#otp: jareth and sarah
s0lass · 10 months
ok fine people of tumblr.. twitter is in flames because of a certain dumbass soo i’m slowly going to start my fandom move here!
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if you followed me on twitter, i am under username @ solastarion over there so it’d be great to connect here as well <3
to introduce myself…
name: Reetta
age: 24
fandoms: dragon age, mass effect, baldur’s gate, final fantasy, rdr2, cyberpunk 2077 and videogames in general, disney, ghost (band), david bowie, buck-tick, anime, kdramas, sometimes marvel and star wars tho i’ve distanced myself from them for a hot minute now, 80s movies, tanz der vampire, phantom of the opera, labyrinth (1986) it’s my fav movie ever
my OTPs/ships: zerith, solavellan, emetwol, astarion x oc, reylo, wandavision, chiselias, sophie x howl, sarah x jareth the goblin king and many others
thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope to make old and new friends here!
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hauntedheroines · 10 months
Jareth x Sarah ♫
Despite this was my first OTP, anon, I have a major problem finding songs that fit them, because:
I love them so I'm really picky
Bowie sings all the songs from the movie. Therefore, I always pick male singers so I can imagine Jareth singing it
I always come back to A Forfeit of Dreams, the unofficial fanfic sequel to Labyrinth that developed Jareth/Sarah 100% more than the original Labyrinth movie did (I love the movie, I'm not throwing stones)
Another song for which I have been asked before.
With or Without You - U2
See the stone set in your eyes See the thorn twist in your side I'll wait for you
Stone statues of woman in a private garden. Your eyes can be so cruel. Flaming roses with thorns for each lost dream.
Sleight of hand and twist of fate On a bed of nails, she makes me wait And I wait without you
A boy's wish never meant to be granted. Lonely years in a crumbled kingdom. A long-awaited return.
Through the storm, we reach the shore You give it all, but I want more And I'm waiting for you
Everything that you've wanted, I've done.
The tears that had threatened to choke her spilling unheeded down her cheeks. “I’ve already pledged my entire life, my soul to you! What more can I give?”
My hands are tied My body bruised She's got me with Nothing to win and nothing left to lose
A dream world in which they can stay forever and forget there was ever a game to be won. The real world in which there is no more bet. A second chance, if she is brave enough to take it.
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Sarah from Labyrinth?
1: sexuality headcanon
straight, I suppose? I've never thought about it much, since I've only ever shipped her with a male character.
2: otp
Sareth! (Sarah/Jareth) only when she's an adult, mind. interestingly, in my experience, most Sareth fanfic features not only Adult Sarah, but Thirtysomething Sarah. works well with an immortal character played by...hold for googling...a 38-year-old actor, I suppose
3: brotp
Oh, with Hoggle for sure. Although I do love fics where she and Toby are close (since, again, they're both older in the stories I generally read).
4: notp
Anyone but Jareth. There aren't really any other ships in this fandom, but sometimes crossovers or Sarah/OC fics come up, and...not my thing.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Sarah stays in contact with her friends from the Underground throughout her teen years into adulthood. This is pretty common fanon, and I'm quite partial to it. Goes with the whole "growing up doesn't mean losing magic, but rather learning its rules and pitfalls" theme
6: favorite line from this character
"I don't know why, but every now and again in my life - for no reason at all - I need you. All of you."
I have something in my eye.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Oh boy. Well, when I first discovered the movie, I was 15 and very Sarah-ish, so I related to her a lot at the time. I guess now, as an adult, it's probably the thing I said above about learning to live with magic (real or fictional) as you get older, rather than giving it up.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Like I said, she's 15. And very dramatic. With all the attendant Cringe (affectionate).
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
In canon? Cinnamon roll. Brave, naive kid having a magical adventure to save her baby brother. Come here and get hugged.
In fanon? I like the idea of her developing a bit of an edge as she gets older. Maybe some of the more creative morals of the fae rub off on her as she spends more time with them. Makes for a lot of narrative interest, you know?
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late-to-the-fandom · 1 year
for the fandom meme ask – G, O, V, and Y?
