elminx · 52 minutes
Has anybody on here tried an experiment where they've used a completely personal to them (unknown otherwise) correspondence on ANOTHER PERSON with success?
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elminx · 3 hours
Wild Crafting: Violet Syrup
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I am so excited to say that I made violet syrup for the first time this week!  I love wild crafting and have tons of local wild sweet violets so I couldn’t wait to try out this wonderful experiment.  Plus, its gorgeous and came out amazing!
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A word of wild crafting: if you are going to consume any wild plants, please make sure that you know and understand the risks.  Eating plants that have been sprayed with chemicals = eating the chemicals.  Also, be careful of leeching of other chemicals.  For instance, I love in an old mill town and wild flowers grow in many ditches on the sides of the roads.  These are NOT SAFE TO EAT because they likely have absorbed mill chemicals from the soil.   I collected the violets from the yards of two friends who I know care for their lawns without the use of toxicity.
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Firstly, you need wild violets.  I collected 4 cups worth.  The original recipe called for 3-3.5 cups.    The first step is to make a violet “tea”.  Boil one cup of water and let the water sit for 5 minutes - this is so that you don’t burn the color out of the violets with boiling water.   Then let the violets sit for 12-24 hours - the longer you let the violets steep, the better the color and flavor.  I wanted to make mine during the sunlight to get good photos, so I let mine steep for about 36 hours.
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Once your violets have steeped, you need to strain them out of the water. As you can see, the leftover “tea” was a beautiful deep indigo color.   This is normal - violet syrup is almost always blue at first.  You can make it purple again later in the process…we’ll get to that.
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Next, take your cup of violet tea and combine it with 2 cups of sugar on a VERY LOW HEAT to make a complex syrup.  This will take a while - be patient.   Do not increase the heat as this will burn the color out of your syrup and (I at least) think that the color is a wonderful addition to this recipe.   You want to stir this until the water becomes see through again. Your syrup will most likely still be blue though as you can see, the sugar turned mine back to a lighter shade more reminiscent of violet.  
If your violet syrup is too blue, you can add a dash of lemon juice to it to color it purple again.  Be careful here - a little goes a long way - I made the mistake of trying it with a bit and turning it bright pink, not violet at all!
Then, let you violet syrup cool on the counter.  This is so that the sugar doesn’t crash back out of the mixture, undoing all of your hard work.  When cool, store in an air tight container in your fridge - complex syrup can keep for up to 2-3 months.    What should you do with your violet syrup?  It can be used in Spring cocktail recipe, as a drizzle over pancakes or waffles, or in any other culinary way that you see fit!  It is sweet and floral and pairs well with gins as showed below.
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If you’d like to learn more about the magical properties of violet, you can check out my post here.   And as always, if you’d like to support my work, you can Buy Me a Ko-fi.
Because I believe in credit where credit is due, I got the idea for this recipe from this video by The Green Witch on Youtube.
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elminx · 19 hours
This week has felt challenging in a lot of ways but at least I’m still getting things done.
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On Monday, I celebrated the Full Moon with my tiny coven for the first time since February 2020. We exchanged some gifts and picked dandelions and violets from Dora’s lawn for this week’s experiments.
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Then, on Tuesday, I set my violet and dandelions up to infuse. My intention for the dandelion was to make a healing tonic jelly and my intention for the violets is a Spring Blessings Violet Liquor.
Half the violets went into a three week long violet infusion and the other half into a tea that I later turned into complex syrup.
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You can see how different the violets look after just a few minutes in vodka (on the left) and hot water (on the right).
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Wednesday involved making my violet syrup and today I made my dandelion jelly.
I could be mad at performative people, or, instead, I could play with flowers. I choose to play with flowers.
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elminx · 20 hours
I saw this meme going around on twitter and I think it'll be perfect for this account.
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.
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elminx · 24 hours
Witch Tips: the Best Day in May (2024) for Attraction Magic
Astro-tumbleweeds: circle Saturday, May 18th on your calendar because that is our lucky day of the month.
Sun conjunct Jupiter, Venus conjunct Uranus (all four are in a stellium with one another in Taurus), and Mars conjunct the North Node in Aries. The fates are in play so you might as well play the game, too.
