#planetary transition
crystalsenergy · 15 days
Empathy, compassion and kindness Differences, their immense absence in current human life & why they are important in terms of Planetary Transition 🌎✨
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Empathy is feeling Compassion is action Kindness is doing something to alleviate the pain, discomfort, or suffering of others.
It is valuable and important to cultivate these skills within ourselves. Not everyone has them sharpened.
They are not automatic, as they require something from us: the interest to act in such a way. We are beings of pure free will!
However, we live running away from what makes us common, from what is simple, but what we have complicated more and more each day: the fact that we all feel, that we all need kindness, empathy, and compassion.
which is totally different from kindness and compassion, has even been more talked about nowadays, but talking is not the same as doing. Talking is good for reflecting, remembering that this exists, but doing only depends on us.
May this concept, so basic and precious, not be forgotten and trivialized.
May it not just be spoken, like a label to be called "empathetic," but rather as a practice, something that is part of your life, naturally.
Especially compassion,
which goes beyond empathy and is what we need most nowadays. But empathy, the most basic feeling, which "comes before" compassion (action), is still lacking.
There are common feelings to all of us, which are experienced in different ways, in different intensities, but are felt by all of us at some point in our existence. Fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, love. We are equal in essence. We go through extremely similar processes.
But why do we shy away from the empathetic gaze?
Why do we believe so much in the idea of individualism and separation? Why does the negative Ego still take hold of us?
And we do this more and more every day, despite being social beings, beings who need (balanced) exchanges, beings who need others for their evolution, through learning, experience, and so on.
Planetary Transition 🌎✨
In the end, we are going through a transition of planetary dimension. The Earth of the 3rd dimension will no longer exist, giving way to the existence of the Earth of the 5th dimension - the 4th dimension is one in which we already (co)exist, as it encompasses the astral part of our existence.
The essence of the 5th dimension lies in the interest to evolve, to seek consciousness, and to do so with the clear intention of RECONNECTING with others, striving to develop love and empathy. Even if you haven't achieved it yet, the interest and the pursuit define a Being ready for a life in the 5th dimension.
And because of this, which is already happening and is an evolutionary process of Mother Earth and all of us, the sooner we evolve, the better it will be for ourselves.
Stagnation is a choice, but it will have its consequences because our path has ALWAYS been one of evolution!
No soul is born without its greater will to evolve. It is the negative choices that take us off this path (a lengthy, deep, and evidence-filled subject; I'll bring more on this another time).
We do not live without anyone. The end of human beings is conscious and loving living in a GROUP! But for that, empathy is the most basic.
And at every moment someone is by our side. But we don't see it.
I strongly believe that empathy is the most basic thing for our lives, but it is quite clear that every day we practice non-empathy more and more, distancing ourselves from our fellow human beings - and I am not only talking about those close to you, whom you theoretically relate to.
Since our neural circuits linked to kindness, empathy, and compassion need to be trained and can be stimulated, it is up to us to stimulate this… do you agree?
Have you been stimulating this?
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É a minha sugestão de livro. Não é fácil de ler e muitos desistem já nas primeiras páginas. Já era tempo para compreender cada palavras desse livro. Nele, você vai encontrar ensinamentos que foram entregues em outras épocas. Os capelinos ou a raça adâmica chegaram a pelo menos 540 mil anos.
That's my book suggestion. It is not easy to read and many people give up on the first few pages. It was time to understand every word of this book. In it, you will find teachings that were delivered in other times. Capelins or the Adamic race reached at least 540 thousand years ago.
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É o livro prometido no Apocalipse - escritura de João Evangelista. Todos precisam ler e entender a profecia dessa escritura. Todo espírito desse planeta é um SEMIDEUS e nós encarnados e desencarnados temos Virtudes Divinas para serem desabrochadas. Até mesmo o irmão mais atrasado e comprometido dos filhos possui condições para evoluir e encontrar o Reto Caminho para a Sagrada Finalidade. Ninguém avança sem ressarcimento - que isso fique bem claro.
It is the book promised in Revelation - the writing of John the Evangelist. Everyone needs to read and understand the prophecy of this scripture. Every spirit on this planet is a SEMIDGOD and we incarnate and disembodied have Divine Virtues to be blossomed. Even the most backward and committed brother of the children has the conditions to evolve and find the Straight Path to the Sacred Finality. No one moves forward without compensation - let that be clear.
