#page 5 and 6 comings soon~
lil-beanz000 · 5 months
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haileys-out2 · 3 months
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I’ve been told to make this caption from one of my photos (yes this is me in the photo). I have no control over any of this, I’ve been told what tags to use and how long the post is to be pinned to the top of my page. 😥
The post is up for three months (until June 8) and I am scared about how long I’ll get!!
P-p-please be nice. I d-d-don’t want my life ruined!! 😭😭😭
Update. If this post hits 100 REBLOGS I have to get a larger plug and dildo.
Update 2. You are all mean (specially @count-alta with your 20-odd reblogs)😤😭😭 I now have to get a larger plug and dildo. If it gets to 300 REBLOGS then I have to make a Discord server to show that I am in fact wearing the cage and plug 😭😭😭😭 this is getting both out of control and expensive
Update 3. It hasn’t even been a week. 😢😢 I’ve been instructed to add note milestones. I’ve only been given a couple for now but more will be added if any of you suggest something my dominant likes.
Update 4. I’m back from a brief hiatus from Tumblr while I settled into a new job, and I discovered that this post really took off. I now have to make discord (coming soon) and I’ve been given a new Reblog MILESTONE. If this post reaches 500 Reblogs I will have to start HRT. If it hits 1000 Reblogs then I have to find a man to fuck me on camera 😭😭😭😭. Please be nice.
Update 5: whelp it’s done. My Discord server is live
1500 notes: I have to keep myself hairless from the nose down.
1700 notes: Make an Amazon Wishlist and add 100 toys and clothes for anyone to buy. Anyone who buys them will get a free show with what they bought
1800 notes: my hair must be grown out
2000 notes: I have to resume my BambiSleeps regimen
2500 notes: Practice deepthroating the current sized dildo twice a week
2750 notes: I now have listen to Bambi sleeps every morning, afternoon and night on my days off
3000 notes: Sit on a 7-inch dildo 2 times a week for 30 min
3250 notes: I have to start using she/her pronouns
3500 notes: I have start wearing a bra everyday
3750 notes: Use a large plug now
4000 notes: I have to start an OF (ManyVids and webcamming as well once I find a better living arrangement)
4250: I have to film myself suck cock
4500 notes: i can only ever cum from anal
5000 notes: I can only wear androgynous clothing. Nothing overtly masculine
5100 notes: Sit on an 8-inch dildo 3 times a week for 30 min
5400 notes: Listen to Bambisleep hypno every time I do anal
6000 notes: edge with a Hitachi magic wand for 30 once a week
6500 notes: start using a ball gag whenever I do anal
7100 notes: Once a week I have to film myself anal training and share it to the discord channel
8000 notes: Sit on a 9-inch dildo 4 times a week for 30 min
8500 notes: I must listen to ALL hypno that is sent to me
9000 notes: The Hitachi edging session becomes twice a week
12300 notes: Clicker train myself to get horny to the thought of cock
13200 notes: Use an XL plug now
13500 notes: Only use 10-inch toys from now on sit on it 6 times a week for 30 min, once a week use a 12+ inch toy
15000 notes: I have to get either bottom surgery or an orchiectomy
20000 notes: I have to be spit roasted
25000 notes: I have to be the center of a Blow Bang
32500 notes: I have to be the center of a Gangbang 😳😳😳
15K notes · View notes
momochanners · 6 months
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Pages 5 & 6 of 6
(Previous update)
Thanks to my patrons for helping making this comic possible; Next update coming soon!
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I watched James Somerton's final video, and all I got was this 6 page document
As soon as I learned his final unreleased video was on Revolutionary Girl Utena, I knew I had to hate watch it. I didn't know that I'd spend the following 4 hours making a comprehensive doc on everything I hated about it. But here we are.
The TLDR (is this too long to be a TLDR?)
The intro section, as well as Part 2, are directly plagiarized from wikipedia. The rest is unclear.
He makes a “haha this show is so weird right guys” joke 10 different times
He reads Anthy as so emotionally stunted she literally has to be taught how to think for herself, and believes that being the rose bride makes her feel good
He says that his reading is ‘vastly different” from the rest of the community, before boldly stating that this is because he sees it as a “deeply allegorical and symbolic story”
He sees the sexual abuse as “not to be taken literally”
Insists that the show be separated into parts that are strictly literal and strictly allegorical for the entirety of parts 3 and 4, before making the contradictory move of analyzing characters as allegories during part 5
The only characters that get dedicated sections are Akio and Dios, who he doesn’t believe are the same person. 
He says Dios gets his powers by “deflowering women”
He calls Akio, known child predator, a chaotic bisexual
Uses 14 year old SA survivor Anthy’s passive personality to make a joke about her being a bottom
His final point is that Utena was the real prince all along
There are no citations
Anyway, full version for people who hate themselves under the cut. With time codes, because I cite my sources.
Part 1: Intro
This entire section is almost exclusively quoted from the Wikipedia article for Revolutionary Girl Utena. Words have been changed, but the order at which certain topics come up is not. Highlights include:
0:56 In his introduction of Be-Papas, lists the founding members in literally the exact same order as Wikipedia.
1:40-2:00 His list of Be-Papas previous works is lifted entirely from wikipedia, only with the words changed. This leads to a strange moment at 1:52 where he claims Be-papas ‘lent their talents to’ Neon Genesis Evangelion, a show which started production at least a year before Be-papas was founded. On the wikipedia article for Utena, this is instead referring to the previous work of Shinya Hasegawa and Yōji Enokido
4:23 he uses a quote by Yūichirō Oguro describing the production as a “tug of war”. He seems to have lifted this in its entirety from Wikipedia, as he does not cite the actual source it is from (the box set companion book, btw)
As for James Somerton originals, at 0:44 he claims that out of all magical girl series,”none to my knowledge have been more discussed and dissected than the 1997 series Revolutionary Girl Utena” He will go back on this at 5:05, where he states that “Sailor Moon takes the lion’s share of discussion” in regard to influential magical girl anime
Part 2: Part 1
(At least I know I’m not funny, unlike James Somerton)
Speaking of which. Here is every single time he makes a “wow this show is sooooo weird you guys” joke: 6:00, 8:50, 10:40, 10:58, 13:46, 17:07, 24:16, 30:34, 41:19, 48:01
Here’s every time the punchline to the joke is the existence of Nanami, a character who he otherwise completely disregards: 10:56, 12:05, 16:22, 42:40
6:16 Claims that the “Apocalypse saga” and “Akio Ohtori saga’ are two names for the same several episodes, depending on the release. This is untrue. Instead, different releases either only have the Apocalypse saga, or split the episodes into an Akio Ohtori saga and then the Apocalypse saga. 
7:58 Claims Utena intervening on Anthy’s behalf begins the first duel. While this happens in the movie, Touga intervenes in the scene he uses clips from (like literally right after the shot he uses in the video). Utena only gets drawn into the duels when Wakaba’s love note to Saionji is posted. Youtuber Noralities’ Utena video also gets this wrong, which makes me wonder if this was copied.
9:09 Claims Akio’s “End of the World” moniker is actually more closely translated to “Apocalypse”. In reality, the translation moves away from a more apocalyptic reading, with 世界の果て (Sekai no hate) apparently translating closer to “the furthest reach of a known world” or “edge of the world”. (Love the implications of this translation, but I digress)
9:10 As can be assumed from the previous point, this means I can’t find any sources that point to them not using the title “apocalypse” for religious reasons
10:10 Uses Anthy’s extreme passivity under her Rose bride persona to make a top/bottom joke. I’m gonna repeat this in case you’re just skimming. He uses a trait that likely stems from years of abuse, (possibly exaggerated by the persona Anthy uses to manipulate people), and uses it to call her a bottom. 
He also just doesn’t seem to understand how the whole point of Utena constantly telling Anthy that she's just a normal girl who should make more friends is framed as Utena imposing her will on Anthy, just as much as the previous Engaged have done. 
11:54 Apologies in advance for my most “um, actually!” point yet, but technically his statement that Anthy stops being host to the Sword of Dios is wrong. Akio literally pulls a sword out of her chest in the final duel. It's a more evil-looking sword of Dios, granted.
13:02 !!! CANTARELLA SCENE ALERT !!! He interprets it as them fighting over Akio?? Which like. I will allow people to have their own interpretations of vague and symbolic scenes. I will. I swear. This is not technically incorrect. It just makes me want to eat my own intestines.
14:44 Bad Anthy take #1: He states Anthy “is emotionally stunted to the point where she needs people to make decisions for her because she does not know how to think for herself” This ignores several moments of Anthy clearly making her own choices throughout the show, including the suicide attempt Somerton mentions about a minute prior. This also strips Anthy of what little agency she has throughout the story, usually exerted through messing with Utena or Nanami. (The fact that she repeatedly makes choices that contribute to her own abuse is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting parts of her character, and it's a shame that Summerton’s ‘reading’ of the story completely disregards that)
Additionally, he once again reads Utena ‘urging Anthy to think for herself” in the first arc as an unambiguously good move, and not as something critiqued in the show.
14:52 Summerton reads the Swords of hatred as symbolizing men’s hatred specifically. Again, I’m trying not to completely disregard differing interpretations to a show like Utena, but this feels very simplistic, especially considering the harm we see aimed towards Anthy by other women
16:42 Here he claims that his reading of the story seems to be “vastly different” from the bulk of Utena discourse. What is this reading? That the show shouldn’t be read literally. Or, in his words, “[we can interpret] Revolutionary Girl Utena as a deeply allegorical and symbolic story about the struggles of coming of age amidst widespread institutional corruption in a high school and which describes a passive culture of inaction in regard to brazen instances of domestic exploitation in which there is not only a question about the caporeality of the events transpiring but also which events can be taken for granted and which events are meant to signify abstract sociological institutions.” The idea that he believes this is in any way a new reading of the material honestly baffles me.
Part 3: Part 2
17:48 through 18:50 differently quotes the Wikipedia article for postmodernism. He even makes a joke at 17:55 about Wikipedia. Please kill me. 
The first three themes he lists at 19:11 are just the three main themes listed on the Revolutionary Girl Utena Wikipedia page. What was that about a “vastly different” reading, James?
You’re gonna have to take my word for it, but this section is so short because it's just him talking about the various ways the story can’t be taken literally. He does, ironically, call this a hot take.
Part 4: Part 3
Here’s where the reading falls apart folks
At 23:15, he states that some things in Utena are allegorically coded, while others are to be taken literally. This is true. However, he seems to take this to mean that some parts of the show are Strictly Literal, while others are Strictly Allegorical for things going on in the Literal World. 
This is apparently why he prefers the Anime to the Movie, where there basically is no separation between the Literal and Allegorical
This take is bizarre to me for several reasons, but here is my favorite. At several points, he mentions how Revolutionary Girl Utena is a work of Magical Realism. Magical Realism is literally defined by its blending of the “literal” and “allegorical”, the mix of fantastical elements in a mundane, realistic setting. This idea of the impossibility of a blurred line, that Utena must either have lore where the magic is all real and means nothing, or dedicated allegory segments quarantined from the rest of the story, is contrary to the very idea of Magical Realism.
I can’t help but wonder if Somerton took his mentions of Magical realism from a previous work, due to how little it is consistent with his final argument. Either way, this section suggests a great lack of creativity in his analysis, a shame for such a creative work.
24:36: Shiori slander, for those who care
After this he gets really worked up about people assuming symbolism in everything, even when the author ‘doesn’t make it clear something is symbolic’. He shuts down a reading of a shot in the Lord of the Rings. Miley Cyrus is there? Very The Curtains Were Blue of him. 
28:22 Claims that Wakaba is the key to telling where the Strictly Literal segments end and the Strictly Allegorical segments begin. He states that, under this lens, deeply personal moments of character suffering such as all of the sexual abuse and Anthy’s suicide attempt (which he literally cites) should be read as symbolic and be “approached with uncertainty rather than confusion”. (28:24-29:13)
This also somewhat falls apart when you consider Wakaba is the jeep in the movie's car chase
And then he rants about people not liking his Attack on Titan video for a bit. Since its potential symbolism also doesn't follow hard enough rules to be symbolism. Once again, the separation of “fact vs allegory” I haven’t watched AOT, so that's all I’ll say.
Part 5: Part 4
Thank god this part is short. Much like Dios’ on-screen presence.
32:55 Makes the extremely bold claim that Dios is not Akio. As in, never even became Akio. because Dios is Strictly Allegorical.
Just to be a pedant, this is pretty explicitly disproven in the show
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Confusingly, both earlier and later he will address these two as the same character. 
33:04 he also explains the root of Akio’s name in a tone that suggests this is supplemental information and not like. Literally something he explains out loud in the show?
Part 6: Part 5
This section is nearly entirely about Akio Ohtori. I would like to note that him and Dios are the only characters with dedicated segments.
38:30 The part where he states that Dios gets his powers from deflowering women.
38:46 Claims, once again, that Akio’s abuse of Anthy “may not be literal”. 
38:59 “the instance of exploitation here is used because assault has deep roots as indicating that akio's gender is the source of his imbalance”  THE ASSAULT IS ABOUT AKIO NOW???
39:45 Bad Anthy take #2: “Anthy’s conformity to the Rose bride is based around the fact that she feels good being subservient because this is the only thing in her life that has ever brought her any kind of positive reward”. This is a direct quote. Anyway, I can’t think of any instances in the show where Anthy’s subservience gives her a positive reward, except maybe when she’s intentionally using it to manipulate others. As for her feeling good being the rose bride. She tries to commit suicide. Dude.
Side tangent, but isn’t this exactly what Akio says during the final 2 episodes? That Anthy enjoys being a witch? Is the main villain, who consistently says things during that very episode that are blatantly false, our source of information for this take? I guess so, since this is the dedicated Akio section.
At 40:20 he decides to introduce the concept of Anthy, Akio, and Utena as stand-ins for wider concepts, which is antithetical to his approach in analysis beforehand
Part 7: Part 6
42:40 he finally acknowledges that he’s been spending too much time talking about Akio, and literally no time on characters like Nanami
46:10 states that Utena’s exclusive motivation “is to protect Anthy from the predatorial intentions of the other dualists”, which disregards the fact, which she states herself, that she was largely participating in the duels and protecting Anthy to feel like a prince
48:04 The part where he says that Akio has ‘chaotic Bi vibes’ in regards to him sleeping with Touga, who is 17 and implied to be a long-term victim
Part 8: Part 7
54:01: His concluding point is that Utena was the real prince all along. 
In true Somerton fashion, the video then ends over a scrolling wall of patrons, with not a single citation in sight.
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quasieli · 11 days
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[Image description: Eight pages from the comic Mighty Nein Origins: Caduceus Clay. The first six pages feature a young Caduceus and his mother, Constance, while the last two pages show an older Caduceus, as well as his father, Cornelius, and sister, Clarabelle.
Page 1: A wide shot of the Blooming Grove, with a beautiful stone and wood temple sat at the center of a verdant cemetery. From afar, Constance calls outs "Caduceus!"
Page 2: Constance is stood behind her son, with his head only partially in frame. The first panel shows her saying, "There you are, didn't you hear me calling?" In the second panel, she is leaning down to her son, a concerned look on her face as she says "Oh."
Page 3: A smaller panel shows Caduceus cupping a dead bird in his hands, holding it tenderly. The wider panel then shows his mother sitting down beside him, the pair sat next to a head stone. He leans his head into her shoulder as she asks, "Would you like some help?" The pair then proceed ro bury the bird.
Page 4: Constance and Caduceus are kneeling in the dirt, over the bird's burial spot. Constance asks, "Ready?, with Caduceus responding "Mh-hmm." The pair touch the ground where the bird was buried, and soon a bright orange flower magically blooms from the spot, causing Caduceus to startle.
Page 5: Constance sits beside her son, her hand gentle touching his face as she says, "Death and decay are a part of a circle, a wheel turning without a beginning or end. Death is how we nurture life, Caduceus." He looks down at the flower as he asks, "Then how comes it hurts?" Caduceus lays down in his mother's arms as she explains, "Because you loved them." A smaller panel shows a closer shot of their faces as she asks, "Do you regret that love?"
Page 6: A small panel shows a closeup shot of Caduceus, looking sad as he replies "No." Another wide shot of the Grove is shown, with the pair sat at the center, Constance continuing, "Part of love is knowing they will go, and cherishing them with your whole heart in the face of that hurt." Another small panel shows a closeup of the newly bloomed flower, with some of its loose petal blowing into the wind.
Page 7: An interior shot, a number of years in the future, showing an adult Caduceus asleep in his flower filled bedroom. He wakes upon hearing the voices of his father and sister, who are in another room, getting up to go investigate. His sister says "I just don't think it's fair that --", Cornelius interjects, "Clarabelle, please keep your voice down."
Page 8: Caduceus comes down the stairs tiredly rubbing his eyes while his father and sister continue to argue. Clarabelle says, "I will not until you--", cutting herself off as she sees her brother appear. Cornelius moves to ready some gear as Caduceus asks "You're leaving?" He responds "The corruption isn't going away on its own. Maybe... maybe your mother found something out there. I'll find her and your aunt, and find a cure." Clarabelle steps forward, declaring "It should be my turn! I'm old enough and faster than you, anyway!" To which Cornelius responds, as he begins to depart, "Clarabelle Clay, mind yourself. Stay home with your brother." End description.]
