to satisfaction, and continued filling the rest of the glasses. Once he was done, he turned to you.
"If you need anything else, call." He spared you a second more and walked off.
You smiled at his retreating figure. "An odd one, that one." Straight said.
"Indeed." His friends agreed.
You watched as Kaz walked away, his shoulders tense. And while that wasn't unusual, it did seem a little different. If Kaz was off his game, then something must be terribly wrong.
Suddenly, the lights turned off.
15 seconds. That's all you've got.
You screamed in surprise along with a few other guests, pressing your body against his. The lights began to flicker, sending up a few more screams an anxious clambering.
As discreetly as possible, you pressed closer and slipped your fingers into your bra. On the next wave of flickering you adjusted yourself, boldly pressing your hands into his chest and replacing the documents whilst blocking the view of the other guests at the table, ignoring the way his fingernails dug into your skin with piercing pain. Once the real ones were in hand, you slipped them into your bra exactly where the fake ones once were. With one last blast of flickering, the lights switched on.
You tensed your muscles, mimicking scared shaking on the man before you. He began to shush you, his hand going to your hair.
Within moments Kaz came walking over. "Excuse me, ma'am. Your ride is here."
Instant relief flooded through you. You turned back toward Strait and smiled at him, fluttering your lashes once more. "Thank you for the wonderful evening, sir."
He seemed a little taken aback, no doubt by your quick change in attitude, but simply nodded his head with a smile. The man clasped his hand around your wrist before you could go, though, and placed a hundred kruge in the belt strap of your dress. "Pleasures all mine."
You giggled and winked at the man, sauntering off as casually as possible.
Kaz walked beside you, his bad leg only having a slight limp. Though if he was even showing that he had one, you knew it was bothering him badly. Maybe that's why he was so angry before.
It wasn't until you made it to the rendezvous point that you allowed yourself to rest. You took the kruge from your belt and slipped it into your bra on the opposite side of the papers.
You put your hand on your hips and bent down at the waist, allowing everything in your lower body to stretch. Your thigh ached a little where the man had dug his fingernails into you, two of the little crescent marks bleeding a little, staining a very tiny portion of the bottom of your dress where it had relaxed.
"Shit." Nina would have to check that.
Speaking of Nina, she came next with Matthias and Jesper in tow, Inej having already arrives silently some moments ago.
"Wow, I don't think I have ever seen Kaz Brekker so openly pissed at another man before." She began, a smirk on her features. "And I've seen him cut out a man's eye before."
Inej smirked, her eyes now looking at you.
"Quiet, Zenik." Kaz's jaw clenched. "Its a rendezvous for a reason. Don't speak of the job till we're back at the Slat."
Nina's smirk only grew wider. "If you being jealous and overprotective is part of the job then I missed that part of the debriefing."
"Nina~" you whined. "Can you look at my thigh and stop bugging Kaz, please?" You gave her puppy eyes. She would do it anyway, but it was fun to tease.
She perked up. "Why? Did something happen? What'd he do?"
Matthias looked at you, following Nina as she stepped forward to inspect your injuries immediately, Inej not far behind. Kaz stayed back, but he was staring at you intensely.
"Its nothing serious, I hope." You lifted the dress quite a bit to give the wounds a wide berth, the dagger peaking out a little from beneath the cloth. "He was just gripping me really hard when the lights started flickering. Speaking of which-" you looked to the alley where you came from "-where's Jesper and Wylan?"
"Probably eating eachothers faces as per usual." Nina remarked lowly, wiping the blood with a cloth she procured from her little travel bag. Inej snorted.
"They better get here soon." Kaz looked towards the alleyway too, but immediately turned back toward you, his normal gloves now safely tucked over his slender hands. You wish you had seen the switch.
"Its nothing more than a surface cut. Do you want me to heal it?"
You were going to refuse, but-
"Heal it." Kaz interrupted. "Ketterdam is dirty, Strait even dirtier." You could have sworn he growled at that. "Better safe than sorry."
A smirk played on Nina and Inejs face, while a faint blush played on yours. Matthias stared at you with what you could assume is a knowing smile, and you stuck your tongue at him in retaliation. He rolled his eyes.
"Well, I never!" Nina put a hand over her heart. "Kaz Brekker? Actually worried?" Her eyes were wide and mouth dropped open, but there was an unmistakable grin in there. "Well, it's not surprising considering who he's worrying about."
Nina turned to you, wiggling her eyebrows in her own raunchy manner. "Nina, please just heal me so we can get to the Slat and I can change out of this horrible itchy dress."
Nina, Jesper, Wylan, and occasionally even Matthias have insisted that Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, Bastard of the Barrel, has a crush on you. A crush that left him sputtering for his breath and his heart literally (as observed by Nina) skipping beats. A kind of love, actually, is the word, that left people jealous for just how infatuated he was with you.
But considering how open they were about this teasing, you were even less inclined to believe it than their usual gossip.
The only one excluded from this being Inej, who just watched the teasing from afar with a a very slight smile on her face. You had no idea what that meant, but it probably didn't mean anything in your favor.
Though looking at Kaz now, his eyes trained on your now healed thigh and his cheeks and ears dusted with a light pink, you weren't so sure. Though, it was a little chilly out. Maybe his face is just cold. You definitely were.
Like magic Jesper and Wylan came around the corner.
"All right, Jesper?" Inej called.
"Never better, Inej darling." He had his usual flirtatious smirk on. "Wylan here just forgot where he placed the last bomb."
Wyland groaned. "I did not forget. I knew where it was just... only in a general sense." His freckled face flushed pink.
"Its okay, Wylan." Hesper put his arm around his boyfriend. "No harm no foul."
Kaz bristled a bit. "You should have been here earlier. If they had seen you snooping around the building you could have jeopardized yourselves. And the mission should you have come sprinting back here." He fixed the lapels on his suit.
Jesper and Wylan just nodded. A small "Sorry Kaz" muttered beneath their breath. They weren't really sorry, obviously. And upon closer look at their slightly ruffled clothes, Wylans more tousled than usual hair, and Jespers now apparent slightly abrased skin on his neck, you knew exactly why.
You sent a wink at Jesper the moment he looked at you. He tipped his hat and winked back, which only made Wylans blush worse.
"Now that everyone finally made it here, lets move." Kaz approached you, his expression blank and his hand out. "Documents?"
You reached into your bra, pulling out the the documents and handing them over to Kaz. You tried your best not to brush your fingers against his, even though they were gloved, but he had other plans. His thumb firmly held your finger against his palm. You could feel the small slit in his glove and the way he stiffened a little when he felt it too. He retracted his hand and opened them, checking them over once, before nodding and gesturing with his cane for everyone to follow.
Where he got his cane? You, again, had no idea.
You all began to follow, Kaz leasing the way and everyone else hanging back with you. But to be absolutely honest, you were just running on auto pilot. You tried to remember the feeling of his hand against yours, but it was so quick and unexpected that you couldn't remember anything. It was just a little cold.
"He likes you." Nina whispered in your ear.
"He loves you." Jesper slung an arm around your shoulder.
"No?" It came out as more of a question than a statement. "It was an accident. It had to be."
Nina groaned from beside you. "No it wasn't! Brekker has feelings for you!"
"When was the last time you have ever seen him be in love like you describe? You're just reading things wrong."
"But that's exactly it!" She jostled you, her hands shaking your shoulders. "He doesn't do this with anyone else! It's just you!"
"Nina's right." Matthias piped in. "The demjin feels for you."
Your heartrate spiked, and Nina could feel it. But it wasn't completely for the reason she thought it was.
"Could you guys please quit it?" Your voice was edging on shakey. "I really don't think he does, and I don't want to read this wrong and go through completely unnecessary embarrassment. I-" you flapped your hands "I just got okay with the idea of this being one-sided and I don't need you guys giving me false hope."
You felt your heart rate plummet, and yanked your body away from Nina's.
It wasn't a lie. You really did accept the overwhelming possibility that this was one sided and not meant to go anywhere. Kaz Brekker does not feel that way for other people. He does not feel lovey dovey feelings and most certainly does not actively take on weaknesses if he can help it.
You would be a weakness. Something that people could use against him. Even if he did feel for you, it would not be something he would make known or act on.
You out your hand up. "Stop. I just want to get home, change, and go to bed."
You wrapped your arms around yourself, and marched down the paved road, watching Kaz's uneven steps as everyone made their way back to the Slat.
The lights of Ketterdam glittered below you, the thick smell of wet stone and a little bit of coal infected your nose, although the smell of books and a tad of ink was mixed in there from Kaz's office behind you.
You would sit on the roof, but you didn't want to bother with your clothes feeling sticky with wet soot and temporarily dyed hands because of it.
It just sucks that he wasn't here to keep company.
Not that he would actually be saying anything. But it was nice to hear the way his pen would scratch against the documents, the sound of the papers as he sifted through them, skimming their pages, and the quiet but heavy sighs when he found something out of order.
It was also nice to watch him while he worked. And you mean that in the least creepy way possible. It was a little inspiring how dedicated he was to what he does and the Crow Club. Sometimes you caught his eyebrows scrunched for a little too long and wanted to smooth it out, your thumb pressed heavily between them, the feeling of his skin intoxicating against your fingertips.
You wouldn't ever, but you couldn't help but wonder what it felt like.
It was strange how you could hear conversations and the occasional pair of heels clicking against the ground from so far away, but that's the fun thing about Ketterdam. It was never silent. Even when it was slower during the early morning or odd hours of the night. There was always something going on.
The Slat in particular was as boisterous as ever. The sun was still just barely peeking over the horizon, meaning groups were coming in and out frequently after completing jobs at the Club. A loud holler and cheer would erupt from the ground floor signifying a well liked member was successful, and other times a loud crash would puncture your ears when an unlucky pair got into a tussle (though that wasn't nearly as often as the former).
"Its nice."
The voice startled you until you realized who it was. You turned your head to find Inej standing behind you from your place in the window sill.
She probably came here to do the exact same.
You scooched over, giving her more than enough space beside you. She took it soundlessly.
For few moments you sat there in silence together, watching pairs as they perused the slowly darkening streets. Loners would pass by too, but not often. The smart ones would already be inside.
"He really does like you, you know."
Your heart plummeted, exhaustion from the weight of the statement making tears prick at your eyes. "Please stop." You slouched. "It's really not funny anymore"
"And I'm not joking."
You turned to her to find her already looking at you. She was beautiful in the setting sun, dark skin practically glowing.
"I don't believe you." And you knew the statement hurt. At least a little. You Inej didn't lie to you unless she truly had a reason to, but you couldn't allow yourself to believe it. "I just don't."
"He's not one to be obvious, you know that." She began. "He shows it in the subtle ways. The lingering glances. Sharing his space with you in the places he feels safest." She gestured to the room. "Giving you the last bit of food on his plate when he knows you haven't ate or knows it's your favorite dish."
The list made your heart ache. She kept going.
"Even on missions he gravitated towards you a little more. Earlier he didn't have to go fill the champagne glasses. But he took the bottle and went anyway to make sure you were alright upclose." Her eyes flickered to the nail marks on your now covered thigh. "He hates it." Your heart panged. "But he can't help himself." Your heart healed.
"But that's exactly it, isn't it?" You looked away from her and back out to the streets. "It wouldn't be smart. I'd be nothing but a weakness that could be exploited. He shouldn't be with me. He wouldn't do that to himself."
She was silent for a minute. "I think that's a risk you should let him decide he wants to take, not somethign you should decide for him."
You snapped your eyes to her, anger bubbling in your gut. But it dissolved the second you looked at her.
She was right.
The tears from earlier began to fall.
"I can't do this Inej." You whispered. "I don't want to have false hope. No matter how sure you are, its Kaz. You cant ever be sure with anything when it comes to him." You wiped your cheeks with the sleeve of your shirt. A shirt Kaz had gifted you not even a week ago.
Well, gifted would be putting it differently. It was more like he threw it at you when your other ones were dirty or falling apart after a few hours of being sick of you complaining about it. The fact that it was one of his own shirts was not lost on you, and at the time it took every ounce of self control to not pass out with shock.
"You're right about that." She laughed with a breath. "But, I can promise you," she took your hand in hers, "he likes you."
You searched. You really, really searched for any sign that she was fucking with you. Just being a dick and lying. You found nothing.
"And from what I can tell, you wouldn't be a weakness. You are an asset to the team for a reason. You're deadly." A smiled tugged on her features. "He'd be lucky to have you as his weakness."
Another tear fell, but you didn't have the will to wipe it away. You squeezed her hand and let go, opting for fiddling with the hem of your shirt, eyes trailing to the stitching.
"I think you have to talk to him." She said lowly, and then disappeared from your peripheral.
You watched her get up and go, but nearly jumped out of your shoes when you realized Kaz was standing at the door to his open closet.
He was in his usual get-up. White button up shirt beneath an black vest. A thick black long coat covered everything, even the black striped suit pants. Though the shoes would have to fend for themselves, covering black socks. He was topped with a black hat and his cane in hand. And an expression you're not sure looked like surprise or fear.
The door closed as Inej left, leaving you and Kaz in silence.
You stared at eachother for a long moment, his hand gripping and releasing the head of his cane as you now realized that he was thinking.
Eventually, he leaned his cane up against the wall beside the closet, shucking off his coat and walking over to place it on the coatstand by the door. He hesitated for a moment before taking his hat off, placing it on the top-most peg. He came back for the cane, his eyes uneasily finding their way back to you.
Bile rose in your throat. Did you make him that uncomfortable?
Your mind grasped for the hope that Inej place in your heart, gripping it with all your might.
As much walked over in your direction, you moved your body to be placed on the inside of the window instead of out. He rounded the desk, setting his cane against it before continuing on toward you.
He made sure not to get too close, but he did place himself a good arms length between you two. His gloved hands were steady at his sides, but that was probably because he was clenching them.
"Kaz-" you began, but he put up a hand, stopping you in your tracks.
He wanted to speak first.
His eyes stayed fixed on the wood of the sill, tracing it's marks with his eyes. His hand lowered, but not completely, staying about chest level in a more relaxed position before finally dragging his eyes over and up your body. They rested on your eyes, and you sucked in a breath at just how beautiful they were in the golden Ketterdam light.
"I... do, like you." He began. "And I don't know if I like it." His words were careful and calculated. You could see his jaw clenching every time he closed his mouth. But you could also see the way his ears and cheeks began to color. You could tell it was costing him a lot to even admit that much, but the confession was more than enough.
"I don't know if I like it." He repeated. "But I do know I want to experience it with you. And learn if it's something that I do like." His hands began to shake. He adjusted his stance to lean on his good leg.
You forgot you were crying earlier until you smiled and felt the tug of the dried line of tears.
He took off his glove and extended his hand, taking a step backward.
Your eyes flickered between his outstretched hand and his eyes. Your hand came out and hovered over his own. He gave the slightest of nods.
His hand was firm beneath yours, his fingers curling around your own as he helped you down. When your feet touched the floor, his hand was still locked on yours, but it was gentler now. His shaking wasn't too bad, but you could tell the intimacy of it all was foreign and terrifying.
You didn't let go until he did, and when he did it wasn't a jerk or super quick. It was soft and careful, deliberately slow. Your fingers dragged along his, and you craved his touch as it went away.
His skin was riddled with callouses from odd jobs and the tools of his craft. There was a rouch spot on his ring finger from where he held his pen. They were long and slender, cold from the Ketterdam air but not freezing. The lines of his palm were rough, and his fingernails were well trimmed and short.
You dedicated it all to memory.
"The deal is the deal." You muttered under your breath.
He was a little shaken and a cold sweat glistened on his forehead. But he had a genuine smile plastered on his face. "The deal is the deal." His hand nestled back into the safety of his glove.
You would patiently wait for the day he allowed you to touch him again if it meant you got to see that smile every day in between.
"I like you too, Kaz Brekker."
"I should hope so, Y/n L/n." He grabbed his cane and walked to the bathroom. "Otherwise that would have been one useless conversation."
You chuckled, and watched his ears turn a slightly redder shade at the sound.
Maybe he /was/ as infatuated with you as everyone insisted.
You would have to see for yourself.
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catb-fics · 7 months
how would you rank your Van's from most naughty to least?
Oh I love this thank you for the ask. Right here goes then, gonna list them the other way though starting from sweet… and I’m guessing you mean sexually naughty rather than personality as this is what I immediately thought!
💘 All The Mixed Feelings Van - softest sweetest boy, Vanilla with a capital V. Not kinky in the slightest, would rather cuddle. It’s never fucking, always love-making. And you wouldn’t hesitate to take him home to meet your mum. Absolute angel.
