#percy x audrey
AUDREY: Sunday
From the flash fic collection Days That End In Y
prompt: finding reasons not to leave
It wasn’t often that Percy took ill — there was simply no time for it — and never on weekdays if it could be helped. Even then, he was wont to work through the sneezing and headaches and fatigue, except on such occasions as Audrey saw fit to intervene.
But at times, much like everyone else, even Percy Weasley was inclined to be unwell given the right circumstances — or, rather, the wrong ones.
“You know, I think I feel a bit poorly.”
Percy only ever said these words when he neither looked nor felt poorly at all; with a false candour, an affected calm, and always a significant glance at Audrey.
“You’re sure?”
He allowed himself a moment’s reflection before deciding with a nod, “Yes. Is that all right?”
“Of course.” Audrey ran her fingers through his hair, just above his ear. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Sometimes he did, but sometimes there was just nothing to say that she didn’t already know: That he’d had a long week, perhaps, and his patience was hanging by a thread; or that for no apparent reason he’d awoken that day under a persistent storm cloud and wanted nothing more than to withdraw into himself. That as much as he’d like to try, on occasion something in him could not weather George’s quips or his mother’s cosseting or the way he could always tell when Bill was quietly laughing at him, which was somehow worse than when others did it outright.
That even after years and years of practice it was still difficult to bear with equanimity the way anything that made him happy could be spun into something to be ridiculed — no achievement or promotion could be shared without snide commentary; he hadn’t even received congratulations on his engagement back then until after the initial response of, “Audrey, blink twice if you need rescuing.”
That for reasons he often couldn’t articulate even to himself, and despite the tremendous guilt, he simply could not face them today.
Audrey didn’t push when he shook his head, allowing him to fall back into a pensive lull as she busied herself about the kitchen.
At last she ventured, “Anything you’d rather do instead?”
Percy’s mouth twisted in thought as he stared at nothing in particular; then he glanced out the window, where the weather was still fine.
“I think I fancy a walk. When Molly’s nap’s finished?” He gave her a fond smile. “What do you say?”
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hchollym · 1 year
I like the idea that Percy and Audrey either never married or got divorced, stayed great friends and amazing co parents BUT I like the idea of the girls living with Percy full time with Audrey travels the world.
She contacts them once a day, they all write to each other daily. She’s involved in their life and Percy’s still. The girls might join her on holidays or she’ll come home, home is where they and Percy live. She and Percy might not be together or in love but they care for one another and are family.
I just love the idea of Audrey traveling the world but being a very present and loving mother and friend. (Or even, her and Percy being married but queer platonic and an open relationship!)
I've said before that I only accept the actual books as canon (and nothing besides that), so I don't necessarily believe that Audrey was ever Percy's partner, but if we're going by the Weasley Family Tree, then I do like your idea!
I love the idea of Percy and Audrey never getting married, but instead, co-parenting their girls really well together. They will always love and respect each other, but it's not romantic. Audrey traveling the world but still being a present, loving mother is gold, because I get so sick of the stereotypes that people put on women & mothers. She can definitely have her cake & eat it too! 🥰
Thanks for the comment! 😊
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Today, we get an insight into the rarest of rare pairs courtesy of @fightfortherightsofhouseelves as Percy takes a trip to Diagon Alley! Read it below or on AO3 here
Username: fightfortherightsofhouseelves
Prompts: Broom & Ice cream
Summary: Percy discovers that, from time to time, he doesn’t really mind if things turn out to be unpredictable. 
‘Percy, quick, they’re early!’ Gemma hissed, shuffling hurriedly past his cubicle. ‘I’ll stall them, Martha’s taking care of coffee and you -’
‘I’ll brief Mr Cockleworth,’ Percy said somberly and got up at once. He was certain his boss would be absolutely peeved, but Percy knew very well how to handle him. They didn’t call him Mr Cockleworth’s right hand man for nothing.
‘Alright, but be careful. You know how he can get,’ Gemma whispered, then immediately broke into a trot. Time was of the essence, as it always was in the Department of Magical Transportation. 
Percy didn’t need to be told, though. He was, afterall, an old hat at it. Had he not been on the Minister for Magic’s own team? Yes, he had. Although those were other times, and these were other circumstances. Nevertheless, a job was a job and it would be treated at the highest level of professionalism, with perfect seriosity, diligence, and sobriety.
So Percy set to inform his boss that the eleven o’clock meeting would be happening fifteen minutes early - unless Mr Cockleworth was otherwise inclined. No one had invited those people to traipse in at any other hour than eleven sharp, Percy frowned as he prepared to knock on the thick oak door (twice, as instructed). Still, etiquette was etiquette, and it must be followed to a fault.
‘Mr Cockleworth, sir?’
A cough. ‘Come in.’
‘Terribly sorry to bother you, sir, but I’m afraid the Hogwarts Express delegation is already here,’ Percy announced, his head bowed a little. He couldn’t see his boss’ face as he stood there in the doorway, just the soles of his highly polished shoes, but he could tell Mr Cockleworth was far from pleased.
‘I see,’ Mr Cockleworth grunted. ‘Tell those bloodsuckers I’ll be there forthwith.’ 
Percy nodded his way out and headed towards the meeting room. The report was already there, as were the profiles of the main delegation members and the sheet with the talking points they had agreed upon beforehand. Mr Cockleworth’s coffee was ready, poured by Martha into his preferred cup, and the Hogwarts Express Company people had already been seated.
All set, Percy thought and stepped into the room. His eyes travelled over the four people comprising the delegation: the company Director, his chief of staff, the young and overenthusiastic assistant ready to record the meeting minutes, and a fourth person - a young woman Percy did not recognise. 
He frowned. They were supposed to be three, not four. A fourth person had never been announced. What utter impertinence. Percy disliked them more by the second, as he was positive Mr Cockleworth would too. 
‘Good day,’ he made his presence known as he walked towards the chair on the right of Mr Cockleworth’s. ‘My name is Percy Weasley, Senior Advisor to Agamemnon Cockleworth, Head of the Department of Magical Transportation. Welcome.’
They shook hands: first the Director, then his loyal guard dog, the pimply young assistant, and then the woman. She had shoulder-length brown hair with the sides pulled back, dark eyes behind her glasses, and a heart shaped face. She looked younger than Percy, although only slightly, but she held herself tall as she shook his hand firmly.
‘Mr Cockleworth will be with us shortly,’ Percy said as he claimed his chair. ‘Ah.’
Mr Cockleworth had walked in right then, his impressive jaws quivering as he drew his chair with the silver walking stick he always kept with him. ‘Sit down, sit down. I trust Weasley here has already welcomed you,’ (here Percy nodded vigorously), ‘so we can go straight to business, shall we? What can I do for you, Director?’
‘Mr Cockleworth,’ the Hogwarts Express Company Director started gravely, ‘as mentioned in our official letter, we are here to discuss the unfortunate state of the King’s Cross - Hogwarts line.’
‘The railway is in working condition,’ Mr Cockleworth intervened. ‘We have inspected it ourselves, haven’t we, Weasley?’
‘Yes, Mr Cockleworth. Recently, after the students’ Easter journey home,’ Percy supplied quickly. It would not do to give anyone the impression that his track record was anything but perfect.
‘I trust that you have, Mr Cockleworth,’ the Director followed, somewhat unimpressed, and this alone irritated Percy. ‘We are here today on different matters, though.’
‘Oh? What matters are those, then?’
Percy’s heart sank. This was not part of the briefing, the talking points, or the report. Were they trying to get him fired? Did those people not know how intensely Mr Cockleworth disliked the unpredictable?
‘The budget for next year must be restructured,’ the Director announced, and, to Percy’s surprise, he turned to the young woman. ‘Now, before you tell us it’s not possible, Agamemnon, allow our talented young researcher Ms Peasegood to present to you a series of figures.’