Sneak preview of Caduceus's origin comic from Polygon!
Generations of the Clay family have tended to the careful rituals in the Blooming Grove. But when corruption begins to creep in on their sacred space, the Clays depart one by one to seek answers. Soon young Caduceus and Clarabelle are the only ones left, and when a dangerous burial quest falls to Caduceus, he must leave the Grove to do the family’s work.
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lynxgriffin · 5 days
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Eldritchrune - Dreemurr of Sacrifice
1 | 2 | 3
Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Back in the light world, Asgore is still dealing with the heartache of the sacrifice, even months later. Mayor Holiday is still set on moving ahead, though!
Yay, it's nice to finally get back to some light world characters here! More with the Dreemurr family will be coming along soon!
Alt text for these pages under the read more:
Page 1 Panel 1: a landscape shot of the Holiday house and surrounding garden, with Rudy and Asgore outside the fence and hollybush hedge. The Delta Rune is emblazoned over the door and spiky snowflakes decorate the roof and fence.  Asgore is walking by with a wheelbarrow. Rudy: “Asgore, you old goat! Been way too long!” 
Panel 2: A closer shot of the two men- Rudy is slim and dressed in a crisp tunic, Asgore larger and wearing slouchy overalls. Asgore: “Howdy Rudy. You’re looking well!” Rudy, hand on his knee, bends over to hack and cough. Rudy: “Oh y’know… well enough, I guess! How’s business?” 
Panel 3: Asgore looks down,ruefully scratching the back of his head. His wheelbarrow is full of droopy plants, ready for planting. “Could be better… Those soldiers hassle me almost daily. But, I’ve gotten used to it, so it’s all right.” 
Panel 4: Rudy puts a comforting hand on Asgore’s shoulder. “Aww hey, you can complain to me any time…” he says. Asgore doesn’t avoid the touch but he doesn’t seem comforted. 
Page 2 Panel 1: close up on Rudy, who jerks his head to look as far behind him the door of the Holiday house opens to show the silhouette of a woman in a long dress. 
Panel 2: Rudy: “But uhh, I’ll let Carol here say her piece first. See you, Asgore!” He waves and pushes the gate open to go back to the house. Asgore looks taken aback. 
Panel 3: A textless landscape shot of the front of the yard. Rudy, halfway back to the house, turns to look behind him as Carol comes out of the large Holiday gate to meet Asgore, who is hunched in a half-bow with his hand over his heart. 
Panel 4: Asgore: “Howdy, Mayor Holiday.” He doesn’t look up at her, and we see only the back of her head, not her face. Carol: “Good day, Asgore. I appreciate you stopping by, as I wanted to inform you personally.” 
Panel 5: Carol leans into Asgore’s space, and he leans away, cowed. Neither of their eyes are visible, but we see their mouths: hers stern, his distressed. Carol: “We will be conducting the Ritual again in three month’s time, at the harvest moon. You and Toriel’s presence is required.”
Panel 6: Bust shot of Asgore, dismayed. “A…Again? You’ve… found another one?” His hand is still protectively over his heart. 
Page 3:  Panel 1: We see Carol’s face for the first time: she is severe looking, with medium length hair, a stiff dress, and a choker necklace and ornate belt. Her hand is also over her heart, though more like a formal salute. “I have tasked QC with obtaining the child.” 
Panel 2: Carol’s speech bubble continues as narration. “She’s been quite diligent in her duties, and believes we now have one open to the concept of self sacrifice.” The scene shown is QC- a friendly, soft woman with wildly curly hair- appearing to be at a street market. She is speaking to a child with a bandana neck scarf (Clover, from UT Yellow), but there’s no dialogue. 
Panel 3: Another shot of Carol in profile, gaze fixed intensely ahead. “With the Ritual rites already perfected, this time we will be successful.” 
Panel 4: A wide shot of Asgore, hunched over his wheelbarrow of wilty plant starts and flowers. There’s no dialogue. His expression is despondent. 
Panel 5: Carol: “Is there something you’re withholding, Asgore?” Asgore: “No. We’ll be there.” We don’t see his expression. Her hands are folded sternly in front of her. 
Panel 6: She moves once again into his space, pushing past the wheelbarrow to lean in. “I know that you two have been avoiding us in public since the last Ritual.”  Asgore cringes away like a dog that’s been scolded. 
Page 4: Panel 1: Carol continues. “Toriel has hardly spoken a word to me since then. I trust there is an explanation?” 
Panel 2: Asgore wrings his hands in front of him. His speech bubble covers up his eyes, but his mouth is downturned. “Carol… Toriel avoids you so much because she respects you. She does not want a confrontation.”
Panel 3: Carol, her expression still severe, almost angry. “A confrontation?” 
Panel 4: Asgore, still cringing and looking down: “I don’t know.. if I can explain just how badly losing Kris hurt.” 
Panel 5: His narration continues from the previous panel. “She’d be so cross if I knew I said this, but…” We see the past, Toriel kneeling and clutching the blankets of an empty bed, crying hard. Asgore kneels beside her, holding her shoulders. He’s crying too, unable to comfort her. “The night of the sacrifice, when we got home… Toriel collapsed and wept so long and hard I was afraid her heart would simply stop.” 
Panel 6: Sill the past with present Asgore’s narration over the top. “And then, once Asriel left too… Both of our children were gone.” Left to right, in the interior of the Dreemur’s house, Asgore stands dismayed as an unhappy Toriel rushes after Asriel, who is walking out the door with a bag on his shoulder. He’s looking back but is clearly set on leaving. 
Page 5 Panel 1: Back in the present, Asgore is even more hunched in on himself, hugging his fists to his chest with his expression drawn tight and sad. “I know Toriel acts as though she is fine, but that’s simply because she is stronger than I am. The tension between us is so terrible that I’m afraid she’d leave me if she had somewhere to go!” 
Panel 2: Close on his distressed, panicky face, looking away from the confrontation. “And part of me can’t help wondering… w-what if we were…”
Panel 3: Carol jabs a finger in Asgore’s face. “We. WILL. Be rewarded for our sacrifices. Of this I am CERTAIN.” She’s stern, but her fists aren’t clenched- she’s controlled. Asgore shrinks under her words, looking up at her as he stammers “I-I know, but…”
Panel 4: Carol’s speech: “You talk of heartache. Kris was not even your child by blood.” Asgore looks down, ashamed. 
Panel 5: Carol continues, hand splayed over her chest. For the first time her expression is something other than stern, perhaps angry- still that, but pained. “Do you think your pain is greater than the one I feel, for December? Whom I gave away first?” 
Panel 6: Asgore plucks at his sleeve, looking away guiltily. “No, of course not-” 
Page 6 Panel 1: Carol’s brief moment of any other emotion is gone. She sweeps her arm to the side. “And yet I have put aside my grief for years, all for the sake of you, and everyone else, in this town. I will do whatever it takes to drive this invader from our doors, and restore this town to the peace it once had.” 
Panel 2: Carol’s face is almost a snarl. “All I require is that you, my oldest friends, trust me.” Asgore looks abashed. 
Panel 3: Close on Asgore’s downturned mouth, so none of the rest of his expression is visible. “Of course. Of course we do.” 
Panel 4: Carol draws away, her face returned to calm sternness. “That’s good to hear. Our children don’t need our tears.” 
Panel 5: Carol turns to go back into her gate, dismissing Asgore with a wave. “But our town does need our efforts.”  Asgore watches her go, putting his hands back to his wheelbarrow. 
Page 7 Panel 1: Another wide shot of the Holiday house and gardens, with Carol walking back to the house and Asgore outside the gate. Carol: “So I’ll see you both at the next gathering.” 
Panel 2: Asgore looks down at his wheelbarrow, despondently. His plants are all notably wilted. “Good day, Mayor.” The sky behind him darkens. 
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anki-of-beleriand · 23 days
A heart Made of Glass ch.12
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
Okay, this chapter had some tricks in it that are surronding Reader and Wanda, this is their story and this time around Reader would need to make the right decision if she wants to get what she wants and what she needs.
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chpter 12 - Chapter 13
Chapter 12
In a different world
The universe started with a spark of bright golden light.
Loki Odinson had seen it several times, he had witnessed the birth and death of multiple universes and timelines that were destined to perish in a myriad of colours that would soon be forgotten. He had sat on the throne, and while he was not a King himself, he could recall the faces of all of those poor souls that disappeared into the nothingness, just as he could remember the beauty behind the first spark of life.
However, what he was experimenting right now was nothing like it.
Whatever, or whoever had decided to intervene had messed up with his own spell and everything had exploded into nothingness. A single spark of red, green and golden then, nothingness. Black spaces that disappeared without any traces left behind.
Loki started at the empty space that was Wanda and Y/N’s basement before he sighed. He sat down shaking his head, a headache approaching just as he thought on the oncoming conversation he would need to sustain with the Avengers.
“Fuck.” The word rolled out of his lips in such a natural way, he could do nothing but leaned back against the wall.
What the hell just happened?
What did he do?
What did Wanda and Y/N do to get this reaction?
The silence soon became deafening, Loki located the book Strange had died trying to recover. He frowned while leaning over to pick it up, the spell was done correctly with all the right wording as well as the right drawings on the ground. So, why did it go wrong? His eyes scanned the pages, re-reading the passages over and over until his heart dropped at one particular line, something he had overlooked the very first time he read that passage.
“…this, however, may be counterproductive if there is a magical or multiversal energy interference, the amount of energy converging at one point may created an unexpected result and…”
Loki knew the rest by heart, he knew there could be troubles but…well, how many energies were involved in the spell? He had counted on those signatures coming from Wanda and Y/N, he had even counted on his but…was there anybody else out there? Was there anybody else at the other side of the multiverse?
“Shit.” Loki stood up fixing up his clothes before flickering his hand to open a portal. He needed to face the consequences of his acts, and the first stop would be the Avengers Tower and Steve Roger’s office.
The former Captain America was going to enjoy telling Loki ‘I told you so’, just before hitting him in the face.
With one last glance to the basement, Loki turned around and left the place.
He never worried to test the energy fields around, or to tap into the timelines flickering in front of his eyes. It never occurred to him that, as soon as the explosion happened, a new singular timeline appeared right before his eyes just to blend itself with the other timelines flickering in front of Loki.
No one but the Watcher could see it, The Watcher stood in the sidelines furrowing his brows and waiting.
The world would either collapse in itself, or it would fix the anomalies by itself.
Either way, he was watching history, and the future of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
Darkness had always been your friend.
You were born in it, and it had been your weapon and your refugee in the hardest of times. That was the main reason you didn’t panic at first, everything around you was filled with the purest form of darkness with a single touch of coldness that sneaked inside your clothes. The hairs on your arms stood up, a shiver went right through your muscles making you groan as you finally experience the pain in your body.
Your mouth opened inhaling deeply filling your lungs with gusts of cold air, your chest contracting itself just before you started coughing. It was then you opened your eyes, and the darkness that you had experienced moments ago was nothing but you woke up from unconsciousness.
The first thing you noticed were different white dots in the sky winking back at you. You tried to grasp a single thought, seeking around your mind for a coherent idea but it was almost impossible to do so when the rest of your body was finally receiving different stimulus in the way of pain and coldness.
“Y/N!” A familiar voice called to your left, you tried to sit up but a single hand placed itself on your shoulder pressing you to the ground.
“Ease there, pal, you were really hurt back there.”
Even if you didn’t get a chance to sit up, your world started spinning around. The voice was so familiar, yet so different to what you were used to; with some reluctance you turned your face to the right and soon you found yourself looking at yourself.
The other woman offered a tentative smile, though the way she was squinting her eyes and the pursed of her lips told you she was just as confused as you were at the moment. Soft footsteps approached you, America Chavez was wearing a single cut on her cheek and a bruised eye, this time around you didn’t let you counterpart to stop you, you sat up to check over the teen kneeling beside you.
“America, are you alright?” Your eyes rolled back for a moment, your knees fell harshly on the ground while you held yourself with a single hand placed on your leg.
“Y/N, please…” America winced lightly glancing at you then at your counterpart. “I think you were the one that suffered the most…”
“It was my fault, actually. So, sorry?”
You blinked a couple of times, shaking your head made the headache worse and the dizziness settled on your lower abdomen. You lifted your face blinking a couple of times before checking America over, the young woman softened her features with her cheeks colouring pink while her lips tried to offer a single smile. You tried to ignore the other Y/N for as long as you could before turning around to settle your eyes on her.
Just like America, she was wearing a single cut on her forehead with her clothes dishevelled but otherwise nothing else. With some reluctance you lifted your eyes looking deep into those eyes that you knew so well.
“This is the weirdest shit I have ever had to live to date.” You finally said shaking your head, “I hope it is the last weird shit ever.”
“Agreed.” Y/N tilted her head furrowing her brows while giving you a quick glance. “Before this happened, I’m afraid I was in your body fighting with someone that got lucky…so…”
“So, that’s why I feel like this?” You cracked smile, your counterpart nodded mirroring the smile on your face. “Okay, got it, so…what the hell is going on?”
America and Y/N glanced at one another then at you, it wasn’t until then that you decided to take a good look at the surrounding area. The place in itself was nothing strange, yet you got a feeling that this was not your universe or even that of your counterpart.
The sky was completely dark filled stars but as you got to observe them above your head you realized there were not your stars. The constellations you had come to know thanks to Natasha and Carol had been changed and were replaced by different forms you did not recognize. With a single frown you lowered your eyes to find yourself in a plain of land filled with dried grass that extended beyond what the eyes could see. It was an empty land, with nothing beyond the darkness of the night without any moon it was hard to actually see something that could give you an idea of your location.
The sound of whistling called your attention, and soon you found yourself being wrapped tightly by two pair of arms. Before you could protest or ask what they were doing, you experience the sharp bite of wind, A cold, merciless breeze that soon turned into a whirlwind that left as suddenly as it had come.
“Wh-what the hell?” Your eyes opened wide, your teeth chattering while America and Y/N leaned back wincing.
“We need to move.”
You furrowed your brows shaking your head, “move where? I can barely see you two, how are we going to see the path or…where the hell are we?”
America sighed standing up, she stretched her hand to you offering a tender smile.
“You haven’t figured it out?”
You stood on weakened legs, your mouth opened ready to protest until you finally realised it. While it was true there was nothing much to see beyond the darkness and the starry night, you could see America and your counterpart just fine. It took you but a few minutes until, you lifted your hand and the shadows followed you giving you a good glance of what was around you.
“We can manipulate shadows, the night in itself is darkness and filled with the main source of our power.” Y/N stated matter-of-factly while standing before you, you nodded curtly feeling foolish for not even thinking about it.
“Are you guys going to tell me what’s going on?”
America grabbed your hand, then turning to Y/N she shrugged also grabbing her hand as well.
“We may as well update her while we continue walking.”
“We saw lights coming from what we think was a village a few kilometres away, were trying to get there until these weird whirlwinds came in and we couldn’t carry you anymore.” Y/N explained shrugging. “We’re guessing once we get to some sort of place filled with civilization we will know more…”
“Why didn’t you try to travel through the shadows?” You asked ready to do so when the warning tone from your own voice stopped you.
“I couldn’t do it without leaving America here, and I have a bad feeling as soon as I tried it…so…” Y/N shrugged looking ahead of her, “I always follow my instincts, they have never failed me.”
The comment sent a sharp pain straight to your heart.
Your instincts had never failed you either.
Nothing else was said after this, the three of you were following the direction America had pointed out but you were just lost not really knowing if this was the right path or just a wild guess. The temperature was dropping even more, soon your teeth were chattering alongside those of America and the other you. You felt a sharp pain through your head, whatever had happened before you woke up had left your body quite bruised and right now all you wanted was to find a bed, an analgesic and something to eat. For a brief moment, an intrusive thought came forward in the form of Wanda, panic rose through your chest and filled your mind but before you could ask anything about her your counterpart spoke.
“I still don’t understand how everything came to be,” she spoke with a tone of voice you were familiar with, you let your eyes wandered around the landscape holding onto every word resounding into the darkness of the night.”
“I remembered when Wanda and I saved America the first time, and then trying to safe her from these creatures chasing her down.” Y/N trailed off with her memories making her falter, with a single shake of her head she continued, “I know I was out for a while, so you can guess how surprised I was to wake up in the arms of someone that wasn’t my wife…”
“Not really.” Your reply was filled with coldness, tension building up in your body, “I have always had the luxury of waking up alone in my bed.”
America winced lifting her head to glance at you, her dark eyes begging you to listen before jumping in whatever discussion you wanted to start.
“Agatha Harkness.” The name reached the inside of your mind with the memory of the file you read on her, not only that, but also the different videos you saw surrounding her story inside of Wanda’s world.
“That was the woman you woke up to every day, Y/N.” America chimed in shyly, she lowered her gaze squeezing your hand tenderly. “She had been dragging Scarlet and Wanda around, draining them of their powers and leaving them defenceless for quite some time, and since…well, since Y/N was under her spell…”
You opened your mouth to speak, you wanted to say something but finding your counterpart’s eyes on you whatever argument you had built inside your mind came crumbling down and soon you were given their side of their story.  Little by little the story started making sense, the building of a different world and the intrusive dreams you were having in the last couple of weeks, the purple and red magic surrounding you on that day as well as the mixed-up realities that ended up with you thrown into another’s body. You had always known that Wanda was special, and powerful, you never imagined just how much.