All signs point to a great day for luck, money, love, or just getting what you want out of life.
(This goes doubly for you late Taurus types)
Edited to fix my mistake - it's SATURDAY not Sunday.
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elminx · 1 day
Hi there, sorry to bother! I have a quick question- on your best time for May post, you mentioned Sunday May 18th, but the 18th is on Saturday. Is it Saturday or Sunday that is the best day?
You are right! (Mercury retrograde strikes again...that's what I am going to claim).
Trust my dates, not my days.
It's on the 18th.
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elminx · 1 day
The way that I practice animism is, that spirit is the thing that animates the world. All physical things in the world have some kind of animate force that deserves respect just as much as the animating force inside me does.
Cleansing your spirit takes care of your body. Cleansing your body is caring for your spirit. Stewarding the spaces around you cares for the spirit of that place and the spirits of the things that use that space. When you go there and you can comfortably be in community with the spirits that are there, the blackberry, the rabbit, your friend, you have cared for your own spirit.
Making tea the way your parents made tea honors their spirit. Using the kettle your friend gave you honors the spirit of your friend and the spirit of the well-used kettle.
Caring for that kettle is caring for the spirit of the kettle. The kettle takes care of you because it is well-maintained it works well.
These things are not happening in the spirit world as a mirror to the physical world. They are not two things overlapping. They are one thing.
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elminx · 2 days
So You Survived Mercury Retrograde...
But wait, there’s more!
Did you know that the end of Mercury’s retrograde period is not the end of the Mercury snafus?  The cycle of Mercury retrograde lasts for 60 days - the pre-shadow period, the actual retrograde, and the post-shadow period.  One of the reasons that a Mercury retrograde can feel so tough is that Mercury passes the same spots in the horoscope three times - firstly in the pre-shadow in a forward motion, secondly in the retrograde period in the backward motion, and thirdly in the post-shadow period in the forward motion again.
What that means if this Mercury makes a rough aspect to something in your personal chart, you get to feel it thrice over rather than just once.
But its more than those personal tough points - Mercury retrogrades represent a deep chance to look into a specific theme thrice over.  That theme is determined somewhat by what sign (or signs) the retrograde passes through and what (if any) major aspects Mercury makes to our outer planets along the way.   This time around the themes were Scorpio with a heavy highlight of Saturnian and Plutonian energy.
Now that the retrograde has ended, today is a great time to reflect on or maybe journal about the themes of change that have sprung up in your life since early October when the pre-shadow period began.   We’re about to go over it one last time (for this year) - the more aware you are of what’s been changing, the easy the change will be.
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elminx · 2 days
Witch Tips: the Best Day in May (2024) for Attraction Magic
Astro-tumbleweeds: circle Saturday, May 18th on your calendar because that is our lucky day of the month.
Sun conjunct Jupiter, Venus conjunct Uranus (all four are in a stellium with one another in Taurus), and Mars conjunct the North Node in Aries. The fates are in play so you might as well play the game, too.
All signs point to a great day for luck, money, love, or just getting what you want out of life.
(This goes doubly for you late Taurus types)
Edited to fix my mistake - it's SATURDAY not Sunday.
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elminx · 2 days
If I may, I must make the gentle request that people consult Wikipedia for basic information about anything.
I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, but more and more people coming to me saying they can’t find info about [noun], when googling it yields its Wikipedia entry on the first page.
I’ve said it before, but I’ll gladly say it again: You can trust Wikipedia for general information. The reason why it’s unreliable for academic citations is because it’s a living, changing document. It’s also written by anonymous authors, and author reputation is critical for research paper integrity.
But for learning the basics of what something is? Wikipedia is your friend. I love Wikipedia. I use it all the time for literally anything and everything, and it’s a huge reason why I know so much about things and stuff.
Please try going there first, and then come to me with questions it doesn’t answer for you.
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elminx · 3 days
There's something interesting I've noticed in my spellcrafting experiments. I do a lot of food magic, turning meals into spells and writing recipes specifically for magical purposes.
When a dish takes more time and effort to create, I find it has a greater magical "punch." Quick and easy dishes done with magic work just fine, of course. I wouldn't do them if they didn't. But their effects don't last as long, I've found, and they tend to not have as drastic results as something that takes a lot of energy.