Thank you for the ask. I’m not even pretending to write anymore apparently
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
I remain an unrepentant Jareth/Sarah shipper and I find it hilarious that we now have terms for people who find this problematic when as a 10 year old I just called them “losers who don’t get my life” 😂
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
I hit Spotify shuffle and got Eclipse by Moon Byul which reminds me of the OC from my shelved Denathrius project that originally had ties to Elune and the whole moon realm I invented for her people. I don’t think this story will ever see daylight which is a shame for 20 chapters and 100k words and some great dialogue lol
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
I will always love Rorschach/Night Owl
Yu-Ri and Sang Wook from Sweet Home, they were so adorable
And of course Felix Rosier/MC from HPHM, my fanfiction origins
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
Supernatural, Stranger Things, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Good Omens, the Neil Gaiman Dream show? Idk what’s its called - are all shows I know solely through gifs and art I see on this site 😂
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Tagged by my beloved and talented @chronic-ghost ily! Thanks for this!!
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three ships:
— Evey/V from V from Vendetta (your first OTP you never forget).
— Jerry Dandridge/Amy from Fright Night (considering their Canon background on Amy being a reincarnation of Jerry's former lover, but I like to think that would only happen once Amy was no longer a minor - the film tells us she's in high schoo, soo, yeah, it's pretty problematic, but the actors have a great chemistry so I'm putting the blame on them)
— Miriam Blaylock/Sarah Roberts from The Hunger - so here we have the almost canonical couple. Idk Man, there's a bit of gaslithing there but man it's such a good couple!!
first ship: ohhh ho ho ho, I think probably was Lilian Potter/Severus Snape, oh boy I was just a lil kid back then, but it was the first. But if we are talking about the first that I was aware of shipping It was Sarah Williams/Jareth the Goblin King, ho ho I'm not overthinking my way into what this tells abt me.
last movie/ tv show: Re-watched Gaslit while hoping they would get at least one award at the Critics Choice. They didn't. But I could see my favourite sad himbo dilf be a dumbass and look hot.
last song: Rock 'n' Roll Suicide – David Bowie
currently reading: You Can't Go Home Again by Thomas Wolfe. It's a very interesting noir book, I'm still in the first chapters, but I'm really invested!! Started reading bc I discovered the made-for-tv film starring Chris Sarandon and after being unable to watch it anywhere I decided to read the book.
currently watching: The Last of Us. GUYS I AM NOT OKAY ABT THIS SERIES (i'd to apologize in advance for the person I'll become 'till the season finale.)
currently consuming: Cocada (it's a coconut + caramel candy, it's so juicy. This one in particular reminds me the ones my granny used to make, nostalgic taste.)
currently craving: the inspiration I need to FINALLY finish writing what I planned to post last month.
No pressure tags!💜 @littleredwritingcat @everythingbutresolved @apbajs @madsmilfelsen @girlwiththenegantattoo and anyone else who'd like!
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hoardingpuffin · 2 years
Jareth really spent all that movie manipulating Sarah, trying to kill her even, telling her to "fesr and love him" and people will still say Sarah x Jareth is their OTP.
I swear, did any of you pay attention to the film at all?
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cinema-phantom · 4 years
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You’ve run so long You’ve run so far Your eyes can be so cruel Just as I can be so cruel
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For the ask meme: Sarah x Jareth (I almost wrote that as David Bowie), 14, 22, and 29!
I am RIGHT NOW watching Labyrinth with my partners, EXCELLENT timing!  Cut for length.
14) When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Jareth has never been “sick” a day in his immortal life.  He’s been stabbed, poisoned, cursed, and hungover, but even the weakest goblin is rarely “sick” and Jareth hasn’t spend enough time around mortals to have a good grasp of the fact that nonfatal illnesses even exist.    
Point is, there’s an intermediary period between Sarah pointedly ignoring every owl in sight, no matter the coloring, and Sarah becoming the Goblin Queen where she forces him to visit the mortal world more than he has in living memory, including his.  (Jareth has a vague sense that he might have been here more often once--perhaps when he was young, before he was King--but he’s been King so long, and the Labyrinth has a chain-tight grip on its own.)  Toby is entranced, and also terrified--he doesn’t buy Jareth’s glamour for a second.  Sarah spends half her life running interference on Jareth’s behavior, and the other half doing a double major in political sciences and folklore.  Which she decided to get before she agreed to start talking to Jareth again, thank you, kindly fuck off.