💗 Dad Van - he’s basically a Labrador ha ha, he’s loyal, loving and very eager. Pretty strait-laced in the bedroom but always horny af and trying to put a baby inside you at any chance he gets! Would be completely out of his depth if you suggested shopping for sex toys but would try anything once.
❤️‍🔥 Devil Next Door Van - wasn’t sure where to rank him as he’s not actually got anywhere with Y/N yet in the story, but I actually think he’s got an insecure side despite his outward show of confidence. If he hides behind the ego he hopes people won’t notice that vulnerability. Actually very sweet, not that he’d let Y/N see that side of him… yet.
💖 I’m With the Band Van - more concerned with quantity over quality, a walking hard-on. Also very eager to please - top marks for enthusiasm. Would feel like a total failure if you hadn’t come at least 4 times during love-making. Adventurous in bed, but mainly concerned with mastering tricky positions that make you come harder rather than indulging in anything too kinky. Aspires to be your Number 1 shag you’re not gonna forget in a hurry.
❤️ Red Van - bit of a cocky bastard but he’s so sexy we’ll let him get away with it. Very self-assured in the bedroom, not that you make it to the bedroom very often since he’s fond of fucking in public places as the risk is a huge turn on. Pretty kinky but not too extreme, all for the pleasure and not the pain. Totally worships you and very attuned to you and your needs.
🩶 Playing Hard to Get Van - very kinky, totally gets off on restraining you and edging you to hear how sweet you can beg. Likes to play the dominant role but very mindful of not pushing your boundaries too much. Probably has a loyalty account with Love Honey since he’d want to try out every sex toy they sell.
💜 Pure Van - didn’t know where to put demon Van since I’ve not written him much yet. I have an overwhelming urge to give him an intensely sweet side even though his instinctive urge to corrupt and violate innocence still puts him quite high up the list. Expect some very inappropriate behaviour in church 🙈
💙 Ice Cold Van - has been a little sexually repressed in the past due to his turbulent upbringing but is now making up for it. Has some darker kinks that involve weapons and power play which put him high up on the list but would 100% not dream of hurting you (even if you asked him to treat you a little rough). Softest dom with that added brooding dark edge that’s so intoxicating.
🖤 Prof Van - engage at your own risk, absolute menace. Will completely test your limits, setting strict rules that he’ll then tease and tempt you into breaking just so he can punish you. Expect not to be able to sit down for a week if you step out of line. Totally likes to degrade you and make you squirm for his own amusement. He’s a bastard but you can’t stop yourself going back for more, he’s too addictive.
Sorry anon I got way too carried away with this ha ha I just love my Van’s so much 🤭 xx
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writing-good-vibes · 10 months
I really do believe Bo is much more rougher and kinkier than Roger is with Corey, he'll grab Corey by the throat and toss him around, Roger could never
oh, this !! 100% !! i'm still not totally sure on when corey meets bo, so i'll muse on a couple of different scenarios, but one thing is for certain -- bo and roger couldn't be more different in their sexual appetites (or are they? 👀)
WARNING for smut, infidelity, and mentions of unsafe sexual practices/kink etiquette.
firstly, corey had next to no sexual experience before he gets involved with roger. roger isn't particularly kinky, they're pushing out the boat if he fucks corey in doggy to be honest. plus, the taboo of this being an affair gets corey going more than he ever wants to admit, though sometimes it does creep into his mind when he's alone in bed. corey doesn't actually figure out his own kinks for a long while, and mostly just does as he's told in the early days -- roger is still some sort of authority figure in corey's mind and he has a dire aversion to upsetting authority figures.
even if corey did start to figure himself out, it's not something he wants to broach with roger -- corey wants to maintain the safe and comfortable roles they have fallen into. a role where corey gets to be playful and malleable and ultimately feel taken care of under roger's gentle-but-firm style of dominance.
[sometimes, i think about roger taking on a darker edge. he knows corey will do pretty much anything he asks, he desperately wants roger to be pleased with him at all times, and i wonder what it'd be like if he took it a bit further than what is reasonable.]
but bo, on the other hand? his list of kinks is as long as his arm. if corey meets bo and starts sleeping with him while he still has something going on with roger, then corey is about to have his world rocked.
now i think we all know bo isn't the most ardent follower of bdsm etiquette. he doesn't always warn corey of what he's going to do and he definitely isn't giving aftercare the way he should be. bo sees corey as a total cliché (attention seeking because his own daddy didn't love him) and fucks him as such. he's rough and he's mean, he slaps corey around, he chokes him, ties him up, calls him all manner of filthy things that make corey squirm and plead.
turns out corey is exactly the cliché bo thinks he is, because bo's tastes awaken something in corey. he's still nervous, still at that stage where the slaps and the work-worn hand around his throat surprises him, but he starts liking it. really liking it. it takes being wanted to a whole new level, beyond just a silly affair because marriage has gotten old.
but, the way it is with bo -- so rough and adventurous and mildly violent -- is part of why corey likes going back to roger so much. roger who is safe and vanilla. roger who is a strait-laced, middle class gentleman who does it missionary and calls corey a good boy. corey wants the best of both worlds.
however, if corey only met bo after the accident, then i can see corey throwing himself into it. bo isn't just doing things to him anymore, corey is asking for it. corey likes it rough. he's hit rock bottom and instead of wanting to feel loved (like with roger), he just wants to feel something. maybe it's a way to take control of his punishment -- he killed jeremy so the whole town is punishing him and he hates, but when bo punishes him it feels so good. corey wants it harder, and faster and he wants it to hurt and who is bo to deny him that.
after all that though, bo gets left in the dust when michael comes along; the meanest, and the roughest, and the most violent man corey is ever going to find.
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multi-cannon-rp · 28 days
NAME: Crow or Kara
PRONOUNS : She / Her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord that is the fastest way to get a hold of me.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Deidara, Itachi, Izuna, Mukuro, Tanjiro, Shinobu, and Rimuru. More to be added in the future.
BEST EXPERIENCE : I think it was when the Hitman fandow was more active. I had a group on IM that allowed for most of our character to interact. But when the Manga ended and the AOL IM server was shut down so was our group. That was 10+ years ago.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : I am a pretty open person, it take quite a bit to make me mad. Hell, I love angry or antagonistic anons in my ask box. Insult away Hehe. But I don't like it when people try to jumps strait into a sexual relationship with my muse. Unless 1) we have plotted it, 2) Its a ship that I am in love with, or 3) We have already written nsfw with out muses before. Other then that its a no go. My muse will react negatively to that and it could kill any chemistry that could have happened. I do not like that and that's why my rule say slow burn.
MUSE PREFERENCES: I don't have a preference. I will rp with anyone, even non rp accounts. Who doesn't want to talk with their favorite character as themselves sometimes? My muses will answer if asked, if you don't say who you are asking then Rimuru will be the one to respond.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I don't really mind any of the ones sent to me. Excluding smut related ones unless we have communicated prior. I like longer threads though. One or two liners are okay sometimes but I don't have much to work with so they tend to die out quick for me or seem forced. With longer Rp's I will write more and at least try to match your length. If for what ever reason you need me to re-write feel free to ask and I will.
I like the darker based stuff the most. Torture my muse or character death within reason. I like to rp that.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Long please. I will do short replies but be warned that I might drop or completely for get about short replies. As far as rp's go at least. Unless you want to have to remind me multipole times that I owe you a response.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Anytime, though you might have to wait for a response my RL can get super busy sometimes. It may sometimes take a week or two, but I still try not to make someone wait that long. I feel guilty and stressed when I do.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Yep, in more ways then one I would think. I have a hard time writing muses that I don't have anything in common with. Naruto, Obito, Hibari, Sinbad, Aladdin, Gobiru, ect. I love those characters, but I cant write them to save my life.
Tag: Whoever want to do this.
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deadcityhq · 5 months
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**CHARACTER NAME:** leonor “leo” estrada 
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** roberta colindrez
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if relevant/they’re not old af):** the exact amount of years has gotten away from her, she only knows that she’s roughly around two hundred years old. she remembers ‘our lady of monterrey’ being built. 
**CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC:** she/her | cis woman, of the butch persuasion | lesbian
**CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant):** oc
**OC OR CANON:** oc
**CHARACTER TYPE (for example: werewolf, shadowhunter, warlock, demon etc):** vampire
**HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN NEW YORK/WHY ARE THEY THERE ETC:** leo arrived in the seventies, looking for people like her- in multiple respects.
**IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):** 
her actual bio doc is gonna get Bananas so please enjoy these bullet points- 
born roughly in the mid 1700s in monterrey, nueva leon. most of her pre-immortality life has been carefully locked away in the ol’ mind vault, but she remembers the cathedral being halfway built as a young child. she remembers her family’s leather works shop, but not her parents. she remembers her grandmother’s portrait on the ofrenda. and she remembers seeing the face of her sire for the first time. 
leo was somewhere around her mid-thirties (she thinks?) when it happened. the circumstances are lost to her, but the feeling she had, seeing the lunar glow of her face and the inky dark of her hair swirling around her face… even now feels like a pin through her chest, or an anchor. 
the time immediately after is completely lost to her, roughly forty to fifty years. leo likes to think it’s of her own volition, but sometimes she fears someone or something took those memories from her on purpose. leo hardly remembers her sire’s name, besides a vague number of letters and perhaps a starting letter of ‘m’ or ‘w’. 
the next clearest recollections she has are in virginia city, nevada. a hardy mining town at the time. leo grew to like little boom towns like that, where being awake after dark was standard for the exhausted workers who hoped to numb their minds and suit their pleasures after the backbreaking labor of the day. 
which didn’t mean it all worked out perfectly. there were plenty of humans and mortals that leo developed a distaste for. it was hard not to, when the place leo liked to have a drink was the saloon where virginia city’s hardest-working madam housed her girls. there were plenty of averagely evil men drifting in and out. leo liked to keep an eye on them. 
keeping this kind of eye out meant that there were times when some men proved they needed to get taken care of. leo made herself a pair of boots she still has in her closet that way. but eventually one too well-connected ended up meeting his maker that way, and leo found herself ran out of town. she supposed in the end that she’d gotten a little too careless. 
she never considered herself in all that dire of straits, the western territories had plenty of places to hide. or– perhaps not hide, but exist without the sort of questioning or accusations that might make her existence significantly more difficult. big sky country was large, and got fucking dark as hell at night. 
of course safety or what counted for it didn’t quite match what she’d started to yearn for again. others like her. eventually, this brought her to new york city in the 1970s. 
initially ‘living’ in the village, in the present she’s moved farther down 8th and currently has a one-bed in st. mark’s place. 
**THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** well-worn cowboy boots, the saying “still waters run deep”, the smell of a campfire and warm wool on a cold montana night. 
**MUN NAME/ALIAS:** jesse
**MUN AGE:** 30
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asexuality does not mean you don’t feel romantic attraction asexuality does not mean you don’t like boys or girls asexuality does not mean you don’t date people asexuality literally means that you don’t feel sexual attraction aromantic means you don’t feel romantic attraction aromantic does not mean you don’t date aromantic does not mean you don’t have sex aromantic means you do not feel romantic attraction
thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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collectmytears · 2 years
*If you read this, I ask that you please reblog so more people can see this information. There are links in this post and tumblr doesn’t like showing post with them*
In relation to another post I made about the correct terminology when talking about/to First Nations people of Australia, I’m going to explain The Stolen Generations and how that connects with the terminology since I got a few questions about it and what The Stolen Generations is.
Although it’s easy to go out and Google this, even Google has many websites etc. with incorrect information. There are also many websites run by non-Indigenous Australians so they aren’t reliable sources. As an Aboriginal person, I’d rather everyone get this information from a person that is from that culture than do their own research and be misinformed.
At the end of this post, I’ll add some websites etc. that I think are very good and can explain The Stolen Generations more or relates to Indigenous Australians too.
I’m going to do my best to briefly explain the Stolen Generations but if you have any questions, feel free to send a message or ask! I’m sorry if it’s a little jumbled, I’m trying my best to give as much information as possible mostly from the top of my head.
TW: Racism, Death/Murder, Abuse - sexual and physical - (not graphic but mentioned)
**Warning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that might see this, there is a lot of distressing content below about our people’s history so please be careful if you choose to read it**
The Stolen Generations happened from early 1900’s - 1967. Federal and state government agencies took children away and put them on what were called “missions”. They were run by either the church or the state. The children on these missions were usually children that were “white passing”. All of this happened under acts such as the “Aborigines Protection Act 1909”
Back then, the white Australians used blood-quantum related terminology such as “half-caste”, “full-blood”, “part Aborigine/Aboriginal” and “quarter-cast”. (These terms are highly offensive to Indigenous peoples, even back then.)
On these missions, these children were taught a number of things such as, how to clean, how to farm, how to do laundry, religion, how to speak English etc. The main idea of these missions were that “mixed-race children could be trained to work in white society, and over generations would marry white and be assimilated into the society.” Many of these children were taken away from their mothers, their family, their mob, their culture and were forced to “act white”. Many of them went on to become maids, slaves and farmers for many white Australians.
There were many children on these missions that were raped as the people that ran these missions either didn’t care about them or they were fully backing the idea of “breeding out the blacks”. Many of these children were raped and forced to become mothers at a young age.
There is one movie in particular that shows the above, it’s called “The Rabbit Proof Fence”. It’s based on a true story. It shows how they were treated on those missions. Many were physically abused by the people than ran them for a number of different reasons. One of the main ones being if they’re tried to run away. Other reasons included if they didn’t make their beds in the morning, if they spoke in their native language, if they talked back, if they took a little too long to do something they were told to do.
The names I listed in the other post are words used back then (and now) that were intended to hurt Indigenous peoples. Many words such as “Aborigines” were used in the acts passed in parliament that gave the state/government the power to take away Indigenous children that were “white passing”
Many children that were taken during this time, never made it back home. They either died or were never able to find their family or even where they were from BUT there’s still many Indigenous peoples out there that were part of The Stolen Generations and are still alive today.
From this, there are MANY generational effects. In regards to health and how it connects to this, it is fairly common for Indigenous peoples to have mental and physical health issues that also link back to the start of the Stolen Generations or even to when the British invaded what is now called Australia.
- depression, anxiety, PTSD and suicide are just some of the things that were/are passed down through generations.
- There is a strong connection between the abuse experience at that time and alcohol abuse. This is another thing that can be passed down generations
- Physical abuse is also linked back to the Stolen Generations in the same way
There was a report done back in 1997 called “Bringing Them Home” where one of the recommendations was that the Australian Government apologise for the Stolen Generations and the abuse those children (now adults) experienced. A decade later (February 13, 2008), the Prime Minister at the time stood in Parliament and apologised
I think this is the main parts of what happened, summed up so feel free to ask questions if you have any. I could go on and on about how this links to a lot of the things happening today but this is already a really long post.
Below is a list of things I recommend watching/reading/listening to if you’d like to know more! Although a few of them aren’t directly linked to the Stolen Generations, they are linked in some way and big parts of the stuff shown or mentioned are part of what Indigenous Australians face every day.
[if you choose to do more research, please try to find websites etc. that are run by Indigenous peoples. Definitely stay away from a site called “Creative Spirits”. It is not Indigenous owned]
- After the Apology (Movie 2017) | EduTV
- the rabbit proof fence - Google Search
- Inside Indigenous Australian deaths in custody
- Vanessa Turnbull Roberts - Forced removals are still impacting the Indigenous community
- Telling Our Stories - Our Stolen Generations (Lorraine Peeters)
- Unlocking the past to free the future
- DOBBY - I Can’t Breathe Ft. Barkaa
- 10 things you should know about the National apology
- Invasion Day article
- Massacre map australia the killing times frontier wars
- Utopia
- Ziggy Ramo - Little Things
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elenamegan14 · 3 years
Yandere!One Piece vs Tough F!Reader
Yeah, we get it. We saw those “sweet, innocent” readers so much getting captured by their yanderes, but can you imagine how this would work with a tough-as-nails reader?
I am talking about a reasonable, no-nonsense and “I literally just send ten people to hospital for intruding my private space” reader who give no fucks - you don’t like how scarily violent and stalkerish tendencies they got and you bet your sweet bippy that you will fight tooth and nail to escape them. 
I mean, duh! They’re pirates! Docile, cute admirers are okay, but they like feisty, hard-to-get people that just as challenging as getting One Piece. After all, pirates loves the thrill of chasing after difficult “treasures”. 
And like that treasure, you are REALLY difficult to claim. 
Imagine slowly raising a gun to the temple of a lovesick Eustass Kid who trapped you inside hundreds of metal weapons, kabedon style. He doesn’t care, even your insults and threats hurled at him sounds like one hell of a metal music. He loves a feisty prey and he will not let go of you. 