No Evangelho Eterno, a Lei Mosaica ou o nosso Código de Conduta foi corrigido, depois da adulteração romana. Quem compreender a importância dos "10 Mandamentos", filtrando as ações na Lei, além de discernir o certo do errado, será dotado de grande ajuda espiritual, independente do tamanho das provas que foram determinadas a passar. Agindo mal, será réu da Justiça Divina e terá que pagar na medida da falta cometida. Ao contrário, se esforçando em práticar a Lei, conquista oportunidades maiores, somando mais em seu processo evolutivo.
In the Eternal Gospel, the Mosaic Law or our Code of Conduct was corrected, after Roman tampering. Whoever understands the importance of the "10 Commandments", filtering actions according to the Law, in addition to discerning right from wrong, will be provided with great spiritual help, regardless of the size of the tests they were determined to pass. By acting badly, you will be a defendant of Divine Justice and will have to pay to the extent of the offense committed. On the contrary, by making an effort to practice the Law, you gain greater opportunities, adding more to your evolutionary process.
Nunca se esqueça, quem mais avança, mais é cobrado diante da Justiça Divina e sempre será assim. Todos nós evoluímos para alcançar o Grau Crístico e Jesus (Verbo), que nos ensinou como é viver a Lei, já era um Cristo antes mesmo da Terra existir. Disse que podemos ser igual a ele e que há mais para conquistar depois dele.
Never forget, whoever advances the most, the most is charged before Divine Justice and it will always be like this. We all evolved to reach the Christic Degree and Jesus (Word), who taught us what it is like to live the Law, was already a Christ before the Earth even existed. He said that we can be like him and that there is more to achieve after him.
No meu entendimento, as relativas ideologias do mundo, amarradas no valor do materialismo, só serviram para uma coisa: são ferramentas para arrebatar cabritos, separando-os das ovelhas. Como tudo nessa vida está em movimento e define uma frequência de onda, não seria diferente para as ideologias do mundo. E temos agora no mundo o Evangelho Eterno deixado pelo próprio Cavaleiro Branco, esclarecendo o que não se entendia do Apocalipse, escrituras que profetizaram a entrega do próprio livro, antes das grandes mudanças planetárias.
Jesus disse que um dia os anjos chegariam para separar os perversos dos justos. Quantas interpretações existem para estas palavras? E o Apocalipse, quantas interpretações foram passadas durante tantos séculos? Eu não tenho dúvidas sobre a importância desse documento. A maior das mentiras é a invenção de que o encarnado só viveria apenas uma vez e no final da vida, ou iria para o céu ou para o inferno. Todos evoluem, todos reencarnam, até saldar todas as dívidas. E de tempos em tempos o mundo sofre mudanças necessárias para novas oportunidades. Dessa vez, haverá o exílio para aqueles que não estão vibrando em acordo com as novas influências que penetram cada vez mais em nossa atmosfera.
Jesus said that one day angels would arrive to separate the wicked from the righteous. How many interpretations are there for these words? And the Apocalypse, how many interpretations have been passed down over so many centuries? I have no doubts about the importance of this document. The biggest lie is the invention that the incarnate person would only live once and at the end of their life, they would either go to heaven or hell. Everyone evolves, everyone reincarnates, until they pay off all their debts. And from time to time the world undergoes changes necessary for new opportunities. This time, there will be exile for those who are not vibrating in accordance with the new influences that are increasingly penetrating our atmosphere.
Desejo consciência a todos!!! E fiquem sempre com DEUS.
I wish everyone awareness!!! And always stay with GOD.