Now Percy nearly fainted. No one dared call Mr Cockleworth by his first name, no one! And here was this lowly company director arriving early, using names he wasn’t supposed to use, and introducing topics that weren’t pre-approved. The sheer audacity, Percy was simply beside himself.
‘Peasegood, eh?’ Mr Cockleworth grunted, a little red in the face. ‘Let’s hear it, then.’ He gestured towards Ms Peasegood and she smiled politely. 
She had quite a nice smile, Percy thought, but pulled himself together swiftly. He could not permit himself to get distracted in this sort of crisis situation. He must remain perfectly alert.
‘Thank you, Mr Cockelworth,’ Ms Peasegood began. She was collected and her expression composed, and this seemed to please Mr Cockleworth, for he had no patience with the frenzied, overly keen sort. ‘With your kind permission, I will dive right in. The reality, Mr Cockleworth, is that the Hogwarts Express Company had been operating on the same budget structure for over a century. Because of that, we’ve had the same number of permanent staff, the same facilities, and the same train wagons for the past one hundred years. Refurbishing had been carried through by magic alone, as were emergency interventions on the train lines. Employees had joined the company in their youth and had left as they became old enough to embrace retirement. Things had run smoothly, it is true, but they had been running the same as they had in 1901,’ she concluded, hands held together.
‘I fail to see where the issue is,’ Mr Cockleworth barked, his jaws aquiver. 
‘And you are perfectly correct, Mr Cockleworth,’ Ms Peasegood volleyed back with impressive presence of mind. ‘Our claim isn’t that things aren’t not working, but that they could be done better, quicker, more efficiently even. And the key is in the budget structure.’
‘Audrey - Ms Peasegood,’ the chief of staff began, but Mr Cockleworth cut him off by a sharp tap of his silver stick to the polished floor. Privately, Percy felt delighted the arrogant git had been put in his place.
‘Continue, my dear,’ he said. He did not smile, but still Percy’s heart beat faster; it was highly unusual for his boss to take any sort of liking to anyone.
‘Thank you, Mr Cockleworth. We have put together three scenarios where different - let’s say tweaks for lack of a better word - made to next year’s budget could lead to a shorter, smoother journey for the students, an increased level of motivation for the staff, and new talent attracted both in the company’s work line as well as on the Board.’
Step by step, Ms Peasegood presented the three scenarios and the facts and figures attached to them. Mr Cockleworth listened: he neither agreed, nor disagreed, but stood there contemplating with his fist under his jaw. 
When the closing remarks had been made by the company Director and Mr Cockleworth announced he had no questions left, they all shook hands again. Gemma was fetched to show them out and everybody bowed and nodded and sent their heartfelt thanks for the time they had been so kindly offered. 
‘Lobbyists,’ Mr Cockleworth said contemptuously as the door shut behind the pimply young assistant, the last of the Hogwarts Express delegation to leave the meeting room. ‘They’re like pests that always pop up no matter how hard one might try to get rid of them.’
Privately, Percy thought some of the arguments presented by the delegation, and especially by Ms Peasegood, had been watertight. But he kept this particular thought to himself and made sure to appear very busy, faffing over the meeting folder.
‘File the documents they left, will you, Weasley?’ Mr Cockleworth grunted as he trudged out of the room. ‘I’ll expect the main conclusions bulletpointed on my desk within the hour.’
‘Yes, sir, Mr Cockleworth,’ Percy called, and hurried to transcribe his notes in the format most favoured by his boss.
It was unprecedentedly warm for a May day in Britain, Percy thought as he walked under the abnormally scorching sun. It glistened in the Diagon Alley shop windows, sparkled from the cobbles as he shuffled between the throngs of people, shopping bags dangling happily by their elbows. Were they not melting under the impossible weather, as Percy himself felt he did? 
If only he could get it over with quickly. But it so far proved an improbable task, for Percy did not fully know, he couldn’t fully grasp what a one year old girl could possibly  appreciate. They did not read yet by the age of one, did they? Then what on earth could he purchase? There was no time to owl his mother or any of the women on his team for that matter, so he would simply have to make use of his intellect and come up with something.
He looked round at the shops, each beckoning him inside with their freshly painted facades and polished items perched on shelves right at the windows. Percy thought of Bill - Victoire was his older brother’s daughter after all. She might take after him, at least partly. What had Bill liked as a child?
Percy clicked his fingers. Flying! Like the rest of his brothers (and sister), Bill had enjoyed flying. A toy broomstick should do, then, Percy congratulated himself and trotted towards Tiberius’ Theurgical Toys. 
In less than twenty minutes, Percy was strutting out of the shop with the newest Babybolt gift-wrapped and ready to be offered to his charming little niece. And right on time, he noticed, pleased, as his eyes trailed to the golden watch looped around his wrist. 
‘Ouch - hey!’
Percy froze. A pathetic plonk immediately followed and a heap of fruity ice cream embellished the cobblestones. 
‘I’m really, really sorry,’ he started. Apparently, he had sent an ice cream cone flying with the toy broomstick, and now he peered over the horned rims of his glasses to face his victim. 
Instantly, his stomach churned. 
‘It’s alright,’ Ms Peasegood said, although her glum face indicated that it was actually not alright. The sides of her brown hair were pulled back again, though now it coiled in a small bun at the top of her head, the rest of it tickling her shoulders. It shined nicely in the sun.
‘No, please, I’ll buy you another one,’ Percy hurried, mortified to bits. 
‘Honestly, there’s no need,’ she started, and he found he must insist.
‘It’s the least I could do.’
Ms Peasegood sighed. ‘Alright, but you must have one too.’
Percy’s eyebrows shot up, but he didn’t refuse. An ice cream in this heat was not the worst idea, he admitted, and he had been quite rude to her, although unwillingly. 
‘Percy,’ he introduced himself in the friendliest way he could fathom as they sat down with their cones.   
‘Audrey,’ she smiled as she propped her purse onto an empty chair. Careful to avoid wrecking new havoc, Percy bent slowly to deposit Victoire’s gift there too.
It was quite nice, with an umbrella to keep shade and the cool, rich flavour of the ice cream. Not the worst predicament at any rate, if he dared say so. 
‘I appreciated your arguments on the stringent need to improve our railway infrastructure,’ he cleared his voice and said as the ice cream vanished.  
She gave him a short look. ‘Your boss didn’t though.’
‘Possibly,’ Percy chuckled. ‘But he might find some of the finer points you’ve presented in the report we’re drafting on the state of Magical Britain’s transport infrastructure.’
He didn’t quite understand why he had shared that particular bit of information with her - perhaps the sun and the ice cream had made him feel mischievous. It was true that mischief was more his younger brother’s territory than his, but Audrey was smiling and he felt vaguely pleased.
‘Oh? Will it be submitted soon?’ she asked casually.
‘That’s Ministry information, I’m afraid.’ He couldn’t give everything up now, could he? 
‘The Hogwarts Express Company is technically under the Ministry’s coordination,’ Audrey put her hands together and recited. 
Percy was amused. ‘Indeed, although our interests do diverge at certain points, do they not?’
‘Fair enough,’ Audrey grinned then. ‘Can’t say I haven’t tried.’
He found himself staring a bit at her nice smile - so he quickly coughed and pushed his glasses back up his nose. ‘How long have you been working for the Hogwarts Express?’
‘Let’s see,’ Audrey tapped her chin. ‘Got a job as a Junior Researcher right after the war - the state the railway was in after Voldemort’s giants swept through it, ugh - that would make it three years next month, I think.’
‘Enjoying it so far?’
‘Oh, yes,’ she exclaimed earnestly, ‘I love putting together reports, analysing raw data, extracting the essence, that sort of thing.’ Her eyes glistened as she said it, and it made Percy’s stomach churn again.
‘Sounds exciting,’ he breathed and she frowned.
‘Don’t tease me.’