Once I noticed this in my food magics, I started seeing it elsewhere, too. I tested it with my money bowl by going from a single tea light candle lit once per week to a large taper candle lit every day. Not much else changed about the bowl itself, but I also decided to physically write out a petition instead of just thinking what I wanted during the casting.
It's had drastically different results. Money comes in quicker, easier, and in large quantities. I think it's in part because the set-up of the spell took more effort (the petition) and because it's taking active, concentrated care every day (lighting and babysitting the candle). The energy input matches the output.
Now, I do think this means that low-effort spellwork would yield smaller or shorter-term results. That doesn't mean it isn't worth doing. Performing a bunch of little spells for the same purpose builds up that effort and energy over time, compounding into a bigger and bigger result.
But the effort put in tends to match the results gotten out of spells. The more care taken, the more effort it takes, the more attention it gets, the better it'll do.
Obviously, this is based on observations done on my own spellwork and practice. It makes sense that effort = results in my practice, since I'm pulling fatestrings and so forth, and the harder the pull, the bigger the movement. So YMMV, etc.
I'm curious, though, has anyone else noticed this same thing? And if so, what sort of paradigm are you working with?
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elminx · 3 days
pov your gf is a witch and/or an artist
This table is special. It is covered in jars, bones, and jars of bones. Please do not touch it, I have it laid out exactly how I want.
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elminx · 3 days
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mine would probs be: one direction, taylor swift, ed sheeran, the script and coldplay 
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elminx · 3 days
Elminx's Guide to Augmenting Your Spellwork
This guide is intended to be allied to the type of spellwork that draws something towards you or is desirous of change within yourself. The goal here is to create actions throughout our day or week that bring our thoughts back to the magic that we have performed. From my way of thinking, this keeps the stream of magic flowing in the right direction through your returned focus. It can have the added benefit of reminding you to take the actions in the world that are necessary for the success of your spellwork.
There will be a number of examples following but they all have the same theme: doing something during your initial spellwork that you will return to after the spell has been cast to keep your attention focused in the direct on what you want. Some of these things will be very obvious and you will have seen them before - others may be less so and better suited to a person in the broom closet. Some of these are standalone spell techniques on their own; here I am trying to convey that when combined together, multiple types of spellwork can have a greater effect than individually.
The idea is to continue to do the things listed below until your spell has manifested. Yes, there are obviously too many to do all at once. You are, as always, free to pick the ones that fit the spell best or the ones that fit your own lifestyle. Or to disregard all of them altogether.
Create an altar for your spell Say that I was going to create a spell for money to make sure that I could pay my rent on August 1st. I would create a money altar for my spell, do my spell on the altar, and keep all of the spell ingredients (including candle remains and any nonperishable offerings) up for the month of July. If I was going to create a spell to combat the upcoming Venus retrograde, I would keep the altar up all the way through the end of the retrograde. The visual reminder of the altar helps to realign your thoughts toward that spell.
Feed your spell This one goes along with the first nicely. This can look like a lot of different things - it could be adding coins to a money bowl or a spoonful of sugar to a sweetening jar. It could be burning incense on your altar for success on your exams every Sunday. It could be successively lighting small candles to charge your spell for a set number of days, weeks, or on every full moon. If you work with spirits of deities, it could be making repeated offerings while you ask for help with your spellwork. If you are the type of person who sticks to schedules well, make it a scheduled thing. You could align it with the days of the week if you're into that or with the moon cycles. If you're not a scheduler, do it when you remember.
Mantras (and other Spoken representations of your spell) If you are a verbal person, word magic may work very well for you. This can be anything from one phrase to a rhyming couplet - the idea here is that it is something that you remember to repeat to yourself. I think that this type of magic work especially well when doing work on changing something about yourself, but you may find a use for it in other areas that I have not. Ideas for using mantras: say them when you wake up or before you fall asleep at night, say them while looking in the mirror while getting ready in the morning. Or, simply say them when it would be appropriate for the magic that you have worked.