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starsworldd · 9 months
𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚙𝚝. 2 <3 💥
only take what resonates / take with a grain of salt
a friendly reminder that i do readings! 💕
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𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 🌷
★ venus going through your 2nd and 6th houses makes you more of a hermit i’ve noticed because in these houses you are focused on your true values and work (most likely related to your goals) 🌷
★ venus transitting your 12th house (depending on dignity and aspects it’ll make) can be a really peaceful time in your life. you may be able to find more beauty in the underrated moments of life 🌷
★ venus transiting the 1st or 5th house may make life more enjoyable for that time period (even if venus is in detriment/fall) 🌷
𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 🔥
★ wherever mars is retrograding in your chart shows where there’s a “stand still” like that part of your life may feel like it’s not progressing as it usually would
★ mars transitting the 4th house makes you a homebody for that time period 🔥
★ mars aspecting pluto in a positive way makes for a productive time (getting that to-do list done type stuff) in my experience 🔥
𝚓𝚞𝚙𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: ☘️
★ jupiter making a sextile/trine to your natal midheaven means that you are building opportunities and a reputation for yourself in the public eye, especially for future circumstances. sextile = the work your putting in is fortunate, trine = lucky circumstances make career more fortunate ☘️
★ jupiter in hard aspects to natal neptune can show a time where you’re putting people or things on a pedastal to your detriment. can also mean during a certain time period where your subconscious beliefs can lead you to bad places ☘️
★ jupiter making any aspects to your natal jupiter is like a new “season” of your life beginning ☘️
𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 🌎
★ whatever house saturn is transitting that area of life becomes highlighted for 2-3 years. highlighted in the sense that you are trying to climb over obstacles, gain achievements, and learn more deeply about said sector of life 🌎
★ saturn aspecting your sun or moon can point to an energetic low, maybe you’re more isolated as well 🌎
★ saturn aspecting venus (specifically conjunction) is actually a pretty fortunate transit in my opinion. work/goals + aesthetic/creativity combined <3 🌎
𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: ⚡️
★ uranus aspecting venus makes you rebellious in all relationships, you may find you want to break out of your regular circles more often ⚡️
★ uranus aspecting jupiter can be an especially chaotic time in your life (but most likely in a positive way?) ⚡️
★ uranus transitting air houses (3,7,11) indicates social instability especially 7th with agreements or making business/career related plans ⚡️
𝚗𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 💜
★ the house that neptune is transitting can show where things feel out of reach for you 💜
★ neptune in aspect to mercury broadens your thinking. not in a physical way but it can help you to expand your wisdom/spiritual knowledge 💜
★ difficult neptune-sun aspects can make you less self-aware i think, maybe take a little precaution as to how you are portraying yourself in public settings!
𝚙𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚜: 💣
★ pluto transitting the 7th house can show being drained from your relationships with others or somehow feeling used 💣
★ pluto in positive aspects to jupiter shows what activities you are doing (indicated by the house of jupiter) you are engaging with in order to help yourself grow/sustain yourself past your troubles 💣
★ pluto-mars aspects indicates confidence and ability to lead but also be careful of being domineering amongst others! 💣
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hope you enjoyed!
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 month
Jupiter Transit in Taurus for Taurus Rising
Jupiter in 1st house:
This is a year of new beginnings for you. You may start something new in your life.
You may join a college or a new job or a new relationship.
Something about your life will be new this year.
Physically you will feel confident and may gain weight too.
This is a year you will feel confident but be cautious not to be over optimistic.
New opportunities can come in your life.
Things can progress without much effort.
You may have success in relationships and love as Jupiter aspects both 5th and 7th house simultaneously.
There may be possibilities of long-distance travel as Jupiter aspects 9th house.
For Readings DM
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botanicalsword · 11 months
Water Rising / Air Rising / Ascendant
Ascendant / Rising sign is the lens through which we tend to present ourselves to the world. It is the mask or persona that we wear when interacting with others and can be seen as a sort of filter that shapes how we are perceived by others.
Photo credit @le.sinex
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❥ Water Ascendant / Rising Sign (Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces)
When they show care and concern for others, they reserve their full attention and affection for selected people. Still, they strive not to neglect those around them who may need support 🤍✨
Though they are willing to lend an ear and offer advice, they do so in a selective manner
They are able to easily disconnect from others' emotions, taking a detached and practical approach rather than an empathetic one. They relate to others' feelings on an intellectual level but not on a deeply emotional one
They don’t mind to invest more in their closest friends
They typically make many friends at work and leverage their colleagues' ideas and talents. They fully utilize these relationships for networking purposes, but with genuine connections ✨
They value hard work over passion, possibly due to their upbringing and childhood values
They tend to have an appearance beauty standard for themselves and strive to meet it
❥ Air Ascendant / Rising Sign (Gemini / Libra / Aquarius)