America had been a part of the plan, of course. Her powers would be very beneficial to someone like Agatha, and your powers would make sure no one would ever find her. Everything was about the most basic reason of all: Power. You pursed your lips disgusted; you were dragged into a confrontation with Wanda because there was a woman chasing after power. You had been running from Wanda for more than ten years, and all it took was this woman to ruin everything.
And now, now you were walking down the darkness of the night with a girl that could travel through different universes and your counterpart, a woman that got the life you had dreamt of a long time ago.
“Life is not fair.” Y/N stated glancing at you out of the corner of her eyes, “but it is what we have, and we must…”
“…deal with it, take what it is being offered and try to be happy with it.” You finished shaking your head.
“Ah, so not everything is lost, I see.” Y/N allowed a single smile to break on her face, you pursed your lips snorting.
“You don’t know the story.”
“But she does, that’s why she told you those very same words, didn’t she?” Your counterpart stopped all of a sudden, you let out a heavy sigh before turning to face her.
America was standing in between the both of you, her brows knitted together with her gaze travelling around the terrain before settling on the both of you.
“Look, I know that you and Wanda had a different experience than mine, I’m glad you did because…” You trailed off holding onto your emotions, “I don’t wish on you the pain I went through…”
For the very first time ever you saw your own face breaking into a broken-hearted smile, with those eyes losing all light and those lips curving into a crooked smile. It was you looking back, and you understood right there and then that you weren’t the only one.
“You forgive her?” You asked with a hint of hope in your voice, you hated how the question left your lips and how your counterpart understood what you meant.
“How could I not if my heart beats for her?” She replied clenching her eyes closed, her hands rested upon your shoulders before you found yourself looking into your eyes. “There is a difference, though, isn’t it?”
“You guys were not together…” You started but she merely tilted her head.
“You know it wouldn’t matter if we were a couple or not, she chose someone else when we have always chosen her.” Y/N squeezed your shoulders lightly. “The difference is that I gave her a chance because I want to do so, you didn’t because…”
“I don’t believe in second chances! If I have done so she would have broken my heart all over again when she went into her imaginary world with Vision!” You exclaimed enraged, surprising Y/N and America.
The other woman furrowed her brows, she was ready to argue back with you and asked questions about the imaginary world. It was quite evident a lot of things had happened in this strange world and Y/N could only imagine the pain and rage engulfing your heart at the moment.
America could see darkness surrounding the three of you her eyes opening wide almost losing into the shadows until her eyes caught glimpses of red and purple right ahead.
“Guys?” America stuttered lifting her hand and pointing to the distance.
You two stopped your discussion turning around to see the same sparkles of red and purple. It was a formation of dusty colouring breaking into the darkness of the night sky, you turned to the left to see Y/N frowning with determination and America shifting nervously from one foot to the other.
“It’s not that far away, I mean it could be at least one kilometre?” Y/N faced you holding onto the previous tension of your conversation with her, you clenched your fist shrugging.
“Looks that way.”
“Are we…” America started but you lifted a hand to silence her.
“Before we jump in to do something I think we need more information, we don’t even know what we are going to find over there.” You looked out of the corner of your eyes; the lights were still gleaming pretty much intensely but you could tell your two companions didn’t want to stay still and do any planning.
“What do you propose?” Y/N asked lifting her chin, “you know pretty well those sparks of crimson are Wanda’s, and we know this woman, this Agatha has been using purple magic. Are you really suggesting we stand here or keep walking in circles?”
“No! All I am asking is to first think about what we are going to do! We’re not even sure where we are much less what we are going to find there.” You asked back lifting your hands in the air and stepping back, the pain you had forgotten in favour of the discussion came back making you winced.
“Look I know you guys think the world of Wanda, and that’s cool, I guess your Wanda,” this time around you pointed to your counterpart trying to remain calm, “she is all love and kindness and that’s fine. The Wanda in world had a total breakdown that enslaved a bunch of people in a reality she created for herself and that microwave she called husband, so forgive me if I’m not going to jump in without any additional information.”
Your tirade echoed through the night, your voice carried by the wind with a dropped in the temperature. The moon that had been travelling with the three of you flickered all of a sudden, and the darkness grew around the three of you. America didn’t miss the flickering lights of crimson and purple, but she couldn’t stop herself from grabbing your hand in hers, the warm she shared with you made you shivered and with some reluctance you lower you stare to her. Even in such a darkness you could see her brown eyes gleaming with emotions.
“You still love her.” America mumbled squeezing your hand tenderly.
You clenched your jaw tilting your head to the side, America bit her lower lip glancing from you to Y/N.
“I don’t know why this has to be so complicated, but she needs you.” America took a deep breath stepping closer to you. “Wanda is sad, and I know she messed up and that forgiveness should not be given just because you feel that way. But she really needs you, she and Scarlet.”
“Look, I don’t know what happened between the both of you.” Y/N stepped in making sure you could not look away from your own eyes. “But the woman I love is out there, being it in this dimension or another Wanda Maximoff would always be MY Wanda and I won’t leave her out there to get hurt. If not for you, then at least do it for me.”
It was in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by darkness and coldness that your heart finally gave in. With a nod, your dropped your shoulders in defeat missing the smile coming from America but never missing the satisfied glance coming from your counterpart. The three of you finally turned to the source of the magic, and without a simple plan you three started making your way to the source.
You were not prepared for what was waiting for you over there.
Agatha Harkness smirked at the woman kneeling before her.
In less than a year she had made it possible to crumble away the legend of the Scarlet Witch while placing herself as the most powerful witch in the multiverse. Her smile never faltered, not even when the world spined around changing into a familiar setting; a place and time Agatha had suffered before but that now she could alter with a single flicker of her hand.
The place was filled with passersby ignoring the presence of the two women; nobody seemed to care that one of them was on her knees with a single neck shackle made of light red and blue tied to a crimson necklace Agatha wore on her chest.
“What do you think about this arrangement, dear?” The dark-haired woman asked, her eyes dropping to the kneeling Wanda who was shooting her a stare filled with anger. “Personally, I think this could be more lively, but don't worry soon enough we will have a show to die for.”
Her laughter was accompanied by a flash of violet, and soon the scene changed and they were transferred to a great marketplace located at the centre of the village. Everyone had reunited around four pillared pyres that were guarded by at least ten knights all dressed in black.
Wanda lifted her face, her ears twitched hearing the sound of angry screams cursing someone she couldn't make out yet. Agatha stirred in excitement; her smile grew until it was a crooked grin with just a hint of madness behind it.
“Here they come…”
The crowd spread around just as four figures came in walking on naked feet wearing red robes and bruised faces. The hatred and fear coming from the crowd was quite evident as the torches and the pitchforks drew wild patterns above the townspeople’s heads. The light of the torches ignited the night, Wanda tensed under the grip of the woman standing beside her, the hairs on her arms raising up while her eyes narrowed to follow the events unfolding in front of her.
The four women were pushed forward, each one of them had a single knight standing behind them with heavy hands they were dragged to the four pillars tied to them facing the crowd. It didn’t take her too long to guess what was about to happen, and what exactly were those pillars; the pyres had been set up to ensure everyone could see the women died. The crowd cheered cruelly, laughing and cursing while the four women glared at the people with more bravery than they actually felt. 
“This was my coven.” Agatha spat out, her hands sparkling with a mixture of red and purple, “they saw my power, they read my intentions and instead of supporting me they dared to try and stop me…”
“I wonder why.” Wanda couldn’t hold the sarcasm behind her voice, Agatha pulled harshly on the ropes holding her neck making Wanda fall on her back.
“You really are more daring than your counterparts, dear. I would be careful, if I were to be honest I don’t need you alive.” 
Agatha caressed the necklace smirking at Wanda, the woman couldn’t hide her anger and the magic that was pulsating inside her was not enough to protect her from Agatha’s anger. Soon Wanda let out a scream of pain, her body twitching painfully until he couldn’t keep her eyes open and all she could think about was the searing pain on her limbs.
“It has been so long since I was just a lowly witch like them, afraid of fire and the angry crowd. I grew to be magnificent, to have power beyond anyone’s imagination…” Agatha continued with his rambling observing with gleaming eyes as the Major of the town stood forward proclaiming the sins of the four women.
“I just had to find you, Wanda, you and that so-called Scarlet Witch.” Wanda took a deep breath, half hearing the woman while watching with horror as the night above her head flickered from one setting to another.
“It was not easy, you know?”
Agatha flickered her hand to the right and soon Wanda was on her knees watching as the world around her changed. It was like watching a movie in a dome. The world changed to day and night flickering images of Agatha dragging her burnt body through the ground whispering spells that only she could hear. The image soon changed showing the passing of time, Agatha looking around the world and stealing the magic of others while seeking something out of desperation.
She finally found it after more than a century.
Wanda opened her eyes at the familiar setting, Kamar Taj stood under stormy winds and heavy snow. Agatha sneaked around, distracting the inhabitants of the temple by provoking landslides that would certainly have killed innocent people if it hadn’t been by the protectors of the temple. She had enough time to steal a single book.
“Y-you…you stole the..th-e…the Drakhold.” Wanda leaned forward resting her hands on the ground, she was shocked to find the snow under her hands was real and that everything she was seeing was not an illusion but a real event.
Her mind was trying to comprehend what was really happening. Her knowledge of the Darkhold had not been as broad as it had been for Strange and even Loki. But she did know one thing or two about the origins of her powers, Chaos Magic had been called and it gave her the power to bend reality and life in ways not many could access to. The darkness inside her had been contained by her family and her loved ones, but the same could not be said by others, apparently.
“I did.” Agatha finally answered tilting her head, soon the scene changed and they were taken to a place Wanda was familiar with.
“Yet, I was still not strong enough, or the only one with powers beyond our imaginations.” Agatha made a face, stepping forward strolling down the streets with Wanda following her. “When the Avengers showed up it was quite evident that people with powers could no longer be hidden. It was my time to shine until you, my dear Wanda, showed up.”
Wanda saw herself in a building in Sokovia, it was a place she was familiar with yet the story that was unfolding in front of her had nothing to do with what she had lived once. Her other self struggled to control her powers, to live her life, to be who she was supposed to be but failed every single time. Agatha had never been too far from those events, and whenever Wanda failed, Agatha would clutch the young woman closer to her. The red and purple magic intertwined without anyone noticing.
“What did you do?” Wanda asked, finding herself in the middle of the square in Westview. It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining right above their heads and not a single cloud in sight. 
Agatha smirked, her eyes changing colours to one of deep crimson, “I finally became who I am supposed to be, and soon my dear I will have all the power to bend the universes at my will. And now, I will finish what I started all those months ago with your pathetic counterpart and you will help me out with this.”
The world suddenly exploded around them, Wanda clenched her jaw closed, lifting her eyes to the sky to see the runes above her head.
“You…” She gritted her teeth, her eyes closing right away trying to gather her thoughts and power to stop the woman standing beside her.
Agatha chuckled darkly, her gripped on Wanda tightened allowing the influx of memories to invade the mind of the redhead. It was a life she was no familiar with, a suffering she had not experiment in the same way but that generate in her an understanding of the mess this world was in. She could see the moment Agatha entered the story, the failures and the almost victories until finally she got what she wanted.
A weakened Wanda Maximoff without anyone in the world to stand by her side.
And a way to get away with her plan.
“You…you won’t win.” Wanda finally got out; her eyes gleaming dangerously at the other woman who made a face rolling her eyes.
“I already did, dear. You just haven’t realized it yet.” Agatha let go of Wanda stepping away.
The brunette straightened up lifting her arms in front of her, her hands creating a purple mist while the necklace she wore zealously around her neck gleamed with intensity. Those eyes that moment’s ago had been brown, were now a deep black and the world around Wanda trembled under the electric shift of power the witch was gathering around her.
“Now, I have all the pieces in place, in my world…under my rules.” Agatha stated tilting her head to the side, “I will bend everyone to my will…and you, Wanda, will be nothing but a bad memory.”
The sky above their heads changed into darkness, the temperature dropped and Wanda felt the heavy weight of the atmosphere overwhelming her. She could sense her counterpart weakening inside the prison Agatha had chosen for her, her thoughts were still a mixture of memories she couldn’t quite place while the heavy emotions running through her soul threaten to overwhelm. Wanda could read the intentions behind the woman standing before her, she could read the hatred and violence behind those dark eyes. Lifting her chin to the sky, and her eyes showing off her own magic she decided if this was going to be her end, she would face it with defiance.
The ball of energy flickered in Agatha’s hand, the world stood still and the with smirked ready to give the final blow.
Agatha was so concentrated in her final goal, she never noticed she was no longer alone and what she though was illusions of her own invention were actually three people she didn’t think would be a problem until one of them stood right in front of her shielding Wanda from an imminent dead.
You had crossed the protective barrier around the strange town with a single thought in mind. Your intention was to get this over with and go back to your life on Norway, your heart beating fast while your mind protest for the easiness in which you were trying to go back to a life in which you were ignoring the woman that had never left your heart. It looked easy, just do your thing and then fixed whatever mess you were in and then…go back.
But the universe and the Powers That Be decided that it wouldn’t be just as easy as a flickered of your hand.
As soon as the three of you crossed the barrier you were face to face with flashes of memories that presented you with a film of the lives of Wanda and Agatha. The stories of the coven and the search for power, as well as the fall of Sokovia and Wanda’s struggles with her powers and her life.
“This is so wrong.” Y/N stated clenching her fist while stepping forward until she was finally standing beside you, the both of you stood on an empty street hearing the sounds of muffled conversation.
“Any plan?” You finally stated ignoring the piercing pain in your heart, your counterpart shrugged nodding to the darkened street that was flashing a mixture of red and purple.
“I think the best approach is a straightforward one.”
“Humph, so go there and just start fighting?” You replied with your lips breaking into a single smirk.
“Yep, pretty much.”
“That doesn’t sound like a solid plan.” America mumbled unsure, she furrowed her brows turning to you and then to your counterpart.
You turned to America placing a hand on her shoulder, “but it is what we have. You are going to stay here and wait.”
“But…I can fight! I can help!” America stepped back frowning, “I won’t be left behind…”
“I know you can fight, kiddo.” You replied tilting your head, “and that’s why you are staying behind.”
America opened her mouth to protest but Y/N came forth shaking her head.
“You are our backup, America. If anything were to happen to us and Wanda…” Y/N stated dropping her gaze for a moment, she turned to you until finally she locked eyes with America. “You need to do anything you can to ensure Agatha won’t scape, you understand?”
America pursed her lips, a part of her understood the mission but another part wanted to go straight ahead and face the woman that had been chasing her through the multiverse. America clenched her fists before nodding curtly and stepping back. You offered a single smile, your hand squeezing comfortingly the shoulder of the teen.
“There would be time, America, for now just watch our backs.”
“I will.”
“Good then, let’s go.”
You nodded curtly allowing your powers to spread in front of you, there was resistance when trying to reach the shadows and for the very first time you understood what your counterpart meant about your instinct. Everything in your body was screaming danger as soon as you came into contact with the shadows, your body shivered under the piercing weight of a million needles. You clenched your jaw closed stepping into the shadows with a single thought in mind.
Without any hesitation and moving through the invisible obstacles in that universe you appeared right before Wanda and Agatha just in time. Your eyes went black with your right arm lifting in front of you and creating a protective barrier just as Agatha’s hand came into contact with your shadows.
There was a flickering of power, the older woman snarled a curse lifting her left arm in the same fashion and launching a second attack. Your eyes opened slightly only for your shadows to slithered away grabbing the woman’s midsection to pull her away.
The world crumbled for an instant; Agatha was completely shocked to see not only you but your counterpart standing right in front of her. The woman straightened up, sweat rolling down her forehead while her right hand closed around her necklace and her other hand summoned the Darkhold.
“You really are a pain in my behind, but at least I won’t have to go around looking for you.” Agatha stated tilting her head to the side, her annoyance giving way to a confident smile. “Now, how about the two of you are good girls and give up, I would hate to spend my time submitting you to get what I want.”
You spread your feet positioning yourself in a fighting pose, your eyes narrowing slightly while the woman in front of you got her magic ready. But before Agatha could do anything at all, another set of shadows grabbed her arms putting them back making her woman lose her grip on the necklace and the Darkhold, your body tensed when Wanda stood up behind you, her voice quivering slightly as she pronounced your name with reverence and love.
“Hey, I hope you didn’t forget about me, Agatha dear.” Your counterpart said winking at Wanda while flickering her hands away, Agatha grunted freeing herself with a blast of energy and stepping a few feet away.
“Hn, I didn’t expect this.” She stated summoning the Darkhold, the world around the four of you changed, shaping itself in a familiar setting you had come to hate in your mind.
Agatha never wavered in her confidence, if anything it seemed to grow the same way her magic was doing at the moment. You took a fighting stance, your shadows flickering around waiting for your command. You glanced out of the corner of your eye, Wanda had been trying to stand up but her knees and feet seemed uncooperative. Before you could offer any help, your counterpart came in wrapping her arms around Wanda while placing her forehead against Wanda’s one.