Imagine actually calling the freaking MARINES while you were binded under Luffy’s rubberhose of an arms. He’s not willing to let you go and he will drag your unconcious body back to Thousand Sunny if he had to. Look, the scary thing about Luffy is that once he set eyes on someone to be his “nakama”, he will pursue them no matter how you are hurting him with a seastone brass knuckles that you have miraculously found on the ground. 
Imagine angrily yelling at Sanji to please let go of your leg AND your hips, even after you hit him multiple times and he still gets up, Terminator-style. Sanji’s eyes are still heart-shaped as he kept saying how he will devote himself to you and shish-kabob anyone who goes near you and by the way, he saw how good you are with that lace bra last night- the latter just earned him with a boot to the face. 
Imagine trying to resist every last fiber of your body from Doflamingo’s puppet strings as he beckoned you to sit on his lap like a good doll you are. You don’t care - you can slit his throat and he will still drag you with his strings if he has to. Never has Doflamingo encountered a fiery, tough individual and he sure as hell would not give it up. 
Imagine crawling away from Charlotte Smoothie and Charlotte Katakuri with nothing but daggers as both of them stampede towards you, intending to make you a part of their family. They already got permission from “Mama”, plus they are both single and horny for this strong person who actually and actively tried to get away from them...
Imagine getting into an epic swordfight with Zoro, your blade and his three powerful swords clashing, all for the possession of your freedom. Zoro might have not held any sexual attraction, but once he saw the warrior spirit in your eyes and how you really are serious about killing him, that’s when Zoro knew he had found his soulmate. He’s after a tough soldier like you and he WILL have you at all cost. 
Imagine Ace just literally pinned you down to the bed, the closest any of them ever had, peppering kisses upon your neck and shoulder as you kept biting like a hyena on his arms, leaving deep, bloodied teeth marks. Ace just laughs - those marks can be his victorious reminder that you have left behind for him. After all, he did burn those goons near you to crisp right in front of your freaked out face, right? 
Imagine running and shooting at Black Maria and her cronies as you wandered straight into her brothel room. Black Maria easily overpowered you with her devil fruit - she is a spider who finds her prey and as she picks up you, whoare  trashing around wildly and demanding to be released at once, she knew that you’ll be her favorite. 
Imagine kicking Sir Crocodile into a well as you gained the upperhand in public as bystanders watched in horror. But Crocodile is not intimidated nor he is fully angry - how dare this upstart not only bold enough to challenge him but also stole his already shrunken heart as well? As you kept trying to drown him (”WHY WON’T YOU DIE?!”), Sir Crocodile just make all the water dry, laughing at your pathetic attempt to do so. 
And lastly...
Imagine getting strapped into Law’s operation room, the guy smiling at you menancingly as you tried to keep your composure strait. He is sin incarnate, unwilling to take any nonsense. Yet, here you are, a very challenging patient that gnashes around him, promising that he will live a thousand deaths while Law smirked to himself that he will definitely going to have LOTS of fun playing doctor with you...
If anyone has a request for this sort of scenario with other One Piece character or you want me to make a small one-shot of this, please let me know in asks or comments!
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gothbitch2078 · 2 years
ribbit   part 1
(tw ED Emotional attachment and i think thats it if i missed any please tell me...this is a tsuyu x reader story so yeah leave any sugestions
Its was a rainy day and you were staring out the window watching raindrops race each other, today has been a  boring day, nothings really happening you wanted to train outside but they wether decided to be an asshole and now you have to listen to mr aizowa ramble on about being a quote on quote hero your so dazed out that you dont even relize that aizowa dismissed the class to go to lunch. You feel a tap on your shoulder, startled you look over to see a  green haired girl “y/n your dazing off again *kero*” she looks at you “oh sorry asui-” she instantly cuts you off “its tsu” you forgot again “sorry tsu” “damnit y/n you forgot her damn name at this point she might as well snap your neck” you think “y/n?” you snap back to reality “huh” you look at her “have you been sleeping lately *kero*” crap  “no not really you know how my parents are” of corse she knows how your parents fight 24/7 shes your neighbor let alone your best friend but honestly how does she sleep, earplugs? Soundproof walls? God you wish you could find out her tricks youyd kill for a good nights rest “y/n i know your parents are loud but you need sleep *kero*” “i know tsu” “lets go get some lunch and we can talk about this later”you grab your backpack  “ok” you stand up and instantly get dizzy you look over and see tsu worried “sorry i stood up to fast” you get up. Tsu might be your best friend but she has yet to find out about you not eating enough i mean you dont want to worry her more then you usually do you look back over and see tsu still has a worried expression but not as bad as before “are you sure your ok *kero*” “yes i mean i have my best friend with me so i have no reason not to be ok” you pull her into a side hug and Tsu’s not really the affectionate type but you can tell she likes your hugs because she hugs back alittle tighter everytime . Its obvious to everyone your lesbian especialy tsu, everytime you see a cute girl tsu is the first one to know “omg look tsu” you poke her pointing at mei hatsume “shes cute” you say holding tsu’s shoulders “your to gay for your own good y/n *kero*” you look at her offended “is that supposed to be an insult miss kermit dee frog” tsu looks at you “now that was an insult” tsu hits you with her tongue “take that for an insult *kero*”  you both laugh until you her a blue haired boy calling tsu. You both walk over there and sit down then it hits you, a beautiful short brown haired girl sitting infront of you “whats your name” she looks over at you “im ocaco uraraka and you are?” “i-im y/n l/n” tsu knows whats about to go down its your crush of the week but tsu knows your about to get heart broken like every other time because you always go for the strait girls. You couldnt get your eyes off this beautiful girl you couldnt help but admire every one of her features her warm brown eyes and hair her little nose, eventually uraraka sees you staring at her “um y/n” you dont respond thats how caught up in your thoughts you are, tsu looks at you and back at uraraka “theyre dazing its normal when theyre tired” tsu elbows you and you snap back “huh did i miss something” tsu looks at uraraka “see *kero*”  uraraka giggles at your lack of focusing and it makes your heart skip a couple beats “heh sorry i wasnt paying attention whats going on” you say fixing your messy hair “you were staring at me i thought something was wrong but its ok” you look at her looking at you “damn it i made her uncomfortible” you think. Eventually the end of lunch comes around and you see uraraka flirting with deku in a slight way “oh by the way uraraka i have a question” “whats up y/n” tsu knows whats about to come with this question “whats your sexuality” “oh im strait why” tsu sees your face drop “oh no reason um im gonna head to class” you got up trying to hold back tears once again and walks out of the lunch room “did i do something” tsu looks at her “theyre get alittle to attached to people” “oh should i go talk to them” “its not a good idea sorry *kero*” “oh ok”. Your walking to the bathroom to avoid anyone seeing you like this again “why cant my luck be in my way just once” you think tearing up once again while you bust through the nearest bathroom stall
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
Wolf Blood | Meredith
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Part 2 of 3 of Meredith’s backstory series, More Wolf Than Woman!
In which, Meredith, now 17, meets another ex-child of the South, formerly known as Montag Morgasson, and the two of them travel as mercenaries together for a few years before making their way to Vesuvia.
CW: Death, blood, amputation, some brief sexual activity
Title: Wolf Blood by D’Arcy Spiller 5.6k words
For two years Meredith lived at Sólsetur, two years spent doing odd jobs, living in one run-down room of an inn, with no more than the things she had left the South with to her name. But almost exactly two years after her escape from her tribe, Meredith was helping pull in fishing nets just outside of the town when a troupe of mercenaries approached from the strait, demanding food and board.
Unsurprisingly, the main inn of Sólsetur did not have enough room for them, but food was plentiful, so most of them ended up setting up camp just outside the town, fires blazing through the night. Meredith wasted no time in finding the leader of the mercenaries and asked them to let her join.
Even if they had said no, Meredith would have followed anyway. Anything to get out of the town before she died there, or before Gareth found her.
They didn’t say no, and Meredith joined the rest of the mercenaries in their camp, her father’s fur cloak over her shoulders and mother’s knife strapped to her thigh. The leader gave her a sword, made sure she knew how to use it, and then left her to her own devices, stating they would be crossing the strait in the morning.
Meredith was more than ready to get as far away from the strait as possible. Two years of hearing the siren’s songs floating over the water in the early mornings and late at night was enough for her. She could never cross the strait again and be happy.
But beyond that, it was almost nice to be around people who were similar to her again. It wasn’t her tribe, but the mercenaries seemed interesting, at least. They all had stories to share about their pasts, their own jobs, families. There were secrets, sure, but most of the mercenaries cared little for secrecy. Meredith was careful not to say much herself, instead focusing more on the mercenaries around her, learning what she could.
One young mercenary in particular caught her eye.
He was blond, and couldn’t have been much older than her, but his face was familiar. It wasn’t until he spoke, talking to some other mercenary, that Meredith realized how she recognized him.
Morga. He looked almost exactly like her, though she assumed most of his mannerisms had been picked up from his father, as Morga carried herself far more carefully than her son seemed to. But there was no denying that he had to be her son, Meredith had seen her face enough times in her life to have the curve of her nose memorized.
He called himself Lucio, which made Meredith raise an eyebrow. She was sure that wasn’t what he had been called in the South. No, she remembered stories of a little Montag.
Whatever. She wasn’t entirely concerned with why he went by a different name, but she was interested in why he was here, of all places. He should be in the South, leading his own tribe, or at least preparing to. She wondered if he had left for similar reasons to her own.
It wasn’t until they were alone around the fire that Meredith decided to confront him.
As the last other mercenary left the fire, she felt Lucio’s gaze turn on her.
“You’ve been awfully quiet, new girl,” he said, grinning. “You nervous? Don’t be. Unless you get in my way on the battlefield, I think we can be good friends.” He glanced her up and down, a predatorial look in his eyes. “Or maybe more.”
Meredith rolled her eyes. “It’s Meredith, not new girl, and I doubt that,” she watched his face as she added, “Morgasson.”
The grin fell from his face, eyes glinting coldly at her from the other side of the fire. “How do you know that name?”
“Please,” she shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest. “It’s not like it’s that hard to figure out. You look just like her.”
“Wh—I do not!” He stood up, marching over to her with the flames now blazing in his eyes. “You take that back!”
Scoffing, she barely looked at him. “What, would you rather I say you look like your father? That poor, rat bastard—"
“Ah!” Lucio waved his hands in the air, glowering at her. “Alright, alright, fine!” Falling into silence, she felt him studying her. After a moment, he asked again. “How do you know that name?”
“Well, you tend to remember the name, and face, of a woman who attacked your tribe like it was her job.”
“Oh, really?” A sneer pulled back on his cheeks, and she could see his teeth flash. “Which one?”
“It doesn’t matter. They never did shit for me or my Da—otherwise I’d still be with them.” She clicked her tongue, muttering under her breath, “it’s supposed to be mine, anyways.”
She thought she had spoken quietly enough that he hadn’t heard her, but she was wrong. “What, were you cheated out of your right to lead, too?” Lucio sat down next to her, a little too close for her comfort. “My own Mama wouldn’t let me lead, even though it was my turn! I turned 18, I did everything she wanted me to, and what did I get? Chased out of my own tribe.”
Meredith could sense that there was a bit more to his story, something he didn’t want to talk about, but to be honest, she didn’t really care. Eyes narrowed, she looked him up and down. He was hardened in the same ways she was, being a child born into the cold and hardship of a life in the South, but there was something different about him. He didn’t have the same fire that burned through her veins when she thought about how her destiny had been taken from her.
“You were supposed to lead?” When he nodded she rolled her eyes. “I think your mother did the right thing. I doubt you could lead these mercenaries, much less a whole tribe.”
Lucio sputtered, face flushing. “Wh—you—I guess you think you could?”
“I know I could.”
“Hah!” He jabbed his finger towards her, and she resisted the urge to try and bite it, instead glaring at him, her hands clenching into fists. “Why don’t we make a bet then?”
“A bet?”
“Yeah, a bet.” He leaned back, tapping his chin as he thought. “A bet to see who’s a better leader, me, or you. How about it?”
Meredith stared at him. “What are the terms of this bet?”
“Ugh, terms, technicalities, who actually cares about any of that?” When Meredith didn’t respond save for raising an eyebrow, Lucio huffed. “Fine. Uh, let’s see. Let’s bet that in… ten years—”
“Ten years?”
“What? It’s an easy number to remember!”
She rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine. In ten years, what.”
“I bet that in ten years, I’ll be a better leader than you. I’ll have a title, a real one, people who will follow my orders, sing my praises—"
“Is that all being a leader is to you? Ordering people around?”
“Uh, yes?”
“You’re a fucking idiot.” Meredith shoved his chest, standing up. “I’ll take that bet.”
Lucio grabbed her hand, holding her in place as he stood up next to her. “If I win, and I’m the better leader, have the better title and all that stuff, you have to give me whatever I want.”
“And if I win—” she ripped her hand away from him. “You’ll have to give me whatever I want and leave me the hell alone after that.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Good, are we done?”
He held his hand out, and Meredith looked at it.
Lucio groaned, reaching out to grab Meredith’s knife from her side, and held it against his palm. “It’s a deal, right? I’m sure this is how our mothers would have settled a deal. And we’re making a bet to take back what was stolen from us, in a way. So, we have to seal it like they would have.”
He was right, Meredith knew, even if their feelings were different about what exactly was stolen from them. She held her left hand out to him, watching him hold her knife. At least he knew how to hold it properly.
“Fine. Don’t cut too deep, or I’ll take that knife and slit your throat with it.”
He scoffed, like he didn’t believe her, but he still listened, cutting her palm quickly. Meredith winced at the sting from the cut but took the knife and did the same to him. He whined a little bit, and she rolled her eyes, wiping the knife off on her pants before tucking it away.
“In ten years then.”
Lucio shook his hand, blood dripping on the ground around them. A drop landed in the fire, and Meredith heard it sizzle. “In ten years. Just try to keep up in the meantime,” he said, giving her a wink, and she heavily considered shoving him into the flames before just rolling her eyes and turning away.
Meredith wasn’t sure she was going to survive ten years of being anywhere near Lucio—the past two were already driving her up a wall.
To his credit, it hadn’t taken him long to rise in the ranks, and he was already the condottiero of the troupe of mercenaries they had joined. (Meredith had risen quickly as well, of course—with every win Lucio made she was a half-step behind him.) And she had to admit that fighting with him, someone who fought like her and could actually work well in battles, was fun. They were a terror on the battlefield, together tearing down anything and anyone in their path in a heartbeat.
It was when the fighting stopped, and he started to speak again that she couldn’t stand.
He took every opportunity possible to remind her that he was winning, technically—he had the fancy title, and the people to follow his orders, more or less. However, Meredith knew that still didn’t make him a better leader, not when more of the mercenaries would come to her behind his back asking about their plans, their pay, their next steps.
But Lucio didn’t care about that. He was the one being sought after, being seen at the head of the battlefield, leading the charge, so, to him, he was the best. Unstoppable.
And he was right, he was unstoppable, which was what made him so unbearable.
Lucio was sloppy and self-absorbed, but he was also charismatic and wickedly strong (almost unnaturally strong, Meredith thought, at times) so it was no surprise when people, important people, started reaching out to hire his troupe’s services.
It didn’t take long for the troupe to venture far beyond the Strait of Sirens and go North, even West, across the Sea of Persephia at times. They were sent all over, earning a name for themselves.
Well, Lucio was earning a name for himself, and Meredith swore his head grew bigger with every victory.
However, no matter what he was offered, Lucio refused to go further South than the Shining Steppe, and that was something he held fast. Meredith assumed it had to do with his mother, his tribe, but never pressed. He always got particularly prickly whenever anyone mentioned the South, so she just left it alone.
She wasn’t in a rush to go back South either. Though she was old enough to go back and claim her place as the Laochra’s leader, she wanted a little more time to prepare herself to fight and kill Gareth. She had no doubt she could do it, of course, but the longer she waited, the stronger she would be, and the weaker Gareth would become.
Regardless of where they went, their services were in need.
The latest offer Lucio had taken up had been from the city of Vesuvia’s Count Spada. Neither Lucio or Meredith had met the man yet, he had sent a messenger with his terms and propositions, and Lucio had leapt at it.
Spada promised a lot of things Lucio was interested in, like money, fame, and comfortable living. Meredith wasn’t so easily swayed by such promises, but it was not her decision, ultimately, to accept. She just frowned deeply as Lucio signed his contract, signing his troupe over to work for Spada in an upcoming battle.