Even if some of them might be introverted, they can still engage in a fulfilling conversation with you, even on topics that they may not be familiar with
They frequently have distinctive insights and viewpoints that can lead to stimulating conversations
They may choose to keep financial information private for privacy or security reasons
They respect independence and tend to seek partner share their sense of adventure and independence
When it comes to relationships, they value their independence and tend to seek partners who feel the same way. This enables them to maintain their individuality
They value sharing experiences with their partners, especially when exploring new things and embarking on adventures
It is the observation based on my experiences - If you have different opinions, please share them with me. I would love to hear them. ♡
Masterlist @botanicalsword
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thesecretsofthedivine · 6 months
Zodiac Playlist 🌠
mars - sleeping at last
ride - lana del rey
bathroom - montell fish
fun - troye sivan
fireball - pitbull
stayin' alive - bee gees
god save our young blood - børns
anti-hero - taylor swift
talk that talk - rihanna
clumsy - fergie
venus - sleeping at last
breakfast at tiffany's - henry mancini
chanel - frank ocean
kiss it off me - cigarettes after sex
snooze - SZA
want u around - omar apollo
habit - still woozy
peach - kevin abstract
nonsense - sabrina carpenter
talk - hozier
mercury - sleeping at last
pov - ariana grande
mood ring baby - field medic
glittr - aldn
running wild - g eazy
island in the sun - weezer
japanese posters - rebounder
master of none - beach house
faerie soirée - melanie martinez
ways to go - grouplove
moon - sleeping at last
where did the time go - lord huron
ho hey - the lumineers
my love mine all mine - mitski
idle town - conan gray
k. - cigarettes after sex
italo disco - last dinosaurs
glue song - beabadoobee
sea of love - cat power
fourth of july - sufjan stevens
sun - sleeping at last
dancing queen - abba
let me blow ya mind - eve, gwen stefani
money - cardi b
literal legend - ayesha erotica
kitty kat - megan thee stallion
carmen - lana del rey
my kind of woman - mac demarco
amber - 311
chemtrails over the country club - lana del rey
mercury - sleeping at last
tell me something i don't know - selena gomez
the boat i row - tame impala
girl next door - copperpot
crying in the chapel - elvis presley
iwillbreatheintoyou - bones
down to earth - umi
bambi - clairo
virgo's groove - beyoncé
are you satisfied - marina
venus - sleeping at last
sweet talk - saint motel
lover - taylor swift
in my head - ariana grande
pink funeral - beach house
fashion - britney manson
normal girl - sza
sit still, look pretty - daya
comfort crowd - conan gray
we fell in love in october - girl in red
mars/pluto - sleeping at last
private - russ
dirty paws - of monsters and men
borderline - tame impala
dead to me - kali uchis
not dead yet - lord huron
i can't handle change - roar
animal - sir chloe
vigilante shit - taylor swift
death - melanie martinez
jupiter - sleeping at last
here, there and everywhere - the beatles
canyon moon - harry styles
can't sleep - k. flay
sunset chaser - ragamuffs
only if - steve lacy
the balancer's eye - lord huron
youth - troye sivan
cherry bomb - the runaways
bloom later - jesse
saturn - sleeping at last
living on my own - freddie mercury
princess diana - ice spice
high stakes - bryson tiller
therefore i am - billie eilish
successful - ariana grande
i wouldn't ask you - clairo
radio - lana del rey
vienna - billy joel
mastermind - taylor swift
uranus/saturn - sleeping at last
you don't own me - saygrace
better friends - between friends
night fever - bee gees
mortal projections - djo
transparent soul - willow
she moves in her own way - the kooks
dare - gorillaz
hits different - taylor swift
arabella - arctic monkeys
jupiter/neptune - sleeping at last
love my way - the psychedelic furs
technicolor beat - oh wonder
made for love - concorde
ivy - frank ocean
my song - labi siffre
ultimately - khai dreams
bella luna - babe rainbow
ride - wave to earth
fishtail - lana del rey
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elminx · 28 days
Things you should know about my magical paradigm as it relates to astrology:
Yes, wax on/wane off is a great magical methodology, but using the transits in the sky will get you much further.
YOUR PERSONAL TRANSITS are worth their weight in gold, magically
I do not treat the planets like they are demons which means no demands, no control, and no containment, that's just rude
the more exact your timing, the stronger the magic
all of the transits in play matter and can affect your spellwork positively or negatively (so using just one and hoping for the best is messy spellwork and may lead to failure)
all full moons and new moons are not the same - the sign that the moon is in matters greatly
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are too far beyond us to be worked with personally - you must engage with one of the inner planets in aspect with them to gain access to their power
Astrological transits are not all "good" in nature because life is not all good in nature. Some transits are shitty because life is sometimes shitty. Acknowledging that is important to me.*
This list is subject to change without prior notice because it's my framework for casting planetary magic.
*edited to add
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saturnianprincess · 1 year
Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter is finally in Taurus, now is the time when all those fast paced decisions and rewards with Aries energy will be solidified and made more permanent.
A/N: I am so excited because it is my Jupiter return which will happen in a week! Usually a Jupiter Return starts with things working against you in order to align you to your destined path.
Here is my short analysis on how transit Jupiter influences you based on the house its stationed in your chart. Please note this is just a general theme, situations may change due to Natal and other transit aspects.
-> Do not copy/plagiarize my work <-
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1st House
Major glow up, feeling more encouraged to try out new things to change your appearance etc. Channeling a lot of self-love energy and focusing on self development.