“Hey, love.”
“Hi.” Wanda replied with easiness, Y/N sighed in relief before placing a single kiss on her wife’s cheek.
“I miss you.” Y/N said softly, your heart shrank with emotion when your mind caught up with what was really happening.
You furrowed your brows, sweeping around the place until your darkened eyes fell on Agatha who was smiling playfully at you, her right hand playing absentmindedly with the necklace.
“Where is…Wanda?” The question left your lips before you could stop it, Wanda and Y/N both glanced at one another before they set their eyes on you.
A sinking feeling settled on your lower stomach, you were afraid of the answer when you realized this Wanda was trying to look everywhere but you. Tilting your head, you finally got a good look at your surroundings where the suburban houses filled out the imaginary world; the Wanda you had come to know from another universe held onto your counterpart tightly though right now her green eyes had been focusing straight ahead of you.
“Where is she? Wanda?” You asked again, this time around there was a demanding undertone that the other woman couldn’t ignore.
“Agatha has them under her control, she is using a powerful and dangerous book, Y/N.” Wanda could tell her answer was not of your liking, she stepped forward ready to join you and her wife in the fight glancing at you out of the corner of her eyes.
“You don’t know where she has Wanda?” You asked again never taking your eyes off of the older woman standing before you.
“I have my suspicions but I’m not sure how to interfere with that.” Wanda winced trying to ease out the pain on her neck, you frowned pursing your lips while taking a closer look at Agatha before your eyes found the same house you had come to know as Wanda’s place.
“Well, then let’s get this over with and get Wanda back.” Your arms stretched to the sides, the silent command spurred into action the shadows around you flying straight ahead to try and get Agatha.
Before your counterpart and the other Wanda could help you out, the creatures summoned by Agatha launched their first attack. A great explosion was heard while you evaded the flashing balls of power sent over by the witch.
The fight soon broke over, you didn’t notice it but the dome surrounding this part of the universe tremble sending waves of energy all through the world until they came into contact with the timeline and America. The young woman lifted her head, her eyes gleaming brightly as she tapped into her powers; bouncing on the balls of her feet she waited. America could hear the sound of explosions and the muffled sound of conversations and screams, she glanced at her hands thinking about the lessons she had been learning in the last couple of months. She closed her fists, opening them again before lifting her face. This people had been putting their lives on the line for her, they had been trying to protect her without expecting anything in exchanged. It was about time she helped them.
With a glance to the sky, America took a deep breath closing her eyes for a brief moment. As soon as she opened them, her lips curled into a single smile.
Time for payback.
The street had been completely destroyed during the fight.
There were no more homes standing up, or nice cosy gardens decorating the suburban setting. The world soon became a mixture of nothingness with the flickering holograms of reality that you could not touch. Agatha had learnt a thing or two since fighting with Wanda, you could see her ability to hold onto her powers while also making use of those she had stolen from your Wanda.
You shook your head hating the thoughts running around in your head, the overwhelming emotions that seemed to try and govern your decisions. You tried to focus your energy on what was right in front of you, the problem you were facing went beyond your own emotions. There would be a time for you to deal with them.
Agatha lifted her left hand above her head before letting it fall fast to her side, the sharp pain of your skin being pierce made you grunted. You could feel the wounds on your arms, your eyes igniting in a deep black that soon went right ahead to engulf the witch in front of you.
At some point, Agatha had become faster than your attacks, she stepped aside flickering her hands and soon two more creatures appeared out of nowhere.
“Is that all you got?” You asked almost losing your concentration when you heard the voice of your counterpart in the back.
“Get away from my wife!”
Agatha smirked grabbing her necklace, tilting her head she settled her eyes on you.
“Oh, dear, you would be surprised with the number of tricks I can bring on you.” Agatha stepped forward, her feet never touching the ground. “I could make your dreams come true; I can be what Wanda never was for you.”
You pressed your lips together taking into a fighting stance.
“You know nothing about my dreams, and I am certainly not looking for a replacement.”
Agatha snorted her hand gripping tightly on the necklace, soon a red mist grew from the space between her neck and chest and the world around her turned crimson. Agatha stretched out her arms and the whole world vibrate around you changing in the blink of an eye.
“Are you sure? I can tell by the pathetic way you are always looking at her, but the way you talk about her that there is nothing else you want more than her…” Agatha’s voice rose above the new scene, your eyes flickered around while your stomach dropped when you realized where she had taken you to.
For a brief moment you could make out the screams and grunts of the fight going on right outside this small world. You took a deep breath trying to get a hold of your powers ignoring the runes glowed above your head a clear sign that this was still being controlled by Agatha. You creased your brows knowing that your options were limited if the other woman decided to use her magic at its full potential. She was playing with you, leading you on and one until it was quite clear she was mocking you by placing you right in front of a memory that had broken your heart at some point.
It was playing in slow motion, the video and the room with everyone just as shocked as you were to see Wanda in the arm’s of another. The passing of time, every single moment that you had suffered the betrayal while facing your sadness alone in a world of pure darkness. Your fit closed, the shadows on your feet stirred violently sensing your anger when you heard Agatha laughing. Mocking you.
“How did it make you feel knowing she was happier with a man?” Agatha purred making sure to be as far away from you as she could. “How did it feel knowing you were never going to be chosen in this world? In this universe? I bet it pierce your soul knowing you were the one destined to be alone.”
“Shut up.”
“I can make it go away, I can help you out…say the words, and I will make sure you get what you want.”
Your knees gave under your weight, furrowing your brows you tried to close yourself to the mocking film playing around you trying to focus on the fight. Agatha chuckled tilting her head, this time around the runes above her head pulsated and the two creatures grew before your eyes attacking viciously at your counterpart and Wanda making sure that your conversation and fight with Agatha wouldn’t be interrupted. Agatha centred her eyes on you, her hand grabbing the necklace while the same video seemed to be on replay.
“She won’t be a problem for you anymore, and after I’m done with you…you won’t have to worry about the pain of your broken heart, dear.” The laughter sent shivers down your back, but it was everything you were waiting for.
Your lips curled into a smile, your right hand twirled clockwise and the shadows broke into waves catching up with the witch. Just as you had located her, ready to give her a lesson, the woman was ready to use the magic Wanda and Scarlet were giving to her to make sure the next stage of her plan could be completed.
It never happened, though.
Your attack never stopped reaching out to your objective, while Agatha tried to return the hit she was surprised by a sudden punch to her face. The punch glow white, and her body bounced back and forth until she lost the hold on the necklace, America Chavez didn’t stop there and your shadows went straight to hold onto the witch to bring her down.
Everything happened so fast, your eyes went from America to Agatha and finally to the object on the ground. The necklace bounced on the ground, and without thinking too much you went right ahead to grab it. The object was warm to the touch, you could tell by the vibrations that magic had been contained between the object and this magic could only belong to one person. You closed your hand around it, you could sense Scarlet deep inside your mind. It didn’t take you too long to recognize the woman that had been haunting your dreams as of late, right with her you could also sense Wanda trying to hide, trying to survive.
The scream coming from Agatha was everything you needed to drop the necklace and stomp on the piece of jewellery creating an explosion that blew you and everyone around you away.
“Humph…” Your mouth opened letting out a shaky breath, your body hurt all over while your eyes got use to the sparkling lights that appeared before them when your head hit the ground.
“Y/N!!” You tried to sit up, a pair of arms held onto you for a brief moment until you were capable of making out the figure sitting beside you.
America had her brows creased; her eyes shone with worry while she tried to hold you up. The fighting was still ringing inside your ears, your counterpart was finishing the last of the dimensional creatures while you could spot her Wanda holding back against Agatha. For a brief moment, panic rose inside you the sudden need to throw up became almost to much just as you leaned forward trying to stand up your eyes looking frantically for the women that had been haunting your dreams and reality as of late.
“They are unconscious…” America started but she could not finish her sentence as you stood up without any warning.
“Wanda…” Her name escaped your lips without meaning to, at that moment with your body exhausted and your mind already carrying the weight of so many memories and thoughts all you could do was staggered forward until you reached both women.
You stood on shaky legs glancing from Wanda to Scarlet, both of them unconscious wearing the same bags under their eyes and the bruises all over their faces and arms. You hesitated not really knowing where you should focus your attention until, as an afterthought you went to Wanda. Turning her to the side you ensure she was comfortable, her lip had a deep cut and her forehead had traces of a scratch that left her with blood and dirt. She looked thinner than you remember, with her face wearing still the same defeated expression she wore to your home all those months ago.
“Wanda.” You said her name again, this time around firmer and demanding, your hand trying to help her out until you heard her exclamation of pain. “Wanda, are you alright?”
The young woman stirred in your arms, her eyes flickering slightly until she opened her lips and let out an exclamation of pain. You put her back on the ground, turning around you could see Scarlet was stirring awake as well while the fight seemed to have no end.
“Y/N…” You turned to see Wanda’s eyes fluttering open, her green orbs looking back at you with sadness and tenderness that had your heart beating a tad bit faster.
“Hey, are you alright?” You leaned in but Wanda looked away helping herself up, you tired to assist her but your body froze for a moment unsure on how to proceed with the woman sitting before you.
“I…I am a little sore.” She replied, her eyes never leaving the form of Scarlet, Wanda furrowed her brows glancing at her hands then back at the other woman. “She…she is…Scarlet Witch.”
Her words trembled as she pronounced them, her face lowered thinking to herself knowing full well your attention was on her. She remembered the moment she had separated herself from the legend, the words of Agatha had haunted her at that moment when she realized there was something inside her giving her powers a deeper meaning. She had hated that idea, and the world that had been created out of it.
When Wanda finally dared to look up she found herself looking into your eyes. Her heart stirred with emotion, the words that wanted to pour out of her mouth entangled around her throat for she knew it was not the time for a heart-to-heart conversation. She wished everything had turned out different, but after her confrontation with Agatha and everything she had discovered whiled trapped in that reality she knew what she needed to do.
“Can you…help me up?” She asked shyly, you nodded curtly stretching your hands for her to take them.
She was cold under your touch, and a little sweaty.
Her cheeks coloured pink, and her eyes glanced everywhere but at you. You felt a piercing pain going through your chest, but you ignored it while helping the other woman up. For a brief moment, you thought she could walk on her on until Wanda’s legs trembled and almost gave up on her. You caught her just on time, her body pressing against yours making your traitorous heart stopped for a brief moment.
“How convenient, Wanda.” Scarlet was on her knees; she had sweat falling down her face breathing hard and glaring at the two of you though her eyes were completely focused on Wanda. “You…you don’t do nothing, yet you get to be with her.”
Wanda tensed in your arms, she took a deep breath while pushing you away taking one step at a time until she was standing before Scarlet. You lifted your eyes to see America just as focused on the two women as you were, the sound of the fighting was till rumbling in your ears but it was almost impossible to pay attention to something else that wasn’t the scene playing out in front of you.
Wanda held herself up, conscious of the hatred inside the eyes of Scarlet.
Inside her own eyes.
“We don’t get to be with her.” Wanda mumbled dropping her shoulders, tears gathering in her eyes as she spoke. “I’ve been trying to make amends but I just…”
“You always failed, and you make it worse.” Scarlet spat out lifting her chin in defiance, her position on the ground was not an inconvenience. If anything, it gave her the power that Wanda couldn’t show at the moment.
“I tried to reach out to her, to make her world and mine…to…”
“I know.” Wanda offered a weakened smile, looking out of the corner of her eyes she could see you had your attention on the both of them. “I tried to do the same. I just…I can’t do it alone, and I’m tired of failing every time. I don’t…”
Wanda swallowed down her tears, she leaned in lifting her left hand until she was cupping Scarlet’s cheek. Red mist appeared in Wanda’s hand, and soon her eyes as much as those of Scarlet were shining brightly.
“It hurts so much.” Scarlet said letting the tears rolled down her cheeks. “I just…
“I don’t want to be alone, and I don’t want to be without her.” Wanda finally said her own tears falling down her face.
You clenched your jaw, looking away for a moment while your chest felt a myriad of butterflies fluttering inside.
“But I can’t keep fighting alone, or divided.” Wanda stated, she wiped away Scarlet’s tears before adding. “I think we need to be one, you saw just how powerful we are together and…”
“You need to fix this, or we would never…”
“I know, but this may not end the way you want it.”
Scarlet drifted her attention to you, her eyes found those of yours and in there you could read everything you had been so afraid to interpret the first time. There was pain and sadness, emotions that broke into her heart in ways you could only imagine, and then there was love. You looked away stepping back under the intensity of such a stare, you missed the broken smile on Scarlet’s face and the defeat she wore while facing Wanda again.
“I know, I think we will cope when the time for that comes.” Wanda nodded in understanding; her hands gleamed brighter than ever while Scarlet placed her hand on top of hers.
“I promised you I won’t give up.”
“Good, then let’s do this.”
The crimson mist grew around them glowing with a bright, red light making you trembled under the intensity of the magic. You could see America kneeling down, her eyes going wide open as they stare the scene unfolding before her eyes.
Wanda and Scarlet were no longer two different entities.
Standing before you was a single woman, her head was adorned with a red crown that made match with the bodice and the black leggings. Wanda stood there with magic coming from her hands, her eyes a deep shade of red that gathered the power you had always known she had in her. The woman stood still for a moment, she glanced at her body and her hands before her face lifted to stare at you.
You tried to hide your expression, your lips parting to speak but not words came out. Wanda hesitated before nodding her feet moving slowly until she turned around making her way to the fight.
“Is she gonna be okay?” America stood right beside you, squirting at the woman now using her magic to help her counterpart in the fight against Agatha.
“I think so…” You trailed off finally realizing that even though the both of them had finally become one, Wanda was still wearing the bruises and the exhaustion on her face.
“Are you okay?” America asked quite concern, you turned to her offering a half smile.
“I will be.” You sighed scratching the back of your neck. “Stay here and be careful.”
“What are you gonna do?” The teen asked slightly scare, you offered her a half smile turning towards the fight that was a tied between the Wandas and Agatha.
“What we came to do, just stay out of trouble and be ready to help us go back home, okay kiddo?”
America doubt there was anything she could do, but she didn’t contradict you. With a single nodded of her head she watched as you ran towards the fight, your shadows already creating a protective barrier around you and Wanda. Something, America though, you probably were not aware of.
Loki rolled his eyes once more, he was tired of hearing the fight going on in the meeting room while he stood by the window waiting for the right moment to intervene.
The world outside was highly active, Monday had always been one of the busiest days in the calendar and that day was not the exception. The young god leaned forward, his fingertips touching the window while his eyes observed the golden and green lights of the timelines. His eyes soon fell upon the one he did not recognise, a red line that he could not tamper with but that he was certain contained the answers to the questions everyone in the room were posing.
Loki turned around his eyes finding those of Billy who had not leave his side ever since Pietro brought him into the Avenger’s Tower. The young boy had his eyes narrowed, his hands playing with invisible threats only he could see.
For a brief moment, Loki stood there observing the child with growing curiosity. Billy was tapping the air with his fingertips, concentrated in something only visible to him. Loki frowned with his mind already forming an idea of what exactly was happening.
“Billy, what are you doing?” The question was low enough for the child to hear it but not for the rest of the room to notice it.
Billy lifted his face this time around his eyes went wide opened showing off the innocence of his age, but also the brightness he had inherited from both his mothers.
“Mommy always says to follow my instincts.” There was conviction in his tone, his hands tapping still as if waiting for something.
“And, what are they telling you?” Loki knelt to be on the same height of the child, Billy tilted his head creasing his brows before answering.
“Uncle Loki, momma and mommy need my help…look!”
Loki looked in the direction Billy was pointing to, he gasped with his eyes wide open and a smile forming on his lips.
“Billy you are a genius.” Billy offered a timid smile glancing at Loki shyly.
“Yes, and I think thanks to you we are going to be able to help Wanda and Y/N.” Loki could see the excitement in the little boy, he couldn’t help but smile back.
Without giving to much attention to the room, Loki sat right beside Billy closing his eyes before letting his magic to spread around. Billy was slightly confused at first, he had continued working on invisible threads trying to get into contact with them. Now there was something different, with his uncle sitting beside him Billy could sense the magic. He pressed his lips together before sitting down and, imitating Loki, he closed his eyes and just went with his instincts.
Whatever power she had tried to drain from Wanda and even Scarlet was no longer active to give her the stamina or even the strength to keep up with the fight. She was not even up to sustain the world she had created by tampering on the Chaos magic she could barely tolerate.
Wanda Maximoff gathered her power while circling the woman in front of her, she could feel the hurt she had created for her counterpart had reached out beyond the boundaries of the multiverse and it was something she would not tolerate. Beside her she could sense Y/N, a close shadow that was ready to jump in when necessary to offer protection and support; Wanda couldn’t help but smile.
“You won’t win.” Agatha tried to put up with a fight, she tried to hold onto the last threads of power inside her to get into the fight but she could no longer hold onto her powers for far too long.