A battle at Annyala Gate, Spada’s messenger said. It was supposed to be important to Vesuvia, though why, exactly, Meredith didn’t know. Lucio had been told why, but true to fashion, the moment the reward was waved under his nose, he forgot the other details.
Meredith swore she was going to kill him one day.
Lucio, having heard that threat every other day for two years, just laughed.
They were marching from the Bulan Mountains to Annyala, making considerably decent time, when Lucio had his troupe stop.
In the distance, heading north, a small band approached. Meredith could only tell they were a band by the music playing over the plains, but she didn’t recognize the song.
Lucio did, however, as was apparent in the way he perked up, and turned the entire troupe towards the musicians to follow after them.
Meredith was going to kill him.
He ignored her, and she picked up her pace, walking in front of him.
“What are you doing? We’re supposed to be heading to the gate.”
“We’ve got plenty of time. And I want to take a break.” He gestured to the band, who by now had realized they were approaching and had stopped walking. “You want to do a coin toss on killing them or not?”
“No, actually, I’ll kill all but one, probably. Whoever plays the best, I’d think.”
“Why even waste time killing any of them, when we’re supposed to be preparing for an actual fucking battle?”
Lucio stepped past her, rolling his shoulders. “Relax, Mere-bear.” She felt her face flush in anger, but he continued. “I’ve got this under control. We’ll just take a small break, and be back on the road to the Analy—”
“Whatever-gate, by morning.” He signaled to the rest of the troupe to come up on his side, and they started to prepare to circle the band. “Which gives us the rest of the afternoon, evening, and all night to have some fun. Now, I know,” he gave her a smirk, “that you’re basically allergic to fun, but humor me, Mere?”
“That’s all I fucking do, humor you, you overgrown infant,” she snarled, but Lucio just chuckled and turned back around.
“Just follow my lead.”
Biting her tongue, Meredith followed as Lucio unsheathed his sword, approaching the band.
He didn’t end up killing any of them, to her surprise. The leader of the band, a tall man who spoke with a Northern accent, with dark skin and darker hair that rested on his shoulders, was more charming than Lucio, and bought his and his friends’ lives by convincing Lucio to let them play for the mercenaries.
While at first, both groups had regarded each other warily, as the evening went on, and the sun slipped below the horizon, they all began to actually have fun.
Even Meredith had fun, though she would slit the throat of anyone who suggested Lucio might have had a good idea by stopping the musicians.
She was sitting by one of the fires the troupe had set up, tapping her foot absentmindedly to the music the band was playing when she caught a glimpse of Lucio between the flames.
He had approached the leader of the band with a few tankards of ale, and as they spoke, Meredith watched Lucio’s hands trail from the musician’s chest to his waist. Meredith didn’t need to be close enough to hear Lucio to know exactly what he was proposing to the musician, if the way he looked him up and down, bottom lip caught under a fanged tooth, was any indication.
Anger was Meredith’s first reaction. What was wrong with him? They were preparing to fight in a battle, preparing to kill for that stupid Count of Vesuvia. And Lucio was doing nothing but wasting time. Specifically, wasting time by trying to have his guts rearranged, judging by the size of the other man.
Then she sighed, letting the anger simmer away.
Glancing around the fire, her gaze caught on one woman she had been eyeing all night. She was taller than Meredith, and wore a loose scarf around her head, though that didn’t hide the scar across her face, a scar that intrigued Meredith to no end. You don’t get a scar like that from being a traveling musician, Meredith thought. The flames cast harsh shadows over her face, though nothing lit up her black lipstick, slightly smudged from the evening of eating and drinking. Meredith wanted to smudge it more.
Just follow my lead, Lucio had said. And if he was getting handsy with one of the musicians, Meredith certainly wasn’t going to hold herself back. Fuck the battle. Fuck Spada. And fuck Lucio.
The woman was nursing a tankard of ale, watching Lucio and the man he was draped over with narrowed eyes when Meredith approached her, finishing off her own drink.
“Having fun?”
The woman’s dark eyes flickered over Meredith. “Well, considering you all decided not to kill us, I’d say I’m having a pretty good time.” She nodded her head over towards Lucio. “Looks like he’s about to have more fun, though.”
Meredith grumbled a curse under her breath, and the woman looked back at her, a small smile tugging at her black lipstick covered lips.
“Are you jealous?”
“Of Lucio?” Meredith almost choked. “Fuck no.”
“No, I figured that much.” The woman laughed lightly. “I meant of what they’re doing. Doesn’t seem fair that they should be the only ones to have that kind of fun, don’t you think?”
Meredith studied the woman. Once she had determined that she was being serious, she sighed, tilting her head. “What’s your name?”
“Camia,” she said, adjusting the instrument case over her shoulder. She had been playing something—a violin, Meredith had heard someone say—but it was tucked away now. “And you are?”
“Meredith.” As she watched Lucio walk backwards into his tent, hands still roaming the other man’s body, she glanced over her shoulder to her own tent. “And I don’t think it’s fair that they’re the only ones having fun.”
The smile on Camia’s face only grew, and she followed Meredith into her tent in a heartbeat.
In the brief moments while they were making out, stumbling in the dark of the tent to the pile of furs Meredith slept on, she envisioned how their encounter was going to go. She saw her head between Camia’s thighs, her fingers fucking her over and over again, her voice—that Meredith had heard singing most of the night—crying out for her.
Camia, however, clearly had other plans. She laid Meredith down in the furs, her hands undoing the ties and belts around her with a careful, practiced ease. Meredith gasped when she felt the cool air around them touch her bare skin, breaking her out of her high for a moment. She tried to sit up and put herself back on top, but Camia’s grip on her shoulders kept her in place.
“Calm down,” Camia pushed her back into her furs, and Meredith’s breath caught in her throat. “Let me take care of you.”
Meredith opened her mouth to argue, but the warm hands that were sliding under her clothes made it hard to concentrate. She didn’t know what it felt like, to be taken care of in that way, but she soon found that she didn’t dislike it, even if all the plans she had envisioned were turned on her instead.
The next morning, Meredith stood with Lucio as they watched the group of musicians walk away from them across the plains. Lucio looked like he had enjoyed the night just as much as she had, licking his swollen lips with a smug grin on his face.
Meredith huffed. “You look like shit.”
“Hm, really?” His grin only got wider. “I don’t know, I’ve always thought my ‘just got fucked’ look to be a good one. You’ve never complained about it before, and I’ve definitely never felt better.”
“Did you sleep at all?”
Lucio hummed, waving his hand. “Maybe a wink or two in between rounds. Who needs it?” Meredith opened her mouth to reprimand him, but he continued. “I’m glad I didn’t kill them. Shocking, I know. But after last night… I have to find that dick again in the future.”
Meredith sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Lucio.”
“You’re a fucking idiot.”
He finally tore his gaze away from the musicians, almost completely out of sight, and looked her up and down. “Sounds like you didn’t get much sleep either—looks like it too, for that matter.” He tugged on the collar of her shirt, his eyes narrowing as they trailed down her chest. “Didn’t know you were such a fan of black lipstick.”
Cheeks burning, Meredith slapped his hand away. “You said we’d head to the gate by morning.”
With a groan, Lucio turned back to the camp. “Fine. Get packed, we’ll head out now.”
Within the hour, the troupe was ready, adrenaline already thrumming in the air around them. They marched to Annyala Gate in high spirits, Lucio, most of all, but Meredith couldn’t help but feel apprehensive. This was what she had been waiting for, craving, for years. Fighting came as naturally as breathing to her. But this, fighting for someone else, for reasons she didn’t even know, didn’t feel right to her.
It wasn’t like she could do anything about it, so she buried that apprehension deep, straightened her shoulders, and faced forward with the rest of the mercenaries, following Lucio’s lead.
Once they reached the gate, the battle had already begun, and they all jumped in to help Count Spada, who Lucio was able to save at the last minute. Which wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t been late, Meredith knew, but she didn’t have the time to bring it up.
The battle was long, and it was hard.
Many of the mercenaries in their troupe fell as they advanced, and Meredith was losing track of how many enemies she had killed. She wasn’t tired, not yet, but she was starting to wonder if the battle would ever end.
Lucio, however, had never been more alive, or, more feral in her eyes.
He raced through the battlefield, cutting down anyone in his way, blood splattered over him, most of which was not from him. She lost tracked of him in the frenzy a few times, but the cries he made were always enough for her to find him again.
Just as the battle was starting to feel like it was ending, Meredith heard Lucio cry out in pain and whipped her head around, looking for him.
He was on the ground, screaming murder and clutching his arm—which, as Meredith got closer, realized was mostly crushed, from an enemy’s horse that had run him over. The horse reared up again, and Meredith acted, pulling Lucio out of the way just in time before it crushed his skull as well as his arm.
Now the blood that Lucio was covered in was his, and it was enough to concern Meredith, remembering the amount of blood her father had lost when he died.
She couldn’t stand Lucio, but he wasn’t like Gareth, or Fergus, and she wasn’t going to let him die.
As he passed out from the blood loss, she carried him on her back and ran as quickly as she could off the battlefield, looking for a medical tent, anything to help him. She found a tent and yelled for help as she approached, trying not to jostle Lucio too much, or to look at the blood he was leaving behind.
A doctor with red hair and dark skin came out of the tent, and, after looking Lucio over, shook their head. “Shit. It’ll have to be amputated—Ilya!” They called back into the tent, and another doctor—at least Meredith assumed he was a doctor, he looked younger than she was—with more wild red hair, though skin much paler than the first, came out, and helped the first doctor take Lucio off of Meredith and bring him inside.
Meredith didn’t stay to watch, instead returning to the battlefield to finish it off. She had done what she could for Lucio, whether he survived now or not was up to the doctors and up to him.
The battle ended shortly afterwards, with her getting the last kill, and she rounded up the remaining members of the troupe in front of Count Spada. They were exhausted, most of them injured somehow, but they had won.
He sang all of their praises, promising double, triple what he had originally promised Lucio for their performance, but the only one he really cared about was Lucio, after he saved Spada’s life.
When Meredith went to check on him in the medical tent, she was more than a little surprised that he had survived, though the doctors had amputated his arm past his elbow. Spada treated that almost like a trophy, and as soon as Lucio was awake, he made sure everyone knew just what the mercenary had done, had sacrificed for him.
To say Lucio was not happy to wake up sans one arm was an understatement, but the praise and promises from Spada seemed to ease his mind somewhat.
As she looked him over, Meredith couldn’t help but feel that she had done something wrong.
A few days later, they marched into Vesuvia, and the city welcomed them with a party. Though everyone else was joyful and appreciative of the celebration, Meredith couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling that she was not supposed to be there. She had felt similarly over the past four years as she traveled, but this was different. An almost oppressive weight settled on her shoulders, which only increased with every step.
Once Count Spada led them into the Palace, the weight became suffocating. Everything about the palace, about Vesuvia, felt wrong to her. Maybe it was just so much unlike everything else she had ever known, clean and glittering with gold and jewels, full of people who knew infinitely more about things she thought were useless to know, that she didn’t like it. She wasn’t sure.
Lucio, however, had never been happier, even with an arm missing. He drank it all in, the attention, the lavish gifts that were rained on him, the Count’s praise of him to the people. He had never been happier, and at the same time, he had never been more annoying.
He was like a different person, or, more like the worst version of the person she had known. He became spoiled, even more arrogant than before—which she couldn’t believe was possible—and seemed to completely cast away everything he had known from his life in the South. Meredith didn’t understand it.
She lasted two months in the palace, in Vesuvia, before she decided to leave. She figured she would head south, she was ready, she would take her tribe back. Lucio could stay here and be coddled until he died, for all she cared, she just didn’t want to be around him anymore.
Unfortunately for her, as she made her way to her room to leave, Lucio found her. He dismissed the servants at his side when he saw her, and ran down the hallway, calling after her.
She tried to ignore him, but Lucio was never easily ignored. He stepped in front of her, holding a glass of dark wine in his hand.
“Mere, Mere-bear, where are you going?”
“Don’t fucking call me that.” She continued to walk, side-stepping past him. “And I’m leaving.”
“What—why would you want to leave? We have everything here, the Count loves me, and if you give me a month, no, a week, I can make him love you just as much! We were both at the Gate, we both deserve the praise. I mean—” He glanced at his missing arm. “I deserve it more than you, but still.”
She shook her head, walking faster. “You don’t get it.”
“What’s to get? Listen, listen, I’m not supposed to tell anyone this, but…” his voice dropped to a whisper, and he grinned. “Spada mentioned that he’s considering training me to be his successor. To be the next Count! Isn’t that great?”
If Meredith had any qualms about leaving Vesuvia before, they were gone now. Lucio was going to end up as the Count? She was going to catch the next ship out to the Frozen Sea come dawn.
“I have never heard a worse idea in my entire life.”
Lucio pouted, straightening up. Shaking his head, he took a sip from his glass, rolling his eyes at her. “You’re just jealous because I’m going to win our bet. I mean, I was already winning, but now I’m really going to win.”
“Our… ugh!” Meredith shoved him aside, ignoring his yelp as his drink spilled down his chest. “I don’t care about our stupid fucking bet, I’m out of here.”
Blocking out Lucio’s cries of indignation, Meredith went to her room, gathered her things, and left the Palace. As she walked through the city, she felt the bizarre weight that had settled over her shoulders begin to lift, bit by bit, the further she got from Lucio. Good riddance, she thought. Finally, I’ll have some peace again.
The sun had set by the time she reached the docks, but she didn’t bother to find somewhere to stay the night, choosing to sleep outside by the docks until morning came. Once the sun was up, she found the first ship heading south and boarded it, paying the captain enough for her passage.
The journey south was going to take weeks, but Meredith was prepared for it. She found that she liked the sea, liked the schedule of waking up to help the crew and the captain as they sailed. It gave her time to think.
For a week, she did almost nothing but think, barely speaking unless spoken to, going over her options once she did get back south.
If Gareth was still there, she was more than strong enough to take the tribe back from him. She wouldn’t even give him the chance to speak, and she wouldn’t send him off on the Frozen Sea, as she doubted her father had been given that honor, Gareth certainly wouldn’t get it. And if he wasn’t still there, she would take the tribe from whoever was there, be it Fergus, or Morga, or anyone else. It was hers to take.
She was studying her mother’s knife as she thought about how she was going to take her tribe back, when a horn sounded in the air from the deck. She sat up in her hammock in the crew’s quarters, listening to sound of people running on the deck above her. “What the fuck was that?”
One of the crew members in a hammock next to her looked pale. “It’s the Queen,” they said, voice hushed.
“The who?”
Meredith didn’t have time to get an answer before the ship lurched, the sound of wood splintering and cracking under her feet. She barreled past screaming crew members to get to the deck, and as she blinked in the sudden sunlight, her mouth fell open.
A massive ship, at least twice as big as the one she was on, was sailing close enough next to her that she could see every stitch in the black flag flying above her head. She swore as she realized what that meant—Pirates.
The ship she was on was still moving abnormally under her feet, and she glanced around until she saw what had hit it just moments ago. A huge arrow was embedded in the deck, a rope tied to the end of it, which extended across the railing of the ship and over the water to the pirate ship. At the other end of the rope, a person with startlingly bright blond hair was pulling it—and the entire ship with it, Meredith realized, blood draining from her face—across the water.
Next to them, another person stood on the railing, a dark coat flapping in the wind behind them, along with long, dark, tightly curled hair, though most of that was hidden by the three-pointed hat they wore. Meredith didn’t need the crew member from before to tell her that that was the Queen, and that they were about to be boarded, raided, and maybe even killed, by pirates.
As the rest of the crew ran around the deck like scared animals, Meredith grit her teeth, and held her knife out in front of her. She didn’t want pirates to be the thing that killed her, after everything she had been through, but if so, she was at least prepared to take a few of them with her.
She wasn’t prepared for the Queen to jump from her ship and land right in front of her, ignoring the rest of the crew—even the captain, who was trembling behind a mast. Unsheathing a thin, deadly sharp sword, the Queen pointed it right at Meredith as the person with blond hair landed on the deck next to her, leaving a dent in the wood where they stood. Lips pulled back into a sneer, the Queen spoke in the common tongue, though with a heavy Northern accent.
“What do we have here, Saoirse?”
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reidsmemory · 4 years
honey, honey
spencer reid 
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fandom: criminal minds
pairing: spencer reid x reader
summary: you & spencer & the team head to nyc for a case. spencer gets a little jealous about all the attention you’ve been receiving from the head detective.
not my gif!
     “wheels up in 30,” hotch said as we finished briefing for the case. i gathered my papers & left the conference room with everyone else but slowed to talk with spencer.
     he walked besides me & started talking, “this totally ruins our plans for tonight.” disappointment was evident on his face as well as his voice.