2nd House
Lots of financial gains and benefits. You may even spend more on some luxury products or make significant investments. Your surrounding aesthetics and style may change.
3rd House
Your communication and speech will become more profound and you may read and write a lot of spiritual and enlightening stuff. Possibly reconnecting with your school friends, siblings and childhood friends.
4th House
You may either out of home or relocate. Familial bonds which don’t serve you anymore may either break or get better. You will feel more connected to your roots and feel inclined to learn more about your ancestral heritage.
5th House
You will want to have fun and truly romanticizing your life. You will get into a serious romantic relationship and/or meet your soul family. Creativity will be at its zenith during this period. Lots of opportunities and doors opening up for you.
6th House
Lots of new changes to your daily routine, health and dietary habits. Will get improvements in aspects related to job and money. Your productivity levels will be higher than usual so be sure to care for your mental health.
7th House
Your existing relationships will get much stronger and reach a new level of commitment such as marriage, living with your S.O. also possibly relocating depending on other aspects. You will also have favorable outcomes when it comes to legal/business matters.
8th House
Major spiritual awakening. You may feel very enlightened and focus on soul-searching. Getting into occult and esoteric practices. Lots of shadow work and healing yourself. Learning to be more intimate and vulnerable with your partner/yourself. Major Karmic cycles ending for you.
9th House
You may want to pursue higher education or learn something new. You may tend to question beliefs and traditions you were taught. Your optimism and outlook on life is unmatched. You can settle abroad or migrate for work/studies. Lots of traveling in general and meeting foreigners.
10th House
Rise in career and social status. You may work or meet very impactful and powerful people. You will gain recognition for your hard-work and achievements.
11th House
A very social year! Joining a friend group or being part of a large community. Can meet your platonic soulmates/soul tribe.
12th House
Spiritual transformation and massive change of your own beliefs. Connecting to your higher self. Betrayals and hidden enemies coming to light but in a more of blessing in disguise.
©️saturnianprincess 2023 | Pictures from Pinterest
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divinatorydoll · 4 months
how mars in capricorn will affect us: 📝
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mars has just moved into the ambitious, intelligent sign of capricorn !! because of it's determined and goal-driven nature, mars finds his exaltation in capricorn; the sign tempers his insatiable passion and channels his zeal into useful results.
the exaltation of a planet is the sign where a planet functions efficiently and faces little struggle. in capricorn, mars deals with few distractions and can patiently endure delays on the journey to achieving what he wants
mars will impact you differently based off the house(s) it transits while moving through capricorn. read more below !!
mars in the 1H: this can be a healing and clarifying time for people struggling with their identity or feeling lost in their sense of self. perhaps if you're looking for more direction, a clearer sense of purpose, or even just a sign that you're on the right path, mars in capricorn will provide it to you !! tune into your inner wisdom and focus on yourself first
mars in the 2H: this is a wonderful time to develop more financial freedom through saving your money and investing in things that grow over time. but there can also be frustration with managing too many new investments. try learning more about big financial commitments before putting too much on your plate at one time
mars in the 3H: you'll find that mars' energy in your 3H can make you much more opinionated and ready to share your thoughts about things. while wisened by experience, mars in capricorn can be inflexible with its perspective. try not to be so readily defensive about your ideas and allow people to have their own viewpoints on things. make an effort to learn from your elders right now as well
mars in the 4H: during this transit, try having a more minimalistic attitude when it comes to your home decor. generally speaking, a planet in capricorn moving into your 4H is great for slimming down on unnecessary domestic possessions. aside from that, carve out some time to organize your living space and figure out your 'priority items'
mars in the 5H: mars moving throughout the 5H always lives up one's sex life, but in capricorn, you may find yourself deepening your relationships with people you have sexual encounters with !! this may be less of a hookup time for you and more of an emotional friends with benefits time !! this is also a helpful transit for detaching yourself from old, limiting traditions and creating new, exciting ones
mars in the 6H: with mars rejoicing in the 6H, it tends to be a lot easier to get along with business partners and authority figures at your workplace. in the house of health and everyday rituals, it'll be important to develop a more solid daily routine that benefits your wellbeing. try out a new low-impact exercise if you can, such as tai chi, yoga, jogging, or swimming !!
mars in the 7H: this a great time for resolving conflict in your intimate relationships. with capricorn as the sign of maturity, mars' movement here will help you handle disagreement patiently and productively. this ingress can also help people become less sensitive to public opinion and more self-reliant !!