Percy put his hands up, ‘I’m really not. One of my first assignments as a junior in the Ministry was a report on cauldron bottom thickness. I applied myself to it, I was absolutely committed.’
‘You’re making it up,’ Audrey giggled, her small mouth hidden behind her palm. 
‘I’m not,’ he grinned. ‘I laboured on it for weeks.’
‘Sounds extremely dull, and I love a good game of advanced trivia in my spare time,’ she giggled again and he found it didn’t bother him at all.
‘I’ll do the gentlemanly thing and lie that I’m not wounded,’ Percy chuckled. ‘Although I, too, enjoy a bit of blitz trivia so I must commend your taste.’
‘Ooh, that’s fight talk, Mr Weasley,’ Audrey pursed her lips, though amusement shone in her dark eyes.
‘Had you at blitz, didn’t I? Blimey,’ Percy yelped; he had finally noticed the time. 
‘Must dash?’ she asked, and he supposed it would’ve been silly of him to think there was a disappointed note underneath her polite tone.
‘Yes, I’m afraid, or my mother and sister in law might flay me alive. I’m half expecting them to pop up round here and drag me to the party if I don’t hurry,’ he apologised, picking up the toy broomstick. 
Audrey smiled up at him as he rose, although not as brightly as before. ‘Have fun at the party, then.’
‘It’s my niece’s birthday - one year old,’ he brandished the broomstick, not entirely sure why he had suddenly felt the need to explain himself.
‘Ah, that’s lovely! Have fun and, er - see you around, I suppose.’ 
She waved at him from her spot at the table, yet somehow he remained rooted to the cobbled ground.
‘There’s a long summer ahead of us, plenty of ice creams to ruin,’ he offered eagerly, then grimaced. Good lord, why didn’t he just turn around and go?
Audrey laughed delicately. ‘I meant at the Ministry, but I’ll keep an eye out for you next time I’ll nip in here for a cone.’
Percy felt his face burn. He was keen on making a fool of himself around her, it transpired. Plenty of ice creams to ruin, honestly…
‘Right. See you, er - Audrey,’ he finally nodded. Strangely, her name on his lips had made his heart beat faster, his throat a little drier.
She waved at him cheerfully, ‘Happy birthday to your niece.’
As he walked out of the alley, Percy felt her eyes trail after him. It was not at all unpleasant, he thought to himself and smiled. Perhaps the report will turn out very much in favour of the Hogwarts Express Company’s demands, and Mr Cockleworth would have no choice than to receive the delegation once again… 
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maidenofbagend · 2 years
Since we know practically nothing about Audrey Weasley, I headcanon that she's of Indian descent. So Molly ii & Lucy are half Indian themselves...because I say so!
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jealous babe !!
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doofranch · 11 months
perciver but oliver is mtf her name is AUDREY ... do u see the vision
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shitakimooshrooms · 3 months
I spent like an hour writing my au for Percy Weasley’s 7 years at hogwarts + the aftermath with my headcanoned group of friends/polycule that he has and I’m not even done. I will post it tomorrow if I finish it then. (Please read tags for more info)
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the-al-chemist · 7 months
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On This Wild Night — Part Five
Notes: there are five consecutive lines of this chapter that reduced me to tears whilst writing. They’re not even sad or happy or anything, I’m just an emotional mess. A warning for drunken dad dancing and an incredibly lightly described intimate scene. Anyway, thanks to all who’ve been reading, especially those who have liked/commented/reblogged along the way. Means the world as always. Lots of love x
Previous — Masterlist
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Arthur Weasley was drunk. Artemis had never seen him this drunk before. She might have actually preferred drunk Arthur to regular Arthur. Drunk Arthur was definitely more fun to dance with.
“Muggles call this one ‘the sprinkler’,” he informed Artemis, demonstrating a dance move.
“That’s a great one,” replied Artemis, copying him. “Arthur, what actually is a sprinkler?”
“I have absolutely no idea!”
Artemis laughed out loud as Arthur stopped ‘sprinkling’ and started to bob up and down, pinching his nose with one hand and wiggling the finger of the other hand.
“Where did you learn to dance like that?” she asked him.
“At a wedding, of course! Muggleborn friends. Excellent fun.”
“As fun as this wedding?”
“No, this is the best wedding I’ve ever been to,” said Arthur. He suddenly stopped dancing, and leaned in towards Artemis. “Don’t tell my wife I said that.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t.”
“It’s not that I didn’t enjoy my own wedding. But, as a rule, weddings are more fun when you're not the one getting married. Less stressful, much less pressure.”
“Even if you’re making a speech?”
“Ah, that’s nothing,” Arthur said, swiping each of his hands across in front of his eyes with the two first fingers extended in a V-shape. “Just do what Ron and I did before ours.”
“What was that?”
Artemis grinned. No wonder Arthur was dancing so flamboyantly.
“No, I love weddings,” Arthur continued. He put his fists in front of his chest, stuck his elbows out to the sides, and flapped them like a bird. “A whole day dedicated to people being in love with each other, and bringing their families together. What could be better than that?”
It was lucky, really, that the music was so loud. It meant that Artemis was able to get away with not saying anything in response to Arthur’s question. She forced a smile, and nodded her head in time to the music.
“Of course, today is a bit different,” said Arthur, not seeming to notice Artemis’ discomfort with where the conversation was heading, “because Harry’s been a part of our family for so long. It’s just that it’s all above board now. Official.”
“Yeah. Right,” said Artemis, her smile slipping from her face.
“It’s funny, him being my son-in-law. You know, I already thought of him as a son, in some ways. Molly, too. Adding the ‘in-law’ bit seems formal. Legal. I think it’s a bit of a downgrade, don’t you?”
“I dunno.”
“I think they need a new word. For sons and daughters that aren’t technically yours but might as well be. Maybe out-law. That would definitely suit you.”
“What do you mean, me?”
“Well, you’re already part of the family. Have been for years, haven’t you?” Arthur started to walk backwards without taking his heels off the ground between steps. Artemis had stopped dancing. She might have stopped breathing. “Maybe we should start calling you our daughter-out-law. I’ll suggest it to Molly later. I think she’ll like having a name for what you are to us. Naming things makes them less complicated, I’d say.”
Artemis threw her arms around Arthur with such force that he stumbled slightly, and almost toppled over.
“Sorry,” she said, letting go and using her arm to steady him. “I just… Thank you for saying that, Arthur.”
“That I’m family.”
“Why would you not be?”
“Well, I’m not married.”
“Doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, all that comes down to is a signature on a piece of paper. Family is more than that. It’s not about blood, or paperwork, it’s about love. Just love.”
“You know, Muggles say that love is all you need,” Artemis said, within a smile that she didn’t even have to force.
“I’m not surprised. They’re ingenious, Muggles are.”
Artemis giggled as Arthur started to dance away from her, his daughter-out-law, and towards Fleur, his daughter-in-law, who regarded him with a look that was made up of amusement, endearment, and disdain, each in equal measure.
The music changed abruptly, and became slower. Artemis smiled as she recognised the song, and looked to see who she would need to congratulate on their superior taste in music.
She turned towards the gramophone and saw Charlie stood next to it, pocketing his wand and looking straight at her. She sighed, and crossed her arms in front of her chest, though she felt considerably less angry now. At some point in the last two hours, her burning rage had given way to a mild niggling annoyance without her even realising it.
Charlie walked over to her and held out his hands.
“May I?” he asked, and she looked at him sceptically.
“Depends. Are you still planning on moving to New Zealand?”
“No, I’m not.”
“Then yes, you may.”
“Thank you,” said Charlie, smiling so that his dimples showed and fine lines crinkled at the corners of his eyes.
He took her hands in his, and led her to the doorway of the marquee, where the music was a little quieter, and there was less bustle and noise from the party guests. The cool air of the garden brushed Artemis’ skin, a welcome change from the cloying heat that had built up inside the marquee, and the crescent moon could be seen hovering over the outline of the house. Charlie placed Artemis’ hands on his chest and slid his own around her waist so that they came to rest on the small of her back.