     “i know,” my heels clicked the floor as we kept walking, “maybe we can have a date night in new york though!” i said in a hopeful tone, looking at my boyfriend of the past 3 months. we kept our relationship a secret from the team, but let hotch know due to the strict rules the bau had set in stone for employee relationships.
     spencer looked over to me, “yeah i guess, but we might not even get anytime off for this case. hotch seemed serious about it, more serious than normal.”
     “we’ll figure it out babe,” he perked up at the pet name & a light blush dusted his cheeks. “i’ll see you on the plane.” i walked away from the tall man & went to grab my go bag. this was going to be a hectic case.
     we arrived in new york & quickly hopped in the suv’s parked outside the jet. spence, morgan, & i in one & jj, hotch, rossi, & emily in the other. morgan of course went in the drivers seat & reid in shot gun.
     i sat in the back & looked over the case a bit more; 3 women all had shoulder length, brown hair & green eyes. they had all been found in their homes with their lips cut off & ligature marks on their wrists as well as a single gunshot to the head. there had already been 3 killings in 2 weeks, so this guy wasn’t taking much time off.
     we pulled up to the nypd office & i hopped out of the car. “so what do you think y/l/n?” morgan asked me.
     i whipped my head around, “what, sorry.”
     “i said should i let spencer drive more?” spence & morgan looked at me, both wanting me to pick their side.
     “definitely not,” i said with a smile. “you remember back in boston a couple months ago?”
     “okay that was one time & i said i was sorry!” spencer defended.
     morgan tisked, “sorry doesn’t fix a broken windshield.” i laughed as reid huffed in annoyance.
     “it’s alright, spence, we all have our flaws & your’s seems to not be too bad. at least not as bad as had an addiction with a certain high school glee club show,” i stated as morgan hushed me.
     “keep your voice down, princess!” spencer & i laughed at his reaction; we caught him watching the show one night & he begged us not to tell anyone.
     we walked to the elevator & met up with the rest of the team that had already arrived. hotch greeted us promptly, “detective walker this is ssa derek morgan, ssa y/n y/l/n, & dr. spencer reid.”
     i smiled at the man & shook his hand like morgan where as reid opted for a wave. “thank you all for coming up. we’ve got you situated in the conference room back there,” he lead us back & started talking about the case. “i normally would try to figure this out by myself, but seeing the pattern i knew i had to call some help in & i’m not complaining if that help is as sweet looking as ms. y/l/n here.”
     a light blush spread on my cheeks & the detective looked pleased with himself.
     “well, i’ll leave you all to it,” he winked at me as he walked out & i quickly looked over at emily & jj with wide eyes. they both laughed a bit as i rolled my eyes at the very up front detective’s actions.
     “y/n’s got game,” derek joked as he nudged my shoulder.
     “shut up,” i said as he laughed. with that we got to work on the case.
     hotch had taken jj to talk to some of the families of the victims, while rossi and morgan had gone searching on a lead that garcia had given them. spencer and i were working on the geographical profile as emily had been looking at the crime scenes more thoroughly. 
     it was pretty late as we had been working for a couple hours and had arrived around 3 o’clock that day. i yawned as i put one of the pins down, “i’m going to see if they have some coffee, do guys want any?” i asked spencer and emily. 
     “i’m good, thanks,” em said, barely looking up from her work.
     i turned to spencer as he nodded, “the regular with-”
     “lots and lots of sugar and cream, i know your coffee order by now doctor,” i told the brunette man as he smiled brightly at me. “i’ll be right back.” i walked out of the conference room they had set us up in and went to look around for the coffee machine as a tap on my shoulder turned me around.
     “i couldn’t help but notice a beautiful lady in distress,” detective walker observed, “whatcha lookin’ fo’ miss. y/l/n?” his new york accent was heavy as he talked to me.
     “uh, a coffee machine or somewhere i could get some coffee,” i told him.
     “right this way,” he lead me through the department and pointed to the little set up they had, “if you need anything else let me know miss.”
     “thank you, detective,” i smiled lightly as i got work fixing up the coffee for spencer and i. i walked back and handed spencer his coffee as he mumbled a thank you as emily chuckled under her breath. i sat next to her i sipped the warm beverage, “what is it?”
     she smiled at me, “oh, nothing. detective sweet talk seems sweet and not too crazy as well as the obvious attraction on his side of things,” i furrowed my eyebrows as she sighed, “when was the last time you got laid, y/n?”
     i spit out my coffee as emily laughed loudly. spencer mumbled something, although i was too caught up on what emily had said to really notice what spencer had muttered. “excuse me?” i asked her with wide eyes as i reached for napkin and wiped my face. 
     “he seems nice and everything and he’s not too bad on the eyes either,” emily said with a smirk on her face.
     i rolled my eyes, “i’m good em. i’m very happy with my romantic decisions right now,” she nodded and i saw spencer smile lightly as he continued working on the map. 
     the rest of the team entered the room as we work for another couple hours before hotch called it a night. none of the leads had worked and the families weren’t as much help so we all decided to turn in and get fresh eyes and return to the case tomorrow morning. 
     we got to the hotel and everyone had settled in their room and i waited a good 15 minutes before tip toeing over to spencer’s room and as soon as i was about to knock he swung the door open as i smiled brightly. i walked in as he followed and laid down on his bed. he flickered on the tv and found a good movie before laying down next to me. 
     we watched it silently as i placed my head on his chest as he had an arm slung around me. “do you mean it?” he asked suddenly as i looked up at him.
     “mean what?” i asked as he sighed.
     “nevermind, it’s stupid and-”
     “nothing that’s bothering you this much is stupid,” i sat up and looked at him, “what is it, spencer? you can tell me,” i reached for his hands and interlaced them with mine.
     “it’s just,” he looked down as the sheets of the bed, “you seem so unbothered when men just fling themselves at you and i don’t know, i can’t seem to compete and it’s just that you said you’re happy with your romantic decisions and i just keep thinking ‘what if she’s not?’ and ‘what if she’s just saying that because she doesn’t want to hurt my feeling and there are so many other guys that would be great with you that i don’t even compare too!’”
     spencer finished his rant as he finally looked up at me. “okay firstly, i’m unbothered because i know that i have the perfect man already by my side so i don’t need anyone else. secondly, like i said before i am very, very, very happy, ecstatic even, about my romantic decisions, because of the very amazing doctor that i love very much. thirdly, of course i don’t want to hurt your feelings, but i would be strait up lying if i said i didn’t want to be with you and i think you would be able to pick that up very quickly, doctor. lastly, you can’t compete to them,” he looked at me with puppy eyes, “you can’t compete in something that you’ve already won. you, spencer reid, are the most amazing, gorgeous, caring, sweet, loving, beautiful, handsome, funny, adorable, and every other great adjectives that i can’t remember right now,” i smiled at him, “i love you so so much and i know it’s early in the relationship to say that, but i mean it spence. i’m sorry if i ever don’t let it bother me as much as it should, i’ll make sure to keep that in mind, alright?”
     he smiled and nodded his head, “i love you.”
     i leaned in and kissed his lips softly as he hummed in content and smiled into the kiss. he pulled me closer to him as we kept pressing our lips together as his hands found my waist and mine found his hair. i pulled away smiled at him lightly, “let’s get some rest, yeah? we can look at all the cool places new york has to offer for an amazing date night while solving this case.”
     “that sounds great,” spencer said softly as his kissed me again and pulled away as we slipped under the covers. i snuggled up to his side and had an arm and leg around him as well as my head resting on his chest. he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed circles on my back and soon enough we were fast asleep.
     morgan, hotch, spencer, and i sat in the conference room as we started looking at the theories again as something suddenly clicked. “what if our unsub is a female,” i said aloud as the men looked at me.
     “go on,” hotch told me as i nodded.
     “the lips are all taken off of the victims which we see as a more sexual and intimate act, but no sexual assault happened to the victims, right?” they all nodded, “it’s clean and organized, most female unsubs are that way and what if all of the victims are surrogates for the one she really wants. the one she’s jealous of. she takes their lips maybe it here way of saying that they can’t have what she wants a boyfriend or husband. she’s jealous and wants to stop them from having a chance with her object of affection.”
     “it would make sense,” hotch started, “no forced entry. her ruse would get her into the house as well as having the victims more trusting and possibly sympathetic. good work, y/l/n.” hotch left the room and began to call the rest of the team, telling them my theory. 
     “nice job, princess. where’d you get that idea?” morgan questioned.
     “i don’t know,” i lied, “just kinda came to me.” he nodded and looked at me skeptically as i turned and started to rework the profile with spencer. 
     hotch walked in as talked, “let’s give the profile.”
     the team, plus garcia over the phone. and i sat in the conference room as detective walker came in with coffees. “here you all go, if figured you guys might need a pick me up,” we all smiled and took the coffee’s gratefully. he came next to me and placed some sugar packet down by me, “here’s some extra sugar, sugar,” he winked at me as jj and emily stifled their laughs, morgan smirked, hotch and rossi rolled their eyes, and spencer frowned.
     “i appreciate it, detective. i should tell you that i have a boyfriend and although you are a sweet man, i’m very happy,” i told him as everyone looked at me with different expressions. 
     “well, he is one luck guy, miss,” with that he left us to get back to work. i started sifting through the files again as the rest of the team stayed silent. 
     “you what!?” garcia yelled over the phone as i jumped at the loud noise, “you have a boyfriend and didn’t even tell us! you didn’t tell me!” i bit my lip as to stop the wide smile from breaking out onto my face.
     “sorry, penny,” i said sheepishly as i looked at my coworker who all had different amounts of surprise on their face, well except spencer and hotch. 
     “sorry is not gonna cut it, princess!” penelope yelled, “i need his name, address, country of birth, all of it! i have to make sure this guy isn’t some weird stalker!”
     “i don’t think you have to worry about that-” i started.
     “she’s right, if this guy is apart of your life we need to know him too,” derek spoke as penny agreed over the phone. i glanced over to spencer who was smiling widely as i silently tried to asses if he was fine with me telling them. 
     “wait a minute,” emily said, “why are we all shocked execpt him,” emily pointed over to spencer who tried to hide his smile.
      “about time, you all figured it out,” hotch muttered as the room broke out with ‘what’s?’ and yelling. 
     “who!?” penny said over the phone.
     “how long?” jj asked.
     “nice going, kid!” derek slapped reid’s back while smiling.
     “took you two long enough!” rossi smiled at spence and i.
     “wait, have you two been sneaking out of your hotel rooms? i thought i was imagining that,” emily questioned.
     “i am going ask one more time or i might explode! who is the mystery man!?” pennt yelled over the phone.
     “spencer and i are dating, penny. and to answer jj’s and emily’s questions, 3 months and yes, sorry i thought we were quieter,” i said to the group of profilers.
     “penelope?” spencer asked after a few moments of silence from the woman.
     she squealed loudly as we all covered our ears and grimaced at the sound. “my ship! oh thank god! i have been waiting for this moment since i met you two! i’ve had to wait years for this oh my god! i think i might pass out!”
     we all laughed and soon stopped as a chiming sound was heard over the phone.
     “hey! i got the address and i’m sending it to your phones now! go crime fight my amazing love birds and friends!” and with that we all went over to catch our serial killer.
    i knocked on spencer’s door as he opened it, “how does dinner at the museum of astronomy and galactic beings sound? along with passes to see everything they have to offer?” spencer smiled brightly at my statement.
     “sounds amazing, let me get ready and we can head out,” he kissed my forehead and soon enough he was ready and we went to have an amazing date night in new york.
AUTHORS NOTE: thank you all for reading! i hope you enjoyed and i am currently taking requests
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Any tips for an aspiring social worker
+Be aware of any of your own trauma. Dont be one of the people who think they can do therapy AND get a degree at the same time. You will burn out, there are hundreds every year. Please dont be the person in lectures who takes yup 45 minutes crying over past trauma every session; you need to seek counselling for that from a professional who can help, not from your newbie classmates.
You may think its an exaggeration, but No. Unfortunately, no.
This ties in to your own biases, what you are likely to take to heart if the person fails, etc. You need to work with your supervisor around clients that may trigger something for you; or reconsider the role you are aiming for, etc.
+Have personal skills, you will be making and repairing relationships often. You can’t be someone who is super introverted and unable to start relationships with the clients; because often you are going to be the one doing the Hard Talks about difficult subjects. It doesnt mean you have to be a drill sargeant, but it means you need to have the confidence to talk with anyone.
If you’re a bit shy, work on talking to people and even looking into little courses. You’re not needing qualifications in public speaking, but you do need to have yourself in a position wherein you can talk to someone, even a whole family, or even lawyers, and police. Via phone, video, face-to-face, etc.
+Have work clothes and home clothes. Also court clothes, if you work in areas that need it.
Wear smart casual, you need to look presentable but not be like, dripping with diamonds and playing ‘rich person ministers to the Poors’. It happens, they get told off.
DO NOT WEAR SKIN TIGHT CLOTHES. Or ripped skinny jeans, or have your cleavage/buttcrack hanging out. Please. Strapless backs and short shorts also no.
Students sometimes turn up in this and it is dangerous. Especially the ladies. Sometimes you work with people who are very dangerous, who will interpret clothing for consent, and/or have incredibly low respect for women. When something happens, they will point to the workplace dresscode and absolve themselves of the situation.
Do not wear dangly earrings, scarves or thick necklaces/anything you do not want taken. And if in a hospital role, there are additional rules about what can and cannot be worn (bare below the elbow rule).
Also, enclosed shoes. IF you are in a service that assists families with dysregulated lives, or in the hospitals, etc, you will have strict policies about footwear for your safety.
+Get the flu shot. Trust me. Do it. You talk to so many people, by the time one catches a cold and you start showing symptoms, you’ve seen like twenty people and they all have families.
+Be used to working to tight deadlines. They are always there, esp in hospital social work where you legit have to account for every minute of the day and patient seen on this awful little system.
We are understaffed in most areas, and you will need to work hard.
BUT, self-care is imperative. Even if it is only making sure you leave before 9pm each night lmao.
+Be able to let insults go. You are going to be dealing with people often in the worst part of their life, be it mental health, in the justice system, having their kids removed, being disabled and persistently denied assistance, having significant alcohol/drug concerns, people who have experience extreme sexual harms or domestic violence, people who are being stalked, people in crisis etc.
At some point someone will call you some horrific things, or threaten you, or make nasty comments about you, etc. They may try to make constant complaints, etc. And as frustrating as that is, you have to understand their frustration and anger and fear.
You do not have to sit there and listen to them swear at you, that’s not what this means. It means that when someone is heightened and calling you a cunt, or something more inventive, you don’t give them the reaction they want; you can acknolwedge that they are upset/etc, or give them space by ending the call/leaving the room.
Think about when something happened for you and it was the Worst and you swore or threatened, etc. When you are calm, it seemed ridiculous, didn’t it?  But that was you processing big, complicated feelings in the only way that felt right at the time. Same for them.
+You need to be aware that some clients have done or experienced terrible things, but you need to be open to the individual within the trauma. For example, someone may not be showing their emotional distress or pain or grief etc in the way you think they should, so you might discount it. When, someone who has gotten to know the client is aware that they tend to do ____ behaviour when they are having flashbacks, which is not a behaviour normally associated with the trauma.
Also, biases again.  Just because someone is on drugs and denying to you that they have a problem, does not mean some part of them isn’t aware they do have one. Relapses are common. Soemtimes it is about discussing what was happening for them this week that made them use again, what they could try next time, if they are using their support networks. And never putting them in the Hopeless box.
If you are really struggling with a client, lean on your team, talk to your supervisor and see what else can be done or if there is another social worker with more experience who can be involved even for a short-term intervention.
+Don’t throw jargon and insider terms around when talking to clients, it’s rude.  Explain things, use pauses so they can think.
+Look into the primary populations of your area/the area you intend to work in. Are there a high level of Indigenous persons? Refugees? People whose first language isn’t english and may need extra help with engagment?
What are your immediate thoughts (learned stigmata/stereotypes) about these peoples? How can you learn more?
In Aus, we work closely with Indigenous communities and agencies around social work matters. Making sure everyone is supported, heard, and can understand the concerns being raised/what is needed to help the client move forwards. There are many people out there who see this as ‘coddling’ or ‘unfair to non-Indigenous people’; but it is simply making certain that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are on the same footing as any non-Indigenous client.
And that cultural options are put on the table, such as having a family member step up to take in a child whilst the parent is not well; or trying a community-focused approach to helping with a drug concern, and using the right agencies so that they have appropriate supports.
