#playing around with that is fun
ddarker-dreams · 8 months
i think it would be funny and horrifying if nexus ended with blade destroying the planet once its no longer useful in the script because "well if the planet's gone my babygirl won't have any stressful duties left right"
this would be heavily mara-struck blade logic GJKSJDFKL
planet causes stress -> long distance low commitment casual girlfriend suffers -> no more planet = no more stress.
the efficiency of this formula is questionable, but in the moment, he'd be very content with it.
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roppiepop · 4 months
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Who’s coming to the cookout?
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inkoutsidethelines · 1 year
Thinking about how I would write an adult Scooby-Doo series, because I think it can be done.
The first thing I’d do is make the characters actually be adults.  Still young, but adults, in the mid to late 20s range.  Mystery Inc. is a private detective type business that they run together.  In this universe, the supernatural/ghosts/etc are real, but not necessarily common, so when they take on a case, the culprit might be a person disguised as a monster, or it might actually be a real ghost.  The stakes can be higher; sometimes a bad guy is legitimately trying to kill them.  Sometimes the mystery they’re trying to solve is a murder.  Sometimes they actually get hurt on their cases.
Fred: the core of Fred’s character should be that he’s incredibly kind.  Like, give a stranger the shirt off his back kind.  The “Fred can’t talk to potential clients because he might take a case for free and we need to eat” kind.  He’s an honest and good person and sometimes gets himself into trouble because he assumes other people are too.  While he’s not very good at reading people or noticing ulterior motives, he’s brilliant when it comes to mechanical or engineering type stuff, so he’s the one who keeps the mystery machine running, builds their gadgets, and of course, designs the traps.
Daphne: she comes from old money, and her parents absolutely despise her life choices, to the point where they haven’t officially disowned her, but they have basically cut her off, so she doesn’t actually have access to any family money.  Growing up wealthy has granted her a variety of skills, including speaking multiple languages, horseback riding, and fencing.  She’s very into fashion and jewelry (even if she can’t afford it anymore) and has extensive knowledge of both that can occasionally provide a vital clue in a case. And even though her parents have cut her off, Daphne still has a wide network of contacts she can ask for favors sometimes, because she’s personable, and people tend to like her.  Daphne is also very emotionally intelligent, and is usually the one who can spot when someone is lying to them.
Side note - I ship Fred and Daphne, so I think I would start them off as an established couple for this universe.  Dating, engaged, married, I don’t care.  They are stupidly in love, ride or die for each other.  There’s no will they, won’t they, no worries about cheating.  They are in a healthy, happy, loving relationship, and no one (not even Daphne’s disapproving parents) are going to mess that up for them.
Velma: she is the forensics nerd who sometimes gets super excited about the wrong thing at the wrong time (”He was mummified in seconds? That’s so cool!” “Velma!  His wife is standing right there!” “Oh.  Sorry.”).  She’s not purposely insensitive, she just gets laser focused on her work and forgets to filter herself sometimes.  She’s also the one who can get so fixated on solving whatever mystery they’re working on, she’s willing to bend or maybe break laws.  Is breaking and entering really so bad?  Not if it gets them answers.
Shaggy: he is still the comic relief, but he’s the comic relief by being the only person in the group that actually has common sense.  He manages the business’s finances, he’s the only one who knows how to cook, and the others tease him for being a coward sometimes, but Shaggy maintains that if a ghost with an axe is coming for you, running is the only sensible option.  He should also have a range of random knowledge that sounds useless, but sometimes saves the day (ex ventriloquism, origami, the history of spoons, etc).
Scooby: as this is a universe where supernatural creatures exist, Scooby is an ancient eldritch type being that took a shine to Shaggy when he was a kid, and took the form of a talking dog to befriend and hang out with him.  Aside from the talking dog bit and not aging, he never uses his powers in a way that anyone notices.  The audience is not told upfront that Scooby is an ancient eldritch being; it should slowly be hinted at throughout the series so the audience put it together, but the characters never realize it.  Scooby genuinely considers Shaggy to be his best friend, and cares about the rest of the gang too.
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FNAF Gregory easily could of defeated Chica like this
(Based of @/CenoCrocodile post)
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inesvazquezart · 6 months
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Haven´t watched the Wish movie, but somehow I came across some early concepts and premise of the movie and I can´t believe Disney just threw them away. They threw away shapeshifting twinkly star boy!
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fluffyartbl0g · 8 months
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Everytime I go into the Zosopp tag, I just see people SCREAMING CRYING SOBBING about the lack of posts IN the Zosopp tag. THE ZOSOPP ECONOMY IS IN SHAMBLES
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bastardlybonkers · 4 months
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rustingcat · 2 months
Coming soon to the theatres inside your minds;)
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erabu-san · 11 months
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Bonus Tighnari's POV :
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newttxt · 3 months
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sanji’s terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad day
utilities included, chapter 4 (mind the tags and rating)
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nightblightowl · 3 months
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Apparently Lucifer is all I needed to get me out of my funk. Nothing fancy, playing around with ideas and just wanting to get used to drawing his face~ These started out as much simpler doodles... You can tell I was trying to keep it sketchy and then I slowly cleaned everything as I went up.....
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thegreendiamondart · 3 months
Leshy is a chaotic problem child that messes with his siblings and no you cannot change my mind on that
(Except for Shamura cuz he knows he’ll get caught and scolded by them)
Narinder hates whenever he’s pranked, but would jump at the chance of helping Leshy prank anyone else
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fruity-arts · 4 months
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What do you mean dress up??? The extremely cute and flawless fairy princess guardian of your dreams is here!!!!
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rubikor · 6 months
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star of the show 🌟
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pygmypouter · 11 months
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This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!
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okayto · 7 months
Neopets is so funny right now. It's a 24-year-old website and half its pages haven't been updated in 15 years. Its ostensible audience is children. The core active audience appears to be nostalgic 20-40-year-olds. Old code means no accounts or pets can ever be renamed. The virtual pound is full of virtual pets named after Justin Bieber. It has an economy and inflation is rampant. New ownership is combating this with the stimulus of random super-rare items via daily quests and events, while the equivalent of Neopian Upper-Crust complain that their investments are deflating. You can't say seaweed or grapes.
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