You came from behind her your hands wrapping around her wrists while your shadows covered her feet spreading through her legs and body. Agatha was struggling, her eyes going wide open just as she started chanting in a language you did not recognize. Wanda opened her eyes wide, she stepped closer spreading her arms and chanting just the same, the runes trembling right above your head just before a myriad of images surrounded you breaking the darkness before going completely white.
“NO!” Agatha let out a guttural exclamation, her elbow hitting you square in the face but whatever strength she had in her to fight was haltered by your counterpart finishing what you started.
Wanda knew at that moment why she had been feared by Agatha, the power that was held inside her sent electric waves through her body. The power concentrated on her hand, and soon a single jewel showed on her palm while her counterpart continued with the ritual. The runes appeared right above her head, and without any indications, she started chanting as well.
You stepped back falling on your ass, blood rolling down your nose just as you saw the black figured being swallowed by the jewel. There was a moment of flickering lights and then, it stopped. Both Wanda’s stood right in front of the other, the jewel resting comfortably on the hand of Y/N’s wife.
The jewel took into a purplish colour, falling to the ground with a single thump.
The world went silent.
The darkness around you grew, with the stars twinkling right above your head.
Everything was still, with only your hard breathing breaking the tension around your ears. Your body was aching, your mind filled with memories of the past and the present all of them pilling up to overwhelmed you line of thoughts. You closed your eyes trying to forget and wait for everything to be back the way it was in the last year.
But you knew it was just an illusion.
Your world had been shaken up the moment Wanda and America showed up at your doorstep. The fight with Agatha brought back the memories you had tried to forget, it brought with it the truths you were not ready to face. You had always thought that you could outrun your motions, but the world has always taught you this was not possible. Not for someone like you, and certainly not for someone like Wanda.
When you opened your eyes you saw Wanda, your Wanda staring at you, but before anything could be done or said her eyes rolled back passing out of exhaustion. You caught up to her on time, her body falling on yours your face a mask of pure concern just as you ensure she rested comfortably on the ground.
You knew everyone was looking at you, but you decided to ignore them while checking Wanda over to make sure nothing else happened to her.
“Are you alright?” The other Wanda came to you, her voice sent shivers down your back, you didn’t dare to lift your eyes for fear of revealing far too much.
Instead, you nodded taking deep breaths while feeling the ground under your knees, without thinking too much about it, your hand brushed Wanda’s hair tenderly. The attention you were giving to her was something you never thought you would do again. The woman standing beside you shifted her weight and soon she was sitting right beside you; this time around you did turn around only to see her staring at you with big, curious eyes.
“She is still unconscious, but I believe she is no longer two halves of the same person.” Wanda lifted her face to the sky, her lips parting slightly. “Her magic is still erratic, but I believe she would be okay.”
“What about Agatha?” Your question entangled in your throat, scrunching up your nose you decided to conceal your emotions not ready to face the conversation or to address the white elephant hanging around you two.
“She will be trapped in this jewel until you and her decided what should be done with her.” Wanda handed over the jewel, you pursed your lips in disgust before grabbing the artifact.
“The book she had with her, it is the Darkhold, isn’t it?”
“It is.” You nodded this time around locking your eyes with hers.
“Are you taking it with you?”
Wanda broke into an easy smile shaking her head, “it’s not mine but yours. It would be better off in your world, where it belongs.”
“It should be destroyed.” You leaned back resting your hands on the ground.
“It should, but that would be your prerogative not ours.”
Your eyes drifted around the place before they settled on America and Y/N, both of them were engaged in a heavy discussion and you could teel this was the moment America had been waiting for a very long time. The feelings of guiltiness and sadness had been quite evident in her when you two met, right now this was the chance the young woman was waiting for to make amends. To reach for forgiveness.
“So, any idea how we are going to leave this place?”
Wanda nodded leaning back until she pointed to America and your counterpart.
“She is ready to use her powers, I believe she is the only one that can help us right now.”
Not sooner had Wanda said this the world started to tremble, the light of the stars flickered until they disappeared one by one. You straightened up with Wanda standing up as soon as she noticed this.
“I guess…we should try it right now.” You stood up turning to glance at the darkened world, everything was coming in and out of reality with the ground shaking for small periods of time.
“It was a matter of time.” Wanda placed a hand on your forearm, you couldn’t help the tension on your muscles the other woman softened her features stepping closer. “You will be back, and she will need help to recover from this.”
“I know.”
“Are you ready for that?” The question caught you off guard, you knew what was expected of you and what you could do with the woman that had broken your heart at some point.
You could hide behind that excuse until the end of time, but it would run out of any validity at some point. Sooner or later, you knew you would have to face Wanda and decisions must be made. The Wanda standing before you softened her features, her words would made your mind pound with the imminent decisions you would need to make.
“How deep is your anger, and how deep goes your love for you to not face what your heart already knows?” Wanda leaned in and you found yourself in a embrace you didn’t know you miss. Her voice was just a whisper, but it was everything you needed at the moment. “I won’t tell you what to do, but I will tell you my love to follow your instincts. They had never failed you.”
America glanced around the group with a nervous smile.
She glanced at her hands then back at you and Y/N, the words of encouragement were ringing inside her head while she tried to gather the courage to move onto the next step.
“Just think about it, kiddo.” Y/N stated grabbing the hand of her wife, America almost winced at those words because her mind had been a myriad of thoughts since they delegate the task of going back home on her.
You fixed the unconscious woman in your arms, putting her closer to you while looking over at America. The young woman closed her eyes, ready to open the portal when Wanda stopped her.
“Wait, America.” The redhead stepped closer placing her hand on America’s shoulder. “Remember, it is more than opening a portal, is about opening the right one.”
“I know, I know…it’s just…easier said than done.” America pursed her lips, she took a deep breath closing her eyes.
“Then, let yourself be guided by your emotions and what you remember of the place you want to go to.” Wanda squeezed the shoulder of the teen tenderly, and for that brief moment America felt it.
It was vague but it was there.
The same kind of energy she had felt on Wanda and Y/N, it was familiar yet different. She had felt it when she first fell upon that universe, the twins had carried with them a strange kind of energy that seemed to engulf the best of Wanda and Y/N.
America closed her eyes and, without thinking to much, she followed the familiarity of that energy. Her mind bringing over the memories of her time in that land, finally easing out her fears and trusting in the women she had surrounding her.
The young woman clenched her fist, and with a single punch she opened the star-shaped portal.
All of them were ready to go home.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 6 months
Choose a number 1-30 and read a sentence for you in time of needs. You can ofc read them all.
1- You're braver than you think. You can get through this too. Just take a breath and then start again. Do not give up.
2- You're not alone even if at times it feels so. Don't worry about being a burden or annoying others: ask for help, talk about your needs and feelings. You don't have to deal with all that by yourself. Keep asking even after being rejected. Someone will answer you.
3- Look inside and see your real worth. No one else can compare to you. You're you, and you're enough and deserving already as you are. Don't let others' harsh judgement make you think otherwise.
4- Life is made of light and dark and so are you. Find your balance again among the two and keep going. It'll be fine, no feeling is going to last forever.
5- Things look scarier and rockier cause they're changing (you're changing too). It's okay to feel uncomfortable and a bit loss or overwhelmed: give yourself time until you find a new balance in your new reality. It won't be bad, I promise.
6- Go slow, take your time. Nothing and nobody is rushing behind you. It's okay to take breaks, it's okay if you're taking a bit more time than you thought in doing something. Focus on the journey not on how much time you're using or thinking you're wasting. You're not wasting time when you use it for yourself. But worrying will make you lose a part of it and hurt you even more.
7- Try to believe that things can change. Be open to them, even if you cannot control this process and see how it is gonna be, chances are it will be great. Trust yourself too (not your fears though, separate from them).
8- You're on the road of success, whether you see it or not. Keep learning, keep welcoming (your feelings in particular): the more grounded and stable you will be able to be, the more opportunities you'll be able to see and make yours.
9- Always be kind and compassionate with yourself: the mistakes you made today won't ever be the mistakes of tomorrow. Making mistakes is a way of learning, not a confirmation of you not being enough. Nobody ever has made no mistakes while trying or becoming better at something. Be patient and give yourself another chance (and even more).
10- Remember the last decision in your life is always up to you: you're the protagonist of your life, don't let it pass you by. Even if at the moment you cannot see a way out, it will come to you. Keep staying hopeful. Keep focusing on what you can actually control, be it even just your feelings.
11- You're not responsible for anyone's feelings or emotions. Remember you cannot control how they react to you or anything really, and you don't have to necessarily make everything better for others. Respect yourself too.
12- Be confident in your abilities and knowledge. Do not second guess yourself cause you were somehow taught you're not good enough: you are. And you can be wrong here and there too and it won't change your worth ever. Trust yourself whether you're right or wrong and soon you'll be just right.
13- Remember that as you give, you also need to receive from others as much. Stay open to that. You don't have to just empty yourself in order to get crumbles or the bear minimum: that's not what healthy relationships are about.
14- Set your boundaries and stand up for yourself. You're not being selfish for this, as you're not imposing on or taking advantages of others. You're just putting yourself on the same page as them, you need as much respect and love as them.
15- Take care of you: stay hydrated, make your bed, take a shower, go for a walk, enjoy a nice book or video or movie, sing, dance, paint... prepare yourself a nice cup of tea and treat yourself with a little gift here and there. You deserve all this, especially when things get rocky and too much to bear with. Celebrate your little successes too.
16- Surround yourself with the right people for you. If you cannot get away from some negative people, try at least to build boundaries and find other people with whom you can share nice moments of peace and growth, and that can get your feelings too. It's important to communicate with people that can understand us.
17- If you feel alone, try to go out and go visit place where you may find like-minded people. Join a volunteering association, go to a movie teather, a park or a library, or start a course of something you're passionate about. Sometimes we need to be the one creating opportunities to ourselves instead of waiting for others to approach us first.
18- It's okay to feel lost while trying to figure out what to do or where to go. Take a breath when this happens and focus on just doing things you like. The more you'll get to know yourself and work on something you enjoy, the faster you'll get to understand more about the next steps to take. Ask to someone trusted for their advice as well: many times people around us can see us better than what we do. Just remember that not everyone can really do that anyway so trust yourself first.
19- You don't have to work on your fears anytime you get triggered or feel overwhelmed. Take a break, focus on something else and come back to it another day. Taking breaks is part of the healing process as much as working with your shadows and triggers, so take time to enjoy your present life away from that too.
20- Help yourself liberating from the excess of energy, caused by anxiety and overthinking, that you may have stored in your body. Move your body: walk, dance, do yoga or any little light exercise (as much as you body allows). Go back to yourself, get in touch with your body and release what is not serving you anymore.
21- Journaling can help you wording and throwing out your confused thoughts, in order to clear them from the inside. You don't have to write them reasonably, this will come later: just focus on freeing yourself first and foremost. At times we just need to pour emotions/events out to process them.
22- Trauma may have caused you to detach from yourself, so take time know yourself again. Know your values and what you can compromise on and why. List things you like and dislike, what you think are your strengths and what may be your flaws (be objective here, don't let others or your wounds decide for you) and so on... you make the rules. Making lists of pros and cons for something may also be useful.
23- As we never stop learning, we never stop making mistakes and growing. Share everything you got around you, keep welcoming and understanding yourself and the world around you. Keep spreading your talents: yes you do have talents, and no they're not negative ones. Allow yourself to try anything you want: who cares if others do it too? They are not doing it better than you, they're doing it differently. See yourself where you can get just by trying with no pressure.
24- You can also try something new and different from what you're used: getting out of your comfort zone can be very inspiring both for your creativity, your mind and your life in general (and in knowing yourself). Share your finds, share your passions. Don't be shy.
25- Having being judged so harshly during your life has probably made you more insecure and willing to close off from the world: please try and allow yourself to see that even if it hurt you so much, it wasn't on you. You weren't the real object of those judgement. It is always all in the head of the person judging, it's never on the object. Be nicer with you, you're worth much more than that.
26- What is really stopping you from trying what you have in mind? Fear of making or not making? Either way, take your fear by the hand and take it to see how is it gonna be for real. Our minds want to keep us safe and try to make things look worse than they actually are just cause they want to keep us in a known zone. But what if that's not where we're supposed to stay? Or where we want to stay?
27- Don't fear: you won't be let down forever nor you won't be alone forever. Your people are coming, try to get ready to meet them and let them in. You're not made for everyone and, if your past has been tough, you may fear not being good enough for the relationship (any type) of your dreams, but you are. And you'll have the chance to build it the moment you'll be ready for it.
28- You may not trust others much out of past hurt, but the fact is that it's never your fault what others do with your trust. You don't have to feel guilty or any less cause you trusted the wrong people. It wasn't your fault.
29- Take your time when you need to bring yourself closure about an event or a relationship. Go slow and try to welcome and nurture each of your emotions and feelings, of whatever type they may be. Ask for support, talk about how you really feel, write, and slowly go back to your passion. Act according on what you feel like doing. Do not make sudden decisions and also, take time to grieve and cry. Grieving is complex, you'll experience ups and downs: it's okay, give yourself time and space to deal with all that at your own pace and conditions.
30- Healing is not about not being triggered anymore and feeling like nothing can scare you: healing is about learning how to recognize your triggers before they hurt you and taking action so that these emotions won't overcome you as they did. It's about learning to not let your fears decide your actions, but taking actions even if not knowing the results feels really uncomfortable and scary. It's about learning to be in discomfort and not letting this ruin your whole life.
I hope these short texts can help you in your journey. I hope you take care of your whole being even if you don't really love yourself. I hope you can see yourself as someone you may end up liking after chatting a bit or as someone in need and that you may want to support. Start with that. And be open to see your good sides too, cause you have plenty even on your darkest days (they never disappear).
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What’s your favorite part about working on the comic? Specifically the comic; like drawing it, coloring, writing scripts, etc
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Oh, that's an interesting question! Let's rate them!
Sketching/Drawing: (9/10) Creating at its finest. For me, this is the distilled elixir of creation. The heart of being a comic artist. I love organizing panels on a page, it's like playing tetris. I love drawing! Points off for requiring so much time. Why can't I just bang my head against a tablet and dump out all the pictures onto the screen at once?
Scripting: (6/10) Pretty standard work. I enjoy it well enough, but it gets points taken off for requiring so much re-writing and emotional turmoil. Sometimes, I will rework a line 3-4 times and think it works great, but inevitably something will come along to make me think it would have been better to have the character say that OTHER thing instead.
Lineart: (11/10) Excellent. Stupendous. This is drawing, if drawing required no braincells. It's meditation! I'm listening to a 2 hour long video essay about evolution or manta rays or ancient trees. I'm happy, I'm in my lane, I'm flourishing. (This would have been 12/10 except for those times when you're drawing the same line 17 times and are stuck in a ctrl+z loop.)
Coloring: (-2/10) Don't like it. Cannot recommend it. People tell me they like this part? I'm skeptical. It's tedious. It's boring. It's like one of those baby games where you put cubes into a square hole, etc, but sometimes the cubes the misshapen and don't go in smoothly. At best it's just 10 minutes of clicking with a bucket tool. At worst, it's coloring within the lines, which I have been OVER since I was 4.
Rendering values, special effects: (5/10) This is fine. It's simply fine. I can enjoy it. It's interesting, but a bit repetitive, but it takes less effort than coloring, with more variety, so I respect it.
Posting: (4/10) This is a trap. There IS a typo, and you WILL see it as soon as you click Post. Or as soon as the post hits 100 notes. Whichever one is more painful. But on the other hand... commints! But on the other-other hand... people misunderstanding your characters' intentions and being a whole clown in the comments about it! It's a mixed bag.
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kalki-tarot · 6 months
Love & Career in 2024 🖤🍷💸
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I'll be using tarot cards and my own intuition so it may not resonate with everyone. Keep in mind that this reading is purely for entertainment purposes so be mindful of your own actions and choices. I'm not responsible for any decisions you make on behalf of my readings.
Pick a pile masterlist 🖤
Pile 01
8 wands, 6 wands, page of swords, queen of swords, knight of pentacles
Hello beautiful souls 💓
Let's talk about your career first. I'm seeing you getting praised or popular very fastly. If you're manifesting something career related then it's your sign it's gonna enter your life soon! You'll get a promotion at your workplace and if you're still studying then I'm seeing you're gonna be the top student of your class. Everyone will praise you and you'll be in Everyone's talks and gossips about how did you achieve it.
If some things got stuck or stagnant then a change is coming soon. All this stagnant energy will flow away and new creative and inspiring energy will lead you towards success my dear pile 1. Don't worry just be consistent and your efforts will be recognized and appreciated very soon.
New ideas will be put into action or will be manifested in reality. If you wanna start a new course then it's the right time to do so. I'm seeing communication for you too. You'll get new opportunities and will make new contacts and connections in your work life which will help you alot leveling up more.
Your overall energy is the Queen of swords which tells me that this year, you'll just focus on your goals and won't spend too much time thinking about the bs. Your plans would be clear cut and will be put into action. I'm not seeing you procrastinating or smth like that. It's a very fast, quick and easy going energy, but stable throughout.