“So,” said Charlie, stepping slowly so that the two of them swayed ever so gently from side to side, “I spoke to my mum.”
“I told her the score, and she’s going to stop hassling you now.”
“Thank you,” Artemis said, her voice barely more than a whisper.
“You’re welcome. I also did a bit of thinking, and I came to realise that I’ve maybe not been the best boyfriend in the world today.”
“How so?”
“Well, I’ve neglected you a little. I mean, I left you at the church so I could… ush, and again at dinner with Percy and Audrey so that I could suck up to Kingsley. Then I was mucking around with my brothers after the speeches, and I didn’t take you back to the house after you fell over, which would have stopped the whole fiasco with Mum.”
“Charlie, none of those things are bad.” Artemis frowned. “We are our own people, we don’t have to be together all the time. And I didn’t need you to take me anywhere, I was fine.”
“I know you were. If I’m being honest, I mainly came over because I didn’t want to look like I didn’t care as much as the others,” Charlie admitted. Artemis nodded; she had guessed as much. “Still, I feel bad about it now. Not just that, but... It’s just that today was always going to be kind of difficult emotionally for everyone, and I’ve been trying to make sure things are okay for everyone, and I forgot that maybe I should’ve been making sure things were okay for you. That today was going to be difficult for you, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, like at dinner. I was trying so hard to impress Kingsley that I didn’t really think how hard it must have been for you to be there opposite Teddy. I know how much he reminds you of Tonks, and I just stole Kingsley away from you and left you to deal with that on your own.”
Artemis said nothing. Charlie moved his left hand off her waist and used it to push a strand of hair back from her face, and she felt some of the tension that had risen in her when he mentioned Tonks’ son dissipate.
“And I acted like a total arse when you were upset about what Mum said to you.”
“It wasn’t your finest moment,” Artemis agreed, and both of them grinned. “But it wasn’t mine either. I shouldn’t have threatened you or shouted at you like I did. I overreacted a bit. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted, but I shouldn’t have needed you to shout or threaten me to talk to Mum about it. It was obvious that she’d upset you, I should have gone to her voluntarily to sort that out for you. At the very least, I should have been more sympathetic about it. And I don’t think you’d have reacted that badly if I had been a bit more… attentive to you earlier in the day. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.”
“Thank Merlin for that,” said Charlie, and he lifted Artemis’ hand to his lips. He kissed the heel of it, then closed his own hand over it. Artemis smiled.
“Why weren’t you being more attentive?” she asked him. “You normally are. Even your mum and Ginny said so.”
Charlie paused before answering, “I think… I think my head’s just been a bit all over the place today.”
“Because of Fred?”
“Mainly. And Tonks. And Ginny.”
“Ginny’s right there.”
“I know, but it’s weird. She’s the youngest of all of us, and… I don’t know. She’s meant to be the baby, and now we are at her wedding.”
“Yeah. I understand.”
“And I don’t know why, but as soon as all of us siblings get together, we all suddenly revert to being like we were when we were kids.” Charlie grinned sheepishly. “I know that’s not really an excuse, but…” He swallowed. “Like I said, I’m sorry. Are we alright now?”
Artemis nodded. “More than alright.”
As she rose up onto her toes to kiss him, Charlie smiled hopefully.
“So, does that mean you’ll try and catch the bouquet for me?” he asked her.
“What’s the prize money?”
“Ten Galleons, including the two I put in.”
“That’s not bad,” said Artemis. She considered it for a moment, her eyes narrowed with scepticism. “You’re not going to spend all that money on dragons, though, are you?”
“No, ‘course not. I was thinking that I’d take you out for dinner.”
“Fancy dinner. One of those places with all the tiny little portions. I’ll buy you the world’s smallest ever Bakewell tart.”
Artemis pursed her lips and cocked her head.
“Will you wear that suit?” she asked.
“I will if you wear that bra.”
“Just remember, this place is going to be really classy.” Charlie raised his eyebrows. “You can’t go taking your knickers off at the dinner table.”
“I probably just won’t wear any.”
Artemis gave Charlie a mischievous smile. He chuckled as he placed a kiss on her forehead, before resting his chin on top of her head.
“I love you.”
“You too.”
The song ended, and another started, faster and more lively than the one before. A broad smile spread across Artemis’ face as she recognised the tune. Judging by the way Charlie’s lips had twitched into a near-smirk, he’d chosen that one, too. He really was attentive. Either that, or he just knew her far too well by now.
As the tempo of the music increased, so too did the rate at which they swayed side to side, their feet dancing them to the centre of the room. Charlie lifted her arm above her head, and pushed her gently so that she spun underneath it, before catching hold of her waist once more.
Artemis’ smile grew wider still. He was more fun to dance with than anyone.
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“Weasleys, assemble!”
Charlie and his brothers gathered by the gramophone as the female guests made their way into the middle of the marquee, ready for Ginny to throw the bouquet. Charlie could just about pick out Artemis’ bare feet amongst the high heeled shoes, stepping lightly as she moved restlessly through the throng of women.
“I don’t understand why I ‘ave to join in,” Fleur was saying to Bill. “I am already married!”
“It’s just a bit of fun,” Bill replied, kissing her on the cheek. “And I think that you’d be good at it.”
Once Fleur was in the crowd and out of the way, George brought out the bag of Galleons.
“This is it, lads,” he said. “Only one of us can win all the gold.”
Ginny closed her eyes, and threw the bouquet backwards over her head. A split second later, it was carnage.
The little crowd of women turned into a mob, a mosh, a scrum, scrambling and tackling each other to try and grasp the bunch of flowers. The brothers laughed and cheered them on from the sidelines, and after a minute or two of jostling, a hand appeared, rising from the rabble, clutching the now-crumpled bouquet. Each brother strained to see who that hand belonged to.
“YES, AUDREY!” bellowed Percy, throwing his fists into the air.
Somewhat begrudgingly, George handed Percy the bag of Galleons, and Percy shook each of his brothers’ hands in turn.
“Thank you, gentlemen,” he said pompously. “Pleasure doing business with you all.”
“What are you going to spend your winnings on, Perce?”
“Well…” Percy sniffed, and adjusted his glasses. “I'm thinking I might use them to purchase an engagement ring.”
Ron looked stunned, and Bill clapped Percy on the back. George hugged him, and Charlie shook his hand again, before Percy ran to Audrey, his arms outstretched.
“Well, fancy that,” a deep, reverberating voice said behind Charlie. He turned to see Kingsley Shacklebolt watching the women mingle in the centre of the marquee.
“I know.” Charlie shrugged. “All those Quidditch players, and not one of them caught the flowers.”
“I really thought it would be Tiny.”
Charlie followed Kingsley’s gaze to where Artemis was standing on one leg, rubbing the arch of her bare foot, as she chatted with a couple of women Charlie recognised from the Quidditch matches at school. Her eyes were still lit up from the exhilaration of the chase, her untameable hair had come almost completely loose, and there was a dark scuff mark on her shin. He smiled.
“At least she looks happy,” Kingsley said. Charlie wasn’t sure if he was addressing him or just thinking out loud, but he nodded anyway. “That’s what matters.”
“For a long time, I thought I’d never see her this happy.”
“So did I.”
“I should‘ve known that she would be. She might have had to fight for it, but she always was a fighter.” Kingsley chuckled, a rich, melodious sound. “She was such a tough little thing. Wild. But you know that.”
“I do,” said Charlie, his eyes still on Artemis. He laughed quietly to himself. “She still is.”
“No, that will never change.”
“I wouldn’t want it to.”
Kingsley patted Charlie on the shoulder, slowly and just once, and Artemis caught sight of them watching her. She ran towards them, holding one side of her dress up so she wouldn’t trip on the hem. As she approached them, Charlie shook his head in mock-disappointment.