Point is, eventually even Sarah’s suspiciously excellent immune system clocks out for the day, and she wakes up with a splitting headache, a wet and congested cough, and a sense that her skin is being abraded by even her softest sheets.  She’s not sick-sick, it’s just a nasty head cold with a fever, but she calls out of class and flops down on the couch and mumbles non-answers to the goblin who lives in the top of her closet when it scuttles out to see why she’s still home.
She doesn’t even realize Jareth is there until she feels a shadow fall over her and cracks an eye to peer up at him blearily.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asks in his most forbidding Goblin King voice, and she groans and pulls her blanket over her head.
“Go away, Jareth, I’m tired.”
“I will not,” he says automatically as he jerks the blanket down to her shoulder, and then he’s crouching down in front of her, mismatched eyes dangerous and inhumanly bright in the yellow light of her little dorm apartment.  “Who did this to you, Sarah?  I will not leave without an answer.”
“No one,” she says, squinting up at him.  “It’s just a cold.”
“’Cold’,” he repeats, in the same skeptical way that he said ‘phone’ when she complained about his unannounced visits.  “I am not aware of that particular toxin.”
“I’m just sick, it’s not like I’ve been poisoned.”
“An illness?”  He pauses, pulls a glove off one hand and reaches out to touch her cheek experimentally.  His fingers are always cold compared to hers, and she shivers hard when he touches her skin, but he doesn’t flinch.  There’s something odd on his face, a locked-up hardness, and he says, “What is it?”
“A cold,” Sarah says again, pulling her blankets back up to her chin and shutting her eyes.  “I’m just going to feel like garbage for a few days.  Probably less if you let me sleep.  Come back and bother me on Saturday.”
He doesn’t leave.  Whatever, Sarah decides--that’s his problem.  She’s tired and feverish and annoyed and she’s going to sleep whether Jareth likes it or not.  She thinks he’s talking to someone--probably that snitch in the closet--about something--sounded vaguely like library and cold--but that’s Not Her Concern.  Sarah is done here.  She feels the end of the couch sink down by her feet just before she falls asleep.
When she wakes up, the Goblin King is still there, reading a book filched from one of her shelves, pen tapping idly against his lips--he’s marking up the fairy tales again, god, she hates his guts sometimes--and there’s a series of tidy piles on the rickety coffee table.  It looks like someone robbed a pharmacy and cleaned out their Cough And Cold aisle, and then sorted their booty by color, which suggests probably goblins just smart enough to recognize a word their king showed them, but not smart enough to read the labels.
Sarah smiles a little and grabs some cough drops from the top of the red pile, and condescends to drape her legs over Jareth’s lap before she goes back to sleep.
22) Where does their first kiss happen?
Sarah has a much harder time in college than she expected.  Not with being away from home, although she does miss Toby something awful and spends every second of her breaks with him.  No, the problem is that she has to share a room.  All the way through freshman year, she has a roommate, and--
And the roommate is fine, she’s a perfectly inoffensive girl from Chicago who keeps her things on her own side of the shoebox room they share and doesn’t bring anyone back to the room and never makes noise late at night, but Sarah hates it.  She can’t quite put her finger on why--is a little afraid of what she might say if pressed, if she’s honest.  She has these half-finished thoughts that involve words like territory and invader and mine.  Sarah has worked very hard not to be a selfish teenager or, possibly worse, the kind of girl who sometimes talks to a Goblin King and wonders privately if his final offer was serious.
Sarah has no plans to be the Goblin Queen, is the point, no matter what Hoggle mutters under his breath when she admits, the summer after her first year of college, that she’s talking to Jareth again.  (He just--he can come see her, there, and he can look like a person, and none of her other friends can, and people are weirdly nervous of Sarah, these days, and she was lonely, okay, so she let an owl into her room while her roommate was gone, and let them who never made a bad choice in college throw the first stone.)  And that means getting over herself and never voicing any of the thoughts that creep into her head about how her roommate, who has every right to sleep here, deserves to be thrown in an oubliette for disturbing Sarah’s peace.