New opportunities on the way! I'm seeing you getting a job letter or something like that. If you're struggling with getting a job then an opportunity is out there in 2024! So be ready ♡
2 wands, 8 wands, 9 pentacles, Temperance, 6 swords, 9 swords ( 5 pentacles, the devil, 4 pentacles, the moon, 5 swords)
Woah! You know what pile 1, we need to let go of some things before before it's too late. We need to let go of things even if it hurts only for our own good. The bad or good news is I'm seeing you breaking up or finally letting go of a toxic relationship or love. You've held it in for so long and in 2024, I'm seeing you releasing all of that. It's better to leave than being left out in the cold, right?
2024 is the year of a fresh start and ending the cycles. It's the year to relax and heal. It's great that you're walking away from such people. I know it takes a lot of strength and courage to do that and you have the guts to leave someone so toxic and unhealthy for you. I'm not necessarily seeing someone new entering in your life. I'm seeing YOU, choosing to walk away from this situation.
You'll know that the grass is greener on the other side. You'll explore new things in love. Maybe go on a few dates? By the end of 2024, you'll be balanced spiritually and physically. You'll be properly healed and you'll discover much more about yourself rather than other people. It's necessary to know ourselves before trying to understand some one else. That's it for you, please reblog this post if you liked it. Thanks ♡
Pile 02
3 of swords, page of pentacles, ace of swords, 6 of wands, the devil, 8 of wands
Career wise, Things may get a little rocky for you this year. But don't worry, with extra caution and mindfulness you'll be able to thrive through this. The advice I'm getting for is to not take any shortcuts for success to come fast, as it'll only result in your own downfall.
Be careful of people who look very nice and popular as they're not what they seem from their outer side. Just focus on grabbing opportunities and working truthfully for yourself and your loved ones. Your creative energy would be at peak this year, it's time for you to realize your potential and work with it next year.
Your 2024 is the year to hustle hard so be dedicated to your work/study. Lot's of success will be at your door if you don't fall into any traps.
Knight of cups, wheel of fortune, 9 of pentacles, 4 of pentacles, the hermit, 7 of wands ( 9 swords & 8 pentacles )
Wow babe! You've done lots of healing and lot's of self care in 2023! And now it's the time for love finally coming into your life through divine intervention in 2024. As we have the wheel of fortune here, I'm seeing You've finally let go of the old cycles and karmic patterns.
The old thinking patterns and attachment wounds will be healed. You'll fight your way through this very powerfully. You've done a lot of self introspection and self discovery in 2023.
You are one step ahead of pile 1, you're asked to just go with flow and let the universe guide you through the vast ocean of sadness to the never ending love. A romantic, water sign energy may approach you with love 👀 next year. Abundance and clarity will flow through just don't complex your emotions any more. Trust your intuition and let it guide you.
That's it! Pile 2 ♡ If this helped you a little bit please comment and reblog xoxo
Pile 03
The magician, Temperanc, ace of wands, 8 wands, ace of cups, the fool (king of cups)
The year 2024 will bring you lots of emotional satisfaction in terms of your career. You would be a successful person, but with the right actions and decisions. Create a path for yourself and walk on it. You should have the desire amd commitment if you wanna achieve something in life.
In 2024, there is a need for you to have a clear mindset snd step wise approach. Do everything in a proper balance. Good things take time to manifest. Your dedication and ability to stay composed under pressure will help you stand out.
Whatever you're thinking about, go for it. Just "go for it", don't think too much if that gives you happiness. Whether you've been thinking about launching a project or reaching out to a new networking connection, 2024 is the time.
Next year would be an year of swift progress and rapid growth. Everything will seem so fast and would gain momentum. You may even travel for work.
Something would be headed your way in your professional life, whether that's a new job, a new responsibility within your current role, or even a new business partner or connection, a new and promising path may be opening up.
You'll overall enjoy this year in terms of your professional or career life.
10 swords, 2 of wands, knight of pentacles, 5 of pentacles, queen of swords, 5 of wands, the tower ( 9 swords, 7 cups, magician )
Listen pile 3, to be honest 2024 would be rocky for you, you know. I channeled that you should not go alone in clubs or pubs or take any drinks with strangers. Be careful guys.
For some of you I'm getting that you guys are just staying single this year and focusing more on your self growth and options in love. You may solo travel or go on solo dates. You know loving yourself and all.
You may actually reach out to a therapist if your experiences were not so good in love before. If not, then I'm seeing you reaching out for yourself, my love. You're giving yourself the love and warmth you've never received from anyone else. You're now, not letting bs people get into your life and make a hell out of it. You're tryna stay healthy and happy.
For some of you, there's an advice of manifesting new love in your life. Get into that mindset. List down all the qualities you want in a partner and visualizing would also help you.
I'm seeing a divorce for some of you, or even a legal matter that involves a person you once loved. They probably lied and deceived you. You may fight for yourself in the court this year. Sending Lots of hugs and love to you dear if this is happening to you. Stay strong and you'll be more blessed. 💓✨️
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Astro observations part 5
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🐝 Saturn in 5th house individuals don’t like parties
🐝 All the Cancer Sun guys i met were either metalheads or femboys, i swear there’s no in-between
🐝 Libra Sun love nature. They're the type to spend weekends hiking, going on picnics with friends & family
🐝 Check out asteroid Armisticia (1464) in synastry. If you’ve got it conjuncting personal planets or angles, it indicates that you and the other person are on the same page when it comes to conflict, making it easier to find a solution to the problem and make peace
🐝 Aquarius on 4th house cusp individuals might have grown in a LGBTQ+ family. They might have got adopted by a gay/lesbian couple
🐝 When Cancer Moons go to college, they usually choose a college close to their hometown and commute to it
🐝 Trines to your Mercury show what type of writer you would be
If Mercury trines Moon - poetry, children's books (0-6 yo)
If Mercury trines Venus - romance novels, art books, chick-lit fiction (ik it's basically dead, but long live the internet)
If Mercury trines Mars - action & adventure novels, war novels
If Mercury trines Jupiter - young adults fiction, comedy books, travel literature, religion/spirituality books
If Mercury trines Saturn - contemporary novels, non-fiction books (memoirs, biographies, academic works, etc.)
If Mercury trines Uranus - sci-fi novels, (combined with Pluto) dystopian novels
If Mercury trines Neptune - fantasy novels, children's books (6-12 yo)
If Mercury trines Pluto - mystery novels, horror novels, thrillers
Hope you enjoyed today's post!❤️
Post ideas are welcomed in the comments!
See you soon! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 2 months
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Start reading Episode 1
Dialogue transcripts:
Panel 1
Godfrey: And do not tell Irene, but I am certainly going to commission you for a portrait of her.
Basil: I’d be glad to! As soon as I have completed Sir Murgatroyd’s, I am at your service.
Panel 2
Godfrey: Please, take your time. No matter when, it is a thrill to show your gift to the one you love!
Basil: Indeed, it is…
Panel 3
Irene: …Well, Mr. Gray, we shall keep that in mind. We do owe Mr. Hallward, as well as yourself, credit for giving us the first clue. Above all, we trust Lord Godalming having referred you.
Panel 4
Dorian: Ah, indeed, good old Basil…Anyway. I am glad Lord Godalming has put my little joke behind him. He’s a bit of a humorless sort, sometimes.
Panel 5
Mina: Oh, rest assured, Arthur is quite mirthful.
Panel 6
Mina: He does, however, have his limits when it comes to love.
Mina (white text): We, however, shall suffer no mockery of Love.
Panel 7
Background text (left side): “How long will you like me? Till I have my first wrinkle, I suppose.” “I love her, and I must make her love me.” “I have had the arms of Rosalind around me, and kissed Juliet on the mouth.”
Background text (right side): “I would give my soul for that!” “To-night she is Imogen, and to-morrow night she will be Juliet.” “When is she Sibyl Vane?” “Never.” “You have spoiled the romance of my life. How little you can know of love, if you say it mars your art! Without your art, you are nothing.”
Background text (white): Mockery of Love (x3)
Panel 8
Mina: …Is everything quite alright, Mr. Gray?
Panel 9
Dorian: Oh! Yes—I was just saying—We would be delighted to keep in touch with such…ahem…intriguing company. But for now I am afraid we must bid you adieu, erm, if you’ll excuse me…
Panel 10
Basil: Dorian! Are we leaving already?
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sillyfoxlady · 2 months
PAC - Pick A Card
What The Stars Want You To Know
Pile 1 Pile 2
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Pile 3 Pile 4
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Pile 1 - 8 Wands, Knight Cups, 5 Swords
Things are moving quickly for you. The wands are speeding through the air. You are sitting in the knight of cups energy. You are in flow, charismatic, and on top of it. But with the 5 of Swords comes the possibility of conflict and upheaval.
Pile 2 - 10 Wands, Queen Wands, Page Swords
You feel like you are juggling so many responsibilities and burdens but the Queen of wands assures you that you are or will soon be in control. Delegating and inspiring those around you, while with the page of Swords you are prompted to be a student of the mind. Be willing to grow and learn with this process but don't waver or doubt yourself.
Pile 3 - Chariot, 3 Wands, 5 Cups
With the Chariot card we can see that things will be moving quickly forward, in all the ways you were blocked before will now be moving with a clear progression. With the 3 of wands you are looking out at the horizon and considering your next moves. The 5 of cups warns that they may be some spilled milk in this process, don't fret, but look at what you have and will accomplish moving forward.
Pile 4 - 6 Pentacles, Justice, 3 Cups
Charity is arriving with justice on its heels. Help is coming, long overdue justice is being served in your favor, this followed by the three of cups is the promise of love and satisfaction within the home. You will be alright, you are protected and loved, have no fear.
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intuitively-her · 4 months
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(Knight of pentacles, 6 of wands, 5 of swords rx, Queen of swords rx, Strength rx, 10 of wands, The Lovers rx, The Moon, 8 of swords rx, Judgement)
You're taking your power back and making your dreams come true. This year will be very rewarding for you. You've been putting in endless work, and your spirit guides/ancestors can see this. You will allow yourself to be more vulnerable and ask others for help, especially at work. You're putting your ego to rest and doing what's needed for you. Someone here may start going to therapy. You're finally starting to realize that you don't have to carry life's burdens on your own. You're leaving behind petty issues and distractions that have been holding you back. Self-love is the theme for you this year. Doing less of what you want, and more of what you need. You will spend more time discovering yourself and figuring out what you truly want out of a relationship. This year, you will step into your divine feminine/masculine energy and become a softer version of yourself.
☎️Angel messages: Helpful people, Opportunity, Get more information
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(Knight of wands, Knight of pentacles, Knight of cups, The Magician, 5 of wands, Death rx, 8 of wands rx, 6 of cups)
This year, you'll be living large and taking charge! You're going after what you want. Someone here will start a new job soon. Or you're switching career fields. This is the perfect time. You could be starting a new project, or you're finishing one. Expect a successful outcome from this. Someone here could have an online business, or you could be a content creator. This year will push you out of your comfort zone in so many ways. Someone here will take a solo trip somewhere. I heard "bungee jumping" lol. Someone here will have to do a public speech for a big event, or a performance. You will put yourself out into the dating world again. I see you having fun on dates and not taking anything too seriously. This year is going to make you slow down and live in the moment.
☎️Angel messages: Caution is warranted. Look deeper into this situation before pertaining further. Yoga and exercise are essential to your well-being, peace of mind, and spiritual growth at this time. You have a special bond with animals. Your pets on Earth and in heaven are watched over by angles.
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(Queen of pentacles, 10 of pentacles, Queen of swords, Page of swords, 6 of cups, The Emperor, Ace of swords, 7 of swords, Judgement rx)
This year will be very abundant. There's a lot of big wins in store for you. Someone here is getting a promotion at work. You should play the lottery more often this year. Luck is on your side. Someone here could be getting their own apartment/house. Or you could be redecorating your home. You're finally receiving what you've envisioned and dreamed for. Someone here creates vision boards to help them manifest. You will tend to your inner child a lot more this year. Doing the things that you've always wanted to do. Someone will go to an amusement park. Or you've been wanting to. It would benefit you to reflect on your childhood and do some of the things that you did for fun back then. Arts and crafts? Scrapbooking? You might make a drastic change to your appearance this year. I see someone here changing their style completely. New hair/makeup? This year will teach you to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. Be careful not to self-sabotage a good opportunity for yourself. Know that you deserve good things!
☎️Angel messages: Trust, Big & Happy changes, Ask for help from others
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(The Sun, 3 of wands rx, 3 of cups rx, King of wands rx, Ace of swords, 7 of cups rx, The Fool, 2 of pentacles, 8 of pentacles, The Star)
This year will be a reality check. It seems like you've been feeling unmotivated, or you're not as productive as you could be. There will be some obstacles and disruptions thrown at you this year. This is all to make you see the bigger picture in situations. For some, you can be naive at times, and this causes you to set impossible expectations for yourself/others. And then when those expectations can't be met, you act like it's the end of the world. That needs to change.🤷🏽‍♀️ You will spend more time alone this year. This is needed for your growth. You'll learn to balance your life and become more adaptable to new ways of being. Heavy on the self-improvement. This year is going to test your faith in many ways. Someone here will start a diet routine or get back into the gym. Someone here could be working on starting a new business. Family business? You will gain more recognition as the year goes on. The more you focus on yourself and mind your business, the more attention you gain from others.
☎️Angel messages: Forgiveness, Reconsider, Communicate clearly, Recovery
💗Please DO NOT repost, copy, or steal my work. Thanks!💗
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xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxx xx
—- [ W A R N I N G: This show/page contains mature themes, extreme concepts, sexual depictions, and other dark themes. Minors or those faint of heart shouldn’t interact with most (if not any) content on this page. This is the only and last warning being issued. Please proceed with caution and respect…. ] ——
—- [ This message was brought to you by The Radio Angel ❤️] —-
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• • • • • • FIRST SEGMENT • • • • • •
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+ “DEVOTION” PT. 1 + PT. 2 + PT. 3 + PT. 4 + PT. 5 + PT. 6
+ “MASQUERADE” Pt. 1 + Pt. 2
+ “ACE OF HEARTS” (Prequel to: (DOWN IN THE DUST) PT. 1 + PT. 2
…..more coming soon…..
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• • • •• • SECOND SEGMENT • • • •• •
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…..more coming soon…..
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• • • • • THRID SEGMENT • • • • • • •
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+ “DEVOTION” PT. 1 + PT. 2 + PT. 3 + PT. 4 + PT. 5 + PT. 6
…..more coming soon…..
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• • • • • FOURTH SEGMENT • • • • • •
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…..more coming soon…..
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• • • • • • FIFTH SEGMENT • • • • • •
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p r e s s. p l a y.
<> …..
…..more coming soon…..
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• https://www.tumblr.com/liliannadelaphinehartifelt/742915797706473472/masterlist
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candy69gurl · 1 month
POV: You are Sukuna's Vessel 7
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Warnings- mentions of violence, blood, comfort, alcohol usage, gojo x reader, sukuna x reader, smut, non con, yaoi maybe? Read it to find out
wc- 7k
Note- This one concludes the series, and I promise you will find it enjoyable despite its length. I put a lot of effort into making this as interesting as I could. There will be a truly surprising end. I hope it pleases everyone. Love you all for the support and motivation <3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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The morning comes, and your stomach grumbles loudly. Sukuna's voice interrupts your dream: "Tsk, wake up and eat something." Unresponsive, you slobber on your pillow, lost in your dreams. Sukuna, frustrated, regains control and drags you out of bed.
He mutters, "Won't let you waste away." Despite his dislike for human food, he rummages through the empty refrigerator, discovering nothing edible. He lets out a sigh and reluctantly decides to address the lack of food. Though unenthusiastic, he recalls watching cookery demonstrations. He gathers supplies and begins preparing a breakfast for your body.
His voice mumbles, "If I mess up, it's your fault for sleeping." Time passes as his dexterous hands labour silently. You are blissfully unconscious, immersed in sleep.
His tone sneers, "Not bad for a first try." Despite his efforts to conceal it, delight flickers in his voice. He devours the entire platter in one go. Even though he despises human food, he guarantees that your survival comes first.
He lays back down, his gaze lands on a nearby smut book. Curiosity strikes, and he picks it up, flipping through pages filled with unfamiliar characters. "What the hell is this?" he asks, voice curious. Ignoring your sleep, he reads aloud, "Hmm... interesting." Though boredom threatens to set in, he perseveres, his eyes tracking each lewd word. A burst of laughter escapes him. His voice chuckles, "These humans are strange, why do you read these vessel?" Finished with the book, he tosses it aside, yawning widely.
Sukuna leaves your room and wanders out into the early dawn. He is aware of his surroundings and cautiously navigates the streets. He moves around without incident, avoiding Gojo and the others. His voice murmurs, "How dull... nothing exciting." Disdain seeps from his words, as his gaze scans the regular people. Despite his animosity, he knows better than to expose his true character. His voice snarls, "Fuck, I want to create damage, but this bitch is going to kill herself again. "What a pain in the ass!"
Despite his dislike, he observes the humans and finds their ordinary existence unpleasant. His steps carry him forward, the cityscape dissolving in the background. His voice dismisses, "Nothing worthwhile here." In quest of excitement, he wanders aimlessly, feeling frustrated.
Sukuna turns back and heads home, concern gnawing at him. Your impending awakening looms ahead, threatening exposure. Something emerges in his head that threatens to ruin his fun. He evaluates the implications, evaluating the risks against the potential advantages.