“What was that?” he asked her. “Pathetic attempt at catching a bouquet. And you call yourself a Seeker!”
“Tell you what, Charlie, next wedding we go to, you can have a go. I doubt you could do better, especially against that Audrey.” Artemis looked over her shoulder at Percy and his soon-to-be fiancée, a dark look on her face. “That woman is feral. You have no idea.”
Charlie and Kingsley exchanged glances over the top of Artemis’ head.
“I’ll take your word for it,” Charlie said, trying not to laugh. “I’ll add her name to the list of women who scare me.”
“Is my name on that list?”
“I think it might be on there twice.”
Artemis nodded, clearly satisfied with that answer.
“I actually came over to say goodnight,” Kingsley told them.
“Are you off?”
“I am. It’s tiring work, this politics. But I’m sure I’ll see you soon, Tiny. You look beautiful tonight, by the way.”
Charlie stepped backwards and averted his eyes so that Artemis could say goodbye to Kingsley in private. When he felt her return to his side, he held his hand out for Kingsley to shake.
“It was good seeing you again.”
“You too, Charlie,” said Kingsley, shaking the hand Charlie extended to him. “Perhaps you would like to go for a drink next time you are in the country. You can tell me more about those dragons of yours.”
“Yes, that sounds great. Thank you, Mr…” Charlie stopped mid-sentence and corrected himself. “Thanks, Kingsley.”
The Minister for Magic bowed his head, and walked off to find the bride and groom. Charlie turned back to Artemis and put his arms around her shoulders.
“No fancy dinner for us, then,” he said with a sigh. Artemis smiled as she leaned against him, playing with the ends of his loose bow tie.
“That’s a shame. I was really looking forward to you wearing the suit again.”
“I can just wear it around the house some time. You can feel free to do the same with that bra, if you like.”
“I dunno.” Artemis took her hands off Charlie’s tie, placed them on her ribcage, and started to wriggle. “It’s actually not that comfy.”
Charlie watched her as she squirmed.
“Is it not?” he asked. She shook her head, and her nose twitched. She was lying. “Should we go home and take it off?”
A wolfish smile played on Artemis’ lips. Charlie took her right hand in his left, and they went off to say their goodbyes before they left the marquee.
Outside, the night had grown colder still. Charlie let go of Artemis’ hand and draped his jacket over her shoulders. She held out her arm, and he took hold of it, and with a sound like a firecracker, they disappeared from the darkened garden of the Burrow, and reappeared in the hallway of Artemis’ old house.
It was strange, the way things changed, Charlie thought, as he kicked off his shoes, and she pushed his jacket off her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. She’d lived here when she was a child, before he even knew her. Before the first time he ever saw her, eleven years old and tiny and dishevelled and lost and all alone.
She’d lived here when she was thirteen, the age she was the first time he hugged her, he thought, as he held her in his arms. She unbuttoned his shirt and let that fall to the ground, too. He took hold of her wrists to reposition her hands, the way he had when she was fourteen, and he taught her to ride a broomstick.
She led him up the stairs, and he followed her — he always followed her — hand in hand, like they had been at sixteen, clinging to each other for comfort in the middle of a storm. At the top of the stairs he unzipped her dress, and she stepped out of it, almost bare, and so vulnerable, as vulnerable as she had been at just seventeen, when she was going through the unimaginable. He’d been there then. He’d seen it. He’d seen her through it. She got through it. She always did.
Her hands were at his belt, and his trousers were removed, exposing his legs. He’d tried to run from his feelings, he really had. He’d managed it for years, but… she placed his hands on his chest — the chest that held his heart, the heart that beat for her — pushed him into the bedroom.
His lips met hers, the way they had that very first time, as adults, on the edge of the forest whilst the world burned and raged around them. He’d thought that it was all over, that it was the end for both of them. But it wasn’t the end. It was just the beginning.
And as they sank down onto the bed — they’d had that first time in this very bed, too — and their bodies melted together, he knew that this was a beginning, too. Every moment, every single moment, was the first moment in the rest of their lives.
He’d loved her for half his life. He still loved her. And she loved him.
And that was enough.
It was enough.
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“You know, after that I think I might be pregnant.”
At the sound of Charlie’s comment, Artemis lifted her head from his chest and stared at him. She was going to say something sarcastic, but at the sight of his boyish grin, she laughed instead. She lowered her head back down and felt his hands running through her hair. Placing her hand on his torso in front of her, she started to let her fingers dance over his skin, tracing patterns in his map of freckles like constellations. There was still one small doubt at the back of her mind.
“Would you say that I’m a part of your family?”
Charlie’s chest rose and fell as he took a deep breath.
“I would, yeah,” he said, quietly. Artemis’ eyebrows stopped knitting together. “Why do you ask?”
“Oh, no reason. Just something your mum said earlier, when she was trying to marry us off.”
“What was that?”
“It’s nothing really. Just that if we got married I’d be a real member of your family, that’s all.”
Charlie shifted his position so that he was propped up on his elbow, and Artemis moved off his chest.
“She said that to you?”
“It’s fine, Charlie.”
“No, it’s not.” Charlie shook his head, and brushed her cheek with his thumb. “That’s not okay, Artie. I’ll talk to her.”
Artemis blinked at him.
“What?” he said, and he raised his eyebrows at her. “I can do that now.”
“Do you want me to make you a certificate?”
“Very funny.”
“I mean, if you really want to talk to her about it, you can. You can do it when we go back to help take down the marquee tomorrow.”
“See, the thing is, I was thinking that maybe we don’t need to help. I mean, how many people does it take to put down a marquee, really? Maybe we just shouldn’t go.” At the look on Artemis’ face, Charlie grinned sheepishly. “I’m only joking. If you want me to mention it to her I will. Promise.”
“Nah, don’t worry. I actually spoke to your dad, and he said marriage was just a signature on a bit of paper and didn’t matter.”
“Definitely won’t be mentioning that to Mum.”
“Best not,” said Artemis, and she shuffled so that she and Charlie were lying face to face. “I just wanted to see what you thought, that’s all.”
“Right. Well, I’m with Dad on this one. You’re definitely my family.”
“I know that. I was thinking more about your actual family.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I always thought that I was kind of one of you, like I belonged. But after your dad’s speech about loving us because we love you, and especially when your mum said that, it made me think that maybe the only reason they think I fit in is because you do. That they love me for you, and not for myself, if you see what I mean.”
“I do see what you mean, but that’s not how it is at all. I don’t come into the equation. They love you. Just you. How could they not?”
Artemis didn’t say anything. She rolled over to look up at the ceiling, where through the skylight she could see the moon but not the stars. She felt the mattress move, and knew that Charlie had done the same.
“Would you ever want to do all that?” he said, speaking into the darkness. “Get married and have babies and everything?”
Artemis frowned. She didn’t really like babies. As much as she loved Victoire and Dominique for the simple reason that they were Bill’s children and her goddaughters, she wouldn’t want to have to be the one with them strapped to her all day, every day. Not to mention that she still struggled to even look at little Teddy Lupin, the way her own mother had struggled to look at her. If that was any indication of what she’d be like as a parent, she was better off not being one.
And if Arthur was right, and marriage really was just a signature on a piece of paper and weddings were less fun when they were your own, what was the point? Especially if it meant sacrificing a part of yourself, like Ginny had been worried about, she wasn’t sure she wanted that either.
Yes, it would make Molly happy, but it wasn’t really Molly’s choice, was it? It was hers. She made her own choices. She did what she wanted. She was free.
“No,” she said eventually. “Never. What about you?”
“I don’t know. I kind of always thought that one day I’d get married and have children, but I’m not sure if that’s something I actually want or whether it’s just because that’s what everyone else does, and what they all expect me to do as well.” Artemis felt Charlie shrug beside her. “Maybe one day. Definitely not now, though.”