Would it be fair to have a non-english speaking client in a courtroom without an interpreter? Why?  Would you claim that they should know english and the entire legal system bc they were in your country? Of course not, that’s absurd.  But some people think that way.
Would it be fair to ask someone in a wheelchair to file a form on the top floor of a building with no elevators, by 5pm, or lose their home? Why? Would you think they are complaining or ‘lying’ if they were able to mobilise a few steps without the chair, on a good day? That they were being ‘lazy’ and ‘deserved’ to lose their housing? Of course not, that’s absurd.  But some people think that way.
When the military put men into service in the wars, they made anyone who could pass an english test an officer and the rest priovates who would die first in battle. Was this fair? Why not? Because it ensured the rich white dudes with private tutors got the best spots (totally unqualified) while the poor, poc and refugees were used as cannon fodder. Many could have been good officers if the test was about competence, but it wasn’t. Some people feel this was fair.
There are still people who think they ‘did the right thing’ whilst participating in the Stolen Generations; but then, they also thought taking babies from single mothers was appropriate too. That women couldn’t vote or be trusted with money, that is was ‘kinder’ to take a stillborn away and dispose of it without the mother ever seeing... rather than let her hold them, and say goodbye the way she needed to. Not to mention the english children shipped over to Aus to be used as little slaves and cruelly abused by Priests and Nuns and ‘upright christian citizens’. Not to mention lobotomies for when people were too emotional/refusing to play the game. Forcing hormone treatments on men and women to stop their homosexuality or sexually abusing them to ‘fix them’. Not to mention all the Twilight births nonsense where they tried to remove the pregnant person from the equation entirely, and it kept causing post partum depression.  Not to mention... Not to Mention... NOT TO MENTION...
We have a lot of broken little old men and women and nonbinary (who do or don’t realise it) now, because of these “helpful interventions”.
You need to be aware of the harm that has been done, and aware of your own practice, so this damage can’t happen again and again.
Understand that your perspective and the worries/concerns you hold are often different to those of the client, because you are individuals who grew up in very different ways.
And remember, being a rich white person in a high paying job with good social standing doesn’t mean you can’t be charged for drug possession or have child safety knock on your door about the bruises you leave. Never think people are Above being awful, and never Assume people are because they are poor, a different colour, have not had your advantages, or have a disability/poor mh or addiction.
Clients are people, like you. Never think that you are above needing help too, one day. We all do, humans are built to rely on the group, on the social bonds we make from the minute we are born.
+Do you overreact to things? Sometimes a client will tell you about something that happened years ago, but they may phrase it like it happened yesterday (because of how it has returned to their mind, etc), and if you were to overreact to that immediately it can break the relationship/cause harm. You could say, “I can hear that this is very distressing for you, thank you for telling me about this difficult event in your life. Would it be alright if I asked you a follow-up question about when this occurred?” Sometimes a client will disclose things to you, and the goal is to remain in the conversation. They do a lot of this preparation at university, but you also need to have a personal ability to not panic off the bat.
+Ask yourself, is there anyone I would refuse to work with... and then examine Why. How would you react if a person like that came onto your caseload?
+Do not become overly emotionally invested in a client. It will be said in training over and over again, but you need to have clear boundaries; and being too invested in their success can hinder your ability to provide appropriate assessments for the client. Meaning they are not getting the care they need; which can sometimes be a harsh conversation about how you can see they are trying, but have backslid recently, so what is happening?
+Look at any internal biases and prejudices you may have. Did you have extreme mental health concerns that may make you feel more sympathetic to a parent or client, and this could blind you to the other concerns present? Didyou grow up rich and now have unrealistic expectations of what is necessary to be a good person? Do you think that all ‘those people’ should ______ ? Why?  Question yourself. If you find yourself stereotyping or pigeonholing someone as ‘just another ____ trying to _____’ stop. Think about it. Where did you get that idea?
+Be aware of professional boundaries, do not be friends with the clients, but don’t be cold. Always let your bosses know about potential conflicts of interest to protect you.
Like, don’t loan the client $5, don’t hang out at the cinema because they’re ‘a great person’, etc.
And be aware that you have more power in this dynamic, so you have to be careful not to abuse it.
+You need to be good at record keeping, and honest.  Everything you do is documents, referrals, reports, affidavits, forms, and a million little notes for this and that. It is imperative you are accurate, use the format required, and be honest. If you saying “Have you tried not taking drugs?” to a client sends them into a rage, you don’t write “Client was heightened and threatened me without reason at today’s session” in the notes. That’s putting a knife in their back.
”Client was triggered when I, the practitioner, made an inappropriate remark (”Have you tried not taking drugs?”) today. They told me I am a “fucking whore who should kill myself” and threw their chair across the room before leaving the building. I have discussed this matter with my supervisor, and we are going to call Client at 3pm today, to provide a formal apology for this statment and attempt to repair the professional working relationship, as they have been making significant progress with this agency until today’s event.” Whole scenario, tells the real story. You will make mistakes, but it is about being able to accept this and move forwards.
Accurate documentation is a must, may be needed for court.
+You will need to have a good memory. A good way of keeping little notes to unlock the full encounter when you write casenotes and reports.
+Make connections. Every client will need a support system around them, and if you have an inroads with different agencies, it will help them out. For example, if your client has drug concerns, then being aware of the agencies and counsellors in the region broadens their safety net.
Knowing the practitioners gives you someone to ask for professional advice around, say “Good Morning Kim, I know your agency handles Centrelink application often for non-english speaking clients. I have a client who is new to the country and is struggling to complete the financial aid forms, they speak Language. Would I be able to refer them to your agency, or will they need a more specific agency who handle Language -speaking persons?”
You have, in a deidentified way, sought help for a client through a known agency and can now refer them pending the answer. Etc.
+If you are not sure about something, ask your supervisor. They have several years on you, and almost all areas of social work prescribes to one or another Acts (legal requirements) which they are required to have a strong grasp on.
Get to know any legislation in the area you are aiming for. This will help immensely.
+Doing a degree gets you two fieldwork practicals, in different areas.  These really help you identify which area you want to go for; your main goal going into a degree may not be the one you settle on. Many people have an idea where they want to work and change their minds after their placements, or really feel connected to a different area, etc.
+Mostly, be certain this is what you want.
Have your own support network.
Be aware that you must uphold confidentiality, at all times. No posting to social media people, please...
Be aware that in small communities you are likely shopping at the same place as clients. Ask them how they want you to react when you see each other in public (eg. please don’t acknowledge me, or happy to give a wave) so they feel comfortable.
Don’t disclose personal information to a client.  There’s a difference between “Yes, I can see that you are having trouble with baby; I recall they get quite fussy at teething time, have you tried a cold biting ring?” and “My son, Chadley, is eight but when he was two he used to just keep biting the furniture and his poor teacher, Mrs Allyways! At least he’s grown out of it now, but I just know Bailey’s going into that phase soon, the dangers of having kids a few years apart!”
I know who your child had as a teacher, and now the school as well, esp if its a small town. I know you have two children, their names, and your last name so I could go get them from school if I wanted to. I know you work until 5pm, and someone could pick them up.
Mostly, be a decent human being who does their best and doesn’t walk in thinking they’re better than everyone, and you can do okay. Have a good support network, use them, and seek help if you struggle.
Uni is drawn out and a bit boring, but you will get a lot from it (even if you only see it in hindsight).
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rhinklibrary · 4 years
College Rhink Top Fics
Hi Readers! We’re so excited for our first official list! This week is one of the most popular genres in our fandom - College Rhink. 
Please note these are all based on the dates of completion and/or the last update. While most are completed or are WIPs, you might come across an uncompleted fic. This list also does not include writings exclusively on Tumblr, or other sites, so please send us those recs!
Below the cut, you will find the top five kudos’d fics from the years 2015-2020. At the end you will also find our librarians’ recommendations. 
Happy reading! 
#1 I’m Not Scared, Man, You’re Scared - thenthekneehits - [Teen and Up] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3122
College, Cohabitation, Fluff without Plot, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Awkward Boners, Sharing a Bed
In which two stupid boys turn weak, there is a spider, and no cuddling.
#2 Pierced - Isra/ @mythical-rhink -Rhink - [Explicit] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5301
College, First time, Piercing, play piercing, Blood, D/s, Kink, BSM, Alcohol, Profanity
Rhett’s in college and wants to try something new, and of course he’s going to bring Link along for the ride.
#3 Rewritten - Chellan_Nicollares - [Explicit] - Chapters: 8 - Words: 16,040
Alternate Universe - College/University, Pining, Angst, Jealousy, Metafiction
If you have the power to rewrite reality, how far would you go for love? Rhett has already answered the question, but his actions might lead to his undoing within the very same day. 
#4 Encounter - Chellan_Nicollares - [Teen and Up] - Chapters: 10 - Words: 9280
Alternate Universe - Past lives, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Strangers, Transmigration, Supernatural Elements
This is a prologue to their life-long love and companionship. A mysterious encounter on a hiking trip gave Rhett some new perspectives. What's meant to be is meant to be.
#5 Grown Up Giggles - thenthekneehits - [General Audiences] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 269
College, Slice of Life, Growing Up, Self Confidence Issues, Cohabitation
Prompt: “I like your laugh.”
#1 Whale, whale, whale - rhincoln/ @bloodbros (orphaned) - [Explicit] - Chapters: 4 - Words: 25,602 
Friends With Benefits, Epic Friendship, Hand Jobs, Alternate Universe - College/University, Mutual Pining, Masturbation, Blow Jobs, First Time, Semi-Public Sex
During the day, it’s all sunny beaches and warm touches and the ocean. At night, strange noises can be heard from Rhett’s bunk. And why did Rhett bring a stuffed Shamu to the beach resort anyway?
#2 What Do You Want Me To Say? - @remembertherandler - [Mature] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1311
First Kiss, Kissing, I’m dead move, rhink, young rhink, college!rhink, Light Angst, Cute, Touching
So you’re horsing around with your roommate in your dorm room...big deal? Someone saw you? Oh…
#3 Slight Altercations - notasponsor - [Teen and Up] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4790
College AU, Sorta Enemies to Lovers, Look they just bicker a lot, and they don’t know each other rly before the fic, Studying then cuddling, Fluff
Link glares, “You’re insufferable.” “No, I’m Rhett.” “Asshole.”
#4 Enough - chaoticliv - [Teen and Up] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2296
Angst, Teenagers, Pining, Pining Rhett, College, Childhood, First Kiss, Kissing, Rhett POV
They were best friends. That was always enough for Rhett.
#5 The Laws of Thermodynamics - MythicallySnappy/ @RatchetRhink - [Mature] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2819
Recreational Drug Use, Alcohol, Fluff, First Kiss, College, Artistic interpretation of math and what an industrial engineering degree actually entails
Link finally lets loose in the midst of exam season, and Rhett’s smiling and no matter how hard Link tries, he can’t calculate the meaning behind it.
#1 A Perfect Arrangement - rhincoln/ @bloodbros (orphaned) - [Explicit] - Chapters: 15 - Words: 93,859
Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sharing a Bed, Best Friends, Alternate Universe - College/University, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Public Display of Affection, Pining, rhink, Masturbation, Jealousy, Drunken Shenanigans, Angst, Mutual Pining, Mutual Masturbation, Porn, Idiots in Love, Fluff, Friends With Benefits, Sickfic, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Grinding, Sex Tapes
In order to win the body and soul of Miss Perfect, a girl they think they’re obsessed with, Rhett and Link figure they first have to win the keys to the coolest place on campus - something that is offered to them out of the blue, with only a single catch: only couples could get to move into the lush apartment. Rhett and Link would do anything for the space, for the girls - even pretend that they’re romantically involved. As true best friends, together they start off on the ambitious quest for love. What happens is its own story.
#2 No Touching! - rhincoln/ @bloodbros (orphaned) - [Explicit] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5701
Friends to Lovers, Alcohol, Jealousy, No Homo, College, Semi-Public Sex, Rhink
Gregg decides to to take the duo out to a gay clup for a lark. It’s all fun and games, until Rhett thinks it isn’t. (In other words, until Link gets hit on.)
#3 Writing Love On Your Skin - @magicbubblepipe - [Teen and Up] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3723
Pining Rhett McLaughlin, Injured Link, College, Rhink, Fluff, caretaker Rhett
When Rhett and Link share a bed, there’s a certain game they play.
#4 Lincoln In Distress - meirenyu/ @mei-ren-yu - [Explicit] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3577
College!rhink, Butt Plugs, Rimming, Anal Fingering, Internalized Homophobia, Fluff, First Time
Rhett’s awoken from a great dream to find Link in dire straits in the top bunk of their dorm.
#5 Over the Phone - tvmoviemaniac/. @galacticnocturne - [Teen and Up] - Chapters: 14 - Words: 28,044
Rhink, Alternate Universe - College/University, College AU, Alternate Universe, Teen Romance, Depression, Awkwardness, Loneliness, Anxiety, Bisexual Male Character, Bisexuality, Mention of abuse, Homophobia, First Time, Sexual Encounter
Link Neal, a sophomore in college, finds a remedy to his existential problems and depression in an unlikely relationship he forms over the phone with a stranger - Rhett McLaughlin
#1 Lovers in the Backseat - Matrimus - [Explicit] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4883
Alternate Universe - College/University, Public Hand Jobs, Link is a little shit, Exhibitionism
Rhett offering his lap as a seat had sounded like a good idea at the time. It doesn’t take long for Link to exploit it.
#2 Forget Me Not - Matrimus - [Teen and Up] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3404
First Kiss, Temporary Amnesia, Internalized Homophobia, College
After breaking his pelvis in a snowboarding accident, Link suffers from temporary amnesia. He knows he’s in hospital, knows he’s hurt his hip - and knows Rhett is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. 
#3 The Naked Truth - @missingparentheses - [Explicit] - Chapters: 8 - Words: 22,786
College, Fraternities & Sororities, Light Angst, Dorm Room Sexytimes
After a night of drinking at a frat party, Rhett and Link wake up naked in bed together with no memory of what happened the night before. They set out to piece together the details of the night and see if they can find out what happened, how they feel about it, and if they want it to happen again.
#4 Hungry Ghosts - MythicallySnappy/RatchetRhink - [Explicit] - Chapters: 7 (Incomplete) - Words: 20,241
College, Underage Drinking, Alcohol, Boys Being Idiots, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Smut, the holy trinity of fanfic
It’s the summer after freshman year and Rhett and Link are back at home in Buies Creek. An uncomfortable experience at a party flips Rhett’s world upside down and Link is there to help him build a new one
#5 Sofa Symphony - @santamonicayachtclub - [Explicit] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2321
College, Couch Sex
“C’mon, bo,” Link urges, husky-voiced. “Do me like you’re paying for it.”
#1 Live Connection - @linkslipssinkships - [Explicit] - Chapters: 115 (Incomplete) - Words: 87,022
Porn Watching, Camboy!Link, Risky Behavior, Alternate Universe - College/University, Modern AU, Short Chapters, Stream of Consciousness, First Person, Loss of Virginity, Mutual Pining, Angst, Long Distance Relationship, Sex Work, Consenusl sex work, Sex work related slurs, Anal Sex, handjobs, Jealousy, Mentions of Infidelity, First Relationship
Rhett’s just a college kid looking for some good porn. Link is a camboy looking for loyal fans and good money. When Link goes live, the pair feels an interesting connection.
#2 Untethered - Its_mike_kapufty/ @its-mike-kapufty - [Explicit] - Chapters: 32 - Words: 109,097
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, College, Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Demons, demon!Rhett and human!Link, Vomiting, Psychologists & Psychiatrists, Master/Servant, Praise, Biting, Oh No He’s Hot, Marijuana, Drinking, Mutual Masturbation, Supernatural Illnesses, Churches & Cathedral, Abuse of Authority, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Vigilantism, Blow Jobs, Police, Guns, Anal Sex, Hearteyes Rhett, Obsessive Behavior, Matter of Life and Death, Blood and Gore, Near Death, Happy Ending
Link would’ve never guessed that the price of fucking up his entire life is approximately 5¢.
#3 Lucidity - Its_mike_kapufty/ @its-mike-kapufty - [Explicit] - Chapters: 31 - Words: 103, 027
Porn With Plot, College, Sensory Deprivation, Ice Play, Frottage, Mutual Masturbation, Stuffed Toys, Scent Kink, Phone Sex, Blow Jobs, Reading Aloud, Intercrural Sex, Sex Toys, Double Penetration, Glory Hole, Protectiveness, Clothed Sex, Anal Sex, Babbling, Feeding Kink, Sex Toys Under Clothing, Under-Table Blow Jobs, Fight Sex, Orgams Delay/Denial, Lingerie, Multiple Orgasms, Humiliation, Free Use, Rimming, Animal Traits, Marijuana, Public Sex, Pool Sex, Bladder Control, Milking Machine, Smoking, Angst, Exhibitionism, Clone Sex, Love Confessions 
Rhett doesn’t know why this is happening. Thank Goodness Link doesn’t know it’s happening at all.