His voice mutters, "Too risky, gotta go." With fresh urgency, he retraces his travels in the hopes of returning to your room. Sukuna will never try to take over your body without your permission, even if he could. He prefers to use bodies when there are no constraints.
Sukuna approaches your door and grapples with the knob, his heart thumping. A startling presence halts his actions, as Megumi walks approaches him.
"Shit..", Sukuna exclaims relinquishing control over your body.
Your body collapses on the doorstep on lack of control. Megumi reacts swiftly, running to you and catching you in mid-fall. Concealing surprise, he carries you to Shoko's room.
"I saw her fidgeting with the door knob, but as soon as she saw me, she fell unconscious.. That's so odd" Megumi exclaims, concern coloring his voice.
Shoko greets him instantly, her calm demeanor intact. She examines you, offering soothing words. "It seems like she's just exhausted," she assures, her soft voice comforting.
Megumi nods. Later, he expresses his alarm to Gojo and the others, explaining your strange behaviour. Their suspicions grow, prompted by recent events.
Gojo furrows his brow and listens intently, "Something's off, we need to investigate."
The group agrees, formulating a plan.
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Groggily, you awaken to find your hand buried within your tee.. resting on your bare chest. Confusion washes over you as you take in the sight before you.
Your hand is wrapped around your breast. But it's not just your hand - Sukuna's mouth has taken shape, his lips forming a perfect seal around your nipple. His tongue teases and licks your sensitive skin, sending shivers coursing through your veins.
Your eyes widen in shock as you stare at the sight before you, your mind racing to comprehend what's going on.
"You perv!", you yell softly.
You try to wrench your hand away from your breast, but Sukuna's mouth remains steadfastly attached to your nipple. The effort causes your nipple to tug and stretch, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure-pain through your system. "Aaah!" you cry out, wincing at the sudden sensation.
Your attempts to pull away only seem to tighten Sukuna's grip on your nipple, causing your breath to hitch.
"Mmmph..." he murmurs, his voice muffled by the suction. His eyes gleam with amusement, clearly delighted by your struggle.
You glare at him, your face flushing with embarrassment. "Let go!"
Sukuna's smile widens, his tongue darting out to tease your nipple once more.
Your eyes roll heavenward in exasperation. "This is ridiculous."
Sukuna laughs, his voice filling mind, "Feeling aroused? Don't forget, you're the one who put your hands inside your tee-shirt in the first place," he says, his voice laced with amusement.
His words hang in the air, a reminder of your own actions. You feel a flush rise to your cheeks as you try to recall the moment but cannot, your mind reeling with confusion.
"Shut up! I-it was by mistake.. probably," you hiss, trying to hide your embarrassment.
His tongue on your hand lingering on your nipple before releasing it. "You're the one who's perverted, not me!" you argue, your voice rising in anger.
Sukuna smirks, unfazed by your ire. "Oh, come on. We both know you enjoy these."
The two of you continue to bicker, neither one giving in. Just as things are starting to escalate, the door bursts open and Gojo strides in.
"Hey, hey, what's going on here?" he asks, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the situation.
Both you and Sukuna fall silent, caught off guard by Gojo's sudden arrival.
"Oh- sensei.. I was just telling myself off."
Gojo raises an eyebrow, scrutinizing the scene in front of him. He chuckles softly, shaking his head. "You know, Y/N," he begins, "I have some work that can only be done by you."
You glance at him questioningly, curiosity piqued.
Gojo continues, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Can you buy some mochi and bring them to my room tonight? I will be busy the whole day, at night I might crave some kikufukus" he requests, proffering his card.
Confused, you accept the offer, nodding in agreement. Sukuna protests in your mind, but you choose to ignore him. This request might be strange, but you want to make amends with Gojo.
"Sure thing," you reply, taking his card.
Gojo smiles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate it."
As he leaves, you can't help but feel a mix of confusion and uncertainness. You're determined to make things right.
Gojo's smile lingers, a hint of mischief in his eyes as he departs. It's almost as if he's leaving a challenge behind.
Sukuna's mouth appears on your cheek, scolding you. "Are you serious? You're going to buy him mochi and take them to his room at night?" His words sting, revealing his jealous undertones. "You won't go. That old man is up to something."
You consider his words, uncertainty creeping in. However, you decide to trust Gojo, despite his enigmatic behavior. "I know him," you assure him. "He is not like that."
Sukuna growls, his displeasure clear, but you brush aside his protestations.
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In the evening, you purchase mochi and start munching on them as you walk. "Gojo wouldn't mind if I ate some of them right?" you ask, playfully.
Sukuna is still seething, his voice tinged with annoyance. "You're being a servant for him," he snaps. "I can't believe he's so ridiculous. I'm getting a bad vibe from this."
You chuckle, teasing him. "Is it because you're jealous, huh? Finally, you care about me?"
Sukuna's laughter rings in your mind. "No, brat. Just because you're my vessel doesn't mean you're mine to protect."
His words are a mix of annoyance and... maybe a hint of affection and possessiveness? You can't quite tell.
Despite his protestations, you continue to enjoy your mochi, feeling a sense of accomplishment.
"Well, Gojo sensei.. Is not bad at all," you retort, defending Gojo.
Sukuna snorts, but falls silent. You continue your journey, the evening air cool against your skin.
Suddenly, Sukuna pipes up, his voice teasing, "Do you have a crush on him?"
You freeze, your face heating up at the suggestion. "No way," you mutter, trying to shrug off the thought.
But he persists, his tone mocking. "Oh, come on, Y/N. You're blushing like mad," he teases.
You try to ignore him, but his words linger, sparking a sense of unease within you. "No, it's just the cold," you mumble, wrapping your jacket tighter around you.
Sukuna chuckles, his voice echoing in your mind. "Sure, sure."
Your heart races, the conversation leaving you flustered. "Anyway, let's focus on delivering the mochi," you say, trying to change the subject.
Despite your insistence, the doubt lingers. Do you really like Gojo? You can't shake the feeling that there's something more to this situation.
As you approach Jujutsu High Tech, something stops you in your tracks. You feel a barrier, an invisible wall preventing you from walking forward.
"What...?" You mutter, confusion on your face.
Sukuna hums, his voice filled with amusement. "Looks like we have a special grade on our hands."
Your heart races as you brace for what's coming. This isn't just any ordinary barrier. The weight of the situation sinks in, leaving you feeling both excited and terrified.
With a deep breath, you prepare for the fight ahead. You kick the veil, but it doesn't budge.
"Ugh, fine," you grumble, drawing your cursed energy. "We'll show this thing who's boss."
From the darkness emerges a menacing figure. A special grade curse, shaped like a volcano - Mount Fuji itself. Its black teeth glisten, its skin a pale gray. Atop its head, the volcanic opening fades into a brown hue. A single cycloptic eye gazes at you, sending shivers down your spine. Your eye twitches at the sight.
"He's a strong one, brat," Sukuna warns. "Don't die."
Your heart races as you face this formidable enemy. You brace yourself, preparing for the battle that lies ahead. With a deep breath, you summon your cursed energy, readying for combat. The air crackles with tension, the impending battle hanging heavy in the atmosphere.
You nod, determination etched on your face, "I won't," you vow, your eyes locked on the towering curse before you.
Taking a step forward, you speak, your voice steadfast, "Who are you?" you demand. "And why did you put up this veil?"
The mountain-shaped curse responds, its voice rumbling, "I am Jogo," it declares. "And.. you are the vessel of King of curses?", his black teeth baring at you.
Your heart hammers in your chest. This Jogo seems to know about Sukuna.
You retort defiantly. "What does that have to do with you?"
Jogo's response sends a chill down your spine. "I have a good gift for him," he rumbles.
Your eyes widen, Sukuna in your mind forces you to ask what he has for him. "What is it?" you manage to choke out.
Jogo's voice, deep and resonating, echoes through the air. "A surprise," he teases. "But I'm sure he'll love it."
Your heart races with anticipation and fear. What could this mysterious gift be?
You gulp, the reality of the situation sinking in. This curse is far stronger than anything you've faced. But you know you must defeat him to move past the veil.
You brace yourself, your cursed energy surging.
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You struggle to keep up with Jogo's relentless attacks. Despite your best efforts, he effortlessly deflects each one of your moves. His flames scorch your skin, leaving you gasping for breath.
"Defend, brat" Sukuna's voice rumbles in your mind.
You struggle, but he's too strong. The flames burn relentlessly, leaving you gasping for breath.
"Sukuna, help me," you whisper.
Sukuna's voice rings in your mind again, his excitement palpable. "I refuse," he commands. "Seeing you suffer is quite enjoyable."
You can't help but feel a pang of betrayal. Despite his words, you can't give up. With a deep breath, you summon all your strength. "Alright, Sukuna," you mutter through gritted teeth. "I thought you cared for your vessel."
You throw yourself into the fight, every attack more desperate than the last.
Jogo's flames engulf you, his attacks overwhelming. With a final blast, you collapse, your body burning and unconscious.
"You're a pathetic vessel," Sukuna sneers. "Always getting unconscious."
As you lie there, battered and broken, you can't help but wonder if this is the end. The pain is excruciating.
Jogo looms over you, his gaze piercing. He senses Sukuna within you, his interest piqued. "This is for you, Sukuna," he growls, feeding you ten of his fingers.
Your body recoils at the sensation, the power coursing through you. Suddenly, your skin shifts, Sukuna's markings emerging. New eyes form on your cheek, matching those of the cursed king. Your body healing in an instant. Brown scars disappearing, replaced with Sukuna's black marks.
Your body reacts to Sukuna's power surging, the changes overwhelming. Sukuna seizes control, his voice cold and commanding, "You have one second... Move away," he warns.
Jogo retreats hastily. T-this is Sukuna.. A formidable power different to Gojo Satoru.. An overwhelming evil!!, his mind wonders
"You lift your head too high," Sukuna's voice threatening.
Jogo quickly drops to one knee while carefully attempting to avoid enraging Sukuna.
"Do you think kneeling on one knee is enough?" Sukuna sneers. With a thunderous boom, he blasts Jogo's head, leaving him both shocked and scared .
Sukuna's voice cuts through the air, commanding, "Go away," he orders. "I don't want to deal with you now."
Jogo hesitates, then leaves. The veil retreating. His respect for Sukuna apparent.
Sukuna's voice echoes again, "Wake up, brat," he orders. "He's gone now."
INSIDE YOUR BODY, You find yourself in a strange yet familiar place, seated on a grandiose skull-throne with Sukuna. His hand caresses your hair gently.
"You awake?" he inquires softly, his voice rich with power.
Your heart pounds at the closeness. His touch sends shivers down your spine. You swallow hard, feeling a rush of emotions. "Yeah," you murmur, your voice hoarse. Your body reacts, the closeness stirring something deep within you.
"We have to give that old man his mochis," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin.
You nod, your heart pounding. The way he looks at you hints at something else entirely.
His gaze lingers on your face for a moment, before a smile plasters his face. "Brat.. You are so stupid.. How can you love a curse like me?," he speaks, his voice low and sultry.
Your eyes widen as you remember, he can read through your emotions, you gulp. "N-no.. I don't love you.. Y-you are lying."
Sukuna laughs, "You are terrible at lying, Y/N", he lifts your chin making you look into his eyes.
He leans, his lips crash onto yours, the kiss sudden and intense.. His tongue probes your mouth, demanding entry. You're caught off guard, your mind reeling. This kiss is unlike anything you've experienced before.
Your body reacts without your permission, your hands finding their way to his hair, pulling him closer. The taste of him is intoxicating, the passion undeniable.
"Sukuna," you whisper, your voice barely audible.
He pulls back slightly, his gaze piercing. "I'm here," he promises, his voice a whisper. "And I'm not going anywhere."
The intensity of the kiss leaves you breathless. The revelation, confusing and overwhelming. You can't deny the connection between you and Sukuna. But what does it mean?
You look into his eyes, searching for an answer, your heart pounding in your chest.
"I love you too," he murmurs, pulling away slightly. His confession is soft against your lips.
You stare at him, disbelief flooding you. "Can a curse fall in love too?," your eyes tearing, emotions overflowing though you..
His eyes lock onto yours, his expression serious. "I am a curse," he admits. "But that doesn't change how I feel."
Your heart races, his confession sending waves of emotion through you. Sukuna's lips meet yours once again, his kiss tender and full of longing. His confession hangs in the air, the weight of it bearing down on you.
You pull away, your gaze locked on his. "But... how can we be together?"
He smirks, his eyes gleaming. "Why not?" he challenges. "Love knows no bounds."
The gravity of the situation hits you like a freight train. You can feel the connection between you and Sukuna, the undeniable pull.
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Your eyes open. You awaken, disoriented and dazed. The veil gone, you're relieved but confused. You sit up, looking around, and spot the bag of mochi on the ground. Crumbs scattered everywhere.
"Dammit," you curse under your breath. You had been so excited to present these to Gojo.
You quickly check the time. It's late, likely too late to return to the store. You could go back tomorrow, but what if they were already closed?
You frown, your heart heavy. The day had taken its toll on you. And now this. Your thoughts wander to Sukuna, your heart racing. The kiss still fresh in your mind. What did that mean? So many questions, so few answers. You sigh, your mind whirling.
You look up towards the sky, hoping for some guidance. The clouds above seem to mock you, offering nothing. You shake your head, determination setting in.
"I will just go to sensei and appologize to him," you mutter to yourself, "What will he think.. I can't even do an easy thing right"
You make your way to Gojo's, his door already wide open. You catch a glimpse of him exiting the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.
He greets you with a warm smile.
"I didn't get the mochi," you blurt out, your cheeks flushing.
Gojo chuckles, his eyes twinkling. "Okay," he says, his tone understanding.
The day weighed heavily on you, your thoughts a jumbled mess. You look into Gojo's eyes, seeking some comfort. He offers you an understanding look. "I should go now" you whisper, your voice barely audible, turning on your heels to leave.
Gojo moves swiftly, blocking your exit. His gaze soft, concerned. "Wait, where are you going?" he asks, his tone gentle. "I have some wine; do you want to have some?"
You hesitate. You wait for Sukuna's approval, but his voice is silent. You take a chance, your heart heavy. "Sure," you respond, your voice quiet.
Gojo leads you to his bedroom, pouring you a glass of wine. The room dimly lit, cozy. You settle onto his bed, taking a sip from the offered glass. The warmth spreading through you, the alcohol loosening your thoughts.
You glance at Gojo, his eyes studying you. The silence uncomfortable, the tension dissipating. You try not to look at him, but everything about him appears alluring—his toned body, the water droplets cascading down his hair.
"You know, it's alright to make mistakes," he offers, his voice reassuring. "It's how we learn and grow."
You nod, your thoughts straying, Is he hinting at something?
"How was your day?", Gojo speaks again.
You ponder as Gojo inquires about your day, his eyes intent. You ramble, your words slurring. "Was a day... lots of things happened," you slur, the alcohol numbing your senses.
Gojo chuckles, his eyes gleaming. "Seems like it," he remarks, refilling your glass, he genuinely seems interested in your experiences. You both keep talking, the alcohol takes effect, your thoughts growing hazy. Gojo continues to listen to you; he anticipates hearing something out of the ordinary from you, but you skip that section
You continue to drink, the warmth of the liquid spreading through your body. The room spins gently, the edges of your vision blurring.
When you're sufficiently tipsy, Gojo leans in, his voice low and concerned. "Hey Y/N.. Do you know anything about Sukuna?" he asks, his gaze steady.
Your heart races, the question catching you off guard. You stutter, trying to form words. "I-I don't kn-know," you stammer, your eyes widening, your voice quaking..
Gojo nodds solemnly, his expression serious. "You sure? you don't need to hide anything from me you know..", he assures you.
"I-I love him", you confess.
Gojo's face contorts, confusion flickering across his features. He doesn't push, opting not to pursue the topic further. You're not sure how much later, Gojo pounces, pinning you to the bed. His gaze intense, he asks,
"Do you love him more than me?" he queries, his tone low, his gaze searching.
You doubt yourself, and you consistently omit the section addressing your emotions. However, you are truly stuck right now. You always respected Gojo as a teacher, so you never saw him in that perspective. But every time the subject of Gojo comes up, something within of you flares up. You remember how you blushed furiously when Sukuna questioned if you were crushing on Gojo. Perhaps you have genuine feelings for him. However, what about Sukuna? He is the only one your soul desires. However, your thoughts. It craves Gojo. You can't decide between them.
You freeze, his question hanging heavy in the air. Your mind whirs, your thoughts muddled. "s-senseii..," you mumble, your words slurred. Your mind reels, the realization hitting you like a freight train. The alcohol clouding your judgment, your emotions swirling.
What are you feeling? Gojo? Sukuna? Your mind races, your heart pounding in your chest. Your thoughts a jumbled mess.
Gojo's eyes search yours, his face etched with concern. "It's alright," he soothes, his fingers gently brushing your cheek.
"You don't have to answer now," he whispers, his voice gentle, his touch tender. "Let me show you how much better I am than him."
His touch sends shivers down your spine, your heart racing. You stare into his eyes, your emotions overwhelming. His care, his concern, the weight of it all bearing down on you.