“But one day you might?”
“Maybe. I really don’t know.”
“And if you do, what then? What about me?”
There was a pause, and then Charlie sat up. He turned so that he was facing the headboard, and pulled Artemis upright so that she was sitting facing him. Keeping hold of her hands, he ran his rough fingertips over her palms.
“Artemis, I don’t know what I’m going to want when it comes to getting married or having children, but I do know that I’d never want to do all of that — any of that — with anyone but you.”
“But I don’t want to do any of that.”
“I know. Listen,” he put both of Artemis’ hands into his right, and placed his left on the side of her face, his thumb resting on the small scar on her right cheekbone. “If it comes to the point where I have to make a choice between having none of those things with you or having any one of those things with someone else, I’m going to choose you. I will always choose you.”
“You can’t know that for sure.”
“I’m more sure of that than I am of anything else in the world.”
Artemis raised her eyebrows at him.
“Even dragons?”
“Even dragons.”
She leaned forward and kissed him, slowly, and deeply, and lovingly. When their lips parted, they stayed with their foreheads resting together.
“You know, I don’t like babies, but I do like kittens,” Artemis whispered. “Maybe we could have some of those instead.”
Charlie pulled his head away from hers and frowned.
“How?” he asked, his expression of disconcertion growing more pronounced by the second.
“You can just buy them, Charlie.”
“Oh,” Charlie exhaled. He looked suddenly relieved. “I thought you meant as in…”
“Ugh, no!” Artemis recoiled from him. “How would that even work?”
“I don’t want to know,” Charlie muttered. He shuddered, and then composed himself again. “What about dogs? You like dogs, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but I’d prefer a cat.”
“You already have Fergus. Let’s get a dog.”
“No, a cat.”
Charlie smiled triumphantly.
“I’m glad we agree,” he said, and lay back down with his head on the pillow. Artemis stayed seated.
“Wait,” she said, twisting around to look at him. “So, does this mean we’re actually getting a dog, or was that a hyporhetorical thing?”
Charlie laughed, not unkindly, and reached out to stroke her arm.
“You know, I’m actually being serious. Let’s get a dog. A really big one. One I can train to pin you to the ground when you’re being annoying.”
Artemis batted him gently and he laughed again.
“You really want us to get a dog?” she asked.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”
“I heard. This just seems like a very laid back way to decide to get a dog, that’s all.”
“Do you want it to be more formal?”
“No, I just—”
“I can make it more official if you like,” Charlie sat back up. “Do you want me to get down on one knee?”
The daring look in his brown eyes and the smile causing his freckled cheeks to dimple were obvious, even in the very dim moonlight. Artemis reached up and pushed his red hair back from his ever-so-familiar face. That boy. That man. That person she’d grown to love. She smiled, as much to herself as to him.
“Yeah. I do.”
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sotogalmo · 11 months
Been listening to "Pick a Side"(Percy Jackson Musical), and tbh. Kinda made me think more on my weird ass au of Sunny being in Annabeth's spot and in Luke's spot(ik weirdd,, but like- Sunny just kinda fits for both in someways,,,).
But, I'm not gonna have the same Sunny,, or djshhdhdhhshs!!!! I dunno how to even explain how or why I did this AU, and placed OMARI SUNNY in Annabeth's spot, and some more vengeful version of Sunny in Luke's spot. I just made this AU, cuz I always have Suntan on my brain(firstly having Annabeth Sunny n Percy Kel-)
I could info dump more of this, but for now(n forever?) might as well stay as a blank AU n such, or smth else ig
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simp2537 · 3 months
Hey there, I saw your requests were open and just wanted to ask if you’d be willing to do a yandere Percy Jackson x a male or gender neutral reader who happens to be an actor— I myself am male, but I also think it’s annoying to look for a fic about your favorite character, only to find out it’s written for the opposite gender. The reader can either be a demigod (probably a child of Apollo or Dionysus since those two are closely related to acting & whatnot) or just some mortal that can see through the mist like Rachel or something. Either way, would you mind writing about Percy seeing the reader & a co-Star share a stage/film kiss? It could even be Percy & Annabeth since both are pretty cool and I like them both as a couple; plus, poly yandere situations are fun. You can also decide whether or not the reader and Percy/Percy and Annabeth are dating or not; thanks for taking the time to read this, and have a great day :)
-🪑 (I am now chair anon)
Stage Lovers
A/n sorry if this isn’t what you wanted, I took a small guess in a few things. Not sure if everything I wrote was canon but whatever. I wasn’t sure if you meant the show of book so if the books image their older and the same goes for the show. Also I used the Little Shop of Horrors play in this. Hope you enjoy.
Warnings: Yandere behaviors, possessive behaviors, slightly(a bit more then slightly) himbo reader, mention of killing someone later.
Anon - 🪑
All Characters are aged up to 18 plus
Percabeth x Male! Reader
Camp half-blood was a buzz with people. Apollo’s cabin was preparing the annul musical/play to celebrate their father’s birthday. Percy and Annabeth hovered around the scene as they watched their boyfriend practice his lines with some daughter of Aphrodite. The girl was too close, too touchy, to smiley for the pairs taste. Their sweet and kind boyfriend Y/n just helped her with a smile in his face. Percy kept an arm around the visibly seething Annabeth as they watched. Everyone at camp knew that Y/n was there. They all got the message but this stupid girl.
Open distain was on Annabeth face as Y/n walked over to them. His script loosely in his hands and a bright smile. He’d been working for weeks on this play, but he wouldn’t say a word about it. Y/n being the sweet boyfriend he is, wanted his lovers to be surprised when they watched him.
Y/n kissed Annabeth’s forehead first, hoping to soothe the anger visible on her face, then he moved to Percy. When he pulled away Percy held his hand.
“Who was that?”
Y/n turned his head at Annabeth’s tone. It’s irritated and annoyed.
“Who?” Y/n questioned unsure. Percy traced the back of Y/n’s hand.
“The girl over there, you were reading with her a moment ago Sunni.” Y/n blushed at Percy’s nickname for him. Looking back quickly Y/n missed the look of hatred his partners gave the girl.
“Oh, Vanessa, she’s my stage partner for the play.” The pair stilted. His partner?
“What play are you doing again?” Annabeth pondered twisting a lock of her hair. Y/n’s face lit up and he chuckled softly. The pair basked in awe of his voice. They could listen to him all day.
“Little Shop of Horror… Wait! No! I’ve spoiled it now! It was meant to be a surprise!” Y/n groaned softly. Percy laughed at his silly little Sunni. Annabeth raised a brow intrigued.
“Who do you play?”
“I’m Seymour!”
“And she is?” A moment of silence filled the air after Annabeth’s words. Percy brought Y/n closer and sent him a look.
“Who is she?” Percy demanded not liking that Y/n wouldn’t answer.
“You can’t get mad.” They pair furrowed there brows.
“Why would we be mad lovely?” Annabeth muttered softly moving some of Y/n hair. Y/n didn’t meet either of his partners gazes.
“She’s Audrey.”
Silence echoes through there conversation. Y/n had shown his partners the movie of Little Shop of Horrors once. In that one time they knew who Audrey was. Y/n took a nervous gulp and his partners shared a look.
“Are you mad?”
“No, lovely we’re not mad.”
Y/n breathed out a sigh of relief. One of his other siblings motioned for him to go back. Y/n kissed his partner goodbye quickly and dashed back to the stage.
“I’ll grab her after the show.” Annabeth voiced softly.
“Why can’t we grab her now?” Percy snapped. No one other than them was going to touch Y/n. They could allow that.
“We’re nothing going to mess up Y/n’s play, he’s been working so hard. We’ll throw her in the lake afterwards, then celebrate with Y/n.”
With Annabeth’s words said the pair returned there gaze to Y/n who was singing with one of his siblings who was playing Audrey two.