#4  Everyone but Me - Its_mike_kapufty/ @its-mike-kapufty - [Explicit] - Chapters: 11 - Words: 46,790
Alternate Universe - College/Universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Jock!Rhett, Internalized Homophobia, House Party, Drinking, Cigarettes, Sthenolagnia, Kissing, Blow Jobs, Bars and Pubs, Social Media, Pining, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Jealousy, Denial of Feelings, Piercings, Bets & Wagers, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Heart-to-Heart, Nude Photos, Masturbation, Basketball, Post-Game(s), Marijuana, Vomiting, Concerts, Slow Dancing, Slurs, Protectiveness, First Time, Anal Sex, Self-Doubt, Pride Celebration
Rhett can fit in anywhere, make small talk with anyone. He’s one of NC State's best players, after all. If he can’t dazzle strangers with his records and status--if he’s not the perfect example of the masculine standard--then who is he?
#5 The Elephant in the Dorm - @goodmythicalghoulboy - [Explicit] - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4940
College, Masturbation, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Mutual Masturbation, Porn Watching, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Barebacking, Comeplay, Dirty Talk, Spanking, (just the teeniest bit of it though), Boundaries? What are boundaries?, Daddy Kink
Rhett thinks he’s finally got an hour to himself to really take his time and indulge in a little self love. He’s sorely mistaken, but it all works out for the best.
2020 so far
#1 Big Man on Campus - @fanbabble & @mythicaliz - [Explicit] - Chapters: 16 - Words: 41, 973
1990s, Dorms, Roommates, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Bed, Strangers, Basketball, Arguing, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Angst but it’s gonna get better, Alcohol, Underage Drinking, Body Shots, Masturbation, Frottage, bed sharing, Cuddling & Snuggling, Forbidden Love, I’m dead move, Mutual Masturbation, Oral Sex, Anal Fingering, Voyeurism, Public Blow Jobs, Gay Bar, Jealousy, Coming Out, Anal Sex, First Time, Shower Sex, Semi-Public Sex
1996. NC State University. Syme Dorm, Room 24. Two roommates with very different dreams. One wants to play basketball and make his family proud. The other wants to make movies and explore his new found freedom. But there’s a problem… there is only one bed!
#2 The Roles We Play - sassandpanache/ @sass-and-panache - [Mature] - Chapters: 16 - Words: 31,238
Alternate Universe - College/Universe, Theatre, Basketball!Rhett, TheaterKid!Link, Enemies to Friends, to Lovers
Rhett’s failing his theater class so in order to save his grade, he joins the crew of NC State’s fall production of ‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’. What he doesn’t realize is that the next month will change his life.
#3 Tell Me About It - Its_mike_kapufty/ @its-mike-kapufty - [Explicit] - Chapters: 1, Words: 7261
Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Sex Toys, Masturbation, Phone Sex, mentions of internalized shame
One of the biggest drawbacks of being incomplete without your best friend is the (very intense) fear of missing out.
#4 Taking Turns - @apparentlynotreallyfinnish - [Explicit] - Chapters: 1, Words, 2465
Alternate Universe - College/University, Friends With Benefits, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Pining
It didn’t take them long after starting college to get to this. One night of too many drinks and too few enthusiastic sexual partners available had lead to an awkward, fumbling experimentation in Rhett’s bunk. Rhett’s not sure anymore which one of them brought it up first, but somehow, in their inebriated and horny state, they’d realized that they could easily help each other out.
#5 Learning to Crawl - DarlingLo/ @darling-lo [Explicit] - Chapters: 5/6 (WIP) - Words: 33,081
College, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Alternate Universe - College/University, First Time, First Meetings, Angst, Enemies to Friends, Sexual Tension, Internalized Homophobia
It took Link four hours to learn his roommate’s name. And those four hours are all that was needed for him to absolutely hate him. 
96 notes · View notes
Hi steph! Hope you’re having a lovely day :-) I was wondering if you could rec some miscommunication fics — they’re my fave and I’m aaaaaalways looking for more. Thanks in advance, you’re the best!!!!
Hi Lovely!
AHHH I love this kind of fic too!! I haven’t tagged ALL of my fics with misunderstandings in them, but I’ve a sizeable amount that I think you will enjoy! 
Not all of them, but a good start! As always, if any of my lovelies have their own to rec, please add them!
See also: Alexx’s Miscommunication Fic
Given In Evidence by verityburns (M, 5,034 w., 19 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-TRF, Angst, Drama, Case Fic, Romance, BAMF!John, Submissive Sherlock, First Kiss, Humour) – Coming back from the dead can be a complicated business. With a new case on the horizon, rebuilding a life is one thing... rebuilding a friendship quite another. For Sherlock and John, things may never be just the same...
Sociopathy and Other Fibs by kinklock (M, 5,314 w., 1 Ch. || 5+1, Miscommunication, Humour, Friends to Lovers, Post S3, Love Confessions) – Five times John called Sherlock out, and one time Sherlock returned the favour.
The Only Available Transportation by blueink3 (T, 5,379 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Fluff and Angst, Insecure Sherlock, Caring John, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Birthday, Family, Misunderstandings) – It’s possibly the desperation that’s seeped into his voice despite his best intentions, or perhaps it’s just a mother’s intuition, but she knows that whatever he’s calling about is Serious, hangover be damned. “What’s happened?” she asks, tone soft and as comforting as a hot cup of tea on a cold winter’s night. “Mummy,” he begins, voice catching. “I think John may be moving out.”
the lingering taste of orange juice by darcylindbergh (G, 5,824 w., 1 Ch. || Pining Sherlock, Fluff, Miscommunications, Humour) – Sherlock felt the familiar heat surge in his abdomen again at the touch: hope strung taut between head and heart as in all the quiet moments between them, when Sherlock sometimes got the clues all mixed up and thought maybe John felt something too. For once, Sherlock is the idiot.
My First, My Only, and My Forever by vintagelilacs (E, 6,220 w., 1 Ch. || Post-ASiB, Virgin Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Bum, John’s Scar, Sherlock POV, Body Worship, Fingering, Bottomlock, Promise of Forever / Proposals, Misunderstanding, First Kiss/Time, Loss of Virginity, Virginity Kink, Seduction) – Sherlock narrowed his eyes. He was missing a vital piece of data, he was sure. John had been looking at him oddly ever since they left Buckingham Palace, and the ensuing incident with Irene Adler had only exacerbated his erratic behaviour. What was it? Why would he care that Sherlock was a virgin? There was nothing reminiscent of mockery or pity in his gaze. And then it hit him. John Watson was aroused.
The space between by Salambo06 (E, 6,830 w., 2 Ch. || PWP, Friends to Lovers, Masturbation, Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Miscommunications, Bottom Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Sexual Fantasy) – “It’s for a case,” Sherlock says as soon as John looks down at his computer. John remains silent for a long moment, eyes moving from the screen to Sherlock, before saying, “You don’t have to explain.” His voice is low, too low, and Sherlock looks at the computer, putting the video on pause. “Lestrade asked me-, no, forced me to find out who’s threatening a famous porn star, and the suspect is among his co-stars, so I only need to watch out for any signs from his partners, anything that might show they’re the one sending those threats and I can move to something else.” “Right.”
High and Tight, Soft and Loose by cwb (E, 7,429 w., 1 Ch. || Jealous John, Miscommunications / Misunderstandings, First Kiss / Time, BAMF John, Insecure Sherlock, Clueless Sherlock, POV John, Embarrassed John, Adorable Sherlock, Junk Size, UST / RST) – John pressed the knuckle of his index finger against his mouth and sighed. “So, you're coiled like a spring and ready to be ... sprung?” “If you want to be pedestrian about it, yes.” “Like I said, you should do something about that.” “And like I said, pedestrian. What would you have me do? Take up jogging? Yoga? Oh! Unless you mean –” “I don't mean anything. Let’s drop it.”
I can’t pretend by Salambo06 (E, 7,692 w., 1 Ch. || Fake Relationship, Victor Trevor, Jealous John, Miscommunications, Bed Sharing, Love Confessions, First Kiss/Time, Anal, BJs) – They had arrived more than a hour ago, and the moment they had walked inside the hotel reception, John had understood why Sherlock hadn’t wanted to come. Two men, posh suits and expensive watches on their wrists, had come to greet them with sharp remarks and badly hidden mockery, and John had seen red. Sherlock hadn’t said anything, mostly ignoring the two men entirely, and without thinking twice about it, John had slid an arm around Sherlock’s waist and introduced himself as his husband.
On the Losing Side by missselene (E, 8,210 w., 1 Ch. || Anal / Oral, First Kiss / Time, Angst, Misunderstandings, Mild Dub Con / Drunk John) – After Mary's death, John moves back into Baker Street, but is still upset at the loss of his wife and child. Eventually, he and Sherlock stumble into a sort of relationship, but it's more physical than anything and they don't talk about it. They especially don't talk during sex. If they are going to have sex, Sherlock notices the signs hours beforehand, and he prepares carefully. The lights are off, they're under the covers, he prepares himself using lots of lube so he can make it feel as much like a woman as he can, and he doesn't let himself make any noise so that, if John wishes, he can pretend that he's still with Mary.
The Red Dianthus by kinklock (T, 11,382 w., 3 Ch. || Supernatural Elements, BAMF!John, Misunderstandings, Fluff, Romance, Halloween, Dev. Rel., Case Fic) – The boys investigate a mysterious disappearance in a supposedly haunted house, and get much more than they bargained for.
I'm content as we are (but) by inqui (The_Circus) (E, 13,086 w., 1 Ch. || Jealous John, UST/RST, Pining, Victor Trevor, Minor Whump, First Kiss / Time, Misunderstandings) – In which John Watson sees something unusual, becomes jealous, and makes too much of a small thing as an old friend of Sherlock's shows up in the middle of a case.
Between Friends by SilentAuror (E, 18,036 w., 1 Ch. || Post S3, Alternating POV, Friends to Lovers, John in Denial, Abduction, Awkward Situations / Miscommunications, Porn With Feels, Blowjobs, Pining, Unrequited, Angst With Happy Ending) – Sherlock gets abducted. As John discovers him tied up naked in an empty storage facility and comes to rescue him, Sherlock's body has an unfortunate reaction which triggers a series of events. John is convinced that everything will be fine as long as they never discuss it. Sherlock isn't as sure...
For you, there's only me by shock_blanket (E, 19,557 w., 7 Ch. || Jealous Idiots, Virgin Sherlock, UST/RST, Pining, Miscommunication, First Kiss / Time, Insecure Sherlock, Masturbation) – Sherlock realizes he has fallen in love with John, but believes he is unlovable. Cue lots of pining and jealousy on Sherlock's part, followed by our favorite cuddly marksman making it all better. Because for Sherlock, there's only John.
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
Don't Leave Anything Out by lookupkate (E, 27,422 w., 24 Ch. || Letters / Epistolary, Misunderstandings, Angst, Happy Ending, Alternate First Meeting, Sherlock in Love, Pining Sherlock) – The first letter John writes home from Afghanistan is meant to go to a woman he went on only one date with. How it ends up in Sherlock's hands is completely innocent. What happens next is not. What do you do when you find out the person you're in love with has been lying about something as monumental as who they are? What do you do when you're the one who lied?How on earth do you put the pieces back together?
"finally kiss the bloody idiot" by Salambo06 (E, 29,812 w., 13 Ch. || Mutual Pining, Fake Relationship, First Kiss / Time, Angst, Misunderstandings, Fantasies, POV John) – Inspired by a fic idea on tumblr : "John and Sherlock know the Yard has a pool going for when they’re finally going to get together. It’s been running forever, and it’s worth thousands of pounds. It’s all fun and games, hahaha, until they find out Lestrade is in dire financial straits (dog needs emergency surgery, he’s putting his kid through gymnastics training, I don’t know, something), and they decide to fake a relationship to win the pool for him. Sherlock figures out the day and way that Lestrade thinks it’s going to happen, and they act it out. It’s all for a good cause, fake relationship style, until it’s not." Part 1 of The Pool
An Acquired Taste by kinklock (E, 31,059 w., 4 Ch. || Vampires AU || Vampire Sherlock, Misunderstandings, Bat!Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Humour, Magical Realism, Fluff and Angst, Blood Drinking, Holmes Family, Slow Burn) – At Montague Street when Sherlock was forced to sate his body’s needs, he was at least able to wander about the flat as much as he pleased. At Baker Street, it was mini-bags in a mini-fridge and bedroom confinement.
Goodness Gives Extras by mydwynter (E, 39,629 w., 6 Ch. || Fluff & Angst, Case Fic, Oral / Anal, Humour, First Time, Miscommunication, Snark, Christmas) – Christmas time. 'Tis the season to settle down with a drink, some food and a present or two, and to enjoy the quiet relaxation of the holiday. Instead, there's a case that drags them all over, missing presents, disappointed kids, angry parents, and a freak snowfall. On top of that John has to deal with Sherlock, who is being even more of a prat than usual. He really shouldn't have expected anything different.
In the Still of the Night by SilentAuror (E, 42,234 w., 1 Ch. || S4 Fix It / Post-S4, Sherlock POV, Angst, Drama, Romance, Virgin Sherlock, Awkwardness, Misunderstandings / Miscommunications, Case Fic, Travelling, Pining) – As locals on the Northeastern coast begin to report UFO sightings, life at Baker Street becomes significantly awkward as John brings up his desire for more than friendship and Sherlock refuses him. They embark on the investigation from the confines of the tiny cottage Mycroft has rented for them, attempting to navigate both the clues of the case as well as their own inability to communicate...
In the Dark Hours by hubblegleeflower (E, 51,639 w., 12 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Unreliable Narrator, Closeted Bi John, Angst, Miscommunications, Slow Burn, First Time, John’s Blog / Epistolary, Selective Mutism) – John, wounded and silent, drifts back to Baker Street for healing...and then goes home again. He visits, gets more upbeat, chattier, smiles, jokes... and still goes home again. Sherlock wants him to move back in - it just makes sense - but John shows no signs of doing so. This is the story of how John and Sherlock learn to say what needs to be said when they're both so very, very rubbish at talking.
One Little Change by jadztone (E, 58,312 w., 12 Ch. || ASiB Divergence, Fake Relationship, Bed Sharing, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs, Bi John / Gay Demisexual Sherlock, Switchlock, Alternating POV, Jealousy, Misunderstandings, Case Fic, Angst with Happy Ending, Emotional Love Making, Butt Plugs, Cuddles) – Our story begins right after John and Sherlock's first meeting with Irene Adler in September. It splits off into an AU that imagines them taking a case where they act as bait to hook a killer targeting closeted gays in secret relationships. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, many things happen that have our boys wondering if maybe they have a chance with each other. Then Irene fakes her death on Christmas Eve, and things get a lot more complicated - especially since they still have a killer to catch.
White Knight by DiscordantWords (M, 69,840 w., 13 Ch. || S4 Compliant/Post S4, Marriage For a Case, Jealous John, Pining John, Janine / Sherlock Fake Relationship, Serial Killers, Case Fic, Undercover as a Couple, Weddings, John is a Mess, Misunderstandings, Wedding Planning, Jealousy, Drunkenness, Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending) – Green. The word green was used to convey a great many things. Illness. Envy. Inexperience. Standing there amidst Janine's chattering bridesmaids, watching Sherlock furrow his brow and study fabric swatches, watching him smile and simper and flirt, John thought it a remarkably apt colour choice. Because he felt quite sick to his stomach, he feared the source of said sickness might very well be jealousy, and he had absolutely no idea at all what to do about it. Or: Sherlock needs to fake a relationship for a case. He doesn't ask John.
The Monument of Memory by J_Baillier (M, 79,663 w., 14 Ch. || Post S4 Fix It Fic / S4 is Canon, Angst, Family Drama, Guilt, Case Fic, John Loves Sherlock, Complicated Feelings, Mentalism / Hypnosis, Murder, Grieving John, Sherlock is a Bit Not Good, Team Work, Trust Issues, BAMF John, Psychological Trauma, Protective John, Autistic-Spectrum Sherlock, Parentlock, John POV) –  A genius traumatised by a past he's only beginning to recall. The psychopath sister that time forgot. A missing woman and a mentalist who may or may not be a murderer. And, in the middle of it all, stands John Watson.