You lean into his touch, seeking his warmth, his comfort. Your heart aches, your thoughts a whirlwind. As his fingers trace your face, you can't help but question your feelings.
Who do you love more? Gojo or Sukuna?
Gojo's lips meet yours, his kiss gentle yet insistent. His touch, however, is insistent, as his fingers navigate inside your shirt, kneading your breasts. You gasp softly, your mind reeling from the sudden sensation. His touch is tender, yet firm, igniting a fire within you.
You moan softly, the sound muffled by Gojo's lips. His kisses become more fervent, his touch more demanding. You can feel his arousal growing, pressing against you. His hands continue to explore, his fingers tracing your curves.
Your heart races, your breath quickens. His touch is intoxicating, overwhelming. You can feel your body responding, your nerves tingling. Arousal courses through you, your mind swimming in lust and confusion. Gojo pulls away, his eyes locked onto yours. The intensity of his gaze, his expression, leaves you breathless.
"You want this, don't you?" he asks, his voice hoarse, his eyes blazing with desire.
You nod, your heart pounding in your chest. You do want this, crave it. But what about Sukuna? Your thoughts whirl, your emotions a tempest.
Gojo smirks, his eyes gleaming, "I'll take that as a yes," he growls, his voice low, his gaze searing.
He ravages you then, his lips and hands exploring every inch of your body. His touch is possessive, claiming, the pleasure intense.
Inside your body, Sukuna sits on his throne, his thoughts bitter. "Can't believe I fell for such an insolent wench," he mutters to himself, his voice cold and distant. However.. You are deaf to Sukuna's remarks, too preoccupied with fantasies of Gojo fucking you.
Within the warmth of Gojo's embrace, the coldness of Sukuna's words fades. Your heart beats wildly, your body trembling.
Gojo's hands deftly work the buttons on your shirt, your bra soon joining it on the floor. Your chest revealed, your breathing ragged. His fingers trace patterns on your skin, sending shivers down your spine.
His hands glide down, unzipping your pants, pulling them off along with your panties. The cool air hits your bare skin, your core pulsating with desire.
You gasp, the sensation unexpected. His eyes meet yours, locked in a heated gaze. The intensity of his stare ignites a fire within you, your heart pounding.
The world around you fades, your thoughts consumed by Gojo. His touch, his warmth, his love. You seek him, your desire for him undeniable.
As he positions himself above you, your heart races. The weight of your feelings, the whirlwind of emotions.
Again it hits you.. Who do you love? Gojo or Sukuna?
You're so lost in the thoughts that eyes, you did not notice Gojo slipping his fingers inside your wetness, you gasp in response.
You were so engrossed in your own thoughts that you failed to notice Gojo slipping his fingers inside your wetness, you gasp in response. His eyes narrows, "Are you a virgin?" he inquires, his tone heavy. Your mind blanks, your gaze locked on his.
You don't respond, your focus shifting to his eyes. The intensity of his gaze, his desire. His smirk grows, his confidence unwavering. With a fluid motion, Gojo discards his towel. Your eyes widen, taking in his naked form. His muscles rippling, his body taut, ready.
His eyes never leaving yours, he positions himself above you. A sense of vulnerability washes over you, your heart pounding.
Gojo positions himself, his tip pressing against your entrance. Your breath hitches, anticipation coursing through your veins. With a slow, deliberate movement, he enters you, stretching you wide.
He thrusts, his pace steady, his rhythm unhurried. Each movement sends waves of pleasure coursing through you, your body responding. Your hips buck, meeting his thrusts, your moans echoing in the room.
His mouth finds your neck, his teeth grazing your skin, his breath hot against your flesh. Your eyes roll back in pleasure, your mind a disorganised mess. You want him, crave him, your desire for Gojo insatiable.
"G-gonna cum," you stammer, your voice hoarse, your mind lost in the moment.
His movements grow more urgent, his thrusts harder. Your body responds, your hips writhing, your moans growing louder. The pleasure overwhelming, your thoughts a whirlwind.
Your emotions tangled, your feelings entwined. As Gojo fills you, his body moving in sync with yours, you realize a truth. You can't choose. You love them both, equally. Your heart aching, your soul torn. But in this moment, you crave for Gojo's touch.
Your moans fill the room, your pleasure mounting. Gojo's mouth moves, his lips grazing your nipples, his praise whispered into your ear. "So good," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "You feel amazing. So tight, so warm."
His words ignite a fire within you, your body shaking. Your pleasure reaches a crescendo, your senses heightened.
And then, you climax. Your body trembling, your moans echoing. The intensity of your release, your heart races. Your eyes slowly closing, the last thing you see is Gojo's face, his blue eyes piercing you as if he could see through you and every lie you have ever told him.
Gojo pulls out, his expression morphing into a frown. His disappointment evident, his eyes filled with concern. He expected to cum together, but..
You're out of it, your body limp, your breathing ragged. He wonders if it's from the pleasure or exhaustion.
"You're tired," he says softly, his voice laced with concern. "It's okay. I understand."
His words soothe you, his care comforting. You're tired, your mental and physical state strained. Your encounters with Sukuna and the constant stress weigh heavily on you.
It's true that you tend to pass out more often. The toll of your double life starting to catch up.
But as you lay there, catching your breath, Gojo's eyes linger on you. His gaze filled with concern and understanding.
In that moment, a thought strikes your subconscious mind. Maybe it's okay to let go. To allow your walls to crumble, your secrets to surface. Because you know that Gojo will catch you, that he'll always be there to hold you.
Gojo lets out a heavy sigh, his gazed fixed on the bathroom door, thinking of finishing there. His shaft still erect, his need undeniable.
But one thing keeps coming up in his mind. One thing he truly knows for sure.. Sukuna. His presence, an uninvited guest. In your body, hidden away, his influence undeniable.
As Gojo turns away, lost in his thoughts, Sukuna seizes the opportunity. He quickly and quietly takes over your body and in a swift move, he strikes Gojo in the neck. The force unexpected, Gojo's body dropping to the ground, his eyes wide in shock.
The mistake, clear as day. His infatuation with you, his protection of you. All of it, an invitation for Sukuna to act. His once dormant presence, now awakened. And in his wake, chaos.
As Gojo lies unconscious, his body sprawled on the ground, Sukuna watches in triumph, " FInally... I killed you Gojo Satoru.. "
"You were maginifient. but a simple distraction made you lifeless", Sukuna continues laughing at Gojo's dead body.
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As Sukuna admires himself, his eyes drift to Gojo's body again.. But to his surprise, Gojo moves, swiftly and powerfully. His reverse-curse technique a potent shield, his body repairing instantly.
"No way, I killed him.." Sukuna mutters, his surprise evident, " I didn't think he had it in him."
Sukuna observes the scene, his eyes sharp. Gojo heals from the blow, his body regaining its strength. Sukuna grudgingly acknowledges Gojo's strength, his resilience. The Reverse Cursed Technique, a force to be reckoned with.
This is far from over...
"You made a grave mistake," Gojo whispers before standing up again, his fingers crossing and his voice taunting, "Ryoiki Tenkai"
Instantly, a massive black hole materializes around Sukuna, its gravity inescapable. Distant galaxies swirl in the backdrop, their white patches a stark contrast to the darkness surrounding them.
Gojo's aura flares up, his power radiating, "Now.. Now," he starts walking towards Sukuna.
Sukuna stands frozen, unable to move, his eyes fixed on the swirling void around him. His initial shock turns into a smirk, his voice taunting, "The brat won't survive in this domain if I let go of control of her body."
Gojo approaches, his aura crackling, his expression grim. "I know that," he says, his tone deadly serious. "The question is, will you let her die?"
Sukuna's response is immediate, a dismissive 'tsk.' Gojo knows his weakness, his feelings for you, an Achilles' heel.
Sukuna sneers, "And if I die, the brat dies. Tell me, Gojo, will you let her die?" His voice drips with malice, his intent clear.
Gojo doesn't flinch, his response firm, "No, but..." He takes a step closer, his gaze locked on Sukuna.
In a swift motion, Gojo knocks down Sukuna, "I can do this.." Immediately Gojo's lips presses against Sukuna's. Your body reacts, your core moistens with desire, making Sukuna feeling exposed, vulnerable.
Sukuna unwillingly admits defeat, but he can't help but blame your body for this turn of events. Its allure, its responsiveness, its desire. All of it, pulling him in, ensnaring him. A blush creeping up his cheeks.
Gojo's fingers trace the sensitive spot, his touch expert, your clit throbbing under his fingertips. Sukuna's expression shifts, his face a canvas of pleasure and surprise.
"Feeling it?," Gojo taunts Sukuna, his voice gravelly. His tone, dripping with lust. He can't deny the pleasure coursing through him, its intensity undeniable.
Gojo smirks, his grip firm, "Yes, Sukuna?," his voice low, "You can't deny it." His touch, his words, they're both a torment and a seduction. His eyes never leaving Sukuna, his intent clear. He wants to break him, to shatter his defiance, his resolve.
Gojo's fingers reach up to your neck, tightening around it, the pressure building. Sukuna's eyes potrays his anger, but your body betraying him..
Your feminine body, along with Sukuna's claim on it, has an opposite effect on Gojo. His shaft hardens once more. He smirks bringing his shaft towards your face, his grip firm on your throat. "If you don't play along, I won't allow this body to have any orgasm," he growls, his voice low and dangerous.
His threat hangs heavy in the air, Sukuna's curses ringing out, barely audible. Gojo watches, his eyes darkening, as Sukuna reluctantly wraps your lips around his shaft.
"Pervert," Sukuna mumbles, his voice strained, as Gojo's hand strokes your hair, guiding you.
Gojo's hand travel to your core, his fingers delving inside you, their intrusion sending waves of pleasure through your body as well as Sukuna. Sukuna struggles to suppress his moan, his body trembling, his release near.
The vibrations from your throat, slick with saliva, drive Gojo wild. His grip tightens on your head, his thrusts growing more erratic, more forceful. He's pushing you beyond your limits, his cock sliding deeper into your throat, making Sukuna gag and his eyes turn teary.
"Fuck, Sukuna," Gojo rasps, "I never thought you were this horny." His voice drips with amusement, his eyes gleaming with pleasure. "Look at you, drooling around my cock..."
Sukuna's anger reaches its peak, his eyes flashing. He attempts to sink his fangs into Gojo's shaft, but his plan is thwarted. Gojo yanks your hair, pulling his dick from your mouth, his expression turning cold.
Gojo positions you on all fours, your core gushes, slick and shiny, your thighs reflecting the light. Sukuna curses you under his breath, his words laced with resentment and excitement, "Y/N.. With a body like this, you are nothing more than a whore..."
Before he can act, Gojo surges forward, driving into you with a force that leaves Sukuna gasping. Pain mixes with pleasure, a sensation Sukuna has never experienced before. "W-what do you think you are doing?", Sukuna asks his voice angry.
"Making this pussy, cum", Gojo wishpers against his hears, Sukuna's breath catches, his body writhing in pleasure. The pain, the pleasure, the intensity of it all, overwhelming him. His curses, muffled, directed at your responsive, traitorous body.
Gojo thrusts into you, his movements determined, calculated. He taunts Sukuna further, his voice low and rough, "It seems like you're enjoying it, Sukuna. Doesn't it feel good? To be filled like this?"
"F-fuck this.. I am only doing it for Y/N", Sukuna replies trying to muffle his moans. It feels too good, Sukuna never thought sex feels this good. It is embarassing yet he feels this good.
Gojo's thrusts become brutal, each one shaking Sukuna, your body alive with sensation. His hands find your nipples, pinching them, the pain a sharp contrast to the pleasure flooding through Sukuna.
"Stop, Gojo!" Sukuna cries out, his voice strained, your body writhing in intensity.. But the pleasure, it's too much, too intense. It overwhelms Sukuna, leaving him desperate for more, for release.
Gojo smirks, his hands moving lower, his fingers brushing against your sensitive spots. "Why don't you let go of control of her body?" he taunts, his voice low and seductive.
Sukuna remains silent, his defenses crumbling under Gojo's skilled touch. His words, his actions, they cut deeper than any blade. "That's right," Gojo continues, his voice softening, "Because you are liking it.. Isn't it s'kuna?"
"Shut up!! I-its because I love her, and I don't want her to die in your stupid domain..", Sukuna grits his teeth, but his resistance soon fading, when Gojo's fingers dance over your clit.
An unintentinally moan slips out of Sukuna's mouth, to which Gojo responds, "Ah, I liked it, but couldn't it be more lady-like, like Y/N's moan?"
Sukuna bites his lip, his pride wounded, the King of Curses, being taken by a mere human. His thoughts tangled, lost in the haze of pleasure. But the feeling, the sensation, it's unlike anything he's ever experienced. This body, his lover's body, it brings out sensations he never knew existed. He's helpless, consumed by the pleasure, his senses heightened, every stroke, every touch, magnified.
He can't fight it anymore, his defenses crumbling under the onslaught of sensations. The sounds, the touch, the warmth, all of it, pulling him in, drawing him closer to the edge. And he lets go, surrendering to the pleasure coursing through him, his moans echoing in the room.
Satoru speaks again, his eyes alight with mischief. "Well, well, it seems our little game has become interesting," he says, his voice dripping with amusement. "
He positions your body on your back, the angle shifting, changing, giving Sukuna a new perspective. Sukuna could see everything.. His breath catching, as Gojo's hips begin to move, your body stretched, filled. The way your hole swallows his girth, it's intoxicating.
"You look so... fuckable," he says, his voice low and sultry. He reaches out, his hand tracing down your stomach, further, his touch delicate.
"I wonder what Y/N would say if she knew you looked like this, with me inside you," he muses, his eyes locked onto yours. His grin wicked, "But then again, she wouldn't mind, would she?" His thumb brushing against your clit, Sukuna's breath hitches, your hips bucking of their own accord.
Sukuna can feel it, the intensity, the passion, the sheer force of his desire. Everything feels heightened, amplified, his senses sharp. He's never felt so vulnerable and weak before. It's very confusing, everything is so confusing right now.
Gojo leans in, his lips seeking yours, his kiss hungry and demanding. Unexpectedly, Sukuna returns it, his kiss equally fervent. Your walls clench around Gojo, your body signaling its need.
As the kiss breaks, Sukuna's voice unsteady, "Cum inside this pussy," he speaks, his eyes pleading.
Gojo smirks, "Begging?" He mocks, his thrusts slowing, teasing.
Sukuna nods shyly, his cheeks flushed.
"What if she becomes pregnant?" Gojo asks, his voice a low rumble.
"As long as I reside in her body," Sukuna stutters, his voice tinged with vulnerability, "she will not."
Gojo nods, his eyes darkening. He quickens his thrusts, his movements more urgent, more forceful.
As your body reaches the peak, his thrusts become erratic, his words, his touch, they all blend together. "C-close," Sukuna gasp out, your body trembling, your walls clamping down on Gojo.
"Then let go, Sukuna," Gojo growls, his voice raw.
"Y/N and I," Sukuna starts, his voice low and dangerous. "We have a connection. She means something to me..."
Gojo's thrusts nearly pausing, his eyes locking onto Sukuna's. "Sukuna.. You are nothing but an echo in a vessel, a parasite clinging onto life. Yet.. I can stop feeling attracted to this mixture of you and Y/N" He doesn't give Sukuna time to react, his thrusts pounding into you.
"You... bastard", Sukuna groans. Gojo chuckles, latching himself on one of your breasts.
Sukuna moans as he feels Gojo's tongue dancing around your nipple, teasing, tantalizing.
Both reach climax, the intensity of it all, it's blinding. Your body erupts, your walls clamping down, milking him, drawing out his release. Sukuna's moans, mixing with Gojo's grunts. He groans before releasing his seed into your womb.
And then, as suddenly as it began, it ends. The domain dissipates, fading away. Sukuna finds himself on the floor, Gojo above him, his body still pulsing, his release dribbling out of your hole.
Gojo leans down, his voice low, dangerous, "As long as you are inside her body, Sukuna, you will always crave me," he says, his eyes locked onto yours. "You may hate it, resist it, but it will always be there, a constant reminder of your weakness, your dependency."
Sukuna's heart races, his mind spinning, his emotions a tangled mess. He can feel it, the truth in Gojo's words. It's a twisted game, a sick joke, one that he's not sure he wants to play.
Gojo goes on, "You may think you own her soul, but remember who owns her body, her pussy." he haults to give a soft slap on your clit, making Sukuna jolt. "I am the honoured one, the strongest" .
But then again, he knows he has no choice. Not really. So, he grits his teeth before whispering, "Fuck you, bastard" his voice barely audible, before letting go control of your body.
Gojo smirks, his eyes gleaming with victory as he places your unconscious body on his bed waiting for you to get up again, "Perhaps you can the next time we meet, Sukuna.."
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TAGLIST: @moonlightazriel @unholiiness @nyxlai @cocoaxbunny @persephone-lilly @iraa567 @rabbidbunwy @sweetchildcloud @lotus-n-l0ve @smashhed @imhellakawaii @selfloverrrrrr @matchainthemorning @freckledmuffin @palegardenrebel @hellomeow12 @rowrowrowyourboat13 @sanicsmut @lysaray
Dividers from @cafekitsune
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