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goldenromione · 2 months
what are your favorite ships outside of canon? I love ginny and luna a lot but I also love ginny and harry <33 neville and luna is cute too
A few non-canon ships I like:
Deamus. I like that neither have a canon relationship after the series. Makes me think they ran off together after the war and will emerge years later at parent drop-off with a kid.
Perciver. Percy ends up with a woman named Audrey in the future, so I'm comfortable with Perciver being a school love affair, or following a mutual split between Percy and Audrey.
Linny. I keep forgetting that they were in the same year. I like them together a lot, either as friends or romantically. They feel like every high school trope rolled into one.
Seamus x Lavender. A guilty pleasure of mine. They went to the Yule Ball together and seemed to be close. Their energies were similar. They would have complimented each other well.
Lunarry. Another guilty pleasure. I enjoy them as a ship for the same reasons I enjoy them as friends; he keeps her grounded and she encourages him to embrace the absurdity.
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AUDREY: Wednesday
From the flash fic collection Days That End In Y
prompt: interrupting with a kiss
(cw: pregnancy)
MISSING MINISTRY OFFICIAL RECOVERED IN TRANSPORT TANGLE by Hyacinth Dao The newly appointed Assistant Head of the Department of Transportation has been located, having been missing for thirteen hours, appropriately enough, inside the Floo Network… .
The edges of the Daily Prophet were crimped and battered under Percy’s agitated grip as he pored over the article. He was admirably stony in his displeasure, except for the indignant little huffs escaping him in punctuation of every other line.
. The trouble began when Chadley Dodds attempted to Floo home from within his private office, somehow taking a wrong turn somewhere around Puddlemere. He found himself inside a bricked-over fireplace in a house which was still connected to the Floo Network, despite having had no magical residents since the mid-1950’s. The Daily Prophet have made a request for Department of Transportation records in an attempt to discover how this significant oversight might have occurred.
This is not the only Floo snafu to happen this year. Two months ago, Minister for Magic Matthias Montague found himself in an embarrassing state of undress in the Muggle Prime Minister’s office, when he’d been attempting to make a surprise visit to a witch who was not Mrs. Montague but with whom he is nevertheless quite close.
The Department of Transportation, still reeling from this failure of the country’s central transport system, has offered little explanation —  .
“Failure— He was drunk off his face!” Percy fumed, refusing to tear his eyes from the page even as Audrey approached in his periphery.
“How many times have you read that today?” she remarked shrewdly.
The question achieved nothing except to prompt him to read aloud as his eyes continued down the column of print.
“Whilst he maintained that the Floo Network has suffered no latent magical malfunction, Senior Executive Officer Percy Weasley avoided opining whether this means the Ministry’s own officials are simply incapable of navigating it. Though it must be said that Weasley, who was passed over for the Assistant Head position in favour of Dodds, looked unaccountably pleased when questioned about Dodds’s mishap.”
Percy glanced up for any reaction from Audrey, and found nothing there but a placid, understanding look.
He returned his glare to the paper, reading silently once more but with renewed vigour.
His lips moved, voiceless, in spiteful synchrony with his reading, until at last he burst out in protest: “I do not like the sound of my own voice!”
He scowled with such outrage as if he were only just reading the accusation for the first time, rather than the seventeenth.
“I’m sure I don’t know why,” Audrey replied fairly. “I think it’s quite nice, myself.
“Though,” she added, taking hold of the Prophet just as Percy began to open his mouth for another tirade — her kiss on his forehead the only thing that persuaded him to finally relinquish his grip on the paper — “not when it’s repeating total nonsense, hmm?”
She ripped the offending page in half demonstratively before Vanishing the entire publication as Percy sat back in his chair, arms crossed, sulking.
But he perked up a bit in query and concern when, the next moment, Audrey let out a low murmur of surprise and placed her hand on the side of her rounded belly. She shook her head to reassure him.
“Talking of people who like the sound of your voice,” she explained, taking his hand and pressing it on just the right spot for him to feel the movement within.
Whether she’d intended it or not, Percy’s still, quiet focus as he waited patiently had the added advantage of forcing him to breathe normally.
“Yes,” he said then, in response to a kick from his daughter, “you agree with me. Dodds can hardly find his way from the back of a lift to the front, can he, let alone — ”
“Change of topic, my love,” was Audrey’s pointed suggestion, whilst she fondly brushed back little stray bits of hair from the spot she had just kissed.
Percy thought for a beat or two before informing Audrey’s tummy: “Apparently the British and Irish League are about to confirm new regulations restricting the Keeper’s movements in the airspace either side of the goalposts.”
Audrey sighed, but Percy cracked a smile when he felt another flutter.
“You’re right,” he replied. “The sport has become totally unrecognisable.”
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hchollym · 1 year
Hi, I don't know if you've talked about this before, but what are your thoughts on Audrey/Percy? If you like the pairing/thought about them before, do you have any hcs about them or Audrey in general? These can be anything from stuff that's widely accepted (like Audrey being bookish), just random ones (like I hc Audrey to be a muggle werewolf), etc. :]
To be honest, anon, I personally don't like Percy x Audrey. There's absolutely nothing wrong with shipping them, so I don't mean this to be offensive; it's just not my thing for 2 main reasons:
I hate almost all of the post-canon material that JKR released (including the Weasley Family Tree). I refuse to ever believe that Harry named his son Albus Severus; That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I also hate that she kept Percy in the Ministry, which I don't think was a good choice. So in some ways, I basically dislike Percy x Audrey out of spite.
I've said before that I believe that Percy is a homoromantic bisexual and only dated Penelope before he realized romantic and sexual attraction are two separate things. So I just don't picture Percy marrying a woman.
That being said, I could totally see Audrey as a surrogate for Percy & his partner. Or - my favorite headcanon - she and Penelope are together, and Audrey is Percy & his partner's surrogate while Percy is Penelope & Audrey's sperm donor.
I have seen some fun characterizations of Audrey though - like ones where she is a little more wild to be a good balance for Percy. I've never seen a muggle werewolf version of Audrey, but I love the idea! I could totally go for a vampire Audrey too (with a Vampire Diaries/The Originals-type vampire).
Sorry I couldn't give you a better answer, but thanks for the ask! 😊
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Quick thoughts on two person ships that I've seen in the fics I like or read fics for in both HP and RWBY
Percy x Penelope: I like it it's cute. Ginny catching them snogging would probably have a greater impact on canon if Penny was someone the Weasleys had a vocal opinion of.
Percy x Audrey: It's cute in fanfic. In canon though, it suffers from the thing of canon Audrey is just a name.
Percy x Oliver: This fits into so many of my favourite tropes, it's kind of hilarious. I think this was my first Percy ship.
Percy x Marcus: Character I love shipped with a charater that absolutely would go to hell and back for the other is probably the quickest way to get me to ship two characters and Flintley isn't any different. This is my favourite Percy, hands down
Percy x Anyone in Harry's year or Ginny's year: Not getting into specific ships because this is the most common theme of Percy ships that I end up filtering out. Personally, I only see it happening post second wizarding war after both members have left Hogwarts, and I have to be in a really specific mood to read fics for these types of ships. However, depending on who Percy is shipped with, it can be cute
Penelope x Audrey: I love these two together in fanfic and I love the versatility. If you thought Perciver fit a lot of tropes, then this ship can fit more because again canon Audrey is just a name.
Penelope x Fred: I think my enjoyment of this ship heavily depends on how Fred is characterized. These two in a ship read to me as Bookworm x Prankster, and I'm really not a fan of that trope. It absolutely doesn't help that the twins are tied for my least favourite (I don't hate them but I like the other siblings better) of the book series Wesley children.
Oliver x Marcus: I like the ship, and I think it's a good rivals to lovers ship. I'm pretty sure the only reason I've dropped a FlintWood fic is because I didn't vibe with the non-Flintwood ships in the fic
Ruby x Weiss: White Rose I think is partly as popular as it is because of the thing of pair off the spares. However, unlike a lot of couples I've seen with that thing, their canon interactions are. On the other hand, their canon status of getting partnered during initiation does help their cause.