Thermocline by J_Baillier (M, 83,557 w., 14 Ch. || Scuba Diving AU || Adventure, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Marine Archaeology, Asexual Sherlock, Horny John, Relationship Drama, Technical/Scuba/Wreck Diving, Slow Burn, Underwater /  Medical Peril, Doctor John, Hurt Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, John POV, Protective John, Body Appreciation) – John "Five Oceans" Watson — technical dive instructor, dive accident analyst and weapon of mass seduction — meets recluse professor of maritime archaeology Holmes. As they head out to a remote archipelago off the coast of Guatemala to study and film its shipwrecks for a documentary, will sparks fly or fizzle out?
A Study in Winning by Jupiter_Ash (E, 106,658 w., 11 Ch. || Tennis AU || John POV, Dirty Talk, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Happy Ending, Sherlock Speaks French, Switchlock, Wimbledon) – John and Sherlock are professional tennis players and it’s Wimbledon. One is a broken almost was at the end of his career, the other an arrogant rising star tipped for greatness. It should have been a straightforward tournament. It really should have been. How were they to know that a chance encounter would change everything? Part 1 of Tennis
Gimme Shelter by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (E, 159,368 w., 21 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || 70′s Surfer AU || Period Typical Homophobia, Hawaii, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Professional Surfers, Gay John / Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, John was a Sailor, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining) – All John Watson wants is the feeling of a freshly waxed surfboard under his feet and the hot California sun baking down onto his back. To finally go pro in the newly formed world of professional surfing and leave the dark memories of his past behind him as he rips across the face of a towering blue barrel. To lounge beside the beach bonfire every evening with an ice cold beer tucked into the cool sand beside him and listen to Pink Floyd and the Doors while the saltwater dries in his sun bleached hair. That's all he wants, that is, until the hot young phenom taking Oahu and the Hawaiian shores by storm steps up next to him in the sand in the second round of the 1976 International Surf Competition. (PUBLISHED AS ‘The Sea Ain’t Mine Alone’)
Three drinks or was it five by iriswallpaper (M, 1,455 w., 1 Ch. || Mild Dub Con / Drunk Sex, Morning After, First Time, Awkwardness / Awkward Sex, Idiots in Love, Avoiding The Talk™/Miscommunication, Fluff, Happy Ending) – Sherlock wakes up beside John, naked in his bed, after a night of getting hammered together on very good Scotch. Trying to spare John embarrassment, Sherlock makes as much noise as possible to indirectly wake John, all the while dreading the Very Important Talk he knows John will want to have.
The Case of the Frog Murder and the Disembodied Dog's Head by a_different_equation (T, 2,794 w., 1 Ch. || ACD Canon || Victorian, Period-Typical Homophobia, Christmas, Est. Rel., Hound of Baskervilles, Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending, Romance, Fluff and Humour, Miscommunication) – The true story behind the Baskerville case, and its strange and rather queer conclusion via Christmas Cards.
Sherlock's Solution by PipMer (T, 4,125 w., 1 Ch, || Fluff, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Isolation/Quarantine, Pining, Miscommunication, First Kiss) – Sherlock and John are stuck in quarantine. Against all expectations, John is the one who goes stir-crazy first. Sherlock has a unique solution to the problem.
The Idiot's Deduction by PaperPrince (T, 4,194 w., 2 Ch. || Fluff, Humour, Drama, Angst, Romance, Mentions of Sex, Miscommunications, Just Talk Already) – It's not often Sherlock gets things wrong but then he was never very good with the softer emotions was he? This fic is based on the idea that no one falls into a relationship without knowing about it right? Apparently Sherlock can though.
It's Cold Outside by Salambo06 (E, 7,357 w., 1 Ch. || Mutual Pining, Cuddling, Snuggling, Frottage, First Kiss / Time, Bed Sharing, Miscommunications, Love Confessions) – John and Sherlock, Christmas night, the heat broke, add some shared body heat and (not so) accidental erections mixed with some miscommunication and awkwardness and, you guessed it, they’re sharing a bed.
A Study in Dichotomy by UrbanHymnal (E, 7,439 w., 1 Ch. || First Time, Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Anal Sex, Misunderstandings, Fluff and Humour) – John wants his brilliance and his stupidity; his knowledge of 243 types of ash and his inability to name all the planets in the solar system; his perfectly pressed suits and his wrinkled t-shirts carelessly tossed on inside out. John wants to kiss Sherlock when he is still waking to the world, to press against him when he is still warm from sleep. He wants to grab Sherlock by the scarf and haul him close so he can bury his nose in the sweat that has collected at the base of Sherlock's neck, under his arms, in between his legs.
A Chemical Defect Found (On the Losing Side Remix) by AreteArt (M, 7,978 w., 1 Ch. || First Time / Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Mildly Dubious Consent, Angst, Fluff, Misunderstandings, Pining, Anal / Oral Sex, Frottage) – A remix of missselene's "On the Losing Side." After Mary's death, John moves back into Baker Street. He and Sherlock stumble into a relationship, or something of that sort. Sherlock's rather giving when it comes to sex, but that doesn't mean he and John ever talk about it.
As long as it takes by PlainJane (E, 14,866 w., 7 Ch. || Post-TRF, First Kiss/Time, Anal/Oral, Misunderstandings, Gambling, Indecent Proposal, Friends to Lovers, John POV) – Anything Sherlock wants. All night. No strings attached. Part 1 of the John Watson's way series
A Question of Intent by Mildredandbobbin (E, 22,129 w., 6 Ch. || Omegaverse || Dub Con / Consent Issues, Misunderstandings, Knotting, First Time, Switching, Mating Cycles, Top/Bottom O!Sherlock, Top/Bottom A!John) – Sherlock was on the bed, naked, writhing, tangled in the sheets, on all fours and apparently in the full throes of a Heat. So very not good, the non-lizard part of John's brain was saying -- the enlightened 21st Century, reconstructed Alpha part, the part that supported Omega contra-heat, equality, pro-choice, the Omega rape legislation and general gender liberation. The part that knew Sherlock did not, obviously did not, want to copulate with him and certainly did not want to bond.
Divinest Sense by ChrisCalledMeSweetie (E, 25,001 w., 18 Ch. || Alternate First Meeting, Mental Health Issues, First Kiss/Time, Coded Clues, Virgin Sherlock, Bisexual John, Slow Burn) – John has been sectioned — deemed to be a danger to himself and others — and is facing six months in an experimental psychiatric treatment facility. After his recent drug overdose, Sherlock is being shipped off by his brother to live amongst the mad, as though this will somehow improve his mental health. What will happen when these two damaged men meet under the least auspicious of circumstances?Hint: You can expect some humorous misunderstandings, burgeoning attraction, coded clues that the reader is invited to try to decipher, eventual explicit sex, and altogether more fluff than one might imagine, given the rather dark premise of this story. Part 1 of the Divinest Senses
A Firm Hand by Ellipsical (E, 36,776 w.+, 11/? Ch. || WiP || Daddy Kink, Office Sex, Blow/Hand Jobs, Bearded John, Exhibitionism, Vulnerability, Kinks, Spanking, Anal, Prostate Milking, Submission, Mile High Club, Misunderstandings, Rimming, Confessions, Anal Plug) – Dr. John Watson, newly turned 35 and recently minted as CEO of Watson Technology, a med tech corporation based in London, after the death of his father, had recently hired the son of an old family friend to be his new personal assistant. The boy had spiralled out of control, according to his parents, and needed a firm hand to guide him. John, who had heard the name Sherlock Holmes crop up in other circles, had an inkling as to why.
Know When You've Been Beaten by Breath4Soul (M, 44,838 w., 12 Ch. || Caretaker John, Autisim Spectrum / Neurodiversity, Sexual Tension / UST, Dark Past, Implied / Referenced Sexual Assault, Dev. Rel., Love Confessions, Hurt / Comfort, First Kiss, Drugged Sherlock) – What began with a drugged and vulnerable Sherlock confessing some things about his sexual history and feelings towards John (after Irene Adler injected him and escaped), becomes a sweet, humorous and awkward journey of Sherlock overcoming his past to flirt with the idea of something more with his companion. Misinterpretations and misunderstandings plague the two, as the good-natured, compassionate and sometimes BAMF ex-army doctor, is seduced by-proxy by the mad-genius detective trying to work through what he wants and if he is capable of providing it.
Your Many Tendencies Series by apliddell (T, 52,222+ w. across 5 works || WiP || Femlock, POC Characters, Enby Character, Sherlock’s Violin, YouTuber John, UST, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Slow Burn, Domesticity, Fluff, Recreational Drug Use, Friends to Lovers, Sherlock’s Past, First Kiss, Love Confessions, John’s Family, Christmas, Anxious Sherlock, Hurt / Comfort, Institutional Racism) – John Watson returns to London after a long absence, somewhat the worse for wear. She meets Sherlock Holmes, and starts feeling excited about life again.
Proof of Sentiment by LollipopCop (E, 55,082 w., 14 Ch. || Post S3, URT/UST, Pining Sherlock, Angst, First Time, Fluff, Misunderstandings, Mary is Not Nice, Happy Ending) – Sherlock accidentally walks in on John and Mary having sex, and he wonders if his relationship with John could ever be the same.
Isosceles by SilentAuror (E, 56,609 w., 7 Ch. || Post-S4, POV John, Original Male Character / Sherlock Dates Another Man, Love Triangle, Jealous John, Virgin Sherlock, Sexual Coaching, Angst, Romance, Domesticity, Unrequited Feelings, Miscommunication, First Kiss/Time) – After solving a case for a major celebrity, Sherlock gets himself asked out. When John asks, he discovers that Sherlock has no intention of going, at least not until John agrees to coach him through whatever he might need to know for his date...
The Craving in Between by love_in_mind_palace (E, 69,349 w., 16 Ch. || Wedding Planner AU || Infidelity, Romance, Angst with Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, Sexting & Texting, Alternating POV, Mary is Not Nice) – Sherlock Holmes, The wedding Consultant. Picky about his projects and a nightmare to work with. Rejects ninety percent of the couples after just having a look at them and can predict how long a marriage will last. But when unassuming, plain, John Watson reluctantly limps his way in his office, with his more than enthusiastic fiancée, Mary Morstan, instead of dismissing the ill-assorted couple on the spot, he promptly decides that the project, and the groom.. are definitely worth working on.
Drawn to Stars by Silvergirl (E, 107,430 w., 57 Ch. || S4 Compliant to TLD / TFP Doesn’t Exist, Sherlock’s Italian Adventure, Jealous John, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, First Kiss/Time, Idiots in Love, Angst with Happy Ending) – After the Culverton Smith case Sherlock is clean, working, and looking for a romantic partner—since John has told him that’s what he needs. Shame John didn’t mention he was interested in that role himself, before Sherlock went off to Rome with a gorgeous Italian copper to try to fall in love and become a complete human being.
The Jewel in the Tower by PoppyAlexander (E, 207,079 w., 39 Ch. || Dystopian AU, Violence, Rape/Non-Con Elements, Mild Dub Con, One World Government, Class Issues, Assassin John / Geisha Sherlock, Self Esteem Issues, Slow Burn, Espionage, Miscommunication, Sexual Fantasy, Masturbation, Letters/Texting, Phone Sex, Infidelity, First Time, Blow Jobs, Dirty Talk, Injury Recovery, Panic Attacks, Frottage, Scars, Misgendering, Happy Endings) – In a contemporary dystopia, Unity is peace – despite the fact unsanctioned information, illicit currency, and every sort of danger flows unchecked in the world's pleasure districts. John Watson, a weary hired gun, is assigned by the mysterious Mentor to investigate a subversive element lurking in the Icehouse, the world's most famous House of Repose. As accustomed as he is to dealing with the unexpected, John is nevertheless woefully unprepared to meet the gem of the Ice house, Xie, the world renowned "drashaskaya," the living work of art after which all other drashas are modeled. In sumptuous suites, amid trailing puddles of silk and fervent whispers in the night, John soon learns that nothing is as it seems in the floating world of London's pleasure district. (PUBLISHED AS “At Night in the Floating World”)
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allesiathehedge · 4 years
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tyguhnijok viva procrastination! gbhnjmk,lp.ñ-   l’DDD
Heeeeey guyz~! It’s been a while since I roamed around on my blog, although I have a lingering feeling like I was here just yesterday. I kind’of find it hard to believe that weeks had flied in a blur since ever and that I totally lost track of the time! Of course, it was not my intention to leave all of a sudden. and I do really hope that my temporary absence hadn’t alerted anyone, but if it did, then I apologize for that. .3.”
To sum everything up, I merely got caught up in watching a series called “Murdoch’s Mysteries” a month ago. It’s not an anime, but a Canadian mystery drama television series. I immediately got hooked on as soon as I saw some randomish episodes on TV then hoped on laptop to watch the rest of all available seasons online :’> It even has some brief scenes featuring the inspector and his wife that resemble Salphys here and there, and I really loved it a lot  X’D Geez, those 13 seasons sure felt so long and draining to watch! So proud of completing it and already awaiting for another season! <333
Anyway, I finally took my time to answer a mountain of quizzes that had been in the corner for months under the cut~ Again, thank you a skele-ton for bearing with me! Also, where you are, quarantined or not, please stay safe and take care of your health! Don’t forget to wash hands too! Because your life matters the most! To every centimeter of bone! <3 
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Thank you so much! Your kind words mean a lot to me! 
I never imagined that, since the beginning, the creation of this humerus ship would bring so much joy and fun which it did for multiple times~ 
Even if I’m not as very motivated as I was before, I still sell my soul filled with love to these so-nerdy characters. This nostalgic thing made me realize how much I wanna draw so many things with them again all over the place. Especially playing tricks on each other  ;w;  -
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It’s alright, nonnie you aren’t the only one :’D 
Admittedly I hardly update these days, so I assure you it’s pretty okay if you fail to remember it at all, plus the story itself. Heck, if it were me, then I’d not be able to remember every comic nor movie unless I check them out properly. XD -
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Heh :3 Assuming it was related to the latest Timetale update, then thanks :3  -
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Those cheesy beans~~ Q 3 Q -
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Gotta Cheeto Fatsts!  -
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Aww! ygurtyuyuiopi I’m flattered :D I’m glad you love my style~ 
Surprisingly, I never thought I would end up loving Alphys more and more, after I started designing her for the first time. Initially I really thought she’d be nothing but a boring and ugly traitor, too much for my taste, or that she’d not be that important for the story plots but my interest had shifted and changed quickly after some time and persistence, ironic eh?  :’3
Yah, sounds like Alphys literally had sort of cosmetic surgery LOL  x3  -
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Nothing better than being stuck in my own faboo-paradise-like isolation where I have almost everything I love~ <3 Actually, thanks to my introvert powers, it never kills me nor stress me emotionally at all -amen-. Aside from working home, I don’t have any problem coping with that during the pandemic :’3 
I wish you the same too! 
#StayHome -
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Oh, don’t worry too much about that.  Your sincerity is very appreciated! :D Truth be told, I agree it isn’t always easy to see the other side of ours and flaws.
We all overstep our boundaries sometimes too. I myself still have troubles in being supportive as well, but I do what I can just to make everyone ‘happy panda’. We’re humans after all. The more we learn from our mistakes, the better we become. At least, you did the right thing and I admire you for that. Don’t think I’d ever have that courage loool. :> -
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I’m still leaning into believing that our gov did a good job and that they managed to implement a lot of strict restrictions and ordinances, such social distancing, suspending transportation and closing any activities to prevent the crowd gatherings, except supermarkets and pharmacies that are only open. 
Frankly, I think they executed that action a little bit too late. If only they listened the warning back in January-February, then we’d be much safer and well prepared. We probably won’t reach the peak until after Easter, but we will have to wait and see what happens next. 
Given the fact that the healthcare system is poor compared to other countries, we do still hope that it gets somewhat worked out so the situation here won’t take a turn for the worse like one from Italy or USA. We already have over 4.400, a great number of people in self-isolation and quarantine, some still getting arrested for fleeing and disobeying, and, from the look of it, the toll of death isn’t definitively a good sign either if you ever ask me. Not to mention, there’s still quite a lot of them not being aware of it... -
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.... Maybe  :P Better not become “Chara-virus” then infect all monsters  l’D -
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Nice personal shipping preference^^ 
I wouldn’t be surprised if some fans actually do that, and that, regardless of sexual orientation, Alphys would be strait shipped with other females or males, beside Undyne.  -
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Thanks for the kind comment^^ 
Yeah lol Sansy loves everything about her~  :> 
What a lucky hus-bean, isn’t he~?  uwu -
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Oh gosh, don’t you ever dare break m’soul! Or else I’mma criiii  :’<<<  -
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