Sarah is better than that, these days.
The only person who isn’t fooled is, of course, Jareth, who is very perceptive and also very persistently determined to visit regularly.  He smothers smirks when he sees Sarah force herself to be kind, and once offers, sweet as arsenic, to take Sarah’s roommate off her hands if you just say the right words, precious.  Sarah glares at him and pointedly turns her back, and he laughs as he leaves.  But he never does anything to her roommate, and Sarah doesn’t think about how Jareth never actually does anything to her space or anything in it, and doesn’t think about the rules that fairy tales handed down for millennia about places that fall under the power of a creature not to be toyed with.
She’s signed up to room with the same girl for sophomore year, because she doesn’t have a reason to claim a single and seniors always snap up the free ones.  But she shows up to get her key, and the registrar frowns and clicks a few things and then shrugs and hands Sarah a key.  He gives Sarah directions to one of the buildings up-campus, and Sarah goes, not particularly suspicious--she’s never been to the up-campus buildings, because people are nervous around Sarah and, while she’s manages to make a friend or two, no one really invites her back to their room.  Into their space.
Sarah opens her door and stands there, staring, mildly shocked.
Apparently, she is now the proud resident of a senior-only dorm room, one of the very tiny apartments that are supposed to house two people, with a kitchenette and a couch and everything.  There’s no one else’s name on the other door.  Sarah is late moving in, but there’s no sign of anyone here, except--
The Goblin King is sitting at the desk in the bedroom that gets the most sunlight, feet kicked lazily up on the wooden top and playing a pair of crystals between his fingers, and he smirks at her.
“I know, I know,” he drawls, vanishing the crystals with a twist of his fingers.  “I have no power over you.  But the school’s quartermaster--”
“Registrar,” Sarah corrects automatically.  He makes a dismissive gesture.  “Did you--do this?”
“Of course,” Jareth says.  “This...situation is apparently the height of luxury at this institution.  You did so despise that fluttering creature--”
“Molly was perfectly nice--”
“--and I see no reason for you to endure her for another year.”
Sarah--should really say that he’s an interfering, high-handed bastard who pretends that he has the divine right to arrange her life to his liking, and keeps rules-lawyering his way around her totally legitimate freedom from his interference.
Sarah really doesn’t want to share a room again.
“What do you want in return?”  She doesn’t even pretend that she’s not suspicious, and he puts on an offended face, bringing his feet down and pressing his lips together.
“It is a gift, Sarah.”
...oh.  Sarah blinks for a moment.  He sounds--geniunely annoyed.  Gifts are, in her knowledge of the Underground and the fae alike, serious business.
She acts without thinking, takes a step forward and tucks her hair behind her ear, and kisses the high point of his cheekbone above his frown.  When she pulls back, she sees a moment of transparent, raw shock before he orders his face into a self-satisfied and haughty raised eyebrow.
“Don’t say anything,” Sarah tells him, feeling her cheeks burn.  “If you can keep your mouth shut, this might resemble a nice moment.”
“If I had known that I could claim debts in kisses--”
“You can’t!” Sarah interrupts loudly.  “Don’t get any ideas!  Now get out and let me unpack!”
29) Why do they fall a little bit more in love?
Jareth is already thoroughly decided that Sarah is eventually going to agree to be his queen, one way or another, by the time she finally sighs and opens her window and tells the owl that if he’s very very good, and doesn’t talk to Toby, and looks like a regular person, she will speak to him just to get him to stop lurking.  He breaks all of those rules very quickly, of course, but she doesn’t kick him out--instead, she yells at him, and he puts on his coldest and haughtiest voice as he snaps back at her, and it’s fun.  Jareth never could turn down a challenge, and it’s been a long time since he faced a challenge he might lose, and just like the first time, it makes him ruthlessly determined to win.
It’s not news to him, therefore, that he loves her.
She manages to lie, obfuscate, and generally bullshit her way around admitting what she does at school for nearly three years.  But she starts writing her thesis and slips up, and Jareth is stretched on her bed in the apartment he arranged for her like he lives there when he idly picks up a piece of paper and skims her proposal and she sees his eyebrow rise slowly before he holds it up at her.