mars in the 8H: this is perfect for absolving debt and effectively managing important monetary contracts. inheritance and loan disputes will be easily handled, as well as any confusion surrounding joint bank accounts, taxes, interest rates, and payment plans. this will also be a good time to broaden your understanding of the occult and new ritual practices !!
mars in the 9H: those in collegiate environments will have a much better time completing schoolwork, meeting deadlines, and handling academic pressure. this can be a fulfilling period of cultural exploration and travel. but with mars (frustration) in the 9H, you may have to prepare yourself for some annoyances on your vacations
mars in the 10H: an excellent transit for career building and elevating your professional impact. mars represents business management and competitive work. so while exalted, this can bring you more entrepreneurial opportunities and better status in a saturated business market !! this can also be a fun period of learning more about history, engineering, or athletics !!
mars in the 11H: this is a prosperous time for making business connections with people in your social circles !! working collaboratively with your friends will be highly rewarding, and the fruits of your labor will be long-lasting (♑︎). right now it's good to observe your friends and see which ones are truly protective of you vs. the ones that say they care and won't act on it
mars in the 12H: understanding your dreams is usually much easier during this transit, but mars here can make your dreams more violent or aggressive — try to express your anger in your waking life so it doesn't end up in your dreams when you're trying to rest !! if you've been having any off feelings about someone, mars in capricorn (reality) will confirm these suspicions clearly
book a reading !!
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teopatra · 4 months
If you understand a planet and it’s characteristics and what it controls then it’s easier to assume how it would act in a particular house.. also understand a house’s rules apply as well, so then when you put the two together u can figure it out.. sky math
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teathattast · 11 days
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For anyone wondering why things have been so intense lately. Nodes are in retrograde and everything going on with Lilith, Neptune and Pluto is bringing anything that's not in alignment with the new you to the forefront
Fortunately, this is a good time to lean on your loved ones as you purge and release old emotional patterns. Lots of healing/shadow work surrounding things from your past that may still impact your current relationships and the way you show up for yourselves/other areas of life
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middlenamesage · 2 months
Life is your best astrology teacher. The best way to learn about all areas of your chart is to pay attention to the transits activating it. All of the planets are currently moving through one of your houses and might be making important aspects to your natal placements, but the Moon in particular makes an entire trip around the zodiac in just 27+ days. That’s the full range of opportunities within every month to see how she casts a reflection on all houses and placements in your natal chart. Be open to what she wants to show you. Check the transits a couple times a day (or whatever feels best for you) and pay attention to where the Moon is if you’re looking for more immediate insight into parts of yourself. The slower moving planets tend to represent more extensive stories unfolding, but the Moon can really help us to understand ourselves.
I’ve found that the conjunctions she makes in transit to placements in my natal chart are definitely the most important aspects to look for if you’re wanting the opportunities to reflect on your natal placements and discover more about how they manifest in your life.
Also, if you are ever just feeling some type of way really strongly, really thinking about a specific topic, or something curious has happened in the moment (not necessarily some monumental occurrence, just something that makes you wonder about astro dynamics) I really recommend looking up the transits in that moment. You might find the Moon conjunct one of your placements. (Or highlighting a planet in the universal transits.)🌛🪄
You could spend years trying to pull interpretations for areas of your natal chart out your ass (just a colorful figure of speech☺️), or reading up on generalized descriptions of placements that don’t take into account how they fit into your chart. But trust me, seeing how life interacts with your chart in real time is the most specific and personal way to build better understanding of the map of the cosmos that reflects the map within you.
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littledigest · 1 year
The Long Game. Personal experiences with Planetary Transits and Returns.
Original Post Date: Sunday, February 26, 2023 Last Revised: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 See Results, Journal at the bottom for my personal experiences.
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Pluto will enter Aquarius for the first time since the late 1700s on March 23, 2023. It will retrograde back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius until officially settling into Aquarius on November 19, 2024. Pluto in Aquarius will last until March 9, 2043.
Q: Why am I using myself as an experiment?
A: I am a major Aquarian.
Sun in Aquarius 28 degrees
Moon in Aquarius 13 degrees
Mercury in Aquarius 3 degrees
Uranus in Aquarius 2 degrees
Juno in Aquarius 15 degrees
Descendant in Aquarius 25 degrees
That means Pluto will transit all 5 of these bodies plus more by conjunction over the next 20 years of my life in this order:
BONUS: Neptune in Capricorn 26 degrees 5th
Uranus in Aquarius 2 degrees 6th
Mercury in Aquarius 3 degrees 6th
Moon in Aquarius 13 degrees 6th
Juno in Aquarius 15 degrees 6th
Descendant in Aquarius 25 degrees 7th
Sun in Aquarius 28 degrees 7th
BONUS: Mars in Pisces 1 degree 7th
Next, I will keep track of my planetary returns, most famously my Saturn return.