Ruby x Blake: I know I've said it for basically most of the other ships on the list but it's cute. I think I got into this ship with either a Team RWBY poly fic or a Beauty and the Beast retelling that used Ladybug
Ruby x Jaune: I like their friendship and I think a romantic relationship would be fine. I don't really ship it myself but I can see the appeal.
Weiss x Blake: I like it. However, I think it would be better in the later seasons rather than when they were in Beacon.
Weiss x Yang: Freezerburn, my beloved. I know with recent events, it's absolutely not going to be canon, but imma just vibe with their dynamic with fanfic
Weiss x Pyrrha: I think this is my favourite Weiss ship. There's a possibility of one-sided rivalry to lovers while in Beacon, and I think that's my favourite trope the ship could fall into
Weiss x Jaune: Personally prefer a friendship between the two but the volume 9 white knight moments were cute
Blake x Yang: It's cute. I'm glad they got made canon, and I want to see more cute canon moments between the two if the show does somehow get another volume. In the meantime, I will be chilling with fanfic.
Blake x Sun: Like Bumblebee, its cute. I also don't want to see discourse between it and Bumblebee.
Blake x Adam: The exception to my Blake ships that I've read are cute. The stuff I've read have sometimes had this as a past relationship for Blake and it should stay a past relationship.
Yang x Neo: Would be an interesting friendship post s3 but I don't feel comfortable shipping them romantically with recent canon events even with the Neo age discourse I've seen.
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itsss4t4n · 5 months
Who I write for /Rules
I'm new-ish to writing (i used to write fanfiction when i was like 13. i'm 18 now soo..) but I really wanna do it again.
So this is a list of characters/fandoms I write for as well as some rules for asks. Some things may be missing from this list so if you dont see something on this list, feel free to ask. :))
I will add a prompt list to this blog soon but again feel free to request other scenarious. Do add as much detail as you want to a request and please ALWAYS have at least some sort of prompt, as i'm really not good with coming up with storys on my own yet.
I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO DONT REQUEST IT! I might however do spicy stuff (Nothing more than making out tho).
My writing will be for all ages but please still be careful if the fic-warnings include sensitive topics and i might repost some 18+ things so be careful when navigating my blog.
Please be nice and have manners when requesting.
If you have any questions at all if i write for something, or if a topic you want me to write about is okay or not, please reach out through my asks or my inbox.
Also please include what gender/pronouns you want the reader to have (i write for all genders):)))
I write both romantic and platonic for all my characters. Although Teen!readers will always be platonic if the character is an adult.
I also write poly relationships. AUs are also totally on the table (big Fan of celebrity AUs).
Some things I will not write include: Pregnancy, toxic/yandere, student x teacher.
(Also english isnt my first language, and even know in my opinion i speak it really well, if they are any mistakes, thats why.)
Harry Potter
-Fred Weasley
-george Weasley
-lee jordan
-Charly weasley
-Bill weasley
-cedric diggory
-Fleur delacour
-olliver wood
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-James potter
-sirius black
-remus lupin
-regulus black
-Evan rosier
-Barty crouch jr
-pandora lestrange
-lilly evans
-marlene mckinnon
Hogwarts Legacy
-Sebastian Sallow
-Ominus Gaunt
-Gareth Weasley
-Poppy Sweetings
-Imelda Reyes
-Jasper Hale
-Emmet Cullen
-carlisle cullen
-esme cullen
-rosalie hale
-alice cullen
-sam uley
-Paul lahote
-charlie swan
-Leah clearwater
-Percy jackson
-Anabeth chase
-luke castellan
-clarrisse larue
-selena beauregard
-charles beckendorf
-ethan nakamura
-nico di anglo (no romantic fem readers)
-rachel elizabeth dare
-will solace (no romantic fem reader)
-travis stoll
-connor stoll
-hazel levesque (no romantic)
-jason grace
-leo valdez
-piper mclean
Magnus chase
-Magnus chase
-samirah al abbas ( no romantic)
-alex fierro
-malory keen
-tj (thomas jefferson jr)
Kane chronicles (havent read it in a while so might be ooc)
-Carter kane
-sadie kane
-walt stone
MCU (Avengers)
-bucky Barnes
-steve rogers
-tony stark
-sam wilson
-natasha romanoff
-yelena belova
-Peter Parker (tom holland and andrew garfield)
-Wanda maximof
-Piedro maximof
-Clint barton
-scott lang
-stephen strange
-kate bishop
MCU ( Guardians of the galaxy)
-peter quill
-steven grant
-mark spector
-layla el-faouly
Daredevil (Season 1)
-matt murdock
-Foggy nelson
-Karen page
-James wesley
X-men universe
-Eddie Brock
-Harley Quinn
-Jason Todd
-Dick Grayson
Disney Descendants
-Carlos devil
-Benjamin beast
-Chad charming
-Audrey rose
-Harry hook
Tiny Pretty things (Netflix)
-Bette Whitlaw
-oren lennox
-shane madej (no romantic fem readers)
-June park
Jennifers Body
-Jennifer Check
-Colin gray
Ever after high
-all characters
Redacted Audios (no x reader, just ships)
-literally all characters
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welcome to your new home :D
○ Christian ○ call me bee or bug ○ she/ her ○ infp-t writer ○ azaleas, picrews, and sims ○ wattpad is keeperofthelostsleep ○ no smut, y/n, or x readers ○ singer, writer, reader, photographer (of inanimate objects) ○ I always try to be nice ○
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main things I like:
○ kotlc ○ pjo/ hoo (book) ○ pjo (show) ○ 12 monkeys (show) ○ teen wolf (show) ○ merlin (bbc) ○ ouat in wonderland ○ psych (2006) ○ charmed (og) ○ haven (syfy) ○ mitski ○ indila ○
some other things:
○ tpq (aru shah) ○ sisters grimm ○ willow falls ○ sxf (manga) ○ elementary ○ asoue (show) ○ ouat (not s7) ○ clone wars (show) ○ paf ○ eah ○ (some) marvel ○ stranger things ○ pll (show) ○ clue (og movie) ○ aladdin (og movie) ○ disney (just some of the princess movies, like anastasia and brave) ○ occasionally some myths (usually starring women ○
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major fandom thoughts:
kotlc- sokeefe shipper; stitz shipper; dexiana shipper; tiana shipper; keefe defenders; lover of platonic sokeefitz; firm believer that dex and linh aren't cinnamon rolls and that tam isn't emo, overdramatic, or a cold person
pjo/hoo- lover of rachel; hater of how rick wrote calypso; number one percy jackson defender; lover of grover underwood
12m- lover of the entire cast. they're all perfect "they murdered-" hush.
tw- anti steter or sterek; shipper of both stydia and stalia; shipper of both scira and scallison; lover of kira yukimura, defender of derek's pack trio
m(bbc)- huge freylin and gwenthur shipper; lover of arthur pendragon; lover of all of the cast just especially arthur
og charmed- lover of prue halliwell; hater of phoebe halliwell; lover of cole turner; lover of chris halliwell; hater of the charmed sisters in later seasons (they're super rude, but I like some of the development)
haven (syfy)- nathan is literally awesome; DUKE. MY LOVE. GET THERAPY. AND HUGS. AND THERAPY.; audrey and audrey are both fun, better when nice to duke
mitski- geyser>>>; be the cowboy>>>>
indila- ainsi ba la vida and ego>>>>
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kits4!- kotlc in the sims. lmk ab your hcs. any hcs are welcome. probably gonna raise their grandparents bcz I'm too deep in this family tree lol
kap!au- kotlc in pjoverse and pjo in kotlcverse. may or may not write it out.
twilomiwb- mainly kotlc writing kinda stuff but not fics usually
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