“What’s this, precious?”
“Homework,” she says flatly.
“‘Thesis Proposal,’” he reads aloud, drawling.  “‘Sarah Williams.  Proposed title: I’d’ve Et Thy Heart of Flesh: Fairy Tales as a Portrait of Royalty Through History.  Majors: Folklore and...’”  His mocking drawl pauses, and he can’t quite hide his transparent delight as he finishes the sentence.  “‘...and Political Science.’”  
When he looks up from the page, she has a stubborn set to her mouth and a bright spark in her eyes, almost angry.  “It’s not about you, you arrogant prick, I picked my majors years ago.  Give me that, I need the notes.”
“And what do fairy tales say about royalty, dearest?”
“That they’re prideful jerks who steal kids for armies and play favorites--the paper, Jareth.”
“And what do you plan to do with your degree in politics?”
“Regicide,” Sarah snaps, and jumps out of her chair to snatch the paper out of his fingers.  He lets her, and smiles at the way she blushes stark red across her cheekbones and down her throat, and wonders whether she would like the emerald ring he’s kept in his private chambers for the past three years.
Mortals have been doing diamonds, for betrothals, but he thinks green suits her better.
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sagemcmae · 4 years
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Ship Bingo! How many do we have in common?
Thanks @rey-kapkeyk for the idea!
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sophieburkearts · 4 years
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“Such a fooled heart, beating so fast, in search of new dreams...”
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nini-june · 3 years
My heart.
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dorkshadows · 4 years
Honestly, I feel the exact same, and have always preferred Roommates over GND. Mainly bc of how much of a wasted nonentity Javert and James were (not to mention the severe lack of Valjean and Pony in relation to them)
And With how it leaned so hard into the “will they, won’t they, let’s be completely honest, they will but we’re gonna milk this indecision for all its worth” aspect they had with Sarah and Jareth’s relationship that was pretty much GND-original in terms of the Buildingverse.
And as much as I appreciate the webcomics for turning me onto Good Omens and Neil Gaiman for the first time, I wish there was less of them in GND. Bc them occasionally popping up when they do in Roommates made their appearances that much special.
And I wish they leaned more into the “scary unseelie fae” aspect of Jareth a bit more, than making him the butt of the joke for the majority.
Oh man, I’m glad I’m not alone in my DISDAIN for this wretched comic!! Thanks for chiming in!
Javert and James might as well not even live in the same building tbh. LOL Wasn’t Valjean in like, 1 panel, and that was it?? The “will they won’t they” is ridiculous, everyone and their mother knows they will. GND doesn’t have the guts to break them up. Or else Sarah/Enjolras or something could be endgame. But we can’t do that to the author’s otp, the only ship that matters in the universe lol
I don’t remember how often the good omens characters pop in, but the pattern seems to be that as soon as something goes mainstream, it shows up in the comic. Then everyone praises it. And then it goes back to being the “Jareth and Sarah show with a side dose of, how long can we mock erik’s mental issues until we blame him for existing again” Which reminds me, imagine how much better it would be if GND gave Javert/Valjean the amount of screen time it gave Aziraphale and Crowley!? As it should have from the start
Jareth should have been the one to go off the rails, now that you mention it. Unseelie fae powers, hello?? That’s horrifying! The fact that GND thinks Jareth is harmless is another point of peak humor. But then that would make Jareth (more) problematic and we can’t have him be worse than that evil opera ghost uwu
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Okay, let's just get it out there that I have now officially become Labyrinth trash.
So I have no idea if anyone cares about my opinions or will actually read this post but here's my little shipping rant.
Since joining this fandom (like a week ago lol) I've noticed a lot of people who ship Jareth and Sarah are like 'Hey, I don't care if this is a problematic relationship or not. I ship it.' While I am someone who is most likely going to become a die-hard shipper of this pairing, I just wanna address a few things that allow me to ship this relationship without thinking it unhealthy and become headcanons for me.
I personally think that while Jareth is manipulative to some degree, means well and is only trying to do what he thinks Sarah wants from him. I don't think he has experienced many relationships of any kind so I definitely think the manipulation stems from that aspect. Plus I think its a trait that Sarah can handle. She does not strike me as someone who backs down easily, the obvious example of this is that she beat the labyrinth.