I listed all the returns of the following planets until 2030: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter (my next Jupiter return isn't until 2031, age 35), and Saturn.
I compared the lists and matched up any relatively close dates.
Mercury Return 2/13/23 + Venus Return 2/28/23 (age 26/27)
Venus Return 3/6/25 + Saturn Return 3/27/25 (age 29)
Mars Return 3/4/26 + Venus Return 3/14/26 (age 30)
Mars Return 2/12/28 + Venus Return 2/16/28 (age 31)
Mercury Return 1/5/29, 1/8/29, 2/26/29 (age 32/33)
End Notes
I will revisit this post to update you on major life events to gain more insight into astrology, Pluto transits, planetary returns, and myself.
Some events I'll be looking out for are:
Career changes
Moving out
This is THE LONG GAME, which will last from age 27/28 to 47. A total of 20 years.
Wish me luck! I wish all of you luck as well :)
Results, Journal
Pluto conjunct natal Mercury-Uranus-Neptune [first posted 2/26/23]
Mercury Return and Venus Return [first posted 3/7/23]
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Rising Signs and Moon Signs that can expect Marriage/Relationship ⚭💞 in 2023.
Libra - Jupiter will be in 7th house along with Rahu making it very relationship focused year. You may come across strange partners or someone foreign to you in some sense. Saturn will also aspect 7th house making it time for long term commitment.
Aquarius- Jupiter will be in your 3rd house aspecting 7th house and bringing opportunities for relationships. As the 11th ruler aspecting 7th, you may meet partners through social mediums.
Aries- Jupiter will be in your 1st house while Ketu continues to be in 7th. One of your ex might come back to your life.
Gemini- Jupiter will be in your 11th house aspecting 5th house and 7th house. Time for whirlwind romance and you may meet someone from social circle or through friends. Your relationship will move from friendship initially to romance.
Leo- Though not Jupiter, Saturn will be in your 7th making it time for long term commitments like marriage. You may meet a older mate or someone already married and divorced.
If you would like a relationship reading or annual forecast DM here.
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botanicalsword · 1 year
When to start a new chapter • Astrology Transits of New changes
self sufficient, discipline, new knowledge
I personally considered tight orb 0° - 1° for influence here, for observations purpose
Photo credit @le.sinex
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Transiting Chiron / natal Sun
deep reflection, discomforting truths, challenge our self-image / sense of purpose, fears, insecurities, unresolved issues, reveal flaws / weaknesses, feelings of inadequacy, failure, lack of direction, shortcomings within our ego
Transiting Chiron / natal Mercury
Past traumas and wounds, figure out puzzling situations, revisit old insecurities / uncertainties, past hurts, struggles resurfacing, forcing to confront issues you had put aside, reexamining old doubts, opportunity for new insights, growth, outlives initial uncertainties
Transiting Mercury on natal Venus
Your social sensitivity allows you to build meaningful relationships based on trust, understanding, and kindness. Cultivate spaces of comfort, care, and openness, and extend your good will outward to change lives for the better.
Transiting Neptune conjunct natal 7 house ruler / Venus & Transiting Venus trine natal Saturn
New love - long term relationship, new begin, soulmate, creating space, new priorities / perspectives, hazy vision of ideal partner, profound inner change, love and relationships, both insight and illusion, romantic longing, distort reality, growth over repeating past wounds, higher values, self-knowledge , next chapter
Transiting Jupiter on transiting Venus (Square)
New change of relationship, let go of the past relationship
Transiting North node conjunct natal moon
core beliefs align, connect easily and authentically with others, harmony between inner and outside world, relate well to people, attitudes and perspectives in sync, openness / empathy in interaction, gain social acceptance / popularity, generosity, kindness, benevolence, social responsibility, comfortable navigating interactions, diversity
Transiting Lilith 1181 conjunct natal Chiron
strong emotions, confront past wounds, healer, exploring sexuality
The things that inspire you probably come from a wish to assist others in dealing with difficulties you've personally faced. By speaking from the heart with honesty and self-awareness, you can guide others on a journey of healing and liberation.
Transiting North Node on natal Moon
transit, the imagination, accurate psychic sensitivities, reliable impressions, creativity, inner values, social trends and ideals, popularity, generosity
Transiting Mercury trine natal Moon
Transiting North Node conjunct natal Ascendant
discovering who you truly are, focuses on growth, self-discovery and evolution rather than dramatic change, authentic self, a period of renewal and growth, goals and priorities evolve
Transiting Mercury sextile natal MC
Connect with people in your communities - whether business, non-profit or spiritual - with an open, genuine spirit of curiosity and goodwill. Focus on connecting and giving to others. Good things will come back to you.
Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Pluto
the way you are thinking and your messages make things more intense
Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Pluto
deep transformation, spiritual awakening, shredding, new inner belief, regeneration of ideal
Transiting Uranus in 1st House / conjunct natal Asc
internal shift in consciousness, awareness of changes, relocation, move home, new environment, renewal and rejuvenation
Transiting Pluto conjunct MC
New goal, new skills, personal ambitions, career driven
You are at a point in your journey where you can set bold goals that challenge and fulfil you.
Transiting Jupiter on natal Venus
Experience new love, romantic dates, attract supportive resources and relationships, starting new relationship, following your heart, new partner / lover
Transiting Uranus conjunct natal Venus
You seek adventurous connections and genuine relationships that allow you to express yourself. You value meeting people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and look for partners who offer both intimacy and independence. You seek connections that nourish your soul without judgment or labels.
Transiting Venus trine natal Venus
financial gain, meaningful relationships, personal growth, reignite your passion
This creative opportunity can be exciting and fulfilling. Your social connections and artistic inspiration can help you make progress.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Sun
Learn from past challenges and embrace new adventures with confidence. Cultivate a fulfilling life aligned with your values. You have survived the hard times, now it's time to thrive.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
I am actually quite interested in Asteroid Transiting.
Do you want to know? Should I make another observation on Asteroid? Let me know
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suniastrology · 10 months
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North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra
So, what to expect?
This a very significant even in Astrology which occurs in every 18 months. On July 18, 2023 the Nodes of the Moon changed signs. The North Node (known also as Rahu) is currently in Aries whereas the South Node (known as Ketu) is in Libra (opposite sign). This energy is bringing a new dynamic and focus in our lives as a collective and individually.
On a collective level, tendences may be seen as more dramatic and drastic because North Node in Aries could be expressed as an anger, fights, conflicts, social unrest, rise of criminal activities. Military actions, policing or people in charge of safety, protection and security of countries; organisations, institutions or communities may get more active and involved in peoples lives, globally, for many reasons. Alliances and unions between many countries may end up for good; or existing ones need to renegotiate or adjust some terms, conditions and agreements to the current global situation.
On a positive note, this energy suggest that countries, institutions or organisations may develop new innovative strategies, especially, business/economic wise to function more independently and self-sufficiently. Actions towards making peace, fair agreements (political, economic or social) and fights for equalities (on many instances) are very likely to be a collective agenda too, for the next one and the half year. New trade unions or partnerships internationally may occur with much more innovative approach to business and diplomacy.
On a personal level, the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra could bring many positives in our lives, if the energy is used consciously and constructively. It is definitely an invitation to put ourselves first – ‘my desires and my goals’. It is a calling for self-expression, courage and actions towards our will and dreams; to go and get it, no matter what – a strong Aries expression and North Node – desire and obsession. The South Node in Libra, however, is asking us to let go of ‘people pleasing ’behaviour, attachments to partners, lovers or friendships which more or less are reasons for loosing our true identity by putting our personals desires somewhere at the back yard just because we ‘have to’ support others. Therefore, during this period some personal or business relationships may end up or they will exist only if each side interests and priorities are respected and even encouraged in aim both (or more) parties to grow in their evolutionary path. (North node is our future destiny and evolutionary path which we are heading to - as an individual and collective, and the South node is what we have to detach, leaving our comfort zone by taking our past knowledge and experiences which support our journey towards the North Node).
This astrological period could be very beneficial for new beginnings and ventures, especially, related to enterprise, sport, fitness; everything what requires competition and physical activities. Independent work, assertiveness, leadership, innovation and pioneering will be greatly support under this energy. If you are an activist, a lower who is fighting for injustice (of any type) this energy could bring you success and personal satisfaction. This is also a great time to set up new goals or to achieve a certain goal which was set up in the past. We may also be braver and more courageous to do things which we were afraid to do before and to take risks with the North Node in Aries. However, we may also be prone to impatience, conflicts and anger but physical/sport activities of any type could be a good way to calm this fiery , youthful energy of Aries. Be also aware of accidents and incidents, speed driving; headaches and head injuries, inflammations could be experienced too.
In general, this is a very ambitious, action taking astrological time where changes, initiatives and innovations are encouraged and supported. It’s time to express and act on your individual talent and power which could also inspire and impower others.
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes
suni astrology
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