Sigils (and other Visual Representations of your Spell) If you are a visual person, sigils and other types of art magic can help you to augment your magic. The idea is to charge or create your symbol during the casting of your magic and then return to it throughout your days. Depending on your situation, you may able to hang your artwork or sigil on your mirror in your bathroom or even on your fridge. If you cast a spell to get better tips, carry the sigil or wear it when you are working. You can draw sigils on your skin with lotion or other skincare. This can be at once the most obvious forms of magic (think the Bluetooth symbol) and the most discreet. You can incorporate your sigil onto something you handmake like clothing (inside your clothes or out), jewelry, or any number of other charms.
Put it in a Jar (and other Physical representations of your magic) Yes, jar spells and other container magic are a topic all onto themselves. But have you thought about putting the remains of a spell into a jar? This is a very sympathetic view of magic, but it makes no sense to me to cast a spell to bring something toward you and then immediately get rid of the objects used in the spell. It's counterintuitive to throw something away that you want. N'est pas? Instead, put the items you used in the casting of the spell into a jar or bag and keep it somewhere safe until the spell comes to pass. This is where an altar to your spell comes in handy - it's a place to house this object. Bonus: this makes it harder for sneaky people or inquisitive animals to find their way into your spell components. Other versions of this include putting your intentions for the spell into an object such as a stone or a piece of jewelry and carrying it with you every day.
Invoke Your Senses Again, this is strictly my opinion, but magic involves both the unconscious and the conscious mind. The best way to hijack your unconscious mind and keep it aligned with your consciousness is through the base senses like smell and taste. They tap right the fuck in as they are deeply connected to our memory centers. Here I suggest picking a scent or flavor from your spell and incorporating it into your life for the duration afterward. If you use rose petals, buy yourself a rose-scented soap or rose perfume. If you use basil, make yourself pesto once a week or work to otherwise incorporate basil into your meals. As far as food goes, items like jams and simple syrups are perfect for this purpose if applicable. This involves a bit more planning than some of the other suggestions but can be very rewarding (and tasty!). Alternatively, if sound is important to you, you could use a piece of music during your spell and then play it repeatedly to reactivate the feeling of the spell. Or, if you're very musically inclined, you could write your own song or simply set your mantra/words to music in some fashion.
This is a very non-exhaustive list of some of the techniques that I have used to keep the energy of my spells flowing when I am working on a longer manifestation. Mostly, as stated above, these techniques are best used for magic designed to bring something towards you or to change something about yourself but they can be adapted for use with other types of magic as well.
Again, the goal here is to create moments throughout your day or week where your attention is turned back to your magic through repetitive actions such as showering with rose soap or donning a necklace you made with your sigil every morning.
Do you like my work? You can support me by tipping me on Kofi or purchasing an astrology report written by me just for you.
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elminx · 4 days
There are several ways that you can support me and my writing here on Tumblr. If you head over to Kofi (linked above) you can tip me once or sign up to be a monthly supporter at $1, $2, and $5 levels. Supporters get early access to my monthly transit reports and the $5 tier gets a discount on commissions made through my shop.
I offer a couple of commission options:
Natal Birth Chart - I will take a deep dive into your natal birth chart. I think that learning your birth chart can give you a lot of clarity and inner knowing and that everybody should do so. This will be (at least) 7-10 pages breaking down every aspect of your chart by planet, sign, house, and aspect. I strive to be very thorough here.
Transit Reports - these are a breakdown of the aspects between your natal birth chart and the transits of the skies during a monthly period. You can purchase them in increments of one month, three months, and 12 months with a discounted rate for three and 12 months. This is a limited slot - I can only write 5 transit reports a month due to the time that they take. (If it's not currently available, my slots are full - send me a message and I'll let you know when a slot opens up again)
Planetary Election Reports - (NEW) If you want to use the power of the planets in your spell work but don't know how to properly calculate the most opportune times, I can do that for you. I will look at the next two months and determine the best time(s) for the type of magic you want to cast based on your natal birth chart and the ongoing planetary transits.
I offer discounts on many of these types of reports when purchased together - you can check the add-ons section individually to view this.
I'm also up for other types of commissions that don't fit into these categories so please message me here or on Kofi for more details.
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elminx · 4 days
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by Ivan Kuraev
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elminx · 4 days
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I have been saving this since last year. Happy Earth Day everyone.
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