Things are not as they seem in the labyrinth and I think the same goes for Jareth.
"I am growing tired of trying to live up to your expectations." To me, that is blatantly saying that he is trying to play the villain here in accordance with what he thinks are Sarah's wishes.
Further more, I don't think Jareth EVER intends to hurt Sarah or Toby because I think Jareth truely does love Sarah. While he did take Toby to the Underground, I think this again was him trying to live up to what he believed Sarah wanted combined with his position as the Goblin King; there are rules that he must follow no matter the formalities.
All in all, my personal interpretation is that Jareth was always going to let Toby go home to his family, whether Sarah won or not. The way he treats Toby seems way too affectionate for someone who supposedly just wants to add another goblin to his army. If anything, I think Jareth views Toby as a child that he could mold into a prince of sorts and mentor.
But back to my point, it is my personal opinion that all of the escapades through the labyrinth were all Jareth's attempts to persue Sarah. I headcanon Jareth having some sort of personal need to look out for Sarah and keep an eye on her since the time when something happened to her mother. Over time, as she matured, he began to fall for her which brings us back to my position that Jareth never intends to harm Sarah. The labyrinth, in addition to playing to what he believes Sarah wants and being part of a requirement of the Goblin King position, also acts as a test to see if she's matured enough for her to truely become his queen.
I headcanon that Jareth believed he could get Sarah to stay with him and become his queen if he were to let Toby return.
I honestly think Jareth is just extremely lonely in a land with little to no other fae, lovesick over Sarah, and truly is just doing what he thinks is the best decision due to his lack of experience with other people.
Partly, I think one of the reasons why I like this ship is because it reminds me a little bit of two of my favorite romances; Disney's Beauty and the Beast as well as Pride and Prejudice. Belle is strong willed and stubborn just as Sarah is and the Beast is socially immature and has a bit of a temper just like Jareth has. By being with his love, the Beast is able to blossom into someone that we always new he had the potential to be and that is how I view Jareth's relationship with Sarah.
In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth prematurely judges Darcy after witnessing some of his mistakes, his lack of social skill, and accounts of those who are familiar with Darcy. Because Darcy genuinely loves Elizabeth, he sets out to right what he's done to anger her and to give her his point of view of the situations. I think the same thing is true of Sarah and Jareth, we just never were able to see Jareth redeem himself.
Anyways, enough rambling. Congratulations if you've made it this far! You deserve a gold star! 🌟
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move-the-stars · 5 years
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cardinaldaughter · 5 years
Just because a ship doesn’t happen in canon doesn’t mean it’s “dead” and you can’t still create/consume content for that ship.
I’ve been in fandom nearly twenty years and I can count on one hand the number of couples I’ve actively shipped that were actually canon.
I’ll do it now:
Bulma x Vegeta
Dorian x Iron Bull (based on how I played DA:I)
Rumplestiltskin x Belle
That’s it.
Every other couple I have shipped and loved and dedicated time and energy into shipping have been either ambiguous at best, canonically in love with other people, or ONE HALF IS CANONICALLY DEAD at worst. (I’ll put a list of non-canon couples I ship in the tags so you can see just how many things I ship aren’t canon, just for comparison).
The reality is that the majority of Mighty Nein ships aren’t going to happen. I’ve seen ships of every possible combination on this site, and unfortunately for some of us, they aren’t going to happen. And that’s okay. Just because I like the idea of a pairing doesn’t mean it has to be canon for it to be valid (I mean, unless you’re fucking with a character’s canonically established sexuality, then it’s a problem.) But I can still enjoy art and fic that exist outside the actual canon of the show, and still enjoy the show at the same time.
It doesn’t matter if Cad x Caleb or Caleb x Jester or Jester x Beau or Fjord x Jester or Yasha x Jester or Yasha x Caleb or any other combo happens or doesn’t happen. You can still enjoy that ship online and still enjoy the relationships the cast cultivate in canon. They aren’t mutually exclusive, and no ship is “dead”.
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activeshipper · 6 years
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My face when I meet someone who likes the same ship…
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